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FINAL REPORT - Sovereign Base Areas Administration

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AP MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANCY LTD P.O.Box 26728 1647 Nicosia Tel. 22331660, Fax: 22339959 Email: [email protected] www.apmarine.com.cy Consulting CYPRUS FINAL REPORT June 2012 Hydrological Study & Further Studies to be incorporated in the Akrotiri Peninsula Management Plan (Work Order: 1044844) This Study was prepared by AP Marine Environmental Consultancy Ltd & ATLANTIS Consulting Cyprus Ltd


P.O.Box 26728 1647 Nicosia Tel. 22331660, Fax: 22339959

Email: [email protected] www.apmarine.com.cy

Consulting CYPRUS


Hydrological Study & Further Studies to be incorporated in the

Akrotiri Peninsula Management Plan (Work Order: 1044844)

This Study was prepared by AP Marine Environmental Consultancy Ltd

& ATLANTIS Consulting Cyprus Ltd

Consulting CYPRUS


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................10

1.1 Structure of this Report.............................................................................11

1.2 Project Team – Key Experts .....................................................................11

2 Methodology.....................................................................................................12

2.1 Site visits ..................................................................................................12

2.2 Desktop work............................................................................................13

2.3 Field Surveys............................................................................................14

2.3.1 Objectives of field surveys ..................................................................... 14

2.3.2 Survey Area........................................................................................... 15

2.3.3 Overview of field surveys ....................................................................... 15

2.3.4 Hydrological Conditions ......................................................................... 15

2.3.5 Status of Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa population at the Akrotiri

Salt Lake 16

2.3.6 Flora Conditions..................................................................................... 16

3 Legal requirements for monitoring ....................................................................17

4 Description of the project area..........................................................................20

4.1 General Area Description .........................................................................20

4.2 Hydrology / Geology .................................................................................20

4.2.1 Hydrology............................................................................................... 20

4.2.2 Physical parameters .............................................................................. 25

4.2.3 Land use, water users and pollutant sources ......................................... 27

4.2.4 Geology ................................................................................................. 39

4.3 Birds .........................................................................................................44

4.3.1 Ramsar designation ............................................................................... 44

4.3.2 Important Bird Area designation............................................................. 45

4.3.3 Special Protection Areas (SPA) designation. ......................................... 46

4.4 Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa ........................................................48

4.4.1 Status of the taxonomy of Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa ............ 48

4.4.2 Status of Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa in the IUCN Red List ..... 48

4.4.3 Status of Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa in Cyprus and elsewhere


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4.4.4 Status of Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa population at the Akrotiri

Salt Lake 49

4.4.5 Other observations (flamingos, Aphanius fasciatus, dragonflies and diving

beetles) 51

4.4.6 Aphanius fasciatus................................................................................. 56

4.4.7 Revised Food Web - Phallocryptus’ perspective .................................... 57

4.4.8 Aquatic biotic components ..................................................................... 59

4.4.9 Aquatic Macrophytes ............................................................................. 59

4.4.10 Benthic Macroinvertebrates ................................................................... 61

4.5 Flora .........................................................................................................62

4.5.1 Reference Conditions and Bioindicators ................................................ 62

4.5.2 Vegetation - Habitats ............................................................................. 62

4.5.3 Halophytic Vegetation ............................................................................ 66

4.5.4 Fresh Water Wetlands ........................................................................... 68

4.5.5 Sand Dune Vegetation........................................................................... 70

4.5.6 Thermo-Mediterranea Shrub Vegetation ................................................ 73

5 Model Conceptualization and Definition of Monitoring objectives......................89

5.1 Geographic scope ....................................................................................89

5.2 Hydrological network / water sources .......................................................89

5.3 Land use, water uses and pollutant sources to be considered ..................90

5.4 Management Goals and Objectives..........................................................91

5.5 Proposed management objectives in relation to Branchinella and Aphanius


5.6 Proposed management objectives in relation to birds...............................94

6 Reference Conditions.......................................................................................95

6.1 Defining the Akrotiri wetland character......................................................95

6.2 Setting of Reference conditions – Typological issues ...............................97

6.2.1 Hydrology............................................................................................... 99

6.2.2 Macrophytes Reference conditions ........................................................ 99

6.2.3 Macroinvertebrate Reference conditions.............................................. 101

6.2.4 Characterization of the Salt Lake water properties and Phallocryptus

(Branchinella) spinosa population........................................................................ 102

6.2.5 Reference conditions for Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa population


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7 Proposed Monitoring Programme...................................................................109

7.1 Hydrology ...............................................................................................110

7.1.1 Water balance...................................................................................... 110

7.1.2 Water levels ......................................................................................... 114

7.1.3 Water Quality ....................................................................................... 115

7.2 Flora and habidats monitoring ................................................................119

7.2.1 Aims and objectives of Monitoring – General Methodology.................. 121

7.2.2 Flora .................................................................................................... 124

7.2.3 Monitoring plan - Habitat mapping ....................................................... 126

7.2.4 Monitoring plan - Vegetation Transects................................................ 128

7.2.5 Monitoring of abiotic parameters .......................................................... 135

7.2.6 Distribution mapping of threatened species.......................................... 136

7.2.7 Population size of species having a population lower than the MVP .... 136

7.3 Fauna .....................................................................................................138

7.3.1 Proposed monitoring objectives and indicators in relation to Phallocryptus


7.3.2 Proposed bird monitoring programme.................................................. 140

7.4 Distribution studies .................................................................................141

7.5 Population monitoring .............................................................................142

7.6 Monitoring migrating and over-wintering birds.........................................143

7.7 Monitoring breeding bird populations ......................................................157

7.7.1 Proposed Monitoring Programme for Aquatic biotic components ......... 177

7.7.2 Proposed biotic monitoring indicators................................................... 177

7.7.3 Aquatic Macrophytes ........................................................................... 178

7.7.4 Aquatic Macroinvertebrates ................................................................. 179

7.8 Proposed additional studies....................................................................182

7.8.1 Additional studies in relation to Phallocryptus, Aphanius, and aquatic

insects 183

8 References.....................................................................................................185

9 APPENDICES................................................................................................192

HABITAT IDENTIFICATION FORM ......................................................................224

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List of Figures Figure 1 – Water from Zakaki area and the port flowing towards Zakaki marsh ................................... 21

Figure 2- Fasouri Marsh.................................................................................................................... 22

Figure 3 – Zakaki drainage canal....................................................................................................... 22

Figure 4 – Bridge near Pluto project .................................................................................................. 23

Figure 5 – Eucalyptus forest.............................................................................................................. 24

Figure 6 – Stormwater drain pipes..................................................................................................... 24

Figure 7 – Main hydrological features of the Akrotiri Penynsula .......................................................... 25

Figure 8: Locations of observations and monitoring stations............................................................... 26

Figure 9: Points 39 and 40 showing flooded areas of the Fasouri Marsh ............................................. 27

Figure 10: Sample locations.............................................................................................................. 28

Figure 11: Water Quality ................................................................................................................... 30

Figure 12: Flow measurement on point 46 (measurements in metters - m).......................................... 30

Figure 13: Flow measurement at point 46. ......................................................................................... 31

Figure 14: Flow measurement at Zakaki Marsh (Bridge) .................................................................... 31

Figure 15: Flow measurement on Zakaki Marsh (bridge). ................................................................... 32

Figure 16: Flow measurement on Zakaki Marsh (bridge). ................................................................... 32

Figure 17: Flow measurements on Urban and Port flows. Combined outflow through Zakaki trench to

Akrotiri Salt Lake. ............................................................................................................ 34

Figure 18: Regression between the salinity values measured with the optical refractometer and the

digital conductometer. Even though there is an apparent strong correlation, it is not

significant. ....................................................................................................................... 37

Figure 19: Conditions of the water at the Salt Lake during the sampling: almost transparent, small pond,

site #6 (A), stained red probably by tannins, small pond near the airstrip, site #9 (B), milky or

cloudy due to resuspended sediments and disturbance of the bottom by feeding flamingos,

site #19 (C). Extensive areas around the lake with thick biofilm layers, site #18 (D). Number

of the sites according to Table 2....................................................................................... 38

Figure 20: View of the cross section .................................................................................................. 41

Figure 21: Cross section ................................................................................................................... 41

Figure 22: Top and middle soil layer ................................................................................................. 42

Figure 23: Middle and lower soil layer................................................................................................ 43

Figure 24: Lower Soil layer................................................................................................................ 43

Figure 25: Underwater observations of the Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa populations at the Salt

Lake: underwater high definition video camera, GoPro, site #18 (A), snapshot of a female P.

Spinosa with a full egg pouch visible in the upper part of the abdomen, site #17 (B), snapshot

of an aggregation of numerous individuals (male and female) of P. spinosa near the

submerged vegetation, site #18 (C), snapshot of a male P. spinosa feeding between the

shoots of Ruppia maritima, site #18 (D). Number of the sites according to Table 2............. 51

Figure 26: General observations at the site #12, where flamingos tend to aggregate more often (A),

bottom modification by the feeding activities of the flamingos (B), input of nutrients (e.g.

feathers, droppings, carcasses) to the Salt Labe by the birds (C). At the same site, we

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confirmed the presence of two juveniles of the toothcarp (killifish) Aphanius fasciatus in the

ponds formed by wheel tracks (D). The site (see Table 2 for coordinates) is near the

drainage canal from the Zakaki Marsh. ............................................................................. 54

Figure 27: Reported and firsthand sightings of the Mediterranean toothcarp (killifish) Aphanius fasciatus

in the Salt Lake in relation to rainfall monthly anomalies (Akrotiri Meteorological Station) and

water salinity (data from the Fisheries Department). Arrows denote the conditions

before/during the observations of the fish: algae bloom (green), rainy days (white), rainy days

and firsthand report (orange). Rainfall monthly anomalies were produced by subtracting the

long-term average (1966-2011) of a given month from the total rainfall for that month, and

smoothed with an 11-point filter. Horizontal grey area denotes the salinity range of A.

fasciatus in the Mediterranean area (Triantafyllidis et al. 2007).......................................... 55

Figure 28: Original food web proposed for the Akrotiri Salt Lake. Flamingos are the top consumers

feeding exclusively on Phallocryptus. ............................................................................... 57

Figure 29: Revised food web proposed for the Akrotiri Salt Lake. White arrows indicate possible

interactions if the waterfowl consumes fry, eggs or small juveniles and adult aquatic insects

and fish. .......................................................................................................................... 58

Figure 30: GLM model of species response graph for the environmental variable Fire. Acacia saligna

trees (Acasalt) and seedlings (Acasall) have a positive response and the other species have

a negative response ........................................................................................................ 65

Figure 31: GAM model of species response graph for the environmental variable Organic Matter.

Juniperus phoenicea has a strong positive almost linear response, Zygophyllum album and

Cakile maritima have negative response. Plantago maritima and Arthrocnemum

macrostachyum present a unimodal response .................................................................. 65

Figure 32: Vegetation of the habitat type 3170 with Juncus ambiguus and Isolepis cernua in Akrotiri

(14/05/2011).................................................................................................................... 70

Figure 33: Distribution range of 5 threatend plants in Akrotiri Peninsula. ............................................. 88

Figure 34: Conceptual model of the hydrology of the project area....................................................... 90

Figure 35: Characterization of waterbodies according to WFD 2000/60/EC......................................... 95

Figure 33: Generalized model of aquatic communities in reference and impacted ponds (Coleman, 2009)

......................................................................................................................................... 1

Figure 37: Monthly average and standard deviation of precipitation (Akrotiri Meteorological Station) and

water salinity (data from the Fisheries Department) of the Salt Lake. Averages derived from

the time period 1966-2011 (precipitation) and 1988-2011 (salinity) .................................. 104

Figure 38: Monthly average and standard deviation of water temperature and pH of the Salt Lake.

Averages derived from the time period 1988-2011 (data from the Fisheries Department). 104

Figure 39: Abundance (individuals) of Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa in one sampling station

(“Lake-Recorder”, November 1991 to May 1992) at the Akrotiri Salt Lake (data from Ortal

1992) in relation to water parameters (temperature, salinity, and pH)............................... 105

Figure 40: Abundance (mean and standard deviation) of Phallocryptus spinosa in six sampling stations

(PLUTO II, March 2002) at the Akrotiri Salt Lake (data from Kerrison 2002). There are

differences statistically significant between stations, Kruskal-Wallis P=0.0001698, Mann-

Whitney pairwise comparisons (P<0.005): A ≠ B, E, F; B ≠ C, F; C ≠ E; F ≠ E. ................. 106

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Figure 41: Periods (arrows) when the abundance of Phallocryptus spinosa was studied (Ortal 1992,

Kerrison 2002) and monthly averages of water temperature, salinity, and pH of the Salt Lake

(data from the Fisheries Department) and monthly precipitation (Akrotiri Meteorological

Station). Averages derived from three to four monitoring stations during the time period

1988-2011..................................................................................................................... 107

Figure 42: Periods (arrows) when the abundance of Phallocryptus spinosa was studied (Ortal 1992,

Kerrison 2002) and monthly averages of water salinity of the Salt Lake (data from the

Fisheries Department) and rainfall monthly anomalies (Akrotiri Meteorological Station).

Salinity averages derived from three to four monitoring stations during the time period 1988-

2011. Rainfall monthly anomalies were produced by subtracting the long-term average

(1966-2011) of a given month from the total rainfall for that month................................... 107

Figure 43:Flow measurement locations............................................................................................ 111

Figure 44:Zakaki and Port flow meters............................................................................................. 111

Figure 45: Flow measurement locations near Zakaki Marsh ............................................................. 112

Figure 46: Flow measurement location near Fasouri Marsh.............................................................. 112

Figure 47: Location of 35 transects (yellow lines). Black triangles: species with threat category EN, VU,

DD, and NT. Blue stars: species with threat category CR. ............................................... 128

Figure 48: Diagram of transect and quadrats. .................................................................................. 132

Figure 49: Orchis palustris, plant and habitat in Akrotiri (14/5/2011).................................................. 137

Figure 50: Standard deviation of monthly averages (three to four stations) of water salinity, pH and

temperature of the Akrotiri Salt Lake (data from the Fisheries Department). Arrows indicate

the sampling periods when the abundance of Phallocryptus was studied (Ortal 1992,

Kerrison 2002)............................................................................................................... 138

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List of tables Table 1: Synopsis of Monitoring Activities .......................................................................................... 12

Table 2: Values of water salinity, conductivity, oxygen, pH at the sites visited during the fieldtrips of

December 2011 and January 2012 in relation to the Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa

component of the study. Numbers represent sampling locations as per Table 2 .................... 35

Table 3: Information of the sites visited during the fieldtrips of December 2011 and January 2012 in

relation to the Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa component of the study.......................... 36

Table 4: Description of the composition of the sediments in the three visible layers. ............................ 40

Table 5: Qualifying species for the identification of Akrotiri Peninsula – Episkopi Cliffs as an Important

Bird Area (taken from Iezekiel et al. 2004)............................................................................ 45

Table 6: Qualifying species, listed in Schedule 1 of the Game and Wild Birds Ordinance, for the SPA

designation of Akrotiri Wetlands and Akrotiri Cliffs. ............................................................... 46

Table 7: Submerged aquatic macrophyte species recorded in the Akrotiri peninsula (VU: Vulnerable, EN:

Endangered, UN: Unknown) ................................................................................................ 60

Table 8: General Principles for the Reference Conditions of habitats .................................................. 66

Table 9: Biological quality index values for the Halophytic habitats of the area of Akrotiri. The working

reference conditions are illustrated by the values of the indices in the undisturbed communities

(Impact=0). ......................................................................................................................... 77

Table 10: Biological quality index values for the Sand Dune habitats of the area of Akrotiri. The working

reference conditions are illustrated by the values of the indices in the undisturbed communities

(Impact=0). Part I. ............................................................................................................... 78

Table 11: Biological quality index values for the Sand Dune habitats of the area of Akrotiri. The working

reference conditions are illustrated by the values of the indices in the undisturbed communities

(Impact=0). Part II. .............................................................................................................. 80

Table 12: Minimum viable population assessment scheme (Primack 1996)......................................... 83

Table 13: List and current data for 30 rare and threatened plants in Akrotiri Peninsula (Data Tsintides et

al. 2007). ............................................................................................................................ 85

Table 14: Habitats identified in Akrotiri peninsula. Map 2000: Hadjikyriakou et al. 2000; Map 2009: Cox

et al. 2009......................................................................................................................... 120

Table 15: Attributes of the proposed transects. ................................................................................ 130

Table 16: Bird Survey Schemes ...................................................................................................... 140

Table 17: Guidance on mandatory attributes for migrating raptors .................................................... 144

Table 18: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Red-footed Falcon ............................................ 147

Table 19: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Demoiselle Crane ............................................. 150

Table 20: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Greater Flamingo.............................................. 152

Table 21: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Greater Sandplover .......................................... 154

Table 22: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Kentish Plover .................................................. 155

Table 23: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Ferruginous Duck ............................................. 157

Table 24: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Black-winged Stilt ............................................. 160

Table 25: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Spur-winged Lapwing ....................................... 163

Table 26: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Kentish Plover .................................................. 165

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Table 27: The information that should be recorded to describe each colony or sub-division of a colony.

......................................................................................................................................... 170

Table 28: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Eleonora’s Falcon............................................. 171

Table 29: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Peregrine Falcon .............................................. 172

Table 30: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Griffon Vulture .................................................. 174

Table 31: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Mediterranean Shag ......................................... 175

Table 32: Proposed sampling locations for the monitoring of biotic components in Akrotiri waterbodies

......................................................................................................................................... 180

Consulting CYPRUS


1 Introduction In October 2011, A P Marine was commissioned by Interserve Defence Ltd to

undertake the project “Hydrological Study & Further Studies to be incorporated in the Akrotiri Peninsula Management Plan, Work Order: 1044844”. For the

implementation of the project, A.P Marine cooperated with Atlantis Consulting Cyprus


The monitoring plan was developed in response to the mandate for monitoring

activioties that would be able toi inform, enrich and evaluate the effectiveness the

Akrotiri Salt lake Management Plan.

As per the Terms of Reference, the Method Statement covers the following Tasks:

• Baseline studies to identify the significant biotic parameters of the wetland

ecosystems of Akrotiri Salt Lake, Fasouri Marsh and Zakaki Marsh and associate

them with the abiotic parameters of the wetlands.

• The definition of abiotic and biotic indicators for a healthy wetland ecosystem at

each of the three sites in line with EU Water Framework Directive.

• The establishment of a long-term monitoring system for these indicators to inform

decision making under the management plan for the wetlands.

During the course of the project, the consultants have studied the available

bibliography and have implemented several site visits to the project area. In

accordance with project objectives the following have been achieved:

• Available bibliography and data were collected and studied in order to identify

management objectives for the project area. Results were utilized in determining

monitoting objectives.

• The area’s key hydrological and ecological characteristics have been determined.

• The issue of defining reference conditions was examined and a proposal for the

selection of reference conditions has been prepared.

• A monitoring plan has been prepared.

Consulting CYPRUS


1.1 Structure of this Report

This report presents the draft proposed monitoring plan for the Akrotiri Peninsula. It is

a working document intended to provide information regarding the final foreseen

report structure and content as well as current progress. The report is divided into the

following chapters:

• Chapter 1 – Introduction

• Chapter 2 – Methodology, Bibliographical and past report consulted,

the information collected as well as data requested but

not acquired

• Chapter 3 – Legal framework for monitoring

• Chapter 4 – Description of the project area

• Chapter 5 – Environmental Setting and Conceptual Model

• Chapter 6 – Reference Conditions

• Chapter 7 – Monitoring Programme

• Chapter 8 – References

• Chapter 9 – Appendices

1.2 Project Team – Key Experts

• Antonis Petrou, Aquatic resource management: Project


• Charalambos Panayiotou, Environmental Science: Scientific coordinator,

hydrology analysis, integration and

interpretation of studies, editing of the report.

• Iacovos Tziortzis, Aquatic Macroinvertebrates specialist: Studies

of aquatic biotic parameters

• Pinelopi Delipetrou, Biology: Flora and habitat studies

• Iris Charalambidou, Ornithologist, Aquatic bird study

• Carlos Jimenez, Aquatic Biologist

Supporting Staff

• Elias Eliades, Geotecnician MSc (Management of the

Environment, Natural Resources and Forestry)

MSc in Civil Engineering

• Ourania Tzoraki, Hydrologist

Consulting CYPRUS


2 Methodology

2.1 Site visits

Table 1 summarizes the site visits that were undertaken during the project.

Table 1: Synopsis of Monitoring Activities

Date Objective Where Participants


Clarify the objectives of the study Elaborate key issues of concern Site tour

Akrotiri Environmental Education and Information Centre, Project site

Present: Interserve Defences Ltd: P. Nicolaou, A. Perdiou Akrotiri Environmental Education and Information Centre: T. Hadjikyriakou Contractors: A. Petrou (A.P. Marine), C. Panayiotou, T. Toumazi & E.Eliades (Atlantis Consulting Cyprus Ltd), I.Charalambidou, C. Jimenez, I.Tziortzis, O.Tzoraki


Obtain GPS points of key features Map the hydrological network of the project area Limited water samping

Akrotiri Penynsoula T.Toumazis O.Tzoraki


Record presence, distribution, abundance Phallocryptus spinosa

Akrotiri Salt Lake: Small pond between the road and the Lake. Pond Agios Georgios Church

C. Jimenez, M. Sour, I. Tziortzis, C. Thoma

27-Dec-2011 Ditto. Collect live Phallocryptus spinosa specimens

Akrotiri Salt Lake: Small pond between the road and the Lake. Lake shore near Zakaki Marsh.

C. Jimenez, M. Sour, I. Charalambidou, S. Glucel, C. Thoma

04-Jan-2012 Ditto. Measure salinity and collect water samples

Akrotiri Salt Lake: Pond Agios Georgios Church, Small ponds near airstrip. Lake shore across the environmental Centre.

C. Jimenez, M. Sour

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Date Objective Where Participants

05-Jan-2012 Ditto, except water samples

Vernal Ponds at Potamos to Liopetriou, Larnaka Salt Lake

C. Jimenez, M. Sour, R. Abu-Alhaija


Ditto, except water samples. UW videos of Phallocryptus spinosa

Akrotiri Salt Lake: Small ponds near airstrip, Pond Agios Georgios Church, Lake shore near end of airstrip. Phassouri Marsh

C. Jimenez, M. Sour, I. Tziortzis, G. Fyttis

19-Jan-2012 Elias Eliades & T.Toumazis


7-Apr-2012 Penelope Delipetrou



Sampling and monitoring

All water bodies of the project site and souurounding areas

Elias Eliades

2.2 Desktop work

The project team examined the bibliography provided by the client as well as

additional bibliography and studies collected from Competent Authorities and through

internet searches. These studies contributed further to the formulation of the project

report. New information included:

• Groundwater level data Salt lake water monitoring results (depth, pH,

temperature and salinity)

The description of the study area and the drafting of the monitoring plan have been

based on bibliographical studies and field visits. In particular the project team took

the following steps:

• Study of current bibliography acquired from Interserve Defence Ltd.

• Study of additional bibilography

• Data collection from Competent Authorities

• Field visits and monitoring

• Contact and discussion with authorities in Salt Lake ecology and Taxonomy

Interserve Defence Ltd. provided the contractor with all the available major studies

undertaken in Akrotiri Peninsula, as well as with various other relevant reports.

Additional reports and publications were collected from Competent Authorities,

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internet searches and other sources. A list of collected reports is provided in

Bibliography of the monitoring plan.

Relevant data were also requested from the Cyprus National Competent Authorities

as follows:

• Meteorological/ climate data, Meteorological Department, Ministry of

Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment.

• Boreholes and water abstraction, Water Development Department, Ministry of

Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment. We haven’t received this

data set of the bore holes, I requested it in December and I am still waiting.

• Water levels and water quality data, Water Development Department, Ministry

of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment

• Geological and Geochemical data, Geological Survey Department, Ministry of

Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment.

• Monthly waterbird bird counts from the Cyprus Game Fund, Ministry of


• SBAA Environment Department.

• Land use maps, Department of Environment

• Temperature, salinity, depth and pH of the Salt Lake from the Fisheries


2.3 Field Surveys

2.3.1 Objectives of field surveys

The surveys aim to produce baseline information regarding the key hydrological and

ecological characteristics of the project are, and the ecological status of conservation.

Through the collected information, key parameters pertaining to the physical and

ecological characteristics of the area will be identified and will be considered in the

drafting of the monitoring plan. In addition, suitable locations for monitoring activities

will be selected.

More precisely the objectives of the surveys are:

§ Identify the key hydrological features and charateristics of the project area

§ Describe the key ecological features and the habitat types of the area.

§ Determine key hydrological indicators and suggest suitable baseline/

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reference values

§ Determine key ecological parameters and suggest suitable baseline / reference values

§ Identify indicator species

§ Support the preparation of the monitoring plan for the key hydrological and ecological parameters and indicator species

2.3.2 Survey Area

The surveys extended to the three key wetlands of the Akrotiri salt lake, the Zakaki

Marsh and the Fasouri Marsh. It also included surrounding areas which constitute a

direct water source to the wetlands as well as the canals that link the two marshes

with the salt lake. Upstream water sources are implicitly considered as boundary

conditions through the monitoring of water inflows at the Zakaki Marsh.

2.3.3 Overview of field surveys

An initial field visit took place on November 11th, 2011 which invlolved all partners as

well as representatives from Interserve. During the meeting, the project team

requested clarifications regarding the project objectives as well as information

regarding the project area. The project team was subsequently toured around the

project area, including the Salt Lake, Zakaki Marsh, Fasouri Marsh and the

surrounding area.

2.3.4 Hydrological Conditions

The hydrological network of the project area has been initialy determined from

existing data and maps. Additional field visits took place in order to complete the

network and to gather data concerning the storm water runoff conditions. During the

visits the team members took GPS points of the main areas where the water enters

the salt lake and verified the linkage between the marshes and the salt lake. In

particular the drainage system crossing the the Akrotiri road, which consists of a

series of drainage pipes, and the channel between Zakaki Marsh and the salt lake

were marked with the use of a GPS (Geographical Positioning System). The results

are available in Chapters 3.2 and 4.2. Preliminary water flow rates were alsso taken

with use of a mobile flow meter where possible. In addition, water samples were

taken for chemical analysis in order to determined water quality parameters.

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Soil samples were taken from a cross section in a ditch in the salt lake that was

recently open to a depth of approximately 1.5 meters and a width of about 4 meters.

Sipping water was also collected from the ditch. The sediment profile analysis is

available in Chapter 3.6.

2.3.5 Status of Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa population at the Akrotiri Salt Lake

During December 2011 and January 2012, a total of four field trips were made to the

Salt Lakes of Akrotiri, Larnaka and the vernal ponds of Potamos tou Liopetriou

aiming to survey the emergence/hatching and abundance of Phallocryptus at

particular sites. Additionally, water samples for nutrient analysis and measurements

of several parameters were made as well as observations on the presence/absence

of the toothcarp Aphanius fasciatus in the Agios Georgios Pond and at the Salt Lake.

Results are shown in Chapter 4.

2.3.6 Flora Conditions

During November 2011 to May 2012, field surveys were made to the salt lakes area,

covering all possible areas for flora species expansions, studying also Acacia saligna,

Eucaliptus and Arundo donax intrusions. The entire study area is shown in figure,

Physical Parameters, of chapter 4. Reference conditions or high ecological status is

a state of a water body or other natural element where no or only minor changes can

be found due to anthropogenic disturbance. The determination of the reference

conditions of biological quality element, such as the vegetation, requires the

determination of certain biological values of the element in undisturbed status.

The determination of the reference conditions for the sclerophyllous shrub vegetation,

phrygana (habitat type 5420), juniper matorral (habitat type 5210), and maquis (9320)

as well as for the Mediterranean tall humid grasslands (habitat type 6420) was based

not only to the pre mentioned field surveys but also on the published literature and

expert knowledge of the attributes of these habitats in Cyprus.

Consulting CYPRUS


3 Legal requirements for monitoring

Below is a brief account of monitoring requirements as the arise form National and

EU legislation. These requirements we considered during the preparation of the

monitoring plan in combination with the monitoring requirements that arise from the

management objectives of the area.

Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC:

European Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EC establishes a common

strategy for Community action in the field of water policy. The purpose of this

Directive is to establish a framework for the protection of inland surface waters,

transitional waters, coastal waters and groundwater. All member states are obliged to

establish monitoring networks for all waterbodies in their vicinity and apply

appropriate management measures in order to achieve at least ‘’Good Ecological

Quality’’ by 2015. The most important innovation of WFD is the inclusion of Biological

Quality Elements (BQE’s) in the monitoring plans. The directive prescribes four

biological groups to be monitored im transitional waters: Aquatic Macrophytes,

Phytoplankton, Benthic macro-invertebrates and Fish; depending each time by the

communities flourishing. Monitoring of specific biological communities must be

supported by monitoring of relevant hydromorphological, chemical and

physicochemical elements, all prescribed by the directive (Annex V).

Protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration Directive


Water Framework Directive states that measures should be adopted to prevent and

control groundwater pollution. These measures are set out in this Directive, which is

why it is known as the "daughter Directive" to the Framework Directive. Furthermore,

in 2013 the Water Framework Directive will repeal Directive 80/68/EEC on the

protection of groundwater against pollution by certain dangerous substances.

Groundwater’s Directive is designed to protect groundwater and fill the legislative gap

following the repeal of Directive 80/68/EEC.

The provisions of Directive 2006/118/EC include: criteria for assessing the chemical

status of groundwater; criteria for identifying significant and sustained upward trends

in groundwater pollution levels and for defining starting points for reversing these

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trends; preventing and limiting indirect discharges (after percolation through soil or

subsoil) of pollutants into groundwater.

The direct relationship of the aquifer with surface waters by feeding Fasouri marsh,

intensifies the need for protection of groundwater quality. The construction of Kouris

Dam, in combination with reduced precipitation and the ongoing intensive abstraction

of water from Akrotiri aquifer have already resulted in significant degradation of the

ecosystem in the past decades. All of the above in combination with the proximity to

the sea have resulted in the sea intrusion and increase of salinity levels of

groundwater. In addition, various activities taking place in the Akrotiri peninsula such

as intense agriculture, various forms of development such as urbanisation, industry,

infrastructure, quarrying etc, as well as military activities and installations, oppose

additional threats for the underground waters and highlight the need for protection of

the aquifer.

Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC:

The European Community Habitats Directive (together with the Birds Directive) forms

the cornerstone of Europe's nature conservation policy. It is built around two pillars:

the Natura 2000 network of protected sites and the strict system of species protection.

The directive protects over 1.000 animals and plant species and over 200 so called

"habitat types" (e.g. special types of forests, meadows, wetlands, etc.), which are of

European importance. Among others, three habitat types associated with freshwater

or brackish aquatic communities are found in Akrotiri wetlands: Lagoons (1150*),

Mediterranean salt meadows (1410) and Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic

vegetation of Chara formations (3140). These types are included in Annex I of the

Habitats Directive (92/43/EC) and their conservation requires the designation of

special areas of conservation (SAC’s), which is still pending for the area. Especially

habitat type Lagoons-1150 which covers a major part of the study area is considered

as priority habitat of European interest requiring strict protection through SAC

designation. The characterisation of SAC’s and their restoration and protection

through management plans is considered a priority.

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Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC:

Directive 91/271/EEC concerns the collection, treatment and discharge of urban

waste water (including run-off rain water) and the treatment and discharge of waste

water from certain industrial sectors. Its aim is to protect the environment from any

adverse effects caused by the discharge of such waters. Industrial waste water

entering collecting systems and the disposal of waste water and sludge from urban

waste water treatment plants are subject to regulations and/or specific authorization

by the competent authorities. Sensitive areas, within the meaning of the directive,


• freshwater bodies, estuaries and coastal waters which are eutrophic or which

may become eutrophic if protective action is not taken

• surface freshwaters intended for the abstraction of drinking water which

contain or are likely to contain more than 50 mg/l of nitrates

• areas where further treatment is necessary to comply with other directives,

such as the directives on fish waters, on bathing waters, on shellfish waters,

on the conservation of wild birds and natural habitats.

The directive also provides derogations for areas designated as "less sensitive" and

such derogations were approved for several countries.

The unregulated inflow of untreated wastewaters in Zakaki marsh and concomitantly

to the salt lake, as well as in other areas of the wetland, can cause severe

degradation to the ecosystem, especially in cases were run-off becomes severely


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4 Description of the project area

4.1 General Area Description

Akrotiri Peninsula is the southernmost part of Cyprus, located 5km south-west of the

city of Limassol (population 150,000). It also borders Akrotiri village to its southwest

west (population 800), RAF Station Akrotiri to the south, and Asomatos village

(population 350) to the north.

The Akrotiri Ramsar site is composed of two distinct areas that are hydrologically

connected. The first and largest area is the large salt lake and sand flats that are

situated in the centre of the Akrotiri peninsula. Over the last three centuries, this

former lagoon has been isolated from the sea and a number of saltmarsh vegetation

communities have developed and now surround the lake. The lake and surrounding

saltmarsh is important for a range of wetland birds, and in particular greater flamingo

Phoenicopterus ruber. A eucalyptus forest borders the northern side of the lake and

this is an important raptor roosting area. The second distinct area is the Fassouri

marsh that lies to the northeast of the salt lake. This area is made up of a matrix of

freshwater habitat types including grazing marsh and reed beds. Rain water is the

key hydrological input for both areas, although the lake receives occasional input

from the sea during storms. The two areas are hydraulically connected and the

Fassouri marsh provides important water inputs to the seasonal salt lake. A small

permanent lake is found to the west of the Akrotiri salt lake, which is hydraulically

connected to the sea.

4.2 Hydrology / Geology

4.2.1 Hydrology

Hydrologically the Akrotiri wetlands area can be distinguished into three main water


• The Zakaki Marsh to the north east

The Zakaki marsh is a freshwater marsh located to the east of the Akrotiri salt lake. It

receives storm water from the western urban areas of Limassol via two canals

(Figure 1). The main canal flows from the Zakaki area and collects water from the

western urban areas of Limassol. The second canal flows from the Limassol port. A

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new canal is under construction which will collect water from the areas north of the

Zakaki Marsh.

Figure 1 – Water from Zakaki area and the port flowing towards Zakaki marsh

• The Fasouri Marsh.

The marsh (Figure 2) is located to the northwest of the Akrotiri salt lake (See Fig.

7). The overall area of the Marsh is about 60 hectares. The core section of the

Marsh spreads over an area of 20 hectares and hosts reeds and marshy

vegetation. The remaining area is covered by grassland.

The Marsh is fed by rain water from a limited catchment of agricultural land to its

north and west. It is also considered to be hydraulically connected to the Akritiri

aquifer and can therefore receive water in periods when the aquifer water level is

sufficiently high. In periods of high flooding, the Marsh drains southward towards

the Akrotiri salt lake. After the Pluto project has been constructed, drainage has

been preserved via a dirt road that channels the water along the western boarder

of the Pluto project.

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Figure 2- Fasouri Marsh

• The Akrotiri Salt lake

o The salt lake is fed mainly by storm water collected by a) the surface area of

the salt lake itself, inflows from the Zakaki Marsh via a connecting canal

(Figure 3), from Akrotiri village via storm pipes, from the Phasouri Marsh

and from the Eucalyptus forest located north of the salt lake.

Figure 3 – Zakaki drainage canal

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o Water flows from the Fasouri Marsh. During rainy days the water coming from

Fasouri Marsh flows through a canal with 4 meters width. The canal passes

under the road (Figure 4) and flows directly onto Pluto project. Around the

Pluto project, there is a dirt road with lower elevation thus serving as a

drainage canal. The water firstly creates a small pond/marsh near the Pluto

project and then slowly travels towards the salt lake.

Figure 4 – Bridge near Pluto project

o Water flows from the Eucalyptus forest area: Based on site visits undertaken

in January it is considered that considerable amounts of water flows into the

salt lake from the north. The Eucalytus forest area is at a slightly higher

elevation than the salt lake and has a steady small downward gradient

towards the lake. Although there is no obvious hydrological network from

the northern area, during rainy days water flows from the citrus plantations

through the eucalyptus forest into the lake via a series of dispersed

drainage routes including dirt roads (Figure 5).

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Figure 5 – Eucalyptus forest

o Another important source of water is the Akrotiri village stormwater. There are

18 drain pipes connecting the areas on both sides of the road leading the

water towards the salt lake. (figure 6)

Figure 6 – Stormwater drain pipes

o Sea overflows: Occasionally flows from the sea have been witnessed. This is

only observed high storm winds, when surge in combination with high waves

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overtake the sand dunes. Overflowing seawater then drains towards the salt


Figure 7, shows the three water bodies of the area. The three areas can be

distinguished as the Akrotiri salt lake, the Zakaki and the Fasouri marshes. The

maximum extent of each of the marshes is indicated by grey shading. Light blue

shading indicates the area that is frequently flooded. Eighteen storm water drains

have been located across the Akrotiri road.

The blue-coloured lines represent the routes connecting the marshes with the salt

lake, whereas to the northwest the orange line represents the occasional flow

towards the salt lake.

In addition, a small lake that is permanently flooded is found west of the Akrotiri salt

lake (indicated by yellow arrow on Fig. 7). Given the fact that it is permanently

flooded despite having a minimal catchment area and that its salinity is slightly higher

than that of seawater, it is concluded that this lake is hydraulically connected with the

sea and is directly fed by seawater.

Figure 7 – Main hydrological features of the Akrotiri Penynsula

4.2.2 Physical parameters

Three field visits for the monitoring of hydrological and water quality parameters took

place during the first four months of the project. Below is a brief description of

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observations made during the visits. The locations of various observations and of

monitoting sites are shown on Fig. 8.

Figure 8: Locations of observations and monitoring stations

INDEX Point 33 Upper limits of acacia, reeds, crops (vines, cereals, olives) and Cypress Point 34 Western limits of acacia, reeds, Crops and Cypress Point 35 Acacia, reeds and shrubs Point 36 Fasouri marsh - sample 06 Point 37 Acacias on the left of the road and eucalyptus on the right Point 38 Flooded on the right and left of the road and all over the region are installed

antennas Point 39 Marsh Lakes – No water drainage (Fig. 9) Point 40 Area enclosed between points 37 – 39 – 40 – 41 – 42 – 45 and 38 was

flooded (Fig. 9) Point 41 Fenced area - Acacias Point 42 Pond – Akrotiri Merra – Sample 05 Point 43 Small salt lake – sample 04 Point 44 Acacias, eucalyptus and crops Point 45 Acacia expansion inside salt lake area, in aproximately 5 meters. Point 46 Extensive expansions from Acacias Point 47 Salt lake sample 01

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Figure 9: Points 39 and 40 showing flooded areas of the Fasouri Marsh

Key results of the monitoring are described below.

4.2.3 Land use, water users and pollutant sources

The surroundings of the project area are mainly used for agricultural purposes as

also support a small number of farming units. It also has military uses and several

military installations are preset with various projects (e.g. Pluto) being built inside the

study area. During the third visit samples were collected and analysed. Sampling

locations are shown on Figure 10. Results are shown on Figure 11.

Point 39 Marsh Lakes – No water drainage

Point 40 Area enclosed between points 37 – 39 – 40 – 41 – 42 – 45 and 38 was flooded

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Figure 10: Sample locations

• Sampling code on GPS and Figure 10: 01

Location: Akrotiri salt lake

Comments: The water collected was from inside the lake. Two samples were

collected, one to analyze E-coli and one to analyze pH, conductivity, Chloride,

Nitrates, Nitrite, Ammonium, Phosphates, Total P, Total N, BOD5, TOC, Cd, Ni,

Pb and Hg. The water collected was analyzed for salinity also.

• Sampling code on GPS and Figure 10: 02

Location: Zakaki Marsh (Bridge).

Comments: Flow measurements conducted. The water collected was from inside

the salt. Two samples were collected for each point, one to analyze E-coli and

one to analyze pH, conductivity, Chloride, Nitrates, Nitrite, Ammonium,

Phosphates, Total P, Total N, BOD5, TOC, Cd, Ni, Pb and Hg. The water

collected was analyzed for salinity also.

• Sampling code on GPS and Figure 10: 03

Location: Zakaki Marsh (Bridge).

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Comments: The water collected was from the urban inflows outlet. Two samples

were collected for each point, one to analyze E-coli and one to analyze pH,

conductivity, Chloride, Nitrates, Nitrite, Ammonium, Phosphates, Total P, Total N,

BOD5, TOC, Cd, Ni, Pb and Hg. The water collected was analyzed for salinity


• Sampling code on GPS and Figure 10: 04

Location: Small salt lake.

Comments: The water collected was from inside the salt lake. Two samples were

collected for each point, one to analyze E-coli and one to analyze pH,

conductivity, Chloride, Nitrates, Nitrite, Ammonium, Phosphates, Total P, Total N,

BOD5, TOC, Cd, Ni, Pb and Hg. The water collected was analyzed for salinity


• Sampling code on GPS and Figure 10: 05

Location: Pond (Akrotiri Merra)

Comments: The water collected was from inside the salt lake. The water

collected was analyzed for salinity. Two samples were collected for each point,

one to analyze E-coli and one to analyze pH, conductivity, Chloride, Nitrates,

Nitrite, Ammonium, Phosphates, Total P, Total N, BOD5, TOC, Cd, Ni, Pb and


• Sampling code on GPS and Figure 10: 06

Location: Fasouri Marsh

Comments: The water collected was from inside the salt lake. The water

collected was analyzed for salinity. Two samples were collected for each point,

one to analyze E-coli and one to analyze pH, conductivity, Chloride, Nitrates,

Nitrite, Ammonium, Phosphates, Total P, Total N, BOD5, TOC, Cd, Ni, Pb and


The results of the water analysis are shown below. It is noted that laboratory testing

of the samples collected on the 19th of January had not been made available in time

to be considered in this report.

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10/4/2012 10/4/2012 10/4/2012 10/4/2012 10/4/2012 10/4/2012

Port - Urban Pond Fasouri Marsh Salt Lake - south Salt Lake - North Zakaki Bidge

pH pH 7.90 8.11 7.36 8.17 8.20 7.99

Conduct. mS/cm @ 20 oC 4.77 46.2 6.77 19.22 8.64 1.37

Nitrates NO3 mg/L 189.00 13.00 3.08 20.00 5.70 155.00

Nitrite NO2 mg/L 0.11 12 0.04 9.50 0.19 0.54

Ammonium NH4+ mg/L 0.57 14 1.19 59 0.94 0.400

Phosphates PO4^3- mg/L <.015 26.3 1.14 15.4 <0.06 <0.1

Total P mg/L <0.044 24 <0.08 28 <0.08 <0.02

Total N mg/L 40.15 58 2.70 912 <2.5 39.55

BOD5 mg/L 5.00 11.00 <5 17.00 18.00 44.00

TOC mg/L 2.10 9.90 15.40 20.00 10.90 2.03

Cd μg/L <0.004 <0.04 <0.008 <0.02 <0.01 <0.002

Ni μg/L <0.004 <0.04 <0.008 <0.02 <0.01 <0.002

Pb μg/L <0.010 <0.10 <0.020 <0.05 <0.025 <0.005

Hg μg/L <5 <10 <5 <5 <5 <5

E.Coli /100 mL 38 980 71 71 ND 91


Figure 11: Water Quality

Flow Measurements


Figure 12: Flow measurement on point 46 (measurements in metters - m)

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Figure 13: Flow measurement at point 46.

Zakaki Marsh (Bridge)

Figure 14: Flow measurement at Zakaki Marsh (Bridge) .

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Figure 15: Flow measurement on Zakaki Marsh (bridge).

Figure 16: Flow measurement on Zakaki Marsh (bridge).

No Flow

No Flow

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Port flows

Port Water level (h) = 0.15m

Port Flow = 0.8m/sec

Urban (Zakaki) flows

Urban Water level (h) = 0.25m

Left flow = 0.0 m/sec

Center flow = 0.1m/sec

Right flow = 0.1m/sec

Average Urban flows = 0.067m/sec

Port and Urban (Zakaki) outflows

Outflow water level (h) = 0.28m

Maximum flow = 0.8m/sec

Average flow = 0.7m/sec

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Figure 17: Flow measurements on Urban and Port flows. Combined outflow through Zakaki

trench to Akrotiri Salt Lake.

The values of water temperature, salinity, oxygen and pH during the visits in January

2012 are presented on Table 2. The majority of the salinity measurements were

made using an optical refractometer, and only during the last field trip, we were able

to use a digital conductometer.

Urban (Zakaki) flows

Port flows

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Table 2: Values of water salinity, conductivity, oxygen, pH at the sites visited during the

fieldtrips of December 2011 and January 2012 in relation to the Phallocryptus (Branchinella)

spinosa component of the study. Numbers represent sampling locations as per Table 2

Optical Refractometer Chemical analysis

Conductometer WTW Cond 3110

Lovibond Oxi200



No. Salinity

[%] Surface

Salinity [%]


Depth [cm]

Water sample

Salinity [%]

10cm depth

Conductivity [mS/cm]

O2 [mg/l]

O2 [%] pH

5 2.7 2.7 10 1-P

6 1.3 1.3 2

7 3 3 10

8 3 3.2 10 1-L

9 1.2 1.6 10 2-P

10 0.8 0.8 3

11 0.5 0.8 20

12 3 3 10 2-L

13 2.4 2.4 3

14 0 0 10 1-P

15 0 0 10

16 6.4 7 15

17 1 1 10 0.79 13.99 9.01 92 7.86

18 1.2 1.3 10 1.192 19.89 11.92 121 8.06

19 3 3.3 10 2.74 43.2 11.39 116.7 7.82

20 2.7 2.7 10 2.37 38.1 12.16 123.9 7.92

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Table 3: Information of the sites visited during the fieldtrips of December 2011 and January

2012 in relation to the Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa component of the study.

Number Date Time (hr)

Coordinates E

Coordinates N Location

1 18-Dec-2011

11:36 32° 57' 52.00" 34° 36' 12.08" In the small pond near the road/airstrip

2 18-Dec-2011 16:27 32°56'12.46" 34°36'23.67" Pond near Agios Georgios Church

3 27-Dec-2011 10:45 32° 57' 52.00" 34° 36' 12.08" In the small pond near the


4 27-Dec-2011

15:19 32° 59' 9.62" 34° 40' 30.19" Lake near Zakaki Marsh, where the flamingos were feeding

5 4-Jan-2012

9:10 32°56'12.46" 34°36'23.67" Pond near Agios Georgios Church

6 4-Jan-2012

9:53 32° 57' 40.9716"

34° 36' 10.7526"

After small pond, on the way to lake

7 4-Jan-2012 10:36 32° 57' 42.64" 34° 36' 34.48" Lake, across Environmental Centre

8 4-Jan-2012 10:47 32° 57'

42.7644" 34° 36'

38.3184" Lake, area where the flamingos were feeding

9 4-Jan-2012

12:27 32° 57' 52.00" 34° 36' 12.08" In the small pond near the road/airstrip

10 4-Jan-2012

12:55 32° 57' 51.92" 34° 36' 6.11" Flooded plain between small pond and road

11 4-Jan-2012 13:30 32° 57' 48.75" 34° 36' 0.52" Pond near airstrip

12 4-Jan-2012 14:51 32° 59' 9.62" 34° 40' 30.19" Lake, near Zakaki Marsh, where the

flamingos were feeding

13 4-Jan-2012

15:22 32° 59' 31.6026"

34° 37' 47.03" Flooded plain with tracks

14 5-Jan-2012

9:00 33° 53' 53.8074"

34° 58' 11.406"

Vernal pond Phallocryptus

15 5-Jan-2012

9:47 33° 53' 51.7992"

34° 58' 12.0072"

Vernal pond

16 5-Jan-2012 11:12 33° 37'

36.8934" 33° 37'

36.8934" Near Water Tank (Artemidos Ave.)

17 8-Jan-2012 10:28 32° 57' 48.75" 34° 36' 0.52" Pond near airstrip

18 8-Jan-2012

12:13 32° 57' 52.00" 34° 36' 12.08" In the small pond near the road/airstrip

19 8-Jan-2012

13:49 32° 58' 76.00" 34° 36' 40" Lake, near Fisheries Department monitoring station

20 8-Jan-2012 14:27 32°56'12.46" 34°36'23.67" Pond near Agios Georgios Church

A regression between values from the two instruments was high but not significant

(Fig. 17), advising for caution when using only the optical refractometer.

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Figure 18: Regression between the salinity values measured with the optical refractometer and the digital

conductometer. Even though there is an apparent strong correlation, it is not significant.

The transparency or turbidity of the water at the ponds and Lake varied considerably

between the dates of visit, the flamingos’ activities, the water reservoirs, and the

predominant substrate. For example, the water was almost transparent at the small

ponds between the road and the main body of the Lake (Fig. 18A), reddish or dark-

brown at the pond between the road and the airstrip (Fig. 18B), murky or milky where

the flamingos were actively feeding (Fig. 18C). While the reddish colour probably is

the result of tannins in the water, the brownish to yellowish colour was only observed

where extensive mats or crusts of biofilms were in contact with the water (Fig. 18D).

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Figure 19: Conditions of the water at the Salt Lake during the sampling: almost transparent, small pond,

site #6 (A), stained red probably by tannins, small pond near the airstrip, site #9 (B), milky or cloudy due to

resuspended sediments and disturbance of the bottom by feeding flamingos, site #19 (C). Extensive areas

around the lake with thick biofilm layers, site #18 (D). Number of the sites according to Table 2.

In addition to the site observations, ground level depth data were collected from the

Water development department. In particular a series of measurements in the Akrotiri

and Asomatos area have been collected covering the period btween 1961 and 2011.

The collected timeseries (Appendix IV) include four to six depth measurements per

year for each monitoring site.

Initial analysis of the timeseries shows an increasing trend in depth with time which

indicates a gradual lowering of the groundwater levels at all monitoring sites with the

exception of the Asomtos 1935/006 location. Though the gradual decline can be

attributed to a combination of climatic changes, increased water abstraction and the

construction of the Kourris dam, no analysis can be made as to the relative

contributions of these factors.

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4.2.4 Geology

Geologic reports held by the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute

(CAARI) in Nicosia describe the evolution of the Akrotiri Peninsula as consisting of

three components: a former island of Late Miocene sandstone and marl cliffs, Plio-

Pleistocene marine beach sediments, and Holocene lacustrine sediments (Wessel

archaeology, 2002). The sequence of geological events can be summarised as

follows (Table 4):

• Sediments and the former island of Akrotiri were brought closer to their current

position during severe tectonic uplift during the Pleistocene (Chapman 1989, 59).

• Input from the Kouris River and long-shore transport of beach material caused

spit development initially on the west side of the peninsula, southward to Akrotiri

island (Stanley Price 1979, 8). This formed an embayment open to the east.

• A physical link existed to Akrotiri island existed by at least 10,000 BC. as

evidenced by pygmy hippo bones in the Aetokremnos rock-shelter at the

southern cliffs of the peninsula (Simmons 1991).

• Sand spit development on the east side of Akrotiri gradually closed off the

opening to the sea, thereby forming the present Salt Lake. A visitor to the area in

1589 (Villamont, in Heywood 1982) noted that, “fish entered the lake from the sea

‘through one little entrance” implying that spit development was nearly complete

by the end of the sixteenth century.

• Lake processes contributed to sediment infilling and an increasingly paludal


The Akrotiri Peninsula forms a shallow north-south synclinal basin underlain by

sedimentary Pliocene rocks of the Nicosia-Athalassa formation and Miocene rocks of

the Pakhna formation. The respective formations consist of; i) calcareous

sandstones, grits and conglomerates; and, ii) gypsum beds, chalk and chalk marls.

On parts of the southern sea shore of Akrotiri the sedimentary sequence is broken by

a volcanic intrusion which in places sub-crops at the foot of the sea cliffs.

The Pliocene rocks are discontinuously overlain by Pleistocene deposits consisting of

pebble beds, sandstone and marl and this deposit extends just north of Limassol.

Much of the synclinal basin is covered by recent alluvium. This generally consists of

fine grained sands, silts and clays in the main basin but flanking this, seawards on

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both sides, located within the relict spits the deposits comprise much coarser grained

material, typically consisting of sands and gravels.

During the field visit on 11 November 2011, soil samples were collected from the Salt

Lake. At that time, due to the fact that a car got stuck in the lake, a bulldozer

excavated an access road, giving us the opportunity to have a clear cross section of

the salt lake (Figure 19 - 23).

Table 4: Description of the composition of the sediments in the three visible layers.

Depth below

surface (cm) Description Interpretation

0 – 7cm Silty fine grained sands Lacustrine deposit

Figure 11

7 – 20cm Brown-grey Silty sands with shells

and some clay

Lacustrine deposit

Figures11 and 12

20 - 150cm Light fey clays and dark grey silts Lacustrine deposit

Figures 12 and 13

These three layers are considered as recent alluvium. The top layer was obviously

grey fine grained sands with the presence of a small percentage of silt. The middle

layer can be described as brown-grey silty sands with the presence of shells and clay.

This layer macroscopically is obvious due to its brown colour. The lower layer is

characterized by layers of light grey clays and dark grey silts.

From the boundary between these brown-grey sands and the lower layer which is

consisted of silts and clays the team collected a water sample which was analyzed.

This is due to the fact that water moves easily in the sand particles and flow above

the clay-silt layer surface.

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Figure 20: View of the cross section

Figure 21: Cross section

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Figure 22: Top and middle soil layer

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Figure 23: Middle and lower soil layer

Figure 24: Lower Soil layer

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4.3 Birds

More than 370 bird species have been recorded in Cyprus (Flint and Stewart 1992).

At least 308 of these have been observed at Akrotiri Peninsula (Table 3, pages 10-15

of Nature Conservation Component Plan). Akrotiri Salt Lake and the surrounding

wetlands constitute the largest wetland complex in Cyprus (Iezekiel et al. 2004) and

are of major importance as a staging area during spring and autumn passage for

hundreds to thousands of waterbirds. Flocks numbering internationally important

numbers of the Demoiselle Crane (Grus virgo) roost at the lake from mid-August to

early September (Charalambidou et al. 2008, Kassinis et al. 2010, SBAA

Environment Department), while hundreds to thousands of Red-footed Falcon (Falco

vespertinus), European Honey Buzzard (Pernis apivorus), and Harriers (Circus spp.)

stop over during migration (Iezekiel et al. 2004). In winter, many duck (Anas) and

wader species use the area as feeding and roosting grounds, including internationally

important numbers of Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) and

endangered species such as the Greater Sandplover (Charadrius leschenaultii)

(Charalambidou et al. 2008, Kassinis et al. 2010) (Appendix I – Map 02).

During spring and summer, the Peninsula supports important breeding populations

(Appendix - Map 01) of Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus), Kentish Plover

(Charadrius alexandrinus) and Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca) (Kassinis 2007,

2008). Moreover, Akrotiri and Episkopi sea cliffs are important breeding sites for the

Eleonora’s Falcon (Falco eleonorae), Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), and

Mediterranean Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii) while Episkopi cliffs is

the most important breeding site for the Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in Cyprus

(Iezekiel et al. 2004). Designations at Akrotiri Peninsula relating to the ornithological

importance of the area include:

4.3.1 Ramsar designation

Large parts of the wetlands at Akrotiri were designated in 2003 as the Akrotiri

Ramsar Site, for which they qualified due to the wintering populations of the Greater

Flamingo. These birds arrive in autumn as the Salt Lake fills with water to feed upon

the abundant invertebrate biomass that rapidly colonises the water, in particular the

brine shrimps. These crustaceans are able to tolerate the high salinity encountered in

the lake during the summer as it dries and hatch from cyst-like eggs lying dormant in

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the lake bed as the water returns. It is noted that data collected since 2003 may

support a revision of the Ramsar site boundaries.

4.3.2 Important Bird Area designation

The Akrotiri Peninsula has been identified as one of the Important Bird Areas (IBA) of

Cyprus, according to the qualifying species listed in Table 4. It is noted that the

Akrotiri IBA includes areas not included in the SPA designation and vice versa.

Table 5: Qualifying species for the identification of Akrotiri Peninsula – Episkopi Cliffs as an

Important Bird Area (taken from Iezekiel et al. 2004).

Common name Scientific name Estimated Population


Squacco heron Ardeola ralloides 100-250 Passage migrant Glossy ibis Plegadis falcinellus 250-500 Passage migrant Greater flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber 4000-10000 Winter visitor

Passage migrant Eleonora’s falcon Falco eleonorae 50-65p Migrant breeder Red-footed falcon Falco vespertinus 1100-1500 Passage migrant Common crane Grus grus 3000-5000 Passage migrant Black-winged stilt Himantopus

himantopus 300-350ind 5-10p

Passage migrant Occasional breeder

Collared pratincole Glareola pratincola 100-200 Passage migrant Kentish plover Charadrius

alexandrinus 300-500ind 20-40p

Migrant (resident?) breeder Passage migrant Winter visitor

Slender-billed gull Larus genei 1200-1500 Passage migrant Winter visitor

Gull-billed tern Gelochelidon nilotica 80-100 Passage migrant Demoiselle crane Grus virgo 400-560 Passage migrant Shelduck Tadorna tadorna 800-2000 Passage migrant

Winter visitor Greater Sandplover Charadrius

leschenaultii 5-10 Passage migrant

Winter visitor Bee-eater Merops apiaster 20,000-30,000 Passage migrant Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus 4-6p Resident breeder Black-headed gull Larus ridibundus 5000-6000 Passage Migrant

Winter visitor European Shag Phalacrocorax

aristotelis desmarestii 35-40p Resident breeder

Griffon vulture Gyps fulvus 5-8p Resident breeder Eurasian thick-knee Burhinus oedicnemus 5-10p Passage breeder

Passage migrant Spur-winged Lapwing Vanellus spinosus 5-10p Migrant breeder 86 species of waterbirds

30,000-70,000 Passage migrant

13 species of raptors 3900-7300 Passage migrant

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4.3.3 Special Protection Areas (SPA) designation.

Akrotiri Wetlands and Akrotiri Cliffs were designated as SPAs in 2011. Out of the 308

bird species recorded at Akrotiri Peninsula (Table 3, pages 10-15 of Nature

Conservation Component Plan), 100 species are listed in Schedule 1 to the Game

and Wild Birds Ordinance, requiring protection through the designation of SPAs.

From the Schedule 1 species, 28 have been identified as qualifying species for the

SPA designation of Akrotiri Wetlands and Akrotiri Cliffs (Table 5). It is noted that

further survey work is necessary to establish whether the SPA designation should

cover two more Schedule 1 species, namely Cyprus Warbler (Sylvia melanothorax)

and Eurasian Thick-knee (Burhinus oedicnemus). Besides individual species, the

Akrotiri SPA designation includes the groups of raptors, cranes and waterbirds as

qualifying features.

Table 6: Qualifying species, listed in Schedule 1 of the Game and Wild Birds Ordinance, for the

SPA designation of Akrotiri Wetlands and Akrotiri Cliffs.

Common name Scientific name 1 Demoiselle Crane Grus virgo 2 Purple Heron Ardea purpurea 3 Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides 4 Ferruginous Duck * Aythya nyroca 5 Little Stint Calidris minuta 6 Kentish Plover * Charadrius alexandrinus 7 Greater Sandplover Charadrius leschenaultii 8 White-winged (Black) Tern Chlidonias leucopterus 9 Western Marsh-harrier Circus aeruginosus

10 Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus 11 Saker Falcon Falco cherrug 12 Eleonora’s Falcon * Falco eleonorae 13 Peregrine Falcon * Falco peregrinus 14 Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus 15 Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola 16 Common Crane Grus grus 17 Black-winged Stilt * Himantopus himantopus 18 Slender-billed Gull Larus genei 19 European Bee-eater Merops apiaster 20 Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus 21 European Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus 22 European Shag * Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii 23 Ruff Philomachus pugnax 24 Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber roseus 25 Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 26 Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica 27 Shelduck Tadorna tadorna 28 Spur-winged Lapwing * Vanellus spinosus

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The species marked with an asterisk (*) are important breeding species in the SPAs,

some also in the general area of the Peninsula. The species not marked with an

asterisk, are important non-breeding species in the SPAs and the general area of the

Peninsula. These use Akrotiri Peninsula for wintering and migration, including

roosting, resting, staging and thermalling to gain lift before flying offshore.

Data on birds that frequent the terrestrial part of Akrotiri Peninsula and its wetlands is

abundant. Detailed data is also available on bird species found in the coastal part of

the site (see Table 1). For seabird species which are mostly pelagic and which have

been recorded offshore in Cyprus, such as Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris

diomedea), Yelkouan Shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan), European Storm Petrel

(Hydrobates pelagicus), and Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) (Flint and Stewart

1992), there are no data from this area.

As a result of the above, the distribution ranges of most species, excluding the

pelagic ones, are known. Additionally, the population status of many, but not all,

species is also known. Waterbirds are fairly well monitored due to systematic,

monthly, waterbird counts being carried out since 2003 by the Research Unit of the

Cyprus Game Fund, Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Cyprus, in cooperation with

the wardens at Akrotiri Environmental Education and Information Centre

(Charalambidou et al. 2008, Kassinis et al. 2010). Further data is collected as part of

species specific monitoring, which includes annual surveys of the breeding colonies

of the Eleonora’s Falcon since 2002 (Wilson 2005), of migrating birds of prey, with

detailed annual monitoring of migrating Red-footed Falcons, since 2006 (BirdLife

Cyprus 2006-2009), of breeding Black-winged Stilt and Kentish Plover, with detailed

annual surveys conducted by the Game Fund Service since 2003 (Kassinis et al.

2010). Further data is available in publications by birdwatchers and the non-

governmental organisation BirdLife Cyprus (Flint and Stewart 1992, BirdLife Cyprus

2003-2009, Gordon 2004, Iezekiel et al. 2004, Richardson 2005-2009).

Special attention afforded to species that use Akroriti Peninsula in internationally

important numbers, such as migrating Demoiselle Cranes and Red-footed Falcons,

wintering Greater Flamingo, and breeding Ferruginous Duck and Kentish Plover,

make it possible to estimate population sizes. For other species using the site in

numbers that are important at a European level, such as migrating and wintering

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Greater Sandplover, and breeding Black-winged Stilt, Eleonora’s and Peregrine

Falcons and Griffon Vulture, it is also possible to estimate population sizes.

On the other hand, data on population sizes of other important species, such as

breeding, wintering and migrating populations of Mediterranean Shag, Cyprus

Warbler and Eurasian Thick-knee are not sufficient.

Overall, the majority of data from the area has focused on the presence / absence of

bird species in the area, and on calculating population sizes. Information on bird use

around the antennas has also been studied. However, ecological studies of the

requirements of particular species, e.g. of their breeding and feeding biology, or of

food-web structures in the area, are lacking, apart from one study investigating the

bird-habitat relationship of the bird species occurring at Akrotiri Peninsula. In this

study, thirteen habitat types representing all habitat types found in the area, were

identified and mapped, and monitored regularly for one year. One hundred and

fifteen bird species were recorded throughout the duration of the study (Hadjikyriakou


4.4 Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa

4.4.1 Status of the taxonomy of Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa

The anostracan family of crustaceans known as Thamnocephalidae, particularly the

genus Branchinella, has long been a convenient drawer to keep fairy shrimps with

dubious affinities. It is only recently that Rogers (2003, 2006) made a major revision

of the Branchinella genus and changed to Phallocryptus. We collected live

specimens and shipped them to C. Rogers (world specialist in anostracan taxonomy)

for positive ID.

4.4.2 Status of Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa in the IUCN Red List

P. spinosa appear to be broadly distributed and without immediate threats to their

continued existence, and it is categorized under the IUCN criteria as “Species of

Least Concern” (Rogers 2006, and http://www.iucnredlist.org/apps/redlist/search).

4.4.3 Status of Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa in Cyprus and elsewhere

The general distribution of Phallocryptus spinosa is a disjunct mosaic of populations:

west to the Iberian Peninsula, through the Mediterranean Basin, Ukraine,

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Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iran, south to Oman, north Africa, south to

Botswana (Rogers 2003 and references therein).

In Cyprus, P. Spinosa has been reported only for the Salt Lakes of Larnaka and

Akrotiri (Mura & Hadjistephanou 1987), in the former coexisting with another

anostracan species, Artemia salina. However, Phallocryptus can also be found

coexisting with other species at smaller water bodies such as the vernal ponds at the

Potamos tou Liopetri and Cape Greco areas (Jimenez and Sour, unpublished).

4.4.4 Status of Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa population at the Akrotiri Salt Lake

During December 2011 and January 2012, a total of four field trips were made to the

Salt Lakes of Akrotiri, Larnaka and the vernal ponds of Potamos tou Liopetriou (Table

1), aiming to survey the emergence/hatching and abundance of Phallocryptus at

particular sites (Table 2). Additionally, observations on the presence/absence of the

toothcarp Aphanius fasciatus in the Agios Georgios Pond and at the Salt Lake.

All the available information and our own field observations regarding Phallocryptus

(Branchinella) spinosa in Akrotiri points out to its important role in the ecosystem,

starting from the nutrient cycle (e.g. carcasses and faecal material) sustaining the

primary production, and its contribution in the food chain by grazing phytoplankton

and prey for waterfowl, aquatic insects and possibly fish.

Such an important species is poorly adapted to fend off predation from fish or aquatic

insect larvae, particularly during the filling and freshening of the Lake when the

salinity is not extremely high. The toothcarp Aphanius fasciatus is already present in

the aquatic environments around the Salt Lake and occasionally can be observed in

the main body of the lake (see Other Observations). A. fasciatus is an active predator

of aquatic invertebrates, has a high tolerance to salinity variations from fresh to hyper

saline water and is suspected to be resistant to drought. Predatory insect larvae,

such as dragonflies, are also present in the ponds around the Lake, together with

voracious diving beetles (see Other Observations).

The presence of several larval stages (e.g. metanauplii, post-metanauplii) and adult

individuals of P. Spinosa during our first visit (Table 2), is indicative of an early

hatching time. It also suggests that there is an asynchronous hatching of the cysts

bank in Akrotiri. The erratic hatching pattern in most anostracan is thought to be an

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adaptation to the variable temporary habitat (Brendonck 1996). Hatching is generally

spread over several days or even weeks even under favorable environmental

conditions and not all cysts will terminate the diapauses (Hulsmans et al. 2006).

Live specimens (sweep samples with a standard hand net, mesh 1mm) were

collected at all visited localities in the Lake, except where the flamingos were actively

feeding: the birds totally depleted the fairy shrimp populations at the feeding patches.

Only one single specimen of Phallocryptus was captured in dozens of sweeps at the

feeding patches.

Individuals are kept alive in aquaria (Nicosia) in order to produce a cyst bank for

future physiological and taxonomical studies and to record their longevity, at least in

vitro. Additionally, an underwater high definition camera (GoPro) was used to record

abundances and behaviour of P. spinosa at two ponds of the Lake (Fig. 25).

The advantage of such method is the non-destructive evaluation of the populations.

A limitation is the lack of a scale to measure the size of the individuals. However, the

proportion of sexes (Fig. 25B), aggregations (Fig. 25C) and behaviour (Fig. 25D) are

relatively easy to study. Densities can be determined if the observations are made at

a specific place (e.g. camera stationed in one point and records made by time) or

following a pre-determined distance and time.

At one site (#19, Table 2), bottom sediments were collected with a hand held grab

(15x20cm square frame) at the feeding patch of a large group of flamingos. The

sediments were sorted to determine the presence and abundance of P. spinosa cysts.

Only three cysts were found, indicating how efficient is the flamingos’ feeding

mechanisms in removing particles (e.g. cysts, seeds) together with organic matter as

biofilm and also mud.

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Figure 25: Underwater observations of the Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa populations at

the Salt Lake: underwater high definition video camera, GoPro, site #18 (A), snapshot of a

female P. Spinosa with a full egg pouch visible in the upper part of the abdomen, site #17 (B),

snapshot of an aggregation of numerous individuals (male and female) of P. spinosa near the

submerged vegetation, site #18 (C), snapshot of a male P. spinosa feeding between the shoots of

Ruppia maritima, site #18 (D). Number of the sites according to Table 2.

4.4.5 Other observations (flamingos, Aphanius fasciatus, dragonflies and diving beetles)

In relation to the P. Spinosa abundance and distribution in the Lake and ponds, we

made realized direct observations where the flamingos were actively feeding (Fig.

26A). It is notorious the impact of the feeding behaviour on the water transparency

(Fig. 26C) and bottom sediments (Fig. 26B). The flamingos leave traces of their

activities (trackways, crater-like depressions, foot-prints), which significantly modify

the bottom sediments, to a degree that can be found in the fossil record of lakes

(Melchor et al. 2012).

Additionally, at the feeding patches, the flamingos depleted the Phallocryptus

communities and the bank of cysts, as mentioned before.

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The bottom modification by flamingos (and perhaps other birds) at the feeding

patches is made primarily by the actual feeding (ingestion of mud) and the trampling,

as has been observed elsewhere (Johnson 1997, Rodríguez-Pérez et al. 2007). That

flamingos ingest significant quantities of mud rich in organic matter and that their

young can grow on this kind of diet, is well known since a long time (Allen 1956,

Jenkin 1957, MacDonald 1980), activity that affects also macrophytes (Rodríguez-

Pérez et al. 2007). In consequence, the impact on the cysts bank of Phallocryptus by

the feeding activities of the fowl birds in the Lake is far from negligible and it needs to

be considered in any attempt to study and to monitor this fairy shrimp populations at

Akrotiri (see Monitoring Program). It is important to remember that the notion that

flamingos are the only waterfowl preying on Phallocryptus at the Salt Lake is not

correct. Phallocryptus is preyed upon by several other bird species such as

shelducks, ibises and avocets (Akrotiri Peninsula Nature Conservation Component

Plan v.1.1 2011).

The influence of the waterfowl in the abundance and dispersal of Phallocryptus

between water bodies (e.g. Larnaka, Akrotiri, Oroklini) is crucial to understand the

population dynamics of this brine shrimp in an open system where assisted-dispersal

contributes to the gene flow. Migrating birds such as flamingos, have the potential to

transport viable eggs and cysts in their digestive track and feathers (Charalambidou

& Santamaria 2002, Figuerola et al. 2005, McCullogh et al. 2008), a significant

proportion of which might contribute to the colonization or repopulation of water

bodies visited by the waterfowl during the annual migrations. These migrations might

be the link between extremely disjunct distribution patterns of P. spinosa, such as the

populations in Cyprus (Ketmeier et al. 2008) and South to Africa, in Botswana

(Hulsmans et al. 2006).

To conclude reviewing some of the most prominent interactions between

Phallocryptus and the waterfowl, flamingos in this case, the transmission of parasites

must be considered. Cestodes (parasitic worms) of at least 15 species are known to

utilize anostracans as intermediate hosts in their life cycle (Georgiev et al. 2005,

Sánchez et al. 2006), they all use flamingos and other waterfowl as final host.

Cestoda in Phallocryptus spinosa was first reported by Bondarenko & Kontrimavicus

(1976, cited in Mura 1995). Bacteria also attack brine and fairy shrimps producing the

notorious “black disease” in commercially cultured specimens (Saejung et al. 2011).

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However, parasitic cestodes have attracted more research attention due to the effect

on the behaviour and reproduction of the intermediate host. Parasitized individuals

tend to be of larger size, live longer, have a higher lipid and carotenoid level

(Amarouayache et al. 2009). The parasites also make the brine and fairy shrimps

more buoyant making them more prone to predation by birds and reduce the fertility

or castrate (Mura 1995, Georgiev et al. 2005, Sánchez et al. 2006).

Given the important effect of cestodes on the anostracans, the dispersion of the

parasites by the flamingos visiting different water bodies with brine and fairy shrimps,

needs to be considered in any attempt to study Phallocryptus in the Salt Lake.

Of particular interest is the nutrient influx to the Lake from the birds (Fig. 26C). For

any study aiming to determine the flow of energy in the food web of the Lake, the

contribution of the birds must be considered. Same care must be exercised with the

terrestrial and atmospheric inputs such as litter, insects with aquatic larvae, African

dust deposition, just to mention a few examples.

At this same study site, during the second fieldtrip (Tables 1, 2), two juveniles of the

toothcarp or killifish Aphanius fasciatus were observed inside small ponds of wheel-

tracks (Fig. 24D). A. fasciatus is of particular interest since it is an endemic species

of the Mediterranean (Leonardos 2008) and it is listed in Annex II (Strictly protected

fauna species) of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and

Natural Habitats (Bern Convention).

Fish in what is now the Salt Lake is not an uncommon sight. The water body of the

Lake had a substantial population of fish in late medieval times, during the Ottoman

domination of the Island. Accounts published in the 16th century by travellers visiting

the area, indicate that there was no salt production from the lake. But it was used as

a huge fishery for “dorade” (tsipoura) and water was brought into it from the sea by a


In relation to P. spinosa, it is traditionally considered the anostracan crustaceans as

an easy prey for insects’ aquatic larvae and fish in particular (McCulloch et al. 2008).

In consequence, the temporal presence of Aphanius during the periods of low salinity

and high precipitation (see below), can be considered (together with the predation by

flamingos) as a major disturbance or selective force for the Phallocryptus populations.

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Figure 26: General observations at the site #12, where flamingos tend to aggregate more often

(A), bottom modification by the feeding activities of the flamingos (B), input of nutrients (e.g.

feathers, droppings, carcasses) to the Salt Labe by the birds (C). At the same site, we confirmed

the presence of two juveniles of the toothcarp (killifish) Aphanius fasciatus in the ponds formed

by wheel tracks (D). The site (see Table 2 for coordinates) is near the drainage canal from the

Zakaki Marsh.

Our recent observation of Aphanius in the Lake is not the first one. There are three

previous sightings of this fish in the logbook of the monitoring program of the Lake by

the Fisheries Department. Interestingly, all sightings were made during longer-than-

average rainy periods (Fig.27). Water salinity was low during the rainier-than-normal

(indicated by positive anomalies) weeks/months, and the values were within the

tolerance range of the fish (Fig. 27).

Other sightings of the toothcarp in the ponds around the Lake during periods of

heavy rain (P. Charilaou, com. pers. 2011) suggests that in principle, Aphanius is

another important, although temporal, component of the fairy shrimp P. spinosa

predation pressure.

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Figure 27: Reported and firsthand sightings of the Mediterranean toothcarp (killifish) Aphanius fasciatus in

the Salt Lake in relation to rainfall monthly anomalies (Akrotiri Meteorological Station) and water salinity

(data from the Fisheries Department). Arrows denote the conditions before/during the observations of the

fish: algae bloom (green), rainy days (white), rainy days and firsthand report (orange). Rainfall monthly

anomalies were produced by subtracting the long-term average (1966-2011) of a given month from the total

rainfall for that month, and smoothed with an 11-point filter. Horizontal grey area denotes the salinity

range of A. fasciatus in the Mediterranean area (Triantafyllidis et al. 2007).

We could not capture the fish due to their evasive behavior: they swim extremely fast

into the bottom sediments avoiding capture/predation. A similar evasive behavior was

performed by an adult Aphanius in the Agios Georgios Pond, near the Salt Lake (S.

Michaelides, com. pers. 2012). In order to capture this specimen after the evasive

maneuver, it was necessary to dig a significant amount of the bottom sediments.

Aquatic larvae of dragonflies (Odonata) and diving beetles are another potential, but

important, predators of P. Spinosa. Carnivorous insects have been neglected on

previous reports of predators of the fairy shrimp in Akrotiri and in consequence, a

simplistic food chain is proposed for the Lake (see Revised Food Web-Phallocryptus’

perspective). During three field trips, many Odonata of at least two species (Anax

ephippiger and Sympetrum cf. fonscolombii), were observed coupling and laying

eggs in the ponds with abundant Phallocryptus. Exuviae were observed in February

confirming breeding in the ponds that eventually connected with the Lake at the peak

of the rain period. Diving beetles were also observed in the ponds containing

Phallocryptus. These kinds of beetles is known to prey avidly on small individuals of

fairy shrimps and are also considered to be an agent of dispersal, though limited, for

the anostracans (Beladjal & Mertens 2009).

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Even though the low biodiversity and the apparently simple food web of the Salt Lake,

the feedback between the aquatic and terrestrial components of the ecosystem is

significant. For example, we observed many diving or water beetles in the ponds

associated to the main Lake. Diving beetles are voracious insects known to prey on

fairy shrimps but also, assist in the anostracans’ dispersion by ingesting eggs which

eventually would be defecated in the same or different water body as the insect

emigrates (Beladjal & Mertens 2009). If the eggs are not damaged by the mandibles

of the insect during mastication nor digested, hatching of viable eggs occurs after

being for several days in the digestive tract of the water beetles.

There are other examples in which the presence of the predator not necessarily

means the automatic depletion or disappearance of the prey, fairy shrimps in the

present case. The ingestion of ovigerous females and cysts by vertebrate predators,

such as amphibians (Bohonak & Whiteman 1999), fish (Beladjal et al. 2007) and

waterfowl (Green et al. 2005), facilitates the dispersal of anostracans, provided the

eggs and cysts are not damaged. The relevance of such facilitated dispersal for the

life history of the fairy shrimps (e.g. net gain by being predated) varies among

species and successional environment of the pond/water body (e.g. changes in

salinity) (Bohonak & Jenkins 2003, Herbst 2006).

Insects with aquatic larvae link adjacent water bodies and ecosystems in general by

transporting nutrients, energy and material as they migrate. An extreme example is

the mass emergence of aquatic insects such as midgets as the move into the

terrestrial habitats, making thus, an extraordinary pulse of energy flowing into

different food pathways (Dreyer et al. 2012).

4.4.6 Aphanius fasciatus

The introduction (assisted or natural) of Aphanius to the Salt Lake during the months

when the low salinity is triggering the hatching of the first generation of Phallocryptus,

will eventually cause an unknown but most probably, significant impact on the Salt

Lake’s food web. It could be a text book case of disruption and alteration of

ecological webs. There is a precedent on the failure in 1991 of the hatching of

another anostracan, the brine shrimp Artemia salina, and its consequences for the

Larnaka Salt Lake’s ecosystem (Hadjichristophourou 2005). A more recent hatchling

failure occurred during the 2008 severe drought (I. Tziortzis, com. Pers. 2011).

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Aphanius is an avid predator of aquatic larvae of insects, being thus an effective

biocontrol of mosquitoes and other undesirable pests. It would be interesting to

investigate in the archives of the mosquito control program of the Akrotiri Military

Base to find out if aside from the use of Eucalyptus trees, Aphanius was intentionally

introduced to control larvae in the marshes around the Salt Lake.

4.4.7 Revised Food Web - Phallocryptus’ perspective

The Salt Lake has been considered devoid of fish and carnivorous insect larvae by

previous authors (Ortal 1992, Kerrison 2002). In consequence, a simple linear food

web has been proposed (Fig. 28). In that model, the biofilm, which is sustained by the

faecal and carcasses material from Phallocryptus, make nutrients available

stimulating thus the primary production and phytoplankton growth. The latter will

sustain the primary consumers (fairy shrimps) which in turn are consumed by the top

predators, the flamingos. It is suggested that bottom-up influences dominate the food

web: the abundance of Phallocryptus would control the flamingos’.

Figure 28: Original food web proposed for the Akrotiri Salt Lake. Flamingos are the top consumers feeding

exclusively on Phallocryptus.

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The proposed linear food web model would be correct only if the system is built on

those few components and such clear cut energetical pathways. However, our field

observations suggest that the food web pathways in the Salt Lake are more complex

than expected. The interactions are diverse and may vary in complexity during the

seasonal cycle of inundation and evaporation. Based on the new data, a revised

model of the food web pertaining Phallocryptus is proposed here (Fig. 29).

Figure 29: Revised food web proposed for the Akrotiri Salt Lake. White arrows indicate possible

interactions if the waterfowl consumes fry, eggs or small juveniles and adult aquatic insects and fish.

Several observations can be drawn from this model with a higher complexity. Firstly,

the presence of numerous potential predators (dragonfly nymphs, diving beetles and

the toothcarp Aphanius) in the Lake and associated ponds where Phallocryptus

thrives, suggests that these predators don’t necessarily drive to local extinction the

populations of Phallocryptus as it is often suggested in the literature.

Secondly, the position of the flamingos as the top consumers is redefined. Since

flamingos, and other waterfowl, are also known to feed on mud, which is the biofilm

(by gulping) and diatoms (by filtering), the flamingos should be positioned as

secondary consumers together with Phallocryptus. As said before, flamingos are not

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the only bird species consuming Phallocryptus and biofilm; several other birds are

known or suspected to share the same type of diet (e.g. Kuwae et al. 2012, see also

Birds in this report).

Thirdly, the waterfowl also shares the third trophic level in the model with the other

predators of Phallocryptus, but it can be also placed in the top level, fourth, if the

flamingos’ occasional ingestion of the small fry and eggs of Aphanius, and eggs and

recently hatched larvae of dragonflies is considered. For other bird species, the

ingestion of juveniles and adult individuals of fish and insects could be more often if

not the norm.

Additionally, the trophic dynamics in the Lake must be also strongly affected by the

annual and interannual variations in the onset of the flooding (changes in salinity and

nutrients) and the consequent algal blooming, hatching of Phallocryptus, and arrival

of predators. Such complex variations have been observed elsewhere (e.g. Herbst

2006) with seasonal changes of salinity producing strong influences in the

dominating trophic levels and dynamics.

4.4.8 Aquatic biotic components

The aquatic ecosystems incorporated in Akrotiri wetlands have not been extensively

studied in the past. Especially biotic components such as submerged macrophyte

flora and benthic macro-invertebrate fauna have been neglected, despite the fact that

wetland ecosystems are scarce in Cyprus and subsequently the species found in

these wetlands should be considered as rare for Cyprus flora and fauna. Only limited

records can be found related to benthic invertebrate fauna of Akrotiri wetlands (Ortal

1992, Kerrison 2002) and despite the huge amount of work done for terrestrial and

halophilous flora, the study of submerged aquatic macrophytes has been very

restricted (Meikle 1985, Christia et al. 2011). A short review of the existing data is

attempted, to highlight the most significant finding so far in the area.

4.4.9 Aquatic Macrophytes

The existing data on submerged aquatic macrophytes are limited to a few project

reports and only two publications. Aquatic Macrophytes from Akrotiri peninsula had

been first studied by Meikle. He only refers to the euryhaline angiosperm Ruppia

maritima, which he recorded near the salt lake (Flora of Cyprus Vol.2, 1985). On the

other hand, Ortal (1992) recorded only the less tolerant horned pondweed

(Zannichellia palustris) in the salt lake. Moreover, in the list of natural habitats of

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European interest at the peninsula, habitat code 3140 (Hard oligo-mesotrophic

waters with benthic vegetation of Chara formations) is present, suggesting the

existence of Charophyte species in the area.

A detailed study dated to the years 2007 and 2008, was published recently (Christia

et al. 2011). According to this study extensive submerged macrophyte beds cover a

major part of the wetland, especially areas with oligohaline or mesosaline waters,

providing food and shelter to invertebrates and birds. The authors described among

others, many macrophyte species from the Akrotiri salt lake and the adjacent

Phasouri marsh and Zakaki lake. In total 13 aquatic macrophyte species were

recorded, most of them described for the first time in Cyprus or in Akrotiri peninsula

(Table 6). Only Najas marina ssp. armata is listed in the Red Data Book of Cyprus,

since it is one of the few aquatic species that were previously recorded in Cyprus

wetlands. Another species, Althenia filiformis which shows fragmented distribution

throughout the Mediterranean, North Africa and Eurasia is considered endangered

due to the fragile ecosystems that it is met.

Table 7: Submerged aquatic macrophyte species recorded in the Akrotiri peninsula (VU:

Vulnerable, EN: Endangered, UN: Unknown)

Species name Status First described in Akrotiri wetland

Chaetomorpha sp. UN Christia et al. 2011

Cladophora sp. UN Christia et al. 2011

Chara aspera UN Christia et al. 2011

Chara canescens UN Christia et al. 2011

Chara vulgaris UN Christia et al. 2011

Lamprothamnium papulosum UN Christia et al. 2011

Spirogyra sp. UN Christia et al. 2011

Najas marina subs. armata VU Christia et al. 2011

Potamogeton pectinatus UN Christia et al. 2011

Potamogeton pussilus UN Christia et al. 2011

Ruppia maritima UN Meikle 1985

Althenia filiformis EN Christia et al. 2011

Zannichellia palustris L. ssp. UN Ortal 1992

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Species name Status First described in Akrotiri wetland


4.4.10 Benthic Macroinvertebrates

Benthic macroinvertebrate communities have also been neglected by studies

conducted in the wetlands, in favour of terrestrial invertebrates. In a study of possible

impacts on Akrotiri salt lake and wetland ecosystems from damming on the Kouris

river (Ortal 1992), biological samples were collected from the lake and the

surrounding wetlands twice a month, with 0.5-mm and 0.2-mm mesh nets between

November and April. According to those results, the wetland supports a restricted

fauna, associated mainly with the water phase and comprising small crustaceans

such as Ostracoda, Copepoda and Cladocera as well as the fairy shrimp

Phallocryptus spinosa). This is a halophilic species typical of brackish continental

waters and is an important component of the diet of migrating flamingo that visit the

lake. Springtails (Collembola) which colonize the margins and emergent vegetation,

were also recorded as were various fly larvae (Diptera). In the freshwater Phasouri

marsh, faunal composition was found to be more diverse, with Ostracoda, Copepoda,

Cladocera, Oligocheta Nematoda, Diptera, Coleoptera and Acarea (water mites)

being found in several sampling surveys.

In the same context, a macroinvertebrate study taking place strictly in the salt lake

(Kerrison 2002), concluded that bivalve molluscs, gastropods, oligochaete worms

and fly larvae often visible to the naked eye in the sediments of permanent lakes and

saline water bodies, are largely absent from the Akrotiri salt lake. The most important

species in the complex is considered to be the fairy shrimp (P. spinosa) which is the

key component of the food wed in the Akrotiri salt lake. It is the main food source for

the greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) and other migratory birds that visit the

wetlands (Ortal 1992, Kerrison 2002, Hatzichristoforou 2004).

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4.5 Flora

4.5.1 Reference Conditions and Bioindicators

Reference conditions or high ecological status is a state of a water body or other

natural element where no or only minor changes can be found due to anthropogenic

disturbance. The determination of the reference conditions of biological quality

element, such as the vegetation, requires the determination of certain biological

values of the element in undisturbed status. These biological values, otherwise

bioindicators, are selected so as to have a dose-response relationship with one or

more disturbance factors. This dose-response relationship should be also determined

based on the values of the bioindicator in various degrees of disturbance. The

classification of the ecological status can then be based on an ecological quality ratio

(EQR) of the observed biological value to the reference biological value. A relative

ordinance scale of bad to poor, moderate, good and high can be constructed based

on the deviation of the values of the bioindicator from the reference conditions in

each case. This said, vegetation is better assessed by a combination of indicators,

depending a lot on the community type, and this is the practice followed below.

4.5.2 Vegetation - Habitats


The determination of the reference conditions for the sclerophyllous shrub vegetation,

phrygana (habitat type 5420), juniper matorral (habitat type 5210), and maquis (9320)

as well as for the Mediterranean tall humid grasslands (habitat type 6420) was based

on the published literature and expert knowledge of the attributes of these habitats in

Cyprus (consise review in Delipetrou & Christodoulou 2010) and the proposed

bioindicators are mainly qualitative.

The determination of the reference conditions of the halophytic (habitat types 1310,

1410, 1420, 1430, 92D0 and reed beds and sedges) and the sand dune habitats

(habitat types 2110, 2190, 2250, 2260) was based on a preliminary review analysis

of the datasets (vegetation quadrats or réleves) authored and compiled by

Christodoulou (2003) and Hadjichambis (2005) by field work in the area of Akrotiri

peninsula. It must be stressed that any reference on this data and of their analysis in

the present project should also cite the above mentioned published works. It must

also be noted that since the above samplings were not designed in order to establish

Consulting CYPRUS


the reference conditions and ecological quality ratio, the analysis was exploratory

and the applicability and validity of each index remains to be proved by monitoring.

The vegetation classification of the quadrats by the above authors is presented in

Appendix II. The quadrats were also classified at a scale of disturbance of 0 (no

disturbances) to 6, based on the data provided. The following bioindicators of

vegetation quality were used:

Species-indicators of disturbance and other environental variables. The datasets

were combined and analysed for possible relationships of environmental variables to

particular species by Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Redudancy Analysis

(RDA), and Canonical Correspondece Analysis (CCA) by the software packages

Canoco 4.5© ter Braak & Smilauer, 1997-2002 Biometris, Wageningen) and

CanoDraw 4.0© (ter Braak & Smilauer, 1999-2002 Biometris, Wageningen). Only

models deemed significant at the 0.05 % level by the Monte Carlo permutation test

(unrestricted permuations) were further analysed. The determination of the

explanatory environmental variables was made by automatic forward selection and

again only variables important at the 0.05 % level were taken into account. The

response of the species to these variables was analysed was explored by the

General Linear Model (GLM, see example in Figure 27) and the Generalized Additive

Model (GAM, see example in Figure 28). The species for which the response to an

environmental variable was significant at the 0.05% level were selected as

candidates for bioindicators for this variable. The environmental variables in both

datasets explained significantly but not fully the species data. The environmental

variables which explained significantly the species data were fire and disturbance

(recorded as presence or absence of recent events) in the acacia invasion study

dataset (Christodoulou 2003), and waste, disturbance by vehicles, and grazing in the

halophytic and sand dune vegetation dataset recorder at a scale of 1 to 6

(Hadjichambis 2005). The edaphologic parameters of organic matter, sand proportion,

moisture, electric conductivity (EC), PO3-, Cl-, which were provided only for the sand

dune data (Hadjichambis 2005), were also significant. For further analysis (see below)

each candidate bioindicator species was assigned a positive (1) or negative (-1)

value depending on whether its abundance was positevely or negatively correlated to

the increasing values of the variable (Appendix III).

Biodiversity indices. Species diversity consists of two different aspects of species

relative abundance: the actual number of species included in any particular sample,

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and the evenness of the distribution of individuals between the species encountered.

The following metrics differ in the extent at which they are influenced by the above

aspects. Diversity at species level was determined by the Shannon-Wiener index H'

(H' = −Σ Pi ln Pi, where Pi is the relative abundance of each species the quadrate)

and the related equatability or evenness index Rs = H’/lnN (where N=total species

number in the quadrat), a parameter of species competition (Krebbs 1999, Mai-He &

Kräuchi 2004). In addition, Hill’s indices (calculated by CanoDraw) were used. These

are N0 (species richness, i.e. number of species), N

1 (exponential of Shannon-Weiner

Index) and N2

(reciprocal of Simpson’s Index, D = 1− Σ Pi2). N1

is more sensitive to

the number of species recorded in the sample, where as N2 is more sensitive to the

evenness of the distribution of individuals between species.

Floristic composition indices. For each species recorded in the quadrats the following

attributes were recorded (Appendix II): chorology (Cyprus endemics, native and

introduced species), conservation and protection status, Ellenberg indicator values

for Light (L), moisture (F), nutrients (N), and salt (S) (based largely on the indicators

for plants of the Aegean Böhling et al., 2002). Species were also assigned to

vegetation classes if they were characteristic of the class (and of the habitat types

defined by these classes) mainly according to Mayer (1995), Mucina (1997), and

Rivas-Martínez et al. (2002) and also based on expert opinion. Based on this they

were grouped as ammophilous, halophilous, wetland, dry grassland, shrub and

woodland species, synanthropic vegetation species, and uknworn. The following

indices were calculated per quadrat and per habitat: number and relative abundance

of important (endemic and/or threatened and/or protected) and of introduced invasive

species, number and relative abundance of the characteristic species of each broad

vegetation group, number of positive or negative disturbance indicators, number of

indicators of ecological parameters in sand dunes, and average Ellenberg indicator


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-0.4 1.4Fire

















Figure 30: GLM model of species response graph for the environmental variable Fire. Acacia saligna trees (Acasalt) and seedlings (Acasall) have a positive response and the other species have a negative response

-1 7rovOrg












Figure 31: GAM model of species response graph for the environmental variable Organic Matter. Juniperus phoenicea has a strong positive almost linear response, Zygophyllum album and Cakile maritima have negative response. Plantago maritima and Arthrocnemum macrostachyum present a unimodal response

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The proposed bioindicators and their known values for communities at various impact

categories are presented in Table 8.

Table 8: General Principles for the Reference Conditions of habitats

Index Reference condition

Habitat area No change or positive change of total habitat area No change or positive change of the ratio area/perimeter of the habitat polygons

Number and relative cover of characteristic species At least 1 species, dominant or co-dominant

Number and relative cover of alien and especially of invasive species

0 and 0%

Number and relative cover of synanthropic vegetation species

0 – 1 and 0 – 4 %

Number and relative cover of disturbance indicator species

0 – 1 and 0 – 1 %

4.5.3 Halophytic Vegetation

1. Habitat type 1310: Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand. There

are two types of vegetation in this habitat. The first is vegetation of coastal salt

marshes dominated by annual succulents of the class Thero-Salicornietea and

occurs at the lowest levels of salt-marshes which dry up late bordering the

transition to aquatic vegetation. The second type is characterised by pioneer

usually dwarf annuals of the class Saginetea maritimae at loamy and sandy soils

which may be only innundated for only small periods.

Characteristic species: Thero-Salicornietea: Halopeplis amplexicaulis (tolerant

to trumbling by vehicles), Salicornia europaea, Suaeda maritima. Saginetea

maritimae: Polypogon maritimus, Hordeum marinum, Cressa cretica (a positive

waste indicator) etc. (see Appendix III).

Reference Conditions: This is a community with naturally low number of

species, especially the Thero-Salicornietea type, which often include only one

species. So the diversity index values should not be included in the reference

conditions. Moreover, the community type of Saginetea maritimae naturaly

establishes at disturbed site, so some of the characteristic species may be

Consulting CYPRUS


disturbance indicators. The important parameter is the comparative abundance

of halophytic vegetation species and the high average of the salt indicator value.

2. Habitat type 1410: Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi). Perennial

herb communities usually including tall rushes or grasses. The develop in

periodically, often deep, wet brackish or saline sites.

Characteristic species: Juncetea maritimi: Centaurium tenuiflorum, Elytrigia

elongata subsp. haifensis, Imperata cylindrica, Limbarda crithmoides, Plantago

maritima subsp. crassifolia, Saccharum ravennae, Schoenus nigricans,

Triglochin bulbosa, the threatened species Linum maritimum and Juncus

maritimus, etc. (see Appendix III).

Reference Conditions: Biodiversity indices should remain high, but the quality

of floritstic composition is of higher importance. The participation of synanthropic

vegetation species in the “undisturbed” communities hint that the condition of the

habitat in the area of Akrotiri may not be satisfactory as a whole. The protected

Orchis fragrans may occur at less saline stations of this habitat.

3. Habitat type 1420: Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic halophilous scrubs

(Sarcocrnietea fruticosi). Perennial communities of the class Salicornietea

fruticosae mainly consisting of shrubs and subshrubs occurring at the drier parts

of the salt marshes.

Characteristic species: Salicornietea fruticosae: Arthrocnemum

macrostachyum, Salicornia fruticosa, Salicornia perennis, Atriplex portulacoides,

Halocnemum strobilaceum, Inula crithmoides, Spergularia marina, Suaeda vera,

and Limonium meyeri.

Reference Conditions: Biodiversity indices should remain high, but the quality

of floritstic composition is of higher importance. The participation of synanthropic

vegetation species in the “undisturbed” communities hint that the condition of the

habitat in the area of Akrotiri may not be satisfactory as a whole. The threatened

species Juncus maritimus occasionally occurs in this habitat.This community is

the one most often invaded by Acacia saligna since it occurs at the margins of

the salt marshes. The acacia communities recorded in the area have replaced

halophytic scrub and reed beds.

4. Reed beds and sedges (habitat code CY02). Tall herb communities of brackish

and fresh water swamps of the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea.

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Characteristic species: Phragmito-Magnocaricetea: Phragmites australis,

Juncus subulatus, and the threatened Cladium mariscus and Scirpus lacustris

subsp. tabernaemontani.

Reference Conditions: Biodiversity indices should remain high, but the quality

of floritstic composition is of higher importance. The acacia communities

recorded in the area have replaced halophytic scrub and reed beds and Oxalis

pes-caprae often invades this habitat, too. On the other hand, the threatened

species Linum maritimum and Crypsis factorovskyi occasionally occur in this

habitat. The characteristic species Phragmites australis has a large ecological

niche regarding moisture and pH and high tolerance to pollutants and it is a

negative indicator of disturbance.

5. Habitat type 92D0: Southern riparian galleries and thickets (Nerio-Tamaricetea

and Securinegion tinctoriae). In the area of Akrotiri this habitat occurs either

sporadically along canals or at wet dunes, so it is not representative.

Characteristic species: Nerio-Tamaricetea: Tamarix tetragyna, Polygonum


Reference Conditions: There was a single quadrat in this habitat type in

Akrotiri, so only the general principles apply in this case.

6. Habitat type 3170 (Halonitrophilous shrubs has been recorded in the coastal

dune areas of Akrotiri, so it is included in the sand dune communities).

4.5.4 Fresh Water Wetlands

7. Habitat type 6420: Mediterranean tall humid grasslands of the Molinio-

Holoschoenion. The habitat includes communities of fresh or brackish water, in

meso- to eutrophic, basic soils reaching full bloom in summer. In Cyprus they

almost always occur at the riparian zone, but in the area of Akrotiri there is a

unique representative wet grassland at the Fasouri Marsh. These communities

have not been studied adequately.

Characteristic species: The characteristic species occurring at Fasouri marsh

are: Scirpoides holoschoenus, Schoenus nigricans, Pulicaria dysenterica subsp.

uliginosa, Teucrium scordium subsp. scordioides, Lotus corniculatus and the

rare species: Mentha aquatica (threatened) and Euphorbia pubescens. Another

three hygrophilous (emergent rhizophytes) species, Scirpus lacustris subsp.

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tabernaemontani (threatened), Orchis palustris, and Persicaria lapathifolia

(=Polygonum lapathifolium) belong to different vegetation classes but can be

considered as typical species of the habitat in Cyprus.

The very rare and threatened in Cyprus Baldellia ranunculoides has also been

found in the area of this habitat, but it most probably belongs to another

vegetation unit of dwarf amphibious plants of the class Isoeto-Littorelletea which

has never been recorded in Cyprus (possibly corresponding to Annex I habitat

type 3130).

In Fasouri marsh species indicating anthropogenic disturbance including grazing

and such as Ononis spinosa, Trifolium fargiferum subsp. bonannii, and Centaura

calcitrapa subsp. angusticeps. Also part of the area is dominated by Panicum

repens and Saccharum spp. indicating increased drought.

Reference Conditions: Due to the limited knowledge on the habitat, only the

general principles apply in this case. In general, the wetlands of Fasouri Marsh

need to be studied in more detail.

8. Habitat type 7210*: Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species of the

Caricion davallianae. Helophytic communities with Cladium mariscus beds in the

littoral zone of lakes or other wetlands in contact with reedbeds or other wetland

communities. This habitat has not been recorded in Cyprus up to now and

Cladium mariscus is a rare and threatened species. The habitat has been

mapped at the only known extant location of Cladium mariscus north of the salt

lake of Akrotiri within Phragmites beds (CY02). The locals used to make baskets

with the plant and its area used to be ferquently burned. A phytosociological

study of the community is needed in order to confirm the presence of the habitat

in Cyprus.

Characteristic species: Cladium maricscus.

Reference Conditions: The presence and abundance of the typical species

Cladium mariscus and the other the general principles.

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Figure 32: Vegetation of the habitat type 3170 with Juncus ambiguus and Isolepis cernua in

Akrotiri (14/05/2011).

4.5.5 Sand Dune Vegetation

The proposed bioindicators and their known values for communities at various impact

categories are presented in tables 9, 10 and 11.

9. Habitat type 1210: Annual vegetation of drift lines. Nitrophilous, low cover

communities on sand or shingle consisting the first zone of vegetation of the

class Cakiletea maritimae. In Cyprus this habitat type includes one more

vegetation type, which is the one occurring in Akrotiri, communities with the

threatened endemic species Taraxacum aphrogenes on single and pebble.

Characteristic species: Cakiletea maritimae: Cakile maritima, Salsola tragus

(=Salsola kali), Matthiola tricuspidata. Unknown class (possibly Crithmo-

Staticetea): Taraxacum aphrogenes.

Reference Conditions: There was a single quadrat in this habitat type in

Akrotiri, so only the general principles apply in this case.

10. Habitat type 1430: Halo-nitrophilous scrubs (Pegano-Salsoletea). This is a semi-

desert habitat, occurring very sporadically and not well known in Cyprus

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Characteristic species: Pegano harmalae-Salsoletea vermiculatae: Atriplex

halimus, Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum. In Cyprus the species Asparagus

stipularis, Lycium schweinfurthii and Zygophyllum album are characteristic of

this habitat.

Reference Conditions: This is little known and possibly fragmentaty habitat in


11. Habitat type 2110: Embryonic shifting dunes. Communities that form the first

dune vegetation zone including sand binders such as Elytrigia juncea and

Medicago marina. Some of the communities identified by Hadjichambis (2005)

cannot be easily assigned to this habitat type, the rather approach habitat type

2210 (grey dunes of the Crucianetallia maritimae, not recorded in Cyprus, yet) or

are close to habitat types 2190 and 1430 (see below). This is the main habitat

type of the sand sunes of Cyprus.

Characteristic species: Ammophiletea: Elytrigia juncea, Medicago marina,

Sporobolus virginicus, the near threatened Pancratium maritimum, the

threatened Achillea maritima (=Otanthus maritimus), etc. (see I II). In Cyprus

Zygophyllum album is also a characteristic species and a sand binder.

Reference Conditions: The most important parameter is the quality of the

floristic composition, which should include ammophilous species of the

Ammophiletea or of the class Thero-Brachypodietea (order Malcolmietalia) or at

most clayey stations halophilous wetland species. The threatened species

Juncus maritimus, Aegilops bicornis, and Lotus cytisoides also occur

occasionally in this habitat.

12. Habitat type 2230*: Malcolmietalia dune grasslands. Annual communities

characterised of usually small ammophilous plants occurying vegetation

openings of deep sands, especially among the habitats 2250, 2260.

Characteristic species: Thero-Brachypodietea (order Malcolmietalia): the

threatened Triplachne nitens and Coronilla repanda subsp. repanda, Medicago

littoralis, Avellinia michellii, Corynephorus articulatus.

Reference Conditions: This community has been recorded from the area of

Akrotiri, but there are no avaialable quadrats, so the general reference

conditions are applied.

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13. Habitat type 2240: Brachypodietalia dune grasslands. Annual communities

characterised by the typical dry grassland plants occurying at vegetation

openings of shallow sands, especially among the habitats 2250, 2260..

Characteristic species: Thero-Brachypodietea (order Brachypodietalia):

Trachynia distachya, Coronilla scorpioides, Trifolium spp., etc. (see Appendix


Reference Conditions: The biodiversity indices are important in this


14. Habitat type 2190: Humid dune slacks. Communities at humid depressions of

the dunal systems, usually including tall grasses, rushes and sedges.

Characteristic species: Juncetea maritimi (more saline stations): Schoenus

nigricans, Plantago maritima subsp. crassifolia, and the threatened Juncus

maritimus. Mollinio-Arrhenatheretea (less saline stations): Blackstonia perfoliata

and the protected Orchis fragrans. Also the threatened Lotus cytisoides and the

protected Serapias vomeracea.

Reference Conditions: The threatened species Aegilops bicornis occurs

occasionally in this habitat.

15. Habitat type 2250*: Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. A habitat of stabilised

back dunes with Juniperus phoenicea.

Characteristic species: The shrub Juniperus phoenicea and other tall shrubs of

the class Quercetea ilicis (Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaterni) (see 5210, 9320

below), especially Pistacia lentiscus, Asparagus stipularis, Prasium majus,

Ephedra phoeminea. Otherwise, the floristic composition is very similar to the

one of habitat 2260 below.

Reference Conditions: The biodiversity indices are particularly important. The

threatened species Aegilops bicornis, Lotus cytysoides, and Coronilla repanda

subsp. repanda occur occasionally in this habitat.

16. Habitat type 2260: Dune sclerophyllous scrubs. In Cyprus this habitat includes

low shrub (phrygana) of the class Cisto-Micromerietea or taller shrub (matorral,

maquis) of the order Pistacio-Rhamnetalia alaterni. It is a back dune habitat on

stabilised and occasianlly wetter dunes.

Consulting CYPRUS


Characteristic species: Cisto-Micromerietea: Coridothymus capitatus, the

endemic species Teucrium micropodioides, Asperula cypria, Odontites liknii

subsp. cypria and Anthemis tricolor, Helianthemum stipulatum (this is an

ammophilous species in Greece and Cyprus), Cistus spp., Thymelaea hirsuta,

Noaea mucronata, Phagnalon rupestre, Fumana thymifolia, Pistacio-

Rhamnetalia alaterni: Pistacia lentiscus, Asparagus stipularis, Rhamnus

oleoides ssp. graecus, Lycium schweinfurthii. The floristic composition is also

characterised by the frequent participation of ammophilous species such as

Achillea maritima.

Reference Conditions: The biodiversity indices are particularly important. The

threatened species Aegilops bicornis, Lotus cytysoides, and Coronilla repanda

subsp. repanda occur occasionally in this habitat.

17. Habitat type 2270*: Wooded dunes colonized by Pinus pinea and/or Pinus

pinaster. This habitat was recorded in the area of Akrotiri (Agroktima Agiou

Nikolaou, Fenced Area) based on the occurence of Pinus brutia and Pinus

halepensis stands on sand dunes. The code 2270 is used in Tables 3 and 4 and

in Appendix I to denote these communities. However, it is apparent that of these

none stands is natural . Although the habitat type 2270 includes non-natural but

established pine stands, we believe that Pinus brutia and Pinus halepensis

represent a threat for the native communities of the dunes. In both cases these

stands occur near Juiperus phoenicea communities on sand dunes. The stands

of Pinus halepensis (aleppo pine) which is an alien species in Cyprus planted in

the area of Akrotiri since 1900 certainly represent invasion of the pine in the

juniper dune vegetation (habitat 2250*). Pinus brutia is native in Cyprus but it is

a very aggressive species with post-fire regeneration mechanisms which is

known to invade juniper sand dunes elsewhere (Thanos et al. 2011) and it

seems that the stands in Akrotiri also represent an invasion to the habitat 2250*.

4.5.6 Thermo-Mediterranea Shrub Vegetation

18. Habitat type 5420: Aegean phrygana (Sarcopoterium spinosum). Low,

hemisphaerical shrubs, usually spiny and aromatic belonging to the East

Mediterrean class Cisto-Micromerietea.

Consulting CYPRUS


Characteristic species: Cisto-Micromerietea: Coridothymus capitatus, the

endemic species Teucrium micropodioides, Asperula cypria and Odontites liknii

subsp. cypria, Cistus spp., Thymelaea hirsuta, Noaea mucronata, Phagnalon

rupestre, Fumana thymifolia. Thero-Brachypodietea dry grasslands usually form

at large openings.

Reference Conditions: The representative shrub communities have a woody

vegetation cover of at least 40 %. Biodiversity indices are usually very high and

the number of endemic, threatened and protected species (especially orchids) is

also usually high. Invasions are rare if any and then restricted at the margins of

the communities, hence the presence of aliens in this habitat is a sign of serious

degradation. The communities are quite resistant to grazing and mild grazing

may even favour them, but over-grazing causes the degradation of the floristic

composition (increased number and abundance of synanthropic dry grassland


19. Habitat type 5210: Arborescent matorral with Juniperus spp. In Akrotiri this

habitat includes matorral with Juniperus phoenicea. Cisto-Micromerietea.

Characteristic species: Tall shrub layer of Quercetea ilicis (Pistacio-

Rhamnetalia alaterni): Juniperus phoenicea, Pistacia lentiscus, Rhamnus

oleoides subsp. graecus, Prasium majus, Rubia tenuifolia, Olea europaea subsp.

oleaster, Ephedra foeminea. Cisto-Micromerietea phrygana and Thero-

Brachypodietea dry grassland understorey of the same series of species as in

habitat 5420.

Reference Conditions: The representative communities have a Juniperus

phoenicea cover higher than 10 % and a total tall shrub cover of at least 20 %

the the height of the heighest shrubs is at least 2 m. Nevertheless, in Cyprus the

habitat also includes “wind-shaped” communities of a height of less than 1 m

growing at exposed locations.

Biodiversity indices are usually very high (this is maybe the habitat with the

higher number of species per m2) and the number of endemic, threatened and

protected species (especially orchids) is also usually high. Invasions are rare if

any and then restricted at the margins of the communities, hence the presence

of aliens in this habitat is a sign of serious degradation. The communities are

less resistant to grazing, although Juniperus phoenicea is not grazed. Over-

Consulting CYPRUS


grazing causes the degradation of the floristic composition (increased number

and abundance of synanthropic dry grassland species). Juniperus phoenicea is

not resistant to fire so this is a serious threat.

20. Habitat type 6220*: Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals (Thero-

Brachypodietea). The habitat includes dry grasslands with annuals and grasses

which develop on oligotrophic, alkaline soils. They are considered as a precursor

to the Mediterranean shrub vegetation and usually occur in large shrub openings

or coulonize burned areas. In the area of Akrotiri they occur only in juniper shrub

openings (habitat 5210).

Characteristic species: Thero-Brachypodietea: Species occurring in Akrotiri

are Trachynia distachya, Stipa capensis, Avena barbata, Bellevalia spp.,

Biscutella didyma, Briza maxima, Catapodium rigidum, Psilurus incurvus,

Hedysarum spinosissimum, Hedypnois rhagadioloides, Hyacynthella millingenii,

Hypochaeris achyrophorus, Avellinia michelii, Lagurus ovatus, Onobrychis

crista-galli, Poa bulbosa, Plantago afra, Plantago cretica, Silene spp., Trifolium

campestre, T. scabrum., Valantia hispida, Linum strictum, Rostraria cristata,

Biscutella diduma, Helianthemum salicifolium, Asterolinon linum

stellatum.Lygeo-Stipetea tenasissimae: Hyparrhenia hirta, Dactylis glomerata.

Reference Conditions: The representative communities have a plant cover of

at least 30 %. Biodiversity indices are quite high and represent an important

criterion for the habitat, especially the evenness indices. Floristic composition

indices are also important, a large participation of synanthropic species usually

indicates grazing or increased nutrient content due to other reasons (e.g. waste


21. Habitat type 9540: Mediterranean pine forests with endemic Mesogean pines. In

Akrotiri this habitat includes Pinus brutia forest. It does not include Pinus

halepensis forests which originated from plantations.

Characteristic species: Tall shrub layer of Quercetea ilicis (Pistacio-

Rhamnetalia alaterni): Juniperus phoenicea, Pistacia lentiscus, Rhamnus

oleoides subsp. graecus, Prasium majus, Rubia tenuifolia, Olea europaea subsp.

oleaster, Ephedra foeminea. Cisto-Micromerietea phrygana understorey of the

same series of species as in habitat 5420 but especially Cistus spp.

Consulting CYPRUS


Reference Conditions: The representative pine forests have a Pinus brutia

cover of 50 – 100 %, a shrub undestorey cover of at least 20 % and a herb

understorey cover of 5 – 25 %. Biodiversity indices may not be high, even at

representative forests. The dominance of a single herb species in the herb

understorey, especially of synanthropic grasses, indicates possible habitat


Biological quality index values for the various habitats are presented on Tables


Consulting CYPRUS

Table 9: Biological quality index values for the Halophytic habitats of the area of Akrotiri. The working reference conditions are illustrated by the values of the indices in the undisturbed

communities (Impact=0).

H' Rs N1 N2 Important species

Introduced Invasive species

Indicators of Disturbance (No) Halophytic Wetland Synanthropic Ellenberg Indicator Values

(average) Habitat

Type impa


N0 (N


r of



sp p

er m


min max min max min max min max No Cover No Cover Positive Negative

No Cover No Cove

r No Cover


t (L)



e (F

) R










1310 0 5.5 0.2 1.5 1.7 0.9 1.0 4.5 5.6 4.2 5.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 5.5 100.0 0.0 0.0 8.4 8.5 8.8 6.9 7.0 1310 1 2.0 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.8 1.0 2.3 1.0 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 8.5 9.0 7.0 8.0 1410 0 6.6 0.3 0.5 2.9 0.7 1.0 1.6 17.8 1.4 16.7 0.0 0.0 2.1 1.6 3.8 79.5 0.5 23.5 0.3 4.3 8.2 6.6 8.5 5.7 5.0 1410 1 10.8 0.4 0.7 2.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 16.2 1.9 14.9 0.4 3.2 0.0 4.2 3.8 6.8 73.9 1.1 17.8 0.2 8.2 7.9 6.1 8.4 5.9 4.6 1410 2 8.0 0.3 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 7.3 7.3 6.6 6.6 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 2.0 64.5 1.0 4.8 0.0 8.3 3.8 8.3 5.2 1.7 1420 0 4.9 0.2 0.0 2.4 0.0 1.0 1.0 10.8 1.0 10.6 0.2 4.8 0.0 1.6 2.4 3.9 84.6 0.2 41.9 0.1 2.4 8.4 6.9 8.6 6.5 6.0 1420 1 9.2 0.2 0.0 2.6 0.0 1.0 1.0 13.4 1.0 12.1 0.7 1.8 0.0 3.6 5.1 7.0 84.5 0.8 15.9 0.7 5.7 7.9 7.1 8.5 6.3 5.2 1420 2 7.8 0.2 0.3 2.4 0.5 0.9 1.4 10.6 1.2 9.2 0.4 1.1 0.2 1.1 2.8 3.8 5.6 92.8 1.0 6.0 0.6 2.7 8.0 7.3 8.5 6.2 5.8 1420 3 14.0 0.3 2.4 2.4 0.9 0.9 11.1 11.1 9.3 9.3 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.2 7.0 9.0 12.0 96.4 0.0 2.0 3.6 7.7 6.7 8.4 6.0 5.3 1420 5 7.9 0.2 1.6 2.3 0.9 0.9 4.8 9.6 4.0 8.0 0.0 1.0 48.9 4.4 3.8 5.5 49.3 0.4 1.2 1.8 50.0 7.6 6.7 8.4 6.1 4.0 92D0/ 2260

1 7.5 0.3 1.9 2.0 0.9 1.0 6.5 7.1 6.1 6.5 0.0 0.0 2.5 3.5 4.5 49.5 2.0 48.6 0.5 2.3 8.3 6.9 8.4 6.6 4.8

acacia invasion (1420)

5 3.0 0.0 1.0 1.6 0.8 0.9 2.6 4.8 2.3 3.9 0.0 1.0 93.1 2.1 0.3 1.4 5.8 0.1 1.1 1.4 94.0 7.1 6.5 8.1 5.8 2.9

CY02 0 10.6 0.2 1.9 2.4 0.8 0.9 6.7 11.3 5.1 9.4 0.6 1.3 0.3 1.6 2.3 5.3 6.1 29.7 2.9 66.9 1.1 4.3 7.5 6.8 8.2 5.8 4.5 CY02 1 11.0 0.2 2.1 2.2 0.9 0.9 8.4 9.1 7.5 7.6 0.0 0.5 0.7 2.0 7.0 7.0 68.0 2.5 30.9 1.5 2.2 7.6 6.9 8.3 6.1 4.8 CY02 2 10.0 0.2 2.1 2.1 0.9 0.9 8.5 8.5 7.8 7.8 0.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 7.0 7.0 88.5 2.0 10.4 1.0 1.0 7.8 6.7 8.3 6.0 5.6 CY02 5 4.3 0.1 1.4 1.7 0.8 0.9 3.9 5.6 3.3 4.5 0.0 1.0 86.8 3.8 1.8 1.8 3.9 1.0 8.6 1.5 87.5 7.2 7.8 8.2 5.9 3.8

Consulting CYPRUS

Table 10: Biological quality index values for the Sand Dune habitats of the area of Akrotiri. The working reference conditions are illustrated by the values of the indices in the undisturbed

communities (Impact=0). Part I.

H' Rs N1 N2 Important species

Introduced Invasive species

Indicators of Disturbance


Ammophilous Shrub Halophytic Wetland S

ynanthropic Habitat Type im


N0 (N


r of


sp p

er m


min max min max min max min max No Cover

No Cover Positive


No Cover No Cover No Cover No Cover No Cover

1420/2190 0 8.5 0.2 1.8 2.2 0.9 1.0 5.9 9.1 5.3 8.1 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.5 1.0 6.1 1.5 8.2 5.0 90.9 0.0 1.0 2.0 1420/2190 1-2 13.7 0.2 2.0 3.0 0.9 1.0 7.6 19.2 6.6 16.9 0.3 1.9 0.0 3.7 3.7 1.7 3.3 0.3 1.9 8.3 84.1 0.7 2.5 1.3 11.0 1420/2190 3-4 14.0 0.1 2.4 2.4 0.9 0.9 11.5 11.5 9.9 9.9 1.0 2.1 0.0 5.0 4.0 1.0 2.1 1.0 1.1 8.0 84.2 0.0 3.0 11.6 1430 1-2 9.5 0.1 1.8 2.4 0.9 1.0 6.0 11.1 5.4 10.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 1.5 4.5 27.4 1.5 7.8 3.0 62.5 0.0 0.5 4.5 1430 3-4 9.0 0.1 1.6 2.4 0.9 1.0 4.8 11.0 4.6 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.3 5.0 36.6 1.3 32.4 2.5 30.5 0.0 0.0 1430 5-6 7.0 0.1 1.8 1.8 0.9 0.9 6.2 6.2 5.7 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 20.9 1.0 41.9 2.0 37.2 0.0 0.0 2110 0 5.4 0.2 0.0 2.4 0.0 1.0 1.0 10.7 1.0 9.7 0.3 14.6 0.0 0.7 0.2 3.1 63.7 0.5 13.0 0.9 46.7 0.0 0.1 29.7 2110 1-2 7.1 0.2 0.0 2.6 0.0 1.0 1.0 13.6 1.0 12.3 0.4 9.1 0.0 0.5 0.1 4.4 70.7 0.4 3.5 0.8 39.8 0.1 4.9 0.3 8.9 2110 3-4 5.3 0.1 1.4 1.7 0.9 1.0 4.0 5.5 3.4 5.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 40.6 0.0 1.0 57.2 0.0 0.0 2110 5-6 7.7 0.1 1.7 2.2 0.9 0.9 5.3 8.7 4.9 7.5 0.3 5.4 0.0 0.3 1.0 4.7 49.1 0.0 2.3 47.3 0.3 5.4 0.0 2110/1430 0 7.0 0.4 1.9 1.9 1.0 1.0 6.4 6.4 6.1 6.1 0.0 0.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 58.6 1.0 3.4 1.0 10.3 2110/1430 1-2 10.0 0.1 2.2 2.2 1.0 1.0 9.3 9.3 8.7 8.7 1.0 6.4 1.0 6.4 0.0 2.0 3.0 17.0 0.0 4.0 66.0 1.0 6.4 1.0 6.4 2110/1430 3-4 11.0 0.3 2.3 2.3 0.9 1.0 9.7 10.0 8.5 9.2 0.5 4.2 0.0 0.5 2.5 1.5 20.8 0.0 6.5 77.4 0.5 4.2 1.5 11.3 2110/2210 0 6.6 0.3 1.0 2.2 0.8 1.0 2.8 9.0 2.7 8.2 0.2 4.1 0.0 0.5 0.0 3.4 69.1 1.1 7.2 0.4 18.9 0.0 0.2 3.6 2110/2210 1-2 13.9 0.4 1.7 3.1 0.9 1.0 5.7 21.3 4.8 18.9 0.7 6.6 0.0 2.6 1.2 5.4 46.1 2.1 13.1 2.6 30.0 0.0 0.6 5.4 2190 0 11.5 0.9 1.7 2.8 0.9 1.0 5.5 16.6 5.1 15.4 0.4 5.5 0.0 2.6 1.5 1.3 11.3 1.8 15.1 3.7 56.3 0.8 6.2 1.1 12.4 2190 1-2 12.0 0.5 1.7 2.8 0.9 1.0 5.3 16.4 4.7 15.2 0.0 0.0 4.5 4.5 1.0 7.5 0.5 4.5 6.5 78.4 1.5 5.2 0.5 6.0 2190/2240 0 14.9 0.8 2.3 2.9 0.9 1.0 9.9 18.8 8.2 17.2 0.8 3.1 0.0 2.6 1.7 1.5 8.5 3.2 40.3 3.5 37.3 0.4 3.9 2.4 9.7 2190/2240 1-2 17.8 0.7 2.6 2.9 0.9 1.0 14.1 18.5 12.5 17.2 0.6 2.3 0.0 4.2 2.0 2.4 10.0 3.2 29.1 3.6 31.4 0.8 2.1 3.2 17.5 2240 0 10.0 0.4 1.4 2.9 1.0 1.0 4.0 18.4 4.0 16.7 0.3 2.9 0.0 2.7 0.3 0.7 13.5 1.3 9.8 1.0 20.5 1.0 32.6 1.7 15.4 2240 1-2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2240/2230 1-2 17.8 0.8 2.7 3.0 1.0 1.0 15.2 19.6 13.8 18.3 1.3 6.6 0.0 3.5 0.5 2.0 18.1 4.5 24.7 2.8 14.3 0.0 1.0 11.3 2250 0 9.1 0.4 0.0 2.8 0.0 1.0 1.0 16.1 1.0 15.1 0.4 4.1 0.0 1.2 0.3 1.3 11.9 5.0 82.9 0.8 10.0 0.2 13.4 0.5 3.4 2250 1-2 19.1 0.7 2.3 3.2 1.0 1.0 9.9 25.1 9.0 22.9 1.3 7.4 0.0 1.6 0.0 2.4 11.4 10.0 75.8 0.5 1.6 0.1 3.3 1.8 4.1 2260 0 11.5 0.5 1.3 3.0 0.9 1.0 3.6 19.6 3.3 18.2 1.0 9.0 0.0 2.1 0.3 2.4 15.8 4.8 56.9 1.5 21.6 0.2 14.3 0.8 7.4 2260 1-2 14.7 0.5 2.2 2.8 0.9 1.0 9.3 17.1 7.7 15.9 0.8 12.6 0.0 2.3 0.8 4.5 17.9 4.0 45.1 2.0 12.2 0.5 2.9 0.8 7.3 2260 3-4 25.0 1.0 3.1 3.1 1.0 1.0 22.5 22.5 20.2 20.2 2.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 5.3 6.0 19.2 0.0 0.0 2.0 4.0

Consulting CYPRUS

H' Rs N1 N2 Important species

Introduced Invasive species

Indicators of Disturbance


Ammophilous Shrub Halophytic Wetland S

ynanthropic Habitat Type im


N0 (N


r of


sp p

er m

2 min max min max min max min max No Cove

r No Cover Positiv

e Negativ

e No Cover No Cover No Cover No Cover No Cover

2260/1430 0 20.8 0.8 2.8 3.0 1.0 1.0 16.4 20.5 14.9 18.8 0.5 2.2 0.0 5.5 2.0 2.5 9.1 5.0 45.6 4.8 16.3 1.0 4.8 4.3 16.7 2260/1430 1-2 19.0 0.8 2.7 3.0 1.0 1.0 15.1 20.2 14.3 18.4 1.0 4.8 0.0 5.0 1.0 2.5 13.6 5.5 38.0 3.0 21.0 1.0 3.3 4.0 16.0 2260/2190 0 17.0 0.7 2.7 2.7 1.0 1.0 15.3 15.3 13.8 13.8 1.0 1.9 0.0 3.0 0.0 2.0 4.8 4.0 25.0 1.0 36.5 1.0 1.9 4.0 14.4 2260acacia 5-6 12.3 0.1 2.3 2.4 0.9 1.0 10.3 11.5 8.8 10.3 0.7 6.8 1.0 53.1 3.3 0.0 5.0 11.6 4.0 26.3 0.3 1.3 0.0 2.0 56.1 2270 0 23.0 0.9 3.1 3.1 1.0 1.0 21.5 21.5 20.0 20.0 1.0 2.2 0.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 10.0 73.5 2.0 5.1 2.0 3.7 3.0 5.9 2270 1-2 14.0 0.1 2.6 2.6 1.0 1.0 13.1 13.1 12.3 12.3 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 4.0 16.8 9.0 80.9 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.3 2270 aleppo

1-2 20.7 0.8 2.2 3.4 1.0 1.0 9.4 29.4 8.7 26.5 1.7 4.1 1.0 27.6 0.3 0.0 3.7 13.7 10.3 75.5 0.0 0.0 1.7 4.2

Consulting CYPRUS

Table 11: Biological quality index values for the Sand Dune habitats of the area of Akrotiri. The working reference conditions are illustrated by the values of the indices in the undisturbed communities (Impact=0).

Part II.

Ellenberg Indicator Values (average) Indicators of Sand

Content (No)

Indicators of Drainage


Indicators of Moisture


Indicators of Organic


Indicators of EC(No)

Indicators of Cl- (No)

Indicators of PO3-

(No) Habitat Type



Light (L) Moisture (F)

Reaction (R)

Nutrient (N)

Salt (S)










Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative

1420/2190 0 8.1 4.4 8.4 6.0 4.2 0.5 0.0 0.5 5.0 4.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 4.0 0.0 4.5 0.5 0.5 3.0 1420/2190 1-2 7.9 5.9 8.3 6.0 4.0 0.7 1.3 1.0 7.7 6.3 0.7 0.0 0.7 6.0 0.3 6.3 0.7 1.0 5.3 1420/2190 3-4 7.8 4.4 8.2 5.5 3.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 7.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 7.0 0.0 8.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 1430 1-2 8.5 3.5 8.4 6.5 3.9 4.5 0.5 3.0 1.5 2.5 3.5 0.0 3.5 3.5 1.0 4.0 0.5 1.5 2.0 1430 3-4 8.6 3.4 8.5 6.9 4.3 4.3 0.3 3.5 1.3 2.3 3.8 0.0 3.8 3.0 1.3 3.8 0.8 1.3 1.8 1430 5-6 8.4 3.2 8.3 6.9 4.6 3.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2110 0 8.5 3.4 8.5 6.5 4.1 2.8 0.0 2.9 0.5 0.5 2.8 0.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.1 0.9 0.6 2110 1-2 8.4 3.1 8.5 6.5 3.9 3.1 0.0 2.9 0.8 0.3 3.1 0.0 3.0 1.5 2.3 1.5 1.5 0.6 1.1 2110 3-4 8.3 3.3 8.6 6.5 4.4 3.7 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.3 4.3 0.0 4.3 2.3 2.0 2.3 1.0 0.3 2.0 2110 5-6 8.2 3.9 8.5 6.3 4.5 3.7 0.3 4.0 1.0 2.0 3.7 0.0 4.0 2.7 2.0 3.0 1.3 0.7 2.3 2110/1430 0 8.0 4.5 8.6 5.8 4.4 1.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 5.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 2110/1430 1-2 8.6 4.8 8.3 6.7 5.1 3.0 0.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 0.0 4.0 3.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 2110/1430 3-4 7.9 5.4 8.4 6.3 4.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 3.5 3.5 1.5 0.0 2.0 3.5 1.0 3.5 0.5 0.0 4.0 2110/2210 0 8.3 3.5 8.3 6.1 2.9 2.4 0.1 2.6 0.4 0.3 2.3 0.1 1.5 0.7 2.7 0.7 1.6 0.8 0.7 2110/2210 1-2 8.2 3.8 8.3 5.9 2.6 3.5 0.7 2.7 3.9 1.8 3.0 0.1 2.6 2.3 3.2 2.2 2.0 1.1 2.6 2190 0 7.8 4.3 8.3 5.6 2.6 0.6 2.0 0.7 6.2 4.0 0.7 0.6 0.5 5.0 0.2 4.9 0.8 0.5 3.7 2190 1-2 8.0 5.9 8.4 6.1 3.9 0.0 2.0 0.0 7.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 4.5 2190/2240 0 7.9 3.6 8.2 5.5 2.4 0.4 2.4 0.5 8.2 3.5 0.4 0.8 0.5 4.8 0.2 5.2 1.1 0.5 5.3 2190/2240 1-2 7.8 3.7 8.2 5.5 2.2 0.4 2.4 0.6 9.2 4.6 0.4 0.8 0.4 6.2 0.2 6.6 1.4 0.6 5.6 2240 0 7.5 4.1 7.9 5.8 1.3 0.7 0.3 0.7 2.0 1.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.7 2240 1-2 7.0 5.0 8.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2240/2230 1-2 7.9 3.7 8.0 5.4 1.7 0.8 1.5 1.3 2.3 1.5 0.3 0.5 0.0 1.3 1.0 1.3 2.3 1.5 1.3 2250 0 7.7 3.0 8.1 5.5 1.7 0.5 1.4 1.9 1.4 1.1 0.7 2.5 0.3 0.5 2.1 0.7 2.6 0.7 0.5 2250 1-2 7.8 2.8 8.0 5.1 1.5 0.8 2.9 1.9 1.8 0.8 0.5 3.6 0.1 0.5 2.4 0.3 2.8 1.0 0.4 2260 0 7.9 3.4 8.2 5.4 1.7 0.8 0.8 1.3 2.3 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.4 1.0 1.4 0.8 2.0 1.0 0.8 2260 1-2 8.1 3.5 8.2 5.7 2.4 1.9 1.1 2.1 3.7 2.3 1.6 0.6 1.2 2.5 1.5 2.3 2.2 1.6 1.9 2260 3-4 7.6 3.0 8.1 5.9 1.4 0.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 2260/1430 0 7.9 3.4 8.1 5.6 2.2 1.0 1.5 1.0 8.0 4.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 5.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 3.5 2260/1430 1-2 7.8 3.3 8.0 5.4 1.7 0.5 2.0 0.5 6.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 3.5 0.5 3.5 2.0 1.0 2.0

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values (average) Indicators of Sand

Content (No)

Indicators of Drainage


Indicators of Moisture


Indicators of Organic


Indicators of EC(No)

Indicators of Cl- (No)

Indicators of PO3-

(No) Habitat Type



Light (L) Moisture (F)

Reaction (R)

Nutrient (N)

Salt (S)










Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative

2260/2190 0 7.7 3.2 8.2 5.1 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2260acacia 5-6 8.1 2.6 8.2 5.5 2.4 1.3 1.7 3.0 0.7 1.3 1.7 2.3 1.0 1.0 2.3 1.0 3.3 2.0 0.3 2270 0 7.6 3.6 8.0 5.2 1.4 0.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 2270 1-2 7.5 2.8 8.0 4.3 1.3 1.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 2270aleppo 1-2 7.7 3.1 8.0 5.0 1.6 0.7 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.7 0.7 0.3 2.7 0.3 2.7 1.0 1.0

Consulting CYPRUS


The flora of Akrotiri peninsula has not been studied in detail, however there is a

considerable amount of data in Meikle (1977, 1985), in the “Additions to the Flora of

Cyprus” (Hand 2000-2006) and in the study of the orchid flora by Kreutz (2004).

There has yet been no published comprehensive list of the flora.

The ecological quality elements usually used for the evaluation of the flora of an area


• biodiversity indices at the level of species (as those cited for the habitats) applied

at the level of the whole region (γ-diversity), or estimated as mean diversity of

habitat level (α-diversity) or as species turnover among habitats (β-diversity)

• biodiversity indices at higher taxonomic levels (genus, family)

• chorological spectra and numbers of endemic plants or native versus alien

(introduced) plants

• functional attribute spectra, using attributes such as the life cycle, growth form and

life form (the most commonly used), Grime’s CSR strategy, dispersal mode etc.

• numbers and conservation status of threatened plants

The application of most of the above indices requires the knowledge of the total flora.

While their interpretation and the study of their changes at large time spans provides

valuable insights on the ecology of an area, it is difficult to establish reference

conditions at regional level. Reference conditions at habitat level have accounted for

at the section of the habitats.

The numbers and conservation status of the rare and threatened plants provide a

useful tool for the evaluation of the ecological status of the flora regarding the impact

of anthropogenic disturbance. The conservation status of a species is considered

favourable when:

• The population dynamics of the species indicate that it will survive in its natural

habitat in the long term.

• The range is its natural distribution is not reduced and won’t be reduced in the

foreseable future.

• There is adequately large available habitat for the conervation of the population of

the species in the long term

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Based on the above, the general principles for the reference conditions of the

plants are:

Population size: stable or increasing, larger than the minimum

viable population (MVP)

Distribution range and number of locations and subpopulations:

stable or increasing

Habitat: stable or increasing, high or good ecological status

A general scheme for the assessment of MVP (regarding the total population of a

plant in a region) is presented in Table 11. However, a reliable determination of the

MVP and of the population trends requires long-term or intense short term monitoring

data (see Delipetrou & Andreou 2005). Thus, it is not possile to define definitive

reference conditions neither for the population size nor for the number of locations

without adequate monitoring data.

Table 12: Minimum viable population assessment scheme (Primack 1996)


50 → 2500

Life cycle: Perennial → Annual

Reproduction system Self-pollination → Cross-pollination

Growth form: Woody → Herb

Fertility: High → Low

Production of reproduction units:

Frequent → Rare or none

Survival: High → Low

Seed longevity: High → Low

Environmental fluctuation: Low → High

Vegetation succession: Climax → Pioneer or not staged

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For the area of Akrotiri, Tsintides et al. (2007) identified 26 threatened plants (IUCN

categories VU, EN, CR); 1 probaly regionally extinct plant (IUCN category RE?); 1

nearly threatened plant (IUCN category NT) and one rare but of inadequate data for

the characterisation of its conservation status plant (IUCN category DD). During a

recent (2011) SBA survey, one more threatened in Cyprus plant was found in

Akrotiri, Silene maritime var. kotschyi.

The available data for these plants for the Peninsula of Akrotiri regarding the general

reference conditions, i.e. population size, number of locations and habitat are

presented in Table 13. An approximation of the possible minimum viable population

(MVP) has been made by applying the standards of table 5 and the available data for

the plants. According to this, a total of nine threatened plants currently have a

regional population that is lower than the MVP in Akrotiri Peninsula: all the critically

endangered plants and another three species, namely Herniaria hemistemon, Phyla

nodiflora, and Serapias parviflora. It should however be stressed that this is not a

definite estimation, all the more since the current population sizes are in most cases

based on a single count.

The distribution range is illustrated in Figure 4 for 5 plants and their locations are

included in the attached shapefile Akrotiri_RDB plants.shp (source Forestry

Department of Cyprus, data for Tsintides et al. 2007). New data for the distribution of

some of these plants have been mapped by a recent (2011) SBA survey. Additional

location data can be found in the releve database compiled by Christodoulou (2003)

and Hadjichampis (2005) (under permission of the authors).

The presented MVP, number of locations and distribution range can be

considered as working reference conditions for the population of the 30 plants.

Regarding their habitats, the reference conditions coincide with the reference

conditions of the habitats (for the plants that occur in natural habitats).

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Table 13: List and current data for 30 rare and threatened plants in Akrotiri Peninsula (Data Tsintides et al. 2007).








y No location

s/ stands

Population Size MVP Vegetation class Vegetatio

n group

Habitats in which


Habitats in Akrotiri Peninsula

Achillea maritima subsp. maritima

VU 1 >250 Ammophiletea ammophilous 2110 2110, 2110/2210, 2260

Aegilops bicornis VU 2 <600 >500 Thero-Brachypodietea: Malcolmietalia?

ammophilous 2240/2230 2110/2210, 2190, 2250, 2240/2230

Baldellia ranunculoides

RE? >250 Isoeto-Littoreletea wetland Fasouri

Cistanche phelypaea CR 1 3 >250 Salicornietea fruticosae halophytic 1420 1420 Cladium mariscus VU 8 5000-10000 5000-

10000 Phragmito-Magnocaricetea

wetland CY02? CY02?

Convolvulus lineatus VU 8 2000 2000 Poetea bulbosae/Thero-Brachypodietea

dry grassland 5420?

Coronilla repanda subsp. repanda

VU 21 9000-12000 9000-12000

Thero-Brachypodietea: Malcolmietalia

ammophilous 2230 2230, 2240, 2260, 2270aleppo

Crypsis factorovskyi VU 17 5000 5000 Isoeto-Nanojuncetea? wetland 1310?, 3170

1310?, 3170?, CY02 in acacia invasion

Herniaria hemistemon VU 1 100-150 >500 dry grassland 5420 very open and dry Ipomoea imperati EN 2 <1000 >250 Ammophiletea ammophilous 2110 2110, 1210-Taraxacum Ipomoea sagittata CR 3 20 Galio-Urticetea:

Calystegion sepium wetland/synanhtropic

CY02 in acacia invasion, 6420?

Isolepis cernua EN 11 >500 >500 Isoeto-Nanojuncetea wetland 3170 3170 in Eucalyptus plantation Juncus littoralis VU 4 >2000 2000 Juncetea maritimi halophilous 1410 1410 Juncus maritimus VU 6 >500 500 Juncetea maritimi halophytic 1410 1410, 1420, 1430, 2190,

2110 Linum maritimum VU 12 >2000 2000 Juncetea maritimi halophytic 1410 1410, CY02 Lotus cytisoides EN 35 970 970 Crithmo-taticetea aerohaline 1240 2110, 1430, 2190,

2190/2240, 2250, 2260 Mentha aquatica VU 4 700 700 Phragmito-


wetland 6420 6420, CY02?

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y No location

s/ stands

Population Size MVP Vegetation class Vegetatio

n group

Habitats in which


Habitats in Akrotiri Peninsula

Ophrys kotschyi + VU 8 >500 500 5420, 5212 openings Orchis palustris* CR 2 10-20 >250 Molinio-Arrhenatheretea wetland 6420 6420 Pancratium maritimum

NT 4 >250 Ammophiletea ammophilous 2110 2110, 1430, 2260

Phyla nodiflora VU 2 <400 >500 Isoeto-Nanojuncetea wetland 3170 6420?, 14010?, 2190? Saccharum strictum DD 14 >250 wetland 6420? 6420, ?92D0 Scirpus lacustris subsp. tabernaemontani

EN 1 150-200 >250 Phragmito-Magnocaricetea

wetland CY02 CY02 (Fasouri), 6420?

Serapias aphroditae + VU 1 52 >250 dry grassland Wetland?, olive grove?, 5420?, thin 9540?

Serapias parviflora CR 1 25 >250 dry to humid grassland

Thin 9540

Taraxacum aphrogenes

+ VU 11 >250 Crithmo-Staticetea? aerohaline? 1210 1210 on single and pebble

Triplachne nitens VU 5 500-1000 1000 Thero-Brachypodietea: Cutandietalia maritimae

ammophilous 2230, 2240

2230, 2240, 2250, 2260

Urtica membranacea VU 4 2000-2300 2000 Galio-Urticetea synanthropic 6420 margins? (Fasouri) Vulpia brevis CR 1 150 Thero-Brachypodietea:


ammophilous 2230?, 2240?

2230?, 2240?, 2250?

*Data for the second location: Christodoulos Makris 2011, personall communication. The plant was rediscovered in May 2011, 1.5 km from the single previously known location (1-3 individuals).

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Figure 33: Distribution range of 5 threatend plants in Akrotiri Peninsula.

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5 Model Conceptualization and Definition of Monitoring objectives Below is a brief description of the project area conceptualization which has been

constructed for the purposes of defining the monitoring objectives. In particular the

conceptualisation sets the geographic boundaries, the ecological characteristics and

the physical parameters that should be monitored in order to provide relevant and

timely information to the management plan of the area.

5.1 Geographic scope

The project concerns the formulation of a monitoring plan for the Akrotiri Peninsula

wetland complex, which comprises of the Akrotiri salt lake, the Zakaki Marsh and the

Fasouri Marsh (Figure 7, Chapter 3.2) As described below, land use within the

Akrotiri Peninsula can affect the water balance of the wetlands but can also have a

direct impact on the ecological status of the area and should be considered in the

monitoring plan.

At the same time it is noted that water practices concerning abstraction and irrigation

within the Kourris river catchment and especially downstream of the Kourris dam can

also affect the water balance and water quality in the Akrotiri Peninsula as river flows

and the groundwater flows from the Akrotiri aquifer feed the wetlands. Water sources

also include sections of the Western urban area of Limassol, the storm water of

which drains to the Zakaki Marsh. Lastly, it is expected that urban sewerage flows

from Akrotiri village may end up into the salt lake. As these sources, however, cannot

be controlled through the Akrotiri Peninsula Management Plan they are treated in this

study as boundary conditions.

5.2 Hydrological network / water sources

As described in chapter 4, the hydrological network is comprised by three main water

bodies, with the Akrotiri salt lake, being the major one. It is also the final area to

which the whole catchment of the area directs its water to.

The following topological map (Figure 31) clearly represents the water flow.

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Figure 34: Conceptual model of the hydrology of the project area

Key features of the Akrotyri Peneynsula are presented in Appendix I, Maps 03 & 04.

5.3 Land use, water uses and pollutant sources to be considered

The surroundings of the project area are mainly used for agricultural purposes as

also support a small number of farming units. It also has military uses and several

military installations are preset with various projects (e.g. the Pluto project) being built

inside the study area.

A detailed analysis of abstraction and recharge rates is outside the scope of this

report. It must however be considered that the water balance of the Akrotiri aquifer is

at present negative as a result of abstraction, reduced flows after the construction of

the Kourris Dam, and a reduction in average annual rainfall over the last years. The

aquifer is believed to be hydraulically connected to the Fasouri Marsh (SCP

Feasibility report (Iakovides 1982). In this case, the groundwater level in the aquifer

will be directly influencing the presence of water in the marsh. Maintaining

appropriate water levels in the aquifer is therefore an important issue of concern. The

Marsh also receives rain water runoff as well as irrigation return flows from upstream

agricultural land.

Sewerage flows from Akrotiri village as well as dispersed developments are disposed

of in septic tanks and thus are a potential source of pollutant flows into the salt lake.

In accordance with the Akrotiri Peninsula Environmental Management Plan (March

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2011) the restaurants situated at Lady’s Mile are equipped with sub-standard


Zakaki Marsh receives significant amounts of storm water from the western urban

areas of Limassol, which in turn feeds into the Salt Lake. From the project research it

was concluded that there are no historical data on the water quality of storm waters

entering the salt lake. The project has undertaken monitoring of the water quality of

the incoming water within the scope of the present project. Though limited in number

the collected data can provide indications of water quality issues as well as can

constitute a basis for future monitoring activities.

In addition to the abovementioned human influences, the Peninsula supports a large

range of activities including leisure visits, off road driving, dog walking, hunting and

others. Such activities cause various types of disturbances and direct impacts on

land such as habitat degradation, noise, dust and erosion/ siltation. The presence of

a very dense network of dirt roads causes fragmentation of the area’s habitats.

Vehicle movements on dirt roads also results in direct kills of reptiles (Akrotiri

Peninsula Environmental Management Plan, March 2011). Off road racing is

reported by the above study to have had a direct impact on habitats 2260, 5420,

1420, 1210, 2110, 2250 and 2120.

Harvesting of wild plants is a common occurrence in the Akrotiri area. As reported by

the above study, picking of Cladium mariscus, Juncus littoralis and Juncus maritimus

is common.

5.4 Management Goals and Objectives

Several parameters such as physical, chemical, hydromorphological or

physicochemical can have an effect, positive or negative on aquatic communities.

Some can have both positive and negative, depending on how intense the influence

becomes. For instance nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus tend to be limiting

resources in standing water bodies. Therefore, slight increase in concentrations,

tends to result in positive effects such as increased productivity, abundance and

diversity. However if nutrients are in excess, eutrophication effects occur with shifts in

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communities’ structure and dynamics, reduction of diversity and in extreme cases,

anoxic events.

Besides nutrients, a crucial factor in the case of Akrotiri wetlands is obviously the

water regime. Water levels have decreased the last decades due to construction of

dams but also due to intensive agriculture that results in over pumping of the aquifer.

Decreased freshwater quantities flowing into the area, resolve in the reduction of

waterbodies size and elevation of salinity values. The latter also occurs from the

saline intrusion caused by aquifer overexploitation. Reduction of inflows and the

subsequence lowering of water level increases suitable growth zones for reeds

intensifying their aggressive expansion. Reedbeds expansion can limit free water

surface and eventually cover the whole area.

Agricultural activities, besides nutrients leakage, create adverse effects by excessive

use of pesticides and insecticides which in turn have negative effects on biotic

components. Furthermore, ABATE, an organophosphorous insecticide used by SBA

to control mosquito populations, is reported to be non-selective and affecting aquatic

communities (Sanders et al. 1981, Frost & Sinniah 1982). Therefore, a more

selective method should be used for this purpose.

Activities such as cattle grazing or inflow of untreated urban stormwater, increase

organic loads in waterbodies. This can lead to eutrophic phenomena and

accumulation of organic matter which in the long term results in anoxic sediment

conditions and in some cases, dystrophic crises. Moreover such effects can increase

water turbidity which also affects communities, by limiting light penetration in the

water column and consequently reducing primary productivity.

In addition to organic loads, untreated storm water can be a source of heavy metals.

Military activities, illegal hunting, waste dumping and vehicle trespassing in the

wetland can also be considered as potential sources of heavy metals. High

concentrations in the aquatic environment can become a severe thread for aquatic

life and if the problem insists, heavy metals can reach toxic levels and eventually

affect the whole ecosystem. Such substances bioaccumulate in estuarine wetlands,

causing deformities, cancers, and death in aquatic animals and their terrestrial

predators. Heavy metal ingestion by benthic organisms (including many shellfish) in

estuarine wetlands occurs because the metals bind to the sediments or the

suspended solids that such organisms feed on or settle on the substrate where such

organisms live. Therefore bioaccumulation or accumulation in the sediments

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introduces heavy metals in the food web and by this path, can become a thread for

human life.

Finally communities can be affected by habitat loss and degradation, caused by land

reclamation. Wetlands close to areas under development are facing urbanization

pressures that results in encroachment of the wetland and limitation in available

natural resources for communities.

In accordance with the Akrotiri Wetlands Water Level Management Plan (March,

2009) the management objectives should be as follows:

• Ground water flows to the Fasouri Marsh should be sufficient to create shallow

surface water flooding in the Marsh area. Water depth at the sluice should be

between defined limits throughout the autumn and winter November – April

(dates and depths at sluice to be determined based on data obtained from the

WDD/Sewage Board).

• Ground water flows to the Zakaki marsh should be sufficient to maintain up to

40cm of surface water in the vicinity of the saw-sedge fen throughout the winter.

• Combined surface and ground water flows to the Salt Lake should be sufficient to

ensure the Salt Lake contains open water by end October in any year (extent and

limits of variation to be determined from existing data sources based upon flows

over 10 year period 1990 - 2000).

• Salinity levels in the Salt Lake should be maintained within limits (winter low and

summer high levels) determined from data provided by the Forestry Service.

• Information on surface and ground water levels and water quality should be

regularly collated by the SBAA to monitor if objectives are being met.

• Action should be taken in conjunction with the Republic of Cyprus to ensure water

levels and quality are maintained within defined limits.

In addition to the considering the above management goals, the project team

considers vital that the mobnitoring plan can support the following additional

management goals:

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5.5 Proposed management objectives in relation to Branchinella and Aphanius

Based on the information provided in the Nature Conservation Component Plan, the

proposed management objectives in relation to Important Conservation Features [i.e.

Important Invertebrates [Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa], Important Fish

(Aphanius fasciatus), and Important Ecological Role (both)] include:

• Updating of available Phallocryptus and Aphanius data

• Assessment of status Phallocryptus and Aphanius in the Salt Lake and marshes

To retain a favourable conservation status of natural habitats (marshes for Aphanius,

Salt Lake for Phallocryptus) and population size for Phallocryptus and Aphanius

5.6 Proposed management objectives in relation to birds

Based on the information provided in the Nature Conservation Component Plan, the

proposed management objectives in relation to birds include:

• Updating of available bird data

• Possible revision of designated (Ramsar and SPA) site boundaries

• Assessment of status of Cyprus Warbler (Sylvia melanothorax) and Eurasian

Thick-knee (Burhinus oedicnemus) in designated SPAs

• To retain a favourable conservation status of natural habitats and population

size for breeding bird species listed in Table 1, bearing in mind the possible

future inclusion of Cyprus Warbler (Sylvia melanothorax) and Eurasian Thick-

knee (Burhinus oedicnemus) in the species list.

• To retain a favorable conservation status of natural habitats and population size

for wintering and migrating groups of raptors, cranes and water birds, including

species listed in Table 1, bearing in mind the possible future inclusion of Cyprus

Warbler (Sylvia melanothorax) and Eurasian Thick-knee (Burhinus oedicnemus)

in the species list.

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6 Reference Conditions

6.1 Defining the Akrotiri wetland character

For many decades there has been a confusion concerning the coastal wetlands of

Cyprus (Larnaca salt lake and Akrotiri wetland), whether they should be considered

as saline lakes or transitional waters. Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC

defines transitional waters as ‘’bodies of surface water in the vicinity of river mouths

which are partly saline in character as a result of their proximity to coastal waters but

which are substantially influenced by freshwater flows’’ (figure 32).

The definition of the main characteristics of Transitional water bodies is:

1. "...in the vicinity of a river mouth" meaning close to the end of a river where it

mixes with coastal waters;

2. "...partly saline in character” meaning that there is an evident gradient in salinity


3. "...substantially influenced by freshwater flow" meaning that freshwater flows

occur, mixing with coastal waters.

Figure 35: Characterization of waterbodies according to WFD 2000/60/EC

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Moreover Biodiversity Action Plans define lagoons as “areas of shallow, coastal salt

water which are wholly or partially separated from the sea by sandbanks, shingle or,

less frequently, rocks or other hard substrata. They retain a proportion of their water

at low tide and may develop as brackish, fully saline or hyper-saline water bodies”.

The term “Saline lake” was incorrectly used for the characterization of Akrotiri

wetland complex, which mostly refers to athalassic salt lakes, met in dry, inland,

closed watersheds (endorheic basins). On the other hand, characteristics of the

wetland such as:

• Its proximity and interaction with the sea,

• Its shallow, coastal character

• The dynamic sedimentary processes affecting the area

• The freshwater inflows from the northern parts

• The salinity gradient observed – despite today’s fractured nature - moving from

the northern part towards the sea

• The historical background of interconnection to the sea and alluvial depositions

mostly from Kouris and Garyllis rivers,

reveals the transitional character of the wetland. Moreover Akrotiri habitats, as well

as Larnaca ¨salt lakes¨, have been declared as Coastal lagoons (1150*) for the

implementation of several European Directives such as Habitats directive

(92/43/EEC) and WFD (2000/60/EC).

However, the construction of Kourris dam and in less degree Polemidia dam in

Garyllis catchment, as well as urban development in the city of Limassol, have

minimized freshwater flows to the lower parts of the rivers that supplied Akrotiri

aquifer. As a consequence Phasouri marsh and the entire wetland accepts

significantly lower quantities of freshwater than the past decades. These human

interventions disrupted the sequence of natural processes taking place for thousands

of years in the ecosystem. Therefore, according to WFD legislation the ecosystem

could be considered as Heavily Modified.

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6.2 Setting of Reference conditions – Typological issues

The ‘’biological reference condition’’ is a description of the biological quality elements

that exist, or would exist, at high status; that is, with no or very minor disturbance

from human activities. The objective of setting reference condition standards is to

enable the assessment of ecological quality against these standards. In defining

biological reference conditions, criteria for the physicochemical and

hydromorphological quality elements at high status must also be established.

Akrotiri wetland is a mosaic of habitats with different types of biotic communities. It is

clear that salinity, ranging from slightly brackish to hypersaline, is the key factor

controlling the biotic components of the waterbodies, acting as fine‐mesh filter in

selecting potential colonizer species and therefore creating a peculiar ecosystem.

This heterogeneity in water conditions generates multi-habitat biotopes with rare

species and diverse species composition, in a relatively restricted area.

Despite the fact that common typological descriptors have been defined for

stream, lake and coastal areas, a typology for transitional waters has not yet

been defined, and its implementation by the European countries is still under

development (Lucena-Moya et al. 2009). Consequently, although this kind of

wetlands should be fitted in ¨Transitional waters¨, the absence of a well

defined and widely accepted typology for Transitional waters, results in areas

such as Akrotiri wetland -as well as similar waterbodies such as Larnaca

complex- remaining unclassified in any typological scheme. Therefore, no

methods or indices of ecological classification have been developed referring

to such waterbody type, for the implementation of WFD. Nevertheless, attempts

for development of a typology framework are ongoing.

Considering all of the above and since reference conditions are type-specific, no

reference conditions have been established at Mediterranean scale or even

European sale, for any BQE. In these terms no type specific reference

conditions can be recalled or re-created for Akrotiri wetland; only general

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conclusions and suggestions can be made, based on the current knowledge

and expertise.

According to WFD, the approaches for establishing reference conditions include

methods such as:

• Existing undisturbed sites or sites with only very minor disturbance

• Historical data and information

• Use of models

• Expert judgment

Since there are no similar wetlands or sites in Cyprus such as Akrotiri that can be

considered undisturbed, nor any historical data and information are available, the first

two options are not under consideration. The use of a model can also not be used,

since such models are currently unavailable and the development of such can be

done after extensive and time consuming studies of relevant ecosystems. Therefore

the last option is to use expertise in order to establish as realistic as possible,

reference conditions. To do so, general species ecological preferences can be

considered in relation to the prevailing local conditions.

The wetland is characterized by a strong directional salinity gradient ranging from

freshwater to hypersaline conditions. This highlights the need for classifying the

wetland’s components in different types according to the salinity ranges which as

already said, is the key factor for the ecosystem’s processes. This is considered

necessary since changes in salinity affect spatial and temporal aquatic communities’

composition. A similar approach has been already successfully investigated in other

Mediterranean countries (Lucena-Moya et al. 2009).

Such discrimination can well be applied between Fasouri marshes and Zakaki Lake

on the one hand and Akrotiri Salt Lake on the other. According to the available data,

as well as data recorded from field surveys in the context of the current project,

salinity values differ significantly between these water bodies and aquatic

communities’ composition is expected to differ as well.

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6.2.1 Hydrology

The hydrological conditions of the Akrotiri area have been in constant change in

response to the dynamic nature of its determining factors which are the

meteorological and hydrogeological conditions and human activity. Several man

made interventions have profoundly altered the hydrological conditions of the area in

recent years. The construction of the Kourris dam in 1988 is most likely the most

significant intervention. Other manmade inputs with significant impact include the

prior drying out of the Marsh with the construction of drainage canals and the planting

of Eucalyptus trees, increased storm water inputs to the zakaki Marsh from through

the development of drainage works and increased water abstraction from the Akrotiri


Climate change is another significant factor as storm flows constitute the main source

of water in the Akrotiri wetlands. Reduced annual average rainfall over the last

decades as well changes to rainfall patterns such as rainfall frequency and intensity

produce complex changes to storm water flows which may not be easily assessed or


Considering the above factors it is unclear at present what the appropriate reference

hydrological conditions should be

6.2.2 Macrophytes Reference conditions

Benthic aquatic macrophytes (angiosperms and macroalgae) are key structural and

functional components of some of the most productive ecosystems of the world,

including transitional and coastal waters. As photosynthetic sessile organisms being

at the base of food web, they are vulnerable and adaptive to human and

environmental stress of water and sediment. They respond to aquatic environment

representing reliable indicators of its changes. Extensive studies have provided

mechanistic explanations of their community-environment interactions. For example,

the excess of nutrients in shallow ecosystems shift the species composition from the

angiosperms/late-successional to the dominance of opportunistic and often bloom

forming seaweeds due to rapid growth and colonization ability of the latter, under

abundant nutrient conditions.

Angiosperms and different algal species or functional groups have different nutrient

demands. Therefore changes in nutrient concentration affect dominance patterns of

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benthic vegetation as well as dominance pattern between opportunistic algae and

benthic vegetation. Floating macroalgae (and phytoplankton) are generally favored

by high nutrient concentration. When their biomass increases, depth distribution of

angiosperms and perennial macroalgae decreases due to shading. Consequently,

the absence of rooted angiosperms, turbidity increases creating a feedback effect.

Ultimately benthic plants may completely disappear (Duarte 1995).

The presence of angiosperms and charophytes in macrophyte aquatic communities

as a trademark of good ecosystem quality has been well documented (Orfanidis et al.

2001, Garcia et al. 2009, Falace et al. 2009). On the other hand, opportunistic free

floating macroalgae, are known as rapid colonizers characterized by short life cycles

and high net productivity, resulting in macroalgal blooms which are well known to

reduce habitat quality (Krause Jensen et al. 2007, Odum 1985). These

characteristics of macrophytes and shifts in their communities, from long live/late

successional species to opportunistic species, have been used to develop several

ecological quality indices dealing with water quality (Orfanidis et al. 2001, Falace et

al. 2009, Sfriso et al. 2009).

In this framework, the presence/absence of extended communities of soft sediment

angiosperms/Charophytes and absence or restricted abundance of floating

macroalgae (especially chlorophytes) and epiphyta on angiosperm leaves, can be

used as an indication of healthy aquatic ecosystem in good or high status as

prescribed by WFD 2000/60/EC. On the other hand if angiosperm/Charophyte

communities in waterbodies, are restricted or completely absent and/or beds of

floating macroalgae are extensively recorded, this is a severe indication of a

degraded ecosystem with adverse effects that in extreme cases, could lead to anoxic


As already mentioned, in the absence of pristine sites that could be compared /

attributed as similar to Akrotiri waterbodies, only general considerations can be made

in order to derive reference conditions. Therefore, in the case of Akrotiri wetland,

reference conditions can be considered as the case of extended presence of soft

bottom angiosperms and charophytes in the majority of the area covered with water

and absence or very limited cover (less than 10%) of opportunistic macroalgae.

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6.2.3 Macroinvertebrate Reference conditions

Τhe absence of sufficient data does not allow the derivation of reliable Reference

conditions for macroinvertebrates that can be used as the ideal conditions for the

wetland. In the absence of this information an attempt to re-construct the reference

status can only be done in terms of general guidelines based on current knowledge.

These guidelines have been exported from numerous studies in Europe and USA

and have been applied as a part of indices in wetlands and rivers (Hilsenhoff 1988,

Burton et al. 1999, Buffagni et al. 2006). The majority of invertebrate taxa have been

attributed with tolerance values reflecting to their tolerance in human disturbance

such as nutrient enrichment, organic pollution or habitat degradation. The presence

of intolerant taxa such as Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera, is of major

importance in defining the ecosystem status. On the contrary, high proportions of

tolerant taxa such as Chironomidae, Culicidae, Oligohaeta and Hirudinea, indicate

severe habitat degradation and need for management measures.

According to their ecological strategies, taxa characterized as filter feeding and

collectors, are abundant in degraded sites based on the assumption that organic

enrichment favorites their feeding habitats. On the other hand, shredders and

scavengers are mostly found in high quality waters. Finally, community descriptors

such as richness and diversity (i.e Shannon Diversity Index) can help in defining

reference conditions. In such pristine sites high species richness and diversity is


In hypersaline waterbodies such as the salt lake, it is possible according to previous

studies (Ortal 1992, Kerrison 2002), that invertebrate communities are depoverate,

with low number of taxa and limited number of individuals. This is caused by high

salinity values which act as environmental pressure creating harsh environment for

invertebrates and do not allow the evaluation of the waterbody using common

macroinvertebrate practices. In this perspective, if the above is finally confirmed,

hypersaline waterbodies could be assessed by using fairy shrimp data in connection

with bird populations.

Macrophyte and Macroinvertebrate Reference Conditions as set can be used as a

tool to briefly evaluate Akrotiri waterbodies status in a superficial way. Nevertheless

it must be highlighted that these are again general remarks that are based on

worldwide trends in aquatic ecosystems. Solid and site-specific reference conditions

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can be set only after detailed and time consuming studies in the area as well as in

similar ecosystems with complete pressure gradient. These studies must include

pressure analysis in the watershed, hydro-morphological alterations, hydrological

state, physicochemical and substrate analysis. Figure 33 shows a generalized model

of the impact status of aquatic communities.

6.2.4 Characterization of the Salt Lake water properties and Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa population

In order to understand the phenology (seasonal timing of life cycle events) in relation

to of the cysts banks, hatching periods, development and maturation of P. spinosa in

the Lake, it is necessary to characterize the seasonality of the water properties and

to place them in context by comparing the Salt Lake with the one in Larnaka and the

vernal ponds where Phallocryptus is present.

Figure 36: Generalized model of aquatic communities in reference and impacted ponds (Coleman,


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Water samples for chemical analysis will give us an indication of how particular is the

Akrotiri Salt Lake for the fairy shrimp. While at the vernal ponds of Potamos tou

Liopetriou, Phallocryptus is under extremely different conditions (e.g. low salinity,

abundant predators such as amphibians and possible turbellarians), at the Salt Lake

in Larnaka, the shrimp is at the upper limit of its salinity tolerance. (At the Salt Lake of

Larnaka, Phallocryptus co-occurs with another brine shrimp, Artemia salina [Mura &

Hadjistephanou 1987]). Therefore, it is important to include in any monitoring

program the connection between these environments and the potential exchange of

Phallocryptus mediated by the dispersion from waterfowl (e.g. Charalambidou &

Santamaria 2002, 2005, Ketmaier et al. 2008).

Ketmaier et al. (2008) found that the migratory routes of the greater flamingo, a

species bound to shallow lagoons and salt lakes, almost perfectly overlap with the

distribution of a haplotype of Phallocryptus, including the population of shrimps at the

Larnaka Salt Lake.

Utilizing the data derived from the monitoring program of the Lake by the Fisheries

Department and the information from the Akrotiri Meteorological Station

(precipitation), we constructed graphics (Figs. 34, 35) of the seasonal changes in

salinity, temperature and pH which will contribute to the study of the Phallocryptus

populations in the Lake. Ideally, similar seasonal averages should be produced for

the Larnaka Salt Lake in order to study, monitor and compare the anostracans of

both lakes.

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Figure 37: Monthly average and standard deviation of precipitation (Akrotiri Meteorological

Station) and water salinity (data from the Fisheries Department) of the Salt Lake. Averages

derived from the time period 1966-2011 (precipitation) and 1988-2011 (salinity)

Figure 38: Monthly average and standard deviation of water temperature and pH of the Salt

Lake. Averages derived from the time period 1988-2011 (data from the Fisheries Department).

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6.2.5 Reference conditions for Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa population

In the absence of an adequate baseline data and a long-term time series of the

abundance and phenology of P. Spinosa at the Salt Lake or anywhere in Cyprus, it is

difficult to define what is natural, normal or optimal in relation to Phallocryptus.

However, there are two previous descriptions in Ortal (1992) and Kerrison (2002) of

the abundance of Phallocryptus which may serve as a starting point in the efforts to

find realistic reference conditions.

The monthly evaluation of Ortal (1992), even though is the only encompassing the

flooding cycle, is inadequate due to poor description of the methodology and lack of

consistency in the sampling effort (e.g. volume of water, quantity of sweep samples,

duration of sampling). Such deficiency in the description of the methods utilized

prevents any attempt to replicate the study to compare tendencies or temporal trends.

However, it has important information on the environmental parameters during the

Phallocryptus monitoring (Fig. 36).

Figure 39: Abundance (individuals) of Phallocryptus (Branchinella) spinosa in one sampling

station (“Lake-Recorder”, November 1991 to May 1992) at the Akrotiri Salt Lake (data from

Ortal 1992) in relation to water parameters (temperature, salinity, and pH).

On the other hand, the evaluation of Kerrison (2002) was carefully planned and

performed at five stations; however, it was limited to one month. Since this data set

was the result of a proper methodology, it is possible to analyze it statistically (Fig.37).

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An important message from this evaluation is the spatial variability of the abundance

of Phallocryptus suggesting that for any monitoring program, an adequate number of

replicates and stations must be considered in order to increase the robustness of the


It is necessary to place both evaluations in a temporal context where the

environmental variables during the studies can be related to the results (Fig. 38).

Both sampling periods were quite distinct in relation to each other: one drier and

more saline than the other (Fig. 39). When all the data is plotted together, the

seasonal variability during the sampling periods and in the long term is evident.

Figure 40: Abundance (mean and standard deviation) of Phallocryptus spinosa in six sampling

stations (PLUTO II, March 2002) at the Akrotiri Salt Lake (data from Kerrison 2002). There are

differences statistically significant between stations, Kruskal-Wallis P=0.0001698, Mann-Whitney

pairwise comparisons (P<0.005): A ≠ B, E, F; B ≠ C, F; C ≠ E; F ≠ E.

One promising method is the evaluation of the cysts banks of Phallocryptus in the

bottom sediments of the Lake. Cysts banks can be considered the archive of the

local habitat, since the pattern of changes in anostracan species assemblage and

genotypes from the past up to the present, would reflect changes due to natural or

anthropogenic impact (Brendonck 1996, Brendonck & De Meester 2003). This

information can be used to reconstruct evolutionary processes or even to restore the

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local habitat (Hulsmans et al. 2006). Failing to consider the relevance of the cysts

bank as an important component of zooplankton communities of the Lake in Akrotiri,

may lead to erroneous interpretations in the analysis of community and potential

population genetic structure of Phallocryptus. For example, in a study comparing the

resting community in the sediments with the active one in the water, the cysts bank

contained more species even though a multi-year sampling project of the water

column was conducted (Moscatello & Bellmonte 2009).

Figure 41: Periods (arrows) when the abundance of Phallocryptus spinosa was studied (Ortal

1992, Kerrison 2002) and monthly averages of water temperature, salinity, and pH of the Salt

Lake (data from the Fisheries Department) and monthly precipitation (Akrotiri Meteorological

Station). Averages derived from three to four monitoring stations during the time period 1988-


Figure 42: Periods (arrows) when the abundance of Phallocryptus spinosa was studied (Ortal

1992, Kerrison 2002) and monthly averages of water salinity of the Salt Lake (data from the

Fisheries Department) and rainfall monthly anomalies (Akrotiri Meteorological Station). Salinity

averages derived from three to four monitoring stations during the time period 1988-2011.

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Rainfall monthly anomalies were produced by subtracting the long-term average (1966-2011) of a

given month from the total rainfall for that month.

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7 Proposed Monitoring Programme The following monitoring programme has been structured in line with the predefined

management targets for the Akrotiri Penynsoula wetlands and in accordance with the

area characterisation as defined from the literature and visits undertaken within the

scope of this study.

The water balance and quality monitoring subgroup deals with the physical/abiotic

variables and pollutants that have been found to be of relevance to the quality of the

enbvironement and in particular to the viability of the wetalant ecosysetems and the

preservation of wetland function.

Sampling methodologies follow widely used methods and rely heavily on the use of

specialised laboratories. Especially in the water quality monitoring subgroup, it is

generally specified that filed sampling is undertaken and samples are analysed at

approved laboratories. Sampling can be undertaken by trained technicials or other

scientific personnel. The size of samples and method of storage is not specified in

detail as such direction will be provided by the selected laboratories. Monitoring of

biotic parameters need to be done by specialised and experienced personnel. Clear

training and directions need to be provided personnel

Monitoring of hydrological parameters will help to assess trends in the hydrological

conditions and associated pressures. It is strongly suggested that the proposed

monitored is complemented by modelling or specialised GIS applications. It is also

important that monitoring methods are frequent and systematic in order to facilitate

the identiofiction of trends. In order to enable future modelling activities it is also

suggested that meteorlogical variables are tracked. An hourly temporal resolution is

recommended. The main variables include precipitation, evaporation, wind speed

and direction, water level, bathymetry and water inflows.

Soil and sediments monitoring can help assess the impacts of current practices as

well as provide indication of trends in sedimentation and pollutant buildup. As in the

case of water quality, monitoring will include the analysis of samples at specialised


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7.1 Hydrology

7.1.1 Water balance

In accordance to existing data and studies the water balance of the Akrotiri salt lake

is determined by the following inputs:

• Surface flows from the Zakaki Marsh

• Surface flows from the Phasouri Marsh

• Surface flows from the Eucalyptus forest are

• Possible (but not verified) ground water flows from the Akrotiri aquifer

• Surface flows from Akrotiri village

• Direct rainfall on the salt lake area

• Occasional seawater inflows

Evaporation constitutes the main water loss mechanism. As already discussed it is

possible that the lake is hydraulically linked to the Akrotiri aquifer. In this case,

ground water outflow to the aquifer may occur in periods when the salt lake water

level is higher than the aquifer water level and at the same time is sufficiently high to

produce northward groundwater flows.

After the evaluation of all the hydrological conditions, the project team members

propose the installation of four flow meters (Figure 43). Note that the two

northeasternmost measurement points are within close proximity and appear as one

point on the following figure.

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Figure 43:Flow measurement locations

Since Zakaki Marsh constantly receives water from the two sewage pipes coming

from the Zakaki urban area as also from the Limassol port, the installation of two flow

meters is proposed.

Water from the Zakaki marsh flows west towards the salt lake. At the location viewed

on figures 44 and 45, the installation of the third flow meter is proposed.

Figure 44:Zakaki and Port flow meters

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Figure 45: Flow measurement locations near Zakaki Marsh

The fourth and final location of a flow meter is proposed at the Pluto project under the

old bridge (Fig 46). The flow meter can operate from Late August until early June,

since during the visit no water was visible.

Figure 46: Flow measurement location near Fasouri Marsh

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During the visit the team noticed that under the current road bridge, there is an

elevation difference between the two road sides, which obstructs the water from

freely flowing towards the salt lake and causes flooding of the area. This situation

should be studied further to decide whether ground works should be undertaken to

facilitate easier water drainage towards the salt lake, or whether the situation should

remain as it is, thus providing another source of surface water to the area. Such

ground works will be connected with the design and construction of a monitoring weir

at the site.

Complementary to water flows it is proposed that the following meteorological

parameters will be monitored. It is suggested that data are collected via continuous

measurement equipment and should provide hourly average values. Existing stations

in the Akrotiri area can be considered to be sufficiently close to the project area and

therefore representative.

• Precipitation

• Potential Evapotranspiration

• Relative humidity

• Air Temperature

• Wind speed

• Solar Radiation

• Dew point temperature

In addition, the following parameters are considered useful for the assessment of the

water balance of the water bodies and to support hydrological modeling and water

level management.

• Surface water evaporation at the Akrotiri lake and the Zakaki and Phasouri


• Soil evaporation rates in periods when the lakes are dry

• Water temperature

The above data can facilitate the assessment of climate change trends as well as

enable the use of hydrological models.

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7.1.2 Water levels

It is proposed that water levels are monitored as follows:

• Water depth and flooding zone area at the salt lake and in the Fasouri and

Zakaki Marshes

• Seawater level

• Ground water level at Akrotiri aquifer. The existing wells can be monitored for

this purpose.

It is proposed that monthly measurements are taken. Water depth should be taken at

the deepest location of each water body. For this purpose it is suggested that

permanent water level meters are installed. The flooding zone can be obtained from

the processing of satellite images.

Hydrology Monitoring Summary Table: Parameter Monitoring

Method Monitoring locations Monitoring

Frequency Groundwater level Well depth

monitoring At all existing wells already monitored


Surface Water depth Fixed staff gauge • At the instream flow meter locations (Fig. 40)

• At the deepest part of the salt lake

• At the deepest part of the Fasouri Marsh

• At the deepest part of the Zakaki Marsh

• Seawater level


Surface water extent GIS processing of satellite imagery or field generated GPS locations of flooded boundaries

• Akrotiri salt lake • Fasouri Marsh • Zakaki Marsh


Water flows Calibrated weirs As indicated on Fig. 40. Monthly • Precipitation • Potential

Evapotranspiration • Relative humidity • Air Temperature • Wind speed • Solar Radiation • Dew point temperature

Fixed Meteorological station

Existing SBA Meteorlogical Stations

Hourly / daily

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7.1.3 Water Quality

It is suggested that the full range of the water quality parameters presented below

are monitored in all four water bodies for a period of two years in order to establish a

comparable database and common framework for interpretation. Monthly

measurements of water quality parameters and annual measurements of sediment

parameters are to be taken during this period. Sediment measurements should be

taken in early April of each year. In accordance with the results, a more targeted set

of monitoring parameters will be able to be determined for each water body.

It is proposed that water quality monitoring is undertaken at the four locations where

water flow monitoring is proposed. One measurement station should also be

established in each of the Zakaki and Phasouri Marshes. It is proposed that sampling

is undertaken in the vicinity of the deepest area. It is however noted that access

difficulties may necessitate the sampling ad shallower locations. Lastly, a minimum of

four measurement points are proposed for the Akrotiri salt lake. Three stations

should be placed at the northwest, northeast and southeast sections to capture the

influence of the inputs from the Zakaki marsh, Phasouri marsh and Akrotiri village,

respectively. The stations should be at sufficient depths to enable sampling for the

longest possible period of the year. An additional station will be placed at the deepest

section of the salt lake.

Samples should be kept cold (4oC) and dark until processing is possible. Processing

should be undertaken as soon as possible after sampling, on the same day as

collection. Water samples should not be stored with other samples of high nutrient

content e.g. sediments. With regard to analytical quality assurance, the laboratory

should use techniques which are consistent with HMSO Blue Book methods (The

Standing Committee of Analysts) or other proved methods and should have high

standards of accuracy and precision, good sensitivity, and in the case of TP,

preferably a limit of detection of 1.0 μg P l-1. Measurement of pH should be

undertaken in the laboratory, with a calibrated and accurate bench-top meter and

probe. Alkalinity should be measured by titration of the sample with hydrochloric acid,

to a pH 4.5 end point, using an indicator solution.

Sampling campaigns should be systematic and documented. At each sampling

campaign standardized data should be collected. A sample field data form is

presented below.

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Monitoring form

Date of visit: ……………………………………………..

Location Name : ……………………………………………………………………………..

Name of Surveyor: …………………………………………………………………………..

GPS location: ……………………………………

Background information at time of monitoring (hour of day)

Rainfall Intense, moderate to light, none

Temperature _____ oC

Wind Strong, light, none

Cloudcover cloudy, partially cloudy, sunny

Water depth (cm)

Turbitity clear, turbit

Level of activity of flamingos in the vicinity of the monitored area Heavy, light, none

MAP indicating location of monitoring

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Water Quality Monitoring Summary Table

Parameter Monitoring Method

Monitoring locations Monitoring Frequency

BOD, e-coli, enterococci Nutrients (NO2, NO3, NH4, PO4, Total P), NH3, TOC DO

Field sampling. Analysis at approved laboratory


• Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Cadmium

• pH, T • EC, Salinity • Pesticide residues:

organophosphorous, organochlorine, carbamate, Sub-Urea, Triazine) Insecticides

• Turbidity, suspended solids, dissolved solids

• Alkalinity

Field sampling. Analysis at approved laboratory

At the deepest section of the Akrotiri salt lake, Fasouri Marsh, Zakaki Marsh and Agios Georgios pond. At the stream flow monitoring locations (Gig. 40)


Chloride salinity At approved laboratory

Akrotiri Aquifer Anual

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Sediment Quality Monitoring Summary Table: Parameter Monitoring

Method Monitoring locations Monitoring


• Content of sand, clay and

organic matter

• Permeability1


• Lead, Mercury,


• pH

• Pesticide residues



Analysis at



At the deepest section of the Akrotiri

salt lake, Fasouri Marsh, Zakaki

Marsh and Agios Georgios pond.

At the stream flow monitoring

locations (Gig. 40)

3- Monthly

1 Since the salt lake is characterized by the present of a marl substrate of depth in the order of 10m, the

usefulness of monitoring this psrameter needs to be reassessed and perhaps replaced.

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7.2 Flora and habidats monitoring

The vegetation and habitat types of the area of Akrotiri Peninsula were described and

mapped at a scale of 1:50 000 in 1999-2000 (Hadjikyriakou et al. 2000) and in 2009

by Cox et al. (Jonathan Cox 2009). In addition, the halophytic and sand dune

vegetation were studied in the 1980s (Arnold et al. 1984, Costa et al. 1984) and later

in more detail including an assessment of the conservation status by Hadjichambis

(2005). The aquatic vegetation has been studied in the framework of the application

of the Water Directive 2000/60 and there is data on the benthic vegetation of

transitional waters (Christia et al. 2011). Finally, the impact of the invasion of Acacia

saligna in the area of Akrotiri was studied by Christodoulou (2003).

The first habitat map (Hadjikyriakou et al. 2000) was based on aerial photos and

topographic maps, was constructed at a scale of 1:50,000 and then digitised. It was

made after extensive field survey in 1998-2000 and is accompanied by a detailed

description of the habitats. Habitat coding was made according to the Annex I Dir.

92/43 habitat codes and, for those habitats not included in the Annex, according to

the draft Cyprus codes used in the BioCyprus database for the Natura 2000 sites.

The second map (Cox et al. 2009) is large scaled and was apparently based on a

georeferenced satellite image and constructed by GIS. It was made after quite

extensive field survey and is accompanied by a less detailed habitat description.

Habitats were coded according to the EUNIS system and according to the Annex I

habitat codes. Both studies and maps are of good quality. However, the datasets are

not compatible, not only due to technical reasons and the different time of

construction (2000-2009), but also apparently due to different habitat identification by

the authors. Moreover, the detailed relevé survey data and community identification

by Christodoulou (2003) and Hadjichambis (2005) have not been used in either study.

A list of the habitats identified in the vegetation Akrotiri by the above sources and

during field work is provided in Table 14.

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Table 14: Habitats identified in Akrotiri peninsula. Map 2000: Hadjikyriakou et al. 2000; Map 2009: Cox et al. 2009. Vegetation

Group Habitat name Annex I

code EUNIS code

Map 2000

Map 2009


Salt lake/lagoon

Coastal lagoons 1150* C1.51, A2.2 + +

Annual vegetation of drift lines 1210 B1.1, B2.13 + +

Vegetation of single or pebble beach with Taraxacum aphrogenes

1210 B2.13, B2.3 + (as 1210a)


Embryonic shifting dunes 2110 B1.31 + + White dunes 2120 B1.32 + + Dune-slack pools 2190 B1.81, ?B1.

85 + +

Grey dunes 2210 B1.4 - - The presence of the habitat needs confirmation

Malcolmietalia dune grasslands 2230 B1.48 + - Brachypodietalia dune grasslands 2240 B1.47 + - Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. 2250* B1.63 + + (including

5210 invaded by pine)

Sand Dune & Shingle

Dune sclerophyllous scrubs 2260 B1.6, B1.64 + +

Coastal rocks

Vegetated sea cliffs of the Mediterranean coasts with angiosperms

1240 B3.331 + +

Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand

1310 A2.51, A2.55

+ -

Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi)

1410 A2.532, A2.522

+ +

Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic halophilous scrubs

1420 A2.526 + +

Halo-nitrophilous scrubs (Pegano-Salsoletea)

1430 F6.82 - + The presence of the habitat needs confirmation

Southern riparian galleries and thickets (Nerio-Tamaricetea)

92D0 F9.31 + -

Reedbeds and sedgebeds (Phragmition australis, Scirpion maritimi)

C3.21. C3.23

+ + BioCyprus code CY02

Saccharum ravennae communties C3.31 - + BioCyprus code CY17

Halophytic Wetland

Arundo donax beds C3.32 - + BioCyprus code CY17

Hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of chara formations

?3140 C1.14, C1.25

+ - Doubtful presence of the habitat, in Akrotiri it corresponds to Chara beds in saline water (C1.512)

Freshwater Wetland

Oligotrophic to mesotrophic standing waters withvegetation of the Littorelletea uniflorae

?3130 C3.4, C3.5 - - Doubtful presence of the habitat in Fasouri

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Vegetation Group

Habitat name Annex I code

EUNIS code

Map 2000

Map 2009


Mediterranean temporary ponds 3170 C3.42 - - Mediterranean tall humid herb grasslands of the Molinio-Holoschoenion

6420 E3.1 + +

Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae

7210 C3.28 - + The presence of the habitat needs confirmation

Arborescent matorral with Juniperus spp.

5210 F5.1321 + +

Sarcopoterium spinosum phryganas 5420 F7.34 + +

Olea and Ceratonia forests 9320 F5.1, F5.5 + + (as oleo-lentisc


Thermo-Mediterranean Shrub & Forest

Mediterranean pine forests with endemic Mesogean pines

9540 G3.75 + +

East Mediterranean xeric grasslands 6220* E1.33 + + Asphodel fields E1.C1 - + BioCyprus

code CY08 Grassland Subnitrophilous annual grassland (synanthropic grassland)

E1.6 - + BioCyprus code CY14

Native pine plantations (Pinus brutia) G3.F12 ? - Exotic conifer plantations (including Pinus halepensis)

G3.F2 ? + (mainly as pine forest


Other evergreen broadleaved tree plantations (Acacia saligna)

G2.83 + +

Highly artificial


Eucalyptus plantations G2.81 + +

7.2.1 Aims and objectives of Monitoring – General Methodology

Habitats - Vegetation

The main aim of habitat monitoring is the assessment of the ecological status in

order to ensure that high and good quality status is retained where it has been

recorded and in order to decide whether and what measures should be taken in the

cases of less than good ecological status (surveillance monitoring). The available

data on halophytic and dune habitats have allowed for the proposal of reference

values, ecological quality indices, and bioindicator species. However, these values

and indices need to be confirmed. Also, the deviations of the observed values from

the reference values (EQR) for the characterisation of the status of a habitat as less

than high quality need to be determined. On the other hand, there is a lack of data on

the vulnerable fresh water habitats which, moreover, do not include species which

are used as bioindicators in other European countries, except from Phragmites

australis. Due to the above, an initial more intense monitoring scheme is

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recommended for at least two monitoring sessions. This scheme should incorporate

the assessment of positive and negative impacts and of abiotic parameters,

especially and in the fresh water ecosystems. In addition, all the ecosystems of the

site offer habitat to a significant number of threatened plant species for the survival of

which habitat conservation is essential. So habitat monitoring should incorporate, as

much as possible, the particular habitats of these species.

The landscape of the area of Akrotiri is complex and dominated by the wetlands and

the transition from the wetland to the non-wetland habitats and from high to minor

disturbance sites. The larger part of the site consists of an inner dunal ecosystem, an

halophytic ecosystem and a fresh water ecosystem which are related by the factor of

the water and their spatial distribution transition zones depend on annual and

seasonal changes in water level and salinity. The coastal dunal ecosystem is

apparently mostly influenced by the deposition of sand from the sea, related to winds,

sea currents and topography but there are large areas of transition to the halophytic

wetllands. Those ecosystems which include azonal habitats, i.e. not related to the

altitudinal vegetation zonation, neighbour elevated areas with thermo-Mediterranean

shrub ecosystems, and there is again a narrow transition zone. Agricultural

ecosystems and cultivations are concentrated at the south of Alyki. However,

anthropogenic disturbance is widespread throughout the site and there are also large

areas with plantations of naturalised acacias, eucalypt and Pinus halepensis and

semi-natural Pinus brutia forest interspersed within the natural ecosystems.

Monitoring at landscape level requires monitoring of the distribution and range of the

habitats and ecosystems and area is also a good indicator of the conservation status

of a habitat. The existing habitat maps are either too small scaled (Hadjikyriakou et

al. 2000) for the assessment of small area and small width habitats or missing

habitats (Hadjikyriakou et al. 2000, Cox et al. 2009). Most importantly they are not

compatible and differ in the identification of the plant communities and the

interpretation of the coding systems. However, both contain important information.

Thus, the construction of a large scale habitat map (e.g., 1:1000 or 1:5000) based

on a revision of all the available data is necessary for monitoring the distribution and

range of the habitat.

The ecological status assessment requires collection of the data necessary to

determine the biodiversity and floristic composistion indices, including the abundance

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of bioindicator species, which define the reference conditions. So, the assessment of

the floristic composition of the habitats is the main monitoring parameter. This

should be combined with recording of abiotic parameters and threats so as to

enable the statistical evaluation of their influence on the plant community data. The

selection of abiotic parameters for the halophytic and sand dune habitats is indicated

by those factors that have been identified as significant for the determination of their

floristic composition.

The characteristics of the landscape indicate the method of monitoring for the

collection of bioindicator data and for the in-depth assessment of the ecological

status. Monitoring in transects is certainly indicated for all the habitats of the fresh

water and halophytic wetlands and for the dunes since they develop in zones which

depend on the abiotic factors of water and sea. Moreover, the patchy distribution of

disturbances and especially of the impact of plantations, justify the method of

transects for the thermo-Mediterranean shrub habitats as well. Separate quadrats

would only be indicated for the extended and relatively undisturbed coastal juniper

shrubs on the shoutheast and southwest part of the site. Further, the transects

should be combined with quadrats in order to better illustrate the succession of plant

communities and their quality. This combination obtains better results regarding the

biodiversity indices and the floristic composition indices which are essential in habitat

monitoring and define the reference conditions.

The selection of the locations of the transects needs to be made so as to cover:

• All the natural habitat types occurring in the area of Akrotiri, especially the

protected and the wetland ones. The different community types recorded in each

habitat and the need of more detailed study of certain fresh water communities

should also be taken into account.

• The variation range of the basic abiotic parameters influencing the habitats, that is

water level, salinity, distance from sea, substrate.

• The range of the degrees and types of the main anthropogenic disturbances, so

as to monitor habitats in the whole range of ecological status classes.

• The habitats of the threatened plants recorded in the area.

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Finally, regarding the frequency of monitoring, vegetation is a good but slow

reacting index of environmental conditions. Annual monitoring is not necessary and a

period of three years is the generally proposed minimum for vegetation assessment

at habitat and ecosystem level. At landscape level, a decade should be adequate for

the update of habitat mapping.

7.2.2 Flora

Monitoring of the total flora of Akrotiri Peninsula is incorporated in habitat monitoring,

since the results will produce a measure of both á-diversity and â-diversity in the

monitored habitats.

The main aim of the monitoring of a threatened species is to assess whether its

population in a region is viable. This entails population viability analysis (PVA) by:

a) long-term(for at least 10 years, with indicative results in 6 years) monitoring using

a diffusion approximation model or b) short term (for at least 3 years) intensive

monitoring using modelling at stages or metapopulation models (Dennis et al. 1991,

Brigham & Thomson 2003). Both approaches are time and resource demanding. The

former approach is generally simpler. The latter approach is more complex and

requires drawing up a separate study for each plant including the application of

preliminary monitoring. In the framework of the monitoring of a region with 29

threatened plant species such as Akrotiri Peninsula, maybe the effort is justified only

for the 8 species identified as apparently having a population lower than the MVP

(Table 6). Moreover, the use of the simpler diffusion approximation model which

simply demands population counts of the species, not necessarily in consecutive

years, is proposed as the monitoring method for the critically endangered species.

The possibly extinct (status RE?) Baldellia ranunculoides which was last observed in

Fasouri marsh in 1997, should be searched for.

The distribution range of the species and the number of locations and subspopulations (sensu IUCN 2008) as well as the conservation status and area of

its habitat are two important parameters. Their monitoring cannot produce a viability

analysis but it can indicate whether the population of the species is faring well or not

and whether measures for its conservation are demanded. So, operationally they can

be used for the assessment of the conservation status of a species. Moreover, the

distribution of all the threatened species has been recorded and can be used as a

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base for monitoring. The parameter of habitat status and area is largely covered by

the general habitat monitoring. Thus, distribution mapping is proposed for the 27

threatened species (status VU, EN, CR) and for the two not threatened but nearly or

possibly so (status NT and DD). Further, the possibly regionally extinct species

Baldellia ranunculoides and the endangered species Cynanchum acutum which may

have gone extinct from the area of Akrotiri should be searched for annually.

According to the above, the following general monitoring plan is proposed:

Monitoring Objectives

• Assessment of ecological status at landscape level

• Assessment of ecological status at habitat level.

• Developement of classification scheme for the ecological status at habitat level.

• Assessment of the conservation status of threatened species

• Assessment of the habitats of threatened species.

Monitoring parameters 1. Area of habitats (update of habitat map).

2. Floristic composition of habitats at transects.

3. Recording of threats at the locations of the transects.

4. Assessment of abiotic parameters: water level, soil moisture and electric conductivity at transects. Additional parameters (optional: soil sand/silt/clay content, organic matter, total N, total P, CL-)

5. Number of locations and distribution range of the threatened (status VU, EN, CR) and near or possibly threatened (status NT, DD) species.

6. Population size of the species having a population lower than the MVP.

Duration of monitoring: 6 years with the proposed scheme 20 – 30 years in total

Transects at 3 year intervals

Mapping at 9 year intevals

Analysis of Results: every 6 years Update of monitoring plan: 6 years

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7.2.3 Monitoring plan - Habitat mapping

Mapping of all natural and artificial habitats (including various land uses, such as

habitations, agricultural cultivations, roads) in the whole site of Akrotiri.

Maps to be produced by Geographic Information System (GIS) technology with the

use of satellite images and with the help of Global Positioning System (GPS). Map

scale should be at least 1:5000 – 1:15000 for various land uses (agricultural areas,

habitations etc.) and shrub and forest habitats and at least 1:1000 – 1:5000 for the

halophytic and fresh water wetland , the sand dune habitats and grasslands.

All habitats (including land uses) to be coded according to the EUNIS system

(http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/habitats.jsp) and according to the Annex I habitat codes,

where applicable. The identification of the vegetation type and the assignement to a

particular code for each polygon or for a group of polygons with similar vegetation

units will be supported by sampling, i.e. recording of the typical species or of all the

species, as necessary for each habitat type. Mapping polygons may include only one

habitat or two habitats (mixed polygons). The latter case may arise when mapping of

two habitat types in separate polygons is not possible because they occur in a

mosaic form, as it sometimes happens with the annual communities of habitat 1310

among halophytic scrub (1420) or with dry grasslands (6220) in shrub openings

(5420 or 5210). An Annex I habitat identification guide for Cyprus as well as detailed

instructions for mixed polygons and for minimum size polygons for each habitat are

provided in Delipetrou & Christodoulou (2010).

The GIS database of the polygons will include at least the fields listed in Annex I.a.

Samplings will be recorded in a customised TURBOVEG database (see data

digitisation and analysis in vegetation transects below). Sampling points and other

points of interest should be recorded in separate GIS files along with TURBOVEG

releve numbers and notes, as necessary. The GPS coordinates of the sampling

points and points of interest will be downloaded from the GPS to a PC and not written

down during field work in order to avoid mistakes.


• Printed satellite photo of the area to be surveyed (scale 1:2000 Þ 1:5000) with the

borders of the polygons of the habitat map made by Cox et al. (2009).

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• It helpful for the field work to mark points for guidance and points of interest in the

GIS map and download them to the GPS in order to check them on site.

• Printed sampling forms (Annex I.b) and notes forms (Annex I.c). Alternatively the

notes can be recorded in a digital recorder.

• GPS device, fine highlight marker, photographic and/or video camera, binoculars,

plastic bags and tags for plant samples.

Field Survey

The field team should include a habitat specialist for at least some of the visits. It is

advisable to hold 1 – 2 training sessions for the personnel who will perform the


On site habitat identification and confirmation or correction of the polygons of the

existing map. The demarcation of new polygons and corrections should be drawn on

the satellite image on site.

For each polygon or group of neighbouring polygons, record the characteristic

species and dominant species in the sampling form. Sampling should be made at all

different vegetation units. Assignment of each vegetation unit to a habitat type is not

necessary to be done on site. However, if there is doubt regarding the habitat type it

is advisable to perform a full phytosociological sampling (recording of all species in

appropriate sized quadrates).

.Frequency Detailed mapping of land uses: once

Update of natural habitat mapping: every 10 – 12 years

Season: Late summer (July – August) for most of the halophytic, fresh water

wetland and dune habitats. Visits in spring may be necessary for the

identification of habitats 2230, 2240 and in autumn (October) for the

identification of habitat 1310. Also, visits in late spring or early summer

may be necessary for the identification of some fresh water wetland

species and for 3170 species.

Spring (April) for the shrub and forest habitats and for the dry


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7.2.4 Monitoring plan - Vegetation Transects

Subjective selection of the location of 20 – 30 permanent transects of a length of 100

– 300 m. The specifications in section I should be taken into account. Proposed

transect locations are shown in figure 5 (attached shapefile diatomes_1.shp).

Additional transect locations may have to be selected based on the results of


The selected transects include the habitat types 1210, 1310, 1410, 1420, 1430,

2110, 2190, 2230, 2240, 2250, 2260, 3170, 5420, 5210, 6420, CY02 with

representatives of 2 – 3 community types per habitat, at anthropogenic pressure level

of none or minor to high, throughout the area of Akrotiri, but mainly in wetlands and

sand dunes. They also cover 19 threatened plant species and several endemics, but

not all the locations of these plants. The localisation of the transects was made using

the existing mapping data (habitat map, threatened species’ maps, releve points,

field work) and a satellite image. The locations of several of the transects were

confirmed on site. The locations of the rest of the transects should be confirmed and

re-adjasted on site. The attributes of each proposed transect are presented in Table

8.The final number of transects should be decided upon after careful assessment of

the feasibility of this work regarding the effort and expenses.

Figure 47: Location of 35 transects (yellow lines). Black triangles: species with threat category

EN, VU, DD, and NT. Blue stars: species with threat category CR.

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Table 15: Attributes of the proposed transects.

name confirmed* Habitats Impacts/Threats Red Data Book Plants

T1 yes CY02/6420 moderate to high Mentha aquatica T2 yes CY02/6420 moderate to high Mentha aquatica, Scirpus

lacustris, Linum maritimum, Baldellia

T3 CY02/6420, ?3140 moderate to high T4 1420/acacia high Juncus maritimus T5 acacia, CY02, ?7210 moderate to high Orchis palustris T6 CY02, acacia, 1420 moderate to high Linum maritimum T7 CY02/6420, Arundo beds moderate to high Saccharum strictum T8 CY02, acacia, 1420, 7210 moderate to high Cladium mariscus, Crypsis

factorovskyi, Isolepis cernua T9 yes 3170, CY02/Saccharum beds moderate to high Isolepis cernua, T10 yes 1410, 5420, 5212 moderate Ophrys kotschyi, Coronilla

repanda T11 ?1150, 1210a, ?1419,

2260/5420 moderate Taraxacum aphrogenes

T12 yes 1210, 2110, 1420, ?1150 minor to high Achillea maritima T13 yes 1210, 2110, 1420, ?1410 minor to


T14 ?2110, 5420/2260, 2250 minor to moderate

Pancratium maritimum, Coronilla repanda

T15 5212, 9540 minor to moderate

T16 2240, 2250, 5420, 6220 minor to moderate

Coronilla repanda

T17 5212, 6220 minor to moderate

T18 5212, 6220 minor to none T19 5210, 5420 minor to

moderate Vulpia brevis

T20 5210, 6210 moderate to high Convolvulus lineatus T21 5420, 5212 moderate to high Herniaria hemistemon T22 1210, 2110, 2230, 2250 minor to

moderate Pancratium maritimum

T23 1210, 2110, 2250, acacia moderate to high Triplachne nitens T24 yes 1410, 1420, 5420, pine

plantation moderate to high Ophrys kotschyi, Serapias

aphroditae T25 yes ?1310, 1410, 1420,

2260/5420 minor to moderate

Juncus littoralis

T26 yes 1310, 1420 minor to moderate

T27 1310, 1410, 1420 minor to none T28 ?1410, 1420, ?1430

(Lycium), 2240, 2260/5420 moderate Lotus cytisoides, Aegilops

bicornis T29 ?1410, 1420, 1430 (Lycium),

2260/5420 minor to moderate

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name confirmed* Habitats Impacts/Threats Red Data Book Plants

T30 yes 1210, 1420, 2110, 2260 moderate to high? to minor

Cistanche phelipaea, Juncus maritimus

T31 yes 2110, 1430, 1410, 1420 minor to high Pancratium maritimum T32 yes 2110, 1150, 1420, 2260 moderate to high Silene maritima var. kotschyi,

?Lotus cytisoides T33 1310, 1420, 2260? minor to high T34 1310, 1420 moderate to high T35 CY02, 1420 moderate to high

* “yes” is noted for the transects whose exact locations have been confirmed in the field.


• Printed sampling forms (Annex II.a). Lists of species encountered in similar habitats and/or of the most frequent species of the habitats may be included in printed forms after the first surveys.

• GPS device, photographic and/or video camera, plastic bags and tags for plant samples

• Wooden (or other material) poles, tape measure, rope for the establishment of transects

Field survey

The transects will be divided into zones of different habitat types. Square shaped

quadrats 5 – 10 m2 will be placed along the transects every 5 – 20 m2 (figure 6). The

distance between consecutive quadrats depends on the succesion of habitat zones

and in general should not be larger than the width of the habitat with the narrowest

zone. Quadrats should be spaced evenly at each habitat zone but the distance may

change from one zone to another so as not to place one quadrate into two different


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Figure 48: Diagram of transect and quadrats.

The size of the quadrats at each case depends on the habitat type but should remain

stable for each transect. In general, a side of 5 m is adequate for habitats 1210,

1310, 1410, 2190, 2230, 2240, 3170, 6420, CY02, and a side of 10 m is necessary

for habitats 2110, 2250, 2260, 5420, 5210. It is necessary to keep the same size of

quadrats at each transect and at each habitat type.

On site establishment of transects will be made by locating the start and end of the

transect by a GPS. The start and the end of the transects will be marked by

permanent poles. During sampling, a line (rope or tape measure) between the poles

will mark the transect. The first quadrat should be placed at the start of the transect.

Use additional tape measures or wooden sticks for marking each quadrat. The first

quadrat of transects in coastal dunes should be placed at the first vegetation zone

from the sea (usually habitat type 1210 or 2110).

At each quadrat the following should be recorded:

• Total plant and plant cover and cover per vegetation layer.

• All the plant species and their cover-abundance using the 9grade Braun-Blanquet


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• All types of disturbance.

• Altitude, slope, aspect, geological substrate. Altritude changes between quadrats

should also be recorded.

• Threats that can be identified by direct observation or by reliable information

should be recorded. Such threats identified at the area of Akrotiri are waste

disposal, foot and vehicle trumbling, habitat fragmentation by roads or buldings,

grazing, intentional (management) or accidental fire, tar deposition, sand

extraction, harvesting of plants. An objective scale of 1 – 3 or 1 – 5 should be

devised for these threats, depending on their frequency and/or cover in the area of

the transects. Alternatively, presence/absence can be recorded but this is fact

weakens the use of this data in the subsequent analysis of the results.

• Special notes for the status of threatened species (e.g., phenological stage, signs

of consumption, etc.).

Further instructions for sampling:

• Printed forms for data recording.

• The forms with the raw data must be stored (they can be scanned) even after

digitisation of the data, at least until the analysis of the results.

• Field teams should include at least 2 persons, at least one of them experienced in

this work.

• The correct season for sampling is very important so as not to miss the

characteristic and indicator species of each habitat. Because transects include

several different habitats, timing requirements may be reconciled with visits before

or after the transect sampling for species survey and identification.

Data digitisation and analysis

The sampling data will be recorded in a customised TURBOVEG© 1998-2009

Stephan Hennekens database. Data digitisation in word processor or spreadsheets is

not suggested because it is bound to be plagued by high frequency of mistakes and it

does not facilitate data analysis.

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GPS points of the transect locations will be downloaded from the GPS to a PC and

stored in GIS files.

Data analysis can be made by any statistical software. The use of software packages

specially adapted for vegetation data such as CANOCO is suggested.

Frequency Every 3 years.

Season: Habitat types 5420, 5210: mid March to early April

Habitat types 2230, 2240, 2250, 2260, 3170: May (visit may be

necessary for species’ identification in April)

Habitat types 1210, 2110: May to early June

Habitat types 1410, 1420, 2190: late June to July

Habitat type 6420: end July to August

Habitat type 1310: October

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7.2.5 Monitoring of abiotic parameters

The abiotic parameters that should be measured preferably at all transects of the

halophytic and fresh water wetland habitats are water level (water depth), soil

moisture and electric conductivity. The two latter parameters should also be

measured at sand dune habitats. Additional parameters that can be estimated are

soil , sand/silt/clay content content, organic matter, total N, total P, and Cl-.

Samplings should be made as necessary when conditions along the transect change,

so that these parameters will be known for each quadrat.

The data will be recorded in sampling forms on site or downloaded, depending on the

device type (form Annex II.b).

These measurements can be combined with the general water monitoring

measurements. In case measuring is not feasible for all transects, a selection should

be made in order to cover adequately the variation of these parameters in the site.

Water depth (WD)

• Water level can be measured by installing a water level gauge (either purchased

or made by hand) at the deepest point of the transect. Installation should be done

by a topographer. Otherwise, there are permanent recording devices and also

hand-held laser marked meters.

• In case a gauge or a hand-held device are used, readings should be made at least

monthly during the flooding period at most 2 days after rain. In any case, the

length of the part of the transect which is flooded should be checked monthly.

Soil moisture (SM)

• A soil moisture probe is used. Since the transects are long, continuous

measurement devices are not practical.

• Ideally, measurements should be made monthly at the non-flooded part of the


Electric Conductivity (EC)

• An electric conductivity sensor for water is used for flooded sites and a sensor for

soil is used for non-flooded sites. There are sensors measuring simultaneously

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SM and EC.

• Ideally, measurements should be made monthly at the non-flooded part of the


Frequency monthly (ideally) every 3 years for the first 6 years of monitoring

Afterwards the measurements of the general water monitoring should

be adequate.

Season: WD and water EC are measured only during the flooding period and SM

and soil EC are measured at the non-flooded parts of the transects.

7.2.6 Distribution mapping of threatened species

Distribution mapping consists in checking the known locations of the 30 species

(Table 6) and recording the limits of the population at each location by GPS. The

points will be used for producing occupation area polygons in GIS maps.

The plants should also be searched for in neighbouring locations with suitable


• On site data will be recorded in printed forms (Annex III.a)

• The field team should include at least one person capable of identifying the plants

with certainty.

Frequency annualy (ideally) or every 3 – 6 years

Season: flowering and/or fruiting season (depending on when the plant is


7.2.7 Population size of species having a population lower than the MVP

The targeted species are: Cistanche phelypaea, Herniaria hemistemon, Ipomoea

saggitata, Orchis palustris, Phyla nodiflora, Scirpus lacustris subsp.

tabernaemontani, Serapias aphroditae, Serapias parviflora, Vulpia brevis.

The population size of all these species is very small (Table 6) and direct population

counts are indicated at all the known locations. The plants should also be searched

for in neighbouring locations with suitable habitat.

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The population size unit is the number of adult individuals. This unit can be used in

all the above species, except in Scirpus lacustris subsp. tabernaemontani. This

species forms tufts and it may be difficult to separate individuals from clones, so the

population unit can be the number of visibly separated tufts.

• On site data will be recorded in printed forms (Annex III.b)

• Wooden frames of 1x1 m2 for short grasslands, i.e. grasslands with Herniaria

hemistemon, Vulpia brevis, may be useful in counting the plants.

• The delimitation of consecutive corridors with lines is helpful in all grasslands,

especially for tall grassland species such as Scirpus lacustris subsp.


• The field team should include at least one person capable of identifying the plants

with certainty.

Frequency annualy (ideally) for 10 years

Season: flowering and/or fruiting season (depending on when the plant is


Figure 49: Orchis palustris, plant and habitat in Akrotiri (14/5/2011).

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7.3 Fauna

7.3.1 Proposed monitoring objectives and indicators in relation to


Objective: To ensure the stability of the Phallocryptus population in the Salt Lake

• Indicator 1: Weekly monitoring to study the phenology (e.g. abundance, size

classes, proportion sexes, maturity) of Phallocryptus in relation to the Salt Lake’s


• Where: Ideally, the same four stations in the Lake used by the Fisheries

Department. That will allow the comparison of the Phallocryptus data with the

environmental variables. One station is not enough due to significant variations

(standard deviations) of the measured parameters (Fig. 44). Alternatively, two

stations of the Fisheries Department and stations 6-8 proposed in section 7.3.6

Aquatic Macroinvertebrates, Table 16, to monitor biotic components.

Figure 50: Standard deviation of monthly averages (three to four stations) of water salinity, pH and temperature of the Akrotiri Salt Lake (data from the Fisheries Department). Arrows indicate the sampling periods when the abundance of Phallocryptus was studied (Ortal 1992, Kerrison 2002).

• How: Following the methods described in Kerrison (2002). Sweep samples

collected with a standard hand net of 0.35m x 0.25m frame size, net depth 0.3m

and mesh 1mm, five replicate samples per station with 1m sweeps, net mouth

“just” below the water. Determine the water volume sampled according to the

above specifications (net size and depth, 1m sweep), which should be 315 litres.

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Specimens should be preserved according to Ortal (1992): In the field with

formalin (40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde). The formalin needs to be

neutralized by using Sodium bicarbonate. In the laboratory, samples should be

transferred to 70% alcohol solution.

• Data format: Data base with (1) number of Phallocryptus in each sample, (2)

mean for each station derived from the five replicates, (3) density of individuals

calculated as the mean/water volume (individuals/l), (4) development and

maturity stage of specimens by sample.

• Samples for ID: Since different species of fairy shrimps can be present in the

Lake and surrounding ponds and they might be active for a few weeks, a

selection of collected individuals need to be sent to Anostracan taxonomists for

further identification.

• Indicator 2: Assessment of the cysts bank of Phallocryptus at the end of Spring

or the flooding/evaporating cycle.

• Where: Ideally, the same four stations in the Lake used by the Fisheries

Department. Alternatively, two stations of the Fisheries Department and stations

6-8 proposed in section 7.3.6 Aquatic Macroinvertebrates, Table 16, to monitor

biotic components.

• How: Following the methods described in Kerrison (2002), Moura et al. (2001)

and Hulsmans et al. (2006). Bottom sediment should be collected when the Lake

and ponds are dry using a simple core sampler made from PVC pipe (50cm long,

internal diameter 10cm, two plugs or cups of the same material). The total

surface sediment area would be 0.0079m2. Five replicate samples (cores) should

be collected from each station, producing a total of 0.0393m2 sampled surface.

The core sampler should penetrate the sediment down to a depth of at least

2.5cm (Mura et al. 2001, cited in Maffei et al. 2002). In the laboratory, cysts need

to be isolated from the sediment by a series of sonification, centrifugation, sieving

and filtration. The suggested protocol is a combination of methods discussed in

Hulsmans et al. (2006): Initial filtration (48-50 μm sieve) followed by sonification

(2-3min), second filtration (48-50 μm sieve), centrifugation (3000 rpm) in a 1:1

sucrose distilled water solution for 3min, and final filtration of supernatant through

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a 50 μm sieve. The remaining material needs to be transferred to petri-dishes

with tap water and the counting of cysts done under a microscope or high

magnification stereoscope.

• Data format: Data base with (1) number of Phallocryptus’ cysts in each sample,

(2) mean for each station derived from the five replicates, (3) density of cysts per

station calculated as the mean/area (cysts/m2).

• Samples for ID: Since different species of fairy shrimps can be present in the

Lake and surrounding ponds and they might be active for a few weeks, a

selection of collected cysts and other material, such as exuvia (e.g. Beladjal &

Mertens 2003), needs to be sent to Anostracan taxonomists for further

identification by means of scanning electronic microscopy (SEM).

7.3.2 Proposed bird monitoring programme

Whereas a number of surveys currently being carried out at Akrotiri Peninsula

provide a wealth of information (Table 16), it is crucial that the methods being used

and the recording of data become standardized. Standardization of data and

calculation of indexes of breeding and non-breeding bird populations facilitates

comparisons between years and sites. The following suggestions are based on two

sets of guidelines. One is ‘Bird Census Techniques’ outlined by Bibby et al. (1992).

The development of standard census forms for recording data for each type of bird

survey would greatly enhance the standardization of data collection, and may also be

used by volunteers. The second one is the ‘Common Standards Monitoring guidance

for birds’ (JNCC 2004). This provides guidance on the identification of attributes,

targets and methods of assessment for birds.

Table 16: Bird Survey Schemes

Scheme Organiser Data Geographical Scope

Wetland bird survey

counts Game Fund

Monthly counts of

waterbirds at wetland


Up to 20 wetlands

in Cyprus


Demoiselle Crane Game Fund

Annual counts of

migrating Demoiselle Akrotiri Peninsula

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Scheme Organiser Data Geographical Scope


Cranes in August-


Black-winged Stilt

Breeding Survey Game Fund

Annual breeding


Akrotiri Peninsula

Oroklini Lake

Kentish Plover

Breeding Survey Game Fund

Annual breeding


Akrotiri Peninsula

Larnaca Salt Lake

Raptor Migration




Annual counts of

migrating raptors

during autumn

Akrotiri Peninsula

Eleonora’s Falcon

Breeding Survey SBAA

Annual breeding


Akrotiri and

Episkopi sea cliffs

Griffon Vulture

Breeding Survey



Annual breeding


Akrotiri and

Episkopi sea cliffs

When designing a monitoring programme, this should be based on the conservation

objectives for birds at the designated sites. In our case, these should be outlined in

the Management Plan for Akrotiri Peninsula.

The attribute tables in this report targets that should be used to aid in monitoring

whether conservation objectives are being met for particular bird species or bird

assemblage at Akrotiri Peninsula. For each bird species or assemblage, the table

identifies those attributes that must be measured, known as mandatory attributes, in

order to gather the necessary information for judging the condition of the bird species

or assemblage. Against each attribute are the details of targets to be met.

7.4 Distribution studies

Distribution studies specify where birds do and do not occur. As a result of available

data on the birds that frequent the terrestrial part of Akrotiri Peninsula, including its

wetlands and coastal area, the distribution ranges of most species found on the

Peninsula are known. Distribution maps have been drawn both from systematic and

casual records. However, it is possible that a lack of standardization of data

collection over a number of years may result in the maps also reflecting the

distribution of observer effort as much as the distribution of birds.

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Overall, more systematic and standardized data collection on distributions of species

is necessary, particularly for species which are data deficient such as the Cyprus

Warbler and the Eurasian Thick-knee. The mapped presence or absence of species

may be recorded in specified areas of equal size, e.g. by map units ranging between

2 or 10 km squares. Various kinds of counts might be based on separate and

recognized areas so that results can be expressed as maps of relative density as

well as tabulation of numbers (Bibby et al. 1992).

7.5 Population monitoring

Trends in bird population numbers over time are of particular interest to nature

conservation. Some bird species, for instance the Demoiselle Crane and the Red-

Footed Falcon, are inherently rare and in need of surveillance. However, more

detailed monitoring of common species such as the Common Coot and Common

Moorhen is recommended as an integral part of a comprehensive monitoring

programme for the area. Common birds are reliable candidates for recognizing

trends and adverse effects on sites, such as pesticides, pollution or drought. The

Spur-winged Lapwing for example, is a good candidate for monitoring habitats known

to be changing, such as Zakaki and Fassouri wetlands.

It is important to bear in mind that population numbers of birds also fluctuate

naturally, usually because of the effects of weather on reproduction and survival, but

also because of the density-dependent effects of population level itself. An essential

attribute of a successful monitoring scheme is the ability to understand such

fluctuations and to distinguish them with those attributable to human beings (Baillie

1990). Therefore, the fluctuations due to weather or population level need to be

measured with some confidence if they are to be recognized. Importantly, monitoring

of populations and demographic rates provides information not only on the status of

species but also on their response to management objectives. The study of various

factors, such as the extent of habitat management, recreational disturbance,

conservation management, effects of military training, etc, may identify improved

conservation measures.

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In Tables, the targets for bird population size are set according to two approaches:

known natural fluctuation at the site level for a species, and a generic threshold system. Wherever possible, known natural fluctuation should be adopted as the

means for target setting as it will provide a more appropriate level of sensitivity for

rarer species.

• Known natural fluctuation – to derive population size targets from known

fluctuation a minimum of five counts, each from a different relevant season, is

required - these do not need to be from consecutive seasons, but should be from

within a period of no more than 7 years. Ideally the counts should be from the

time of designation of the feature – when the feature was known to be in

favourable condition. If data are not available from the time of designation the first

suitable series of good quality data should be used, or the generic threshold

approach should be adopted. The minimum population size recorded during the

five counts can be taken as the target for maintaining the population – if the

population at assessment (taken from either a single count or a mean of counts)

falls below this size then it is in unfavourable condition. When data from five

years are not available to set the target the generic threshold approach must be

used. Care should be taken in using natural fluctuation, as there may be cases

where the fluctuation seen in a population is the result of non-natural phenomena,

for example the effects of human disturbance. In cases where there is some

doubt as to whether observed fluctuation is natural then the generic threshold

approach should be used.

• The generic threshold approach is widely used to assess the conservation

status of individual bird species and to guide the setting of conservation priorities.

The adoption of this system at the site level is a robust way of defining a common

and easily used standard. A simple threshold system works by comparing

population sizes at different times and deriving the change (expressed as a

proportion of the initial population). If this change represents an absolute loss of

25%, or more, of a breeding population or 50%, or more, of a non-breeding

population then the feature will be in unfavourable condition.

7.6 Monitoring migrating and over-wintering birds

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Migrating raptors

Akrotiri Peninsula including ‘Akrotiri Salt Lake, Phasouri Marsh, citrus groves,

vineyards and areas with high maquis’ has been identified as the only watch-site in

Cyprus listed in the Raptor Watch Global Directory (Zalles and Bildstein 2000). The

Directory includes 388 bird of prey-migration watch-sites or hot-spots globally, along

corridors used by migratory birds of prey. Nineteen or 20 species of birds of prey are

listed as regular migrants at Akrotiri Peninsula.

Importantly, one-third of 3,722 raptors recorded in the area during 116 hours of

counts from 21 September to 11 October 1996 appeared to be Red-footed Falcons

(Zalles and Bildstein 2000). Large numbers of this species pass through the area

during their autumn migration in September-October. This falcon uses Akrotiri

Peninsula as a staging site, especially the citrus plantations at the north part of the

peninsula for roosting and occasional hunting. Other than the citrus plantations, birds

can be observed feeding in smaller numbers around Zakaki and Fassouri wetlands.

Table 17: Guidance on mandatory attributes for migrating raptors

Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Bird population size

Maintain population within

acceptable limits (in this

context population is the

total population of an


♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

maintain the population

above 50% of that

at designation - loss of

50% or more


Estimated at 3900-7300

Counts or

estimates of

numbers of


Existing data

from Raptor

Migration Census

organized by

BirdLife Cyprus

since 2006

Also, counts

made by


Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

birds (Iezekiel et al. 2004)

Variety of Species

Maintain assemblage


♦ If the number of passage

species falls by 25% or

more then the feature is in

unfavourable condition

(passage periods are

August to October and


to April).

Estimated at 13 species of

raptors (Iezekiel et al.


Record presence /

absence of all

species (not just

waterbirds) within

the site during the

relevant periods.

Existing data

from Raptor

Migration Census

organized by

BirdLife Cyprus

since 2006

Also, counts

made by


Habitat extent

Maintain the areas of

Akrotiri Salt Lake, Phasouri

Marsh, citrus groves,

vineyards and areas with

high maquis, that are used

by migrating raptors in the

site, within acceptable


♦ Extent of all habitats

used by the migrating

raptors should be

maintained - losses of 5%

or more of any relevant

habitat type unacceptable.

Record the extent

of all habitat types

used by

the migrating

raptors, preferably

according to


recommended in

JNCC (2004).

Some habitat

mapping to date

Consulting CYPRUS


Consulting CYPRUS


Table 18: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Red-footed Falcon

Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Bird population


Maintain population within

acceptable limits (in this

context population is that

of an individual species):

♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

maintain the population

above 50% of that

at designation - loss of

50% or more


Estimated at 1000-3000


Counts or

estimates of

numbers of


Existing data

from Raptor

Migration Census

organized by

BirdLife Cyprus

since 2006

Also, counts

made by


Variety of Species

Maintain assemblage


♦ If the number of passage

species falls by 25% or

more then the feature is in

unfavourable condition

(passage periods are

August to October and


to April).

Record presence /

absence of all

species (not just

waterbirds) within

the site during the

relevant periods.


Habitat extent

Maintain the area of citrus

plantations, Zakaki marsh


Fassouri wetland that are

Record the extent

of all habitat types

used by

this species,

Some habitat

mapping to date

Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

used by this species in the

site, within acceptable


♦ Extent of all habitats

used by this species

should be maintained -

losses of 5% or more of

any relevant habitat type



according to


recommended in

JNCC (2004).

In general, Akrotiri Peninsula is an ideal location for counting migrating raptors.

Concerning the setting up of a systematic monitoring programme, the most complete

migration-route counts are usually made over the entire migration period (Bibby et al.

1992) which in Cyprus starts from the end of August and lasts until mid-November to

the beginning of December (Flint and Stewart 1992). The guidance on mandatory

attributes for migrating raptors and for the Red-footed Falcon are found in Tables 17

and 18.

As part of the Raptor Migration Census taking place in the area since 2006, and

organized by BirdLife Cyprus, systematic data is collected every autumn and spring.

All birds of prey observed from the roof observatory of Akrotiri Environmental

Education and Information Centre, and during patrols to various locations throughout

Akrotiri Peninsula are recorded. Counts are conducted by BirdLife Cyprus staff,

wardens working at Akrotiri Environmental Education and Information Centre, Game

Fund personnel and visiting birdwatchers. In general, the counts take place daily

from the end of August to mid-November, from 8 am to 5 pm. From the vantage point

on the roof observatory, the horizon is scanned from East to North and South and

then vice versa, to locate individuals or flocks of birds of prey that are flying. When

birds are seen to land in certain areas, an observer drives to those areas to record

the exact location and behaviour of the birds. In addition, observers drive along roads

Consulting CYPRUS


throughout Akrotiri Peninsula to locate birds that are roosting, hunting or resting, and

that are not observed from the roof observatory (Miltiadou 2008).

The Raptor Migration Census provides a good basis for a long-term raptor monitoring

programme in the area. As a general rule, it is important to consider that for raptor

migration counts it is usually possible for 80-90% of birds to be recorded over 2-3

week windows, when the dates are known for the most important passage times

(Bibby et al. 1992). A suggested improvement on the current scheme is to include

teams of observers consisting of one to three individuals counting birds, plus one

identification checker and one transcriber. Ideally, one observer would count to the

north, one to the south and one overhead, with counts recorded in specific time units.

If there is a wide migration front, it is recommended that teams of observers are

spaced 6-8 km apart, to avoid the likelihood of double counting birds. Suggested

locations include Akrotiri Merra, the Salt Lake, and along the citrus plantations north

of the Salt Lake, and Zakaki and Fassouri wetlands. The exact location of the

counting sites should give the best available view of the centre of bird movement,

and the best possible views of the birds (Bibby et al. 1992). While such locations are

usually areas of higher ground, the roof observatory of Akrotiri Environmental

Education and Information Centre does not necessarily provide the best possible

views of the migrating birds.

Additionally, populations of raptors may also be assessed by counting birds at their

roosting sites (Bibby et al. 1992). A co-ordinated programme of watches of roosts is

recommended at Akrotiri Peninsula, at the eucalyptus forest and citrus plantations

north of the Salt Lake which are suitable roosting habitat for migrating raptors.

Migrating Demoiselle Cranes

Demoiselle Cranes are common passage migrants from late August to early

September (Flint and Stewart 1992). Akrotiri Peninsula is their most important stop-

over site in Cyprus, and one of the most important in Europe (BirdLife International

2004). It is also a site of international importance for this species which has an

international threshold of 1 to 7 individuals (Wetlands International 2006). The birds

are observed predominantly at Akrotiri Salt Lake, but also at Akrotiri Merra, Fassouri

wetland and Bishop’s pool where they tend to arrive at dusk, and leave early the next

Consulting CYPRUS


morning (Charalambidou et al. 2008, Kassinis et al. 2010, SBAA Environment

Department). For this reason, this species is best counted as it flies to or from its

roost sites at dawn or dusk, usually at times of high turnover, when large numbers

occur for just a few days.

The current scheme provides a good basis for a long-term monitoring programme. A

suggested improvement on the scheme should aim for standardization of the census

methods and recording of data. Ideally, teams of one to two observers should survey

the sites with point counts and the ‘look-see’ methodology, whereby an observer

stands in one place, surveys a predefined area with a spotting scope and binoculars

and counts all birds seen and heard (Bibby et al. 1992). The counts should be

conducted at dawn and dusk, on a daily basis, from the third week of August to the

second week of September, to ensure adequate coverage of the migrating

population. Suitable vantage points for the point counts should selected in

cooperation with Game Fund personnel and marked on a map so that the counts are

repeated annually from the same locations. The guidance on mandatory attributes for

migrating Demoiselle Cranes is found in Table 19.

Table 19: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Demoiselle Crane

Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Bird population size

Maintain population within

acceptable limits (in this

context population is that

of an individual species):

♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

maintain the population

above 50% of that

at designation - loss of

50% or more


Counts or

estimates of

numbers of


Existing data

from annual

counts organized

by Game Fund

Also, counts

made by


Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Estimated at up to 400


Population density

Maintain assemblage


♦ If the number of passage

species falls by 25% or

more then the feature is in

unfavourable condition

(passage periods are

August to October and


to April).

Record presence /

absence of all

species (not just

waterbirds) within

the site during the

relevant periods.


Habitat extent

Maintain the area of

Akrotiri Merra, Akrotiri Salt

Lake, Fassouri wetland

and Bishop’s pool that are

used by this species in the

site within acceptable


♦ Extent of all habitats

used by the feature should

be maintained - losses of

5% or more of any relevant

habitat type unacceptable.

Record the extent

of all habitat types

used by

this species,


according to


recommended in

JNCC (2004).

Some habitat

mapping to date

Wintering Greater Flamingo

The populations of Greater Flamingo are fairly well documented, at least since the

1990s, by Game Fund personnel and birdwatchers. The range of this species is well

known at Akrotiri Peninsula and its whole population can be located with reasonable

Consulting CYPRUS


confidence. Systematic, monthly, waterbird counts being carried out since 2003 by

the Game Fund, in cooperation with wardens at Akrotiri Environmental Education and

Information Centre, BirdLife Cyprus and birdwatchers (Flint and Stewart 1992,

BirdLife Cyprus 2003-2009, Gordon 2004, Iezekiel et al. 2004, Richardson 2005-

2009, Charalambidou et al. 2008, Kassinis et al. 2010) have provided accurate

population estimates of this species.

Counts are made using point counts and the ‘look-see’ methodology (Bibby et al.

1992). Suitable vantage points selected by Game Fund personnel are used, the

whole surface of the water is scanned slowly and carefully from side to side and all

visible birds are counted. This method is useful when all birds can be easily seen

although there are several ways in which the results can become biased. The most

important are a failure to ensure even effort and coverage between sites or years,

resulting in data that are not comparable. Other factors such as the weather during

the counting, the people undertaking the counts and whether the naked eye,

binoculars or telescopes were used will all influence the accuracy and comparability

of the counts (Bibby et al. 1992).

The current scheme provides a solid basis for a long-term monitoring programme. A

suggested improvement on the scheme should aim for standardization of the census

methods and recording of data. This should include marking of the vantage points on

a map so that the counts can be repeated monthly and annually from the same

locations. The guidance on mandatory attributes for wintering Greater Flamingo is

found in Table 20.

Table 20: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Greater Flamingo

Attributes Targets Method of assessment


Bird population size

Maintain population within

acceptable limits (in this

context population is that

of an individual species):

♦ Based on the known

Counts or

estimates of

numbers of


Existing data

from monthly,

waterbird counts

organized by

Game Fund

Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of assessment


natural fluctuations of the

population in the site,

maintain the population at

or above the minimum for

the site.

Estimated at 5,000-12,000


Also, counts

made by


Population density

Maintain assemblage


♦ If the number of wintering

species falls by 25% or

more then the feature is in

unfavourable condition

(winter is November to


Record presence /

absence of all

species (not just

waterbirds) within

the site during the

relevant periods.


Habitat extent

Maintain the area of the

Salt Lake,

saline pools by Lady’s Mile

coast, and Zakaki marsh

that are used by this

species in the site, within

acceptable limits:

♦ Extent of all habitats

used by the feature should

be maintained - losses of

5% or more of any relevant

habitat type unacceptable.

Record the extent

of all habitat types

used by

this species,


according to


recommended in

JNCC (2004).

Some habitat

mapping to date

Wintering Greater Sandplover and Kentish Plover

Consulting CYPRUS


The Greater Sandplover uses Akrotiri Peninsula as a staging area during migration,

while some birds choose to overwinter here. All fresh and salt water wetlands and

pools in the area are used by the species as well as the two coasts of the peninsula.

Kentish Plovers are found at Akrotiri Peninsula all year round, with larger numbers

during the winter when birds from northern populations use the area as wintering

grounds. Outside the breeding season, and especially during the summer and

autumn months when the Salt Lake is dry, Kentish Plovers depend largely on small

saline pools near the northern edge of Lady’s Mile coast for foraging.

Table 21: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Greater Sandplover

Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Bird population size

Maintain population within

acceptable limits (in this

context population is that

of an individual species):

♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

maintain the population

above 50% of that

at designation - loss of

50% or more


Estimated at 5-10 birds

Counts or

estimates of

numbers of


Existing data

from monthly,

waterbird counts

organized by

Game Fund

Also, counts

made by


Population density

Maintain assemblage


♦ If the number of wintering

species falls by 25% or

more then the feature is in

unfavourable condition

(winter is November to

Record presence /

absence of all

species (not just

waterbirds) within

the site during the

relevant periods.


Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments


Habitat extent

Maintain the area of all

fresh and salt water

wetlands and pools that

are used by this species in

the site within acceptable


♦ Extent of all habitats

used by this species

should be maintained -

losses of 5% or more of

any relevant habitat type


Record the extent

of all habitat types

used by

this species,


according to


recommended in

JNCC (2004).

Some habitat

mapping to date

Table 22: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Kentish Plover

Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Bird population size

Maintain population within

acceptable limits (in this

context population is that

of an individual species):

♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

maintain the population

above 50% of that

at designation - loss of

50% or more


Counts or

estimates of

numbers of


Existing data

from monthly,

waterbird counts

organized by

Game Fund

Also, counts

made by


Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Estimated at 100-150 birds

Population density

Maintain assemblage


♦ If the number of wintering

species falls by 25% or

more then the feature is in

unfavourable condition

(winter is November to


Record presence /

absence of all

species (not just

waterbirds) within

the site during the

relevant periods.




Maintain the area of all

fresh and salt water

wetlands and pools that

are used by this species in

the site within acceptable


♦ Extent of all habitats

used by this species

should be maintained -

losses of 5% or more of

any relevant habitat type


Record the extent

of all habitat types

used by

this species,


according to


recommended in

JNCC (2004).

Some habitat

mapping to date

The migrating and wintering populations of Greater Sandplover and Kentish Plover

are monitored mainly through the monthly, waterbird counts of the Game Fund (Flint

and Stewart 1992, BirdLife Cyprus 2003-2009, Gordon 2004, Iezekiel et al. 2004,

Richardson 2005-2009, Charalambidou et al. 2008, Kassinis et al. 2010). Both these

species, however, are widespread, with suitable habitat located at the fresh and salt-

water wetlands and pools at Akrotiri Peninsula. In addition, they are not numerous,

although much higher numbers of Kentish Plover are recorded compared to Greater

Consulting CYPRUS


Sandplover (Charalambidou et al. 2008, Kassinis et al. 2010). As a result, the current

monitoring scheme does not ensure complete counting of the populations of either

species despite their conservation status (Greater Sandplover: Endangered; Kentish

Plover: Declining; BirdLife International 2004) requiring more careful and effective

population monitoring.

More accurate estimates of the population status of both species are necessary in

order to adequately protect and conserve them. When complete counts of

populations are not possible, samples are required which may then be extrapolated

to estimate population sizes (Bibby et al. 1992). The habitat preferences for roosting

and feeding of both the Greater Sandplover and the Kentish Plover throughout

Akrotiri Peninsula are known. Therefore, random sampling of specified units within

their known distribution range (i.e. 10 km squares) is possible. Proposed surveying

methods are point counts and the ‘look-see’ methodology (Bibby et al. 1992).

Suitable vantage points for the point counts should be selected in cooperation with

Game Fund personnel and marked on a map so that the counts can be repeated

from the same locations. The guidance on mandatory attributes for both these

species are found in Tables 21 and 22.

7.7 Monitoring breeding bird populations

Ferruginous Duck

The Ferruginous Duck is restricted to fresh-water wetlands with adequate

surrounding vegetation. The species prefers fairly shallow expanses of water, rich in

submerged vegetation, and fringed by dense stands of emergent plants. It nests on

anchored floating vegetation or on islands and banks with immediate access to

water. Zakaki and Fassouri wetlands are its two breeding sites. Fassouri is used

when there is adequate standing water, while Zakaki has more availability of water

from storm sewage. The guidance on mandatory attributes for this species is found in

Table 23. Table 23: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Ferruginous Duck

Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Bird population size

Maintain population of this

species within acceptable


♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

maintain the population

above 75% of that at

designation - loss of 25%

or more unacceptable.

Population size estimated

at up to 10 pairs.

Counts of nesting


Counts of off-duty


Counts of duck


At least every 7-14

days during

breeding season,

March to June

Data consists of

counts of duck

broods observed

during monthly,

waterbird counts

by Game Fund

Also, counts

made by


Population density

Maintain density of

breeding birds within

acceptable limits:

♦ A decline in the breeding

density of the relevant

species of 25% or more is


Population density of this

species is unknown

No estimates to


Habitat extent

Maintain the areas of

Zakaki marsh and Fassouri

wetland that are used by

this species within

acceptable limits:

The total area of

the relevant habitat

should be mapped

using one of or a

combination of


No detailed

habitat mapping

to date

Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

The extent of all habitats

used by this species

should be maintained.

Losses of 5% or more of

any relevant habitat type


outlined in JNCC


Breeding populations of Aythya duck species are difficult to count as they nest in

dense vegetation and often move their broods to other areas as soon as they hatch.

According to Bibby et al. (1992), three counting methods are commonly used:

(1) Counts of nesting females. The counting unit is the female with a nest. A

disadvantage of this method is that locating nests involves rigorous searches in

suitable habitat, which is extremely labour intensive and may result in nest

desertion. Consequently it is best avoided unless an efficient line transect

method is developed to count the number of flushed females per unit area.

(2) Counts of off-duty males. The counting unit is the male duck. The number of

males in small groups are counted just after the females have started to

incubate their eggs and have become highly secretive. Groups of males

counted should comprise fewer than five birds in order to exclude flocks of non-

breeding or later wintering birds.

(3) Counts of duck broods. The counting unit is the female duck with a young

brood. Counts can be made by direct observation of a site over a designated

period, or by flushing broods onto the open water by walking the banks (with

dogs). Flush counts are generally more successful and quicker than

observations, except on larger or more vegetated waterbodies.

Information on breeding Ferruginous Ducks at Akrotiri Peninsula consists of counts of

duck broods observed during the monthly, waterbird counts of the Game Fund

(Charalambidou et al. 2008, Kassinis et al. 2010) and on other observations (Flint

Consulting CYPRUS


and Stewart 1992, BirdLife Cyprus 2003-2009, Gordon 2004, Iezekiel et al. 2004,

Richardson 2005-2009). A suggested improvement on the current situation should

aim for standardization of the census methods and recording of data, particularly

when considering the conservation status of this species which is globally Near

Threatened and in Europe evaluated as Vulnerable (BirdLife International 2004).

Ideally, teams of observers should survey Zakaki and Fassouri wetlands at least

every 7 to 14 days during the breeding season, from March to June, to ensure

adequate coverage of the breeding population. The proposed survey method is to

carry out point counts of duck broods from standard locations, as this method causes

the least disturbance to the birds. Suitable vantage points for the point counts should

be selected in cooperation with Game Fund personnel and marked on a map at the

beginning of the breeding season.

Black-winged Stilt and Spur-winged Lapwing

The site is one of the five most important sites in Cyprus for breeding populations of

Black-winged Stilts (Iezekiel et al. 2004). This species is a ground nester and has a

confined breeding area within the peninsula. Its breeding depends on water level and

in some dry years it will choose not to nest at all. Annual breeding surveys of Black-

winged Stilt have been conducted by the Game Fund since 2003 (Kassinis et al.

2010). The transect method, which is generally recommended for surveying breeding

waders (Bibby et al. 1992) is used. Depending on time constraints of staff, one to two

visits are usually organized per breeding season. A suggested improvement on this

scheme should aim for standardization of the census methods and recording of data.

This should include a large scale map of the study site, which is located at Zakaki

wetlands, showing the site boundaries and the locations of nests every year. Suitable

transect routes should be selected every breeding season, in cooperation with Game

Fund personnel and marked on a map, to enable comparable counts to be conducted

on all visits within the season. The monitoring scheme should also include any

breeding Spur-winged Lapwing observed, either at Zakaki or Fassouri wetlands. The

guidance on mandatory attributes for both species are in Tables 24 and 25.

Table 24: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Black-winged Stilt

Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Proposed method

of assessment Comments

Bird population size

Maintain population of this

species within acceptable


♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

maintain the population

above 75% of that at

designation - loss of 25%

or more unacceptable.

Population size estimated

at 100-150 pairs

Transect counts

Annual breeding


conducted by

Game Fund

since 2003

Counts of pairs

and individuals

observed during


waterbird counts

by Game Fund

Counts made by


Population density

Maintain density of

breeding birds within

acceptable limits:

♦ A decline in the breeding

density of the relevant

species of 25% or more is


Population density of this

species is unknown

No estimates to


Habitat extent

Maintain the areas of

Zakaki marsh that are used

by this species within

acceptable limits:

The extent of all habitats

The total area of

the relevant habitat

should be mapped

using one of or a

combination of


No detailed

habitat mapping

to date

Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Proposed method

of assessment Comments

used by this species

should be maintained.

Losses of 5% or more of

any relevant habitat type


outlined in JNCC


Consulting CYPRUS


Table 25: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Spur-winged Lapwing

Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Bird population


Maintain population of this

species within acceptable


♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

maintain the population

above 75% of that at

designation - loss of 25%

or more unacceptable.

Population size estimated

at up to 5 pairs

Transect counts

Counts of pairs

and individuals

observed during


waterbird counts

by Game Fund

Counts made by


Population density

Maintain density of

breeding birds within

acceptable limits:

♦ A decline in the breeding

density of the relevant

species of 25% or more is


Population density of this

species is unknown

No estimates to


Habitat extent

Maintain the areas of

Zakaki marsh and Fassouri

wetland that are used by

this species within

acceptable limits:

The total area of

the relevant habitat

should be mapped

using one of or a

combination of


No detailed

habitat mapping

to date

Consulting CYPRUS


The extent of all habitats

used by this species

should be maintained.

Losses of 5% or more of

any relevant habitat type


outlined in JNCC


Three counting visits are recommended, with successive visits conducted at least

one week apart:

Visit 1 – between 1 and 15th April

Visit 2 – between 16th and 30th April

Visit 3 – between 1 and 21st May

Transects should be located between 50 and 200 m apart, depending on the

‘anticipated’ density of breeding birds. All birds should be recorded and marked on

maps. Counting should be conducted between 09.00 and 17.00 hours, as this avoids

the confusing periods of maximal bird activity in the early morning and evening. The

method can be modified either to cover larger areas by using one observer to

traverse transects 200 m apart, and by having less visits during the breeding season

from March to May. Ideally, the transect to be walked should come within 100m of all

points, and scanned 200-400m ahead to check for displaying waders.

The counting unit should be the incubating bird and/or the flying bird (parents)

showing alarm. Counts are recommended when the birds are sitting on eggs, from

late March to late April (Flint and Stewart 1992). At later dates, juveniles, finished and

failed breeders flock and confuse the count (Bibby et al. 1992). Incubating birds are

located by carefully scanning the study area. The mean number of birds recorded

during the recommended period, equates to the maximum number of nests present.

However, the population can be estimated by halving the number of flying birds

recorded on a single survey visit. The maximum of a series of counts made during

the period when most pairs are incubating gives a good estimate of the number of

birds breeding (Green 1985).

Consulting CYPRUS


Kentish Plover

The site is one of the two most important sites in Cyprus for breeding populations of

Kentish Plover (Iezekiel et al. 2004). This species is a ground nester and has a

confined breeding area within the peninsula. Salt meadows around the salt lake and

gravel pits with proximity to saline lagoons are used as breeding sites. Annual

breeding surveys of Kentish Plover have been conducted by the Game Fund since

2003 (Kassinis et al. 2010). The transect method, which is generally recommended

for surveying breeding waders (Bibby et al. 1992) is used. Depending on time

constraints of staff, one to two visits are usually organized per breeding season. A

suggested improvement on this scheme should aim for standardization of the census

methods and recording of data. This should include a large scale map of the study

site, which is located at Akrotiri Merra, showing the site boundaries and the locations

of nests every year. Suitable transect routes should be selected every breeding

season, in cooperation with Game Fund personnel and marked on a map, to enable

comparable counts to be conducted on all visits within the season. The guidance on

mandatory attributes for this species is in Table 26.

Table 26: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Kentish Plover

Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Bird population size

Maintain population of this

species within acceptable


♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

maintain the population

above 75% of that at

designation - loss of 25%

or more unacceptable.

Population size estimated

Transect counts

Annual breeding


conducted by

Game Fund

since 2003

Counts of pairs

and individuals

observed during


waterbird counts

by Game Fund

Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

at up to 150 pairs.

Counts made by


Population density

Maintain density of

breeding birds within

acceptable limits:

♦ A decline in the breeding

density of the relevant

species of 25% or more is


Population density of this

species is unknown

No estimates to


Habitat extent

Maintain the areas of

Akrotiri Merra that are used

by this species within

acceptable limits:

The extent of all habitats

used by this species

should be maintained.

Losses of 5% or more of

any relevant habitat type


The total area of

the relevant habitat

should be mapped

using one of or a

combination of


outlined in JNCC


No detailed

habitat mapping

to date

Three counting visits are recommended, with successive visits conducted at least

one week apart:

Visit 1 – between 1 and 15th April

Visit 2 – between 16th and 30th April

Visit 3 – between 1 and 21st May

Consulting CYPRUS


The counting unit is the territorial bird which is best counted when it is incubating

(Parrinder 1989, Prater 1989). The recommended counting technique is to scan 50-

100 m ahead and count all visible birds, then walk on rapidly and repeat the process.

Because the birds are inconspicuous, careful scanning is important. Little attempt is

generally made to prove breeding by finding nests or broods as this causes

disturbance and is very time consuming. There are also problems with keeping track

of all the birds during the count; individuals may undertake fast pursuit flights over

large areas which can lead to overestimation (Bibby et al. 1992).

Eurasian Thick-knee

The Eurasian Thick-knee is a ground nesting bird of open arid areas, with low

precipitation and vegetation. In general the species favours areas adjacent to

wetlands or surface water. It is mainly nocturnal and crepuscular, therefore its

observation and accurate population estimation is hard. There is no scheme currently

in place to monitor possible breeding or wintering populations of Eurasian Thick-knee

on Akrotiri Peninsula.

Birds can be found in various areas of the peninsula including RAF Akrotiri, the salt

meadows surrounding the salt lake and Akrotiri Merra.

In monitoring of breeding populations, the counting unit is the incubating bird. Birds

can be located by playing tapes of their call from a slowly moving vehicle, at dusk

and during the night. If the taped call is within 500 m of an incubating bird it will

answer and can be counted (Bibby et al. 1992). Alternatively, transects can be

walked in daytime, in all potential habitats where this species may be found, to flush

incubating birds (Bealey et al. 1999). In Cyprus, site visits during the breeding

season should be made between April to August (Flint and Stewart 1992), and

locations of all breeding and non-breeding pairs, singletons, and their nest sites


To find nests, these can be located by watching the parents from a distant vantage

point and then checked at intervals of 1-2 weeks to obtain information on the timing

and success of breeding. If nests can be viewed from a distance, it is advisable not to

disturb incubating adults. Nests should be marked on a map. At visits to the nest, the

Consulting CYPRUS


number of eggs and chicks and the presence and behaviour of adult birds can be

recorded (Bealey et al. 1999).

For nocturnal roost counts of Eurasian Thick-knees, the counting unit is the individual

bird. These are counted as they fly to or from roost sites, at dusk or dawn. Counts

can be undertaken throughout the year and allow indices of population level to be

produced (Bibby et al. 1992).

Cyprus Warbler The Cyprus Warbler is associated with areas covered with shrubs and scrub. It

prefers maquis habitats vegetated with Pistacia lentiscus, Rhamnus, Cistus and

Cypressus species, where it nests under the dense cover provided by such plants.

The main areas used by this species at Akrotiri Peninsula are at its southern part,

where Pistacia and juniper dominate the vegetation. There is no scheme currently in

place to monitor the breeding populations of Cyprus Warbler in the area. A starting

point for such a scheme should be based on information gathered during a study

investigating the bird-habitat relationship of the bird species occurring at Akrotiri

Peninsula (Hadjikyriakou 2011).

Potential habitats in which this species may occur should be surveyed. In general,

breeding populations of passerine birds are counted using mapping methods, point

counts or transects (Bibby et al. 1992). During the breeding season, many species

are territorial. Especially among passerines, territories are often marked by

conspicuous song, display and periodic disputes with neighbours. Often, the area is

not completely filled with territories because of low densities or gaps in suitable

habitat. In such cases, mapped registrations of birds should fall into clusters

approximately coinciding with territories. The mapping approach relies on locating all

these signs on a series of visits and using them to estimate locations and numbers of

clusters or territories. The mapping method is the most time consuming of the

general bird count methods for a fixed number of birds finally counted.

Eleonora’s Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Griffon Vulture and Mediterranean Shag Counting breeding raptors and seabirds that use specialized nesting habitat in

inaccessible areas, such as coastal cliffs and islets, pose special problems. Some

Consulting CYPRUS


species, e.g. Peregrine Falcons, are found at low densities. For colonially nesting

species, difficulties include locating the colonies on rugged coastal sites, assessing

the proportion of breeding and non-breeding birds, evaluating the proportion of birds

that have left the nest to obtain food, and defining the effects of harsh weather on

numbers of birds at the colony (Bibby et al. 1992).

‘Look-see’ methods are commonly used to assess breeding populations. The

counting unit is the Apparently Occupied Nest-site which is defined as an individual

sitting tightly on a reasonably horizontal area large enough to hold an egg (Nettleship

1976). Two birds on a site, apparently paired, count as one site. Proof of occupancy

by a pair should be (1) seeing two birds together, (2) finding moulted feathers or

droppings, or preferably (3) finding a nest containing eggs or young, or seeing adults

carrying food or hearing the begging calls of young birds.

Pairs of Peregrine Falcon and colonies of breeding Eleonora’s Falcon, Griffon Vulture

and Mediterranean Shag are distributed along the extensive sea cliffs and shorelines

of Akrotiri and Episkopi area. Current schemes provide information on the breeding

populations of the raptors, with less detailed information relating to Mediterranean

Shags. The current schemes can be used as a basis for long-term monitoring

programmes. Suggested improvements on the schemes should aim for

standardization of the census methods and recording of data. The guidance on

mandatory attributes for these species are in Tables 28-31.

As a first step, it is necessary to describe in more detail than previously, and mark on

a map, the study area by dividing the cliff or shore into easily countable sections.

These are best defined by the features of the area (e.g. vertical cliff, boulders, sandy

beach, etc.), the availability of suitable vantage points from which the birds can be

counted, and the ease with which each section can be counted. It is important that all

sections and vantage points are marked on a base-map of the study area at 1:

10.000 scale and the results of the counts are presented according to the various


Consulting CYPRUS


In continuation, the breeding colonies should be described and kept on record. A

colony is defined as a concentration of breeding birds separated from others by an

area of cliff, sea or open space. If in doubt, it is usually best to sub-divide a colony,

so long as this can be done unambiguously. Information to be recorded for each

colony or sub-division of a colony is presented in Table 27.

Table 27: The information that should be recorded to describe each colony or sub-division of a


Colony name

Location Location

Status Status

Description Description

Access Access

History Counting history, with bibliography

Counting problems Indicate approximately what percentage of the

colony can be counted from land, how much can

be seen from the sea and any particular counting

problems, e.g. birds nesting in caves, counted

whilst looking up, broad ledges hiding birds,

restricted view of colony, disturbance of colony

by observer

Other notes

Bibliography Any details of books, scientific papers, reports

etc. that mention the colony

To obtain the most accurate counts of birds at cliff-nesting colonies, the position of

the observer is important. Ideally, observers should be at the same level, or slightly

above, the birds and should be looking directly at the colony. If this preferred position

cannot be obtained, the observer is forced to count the birds from available locations,

which in the case of surveying Eleonora’s Falcon colonies includes counts from


Select a suitable vantage point and scan the study area using binoculars. Beware of

counting paired birds standing apart as two territory holders, and of overlooking birds

Consulting CYPRUS


that blend against the background. The counts should be repeated on three separate

days spread over the counting period, with all Apparently Occupied Territories

marked on a map.

Counts should be made in the late incubation to early nestling period when colony

attendance is the greatest. Eleonora’s Falcons are summer – autumn visitors which

stay in the area until mid-autumn when they fly back to Madagascar and Africa to

their wintering grounds. Therefore, counts should take place from the end of July to

mid-August. For the other three species nesting in the area, counts should take place

from late March to mid-April for the Peregrine Falcon, and late-February to mid-

March for the Griffon Vulture and the Mediterranean Shag. Ideally, several counts

should be made over a period of 3-7 days to reduce problems with colony attendance

varying between days, and a mean number of Apparently Occupied Nest-sites

calculated (Bibby et al. 1992).

The counts which are currently conducted are made from boats in mid-July to mid-

August, for the Eleonora’s Falcon, during which all other species observed are also

recorded. Information from these counts is combined with data collected from counts

conducted from the land (Wilson 2005). It is necessary to standardize the count

locations, both from the sea and the land, so that data collected may be comparable

among years. Another option is to use photographs. Photographs are an easy

method to assess the status of a colony as expanding colonies always increase in

area, and declining ones decrease. Photographs can be taken from a boat or the air,

and nest sites counted.

Table 28: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Eleonora’s Falcon

Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Bird population size

Maintain population of this

species within acceptable


♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

Annual breeding


conducted by


Counts made by

Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

maintain the population

above 75% of that at

designation - loss of 25%

or more unacceptable.

Population size estimated

at 50-100 pairs.


Population density

Maintain density of

breeding birds within

acceptable limits:

♦ A decline in the breeding

density of the relevant

species of 25% or more is


Population density of this

species is unknown

No estimates to


Habitat extent

Maintain the areas of

Akrotiri and Episkopi sea

cliffs that are used by this

species within acceptable


The extent of all habitats

used by this species

should be maintained.

Losses of 5% or more of

any relevant habitat type


The total area of

the relevant habitat

should be mapped

using one of or a

combination of


outlined in JNCC


No detailed

habitat mapping

to date

Table 29: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Peregrine Falcon

Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Bird population size

Maintain population of this

species within acceptable


♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

maintain the population

above 75% of that at

designation - loss of 25%

or more unacceptable.

Population size estimated

at 4 pairs.

Counted during

annual Eleonra’s

Falcon breeding


conducted by


Counts made by


Population density

Maintain density of

breeding birds within

acceptable limits:

♦ A decline in the breeding

density of the relevant

species of 25% or more is


Population density of this

species is unknown

No estimates to


Habitat extent

Maintain the areas of

Akrotiri and Episkopi sea

cliffs that are used by this

species within acceptable


The extent of all habitats

used by this species

The total area of

the relevant habitat

should be mapped

using one of or a

combination of


outlined in JNCC


No detailed

habitat mapping

to date

Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

should be maintained.

Losses of 5% or more of

any relevant habitat type


Table 30: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Griffon Vulture

Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Bird population size

Maintain population of this

species within acceptable


♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

maintain the population

above 75% of that at

designation - loss of 25%

or more unacceptable.

Population size estimated

at 2 pairs.

Annual breeding


conducted by



Counts made by


Population density

Maintain density of

breeding birds within

acceptable limits:

♦ A decline in the breeding

density of the relevant

species of 25% or more is


Population density of this

species is unknown

No estimates to


Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Habitat extent

Maintain the areas of

Akrotiri and Episkopi sea

cliffs that are used by this

species within acceptable


The extent of all habitats

used by this species

should be maintained.

Losses of 5% or more of

any relevant habitat type


The total area of

the relevant habitat

should be mapped

using one of or a

combination of


outlined in JNCC


No detailed

habitat mapping

to date

Table 31: Guidance on mandatory attributes for the Mediterranean Shag

Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

Bird population size

Maintain population of this

species within acceptable


♦ The limits of natural

fluctuations are not known,

maintain the population

above 75% of that at

designation - loss of 25%

or more unacceptable.

Population size estimated

at 15-20 pairs.

Counted during

annual Eleonra’s

Falcon breeding


conducted by


Counts made by


Population density

Maintain density of

breeding birds within

acceptable limits:

No estimates to


Consulting CYPRUS


Attributes Targets Method of

assessment Comments

♦ A decline in the breeding

density of the relevant

species of 25% or more is


Population density of this

species is unknown

Habitat extent

Maintain the areas of

Akrotiri and Episkopi sea

cliffs that are used by this

species within acceptable


The extent of all habitats

used by this species

should be maintained.

Losses of 5% or more of

any relevant habitat type


The total area of

the relevant habitat

should be mapped

using one of or a

combination of


outlined in JNCC


No detailed

habitat mapping

to date

Pelagic seabirds

As previously mentioned in this report, no data exist for offshore seabird species

found in this area, such as Cory’s Shearwater, the Yelkouan Shearwater, the

European Storm Petrel and the Northern Gannet (Flint and Stewart 1992). In general,

population estimates are much more difficult with pelagic birds than breeding colony

data. Pelagic seabird survey programs are generally difficult to incorporate into

monitoring programmes, because such programs rely on 'ships of opportunity' rather

than using dedicated ship time (e.g. Brown 1986). As a result, an ideal procedure

such as selecting and repeating a sample of transects chosen to represent marine

habitats in a region (using a randomised or stratified-random design) is unlikely to be


Consulting CYPRUS


Moreover, it is difficult to convert survey data into absolute populations by counting

birds seen within a fixed-width transect (e.g. Tasker et al. 1984), or from transects of

undefined width (Diamond et al. 1986). Therefore, monitoring programmes to identify

trends rather than absolute numbers are proposed (Diamond 2011). For example,

simple and consistent indexes are used in other parts of the world, e.g. using 'birds

per linear kilometre' to indicate trends (Brown 1986); or counting all birds seen per 10

minutes within a 300m transect either side of a vessel (Tasker et al. 1984). In any

case, a ‘Protocol for Monitoring Seabirds’ which is used in Canada for pelagic

seabird surveys (Diamond 2011) may also be adapted to local conditions and used

as a basis for an offshore monitoring programme in the Akrotiri Peninsula area

7.7.1 Proposed Monitoring Programme for Aquatic biotic components

According to the Nature Conservation Component Plan the generic objective of the

management plan is to maintain or restore all the important features at Akrotiri

Peninsula at a favorable conservation status, taking into account economic, social

and cultural requirements and local characteristics.

In relation to waterbodies, this refers to their restoration in order to achieve at least

Good status. Monitoring of submerged aquatic macrophytes and benthic

macroinvertebrates assemblages is crucial in order to achieve this objective. These

biological components can be used as an assessment tool for the evaluation of

ecological quality of the waterbodies incorporated in Akrotiri peninsula. Long term

monitoring of these quality elements will provide sufficient information for the

ecological status and will guide wetland managers in which direction management

measures should aim, in order to achieve favorable conditions as defined by the

management objectives.

7.7.2 Proposed biotic monitoring indicators

The assessment of aquatic species and communities provides valuable information

about wetlands health. The effects of human induced stressors on aquatic

ecosystems involve a series of hierarchical responses of different biological

organizational levels with the most ecologically relevant ones to occur at species,

population and community level. Pressures on wetlands may lead to changes related

to community attributes such as structure (i.e., species composition, richness, and

abundance), function (i.e., feeding habits and density), and dynamics (i.e., presence

Consulting CYPRUS


or absence of sensitive organisms and contribution of dominant taxa), leading

ultimately to changes in the functional integrity of ecosystem. Therefore, population

shifts can be regarded as an early warning signal of the community and ecosystem


The aquatic biotic components to be studied in Akrotiri peninsula are Macrophytes

and Benthic Macroinvertebrates. Both groups are designated as Biological Quality

Elements by the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC and are being monitored on

European scale in both coastal and inland waters. Since very few data exist

concerning the status of these components in Akrotiri, they will be studied from

baseline level. Therefore samplings will focus among others, on collecting the most

of all taxa present in the peninsula.

7.7.3 Aquatic Macrophytes

As photosynthetic sessile organisms, submerged aquatic macrophytes are

vulnerable and respond rapidly to disturbance in the aquatic environment

representing a reliable ecological bio-indicator. Macrophyte communities will be

investigated in all waterbodies of the peninsula and the following indices will be


• Species composition

• Species richness

• Shannon diversity

• Presence/absence of sensitive taxa as well as other species, indicative of

ecosystem degradation

• Percentage of algae cover

• Percentage of angiosperms cover

The calculation of a macrophyte quality index such as EEI-c (Ecological Evaluation

Index - continuous formula), an evolved version of the well established EEI (Orfanidis

et al., 2001), will be also applied in order to assess the quality of the wetlands. The

concept of the EEI is based on the obvious and universal pattern that anthropogenic

disturbance, e.g. pollution-eutrophication, shifts the ecosystem from pristine to

degraded state. Benthic macrophytes (macroalgae and angiosperms) are used as

Consulting CYPRUS


bio-indicators of ecosystem shifts, from the pristine state where late-successional

species is dominant, to the degraded state where opportunistic species prevail. In

moderately impacted areas slow growing, shade-adapted calcareous species and

opportunistic macroalgae often co-dominate.

7.7.4 Aquatic Macroinvertebrates

Aquatic benthic macroinvertebrate populations will also be explored as a

supplementary indicator. They are also considered as good bio-indicators of aquatic

ecosystems health because of their low mobility rates and their high variability in

pollution tolerance. In addition, invertebrates live most of their life in the water column

and have adequate life span (a few weeks to a couple of years) which means that

they can express the long term quality of the waterbody they are found in. Benthic

macro-invertebrate communities will be investigated by means of:

• Species richness

• Absolute abundance

• Population and taxa density,

• Species richness

• Presence/absence of sensitive taxa

• Shannon diversity index

• Richness of groups EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera , Trichoptera,)

In addition metrics dealing with population dynamics such as percentage of Diptera,

percentage of Trichoptera, percentage of Ephemeroptera, percentage of dominant

taxa and presence/absence of sensitive/tolerant taxa will also be used were indicated.

Finally the application of the Invertebrate Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) which was

developed for the assessment of coastal wetlands will be attempted. IBI is a

multimetric index using macroinvertebrates as bioindicators which evaluates

ecological condition by combining a series of empirically derived and tested curves

representing species responses to disturbance.

A first evaluation of macrophyte and macro-invertebrate communities will provide us

a first view of the quality status of Akrotiri wetland waterbodies. This preliminary

Consulting CYPRUS


evaluation will provide basic information about the taxa present in the wetland, their

distribution and abundance as well as their response to pressures. This information

will set the basis for designing a monitoring plan for the long term monitoring and

management of Akrotiri wetlands.

Monitoring network

Monitoring stations were selected in order to cover all major waterbodies in the

peninsula and to be representative of the whole study area. In total eight (8) sampling

stations were selected based on their location and characteristics (salinity range,

vegetation, water regime). The proposed stations are shown on Table 16.

Nevertheless, addition or removal of stations in the monitoring network is probable,

due to on-spot practical difficulties, such as water scarcity, dense vegetation etc.

Table 32: Proposed sampling locations for the monitoring of biotic components in Akrotiri


No Station Name Latitude Longditude

1 Zakaki marsh 34° 38' 36.13"N 33° 00' 10.22"E

2 Zakaki marsh canal 34° 38' 26.92"N 32° 59' 67.22"E

3 Coastal ponds (Lady's mile) 34° 38' 23.33"N 33° 00' 29.71"E

4 Phasouri marsh 34° 37' 52.73"N 32° 56' 01.53"E

5 Phasouri marsh canal 34° 37' 30.46"N 32° 56' 16.76"E

6 Salt lake 34° 36' 40.00"N 32° 58' 76.00"E

7 Small pond in salt lake 34° 36' 12.08"N 32° 57' 52.00"E

8 Small pond by the road 34° 36' 00.52"N 32° 57' 48.75"E

Sampling frequency

Submerged aquatic macrophytes

Aquatic macrophytes growth depends mainly on hydrological status, temperature and

light intensity (Barko & Smart 1981, Van den Berg et al. 1998). Therefore in a

temporal ecosystem such as Akrotiri, macrophyte emergence is triggered in mid

winter when water accumulates in the wetland, reaches maximum growth and

biomass in late spring and decays during the mid-summer high temperatures or

when eventually the wetland dries out. Therefore the best sampling period is mid- to

late spring depending on the water regime, since in dry years the water bodies are

Consulting CYPRUS


expected to dry up earlier and high salinities during the evaporative loss period might

also affect macrophyte growth.

The abovementioned short wet period limits the lifecycle of macrophytes and

consequently the period of macrophytes maximal growth. For this reason sampling

can be conducted only once a year, in mid to late spring when macrophytes are at/or

close to maximum growth, which is considered adequate for the long-term monitoring

of the wetland status.

Benthic macroinvertebrates

In contrast to macrophytes, benthic invertebrates are characterized by rapid growth

rates and short life cycles. Moreover, flying invertebrates lay their eggs as soon as

the accumulation of water begins in the wetland and therefore they become available

earlier than macrophytes. Therefore two sampling periods can be considered on an

annual basis: first sampling period is proposed for the end of winter period (end of

February - early March) and the second in mid - to late spring.

Supporting elements

Biological monitoring must be supported by physicochemical data for the

interpretation of possible changes in aquatic communities. Therefore variation of

several water parameters must be monitored during the period of water presence in

the wetland. It is suggested that these parameters are monitored twice a month. In

the cases when these proposals overlap with the ‘hydrology’ parameters it is

suggested that the stations sites coincide to avoid duplication of effort.

• Depth

• Turbidity

• Temperature

• Salinity

• pH

• Nutrients (NO2, NO3, NH4, PO4, Total P)



• Heavy metals

Consulting CYPRUS


• Pesticides

• Insecticides

• Chlorophyll-a

Additional Monitoring Parameters

• Habitat fragmentation

• Rate of use by offroad vehicles

• Number of recreational visitors

• Correlation of groundwater levels to Akrotiri saltlake water depths

• Correlation of groundwater levels to Fasouri Marsh water depths

7.8 Proposed additional studies

In addition to the monitoring of the above parameters it is suggested that the

following studies are undertaken:

• Determination of the Hydraulic Conductivity between the Fasouri Marsh and the

Akrotiri Aquifer and and Akrotiri Salt Lake and the Akrotiri Aquifer. The study will

require the following steps:

• Collection, collation and analysis of all hydrogeological data and studies of the

project area.

• Geological mapping of the Akrotiri salt lake. Ephasis should be given to

determining the presence of marl and the presence of permeable formations

such as Pahna.

• Gephysical suevey of the area between the salt lake and the krotiri aquifer.

• Selection of locations and determination of required depths for boreholes

designed to produce north-south profiles of geological formations.

• Borehole investigation.

• Preparing detailed profiles of geological formations.

• Assessment of the environmental impacts of current pest control practices

• Development of an Index of Biological Integrity

Consulting CYPRUS


7.8.1 Additional studies in relation to Phallocryptus, Aphanius, and aquatic insects

The following suggestions for additional studies in relation to the fairy shrimps in the

Lake all can be performed in the context of senior and graduate theses of students of

Biology, Ecology and Environmental Chemistry.

Objective: To ensure stability of the ecosystem that sustains the

Phallocryptus/birds/nutrients dynamics

• Indicator: Weekly monitoring of the water salinity, temperature, dissolved

oxygen, pH, nutrients.

• Indicator: Weekly monitoring of the primary producers (phytoplankton) in the

water overlaying the benthic communities of the Lake.

• Indicator: Weekly monitoring of the zooplankton grazing on the primary


• Indicator: Weekly monitoring to determine the presence/absence of Aphanius

and carnivorous arthropods (larvae, adults) in the Salt Lake.

Objective: To ensure the stability of the Phallocryptus population in the Salt Lake

• Indicator: Weekly observational study of the feeding habits of birds (flamingos,

shelducks, avocets, glossy ibises) inside the Lake’s basin in relation to


• Indicator: Assessment of the human impact by trampling on the cysts bank.

• Indicator: Ex situ experiments (bioassays) to study the potential impact on

Phallocryptus of the granular organophosphorus insecticide Abate, used in

Akrotiri to control mosquito larvae.

• Indicator: Experiments ex situ on the salinity tolerance of the local population of

Phallocryptus and the cysts’ hatching response.

• Indicator: Experiments ex situ on the salinity tolerance of Aphanius.

Consulting CYPRUS


• Indicator: Evaluation of different methods to study the cysts bank of

Phallocryptus in the Lake and surrounding ponds.

Objective: Ensure the stability of the food web (nutrients/plankton) that enables

Phallocryptus to proliferate and provide food for birds

• Indicator: Weekly monitoring to determine the initiation and progress of the

primary production component (plankton) of the Salt Lake ecosystem.

• Indicator: Weekly monitoring of the water chemistry and plankton in relation

to other inputs of nutrients (e.g. birds’ faecal material, carcasses, atmospheric

dust deposition) into the Lake.

• Indicator: Experiments ex situ on the Phallocryptus tolerance to starvation


• Indicator: Ex situ experiments (bioassays) on the potential impact of the

granular organophosphorus insecticide Abate, used in Akrotiri to control

mosquito larvae, on the plankton.

Consulting CYPRUS


8 References Allen, R. P. 1956. The Flamingos: Their Life History and Survival with Special

Reference to the American or West Indian Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber). New York,

National Audubon Society

Arnold N., Biondi E., Costa M., Géhu J.M., Peris J. B.1984. Donées sur la végétation

maritime des cotes meridionales de l' île de Chypre (plages, dunes, lacs sales et falaises).

Documents phytosociologiques VIII: 343-364

Baillie, S.R. (1990). Integrated population monitoring of breeding birds in Britain and

Ireland. Ibis 132: 151-166.

Barko J., and R. Michael Smart, 1981. Comparative Influences of Light and

Temperature on the Growth and Metabolism of Selected Submersed Freshwater

Macrophytes. Ecological Monographs 51(2): 219-236

Bealey, C.E., Green, R.E., Robson, R., Taylor, C.R. and Winspear, R. (1999). Factors

affecting the numbers and breeding success of Stone Curlews Burhinus oedicnemus at

Porton Down, Wiltshire, Bird Study, 46:2, 145-156

Beladjal, L. & J. Mertens. 2003. Interstitial remains for fauna reconstruction of desert

pools using fairy shrimps as example (Anostraca). J. Crust. Biol. 23: 60–68

Beladjal, L. & J. Mertens. 2009. Diaspore dispersal of anostraca by flying insects. J.

Crust. Biol. 29: 266–268

Beladjal,L., K. Dierckens & J. Mertens. 2007. Dispersal of fairy shrimp Chirocephalus

diaphanous (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) by the trout (Salmo trutta). J. Crust. Biol. 27: 71-73

Bibby, C;J., Burgess, N.D. and Hill, D.A. (1992). Bird Census Techniques. Academic

Press Limited.

BirdLife Cyprus (2003-2009) Monthly Newsletters, Nicosia, Cyprus.

BirdLife International. (2004). Birds in the European Union: a status assessment.

BirdLife International, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Bohonak, A. J. & D. G. Jenkins. 2003. Ecological and evolutionary significance of

dispersal by freshwater invertebrates. Ecol. Letters 6: 783-796

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Consulting CYPRUS


Appendix I MAPS

Consulting CYPRUS


Appendix II Flora & Habitats

Consulting CYPRUS


A. Communities identified in the halophytic wetlands of Akrotiri Peninsula (Christodoulou 2003,

Hadjichambis 2005)

Habitat Type C





Vegetation Class Vegetation Community

1310 H10 3 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Arthrocnemetum macrostachi-Halocnemum strobilacei-Salicornia europaea

1310 H26 1 THERO-SALICORNIETEA (Pignatti 1953) Tx. in Tx. et Oberd. 1958

Halopeplidetum amplexicaulis Burollet 1927

1410 H02 4 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Juncus subulatus-Zygophyllum album L. fil. Community


Agropyron elongatum-Aeluropus lagopoides Community

1410 H08 7 THERO-SALICORNIETEA (Pignatti 1953) Tx. in Tx. et Oberd. 1958

Halocnemum strobilaceum – Halopeplis amplexicaulis community

1410 H19 2 QUERCETEA ILICIS Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Asparagus stipularis Forsskal-Juncus subulati Community

1410 H20a 2 JUNCETEA MARITIMI Tx. et Oberd. 1958 Juncus subulatus Community

1410 H23b 4 JUNCETEA MARITIMI Tx. et Oberd. 1958

Schoeno - Plantaginetum crassifoliae Μεταβατική Ζώνη με Schoenus nigricans - Asparagus stipularis

1410 H24 5 JUNCETEA MARITIMI Tx. et Oberd. 1958 Schoenus nigricans L. Community

1420 A 20

SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Arthrocnemum macrostachyum-Inula crithmoides com.

1420 Bi 4 Acacia saligna (shrub)-Juncus heldreichianus com., transition to community A

1420 Bii 2 Acacia saligna (tree)-Juncus heldreichianus com., transition to community A

1420 Biii 2 Acacia saligna -Juncus heldreichianus com.

1420 H03 2 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Zygophyllum album L. fil. Community variation with Plantago maritima ssp. crassifolia

1420 H04 5 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Zygophyllum album L. fil. Community variation with Plantago maritima ssp. crassifolia

1420 H05 2 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moric.) Moris & Delponte variation with Plantago maritima

1420 H07 3 JUNCETEA MARITIMI Tx. et Oberd. 1958

Zygophyllum album L. fil. - Plantago maritime community [Schoenus nigricans - Inula crithmoides]

1420 H11 1 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Arthrocnemetum fruticosi suaedosum verae

1420 H12a 2 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Arthrocnemetum fruticosi variation with Salicornia europaea

1420 H12b 1 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. Sarcocornia perennis-Arthrocnemum

Consulting CYPRUS


Habitat Type C





Vegetation Class Vegetation Community

et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950 macrostachyum comm.

1420 H13 5 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Arthrocnemetum glauci - Halocnemetum strobilacei Oberd. 1952

1420 H14 2 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950 Limonio virgati – Zygophylletum albi ?

1420 H15 3 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moric.) Moris & Delponte - Parapholis incurva (L.) C. E. Hubbard Community

1420 H16 5 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950 Arthrocnemetum macrostachyi

1420 H17 4 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Arthrocnemo glauci – Juncetum subulati Brullo et Furnari 1976

1420 H18 4 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Arthrocnemo – Juncetum subulati variation with Inula crithmoides & Limonium mucronulatum

1420 H21 3 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950 Halocnemum strobilaceum Community

1420 H22 3 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Arthrocnemum perenne (Miller) Moss Community

1420 H25b 1 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950 Suaeda vera comm.

1420 H27 2 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Puccinelio convolutae- Arthrocnemetum glauci, Gehu 1984. Variation with Limonium virgatum (Willd.) Fourr.

92D0/ 2260 H01 2 Nerio-Tamaricetea Br.-Bl. et de Bolos

1958 Tamarix tetragyna Community

acacia B 16 Acacia saligna-Juncus heldreichianus com.


CY02 C 7 PHRAGMITO - MAGNOCARICETEA Klika in Klika et Novak 1941

Phragmites australis-Juncus heldreichianus com.

CY02 Ci 4 PHRAGMITO - MAGNOCARICETEA Klika in Klika et Novak 1941

Phragmites australis-Juncus heldreichianus com., transition to community A

CY02 D 4 PHRAGMITO - MAGNOCARICETEA Klika in Klika et Novak 1941 Phragmites australis-Acacia saligna com.

Consulting CYPRUS


B. Communities identified in the sand dunes of Akrotiri Peninsula (Hadjichambis 2005)

Habitat Type

Code No releve

Vegetation Class Vegetation Community


Lycium schweinfurthii U. Dammer - Zygophyllum album L. fil. Community

2110 S12 3 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Cyperus capitatus Vandelli – Eryngium maritimum L. Plantago afra L. Community

2110 S13b 7 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Agropyron junceum (L.) Beauv.-Cakile maritima Scop.-Medicago marina-Otanthus maritimus (L.) Hoffmanns. & Link Community

2110 S14b 1 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Agropyron junceum (L.) Beauv. Community

2110 S14c 2 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Agropyron junceum (L.) Beauv. - Echium angustifolium Miller Community

2110 S15a 7 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Agropyron junceum (L.) Beauv. – Cakile maritima Scop.-Medicago marina L.-Zygophyllum album L. fil.

2110 S16 7 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Sporobolus virginicus (L.) Kunth - Zygophyllum album L. fil. Community

2110 S21a 4 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Echium angustifolium Miller-Sporobolus virginicus (L.) Kunth Degradation

2110 S29 9 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Zygophyllum album L. fil. - Cakile maritima Scop. Community

2110 S49 3 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Sporobolus virginicus (L.) Kunth Community

2110/ 1430

S45 4 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moric.) Moris & Delponte - Zygophyllum album L. fil. Community

2110/ 2210

S10 5 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf.-Cyperus capitatus Vandelli Community

2110/ 2210

S14a 6 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Agropyron junceum (L.) Beauv.-Launaea resedifolia (L.) O. Kuntze -Echium angustifolium Miller-Pseudorlaya pumila (L.) Grande

2110/ 2210

S18 5 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Cyperus capitatus Vandelli – Centaurea aegialophila Wagenitz - Medicago marina L. - Euphorbia cassia Boiss. subsp. Cassia – Helianthemum stipulatum (Forsskal) C. Chr. Community

2110/ 2210

S19 5 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Medicago marina L. - Centaurea aegialophila Wagenitz Community

2110/ 2210

S36 5 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel – Plantago maritima L. - Sporobolus virginicus (L.) Kunth – Helianthemum stipulatum - Euphorbia cassia Boiss. subsp. cassia Community

2110/ 2210

S37 1 AMMOPHILETEA Br.-Bl. et Tx. Ex Westhoff, Dijk et Passchier 1946

Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel - Echium angustifolium Miller Community


Schoenus nigricans L. - Plantago maritima L. Community

1420/ S30 6 SALICORNIETEA FRUTICOSAE Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moric.)

Consulting CYPRUS


Habitat Type

Code No releve

Vegetation Class Vegetation Community

2190 Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. de Bolos 1950 Moris & Delponte - Parapholis incurva (L.) C. E. Hubbard – Inula crithmoides L. Community

2190/ 2240


Schoenus nigricans L. - Plantago maritima L. – Bromus rubens Community

2240/ 2230

S38 4 THERO-BRACHYPODIETEA Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Aegilops bicornis (Forsskal) Jaub. & Spach – Aegilops biuncialis Vis. – Imperata cylindrica (L.) Raeuschel Community

2250 S01 1 QUERCETEA ILICIS Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolos 1950 / THERO-BRACHYPODIETEA Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Juniperus phoenicea Community

2250 S02 2 QUERCETEA ILICIS Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Juniperus phoenicea – Myrtus communis – Olea europea Community

2250 S04 4 QUERCETEA ILICIS Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Juniperus phoenicea L.– Pistacia lentiscus Community

2250 S05 6 QUERCETEA ILICIS Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Juniperus phoenicea L. – Coridothymus capitatus – Paronychia macrosepala

2250 S09 7 QUERCETEA ILICIS Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Pistacia lentiscus L.-Rhamnus oleoides–Prassium majus- με ή χωρίς Juniperus phoenicea L. Community

2260 S02 1 QUERCETEA ILICIS Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Juniperus phoenicea – Myrtus communis – Olea europea Community


Asparagus stipularis Forsskal-Pistacia lentiscus L.-Juniperus phoenicea L.

2260 S11 2 QUERCETEA ILICIS Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Pistacia lentiscus L.–Asparagus stipularis Forsskal Degradation


Thymus capitatus (L.) Hoffmanns. & Link - Helianthemum stipulatum - Schoenus nigricans L. Community


Thymelaea hirsuta (L.) Endl. - Thymus capitatus (L.) Hoffmanns. & Link – Lotus cytisoides Community

2260/ 1430


Lycium schweinfurthii U. Dammer- Asparagus stipularis Forsskal-Zygophyllum album L. fil. Community

2260 acacia

S46 3 / Acacia saligna (Labill.) Wendl. fil. Community

2270 S101 2 QUERCETEA ILICIS Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Juniperus phoenicea L.– Pinus brutia Tenore Community

2270 aleppo

S06 3 QUERCETEA ILICIS Br.-Bl. ex A. de Bolos 1950

Pinus halepensis Miller – Juniperus phoenicea L. Community

Consulting CYPRUS

Attributes of the taxa of sand dune and halophytic vegetation recorded in the datasets of Christodoulou (2003) and Hadjichambis (2005).

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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Acacia saligna synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)


n 1 1

Achillea maritima subsp. maritima

ammophilous Ammophiletea

Y VU A4c 9 4 8 7 3 -1 -1 1

Aegilops bicornis dry grassland Y VU B1ab(iii,v)

+2ab(iii,v) [8] [3] [7] [5] [1]

Aegilops biuncialis UNKN 7 5 7 5 0

Aegilops sp. UNKN Aeluropus lagopoides halophytic Salicornietea

fruticosae 8 6 8 4 7 1

Aetheorhiza bulbosa ammophilous

Thero-Brachypodietea: Cutandietalia maritimae

5 x x 5 1 1 1 1

Allium sp. UNKN Allium trifoliatum UNKN 7 6 9# 6 1

Anacamptis pyramidalis


phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

Y 7 3 8# 4 0

Anagallis synanthropic Synanthropic 6 x 8 5 1 -1 1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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arvensis (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

Anthemis sp. UNKN

Anthemis tricolor shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)


Arisarum vulgare shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

x x x 6 1

Arthrocnemum macrostachyum

halophytic Salicornietea fruticosae

9 9° 9# 7 8 -1 1 1 -1 1 1

Asparagus acutifolius shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

[5] [2] [?] [?] [1]

Asparagus horridus shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

8 1 8 3 2 1 1 -1

Asperula cypria shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-


Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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Quercetea ilicis) Asphodelus sp. UNKN

Aster squamatus synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)


n 8 8 8 8 1

Asterolinon linum-stellatum dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 7 4° x 2 1

Avellinia michelii ammophilous

Thero-Brachypodietea: Malcolmietalia

8 x 8 4 1

Avena byzantina synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 x 8 7 0

Bellardia trixago synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 5 7 5 1

Bellevalia nivalis UNKN

Bellevalia trifoliata synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 6 7 5 1 1 -1

Biscutella didyma dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 8 3 7 5 1

Blackstonia wetland Isoeto-anojuncetea 7 7 8 6 4

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

Taxon Vegetation

group Vegetation class




















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Blackstonia perfoliata wetland

Molinio-Arrhenatheretea: Holoschoenetalia vulgaris

7 x 8 4 1 1 1 1

Brassica tournefortii synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

9 3 8 5 3

Briza maxima synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

6 x 7 3 0

Bromus arvensis synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 7 8 5 1 1

Bromus diandrus synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 5 8 8 1

Bromus fasciculatus synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 2° 8 4 2

Bromus rubens synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

9 1 8 5 3 -1 1

Bromus sp. UNKN Bupleurum UNKN

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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orientale Cakile maritima ammophilous Cakiletea maritimae 8 5 9# 8 4 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 1

Calendula arvensis synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 4 8 7 0

Cardopatium corymbosum synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 3 8 6 0

Carduus argentatus synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 4° 8 6 0

Carex extensa halophytic Juncetea maritimi 8 8 8 6 6 Carex flacca subsp. serrulata

wetland Molinio-Arrhenatheretea

6 6 7 3 1

Carex sp. wetland Carthamus sp. UNKN Centaurea aegialophila ammophilous Ammophiletea 9 3 9# 5 3 -1 1 -1 -1

Centaurium pulchellum wetland Isoeto-anojuncetea 8 5 9# 4 1

Centaurium spicatum halophytic Saginetea

maritimae 6 8 9# 5 6 -1

Centaurium tenuiflorum halophytic Juncetea maritimi 8 7 8 4 x 1 1

Cistus creticus shrub/Woodland phrygana/maquis/ev 7 3 7 2 1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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subsp. creticus ergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

Cistus monspeliensis shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

7 4 8 3 1

Cistus parviflorus shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

8 2 8 x 1

Cistus salviifolius shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

7 3 7 1 1

Clypeola jonthlaspi dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea LC 8 3 8 6 0

Convolvulus althaeoides synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 4° 8 8 1

Convolvulus oleifolius shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

8 3° 8 4 1 1

Convolvulus UNKN

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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Coridothymus capitatus shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

8 3 8 3 1

Coronilla repanda subsp. repanda

ammophilous Thero-Brachypodietea: Malcolmietalia


Coronilla scorpioides shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

7 3 8# 5 1

Corynephorus articulatus ammo

Thero-Brachypodietea: Malcolmietalia

9 1 8 2 2

Crepis aspera dry grassland Thero-Brachypodietea?

Cressa cretica halophytic Saginetea maritimae

8 7 9# 5 8 -1 1

Crucianella aegyptiaca dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea? LC

Crupina crupinastrum dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 8 3 8 3 1

Crypsis factorovskyi wetland Isoeto-anojuncetea? Y VU D2

Cutandia dichotoma ammophilous

Thero-Brachypodietea: Cutandietalia

[7] [2] [?] [?] [?]

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

Taxon Vegetation

group Vegetation class




















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Cynodon dactylon synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 4 8 7 x

Cyperus capitatus ammophilous Ammophiletea 9 4 8 5 3 1 -1 -1 1

Dactylis glomerata wetland

Molinio-Arrhenatheretea/Lygeo sparti-tipetea tenacissimae

7 x x x x

Dittrichia viscosa synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 6 8 7 1

Echium angustifolium dry grassland Lygeo sparti-tipetea

tenacissimae? 8 2 8 7 2 -1 -1 1

Elytrigia elongata halophytic Juncetea maritimi 7 7

Elytrigia elongata subsp. haifensis

halophytic Juncetea maritimi

7 7

Elytrigia juncea ammophilous Ammophiletea 8 3 8 5 5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

Ephedra fragilis shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

7 2 8 7 2

Erodium synanthropic Synanthropic 8 4 8 8 1 1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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laciniatum (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

Eryngium maritimum ammophilous Ammophiletea 8 4 8 7 3

Euphorbia cassia subsp. cassia


phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

Euphorbia terracina ammophilous Ammophiletea? 8 x 8 7 1

Filago contracta dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea? 8 4 8 x 0

Filago eriosphaera dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea? 7 3 8 3 0

Filago gallica synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 2 7 x 0

Filago sp. UNKN

Fumana arabica shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

8 2 8 2 0

Fumana thymifolia shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

9 2 8 x 1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

Taxon Vegetation

group Vegetation class




















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Galium murale synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 x 7 4 0

Gastridium phleoides synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 4 x 4 1

Geropogon hybridus synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 5° 9# 6 1

Glebionis coronaria synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 5 8 8 1

Gynandriris sisyrinchium dry grassland Poetea bulbosae 8 4 8 6 1

Halimione portulacoides halophytic Salicornietea

fruticosae 8 8 8 7 6 1

Halocnemum strobilaceum halophytic Salicornietea

fruticosae 8

Halopeplis amplexicaulis halophytic Thero-Salicomietea 8 1

Hedypnois rhagadioloides dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 7 4° 8 7 1

Hedysarum spinosissimum dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 8 2 9# 7 2 1

Helianthemum salicifolium dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 7 3 x 6 1 1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

Taxon Vegetation

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Helianthemum stipulatum ammophilous Ammophiletea? 9 0 9# 6 2 1 -1

Helianthemum syriacum shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

9 1 8 1 0

Helichrysum conglobatum shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

8 3 8 x 1 1

Hippocrepis ciliata dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 7 3 8 6 1

Hippocrepis unisiliquosa dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 8 1 8 5 0

Hordeum geniculatum halophytic Saginetea

maritimae 9 8 x 6 x

Hordeum glaucum synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 4 8 9 2

Hordeum marinum halophytic Saginetea

maritimae 9 8 8 7 6

Hymenolobus procumbens halophytic Saginetea

maritimae 7 5 9# 8 4

Hyoseris scabra dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 7 5° 8 7 1

Hyparrhenia hirta dry grassland Lygeo sparti-tipetea

tenacissimae 8 4 8 5 1 1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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Hypochaeris achyrophorus dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 7 3 x 4 1

Hypochaeris glabra dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 8 4 x 3 1

Imperata cylindrica halophytic Juncetea maritimi 8 6 8 4 2 1

Juncus acutus halophytic Juncetea maritimi 8 8 7 7 2 Juncus bufonius wetland Isoeto-anojuncetea 7 7 7 5 0

Juncus heldreichianus halophytic Juncetea maritimi 7 8° 8 6 x

Juncus hybridus wetland Isoeto-anojuncetea 8 7 8 7 0 1

Juncus maritimus halophytic Juncetea maritimi Y VU D1+2 8 7 7 6 6 1 -1 -1

Juncus sp. halophytic Juncus subulatus wetland Phragmito-

Magnocaricetea 8 8 8 7 3

Juniperus phoenicea shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

{8} 2 8 x x 1 1 -1 -1 -1

Lactuca serriola synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 6 x 8 0

Lactuca tuberosa dry grassland Poetea bulbosae? 7 3 7 3 0

Lagurus dry grassland Thero- 8 x 8 6 1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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ovatus Brachypodietea Lathyrus blepharicarpus UNKN ? ? ? ? 0

Launaea fragilis shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)


Limbarda crithmoides halophytic Juncetea maritimi 9 2 9# 7 5 -1 1 1 1

Limonium cyprium halophytic Saginetea

maritimae? Y LC

Limonium echioides dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 8 1 8 7 3

Limonium meyeri halophytic Salicornietea

fruticosae 7 6 8 -1

Limonium sp. halophytic Limonium virgatum halophytic Salicornietea

fruticosae 8 x 8 6 6 -1 1 1 1 -1 1 1

Linum bienne dry grassland Thero-Brachypodietea

7 5 7 7 1

Linum maritimum halophytic Juncetea maritimi Y VU D2

Linum sp. UNKN

Linum strictum dry grassland Thero-Brachypodietea

7 x 8 5 1 1 1

Lithodora hispidula shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-

7 1 8 1 1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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Quercetea ilicis)

Lolium rigidum synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 5 8 8 1

Lolium sp. UNKN Lotus corniculatus var. tenuifolius

wetland Molinio-Arrhenatheretea

7 4 7 3 -1

Lotus cytisoides aerohaline Crithmo-taticetea Y EN B1ab(iii,v)

+2ab(iii,v) 8 2 8 7 3

Lotus edulis synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 4° 8 7 1

Lotus halophilus ammophilous

Thero-Brachypodietea: Malcolmietalia?

8 2 9# 6 3

Lycium schweinfurthii shrub/halophytic

shrub/Pegano harmalae-Salsoletea vermiculatae

9 1 8 8 3 1

Malva parviflora synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 5 8 8 0

Medicago constricta UNKN 7 4 x 6 0

Medicago littoralis ammophilous

Thero-Brachypodietea: Malcolmietalia

8 2° 8 7 2

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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Medicago marina ammophilous Ammophiletea 9 4 8 8 3 -1 -1 1 1 1

Medicago minima synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 3 8 7 1

Medicago polymorpha synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 5° x 7 1

Medicago sp. UNKN

Medicago truncatula synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 3° x 6 1

Melilotus indicus wetland

Molinio-Arrhenatheretea: Holoschoenetalia vulgaris

8 5 8 7 1

Melilotus sulcatus synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 6 8 7 2

Micromeria nervosa shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

8 3° 8 4 1

Myrtus communis shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-

6 8 x x 1 1 -1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

Nerium oleander wetland Nerio-Tamaricetea 7 7 x 5 1

Noaea mucronata shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

8 1 9# 7 x

Odontites linkii subsp. cyprius shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

Y LC 7 3 8# 4 0

Olea europaea shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

7 2° 8 4 1

Ononis reclinata dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 7 2 8 5 1

Ononis serrata dry grassland Thero-Brachypodietea

9 1 8 5 3

Ononis variegata ammophilous

Thero-Brachypodietea: Cutandietalia maritimae

9 6 9# 7 3

Orchis fragrans wetland Molinio-

Arrhenatheretea Y 7 6 7 5 1

Ornithogalum pedicellare dry grassland Poetea bulbosae? Y LC 7 5 8 7 0

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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Orobanche minor var. minor

dry grassland Poetea bulbosae?

? ? ? ? ?

Orobanche sp. UNKN

Oxalis pes-caprae synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

alien x 4 8 7 1 1

Pancratium maritimum ammophilous Ammophiletea NT 8 4 9# 5 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 1

Parapholis incurva halophytic Saginetea

maritimae LC 8 6* 9# 6 7 1 1 -1 1 1

Parapholis marginata halophytic Saginetea

maritimae? 8 6° 9# 6 8

Parapholis sp. UNKN Parentucellia latifolia dry grassland Poetea bulbosae 7 5 7 5 1 1

Paronychia argentea dry grassland Poetea bulbosae 7 2 8 ? 1

Paronychia macrosepala dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea? 8 x 8 5 x 1 -1

Phagnalon rupestre subsp. rupestre


phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

9 2 8 8 1 1 -1

Phragmites australis wetland Phragmito-

Magnocaricetea 7 10° 8 7 2 1 -1

Pinus brutia shrub/Woodland phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland

{7} 3 7 2 1 1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

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(Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

Pinus halepensis shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)


n 7 3 6 2 1

Piptatherum miliaceum synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 4° 8 5 1

Pistacia lentiscus shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

{7} x 8 x x 1 1

Plantago afra synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 3° 8 5 1 1

Plantago albicans dry grassland Poetea bulbosae 8 2 8 4 2 1 1

Plantago amplexicaulis dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 9 1 8 4 2

Plantago bellardii dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 7 3 8 4 1

Plantago coronopus subsp. commutata

halophytic Saginetea maritimae

8 5° 8 6 2 -1 1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

Taxon Vegetation

group Vegetation class




















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Plantago cretica dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea? 7 4 8 5 0 -1

Plantago lagopus dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 7 4 8 6 1

Plantago maritima subsp. crassifolia

halophytic Juncetea maritimi

9 7 8 7 5 -1 1 -1 1 1 -1

Plantago sarcophylla ammophilous Ammophiletea?

Polygonum equisetiforme wetland Nerio-Tamaricetea 9 7 8 7 6

Polygonum maritimum ammophilous Ammophiletea 9 5 8 5 2

Polypogon maritimus halophytic Saginetea

maritimae 7 6 x 6 x -1

Prasium majus shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

x 3 x 5 1 1 -1

Pseudorlaya pumila ammophilous

Thero-Brachypodietea: Cutandietalia maritimae

9 3 9# 5 3 -1 -1 1

Psilurus incurvus synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 x x 3 1

Rhamnus oleoides shrub/Woodland phrygana/maquis/ev

ergreen woodland 7 x 8# x 1 -1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

Taxon Vegetation

group Vegetation class




















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subsp. graecus

(Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

Romulea ramiflora dry grassland Poetea bulbosae 8 7 8 6 1

Rostraria cristata synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 4° 8 7 x 1

Rubia tenuifolia shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

6 x 8 x 1

Saccharum ravennae halophytic Juncetea maritimi 7 7 9# 6 1

Salicornia europaea halophytic Thero-Salicomietea 9 8 9# x 8

Salsola tragus ammophilous Cakiletea maritimae 8 4 8 8 4 1 Samolus valerandi wetland Adiantetea 6 8 x 5 2

Sarcocornia perennis halophytic Salicornietea

fruticosae 8 8 9# 6 6 1 -1

Sarcopoterium spinosum shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

8 4 7 4 1

Schoenus nigricans halophytic Juncetea maritimi 8 8° 9# x x -1 1 -1 1 1 -1

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

Taxon Vegetation

group Vegetation class




















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Scirpoides holoschoenus halophytic

Juncetea maritimi/Molinio-Arrhenatheretea-Holoschoenetalia vulgaris

7 8 x x 1

Scorpiurus muricatus var. subvillosus

dry grassland Thero-Brachypodietea

7 5° 8 6 1

Senecio leucanthemifolius

dry grassland Thero-Brachypodietea/Crithmo-taticetea

8 2 8 6 1

Senecio vulgaris synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 4 x 7 1

Serapias vomeracea wetland

Molinio-Arrhenatheretea: Holoschoenetalia vulgaris

Y 7 5° 8 4 1

Silene apetala dry grassland 9 4 8 7 1

Silene colorata dry grassland Thero-Brachypodietea

8 4 8 7 2 1

Silene macrodonta dry grassland LC 7 4 8 x 2

Silene sedoides aerohaline Crithmo-taticetea 8 1 9# 7 7

Silene sp. UNKN

Smilax aspera shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-

{4} 6° 7 2 0

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Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

Taxon Vegetation

group Vegetation class




















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Quercetea ilicis)

Sonchus oleraceus synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 5° 8 8 1

Sonchus sp. UNKN

Sonchus tenerrimus synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

8 5° 8 7 2

Spergularia marina halophytic Saginetea

maritimae 8 7 9# 6 9

Sphenopus divaricatus halophytic Saginetea


Sporobolus virginicus ammophilous Ammophiletea 9 6 8 6 5 1 1 1 1

Stipa capensis dry grassland Thero-Brachypodietea

9 1 9# 7 1

Suaeda maritima halophytic Thero-Salicornietea 8 x 8 7 7

Suaeda vera halophytic Salicornietea fruticosae

8 x 8 6 5 1 1

Tamarix sp. wetland Tamarix tetragyna wetland Nerio-Tamaricetea? 8

Teucrium divaricatum subsp. canescens


phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

Y LC 7 2 8 x 1

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Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

Taxon Vegetation

group Vegetation class




















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Teucrium micropodioides shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)


Teucrium scordium subsp. scordioides


Molinio-Arrhenatheretea: Agrostion stoloniferae

7 8 7 6 1

Thymelaea hirsuta shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

8 4 8 5 1 1

Trachynia distachya dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 6 x 8 x 1

Trifolium angustifolium synanthropic

Synanthropic (mainly Artemisietea vulgaris, tellarietea mediae)

7 6 7 5 1

Trifolium campestre dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 7 4° x x 1

Trifolium pamphylicum UNKN

Trifolium scabrum dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 7 2 8 5 1

Triglochin bulbosa halophytic Juncetea maritimi 7 10 9# 7 5

Triplachne nitens ammophilous

Thero-Brachypodietea: Cutandietalia

Y VU C2a(i) 8 1 8 6 2

Consulting CYPRUS

Ellenberg Indicator Values

Halophytic Vegetation Indicators

Sand Dune Vegetation Indicators

Taxon Vegetation

group Vegetation class




















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Urginea maritima shrub/Woodland

phrygana/maquis/evergreen woodland (Cisto-Micromerietea-Quercetea ilicis)

7 4° 8 7 1 1 1

Valantia hispida dry grassland Thero-

Brachypodietea 7 4° 8 x 2 -1 1

Verbascum sinuatum dry grassland Lygeo sparti-tipetea

tenacissimae 7 5 8 8 0 1

Vulpia fasciculata ammophilous

Thero-Brachypodietea: Cutandietalia maritimae

8 3 8 6 2

Vulpia sp. UNKN

Zygophyllum album halophytic

Pegano harmalae-Salsoletea vermiculatae

9 0 9# 7 6 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1

Consulting CYPRUS


Annex A

Habitat monitoring - Forms for habitat mapping Annex A.a: GIS database fields Field Title Data Type Field Description ID Number Polygon Code Mixed Boolean YES = mixed polygon (2 habitat types), NO = simple polygon (1

habitat type) HBCDAX_1 Text 4digit Annex I habitat type code (in mixed polygons it is the code of

the first habitat, the one with the largest cover in the polygon) EUNIScode_1 Text EUNIS habitat code, at the highest level possible (in mixed polygons it

is the code of the first habitat, the one with the largest cover in the polygon)

HBCDAX_2 Text 4digit Annex I habitat type code (in mixed polygons it is the code of the second habitat, the one with the smallest cover in the polygon)

EUNIScode_2 Text EUNIS habitat code, at the highest level possible (in mixed polygons it is the code of the second habitat, the one with the smallest cover in the polygon)

Area Number Polygon area óå m2 Area_1 Number % cover of the first habitat (HBCDAX_1) in the polygon (if the

polygon is simple, the value is 100) Area_2 Number % cover of the second habitat (HBCDAX_1) in the polygon ReleveNr_1 Number TURBOVEG releve number of the sample (HBCDAX_1) in the first

habitat in the polygon ReleveNr_2 Number TURBOVEG releve number of the sample (HBCDAX_2) in the first

habitat in the polygon Date Date Date when the mapping was performed Qualifier Boolean YES = any of the data of the polygon need confirmation or further

work, NO = the data of the polygon do not need confirmation or further work

Author Text Name of the author of the mapping data Comment Text Free text with comments and notes on the polygon

Consulting CYPRUS


Annex A.b: Sampling form for habitat identification (species list)


No Sample (Field) Habitat Code (Annex I) No Releve TW EUNIS Habitat Code Type of Sample P1 P2 R Location GPS point Author(s) Releve area (m2) Date Altitude (m) Substrate Relief P S R D Vegetation Unit Exposition (°)

Inclination (°) Photos Water depth (cm)

Cover % Mean Height Cover % Tree layer (T) Total T+S Shrub layer (S1) Total H Shrub layer (S2) Total plant cover Herb layer (H1) Moss Herb layer (H2) Bare rock Bare stone/pebble

Threat Cover % Intensity Threat Cover % Intensity/Freq Last Trampling (vehicle) Fire (recent) Trampling (foot) Fire (old) Inert material disposal Cultivation (recent) Waste disposal Cultivation (old) Building Grazing (current) Tar Grazing (old)



Species Cover Layer Species Cover Layer

Consulting CYPRUS


Field Description of habitat identification form

Field Explanation No Sample (Field) Number of field sample No Releve TW Releve number in TURBOVEG database (not to be filled on site) Type of Sample P1=only dominant and characteristic species in the polygon recorded, P2=all species in the polygon recorded,

R=phytosociological relevé (all species recorded) GPS point Name of GPS point Releve area (m2) Area of sampling quadrat (for phytosociological relevé only) Altitude (m) Altitude in m (can be retrieved from downloaded GPS points) Relief P=plane, S=slope, R=ridge, D=depression Exposition (°) Quadrat exposition in degrees (for phytosociological relevé only) Inclination (°) Quadrat inclination in degrees (for phytosociological relevé only) Water depth (cm) Water depth at the time of sampling (when relevent) Habitat Code (Annex I) Annex I habitat code for the polygon/releve EUNIS Habitat Code EUNIS habitat code for the polygon/releve Location Name or description of location of polygon Author(s) Field surveyors Date Field survey date Substrate Geological substrate Vegetation Unit Description of the vegetation unit Photos Name/Number of photo Tree layer (T) cover % and mean height of woody plants, including climbers, height > 5 m Shrub layer (S1) cover % and mean height of woody plants, including climbers, height < 5 m Shrub layer (S2) cover % and mean height of woody plants, including climbers < 1 m Herb layer (H1) cover % and mean height of herbs > 1 m Herb layer (H2) cover % and mean height of herbs < 1 m Total T+S Total cover % of woody plants (all layers) Total H Total cover % of herbs (all layers) Total plant cover Total cover % of vegetation Moss Total cover % of mosses Bare rock Total cover % of bare rock Bare stone/pebble Total cover % of stones and/or pebbles Trampling (vehicle) Area % of polygon affected by threat and intensity (in scale 1-5) Trampling (foot) Area % of polygon affected by threat and intensity (in scale 1-5) Inert material disposal Area % of polygon affected by threat and intensity (in scale 1-5) Waste disposal Area % of polygon affected by threat and intensity (in scale 1-5) Building Area % of polygon affected by threat and intensity (in scale 1-5) Tar Area % of polygon affected by threat and intensity (in scale 1-5) Fire (recent) Area % of polygon affected by previous year fire incident Fire (old) Area % of polygon affected by older fire incident, fire frequency, and year of last incident Cultivation (recent) Area % of polygon affected by previous year cultivation Cultivation (old) Area % of polygon affected by older cultivationand year of last incident Grazing (current) Area % of polygon affected by current grazing and intensity (in scale 1-5) Grazing (old) Area % of polygon affected by older grazing incident, intensity (in scale 1-5), and year of last incident Threats Free text with description or comments on threats Notes Free text with any additional notes Species Taxon name, cover abundance, and vegetation layer where it occurs

Consulting CYPRUS


Annex A.c: Mapping notes form FIELD NOTES

GPS point Date Author Note

Consulting CYPRUS


Consulting CYPRUS


Annex B Habitat monitoring - Forms for vegetation transects

Annex B.a: Vegetation transect forms

Field Description of vegetation transect forms

Field Explanation Transect Name of Transect (e.g., T1) Length (m) Transect length Quadrat size (m2) Size of quadrats in transect GPS point start Name of GPS point at the start of the transect GPS point end Name of GPS point at the end of the transect Author(s) Field surveyors Date Field survey date Notes Free text with any notes Vegetation zone Vegetation zone in which the quadrat is located, denoted by habitat code or other

description if ncecessary Distance of quadrats Distance of quadrats in the zone (the first quadrat is located at the start of the zone ) GPS zone start Name of GPS point where the vegetation zone starts Relief P=plane, S=slope, R=ridge, D=depression Exposition (°) Quadrat exposition in degrees Inclination (°) Quadrat inclination in degrees Substrate Geological substrate Water depth (cm) Water depth at the time of sampling Tree layer (T) cover % and mean height of woody plants, including climbers, height > 5 m Shrub layer (S1) cover % and mean height of woody plants, including climbers, height < 5 m Shrub layer (S2) cover % and mean height of woody plants, including climbers < 1 m Herb layer (H1) cover % and mean height of herbs > 1 m Herb layer (H2) cover % and mean height of herbs < 1 m Total T+S Total cover % of woody plants (all layers) Total H Total cover % of herbs (all layers) Total plant cover Total cover % of vegetation Moss Total cover % of mosses Bare rock Total cover % of bare rock Bare stone/pebble Total cover % of stones and/or pebbles Trampling (vehicle) Intensity of threat (in scale 1-5) Trampling (foot) Intensity of threat (in scale 1-5) Inert material disposal Intensity of threat (in scale 1-5) Waste disposal Intensity of threat (in scale 1-5) Building Intensity of threat (in scale 1-5) Tar Intensity of threat (in scale 1-5) Fire (recent) YES=fire incident the previous year, NO=no fire incident the previous year Fire (last) Year of the last fire in the quadrat Cultivation (last) Year in which the quadrat was last cultivated Grazing (current) Intensity of threat (in scale 1-5) Grazing (last) Year in which the quadrat was last grazed Other threat1 Intensity of other type threat (in scale 1-5) (specify the threat) Other threat1 Intensity of other type threat (in scale 1-5) (specify the threat Species Taxon name and cover abundance per transect

Consulting CYPRUS

VEGETATION TRANSECT FORM 1 - HEADERS Transect No: Length (m) Quadrat size (m)

Author GPS point start Notes

Date GPS point end

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

Vegetation Zone

Distance of quadrats GPS zone start

Relief Exposition (°) Inclination (°)

Water depth (cm)

Substrate Tree layer (T) %

Shrub layer (S1) % Shrub layer (S2) % Herb layer (H1) %

Herb layer (H2) % Total T+S %

Total H % Total plant cover %

Moss % Bare rock %

Bare stone/pebble % Trampling (vehicle)

Trampling (foot) Inert material disposal

Waste disposal Building


Consulting CYPRUS

Fire (recent) Fire (last)

Fire (frequency) Cultivation (last) Grazing (current)

Grazing (last) Other threat1

Other treat2

Consulting CYPRUS


Transect No: Author Notes


Species Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10

Consulting CYPRUS

Consulting CYPRUS


Annex B.b: Abiotic parameters form

Transect Quadrat Date Parameter Value Notes WD SM EC

Description Transect Number of vegetation transect (i.e. T1) Quadrat Number of quadrat in transect (i.e. T2) Date Date of survey Parameter WD=water depth, SM=soil moisture, EC=electric conductivity Value Value of parameter Notes Free text with any notes on parameter measurement

Consulting CYPRUS


Annex C Forms for flora species monitoring

Annex C.a: Species mapping form


Species Name






Polygon GPS point Habitat Photo

Consulting CYPRUS


Location and polygons scetch

Consulting CYPRUS


Annex C.b: Species population monitoring forms


Species Name





Polygon GPS point(s) Number of individuals Photo

Consulting CYPRUS


Consulting CYPRUS


Field Description for species mapping form

Field Description Species Name Name of the plant species Locality Name of description of locality of survey Author Author of survey data Date Date of survey Threats Free text regarding the threats for the plant in the locality Notes Free text regarding the plant Polygon Name or code of polygon delimiting the distribution of the plant (e.g. P1) GPS point Name of GPS point delimiting the polygon (3 or more points for each

polygon, one row per point) Habitat Habita of the plant at point/points/polygon (detailed description) Photo Name/number of photo in the camera

Field Description for species population monitoring form

Field Description Species Name Name of the plant species Locality Name of description of locality of survey Author Author of survey data Date Date of survey Notes Free text regarding the plant Polygon Name or code of polygon delimiting the distribution of the plant (e.g.

P1), according to the mapping form GPS point(s) Name of GPS point(s) delimiting a partial polygon in case the population

size is estimated in a smaller polygon or point within the distribution polygon

Number of individuals Number of adult individuals or tufts, depending on the population unit used for the plant

Photo Name/number of photo in the camera

Consulting CYPRUS


Appendix III Groundwater level depth data

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884 HRA Runway Lights

884 HRA Runway Lights
