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Flint mines catalogue : Villemaur-sur-Vanne 'le Grand Bois Marot', Aube District

Date post: 12-Nov-2023
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F 19 Luchy F 20 Méru F 21 Saint-Crepin-Ibouvillers F z z Vélennes F 23 Hardivillers F 24 Breteuil-sur-Noye F 25 Etouy E 26 Lamécourt F 27 Nointel F 28 Margny-les-Compiegne F 29 Hardivilliers-Froissy F 3 0 Coudum F 3 I Valley of Petit-Morin F jr Coizard-Joches F 3; Chiteaubleu F 34 Corbeil-Essones F j 5 Meudon F 36 Villeneuve-Sainr-Georges F 37 Les Bordeaux de Saint-Clair F 3 8 Saint-Léger-des-Bois

F 39 Yméray F 40 Portonville F 4 1 Dixmont F 42 Amboise F 43 Etaples F 44 Les Espérelles F 41 Vassieux-en-Vercors F 46 St. Mihiel F 47 Olendon near Caen F 48 Soumont-Sain-Quentin F 49 Soignolles F 50 Jablines F 51 Fampoux near Arras F yz Serbonnes F 53 Palis F 54 Villemaur-sur-Vanne "Le Grand Bois Marot" F 55 Villemaur-sur-Vanne "Les Orlets"



The Neolithic flint mine at Jablines, "le Haut-Chateau" (Seine-et-Marne)

Fran~oise Bostyn and Yves Lanchon

The territory of Jablines occupies a substantial part of a vast bend in the Marne, jo km east of Paris; here the river cuts through the Paris basin Tertiary limestone plateau, forming a valley which can be over 7 m deep. Where the bend is tightest, erosion has exposed an outcrop of Saint-Ouen limestone containing siliceous deposits which were extensively exploited by local Neolithic populations.


No workshop was found, but a few iithics were found trapped in the fiiiing of the features. There are no indications or remains that might indicate the location of the miners' settlement.

A limited number of red deer antler implements (13 artefacts) was found. They are similar to the artefacts found in Villemaur "Le Grand Bois Marot"; only tines were used. Their basis sometimes shows the same hafting modifications as at Villemaur. The abrasion of the tools is strongly marked. Typical of the final Neoiithic, an axe socket found in Pilis could contirm the chronological attribution proposed for the antler technology that characterize Le Grand Bois Marot. The limited use of antlers was connected with the the geology of the flint deposit.

There is currently no available radiocarbon datation.


Hescoet, J. 1972. PUis "Le Buisson Gendre". In Bilm rcientifiguc rggr, 40-2. Chilons-sur-Marne: Directian Régionale des Affaires Culturelles de Champagne-Ardenne, Service Régional de PArchéologie.

Hescoet, J. and M. Mendoza Y Almeida rggia. Palis "Le Bui~ion Gcndrc; miliie're néolithiqm; rapport do d~os/ ic;propoi i t ion de rauvetoge programmé. Coordination Archéologique des Autoroutes Aj-Ai6o. (Autoroute As ; Melun-Troyes ; études archéologiques).

- ~ g g r b . Pdli~ "Lo B u i m Gendre", lo 277 oor A P , minidro néolithique. Rapport de Souvetage P~ogrammé Coordinatian Archéologique des Autoroutes As-A&. (Autoroute Aj; Melun-Troyes; études archéologiques, rapport dacrylographié).


I Pierre-Arnauld de Labriffe, Anne Augereau and Isabelle Sidéra

The rural district of Villemaur is located about 40 km east of Sens (Yonne) and 20

km west of Troyes (Aube) in a small region called "Pays d'Othe" (see catalogue entry F 1 L, fig. 1 ) . The site lies on the western side of a small dry valley leading to the Vanne River I km away (Fig. 1).

This site has been famous for a long time and it is mentioned as far back as I 882 as the largest workshop in the region (Salmon 1882). Although it was forgotten by the scientific community, the site has been the purpose of intensive surface collectings during the tirst part of the twentieth century. In the 19jos, C. Drioton (1954). a local amateur, carried out a limited excavation before the construction of a smaii railway.

The site was to be crossed perpendicularly by the construction of the Aj motorway, an evaluation was therefore carried-out, after which an excavation was


- 19grc. Relations mini&res/hahitats: un problkme de méthode. Le potentiel des artehcts osseur. In La Bourgopc enhe Icr bariin~ rbénan, rhodmien etporixien, cariefour ou frontiire. R é m é de$ communicatiom, 18' colloque interrégionol sr<r le Néolithiqut, Dyon 21-27 Octobre lygr, 10. Dijon, Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles, Service Régional de 1'Archéologie de Bourgogne.

- 1994. Les outils d'ertraction et de taille du silea. Découvertes archéologiques sur le tracé de I'autoroute A l . Archéologio no hors-série 3H, p. 30.

- 1995. Relations minikres/habitat: un probleme de méthode. Le potentiel des artefacts asseux. In Lesmincs de riler i~r< NéoIithiqu6 en Ewope: avancéos récontes. Acterdc la table ronde intemah'onale, Veroul (Hazte-Saona), rB-19 Octobre 1991. Vesoul, C.T.H.S., ir$-134.


Bostyn, P. and Y. Lanchon iggz. Jabliner "le Haur-Cbateau" (Seine-et-Mm). Unr mini9'16 de riler &u Néolithip. Paris.

Deslages, J. ,986. Fouilles de mines a silex sur le site néolithique de Bretteville-le-Rabet (Calvados). In Actor du Ximc colloqu~ inte~égional sw b Néolithique, Cam 1989. Revue Archéologique de I'Ouert, 73-~or. Reunes.

de Grooth, M. 1991. Socio-economic aspects of Neolithic flint mining: a preliminary study. Helinium 31:1)3-89.

Lech, J. i98r. Plint minlig among the early farming communities in Poland. In Thini Inttrnational Sympor/"m on Flifit, Marl~hicbt 1919, $9-4>. Staringia 6.

- 1982. Elint mining among the early farming communities of central Europe. Pan 11: The basis of researdi into flint workshops. Pr7egled Archeologicynj p.$,-80.

Péuequin, P. and A. M. Péuequui 1988. Le Néolithiqua des / m , préhistoirt do$ lacz do Choloin ef de Cloirvour (4000-rooo a". ].-C.). Paris.

- 1990. Hadies de Yeleme, herminettes de Mumyeme; larépartition des lames depierre polie en Irian-Jaya central (Indonésie). ] o # ~ B / de la iociéfé~ de! océanirtcr 91:9)-1r).

Rour, V . and J. Pelegrin 1989. Taille des perles et spécialisation artisanale. Enquete ethno-archéologique dans le Gujarat. Techniqnts et Cui tu~c~ 14:~) -49


Pierre-Arnauld de Labriffe, Anne Augereau and Isabelle Sidéra

The rural district of Viiiemaur is located some 40 kilometres east of Sens (Yonne) and ro km west of Troyes (Aube) in a small region called "Pays d'Othe" (see catalogue entry F 12, fig. 1). The mine of Villemaur-sur Vanne "Les Orlets" (or "Champignolles") lies within the same dry valley as "Le Grand Bois Marot", but it is located on the opposite hillside (orientated to the west, see catalogue entry F 14, fig. 1). This site (like Plis "le Buisson Gendre" and Villemaur-sur-Vanne "le Grand Bois Marot" belongs to the Pays d'Othe mining complex - see catalogue entry F 14, fig. 8). The hillside slopes more than in the case of "Le Grand Bois Marot" and it is orientated to the west. The erosion was more severe than on the opposite hillside, thus, immediately under the thin layer of topsoil is the Coniacian chalk (Cq-6H).

