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Form990-PF - Foundationcenter

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Return of Private Foundation Ir or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust I Treated as a Private Foundation ihs oraenizehon maybe able to use a copy of this return k satisfy state recorhn v reouvemenh Form990-PF ' Department of the treasury Internal Revenue Semce For calendar year 20U G Check all that ap ply 2000 ' Name of orpaniza~on UaathalRS label THE STARR FOCJNDA ' otherwise, Number and street (or P O box pant or type 70 PINE STREET See Specific Instructbna City or town, state, and ZIP coda NEW YORK NY 10 C If u~mpGan .ooiumn e towing cn .tn .n " , 0 1 Fenpn erysniamna cnKt non 1 F ., .,,n ..W, Me esx test enact non ono attach column (e) (see papa 10 0l the instructional ) books each basis on ' 1 comview,m yen grim" .e . ...e pmcn .cnwmq 10' 785 . - STMT 1--` = _ - - - 2 Distributions tram ap6t"interest trusts - - - 7 intent on savings and temporary cash anvestrnents 77 , 349 . ' 4 Dividends and interest from securities 9 404 , 444 . 40 5a Gross rents IF N b (Net rental income or (loss) ' ea Natgain or(loss) from sets otassets notonlima to 49 , 450 , 441 . E --__ _ -_ -_~- _ - - --- b Gross Was once for all assets an line 6a 7 Capital gain net income (from Part N line 2) - - 4 4 _ _ - -_ B Net short-term capital gain - -' - - " - --__ 9 _- Income modifications `_ - ' 10 a Cxoss sales leas returns ~----- and allowances b Less Cost of goods mid e~~ =3:- ' c Gross profit or (loss) (attach schedule) -_- °- __ - - ' -- _ 77 Other income (attach schedule) STMT 2 -8 , 751 -8 , 751 . 12 Total Add lines 1 throw h 11 58 934 268 . 58 , 923 , 483 . - ;== ' 73 Compensation atofficers directors trustees etc 902 840 . ` 902 840 . 14 Other employee ulaneaandwages 255 230 . 255 , 230 . 15 Pension plans, employee benefits 122 555 122 555 . ' 18a Legal fees (attach schedule) STMT 3 12 , 002 , NONE NONE 12 , 002 b Accounting fees (attach schedule) e Other professional fees (attach ate' 4 150 , 000 150 , 000 . 17 Interest , , 18 Taxes (a=n scnMUle) 1 . .. page 14 or$M&~cmA 750 000 19 Depreciation (attach schedule) and depletion e E 20 Occupancy v e 21 Travel, conferences, and meetings 21 , 922 21 922 ~ 22 Printing and publications 23 Other expenses (attach xhedule)S2'MT 6 . 1 , 017 , 589 . 1 017 589 . 24 Total operating and administrative expenses ' ° Add lines 13 through 23 3 , 232 , 138 . -- 150 , 000 . NONE 2 , 332 , 138 . 25 Contributions, pmts, grants paid 166 , 788 , 333 192 , 502 , 039 26 Total expenses and disbursements Add lines ' 2e and 25 170` 02014711 -- 150 , 0100 . 1 __ NONE194 834 177 . 27 Subtract tine 26 from tine 12 a E~eua ol n . wv v'mo ~nE ebeurnm~nd -111086203 . 1- -- ~ - - - _--, . . ` - b Net investment Income (d negative, enter -0-) =- 58 773 483 . 1 - -- ' = e Ad j usted net income (if neg ative enter -0- Form 990-PF (2000) ''SA For Pa perwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions oeiao z coo ~~ 2000, and ending Final return Amended return Address change Name change A Employar Identification number 13-6151545 if mail is not delivered to street address) RaaMsuite B Telephone number (see page 70 0l the instructions) H Check type of organ¢ahon X Section 501(c 3 exempt private foundation Section d947 a 7 nonexemp t charta6le trust Other taxable private foundation E I! prN~t~ teunaamn ~7m~w~a 7~mnaba I Fair market value of all asset at end J Accounting method X Cash Accrual a ., w7(nx%xA) cn.ctn. . of year (from Pert 11, col (c), tine 0Other (speedy) ____________ F ,r m . ro .ro .~wm is ., .so-me~mo~m~ .m~ t 16)10- 6 257 84 8 627 . (Pert I column (d) must be oncash besis emexJMe) ch K~ ~... Analysts of Revenue and Expenses (,~ Revenue and (d) Disbursements the total o! amounts in columns (b), (c) end (b) Net investment (e) Adjusted not for charitable I'd ) may not necessarily equal the amounts m expenses per income income purposes

Return of Private Foundation Ir or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust I

Treated as a Private Foundation ihs oraenizehon maybe able to use a copy of this return k satisfy state recorhnv reouvemenh

Form990-PF ' Department of the treasury

Internal Revenue Semce

For calendar year 20U

G Check all that apply


' Name of orpaniza~on


' otherwise, Number and street (or P O box pant

or type 70 PINE STREET See Specific

Instructbna City or town, state, and ZIP coda


C If u~mpGan .ooiumn e towing cn.tn.n " ,

0 1 Fenpn erysniamna cnKt non

1 F ., .,,n ..W, Me esx test enact non ono attach

column (e) (see papa 10 0l the instructional ) books each basis on

' 1 comview,m yen grim" .e ... .e pmcn .cnwmq 10' 785 . - STMT 1--` = _ - - - 2 Distributions tram ap6t"interest trusts - - - 7 intent on savings and temporary cash anvestrnents 77 , 349 .

' 4 Dividends and interest from securities 9 404 , 444 . 40

5a Gross rents IF N b (Net rental income or (loss)

' ea Natgain or(loss) from sets otassets notonlima to 49 , 450 , 441 . E --__ _ -_ -_~- _ - - --- b Gross Was once for all

assets an line 6a 7 Capital gain net income (from Part N line 2) - - 4 4 _ _ - -_ B Net short-term capital gain - -' - - " - --__

9 _-

Income modifications `_ - ' 10 a Cxoss sales leas returns ~-----

and allowances b Less Cost of goods mid e~~ =3:-

' c Gross profit or (loss) (attach schedule) -_- °- __ - - ' -- _

77 Other income (attach schedule) STMT 2 -8 , 751 -8 , 751 . 12 Total Add lines 1 throw h 11 58 934 268 . 58 , 923 , 483 . - ;==

' 73 Compensation atofficers directors trustees etc 902 840 . ` 902 840 . 14 Other employee ulaneaandwages 255 230 . 255 , 230 . 15 Pension plans, employee benefits 122 555 122 555 .

' 18a Legal fees (attach schedule) STMT 3 12 , 002 , NONE NONE 12 , 002 b Accounting fees (attach schedule)

e Other professional fees (attach ate' 4 150 , 000 150 , 000 . 17 Interest , ,

18 Taxes (a=n scnMUle) 1... page 14 or$M&~cmA 750 000

19 Depreciation (attach schedule) and depletion e E 20 Occupancy v e 21 Travel, conferences, and meetings 21 , 922 21 922

~ 22 Printing and publications

23 Other expenses (attach xhedule)S2'MT 6. 1 , 017 , 589 . 1 017 589 . 24 Total operating and administrative expenses

' ° Add lines 13 through 23 3 , 232 , 138 . -- 150 , 000 . NONE 2 , 332 , 138 . 25 Contributions, pmts, grants paid 166 , 788 , 333 192 , 502 , 039 26 Total expenses and disbursements Add lines

' 2e and 25 170` 02014711 -- 150 , 0100 . 1 __ NONE194 834 177 . 27 Subtract tine 26 from tine 12

a E~eua ol n..... wv v'mo ~nE ebeurnm~nd -111086203 . 1- -- ~ - - - _--,. . ̀ -

b Net investment Income (d negative, enter -0-) =- 58 773 483 . 1 - -- ' = e Ad justed net income (if neg ative enter -0-

Form 990-PF (2000) ''SA For Pa perwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions oeiao z coo ~~

2000, and ending

Final return Amended return Address change Name change A Employar Identification number

13-6151545 if mail is not delivered to street address) RaaMsuite B Telephone number (see page 70 0l

the instructions)

H Check type of organ¢ahon X Section 501(c 3 exempt private foundation

Section d947 a 7 nonexempt charta6le trust Other taxable private foundation E I! prN~t~ teunaamn ~7m~w~a 7~mnaba

I Fair market value of all asset at end J Accounting method X Cash Accrual ��a ., w7(nx%xA) cn.ctn.. of year (from Pert 11, col (c), tine 0Other (speedy) ____________ F ,r m . ro.ro .~wm is ., .so-me~mo~m~ .m~

t 16)10- 6 257 84 8 627 . (Pert I column (d) must be on cash besis emexJMe) ch K~ ~...

Analysts of Revenue and Expenses (,~ Revenue and (d) Disbursements

the total o! amounts in columns (b), (c) end (b) Net investment (e) Adjusted not for charitable I'd) may not necessarily equal the amounts m expenses per income income purposes

S Form990-PF 2000 13-6151545 Page 2 . Attacnad schedules and amounts m the Beginning of ye ar End of Ye ar Balance Sheets description column should be for

end of-year amounts on See instructions (a) gook Value (b) Book Value (e) Fair Market Value

' 1 Cash -non-interest-beannp 96 , 765 . 4 , 859 , 512 . 4 , 859 , 512 . 2 Savings andtemporary cash investments 310 509 . 6 , 094 , 342 . 6 094 342 1 Accounts receivable " 35 .

Leas allowance for doubtful accounts -" _______ __ __= 35 , 138 . 35 . 35 .

I 4Pledges receivable

Leee allowance for doubtful accounts 5 Grants rec,ervable

' B Recenables dug from officers director, trustees, and other disqualified persona (attach Schedule) (see papa 15 0l the Instructions)

7 Other notes end loans receivable (attach schedule) "

' Leas allowance for doubtful accounts

B Inventories for sale or use 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges

n ' Q 110a Investments U 5 and state government obligations (attach Schedule)

b Investments-corporate stock (attach xhedule) S2'T1T 7/1 5 , 893 , 339 5 , 732 , 000 . 6222655527 . c Investments - corporate bonds (attach schedule)

~~ Investments -land buildings 0, - and equipment basis ---------_-_------_ Less accumulated depreciation (attach schedule)

7 2 Investments - mortgage loans to Investments -other (atmcr,xnedule) $M~U 87/1 5 095 465 . 6 583 959 . 6 , 583 , 959 . .

aqu.pmenl basis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 Land buildings end

,___________________ Less accumulated depreciation ~ (attach Schedule) _

1s Other assets (aescnee t STMT_9} 1 , 514 , 486o 17 655 252 . 17 655 252 . 16 Total swab (to be completed by all filers - see papa 16 of

the instructions new see page i items 12 945 702 . 40 925 100 . 6257848627 . 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses

18 Grants payable -

' y 19 Deferred revenue 12

ZO Leans from officers directors trustees and other disqualified persons

q 21 Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule)

T-~ - ~qp Other liabilities (dexnbe __STMT_10) 1 , 931 , 922 . 1 , 931 , 922 .

23 Total liabilities add lines 17lhrau h 22 1 . 931 . 922 1 , 931 , 922 .

Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here " - ` ' and complete lines 24 through 26 and bras ]0 and 31

24 Unrestricted .S 25 Temporarily resincted pp 26 Permanently restricted

Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, aback here and complete lines 27 through ]1 Illi

o` 27 Capital stock, trust principal . or current funds 11 , 013 , 780 . 38 , 993 , 178 . - -~- 28 Paid in or capital surplus or land bldg , and equipment tuna d

h 29 Retained earnings accumulated income, endowment of other funds 70 Total net .... is or fund balances (see page 17 of the

z instructions) 11 013 780 . 313 , 993 , 178 . -- Total liabilities and net aeeetallund balances (see gape 17 0l 31

the instructions) . 12 945 702 . 40 , 925 , 100 . 1 a EM Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances

Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year - Part II, column (a), line 30

L (must agree with end-of-year figure reported on pnor year's return) 1 11 , 013 , 780 .

x Enter amount from Part I, line 27a Z -111086203 . a Other increases not included in line 2 (itemize) "______ SEE_ STATEMENT 11___________ 3 139 , 065 601 . a Add lines 7, 2, and 3 4 38 , 993 , 178 .

i 6 Decreases not included m line 2 (itemize) --------------------------------------- S

6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line 5) - Part II column (b) line 30 6 38,993,178 . Form 990-PF (2000)

isk oeuzo x GOD

OA6196 2532 03/11/2002 09 :05 :38 V0 .07 .01 8



1 to b e d e


(f) Depreciation allowed (o) Coat or other basis (or allonrable) plus expense of vale

~ gain in column (h and owned b the foundation on 12

U) Adjusted basis (k) Excess of cot (i) as of 12131/69 over cot Q) if any

-- (e) Grove sales price a

e Complete only for assets

(i) F M V as of 12/31/69

(1) Gams (Col (h) gain minus col (k), but not leas than -0-) or

Lays (from cot (h))

Was the organization liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base periods E]Yes X No If "Yes," the organization does not qualify under section 4940(e) Do not complete this part

1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year, see page 78 of we instructions before making any entries

d Base period years Colander oar

Adjusted eGstndistributions Nat value of nonohan[abie-use assets Distribution ratio

(or tax ear Ceginnin in qualifying col b dvided b cot c

1999 146 053 336 . 3922124315 . 0 .03723832400 1998 104,337,242 . 2978035919 ._ 0 .03503558884

288 .44 `

i» 7996 1995


0 .18096801456 2 Total of line 1, column (d) 3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period-divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by

we number of years the foundation has been in existence it less than 5 years 1

' 4 Enter the net value of nonchariteble-use assets for 2000 from Part X, line 5 4

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 o Lei 40y oce .

8 Enter 7 °/. of net investment income (1°h of Part I, line 27b) 6 587 , 735 .

i 7 Add lines 5 and 6 7 182 , 077 , 563 .

i 8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 8 194 834 177 .

II Ilne B Is equal to or greater then line 7 [neck the Doe in Pa rt VI, line 1 D and complete Naf part using a 7 % tvt 2fe Sn [M Part Vl insGUCtions on page 18

Form 990-PF (2ooo) OE 1430 2 oJSA 00

OA6196 2532 03/11/2002 09 :05 :38 V0 .07 .01

(a) List and describe the kind(a) of property sold (e p real estate

2-story brick warehouse, or common stock 200 ahs MLC Co )



ecquved (°) Date (d) Date sold acquirM (mo , day, yr )

(h) Gain or (loss) (e) plus (I) minus (p)

e I i If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7

2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) { If (loss), enter -0- in Part I, line 7

3 Net short-term capital gain or (loss) as defined in sections 1222(5) and (6) '

If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column (c) (see pages 13 and 17 of the instructions)

If (loss) enter-0-in Part I line 8 Qualification Under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income

(For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income )

If section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank

0 .03528823669

Jsn ,0E7440 2 000

OA6196 2532 03/11/2002 09 :05 :38 V0 .07 .01 10

Form990 PF ?U00 13-61S1b4b Page 4

Excise Tax Based on Investment Income (Section 4940(a), 4940(b), d940(e), or 4948 - see page 18 of the instructions)

1 a Exempt operating foundations described in section 49a0(d)(2), check here 10. and enter ̂ N/A' on line 1

Dale of ruling letter _ _ _ _ _-_ _ _ (attach copy of ruling letter i1 necessary -see instructions)

b Domestic or anizationa that meet the section 4940(e) requirement in Part V, check 1 587 , 735 .

here " X and enter 1 % of Pad I, line 27b -

e All other domestic organizations enter 2% of line 27b Exempt foreign organizations enter 4".6 of Part I, line 12, rnl (b)

2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) busts and taxable foundations any Others enter -0-) 2

7 Add lines 1 and 2 7 587 , 735 .

6 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trust and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 4 NONE

5 Tax based on investment income Subtract line 4 from line 3 If zero or less, enter -0- s 587 735 .

6 Credits/Payment

a 2000 estimated tax payments and 1999 overpayment credited to 2000 62 838 , 231 .

b Exempt foreign organizations - tax withheld at source 66 NONE

e Tax paid with application for extension of time M file (Form 8868) 6c NONE -

d Backup withholding erroneously withheld 6d

7 Total credits and payments Add lines 6a through 6d 7 838 31 .

e Enter any penalty or underpayment of estimated tax Check here El if Form 2220 is attached B

9 Tax due If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed " 9

10 Overpayment If line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid " I 10 ~ 250,496 .

11 Enter the amount of line 10 to be Credited to 2001 estimated tax " L$0 , 496 . 1 Refunded " 17 Statements Regarding Activities

7 a During the tax year, did the organization attempt to influence any national state or local legislation or did - Yes No

- it participate or intervene in any political campaign? Is X

b Did it spend more than 5100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see page

19 of the instructions for definition)? 1 b X

11 the answer ie Nes'to 1a or 16 eBech a detailed deecnphon of fha echnhes



0, any


published or distributed by the organization in conrimbon with the activities c Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? , , 1 c N , A

d Enter the amount (it any) of fax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year

' (1) On the organization s- $ (2) On organization managers 0-3 e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the organization during the year for political expenditure tax imposed

on organization managers tl~ $ ' 2 Has the organization engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS 2 X

If "Yes,' attach a detailed description of the activities

7 Has the organization made any changes not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles

of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? If 'Yes ' attach e conformed copy of the changes 3 X ' 4 a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? 4a X

b If "Yea," has it filed a tax return on Form 99C-7 (or this year? <b N A

5 Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? 5 X If 'Yea,' attach the statement required by General Instruction T

' 6 Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either _-

By language in the governing instrument or By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions

,~. that conflict with the stale law remain in the governing instruments B X

- 7 Did the organization have at least $5,000 in assets at any time dunnp the year? 11 Yea "complete Pert ll, cot (c), and Pert XV 7 X

8 a Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see papa 19 of the I~ instructions) jl,NEW_ YORK ----------------------------------- b If the answer n 'Yes" to tine 7, has the organization furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney

General (or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G? 11'NO,"attach explanation Bb X ' 9 Is the organization claiming status as a private operating foundation within we meaning of section 4942Q)(3) - -_-

or 49420(5) for calendar year 2000 or the taxable year beginning in 2000 (see instructions for Part XN on

page 25)7 If 'Yes,' complefe Pert XIV X 10 Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? If 'Yes," attach a schedule IraAng then names end addresses ~1_101 2X I

Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption applications 11 X ~1x 7hebookeareinwreofloo F A,_DAVISi, PRES-_STARR_END__________ Telephone no x___212=770=6881

--------Locatedat ja~ 70_PINE STREETS NEW YORK, _NY___ z1P+a If - __-----10270_

,17 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trash filing Forts 990-PF in lieu of Form 1041 -Check here

and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year ~ I 17 I

Forts 990-PF (2000)

' Form 990-PF S

File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the "Yea" crolumn, unless an exception applies

1 a During the year did the organization (either directly or indirectly)

(7) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leafing of property with a disqualified person? E] Yea ~X No

(Z) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from) a disqualified person? Yea X No

(]) Furnish goods, services or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? Yes No

(4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified penon7 X Yea No

(5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available

for the benefit or use of a disqualified peraon)? ~ Yes ~X No

(6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? (Exception Check 'NO"

if the organization agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period

after termination of government service, if terminating within 90 days ) 0 Yea ~X No

b If any answer o "Yes" to la(1)-(6), did any of the acts fail to quality under the exceptions described in Regulations

section 53 4941(d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see gape 20 of the instructions)? Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here P. 1-I

e Did the organization engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in 1a, other wan excepted acts,

that were not corrected before the prat day of the tax year beginning in 2000 2 Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the organization was a private

operating foundation defined in section 4942Q)(3) or 4942Q)(5)) a At the end of tax year 2000, did the organization have any undistributed income (lines 6d

and 6e, Part XIII) for lax year(a) beginning before 2000 11 Yea El No

If'Yee'list theyears X19________ 19_______, 19______, 19

b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the organization is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed incomes (If applying section 4942(a)(2) to all years listed, answer "No' and attach statement - see page 20 of the instructions )

c If the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here 10 . 19 19X919

3 a Did the organization hold more than a 2 ".6 direct or indirect interest in any business enterprise at any lime during the year! a Yea ONo

b It 'Yes," did it have excess business holdings in 2000 as a result of (t) any purchase by the organization or disqualified persona alter May 26 1969, (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved

by the Commissioner under section d943(c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest, or 13) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding periods (Use Schedule C, Form 4720 to determine

if the organization lied excess Dumness holdings in 7000 4 a Did the organization invest during the year any amount in a manner that wouldjeopardize its charitable purposes? b Did the organization make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31 1969) that couldjeopaM¢e its charitable

purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning in 20007 6 a During the year did the organization pay or incur any amount to

(t) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945(e))7 E-1 Yes ER No

(Y) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955), or to carry

on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive? Yea X No (7) Provide a grant to en individual for travel study, or other similar purposes eX Yea No

(4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc , organization described in section 509(a)(1), (2) or (3), or section 4940(d)(2)7 ~X Yea F-1 No

(5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, chantable, scientific, literary, or

educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals? F-1Yes a No

b II any answer is "Yes'to Sa(1){5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in

Repulatione section 53 4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 20 of the instructions)? Organizations relying on a current nonce regarding disaster assistance check here 0.0

c 11 the answer is "Yea" to question Sa(4), does the organization claim exemption from the

lax because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant? [R Yea E:]No If 'Yes,' attach the statement required by Regulations sedan 53 49455(d)

6 a Did the organization, during the year receive any funds, directly or indirecty, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? E] Yes X No

b Did the organization, during the year pay premiums, directly or indirectly on a personal benefit contract? If you answered 'Vas' l0 66 also (ale Forts 13870

JSA 0E14302000

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Form 990-PF (2000)

' Form 990-PF(2000) 13-6151545 Page 6 Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors

' 7 List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation mana era and their compensation (see page 19 of the Ins ctions ) (b) Title am average (c) Compensation (e) carimewon . m (a) Expense acicount

(e) Name and address SOUR per wick III not paid, "nbf ~mpl'h Mn.ft plane devotee to p751t10(1 4- 1 and aefoma companvmn other ellowantts

SEE STATEMENT 13 902 , 840 NONE 10 , 206 . -------------------------------------

' Z Compensation of five highest-paid employees (other than those included on line 1 - see page 21 of the Instructions) I1 none, enter "NONE "

(D) Title and average (a) ConVieumna m ' (e) Name and address of each employee paid more than 550 000 pours per week (c) Compensation amoioyn eenuta vi"~~ ~~) Expense account,

devoted to position one Wnnw comwasmn other aliowences


70 PINE STREET 5 80 , 000 . NONE NONE ' IAUISE IRI,INGER __________________ Aor~+isr~w~toa


' 70 PINE STREET 5+ 71 500 . NONE 14 . NATASHA SMOTROVOPER G EI[W~ 9Y9 70 PINE STREE--------------------- - 5 64 000 . NONE 656 .

Total number of other em to ees aid over S50 000 " NONE 3 Five highest-paid independent contractors for professional services - (see page 21 of the Instructions) If none, enter

"NONE" a Name end address of each person aid more than $50 000 (b) Typ e of service ( c ) Compensation



_ _ _J ______




---------------------------------------------------- Total number of others receiving over $50 000 for professional services " NONE

.- ~ Summary of Direct Charitable Activities

- List the foundation s lour largest direct charitable activities aunng the tax year Include rcinxnt statistical information such as the number Eivenses of organizations end other beneficiaries carved conkrences convened research papers produced eu:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




-------------------------------------------------------------------------- --


------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----Form 990-PF (2000)

BE 1460 2 000 OA6196 2532 03/11/2002 09 :05 :38 V0 .07 .01 12

-=orm99o-aF(2ooo) 13-6151545 Page 7

'~ Summary of Program-Related Investments (see page 22 of the instructions)

Describe the two lar gest pro gram-related investments made b the foundation during the lax ear on lines 7 and 2 Amount



All other program-related irnestments SK page 22 0l one instructions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 ------NO33~F---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- P-------P------

Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this art Foreign foundations, see page 22 of the instructions )

1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc purposes

a Average monthly fair market value of securrhes la 5 , 064 , 756 , 454 , b Average of monthly cash balances 1 b 7 438 , 554 . e Fair market value of al! other assets (see page 23 01 the instructions) 10 1 B 583 959 . d Total (add lines 1a, b, and c) ~ d 5 090 778 967 . e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on fines to and -

tc (attach detailed explanation) 1e ' 2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets Z NONE

3 Subtract line 2 from line 1d 3 5 090 778 967 . ' 4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities Enter 1 1/2°.6 of line 3 (for greater amount, see

page 23 of the instructions) 4 76 , 361 685 . 5 Net value of nonehantable-use assets Subtract line 4 from line 3 Enter here and on Part V, line 4 ~ 5 + 5 , 014 , 417 , 282 . 6 Minimum Investment return Enter 5°.6 of line 5 6 250,720,864 . '= Distnbutable Amount (see page 23 of the instructions) (Section 49420(3) and 0)(5) private operating

foundations and certain foreign organizations check here ~ and do not complete this part )

1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 1 250 720 864 . ,2 a Tax on investment income for 2000 from Part VI, line 5 2a 587 , 735 .

b Income tax for 2000 (This does not include the tax from Part VI ) 2b c Add lines 2a and 2b Zc 587 , 735 .

,3 Distributable amount before adjustments Subtract line 2c from line 1 3 250 133 129 . 4 a Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying disVibu4ons 4a NONE b Income distributions from section 4947(a)(2) trusts 4b c Add lines 4a and 4b 4C NONE

'S Add lines 3 and 4c 5 250 133 129 . 6 Deduction from distributable amount (see page 23 of the instructions) 6 NONE 7 Distrlbutable amount as adjusted Subtract line 6 from line 5 Enter here and on Part XIII line 1 950,133, 129 .

~=M Qualifying Distributions (see page 24 of the instructions)

1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc , purposes a Expenses, contributions, gifts etc - total from Part I, column (d) line 26 7 a 194 , 834 , 177 . b Program-related investments -total of lines 1-3 of Part IX-B 1 b NONE

2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc , purposes 2 NONE

' 3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) 3a NONE b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) JD NONE

'4 Qualifying distributions Add lines 1 a through 3b Enter here and on Part V, line 8 and Part XIII, line 4 4 194 , 834 , 177 . 5 Organizations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment

income Enter 1°h of Part I, line 27b (see page 24 of the instructions) S 587 , 735 . 6 Adjusted qualifying distributions Subtract line 5 from line 4 ~ 6 ~ 1-94,24-6,442 .

Note The amount on line 6 will be used in Pert V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years

JSA Forth 990-PF(2000)

DE 7 X70 2 000 OA6196 2532 03/11/2002 09 :05 :38 V0 .07 .01 13


Form 990 aF (2000)


Page 8-

Undistnbuted Income (see page 24 of the instructions)

(o) (6) (c) (d)

1 Distributable amount for 2000 from Part XI, Corpus Years prior l0 1999 1999 2000

dine 7 50 133 129 .

I Undistributed income d any as of Me end 011999

a Enter amount for lass 194 , 541 , 905 .

b Total for prior yeah NOD

7 Excess distributions carryover, d any, to 2000 -

a From 1995 NONE

b From 1996 NONE

' c From 1997 NONE

d From 7998 NONE

e From 7999 NONE

' f Total of hoes 3a through e NONE -

4 Qualifying distributions for 2000 from Part

xII, line 4 . 194 , 834 , 177 .

- a Applied to 1999 but not more than line 2a 194 , 541 , 905 .

b Applied to undistributed income of prior years - (Election required ace page 25 of the instructions) NONE

c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election - required - see gape 25 of the instructions) NONE

d Applied to 2000 diatributable amount 292 272 .

e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus -

_ 5 Excess distributions carryover applied to 2000 NONE NONE ' (If an amount appears in column (4), the same

amount must be shown in column (e) J e Enter the net total of each column as

Indicated below _

' a Corpus Add lines 31, 4c, and 4e Subtract line 5 NONE

b Prior years' undistributed income Subtract line 4b from line 2b NONE

c Enter the amount of prior years undistributed income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on which the section 4942(a) tax hoe been prehoualy, assessed NONE

d Subtract line 6c from line fib Taxable - - -- ~ - - , amount - see page 25 of the instructions NONE Undistributed income for 1999 Subtract line 4a from line 2a Taxable amount see gape 23 0l the instructions

' f Undistributed income for 2000 Subtract lines 4d and 5 from line 1 This amount must be distributed in 2001 249 , 840 , 857 .

7 Amounts treated as distributions Out of corpus W satisfy requirements imposed w action 170(D)(t)(E) or 4942(y)(7) (see gape 25 of the instructions) NONE

' 8 Excess distributions tatrywer from 7995 hot applied on line 5 or line 7 (see gape 25 0l the instructions) NONF

9 Excess distributions carryover to 2001 - Subtract lines 7 and B from line 6a NONE - '-

' 10 Analysis of line 9 a Excess from 1996 NONE

b Exceed from 1997 NONE

' c Excess from 1998 NONE

d Excess from 1999 NONE

e Excess from 2000 NONE

Form 990-PF (7000)

isk oe1,e0 3 000

OA6196 2532 03/11/2002 09 :05 :38 V0 .07 .01 14

' N/A d Any restrictions or limitations on awards ouch as by geographical areas, charitable fields . lands of institutions, or other

factors N/A

isk ' oe+490 2 00 Form 990-PF (2000)

OA6196 2532 03/11/2002 09 05 :38 V0 .07 .01 15

' Form 990-PF 000 1 3 -

Private Operating Foundations see page 25 of the instructions and Part VII-A question 9

~ a If the foundation has received a ruling or determination letter that it is a private operating

foundation, and the ruling is effective for 2000, enter we date of the ruling

b Check box to indicate whether the or anization is a private o eratin foundation described in section 4942 3 i

2 a Enter the lesur of the

adjusted net income from Pan I or the minimum

investment return horn Part % for each year listed

' b 115-A or too 2a

C Ousilfylnp distributions horn Pert

)(II Iln, t Or each year lisi

d Arl included in lot 2c not

of @nmpt a[Wt7f '

Used direct', Or

sct1" can0ucl

a distributions made Cb¢Oy br actva conductor exempt activities Sucti line 2d from to. a

7 compact 7a e or c Or m,

alternative b7t raised upon

" 'AM"b' 111Ibmah.il b71 "nbr

(1) VilIUM01 "IlOnb

(2) value or assetiqu,ildytri; .no., section

4942I1N3I(BXO b 'Enew+mintr xattemsbn we

Elite, L] al minimum ' investment return ahwvn h

Pan x lot Star nch year IehU

'SuppaTalbmaMtoot -enter

'11, Total supper! 01011 Main ' pr... imos9ronllncom.

(Inbna(EMenaf name payments an securities loans (section 512MX5)) or rvnRYa)

' (2) support Marngentral public Ana 5 ei MOM exempt oqanlntunf a, provided N ucEOn 49<2UN3NB%19)

(7) Ln9ett~mount afauppart loam an exempt organization

' Fk'T-V-N Supplementary Information (Complete this part only if the organization had $5,000 or more in assets et any time during the year -- see page 26 of the Instructions I

7 Information Regarding Foundation Managers a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation

' before the clove of any tax year (hut only if they have contributed more than E5,000) (SK section 507(E)(2) )

' b List any managers of the foundation who own 10 ".6 or more of the stork al a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10°.6 or greater interest

' Z Information Re arding Contribution, Grant, Gdt, Loan, Scholarship, ale , Programs

Check here ~ it the organization only makes contributions to preseltttea cnerrtnl organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for lands

II the organization makes gifts grants etc (see page 26 of one instructions) to individuals or organizations under other Conditions, comp lete items 2a, b, c end O

' a The name address, and telephone number of the person to whom applications should be addressed


b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include


e Any submission deadlines

' Form 99D-PF(2000)

" Supplementary Information (continued) 3 Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Fu

' II recipient w an uWmOUaI, Foundation Recipient snow any relatcnsnipm status of any foundation manager

Name and address (home or business) or substantial contributor recipient

' a Paid dunng the year SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE



Total ' b Approved for future payment



' Total

oeuoi :ooo OA6196 2532 03/11/2002 09 :05 :38 V0 .07 .01 16

Purpose of grant or contribution


92,502,039 .

71,093,591 .

Form 990-PF (zooo)



r 1







Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated Unrela (e)

Business 1 Program service revenue rode






g Fees and contracts from government agencies

2 Membership dues and assessments Interest on sevings and temporary cash investments

4 Dividends and interest from securities

5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate

a Debt-financed property

b Not debt-financed property

B Net rental income or (loss) from personal property

7 Other investment income

B Gain or (loss) from 681e5 of asses other man inventory .

9 Net income or (loss) from special events

10 Gross profit or (loss) from salsa of inventory

11 Other revenue a


e d


12 Subtotal Add columns (b), (d), and (e)

1 ] Total Add line 12, columns (b), (d) and (e) 10-1]

Fog� 990-PF (2000)

isk oe++9:2 z 000

0A6196 2532 03/11/2002 09 :05 :38 V0 .07 .01 17

Form 990-PF 13-6151545

ncame Excluded by section 512, 513, or 574

Exclusion ,aunt code Amount



Relationshi p of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes Explain below how each activity for which income is reported in column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed importantly to

dine No the accomplishment of the organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) (See V ~ page 27 of the instructions )

Form 99o cF 12ooo) 13-6151545 Pegs 12 Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations

Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section

507(c) of the Code (other than section 507(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations1i

a Transfers from the reporting organization to a nancharitabla exempt organization of

(1) Cash

(2) Other assets

b Other Transactions (t) Sales of assets to a nonehantable exempt organization (2) Purchases of assets from a ncrtchantable, exempt organization (7) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets

(4) Reimbursement arrangements (5) Loans or loan guarantees (6) Performance of services or membership or fundmising solicitations

e Sharing of facilities equipment mailing lists ether easels, or paid employees d If the answer to any of the above is 'Yes," complete the following schedule Column (b) should ahvaya show the fair market

value of the pooch other assets or services given by the reporting organization If we organization received leas than fair

market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement show in column (d) the value of the gouda other assets or serftes

3 a la the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with or related to one or more tax-exempt organizations

described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 5277 a Yes X No







' Under p"nelh ~~ perry I declare trot-1 P P e~0rt,~neC Nia return, including

true co d complete Decia io re ererlotnu then taxpayer or Act

' ` I ignamro of officer or mutes Y S e i . PrepareYa ' O~ d C

°- :Y o signature � r- V

Firm's name (or youn 'PRICEWATERHO d self-employed), add s, 300 ATLANTIC and ZIP code STP.MEORD CT

' With respect to these programs, there are limitations specified m each one pertaining to eligibility requirements, geographic areas and size of awards Each of these programs provides scholarship assistance to individuals m designated geographic areas The size of

' scholarship awards depends on financial need

' 08/16/0l S X990 PF Part XV sec 2 doc


For attachment to Form 990-PF, Part XV, Sec 2 2000

The Foundation makes grants in the areas of education, medicine and healthcare, human needs, arts and culture, public policy and the environment

a Proposals may be mailed to

' Ms Florence A Davis, President The Starr Foundation

' 70 Pine Street New York, NY 10270

' Inquiries should be directed to prants(c~starrfoundanon org

There is no application form, but the Foundation expects proposals to include the following

1) cover letter defining the organization and setting forth the terms of the grant proposal,

' 2) budget for the particular project for which funding is sought, 3) latest audited financial statements, 4) list of other mayor financial supporters, current or anticipated,

' S) list of the organization's board members and then affiliations, if any, 6) most recent IRS Determination Letter, 7) details of overall administrative expenses, generally the Foundation will not fund

' organizations that spend more than 25% of their annual expenses on administration and fundraising,

8) other information may be included, but the Foundation prefers not to receive ' videotapes

The Foundation rarely funds overseas organizations without U S tax-exempt status

' There are no submission deadlines, proposals are reviewed throughout the year

' Grants to individuals are luruted to the Foundation's four on-going scholarship programs

A) The Starr Foundation Scholarship Program for "American International" Children - U S

B) The Starr Foundation Scholarship Program for "American International" Children - Overseas

' C) The Brewster Starr Scholarship Program D) The Lower Manhattan Starr Scholarship Program

12/10/01 foreign grantees table 00

M ~ M M ~ M M M M W M W M = = = = = M mr r

THE S fARR FOUNDATION 2000 C I #13-G151545

For attachment to Form 990-PF, Part VII-H, 5c

a b) c d) (e) ) Name & Address n( Grantee Date & Amt. of Purpose of Grant Amount Funds Date Giantcc Vex ificnlinn

Grant Expended Diverted Reports b Ci antcc

I AI"I Foundation 2/15/00 $25,320 Scholarships for $26,324 none Memorandum 0,0108 Davie Dave 11/17/00 $25,320 2 Thai students 8/17/01 Chapel Hill, NC 27514

13harauya Yuva Shaku'I'rusU13YS"I 12/30/98 $145,000 Youth enlreprc- $1,373 none Memorandum 23 Institutional Area, Lodi Road over 3 yrs neurship 8/21/01 New Delhi I 10 003, India 12/7/00 $4,000 development

3 Center for Economic Development, 4/14/99 $250,000 General support $88,802 none Memorandum Bulgaria over 3 yrs 7/25/01 I Bulgaria Square, NDK Office Bldg 7/26/00 $125,000 Sofia 1463, Bulgaria

4 Put Chmg Middle School 12/13/00 C V Starr $8,87 none Memorandum 20, Put Clung Road $250,000 Scholarship fund 8/21/01 Kowloon (addition to


5 University of I long Kong- Centre 9/23/99 $186,000 Ph D and post- $136,000 none Memorandum oFAmencan Studies over 3 yrs doctoral fellows at 7/17/01 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong 9/11/00 $93,000 Centre of

American Studies

6 Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham 9/26/97 $300,000 The Corsellis no Memorandum Mental I lealth NI IS Trust over 4 yrs Collection expenditure 8/16/01 Uxbridge Road, Southall 12/13/00 $75,000 m 2000 Middlesex, UBI 3EU


11 Fend of Property Description 31 Dale Date mid

Q acquired sa l e Grues eprena ion Cost or FMV Add basis cesa o m

price less allowed/ other as of as of FMV over or ex eneee of sale all owab le ad basis floss)

TOTAL cux(ross) - 49, 950,4 3





4ro,000 549.497,850 56 541,414 45 $49,450,438 12





1M3700 10,000 570900 S2,lTT .SZ7 33 0171.29 S2,220_58 52,175,28875

419f00 15,000 S11663 S1,747,516 68 0.11162e S1,871 46 51,745,975 25

4172100 20,000 $11800 63,757,521 .33 0.711<8 53,320 .58 (7,355,392 75

6I2A0 10,U00 5770 25 11,01,263,26 0 711429 Sti,i'14.29 $1,100,548 96

6/2(00 10,000 611244 f1,173,137 52 0111429 f1,114-29 $7,722,073 23

6lelu0 20,000 $1600 $2,297,523 .33 0111429 63,128 .58 82.Z95,254 75

6H1A0 20,000 571500 :2,287,52737 0.111478 43,228 .68 52,296,Y9476

6726A0 70,000 $71672 f2,737,e2e1e 0111429 E2,2285e Y{329,59960

efIIOD 2D,000 $117 87 $2,564 .059 62 0151429 $2,228 68 (2,352,630 fl4

6/13(00 70,000 $121 38 52,422,39507 D 111629 $7,22858 S2,E20,166 48

10123I00 70,000 $9604 (7,898,298.83 0074296 S1,48572 57,896,81291

10R400 20,000 5969a $7,837,771 31 0 07x286 $1 .48572 31,915,325 81

11!11100 20,000 S98 73 57,959,934 58 0 076286 $1,A85 72 S1,958 .449 86

'I7R1D0 70,000 59911 61,983,74678 0074286 $1,485.72 $1,982,260 06

17110N0 7D,000 !10188 52,036,63208 DOTd286 $1.48572 S2,OJJ,44E7B

11114100 20,000 59951 57,987,62768 007x288 $1,48572 51,886,1=59s

1'I/30A0 20,000 SB767 $1,867,7,46 98 0074288 $1 ADS 72 $'1,938,20129

1211f00 25,000 $9739 22,431,418 84 0074286 $7,85715 S2,629,56169

t21e100 25,000 58811 $2,449,430 74 0.074286 61,85716 13,447,61369

131GID0 35,000 $99_55 n 485 567 OA 0074286 S1.897 13 $248370989

12/6/DO 26,000 610051 f2,509,49874 0074286 f7,957 15 S2,507,64i 59

77JTN0 30,000 510291 53,087,4b9 .66 0074288 5334858 S3,081,230 39

12/am 26,000 L70700 52,57i,78916 0074286 $1,861,16 $3,589,9E2.01

ma STAFd2 MDATM _ i "3-62R541M



NAME AND ADDRESS DATE SUPPORT ---------------- ---- -------

10,785 .


OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 :55 :25 VO 07 .01 20 STATEMENT 1



10,785 .



--------- ------

LP INCOME PER K-1 -10,297 . -10,297 . LP NON TAXABLE INCOME 1,546 . 1,546 .

------------ ------------ TOTALS -8,751 . -8,751 .

OSP9lN ! roU

OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 :55 :25 V0 .07 .01 21 STATEMENT 2

on ST7{It FflOPDAT'i0fd _ -7.~-5ITI545M _






12,002 . ---- ------------NONE 12,002 .

CAPLIN 6 DRYSDALE, WASHINGTON, DC . 12,002 . ------------

TOTALS 12,002 .

osvsLN s o00 OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 :55 :25 V0 .07 .01 22 STATEMENT 3

RFfE ST7{RFt PCCI7DATA - ~3-6S5T54PE _







AEA QP ADVISERS, INC . INVESTMENT FIRM 150,000 . 150,000 . ------------ ------------

TOTALS 150,000 . 150,000 .


OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 :55 :25 V0 .07 .01 23 STATEMENT 4

s = = N1~3-


750,000 . ------------

TOTALS 750,000 .


' OSPSPF 2000

OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 :55 :25 V0 .07 .01 24



a DESCRIPTION -----------






















21,236 .

91,789 .


8,407 .

183, 3B1 .

1,525 .

66,199 .

22,726 .

52,472 .

9,656 .

514,313 .

227 . ------------

TOTALS 1,017,589

osvsLN e ODD OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 ;55 :25 V0 .07 .01 25 STATEMENT 6

W$ SW2 FRDA'I'IIIN IW aft i M MW 4" 0'13-6ZTI545" ~ ~ W& PW No _





21,236 .

91,789 .

45,658 .

8,407 .

183, 3B1 .

1,525 .

66,199 .

22,726 .

52,472 .

9,656 .

514,313 .

227 . ------------1,017,589

~PFIE AIR PL'QNDA'PIOI1 W& s !! M "a !~ ''~ !T3-~l54~ 00 US FORM 990PF, PART II - CORPORATE STOCK


5,893,339 . ------------5,893,339 .




OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 :55 :25 V0 .07,01 26 STATEMENT 7



5,732,000 . 6,222,655,527 . --------------- ---------------

5,732,000 . 6,222,655,527


63,116,895 117,647

10 328 578

12,459 960

6,220,958,963 1,000,000

2.540 26,732 2,456

583,236 8'1,6D0


24,315,958 50 Donors' Valuation TOTAL







1 AIG, Inc . 2 . Advanced Medicine, Inc 3 AEA Investors, Inc - Class B 4 Amer Gen'I (U 5 Life) 5 Cardiac Science, Inc, 6 EJan Corp PLC 7 IBM

II " LIMITED PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS 1 8DC Investors II LP t BDC Investors IIA, LP 2 Domain Partners, LP 3, Equity Linked Investors, LP 4 ION Investors II, LP 5 MEW Venture Partners 6 Morgan Stanley Research Ventures LP (escrow) 7 ROC Investors II LP 8 . TPM Investors LP 9 VDC Investors II LP 10 XM Investors II LP


Class B 2 MBI Investors LLC Class A

Class B 3 RMC Investors LLC Class A

Class B 4 SPG Investors LLC Class A

Class B Class AX Class BX Class AY Class BY

5 SSCI Investors LLC Class A Class B Class AX Class BX

6 TTC Investors II LLC Class A Class e

7 TTC Investors II A LLC Class A Class B

IV - OTH~ t . College of Insurance 2 Rogosin Institute

The Starr Foundation INVESTMENTS

December 31, 2000



UNITS 2,043.0 2694

5,3570 7423

18 .3360 2,5409 4,1550 5692 569 0 772

181 0 236

15,7220 2,195.5

470 66

1,2830 1833 1850 264


4,688 .681 70 1,000,000 DO

2 .54000 4,56500

10.57 31,675 70

' 4,52589 5,731,998 88

38350 71,105 47

71724 93,964 00

400.52661 194,156 00

5,08300 92,807 14

251 .02008 109,007 99 586,440 46

1,795,213 49

204,300 00 13 .47

535,700 00 37 12

1,833,600 00 12705

415,118 51 28 46

56,900 00 386

19,100 1 18

1,572,200 00 10978

4,70000 033

128,300 00 7 3r

18 .500 1 06

4,788,746 15

1,500, 000 10,500,000 12,000,000



osvsLx s o00 OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 :55 :25 V0 .07 .01 27 STATEMENT 8

r i n r >,

THE S1'EUtR EvuNDA'1'1UN 13-6151545



SEE ATTACHED LIMITED PTNSHIP INTERESTS 330,138 . 1,795,213 . 1,795,213 . LMTD LIABILITY CO . INTERESTS 4,765,327 . 4,788,746 . 4,788,746 .

--------------- --------------- --------------- TOTALS 5,095,465 . 6,583,959 . 6,583,959 .

'1 HE S iAktR F Vu~DAT10k





i w 13-6151545


1,500,000 . 1,500,000 . 1,500,000 . 10,500,000 . 10,500,000 .

14,486 . 5,655,252 . 5,655,252 .

------------ --------------- ---------------1,514,486 . 17,655,252 . 17,655,252 .

28 STATEMENT 9 osvsLN s o00

OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 :55 :25 V0 .07 .01




--------- ----------

---------------1,931,922 .



OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 :55 :25 V0 .07 .01




1,500,000 .

431,922 .



1,500,000 .

431,922 .

1,931,922 .




OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 :55 :25 V0 .07 .01 30


DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ----------- ------


1 TOTAL 139065601





" SM MDAM (SM W M r M ~ ~~ 13-6T"54.~



DEVOTED TO POSITION COMPENSATION BENEFIT PLANS ALLOWANCES ------------------- ------------ ------------- ----------


NAME AND ADDRESS ----------------




T . C . HSU 70 PINE STREET NY, NY 10270




H . 2 . SMITH 70 PINE STREET NY, NY 10270




OSPSLN 5 000

OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 :55 :25 V0 .07 .01 31 STATEMENT 12







202,500 .




NONE 9,434 .









DEVOTED TO POSITION COMPENSATION BENEFIT PLANS ALLOWANCES ------------------- ------------ ------------- ----------






OA6196 2532 03/04/2002 09 :55 :25 V0 .07 .01 32 STATEMENT 13

NAME AND ADDRESS ----------------





119,380 .








10,206 .


An Lim, Vanessa O None $14,00000 Blk 16 Lot l Violago Homes Payata S-B Quezon City, Philippines

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships-Page 1 (by letter dated March 29, 1978, the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)


This program vas established in 1969 m memory of C V Starr, Founder of the Foundation, to continue his wish to provide scholarship aid to children of regular, full-time employees of American International companies anywhere m the world Beginning in die 1978/79 academic year, the program was extended to include dependent children of agents who sell insurance exclusively for American International companies Aid is for degree studies in U S colleges Recipients are selected on the bass of academic ability and financial need by Scholarship & Recognition Programs, a division of Educational Testing Service of Princeton, N J , an independent non-profit educational organization which administers the program

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Ackley, Jeffery M None $14,00000 194 Hudson Street ThoroCare . NJ 08086

Acteson, Stefanie K None $6,40000 2517 St George Street Wilmington, DE 19508

Aflab, Erum None $12,00000 GO Aftab-ALICO PO Box 5984 Sharjah,

Aflab, Saba None $9,00000 c/o Aftab-ALICO Ins AI Wmda St PO Box 5984 Shaqah, Unwed Arab Errurates

Ang, Chui Lian None $9,00000 135 Transcript Avenue Apt 5 Lexington, KY 40508

Apple, Colin R None $7,20000 15 Winter Street Montpelier, VT 05602

Arouca, Christopher W None $14,00000 28 Rayfield Road Marshfield, AM 02050

Aulova, Maria None S14,00000 8911 63rd Road #608 Rego Park, NY 113 74

Barbay, Erica D None $5,50000 4255 Southpark Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70816

Barton, Horricia L None $I Ot7OO 00 Milford Road Crown Point Scarborough, Tobago

Beaton, Jarm A None $4,80000 99-721 Holo Ai Street Aica, HI 96701

Bhattacharya, Bhaswats None $12,00000 251-16 Cullman Avenue Little Neck, NY 11362

Bhuthong, Priyanuch None $12,00000 60/51 Chaengwattana Rd Pakkret Nonthaburi 11 120, Thailand

Blackman, Kevin J None $14,00000 580 Albany Avenue Arrutyville, NY 11701

Boelun, Samantha None $7,70000 5 Glenside Drive Annandale, NJ 08901

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 2 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Borromeo, Regina G None $14,00000 21 Mercury Street Be[-Air Village Makan City, 1209 Philippmes

Boudreaux, Nakisha T None $50000 2637 Cinuriaron Trail Lithia Springs, GA 30057

Bowman, Matthew T None $8,00000 609 30th Street West Des Moines, IA 50265

Braun, Cortney L None $9,60000 PO Box 996 Stowe, VT 05672

Burgoon, Lauren M None $12,00000 1025 Lakeshore Dr Haddon Twshp Collingswood, NJ 08108

Burlinson, Elizabeth M None $3,70000 183 McAllister Road Stowe, VT 05672

Burt, Saquib Basheer None $14,00000 110 Gaslight Drive N9 South Weymouth, MA 02190

Butt, Saquib Basheer None $3,90000 110 Gaslight Drive #9 South Weymouth, MA 02190

Chan, Nathaniel C None $14,00000 7 Floor Block F 1-5 Boyce Rd Jardines Lookout Hong Kong, China, Peoples Republic

Chan, Natalie None $14,00000 7/F F Butler Tower 1-5 Boyce Road Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Chang, Jennifer C None $14,00000 119 Shafler Avenue Staten Island NY 10308

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 3 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Crant Amount

SCHEDULE(A) Scholarships -Page 4 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Charles, Jason S None S12,00000 LP57 Longden Street St Joseph, Trirudad & Tobago

Chatcharatkoon, Sasiwimon None $9,10000 81 Soi Suwandee 3 Pracharat 2 Rd Bangsu Bangkok, 10800 Thailand

Chatcharatkoon, Sasiwimon None $2,90000 81 Soi Suwandee 3 Pracharat 2 Rd Bangsu Bangkok, 10800 Thailand

Chau, Wallace None $12,00000 A2 8th Floor Shaun Heights 8003 Tai Po Road ShatLn, NT Hong Kong

Chellaya, Kaveta None $11,10000 579 TM_N SG Ujong JLN Rasah 2 1 7-300 Scremban N Sembilan Mala Seremban 70300, Malaysia

Choi, Charles None S14,00000 142-37 59th Avenue Flushing, NY 11355

Choo, Nicholas Wai T None $14,00000 22 Jalan Teresk Lapan Bangsar Baru Kuala Lumpur 59100, Malaysia

Christoforou, Nicolas None $12,00000 23B Acheon Street Nicosia I 10 1, Cyprus

Christoforou, Marios Y None $14,00000 23B Acheon Street Nicosia, 1101 Cyprus

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Cline, Laura J None $6,60000 3216 Hidden Forest Drive Snellville, GA 30278

Conliffe, Jarme R None $9,10000 4320 Hickoryview Drive Louisville, KY 40299

Corpuz, Mark Gibson R None $14,00000 412 Sapagn Palay Street Tanizang Luma IV Imus Cavite 4103, Philippines

Cumberbatch, Analisa R None $12,00000 43 Glenside Gardens Tunapuria, Trinidad

Curnberbatch, Melissa A None $14,00000 43 Glenside Gardens Tunapuna, Trinicad, W I

D'Angelo, Danielle None $12,00000 83 Lambert Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11735

D'Angelo, Christopher M None $1,00000 83 Lambert Avenue Farmingdale, NY 11735

D'Angelo, Christopher M None $11,00000 83 Lambert Avenue Famungdale, NY 11735

Dalal, Rakhi P None $1,00000 145 Arborfield Way Alpharetta, GA 30202

DeNicuolo, Celeste M None $9,40000 25 Borrelly Boulevard Sewell, NJ 08080

Devroye, Daniel None $5,60000 20 Russell Place Summit, NJ 07901

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 5 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Donohue, Brianne M None $12,00000 341 Lake Road Salisbury Mills, NY 12577

Dulay, Mary G None $14,00000 77 Hillcrest Avenue Staten Island, NY 10308

Dulay, John E None $14,00000 77 Hillcrest Avenue Staten Island, NY 10308

Dulay, John E None $6,00000 77 Hillcrest Avenue Staten Island, NY 10308

Dulay, Ryan I None $14,00000 77 Hillcrest Avenue Staten Island, NY 10308

Egan, Meredith None $12,00000 24 Wood Glen Way Boonton, NJ 07005

Eisenring, Richard None $6,00000 4800 Al Ventura Road #4833 Wallington, NJ 07057

Evangelista, Valerie N None $8,30000 524 S Wilton Street Los Angeles, CA 90020

Evangelista, Vanessa A None $1,80000 524 S Wilton Place Los Angeles, CA 90020

Feil, Knsty A None $1,30000 27 Traveller Way Scotch Plains, NJ 07076

Fernandez, Mark N None $2,40000 514 Adelphi Street East Meadow, NY 11554

Fok, Lionel W None $11,00000 22 Jalan S S2/20 Petaling Jaya Selangor, 47300 Malaysia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 6 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the fntemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Franklin, Sabrina None $35000 17211 Ranch Country Drive Flockley, TX 77447

Friedman, Craig S None $9,70000 27 Commerce Street Staten Island, NY 10314

Funk, Kristma. E None $12,00000 114 Hedgwick Drive Newark, DE 19702

Gaitatzis, Efthirmos None $12,00000 c/o Fotios Gkaitatzis ALICO 40 Mitropoleos Str Veroia 59100, Greece

Galligan, Axine M None $9,60000 40 Pershing Street Dumont, NJ 07628

Gillaspy, Laura M None S8,00000 322 Concord Avenue Wilmington, DE 19803

Gillespie, Daniel I None $1,30000 120 N Passaic Avenue Chatharn, NJ 07928

Goh, Sarah Ai Lin None $12,00000 54A Jalan Choong Lye Hin Georgetown 10470, Malaysia

Gomez, Jade Czar E None $14,00000 63-A J Pineda St Bregy Pag-ibigsa Nayon Balintawak QuezonCity, 1115 Philippines

Gray, Crystal S None $12,00000 521 North Arnustead Street APT 203 Alexandria, VA 22312

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 7 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Gray, Avion None $14,00000 L P #27 Broome Street Four Roads Diego Martin, Trinidad

Gunyan, Gregory J None $5,00000 119 Birch Street Floral Park, NY I 100 1

Gurvits, Inna None $10,00000 3 100 Ocean Parkway ATT B-9 Brooklyn, NY 11235

Gurvits, GrigofLy None $6,20000 3 100 Ocean Pkwy APT B-9 Brooklyn, NY 11235

Gwum, Jessica A None $10,90000 219 Cloverlea Road Newark, DE 19711

Harrulton, Michael A None $4,40000 190 E Harvey Farm Road Waterbury Center, VT 05677

Handjojo, Benitius M None $12,00000 JLN Borruputra No 21 Rawarnangun Jakarta Timur Jakarta 13240, Indonesia

Harbottle, Heather C None $12,00000 167 W Branch Circle North East, MD 21901

Harbottle, Candice N None $12,00000 167 W Branch Circle North East, MD 21901

Hazell, Paul A None $12,00000 PO Box 192 Wall Street Station New York, NY 10268

Ho, Herbert K None $12,00000 154-34 58th Road Flushing, NY 11355

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 8 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 9 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Ho, William W None $10,30000 5039 N Chambers Drive Barrington, IL 60010

Horner, Melissa None $10,80000 12 Glen Loch Way Malvern, PA 193 5 5

Howard, Urena I None $14,00000 2239 Troy Avenue APT 6D Brooklyn, NY 1 12 34

lqbal, Zahid None $5,10000 PO Box 7109 leddah, 21462

Isoke, Sylvia T None $14,00000 c/o AIG Uganda Ltd PO Box 7077 Kampala, Uganda

Jam Neha None $14,00000 c/o Karnlesh Jain, ALICO A] Sayegh Tower, 15-17 Floors Cornish Al Buheira Sharjah 23618, United Arab Emirates

Junisbayev, Alibek K None $14,00000 Isaeva Sir 158/20 Almaty, 480000 Kazakstan

Kam, Brandon R None $12,40000 94-1007 Leihaku Street Waiipahu, HI 96797

Keag, Jeffrey A None $2,80000 904 Quince Lane Mt Prospect, IL 60056

Khor, Ching J None $4,90000 42 Taman Desa Jalan Mawar-10 Alor Setar Kedah, 05050 Malaysia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 10 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Khor, Ching I None $12,40000 42 Taman Desa Jalan Mawar- 10 Alor Sctar Kedah, 05050 Malaysia

Kirn, Min S None $12,00000 RmI01-1511Woosung Apt Jeongeneung I Dong Seongbuk-ku Seou1136101, Korea (ROK)

Kiyam, Adeel B None $12,00000 c/o Bashir A Kiyani ALICO P 0 Box 5984 Shar]ah, Uruted Arab Enurates

Kole-James, Abayom None $7,00000 c/o Tammowo Kole-James AIICO Ins Co Afribank Street Victoria Is Lagos, Nigeria

Kong, Hao Zheng None $12,00000 27 Lorong Merak Dua Gelugor Penang 11700, Malaysia

Kong, Joanna None $10,10000 9 Jalan Haji Wahab Canning Garden Ipoh 31400, Malaysia

Kong, Hai Ning None $14,00000 27 Lorong Merak Dua Penang, 117001 Malaysia

Koyam, Kennosuke None $1,00000 Amenity-142 7-7-1 Mmanuikuta Tarna-ku. Kawasaki, 214-0036 Japan

Kurtz, Stephen T None $12,00000 8612 Thomas Mill Terrace Philadelphia, PA 19128

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page I I (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Kyriacou, Elena V None $14,00000 20 Solonos St Pano Lakatanua Nicosia 2312, Cyprus

Kynacou, Sophia V None $14,00000 20 Solonos Street Pano Lakatarnia Nicosia, 2312 Cyprus

Lee, Sze Wik None $10,10000 47 W 89TH STREET APT 4A New York, NY 10024

Lee, Lih Yarn None $6,65000 501 N 25th Street APT 4 Lincoln, NE 68503

Lee, Lih Yunn None $6,65000 501 N 25th Street APT 4 Lincoln, NE 68503

Leung, Liza None $2,00000 238 Steuben Street Staten Island, NY 10304

Leung, Liza None $12,00000 238 Steuben Street Staten Island, NY 10304

Li, Danielle None $14,00000 341 McDowell Drive East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Li, Pui Shan Viola None $14,00000 5918 68thRoad Ridgewood, NY 113 8 5

Lun, Tee Wei None $12,00000 1000 Lorong Merpati Ater Setar KD 05200, Malaysia

Lim, Chin Hui None $6,00000 318 JIn Langsat KPG Jambu Taiping Perak, 34000 Malaysia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 12 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the lntemal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Lin, Tsui-Ting None $3,70000 721 5th Street Hull, 1A 51239

Liu, Yang None $14,00000 301 No 10 Ln 280 Huang Shan Rd ShangHai 200070, China, People's Republic

Loh, Kali Hock None $12,00000 45 Jln Sri Arnam 2 TMN Sri Aman Pontian Johor, 82000 Malaysia

Lohitharn, Sutida None $11,50000 18/40 Maenramduk Street Maung District Ratchaburi, 70000 Thailand

Lu, Michael None $12,00000 8 Callaway Terrace Somerset, NJ 08873

Maldonado, Roberto C None $1,50000 Luz Deste N-8 4Ta Seccion Levittown, PR 00949

Mastropietro, Douglas P None $12,00000 75 Dartmouth Street Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Mc Nulty, Ellyn P None $6,20000 147-43 38th Avenue Fluslung, NY 11354

McCook, Michelle A None $14,00000 3123 Fenton Avenue Bronx, NY 10469

McKale, Meghann K None $3,40000 55 Brook Street Barrington, RI 02806

McLeod, Wesley H None $13,10000 24 Florida Avenue Independence City Gregory Park PO St Catherine, Jamaica W I

Mishkin, Kimberly E None $1,50000 86 Dinsmore Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15205

Mitchell, Jeffrey R None $14,00000 259 City View Avenue West Springfield, MA 01089

Mohammed, Tricia S None $14,00000 67A St Vincent Street Empire Flats Flat 2B Port of Spain, Trinidad

Mohammed, Marlene D None $14,00000 Empipe Flats Apt 2B 67A St Vincent St Port- of- Spain, Trinidad

Mohammed, Mellisa I None $14,00000 67A St Vincent St Apt 2B Empire Flats Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Moog, Chelo Lizette A None $14,00000 414 Isidro St DoniLnga Pasay City 1300, Philippines

Moms, John P None $14,00000 33-67 161 Street Flushing, N-Y 11358

Moshinski, Lillian None $14,00000 18 Linda Ln Staten Island, NY 10312

Mowrey, Jennifer A None $11,50000 89 Lindbergh Pkwy Waldwick, NJ 07463

Muchenje, Lovejoy None S14,00000 7 Aldfield Close Waterfalls Harare, Zunbabwe

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 13 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Murtagh, Erm K None $14,00000 3741 Taylor Avenue Drexel Hill, PA 19026

Murunga, Cosmas A None $12,00000 c/o ALICO Ins Co-Kismu Agency- ALICO House Marrilaka Road Nairobi, Kenya

Murunga, Irene F None $14,00000 c/o Sisco Muninga ALICO PO Box 1953 Kisumu Nyanza, Kenya

Mulia, Kareem D None $14,00000 Fairview Drive Gov Ramos Avenue Sta Mana Zamboanga City, 7000 Philippines

Ng, Kong Wee None $14,00000 1904 W 24th Street Apt 2 Lawrence, KS 66046

Ng, Wan-Chin None $6,15000 2490 Westgate Drive Cornmerce, TX 75428

Ng, Siaw Yuen None $14,00000 35 Jalan Nagasan 5 Bani Segamat, Johor, 85000 Malaysia

Ng, Wan-Chin None $3,70000 2490 Westgate Drive Commerce, TX 75428

Ng, Wing Kin K None $14,00000 2 1 B Lisa House - 33 Nelson Street MongKok Kowloon, Hong Kong

Ng, Jim Carl None $13,60000 35 Jalan Nagasan 5 Seganiat Baru Segamat Johor 85000, Malaysia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 14 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Nowakowska, Joanna None $1,90000 53 Newell Street APT 0L Brooklyn, NY 11222

Nyabola, Justice I None $14,00000 c/o Goodwill Otieno UON PSRI 30197 Nairobi, Kenya

Nyika, Dambudzo None $14,00000 200 Chatham Way APT 522 Mayfield Heights, OH 44124

O'Connor, Elisabeth A None $50000 12131 NW 32nd Court Coral Spnngs, FL 33065

Oberweis, Stacy None $2,30000 162 Morton Blvd Plainview, NY 11803

Ochse, Rachel A None $8,20000 19 Petalas Drive East Greenbush, NY 12061

Onola, Yusuf 0 None $12,00000 15 lbikunle Street Off University Road Yaba Lagos, Nigeria

Palornares, Erickson None $7,00000 1000 Preakness Avenue Wayne, NJ 07470

Patnzio, Carl 0 None $5,80000 22 Surinybank Lane Aston, PA 19014

Paxton, Regina L None $12,40000 44 Ellenton Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10801

Pee, Hooi Lee None $11,20000 TBP5374 MK20 Kubang Ulu Bukit Mertajam 14400, Malaysia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 15 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Intemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Pellegrino, Gina M None $3,90000 50 Sycamore Circle Stony Brook, NY 11790

Pcrcoco, Annemarie None S9,50000 28 Neil Drive Famungville, NY 11738

Persaud, Christina A None $14,00000 30-30 30th Street APT 45 Astoria, NY 11 102

Pettit, Crystal L None $1,40000 242-C Chippewa Court Bolingbrook, IL 60440

Phantumano, Sasikam None $10,50000 75/8 Paholyothin Rd Soi Sukkasem Bangkok 10220, Thailand

Phillips, Elizabeth None $7,60000 3616 Edgewood Drive Greensboro, NC 27406

Phung, Lip Wom None $6,00000 28 Persiaran Pantai Jerjak Sat Sungai Nibong Penang 11900, Malaysia

Phung, Chin Chin None $11,10000 28 Persiaran Pantai Jerjak I Sungai Nibong Penang, 11900 Malaysia

Piccinllo, Christopher M None $14,00000 9 Cornell Drive Succasunna, NJ 07876

Pink, Janue L None $7,40000 130 Fasula Blvd Schenectady, NY 12303

Popowicz, Joseph V None $90000 4713 Convent Place Philadelphia, PA 19114

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 16 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the hiternal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 17 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relafionship Purpose of Grant Amount

Powers, Bessie None $6,90000 5370 Brownwood Drive Powder Springs, GA 30127

Prokop, Kimberly J None $12,00000 119 Isinglass Road Shelton, CT 06484

Prokop, Jeffrey M None $12,00000 119 Isinglass Road Shelton, CT 06484

Rabago, Cheryl C None $14,00000 91-037 Pahuhu Way Ewa Beach, HI 96706

Rabago, Wendy None $2,00000 91-037 Pahuhu Way Ewa Beach, IU 96706

Rabago, Wendy None $12,00000 91-037 Pahuhu Way Ewa Beach, H1 96706

Racicot, Amy A None $10,10000 8 Gridley Bryant Road Scituate, MA 02066

Rajadurai, Rajan None $14,00000 1037 N Middle APT 2 Cape Girardeau, MO 63701

Rajan, Nahla B None $12,00000 224-35 77th Avenue Bayside, NY 11364

Ranalh, Jessica None $7,00000 15 Pheasant Ridge Drive Loudonville, NY 12211

Ranalli, Tamara None $7,80000 15 Pheasant Ridge Drive Loudonville, NY 12211

Rivera, Lourdes J None S3,40000 PO Box 4639 AAFB Yigo, 96929 Guam

Robinson, Courtney L None $14,00000 1614 Wadsworth Way Baltimore, MD 21239

Rogers, Kimberly E None $12,00000 46 Mystic St 2 Charlestown, MA 02129

Ronga, Mathew M None $14,00000 c/o Alico House Mamlaka Road PO BOX 30364 Nairobi, Kenya

Saenz, Juan J None $12,00000 9619 Myron Street Pico Rivera, CA 90660

Saba, Mntyunjoy None $14,00000 91 Jamal Khan Ln I st fl c/o Mr G K Saba Chittagong, 4000 Bangladesh

Salarzon, Eune Shara H None $14,00000 10408 NE 81st Street Vancouver, WA 98662

Salarzon, Krisoliver H None $3,70000 10408 NE 8 1 st Street Vancouver, WA 98662

Salas, Robert P None $9,30000 PO Box 1972 Hagatna, 96815 Guam

Santos, Ava Janice B None S9,60000 3F Anatolia Bldg 10-S Short Hom St Project 8 QuezonCity, 1106 Philippines

Santos, Ava Janice B None It $4,40000 3F Anatolia Bldg I O-S Short Hom St Project 8 QuezonCity, 1106 Philippines

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 18 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Sasaki, Kimberlee S None $10,70000 3346-A Kanauia Avenue Honolulu, HI 96815

Sathyendra, Harsha M None $12,00000 136Marnmoth Road APT 625 Hooksett, NW 03106

Sathyendra, Vikram M None $14,00000 136 Mammoth Road APT 25 Hooksett, NH 03106

Sato, Yukiko None $12,00000 9-7-60 Karriagaya Kamagaya-Shi Chiba, 273-01 Japan

Seawell, Ryan M None $9,70000 509 W Main Street Parkesburg, PA 19365

ShLrakashi, Noriko None $12,00000 80 Gardner Street Allston, MA 02134

Shishir, Razib S None $12,00000 House No-31 Road No- I Dhanmondi Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh

Sithole, Farai P None $14,00000 7501 Old Hishfield Harare, Zimbabwe

Smalletz, Cindy K None $5,20000 57 Queens Rd Rockaway, NJ 07866

Snuth, Kieran R None $2,00000 103 Old Bnarcliff Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 105 10

Snuth, Jennifer E None $1,00000 83 Beech Hill Drive Newark, DE 19711

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarstups -Page 19 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Srruth, Quincy M None $14,00000 18 Second St E Cane Farm Ave Trincity Tritudad, Trinidad and Tobago

Soo, Hooi Mun None $14,00000 308 N Husband APT N7 Stillwater, OK 74075

Soo, Yi Xin Y None $12,00000 18 Jalan Puncak Tanian Bandar Baru Pahat, 83000 Malaysia

Soohoo, Robin None $7,50000 3322 Murray Lane Flushing, NY 11 354

Spann, Erica None $70000 4797 Grants Way Marietta, GA 30066

Sposato, Charles G None $14,00000 1580 Lincoln Blvd Whiting, NJ 08759

Sposato, Isabel D None $10,70000 1580 Lincoln Blvd Wluting, NJ 08759

Sposato, Suzanne M None $12,00000 1580 Lincoln Blvd Whiting, NJ 08759

Snthavatchai, Sichol None $14,00000 144/101 Thanurat Road Sathorn Bangkok, 10120 Thailand

Steinberg, Michael B None $12,00000 90 Mt Joy Road Milford, NJ 08848

Sudjatmko, Harnphrey None $14,00000 70OW Scott i1142 Stillwater, OK 74075

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 20 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Intemal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Interrial Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Tai, Koh Sin None S6,70000 10 Taman Ledang Jementah Segamat Johor, 85200 Malaysia

Tai, Sjau Wee None $14,00000 10 Taman Ledang Jementah Segamat Johore, 85200 Malaysia

Tai, Koh Sin None $90000 10 Taman Ledang Jementah Segamat Johor, 85200 Malaysia

Tam, Michelle W None $50000 73 Hendricks Drive Moms Plains, NJ 07950

Tamayeva, Irina None $10,20000 110-47 63rd Avenue Forest Hills, NY 11375

Tan, Ying Ymg None $14,00000 389B]odkJMk 11213atuMaung Penang, 11960 Malaysia

Tan,Saw Ming None $14,00000 31 Persiaran Minden Glugor Penang 11700, Malaysia

Teckchandani, Shalun None $4,40000 6E Childs Road Bernardsville, NJ 07924

Tee, Fling Hwa None $14,00000 55 1 st floor Jalan Yong Peng Taman Damaijaya Chaah Johor, 85400 Malaysia

Tharm, Seel Yeow None $7,90000 520 South 4th Street APT 32 Ames, IA 50010

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 21 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Thurstlic, Michelle L None $8,40000 3716 Knole Lane Chadds Ford, PA 19317

Tjan, Hongi None $10,00000 700 W Scott APT 24B Stillwater, OK 74075

Toh, At Chen None $14,00000 3495 Highcroft Circle Norcross, GA 30092

Tong, Melanie T None $12,00000 17 New Mill Road Struthtown, NY 1 1787

Tracey, Keagan C None $14,00000 1 Sixth Street W De Larriarre Avenue Tnncity, Tnruclacl

Tuhao, Marlon Joseph M None $12,00000 Cervantes Street Poblacion Bugallon Pangasinan, 2416 Philippines

Uerkanarak, Kajipom None $12,00000 33/19 Moobanladdawan Srinakarj Bangkwae Bangplee Santutprakam 10540, Thailand

Velazquez, Krystle J None $2,20000 45 Oxford Place Staten Island, NY 10301

Vincent, Eboney N None $14,00000 68 E 19th Street #6E Brooklyn, NY 11226

Wangpataravanich, Iris None $60000 37-05 63rd Street Woodside, NY H 377

Walley, Monique N None $5,80000 91 Madison Street Mastic, NY 11950

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 22 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the intemal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Intemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Crant Amount

Welch, Ryan V None $14,00000 54 1 0 Mockingbird Road Greensboro, NC 27406

Whalen, Patrick G None $1,20000 10 Third Place Garden City, NY 11530

Wick, Temperance W None $1,00000 70 Appletree Point Lane Burlington, VT 05401

Willis, Jr, Carl M None $1,00000 517 A W Carolina Street Tallahasse, FL 32301

Winters, Norman C None $3,50000 2750 E Dahlia Drive Phoenix, AZ 85032

Yager, Marshall L None $5,00000 24005 NW Dixie Mountain Road Hillsboro, OR 97124

Yager, Marshall L None $3,33400 24005 NW Dixie Mountain Road Hillsboro, OR 97124

Yap, Hui Wen None $14,00000 19 Jalan Serindit Segamat Johore, 85000 Malaysia

Yap, Kuok Woei None $14,00000 19 JLN Scrindit Segarnat Johore 85000, Malaysia

Yau, Allen None $12,00000 61-27 182 Street Fresh Meadows, NY 11365

Yeoh, Shen-Hoei None $12,00000 44 Ayer Rajah Gardens Penang, 10350 Malaysia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 23 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

GRAND TOTAL $2,330,395.33

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 24 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Yeoh, Shen-Hoei None $6,00000 44 Ayer Rajah Gardens Penang, 10350 Malaysia

Yew, Meng Yen None $5,80000 610-B Taman Bukit Melaka Melaka, 75450 Malaysia

Yew, Meng Yen None $6,80000 610-B Taman Bukit Melaka Melaka, 75450 Malaysia

Zelenko, Natalie None $14,00000 420 East 70th Street APT 7Q New York, NY 10021

TOTAL $2,359,534.00 REFUNDS

Jodoin, Amy University of Pennsyk ania $85000 Kawsar, Khan Florida Metropolitan $10,00000 Khor, Kean Hoot University of Oklahoma $6,00000 Ng, Man Yin Columbia University $12,00000 Tee, Fung Yong University of Kansas S28867 (29,13867


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page I (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)


This program was inaugurated in 1973 as an extension of the College Scholarship and Loan Program which was established in 1969 in memory of C V Starr, Founder of the Foundation Aid is for degree studies at local institutions of higher learning Overseas Beginning in the 1978/79 academic year, the program was extended to include dependent children of agents who sell insurance exclusively for American International Companies This program extension is administered by the Institute of International Education, an independent non-profit educational organization

Recipient Name and Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Ahtesharn, Moliarnined None $6,00000 P 0 Box 1628 Sharjah United Arab Eintrates

Abu Khalil, Pascal None S10,90000 PO Box 14-5644 ALICO Beirut Lebanon

Aburto Zolezzi, Jose None S6,00000 121-201 San Martin Surcu Linia 33 Peru

Acosta, Darnela None $5,78000 Santiago del Estero 1561 Martinez Provincia Buenos Aires 1640 Argentina

Acosta, Deborah None $5,30000 Lot 22 Block 41 M Aurelius S, BF Resort Village Parnplona Las Pmas City 1741 Philippines

Aguila, Nova None $5,79000 Tibig Lipa City Batangas 4217 PHILIPPINES


Aguilar Landa, Nayeh None S2,55000 Calle 3 Alejo Rico 20 Super Manzana 5 U V Guerrero lztapalapa D F Mexico

Aguirre Moreno, Elizabeth None $6,00000 Pablo Neruda 085 Estacion Central Santiago Chile

Ahmed, Naeern Imtiaz None S1,50000 House 30 Roiad 3F Sector 9 Uttara Model Town Dhaka Bangladesh

Akarapridee, Natemanee None $5,84000 161 Thesa Rd A Muting Nakompathom 73000 Thailand

Akther, Farhana None $4,43000 146 Sirajuddawla Road Chandanpura Chittagong 4203 Bangladesh

Alcam, Chartmaine Franc None S11,36000 17-A Gov E Reyes St Vigan flocos Sur 2700 Philippines

Alexiou, Maria None $6,00000 1 Tamasou Street TT 2460 P Deftera Nicosia Cyprus

Aloc, Jean Carla None S5,69000 #10 3rd Street Phi-D Pacita Complex I San Pedro Laguna PHILIPPINES

Ampon, Aileen None $2,11000 No 68 F Bautista St Marulas Valenzuela City 1441 PHILIPPINES

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 2 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this prograrn under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Ancheta, Christopher None $4,640 00 3 R Sonano Street Balzam Tuguegarao Cagayan Philippines 3500

Ancheta, Mark Anthony None $3,52000 243 Dr Sixto antorno A%enue Camogan Pasig City Metro Manila 1606 Philippines

Ancheta, Christine None $4,94000 3 R Soriano Street Balzain Tuguegarao Cagayan 3500 PHILIPPINES

Andal, Jose Jasper None $2,60500 Pinagtungulan San Jose Batangas 4337 Philippines

Ang, Chi Hoe None $9,00000 Blk 144 Bishan Street 12 # 06-536 570144 Singapore

Ang, Lay Peng None $3,00000 20 Jalan SS 25/1 Taman Megah Petaling Jaya Selangor Malaysia 47301

Angkasuwan, Sirithom None $6,12000 551/79 Sathupradit 45 Chongnonsee Yannawa 10120 Bangkok 10800 Thailand

Apasinkul, Siriwat None $4,86000 44/65 Klongjanvilla 2 Navanuntra Road Klongkom Buangkum Bangkok 10240 Thailand

Apunannon, Kasthuri None $6,00000 No 22 Lorong 5 Taman Mangga Juni Seberang Perai Tengah Pulau Pinang Malaysia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 3 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Interrial Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Apiwanthanakom, Nartapol None $3,10000 80/46 Niphatsongkhroh 4 Road Haadyai Songkhla 90110 Thailand

Arias Anmjo, Jorge None $6,00000 Salitrera Victoria 3340 Villa Los Cipreces Iquique CHILE

Amesen, Jarinicke None $3,00000 Hegdehaugsveien 58 OsloO352 Norway

Aroonvanichporn, Soontharee None $6,00000 485/55-56 Soi Wattanasilp Rajprarop Road Rapavee Bangkok 10400 Thailand

Arzanan, Nonito None $2,13000 307 Del Pilar Zaragoza Nueva Ecija 3110 Philippines

Arzanan, Eppielinda None $1,98000 307 Del Pilar Zaragoza Nueva Ecina 3110 Philippines

Astudillo Gimenez, Daniel None $5,46000 FDO De Arguello 8180 Vitacura Santiago Chile

Avanzado, Maureen None S3,66000 187 Brgy Sta Elena San Pablo City Philippines

Badifla, Jose None $6,00000 47 A Bayawas Street Naga City 4400 Philippines

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 4 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Balmong, Alger Rho None $2,15000 Philantlifie Insurance Company Session Road Baguio City 2600 PHILIPPINES

Balmaceda, Elaine None $3,74000 12 Vinzons Avenue Vinzons Camarmes Norte Philippines

Balmes, Vanessa None $5,58000 134 Pearl Lane St Mt View Park Subdivision Batangas Coy Batangas 4200 Philippines

Beckmann Olivares, Melissa None $2,48000 Principe De Gales 6435-F La Reina Santiago Chile

Begurn, Rabeya None $6,00000 Daffodil Tower Flat #E-4 House #22 Road #28 (old) I 5(new) Dhanniondi Residential Area Dhaka 1205 Bangladesh

Beiclas, Adrian None $13,00000 55 Wesmunster Gardens Marsham Street London SWIP 4JG England, UK

Beidas, Alexandra None $3,00000 55 Westminster Gardens Marshom London SWiP 4JG England

Benny, Mr None $2,55000 Kepa Durt Mas Blok PP No 10A Jakarta Barat 1 15 1 0 Indonesia

Bey, Soo Fung None $1,67000 No 29 Solok Mesra 5 Taman Chi Liung Pelabuhan Klang 42000 Malaysia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 5 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Intemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Bliatia, Bharti None S2,61000 A-4 Vikas Ramchandra Lane Malad West Mumbai 400064 India

Biclu, Ruth None $2,86500 366 AmeghinoFalucho No 636 Tandil Buenos Aires 7000 A,rgentLna

Blounas, John None $6,00000 65 Makropoulou Street Lanua 35100 Greece

Boo Hui Howe, Kenneth None $7,00000 705 Jalan Sri PUM 2/7 Taman Putri Kulai Johore 8 1000 MALAYSIA

Boonkerd, Patcharaporn None $5,74000 867/39 Pornlawee Vill Sukumvit 101 Bangchak Prakanong Bangkok 10260 Thailand

Boonyuen, Methawee None $5,80500 364 Chareonraj Road Meung Chiangmaj Thailand 50000

Borromeo, Mary None $5,32000 Roxas District Naguilian Isabela 3302 Philippines

Bate, Maricel None $4,42000 28 San Jose Dasmarinas Caite Philippines

Bo~en, Danuan None $3,00000 64 Rothergien Road South Ajax, Ontario Canada LIS 5K2

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 6 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this prograin under Section 4945 of the Lntemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Bowen, Sean None S3,00000 64 Rotherglen Road South Ajax, Ontario Canada L I S 5 K2

Brandares, Jacqueline Marie Aludia None $4,92000 3878 Magsaysay St Digos, Davao del Sur PHILIPPINES

Brusetti, Ronny None $3,00000 Via B Brecht 18 Scregno Milano 20038 Italy

Bundoc, Mary Rose None $1,76500 Block 13 Lot 31 Lagro Novalich Quezon City H 17 Philippines

Bunnag, Sunda None $2,04000 104/2 M 6 KM 24 Phaholyothm Street Samiai Bangkok 10220 Thailand

Bustarriante San Martin, Jorge None $6,00000 Av Los Patnotas #550 Depto 502 Urb Maranga-San Miguel Lima 32 Peru

Byrne, Timothy None $6,00000 13 Whitfriar's Way Donvale Victoria 3 111 Auatralia

Cabradilla, Crystal Rose None $5,22000 1673 Lomboy Street Capitol Heights Subd Bacolod City Negros Occidental 6100 Philippines

Cadiente, Edlyn None $2,94000 National Rd Bo Calumpang Bmangorian Binangonan Rizal 1940 Philippines

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 7 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Intemal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Littemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Cajuconi, Regina None $14,08500 36 Adanna Street Dizon Subdivision Baguio City 2600 PhilippLnes

Calapine, Chartriame None $1,87000 1301 Castanos St Sampaloc, Manila 1008 PHILIPPINES

Calizar, Ronn Michail None $11,24000 Philantlife Provincial Road Tabuk Kalinga Province Philippines

Caniga, Iris Consuelo None $1,72000 13 Pleasantville Subdivision Sagkahan Tacloban City Leyte Philippines

Capili, Gilbert None $1,76000 30 B A Bonifacio Avenue Barangka Mankina City 1800 Philippines

Cardenal, Cindy None $4,69000 723 North Drive Villarnonte Bacolod City 6100 PHILIPPINES

Carlorn, Lovely Joy None $9,14000 Mahayahay Lernery Batangas Batangas 4209 Philippines

Cantiona, Aldana Rita None $9,00000 Maipu 1241 Tandil Argentina

Caro Sepulveda, Silvia None $2,51000 Juan Sebastian Bach 225 San Joaquin Santiago Chile

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 8 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the 1memal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Catly, Cherry None $5,86000 Tibag Calapan Oriental Mindoro Oriental Mindoro 5200 Plulippines

Cervantes, Maureen None $5,02000 78 E de Leon St Las Pinas BF E\ecutive Village Metro Manila Philippines

Chai, Shyh Jye None $6,00000 14 Jalan Mutiara I Taman Mutiara Kuala Lumpur 56000 Malaysia

Chaiprom, Phromkanang None $6,00000 255/3 Mahidol Road Chiangmai 50 1 00 Thailand

Chan, Weng Leong None $6,56000 49 Leboh Sungai Senam lpoh Garden lpoh Perak Darul Ridzuan 3 1400 Malaysia

Chan, Weng Cheong None $6,50000 49 Leboh Sungai Senam lpohdens 31400 Perak Darul Ridzuan Perak Malaysia

Chan, Kit Yeen None $4,96000 76 Persiaran Gopeng I I Pekan Razaki lpoh Perak 31350 Malaysia

Chang, Cm-yee None $6,00000 3F No 29 Lane 10 1 Win-sheng Street Taipei 22014 Tanvan

Channarukul, Wilastree None S1,71000 3/71 Moo 3 Bangkhaenua Bangkhae Bangkok 10160 Thailand

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 9 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Charoongclutt, Janechit None $1,18000 3/403 Chaengwattana Road Doranuang Bangkok 102 10 Thailand

Chavez, Maria Alejandra None $5,01000 Basque de Cameron Lot 67 Marizana 80 Bosque de Aragon Estado de Mexico Nezahualcoyotl CP 57170 Mexico

Chavez, Maria Girhe None $2,28000 279 National Highway lbabao, Cuerca Batangas 4222 Philippines

Chen, Hung None $1,57000 31 Lorong 9 Taman Bukit Mas Taiping Perak 34000 Malaysia

Cheung, Christopher None $3wOOO 00 4037 Black Willow Court Mississauga Ontario Canada

Chew, Jon Li None $12,00000 11 Lorong 15 Taman Mewah Sungal Petam MALAYSIA

Chew, Kian Peng None $2,80000 G P 0 LB 3133 SMT Box No66 Kuching, Sarawak 9360 Malaysia

Chew, Wilt None $4,41000 11 Lorong, 15 Taman Mewah Sungai Petam Kedah 08000 WEST MALAYSIA

Chia Mei Li, Melissa None $4,03000 587, Taman Nee Yan Jalan Termang Seremban, Negeri Sembilan 70200 MALAYSIA

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 10 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Ching, Karen None $5,92000 5 Mt Rushmore Street Fdmvest I Quezon City 1126 Philippines

Ching, Kai lp None $6,00000 222 Johnston Rd Flat A, 14th Floor Wanchaj Hong Kong

Chobsangchan, Luxamee None $3,11000 99/1 Moo 12 Pattanakan Rd Bang-wa Pasrijarean Bangkok 10 160 Thailand

Cholensky, Robert None S1,49000 U Strulty, 1288 Podebrady 290 01 Czech Republic

Chong, Fei Yoong None $7,00000 No 26, Jalan Dua Taman Pelangi, K K Road Ipoh, Perak 300 10 MALAYSIA

Chong, Pei Wen None $2,60000 443 Lorong Kemuning 8 Taman Kemuning Kulmi Kedah 09000 Malaysia

Chong, Van Nee None $6,00000 10 Jalan 19/10 Petaling Jaya Selangor 46300 Malaysia

Chong, Siew Hui None $7,00000 26 Jalan Dua Taman Pelangi Kuala Kangsar Rd lpoh Perak 3 0010 Malaysia

Choo, Kevin None $6,00000 22 Jalan Terasek Lapan Bangsar Baru Kuala Lumpur 59 100 Malaysia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page I I (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Chosaktin, Suntarapom None S5,41000 29 Tammangongwitee 2 Rd Tanibol Piman Amphur Muang Satum Satim 9 1000 Thailand

Choudhury, Ali None $2,19000 Ms Saber & Co Saber Super Market 161 Strand Rd Bank Bldg Chittagong 4 100 Bangladesh

Chrissafis, Vilelmum None $6,00000 68 Plataion Street Vrilissia Athens 152-35 Greece

Chu, Goodwealth None $10,74000 3021 Abucay Street Tondo Manuguit Manila 1012 Philippines

Chua, Sue Leen None $4,93000 105 Jalan Serindit 10 Taman Eng Ann Klang, Selangor 41150 MALAYSIA

Chua, Will Grape None $3,36000 Blk 12 L-15 Ciudad Grande N PH2 BO LAWA Meycauayan Bulacan 3020 Philippines

Chua, Marigold None $3,61000 183 Sanciangco Street Cabanatuan City Nueva Ecija 3 100 PHILIPPINES

Chuladhiwong, Kassakom None $6,18000 115 Pattakam 46 Pattanakarn Road Suanluang Bangkok 10250 Thailand

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 12 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Cistemas Chamblas, Ingrid None $2,86000 Casilla 1587 Concepcion Chile Avda Central 877 San Pedro de la Paz Concepcion Chile

Clavijo San Marim, Natalia Elizabeth None $5,98000 22 Norte 1125 Block G 202 Libertad 798 Vina Del Mar Valparaiso Chile

Colussi, Carlo None $6,00000 5389-A Los Maitenes Penalolen Santiago Chile

Contra, Christina None $2,29000 Block 2, Rd 4 Villa Celia Village Subd Kununtang Ilaya Batangas City 4200 Philippines

Cruz, Ashley Jay None $4,11000 33 Taipei St BF Homes Intl Las Pinas Mmo Manila 1747 Philippines

Cruz, Karlynn None $7,14000 169 Quezon Ave San Isidro Angono Rizal 1930 Philippines

Cruz, Carmela None $6,00000 566 Rosemoor Village Ml SanMiguel Bulacan Philippines

Csori Rios, Juan None $5,42000 Ambel Pinto St 105 Concepcion Chile

Culla, Gail None $4,74000 26 J Aguilar Avenue Talon I Las Pinas City PHILIPPINES

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 13 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this prograrn under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Culla, Giselle None $6,00000 26 J Aguilar Avenue Talon I Las Pinas City 1747 Philippires

Cunanan, Aliciela None $2,22500 122 Esperanza Street Balayan Batangas 4213 Plulippmes

Custodio, Mary Rose None $12,30000 22 Vanguard St Moonwalk Village Las Pinas Metro Manila 1747 Philippines

D'armo, Mariana None $6,00000 6383 Hugo Zeyen - Palomar Buenos Aires 1684 Argentma

De Bernardi Munoz, Paola Jimeria None $3,00000 Carmen Sylva 2585 - Depto 22 Providencia Santiago CHILE

De Castro, Trinidad None $6,77000 83 Maharlika Highway Caggay Tuguegarao Cagayan Northern Luzon 3500 PHILIPPINES

De Castro, Ricardo None $7,00000 83 Maharlika Highway Caggay Tuguegarao Cagayan Northern Luzon 3500 PHILIPPINES

De Venecia, Joan None $4,79000 34 St Michael Street St Charbel Executive Village Mindanao Avenue Quezon City I I 10 PHILIPPINES

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 14 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Lntemal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

De Villa, Sherrilyn May None $2,50000 Bacolod Sanitanuni and Hospital Taculing PO Box 309 Bacolod City 6100 PHILIPPINES

Dech-Arun, Katawaetee None $3,03000 98/1 TabandaL Street Yantakhao District Trang Province 92140 Thailand

Dela Cruz, Realiza None $1,53000 135 San Josef Sur Nabong Compound Nueva Ecij a 3 100 Cabanatuan City Philippines

Dell'Acqua, Estefanta None $4,45000 Avellaneda 1642 Tandil Buenos Aires 7000 Argentina

Dell'Acqua, Erruliano None $7,48500 Avellaneda 1642 Tandil Buenos Aires 7000 Argentina

Diaz-Mora, Sergio None $2,14000 1091 Dpto 104 La Serena Recoleta Santiago Chile

Dibo, Saad None $7,00000 PO Box 58 Tripoli Villa Dibo Haykaheh Koura Tripoli LEBANON

Dimaiyacan, Joseph None $12,00000 151 Tangob Padre Garcia Batangas 4224 Philippines

Durialanta, Vivien None $1,72500 Philaindife Office Tabuk Kalinga 3800 Philippines

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 15 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Lntennal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Dulaca, Teresa None $4,74000 #32 Block 8 Stork Street PHHC Montevista Bacolod City Negros Occidental 6100 Philippines

Efondo, Rosemarie Grace None $2,18000 Phase IV Villa Grande Homes Naga City 4400 Philippines

Efonclo, Riah Roselle None $3,00000 Topaz St Phase 4 Villa Grande Subd Concepcion Grande Naga City PHILIPPINES

Elanselvi a/p Nagoo, None $1,94000 33 Leboh Sayang Satu Tanian Sayang Baru Gajah Perak 3 1000 Malaysia

Encamacion, Mariarica None 32,68000 Ehazo Hall Ateneo de Manila University Quezon City Philippines

Estadilla, Mark Erickson None $2,14000 194 Carina St, F&E De Castro Village BGY NIOG 111, Bacoor Cavite 4102 PHILIPPINES

Fadrilan, Vivien None $68000 1802 Consuelo Street Sta Cruz Manila 1003 Philippines

Falchoury, Rawa None $3,00000 PO Box 5984 Sharjah United Arab Emirates

Fakou, Emilia None $6,64000 19 Hiou Street Kallithea Athens 17673 GREECE

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 16 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Farhat, Charbel None $5,81000 c/o American Life Ins Co 14-5644 Beirut Lebanon

Fayad, Rarm None $3,00000 9 Rue Professeur Paul Sisley 69003 Lyon FRANCE

Fernandez, Franco None $5,54000 135 Bued Calasiao Pangasinan 2418 Philippmes

Fernandez, Filip None $2,38000 135 Bued Calasiao Pangasman 24 18 Philippmes

Foo, Jeffery None $6,50000 Blk 57 Telok Blangah Heights 09-127 100057 Singapore

Fornulleza, Leigh Cecilia None $2,43000 79 CV Starr Avenue Philandife Village Las Pinas Metro Manila Philippmes

Froyen, Brenda None $6,00000 Vanderheyden Weg 15 Hechtel 3940 Belgium

Fungmongkol, Panida None $5,96000 232/18 Sulcumvit SO 122 Sukumvit Road Bangkok 10 110 Thailand

Gaffud, Jr, Alfredo Antonio None $9,62000 Blk 9 Lot 23-25 St James Heights Subdivision Bata] Santiago City 3311 Philippmes

SCHEDULE(A) Scholarships -Page 17 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Intemal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Interrial Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Galang, Gerson None $1,85500 Zamora Cram Bataan 2112 Philippines

Garruao, Bethzaida None $6,00000 11 Cafirma Street Carig Tuguegarao Cagayan 3500 Philippines

Gan, Chin Soon None $6,00000 A 20-04 Aloha Tower Condominium Jalan KolamALr Johor Bahru 80100 Malaysia

Gartmance, Walita None $1,26500 99/121 Petchkasem 88 Bangkok 10160 Thailand

Garay Ravanal, Christian None $6,00000 Clemente Fabres 1025 Depto 45 Providencia Santiago Chile

Garay Ravanal, Pauhna None $6,00000 Clemente Fabres 1025 Depto 45 Providencia Santiago Chile

Garea-Prades, Tammy None $4,10000 J M Infante 1098 Providencia Santiago Chile

Georgiou, Kyriacoulla None $6,00000 8A Linnnou Sir Aradippou Lamaca Cyprus

Gianiantas, George None $3,61000 36 Achileos Larma 3 5 100 Greece

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 18 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Glodobe, Donume None S3,30500 c o Philamlife Office C M Recto Street Davao City Philippines

Golez, Andrea Knstina None $5,67000 Mt Solitario St Mountainview Cubd Bacolod City Negros Occidental 6100 Philippines

Gonzales, Rosenjon None $1,77000 1236 A Francisco Street Singalong Manila Philippines

Gonzalez Cories, Rodrigo None $2,83000 Jaccison 820 Torre X Depto 134 Quinta Claude - Vma Del Mar CHILE

Gooi, Han Chiou None $11,66000 9 Jalan Limau Marus Bukit Tengah Bukit MertaJam Penam 14000 Malaysia

Grasparil, Diadem None S2,79000 San Juan Sibalom Antique 5713 Philippines

Gutierrez, Dionne Lorelie None $4,05000 246J Table St Cuta Looban Batangas City 4200 Philippines

Gutierrez 111, Jose None $2,02000 Block 20 Lot 2 Christianville Subdivision Las Pinas City Philippines

Guzman, Guia None $3,00000 Centro Baggao Cagayan PHILIPPINES 3506

SCHEDULE(A) Scholarships -Page 19 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the lntemal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Guzman, Yvez Eugenia None S2,07000 224 Sacristia Street San Gerommo Bagabag Nueva Vizcaya 3711 Philippines

Harker, Julia None $4,43000 3 Emmett Street Herne Bay Auckland I NEW ZEALAND

Hatzidirruinou, Ole-Magnus None $6,00000 42 Griva St Halandri Athens 152-33 Greece

Heat Sing Ing None S6,25000 DH- 185 Pekan Nanas Johor 81500 MALAYSIA

Heng, Eng Khai None $6,00000 77 Jalan Bahagia Taman Parit Buntar Parit Buntar Perak 34200 Malaysia

Herrruda, Phillip Aristotle None $1,52000 88 Corregidor Street Dayangdang Naga City Caniarines Sur 4400 PHILIPPINES

Hill, Timothy None $6,00000 43 The Windings Sanderstead Surrey CP2 OHW England

Hindash, Fadi None $3,00000 PO Box 11-0236/2173 Beirut Lebanon

HLroi, Eiko None $6,00000 3-22-30 Nakacho Koganet-Shi Tokyo 184-0012 Japan

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 20 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Interrial Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Ho, Wee Kuck None $3,00000 6 Jalan Merbah Baru Pahat Johor83000 Malaysia

Ho, Chn Harin None $6,00000 21 Lorong Janggus Lima 5 Taman Makok Bukit Mertajam Pulau. Pinang 14000 Malaysia

Hong, Ju Ling None $4,87000 14 Pahang Road Penang 10400 Malaysia

Hussain, Mohammed None S13,00000 Sitteen Street PO Box 7071 Riyadh 11462 Saudi krabia

Ifemenarn, Amuche None $6,00000 ALICO Ins PLC PMB 01159 Enugu Enugu State Nigeria

Igoy, Eliezer None $6,63000 #26-E Ilth Street New Manila Quezon City I 100 Philippines

Inchausti Goicoechea, Macarena None $2,84000 OhLggins 85 Maipu Santiago Chile

loanrudi, Manna None $6,00000 Kokka 2 Ekah 14565 Greece

loannidis, Pavlos None $3,00000 P Kokka 2 Ekah 14565 Greece

SCHEDULE(A) Scholarships -Page 21 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Ioannou, Nicole None $6,00000 7 Agiou Gerasimou Paphos 8021 Cyprus

Jacca, Michael None $5,81000 Box48710 ValleyRoad Nairobi Kenya

Jacca, Samson None $3,46000 Box48710 ValleyRoad Nairobi Kenya

Javelona, Lana Marie None $13,00000 Unit 323 Prince Plaza 1 106 Legaspi Street Legaspi Village Makati City 1200 Philippines

Jhantakoon, Pitikam None $5,38000 4 Sm 7 Wangkang Road Amphur Muang Kamphaeng Phet 62000 Thailand

Juan, Redentor None $3,24000 99-A Salvador Street San Jose Baggao 3506 Cagayan Philippines

Judicpa, Alen None $4,26000 219 Brgy Punong Rizal Street La Paz Iloilo City 5000 Philippines

Jun, Sting-Mi None $7,00000 65-16 EungAm I Dong EunPyung Gu Seoul SOUTH KOREA

Kairu, Emily None $4,80000 P 0 Box 55352 Nairobi Kenya

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 22 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the 1nternal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Kairu, Kenneth None $5,78000 P 0 Box 30364 Nairobi Kenya

Kalabahki, Sophia None $5,89000 Kodrou Street 23B Maroussi 15126 Greece

Kang, Yin-Ting None $3,07000 5F, No 7, Lane 48 Zhang-Xin St Taipei 116 TAIWAN

Kantar, Jad None $6,00000 Box 11-2547 Bliss Beirut Lebanon

Kantarci, Mustafa None $2,99500 Omerpasa Cadasi Candarli Apartment 24/5 Istanbul Turkey

Khan, Shariful None $4,41000 502/1 North Shahjahanpur Dhaka 1217 Bangladesh

Khawar, Naveed None S6,00000 Post Office Box 700 A I Khobar Saudi Arabia 31952

Khoo, Lan Ching None $4,95000 31 Lrg Langsat 2 Tanian Sejati Bukit Tengah Bukit Mertajarn Penang 14000 Malaysia

Khor, Ee-Huey None $2?570 00 3 Solok Tembaga Empat Penang 11600 Malaysia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 23 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Intemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

King, Arthur Blienedict None $5,34000 904 T Mapua Street Marula Philippines

Kodama, Takashi None $13,00000 490-1 Tsuchiya Orruya 331-0062 Japan

Konggaew, Saranporn None $3,14000 389/27 M I Tumbon Rimlai Amphur Maerim Chiangmai 50 J 80 Thailand

Koroli, Anastasia Panag None $5,81000 61 Perscos Street Athens H 8-5 3 Greece

Kossoras, Dinutrios None $7,00000 83 Trojas St Vrilissia Athens 152-35 GREECE

Kossoras, Dimitrios None $6,00000 83 Trolas Street Vrilissisa Athens 15235 Greece

Kossoras, Aris None $3,00000 Trolas 83 152-35 Vnlissia Athens Greece

Koufetta, Maria None $3,85000 16 Mesolongiou Street 2413 Engonu Nicosia Cyprus

Koufetta, Christiana None S6,00000 82 Parkside Road Sheffield S6 2AA United Kingdom

SCHEDULE(A) Scholarships -Page 24 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the friternal Revenue Service approved this prograrn under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose or Grant Amount

Koufettas, Efstathios None $6,00000 16 Mesolongiou 2413 Engorru Nicosia Cypnis

Kwek, Shwu None $4,96000 27 Jln Psn Bidara I Tmn Bidara SerzmbanN S 70100 Malaysia

Laman, Matma None $6,00000 Petrou TsLrou 58 Limassol 3075 Cyprus

Lambio, Antonio None $4,32000 Poblacion, Padre Garcia Baangas Philippines

Lansangan, Mary Grace None $6,00000 Block 3 Lot I Sherwood Homes Anabu Imus Cavite 4103 Philippines

Lanuza, Aileen Grace None $2,01000 2612 A Sulu Street Sta Cruz Manila 1003 Philippines

Laohabut, Piyanan None $2,25000 53/1065 Sot Radjapleug 27 Kritsadanakorn Chaengwaltana Rd Pakkret Nontaburce 11 120 Thailand

Laoliabut, Parijaporn None $5,13000 53/1065 M Kritsadanakorn Soi Rajapreuk 27 Chaeng Wattana Rd Pakkred Nontaburi 11 120 Thailand

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 25 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Lmemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Lapsomboonkamol, Namtip None $2,80000 138 .leweryTower Room 2005 Narade Road Bangrug Bangkok Thailand, 10250

Largo, John Alexander Rhoss None $7,00000 Villa Soledad Subdivision Sabang Lipa City Philippines

Lau, Chee Yean None $3,93000 12 Jalan Hutan Bubuk 4 Taman Overseas Union Kuala Lumpur 58200 Malaysia

Lauhapuruangsi, Suwitda None $1,84000 33/382 Ladprao Road Chokechaia Ladprud Bangkok 10230 Thailand

Leang, Mee None $2,11000 117TamanMutiara 08000 Sungai Petam Kedah Malaysia

Lee, Seek Aing None $5,71500 9 Regat Intan Taman Intan 3 1650 lpoh Perak Malaysia

Lee, Shu-Yi None $6,00000 2F 17, Lane 269 Hsitsang Road Taipei City 108 Taiwan

Lee,Jun None $8,14500 2137 Taman Pknk Jalan Tun Abdul Razak Ater Star Kedah 05200 Malaysia

Lee, Pei None $1,29000 29 Jalan 39/27 B Taman Desa Se(apak Kuala Lumpur 53300 Malaysia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 26 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Intemal Revenue Service approved this prograrn under Section 4945 of the Lntemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Lee, Chiang Li None $6,00000 Block 257 #06-343 Bishan Street 22 Singapore 570257 Singapore

Lee, Yoe Ting None $6,00000 7/1) Cheung Pak Mansion Parkwale, Quarry Bay Hong Kong

Lee Kae Chuan, Richard None S5,85000 29 Jalan 39/27B Taman Desa Setapak Kuala Lumpur 53300 Malaysia

Leong, Huey Sze None $13,00000 19 Jalan Dedap Taman Melodies Johor Bahru 80250 Perak Malaysia

Lertpanomwan, Usana None $4,59000 81 Sot Termsug Nared Road Bangrak Shipraya Bangkok Thailand

Lertpanomwan, Usanee None S5,05000 81 Soi Temijub Nares Road Bangrak Shipraya Bangkok Thailand

Lertpanomwan, Withoon None $15,00000 81 Sot Turmsurp Narad Road Bangruk Bangkok 10500 Thailand

Lerttrongjltr, Supaporn None $2,98000 35/11 Sot Intamara I Suttisam Rd Samsannal Payathai Bangkok 10400 Thailand

Li, Tianhua None $1,63000 225 Xingsong Road Shanghai China 201 100

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 27 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Lim, Lee Meng None $2,76000 7 Jalan Kledang Raya 12 Taman Malcop lpoh Perak 30100 Malaysia

Lun, Wei Jiann None $4,89000 27 Pun Chun Garden Jalan Bungkaj Bidor Perak 35500 M.ALAYSIA

Lim, Si Yin None $6300000 No 36 Jalan Camar 4 Taman Perling Johor Bahru 8 1200 Malaysia

Lim, Ping Seow None $15,05000 6c Hala Bekor 15 First Garden lpoh Perak 30100 Malaysia

Linardopoulou, Maria Niki None $6,00000 8 Artemidos Street Agia Paraskevi 153 42 Attiki Greece

Liswi, Zina None $6,00000 PO Box 1307 Anurian I I I IS Jordan

Liu, Min None $87000 Room 301 No 10 Lane 280 Huang Shang Road Hong Kou District Shanghai 200070 China

Llagas, Digi-Anna None $2,45500 Philan-flife Off-ice Naga City PO Box 8851 Naga City Philippines

Lon, Jason None $4,28000 77 Lorong 6 Taman Melati Sg Petant Kedah 08000 Malaysia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 28 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Lnternal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Luangsanit, Polkit None $3,94000 250/29 Muban Sammakorn, Sot 38 Sapansoong Bangkok THAILAND

Luces, Stanley None $1,50500 6 Pearl St, Emapalico Homes Las Pmas, Eniapahco Homes Metro Manila PHILIPPINES

Macalanda, May Anthonette None $9,68000 12 Marnaradlo Street Calasiao Pangasman 2418 Philippines

Macalanda, Ronald None $2,47000 12 Mamaradlo Street Calastao Pangasman 2418 Philippines

Macalanda, Ferdinand None $4,60000 12 Maniaradio Street Calasiac Pangasinan 2418 Philippines

Makomwattana, Nalawan None $5,00000 214 25 Maka Road Tumbon Papathorrijadee Aumper Mumg Nakornpatom Thailand

Mahwat, Kerlynne None $1,88000 Lot 5 Blk 5 San Isidro Village San Fernando Pampanga Philippines

Man, Hei Yan None $6,00000 Room 2712 Chung Ming House Wah Ming Estate Fanling Hong Kong

Manganti, Jennifer None $1,77500 Blk 10 Lot 27 Jupiter Street Hillside Subd Mansilingan Bacolod City Negros Occidental Philippines

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 29 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Lntemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Mangila, WeIjane None $9,00000 Parsolingan Gerona Tarlac 2302 Philippines

Manneschi-Gallardo, Claudio None $9,50000 Miguel Claro 2329 Nunoa Santiago Chile

Maristela, Rheabelle None $6,00000 Bausan Street Barangay Gatid Santa Cruz Laguna 4009 Plulippines

Marques, Paulo Alexandre None $2,49500 5 R Da India Queluz 2745 PORTUGAL

Marquez, Niche] None $4,91000 304-A S Veloso Street San Juan Metro Manilla Philippines

Martin, Mayo Uno Aurelio None $2,94000 37 Toribio Street BF Homes Paranaque Metro Manila 1700 Plutippines

Martin, Tala None $3,26000 37 Tonbio Street BF Homes Paranaque Metro Manila 1700 Philippines

Martinez Remoso, Ursula None $5,68000 La Perlita 3105 Cercado Arequipa Peru

Maureira Messina, Manuel None $3,29000 Los Condores 1205 Villa Los Tijerales Quilicura Santiago Chile

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 30 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Maymo, Maria None $12,95000 2350 Asuncion Street PO Box 1640 Martinez Argentina

Medina, Cecilia None $7,96000 05 Poblacion Street Pilar Bataan 2 101 Philippines

Menares Reyes, Marlsol None $2,27500 388 Los Vocales Lo Prado Santiago Chile

Menares Reyes, Patricia None $5,76000 388 Los Vocales, Lo Prado Santiago CHILE

Mendoza Cabala, Guillermo None $6,62000 2041 Eliodoro Yanez Deplo 32 Providencia Sanntiago Chile

Michael, Andri None $6,00000 36A Georgiou Averof Street Lamaca 6052 Cyprus

Michos, Nicholaos None S4,95000 2 Trivoli Street Koukaki Athens Greece

Michou, Fotemj None $6,00000 2 Tnvoh Street Koukaki Athens Greece

Mohamed, Farhan None $6,00000 936 Sandcliff Drive Oshawa Ontario LIK 2C9 Canada

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 31 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Mohammad Arif, Sheikh None $6,00000 c/o Md Idiris Mian 13/A/2/KA Dhaka 1203 Bangladesh

Mohanuned Aman, None $5,21000 PO Box 1628 Sharjah United Arab Emirates

Montano, Ivy Christine None $3,51000 Purok I Em's Barrio Camp Vicente Lim Canlubang 4027 Laguna PHILIPPINES

Mungure, Goodwin None $2,40000 7303 Unit K PO Seke Murorc, Road Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe

Musleh, Riharn None $5,86000 PO Box 1307 c/o George Musleli American Life Ins Cc Amman Jordan

Narusluma, Tsutomu None $6,00000 1-12-8 Kitanodai Hachioji-Shi Tokyo 192-0913 Japan

Nebriaga, Robert Carlo None $3,69000 Lot 21 Apo Stret Block 2 Mountainview Villas Filhomes 2 Quezon City Philippines

Neoh, Suen None $2,12500 41 Regat Kledang Taman Menglembu Ipoh Perak Darul Ridzuan 31450 Malaysia

Ng, Jim None $4,88000 35 Jalan Nagasare 5 Setarnat Baru 85000 Segarnat Johor Malaysia

SCHEDULE(A) Scholarships -Page 32 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Intemal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Ng, Man Yin None $6,00000 Flat A I OIF Kwun Hoi Mansion Lei King Wan Sai Wan Ho Hong Kong

Ng, Siaw Yuen None $6,27000 35 Jalan Nagasari 5 Segarnat Baru Segarnat Johor85000 Malaysia

NLCVCS, Jonalyn None $6,00000 San Antonio San Mateo Isabela 3318 Philippines

Noble, Chloe Mary Louise None $4,66000 2nd block Del Corro Subdivision Tacurong Sultan Kudarat 9800 Philippines

Nolka, Putclopi None $5,12000 Dikitiriou I Naoussa Greece

Nolka, Afroditi None $6,00000 1 Dikitinou Naoussa 59200 Greece

Nornan, Abu] Kalant None $4,73000 c/o Md Hedayet Hussain ALICO 18-20 Motijheel PO Box 9 Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh

Nonjad, Khachen None $9,00000 297/13 Mittraprap Road Muang Pitsanuloke 65000 Thailand

Odhiarnbo, Lilian None $4,66000 PO Box 2587 Kisurno Kenya

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 33 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Intemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Ogbonnaya, Cludlimma None $3,28000 c/o Fin Oglaonnaya AIICO Ins PO Box 2577 Lagos Nigeria

Ong, Hong None $4,99000 G- 10 Taman Bersatu Sungai Petani Kedah 08000 Malaysia

Ong, Jessie May Lyn None $6,00000 17 Lorong Bulan Taman Tasik Jaya Taiping Perak 34000 Malaysia

Ong, Seng Leong None $6,00000 54 Persiaran Mayang Pasir Empat Bandar Bayan Baru Penang 11950 Malaysia

Ong, Seng Siang None $5,86000 54 Pesiaran Mayang Pasir Empat Bandar Bayan Baru Penang 1950 Malaysia

One, Samuel None $3,70000 c/o George Mmani One AIICO Plc 36/38 Industrial Ave ilupeju PO Box 2577 Lagos Nigeria

Owojuyigbe, Afolabi None $5,62000 PO Box 6259 Agoth Gate Ibadan Nigeria

Oyewunrru, Olabode None $6,00000 c/o S A Oyewunmu AIICO Plaza PO Box 2577 Lagos Nigeria

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 34 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Oyewunnu, Ademyi None $5,86000 c/o Mr Sunday Oeywunnii American Int'l Insurance PLC P 0 Box 2577 Lagos Nigeria

Padetpai, Pachara None $3,60000 1099/120 Sukhumwit 109 Rd Samrong Nue Samutprakam Tliailand

Padetpai, Thanapol None $6,00000 1099/126 Sukhumwit 109 Road Samrongnua, Muang Pamutprakam 10270 Thailand

Padilla, Eric None $4,22000 98A Antique Street Bago-Bantay Quezon City 1105 Philippines

Pagaduan, Sammy Isidro None $5,56000 #14 Orchids Street New Frontier Bahuag 3006 Bulacan Philippines

Pallaris, LoLzos None $6,00000 Flat 3 Block I Highfield Court Higlifield Road Englefield Green Egharn Surrey TW20 OTB England United Kingdom

Pallaris, Alexandros None $3,00000 Iraklidon 27 Chalandri 152 34 Greece

Pahria, Ricardo None $6,70000 c/o Philandife Satellite Off-ice RM 104 Norkis Bldg Ormoc City Leyte 6541 Philippines

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 35 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Paloyo, Rachel None $4,05000 1 Bolivia Street Better Living Subdiuvision Paranaque 1711 Philippines

Pambons, Anna-Maria None S6,00000 4 Tilemachou Street Makedonitissa Nicosia 2400 Cyprus

Parnmint, Bivienne Joy None $2,07000 14 Morocco Street Better Living Subdivision Paranaque City 1700 PHILIPPINES

Pangamban, Jennifer None $6,00000 Bonville Subdivision Balayan Batangas Philippines

Paras, Emmanuel None $5,48000 03-05A Ma Victoria Road Essel Park Subd San Fernando Pampanaga 2000 Philippines

Parcon, Michelle Rose None $2,46000 Plularrilife Ofice 3rd fl Specialist Me Cntr Bldg Santiago Blvd General Santos City Philippines

Parissidis, George None $5,75000 Zalogou Street #38 Kavala 65404 Greece

Parissidis, Alexandros None $6,00000 Zalogou Street #38 Kavala 65404 Greece

Patcharug, Titikan None S3,17000 52 Chaibun Road Muang District Pharthalung Thailand

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 36 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Intemal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Pee, Sim None S10,26000 16 Taman Rasa Sayang Sitiawan Perak 32000 Malaysia

Pena, Chnstianne None $9,59000 7A Lun Street San Juan Metro Manila 1500 Philippines

Penaflor, Jeremy Ryan None $3,11000 106 Berlin Avenue Capitol Homes Quezon City Philippines

Perez, Erwin None $3,16000 No 3 Ninang Helen Street BF Homes Novaliches Caloocan City Philippines

Phung, Yaa Kim None $2,91000 75 Jalan Bukit Kaya Taman Bukit Kangar Perlis Malaysia

Placido, John Paul None $4,96000 No 2 Alejandro Reyes Street Gloria Heights Subdivision Antipolo City 1870 PHILIPPINES

Pnntezis, Konstantmos None $6,00000 Kafkasou 98 Athens 11363 Greece

Printezis, Georgios None $3,00000 99 Kafkassou Street Kypseli 11363 Athens Greece

Pua, Ian Dorrunic None $3,00000 Magsaysay District Naguilian Isabela 3302 Philippines

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 37 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purl)ose of Grant Amount

Puno,Channa None $3,42000 54 Candad Village Cabanatuan City Nueva EcUa 3 100 PHILIPPINES

Purananunt, Suparat None $5,92000 35/108 Sol 7/8 Ladanan Village Srinakarm Road Samutprakam Thailand

Quijano, Carla Joy None $5,42000 1698 Lopez Jaena Street Digos, Davao Del Sur 8002 PHILIPPINES

Quleimeh, Samar None $4,91000 Port Said Street Manasaky Building El- Mma Tripoli Lebanon

Rabena, Maria Theresa None $7,00000 16 Saint Peter St Mattes Village 11 Anupolo Rizal 1820 PHILIPPINES

Rahman, Sal ftir None $4,59000 House No 6 Road No 9 Abdur Rafique Housing Ltd 2nd fl Shckhertek Mohanunadpur Dhaka 1207 Bangladesh

Rahman, Abidur None $2,27000 House No G Road N09 Abdur Rafique Housing Ltd Shekhertek Mohanunaddur 1207 Dhaka Bangladesh

Rahman Md, Akhlaqur None $3,13000 c/o Md Habibur Rahman ALICO Walud View 2nd floor Zinda Bazar Sylhet 3 100 Bangladesh

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 38 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Ramos, Johna Pauline None $12,00000 Venus Street Hennetta Village Negros Occidental Bacolod City Philippines

Ratariaprapaporn, Susila None $4,95000 36 Sot 10 Pracharajbumphen Road Huay- Kwang Bangkok Thailand

Reyes, Wesley None $1,86500 Bhy Dingle 5023 Miagao Iloilo Philippines

Reyes, Rosalie None $2,93000 Lot 3 Block 7 Ateneo Housing Barangka MankmaI800 Metro Manila Philippines

Reyes, Maria Vanessa None $2,52000 78 Gem Road Pilar Village Las Pinas City Philippines

Reyes, Ma Gracia Lina None $4,13000 P Bahbaguhan Mabini Batangas 4202 Philippines

Riesle Rudolphy, Tatiana None $3,00000 750 Las Hiedras Street Bosques Montemar Con-Con Vma del Mar Chile

Rigollet Barbieri, Carolina Andrea None $5,96000 1631 Las Limas Las Condes Santiago de Chile Chile

Ricja Espinoza, Ana None S16,05000 Cuathemoc 255 Urb Maranga I= 32 Peru

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 39 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Intemal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Intemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Riquelme Varas, Alrijandra None $6,00000 7455 Los Arados Las Condes Santiago Chile

Rito, Patrick Jay None $3,19000 1057 Lopez Jaona Street Brgy Villamonte Bacolod City Philuppines

Romero Castro, Veronica None $2,59000 El-Greco 621 Pasage 3 Maipu Santiago Chile

Ruangwetwittaya, Anuclut None $2,79000 95/191 Baronuajchonnanee Road Antrianumnit Bangkok No I Bangkok Thailand

Ruengkns, Nuttaphim None $7,96000 365 Ladprao 115 Ladprao Road Bangkok 10240 Thailand

Sampansakul, Phatchance None $1,97000 403 Prachabuntrung Road Muang Phattalung Thailand

San Juan, Mark Anthony None $3,22000 100 Main Horseshoe Drive Horseshoe Village Quezon City 11 12 Philippines

Sanchez, Cristina None $1,53000 2 Spur Street Rancho Estate 11 Marikina City Philippines

Sanchez Maldonado, Rosa None $2,41000 317 Playa Azul Mexico DF 08810 MEXICO

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 40 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Lntemial Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Santana, Fernando None $6,42200 84 Las Tranqueras St Las Condes Santiago CHILE

Santel ices, XLmena None $3,00000 392 Masaccio Las Concles Santiago Chile

Santelices, Karin None $4,23000 1156DVOssa Dpt404Nunoa 640 Shidyonisd 16 floor Santiago Chile

Santikos, Andreas None S3,00000 8 Chatzidaki Sir Athens 11 141 Greece

Santos, Jonah None $7,76000 281 General Luna Street Cabanatuan City Nueva Ecija 3 100 Philippines

Sanyaprasoet, Jackathep None $5,38000 51/lOM13SoiSawang Tungniorigkoni Chunprr Talungchan Bangkok Thailand

Sanyaprasoet, Warathip None S5?700 00 51/10MI3 SoiSawangTungmongkom Road Chunpee Talingcharn Bangkok 10170 Thailand

Sareenta, Maroot None $5,68000 328 Set Ladpraw 64 Yake 3 Ladpraw Road Wangthonglang Bangkok 10310 Thailand

San, Rosvita None $4,48000 Kav 3 RTO I I RWO06 J L Nun Pa Jakarta Sclatan 12320 Indonesia

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 41 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Interrial Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Samuento, Paul None $3,00000 55 Parklawn Crescent Thornhill, Ontario Canada UT 6W5

Savva, Chnstos None $13,00000 7A Arsinols Sir Lamaca, 6013 Cyprus

Sazaki, Shoko None $6,00000 4-5-46-201 Odo Nishi-Ku Fukuoka 819-0001 Japan

Sebastian, Maria None $1,04500 40 Aquirre Avenue Phase 5 Pilar Village Las Puias Manila Philippines

Sepulveda Adasme, Andrea None $5,16000 65-San Jose Oriente Aqua Santa Vina del Mar Chile

Sepulveda Alvarado, Maria None $6,00000 1248 Ave San Ramon Las Condes Santiago Chile

Serra, Charisma None $6,15000 Centro 5 Claveria 3513 Cageyan Philippines

ShaikMohd Sharif, Sheikh None $6,00000 c/o Idris Mian 13/A/21KA KM Das Lane Dhaka 1203 Bangladesh

Shunu, Farjana None $6,00000 461 Shaheen Bug Old Airport Tejgaon Dhaka Bangladesh

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 42 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Sibayan, Lorena None $4,74000 316 Marseffla Street Rosario Cavite Philippines

Sflva Olguin, Oscar None $4,56000 Rio de Janeiro Alley 416 Brasilia A Manzanal Rancagua Chile

Silva Olguin, Maria None $4,15000 Rio de Janjero Alley 416 Brasilia A Manzanal Rancagua Chile

Silva Olguin, Paula None $4,02000 F to de Janeiro Alley 416 Brasilia A Manzanal Rancagua Chile

Sinon, Kathleen None $7,48000 Ahbagu Ilagan Isabela 3300 Philippines

Sinon, Karen Giria None $7,06000 Ahbagu Hagan Isabela 3300 Philippines

Suirachatanant, Atchariya None $3,00000 382/1 Soichalemisuk Phaholyoth Chatuchak District Bangkok 109 Thailand

Sirju, Fabian None $5,84000 42 Malgretoute Road Manaharribre Pnnces Town Trinidad & Tobago, WI

Sistelo, Ma Christina None $2,66000 12 Di%va Street, Phase 11-B Bahayang Pag- asa Mohno Bacoor Cavite 4102 PHILIPPINES

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 43 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Sirthinarnsuwan, Bunpoth None $3,20000 866/7 Sot Wat Pat Ngeon Chan Road Bangklo Bangkholaem Bangkok 10120 THAtLAND

Soledad, Genalyn None $3,16000 538 San Pedro Bustos Bulacan 3007 Philippmes

Sotelo, John None $7,58000 60 Rodriguez Street Philarrilife Village Las Pinas Manila Philippmes

Spiltopoulos, Ilias None $6,00000 Grigonou c 26 Nea Ionia Attiki Athens 14231 Greece

Srumneelert, Witita None $2,81000 100/681 Moo I I Mooban Antornpan 9 Sot Senanukorn 1 Pahonyothin Road Bangkok 10230 THAILAND

Starnatakopoulou, Angeliki None S6,00000 Rodon IA Zographou AttLki Athens Greece

Sulaumn, Vonny None $77000 Gudang Arang I I/FF/I9 Tanah Screal Jakarta Barat Indonesia

Suparurnittrakul, Monpitcha None $3,99000 145 Sot Ratchadanivej Yeak 1/4 Pracharadburnpen Road Huaykwang Sarnsennok, Bangkok 10320 THAILAND

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 44 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Intemal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Intemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 45 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the


Internal Revenue Code)

Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Suwannapa, Sasapin None $3,70000 416/3 Moo3 Tambonbanklang Ampnur Sanpatong Chiangman Thailand

Taechabannapanya, Natthaphat None $3,85000 97 Set Ratchadapisek 25 Tha-Phra Bangkok-Yaj Bangkok 10600 Thailand

Taguinod, Carlo Roy None $5,51000 38 Plandel Heights Subd SantiagoCity 3311 PHILIPPYNES

Tan, A, Ling None $2,81000 5 Solok Merbuk Taman Sri Nibong NLbong Tebal Seberang Perin Selatan 14300 Malaysia

Tan, Ween Nee None $6,00000 16 Tingkat Singai Ara 2 Taman Sungai Ara Penang 11900 Malaysia

Tan, Glenn Yin Kiat None $3,00000 Blk 413 Commonwealth Ave West #19- 3021 S(120413) Singapore

Tan, Raquel Amelou None $10,08000 8 Hilda Street Villa Sorabella Subdivision Naga City Camariner Sur 4400 Philippines

Tan, Wont Keng None $5,26000 11 Pers,aran langgus Tim Malok Ilk, Mertajam Penang Malaysia

Tan, Woet None $12,12000 12 Jalan Bukit Kaya 01000 Kangar Perlis West Malaysia

Tan, Hong Pin None $3,20000 16 Seberang Tarnbang Kangar Perlis 0 1000 Malaysia

Tang, Song Chye None S2,77000 1187PemiatangTinggi 140OBukit Mertalam Penang Malaysia

Tangkitsuwanich, Jitarpa None $3,07000 541 Ekpailin Village Soi 2 Srinakarin Road, Tambon Bangkaew Arnphur Bangplee, Sarnutprakarn 10540 THAILAND

Teh, Kean Kwoon None S2,91000 725-V Jalan Sungai Dua Gelugor Pulau Pinang 11700 Malaysia

Teng, Alex Hui Chung None S6,00000 598 Lucky Garden Jalan Tanjung Batu PO Box 73 Bintulu Sarawak 97007 Malaysia

Teng, Luig Sun None $6,00000 1 1 Jalan SS 17/1 D Subang Jaya 47500 Malaysia

Thairatsatien, Janya None $1,43500 9-620 Lerd-Uboisangsit Ladprao Road Ladprao Bangkok 10230 Thailand

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 46 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Intemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Thanataweerat, Munlika None $6,00000 4/674 Sot Semurutr Sukhaplubal Klongkoom Bungkoom Bangkok 10230 Tbailand

Tiarnsirn, Emmylou None S4,91000 275 Narra Street Cuta Central Batangas City 4200 PHILIPPINES

Tjamsmi, Echlyne None $12,27000 275 Narra Street Cuta Central Batangas City 4200 Philippines

Ticao, Mar None $1,87000 Blk 10 Lot 8 Phase I Landheights Arevalo Iloilo City 5000 Philippines

Tinwala, Amena None $6,00000 PO Box 1817 Dubai United Arab Emirates

Topliss, Laura None $1,79500 47Temp[eA%enue LS150JR Leeds West Yorkshire United Kingdom

Touloumtzichs, Konstantinos None $6,00000 14 Prol'iti Ilia Agia Paraskevi Athens 15341 Greece

Traviucka, Sarka None $4,81000 Andelska Hora 203 Andelska Hora 79332 Czech Republic

Trinidad, Jr, Arturo None $6,00000 5824 Dubai Santa Cniz Laguna 4009 Philippines

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 47 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Intemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Crant Amount

Tsadirms, George None $6,00000 4 Digeni Aknia Street Drosia Athens 145 72 Greece

Tsao, Dai-LLn None $7,38000 4th FL 10 Lane 223 Section 2 Hwan-ho North Road Taipei Taiwan, ROC

Tsuge, Naoki None S6,00000 2F-A Hiyoshi Hillside Heights 4-2-11 Hiyoshi Kohok-u-ku Yokoharna City 223 Japan

Tsuge, Hiroki None $12,00000 14-1 Chuou-Cho Hokkaido Ebetsu City Japan

Turnbagahan, Gerrison None $2,40500 Rizal lbajay 5613 Aklan Philippines

Turnbagahan, Gelyn None $1,77000 Rizal Ibajay Aklan 5613 Philippines

Tuntra-urnpaj, Sowat None $4,12000 100/190 Moo4 Buddharnonthonsai 2 Road North Bangkae Bangkok 10 160 Thailand

Tzekakis, Nikolaos None $6wOOO 00 18 Kapodistnou Street Rethymnon Greece

Tzellos, Vasihos None $4,3 1 0 00 69 Larissis Street Karditsa Thessaly 43 100 Greece

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 48 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Intemal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Interrial Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Tzeremes, Nickolaos None $6,00000 Magruton 151 Volos 38221 Greece

Ubma, Reymark None $92000 21 Partin Street Ugac Norte Tuguegarao Cagayan 3500 Philippines

Ubma, Ronalyn None $67000 21 Pattaui St Ugac Norte Tuguegarao, Cagayan 3500 PHILIPPINES

Unson, Anna Katrina None $2,30000 73 Sibuyan St Sta Mesa Heights QuezonCity 1114 PHILIPPINES

Unbe Villavaces, William None $4,92000 Calle 159 No 24-24 Interior 5 Apto 301 Santa Fe de Bogota Colombia

Usi, Mary Joy None $6,68000 8 Burgos Street Barangay Zone 5 Talisay City Negros Occidental 6115 Philippines

Uy, Iryrin Quennie None $6,00000 Turayong Cauayan Isabela 3305 Philippines

Valladares Rodriguez, Damela None $5,10000 Colo-Colo 571 Dpto 71 Concepcion Chile

Vassilakou, Anneta None S6,00000 Alli Mena 38500 Volos GREECE

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 49 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Intennal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Velano 111, Wilfireddo None $2,69000 Bry Pagayon Putupandan Negros Occidental 6100 Philippines

Velasco, Vina Cleoff None $8,56000 60 Paco Roman Street Laoag City 2900 Philippines

Velasquez, Enunalyn None $4,28000 2nd floor CSC Building Makaya Street Cotabato City Philippines

Venizelos, Spyridon-Stylianos None $6,00000 19 Praxitelous Glyfada 16674 Athens Greece

Vicente, Adolfo None $4,78000 337-G Rizal Avenue Puerto Princesa City Palawan 5300 Philippines

Vij it, Nanthapom None $3,01000 120 Superhighway Road Prabath Muang Lampang 52000 Thailand

Villegas Vallespix, Carma None $5,69000 40 Lusitania Vina Del Mar Chile

Villegas Vallespir, Macarena None $6,00000 40 Lusitania Vina del Mar Chile

Villegas Vallespir, Maria None $2,06000 Norte I - 2611 Vina Del Mar CHILE

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 50 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Intemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Vonglea, Chalennkhuan None $6,00000 41 Moo 7 Huay Mai Subdistric Song Distnct 54120 Phrae Province Thailand

Vonglea, Yuttana None S 1 3,000 00 41 Moo 7 Huay Mai Subdistric Song District 54120 Phrae Province Thailand

Vongpitak, Suvimol None $4,64000 99/3 RaUchapakinai Road T Prasingha A Muang Chingmai 50200 Thailand

Vuthipanim, Waseephol None $2,78000 14/4 Sukhumvitsoi 43 Sukhumvit Road Klongton Klong Tocy Bangkok 10 110 Thailand

Watson, Jennifer None $12,39000 788 Midland Point Road Midland Ontario L4R 5G2 Canada

Wegner, Silke None $6,00000 Vogeesbergstrasse 8 Hasseeroth 63594 Germany

Wong, David None $5,95000 B 202 1, Lorong Air Putih 32 Kuantan Pahang Darul Makmur MALAYSIA

Wong, Wing Kam None $7,00000 Flat 7D, 7fFI Comfort Garden 60 King's Road North Point HONG KONG

Wong, Wei Ling None $6,00000 Block 6 Boon Keng Road 04-66 Singapore Singapore

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 51 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 52 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the lnternal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Won,,honssm, Napa,sawan None $3,06000 11/71 Chor Rungruen 4 PrachaTat 5 Tarnbon Thaladkhaun Amphurmaung Nonthaburi I 1000 Thailand

Woo, It Hean None $5,27000 No 25 A Tarnan Uta,a Jaya Kuala Perlis 02000 Malaysia

Woo, Yuat See None $4,19000 109 Lengkok Wirajaya Timur 3 Desa Kebudayaan Gunungrapat Ipoh Perak 31350 Malaysia

Wooi, Sze Yen None $2,13000 722 Mkio Kampung Aston Bukit Mertajarn Seberang Prai Penang 14000 Malaysia

Yarms, Knsta None $1,91000 clo Masco 2nd floo, Pliflarnhile BlIg Rizal Street Davao City Philippines

Yeoh Soo Teck, Andrew None $6,00000 29 Jalan SS2/57 Sea Park Petaling Jaya 47300 Malaysia

Yew, Sook Nyin None $15,50000 6 10 B TMN Bkt Melaka Bukit Bruang Melaka 75450 Malaysia

Yong, In How None $2,07500 4A Jalan Moho Akil 83000 Baru Pahat Johor Malaysia

Yoro, Eileen None $1,74000 130 Tangerine Street SSS Village Marikina Philippines

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 53 (by letter dated March 29, 1978 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Younan, Wael None $6,00000 PO Box 14-5644 ALICO Siemian Asoc Beirut Lebanon

Younam, Bassel None $9,00000 PO Box 14-5644 ALICO Sleiman Associate Beirut Lebanon

Yu, Li-Tai None $6,00000 215 Hsia-Men Street Chung-Li 320 Taiwan

Yuen, Pak Ling Gladys None $6,00000 3105A Hong Tin Court Kai Tin Road Lam Tin Kowloon Hong Kong

Zhao, Yuanyuan None $84000 Room 501 No 12 Lane 801 Fan yu Road Shanghai PRC

TOTAL $2,317,602 .00


Institute of International Education

Funds not disbursed by Institute at 12/31/99 $453,10500 Funds paid to Institute during year 2000 $2,082,062 0

$2,535,167 00

Less Funds disbursed by the Institute $2,317,062 00 Funds not disbursed by Institute at 12/3 1/00 S217,56500


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page I (by letter dated October 10, 1973, the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.-ram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

(3) BREWSTER STARR SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM This program was inaugurated in 1971 in memory of C V Starr, ~cunder of the ioundation, to give an expression to his interest in the Brewster community Funded by an annual grant from the Foundation, this program provides scholarship aid for schooling beyond the secondary level and is available to all high school students who reside in the Brewster area Administration of the program, including selection of award recipients, rests completely with a special committee of professional educators from the Brewster area chosen and headed by the Superintendent of the Brewster Central School District

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose or Grant Amount

Allo, Casey None 51,00000 68 Overlin Road Patterson, NY 12563

Allo, Katrina None $3,47600 68 Overlin Road Patterson, NY 12563

Allo, Kimberly None $2,45700 68 Overlin Road Patterson, NY 12563

Baird-Miller, David None $1,00000 4164 Old Route 22 Brewster, NY 10509

Ballantom, Nicolas None $70000 19 St James Place Brewster, NY 10509




SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa .ge 2 (by letter dated October 10, 1973 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Barnes, Amanda None $1,00000 RD #7 Coohd.ge Plwy Brewster, NY 10509

Bell, James None $1,34000 48 Taylor Road Patterson, NY 12563

Bohman, Karen None $2,34000 I I Farmstead Lane Brewster, NY 10509

Brancato, Stefano None $20000 19 Eastview Avenue Brewster, NY 10509

Brostus, Christine None $91000 460 Milltown Road Brewster, NY 10509

Brosius, Ellen None $1,40000 460 Milltown Road Brewster, NY 10509

Carey, James None $70000 10 Tanner Road Brewster, NY 10509

Carlson, Michael None $25000 20 North Road Brewster . NY 10509


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa .-e 3 (by letter dated October 10, 1973 the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.gram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Carrington, Letitia None $3,51000 47 Hearthstone Drive 0 Brookfield, CT 06804

Ciavardim, Leah None $50000 4 Eastview Avenue Brewster, NY 10509

Cooper, Christopher None $25000 24 Marvin Avenue Brewster. NY 10509

Cooper, Rebekah None $50000 24 Marvin Avenue Brewster, NY 10509

D'Andrea Dennis None $1,82000 68 Fairview Road Brewster, NY 10509

D'Andrea, Karen None $1,50000 68 Fairview Road Brewster, NY 10509

Dannucci, Erica None $1,00000 29 South Road Brewster . NY 10509

Dougherty, Michael None $2,00000 1206 Scarborough Drive Brewster, NY 10509

SCREDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 4 (by letter dated October 10, 1973 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Doyle, Melissa None $50000 108 Cobb Road Brewster, NY 10509

Fahey, Jean Marie None $3,50000 73 Barnard Road Patterson, NY 12563

Feraco, Matthew None $1,00000 74 Meridian Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Fiala,Michelle None $2,60700 1401 Windsor Lane Brewster, NY 10509

Gagliardi, Kelly None $5,21400 902 Somerset Knoll Brewster, NY 10509

Garcia, Anastasia None $1,00000 3535 W Lemoyne Chicago, IL 60651

Gardner, Jill None $4,20000 61 Sycamore Road Patterson, NY 12563

Gughelmo, Sunme None $1,82000 PO Box 513 Armonk, NY 10504


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 5 (by letter dated October 10, 1973 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Haber, Lucjan None $3,25000 29 Oak Street APIT 3 Brewster, NY 10509

Hanley, Brian None $2,60700 RR 7 Crosby Avenue Brewster, NY 10509

Have], Nicole None $2,50000 502 Stonewall Lane Brewster, NY 10509

Henry, Melissa None $70000 234 Shore Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Jacobs, Karen None $1,75500 38 Elmwood Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Kelly, Renee None $2,34000 202 Essex Court Brewster, NY 10509

Kelly, Suzanne None $2,60700 24 Homer Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Keyes, Katherine None $1,911 00 3 Apple Hill Road Brewster, NY 10509


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa.-e 6 (by letter dated October 10, 1973 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Korson, Elizabeth None $4,68000 86 Fairfield Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Ladd, Tyler None $2,16000 10 1 Great Lawn Court Brewster, NY 10509

Laughlin, Sahra None $6,95200 185 Haviland Drive Patterson, NY 12563

MacGregor, Cynthia None $1,36500 36 Bloomer Road Brewster, NY 10509

Mahon, Brendan None $1,65000 Holly Stream Condo 2A3 Brewster, NY 10509

Malo, Anthony None $2,37600 23 Wethervill Road Brewster, NY 10509

Marmo, Timothy None $1,82000 10 Blossom Lane Brewster, NY 10509

Mattioli, Liza None $2,00000 1602 Holly Stream Court Brewster, NY 10509


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 7 (by letter dated October 10, 1973 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Intemal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amoun

Mayer, Joshua None $50000 PO Box 228 Brewster, NY 10509

Mayer, Stephanie None $6,30000 PO Box 228 Brewster, NY 10509

Meehan, Caitim None $2,73000 Milltown Road Brewster, NY 10509

Meyer, Crystal None $50000 2 Warren Drive Patterson, NY 12563

Meyer, Tammy None $2,92500 47 Lacona Drive Patterson, NY 12563

Miele, Dimmick None $2,10000 16 Village Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Miele, Nicholas None $2,00000 16 Village Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Morrissey, Rachel None $91000 11 Tyrone Road Patterson, NY 12563


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 8 (by letter dated October 10, 1973 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Murphy, Joshua None $1,36500 Tonetta Lake Park Brewster, NY 10509

Murphy, Kristen None $1,75500 281 Ga.-e Road Brewster . NY 10509

Ocasto, Phillip None $2,75000 62 Elmwood Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Occhipinti, John None $33500 PO Box 1006 Brewster, NY 10509

Oliversi, Steven None $3,51000 7 Empire Road Patterson, NY 12563

Olsen, Ryan None $80700 844 Drewville Road Brewster, NY 10509

Oster, Karyn None $1 .73800 26 Applewood Court Brewster, NY 10506

Page, Victoria None $2,80000 3673 Pleasant Ridge Road Wingdale, NY 12594


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 9 (by letter dated October 10, 1973 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Palumbo, Joseph None $1,73800 Cobb Road PO Box 202 Brewster, NY 10508

Pellecchia, Deborah None $1,40000 South Drive Brewster . NY 10509

Pennella, Angela None $1,00000 30 Merrick Court Brewster, NY 10509

Prokopowica, Nick None $500 GO I I Quoque Road Patterson, NY 12563

Prokopowicz, Ray None $2,27500 11 Quo.-ue Road Patterson, NY 12563

Purdy, Ezekiel None $50000 C/o Hunter 22 North Road Brewster, NY 10509

Reale . Antonio None $3,47600 Pumphouse Road Brewster, NY 10509

Richardson, Megan None $3,47600 11 Jerome Drive Brewster, NY 10509


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pagge 10 (by letter dated October 10, 1973 the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.gram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose or Grant Amount

Riolo, JoAnne None $91000 18 Clematis Road Brewster, NY 10509

Sak, Alayna None $3,25000 29 Luther Road Saratoga Sprin.gs, NY 12866

Santamaria, Juliana None $1,40000 14 Tamarix Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Santizo, Ruth None $2,34000 680 North Main Street Brewster, NY 10509

Santos, Elaine None $1,00000 604 Holly Stream Court Brewster, NY 10509

Scalzi, Melissa None $5,60000 35 Oak Street APT C2 Brewster, NY 10509

Scelia, Joseph None $1,73800 1401 Villa.-e Drive Brewster . NY 10509

Schreiber, Erica None $1,40000 64 Harvest Drive Brewster, NY 10509


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pag I I (by letter dated October 10, 1973 the Internal Revenue Service .e approved this pro.-ram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address mount

Schwerin, Karl None $3,47600

2 Veteran Road Patterson, NY 12563

Schwerkolt, Edward None $50000 15 Wagon Lane Brewster . NY 10509

Scora, Eric None $1,40000 92 Lakeview Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Scora, Heather None $58500 92 Lakeview Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Sierns, Mark None $50000 20 Freemont Road Brewster, NY 10509

Sinclair, Christina None $50000 14 Lodar Lane Brewster, NY 10509

Snyder, Brian None $1,05000 128 Shore Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Snyder, Scott None $37500 128 Shore Drive Brewster, NY 10509


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa .-e 12 (by letter dated October 10, 1973 the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.gram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Tchobanova, 11rissuana None $1,73800 1504 Scarborough Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Testone, Allison None $67000 33 Ames Road Brewster, NY 10509

Urbanski, Scott None $25000 20 Marlin Road Brewster, NY 10509

Vacca, Jeffrey None $1,98900 9 Clemaus Road Brewster, NY 10509

Valdes, Alexis None $1,00000 38 Hubbard Drive Brewster, NY 10509

Vehaba, Jennifer None $1,17000 174 Peaceable Hill Road Brewster, NY 10509

Walsh, Claire None $25000 20 Iron Works Hill Road Brookfield, CT 06804


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa.-e 13 (by letter dated October 10, 1973 the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Young, Melissa None $1,50000 104 Allview Avenue Brewster, NY 10509


PAID IN 2000 $200,000.00


Lee, Anita 317 Mosel Avenue Staten Island, NY 10304

None 11 $4,00000




















SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page I (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.-ram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

(4) LOWER MANHATTAN STARR SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM This program was established in 1981 to provide scholarship aid for post-secondary education to cleserving students going to school in the Lov~er Manhattan area as deFined in the program Involved in the pro.gram are six schools, namely High School of Economics & Finance, High School for Leadership and Public Service, Lovcr Eastside Preparatory School, Murry Bergtraum High School for Business Careers, Seward Park High School and Stuyvesant High School AcInumistration of the program, including selection of award recipients, tests completely with ajoint Committee consisting of representatives of the particular schools

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Crant Amount

Goldber~, Jason 1375 6D 5~ Street APT 11 1376 Brooklyn, NY 11219

Guo, Li-Xia 53 Monroe Street APT 13 New York, NY 10002

Guzman, Dilenny 227 West 127~ Street 5D New York, NY 10027

None 11 $2,00000

None .1 $50000

None 11 S 50000


SCHEDULE(A) Scholarships -Page 2 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.gram under Section 4945 of the Internal Re~enue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose or Grant Amount

Nwosa, Nnamdi None $1,00000 145 Lincoln Road APT 3C Brooklyn, NY 11225

Ryan, Tamara None $4,00000 1365 Findlay Avenue APT B3 Bronx, NY 10456

Ton.g, Shirley None $5,00000 63 Avenue A APT 2B New ork, NY 10009

Udler None $5,00000 Re.-ina 1 053 E I? Street APT F3 Brooklyn, NY 11230


Akers, Natasha None $1,00000 845 Schenectady Avenue Brookl)n, NY 11203

Capers, Elisa None $2,00000 101 E I 191h Street New York, NY 10035

Diaz, Katherine None $1,00000 2SO Madison Street New York, NY 10002


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa .ge 3 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Ho%e, Warren None $1,00000 193 Fenimore Street Brooklyn, NY 11225

James, Dominique None $2,00000 3784 10" Avenue New York, NY 10034

Jenkins, Unique None $2,00000 3125 Park Avenue Bronx, NY 10451

Jones, Darryl None $2,00000 112-30 Northern Boulevard Queens, NY 11368

McMahon, Erica None $1,00000 I I I Gates Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11238

Mins, Devon None $2,00000 362 E 5 1 " Street Brooklyn, NY 11203

Peters, Randall None $2,00000 932 St Marks Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11213

Ryals, Shawana None $50000 194 Hart Street Brooklyn, NY 11206


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pagge 4 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose or Grant Amount

Simon, Adele None S1,00000 782 Lincoln Place Brooklyn, NY 11216

Sy, Aminata None $2,00000 3716 10" Avenue New York, NY 10034

Taylor, Novia None $2,00000 1524 Hoe Avenue Bronx, NY 10460

Turner, Andrea None $2,00000 98-30 57~ Avenue Queens, NY 11368

Watterson, Lori None $2,00000 194 8" Street Brooklyn, NY 11215


Abdullah, Mohammed None $50000 85 Columbia Street APT 20D New York, NY 10002

Can, Yu Jiao None $2,50000 2215 85"' Street Brooklyn, NY 11214


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 5 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.gram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address mount

Dul, Pawel None $50000 142 Norman Avenue #2 Brooklyn, NY 11222

Gong-, Met Chun None $50000 263 Broome Street APT 2A New York, NY 11002

Guan, lia Xing None 550000 7 11 54" Street Brooklyn, NY 11220

Hu, Xiao Jie None $3,00000 52-12 Haspel Street I" fl Rego Park, NY It 373

Lin, Yan None $6,00000 829 53" Street Brooklyn, NY 11220

Lin, Chi None $4,00000 2750 East 22"' Street Brooklyn, NY 11235

Rusin, Maciej None $50000 142 Norman Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11222

Tom, Lai Juan None $4,00000 132 Van Siclen Street Brooklyn, NY 11207


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 6 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.gram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose orGrant Amount

Washington, Lisa None $3,00000 88-31 Eldens Lane Woodhaven, NY 11421

Wu, At Yi None $50000 111 Chrystie Street New York, NY 10002

Zheng, Qi Teng None $50000 0 133 Henry Street 05C

New York, NY 10002


Bal.-ahoom, Farhanna None $2,50000 1094 Fla[bush Avenue Brooklyn, NY H 226

Broadus, Shammarah None $2,50000 902 Drew Street #314 Brooklyn, NY 11208

Chan, Kitty None $2,50000 230 Clinton Street New York, NY 10002

Chen, Jaimie None $2,50000 30 Monroe Street AH8 New York, NY 10002


SCHEDULE(A) Scholarships -Page 7 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of GraUt Amount

DeShields, Kenya None $2,50000 305 East 340 Street Brooklyn, NY 11203

Herrera, Linabel None $2,50000 636 Water Street 4A New York, NY 10002

Leung,BikJarm None $2,50000 34-35 12'h Street Queens, NY 11106

Li, Yuan Zhen.- None $2,50000 17 1 Hester Street New York, NY 100 13

Lim, Christy None $2,50000 1509 Benson Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11228

Lopez, Luis None $2,50000 2305 University Avenue #51 Bronx, NY 10468

McKay, Sharnmara None $2,50000 860 Grand Concourse Bronx, NY 10451

Ng, Leslie None $2,50000 451 West 44" Street APT 23 New York, NY 10036


SC14EDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa.-e 8 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Arnount

Novak, Corrine None $2,50000 504 Grand Street #F43 New York, NY 10002

Peralta, Luisa None $2,50000 4489 Broadway 3E New York, NY 10040

Pierce, Garey None $2,50000 119-11 200" Street St Albans . NY 11412

Veliz, Sonia None $2,50000 520 West 56th Street New York, NY 10019

Zhang, Bet Si None $2,50000 PO Box 525210 Flushing, NY 11352


Acevedo, Giselles None $2,00000 1335 Myrtle Avenue #3 Brooklyn, NY 11221

Chen, Li Xiu None $2,00000 25-51 Steinway Street New York, NY 11103

9 11

SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa.ge 9 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.gram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Concepcion, Rosanna None $2,00000 2894 Grand Concourse Bronx, NY 10458

Fernandez, Yamilka None $2,00000 355 West 30~ Street #I A New York, NY 10001

Jian .g, Chun Qm None $2,00000 245 Broadway #113 New York, NY 10002

Kashem, Noushad None $2,00000 21 1 East 4" Street New York, NY 10009

Lee, Shu Sane None $2,00000 147 Elizabeth Street #4D New York, NY 10012

Li, Wei Feng None $2,00000 147 Elizabeth Street New York, NY 10012

Li, Xiu Jun (Eunice) None $2,00000 32 Henry Street New York, NY 10002

McGovern, Veronica None $2,00000 251 East 3 d Street New York, NY 10009


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa.-c 10 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Mina., Fan (Stephen) None $2,00000 59-13 Norman Street Flushing, NY 11385

Paez, Melama None $2,00000 1830 1 " Avenue #I J New York, NY 10 128

Parri Ila, Clayuri None $2,00000 137STeller Avenue #113 Bronx, NY 10456

Tan, In Chun (Rosa) None $2,00000 24 Mott Street #4 New York, NY 10002

Tan, Zhen Biac, (Bill) None $2,OW 00 2132 76~ Street Brooklyn, NY 11219

Tejeda, Freddy None $2,00000 1909 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10032

Zhao, Liang Jian None $2,00000 113 Mulberry Street #6 New York, NY 100 13

Zen.-, Jin Long None $2,00000 217 Madison Street #16 New York, NY 1002


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa.-e I I (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.-ram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Zheng, Yuan None $2,00000 1683 Madison Street New York, NY 11385


Arti.-a, Milciades None $1,00000 85-78 75~ Street Woodhaven, NY 11421-1050

Balasubramanian, Suprina None $50000 150-29 59" Avenue Flushing-, NY 11355

Barcenas, Grace None $1,00000 42-11 Ketcham Street Elmhurst, NY 11373

Busovskaya, Yelena None $1,00000 6260 Woodhaven Blvd R44 Rego Park, N Y 11 324

Cai, Jing None $50000 235 Ft Washington Ave 3E New York, NY 10032

Chan, Kenny None $50000 92-06 50" Avenue 3B Elmhurst, NY 11373


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa .-e 12 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Chen, Betty Supej None $50000 20 Confucius Plaza 24D New York, NY 10002

Chen, Zhe None $1,00000 147-31 38" Avenue A64 Flushing, NY 11354

Chin, David Y None $1,00000 325 85" Street Brooklyn, NY 11209-4603

Choi, Tiffany None $50000 75 24 180'h Street Flushin. NY 11366

Cuff, Andrea L None $1,00000 725 Rugby Road Brooklyn, NY 11230

Epelboym. Irma None $1,00000 3707 Ocean Parkway Apt 6H Brooklyn, NY 11218

Golub, Lyuba None $1,00000 2900 Wesat 8" Street Apt 18G Brooklyn, NY 11214

Groberman, Elma None $1,00000 1960 76" Street Brooklyn, NY 11214


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa.-e 13 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.-ram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Ionescu, Cristma None $50000 52-4872 Id Street Maspeth, NY 11378

Jiang, Kevin None $50000 239-70A Oak Park Drive Douglaston, NY 11362

Kan, Jaspser Lee None $1,00000 4 Rivington Street Apt #2 New York, NY 10002

Kim, Matthew None $1,00000 110-54 65" Avenue Forest Hills, NY 11375-1422

Kudelski, Evelyn None $1,00000 139 Boyd Street Staten Island, NY 10304

Kurian, Jerin None $1,00000 88-05 30~ Avenue Jackson Heights, NY H 369

LaPenne, Arianna None $1,00000 246 75" Street Apt 2A Brooklyn, NY 11209

LaPenne, Katrina None $1,00000 246 75~ Street Apt 2A Brooklyn, NY 11209


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa .-c 14 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.gram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Lee, Benton None $1,00000 81 Columbia Street Apt 18E New York, N Y 10002

Lee, Joyelle None $50000 50-03 Morenci Lane Little Neck, NY If 362

Liao, Benita None $1,00000 233-19 4 1" Avenue Douglaston, NY 11363

Lin, Cindy H None $50000 76-12 Grand Central Parkway Apt 6 Forest Hills, NY 11375

Liu, U-Ray None $50000 43- 18 Union Street Fluching, NY 11355

Liu, Yilun None $1,00000 47-55 188 Street Flushing, NY 11358

Louick, Rebecca None $1,00000 17 Seventh Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217

Mar, Shelden None $50000 86-09 58~ Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 15 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Mazo, Keven None 14 $50000 200 Barlow Drive South Brooklyn, NY 11234

McKenna, Elizabeth None $1,00000 82-15 Myrtle Avenue Glendale, NY 11385

Mekas, Sebastian None $50000 491 Broadway New York, NY 100 1 2

Miccio, Elizabeth None $1,00000 2 Bay Ridge Place Brooklyn, NY 11209

Parks, Wole None $1,00000 871 Underhill Avenue Apt 44C Bronx, NY 10473-2755

Juliana Pi None $1,00000 85-15 54" Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373

Reza, Tanya None $1 ~000 00 1355 East 18~ Street Apt 3P Brooklyn, NY 11230

Rosenzweig, Adam None $50000 91-19 W Avenue Forest Hills, NY 1 1375


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Pa .-e 16 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Shcn,PePen None $1,00000 143-68 Cherry Avenue Flushing, NY 11355

Stagias, Nikoletta None $1,00000 31-50 48" Street Astoria, NY 11103

Sun, Yuan Yuan None $50000 92-24 55~ Avenue Elmhurst, NY 11373

Tam, Elaine None $50000 27 Monroe Street Apt 23 New York, NY 10002

Thorpe, Jennifer None $1,00000 4715 Avenue L Brooklyn, NY 11234-3128

Tsao, Diana None $1,00000 195-35 39h Avenue Flushing, NY 11358

Tsuchiya-Saitzman, Akane None $50000 32-27 156" Street Queens, NY 11 354

Tung, Ka-Loon None $50000 18 Monroe Street Apt 5F New York, NY 10002


SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 17 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this program under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

Won-, XiXi None $1,00000 14-04 14" Avenue Whitestone, NY 11357

Wu, Kelvin K None $1,00000 2301 84" Street Apt 211 Brooklyn, NY 11214

Ych . Chich-Ting None $50000 69-12 178~ Street Fresh Meadows, NY 11 365-3443

Young, Shtu May None $50000 55-02 97" Place Corona, NY 11368

Total $194,000.00

TOTAL GRANT PAID $210,0000 IN 2000




SCHEDULE (A) Scholarships -Page 18 (by letter dated September 12, 1980, the Internal Revenue Service approved this pro.-ram under Section 4945 of the Internal Revenue Code)

Recipient Name & Address Relationship Purpose of Grant Amount

















SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Re% enue Code - Page I


Appro%ed for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

A Better Chance, Inc 2000 $25000 so 825 ~.eienth Avenue New York NY 100 19 Special j ear-end 2000grant S25000

A Better Chance, Inc 1999 $40,000 S40,000 825 Seventh A% enue New York, NY 100 19 Genei al N uppoi r S120000

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum 2000 $250,000 $0 Foundation OffiLe orthe Governor 207 State Capitol '~pnngfield IL62706 Fndoivinentfor riew libi ai) inioeion and educational Miter S250000

AdNocates For Children of Nei% York, Inc 151 %Ve,t 30th Street Sth floor New York NY 10001 public Eduration Infoi inarion Ceiner S25 000

AFS USA Inc 198 'dadi,on Avenue 8th Floor New York NY 100 16 ViNam, Tearhei v M ogi am S290000

AIT Foundation, Inc 60108 Davie Drive Chapel Hill NC 27514 Srholai shipfoi one 77zai suidew in inaster's degi ee p/ ogi ani S25 320

AIT Foundation. Inc 60 108 Davie Drive Chapel Hill . NC 27-514 S(holai 5hipfoi one 7hai ~iuderji in inastei'v degree pi, ogi ain S25 320

2000 S25 320 so

2000 S25,000 so

1998 $96,000 so

2000 S25 320 so

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavinent Future Pavinent

Allen-Stevenson School 2000 $25,000 $25,000 132 Ea,t 78th Street New York NY 10021-0381 Financial aidjbi lou et school cluldi en S5(),()O()

American Academ3 of Dramatic Arts 2000 S2,000 $0 120 Madi~on AN enue New York, NY 100 16 4cadenur scholai ~hijos S2,000

so S100.000 2000 American Museum of Natural His(ory Central Park We,t at 79th Street New York, NrY 10024-5192 Special)eap -end 2000grant S100000


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualirymg under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 2

American Associates of the Ro%al Academy Trust 555 Madi~ori Avenue Suite 1300 Now York NY 10022 C V ~Siw i Scholai ~hip Fund S50000

American Council of Learned Societies 228 Eaq 45th Street New York NY 100 17 ChincNe .scholol S I'loglelin S300000

American Forum for Global Education 120 Wail Street Suite 2600 No%%, York NY 10005 Geneial suppop r S25000

American LabrarN in Paris, USA Foundation 10 rue (to General-Carnou Part, 75007 Canipai,tzii 2000 S400000





S50 000









SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifymg under Section 50 1 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 3


The American UniNersitv in Cairo 1999 SM500 S55.500 420 Fifth Avenue 3rd Floor New York NY 10018-2729 Cenfei, lot At abir Said) Abi oad $92,500

American Unix ersitv of Beirut 2000 S30,000 $0 85o rhird -\venue 18th Floor New York . NY 10022-6297 Infenianonal Advi~oiy Council mjoo~iurn and dinnet $30000

American Unnersio of Beirut 1997 S75 .000 so 350 Third Avenue l8di Floor New ) ork, NY 10022-6297 Sfudenifinancial aid S300000

Americans for Oxford, Inc 2000 $100000 so 198 Madi,on A\ enue l3th Floor New York, NY 100 16 C V ~iai i Schohn 5hip Fund slooooo

Americans for Oxford Inc 1998 S50000 so 198 Madi~on Avenue 1301 Floor New York, NY 100 16 Visi1mgje1lovtsfioin the US S150000

Aquinas High School 2000 S75 .000 S150,000 683 Ei,t 182nd Street (Belmont Avenue) Bronx NY 10457-1801 1-,inanctal aid jacult), emichment andpiogiant Nuppoit S225 000

Approved for Recipieni, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pa) ment Future PaN men(

The American School of Tangier 2000 S50000 so c/o Rulon-Milier Inc 1211 Park Avenue New York. NY 10 128 BuildinOund~jbi the Aniencan School of Alan akech S50000


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying tinder Section 501 (c)(3) oflitternal Revenue Code - Page 4


Approved for Recipieril, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Payment

The Asia Foundation 1999 S240,000 $230.000 465 California Street 14th Floor San Fmnciqco CA 94104 Legal ard it aining in China $710,000

$20000 so 1999 Bank Street College of Education 6 10 We,t I I 2th Street NL%%') ork NY 10025-1120 1-111nmialaidjot 1111nol n) wudelzt~ S40000

Asian Institute of Management/Jesuil Seminary and Mission Bureau 39 F-tq 83rd Street New N ork, NY 10028 Cenfeijoi Co)poi ate ~ocial Responubilit) S 1 .000 000

Andrev Cohen College 75 Varick Street Ne\~ York NY 10013-1919 .Special) eat -end 2000gront S25.000

Audrev Cohen College 75 Varick Street New York NY 100 13-1919 Schohn qhip aid S3()(),()()()

Ballet Tech Foundation, Inc Lawrence A Wien Center for Dance & Theater 890 Broadway New York, NY 10003 Tuinon-fi ce ballLt a aunngforNeu, Yink Cn) public 0iool rhildi en S25 000

Bank Street College of Education 610 We~t 112th Street New York, NY 10025-1120 C V Sim) Schola0up Fund S250000






SI 000000











SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal ReN enue Code - Page 5


Barnard College 2000 S100,000 so 3009 Broadway New York . NY 10027-6593 C V Stair Scholat, ship Fund S100000

Baruch College Fund 2000 S40000 so 17 Lexington A% enue Box D-0901 Ne%N,York NY 10010 Aradeinj of Firiance Pi ogram at Zicklin School of ltimne5% S40.000

Bitruch College 2000 S200000 so 17 Lemngion Avenue Box F- 1339 New York NY 100 10 C I/ Stai? Scholim Nhip Fund S2000)()

Bennington College 2000 S100.000 $200,000 Route 67A Bennington \7 05201-6001 Bacheloy ofAt rslAlawei of Arts in Teaching S300000

Bennington College 1998 S150000 so Route 67A Bennington . VT 05201-6001 Re vu urtia ing of collqee S500000

Berea College 2000 S200,000 so Berm KY 40404 C V Stai i ~)cholai ship Fund S200000

Bertinida Biological Station for Research 2000 S50.000 S200,000 Fem Reach GE W St GCOTgC'~ Bennuda To(on%auri eqiiipaiidetieloi~,aiieivbiiildiiig S250000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 PaN nient Future PaN ment

Barnard College 2000 $25 .000 so 3009 Broadway New York . NY 10027-8361 hi heu of table S25000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Bermuda Biological Station for Research 2000 $50.000 $0 Ferry Reach GEO I St George',, Bermuda C V Stay i Scholai ship Fund S50000

Bharatna VidN a BhaNan/Gandhi I nsfilute of Computer Education & Information Technolog-v c/o 305 Seventh A%,Lnue 17th Floor New York N"y 10001 Genej al % uppoi I S230000

Bharatiya YU% a Shakh Trust 23 In,titutional Area Loch Road New Delhi. I W 003 India Youth enoopi encia Orip deielopment S14-SO00

BHS/Sallus PO Bo% 152 Hannihon . M4 AX Berniuda C 1, Stay? Schola? Mip iund S100000

The Bloomingdale House ot Music, Inc 323 We,t 108th Street New York NY 10025 6enei, al N uppoi i $60,000

Boston Uni%ersitv 59-S Commonwealth Avenue Bo,ton NIA02215 ~,rholai shipsfoi Chinese Alanageinent Education A ogl am S600000

S300,000 S150000 1999


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations cludlifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 6

The Better Business Bureati/Eclucation and Research Foundation 257 Park Avenue South New York N-Y 10010-7384 N1 Philanihiopir Advi wij Scy, v ire S3,000

















SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 7


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pa~ anent Future Pavment

Bo%%doin College 2000 S25 000 S50,000 Brun,wick, Nl E 040 1 1 Fmanrial aid S75000

Bre%%ster Central School District 2000 $250,000 so Brew,ler NY 10509-9956 Authioman expanvion S250000

BreNNster Public Library 2000 S5000 $10,000 79 iMain Street Brov,ter, NrY 10509 Gmewl suppoi t S]5000

Brigha in N oung U n a% ersi(v 2000 S100000 so PO Box 21346 Pro%o 1784602-1346 C 11 Stai i Schola? hip Fund S 100 000

so S200.000 2000 BroiNn Uni%ersity Pro% idence . PJ 02912-1893 C 1, %Ia? i Scholai ship Fund S200000

Brookh at College Foundation, Inc 2900 Bedtord A%enue Brookkii W, 11210 ~,tai i Pi (~zi am at B? ooklj n College S300,000

The Brooklyn Music School 126 ~,amt Felix Street Brookku, NY 11217 Genei at , uppoi S25 000

Brookh n Public Librarv Foundation Grand Arniv Plaza BrookIvn . NY 11238-i6l9 Readin- and hteiacY vamingfoi childien andadults S150000






$75 000





SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifytog under Section 501 (c)(3) of Intemal Revenue Code - Page 8


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavrnenl Future Pavment

Bro%% ning School 1999 S5000() so 52 Ei,t 62nd Street New York, NY 10021 Lite e Foundation challenge gi am S100,000

S100,000 2000

1997 $50.000

1999 S3.000,000

$0 2000 S20000() Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum PO Bo% 636, Mill Street St NlOiael, . NID 21663-0636 C I Stal I scholal ~hlp Funel' S100000

BrN ant College I ISO Douglas Pike Snuthfield, PT 02917- 1 284 C 11 Stal i Srholai Mip Fund SSO 000

BrNn MaNir College M I North Merion Avenue Bmi Mawr PA 19010-2999 C V ~tai i Scholat vhip Fund slooooo

California Institti(e of Technoloy Pa,aderia, CA 91125 Special needs of intei national students slon ()()o

Carleton College One North College Street Norilifield, NIN S5057-4010 ,4wa in Compmarme Pco~pe( live SS 000 000

Carleton College One North College Street Northl'ield NIN 550-57-4919 C V ~tai i Scholai ship Fund S 100 000

Central College 812 Univcr~ity Pella IA 50219 C V Seen Y Se-holay ship Fund S200000

2000 $50,000












SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 9


Chinese American International School 1999 S170000 S160.000 ISO Oak Street San Francisco . CA 94102 Genei al ~ uppoi i S500 000

Cifizens Ad% ice Bureau 2000 $50000 so 2054 Morn, Avenue Bronx XY 10453 Pio)ert Achicte afre) -ichoolpwgican SSOOOO

Cit% Uni% ersitN of Neii York Teiching OpporturnIN 1999 S50,000 so Program 53s Eaq 80th Street New York NY 10021 .Sludent 5upendN $100,000

Cj%ic Education Project, Inc 1998 S30,000 so 1140 Chapel Street . Suite 2A Ne%~ I Liven CT 06511 Fefloii v Pi ogi ain SIOOO()O

Claremont Unnersitv Center 2000 S25.000 S50,000 Peter F Drucker Graduate School of Management 1021 North Dartmouth A%enue Claremont CA 91711 Financial aidfoi Chinese oi Ainep ican sludenis S75000

Claremont McKenna College 2000 S200000 so Bauer Center 500 Ea,t Ninth Street Claremont CA 91711-6400 C P ~iai i Scholai 5hip Fund SIOOOOO

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 P2vment Future PaN ment

The Children's Storefront 2000 $25.000 so PO Box 1313 70 Ea,I 129th Street New York, NY 10035 Special) eoi -end 2000giant S25000


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 10


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 PaNment Future Payment

Classroom, Inc 2000 $25,000 so

245 Fifth Avenue 20th Floor New York NY 10016 Sperial j ear-end 2000 gy ant S25000

Classroom, Inc 2000 S150,000 $300,000 245 Fifth Avenue 201h Floor New York . NY 100 16 Capacit) -building S450000

College of Insurance 2000 S15000 so

10 1 M urray Street New York NY 10007-2165 Robei i E Hoit e Schola? Oup Endowment SI-5 000

College of Insurance 1998 S200000 $400,000

1 M M urrav Street New York, NY 10007-2165 Annual Fund S1 000000

Columbia Universitv 2000 $55.000 $0

Graduate School ol Journali,in 2950 Broadway . Mad Code 3850 NL%% York . NY 10027 Knighf-BtWehof Fellowship in Economics andBusmesv Jownalmn S5~ 000

Columbia Umversit3 2000 $100000 so Low Memorial Library New York, NY 10027 C V Sten i Scholai Oup Fund S100000

Communi(v PreparatorN School 2000 $14800 so 126 Sonier,et Street Pro\ idence PJ 02907 ~,cholm 3hip suppoy ijoi divadvantaged siuden" S14800


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifyuig under Section 501 (c)(3) of Intemal Revenue Code - Page I I


Dartmouth College 2000 S100.000 so Hano% er NH 0375-5-9040 Alinoitti, high ~chool and hu%iness eaecutivepiogianis S100000

Dartmouth College 1998 S500000 so PO Box 107 Hano% er . NH 03755 Renoi anon (if Bei i) -Bakei Libi ca) S 1 500 000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 P2) ment Future Pavment

Cooke Foundation For Special Education Iric 2000 $50000 $50,000 47~ RiverNide Dnve Suite 730 New YOTk, NTY MI IS- 1118 Gene) al support S100000

Cornelia ConnelIN Center for Education 1999 S75000 $75,000 220 Ea,t 4th Street New York, NY 10009 School pi ogi tans andfinancial aid to gradiaae~ S225000

Cornelia Connelly Center for Education 2000 $25,000 so 220 Ei,t 4th Street New York . NY 10009 Specialjeai -end 2000gPant S25000

Cornell Uni%ersitN 2000 S200000 so 300 Da~ Hill lthaLa, NY 14853-2301 C V Siaii Srholaiship Fund-Medical College S200,000

Council lor Basic Education 2000 S30000 $60,000 1319 F Street NW Suite 900 Wa,hin6lon DC 20004-1152 Genei al mppoi f S900oo

The Curtis Institute of Music 2000 S55.000 so 1726 LA)LUM Street Philadelphia PA 19103 1-manrial aid S55000


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) ofInternal Revenue Code - Page 12


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Dartmouth College 2000 S200,000 so Hanover NH 03755 C P Stai i Scholat ship Fund S20000()

Dmidson College 2000 $100,000 so PO Bo\ 1689 David,on . NC 28036 C V ~,iap P Scholai ship Fund S M() 000

De Lq Salle AcadennN 2000 S25000 so 202 We,t 97th Street New York, 1,~Y 10025 .Speried) cai -end 2000 gi ant S15000

DePaul Uni%ersi(v 1997 $250.000 so One F-i,t Jackqon Boulevard ChiLago . IL 60604-2287 hell,tailt Giachiate School of lhisine~~ AffiAlIMF Pl ogl 17111 Sl 000000

Dickinson College 2000 S200000 so Carli,le PA 17013-2896 C V Stai i Schola) ship Fund S20000()

Drexel Uni%ersitN 2000 $50,000 so 3141 Clle,tnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-2875 Scholen Milo endois inent S50000

Duke Unj%ersity 1999 $125000 so Box 9029 Durhain NC 27708-0329 Glohal bivii ownenfal Leadet %hip I-oi Lan S2~() ()()()

Duke Unix ersiti 2000 S100,000 so Box 90001 Durhain NC 27706 C 1, 'Slal I ~)rholcll N1111) /-ulld S 100 000


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 13


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 PaN ment Future Payment

Eagle Rock School and Professional DeNelopment 2000 S25000 $0 Center PO Box 1770 Notaiah Road E,,Ie, Park CO 80517-1770 Gi aduate Iligher Education Fund S25,000

EARTHWATCH 2000 $125.000 S125.000 3 CloLkiower Place Suite 100 Box 75 Nla%iiard NIA01754 Cenci al , uppoi r S250000

The East Harlem School at Exodus House, 2000 SIOM00 so 309 Eiq 103rd Street New York INY 10029 ~perial) em -end 2000 gi aw Sl()()()()

East Harlem Tutorial Program 2050 SCLond Avenue New ) ork, NY 10029 Spe(taIjew -und 2000giaw Sl()00()

East Harlem Tutorial Program 2050 ~)econd A% enue New York XY 10029 Gene) al mppoi i S30000

Eastman School of Music/UniN crsm of Rochester 26 Gibb, Sirt-et ROLhe,ier N`Y 14604-2599 Endoivinewfoi Ai t~ Leadei~hip Pi ogi ain S150000

The Eisenho%%er Foundation PO Box 295 Abilene KS 674 10 Pie, idential Gallei3 and Lem ning Cenrep S250000

2000 S250000 so

2000 S10000 so

1999 S15,000 so

1998 S50000 $0


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 14


Florida International UniversitN 2000 $100000 $0 Unn er,ity Park Nlianii FL 33199 C V Sno i 5rholai ship 1-und s1f)(M)OO

F[oN% ers With Care Youth Ser% ices 2000 S50000 $0 23-40 A,toria Boule%ard A,1oria NY 11 102-2941 Geneial uppoit S50000

Fordham Preparatory School 2000 S75000 S150.000 Em Fordharn Road Bronx, NY 10458-5175 Schola) ~luja endowineinjo) needy studenisfi om dic 13t on i S22500()

Fordharn UniNersitv 2000 $100000 so 113 We,t 60th Street Lincoln Center New ) ork, NY 10023-7484 C V Star i Scholai ship 1-und $1()() 000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 PaN ment Future Pavinent

Elaine Kaufman Cultural Center 2000 $25000 so 129 We,,t 67th Street New York . NY 10023 Special Music School of ifinei ica $25 000

Elaine Kaufman Culturil Center 2000 S10000 so 129 Weq 67th Street New York NY 10023 Special i eai -end 2000 V ant in Special Aluvc School S10000

Enima Willard School 2000 S50,000 so 285 Pawling Avenue Troy NY 12180 C V Situ i Scholin ~hip Fund S50,000


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Intemal Revenue Code - Page 15


The Foundation Center 1999 $25,000 $25,000 79 Fiflh Avenue New York NY 10003-3076 Genei al vipport $75000

Foundation for Excellent Schools 2000 S25000 so 1634 Route 30 Comwall VT 05753-9264 Sperial)em end2000giani S25000

Foundation for Excellent Schools 1999 S50,000 $50,000 1634 Route 30 Comwall . VT 05753-9264 Genei al vuppot f S150000

Friends ot (he U nix ersi iN o f Hong Kong, Ll it 2000 S750000 so Knowle, Building 91h Floor Pokrulani Hong Kong C V Siai i Scholao ship 1-und S750000

Futures and Options Inc 2000 S30000 so 120 Broadway Suite 3340 New York NY 10271 /J~gh whool intern0ups in Lmte) Manhattanfillm S30000

Futures in Education Foundation 2000 $70000 S130,000 7200 Douglasion Parkway Dougla,ton,N'Y 11362-1941 Tiechnolog-) unpi o i emenis in Brooklyn and Queens pai orhial schools S200 001)

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

The Foundation Center 2000 S150.000 $150,000 79 fifth Avenue New York NY 10003-3076 Online Pi oject S300000


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 16


Himazk,m in Armenian Educational & Cultural 2000 S2,000 so SocietN Annenian Cultural A,,miatioii 80 Bigelow Avenue Watertown. IM A 02472 Beneja Septembei 23 2000 S200o

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavinent Future Pavment

The GateiNiv School of NeN% York 2000 $50,000 so 921 Nladi,on Avenue New York NY 10021 Capital Campaign S5000()

George Washington Universitv 1998 S60,000 $60,000 2013 G Street NW Wa,hing(on, DC 20052 Gi aduaiejelloi~ ship% at Elliott S(hool of haoi national AjJan, S240000

GeorgetoN%n Uni%ersi(3 School of Foreign Semcc/ 2000 Sl()O,()00 $200,000 Institute for the StudN of Diplomacy Wa,hinglon, DC 200-57 Staii I-oundation A%vociafcs & endomitentfol the A ~ %ociates Pt ogi am S300,000

Go% ernor's Co mmitt cc on Scholasti c AchieN ement 2000 $10,000 $0 200 Madi,on A\ enue Suite 2121 New York NY 100 16 In lieu qj table S10000

The Griffith Foundation for Insurance Education 2000 $10,000 $0 172 Eaq State Street . Suite 305A Columbu~ OH 43215-4321 Laturarionalp)ogiamsfoi stafelegislatuiv S10000

Grinnell College 1997 S30.000 $30,000 PO Bo\ 805 Grinnell IA 50112 Srhola) %hipqjoi iniemational 5tialwas S I ~0'000


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 17


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pi% ment Future Pavinent

Hampshire College 1998 S23000 so Arnhem INIA01002 CV Staii Vi vaing Fellows Pi ograin in hinovanon and Entiepienewship S75000

Hampton UniNersm 2000 $150.000 so Hampton VA 23668 Siudent scholarships S150000

Harlem Center for Education, Inc 2000 S10.000 so I Ea,t W.Ith Street New York NY 10029 Special) eai -end 2000 g? anf Sl()O()()

Harlem Center for Education, Inc 2000 $50,000 S50,000 I Ea,t 104th Street New York NrY 10029 Genei al % uppoi i S 1()() (00

$3.400 S3.300 1999 Harlem School of the Arts, Inc 645 )1 Ni0ola, AN enue New N ark N`Y 10030 Geney al vippoy t S10000

Harlem Educational Ach% ities Fund, Inc 200 %ladi~on Avenue 51h Floor New York N`Y 100 16-3998 Spe(wi) eat -end 2000giant S10000

Harlem Educational ActiN ities Fund, Inc 200 Madi~on AN enue 51h Floor New York N'Y 100 16-3998 Genei, al uippoi I S200000

Harlem School of the Arts, Inc 645 St Nicholaq Avenue New York NY 10030 Sperial)ew -end 2000giant S10000











SCHEDULE(B) Gran is to Educationa I Organizations quah fying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 18


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Har%ard Business School/Presi dent and Fellows 2000 $125000 so of Har%ard College Corporate Relation~ Soldier, Field Boston NIA 02163 Ha) vaidlTsinghua executive education progiam S125 000

Har%ard Business School/President and Fellows 2000 S125000 so of Har%ard College Corporate Relation~ Soldier~ Field Bo,ton NI A 02163 Supplementalgiant Hati,aidIrsingliua evecutive education pi ogi am $125000

HarNard Uni% ersitN 2000 S300000 so Cambridge, N1 A 02138 C V Slin i Scholen Mip Fund S300000

Hir%ard UniNersitv/KennedN, School of GoNernment 1997 $250000 $0 79 John F KennedN Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Nina MII~Q 1111110five Fund S 1 000 000

Ha%erford College 2000 $100,000 so 370 LuKaqer Avenue Haverford PA 19041-1392 C V Sten i Scholai ~htp Fund S10000()

The Herbert G Birch SerN ices Fund Inc 2000 S50000 $0 275 ',L\enth Avenue l9th Floor New York, W 100 1 -6788 Bn rh .Woolfoy Ficepnonal Childi en S50000

Herschel School for Girls 2000 S200.000 $0 21 Her,0el Road Claremont 7700 . C,ipeto%kn South AfnLa C V ~tap i Srholai 5hip Fund S200000


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 19


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 PaNinent Future Pavment

The Hill School 2000 S100,000 so 717 Ea~t High Street Poti,town PA 19464-5791 C P Sim i Scholar~hip Fund S100000

Horace Mann School 231 We,t 246th Street lki%crdale NY 10471 Sionnici On The Htfl S I i 000

Illinois Institute of Technolo-,% 10 We,t 33rd Street Chicago IL 60616-3793 Re~eaichjelloiisprogtam S300000

Illinois Institute of Technolo-,v I0 Weq 33rd Street Clmago IL 60616 C V S/17t I ~,cholat ship Fund S200000

Independent Colic-.c Fund ol New Jersey 797 Springfield A% enue Summit NJ 07901 Genet al mppoy 1 S30,()()()

$30000 so 2000

Hofstra Uni%ersity Henip,,tead NY 11549-1010 Scholaishipfundinhonoi ofPre.%identJame~A1 Shuail S100,000

Hotstra Uni%ersity I lernp,tead, NY 11 549- 10 10 C 1, 6im i Scholiv ship Fund lot Law School S-100,000

Holstri UmN ersitN Hemp,tead W 11549-1010 C 1, 6tat i Scholen ship Fund S.10000()










S] ~ 000










SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) ofInlernal Revenue Code - Page 20


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavinient Future Payment

Independent Colleges of Southern California 2000 $55,000 so 55 i South Flower Street Suite 6 10 Lo, Ajigele,, CA 90071 Financial aid S55000

$40000 so 2000 Institute of International Education 809 United Nation~ Plaza New ) ork, NY 100 17-3580 Gene? (71 , uppoi i $40000

Inner-Citv Scholarship Fund 1011 Fir,t Avenue New York, NY 10022-4134 [it heii o/ table S2~ 00(1

Inner-Citv Scholarship Fund M I I Fir,t Avenue New York NY 10022-4134 Genei al opei alitig mppoi f $75000

Inner-Citv Scholarship Fund M I I Fir,t Avenue New York, NY 10022-4134 Libiai3 Connections S300000

INSEAD POBOX7535 FDR Station Ne\~ York, NY 10150 ReNeaich Fellmi Mip afAuan rampu7 S404 1~0

Institute for Advanced StudN/Park CitN Mathematics Institute (PCNII) Olden Line Primeton, NJ 08540 learhei tiaming S]5()()()O

















SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 21


Werruitional Center in Nei% York, Inc 1998 S50,000 so 50 We,[ 23rd Street 7th Floor New York NY 10010-5205 Genel al Nuppol I S150000

International College/Beirut 2000 S50,000 so 850ThirdA%enue 18thl-loor New ) ork, NY 10022 Geneial mippoit S50000

International House 2000 $50,000 so -500 River,ide Drive New York, NrY 10027-3916 Genei al N uppoi I S50000

Arproved for Recipieril, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pa% inent Future Pavment

Instilu(e of International Education 2000 S500,000 S500,000 809 United Natiom, Plaza New York NY 10017-3580 Endomnent of the Fulbi ight Legacy Fund S1 000000

Institute ot Judicial Administration, Inc 2000 $25000 so 40 Wa,hington Square South New York NY 10012-1099 Genei al suppot i S25 000

Insurance Education Foundation, Inc 2000 S25.000 $0 PO Box 63700 hichanapoh,, IN 46268-0700 Genei a/ uppot t S25 000

International Center in Nei% York, Inc 2000 S50000 so 30 We,t 23rd Street 7th Floor New York NY 10010-520-5 .Spe(ia1jca? enc12000giant S5()()()O


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 22


Johns Hopkins Uni%crsitN/SAIS 2000 S600,000 so 1619 Ma,,achuqetl~ Avenue NiW Wa,hington . DC 20036-2213 ,Mii i I-owidauon I-ellowvhip at Cewei joi Chinew and Amei tran Suidies S600000

Johns Hopkins UmNersitN/SAIS 1999 $100,000 $100.000 1619 1'\Ial~aLhu,ett, Avenue NW Wa,hington DC 20036-2213 Genei al mppoi I S300.000

Johns Hopkins UniNersilN/SAIS 1996 S600,000 so 1740 %la11dLhu,vtl, A%enuc NW Wa,hington . DC 20036-1984 Southeew Avia Studiev Pwgiani S3000000

JUIlhird School 2000 $100 .000 $0 60 LinL0111 Center Plaza New York. NY 10023-6588 C I/ Sim i Scholai Mip Fund S100000

Juilliard School 1998 $1 .000,000 $1,000,000 60 1,111LO111 (-enter PIa7a New York. NY 10023-6588 C I/ Swit Docioial Fellow.% Mogiam S6000000

The KIPP Academy 2000 S50,000 $0 250 r-i,t 156th Street RM 418 Bronx NY 10451 Spet ud) eaj -end 2000 gi aw S50000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 PaN men( Future Pavinent

International Management Center, Budapest, 2000 $38,000 so Hungarv Weatherhead School of Management/ Caqe We,tem Reserve Univerqity 500 Enterprise Hall Cleveland OH 44106-7235 Coiwi urtion ojnew lertwe hall S38.000


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 23


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavirient Future Pa% meW

La Salle AcademN[U S Catholic Conference 2000 S75000 $150,000 44 Ea,t 2nd Street New York NY 10003-9297 Scholaiship assisrance1science centei S225000

Laii & Economics Center at George Mason 200 $50,000 so UniiersitN 3401 North Fairfax Dr1% e Arlington VA 22201-4498 Genet al suppoi t SY) 000

Learning Leaders 2000 $25000 so 352 Park A%enue South New York, NrY 100 10- 1709 ~,pe(ial i em -end 2000 gi ant S25000

Learning Leaders 352 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010-1709 Pi oje(t Hotne .Sti etch S120000

The Learning Project 22 iMercer Street NeNk ) ork NY 100 13 John A Reisenbach Chat tei ~)chool S30000

The Learning Project ~-' Mercer Street New York NY 100 13 Genet al % uppoi i S75000

Lebanese American UmN ersih 475 Ra% er,ide Drive Room 1846 New ~ork NY 10115-0065 Financial aid S50000

2000 Sit) 000 sr)

1998 S40000 so

2000 S30,000 so

1998 S25000 so


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 24


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavinent Future Pavment

Library of Congress 1999 S330,000 $330,000 10 1 Independence A~ enue SE Washingion DC 20340 Kis,mget Chair Sl 000000

Literac) Volunteers of Neiv York 1998 $10000 so 30 Eaq 33rd Street 6th Floor New York NY 10016 Genei al vippot I S30000

Literacv, Me 2000 $10.000 so 307 I)e%enth A%enuc Suite 1603 New York . -NY 10001 Special) eai -end 2000pant Sl()0()0

Literacy, Inc 1999 S25,000 so 307 ~)e% enth Avenue Suite 1603 New York, NY 1000 1 Liteia(i piqzia?m in the B?onv ana'Biooklyn S50 Doo

Macalester College 2000 $33,000 $67,000 1600 Grand Avenue Saint Paul MN 55105-1899 Genet it/ vuppo? i slo()()O()

Manhattan College 2000 S100,000 so Ri~erdale . NY 10471 C 1, Stai i Scholai ship Fund S 100.000

Manhallamille College 2000 $10.000 so 2900 Purcha,e Street New York, NY 10577 fit heu of table slo'noo

Mannes College of I%Itisjc[Nc%% School Universitv 2000 $100,000 so 150 Wem 85th Street New 'f ork N~ 10024 Pw(haNe o/neii piano~ S 100,000


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 25


Appro%ed for Recipieril, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 I'm inent Future Pavinent

Marine Biological Labor2forv 2000 S800.000 S600.000 7 M B L Street Wood, Hole, NIA 02543 Conmuctfon ofEtimonmental Sciences Building Sl 400,000

Nlar% mount Manhattan College 100 Marvinowil Avenue Tan-vtomi N-Y 10591 S~vnci if ii m 6 Dinnei S23.500

NlarN mount School 1026 Fifth Avenue New York NY 10028 Capital rampaign6(inancial aid S30000

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77,%1,b,,ichuqeuq Avenue RAI 3-208 Cambridge MA02139 Stai ~ Avian Intei nship p ogiam S6 000,000

The Melrose School RD #2 redeml Hill Road Firew,ter. NY 10509 Financial atel S50000

S50000 so 2000

Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation c/o Leathemeck ~,cholarqhip Ball Corrunutee 145 We,t 45th Street Suite 300 New York NY 10036-4008 In heit of table S25000

NlarN land Institute, College of Art 1300 Mount Roval A%enue Balomore MD21217-4191 C V Sten i ~cholap ~hip Fund S2000()o

















SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 26

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Mercy College 2000 S25,000 so I I Wall Street New York . NY 1 ()(105 In heu of table $25,000

Middlebury College 2000 $100,000 $0 Middlebury, %7 05753 C V Stai P Scholai 4ap Fund S I 00,ooo

Miclcllebur~ College 1998 S 1 .000,000 $2000,000 Middlebun %705753 0i ei , L a ~ In ogi ain v of -School of Lat~zuages $9.(100,000

Missouri Botanical Garden 2000 $150000 S450,000 PO Bo\ 299 St I-oui,, NIC) 63166-0299 Floi a of China Pi olect $600,000

Monterev Institute of International Studies 1998 S200,000 $400,000 42~ %,in Buren mreet Montere%, CA 93940 G? aduate-lei el n aming in rointnei cial dtpltanac~ $1 000 0o0

Mount Holyoke College 2000 $50,000 $0 1~outh I ladley . M A 0 1075-1496 C I Mn ; Schola) Oup Fund S50000

National Center for Learning Disabilities 2000 $50,000 S50000 38 1 Park A% enue South Suite 1401 New York NY 100 16 Genei (if uippot t slooooo

National Council on Economic Education 2000 $25,000 so 145 We,t 451h Street Suite 300 Ne%% York, NY 10036-4008 In helf ol table $25 o(JO



SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) oflniemal Revenue Code - Page 27


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship 2000 $25,000 so 120 Wall Street 29th floor New York, NY 10005 fit hou o/ table $25 000

Neighborhood Youth Association 1999 $30,000 $30,000 3877 Grand% iew Boule%ard Lo, Aiigele~, CA 90066 Genet al vulipot r S9()()()()

New England Aquarium Corporation 2000 S25,000 $25,000 Central Whart Bo,ton, NIA 02110-3199 Teac lici Remit? re Centei S5000o

NeiN England Board ot Higher Education 1998 $50,000 S50,000 4~ Temple Plate Bo,lon [%I A 02111-1305 Nutt England Eat it oinnewal Intei Piship Pi ogi am S2()(j 000

Nei% J ersev Institute ot Technology 1998 S50000 so Unner,jtv Heiglit~ Ne%Nark NJ 07102-1982 .Srholai %hip suppot I $I

Ne%i Jersev Scholars Program 2000 S2,000 $0 PO 13o\ 6008 LawTericeville School L,mTCuLe% ille, NJ 08648 Fiend tit o w holai s $2 .()()()

New York Cily Outward Bound Center, Inc 2()0f) $25.000 so 140 WLII Mrect Suite 2626 Ne%% York, NY 10007 Betielit $25 000

NeNN York Hall ol Science 2000 $50,000 47-M 11 1 Ih 1)[reet Flu,liing, %leado%% , Corojij Park NY 11369

e ( a, i laddci pi og? ant S I()() (11)(i


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 28


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavillent Future Payment

Ne%i York Law School 2000 $200000 $0 i7 Worth Street New York, NY 100 13-2960 C V Sim i Scholai ship Fund S200.000

New York Public Library 1999 $500000 $500,000 51h Avenue and 42nd Street New York NY 100 18-2789 South Coul f P1 og? all? F S1 .500.000

The Neii York Times CompanN Foundation, Inc 2000 $1 000,000 so 119 We,1 43rd Street New York, NY 10036-3959 ~cholai ~hip enelowment S1,000000

Nei% York UniversitN 70 Wa,hingion Square South New York NY 100 12-1091 C V Mell t ~)Cholal ~hlja Filliel S300.000

New York UmNersilv 70 Wa,hington Square South New York NY 10012-1091 C V ~)raii Scholai Mip Funelloi LeovSrhool $Mt) 000

so S100,000 2000

The Ne%% York Times Companv Foundation, Inc 229 Wem 43rd Street New York . NY 10036-3959 ~(hohu dup endoit inellf S1 000000

Nc%% York Uru%ersitN Eliner Bob,( Library 70 Wa,hingwn Square South New York, NY 100 12-1091 C V Mali (enteifoi-4qiaiilPacificl4iiieiicatiSiudents SYM 000




S 1,000MO







SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 29

Approved for he- Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Nei% York Unnersitil 2000 $25000 so Graduate Creili%c NN'riting Program 19 Uni\ er,,ity Place New York. NY 10003-4556

r Wtinngpio.wain ivith institunonahzed dixabled aduft% S25000

Ne%% York Um% ersitN 1996 $175.000 so 113-11-5 LJni\,erqitv Place 9th Floor New York NY 10003-4551

r John M Ohn Pi ofe~ %oy %hip oj Humanities S875000

$200000 2000 $0 Northiiestern UniNersilv 633 Clark Street E%an,tori I L 60208-1100 C J, Sim i ~cholai ship Fund S200000


r 1-1


Ne%% York Universitv/School of Education Elmer Holineq Bob,a Library 70 Wa,hington Square South New York NY 10012 Tearhe? n aming in NYC 0iool diso icis S225 .000

Neii York UnnersilN 110 We,l 3rd Street, 2rld Floor New ~ ork NY 100 12-1074 Nell hialdingpioject S-500 000

Nc%N York UmNersitN 110 Weq 3rd Street, 2lid Floor New York, ' NY 100 1 2-1074 Rool-Tilden-Kern Scholaiship Pi ogi ain SI-ow 000

NinetN-Second Street YoungMen's& Young Women's Hebre" Association 1395 Lexington A%enue Nle%% York NY 10128 hislitutional,Scholai ship Pioglain S5()() 000











SI 600.000



SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal ReN enue Code - Page 30

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

so $215832 Peking University/American Studies Center c/o FY Chang Foundation, USA 1516 P Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Planningpant S431,664



Northwestern University 2020 Ridge ANenue Evdn~ton IL 60208-4307 Beying Llniveisio)-Kellogg Giaduafe School of Management MRA pt ojecf $2()() .()()()

Notre Dame School 104 St Nlark'~ Place Ne~,, York, NY 10009 Finatirial aidfoi lov~ -incoine 31udentN S225 000

Operation Exodus Inner City, Inc 612 'A'L,t 188 Street Suite B Ne%,, ~ ork. NY 10040 .Speciul) ew -end 2000 gi ant S100W)

Orentreich Foundation for the Advancement of Science, Inc . 910 Fifth ANenue NeN,, 'i (irk, NY 10021 Ba,t( inedicalie5eayrh S50,0W)

Pace University I PaLe Plaza New York . NY 10038 ,~tem Srholaiship P? ograin S50(1.000

Partnership for After School Education 120 Broadway Suite 3048 Ne~ York . NY 10271 Genei al Ope? anng Suppoi r S50,0W)




















SCHEDULE (B) Grams to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 31

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Gran( Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Pavinent

Polytechnic University 1999 $100,000 $100000 (I Metro Tech Center Brookl~ii, NY 11 201 Collahwatne piog?ain tit libetal at t~ & coniputei lechnolog) Ssoo,ooo

Portsmouth Catholic Elementar) School 2000 S2,000 so 23() 1 Oregon A% enue Pori,niouth, VA 23701 Genet tit suppol I S1.000

Posse Foundation 2000 S25,000 so 14 Wall Street, 7th Floor Ne%% York, NY 10()()5 Po~,e I wvei~a) Pairne0zipppoia?n $25 ()o()

Pratt Institute 1996 S30.000 so 200 Willoughb~ Avenue Brooklvn, NY 11205 Scholai~hlp fundliti Auan- linet ican 5tudeniq (j/ Cotnmumraiion~ Design $ I 5o ()()()

Princeton Academ % of the Sacred Heart 2000 S50,000 so 10 1 Dra ke' ., Comer Road PrinLeton . NJ 08540 Renovation of 3(hool S~0 000

Princeton University 1999 S100,000 so One Na,,au Hall PriFILeton, NJ 08544 Chiiie%e Rai e Bookv Pirijeri S100,000

Princeton University 1998 $300000 so One Na,,au Hall PrinLelon NJ 08544 The Bendheint Cente? lot Finame S


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 32

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Princeton University 2000 $1 000,000 so One Na,~au Hall Princeton NJ 08544 C V ~iai i Schola? ship Fund S 1,0()(J,000

REACH School of the Bronx, The/ REACH Community School 303 (Treenwich Street NeN% York, NY 10013 Gcncialvippoi i S6()()O(j

S30,000 1999 So


Princeton-in-Asia 12 Di I lon Court Ea~t Princeton Uni%ersil~ Primeton, NJ 08544 Gene, al s uppot i S15,000

Pin Ching Middle School 20, Put Ching Road Ko%%Iooii C I ~)iw r Scholai %hip Fund S150,000

Queens Library Foundation 89-11 Merrick Boulevard Janiaica,N'y 11432 hiremanonal Re~ow ce Cewei S500 000

REACH School of the Bronx, The/ REACH Community School 303 Ureenwich Street New)ork Nr~ 10013 Sperialjeai-ena`2000giaw S50,000

REACH School of the Bronx, The/ REACH Communitv School 303 Greenwich Street NewYork Ni 10013 Rear It Chui ict S(hool S600 000

















SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organ izations quail fymg under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 33


Approved for Recipiew, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavrnent Future PaN ment

Reading bN 91Los Angeles Times 1999 $170,000 S160,000 Lo, Angele,~ Timeq Timeq Mirror Square Loq Arigeles CA 90053 Geneialsuppori $500000

Recording for the Blind & D% slexic 2000 S650000 S650,000 20 Ro,zel Road Princeton, NJ 08540 Technolog) enhancementprojeci SI 300ooo

2000 S50,000 so Replications, Inc TeaLher, College, Columbia Unn ersity Box 132 525 We,t 120th Street New York NY 10027-6696 GenLi al uippoi t S50000

Recording for the Blind & D%slexic 20 Ro,zel Road Prince[on NJ 08540 Development of Audiol'lus digual terhnolog) S 1 ()()() .()()0

The Reece School 180 Ei,t 93rd Street New York, NY 10128 'frquil Ing and oliorlifing 01001fircility S50000

Reed College 3203 Soulllea,t Wood,,lock Boulevard Portland OR 97202-8 199 C V Sfai i Srholat 71up Fund -Chinese A ogiam S100.000

Replicafions, Inc Teacher, College Columbia Uni% er,aty Box 132 525 We,1 120th Street New York W 10027-6696 Speciedjea) -end 2000giant S25 000

1997 S250MO so

2000 $50000 so

2000 S100000 so

2000 S25000 so


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 34


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pivinent Future Payment

Ricardo O'Gorman Garden & Center For Resources 2000 S10 .000 so In the Humanities 23 We,t 129di Street New York, NY 10027 Tuition-fiee elenienicoy school in Harlem S10000

Ricardo O'Gorman Garden & Center For Resources 2000 S10000 so In the Humanities 23 We~l 129th Street New York . NY 10027 Sjoerialjem ena`2000giant Sj0()00

Richard Nixon Librarv & Birthplace Foundation 2000 S334,000 S666,000 18001 Yorba Linda Boule%ard Yorba Linda, CA 92886-3949 Genep al suppoi i S 1 000 000

Saint Ann's School 2000 S125000 $125,000 129 Pierrepont Street BrookMi NY 11201 Copital campaigiijbi neu, building S250.000

Sam( Ann's School 2000 S200,000 so

129 Pierrepoin Street Brookl~-n Height, NY 11201 C P Sten i Srholai Mip Fund S200000

Saint Igmitius School 2000 $75000 $150,000 854 Huju~ Point Avenue Bron.x NY 10474 Genei al opLi ating wippoi i S225 000

Salzbur-1 Seminar 2000 S70000 S140,000 Marble Work, PO BoN 886 Midd]LbUrV vr057-53 C I/ Sra) i Fellou ship Pi op atri S210000

Socieh of the Third Street Music School 2000 $10000 so

Settlement, Inc 235 E1,1 I Ith Street New York, NY 10003 Sperial j eai -end 2000 gi alit S10000


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Re%enue Code - Page 35

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Gran( Grant Year 2000 Pavinent Future Pavinent

School Choice Scholarships Foundation, Inc 2000 S25 .000 so c/o ABCS PO Box 825 Clifton Park, NY 12065 Sperialjeap-end2000giant S25000

School Choice Scholarships Foundation, Inc 1999 S50000 S50,000 c/o ABCS PO Be\ 825 Cliflon Park NY 12065 Scholai5hip5foi eleinetifai) schoolsiudents S 1 50.000

Settlement College Readiness Program 1999 $30.000 $30,000 237 Ei,,t 1041h Street Ne%% York NY 10029 Talew Seal ch pi op am S90000

Skidmore College 1998 S32000 so Saralopa Springq NIY 12866-1632 Financial aid S I

Smith College 1998 S200,000 $400,000 Northamptou MA01063 4da Conwock Scholats PitkQiain Sl 000000

Smith College 2000 S200000 so Norilionipton, N1 A 0 1063 C 11 Mji i Scholai ship Fund S200000

Simikev House Project 2000 $25000 so c/o L F Boker Doyle Two World Trade Center Suite 9400 New ~ ork . NY 10048 Endoll inent callipaqvil S25000


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying tinder Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 36


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grqnt Vear 2000 Payment Future Payment

The Spence School 2000 S100000 $100,000 1-2 Eaq 91,t Street New York . NY 10 128-0657 Landincri A Campaign $200000

The Spence School 2000 $ 100.000 $0 22 Ed,t 91 St Street Nnk York, NY 10 128-0657 C P Stin i Scholap Nhip Fund

Sponsors tor Educational Opportunitv, Inc 2000 S25,000 $0 23 Gr,irnercy Park South New York, NY 10003 Aliddle Srhool himatnes S25.000

St AloNsuis Education Clinic 2000 S10000 so 219 We,t 132nd Street New York, NY 10027 Spee ial)eai -end 2000gyant S10,000

St Aloi sius Education Clinic 2000 S7000 $0 219 \Ve,t 132nd Street New York, NY 10()27 Genei al 5uppo? t S7 000

St AloNsius School 2000 S25.000 so 223 %Ve,t 132nd Street New York NY 10027 Special) em -end 2000giant S25 o00

St AloN sius School 2000 $75,000 $150,000 223 %Ve,,t 131-nd Street New York, N't 10027 .Scholai,ship aid S225,000

St Andrew'sSniince 2000 S10000 $0 290 Quintard Road St Andrew, TN 37372-4000 ~pe(ial) em -ond 2000V ant S10000


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organ Lzations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 37


St John's College 2000 S100000 so

PO Bo\ 2800 Aonapoli~, NID 21404 C V Stai i Srholai 5hip Fund S100.000

Slanlord UmNersitv 1999 S400000 S1,200,000 Stanlord CA 94305 A ualPaciftc .Srholai s Pi as,,) ain S2000000

Staten Island Botanical Garden, Inc 2000 S10.000 so 1000 R]LhMond Terrace Building H SMIL11 ],land NY 10301 Scholai % Dinnet henejit S10000

Stoi%e Schools Foundation for Educational 1999 S15,000 so Ad%ancement PO Box 820 2 Park Street Stowe VT 05672-0820 To ineet Fi ecinan I-oundation rhallenge S30000

SloNNe School District 2000 S200000 so

PO Do\ 340 Morri,ville %rF 05661-0340 C V San i Scholai ship Fund S200 000

Approved for Recipien(, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

St Bernard'sSchool 1998 S50000 so 4 Em 93th Street New York NY 10029-6598 Capital campaign S]50()()O

St Hilda's & St Hugh's School 2000 S250000 S250,000 619 Weq I I 4th Street New York . NFY 10025-7995 Endwonentjoi financial aid S500000

St Hilda's & St Hugh's School 1999 S250000 so 619 Weq 114th Street New York NY 1002i-7993 Libi(n) )enovationpioject S500 ()()()


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 38


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavinent Future Pavment

Sludent/Sponsor Partnership, Inc 2000 $50,000 $100,000 420 Lexington Avenue Suite 2930 New York, NY 100 17 Gellel al suppol 1 S150000

Sludent/Sponsor Partnership, Inc 2000 $25,000 so 420 Lemngton Avenue Suite 2930 New York, NY 100 17 ~pe(ial)eai enr/2000giant S:!S 000

Swarthmore College 2000 SlOOOOO $0 .SOO College A% enue SwarillulOTe PA 10981-1397 C V Srai i ~)rholai ship Fund S 100 000

Teach For America, Inc 2000 $8400 so 315 %Ive,t 36[h Street . 6th Floor New York NY 100 18 Benela S9400

Teich For America, Inc 2000 S500.000 Sl'OOO'OO0 1 ] 5 \Ve,i 36[h Street, 6th Floor New York NY 100 18 Pil,~,Pain eTpanqionlFisher I-annIj challenge S I ~oo ()00

Teich For America, Inc 1999 SIOOOOO S I OMOO 31 .5 We,t 361h Street 6th F'loor New York NrY 100 18 Genei al suppoi i S300000

Teachers College/Columbia Um%ersm 2000 $50,000 S50.000 Box 163 325 We,t 120th Street New 'i ork NY 10027-6696 1-u i leen Tea(hcp In5wine in Hai lem SIOOOOO

The TEAK FelloNN ship 2000 $25 000 so 15 Liq 6~th Street New ) oik, NY 10021 '~Pe(lal) Cal -elld 2000 g/ call S25000


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 39


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Temple Um% ersity 1999 $500000 S500,000 Bea,ley School of Law 1719 North Broad Street Philadelphia. PA 19122-6098 Jonupro~vrayn nith China Universit) ofPolitical Science & Law S1 .500.000

ThUrgood Marshall Scholarship Fund 2000 S25000 so 100 Park Avenue 10th Floor New York NY 100 17 Spertal)eai -end 2000giani S25000

Tougaloo College Tougaloo MS 39174 Scholai, Jai Aradentir Eccellence S 150 000

TrinitN Unnersuiv 715 ~,tadujrn Drive San Anionio I X 78212-7200 C V Stai) Scholarship Fund S100000

TrimtN -P,.i%% ling School 700 Route 22 Pawling. NrY 12564 Oui Hei itage Ow Finau e capital canipaign Sl 000000

TrimIN-Pamling School 300 Route 22 Pawling W~ 12564 C V Sint i Srholat ship Fund S50000

so S50000 2000

Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund 100ParkMenue I0thFIoor New York NY 10017 Srholaishipsjoi quidents at lusfopirallj blarkpublic rollege% and univei Ames S300000

Tougiloo College Tougaloo MS 39174 Financial aid S250000
















United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia 2000 S90,000 $180,000 473 River.,icle Drive Room 1221 New York NY 10 115 HojigK(ii~,ijellt)tt,~hipsfo?jacitli) ofinainlandCluna unnei vues S270000

United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia 2000 $75,000 S150,000 475 lb%er,icle Drive Roorn 1221 New York, NY 10115 China Vi unng Scholai v Pi (~vp ain S225000

United Negro College Fund 2000 S5000000 so 399 Eaq IMain Street Suite 120 Colunibuq OF143215 Technolo.,.f) Enhancement Capital Campaign S5,000.000

Uni%ersitv at Albanv Foundation 1997 $63000 S63,000 Office ofthe Pre,ident Administration 246 SUNY Albany NY 12222 BVIVII-I pi ogiam in ChmcNc Snahe~ and Buuneq% Adaunim ation S315000


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 40

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Vear 2000 Payment Future Pavment

Tutis UniversilN 2000 $500000 $500000 Medlord, %I A (32155 C 11 Sta? i Srholai viap Fund S1 .000000

Tulane UmNersity 2000 $50.000 $100,000 Office ot the Chancellor, SL76 . 1430 Tulane Avenue New Orlean, LA 70112-2699 Finapirial aidto diiadvarifagedstudenrs in inedaine oi heahhrai e S150,000

U S Committee for United World Colleges 1997 S125000 so Gardner Injerriational 13 We,t 9th Street No 3 New York, NY I ()() I I Studenifinanrial aid in India and Venezuela S500'000


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 41


Universm of Hong Kong Foundation for Educational Development and Research Lirruted/Centre of 1999 S93.000 $0 American Studies c/o Hi,tory Department Pokfularn Road Ph D andposf-doctoiallellosi v af Cenf?e ofAineiii-an Sfudie, S186000

UmN ersitN of Houston College of Business 2000 S15000 so Administration Department of Finance 220 Melcher Hall Hou,ton TX 77204-6282 The Edit ai d F Dolan ildeinta ial Fund S150()o

Uni% ersitN of Maine/William S Cohen Center for 1999 $500,000 $0 International Polic) and Commerce 200 Alurain Hall Orono ME 04469-5703 Gene? at suppoi r Sl 000000

Uni% ersitN of Massachusetts, Amherst 2000 S50.000 so De%elopnnentOlfice College of Engineering Bo~ 3i2 10 Arolier,t MA01003-5210 1-inanrial aid S50000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavinent Future P2vment

Um% ersav of California, San Francisco 2000 S50000 $0 U 426 San Franci,co, CA 94143-4969 C V ~iat Y Scholai ship Fund S50 0001

UmN ersiIN of Cape Town Fund, Inc 2000 S50,000 so 509 Nladi~on A% enue Suite 10 1 4 New York NY 10022-5501 C 11 Sun i Srholai ship Fund S-50(0)

Um% ersav of Delaware 1999 S75000 $75,000 104 Hullihen Hall Newark DE 19716-0101 Siudj -IbioadScholaishipPiogiain S22-5 000


SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Intemal Revenue Code - Page 42

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Uru%ersit~ of Miarm School of Medicine/ 2000 S-500000 so Children's Deaf Fund PO Box 248073 CoralGableq FL33124-1210 P1 oJeci slippo? f S~00,000

Um% ersi(N of Puget Sound 1500 North Warner Tacoma WA 98416-0094 Renovation of Collin% Menio? ial Libi at) S 100,000

UmN ersitv of Puget Sound 1500 North Warner Tautuna WA 98416-0094 Building to house humanities department S3()()()00

University of Vermont 8-5 South Pro~pect Street, 1~2 Waternian Building Burling-tori VTO5450-010) %fci it wholen ~hip~ lot out of ~fate ~Iudeni3 S200000

S50000 so 1997

University of Miarm PO Box 248006 Coral Gableq, FL 33124-460() C 1, Sico i Stholen hip Fund S 100,000

UniN ersity of Penns3 IN ama 3833 Cheqtnut Street Suite 130 Philadelphia PA 19104-3106 FLflwi,hip Pi(~giamjoi Indian economic 11,11tels S150000

Uni%erso of PennsvIvania/Wharton School VaTILe Hall 4th Floor 3733 Spruce Street Philadelphia PA 19104-6374 Global Cluna Biwnes~ Initiative to develop 1wei net ~pare in 17teafet Cluna S50000

















SCHEDULE(B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 43


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavinent Future Pavinent

UmNersitN of Vermont 2000 S200,000 $0 Waternian Building Burlinglon . %rr 05405-0160 C I' Star i Scholarship Fund S20().000

Uni%ersitN of Virginia 1999 $50,000 so 110 Millor Hall Charlotte,ville VA 22903 Centei joi South Asion Studies S100.000

Vassar College 2000 S50,000 $150,000 Bo.\ 1 124 Riyniond Avenue Poughkeepme NY 12604-0001 Getter al vuppoi t S200000

N ermont State Colleges 2000 S200000 so PO Box 359 Wmerbury VT 05676-0359 C 1, Star i Scholar Mijo Fiend S200000

N olunteers in Asia 2000 S30000 S30.000 Slanlord Unwerqitv Haa~ Center for Public Ser\ ice, 3rd Floor PC Box 20266 Stanford CA 94309 Volunteer Piogiam S60000

Wake Forest Unnersity 1999 $50000 S50.000 PC Box 7225 Winstcrn-~,alern, NC 27109-7225 Felloit shippiogiam S I ~0 000

Washington College 1998 S1,000,000 $2.000,000 300 Wa,hington A% enue Che,tericom MD21620-1197 Cc met joi tire Study of rite Amer ican Eipei ience S5000000


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 44


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavinent Future Pavnient

Washington College 2000 $200,000 so 300 W&,hingion A%enue Clie~ter[own . MID 21620-1197 C V Stai i Scholai ship Fund S200,000

WellesleN College 2000 $500000 $500,000 106 Central Street Welle,ley MA02180-0821 Capital campaign Sl 000000

WellesleN College 2000 $400000 so 106 Central Street Welle,lev MA02180-0821 C 1, Sim i Srhola? Nhip Fund S400000

Wells College 1999 S25,000 S25,000 Aurora NY 13026 Evpeiimnal lemning stholtu~hippiogiam S75.000

Wesle% an Uni%ersitN 2000 S200000 so Nfiddleto%vti C 1 06459-1501 C V Sim? ~rholay ship Fund S200000

Wheaton College 1999 $25000 S25,000 Notion , NIA 02766 ,%rhola? Mtpfundjoi intei national vtudenf~ S75000

World Press Institute 2000 $24.000 so 1635 Summit Avenue St Paul MN55105 HIM 2000 Fellow0up $24000

Yale Uni% ersitN Press 1998 $300,000 so PO Bo\ 209040 New Ha% en C r 06520-6040 Cultme and Citilizafton ofChma p?(j)ect sl'oooooo


SCHEDULE (B) Grants to Educational Organizations qualifymg under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 45


Approved for payment in installments by the Foundation and first payment made prior to 12/31/2000 A portion of total amount was paid in 2001 (prior to filing of this return) to suit needs of recipient public chanty for its particular project

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Yale University 2000 S100,000 so 265 Church Street, PO Box 2038 New Haven, CT 06521-2038 C Y Starr Scholarship Fundfor Medical Students $100,000

Yale University 2000 $200,000 so 265 Church Street, PO Box 2038 New Haven, CT 06521-2038 C V Starr Scholarship Fund $200,000

Yale-China Association, Inc . 2000 $50,000 so 442 Temple Street, Box 208223 New Haven, CT 06520-8223 General support $50,GOO

Total $51,396,822 $24,277,450


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Chantable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page I


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Ab~ssinian Development Corporation 2000 S100,000 $100,000 131 West 138th Street New York . NY 10030-2303 General support $200000

Abyssinian Development Corporation 2000 $50,000 so t 3 1 We~t 138th Street New York, NY 10030-2303 Special year-end 2000 grant $50~000

Ackerman Institute for the Family 1 49 Eist 78 Street New York. NY 10021 Family-School Collaborative Project $100,000

The Africa-America Institute 380 Lexington Ave 42nd floor New York . NY 10 168-4298 Benc,fir September 22 2000 $60000

Africare Afficare House 440 R Street . NW Washington, DC 20001 Waterfor Child Health Project $180000

$0 $90,000 1999

Academic Medicine Development Company 45 Rockefeller Plaza Suite 918 New York, NY 10 111 AAlDeCgenomics initiative $5,000,000

Academic Medicine Development Company 45 Rockefeller Plaza Suite 91g New York, NY 10 111 Generalsupport $2,000000

Ackerman Institute for the Family 149 East 78 Street New York, NY 10021 Special year-end 2000 grant S10.000

















SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 2


America Harvest, Inc 2000 SIOMO $0 41ntemationalDrive #310 Rye Brook, NY 10573 Generalsupport $10,000

America the Beautiful Fund 2000 $15,000 $0 1730 K Street NW Suite 1002 Washington DC 20006 General support S15,000

America's Second Hanest 2000 $800,000 $1,200,000 35 Fa.,t Wacker Dnve Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60603-6001 National T? anspot tanon Initiative $2.000MO

America's Second HarNest 2000 $250,000 $350,000 35 East Wacker Drive Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60603-6001 Fresh Fish Ininative $600M0

America's Second Harvest 2000 $1,000,000 so 35 East Wacker Drive Suite 2000 Chicago IL 60603-6001 Technology project $1,000,000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

The After-School Corporation t 998 $200,000 $400,000 925 Ninth Avenue New York, NY 100 19 Ptogi am support $1,000,001)

The Albert G Oliver Program 2000 $50,000 $100,000 44 We,t 28th Street Ah Floor New York. NY 1000 1 General support $150,000

The Albert G Oliver Program 2000 $25,000 $0 44 Wet 28th Street 7th Floor New York, NY 1000 1 Specialyear-end 2000 grant $25,000


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 3


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Pavment

America-China Society 1998 $100.000 $0 c/o National Committee on U S -Chm Relations 71 Weqt 23rd Street, Suite 1901 New York NY 100 1 0-4102 General support $300,000

$150,000 American Council of Young Political Leaders 1612 K Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006 General support $225,000

$75,000 2000

American Anore~oa Bulirrua Association, Inc (A-ABA) 165 West 46 Street Suite 1108 New York, NY 10036 General support $10,000

American Assembly 475 Riverside Drive Columbia University New York NY 10 115 Generalsupport $15 .000

American Associates of the Royal Academy Trust 555 Madi~on Avenue Suite 1300 New York, NY 10022 In lieu of table $23000

American Associates of the Royal Academy Trust 553 Madison Avenue Suite 1300 New York. NY 10022 Endowment campaign $400,000

American Committee for Shaare Zedek Jerusalem Medical Center 49 West 45th Street New YorL NY 10036 In heii of table $18 .000

















SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Chantable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 4


American Craft Museum 2000 $2,000 so 40 West 53rd Street New York. NY 100 19 Philippines Craft Project $2,000

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy 1999 S150,000 $150.000 Research 1150 17th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 General support S450.000

American Federation for A,-qng Research 2000 $333,334 $666,666 1414 Avenue of Americas 18th Floor New York, NY 100 19 Endowment campaign $1,000000

American Federation for Aging Research 2000 S75,750 $151,500 1414 Avenue of Americas 18th Floor New York, NY 100 19 Capactry-budding $227,250

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Pavment

American Council on Science & Health 2000 S50,000 $100,000 1995 Broadway 2nd Floor New York, NY 10023-5860 Generalsuppoil S150,000

American Council on Science & Health 2000 $10,000 so 1995 Broadway 2nd Floor New York, NY 10023-5860 Special year-end 2000 grant $10000

American Craft Museum 2000 $5,000 so 40 West 53rd Street New York NY 100 19 Spec ial .~ ear-end 2000grant $5,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ Lzations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 5


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

American Federation for Aging Research 1999 $330.000 $330,000 1414 Avenue ofAinencas l8thFloor New York, NY 100 19 Paul Beesonfaculty scholars program $1 .000,000

American Friends of the Shanghai Museum, Inc 530 East 86th Street New York NY 10028 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

American Iranian Council 20 Na~sau Street Suitel I I Princeton, NJ 08542 Conference $10000

American Medical Foundation For Peer Review & Education The Barclay on Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia, PA 19103 General support $75,000

$75,000 so 2000

American Foundation for AUDS Research 120 Wall Street 13th Floor New York, NY 10005 AIDS vaccine and immunological research $1,000,000

American Friends of the Israel Museum 500 Fifth Avenue Suite 2540 New York, NY 10 110 Treasures of China exhibition, Jerusalem 2001 S200000

American Friends of the Israel Museum 500 Fifth Avenue Suite 2540 New York. NY WHO Generalsuppori $150,000

















SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) ofIntemal Revenue Code - Page 6


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Pavment

The American Place Theatre 2000 $50,000 so I I I West 46th Street New York NY 10036 Urban Writes program $50.000

American Red Cross 2000 $340,000 $660,000 430 17th Street . NW Washington, DC 20086 DiNaster relief and bloodprograms $1 000 000

American Red Cross 1997 $250.000 so 430 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20086 General support (25% to New York City chapter) $1 .000,000

,knuerican Russian Youth Orchestra Bard Hall 410 West 58th Street Suite 3 1A New York, NY 100 19 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

American Russian Youth Orchestra Bard Hall 410 West 581h Street Suite 31A New York, NY 100 19 World tour $200.000

International Society for Yad Vashem, Inc 500 Fifth Avenue Suite 1600 New York . NY 10 110- 1699 General support $25,000

American Symphony Orchestra 850 Seventh Avenue Suite 503 New York . NY 100 19 Genet al support $25,000

2000 $25.000 $0

2000 $25,000 $0

1999 $100,000 so

2000 $25,000 so


SCHEDULE(C) Grants toChantableOrganizauonsqualifyuig under I Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 7

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

American Woman's Economic Development 2000 $50,000 so Corporatiori/AWED 2 16 Fast 45th Street I Oth Floor New York. NY 100 17 To refine e-ristingprograms and improve data collection $50000

$0 2000 Arts Connection 120 West 46Lh Street New York . NY 10036 General support $25,000



American Youth Hostels 891 Anisterdam Avenue New York, NY 10025 Specialyear-end 2000 grant $10,000

American Youth Hostels 891 Ainsterdarn Avenue New York, NY 10025 General support $25 000

Americas Society Inc 680 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021 In lieu of table $10,000

Arthritis Foundation New York Chapter 122 Ea~t 42nd Street New York, NY 10 163-1898 In lieu of table $10000

Arthur F Burns Fellowship Program Inc c/o The International Center for Journalists 1616 H Street NW Third Floor Washington . D C , 20006 International exchange between US and German journalists $15,000

















SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Chantable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 8


The Asia Society/Capital Funds 1997 $1,000,000 S1,000,000 725 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021-5088 Capital campaign $5,000,000

The Asia Society/General 2000 $15,000 $0 725 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021-5088 Corporate membership $15000

The Asia Society/General 2000 $50,000 so 725 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021-5098 In lieu of table $50,000

Asia Societv 2000 $150000 V) 725 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021-5088 Mullidisciplinaty theater work, Forgiveness $150.000

Asia Society 2000 $25 000 so 725 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021-5088 US -India Roundtable $25.000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Asia Injury Prevention Foundation 2000 $100,000 $0 33A Ly Thuong Kiet 4th floor Hanoi Helmetjor Kids program S 100.000

The Asia Society/Annual Fund 1999 $200,000 $600,000 725 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021-5088 Annualfund $I'oooooo


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 9

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Asia Society 2000 S200 000 $0 725 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021-5088 Chinese Cultural Exchange, Javits Center Sept 6-15, 2000 $200,000

Asia Society 2000 $175,000 $175,000 725 Park Avenue New York . NY 10021-5088 Exhibition Monks and Merchants Silk Road Treasures from North"st China, 4th to 7th Century $350,000

Asia Society 2000 $70,000 $0 725 Park Avenue New York . NY 1002 1 -SO88 SheerRealities Clothing and Po"r in the Nineteenth-Century Philippines $70,000

Asia Society 1999 $85,000 $0 725 Park A~enue New York, NY 10021-5088 India-China Relatiom Project $170.000

Asia Society 1998 $35,000 $0 725 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021-5088 South Asian Distinguished Leaders Forum $105,000

Asian Art Foundation of San Francisco 1998 S1,000,000 $0 Chong-Moon Lee Center Golden Gate Park San Framisco, CA 941 18 C V Starr Chinese Gallenes $5 .000,000

Asphalt Green 2000 $25,000 $0 555 East 90th Street New York, NY 10 128 Special yea? -end 2000 grant $25,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying tinder Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 10


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Asphalt Green 1999 $50,000 $100,000 555 Ea,,t 90th Street New York, NY 10 128 Public schoolfitness programA $200,000

Asphalt Green 1997 $1.5,000 $0 5S~ Fa.,t 90th Street New York, NY 10 128 Community Youth Partnership Swim Program $ 100,000

Association of the Bar of the City of New York 42 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036-6689 RISE butiativelElderlaw, Project S100,000

The Atlantic Council of the United States 910 17(h Street, NW Suite 1000 Washington. DC 20006 China 2020 Institutionalizing Change $150,000

Autism Society of Los Angeles 1612 West Olive Avenue Suite 201 Burbar-Lb. CA 91506 Annual conference $5000

B'nai B'rith International 923 United Nations Plaza Suite 715 New York, NY 100 17 In lieu of table S25.000

Ballet Tech Foundation, Inc Lawrence A Wien Center for Dance & Theater 890 Broadway New York, NY 10003 Special yea? -end 2000 grant $5,000

2000 $5,000 $0

1999 $50,000 $0

1999 $75,000 so

2000 $5,000 so

2000 $25,000 $0


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page I I

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future P2yrnent

Ballet Theatre Foundation, Inc 2000 $25,000 $25,000 Lawrence A Wien Center for Dance & Theater 890 Broadway New York, NY 10003-1278 GLnetalsupport $50,000

Ballet Theatre Foundation, Inc 2000 $150,000 $0 Lawrence A Wien Center for Dance & Theater 890 Broadway New York, NY 10003-1278 China tour $150,000

Ballet Theatre Foundation, Inc 2000 $50,000 so Lawrence A Wien Center for Dance & Theater 890 Broadway New York NY 10003-1278 China tour $50,000

Bargernusic, Ltd 2000 $10,000 so Fulton Ferry Landing Brooklyn, NY 11201 Spetialyear-end 2000 grant $10,000

Bargernusic, Ltd. 1999 $25 .000 $25,000 Fulton Ferry Landing Brooklyn, NY 11 201 Young Arasts Performance Fund S75,000

Bay Ridge Council on the Aging Inc 2000 $25,000 so c/o Shore Hill Housing Adirunistrative Otfices 9000 Shore Road West Building Brooklyn, NY 11209 Bridge Line program $25,000

Beacon of Hope House, Inc 1999 $40,000 $40,000 116 East 16th Street, 5th Floor New York, NY 10003 Residenualjariho~ $120,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 12

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Pavment

Beth Israel Foundation, Inc 2000 S2,000 so Uo Beth Israel 2000 Second Centar-y Ball 1123 Broadway, Suite 707 New York, NY 100 10 Benefit November 12 2000 $2,006

1998 $33,000 Betty Ford Center 39000 Bob Hope Drive Rancho MLmge, CA 92270-3297 Summer Institurejor Medical Students S100.000

East Harlem Churches and Community Urban Center 2000 P 0 Box 1201 119 East 106th Street New York, NY 10029 Learning Center programs $25 000

$0 S125 .000 2000 Boy Scouts of America 350 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 100 18 Scoutt each Program $125 000


East Harlem Churches and Community Urban Center 2000 P 0 Box 1201 119 East 106th Street New York, NY 10029 Special year-end 2000 grant $10,00()

BRC Human Services Corp 191 Chrystie Street New York, NY 10002 Special year-end 2000 grant $10,000

BRC Human Services Corp

191 Chryqtie Street New York, NY 10002 Genetal support $50,000













SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Chantabie Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 13

Approved for Recipient, Purpom Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Pavment

Boy Scouts of America 2000 $5,000 so 350 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 100 18 In lieu of table $5,000

Boy Scouts of AinericafWestchester-Putnam Council 2000 $2,000 so 41 ~)aw Mill River Road Hawthorne . NY 10532 General support S2,000

Boy Scouts of Ainenca[Westctiester-Putnam Council 2000 S2,000 $0 41 Saw Mill Piver Road Hawthorne, NY 10532 Generalsupport $2.000

Boys & Girls Club of Northern Westchester 2000 $10,000 $0 3S I Main Street Mount Kisco, NY 10549 In lieu of table S10,000

Boys & Girls Club ot Northern Westchester 1999 $125,000 so 351 Main Street Mount Kisco, NY 10549 Capital expansion and renovation $250,000

Boys & Girls Clubs of America 2000 $125,000 $375,000 Northeaqt Service Center 3 Wc~t 35th Street 9th Floor New York, NY 1000 1 -2204 General support S500.000

The Boys Choir ot Harlem, Inc . 2000 S20,000 $20,000 PO Box 669 Triborough Station New York, NY 10035 Generalsupport S40,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 14


Boys Hope/Girls Hope 2000 $1.5,000 so PO Box 080345 Staten Island . NY 10308-0003 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

Boys Hope/Girls Hope 2000 $25,000 so PO Box 080345 Staten I.Qand . NY 10308-0003 In lieu of table $25.000

Boys Hope/Girls Hope 1998 $100,000 $200,000 PO Box 080345 Staten Island, NY 10308-0003 A Place to Call Home $500,000

Boys Town 2000 $25,000 $0 Boys Town, NB 68010 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

Boys' Club of New York 2000 S166,667 $333,333 287 East l0thStreet New York, NY 10009 R EA D Program $500,000

Brewster Little League 2000 $2,000 $0 2503 Carmel Avenue Suite 10 1 Brew~ter, NY 10509 General support $2.000

The Bridge Fund of New York City 2000 $50,000 $0 271 Madison Avenue Suite 907 New York, NY 100 16 Special year-end 2000grant S50,0U0

Approved tor Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

The Boys Choir of Harlem, Inc 2000 S10,000 so PO Box 669 Triborough Station New York, NY 10035 Special year-end 2000 grant $10,000



SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) ofinternal Revenue Code - Page IS

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

The Bridge Fund of New York City 1999 $50,000 so 271 Madion Avenue Suite 907 New York, NY 100 16 General ~upporr $100,000

Brookdale Center On Aging of Hunter College 2000 $50,000 $0 11 14 Avenue of the Americas 40th Floor New York, NY 10036 Program support $50,000

The Brookings Institution 1999 $200,000 $0 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036-2188 IndialSouth Asia Program $400,000

The Brookings Institution 1997 $200,000 $200,000 1775 Massachusetts Avenue. NW Washington, DC 20036-2188 Northeast Asia Centerfor policy analysis $1,000000

Brooklyn Academy of Music 2000 $170,000 $330,000 30 Lafayette Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217-1486 Generalsupport $500,000

Brooklyn Botanic Garden 2000 $150,000 so 1000 Washington Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11225-1099 Renovate Viewing Pavilion in Japanese Hill-and-Pond Garden $150,000

Brooklyn Bureau of Community Service 2000 $25,000 $0 285 Schermerhorn Street Brooklyn, NY 11217 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,00o


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 16


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Brooklyn Children's Museum Corp 1999 $35,000 $35,000 145 Brooklyn Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11213 Capital Campaign $105,000

Brooklyn Kindergarten Society 2000 $30,000 $30,000 1360 Fulton Street Suite 513 Brooklyn, NY 11216 Generalsupport $60,000

Brooklyn Kindergarten Society 2000 $10,000 so 1360 Fulton Street Suite 513 Brooklyn, NY 11216 Special year-end 2000 grant $10,000

Brooklyn Institute of Arts & Sciences 2000 $10,000 so 200 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 In lieu of table $10,000

Brooklyn Institute of Arts & Sciences 2000 S100,000 $200,000 200 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 Libraries Renovation Plan $300,000

Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra 1999 $50,000 $0 One Hanson Place Suite 1806 Brooklyn, NY 11243-2900 Music program andfinancial stabilization S75,000

The Brother's Brother Foundation 1999 $10,000 $10,000 1200 Galveston Avenue Pittsburgh . PA 15233-1604 Books Across the Sea $30,000

The Burden Center for the Aging, Inc 2000 $23,150 so 445 Ea,,t 85th Street New York, NY 10028 Benejit November 27 2000 $25,000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

The Burden Center for the Aging, Inc 2000 $1,000,000 so 445 East 85th Street New York, NY 10028 Towa?dpurchase ofpermanenr space $1,000,000

The Burden Center for the Aging, Inc 1999 $100,000 $100,000 445 East 85Lh Street New York, NY 10028 Gene? al support $300,000

Cancer Care, Inc 1999 S25,000 $25,000 275 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 1000 1 Gene? al support $75,000

Carimoor Center for Music & The Arts, Inc 1999 $83,000 $84,000 PO Sox816 Katonah . NY 10536 Capital campaign S250,000

CARE Foundation 2000 $SO'OOO $0 650 First Avenue 2nd Floor New York, NY 100 16 Emergency Response Fund $5(),0()0

The Caring Community 1998 $50,000 $0 20 Washington Square North New York, NY 100 11 At-Home Services S150,000

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 1998 $SOO,000 so 1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036 RussialEurasia Program $1,500000

Carnegie Hall 2000 $25,000 $0 981 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 100 19 Geneial vupport $25,000


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section SO I (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 17


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Intemil Revenue Code - Page 18


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Carnegie Institution of Washington 1998 $200,000 so 1530 P Street N-W Waslungton, DC 20005-1910 Public science education S600000

The Carter Center 1999 $200,000 S600,000 Campaign Office One Copenhill Atlanta, GA 30307 Endowment S1,0001000

Casita Maria, Inc . 2000 $50,000 so 928 Simpson Street Bronx . NY 10459 Specialyear-end 2000 grant $50,000

Casit2 Maria, Inc. 1999 $20,000 $20,000 9.28 Simpson Street Bronx, NY 104S9 General support $60000

Cathedral Community Cares Inc. 2000 $50.000 $100,000 t047 Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street New 't ork, NY 10025 Outreach programs $150,000

Catholic Big Brothers 2000 $2,000 so 45 East 20th Street New York, NY 10003 Sports Buddies New Yorkprograin $2,000

Catholic Big Sisters 2000 $10,000 so 220A Fast 4th Street New York, NY 10009 Spec ial year-end 2000 grant $10.000


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 19

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Center for Economic Development 1999 $125,000 $125,000 1 Bulgaria Square NDK Admtn Office CapitaYBuilding Fl I I Sofia, 1463 Bulgaria Generalsupporf $375 000

Center for Family Life in Sunset Park 2000 $50,000 $0 345 43rd Street Brooklyn, NY 11 232 Specialyear-end 2000grant $50.000

Center for Family Life in Sunset Park 2000 $75,000 $75,000 345 43rd Street Brooklyn, N-Y 11232 General~uppoii $150,000

Central Park Conservancy 2000 $25,000 $0 14 East 60th Street 8th Floor New York, NY 10021 2000 Olmsted Award Luncheon $25,000

Central Park ConserV2ncy 2000 S100,000 $200,000 14 Ea~t 60th Street 8th Floor New York . NY 10021 General~upport $300,000

Centre for Legislative EXCh2nge 2000 $25,000 so

250 Albert Street Ottawa . KiP 6M I Legislative Visits Program $25,000

The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center 2000 $25,000 $0 70 LiIILOln Center Plaza New York, NY 10023-6852 Educational acavines $25,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ izations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 20

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

so $50,000 2000 The Children's Aid Society 105 East 22nd Street New York . NY 100 10 Specialyear-end 2000grant $50,000


Channel Thirteen/ N"ET Educational Broadcasting Corp 450 West 33rd Street 6Lh Floor New York, NY 1000 1 New York A Documentary Film project $100000

Channel Thirteen/ WNET Educational Broadcasting Corp 450 We,~t 33rd Street 6th Floor New York, NY 1000 1 Documenta7y series Becoming Americans, 7he Chinese Experience $300,000

Channel Thirteen/ WNET Educational Broadcasting Corp 450 West 33rd Street 6th Floor New York, NY 1000 1 In lieu of table $50.000

Channel Thirteen/ VVNET Educational Broadcasting Corp 450 Wet 33rd Street 6th Floor New York, NY 1000 1 Conversion to digital 7T $2,500,000

Chesapeake Bay Foundation 162 Prince George Street Annapolis, MD 2t40I Covenant to save Chesapeake Bay $ I P00,000

The Children's Aid Society 105 Fit 22nd Street New York, NY 100 10 Community School~ Project $500,000




















SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ izations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 21

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Children's Orchestra Society 1998 $50,000 $0 1355 Northern Boulevard Manhasset, NY 11030-3007 General support $150,000

China Development Research Foundation 2000 S70,000 so No 225 Chaoyangmen Nei Dajie, Dongcheng District Beijing 100010 China Restructuring China's Social Security System Funding, Operations and Governance S70.000

China Institute in America 1999 $200,000 $200,000 125 Faqt 65th Street New York, NY 10021-7088 General support $600,000

Chinatown Action for Progress 2000 $25,000 so 125 Walker Street New York, NY 100 13 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation 2000 123,500 $0 500 Morris Avenue Springfield, NJ 07081 Benetit November 14 2000 $25,000

Church Avenue Merchilms Block Association, Inc 2000 $25,000 so 1720 (hurch Avenue 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11226 Special year-end 2000 grant $25000

Church Avenue Merch2nts Block Association, Inc . 2000 $50,000 $100,000 1720 Church Avenue 2nd Floor Broob,lyn, NY 11226 Geneiulsuppo?l $150~000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 22

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Church of Our Lady of Victory 2000 $10,000 $0 60 William Street New York, NY 10005 Specialyear-end 2000 grant slo,000

$25,000 $0 2000 Citizens' Committee for Children of New York tO5 Fi,~t 22nd Street New York, NY 100 10 Genet al support $25,000


Church of Our Lady of Victory 60 William Street New York, NY 10005 Genet al support $60,000

Church of Sk Paul & St Andrew 263 We~t 86th Street New York, NY 10024 Special year-end 2000 grant MOW

Church of St . Paul & St . Andrew 263 West 86th Street New York, NY 10024 West Side Campaign Against Hunger $300000

The Church of The Ascension 221 West 107th Street New York, NY 10025 Refu? bish soup kitchen andfoodpantry at Senior Citizen Center S50,000

The Church of The Ascension 221 West 107th Street New York, NY 10025 Special year-end 2000 grant $10 .000


















SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Chantable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 23

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

City Harvest, Inc 2000 $100,000 so 575 Eighth Avenue, 4th Floor New York, NY 10018 Special year-end 2000 grant S100,000

City Harvest, Inc. 1998 $100,000 $200,000 575 Eighth Avenue 4th Floor New York, NY 100 IS Strategic plan to alleviate hunger in New York City $500,000

City of Hope 2000 $20,000 $0 Development Center 1055 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017 In lieu of table S20,0oo

City of Hope 1998 $250,000 $250,000 Development Center 10S5 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017 New hospital project $1,000,000

Citymeals-on-Whcels 2000 $100,000 $0 355 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 100 17 Specialyear-end 2000 grant S100,000

Citymeals-on-Whecis 1998 $100,000 $0 355 Lexington Avenue New York. NY 100 17 Generalsuppon $500,000

Coalition for the Homeless, Inc 2000 $50,000 $0 89 Chambers Street 3rd Floor New York. NY 10007 Special year-end 2000 grant $50,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 24

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Coalition for the Homeless, Inc 1999 $30,000 S30,000 99 Chambers Street 3rd Floor New York, NY 10007 GeneralAupport $90,000


$150,000 $150,000 2000 Community Food Resource Center, Inc 39 Broadway 10th Floor New York, NY 10006 FoodInUtritiOn programs and capacity-building $300,000


Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons/Health Sciences Division Office of Development 100 Haven Avenue Suite 29D New York, NY 10032-2626 Clinical Research Center in VisionlEdward S Harkness Eye Institute $1,000,000

Common Ground Jobs Training Corp 14 Ea,~t 28th Street New York, NY 100 16 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

Common Ground Jobs Training Corp. 14 Fa,,t 28th Street New York. NY 100 16 Job training program $50,000

The Community Center 84 Bedford Road Katonah. NY 10536 Pantry and emergenty clothing programs $81,000

Community Food Resource Center, Inc. 39 Broadway loth Floor New York, NY 10006 Spetialyetu -end 2000grant S100.(100
















SCHEDULE(C) Grants to ChantableOrganizations qualifyuig under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code , Page 25

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

The Community Foundation for the National Capital MOO S500,000 so Region 11 12 16th Street NW Suite 340 Wa~hington, DC 20036 Sperial year-end 2000grant $500,000

Computers for Youth Foundation Inc 2000 $5,000 so 419 Lafayette Street 7th floor New York, NY 10003 Special year-end 2000 grant $5,000

Computers for Youth Foundation Inc 2000 $20,000 so 419 Ufdyette Street 7th floor New York, NY 10003 Generalsupport S20,000

Conservancy for Historic Battery Park 2000 $25,000 $0 120 Broadway Roorn 3340 New York, NY 10271 Special year-end 2000 grant $25 000

Conservancy for Historic Battery Park 1999 $25,000 $0 120 Broadway Room 3340 New York, NY 10271 General support $50,000

The Corcoran Gallery of Art 2000 $100,000 so 500 17th Street NW Wa,hington, DC 20006-4804 Genei al support $1()0,000

Cornell University 1998 $756,000 so 525 East 68th Street New York, NY 10021 C V Star? Laboratory of Molecular Neuropharmacology in Ane.sthesiology $2,250,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations quahfyuig under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 26

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Cornell University/Medical College Department of 2000 $5,000,000 so Cardiology 525 EaA 68th Street New York, NY 10021 Airial Fibrillation Basic Re~earch Program $5,00n 000

Weill Medical College of Cornell University 1300 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Genetic medicine program $15,000,000

2000 $15,000,000

Council on Foreign Relations 2000 58 Ea~t 68th Street New York, NY 10021 Endowment - Centerjor Global Economic~ and Security $5.000,000

$0 1998 $33,000 Covenant House 346 West 17th Street New York, NY 100 11 -SO02 Shelter and servicesjor homeless and runaway teenagers $100,000


Council on Foreign Relations 58 Ea~t 68th Street New York, NY 10021 Economic endowment grant $500,000

Council on Foreign Relations 58 Eat 68th Street New York, N~ 10021 China 2025 program $300,000

Covenant House 346 West 17th Street New York, NY 100 11-5002 Special year-end 2000 grant S50,000














SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 27

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation 2000 $25,000 so 625 Jamaica Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11208 Special year-end 2000 grant $25.000

Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation 1999 $50,000 $50,000 625 Jamaica Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11208 Institutional capacity building program $150000

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 1996 $400,000 $0 44 Buiney Street Boston . MA '1 115 Genetic Screening and Risk Intervention Program S2,000,000

Dance Theatre ot Harlem 2000 $50,000 so 466 We~t 152nd Street New York, NY 10031-1896 Shanghai Festival of the Arts S50.000

Dieu Donne P2permill, Inc 1998 $5,000 $0 433 Broome Street New York, NY 100 13-2622 Generalsupport $15,000

Doctors of the World-USA Inc 2000 $10,000 so 3 75 WeNt Broadway 4th floor New York, NY 100 1 2 In lieu of table S10,000

Doctors Without Borders 2000 $100,000 $200,000 6 East 39Lh Street 8th Floor New York, NY 100 16 Emergency Relief Fund $300,000

Doctors Without Borders 2000 $50,000 so 6 Ea,,t 39th Street 8th Floor New York . NY 100 16 Special year-end 2000 grant $50000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 28


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

The Doe Fund, Inc 1999 S25,000 $0 232 Ea .,t 84th Street New York, NY 10028 General support $50,000

The Doe Fund, Inc . 2000 $50,000 so 232 East 84th Street New York, NY 10028 Specialyear-end 2000grant S50000

The Door 2000 S2S,000 so 121 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 100 13 General support S25,000

The Drawing Center 2000 $25,000 so

35 WooNter Street New York, NY 100 13 Fund For The Future capital campaign S25,000

Ealing, Hammersmith and Fulham Mental Health 1998 S7S,000 so NHS Trust Uxbridge Road Southall Middlesex UB I 3EU The Corsellis Collection S300,000

Early Music Foundation 2000 S10,000 $0

1047 Anisterdarn Avenue New York, NY 10025 Generalsupport $ 10,000

East Harlem Employment Service, Inc . 2000 $25,000 so

1820 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10029 Specialyear-end 2000graw $25,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ izations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 29

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

East Harlem Employment Service, Inc 1998 $25,000 S25,000 1820 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10029 Clark Foundation challenge grant $100000

East Side House Settlement 2000 $50 .000 $0 337 Alexander Avenue Bronx. NY 10454 Special year-end 2000 grant $50.000

East Side House Settlement 2000 $25.000 S50,000 337 Alexander Avenue Bronx NY 10454 After-School Program $75,000

New York Easter Seal Society Inc 2000 $25,000 so 300 Park Avenue 17th Floor New York, NY 10022 Project Discovery daycare center in Port Jervis $25,000

EastWest Institute 2000 S50,000 $50,000 700 Broadway New York, NY 10003 General support $100000

Economic Strategy Institute 2000 $150,000 $300,000 1401 H Street, NW Suite 750 Wa,hington, DC 20005 Generalsupport $450,000

Educational Alliance, Inc, The 1999 $100,000 $100,000 197 Eat Broadway New York, NY 10002-5598 Generalsupport $300,000

Educational Alliance, Inc , The 2000 $50.000 $0 197 Ea~t Broadway New York . NY 10002-5598 Spec talyear-end 2000 grant $50,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 30

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Gran t 'y e2 r 2000 Payment Future Payment

Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, Inc 2000 $200,000 so 256 South 16th Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 Single Nation Program on Russia $200,000

$12,000 so 2000 Environmental Concern, Inc PO 130X P St Michaels.MD21663 Scholarshija5 for seminars in weflana!S management $12,000


Amigos Del Museo Del Barrio, Inc 1230 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10029 General support $25000

Elaine Kaufman Cultural Center 129 We~t 67th Street New York, NY 10023 Merkin Hall Tuesday matinee concerts S20,000

Elizabeth T McNamee Memorial Fund, Inc PO Bo,~ 213 West Islip, NY 11795 Second Annual Memorial Run $2,000

The Emmanuel Cancer Foundation 346 Park Avenue SLOtLh Plains, NJ 07076 Supportforjamilies of children with cancer $45,000

The Enterprise Foundation 90 Fillh Avenue Sixth Floor New ~ ork . NY 100 11-8002 General support $200000

















SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 31

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future P2vment

Environmental Defense Fund 2000 $210001000 $3,000,000 257 Park Avenue South New York, NY 100 10 Reduce greenhouse gases through economic incentives and corporate partnerships S5,000,000

Episcopal Social Services 2000 $35,000 $35,000 305 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 1000 1-6008 Murray Hill Senior Citizen Center and general support $70,000

Eurasia Foundation, Inc . 2000 S340,000 $660,000 1350 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036 EERCproject at Kiev Mohyla Academy in Ukraine $1 000000

Executive Council on Foreign Diplormits, Inc 2000 $25,000 $0 818 Connecticut Avenue NW 12th Floor Washington, DC 20006-2702 General ~ upporr $25,000

Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy 2000 $100,000 so PO Box 196 Libertyville, IL 60048 Gene? at support $100,000

Family To Family, Inc . 2000 $10,000 $0 c/o Carroll County State Bank Box 67 Carroll 1AS1401 Genei al support $10,00o

Family To Family, Inc . 2000 $10,000 $0 c/o Carroll County State Bank Box 67 Carroll, IA 51401 Special year-end 2000 grant $10,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ izations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 32

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year ZOOO Payment Future Payment

FEDCAP Rehabilitation Services Inc 2000 S25,000 $0 211 West 14(h Street New York, NY 10011-7157 Special year-end 2000grani $25,000

Foreign Policy Association 470 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10016-6819 Great Decisions television serteA $150,000

so 2000 $150,000


FEDCAP Rehabilitation Services Inc 21 1 West 14th Street New York, NY 10011-7157 Post-placenient client counseling and capacia building $200,0b()

Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, Inc 281 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, Inc. 281 Park Avenue South New York, NY 100 10 General ~ upport $150,000

Food for Survival, Inc Hunts Point Co-op Market 355 Food Center Drive Bronx, NY 10474 Specialyear-end 2000 grant $100,000

Food for Survival, Inc Hunts Point Co-op Market 355 Food Center Drive Bronx. NY 10474 Warehouse racking and ~ofrware $350,000

Foreign Policy Association 470 Park Avenue South New York, NY 100 16-6819 Great Decisions television series $8,000




















SCHEDULE(C) Grants to ChantableOrganLntionsquafifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 33

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Payment

Foreign Policy Association 2000 $25,000 so 470 Park Avenue South New York- NY 100 16-6819 Great Decisions television series $25 000

$10.000 Fountain House 425 West 47Lh Street New York. NY 10036-2304 Specialyear-end 2000grant $10,000

2000 so


Foreign Policy Association 470 Park Avenue South New York, NY 100 16-6819 Great Decisions on Campus $300,000

Forest Hills Community House 108-25 62nd Drive Forest Hills. NY 11375 Generalsupport $150~000

Forest Hills Community House 108-25 62nd Drive Forest Hills, NY 11375 Specialyear-end 2000grant $50,000

Foundation for International Arts & Exhibitions 4630 Montgomery Avenue Suite 210 Bethe~da, MD 20814 Projects to prese"e historicallcultural legacy of former USSR $250000

Fountain House 425 West 47th Street New Yorl, NY 10036-2304 Generalsoppo7i $100,000

















SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 34

The Fresh Air Fund 2000 $300,000 so 633 Third Avenue, 14th Floor New York, NY 100 1 7 Capitalfund $300,000

The Fresh Air Fund 2000 $23,000 $0 633 Third Avenue, 14th Floor New York, NY 100 17 Specialyear-end 2000grant $25.000

The Fresh Air Fund 1999 $50,000 $50,000 633 Third Avenue 14th Floor New York, NY 100 17 General support $150000

Friends of China Heritage Fund, Ltd 1997 S250,000 $0 440 West End Avenue New York, NY 10024 China heritage conservation project $1 000,000


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Franciscan Community Center at Holy Name of Jesus 2000 $25,000 so Roman Catholic Church, Inc 214 West 97th Street New York, NY 10025 Special year-end 2000 grant S25,000

Franciscan Sisters of the Poor Foundation, Inc 1998 $30,000 $0 708 Third Avenue Suite 200 New York. NY 100 17 Ft anciscan Sisters of the Poor Health System Inc $90,000

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 1999 $83,000 $83,000 1100 Fairview Avenue North P 0 Box 19024 Seattle . WA 98109-1024 Solid Tumors Program $250,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations quahfyuig under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 35



Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pa~rnent Future Pavment

Friends of the Family Academy, Inc 2000 $23,000 so 240 West I Mh Street New York, NY 10026 Special year-end 2000 grant $25.000

Futures and Options Inc 2000 S10,000 so 120 Broadway Suite 3340 New York, NY 10271 Special year-end 2000 grant $10,000

Gildn's Club, Inc 2000 $25,000 so 195 West Houston Street New York, NY 100 14 Program support S25 .000

Girl Scouts of the United States of America 1998 $33,000 so 43 West 23rd Street New York, NY 100 10-4283 Reeves Foundation challenge grant $100000

God's Love We Deliver, Inc 1999 $50,000 -$50,000 166 Avenue of the Americas New York. NY 100 13 General support $100.000

God's Love We Deliver, Inc 2000 S100,000 so 166 Avenue a f the Amencas New York NY 100 13 Specialyear-end 2000 grant $100.000

Goddard-Riverside Community Center 2000 $50.000 $0 593 Columbus Avenue New York. NY 10024-1998 Specialyear-end 2000 grant $50000

Goddard-Riverside Community Center 1999 $70,000 $60,000 593 Columbus Avenue New York, NY 10024-1998 General support $200000


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 36


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

The Goldman Memorial Band 2000 $2,000 so 80 Eighth Avenue Suite 1107 New York, NY 100 11 General support $2,000

Good Shepherd Services 2000 $75,000 $150,000 305 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 1000 1 Progra~ in the Red Hook Brooklyn area $22S,000

Good Shepherd Services 2000 $50,000 $0

30S Seventh Avenue New York, NY 1000 1 Special year-end 2000 grant $50,000

Goodwill Industries of Greater New York 2000 S25,000 so 4-21 27th Avenue Astoria, NY 11 102 Special year-end 2000 grant $2S,000

Grand Street Settlement 2000 $50,000 $0

80 Pitt Street New York, NY 10002 Special year-end 2000 grant S50,000

Grand Street Settlement 1998 $25,000 $0

80 Pitt Street New York, NY 10002 General support $75.000

The Greenberg Medical Research Institute, Inc 1999 $6,468,985 S2,170,067

c/o New York Presbyterian Hospital 525 Ea~t 68th Street New York, NY 10021 Establish Instituie $12,724,225

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Group I Acting Company Inc 1998 $33,000 so PO Box 898 New York. NY 10 108 Generalsupport SIOO,()00

Habitat For Humanity 2000 $2,000 $0 334 Furman Street Brooklyn, NY 1 1 201 Lunches during Jimmy Carter Work Project $2,000

Habitat For Humanity 2000 $50,000 $0 334 Furman Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Special year-end 2000 grant $50,000

Habitat For Humanity 1999 $150,000 $450,000 334 Furman Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Jimmy Carter Work Project 2000 $1,000,000

Habitat For Humanity 1999 $40,000 $0 334 Furman Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 General support $80,000

Hamilton-Madison House, Inc 2000 $40,000 $40,000 50 Madison Street New York, NY 10039 Generalsupport $80,000

Hamilton-Madison House, Inc . 2000 $50,000 so 50 Madison Street New York, NY 10038 Special yeat -end 2000 grant $50.000

Harbor for Boys and Girls 2000 $25,000 so I East 104th Street New York, NY 10029 Special year-end 2000 grant $25000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ Lzations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 37


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ untions q uali fying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 38

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pa~niejit Future Pavinent

Harlem RBI Inc 2000 $10,000 so PO Box 871 Hell Gate Station New York, NY 10029 General support and program development $10,000

$200,000 $600.000 1999 Hebre%~ Home for the Aged at Riverdale 5901 Palisades Avenue Riverdale, NY 10471 Generalsupport $1 .000.000


Hartley House 413 Weqt 46th Street New York, NY 10036 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

Hartley House 413 West 46th Street New York NY 10036 Genetalsupport $150,000

The Healthcare Chaplaincy Inc 307 East 60th Street New York, NY 10022-1505 General support and office expansion $300,000

Heart to Heart International 401 South Clairbome Suite 302 Olathe . KS 66062 Neo-natal resuscitation training and mobile eye hospital in China $15,000

Hebrew Home for the Aged at Riverdale 5901 Palisades Avenue Riverdale, NY 10471 Special year-end 2000 grant $50.000

















SCHEDULE(C) Grants to ChantableOrganizations qualifying under Secuon 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 39


Helen Keller Worldwide International, Inc 2000 $100,000 $200,000 90 West Street Suite 200 New York, NY 10006 itlodels for Improving Efficiency of Eye Care Services in China $300000

Helen Keller Worldwide International, Inc 2000 $250.000 $250,000 90 West Street Suite 200 New York, NY 10006 ChildSight Program $500,000

Henry Street Settlement House 2000 $50,000 $0 265 Henry Street New York, NY 10002-4899 Special year-end 2000 grant $50,000

Henry Street Settlement House 1999 $50,000 $50,000 265 Henry Street New York, NY 10002-4899 General support $150,000

Heritage Health Care 2000 $100,000 $0 Heritage Health and Housing, Inc 1727 Amsterdam Avenue New York. NY 10031 Diabetes detection prevention and treatment program in the Harlem area S100.000

ApproNed for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Payment

Heights & Hill Community Council, Inc 2000 $25.000 so 160 Montague Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Special year-end 2000 grant $25.000

Helen Keller Worldwide International, Inc 2000 $50,000 $0 90 West Street Suite 200 New York, NY 10006 Special year-end 2000 grant $50,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 40


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Pavinent

Highbridge Community Life Center, Inc 2000 $25,000 $0 979 Ogden Avenue Bronx NY 10452 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

Highbridge Community Lite Center, Inc 2000 $50,000 so 979 Ogden Avenue Bronx, NY 10452 General support $50.000

Himalayan Cataract Project, Inc 1999 $25,000 $25,000 c/o Geoffrey C Tabin, MD I S Prospect Street. 4th Floor Burlington, VT 05401-3456 Himalayan Cataract Project $75000

Hole In the Wall Gang Camp Fund, Inc 2000 $100,000 $0 555 Long Wharf Drive New Haven. CT 06511 Special year-end 2000grant $100.000

Hole In the Wall Gang Camp Fund, Inc 2000 $500,000 $0 5S5 Long Wharf Drive New Haven, CT 06511 Endowmentfor Barretstown Gang Camp in Ireland $500.000

Hole In the Wall Gang Camp Fund, Inc 1998 $100,000 $200,000 555 Long Wharf Drive New Haven, CT 06511 Camper scholarship program $500000

Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen 2000 S100,000 $200000 296 Ninth Avenue New York . NY 1000 1 Generalsupport $300000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 41


Approved for Recipient, Purpose~ Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

HolN Apostles Soup Kitchen 2000 $100000 so 296 Ninth Avenue New York . NY 1000 1 Reservejund $100.000

Institute for Political Economy 1998 $100,000 so Stanford University Stanford. CA 94305-6010 Ideas defining afree society campaign $300,000

The HOPE Program 2000 $30,000 $0 157 Montague Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Program support $30,000

H6pital Albert Schweitzer/Grant Foundation 2000 $25,000 $0 1410 Magellan Drive #101 Sarasota, FL 34243 Special year-end 2000 grant $25.000

Horticultural Society of New York 128 West 58th Street New York, NY 100 19 General support $75,000

Hospital for Special Surgery 535 Fast 70th Street New York NY 10021 Di~covery to Recovery research campaign $5,000000

Hospital for Special Surgery 535 Eabt 70th Street New York NY 10021 Millennium gala $25000

Hour Children, Inc 36-11 A 12 Street Long Island City, NY 1] 106 Early childhood learning center $25,000

2000 $25,000 so

1998 $25,000 so

2000 S5,000,000 so

2000 $25 000 $0


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Chantable Organizations qualifying tinder Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 42


Institute for International Economics 1999 $330,000 $330,000 11 Dupont Circle NW Wa~lungton, DC 20036-1207 New headquarters building $1 000000

Institute ol Chinese Culture & Arts 2000 $15,000 $0 245 Grand Street New York, NY 10002 Reiro.spective e-Thibition of Dong Kingman paintings $15.000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Hudson Institute 2000 S200.000 so Herman Kahn Center 3395 Emerson Way Indianapolis, IN 46226 Projectfor Conservative Reform $200,000

Institute for Child, Adolescent and Family Studies 2000 $25000 so 15 Charles Street Suite 7-E New York, NY 100 14 Chancesfor Children project S25 .000

Institute for Civil Justice 2000 $150.000 so 1700 Main Street PO Box 2138 Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138 Positioning the United Statesfor Global Leadership in the 21st Cerauty $150,000

Institute for Civil Justice 2000 S75,000 $0 1700 Main Street PO Box 2138 Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138 General support $75,000

Institute for International Economics 1998 $100,000 so I I Dupont Circle NW Wa.,hin&ton DC 20036-1207

Project to counter backlash against globalization in Asia $300000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Payment

International A-IDS Vaccine Initiative 2000 $3,350,000 $1,650,000 110 William Street . 27th Floor New York, NY 10038-3901 AIDS vaccine research S3,000.000

International Charitable Fund of Bermuda 1997 S10000 $10,000 PO BoK HM 1624 Hamilton, WA GX Education Qjjicer Endowment Fund $50000

International Institute of Rural Reconstruction 1998 $50,000 $0 475 Riverside Drive Room 1035 New York, NY 10 115 Economic development in Third World countries $150.000

International Rescue Committee, Inc . 2000 $48,750 $0 122 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10 168-1289 Benefit, November 15, 2000 $50,000

International Rescue Committee, Inc 1999 $333,000 $333,000 122 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10 168-1289 General support $1 000,000

International Rescue Committee, Inc 2000 S100,000 so 122 Fast 42nd Street New York, NY 10 168-1289 Special year-end 2000 grant $100000

International Rescue Committee, Inc 1999 $250,000 $250,000 122 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10 168-1289 New health initiativejor refugees $750.000

International Research & Exchanges Board 1999 S2,330000 so 1616 H Street NW Washington, DC 20006 China Eurasia Caspian and Central Europeprograms $3,495.000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 43


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 44


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pa) men t Future Pa) ment

Interracial Council for Business Opportunity 2000 $2.000 $0 350 Fi [1h Avenue Suite 2202 New York, NY 10 118 General support $2000

Inwood House 2000 $75.000 $150.000 320 FaNt 82nd Street New York. NY 10028 Teen Choice program $225 .000

Jacob A Rats Neighborhood Settlement House 2000 $25,000 $0 10-25 Forty-First Avenue Long INIand City . NY I I 10 1 Specialyear-end 20OOg?ant $25,000

Jamestown Foundation 1999 $100,000 $0 1528 l8th Street NW Washington, DC 20036 Publications programs $200000

Japan Society, Inc 333 Ei~t 47th Street New York, NY 100 17 Perjot ming Arts Program 2000-2001 $230000

Japan Society, Inc. 333 East 47Lh Street New York, NY 100 17 Loral Fellowships $450,000

Japan Society, Inc 333 East 47th Street New York . NY 100 17 Japan ForumlSpeakers ofJapan $112500

$75,000 $37 .500 2000

Japan Center for International Exchange 1251 Avenue of the Americas Suite 8 10 New f orK, NY 1 0020 U S -Japan Congressional Sitiff Exchange Program $300,000











SCHEDULE(C) Grants to ChantableOrganizationsclualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 45


Approved for Recipient, Purpose~ Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future P2vment

Jazz at Lincoln Center, Inc 2000 $100,000 $100,000 33 West 60th Street New York, NY 10023-7999 Frederick P Rose Hall Capital campaignfor new building $200,000

The Jerusalem Foundation, Inc 2000 $500.000 $0 11 Rivka Street P 0 Box 10 18 5 Jerusalem 91101 Improvements to Sheikh Jarrah Health Center East Jerusalem $500,000

Jesuit Volunteer Corps East 2000 $10.000 $0 Eighteenth and Thompson Streets Philadelphia, PA 19121 Special year-end 2000 grant $10,000

Jewish Child Care Association 2000 $10,000 $0 120 Wall Street New York, NY 10005 Special year-end 2000 grant $10.000

The Jewish Museum 2000 $25 000 so 1109 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10 128 In lieu of table $25 .000

John F Kennedv Center for Performing Arts 1999 $50,000 so 2700 F Street NW Wa~slungton, DC 20566-0001 /00 Club Corporate Fund $100000

The Joseph P Addabbo Family Health Center 2000 $500000 $500,000 67-10 Rockaway Beach Blvd Arverne NY 11692 Capital support $1,000,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to ChantableOrganizationsqualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Iriternal Revenue Code - Page 46


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Pavinent

The Joseph P Addabbo Family Health Center 2000 S50,000 so 67-10 Rockaway Beach Blvd Arverne, NY It 692 Generalsupport S50,000

Joyce Theatre Foundation, Inc 2000 $30000 S30,000 175 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10011 General support S60,000

Joyce Theatre Foundation, Inc 2000 $100.000 so 175 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 100 11 Endowment Challenge Campaign $100,000

Just One Break, Inc 1998 $25,000 $0 1 20 Wall Street New York, NY 10005 Placement of the disabled into competitive employment $75,000

Keewaydin Foundation 2000 $100000 $200,000 10 Keewaychn Road Saw,bury, V-1 05769 Contribution to endowment $300,000

Kenmore Association, Inc 1999 $333,000 $333,000 1201 Washington Avenue Frederu,k~burg . VA 22401 Paydown of mortgaize $1 .000,000

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Inc 1999 $25,000 $25,000 3 101 Kingsbridge Terrace Bronx NY 10463 Generalsupport $75,000

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Inc 1999 $30,000 so 3101 Kingsbridge Terrace Bronx, NY 10463 Earl

' v CollegeAwarenesslCollege Directions Prograin



SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Lnternal Revenue Code - Page 47


LA's Best 2000 $3,000 $0 Office of the Mayor 200 North Main Street - Suite 700 Los Angeles, CA 90012 General support $3,000

Lawyers Alliance for New York 2000 $25,000 $0 330 Seventh Avenue 19th Floor New York NY 1000 1 Generalsupport $25 000

League tor the Hard of Hearing 2000 $100,000 $100,000 7 1 Wet 23rd Street New York, NY 100 10-4162 General operating and program support S200,000

Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc 2000 $50.000 $0 3 3 1 East 70 Street New York, NY 10021 Special year-end 2000 grant $50000

Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc 1999 $50000 S50,000 33 1 Ea .,t 70 Street New York, NY 10021 General support $150000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavinent Future Payment

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Inc 2000 $25,000 so 3 101 KLngsbndge Terrace Bronx. NY 10463 Special year end 2000 grant $25,000

Korea Society 1999 $100,000 $100,000 950 Third Avenue 8th Floor New York, NY 10022-2705 General support $300,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 48


Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts 2000 $200,000 so 70 Lincoln Center Plaza New York, NY 10023-6583 Consolidated Corporate Fund $200,000

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts 2000 $25 000 so 70 Lui~oLn Center Plaza New 'i ork, NY 10023-6583 In heu oj table S25,000

Lincoln Center Theater/The Vivian Beaumont 2000 $75,000 S150.000 Theater, Inc ISO West 65th Street New York, NY 10023-6975 Genet al support S225,000

Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health 1999 $50 .000 so

Sri . ICU, [INC 426 Ea,t I I 9th Street New York, NY 10035 General support S100000

Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service, Inc

1-000 SSO'000 $0

426 Eat I I 9th Street New York, NY 10035 Specialyear-end 2000 grant $50000

Lower East Side Family Union 2000 $15000 so 84 Stanton Street New York, NY 10002 Gene?al support S15000

Approved for Recipien(, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Pn~ iment

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts 2000 $50000 so 70 Lincoln Center Plaza New York, NY 10023-6583 Out-of-Doors Summer Series $50000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizauons qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 49


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Payment

Lower East Side Tenement Museum 2000 $5,000 $0 66 Allen Street New York, NY 10002 Specialyear-end 2000grant $5 .000

Loi%er Manhattan Cultural Council 5 World Trade Center Suite 9235 New York. NY 10048 Specialyear-end 2000grant $10.000

Lutheran Medical Center 150 55Lh Street Brooklyn, NY H 220-2574 Effective Asthma Control Education and Family Support Center $156.900

Make the Road by Walking, Inc 301 Grove Street New York, NY 11237 Specialyear-end 2000grant SSMO

$5,000 so 2000

Lower East Side Tenement Museum 66 Allen Street New York, NY 10002 Generalsupport S25,000

Lower East Side Tenement Museum 66 Allen Street New York, NY 10002 Generalsupport $15.000

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council 5 World Trade Center Suite 9235 New York, NY 10048 General support $25~000

















SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 50


Manhattan School of Music 1998 $33,000 $0 120 Claremont Avenue New York, NY 10027-4698 Annual Acholarshipfund $100,000

The Mansfield Center for Pacific Affairs 2000 $100,000 S100,000 1401 New York Avenue, NW Suite 740 WaNhington, DC 20005-2102 Rule of Law pro)ect $200.000

Mary McDowell Center for Learning 2000 $10,000 so 20 Bergen Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Specialyear-end 2000 grant $10,000

Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers of New York 2000 $350,000 $0 P 0 Box 306 New York New York 10545-0306 Upgrading offacilitiesfor elderly at Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital $350,000

Approved for Rccipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pivinent Future Payment

Make the Road by Walking, Inc 2000 $10,000 so 301 Grove Street New York, NY 11237 5uninier teaching position andpantry needs $10,000

Manhattan Institute for Policy Research 2000 $25,000 $0 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York, NY 100 17 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

Manhattan Institute for Policy Research 2000 $25.000 $0 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York, NY 100 17 Barriers to Building project $25,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to ChantableOrganizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 51


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Pavinent

Medical College of Wisconsin 1999 $75,000 $75.000 8701 Watertown Plank Road P 0 Box 26509 Milwaukee, W1 53226-0509 Aurounmune Diseases Registry $225,000

Medical Education for South African Blacks 1999 $75,000 S150,000 120 Adbany Street Suite 8 10 New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Scholarshipfund $300,000

Meharry Medical College 2000 $1,000,000 $0 1005 D B Todd Boulevard Nashville, TN 37208 Lihrary endowment $1,000,000

The Mental Health Association of New York Cit~, Inc 2000 $25,000 so 666 Broadway Suite 200 New YOTK, NY 100 1 2 General support $25.000

Meridian International Center 2000 $S0,000 $0 1630 Crescent Place NW Washington, DC 20009 Iranian Art Exhibition $50000

The Metropolitan Museum of Art 2000 $25,000 so Fiflh Avenue at 82nd Street New York, NY 10028 Annual Corporate Beneji'r $25000

The Metropolitan Museum of Art 2000 $125,000 $0 Fiflh Avenue at 82nd Street New York . NY 10028 Laser microscopefor Paper Conservation Department $125000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 52


ApproNed for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Pavrnent

Metropolitan New Yorl, Coordinating Council on 1000 $87,000 so Jewish Poverty 80 Maiden Lane, 21 Floor New York, NY 10038 Ko~her Food Expansion Program $87,000

Melropolitan Opera Association, Inc 1999 $500,000 $0 Lincoln Center New York, NY 10023 Young Artist Development Program $1 000,000

Metropolitan Opera Association, Inc 1997 $1,000000 $1,000,000 Lincoln Center New York NY 10023 C V Starr Fellows Fund $5,000.000

Mid-Manhattan Center, Inc 2000 $5,000 $0 109 Eat 50th Street New York, NY 10022 Special year-end 2000 grant $5,000

rylid-Shore Community Foundation, Inc 1999 $25,000 $25,000 PO Box 1187 Easton, N1 D 21601 Character Counts' Talbot County Program $75000

Middle East Institute 2000 $25,000 $0 1761 North Street NW Washington DC 20036 Gene?al suppoi t $25.000

Mineola Choral Societv 1999 $5,000 $5.000 PO Box 651 M ineola . NY 1 1501 Generalsupport $15000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 53


ApproNed for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 P2vment Future Pqvment

MiraMed Institute 2000 $75,000 so 241OW Manor Place Suite 504 Seattle WA 98199 Humanitarian aulfor displaced and orphaned children in Russia $75000

Monleflore Hospital and Medical Center 2000 $1,000,000 so I I I East 2 10th Street Bronx NY 10467-2490 South Bronr Health Centerfor Children and Families $1 000,000

Morehouse School of Medicine 1998 $150,000 $0 720 Westview Drive SW Atlanta GA 30310-1495 Endowed scholarshipjand $450,000

Mount Smai School of Medicine 2000 $20,000 $0 One Gustave L Levy Place Box 1223 New York. NY 10029-6574 Crystal Ball $20000

Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden/ 1999 $50,000 so Colonial Dames of America 421 East 61st Street New York NY 10021 General supporifor Mt Vernon Hotel Mweum & Garden $100,000

Museum of Modern Art 2000 $100,000 $0 11 West 53rd Street New York, NY 100 19 Annual support $100000

Museum of Modern Art 1999 $500,000 so I I We,[ 53rd Street New York. NY 100 19 MoMA 2000 program $1,000,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying tinder Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 54


Music Associates of Aspen 1997 $2S.000 so 2 Music School Road A,pen, CO 81611 Studenijuiancial aid $100,000

Music Center, Inc /Performing Arts Center of 2000 $25000 so Los Angeles County 717 West Temple Street Suite 400 Los Arigeles, CA 90012-2616 Per ,forming Arts 2000 Campaign $25000

Music Center, Inc /Performing Arts Center of 1998 $1,000,000 $0 Los Angeles County 717 We,~t Temple Street Suite 400 Los Angeles . CA 90012-2616 Comtruction of Wait Disney Concert Hall $5,000,000

Music of the Baroque Concert Series, Inc 2000 $15,000 $30.000 100 North LaSalle Street Suite 1610 Chicago, IL 60602 Educational Outreach Program $45000

NfusicaRussia Foundation 1998 S50000 so 767 Fifth Avenue 26th Floor New York NY 10 15 3 Tours & collaborations $150,000

National Academy Foundation 2000 $25,000 so Dinner Committee Headquarters 145 West 45 Street, Suite 300 New York . NY 10036-4008 In lieu of table $25.000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pqyment Future Payment

Museum of the City of New York 2000 $10,000 $0 1220 Fifth Avenue at 103rd Street New York NY 10029 In lieu of table $10000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizitions qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 55


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Pavment

National Academy of Design 2000 $25000 so 1083 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10 128 Specialyear-end 2000grant $25000

National AEDS Fund 1998 $100.000 so 1030 15th Street NW Suite 860 Washington, DC 20005 National challenge grant $300,000

National Association of Japan-America Societies 1999 $12000 $12,000 733 Fifleenth Street NW Suite 700 Washington, D C 20005 Generalsupport $36,000

National Center for Disability Services 1996 $5,000 $0 201 1 U Willets Road Albert,son, NY 11507 Nathaniel H Kornreich Technology Center $25,000

National Center on Addiction and Substance %buse at 1000 $25,000 $0 Columbia University 633 Third Avenue New York, NY 100 17-6706 In lieu of table $25000

National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at 1000 $23,000 $0 Columbia University 633 Third Avenue New York, NY 100 17-6706 In lieu oj table $25000

National Chamber Foundation 2000 $1,000000 $0 1615 H Street NW Wa~lungton, DC 20062 Generalsupport $1 000,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 56


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pa~ men t Future PaN inent

National Chamber Foundation 1999 $500,000 so 1615 H Street NW Washington, DC 20062 Legal Rejorm Campaign $1,000000

National Choral Council 1998 $10,000 so 1650 Broadway New York, NY 100 19 Genei al suppot t $30,000

National Committee on United States-Chma Relations 1999 $250000 $250,000 71 Wem 23rd Street 19th Floor New York NY 100 10-4102 Communication and mutual understanding betiveen Chinese and Aniet ican leaders, professionals and students $750000

National Conference for Community and 2000 $4,000 so Justice/NCCJ 70 West 36th Street Suite 1004 New York, NY 100 18 [it licit oj table $4.000

National Endo"Ment for Democracy 1998 $100,000 so 110 1 FifleeriLli Street NW Suite 700 Waqhingion, DC 20005-5000 Internarzonal Conference Series S300,000

National Executive Service Corps 2000 $50,000 $50,000 120 Wall Street l6th Floor New York . NY I OOOS Generalsupport $100,000

National Fallen Firefighters Foundation 1999 $50,000 $0 PO Drawer 498 16825 South Seton Avenue Ertinlitsburg MD 21727 General3upport $100,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ moons quali fyuig under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 57


National Multiple Sclerosis Society[New York Cit) 2000 $61,000 so Chapter 30 West 26th Street 9th Floor New York NY 10010-2094 Social worker position a1US Comprehensive Care Center $61 000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

National Gallery of Art 1999 $36,000 $72,000 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 621 Washington DC 20004 Fellowships in East Asian art $144,000

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 1997 $500,000 so Building 31 Room 7AO8 National Lnstitute of Health BetheNda, MD 20892 Indo-US Vaccine Action Program $2,000000

National Jewish Nlechc2l and Research Center/ National Jewish Center for Immunology and 2000 $75,000 $0 Respiratory Medicine 450 Seventh Ave Suite 2305 New York, NY 10 123 Healthcare to the indigent and underinsured S75,000

National Legal Center for the Public Interest 2000 $10,000 $0 1000 16th Street NW Suite 500 Wa,,hington, DC 20036 General support S10,000

National Legal Center for the Public Interest 2000 $5,000 $0 1000 16th Street NW Suite 500 WaqhLngion, DC 20036 In lieu of table $5000

National Multiple Sclerosis Society/New York City Chapter 2000 $2000 so

30 We,,t 26th Street 9th Floor New York, NY 100 1 0-2094 MS Walk 2000 $2.000


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifyttig under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 58


ApproNed for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pqvnient Future Payment

National Shakespeare Cornpan~ 2000 $25,000 so 353 West 48th Street New York . NY 10036 Shakespeare to the Quick educational outreach program $25,000

National Urban League, Inc 1999 $100,000 S100000 120 Wall Street New York . NY 10005 Cainpaignjot Ajrican-American 4chievement $3ftOOO

Native 4merican Preparatory School 1999 $60000 $0 2019 Galisteo Street, C3 Santa Fe NN4 87505 Scholarship Partners program $120,000

NafiNity Mission Center, Inc 1999 $75000 $75,000 204 Forsyth Street New York, NY tOO02 Generalsupport $225,000

Nativity Mission Center, Inc . 2000 125,000 $0 204 Forsyth Street New York NY 10002 Spectalyeat -end 2000 grant $25000

The Nature Conservancy 1999 $200,000 $600,000 4245 North Fairfax Drive Suite 100 Arlington . VA 22203-1606 Yunnan National Park in China $1,000,000

Nazareth Housing, Inc 2000 $50,000 $0 519 East I I th Street New York NY 10009 Special year-end 2000 grant S50,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 59


Near East Foundation 2000 $40,000 so

342 Nladison Avenue Suite 1030 New York, NY 10 173 Generalsupport $40,000

Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter, Inc 2000 S25000 $0 157 Fast 86th Street New York, NY 10028 Special year-end 2000 grant $25000

Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter, Inc 2000 $37,500 S37,500 157 EaNt 86th Street New York, NY 10028 Generalsupport $73,000

Neighborhood Initiatives Development 2000 $30,000 $0

Corporation, Inc 2523 Olinville Avenue Bronx, New York 10467 Generalsupport S30,000

Neighbors Together Corp 2000 $8,000 so 160 Thomas Boyland Street PO Box 330-562 Brooklyn. NY 11233-0015 General support $8,000

New Alternatives for Children, Inc 2000 $100.000 $200,000 37 West 26th Street New York, NY 100 10 Generalsupport $300000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Nazareth Housing, Inc 1999 $75.000 $75000 5 19 Eabt I I Lh Street New York. NY 10009 Multi-faintly dwelling renovation project $225,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qual-ifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Intemal Revenue Code - Page 60


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Pavment

New Alternatives for Children, Inc 2000 $3.500 37 Wet 26LK Street New York NY 10010 In lieu oftable $3,500

New Alternatives for Children, Inc 2000 S25,000 so 37 West 26th Street New York, NY 10010 Special year-end 2000 g? ant $25000

New Destiny Housing Corporation 2000 $142,000 so 2 Lafayette Street 3rd Floor New York . NY 10007 BronA flouseJor abused women and their children $142000

Neis Jersey Symphony Orchestra 1.000 $250,000 so 2 Central Avenue Newark, NJ 07102-3173 Capital campaign $250,000

New J ersey Symphon~ Orchestra 1997 $50,000 $0 2 Central Avenue Newark NJ 07102-3173 To establish NJSO in New Jersey Performing Arts Center S200,000

The New York Academy of Sciences 1998 $200000 $400,000 2 Eam 63rd Street New York, NY 10021 Fundingfor the Technology in Economic Development initiative S1,000,000

New York Blood Center 2000 $2000,000 so 310 Eat 67th Street New York, NY 10021-6295 Expansion of the Placental Blood Program $2,000.000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to ChantabIcOrganizauons quahfymg under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 61


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future P2vmenI

New York City Opera, Inc 2000 $100.000 $200,000 New York State Theater 20 Lincoln Center New York, NY 10023 American Composers project and new productions $300,000

New York City Police Foundation, Inc 1999 $50,000 $50,000 345 Park Avenue New York NY 10154-0037 Crime Stoppers Program $150000

New York City Police Foundation, Inc 2000 $100000 so 345 Park Avenue New York NY 10154-0037 Special year-end 2000 grant $100,000

New York City Voluntar) Action Corporation 2000 $10,000 so 346 Broadway State 907 New York, NY 10013 Vererans'Day Parade to honor Korean War veterans $10,000

New York Foundation for the Arts 1999 $15,000 $15,000 155 Avenue of the Americas NewYork NY 10013-1507 General support $4s'000

New York Landmarks Conservancy 2000 $23,000 $0 141 Fillh Avenue New York NY 100 10 General support $25,000

New York Landmarks Conservancy 2000 $10.000 $0 141 Fillh Avenue New York, NY 100 10 Special year-end 2000 grant $M000

New York Philharmonic 2000 $125,000 $125,000 Avery Fisher Hall 10 Lincoln Center Plaza New York, NY 10023-6973 Free Parks Concerts S250.000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 62


Approved for Recipient, Purpose~ Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

New York Philomusica Chamber Ensemble 2000 $10,000 $0 105 West 73rd Street New York, NY 10023 General support $10.000

N Y Police And Fire Widows and Children's Benefit 1-000 $25,000 $0 Fund, Inc 50 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard Suite 500 Union"e. NY 11533~3600 /it heu of table $25,000

N Y Police And Fire Widows and Children's Benclit 2000 S500,000 $0 Fund, Inc 50 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard Suite 500 Uniondale . NY 11553-3600 Genepalsupport $500,000

New York Shakespeare Festival 2000 $50,000 $100,000 425 Lafayette Street New York, NY 10003 Shakespeare in Central Put k $150000

The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund 229 We~,t 43rd Street New York NY 10036 Generalsupport $ 1 .000MO

New York University 341 Eam 25th Street New York, NY 100 10 Poqt-doctoralfellowships in malaria vaccine research $400,000

S 1 60,000 1998 $80000

New Vnrk Shil,mlicare Festi~al 425 Lafayette Street New York, NY 10003 Special year-end 2000 grant S25,000



$25 000





SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organtattons qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 63


The New York Women's Foundation 2000 $10,000 so 120 Wooster Street New York, NY 100 12 Special year-end 2000grant $10,000

The New York Women's Foundation 2000 $25.000 $0 120 Wooster Street New York, NY 100 1 2 Generalsupport S25000

New York-Presbyterian Hospital 2000 $1,750000 so 525 Fat 68Lh Street New York, NY 10021 Faculrypomizons and medical student trammgprograms $1,750,000

New York-Presbyterian Hospital 2000 S10,000000 so 525 East 68Lh Street New York, NY 10021 Endowmentfor new Department of Neurosurgery $10000,000

New York-Presbyterian Hospital 2000 $10,000,000 so 525 Fast 68th Street New York, NY 10021 Major Modernization Program $10,000,000

New York-Presbyterian Hospital 2000 $400,000 $300,000 525 Fast 68th Street New York, NY 10021 New moulity program in the Gastroenterology & Hepatology division $700,000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Pavment

New York University 2000 $250000 so 345 Eam 24Lh Street New York, NY 100 10 Mobile Denial Clinic $250000


SCHEDULElC) Grants to Charitable Organizations quahfyuig under Section 501 (c)(3) orInternal Revenue Code - Page 64


Ninety-Second Street Young Men's & Young 1000 $25,000 so

Women's Hebrew Association 1395 Lexington Avenue New York . NY 10 1 28 BenoJil January 30 2001 $25,000

Notre Dime School 2000 $25 000 so 104 St Mark's Place New York . NY 10009 Special year-end 2000grant $25,000

NYU Downtown Hospital 2000 $25000 so 170 William Street New York NY 10038 In lieu of table $25~000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavirient Future Pivirient

New York- Presbyterian Hospital 2000 $48,250 $0 525 EaNt 68th Street New York . NY 10021 bi lieu of table $48,250

Ninety-Second Street Young Men's & Young 1-000 S10,000 so Women's Hebrew Association 1395 Le-kirigion A~enue New York, NY 10 128 In lieu qj table $10,000

Ninety-Second Street Young Men's & Young 2000 $150~000 $300,000 Women's Hebrew Association 1395 Lexington Avenue New York NY 10 128 60+ Progranifor Seniors $430,000

Ninety-Second Street Young Men's & Young 2000 $25,000 so Women's Hebrew Association 1395 LeKington Avenue New York, NY 10 1 29 Specialyear-end 2000 grant $25,000


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 65


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

NYU Downtown Hospital 1999 $2500.000 so 170 William Street New York, NY 10038 Endowment of Chinese Community Partnership for Health $5,000.000

Ocean Reef Medical Center Foundation, Inc 1996 $5000 $0 30 Ocean Reef Drive Key Largo, FL 33037 Services expansion and cashflow $25,000

Opera Orchestra of New York, Inc 2000 $30,000 so 239 West 72nd Street New York, NY 10023 Generalsupport $30000

Orbis International, Inc 2000 $2,500.000 $0 330 We,,t 42nd Street Suite 1900 New York, NY 10036 Major gifts campaign $2,500.000

Orpheon,ine 2000 $5.000 so 330 West 42nd Street 12th Floor New York, NY 10036-6902 Chancesfor Children Program $5.000

Pan Asian Repertory Theatre 2000 $25,000 $50,000 47 Great Jones Street New York . NY 100 1 2 General support $75,000

Pan Asian Repertory Theatre 1998 $25000 $0 47 Great Jones Street New York, NY 100 12 Generalsupport $75~000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 66


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Park Slope Christian Help, Inc 2000 S20,000 $0 200 Fourth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217 Genet al support $20,000

Park Slope Christian Help, Inc 2000 S5,000 $0 200 Fourth Avenue Brooklyn . NY 11217 Specialyear-end 2000grant $5,00(1

Partnership for a Drug-Free America 1999 $200,000 W0,000 405 Lexington Avenue Suite 1601 New York. NY 10 1 74 Pi ogram support S1 .000,000

Pinil Taylor Dance Company 2000 $250,000 $250,000 552 Broadway New York, NY 100 12-3947 Stiategicplan implementation for international tours $500,000

Per Scholas 131 Walnut Avenue Bronx, NY 10454 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

Per Scholas 131 Walnut Avenue Bronx. NY 10454 Capitaljunds and computer training $100.000

1998 $33,000 so

Paul Taylor Dance Company 552 Broadway New York NY 10012-3947 451h Anniversary Opening Night Celebration $10000

2000 $10,000 $0

2000 $25,000 so


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ izauons quah fying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 67


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Pavment

Phipps HousesfPhipps Commum" Development 1-000 $125.000 $125,000 Corporation 43 West 23rd Street New York, NY 100 10 Endowmentfund $250000

Phipps HousesfPhipps Communit~ Development Corporation 43 Wem 23rd Street New York, NY 100 10 General support S I 50MO

Phoenix House Foundation, Inc 164 Weqt 74 Street New York, NY 10023-2401 In lieu of table $15.000

Phoenix House Foundation, Inc 164 West 74 Street New York, NY 10023-2401 General operating support $225 .000

Phoenix House Foundation, Inc 164 West 74 Street New York. NY 10023-2401 Specialyear-end 2000grant $20,000

Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington DC, Inc 1108 16th Street NW Washington . DC 20036 program support $60,000

S60.000 so 2000

Phipps Houses/Phipps Community Development Corporation 43 West 23rd Street New York, NY 100 10 Special year-end 2000 grant $50,000

















SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organi7ations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 68


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pa~ment Future Pa~nient

Planned Parenthood or Metropolitan 2000 $20,000 $0 Washington DC, Inc 1108 1601 Street NW Washington, DC 20036 Special year-end 2000 grant $20,000

Planned Parenthood of New York City, Inc 2000 $50,000 $100,000 Margaret Sanger Square 26 Bleeker Street New York, NY 100 1 2 Direct health care service programs $150,000

Planned Parenthood of New York City, Inc 2000 $20,000 so Margaret Sanger Square 26 Bleeker Street New York NY 100 1 2 Special year-end 2000 grant $20,000

Police Athletic League, Inc . 2000 $75,000 $0 34-1/2 East 12th Street New York. NY 10003 In lieu of table $75,000

Police Athletic League, Inc 2000 $500,000 $1,000,000 14-1/2 Fa,a 12[h .qlreet New York . NY 10003 Generalsupport $1,500,000

Police Athletic League, Inc 2000 $50,000 $0 34-1/2 East 12th Street New York, NY 10003 Special yeai -end 2000 grant $50~00()

Premier HcalthCare 2000 $100,000 $125.000 460 West 34Lh Street New York, NY 1000 1 Genet al support $225,000


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organtzations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 69


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Prep for Prep 2000 $25,000 $0 328 West 7 1 st Street New York, NY 10023 In lieu of table $25,000

Prep for Prep 1999 $25000 so 328 West 7 1 st Street New York NY 10023 General support $30,000

Prep for Prep 2000 $25,000 $0 328 West 71st Street New York. NY 10023 Special year-end 2000 grant $25 .000

Primary Care Development Corporation 1999 $500,000 $500,000 291 Broadway, 17th Floor New York, NY 10007 Primary healihcarejacilines in disadvantaged communities $1,500,000

Princess Margarita of Romania Foundation 1998 $50,000 so 866 United Nations Plaza Suite 568 New York, NY 100 17 Community Health Care Programs $150,000

Project Hope 1999 $500000 $500,000 7500 Old Georgetown Road Suite 600 Bethesda, MD 20814-6133 Shanghai Children's Medical Center $1,500.000

Project Hope 2000 $100000 so 7500 Old Georgetown Road Suite 600 Bethesda MD 20814-6133 In lieu of table $100,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ tzations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 70


Approved for Recipient, Purpose . Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Project on Ethnic Relations 1999 $300,000 so I S Chambers Street Prinueton NJ 08542-3707 General ~ upport $600000

$2,000 so 2000 Putnam County Jaycees PO Box 72 Carmel NY 10512 Annual Christmas dinnerfor senior citizens $2000

Park Slope Project Reach Youth 199 l4h Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 Program support and capacity-budding $50.000

Project Renewal, Inc 200 Vanck Street New York, NY 100 14 Specialyear-end 2000giant $25,000

Project Renewal, Inc 200 Vanck Street New York, NY 100 14 Generalsupport S50.000

Prospect Park Alliance 95 Prospect Park We.,t Brookly., NTV I I ? I In lieu ofiable $25,000

Prospect Park Alliance 95 ProSj)eLt Park West Brooklyn, NY 11215 Woodlands Campaign $150,000

Public Radio International (PRf) 100 North Sixth Street Suite 900A Miftneapoliq, MN 55403 The World and Marketplace news programs $50,000




















SCHEDULE(C) Grants to ChantableOrgantzations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 71


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Pavment

Putnam Hospital Center Foundation, Inc 2000 S200000 $300,000 666 Stoneleigh Avenue Carme), NY )0512 Capital campaignfor renovation and expansion of the Emergency Department $500000

Putnam Hospital Center Foundation, Inc 1998 $100,000 $0 666 Stoneleigh Avenue Carmel . NY 10512 Construction ofbirthing center $300,000

Randall's Island Sports Foundation, Inc 2000 $250,000 $250,000 16 Weqt 6 1 st Street 7th Floor New'york NY 10023 Track & Field Centerfor disadvantaged and disabled youth $500000

Refugees International 2000 $25,000 so 1705 N Street, NW Wa,,hington, DC 20036 Special year-end 2000 grant $25000

Reverend Linnette C Williamson Memorial Park Association, Inc

2000 $3,000 $0

ln~ HouNe 2253 Third Avenue New York, NY 10035 Special year-end 2000 grant S3,000

Rheedlen Centers for Children and Families, Inc 2000 $50,000 $100,000 2770 Broadway New York, NY 10025 Harlem Children's Zone programs $150000

Ri~erkeeper 1999 $100,000 $100,000 25 Wing and Wing Garrison, NY 10524-0130 Watershed Agreement Implementation $300.000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 72


Approved for Recipient . Purpose, Totil Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Riverkeeper 1999 S13 .000 $0 25 Wing and Wing Garrison . NY 10524-0130 Wate?shed Protection Program S40000

The Rogosm Institute 1999 $250,000 $250,000 505 East 70th Street New York, NY 10021 MR G? eenberg Comprehensive Lipid Conti ol Center $750,000

Ronald McDonald House of New York, Inc 2000 S25X0 $0 405 East 73rd Street New York NY 10021 Special year-end 2000 grant $25 000

Roundabout Theatre Company, Inc 2000 S50,000 $0 231 West 39th Street Suite 1200 New 'Y ork, NY 100 18 Campaignjor Roundabout on ne New 42nd Street $50000

Russian Arts Foundation 2000 $25,000 SD c/o Swashbuckler Enterprises 3825 Livingston Street NW Washinf.pri, DC 20015-2402 10th Anniversary Tour of the United States $25,000

Seamen's Church Institute 2000 $25,000 $0 241 Water Street New York, NY 10038 Specialyear-end 2000grant $25,000

Seamen's Church Institute 1999 $50.000 $150.000 241 Water Street New York . NY 10038 Generalsupport $250000

Search and Care 1999 $30,000 $30,000 3 16 Ea~t 88th Street New York, NY 10 1 28 Budget Assistance Se"ice $90.000


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations quabfyuig under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 73


Approved for Recipieni, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 200OPayment- FulurePayment

Seeds of Peace, Inc 2000 $25,000 so 370 Lexington Avenue Suite 1409 New York, NY 100 17-6503 In lieu of table $25.000

Seeds of Peace, Inc 2000 $20,000 $0 370 Lexington Avenue Suite 1409 New York, NY 100 17-6503 Generalsupport $20000

Sheltering Arms Childrens Service 2000 $50,000 so 122 East 29th Street New York, NY 100 16 General support $50,000

Sheltering Arms Childrens Service 2000 S25,000 $0 122 Ea,,t 29th Street New York . NY 100 16 Special year-end 2000 grant $25.000

Si-Yo Music Society Foundation, Inc 2000 $5,000 $0 711 West End Avenue Suite 2C-S New York, NY 10025 Chamber music series $5.000

The Silk Road Project, Inc 1999 $200,000 $100,000 550 Madison Avenue Suite 1120 New York . NY 10022-3211 2002,Smithsonian Folkhje Festival $600000

The Simon Wiesenthal Center 2000 $47700 $0 342 Madison Avenue Suite 1624 New York, NY 10 173-1624 Benefit honoring M iZ Greenberg $47700

Smile Train, Inc 2000 $1,000000 $1,000,000 245 Fifth Avenue Suite 2201 New York NY 100 16 Cleft palate surgery and training in China $2,000000


SCHEDULE(C) Gran is to Charitable Organ izations quali fymg under Section 501 (c)(3) ofInternal Revenue Code- Page 74


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pivinent Future Pavinent

Smithsonian Institution 2000 $118 375 $0 Sinith,,onian ln-,titution Building, 1000 Jefferson Drive, SW Wa,,hington, DC 20560-0016 Asian Pacific American Studies challenge grant $118,375

Smithsonian Institution 2000 S500,000 $500,000 Independence Avenue at Suah Street SW Wabl-iington, DC 20560-03 10 Capital supportfor the Steven F Udvar-Hazy Center $1 .000000

Society of Illustrators, Inc 1999 $10,000 so 128 Fast 63rd Street New York, NY 10021 Saideni Scholarship Fund $20.000

SOME Center for Employment Training 2000 S60,000 $0 71 0 Street, NW Washington, DC 20001-1290 Centerjor Employment Training program $60000

South Asian Youth Action 2000 $10,000 $0 54-05 Seaburv Street Elmhurst NY 11373 General suppin f $10000

South Street Seaport MUSCUM 2000 $1 .200000 $0 207 Front Street New York, NY 10038 Capital campaign for ; enovation ofScherinerhorn Row $1,200000

South Street Seaport Museum 1999 $100,000 $100,000 207 Front Street New York, NY 10038 Educationalpiograms $300,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 75


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavirient Future Pavment

Southeast Museum 2000 $10,000 $0 67 Main Street Brewqter, NY 10509 Education Fund $10000

Spence-Ch2pin Ser%ices to Families and Children 2000 $25.000 $0 6 East 94th Street New York, NY 10 128-0698 Specialyear-end 2000grant $25 000

Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children 2000 $83,400 $166,600 6 East 94th Street New York, NY 10 1 2M698 Adopnonprogram $250,000

St Christopher's Inn, Inc 2000 $25.000 $0 PO Boc ISO Graynioor Garrison, NY 10524-0 150 Special year-end 2000 grant $25000

St Christopher's Inn, Inc 1999 $20000 $20,000 PO Box 150 Grayrnoor Garrison . NY 10524-0150 General supporr $60.000

St Christopher's, Inc 2000 $30,000 $0 71 South Broadwav Dobb', Ferry NY 10522 Generalsupport S30.000

St Francis Xavier Welcome Table 2000 $25000 so Saint Francis Church Parish Office 55 West 15th Street New York, NY 1 00 11 Special year-end 2000 grant S25,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ Lzations qualifym g under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 76


Approved for Recipient. Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pivnient Future Pavinent

St John's Bread & Life 2000 $150,000 $150,000 75 Lewiq Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11206 Mobile Soup Kitchen and Social Service Program $300000

St John's Bread & Life 2000 $25.000 $0 75 Lewi,~ Avenue Brooklyn . NY 1] 206 Special year-end 2000 grant $25000

St Luke's Chamber Ensemble, Inc 2000 $25,000 so 330 We,~t 42nd Street Suite 804 New York, NY 10036 Spectalyear-end 2000 grant $25,000

St Luke's Chamber Ensemble, Inc 1999 $75,000 $75,000 330 Wet 42nd Street Suite 804 New York NY 10036 General support $225000

St LLIkes-Roosevelt Hospital Center 1999 $500,000 $500,000 1000 1 Oth Avenue New York, NY 100 19 Clinics and outreach efforts in African-Amer ican community $1 500,000

St Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital Center 1999 $125,000 so 1000 10th Avenue New York, NY 100 19 Breast and prostate cancer research $250,000

St Stephen of Hungary Parish/U S Catholic 2000 $5,000 so Conference 414 Ea,,t 82nd Street New York, NY 10028-6056 Weekly VOUp kitchen dinnerjor people with AIDS $5,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations quaLifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 77


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

St % incent's ServiceslU S Catholic Conference 2000 $25,000 $0 66 Boerurn Place Brook[M NY 11 201 Special year-end 2000grant $25,000

St Vincent's Serviccs[U S Catholic Conference 1999 $50.000 $50,000 66 Boenint Place Brooklyn . NY 11201 General support $150,000

Stanlev NI Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc 2000 $50.000 $0 4 15 East 93rd Street New York, NY 10 128 Specialyear-end 2000grant $50,000

Stanley NI Isaacs Neighborhood Center, Inc 415 F-,it 93rd Street New York, NY 10 128 Youth leadership program $105.000

Staten Island Botanical Garden, Inc . 1000 RiLliniond TerraLe, Building H Staten Island NY 10301 Genetalsupport $100000

Staten Island Children's Museum 1000 Ricliniond Terrace Staten Island, NY 10301-1181 Generalsupport $15000

Studio in a School Association, Inc 41 0 WeNt 59th Street New York NY 100 19 Special year-end 2000 grant $10000

2000 $10,000 $0

1998 $35 000 so

1999 S50,000 so

2000 S15,000 $0


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Chantable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Intemal Revenue Code - Page 78


Trickle Up Program, Inc 2000 $25,000 $0 121 We-q 27th Street Suite 504 New York NY 1000 1 Special year-end 2000 grant $25000

The Trilateral Commission 1998 $20,000 $0 345 Fast 46th Street New York . NY 100 17 General support $60.000

Trinity Church 2000 $2,000 $0 74 Trinity PlaLe New York NY 10006-2088 Noonday Concerts and Concei ts-to-Go program $2,000

Trust for Museum Exhibitions 1999 $40,000 $70,000 1424 16th Street NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 General support $150000

U S Department of State 2000 $2.000 so M/FA Room 8213, Dept ofState . 2201 C Street NW Wabhington, DC 20520 Preservation and enhancement of Diplomatic Reception Rooms $2000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose~ Total Grant Grqnt Year 2000 Pavinent Future Payment

State University of New York, Purchase 2000 $2.000 so SUNY 735 Aliderqon Hill Road Dept of Student Services Pumhase, NY 10577-1400 Dance programfor ~tudents $2000

Trail Blazer Camps 1999 $50,000 $150000 45 F-ist 20 Street 9th Floor New 'i ork, NY 10003 Collabo? ation with Inner-Cay Scholuiship Fund $250000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 79


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pa,,ment Future Pavment

U S -ASEAN Council for Business and Technology, 1999 $100000 S100,000 Inc I I() I 17th Street . NW Suite 41 1 Washington DC 20036 General support S300000

Union Settlement Association 2000 $50,000 $0 237 Ea~t 104th Street New York. NY 10029 Special year-end 2000 grant $50000

Union Settlement Association 1999 S100,000 $100000 237 Dist 104th Street New York, NY 10029 General support $300 .000

United Friends of the Children 2000 $25000 so 5701 West Slauson Avenue Suite 220 Culver City, CA 90230 In lieu of table $25000

United Hospital Fund of New York 2000 $20,000 $0 350 Fifth Avenue Empire State Building, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10118-2399 Generalsupport $110,000

United Nations Association of the United States 2000 $50000 so of America 801 Second Avenue New York, NY 100 17-4706 The United States and China in Global Institutions A Dialogue on Pressing Multilateral Issues $50,000

United Ne-ro College Fund 1998 $300,000 $0 399 Fast 11m Street Suite 120 Columbus . OH 43215 Generalsupport $1 000,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ Lzations qualifymg under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 80


Approved for Rccipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc 2000 $50,000 $0 70 W"t 36th Street New York, NY 100 18 Specialyear-end 2000 grant $50,00()

United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc 1998 $50,000 $0 70 We,,t 36th Street New York, NY 10018 Settlement house vve~fare-fo-vvork initiative $150,000

United Neighbors of East Midtown, Inc 2000 $25.000 so 3 10 East 42nd Street New York. NY 100 17 General uipport $25,000

United States - Indonesia Societv 2000 $102,000 so 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 550 Washington, DC 20036-2245 Congressional staff trips to Indonesia $102,000

University Settlement Society of New York 2000 S30,000 $0 184 Eldridge Street New York NY 10002 Special year-end 2000 grant $50000

Unnersity Settlement Society of New York 1999 $50,000 $50,000 184 Eldridge Street New York, NY 10002 General suppoit $150,000

Uplift International 2000 $100000 $0 207 We.~t Glendale Avenue Alexandria, VA 22301 Suuthea~t Asia programs $100,000

Urban Pathways, Inc 2000 S25,000 $0 575 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018-3011 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Pavment Future Pavirient

Urban Pathways, Inc 1999 $30,000 so 575 Eighth Avenue New York. NY 10018-3011 Gene? al support $60000

US-South Africa Leadership Exchange Program 2000 SL5,000 so PC Box 53480 Washington, DC 20009 General~uppori S15,000

United Service Organization, Inc 1999 S170,000 $160,000 Washington Navy Yard 1008 Eberle Place, SE Suite 301 Washington, DC 20374-5096 Operanon Xforale Support S500000

Vehicles, Inc 2000 $25,000 so 1832 Madison Avenue . Room 202 New York NY 1003S-2707 Special year-end 2000grant $25,00"

Vehicles, Inc 1999 $SO'000 so

1832 Madison Avenue, Room 202 New York, NY 10035-2707 General ~ upporf $100,000

Vera Institute of Justice 2000 SSO.000 so

233 Broadway 12th floor New York, NY 10279 Joint tesearchprojecl with NYCPolice Department $50,000

Veritas Therapeutic Community Foundation, Inc 2000 $25 .000 so 912 Aniqerdam Avenue New York, NY 10()25 In lieu of table $25 000


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations quahfying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 81


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organ izations qualifying tinder Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 82


Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Visiting Nurse Service of New York 1.000 $50,000 $0 107 E.'I~t 70fli Street New York, NY 10021-5087 Special year-end 2000 grant $50,000

Vocational Foundation, Inc 2000 $150,000 $0 1 Hanson Place 14di Floor Brooklvn, NY 11243 Joh framing andplacement programs S150000

VZV Research Foundation, Inc 2000 $100,000 so 40 Ea,~t 72nd Street New York NY 10021 Reseat ch, outreach and general operations S100000

Wall Street Synagogue 2000 $2000 $0 47 Beekrnan Street New York, NY 10038 GeneralAupporr $2,000

WE CAN 2000 $35,000 $70,000 630 Ninth Avenue Suite 900 New York, NY 10036 Generalsupporl S105 000

WE CkN 2000 $50,000 $0 630 Ninth Avenue Suite 900 New York, NY 10036 Specialyear-end 2000grant $50,000

Welfare Law Center, Inc 2000 $50,000 so 275 Seventh Avenue Suite 1205 New York, NY 1000 1-6708 Child Care Acces~ and Medicaid Atces~ projects SS0000

The Weliness Community-Orange County 2000 $30,000 $30,000 2716 Ouean Park Boulevard Suite 1040 Santa Monica, CA 90405 GenetalAupport $60,000

Wilmington Grand Opera House 2000 S34,000 $66,000

c/o MBNA America Bank, NA 1100 North King Street WiLniington, DE 19884-0157 Auditotium expansion $100,000

Winrock International Institute for Agricultural 2000 S100,000 $10(),000

Development 1611 North Kent Street Suite 600 Arlington VA 22209-2134 Building capactiv in agriculturelbu~ines3 operations in China S200.000

WNYC Radio 2000 $25,000 $0 One Centre Street New York, NY 1000 7 Special) etv -end 2000 grant $25,000


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 83

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Pavinent

West Side One Stop for Coordinated Senior 1000 $5 Wo so Services, Inc 747 ArnMerdarn Avenue New York, NY 10025-4412 Special)ear-end 2()00g?ant $5.000

West Side One Stop for Coordinated Senior 1999 $7,500 S7.500 Services, Inc 747 Anisterdani Avenue New York, NY 10025-441 General support $22.500

Wildlife Conservation Society 2000 $25,000 so 185th Street and Southern Boulevard Brotux. NY 10460 Special year-end 2000 grant $25,000

Wildlife Conservation Society 1999 S150,000 $148,975 1851h Street and Soulliem Boulevard Bronx. NY 10460 Protecting China's Environment through Education $448,975


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations quabfying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 84

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

Women's Housing & Economic Development Corp 2000 $50,000 10 70 Wu,,t 36h Street . Suite 701 New York NY 100 18-8007 Specialyear-end 2000 grant $50,000

$0 S2,000 2000 York Street Project 89 York Street Jersey City NJ 07302 Gene? al support $2,000


Womcn's Housing & Economic Development Corp 70 West 36th Street, Suite 702 New York NY 10018-8007 Strengthen management Jinancial and technological infrastrutture S250,000

Works and Process, Inc 50 Ea,t 77th Street New York, NY 10021-1836 Pei loi ming arts series 200012001 $25.000

World Monuments Fund, Inc 95 Madison Avenue, 91h floor New York, NY 100 16 The Inteinational Centerfor Khmer Studies $100000

YMCA of Greater NY 333 Seventh Avenue New York NY 1000 1 Capital CampaignJot Kids $2 500000

YMCA of Grtater NY 333 Seventh Avenue New ) ork, NY 1000 1 Vittual Yq/ter-school program $150 Oon
















Young Audiences/New York, Inc 2000 S16,000 One Ei~t 53rd Street New York, NY 10022-4200 Ptofes~ional developmenrptog?anifor artists $10,000

The Young Women's Leadership Foundation 2000 $10,000 so 655 Madison Avenue New York . NY 10021 Specialyear end 20OOg?ant $10,000


SCHEDULE (C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section SO I (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 85

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

YorkNflle Common Pantry 2000 $25,000 so 8 Fast 109th Street New Yorl, NY 10029 Special year-end 2000 grant $25.000

Yorkville Common Pantry 1998 $50,000 $0 8 East 109th Street New York, NY 100 2 9 Genwalbupport $150000

Young Audiences, Inc 2000 $450,000 so 1 15 Fam 92nd Street New York, NY 10 128 4its For Learning Pre-Se"ice project $450,000

Young Audiences, Inc 2000 $25,000 $0 1 1 5 East 92nd Street New York, NY 10 128 Special year-end 2000 grant $25 000

Young Audiences, Inc . 1997 $50,000 S50,000 1 15 East 92nd Street New York, NY 10 128 To match Greenbet~qgrant fu endowmenijund $250,000

Young Audiences, Inc 1998 $t50,000 $0 1 1 5 East 92nd Street New York, NY 10 128 1feet the Artists project S450,000


SCHEDULE(C) Grants to Charitable Organizations qualifying under Section 501 (c)(3) of Internal Revenue Code - Page 86

Approved for Recipient, Purpose, Total Grant Grant Year 2000 Payment Future Payment

$100,000 $100,000 1999 YWCA of the City of NY 6 If) Le Kinglon Avenue New York, NY 10022-6053 FainityprogPams $300,000

Approved for payment in installments by the Foundation and first payment made prior to 12/31/2000 A portion of total

amount was paid in 2001 (prior to filing of this return) to suit needs of recipient public chanty for its particular project


Youth and Tennis, Inc Roy Wilkins Terim ., Center 177th Street & 13aisley Boule~ard Jamai~a . NY 11434 General support S2,000

YWCA of Princeton/Breast Cancer Resource Ctr

Montgomery Commons, 914 Commons Way PrinLeton. NJ 08540 Genet al ~ upporl $S0'0()()







$136,282,761 $46,816,141

9 If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part I and check this box I- En o If you are filing for an Additional (not automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete only Part 11 (on page 2 of this form) Note Do not complete Part /I unless you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868 L!~~ Automatic 3-Month Extension of Time - Only submit original (no copies needed) Note Form 990-T corporations requesting an automatic 6-month extension - check this box and complete Part I only Ill El All other corporations (including Form 990-C filers) must use Form 7004 to request an extension of time to file income tax ratums Partnerships, REMICs and trusts must use Form 8736 to request an extension of time to file Form 1065, 1066, or 1041

tmpjoyer mentincation number 13-6151545 Type or

print File by the due date for riling your return See instructions

THE STARR FOUNDATION Number, street, and room or suite no If a P 0 box, see 70 PINE STREET City town or post office, state, NEW YORK, N Y

see instructions a 10270


Form8868 Application for Extension of Time To File an (December 2000) Exempt Organization Return OMB No 1545-1709

Depanment of the TreaSu"Y J~ File a separate application for each return ni .i,nal R..i,. S.nn~ .

Check type of return to be filed (file a separate application for each return) F~ Form 990 Fj Form 990-T (corporation) Form 4720 F-1 Form 990-BL 7 Form 990-T (sec; 401 (a) or 408(a) trust) Form 5227 [:] Form 990-EZ E] Form 990-T (trust other than above) Form 6069 IT Form 990-PF [-] Form 1041-A Form 8870

* If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box 0.0 e If this is for a Group Return, enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) If this is for the whole group, check this box ii~ F~ If it is for part of the group, check this box ii~ Eland attach a list with the names and EINs of all members the extension will cover

1 1 request an automatic 3-month (6-month, for 990-T corporation) extension of time until AUGUST 15,- 202-1-to file the exempt organization return for the organization named above The extension is for the organization s return for

ii. calendar year 20 0 0 or Ill . tax year beginning 20 - . and ending -.20-

2 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason E] Initial return E] Final return E] Change in accounting period

3a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF . 990-T. 4720 or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits See instructions $

b If this application is for Form 990-PF or 990-T, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit $

c Balance Due Subtract line 3b from line 3a Include your payment with this form, or if required, deposit with FTD coupon or, if required by using EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System) See instructions $

Signature and Verification Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have e~minecl this form including accompanying schedules and statements and to the best of my knoweage ano belief it is true

correct and coympleleln I am authorized to prepare this form 00"

05/01/2001 Signatwell Titlell e5~~~ Date 0.

For Paperwork Re&54 Act Notice, see Instruction Form 8868 (12 2000)

By Director Date

Alternate Mailing Address - Enter the address if you want the copy of this application for an additional 3-month extension returned to an address different than the one entered above

PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, LLP ATTN ROBERT TORTORELLA Type or Numlber~;d s t (include suite, room, or apt no print 1 3


City or town, province or state, and country (including postal or STAMFORD, CT 06904

Form 8868 (12-2000) S`rF FED9056F 2

Form 8868 (12 2000) Page 2

e If you are filing for an Additional (not automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete only Part 11 and check this box 0~ ZI Note Only complete Part iff if you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868

I Part 11 Additional (not automatic) 3-Month Extension of Time - Must File Original and One Copy. Type or Name of Exempt Organization Employer identification number print THE STARR FOUNDATION 113-6151545 File by the Number, street and room or suite no If a PO box, see instructions For IRS use only extended due date for 70 PINE STREET filing the City town or post office state, and ZIP code For a foreign address see instructions return Sees instructions NEW YORK, N Y 10270

Check type of return to be filed (File a separate application for each return) Form 990 Form 990-EZ Form 990-T (sec 401(a) or408(a) trust) Form 1041-A EJ Form 5227 [] Form 8870 Form 990-BL Form 990-PF Form 990-T (trust other than above) Form 4720 [] Form 6069

STOP Do not complete Part 11 if you were not already granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868

* If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box N. El o if this is for a Group Return, enter the organization s four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) If this is for the whole group check this box )i [:] if it is for part of the group, check this box Ill Eland attach a list with the names and EINs of ail members the extension is for 4 1 request an additional 3-month extension of time until 01 5 For calendar year 2 0 0 0 or other tax year beginning 20 - and en~ing 20 6 If this tax year is for less than 1 2 months check reason E] Initial return E] Final return Change in accounting period 7 State in detail why you need the extension ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED IN ORDER TO


8a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T. 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax less any nonrefundable credits See instructions $

b If this application is for Form 99l 990-T, 4720 or 6069 enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit and any amount paid previously with Form 8868 $

c Balance Due Subtract line 8b from line Sa Include your payment with this form, or, if required deposit with FTD coupon or if required, by using EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System) See instructions $

Signature and Verification Under penalties of perjury, I qeclaue that I na,fe examined this form including accompanying schedules and statements and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true correct and corruolete,<rptthat I am authorized to prepare this form

Signature,* Titlej~ Datell- 08/01/01 Notice to Applicant - To Be Completed by the IRS

We h... a "6, this application Please attach this form to the organization's return Ej We have not approved this application However, we have granted a 10-day grace period from fire later of the date shown below or the due date of the

organization s return (including any prior extensions) This grace period is considered to be a valid extension of time for elections otherwise required to be made on a timely return Please attach this to" to the organizations return We have not approved this application After considering the reasons stated in item 7, we cannot grant your request for an extension of time to file We are not granting a I 0-day grace period we cannot consider this application because A was Red after the due date of the return for which an extension was requested Other
