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Frankophila wayqechae sp. nov., a new aerophilic diatom species from the Peruvian Andes, South...

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This article was downloaded by: [Alessandro Catenazzi] On: 02 August 2012, At: 07:51 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Diatom Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tdia20 Frankophila wayqechae sp. nov., a new aerophilic diatom species from the Peruvian Andes, South America Paula C. Furey a b , Shigeki Mayama c , Rex L. Lowe d & Alessandro Catenazzi b e a Department of Biology, St. Catherine University, St. Paul, MN, USA b Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA c Department of Biology, Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Japan d Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA e Department of Biology, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA Version of record first published: 24 Jul 2012 To cite this article: Paula C. Furey, Shigeki Mayama, Rex L. Lowe & Alessandro Catenazzi (2012): Frankophila wayqechae sp. nov., a new aerophilic diatom species from the Peruvian Andes, South America, Diatom Research, 27:3, 165-175 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0269249X.2012.704884 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and-conditions This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.

This article was downloaded by: [Alessandro Catenazzi]On: 02 August 2012, At: 07:51Publisher: Taylor & FrancisInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House,37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK

Diatom ResearchPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tdia20

Frankophila wayqechae sp. nov., a new aerophilicdiatom species from the Peruvian Andes, SouthAmericaPaula C. Furey a b , Shigeki Mayama c , Rex L. Lowe d & Alessandro Catenazzi b ea Department of Biology, St. Catherine University, St. Paul, MN, USAb Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USAc Department of Biology, Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Japand Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH,USAe Department of Biology, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA

Version of record first published: 24 Jul 2012

To cite this article: Paula C. Furey, Shigeki Mayama, Rex L. Lowe & Alessandro Catenazzi (2012): Frankophila wayqechae sp.nov., a new aerophilic diatom species from the Peruvian Andes, South America, Diatom Research, 27:3, 165-175

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0269249X.2012.704884


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Diatom ResearchVol. 27, No. 3, September 2012, 165–175

Frankophila wayqechae sp. nov., a new aerophilic diatom species from the Peruvian Andes,South America


1Department of Biology, St. Catherine University, St. Paul, MN, USA2Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA3Department of Biology, Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Japan4Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA5Department of Biology, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA

The genus Frankophila Lange-Bertalot is characterized as a small chain-forming diatom with frustules held together by interdigitatingmarginal spines. Both valves of the species in this genus possess a short raphe at the distal ends. Five species of Frankophila have beenrecognized to date with most being described from subaerial habitats. Exploration of moist, vertical, rock walls in the Peruvian Andes ledto the discovery of a new Frankophila species, F. wayqechae Furey, Mayama, Lowe & Catenazzi, sp. nov., which is described from a highaltitude (3506 m above sea level), moist, vertical wet wall located in the transition zone between the grasslands and cloud forests growingon the eastern slope of the Andes in Manu National Park. Light and scanning electron micrographs of internal and external morphologyand ultrastructure are presented along with basic ecological information. This new taxon is compared with species in the genus HygropetraKrammer & Lange-Bertalot, primarily H. gelasina Mayama & Idei, and phylogenetic relationships inferred from valve and chloroplastfeatures are discussed. The triseriate striae and depressions in the valve axial area of F. wayqechae differentiate it from other currentlydescribed Frankophila species. The velum at the inner opening of the areolae and triseriate striae of F. wayqechae are similar to the genusHygropetra which suggests a close relationship between these taxa. Frankophila wayqechae has a single chloroplast per cell that expandsin the large area beneath one valve without lobes along a sternum. The nature of the chloroplast, combined with the pattern of areolationin the striae and internal areola occlusion by a hymen also suggests F. wayqechae may be a close relative of Planothidium Round &Bukhtiyarova. Frankophila wayqechae appears to be restricted to high elevation areas in the Peruvian Andes, and is likely an endemictaxon, emphasizing the importance of biodiversity hotspot studies for future species conservation.

Keywords: Frankophila, Hygropetra, Andes, Peru, wet walls, subaerial habitats

IntroductionLange-Bertalot (1997) described the diatom genusFrankophila based on samples from Chile and the USA.Five species of Frankophila have been recognized todate with most being described from subaerial habitats:F. similioides Lange-Bertalot & Rumrich, F. loetschertii(Lange-Bertalot) Lange-Bertalot, F. maillardii (Le Cohu)Lange-Bertalot, F. horstii Rumrich & Rumrich andF. biggsii Lowe, Morales & Kilroy. The genus Frankophilais characterized as a small chain-forming diatom with frus-tules held together by interdigitating marginal spines, whichhave been to date located on virgae. Both valves in thisgenus possess a short raphe at its distal ends.

A new species of Frankophila is described fromhigh altitude, subaerial habitats in the Peruvian Andes,including detailed light (LM) and scanning electron(SEM) micrographs of the internal and external mor-phology and ultrastructure, along with general ecologicalinformation. Morphological features and taxonomy of this

∗Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

(Received 8 October 2011; accepted 14 June 2012)

new species are compared with other Frankophila speciesand with species in the genus Hygropetra Krammer &Lange-Bertalot, primarily H. gelasina Mayama & Idei. Thephylogeny inferred from valve and chloroplast features isdiscussed.

Materials and methodsDiatom samples were collected from 23 moist subaerialhabitats (wet walls) and two streams along an elevationgradient from 1615 to 3506 m above sea level (a.s.l.) inthe montane cloud forest, montane scrub and high-Andeangrasslands in Manu National Park, Department of Cusco,southeastern Peru in February 2009 and January 2010(Table 1). Two composite samples were collected frommost of the wet wall sites, one by scraping material fromrock surfaces with a spoon, and one by squeezing mate-rial from mosses and hepatics into a plastic bag. Wet rockwalls were designated wet if water was visibly running overthe rock face and moist if not. Lotic composite samples

ISSN 0269-249X print/ISSN 2159-8347 online© 2012 The International Society for Diatom Researchhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0269249X.2012.704884http://www.tandfonline.com




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Table 1. Sampling locations arranged by elevation in Manu National Park, southeastern Peru in February 2009 and January 2010.

Altitude Latitude Longitude Total Moisture(m a.s.l.) Date south west Habitat Sampling samples level Geology

1605 Feb. 13.0711 71.5687 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Wet Granitic1610 Feb. 13.0711 71.5687 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Moist Granitic1615 Feb. 13.0711 71.5687 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Moist Granitic1615 Feb. 13.0711 71.5687 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Wet Granitic1940 Feb. 13.0989 71.5681 Stream Rock scr. 1 Stream Granitic1945 Feb. 13.0989 71.5681 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Wet Granitic2030 Feb. 13.1079 71.5739 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Moist Granitic2080 Feb. 13.1168 71.5720 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Moist Slate or mudstone2200 Feb. 13.1299 71.5767 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Moist Slate or mudstone2200 Feb. 13.1299 71.5767 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Moist Slate or mudstone2390 Feb. 13.1570 71.5983 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Wet Slate or mudstone2410 Feb. 13.1583 71.5950 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Moist Slate or mudstone2712 Feb. 13.1739 71.6070 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Moist Slate or mudstone2715 Feb. 13.1739 71.6070 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Wet Slate or mudstone2750 Jan. 13.1822 71.6079 Wet wall Scr. 1 Wet Slate or mudstone2752 Feb. 13.1795 71.6050 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Wet Slate or mudstone2752 Jan. 13.1795 71.6050 Wet wall Scr. 1 Wet Slate or mudstone2754 Feb. 13.1832 71.6081 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Moist Slate or mudstone2775 Jan. 13.1793 71.6058 Wet wall Scr. 1 Wet Slate or mudstone2785 Jan. 13.1788 71.6091 Wet wall Scr. 1 Wet Slate or mudstone2815 Jan. 13.1764 71.5849 Wet wall Scr. 1 Wet Slate or mudstone3486 Feb. 13.2046 71.6127 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Moist Slate or mudstone3486 Feb. 13.2046 71.6127 Stream Rock scr. 1 Stream Slate or mudstone3496 Feb. 13.2042 71.6160 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 2 Moist Slate or mudstone3506 Feb. and Jan. 13.2016 71.6167 Wet wall Scr. & Br. 4 Wet Slate or mudstone

Notes: a.s.l., above sea level; Scr., scraping from wet walls; Br., bryophyte squeeze; Bold text, type locality of Frankophila wayqechaesp. nov. Moisture level as defined in Materials and methods.

were collected by scraping periphyton from three to fourrepresentative cobbles in the streams. All samples weresplit in two with one set kept moist and the other air-driedbefore shipping back to USA and Japan for microscopicanalysis.

The type locality, a wet rock wall at an elevation of3506 m, is located along the Paucartambo–Shintuya roadnear the mountain pass of Abra Acjanaco. This pass crossesthe ridge that separates the wet eastern slopes of theCordillera de Paucartambo from the drier inter-Andeanvalley of Paucartambo. The type locality is found in thetransition zone between the high Andean grasslands (puna)and cloud forests growing on the eastern slope of the Andes,in the headwaters of the Kosñipata River in Kosñipata Val-ley, on the eastern side of the Cordillera de Paucartambo.Here the treeline is generally between 3200 and 3400 m butreaches 3550 m in protected areas and along streams wherewet walls are commonly found. The wet wall is exposed tothe east and receives water run-off from the nearby grass-land and elfin forest throughout the year, although it isreduced during the dry season. Vegetation of the upperKosñipata Valley includes trees of the genera Alnus Miller,Clethra Linnaeus, Weinmannia Linnaeus, Clusia Linnaeus,Symplocos Jacquin, bamboos (Chusquea Kunth), arborealferns (Cyathea Smith), terrestrial and epiphytic bromeliads(Puya Molina, Pitcairnia L’Héritier, Tillandsia Linnaeus),ericaceous shrubs, and herbs, vines and epiphytes of the

genera Begonia Linnaeus, Bomarea Mirbel, CalceolariaLinnaeus, Oxalis Linnaeus and Peperomia Ruiz & Pavon(Cano et al. 1995). The bedrock at elevations > 2000 m isprimarily slate or mudstone, at 1800 to ca. 2000 m it isigneous rock or basalt (no samples were collected fromthese elevations) and from 1500 to 1800 m it is mostlygranitic substrate (Table 1; K. Clark, unpubl., Universityof Oxford).

Samples were cleaned in sulfuric acid with potassiumdichromate or by boiling nitric acid in a 1:1 sample toacid ratio until the volume returned to the original vol-ume of 25 mL. The samples were rinsed with distilled waterand allowed to settle for a minimum of 8 h before decant-ing and fresh rinsing. This rinsing process was repeatedca. 10 times until the pH of the suspension was neutral.The cleaned material was then concentrated, air-dried ontocoverslips and processed for either light (LM) or scanningelectron microscope (SEM) analysis. Strewn diatom slidesmade using Naphrax� mounting medium were examinedat 1000× under an Olympus BX51 Photomicroscope withhigh resolution Nomarski (DIC: differential interferencecontrast) optics (Olympus America, Melville, NY, USA).The relative abundance of diatoms was determined bycounting a minimum of 600 valves at 1000× in discretefields of view. Images were captured with a monochro-matic camera (Spot™, Diagnostic Instruments, Inc., USA)attached to the microscope. Size variability (length, width,




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stria density and length, the ratio of the length of bothstriae to the width of the central area) were digitally mea-sured for 50 valves of F. wayqechae using SPOT� softwarev. 4.01(Diagnostic Instruments) calibrated against a stagemicrometer. Living cells were observed at 1000× undera Zeiss Axioskop microscope (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen,Germany) equipped with DIC optics, and images were cap-tured with an Olympus DP71 digital camera (Olympus,Tokyo, Japan). Coverslips, mounted on aluminum stubs andsputter coated with 10 nm of Au/Pd (Hummer VI-A SputterCoater, Anatech Ltd. Alexandria, VA, USA; Postek et al.1980) were examined under a Hitachi S2700 and S4500SEM with digital image recording ability (Hitachi, Tokyo,Japan). Figure plates were prepared using Adobe Photo-shop © CS4 Extended v11.0.2 (Adobe Systems Inc., SanJose, CA, USA). Terminology used follows Anonymous(1975), von Stosch (1975), Ross et al. (1979) and Cox &Ross (1980).

Chloroplasts were examined at 1000× from aggrega-tions of putative living specimens of Frankophila from2010. Cells containing chloroplasts were then confirmedto belong to Frankophila by drying the aggregations ona microscope slide and examining them under SEM afterprocessing. To clean the targeted diatoms, the coverslip wascarefully removed and drops of diluted sodium hypochloritesolution were added to the Frankophila aggregations. Oneminute later, using a micropipette under an inverted micro-scope the solution was removed and rinsed several timeswith distilled water. These specimens were transferred to analuminum stub and coated with 5 nm of osmium tetroxideusing OPC-60A Osmium Plasma Coater (Filgen, Nagoya,Japan) for SEM observations.

ResultsFrankophila wayqechae Furey, Mayama, Lowe & Cate-nazzi sp. nov. (Figs 1–31)

Descriptio. Frustulae rectangulares aspectu cinguli for-mantes filamenta connexa spinis marginalibus interdig-itatis. Valvae ellipticae apicibus late rotundatis. Longi-tudo 4.5–8.0 μm, latitudo 3.0–4.6 μm, altitudo limbi 1.3–3.0 μm. Area axalis lata, depressionibus vadosis irregu-lariter positis in facie externa. Rami raphis <1 μm longi,positi in terminatione distali valvae. Striae radiatae omnino,11–12 in 10 μm, constantes ex seriebus tribus areolarum,extensis in limbo valvae. Longitudo striae 45–47% latitu-dinis valvae. Interne, areolae tectae hymenibus perforatis.Spinae solidae-granulosae (non subtiliter siliceae, mag-nitudo granularum 5–10 nm), dichotome ramosae, posi-tae in virgis. Valvocopula perforate rimis elongatis propemarginem limbi.

Description. Frustules rectangular in girdle viewforming filaments held together by interdigitating marginalspines. Valves elliptical with broadly rounded apices invalve view. Length 4.5–8.0 μm, width 3.0–4.6 μm, per-valvar axis 1.3–3.0 μm, stria density 11–12 in 10 μm.

Combined stria length on average 45–47% of the width ofthe valve face. Valves with a broad axial area with shallowdepressions arranged in various patterns on the external sur-face. Striae composed of three rows of areolae which extendonto the valve mantle. There is a hymen at the inner openingof each areola which has fine perforations (ca. 5 nm). Solidspines dichotomously branched, located on the virgae. Veryshort raphe slits <1 μm long, on distal end of valve. Valvo-copula open, with slits near the mantle edge accompaniedby three narrow, plain pleurae.

Holotype. Circled specimen on slide ANSP GC26816deposited in the Diatom Herbarium of the Academy ofNatural Sciences (ANSP), Philadelphia, USA. Figure 9 ishere designated as the holotype. Type material depositedat ANSP (ANSP GCM10307), the Diatom Herbariumof the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco,USA (CAS 627413), the National Algal Collectionat the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada(CANA 85058) and the Department of Botany, NationalMuseum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan (TNS-AL-56980).

Isotypes. Circled specimens on slides deposited in theDiatom Herbarium of the California Academy of Sci-ences, San Francisco, USA (CAS 223025, Fig. 8), theNational Algal Collection at the Canadian Museum ofNature, Ottawa, Canada (CANA 85058, Fig. 12) and theDepartment of Botany, National Museum of Nature andScience, Tokyo, Japan (TNS-AL-56980).

Type locality. In mucilage on a vertical, wet rock wallat an elevation of 3506 m a.s.l. along the Paucartambo–Shintuya road near the Abra Acjanaco mountain pass, ManuNational Park, Department of Cusco, southeastern Peru(13.2016◦S, 71.6167◦W) (Table 1). Collected by A. Cate-nazzi, 13 February 2009 as sample Peru33 – PC Furey(personal collection).

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the Quechuaword for friend for the Wayqecha Biological Station, ownedand operated by the Asociación para la Conservación de laCuenca Amazónica.

Observations. The frustules are rectangular in girdleview and form filaments held together by interdigitatingmarginal spines (Figs 1–2, 20–23, arrows, 26). The valvesare small and elliptical with broadly rounded apices in valveview (Figs 1–20, 24–25). The valves range in length from4.5 to 8.0 μm and in width from 3.0 to 4.6 μm. The perval-var axis varies from 1.3 to 3.0 μm, and the stria density is11–12 in 10 μm. The combined stria length on average is45–47% of the width of the valve face. The valves have abroad axial area that has shallow depressions arranged invarious patterns on the external surface (Figs 4–20, 24–25,black arrows). The striae are composed of three rows ofareolae which extend onto the valve mantle (Figs 24–27).There is a hymen at the inner opening of each areola whichhas fine perforations ca. 5 nm (Figs 28, 30–31). The valveshave solid spines that are dichotomously branched and arelocated on the virgae (Figs 24, 26–27, 29–30). Very short




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Figs 1–23. Type material of Frankophila wayqechae from Manu National Park, southeastern Peru. Figs 1–3. Live cells with chloroplastsin valve and girdle views. Figs 4–19. Variation of the valve surface in valve views. Fig. 8. Isotype specimen, CAS 223025. Fig. 9. Holotypespecimen, ANSP GC26816. Fig. 12. Isotype specimen, CANA 85058. Fig. 20. Valve and frustule in girdle view. Figs 21–23. Frustulesforming ribbon-shaped colonies in girdle view, with some spines visible (arrows). Scale bars = 10 μm (Figs 1–3), 5 μm (Figs 4–23).




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Frankophila wayqechae sp. nov. 169

Figs 24–31. Type material of Frankophila wayqechae from Manu National Park, southeastern Peru, external (Figs 24–30) and internalview (Fig. 31). Figs 24–25. Whole valves showing striae, spine position on virgae, raphe slits (white arrows) and shallow surface depressions(black arrows). Fig. 26. Paired frustules in girdle view linked by interdigitating marginal spines, showing girdle bands, mantle striae anddichotomously branched spines (arrow). Fig. 27. Valve margin showing a valvocopula (VC) and three pleurae (P1–P3). Fig. 28. Hymenateareolae with fine perforations (ca. 5 nm in diameter). Figs 29–30. Broken solid spines. Fig. 31. Part of valve showing striae and short raphefissure (arrow). Scale bars = 2 μm (Fig. 26), 1 μm (Figs 24–25, 27, 31), 0.2 μm (Figs 28–30).




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raphe slits (<1 μm long) are located on the distal end of thevalve (Figs 24–25, 31, white arrows). The valvocopula isopen, with slits near the mantle edge (Figs 24, 26–27) thatare accompanied by three narrow, plain pleurae (Fig. 27).There is a single chloroplast per cell that lies in a more or lesscurved plate beneath one valve, folding down appressed toone side of the girdle and expanding a bit to the other valve(Figs 1–3); no pyrenoids were detected.

Habitat and distribution. Frankophila wayqechaeformed aggregates (solitary or colonial, Figs 21–23) on therocks or mucilage covering mosses and hepatics, ca. 10–20 cm from flowing water at the type locality. Based on 600valves counted from each sample from all of the locations,F. wayqechae was only found at the type locality. The rel-ative abundance of F. wayqechae cells at the type locality,determined from four samples collected in 2009 and 2010was 80–88% in three samples and 25% in one sample.

DiscussionOther known subaerial Frankophila species, such asF. biggsii are restricted to particular rock types (Lowe et al.2006). Rock walls in this study at elevations >2000 m a.s.l.such as the type locality, are primarily composed of slateor mudstone. However, F. wayqechae was absent from the16 other wet wall sites and two streams collected at thesehigher elevations. Frankophila wayqechae was also absentfrom six wet walls collected at altitudes <2000 m a.s.l.,which are composed of other mineral types (e.g., granite).Without further study, it is unclear whether F. wayqechaeis restricted to high altitude sites (i.e., at altitudes near orgreater than 3000 m a.s.l.) or if it is restricted to a particularrock type or other unique suite of habitat characteristics.

Comparison of F. wayqechae with other FrankophilaspeciesFrankophila wayqechae shares some habitat and mor-phological similarities with other currently describedFrankophila taxa, but can readily be differentiated (Table 2).No other currently described Frankophila species has trise-riate striae and depressions in the valve sternum. Additionaldifferences and similarities are summarized in Table 2 andhighlighted below.

Frankophila similioides and F. wayqechae both have anelliptical valve with broad rounded apices, but F. wayqechaehas a broader sternum than F. similioides (Lange-Bertalot1997, Rumrich et al. 2000, Metzeltin & García-Rodríguez2003, Metzeltin et al. 2005). The valves of F. wayqechaehave a slightly shorter length and narrower width, and ashorter raphe than F. similioides. The striae of F. wayqechaeare less dense than those of F. similioides. Both possess slit-like perforations on the pars exterior and near the valvemantle edge. Frankophila wayqechae and F. similioidesare both subaerial diatoms from South America. However,

F. similioides has also been observed in non-subaerial habi-tats in South America such as the hot springs of La Calera inthe Peruvian Andes (Cocquyt & Van de Vijver 2007) andhigh elevation streams in Bolivia (2450 m a.s.l., Moraleset al. 2009; 4056 m a.s.l., McClintic et al. 2003, Moraleset al. 2007) and Argentina (Rio Cortadera at 4000 m a.s.l.and Rio Mirihuaca at 3420 m a.s.l., Maidana & Seeligmann2006).

Frankophila loetschertii valves are longer and broaderthan the valves of F. wayqechae (Lange-Bertalot 1997).The striae of F. loetschertii extend farther onto the valveface and contain two, occasionally three, rows of areolaein contrast with the shorter striae of F. wayqechae, whichhave three rows of areolae. The virgae of F. wayqechae areraised to a lesser degree than the conspicuously raised vir-gae of F. loetschertii; however, both taxa have bifurcatingspines located on the virgae. Little additional informationis available on the distribution of F. loetschertii.

Frankophila maillardii valves have wide areolae andwell-developed striae which result in a narrow central ster-num in contrast to the round areolae and shorter striae ofF. wayqechae, which yield a broader axial area (Lange-Bertalot & Le Cohu 1985, Le Cohu 1999). Similar to thewet subaerial habitat of F. wayqechae, F. maillardii has beenreported in low numbers from seeps and springs from thesub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands (Van de Vijver et al.2008). In contrast, F. maillardii has also been found as adominant taxon in streams in sub-Antarctic Crozet Islands(Van de Vijver & Beyens 1999).

Frankophila horstii has a cruciate valve outline with alanceolate to rhombic central sternum that differs markedlyfrom the broadly elliptical valve outline and broadly ellip-tical axial area of F. wayqechae (Rumrich et al. 2000). Thevalves of F. wayqechae are smaller than those of F. horstii.The striae of F. wayqechae contain three rows of areolaein contrast with the double rows of areolae in F. horstii.Additional information on the distribution of F. horstii wasnot found.

Frankophila biggsii valves are longer in length and elon-gate elliptical in valve outline compared to the shorter,broadly elliptical valves of F. wayqechae (Lowe et al. 2006).The striae of F. biggsii contain double rows of areolae incontrast with the three rows of areolae in F. wayqechae.Both taxa are described from subaerial wet walls, and havenot been reported from other habitat types or locations.

Relationship of F. wayqechae to HygropetraThe close similarity of the genus Hygropetra to Frankophilahas already been pointed out in the establishment of thisgenus; however, the shorter raphe branches of Frankophila




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Table 2. Comparisons of the ecology, biometric data and morphological features between the new species Frankophila wayqechae and related taxa in the genera Frankophila andHygropetra.

F. wayqechae sp. nov. F. biggsii F. horstiia F. loetschertii F. maillardiib F. similioides H. balfouriana H. elongata H. gelasina

Type locality Manu NationalPark,PeruvianAndes

Fox River,Punakaiki,New Zealand

Nacional Park LasCajas, Ecuador

Firehole River,YellowstoneNationalPark, USA

Lac desKorrigans,KerguelenIslands



Firehole River,Wyoming,USA

RyugaeshiFalls, Japan

Habitat Wet rock wall Wet rock wall ‘habitat similar toFragilaria leptostauron’d

Running water Lakes Small, shallowpool,subaerial

Epiphytic onbryophytes,epipelice

Running water Epiphytic onbryophytesnearwaterfalls

Cell habitat Solitary orcolonial(two toseveral cells);sometimes inmucilage

Filamentous n.d. Formingribbon-likechains

n.d. Solitary orcolonial(two toseveralcells)

n.d. n.d. n.d.

Shape Elliptical,broadlyroundedapices

Elliptical Cruciate Elliptical tolinear–elliptical,broadlyroundedapices

Ellipticalto linear,bluntlyroundedapices

Elliptical withroundedapices

Broadly linearto nearlyelliptical,broadlyroundedapices


Elliptical towidelylanceolate,bluntlyroundedapices

Length (μm) 4.5–8.0 8–15 16–22 6–14 3–10 6–10 6.5–15.0(5–19)f

8–17 5.0–8.5

Width (μm) 3.0–4.6 4.5–5.0 9–12 4–6 2.8–6.0 4–5 3.4–5.0 (3–5)f 3.4–4.5 3–5Striae in

10 μm11–12 11–12 10–11 6–12 11–16 12–14 11–13(10–12)f 10–12 10


Three rows ofareolae

Two rows ofareolae

Two rows ofareolae

Two (locallythree) rowsof areolae

One row ofareolae

Two rows ofareolae

Two to fourrows,hexagonalpattern

Two to fourrows

Two to fourrows,hexagonalpattern


Hymen at inneropening

Loculate, broad n.d. n.d. Round areolae n.d. Hymen at inneropening

Hymen atinneropening

Hymen atinneropening

Axial area Broad, withshallowirregulardepressions

Broad Elliptical torhombic

Narrow linear Linear–elliptical

Broad andelliptical

Linear–ellipticalto lanceolate

Narrow, linear,center anasymmetricfascia

Narrowlylanceolate,withdepressionsat theproximalends ofstriae





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Table 2. Continued

F. wayqechae sp. nov. F. biggsii F. horstiia F. loetschertii F. maillardiib F. similioides H. balfouriana H. elongata H. gelasina

Raphe length(μm)

<1 <1 (whenpresent)

<1 n.d. <0.5 Up to >1 (maybe visible inLM)

2.0–4.6;each raphebranch athird ofvalve length

Each raphebranch athird ofvalve length

Each raphebranch athird toa fifth ofvalve length

Spine locationandstructure

On virgae, solid,bifurcating

On virgae,solid,bifurcating,complex

On virgae,simple orbifurcatetips

On virgae,simple orbifurcatingtips

On virgae,expandedflattenedends

On virgae,bifurcatingtips

Absent Absent Absent

Cingulum Valvocopulawith slits nearthe mantleedge,broader,open;threepleuraenarrow, plain

Valvocopulaclosed;broaderthan otherelements(wider atcenter)

n.d. n.d. n.d. Composedof fourelements.Valvocop-ula, broader,open withslits nearmantle

Valvocopula,broad,single rowof shortslits, threenarrowpleurae

n.d. Valvocopulawide, singlerow ofslits nearthe mantleedge; pleuranarrow,plain

Other features Single chloro-plast per cell,pyrenoids notobserved

Mantle broadat valvecenter,narrow atapices

n.d. Connectingband withseptaunilaterallyin thefrustule

n.d. n.d. Distal rapheends a shortdistancefrom eachapex

n.d. n.d.

Notes: n.d., no data. a Determined from SEM micrographs. b From Lowe et al. (2006). c Based on Cleve (1895). d As described in Rumrich et al. (2000); Fragilaria leptostauron(Ehrenberg) Hustedt is a synonym of Staurosirella leptostauron (Ehrenberg) Williams & Round. e Based on Mayama & Idei (2009). f Morphometry from Kociolek (2011).




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were still distinct criteria for separating the two genera(Krammer 2000). The discovery of H. gelasina throwsdoubts on this generic diagnosis (Mayama & Idei 2009),because that species has rudimentary short raphe branchesdifferent from the other Hygropetra species (Table 2).Mayama & Idei (2009) discussed the similarity of thehexagonal pattern of the sub-pores in the striae, which werepartly borne in some Frankophila species, and suggested aclose relationship between the two genera. In F. wayqechae,the hymen at the inner opening of the areolae, the areola pat-tern in the striae and the depressions on the valve face arenew information to enhance the relationship between thesetwo genera (Table 2).

However, the presence of linking spines is a charac-teristic distinguishing F. wayqechae from H. gelasina inwhich spines are absent. Mayama & Idei (2009) discussedthe stability of the linking spines as a generic criterion withthe evidence of interdigitating spines generated by EunotiaEhrenberg and Pinnularia Ehrenberg species, suggestingthat Frankophila is not strictly defined by the posses-sion of linking spines. Their statement is also supportedby the presence of other spine-bearing Pinnularia species(Van de Vijver et al. 2004, 2009). Information about thechloroplast of Hygropetra is still lacking. Explorations ofthe live cells as well as molecular analyses could pro-vide additional information on the potential phylogeneticrelationships between these taxa.

Valve, chloroplast and habitat featuresFrankophila was originally considered to belong in thefamily Fragilariaceae Greville because of prominent link-ing spines forming a colony despite the presence of simplelongitudinal slits at both valve ends and facultative spinediminution or loss (Lange-Bertalot 1997). However, thecombination of the raphe slits and loculate areolae observedin F. biggsii required the transfer of this genus to a raphidorder (Lowe et al. 2006), although the detail of areola occlu-sions was not mentioned. As pointed out by Mayama & Idei(2009), an ambiguous image of a velum-like structure wasshown in a specimen of Frankophila (Lange-Bertalot &Le Cohu 1985, fig. 32), but reliable information to confirmthis areola occlusion has not been available. The hymenatepore occlusion observed in the present study assures theinclusion of this genus as a member of the raphid diatoms,because the hymen is one of the characters distributed inmany raphid genera (Cox 2004).

The number and configuration of the chloroplasts,along with the valve morphology observed in Frankophila,confine its phylogenetic position. The single chloroplastobserved in F. wayqechae confirms its exclusion fromthe Fragilariaceae, because chain-forming araphid diatomsusually have two plate-like chloroplasts, e.g., Fragilaria,Staurosirella Williams & Round, Staurosira Ehrenbergand Punctastriata Williams & Round (Round et al. 1990,Cox 1996). Among raphid taxa with a single chloroplast

per cell, its configuration is categorized into several types(Cox 1996), which seem to correspond well with currentlyavailable phylogenetic clades (Bruder & Medlin 2008,Bruder et al. 2008). The configuration of the chloroplastin F. wayqechae has similarity to those of the monoraphidgenera Achnanthidium Kützing, Cocconeis Ehrenberg andPlanothidium (Cox 1996), in which the chloroplast expandsin the large area beneath one valve without lobes along asternum. In biraphid diatoms, chloroplasts are absent fromthe position beneath the raphe or are reduced due to lobes.The formation of ribbon colonies might have led to the lossof motility in Frankophila as indicated by the remainingrudimentary raphe and the chloroplast lying under one valveface. Therefore, the similar configuration of the chloro-plasts between Frankophila and the monoraphid diatomsmay be an evolutionary convergence, but further research isrequired to confirm this hypothesis. However, the hexagonalareolation in the striae and the internal areola occlusion byhymenes are shared features that are part of the overall char-acterization of the monoraphid genus Planothidium (Round& Bukhtiyarova 1996, Kobayasi et al. 2006). Similar shar-ing of morphological characteristics also occurs betweenPlanothidium and Hygropetra, which was previously sug-gested to be a close relative to Frankophila (Mayama &Idei 2009).

Similar to F. wayqechae, and also F. similioides andF. biggsii, both H. balfouriana (Grunow ex Cleve)Krammer & Lange-Bertalot and H. gelasina have beenreported from subaerial environments (Mayama & Idei2009). However, Frankophila taxa have generally beenreported from locations outside North America (see discus-sion above), whereas H. balfouriana is broadly distributedacross a variety of habitats, including lakes and rivers inNorth America (e.g., Kociolek 2011) and around the world(e.g., Bouchard et al. 2004, Rott et al. 2006). Because thefeatures used to distinguish Hygropetra species are notreadily visible under the LM (Morales 2003), reports ofH. gelasina and H. elongata Krammer & Lange-Bertalotare less common so comparison with Frankophila speciescannot yet readily be made.

Tropical mountain tops in Peru and throughout theAndes are areas of high species richness and endemismfor many plant and animal groups (e.g., Cano et al. 1995,Patterson et al. 1998, Young & León 2000), includingdiatoms (Manguin 1964, Rumrich et al. 2000). The biodi-versity, ecosystem integrity and health of both terrestrial andaquatic ecosystems in this biodiversity hotspot are threat-ened by the intensification of human land use, the spreadof invasive species (Brown 2003, Catenazzi et al. 2011)and from predicted changes in moisture and temperaturewith climate change (Vuille et al. 2003, Urrutia & Vuille2009). The new diatom species F. wayqechae appears to berestricted to high elevation areas in the Peruvian Andes andis likely an endemic taxon, emphasizing the importance ofbiodiversity hotspot studies for conservation. Furthermore,taxa like F. wayqechae, found on habitats dependent on air




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174 Furey et al.

moisture and groundwater flow such as wet walls, may beuseful bioindicators of shifts in moisture and temperaturepatterns in high elevation areas in Peru predicted to occurwith climate change (Urrutia & Vuille 2009). Given the highbiodiversity of this area, the authors predict the discoveryof more new diatom taxa from the subaerial samples in thisstudy and encourage more biodiversity studies in the region.

AcknowledgementsA special thank you to Sandra Almeyda and Juan Carlos Jahuanchifor assistance with collecting samples from Peru. We acknowledgethe Manu National Park, Peru for granting research permits and theWayqecha Biological Station for logistic support. Fieldwork wassupported with grants from the Amazon Conservation Associa-tion and the Rufford Small Grants Foundation. AC was supportedby a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Swiss National ScienceFoundation (#116305). PCF received postdoctoral fellowship sup-port in part by the National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics(NCED) and a National Science Foundation grant awarded to JillWelter [NSF-DEB 0950016] of St. Catherine University. Thankyou to Bowling Green State University, Department of BiologicalSciences for access to and use of their scanning electron micro-scope. Thank you to Bart Van de Vijver of the National BotanicGarden of Belgium for the Latin translation.

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