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Fundamental Duties.pdf

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Honble Mr Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court


Honble Mr Justice Satish Kumar Mittal Judge Punjab and Haryana High Court


District amp Sessions Judge

AUTHORED BY Sunil Chauhan

Joint Member Secretary

Published by

HARYANA STATE LEGAL SERVICES AUTHORITY 2nd Floor New Block Old District Court Premises Sector 17 Chandigarh - 160 017

TelNoFax No 0172-2770055 Toll Free No1800-180-2057 Website wwwhslsanicin E-mail hslsahrynicin hslsaharyanagmailcom



Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul Chief Justice

Punjab and Haryana High Court Patron-in-Chief

Haryana Legal Services Authority


Freedom without acceptance of responsibility can

destroy the freedom itself Rights and responsibilities must

be balanced This would automatically enhance freedom It

is very important that consideration should be given to the

ways and means by which Fundamental Duties could be

popularized and made effective

We all must understand appreciate and discharge the

fundamental duties as mentioned in the Constitution of

India For the progress ofour nation we must discharge our

fundamental duties diligently It is quite appreciable to see

that Haryana Legal SeNices Authority has come up with a

book which describes fundamental duties in a most

intelligible manner I hope this book will prove helpful in

inculcating the spirit of discharging fundamental duties

amongst the citizens of this country I wish the legal literacy

campaign a grand success

~ (Sanjay Kishan Kaul)

Justice S K Mittal Judge Punjab amp Haryana High Court

Executive Chairman Haryana Legal Services Authority


We have duties towards our Motherland It is important

for us to understand that unless and until we discharge our

duties ournation cannot progress To take this nation to the

greatest heights we must be diligent to the hilt in

discharging our fundamental duties Just as the

fundamental rights are important for the complete

development of a citizen so are the fundamental duties for

the survival anddevelopment ofa nation and its citizens

The lucid exposition of each fundamental duty in this

book is quite appreciable This book also indicates clearly

that some of the fundamental duties have also been

incorporated in separate laws I hope this book will go a long

way in spreading of awareness about the fundamental

duties amongst the citizens ofthis country

~~~ (Salish Kumar Mittal)


The nation is what the citizens are Ifthe citizens ofa nation do not work

for the progress of their nation then that nation cannot progress The entire

responsibility rests upon the citizens to take their nation to new heights In India sovereignty lies in the hands of citizens of India It is the citizens

responsibility to take upon their shoulders the task of seeing that order justice and freedom are maintained It is our duty to see that our country stand out

among the comity ofnations as the fmest example of racial ethnic communal

and religious harmony We have duties towards our Motherland Awareness of

our duties is as important as awareness of our rights Man does not live for

himself alone He lives for the good of others as well as of himself Citizens

should work for the betterment oftheir nation to improve life ofall

Rights flow only from duties well performed If everyone performs

hisher duty everybodys rights would be automatically protected Gandhiji


The true source ofrights is duty Ifwe all discharge

our duties right will not be far to seek If leaving

duties unperformed we run after rights they escape

us like a will-o-the-wisp The more we pursue them

the farther they fly

We must render our duties towards our country diligently and faithfully

Fundamental Duties in the Constitution oflndia

Just as we have rights we have some responsibilities too The

Fundamental Duties of citizens were added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976 upon the recommendations of the Swaran Singh

Committee Article 51 A was included in the Constitution of India in Part IVA Originally ten in number the Fundamental Duties were increased to eleven by

the 86th Amendment in 2002 Article 51 A of the Constitution of India begins

with the words It shall be the duty ofevery citizen ofIndia The fundamental

duties in Article 51 A ofthe Constitution ofIndia are as under


The first and the foremost duty assigned to every citizen of India is to

abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions the National

Flag and the NationalAnthem

The IDEALS ofthe Constitution are summed up in the Preambleshy

JUSTICE social economic and political

LIBERTY ofthought expression belief faith and worship

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity ofthe nation

These words represent basic values Social justice denotes the equal treatment of all citizens without any social distinction based on caste Economic justice denotes the non-discrimination between people on the basis ofeconomic factors It involves the elimination ofglaring inequalities in wealth income and property Political justice implies that all citizens should have equal political rights equal access to all political offices and equal voice in the government The words liberty equality and fraternity in our Preamble have been taken from the French Revolution Equality means to provide equal opportunity to all citizens of India rather than special provisions to some sections of society Fraternity means a sense of brotherhood It is our duty to keep in mind the aforesaid ideals ofthe constitution Every Citizen ofIndia must remember and practice in life these ideals ofthe Constitution

The principal institutions of the Constitution are the Executive the Legislature and the Judiciary It is a duty of every citizen to respect these institutions

The Indian National Flag and National Anthem are the symbols ofour national pride It is our duty to respect the Constitution National Flag and National Anthem Showing insult to the countrys national symbols including the flag constitution and anthem is punishable under the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act1971

Following points amongst other things regarding the Indian National Flag must be kept in view

The National Flag shall be a tri-colourpanel made up of three rectangular panels or sub-panels of equal widths The colour of the top panel shall be India saffron (Kesari) and that ofthe bottom panel shall be

India green The middle panel shall be white bearing

at its centre the design of Ashoka Chakra in navy blue colour with 24 equally spaced spokes The

Ashoka Chakra shall preferably be screen printed or

otherwise printed or stenciled or suitably

embroidered and shall be completely visible on both

sides ofthe Flag in the centre ofthe white panel

bull The Flag shall not be used as a drapery in any form whatsoever except in StateMilitaryCentral Para

military Forces funerals as provided in the National

Flag Code 2002

bull The Flag shall not be draped over the hood top sides or back ofa vehicle train or boat

bull The Flag shall not be used or stored in such a manner as may damage or soil it

bull When the Flag is in a damaged or soiled condition it shall not be cast aside or disrespectfully disposed of

but shall be destroyed as a whole in private

preferably by burning or by any other method

consistent with the dignity ofthe Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used as a covering for a building

bull The Flag shall not be used as a portion of a costume

or uniform of any description It shall not be embroidered or printed upon cushions

handkerchiefs napkins or boxes

bull Lettering ofany kind shall not be put upon the Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used in any form of

advertisement nor shall an advertising sign be

fastened to the pole from which the Flag is flown

bull The Flag shall not be used as a receptacle for

receiving delivering holding or carrying anything

Provided that there shall be no objection to keep

flower petals inside the Flag before it is unfurled as

part ofcelebrations on special occasions and on

National Days like the Republic Day and the Independence Day


It is our duty to remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers for the cause of the country We must remember imbibe and follow the ideals which marked our struggle for freedom Our freedom fighters wanted to build a just society They wanted to have a society free from exploitation ofman by man They wanted to have a society marked by freedom equality non-violence brotherhood and world peace We the citizens oflndia must remain aware of sacrifices made by our freedom fighters Freedom is a gift given to us by our freedom fighters They sacrificed their whole lives so that we could live in a free country We must always remain conscious and committed to these ideals and make India a better country each day


India is a sovereign country Itmeans that our state is internally powerful and externally free She is free to determine for herself without any external interference To defend our sovereignty is our own responsibility In India sovereignty rests with the people oflndia

We should not do anything which may damage the sovereignty unity and integrity of India Even reasonable restrictions are permitted on freedom of speech and expression in the interests ofthe sovereignty and integrity oflndia Following points must be remembered

bull Any conduct which seeks to destroy or damage unity is punishable under Section 153-A of the Indian Penal Code(IPC)

bull Imputations and assertions prejudicial to national integration are punishable under Section 153-B of theIPC

bull Statements or reports containing alarming news which tend to promote enmity etc are punishable under Section 505 (2) ofthe IPC


Every citizen must be ready to defend the country against war or external aggression Sometimes civilians may be required also to take up arms in defence ofthe country It is a Fundamental Duty entrusted to the common man Those citizens who belong to any of the three defence forces are entrusted constantly with this Fundamental Duty We must protect our country not only against the external aggression but also from armed rebellion within the country


India is a multi-religious amp multi-linguistic country Its beauty lies in its unity in diversity People from about seven main religions live in India

These religions include Hinduism Islam Christianity Buddhism Jainism Sikhism amp Zoroastrianism Spirit of brotherhood should come very normally among the citizens ofa country like India where the norm has been to consider the entire world as one family It is the duty ofevery citizen oflndia to promote communal harmony and the spirit of brotherhood amongst all people irrespective of caste creed and colour The need is to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood This bond should not become thinner and thinner between the fellow beings Being Indians we should work in unity to build a stronger and prosperous nation

The Constitution also casts upon us the --_-----=-=-- Fundamental Duty of ensuring that all practices derogatory to the dignity of women are renounced This again should come normally to a country where it is believed that Gods reside where women are worshiped It is for us to rise above the later day degenerations and deviations which tarnished the image ofour society Many laws have been passed by the Union Government and the State Governments which punish practices derogatory to the dignity of women Articles 14 15 and 16 ofthe Constitution of

India prohibit discrimination

According to a report prepared by Indias National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) a crime has been recorded against women in every three minutes in India Every 60 minutes two women are raped in this country Every six hours a young married woman is found beaten to death burnt or driven to suicide We must stop crime against women It is our fundamental duty


Indian culture is one ofthe oldest and unique cultures in the world Even people from other countries respect our Indian culture so much and want to know about it It is our duty to respect and protect our Indian Culture India is one ofthe most ancient civilizations ofthe world India can take legitimate pride in having been a civilizational unity without a break for more than five thousand years We all are part of this great civilization and culture We must remember the following

bull Our contributions in the field of art sculpture architecture mathematics science medicine etc are well known

bull Some of the oldest and deepest philosophical thoughts and literature were born in India

bull We have several historical monuments of great archaeological value spread over the entire country These include forts palaces temples cave paintings mosques churches etc

bull India is a birth place of several great religions like Hinduism Buddhism Jainism and Sikhism

bull Our past has shown us the path of peace love nonshyviolence and truth

As citizens of this country it is the responsibility of all ofus to work for the preservation ofthis rich heritage and its cultural values and live in love and harmony

Our cultural heritage is one ofthe noblest and the richest Also it is part of the heritage of the earth To preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture is another Fundamental Duty of every Indian citizen What we have inherited from the past we must preserve and pass on to the future generations

We should protect the monuments and pieces ofart Hence we should not

damage disfigure scratch or Vandalize

the monuments and pieces ofart


Since time immemorial people across the world have always made efforts to preserve and protect the natural resources like air water plants flora and fauna Ancient scriptures of different countries are full ofstories ofmans zeal to protect the

environment and ecology Our sages and saints always preached and also taught the people to worship earth sky rivers sea plants trees and every form of life Majority ofpeople still consider it as their sacred duty to protect the plants trees rivers wells etc because it is believed that they belong to all living creatures It ---------------1-jis the duty of every citizen to protect and improve natural environment including forests lakes rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures The rising air water and noise pollution and large-scale denudation offorest are causing immense harm to all human life on earth By protecting our forest cover planting new trees cleaning rivers conserving water resources reforesting wastelands hills and mountains and controlling pollution in cities villages and industrial units we can help save the future ofour fellow citizens and ofplanet earth itself Various laws have been enacted for the protection ofenvironment and wild life


Scientific temper means outlook founded on organised knowledge and

experience Scientific temper discards obsolete learning The society develops

only when the people shun superstitions Lack of Scientific temper is the biggest impediment for the progress of country In our country where a large

section of the society is still caught in various superstitions and unscientific

practices inculcating scientific temper among the citizens is of paramount

importance for development ofthe nation

We should not forget that India in the ancient time was quite advanced

and the people professed scientific temper Indian contributions to mathematics

were not limited to numbers and algebra Trigonometric functions and

algorithms were described and developed

Medicine was the other major science that was highly developed in early

India The Charaka Samhita ( first century CE or earlier) has remarkable

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


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~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

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  • Structure Bookmarks



Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul Chief Justice

Punjab and Haryana High Court Patron-in-Chief

Haryana Legal Services Authority


Freedom without acceptance of responsibility can

destroy the freedom itself Rights and responsibilities must

be balanced This would automatically enhance freedom It

is very important that consideration should be given to the

ways and means by which Fundamental Duties could be

popularized and made effective

We all must understand appreciate and discharge the

fundamental duties as mentioned in the Constitution of

India For the progress ofour nation we must discharge our

fundamental duties diligently It is quite appreciable to see

that Haryana Legal SeNices Authority has come up with a

book which describes fundamental duties in a most

intelligible manner I hope this book will prove helpful in

inculcating the spirit of discharging fundamental duties

amongst the citizens of this country I wish the legal literacy

campaign a grand success

~ (Sanjay Kishan Kaul)

Justice S K Mittal Judge Punjab amp Haryana High Court

Executive Chairman Haryana Legal Services Authority


We have duties towards our Motherland It is important

for us to understand that unless and until we discharge our

duties ournation cannot progress To take this nation to the

greatest heights we must be diligent to the hilt in

discharging our fundamental duties Just as the

fundamental rights are important for the complete

development of a citizen so are the fundamental duties for

the survival anddevelopment ofa nation and its citizens

The lucid exposition of each fundamental duty in this

book is quite appreciable This book also indicates clearly

that some of the fundamental duties have also been

incorporated in separate laws I hope this book will go a long

way in spreading of awareness about the fundamental

duties amongst the citizens ofthis country

~~~ (Salish Kumar Mittal)


The nation is what the citizens are Ifthe citizens ofa nation do not work

for the progress of their nation then that nation cannot progress The entire

responsibility rests upon the citizens to take their nation to new heights In India sovereignty lies in the hands of citizens of India It is the citizens

responsibility to take upon their shoulders the task of seeing that order justice and freedom are maintained It is our duty to see that our country stand out

among the comity ofnations as the fmest example of racial ethnic communal

and religious harmony We have duties towards our Motherland Awareness of

our duties is as important as awareness of our rights Man does not live for

himself alone He lives for the good of others as well as of himself Citizens

should work for the betterment oftheir nation to improve life ofall

Rights flow only from duties well performed If everyone performs

hisher duty everybodys rights would be automatically protected Gandhiji


The true source ofrights is duty Ifwe all discharge

our duties right will not be far to seek If leaving

duties unperformed we run after rights they escape

us like a will-o-the-wisp The more we pursue them

the farther they fly

We must render our duties towards our country diligently and faithfully

Fundamental Duties in the Constitution oflndia

Just as we have rights we have some responsibilities too The

Fundamental Duties of citizens were added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976 upon the recommendations of the Swaran Singh

Committee Article 51 A was included in the Constitution of India in Part IVA Originally ten in number the Fundamental Duties were increased to eleven by

the 86th Amendment in 2002 Article 51 A of the Constitution of India begins

with the words It shall be the duty ofevery citizen ofIndia The fundamental

duties in Article 51 A ofthe Constitution ofIndia are as under


The first and the foremost duty assigned to every citizen of India is to

abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions the National

Flag and the NationalAnthem

The IDEALS ofthe Constitution are summed up in the Preambleshy

JUSTICE social economic and political

LIBERTY ofthought expression belief faith and worship

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity ofthe nation

These words represent basic values Social justice denotes the equal treatment of all citizens without any social distinction based on caste Economic justice denotes the non-discrimination between people on the basis ofeconomic factors It involves the elimination ofglaring inequalities in wealth income and property Political justice implies that all citizens should have equal political rights equal access to all political offices and equal voice in the government The words liberty equality and fraternity in our Preamble have been taken from the French Revolution Equality means to provide equal opportunity to all citizens of India rather than special provisions to some sections of society Fraternity means a sense of brotherhood It is our duty to keep in mind the aforesaid ideals ofthe constitution Every Citizen ofIndia must remember and practice in life these ideals ofthe Constitution

The principal institutions of the Constitution are the Executive the Legislature and the Judiciary It is a duty of every citizen to respect these institutions

The Indian National Flag and National Anthem are the symbols ofour national pride It is our duty to respect the Constitution National Flag and National Anthem Showing insult to the countrys national symbols including the flag constitution and anthem is punishable under the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act1971

Following points amongst other things regarding the Indian National Flag must be kept in view

The National Flag shall be a tri-colourpanel made up of three rectangular panels or sub-panels of equal widths The colour of the top panel shall be India saffron (Kesari) and that ofthe bottom panel shall be

India green The middle panel shall be white bearing

at its centre the design of Ashoka Chakra in navy blue colour with 24 equally spaced spokes The

Ashoka Chakra shall preferably be screen printed or

otherwise printed or stenciled or suitably

embroidered and shall be completely visible on both

sides ofthe Flag in the centre ofthe white panel

bull The Flag shall not be used as a drapery in any form whatsoever except in StateMilitaryCentral Para

military Forces funerals as provided in the National

Flag Code 2002

bull The Flag shall not be draped over the hood top sides or back ofa vehicle train or boat

bull The Flag shall not be used or stored in such a manner as may damage or soil it

bull When the Flag is in a damaged or soiled condition it shall not be cast aside or disrespectfully disposed of

but shall be destroyed as a whole in private

preferably by burning or by any other method

consistent with the dignity ofthe Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used as a covering for a building

bull The Flag shall not be used as a portion of a costume

or uniform of any description It shall not be embroidered or printed upon cushions

handkerchiefs napkins or boxes

bull Lettering ofany kind shall not be put upon the Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used in any form of

advertisement nor shall an advertising sign be

fastened to the pole from which the Flag is flown

bull The Flag shall not be used as a receptacle for

receiving delivering holding or carrying anything

Provided that there shall be no objection to keep

flower petals inside the Flag before it is unfurled as

part ofcelebrations on special occasions and on

National Days like the Republic Day and the Independence Day


It is our duty to remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers for the cause of the country We must remember imbibe and follow the ideals which marked our struggle for freedom Our freedom fighters wanted to build a just society They wanted to have a society free from exploitation ofman by man They wanted to have a society marked by freedom equality non-violence brotherhood and world peace We the citizens oflndia must remain aware of sacrifices made by our freedom fighters Freedom is a gift given to us by our freedom fighters They sacrificed their whole lives so that we could live in a free country We must always remain conscious and committed to these ideals and make India a better country each day


India is a sovereign country Itmeans that our state is internally powerful and externally free She is free to determine for herself without any external interference To defend our sovereignty is our own responsibility In India sovereignty rests with the people oflndia

We should not do anything which may damage the sovereignty unity and integrity of India Even reasonable restrictions are permitted on freedom of speech and expression in the interests ofthe sovereignty and integrity oflndia Following points must be remembered

bull Any conduct which seeks to destroy or damage unity is punishable under Section 153-A of the Indian Penal Code(IPC)

bull Imputations and assertions prejudicial to national integration are punishable under Section 153-B of theIPC

bull Statements or reports containing alarming news which tend to promote enmity etc are punishable under Section 505 (2) ofthe IPC


Every citizen must be ready to defend the country against war or external aggression Sometimes civilians may be required also to take up arms in defence ofthe country It is a Fundamental Duty entrusted to the common man Those citizens who belong to any of the three defence forces are entrusted constantly with this Fundamental Duty We must protect our country not only against the external aggression but also from armed rebellion within the country


India is a multi-religious amp multi-linguistic country Its beauty lies in its unity in diversity People from about seven main religions live in India

These religions include Hinduism Islam Christianity Buddhism Jainism Sikhism amp Zoroastrianism Spirit of brotherhood should come very normally among the citizens ofa country like India where the norm has been to consider the entire world as one family It is the duty ofevery citizen oflndia to promote communal harmony and the spirit of brotherhood amongst all people irrespective of caste creed and colour The need is to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood This bond should not become thinner and thinner between the fellow beings Being Indians we should work in unity to build a stronger and prosperous nation

The Constitution also casts upon us the --_-----=-=-- Fundamental Duty of ensuring that all practices derogatory to the dignity of women are renounced This again should come normally to a country where it is believed that Gods reside where women are worshiped It is for us to rise above the later day degenerations and deviations which tarnished the image ofour society Many laws have been passed by the Union Government and the State Governments which punish practices derogatory to the dignity of women Articles 14 15 and 16 ofthe Constitution of

India prohibit discrimination

According to a report prepared by Indias National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) a crime has been recorded against women in every three minutes in India Every 60 minutes two women are raped in this country Every six hours a young married woman is found beaten to death burnt or driven to suicide We must stop crime against women It is our fundamental duty


Indian culture is one ofthe oldest and unique cultures in the world Even people from other countries respect our Indian culture so much and want to know about it It is our duty to respect and protect our Indian Culture India is one ofthe most ancient civilizations ofthe world India can take legitimate pride in having been a civilizational unity without a break for more than five thousand years We all are part of this great civilization and culture We must remember the following

bull Our contributions in the field of art sculpture architecture mathematics science medicine etc are well known

bull Some of the oldest and deepest philosophical thoughts and literature were born in India

bull We have several historical monuments of great archaeological value spread over the entire country These include forts palaces temples cave paintings mosques churches etc

bull India is a birth place of several great religions like Hinduism Buddhism Jainism and Sikhism

bull Our past has shown us the path of peace love nonshyviolence and truth

As citizens of this country it is the responsibility of all ofus to work for the preservation ofthis rich heritage and its cultural values and live in love and harmony

Our cultural heritage is one ofthe noblest and the richest Also it is part of the heritage of the earth To preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture is another Fundamental Duty of every Indian citizen What we have inherited from the past we must preserve and pass on to the future generations

We should protect the monuments and pieces ofart Hence we should not

damage disfigure scratch or Vandalize

the monuments and pieces ofart


Since time immemorial people across the world have always made efforts to preserve and protect the natural resources like air water plants flora and fauna Ancient scriptures of different countries are full ofstories ofmans zeal to protect the

environment and ecology Our sages and saints always preached and also taught the people to worship earth sky rivers sea plants trees and every form of life Majority ofpeople still consider it as their sacred duty to protect the plants trees rivers wells etc because it is believed that they belong to all living creatures It ---------------1-jis the duty of every citizen to protect and improve natural environment including forests lakes rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures The rising air water and noise pollution and large-scale denudation offorest are causing immense harm to all human life on earth By protecting our forest cover planting new trees cleaning rivers conserving water resources reforesting wastelands hills and mountains and controlling pollution in cities villages and industrial units we can help save the future ofour fellow citizens and ofplanet earth itself Various laws have been enacted for the protection ofenvironment and wild life


Scientific temper means outlook founded on organised knowledge and

experience Scientific temper discards obsolete learning The society develops

only when the people shun superstitions Lack of Scientific temper is the biggest impediment for the progress of country In our country where a large

section of the society is still caught in various superstitions and unscientific

practices inculcating scientific temper among the citizens is of paramount

importance for development ofthe nation

We should not forget that India in the ancient time was quite advanced

and the people professed scientific temper Indian contributions to mathematics

were not limited to numbers and algebra Trigonometric functions and

algorithms were described and developed

Medicine was the other major science that was highly developed in early

India The Charaka Samhita ( first century CE or earlier) has remarkable

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


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t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

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gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

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~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

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  • Structure Bookmarks

Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul Chief Justice

Punjab and Haryana High Court Patron-in-Chief

Haryana Legal Services Authority


Freedom without acceptance of responsibility can

destroy the freedom itself Rights and responsibilities must

be balanced This would automatically enhance freedom It

is very important that consideration should be given to the

ways and means by which Fundamental Duties could be

popularized and made effective

We all must understand appreciate and discharge the

fundamental duties as mentioned in the Constitution of

India For the progress ofour nation we must discharge our

fundamental duties diligently It is quite appreciable to see

that Haryana Legal SeNices Authority has come up with a

book which describes fundamental duties in a most

intelligible manner I hope this book will prove helpful in

inculcating the spirit of discharging fundamental duties

amongst the citizens of this country I wish the legal literacy

campaign a grand success

~ (Sanjay Kishan Kaul)

Justice S K Mittal Judge Punjab amp Haryana High Court

Executive Chairman Haryana Legal Services Authority


We have duties towards our Motherland It is important

for us to understand that unless and until we discharge our

duties ournation cannot progress To take this nation to the

greatest heights we must be diligent to the hilt in

discharging our fundamental duties Just as the

fundamental rights are important for the complete

development of a citizen so are the fundamental duties for

the survival anddevelopment ofa nation and its citizens

The lucid exposition of each fundamental duty in this

book is quite appreciable This book also indicates clearly

that some of the fundamental duties have also been

incorporated in separate laws I hope this book will go a long

way in spreading of awareness about the fundamental

duties amongst the citizens ofthis country

~~~ (Salish Kumar Mittal)


The nation is what the citizens are Ifthe citizens ofa nation do not work

for the progress of their nation then that nation cannot progress The entire

responsibility rests upon the citizens to take their nation to new heights In India sovereignty lies in the hands of citizens of India It is the citizens

responsibility to take upon their shoulders the task of seeing that order justice and freedom are maintained It is our duty to see that our country stand out

among the comity ofnations as the fmest example of racial ethnic communal

and religious harmony We have duties towards our Motherland Awareness of

our duties is as important as awareness of our rights Man does not live for

himself alone He lives for the good of others as well as of himself Citizens

should work for the betterment oftheir nation to improve life ofall

Rights flow only from duties well performed If everyone performs

hisher duty everybodys rights would be automatically protected Gandhiji


The true source ofrights is duty Ifwe all discharge

our duties right will not be far to seek If leaving

duties unperformed we run after rights they escape

us like a will-o-the-wisp The more we pursue them

the farther they fly

We must render our duties towards our country diligently and faithfully

Fundamental Duties in the Constitution oflndia

Just as we have rights we have some responsibilities too The

Fundamental Duties of citizens were added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976 upon the recommendations of the Swaran Singh

Committee Article 51 A was included in the Constitution of India in Part IVA Originally ten in number the Fundamental Duties were increased to eleven by

the 86th Amendment in 2002 Article 51 A of the Constitution of India begins

with the words It shall be the duty ofevery citizen ofIndia The fundamental

duties in Article 51 A ofthe Constitution ofIndia are as under


The first and the foremost duty assigned to every citizen of India is to

abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions the National

Flag and the NationalAnthem

The IDEALS ofthe Constitution are summed up in the Preambleshy

JUSTICE social economic and political

LIBERTY ofthought expression belief faith and worship

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity ofthe nation

These words represent basic values Social justice denotes the equal treatment of all citizens without any social distinction based on caste Economic justice denotes the non-discrimination between people on the basis ofeconomic factors It involves the elimination ofglaring inequalities in wealth income and property Political justice implies that all citizens should have equal political rights equal access to all political offices and equal voice in the government The words liberty equality and fraternity in our Preamble have been taken from the French Revolution Equality means to provide equal opportunity to all citizens of India rather than special provisions to some sections of society Fraternity means a sense of brotherhood It is our duty to keep in mind the aforesaid ideals ofthe constitution Every Citizen ofIndia must remember and practice in life these ideals ofthe Constitution

The principal institutions of the Constitution are the Executive the Legislature and the Judiciary It is a duty of every citizen to respect these institutions

The Indian National Flag and National Anthem are the symbols ofour national pride It is our duty to respect the Constitution National Flag and National Anthem Showing insult to the countrys national symbols including the flag constitution and anthem is punishable under the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act1971

Following points amongst other things regarding the Indian National Flag must be kept in view

The National Flag shall be a tri-colourpanel made up of three rectangular panels or sub-panels of equal widths The colour of the top panel shall be India saffron (Kesari) and that ofthe bottom panel shall be

India green The middle panel shall be white bearing

at its centre the design of Ashoka Chakra in navy blue colour with 24 equally spaced spokes The

Ashoka Chakra shall preferably be screen printed or

otherwise printed or stenciled or suitably

embroidered and shall be completely visible on both

sides ofthe Flag in the centre ofthe white panel

bull The Flag shall not be used as a drapery in any form whatsoever except in StateMilitaryCentral Para

military Forces funerals as provided in the National

Flag Code 2002

bull The Flag shall not be draped over the hood top sides or back ofa vehicle train or boat

bull The Flag shall not be used or stored in such a manner as may damage or soil it

bull When the Flag is in a damaged or soiled condition it shall not be cast aside or disrespectfully disposed of

but shall be destroyed as a whole in private

preferably by burning or by any other method

consistent with the dignity ofthe Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used as a covering for a building

bull The Flag shall not be used as a portion of a costume

or uniform of any description It shall not be embroidered or printed upon cushions

handkerchiefs napkins or boxes

bull Lettering ofany kind shall not be put upon the Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used in any form of

advertisement nor shall an advertising sign be

fastened to the pole from which the Flag is flown

bull The Flag shall not be used as a receptacle for

receiving delivering holding or carrying anything

Provided that there shall be no objection to keep

flower petals inside the Flag before it is unfurled as

part ofcelebrations on special occasions and on

National Days like the Republic Day and the Independence Day


It is our duty to remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers for the cause of the country We must remember imbibe and follow the ideals which marked our struggle for freedom Our freedom fighters wanted to build a just society They wanted to have a society free from exploitation ofman by man They wanted to have a society marked by freedom equality non-violence brotherhood and world peace We the citizens oflndia must remain aware of sacrifices made by our freedom fighters Freedom is a gift given to us by our freedom fighters They sacrificed their whole lives so that we could live in a free country We must always remain conscious and committed to these ideals and make India a better country each day


India is a sovereign country Itmeans that our state is internally powerful and externally free She is free to determine for herself without any external interference To defend our sovereignty is our own responsibility In India sovereignty rests with the people oflndia

We should not do anything which may damage the sovereignty unity and integrity of India Even reasonable restrictions are permitted on freedom of speech and expression in the interests ofthe sovereignty and integrity oflndia Following points must be remembered

bull Any conduct which seeks to destroy or damage unity is punishable under Section 153-A of the Indian Penal Code(IPC)

bull Imputations and assertions prejudicial to national integration are punishable under Section 153-B of theIPC

bull Statements or reports containing alarming news which tend to promote enmity etc are punishable under Section 505 (2) ofthe IPC


Every citizen must be ready to defend the country against war or external aggression Sometimes civilians may be required also to take up arms in defence ofthe country It is a Fundamental Duty entrusted to the common man Those citizens who belong to any of the three defence forces are entrusted constantly with this Fundamental Duty We must protect our country not only against the external aggression but also from armed rebellion within the country


India is a multi-religious amp multi-linguistic country Its beauty lies in its unity in diversity People from about seven main religions live in India

These religions include Hinduism Islam Christianity Buddhism Jainism Sikhism amp Zoroastrianism Spirit of brotherhood should come very normally among the citizens ofa country like India where the norm has been to consider the entire world as one family It is the duty ofevery citizen oflndia to promote communal harmony and the spirit of brotherhood amongst all people irrespective of caste creed and colour The need is to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood This bond should not become thinner and thinner between the fellow beings Being Indians we should work in unity to build a stronger and prosperous nation

The Constitution also casts upon us the --_-----=-=-- Fundamental Duty of ensuring that all practices derogatory to the dignity of women are renounced This again should come normally to a country where it is believed that Gods reside where women are worshiped It is for us to rise above the later day degenerations and deviations which tarnished the image ofour society Many laws have been passed by the Union Government and the State Governments which punish practices derogatory to the dignity of women Articles 14 15 and 16 ofthe Constitution of

India prohibit discrimination

According to a report prepared by Indias National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) a crime has been recorded against women in every three minutes in India Every 60 minutes two women are raped in this country Every six hours a young married woman is found beaten to death burnt or driven to suicide We must stop crime against women It is our fundamental duty


Indian culture is one ofthe oldest and unique cultures in the world Even people from other countries respect our Indian culture so much and want to know about it It is our duty to respect and protect our Indian Culture India is one ofthe most ancient civilizations ofthe world India can take legitimate pride in having been a civilizational unity without a break for more than five thousand years We all are part of this great civilization and culture We must remember the following

bull Our contributions in the field of art sculpture architecture mathematics science medicine etc are well known

bull Some of the oldest and deepest philosophical thoughts and literature were born in India

bull We have several historical monuments of great archaeological value spread over the entire country These include forts palaces temples cave paintings mosques churches etc

bull India is a birth place of several great religions like Hinduism Buddhism Jainism and Sikhism

bull Our past has shown us the path of peace love nonshyviolence and truth

As citizens of this country it is the responsibility of all ofus to work for the preservation ofthis rich heritage and its cultural values and live in love and harmony

Our cultural heritage is one ofthe noblest and the richest Also it is part of the heritage of the earth To preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture is another Fundamental Duty of every Indian citizen What we have inherited from the past we must preserve and pass on to the future generations

We should protect the monuments and pieces ofart Hence we should not

damage disfigure scratch or Vandalize

the monuments and pieces ofart


Since time immemorial people across the world have always made efforts to preserve and protect the natural resources like air water plants flora and fauna Ancient scriptures of different countries are full ofstories ofmans zeal to protect the

environment and ecology Our sages and saints always preached and also taught the people to worship earth sky rivers sea plants trees and every form of life Majority ofpeople still consider it as their sacred duty to protect the plants trees rivers wells etc because it is believed that they belong to all living creatures It ---------------1-jis the duty of every citizen to protect and improve natural environment including forests lakes rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures The rising air water and noise pollution and large-scale denudation offorest are causing immense harm to all human life on earth By protecting our forest cover planting new trees cleaning rivers conserving water resources reforesting wastelands hills and mountains and controlling pollution in cities villages and industrial units we can help save the future ofour fellow citizens and ofplanet earth itself Various laws have been enacted for the protection ofenvironment and wild life


Scientific temper means outlook founded on organised knowledge and

experience Scientific temper discards obsolete learning The society develops

only when the people shun superstitions Lack of Scientific temper is the biggest impediment for the progress of country In our country where a large

section of the society is still caught in various superstitions and unscientific

practices inculcating scientific temper among the citizens is of paramount

importance for development ofthe nation

We should not forget that India in the ancient time was quite advanced

and the people professed scientific temper Indian contributions to mathematics

were not limited to numbers and algebra Trigonometric functions and

algorithms were described and developed

Medicine was the other major science that was highly developed in early

India The Charaka Samhita ( first century CE or earlier) has remarkable

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


fclRfi ~ ~ cfgtT frrrrar ~ middot-IIJIRcfgt tr~~ I~ middotmiddotIIJIRcfgt ~

~ fcrcfgtm ~ ~ llllCl~ftCI 161 ~ cTT ~ wffer 161 cnx ~ I ~ cfgtl

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~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

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~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

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14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

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cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

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gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

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~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

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~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

9o-BflT m ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ fcnm JJTill I

gt ~-~ cITT ~ gtfqjR ~ ~ ~ x-iti6ld 76T fcnm JJTcTT

~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

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  • Structure Bookmarks

Justice S K Mittal Judge Punjab amp Haryana High Court

Executive Chairman Haryana Legal Services Authority


We have duties towards our Motherland It is important

for us to understand that unless and until we discharge our

duties ournation cannot progress To take this nation to the

greatest heights we must be diligent to the hilt in

discharging our fundamental duties Just as the

fundamental rights are important for the complete

development of a citizen so are the fundamental duties for

the survival anddevelopment ofa nation and its citizens

The lucid exposition of each fundamental duty in this

book is quite appreciable This book also indicates clearly

that some of the fundamental duties have also been

incorporated in separate laws I hope this book will go a long

way in spreading of awareness about the fundamental

duties amongst the citizens ofthis country

~~~ (Salish Kumar Mittal)


The nation is what the citizens are Ifthe citizens ofa nation do not work

for the progress of their nation then that nation cannot progress The entire

responsibility rests upon the citizens to take their nation to new heights In India sovereignty lies in the hands of citizens of India It is the citizens

responsibility to take upon their shoulders the task of seeing that order justice and freedom are maintained It is our duty to see that our country stand out

among the comity ofnations as the fmest example of racial ethnic communal

and religious harmony We have duties towards our Motherland Awareness of

our duties is as important as awareness of our rights Man does not live for

himself alone He lives for the good of others as well as of himself Citizens

should work for the betterment oftheir nation to improve life ofall

Rights flow only from duties well performed If everyone performs

hisher duty everybodys rights would be automatically protected Gandhiji


The true source ofrights is duty Ifwe all discharge

our duties right will not be far to seek If leaving

duties unperformed we run after rights they escape

us like a will-o-the-wisp The more we pursue them

the farther they fly

We must render our duties towards our country diligently and faithfully

Fundamental Duties in the Constitution oflndia

Just as we have rights we have some responsibilities too The

Fundamental Duties of citizens were added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976 upon the recommendations of the Swaran Singh

Committee Article 51 A was included in the Constitution of India in Part IVA Originally ten in number the Fundamental Duties were increased to eleven by

the 86th Amendment in 2002 Article 51 A of the Constitution of India begins

with the words It shall be the duty ofevery citizen ofIndia The fundamental

duties in Article 51 A ofthe Constitution ofIndia are as under


The first and the foremost duty assigned to every citizen of India is to

abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions the National

Flag and the NationalAnthem

The IDEALS ofthe Constitution are summed up in the Preambleshy

JUSTICE social economic and political

LIBERTY ofthought expression belief faith and worship

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity ofthe nation

These words represent basic values Social justice denotes the equal treatment of all citizens without any social distinction based on caste Economic justice denotes the non-discrimination between people on the basis ofeconomic factors It involves the elimination ofglaring inequalities in wealth income and property Political justice implies that all citizens should have equal political rights equal access to all political offices and equal voice in the government The words liberty equality and fraternity in our Preamble have been taken from the French Revolution Equality means to provide equal opportunity to all citizens of India rather than special provisions to some sections of society Fraternity means a sense of brotherhood It is our duty to keep in mind the aforesaid ideals ofthe constitution Every Citizen ofIndia must remember and practice in life these ideals ofthe Constitution

The principal institutions of the Constitution are the Executive the Legislature and the Judiciary It is a duty of every citizen to respect these institutions

The Indian National Flag and National Anthem are the symbols ofour national pride It is our duty to respect the Constitution National Flag and National Anthem Showing insult to the countrys national symbols including the flag constitution and anthem is punishable under the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act1971

Following points amongst other things regarding the Indian National Flag must be kept in view

The National Flag shall be a tri-colourpanel made up of three rectangular panels or sub-panels of equal widths The colour of the top panel shall be India saffron (Kesari) and that ofthe bottom panel shall be

India green The middle panel shall be white bearing

at its centre the design of Ashoka Chakra in navy blue colour with 24 equally spaced spokes The

Ashoka Chakra shall preferably be screen printed or

otherwise printed or stenciled or suitably

embroidered and shall be completely visible on both

sides ofthe Flag in the centre ofthe white panel

bull The Flag shall not be used as a drapery in any form whatsoever except in StateMilitaryCentral Para

military Forces funerals as provided in the National

Flag Code 2002

bull The Flag shall not be draped over the hood top sides or back ofa vehicle train or boat

bull The Flag shall not be used or stored in such a manner as may damage or soil it

bull When the Flag is in a damaged or soiled condition it shall not be cast aside or disrespectfully disposed of

but shall be destroyed as a whole in private

preferably by burning or by any other method

consistent with the dignity ofthe Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used as a covering for a building

bull The Flag shall not be used as a portion of a costume

or uniform of any description It shall not be embroidered or printed upon cushions

handkerchiefs napkins or boxes

bull Lettering ofany kind shall not be put upon the Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used in any form of

advertisement nor shall an advertising sign be

fastened to the pole from which the Flag is flown

bull The Flag shall not be used as a receptacle for

receiving delivering holding or carrying anything

Provided that there shall be no objection to keep

flower petals inside the Flag before it is unfurled as

part ofcelebrations on special occasions and on

National Days like the Republic Day and the Independence Day


It is our duty to remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers for the cause of the country We must remember imbibe and follow the ideals which marked our struggle for freedom Our freedom fighters wanted to build a just society They wanted to have a society free from exploitation ofman by man They wanted to have a society marked by freedom equality non-violence brotherhood and world peace We the citizens oflndia must remain aware of sacrifices made by our freedom fighters Freedom is a gift given to us by our freedom fighters They sacrificed their whole lives so that we could live in a free country We must always remain conscious and committed to these ideals and make India a better country each day


India is a sovereign country Itmeans that our state is internally powerful and externally free She is free to determine for herself without any external interference To defend our sovereignty is our own responsibility In India sovereignty rests with the people oflndia

We should not do anything which may damage the sovereignty unity and integrity of India Even reasonable restrictions are permitted on freedom of speech and expression in the interests ofthe sovereignty and integrity oflndia Following points must be remembered

bull Any conduct which seeks to destroy or damage unity is punishable under Section 153-A of the Indian Penal Code(IPC)

bull Imputations and assertions prejudicial to national integration are punishable under Section 153-B of theIPC

bull Statements or reports containing alarming news which tend to promote enmity etc are punishable under Section 505 (2) ofthe IPC


Every citizen must be ready to defend the country against war or external aggression Sometimes civilians may be required also to take up arms in defence ofthe country It is a Fundamental Duty entrusted to the common man Those citizens who belong to any of the three defence forces are entrusted constantly with this Fundamental Duty We must protect our country not only against the external aggression but also from armed rebellion within the country


India is a multi-religious amp multi-linguistic country Its beauty lies in its unity in diversity People from about seven main religions live in India

These religions include Hinduism Islam Christianity Buddhism Jainism Sikhism amp Zoroastrianism Spirit of brotherhood should come very normally among the citizens ofa country like India where the norm has been to consider the entire world as one family It is the duty ofevery citizen oflndia to promote communal harmony and the spirit of brotherhood amongst all people irrespective of caste creed and colour The need is to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood This bond should not become thinner and thinner between the fellow beings Being Indians we should work in unity to build a stronger and prosperous nation

The Constitution also casts upon us the --_-----=-=-- Fundamental Duty of ensuring that all practices derogatory to the dignity of women are renounced This again should come normally to a country where it is believed that Gods reside where women are worshiped It is for us to rise above the later day degenerations and deviations which tarnished the image ofour society Many laws have been passed by the Union Government and the State Governments which punish practices derogatory to the dignity of women Articles 14 15 and 16 ofthe Constitution of

India prohibit discrimination

According to a report prepared by Indias National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) a crime has been recorded against women in every three minutes in India Every 60 minutes two women are raped in this country Every six hours a young married woman is found beaten to death burnt or driven to suicide We must stop crime against women It is our fundamental duty


Indian culture is one ofthe oldest and unique cultures in the world Even people from other countries respect our Indian culture so much and want to know about it It is our duty to respect and protect our Indian Culture India is one ofthe most ancient civilizations ofthe world India can take legitimate pride in having been a civilizational unity without a break for more than five thousand years We all are part of this great civilization and culture We must remember the following

bull Our contributions in the field of art sculpture architecture mathematics science medicine etc are well known

bull Some of the oldest and deepest philosophical thoughts and literature were born in India

bull We have several historical monuments of great archaeological value spread over the entire country These include forts palaces temples cave paintings mosques churches etc

bull India is a birth place of several great religions like Hinduism Buddhism Jainism and Sikhism

bull Our past has shown us the path of peace love nonshyviolence and truth

As citizens of this country it is the responsibility of all ofus to work for the preservation ofthis rich heritage and its cultural values and live in love and harmony

Our cultural heritage is one ofthe noblest and the richest Also it is part of the heritage of the earth To preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture is another Fundamental Duty of every Indian citizen What we have inherited from the past we must preserve and pass on to the future generations

We should protect the monuments and pieces ofart Hence we should not

damage disfigure scratch or Vandalize

the monuments and pieces ofart


Since time immemorial people across the world have always made efforts to preserve and protect the natural resources like air water plants flora and fauna Ancient scriptures of different countries are full ofstories ofmans zeal to protect the

environment and ecology Our sages and saints always preached and also taught the people to worship earth sky rivers sea plants trees and every form of life Majority ofpeople still consider it as their sacred duty to protect the plants trees rivers wells etc because it is believed that they belong to all living creatures It ---------------1-jis the duty of every citizen to protect and improve natural environment including forests lakes rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures The rising air water and noise pollution and large-scale denudation offorest are causing immense harm to all human life on earth By protecting our forest cover planting new trees cleaning rivers conserving water resources reforesting wastelands hills and mountains and controlling pollution in cities villages and industrial units we can help save the future ofour fellow citizens and ofplanet earth itself Various laws have been enacted for the protection ofenvironment and wild life


Scientific temper means outlook founded on organised knowledge and

experience Scientific temper discards obsolete learning The society develops

only when the people shun superstitions Lack of Scientific temper is the biggest impediment for the progress of country In our country where a large

section of the society is still caught in various superstitions and unscientific

practices inculcating scientific temper among the citizens is of paramount

importance for development ofthe nation

We should not forget that India in the ancient time was quite advanced

and the people professed scientific temper Indian contributions to mathematics

were not limited to numbers and algebra Trigonometric functions and

algorithms were described and developed

Medicine was the other major science that was highly developed in early

India The Charaka Samhita ( first century CE or earlier) has remarkable

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


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~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

34xlcf=a ~~~~~~ JlfaP~t I til-llfttcfgt ~

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~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

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IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

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cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

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JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

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gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

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  • Structure Bookmarks


The nation is what the citizens are Ifthe citizens ofa nation do not work

for the progress of their nation then that nation cannot progress The entire

responsibility rests upon the citizens to take their nation to new heights In India sovereignty lies in the hands of citizens of India It is the citizens

responsibility to take upon their shoulders the task of seeing that order justice and freedom are maintained It is our duty to see that our country stand out

among the comity ofnations as the fmest example of racial ethnic communal

and religious harmony We have duties towards our Motherland Awareness of

our duties is as important as awareness of our rights Man does not live for

himself alone He lives for the good of others as well as of himself Citizens

should work for the betterment oftheir nation to improve life ofall

Rights flow only from duties well performed If everyone performs

hisher duty everybodys rights would be automatically protected Gandhiji


The true source ofrights is duty Ifwe all discharge

our duties right will not be far to seek If leaving

duties unperformed we run after rights they escape

us like a will-o-the-wisp The more we pursue them

the farther they fly

We must render our duties towards our country diligently and faithfully

Fundamental Duties in the Constitution oflndia

Just as we have rights we have some responsibilities too The

Fundamental Duties of citizens were added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976 upon the recommendations of the Swaran Singh

Committee Article 51 A was included in the Constitution of India in Part IVA Originally ten in number the Fundamental Duties were increased to eleven by

the 86th Amendment in 2002 Article 51 A of the Constitution of India begins

with the words It shall be the duty ofevery citizen ofIndia The fundamental

duties in Article 51 A ofthe Constitution ofIndia are as under


The first and the foremost duty assigned to every citizen of India is to

abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions the National

Flag and the NationalAnthem

The IDEALS ofthe Constitution are summed up in the Preambleshy

JUSTICE social economic and political

LIBERTY ofthought expression belief faith and worship

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity ofthe nation

These words represent basic values Social justice denotes the equal treatment of all citizens without any social distinction based on caste Economic justice denotes the non-discrimination between people on the basis ofeconomic factors It involves the elimination ofglaring inequalities in wealth income and property Political justice implies that all citizens should have equal political rights equal access to all political offices and equal voice in the government The words liberty equality and fraternity in our Preamble have been taken from the French Revolution Equality means to provide equal opportunity to all citizens of India rather than special provisions to some sections of society Fraternity means a sense of brotherhood It is our duty to keep in mind the aforesaid ideals ofthe constitution Every Citizen ofIndia must remember and practice in life these ideals ofthe Constitution

The principal institutions of the Constitution are the Executive the Legislature and the Judiciary It is a duty of every citizen to respect these institutions

The Indian National Flag and National Anthem are the symbols ofour national pride It is our duty to respect the Constitution National Flag and National Anthem Showing insult to the countrys national symbols including the flag constitution and anthem is punishable under the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act1971

Following points amongst other things regarding the Indian National Flag must be kept in view

The National Flag shall be a tri-colourpanel made up of three rectangular panels or sub-panels of equal widths The colour of the top panel shall be India saffron (Kesari) and that ofthe bottom panel shall be

India green The middle panel shall be white bearing

at its centre the design of Ashoka Chakra in navy blue colour with 24 equally spaced spokes The

Ashoka Chakra shall preferably be screen printed or

otherwise printed or stenciled or suitably

embroidered and shall be completely visible on both

sides ofthe Flag in the centre ofthe white panel

bull The Flag shall not be used as a drapery in any form whatsoever except in StateMilitaryCentral Para

military Forces funerals as provided in the National

Flag Code 2002

bull The Flag shall not be draped over the hood top sides or back ofa vehicle train or boat

bull The Flag shall not be used or stored in such a manner as may damage or soil it

bull When the Flag is in a damaged or soiled condition it shall not be cast aside or disrespectfully disposed of

but shall be destroyed as a whole in private

preferably by burning or by any other method

consistent with the dignity ofthe Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used as a covering for a building

bull The Flag shall not be used as a portion of a costume

or uniform of any description It shall not be embroidered or printed upon cushions

handkerchiefs napkins or boxes

bull Lettering ofany kind shall not be put upon the Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used in any form of

advertisement nor shall an advertising sign be

fastened to the pole from which the Flag is flown

bull The Flag shall not be used as a receptacle for

receiving delivering holding or carrying anything

Provided that there shall be no objection to keep

flower petals inside the Flag before it is unfurled as

part ofcelebrations on special occasions and on

National Days like the Republic Day and the Independence Day


It is our duty to remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers for the cause of the country We must remember imbibe and follow the ideals which marked our struggle for freedom Our freedom fighters wanted to build a just society They wanted to have a society free from exploitation ofman by man They wanted to have a society marked by freedom equality non-violence brotherhood and world peace We the citizens oflndia must remain aware of sacrifices made by our freedom fighters Freedom is a gift given to us by our freedom fighters They sacrificed their whole lives so that we could live in a free country We must always remain conscious and committed to these ideals and make India a better country each day


India is a sovereign country Itmeans that our state is internally powerful and externally free She is free to determine for herself without any external interference To defend our sovereignty is our own responsibility In India sovereignty rests with the people oflndia

We should not do anything which may damage the sovereignty unity and integrity of India Even reasonable restrictions are permitted on freedom of speech and expression in the interests ofthe sovereignty and integrity oflndia Following points must be remembered

bull Any conduct which seeks to destroy or damage unity is punishable under Section 153-A of the Indian Penal Code(IPC)

bull Imputations and assertions prejudicial to national integration are punishable under Section 153-B of theIPC

bull Statements or reports containing alarming news which tend to promote enmity etc are punishable under Section 505 (2) ofthe IPC


Every citizen must be ready to defend the country against war or external aggression Sometimes civilians may be required also to take up arms in defence ofthe country It is a Fundamental Duty entrusted to the common man Those citizens who belong to any of the three defence forces are entrusted constantly with this Fundamental Duty We must protect our country not only against the external aggression but also from armed rebellion within the country


India is a multi-religious amp multi-linguistic country Its beauty lies in its unity in diversity People from about seven main religions live in India

These religions include Hinduism Islam Christianity Buddhism Jainism Sikhism amp Zoroastrianism Spirit of brotherhood should come very normally among the citizens ofa country like India where the norm has been to consider the entire world as one family It is the duty ofevery citizen oflndia to promote communal harmony and the spirit of brotherhood amongst all people irrespective of caste creed and colour The need is to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood This bond should not become thinner and thinner between the fellow beings Being Indians we should work in unity to build a stronger and prosperous nation

The Constitution also casts upon us the --_-----=-=-- Fundamental Duty of ensuring that all practices derogatory to the dignity of women are renounced This again should come normally to a country where it is believed that Gods reside where women are worshiped It is for us to rise above the later day degenerations and deviations which tarnished the image ofour society Many laws have been passed by the Union Government and the State Governments which punish practices derogatory to the dignity of women Articles 14 15 and 16 ofthe Constitution of

India prohibit discrimination

According to a report prepared by Indias National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) a crime has been recorded against women in every three minutes in India Every 60 minutes two women are raped in this country Every six hours a young married woman is found beaten to death burnt or driven to suicide We must stop crime against women It is our fundamental duty


Indian culture is one ofthe oldest and unique cultures in the world Even people from other countries respect our Indian culture so much and want to know about it It is our duty to respect and protect our Indian Culture India is one ofthe most ancient civilizations ofthe world India can take legitimate pride in having been a civilizational unity without a break for more than five thousand years We all are part of this great civilization and culture We must remember the following

bull Our contributions in the field of art sculpture architecture mathematics science medicine etc are well known

bull Some of the oldest and deepest philosophical thoughts and literature were born in India

bull We have several historical monuments of great archaeological value spread over the entire country These include forts palaces temples cave paintings mosques churches etc

bull India is a birth place of several great religions like Hinduism Buddhism Jainism and Sikhism

bull Our past has shown us the path of peace love nonshyviolence and truth

As citizens of this country it is the responsibility of all ofus to work for the preservation ofthis rich heritage and its cultural values and live in love and harmony

Our cultural heritage is one ofthe noblest and the richest Also it is part of the heritage of the earth To preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture is another Fundamental Duty of every Indian citizen What we have inherited from the past we must preserve and pass on to the future generations

We should protect the monuments and pieces ofart Hence we should not

damage disfigure scratch or Vandalize

the monuments and pieces ofart


Since time immemorial people across the world have always made efforts to preserve and protect the natural resources like air water plants flora and fauna Ancient scriptures of different countries are full ofstories ofmans zeal to protect the

environment and ecology Our sages and saints always preached and also taught the people to worship earth sky rivers sea plants trees and every form of life Majority ofpeople still consider it as their sacred duty to protect the plants trees rivers wells etc because it is believed that they belong to all living creatures It ---------------1-jis the duty of every citizen to protect and improve natural environment including forests lakes rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures The rising air water and noise pollution and large-scale denudation offorest are causing immense harm to all human life on earth By protecting our forest cover planting new trees cleaning rivers conserving water resources reforesting wastelands hills and mountains and controlling pollution in cities villages and industrial units we can help save the future ofour fellow citizens and ofplanet earth itself Various laws have been enacted for the protection ofenvironment and wild life


Scientific temper means outlook founded on organised knowledge and

experience Scientific temper discards obsolete learning The society develops

only when the people shun superstitions Lack of Scientific temper is the biggest impediment for the progress of country In our country where a large

section of the society is still caught in various superstitions and unscientific

practices inculcating scientific temper among the citizens is of paramount

importance for development ofthe nation

We should not forget that India in the ancient time was quite advanced

and the people professed scientific temper Indian contributions to mathematics

were not limited to numbers and algebra Trigonometric functions and

algorithms were described and developed

Medicine was the other major science that was highly developed in early

India The Charaka Samhita ( first century CE or earlier) has remarkable

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


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~~~~B x-1qiJfto1 fcrcfgtmITTllT I

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1=JRa ~ fl~ 1f AAlic 1=1l~ ~ ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t -8[cp ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t I

ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ tN ~ ~ 61Ql~itj ffillcR ~ ampRT

~ ~ cITT 3IB ~ fcnm lfm I~~~ IVcn ~ ~ s1cn ti~~a fclgtm lfm I er-it 2002 ~ fBQIR-Jtj ~~ampRT~

~~~ 10 ~~cfR 11 cfRcfi~I ~ 51cncfTT~~

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~s1cn~~~~ Pls-i~Rsla ~-

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~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

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~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

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cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

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t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

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~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

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gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

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gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

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gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

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~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

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  • Structure Bookmarks

Flag and the NationalAnthem

The IDEALS ofthe Constitution are summed up in the Preambleshy

JUSTICE social economic and political

LIBERTY ofthought expression belief faith and worship

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity ofthe nation

These words represent basic values Social justice denotes the equal treatment of all citizens without any social distinction based on caste Economic justice denotes the non-discrimination between people on the basis ofeconomic factors It involves the elimination ofglaring inequalities in wealth income and property Political justice implies that all citizens should have equal political rights equal access to all political offices and equal voice in the government The words liberty equality and fraternity in our Preamble have been taken from the French Revolution Equality means to provide equal opportunity to all citizens of India rather than special provisions to some sections of society Fraternity means a sense of brotherhood It is our duty to keep in mind the aforesaid ideals ofthe constitution Every Citizen ofIndia must remember and practice in life these ideals ofthe Constitution

The principal institutions of the Constitution are the Executive the Legislature and the Judiciary It is a duty of every citizen to respect these institutions

The Indian National Flag and National Anthem are the symbols ofour national pride It is our duty to respect the Constitution National Flag and National Anthem Showing insult to the countrys national symbols including the flag constitution and anthem is punishable under the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act1971

Following points amongst other things regarding the Indian National Flag must be kept in view

The National Flag shall be a tri-colourpanel made up of three rectangular panels or sub-panels of equal widths The colour of the top panel shall be India saffron (Kesari) and that ofthe bottom panel shall be

India green The middle panel shall be white bearing

at its centre the design of Ashoka Chakra in navy blue colour with 24 equally spaced spokes The

Ashoka Chakra shall preferably be screen printed or

otherwise printed or stenciled or suitably

embroidered and shall be completely visible on both

sides ofthe Flag in the centre ofthe white panel

bull The Flag shall not be used as a drapery in any form whatsoever except in StateMilitaryCentral Para

military Forces funerals as provided in the National

Flag Code 2002

bull The Flag shall not be draped over the hood top sides or back ofa vehicle train or boat

bull The Flag shall not be used or stored in such a manner as may damage or soil it

bull When the Flag is in a damaged or soiled condition it shall not be cast aside or disrespectfully disposed of

but shall be destroyed as a whole in private

preferably by burning or by any other method

consistent with the dignity ofthe Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used as a covering for a building

bull The Flag shall not be used as a portion of a costume

or uniform of any description It shall not be embroidered or printed upon cushions

handkerchiefs napkins or boxes

bull Lettering ofany kind shall not be put upon the Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used in any form of

advertisement nor shall an advertising sign be

fastened to the pole from which the Flag is flown

bull The Flag shall not be used as a receptacle for

receiving delivering holding or carrying anything

Provided that there shall be no objection to keep

flower petals inside the Flag before it is unfurled as

part ofcelebrations on special occasions and on

National Days like the Republic Day and the Independence Day


It is our duty to remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers for the cause of the country We must remember imbibe and follow the ideals which marked our struggle for freedom Our freedom fighters wanted to build a just society They wanted to have a society free from exploitation ofman by man They wanted to have a society marked by freedom equality non-violence brotherhood and world peace We the citizens oflndia must remain aware of sacrifices made by our freedom fighters Freedom is a gift given to us by our freedom fighters They sacrificed their whole lives so that we could live in a free country We must always remain conscious and committed to these ideals and make India a better country each day


India is a sovereign country Itmeans that our state is internally powerful and externally free She is free to determine for herself without any external interference To defend our sovereignty is our own responsibility In India sovereignty rests with the people oflndia

We should not do anything which may damage the sovereignty unity and integrity of India Even reasonable restrictions are permitted on freedom of speech and expression in the interests ofthe sovereignty and integrity oflndia Following points must be remembered

bull Any conduct which seeks to destroy or damage unity is punishable under Section 153-A of the Indian Penal Code(IPC)

bull Imputations and assertions prejudicial to national integration are punishable under Section 153-B of theIPC

bull Statements or reports containing alarming news which tend to promote enmity etc are punishable under Section 505 (2) ofthe IPC


Every citizen must be ready to defend the country against war or external aggression Sometimes civilians may be required also to take up arms in defence ofthe country It is a Fundamental Duty entrusted to the common man Those citizens who belong to any of the three defence forces are entrusted constantly with this Fundamental Duty We must protect our country not only against the external aggression but also from armed rebellion within the country


India is a multi-religious amp multi-linguistic country Its beauty lies in its unity in diversity People from about seven main religions live in India

These religions include Hinduism Islam Christianity Buddhism Jainism Sikhism amp Zoroastrianism Spirit of brotherhood should come very normally among the citizens ofa country like India where the norm has been to consider the entire world as one family It is the duty ofevery citizen oflndia to promote communal harmony and the spirit of brotherhood amongst all people irrespective of caste creed and colour The need is to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood This bond should not become thinner and thinner between the fellow beings Being Indians we should work in unity to build a stronger and prosperous nation

The Constitution also casts upon us the --_-----=-=-- Fundamental Duty of ensuring that all practices derogatory to the dignity of women are renounced This again should come normally to a country where it is believed that Gods reside where women are worshiped It is for us to rise above the later day degenerations and deviations which tarnished the image ofour society Many laws have been passed by the Union Government and the State Governments which punish practices derogatory to the dignity of women Articles 14 15 and 16 ofthe Constitution of

India prohibit discrimination

According to a report prepared by Indias National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) a crime has been recorded against women in every three minutes in India Every 60 minutes two women are raped in this country Every six hours a young married woman is found beaten to death burnt or driven to suicide We must stop crime against women It is our fundamental duty


Indian culture is one ofthe oldest and unique cultures in the world Even people from other countries respect our Indian culture so much and want to know about it It is our duty to respect and protect our Indian Culture India is one ofthe most ancient civilizations ofthe world India can take legitimate pride in having been a civilizational unity without a break for more than five thousand years We all are part of this great civilization and culture We must remember the following

bull Our contributions in the field of art sculpture architecture mathematics science medicine etc are well known

bull Some of the oldest and deepest philosophical thoughts and literature were born in India

bull We have several historical monuments of great archaeological value spread over the entire country These include forts palaces temples cave paintings mosques churches etc

bull India is a birth place of several great religions like Hinduism Buddhism Jainism and Sikhism

bull Our past has shown us the path of peace love nonshyviolence and truth

As citizens of this country it is the responsibility of all ofus to work for the preservation ofthis rich heritage and its cultural values and live in love and harmony

Our cultural heritage is one ofthe noblest and the richest Also it is part of the heritage of the earth To preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture is another Fundamental Duty of every Indian citizen What we have inherited from the past we must preserve and pass on to the future generations

We should protect the monuments and pieces ofart Hence we should not

damage disfigure scratch or Vandalize

the monuments and pieces ofart


Since time immemorial people across the world have always made efforts to preserve and protect the natural resources like air water plants flora and fauna Ancient scriptures of different countries are full ofstories ofmans zeal to protect the

environment and ecology Our sages and saints always preached and also taught the people to worship earth sky rivers sea plants trees and every form of life Majority ofpeople still consider it as their sacred duty to protect the plants trees rivers wells etc because it is believed that they belong to all living creatures It ---------------1-jis the duty of every citizen to protect and improve natural environment including forests lakes rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures The rising air water and noise pollution and large-scale denudation offorest are causing immense harm to all human life on earth By protecting our forest cover planting new trees cleaning rivers conserving water resources reforesting wastelands hills and mountains and controlling pollution in cities villages and industrial units we can help save the future ofour fellow citizens and ofplanet earth itself Various laws have been enacted for the protection ofenvironment and wild life


Scientific temper means outlook founded on organised knowledge and

experience Scientific temper discards obsolete learning The society develops

only when the people shun superstitions Lack of Scientific temper is the biggest impediment for the progress of country In our country where a large

section of the society is still caught in various superstitions and unscientific

practices inculcating scientific temper among the citizens is of paramount

importance for development ofthe nation

We should not forget that India in the ancient time was quite advanced

and the people professed scientific temper Indian contributions to mathematics

were not limited to numbers and algebra Trigonometric functions and

algorithms were described and developed

Medicine was the other major science that was highly developed in early

India The Charaka Samhita ( first century CE or earlier) has remarkable

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


fclRfi ~ ~ cfgtT frrrrar ~ middot-IIJIRcfgt tr~~ I~ middotmiddotIIJIRcfgt ~

~ fcrcfgtm ~ ~ llllCl~ftCI 161 ~ cTT ~ wffer 161 cnx ~ I ~ cfgtl

frrcr-~ ~ Qx ~ j-fFf cfgtT lflltG I~ eel ~ bullmiddotWI R4gt) cfgtT t I

~1xaq~ c1 ~ 1fRcf ~ -w1R4gt) B frrfa t 1il--iaiGicfgt ~ -=-mll

~ ~ -ltjPl~Rla ~ ~ cfgtT lfl-ltGl~ccl --ilJIR4gt) Qx tr t I ~ ~

~ cmfcll t fcp ~~ ~~ ~ ll il 1a1 ll xW-ll Gi~ cfgt ~ ~

xW-iilx-ll cfgtT x-1ql~1Sc ~ 6[--1 cnx ~ ITT Im 3ltAT ~ ~ ~ cgpound9 cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ B il I JI lticfgtd I ~ 11 I q ~ll cfgt t I ~

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~~~~B x-1qiJfto1 fcrcfgtmITTllT I

~ cpJ ~cfgtl--11-51 ~ ~ ~ gtfcfgtR ~ ~ ~ cmfcll ~ I 3lTR EX ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ cfRfil t cTT EX ~ ~ ~ x=cra- ~ITT~ 1 x1~ftla1 ~ TITT-ft cfgtT 111~ft4i--i ~-

~ cfgtT q lttl Riefgt ~-~ cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ffl 3llR ~ cfgtT 1wfr-Btfa 1~1G--i ~ cTT m ~~ ~ 161 ~I~~ 3llR ~ cfgtl ~ ~1-scfgtx ~ ~ -cfru ~ cTT ~ ~ ~ 61cf ~ I ~ ~ cr Blia ~ ~ ~ -cfrm ffi ~ tr ~ ~~~~I

3IB ~ ~ ~ ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ ~ ~ ~twi4cfgt ~~ I

1=JRa ~ fl~ 1f AAlic 1=1l~ ~ ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t -8[cp ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t I

ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ tN ~ ~ 61Ql~itj ffillcR ~ ampRT

~ ~ cITT 3IB ~ fcnm lfm I~~~ IVcn ~ ~ s1cn ti~~a fclgtm lfm I er-it 2002 ~ fBQIR-Jtj ~~ampRT~

~~~ 10 ~~cfR 11 cfRcfi~I ~ 51cncfTT~~

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~s1cn~~~~ Pls-i~Rsla ~-

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~ ~ cITT ~~ t1q1qR ~ lJ6 t fcn en-~~ 3lj4 ICI--I I qq ~ ~~ ~ ~311 ~tqJf ~ xi 1~ 11--1 cfTT


~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

34xlcf=a ~~~~~~ JlfaP~t I til-llfttcfgt ~

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~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

~ cITT Rlx-1f)lx ~ ~ui1--1 ~ 1-11-151PI YfcrilEr 31~Plllsi 1911

cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

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t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

ltif~~J I~ iilt ITTdT t I

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~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

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gt ~-~ cITT ~ gtfqjR ~ ~ ~ x-iti6ld 76T fcnm JJTcTT

~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

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~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

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1TTffi I

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gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

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~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

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cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

2 ~ ~ ~1E11--ia1 ti1J111 ~ Y~ 1=fiA 3llGffl cfgt)- Pia1=a ~ ffi--lT ~ ~ 31lJll--l ~ ~ (~)

i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

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~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

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t deg

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FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

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t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

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~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

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~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

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~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

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~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

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g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

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~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

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m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

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  • Structure Bookmarks

India green The middle panel shall be white bearing

at its centre the design of Ashoka Chakra in navy blue colour with 24 equally spaced spokes The

Ashoka Chakra shall preferably be screen printed or

otherwise printed or stenciled or suitably

embroidered and shall be completely visible on both

sides ofthe Flag in the centre ofthe white panel

bull The Flag shall not be used as a drapery in any form whatsoever except in StateMilitaryCentral Para

military Forces funerals as provided in the National

Flag Code 2002

bull The Flag shall not be draped over the hood top sides or back ofa vehicle train or boat

bull The Flag shall not be used or stored in such a manner as may damage or soil it

bull When the Flag is in a damaged or soiled condition it shall not be cast aside or disrespectfully disposed of

but shall be destroyed as a whole in private

preferably by burning or by any other method

consistent with the dignity ofthe Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used as a covering for a building

bull The Flag shall not be used as a portion of a costume

or uniform of any description It shall not be embroidered or printed upon cushions

handkerchiefs napkins or boxes

bull Lettering ofany kind shall not be put upon the Flag

bull The Flag shall not be used in any form of

advertisement nor shall an advertising sign be

fastened to the pole from which the Flag is flown

bull The Flag shall not be used as a receptacle for

receiving delivering holding or carrying anything

Provided that there shall be no objection to keep

flower petals inside the Flag before it is unfurled as

part ofcelebrations on special occasions and on

National Days like the Republic Day and the Independence Day


It is our duty to remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers for the cause of the country We must remember imbibe and follow the ideals which marked our struggle for freedom Our freedom fighters wanted to build a just society They wanted to have a society free from exploitation ofman by man They wanted to have a society marked by freedom equality non-violence brotherhood and world peace We the citizens oflndia must remain aware of sacrifices made by our freedom fighters Freedom is a gift given to us by our freedom fighters They sacrificed their whole lives so that we could live in a free country We must always remain conscious and committed to these ideals and make India a better country each day


India is a sovereign country Itmeans that our state is internally powerful and externally free She is free to determine for herself without any external interference To defend our sovereignty is our own responsibility In India sovereignty rests with the people oflndia

We should not do anything which may damage the sovereignty unity and integrity of India Even reasonable restrictions are permitted on freedom of speech and expression in the interests ofthe sovereignty and integrity oflndia Following points must be remembered

bull Any conduct which seeks to destroy or damage unity is punishable under Section 153-A of the Indian Penal Code(IPC)

bull Imputations and assertions prejudicial to national integration are punishable under Section 153-B of theIPC

bull Statements or reports containing alarming news which tend to promote enmity etc are punishable under Section 505 (2) ofthe IPC


Every citizen must be ready to defend the country against war or external aggression Sometimes civilians may be required also to take up arms in defence ofthe country It is a Fundamental Duty entrusted to the common man Those citizens who belong to any of the three defence forces are entrusted constantly with this Fundamental Duty We must protect our country not only against the external aggression but also from armed rebellion within the country


India is a multi-religious amp multi-linguistic country Its beauty lies in its unity in diversity People from about seven main religions live in India

These religions include Hinduism Islam Christianity Buddhism Jainism Sikhism amp Zoroastrianism Spirit of brotherhood should come very normally among the citizens ofa country like India where the norm has been to consider the entire world as one family It is the duty ofevery citizen oflndia to promote communal harmony and the spirit of brotherhood amongst all people irrespective of caste creed and colour The need is to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood This bond should not become thinner and thinner between the fellow beings Being Indians we should work in unity to build a stronger and prosperous nation

The Constitution also casts upon us the --_-----=-=-- Fundamental Duty of ensuring that all practices derogatory to the dignity of women are renounced This again should come normally to a country where it is believed that Gods reside where women are worshiped It is for us to rise above the later day degenerations and deviations which tarnished the image ofour society Many laws have been passed by the Union Government and the State Governments which punish practices derogatory to the dignity of women Articles 14 15 and 16 ofthe Constitution of

India prohibit discrimination

According to a report prepared by Indias National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) a crime has been recorded against women in every three minutes in India Every 60 minutes two women are raped in this country Every six hours a young married woman is found beaten to death burnt or driven to suicide We must stop crime against women It is our fundamental duty


Indian culture is one ofthe oldest and unique cultures in the world Even people from other countries respect our Indian culture so much and want to know about it It is our duty to respect and protect our Indian Culture India is one ofthe most ancient civilizations ofthe world India can take legitimate pride in having been a civilizational unity without a break for more than five thousand years We all are part of this great civilization and culture We must remember the following

bull Our contributions in the field of art sculpture architecture mathematics science medicine etc are well known

bull Some of the oldest and deepest philosophical thoughts and literature were born in India

bull We have several historical monuments of great archaeological value spread over the entire country These include forts palaces temples cave paintings mosques churches etc

bull India is a birth place of several great religions like Hinduism Buddhism Jainism and Sikhism

bull Our past has shown us the path of peace love nonshyviolence and truth

As citizens of this country it is the responsibility of all ofus to work for the preservation ofthis rich heritage and its cultural values and live in love and harmony

Our cultural heritage is one ofthe noblest and the richest Also it is part of the heritage of the earth To preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture is another Fundamental Duty of every Indian citizen What we have inherited from the past we must preserve and pass on to the future generations

We should protect the monuments and pieces ofart Hence we should not

damage disfigure scratch or Vandalize

the monuments and pieces ofart


Since time immemorial people across the world have always made efforts to preserve and protect the natural resources like air water plants flora and fauna Ancient scriptures of different countries are full ofstories ofmans zeal to protect the

environment and ecology Our sages and saints always preached and also taught the people to worship earth sky rivers sea plants trees and every form of life Majority ofpeople still consider it as their sacred duty to protect the plants trees rivers wells etc because it is believed that they belong to all living creatures It ---------------1-jis the duty of every citizen to protect and improve natural environment including forests lakes rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures The rising air water and noise pollution and large-scale denudation offorest are causing immense harm to all human life on earth By protecting our forest cover planting new trees cleaning rivers conserving water resources reforesting wastelands hills and mountains and controlling pollution in cities villages and industrial units we can help save the future ofour fellow citizens and ofplanet earth itself Various laws have been enacted for the protection ofenvironment and wild life


Scientific temper means outlook founded on organised knowledge and

experience Scientific temper discards obsolete learning The society develops

only when the people shun superstitions Lack of Scientific temper is the biggest impediment for the progress of country In our country where a large

section of the society is still caught in various superstitions and unscientific

practices inculcating scientific temper among the citizens is of paramount

importance for development ofthe nation

We should not forget that India in the ancient time was quite advanced

and the people professed scientific temper Indian contributions to mathematics

were not limited to numbers and algebra Trigonometric functions and

algorithms were described and developed

Medicine was the other major science that was highly developed in early

India The Charaka Samhita ( first century CE or earlier) has remarkable

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


fclRfi ~ ~ cfgtT frrrrar ~ middot-IIJIRcfgt tr~~ I~ middotmiddotIIJIRcfgt ~

~ fcrcfgtm ~ ~ llllCl~ftCI 161 ~ cTT ~ wffer 161 cnx ~ I ~ cfgtl

frrcr-~ ~ Qx ~ j-fFf cfgtT lflltG I~ eel ~ bullmiddotWI R4gt) cfgtT t I

~1xaq~ c1 ~ 1fRcf ~ -w1R4gt) B frrfa t 1il--iaiGicfgt ~ -=-mll

~ ~ -ltjPl~Rla ~ ~ cfgtT lfl-ltGl~ccl --ilJIR4gt) Qx tr t I ~ ~

~ cmfcll t fcp ~~ ~~ ~ ll il 1a1 ll xW-ll Gi~ cfgt ~ ~

xW-iilx-ll cfgtT x-1ql~1Sc ~ 6[--1 cnx ~ ITT Im 3ltAT ~ ~ ~ cgpound9 cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ B il I JI lticfgtd I ~ 11 I q ~ll cfgt t I ~

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~~~~B x-1qiJfto1 fcrcfgtmITTllT I

~ cpJ ~cfgtl--11-51 ~ ~ ~ gtfcfgtR ~ ~ ~ cmfcll ~ I 3lTR EX ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ cfRfil t cTT EX ~ ~ ~ x=cra- ~ITT~ 1 x1~ftla1 ~ TITT-ft cfgtT 111~ft4i--i ~-

~ cfgtT q lttl Riefgt ~-~ cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ffl 3llR ~ cfgtT 1wfr-Btfa 1~1G--i ~ cTT m ~~ ~ 161 ~I~~ 3llR ~ cfgtl ~ ~1-scfgtx ~ ~ -cfru ~ cTT ~ ~ ~ 61cf ~ I ~ ~ cr Blia ~ ~ ~ -cfrm ffi ~ tr ~ ~~~~I

3IB ~ ~ ~ ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ ~ ~ ~twi4cfgt ~~ I

1=JRa ~ fl~ 1f AAlic 1=1l~ ~ ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t -8[cp ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t I

ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ tN ~ ~ 61Ql~itj ffillcR ~ ampRT

~ ~ cITT 3IB ~ fcnm lfm I~~~ IVcn ~ ~ s1cn ti~~a fclgtm lfm I er-it 2002 ~ fBQIR-Jtj ~~ampRT~

~~~ 10 ~~cfR 11 cfRcfi~I ~ 51cncfTT~~

~~NaTt- lJ6 ~ ~ ~ --IIJIRc6 cfTT ~ t I

~s1cn~~~~ Pls-i~Rsla ~-

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~ ~ cITT ~~ t1q1qR ~ lJ6 t fcn en-~~ 3lj4 ICI--I I qq ~ ~~ ~ ~311 ~tqJf ~ xi 1~ 11--1 cfTT


~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

34xlcf=a ~~~~~~ JlfaP~t I til-llfttcfgt ~

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fcn ~ -11J1Rc6 ~ m xlilflfaq ~ m 3trx ~ ~ xlil--ilfac6 ~~m~ ITT~ tixc61lt ~3rfcfgtT~mf6ffilm I

~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

~ cITT Rlx-1f)lx ~ ~ui1--1 ~ 1-11-151PI YfcrilEr 31~Plllsi 1911

cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

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t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

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~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

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~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

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~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

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1TTffi I

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gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

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~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

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cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

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i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

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~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

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~ ~

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cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

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gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

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~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

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~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

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~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

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gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

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  • Structure Bookmarks

National Days like the Republic Day and the Independence Day


It is our duty to remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers for the cause of the country We must remember imbibe and follow the ideals which marked our struggle for freedom Our freedom fighters wanted to build a just society They wanted to have a society free from exploitation ofman by man They wanted to have a society marked by freedom equality non-violence brotherhood and world peace We the citizens oflndia must remain aware of sacrifices made by our freedom fighters Freedom is a gift given to us by our freedom fighters They sacrificed their whole lives so that we could live in a free country We must always remain conscious and committed to these ideals and make India a better country each day


India is a sovereign country Itmeans that our state is internally powerful and externally free She is free to determine for herself without any external interference To defend our sovereignty is our own responsibility In India sovereignty rests with the people oflndia

We should not do anything which may damage the sovereignty unity and integrity of India Even reasonable restrictions are permitted on freedom of speech and expression in the interests ofthe sovereignty and integrity oflndia Following points must be remembered

bull Any conduct which seeks to destroy or damage unity is punishable under Section 153-A of the Indian Penal Code(IPC)

bull Imputations and assertions prejudicial to national integration are punishable under Section 153-B of theIPC

bull Statements or reports containing alarming news which tend to promote enmity etc are punishable under Section 505 (2) ofthe IPC


Every citizen must be ready to defend the country against war or external aggression Sometimes civilians may be required also to take up arms in defence ofthe country It is a Fundamental Duty entrusted to the common man Those citizens who belong to any of the three defence forces are entrusted constantly with this Fundamental Duty We must protect our country not only against the external aggression but also from armed rebellion within the country


India is a multi-religious amp multi-linguistic country Its beauty lies in its unity in diversity People from about seven main religions live in India

These religions include Hinduism Islam Christianity Buddhism Jainism Sikhism amp Zoroastrianism Spirit of brotherhood should come very normally among the citizens ofa country like India where the norm has been to consider the entire world as one family It is the duty ofevery citizen oflndia to promote communal harmony and the spirit of brotherhood amongst all people irrespective of caste creed and colour The need is to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood This bond should not become thinner and thinner between the fellow beings Being Indians we should work in unity to build a stronger and prosperous nation

The Constitution also casts upon us the --_-----=-=-- Fundamental Duty of ensuring that all practices derogatory to the dignity of women are renounced This again should come normally to a country where it is believed that Gods reside where women are worshiped It is for us to rise above the later day degenerations and deviations which tarnished the image ofour society Many laws have been passed by the Union Government and the State Governments which punish practices derogatory to the dignity of women Articles 14 15 and 16 ofthe Constitution of

India prohibit discrimination

According to a report prepared by Indias National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) a crime has been recorded against women in every three minutes in India Every 60 minutes two women are raped in this country Every six hours a young married woman is found beaten to death burnt or driven to suicide We must stop crime against women It is our fundamental duty


Indian culture is one ofthe oldest and unique cultures in the world Even people from other countries respect our Indian culture so much and want to know about it It is our duty to respect and protect our Indian Culture India is one ofthe most ancient civilizations ofthe world India can take legitimate pride in having been a civilizational unity without a break for more than five thousand years We all are part of this great civilization and culture We must remember the following

bull Our contributions in the field of art sculpture architecture mathematics science medicine etc are well known

bull Some of the oldest and deepest philosophical thoughts and literature were born in India

bull We have several historical monuments of great archaeological value spread over the entire country These include forts palaces temples cave paintings mosques churches etc

bull India is a birth place of several great religions like Hinduism Buddhism Jainism and Sikhism

bull Our past has shown us the path of peace love nonshyviolence and truth

As citizens of this country it is the responsibility of all ofus to work for the preservation ofthis rich heritage and its cultural values and live in love and harmony

Our cultural heritage is one ofthe noblest and the richest Also it is part of the heritage of the earth To preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture is another Fundamental Duty of every Indian citizen What we have inherited from the past we must preserve and pass on to the future generations

We should protect the monuments and pieces ofart Hence we should not

damage disfigure scratch or Vandalize

the monuments and pieces ofart


Since time immemorial people across the world have always made efforts to preserve and protect the natural resources like air water plants flora and fauna Ancient scriptures of different countries are full ofstories ofmans zeal to protect the

environment and ecology Our sages and saints always preached and also taught the people to worship earth sky rivers sea plants trees and every form of life Majority ofpeople still consider it as their sacred duty to protect the plants trees rivers wells etc because it is believed that they belong to all living creatures It ---------------1-jis the duty of every citizen to protect and improve natural environment including forests lakes rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures The rising air water and noise pollution and large-scale denudation offorest are causing immense harm to all human life on earth By protecting our forest cover planting new trees cleaning rivers conserving water resources reforesting wastelands hills and mountains and controlling pollution in cities villages and industrial units we can help save the future ofour fellow citizens and ofplanet earth itself Various laws have been enacted for the protection ofenvironment and wild life


Scientific temper means outlook founded on organised knowledge and

experience Scientific temper discards obsolete learning The society develops

only when the people shun superstitions Lack of Scientific temper is the biggest impediment for the progress of country In our country where a large

section of the society is still caught in various superstitions and unscientific

practices inculcating scientific temper among the citizens is of paramount

importance for development ofthe nation

We should not forget that India in the ancient time was quite advanced

and the people professed scientific temper Indian contributions to mathematics

were not limited to numbers and algebra Trigonometric functions and

algorithms were described and developed

Medicine was the other major science that was highly developed in early

India The Charaka Samhita ( first century CE or earlier) has remarkable

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


fclRfi ~ ~ cfgtT frrrrar ~ middot-IIJIRcfgt tr~~ I~ middotmiddotIIJIRcfgt ~

~ fcrcfgtm ~ ~ llllCl~ftCI 161 ~ cTT ~ wffer 161 cnx ~ I ~ cfgtl

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~1xaq~ c1 ~ 1fRcf ~ -w1R4gt) B frrfa t 1il--iaiGicfgt ~ -=-mll

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~ cmfcll t fcp ~~ ~~ ~ ll il 1a1 ll xW-ll Gi~ cfgt ~ ~

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~ 3llR ~ ~ 161 ~ I ~ cTT 3llR 3ftx ~ ~ cfgt~IOI cfgt~ ~ cmfra cfRfil t I --ilJIR4gt) cfgtl ~-cfgt~1deg1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~~B x-1qiJfto1 fcrcfgtmITTllT I

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3IB ~ ~ ~ ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ ~ ~ ~twi4cfgt ~~ I

1=JRa ~ fl~ 1f AAlic 1=1l~ ~ ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t -8[cp ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t I

ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ tN ~ ~ 61Ql~itj ffillcR ~ ampRT

~ ~ cITT 3IB ~ fcnm lfm I~~~ IVcn ~ ~ s1cn ti~~a fclgtm lfm I er-it 2002 ~ fBQIR-Jtj ~~ampRT~

~~~ 10 ~~cfR 11 cfRcfi~I ~ 51cncfTT~~

~~NaTt- lJ6 ~ ~ ~ --IIJIRc6 cfTT ~ t I

~s1cn~~~~ Pls-i~Rsla ~-

(1) ~--FclE11--1 ~ ar1 q1cl--11 ~ ~ 3Tfcfw ~ 31-=ctbullfa ~arr ~Equf ~ ~lJR qi] ~ui1--1 m (qi)

~ ~ cITT ~~ t1q1qR ~ lJ6 t fcn en-~~ 3lj4 ICI--I I qq ~ ~~ ~ ~311 ~tqJf ~ xi 1~ 11--1 cfTT


~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

34xlcf=a ~~~~~~ JlfaP~t I til-llfttcfgt ~

cfTT 3l~ lJ6 t fcn ~ --11 JI Refgt) ~ ~ ~ fcITTfi ~-~ ~ ~ m amp1q6Ilt ITT I ~ ~ cfTT 3l~ t fcn --IIJIRcent) ~ 3TCl7T-3TCl7T


fcn ~ -11J1Rc6 ~ m xlilflfaq ~ m 3trx ~ ~ xlil--ilfac6 ~~m~ ITT~ tixc61lt ~3rfcfgtT~mf6ffilm I

~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

~ cITT Rlx-1f)lx ~ ~ui1--1 ~ 1-11-151PI YfcrilEr 31~Plllsi 1911

cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

~~ ~ Ncfi t1 ~~ ~ ~ cB ~ ll ~ -frR~ cfTT 3lWcP qw ~ Nill t ~ 24 ~ cB 3R ITTff ~ I 3TWcpqw~~mt~NT~~~~JJTcfi

t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

ltif~~J I~ iilt ITTdT t I

gt ~-~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ Nill (~~-~ ~ ~-~ ~ -6fcIT cB ~ficpj ~

~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

9o-BflT m ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ fcnm JJTill I

gt ~-~ cITT ~ gtfqjR ~ ~ ~ x-iti6ld 76T fcnm JJTcTT

~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

gt ~ ~-tqJf ~fdegdlttl 3l~ ~~cpl~ ITT TfltTT t ill ~ W+lR ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~a ~ 1TTffi t I ~

~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

tqJf cfgt fd-1g 01cfgt~ m cn 3rfrf-x-i1-lt ~ 1ITTTT t ~~ fcITTfr ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~d ~ 1fl t ill tqJf cr ~ cfgt ~ITTI

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl epqR cfgt ~ ~ 161 ~

1TTffi I

gt ~-tqJf cp)- fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR rfi cR=5r m crcff m ~ 1fllT-fcrm cfgt~~ 161 ~ 1ITTTT I

gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

gt ~-tqJf CR fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR cfgt~ 161 ~ JJT ~ I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ xtJq B ~ $114--1 cfgt ffTx CR ~ --l1ff ~ JJT ~ I ~ ~ CR ~-tqJf cp)- 4gt6-ltI ll I 1TTffi t 3xl CR

~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

~ cr tj~Rslli 3x ~ cfcp ~ JJT ~ ~ ~ cfcp

cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

2 ~ ~ ~1E11--ia1 ti1J111 ~ Y~ 1=fiA 3llGffl cfgt)- Pia1=a ~ ffi--lT ~ ~ 31lJll--l ~ ~ (~)

i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

fflcf)l Pi a I -a x+RUf ffl--IT irrr 311 -ltl I a ~ irrr cf 11 jJ I-1--1 ~ irrr I 6-IT~ x-Gdlal ~ ~ middot=l11l1Ria ~ cI tllti1--11 ~ iIT6cl ~I~~ ~ ~ iIT6cl ~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ cfgt IDxT WlfOT --lT ITT I

~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

1~ 1s ~ I1-~ i I ~ 1amp i i i i f sect l ~ Qi i i i r1wll~i ril~~i i1~11i1~1~ 1 i ~ I11 ~ ri t w i 19 1 19 ~ -~ r t1 r IltW

1ampJflfamptfl~ i1i~ [~1~1sit~t -~ middotI i tb 1amp i f ~ ~ w1s middotI J ~ ~ i ~ I~ i ~ I-~ i t r I I ~ ~ ~ t - ~ f t ltW f middotI ls t f ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ti I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ff A A A i i ~ 11 ~ J-~ l ~ i ~ ~ i I t l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks


Every citizen must be ready to defend the country against war or external aggression Sometimes civilians may be required also to take up arms in defence ofthe country It is a Fundamental Duty entrusted to the common man Those citizens who belong to any of the three defence forces are entrusted constantly with this Fundamental Duty We must protect our country not only against the external aggression but also from armed rebellion within the country


India is a multi-religious amp multi-linguistic country Its beauty lies in its unity in diversity People from about seven main religions live in India

These religions include Hinduism Islam Christianity Buddhism Jainism Sikhism amp Zoroastrianism Spirit of brotherhood should come very normally among the citizens ofa country like India where the norm has been to consider the entire world as one family It is the duty ofevery citizen oflndia to promote communal harmony and the spirit of brotherhood amongst all people irrespective of caste creed and colour The need is to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood This bond should not become thinner and thinner between the fellow beings Being Indians we should work in unity to build a stronger and prosperous nation

The Constitution also casts upon us the --_-----=-=-- Fundamental Duty of ensuring that all practices derogatory to the dignity of women are renounced This again should come normally to a country where it is believed that Gods reside where women are worshiped It is for us to rise above the later day degenerations and deviations which tarnished the image ofour society Many laws have been passed by the Union Government and the State Governments which punish practices derogatory to the dignity of women Articles 14 15 and 16 ofthe Constitution of

India prohibit discrimination

According to a report prepared by Indias National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) a crime has been recorded against women in every three minutes in India Every 60 minutes two women are raped in this country Every six hours a young married woman is found beaten to death burnt or driven to suicide We must stop crime against women It is our fundamental duty


Indian culture is one ofthe oldest and unique cultures in the world Even people from other countries respect our Indian culture so much and want to know about it It is our duty to respect and protect our Indian Culture India is one ofthe most ancient civilizations ofthe world India can take legitimate pride in having been a civilizational unity without a break for more than five thousand years We all are part of this great civilization and culture We must remember the following

bull Our contributions in the field of art sculpture architecture mathematics science medicine etc are well known

bull Some of the oldest and deepest philosophical thoughts and literature were born in India

bull We have several historical monuments of great archaeological value spread over the entire country These include forts palaces temples cave paintings mosques churches etc

bull India is a birth place of several great religions like Hinduism Buddhism Jainism and Sikhism

bull Our past has shown us the path of peace love nonshyviolence and truth

As citizens of this country it is the responsibility of all ofus to work for the preservation ofthis rich heritage and its cultural values and live in love and harmony

Our cultural heritage is one ofthe noblest and the richest Also it is part of the heritage of the earth To preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture is another Fundamental Duty of every Indian citizen What we have inherited from the past we must preserve and pass on to the future generations

We should protect the monuments and pieces ofart Hence we should not

damage disfigure scratch or Vandalize

the monuments and pieces ofart


Since time immemorial people across the world have always made efforts to preserve and protect the natural resources like air water plants flora and fauna Ancient scriptures of different countries are full ofstories ofmans zeal to protect the

environment and ecology Our sages and saints always preached and also taught the people to worship earth sky rivers sea plants trees and every form of life Majority ofpeople still consider it as their sacred duty to protect the plants trees rivers wells etc because it is believed that they belong to all living creatures It ---------------1-jis the duty of every citizen to protect and improve natural environment including forests lakes rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures The rising air water and noise pollution and large-scale denudation offorest are causing immense harm to all human life on earth By protecting our forest cover planting new trees cleaning rivers conserving water resources reforesting wastelands hills and mountains and controlling pollution in cities villages and industrial units we can help save the future ofour fellow citizens and ofplanet earth itself Various laws have been enacted for the protection ofenvironment and wild life


Scientific temper means outlook founded on organised knowledge and

experience Scientific temper discards obsolete learning The society develops

only when the people shun superstitions Lack of Scientific temper is the biggest impediment for the progress of country In our country where a large

section of the society is still caught in various superstitions and unscientific

practices inculcating scientific temper among the citizens is of paramount

importance for development ofthe nation

We should not forget that India in the ancient time was quite advanced

and the people professed scientific temper Indian contributions to mathematics

were not limited to numbers and algebra Trigonometric functions and

algorithms were described and developed

Medicine was the other major science that was highly developed in early

India The Charaka Samhita ( first century CE or earlier) has remarkable

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


fclRfi ~ ~ cfgtT frrrrar ~ middot-IIJIRcfgt tr~~ I~ middotmiddotIIJIRcfgt ~

~ fcrcfgtm ~ ~ llllCl~ftCI 161 ~ cTT ~ wffer 161 cnx ~ I ~ cfgtl

frrcr-~ ~ Qx ~ j-fFf cfgtT lflltG I~ eel ~ bullmiddotWI R4gt) cfgtT t I

~1xaq~ c1 ~ 1fRcf ~ -w1R4gt) B frrfa t 1il--iaiGicfgt ~ -=-mll

~ ~ -ltjPl~Rla ~ ~ cfgtT lfl-ltGl~ccl --ilJIR4gt) Qx tr t I ~ ~

~ cmfcll t fcp ~~ ~~ ~ ll il 1a1 ll xW-ll Gi~ cfgt ~ ~

xW-iilx-ll cfgtT x-1ql~1Sc ~ 6[--1 cnx ~ ITT Im 3ltAT ~ ~ ~ cgpound9 cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ B il I JI lticfgtd I ~ 11 I q ~ll cfgt t I ~

~ 3llR ~ ~ 161 ~ I ~ cTT 3llR 3ftx ~ ~ cfgt~IOI cfgt~ ~ cmfra cfRfil t I --ilJIR4gt) cfgtl ~-cfgt~1deg1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~~B x-1qiJfto1 fcrcfgtmITTllT I

~ cpJ ~cfgtl--11-51 ~ ~ ~ gtfcfgtR ~ ~ ~ cmfcll ~ I 3lTR EX ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ cfRfil t cTT EX ~ ~ ~ x=cra- ~ITT~ 1 x1~ftla1 ~ TITT-ft cfgtT 111~ft4i--i ~-

~ cfgtT q lttl Riefgt ~-~ cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ffl 3llR ~ cfgtT 1wfr-Btfa 1~1G--i ~ cTT m ~~ ~ 161 ~I~~ 3llR ~ cfgtl ~ ~1-scfgtx ~ ~ -cfru ~ cTT ~ ~ ~ 61cf ~ I ~ ~ cr Blia ~ ~ ~ -cfrm ffi ~ tr ~ ~~~~I

3IB ~ ~ ~ ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ ~ ~ ~twi4cfgt ~~ I

1=JRa ~ fl~ 1f AAlic 1=1l~ ~ ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t -8[cp ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t I

ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ tN ~ ~ 61Ql~itj ffillcR ~ ampRT

~ ~ cITT 3IB ~ fcnm lfm I~~~ IVcn ~ ~ s1cn ti~~a fclgtm lfm I er-it 2002 ~ fBQIR-Jtj ~~ampRT~

~~~ 10 ~~cfR 11 cfRcfi~I ~ 51cncfTT~~

~~NaTt- lJ6 ~ ~ ~ --IIJIRc6 cfTT ~ t I

~s1cn~~~~ Pls-i~Rsla ~-

(1) ~--FclE11--1 ~ ar1 q1cl--11 ~ ~ 3Tfcfw ~ 31-=ctbullfa ~arr ~Equf ~ ~lJR qi] ~ui1--1 m (qi)

~ ~ cITT ~~ t1q1qR ~ lJ6 t fcn en-~~ 3lj4 ICI--I I qq ~ ~~ ~ ~311 ~tqJf ~ xi 1~ 11--1 cfTT


~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

34xlcf=a ~~~~~~ JlfaP~t I til-llfttcfgt ~

cfTT 3l~ lJ6 t fcn ~ --11 JI Refgt) ~ ~ ~ fcITTfi ~-~ ~ ~ m amp1q6Ilt ITT I ~ ~ cfTT 3l~ t fcn --IIJIRcent) ~ 3TCl7T-3TCl7T


fcn ~ -11J1Rc6 ~ m xlilflfaq ~ m 3trx ~ ~ xlil--ilfac6 ~~m~ ITT~ tixc61lt ~3rfcfgtT~mf6ffilm I

~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

~ cITT Rlx-1f)lx ~ ~ui1--1 ~ 1-11-151PI YfcrilEr 31~Plllsi 1911

cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

~~ ~ Ncfi t1 ~~ ~ ~ cB ~ ll ~ -frR~ cfTT 3lWcP qw ~ Nill t ~ 24 ~ cB 3R ITTff ~ I 3TWcpqw~~mt~NT~~~~JJTcfi

t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

ltif~~J I~ iilt ITTdT t I

gt ~-~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ Nill (~~-~ ~ ~-~ ~ -6fcIT cB ~ficpj ~

~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

9o-BflT m ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ fcnm JJTill I

gt ~-~ cITT ~ gtfqjR ~ ~ ~ x-iti6ld 76T fcnm JJTcTT

~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

gt ~ ~-tqJf ~fdegdlttl 3l~ ~~cpl~ ITT TfltTT t ill ~ W+lR ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~a ~ 1TTffi t I ~

~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

tqJf cfgt fd-1g 01cfgt~ m cn 3rfrf-x-i1-lt ~ 1ITTTT t ~~ fcITTfr ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~d ~ 1fl t ill tqJf cr ~ cfgt ~ITTI

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl epqR cfgt ~ ~ 161 ~

1TTffi I

gt ~-tqJf cp)- fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR rfi cR=5r m crcff m ~ 1fllT-fcrm cfgt~~ 161 ~ 1ITTTT I

gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

gt ~-tqJf CR fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR cfgt~ 161 ~ JJT ~ I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ xtJq B ~ $114--1 cfgt ffTx CR ~ --l1ff ~ JJT ~ I ~ ~ CR ~-tqJf cp)- 4gt6-ltI ll I 1TTffi t 3xl CR

~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

~ cr tj~Rslli 3x ~ cfcp ~ JJT ~ ~ ~ cfcp

cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

2 ~ ~ ~1E11--ia1 ti1J111 ~ Y~ 1=fiA 3llGffl cfgt)- Pia1=a ~ ffi--lT ~ ~ 31lJll--l ~ ~ (~)

i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

fflcf)l Pi a I -a x+RUf ffl--IT irrr 311 -ltl I a ~ irrr cf 11 jJ I-1--1 ~ irrr I 6-IT~ x-Gdlal ~ ~ middot=l11l1Ria ~ cI tllti1--11 ~ iIT6cl ~I~~ ~ ~ iIT6cl ~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ cfgt IDxT WlfOT --lT ITT I

~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

1~ 1s ~ I1-~ i I ~ 1amp i i i i f sect l ~ Qi i i i r1wll~i ril~~i i1~11i1~1~ 1 i ~ I11 ~ ri t w i 19 1 19 ~ -~ r t1 r IltW

1ampJflfamptfl~ i1i~ [~1~1sit~t -~ middotI i tb 1amp i f ~ ~ w1s middotI J ~ ~ i ~ I~ i ~ I-~ i t r I I ~ ~ ~ t - ~ f t ltW f middotI ls t f ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ti I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ff A A A i i ~ 11 ~ J-~ l ~ i ~ ~ i I t l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

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~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks

India prohibit discrimination

According to a report prepared by Indias National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) a crime has been recorded against women in every three minutes in India Every 60 minutes two women are raped in this country Every six hours a young married woman is found beaten to death burnt or driven to suicide We must stop crime against women It is our fundamental duty


Indian culture is one ofthe oldest and unique cultures in the world Even people from other countries respect our Indian culture so much and want to know about it It is our duty to respect and protect our Indian Culture India is one ofthe most ancient civilizations ofthe world India can take legitimate pride in having been a civilizational unity without a break for more than five thousand years We all are part of this great civilization and culture We must remember the following

bull Our contributions in the field of art sculpture architecture mathematics science medicine etc are well known

bull Some of the oldest and deepest philosophical thoughts and literature were born in India

bull We have several historical monuments of great archaeological value spread over the entire country These include forts palaces temples cave paintings mosques churches etc

bull India is a birth place of several great religions like Hinduism Buddhism Jainism and Sikhism

bull Our past has shown us the path of peace love nonshyviolence and truth

As citizens of this country it is the responsibility of all ofus to work for the preservation ofthis rich heritage and its cultural values and live in love and harmony

Our cultural heritage is one ofthe noblest and the richest Also it is part of the heritage of the earth To preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture is another Fundamental Duty of every Indian citizen What we have inherited from the past we must preserve and pass on to the future generations

We should protect the monuments and pieces ofart Hence we should not

damage disfigure scratch or Vandalize

the monuments and pieces ofart


Since time immemorial people across the world have always made efforts to preserve and protect the natural resources like air water plants flora and fauna Ancient scriptures of different countries are full ofstories ofmans zeal to protect the

environment and ecology Our sages and saints always preached and also taught the people to worship earth sky rivers sea plants trees and every form of life Majority ofpeople still consider it as their sacred duty to protect the plants trees rivers wells etc because it is believed that they belong to all living creatures It ---------------1-jis the duty of every citizen to protect and improve natural environment including forests lakes rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures The rising air water and noise pollution and large-scale denudation offorest are causing immense harm to all human life on earth By protecting our forest cover planting new trees cleaning rivers conserving water resources reforesting wastelands hills and mountains and controlling pollution in cities villages and industrial units we can help save the future ofour fellow citizens and ofplanet earth itself Various laws have been enacted for the protection ofenvironment and wild life


Scientific temper means outlook founded on organised knowledge and

experience Scientific temper discards obsolete learning The society develops

only when the people shun superstitions Lack of Scientific temper is the biggest impediment for the progress of country In our country where a large

section of the society is still caught in various superstitions and unscientific

practices inculcating scientific temper among the citizens is of paramount

importance for development ofthe nation

We should not forget that India in the ancient time was quite advanced

and the people professed scientific temper Indian contributions to mathematics

were not limited to numbers and algebra Trigonometric functions and

algorithms were described and developed

Medicine was the other major science that was highly developed in early

India The Charaka Samhita ( first century CE or earlier) has remarkable

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


fclRfi ~ ~ cfgtT frrrrar ~ middot-IIJIRcfgt tr~~ I~ middotmiddotIIJIRcfgt ~

~ fcrcfgtm ~ ~ llllCl~ftCI 161 ~ cTT ~ wffer 161 cnx ~ I ~ cfgtl

frrcr-~ ~ Qx ~ j-fFf cfgtT lflltG I~ eel ~ bullmiddotWI R4gt) cfgtT t I

~1xaq~ c1 ~ 1fRcf ~ -w1R4gt) B frrfa t 1il--iaiGicfgt ~ -=-mll

~ ~ -ltjPl~Rla ~ ~ cfgtT lfl-ltGl~ccl --ilJIR4gt) Qx tr t I ~ ~

~ cmfcll t fcp ~~ ~~ ~ ll il 1a1 ll xW-ll Gi~ cfgt ~ ~

xW-iilx-ll cfgtT x-1ql~1Sc ~ 6[--1 cnx ~ ITT Im 3ltAT ~ ~ ~ cgpound9 cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ B il I JI lticfgtd I ~ 11 I q ~ll cfgt t I ~

~ 3llR ~ ~ 161 ~ I ~ cTT 3llR 3ftx ~ ~ cfgt~IOI cfgt~ ~ cmfra cfRfil t I --ilJIR4gt) cfgtl ~-cfgt~1deg1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~~B x-1qiJfto1 fcrcfgtmITTllT I

~ cpJ ~cfgtl--11-51 ~ ~ ~ gtfcfgtR ~ ~ ~ cmfcll ~ I 3lTR EX ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ cfRfil t cTT EX ~ ~ ~ x=cra- ~ITT~ 1 x1~ftla1 ~ TITT-ft cfgtT 111~ft4i--i ~-

~ cfgtT q lttl Riefgt ~-~ cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ffl 3llR ~ cfgtT 1wfr-Btfa 1~1G--i ~ cTT m ~~ ~ 161 ~I~~ 3llR ~ cfgtl ~ ~1-scfgtx ~ ~ -cfru ~ cTT ~ ~ ~ 61cf ~ I ~ ~ cr Blia ~ ~ ~ -cfrm ffi ~ tr ~ ~~~~I

3IB ~ ~ ~ ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ ~ ~ ~twi4cfgt ~~ I

1=JRa ~ fl~ 1f AAlic 1=1l~ ~ ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t -8[cp ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t I

ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ tN ~ ~ 61Ql~itj ffillcR ~ ampRT

~ ~ cITT 3IB ~ fcnm lfm I~~~ IVcn ~ ~ s1cn ti~~a fclgtm lfm I er-it 2002 ~ fBQIR-Jtj ~~ampRT~

~~~ 10 ~~cfR 11 cfRcfi~I ~ 51cncfTT~~

~~NaTt- lJ6 ~ ~ ~ --IIJIRc6 cfTT ~ t I

~s1cn~~~~ Pls-i~Rsla ~-

(1) ~--FclE11--1 ~ ar1 q1cl--11 ~ ~ 3Tfcfw ~ 31-=ctbullfa ~arr ~Equf ~ ~lJR qi] ~ui1--1 m (qi)

~ ~ cITT ~~ t1q1qR ~ lJ6 t fcn en-~~ 3lj4 ICI--I I qq ~ ~~ ~ ~311 ~tqJf ~ xi 1~ 11--1 cfTT


~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

34xlcf=a ~~~~~~ JlfaP~t I til-llfttcfgt ~

cfTT 3l~ lJ6 t fcn ~ --11 JI Refgt) ~ ~ ~ fcITTfi ~-~ ~ ~ m amp1q6Ilt ITT I ~ ~ cfTT 3l~ t fcn --IIJIRcent) ~ 3TCl7T-3TCl7T


fcn ~ -11J1Rc6 ~ m xlilflfaq ~ m 3trx ~ ~ xlil--ilfac6 ~~m~ ITT~ tixc61lt ~3rfcfgtT~mf6ffilm I

~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

~ cITT Rlx-1f)lx ~ ~ui1--1 ~ 1-11-151PI YfcrilEr 31~Plllsi 1911

cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

~~ ~ Ncfi t1 ~~ ~ ~ cB ~ ll ~ -frR~ cfTT 3lWcP qw ~ Nill t ~ 24 ~ cB 3R ITTff ~ I 3TWcpqw~~mt~NT~~~~JJTcfi

t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

ltif~~J I~ iilt ITTdT t I

gt ~-~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ Nill (~~-~ ~ ~-~ ~ -6fcIT cB ~ficpj ~

~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

9o-BflT m ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ fcnm JJTill I

gt ~-~ cITT ~ gtfqjR ~ ~ ~ x-iti6ld 76T fcnm JJTcTT

~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

gt ~ ~-tqJf ~fdegdlttl 3l~ ~~cpl~ ITT TfltTT t ill ~ W+lR ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~a ~ 1TTffi t I ~

~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

tqJf cfgt fd-1g 01cfgt~ m cn 3rfrf-x-i1-lt ~ 1ITTTT t ~~ fcITTfr ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~d ~ 1fl t ill tqJf cr ~ cfgt ~ITTI

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl epqR cfgt ~ ~ 161 ~

1TTffi I

gt ~-tqJf cp)- fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR rfi cR=5r m crcff m ~ 1fllT-fcrm cfgt~~ 161 ~ 1ITTTT I

gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

gt ~-tqJf CR fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR cfgt~ 161 ~ JJT ~ I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ xtJq B ~ $114--1 cfgt ffTx CR ~ --l1ff ~ JJT ~ I ~ ~ CR ~-tqJf cp)- 4gt6-ltI ll I 1TTffi t 3xl CR

~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

~ cr tj~Rslli 3x ~ cfcp ~ JJT ~ ~ ~ cfcp

cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

2 ~ ~ ~1E11--ia1 ti1J111 ~ Y~ 1=fiA 3llGffl cfgt)- Pia1=a ~ ffi--lT ~ ~ 31lJll--l ~ ~ (~)

i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

fflcf)l Pi a I -a x+RUf ffl--IT irrr 311 -ltl I a ~ irrr cf 11 jJ I-1--1 ~ irrr I 6-IT~ x-Gdlal ~ ~ middot=l11l1Ria ~ cI tllti1--11 ~ iIT6cl ~I~~ ~ ~ iIT6cl ~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ cfgt IDxT WlfOT --lT ITT I

~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

1~ 1s ~ I1-~ i I ~ 1amp i i i i f sect l ~ Qi i i i r1wll~i ril~~i i1~11i1~1~ 1 i ~ I11 ~ ri t w i 19 1 19 ~ -~ r t1 r IltW

1ampJflfamptfl~ i1i~ [~1~1sit~t -~ middotI i tb 1amp i f ~ ~ w1s middotI J ~ ~ i ~ I~ i ~ I-~ i t r I I ~ ~ ~ t - ~ f t ltW f middotI ls t f ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ti I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ff A A A i i ~ 11 ~ J-~ l ~ i ~ ~ i I t l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks

We should protect the monuments and pieces ofart Hence we should not

damage disfigure scratch or Vandalize

the monuments and pieces ofart


Since time immemorial people across the world have always made efforts to preserve and protect the natural resources like air water plants flora and fauna Ancient scriptures of different countries are full ofstories ofmans zeal to protect the

environment and ecology Our sages and saints always preached and also taught the people to worship earth sky rivers sea plants trees and every form of life Majority ofpeople still consider it as their sacred duty to protect the plants trees rivers wells etc because it is believed that they belong to all living creatures It ---------------1-jis the duty of every citizen to protect and improve natural environment including forests lakes rivers and wild life and to have compassion for living creatures The rising air water and noise pollution and large-scale denudation offorest are causing immense harm to all human life on earth By protecting our forest cover planting new trees cleaning rivers conserving water resources reforesting wastelands hills and mountains and controlling pollution in cities villages and industrial units we can help save the future ofour fellow citizens and ofplanet earth itself Various laws have been enacted for the protection ofenvironment and wild life


Scientific temper means outlook founded on organised knowledge and

experience Scientific temper discards obsolete learning The society develops

only when the people shun superstitions Lack of Scientific temper is the biggest impediment for the progress of country In our country where a large

section of the society is still caught in various superstitions and unscientific

practices inculcating scientific temper among the citizens is of paramount

importance for development ofthe nation

We should not forget that India in the ancient time was quite advanced

and the people professed scientific temper Indian contributions to mathematics

were not limited to numbers and algebra Trigonometric functions and

algorithms were described and developed

Medicine was the other major science that was highly developed in early

India The Charaka Samhita ( first century CE or earlier) has remarkable

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


fclRfi ~ ~ cfgtT frrrrar ~ middot-IIJIRcfgt tr~~ I~ middotmiddotIIJIRcfgt ~

~ fcrcfgtm ~ ~ llllCl~ftCI 161 ~ cTT ~ wffer 161 cnx ~ I ~ cfgtl

frrcr-~ ~ Qx ~ j-fFf cfgtT lflltG I~ eel ~ bullmiddotWI R4gt) cfgtT t I

~1xaq~ c1 ~ 1fRcf ~ -w1R4gt) B frrfa t 1il--iaiGicfgt ~ -=-mll

~ ~ -ltjPl~Rla ~ ~ cfgtT lfl-ltGl~ccl --ilJIR4gt) Qx tr t I ~ ~

~ cmfcll t fcp ~~ ~~ ~ ll il 1a1 ll xW-ll Gi~ cfgt ~ ~

xW-iilx-ll cfgtT x-1ql~1Sc ~ 6[--1 cnx ~ ITT Im 3ltAT ~ ~ ~ cgpound9 cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ B il I JI lticfgtd I ~ 11 I q ~ll cfgt t I ~

~ 3llR ~ ~ 161 ~ I ~ cTT 3llR 3ftx ~ ~ cfgt~IOI cfgt~ ~ cmfra cfRfil t I --ilJIR4gt) cfgtl ~-cfgt~1deg1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~~B x-1qiJfto1 fcrcfgtmITTllT I

~ cpJ ~cfgtl--11-51 ~ ~ ~ gtfcfgtR ~ ~ ~ cmfcll ~ I 3lTR EX ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ cfRfil t cTT EX ~ ~ ~ x=cra- ~ITT~ 1 x1~ftla1 ~ TITT-ft cfgtT 111~ft4i--i ~-

~ cfgtT q lttl Riefgt ~-~ cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ffl 3llR ~ cfgtT 1wfr-Btfa 1~1G--i ~ cTT m ~~ ~ 161 ~I~~ 3llR ~ cfgtl ~ ~1-scfgtx ~ ~ -cfru ~ cTT ~ ~ ~ 61cf ~ I ~ ~ cr Blia ~ ~ ~ -cfrm ffi ~ tr ~ ~~~~I

3IB ~ ~ ~ ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ ~ ~ ~twi4cfgt ~~ I

1=JRa ~ fl~ 1f AAlic 1=1l~ ~ ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t -8[cp ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t I

ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ tN ~ ~ 61Ql~itj ffillcR ~ ampRT

~ ~ cITT 3IB ~ fcnm lfm I~~~ IVcn ~ ~ s1cn ti~~a fclgtm lfm I er-it 2002 ~ fBQIR-Jtj ~~ampRT~

~~~ 10 ~~cfR 11 cfRcfi~I ~ 51cncfTT~~

~~NaTt- lJ6 ~ ~ ~ --IIJIRc6 cfTT ~ t I

~s1cn~~~~ Pls-i~Rsla ~-

(1) ~--FclE11--1 ~ ar1 q1cl--11 ~ ~ 3Tfcfw ~ 31-=ctbullfa ~arr ~Equf ~ ~lJR qi] ~ui1--1 m (qi)

~ ~ cITT ~~ t1q1qR ~ lJ6 t fcn en-~~ 3lj4 ICI--I I qq ~ ~~ ~ ~311 ~tqJf ~ xi 1~ 11--1 cfTT


~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

34xlcf=a ~~~~~~ JlfaP~t I til-llfttcfgt ~

cfTT 3l~ lJ6 t fcn ~ --11 JI Refgt) ~ ~ ~ fcITTfi ~-~ ~ ~ m amp1q6Ilt ITT I ~ ~ cfTT 3l~ t fcn --IIJIRcent) ~ 3TCl7T-3TCl7T


fcn ~ -11J1Rc6 ~ m xlilflfaq ~ m 3trx ~ ~ xlil--ilfac6 ~~m~ ITT~ tixc61lt ~3rfcfgtT~mf6ffilm I

~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

~ cITT Rlx-1f)lx ~ ~ui1--1 ~ 1-11-151PI YfcrilEr 31~Plllsi 1911

cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

~~ ~ Ncfi t1 ~~ ~ ~ cB ~ ll ~ -frR~ cfTT 3lWcP qw ~ Nill t ~ 24 ~ cB 3R ITTff ~ I 3TWcpqw~~mt~NT~~~~JJTcfi

t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

ltif~~J I~ iilt ITTdT t I

gt ~-~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ Nill (~~-~ ~ ~-~ ~ -6fcIT cB ~ficpj ~

~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

9o-BflT m ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ fcnm JJTill I

gt ~-~ cITT ~ gtfqjR ~ ~ ~ x-iti6ld 76T fcnm JJTcTT

~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

gt ~ ~-tqJf ~fdegdlttl 3l~ ~~cpl~ ITT TfltTT t ill ~ W+lR ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~a ~ 1TTffi t I ~

~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

tqJf cfgt fd-1g 01cfgt~ m cn 3rfrf-x-i1-lt ~ 1ITTTT t ~~ fcITTfr ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~d ~ 1fl t ill tqJf cr ~ cfgt ~ITTI

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl epqR cfgt ~ ~ 161 ~

1TTffi I

gt ~-tqJf cp)- fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR rfi cR=5r m crcff m ~ 1fllT-fcrm cfgt~~ 161 ~ 1ITTTT I

gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

gt ~-tqJf CR fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR cfgt~ 161 ~ JJT ~ I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ xtJq B ~ $114--1 cfgt ffTx CR ~ --l1ff ~ JJT ~ I ~ ~ CR ~-tqJf cp)- 4gt6-ltI ll I 1TTffi t 3xl CR

~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

~ cr tj~Rslli 3x ~ cfcp ~ JJT ~ ~ ~ cfcp

cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

2 ~ ~ ~1E11--ia1 ti1J111 ~ Y~ 1=fiA 3llGffl cfgt)- Pia1=a ~ ffi--lT ~ ~ 31lJll--l ~ ~ (~)

i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

fflcf)l Pi a I -a x+RUf ffl--IT irrr 311 -ltl I a ~ irrr cf 11 jJ I-1--1 ~ irrr I 6-IT~ x-Gdlal ~ ~ middot=l11l1Ria ~ cI tllti1--11 ~ iIT6cl ~I~~ ~ ~ iIT6cl ~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ cfgt IDxT WlfOT --lT ITT I

~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

1~ 1s ~ I1-~ i I ~ 1amp i i i i f sect l ~ Qi i i i r1wll~i ril~~i i1~11i1~1~ 1 i ~ I11 ~ ri t w i 19 1 19 ~ -~ r t1 r IltW

1ampJflfamptfl~ i1i~ [~1~1sit~t -~ middotI i tb 1amp i f ~ ~ w1s middotI J ~ ~ i ~ I~ i ~ I-~ i t r I I ~ ~ ~ t - ~ f t ltW f middotI ls t f ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ti I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ff A A A i i ~ 11 ~ J-~ l ~ i ~ ~ i I t l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks


Scientific temper means outlook founded on organised knowledge and

experience Scientific temper discards obsolete learning The society develops

only when the people shun superstitions Lack of Scientific temper is the biggest impediment for the progress of country In our country where a large

section of the society is still caught in various superstitions and unscientific

practices inculcating scientific temper among the citizens is of paramount

importance for development ofthe nation

We should not forget that India in the ancient time was quite advanced

and the people professed scientific temper Indian contributions to mathematics

were not limited to numbers and algebra Trigonometric functions and

algorithms were described and developed

Medicine was the other major science that was highly developed in early

India The Charaka Samhita ( first century CE or earlier) has remarkable

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


fclRfi ~ ~ cfgtT frrrrar ~ middot-IIJIRcfgt tr~~ I~ middotmiddotIIJIRcfgt ~

~ fcrcfgtm ~ ~ llllCl~ftCI 161 ~ cTT ~ wffer 161 cnx ~ I ~ cfgtl

frrcr-~ ~ Qx ~ j-fFf cfgtT lflltG I~ eel ~ bullmiddotWI R4gt) cfgtT t I

~1xaq~ c1 ~ 1fRcf ~ -w1R4gt) B frrfa t 1il--iaiGicfgt ~ -=-mll

~ ~ -ltjPl~Rla ~ ~ cfgtT lfl-ltGl~ccl --ilJIR4gt) Qx tr t I ~ ~

~ cmfcll t fcp ~~ ~~ ~ ll il 1a1 ll xW-ll Gi~ cfgt ~ ~

xW-iilx-ll cfgtT x-1ql~1Sc ~ 6[--1 cnx ~ ITT Im 3ltAT ~ ~ ~ cgpound9 cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ B il I JI lticfgtd I ~ 11 I q ~ll cfgt t I ~

~ 3llR ~ ~ 161 ~ I ~ cTT 3llR 3ftx ~ ~ cfgt~IOI cfgt~ ~ cmfra cfRfil t I --ilJIR4gt) cfgtl ~-cfgt~1deg1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~~B x-1qiJfto1 fcrcfgtmITTllT I

~ cpJ ~cfgtl--11-51 ~ ~ ~ gtfcfgtR ~ ~ ~ cmfcll ~ I 3lTR EX ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ cfRfil t cTT EX ~ ~ ~ x=cra- ~ITT~ 1 x1~ftla1 ~ TITT-ft cfgtT 111~ft4i--i ~-

~ cfgtT q lttl Riefgt ~-~ cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ffl 3llR ~ cfgtT 1wfr-Btfa 1~1G--i ~ cTT m ~~ ~ 161 ~I~~ 3llR ~ cfgtl ~ ~1-scfgtx ~ ~ -cfru ~ cTT ~ ~ ~ 61cf ~ I ~ ~ cr Blia ~ ~ ~ -cfrm ffi ~ tr ~ ~~~~I

3IB ~ ~ ~ ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ ~ ~ ~twi4cfgt ~~ I

1=JRa ~ fl~ 1f AAlic 1=1l~ ~ ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t -8[cp ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t I

ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ tN ~ ~ 61Ql~itj ffillcR ~ ampRT

~ ~ cITT 3IB ~ fcnm lfm I~~~ IVcn ~ ~ s1cn ti~~a fclgtm lfm I er-it 2002 ~ fBQIR-Jtj ~~ampRT~

~~~ 10 ~~cfR 11 cfRcfi~I ~ 51cncfTT~~

~~NaTt- lJ6 ~ ~ ~ --IIJIRc6 cfTT ~ t I

~s1cn~~~~ Pls-i~Rsla ~-

(1) ~--FclE11--1 ~ ar1 q1cl--11 ~ ~ 3Tfcfw ~ 31-=ctbullfa ~arr ~Equf ~ ~lJR qi] ~ui1--1 m (qi)

~ ~ cITT ~~ t1q1qR ~ lJ6 t fcn en-~~ 3lj4 ICI--I I qq ~ ~~ ~ ~311 ~tqJf ~ xi 1~ 11--1 cfTT


~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

34xlcf=a ~~~~~~ JlfaP~t I til-llfttcfgt ~

cfTT 3l~ lJ6 t fcn ~ --11 JI Refgt) ~ ~ ~ fcITTfi ~-~ ~ ~ m amp1q6Ilt ITT I ~ ~ cfTT 3l~ t fcn --IIJIRcent) ~ 3TCl7T-3TCl7T


fcn ~ -11J1Rc6 ~ m xlilflfaq ~ m 3trx ~ ~ xlil--ilfac6 ~~m~ ITT~ tixc61lt ~3rfcfgtT~mf6ffilm I

~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

~ cITT Rlx-1f)lx ~ ~ui1--1 ~ 1-11-151PI YfcrilEr 31~Plllsi 1911

cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

~~ ~ Ncfi t1 ~~ ~ ~ cB ~ ll ~ -frR~ cfTT 3lWcP qw ~ Nill t ~ 24 ~ cB 3R ITTff ~ I 3TWcpqw~~mt~NT~~~~JJTcfi

t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

ltif~~J I~ iilt ITTdT t I

gt ~-~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ Nill (~~-~ ~ ~-~ ~ -6fcIT cB ~ficpj ~

~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

9o-BflT m ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ fcnm JJTill I

gt ~-~ cITT ~ gtfqjR ~ ~ ~ x-iti6ld 76T fcnm JJTcTT

~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

gt ~ ~-tqJf ~fdegdlttl 3l~ ~~cpl~ ITT TfltTT t ill ~ W+lR ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~a ~ 1TTffi t I ~

~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

tqJf cfgt fd-1g 01cfgt~ m cn 3rfrf-x-i1-lt ~ 1ITTTT t ~~ fcITTfr ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~d ~ 1fl t ill tqJf cr ~ cfgt ~ITTI

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl epqR cfgt ~ ~ 161 ~

1TTffi I

gt ~-tqJf cp)- fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR rfi cR=5r m crcff m ~ 1fllT-fcrm cfgt~~ 161 ~ 1ITTTT I

gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

gt ~-tqJf CR fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR cfgt~ 161 ~ JJT ~ I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ xtJq B ~ $114--1 cfgt ffTx CR ~ --l1ff ~ JJT ~ I ~ ~ CR ~-tqJf cp)- 4gt6-ltI ll I 1TTffi t 3xl CR

~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

~ cr tj~Rslli 3x ~ cfcp ~ JJT ~ ~ ~ cfcp

cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

2 ~ ~ ~1E11--ia1 ti1J111 ~ Y~ 1=fiA 3llGffl cfgt)- Pia1=a ~ ffi--lT ~ ~ 31lJll--l ~ ~ (~)

i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

fflcf)l Pi a I -a x+RUf ffl--IT irrr 311 -ltl I a ~ irrr cf 11 jJ I-1--1 ~ irrr I 6-IT~ x-Gdlal ~ ~ middot=l11l1Ria ~ cI tllti1--11 ~ iIT6cl ~I~~ ~ ~ iIT6cl ~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ cfgt IDxT WlfOT --lT ITT I

~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

1~ 1s ~ I1-~ i I ~ 1amp i i i i f sect l ~ Qi i i i r1wll~i ril~~i i1~11i1~1~ 1 i ~ I11 ~ ri t w i 19 1 19 ~ -~ r t1 r IltW

1ampJflfamptfl~ i1i~ [~1~1sit~t -~ middotI i tb 1amp i f ~ ~ w1s middotI J ~ ~ i ~ I~ i ~ I-~ i t r I I ~ ~ ~ t - ~ f t ltW f middotI ls t f ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ti I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ff A A A i i ~ 11 ~ J-~ l ~ i ~ ~ i I t l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks

statements about diagnosis It advocated a system ofmedicine that depended on skill and human intervention rather than on the divine or superhuman

It is our duty to ensure the Indias presence in the world ofscience and technology Let knowledge like the sun shine for all and that there should not be any room for narrow-mindedness blind faith and dogma


It is very unfortunate that destruction ofpublic property has become a popular medium for airing grievances Destruction ofpublic property is also an offence under Prevention ofDamage to the Public Property Act 1984 We must not take law in our hands Burning oftrainsbuses and other public property to register protest during bandhs hartals agitations or political demonstrations causes loss to the nation

It is most unfortunate that in a country which preaches non-violence to the rest of the world we see from time to time scenes of senseless violence and destruction ofpublic property indulged in by a few ofits citizens It is our fundamental duty to abjure violence Violent methods to ventilate grievances must be avoided


Excellence is the key to success Excellence is the secret of all

development It is our fundamental duty to make sure that our country constantly rises and achieves heights The drive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity is the demand of times Excellence is the secret of all development and all success Japan and Singapore are living examples It is amazing that Japan stood up head and shoulders in such a short time after the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Second World War

The open secret is Excellence It is our duty to work hard We should not adopt shortcut ways devoid ofhard work and excellence



Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


fclRfi ~ ~ cfgtT frrrrar ~ middot-IIJIRcfgt tr~~ I~ middotmiddotIIJIRcfgt ~

~ fcrcfgtm ~ ~ llllCl~ftCI 161 ~ cTT ~ wffer 161 cnx ~ I ~ cfgtl

frrcr-~ ~ Qx ~ j-fFf cfgtT lflltG I~ eel ~ bullmiddotWI R4gt) cfgtT t I

~1xaq~ c1 ~ 1fRcf ~ -w1R4gt) B frrfa t 1il--iaiGicfgt ~ -=-mll

~ ~ -ltjPl~Rla ~ ~ cfgtT lfl-ltGl~ccl --ilJIR4gt) Qx tr t I ~ ~

~ cmfcll t fcp ~~ ~~ ~ ll il 1a1 ll xW-ll Gi~ cfgt ~ ~

xW-iilx-ll cfgtT x-1ql~1Sc ~ 6[--1 cnx ~ ITT Im 3ltAT ~ ~ ~ cgpound9 cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ B il I JI lticfgtd I ~ 11 I q ~ll cfgt t I ~

~ 3llR ~ ~ 161 ~ I ~ cTT 3llR 3ftx ~ ~ cfgt~IOI cfgt~ ~ cmfra cfRfil t I --ilJIR4gt) cfgtl ~-cfgt~1deg1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~~B x-1qiJfto1 fcrcfgtmITTllT I

~ cpJ ~cfgtl--11-51 ~ ~ ~ gtfcfgtR ~ ~ ~ cmfcll ~ I 3lTR EX ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ cfRfil t cTT EX ~ ~ ~ x=cra- ~ITT~ 1 x1~ftla1 ~ TITT-ft cfgtT 111~ft4i--i ~-

~ cfgtT q lttl Riefgt ~-~ cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ffl 3llR ~ cfgtT 1wfr-Btfa 1~1G--i ~ cTT m ~~ ~ 161 ~I~~ 3llR ~ cfgtl ~ ~1-scfgtx ~ ~ -cfru ~ cTT ~ ~ ~ 61cf ~ I ~ ~ cr Blia ~ ~ ~ -cfrm ffi ~ tr ~ ~~~~I

3IB ~ ~ ~ ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ ~ ~ ~twi4cfgt ~~ I

1=JRa ~ fl~ 1f AAlic 1=1l~ ~ ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t -8[cp ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t I

ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ tN ~ ~ 61Ql~itj ffillcR ~ ampRT

~ ~ cITT 3IB ~ fcnm lfm I~~~ IVcn ~ ~ s1cn ti~~a fclgtm lfm I er-it 2002 ~ fBQIR-Jtj ~~ampRT~

~~~ 10 ~~cfR 11 cfRcfi~I ~ 51cncfTT~~

~~NaTt- lJ6 ~ ~ ~ --IIJIRc6 cfTT ~ t I

~s1cn~~~~ Pls-i~Rsla ~-

(1) ~--FclE11--1 ~ ar1 q1cl--11 ~ ~ 3Tfcfw ~ 31-=ctbullfa ~arr ~Equf ~ ~lJR qi] ~ui1--1 m (qi)

~ ~ cITT ~~ t1q1qR ~ lJ6 t fcn en-~~ 3lj4 ICI--I I qq ~ ~~ ~ ~311 ~tqJf ~ xi 1~ 11--1 cfTT


~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

34xlcf=a ~~~~~~ JlfaP~t I til-llfttcfgt ~

cfTT 3l~ lJ6 t fcn ~ --11 JI Refgt) ~ ~ ~ fcITTfi ~-~ ~ ~ m amp1q6Ilt ITT I ~ ~ cfTT 3l~ t fcn --IIJIRcent) ~ 3TCl7T-3TCl7T


fcn ~ -11J1Rc6 ~ m xlilflfaq ~ m 3trx ~ ~ xlil--ilfac6 ~~m~ ITT~ tixc61lt ~3rfcfgtT~mf6ffilm I

~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

~ cITT Rlx-1f)lx ~ ~ui1--1 ~ 1-11-151PI YfcrilEr 31~Plllsi 1911

cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

~~ ~ Ncfi t1 ~~ ~ ~ cB ~ ll ~ -frR~ cfTT 3lWcP qw ~ Nill t ~ 24 ~ cB 3R ITTff ~ I 3TWcpqw~~mt~NT~~~~JJTcfi

t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

ltif~~J I~ iilt ITTdT t I

gt ~-~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ Nill (~~-~ ~ ~-~ ~ -6fcIT cB ~ficpj ~

~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

9o-BflT m ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ fcnm JJTill I

gt ~-~ cITT ~ gtfqjR ~ ~ ~ x-iti6ld 76T fcnm JJTcTT

~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

gt ~ ~-tqJf ~fdegdlttl 3l~ ~~cpl~ ITT TfltTT t ill ~ W+lR ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~a ~ 1TTffi t I ~

~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

tqJf cfgt fd-1g 01cfgt~ m cn 3rfrf-x-i1-lt ~ 1ITTTT t ~~ fcITTfr ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~d ~ 1fl t ill tqJf cr ~ cfgt ~ITTI

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl epqR cfgt ~ ~ 161 ~

1TTffi I

gt ~-tqJf cp)- fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR rfi cR=5r m crcff m ~ 1fllT-fcrm cfgt~~ 161 ~ 1ITTTT I

gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

gt ~-tqJf CR fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR cfgt~ 161 ~ JJT ~ I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ xtJq B ~ $114--1 cfgt ffTx CR ~ --l1ff ~ JJT ~ I ~ ~ CR ~-tqJf cp)- 4gt6-ltI ll I 1TTffi t 3xl CR

~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

~ cr tj~Rslli 3x ~ cfcp ~ JJT ~ ~ ~ cfcp

cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

2 ~ ~ ~1E11--ia1 ti1J111 ~ Y~ 1=fiA 3llGffl cfgt)- Pia1=a ~ ffi--lT ~ ~ 31lJll--l ~ ~ (~)

i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

fflcf)l Pi a I -a x+RUf ffl--IT irrr 311 -ltl I a ~ irrr cf 11 jJ I-1--1 ~ irrr I 6-IT~ x-Gdlal ~ ~ middot=l11l1Ria ~ cI tllti1--11 ~ iIT6cl ~I~~ ~ ~ iIT6cl ~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ cfgt IDxT WlfOT --lT ITT I

~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

1~ 1s ~ I1-~ i I ~ 1amp i i i i f sect l ~ Qi i i i r1wll~i ril~~i i1~11i1~1~ 1 i ~ I11 ~ ri t w i 19 1 19 ~ -~ r t1 r IltW

1ampJflfamptfl~ i1i~ [~1~1sit~t -~ middotI i tb 1amp i f ~ ~ w1s middotI J ~ ~ i ~ I~ i ~ I-~ i t r I I ~ ~ ~ t - ~ f t ltW f middotI ls t f ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ti I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ff A A A i i ~ 11 ~ J-~ l ~ i ~ ~ i I t l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks


Education is the most important factor in the development ofa country Education is one ofthe important means through which we can improve our society Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation depends upon Free and compulsory

education to all children has also become fundamental right ofall children ofage group 6-14 years The passing ofthe Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 is an important enactment to ensure education for all children ofthe age group 6-

14 years The said Act provides for the following

bull Every child between the age ofsix to fourteen years shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till completion of elementary education

bull For this purpose no child shall be liable to pay any kind offee or charges or expenses which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education

bull Where a child above six years of age has not been admitted to any school or though admitted could not complete his or her elementary education then he or she shall be admitted in a class appropriate to his or her age

Parents and Guardians must realize that giving education to children is of utmost importance Education helps in the development ofchildren Education transforms country as a whole


fclRfi ~ ~ cfgtT frrrrar ~ middot-IIJIRcfgt tr~~ I~ middotmiddotIIJIRcfgt ~

~ fcrcfgtm ~ ~ llllCl~ftCI 161 ~ cTT ~ wffer 161 cnx ~ I ~ cfgtl

frrcr-~ ~ Qx ~ j-fFf cfgtT lflltG I~ eel ~ bullmiddotWI R4gt) cfgtT t I

~1xaq~ c1 ~ 1fRcf ~ -w1R4gt) B frrfa t 1il--iaiGicfgt ~ -=-mll

~ ~ -ltjPl~Rla ~ ~ cfgtT lfl-ltGl~ccl --ilJIR4gt) Qx tr t I ~ ~

~ cmfcll t fcp ~~ ~~ ~ ll il 1a1 ll xW-ll Gi~ cfgt ~ ~

xW-iilx-ll cfgtT x-1ql~1Sc ~ 6[--1 cnx ~ ITT Im 3ltAT ~ ~ ~ cgpound9 cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ B il I JI lticfgtd I ~ 11 I q ~ll cfgt t I ~

~ 3llR ~ ~ 161 ~ I ~ cTT 3llR 3ftx ~ ~ cfgt~IOI cfgt~ ~ cmfra cfRfil t I --ilJIR4gt) cfgtl ~-cfgt~1deg1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~~B x-1qiJfto1 fcrcfgtmITTllT I

~ cpJ ~cfgtl--11-51 ~ ~ ~ gtfcfgtR ~ ~ ~ cmfcll ~ I 3lTR EX ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ cfRfil t cTT EX ~ ~ ~ x=cra- ~ITT~ 1 x1~ftla1 ~ TITT-ft cfgtT 111~ft4i--i ~-

~ cfgtT q lttl Riefgt ~-~ cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ffl 3llR ~ cfgtT 1wfr-Btfa 1~1G--i ~ cTT m ~~ ~ 161 ~I~~ 3llR ~ cfgtl ~ ~1-scfgtx ~ ~ -cfru ~ cTT ~ ~ ~ 61cf ~ I ~ ~ cr Blia ~ ~ ~ -cfrm ffi ~ tr ~ ~~~~I

3IB ~ ~ ~ ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ ~ ~ ~twi4cfgt ~~ I

1=JRa ~ fl~ 1f AAlic 1=1l~ ~ ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t -8[cp ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t I

ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ tN ~ ~ 61Ql~itj ffillcR ~ ampRT

~ ~ cITT 3IB ~ fcnm lfm I~~~ IVcn ~ ~ s1cn ti~~a fclgtm lfm I er-it 2002 ~ fBQIR-Jtj ~~ampRT~

~~~ 10 ~~cfR 11 cfRcfi~I ~ 51cncfTT~~

~~NaTt- lJ6 ~ ~ ~ --IIJIRc6 cfTT ~ t I

~s1cn~~~~ Pls-i~Rsla ~-

(1) ~--FclE11--1 ~ ar1 q1cl--11 ~ ~ 3Tfcfw ~ 31-=ctbullfa ~arr ~Equf ~ ~lJR qi] ~ui1--1 m (qi)

~ ~ cITT ~~ t1q1qR ~ lJ6 t fcn en-~~ 3lj4 ICI--I I qq ~ ~~ ~ ~311 ~tqJf ~ xi 1~ 11--1 cfTT


~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

34xlcf=a ~~~~~~ JlfaP~t I til-llfttcfgt ~

cfTT 3l~ lJ6 t fcn ~ --11 JI Refgt) ~ ~ ~ fcITTfi ~-~ ~ ~ m amp1q6Ilt ITT I ~ ~ cfTT 3l~ t fcn --IIJIRcent) ~ 3TCl7T-3TCl7T


fcn ~ -11J1Rc6 ~ m xlilflfaq ~ m 3trx ~ ~ xlil--ilfac6 ~~m~ ITT~ tixc61lt ~3rfcfgtT~mf6ffilm I

~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

~ cITT Rlx-1f)lx ~ ~ui1--1 ~ 1-11-151PI YfcrilEr 31~Plllsi 1911

cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

~~ ~ Ncfi t1 ~~ ~ ~ cB ~ ll ~ -frR~ cfTT 3lWcP qw ~ Nill t ~ 24 ~ cB 3R ITTff ~ I 3TWcpqw~~mt~NT~~~~JJTcfi

t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

ltif~~J I~ iilt ITTdT t I

gt ~-~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ Nill (~~-~ ~ ~-~ ~ -6fcIT cB ~ficpj ~

~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

9o-BflT m ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ fcnm JJTill I

gt ~-~ cITT ~ gtfqjR ~ ~ ~ x-iti6ld 76T fcnm JJTcTT

~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

gt ~ ~-tqJf ~fdegdlttl 3l~ ~~cpl~ ITT TfltTT t ill ~ W+lR ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~a ~ 1TTffi t I ~

~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

tqJf cfgt fd-1g 01cfgt~ m cn 3rfrf-x-i1-lt ~ 1ITTTT t ~~ fcITTfr ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~d ~ 1fl t ill tqJf cr ~ cfgt ~ITTI

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl epqR cfgt ~ ~ 161 ~

1TTffi I

gt ~-tqJf cp)- fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR rfi cR=5r m crcff m ~ 1fllT-fcrm cfgt~~ 161 ~ 1ITTTT I

gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

gt ~-tqJf CR fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR cfgt~ 161 ~ JJT ~ I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ xtJq B ~ $114--1 cfgt ffTx CR ~ --l1ff ~ JJT ~ I ~ ~ CR ~-tqJf cp)- 4gt6-ltI ll I 1TTffi t 3xl CR

~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

~ cr tj~Rslli 3x ~ cfcp ~ JJT ~ ~ ~ cfcp

cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

2 ~ ~ ~1E11--ia1 ti1J111 ~ Y~ 1=fiA 3llGffl cfgt)- Pia1=a ~ ffi--lT ~ ~ 31lJll--l ~ ~ (~)

i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

fflcf)l Pi a I -a x+RUf ffl--IT irrr 311 -ltl I a ~ irrr cf 11 jJ I-1--1 ~ irrr I 6-IT~ x-Gdlal ~ ~ middot=l11l1Ria ~ cI tllti1--11 ~ iIT6cl ~I~~ ~ ~ iIT6cl ~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ cfgt IDxT WlfOT --lT ITT I

~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

1~ 1s ~ I1-~ i I ~ 1amp i i i i f sect l ~ Qi i i i r1wll~i ril~~i i1~11i1~1~ 1 i ~ I11 ~ ri t w i 19 1 19 ~ -~ r t1 r IltW

1ampJflfamptfl~ i1i~ [~1~1sit~t -~ middotI i tb 1amp i f ~ ~ w1s middotI J ~ ~ i ~ I~ i ~ I-~ i t r I I ~ ~ ~ t - ~ f t ltW f middotI ls t f ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ti I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ff A A A i i ~ 11 ~ J-~ l ~ i ~ ~ i I t l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks


fclRfi ~ ~ cfgtT frrrrar ~ middot-IIJIRcfgt tr~~ I~ middotmiddotIIJIRcfgt ~

~ fcrcfgtm ~ ~ llllCl~ftCI 161 ~ cTT ~ wffer 161 cnx ~ I ~ cfgtl

frrcr-~ ~ Qx ~ j-fFf cfgtT lflltG I~ eel ~ bullmiddotWI R4gt) cfgtT t I

~1xaq~ c1 ~ 1fRcf ~ -w1R4gt) B frrfa t 1il--iaiGicfgt ~ -=-mll

~ ~ -ltjPl~Rla ~ ~ cfgtT lfl-ltGl~ccl --ilJIR4gt) Qx tr t I ~ ~

~ cmfcll t fcp ~~ ~~ ~ ll il 1a1 ll xW-ll Gi~ cfgt ~ ~

xW-iilx-ll cfgtT x-1ql~1Sc ~ 6[--1 cnx ~ ITT Im 3ltAT ~ ~ ~ cgpound9 cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ B il I JI lticfgtd I ~ 11 I q ~ll cfgt t I ~

~ 3llR ~ ~ 161 ~ I ~ cTT 3llR 3ftx ~ ~ cfgt~IOI cfgt~ ~ cmfra cfRfil t I --ilJIR4gt) cfgtl ~-cfgt~1deg1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~~~~B x-1qiJfto1 fcrcfgtmITTllT I

~ cpJ ~cfgtl--11-51 ~ ~ ~ gtfcfgtR ~ ~ ~ cmfcll ~ I 3lTR EX ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ cfRfil t cTT EX ~ ~ ~ x=cra- ~ITT~ 1 x1~ftla1 ~ TITT-ft cfgtT 111~ft4i--i ~-

~ cfgtT q lttl Riefgt ~-~ cmfcll ~ I ~ ~ ffl 3llR ~ cfgtT 1wfr-Btfa 1~1G--i ~ cTT m ~~ ~ 161 ~I~~ 3llR ~ cfgtl ~ ~1-scfgtx ~ ~ -cfru ~ cTT ~ ~ ~ 61cf ~ I ~ ~ cr Blia ~ ~ ~ -cfrm ffi ~ tr ~ ~~~~I

3IB ~ ~ ~ ~ 3llR ~ cfgtT ~ ~ ~ ~twi4cfgt ~~ I

1=JRa ~ fl~ 1f AAlic 1=1l~ ~ ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t -8[cp ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t I

ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ tN ~ ~ 61Ql~itj ffillcR ~ ampRT

~ ~ cITT 3IB ~ fcnm lfm I~~~ IVcn ~ ~ s1cn ti~~a fclgtm lfm I er-it 2002 ~ fBQIR-Jtj ~~ampRT~

~~~ 10 ~~cfR 11 cfRcfi~I ~ 51cncfTT~~

~~NaTt- lJ6 ~ ~ ~ --IIJIRc6 cfTT ~ t I

~s1cn~~~~ Pls-i~Rsla ~-

(1) ~--FclE11--1 ~ ar1 q1cl--11 ~ ~ 3Tfcfw ~ 31-=ctbullfa ~arr ~Equf ~ ~lJR qi] ~ui1--1 m (qi)

~ ~ cITT ~~ t1q1qR ~ lJ6 t fcn en-~~ 3lj4 ICI--I I qq ~ ~~ ~ ~311 ~tqJf ~ xi 1~ 11--1 cfTT


~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

34xlcf=a ~~~~~~ JlfaP~t I til-llfttcfgt ~

cfTT 3l~ lJ6 t fcn ~ --11 JI Refgt) ~ ~ ~ fcITTfi ~-~ ~ ~ m amp1q6Ilt ITT I ~ ~ cfTT 3l~ t fcn --IIJIRcent) ~ 3TCl7T-3TCl7T


fcn ~ -11J1Rc6 ~ m xlilflfaq ~ m 3trx ~ ~ xlil--ilfac6 ~~m~ ITT~ tixc61lt ~3rfcfgtT~mf6ffilm I

~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

~ cITT Rlx-1f)lx ~ ~ui1--1 ~ 1-11-151PI YfcrilEr 31~Plllsi 1911

cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

~~ ~ Ncfi t1 ~~ ~ ~ cB ~ ll ~ -frR~ cfTT 3lWcP qw ~ Nill t ~ 24 ~ cB 3R ITTff ~ I 3TWcpqw~~mt~NT~~~~JJTcfi

t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

ltif~~J I~ iilt ITTdT t I

gt ~-~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ Nill (~~-~ ~ ~-~ ~ -6fcIT cB ~ficpj ~

~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

9o-BflT m ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ fcnm JJTill I

gt ~-~ cITT ~ gtfqjR ~ ~ ~ x-iti6ld 76T fcnm JJTcTT

~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

gt ~ ~-tqJf ~fdegdlttl 3l~ ~~cpl~ ITT TfltTT t ill ~ W+lR ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~a ~ 1TTffi t I ~

~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

tqJf cfgt fd-1g 01cfgt~ m cn 3rfrf-x-i1-lt ~ 1ITTTT t ~~ fcITTfr ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~d ~ 1fl t ill tqJf cr ~ cfgt ~ITTI

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl epqR cfgt ~ ~ 161 ~

1TTffi I

gt ~-tqJf cp)- fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR rfi cR=5r m crcff m ~ 1fllT-fcrm cfgt~~ 161 ~ 1ITTTT I

gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

gt ~-tqJf CR fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR cfgt~ 161 ~ JJT ~ I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ xtJq B ~ $114--1 cfgt ffTx CR ~ --l1ff ~ JJT ~ I ~ ~ CR ~-tqJf cp)- 4gt6-ltI ll I 1TTffi t 3xl CR

~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

~ cr tj~Rslli 3x ~ cfcp ~ JJT ~ ~ ~ cfcp

cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

2 ~ ~ ~1E11--ia1 ti1J111 ~ Y~ 1=fiA 3llGffl cfgt)- Pia1=a ~ ffi--lT ~ ~ 31lJll--l ~ ~ (~)

i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

fflcf)l Pi a I -a x+RUf ffl--IT irrr 311 -ltl I a ~ irrr cf 11 jJ I-1--1 ~ irrr I 6-IT~ x-Gdlal ~ ~ middot=l11l1Ria ~ cI tllti1--11 ~ iIT6cl ~I~~ ~ ~ iIT6cl ~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ cfgt IDxT WlfOT --lT ITT I

~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

1~ 1s ~ I1-~ i I ~ 1amp i i i i f sect l ~ Qi i i i r1wll~i ril~~i i1~11i1~1~ 1 i ~ I11 ~ ri t w i 19 1 19 ~ -~ r t1 r IltW

1ampJflfamptfl~ i1i~ [~1~1sit~t -~ middotI i tb 1amp i f ~ ~ w1s middotI J ~ ~ i ~ I~ i ~ I-~ i t r I I ~ ~ ~ t - ~ f t ltW f middotI ls t f ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ti I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ff A A A i i ~ 11 ~ J-~ l ~ i ~ ~ i I t l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks

1=JRa ~ fl~ 1f AAlic 1=1l~ ~ ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t -8[cp ~ gtfcpR ~ ~ ~ t I

ffl ~ ~ ~ ~ tN ~ ~ 61Ql~itj ffillcR ~ ampRT

~ ~ cITT 3IB ~ fcnm lfm I~~~ IVcn ~ ~ s1cn ti~~a fclgtm lfm I er-it 2002 ~ fBQIR-Jtj ~~ampRT~

~~~ 10 ~~cfR 11 cfRcfi~I ~ 51cncfTT~~

~~NaTt- lJ6 ~ ~ ~ --IIJIRc6 cfTT ~ t I

~s1cn~~~~ Pls-i~Rsla ~-

(1) ~--FclE11--1 ~ ar1 q1cl--11 ~ ~ 3Tfcfw ~ 31-=ctbullfa ~arr ~Equf ~ ~lJR qi] ~ui1--1 m (qi)

~ ~ cITT ~~ t1q1qR ~ lJ6 t fcn en-~~ 3lj4 ICI--I I qq ~ ~~ ~ ~311 ~tqJf ~ xi 1~ 11--1 cfTT


~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ ~ 3~~1c61 (Preamble) ~ ~lfmt-

bull ~ t11J11fuic6 ~ 3trx xlil~faq

bull ~dldl ~~ fq~qli tl1-f 3ilx 341ti--ll ~

bull -laquofdl ~ 3ilx ~~ ~ 3rf 1ij ~

bull islidl ~cefcla-~~3ilx~~~3ilx~ tlPl~Rla ITT

34xlcf=a ~~~~~~ JlfaP~t I til-llfttcfgt ~

cfTT 3l~ lJ6 t fcn ~ --11 JI Refgt) ~ ~ ~ fcITTfi ~-~ ~ ~ m amp1q6Ilt ITT I ~ ~ cfTT 3l~ t fcn --IIJIRcent) ~ 3TCl7T-3TCl7T


fcn ~ -11J1Rc6 ~ m xlilflfaq ~ m 3trx ~ ~ xlil--ilfac6 ~~m~ ITT~ tixc61lt ~3rfcfgtT~mf6ffilm I

~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

~ cITT Rlx-1f)lx ~ ~ui1--1 ~ 1-11-151PI YfcrilEr 31~Plllsi 1911

cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

~~ ~ Ncfi t1 ~~ ~ ~ cB ~ ll ~ -frR~ cfTT 3lWcP qw ~ Nill t ~ 24 ~ cB 3R ITTff ~ I 3TWcpqw~~mt~NT~~~~JJTcfi

t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

ltif~~J I~ iilt ITTdT t I

gt ~-~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ Nill (~~-~ ~ ~-~ ~ -6fcIT cB ~ficpj ~

~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

9o-BflT m ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ fcnm JJTill I

gt ~-~ cITT ~ gtfqjR ~ ~ ~ x-iti6ld 76T fcnm JJTcTT

~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

gt ~ ~-tqJf ~fdegdlttl 3l~ ~~cpl~ ITT TfltTT t ill ~ W+lR ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~a ~ 1TTffi t I ~

~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

tqJf cfgt fd-1g 01cfgt~ m cn 3rfrf-x-i1-lt ~ 1ITTTT t ~~ fcITTfr ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~d ~ 1fl t ill tqJf cr ~ cfgt ~ITTI

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl epqR cfgt ~ ~ 161 ~

1TTffi I

gt ~-tqJf cp)- fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR rfi cR=5r m crcff m ~ 1fllT-fcrm cfgt~~ 161 ~ 1ITTTT I

gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

gt ~-tqJf CR fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR cfgt~ 161 ~ JJT ~ I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ xtJq B ~ $114--1 cfgt ffTx CR ~ --l1ff ~ JJT ~ I ~ ~ CR ~-tqJf cp)- 4gt6-ltI ll I 1TTffi t 3xl CR

~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

~ cr tj~Rslli 3x ~ cfcp ~ JJT ~ ~ ~ cfcp

cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

2 ~ ~ ~1E11--ia1 ti1J111 ~ Y~ 1=fiA 3llGffl cfgt)- Pia1=a ~ ffi--lT ~ ~ 31lJll--l ~ ~ (~)

i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

fflcf)l Pi a I -a x+RUf ffl--IT irrr 311 -ltl I a ~ irrr cf 11 jJ I-1--1 ~ irrr I 6-IT~ x-Gdlal ~ ~ middot=l11l1Ria ~ cI tllti1--11 ~ iIT6cl ~I~~ ~ ~ iIT6cl ~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ cfgt IDxT WlfOT --lT ITT I

~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

1~ 1s ~ I1-~ i I ~ 1amp i i i i f sect l ~ Qi i i i r1wll~i ril~~i i1~11i1~1~ 1 i ~ I11 ~ ri t w i 19 1 19 ~ -~ r t1 r IltW

1ampJflfamptfl~ i1i~ [~1~1sit~t -~ middotI i tb 1amp i f ~ ~ w1s middotI J ~ ~ i ~ I~ i ~ I-~ i t r I I ~ ~ ~ t - ~ f t ltW f middotI ls t f ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ti I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ff A A A i i ~ 11 ~ J-~ l ~ i ~ ~ i I t l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks

~ ~ 1~~1q1 (Preamble) cB -Clcildl x=r=rcTT ~ ~

~~ _qji1i1i ~ ~ ~ Tfir ~ I x=r=rill cfTT 3lci t fcn ~ ~ cITT ~ x=PR ~ mtd ITT ~ ~ ~ cgt9 crf-~ cB ~ ~

IDqcfR ITT I ~ cfTT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ cITT

14-ltI cfc1 ~ cpl Pl a 1-a x=+RUT cf~~ 3l1R ~ ll ~ ~ xlt)q ~ I

~ cB 3RfTIB ~ ~ cfA ~- qjlll41Riq1 ~ ~

bullxii ll qIRi q I I ~ middotmiddot11 ~ I Rq cfTT ~ t fcn ~ ~ ~3TT cfTT


~~-~~~-11R6BR~fflcBgtffilcp~ I~

~-~ ~ ~-llR cfTT xl+IR ~ x=rcnr~ ~ t I~ cB 34-ltlcfc1

~ cITT Rlx-1f)lx ~ ~ui1--1 ~ 1-11-151PI YfcrilEr 31~Plllsi 1911

cB ~ amp5--illl ~ I

~-~ cB fclinl ii Pl s--i Ri Rsi d ijIB x=+RUT ffll ltTTTll ~-

gt ~-~ cfA-~ ~ ~3TT ~ 6[--[ffi t Jll fcn -t11iia1q1x

Nal~cf~3lfll71~ffltl ~~~~

~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

~~ ~ Ncfi t1 ~~ ~ ~ cB ~ ll ~ -frR~ cfTT 3lWcP qw ~ Nill t ~ 24 ~ cB 3R ITTff ~ I 3TWcpqw~~mt~NT~~~~JJTcfi

t I 3lWcp qw ~ cB ~ ll GFIT cR1P ~ fC[lc xlt)q ~

ltif~~J I~ iilt ITTdT t I

gt ~-~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ Nill (~~-~ ~ ~-~ ~ -6fcIT cB ~ficpj ~

~ ~ ~~-~ ~ 2002 cB ~ t I)

gt ~-~ cITT ~ ~ crrg--r ~ m -=rrcr cB ~-BflT

9o-BflT m ~ cITT ~ cB ~ ~ ~ fcnm JJTill I

gt ~-~ cITT ~ gtfqjR ~ ~ ~ x-iti6ld 76T fcnm JJTcTT

~~ ~ ITT m ~ -I Ri middotmiddotId I ~ I

gt ~ ~-tqJf ~fdegdlttl 3l~ ~~cpl~ ITT TfltTT t ill ~ W+lR ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~a ~ 1TTffi t I ~

~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

tqJf cfgt fd-1g 01cfgt~ m cn 3rfrf-x-i1-lt ~ 1ITTTT t ~~ fcITTfr ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~d ~ 1fl t ill tqJf cr ~ cfgt ~ITTI

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl epqR cfgt ~ ~ 161 ~

1TTffi I

gt ~-tqJf cp)- fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR rfi cR=5r m crcff m ~ 1fllT-fcrm cfgt~~ 161 ~ 1ITTTT I

gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

gt ~-tqJf CR fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR cfgt~ 161 ~ JJT ~ I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ xtJq B ~ $114--1 cfgt ffTx CR ~ --l1ff ~ JJT ~ I ~ ~ CR ~-tqJf cp)- 4gt6-ltI ll I 1TTffi t 3xl CR

~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

~ cr tj~Rslli 3x ~ cfcp ~ JJT ~ ~ ~ cfcp

cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

2 ~ ~ ~1E11--ia1 ti1J111 ~ Y~ 1=fiA 3llGffl cfgt)- Pia1=a ~ ffi--lT ~ ~ 31lJll--l ~ ~ (~)

i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

fflcf)l Pi a I -a x+RUf ffl--IT irrr 311 -ltl I a ~ irrr cf 11 jJ I-1--1 ~ irrr I 6-IT~ x-Gdlal ~ ~ middot=l11l1Ria ~ cI tllti1--11 ~ iIT6cl ~I~~ ~ ~ iIT6cl ~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ cfgt IDxT WlfOT --lT ITT I

~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

1~ 1s ~ I1-~ i I ~ 1amp i i i i f sect l ~ Qi i i i r1wll~i ril~~i i1~11i1~1~ 1 i ~ I11 ~ ri t w i 19 1 19 ~ -~ r t1 r IltW

1ampJflfamptfl~ i1i~ [~1~1sit~t -~ middotI i tb 1amp i f ~ ~ w1s middotI J ~ ~ i ~ I~ i ~ I-~ i t r I I ~ ~ ~ t - ~ f t ltW f middotI ls t f ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ti I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ff A A A i i ~ 11 ~ J-~ l ~ i ~ ~ i I t l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks

gt ~ ~-tqJf ~fdegdlttl 3l~ ~~cpl~ ITT TfltTT t ill ~ W+lR ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~a ~ 1TTffi t I ~

~ B tqJf cp)-~ xtJq ~ ~ ri fdegd-1 ~a rcmn- 1TTffi t I

tqJf cfgt fd-1g 01cfgt~ m cn 3rfrf-x-i1-lt ~ 1ITTTT t ~~ fcITTfr ~ ~ ~ fdegd-l~d ~ 1fl t ill tqJf cr ~ cfgt ~ITTI

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl epqR cfgt ~ ~ 161 ~

1TTffi I

gt ~-tqJf cp)- fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR rfi cR=5r m crcff m ~ 1fllT-fcrm cfgt~~ 161 ~ 1ITTTT I

gt ~-tqJfcr~ m ~l-IICi irT~~CR~

161cr~ I

gt ~-tqJf CR fcITTfr ~ gtfcpR cfgt~ 161 ~ JJT ~ I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ xtJq B ~ $114--1 cfgt ffTx CR ~ --l1ff ~ JJT ~ I ~ ~ CR ~-tqJf cp)- 4gt6-ltI ll I 1TTffi t 3xl CR

~ ~$114--l 1616flmJJT~I

gt ~-tqJf cpl fcITTfr ~ ~ cpl lJ6UT ffi ~~ 3lfx ffl cfgt ~ ~ -1ff ~ JJT ~ (~ x-Gdldl ~

JIDldldl ~ ~ fcrm tl-ll-lt161 B ~-tqJf cfgt 3FcR

~ cr tj~Rslli 3x ~ cfcp ~ JJT ~ ~ ~ cfcp

cilillx1gu1 --IT ITT~ I)

2 ~ ~ ~1E11--ia1 ti1J111 ~ Y~ 1=fiA 3llGffl cfgt)- Pia1=a ~ ffi--lT ~ ~ 31lJll--l ~ ~ (~)

i3-IR ~ ~ ~-~ B 1~ 61 ~ ~ H ~ ~ lllG ffl--IT i31l ffl cITT

~ t I ~ ~ cr ~ ~ BRc7 cITT ~~ s3TT ~ ~ i31l

fflcf)l Pi a I -a x+RUf ffl--IT irrr 311 -ltl I a ~ irrr cf 11 jJ I-1--1 ~ irrr I 6-IT~ x-Gdlal ~ ~ middot=l11l1Ria ~ cI tllti1--11 ~ iIT6cl ~I~~ ~ ~ iIT6cl ~ ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~ cfgt IDxT WlfOT --lT ITT I

~ tl4--IT ~ ~ ~ cITT ~ ~~~w=RIT ~

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

1~ 1s ~ I1-~ i I ~ 1amp i i i i f sect l ~ Qi i i i r1wll~i ril~~i i1~11i1~1~ 1 i ~ I11 ~ ri t w i 19 1 19 ~ -~ r t1 r IltW

1ampJflfamptfl~ i1i~ [~1~1sit~t -~ middotI i tb 1amp i f ~ ~ w1s middotI J ~ ~ i ~ I~ i ~ I-~ i t r I I ~ ~ ~ t - ~ f t ltW f middotI ls t f ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ti I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ff A A A i i ~ 11 ~ J-~ l ~ i ~ ~ i I t l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks

llf~ l lj ~-~i i~i~I~~ 1s1t -~ i~ltWI ~i~ t~~~i~

~ ~

-- ~~ 18 ~ ~ ~ fu 15 i ~ 11 l I ~ ii w ii t ~ 1s l i ~ middotI -~ -- deg 1amp Iamp amp t J ff~~ -~ I_ ffi Ji 1s amp Ii f ~

1~ 1s ~ I1-~ i I ~ 1amp i i i i f sect l ~ Qi i i i r1wll~i ril~~i i1~11i1~1~ 1 i ~ I11 ~ ri t w i 19 1 19 ~ -~ r t1 r IltW

1ampJflfamptfl~ i1i~ [~1~1sit~t -~ middotI i tb 1amp i f ~ ~ w1s middotI J ~ ~ i ~ I~ i ~ I-~ i t r I I ~ ~ ~ t - ~ f t ltW f middotI ls t f ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ti I ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ff A A A i i ~ 11 ~ J-~ l ~ i ~ ~ i I t l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks

t deg

Ii~ tJ i~ ti -ltiiii l I 1 i ~ 1amp l I i1 tf t ~is tr11- ~ rs rs ~ ~ ~ ~ i1f ~ ii -~ -~ 1~1~ f ~ li 1 j i ~ ~ i t i f t -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11amp r~ t t ~ Ii ~ ~ t

FO ~ f ~ i t i ~ ~ ~ rt is f 1sect ~ is ~ - ~

~-i r -~ ~ 1middot ~- g i l ~ i itt Il i 1 ~ t i _ 1s ~ rs ~

~ _r lo 1s is r J 1c deg i i ~ middot~ I r I I ~sect g ~ i ~i ~ i 1~ iti t 1amp ~ i -~ ~ 1 Ji

t ~ ~ ~ i1 j Jii ~ ~ f ~ ~ tI ~is t ~ iw ill~ ltlo i1 1 ~ 1 1rgie~ r~ ~1 ~1 ~i1cii

cri~ ~iil~~t amp11~~~ ~i~~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16B X76f ~ lffiR ~ ~ x-i~ffi ~~~I -gfiPa1--ax+ROT~~=-

gt ~ ftRq-~ cllx1cbc511 lffu ~ ~ ~Fcbctll ~

~ aBr ll BRff cbT lil~I il--1 5fs-~ ~ I

gt- BRff ~ ~ ~IT-tl--ld-1 ~ ~a+lf il~fPlcb fcr=mxT ~ 11ffll

cbT ~-Gfdl ~ I

gt BRff ~ ~ltId~ ~ ~ -15~i0L~ qffi5l~cb ~ ~ ~ ~ lfficif ~ TlTT-fmr -lffrac34lamp 3iR fr1RJJltN


gt BRff ~~3Aq)lffiFl~cfft~-~~~fcp~


gt- m ~ cbT ~ffi511 ~ ~ wr ~ er ~ cbT -q~

~ i~fa cfgtxdT ~ I

~ ~ ~ --1 6lf X76f cbT 3tlxi I fllfcl ~ fcp 6lf ~ lffiR ~

3tR 1 i~ ft cfgt ~ cbT x=RampTUT ~ 3tR 3TT1ffi ll Wl 3tR 11 -i JJ x--ll 9 ~ I

~ 1i~fficb ~~ lffiR 3iR ~~I ~ 61 ~ ~ W~ qft ~ ~ ~ I 3IB ~ x=RampTUT ~ ~ ~ cbT ~

~ ~I 6lf x=f6f cblrll~~ gt111ltf s3TT~~ ~~~ITTlll dlfcp cffi 3lR ~ ~ cbl ~ fcpm 1lT ~ I

~ ~ 6fIB cbT tZfR ~ ITTllT fcp qffi51~cb +llxcbi er~-~

cbl ~ ~ ~ -r ~ ~ -r ~ f4ijfcla rr ~ ~ -r er ~

~ ~-~ cllclilllt --IT ITT I

7 cfrf fldeg()qi( 1cft ~ ~ ufiif ~c-lll~ -~ncfifcrq 4llfqi(OI ~

Wffl ~ ~EIR ~ gruft-lJTI ~ gfcr cfgt(ijUII ~(D)

JITcfr-=nITTc51 ~ 61 W~ ll ~ ~ 6fIB ~ ~ ~ ~M~~ c1 w ~ fcp

~1~fficb ~ cbl ~ xm ~ ~ fcp ~ JJc51 ~-~ ~ ~-~ I fcp ~ ~ ~ -u-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft cn~3TT ~ ~ ~~I BRff ~- ti~lii ~ ~ ~ lt161 ftra-n cfr ~ fcp ~ ~~

~ ~ ~--cfim ~ ~ ~ ll er 5x ijq ~ 4lt-11-II c6l 3411--11 ~

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks

~ 13lfuf 41 ~~~ ~~~~t ~~ J-11-lldl t fcp ~ ~ 111Jib t I ~ -IIJIRib cf)T ~ ~ t fcp cf6 cr-=r ~ --icft ~ q-ll ~ ~ 111~ficfj 4ljfqx 0 1~wan~~ qR

~ gtJlllfi-lflf ~ ~ lf-1 tf ~ ibT Bfq ffl I ~ g3ll ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ Qx ~ ~ ~ llAq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ t I~~ wan c[arnrqur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wan~ Qcffi ~ ~ ~ ~ tf Tf ~ WTRT ~ llicr ~ ~ aih11r1ib alITtf~ PlliGia ffl~~ -IIJIRcenti ~~16~~

~~PX xcITTf t 1~ tf 34xlcm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PIYftt~a ~~~l-

gt q-ll~wan~1912

gt ~~~cf PilllJlib~ 1974

gt cr-=r~~ 1980

gt ~~~cf PilllJlcfj ~ 1981

gt q1aq1x 0 1Weal~ 190s

8 ~~1Plctgt laquoi_~ctgt) 0 1 11 Mdlqlii aITT ~1-mif--r ~ ~ErR ~

~ cfgt Rlctgt1ti ~(ur)

a$11Piib 1 Fccent1deg1 ibT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t fui1cb1 3TTlR

~ w-=f ~ ~-~ w-=f t I~~~~~~ 16T t I~ibT fcrcbIB ~ ITT xcfjfil t if6r ~ ~ ibT ~ cJ)x

~ I a$11Plib 1fctp]o1 cfgtT m fclRfi 4T ~ ~ fcrcbIB ~ ~ ~ ~ 6flcTT t1 ~ ~ B 3TTuf -41 ~ ~ ~ qTf ~~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ ~ tf a$11Plib ~ ibT 61~Gllxl4deg1 ~ ~ fcrcb-IB ~ ~ ~ Jltctjl_Of ~ I

tlf lllG xt-=iT ~ fcp ~ cfgt tf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lxdllil cf)T 1fctpJo1 a$11Plib ~I~~ al tf ~ cpl lilJl~l-I ~

aicbJ1fu1a Numericals) er 51IGJJ1fu1a Alzebra) cfcn ~~tr ~

~ 81cent1deg~ll~fi Trigonometry)~~~ Algorithm) ibT -41 fcrcRur ~ fcrcbIB g3ll ~ I

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks

11 ~ fsect 4c ~ 1amp deg -Ii t deg ~ fi 1amp ~ g ~ -~ i i ( I ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ i t fsect is deg - ~- II ~ ~

~ 1t -~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ I l ~ i i i f ~ ~ ~ lramp I ~

deg l J f ~ ramp ~ i l(g ~ t i ~ 1 ~ j ~ -- ~middot tlt -~ i I i it i f i t middoti I i ii -~ i j deg I

~ -r ~ ~ i lc ~ _1amp t fsect i Go i fr ~ ~ i ~- r It

~ ~ 1 i 1 it fsect i l ri Ii i ~ l -~~ ~ ~- f

i f t I ~ 1amp ~ ~ [ i ti is i 11- i Jg j ~ deg 1s ~ i t ~ ~ 1 I ~ tu ~ 11W i 1amp Iamp ~ dE dsect ~ ~ I DIX ~ t9 I t ~ ~- 11W 1s ~ Iamp ~ 1s tr ~- - fS- 1l IS- hD

1amp I~ ~1 t tfi ~1h ~ j ic - ifj1amp1amp fsect ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i i ltl _ffi ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i t ~ f ~ r t~ i 1fr ~ i ~ ~ ~ II ~ [ ~ ~ rG 1 f ~ -~ [amp ~ f ~- iI o ~

1Ji ~ f m If ff I i l FE ~ iJ Ij ~ JJ


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

-=rtr ~ tflltTT ltTT GI fu ampI cfi ~ ~ ~ fuan ~ -=rtr qJX tflltTT ~ ~ lf ~ ~ 3Wj cfi ~ cpampff lf Glfuc11 ~~ I

llffiT-fctm ~ ~ ltITT lt16 fll-1$1=i I ~ ~ ~ ltITT fuan ~ ~ ~ t I fuan 6Tcfq) cfgt flc1iiflo1 fctcnm ~ flt1qa1 ~ t I fuan xl fl-~~~ qRc1d--i 3TT~t1

  • Structure Bookmarks


g --Ci ~ - J

_middot ~ -~Cl ~gt

11 lffiIT-PlaquoIT 11T ffilffcp ~ ~ 86 ltflf ~ ~ ltflf cJltfgt cfft 3WJ ~ ifIBq ltITT fuITT ~ 31qffi -gGff ltfgtFrr ~cf)

~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT ~

l-1$cq~of cfficp fuan t I fuan cfgt ~ xl fl-~ lf isl Gamptlcl illltTT

1fT ~ t I ~ --iii1Rcent ~ ~ ~ cfgt fctcpm ltITT 3TIcffi

m~ fuan t 1 6 cJlf xl 14 qlf ~ $T 3Wj -e_ ~ ~ ~--

cfgt ~ cfgt ~ f q ~ -_ - _-______

fuan ~ ~ ~ t I

ljlfcf ~ 3J~ql4 film~ ii41Cllttgt) lttgtT ~~lttgtIlt 31~~~1 2009 ~

~ lf ~ l-1$cq~of ~ t I 34-ltlcfd ~ lf Pil---lfct fua mcrcwr t -gt ~ 6Tcfq) ltITT fui fl c6l 3Wj 6 cJlf xl 14 cJlf cfgt frif lf t_

m~ fuan cfgt iruf ~~~cfgt~ fcl~1c1q lf rrcr ~ ~fuancITT~~t1

gt ~~cfi~~~~xl~~gtlltPR$T~ltTT ff-=rtT1=T1TT~ Jll~m~fuan~mlf6Tlm ~~I

gt JJITT 4x 6 cJlf $T 3Wj xl ~ltITT~~~ lf Glfuc11

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