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GABAA Receptor Channel Pharmacology

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Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, 11, 1867-1885 1867 1381-6128/05 $50.00+.00 © 2005 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. GABA A Receptor Channel Pharmacology Graham A.R. Johnston * The Adrien Albert Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Pharmacology, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia Abstract: GABA A receptor channels are ubiquitous in the mammalian central nervous system mediating fast inhibitory neurotransmission by becoming permeant to chloride ions in response to GABA. The emphasis of this review is on the rich chemical diversity of ligands that influence GABA A receptor function. Such diversity provides many avenues for the design and development of new chemical entities acting on GABA A receptors. There is also a significant diversity of GABA A receptor subtypes composed of different protein subunits. The discovery of subtype specific agents is a major challenge in the continuing development of GABA A receptor pharmacology. Leads for the discovery of new chemical entities that influence GABA A receptors come from using recombinant GABA A receptors of known subunit composition as has been elegantly demonstrated by the refining of benzodiazepine actions with α1 subunit preferring agents showing sedative properties but not anxiolytic properties. The most recent advances in the therapeutic use of agents acting on GABA A receptors concern the promotion of sound sleep. Many herbal medicines are used to promote sleep and many of their active ingredients include flavonoids and terpenoids known to modulate GABA A receptor function. INTRODUCTION GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid), the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, is essential for the overall balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition that is vital to normal brain function. Too much inhibition, or too little excitation, can lead to coma, depression, low blood pressure, sedation or sleep. Too much excitation, or too little inhibition, can result in a range of conditions including convulsions, anxiety, high blood pressure, restlessness and insomnia. Either imbalance in the extreme can result in death. The exact symptoms depend on what regions of the brain are involved and exactly what nerve cells are out of balance. Restoration of the balance between excitation and inhibition is a major aim of therapies that target GABA- mediated neuronal inhibition. GABA produces neuronal inhibition by acting on an amazing diversity of membrane-bound receptors. These receptors can be divided into two major types: ionotropic receptors that are ligand-gated ion channels (GABA A and GABA C receptors), and metabotropic receptors that are G- protein coupled receptors (GABA B receptors) that act via second messengers [1, 2]. The ionotropic GABA receptors belong to the nicotinicoid superfamily of ligand-gated ion channels as described by Le Novere and Changeux [3] that includes nicotinic acetylcholine, strychnine-sensitive glycine and 5HT 3 receptors. The family of ionotropic GABA receptors is divided into two subfamilies, GABA A and GABA C receptors, on the basis of their ability to form endogenous heteromeric and homomeric receptors respectively, and differences in their physiological and pharmacological properties [1], although GABA C receptors are sometimes classified as subtypes of GABA A receptors *Address correspondence to this author at the The Adrien Albert Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Pharmacology, The University of Sydney, D06, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia; Tel: 61 2 9351 6117; Fax: 61 2 9351 2891; E-mail: [email protected] [4]. There is also diversity in GABA B metabotropic GABA receptors that are heteromeric dimers [5]. There is evidence for the existence of functional GABA A , GABA B and GABA C receptors, as well as strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors, on a single population of retinal ganglion cells [6]. Like other members of the nicotinicoid superfamily of ligand-gated ion channels, ionotropic GABA receptors are considered to consist of 5 protein subunits arranged around a central pore that constitutes the actual ion channel [1]. Each subunit has a large extracellular N-terminal domain which incorporates part of the agonist/antagonist binding site, followed by three membrane spanning domains (M1-3), an intracellular loop of variable length and a fourth membrane spanning domain (M4), with the C-terminal end being extracellular. Each subunit arranges itself such that the second membrane-spanning domain (M2) forms the wall of the channel pore and the overall charge of the domain determines whether the channel conducts anions or cations. Both GABA A and GABA C receptors are GABA-gated chloride ion channels causing inhibition of neuronal firing, with GABA A receptors being heteromeric, i.e. made up of different subunits (e.g. α1, β2 and γ2 subunits) and GABA C receptors being homomeric (e.g. made up exclusively of either ρ1, ρ2 or ρ3 subunits; in addition ‘pseudoheteromeric’ GABA C receptors made up of ρ1 and ρ2 subunits have been described). The cytoplasmic loop, between the third and fourth transmembrane domains (M3 and M4), is believed to be the target for protein kinases, required for subcellular targeting and membrane clustering of the receptor. There are 16 different subunits comprising the GABA A receptor family: α1-6, β1-3, γ1-3, δ, ε, π and θ [7]. In addition, there are splice variants of many of these subunits. If all of these subunits could co-assemble to form functional pentameric receptors the total number of GABA A receptors would be huge. Even if the combinations were restricted to those containing two α, two β and one other subunit, then more than 2000 different GABA A receptors could exist [8].

Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, 11, 1867-1885 1867

1381-6128/05 $50.00+.00 © 2005 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

GABAA Receptor Channel Pharmacology

Graham A.R. Johnston*

The Adrien Albert Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Pharmacology, The University of Sydney, NSW2006, Australia

Abstract: GABAA receptor channels are ubiquitous in the mammalian central nervous system mediating fast inhibitoryneurotransmission by becoming permeant to chloride ions in response to GABA. The emphasis of this review is on therich chemical diversity of ligands that influence GABAA receptor function. Such diversity provides many avenues for thedesign and development of new chemical entities acting on GABAA receptors. There is also a significant diversity ofGABAA receptor subtypes composed of different protein subunits. The discovery of subtype specific agents is a majorchallenge in the continuing development of GABAA receptor pharmacology. Leads for the discovery of new chemicalentities that influence GABAA receptors come from using recombinant GABAA receptors of known subunit compositionas has been elegantly demonstrated by the refining of benzodiazepine actions with α1 subunit preferring agents showingsedative properties but not anxiolytic properties. The most recent advances in the therapeutic use of agents acting onGABAA receptors concern the promotion of sound sleep. Many herbal medicines are used to promote sleep and many oftheir active ingredients include flavonoids and terpenoids known to modulate GABAA receptor function.


GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid), the major inhibitoryneurotransmitter in the brain, is essential for the overallbalance between neuronal excitation and inhibition that isvital to normal brain function. Too much inhibition, or toolittle excitation, can lead to coma, depression, low bloodpressure, sedation or sleep. Too much excitation, or too littleinhibition, can result in a range of conditions includingconvulsions, anxiety, high blood pressure, restlessness andinsomnia. Either imbalance in the extreme can result indeath. The exact symptoms depend on what regions of thebrain are involved and exactly what nerve cells are out ofbalance. Restoration of the balance between excitation andinhibition is a major aim of therapies that target GABA-mediated neuronal inhibition.

GABA produces neuronal inhibition by acting on anamazing diversity of membrane-bound receptors. Thesereceptors can be divided into two major types: ionotropicreceptors that are ligand-gated ion channels (GABAA andGABAC receptors), and metabotropic receptors that are G-protein coupled receptors (GABAB receptors) that act viasecond messengers [1, 2]. The ionotropic GABA receptorsbelong to the nicotinicoid superfamily of ligand-gated ionchannels as described by Le Novere and Changeux [3] thatincludes nicotinic acetylcholine, strychnine-sensitive glycineand 5HT3 receptors. The family of ionotropic GABAreceptors is divided into two subfamilies, GABAA andGABAC receptors, on the basis of their ability to formendogenous heteromeric and homomeric receptorsrespectively, and differences in their physiological andpharmacological properties [1], although GABAC receptorsare sometimes classified as subtypes of GABAA receptors

*Address correspondence to this author at the The Adrien Albert Laboratoryof Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Pharmacology, The University ofSydney, D06, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia; Tel: 61 2 9351 6117; Fax: 612 9351 2891; E-mail: [email protected]

[4]. There is also diversity in GABAB metabotropic GABAreceptors that are heteromeric dimers [5]. There is evidencefor the existence of functional GABAA, GABAB and GABAC

receptors, as well as strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors,on a single population of retinal ganglion cells [6].

Like other members of the nicotinicoid superfamily ofligand-gated ion channels, ionotropic GABA receptors areconsidered to consist of 5 protein subunits arranged around acentral pore that constitutes the actual ion channel [1]. Eachsubunit has a large extracellular N-terminal domain whichincorporates part of the agonist/antagonist binding site,followed by three membrane spanning domains (M1-3), anintracellular loop of variable length and a fourth membranespanning domain (M4), with the C-terminal end beingextracellular. Each subunit arranges itself such that thesecond membrane-spanning domain (M2) forms the wall ofthe channel pore and the overall charge of the domaindetermines whether the channel conducts anions or cations.Both GABAA and GABAC receptors are GABA-gatedchloride ion channels causing inhibition of neuronal firing,with GABAA receptors being heteromeric, i.e. made up ofdifferent subunits (e.g. α1, β2 and γ2 subunits) and GABAC

receptors being homomeric (e.g. made up exclusively ofeither ρ1, ρ2 or ρ3 subunits; in addition ‘pseudoheteromeric’GABAC receptors made up of ρ1 and ρ2 subunits have beendescribed). The cytoplasmic loop, between the third andfourth transmembrane domains (M3 and M4), is believed tobe the target for protein kinases, required for subcellulartargeting and membrane clustering of the receptor. There are16 different subunits comprising the GABAA receptorfamily: α1-6, β1-3, γ1-3, δ, ε, π and θ [7]. In addition, thereare splice variants of many of these subunits. If all of thesesubunits could co-assemble to form functional pentamericreceptors the total number of GABAA receptors wouldbe huge. Even if the combinations were restricted tothose containing two α, two β and one other subunit, thenmore than 2000 different GABAA receptors could exist [8].

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In fact, studies of native GABAA receptors suggest that theremay be less than 20 widely occurring GABAA receptorsubtype combinations, with the major combinations beingα1β2/3γ2, α3β3γ2 and α2β3γ2 [7, 9].

This review is directed at some recent highlights,together with a re-evaluation of some older data, relevant toGABAA receptors as therapeutic targets with an emphasis onthe chemical diversity of ligands that influence GABAA

receptor function. Such diversity provides many avenues forthe design and development of new chemical entities actingon GABAA receptors. There are many reviews on aspectsGABAA receptors including methodological approaches tothe study of GABAA receptors [10, 11], GABAA receptorsubtypes [7, 12-15], neurosteroid modulation [16, 17], druginteractions [18], specific agonists and partial agonists [19],receptor recycling and regulation [20], novel modulators[21], medicinal chemistry [1, 22], and analysis of GABAA

receptors through mouse genetics [23]. GABAC receptors astherapeutic targets have been the subject of a recent review[24].


Agents acting on GABAA receptors have widespreadtherapeutic use as anaesthetics, anticonvulsants, anxiolyticsand sedative-hypnotics. In the main, these agents act toincrease GABA-mediated synaptic inhibition either bydirectly activating GABAA receptors or, more usually, byenhancing the action of GABA on GABAA receptors. Thislatter action is known as positive modulation [8] and isconsidered to involve agents acting on allosteric sites onGABAA receptors remote from the GABA recognition sites(orthosteric sites). Such allosteric sites are regarded as goodtargets for the development of subtype specific drugs sincethere is generally greater diversity between receptor subtypesin amino acid sequence at allosteric sites than at orthostericsites [25]. Agents that reduce the action of GABA onGABAA receptors are known as negative allosteric modula-tors (once known as ‘inverse agonists’); they have theopposite actions to those of the classical benzodiazepines.Agents that block the actions of both positive and negativeallosteric modulators are known as neutralising allostericmodulators, e.g. the classical benzodiazepine ‘antagonist’flumazenil [8]. Benzodiazepines and barbiturates areexamples of widely used therapeutic agents that act aspositive allosteric modulators at GABAA receptors.

A rich chemical diversity of agents acting GABAA recep-tors is known [1]. The discovery of subtype specific GABAA

receptor agents is a major challenge in the continuingdevelopment of therapeutic agents acting on specific wildtype and mutant GABAA receptors.


Not surprisingly, GABA as the major inhibitoryneurotransmitter is involved, directly or indirectly, in manydisorders of brain function. The major disorders for whichGABAA receptors represent important therapeutic targetsinclude anxiety disorders, cognitive disorders, epilepsies,moods disorders, schizophrenia and sleep disorders.

Heritable mutations are known to occur across thenicotinicoid superfamily of ligand-gated ion channelsincluding GABAA receptors [26]. Angelman syndrome, aneurodevelopmental disorder characterised by severe mentalretardation, epilepsy and delayed motor development hasbeen associated with deletions of GABAA receptor β3subunits [27]. GABAA receptor β3 knockout mice haveepilepsy and a phenotype with marked similarities toAngelman syndrome [28, 29].

GABA systems have been implicated in the pathogenesisof anxiety, depression and insomnia. These symptoms arepart of the core and comorbid psychiatric disturbances inpost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In a study of PTSDpatients, heterozygosity of β3 GABAA receptor subunits wasassociated with higher levels of anxiety, insomnia, socialdysfunction and depression than found in homozygosity[30]. There is increasing evidence for GABA abnormalitiesin mood disorders [31] and in alcohol dependence [32, 33].Some of the neurological symptoms of guanidinoacetatemethyltransferase deficiency may be due to the partialagonist action of increased levels of guanidinoacetate onGABAA receptors [34].

The use of herbal medicines to treat depression may beassociated with actions on GABAA receptors [35]. GABAA

receptor ligands have a potential role in the treatment ofschizophrenia [36, 37], acute ischaemic stroke [38], tinnitus[39] and impaired cognition [40].


Studies on the genetics of human epilepsies show thatepilepsy syndromes that have monogenic inheritance areassociated with mutations that encode subunits of voltagegated and ligand gated ion channels [41]. Heritable muta-tions in GABAA receptor subunits are strongly implicated inidiopathic generalised epilepsies [42]. Mutations in γ2GABAA receptor subunits have been described in twofamilies with generalised epilepsy syndromes [43, 44]. Onemutation associated with febrile seizures and generalisedepilepsy is in the extracellular loop connecting the TM2 andTM3 domains. Studies using recombinant receptors in frogoocytes revealed that this mutant showed smaller GABA-activated currents than did receptors lacking this mutation[43]. The other mutation was in the distal part of the Nterminus thought to make up part of the benzodiazepinebinding pocket and was associated with childhood absenceepilepsy and febrile seizures. Studies in frog oocytes showedthat this mutation had diminished sensitivity to positiveallosteric modulation by benzodiazepines [44]. Thesefindings have been questioned recently as a result of patchclamp studies using a mammalian expression system (HEKcells) that showed that the TM2-TM3 loop γ2 GABAA

receptor mutation resulted in faster deactivation rates, whilethe N terminus mutant reduced current amplitude withoutaltering benzodiazepine sensitivity [45]. Mutations inintracellular regions of γ2 GABAA receptor subunits betweenTM1 and TM2 and between TM3 and TM4 have also beenassociated with epilepsies. It appears that all of thesemutations in γ2 GABAA receptor subunits may result indiminished synaptic inhibition mediated by GABAA recep-tors and epilepsy by diverse mechanisms [46]. In addition to

GABAA Receptor Channel Pharmacology Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No.15 1869

these mutations, a γ2 GABAA receptor subunit splice sitemutation has been associated with childhood absenceepilepsy and febrile convulsions, but it is not known howthis influences GABAA receptor properties [47]. Anassociation analysis has shown that polymorphism in the γ2GABAA receptor gene is a susceptibility factor for febrileseizures [48]. A mutation in the TM3 region of the α1GABAA receptor subunit that influences both the efficacyand affinity of GABA has been associated with juvenilemyoclonic epilepsy [49]. Studies on recombinant receptorscontaining this TM3 α1 mutation show that it results inreduced channel open time with no change in single channelconductance [50].

Although heritable epilepsies represent only a smallfraction of epilepsies, the observed mutations associated withheritable epilepsies provide clues as to possible problemswith GABAA receptors implicated in other epilepsies. Theyalso provide targets for pharmacogenomic therapies usingdrugs acting on specific mutant GABAA receptors.

Sleep Disorders

GABA systems are known to play an important role insleep and positive allosteric modulators of GABAA receptorsare widely used to promote restful sleep [51]. Twoobservations indicate the importance of β3 GABAA receptorsubunits in sleep. Oleamide, an endogenous sleep promotingfatty acid, is inactive in β3 GABAA receptor subunitknockout mice [52]. A mutation in β3 GABAA receptorsubunits has been described in a patient with chronicinsomnia. Functional characterisation of this mutant showeda slower rate of desensitisation compared with normalGABAA receptors [53].

The treatment of insomnia is regarded as a developingmarket for agents acting on GABAA receptors. Drugscurrently used to treat insomnia include zolpidem(Ambien), zaleplon (Sonata) and zopiclone (Imovane).These drugs, Fig. (1), show some selectivity for α1 subunitcontaining GABAA receptors, acting as positive allostericmodulators. The structurally related indiplon, Fig. (1), whichis in phase III clinical trials for the treatment of insomnia,acts in a similarly selective manner [54, 55]. Also in phaseIII clinical trials is gaboxadol (THIP), a directly actingGABAA receptor partial agonist, discussed in Section 5, Fig.(3), that interacts with a GABAA receptor population that isinsensitive to benzodiazepines, zolpidem, zaleplon, zolpidemand indiplon [56].

Many herbal preparations are used to promote sleep. Forexample, chamomile tea contains the flavonoid apigenin (seeSection 7.1) which has been shown to enhance the positiveallosteric modulating effects of benzodiazepines on GABAA

receptors [24] and Valerian contains a variety of agents (seeSection 7.2) that act on GABAA receptors [57].


The importance of drug interactions with receptorsubtypes made up of specific protein subunits has beenhighlighted by a number of recent findings involvinggenetically modified mice and ligands that show someselectivity for particular receptor subtypes. The finding that

different pharmacological actions of benzodiazepines resultfrom interactions with different GABAA receptor subtypeswas pivotal to these studies [14].

Fig. (1). Structures of sedative/hypnotic substances that interactpreferentially with α1 subunit containing GABAA receptors.

It must be remembered, however, that it is not only thenature of the protein subunits that influence the diversity offunction of GABAA receptor subtypes in vivo. Majorcontributors to this diversity are: presynaptic factorsincluding release probability and number of release sites;factors that determine synaptic GABA transients in the cleft,including diffusion and the actions of GABA transporters;and postsynaptic factors, including GABA receptor subtypes,their location and number, their modulation by endogenousand exogenous factors, and their interactions with postsynap-tic-anchoring proteins [58]. The transport, clustering andturnover of GABAA receptors are known to be influenced bya variety of proteins}. [20]. The phosphorylation state of thesubunits is very important with GABAA receptors as withmany other ligand-gated ion channels [59]. For example, thesensitivity of GABAA receptors to ethanol is dependent onreceptor phosphorylation; mice lacking protein kinase Cεshow increased sensitivity to ethanol while those lackingprotein kinase Cγ show decreased sensitivity [59]. Further-more, there are many endogenous ligands that influenceGABAA receptor function in vivo including metal ions suchzinc [60], steroids [17], and chemicals derived from our dietsuch as flavonoids [57].

Influence of α1 and α2 Subunits – Sedative andAnxiolytic Actions of Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines are considered to act on GABAA

receptors at a binding pocket at the interface between the γ2subunit and α subunits that contain a conserved histidineresidue in the benzodiazepine binding domain on the














NZolpidem Zopiclone

Zaleplon Indiplon













1870 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 15 Graham A.R. Johnston

extracellular N-terminus (α1, α2, α3 and α5 subunits).Mutation of this histidine to an arginine results in GABAA

receptors that are insensitive to benzodiazepines in vitro[61]. GABAA receptors containing α4 or α6 subunits arerelatively insensitive to benzodiazepines.

Knock-in point mutations in the genes that code for α1 orα2 subunits produced mice that had different responses tobenzodiazepines. Mice with the mutant α1 subunits showedthe normal anxiolytic responses to benzodiazepines but notthe sedative effects [62, 63]. The reverse was true for micewith the mutant α2 subunits showing sedative but notanxiolytic effects in responses to benzodiazepines [64].While there is general agreement on the importance of theα1 GABAA receptor subunit in the sedative actions ofbenzodiazepines, there has been some doubt on the relativecontributions of the α2 and α3 subunits to the anxiolyticaction due to confounding effects on locomotor activity thatinfluence the assessment of anxiety [65]. Furthermore, inprofiling the influence of a range of agents onbenzodiazepine binding differences in functional activityneed to be taken into account [66]. Ultimately, validation ofGABAA receptor subtype-selective drugs needs to be carriedout using genetically modified mice [12]. Drugs selective forα2-containing GABAA receptors (found in about 15% ofdiazepam-sensitive GABAA receptors) would be expected tobe anxiolytics with greatly reduced sedative effectscompared to the non-selective benzodiazepines currently inclinical use [14]. The non-sedative anxiolytic L-838, 417,Fig. (2), is a neutralising modulator at α1 containing GABAA

receptors but is a positive modulator at α2, α3 and α5containing GABAA receptors [63]; this agent thus offers adouble pronged approach to anxiolysis without sedation byenhancing the action of GABA at α2, α3 and α5 containingGABAA receptors while diminishing the action of endo-genous benzodiazepines on α1 containing GABAA receptors.New chemical entities with functional selectivity for α2 over

α1 subtypes of GABAA receptors are being developed, e.g.3-heteroaryl-2-pyridones [67]. Recently a series of 3-phenyl-6-(2-pyridyl)methoxy-1, 2, 4-triazolo[3, 4-a]phthalazineshave been developed with Compound 62, Fig. (2), showingbinding selectivity for α2, α3 and α5 over α1 subunits andacting as an anxiolytic in the rat elevated plus maze [68]. Itshowed a good pharmacokinetic profile making it a usefultool to explore the effect of a GABAA α2/α3 selectiveagonist in vivo. The sedative effects of the α1-selective agentzolpidem are diminished in the α1 knock-in mouse,consistent with sedation being mediated via α1-containingGABAA receptors [69].

Quinolone antibiotics have long been known to interactwith receptors for GABA and other neurotransmitters [70].Modification of norfloxacin has yielded molecules such asCompound 4, Fig. (2), that positively modulates GABAA

receptors with α2 subunit selectivity and is a non-sedatinganxiolytic [71].

Importance of α5 Subunits in Spatial Memory

GABAA receptor α5 subunits account for less than 5% ofGABAA receptors in the brain. They are localised mainly tothe hippocampus where they may play a key role incognitive processes by controlling a component of synaptictransmission in the CA1 [72]. Mice lacking the α5 geneshow improved performance in the Morris water maze modelof spatial learning, whereas the performance in non-hippocampal-dependent learning and in anxiety tasks wereunaltered in comparison with wild-type controls [73].Novel selective α5 negative allosteric modulators, e.g. 6,6 - dimethyl - 3 - (2 - hydroxyethyl) thio - 1 - (thiazol - 2 - yl) - 6, 7 -dihydro-2-benzothiophen-4(5H)-one (Compound 43, Fig.(2)) have been developed that enhance spatial learning butlack the convulsant or proconvulsant activity associated withnon-selective GABAA receptor negative allosteric modula-tors [74].

Fig. (2). Structures of substances showing selectivity for GABAA receptors containing specific subunits.



















L-838,417 Furosemide Salicylidene salicylhydrazide




'Compound 4'




'Compound 43'






'Compound 62'


GABAA Receptor Channel Pharmacology Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 15 1871

Furosemide and α6-Subunits

The loop diuretic furosemide, Fig (2), has been describedas ‘the most receptor-subtype specific’ allosteric modulatoracting on GABAA receptors [75]. Furosemide acts as anegative allosteric modulator of α6 subunit containingGABAA receptors. Such GABAA receptors are largelyrestricted to the cerebellum and show low sensitivity to theclassic GABAA antagonist bicuculline and to positivemodulation by diazepam, but can be influenced by otherbenzodiazepine receptor ligands [76, 77]. Furosemideexhibits approximately 100-fold selectivity for α6 containingreceptors over α1 containing receptors. It also acts on α4containing receptors. Mutation of a threonine to a isoleucinein the TM1 region of α1 subunits increases furosemidesensitivity by 20-fold [78]. Structure-activity studies showthat the diuretic properties of agents related to furosemideare distinct from the α6 GABAA receptor negativemodulation [79]. The positive allosteric modulator (+)-ROD188 shows selectivity for α6 GABAA receptors [80].The GABAC receptor agonist cis-4-aminocrotonic acid alsoacts as a bicuculline-sensitive agonist at recombinantα6β2γ2S GABAA receptors that are insensitive to theGABAC receptor antagonist TPMPA [81]. Niflumic acid, anonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, acts as an antagonist atrecombinant α6β2 receptors in a manner similar to that offurosemide, but also acts as a positive modulator at α1β2γ2receptors [82].

Gene knockout of the α6 subunit in mice resulted in anassociated inhibition of δ subunit expression withoutinfluence on exploratory activity in the open field or learningin a horizontal wire task [83]. Other studies showed the lackof effect of α6 knockout on responses to ethanol,pentobarbital and general anaesthetics [84]. In a rotating rodtest, however, α6 knockout mice were significantly moreimpaired by diazepam than were wild-type mice [85]. Thisdiazepam-induced ataxia in α6 knockout mice could bereversed by flumazenil, indicating the involvement of theremaining α1β2/3γ2 GABAA receptors on the cerebellargranule cells. This led to the conclusion that α6 subunit-dependent actions in the cerebellar cortex could becompensated by other receptor subtypes; but, if not for theα6 subunit, patients on benzodiazepine medication wouldsuffer considerably from ataxic side-effects [85]. There iselectrophysiological evidence for the coexistence of α1 andα6 subunits in a single functional GABAA receptor [86], forfurosemide-sensitive and furosemide-insensitive GABA-mediated effects on cerebellar granule cells [87] and for atonic diazepam-sensitive GABA-mediated inhibition oncultured rodent cerebellar granule cells [88].

Allelic variants in α6 GABAA subunits are associatedwith abdominal obesity and cortisol secretion [89]. In a studyof 100 patients of the effects of midazolam, a point mutation(Pro385Ser) in the α6 GABAA receptor subunit did notaffect baseline sedation, anxiety or memory, but significantlyattenuated the anxiolytic affect of low-dose midazolam [90].

Anaesthesia and Sedation Involving β2 and β3 Subunits

The intravenous general anaesthetic etomidate providesanother example of distinct actions involving differentGABAA receptor subtypes, in this case involving β2 and β3

subunits. Using genetically modified mice with etomidate-insensitive β2 subunits, it was shown that in wild-type miceetomidate produces sedation via the β2 subunit andanaesthesia via the β3 subunit [91]. Furthermore, therecovery of function in the genetically modified mice wasconsiderably improved after etomidate anaesthesia suggest-ing that β3 selective agents could be used as anaestheticswith significantly improved recovery profile [91]. The β2subunit has been shown to mediate the hypothermic effect ofetomidate [92]. Loreclezole and mefenamic acid showsimilar selectivity to etomidate with respect to β2 and β3subunits [93]. Salicylidene salicylhydrazide, Fig. (2), hasbeen shown to be a selective inhibitor of GABAA receptorsthat contain β1 subunits and thus may be a useful agent withwhich to study β subunit selectivity [94].

Splice Variants of γ2 Subunits and Sedation

The γ2 GABAA receptor subunit is generally consideredto be vital to the classical actions of benzodiazepines onGABAA receptors. Alternate splicing results in two splicevariants, a short (γ2S) and a long (γ2L) variant. Mice lackingthe γ2L variant are more sensitive to the sedative effects ofmidazolam and zolpidem, while responses to etomidate andbarbiturates are unchanged [95]. It is suggested that the lackof the γ2L variant may shift the state of α1-containingGABAA receptors from a negative allosteric modulatorpreferring conformation towards a positive allostericmodulator preferring conformation.

Ethanol and δ Subunits

The importance of the δ GABAA receptor subunit hasbeen highlighted by the discovery that ethanol at lowconcentrations known to affect humans enhances the actionof GABA on α4β3δ and α6β3δ receptor subtypes [96].Reproducible ethanol enhancement of GABA responsesoccurred at 3 mM, i.e. concentrations that are reached withmoderate ethanol consumption producing blood-ethanollevels well below the legal level for driving in mostcountries. Ethanol has been long known to influence thefunctioning of a variety of receptors usually at concentra-tions in excess of 50 mM. This had been true for recombi-nant GABAA receptors [97] until the studies on δ subunitcontaining receptors. The δ subunits appear to associatealmost exclusively with α4 and α6 subunits formingfunctional receptors that are 50 fold more sensitive to GABAand desensitise more slowly than receptor subtypes that donot contain δ subunits [83, 98]. The δ subunit protein isexpressed in brain regions expressing α4 (high in thalamus,dentate gyrus, striatum and outer cortical layers and low inhippocampus) and α6 subunit proteins (cerebellum) andappears to be associated with extrasynaptic rather thansynaptic GABAA receptors [99]. Knocking out the δ subunitgene in mice reduces their sensitivity to neurosteroids [100]and increases their susceptibility to seizures [101]. Knockingout the α6 subunit gene in mice does not alter theirsusceptibility to ethanol [84].


Muscimol and THIP, Fig. (3), are widely used asselective GABAA receptor agonists [1]. However, they have

1872 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 15 Graham A.R. Johnston

potent actions on GABAC receptors which mean thatinterpretation of studies with these agents should be treatedwith some caution. No “selective” GABAA receptor agonistis known that does not have significant action on eitherGABAB and/or GABAC receptors. Muscimol, a conforma-tionally restricted analogue of GABA in which a hydroxy-isoxazole moiety replaces the carboxyl group of GABA[102], is more potent at GABAC receptors than at GABAA

receptors [103].

THIP and Ionotropic GABA Receptors

THIP (Gaboxadol, 4, 5, 6, 7-tetrahydroisoxazolo(5, 4-c)pyridin-3-ol), Fig. (3), is a conformationally restricted anal-ogue of muscimol [102].

It is a potent GABAA receptor partial agonist of highefficacy [104] that has proved to be a moderately potentGABAC receptor antagonist [103]. Unlike GABA, bothmuscimol and THIP pass the blood-brain barrier on systemicadministration [105]. Muscimol is psychoactive, while THIPis a potent analgesic. Side effects of THIP (includingsedation, dizziness, and blurred vision) meant that it had toolow a therapeutic index to be therapeutically useful as ananalgesic [106, 107]. There is renewed interest in THIP withrespect to sleep therapy [19] as it produces slow wave sleepand reduces spindling activity in non rapid eye movementsleep in humans [108].

It does appear that receptors other than classicalbenzodiazepine-sensitive, bicuculline-sensitive GABAA

receptors are involved in the effects of THIP on painperception and sleep. THIP-induced analgesia is notsensitive to bicuculline indicating that GABAA receptors arenot involved [109]. The GABAC receptor antagonist actionof THIP may contribute to its analgesic action [24]. Theanalgesic action of THIP in rats is blocked by subconvulsantdoses of picrotoxinin [110], a known GABAC receptorantagonist. Benzodiazepine-sensitive GABAA receptors donot appear to be involved in the effects of THIP on sleeppatterns [108]. The GABAC receptor antagonist TPMPA hasbeen used to probe the involvement of GABAC receptors insleep-waking behaviour [111]. The binding of THIP to ratbrain membranes, unlike that of GABA and muscimol, is notstimulated by diazepam [112]. THIP was devoid of theanticonvulsant and antiepileptogenic effects shown bydiazepam and alphaxalone in pentamethylenetetrazole-kindled mice [113].

Clinical studies with THIP have indicated that sleepquality improving effects are obtained at plasmaconcentrations of the order of 1 µM [108]. THIP showsconsiderable variation in potency on recombinant receptors:THIP acts on α1β3γ2S recombinant GABAA receptorsexpressed in oocytes as a partial agonist (EC50 350µM) andmore potently and as a full agonist on α5β3γ3 (EC50 40µM) and α5β3γ3 (EC50 29 µM) recombinant receptors[114]. On α4β3γ2 recombinant receptors THIP acts as apartial agonist (EC50 102 µM) and on α4β3δ as a‘superagonist’ (EC50 6 µM) [115]. On recombinant GABAC

receptors THIP acts as an antagonist (Kb 32 µM for ρ1 [103]and 10 µM for ρ3 receptors [116]. On this basis, α4β3δGABAA and ρ3 GABAC receptors are the most likely GABA

receptors to respond to clinically relevant 1 µM plasmaconcentrations of THIP.

Studies on the interactions between THIP, benzodia-zepines and ethanol in the rat cortical wedge preparationprovide evidence for THIP acting on benzodiazepine-insensitive GABAA receptors in intact tissue possiblycontaining α4 subunits [56]. Rotarod studies on the effects ofTHIP on motor performance in rats showed a lack of cross-tolerance with benzodiazepines [117]. In neither study didethanol show a potentiation of the effects of THIP [56, 117].This is interesting in view of the recent findings discussed insection 4.5. of the sensitivity of α4β3δ GABAA receptors toethanol [96] and may suggest that this receptor subtype is notinvolved in some of the actions of THIP. Studies on theeffects of THIP in δ-subunit knockout mice may help sortout the role of α4β3δ GABAA receptors in THIP-inducedanalgesia and sleep.

The rat cortical wedge preparation has yielded evidenceof the importance of GABAA receptor ligands acting atextrasynaptic receptors [118]. In this preparation THIP actedas a full agonist with an EC50 of 8 µM [118]. In contrast, anunusually low activity of THIP has been reported on GABAreceptors on isolated rat dorsal roots, a tissue that certainlydoes not contain any synapses [119]. THIP was 20 timesweaker than GABA in depolarising these dorsal roots but atleast 20 times more potent than GABA is depressing overallspontaneous synaptic activity in the rat hemisected spinalcord as recorded in the ventral roots. As in the rat corticalwedge preparation, the actions of THIP in the hemisectedspinal cord may involve extrasynaptic GABA receptors, butthe results in isolated dorsal roots clearly show that not allextrasynaptic GABA receptors show high sensitivity toactivation by THIP. Interestingly, extrasynaptic GABAA

receptor channels in hippocampal slices are known to bemodulated by diazepam [120].

Fig. (3). GABAA receptor agonists and partial agonists.





















4-PIOL 4-Naphthyl-Me-4-PIOL

Compound 5b - "superagonist"

GABAA Receptor Channel Pharmacology Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 15 1873

4-PIOL as a Low Efficacy Partial GABAA ReceptorAgonist

Partial agonists offer certain advantages over fullagonists [19]. Full agonists may induce receptor desensitisa-tion that can lead to tolerance and subsequent withdrawalsymptoms. The non-fused THIP analogue 4-PIOL, Fig. (3)(5-(4-piperidyl)isoxazol-3-ol), is a low efficacy GABAA

receptor partial agonist that exhibits a predominantlyantagonist profile [19]. Its activity varies with differentrecombinant GABAA receptor subtypes and in the rat corticalwedge preparation, 4-PIOL behaves as a high efficacy partialagonist [118]. Patch clamp studies on hippocampal neuronesshow that 4-PIOL is a non-desensitising partial agonistwhose action can be potentiated by benzodiazepines andbarbiturates [121]. Studies on analogues of 4-PIOLsubstituted in the 4-position of the isoxazole ring yieldedGABAA receptor antagonists of increased potency, e.g. 4-naphthyl-methyl-4-PIOL, Fig. (3), with a linear correlationbetween the lipophilicity of the 4-subsitutent and antagonistactivity, providing evidence for a hydrophobic bindingpocket at the GABA recognition site [122].

“Superagonists” at GABAA Receptors

Studies on a series of GABA amides revealed substancesthat could act as partial, full or superagonists as assessed bythe stimulation of chloride influx into mouse brainsynaptoneurosomes in a bicuculline- and picrotoxinin-sensi-tive manner [123]. Compound 5b (N, N’-1, 4-butanediylbis[4-aminobutanamide]), Fig. (3), produced a maximumresponse that was 150% that of GABA and was thus descriedas a “superagonist”. It showed similar affinity to THIP, apartial agonist with a maximum response 65% that ofGABA. The apparent ‘superagonist’ action of compound 5bcould mean that GABA is in fact a partial agonist in theseexperiments. While the exact nature of this “superagonist”action remains to be determined in functional assays usingrecombinant GABAA receptors of known subunitcomposition, the concept of ‘superagonists’ opens up anotherpossible approach to therapeutic agents acting at GABAA

receptors. THIP has been shown to display superagonistbehaviour at α4β3δ receptors with a maximum response160% that of GABA [124].


A variety of steroids are known to influence GABAA

receptors via non-genomic actions that are rapid in onset andoffset. These neuroactive steroids include neurosteroids (i.e.steroids that are synthesised in the brain), sex steroids thatoriginate in the gonads, and corticosteroids that are made inthe adrenal cortex, together with a range of synthetic steroidsand steroid analogues [16]. Most interest is centred onneuroactive steroids that act as potent positive allostericmodulators and have anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, analgesic,anaesthetic and sedative actions [17].

The CNS depressant action of steroids has been knownsince 1927 when it was shown that injection of a colloidalsuspension of cholesterol into cats caused deep anaesthesia[125]. Subsequently, cholesterol was found to potentiate theanaesthetic actions of pentobarbitone [126], but it was notuntil the extensive investigations of Seyle [127] that it

became apparent that a wide range of natural and syntheticsteroids have anaesthetic actions.

The synthetic steroid anaesthetic alphaxalone, Fig. (4),was the first steroid shown to act as a positive modulator ofGABAA receptors [128]. This was followed by the discoverythat steroid hormone metabolites, e.g. 3α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one, Fig, (4), that occur in the brain are‘barbiturate-like modulators’ of the GABAA receptor [129].This led to the concept that neurosteroids can directlymodulate GABAA receptors on the cell surface rather thanacting on receptors in the nucleus regulating geneexpression. Steroids produced outside the brain are alsoimportant modulators of GABAA receptors. For example,THDOC, Fig (4), 3α, 21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one, is a‘neuroactive steroid’ because the sole source of this steroidappears to be the adrenals. Nonetheless, THDOC is found inthe brain where its concentration is increased during stress[130]. 3α-Hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one and THDOC areamong the most potent known steroid modulators of GABAA


Fig. (4). Steroids that act on GABAA receptor function.

Studies using 3α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one indicatethat its positive modulatory actions on GABAA receptors areonly modestly influenced by the α-, β- or γ-subunits, [131].The inclusion of either an ε or δ subunit however dramati-cally alters the response with the ε subunit reducing and theδ subunit augmenting the efficacy of modulation by 3α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one [131]. The enhanced efficacy ofδ subunit containing GABAA receptors has also beenreported for THDOC [132]. As noted above, knocking out






















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the δ subunit gene in mice reduces their sensitivity to neuro-steroids [100]. These findings clearly distinguish steroidpositive modulation of GABAA receptors from flumazenil-sensitive positive modulation by benzodiazepines but dosuggest some similarities with the modulation induced byvolatile anaesthetics and ethanol. Experiments with alphax-alone on chimeric GABAA receptors indicate that the site ofaction for steroids is not the same as that for volatileanaesthetics and ethanol [133]. Studies comparing thepositive modulator effects on α6β3γ2L GABAA receptors of4 structurally distinct general anaesthetics – propofol,pentobarbitone, etomidate and 3α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one – showed that the action of all but 3α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one depended critically on a single amino acid inTM2 [134].

A novel neuroactive steroid, 6-aza-3α-hydroxy-5β-pregnan-20-one, has been used to photoaffinity label ratbrain membranes [135]. It labelled a protein identified asvoltage-dependant anion channel-1 (VDAC-1) that co-immunoprecipitated with the β2 and β3 subunits of theGABAA receptor, suggesting that neuroactive steroids maymodulate GABAA receptor function by binding to VDAC-1as an accessory protein [135]. Further studies using VDAC-1deficient mice have suggested that VDAC-1 is unlikely to beinvolved in steroid modulation of GABAA receptors [136].

In addition to alphaxalone, there are a number ofsynthetic steroids that are known to modulate GABAA

receptor function. Anabolic steroids such as nandrolone, Fig.(4), and stanazolol induce region- and subunit-specific rapidmodulation of GABAA receptor-mediated currents in the ratforebrain [137]. The antiepileptic agent, ganaxolone, Fig.(4), belongs to a novel class of neuroactive steroids calledepalons which specifically modulate GABAA receptors in thecentral nervous system (CNS). Chemically related toprogesterone but devoid of any hormonal activity, theepalons have potent antiepileptic, anxiolytic, sedative andhypnotic activities in animals [138]. Ganaxolone hasdemonstrated outstanding efficacy and better tolerability inchildren with intractable infantile spasms [139]. It has,however, been reported to exacerbate absence seizures inanimal models [140].

Cortisol, Fig. (4), is a potent bidirectional modulator ofthe action of GABA on GABAA receptors in the guinea-pigileum enhancing at low (1-10 pM) concentrations andinhibiting at higher (10-1000 nM) concentrations [141].Cortisone is a potent non-competitive inhibitor of theseGABAA receptors acting at concentrations as low as 1 pM[142]. These corticosteroids are thus the most potent agentsmodulating GABAA receptors. The actions of cortisol maybe restricted to particular GABAA receptor subtypes sincecortisol has little effect on GABAA responses in the ratcuneate nucleus [143]. Biphasic effects of corticosteroidshave been described on TBPS binding to rat brainmembranes, low (nM) concentrations enhancing binding andhigher (µM) concentrations inhibiting, the effect of nMconcentrations indicative of an antagonist action as observedat these concentrations on GABA responses in the guinea-pig ileum [144]. Cortisol (10 µM) has been shown to rapidlyincrease the spontaneous firing frequency of neurones in ratparaventricular nucleus and to inhibit whole cell potassium

currents, suggesting the cortisol may act indirectly viainactivating potassium channels [145]. High affinity bindingsites (nM) for corticosterone have been described on brainmembranes [146], and corticosterone is known to influencethe expression and activity of GABAA receptors in thehippocampus [147]. Given the risk of memory decline inpatients on corticosteroids [148], further investigations of theeffects of these steroids on GABAA receptors seemwarranted.


With increasing community acceptance of herbalmedicines and functional foods there is increasing interest innatural products that may influence brain function. There is aview that natural substances are inherently safer thanunnatural substances, i.e. synthetic chemicals. This view ismistaken as many of the most toxic chemicals are in factnatural products and the majority of therapeuticallybeneficial drugs are synthetic. It is the molecular structureand dose that determine the effects of substances on humanhealth, not whether they are of natural or synthetic origin[149]. There is now an impressive array of natural productsin addition to steroids that are known to influence GABAA

receptor function including substances found in beveragessuch as tea, red wine and whiskey, and in herbal preparationsincluding Ginkgo biloba and Ginseng [57]. Naturalsubstances represent a rich diversity in chemical structuresthat can lead to the development of new therapeutic agents.

Flavonoids and GABAA Receptors

Flavonoids are found in all plants in high abundance andexhibit a considerable chemical diversity with more than5,000 different flavonoids having been described. Fruits,vegetables, and beverages such as tea and red wine are majorsources of flavonoids our diet [150]. It has been estimatedthat the average daily intake of flavonoids is 1-2 g [151].Many flavonoids are polyphenolic and are thus stronglyantioxidant [152]. They have a wide variety of biologicalactivities and are being studied intensively as anticanceragents [153]. Flavonoids have a range of activities onGABAA receptors [154].

Flavonoids were first linked to GABAA receptors whenthree isoflavans isolated from bovine urine were shown toinhibit diazepam binding to brain membranes [155]. Themost potent compound was 3’, 7-dihydroxyisoflavan, Fig.(5), with an IC50 of 45 µM. Further studies searching fordiazepam-like substances using benzodiazepine bindingassays led to the discovery that the biflavonoid amento-flavone, Fig. (5), sometimes known as biapigenin, wascapable of displacing benzodiazepine binding to rat brainmembranes with a nM affinity comparable to that ofdiazepam [156]. These investigations used amentoflavoneisolated from Karmelitter Geist, an alcoholic tincture ofvarious plants used to treat anxiety and epilepsy. However itwas concluded that amentoflavone cannot be responsible forany pharmacological effects of the plant extract asamentoflavone did not influence flunitrazepam binding in thebrain in vivo following i.v. administration to mice [156]. Itwas suggested that amentoflavone was either rapidlymetabolised or did not cross the blood brain barrier, but a

GABAA Receptor Channel Pharmacology Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 15 1875

recent study does indicate that amentoflavone does cross theblood brain barrier [157]. Amentoflavone occurs in a varietyof herbal preparations including St John’s wort [158] andGinkgo biloba [159]. A comprehensive battery of in vitrobinding assays has shown that amentoflavone influences avariety of G-protein coupled receptors for serotonin,dopamine and opioids at nM concentrations while having noeffect on the binding of muscimol to GABAA receptors[160]. Using recombinant α1β2γ2L GABAA receptorsexpressed in oocytes, amentoflavone has been shownrecently to be a relatively weak (4 µM) negative allostericmodulator of GABA action acting independently of classicalflumazenil-sensitive benzodiazepine modulatory sites [159].These studies on amentoflavone illustrate the difficulties ofstudying flavonoid actions – the variety of effects, the lack ofselectivity, the need for functional assays and the mismatchbetween in vitro and in vivo findings.

Apigenin, Fig. (5), a component of Matricicaria recutitaflowers (chamomile), has been characterised as a centrally-acting benzodiazepine ligand with anxiolytic effects [161].Infusions of chamomile flowers are widely used as a tea topromote sleep. Apigenin competitively inhibited (Ki 4 µM)the binding of flunitrazepam to brain membranes withoutinfluencing the binding of muscimol to GABAA receptors.Apigenin was described as having ‘a clear anxiolytic effectin mice in the elevated plus maze without evidencingsedation or muscle relaxation effects at doses similar to those

used for classical benzodiazepines’ and it was devoid ofanticonvulsant effects [161]. These finding are in contrast toa later study in rats where apigenin was shown to reduce thelatency of onset of picrotoxin-induced convulsions and toreduce locomotor activity but was devoid of anxiolytic ormuscle relaxant activities [162]. This later study showed thatapigenin could reduce GABA-activated chloride currents incultured cerebellar granule cells, an action that could beblocked by flumazenil and thus likely to involve classicalbenzodiazepine allosteric sites on GABAA receptors. Theinhibitory action of apigenin on locomotor behaviour,however, could not be blocked by flumazenil and thus couldnot ‘be ascribed to an interaction with GABAA-benzodia-zepine receptors, but to other neurotransmitter systems’[162]. Another study from the same group reported thatapigenin exerted sedative effects on locomotor activity inrats in a flumazenil-insensitive manner, whereas chrysin, astructurally related flavonoid lacking the 4’-hydroxysubstituent of apigenin, showed a clear flumazenil-sensitiveanxiolytic effect in addition to the flumazenil-insensitivesedation [163]. The apparent discrepancy between thebehavioural effects of apigenin on mice [161] and rats [162]may be due to mice having higher baseline levels of anxiety.

Recent studies on recombinant receptors in oocytes haveshown that µM apigenin inhibited the activation of α1β1γ2SGABAA receptors in a flumazenil-insensitive manner andhad a similar effect on ρ1 GABAC receptors [164]. Other

Fig. (5). Flavonoids that act on GABAA receptors.
























R1=H, R2=OH ApigeninR1=MeO, R2=OH HispidulinR1=MeO, R2=H Oroxylin AR1=Me, R2=OH 6-Methylapigenin

R=NO2 3',6-DinitroflavoneR=Cl 6-Chloro-3'-nitroflavone

Graham Johnston
Placed Image

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studies on recombinant α1β2γ2L GABAA receptors describean inhibitory effect of apigenin on GABA responses and, inaddition, describe an enhancement of the diazepam-inducedpositive allosteric modulation of GABA responses byapigenin [57, 165]. Such a second order modulation byapigenin of benzodiazepine modulation of the activation byGABA of GABAA receptors may indicate that apigeninneeds to work through an endogenous benzodiazepinesystem to influence behaviour in a flumazenil-sensitivemanner. Overall, it seems that the effects of apigenin onGABAA receptors are complex and involve both flumazenil-sensitive and flumazenil–insensitive components, and thatother receptors could be involved in the behavioural effectsof apigenin. Genistein, Fig. (5), the isoflavone equivalent ofapigenin, is a phytoestrogen with a wide variety ofpharmacological effects on animal cells [166]. It is widelyused as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor but its action as a negativemodulator of the action of GABA on recombinant GABAA

receptors is the result of a direct action on the receptors andis independent of tyrosine kinase [167, 168].

Hispidulin, Fig. (5), 4’, 5, 7-trihydroxy-6-methoxyflav-one, i.e. the 6-methoxy derivative of apigenin), was isolatedtogether with apigenin from Salvia officinalis (Sage) recentlyusing a benzodiazepine binding assay-guided fractionation[169]. Hispidulin was some 30 times more potent thatapigenin in displacing flumazenil binding. Preparations ofsage have been used in herbal medicine to assist memory[170, 171] and an extract of Salvia lavandulaefolia (Spanishsage) has been shown to enhance memory in healthy youngvolunteers [172]. Hispidulin has been shown to act as apositive allosteric modulator of α1, 3, 5, 6β2γ2S GABAA

receptor subtypes showing little subtype selectivity being alittle more potent at α1, 2, 5β2γ2S subtypes than at α3,6β2γ2S subtypes [173]. The positive modulatory action of 10µM hispidulin at α1β2γ2S receptors was reduced from 47%to 17% by flumazenil, indicating that sites other thanclassical flumazenil-sensitive benzodiazepine sites wereinvolved in the action of hispidulin. As hispidulin did notinfluence the action of GABA on α1β2 GABAA receptors,hispidulin does not interact with low affinity flumazenil-insensitive benzodiazepine sites [174] in contrast to otherflavonoids such as 6-methylflavone [175]. Of significance isthe ability of hispidulin to act as a positive modulator atα6β2γ2L GABAA receptors unlike diazepam; 10 µMhispidulin enhanced the action of GABA at these receptorsby 65%, this action being reduced by 1 µM flumazenil to37% [173]. Hispidulin was shown to have an anticonvulsantaction in seizure prone Mongolian gerbils and to pass theblood brain barrier [173]. Flavonoids structurally related tohispidulin, and that influence benzodiazepine binding, havebeen isolated from Scutellaria baicalensis, an important herbin traditional Chinese medicine [176]. Oroxylin A, Fig. (5),5, 7-dihydroxy-6-methoxyflavone, i.e. hispidulin lacking the4’-hydroxy group), inhibits flunitrazepam binding at 1 µMand on oral administration as a neutralising allostericmodulator blocking the anxiolytic, myorelaxant and motorincoordination effects, but not the sedative and anticon-vulsant effects elicited by diazepam [177]. 6-Methyla-pigenin, Fig. (5), 4’,5,7-dihydroxy-6-methylflavone) isolatedfrom Valeriana wallichii, a known sedative herb, influencesbenzodiazepine binding at 0.5 µM in manner suggesting it

may be a positive modulator of GABAA receptors [178].Thus, flavones substituted in the 6-position with a methoxyor methyl substituent have interesting effects on GABAA

receptor function and may contribute to the properties ofsome herbal preparations. Natural and synthetic 2’-hydroxy-substituted flavones are also of interest [179]. Severalflavonoid glycosides including goodyerin [180], linarin andhesperidin [181] are also being studied as sedative andanticonvulsant agents likely to interact with GABAA


Using a combinatorial chemistry approach, a range ofrelatively simple flavones have been synthesised andevaluated initially for activity in a benzodiazepine bindingassay [182]. This approach led to some very interestingcompounds that were further evaluated in a variety ofpharmacological tests as GABAA receptor ligands [154]. Themost active anxiolytic flavone was 3’, 6-dinitroflavone, Fig.(5), which was 30 times more potent than diazepam. It wasorally active and had minimal sedative action at anxiolyticdoses. In contrast, 6-chloro-3’-nitroflavone, Fig. (5), had noanxiolytic properties and abolished the anxiolytic,anticonvulsant and amnesic effects of diazepam [154].

There have been extensive structure-activity studiesaimed as developing models of flavonoid pharmacophoresfor their interaction with GABAA receptors [183-187]. Aproblem common to most of these studies is that the activitydata is based on ligand binding studies to what is now knownto be a mixture of benzodiazepine binding sites. Given ourincreased knowledge of the diversity of benzodiazepine andflavonoid actions on cloned receptors of defined subunitcomposition, future structure-activity studies need to bebased on data from functional studies on GABA receptors ofknown subunit composition [175].

Terpenoids and GABAA Receptors

Terpenoids are widespread in plants, especially in whatare known as essential oils that can be extracted from plantsand have a wide range of uses from perfume constituents topaint thinners. Terpenoids are oxygenated products formallyderived from C5 isoprene units and are classified by thenumber of C5 units in their structure. Thus monoterpenoidshave 2xC5 units, sesquiterpenoids 3xC5 units, diterpenoids4xC5 units and triterpenoids 6xC5 units. The most widelyused terpenoid in studies on GABAA receptors is thesesquiterpenoid lactone picrotoxinin, Fig. (6), a non-competitive antagonist at GABAA receptors [1]. A number ofother terpenoids, however, are of interest for their actions onGABAA receptors.

Bilobalide, Fig. (6), a sesquiterpenoid lactone fromGinkgo biloba that bears some structural similarities topicrotoxinin, including a lipophilic side chain and ahydrophilic cage, is also a non-competitive antagonist atGABAA receptors [188]. Both bilobalide and picrotoxininappear to act at sites in the chloride channel of GABAA

receptors and are thus negative allosteric modulators. Thecognition-enhancing effects of Ginkgo extracts may be partlymediated by bilobalide acting to enhance hippocampalpyramidal neuronal excitability [189]. While picrotoxinin isa convulsant, bilobalide is an anticonvulsant [189, 190]. Aswith the α5 subunit preferring negative allosteric modulator

GABAA Receptor Channel Pharmacology Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 15 1877

mentioned in Section 4.2, the lack of convulsant action in anagent that reduces GABA action may be important forenhancement of cognition. The lack of convulsant action ofbilobalide may result from subunit selectivity but this has yetto be established. The structurally-related ginkgolides,especially ginkgolide B, also act as negative modulators atGABAA receptors [191]. They also inhibit strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors and platelet activating factor[191, 192]. Bilobalide and the ginkgolides reducebarbiturate-induced sleeping time in mice, an effect perhapsrelevant to the clinically observed ‘vigilance-enhancing’ andantidepressant-like actions of Ginkgo extracts [193].

The monoterpenoid α-thujone, Fig. (6), is a psychoactivecomponent of absinthe, a liqueur popular in France in the19th and early 20th centuries. It is found in extracts ofwoodworm and some other herbal medicines and beveragessince ancient Egyptian times [194]. α-Thujone is a convul-sant that acts as a negative allosteric modulator of GABAA

receptors [195]. It also acts as an antagonist of 5HT3 recep-tors by influencing agonist-induced desensitisation [194].

The structurally-related substance thymol, Fig. (6), aconstituent of thyme essential oil, is a flumazenil-insensitivepositive allosteric modulator of GABAA receptors [196]. Athigher concentrations, thymol had a direct action on GABAA

receptors similar to that of the anaesthetic propofol and otherphenols [197]. The anticonvulsant effects of thymoquinone,the major constituent of Nigella sativa seeds, may be due topositive modulation of GABAA receptors [198].

(+)-Borneol, Fig. (6), a monoterpenoid found in manyessential oils, is a flumazenil-insensitive positive allostericmodulator of recombinant GABAA receptors of low affinitybut very high efficacy producing 12 fold enhancement of theaction of 10 µM GABA at a concentration of 450 µM [57,199]. (+)-Borneol is found in high concentrations in extractsof Valerian officinalis that are widely used to reduce thelatency of sleep onset, the depth of sleep and the perceptionof well-being. Extracts of Valerian are known to contain alarge number of constituents including flavonoids andterpenoids, many of which are considered to be active atGABAA receptors. The sesquiterpenoid valerenic acid, Fig.(6), has a direct partial agonist action on GABAA receptors[200]. Isocurcumenol, Fig. (6), a sesquiterpenoid fromCyperus rotundus, was found to inhibit [H-3]Ro15-1788binding and enhance [H-3]flunitrazepam binding in thepresence of GABA in a manner consistent with it acting as apositive allosteric modulator [201].

Ginsenosides, triterpenoid glycosides that are the majoractive constituents of Panax ginseng, are known tonegatively modulate nicotinic and NMDA receptor activity.Of a series of ginsenosides, ginsenoside Rc was the mostpotent (EC50 53 µM) in enhancing the action of GABA onrecombinant α1β1γ2S GABAA receptors expressed inoocytes [202].

Sage and GABAA Receptors

Sage has been used widely to treat memory deficits andextracts of Salvia lavandulaefolia (Spanish Sage) have been

Fig. (6). Terpenoids that act on GABAA receptors.











lsocurcumenol (+)-Borneol Valerenic acid






Picortoxinin Bilobalide











1878 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 15 Graham A.R. Johnston

shown to enhance memory in healthy young volunteers[172].

In addition to the flavonoids apigenin, hispidulin andlinarin (see section 7.1.), a number of terpenoids have beenextracted from varieties of Salvia (sage) that influencebenzodiazepine binding [169]. The diterpenoid lactonegaldosol, Fig. (7) from the common sage Saliva officinalis,inhibited flumazenil binding at 0.8 µM [169].

The diterpenoid quinone miltirone, Fig. (7), from theChinese medicinal herb Salvia miltriorrhiza, inhibitedflunitrazepam binding at 0.3 µM and was orally active inanimal models as a tranquilliser without muscle relaxantproperties [203]. Structure-activity studies on miltirone ledto the development of a synthetic compound that was muchmore potent than miltirone on flunitrazepam binding (IC500.05 µM) [204].

The structurally-related diterpenoids carnosic acid andcarnosol, Fig. (7), extracted from Salvia officinalis, while notinfluencing diazepam or muscimol binding, did inhibit TBPSbinding [205]. This suggests that, like flavonoids,diterpenoids can influence GABAA receptors in a mannerindependent of classical benzodiazepine sites and could bemissed in benzodiazepine binding assays. The structures ofgaldosol, carnosic acid and carnosol, Fig. (7), contain the o-isopropylphenolic moiety that is present in thymol, Fig. (6),and the anaesthetic agent propofol.

Fig. (7). Diterpenoids from Salvia that influence GABAA receptors.

Sage also contains α-thujone, Fig. (6), a known GABAA

receptor antagonist as noted above, which may influence theGABA enhancing effects of hispidulin, galdosol, miltirone,carnosic acid, carnosol and related compounds in sageextracts. The levels of α-thujone in individual sage plants areknown to vary considerably [206].

Dietary and Environmental Chemicals that mayInfluence GABAA Receptors

There are many chemicals in food and beverages,together with other chemicals in our environment, that areknown to be capable of influencing the function of GABAA

receptors in addition to the flavonoids, terpenoids andethanol discussed in previous sections. GABA itself occurswidely in plants being involved in pH regulation, nitrogenstorage, plant development and defence [207]. High levels ofGABA in plants extracts may be a confusing factor inevaluating the effects of such extracts on GABAA receptorsin binding or functional assays, but such GABA will notnormally influence GABAA receptors in the brain oningestion due to the blood brain barrier.

Tea and coffee contain a range of chemicals in additionto GABA that have been shown to influence recombinantbovine α1β1 GABAA receptors. Extracts of green, oolong orblack tea contained catechins, especially (-)-epicatechingallate and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate, that inhibited GABAresponses and alcohols, such as leaf alcohol and linalool,Fig. (8), that enhanced GABA responses at concentrations of1 mM [208]. Coffee extracts contained theophylline, whichinhibited GABA responses in a non-competitive mechanism(Ki 0.55 mM), and theobromine, which inhibited in acompetitive manner (Ki 3.8 mM), while a number ofcompounds including 1-octen-3-ol and sotolone, Fig. (8),enhanced GABA responses [209]. When 1-octen-3-ol (100mg/kg) was orally administered to mice prior tointraperitoneal administration of pentobarbitone, the sleepingtime of mice induced by pentobarbital increased significantly[209]. Sotolone is a key component in the “nutty” and“spicy-like” aroma of oxidative aged port wine [210]. Manycomponents in the fragrance of whiskey, in particular ethyl3-phenylpropanoate, Fig. (8), strongly enhanced GABAA

responses [211]. When applied to mice through respiration,ethyl 3-phenylpropanoate delayed the onset of convulsionsinduced by pentylenetetrazole. The extract of other alcoholicdrinks such as wine, sake, brandy, and shochu alsopotentiated GABA responses to varying degrees [211].Although these fragrant components are present in alcoholicdrinks at low concentrations (extremely small quantitiescompared with ethanol), they may also modulate the moodor consciousness through the potentiation of GABAA

responses after absorption into the brain because thesehydrophobic fragrant compounds are easily absorbed into thebrain through the blood-brain barrier and are severalthousands times as potent as ethanol in the potentiation ofGABAA receptor-mediated responses [211]. The aging ofwhiskey results in enhanced potency of the fragrance inpotentiating GABAA responses and in prolongingpentobarbitone-induced sleeping time in mice [212]. As allof the above tests on chemicals from tea, coffee and whiskeywere carried out on recombinant bovine α1β1 GABAA

receptors, the observed effects are independent of classicalbenzodiazepine-sensitive sites. Several perfume constituentshave been shown to act as positive modulators of GABAA

receptors including the terpenoids eugenol, citronellol andhinokitol, Fig. (8) [213]. The tea flavonoid (-)-epigallo-catechin gallate has been shown to be some 10 times morepotent than apigenin as a second order modulator of thepositive modulation by diazepam of α1β2γ2L humanrecombinant GABAA receptors expressed in oocytes [165].

Simple disaccharides are able to enhance TBOB bindingto GABAA receptors [214]. Lactose (EC50 1.5 µM) was 100-600 fold more potent than maltose or sucrose. Lactose didnot influence flunitrazepam binding and its effects on TBOB









Miltirone Galdosol

Carnosic acid






GABAA Receptor Channel Pharmacology Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 15 1879

binding could be blocked by GABA. Regional differences inthe potency of lactose enhancement of TBOB bindingsuggest that the effect might be GABAA receptor subtypeselective [214].

As noted in section 6, cholesterol has been long known toproduce deep anaesthesia in cats following injection of acolloidal suspension [125] and to potentiate pentobarbitone-induced anaesthesia [126]. Dietary cholesterol and agentsthat alter cholesterol levels may influence GABAA receptorfunction in the brain. Alterations in membrane cholesterol indissociated hippocampal neurones alters GABAA receptorproperties [215]. Cholesterol enrichment increased thepositive modulatory effects of the nonsteroidal agentspropofol, flunitrazepam and pentobarbitone but reduced thepositive modulatory effects of the steroids pregnanolone andalphaxalone. Depletion of membrane cholesterol increasedthe effects of pregnanolone and alphaxalone withoutinfluencing the effects of the nonsteroidal modulators.Increases in dietary cholesterol in rats has been shown todepress brain waves as measured by EEG [216], an effectthat may be attributable to changes in GABAA receptorfunction. There has been speculation about an associationbetween brain cholesterol and Alzheimer’s disease and thesuggestion that cholesterol-lowering strategies influence theprogression of this disease [217]. There is some evidencethat statins can reduce cholesterol turnover in the brain thusenabling statins to reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’sdisease [218]. Such treatments might influence GABAA

receptor function through alteration of cholesterol levels inthe brain.

Inhaled drugs of abuse such as the solvents toluene, 1, 1,1-trichloroethane and trichlorethylene act as positivemodulators of GABAA receptors, acting in a mannersuggesting that their sites of action may overlap with thoseof ethanol and volatile anaesthetics [219]. Another study,however, found toluene to be an antagonist of the activationof GABAA receptors [220].


When I reviewed GABAA receptor pharmacology in1996 [8] the then literature prompted a conclusion that thereappeared to be at least 11 distinct sites on GABAA receptorsfor interactions with specific ligands. The likely sites were:

(1) agonist/partial agonist/competitive antagonist recognitionsites; (2) picrotoxinin sites; (3) sedative-hypnotic barbituratesites; (4) neuroactive steroid sites; (5) benzodiazepine sites;(6) ethanol sites; (7) sites for inhalation anaesthetics; (8) sitesfor furosemide associated with α6 subunits; (9) sites forZn2+; (10) sites for a variety of divalent cations, such asCa2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Cd2+, Mn2+, and Mg2+; and (11) sites forLa3+. I noted that it was likely that there were subtypes ofneuroactive steroid sites and that there were certainlysubtypes of benzodiazepine sites. In addition, I noted thatthere were possibly sites associated with (a) phospholipidsinteracting with GABAA receptor protein subunits, (b)cyclic nucleotide protein kinase activity involvedphosphorylation of the intracellular loop of some GABAAreceptor protein subunits, and (c) the interaction of GABAAreceptors and microtubules that may anchor receptor clustersat postsynaptic membranes.

The situation has become even more complex since 1996.Thanks to the use of genetically modified mice we nowknow the importance of the different types of GABAA

receptor subunits for the actions of particular agents – e.g.α1 and α2 subunits for the sedative and anxiolytic actions ofbenzodiazepines respectively, α5 subunits for agentsinfluencing spatial memory, and δ subunits for the potentaction of ethanol. Thanks to the use of recombinant receptortechnology, expressing GABAA receptors of known subunitcomposition, we now have detailed knowledge of the actionsof the increasingly chemically diverse range of naturalproducts on GABAA receptor function. We know offlavonoids that influence GABAA receptor function aspositive and negative allosteric modulators, some of theseactions of flavonoids being sensitive to the classicalbenzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil and other actionsbeing insensitive. It is a similar story with terpenoids. Thus itis likely that there are at least two distinct sites, flumazenil-sensitive and flumazenil-insensitive, on GABAA receptorsfor flavonoids and terpenoids of which the flumazenil-sensitive sites may overlap with classical benzodiazepinesites.

It appears likely that the various proposed sites onGABAA receptors overlap and interact making it difficult toput a meaningful figure on the number of distinct sitesthough my 1996 figure of 11 now seems very conservative.We await detailed three-dimensional structural information

Fig. (8). Volatile substances in beverages and perfumes that influence GABAA receptor.











Leaf alcohol Citronellol Linalool 1-Octen-3-ol

Eugenol Ethyl 3-phenylpropanoate Hinekitol Sotolone

1880 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 15 Graham A.R. Johnston

on the various subtypes of GABAA receptors in order towork out exactly where all of these chemically diverseligands interact. Such information is starting to emergethrough homology modelling based on a 4Å resolutionstructure of a nicotinic receptor [221], e.g. the structure ofthe proposed propofol binding site involving the M2 and M3regions of GABAA receptors [222].

The diversity of sites on GABAA receptors representtargets for the further development of specific agents actingon particular GABAA receptor subtypes. The structures ofthe various ligands described in this and other reviews serveas leads for the discovery of new chemical entities for thetreatment of disorders involving specific GABAA receptors.


The author is grateful to his many colleagues who havecontributed to his studies on GABAA receptors includingRobin Allan, Erica Campbell, Mary Chebib, Rujee Duke,Renee Granger, Belinda Hall, Jane Hanrahan, ShelleyHuang, Povl Krogsgaard-Larsen, Ken Mewett, Hue Tran andPaul Whiting, and to the Australian National Health andMedical Research Council and Polychip Pharmaceuticals forfinancial support.


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