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Gagnon et al. 2010 Ecology (with cover image)

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ECOLOGY A PUBLICATION OF THE ECOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Reports Frequency, not relative abundance, of temperate tree species varies along climate gradients in eastern North America Perspectives: The Robert H. MacArthur Award Lecture Timescales, dynamics, and ecological understanding Concepts & Synthesis Does pyrogenicity protect burning plants? Articles Food availability at birth limited reproductive success in historical humans December 2010 Volume 91 No. 12


OL. 91, N

O. 12, 3433–3772


EMBER 2010


3433Frequency, not relative abundance, of temper-ate tree species varies along climate gradients in eastern North America • CHARLES D. CANHAM AND R. QUINN THOMAS

3441Community composition and consumer identity determine the effect of resource species diversity on rates of consumption • ANITA NARWANI AND ASIT MAZUMDER


3456Nitrogen turnover in the leaf litter and fine roots of sugar maple • KURT S. PREGITZER, DONALD R. ZAK, ALAN F. TALHELM, ANDREW J. BURTON, AND JENNIFER R. EIKENBERRY

3463Consistent effects of nitrogen fertilization on soil bacterial communities in contrasting systems • KELLY S. RAMIREZ, CHRISTIAN L. LAUBER, ROB KNIGHT, MARK A. BRADFORD, AND NOAH FIERER

Perspectives—The Robert H. MacArthur Award Lecture

3471Timescales, dynamics, and ecological understanding • ALAN HASTINGS

Concepts and Synthesis


Forum—Big fancy models

3487Living dangerously with big fancy models • MICHAEL LAVINE

3488Advances in modeling highlight a tension between analytical accuracy and accessibility • SHANNON LADEAU

3493Model complexity and information in the data: Could it be a house built on sand? • SUBHASH R. LELE

3496Are exercises like this a good use of anybody’s time? • JAMES S. HODGES

3500Bridging gaps between statistical and mathematical modeling in ecology • LANCE A. WALLER



3515Food availability at birth limited reproductive success in historical humans • IAN J. RICKARD, JARI HOLOPAINEN, SAMULI HELAMA, SAMULI HELLE, ANDREW F. RUSSELL, AND VIRPI LUMMAA

3526High connectivity among locally adapted populations of a marine fish (Menidia menidia)• LORA M. CLARKE, STEPHAN B. MUNCH, SIMON R. THORROLD, AND DAVID O. CONOVER

3538Indirect effects of a key ecosystem engineer alter survival and growth of foundation coral species• JADA-SIMONE S. WHITE AND JAMES L. O’DONNELL

3549Bioengineers and their associated fauna respond differently to the effects of biogeography and upwelling • VICTORIA J. COLE AND CHRISTOPHER D. MCQUAID

3563Field evidence for pervasive indirect effects of fishing on prey foraging behavior • ELIZABETH M. P. MADIN, STEVEN D. GAINES, AND ROBERT R. WARNER

3572Estimating dispersal potential for marine larvae: dynamic models applied to scleractinian corals• SEAN R. CONNOLLY AND ANDREW H. BAIRD

3584Trophic cascades result in large-scale coralline algae loss through differential grazer effects• JENNIFER K. O’LEARY AND TIMOTHY R. MCCLANAHAN

VOL. 91 • NO. 12 • DECEMBER 2010

ISSN 0012-9658

Contents continued on inside of back cover



ReportsFrequency, not relative abundance, of temperate tree species varies along climate

gradients in eastern North AmericaPerspectives: The Robert H. MacArthur Award Lecture

Timescales, dynamics, and ecological understandingConcepts & Synthesis

Does pyrogenicity protect burning plants?Articles

Food availability at birth limited reproductive success in historical humans

December 2010

Volume 91 No. 12




Cover Photo: Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) burns intensely in a prescribed fire in Myakka River State Park in Sarasota County, Florida, USA. Prostrate stems and meristems typically survive such intense fires belowground, in part because the burning fronds are located well above the ground. Gagnon et al. argue that pyrogenic plants like these incur lower mortality than if their fuels were to burn less readily on the ground (see pages 3481‐3486). Photo credit: Maynard Hiss. 


Ecology, 91(12), 2010, pp. 3481–3486! 2010 by the Ecological Society of America

Does pyrogenicity protect burning plants?PAUL R. GAGNON,1,5 HEATHER A. PASSMORE,2 WILLIAM J. PLATT,2 JONATHAN A. MYERS,2 C. E. TIMOTHY PAINE,3


1University of Florida, Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, P.O. Box 110430, Gainesville, Florida 32611-0430 USA2Louisiana State University, Department of Biological Sciences, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 USA

3Institut fur Evolutionsbiologie und Umweltwissenschaften, Universitat Zurich, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland4Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Republic of Panama

Abstract. Pyrogenic plants dominate many fire-prone ecosystems. Their prevalencesuggests some advantage to their enhanced flammability, but researchers have had difficultytying pyrogenicity to individual-level advantages. Based on our review, we propose thatenhanced flammability in fire-prone ecosystems should protect the belowground organs andnearby propagules of certain individual plants during fires. We base this hypothesis on fivepoints: (1) organs and propagules by which many fire-adapted plants survive fires arevulnerable to elevated soil temperatures during fires; (2) the degree to which burning plantfuels heat the soil depends mainly on residence times of fires and on fuel location relative to thesoil; (3) fires and fire effects are locally heterogeneous, meaning that individual plants canaffect local soil heating via their fuels; (4) how a plant burns can thus affect its fitness; and (5)in many cases, natural selection in fire-prone habitats should therefore favor plants that burnrapidly and retain fuels off the ground. We predict an advantage of enhanced flammability forplants whose fuels influence local fire characteristics and whose regenerative tissues orpropagules are affected by local variation in fires. Our ‘‘pyrogenicity as protection’’ hypothesishas the potential to apply to a range of life histories. We discuss implications for ecologicaland evolutionary theory and suggest considerations for testing the hypothesis.

Key words: adaptations; ecosystem engineering; evolution; fire ecology; heat; Mutch hypothesis; nicheconstruction; plant flammability; pyrogenicity as protection; resprouting; serotiny.


Fire-prone ecosystems are characterized by plantswhose aboveground tissues burn. Some of theseflammable plants are pyrogenic—they promote fires byburning especially intensely, in some ecosystems evenunder nondrought conditions (‘‘self-immolators,’’ sensuZedler [1995]). Pyrogenic plants have physical andchemical characteristics that facilitate their combustion,such as fine leaves and branches with high volatile oilcontent, fuels that resist packing and decomposition,and dead leaves and branches that remain off the ground(Mutch 1970, Philpot 1977, Rundel 1981, Bond andMidgley 1995, Zedler 1995, Schwilk 2003, Behm et al.2004, Scarff and Westoby 2006). The prevalence andoftentimes dominance of pyrogenic plants in grasslands,savannas, and woodlands around the world suggest that

increased flammability is advantageous in fire-proneecosystems (Mutch 1970, Bond and Midgley 1995,Zedler 1995, Platt 1999, Schwilk and Ackerly 2001,Behm et al. 2004).

Pyrogenicity as an adaptation to fire has been apopular but controversial idea. Mutch (1970) firsthypothesized that traits conferring enhanced flammabil-ity were adaptive based on his dual observations that: (1)fuels of different plant species vary greatly in theirdegree of flammability; and (2) highly flammable plantsare prevalent in fire-prone communities. Snyder (1984)criticized his hypothesis, noting that enhanced flamma-bility might result from selection for other, directlybeneficial traits such as drought tolerance or defenseagainst herbivores. Troumbis and Trabaud (1989) andWhelan (1995) pointed out that Mutch’s hypothesis forpyrogenic plant communities invoked group selectionbecause it required that fires spread across the landscapevia continuous fuels of numerous individual plants,often of different species. Despite these perceived

Manuscript received 9 February 2010; revised 16 April 2010;accepted 13 May 2010. Corresponding Editor: M. J. Lechowicz.

5 E-mail: [email protected]


problems, numerous empirical observations have con-tinued to fuel the idea that plants with pyrogenic traitsmight have some advantage in fire-prone habitats.How might pyrogenicity evolve through individual-

level selection despite steep perceived costs to the self-immolating individual? Some hypotheses assume thatpyrogenicity is tied to unspecified traits that conferfitness benefits (Bond and Midgley 1995, Kerr et al.1999) or incorporate kin-selected altruism (Schwilk andKerr 2002). If post-fire environments are conducive tothe growth or establishment of pyrogenic plants’offspring, then pyrogenicity constitutes ‘‘ecosystemengineering’’ or ‘‘niche construction’’ (Platt et al. 1988,Bond and Midgley 1995, Platt 1999, Schwilk and Kerr2002, Schwilk 2003). This idea presumes that when themore flammable individuals burn, they alter theenvironment in some way that enables adaptation tothe post-fire environment by their descendants (e.g.,Kerr et al. 1999). Some pyrogenic plants produce moreseeds immediately after fires than at other times,possibly because their seedlings establish at higher ratesin the open spaces or mineral soil exposed by recent fires(Brewer and Platt 1994, Platt 1999).We propose a new hypothesis to explain how traits

enhancing flammability provide intrinsic advantage topyrogenic plants in fire-prone habitats. We start withthree basic assumptions: (1) tissues of established plantsignite and sustain fire; (2) pyrogenicity is the result ofincreases in combustibility (the rate at which fuels areconsumed after ignition), consumability (the proportionof fuels consumed by fire), or both (Anderson 1970,Martin et al. 1994); and (3) established plants or theirnearby offspring might survive fires via belowgroundtissues or seed banks. We draw on prior studies to arguethat traits associated with increased flammability shouldreduce the likelihood of damage to a plant’s below-ground organs and propagules. Such risk reductioncould operate independently or together with otherconsequences of pyrogenicity, such as altered post-fireenvironments that favor offspring. We argue thatevolutionary discussions of pyrogenicity should considerthat the manner in which a plant burns affects soilheating in that immediate vicinity, and thus, survival ofthat plant or its nearby propagules (i.e., potentialoffspring). We assert that the cost of pyrogenicity tothe individual should be less than commonly perceivedbecause most plants in fire-prone habitats risk damageto aboveground tissues in fires regardless of whether orhow they burn. By indicating how pyrogenicity might bedirectly advantageous to individual plants, our hypoth-esis elucidates a novel mechanism by which traits relatedto pyrogenicity might invade plant populations.We present five points that build the case for

pyrogenicity as a form of self-protection in fire-adaptedplants. The first three synthesize important observationsof fire effects on soil and on plants, the fourth is adeduction that follows logically, and the fifth explainssome implications of that deduction, including which

characteristics of plants should be adaptive in fires. Wesubsequently explore the potential generality of our‘‘pyrogenicity as protection’’ hypothesis for differentplant life history strategies and conclude by discussingsome implications for ecological and evolutionarytheory and ecosystem management.


1. The belowground organs and propagules by whichplants might survive fires are vulnerable to elevated soiltemperatures, especially near the soil surface.—Soilinsulates, and heat from fire decreases rapidly with soildepth (Steward et al. 1990, Bradstock and Auld 1995,Schimmel and Granstrom 1996, Choczynska andJohnson 2009). Insulation capacity of soil varies withsoil type and moisture level, but such variation appearsto be of minor consequence (Steward et al. 1990,Choczynska and Johnson 2009). Belowground organsand propagules are most vulnerable at the soil surface,and the likelihood of tissues surviving fires increaseswith depth (Flinn and Wein 1977, Hodgkinson andOxley 1990, Bradstock and Auld 1995, Schimmel andGranstrom 1996, Odion and Davis 2000, Brooks 2002,Choczynska and Johnson 2009).2. The extent to which a given quantity of burning fuel

heats the soil is determined mainly by how long it burnsand by the fuel’s proximity to the soil surface.—Durationof combustion and its height above the ground areimportant determinants of temperatures at and belowthe soil surface during fires (Steward et al. 1990,Hartford and Frandsen 1992, Bradstock and Auld1995). Conductive and radiative heat transfers are bothstrongly inversely related to distance and tend to drivesoil heating during fires, whereas convective heat istypically less important because convection generallytransfers heat upward and away from the soil (Astonand Gill 1976, Steward et al. 1990, Michaletz andJohnson 2007, Keeley 2009). As such, commonly usedmetrics like fireline intensity (the rate of heat transfer perunit length of the fireline in kilowatts per meter [Byram1959]) are often not predictive of soil heating (Hartfordand Frandsen 1992, Bradstock and Auld 1995, Schim-mel and Granstrom 1996, Keeley 2009). Rate of firespread may be inversely related to soil heating becausefaster fires tend to burn both with shorter residencetimes and higher above the ground than slower-movingfires (Stinson and Wright 1968, Bailey and Anderson1980, Bradstock and Auld 1995, Whelan 1995).3. Fuels, fires, and fire effects are heterogeneous at

small scales, meaning fuels produced by individual plantsinfluence how long and how high fires burn.—Firetemperatures, intensities, and residence times varywidely at small scales, as do resulting effects onvegetation (Stinson and Wright 1968, Bailey andAnderson 1980, Hodgkinson and Oxley 1990, Odionand Davis 2000, Brooks 2002, Thaxton and Platt 2006,Brewer et al. 2009). The quantity, composition, andvertical structure of plant fuels all affect fire intensity,

PAUL R. GAGNON ET AL.3482 Ecology, Vol. 91, No. 12




residence time and height of combustion (Smith andSparling 1966, Stinson and Wright 1968, Williamsonand Black 1981, Odion and Davis 2000, Schwilk andAckerly 2001, Brooks 2002, Schwilk 2003, Thaxton andPlatt 2006).4. Therefore, how a plant burns can influence local soil

heating, and consequently, the chances that it or its nearbypropagules survive fire.—The three points above indicatethat survival of a plant’s belowground organs andnearby propagules during fire is to some extent afunction of both the duration of fire and of how highabove the ground the plant’s tissues burn. We deducethat specific traits relating to differences in fuelflammability and position above the soil should therebyaffect individual plant fitness. For example, in Adenos-toma-dominated California chaparral, Odion and Davis(2000) observed that woody fuels that fell from thecanopy onto the ground and smoldered long after firepassage increased local soil temperatures and reducedseed germination and resprouting at those samelocations.5.We hypothesize that in fire-prone ecosystems, natural

selection should often favor plants that burn up rapidlyduring fires and retain their fuels off the ground.—If aplant’s fuels affect its own or its offspring’s survivalprobabilities (by affecting local fire characteristics), thentraits that speed combustion and keep fuels off theground should be directly advantageous to the individ-ual plant or its nearby propagules. Compared withsmoldering combustion of fuels on the ground, rapidflaming combustion of fuels off the ground should sendmore heat upward (via convection) and away from thesoil, reducing fire residence times (Whelan 1995,Michaletz and Johnson 2007). In this way, pyrogenictissues that burn rapidly and above the soil surfaceshould reduce risk to a plant’s belowground organs andnearby propagules during fires, and should therefore befavored by natural selection in many ecosystemsdepending on fire regime.



Our hypothesis proposes a novel explanation forpyrogenicity based on individual-level selection. Itprovides a clear evolutionary advantage by whichrelated traits might increase in frequency over genera-tions within populations. Many studies have suggestedthat pyrogenicity should be an advantageous trait at thelevel of populations because pyrogenic assemblages areobserved to displace less flammable ones where firesources are present (Williamson and Black 1981,D’Antonio and Vitousek 1992, Bond and Midgley1995, Kerr et al. 1999, Platt 1999, Schwilk and Kerr2002). Nonetheless, a mechanism by which enhancedflammability might increase in frequency in a populationstarting with a single mutant type has proven elusive.Instead, various studies have tended to treat pyrogenic-ity as an emergent property of communities (Philpot

1977, Snyder 1984, Troumbis and Trabaud 1989), whileremaining tentative or unclear about how related traitsmight invade the population (however, see Platt et al.1988, Bond and Midgley 1995, Schwilk and Kerr 2002).Protective pyrogenicity provides a solution to thisconundrum without presupposing direct ties betweenenhanced flammability and an unspecified trait thatconfers increased fitness. It contrasts with previousexplanations that treat enhanced flammability as adetriment to the individual (e.g., Bond and Midgley1995, Schwilk and Kerr 2002).

We can predict when pyrogenicity should and shouldnot protect plants during fires using the explicitmechanism within our hypothesis. We expect plants infire-prone landscapes to combust quickly and to retainfuels off the ground if they: (1) produce enough fuel toinfluence local fire characteristics; and (2) resprout fromshallow belowground organs or germinate from shallowseeds that remain close to parents; shallow organs andseeds are vulnerable to local soil heating. In contrast, wepredict no protective advantage of pyrogenicity forplants whose fuels do not influence local fire character-istics or whose tissues or propagules are unaffected bylocal variation in fires. Examples include plants thatresprout from deep belowground, produce seeds that aredispersed widely or stored deeply in the soil, are verysmall statured relative to nearby neighbors, or arelocated in places subject to large inputs of exogenousfuels that swamp their own contribution to the local fuelload. These plants should possess mechanisms forsurviving fires (e.g., resprouting ability, heat-resistantseeds), but not pyrogenic fuels.

Comprehensive theory regarding the evolution ofpyrogenicity should consider potential roles of enhancedflammability both as a means of self-protection and ofengineering growing space. Whereas our ‘‘pyrogenicityas protection’’ hypothesis suggests that rapid, intensecombustion should reduce mortality of belowgroundorgans and seeds, previous explanations emphasizeopening space (via damage to competitors and con-sumption of organic litter) that facilitates regeneration(e.g., Platt et al. 1988, Bond and Midgley 1995, Schwilkand Kerr 2002). These two possibilities are not mutuallyexclusive, and testable predictions should indicate thecircumstances under which each might contribute to theevolution of pyrogenicity. For example, plants thatresprout from organs near the soil surface should benefitmore from rapid combustion of fuels held off the groundthan plants with organs deeper in the soil, regardless ofwhether space is opened for regeneration. Alternatively,if pyrogenicity is a means of opening space, plantsshould produce slow-burning fuels that spread outwardalong the soil surface to increase fire residence times andsoil heating (e.g., Williamson and Black 1981, Platt1999, Platt and Gottschalk 2001). Tests among differentpotential evolutionary drivers of enhanced flammabilityshould examine the benefits of altering both localconditions during fires and the environment post-fire.






A necessary assumption of our hypothesis is thatplants in fire-prone habitats burn. Only within plantlineages that burn periodically can there be selection forenhanced flammability leading to protective pyrogenic-ity. Fire-prone habitats are both productive enough thatvegetation forms a continuous fuel matrix across thelandscape, and periodically dry enough for recurrent firesto burn that vegetation. Some habitats contain almostcontinuous fine fuels (e.g., many grasslands and savan-nas); others are subject to periodic, extreme weather thatdrives intense fires (e.g., certain crown-fire systems[Moritz et al. 2004]). Both ensure that constituent plantlineages are periodically damaged by fire. Variation infuels and weather conditions drive heterogeneity withinand among fires, in turn driving variation in fire effectsamong plant species over space and time. We base ourhypothesis on assumptions that recurrent fires burn infire-prone habitats, and that plants are potentiallydamaged or killed during at least some of these fires.Oftentimes the actual cost of pyrogenicity incurred

during a fire by a highly flammable plant may be smallrelative to that incurred by a nonpyrogenic plant. Weargue that pyrogenicity confers a direct benefit in theform of reduced risk to belowground tissues, because inmany cases soil heating should be less. Pyrogenicity alsohas a cost in the form of potential tissue lost from anyincreased likelihood of burning. The expected benefit ofpyrogenicity must outweigh this cost. For a givenlocation, that net benefit or cost will be a function ofhow fast fuels accumulate (i.e., site productivity vs.decomposition rate) relative to the fire return interval.This interplay will determine any advantage, forexample, in retaining flammable fuels above the ground.Where fuels are continuous and fires are recurrent,plants risk damage to aboveground tissues in the heat ofpassing fires regardless of how or even whether theirtissues combust. In this context, the relative cost ofpyrogenicity in fire-prone habitats might be less thanpreviously assumed (e.g., see Bond and Midgley 1995,Schwilk and Kerr 2002).


Our hypothesis has potential to apply to differenttypes of plants in a variety of ecosystems. To illustrateits generality, we discuss three life histories thatcharacterize flammable plants as examples of howpyrogenicity might confer protection.Most plants in high fire-frequency ecosystems are

resprouters. Such plants commonly survive above-ground immolation via underground organs (Collinsand Gibson 1990, Platt 1999, Higgins et al. 2000, Veskand Westoby 2004, Brewer et al. 2009). The relationshipof soil heating to fire residence time and height ofcombustion should apply to ecosystems with a contin-uous ground layer of resprouting plants that regrowquickly and can thus reburn shortly thereafter (oftenwithin 1–2 years, e.g., marshes, grasslands and savan-

nas). For resprouters that produce enough fuel toinfluence local fire characteristics, we predict selectionfor pyrogenic traits such as fuels held off the ground. Wethus expect the large-statured graminoids that dominatethe groundcover of these systems to exhibit enhancedcombustibility and consumability during frequent, low-intensity fires (e.g., Platt et al. 1991).We would also expect that enhanced flammability

might serve a protective function for many specieswhose adults die in fires but that persist via seeds storedin the soil or canopy. In crown-fire habitats likeshrublands and woodlands, reseeding perennials canconstitute a substantial proportion of plants (Lamont etal. 1991, Ojeda 1998), and fires are typically moreintense but less frequent than in the grasslands andsavannas dominated by resprouters. For species withseeds stored in the soil, we expect selection for pyrogeniccharacteristics in those whose seeds remain near both theparent plant and the soil surface. (Note that short-distance dispersal is the most likely outcome for variousdispersal syndromes [e.g., Gomez and Espadaler 1998for myrmecochory]). Rapid combustion of parents thatretain fuels off the ground should reduce local heating ofthe soil and any seeds therein. Other species retain seedsin the canopy, including serotinous pines (sensu Critch-field 1957, Keeley and Zedler 1998) and proteas(Lamont et al. 1991). Seeds in serotinous cones are alsovulnerable to prolonged heating during fires (Bradstocket al. 1994, Mercer et al. 1994), and those near theground are more vulnerable than those higher up(Bradstock et al. 1994, Whelan 1995). How parentplants burn should thus influence seed survival rates;rapid combustion of parents that retain seeds off theground should reduce risk. Consistent with this idea,Despain et al. (1996) determined that crowns of lodge-pole pines (Pinus contorta Laws.) require just 15–20seconds on average to burn up entirely, based on videofootage from the Yellowstone wildfires of 1988.Pyrogenic litter may serve a protective function for

species, like some savanna trees, that routinely survivelow-intensity ground-fires with relatively minor damage.If their litter should accumulate over prolonged periods,the boles and surficial roots of such species can becomeincreasingly vulnerable to fires that smolder in packedfuels (Varner et al. 2005, Michaletz and Johnson 2007).Fires spread via pyrogenic fuels and simultaneouslyconsume those fuels (Williamson and Black 1981, Scarffand Westoby 2006); thorough consumption in fireprecludes litter from accumulating over multiple fireintervals (Platt 1999). Although pyrogenic litter has beensuggested to offer competitive advantage to savanna andwoodland trees (Williamson and Black 1981, Scarff andWestoby 2006), it might also serve to protect individualsfrom excessive heating of the soil when fires smolder indense, accumulated duff. Because packed litter oftenretains moisture longer than aboveground fine fuels,flammability of these two fuel types can decouple(Armour et al. 1984, Michaletz and Johnson 2007).

PAUL R. GAGNON ET AL.3484 Ecology, Vol. 91, No. 12




We would expect flammable litter to confer protectiveadvantage for plants in habitats otherwise at risk ofsmoldering duff fires.


Our hypothesis for protective pyrogenicity is forspecies in the context of their historical fire regimesover evolutionary time. We note that extreme fires canact as potent evolutionary filters. Predicting whether andto what extent pyrogenicity should evolve requiresknowledge of the full range of variation in a given fireregime. Fire regimes are dynamic over time; they changealong with environmental conditions and species com-position. Thus, current pyrogenicity should reflect somerange of historical fire regimes along with ongoingchanges in environmental conditions.Modern fire regimes are often novel. Humans exert

new control over fire regimes in many ecosystems, bothdirectly and via human-modified climate (Bowman et al.2009). Discrepancies between current and historical fireregimes can complicate our ability to make inferencesabout selection pressures that past fires would haveexerted on fire-adapted plants. We expect changingmodern fire regimes in fire-prone habitats to drivechanges in the composition and architecture of planttissues, with the potential to send species on newevolutionary trajectories. We propose that where resto-ration and conservation of fire-prone ecosystems is agoal, land managers should strive not only to burn, butto do so in ways that are consistent with historical,climate-driven fire regimes.Expected fire behavior is an integral part of this

evolutionary hypothesis. Fire behavior is highly variableand dependent on synoptic weather and the quantity,moisture content, composition, and configuration offuels. For a host of reasons, modern prescribed fires canbe substantially different in behavior and effect from firestypical during prior evolutionary history (Moritz andOdion 2004). Fuel consumption, especially on theground, is likely to be markedly different (i.e., less)during controlled burning as compared to naturalwildfires during extreme weather. We would expect someof the same traits that render plants less flammable duringlow-intensity prescribed fires (e.g., self-pruning, produc-tion of high bulk-density fuels) to pose risks during high-intensity wildfires that burn fuels more completely. Forexample, during comparatively ‘‘cool’’ prescribed fires,self-pruned fuels lying on the ground might not burn atall, whereas during wildfires in drought times, these samefuels might burn easily. (For plants that retain theirbranches above the ground, these fuels might burn ineither case.) To offer valid insights, it is imperative thatany tests of this hypothesis incorporate fires that aretypical of the evolutionary history of given habitats.Admittedly, this imperative may pose a challenge wherenatural fire occurrence was driven primarily by cyclical,extreme weather events difficult to match under prescrip-tion (e.g., Moritz et al. 2004, Gagnon 2009).


We thank Natalia Aristizabal, Jennifer Balch, Jane Carlson,Jim Dalling, Jessica Eberhard, Larry Ehrlich, Peter Green, JohnMorgan, Matt Slocum, Jarrod Thaxton, Bruce Williamson, andthe Bruna, Harms, and Platt Labs for their assistance in thefield, for comments on the manuscript, and for stimulatingconversations on the topic of plant flammability. We thankPeter Vesk and two anonymous reviewers for their invaluablecomments. We thank the National Science Foundation (DEB516175) for support.


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