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Generalized Chaplygin Gas Models Tested with Type Ia Supernovae

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GENERALIZED CHAPLYGIN GAS MODELS TESTED WITH TYPE Ia SUPERNOVAE Marek Biesiada Department of Astrophysics and Cosmology, University of Silesia, Uniwersytecka 4, 40-007 Katowice, Poland; [email protected] and Wxy odzimierz Godxy owski and Marek Szydxy owski Astronomical Observatory, Jagiellonian University, Orla 171, Krakow, Poland; [email protected], [email protected] Receiv ved 2004 April 14; accepted 2004 December 5 ABSTRACT The generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG), with the equation of state p ¼A=& , was recently proposed as a candidate for dark energy in the universe. In this paper we confront the GCG with Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) data using available samples. Specifically, we have tested the GCG cosmology in three different classes of models with (1) m ¼ 0:3 and Ch ¼ 0:7, (2) m ¼ 0:05 and Ch ¼ 0:95, and (3) m ¼ 0 and Ch ¼ 1, as well as a model without prior assumptions on m . The best-fit models are obtained by minimizing the 1 2 function. We supplement our analysis with confidence intervals in the (A 0 , )-plane by marginalizing the probability density functions (pdf’s) over the remaining parameters assuming uniform priors. We have also derived one-dimensional pdf’s for Ch obtained from joint marginalization over and A 0 . The maximum value of such a pdf provides the most probable value of Ch within the full class of GCG models. The general conclusion is that SN Ia data give support to the Chaplygin gas (with ¼ 1). However, a noticeable preference for A 0 -values close to 1 means that the dependence becomes insignificant. This is reflected in one-dimensional pdf’s for that turned out to be flat, meaning that the power of the present supernova data to discriminate between various GCG models (differing by ) is weak. Extending our analysis by relaxing the prior assumption of the flatness of the universe leads to the result that even though the best-fit values of k are formally nonzero, they are still close to the flat case. Our results show clearly that in GCG cosmology, distant (i.e., z > 1) supernovae should be brighter than in the CDM model. Therefore, one can expect that future supernova experiments (e.g., SNAP) having access to higher redshifts will eventually resolve the issue of whether the dark energy content of the universe could be described as a Chaplygin gas. Moreover, it would be possible to differentiate between models with various values of the -parameter and/or discriminate between GCG, Cardassian, and CDM models. This discriminative power of the forthcoming mission has been demon- strated on simulated SNAP data. Subject heading gs: cosmology: theory — distance scale — supernovae: general 1. INTRODUCTION For a couple of years, two independent observational programs, the high-redshift supernova surveys (Riess et al. 1998; Perlmutter et al. 1999) and cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) small-scale anisotropy measurements (de Bernardis et al. 2000; Benoit et al. 2003; Hinshaw et al. 2003), have brought a new pic- ture of the universe at large. While interpreted within the FRW models, results of these programs suggest that our universe is flat (as inferred from the location of acoustic peaks in the CMBR power spectrum) and currently accelerates its expansion (as in- ferred from the Type Ia supernova [SN Ia] Hubble diagram). Combined with independent knowledge about the amount of baryons and cold dark matter (CDM ), estimated to be m ¼ 0:3 (Turner 2002), it follows that about an X ¼ 0:7 fraction of the critical density & cr ¼ 3c 2 H 2 0 =8%G should be contained in a mysterious component called ‘‘dark energy.’’ The most obvious candidate for this smooth component permeating the universe is the cosmological constant , representing the energy of the vacuum. Well-known fine-tuning problems led many people to seek beyond the framework, and the concept of the quintes- sence had been conceived. Usually, the quintessence is described in a phenomenological manner, as a scalar field with an appro- priate potential (Ratra & Peebles 1988; Caldwell et al. 1998; Frieman et al. 1995). It turns out, however, that the quintessence program also suffers from its own fine-tuning problems (Kolda & Lyth 1999). In 1904 the Russian physicist Chaplygin introduced the ex- otic equation of state p ¼A=& to describe an adiabatic aero- dynamic process (Chaplygin 1904). The attractiveness of this equation of state in the context of dark energy models comes mainly from the fact that it gives a unification of both dark energy (postulated in cosmology to explain the current acceleration of the universe) and clustered dark matter, which is postulated in as- trophysics to explain the flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies. It is interesting that the Chaplygin gas can be derived from the quin- tessence Lagrangian for the scalar field 0 with some potential and also from the Born-Infeld form of the Lagrangian (Kamenshchik et al. 2001). The Chaplygin equation of state has some interesting connections with string theory (Ogawa 2000), and it admits inter- pretation in the framework of brane cosmologies (Jackiw 2000). Recently, this Chaplygin gas (Kamenshchik et al. 2001; Fabris et al. 2002; Szydyowski & Czaja 2004) was proposed as a chal- lenge to the above-mentioned candidates for dark energy. Cur- rently, its generalizations admitting the equation of state p ¼ A=& , where 0 1, have been proposed (Bento et al. 2002; Carturan & Finelli 2003). In this paper we confront the generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) with SN Ia data. At this point, our choice of GCG cos- mologies deserves some justification. There are two approaches in the literature. The first one is phenomenological, i.e., having no preferred theory of dark energy responsible for acceleration of the universe, in which one characterizes dark energy as a cos- mic fluid with an equation of state p X ¼ w& X , where w 1 28 The Astrophysical Journal, 622:28–38, 2005 March 20 # 2005. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


Marek Biesiada

Department of Astrophysics and Cosmology, University of Silesia, Uniwersytecka 4, 40-007 Katowice, Poland; [email protected]


Wxyodzimierz Godxyowski and Marek Szydxyowski

Astronomical Observatory, Jagiellonian University, Orla 171, Krakow, Poland; [email protected], [email protected]

Receivved 2004 April 14; accepted 2004 December 5


The generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG), with the equation of state p ¼ �A=��, was recently proposed as acandidate for dark energy in the universe. In this paper we confront the GCG with Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) datausing available samples. Specifically, we have tested the GCG cosmology in three different classes of models with(1) �m ¼ 0:3 and �Ch ¼ 0:7, (2) �m ¼ 0:05 and �Ch ¼ 0:95, and (3) �m ¼ 0 and �Ch ¼ 1, as well as a modelwithout prior assumptions on �m. The best-fit models are obtained by minimizing the �2 function. We supplementour analysis with confidence intervals in the (A0,�)-plane bymarginalizing the probability density functions (pdf’s)over the remaining parameters assuming uniform priors. We have also derived one-dimensional pdf’s for �Ch

obtained from joint marginalization over � and A0. The maximum value of such a pdf provides the most probablevalue of �Ch within the full class of GCG models. The general conclusion is that SN Ia data give support to theChaplygin gas (with� ¼ 1). However, a noticeable preference for A0-values close to 1 means that the� dependencebecomes insignificant. This is reflected in one-dimensional pdf’s for � that turned out to be flat, meaning that thepower of the present supernova data to discriminate between various GCG models (differing by �) is weak.Extending our analysis by relaxing the prior assumption of the flatness of the universe leads to the result that eventhough the best-fit values of�k are formally nonzero, they are still close to the flat case. Our results show clearly thatin GCG cosmology, distant (i.e., z > 1) supernovae should be brighter than in the�CDMmodel. Therefore, one canexpect that future supernova experiments (e.g., SNAP) having access to higher redshifts will eventually resolve theissue of whether the dark energy content of the universe could be described as a Chaplygin gas. Moreover, it wouldbe possible to differentiate between models with various values of the �-parameter and/or discriminate betweenGCG, Cardassian, and �CDM models. This discriminative power of the forthcoming mission has been demon-strated on simulated SNAP data.

Subject headinggs: cosmology: theory — distance scale — supernovae: general


For a couple of years, two independent observational programs,the high-redshift supernova surveys (Riess et al. 1998; Perlmutteret al. 1999) and cosmicmicrowave background radiation (CMBR)small-scale anisotropy measurements (de Bernardis et al. 2000;Benoit et al. 2003; Hinshaw et al. 2003), have brought a new pic-ture of the universe at large. While interpreted within the FRWmodels, results of these programs suggest that our universe is flat(as inferred from the location of acoustic peaks in the CMBRpower spectrum) and currently accelerates its expansion (as in-ferred from the Type Ia supernova [SN Ia] Hubble diagram).Combined with independent knowledge about the amount ofbaryons and cold dark matter (CDM), estimated to be �m ¼ 0:3(Turner 2002), it follows that about an �X ¼ 0:7 fraction ofthe critical density �cr ¼ 3c2H 2

0=8�G should be contained in amysterious component called ‘‘dark energy.’’ The most obviouscandidate for this smooth component permeating the universeis the cosmological constant �, representing the energy of thevacuum. Well-known fine-tuning problems led many people toseek beyond the � framework, and the concept of the quintes-sence had been conceived. Usually, the quintessence is describedin a phenomenological manner, as a scalar field with an appro-priate potential (Ratra & Peebles 1988; Caldwell et al. 1998;Frieman et al. 1995). It turns out, however, that the quintessenceprogram also suffers from its own fine-tuning problems (Kolda& Lyth 1999).

In 1904 the Russian physicist Chaplygin introduced the ex-otic equation of state p ¼ �A=� to describe an adiabatic aero-dynamic process (Chaplygin 1904). The attractiveness of thisequation of state in the context of dark energy models comesmainly from the fact that it gives a unification of both dark energy(postulated in cosmology to explain the current acceleration ofthe universe) and clustered dark matter, which is postulated in as-trophysics to explain the flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies. It isinteresting that the Chaplygin gas can be derived from the quin-tessence Lagrangian for the scalar field �with some potential andalso from the Born-Infeld form of the Lagrangian (Kamenshchiket al. 2001). The Chaplygin equation of state has some interestingconnections with string theory (Ogawa 2000), and it admits inter-pretation in the framework of brane cosmologies (Jackiw 2000).Recently, this Chaplygin gas (Kamenshchik et al. 2001; Fabriset al. 2002; Szydyowski & Czaja 2004) was proposed as a chal-lenge to the above-mentioned candidates for dark energy. Cur-rently, its generalizations admitting the equation of state p ¼�A=��, where 0 � � � 1, have been proposed (Bento et al.2002; Carturan & Finelli 2003).In this paper we confront the generalized Chaplygin gas

(GCG) with SN Ia data. At this point, our choice of GCG cos-mologies deserves some justification. There are two approachesin the literature. The first one is phenomenological, i.e., havingno preferred theory of dark energy responsible for accelerationof the universe, in which one characterizes dark energy as a cos-mic fluid with an equation of state pX ¼ w�X , where w � �1


The Astrophysical Journal, 622:28–38, 2005 March 20

# 2005. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

(see, e.g., Chiba et al. 1998; Turner & White 1997, and an im-mense amount of literature that appeared thereafter). Because,as already mentioned above, a strain of ideas about dark energyis associated with an evolving scalar, there are good reasons toexpect that the cosmic equation of state could be time depen-dent, i.e., w ¼ w(t) ¼ w(z) (e.g., Weller & Albrecht 2001; Maoret al. 2001, and many others thereafter). This approach seemsattractive from the perspective of analyzing observational datasuch as supernova surveys, and indeed this approach was takenwhile first analyzing the data (Riess et al. 1998, 2004; Perlmutteret al. 1999; Knop et al. 2003). However, even though such anal-ysis places constraints on any potential theory that might explainthe dark energy phenomenon, ultimately one always ends up attesting a specific theory. Along this line, there appeared attemptsto reconstruct the scalar field potential, assuming that the scalarfield was responsible for dark energy (e.g., Alam et al. 2003 andreferences therein). Our approach goes along this philosophy butinstead is devoted to the GCG, which has recently been con-sidered as a candidate for a unified dark matter and dark energycomponent (i.e., responsible for both clustering and acceleratedexpansion; Makler et al. 2003).

The cosmological models with the GCG also have manyspecial features that make them attractive. In the standard cos-mological model, one can clearly distinguish the epochs of ra-diation domination followed by (ordinary) matter domination(with decelerated expansion). As mentioned above, supernovadata suggest that the epoch of decelerated expansion ended andswitched to an accelerated epoch, dominated by dark energy.The GCG models describe smoothly the transition from the de-celerated to accelerated epochs. They represent the simplestdeformation of concordance �CDM (Gorini et al. 2003). More-over, they propose a new unified macroscopic (phenomenolog-ical) description of both dark energy and dark matter. This placesthem in a distinguished position from the point of view of theOccam’s razor principle. It should also be noted that the GCGmodel allows us to explain the currently observed acceleration ofthe universe without the cosmological constant and/or modifi-cation of Einstein’s equations.

If one takes seriously the given dark energy scenario (nec-essary to explain cosmic acceleration), one should also considerthe behavior of perturbations in such a universe. In the frame-work of quintessence models with the barytropic equation of state(i.e., p ¼ w� and w ¼ const), one faces the problem of instabil-ities on short scales. This appears because the speed of soundsquared (equal here to w) is negative (and constant). Calculationof the sound speed in the GCG model (see below) reveals itsnonbarytropic nature. The perturbations inGCGmodels are stableon short scales even in an accelerating phase (Carturan & Finelli2003). Moreover, they behave like dust perturbations whenChaplygin gas is in the dust regime.

Another motivation for studying GCG models comes fromtheoretical physics, specifically from attempts to describe thedark energy in terms of the Lagrangian for a tachyonic field(Garousi 2000; Sen 2002). Of course, it would be nice to havea description of dark energy in terms of the nonquintessenceLagrangian, as it describes the nature of dark energy, while thecosmological constant is the only phenomenological and effec-tive description. One should also note that the GCG equation ofstate arises in modern physics in the context of brane models(Bordemann & Hoppe 1993; Kamenshchik et al. 2001; Randall& Sundrum 1999), where the GCGmanifests itself as an effect ofthe immersion of our universe in multidimensional bulk space.

GCGmodels have been intensively studied in the literature, andin particular they have been tested against supernova data (Makler

et al. 2003; Avelino et al. 2003; Colistete et al. 2004), lensingstatistics (Dev et al. 2003; Silva & Bertolami 2003), CMBRmeasurements (Bento et al. 2003a, 2003b; Carturan & Finelli2003; Amendola et al. 2003), the age-redshift relation (Alcanizet al. 2003), X-ray luminosities of galaxy clusters (Cunha et al.2004), and the large-scale structure considerations (Bean &Dore 2003; Multamaki et al. 2004; Bilic et al. 2004). Perspec-tives on distinguishing between GCG, brane-world scenarios,and quintessence in forthcoming gravity wave experiments havebeen discussed in Biesiada (2003). Although the results are, ingeneral, mutually consistent, there was no strong convergenceto unique values of the A0 and � parameters characterizing theChaplygin gas equation of state.

Makler et al. (2003) considered the FRW model filled com-pletely with GCG and concluded that the whole class of suchmodels is consistent with current SN Ia data, although the valueof � ¼ 0:4 is favored. This result has been confirmed by ouranalysis (class 3 models). However, when the existing knowl-edge about the baryonic matter content of the universe was in-corporated into the study, our results were different from thoseof Makler et al. (2003), who found that � ¼ 0:15 was preferred(assuming �m ¼ 0:04, which is very close to our assumptionfor class 2 models).

As noted by Bean & Dore (2003), GCG models have an in-herent degeneracy with cosmological constant models as far asbackground evolution is concerned, and therefore they have agood fit with SN Ia data. These degeneracies disappear at thelevel of evolution of perturbations, and hence confrontation withthe CMBR spectrum would be decisive. Using available dataon the positions of CMBR peaks measured by BOOMERANG(de Bernardis et al. 2000), ARCHEOPS (Benoit et al. 2003), andWMAP (Hinshaw et al. 2003), Bento et al. (2003a, 2003b) ob-tained the following constraints: 0:81 � A0 � 0:85 and 0:2 �� � 0:6 at the 68% confidence level in the model representativeof our class 2 (i.e., with �m ¼ 0:05 assumed). Another estima-tion of the parameter �was done by Amendola et al. (2003) withWMAP data. They obtained 0 � � < 0:2 at the 95% confidencelevel.

Using the angular size statistics for extragalactic sources com-bined with SN Ia data, it was found in Alcaniz & Lima (2005)that in the �m ¼ 0:3 and �Ch ¼ 0:7 scenario, the best-fit valuesof the model parameters are A0 ¼ 0:83 and � ¼ 1. A recentpaper by Bertolami et al. (2004), in which GCG models havebeen analyzed against Tonry et al. (2003) supernova data re-laxing the prior assumption on flatness, suggests, surprisingly, asthe authors admit, the preference of � > 1.


The Einstein equations for the FRWmodel with hydrodynamicenergy-momentum tensor T�� ¼ (�þ p)u�u� � pg�� read



� �2

¼ 8�G�

3� k

a2(t); ð1Þ


a¼� 4�G

3(�þ 3p): ð2Þ

Let us assume that the matter content of the universe consists ofpressureless gas with energy density �m, representing baryonicmatter plus CDM, and the GCG with the equation of state

pCh ¼ � A

��Ch; ð3Þ


representing the dark energy responsible for the accelerationof the universe. If one further makes an assumption that thesetwo components do not interact, then the energy conservationequation,

�þ 3H( pþ �) ¼ 0; ð4Þ

where H ¼ a=a is the Hubble function, can be integrated sep-arately for matter and Chaplygin gas, leading to the well-knownresult �m ¼ �m;0a

�3 and (see also Bento et al. 2002; Carturan &Finelli 2003)

�Ch ¼ Aþ B


� �1= 1þ�ð Þ: ð5Þ

The physical interpretation of the (so far arbitrary) constants Aand B is as follows. Adopting the usual convention that thecurrent value of the scale factor a0 is equal to 1, one can see that�Ch;0 ¼ (Aþ B)1= 1þ�ð Þ represents the current energy density ofthe Chaplygin gas. Calculating the adiabatic speed of soundsquared for the Chaplygin gas,

c2s ¼@pCh@�Ch

¼ �A

�1þ�¼ �A

Aþ B=a3(1þ�);

it is easy to confirm that the current value of c2s is c2s;0 ¼ �A= Aþð

BÞ. Hence the constantsA andB can be expressed as combinationsof quantities having well-defined physical meaning.

Our further task is to confront the Chaplygin gas model withSN Ia data, and for this purpose we have to calculate the lu-minosity distance in our model,

dL(z) ¼ (1þ z)c


1ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�kj j

p F H0

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�kj j

p Z z




� �; ð6Þ

where �k ¼ �k=H20 and

F (x) ¼sinh x for k < 0;

x for k ¼ 0;

sin x for k > 0:

8><>: ð7Þ

The Friedman equation (eq. [1]) can be rearranged to theform giving explicitly the Hubble function H(z) ¼ a=a,

H(z)2 ¼ H20

(�m(1þ z)3

þ �Ch

hA0 þ (1� A0)(1þ z)3(1þ�)

i1= 1þ�ð Þþ �k(1þ z)2



where the quantities �i (i ¼ m, Ch, and k) represent the frac-tions of the critical density currently contained in energy den-sities of the respective components, and �m þ �Ch þ �k ¼ 1.For the transparency of further formulae, we have also denotedA0 ¼ A=(Aþ B).

Finally, the luminosity distance reads

dL(z) ¼ (1þ z)c


1ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�kj j

p F ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

�kj jp Z z


��m(1þ z0)3þ �Ch


þ (1� A0)(1þ z0)3(1þ�)i1= 1þ�ð Þ

þ �k(1þ z0)2��1=2




Formula (9) is the most general one in the framework of FRWcosmology with GCG. Please note that this model proposes aunified macroscopic (phenomenological) description of bothdark energy and dark matter.In this paper we mostly use the version restricted to a flat

model, k ¼ 0 (the exception is when we relax the flat prior),since the evidence for this case is very strong in the light of cur-rent CMBR data. Therefore, while talking about model testing,we actually mean the estimation of the � and A0 parameters forthe best-fit flat FRW cosmological model filled with GCG.To proceed with fitting the SN Ia data, we need the magnitude-

redshift relation,

m(z;M;�m;�Ch;A0; �) ¼ Mþ 5 log10DL(z;�m;�Ch;A0; �);



DL(z;�m;�Ch;A0; �) ¼ H0dL(z;H0;�m;�Ch;A0; �)

is the luminosity distance with H0 factored out, so that margin-alization over the intercept

M ¼ M � 5 log10H0 þ 25 ð11Þ

actually leads to joint marginalization over H0 and M (M beingthe absolute magnitude of the SN Ia).Then we can obtain the best-fit model minimizing the �2


�2 ¼Xi

mChi � mobs


� �2�2i


where the sum is over the SN Ia sample and �i denote the (full)statistical error of magnitude determination. This is illustratedby Figures 2 and 3, below, which show residuals (with respectto the Einstein–de Sitter model) and �2 levels in the (A0, �)-plane. One of the advantages of residual plots is that the in-tercept of the m-z curve gets canceled. The assumption that theintercept is the same for different cosmological models is le-gitimate, sinceM is actually determined from the low-redshiftpart of the Hubble diagram, which should be linear in all real-istic cosmologies.The best-fit values alone are not relevant if not supplemented

with the confidence levels for the parameters. Therefore, we per-formed the estimation of model parameters using the minimiza-tion procedure, based on the likelihood function.We assumed thatthe supernova measurements came with uncorrelated Gaussianerrors, and in this case the likelihood function L could be deter-mined from the �2 statistic by L / exp (��2=2) (Riess et al.1998; Perlmutter et al. 1999).


Therefore, we supplement our analysis with confidence in-tervals in the (A0, �)-plane by calculating the marginal proba-bility density functions (pdf’s),

P(A0; �) /Zexp ��2(�m;�Ch;A0; �;M)=2�


with �m and �Ch fixed (�m ¼ 0:0, 0.05, and 0.3), and

P(A0; �) /Zexp ��2(�m;�Ch;A0; �;M)=2�


with M fixed (M ¼ �3:39; proportionality sign means equalup to the normalization constant). In order to complete thepicture, we have also derived one-dimensional pdf’s for �Ch

obtained from joint marginalization over � and A0. The maxi-mum value of such a pdf informs us about the most probablevalue of�Ch (supported by supernova data) within the full classof GCG models.


3.1. Samples Used

Supernova surveys (published data) already have a 5 yearlong history. Beginning with the first published samples, otherdata sets have been produced either by correcting original sam-ples for systematic errors or by supplementing them with newsupernovae (or both). It is not our intention here to suggest a dis-tinguished role for any one of these data sets. Therefore, in ouranalysis we decided to use a collection of samples from all ex-isting supernova data.

The latest data were compiled by Riess et al. (2004), and sincethey became available, they have been used by many researchersas a standard data set. However, for the sake of comparison andillustration we also analyzed three earlier samples of supernovae.This seems to be useful, because, as pointed out in the literature,studies performed on different SN Ia samples often gave differ-ent results (see, e.g., Godyowski et al. 2004; Choudhury &Padmanabhan 2005).

Samples from the original Perlmutter et al. (1999) data chosenfor the analysis comprise the full sample reported by Perlmutter(sample A) and a subsample after excluding two outliers dif-fering the most from the average light curve and two outliersclaimed likely to be reddened (sample C). Although the outliersoften suggest statistical inhomogeneity of the data (and somehints suggesting the necessity of removing them from sample Aexist), there is always a danger that removal of outliers is to someextent subjective. Therefore, we retained the full sample A in ouranalysis.

Then Knop et al. (2003) reexamined the Perlmutter et al.(1999) data with host-galaxy extinction correctly assessed. Fromthe Perlmutter sample they chose only those supernovae thatwere spectroscopically safely identified as SNe Ia and had rea-sonable color measurements. They also included 11 new high-redshift supernovae and a well-known sample with low-redshiftsupernovae. In Knop et al. (2003), a few subsamples have beendistinguished. We considered two of them. The first is a subsetof 58 supernovae with corrected extinction (Knop subsample 6;hereafter K6), and the second is a subset of 54 low-extinctionsupernovae (Knop subsample 3; hereafter K3). Samples C andK3 are similarly constructed as containing only low-extinctionsupernovae. The advantage of the Knop sample is that thediscussion by Knop et al. (2003) of extinction correction wasvery careful, and as a result, their sample has extinction correctlyapplied.

Another sample was presented by Tonry et al. (2003), whocollected a large number of supernova data published by dif-ferent authors and added eight new high-redshift SNe Ia. Thissample of 230 SNe Ia was recalibrated with a consistent zeropoint. Wherever possible, the extinction estimates and distancefitting were recalculated. Unfortunately, we were unable to do sofor the full sample (for details, see Table 8 in Tonry et al. 2003).This sample was further improved by Barris et al. (2004), whoadded 23 high-redshift supernovae, including 15 at z � 0:7, thusdoubling the published record of objects at these redshifts. Wehave chosen two Tonry-Barris subsamples. First, we consideredthe full Tonry-Barris sample of 253 low-extinction SNe Ia (here-after sample TBI). Because the Tonry sample has a lot of outliers,especially at low redshifts, we decided to analyze the sampleof 193 SNe Ia in which all low-redshift (z < 0:01) and high-extinction supernovae were excluded (hereafter sample TBII).

Tonry et al. (2003) and Barris et al. (2004) presented the red-shifts and luminosity distances for their supernova sample. There-fore, equations (10) and (11) should be modified appropriately to(Williams et al. 2003)

m�M ¼ 5 log10(DL)Tonry � 5 log1065þ 25; ð12Þ

M ¼ �5 log10H0 þ 25: ð13Þ

For the Hubble constantH0 ¼ 65 km s�1 Mpc�1, one getsM ¼15:935.

Recently, Riess et al. (2004) significantly improved the for-mer Riess sample. They discovered 16 new SNe Ia. It should benoted that six of these objects have z > 1:25 (out of totalnumber of seven objects with such high redshifts). Moreover,they compiled a set of previously observed SNe Ia, relying onlarge, published samples whenever possible to reduce system-atic errors from differences in calibrations. With this enrichedsample, it became possible to test our prediction that distantsupernovae in GCG cosmology should be brighter than in the�CDM model (see discussion in x 3.3).

The full Riess et al. (2004) sample contains 186 SNe Ia(‘‘Silver’’ sample). On the basis of quality of the spectroscopicand photometric record for individual supernovae, they alsoselected a more restricted ‘‘Gold’’ sample of 157 supernovae.We have separately analyzed the �CDM model for supernovaewith z < 1 and for all SNe Ia belonging to the Gold sample.

3.2. Cosmological Models Tested

On these samples, we have tested GCG cosmology in threedifferent classes of models, with (1) �m ¼ 0:3 and �Ch ¼ 0:7,(2) �m ¼ 0:05 and �Ch ¼ 0:95, and (3) �m ¼ 0 and �Ch ¼ 1.We started with a fixed value ofM ¼ �3:39 and modified thisassumption accordingly while analyzing different samples.

The first class was chosen as representative of the standardknowledge of �m (baryonic plus dark matter in galactic halos;Peebles & Ratra 2003) with Chaplygin gas responsible for themissing part of the closure density (the dark energy). In the sec-ond class, we have incorporated (at the level of �m) the priorknowledge about the baryonic content of the universe (as inferredfrom big bang nucleosynthesis [BBN] considerations). Hencethis class is representative of the models in which Chaplygin gasis allowed to clump and is responsible both for dark matter inhalos as well as its diffuse part (dark energy). The third class isa kind of toy model: the FRW universe filled completely withChaplygin gas. We have considered it mainly in order to see howsensitive the SN Ia test is with respect to parameters identifying


the cosmological model. Finally, we analyzed the data withoutany prior assumption about �m.

3.3. Results

The results (best fits) of two fitting procedures performed ondifferent samples andwith different prior assumptions concerningthe cosmological models are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1refers to the �2 method, whereas in Table 2 the results frommarginalized pdf’s are displayed. In both cases we obtained dif-ferent values ofM for each analyzed sample. This point deservesa comment.

From a purely statistical point of view, fitting M for eachsample separately is quite obvious. However, if we recall thephysical meaning of M (see eq. [11]), we see that if we knewthe intrinsic luminosities of SNe Ia and the Hubble constant,thenMwould be a definite number. Hence it is tempting to usea fixed value of M calibrated on a certain reference sample foreach analysis. Preliminary analysis performed on the Perlmutteret al. (1999) samples indicated that parameter estimates, espe-cially for �, were strongly dependent on the choice of M. Ascould be expected, fixing M produced discrepancies betweensubsamples (e.g., between A and C), and fitting M for eachsample significantly improved the consistency.

For example, in the first class of models the best fit (with afixed value of M ¼ �3:39) from sample A is (� ¼ 1, A0 ¼

0:96) at �2 ¼ 95:8. Sample C gives a best fit of (� ¼ 0:95, A0 ¼0:95) at �2 ¼ 53:6. In the second class, sample A gives a best fitof (� ¼ 1, A0 ¼ 0:80) at�2 ¼ 95:4, whereas sample C gives thebest fit (� ¼ 0:51, A0 ¼ 0:73) at �2 ¼ 53:7. Finally, in the thirdclass sample A again gives the best fit of (� ¼ 1, A0 ¼ 0:77) at�2 ¼ 95:4, whereas sample C gives the best fit (� ¼ 0:42, A0 ¼0:69) at �2 ¼ 53:7.However, the fitting procedure for sample C prefers M ¼

�3:44 instead ofM ¼ �3:39, as for sample A. If one takes thisvalue, the results for sample C will change respectively, andthen for the first class A0 ¼ 1 (at �2 ¼ 53:5), which means (seeeq. [8]) that � can be arbitrary, and the problem is effectivelyequivalent to the model with the cosmological constant. Anal-ogously, for the second class A0 ¼ 0:83 and � ¼ 1 (at �2 ¼52:9), while for the third class A0 ¼ 0:80 and � ¼ 1 (at �2 ¼52:9). This indicates clearly that model parameters, especially�, strongly depend on the choice of M.The same thing happened if we analyzed the data without

any prior assumption about �m and if the marginal pdf’s wereused to derive the best fits. Therefore, we additionally analyzedour samples marginalized overM and reported the appropriateresults.From the above analysis, we concluded that the �m and A0

parameters derived from samples A and C are similar. For �m

fixed, A0 increases with increasing �m. The estimates of the


Results of GCG Models from Minimum �2

Sample �m �Ch A0 � M �2

A.......................... 0.00 1.00 0.77 1.00 �3.39 95.4

0.00 1.00 0.77 1.00 �3.39 95.4

0.05 0.95 0.80 1.00 �3.39 95.4

0.30 0.70 0.96 1.00 �3.39 95.8

C.......................... 0.00 1.00 0.80 1.00 �3.44 52.9

0.00 1.00 0.80 1.00 �3.44 52.9

0.05 0.95 0.83 1.00 �3.44 53.0

0.30 0.70 0.99 1.00 �3.42 53.3

K6........................ 0.00 1.00 0.81 1.00 �3.52 55.3

0.00 1.00 0.81 1.00 �3.52 55.3

0.05 0.95 0.84 1.00 �3.52 55.4

0.30 0.70 1.00 1.00 �3.51 55.9

K3........................ 0.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 �3.48 60.4

0.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 �3.48 60.4

0.05 0.95 0.87 1.00 �3.47 60.4

0.30 0.70 1.00 1.00 �3.44 61.4

TBI ...................... 0.00 1.00 0.79 1.00 15.895 273.9

0.00 1.00 0.79 1.00 15.895 273.8

0.05 0.95 0.82 1.00 15.895 274.0

0.30 0.70 0.97 1.00 15.915 275.8

TBII..................... 0.00 1.00 0.78 1.00 15.915 186.5

0.00 1.00 0.78 1.00 15.915 186.5

0.05 0.95 0.81 1.00 15.915 186.6

0.30 0.70 0.97 1.00 15.925 188.4

Silver ................... 0.00 1.00 0.82 1.00 15.945 229.4

0.00 1.00 0.82 1.00 15.945 229.4

0.05 0.95 0.85 1.00 15.945 229.6

0.30 0.70 0.99 1.00 15.965 232.3

Gold..................... 0.00 1.00 0.81 1.00 15.945 173.7

0.00 1.00 0.81 1.00 15.945 173.7

0.05 0.95 0.84 1.00 15.945 173.8

0.30 0.70 0.99 1.00 15.965 175.6

Notes.—Results of statistical analysis of the GCG model (with marginalization over M)performed on analyzed samples of SNe Ia (A, C, K6, K3, TBI, TBII, Silver, and Gold ) as aminimum �2 best fit. First rows for each sample refer to no prior on �m. The same analysiswas repeated with fixed priors �m ¼ 0:0, �m ¼ 0:05, and �m ¼ 0:3.


�-parameter are different for each of the two above-mentionedsamples, but unfortunately, errors are large. Discrepancy be-tween the best-fit procedure and minimization procedure (basedon the likelihood function) increases with the number of pa-rameters fitted. The minimization procedure seems to be moreappropriate in the context of our problem. We repeated our anal-ysis without prior assumptions on �m. The density distributions

(one-dimensional pdf ) for model parameters obtained by mar-ginalization over the remaining parameters of the model arepresented in Figure 1.

One can see from Table 1 that using the Knop et al. (2003)samples did not influence the conclusions in a significant way.However, the errors of parameter estimation decreased noticeably(see Table 2). The minimization procedure prefers (especially for


GCG Model Parameter Values from Probability Density Functions

Sample �m �Ch A0 � M

A....................................... 0:17þ0:08�0:17 0:83þ0:17

�0:08 0:83þ0:14�0:09 �0:0þ0:67 �3:36þ0:05


0.00 1.00 0:73þ0:08�0:10 1:0�0:63 �3:38þ0:05


0.05 0.95 0:76þ0:08�0:09 1:0�0:66 �3:38þ0:05


0.30 0.70 0:96þ0:04�0:09 0:0þ0:65 �3:36þ0:04


C....................................... 0:15þ0:08�0:15 0:85þ0:15

�0:08 0:86þ0:13�0:10 0:0þ0:66 �3:41þ0:05


0.00 1.00 0:76þ0:08�0:10 0:49þ0:36

�0:35 �3:43þ0:06�0:05

0.05 0.95 0:79þ0:08�0:11 0:11þ0:57

�0:11 �3:43þ0:06�0:05

0.30 0.70 0:99þ0:01�0:11 0:0þ0:64 �3:39þ0:04


K6..................................... 0:10þ0:11�0:10 0:90þ0:10

�0:11 0:88þ0:12�0:08 �0:0þ0:66 �3:51þ0:03


0.00 1.00 0:78þ0:07�0:09 0:71þ0:29

�0:40 �3:52þ0:04�0:03

0.05 0.95 0:81þ0:08�0:09 0:06þ0:61

�0:06 �3:52þ0:04�0:03

0.30 0.70 1:00�0:10 0:0þ0:64 �3:49þ0:02�0:03

K3..................................... 0:11þ0:07�0:11 0:89þ0:11

�0:07 0:88þ0:11�0:05 0:0þ0:66 �3:45þ0:03


0.00 1.00 0:80þ0:06�0:06 0:30þ0:39

�0:30 �3:47þ0:05�0:04

0.05 0.95 0:84þ0:05�0:07 0:0þ0:67 �3:47þ0:05


0.30 0.70 1:00�0:06 0:0þ0:63 �3:42þ0:03�0:03

TBI ................................... 0:00þ0:21 1:00�0:21 0:81þ0:12�0:07 1:0�0:60 15:905þ0:02


0.00 1.00 0:75þ0:04�0:05 1:0�0:54 15:905þ0:02


0.05 0.95 0:78þ0:04�0:06 1:0�0:55 15:915þ0:02


0.30 0.70 0:96þ0:04�0:04 0:0þ0:67 15:915þ0:02


TBII.................................. 0:00þ0:21 1:00�0:21 0:81þ0:12�0:07 1:0�0:62 15:925þ0:02


0.00 1.00 0:75þ0:04�0:06 1:0�0:54 15:915þ0:03


0.05 0.95 0:78þ0:04�0:06 1:0�0:54 15:925þ0:03


0.30 0.70 0:96þ0:04�0:04 0:0þ0:67 15:935þ0:03


Silver ................................ 0:00þ0:18 1:00�0:18 0:84þ0:09�0:06 1:0�0:59 15:945þ0:02


0.00 1.00 0:79þ0:03�0:05 1:0�0:52 15:955þ0:02


0.05 0.95 0:81þ0:04�0:04 1:0�0:54 15:955þ0:02


0.30 0.70 0:99þ0:01�0:03 0:0þ0:64 15:965þ0:03


Gold.................................. 0:00þ0:20 1:00�0:20 0:83þ0:11�0:07 1:0�0:64 15:955þ0:03


0.00 1.00 0:77þ0:04�0:05 1:0�0:58 15:955þ0:02


0.05 0.95 0:80þ0:04�0:05 1:0�0:59 15:955þ0:02


0.30 0.70 0:99þ0:01�0:04 0:0þ0:64 15:965þ0:02


Notes.—GCG model parameter values obtained from the marginal pdf ’s calculated on Perlmutter, Knop,Tonry-Barris, and Riess samples. First rows for each sample refer to no prior on �m. The same analysis wasrepeated with fixed priors �m ¼ 0:0, �m ¼ 0:05, and �m ¼ 0:3.

Fig. 1.—Density distributions (one-dimensional pdf ’s) for �Ch, A0, and � obtained from sample K3 by marginalization over the remaining parameters of themodel. We obtain the limits �Ch > 0:70, A0 > 0:74, and � < 0:94 at the confidence level of 95.4%.


sample K3) � to be close to zero. The exception is the model with�m ¼ 0, where � ¼ 0:3 and � ¼ 0:71 are obtained for samplesK3 and K6, respectively.

The above-mentioned results for the Knop et al. (2003)sample K3 and Riess et al. (2004) Gold sample are illustrated inFigures 2 and 3. Three types of figures are displayed. First, wepresent residual plots of redshift-magnitude relations betweenthe Einstein–de Sitter model (represented by the zero line), thebest-fit GCG model without prior assumptions on �m (middlecurve), and the flat �CDM model with � ¼ 0:75 and �m ¼0:25 (upper curve). One can observe that systematic deviationbetween the �CDM model and the GCG model gets larger athigher redshifts. The GCG model predicts that high-redshiftsupernovae should be brighter than predicted with the �CDMmodel. Then, levels of constant �2 on the (A0, �)-plane for theGCG model without prior assumptions on �m, marginalizedover M, are presented in the center panels. Finally, the rightpanels show the confidence levels on the (A0, �)-plane.

One should note that as a best fit, we obtain�m ¼ 0,�Ch ¼ 1,A0 ¼ 0:85, and � ¼ 1, i.e., the results are the same as for a toymodel with Chaplygin gas only (�Ch ¼ 1). Formally, we couldhave analyzed models with � > 1. However, because of the largeerror in the estimation of the �-parameter, it does not seem rea-sonable to analyze such a possibility with current supernova data.

The results of a similar analysis obtained with the Tonry-Barris sample are similar to those obtained with previous sam-

ples. For example, the TBII sample gives the best fit, �m ¼ 0,�Ch ¼ 1, A0 ¼ 0:78, and � ¼ 1, i.e., nearly the same as in thecase of the K3 sample.Joint marginalization over parameters gives the following

results: �Ch ¼ 1:00 (hence �m ¼ 0:0), with the limit �Ch �0:79 at the confidence level of 68.3% and �Ch � 0:67 at theconfidence level of 95.4%, and (� ¼ 1:0, A0 ¼ 0:81), with thelimit �2 (0:40; 1) and A02 (0:74; 0:93) at the confidence levelof 68.3% and �2 (0:06; 1) and A02 (0:70; 1:00) at the confi-dence level of 95.4%.However, with the minimization procedure we find an im-

portant difference between results obtained with the Tonry-Barris sample and those obtained with Perlmutter C and Knopsamples. The minimization procedure (except the model withfixed �m ¼ 0:3) performed on Tonry-Barris data gives � ¼ 1.This is significantly different from the result obtained for thePerlmutter and Knop samples, where the minimization proce-dure preferred small values of the �-parameter. In addition, theTonry-Barris sample preferred a value of �m ¼ 0, while thePerlmutter and Knop samples suggested that�m is close to zero,which indicates that the baryonic component is small, in agree-ment with BBN.The new Riess sample leads to results that are similar to those

obtained with the Tonry-Barris sample. However, the errors inthe estimation of the parameters are lower. For the Gold sample,joint marginalization over the parameters gives the following

Fig. 2.—Results from sample K3. Left: Residuals (in mag) between the Einstein–de Sitter model (zero line), the flat �CDM model (upper curve), and the best-fitGCG model without prior assumptions on �m (middle curve). Center: Levels of constant �2 on the plane (A0, �) for the GCG model. Right: Confidence levels on theplane (A0, �) for the GCG model, marginalized over M and �m.

Fig. 3.—Results from Gold sample. Left: Residuals (in mag) between the Einstein–de Sitter model (zero line), flat �CDMmodel (two upper curves: for SN Ia withz < 1 [highest curve] and for all SNe Ia belonging to the sample [next-highest curve]), and the best-fit GCGmodel without any prior assumptions on�m (middle curve).Center: Levels of constant �2 on the plane (A0, �) for the GCGmodel. Right: Confidence levels on the plane (A0, �) for the GCGmodel, marginalized overM and �m.


results: �Ch ¼ 1:00 (hence �m ¼ 0:0), with the limit �Ch �0:80 at the confidence level of 68.3% and �Ch � 0:69 at theconfidence level of 95.4%, and (� ¼ 1:0, A0 ¼ 0:83), with thelimit �2 (0:36; 1) and A02 (0:76; 0:94) at the confidence level of68.3% and �2 (0:05; 1) and A02 (0:72; 1:00) at the confidencelevel of 95.4%.

Figure 3 shows the results for the Gold sample and is againorganized into three panels. As one can see from the left panelof Figure 3, the differences between the results obtained in bothcases are small (however, the result obtained with the full Goldsample leads to the prediction of brighter distant supernovaethan in the case with z < 1 SNe Ia). Note that in the plot ofresiduals we have two curves corresponding to the flat �CDMmodel: one for SN Ia with z < 1 (highest curve) and one for allSNe Ia belonging to the sample (next-highest curve). The best-fit GCG model (without prior assumptions on �m) correspondsto the middle curve. One can see that most distant supernovae areactually brighter than predicted in the �CDM model. This is inagreement with the prediction of the GCG cosmology. It is alsoapparent from Figure 3 that confidence levels on the (A0, �)-plane (for the Gold sample) are comparable at the 95.4% con-fidence level with the results obtained on the the Knop sample.However, the preferred values of � are different.

3.4. Flat Prior Relaxed

We extended our analysis by adding a curvature term to theoriginal GCG model. Then in equation (9) we must take into ac-count the�k term. For statistical analysis we restricted the valuesof the �m parameter to the interval [0, 1], �Ch to the interval[0, 2], and �k was obtained from the constraint �m þ �Chþ

�k ¼ 1. However, the cases �k < �1 were excluded from theanalysis. The results are presented in Tables 3 and 4, displayingbest fits to cosmological parameters obtained from �2 and mar-ginal pdf ’s, respectively. Density distribution functions (one-dimensional pdf ’s) formodel parameters obtained bymarginaliza-tion over the remaining parameters of the model are presented inFigure 4.

In the model without prior assumptions on �m, we obtain withthe Knop sample �k ¼ �0:19 as a best fit, while the maximum-likelihood method prefers �k ¼ �0:60. However, for modelswith priors on �m or �Ch (see x 3.2), the maximum-likelihoodmethod prefers a universe much ‘‘closer’’ to the flat one. Specif-ically, for the toy model with Chaplygin gas only, one gets �k ¼0:10 and�k ¼ 0:05 for themodel with baryonic content only, i.e.,�m ¼ 0:05. We should emphasize that even though we allowed�k 6¼ 0, the preferred model of the universe is nearly a flat one,which is in agreement with CMBR data. This is an advantageof our GCG model as compared with the �CDM model, wherein Riess et al. (1998) and Perlmutter et al. (1999) a high negativevalue of�kwas obtained as a best fit, although a zero value of�k

was statistically admissible. In order to find the curvature of theuniverse, they additionally used data from CMBR and extraga-lactic astronomy.

Our main result here is that the preference of the nearly flatuniverse is confirmed with the new Riess et al. (2004) sample.In the model without a prior assumption on �m we obtain �k ¼�0:12 as a best fit with the Gold sample, while maximum-likelihood method prefers �k ¼ �0:32, i.e., the Gold samplegives an even ‘‘more flat’’ universe than the Knop sample. Themodels with priors on�m also give very similar results when we


GCG Models with Flat Prior Relaxed from Minimum �2

Sample �k �m �Ch A0 � M �2

K3......................... �0.19 0.00 1.19 0.82 1.00 �3.48 60.3

�0.25 0.00 1.25 0.82 1.00 �3.49 60.3

�0.28 0.05 1.23 0.84 1.00 �3.49 60.3

�0.48 0.30 1.18 0.93 0.97 �3.49 60.3

Gold...................... �0.12 0.00 1.12 0.80 0.99 15.945 173.4

�0.13 0.00 1.13 0.81 1.00 15.935 173.4

�0.17 0.05 1.12 0.83 1.00 15.935 173.4

�0.31 0.30 1.01 0.94 1.00 15.955 173.6

Notes.—Results of statistical analysis of GCG models with the flat prior relaxed and withmarginalization over M performed on Knop sample K3 and the Gold sample as a minimum �2 best fit.First rows refer to no prior on �m. The same analysis was repeated with fixed �m ¼ 0:0, �m ¼ 0:05, and�m ¼ 0:3.


GCG Models with Flat Prior Relaxed from Probability Density Functions

Sample �k �m �Ch A0 � M

K3.......................... �0:60þ0:38�0:38 0:00þ0:29 1:26þ0:25

�0:39 0:89þ0:11�0:07 0:0þ0:64 �3:46þ0:05


0:10þ0:37�0:60 0.00 0:90þ0:59

�0:37 0:76þ0:10�0:07 0:0þ0:66 �3:46þ0:04


0:05þ0:31�0:58 0.05 0:90þ0:58

�0:31 0:78þ0:10�0:06 0:0þ0:66 �3:47þ0:05


�0:35þ0:17�0:40 0.30 1:05þ0:41

�0:17 0:88þ0:09�0:05 0:0þ0:63 �3:47þ0:04


Gold....................... �0:32þ0:25�0:25 0:00þ0:28 1:06þ0:24

�0:22 0:82þ0:13�0:05 0:0þ0:64 15:945þ0:03


�0:19þ0:29�0:28 0.00 1:19þ0:28

�0:29 0:76þ0:03�0:05 0:85þ0:15

�0:52 15:945þ0:02�0:03

�0:20þ0:28�0:29 0.05 1:15þ0:29

�0:28 0:78þ0:05�0:06 0:54þ0:36

�0:32 15:945þ0:02�0:03

�0:30þ0:21�0:23 0.30 1:00þ0:23

�0:21 0:91þ0:04�0:05 0:00þ0:60 15:945þ0:02


Notes.—Results of statistical analysis of GCG models with the flat prior relaxed and with marginalization over Mperformed on Knop sample K3 and the Gold sample. Model parameter values are obtained from the marginal pdf ’s. Firstrows refer to no prior on �m. The same analysis was repeated with fixed �m ¼ 0:0, �m ¼ 0:05, and �m ¼ 0:3.


analyze Knop and Riess samples. One can see that estimation ofother model parameters gives similar results for both samples,with the exception of parameter �. Specifically, for the toy andbaryonic models the maximum-likelihood method prefers a uni-verse with a nonzero parameter�, as for the flat universe case. Onecan see that when we analyze the Gold sample with the flat priorrelaxed, the errors in the estimation of the model parameters sig-nificantly decrease (as comparedwith the case of theKnop sample).


In the near future the SNAP mission is expected to observeabout 2000 SNe Ia each year, over a period of 3 yr.1 Therefore, itcould be possible to discriminate between various cosmological

Fig. 4.—Density distributions (one-dimensional pdf’s) for various cosmological parameters derived by marginalization over the remaining parameters of themodel, from the Gold sample with the flat prior relaxed. We obtain the limits �k 2 (�0:81; 0:21), �Ch2 (0:66; 1:54), �m2 (0; 0:47), A02 (0:72; 1), and � < 0:95 atthe confidence level of 95.4%. For comparison, we present (bottom right panel ) the one-dimensional pdf for the �-parameter obtained from the baryonic model(�m ¼ 0:05) Gold sample, where we obtained � > 0:04 at the confidence level of 95.4%.

Fig. 5.—Confidence levels on the plane (A0, �) for sample X1 (�CDM model; left panel ) and X2 (Cardassian model; right panel ) of simulated SNAP data,marginalized over �m. The figure shows the ellipses of preferred values of A0 and �.

1 See http://www-supernova.lbl.gov and http://snfactory.lbl.gov.


models, since errors in the estimation of model parameterswould decrease significantly. We tested how a large number ofnew data would influence the errors in the estimation of modelparameters. We assumed that the universe is flat and tested threeclasses of cosmological models. In the first, the �CDM model,we assumed �m ¼ 0:25, �� ¼ 0:75, and M ¼ �3:39 (Knopet al. 2003). The second class was representative of the so-calledCardassian models (Freese & Lewis 2002), with parameters�m ¼ 0:42, �Card ¼ 0:52, and n ¼ �0:77, as obtained inGodyowski et al. (2004). Let us note that at the level of theHubble diagram test, Cardassian models are equivalent to quin-tessence models. The difference is in the underlying philoso-phy: quintessence assumes an exotic dark energy componentwith a hydrodynamic equation of state in the ordinary FRWmodel, while the Cardassian universe assumes a modificationof the Friedman equation (which can be either due to an exoticmatter component or due to modification of the gravity law).The last model was the GCG model with the parameters ob-tained in the present paper as best fits for the K3 sample (�m ¼0, A0 ¼ 0:85 and � ¼ 1). These values are in agreement withresults of the analysis performed on Tonry-Barris and Riesssamples. Alternatively, we also test the GCGmodel with a smallvalue of the �-parameter, suggested (from marginal pdf ’s) byanalysis of the Perlmutter and Knop samples (�m ¼ 0, A0 ¼0:76, and� ¼ 0:40). For the three above-mentionedmodels, wegenerated samples of 1915 supernovae (samples X1, X2, X3a,and X3b, respectively) in the redshift range z2½0:01; 1:7�, dis-tributed according to predicted SNAP data (see Table 1 of Alamet al. 2003). We assumed a Gaussian distribution of uncer-tainties in the measurement of m and z. The errors in redshifts zare of the order of 1 � ¼ 0:002, while the uncertainty in themeasurement of magnitudem is assumed to be 1 � ¼ 0:15. Thesystematic uncertainty is �sys ¼ 0:02 mag at z ¼ 1:5 (Alamet al. 2003). Hence one can assume that �sys(z) ¼ (0:02=1:5)z asa first approximation. For such generated samples we repeatedour analysis. The results of our analysis are presented in Fig-ures 5 and 6. In these figures we present confidence levels on theplane (A0, �) for samples of simulated SNAP data. The figuresshow the ellipses of preferred values ofA0 and�. It is easy to seethat with the forthcoming SNAP data it will be possible to dis-criminate between the predictions of �CDM and GCG models.With the Cardassian model the situation is not so clear, however.

Note that if � ’ 0:4, as suggested by analysis of Perlmutter sam-ple C (see also Makler et al. 2003; Avelino et al. 2003; Fabriset al. 2002; Colistete et al. 2004), then it will be possible to dis-criminate between a model with Chaplygin gas and a Cardassianmodel (see Figs. 5 and 6). Moreover, it is clear that with the fu-ture SNAP data it will be possible to differentiate betweenmodelswith various values of the �-parameter. This is especially valu-able, since all analyses performed so far have had weak sensi-tivity with respect to �.


It is apparent that GCG models have brighter supernovaeat redshifts z > 1. Indeed, one can see in Figures 2 and 3 (leftpanels) that the systematic deviation from the baseline Einstein–de Sitter model gets larger at higher redshifts. This predictionseems to be independent of the analyzed sample.

We found that the estimated value of A0 is close to 0.8 in allconsidered models, with the exception of the class 1 model(�m ¼ 0:3), when A0 > 0:95. Relaxing the flat prior leads to theresult that even though the best-fit values of �k are formallynonzero, they are close to the flat case. This should be viewed asan advantage of the GCGmodel, since in similar analyses of the�CDMmodel in Riess et al. (1998) and Perlmutter et al. (1999)high negative values of �k were found to be best fitted to thedata, and independent inspiration from CMBR and extraga-lactic astronomy has been invoked to fix the curvature problem.Another advantage of the GCGmodel is that it leads in a naturalway to the conclusion that the matter (baryonic) componentshould be small, which is in agreement with the BBN predic-tion. Estimates of A0, �k , and �m are all independent of thesample used in our analysis.

Our results suggest that SN Ia data support the Chaplygin gas(i.e., � ¼ 1) scenario when the �2 best-fit procedure is used.The minimization procedure performed on Tonry-Barris andRiess data also gives � ¼ 1 (except for the model with fixed�m ¼ 0:3). However, the maximum-likelihood fitting with theKnop et al. (2003) sample prefers, quite unexpectedly, a smallvalue of � or even � ¼ 0, i.e., the �CDM scenario. Note that asmall value of � is in agreement with the results obtained fromCMBR (de Bernardis et al. 2000; Benoit et al. 2003; Hinshawet al. 2003; Bento et al. 2002; Amendola et al. 2003) and withthe recent analysis of Zhu (2004), who used combined data of

Fig. 6.—Confidence levels on the plane (A0, �) for sample X3a (GCG model, �m ¼ 0, A0 ¼ 0:85 and � ¼ 1; left panel ) and sample X3b (GCG model, �m ¼ 0,A0 ¼ 0:76 and � ¼ 0:49; right panel ) of simulated SNAP data, marginalized over �m. The figure shows the ellipses of preferred values of A0 and �.


the X-ray gas mass fraction of the galaxy cluster, FR IIB radiogalaxies, and the combined sample of Perlmutter et al. (1999)and Riess et al. (1998, 2001) to claim that � could even be lessthan zero. The results are dependent both on the sample chosenand on the prior knowledge of M, in which the Hubble con-stant and intrinsic luminosity of SNe Ia are entangled. More-over, the observed preference of A0-values close to 1 means thatthe � dependence becomes insignificant (see eq. [8]). This isreflected in one-dimensional pdf’s for � that turned out to beflat, meaning that the power of the present supernova data todiscriminate between various GCG models (differing by �) isweak.

However, we argue that with future SNAP data it would bepossible to differentiate between models with various values of

the �-parameter. Residual plots indicate the differences between�CDM and GCG cosmologies at high redshifts. Therefore, onecan expect that future supernova experiments (e.g., SNAP) hav-ing access to higher redshifts will eventually resolve the issueof whether the dark energy content of the universe could be de-scribed as a Chaplygin gas. The discriminative power of forth-coming SNAP data has been illustrated in Figures 5 and 6, ob-tained from the analysis on simulated SNAP data.

We thank B. J. Barris and A. G. Riess for explanation of thedetails of their SN Ia samples. M. S. was supported by KBNgrant 2P03D00326. M. B. would like to express his gratitude toLJCh for continuous support.


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