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Gloucestershire Parish Registers. Marriages. IV - Forgotten ...

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Gloucestersh ire

Pa r i s h




,B .C .L .



9¢$ v § 0 0 1 7

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I onbon



1898 .


In th is,the fourth volume

,are given the Marriage Registers

of sixteen Gloucestershire parishes , all in the north easterncorner of the coun ty. The former volumes contain the

twenty-one following parishes

VOLUME I .King’s Stan ley SwindonOwlpen Fortham ptonQ uedge ley Nimpsfield

Ren dcombe S l imbridgeVOLUME I I I .

Nether Swe l l MatsonSton e Bishop’s C leeveM ick leton Charlton King’sAston Subedge Dorsington

For the Kemerton Registers than ks are due to the Rector,

the Rev . J J . Mercier. All the others have been transcribedby the Rev. J . Harvey Bloom

,Rector of Whitchurch


Stratford- upon-Avon,and to him the Editor is under special

obl igation for the readin ess with which he has helped forwardthe work . Thanks also are due to the parish clergy for leaveto prin t the various registers . Their names are mentionedunder the several parishes . 1 3 7 9 1 1 8As before

,this volume is issued without an index. Here

after the Editor hopes that it will be feasible to issue a general

VOLUME I I .Leon ard U ley

Stan leyStonehouseStinchcombe

in dex for the who le coun ty,and thus to avoid that great evil

an un due mul tipl ici ty of indexes .The reader must bear '

in min d that these tran scripts are

not legal “ eviden ce,

”and that for certificates the parish

clergy must be appl ied to.

Volume V,nowin the press

,will contain

,with other

parishes,Hawkesbury and Dursley

,and will appear at an

early date .

The Editor desires to impress upon the reader the fact thatit is on ly volunteer assis tance which renders the issue of theseRegisters possible . He will gladly welcome further help inthe work of transcription .

1 2 4, Chancery Lane,

September,1 898 .


Hinton-ou- the-Green

Aston SomervilleKemerton

Lem ington Parva



Pre 'ston-ljifion-Stour



Temple Gui tingWormington


WestohSubedgeGuiting PowerSutton-under—Brail§Todenham

(Elnnrezterzhire 33am !) fi rgizterz .

Marriages at H inton on th e

Green ,

1 73 5 to 1 8 1 2 .

NOTE — The earl iest volume of Registers n owin the Parish Churchcomm ences in 1735 . I t is a parchmen t volume

,13 by 82} inches,

con ta in ing 16 parchm en t leaves, and four others of paper.It is in good condition . The second volum e is of paper, and hasen tries upon 1 2 pages . The Marriages have been extracted bythe Rev. J . Harvey Bloom ,

M .A .

,Rector ofWhitchurch , and are

nowprin ted under h is supervis ion , with the consent of the

Rev. C . A. Baker,M .A.

,Rector of Hin ton .


William Edgington Ann HawkinsThomas Cook Margaret ClarkReuben Gregory, of St . Lawrence, Evesham,

Francess PurtonJohn Gould I sabell FowlerThomas Bonner Elizabeth Tinkler


BengeworthJonathan Hearth Sarah Horn

,in Esen isham

Evesham]Thomas Owen An n HearthWilliam Daffan

,of Cropthorne

,Eliz . Reeve

Samuel Freeman,of Great Cummerton


Ball,a lias Baldwin

James Burrows Han n ah GreenCharles Welch

,of All Sain ts



Margaret Wakeman, of AshtonJoseph Hall

,of Willersey

,Rebecca Morris


of BradfortonGLOUC.

— IV.

1 6 June1 Sept .

9 May

1 9 May9 Oct.

9 Oct .

2 9 Jan .

1 8 Oct .

2 6 Feb .

I 73S

1 736

I 73 9

89I 740

1 74 1

1 74:

2 Gioacestersizire Par is/i Reg isters.

Thomas Smith Han n ah Gibbs, CampdenThomas Berry Mary Chen eyJohn Wiston An n e SmithJohn Hun t Susan n ah BrooksRichard Parker An n DykeJohn Van n Mary DukesWill iam Egerton Sarah HeathJohn Griffiths An n Alcote

VOLUME I I .Richard Coakle

,of Marvil Morville], co .


,Sarah Walford


John Salisbury,of Little Cumberton



,Elizabeth Horton

Edward Salisbury Mary HouseTimothy Davis Mary H ough ts

John Charlwood,W .

,Mary Kn ight

William Mancell Elizabeth CockrillThomas Harris Elizabeth HouseJohn Hun t


,Mary Willis

,w .

John Taylor Elizabeth Barrat tRichard Chesher Sarah Edg in tunThomas Grun dy Elizabeth SalisburyEdward Pooley Sarah MarshallThomas Z eller Mary Hun tEdward Holmes Mary Charlwood


Stephen Smith,of Childs Wickham

,Jan e

Drin kwater,lzc.

William Knight An n Saun dersJohn Ballard

,of Ross

, co. Hereford,Mary


Thomas Panter Ann WestonSeptimus Smith An n HolmesEdward Pooley

,of Bishampton


,Eliz .

WillisTobias Atkin s Elizabeth CroftThomas Hun t Mary Davis


George Klipch Sarah New,lie.

[ 1746

2 0 Jun e 1 755

2 3 Jan .

4 May

1 Jun e1 4 Aug .

5 Oct.

8 Jan .

1 1 Feb .

4 May9 Apr.

1 766

1 768

1 769

1 771

1 772

179 7] H in ton -on - Z/ze Green Marr iag es. 3

Edward Hayes Mary Kn ightGeorge Robbert


,Elizabeth Saun ders

,w .

William Walton Elizabeth Kn ightGeorge Neal Sarah Ben netJames White

,of Tewkesbury



W il l iam Dike 81 Ann SealsburyJohn Brown Mary HancockJohn Birch Sarah YeatsThomas Millar An n HainesJohn Smith


,Mary Burrows

Will iam Bird,of Sedgeberrow


,Eliz .

BerwickThomas Knight Jan e PensonWill iam H umpheris Mary Amph letWil liam Howse Elizabeth Salsbury


HamptonWilliam Jon es

,of Kidderminster



Joseph Min eyatt Betty RobbertsWill iam Gandall Sarah SharpJohn Weston Han n ah H orn eyblowSeptimus Smith Mary CliftonAn thony Hag

,of Didbrook

,Sarah Haughty

John Lambley,of Hampton

,Anne Bond

John Hughes Elizabeth LewisWilliam Humphries Elizabeth HolmesEdward Warren

,of Evesham

,Mary Wel les



James Dutton,of Cropthorn e

,Sarah Pealey

James Edgington,of St . Lawrence


SalisburyJames Hughes

,of Somerville Aston


Diann ah Phil lipsRobert Dyde Sm ith, of Hampton, Elizabeth


Thomas Gould,of Cleeve

, w.,



JosephWestbury Ann Harris

1 0 Nov.

2 5 Feb .

2 4 May

1 Apr. 1 79 2

1 0 Apr.

2 6 July

2 9 Oct . 1 79 5

1 NOV. 1 797B 2

4 Gtoueestersizire Par isa Reg isters . [ 1 8 1 2

John H amplet Mary Ben netRobert Spen cer

,of Kemmerton



Thomas Roggers, of Wiggan , Sarah StateRichard East

,of Hayles

,Elizabeth Bennet

Thomas Jon es,of Bromyard

,co. Hereford


Eliz. HartinThomas Saunders Elizabeth BrayWilliam Thornett Mary Thornett


Thomas Newbury Mary NewmanThomas Pain Elean or CookGeorge Phill ips

,of Childs Wickham


W inkfieldJohn Stokes

,of Sedgeborough , Lucy


John Smith,Sarah Town son

Joseph Slater Mary HumphriesThomas Mealing

,of Broadway

,An n e

WaltonJohn Chambers

,of Childs Wickham



Samuel Jon es,of Childs Wickham


LeyesThomas Mace

,of New Chalford

,co. Oxon


Elizabeth Thorn ett,lie.

Edward Cook,of Weston Subedge An n

HarrisNathan Izod Esther JamesWilliam Poort Jud i th Green

2 1 NOV.

7 July

2 9 Dec.

1 7 J an .

1 7 May

1 3 Feb .

Marriages at Aston

Som ervi lle ,

1 66 1 to 1 8 1 2 .

NOTE — The earl iest Register n owrema in in g is a parchmen t volume ,

m easuring about 13 by 1 1 in ches, and conta in in g 15 pages . The

secon d volum e of papers con ta in s the Marriages from 1754 to

18 12 . The Marr iages were abstracted by the Rev. J . HarveyBloom ,

M .A.

,Rector of Whitchurch , and are prin ted by per

m iss ion oi the Rev. S . F . Wh itehead, Rector.


William cujus nomen Romana l ingualibertinus [i .e. Freeman ], ancillam

duxit uxorem cujus nomen Eliz abethamLadbrook



Richard Stephens Elizabeth Russell,of

Child’s WickhamThomas Stephens Mary Evans

,of Child ’s

WickhamJohn S tai t Eleanor HieronJohn Partridge Mary Moore

,of Worming

tonJohn Parry



,d . of Thomas

Fullwood,of Little Alne

,co . Warr.

gen t .John Mason

,rector of Salwarp, co. Worc.


Mary Harrison,of Ebberton .

William S tait Hannah ParryRichard Stephens Mary Fisher

,of Child’s

WickhamThomas Beale Anne Izod

,of Laverton

Timothy Gibbs Elizabeth MumfordJon athan Darke

,of Beng rove, p . of Beckford


Mary White

1 9 Sept. 1 66 1

May 1 66 2

1 3 Oct . 1 663

2 Mar.1 3 Feb. 1 666

5 Oct . 1 667

1 June 1 669

1 0 Dec. 1 671

14 Nov. 1 672

6 Gioaeesters/zi re Pa r is/z Reg isters . [ 1 674

Robert Somerville,esq.


,eldest d .

of Sir H . Woolseley

Thomas Martin e, of Malverne Magna,Joan e Kinman

Thomas White,of Hampton Magn a


BlizardEdward Bentley Ann e Hann s

,of Great

HidcoteWilliam Simon s

,of Buckland

,Ann e

Spencer,of Laverton

George Rascall,of Willersy, Ann e Gormell


of LavertonThomas Foart Elizabeth Dobbyn sWilliam Hun t & Ruth Tin son


Thomas Clim ir An n e SmithEdward Sharpe El izabeth Darby


Stan tonRichard Horseman

,of Tewkesbury


Lord,of Weston Subedge

John Perkyn s Sarah S tai t,of Gloucester

Mr. William Wells,of Stanton

,Mrs .

Rebeccah ParryMr. Samuel Gardn er

,of Lambton

,&Anne S tait

James Stephen,of Child’s Wickham


Perkin sJohn Kinman

,of Cow H on iborn


S tai t

Thos . Keyt,of Broadway

,An n e Parry

John Bromh ill,of Dumbleton


MillesRobert Davyes, of Burford Hann ah MasonIsaac Griffin

,of Wormington

,Hann ah

PellyTimothy Deaves

,of Win chcomb

,Susann a

WoottonThomas Daffern Hesther WoottonWil l iam Stafford Margaret RobertsWi l l iam Pale Mary BirdEdward Lightfoot Mary Loveday

,both of

Child’s Wickham

1 8 Nov.

4 June

1 3 Mar.

1 0 Dec.

1 3 Dec.

1749 ] A ston Somervi l ie Mar r iag es.

John Phipps,of Evesham ,

Mary Parry,of

Child’s Wickham,lie.

Will iam Reeve,of Wormington



William Woodward,of Aberton

,co. Worc

Esther Martin,of Mercoat


Mark Tomlins Anne White,lie.

William Reeve,of Mercoat

,O l ive Prescot,

of Crowle,co. Wore .


William Daffern,w.

,Sarah Tayler


Child’s WickhamThomas Edwin

,of Norton

,co. Wore.


Elizabeth Marten,of Mercoat

William Rooke Isabell FreemanEdward Smith Mary WeymanDaniel Clements

,of Moore

,Hannah Smith

Thomas Bach Hester MerrisJohn Paddock Alice Hyern e, Zia .

Phill ip Gibbs Abigail Tusten,b .

,of Wor

ming ton , lie.

James Fisher,of Child’s Wickham


Compton,of Ashton Underhill


Richard Care Sarah Veale, b .

,of Wor

m ing ton , lie.

John Mumford Mary HarrisHenry Bowten Han nah GilksRichard Ganher An n StaffordJohn Reynolds


,Joyce Win de

,m . at

Farmcote Chapell in Lower Guiting,lie.

Richard Cox MaryWooton,b .

,of Bucklan d

John Fisher& Elizabeth Burman, of BucklandJohn Cull Hann ah Mason

,of Buckland

John Read Ann Winde,lie.

James Min s Hannah CottonRobert Atkins Ann FarmerCharles H euse Elizabeth HarrisRichard Cul l Hannah Griffen

,of Dumbleton

John Baylis Mary MillerThomas Daffan Margaret Cooke



1 9 May

1 0 Feb .

1 7 Sept.

5 Oct.

2 4 Jan .

5 Oct.

1 3 Sept.

8 Gioaeesters/t ire Par is/z Reg ister s. [ 1 749

William Dyer An n Hopkins,of Dumbleton,

William Gardn er Sarah Bub,of Dumbleton

Hen ry Clayton Christian Sadler .

Cornelius Steel Jan e Turn erMathew Ven Ann MathewsJohn athan Hul l An n e Dun nWilliam Freeman Elizabeth MathewsGeorge Brookes Mary Arkel

VOLUME I I .Henry Williams

,of Child’s Wickham


PhillipsRichard Hall Hann ah TomlinsonEdmund Hopkins Elizabeth HolmesWilliam Palmer Thedos ia PaddockJohn Clark

,p . of Len chwic

,co. Wore .

,An n

FarrHenry Tomlins

,of Buekland

,Ann Hale

John Sollis,of Child’s Wickham


GibbsJames Nott Nelly WallisGeorge Hemming Susan n ah KingRichard Bevan , of Dumbleton , Ann PanterThomas Handy Mary HarrisonJohn Green


,Mary Goddard


John Candall Betty MealingWm. Barn es Elizabeth Hughes


Wm . Taylor,of Badsey

,Elizabeth Palmer



Richard Cheshire,of Staunton

,Ann Lloyd



Samuel Dobbs,of Breeden [Bredon], Mary


John Thorn et,of Hin ton

,An n Johnson

William Smith,of Broadway

,Mary Musl in

Joseph Hall,of Dumbleton

,Mary Hall

Edward Smith,of Child’s Wickham

,Eliz .


7 Feb.

1 1 Oct.

Marr iages at Kem erton ,

1 575 to 1 71 6 .

NOTE.— The registers of the parish of Kemerton are in three parchmen tvolum es

,all in good preservation . Vol . I m easures 1 15, by 73


,in . ,

and has 1 10 pages , the first 82 on ly be ing numbered . The firstpage is m ostly pal impsest, the o lder reddish-brown ink be in g seenthrough or near the newer and b lacker in k . It is headed, in a

black letter han d, Reg ist’

. Eccl ie’

. Parochiae de Kenm ertone,An


Dom in i, and the en tries con t inue from that year to the endof 172 0 . Each year is perfect : but there are no en tries for 1 589


9 5.

The pages , or years, are s ign ed by the then Rector and twoChurchwarden s, en tered before 16 10 as Guardian s .

On one of the two paper fly- leaves at the begin n in g of this volume

is wr itten , “ 30 leaves , paied for this booke 3s. and under this,“There was a marriage in y

a Church the 9 July 164 1 nott settdowne .

On the other leafe , “

30 leves. I payde for this bookei ijs. ii ija

. Under this, “ More leafes s ince added, which m ake upin y

9 whole,the number of 80 pages .

” Lower down ,


yesonn e of John Farley and Mary his wife baptised Wenesday

Jun e y° 17 an en try om itted in its proper p lace . There are

several tria l s ign atures of Joh . Hinman,Rector, 1648-74, and in

his handwrit in g the text,written twice and smudged over, “Le t me

die the death of the righteous .

Severa l blank leaves have been cut out, a sm a l l portion of thembe ing sti l l left, and n early ha lf of the last page has been cut awaylengthwise , and on the rem a in ing portion a l ist of the Rectors,with the dates of the ir buria l or death . Am on g them occurs thename of Dr. Godfrey Goodman (Rector Bishop ofGloucester

whose chequered career m ay b e read in ful l in the

D iction aaj/ of N a tion a l B iog rafi/zy. There is also on this page anentry concern ing right ofway.

Vol . 11 measures 95 by 55. in ., and has 74 pages. It con ta in s the

Register of Baptism s and Buria ls from 172 1 to Apri l 1782 and of

Marriages from 172 1 to the end of 1755. After that date the

Marriages are registered in b ooks of pr in ted forms.Vol. I I I m easures 1 15


,by 7g in .

,and 36 of i ts pages are occupied

with Bapt ism s and Burials from March 1782 to the end of 18 1 2 .

The Marriages have been extracted by the Rev. J . J . Mercier,Rector of Kem erton , and are nowprin ted by h is perm iss ion and

under h is supervis ion .

1 2 Gion eestershzre Par ish Reg ister s . [ 1 575

VOLUME I .J ohn W i lcockes Margaret Moumforde

Robert Hayn es Alis Farmere

John Tayler Jan e BlakeJohn Newe Elizabeth ColeRowlan d Brooke Agn es BruerNicolas Nushame Blan che FarmerRobert Bumppase, of Breedone, Joan e


Thomas Wade,of P’

shore,Agn es Combe

Bartholomewe Mills Margaret Bram lyGeorge Man ne

,p . Crome Dabitot Jane

FincheRichard Beale Joan e NeweJohn Crocket of Tayn ton e Seusan s ColeJohn H igg in es Joan e Fysh erJohn Barton Alis BradfordeEdward H auling e Issabele Baylie

Richard S teaven s Katherin e Higgin sRichard Kewe Katherin e PortarJohn Sharpe Agn es DudfieldWilliam Greendie Agn es BradfordeJohn Fippes Maude ParlerHewe Hewes Margaret KenteNicholas Fielder Agn es Parson sHenrie Gibbin s Margaret WardeEdward H ig n ell Joan e SmitheRichard Bufton e Joan e ParyeRoberte Lake Marrian Freeman e

Roberte Warrycke Margaret SmitheWilliam Gryndle Isabell SmitheHen rie Cooke Agn es FincheRobert Wotton Alice WilletsRichard Gatleye Cryss ian [om itted]Thomas Combe Joane Baylie

[These dates are thus en tered in the Reg ister] .Christefer Dudfield Seusan s Gotekyn e 2 3 JulyJohn Sutton e Dorrothye Burkn ale 2 3 Oct .

Richard Richardes Margaret Parye 3 0 Apr.

1 639 ] Kemer ton Marr iag es . 1 3

Hen rye Cole, of Breedon e, Joane Gen ingesThomas Freeman Elizabeth GeorgeJohn Davies Elion er BrookeWilliam Roberts Joyce Bucken aleJohn Parlor Katherin e GunerJohn Murkelon e Elizabeth ParsonsThomas Bompase An ne BrodfordeRichard Goodier Allis BumpasRichard White Joan e FreemanJohn Willis Ann e DudfieldeRichard Phillips Margret Bucken aleThomas R ickardes An n e H arice

Thomas Cole Joane SmithRichard Sallons Agn es SteavensRichard Arton e Joane TymeThomas Smith Joan e FincheBarnard Fippes Elizabeth ColeBarnard Tan die Margret JonesJohn S teaven s Issabell BruerWill iam W i lkins Margret ColeGeorg Marten Alice H eynes

John Stevens Joane WellsThomas Gale Margerye Steven sPhillipp Brad ford Marg erett HamptonFrann cis Tovey ElizabethWi lletts a ls . GuyeCharles Cole Joan e BradfordWilliam Freeman Ann Moun tfordThomas Roberts Joyce WrightRobert Higgin s Elenor PriceJohn Tovey Alice ProfitteCharles Cole Alice Cole .

John Lucas Margerett BrewerJohn Bufton Anne ColeJohn Hunt Mary PopeJohn Forte Joane ParlorWill iam Cole Elizabeth ColeJohn Newman Franci s FryerWill iam Rickards Marie Bromage

Richard Hopkins I sabell PadmoreThomas Loxley Isabell Baldwin


William Forte Rebecca Blackburn eJohn Halford

,of Gloucester, clerk


Denn isPhill ipp Buggen An n e R ickardesMr. Nicholas S teigh te, of Tewksbury, Marye

Dabn eyArthurRoberts

,of Teddington

,Anne Tovey


of OverburyeRichard Roberts

,of Grafton


Atwood,of Teddington

John Wells Martha ColeWilliam Cole Alice RickardsWilliam Hoskin s

,of Charleton

,Susan n a

Hale,of Asson - upon - Charran

Daniel Wood,of Con derton

,p . of Overbury


Alice SmithThomas Hale

,gen t

,Mrs . Anne Hinman

John Cole An n RussellJohn Bradford Alice Wood

,of Con derton

James Pumferye Mary Keel ingJohn Keuerton An n RobertsEdward Farley An n e Bon arkerJohn Parr Sarah ColeJohn Harris Elizabeth Hampton

,of Kin sham

Samuel Dudfield Alice Dabn eyThomas Tavern er Rebecca ColeWilliam Cole An n ParrRobert Dee An ne ColeGeorge Russel

,ofPam ing ton , Anne Gilding,

both of Aschurch

John Corn ehill Ann e Bayliss,both of As

churchJohn Partington Jan e WalkerGiles Eden

,of Sedgburough , Mary Baker

Mr. Thomas Berrow,of Walton Carditic



Han nah Hain es,of Pam ing ton , p. of


John Riddall Joane [om itted]John Higgins

,of Kin som

,p . of Breedon


Ann Parr,of Kemerton

Gioneesters/zire Par ish Reg isters .

1 4 Jan .

1 6 Julyz 8 lflov.

2 0 NOV.

2 4flFeb .

7 May

8 Oct .

3 1 Oct .

1 6 Jan.

9 Oct.

3 0 Sept .30 Nov.

2 4 Apr.

6 Nov .

2 5 Sept.

1 7 Apr.

[ 1 640

1 640

1 64 1

1 650

1 65 2

1 653

1 660

1 66 1

1 677

1 678

1 679

1 68 1

1 68 2

2 7 bi ay8 July1 3 Feb .

1 6 Feb .

2 8 Sept .2 4flFeb .

14. hl ay1 5 July4 ZFeb .

1 hday

2.Jan .

1 5 I) ec.


1 66 2

1 663


1 668

1 670

1 671

1 672

I 673

1 675

169 8] Kemerton Marr iag es. 1 5

Robert White,of Alston

,Ann Farly

,th is p . 1 6 Oct.

Richard Marshall Elizabeth Daubny, bothof Gotherton , p . Bishop’s Cleve 2 4 June

Edward Kn igh t,of Twining

,Mary Combe


of KemertonThomas Knight Eliz . Linch


Jon. Blizard Ann Warkman,lie.

Thomas Jeynes Alice WardMr. Charles Parsons Mrs. Mary TurnerGeorge Rickards Sarah Boon akerThomas Willy An n HeminJon . Steven s Hester RobertsMr. Samuel Crisp Mrs . Mary SurmanJon . Hopkin s Ann DeatonWilliam Carpenter Margrate PriceGeorge Russell An n CarelessDavid Trap Mary YealsThomas Rickards Mary BromageJohn Hatton Elin or NewmanAn thoney Bromage Sarah J een sJohn Fletcher Mary Aston


Thomas Card Sarah WhittleIsaac Pert Sarah StevensJohn Hughs Eliz . CraswellJon . Tinker An n White .

Charles Whittle An n Hotchkin s,lie.

William Collett Ann PorterDan iel] Newman Mary Drinkwater


Jon . Tinker Mary [om itted]Jos. Farly Eliz . DarkeRobert Bradford Ann Cole


An toney Tin son Sarah SimonsJon . Jen ings Ann RugbyJoseph Hatch


,Ann Piff


[Mr H atchwas Ci trate]John Shaw


,Ann Berkly

,both of

Tewxbury, lie. 7 Nov.

Thomas Morton,ser.

,p . of All Sts . Evesham


co. Worcester,Sarah Barnwood



1 6

Jon . Pifif , lab .

,Letitia Collins

,lic. .

Tho . Layton,miller

,Mary Jeen s, s .


Jon . Wh i tfeild,of Bengworth , Hester Ash

win,of Beckford

Rich . Phill ips,of Alderton




N icolas Cother,baker

,Mary Wood

,both of

Tewxbury, lic.

Thos . Prin t An n Glading,both of Aston

SubageWm . Beard

,husban dman

,p. Lord Coven tries

Croome,co. Worcester

,Ann a S ton n er


s .

,of Tewxbury, lic.

Will Clemen ts,lab .

,Mary Sebil le

,both of

Bish . Cleeve,tic.

Thomas Lane,lab .

,of Long Marson

,a lias

Marson Sicca,

Ann Mathews,of


William James,lab ., of Burling am ,

co . Worcester

,and Hannah Quarrell

,of Ash

churchTho . Ward, baker, of Gotherton , p . Cleeve


Rebecca S trawfordJohn Brawton

,lab .

,of Tewxbury, Susan a


Joseph Surman,tayler

,H . Lewis [s ic], both

of Tewxbury, tic.

George Han ks, lab.

,of Ran some

,co. Glouc.


Elinor Borton,of Pershore

,co. Wor


H en . Davis,exciser

,of Evesham

,co . Worces

ter, Mary Jen nings,of Tewxbury, lic.

Tho. Roberts,yeo.

,of Mitton

,p . Breedon


Worces ter,Mary Isard

,p . Ashchurch

Barnabas Fletcher,baker

,Mary Merrell


both of Mickelton,tic.

Tho. Dobbins,of Northway

, p.Ashchurch,lab .


An n Powell,lic.

Will iam Pumphrey,lab .

,of Kemerton



Gtoncestersh ire Par ish Reg isters.

6 Apr.

1 0 May

1 6 July

1 5 Sept .

2 6 NOV.

1 9 Dec.

3 1 Jan .

1 8 Mar.

3 0 Apr.

2 0 July

2 0 Oct.

2 1 NOV.

9 Apr.

1 9 June

2 0 July

1 2 Oct.

[ 1 69 9

1 8

Rich . Marshall,yeo.

,of Presbury, Han n ah


Paul Steight Sarah Reevs,both of Tewx


George Lan e,of Tewxbury, waterman ,

Elizabeth Riley,s .


John Gam e,of Bishop’s Cleeve, tailor,

Elinor Rutter,lic.

John Rustone, yeo.


,co. Hereford ,

Sarah Yarrow,s .


John Miles,lab.

,Sarah Clifien

,both of

Oxten ton,tic.

John Cardwell,weaver

,of W inchcome


Elizabeth Newcome,p . Chel tenham



Wm . Davis, yeo .

,of S edg borroh , co. Wore.


Elizabeth Tysoe,of Dumbleton


Edward Barns,yeo .

,Hester Howell

,both of

Bishop Cleeve,lic.

John Curtis,yeo .

,An n Tinson

,both of Al


Wm . Pitcher, of Strensham ,co .Worc.

,Jan e

Powell,of Stoke Orchard


George Beckett,of Bagn aun ton , p . Win ch

combe,Mary Bran t

,of Ashton - under


N icolas Harrison,sailer

,Marg rate Tovey,


,both ofTewxbury

Wm . Young, yeo .

,of Barrow

,p . Boddington


Elizabeth Lawren ce,of the Lie .


John Steven s,yeo.

,of Twin ing

,An n Phips


of GreatWashborn

Wm. Steven s,lab .

,Mary Man ing

,s .


of Sumerfield Aston,tic.

Wm. C lare,col ler-maker

,Sarah Kemmett


both of Bishop Cleeve,tic.

Wm . Bradford,miller

,Hester Pum fry

Thomas Carpen ter,lab .

,of Bracking ton , p .

Sen n ing ton , Elizabeth Newman,p.

Bush ly, lic.

Gioacestersh i re Par ish Reg ister s.

3 Jan . 1 70 4

2 9 May 1 70 5

2 4 June

1 2 Aug .

1 4 Aug .

2 5 Sept .

3 1 Oct .

1 1 NOV.

1 1 Dec.

2 5 Dec.

2 7 Dec.

3 0 Dec.

1 2 Jan .

2 6 Mar . 1 70 6

2 9 Mar.

1 2 May

[ 1 70 4

170 8] Kemer ton Mar r iag es .

John Newman,yeo .

,ofChadling ton , co . Oxon


Ann Steven s,of Gretton


Francis Drin kwater,servan t

,of Teding ton ,

co . Woro.

,Mary Clarke

,of Gretton

James Oldaker,miller

,of Child ’s Wickham


Martha James,of Broadway


Thos . Hale,yeo .

,of Alderton

,Elinor Finch


of S tandly, tic.

An thon ey Marden , servant , of Longdon ,co.

Wore .

,Elizabeth Roberts

,of Stoke

Orchard,5 .

William Drin kwater,of Naunton


Cother,of Eckington


Thos . Gatley,glover

,An n Hewetts

,both of

Tewxbury, tic.

Samuell Wheatly Mary Cooper,both of


John Camden,of H on eyborn e, An n Care

lesse,of Sain tbury


John Leon ard,of Tewxbury, Mary Taylor

of Netherton,co . Worc.


Phillip Showell Mary Dickson .

Jos . Pendry Elizabeth Grin in g , both ofAston

Jared Hale,of Woolstone

,Ann Pert

,ibi .

George Gardin er,of Bush ly, co. Wore.


El izabeth Goddard,of Stoke Orchard


co. Gloc.


Samuell Baylis Jan e Quarrell,both of Ash


John Roberts , ofWoollstone,Sarah Fisher


of Cleeve,lic.

Tobit Clements,Isabell Holbrooke

,both of

Bishop Cleeve,tic.

Samuell Dovey,w.

,of Norton

,meere Glouc.


Ann Hopkin s,s .,of Kemerton


Ralph Woollvine Margrate Weld, both ofWinchcome


Joseph Wheatly,of Aston Subage

,An n



I 9

1 6 May 1 70 6

2 1 Sept.

1 3 Oct .

1 4 Oct.

2 9 Dec.

1 4 Apr. 1 70 7

2 6 May

2 8 May

2 9 June

2 6 Oct .

1 2 Nov.

1 2 Apr. 1 70 8

2 0

Rich . Merrast Alice Darke,both of Winch


Nicolas Care,of D idbrooke

,El iz . Gues t



Wm. Smith,of Broadway

,Mary Lacy


Toding ton ,lic.

Jos . Deacon Katherin e S taiteMoses Tift

,of H imbleton

,co. Wore.

,El iz .

Sheldon,ofWashborn e Magn a


George Care An n Cooke,both of Alston p.


Che l tenham,lic.

John Hobbs Eliz. Dyer,both of Oxen


Robert Dakin s Marg rate Lewis , both ofToddington


Thos. Paget Mercy H ornyb low, both ofTewxbury,w.


Thos . Bruton,of Twin ing, alias Bruckin


Han n ah Bidle,of Breedon


Will iam Cole Mary RopierThomas Badsy, of Stan ton, An n Howell


Woolston e,lic.

Kenelm Chan dler 81 Eliz . Wh i ttorne,both of

Tewxbury, lic.

David Trap Fran ces Sanders,both of Ash

church .

John Russell Susan na Bromage, both of

S tokorchard,lic.

Edmund Attwood,of Tedding ton , & Jon e Care,

of Cleeve,lic.

Edward Lye,p .W in chcom e

,Jone Goddard


of Wormington,lic

Will iam Steven s Elinor Cull,both of

Todin g ton , lic.

Peter Ven ables Sarah Roberts,both of

Tewxbury, lic.

John Hale Mary Deacon s,both of Gother


Thomas Mason Eliz . Smith,both of Walton

Cardiff,lic. .

Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters .

2 6 May

1 1 July

1 5 Oct .

2 4 Oct .

2 4 Feb .

2 4 Feb .

2 7 Feb .

2 4 Apr.

2 5 Apr.

2 5 Apr.

1 8 May

2 9 Jun e

3 0 June

3 1 July

2 1 Aug .

[ 1 70 8

1 70 8

1 70 9

171 1 ] Kemer ton Mar r iag es .

Isaac Bywater,of Tewxbury, Han n ah

Bradley,of Mitton


Daubn ey S teig h t,w.

,Patience Aston


of Tewxbury, lic.

Richard Clemen ts,of Woodmocoate


Hannah Titmus,of Gotherton , lic.

William Thornbery,of Kinsham

,Han n ah

Tovey,of Kemerton


Thomas Dyer Eliz . Hawkes, both of Ashton- under—Hill


John Hobbs,of Woodmocote , p . Cleeve


Katherin e Drin kwater,lic

John Roberts Margrate Curtis , both ofAshton


Thomas Lidd,of Evesham


Woollom s,of Tewxbury, lzc. .

John Newm an Elizabeth H az elom both ofW inchcome


Samuell Davise,of Stroude


Heyn s,of Tewxbury, lic.

Giles Harris,of Southwick

,Ann Tyler


Tewxbury, lic.

John Grinnell,b .

,Sarah Willetts

,both of


John James An n Collin s,both of Ashton

un der-Hill,lic.

William Tin son &Ann Piffe,both of Elmstone


Thomas Hieron,of Ashchurch

,An n Shep

herd,of Southwick


Hen ry Turn er Mary Brown,both of Lye


William Townley,of Gotherton


Fin ch,of Standly, lic.

Richard Roberts Elizabeth Darke,both of

Woollston e,lic.

James H arroway, Bishop Cleeve, ElizabethPedlingham ,

Of the Lye,lzc.

Thomas Edgcoxe Sarah RickardsSamuell Arkell Mary Clarke

,both of Lack



2 1

1 1 Sept . 1 70 9

2 5 Sept .

3 1 Dec.

1 6 Feb .

1 8 Feb .

2 8 Apr .

1 2 June

3 0 May

2 0 May

2 7 July

3 0 July

1 9 Aug .

2 7 Aug .

2 0 Nov .

2 8 Nov .

1 2 Feb .

1 7 Apr .

2 9 Apr.

1 71 0

1 71 1

2 2

John Thorndell An n ToveyWilliam Curtis Mary Skiner



Samue l l H iggin s Alice Nicolls,both of

Tewxbury, lic.

Richard Taylor, of Burforde , An n Fran kl inof Twining


William Sexty, of Ashton , An n Smith,of

Little Washborn e,lic.

Thomas Craswell,of Gotherton

,Marg rate

Barn s,of Twin ing


Thomas Layton,of Ashchurch


Sebri te,of Stren sham


David Trap Elizabeth Newman,both p .


Samuell Harris Hester Lacy,both of Tred

ing ton , lic.

John Milton An n Soul,both of Dumbleton


both of

Richard Jackson s, of Stanton, Alice Izard,

of Stanway,lic.

Thomas Talbot An n Darke,w.

,both of

Tewxbury, lic.

William Alsoe,of Eckin ton

,An ne Jen in g s,

of Pam in ton,w.


Samuell Freeman , of St. Marie’s, Glor. ,Elizabeth Roberts

,of Teding ton ,

Richard Bubb Mary Min se,both of Tewx


Richard Carpen ter, of Sewdly, ElizabethTustin

,of Gretton


John Wharton Han nah Roberts,both of


Hen ry Steeven s Elizabeth Marfield,both of

San dhurst,lic.

Fran cis Roberts W inn ifruit Auforde, bothof Beckford


Thomas Sparry Elizabeth Causon,both of


Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 71 1

2 3 May 1 71 1

1 7 Sept .

3 Sept .

1 1 Oct .

1 9 Nov.

2 6 Nov.

2 8 Oct.

3 1 Dec.

1 2 Feb .

2 9 Feb . (sic)

4 Mar.

8 Mar.

2 July

1 3 July

1 8 May

2 7 July

3 1 Aug .

2 2 Sept.

1 71 2

171 3] Kemer ton Mar r iag es .

William Window,of Tibberton

,Mary Jon es


of Newen t, lic.

John Roberts Martha Preston,both of

Stan ley,lic.

Edward Drin kwater An n White,both of


Henry Arkell,of S in ing ton , Elizabeth

Dobbin s,of Grafton


Benjamin e Fluck Han n ah Davison,lic.

Thomas Ludloe An n Day,both of Tewx


John Cole An n Cooke,both of Tewxbury,

! Richard Mall,p . Bishop Cleeve


Harison,ofW inchcome


! Richard Wall,of Aston

,Mary Dudfield


Twin ing,lic.

John Jefferis,of Bishop Cleeve

,Elin or

Simon s,of Bushley


John Barn s Mary Chapiler, both of Didbrook


John Wil ls,of Cheltenham


,Christian a

Blackborn e,of Aston


Edward Clarke,of Breedon

,Elin or Hieron


of KemertonWill iam Walker

,of Wi thington


Rickards,of Aston


Mr. Thomas Cumpson , of Ribbesford, Mrs .Elizabeth Pen nell

John Merry Jane Bicknell,w.

,both of


John Phips Hester Smith,w.

,both of

Pam in ton

Will iam Morgon,of Dumbleton


Collett,of Studly

,co. War.

Thomas Morris Jane Watts,both of Up


2 3

2 3 Sept. 1 71 2

6 Oct .

2 3 Oct.

5 Apr. 1 71 3

7 June

2 0 Sept .

1 Oct.

1 8 Oct.

1 8 Oct .

8 Nov .

1 9 Nov.

2 4 NOV.

2 2 Jan .

These two en tries are respective ly M a l l and Wa l l . The origin a lin itial of Wa l l has been smudged out, and W carefu l ly written over.Evidently the wr iter had at first written M ,

as in the en try above .

2 4 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters .

Richard Woodward, of Eckin ton , MaryMiles

,of Fidin ton


Phillip Dowsin Mary Dowsin,both of


John Godard Sarah Harraton,both of


Benj amin e John son s 81 An n Guest, both ofTudin g ton , lic.

John But tler An n Farmer,both of Red


John Lan e,of Badgworth

,Sarah Roberts ,


William Baxter,of Ashchurch

,Alice T in

dale,ofW in chcome


Will iam Woodward Susan a Lewis,both of

Tewxbury, lic.

James Basely Sarah Lewis,both of Feb


Thomas Tarran Sarah Page,both of Bishop

Cleeve,lic. .

Will iam Baylis,of D idb rooke


Skin er,of Toding ton ,


Thomas Willmore,of Uring ill, Elizabeth

Farly,this p .

William Alsoe Lydia Tompkin s,both of

Pam in ton,lic.

Timothy Barn es Mary D isson,both of


John Lewis,

Marg rate Newman , both ofForth ampton ,


Will iam Freeman Elizabeth Perks,both of


Thomas Layton,w.

,of Ashchurch

,An n


,of Overbury


Giles Webb An n Heyn s,both of Chelten


John J een s, of Northway, Elizabeth Hyde,

of Little Washborn e,lic.

Samuel Jin kin s,of Tewxbury, An n Field


of Dirty Walton

1 4 Feb .

3 1 Mar.

1 7 May

2 1 June

2 8 Aug .

2 5 Oct .

2 6 Dec.

2 7 Dec.

2 9 Dec.

2 6 May

1 Dec.

1 5 Dec.

2 8 Dec.

1 7 1 3

I 7I 4

I 71 5

2 6 Gloncestershzre Par ish Reg ister s . [ 1 71 6

William Freeman,of Turtdean

,An n Dob

bin s,of Alderton


William George,of Kemsy, 81 Mary Butler,

of R idforde,lic.

Jon athan Tomlin son,of Gotherton

,An n

Spen ser,ofW in chcome


Hen ry Hamon s 81 Mary Greenway,both of


Samuel Dut ton An n Dean e,both of Oxeton



George Wood Elizabeth Clarke,both of

Laberton,p . Bucklan d


Richard George,of Cumorton Parva

,81 Elin or

GrovesJohn Grin ing , of Fiding ton , p . Ashchurch


Hester Little,of Walton

,lic. .

Thomas Moyall 81 Elizabeth Yaun e, both ofTewxbury, lic.

Thomas Higgin s,of Breedon


Still,of Tewxbury, lic.

Edward Pool] 81 Margery Porter,both of

Tewxbury, lic.

Nicholas S teig h t 81 Elizabeth Walker, both ofTewxbury, lic.

Robert Moore El izabeth Salsbury,both of


Thomas Dipper,of Tredington

,Phil ippa

Bravell,of Aston


Sam ll. Millingem ,of Tewxbury, Mary

Little,of Turley


James Bell 81 Sarah Philpot,both of Tewx


I saac Purser Rachel] Purser,both of Ash


Tho . Pain e,of Gloucester

,Katharin a Maria

Baugh,of Twin ing


Thomas Moore,of Alderton

,81 Mary Alding

ton,of Ch ildswickome


Will iam Godard,of Crapthorn e, 81 Susannah

Russell,of Alderton


1 6 Feb. 1 71 6

1 6 Dec.

1 8 Feb .

4 Mar .

3 0 Mar . 1 71 7

1 4 May

1 6 Oct.

1 3 Apr. 1 71 8

1 5 Apr.

2 Jun e

2 8 Aug .

1 6 Sept.

2 5 Sept

3 0 Sept.

8 Oct.

171 9 ] K em er ton Mar r iag es.

John Dixon 81 Sarah H eiron

William Leech,of Bishop Cleeve

,An n

Kerby,of Ashchurch

Thomas Lewis,of Churchhoneybun e, 81 Mary

Phil lips,of Badsforde


Thomas Kn ight,of Twin ing

,Hester Merl

m an,of Northway

,p . Ashchurch

John Walker 81 Elizabeth Beale,of Great


Thomas Butt,of Elmstone Hardwick


Elizabeth Cartwright,of Tredington ,


John Cooke Hannah Tin son,both of Tad

ing ton , lic.

Richard Will iams,of Tewxbury, Sarah

Jeen s, of AshchurchMorris Harrison Elizabeth D idscoate


of Wood Stanway,lic.

John Cole,of Pam ing ton , Mary Rickards

Edward Watts An n Cole,both of Oxen


George Rutter Hannah S tifferson,both of

Tuding ton , lic.

William Lawren ce,of Tewxbury, Mary

Mose,of Ashchurch


Robert Den n is 81 Mary HieronThomas Smith 81 Mary Hall

,both Of Dear


William Newman Mary Coll ins,both of

AshchurchJohn Milton

,of Presbury, Mary Moysy, of


Thomas Evan s Frances Phillips,both of

Stan ton,lic.

John Baylis,of Bishop Cleeve

,81 Margrate


Hen ry Tombs Mary Samon,both of Preston



William Jen ing s An n S tollard, both ofChorsdown , lic.

2 7

9 Oct. 1 71 8

1 2 Oct.

2 3 Oct.

3 0 Dec.

1 7 Jan.

1 3 Feb .

3 1 Mar.

1 9 Aug

1 3 Sept .

2 7 Oct .

1 8 NOV.

6 Dec.

3 1 Dec.

2 Feb .

2 4 J an .

2 4 Feb .

I 71 9

2 8

William Sheen,of Hardwick

,81 Ann Steigh t,

of KemertonJos . Wood

,of Beckford

,Mary Purser



William Timsy Sarah John son s,both of

Tewxbury, lic.

Thomas Girdler,of Burm ingham ,


,de Tewxbury, lzc.

William Ran sford,of Glipsill, Mary



of Rissington,lic.

John Ang eworth , of Twin ing, 81 ElizabethGrant

,of Ashton


HenryWelch Sarah S teeven s,both ofTewx


William Best,of Twining

,81 An n Smith



John Grun dy,of Cirencester

,Mary Work

man,of St . Andrew’s


Joseph Kemet,of Cheltenham

,Marg rate

Forde,de Ledbury

John Purser 81 MaryWillis,both ofAshchurch


li c.

Robert Teft,de Tewxbury, Mary Tolly


H uding ton , co . W igor .,lic.

Thomas Timbrell Mary Burrohs,both of

Sumerfield Aston,lic.

Edmun d Wiseman Mary Jon es,both of

Tewxby, lic.

Matthew Kyess, of Bishop Cleeve , ElizabethWill iams

,of Upper Gyt in g , lzc.

Thomas Bird Elizabeth Bincker,lic.

Jeremiah Tidcome,of Nai lworth

, [blank]Wintle

,of Gloucester


Nathaniel Tufly 81 Mary Steeven s, of Forthampton

Jacob Wood, of Beckford, Sarah Richards,

ofWashborn e,lic.

Robert White,of Didbrooke

,An n Pigeon


of Badzy, lic.

Edward Howton,of Ch . Len ch

,81 An n Staw

forde,of Dumbleton


Gloacestersh i r e Par ish Reg isters .

1 9 Mar .

2 6 May

2 June

2 1 Jun e

3 0 June

2 9 Sept.

2 3 Oct.

3 1 Oct.

2 4 Nov .

1 5 Dec.

2 0 Jan .

2 1 Feb .

2 Mar.

2 3 Apr.2 4 Apr.

2 9 Apr.

1 5 May

2 8 May

[ 17 1 9

I 7I 9

1 72 0

1 72 1

1 72 2 ] Kemer ton Mar r iag es.

Abraham Farrin,Mary Noon

,both of Tewx

buryJohn Castle Jon e Berwick

,both of Did

brookeWill iam Hill Mary Stone

,both of Twin ing

Will Whittle,of Alderton

,Joan n a Veale



George Wh ill’

ocke,of Ch . Stanway


Isz ard,of Broadway

Will iam Will is,of Kemerton

,Han n ah Har

ris,of Ashchurch

William Hopkins Isz abell Newman,both

of AshchurchWill iam Alsop 81 Lydia Barn es

,both of Ash

churchAnthony Gilding Elizabeth Davis


buryRickards Mary Purser

,both of

AshchurchJohn Gibbs Jon e Gilks

,both ofCh ildswicome

Jon Phill ips, of Greete, Jan e Tombs,of

Jos .

W in chcomeCharles Booth

,of Stanton

,81 Eliz . Perkins


ofW inchcom e

Richard Hicks,81 Mary Parson s

,both of

D idbrooke

William Cooke Hester Arkell,both of


Hen . Albin, jun .

,of Shepton Mallet


Sumerset,81 Susannah H arvy, of

Tewxbury, lic.

William H umfris 81 Mary Foster,both of

W in chcomeMoses Smith

,of Aston Subage

,81 Ab igall Day,

of LittletonJonathan Fort Mary Jon es

,both ofAshchurch

John Blizard An n Brooks,both of Tewx


Thomas Brotherig Mary Wall,both of


1 6 July

2 9 Sept

2 9 Sept .

1 Oct .

2 9 Oct .

2 NOV .

2 8 NOV .

30 May

1 3 June

2 5 June

1 7 Sept .

1 NOV.

4 Nov.

2 9

3o Glonceste'

rsh ir e Par ish R eg isters . [ 1 72 2

John Strawforde,of Oxen ton

,Ruth Purser


of Ashchurch,lic. 1 1 NOV.

Dan iell Lloyd,of Burl ingham

,An n Hieron


of Kemetou 2 Feb .

Richard Scriven,of Bredon

,81 An n Noth


Ashchurch 2 4 Feb .

Mr. Walter Jon es,rector of Upton


W igor.

,Mrs . Judith Parson s


Kemerton,lic. 1 9 Mar .

Walter Nicholls,of Chelten ham

,81 An n

Woodforde,lic. 2 7 Apr .

Walter Cary Mary Edgcombe, both ofTewxbury, lic. 1 2 May

Thomas Loveridge Elizabeth S lirer,both

of Tewxbury, lic. 6 Jun eThomas Farnham

,cler . of S taplefitzpain e, co .

Somerset,Sarah Chetle



Abraham Farren Mary Darbysheer, both ofTewxbury, lic.

Samuel Byrom 81 Elizabeth Grunchan,both of

Tewxbury, lic. 3 0 Sept .William Shepherd

,of Champden , 81 Mary

Baker,of Tewxbury, lic.

William Min chin 81 Sarah Brisco,both of

Tredin ton,lic. 1 8 Oct .

Jon Higgin s , of Tewxbury, Mary Smith,

of Ripple,lic.

Samuel Dudfield Elizabeth Man sill

Thomas Ridler Hester Parson sDan iel Morris

,of Tewxbury, Mary Bolton 1 72 4

Samuel Hall,de Charleton Abbots

,81 Grace

Carter,de Semington 2 4 Apr.

Henry Roberts,of Oxen ton

,Fran ces Booth


of Prescott,lic.

Thomas Cole Mary Boon,of Upton St .

Leon ardsEdward Phips

,ofEckin ton

,Elizabeth Willis


of AshtonWill iam Pepere11&An n Albert

,both ofy° Myth

172 5] Kemer ton Mar r iag es .

Jon Boon e Mary Dunne,both from Glou


John Stubbs,of Cheltenham


Russell,of Forthamton

Charles Etheridge Elizabeth Brown,both of

Chel tenhamThomas Simon s

,of Greate

,Mary Arl ing

ton,of Gretton

,p. W in chcome

Richard H umphris MaryWilks,of Chelten

hamWilliam Newman Eliz . Cole

,of Twin ing

Jon . Smith Mary Merry,both of San dhurst

Franci s Wright Sarah Hawker,both of


Thomas Dethridg e Margrate Willet, bothof Tewxbury

Hen ry Harris Marg rate James, both of Ashchurch

Thomas Cotton Prissilla Thomas,both of

Tewxbury .

Thomas Hawkins,of Tewxbury, Mary

SmithAnthony Reeve


,Sarah Gam e


of Oxenton,lic.

James Harris Mary Clark,of Bishop Cleeve



William Isz ard Elizabeth Vawn,both of


Thomas Soul, of Ekin ton , Eliz . Clarke,

of Kemerton,lic.

John Clements,Of Cleeve

,Sarah Snow


Ashchurch .

Jon athan Pitt Sarah Wills,both of Tewx


Will . Clarke,of Kemerton

,81 Marg rate Wood,

of Ashchurch,lic.

Jon Stringer 81 Mary Birds,both of Weston


Francis Emes,of S tandly Poun tlarge,

Frances Min et

2 4 Sept.

30 Sept.

1 7 Oct .

1 5 J an .

1 Feb .

2 9 Mar.1 Apr.

1 6 May

2 1 Aug .

2 7 Aug .

1 9 Sept.

1 0 Oct.

1 7 Oct.

14 Nov.

1 6 Nov.

2 0 Jan .

2 4 Jan .

2 4 Jan.

1 2 Feb .

3 1

1 72 4

1 72 5

3 2

John Chambers Elin or Hawkes,both of

BucklandMon k Deven port, of Tewxbury, Elizabeth

Gladwin,of Mordiforde

,co. H ereforde


Richard Eglington , of H ookn orton,

Margrate Drin kwater

,of Tewxbury

William Wright 81 Mary Chandler,both of

Tewxbury, lic.

Hen ry Mason 81 Mary Phips , both of Tewxbury


John Roberts Hester Horman,both of

Stoke OrchardIsaac Wrastall 81 Elizabeth Buston

,both of

Tewxbury, lic.

Thomas Griffen,of Naun ton

,An n Smith



John Wright 81 Sarah Needham,of Tewxbury

William John son s Judith Russell,both of


William Miles Elizabeth Harber,both of

Tewxbury, lic.

Richard Sandlands Sarah Simons,both of


Fardinando Wilks Sarah Collett,both of

Southam,p . of Bishop Cleeve

Thomas Graves,of Little Comorton

,81 Eliz

abeth George,ofW in chcome


William Gower 81 Mary Skeeler,both of

W inchcome,lic.

John Tarren Sarah Davis,both of Beck


Charles Curtis,of Hampton Parva

,Marg rate

Slatter,of Frawn ton

,p . of W in chcom e

Benjamin e James 81 Hannah Barnes, both ofCleeve

Edward Davis & Jan e Baldwin,both of Slim

bridge,lic. .

Edward Clifton,of Elsfield

,81 Elizabeth

Edwards,of Ashchurch

Gloucestershire Par ish Reg i sters.

2 2 Feb .

1 7 Apr.

14 Jun e

2 1 Jun e

2 9 Sept

2 9 Sept

3 0 Sept .

1 9 Sept .

2 5 Oct.

2 Feb.

2 7 Feb .

2 4 Mar.

2 4 Apr.

1 8 Jun e

1 0 July

[ 1 72 5

I 7Z S

1 72 6

I 72 7

34 Gloucestersh i re Par ish Reg isters [ 172 9

William Sharp,of Aston-upon - Carran

,p . As

church,Sarah Dutfield

,of Kemerton

Joseph Pendry 81 Mary Lyes,both ofAschurch

John Cole 81 Mary Mearing,both of Kemerton

John Hill,of the City of Worcester

,81 Mary

Law,of Dymoke

,co. Glouc.

,lic. 9 Aug .

John Stephen s An n Russel,both of p .


John King,p . Ballscott


,81 Mary Nind


p . Aschurch,lic. 2 Nov .

Joseph Vardy An n Northern,both of Dum


Wm . Fort,ofHin ton

,co . Glos .

,81 Mary Baldwin

Thomas Lyes,ofSedgbourough , co .Worcester


& Mary Dyer,ofGrafton

,p . Beckford, lic. 2 1 Feb .

Giles Pul ly,p . Bredon

,co. Worcester


Han n ah Hopkin s,of Aschurch 2 7 Mar.

Edward Clark,p. of Stren sham

,co. Worcester


An n e John s,of Kemerton 2 3 Apr.

Thomas Steward,w.

,of Broadway

,co . Glos .


[s ic forWorcester], An n e Sunderland,w.

,of Tewksbury

,lic. 2 2 May

Richard Dark,of Overbury

,co . Worcester


Mary Mumford,of Kemerton

,lic. 2 8 July

Thos . Hopkin s Marget Harris,both of


William Cormel Mary S teig h tWilliam Pace Elizabeth ColeThos. Emes

,of Glouc.

,Mary Abel


Hampton,co. W igorn , lic. 2 9 Sept .

Frances Jen kin s Mary Attwood,both of

Aschurch 2 Oct .

Robert White,of Didbrook

,Pricilla Farley


of Kemerton 1 4 Oct .

John Littel,of Woolston

,Mary Harris


Ashchurch 1 7 Apr.Richard Clifford

,of Stoke Orchard


Brandwel,of Ashchurch 1 1 Jun e

William An drews,p . Moreton in Marsh


Southam, of Ebrington , lic. 6 Nov .

1 738] Kemer ton Mar r iag es.

John Mon nox An n e Johnson,both of

TewksburyJohn Mon nox

,Anne Johnson

,both of


3 0 Mar. 1 73 2

3 0 Mar. 1 73 3

[So repea ted in both years, the true date is eviden tly 1 7

Henry Rickets Mary Baxter,both of


George Fenton An n e Floyd,both of West


Edward Cook& Ann e Bird,both ofWinchcomb

N icholas Lock,of the Temple

,p . S . Duston e



Susannah Trystram ,of

Stow,co. Glos .


Henry Rushworth,of the p . St. Crifts [S t

Mary de Crypt], Glouc.

,Mary Man



John Higgins,p. Ashchurch

,Mary Phips

Gerrard Walker,p. Trustley, co. Derby


Catherine Nash,p . Tewksbury


Thomas Roberts 81 Eln er Ran,both of Ash

churchJohn Drew

,p. Can nan frome

,co. Hereford


Catherine Pil linger, of KemertonJohn Philips

,p. Bredon

,co. Worcester


Mary Bick,p . Ashchurch

John Cooks,p . Painswick

,Anne N icholson



,p . Clayn es, co. Worcester


Will . Cardinal] Mary Daniel,both of Deer


John Lewis,of Tewksbury

,Mary Moore



Nathaniel Chandler Mary ChurchRalph Jeenes Martha Hill

,both of Tewkes

buryZ achariah Page Anne Newman

,both of

AshchurchJoseph Holder, of Hanley Castle, Sarah

Beal,of Ashchurch .

John Finch,of Teddington

,81 Mary Purser



14 Apr.

1 1 July2 1 Oct.

4 Dec.

2 Dec.

2 8 Dec.

2 2 Feb .

8 Oct . 1 734

2 5 Sept .

2 6 Dec.

1 3 Apr 1 737

6 Oct .

1 6 Sept 1 738

D 2

36 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters. [ 1 738

Robert Pit Susan nah Peachy, both ofTewksbury


William Rickets El izabeth BroadfootThomas Hull Susan nah HolderFrancis Drin kwater

,of Cumberton ,

co. Worcester

,An n Newman

Thomas Thorn bury,of Breedon



Sarah BradfordJoseph Rickets An n Barn sJames Beesley

,of Pebworth


’sh ire


Hester Ricketts,lic.

Nathan iel Tidmarsh,of Mickleton


sh ire,

Judith N indWill iam Wilks Han n ah Moysey .

George Rickets Sarah Col l in sWill iam Baker

,of Severn Stoke

,co. Worces

ter,Mary Sou l

John Jeen s 81 Sarah PumphreyWilliam King 81 Sarah Taylor

,both of Ash

churchEdward Elliott

,city of Gloucester


Farmer,ci ty of Worcester


William Heath 81 An n Mackapin , both ofTewkesbury



[NOTE — l n this transcr iptwhen the res idence is

parties are a lways of Kemerton ]

George Turb ervile,of Tewksbury

, g en t ,Elizabeth Jones

Richard Woodward Roberts,of Eckington


Worcester, Mary Merriman,of

Twyn ing,lic.

John Tarran,p . Winchcomb



William Cole, this p.

,Elizabeth Snow



William S teigh t Sarah Hemming,lic.

Thomas Poole Elizabeth Helmes

1 7 Dec. 1 738

1 7 Dec.

2 4 May 1 740

1 1 Apr. 1 744

6 Dec.

2 2 Sept . 1 746

2 9 Oct.

1 1 Feb . 1 747

3 0 Jan .

1 6 Aug . 1 749

2 5 Sept .

n ot stated the

2 2 Oct . 1 753

2 2 Dec.

1 0 Feb. 1 755

2 May1 3 Oct.

1 1 Jan . 1 757

1 764] Kem er ton Mar r iag es . 37

Matthew Keys,of Beckford

,An n Web 3 1 Mar. 1 757

William S teigh t,w.

,of this p .

,An n White


w.,of Ashchurch


John Wilks,of Twin n ing

,81 Han n ah Turbit

,s .

Thomas Elcocks,w.

,Mary Symonds

,s .

,l ic.

Giles Pul ly,of Breedon

,Esther Brom age

Richard Davis,b .

,81 An n Roberts, 5 .

John Cormel,weaver

,Mary Cuff

,s .


William Veal,b .

,Elizabeth Soul

,s .


John Batman,b .

,Mary Mason

,5 .

William Booth,of Beckford

,Susan n ah Mary


Richard Peart,b .

,Mary Dudfield

,s .

John Pagh it , b .

,Lydia Elcocks

,5 .

Hen ry Hemming,w.

,of Peopleton

,co . Wore .


Jane Palmer,s . 1 1 May 1 760

Will iam Roberts,b .

,of Beckford


Pace,5 . 2 9 May

James Hawker,

carpenter,b .

,81 Elizabeth

Dudfield,s . 5 July

John Soule,b .

,Mary Webb

,s .

,lic. 2 1 Jan . 1 76 1

John Roberts,b .

,of Badsey

,Worces ter


Mary Penn,s .

,lic. 3 1 Oct. 1 760

[The date 1 760 appears in the en try, and is rewr itten inthe marg in ]

Joseph Martin,b .

,of Win chcomb


Taylor,3 . 1 5 Mar. 1 76 1

Benjamin Hawkes,b .

,carpen ter

,81 Elizabeth

Smith,s .


Robert Higgins, jun .

,b .

,of Breedon


Sarah Pope,s .

,lic. 2 8 Dec.

Thomas Dobbs,b . ,of Ashchurch

,Hann ah

Higgin s,s . 4 Oct. 1 76 2

Thomas Cooke,b .

,of Kemerton

,An n e Kes

dall,of Overbury

,Worcester 1 6 June 1 763

Charles Rickards,b .

,of Norton

,p . Bredon


Sarah Higgin s,s . 1 4 Feb . 1 764

William Cole,b .

,Elizabeth Bird

,s .

,lic 9 Oct .

Edward Cooper,b .

,of Droitwich



81 Hannah Turner,s .

,lic. 3 1 Oct.

38 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 764

William Higgin s,b .

,Elizabeth Cole

,5 . 1 3 Nov . 1 764

James Drinkwater, b .

,81 Sarah Roberts, 5 . 2 1 Oct . 1 765

John George,b .

,81 Han n ah Care

,s .


BeckfordJoseph Combe

,b .

,81 Elizabeth Peart

,s .

Thomas Millington,b .

,81 Martha Hull

,s .

William Pace,b .

,81 Elizabeth Sall is, lic

Edward Furkin s,b .

,81 Sarah Tyler

,s .


Thomas White,b .

,81 Mary Ricketts

,s .


William Wood,b .

,Han n ah Hooper


Samuel Dudfield,b .

,& Elean or Han cock

,s .


Richard Davies,w.

,Mary Dickson

,s .

Thomas Mil l ington,w.

,An n Pace



Joseph H ar t,b .

,of Breedon

,Sarah Buckle

,s .

John Earthridge, b .

,An n Thorn hill

,s .


James Cook,b .

,of Breedon

,Mary Sall is

,5 .

William Wilkes,w.

,of Kemerton


Ell is,s .

,of Breedon

Charles Vale,b .

,81 Mary Cole

,s .


Thomas Morgan,b .

,81 Elizabeth Cole


Thomas Cole,b .

,81 Elizabeth Dudfield

,s .


John Overbury,b .

,An n Pace

,s .


Thomas Price,b .

,Margaret Nether

,5 .

Isaac Peart,w.

, 81 Mary Stephens, w.

Thomas Sharp,b .

,of Bredon

,An n Baxter


s .

,lic. 7 Oct.

John Barn es,w.

, Elizabeth Rickards,w.

,lic. 2 4 Nov .

William H i tche,b .

,81 Mary Wilkes

,s . 2 6 Nov .

Thomas John s,w.

,Mary Wilkes

,W. 2 8 Feb. 1 775

Will iam Cartwright,b .

,An n Ken t

,s .

,lic. 2 8 Feb .

Cornelius Baradine,b .

,of Elmston e Hard

wick,81 An n Sal l is

,5 .

Richard Pace,b .

,Jan e Gibson

,s .


Edward Spragg,b .

,of [blanh], Eleanor

Soule,s .


Thomas Teale, b .

,Elizabeth Baker

,5 .

William Barn es,b .


,81 Mary Allen


s .


Joseph Biddle,b .

,Viccarof Beckford


Parson s, s .

,lic 2 8 May 1 776

1787] Kemer ton Mar r iag es .

William Veale,w.

,of Kemerton


Lan der,s .

,of Overbury

John Overbury,w.

,An n Harris

,s .


John Reeves,b .

,of Dimmock

,Mary An

drews,s .


William Ricketts,b .

,81 Han n ah Wilkes

,s .

Joseph Phipps 81 Elizabeth LawRichard Lewis

,b .

,Mary Humphrey

,s .

John James,b .

,of Overbury



Sarah Page,s .


Robert Matty,b .

,81 Elizabeth Woodward


EdwardW iggatt, b .

,Elizabeth Elcocks

,s .



John Stock,w.

,Elizabeth George

,5 .

William H eeks,b .

,Elizabeth Wilkes

,s .

Joseph Sowl,b .

,Ann Dyer


William Harding,b .

,of Badgeworth

,81 Mary

Oakley,s .


Charles Miles,b .

,of Ashchurch

,Hann ah

Price,5 .

Robert Powel,b .

,Hann ah Dyer

,3 .

William Sall is,b .

,of Breedon

,81 Jan e Law,

3 .

William Mumford,b .

,of Breedon


Cole,s .


William Cole,w.

,of Kemerton



,of I lmington



William Cresswell, b .

,Mary Ken t

,5 .

William Merriman,b .

,An n Mumford


Morrison H . Ward,b .

,Han nah Clarke

,s .



Thomas Traviss,b .

,An n Webb

,s .

John Barnes,w.

,Hann ah Spires

,s .

John Wakefeild,b .

,Margaret Mull is

,s .

Williams Barnes,b .

,Jan e Pugh

,s .


Francis Welles,w.


,Rector of Earls


,Elizabeth Par

son s,sq ht .

Benjam in Davies,b .

,of Overbury



Mary Weaver,s .

Robert Hamnett,b .

,Susanna Sall is

,s .

3 Apr.1 9 Jun e9 Oct .

2 Dec.

2 0 July1 0 (3ct

2 3 () ct

7 Feb.

2 1 Feb .

2 6 Feb.

7 Feb .

1 5 June

2 4 Jan .

2 7 June1 4 Nov.

3 0 Jan .

6 Nov .

3 0 Aug .


1 778

1 779

1 780

1 78 1

1 78 2

1 784


1 786

I 7S7

40 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 78 8

John Bown,b .

,Betty Rickards

,s .

Joseph Barn es,w.

,of Fekinh am


81 Sarah Cole,s .


Will iam Lon don,b .

,An n Smith

Charles Buckle,b .

,Sarah Rock

,5 .

Joseph Troughton,b .

,An n Dobbin s

,s .

Thomes Fran klin,b .

,Mary Cates

,5 .

George Gaze,of Churchill

,An n Soul

John Drin kwater,b .

,81 Mary Turn er

,5 .

William Cole,W .

,81 An n Kn ight

,5 .

John Freeman,b .

,of Beckford

,81 Elizabeth

Mumford,s .


Don al O’

Ca llag han , Esq .

,Miss Charlotte


William Okey,b .

,of Deerhurs t


Cooke,s .


William Cresswell,w.

,Sarah Barrow

,s .


John Stew,b .

,81 Priscil la Evan s

,5 .

William Baylis,b .

,81 Mary Lun n

,s .

John Pleyden , b .

,81 Betty Skin n er

,s .


BredenJohn Fran klin

,b .

,Han n ah Rickards

,W .

John Wedgeborough , b .

,81 An n Davies


John Hobbs,b .


,81 Elizabeth Clarke


s .


Isaac Turn er,b .

,of Walton Cardifif


beth Purser,s .


William Martin,of Ashton - un der-Hill


Nan cy Clarke,s .


Jasper Dykes,b .

,81 Catharin e Darke

,s .


William Reyn olds,w.

,of Evesham

,81 Frances


Ambrose Harvey,w.

,of Overbury

,Han n ah

Man sell,s .


John Clarke,b .

,of Kemerton



,of Eckington


John Claridge Smith,b .

,Fan ny An drews

,5 .

William Earthridge, b .

,An n Perkes

,s .

John Freeman,b .

,Mary Wagstaffe

,s .


John Pleadon,w.

,81 An n Morris

,s .

2 Apr.

2 4 May

2 9 Sept.

1 5 Dec.

1 9 Mar.

2 9 Oct.

4 2 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters .

John Price,w.

,81 Hannah Bloxam

,s .

Joshua Smith,b .

,Fran ces Vale

,5 .

James Grizzell,b Jan e Reeve

,5 .

William Yeend,b .

,of Ashchurch

,Priscill a

C1arke,swht .

James Cook Sarah Dan ceThomas Wiggett

,b .

,Elizabeth Fluck 5 .

Richard Humphries, b .

,of Winchcombe


Elizabeth Dance,s . .

Thomas Pin n ig er, b .

,Han n ah Ston e

,s .

Thomas Mumford,b .

,81 Priscilla Dudfield




Edward N icholls,b .

,Sarah Pratten

,5 .

William Maiden,b .

,of Ashchurch


Barnes,s .

Charles Smith,b .

,Mary H eeks

,s .

Thomas Frankling , b .,Rebecca Hallington

,s .

John Wilkes,b .

,81 Charlotte Bennett

,8 .

John Price,w.

,81 Sophia Mason

,5 .

William Pratten,b .

,81 Mary Jeyn es, w.


BredonThomas Price


,Mary Kelly


8 Jan.

2 6 Oct.

2 3 lkpr.


2 4 13e0

7 Apr.2 4 June

[ 1 8 1 2

1 80 7

1 80 8

1 8 0 9

1 8 1 0

2 9 Nov .

1 3 Dec.

I Z TqOV .

1 4 Nov.

6 Jan .

1 8 1 1

Marr iages at

Lem ington Parva ,

1 70 1 to 1 8 1 2 .

NOTE — The o ldest Register (170 1 to 1753) is a parchm en t volume without a cover but in good condition . The second volume (1757to 18 1 2 ) is of paper

,in a rough bindin g of the same m ateria l.

The Marriages have been extracted by the Rev. J . Harvey Bloom ,Rector of Whitchurch , and are prin ted under h is supervision byperm iss ion of the late Priest- in -charge , the Rev. Ferd . Ruegg .


Johanes Carter SaraWard 4 Aug .

Richard Mathewes,de Whichford


Badsey,de Ditch ford 1 1 Oct .

William Freeman,w.

,of Little Compton


Mary Hain s,of Lower Swell .

Antony Brain Fran ces Min erdWilliam Savage Jan e Colchester .

N icholas Fletcher Mary Holder,of Wood

stock 2 3 Aug .

Robert H arb idge Elizabeth Freeman, ofTodenham 2 5 Apr.

Edward Hart,of Sh ipston , Elizabeth Taylor


of MortonJohn Claridge Jane H oltam

Thomas Reeve Mary Bosarel, of BroadwellWill iam Hobb MaryTom l in s

,of Toddenham

John Liseley Mary FreemanWilliam Liseley Mary Roch

,both of Sutton

Robert Smith,de Competon [Compton] Jane

Lilley,of Saintbury

Mr. William Williams,clerk

,Mrs . Frances

Larn er,of Morton


William Berry Mary Smith,of Stretton

Peter Herbert Hester Albert,lie.


John Wyatt,of Todenham

,An n Miles


D itchford

Mr. Joseph R iland,of D itchford

,81 Mrs .

Freelove Collett,of Lower Slaughter

Robert Plaster Margarett Harris,of Stretton

John Roach 81 An n PoolThomas Tawney Mary Fletcher

,of Ebring


The Rev. Mr. Edward Hughes Mrs . An n eJohn son

,both of Cherrington


Hen ry Pilkington,of Stretton


Blizzard,of Stow

Richard Richardson 81 Mary Weston,of

H i tcoat,lic.

Samuel Archer, of Stretton , Ann e Lea,of

of ToddenhamWilliam Will iams

,of Fairford

,An n e Proctor


of Moreton—ln - the-MarshJohn Liseley 81 Margaret WhiteJohn Claridge Mary RobbinsMr. Will iam Smart , of Winchcomb, Mrs .

Coll is Hughs,lic.

John Longston e Mary Robbin sJohn Pitway Mary MillsWalter Perry

,of Fell Mell Margaret Wood


of MoretonI saac Pool

,of Moreton

,Judith Miles


Toden ham,lic.

Dan iel Lambert,of Bourton—on - the-Hill


E l izabeth Procter,of Moreton


Hen ry Hitchman,

An n HitchmanCharles Ki tely Katherin e MilesThomas Halford 81 Ann e RemelEdward Barn et Jan e HobsSamuel Ward 81 Mary FreemanJohn Walker An n Arn elThomas Minchin Rachael DavisThomas Beal 81 Mary PhilipsRobert Brain 81 An n WyattJoseph Barnet Mary Collett

Gloucestershire Par ish Reg ister s .

6 June

5 Dec.

8 Oct.

1 8 Oct .

2 5 Jan.

2 9 Apr.

2 7 Dec.

1 3 Jan .

2 4 Aug

2 9 Apr.2 3 Dec.

2 5 Aug .

2 7 Oct .

1 1 Jun e

3 0 Sept .

2 6 NOV.

[ 172 2

1 72 2

1 72 3

1 72 6

I 72 7

1 73 0

1 73 1

1 73 2

1 733

I 734

1 73 5

1 737

I 739

1 74 1

1 797] Lem ing ton Parva Marr iag es. 45

VOLUME I I .Richard Simmon ds Mary RoachJohn Millar

,of Paxford

,Sarah Lawrence

Thomas Roan e Margate HaleThomas Riching

,of Tredding ton , Sarah

CookRichard Sharp

,of Todenham

,Sarah Days

Thomas Rose Elizabeth Wh i teingJohn Davis

,of Ascott- under—Wh ichwood


Han n ah SmithThomas Rooch Jan e Wyatt

,of Todenham

William -Harris Mary SmithThomas Sharp 81 An n Bradley

,of Draycot

Thomas Roach Hester Hyatt,lic.

William Harris An n Halford,lic.

Thomas Rose,of Broadwell

,An n Clark

Will iam Fletcher,of Wolford

,Han nah

HalfordThomas Allcock Sarah RandalRichard Hands

,of Loughborough


Holford 2 3 Jan .

James Wheeler,of Long Compton



Thomas Bashett 81 Eleanor HughsEdward Harr is Hann ah WaltonThomas Box Mary RobertsHenry Smith


,Elizabeth Halford


John Watson Han n ah DavisJohn Printer

,Poin ter], of Compton Abdale,

Mary GillettThomas Taylor Mary FranklingJohn Stephen s, of Pershore, St. Andrew,

Hester Halford 2 9 Mar.Will iam Bennett

,of Todenham


HartwellWill iam Driver Martha SharpeCharles Hadland

,gen t. Hester Haris


borough,in this p .

,lic. 30 May

John Dix,gent

,of Sibford in Swalclifi'

e,co .


,Martha Harris

,he. 14 Nov.

46 Gloacestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 8 1 2

John Bennett,of Chastleton

,81 Mary Harris


William Tims Mary WatsonJohn Pricket Sarah SharpThomas Kerry

,of Chadlington

,81 Ann Summers

Richard Lidsey 81 Han n ah BrownWilliam Laite Elizabeth SummerJohn Hutchings Han n ah RoseJoseph Barsley Elizabeth Roper

,of Hook

Norton 1 3 Dec.

Ma rriages at Wes ton =on

Avon ,

1 69 0 to 1 8 1 0 .

NOTE — The earl iest Volum e ofRegisters is of parchmen t, and m easures

fourteen by e ight in ches, bound in brown too led leather, withclasps of brass . The en tries are many of them of much in terest


but en tered indiscrim in ately in chronological order. The Benefice

was he ld as an appendage to“

ye Free Gramm ar School inStratford-upon -Avon ”

,and the headmasters of that School were

a lso Rectors of Weston . The second volume covers the periodfrom 1755 to 18 1 2 . The Marriages have been extracted bythe Rev. J . Harvey Bloom ,

M .A.

,Rector of Whitchurch , and

are prin ted under h is supervis ion , with the consen t of the Rev.

J . Davenport, M .A. , Rector.VOLUME I .

John Allen,of Burm ingham ,

Anne Morris,

of StratfordJohn Medes Sarah Slatter


Will . Rowley,yeoman

,81 Elizabeth Cotterell

Joseph Jelfes , ofWelford, MaryWhamsley,

servan tRobert Adams Dorothy Hawks

,of Aston


n ear Burm inghamBenj amin Fincher


,Anne Edkins




Thomas Weston,of Marston Sicca


LadbrookeRichard Lundan Elizabeth MealingWilliam Durham Anne BumpassMr. John Smith

,of Admington

,Mrs. Mary

Edden,of M ilcote


Thomas Smith Mary Lee,of Preston

Will iam M il ls Mary Cooper,of Aston Cant

lowS amuel Morris

,of Clifford Chambers

,Mrs .

Alice Edden,of Milcote


Valentine Stevens Mary Cullby

3 1 Dec.

2 3 Sept.

5 Apr.


Edward Gibbs,Esq.

,Agn es

, dau . of SirWilliam Keyte

,of Stratford— on—Avon ,

Luke Walton,of Bin ton

,Sarah George

Will iam Shekel, Jun . ,

Elizabeth LeesWill iam Ainge

,of Middle Littleton

,81 Mary

Nichols,of Pebworth


Thomas Langston,of Welford

,81 Penelope

Cox,of Evesham


Richard Newry,Hannah Ch ill in gworth , of

BromsgroveSimon Edwards

,ofWes tcrafts

,An n Ward

Edward Day,of Cherrington

,81 Mary R iland




John Green Ann e Taylor,of Clififord

William Archer 81 Elizabeth Man derMr. Robert COOper, of Pebworth , Miss

Hann ah Underhill,lic.

John Days Sarah Jones,of Preston - upon

Stour,lic. .

Henry Toms 81 Elizabeth GreenJohn Sym cocke An n e Ben netEdward Ben n et 81 Elizabeth Buggins

,a lias


Richard Malin s,of Thornton



Edward Sandbrook Mary StanleyJohn Hyatt

,of Toddington

,Anne Charlet


a lias Charlwood,ofWincot


Thomas Sharpe,of Stratford- upon -Avon


Anne Clarke,of King’s Clifford


Raff Gues t Anne Walters,of Preston- upon

StourThomas Gregory Elizabeth NightingaleJohn White

,of Alscot

,81 Dian a London


JonesJohn Wyatt Elizabeth Lowe


Richard Savage Elizabeth Freston,of Feb


Brian Hathaway Martha Purser

Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters .

2 May2 8 Sept .1 Mar.

2 5 May

1 5 Sept

2 1 Oct .

2 8 Mar .1 8 Apr.

1 7 May

2 0 May2 0 Sept .1 5 Oct.

2 1 Oct.

1 1 May1 2 Oct.

3 0 NOV.

1 2 May

2 Oct.

2 1 Feb.

2 8 Dec.

2 July

[ 1 739

I 739

1 743

1 744


I 74S

1 746

1 747

1 748

1 749

50 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters. [ 1 8 10

William Banning Sarah Stanley .

Richard Rouse,of Welford

, Mary LondonHenry Hicks

,of Bretforton

,81 Elisabeth


John Perks Mary Symkins, a lias Symcox

William Adams Rebecca Salmon .

George Palmer,of Welford

,Mary Hartwell

Thomas Roberts Hann ah FreemanThomas N ickols Elizabeth Heri tage


Hen ry Lee,of Kiddermin ster


Humphreys,Of Milcot


Thomas Erock 81 Elizabeth RousbonJohn Ben n et

,of Mickleton

,Susan n a Horn by

John Arn old,of St . Nicholas



Rebecca Salmon,lic.

Josiah Ball inger Sarah Horn byThomas Harwood Mary AdamsWill iam Adams Sarah Bridge

,of Stratford

Joseph Marshall,of Sain tbury

,An n Elling s

John Malin s Martha WestonJohn Copestake,ofMarston Sicca,&AnneCoplinJas . Hammond

,of Barston


,81 Eliz . Rous

Jas . Allen,of Inkborough , co. Warr.


Mary Spiers,w.

Richard Webb Mary ProctorJohn Court Annie Cotterell


Samuel Carter Anne HillRichard Wilkes 81 Elizabeth KnightJohn Horn by Ann e WhiteWilliam Thornton 81 Elizabeth HuntRichard Webb


,81 Anne Harris

Will iam Collett 81 Jan e Beez eleyWilliamTaylor


,Catherine Paxton

Will iam Riley 81 Charlotte JoinerWill iam Geadon Elizabeth CotterellJohn Lancaster

,of Loughborough


Adkin s,lzc

John Harwood Susannah Roberts

Marr iages at Buck land ,

1 5 39 to 1 8 39 .

NOTE — The Marr iages are con ta ined in three books. Volume I , 15391754 . Vo lum e I I

, 1755- 1803 . Volum e I I I , 18 13- 1839 . The oldest

book is an in terestin g parchm en t volum e, conta in in g some 69

pages, and divided in to three divis ion s, Buria ls, Marriages ,Bapt ism s. The earl ier part is in the writin g of Thom as Fowke


as the fol lowin g entry p laced before the Baptisms shows“A true copie of the Register BookeOi Bucklan d and Lab erton copied out andwritten by Thom as Fowke als Whe ler andcon t inued by John Ma ltbie

,Parson ther

Thom as Blissard 81 Wi l l iam Iz ode churchWardens and divers other p’

ish ion ers in

An no Dn i 160 0 .

FOWke divided h is paper in to three colum ns, p lacing the n ame of

the m on th on the left,and the date to the right of the en try proper.

The writin g is very good, and the who le book in fa ir condition , itmeasures 13 by 6 inches and has a flexible parchm en t cover.The extracts have been taken by the Rev. J . Harvey Bloom ,

M .A.,and are prin ted under his supervis ion with the con sen t of

the Rector,the Rev. F . Hul l .

VOLUME I .Mar iyag es begwing e Anno B n i . 1 543 andfrom thence un til!

this p’sen t time.

Richard Glocester Jone GoddardGiles Woodward Jone Swan n eThomas Hooke Margaret ApparrieJohn Hale Elizabeth Edmon dsThomas Izod Elizabeth RydingeWilliam Tomson Margaret Brown eThomas Blissard Elizabeth MachineRichard Heynis Katherine WhiteJohn Wormin gton 81 Agn es LawrenceAdam Blissard Alice IzodWilliam Tomson Agnes Wi lletsWill iam Izod 81 Alice NethertonAnthon ie Lancaster Margaret Jackson

1 9 July 1 539

1 4 Aug .

1 3 Sept .2 0 Oct.

1 8 Male 1 540

7 June2 6 Sept.1 4 Nov.

1 6 Oct.

2 1 NOV.

2 9 Jan . 1 54 1

1 4 Oct .

1 2 NOV.

E 2

5 2 Gloacestershire Par ish Reg isters. [ 1 54 1

Thomas Goddard Margaret Raie .

John Reeve Alice Bran tThomas Glover Alice WhelerJohn Tasker Margerie [blanh]John Wormington Katherin e HawkesEdmun d Hewes Alice FletcherJohn Bowrie Margaret SponerJohn Wacke Marie Bon deGeorge Graie 81 An n WhelerJames Stevens Agn es HalleRichard Bowrey Agn es IlletsWilliam Finche Katherine IzodJames Fowke Margaret Hon ingtonThomas Glocester Agn es BlissardW illm . Freman 81 Agn es IzodThomas Horsman Joys Chadburn eWill iam Walker 81 Alyce BramleyWill iam Durham Alice BlissardRichard Fowke Jone GlociterJohn Pardie Margerie BlissardThomas Horn e Alice TymeJames Izod Agnes FisherWill iam English Jone WestWilliam Hale Marj orieWyndoeWilliam Palmer Katherine FowkeThomas Fowke 81 Ann e GrayeW i l l iam Izode Dori th ie Godfreye

Hen rie Henrys Margerie BlissardeHen rie Palmer 81 Elizabeth BlissardeThomas Stevens An n Elyts

William Marbel Anne HawkesThomas Clyn ton 81 An n e Gwen teHen ry Hawks Alice BellJohn Blissard Margerie IzodWilliam Phill ipps Margerie BlissardsThomas Alexander Alice NethertonWilliam Freman Elizabeth SmitheThomas Grove Jone BestJohn Worme Margaret HoningtonLawrence Brockling ton Margaret Ellits

1 7 Nov .

1 7 Nov.1 9 JuneNov .

Jan .

2 2 Jul ie1 3 Sept .1 6 Sep2 3 Sept .1 0 July2 2 July1 5 Feb.

2 2 July2 8 July1 0 (DCt

2 2 J an .

1 6 Feb .

2 6 lkpr.

1 () ct

2 4 () ct

1 6 Sept .Q IqOV.

[blank] Aug .

2 2 Oct .

2 1 Sept.2 1 Sept.2 4 () ct

3 0 Jan .

5 Sept11 IqQV.

[blank]I o lhug .

1 2 Jan .

z l OV.


2 8 Jan .

2 8 Jan .

2 1 Jun e1 9 July1 5 1) ec.

1 54 1


I S44


1 546

I S47

1 548

I S49

1 5 5 1

1 55 2

1 553

1 554

I 5 5 5

1 5 56


1 5 58


1 560

1 56 1

1 58 2 ] B a ck/and [Mar r iag es 5 3

John Winderidg e 81 Margerie CowleySymon Carles Marie TysoeThomas Pearte Margaret SouthwoodWill iam White Katherin e GoddardJohn Sh ipster Agn es TomsonThomas Glociter Jul ian IzodeRobert Walker Margerie RayeJohn Graie Margerie BlissardHenrie Lott 81 Agn es ApperlieHen rie Feilde Agn es FremanRichard Pen n ell Alice BenboweThomas Mason An n e Fyn cheHenrie George 81 Katherin e CoxeJohn Wilson Margaret HitchmanJohn Brookes Agn es BurgesThomas Clarkson Margaret BlissardRichard FOWke Elizabeth BlissardWilliam Richman Katherin e SouthwoodJohn Blissard Jone WhiteJohn Mason Margerie KiteEdward Constable Helen or HitchmanWilliam Austin Jone Win stonRichard Clemence 81 Katherine FincheWilliam Smarte Agnes LakePeter Reade Margaret WinstonWill iam Fammell Alice TysoeThomas Overburie Elizabeth WalkerWillm Taylor Margaret InceWillm Porter Margaret WellsRobert Clarke Katherine Steven sJohn Owcote Katherine FfowkeWilliam Izod Margerie FfowkeJohn Brookes Jone WinstonRichard Goddard Elizabeth BowltonThomas Hewes Alice BestWilliam Welles Helenor SmitheRobert Greene Marie HewesFrances H athewaie Elizabeth WhelerW i ll iam Steven s Elizabeth BlackwellJohn W ingefielde Amye Edmonds

1 0 Dec.

1 7 Dec.

1 3 Jun e2 0 Oct .

2 2 Nov.

zui hday

2 5 Septi i lQov.

1 9 Oct .

1 7 Jan.

2 7 Jan .

9 Nov .

2 2 Sept .2 0 Jan .

3 Feb .

8 May3 May

1 56 1

1 56 2

1 564

1 565

1 566

I S67

1 568

1 569

1 570

1 571

1 572

1 8 [blank]Aug .

2 1 NOV.

2 3 June1 4 July1 6 Jun e2 6 Sept .5 Nov .

2 6 Nov.

2 6 NOV .

2 6 NOV.

2 Dec.

5 Oct .

gg i hl an

3 May

1 4 Sept5 Feb.

2 3 Sept .1 5 Oct .

1 573

1 574


1 576

I S77

1 578

1 580

1 58 1

8 [blank]1 0 Feb .

1 2 Jun e1 8 July

1 58 2


54 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 583

Edmon de Gilke Elizabeth ReveJohn Blissard Helen Penn ellRichard Wells 81 Alice BlissardJohn Bewlie Helen or FletcherWill iam Rose An n e FreemanThomas Flucke 81 Mawde BlissardWilliam Richman 81 Agn es Warckman

Hen rie Curn ocke Jon e BakerPhillipp Shurley Silvester WellsWilliam Davis Alice Steven sNicholas Kempe Margerie WhiteJohn Kerder 81 Alice Warckman

Thomas Greves Judith Mauncell .

John Hall ier 81 Jon e Tom son ne

Hen rie Gibbs 81 Susan Farmer,als.Windridge

John Godfrey Margerie StevensRichard White 81 Alice FisherJohn Ben n ett An n WalkerHughe Kn owles 81 Ann WellsWilliam Smithe 81 Jon e RussellWill iam Steven s Margerie BowrieThomas Blissard 81 Susan BowrieRichard Sambage An n GroveJohn Freeman Katherine Godfrie .

William Davis 81 El izabeth TysorRaphe Warn er Alice BlissardJohn Man n inge Margaret Warckman

An thon ie Hancocks Jon e KnightJohn Selman Margaret SmitheThomas Fisher A l ice Maun cell

Richard Sambage An n Win stonThomas Fowke als . Wheler An n Blissards

John H ambage Katherin e Graie,lic.

William Avaris An n WilsonWill iam Blissarde Margaret MansellThomas Hawton Al ice GrayeThomas Bailis Elean or Newman .

Harrie Stallard Jean e BeckinsylWilliam Lan e 81 Elenour WalkerGyles White Anne Hayle

1 9 Jan.

2 3 Jan .

2 1 May2 o (Dct

[blank]2 1 NOV.


1 6 () ct

2 6n

2 4 Jan .

1 6 Feb .

1 0 hdaie

1 5 June1 2 Oct.

zi hdakz

June7 Apr.Oct.

1 7 Jun e2 2 June5 Nov.


Iq OV .

2 7 Nov.

3O IqOV.

3 1 Jan .

z 8 lflov.

9 P— J1 6 July1 9 Maie2 8 Julie1 3 Oct.

2 4 IQOV.

7 Nov .

1 6 Feb.7 lQov.

3 0 () ct

1 7 () ct


2 8 lflov.

1 583

1 584

1 58 5

1 586

1 587

1 588

1 589

1 590

1 59 1

I S93

1 594

1 59 5

1 596

I S97

1 598

I S99

1 6 0 0

1 60 1

1 60 2


1 60 3

1 60 4

I 6 2 2 ] B ack/and Mar r iag es . 5 5

John Goddard Anne Chapleyne 2 0 Jan . 1 60 4

Ellis Watt Anne Roper 1 8 Jun e 1 60 5

Achilles Stevens Mary Tiso 2 5

James Bowry Eleanor Bl izzard 2 6 Nov .

Jhon Savage, of Newberie, Anne,dau. of

George Savage,lic.

Wi ll iam Fisher Elizabeth Steven sGyles Archarde An n e H ockon

Richard Izod Judith Iz odeAmbrose Hues An n e WardeThomas Blissarde Susan Man sellHenrie Blissarde Joan e MooreJohn Collet Marie Iz odeCharles Bowen Marie Daston


Richard Walker Frances ReeveGeorge Savage Mary TracieAnthony Gray Joane MooreJeffrey Warner Frances RooperWilliam Walken 81 Elizabeth WalkerJhon Price 81 Alis MooreWilliam Mason als . Symons Frances HawksThomas Underhil l Elizabeth Daston

Richard Symon s Ann e H on n ibourn e

Thomas Blissard Alis WhiteThomas Tiso Frances TomsonRichard Hon n iburne Alis HaileWilliam Somerfield Margaret IzodJohn Mumford Ann BlissardThomas Phelps Idee BramleyJohn Izod Katheryn GodfreyRichard Bait El izabeth HillarThomas Roberts Ann e Mal tbieWilliam Freeman An n e WhiteEdmunde Blissarde Margery CattellJohn Kyuman Mary GraieWilliam Steven son Marie Whi teThomas Cox Marie StallardThomas Steven s Judith WilsonWill iam H aiward als. Coxe Elisabeth IzodThomas Clemence Mary Sambach

9 Iflov.

1 1 NOV.

1 5 Jan .

1 6 1Feb .

5 May

1 6 0 6

1 60 7

5 [blank]1 1 June2 2 IQOV.

3 Sept .Z S IqOV .

1 7 Sept .2 1 Oct.

z o () ct


3 ,J an .

1 7 J an .

9 () ct

1 5 l— l2 9 l2 0 Jan.

1 2 .Feb.

zi hdan

4. h4ar .

7 July2 5 IQOV.

2 5 Jun e2 6 J an .

zfii hday

1 3 (Dct

7 3Feb .

1 0 1— 12 1 Feb .

7' h4ay

zfii hday

2 3 July

1 60 8

1 60 9

16 1 1

1 6 1 2

1 6 1 3


1 6 1 4

1 6 1 6

1 6 1 7

1 6 1 8

1 6 1 9

1 6 2 0

1 6 2 1

1 6 2 2


56 Gloucestershire Par ish Registers. [ 1 6 2 3

Joan Wright alias Spooner Mary Bliz sardWilliam Rose Katheryn Sowthorn eHenry Brookes

,of Chilson Chrystian Hony

burnThomas Roberts Susan WellsEdward Pen bury Susan n a H orn iborn e

Richard White 81 Elizabeth GilbertThomas Hebbe

,of Leicester

,Katherin e

Ban ckes

Edward Wright Alice Will iamsAmbrose Tyso 81 Mary HedgesJohn Corn bell Grace Chelten hamThomas H ukocks

,of Stratford

,81 Bridget

Bumpas,of Campden

William Edden,of Dascot

,Joane White

Edward Thackwell Mary SouthernThomas Smith Alice BushellN icholas Juggin s Margaret Somerfield

John Tony Elisabeth RobertsThomas Wheeler 81 Elisabeth Bayl iesJohn Hagge 81 Elizabeth BlissardWilliam Fisher Mary IzodJohn Meeke 81 Judith FisherRichard Freeman An n e ParkerAn thony Man sell Marian Will isGeorge Tailor 81 Elizabeth SouthernFrancis Hopkin s Jon e BluetWill iam Gower Margaret Will iamsJohn Freeman 81 Mary FreemanFfrancis Beard Ann e Lyn deM ichael Moxton Dorothy Arn sellRichard Fisher 81 Mary Eedes


William Smart 81 Mary RichmanJohn Russell Mary Dan ceJames Fisher 81 Elizabeth KirkhamJohn Cul l Joyes Cornmell

William Freeman An n e ReeveJohn Umfrey Elizabeth Durham .

John Meeks 81 Mary BlissardJohn Hul l 81 Anne Cornmel

5 8 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters. [ 173 1

Thomas Hawkes Martha DyerIsaack Roberts Mary HawkesIsaach Coals Jane Newlan dJohn Beaven Katherin e BallardMathew Bron nett Mary CullThomas Stan ley 81 Elizabeth H orn ib lowRobert Woolton Mary HaleGiles Cripps Sarah Cambray


Samuel Percocks Sarah CrossJohn S tan ton Mary W thane

,of Marston

Sicca,lic. 2 4 Sept.

Thomas Tombes 81 Mary Cook,of Notgrove


Will iam Rouse El izabeth FisherJohn Stafford Mary PerksWilliam King Elizabeth LoweDaniel Broadway Mary WarnerHenry James Mary BlackfordJames Steven s Margaret RobertsJohn Hancock Mary Coll in sWill iam Blissard Ab igha il Coll insThomas Gib s Han n a SmithJohn Richardson Margaret SheffRichard Stevens Elizabeth Ban n ingThomas Sal ter Elizabeth Oakley

VOLUME I I . — 1 755- 1 80 2 .

Robert Wakefield,of Worm ington


Walker 5 Apr. 1 755

James Stephens An n Wincott 1 1 Oct.

William Rogers 81 Mary Gibbs 1 3 Oct . 1 656

Thomas Clifford,of Stow

,81 Kesia Stephens


1 2 Mar. 1 758

John Weston,of Pebworth

,Ann Gibson

,lic. 2 2 June

Richard Brown,w.

,of Broadway



Richard Phil ips Edith Dain e,lic.

Wil l iam Wilks,W .

,of Cleve, 81 Mary Gold, lic.

Will iam Standley Elizabeth WoodJohn Brown Elizabeth Stephens

2 5 Feb .

4 Dec. 1 73 6

1 2 Feb .

5 Nov. 1 737

[blank] 1 739 .

2 4 Apr.3 Oct.

2 7 [blank]2 9 Sept . 1 74 1

4 Sept. 1 74 2

[blank]1 9 Apr. 1 743

2 Dec. 1 746

1 772 ] B uckland Mar r iag es. 59

WilliamN ind,of Beckford

,Lidia Richardson,

lzc. 2 0 Sept . 1 76 2

Thomas Davis Jane White,lic. 30 Nov.

David Evan s,of Stan ton

,Betty Fisher 7 Apr. 1 763

Thomas Richardson Hannah Roberts,of

Broadway,lic. 2 9 July

Richard Cox Mary Browne,of ChildsWick

ham 2 5 Oct.

Thomas Moore,of St. Laurence



An n ButlerThomas Savage Mary SimmonsThomas White


,ofWil lersey


Brown,w. 2 7 Dec.

Daniel Griffiths Sarah H ig ford, of Alderton ,lie. 1 Mar. 1 764

Franci s H uborn,w.

,Mary Lowe

,lic. 6 Nov.

John Martin An n Durham,lic. 1 6 Feb . 1 765

John Laurance,of Charl ton Kings



William White,of Ashton

,Sarah Gibson


John Rastall 81 Sarah GilbertWill iam Davis Susannah Bushel


Thomas Rose,of Breforton

,An n Roberts

Joshua Smith,of Evesham

,An n Wasley


Thomas Bartlam,of Wil lersey


SnedwellWilliam Warren Elizabeth RichardsonJames Rogers Sarah GibbsRichard Keyt Penelope GilletJames Stanford Elizabeth Beard .

Richard H orn iblow Mary Richardson,lic.

Jacob Cockerell Ann CullJohn Camden

,of Bidford

,Elizabeth Horni


Thomas Clifford,of Chipping-Norton


phen a Steven s, lzc.

James Houghton,of Salford

,Hannah Sn ed

well,lic. 1 0 Jan . 1 771

W. Davis & Eleanor Shipway 1 Oct . 1 772

John Bray Elizabeth Turner 1 6 Oct.


David Harvey Elizabeth Bubb,lic.

John S tai te An n Wallice

John Hawkes Mary Stevens, lie.

William Chambers Margaret WallenEdward Collin s

,of Willersey, Elisabeth

Vincen tRichard Philips


,Mary Combe

Benj . Hun t Sarah GrimmetEdward Daffarn 81 An n Ben nettAbraham Knowles An n PoolThomas Stallard An n Straton , lic.

John Parrot Mary Cockerell,lic.

GeorgeReene,ofDidbrooke, Fran ces Pitman,


John Gibbs Ann Daffarn,lic.

William Lam ley, of Snowshill , 81 SarahGibbs


William Simmons Al ice RogersWill iam Field 81 Sarah TaylorRichard Jeffs Margaret Daffurn


Richard Sm itt 81 An n QuarrellEdward Handy

,of Broadway



Benj amin Whitford An n Oldacre,lic.

Robert Baylies , of Church—Stanway, Rebecca Brown


John Chan dler 81 Bridget BollardRichard Jelfs,w.

,An n Bubb

William Fisher,w.

,Elizabeth Harvey

Benj amin Farr,w.

,of Alcester


Atkin s,lic.

Thomas Ball inger 81 Mary GilletThomas Richardson Mary Radford


William Payne An n Steven sJoseph Sadler

,of Broadway

,Mary Finch



Thomas Stephen s,of Offenham


DavisJohn Atkin s

,of Sedgebow, Sarah White

W i ll iam Hunt Elizabeth Wallis


Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters.

1 3 Nov.

1 9 Nov.

1 6 Dec.

1 2 Sept.

4 Jan .

2 9 Apr.

2 9 Sept3 0 Nov.

2 2 J an .

1 9 May1 3 July

5 June1 8 Oct.

6 Jan .

2 6 July7 Nov.

1 8 Jun e

2 Oct .

4 Nov.

1 0 Feb .

2 5 Mar.

2 6 July

2 3 Jan.

2 4 May1 1 Feb .

[ 1 772

1 772

1 774

I 777

1 778

I 779

1 780

1 783

1 784

1 786

I 7S7

1 788

I 789

1 79 1

1 79 2

I 793

1 80 8] B uckland Mar r iag es.

John Ol iver,of Winchcomb

,An n Crump


Thomas Savage Elizabeth SmithWilliam Spiers El izabeth Hale


John Warran t 81 Elizabeth WearingGeorge Standley Ann PhilipsSamuel Vin cen t An n Stan dleyRichard Smith Grace DavisJohn Russell of Toddington

,Ann Radford


Stephen Wells Elenor Scroggs,lic.

William Grimmet Sarah NewetJames Rogers Eddy Stan ley


George Dunn Sarah SavageJohn Green Elizabeth James

, lic.

John Ratford Lucin da BoyceRichard Gammon

,of Brilingham ,

ElizabethDavis 1 2 Feb.

Adam Washbrook,w.

,Mary Evans


Staunton,lic. 2 0 Apr

Thomas Young Sarah Baylis 9 Sept .Richard Gidson Hann ah Phillips 9 Dec.

William Boyce,of Broadway

,Ann S tai t 2 4 Feb .

Samuel Gibbs of Blockley,Hann ah Hawkes 3 0 Jun e

Will iam Richardson Hann ah Butler,lic. 9 June

George Hemin g Elenor Wallis 2 Nov.

William Morris Mariah Stan ford 2 Aug .

William Collicott Sarah Reevis 1 2 Apr.The following ban ns are en tered at end of the same book.

last date of asking is g iven .

William H emm in s Elizabeth Savage 1 5 Jan .

John Stephens Sarah Phill ips,of Wesson 3 Nov .

William Lyceham Mariah Savage 9 Oct .

6 1

Marr iages at Saintbury,

1 58 5 to 1 8 1 2 .

NOTE — These Weddings have been abstracted by consen t of the Rev.

C .W . S imon s, Rector, and are n owprin ted under the supervis ionof the Rev. J .Harvey Bloom . The Marriages from 1 585 to 1754 are

con ta in ed in a parchm en t volum e . Those from 1755 to 18 1 2 are

entered in the ordin ary volume used under Lord Hardwicke ’

s Act .

Thomas Woodbourn e Alice WardJohn Brodwell, of Broadway, An n Penbury

William Freman 81 Margaret MedleyWill iam H utch ines Alice TaylorJohn Hancox 81 Margarett BakerWill iam Careless Martha H ixeJames Harward Elizabeth BradsonJohn Freeman

,of H on ibourn e

,81 Elizabeth

PalmerEdward Evan s Margaret SkeptRadulf Staple Chris tian An thon ie

Richard Jefl'

ersonn e Frances FisherWill iam Willies Alice SaintburyRichard Cotterell Joanna Hieru

,b ., of

WillerseyJohn Walford Ursula OrchardJames Ashwin Dorothy ChippewayAlexander Pichell

,of Shipton Underwood


Margaret WillisJohn H odgekins, a lias Tayler, Ann e CollettGeorge Neale Margaret GriyphinAnthony Dorrard Elizabeth Tayler (servant

to Sir Thomas Bartlett,Kt .)

Thomas Mathewes,of Odden ton


CotterellThomas Hopkins Christian Hutchings

(married out of Mr Cragg’s Housel )

Christopher Cragg, Rector.

1 9 Apr.

6 Nov.

2 7 Nov.

64 Gloucester sh i re Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 6 14

John Halloway Margaret Russell,W 3 1 Jan.

lWilliam Careless Widow Bevons,of

WellondllAn thony Careless Mary Browne

,W .

Richard Samon Widow FrancesEdward Milting 81 Ann e H odg ekin s

John Jackson Katherin e AmblerThomas Ollerton Alice FowlerThomas Peart Margerie FreemanThomas Stocke 81 Joan e RussellAbraham Hopkin s Margerie Ambler


James Ambler 81 Elen or Porter,lic.

John Purser Alce BeardJames Fisher Joan e CotterellJobe Blackewell Elizabeth ShakellAbraham Eagles Maria Samon


Thomas Peeks Alce Ambler,lic.

John Smyth An n DawsonAnthony Carelesse Jane BowrieThomas Hanway Joane LeaElbrigh te Clarke An n e WalkerJohn James 81 Joane CarelesseWilliam Clough 81 Marie BeardWill iam Bowey de Willersey Catherine


John Bache Joyce CotterellRodolph Stephens Joane Blackwell


Joseph Will is 81 An n e AdamsThomas Sclatter An ne Williams (married at

Hampton by Mr. Priere)William Powell

,of Lauten Gresseing co.

Monmouth,Grace Smyth

,of Badsey

Edward Cragge Frances MasonN icholas Bushel Thomasin e HopkinsThomas Ballard Mary RichmondThomas Keyte

,ofWillersey, Joane Hartwell

(servant to Mr. John Brawne, Rector) 1 2 Feb .

16 14.

66 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 685

Wal ter Russell,of Broadway


HobbsFrancis Rascall An ne Rose

,of Campden

Edward Smith Hester CarelessArthur Pleman 81 Mary of Buck


William Leyfield Mary CanderyJohn Sandal Mary RusselJames Friday

,of Cowley

,co . Bucks

,81 Mar

garet Will iams,of Broad Marston


Matthew Man n ers,of Crimscote


Wakefield,of Chipping Campden

,lic. .

Richard H odgekins Mary MartinEdward Fleman Hannah Goodwin

,of Wes

ton SubedgeGeorge Morriss

,of Clifford



Richard Lidsey Mary BakerJohn Mason

,of Sn itterfield

,Mary Biby


BroadwayEdward El izabeth Tisoe


BroadwayHenry Jon es Mary Green

,of Ragley

Will iam Jon es 81 An n Covert,of Hook Norton


co. Ox.

J ohn Hale, of Campden, Mary ClarkRichard Lidsey Mary PowelThomas Rose

,of Broad Campden


Ban ksRobert James Mary Wood

,of Broadway

Joseph Archer,of Salford

,gent .



John Freeman Mary Roper,ofWillersey

John Cotterell,of Abbotts Norton


beth Hopkins, lic.

Richard Longstone,of Chipping Campden


Mary Evan sJohn Davies Martha Best

,b. of Broadway

Robert Hawker,ofWincom (Winchcombe) ,

Katherine Carelis

8 Oct .

9 Dec.

2 3 Aug .

1 71 8] Sain tbn ry Marr iag es.

Samuel Cromwel l,of Aswin

,H ashuale

GibbsElbrigh te Clarke, of Campden, Elizabeth


John Bateman,of Compton Abdale


Pernier,of Hazelton


Will iam Jones,of W ickamford

,Al ice


Edward James,of Ragley

,Mary Batch


Church H on iborn e

Rolland Smith Mary Benwick,oi Teding


William Scrimshaw,of St . Clement Danes


London,Elizabeth Smith

,of Camp


John Carter 81 Mary Goodwin,lic.

Sir John St. Barb,of Broadlands



Alviva Horne,lic.

John San ford 81 Ann Reen,lic.

Michael Sanders,of Hampton

,Mary Harri

sonThomas N icholas

,ofWeston Subedge


HuntWill iam Saunders & Jane Davies

,b . of Borton

on - the—HillJames White

,of Broad Campden


HastingsAnthony Richardson

,of Buckland

,81 Mary


Henry James Mary Kiton,of Campden

Edward San ford Eleoner FreemanJohn Smith

,of Christ Church



Sarah Keyte,of Campden


George Bickerstaff,of Campden

,Ann Rastoll

Anthony Smith Ann Darwin

Joseph James Mary Reding,of Campden

Will iam Walker Ann Yeat,of Weston

upon-AvonFrances Cowley Rebecca Widdows, b. of


2 Oct.

1 1 Apr.

1 0 May

1 5 Jan .

2 4 Mar.

2 7 July

1 1 Aug .

2 9 Mar.

3 0 Mar.


68 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters .

William Kn ight Sarah AldertonRichard Slai t

,of Broadway

,81 Susannah

NobbsJohn Taylor

,of Campden

,Elizabeth Carter

William Strudley,of Broadway

,81 Katherine

JamesJames Baldwyn

,of Ashton - under-Hill


Sara Robb ines,of Michleton


Jan n arn is Sely El izabethGiles Berks

,of Norton

,Mary Brooks

John Hun t Ann Curteis,b . of Bradforton

Phillip Rock,of Norton

,Catherin e Brooks

Thomas Day Sarah Vin son,of Arrow

John Calvert 81 Jan e CarelessThomas Taylor, of Mickleton , Mary CurteisAn thony Smith Elizabeth CormJohn Field

,of Longborough


Dan ielSamuel San son

,of Aston Subedge

,An n

Ben n it

John Loe,of Buckland

,Elizabeth Francklyn

Luke Lam ley Mary Hale,W.

Robert Roberts 81 Elizabeth Russel,of Broad

wayJohn Yeate

,of Campden

,Sarah Kn ight


Thomas Attkins,of Campden



Thomas Taylor,of Brugeworth , Sarah


Joseph Evits,of Shipston

,Ann Smith

,lic. .

VOL . II. — 1 755— 1 8 1 2 .

Thomas Pen son Mary CalverJohn Durham Elizabeth Min sh inThomas H ornyblow81 Mary PurcocksJohn Hoskin s Elizabeth Lin ell


Wil l iam Davis,of Stratford

,Eleon er James

John Hall An n Page,of Cherrington

George Bird 81 Sarah SmithWi l l iam Hartwell Mary Calvert

2 8 Oct .

2 1 Oct .

1 3 Nov.

8 Sept .

1 79 2 ] Sain tbury Mar r iag es .

Robert Hawker Dorothy Willacks,of Wor

n ing ton

Richard Tayler 81 Elizabeth AvisJames Clark El izabeth FarrSamuel Syt

,of Washborn e

,Sarah Wake

fieldWilliam Hiron Esther Grumm it

,of Weston

(Subedge)Richard Pitteway, of Locksley, Hester

HemmingsJames Wakefield Margerie DurhamJohn Windson Elizabeth SeabrightWilliam Berry


,Alice Freeman

Thomas Marshall Han n ah LampitWilliam Tisoe

,of Longborough

,Betty Rouse

John Freeman,of Stratford

,Cel ia Kenwrick


Wil l iam Renards Ann Grove,of Binton

Thomas Timms Mary Stan ley,lic.

Wil liam Hudson,of Stretton

,&Anne Phill ips



Frances Hodgkins Mary HodgkinsWill iam Horne

,of Weston Subedge


PensonThomas Tracey

,of Quin ton

,Elizabeth Rise

George Hawker 81 Mary Agg,lic.

John Stow,w.

,of Stanton

,Hannah Stanley



John Taylor,w.

,An n H odgekin s

Joseph Richards Catherin e DarbyRichard White

,of Bengeworth

,An n Robins

Richard Win ter,ofWeston Subedge


Freeman,of Bourton- on - the-Hill


Edward Bryan 81 Sarah Fisher,lic.

Thomas Mathon Elizabeth ClissetJoseph Tandy Betty DeavisJames Herbert Barn es

,of Mickleton


beth Read,lie.

J ohn Bloxham,of Broadway

,Alice Smith

Thomas Join ier Elizabeth Lawton


1 4 Oct .

1 4 May

2 1 Jan . 1 773

1 7 Feb . 1 775

1 8 Feb.

70 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 8 1 2

William Castle Hannah Prin ticeDavid Bily

,of Stanton

,Mary Bishop

Edward Dolman,cooper

,of All Sain ts


ham,81 Mary Cooper


William Dowler Mary GisbourneWilliam Bradshaw

,of South Littleton


Rebecca NewmanJames West

,Esquire, of Alscot, Miss Ann


Charles Bill,of Peopleton

,Hannah Bashet


of BadseyThomas Breechey, of Stanway, 81 Elizabeth


1 0 Nov. 1 793

1 Dec.

2 5 Dec. 1 8 0 6

3 1 Mar . 1 80 8

May 1 8 1 2

2 5 Aug .

Marr iages at

Preston upon S tour ,

1 54 1 to 1 8 1 2 .

NOTE — The Marriage Registers are con ta ined in three volumes, of

which the earl iest is written on parchm en t, and is the copy m ade

in 1604 from the origin a l paper book . It is beauti fully written ,

with orn am en ta l headings,and is in good condition , b ut has lost

its cover. The Marr iages are extracted by the Rev. J . HarveyBloom , Rector of Wh itchurch , with the consen t of the Rev. F .

Hast ings, vicar.VOLUME I .

The Register of all Weddings in the parishe of Preston upponStower in the Coun tye of Gloucester sin ce the xxi iiithof January 1 54 0 .

Thomas Wi ll son Anne RogersJhon Lock Joan ButlerJhon Edwards Alice H obbyn s

Will Worrall Isabell H obbyn s

Gylbert Lee Ann e Lock .

Richard Reade Isabell RushallThomas Un derhill 81 MargeryeWyllerAllan Lock Katherin e HaywardEdward Pi tway Alice S torearJohn Sadler Johan ClarkeWilliam Wells Margaret EdwardsRichard Aynge Ann e HolderWilliam Wallmesley Joan DavyesRichard Savage Elin or DawesRichard Morden Eliza LockRichard Bowlan d Joan WadleyJhon Savadge Joane J effeThomas Tumbrell Eliza YeateRoger Jordeyne Eliza Godsonne .

72 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 566

Thomas Lock Isabell WellsCuthbert Sheppard Elizabeth OvertonHen ry Smythe Fr[ances ] YeateJhon Alexan der Margarett JeffsRobert Roberts Margarett KerbyThomas Jon es 81 Ann e BeckThomas Jackson n e 81 Fr[ances] YeateHumfrey Edon Joan e TaylorRichard Wilks An n e TymbrellThomas Stock 81 Philia SmithThomas Smyth Katherin e Maun ceell

John Tymbell Frances TailerFran cis Symon s 81 Margaret t JeffsJohn Chapman Ruth BushellHuman i tas Jackson n e An n e TaylorHenry Green 81 Fran ces TombsThomas Bowker 81 Jean e Byn leyAllen Locke 81 Susan n a TailerJohn Fleatch er 81 Ales TailerRobert Ashon Jon e CotterellRobert Franklin Anne Mancell

,a lias Alex

an derWilliam King Margarite Symon sNicholas Shepherd Katherin e LockeJohn Gressum Ann e CarrierWill iam Bucknoule 81 Priscilla EdwardesHen ry George Jane SmithRichard Brockhurst 81 Margarite BerrieWilliam King An n KingJohn Smith Mary WheelerNicolas Watnowlle 81 Jon e Roberts .

Richard Price 81 Fran ces PowellThomas Yate 81 Elizabeth SmithRichard Tasker 81 Elizabeth StorkeWilliam Sn owden 81 Ursula LockeJohn Harries Katherin e EdwardsRoger Barber 81 Elizabeth MathewesJohn Coll in s An n e SmithEdward H obb in Katherin Fen tonThomas Compton Joane Lovett

74 Gloncestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 70 1

John Dunning,of Alveston

,81 Elizabeth

Haughton,of Q uein ton (Quinton)

John Bevington Ann JohnsThomas Hood Han n ah FletcherThomas Phipps

,of Campden

,Mary Phipps

Hen ry Beesly Joan RichmanSamuel Kilby Rebecha Turn erHugh Maides Rachel Whitehead


Mickleton 1 4 Sept .Edward Keyte Jane Underhill

,b . of Ad

m ing ton

John Hieron Elizabeth Allbright .

James Smith An n e WhatelyThomas Walford de W imb ston Anne


Wil l iam Blackwell,of Campden



“Juncti fuerun t in sacris

matrimonu vin cul is,lic.

John Garfield 81 Sara Jon es,lic.

Will iam Halford,of Stratford-upon-Avon


Mary YeatesNathan Jon es Mary Reade, of StratfordDavid L[illeg ible] Sarah KilbeeJohn Bidge Mary NulardJohn Smith Hann ah HodsonJohn Wilson 81 Alice CoxRichard H artwel An n BlackfordJoseph Hines Mary ClayesWill iam Lloyd Mary HandyThe Rev . Mr. Joseph Green e

,Minister of this

Parish,Cecil ia

,d . of Richard Bartlett


apothecary,of Stratford-on -Avon


Cecil ia h . w.

Thomas Smith Mary LeeRichard Berry An n FreemanRichard Hunt

,of Littleton

,Sarah Hickson

Joseph Stan ley Hannah BallardMr. Robert Cooper

,of Pebworth


Hannah Un derhill,of Ilmington


W ill iam Harbon Sarah Jelkes

1 772 ] Preston upon Stour Marr iag es .

Thomas Ward Jane ParrettWilliam Man der Sarah H evin s

John Willson Elizabeth Sheperd .

William H arbon Sarah SmithRichard Fowler Martha S tockfordWilliam Paddock

,of Dorsington


Harris! Robert Warin Mary Blackman


! William Z ouch 81 Mary Davis! John Buckingham

,of Dun thorp, in H eathorp,

co . Oxon,Sarah Harris


! Giles Keely Mary Warin g,lic.

! Thomas Salmon Susann a Stan ley! Edward Coggins Han n ah Sherving toni“Thomas Burnet

,of Clifford Chambers


Elizabeth Malins! Richard Salmon Anne Jackson! Robert Stanley

,of I lmington

,81 Margery

Malins! John Evins Esther Walker


Jacob Tapl in Mary Days,lic.

! Thomas Salmon Elizabeth,d . of Thomas

Hilden,lic. .

William Stiles Mary AdamsRichard Rathbourn e Mary Wallington


James Hadland,of Wimpson , Mary

BlakemanJoseph Salmon Elizabeth

,d . of Mr. John

Smith,of Wincott


John Sabin,of Farmborough


,(1. of

John SmithWill iam Dudley

,of Tredington

,An ne Gaz ey

Robert Fletcher,of Alveston



William N ichols Elizabeth SylvesterCharles Stanley Elizabeth Townsend, of

Beachamps CourtWilliam Man der 81 Amie CanningHenry Adams

,of Shipston

,Mary Town

send, he. 1 6 May


76 Gloncestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1773

Paul Jackson Nanny Court,of Adm ington

William H arrs,of Quin ton

,Sarah Wheat

croftThomas Man sell Martha Smith


Richard Payne, of Burmington , 81 ElizabethRead

Thomas Southam,of Ebrington

,Han nah

Osbaldson,l ic.

Michael Waters Elizabeth Johns,lic.

Edward Town send,of Beauchamps Court


Mary CambdenWilliam J ilks Elizabeth ForsterJohn Stan ley El izabeth Un derhillDan iel Dewell An n e ManderJoseph Sale

,of Hon n ing

,81 An ne Townsen d

Richard Savage 81 An ne JacksonRichard Hemmings

,of Aldermin ster


Martha Townsend,of Beauchamps

CourtRobert Franklin Teresia Leadbeater,w.


Joseph Oaks Sarah HarbuttSamuel Hun t Deborah Marshall

,of Alscot

Samuel Jackson Camilla YoungeSamuel Archer Elizabeth HitchcoxRichard Guest 81 Ann e HawkerJohn Mealin s Hann ah Ben n ettWilliam Frankl in Elizabeth

,dau . of David

Malin s, jun .


William Stan ley An n e Malin sSamuel Al len Elizabeth SadlerJohn Alliborne Catherin e WhiteRichard Wyatt, of Todenham, 81 Susannah

Smith,lic. 1 3 Oct.

William Johnson,of Long Marston

, [blank]Garfield

John Smith,yeo .

,Susann a Pren tise

Arthur Green Mary Ben n ett,lic.

Matthew Blachford 81 Susann a OaksJohn Rouse Mary Gaz eyJohn Percox Martha Rouse

1 79 2 ]

Thomas Salmon Mary Malin sJohn Pardy Susan na Angel


Preston apon Ston r Mar r iag es . 77

2 7 Oct . 1 78 5

3 Feb . 1 789

[Some en tr ies from 1 756 to 1 763 are the same as those in

Vol. I],an aster isk is afiixed to them in the above list to avoid

repetitionThomas Smith

, jun .

,of Wimpston e , Anne

H iedon

Mathew Cradock Elizabeth SabinJohn Gibbs

,of Loxley

,Mary Bissel

John Smith Mary HandyRobert Holly Anne KeyteThomas Yates Mary Robbin sThomas Bumpass Mary Brasier

,of Strat


William H arbourn e Mary Whatcote,of

Tredington.William Green away Mary MansellThomas Clarkson Mary BaldwinJohn Percocks Sarah GarfieldJohn Smith



of Alderminster,Sarah Town

sen dJohn Baylis 81 Elizabeth BradleyJohn Garret An n Willis

,of Fulbrook

Edward Wilkins,of Atherstone , Sarah

ForsterGeorge Edwards

,of Whitchurch


N ixonSamuel. Lan chburg Elizabeth Long

,of Strat

fordWilliam Parker Elizabeth ParkerThomas Baldwin

,of Stratford

,Ann Elvins

David Malins Mary HitchcocksJohn Pittaway Mary WilkinsJohn Stanley Lucy ParrotWill iam Laun chbury 81 Elizabeth MooreFrancis Catton

,of Badsey

,81 Elizabeth Jones

Thomas Erno Mary Taylor

1 9 Oct .

2 4 Dec.

2 7 Dec.

2 5 NOV.

7 Jan .

2 8 Jan .

1 1 Oct .

1 6 Feb .

2 July

1 9 Oct .

2 9 Oct.

2 4 Dec.

1 1 Jan .

1 Aug .

30 Jun e8 Aug .

1 Mar.8 July

2 0 NOV.

1 76 2

1 763

1 769

1 776

I 777

1 78 1

I 7S7

1 789

1 79 0

1 79 1

1 79 2

78 Gloncestersh ire Par ish Reg isters. [ 1 8 1 1

James Hadland,of Whitchurch


Salmon 2 3 Nov.

Joseph Gubbins , of Steeple Barton , ElizabethWhite

Richard Day Sarah BradleyDaniel Savage

,of Alderminster


Robbin sWill iam Solloway, of Quinton, 81 Mary FoxJohn Bruce

,of Alveston

,Mary Elvin s

John Jon es,of Tanworth

,Sarah Gaz ey

Richard Robbin s Mary ParrotThomas Smith An ne Hadlan dWilliam Jeffs El izabeth Hewin sPeter Harris

,of Quin ton

,81 Elizabeth Hadland

John Man se] 81 Elizabeth FletcherJohn Bird

,of Hampton Lucy

,81 Mary Adland

Robert Purser,of Baxterley


Man sellJoseph Salmon Lydia Hemmings


William Fran kl in Elizabeth SmithJohn Rouse 81 Sarah WheelerJohn Neal Hannah Ode]John Rouse Ann Blun delIsaac Gibbs Sarah FletcherThomas Butler 81 Mary ParkerRobert Smith 81 Sarah WyattWill iam Halford

,of Atherstone

,Mary Hill

Samuel Tysoe Sarah OdelJohn Rouse Elizabeth PriceJohn Davis 81 Mary Phipps

Marriages at Stanton ,

1 572 to 1 8 1 2 .

NOTE — The Marriage Registers of Stan ton from 1 572— 18 1 2 are con

tain ed in three volum es . The oldest is of parchm en t,and is in

very good con dition . The entries in it are from 1 572 The

secon d volum e con ta ins those from 17554 768 , and is also of

parchm en t ! the third con ta in s those from 1769— 18 1 2 . The o ldest

book m easures about 13 by 6, and has a separate section for theMarriages, Baptism s

,and Burials at Sn owshi ll . The Marriages

have been extracted by the Rev. J . Harvey B loom ,Rector of

Whitchurch , and are prin ted under h is supervision , with the con

sen t of the Rev. M . B. Harris Burland, Rector.VOLUME 1.

John Ligh tfote Johanna CrasleyWilliam Izod Christiana WarmeMichael Juven es Margaret TaylorW ill iam Bayly 81 Elizabeth Blyz odJohn Izod Margareta ByllyJames S tai te Catherin e WillsonPeter Bouche Margaret BalyWilliam Hyett Margaret W illiamesJohn Smyth Johan na WinstonJohn Izod 81 An na BowlterHen ry Netherton An n e Wollames

Robert Barboye “Jochodea

” EgalesEdward Childes Elizabeth Blyz odThomas Rishe Elizabeth Welshe

Robert Frem an Margaret WarneEdmund George Jul ian a ApleyStephen COrtorie Anna SurmanWill iam Phill ipes Margerie ApleyWilliam Cawthrey Elizabeth MasonWill iam R idlar AnneWrigh te

Thomas Jones Mary Wyn stonJohn Marten Anne IzodSimon Ricket Margerie Bannister

80 Gloncestershi r e Par ish Reg isters. [ 1 60 1

Thomas Boothe Alice Warn e 1 5 Dec. 1 60 1

Christopher Merrett An drea Smythe 2 9 Jun e 1 60 2

Thomas S teyte Alice May 2 4 Oct .

John Kight Ellenor Dun e 1 5 Apr . 1 60 5

A ll the n ames beforewr itten weare copyed out by N icholasIz od at zhe appoyn tmen t of the Churchwardens, viz . R ichard

Woollams andj ohn H umphry.

William Dunn Alice OwdenWill iam Hale Mill isen a IzodWill iam Turner Alice TunkleyWilliam Peaks An n e KitchoweAnthony Gray Mary PigeonRoger Skin n er 81 Chr istian MooreRichard Marche Millesen a WrightWilliam Best

,of Brodeway, Ann e Warren

Thomas Pigeon Ann e CheshireWilliam Sike Margerie MaceAnthony Arnold Mary IzodLauren ce Apperley Elizabeth RobertsEdward Nichols Edith JamesThomas Kirkham Alice Hal eMaurice Izod “An n a Uxor ejus, nupt . eran t

Walter Long Alice Bas tockThomas James Elizabeth IzodJohn In ston 81 Prudence HaleRichard Dun n e May Corn n el]William Spoon er Mary ClieveleyThomas Perry An na Richmon dRichard H ookes Mary WinstonRobert Billey Alice Spoon erHenry Ward An na MarchThomas Smith 81 Ffran cis Benis‘ .

Henry,s . of Thomas Kirkham

,Sara d . of

Hen ry Izod,Rector

,of Staun ton 2 5 Oct.

Jacob Win stone 81 An n a Hun t 2 3 Jan . 1 65 5

Francis Walton 81 Elizabeth March 2 3 Apr. 1 656

William Lang th ier Mary Fidgs 4 Sept.William Sm i th Mary Dobbins 1 7 Nov. 1 657

2 4 Jun e2 1 Oct .

2 8 Sept.2 6 May2 9 July3 Nov .

1 6 lflov.

1 7 Jan .

2 2 Sept.2 7 Jun e2 4 IQOV.


sfii hflay’

2 7 Oct .

1 8 Jan .

1 7 lkpr .

6 July1 6 July2 0 Feb .

2 9 Jun e2 0 () ct

1 8 18pr.

8 June9 Dec.

1 60 5

1 6 0 6

1 6 1 3

1 6 1 6

1 6 1 7


1 6 2 0

1 6 2 2

1 6 2 4

1 6 2 5

1 63 1

1 63 3

1 634

1 63 5

1 636


1 63 9

1 640

1 64 2

1 648

1 2 May 1 654?

8 2 Gloucester shire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 679

John Perkins,of Laverton



Mary Hatheway,of Stan ton

,lic. 2 9 Feb .

Richard Hues,of Winchcomb


“Faber lign iarius


” Fran ces Mason,he. 1 9 Apr.

Maurice Howman,Faber lig n iarius, Anna

Turn er,of Sn owshill 1 0 May

Henry Wheeler,of Laverton


man 2 9 JulyRobert Bartlett Mary Wayt

,b . of Stanway


lic. 2 5 SeptJames Borroughs

,of Lemington

,81 Elizabeth

Mosely,of Broad Campden

,lic. 2 9 Sept .

Thomas James Mary Yeats,b . of Weston

Subedge,lic. 6 Nov .

Thomas Dobbins 81 Mary S teigh t, b. ofGretton

,lic. 3 0 M ar.

Thomas Morris,of Stratford-upon -Avon


An n Ashwyn , of Willersey, lic.

N icholas Tasker,of Ebr igh ton , Mary Gibbs


he. 1 8 Apr.Thomas Davies

,of Bourton

,81 Catherin e

Estbury, lic.

William Tin son 81 Ann a Hale,of Alderton


Thomas Preston 81 Alice Cottrel],of Naun ton

Robert Mason,of Win chcomb

,Han nah

Spragg,of Maugersbury


John Ward,of Pamm in g ton , Mary Ed


Hen ry Harvey,of Winchcomb

,81 Elizabeth

Skinn er,lic.

John Warren Mary Hughes,lic.

John Cole,of Washbourn Magn a, Alice

Goodman,of Alderton


Thomas Ken ch,of R is ing ton Parva, 81 Mary

Matthews,lic. 7 May

Thomas Lambert Elizabeth Gibbs,both of

Chipping Campden,lic.

Jonathan Cook 81 Mary Hodges,both of Naun


Henry Brown,of Prestbury, & Jane Adams, lic.

1 687] Stan ton Mar r iag es .

John Hawkes,of Alderton

,Elizabeth Bin

field,of Aulston


William Weston,of Charlton

,81 Susan n a

Clymer,of Aston Sum ervil]


Paul Sparrow 81 Joan na Waring,both of

Win chcomb,lic.

Harman Hayn es 81 Hester Wakefield,both of

R is ing ton Parva, lic.

Timothy Parker,of Stan ly


Chan dler,lic.

J no . Baldwin,of Dumbleton

,Christ ian

Ingles,of Childs Wickham


Richard Lambert,of R isin g ton Parva, 81 Jane

Pin n ockThomas Green e

,of Malvern Magn a

,81 Susana

Perkin s,of Colsbourn


Charles Hale,of Whittington

,Hann ah

Mason,of Len n ington

Druson,of Bourton - on - the- Hil]


Hester Grove,of Batsford


An thony Smith,of Child ’s Wickham


abeth Russell , hc.

William Pridee,of Bengeworth


Careless,of Willersey


John Millingham ,of Stratford-on -Avon


Jan e Stan ly,ofW illersey, lic.

Thomas Crosby,of Clopton

,Alice Fletcher

Thomas Taylor,of Ashton Un derhill


Weaver,of Beckford


Edward Drin kwater,of Alderton

,81 Anna

Goddard, of Washbourn e Magn a, lic.

John Hiron,of Westing ton , 81 Alice Warner,

of Nurcote,lic.

John Stephen s,of Laverton

,Sara Ruffhead



Ambrose Brown e,of Mourton H inm arsh

Margaret Smith,lic.

Thomas John son,of Stow

,81 Sarah Shakle,

of Willersey,lic.


1 7 May

2 2 May

2 6 May

2 8 May

1 5 Jun e

2 8 Jun e

2 8 July

2 0 Sept .

9 May

2 1 May

9 Sept .

2 9 Aug .

2 3 Dec.

8 3

84 Gloucester shire Par i sh Reg ister s. [ 1 687

John Williams,of Condicote

,Anna Philips


of Podoun 4 July 1 687

Thomas Fluck,of Stoke Orchard

,81 Mary


William Cook,of Netgrovs, Elizabeth Weale,

of Naun ton,lic.

Thomas Barrow,of Dumbleton


Philips,lic. 2 Oct.

Thomas Taylor,of Winchcombe


Bryan, lic. 1 3 Oct .

Richard Winter Mary Careless,of Laverton


lic. 2 Oct.

Felix Court,of Q uin eton , 81 Elizabeth Belcher,

of COW H on iborn e,lic. 1 7 Oct.

Richard Dun n Sarah Cross,of Straton 5 Nov.

John Ingles 81 Elizabeth James,lic. 1 6 Apr. 1 688

William Berry,of Toddenham

,81 Catherine

Gibbs,lic 2 8 July

Joseph Webb,ofWashbourn e Magn a, &Alice


Thomas Hitchcox,of Preston- super—Stour


Mary Broadway,of Blockly


Giles Walter,of Norton

,Ann Matthews


Toding ton , lic.

William H arbidge, of H i tcote Bartram,

Elizabeth Purser,of H itcote Boyce, lic. 1 8 Oct .

John Price,of Hawling

,Mary Bartlet


lic. 1 1 Dec.

Richard Bloxam,of Aston Subedge


Dumbleton,lic. 2 0 Dec.

Thomas Fearn e,of Nobhel

,An n Maynard


of Buckland,lic. 2 7 Dec.

John Philpot,ofWin chcomb

,Mary Baylies,

of Halls,lic. 2 2 Apr. 1 689

Joseph Martin,of Winchcomb



John Humphryes , of Naun ton , Mary Hanks,


Nicholas Dowdon,of Brockhampton


Han nah Farmer,lic. 2 8 Dec.

1 69 8] Stan ton Mar r iag es .

John Lacy, of Stratford- on -Avon,Hannah


Stephen James,of Guiting- Parva



Thomas Keyte,of Hanging Aston

,81 Rose

Fletcher,of Bourton


Thomas Dance,of Ashchurch

,Mary Welles


of KemmartonThomas Smith

,of Cheltenham


Ballinger,of Dowdeswell


John Elleway, of Barrington - parva,Ann


Wil l iam Holtham,of Welford

,Mary Bird


of Bradforton,lic.

Isaac Bayz ard, of Grafton , Elizabeth Wade,


Thomas Tisoe,of Wil lersey

,Ann Collett



Joseph Hemm ing,of Stratton- super- Fosse


Mary Sowthern e,ofEbrigh ton

William Sharp Ann EvansWil liam Hartwell

,of Hanging Aston


Sta ite,of Alderton


William Hardman,of Ebrigh ton , Abigail


Jonathan Philips,of Gretton in Winchcomb


Anna Tory,hc.

John Diston , of Upper Swell, Ann Gray,

of Longborough,lic.

Edward Hide,of Knights Washbourne


Mary Curtise,w.

,of Wormington

,lic. .

Thomas Blissard Elizabeth Brewer,both of


Jacob Min att,of Stanly

,Mary Freeman



William J iskin s Anne Walton,of Snowshill

George Darby Gretia RiceJohn Roberts An n HowmanThomas Marshall


“ Faber ferrarius, AnnGibson

2 Jan .

30 Aug .

1 9 Apr.

1 2 Sept.

5 Apr.

2 3 Oct .

9 Jun e

2 2 Dec.

2 0 Jan .

2 5 July

2 5 Sept

2 7 June



John Powle,of Laverton

,Mary Booth

Francis Dunce Elizabeth PerryRichard Rogers 81 Mary BrooksJohn Cheshire 81 Elizabeth BeavisHen ry Smith 81 Elizabeth MoselyThomas Gibson 81 Elizabeth Hun tMathew Smith

,of Athelthorpe, 81 An n Smi th

Thomas H arrise 81 An n Dowdeswell,of

CharletonRichard Tuffy 81 Elizabeth PughRichard Newlan d

,of Chipping Campden


Mary Kitchen,of Sn owshil l

Joseph Pigeon,of Buckland

,81 Mary Cross

Thomas Keyte Elizabeth Arthur .

Thomas Symken s 81 Con stance Compier, ofSn owshi l l

Will iam Harris An n a Cu llSamuel Ken ch

,of Da ilsford

,Jan e Fisher


Childs WickhamWilliam Hyet El izabeth Cook

,of Sn owshil l

William Bradley,of Ebri ton

,An n a Hughes

Will iam Town send 81 Jan e InglesJohn White 81 An n e Smith

,of Sn owshill

Will iam Sharp 81 Han n ah GloverJohn Skay

,of Sn owshill

,Dorothea Welsh


of BroadwayRichard Keyt Esther H uborne

,of Snows

hillJohn Capen


,Sarah Kirkham

John Frame,of Stroud

,Jane Hughes

Silas Smith Elizabeth Stan ley,of Sn owshill

William Moor,of Sedg eborough , 81 An n

Stephen sJohn Bryan Martha TrenfieldRobert Fletcher

,of Stanway


WarrenJohn Thomson

,of Beckford


81 Ursula InglesThomas Wincott Han n ah GriffinWil l iam W in n iat

,of Sn owshill

,81 Hester

Careless,of Broadway

81 Elean or

Gloucester shire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 69 9

3 0 J an . 1 70 7

2 7 Mar. 1 70 9

1 6 Apr. 1 71 1

1 7 Nov. 1 71 2

1 8 Jan . 1 71 3

2 2 July 1 71 6

3 Oct .

2 6 Sept .

1 6 Oct.

2 8 Dec. 1 72 5

1 Sept . 1 72 7

1 7 Oct .

2 9 July 1 72 8

1 7 Oct .

1 9 Apr. 1 72 9

1 9 Jun e7 Apr. 1 730

2 3 Apr.

1 0 Jan .

S lkpr.

2 8 Sept .2 3 IQOV .

2 4 Sept .2 cy h4ay

2 2 NOV.

4 2Feb .

1 2 Dec.

6 fiFeb .

2 5 Feb .

1 8 18pr .

2 6 Sept

1 69 9

1 70 0

1 70 1

1 70 2

1 70 4

I 7I 7

1 72 0

1 72 1

1 76 2 ] Stan ton Mar r iag es . 87

John Price Maria Ellens 5 Oct . 1 730

Thomas Stan l ey Mary Goldicott,of Sn ows

hillRichard Rogers 81 Mary CurtissWilliam W inn iat

,of Sn owshill

,An n e

Drin kwater,of Broadway 8 July 1 73 2

John Smith,of Todden ton

,Mary Burrows


of Somerville Aston 2 4 June 1 734

Edward Palmer,of Berkswell

,co . Warwick


Damaris Kirkham 1 5 Nov.

VOLUME I I .The Reg ister Book of S tan ton , in the Coun ty of Gloucester , 0]

Marr iag es according toAct of Parliamen t,1 75

Thomas M ilward,of Aulcester


Jackson 1 5 J an .

Wil l iam Teal,of Broadway

,Sarah Hawlin 1 8 Sept .

John Winter Margaret Collett 4 Oct .

Will iam W in n et Sarah Symon ds 2 5 Oct . 1 756

Christopher Harvey,of Toddington


Dunn 3 Oct. 1 758

Robert Simmons,of Stanway

,Mary Sharp 2 3 Jan . 1 759

Thomas Stephens,of Buckland


Weston,lic. 2 6 Feb .

Francis Hamblin,of Wick R ising ton , Ann

Anderton 2 Sept.Robert Wells

,of Standley

,Sarah Bayl is

,he. 1 9 Feb . 1 760

Thomas Stephens Martha Brown 2 8 Oct.

Edward Preston,of Stanway

,Mary Evan s 2 4 Nov .

William Soll is,of Long Marston



George Cooke,of Didbrook

,81 Elizabeth

Weston 1 8 JuneThomas James , of Dunn ington, Ann

Winter 2 3 JuneWil l iam Woodward

,of Toddi ngton


beth Powel,lzc.

Edmund Dance Alice HarrisGeorge Floid Ann Price

88 Gloucestersh ire Par ish Reg isters . [ I 763

Samuel Baylis Alice Jackson,lic. 2 5 Jun e

Richard Rogers Elizabeth Smallman,of

WinchcombJohn Marshall 81 Joyce Chambers, lic.

Charles King,of Stanway

,Susann a Daves

William Bishop,of Bucklan d



James Jones Sarah M indJohn Townsend 81 Elizabeth WilsonJohn Chesher Grace Ran dleThomas Sharp Mary Roberts

,of D idbrooke

Simon Morris,of Broadway

,Mary Evans

Jarvis Chambers Rose ThornburyRobert Evans An n WalkerJonathan Cooper 81 Mary MillardRichard Cheshire Han n ah WalkerThomas Burch

,of Bricklehampton


JonesGeorge Bon d An n ClemansThomas Walker 81 Mary HolmesHen ery H ortton 81 Margaret GodwardThomas Smith An n Wells

,of Campden

VOLUME I I I .William Marshal]


,Ann Wincott

,W . 1 3 May 1 769

William Holmes Elizabeth Hill,lic. 2 1 Jan . 1 770

John Hun t,of Ebrington

,Elizabeth Roberts


of Snowshill,lic. 2 2 Feb .

William Langstone,of Willersey


Atkin s,lic.

William Sheakspear Mary BevingtonThomas Smith An n Wells


John Win ter, jun .


,Elizabeth Tayton

William Momford Martha Stevens,lic.

Thom as Stephen s,w.

,81 Alice Baylis



William Town sen d Susann ah Westo n,lic.

John Howe,of Tysoe

,81 Esther Stephen s

Wi ll iam Marshal],of Weston Subedge


Elizabeth Winter 7Aug . 1 775

9 0 Gloucester shire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 8 1 2

Joseph Harvey,of Stanway

,Ann Lowe

Richard Rogers Sarah Evan sJohn Win ter 81 Mary BarrowsRichard BOWki t Susann ah Seabright


John Walker Mary PitmanThomas Evan s Elizabeth Evan s


Joseph Evan s, jun .

,81 Han n ah Walker

Thomas Powell 81 Sarah Bayl is, lic.

Richard Holmes 81 Sarah Atkin sDan iel Bamfield

,of Salperton

,81 Mary

Marshall 6 Dec.

James Roberts,of Norton

,Sarah Shakes

pearThomas Guilder Judith EastJoseph Pitman 81 Elizabeth Evan sWill iam Stephen s 81 An n SmithRichard Trowton 81 Catherin e RadfordWill iam Robin s An n HamlingWill iam Farren Sarah TaylerWilliam Ward Han n ah Walker, lic.

Edward Walker,w.

,81 Elizabeth Stow,


George Collett,of Broadway, Elizabeth

Spires 2 5 Feb . 1 8 1 1

William Atkins Ann Shorey 5 Nov. 1 8 1 2

3 Apr. 1 80 3

2 4 Oct .

1 9


Marr iages at Snowsh i l l1 59 3 to 1 60 3 .

NOTE — The following Marriages are con ta ined in a separa te section of

the o ldest Register Book of Stan ton ! the later Marriages are

in term ingled with those that took place in the Mother Church .For further particulars see un der the heading Stan ton .

Snowshi l l tem poreLauren ti BanksRectoris ibidemAn no Dn i . 1 59 1 .

Roland Bul l 81 Cathrin e Warn eThomas Bravell 81 Elizabeth Rastall

Raphe Nicholes Margaret CartwrightSimon Schetche Ester DavisThomas Walshe Margerie AddiceDan e Evan es Margerie CotterellJohn James Mary Warn erThomas Newman Maude ClarkeThomas Farmer 81 Mary HamptonRichard Heyward Margret GodwardJohn Gray 81 Alice StaplesJames Tysoe Alice TombesRobert Varnon 81 An ne FieldeRichard Carpenter Joan e Joynes

9 4 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg i sters . [ 1 69 7

Richard Lawrence,of Costli te


Pearks,of Lower Guytin g

Giles Turn er 81 Judith NichollsRichard Dun n

,of Bengeworth

,81 Ann Hath

awayStephen Cul l

,of Bretforton

, [blank] PowellWill iam Baylis

,of Fifield

,81 Elizabeth

Phill ipsJohn Clarke

,of Sn owshill

,81 Sarah Stan ley .

Richard Beauchampe Sarah Man sell, b oth

of CondicotWilliam Hill

,of yeWoodm ill

,81 Sarah Minchin

William Lydit, of Didbrook, Sarah Hill,of

Charl ton Abbots 8 Feb .

Robert Smith,of Sevenhampton

,81 Mary

ReadWilliam Tim in s Sarah Pen rinCharles Woollams Mary In ston e .

An thony Marten Leon ora LocketThomas Malin

,of Eling ston e- ardick


garet CompeireRobert Davis 81 Mary Hale

,of Sudeley

Will iam Bayl is Elizabeth Peraul tHarry Tayler

,of Charlton Abbots


Wood,of Alston

Robert Mason Ann e Tiffs,of Hayles

J ohn Cheshire Mary Pan ter,of Hayles

Will iam Hul l Jon e Russel,of Didbrook

Giles Crips,of Winston

,81 Elizabeth Bayl is,

of Pinock 1 3 Feb .

John S tayte, of Hayles , An n e Donne,of

Greet 2 Mar.John Som efild [Somerfield], of Winchcombe,

Anne Woollams,of Hayles

John Harding Jan e SoulHarry Wilkin s

,of Broadway

,81 Margaret

H augh ting

Richard Gillet Mary MansellWill iam Curtis

,of Didbrook

,81 Mary Dark,

of Moreton- ih —Marsh 2 7 Jan .

172 5] Temple Guiting Mar r iag es .

John Hale Mary Cull,of Kineton

Thomas Moor,of Gloucester

,Mary Dean .

Benj amin W icksey 81 Han n ah ChaundlerFranci s Somerfield

,of Win chcombe

,81 Clara

Lambert,of Hailes

Ferdinando Cul l,of Didbrook

,Alice Evans


of Stanton .

George Hemming,of Evesham

,Edith Bea]

of HaylesJohn Alcocks Martha CollettBenj amin Cary An n e Hatheway


ThomasTownsend Mary Dulton,ofNorleach

Robert Chandler Mary TaylorWilliam Cadel Mary Carpen ter

,of Hayles

Thomas Gorton An n e Dean,of Pinnock

John Febre 81 Elnor GortonJohn Muffet

,of Bourton- on -


,81 Sarah

IzodWil l iam Dowman Mary ChandlerWill iam Ben net

,of Ford

,Elizabeth Granger


of Cuts DeanThomas Clark

,of Ford

,Elizabeth Evens


of Stanton .

John Baylis,of Didbrook

,Sarah Slatter


WinchcombeThomas Everi t

,of Noneaton ,

Jone Bokear,

of BartonRobert Alder

,of Hardwick

,co. Oxon


LockeJoseph Chandler Ann HorwoodJoseph Chandler Mary Horwood .

John Dance,w.

,of Childs

,Anne Tawn ey


of LabbertonFrancis Sandal

,of Oding ton , Anne White


of BlockleyWilliam Andrews

,of Moreton- in -Marsh


Katherine PleytonJohn Taylor Sarah BishopStephen Crescer 81 Naomi Creed

,both of

Charlton Kings

6 Oct.

2 5 Oct .

1 3 Oct .

2 7 Jun e

2 6 May

1 0 July

2 4 Nov .

2 9 Nov.

6 Dec.

9 5

9 6 Gloucester/ shire Par ish Reg isters . [ 172 6

Thomas Boul ter Mary Peirce,of Chedworth

Thomas Phillips Mary Newman,of Pin n ock

Hen ry Freeman Sarah CullJohn Clark

,of Ford

,81 Mary Martin

,of Greet

John Botton,of Winchcombe


Hanks 2 4 MayThomas Dodwell


,81 Hester Baker


of LongboroughThomas Ingram

,of Stow

,An n Turn er

John Harwood Mary Vicker,of Stroud

Anthony Dobbing s Denn is BlissetJohn Wicket Margaret PeartHen ry Day Jan e HobbsJoseph Hartwel l An n Harbert

,of Cambden

John Woolam s 81 Susan n a John son sJohn Green 81 Elizabeth SmithThomas Wood Mary ProctorThomas Curtiss 81 Elizabeth Mauncell

William Woodward,of Longborough


Smith 1 7 Oct.

Thomas Andrews,clerk

,of Ebrington

,81 Eliz

abeth HaywardJohn Harris An n LaytonJames Masters


,of Charl ton Abbots


Mary Winde,of Farmcote

,m . at

HawlingWilliam Proctor Mary Brookes

,of Ford

William Will iams An n HartBenjamin Kilby Mary Phill ipsThomas Freeman Mary LeonardFrancis Barn s 81 Elizabeth TimsJohn Pew 81 An n Barn sWilliam Comb Mary SpireWilliam Cripps Mary HartJohn Minching Elizabeth GregoryJohn Thursting An n Taylor

,of Hailes

John Alcock Mary JamesJoseph Bell inger

,of Laberton


Hopkin s,of Barton

Robert Freebury Miriam An sill

Ma rr iages at Worm ington ,

1 71 9 to 1 8 1 2 .

NOTE — The oldest existing Register is a sm al l volume of parchmen t infa ir con dition , con ta in in g Bapt ism s, Marriages and Burials . The

second volum e , which con ta in s no Marriages , is of paper boundin green m orocco, and having brass clasps . This con ta in s no

Weddings . In s ide is writtenThis Register Book was given for the use of the Parish of Wor

m in gton , by Nathan ie l Jeffreys, Esq.

The third volum e is of the ordin ary officia l type,but the pages with

en tries have been torn out and are la id loose ly in the 18 13

volum e .

The extracts have been m ade by the Rev. J . Harvey Bloom ,under

whose supervis ion they are n owpr in ted with the con sen t of thelate deceased Rector, the Rev. S . Du Pr! .

VOLUME I .Wil l iam Wright

,of Clench

,Sarah N icholls 1 3 Jun e 1 71 9

Nathan Newton Alice Walls 3 Oct

Laurence Clayton An n Toney 2 2 July 1 72 5

Richard Prin t,of Ashton - Un derhill

,81 Martha

White,of Broadway

,lic. 1 2 Sept.

John Joyn er,of Broadway

,Han n ah Cul l 2 1 July 1 72 6

Nicholas Curtis,of Didbrook

,81 An n Bartlett,

of Stanway,lic.

John Smith,of South Littleton , Ann Wickes

George Best,of Dumbleton Mary Smith , of

Con dicote,lic. 3 0 Sept. 1 72 9

Richard Tinkler, of Child’sWickham,81 Sarah

Goddside,lic. 2 6 Feb .

Thomas Hopkins,of Dumbleton

,81 Mary

Worrell 2 8 Oct. 1 734

Moses Smith,of Bricklehampton


Clayton 2 7 Apr. 1 74 2

Wm . Veale Mary Bea],of Child’s Wickham 5 July

Benjam in Lambley 81 Mary Phips 1 Oct. 1 743H 2

IOO Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 8 1 1

John Morris,of Bretforton

,An n Ashwin


Cow Hon eybourn e,lic.

William Cotton,of Badsey

,Elizabeth Phill ips

Thos . Oldacres Mary Braval,both of Buckland

An thony Phipps Hester CourierWill iam Clark An n Coll ingsWilliam Saunders

,of Alston

,Mary Barret t

James Stan ley Mary PowellThomas S taite 81 Mary Lam leySamuel Sommers Mary PewWill iam Stanley 81 Elizabeth Martin

VOLUME I I I .William Baylis Sarah CookWilliam Webb Mary Summers


Wm . Young,of Snowshill

,81 Elizabeth Simon s

John Price,of Dumbleton

,Mary Davis

John Alcock 81 Mary WheelerGeorge Garn er Sarah Freem anSamuel Keyte Sarah BlinkJoseph S teeven s

,of Staun ton

,Sukey Clayton

William Care,of Dumbleton

,81 Mary Sta i te

George Coleman,of Broadway

,An n Phipps

Dave Hemming,of Great Washbourn e


Elizabeth PhippsWilliam Robins Elizabeth S taitRobert Woodward Mary BaylisWilliam Warren

,of Buckland

,Mary Care

William Halter,of Burton - ou- the-Heath


Elizabeth Rose,lic

Thomas Sadler Mary WebbThomas Cole

,of Salford

,Mary Davis

Jonathan Gilbert 81 Sarah DavisRobert Franklyn Isabella SmithJohn Smith

,of Evesham

,Hester Phipps

Francis Dun n,of Dumbleton

,&Alice Baylis .

George Clemen ts Sarah BarkerEdward Smith

,of Child’s Wickham


AllcockThos . Lane

,ofSedgbarrow,&Margaret Withers

1 5 Oct .

1 0 2 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters. [ 1 6 1 1

William S teevens Mrs . Eliz ab ith Sheldon .

Robarte H em inges Jane LawtonWilliam Hopkin s Margaret HillJohn Russell An n Jon esWill iam Coome 81 Alse BadseyRaphe Russell 81 An n e Hawkin sJohn Gyles An n WhartonThomas Crumpe Margery SambacheTymoth ie Wharton Katherin e CrosseRichard Gormell 81 Alse MallettW i li iam Whoodes Elizabeth BlissardFran ncis Gybbes Margaret CombesMorris H itch Mary MorrisThomas Robertes 81 An n Maltbee

Thomas Hyll Mary WhoodesWill iam Ason Margaret WillisAnthony Woollams 81 Elizabeth RoseRichard White Elizabeth Tymm s

John Meakin s Joan WhiteThomas Hale Elen BookerWill iam Reevs Elizabeth MallettThomas Davis 81 Susan na Mallior

John Prentice Elsabeth CombesEdmund Martyn Margery HitchJohn Freeman 81 Elizabeth ReeveThomas Byrd 81 An n CombsWilliam Harris Elsabeth WhiteThomas Fi tch An n BeardJohn White Elnor Gybbes

Gyles Blissard 81 Elz abeth SmithRobert Shakell Alse DurhamAn thony S teephen s 81 Jan e HornbyWill iam Mallett 81 Mary CoombeRichard Hom e 81 I sabell MallettIz aack Hyat WiddowHyronAn thony Wattkin s 81 An n Coombs .

Mr. Thomas San dford 81 [blank] KilbeeThomas Yate An n e S teephen sWil l iam Hayn es Alice RoperJohn Coombe Alice White

1 668] Ch i ldswickham Mar r iag es. 1O3

Hugh Luckscraft 81 Rachel] Russell 1 5 Jun e 1 634

Richard S terward 81 Alse Warner,by Mr.

Pierce,at Hampton

John Warn er Mary ReeveJohn Bradwaye , of Bristol, 81 Joan Such, of

WillerseyThomas Malletts 81 Mary RedeH um frie Hals

,gen t .

,Merice Dover

Nicholas Hun t Ph iletheta S teeven s

John Writeford 81 Elin or TaylorThomas Cresser 81 Katherin e WhiteThomas Hopkin s Katherin e H on iborn e

John S teeven s Margery Phill ipsWilliam Rowles Al se BlissardJohn Ridler Mary HitchWilliam Comb Ann e CourtThomas Roper Joan WellsM ichaelWharton Mary BaylisMichael Bent Jan e WalkerTymothy Russell Han n ah DnerdThomas H ancockes Elsabeth Maulting

Richard [blank] Elsabeth [blank]James

,s . of Stephen Fisher

,Mary Jon es


Wico[m ]ford“ut arb i tror

” at Ca[m]pden 1 2 Dec. 1 655

William,s . of An thony Stephen s


Fisher,ofW icom ford 1 2 Jun e 1 656

Robert,s . of William Hawkes

,81 An n of Joan


,of Bradforton 2 1 Feb. 1 663

Charles Marie,of Gloucester


Downe,lic. . 4 Sept . 1 664

John,s . of Widow Browne

,Ann Raul in s


of Hon iborn e 2 4 Oct .

Richard Warrington Dorothy Tompkins,of

Evesham,lic. 1 8 Dec. 1 665

John,s . of Will iam S teephen s , jun .


d . of Anthony S teephen s 1 Sept . 1 666

John Wheeler,of Broadway

,Sarah Baker 1 3 Apr. 1 667

John Underhill Han n ah San dell,of Har

m ing ton

George Carelesse Anne Cormell

1 0 4

Lawrence Halsted,gent .

,of the Inner Temple


81 Mrs . Alice,d . of John Barcoft

,esq .


Sergean t- at-Armes,lic.

John Taylor, jun .

,Margorie S teephens

Francis Watten Alice HuesWilliam Blissard An ne

,d . of Anthony


Mr. Richard Mason , of Worcester, Mrs .Elizabeth S teephen s, d. of Mr . WilliamS teephen s, of Broadway, lic. .

Nicholas,5 . of N icholas Bent


,d . of

Robert MatherRaphe Pierson

,of Winchcombe

,81 Sarah


widow of John Ordway,late of Broad


,s . of Rober Gibbs

,of Murcot



d . of John Stephen s,on ye Green

John,youngest s . of John S teephen s, on yeGreene

,81 An n e

,d . of James Warner



Thomas Pickering,gen t .

,Elizabeth Dyrham


of Weston SubedgeHen ry Keare

,of Cleeve Episcopi


MallettRobert Shakell


RowlesJoseph Cormell


HopkinsJohn Loveday

,s . of John

,Moter, d . of John

NottRobert Spire An n Blizard

,Widow of William

John,s . of Richard Paine

,Mary Wright


WormingtonAn thony Rowles El izabeth

,widow of An

thony Dobbin sAn thony S teephen s Elizabeth Hopkin sWilliam Compler An n e

,(1. of Will iam

HawkerJohn Tay lor

, jun .

,Elizabeth Shell

Robert George Mary Bromfield,ofWillersey

of H on iborn e,81 Hanna

of Bucklan d,

Han nah

Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters .

2 4 NOV.

2 3 Apr.

2 9 Apr.

1 0 May

3 0 Mar .

1 6 Feb .

2 4 Sept .

1 5 Apr.

1 9 Sept .

2 7 Nov .

1 0 Feb.

[ 1 669

1 0 6

Edward Benn ett,of Winchcomb


Dobbin sJohn Robbin s 81 Albin ia Tim

,of Willersey

John Wheeler Margret HuesAn thony Hitch Dorcas Charlett

,of Evesham

Hen ry Gold,of Laberton

,81 Mary Dan te

Benjamin Bishop,of H on iborn e

,An n

Martin,of Pebworth

Robert Sclatter,of Willersey

,Susan ah

Weston,of Charl ton

Samuel Ballard,of Campden

,81 Elizabeth

Will is,of Evesham

Francis Dun ne,of Stanton


AldingtonFrancis Lowe

,of St . Clemen ts Lane


min ster,Martha Charlet

Richard Ben t 81 Elizabeth BakerJohn S teephens Allice Smith

,of Cleve

PriorEdward Lightfoot Grace AldingtonAnthony Stan ley

,of Chipping Campden,

Elizabeth RobertsJoseph Yoale

,of Bengeworth


InglesJohn Brandord

,of North Piddle

,An n Nott

John Gilks, jun .

,Ann Gibbs

Mathew Allcock Christian CrumpeJames Taner

,of Dumbleton

,81 Sarah , d . of

Bevan MooreEdward Smith

,of Cropthorn , Susann a

BeardWill i am Dowdswell

BucklandBernard Dobbin s

,of Toddington

,81 Elizabeth

Ingles,of Cow—hon iborn

Francis Porter An n InglesJoseph Browne 81 “ Jan e de Child ’s WickhamJohn Wheeler 81 Jane Hopkin sJohn Tanen ey, jun .

,of Broadway


,d .

of Richard Cockeril l


81 Allicea Watten , of

Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters.

2 7 Dec.

2 7 Apr.1 8 July2 4 July1 8 Dec.

2 3 Apr.

1 8 May

1 7 Jan .

2 2 Jan .

30 Sept.1 9 Jan .

8 Feb .

3 Jan .

1 1 Apr.

2 9 Mar.

1 7 Feb.

1 7 Sept.

1 Dec.

1 Jan .

2 9 Mar.3 Jan .

2 8 May

[ 1 686

1 686

1 687

1 689

1 69 0

1 69 1

1 69 3

I 694

1 69 5

1 699

1 70 4] Ch i la’swickham Mar r iag es.

Isaacke Ballenger Elizabeth Palmer,of

BroadwayThomas Hain es Margaret Moore

,of Broad

wayThomas Dobbins

,of Cuts Dean


AldingtonJohn Smith

,of Lyneham

,in p . of Shipton


co . Oxford,Elizabeth Ston e

Richard Bubb 81 Sarah InglesRichard Bert Mary Welch

,of Broadway

Hen ry Green,of Slaughter

,An n e Rousum


of Long bury, licWilliam Gibbs El izabeth GibbsNathan iel Belcher Anne StephensJohn Poole Joyce AismoreJohn Battersby w.

,St . Lawrence Evesham

Leah MooreJohn Compton

,of Little Hampton Joan

Cowling,of Lit tle Risen ton


Richard Smith 81 Mary StephensRichard Bumpas

,of Willersey Elizabeth

Porter , of BroadwayEdward Hopkins Joan Keyte

,of Willersey

John Cockeril l Hannah HopkinsRobert Williams

,of Broadway Phoebe

CockerillThomas Styles Rachel] [blank], p . of Murcot

James Harrison Mary Hale,of Chipping


Edward Grove 81 Sarah Adkin s,of Willersey

Cornel ius Hunt,of Hinton

,81 El izabeth Jones


of WillerseyThomas


Wormington,of Bidford

,An ne

CombFrancis Godsoe 81 Mary Ganderton , of Stan ton,


Philip Showel , of Evesham ,Hester Batte

of Willersey,lic.

John Yeate Mary Aitkins,both of Chipping


1 0 7

4 Feb . 1 699

2 Apr. 1 70 0

2 0 Feb .

2 4 Apr. 1 70 1

3 0 NOV .

2 8 Jun e 1 70 2

6 Oct.

7 Dec.

1 Jun e 1 70 3

2 4 Oct .

2 4 Oct .

2 3 July 1 70 4

10 8

Richard Roberts Elizabeth Wimblett,p. of


John Lewis,of Willersey

,Martha Evans


Church H un n iborn e,lic.

Benj amin Dobbins Mary Stephens,W

John Thornbury,of Pinvin

,Alice Bumford


of StowThos . Bagley Rebecca Parry

,of Broadway

Thomas Ward Abigail Hun t,of Willersey

Richard Keyte &Jonah Curtis, both ofWesting


Francis Field,of Pershore

,Jane Aishwin



[En tr ies m issing till

John Gibbs Katherin e BeardSamuel Pitt, of Overbury 81 Mary WiddowsWill iam Rork 81 Mary BubbWilliam Taplin

,of Clifford Chambers


Han n ah Hayn es,of Stratford-on -Avon

Will iam Stephen s 81 Elizabeth SmithWilliam Rees Margaret AldingtonAn thony Will is Jan e H arb idg e

John Redding,of Evesham 81 Mary Perrin ,

Edward of Prestbury SarahJohn son

,of Win chcombe

,at Stan ton

Richard Reeves Elizabeth Norman,of


Wi l l iam Best,of Laverton

,81 Martha Mallett

John Timbrell,of Dumbleton

,Mary Cowles

Thomas Steward Elizabeth Steven s,at

Stan ton,lic.

Thomas Marshall,of Stan ton


Yeats,of Chipping Campden


Robert Ingles,of Stan ton

,81 Jan e Perrin


Isaac Roberts Katherine Powell,lic.

John Win ter 81 An n e Sheldon,of Stanton



James Loveday An n e SmithFran cis Lock Ann e ReeveJonathan Hains Mary Lane

Gloucester shire Par ish Reg isters .

2 1 Feb .

1 1 May2 9 Dec.

6 Dec.

2 6 Oct .

3 Oct .

2 7 Jan .

2 0 Jan.

1 May1 0 July2 5 Mar.

2 5 Apr.1 1 Aug .

2 9 Sept.3 Oct .

1 9 Nov.

4 Mar.

3 0 Oct .

[ 1 70 4

1 70 4

I 7O7

1 70 8

1 71 2

1 71 3

1 71 4

1 72 0

1 72 1

1 72 2

I 7Z S

1 10 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1758

Richard Carter Elizabeth Ball ingerJohn Atkins 81 Elizabeth CurtisMichael Smith An n Careless


William Beard An n BeardJohn Smith 81 Ann GibbsWill iam Smith Elizabeth Warner, lic.

Robert Williams An n GraingerJohn Bushel Isabella W inkfieldWilliam Corbet Mary PorterJohn Standley

,of Sn owshill

,Ann Ball inger



Robert Moyl Mary WalkerWilliam Dobbin s An n Pain


Tymothy Beard Sarah HawkerWilliam Leech 81 Sarah Kings

,of St. Lawrence


EveshamJohn Trotman Soph iah GodardWill iam Spiers

,of Wickham

,Mary Reeve

William Hardwick An n PorterJob Chambers Mary Fisher


Robert Careless Elizabeth Drin kwater,lic.

John Summers,of Stanton

,81 Mary Roberts

Anthony Smith El izabeth DierJohn Simmons

,of Broadwell

,Sarah Ballinger

Richard Smith Jane Ballinger,lic.

George Parker 81 Ann Lowe,of Buckland


Richard Standley Esther Smith,lic.

John Stephen s 81 Mary Bul lWilliam Curtis Ann BoutenJohn Bentley

,of Wickhamford

,Mary Dones

Samuel Smith Mary AingeJohn Ingles Elizabeth Skinn erThomas Peckrill Mary PorterWilliam Soul Mary StephensFrancis Smith El izabeth StephensJohn Newbury Mary Smith


Thomas Hiatt,of Broadway

,Sarah Bubb


William Green 81 Sarah GibbsJohn Cul l 81 Mary Ludlow

1786] Chi la’swickham Marr iag es .William Hyatt Nancy Riland


Stephen Higgins Anne Stephen sThomas James, of Broadway, Elizabeth

BallardRichard Carter Anne Daunce



John Skey Hannah BeardThomas Ken t

,of Kemerton

,81 Mary Mumford

Wil l iam Perrin,of Broadway


R iland,lic.

Will iam Drinkwater Anne Veal,hc.

John Ben nett Beard Sarah Fort,lic.

Edward Poul tney Mary Gibbs,lic.

William Corbett An n e LoweThomas Flickwood Luce PainJohn Stephen s 81 Sarah Ball inger


Charles Malin An n Fisher,lic.

John Wood Mary Bubb,lic.

William Lowe Mary RobertsBenj amin Webb Sarah ClaytonJohn Webb

,of Longborough


, 81 SarahBubb

Samuel Hawker,w.

,81 Elizabeth Gibbs

,l ic.

Robert Hawker Ann AingeThomas Warner Han n ah Smith


James Gibbs,of Broadway Martha Ford

Richard Stan ley,of Wickhamford Mary

MorrisWill iam Patcher Prudence WillisJohn Newbury Elizabeth BondPeter Locket

,of Broadway Hannah Bubb

Thomas Crump,w.

,81 Elizabeth Careless, lic.


William Trenfield Elizabeth BourtonWill iam Allard

,of Pebworth 81 Mary Will is

William Robin s Elizabeth Rylan d, w.


William Brand Elizabeth Young,lic.

William Careless,of South Littleton

Hannah Stevens


2 9 Aug .

1 1 2 Gloucester shire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1787

Thomas Stri te,of D idbrooke An n e ‘ Smyth

Joseph Joyn er 81 Sarah Ludlow,w.


Robert Fran klin 81 Han n ah Daus,W.

William Harden Susan n ah Rylan dWill iam Simpson

,of Bretforton 81 Han n ah

RookJoseph Bird


,E l izabeth Stephens


Thomas Freeman An n CarelessWilliam Proctor

,of Tewkesbury 81 An n

FisherRichard Mechen


,Mary Spires


John Frances Ann TrenfieldRichard Carter 81 An n WalterThomas Grove


,of Sain tbury

,81 Sarah

BallingerWill iam Keyte 81 Isabella Stephens


Joseph Rylan d Esther CooperJohn Ballinger Betty CharlewoodWi ll iam Taylor Susan n ah Leech .

John Gibbs 81 Nelly Adkin sJames Morris An n CliftonThomas Ryland

,of South Littleton


LeechJoseph Green

,of Sedg eborrow, 81 Mary Carter

Henry Trenfield Han n ah SaundersJohn Smith Ann StewardJohn Bennet Elizabeth LeechJohn Dorrill


,of Broadway

,Sarah Smith

John Vincen t 81 Mary Smith,lic.

Thomas Gisborne,ofElm ley, Sarah Stephens,


John Turkfield Mary Smith,lic.

Thomas Fisher An n Crump,W.

John Howard Mary JeffriesSamuel White Ann Wheatley



Charles John son,of Dumbleton



William Beard Mary SmithGeorge Walter Smith

,of Badney, Jonne

Fisher, lic. 1 6 Apr.

1 14 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 8 1 2

John Weeb Elizabeth WoodwardThomas Daffern

,of Bucklan d

,Jemima Rook

Charles Coal 81 An n Tiler .

William Bulluck,of Chipping Campden


Elizabeth Ballinger,lic.

Richard Clifton Mary Tan dyThomas Smith 81 Jane Hawker

Marriages at Weston S ubedge ,

1 6 1 2 to 1 8 1 2 .

NOTE — The fol lowing marriages are con ta ined in three volumes, of

which the first two are parchm en t and in on ly fair condition .

The first ten weddings— 16 1 2 - 1638— are


,taken from

the tran scripts preserved in the Bishop ’s Registry at Gloucester.The m arriages have been extracted by the Rev. J . Harvey Bloom ,

and are pub l ished under h is supervis ion , with the con sen t of theRector, the Rev. George Drin kwater Bourne , M .A. , H on .

Can on of Gloucester.

Edward Rushell Mary Walker,

Christopher Scarlett Ann Healey,of H on

n in g ton

Christopher Collins Catherine Gray,of

StoweThos . Sammon

,ofW illersey Ann e Andrews

Edward Richman Dorothy DirhamJohn Dirham El izabeth RichmanRobert Williams

,of Oddington

,Ann Fre

manFrancis Knight

,of COW H on iborn


Win ston,of Laburton

Thomas Willis,of Campden

,Dennis Clark

Anthony James Mary Wil l is

VOLUME I .Mr. Nathaniel Goodwin Mrs . Ann e BallardMr. Thoma s Bridges 81 Mrs . Martha GoodwinEdward Blacke 81 Mary Will isJohn Town send 81 Anne BartlettJohn White

,of Campden

,An ne Farley

Mr. John Rutter,of Paxford

,Mrs . Mary

Cooper,of Norton

John Green e Martha HardingRichard Tuttee Mabel James

1 1 6 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 68 2

John Campden Ann BeateOn esiphroris Tindall , of Bristol], 81 Elizabeth

HopperMr. John Horn e Mrs . Alice Fien n esRichard White 81 Hesther CollettDr. Percival] Mrs . An n Fien n esSamuel Rea Mary LuckettJarrett Smith

,of Evesham

,Sarah Morris


S‘. BuryWilliam Green An n MerielWilliam Harris Han n ah WillisThomas H ancks Elizabeth BacheGeorge Ward An n e JamesThomas Wake Hesther JamesThomas Matthews Sarah HathThomas Taylor 81 Sarah Tan n er, of MickletonJohn Newman Mary Whitford

,of Stan ton

Jon athan Bishop,of H on iburn

,81 Mary Drury



John Fardon An n Dobbin s,of Broughton .

Francis Carter 81 Jane Savig eSamuel Archer

,of Stretton

,Alice Harvey

Jon athan H uines 81 An n e PursarBenj amin Whitford Jan e BlackfordJohn Walker 81 Mary Hain sJon athan Huins 81 Mary MoseleyJob J elf, of Wellford, Mary Stan leyJohn Gibbs

,of Alcester

,81 Elizabeth Brom ley

John Taylor An n Tut tyMr . William Hawkin s Mrs. Hannah H ul

cotts,of Abingdon

,co. Berks

Aaron Hun t,of Exhall

,Mary JamesVOLUME I I .

William Kem son,of Welford

,81 Elizabeth

TuttyJohn Hale

,of Campden

,Mary S titchbury

John H igen s , of H on iborn e,

An n JamesGiles Tidmarsh An n WardJohn Nichols

,of Blungdon , co. Wilts , Eliza

beth Lewis

2 2 Apr .

1 9 Oct.

1 1 8

George Grimett 81 Esther Hain esAn thony Walker

,of Campden

,81 Ursula

Grass ingham

John Joyn er,of Broadway

,81 Elizabeth Tutty

Jon athan Stephen s 81 Mary James,lic.

Henry Lester 81 Elizabeth Taylor,of S‘bury,

Will iam James Margaret ChambersJohn Garfield Mary DruryThomas Hewing Elizabeth MallettWilliam Bayl is

,of Acton Beauchamp


Esther Wheatley,lic.

John Collins An n RussellWilliam Bloxham Mary HortonSamuel Hawker

,of Aston Subedge

,Jan e

FleetwoodJoseph H ol tom Mary FitterWill iam Drury Mary GeorgeRichard Butler 81 Joan n a ReadWilliam Yates 81 Mary Hun tMr. Richard Walker

,of Bromsgrove

,81 Miss

An n Winslow,of Campden


Thomas Sheppheard 81 Mary Wheatley, lic.

William Smith,of Ilmington

,81 Elizabeth

DruryWill iam Ran dall Jan e Higgin s


Joseph Wheatley 81 Mary MorrisWill iam White

,of Campden

,An n Drury


Mr. D ion isius Bradley 81 Miss Jane Bell,lzc.

John Court Martha LovelessRichard Allcock

,of Battesford

,81 Sarah

White,of Campden


W ill iam Horton,a ls . Curtis

,of Aston


DruryRichard Hyett 81 Elizabeth Bushell


Edward Darell 81 An n Carelesse,of Willersey

Thomas Len ard,ofWillersey

,Mary Ballard,

of Bucklan dWilliam Clayton 81 Elizabeth Dorrell



Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters .

3 0 Apr.

2 8 Sept.3 0 Sept .1 7 Apr.1 2 Oct.

2 0 NOV.

4 Apr .8 Jun e

3 0 Oct

1 NOV.

1 9 Nov.

1 1 Dec.

2 8 Oct.

2 5 Oct.

1 9 Dec.

2 7 Oct.

3 0 Apr.2 0 Sept3 0 Sept .

1 Oct.

[ 1733

I 73S

1 738

I 73 9

1 740

I 74S

1Apr. 1 741 2

7 MayI

2 Sept .2

Mar.i July1

7 Nov.

1 74 2

1 754] Weston Subedg e Mar r iag es . 1 1 9

William Stephen s Magdalen e Corm ill, ofBorton- oh -

ye- hill 8 Jan .

Wi ll iam Mosely Sarah Len ard,both of Wil


Thomas Berley Jan e Toms,both ofWillersey

Thomas Hill 81 Ann Will is,both of Willersey

Joseph Walter Mary SandfordJames Palmer Elizabeth Keyt

,both of Steple

Aston,co. Oxon . 1 6 Jan .

John Clarke 81 Elizabeth WheatleyWill iam Phill ips 81 Mary 1 Oct .

Will iam Hale,of Stow- in the-Wold

,An n

Huin sJohn Gidsol Elizabeth JoyvesWilliam Shepherd An n StanfieldJohn Eden Mary NathanSamuel Allcock Ann JamesWill iam Taylor

,of Mikelton

,81 Elizabeth

Roach,of H itcoat, in Ebrington

Thomas Heath Martha LillyHenry James Mary Long

,of Badsey

Thomas Ladbrooke An n Tims,of Aston

John Izod,of Mickleton

,An n Han ds


Joseph Turbit,of Ebrington


Plaister,of St . bury . 1 7 July

William Mathews,Margaret Fleetwood


Hon eybourn eJohn James 81 Dinah Townley, of BerkfordSamuel Hartwell, of Ebrington, An n Stuart,

James Wheatley Hannah SmithWilliam Ward Han n ah YeatesJames Ward

,of Bretforton

,Sarah Taylor

SamuelWhateley Eleanor Emms,lic.

Robert Han ds Hann ah Lan e,of Campden

Thomas Greenaway Mary Grimet, of

Kein ton,lic.

2 1 Oct .

Will iam Roberts,of Honeybourne, Mary

Baker 2 3 Sept . 1 753

Will iam Appleby Mary Roberts 1 1 Jan . 1 754

1 2 0 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1754

VOLUME I I I .John Clark 81 Jane WhiteheadGeorge Grimet Joan n a SearsRichard Pan son Francis DruryJohn Cox


,Sarah Rawl in s

Simon Morris,ofH idcot

,81 Sarah Freeman , lic.

Thomas Brown Elizabeth BumpasJohn Dutton 81 Elizabeth Morris

,of Bourton

on —ye—hill

John Harris 81 Joan n a GrimetHenry Stiles Han n ah BakerJohn Rimel 81 An n J elfs

Joseph Clark,of Chalbury

,co . Oxford


Susan n a DruryThomas Batchelor An n TrubyRalph Dutton 81 Elizabeth DruryRichard Jon es 81 Rachel WardRobert Bishop Mary S tukleyWilliam Blackford

,of Block ley

,Mary Taylor

William Clark Sarah Robin sThomas Odoms Susan n ah PoolThomas An derton

,of Pebworth

,Martha Tims

Will iam Hain s 81 Margaret RobertsWilliam Yeats Martha Huggin sWill iam Lampit 81 An n KilsbyJohn Hain s

,of Aston Subedge

,Mary Drury

Samuel Field,of Aston Subedge

,81 Elean or

Hain sThomas Noxon

,of Campden

,Sarah Drury

William Hun t Sarah HalfordMoses Gil let 81 Sarah San dersGeorge Atkin s 81 Mary BishopJames Day 81 Mary Hain esJohn Mathews 81 Esther Tracy

,of Campden

Richard Bubb 81 Mary YeatesEdward Fox 81 Mary DruryJohn Ham l in 81 Elizabeth HandsWill iam Smith 81 Martha CourtRichard Oldaker 81 Mary Wheatley .

William Smith 81 Hannah Rimel]

1 2 2 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 786

John J elfs , of Bretforton , 81 Margaret Rimel]Richard Hun t

,of Quin ton

,Esther Win ters

George Atkin s 81 Martha H emm in s

Philip Field Elizabeth SmithJames Hom e 81 Edith SmithStephen Tomlin s 81 An n e Val

,of Broad

MarstonWilliam Freeman

,of Bidford

,Sarah Gold

Wi l l iam Davis,of Preston -upon - Stow

,81 Mary

C lackJames H orn be

,of Aldermin ster


Min chinWilliam Phill ips Elizabeth HarrisJohn Dark

,of Hon eybourn e

,81 Elizabeth

WheatleyJohn Perks

,of Bretforton

,81 An n e Odim s

John Gibbs,of Campden

,81 Mary Seaman

William Wheatley 81 Lydia ClarkWill iam Nicholls 81 Mary HolthamGiles Cockbill

,of Hon ington

,81 Sarah Minchin

John Whoell,of Aston Mary Rimel]

Thomas Odim s Mary ClarkWilliam Phillips 81 Mary WardeJames San som

,of Hon ington

,81 Alb in ia Dut


Thomas D iston 81 Elizabeth CollicottThomas Youn ge An n e HarrisJoseph Wilkes

,of Aston

,An n e Wheeler

Thomas Taylor,of Hon eybourne


Robin sWilliam Taylor Mary DurhamThomas Kee ly An n e BatchellerRobert Castle 81 An ne BishopJohn Hawkins 81 Anne Minchin

,of Cleve

PriorDavid Rimel ] Elizabeth FawkesRichard Hul l El izabeth BadgerGeorge Stow

,of Staun ton

,81 Elizabeth Clarke

Will iam Taylor 81 Han n ah BeesleyRichard Wheeler, of Wick, Sarah Rimel]

1 5 Oct .

1 8 1 0 ] Weston Subeage Mar r iag es . 1 2 3

William Baldwin Betty DayRichard Court Martha AverillWilliam Court 81 An n e BotlerHenry Drury Elizabeth Rimel]William Eden

,of Pebworth

,81 Mary Lambley

Will iam Bates,of Aston

,Hann ah Warde

Thomas Ledbeter Sarah TaylerRobert Bayliss Mary Harte l lThomas Nicholls Elizabeth HemmingJohn Wallis Han nah Hun tJohn Hartell Mary PhillipsJoseph Sermon

,of Campden

,81 Edith Horn e

James Taylor,of Chel ten ham

,81 Elizabeth

WardeDavid Field Mary GilletWilliam R im ill 81 Sarah Haines 1 80 0

James Rinold Sarah WallaceThomas Havens

,of S‘bury, 81 Ann Days

John Colman Elizabeth OkesThomas Cook An n ShovelJohn Hom e 81 Martha BrownThomas Pen n 81 An n e HarberPeter Stan ley Hann ah RusselRichard Marshal

,of Welford

,Sarah Hun t

George Edwardes Mary NickolsJohn H ivon

,of Aston

,81 Elizabeth Drury

Will iam Hale,of Mickleton

,Mary Pully

John Stephen s,of Bucklan d

,Sarah Phil l ips

John Ingram,of Welford

,Han n ah

WallisEdward Shepard 81 Mary Harte]Thomas Harris Han n ah ClarkSamuel Smith Judith KeenJoseph Yewin s Mary GouldJohn Harris 81 Elizabeth H arbon

Henry Yewing s 81 An n GouldJohn Hiatt 81 Elizabeth ButlerWilliam Grove An n SmithJohn Ta i tor An n MatthewsJohn Sm i th Ann Wallis

1 2 4 Gloucestershire Reg isters . [ I 8 1 2

John Hancock,of Stratford

,Ann a

Maria PriceJohn Kin chin 81 Elizabeth TailorNathan iel Rouse

,of All Sain ts



Mary Field

1 2 6 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 578

Water Keise Margeret SmitheWill iam Snow Jan e TimbrillWilliam Gaie Ales PickeslyWilliam Pain e Elizabeth LordeRobert Fraun ces Jone S teeven sRichard Evan s Margerie Ran dal]Robert Hiat An JonesJohn Harris 81 Elizabeth S teeven sRichard Blun t Agn es HiatJames Marshall Amy SawinJohn O ld Gillian MarshallJohn Smithe An HiatRichard Yowle Dorrethe Laurston

Roger Duggles Anne CowperPeter Leon ard 81 ! t ian WhellerWill iam Smith 81 Marjorie LangstonRichard Hayward J an e TimbrellWill iam Phipps Jan e PomphrieJohn Davies 81 Alice WoodeRichard B ichn ell An n Robartes

William Pain e El izabeth [blank]Charles Foster Katherin e Martin .

Hen ry Rutter An n e SmitheWilliam Fifield 81 J ohan HiatJohn Stevens An n CullWilliam Smithe Johan StevensWater Pakes Elizabeth Woollasse

Robert Abraham Agn es FloodJohn Bedford Margarett ParkerWill iam Sermon Marjorie TimbrellThomas Haward Marie HaleDen n is Min n ies Margaret SmithAn thony Allern e Gill ian H omfreys

Dan iel h iat 81 An B ickn alMr . John James El izabeth H igfordWilliam Martin S ib ill CooksMiles Elks Margaret TamarJohn Smithe Jane Woollam s

John Ph ippes 81 Martha SmytheJohn Woollams Marie Smythe

2 0 Apr. 1 578

2 0 J an .

6 Sept. 1 579

2 4 Oct .

9 Nov .

2 2 Jan.

9 May 1 580

3 Nov.

2 3 NOV.

1 2 May 1 58 1 ?

1 2 May2 Nov. 1 583

9 Nov.

1 6 Dec. 1 585

1 9 Dec.

9 Oct. 1 586

1 4 June 1 588

9 Oct.

2 5 Oct.

1 5 Feb .

1 6 Jan . 1 59 2

2 6 Jan .

[n o date] 1 595[no date][no date]2 5 Aug . 1 5 96

6Aug . 1 597

1 2 NOV. 1 59 9

1 2 Oct . 1 60 1

9 Nov .

2 6 Jun e 1 60 2

2 9 June 1 60 2

2 5 J an. 1 60 3

5 Apr. 1 60 5

2 1 Aug . 1 60 6

6 Oct.

4 May 1 60 8

3 1 May2 9 Aug .

2 5 Feb.

1 653] Guiting Power Mar r iag es.

John Cul l Sibel] HedgeEdmun d Palmer All ice PhippsJohn Tuttie Merarie Ran dallSamuel Giles 81 Mary HorwoodWilliam S trayn e, of Bengeworth, Alice LeaRobert John son Amye SurmanOl iver Dean e


,Margery Smith



Edward Smyth Jul ian Cul lThomas Kemmet Elyn or PayneRobert Paine Christian DavisGeorge Mason Constance LavenorJohn Hall 81 Coll is Steven s

,both of R ising ton

ParvaWilliam Sermone Jon e Cul lJohn Persons Marie BuntJoseph Mustow Elizabeth BristideJohn Cull 81 Margret RobertsRobert Sticker Emy SmitheThomas Green inge Joan BenfieldWilliam Haines Elizabeth Steven sGiles Hodson Marie Green ing eRobert Den i t Elizabeth Randel lThomas Balis Joan e faxonJohn Collet Alice MarshallHenry Hewes 81 Eleanor HudsonRichard Taler Ellen BerfordHenry Hewes Elizabeth HaywardWilliam Corton Emy SurmanJohn Balies Lucy CookeJohn Wood Marie MauleRichard Woolhose Marie PaineThomas H ameys Ann e RaynboweHenry Brookes Elizabeth PaineAnthony Lea 81 Dorrity S teeven sJohn S tait Alice SmithWilliam Baule Mary WhiteThomas

,s . of Edith Beale


,of Hyde Farm

in pynocke, Fortun e,d . of John

Williams,of Kyneton

,in p . of Temple


2 8 Junegy> hdan

2 8 Oct .

14 May3 June

1 2 7

1 6 1 8

1 6 1 9

1 6 2 0

2 0 Sept. 1 653

2 9 Oct. 1 6 1 0

1 Jun e 1 6 1 1

6 Nov. 1 6 1 5

1 6 Oct .

7 Oct .

3 Feb .

9 Oct .

2 Dec. 1 6 2 3

6 Jun e,1 6 2 4

9 Sept.2 0 Oct.

2 6 July 1 6 2 5

2 0 Feb .

2 0 Feb .

9 Oct. 1 6 2 7

1 4 Oct.

3 1 Apr. 1 6 2 8 ?2 Aug . 1 634

1 Feb. 1 63 3

1 8 Feb .

1 7 Feb. 1 63 5

2 2 Feb.

2 9 Jun e 1 63 6

1 5 July2 8 July2 9 July1 Oct.

1 6 Nov.

7 NOV. 1 640

7 July

1 2 8 Gloucester shire Par ish Reg isters .

William Petipher, of Shen nington , 81 SarahRouse

,of Newton

Thomas Giles,of Broadway

,81 Eleanor Clean

tye,of Westall

Thomas Bon d 81 An n e,dau. of Roger Bliss


both of StowWilliam Speed

,of Horn sey

,An n Robins


GloucesterJohn Hitchman

,of Notgrove

,81 Jan e Cooke

Richard Clarke,of Snowshill

,81 Margaret

Payn e,of Ford

Joh n Powel,of Burton - on -


,81 Mary

MasonGeorge of Stow

,81 An n Spun ier

William Compton Rebecca Minhell,of

WinchcombeJohn Parker

,of Stanway

,81 Chri stian Clements

John Freeman,of Brislye , 81 Mary Stower

George Derby,of Staun ton

,81 Hen rietta

Jackson sEphraim Ecklye Alice Compton


,both of

StowThomas Han ks Sarah Felsey, both of Upper

Slaugh terRobert Wilkin s , of Ciren cester, 81 Margaret

FreemanAn thony Roberts

,of Winchcomb

,and Jane

Smith,of Badsey

Francis Jackson 81 Mary H ewi t,of Staun ton

Timothy Tonye 81 Joane Harrison,of Winch

combTimothy Barn es

,of Cleve

,Sarah Roberts


Lower Slaughter,

Michael Smith , of Batsford, 81 An ne Holland,of North Wiche

Justin ian Hathway 81 Elean or PhipsThomas John , of Bourton -on - the-Water


Sarah Wyse,of Batsford

David Hughes, jun .

,of Burford

,co. Oxon .


Eleanor Collis,of Caslet

1 4 Oct .

4 Mar .

1 Sept .

2 1 Apr.2 1 July

1 0 Aug

1 2 July1 9 July1 Aug .

1 0 Nov.

2 8 Dec.

4 Apr .

1 Mar.

1 3 May

2 5 Sept.

2 1 Nov.

[ 1 672

1 672

1 677

1 69 5

1 69 5

1 696

1 697

1 698

1 30 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters.

John Freeman 81 Margery RusselWil l iam Baylis 81 Elizabeth ComptonRichard H umphres Han n ah WoodThomas Wood 81 Sarah FoxThomas Beale

,of Hide Farm

, jun .

,Jan e

Bidle,of Winchcombe

,W .

William Sextie Franci s Woolams,of Farm


Henry Freeman,of North Cern ey

,Han n ah

HanksThomas Brooks

,of Stanway

,81 Jane Stan ley


of Snowshill,lic.

John James Elizabeth JamesRobert Berry Dorothy EvansJohn Hum phreys Mary Wood

,of Barton


John Freeman 81 Elizabeth Laughton,of

NauntonWilliam Belcher Elizabeth FrancesFran cis Ingram

,of H ampn et, 81 Mary Shep

herdRichard Kirby

,of Barton

,Sarah Hewson

Phil ip Wood,of Shipston

,Mary Cook

William Thornhill 81 Margaret Come,w.

,lic. .

Richard Thornhill 81 Elizabeth Green ingJohn Crook

,of Chedworth

,Sarah James

Thomas Cull,of Bradforton

,Alice Powell .

Richard Maul An n e BursonJohn Cook 81 Elizabeth Woolams

Rafe Winslow,w.

,of Morton- in -Marsh ,

Dian a Cox,of Ebrington

Joseph Archil,of Shipton Olyffe, Sara Cook


of CastladeJohn Roberts


,of Amptn ey St . Peter,

Elizabeth Harris,of H eylin g

Will iam Cummins,of Duffield



Frogmore,of Amptn ey Crucis

Charles Taylor,of Campden


,An n

HumphreysJohn Allcock

,of Farmcot

,Dorothy Mason


of Aston

1 7 July2 ]) ec.

2 Sept .8 Apr.

1 Nov.

1 July


2 9 Mar.2 8 Jun e2 Aug .

3 Aug .

1 4 Apr .

1 2 Jun e

2 0 Sept.

1 Oct .

[ 170 9

I 70 9

1 71 0

1 71 1

1 71 2

I 71 3

1 71 4

2 4 Oct.

6 Oct .

2 9 Nov .

1 7 Jan .

1 0 Dec.

1 3 Oct . 1 71 5

1 6 Oct .

4 Nov.

9 [blank]


2 Apr. 1 71 6

1 72 2 ] Guiting Power Mar r iag es . 1 3 1

Will iam Coombe 81 Jan eWooloff,a lias Ben n et t

An thony Sadler An n e Blackwell,W.

Nathan iel Bartlett,w.

,of Withington


JamesEdward Comb Priscilla JeffersonJohn Holder


,of St . Michael



Ann e Taylor 2 2 Mar.John Wilkin s

,of Tudding ton , Sara Daune


of GreetCharles B ishop Alice BlackwellJoseph Lardn er Sarah IzodThomas Porter 81 Mary FreemanThomas Grey Sarah ColdgroveJoseph Burford Mary PalmerJohn Hunt 81 Han n ah PerrotJoseph Thorndel 81 Mary BallJohn Batman Margaret WoodJoseph More Elizabeth SmithMathew Thomas

,of Farmcot


HornThomas Oakley Ann Bun t ingWilliam Wood Mary RicketsThomas Humphreys

,of Turk Dean


Humphrey,of Naun ton

Will iam Hathaway 81 [blank] Roberts, ofNotgrove

Samuel Cormel 81 Mary Win ter, of Staun tonJohn Cleydon 81 Sara Wels, of CampdenHen ry Cave

,An n Arunde]

,both of Stow

James Ely An n Granger,both of Charlton

AbbotsRichard Atwood

,of Prescot

,Esther Wood


of Seven hampton 1 8 Jan.

John French,of Naun ton ,

Elizabeth Skeeler,of Winchcombe

James Hughes Mary Chadburn,of Farmcot

John Hall,of Charl ton

,Mary Wright


Win chcombJohn Phipps

,of Farmcot

,Sarah Mills, of

Dun sborn e

I 3 2 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 172 2

Thomas Guillet 81 Han nah BryanThomas Martin Mary HandyRichard Eden Mary PleydinThomas Preston Mary Jon esThomas Skin n er Rachel BealRobert Wakefield 81 Elizabeth Cooke, both of

BroadwayJohn Town ley, of Pinn ocke, Elizabeth GreenCharles Run e Elizabeth Hun tWil l iam Will iams Elizabeth BaylisSimon Burton

,of New College



Ann Maria Swell,w. 2 3 Apr .

Thomas Hun tley,of Adlestrop

,81 Elizabeth

Williams 2 6 Apr.Edmund Chamberlayne

, jun .


,of Mangers

bury in Stow,Elizabeth Atkin s


Lower SwellThomasMorris

,ofUpper Gu iting

,&An n J enkins

Abel Clifford Betty Ward,both of Stow

John Ussel,of Prestbury

,81 Hann ah Freeman

Giles Kilby Elizabeth Blackwell,both of

CampdenEdward Hale

,of Broadway

,Katherin e Lock

William Williams Margaret PhillipsJohn Turner

,ofPin nocke

,Han n ah Green ing

Giles Midwinter An n Turn er, jun .

,of Fox

HallHen ry Combe

, jun .

,81 Mary Wood

,W .

Thomas Will iams,81 An n Humphreys

John Turn er 81 Elizabeth BuckinghamRichard Figg it, of Sn owshill, MaryWil l iamsJames Essicks Han n ah WoodRichard S tolard 81 Joan Wats

,both of Farmcot

John Trueman 81 Frances ShepardRichard Turn er 81 An n Jon esJohn Green Sarah FreemanWilliam Heyward 81 Hester FreemanThomas Bullon 81 Mary TaylorEmanuel Freeman 81 Elizabeth Pleaden


Broad Campden 2 7 Dec.

1 34 Gloucester shire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1747

James Herbert,of Toddington Margaret

Hoskin s,of Coscomb

,lic. (at Farmcot) 1 Jun e

William Dyer,of Gotherington Mary

Hin ks,of Stanway

,lie. (at Farmcot)

James Sadler 81 Han n ah GilletRichard 81 Elizabeth Will iamsWilliam Thorndel] An n DormanNathan iel Mason An n e Williams .

George Ben n ett 81 Mary GillettRobert Hayward Sarah JeffersonJohn Bury

,of Naun ton Sarah Grey

Will iam Mosen,of Dowdeswell 81 Hannah


John H ookham,of Stow Mary Town l ey

John John s,of Temple Guiting 81 Jan e Taylor

Joseph Langton,esq.

,of Neston Park


Somerset 81 Charlott Bathurst,of St



John Porch 81 An n Comb,lzc.

VOLUME I I .John James Elizabeth Jefferson 2 0 May 1 754

Thomas Gi l let 81 Han n ah Min ett,of Temple

Guiting 1 5 Dec.

Timothy Sadler Mary Emes 1 9 Dec.

John Clapen Mary Roan 6 Feb . 1 75 5

John Berry,of Naun ton 81 Sarah Grey 1 8 Aug .

William Mosen,of Dowdeswell Hannah

Etheridge,lic. 2 2 Feb . 1 756

John H ookam 81 Mary Town ley 1 Mar.John John son

,of Temple Guiting 81 Jane

Taylor 8 JulyJohn Powel l 81 An n Coombs [blank]Wi l l iam Will iams 81 Sarah Dyde 2 6 Sept. 1 757

Richard Phillips,of Bishop ’s Froom


Hereford 81 An n Col l in s,lic. 3 Feb . 1 759

Thomas Arke ll,of Upper Slaughter Mary


Richard Will iams Mary Whoode

1 769] Guiting Power Mar r iag es .

Charles Roan Mary WhiteJohn Pricket

,of Chesterton 81 Sarah Morgan


Joseph Page Han n ah GriffinWilliam Turn er Mary JamesWilliam Durham

,of Winchcomb Elizabeth


John Clerke,of Yarnworthe 81 Joyce Black


Stephen Men ley, of Naun ton HannahJames

William Sureh Ann TurnerDan iel Taylor Elizabeth Vern on


Thomas Can,of Shireborn An n James

William Gegg,of Sudeley 81 Judith Hun t

William Hun t Elizabeth Ron eHarry Hayward Mary FreemanWilliam Corbet t Mary Thorndell .

Thomas Crook,of Whitt ingdon El izabeth

Ether idgeRichard Wurvill, of Naun ton Han n ah

TurnerJohn Wood Margaret BellewWill iam Etheridge An n RobbinsJohn Humphries Alice CookeGeorge Lawrence

,of Hailes Lean n a True


William Cooper Sarah GreenWill i am Johnsons

,of Stret ton Mary Hay

wardJohn Painter

,of Witherington 81 Mary


Thomas H arding Elizabeth LampseyWilliam Davis 81 An n RoenRobert Battell, of Q uen n ing ton 81 An n Char]

woodJoseph Harvey Elizabeth BullerHarry Burford Elizabeth San dfordJohn Wood 81 Han nah Green ingTimothy Sadler Elizabeth Day

1 3 5

2 1 Oct . 1 759

1 8 Dec.

2 5 May 1 760

2 8 Oct .

1 6 Jun e 1 76 1

2 6 Sept .

1 9 May 1 764

2 8 July1 Oct .

1 0 Oct.

3 1 Jan . 1 765

1 0 Oct .

3 0 Mar. 1 766

2 3 Feb. 1 767

2 5 May2 1 Apr. 1 768

2 6 Dec. 1 769

1 2 Oct.

1 2 Oct .

9 Oct .

2 2 Feb .

1 8 Oct .

I Nov.

2 6 Nov .

1 3 Oct .

1 76 2

1 763

1 768

1 36 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters [ 1770

William Williams Han n ah Hayward,lic.

John Hun t Elizabeth Hun tThomas Newman

,of Hall ing



Lawrence,w .

John Trindar Elizabeth Hun tGilbert Hammon d Sarah Wood


William Smith Betty PittawayStephen Robins

,of Longborough 81 Sarah

Gillett,of Naun ton

William Arkell Han n ah Walker,lic.

John S tollard Martha GillettRichard Hawks

,of Stanway Elizabeth

CookJohn Stowes Ann e WoodJohn Berry Dinah PowellWill iam Peachey Sarah BullerHen ry Har t 81 An n BlizzardRobert Mil ling

,of Hawling Elizabeth Ruck

William Perry 81 Elizabeth Will iamsThomas Green ing Mary Sadler


Thomas Sandales 81 Mary HathawayRichard Wil liams Mary Spen cerJoseph Hughes 81 Ann e CallowJon athan Miles Mary Ben n ettRichard Turner Betty SadlerWilliam Hamlet Betty ChambersFrancis James

,of Cold Aston Betty Cotes

Hen ry James Mary YoungWill iam Powell Mary ClaptonThomas Dowdswell 81 Elizabeth HauseJohn Harris Sarah Thorndel]Will iam Bridgwater An n e BridgwaterWilliam Thorn dell Joan HuntJohn Smith 81 Mary CookSamuel Etheridge Elizabeth Hobie


John Boul ter,of Naun ton 81 Mary Maul]

Charles Start Elizabeth HaywardRobert Hayward 81 Jan e GibbesGeorge Herbert Mary MaronThomas Belcher An ne Dabney

1 38 Gloucestersh ire Par ish Reg isters . I 787

James Kin z ett,of Cornwell

,co. Oxford


An n ClaptonHenry Wood 81 An n Ben n ettSamuel Taylor


,Sarah Care

Will iam Peachy,w.

,81 Han n ah H itchman

Jon athan Carter Elizabeth D idcoat,lic.

John Gilson 81 Sarah Hammond,w.

John Restall,of Naun ton

,Ann Howes

John Hawkin s 81 Elizabeth Cole, of BiburyJoseph Lambert

,of Teyn ton , co. Oxford

Han nah Han dsAdam Miffl in 81 Han n ah TaylerEdward Civil 81 An n HartJohn Gillet Han n ah Bench enWilliam Lovesey 81 Elizabeth TaylorJohn Morris

,of D idbrooke

,81 An n Clapham

John Combe,of Bradferton

,An n Lan e

William East,of Temple Gui ting


HeuetGeorge Moreley Han n ah Brown ett


CharlesClappen , of Bourton , 81 Nelly Green ingWill iam Stephen s 81 Mary Trinder


George Wood,of Temple Gui ting

,81 An n

Jones 2 7 May 1 793

Thomas Perry,of Hawling

,Anne Belcher


at Farmcot 2 4 Sept .William Burrows

,of Naun ton

,Sarah Perry 1 4 Oct .

Hen ry James,w.

,I sabel Turn er 2 Dec.

John Ch isn ell An n Man ley 1 6 Jun e 1 794

Will iam Agg,of Naun ton An n Baker 1 3 Oct.

Joseph Walker,of Grimley

,An n Ashwin


lic. 3 1 May 1 79 5

Will iam Taylor Sarah Lewis 1 3 Dec.

John Glede,of Compton

,Elizabeth Perry


l ic.

William Guy Han nah Burford,at Farmcot

Wil l iam Shillam,of Naun ton

,Mary Wood

John Hart 81 Mary DowdeswellRobert Morse Elizabeth BurfordRichard Evans Elizabeth Harris

1 0 Nov .

1 7 NOV.

2 6 Mar. 1 78 9

1 0 Apr.1 5 Aug .

1 5 Feb . 1 79 0

2 1 Jan . 1 79 1

2 3 Oct .

2 1 Feb . 1 79 2

2 0 Aug .

1 4 Nov .

7 Apr. 1 79 6

2 4 Nov .

2 8 Feb . 1 797

1 4 Sept .1 6 Oct .

4 Dec.

1 80 6] Guiting Power Mar r iag es .

Nathan iel Mason Ruth WoodThomas Rickman Elizabeth CareCharles Smith Elizabeth DowdeswellRichard Smith Han n ah KruchJohn Humphreys Sarah Hun tRobert Andrews Mary FryWill iam Wood Elean or Jon esJohn Kin g

,o uen in g ton , An n Etheridge,lic.

Thomas Yates Han n ah TaylorThomas Kilas

,of Cleeve

,Elizabeth Smith .

Joseph Ussell,of Ciren cester


MauleWill iam Wood An n Boul tonJoseph Sext ie 81 Elizabeth Ron eWilliam Smith Esther Hun tRichard Cook

,of Hawling



John Clapton Martha Miffl inHenry James

,W. Esther Baylis

John Timbre l l Mary Belcher,lic.

Richard Ireland,ofSudeley, 81 Esther Etheridge

Edward Smith Elizabeth WoodJames Hun t Elizabeth Hammon dJohn Hitchman

,of Northleach


HooperMichael Will iams Han n ah WoodThomas S ta it Hannah Will iamsAnthony Corbet Hann ah JamesRichard Large 81 Rebecca BoultonAbraham Mealing


, 81 Mary SadlerJames Greening

,of Winchcomb


Lyn e,at Farmcot


William H un t Amy HaywardJoseph Chambers

,of Cow H on iborne


abeth Etheridge, lic.

Charles Reve Phoebe Jam esJames Hobbs 81 Elizabeth Green ingJohn Parker 81 Elizabeth FeerellRev. Thomas Carpenter Charlotte Ful ler,

at Farmcot

1 39

1 4 July

140 Gloucestersh i r e Par ish Reg ister s . [ 1 8 1 2

Augustin e Green ing Elizabeth WoodJohn Spurge 81 Sarah JamesWilliam Ive Hon our Arkell


Thomas Robbin s 81 Sarah WilliamsNathan iel Town send 81 Elizabeth GamerRichard Baker An n Lyne

,at Farmcot

Charles Hammond An n WoodJohn Will iams 81 Amelia CamdenGeorge James Martha GoodwinJohn Wa llcroft Ann CorbettJohn Pill 81 An n WakefieldRobert Rowlands

,of Naunton



Thomas Loveseye 81 Louisa TrindarRichard Nash


,Sarah Will iams

Will iam Skillem,of Winchcomb

,81 Hester


Richard Perry,of Naun ton

,Sarah Smell

Thomas Leech,of Stanway

,Alice Dowdes

wellSamuel Keen Harriet BerryThomas Pearson Mary S ta i tGeorge Brown

,of St. Andrew

,Holborn Eliz

abeth Clidero

Robert Hun t 81 An n Will iamsRichard Baylis Rebecca HartHen ry James 81 Elizabeth PriceMichael Harris Han n ah Robbin sSamuel Holloway Esther Hawkin sThomas Cummings Mary GreeningThomas Green 81 Ann WilliamsDavid Jon es Sarah Smith

14 2 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters. [ I 59 2

John Garner Katharine BarringtonJohn Coxe Ann e Bill ingeEdward Falken er Katherin e BakerGeorge Bucher Tybbalks GibbesRobert Carpen ter Johan Bill ingsSymon Gurman Katherin e EddonRichard Tailer 81 Martha WhiteH umpry Cooke Alice SlatterRobert Cur ties 81 An n e Warn e[A l l Marriag es from this da te to


John Boscott Han n ah Thorn ittHenry Busby Mary SmithNicholas Rain bow Fran ces Sumn erMr. Sebastian Rainbow 81 Mary LogginThomas Widdows 81 Elizabeth CorterilRichard Durran 81 Mary CarterJohn Nicholls Mary BakerThomas Hauten 81 Elean or Hin dJames Harris An ne FreemanThomas Hain es Sarah EdenRichard Tomlin s 81 Sarah HainsWilliam Newn am 81 Alice DavisWilliam Wells 81 Mary PrestonBenj amin Lamb Sarah OtiGeorge Elmes Alice Warn erGeorge Castle Elizabeth BrewerThomas Pidgeon 81 Mary ReasonMr. Joseph Waring Mrs . Elizabeth LogginThomas Hitchcox Sarah PlesterThomas Nix 81 Susan n a TrollyJohn Hadley Sarah SpicerWilliam Eden 81 Elizabeth HarrisJohn Walton 81 Sarah ColeyBenj amin Charlott Mary Harri sWill iam Smith Mary WiddowsHumfrey Hewin s Elizabeth Thorn ittThomas Jen n ings Mary ClaridgeJohn Smith Phillipa Anthorn

2 Oct.

1 4 May14 May2 4 Nov .

1 9 Aug .

2 5 Oct .

2 3 Dec.

2 4 J an .

2 0 Apr:

1 59 2

1 59 3

1 59 5

1 596

1 598

m issing ]

1757] Sutton under B railes Mar r iag es . 143

Richard Rainbow Mary Savage 1 0 Feb . 1 745Richard Charles Frances Allen

,both of Stow


hc. 2 7 Nov. 1 747

John Hon e Mary Pen n 1 4 Jun e 1 75 2

Thomas Guest Mary Sims 2 5 Dec.

Samuel H uckfield Elizabeth Davis 1 3 Sept .Nicholas Rainbow 81 An n Prestage 4 Nov.

[For Wedding s f rom this date to 1 767 see Vol. III and Vol. IV ]fl ames Phipps, of Cherington, Joan n a

Balscott 2 2 May 1 768! William Hopkin s Catherin e Wilks

,lic. 3 Jun e

Richard Clifton Mary Walker,lic. 9 Oct . 1 769

William Beck An n Bickerstaff 1 Feb . 1 770

John Hawkin s 81 Susan n a Gregory 2 6 Aug .

John Lockley Mary Bowers 9 Sept .Thomas Smith El izabeth Weston 3 0 Jan . 1 771

Thomas Sutton Sarah Endall 2 5 Nov. 1 772! John Thorn ett Sarah Hiron 2 7 July 1 774

John Bayliss Mary Salis 5 Jun e 1 775John Rouse

,of Stourton

,Betty Baker

,lic. 2 5 Jun e

John Crossley Han nah Rain bow 1 7 Apr.Jeremiah Jacques

,of Whichford

,An n

SturchThomas Pitcher Mary GibbsFran cis Hall

,of Brails

,Mary Thorn ett

Nathaniel Cross 81 Hester Savage,lic.

Will iam Rain bow Catherin e SharpThomas Hiron 81 Elizabeth Thorn ett

VOLUME I I I .Richard Bartlam s

,of Weston- upon-Avon


Susann a HumphreysThomas Avery 81 Mary ChaterJohn Bishop An n SmithJohn Tapping

,of Whichford

,Sarah Eden .

Richard Bryan Han n ah Ran dalFrancis Powel 81 Martha Ankhorne

These Weddings are en tered in both Volume I I and Volume IV.

144 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 758

Thomas Ankho rn e Ann RouseThomas Jen nings

,of Whatcott

,81 Mary

Town eyThomas Boscott Elizabeth NixThomas Ashfield

,of Shipston


HumphreysRichard Aukhorn Elizabeth Whatcot, of

Compton W inyate, lic.

Edward An ker Elizabeth Auker,t ic.

John Din n is,of S ton esfield

,co. Ox .


CharlottJoseph Jan ett

,of Cherington

,Jane Biggar

staffGeorge Picha rd Elizabeth Nason


N icholas Rainbow 81 Elizabeth CarterThomas Anchor Mary EndallRobert Harvey Sarah ColeyEdward Timmes

,of Stourton

,81 El izabeth


! James Phippes , of Cherington, JoannaBalscot

i“W ill iam Hopkins Catherin e WilksWilliam Pigeon 81 Mary FrenchaleThomas Thorn ett Elizabeth HironThomas Hands

,of Cherrington, Sarah

Thorn et

John Lester 81 Susan n a BostockJohn Rain bow An n SmithJohn Steel

,of Todenham

,An n Savage

Thomas Gillet,of Ban bury

,81 Mary Brown

James Flan akin Eliz abeth PickarellSamuel Shepherd , of Wolford, 81 Sarah BrionRichard H obdey Elizabeth AbbettsW il l iam Hancock 81 Mary Bea]

5 July 1 758

2 3 Oct.

1 5 Oct. 1 759

2 2 J an . 1 760

1 2 Jun e 1 76 1

2 9 Feb . 1 764

3 0 Oct .

2 9 NOV.

1 2 July 1 766

These Weddings are en tered in both Volume I I and Volum e IV.

146 Gloucester shire Par ish Reg isters . [ 1 8 1 1

Thomas Young,w.

,Han n ah Kettle 8 Sept . 1 80 5

John Rain bow Sarah Hun t 2 0 1 8 0 6

James Harris,of Toddenham

,81 Sarah Baker



Thomas Burrows Mary LesterThomas Thorn ett 81 Anne Boltron

,of Cher

ringtonRichard Savage

,of Whichford



Ti lsley 1 1 Oct . 1 80 8

Thomas Thorn i tt,w.

,Elizabeth Clark

Thomas Garrett,w.

,Alice Watkin s


Edward An chor 81 Elizabeth Wilkes,w.


June 1 8 0 72

2 5 Aug

80 9

1 3

b . 1


9 F

Szpt . 1 8 1I 9

Marriages at Todenh am ,

1 72 1 to 1 8 1 2 .

NOTE — The earl iest existing Register of this Parish comm ences in the

year 172 1 . It is a parchm en t volum e , bound in brown leather,and con ta in in g the en tries of all kinds in term ingled . The secondvo lum e is the ordin ary officia l fol io. The fol lowing extracts havebeen m ade by the Rev. J . Harvey B loom ,

with the perm iss ion of

the priest in charge , the Rev. Ll . Jon es .


William Ben net 81 Susann ah LambRichard South Elizabeth Bevins .

William Parslow Sarah ShettleEdward Darby Ann CurtissHen ry H in chman 81 Elizabeth PowelJohn Moseley Susan n a AdamsThomas Bowers Mary SheldonRichard Baskett Elizabeth HarperWilliam Keyte 81 Elizabeth PettefordJohn Disson An n e ClaridgeRobert Hin e Hann ah Fran klynWilliam Ashwin Mary WardRichard Tims 81 Han n ah MorrisWilliam Cliffen An H olyfield

William Powel 81 Han n ah Ben n etJoseph Slater 81 Ann SlaterFranci s Tims Hann ah GibsHercules Lydall Mary MorrisWilliam Powel 81 Mary HobsWilliam Hill An n ClarkRobert Fran klyn 81 Sarah ShailerCharles Hayward Sarah PrattWilliam Adkin s 81 An n S tait

John Freeman Pen elope M illsWill iam Carter Fran cis RobinsM ichael Rose Sarah Keyte

1 48 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters [ 1 734

William Heaven 81 Elizabeth FreemanThomas White 81 Elizabeth James .

John Weston Elizabeth WaleFrancis Taylor Martha AllenThomas Grimett An n GreenThomas Collett Elizabeth MorrisThomas Calvert Katherine KirbyThomas Wells 81 Sarah MilesSamuel Ballard 81 Mary HaywardWilliam Pi tway 81 Han n ah Hobbin sWilliam Rouse Elizabeth Ben n etThomas Parker 81 Jan e ColemanRichard Read 81 Margaret TapingWilliam Godson Sarah Hadlan d .

Henry Philips 81 Christian Pi twayJohn N icols Susah ab HowardWill iam Harris 81 Sarah Matthews .

Michael Rose 81 Elizabeth John sonWilliam Mason Mary HobleyPeter Hun t 81 An n KyteThomas Broadice Mary S tockfordEphraim Beg 81 Mary MinchenWilliam Lampet An n WoodwardWill iam Blachwel Mary RobinsWilliam Walker 81 Sarah BeaselySamuel Carpen ter 81 Catherin e WhiteThomas Workman 81 Jan e GreenThomas Godson 81 Elizabeth DerhamWill iam Clark 81 Mary Man se]Fran cis Tims Jan e EdwardsNicholas John son 81 Susan n ah WhiteIsaacWhite 81 Elizabeth Dicken sThomas Miles Elizabeth Baz andGeorge Hain s 81 Mary LongThomas Fran k l in Eliza ElsonWilliam Salmon 81 Mary BoonThomas Walker 81 Han n ah H idenWil l iam Wyat 81 Sarah H idenRichard Best Elizabeth HitchmanThomas Sumn er An n Moseley

1 50 Gloucestershire Par ish Reg isters. [ 1 772

Thomas Green Martha Phill ipsThomas Wyatt Jane Marshall

,of Blockley



William Harris,of Wolford



William Venfield,of Great Rowlrigh t,

Amey Man derThomas Rouse 81 Elizabeth Smith

,of I lm

ing ton , W .

John Saun ders 81 Elizabeth BubbThomas Shep herd 81 Mary HitchmanJohn Cluff 81 Martha S imcoxe

Wm . Edg in ton 81 Sarah Blackwel lFran cis Clifford

,of Euston e

,81 An n Eldridge

George Moseley Mary Man derRichard Lampit Elizabeth Ran dalWill iam Brain 81 Elizabeth DavisJohn Miles Han n ah Potter

,of Ilm ing


John King Margaret KettleJohn Town send

,of Witn ey

,81 Elizabeth

EdgingtonRobert Fran klin Mary ClaridgeNathan iel Rouse Catherin e CuddRichard Tomkin s

,of Long Compton


nah NewmanWill iam Han ds 81 Betty RouseThomas Walton

,of Loxley

,An n Baskett

Joseph Slatter 81 Martha White,W.

Robert Gloucester,of Kington



John Rouse 81 An n e WyattEdward Bliss Mary MarshallCharles Lampett 81 Elizabeth ButlerWil liam Mason Elizabeth SaundersWilliam Green

,of Tredington

,81 Mary Hob

bin s,lic.

Richard Fran kl in 81 Letitia Learn er,of Stretton

John Man n ers 81 Elizabeth Fran klinWm . Somerton 81 Mary Allcock

,of Whatcott

2 8 June

2 0 Aug .

2 8 Aug .

1 79 2 ] Toa’enham Mar r i ag es . 1 5 1

John Lock,of Tidin g ton , Elizabeth 3) 6 J an . 1 783

John Ran dall Hann ah Coombe,of Salford . 2 4 Dec.

Will iam Wells of Rowington,81 Gracie

Phillips,lic. 1 2 Feb . 1 784

Wil l iam Cudd,of Burmington

,Mary Green 2 4 Feb .

VOLUME I I .William Edgington


,Jan e Bubb 2 8 July 1 784

Michael Scarbrook 81 Mary Mason 9 Aug

Joseph Churchill Ann Cross 4 Oct .

Thomas Tomblin s Catharin e Kirby,of

EbringtonRobert Johnson Ann Smith


Richard Rouse Ann Strong,of Shipston

Francis Clifford,w.

,81 Anne Cornwall , of

Hon ington 6 Sept .Will iam Pain ter

,of Bicester


Ph il ips,lic.

William Lampitt Elizabeth H uckfield,w.


Joseph Carter& Sarah RuckRichard -Lee

,of Wootton

,co. Ox .


Hawkins,he. 2 9 Jun e 1 787

John Scott,of Great Wolford

,Pen elope

Freeman,lic. 1 0 Oct.

William Lidsey Elizabeth Nevill . 1 1 Oct .

George Cooper 81 Sarah Cooper,W . 1 2 Nov.

Charles H ookham,of Stow

,81 An n Bryant

,lic. 1 2 July 1 788

William Bonam,of Woolford

,81 Elizabeth


Will iam Smith 81 Ann Bea]John Cluff

,w. , 81 Hannah Rose, ofTidm in ton ,W.

Robert Brian Ann DyarJohn Green Jane HarrisJabez Kimber Mary H arb idge, lic.

Robert Morris 81 Katherine H iorn s,lic.

John Bea],of Compton Parva

,Sarah Bea] .

An thony Harris Sarah Neal,of Blockley

Will iam Webb An n GreenWilliam Halford

,of Lemington

,81 Sarah

Brian,lic. 1 7 May

1 5 2 Gloucester shir e Par ish Reg i sters .

Josiah Faxon 81 Phebe WaringJohn Farem an An n Leicester


Thomas Freeman,of Suckley


Boseley, lic.

Thomas Garden er,of L. R ising ton , Sarah

WrightEdward Nichols 81 Sarah HaydonWilliam Hall

,of Little Wolford


MasonHenry Hicks

,of South Littleton


Green,lic. .

William Mason Jan e SummertonJoseph Rouse 81 An n HandsJames Blin ker El izabeth Styles , lic.

Samuel Edgington,of Spelsbury


Milborn eHenry Holland


,co. Ox.

,81 Sarah

AdamsWilliam Flan akin Mary BerryThomas Styles Sarah NewmanJames Smith Mary RobinsonJohn Margetts

,of St . Mary


,81 Jan e


Richard Nash Ann Phill ipsRichard Arckell

,of Shipston

,An n Harris



Charles Smith,of Eatington

,Mary Ran dal

James Baylis,of Lemington

,Jan e Tuffl ey

Thomas Garrett Harriot Elizabeth Harris,

Thomas Green Hen rietta ClarkJoseph Pool Rachel MasonThomas Hatton 81 Susann a Winters

,of Mor

ton - in —MarshThomas Cooper

,of Ebrington




Richard Wyatt Mary WaltonJames Maron 81 Mary PrestonRichard George An n AdamJohn Hall Maria Tarver

1 3 Feb .

9 Nov.

1 5 Jun e1 4 Oct .

1 NOV.

1 9 May

7 Nov .

6 Aug .

1 9 Aug .

1 4 Feb.

1 9 Feb.

[ 179 2

1 80 2

1 80 3

1 8 0 4

1 8 0 5
