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GOLD STANDARD VERIFICATION/CERTIFICATION REPORT GS Verification Report N° 2012-DG-20-MD, Rev. 1.2 1 GS_VER_REP-10-11 Final “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project - Turkey” in Turkey Monitoring period: 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012 Report N° 2012-DG-20-MD Revision N° 1.2



GS Verification Report N° 2012-DG-20-MD, Rev. 1.2 1 GS_VER_REP-10-11


“Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project - Turkey”

in Turkey

Monitoring period: 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

Report N° 2012-DG-20-MD

Revision N° 1.2


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 2 GS_VER_REP-10-11

Project Title : Country: Estimated VERs (tCO 2e):

Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey

Turkey 572,320 annual average

GS Registration Reference N °: Monitoring period : Certified VERs (tCO2e):

440 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012 417,824 Client: Client contact:

OneCarbon International B.V. Inga FISCHER Report No.: Revision : Date of this repor t:

2012-DG-20-MD 1.2 15/09/2012 App roved b y: Date of approval:

Roberto Cavanna


Methodology Number : Version: Title: Scale SS(s):

ACM0001 AM0025

08.1 of 16/05/2008 10 of 19/10/2007

Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment processes

Large 1, 13

RINA Services S.p.A. (RINA), commissioned by OneCarbon International B.V., has verified the greenhouse gas emission reductions reported for the project activity “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” in Turkey, GS Registration Reference N° 440, for the period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012, with regard to the relevant requirements for CDM and GS activities. The verification shall ensure that reported emission reductions are complete and accurate in accordance with applicable GS VER requirements, which refer to CDM rules, in order to be certified. The project was validated by TUV SUD Industrie Service GmbH (validation report N° 1175 963-GS revision 3 issued on 21/04/2009) and it was registered on 27/04/2009 under the GS registration reference N° 440. The GHG emission reductions were calculated on the basis of the approved methodology ACM0001, version 08.1, “Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities” of 16/05/2008, AM0025, version 10, “Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment processes” of 19/10/2007 and the monitoring plan included in the registered Project Design Document, version 07 of 20/04/2009. In conclusion, it is RINA’s opinion that the project activity “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey”, in “Turkey”, as described in the Monitoring Report version 4.4 of 28/08/2012, meets all relevant requirements for GS and CDM activities and all relevant host Party criteria and correctly applies the baseline and monitoring methodology ACM0001, version 08.1, “Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities” of 16/05/2008, AM0025, version 10, “Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment processes” of 19/10/2007. Hence, RINA is able to certify that the emission reductions from the project during the monitoring period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012 amount to 417,824 tCO2e.

Baseline Emissions 419,929.5 tCO2e Project Emissions 2.7 tCO2e Leakage 2,102.8 tCO2e Net GHG emission reductions/removal 417,824 tCO2e

Work carried out by:


No distribution without permission from the Client or organizational unit responsible

Strictly confidential

Unrestricted distribution

Work verified by :

Laura Severino


Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol, Verification, Gold Standard


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 3 GS_VER_REP-10-11

Abbreviations AF Adjustment Factor BE Baseline Emissions CAR Corrective Action Request CDM Clean Development Mechanism CDM M&P Modalities and Procedures CDM CEF Carbon Emission Factor CH4 Methane CR Clarification Request CO2 Carbon dioxide CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent CRT Coordination and Technical Control Staff DCI Certification Division of RINA Services Spa DNA Designated National Authority DOE Designated Operational Entity EB Executive Board ER Emission Reductions GHG(s) Greenhouse gas(es) GS Gold Standard GWP Global Warming Potential IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change LFG Landfill gas LoA Letter of Approval MoV Means of Verification MP Monitoring Plan MR Monitoring Report NGO Non-governmental Organization ODA Official Development Assistance OSOS Automatic Meter Reading System PDD Project Design Document PE Project Emission PMUM Market Financial Conciliation Center (Piyasa Mali Uzlastirma Merkezi) PP(s) Project Participant(s) Ref. Document Reference RINA RINA Services Spa SDI Sustainable Development Indicator SS(s) Sectoral Scope(s) SWDS Solid Waste Disposal Sites TEIAS Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (Turkiye Elektrik Iletim A.S.) UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change VERs Verified Emission Reduction(s) VVM Validation and Verification Manual


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 4 GS_VER_REP-10-11

Table of Contents Page

1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Objective 5 1.2 Scope 5

2 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Desk Review 6 2.2 On-site assessment 11 2.3 Resolution of outstanding issues 12 2.4 Internal quality control 13 2.5 Verification team and the technical reviewer(s) 14

3 VERIFICATION FINDINGS .................................................................................................... 14 3.1 Description of the project activity 14 3.2 Remaining issues (FARs) from previous validation or verification 15 3.3 Project implementation 15 3.4 Methodology for determining Emission Reductions. 16

4 VERIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OPINION ................................................................. 50 Appendix A: Gold Standard Verification Protocol


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 5 GS_VER_REP-10-11


OneCarbon International B.V. has commissioned RINA to carry out the verification and certification of emission reductions reported for the registered “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” project in Turkey, GS Registration Reference N° 440 , for the period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012.

This report summarizes the findings of the verification of the project, performed on the basis of GS VER requirements, which refer to CDM rules, as well as criteria given to provide for consistent project operations, monitoring and reporting.

1.1 Objective

The objective of the verification is to have an independent review ex post determination by a Designated Operational Entity (DOE) of the monitored reductions in GHG emissions that have occurred as a result of the registered GS project activity during a defined monitoring period and to monitor the impact of project activity on sustainable development, throughout the monitoring of the non-neutral Sustainable Development Indicators and moreover to monitor all the mitigation and compensation measures put in place. Certification is the written assurance by the DOE that, during a specific time period, a proposed GS project activity achieved the reductions in anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHGs as verified and that all the defined Sustainable Development Indicators to be monitored have been monitored according to the sustainability monitoring plan and that all the mitigation measures forecast have been correctly and effectively implemented.

The objective of this verification/certification was to verify and certify emission reductions and effective implementation of the monitoring of sustainable development indicators and mitigation measures, reported for the “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” project in Turkey for the period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012.

1.2 Scope

The verification scope is:

• to verify that actual monitoring systems and procedures are in compliance with the monitoring systems and procedures described in the monitoring plan;

• to evaluate the GHG emission reduction data and express a conclusion with a reasonable level of assurance about whether the reported GHG emission reduction data is free from material misstatement;

• to verify that reported GHG emission data is sufficiently supported by evidence;

• to evaluate whether all the mitigation measures have been effectively put in place according to the monitoring plan and that all the sustainable development indicators have been correctly monitored.

Verification shall ensure that reported emission reductions are complete and accurate in accordance with applicable GS VER requirements, which refer to CDM rules, in order to be certified.

UNFCCC criteria for CDM refer to Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol, the CDM modalities and procedures, and the subsequent decisions by the CDM Executive Board.

The GS criteria refer to GS requirements, GS Toolkit and supporting annexes.

Verification is not meant to provide any consultancy towards the project participants. However, stated requests for clarifications and/or corrective actions may have provided input for improvement of the monitoring.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 6 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Verification was conducted using RINA procedures in line with the requirements specified in the GS Requirements, CDM M&P, the latest version of the CDM Validation and Verification Manual, and relevant decisions of the COP/MOP and the CDM EB and applying standard auditing techniques. The verification consisted of the following three phases:

• Desk review;

• On-site assessment;

• The resolution of outstanding issues and the issuance of the final verification report and certification.

The following sections outline each step in more detail.

2.1 Desk Review

The monitoring report, version 4.1 of 11/04/2012, version 4.2 of 20/06/2012, version 4.3 of 02/07/2012 /2/ and version 4.4 of 28/08/2012 /2/, the emission reduction calculations provided in the form of a spreadsheet, “2012-April-16-ER_Calculation_Mamak_4thPV” version 01 of 16/04/2012 and “2012-August-28-ER_Calculation_Mamak_4thPV” version 02 of 28/08/2012 /9/, the approved baseline and monitoring methodology ACM0001 version 08.1 /6/, AM0025 version 10 /7/ and all the documentation provided to support the monitoring period /01 – 118/ were assessed as part of the verification. In addition, the Project Design Document (PDD) /1/, in particular as regards the baseline estimations and the monitoring plan, the previous verification report revision 1.2 of 04/08/2011 /12/ and the validation report, revision 03 of 21/04/2009 /8/ for the project, were reviewed.

The following table lists the documentation that was reviewed during the verification.

/1/ Ecofys Netherlands BV: CDM-PDD for “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” in Turkey, version 07 of 20/04/2009

/2/ ORBEO: Monitoring report for “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” in Turkey, version 4.1 of 11/04/2012 related to the monitoring period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

ORBEO: Monitoring report for “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” in Turkey, version 4.2 of 20/06/2012 related to the monitoring period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

ORBEO: Monitoring report for “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” in Turkey, version 4.3 of 02/07/2012 related to the monitoring period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

ORBEO: Monitoring report for “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” in Turkey, version 4.4 of 28/08/2012 related to the monitoring period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

/3/ The Gold Standard: The Gold Standard Validation & Verification Manual for Voluntary Offset Projects of June 2007

/4/ The Gold Standard: Voluntary Emission Reductions (VERs) Manual for Project Developers, of May 2006

/5/ CDM Executive Board: Validation and Verification Manual, version 01.2 of 30/07/2010 /6/ CDM Executive Board: Baseline and monitoring methodology “ACM0001”, “Consolidated

baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities”, version 08.1 of 16/05/2008

/7/ CDM Executive Board: Baseline and monitoring methodology “AM0025”, “Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment processes”, version 10 of 19/10/2007

/8/ TUV SUD Industrie Service GmbH: Validation Report for “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” No. 1175 963-GS revision 3 of 21/04/2009

/9/ ORBEO: Emission Reduction Calculation Spreadsheet “2012-April-16-ER_Calculation_Mamak_4thPV” version 01, submitted on 16/04/2012 related to the monitoring period from 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

ORBEO: Emission Reduction Calculation Spreadsheet “2012-August-28-


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 7 GS_VER_REP-10-11

ER_Calculation_Mamak_4thPV” version 02, submitted on 28/08/2012 related to the monitoring period from 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

/10/ DNV (Det Norske Veritas): Initial and First Verification Report for “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” in Turkey, No. 2009-9109 revision 01 of 31/07/2009

/11/ RINA Services Spa: 2nd Verification Report for “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” in Turkey, No. 2010-DG-05-ME revision 3.0 of 14/10/2010

/12/ RINA Services Spa: 3rd Verification Report for “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” in Turkey, No. 2011-DG-01-MD revision 1.2 of 04/08/2011

/13/ CDM Executive Board: Methodological tool “Tool to determine emissions from flaring gases containing methane”, version 1 of December 2006

/14/ CDM Executive Board: Methodological tool “Tool to calculate baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption”, version 1 of 16/05/2008

/15/ CDM Executive Board: methodological tool “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site”, version 4 of 02/08/2008

/16/ CDM Executive Board: Methodological Tool “Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system”, version 01 of 19/10/2007

/17/ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

/18/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Booster data log book, Booster 1

Transfer-Booster1-P1_120221.xlsx from 01/04/2011 to 31/12/2011

Transfer-Booster1-P2_120405.xlsx from 01/01/2012 to 31/03/2012 /19/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Booster data log book, Booster 2

Transfer-Booster2-P1_120221.xlsx from 01/04/2011 to 31/12/2011

Transfer-Booster2-P2_120405.xlsx from 01/01/2012 to 31/03/2012 /20/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Booster data log book, Booster 3

Transfer-Booster3-P1_120221.xlsx from 01/04/2011 to 31/12/2011

Transfer-Booster3-P2_120405.xlsx from 01/01/2012 to 31/03/2012 /21/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Booster 1 raw data from 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

(010411GVS.csv to 310312GVS.csv) /22/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Booster 2 raw data from 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

(010411GVS.csv to 310312GVS.csv) /23/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Booster 3 raw data from 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012

(010411GVS.csv to 310312GVS.csv) /24/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Internal Protocol for the turning of digester and turning

of GM-16 of 05/09/2011 /25/ The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources: Temporary Acceptance Letter for GM-17 and

GM-18 of 14/10/2011 /26/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Internal Protocol for connection of GM-17 and GM-18 of

13/10/2011 /27/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Internal Protocol for starting to demolish digester of

15/11/2011 /28/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Internal Protocol for turning of digester and starting to

demolish digester of 25/08/2011 /29/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Internal Protocol for starting to construct new digester of

01/12/2011 /30/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Internal Protocol for starting of operation of the

anaerobic digester of 10/04/2009 /31/ Baskent Electricity Transmission Company: Electricity Meter Test Report serial number


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 8 GS_VER_REP-10-11

316817 (main meter) of 22/06/2009 /32/ Baskent Electricity Transmission Company: Electricity Meter Test Report serial number

316818 (back-up meter) of 04/01/2008 /33/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Internal records operating hours engines GM1 to GM18

(from 01/04/2010 to 31/03/2011) - Operating hours of the engines 6April2012.xlsx /34/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Anaerobic Digestion Unit Operational Plan (Internal

procedure PRO-006) for waste sampling Revision 002 of 14/05/2010 /35/ Ankara Provincial Directorate of Industry and Commerce: Weighbridge Certificate Reference

No 966 of 12/01/2011 (date of testing 30/12/2010) /36/ ORBEO: Gold Standard Monitoring Manual version 2.0 of April 2010 (previous version 0.93

of 28/4/2009) /37/ Ekotest Cevre Danismanlik Olçum Hizmetleri Ltd. Sti: Stack Gas Analysis Report Reference

No GEN-2012-053 of 20/02/2012 (analysis performed on 23/08/2011) /38/ Ekotest Cevre Danismanlik Olçum Hizmetleri Ltd. Sti: Stack Gas Analysis Report Reference

No GEN-2011-143 of 16/05/2011 (analysis performed on 06/05/2011) /39/ Market Financial Conciliation Center (PMUM): All Monthly Electricity Records with in the

Monitoring Period (from 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012) /40/ ABB: Technical Brochure of 2600T Series Pressure Transmitters, Model 266HSH Gauge and

Model 266NSH Absolute (year for calibration stability) /41/ ABB: Technical Brochure of 2600T Series Pressure Transmitters, Model 261GS for gauge

pressure and Model 261AS for absolute pressure (year for calibration stability) /42/ Novazet Endustriyel Urunleri Pazarlama Tic. Ltd. Sti.: Technical Specifications of

Temperature Transmitters (year for calibration stability) /43/ Novazet Endustriyel Urunleri Pazarlama Tic. Ltd. Sti.: Technical Specifications Protocol of

Temperature Transmitters (year for calibration stability) of 09/05/2011 /44/ Firat Plastik Kaucuk San. ve Tic. A.S.: Invoices for Installed Pipes

Invoice no B532559 of 02/02/2011

Invoice no B532678 of 02/02/2011

Invoice no AY117972 of 07/09/2011

Invoice no B536699 of 27/02/2011

Invoice no B534870 of 16/02/2011

Invoice no AY110621 of 28/07/2011 /45/ Ankara Metropolitan Municipality: Official Letter, Leachate Water Treatment System of

14/03/2011 /46/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Terraces Map Updating for the Monitoring Period (from

01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012) /47/ Social Security Institution: Statement of Employment for Employees Access to Social

Security During the Monitoring Period (from 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012) /48/ Social Security Institution: Payroll Sheet List for all Employees /49/ Energy Market Regulatory Authority: Generation License numbered EU/848-3/668 of

04/08/2006 /50/ Association of Energy Expert: Day A-Head Market Training of 15-16/04/2011 /51/ Ministry of Environment and Forestry: Waste Management Symposium of 16/04/2011 /52/ SADA Uzmanlik Fuarlari A.S.: Komatek Fair of 20/04/2011 /53/ Istanbul Fair Organization: REW Recycling Fair of 08/06/2011 /54/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Health And Safety Training of 27/06/2011 /55/ Young Businessmen Association of Istanbul: Effective Collection Skills Training of


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 9 GS_VER_REP-10-11

21/09/2011 /56/ Chamber of Chemical Engineers: Workshop and Exhibition of Renewable Energy Source,

Biomass of 07/10/2011 /57/ ARTI Performans: Purchasing and Inventory Management of 08/10/2011 /58/ Market Financial Conciliation Center (PMUM) and Association of Energy: Day A-Head Market

and Market Management System (MMS) Training of 10/10/2011 /59/ Gold Standard Academy: Gold Standard Work Shop of 18/10/2011 /60/ Environmental Protection and Packaging Waste Recovery and Recycling Trust (CEVKO):

Licenced Managements Meeting of 19/10/2011 /61/ Sektorel Fuarcilik Ltd. Şti.: IWES 3. Waste Technologies Symposium and Exhibition of

02/11/2011 /62/ Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (TEIAS): Electrical Heavy Current & High Voltage

Work Permit Training of 14/11/2011 /63/ Lider Kardesler Yangin Sondurme: Fire Fighting Training of 15/11/2011 /64/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Health and Safety Training of 16/11/2011 /65/ PowerHRM: D.I.S.C. Personality Inventory Training of 24/11/2011 /66/ Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (TEIAS): Health and Safety Training of 05/12/2011 /67/ Endas A.S.: Rules to be Considered in the Use and Care of Ball Bearing for Operators of

06/12/2011 /68/ Tega Engineering: Rules to be Considered During Installation of Electrofusion Material for

Technicians of 14/12/2011 /69/ Kariyer.Net Human Resource Company: Use of Kariyer.Net Training of 19/12/2011 /70/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Hygiene Training for Greenhouse Staffs of 20/01/2012 /71/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Health and Safety Training of 23/01/2012 /72/ Turkish Electricity Transmission Company (TEIAS): Electrical Heavy Current and High

Voltage Work Permit Training of 30/01/2012 /73/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Health and Safety Training of 02/12/2012 /74/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Health and Safety Training of 21/03/2012 /75/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Emergency Response Training of 22/03/2012 /76/ IMDB: Working Machines and Maintenance Training for Heavy and Dangerous Trades

Workers of 30/03/2012 /77/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: List of visits to Mamak Landfill Waste Management

Project /78/ Golbasi Municipality Waste Management Plan of 2010 /79/ Mamak Municipality Waste Management Plan of May 2010 /80/ Yenimahalle Municipality Waste Management Plan of May 2010 /81/ ITC Invest Trading & Consulting AG: Awareness Campaign Neighbouring Areas in the

Yenimahalle Municipality, Mamak Municipality and Golbasi Municipality /82/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No C11S30652 of 29/03/2011 –

Temperature Transmitter Nova-Z RTD-OR03B1H09-25/1XPT 100 sn 0807/03968 /83/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No S54257 of 02/02/2012 – Temperature

Transmitter ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr sn 08/5292 /84/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No S43378 of 09/09/2011 – Temperature

Transmitter ELIMKO RT03-1P08-30 sn 08/5297 /85/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No C11S31473 of 07/04/2011 –

Temperature Transmitter ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33894


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 10 GS_VER_REP-10-11

/86/ PR Electronics: Calibration Certificate of 19/10/2011 – Temperature Transmitter Nova-Z 5333A sn 100567331

/87/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No C11S31472D of 17/05/2011 (date of calibration 07/04/2011) – Temperature Transmitter WIKA TR760 sn CC023F069US

/88/ PR Electronics: Calibration Certificate of 19/10/2011 – Temperature Transmitter Nova-Z 5333A sn 100567335

/89/ PR Electronics: Calibration Certificate of 19/10/2011 – Temperature Transmitter Nova-Z 5333A sn 100567332

/90/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No E11B28517-D of 16/03/2011 (date of calibration 04/03/2011) – Pressure Transmitter KELLER PR-23 sn 129589

/91/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No B55305 of 15/02/2012 – Pressure Transmitter KELLER PR-23 sn 130339

/92/ Netes Muhendislik Kalibrasyon Laboratuvarı: Calibration Certificate No M11020252 of 23/02/2011 – Pressure Transmitter KELLER PR-23 sn 138896

/93/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No B35783 of 06/06/2011 (date of calibration 23/05/2011) – Pressure Transmitter KELLER PR-23 sn 130341

/94/ Netes Muhendislik Kalibrasyon Laboratuvarı: Calibration Certificate No M11020147 of 04/02/2011 – Pressure Transmitter KELLER PR-23 sn 130340

/95/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No B36969 of 14/06/2011 – Pressure Transmitter KELLER PR-23 sn 138893

/96/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No B35784-D of 14/06/2011 (date of calibration 23/05/2011) – Pressure Transmitter WIKA S-10 sn 2603LPJ/S476L

/97/ ABB Elektrik Sanayi A.S.: Calibration Record No 45109422-601/TR01884 of 31/08/2011 - Pressure Transmitter ABB 2600T sn. 3K646611009244

/98/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No B39017 of 04/07/2011 – Pressure Transmitter KELLER PAA-21S sn 100690

/99/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No B56824 of 24/02/2012 – Pressure Transmitter KELLER PAA-21S sn 129066

/100/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No K11B34318 of 10/05/2011 – Pressure Transmitter KELLER PAA-21S sn 70161

/101/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No S34574 of 23/05/2011 – Temperature Transmitter ELIMKO TC02-1S4Y10-50 sn 11/19988

/102/ Turk Standardlari Enstitusu: Calibration Certificate No 12G0003 of 07/02/2012 (date of calibration 19/01/2012) Gas Analyser ULTRAMAT 23 sn N1-T4-0144

/103/ Turk Standardlari Enstitusu: Calibration Certificate No 12G0004 of 07/02/2012 (date of calibration 19/01/2012) Gas Analyser ULTRAMAT 23 sn N1-X4-365

/104/ Turk Standardlari Enstitusu: Calibration Certificate No 12G0005 of 07/02/2012 (date of calibration 19/01/2012) Gas Analyser ULTRAMAT 23 sn N1-A0-772

/105/ Turk Standardlari Enstitusu: Calibration Certificate No 11M0869 of 03/05/2011 (date of calibration 22/04/2011) Balance SEG KN4 sn A0928005

/106/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No C11T32481 of 25/04/2011 (date of calibration 18/04/2011) - Balance DIKOMSAN DT-600 sn. 2779

/107/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No C11T32482 of 25/04/2011 (date of calibration 18/04/2011) - Balance DIKOMSAN DT-600 sn. ISXKDT070763

/108/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No S54259 of 02/02/2012 – Temperature Transmitter ELIMKO RT03-1P08-50 sn 08/14625 T

/109/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No S54260 of 02/02/2012 – Temperature Transmitter ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33889

/110/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No B54264 of 02/02/2012 – Pressure


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 11 GS_VER_REP-10-11

Transmitter KELLER PAA-21S sn 128863 /111/ Ozkanlar Baskul: Technical Specification of the Weighbridge sn 300 /112/ Elster Messtechnik GmbH: Test Certificate No 10715503 of 25.04.2006 – Meter ABB Elster

A1500 sn 316817 /113/ The Ministry of Industry and Trade: Regulation of Metering and Testing of Metering Systems

of 24/07/1994 /114/ The Ministry of Industry and Trade: Regulation of Dimension and Adjustment of 11/01/1989 /115/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No T57931 of 17/03/2012 - Balance

DIKOMSAN DT-600 sn. 2779 /116/ Uzmanlar Metroloji Servisi: Calibration Certificate No T57932 of 17/03/2012 - Balance

DIKOMSAN DT-600 sn. ISXKDT070763 /117/ APED Yonetim Bilimleri Enstitusu: Purchasing and Inventory Management Training of 08-

09/10/2011 /118/ The Gold Standard: Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project, Turkey (GS440) 2-week

Issuance Review Period Document for 3rd Monitoring Period of 25/08/2011

2.2 On-site assessment

On 10-11/05/2012, RINA visited the plant located in Mamak district, Ankara province of Turkey. During the on-site assessment of the project, all the equipment and the systems were accessible. RINA assessed the implementation and operation of the proposed project activity, reviewed the information flows for generating, aggregating and reporting the monitoring parameters, interviewed key personnel of the plant to confirm the operational and data collection procedures, cross-checked between information provided in the monitoring report and data plant, checked the monitoring equipment including calibration performance, reviewed calculations and assumptions made in determining the GHG data and emission reductions, checked the quality control and quality assurance procedures in place to prevent or identify and correct any errors or omissions in the reported monitoring parameters, checked the correct and effective implementation of the mitigation measures foreseen in the sustainability monitoring plan.

The project personnel were interviewed during the site visit. To see how the monitoring procedures were implemented, the whole process was explained to the verification team during the site visit on 10-11/05/2012. During the site visit, the employees were interviewed about the water quality, air quality, soil condition, trainings, working conditions, employment caused by the project activity. Also, the representative of Mamak Municipality was interviewed about the awareness campaign carried out by the project owner about waste separation.

The carbon consultant, was interviewed about the monitoring report and related parameters. Whole process related emission reduction calculation and sustainability monitoring plan was explained.

The key personnel interviewed and the main topics of the interviews are summarized in the table below.

Date Name and Role Organization Topic

/a/ 10-11/05/2012 Tugba Kirer Environment Manager

ITC Invest Trading & Consulting A.G.

Monitoring plan Monitoring methodology Monitoring data Implementation status of the project Monitoring equipments and operation Calibration certificates Emission Reductions

/b/ 10-11/05/2012 Fikret Sert Project Manager

ITC Invest Trading & Consulting A.G.

/c/ 10-11/05/2012 Suna Ercan Public Relations Director

ITC Invest Trading & Consulting A.G.

/d/ 11/05/2012 Isa Ozzeybek Chief of Personnel

ITC Invest Trading & Consulting A.G.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 12 GS_VER_REP-10-11

Date Name and Role Organization Topic

/e/ 10/05/2012 Erkan Yalcin Electrical Engineer

ITC Invest Trading & Consulting A.G.

calculation Monitoring of Gold Standard Parameters /f/ 10-11/05/2012 Inga Fischer

Project Manager ORBEO

/g/ 10-11/05/2012 Anne Frederic Project Manager


/h/ 11/05/2012 Betul Atilgan Environmental Engineer

Mamak Municipality Benefit of the project to the stakeholders

Noise Emissions Project Effects

/i/ 10/05/2012 Gulgin Aras Local People

/j/ 10/05/2012 Gulay Kabaksiz Local People

/k/ 10/05/2012 Murat Bayrak Local People

2.3 Resolution of outstanding issues

The objective of this phase of the verification is to resolve any outstanding issues, which need to be clarified for RINA's positive conclusion on the monitoring report and emission reductions.

To guarantee transparency a verification protocol has been customized for the project. The protocol shows in a transparent manner the requirements, means of verification and the results from verifying the identified criteria. The verification protocol consists of three tables; the different columns in these tables are described in the figure below (see Figure 1).The completed verification protocol is enclosed in Appendix A to this report.

A corrective action request (CAR) is raised if one of the following occurs:

• Non-conformities with the monitoring plan or methodology are found in monitoring and reporting, or if the evidence provided to prove conformity is insufficient;

• Mistakes have been made in applying assumptions, data or calculations of emission reductions that will impair the estimate of emission reductions;

• Issues identified in a FAR during validation to be verified during verification have not been resolved by the project participants.

A clarification request (CR) is raised if information is insufficient or not clear enough to determine whether the applicable GS VER requirements, which refer to CDM rules, have been met. CARs, CRs identified are included in the verification protocol in Appendix A of this report.


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Figure 1 Gold Standard Verification protocol tables

Verification Protocol, Table 1 - Requirement checklist

Checklist Question

Ref. MoV Comments Draft Conclusion

Final Conclusion

Checklist questions organized in seven different sections.

Makes reference to documents where the answer to the checklist question or item is found.

Explain how conformance with the checklist question is investigated. Examples are document review (DR), interview or any other follow-up actions (I), cross-checking (CC) with available information relating to projects, (N/A) means not applicable.

The discussion on how the conclusion is arrived at and the conclusion on the compliance with checklist question so far.

For CAR, CR and FAR see the definitions above.

OK is used if the information and evidence provided is adequate to demonstrate compliance with GS VER requirements, which refer to CDM rules.

Verification Protocol, Table 2: Resolution of Corrective Action Requests and Clarification

Corrective action requests and/or clarification requests

Reference to Table 1 Response by project participants

Verification Conclusion

The CAR and/or CRs raised in table 1 are repeated here.

Reference to the checklist question number in Table 1 where the CAR or CR is explained.

The responses given by the project participants to address the CARs and/or CRs.

The verification team’s assessment and final conclusion of the CARs and/or CRs.

Verification Protocol, Table 3 - Forward Action Requests

Forward action request

Reference to Table 1 Response by project participants Verification Conclusion

The FAR raised in table 1 is repeated here.

Reference to the checklist question number in Table 1 where the FAR is explained.

Response by the project participants on how forward action request will be addressed.

2.4 Internal quality control

All the revisions of the verification report, before being submitted to the client, were subjected to an independent internal technical review to confirm that all verification activities had been completed according to the pertinent RINA instructions.

The technical review was performed by a technical reviewer(s) qualified in accordance with RINA’s qualification scheme for CDM/GS validation and verification.


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2.5 Verification team and the technical reviewer(s)

The verification team and the technical reviewers consist of the following personnel:

Role/Qualification Last Name First Name Country

GS Team Leader GS Verifier Technical Expert in Training (TA 13.1)

Timuroglu Isil Turkey

GS Verifier Technical Expert

Degener Sergio Germany

Technical Reviewer Valoroso Rita Italy

Technical Reviewer in Training Tong Wing Yu Italy

Technical Reviewer in Training Alfieri Felice Italy


The findings of the verification related to the monitoring period from 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012 as documented and described in the monitoring report version 4.1 of 11/04/2012, version 4.2 of 20/06/2012, version 4.3 of 02/07/2012 and version 4.4 of 28/08/2012 /2/ are stated in the following sections. The verification requirements, the means of verification and the results from verifying the identified criteria are documented in more detail in the verification protocol in Appendix A.

3.1 Description of the project activity

The main information of the project is summarized in the table below.

Project Participant(s) ITC Invest Trading & Consulting A.G. Turkish Ankara Branch

Project Title Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey

Location of the project Mamak District, Ankara Province of Turkey

Methodology(ies) ACM0001 “Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities”, version 08.1 of 16/05/2008 /6/

AM0025 “Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment processes”, version 10 of 19/10/2007 /7/

Sectoral Scope(s) 1, 13 RINA’s Technical Area(s) 1.2, 13.1

Registered PDD Revision 07 of 20/04/2009

Date of registration 27/04/2009 GS Registration Reference N° 440

Starting date of the crediting period

01/05/2007 (stated in the registered PDD /1/ and first verification report /10/)

Project’s crediting period

2007 to 30/04/2014 (stated in the registered PDD /1/)

Monitoring period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012 (both days included)

Project documentation link



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The purpose of the project activity is the generation of the electricity by using the LFG from the landfill and the biogas from the anaerobic digester and the gasifier. It involves the installation of gas engines, gas extraction system, flaring system, a leachate drainage system, and anaerobic digester system. The electricity produced is delivered to the Turkish national grid (TEIAS). The annual emission reductions are estimated to be 572,320 tCO2e averages per year. As per the registered PDD /1/, the starting date of the crediting period was fixed on 01/05/2007. During the 4th monitoring period of 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012 (both days included) the emission reductions to 417,824 tCO2e.

3.2 Remaining issues (FARs) from previous validatio n or verification

Based on the review of previous verification report /12/ and of 2-week Issuance Review Period Document for 3rd Monitoring Period /118/ no remaining issues were identified.

3.3 Project implementation

It was verified during the site visit conducted on 10-11/05/2012 that the proposed project activity has been implemented and it is in operation in accordance with the project activity described in the registered PDD /1/. The first crediting period of the project activity started on 01/05/2007 as per the registered PDD /1/ and the first verification report /10/.

It was confirmed that the gas collection system, the enclosed flares, the anaerobic digester and the power generation unit was installed; three gasholders that had been implemented in the previous monitoring periods are also in operation for recovering the biogas from the anaerobic digester and the landfill gas from the landfill. For the current verification period, the gasifier did not start the operation. The following occurred during this monitoring period:

- On 01/09/2011, the wet digester was turned off as confirmed through the internal protocol /24/; - On 05/09/2011, engine n. 16 (GM-16) connected to the wet digester was turned off as

confirmed through the internal protocol /24/; - On 13/10/2011, engines n. 17 and 18 (GM-17 and GM-18) were connected to the LFG system

as confirmed through the Temporary Acceptance Letter /25/; - On 15/11/2011, digester-1 was demolished as confirmed through the internal protocol /27/; - On 01/12/2011, the construction of six dry digesters which have same capacities as the old

ones was started as confirmed through the internal protocol /29/ and on-site observation

The following table summarizes the capacity history:

Date LFG capacity MW

installed – Engines allocated

Anaerobic digester capacity

MW installed – Engines allocated

Spare engines capacity


Total capacity installed MW –

Engines installed

Before 13/11/2008 16.8 MW

(12 engines) 0 MW (0 engine) 0

16.8 MW (12 engines)

From 13/11/2008 19.6 MW

(14 engines) 0 MW (0 engine) 0

19.6 MW (14 engines)

From 26/01/2009 22.4 MW

(16 engines) 0 MW (0 engine) 0

22.4 MW (16 engines)

From 21/04/2009 19.6 MW

(14 engines) 2.8 MW (2 engines) 0

22.4 MW (16 engines)

From 01/05/2010 21.0 MW

(15 engines) 1.4 MW (1 engine) 0

22.4 MW (16 engines)

From 05/09/2011 21.0 MW

(15 engines) 0 MW (0 engine) 0

21.0 MW (15 engines)

From 13/10/2011 23.8 MW

(17 engines) 0 MW (0 engine)

1.4 MW (1 engine)

25.2 MW (18 engines)


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No change in the registered PDD /1/ and previous monitoring period /12/ has been occurred during the 4th monitoring period of 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012.

Based on the on-site inspection and checking the above documents, RINA confirms that the project activity has been implemented and it is in operation as described above in accordance with the project activity in the registered PDD /1/.

3.4 Methodology for determining Emission Reductions

According to the applied methodology ACM0001 “Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities” version 08.1 /6/ and AM0025 “Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment processes” version 10 /7/, the emission reductions have been calculated based on the following formula: ERy = BEy – PEy – Ly


BEy = Baseline emissions in year y (tCO2e/yr)

PEy = Project emissions in year y (tCO2e/yr)

Ly = Leakage emissions in year y (tCO2e/yr)

Baseline emissions According to methodology ACM0001 version 08.1 /6/, the baseline emissions have been calculated based on the following formula: BEy = MDproject,y * GWPCH4 + ELLFG,y * CEFelec,y


MDproject,y = The amount of methane that would have been destroyed/combusted during the year in tonnes of methane (tCH4) in project scenario

GWPCH4 = The Global warming potential value for methane (for the first commitment period is 21 tCO2e/tCH4)

ELLFG,y = The net quantity of electricity produced using LFG which in the absence of the project activity would have been produced by power plants connected to the grid during a year

CEFelec,y = The CO2 emissions intensity of the baseline source of electricity displaced in tCO2e/MWh

According to the registered PDD /1/, the baseline emissions have been calculated based on the following formula, which is defined as per the methodology AM0025 version 10 /7/ and ACM0001 version 08.1 /6/: BEy =(MBy – MDreg,y) + BEEN,Y


MBy = the methane produced in the landfill in the absence of the project activity in year

MDreg,y = the methane that would be destroyed in the absence of the project activity in year

BEEN,y = the baseline emissions from generation of energy displaced by the project activity in year

Project emissions According to methodology ACM0001 version 08.1 /6/, and methodology AM0025 version 10 /7/, the project emissions have been calculated based on the following formula: PEy = PEelec,y + PEa,y


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Where, PEelec,y = The emissions from electricity consumption on-site due to the project activity in year PEa,y = The emission from the anaerobic digestion process in year

Leakage According to methodology ACM0001 version 08.1 /6/ no leakage effects need to be accounted. The project activity does not involve off-site transportation of waste materials. The approved methodology AM0025 /7/ made a difference between residual waste treated aerobically or delivered to a landfill. The compost (residual waste) produced by the anaerobic digester during the monitoring period is disposed at landfill and they are not treated aerobically; if aerobical conditions are observed in the future the leakage emissions can be calculated, according to AM0025 methodology version 10; in case the residual is delivered to a landfill CH4 emissions are estimated through equation multiplying the methane that would be destroyed in the absence of the project activity with the adjustment factor which shall be revised at the start of the new crediting period.

Gold Standard In accordance with the Gold Standard requirements /3/ /4/, a landfill gas project can be considered eligible for emission reductions from both methane avoidance and non-renewable fuel substitution under the condition that at least 65% of the volume of the LFG captured, on an annual basis, is used to deliver energy services. The project activity during the crediting period meets the Gold Standard criteria reaching the 100% of LFG used for electricity generation. Gold Standard rules require demonstrating the contribution of the project activity to the sustainable development of Turkey through the contribution of local and/or global environmental sustainability, social sustainability and development and economic and technological development. In this regard, the following sustainable development indicators have been monitored during the crediting period: LFG usage, water quality, air quality, soil condition, and employment job quality, livelihood of the poor, human and institutional capacity, and quantity of employment.

3.4.1 Compliance of the monitoring plan with the mo nitoring methodology

The registered project activity applies the approved baseline and monitoring methodology ACM0001 version 08.1 /6/ and AM0025 version 10 /7/. RINA confirms that the monitoring plan in the registered PDD /1/ complies with the applied CDM methodology and with the sustainability indicators established by the Appendix D of the Gold Standard requirements /4/.

3.4.2 Deviation in GHG emission reduction

Additionality assessment has been performed according to the “Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality” approved by UNFCCC in the registered PDD /1/. The baseline scenario selection and the calculation of emission reductions have been carried out in a conservative manner. An approved CDM methodology, ACM0001 version 08.1 /6/ and AM0025 version 10 /7/ have been applied in order to determine the baseline scenario and calculate emission reductions.

3.4.3 Compliance of monitoring with monitoring plan

The monitoring plan in the monitoring report version 4.4 of 28/08/2011 /2/ complies with the monitoring plan in the registered PDD /1/ and both the monitoring methodologies, ACM0001 version 08.1 /6/ and AM0025 version 10 /7/, have been properly implemented and followed. All the parameters, as listed in the following sections, have been monitored according the applied methodology and the relevant CDM EB decisions and GS requirements. The sustainability indicators in the monitoring report /2/ comply with the sustainability indicators established by the Appendix D of the Gold Standard Requirements. All information about organization, responsibility, reporting procedure and data flow have been defined in the Gold Standard Monitoring Manual /36/; the daily and internal records /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/, monthly protocols of meter reading /39/, the ER calculation /9/ (2012-April-16-ER_Calculation_Mamak_4thPV and 2012-August-28-ER_Calculation_Mamak_4thPV) were provided and reviewed. Any change has been occurred to the key sustainable development indicators during


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the monitoring period. RINA can thus confirm the implementation of the project monitoring was appropriate. The following parameters have been monitored in accordance with the monitoring plan in the registered PDD /01/ and the monitoring report /02/. Data fixed ex-ante

DATA/PARAMETER Source of data Reported value for the project period


GWPCH4 Global Warming Potential of Methane

Kyoto Protocol 21 tCO2e/tCH4 As per the Kyoto Protocol the value is fixed for the first commitment period. It shall be updated according to any future COP/MOP decision.

GWPN2O Global Warming Potential of Nitrous Oxide

Kyoto Protocol 310 tCO2e/N2O As per the Kyoto Protocol the value is fixed for the first commitment period. It shall be updated according to any future COM/MOP decision.

DCH4 Density of methane

ACM0001 version 08.1 /6/

0.0007168 tCH4/m

3CH4 The value considered is according with the approved methodology ACM0001 and it is fixed at standard temperature 0 degree Celsius and pressure 1.013 bar.

φ Model correction factor to account for model uncertainties

Methodological tool /15/

0.9 The value has been applied according to the methodological tool “Tool to determine emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site”.

OX Oxidation Factor

Methodological tool /15/ IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

0 According the methodological tool “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” and the registered PDD /1/, the oxidation factor is taken zero (for other types of solid disposal site) since the baseline scenario the landfill area is uncovered (IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories).

F Fraction of methane in the SWDS gas

Methodological tool /15/ IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

0.5 According the methodological tool “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” and the registered PDD /1/ a default value of 0.5 has been used as recommended by IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.

DOCf Fraction of degradable organic carbon

Methodological tool /15/ IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

0.5 According the methodological tool “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” and the registered PDD /1/ a default value of 0.5 has been used as recommended by IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.

MCF Methodological 0.8 According the methodological tool “Tool


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Methane correction factor

tool /15/ IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” and the registered PDD /1/, the value of 0.8 has been used justified for unmanaged solid waste disposal sites – deep and/or with high water table.

DOCj Fraction of degradable organic carbon

Methodological tool /15/ IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

Different values According the methodological tool “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” and the registered PDD /1/, the following values for the different waste types have been applied (% wet waste): ‒ 43% wood and wood products ‒ 40% pulp, paper and cardboard ‒ 15% food, food waste, beverages

and tobacco ‒ 20% non food organic ‒ 24% textiles ‒ 0% glass, metal and other inert

K j Decay rate of the waste

Methodological tool /15/ IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

Different values According the methodological tool “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” and the registered PDD, the following values for the different waste types have been applied (boreal and temperature – dry): ‒ 0.02% wood, wood products and

straw ‒ 0.04% pulp, paper, cardboard ‒ 0.06% food, food waste, sewage

sludge, beverage and tobacco ‒ 0.05% non-food organics,

putrescible garden and park waste

CEFgrid Emission factor for the production of electricity

Methodological tool /16/

0.636 tCO2/MWh

According to the methodological tool “Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system”, the combined emission factor has been determined using the ex-ante option and so it is not requested to monitor and recalculate it during the first crediting period.

WH2S Sulphide content

Registered PDD /1/

0.005 Nm3 H2S/Nm3LFG

As per the registerd PDD /1/ is used a conservative approach of 0.005 Nm3 H2S/Nm3LFG for sulphide content.

The “correction factor” mentioned in the registered PDD /1/ (footnote 75) was used for the ex-ante estimation of the emission reduction but it is not used for the baseline emission reduction calculation. The ex-ante parameters were validated by the DOE, which carried out the validation process and accepted by GS in registering the proposed project activity. The amount of methane destroyed/combusted during the monitoring period is measured as described in the Monitoring Report and in the ERs calculation spreadsheet provided by the PP and checked by RINA and it is evident that no correction factor is used.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 20 GS_VER_REP-10-11 Monitored data


Data Unit m3

Description Total amount of landfill gas captured

Source of data to be used The parameter is monitored continuously by volume flow meters.

Value data for the monitoring period 46,309,345.69

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The parameter is measured continuously by flow meters in line with the registered monitoring plan. The amount is reported daily and aggregated into monthly reports. Each booster has a server unit, which receives all the data from the flow meter and saves automatically every 30 minutes.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

The parameter is monitored continuously by volume flow meters. During the monitoring period the following instruments have been used: ‒ Booster 1: flow meter ABB 2600T sn 6408005052 ‒ Booster 2: flow meter ABB 2600T sn 6408005056 ‒ Booster 3: flow meter ABB 2600T sn 6408005053

The same flow meters were in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report. As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period, as per the manufacturer data sheet the accuracy of the equipment is 0.075% /12/.

Calibration frequency/interval As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every 5 years. No calibrations have been carried out during this monitoring period as it has been considered still valid the reported calibration mentioned in the verification report of the previous verification.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with logbooks for Booster /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the without data recording.


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Data Unit m3

Description Amount of landfill gas flared

Source of data to be used The parameter is monitored continuously by volume flow meters.

Value data for the monitoring period 0

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The flow meter measures continuously and it is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. Logbooks with daily records have checked. Each booster has a server unit that received all the data from the flow meters and save automatically every 30 minutes.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

The parameter is monitored continuously by volume flow meters. During the monitoring period the following instruments have been used: ‒ Flare Booster 1: flow meter ABB 2600T sn

6407022942 ‒ Flare Booster 2: flow meter ABB 2600T sn

6407029726 The same flow meters were in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report. As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period, the manufacturer data sheet the accuracy of the monitoring equipments is: ABB model 0,075% and for SMAR model 0,04% /12/.

Calibration frequency/interval As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every 5 years for ABB instrument. No calibrations have been carried out during this monitoring period as it has been considered still valid the reported calibration mentioned in the verification report of the previous verification.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with logbooks for Booster /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the without data recording.


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DATA/PARAMETER LFG electricity,y – ID.23

Data Unit m3

Description Amount of landfill gas combusted to produce electricity

Source of data to be used The parameter is monitored continuously by volume flow meters.

Value data for the monitoring period 47,960,219.69

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The flow meter measures continuously and it is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. Logbooks with daily records have checked. Each booster has a server unit that received all the data from the flow meters and save automatically every 30 minutes.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

The parameter is monitored continuously by volume flow meters. During the monitoring period the following instruments have been used: ‒ Booster 1: flow meter ABB 2600T sn 6409029297 ‒ Booster 2: flow meter SMAR LD301 sn

U324889/204886-05 ‒ Booster 3: flow meter ABB 2600T sn 6408005051

The same flow meters were in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report. As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period, the manufacturer data sheet the accuracy of the monitoring equipments is: ABB model 0,075% and for SMAR model 0,04% /12/.

Calibration frequency/interval As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every 5 years for ABB instrument and 2 years for SMAR instruments. No calibrations have been carried out during this monitoring period as it has been considered still valid the reported calibration mentioned in the verification report of the previous verification.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with logbooks for Booster /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the without data recording.


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DATA/PARAMETER Temperature – ID.24

Data Unit °C

Description Temperature of the landfill gas

Source of data to be used Temperature is monitored with separate monitoring using temperature meter.

Value data for the monitoring period /

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The parameter is measured continuously by flow meters in line with the registered monitoring plan. Each booster has a server unit that received all the data from the temperature meters. Temperature is measured for LFG sent to booster (LFG captured), LFG sent to flare (LFG flared) and LFG to engines (LGF combusted for electricity production). During this monitoring period since no gas is flared, the temperature related to the gas flares is not measured. Each booster has a server unit that received all the data from the temperature meters and saves automatically every 30 minutes.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

Temperature is measured using thermocouple. During this monitoring period the following instruments have been used: ‒ LFG captured by Booster 1

ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr sn 09/23185 till 30/01/2012 NOVA-Z RTD-OR03B1H09-25/1*PT100 sn 0807/03968 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG captured by Booster 2 ELIMKO RT03-1P08-30 sn 08/5297 till 11/08/2011 ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr sn 09/23187 till 03/03/2012 ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr sn 08/5292 from 03/03/2012

‒ LFG captured by Booster 3 ELIMKO RT03-1P08-30 sn 08/5292 till 30/01/2012 ELIMKO RT03-1P08-30 sn 08/5297 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG to engines Booster 1 ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33891 till 11/08/2011 ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33894 from 11/08/2011

‒ LFG to engines Booster 2 ELIMKO RT03-1P08-5-U-Tr sn 08/14624 T till 30/01/2012 NOVA-Z 53334A sn 100567331 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG to engines Booster 3 ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33887 till 11/08/2011 WIKA TR760 sn CC23F069US from 11/08/2011

‒ LFG sent to flare Booster 1 ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33889 till


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30/01/2012 NOVA-Z 53334A sn 100567335 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG sent to flare Booster 2 ELIMKO RT03-1PO8-50 sn 08/14625 T till 30/01/2012 NOVA-Z 53334A sn 100567332 from 30/01/2012

A flare is installed at each Booster; no gases have been flared during the monitoring period. As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, as per the manufacturer data sheet the accuracy of the monitoring equipment is 0.5%.

Calibration frequency/interval As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every year. The calibration frequency has been established every 5 years for NOVA-Z 53334A instrument and 10 years for NOVA-Z RTD instruments as confirmed through the recommendation of the supplier /42/ /43/. The calibration certificates related to this monitoring period have been checked and found to be correct /82/ /83/ /84/ /85/ /86/ /87/ /88/ /89/ /108/ /109/.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with logbooks for Booster /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the without data recording.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 25 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Data Unit Mbar

Description Pressure of the landfill gas

Source of data to be used Pressure is monitored with separate monitoring using pressure equipment.

Value data for the monitoring period /

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The pressure equipment measures continuously and it is programmed to save automatically on real time with pressure. Each booster has a server unit that received all the data from the pressure equipment and saves automatically every 30 minutes.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

Pressure is measured using pressure meters. During the monitoring period the following instruments have been used: ‒ LFG captured by Booster 1

KELLER PR-23 sn 130341 till 01/06/2011 KELLER PR-23 sn 129589 from 01/06/2011 to 03/03/2012 KELLER PR-23 sn 130339 from 03/03/2012

‒ LFG captured by Booster 2 KELLER PR-23 sn 145076 till 11/08/2011 KELLER PR-23 sn 138896 from 11/08/2011 till 30/01/2012 KELLER PR-23 sn 130341 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG captured by Booster 3 KELLER PR-23 sn 145075 till 11/08/2011 KELLER PR-23 sn 130340 from 11/08/2011 to 30/01/2012 KELLER PR-23 sn 138893 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG sent to the engines by Booster 1 WIKA S-10 sn 2603LPH/S475L till 09/06/2011 WIKA S-10 sn 2603LPJ/S476L from 09/06/2011

‒ LFG sent to the engines by Booster 2 KELLER PAA-21S sn 128863 till 30/01/2012 ABB 2600T sn 3K646611009244 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG sent to the engines by Booster 3 ABB 2600T sn 6410030690 from 04/03/2011

‒ LFG sent to flare Booster 1 KELLER PAA-21S sn 128865 till 03/03/2012 KELLER PAA-21S sn 129066 from 03/03/2012

‒ LFG sent to flare Booster 2 WIKA S-10 sn 2603LPJ/S476L till 01/06/2011 KELLER PAA-21S sn 70161 from 01/06/2011

A flare is stored at each Booster; no gases have been flared during the monitoring period. As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, as per the manufacturer data sheet the accuracy of the monitoring equipment is as following: ABB model 0,1%; WIKA model 0,2%; KELLER model 0.25%


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 26 GS_VER_REP-10-11

Calibration frequency/interval As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every year. The calibration frequency has been established every 10 years for ABB 2600T instruments as confirmed through the recommendation of the supplier /40/ /41/. The calibration certificates related to the monitoring period have been checked and found to be correct /90/ /91/ /92/ /93/ /94/ /95/ /96/ /97/ /98/ /99/ /100/ /110/.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with logbooks for Booster /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the without data recording.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 27 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Data Unit °C

Description Temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare

Source of data to be used The temperature is measured in continuous by thermocouple. Measurement of temperature above 500 °C in the exhaust gas stream in the flare indicated that the flare is operating in a reliable way.

Value data for the monitoring period Flare was not operated in this monitoring period since all gas has sent to engines connected to the LFG.

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The thermocouple measures continuously and it is programmed to save automatically on real time with pressure. Each booster has a server unit that received all the data from the monitoring equipment and saves automatically every 30 minutes.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

Temperature is measured using thermocouple. During the monitoring period the following instruments have been used: ‒ Flare Booster 1

ELIMKO TC02-1S4Y10-50/10-R1/2-Tr sn 08/26236 till 24/01/2012 ELIMKO TC02-1S4Y10-50/10-R1/2-Tr sn 11/19988 from 24/01/2012

‒ Flare Booster 2 IIAASE PT-RH-PT 5.0 sn 2007000740/920-1 from 07/08/2009

The same thermocouples were in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report. As reported in the verificaton report of the previous monitoring period /12/, as per the manufacturer data sheet the accuracy of the monitoring equipments is 0.5%.

Calibration frequency/interval As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every year. The calibration certificate related to the monitoring period has been checked and found to be correct /101/.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with logbooks for Booster /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 28 GS_VER_REP-10-11

have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

logbook will be written and will be registered the without data recording.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 29 GS_VER_REP-10-11

DATA/PARAMETER ηflare,h – ID.27

Data Unit %

Description Flare efficiency in hour

Source of data to be used The flare efficiency is calculated based on the monitoring parameters ID22 (landfill gas flared) and ID26 (temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare).

Value data for the monitoring period According to the methodological tool “tool to determine project emissions from flaring containing methane” the project adopted the default value for the flare efficiency of 90% (enclosed flare). Flare was not operated in this monitoring period since all gas has sent to engines connected to the LFG.

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The pressure meter measure in continuous and it is programmed to save automatically on real time.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

The flare efficiency is calculated based on the monitoring parameters ID22 (landfill gas flared) and ID26 (temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare).

Calibration frequency/interval Please refer to the monitoring parameters ID22 and ID26 used for calculating the flare efficiency.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

Flare was not operated in this monitoring period since all gas has sent to engines connected to the LFG.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the without data recording.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 30 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Data Unit % (m3CH4/m3LFG)

Description Methane fraction in the landfill gas

Source of data to be used The methane fraction is measured continuously by a gas analyzer.

Value data for the monitoring period The average value data for the monitoring period is 51.80%.

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The gas analyzer measures continuously and it is programmed to save automatically on real time. Logbooks with daily records have been checked. Each booster has a server unit that received all the data from the monitoring equipment and saves automatically every 30 minutes

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

The methane fraction is measured continuously by a gas analyser. During the monitoring period the following instruments have been used: ‒ Booster 1: Gas analyzer SIEMENS ULTRAMAT 23

sn N1-T4-0144 ‒ Booster 2: Gas analyzer SIEMENS ULTRAMAT 23

sn N1-X4-365 ‒ Booster 3: Gas analyzer SIEMENS ULTRAMAT 23

sn N1-A0-772 The same gas analyzers were in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report. As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, as per the manufacturer data sheet the accuracy of the monitoring equipments is 2%.

Calibration frequency/interval As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every year. The maximal calibration period is defined 6-12 months in the monitoring report, which is to be on the conservative side. The calibration certificates related to the monitoring period have been checked and found to be correct /102/ /103/ /104/.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with logbooks for Booster /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the without data recording.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 31 GS_VER_REP-10-11

DATA/PARAMETER Operating hours of the energy plant – ID.29

Data Unit hours/year

Description Operation hours of the energy plant

Source of data to be used The operation of the energy plant is measured for each engine by a counting device.

Value data for the monitoring period /

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The amount of hours is registered by the counting device and additionally the total number of operating hours is recorded manually three times per day. The operation of the energy plant is measured for each engine by a counting device. Every engine has its own counting device totalizing the amount of hours.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

Counting device

Calibration frequency/interval NA

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The operation hours were verified through the internal records /33/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/. The amount of hours is registered by the counting device and additionally three times per day the total number of operating hours is recorded manually. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the without data recording.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 32 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Data Unit MWh

Description Amount of electricity consumed from the grid as a result of the project activity

Source of data to be used It is measured by electricity meters of the grid company.

Value data for the monitoring period 4.27

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The electricity consumption is measured from electricity meters monthly in line with the registered monitoring plan. The monitoring team collects monthly measuring protocols for power delivered from the grid.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

The installed Electricity meters are ABB Elster A1500 as observed during the site visit. The accuracy of the meter is 0.5s as confirmed through the test report of the meter /31/ /32/ /112/.

Calibration frequency/interval The amount of electricity produced by the project and delivered to the grid is measured by an electricity meters operated by the grid company who is the owner of the monitoring equipment. The grid company, responsible for maintenance and calibration of the monitoring equipment, carried out maintenance and calibration of equipment according to recognized procedures. The meter is calibrated on 25/04/2006 as confirmed through the test report /112/. As per the “'Regulation of Metering and Testing of Metering Systems” /113/, the meters shall be calibrated every 10 years. The calibration of meters is deemed appropriate and in compliance with the national regulation.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with monthly PMUM records /39/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/. A second back-up meter is installed and should be used for cross-check.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?



GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 33 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Data Unit %

Description Average technical transmission and distribution losses for providing electricity in year y

Source of data to be used The value is provided by the grid company.

Value data for the monitoring period 0

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

Annually provided by the Turkish grid company. For the monitoring period, the grid company calculated the TDL factor monthly and uses the factor directly for the creation of the monthly reports /39/.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy


Calibration frequency/interval NA

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The value data for the monitoring period is 0% as confirmed through the PMUM records /39/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?



GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 34 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Data Unit m3/year

Description Stack gas volume flow rate

Source of data to be used This figure is measured by an external laboratory. As per the approved methodology and registered PDD /1/, the stack gas flow rate and the concentration of N2O and CH4 have been determined by direct measurement.

Value data for the monitoring period 856.5 Nm3/hour

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The monitoring of the stack gases takes places by an independent laboratory following standards and procedure. The concentrations are measured during normal operation in order to be representative. The average concentrations are determined on an hourly basis taking into account the operating hours of the engines /33/. The values from the test report are transferred in the ERs calculation spreadsheet.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

This figure is measured by an external laboratory.

Calibration frequency/interval The measurement of the stack gas volume and the concentration of N2O and CH4 have been outsourced to a laboratory.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with the third party reports /37/ /38/. During the monitoring period, two analyses were performed by an external laboratory, Ekotest.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/. The values are aggregated and manually transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 35 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Data Unit tN2O/m3

Description Concentration of N2O in stack gas

Source of data to be used This figure is measured by an external laboratory. As per the approved methodology and registered PDD /1/, the stack gas flow rate and the concentration of N2O and CH4 have been determined by direct measurement.

Value data for the monitoring period 0 ppm

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The monitoring of the stack gases takes places by an independent laboratory following standards and procedure. The concentrations are measured during normal operation in order to be representative. The average concentrations are determined on an hourly basis taking into account the operating hours of the engines /33/. The values from the test report are transferred in the ERs calculation spreadsheet.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

This figure is measured by an external laboratory.

Calibration frequency/interval The measurement of the stack gas volume and the concentration of N2O and CH4 have been outsourced to a laboratory.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with the third party reports /37/ /38/. During the monitoring period, two analyses were performed by an external laboratory, Ekotest.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/. The values are aggregated and manually transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 36 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Data Unit m3/year

Description Concentration of CH4 in stack gas

Source of data to be used This figure is measured by an external laboratory. As per the approved methodology and registered PDD /1/, the stack gas flow rate and the concentration of N2O and CH4 have been determined by direct measurement.

Value data for the monitoring period 0 ppm

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The monitoring of the stack gases takes places by an independent laboratory following standards and procedure. The concentrations are measured during normal operation in order to be representative. The average concentrations are determined on an hourly basis taking into account the operating hours of the engines /33/. The values from the test report are transferred in the ERs calculation spreadsheet.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

This figure is measured by an external laboratory.

Calibration frequency/interval The measurement of the stack gas volume and the concentration of N2O and CH4 have been outsourced to a laboratory.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with the third party reports /37/ /38/. During the monitoring period, two analyses were performed by an external laboratory, Ekotest.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/. The values are aggregated and manually transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 37 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Data Unit tons

Description Total amount of organic waste prevented from disposal and fed into the anaerobic digester

Source of data to be used The waste is measured on a calibrated weight balance installed on the conveyor belt and the data is aggregated daily as per the internal procedure PRO-006 /34/.

Value data for the monitoring period 6,208

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The balance measures continuously the quantity of wastes entering into digester in line with the registered monitoring plan. The balance recorded the value electronically and the end of the day the total amount is aggregated, communicated and manually transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation /9/.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

The waste is measured on a calibrated weight balance. During the monitoring period one balance has been used: ‒ SEG KN4 serial number A0928005

The same balance was in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report /12/. The registered PDD /1/ does not refer to any accuracy. As per the technical specification by the manufacturer the balances have the accuracy of 0.2% as confirmed by the technical specification reported in the previous verification report /12/.

Calibration frequency/interval The monitoring plan in the registered PDD /1/ does not specify any requirements for calibration frequency and no calibration is expected for this type of monitoring equipment. However, the balance is calibrated before the using as confirmed through the calibration certificate and found to be correct /105/.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with the balance record which is included to the ER calculation sheet /9/ in sheet named “AD Quantities of waste”. The balance is recorded the automatically weighted amount daily on the conveyor band to the excel sheet.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/. The values are aggregated and manually transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 38 GS_VER_REP-10-11

DATA/PARAMETER Residual waste of the Anaerobic Dige ster

Data Unit tons

Description Residual waste of the Anaerobic Digester

Source of data to be used Total amount residual waste from the digestion process that are finally disposed in the landfill.

Value data for the monitoring period 3,533

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The monitoring plan in the registered PDD /1/ does not specify any requirements for Measuring and reporting frequency.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

The residual waste is weighted by a dedicated balance. The accuracy class is 20 kg as confirmed through the test certificate /35/ and provided document, which is extracted from the web page of supplier /111/.

Calibration frequency/interval The weighbridge is calibrated on 30/12/2010 as confirmed through the test certificate /35/, which is performed in line with the “Regulation of Dimension and Adjustment” /114/. As per the “'Regulation of Metering and Testing of Metering Systems” /113/, the weighbridges shall be calibrated every 2 years. The calibration of meters is deemed appropriate and in compliance with the national regulation.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with the balance record that is included to the ER calculation sheet /9/ in sheet named “AD_residues”. The residual waste is transferred by pump to the container and the container is weighted.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

Total amount residual waste from the digestion process that are finally disposed in the landfill. The assumption is that the composition of the residual waste is the same as the waste fed into the Anaerobic Digester. The residual waste is weighted through a dedicated balance.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?



GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 39 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Data Unit %

Description Weight fraction of the waste type j in the sample n collected during the year

Source of data to be used The collected sample is weighted by a dedicated balance.

Value data for the monitoring period The following value data in percentage according to the weekly sampling procedure /34/: ‒ food waste 79.6% ‒ textiles 0.9% ‒ paper 8.7% ‒ garden and park waste 3.0% ‒ wood 4.6% ‒ glass, metal and other inert wastes 3.1%

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

Following the internal procedure PRO-006 /34/ the samples are taken from the belt discharge, the quantity of the samples should be around 100-500 kg, sample is not taken once but cumulatively at least 5 times during the day from container, to achieve a homogeneous mixture. The collected sample is weighted and the amount is recorded; samples are spread and sorted fractions are weighted separately. The PP started to collect 21 samples during the monitoring period. This can be considered a conservative procedure since the methodological tool required that a minimum sampling should be taken four times per year.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

The collected sample is weighted by a dedicated balance. During the monitoring period two balances have been used, and the following has reported: ‒ DIKOMSAN DT600 sn. 2779 ‒ DIKOMSAN DT600 sn ISXKDT070763

The same balances were in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report. The registered PDD /1/ does not refer to any accuracy. As as confirmed by the technical specification reported in the previous verification report /12/ the balance DIKOMSAN DT 600 has the accuracy of 20 gr .

Calibration frequency/interval As per the registered PDD no calibration frequency has been established. As per the technical specification issued by the manufacturer, reported in the previous verification report, it is not expected any recalibration for that type of instrument. However, the balances are calibrated 17/03/2012. As confirmed through the calibration certificates /115/ /116/.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with the internal weekly sample determined according the internal procedure PRO-006 /34/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/. The data used to determine the weekly percentage of waste sample have been checked with


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 40 GS_VER_REP-10-11

transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

the internal records. The confidence level of 95% has been demonstrated through a “test of sufficient monitoring” established by the PP. The test includes the calculation of the standard deviation for each waste type and the interval is determined considering the standard deviation and the error distribution. The PP established that at the confidence level of 95% the parameters remains with an interval + 10%.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 41 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Data Unit NA

Description Number of samples collected during the year

Source of data to be used The collected sample is weighted by a dedicated balance.

Value data for the monitoring period 21 samples

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

Following the internal procedure PRO-006 /34/ the samples are taken from the belt discharge, the quantity of the samples should be around 100-500 kg, sample is not taken once but cumulatively at least 5 times during the day from container, to achieve a homogeneous mixture. The collected sample is weighted and the amount is recorded; samples are spread and sorted fractions are weighted separately. The PP started to collect 21 samples during the monitoring period. This can be considered a conservative procedure since the methodological tool required that a minimum sampling should be taken four times per year.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy


Calibration frequency/interval NA

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with the internal weekly sample determined according the internal procedure PRO-006 /34/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/. The data used to determine the weekly percentage of waste sample have been checked with the internal records. The confidence level of 95% has been demonstrated through a “test of sufficient monitoring” established by the PP. The test includes the calculation of the standard deviation for each waste type and the interval is determined considering the standard deviation and the error distribution. The PP established that at the confidence level of 95% the parameters remains with an interval + 10%.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period.


GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 42 GS_VER_REP-10-11


Data Unit %

Description Physical leakage factor from a digester

Source of data to be used The value is taken as zero as per the AM0025 since the advanced technology is used.

Value data for the monitoring period 0

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure


Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy


Calibration frequency/interval NA

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?


Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?


If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?



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Data Unit tCO2e

Description Methane produced in the landfill in the absence of the project activity

Source of data to be used The parameter is calculated according to the methodological tool “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” /15/ using the default values established by the tool and parameters as Wx (ID.38), Pnjx (ID.39), Z (ID.40).

Value data for the monitoring period 3,482.3

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

Please refer to monitoring equipment used for the parameters Wx (ID.38), Pnjx (ID.39), Z (ID.40).

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

The value has been determined according to the methodological tool “tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” /15/ using the default values established by the tool and parameters as Wx, Pnjx, and Z. Please refer to monitoring equipment used for the parameters Wx (ID.38), Pnjx (ID.39), Z (ID.40).

Calibration frequency/interval The value has been determined according to the methodological tool “tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” /15/ using the default values established by the tool and parameters as Wx, Pnjx, and Z. Please refer to monitoring equipment used for the parameters Wx (ID.38), Pnjx (ID.39), Z (ID.40).

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The parameter is calculated by using ID.38, ID.39 and ID.40. Please refer to monitoring equipment used for the parameters Wx (ID.38), Pnjx (ID.39), Z (ID.40).

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/. The values are aggregated and manually transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period.


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Data Unit MWh

Description Amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity

Source of data to be used The parameter is measured by the meters.

Value data for the monitoring period 88,500

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The electricity consumption is measured from electricity meters monthly in line with the registered monitoring plan. The monitoring team collects monthly measuring protocols for power delivered from the grid.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

The installed Electricity meters are ABB Elster A1500 as observed during the site visit. The accuracy of the meter is 0.5s as confirmed through the test report of the meter /31/ /32/ /112/.

Calibration frequency/interval The amount of electricity produced by the project and delivered to the grid is measured by an electricity meters operated by the grid company who is the owner of the monitoring equipment. The grid company, responsible for maintenance and calibration of the monitoring equipment, carried out maintenance and calibration of equipment according to recognized procedures. The meter is calibrated on 25/04/2006 as confirmed through the test report /112/. As per the “'Regulation of Metering and Testing of Metering Systems” /113/, the meters shall be calibrated every 10 years. The calibration of meters is deemed appropriate and in compliance with the national regulation.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with monthly PMUM records /39/.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/. A second back-up meter is installed and should be used for cross-check.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?



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Data Unit MWh

Description Amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG

Source of data to be used The parameter is read manually from electricity meters of each power generation unit.

Value data for the monitoring period Since the gasification is not operational so far, the amount of electricity generated utilizing biogas and LFG is the amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity which is 88,500 MWh.

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure

The parameter is read manually from electricity meters of each power generation unit. The readings at the PGUs are recorded once per shift manually.

Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

Since the gasifier is not implemented yet, the information of monitoring equipment for ID.48 is not available.

Calibration frequency/interval Since the gasifier is not implemented yet, the information of monitoring equipment for ID.48 is not available.

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?

Since the gasification is not operational so far, the amount of electricity generated utilizing biogas and LFG is the amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity which is 88,500 MWh.

Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/.

If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?



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Data Unit %

Description Methane destroyed due to regulatory or other equipment

Source of data to be used It is fixed to zero in the registered PDD /1/.

Value data for the monitoring period 0

Measuring and reporting frequency; recording procedure


Type of monitoring equipment and its accuracy

It is fixed to zero in the registered PDD /1/.

Calibration frequency/interval NA

How were the values in the monitoring report verified and cross-checked?


Does the data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?


If only partial data are available because activity levels or non-activity parameters have not been monitored in accordance with the registered monitoring plan, has the most conservative assumption theoretically possible been applied or has a request for deviation been approved?

NA Gold Standard sustainability monitored para meters

Data variable Source of Data Reported value for the project period

ID.50 LFG Usage (%) Amount of LFG applied to the engines compared to the total amount of LFG captured

Data are derived from monitoring the following parameters so no additional measurement are necessary: LFGtotal, LFGflare and LFGelectricity

The percentage of LFG usage for this monitoring period is 100%.


The percentage of LFG applied to engines divided by the total amount of LFG captured is monitored by calculating. The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with the Booster data log book /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.


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Data variable Source of Data Reported value for the project period

SDI.1 Water Quality Treatment of water at ASKI water treatment plant

Pipes used for drainage /44/

Official letter obtained from Ankara Metropolitan Municipality /45/

9,305 meters of drainage pipes


The leachate of the landfill are collected and transferred to the ASKI water treatment plant through drainage pipes installed in the landfill body. Continuous improvement and monitoring has been demonstrated through invoices related to the furniture of the pipes used for drainage /44/ and confirmed during the site visit. Also, the official letter obtained from Ankara Metropolitan Municipality which mentions that the leachate are collected and transferred to the ASKI water treatment plant has been seen during the site visit /45/.

Data variable Source of Data Reported value for the project period

SDI.2 Air Quality Destruction of H2S in engines

Data are derived from monitoring of LFGflare and LFGelectricity, so no additional measurement is necessary.

239,801.10 Nm3


The project activity, burning the landfill gas minimized the negative impact. The amount of H2S is calculated based on the amount of LFG combusted in the engines and/or flares using. As per the registered PDD /1/, in the calculation is used a conservative approach of 0.5% for the sulphide content. The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been crosschecked with the Booster data logbook /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.

Data variable Source of Data Reported value for the project period

SDI.4 Soil Condition Soil erosion

On-site inspection and map of terraced area

30,790 m2


By terracing, erosion will be reduced. The area has been checked during the onsite inspection and through the landfill map of terraced area /46/. 30,790 m2 area is terraced for this monitoring period.

Data variable Source of Data Reported value for the project period

SDI.6 Employment (job quality) The number of trainings and attendance of employees

List and attendance of trainings

27 internal and external trainings were organized


The number of staff attended to various trainings is monitored through the training certificates and attendance list. During this monitoring period, 27 internal and external trainings were organized. The training certificates and attendance list were checked during the on-site inspection, from /50/ to /76/.


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Data variable Source of Data Reported value for the project period

SDI.7 Livelihood of the poor Creation of formalized jobs

Social security registration documents

9 new people has accessed to social security


The number of people employed by ITC with access to social security in specific period to who did not have social security before working at ITC is monitored. The registration documents have been checked /47/. It was confirmed that 9 new people has accessed to social security for this monitoring period.

Data variable Source of Data Reported value for the project period

SDI.9 Human and Institutional Capacity

Visitor and awareness campaign documents

Visitors came to Mamak plant

Awareness campaign


During the monitoring period, many people have visited to the Mamak plant as confirmed by the list of visitors /77/. In addition, the PP has carrying out Packaging Waste Management Plan in Golbasi, Mamak and Yenimahalle Municipalities, with the aims raising awareness for the waste separation in neighboring areas. During the site visit, the Waste Management Plans and documents related to the awareness campaign neighbouring areas were checked /78/ /79/ /80/ /81/. Also, environmental engineer from Mamak Municipality who is carrying out the plan with the PP was interviewed.

Data variable Source of Data Reported value for the project period

SDI.10 Employment (quantity) Number of jobs created

Payroll Sheets of Social Security Institution

258 people are employed currently


The number of employment created by the project is monitored through the monthly salary payment sheets. 258 people are employed by the project activity as confirmed through the “Payroll Sheets of Social Security Institution” /48/.

3.4.4 Accuracy of emission reduction calculations

The emission reduction calculations provided in the spreadsheet /9/ have been verified to be correct and in line with the registered PDD /1/.

The emission reductions from the project for the monitoring period as reported in the monitoring report revision 4.4 of 28/08/2012 /2/ is equivalent to 417,824 tCO2e. The reported emission reductions are 27% lower than the estimated emission reduction of 572,320 tCO2e for the period as per the registered PDD /1/.

The data presented in the monitoring report /2/ were assessed by reviewing in detail project documentation, collection of monitored data, observation of established monitoring and reporting practices and assessment of the reliability of monitoring equipment. Sufficient evidence was presented and verified by RINA for the reported emission reductions as listed in the above Section


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3.4.5 Accuracy of the GS indicators of sustainable development

All the documented evidences related to the sustainable monitored parameters such as social security registration documents /47/, payroll sheets of social security institution /48/, awareness campaign documents /78/ /79/ /80/ /81/, training certificates and attendance list from /50/ to /76/, landfill map of terraced area /46/, invoices related to the furniture of the pipes used for drainage /44/, the official letter obtained from Ankara Metropolitan Municipality /45/ are provided as an objective evidence.

3.4.6 Management system and quality control

A Monitoring Manual /36/ has been developed that covers all the procedures required as per the approved methodology ACM0001 /6/ and AM0025 /7/ and validated monitoring plan presented in the registered PDD /1/. To guarantee the accuracy of the monitoring data periodic calibration of the installed monitoring equipment has been carried out according to definitions included in the monitoring plan of the registered PDD /1/ and in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer. All data are registered and processed electronically. At each booster station, a server unit receives all data sent from the meters and data in real time is saved to an internal memory every 30 minutes. Every day the server creates a file with all half-hourly data saved. The server also automatically calculates every 30 minutes the normal flow of landfill gas captured and of the biogas produced by the digester; the gas flow is multiplied with the real gas formula normating the gas flow to standard temperature and pressure. Temperature and pressure are real time values. The data stored at the booster station server are transferred once per month to a computer and a backup hard drive. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. The electricity generations supplied to the grid and electricity consumption from the grid are read remotely from the electricity meters by Automatic Meter Reading System (OSOS) by the TEIAS personnel. The data from the protocols are transferred to the excel sheet used for the emission reduction calculations.

The calculation of GS VERs for the fourth verification period is carried out through the spreadsheet “2012-August-28-ER_Calculation_Mamak_4thPV” /9/. The on-site visit at Mamak landfill waste management plant confirmed that the monitoring and reporting is carried out consistently and in line with the established procedures.

The collected data during the monitoring period will be kept by the project owner at least two years after the last issuance of VERs as stated in the registered PDD /1/ and monitoring manual /34/.


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RINA Services Spa (RINA) has performed verification of the emission reductions reported for the project activity “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” in Turkey, GS Registration Reference N° 440, for the period 01/04/2011 to 31/0 3/2012, with regard to the relevant requirements for GS activities. The project participants of the “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” project are responsible for:

• the preparation of greenhouse gas emissions data and the reported greenhouse gas emission reductions from the project on the basis set out in the monitoring plan contained in the registered project design document version 07 of 20/04/2009

• the development and maintenance of records and reporting procedures in accordance with that plan, including the calculation and determination of greenhouse gas emission reductions of the project

It is the responsibility of RINA to express an independent verification opinion about the project’s conformity with the requirements of paragraph 62 of the CDM modalities and procedures, GS requirements and on the reported greenhouse gas emission reductions from the project. Based on documented evidence and corroborated by an on-site assessment RINA can confirm that:

• the project has been implemented and operated as per the registered PDD; • the monitoring report and other supporting documents provided are complete and verifiable

and in accordance with the applicable CDM and GS VER requirements; • monitoring is in place as per the applied baseline and monitoring methodology; • monitoring complies with the monitoring plan in the registered PDD; • the monitoring plan in the registered PDD is as per the applied baseline and monitoring

methodology. It is RINA’s opinion that the GHG emission reductions stated in the monitoring report version 4.4 of 28/08/2012 for the “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” project in Turkey for the period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012 are fairly stated. The GHG emission reductions were calculated correctly, the sustainability development indicators were correctly monitored, on the basis of the approved monitoring methodology “ACM0001”, “Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities”, version 08.1 of 16/05/2008, “AM0025”, “Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment processes”, version 10 of 19/10/2007 and the monitoring plan contained in the registered PDD. Hence, RINA is able to certify that the emission reductions from the project during the monitoring period 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012 amount to 417,824 tCO2e.

Year 2011 01/04/2011 to 31/12/2011 312,809.3 tCO2e Year 2012 01/01/2012 to 31/03/2012 105,014.7 tCO2e

GHG Emission Reductions or Removals tCO2e Baseline Emissions 419,929.5 Project Emissions 2.7 Leakage 2,102.8

Net GHG emission reductions or removals 417,824


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Istanbul, 15/09/2012 Genova, 19/09/2012

Isil TIMUROGLU Laura Severino GS Team Leader Authorized officer signing for the DOE RINA Denizcilik ve Belgelendirme Ltd. Sti. RINA Services S.p.A.

RINA Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project - Turkey

GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 Page A-1 GS_VER_REP-11-11



RINA Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project - Turkey

GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 Page A-2 GS_VER_REP-11-11

TABLE 1 REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST Checklist Question Reference MoV1 Comments Draft

Conclusion Final Conclusion

A Description of Project Activity

A.1 Title of the project activity, revision number and date of Monitoring Report

/1/ /2/ /8/ DR, CC The title of the project activity is given as “Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey” in the Monitoring Report version 4.1 of 11/04/2012. The title is also in line with the registered PDD and Validation Report.


A.2 Is the actual implementation and operation of the proposed project activity in accordance with the project activity in the registered PDD?

/1/ /2/ /12/ DR, CC, I

It is confirmed during the site visit performed on 10-11/05/2012 that the project activity is implemented and operated as per the registered PDD /1/. Based on the onsite visit, the implementation status did not change between the statuses of the project already verified in the previous monitoring period. Even it has been changed the installed capacity using the LFG, the total energy capacity of the proposed project activity registered is not changed. For the current verification period, Phase III, the gasifier has not been implemented yet.


A.3 Methodology applied for the registered project activity

/1/ /6/ /7/ DR The registered project activity applies the approved baseline and monitoring methodology ACM0001 version 08.1 of 16/05/2008 /6/ and AM0025 version 10 of 19/10/2007 /7/.


B Monitoring

B.1 Monitoring plan

B.1.1 Does the monitoring plan included in the registered GS project activity comply with the applied methodology?

/1/ /2/ /6/ /7/ DR, CC The monitoring plan of the registered GS project activity complies with the applied methodology ACM0001 version 08.1 of 16/05/2008 /6/ and AM0025 version 10 of 19/10/2007 /7/.


1 MoV: DR document review, I interview, CC cross checking

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Checklist Question Reference MoV1 Comments Draft Conclusion

Final Conclusion

B.1.2 Does the monitoring comply with the monitoring plan in the registered PDD?

/1/ /2/ /3/ /4/ /6/ /7/

DR, CC The monitoring complies with the monitoring plan presented in the registered PDD /1/. The data and parameters that need to be monitored as per the registered PDD /1/ are listed in the following section of this verification protocol.


B.1.3 Do the sustainability indicators included in the monitoring report comply with the minimum contents specified in paragraph 4.1 of the GS toolkit?

/1/ /2/ /3/ /4/ /6/

DR, CC The project activity is developed and registered under Gold standard Version 01; therefore, GS Toolkit is not applicable to the project activity.

However, the sustainability indicators in the monitoring report complies with the sustainability indicators established by the Gold Standard Version 01 rules (“The Gold Standard Validation & Verification Manual for Voluntary Offset Projects” /3/ and “Voluntary Emission Reductions (VERs) Manual for Project Developers” /4/).


B.1.4 Have any changes been made to the key sustainable development indicators?

/1/ /2/ /8/ /10/ /12/


No change has been occurred during the monitoring period of 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2012 as confirmed through the site inspection and interviews.


B.2 Data and parameters that are available at valid ation and that are not monitored

B.2.1 Which parameters were available at validation and how were they verified?

/1/ /2/ /6/ /7/ /15/ /17/

DR, CC The following parameters were available at validation stage and that doesn’t need to be monitoring during the crediting period:

ID.2 Global Warning Potential of methane (GWPCH4): It is defined as 21 tCO2e/tCH4 as per the Kyoto Protocol in the registered PDD. This value is fixed for the first commitment period and shall be updated according to any future COP/MOP decisions.

ID.3 Global Warning Potential of Nitrous Oxide (GWPN2O): It is defined as 310 tCO2e/tN2O as per the Kyoto Protocol in the registered PDD. This value is fixed for the first commitment period and shall be updated according to any future COP/MOP decisions.

ID.4 Density of methane (D CH4): It is defined as 0.0007168 tCH4/m

3 CH4 at standard temperature and


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Checklist Question Reference MoV1 Comments Draft Conclusion

Final Conclusion

pressure as per the approved methodology ACM0001.

ID.13 Model correction factor to account for model uncertainties ( φ): It is defined as 0.9 as per the methodological tool “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” in the registered PDD.

ID.14 Oxidation Factor (OX): It is defined zero as per the “IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories” in the registered PDD since the baseline scenario the landfill area is uncovered.

ID.15 Fraction of methane in the SWDS gas (F): It is defined as 0.5 as per the “IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories” in the registered PDD.

ID.16 Fraction of degradable organic carbon that can decompose (DOC f): It is defined as 0.5 as per the “IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories” in the registered PDD.

ID.17 Methane correction factor (MCF): It defined as 0.8 as per the “IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories” in the registered PDD.

ID.18 Fraction of degradable organic carbon in waste (DOC j): The following values for the different waste types are defined as per the “IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories” in the registered PDD:

‒ 43% wood and wood products

‒ 40% pulp, paper and cardboard

‒ 15% food, food waste, beverages and tobacco

‒ 20% non food organic

‒ 24% textiles

‒ 0% glass, metal and other inert

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Checklist Question Reference MoV1 Comments Draft Conclusion

Final Conclusion

The value table provided under section D.1 of the Monitoring Report is not in line with the registered PDD.

ID.19 Decay rate of the waste (k j): The following values for the different waste types are defined as per the “IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories” in the registered PDD:

‒ 0.02% wood, wood products and straw

‒ 0.04% pulp, paper, cardboard

‒ 0.06% food, food waste, sewage sludge, beverage and tobacco

‒ 0.05% non-food organics, putrescible garden and park waste

ID.20 Emission factor for the production of electricity (CEF grid ): The combined emission factor has been determined using the ex-ante option, so it is not requested to monitor and recalculate in this crediting period. The combined emission factor is determined to be 0.636 tCO2/MWh in the registered PDD.

Sulphide Content (W H2S): It is defined as 0.005 Nm3 H2S/Nm3 LFG in the registered PDD.

B.3 Data and parameters monitored

B.3.1 Data/Parameter monitored / Data unit / Description / Source of data to be used / Value data for the monitoring period

/1/ /2/ /6/ /7/ /8/ /9/ /12/ /13/ /14/ /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/ /33/ /34/ /37/ /38/ /39/


ID.21 Total amount of landfill gas captured (LFG total,y m3): The parameter is monitored continuously by volume flow meters. The value data for the monitoring period is 46,309,345.69 m3 as confirmed through the log books for Booster /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.

ID.22 Amount of landfill gas flared (LFG flare,y m3): The parameter is monitored continuously by volume flow meters. The value data for the monitoring period is 0 m3 since all gas has sent to engines connected to the


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Final Conclusion


ID.23 Amount of landfill gas combusted to produce electricity (LFG electricity,y m3): The parameter is monitored continuously by volume flow meters. The value data for the monitoring period is 47,960,220 m3 as confirmed through the log books for Booster/18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.

ID.24 Temperature of the landfill gas (Temperature °C): Temperature is monitored with separate monitoring using temperature meter.

ID.25 Pressure of the landfill gas (Pressure Mbar): Pressure is monitored with separate monitoring using pressure equipment.

ID.26 Temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare (T flare °C): Measurement of temperature above 500 °C in the exhaust gas stream in the flare indicates that the flare is operating in a reliable way. Flare was not operated in this monitoring period since all gas has sent to engines connected to the LFG.

ID.27 Flare efficiency in hour ( ηflare,h %): According to the methodological tool “tool to determine project emissions from flaring containing methane” the project adopted the default value for the flare efficiency of 90% (enclosed flare). Flare was not operated in this monitoring period since all gas has sent to engines connected to the LFG.

ID.28 Methane fraction in the landfill gas (% W CH4 m3CH4/m

3LFG): The methane fraction is measured continuously by a gas analyzer. The average value data for the monitoring period is 51.80% as confirmed through the log books for Booster /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.

ID.29 Operation of the energy plant (hours/year):

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Final Conclusion

The operation of the energy plant is measured for each engine by a counting device. The operation hours were verified through the internal records /33/.

ID.30 Amount of electricity consumed from the grid as a result of the project activity (EC PJ,j,y MWh): It is measured by electricity meters of the grid company. The value data for the monitoring period is 4.27 MWh. It was confirmed through the PMUM records /39/.

ID.31 Average technical transmission and distribution losses for providing electricity in ye ar y (TDL jy %): The value is provided by the grid company. The value data for the monitoring period is 0% as confirmed through the PMUM records /39/.

ID.32 Stack gas volume flow rate (SG a,y m3/year): This figure is measured by an external laboratory. The value related to the monitoring period is 856.5 Nm3/hour as confirmed through the third party reports /37/ /38/. During the monitoring period, two analyses were performed by an external laboratory, Ekotest.

ID.33 Concentration of N 2O in stack gas (MC N2O,a,y tN2O/m3): This figure is measured by an external laboratory. The concentration related to the monitoring period is 0 ppm as confirmed through the third party reports analyses /37/ /38/. During the monitoring period, two were performed by an external laboratory, Ekotest.

ID.34 Concentration of CH 4 in stack gas (MC CH4,a,y m3/year): This figure is measured by an external laboratory. The concentration related to the monitoring period is 0 ppm as confirmed through the third party reports /37/ /38/. During the monitoring period, two analyses were performed by an external laboratory, Ekotest.

ID.38 Total amount of organic waste prevented

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Final Conclusion

from disposal and fed into the anaerobic digester (Wx tons): The waste is measured on a calibrated weight balance installed on the conveyor belt and the data is aggregated daily as per the internal procedure PRO-006 /34/. The value data for the monitoring period is 6,208 tons as confirmed through the balance record which is included to the ER calculation sheet /9/ in sheet named “AD Quantities of waste”. The balance is recorded the automatically weighted amount daily on the conveyor band to the excel sheet.

Residual waste of the Anaerobic Digester (tons): Total amount residual waste from the digestion process that are finally disposed in the landfill. The assumption is that the composition of the residual waste is the same as the waste fed into the Anaerobic Digester. The residual waste is weighted through a dedicated balance. The value for this monitoring period is 3,533 tons as confirmed through the balance record that is included to the ER calculation sheet /9/ in sheet named “AD_residues”. The residual waste is transferred by pump to the container and the container is weighted.

ID.39 Weight fraction of the waste type j in the sample n collected during the year (P n,j,x %): The collected sample is weighted by a dedicated balance. The following value data in percentage according to the weekly sampling procedure /34/:

‒ food waste 79.6%

‒ textiles 0.9%

‒ paper 8.7%

‒ garden and park waste 3.0%

‒ wood 4.6%

‒ glass, metal and other inert wastes 3.1%

ID.40 Number of samples collected during the year

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Final Conclusion

(Z): The number of sample during the monitoring period is not indicated. Clarification is requested .

Physical leakage factor from a digester (P 1 %): The value is taken as zero as per the AM0025 since the advantage technology is used.

ID.45 Methane produced in the landfill in the absence of the project activity (MB y tCO2e): The parameter is calculated according to the methodological tool “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site”. The value related to the monitoring period is 3,482 tCO2e as confirmed through the ER calculation sheet /9/. The parameter is calculated by using ID.38, ID.39 and ID.40.

ID.46 Amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity (EG total MWh): The parameter is measured by the meters. The value related to the monitoring period is 88,500 MWh as confirmed through the PMUM records /39/.

ID.48 Amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG (EG d,y MWh): The parameter is read manually from electricity meters of each power generation unit. Since the gasification is not operational so far, the amount of electricity generated utilizing biogas and LFG is the amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity which is 88,500 MWh as confirmed through the PMUM records /39/.

ID.49 Methane destroyed due to regulatory or other equipment (AF %): It is fixed to zero in the registered PDD.

B.3.2 Is the measurement equipment described? Is the accuracy of the measurement equipment addressed and deemed appropriate?

/1/ /2/ /6/ /7/ /8/ /12/ /13/ /14/


ID.21 Total amount of landfill gas captured (LFG total,y m3): The parameter is monitored continuously by volume flow meters. During the


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monitoring period the following instruments have been used:

‒ Booster 1: flow meter ABB 2600T sn 6408005052

‒ Booster 2: flow meter ABB 2600T sn 6408005056

‒ Booster 3: flow meter ABB 2600T sn 6408005053

The same flow meters were in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report.

ID.22 Amount of landfill gas flared (LFG flare,y m3): The parameter is monitored continuously by volume flow meters. During the monitoring period the following instruments have been used:

‒ Flare Booster 1: flow meter ABB 2600T sn 6407022942

‒ Flare Booster 2: flow meter ABB 2600T sn 6407029726

The same flow meters were in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report.

ID.23 Amount of landfill gas combusted to produce electricity (LFG electricity,y m3): The parameter is monitored continuously by volume flow meters. During the monitoring period the following instruments have been used:

‒ Booster 1: flow meter ABB 2600T sn 6409029297

‒ Booster 2: flow meter SMAR LD301 sn U324889/204886-05

‒ Booster 3: flow meter ABB 2600T sn 6408005051

The same flow meters were in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report.

ID.24 Temperature of the landfill gas (Temperature °C): Temperature is measured using thermocouple. During this monitoring period the following instruments have been used:

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‒ LFG captured by Booster 1

ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr sn 09/23185 till 30/01/2012

NOVA-Z RTD-OR03B1H09-25/1*PT100 sn 0807/03968 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG captured by Booster 2

ELIMKO RT03-1P08-30 sn 08/5297 till 11/08/2011

ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr sn 09/23187 till 03/03/2012

ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr sn 08/5292 from 03/03/2012

‒ LFG captured by Booster 3

ELIMKO RT03-1P08-30 sn 08/5292 till 30/01/2012

ELIMKO RT03-1P08-30 sn 08/5297 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG to engines Booster 1

ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33891 till 11/08/2011

ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33894 from 11/08/2011

‒ LFG to engines Booster 2

ELIMKO RT03-1P08-5-U-Tr sn 08/14624 T till 30/01/2012

NOVA-Z 53334A sn 100567331 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG to engines Booster 3

ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33887 till 11/08/2011

WIKA TR760 sn CC23F069US from 11/08/2011

‒ LFG sent to flare Booster 1

ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33889 till 30/01/2012

NOVA-Z 53334A sn 100567335 from 30/01/2012

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‒ LFG sent to flare Booster 2

ELIMKO RT03-1PO8-50 sn 08/14625 T till 30/01/2012

NOVA-Z 53334A sn 100567332 from 30/01/2012

A flare is installed at each Booster; no gases have been flared during the monitoring period.

ID.25 Pressure of the landfill gas (Pressure Mbar): Pressure is measured using pressure meters. During the monitoring period the following instruments have been used:

‒ LFG captured by Booster 1

KELLER PR-23 sn 130341 till 01/06/2011

KELLER PR-23 sn 129589 from 01/06/2011 to 03/03/2012

KELLER PR-23 sn 130339 from 03/03/2012

‒ LFG captured by Booster 2

KELLER PR-23 sn 145076 till 11/08/2011

KELLER PR-23 sn 138896 from 11/08/2011 till 30/01/2012

KELLER PR-23 sn 130341 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG captured by Booster 3

KELLER PR-23 sn 145075 till 11/08/2011

KELLER PR-23 sn 130340 from 11/08/2011 to 30/01/2012

KELLER PR-23 sn 138893 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG sent to the engines by Booster 1

WIKA S-10 sn 2603LPH/S475L till 09/06/2011

WIKA S-10 sn 2603LPJ/S476L from 09/06/2011

‒ LFG sent to the engines by Booster 2

KELLER PAA-21S sn 128863 till 30/01/2012

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ABB 2600T sn 3K646611009244 from 30/01/2012

‒ LFG sent to the engines by Booster 3

ABB 2600T sn 6410030690 from 04/03/2011

‒ LFG sent to flare Booster 1

KELLER PAA-21S sn 128865 till 03/03/2012

KELLER PAA-21S sn 129066 from 03/03/2012

‒ LFG sent to flare Booster 2

WIKA S-10 sn 2603LPJ/S476L till 01/06/2011

KELLER PAA-21S sn 70161 from 01/06/2011

A flare is stored at each Booster; no gases have been flared during the monitoring period.

ID.26 Temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare (T flare °C): Temperature is measured using thermocouple. During the monitoring period the following instruments have been used:

‒ Flare Booster 1

ELIMKO TC02-1S4Y10-50/10-R1/2-Tr sn 08/26236 till 24/01/2012

ELIMKO TC02-1S4Y10-50/10-R1/2-Tr sn 11/19988 from 24/01/2012

‒ Flare Booster 2

IIAASE PT-RH-PT 5.0 sn 2007000740/920-1 from 07/08/2009

The same thermocouples were in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report.

ID.27 Flare efficiency in hour ( ηflare,h %): The flare efficiency is calculated based on the monitoring parameters ID22 (landfill gas flared) and ID26 (temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare).

ID.28 Methane fraction in the landfill gas (% W CH4 m3CH4/m

3LFG): The methane fraction is measured continuously by a gas analyser. During the monitoring

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period the following instruments have been used:

‒ Booster 1: Gas analyzer SIEMENS ULTRAMAT 23 sn N1-T4-0144

‒ Booster 2: Gas analyzer SIEMENS ULTRAMAT 23 sn N1-X4-365

‒ Booster 3: Gas analyzer SIEMENS ULTRAMAT 23 sn N1-A0-772

The same gas analyzers were in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report.

ID.29 Operation of the energy plant (hours/year): The operation of the energy plant is measured for each engine by a counting device. Every engine has its own counting device totalizing the amount of hours.

ID.30 Amount of electricity consumed from the grid as a result of the project activity (EC PJ,j,y MWh): It is measured by electricity meters of the grid company. The amount of electricity consumed from the grid is measured by two electricity meters operated by the grid company who is the owner of the monitoring equipment. The grid company, responsible for maintenance and calibration of the monitoring equipment, carried out maintenance and calibration of equipment according to recognized procedures.

However, the monitoring report does not include the information of monitoring equipment.

ID.31 Average technical transmission and distribution losses for providing electricity in ye ar y (TDL jy %): NA

ID.32 Stack gas volume flow rate (SG a,y m3/year): This figure is measured by an external laboratory. As per the approved methodology and registered PDD the stack gas flow rate and the concentration of N2O and CH4 have been determined by direct measurement.

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ID.33 Concentration of N 2O in stack gas (MC N2O,a,y tN2O/m3): As per the approved methodology and registered PDD the stack gas flow rate and the concentration of N2O and CH4 have been determined by direct measurement.

ID.34 Concentration of CH 4 in stack gas (MC CH4,a,y m3/year): As per the approved methodology and registered PDD the stack gas flow rate and the concentration of N2O and CH4 have been determined by direct measurement.

ID.38 Total amount of organic waste prevented from disposal and fed into the anaerobic digester (Wx tons): The waste is measured on a calibrated weight balance. During the monitoring period one balance has been used:

‒ SEG KN4 serial number A0928005

The same balance was in place in the previous monitoring period as reported in the verification report.

Residual waste of the Anaerobic Digester (tons): The residual waste is weighted by a dedicated balance. For the monitoring equipment information, it is referred to Annex 2 of the monitoring report. However, the information is not available in Annex 2 for this parameter. The monitoring report does not include the information of monitoring equipment.

ID.39 Weight fraction of the waste type j in the sample n collected during the year (P n,j,x %): The collected sample is weighted by a dedicated balance. During the monitoring period two balances have been used, and the following has reported:

‒ DIKOMSAN DT600 sn. 2779

‒ DIKOMSAN DT600 sn ISXKDT070763

The same balances were in place in the previous

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monitoring period as reported in the verification report.

ID.40 Number of samples collected during the year (Z): NA

Physical leakage factor from a digester (P 1 %): NA

ID.45 Methane produced in the landfill in the absence of the project activity (MB y tCO2e): The value has been determined according to the methodological tool “tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” /15/ using the default values established by the tool and parameters as Wx, Pnjx, z.

ID.46 Amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity (EG total MWh): The parameter is measured by two meters. The amount of electricity produced by the project and delivered to the grid are measured by two electricity meters operated by the grid company who is the owner of the meters. The grid company, responsible for maintenance and calibration of the monitoring equipment, carried out maintenance and calibration of equipment according to recognized procedures.

However, the monitoring report does not include the information of monitoring equipment.

ID.47 Amount of electricity generated utilising syngas. (EG d,g,y MWh): The electricity generated from utilization of syngas will be measured from electricity meters.

However, the monitoring report does not include the information of monitoring equipment.

ID.48 Amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG (EG d,y MWh): The amount of electricity produced by the project and delivered to the grid is measured by an electricity meters operated by the grid company who is the owner of the monitoring

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equipment. The grid company, responsible for maintenance and calibration of the monitoring equipment, carried out maintenance and calibration of equipment according to recognized procedures.

However, the monitoring report does not include the information of monitoring equipment.

ID.49 Methane destroyed due to regulatory or other equipment (AF %): It is fixed to zero in the registered PDD.

B.3.3 Are the requirements for maintenance and calibration of measurement equipment described and deemed appropriate?

/1/ /2/ /6/ /7/ /8/ /12/ /13/ /14/ /40/ /41/ /42/ /43/ /82/ /83/ /84/ /85/ /86/ /87/ /88/ /89/ /90/ /91/ /92/ /93/ /94/ /95/ /96/ /97/ /98/ /99/ /100/ /101/ /102/ /103/ /104/ /105/ /106/ /107/ /108/ /109/ /110/


ID.21 Total amount of landfill gas captured (LFG total,y m3): As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every 5 years. No calibrations have been carried out during this monitoring period as it has been considered still valid the reported calibration mentioned in the verification report of the previous verification.

ID.22 Amount of landfill gas flared (LFG flare,y m3): As

reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every 5 years for ABB instrument. No calibrations have been carried out during this monitoring period as it has been considered still valid the reported calibration mentioned in the verification report of the previous verification.

ID.23 Amount of landfill gas combusted to produce electricity (LFG electricity,y m3): As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every 5 years for ABB instrument and 2 years for SMAR instruments. No calibrations have been carried out during this monitoring period as it has


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been considered still valid the reported calibration mentioned in the verification report of the previous verification.

ID.24 Temperature of the landfill gas (Temperature °C): As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every year.

The calibration frequency has been established every 5 years for NOVA-Z 53334A instrument and 10 years for NOVA-Z RTD instruments as confirmed through the recommendation of the supplier /42/ /43/.

The calibration certificates related to this monitoring period have been checked and found to be correct /82/ /83/ /84/ /85/ /86/ /87/ /88/ /89/ /108/ /109/.

The serial number is defined as 09/5292 for the ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr. However, the serial number does not match with the calibration record /83/. The last calibration date is defined as 17/02/2011 for the ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33889 and ELIMKO RT03-1P08-50 sn 08/14625 T. However, the instruments were calibrated on 02/02/2012 as indicated in the calibration records /108/ /109/.

ID.25 Pressure of the landfill gas (Pressure Mbar): As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every year.

The calibration frequency has been established every 10 years for ABB 2600T instruments as confirmed through the recommendation of the supplier /40/ /41/.

The calibration certificates related to the monitoring period have been checked and found to be correct /90/

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/91/ /92/ /93/ /94/ /95/ /96/ /97/ /98/ /99/ /100/ /110/.

The last calibration date is defined as 09/02/2011 for the KELLER PAA-21S sn 128863. However, the instruments were calibrated on 02/02/2012 as indicated in the calibration records /110/.

ID.26 Temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare (T flare °C): As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every year. The calibration certificate related to the monitoring period has been checked and found to be correct /101/.

ID.27 Flare efficiency in hour ( ηflare,h %): Please refer to the monitoring parameters ID22 and ID26 used for calculating the flare efficiency.

ID.28 Methane fraction in the landfill gas (% W CH4 m3CH4/m

3LFG): As reported in the verification report of the previous monitoring period /12/, following the recommendation of the technology provider the calibration frequency has been established every year. The maximal calibration period is defined 6-12 months in the monitoring report, which is to be on the conservative side. The calibration certificates related to the monitoring period have been checked and found to be correct /102/ /103/ /104/.

ID.29 Operation of the energy plant (hours/year): NA

ID.30 Amount of electricity consumed from the grid as a result of the project activity (EC PJ,j,y MWh): The amount of electricity produced by the project and delivered to the grid is measured by an electricity meters operated by the grid company who is the owner of the monitoring equipment. The grid company,

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responsible for maintenance and calibration of the monitoring equipment, carried out maintenance and calibration of equipment according to recognized procedures.

However, the calibration information of the meters is not provided in the monitoring report.

ID.31 Average technical transmission and distribution losses for providing electricity in ye ar y (TDL jy %): NA

ID.32 Stack gas volume flow rate (SG a,y m3/year): The measurement of the stack gas volume and the concentration of N2O and CH4 have been outsourced to a laboratory.

ID.33 Concentration of N 2O in stack gas (MC N2O,a,y tN2O/m3): The measurement of the stack gas volume and the concentration of N2O and CH4 have been outsourced to a laboratory.

ID.34 Concentration of CH 4 in stack gas (MC CH4,a,y m3/year): The measurement of the stack gas volume and the concentration of N2O and CH4 have been outsourced to a laboratory.

ID.38 Total amount of organic waste prevented from disposal and fed into the anaerobic digester (Wx tons): As per the technical specification issued by the manufacturer, reported in the previous verification report it is not expected any recalibration for this type of instrument. However, the balance is calibrated before the using as confirmed through the calibration certificate and found to be correct /105/.

Residual waste of the Anaerobic Digester (tons): The residual waste is weighted by a dedicated balance. For the calibration information, it is referred to Annex 2 of the monitoring report. However, the information is not available in Annex

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2 for this parameter. The monitoring report does not include the calibration details.

ID.39 Weight fraction of the waste type j in the sample n collected during the year (P n,j,x %): As per the registered PDD no calibration frequency has been established. As per the technical specification issued by the manufacturer, reported in the previous verification report, it is not expected any recalibration for that type of instrument. However, the balances are calibrated. The related calibration certification has been checked /106/ /107/.

It is mentioned in the monitoring report that, the balances are calibrated last on 17/03/2012. However, the previous calibration certificates (dat e of calibration 18/04/2011) are provided /106/ /107/. Therefore, the last calibration date, 17/03/2012, could not be justified.

ID.40 Number of samples collected during the year (Z): NA

Physical leakage factor from a digester (P 1 %): NA

ID.45 Methane produced in the landfill in the absence of the project activity (MB y tCO2e): The value has been determined according to the methodological tool “tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” using the default values established by the tool and parameters as Wx tons, Pnjx, z.

ID.46 Amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity (EG total MWh): . The amount of electricity produced by the project and delivered to the grid is measured by an electricity meters operated by the grid company who is the owner of the monitoring equipment. The grid company,

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responsible for maintenance and calibration of the monitoring equipment, carried out maintenance and calibration of equipment according to recognized procedures.

However, the calibration information of the meters is not provided in the monitoring report.

ID.48 Amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG (EG d,y MWh): The amount of electricity produced by the project and delivered to the grid is measured by an electricity meters operated by the grid company who is the owner of the monitoring equipment. The grid company, responsible for maintenance and calibration of the monitoring equipment, carried out maintenance and calibration of equipment according to recognized procedures.

However, the calibration information of the meters is not provided in the monitoring report.

ID.49 Methane destroyed due to regulatory or other equipment (AF %): NA

B.3.4 Is the monitoring frequency adequate for all monitoring parameters? Is it in line with the registered monitoring plan?

/1/ /2/ /6/ /7/ /8/ /13/ /14/ /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/ /34/


ID.21 Total amount of landfill gas captured (LFG total,y m3): The parameter is measured continuously by flow meters in line with the registered monitoring plan. The amount is reported daily and aggregated into monthly reports. The project has reported these values based on readings, in accordance with the registration requirement of the monitoring methodology and the monitoring plan.

ID.22 Amount of landfill gas flared (LFG flare,y m3): The flow meter measures continuously and it is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. Log book with daily records have checked.

ID.23 Amount of landfill gas combusted to produce electricity (LFG electricity,y m3): The flow meter measures continuously and it is programmed to save


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automatically every 30 minutes. Log book with daily records have been checked.

ID.24 Temperature of the landfill gas (Temperature °C): The parameter is measured continuously by flow meters in line with the registered monitoring planEach booster has a server unit that received all the data from the temperature meters.

ID.25 Pressure of the landfill gas (Pressure Mbar): Yes. The pressure equipment measures continuously and it is programmed to save automatically on real time with pressure. Log book with daily records have been checked.

ID.26 Temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare (T flare °C): The thermocouple measures continuously and it is programmed to save automatically on real time with pressure. Log book with daily records have been checked.

ID.27 Flare efficiency in hour ( ηflare %): Please refer to the monitoring parameters ID22 and ID26 used for calculating the flare efficiency

ID.28 Methane fraction in the landfill gas (% W CH4 m3CH4/m

3LFG): The gas analyzer measures continuously and it is programmed to save automatically on real time. Log book with daily records have been checked.

ID.29 Operation of the energy plant (hours/year): The amount of hours is registered by the counting device and additionally the total number of operating hours is recorded manually three times per day.

ID.30 Amount of electricity consumed from the grid as a result of the project activity (EC PJ,j,y MWh): The electricity consumption is measured from electricity meters and recorded monthly. in line with the

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registered monitoring plan.

ID.31 Average technical transmission and distribution losses for providing electricity in ye ar y (TDL jy %): Annually provided by the Turkish grid company. For the monitoring period the grid company calculated the TDL factor monthly and uses the factor directly for the creation of the monthly reports.

ID.32 Stack gas volume flow rate (SG a,y m3/year): It

is adequate and in line with the registered monitoring plan. The monitoring of the stack gases takes places quarterly by an independent laboratory following standards and procedure. The concentrations are measured during normal operation in order to be representative. The average concentrations are determined on an hourly basis taking into account the operating hours of the engines.

ID.33 Concentration of N 2O in stack gas (MC N2O,a,y tN2O/m3): Please refer to ID 32.

ID.34 Concentration of CH 4 in stack gas (MC CH4,a,y m3/year): Please refer to ID 32.

ID.38 Total amount of organic waste prevented from disposal and fed into the anaerobic digester (Wx tons): It is adequate and it is in line with the registered monitoring plan. The balance measures continuously the quantity of wastes entering into digester.

ID.39 Weight fraction of the waste type j in the sample n collected during the year (P n,j,x %): It is adequate and it is in line with the registered monitoring plan. Following the internal procedure PRO-006 /34/ the samples are taken from the belt discharge, the quantity of the samples should be around 100-500 kg, sample is not taken once but cumulatively at least 5 times during the day from container, to achieve a

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homogeneous mixture.

ID.40 Number of samples collected during the year (Z): It is adequate and it is in line with the registered monitoring plan. Following the internal procedure PRO-006 /34/ the samples are taken from the belt discharge, the quantity of the samples should be around 100-500 kg, sample is not taken once but cumulatively at least 5 times during the day from container, to achieve a homogeneous mixture.

Physical leakage factor from a digester (P 1 %): NA

ID.45 Methane produced in the landfill in the absence of the project activity (MB y tCO2e): Please refer to monitoring equipment used for the parameters Wx tons, Pnjx, z.

ID.46 Amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity (EG total MWh): The electricity provided is measured from electricity meters and recorded monthly in line with the registered monitoring plan.

ID.48 Amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG (EG d,y MWh): The parameter is read manually from electricity meters of each power generation unit.

ID.49 Methane destroyed due to regulatory or other equipment (AF %): It is fixed to zero in the registered PDD.

B.3.5 Is the recording frequency adequate for all monitoring parameters? Is it in line with the registered monitoring plan?

/1/ /2/ /6/ /7/ /8/ /13/ /14/ /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /39/


ID.21 Total amount of landfill gas captured (LFG total,y m3): Each booster has a server unit which receives all the data from the flow meter and saves automatically every 30 minutes.

ID.22 Amount of landfill gas flared (LFG flare,y m3): It is adequate and in line with the registered monitoring plan. Each booster has a server unit that received all


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the data from the flow meters and save automatically every 30 minutes.

ID.23 Amount of landfill gas combusted to produce electricity (LFG electricity,y m3): It is adequate and in line with the registered monitoring plan. Each booster has a server unit that received all the data from the flow meters and save automatically every 30 minutes.

ID.24 Temperature of the landfill gas (Temperature °C): It is adequate and in line with the registered monitoring plan. Each booster has a server unit that received all the data from the temperature meters and saves automatically every 30 minutes.

ID.25 Pressure of the landfill gas (Pressure Mbar): It is adequate and in line with the registered monitoring plan. Each booster has a server unit that received all the data from the pressure equipment and saves automatically every 30 minutes.

ID.26 Temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare (T flare °C): It is adequate and in line with the registered monitoring plan. Each booster has a server unit that received all the data from the monitoring equipment and saves automatically every 30 minutes.

ID.27 Flare efficiency in hour ( ηflare %): Please refer to the monitoring parameters ID22 and ID26 used for calculating the flare efficiency.

ID.28 Methane fraction in the landfill gas (% W CH4 m3CH4/m

3LFG): It is adequate and in line with the registered monitoring plan. Each booster has a server unit that received all the data from the monitoring equipment and saves automatically every 30 minutes.

ID.29 Operation of the energy plant (hours/year): Yes.

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Final Conclusion

ID.30 Amount of electricity consumed from the grid as a result of the project activity (EC PJjy MWh): It is adequate and in line with the registered monitoring plan. The monitoring team collect monthly measuring protocols for power delivered from the grid. The values of the monitoring data have been checked with the monthly protocols issued by the grid company.

ID.31 Average technical transmission and distribution losses for providing electricity in ye ar y (TDL jy %): The value of the monitoring period has been checked with the monthly protocols /39/.

ID.32 Stack gas volume flow rate (SG a,y m3/year): The values from the quarterly test report are transferred in the ERs calculation spreadsheet.

ID.33 Concentration of N 2O in stack gas (MC N2O,a,y tN2O/m3): The values from the quarterly test report are transferred in the ERs calculation spreadsheet.

ID.34 Concentration of CH 4 in stack gas (MC CH4,a,y m3/year): The values from the quarterly test report are transferred in the ERs calculation spreadsheet.

ID.38 Total amount of organic waste prevented from disposal and fed into the anaerobic digester (Wx tons): It is adequate and it is in line with the registered monitoring plan. The balance recorded the value electronically and the end of the day the total amount is aggregated, communicated and manually transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation.

ID.39 Weight fraction of the waste type j in the sample n collected during the year (P n,j,x %): The collected sample is weighted and the amount is recorded; samples are spread and sorted fractions are weighted separately. The PP started to collect 21 samples during the monitoring period. This can be considered a conservative procedure since the

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methodological tool required that a minimum sampling should be taken four times per year.

ID.40 Number of samples collected during the year (Z): NA

Physical leakage factor from a digester (P 1 %): NA

ID.45 Methane produced in the landfill in the absence of the project activity (MB y tCO2e): Please refer to monitoring equipment used for the parameters Wx tons, Pnjx, z.

ID.46 Amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity (EG total MWh): It is adequate and in line with the registered monitoring plan. The monitoring team collects monthly measuring protocols and for power delivered to the grid. The values of the monitoring data have been checked with the monthly protocols issued by the grid company /39/.

ID.48 Amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG (EG d,y MWh): The parameter is read manually from electricity meters of each power generation unit. The readings at the PGUs are recorded once per shift manually.

ID.49 Methane destroyed due to regulatory or other equipment (AF %): It is fixed as zero in the registered PDD.

B.3.6 Does data management (from monitoring equipment to emission reduction calculation) ensure correct transfer of data and reporting of emission reductions?

/1/ /2/ /6/ /7/ /8/ /13/ /14/ /36/ /39/


ID.21 Total amount of landfill gas captured (LFG total,y m3): The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period as confirmed through the logbooks.


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ID.22 Amount of landfill gas flared (LFG flare,y m3): The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

ID.23 Amount of landfill gas combusted to produce electricity (LFG electricity,y m3): The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

ID.24 Temperature of the landfill gas (Temperature °C): The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

ID.25 Pressure of the landfill gas (Pressure Mbar): The monitoring activities are regulated by the

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Monitoring Manual; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

ID.26 Temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare (T flare °C): The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

ID.27 Flare efficiency in hour ( ηflare %): The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

ID.28 Methane fraction in the landfill gas (% W CH4 m3CH4/m

3LFG): The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. The monitoring

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system is programmed to save automatically every 30 minutes. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

ID.29 Operation of the energy plant (hours/year): The amount of hours is registered by the counting device and additionally three times per day the total number of operating hours is recorded manually. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

ID.30 Amount of electricity consumed from the grid as a result of the project activity (EC PJjy MWh): All activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual. A second back-up meter is installed and should be used for cross-check.

ID.31 Average technical transmission and distribution losses for providing electricity in ye ar y (TDL jy %): The values of the monitoring data have been checked with the monthly protocols issued by the grid company /39/.

ID.32 Stack gas volume flow rate (SG a,y m3/year): All

activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual. The values are aggregated and manually transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation.

ID.33 Concentration of N 2O in stack gas (MC N2O,a,y tN2O/m3): All activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual. The values are aggregated and manually transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation.

ID.34 Concentration of CH 4 in stack gas (MC CH4,a,y

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m3/year): All activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual. The values are aggregated and manually transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation.

ID.38 Total amount of organic waste prevented from disposal and fed into the anaerobic digester (Wx tons): The data used for the ERs calculation have been checked with the internal records.

ID.39 Weight fraction of the waste type j in the sample n collected during the year (P n,j,x %): The data used to determine the weekly percentage of waste sample have been checked with the internal records. The confidence level of 95% has been demonstrated through a “test of sufficient monitoring” established by the PP. The test includes the calculation of the standard deviation for each waste type and the interval is determined considering the standard deviation and the error distribution. The PP established that at the confidence level of 95% the parameters remains with an interval + 10%.

ID.40 Number of samples collected during the year (Z): NA

Physical leakage factor from a digester (P 1 %): NA

ID.45 Methane produced in the landfill in the absence of the project activity (MB y tCO2e): All activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual. The values are aggregated and manually transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation /.

ID.46 Amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity (EG total MWh): It is installed a second back-up meter which should use for cross-check. No special events occurred during the monitoring period.

ID.48 Amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG (EG d,y MWh): The parameter is read

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manually from electricity meters of each power generation unit.

ID.49 Methane destroyed due to regulatory or other equipment (AF %): It is fixed to zero in the registered PDD.

B.4 Monitoring of GS indicators of sustainable deve lopment /environmental impacts

B.4.1 Data/Parameter monitored / Data unit / Description / Source of data to be used / Value data for the monitoring period

/1/ /2/ /9/ /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/ /44/ /45/ /46/ /47/ /48/

from 50 to 81

DR, CC The following GS sustainable development parameters are monitored as per the monitoring plan presented in the registered PDD: “LFG Usage”, “Water Quality”, “Air Quality”, “Soil Condition”, “Employment (job quality)”, “Livelihood of the poor”, “Human and Institutional Capacity” and “Employment (quantity)”.

ID.50 LFG Usage:

The percentage of LFG applied to engines divided by the total amount of LFG captured is monitored by calculating. The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been cross checked with the Booster data log book /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/. The percentage of LFG usage for this monitoring period is 100%.

SDI.1 Water Quality:

The leachate of the landfill are collected and transferred to the ASKI water treatment plant through drainage pipes installed in the landfill body. Continuous improvement and monitoring has been demonstrated through invoices related to the furniture of the pipes used for drainage /44/ and confirmed during the site visit. Also, the official letter obtained from Ankara Metropolitan Municipality which mentions that the leachate are collected and transferred to the ASKI water treatment plant has been seen during the site visit /45/.

The length of drainage pipes given in the monitoring report is not correct, since the all of


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pipes are not used for the treatment system as verified via interviews. Also, monitoring way should be include the official letter obtained from Ankara Metropolitan Municipality .

SDI.2 Air Quality:

The project activity, burning the landfill gas minimized the negative impact. The amount of H2S is calculated based on the amount of LFG combusted in the engines and/or flares using. As per the registered PDD, in the calculation is used a conservative approach of 0.5% for the sulphide content. The value of H2S is calculated as 239,801.10 Nm3 for this monitoring period. The values used for the ERs calculation /9/ and reported in the monitoring report /2/ have been cross checked with the Booster data log book /18/ /19/ /20/ /21/ /22/ /23/.

SDI.4 Soil Condition:

By terracing, erosion will be reduced. The area has been checked during the onsite inspection and through the landfill map of terraced area /46/. 30,790 m2 area is terraced for this monitoring period.

SDI.6 Employment (job quality): The number of staff attended to various trainings is monitored through the training certificates and attendance list. During this monitoring period, 27 trainings were organized. The training certificates and attendance list were checked during the on-site inspection, from /50/ to /76/.

The “Purchasing and Inventory Management Training” could not be justified since objective evidence is not provided. The number of attendances does not match with the attendance list for the following trainings: ‒ Health and safety training dated 27/06/2011 ‒ Rules to be Considered During Installation of

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Electrofusion Material for Technicians dated 14/12/2011

‒ Health and Safety Training dated 21/03/2012 ‒ Emergency Response Training of 22/03/2012

SDI.7 Livelihood of the poor: The number of people employed by ITC with access to social security in specific period to who did not have social security before working at ITC is monitored. The registration documents have been checked /47/. It was confirmed that 9 new people has accessed to social security for this monitoring period.

SDI.9 Human and Institutional Capacity: During the monitoring period, many people have visited to the Mamak plant as confirmed by the list of visitors /77/. In addition, the PP has carrying out Packaging Waste Management Plan in Golbasi, Mamak and Yenimahalle Municipalities, with the aims raising awareness for the waste separation in neighboring areas. During the site visit, the Waste Management Plans and documents related to the awareness campaign neighbouring areas were checked /78/ /79/ /80/ /81/. Also, environmental engineer from Mamak Municipality who is carrying out the plan with the PP was interviewed.

SDI.10 Employment (quantity): The number of employment created by the project is monitored through the monthly salary payment sheets. 258 people are employed by the project activity as confirmed through the “Payroll Sheets of Social Security Institution” /48/.

B.4.2 Is the monitoring in line with the registered monitoring plan?

/1/ /2/ The monitoring complies with the monitoring plan presented in the registered PDD. The following GS sustainable development parameters are monitored as per the registered monitoring plan: “LFG Usage”, “Water Quality”, “Air Quality”, “Soil Condition”, “Employment (job quality)”, “Livelihood of the poor”,


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“Human and Institutional Capacity” and “Employment (quantity)”.

B.4.3 Does the monitoring report provide for the collection and archiving of relevant data concerning environmental, social and economic impacts?

/1/ /2/ DR, CC All the documented evidences related to the sustainable monitored parameters such as Booster log book, internal records, training records, payroll sheets of social security institution are collected and kept.


B.5 Management, quality assurance and quality contr ol

B.5.1 How has it been assessed that the monitoring arrangements described in the monitoring plan are feasible within the project design?

/2/ /6/ DR, CC, I

An on-site inspection has been performed on 10-11/05/2012 and it is confirmed that the monitoring arrangements in the monitoring plan are feasible within the project design.


B.5.2 Are procedures identified for day-to-day record handling (including what records to keep, storage area of records and how to process performance documentation)?

/2/ /36/ DR, CC, I

The monitoring activities are regulated by the Monitoring Manual /36/; the data stored at the booster station server are transferred weekly to a computer and a back-up hard drive. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will be written and will be registered the period without data recording.

The electricity generation supplied to the grid and electricity consumption from the grid are read remotely from the electricity meters by Automatic Meter Reading System (OSOS) by the TEIAS personnel. The data from the protocols are transferred to the excel sheet used for the emission reduction calculations.


B.5.3 Are the data management and quality assurance and quality control procedures sufficient to ensure that the emission reductions achieved by/resulting from the project can be reported ex post and verified?

/2/ /36/ DR, CC, I

A Monitoring Manual /36/ has been provided establishing quality assurance and quality control procedures to ensure that the emission reductions resulting from the project can be reported and verified.


B.5.4 Will all monitored data required for verification and issuance be kept for two years after the end of the

/1/ /2/ /34/ DR, CC The collected data during the monitoring period will be kept by the project owner at least two years after the


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crediting period or the last issuance of VERs, for this project activity, whichever occurs later?

last issuance of VERs as stated in the registered PDD /1/ and monitoring manual /34/.

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Corrective action and/ or clarification requests Reference to Table 1 Response by project participants Verification conclusion

CAR 1 Residual waste of the Anaerobic Digester (tons): The residual waste is weighted by a dedicated balance. For the monitoring equipment information, it is referred to Annex 2 of the monitoring report. However, the information is not available in Annex 2 for this parameter. The monitoring report does not include the information of monitoring equipment.

ID.30 Amount of electricity consumed from the grid as a result of the project activity (EC PJ,,jy

MWh): The parameter is measured by two meters. However, the monitoring report does not include the information of monitoring equipment.

ID.46 Amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity (EG total MWh): The parameter is measured by two meters. However, the monitoring report does not include the information of monitoring equipment.

ID.47 Amount of electricity generated utilising syngas. (EG d,g,y MWh): The electricity generated from utilization of syngas will be measured from electricity meters. However, the monitoring report does not include the information of monitoring equipment.

ID.48 Amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG (EG d,y MWh): The electricity generated from utilization of biogas and LFG will be measured from electricity meters. However, the monitoring report does not include the information of monitoring equipment.


Annex 2 of the monitoring report has been updated. A row has been added to the table of monitoring devices in order to include the information related to the weighbridge (monitoring equipment) used to measure the residual waste of the the anaerobic digester. Section D.2 of the Monitoring Report has also been updated so that it is consistent with the information reported in Annex 2.

Supporting document :

- “30122010 weighbridge certificate.pdf ” (provided to the DOE during the on-site visit). - For accuracy, please refer to :“Ozkanlar Weighbridge.pdf ” (sent as an attachment with the present table, please refer to page 3. Also available at :

http://www.ozkanlarbaskul.com.tr/detay.asp?id=4 )

Section D.2 of the monitoring report has been updated. Details of the main meter used to measure ID. 30 and ID 46 have been added. The same meter is used to measure ID. 30 and ID 46 because this is a bi-directional meter.

The spare meter is to be used as a backup only therefore it is considered unnecessary to include its details in the Monitoring Report.

Supporting document :

Residual waste of the Anaerobic Digester (tons): The information of monitoring device is provided in Section D.2 and Annex II of the Monitoring Report version 4.2 of 20/06/2012. The accuracy class and specifications of the weighbridge stated in the monitoring report is confirmed through the test certificate /35/ and provided document, which is extracted from the web page of supplier /111/. Also the web page of supplier has been reviewed.

ID.30 Amount of electricity consumed from the grid as a result of the project activity (ECPJ,,jy MWh): It is explained in the Monitoring Report version 4.2 that the installed meter is ABB Elster A1500 as observed during the site visit. The accuracy of the meter is 0.5s as confirmed through the test report of the meter /31/ /32/ /112/.

ID.46 Amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity (EGtotal MWh): It is explained in the Monitoring

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- “electricity counter sealing 1.pdf ” (provided to the DOE during the on-site visit)

- “electricity counter sealing 2.pdf” (provided to the DOE during the on-site visit)

- “calibration certificates for electricity meters.pdf ” (sent as an attachment with the present table)

As mentioned in section B.1 of the monitoring report the gasifier has not been implemented yet, as a consequence there is at that stage no electricity generated from syngas. Therefore the monitoring report does not include any information of monitoring equipment for ID. 47. The PO has however noted that such equipment should be installed as soon as the gasifier is implemented.

As the gasifier is not implemented yet, the amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of the whole project (ID46) is equal to the amount of electricity generated from the utilisation of biogas and LFG (ID48). Details of the meter used to measure ID46 are presented in section D.2 of the Monitoring report (as per above response).

Since ID46 = ID48 for this monitoring period, it is at that stage not necessary for the PO to install a monitoring equipment specific to ID.48.

When the gasifier is implemented, the PO acknowledges that it will be necessary to install a meter to measure ID.48.

Report version 4.2 that the installed meter is ABB Elster A1500 as observed during the site visit. The accuracy of the meter is 0.5s as confirmed through the test report of the meter /31/ /32/ /112/.

ID.47 Amount of electricity generated utilising syngas. (EG d,g,y MWh): Since the gasifier is not implemented yet, the information of monitoring equipment for ID.47 is not available. FAR is raised for next verification period. Please refer to FAR 1.

ID.48 Amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG (EGd,y MWh): Since the gasifier is not implemented yet, the information of monitoring equipment for ID.48 is not available. FAR is raised for next verification period. Please refer to FAR 1.

CAR 1 is closed.

CAR 2 ID.24 Temperature of the landfill gas


The serial number for ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-

ID.24 Temperature of the landfill gas

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(Temperature °C): The serial number is defined as 09/5292 for the ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr. However, the serial number does not match with the calibration record /83/.

The last calibration date is defined as 17/02/2011 for the ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33889 and ELIMKO RT03-1P08-50 sn 08/14625 T. However, the instruments were calibrated on 02/02/2012 as indicated in the calibration records /108/ /109/.

ID.25 Pressure of the landfill gas (Pressure Mbar): The last calibration date is defined as 09/02/2011 for the KELLER PAA-21S sn 128863. However, the instruments were calibrated on 02/02/2012 as indicated in the calibration records /110/.

ID.30 Amount of electricity consumed from the grid as a result of the project activity (EC PJ,,jy

MWh): The calibration information of the meters is not provided in the monitoring report.

Residual waste of the Anaerobic Digester (tons): The residual waste is weighted by a dedicated balance. For the calibration information, it is referred to Annex 2 of the monitoring report. However, the information is not available in Annex 2 for this parameter. The monitoring report does not include the calibration details.

ID.39 Weight fraction of the waste type j in the sample n collected during the year (P n,j,x %): It is mentioned in the monitoring report that, the balances are calibrated last on 17/03/2012. However, the previous calibration certificates (date of calibration 18/04/2011) are provided /106/ /107/. Therefore, the last calibration date, 17/03/2012, could not be justified.

ID.46 Amount of electricity provided to the grid as

U-Tr (ID24) has been updated in the Monitoring Report as it was a typo in the MR. It is now 08/5292 in line with the calibration record.

The calibration done on 02/02/2012 is not relevant for the monitoring period covered by this monitoring report since the meters ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr sn 08/33889 and ELIMKO RT03-1P08-50 sn 08/14625 T were de-installed on 30/01/2012.

The last relevant calibration date covering the monitoring period is 17/02/2011 as shown in the calibration records provided to the DOE with the present table.

The information reported in the Monitoring Report is considered correct and has not been changed.

Supporting documents :

- “ELIMKO-08 33889-170211.pdf ”

- “ELIMKO-08 14625T-170211.pdf ”

The calibration done on 02/02/2012 is not relevant for the monitoring period covered by this monitoring report since the meter KELLER PAA-21S sn 128863 was de-installed on 30/01/2012.

The last relevant calibration date covering the monitoring period is 09/02/2011 as shown in the calibration record provided to the DOE with the present table.

The information reported in the Monitoring Report is considered correct in regards to the monitoring period and has therefore not been

(Temperature °C): The serial number of ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr is corrected to 08/5292 in the Monitoring Report version 4.2 in line with the calibration record.

Since the meters were de-installed on 30/01/2012, the PP’s response was found acceptable.

ID.25 Pressure of the landfill gas (Pressure Mbar): Since the meters were de-installed on 30/01/2012, the PP’s response was found acceptable.

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a result of whole project activity (EGtotal MWh): The calibration information of the meters is not provided in the monitoring report.

ID.48 Amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG (EG d,y MWh): The calibration information of the meters is not provided in the monitoring report.


Supporting document :

- “KELLER-128863-090211.pdf ”

As per response to CAR 1, section D.2 of the monitoring report has been updated. Details of the main meter (inc. calibration information) used to measure ID. 30 have been added.

The spare meter is to be used as a backup only therefore it is considered unnecessary to include its calibration information in the Monitoring Report.

Supporting document :

-“calibration certificates for electricity meters.pdf ” (sent as an attachment with the present table)

- “ÖLÇÜ VE ÖLÇÜ ALETLER MUAYENE YÖNETMEL.doc ” (sent as an attachment with the present table), also available at : http://www.mevzuat.adalet.gov.tr/html/21179.html .

- “sayacson (1).doc ” (sent as an attachment with the present table)

Annex 2 of the monitoring report has been updated. A row has been added to the table of monitoring devices in order to include the calibration information related to the weighbridge used to measure the residual

ID.30 Amount of electricity consumed from the grid as a result of the project activity (ECPJ,,jy MWh): It is explained in the Monitoring Report version 4.2 that the installed meter is ABB Elster A1500 as observed during the site visit. The meter is calibrated on 25/04/2006 as confirmed through the test report /112/. As per the “'Regulation of Metering and Testing of Metering Systems” /113/, the meters shall be calibrated every 10 years. The calibration of meters is deemed appropriate and in compliance with the national regulation.

Residual waste of the Anaerobic Digester (tons): The information of monitoring device is provided in Section D.2 and Annex II of the Monitoring Report version 4.2. The weighbridge is calibrated on 30/12/2010 as confirmed

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waste of the anaerobic digester.

Supporting document : “30122010 weighbridge certificate.pdf ” (provided to the DOE during the on-site visit). Regulation mentioned on the certificate is available at: http://www.mevzuat.adalet.gov.tr/html/774.html

The last calibration date of the balances is 17/03/2012 as reported in the Monitoring report. This is evidenced by the two calibration certificates provided to the DOE with the present table.

Supporting documents:

- “DIKOMSAN-2779-170312.pdf ”

- “DIKOMSAN-ISXKDT070763-170312.pdf ”

Section D.2 of the monitoring report has been updated. The calibration information related to the main meter used to measure ID. 46 has been added.

The spare meter is to be used as a backup only therefore it is considered unnecessary to include its calibration information in the Monitoring Report.

Supporting document :

-“calibration certificates for electricity meters.pdf ” (sent as an attachment with the present table)

through the test certificate /35/, which is performed in line with the “Regulation of Dimension and Adjustment” /114/. As per the “'Regulation of Metering and Testing of Metering Systems” /113/, the weighbridges shall be calibrated every 2 years. The calibration of meters is deemed appropriate and in compliance with the national regulation.

ID.39 Weight fraction of the waste type j in the sample n collected during the year (Pn,j,x %): It is confirmed through the calibration certificates /115/ /116/ of the balances that the balances are calibrated on 17/03/2012.

ID.46 Amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of whole project activity (EGtotal MWh): It is explained in the Monitoring Report version 4.2 that the installed meter is ABB Elster A1500 as observed during the site visit. The meter is calibrated on 25/04/2006 as confirmed through the test report /112/. As per the “'Regulation of Metering and Testing of Metering Systems” /113/, the meters shall be calibrated every 10 years. The calibration of meters is deemed appropriate and in compliance with the national regulation.

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GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 Page A-43 GS_VER_REP-11-11

Corrective action and/ or clarification requests Reference to Table 1 Response by project participants Verification conclusion

- “ÖLÇÜ VE ÖLÇÜ ALETLER MUAYENE YÖNETMEL.doc ” (sent as an attachment with the present table), also available at : http://www.mevzuat.adalet.gov.tr/html/21179.html

- “sayacson (1).doc ” (sent as an attachment with the present table)

As the gasifier is not implemented yet, the amount of electricity provided to the grid as a result of the whole project (ID46) is equal to the amount of electricity generated from the utilisation of biogas and LFG (ID48). Calibration information of the meter used to measure ID46 is presented in section D.2 of the monitoring report (as per above response).

Since ID46 = ID48 for this monitoring period, it is at that stage not necessary for the PO to install a monitoring equipment specific to ID.48.

When the gasifier is implemented, the PO acknowledges that it will be necessary to install a meter to measure ID.48 and to report the calibration information of this meter.

ID.48 Amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG (EGd,y MWh): Since the gasifier is not implemented yet, the information of monitoring equipment for ID.48 is not available. FAR is raised for next verification period. Please refer to FAR 1.

CAR 2 is closed.

CAR 3 SDI.1 Water Quality: The leachate of the landfill are collected and transferred to the ASKI water treatment plant through drainage pipes installed in the landfill body.

The length of drainage pipes given in the monitoring report is not correct, since the all of pipes are not used for the treatment system as verified via interviews.

In addition, monitoring way should be include the


Following the discussion held during the site visit, section D.2 of the Monitoring Report was corrected: the length of drainage pipes installed during the monitoring period is now reported as 9,305m.

Also, the official letter obtained from Ankara Metropolitan Municipality is now mentioned in the Monitoring Report.

SDI.1 Water Quality: The length of drainage pipes is revised in the Monitoring Report Version 02 as confirmed during the site visit.

Also, monitoring way is revised including the official letter obtained from Ankara Metropolitan Municipality.

RINA Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project - Turkey

GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 Page A-44 GS_VER_REP-11-11

Corrective action and/ or clarification requests Reference to Table 1 Response by project participants Verification conclusion

official letter obtained from Ankara Metropolitan Municipality.

SDI.6 Employment (job quality): The number of staff attended to various trainings is monitored through the training certificates and attendance list. The “Purchasing and Inventory Management Training” could not be justified since objective evidence is not provided.

The number of attendances does not match with the attendance list for the following trainings:

‒ Health and safety training dated 27/06/2011

‒ Rules to be Considered During Installation of Electrofusion Material for Technicians dated 14/12/2011

‒ Health and Safety Training dated 21/03/2012

‒ Emergency Response Training of 22/03/2012

The attendance certificate for the “Purchasing and Inventory Management Training” is provided to the DOE with the present table of responses.

Supporting evidence : “TRAINING #8.pdf ”

The number of attendees reported in the table (section D.2 of the MR, SDI.6) has been updated so that it matches the attendance lists reviewed by the DOE during the on-site visit. Changes made are as follows :

- Health and safety training dated 27/06/2011 : 22 attendees - Rules to be Considered During Installation of Electrofusion Material for Technicians dated 14/12/2011 : 15 attendees - Health and Safety Training dated 21/03/2012: 70 attendees

- Emergency Response Training of 22/03/2012: 69 attendees

SDI.6 Employment (job quality): The “Purchasing and Inventory Management Training” is justified through the training certificate /117/.

The number of attendances to the trainings is updated as per the verified numbers during the site visit.

CAR 3 is closed.

CR 1 ID.18 Fraction of degradable organic carbon in waste (DOC j) The value table provided under section D.1 of the Monitoring Report is not in line with the registered PDD.


The PDD previously provided to the DOE (090427_Mamak PDD v.7.1.pdf ) was reviewed.

The value table included in the PDD (page 55) is as follows :

As per the IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories which is also referred in the registered PDD, the waste type includes textiles, glass, metal and other inert. However, in the registered PDD, it is explained in the footnote 71, which is not given in the Monitoring Report.

RINA Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project - Turkey

GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 Page A-45 GS_VER_REP-11-11

Corrective action and/ or clarification requests Reference to Table 1 Response by project participants Verification conclusion

No differences could be found with the values reported in section D.1 of the monitoring report.

The DOE is kindly asked to clarify his comment and explain more precisely why section D.1 of the monitoring report is not in line with the registered PDD.

CR 1 is not closed. The footnote 71 of the PDD was omitted in the Monitoring Report. The footnote has been added in section D.1 of the Monitoring Report (please refer to “Mamak 4thPV Monitoring Report_2July2012.pdf”).

CR 1 is closed.

CR 2 ID.40 Number of samples collected during the year (Z): The number of sample during the monitoring period is not indicated.


Section D.2 of the monitoring report has been updated, the following sentence has been added “21 samples collected during the monitoring period”.

Supporting document : “2012-April-16-ER_Calculation_Mamak_4thPV.xls” (previously provided to the DOE by email)

ID.40 Number of samples collected during the year (Z): The number of sample during the monitoring period is presented in the Monitoring Report Version 02 as verified. CR 2 is closed.


Forward action request Reference to Table 1

Response by project participants Verification conclusion

FAR 1 ID.47 Amount of electricity generated utilising syngas. (EG d,g,y MWh): Since the gasifier has not implemented yet, the information of monitoring equipment for ID.47 is not available. The monitoring equipment shall be checked at the next verification period.

ID.48 Amount of electricity generated utilising

RINA Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project - Turkey

GS Verification/Certification Report N° 2012-DG-20- MD, Rev. 1.2 Page A-46 GS_VER_REP-11-11

Forward action request Reference to Table 1

Response by project participants Verification conclusion

biogas and LFG (EGd,y MWh): Since the gasifier has not implemented yet, the information of monitoring equipment for ID.48 is not available. The monitoring equipment shall be checked at the next verification period.
