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Government Gazette Staatskoerant - Open Gazettes South Africa

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G12-068467—A 35465—1 AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA A LEGAL NOTICES WETLIKE KENNISGEWINGS Vol. 564 Pretoria, 29 June Junie 2012 No. 35465 N.B. The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes P ART 1 OF 2

G12-068467—A 35465—1

AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure

Government GazetteStaatskoerant




Vol. 564 Pretoria, 29 JuneJunie 2012 No. 35465

N.B. The Government Printing Works willnot be held responsible for the quality of“Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files”submitted for publication purposes





BUSINESS NOTICES.............................................................................................................................................. 11

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 11

Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 14

Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 14

KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 15

Mpumalanga.............................................................................................................................................. 15

North West................................................................................................................................................. 15

Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 15

ORDERS OF THE COURT...................................................................................................................................... 17

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 17

Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 28

Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 29

KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 31

Northern Cape ........................................................................................................................................... 39

North West................................................................................................................................................. 43

Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 43

SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONS ......................................................................................... 48

GENERAL................................................................................................................................................................ 49

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 49

Limpopo..................................................................................................................................................... 57

Mpumalanga.............................................................................................................................................. 58

North West................................................................................................................................................. 58

Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 59

ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES ACTS NOTICES:......................................................................................... 00

Form J 297: Election of executors, curators and tutors ............................................................................. 61

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 62

Form J 295: Curators and tutors: Masters’ notices .................................................................................... 62

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 62

Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 62

KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 63

Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 63

2 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


The Government Printing Works will not be held responsible for faxed documents not received dueto errors on the fax machine or faxes received which are unclear or incomplete. Please be advisedthat an “OK” slip, received from a fax machine, will not be accepted as proof that documents werereceived by the GPW for printing. If documents are faxed to the GPW it will be the sender’s respon-sibility to phone and confirm that the documents were received in good order.

Furthermore the Government Printing Works will also not be held responsible for cancellations andamendments which have not been done on original documents received from clients.

Form J 193: Notice to creditors in deceased estates................................................................................. 63

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 63

Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 74

Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 77

KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 78

Limpopo..................................................................................................................................................... 85

Northern Cape ........................................................................................................................................... 86

North West................................................................................................................................................. 86

Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 88

Form J 187: Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection .................... 95

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 95

Eastern Cape............................................................................................................................................. 105

Free State.................................................................................................................................................. 107

KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 109

Limpopo..................................................................................................................................................... 115

Northern Cape ........................................................................................................................................... 116

North West................................................................................................................................................. 116

Western Cape............................................................................................................................................ 117

INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIES ACTS NOTICES:................................................................................ 00

Form J 28: Estates or companies sequestrated or wound up provisionally ............................................ 124

Form J 29: First meetings of creditors, contributories, members of debenture-holders of sequestratedestates, companies being wound up or placed under provisional judicial management ...... 125

CLOSE CORPORATIONS: First meetings of creditors and members of close corporationsbeing wound up ..................................................................................................................... 138

Form 1: Appointment of trustees and liquidators and proof of claims in sequestrated estates orcompanies being wound up ................................................................................................... 140

Form 2: Meeting of creditors in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up ....................... 146

Form 4: Liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in sequestrated estates orcompanies being wound up ................................................................................................... 152

Form 5: Payment of dividends and collection of contributions in sequestrated estates or companiesbeing wound up ..................................................................................................................... 159

Form 6: Applications for rehabilitation................................................................................................. 167

Form 7: Notice of trustees................................................................................................................... 168

Form 8: Dates fixed for creditors to prove claims ............................................................................... 169

Form 9: Notices of surrender of a debtor’s estate .............................................................................. 170

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 3


4 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012




BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ............................................................................................................................ 11

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 11

Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 14

Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 14

KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 15

Mpumalanga.............................................................................................................................................. 15

Noordwes .................................................................................................................................................. 15

Wes-Kaap.................................................................................................................................................. 15

ORDERS VAN DIE HOF.......................................................................................................................................... 17

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 17

Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 28

Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 29

KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 31

Noord-Kaap ............................................................................................................................................... 39

Noordwes .................................................................................................................................................. 43

Wes-Kaap.................................................................................................................................................. 43

TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE................................................................................... 48

ALGEMEEN ............................................................................................................................................................. 49

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 49

Limpopo..................................................................................................................................................... 57

Mpumalanga.............................................................................................................................................. 58

Noordwes .................................................................................................................................................. 58

Wes-Kaap.................................................................................................................................................. 59

BOEDELWETTEKENNISGEWINGS: .................................................................................................................... 00

Vorm J 297: Verkiesing van eksekuteurs, kurators en voogde .................................................................. 61

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 62

Vorm J 295: Kurators en voogde: Meesters se kennisgewings ................................................................. 62

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 62

Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 62

KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 63

Wes-Kaap.................................................................................................................................................. 63

Vorm J 193: Kennisgewing aan krediteure in bestorwe boedels ............................................................... 63

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 63

Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 74

Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 77

KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 78

Limpopo..................................................................................................................................................... 85

Noord-Kaap ............................................................................................................................................... 86

Noordwes .................................................................................................................................................. 86

Wes-Kaap.................................................................................................................................................. 88

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 5

Vorm J 187: Likwidasie- en distribusierekenings in bestorwe boedels wat ter insae lê ............................ 95

Gauteng..................................................................................................................................................... 95

Oos-Kaap .................................................................................................................................................. 105

Vrystaat...................................................................................................................................................... 107

KwaZulu-Natal ........................................................................................................................................... 109

Limpopo..................................................................................................................................................... 115

Noord-Kaap ............................................................................................................................................... 116

Noordwes .................................................................................................................................................. 116

Wes-Kaap.................................................................................................................................................. 117

INSOLVENSIEWET- EN MAATSKAPPYWETTEKENNISGEWINGS.................................................................. 00

Vorm J 28: Boedels of maatskappye wat voorlopig gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is.............................. 124

Vorm J 29: Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van gesek westreerde boedels, maatskappye in likwidasie of onder voorlopige geregtelikebestuur ................................................................................................................................... 125

BESLOTE KORPORASIES: Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers en lede van beslotekorporasies in likwidasie ........................................................................................................ 138

Vorm 1: Aanstelling van kurators en likwidateurs en bewys van vorderings in gesekwestreerdeboedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ................................................................................... 140

Vorm 2: Byeenkoms van skuldeisers in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie ..... 146

Vorm 4: Likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maat-skappye in likwidasie ............................................................................................................. 152

Vorm 5: Uitkeer van dividende en insameling van kontribusies in gesekwestreerde boedels ofmaatskappye in likwidasie ..................................................................................................... 159

Vorm 6: Aansoeke om rehabilitasie..................................................................................................... 167

Vorm 7: Kennisgewing van kurators.................................................................................................... 168

Vorm 8: Datums vasgestel vir die bewys van eise deur skuldeisers .................................................. 169

Vorm 9: Kennisgewings van oorgawe van ’n skuldenaar se boedel................................................... 170


6 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

Laat kennisgewings sal in die daaropvolgendeuitgawe geplaas word. Indien ’n laat kennisgewingwel, onder spesiale omstandighede, aanvaar word,

sal ’n dubbeltarief gehef word

Wanneer ’n APARTE Staatskoerantverlang word moet die kopie driekalenderweke voor publikasie inge-

dien word

2012Die sluitingstyd is stiptelik 15:00 op die volgende dae:


Sluitingstye VOOR VAKANSIEDAE vir


2012The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days:



The copy for a SEPARATE Govern-ment Gazette must be handed in notlater than three calendar weeks before

date of publication

Late notices will be published in the subsequentissue, if under special circumstances, a latenotice is being accepted, a double tariff will

be charged

2 August, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 10 August 201220 September, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 28 September 201213 December, Thursday, for the issue of Friday 21 December 201218 December, Tuesday, for the issue of Friday 28 December 201221 December, Friday, for the issue of Friday 4 January 2013



2 Augustus, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 10 Augustus 201220 September, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 28 Desember 201213 Desember, Donderdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 21 Desember 201218 Desember, Dinsdag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 28 Desember 201221 Desember, Vrydag, vir die uitgawe van Vrydag 4 Januarie 2013



STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 7


and J 187 ................................................................................................................BUSINESS NOTICES .................................................................................................INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANY ACT NOTICES: Forms J 28, J 29 and

Forms 1 to 9............................................................................................................N.B.: Forms 2 and 9—additional statements according to the Word Count

Table, added to the basic rate.LOST LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES: Form VL ........................................................UNCLAIMED MONIES—Only in an Extraordinary Gazette. Closing date:

15 January (per entry of “name, address and amount”) ..........................................


Short notices: Meetings, resolutions, offer of compromise, conversion of company,voluntary windings-up; closing of transfer or member’s registers and/ordeclaration of dividends ......................................................................................

Declaration of dividend with profit statements, including notes ..............................Long notices: Transfers, changes with respect to shares or capital, redemptions,

resolutions, voluntary liquidations ......................................................................

LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES ..........................................

LIQUOR LICENCE NOTICES in an Extraordinary Gazette. (All provinces appear onthe first Friday of each month.) The closing date for acceptance is two weeks priorto date of publication...............................................................................................Gauteng Dranklisensies ..........................................................................................N-Kaap Dranklisensies............................................................................................

ORDERS OF THE COURT:Provisional and final liquidations or sequestrations ................................................Reductions or changes in capital, mergers, offers of compromise.........................Judicial managements, curator bonus and similar and extensive rules nisi...........Extension of return date..........................................................................................Supersessions and discharge of petitions (J 158) ..................................................

SALES IN EXECUTION AND OTHER PUBLIC SALES:Sales in execution ....................................................................................................Public auctions, sales and tenders:

Up to 75 words.....................................................................................................76 to 250 words ...................................................................................................251 to 300 words .................................................................................................












LIST OF FIXED RATES(In order to bring the cost of advertising of legal notices more in line with the costin the private sector, and to reduce the burden of cross subsidy by departments.

New rate per insertion







8 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012



1. (1) The Government Gazette is published every week on Friday, and the closingtime for the acceptance of notices which have to appear in the GovernmentGazette on any particular Friday, is 15:00 on the preceding Friday. Shouldany Friday coincide with a public holiday, the date of publication of theGovernment Gazette and the closing time of the acceptance of notices willbe published in the Government Gazette from time to time.

(2) Applications for Public Road Carrier Permits—Closing times for theacceptance of notices: Notices must be handed in not later than 15:00on the Friday, two calendar weeks before the date of publication.

2. (3) The copy for a separate Government Gazette must be handed in not later thanthree calendar weeks before date of publication.

2. (1) Copy of notices received after closing time will be held over for publication inthe next Government Gazette.

(2) Amendment or changes in copy of notices cannot be undertaken unless instructions are received before 10:00 on Mondays.

Number of words in copy


Three insertions


For general notices which do not belong under the afore-mentioned headings with fixed tariff ratesand which comprise 1600 or less words, the rates of the Word Count Table must be used.Notices with more than 1600 words, or where doubt exists, must be sent in before publicationin terms of paragraph 10 (2) of the conditions for publication.

One insertion Two insertions

R R117,45172,70231,35290,15345,45404,05459,50518,15576,80621,80690,85735,85804,90863,55908,60977,60

1 022,401 094,901 139,951 485,351 828,95


1 060,401 139,951 219,351 298,751 381,701 471,451 554,401 633,952 115,602 600,90


1 001,751 094,901 184,701 278,001 367,801 461,101 554,401 644,201 737,351 830,802 369,552 922,20

1– 100.........................................................101– 150.........................................................151– 200.........................................................201– 250.........................................................251– 300.........................................................301– 350.........................................................351– 400.........................................................401– 450.........................................................451– 500.........................................................501– 550.........................................................551– 600.........................................................601– 650.........................................................651– 700.........................................................701– 750.........................................................751– 800.........................................................801– 850.........................................................851– 900.........................................................901– 950.........................................................951–1000.........................................................


STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 9

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10 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


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Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested partiesand creditors of the intention of alienation of businesses and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of relevant advertisements, and of actions, circumstances or conditions pertaining to businesses or parties or debtors, as mentioned therein.

The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county;(2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on;(4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change ofaddress, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days;(5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other thanunder (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date.


Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van1936, aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome vervreemding van besighede en/of klandisie ,goedere of eiendom wat ’n deel vorm van besighede, na ’n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie vanbetrokke advertensies, en van aksies, omstandighede of voorwaardes wat op besighede of partye of skuldenaars,soos daarin genoem, betrekking het.

Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county;(2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf;(4) doel en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising ofadresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indienanders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid enadres, indien anders as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum.



Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, that Triponsa TradingCC (“the seller”) has subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions, sold to JKH Investments (Pty) (Registration Number2012/096610.07) (“the purchaser”) the restaurant trading under the style of Adega, and which business is carried at Shop 31A,Brynston Shopping Centtre, Bryanston, and will take effect 30 (thirty) days after the date of the last publication of this notice.

Kokkoris Attorneys, 80 Corlett Drive, Melrose North, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 880-2596. Fax: (011) 880-3174. (Ref: Mr V Kokkoris/K9912.)


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, that Palm Springs Proprietary Limited,Registration Number 2005/001552/07 intends to transfer, subject to the fulfilment of certain suspensive conditions, its respective KFC franchise businesses (and business assets relating to such businesses) carried on from the outlets situated atShop 43, Palm Springs Mall, R551, Orange Farm, and at corner Golden Highway and Eaton Roads, Evaton, to Origize 230Close Corporation, trading as KPML Restaurants, Registration Number 2011/103061/23.

Signed at Melrose Arch on this 28th day of June 2012.

McPherson Kruger Attorneys, First Floor, Unit 12, 1 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch; Postnet Suite 44, Private Bag X1,Melrose Arch, 2076.


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, that Staycold Proprietary Limited,Registration Number 1979/004174/07, Staycold International Proprietary Limited, Registration Number 2001/028499/07,and Staycold Hire CC, Registration Number 2007/034718/23, each intend to transfer, subject to the fulfilment of certain suspensive conditions, their respective businesses (and business assets relating to such businesses), to Mags Stake Tradeand Invest Proprietary Limited, Registration Number 2011/130344/07.

Signed at Melrose Arch on this 27th day of June 2012.

McPherson Kruger Attorneys, First Floor, Unit 12, 1 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch; Postnet Suite 44, Private Bag X1,Melrose Arch, 2076.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 11

NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESSNotice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, that Hencetrade 1007 CC

(Reg. No. CK9939954/23), of 789 Codonia Avenue, Waverley, Pretoria, intends to sell and transfer to Blue Lounge Trading 48(Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2007/001733/07), its business in its entirety, lock, stock and barrel, as a going concern after 30 (thirty) daysfrom the date of last publication hereof.

Van Zyl Le Roux Ing., Attorneys for Seller, 1st Floor, Monument Office Park, Block 3, cnr Steenbok Ave & Elephant Rd,Monumentpark; PO Box 974, Pretoria, 0001; Docex 97, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 435-9444. Fax: (012) 435-9555. (Ref: A van denBerg/jw/391325.)

SALE OF BUSINESSIn terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, Keewave Trading 210 CC, conducting business under the

style of Loco Liquor Eldoraigne, at Eldoraigne Village Centre, Saxby Road, Eldoraigne, Centurion, is hereby giving notice ofits sale for and of transfer 30 days after publication hereof, to Jabudani Wierda CC, who will carry on the said business for theirown benefit and account.

NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTYIn terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, South Tibouchina Investments CC, Reg. No.

CK1996/03167/23, represented by Sayed Hoosen Mia, the owner of the following immovable property:Remaining Extent of Portion 28 of Erf 2770, Kempton Park Township, Registration Division I.R., the Province of Gauteng,

measuring 3 845 (three thousand eight hundred and forty-five) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer No. T2156/1998, here-by gives notice of its intention of the sale and transfer of the immovable property aforementioned as a going concern (30) daysafter publication hereof to Blue Beacon Investments 206 (Proprietary) Limited, which will own such immovable property forits own benefit and account.

Mia Attorneys, 13 Marmer Street, Extension 5, Lenasia, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 024-1000. (Ref: SWA 028.)

NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTYIn terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, Swanvest 47 (Proprietary) Limited, Reg. No. 1997/

019027/07, represented by Sayed Hoosen Mia, the owner of the following immovable property:Erf 135, Chamdor Extension 1 Township, Registration Division I.Q., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 1,2335 (one

comma two three three five) hectares, held by Deed of Transfer No. T27399/2004, hereby gives notice of its intention of the saleand transfer of the immovable property aforementioned as a going concern (30) days after publication hereof to Blue BeaconInvestments 206 (Proprietary) Limited, which will own such immovable property for its own benefit and account.

Mia Attorneys, 13 Marmer Street, Extension 5, Lenasia, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 024-1000. (Ref: SWA 028.)

NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTYIn terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, Mandrill Investments (Proprietary) Limited, Reg. No.

CK1998/011528/07, represented by Sayed Hoosen Mia, the owner of the following immovable property:Erf 11902, Orlando West Township, Registration Division I.Q., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 3 709 (three thousand

seven hundred and nine) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer No. T79213/2002, hereby gives notice of its intention of thesale and transfer of the immovable property aforementioned as a going concern (30) days after publication hereof to BlueBeacon Investments 206 (Proprietary) Limited, which will own such immovable property for its own benefit and account.

Mia Attorneys, 13 Marmer Street, Extension 5, Lenasia, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 024-1000. (Ref: SWA 028.)

NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTYIn terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, Swanvest 47 (Proprietary) Limited, Reg. No. 1997/

019027/07, represented by Sayed Hoosen Mia, the owner of the following immovable properties:1. Portion 1 of Erf 1989, Krugersdorp Township, Registration Division I.Q., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 346 (three

hundred and forty-six) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T8766/2009;2. Portion 2 of Erf 1989, Krugersdorp Township, Registration Division I.Q., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 346 (three

hundred and forty-six) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T8766/2009;3. Portion 3 of Erf 1989, Krugersdorp Township, Registration Division I.Q., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 598 (five

hundred and ninety-eight) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T8766/2009;4. Portion 4 of Erf 1989, Krugersdorp Township, Registration Division I.Q., the Province of Gauteng, measuring 598 (five

hundred and ninety-eight) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T8766/2009;5. Remaining Extent of Erf 1989, Krugersdorp Township, Registration Division I.Q., the Province of Gauteng, measuring

2 077 (two thousand and seventy-seven) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T8766/2009;hereby gives notice of its intention of the sale and transfer of the immovable properties aforementioned as a going concern

(30) days after publication hereof to Blue Beacon Investments 206 (Proprietary) Limited, which will own such immovableproperties for its own benefit and account.

Mia Attorneys, 13 Marmer Street, Extension 5, Lenasia, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 024-1000. (Ref: SWA 028.)

Randvaal, Gauteng. (2) Wantsteel (Pty) Ltd. (3) Steel processing & sales at 175 Kroonarend Street, Randvaal, Gauteng.(4) Sale of business 1 August 2012. (5) Arctotrax (Pty) Ltd. (6) —. (7). Douglas, Smart Attorneys, 112 Eterenth Street, Parkmore,Sandton. 28 & 29 June 2012.

Erf 221, Barbeque Down X28. (2) Unit 2, Montrose Ferndale Proprietary Limited, Registration Number: 2004/007890/07.(3) Office Block 8, Carlswald Decor Centre, cnr Harry Galaun & 5th Streets, Carlswald Decor Centre. (4) Section 34 of theInsolvency Act, 30 days. (5) Thimblehill Investments 279 Proprietary Limited, Registration Number 2008/021755/07/ (6) To carryon the business of owning property, investments for own account and all related activities. 38 Dytchley Street, Barbeque DownsX28. (7) Marie van Coller Incorporated, PO Box 5003, Halfway House, 1685.

Kempton Park. (2) Jaybo Fast Foods CC (Registration Number: CK1991(021215/23). (3) Kentucky Fried Chicken “KFCOrtia” at Store No. IDR31, Central Terminal Building, Departures Level, OR Tambo International Airport. (4) Sale, subject to fulfillment of suspensive conditions. (5) Kasimira Trading 60 (Pty) Ltd. (6) 21 7th Avenue, Parktown, Johannesburg. (7) DockratIncorporated, 4 Roberts Avenue, Kensington, Johannesburg.

12 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

Gauteng, Pretoria. (2) Park Boulevard Trading 267, 2008/105054/23. (3) Park Boulevard Trading 267, 2008/105054/23,trading as Restaurant, 163 Seringlaan, Vastfontein, 0120. (4) 1. Close Corporation is party to litigation execution in PretoriaNorth Magistrate Court. 2. Close Corporation must be re-registered to ensure that the close corporation still has a counterclaims. If the close corporation is deregistered it will not succeed with a counter claim. 3. Therefore the close corporation is notre-registered for trade purposes but for locus standi in Court. (5) Robert Michel and Deon Groenewald — owners of ParkBoulevard Trading 267, 2008/105054/23. (6) Same as above. (7) Estelle de Lange, File 13, Business Worx (Pty) Ltd,2011/109993/07, Plot 10, Grensweg, Kameeldrift East, 0035.

KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING VAN BESIGHEIDKennis geskied hiermee in terme van artikel 34 van die Insolvensie Wet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, dat die besigheid

bekend as Circle Seven Trading 648 CC (Registrasie No. 2002/105713/23) en wat besigheid bedryf as Clubview Spar,Clubview Corner, h/v Lyttleton Road en Harvard Avenue, Clubview, Pretoria, verkoop word aan Jabudani Wierda CC(Registrasie No. 1999/031046/23) wie op 1 Augustus 2012 die besigheid sal voortsit by dieselfde adres.

E. Beyers Prokureurs, Posbus 12072, Hatfield, 0028. Tel: (012) 342-4333. (Verw: Beyers/BW0026.)

RE: SALE OF BUSINESS We should be pleased if you would kindly insert the appropriate sale of business notice in the Government Gazette

publication of Friday, 29 June 2012, in accordance with the following information:

Seller: Duncrieve Investments CC, Registration No. 2004/026584/23.

Puchaser: Hotel Boulevard (Proprietary) Limited, Registration No. 54/002656/07.

Business: The Hatfield Manor Hotel, corner of Burnett and Festival Streets, Hatfield, Pretoria (on Erf 786, Hatfield,Pretoria).

Effective date: 1 August 2012.

Contact: Attorneys Bredells, 138 Muckleneuk Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, 0181 — Ref: LMB.

SALE OF BUSINESSNotice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936 (Act 24 of 1936) as amended, that Rifcor

Enterprises (Proprietary) Limited (Registration No. 2002/031295/07), intends to transfer, subject to the fulfilment of certain suspensive conditions, the business of manufacturing and distributing corrugated sheets into the Southern African fruit packaging industry conducted from the premises situated at 129 Industrial Park, 18 Kinghall Avenue, Epping 2 Cape Town toBusiness Venture Investments No. 1679 Proprietary Limtied (Registration No. 2012/035730/07), as a going concern (and thebusiness assets relating to such business), upon the expiry of a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of last publication hereof.

Signed at Sandton on this 21st day of June 2012

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer Inc., 1 Protea Place, Sandown, Sandton, 2196, Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010. Ref: L Shadrach-Razzino.

VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEIDKennis geskied hiermee kragtens Artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensie Wet, 1936 (Wet 24 van 1936) soos gewysig, dat Rifcor

Enterprises (eiendoms) Beperk (Registrasie No. 2002/031295/07) van voorneme is, onderhewig aan die nakoming vansekere opskortende voorwaardes, die besigheid van die vervaardiging en verspreiding van golfplate in die Suid-Afrikaansevrugte verpakking nywerheid geleë te Industrial Park 129, Kinghall Avenue 18, Epping 2, Kaapstad na die verloop van 30 (dertig) dae na die datum van laaste publikasie hiervan, die besigheid (en die besigheidsbattes gebruik in sodanigebesigheid), oor te dra aan Business Venture Investments No. 1679 (eiendoms) Beperk (Registrasie No. 2012/035730/07).

Geteken te Sandton op hierdie 21ste dag van Junie 2012

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer Inc., 1 Protea Place, Sandton, 2196, Privaatskak X40, Benmore, 2010. Verw: L Shadrach-Razzino.

SALE OF BUSINESSNotice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936 (Act 24 of 1936) as amended, that Wenlor

Packaging (Proprietary) Limited (Registration No. 1997/015457/07), intends to transfer, subject to the fulfilment of certain suspensive conditions, the business of manufacturing, marketing and distributing various packaging materials and concepts intothe Southern African fruit packaging industry conducted from the premises situated at 129 Industrial Park, 18 Kinghall Avenue,Epping 2, Cape Town to Business Venture Investments No. 1679 Proprietary Limited (Registration No. 2012/035730/07), as agoing concern (and the business assets relating to such business) upon the expiry of a period of 30 (thirty) days from the dateof last publication hereof.

Signed at Sandton on this 21st day of June 2012

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer Inc., 1 Protea Place, Sandown, Sandton, 2196, Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010. Ref: L Shadrach-Razzino.

VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEIDKennis geskied hiermee kragtens Artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensie Wet, 1936 (Wet 24 van 1936) soos gewysig, dat Wenlor

Packaging (Eiendoms) Beperk (Registrasie No. 1997/015457/07) van voorneme is, onderhewig aan die nakoming van sekereopskortende voorwaardes, die besigheid van die vervaardiging, bemarking en verspreiding van verpakkingsmateriaal en konsepte in die Suid-Afrikaanse vrugte verpakking nywerheid geleë te Industrial Park 129, Kinghall Avenue 18, Epping 2, KaapStad na die verloop van 30 (dertig) dae na die datum van laaste publikasie hiervan, die besigheid (en die besigheidsbatesgebruik in sodanige besigheid), oor te dra aan Business Venture Investments No. 1679 (eiendoms) Beperk, Registrasie No. 2012/035730/07.

Geteken te Sandton op hierdie 21ste dag van Junie 2012

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer Inc., 1 Protea Place, Sandton, 2196, Privaatsak X40, Benmore, 2010. Verw: L Shadrach-Razzino.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 13

SALE OF BUSINESSNotice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936 (Act 24 of 1936) as amended, that Grapetek

(Proprietary) Limited (Registration No. 1995/006255/07), intends to transfer, subject to the fulfilment of certain suspensive conditions, the business of manufacturing, marketing, distributing sulphur dioxide generating sheets into theSouthern African fruit packaging industry conducted from the premises situated at 129 Industrial Park, 18 Kinghall Avenue,Epping 2, Cape Town to Business Venture Investments No. 1679 Proprietary Limited (Registration No. 2012/035730/07), as agoing concern (and the business assets relating to such business), upon the expiry of a period of 30 (thirty) days from the dateof last publication hereof.

Signed at Sandton on this 21st day of June 2012

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer Inc., 1 Protea Place, Sandown, Sandton, 2196, Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010. Ref: L Shadrach-Razzino.

VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEIDKennis geskied hiermee kragtens Artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensie Wet, 1936 (Wet 24 van 1936) soos gewysig, dat

Grapetek (Eiendoms) Beperk (Registrasie No. 1995/006255/07) van voorneme is, onderhewig aan die nakoming van sekereopskortende voorwaardes, die besigheid van die vervaardiging, bemarking en verspreiding van swaweldioksied genereedeplate in die Suid-Afrikaanse vrugte verpakking nywerheid geleë te Industrial Park 129, Kinghall Avenue 18, Epping 2, Kaap Stadna die verloop van 30 (dertig) dae na die datum van laaste publikasie hiervan, die besigheid (en die besigheidsbates gebruikin sodanige besigheid), oor te dra aan Business Venture Investments No. 1679 (Eiendomms) Beperk (Registrasie No.2012/035730/07.

Geteken te Sandton op hierdie 21ste dag van Junie 2012

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer Inc., 1 Protea Place, Sandton, 2196, Privaatskak X40, Benmore, 2010. Verw: L Shadrach-Razzino.

SALE OF BUSINESSNotice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936 (Act 24 of 1936) as amended, that Umbra

Trading 2 (Proprietary) Limited (Registration No. 2003/031482/07), intends to transfer, subject to the fulfilment of certain suspensive conditions, the business of marketing and distributing sulphur dioxide generating sheets into the international fruitpackaging industry conducted from the premises situated at 129 Industrial Park, 18 Kinghall Avenue, Epping 2, Cape Town toBusiness Venture Investments No. 1679 Proprietary Limited (Registration No. 2012/035730/07), as a going concern (and thebusiness assets relating to such business) upon the expiry of a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of last publication hereof.

Signed at Sandton on this 21st day of June 2012

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer Inc., 1 Protea Place, Sandown, Sandton, 2196, Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010. Ref: L Shadrach-Razzino.

VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEIDKennis geskied hiermee kragtens Artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensie Wet, 1936 (Wet 24 van 1936) soos gewysig, dat Umbra

Trading 2 (Eiendoms) Beperk (Registrasie No. 2003/031482/07) van voorneme is, onderhewig aan die nakoming van sekereopskortende voorwaardes, die besigheid van die bemarking en verspreiding van swaweldioksied genereerde plate in die internasionale vrugte verpakking nywerheid geleë te industrial Park 129, Kinghall Avenue 18, Epping 2, Kaapstad na die verloop van 30 (dertig) dae na die datum van laaste publikasie hiervan, die besigheid (en die besigheidsbates gebruik insodanige besigheid), oor te dra aan Business Venture Investments No. 1679 (Einedomms) Beperk (Registrasie No.2012/035730/07).

Geteken te Sandton op hierdie 21ste dag van Junie 2012

Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer Inc., 1 Protea Place, Sandton, 2196, Privaatsak X40, Benmore, 2010. Verw: L Shadrach-Razzino.Sunninghill, Gauteng. (2) Franklin Patrick Nwobodo and Mobukelo Nomfundo Nwobodo. (3) Mivami Restaurant, Shop

No. G10, Sunninghill Shopping Centre, Gauteng. (4) Sale of business (effective dae: 1 August 2012). (5) Nkosi Koele & Partners(Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 1998/012232/07. (6)—. (7) Desire Koch Attorneys, No. 13 Alcrest Building, MC Adam Street, Nelspruit, 1200.


NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESSNotice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 that Wazzock Trading CC

(Registration No. CK2002/012784/23), conducting business as Cash Crusaders Port Elizabeth at Traduna Mall No. 3, GovanMbeki Avenue, Port Elizabeth, intends to sell such business to Jennifer Miriam Rishworth, ID No. 5804110149085.

Ashersons, per: Selwyn Zackon, Ashersons Chambers, 34 Plein Street, Cape Town. Tel: (021) 461-6240. (Ref: S Zackon/MR).


Bloemfontein. (2) Ideal Ways CC, Reg. No. 2004/114331/23. (3) Stadion Motors, 62 King Edward Road, Willows,Bloemfontein, petrol station. (4) Sale of business. (5) D3K Investments, Reg. No. 2010/174126/23. (6) —. (7) ForteRekenmeesters, 10 Kellner Street, Westdene, Bloemfontein.

14 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


In terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, Platinum Mile Investments 17 (Proprietary) Limited, Reg.No. 1999/017850/07, represented by Sayed Hoosen Mia, the owner of the following immovable property:

Portion 1 of Erf 810, Bloemfontein, District Bloemfontein, Free State Province, measuring 324 (three hundred and twentyfour) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer No. T8302/2009, hereby gives notice of its intention of the sale and transfer ofthe immovable property aforementioned as a going concern (30) days after publication hereof to Blue Beacon Investments 206(Proprietary) Limited which will own such immovable property for its own benefit and account.

Mia Attorneys, 13 Marmer Street, Extension 5 Lenasia, Johannesburg. (Ref: SWA 028.) Tel: (011) 024-1000.



SECTION 34 OF ACT 24 OF 1936

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 (as amended) that SA Laundries CC (Reg. No.2007/037998/23), intends, subject to fulfillment of suspensive conditions, to sell and transfer to Prodigy Exports (Pty) Limited(Reg. No. 2006/031939/07) as a going concern the laundry business carried on under the name SA Laundries at 8 HenredRoad, New Germany, KwaZulu-Natal, within a period of not more than 60 and not less than 30 days after the date of publica-tion of this notice, whereafter Prodigy Exports (Pty) Ltd will carry on such business under such name for its own account.

JH Nicolson Stiller & Geshen, Attorneys for the Parties, 2nd Floor, Clifton Place, 19 Hurst Grove, Musgrave, Durban, 4001.Ref: TE Moon.


SECTION 34 OF ACT 24 OF 1936

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 of Act 24 of 1936 (as amended) that SA Laundries CC (Reg. No.2007/037998/23), intends, subject to fulfillment of suspensive conditions, to sell and transfer to Prodigy Exports (Pty) Limited(Reg. No. 2006/031939/07) as a going concern the laundry business carried on under the name SA Laundries at 8 HenredRoad, New Germany, KwaZulu-Natal, within a period of not more than 60 and not less than 30 days after the date of publica-tion of this notice, whereafter Prodigy Exports (Pty) Ltd will carry on such business under such name for its own account.

JH Nicolson Stiller & Geshen, Attorneys for the Parties, 2nd Floor, Clifton Place, 19 Hurst Grove, Musgrave, Durban, 4001.Ref: TE Moon.



Ingevolge artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, geskied kennis hiermee dat Forus Trading,2001/065976/23, wat besigheid bedryf onder die naam van Way Out West, te Shop 15, Joshua Doore Centre, John BailieStreet, Klipfontein, Witbank, van voorneme is om genoemde saak vanaf 30 (dertig) dae na die laaste verskyning van hierdiekennisgewing te verkoop en oor te dra aan Amandla Procurement Specialists, 2008/077472/23, wat die besigheid sal voortsitte by dieselfde adres vir eie rekening en voordeel.

Potgieter & Beeken Attorneys, 1 Nicol Street, Witbank. Tel: (013) 656-6351. Ref: AG0148.


Lichtenburg. (2) Edrico CC (Reg. No. 1996/01816/23). (3) Wimpy Lichtenburg, Dada Centre, Shop No. 13, Dr NelsonMandela Avenue, Lichtenburg. (4) Sale. (5) Pharon 83 CC (Reg. No. 2011/040476/23). (6) —. (7) Jack Hajibey Inc., PO Box2563, Cresta, 2118.


Sea Point, Western Cape. (2) Baroque Coffee Bar CC, Reg. No. 1997/017636/23. (3) Café Vibrato, 176 Main Road, SeaPoint. (4) Sale. (5) Dawn Sheilagh Gouveia. (6) Not applicable. (7) De Abreu & Cohen Incorporated, PO Box 1301, Cape Town,8001.

Cape Town, Western Cape. (2) Siyamisana 17 CC, Reg. No. 2005/019375/23. (3) Tuna Fishing Business with registeredaddress at 5 Monaco Close, Hout Bay. (4) Intention to sell the Fishing Vessel, MFV Kingfisher. (5) Pro-Tuna Fishing CC, Reg.No. 2008/145990/23. (6) 33 Arundel Road, Rondebosch. (7) Michael Muzzell, 5 Monaco Close, Hout Bay, 19 June 2012.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 15


Handelaar: Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, Worcester-Noord.

Besigheidnaam: TussenOnsFees.

Adres: Witelsweg 5, Worcester, 6850.


Trader: Dutch Reformed Church Worcester North.

Business name: TussenOnsFees.

Address: Witelsweg 5, Worcester, 6850.

Parklands, Cape Division. (2) Sellesa Developers CC, 2007/192731/23. (3) Property Development at 3A, NorthumberlandClose, Parklands, Tableview. (4) Sale of development. (5) Business Venture Investments (Proprietary) Limited, No. 2010/024905/07. (6) —. (7) P/a Karin Hanekom Attorneys, No. 9 Roslyn Street, Brackenfell, 7561.


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, as amended, to all interested partiesand creditors that it is the intention of Bakoro Capital Partners Proprietary Limited, Registration Number 2006/020140/07,as soon ad possible after the 30th day after the date of the publication of this notice, but before the sixtieth day after the dateof the publication of this notice, to transfer its business comprising the letting enterprise carried on as a going concern and consisting of Erf 50261, Khayelitsha, in the City of Cape Town, Western Cape Province, and all right, title, interest in and to theleases pertaining to the shopping centre thereon, to Investec Property Fund Limited, Registration Number 2008/011366/06.

Werksmans Attorneys, 142 Edward Street, Bellville. (Ref. H van Niekerk.)



Kennis word hiermee in terme van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensie Wet No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, aan alle betrokkepartye en krediteure gegee dat Bakoro Capital Partners Proprietary Limited, Registrasie Nommer 2006/020140/07, vanvoorneme is om so spoedig moontlik na die 30ste dag na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, maar voor die60ste dag van die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, oordrag van die besigheid wat bestaan uit ’n verhurings -onderneming as ’n lopende saak en bestaande uit Erf 50261, Khayelitsha, in die Stad Kaapstad, Provinsie Wes-Kaap, en allereg, titel en belang in en tot huurkontrakte wat betrekking het op die winkelsentrum daarop, aan Investec Property FundLimited, Registrasie Nommber: 2008/011366/06 te lewer.

Werksmans Prokureurs, Edwardstraat 142, Bellville. (Ref. H van Niekerk.)


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that it is the intention ofKerasize Close Corporation, Reg. No. CK2010/114752/23, to alienate the Fast Food business with assets as a going concernat Shop No. F1-19, Parow Centre, corner De La Rey and Voortrekker Road, Parow, to Dimorox (Proprietary) Limited,Reg. No. 2011/148074/07, within 30 days from the date of the last publication hereof, who will conduct the business for theirown account and benefit.

Investa Business Brokers, PO Box 264, Edgemead, 7407, on behalf of the Parties.


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, as amended, that it is the intention ofVivavista Close Corporation, Reg. No. CK2010/169090/23, to alienate the Fast Food business with assets as a going concernat Shop No. 17, Maynard Mall, Main Road, Wynberg, to Dimorox (Proprietary) Limited, Reg. No. 2011/148074/07, within 30 days from the date of the last publication hereof, who will conduct the business for their own account and benefit.

Investa Business Brokers, PO Box 264, Edgemead, 7407, on behalf of the Parties.Hermanus. (2) Victoria Eaterie CC verteenwoordig deur Christiaan de Wet Willemse. (3) Victoria Eaterie, Langstraat,

Arkade 3, Hermanus. (4) Verkoop. (5) Tullishe le Roux and Elaine du Toit. (7) Guthrie & Theron, Hoofweg 77 (Posbus 37),Hermanus, 7200.


SECTION 34 OF ACT 24 OF 1936

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 (as amended), that Water 4 You CC, trading as Just Water (Registration Number 2008/059852/23) and Just Dispensing CC (Registration Number2008/143484/23) represented by Christine Maree (Identity Number 6604270191086), intends to alienate the business knownas Just Water, Southern Cape, trading at George, Western Province, as a going concern to Eraspex (Pty) Ltd (2012/038805/07),represented by Cornelius Frederick Bezuidenhout (Identity Number 6006185178085). The effective date of sale will be 1August 2012.

Dated and signed at George on 14 June 2012.

For further information, contact J W Fourie Attorneys, First Floor, Van Kervel Building, 117 York Street, George, 6529.

16 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


ARTIKEL 34 VAN WET 24 VAN 1936Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet 24 van 1936, aan belang-

hebbende partye en skuldeisers van die voorgenome vervreemding van die besigheid van Water 4 You CC, handeldrywend asJust Water (Registrasienommer 2008/059852/23) en Just Dispensing CC (Registrasienommer 2008/143484/23), hierin verteenwoordige deur Christine Maree (Identiteitsnommer 6604270191086), voornemens is om die besigheid bekend as JustWater, Southern Cape, wat handel dryf te George, Wes-Kaap Provinsie, as ’n lopende saak te verkoop aan Eraspex (Pty) Ltd(2012/038805/07), verteenwoordig deur Cornelius Frederick Bezuidenhout (Identiteitsnommer 6006185178085). Die effektiewe datum van verkoop sal 1 Augustus 2012 wees.

Geteken te George op 14 Junie 2012.Verdere navrae kan gerig word aan J W Fourie Prokureurs, Eerste Vloer, Van Kervel Gebou, Yorkstraat 117, George, 6529.


SECTION 34 OF ACT 24 OF 1936Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34 (1) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 (as amended), that Water 4 You CC,

trading as Just Water (Registration Number 2008/059852/23) and Just Dispensing CC (Registration Number2008/143484/23) represented by Christine Maree (Identity Number 6604270191086), intends to alienate the business knownas Just Water, Southern Cape, trading at George, Western Province, as a going concern to Eraspex (Pty) Ltd(2012/038805/07), represented by Cornelius Frederick Bezuidenhout (Identity Number 6006185178085). The effective dateof sale will be 1 August 2012.

Dated and signed at George on 14 June 2012.For further information, contact J W Fourie Attorneys, First Floor, Van Kervel Building, 117 York Street, George, 6529.


ARTIKEL 34 VAN WET 24 VAN 1936Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet 24 van 1936, aan belang-

hebbende partye en skuldeisers van die voorgenome vervreemding van die besigheid van Water 4 You CC, handeldrywend asJust Water (Registrasienommer 2008/059852/23) en Just Dispensing CC (Registrasienommer 2008/143484/23), hierin verteenwoordige deur Christine Maree (Identiteitsnommer 6604270191086), voornemens is om die besigheid bekend as JustWater, Southern Cape, wat handel dryf te George, Wes-Kaap Provinsie, as ’n lopende saak te verkoop aan Eraspex (Pty) Ltd(2012/038805/07), verteenwoordig deur Cornelius Frederick Bezuidenhout (Identiteitsnommer 6006185178085). Die effektiewe datum van verkoop sal 1 Augustus 2012 wees.

Geteken te George op 14 Junie 2012.Verdere navrae kan gerig word aan J W Fourie Prokureurs, Eerste Vloer, Van Kervel Gebou, Yorkstraat 117, George, 6529.



Case No. 24917/12


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 5 June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Baqwa, AJ

In the matter of: NC POWER CC, Applicant, and WILFRED ROOS (ID: 7503215201084), 1st Respondent, and ALETTABURNEDETTE ROOS (ID: 7703030009080), 2nd Respondent, 11 Hawthorn Street, Fochville

Having heard Counsel for the Applicants and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:1. That the estate of Wilfred Roos and Aletta Burnedette Roos, be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in

the hands of the Master of the High Court, and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the Respondents to appear and show cause,if any, to this court on 12 July 2012 at 10h00, why a final order of sequestration should not be made against their estate.

2. Ordering in terms of Section 11 (2), of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936, that it shall be sufficient service of such provisional order if it is served in the following manner:

2.1. By sending a copy of the order to the Respondents by e-mail to [email protected];

2.2. By leaving a copy thereof at the front door of the residential address of the first and second Respondent at 11 Hawthorne Street, Fochville;

2.3. By affixing a copy thereof to or near the outer door where the above Honourable Court sits;

2.4. By publishing a copy thereof in the Government Gazette;

3. That the costs hereof shall be costs in ther sequestration.

By the Court.—Registrar.

Orelowitz, Monument Office Park, 79 Steenbok Avenue, Monument Park, Pretoria.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 17


Case No. 19303/2012


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 10 May 2012, before the Honourable Madam Justice Mngqibisa Thusi

In the matter between: MISHACK LESIBA MOLEFE, Applicant, and SALOME MOLEFE, RespondentHaving heard Counsel (s) for the party (ies) and having read the documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

1. That Virginia Mmasaka Mohala, a Director of Mohala Attorneys, be appointed as liquidator in the communal estate of theApplicant and the Respondent;

2. That the liquidator be granted the following powers:

2.1. To take control of the immovable property being a residential house at Erf No. 4707, Unit D Ext 1, Hammanskraal,Pretoria, Gauteng, and sell the property on public auction or by way of private treaty, whichever appears to be the most beneficial to the parties hereto, with permission to any of the parties/co-owners of the property to so purchase the property;

2.2. To pay any and all outstanding debts on the aforesaid immovable property;

2.3. To draft a final reconciliation statement between the Applicant and the Respondent;

2.4. To divide and pay out to the Applicant and the Respondent the net proceed of the property, after the payment of anyoutstanding taxes;

2.5. The liquidator is not required to render security for the administration of the joint estate;

2.6. The costs of the application, as well as costs of the liquidation, to be paid;

2.6.1. In the case of the Respondent not opposing the application, by the communal estate.

2.6.2. In the case of the Respondent opposing the application, by the Respondent.

By the Court.—Registrar.

Mashupje Tjatji.


Case No. 12093/2008


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 10 May 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Makgoba

In the matter between: TITO SOLOMONO NYONI, Applicant, and TSATSAWANE CATHERINE NYONI, RespondentHaving heard Counsel (s) for the party (ies) and having read the documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

1. That Virginia Mmasaka Mohala, a Director of Mohala Attorneys, be appointed as liquidator in the communal estate of theApplicant and the Respondents;

2. That the liquidator be granted the following powers:

2.1. To take control of the immovable property being a residential house at Erf No. 4629, Unit D Ext 1, Hammanskraal,Gauteng, and sell the property on public auction or by way of private treaty, whichever appears to be the most beneficial to theparties hereto, with permission to any of the parties/co-owners of the property to so purchase the property;

2.2. To pay any and all outstanding debts on the aforesaid immovable property;

2.3. To draft a final reconciliation statement between the Applicant and the Respondent;

2.4. To divide and pay out to the Applicant and the Respondent the net proceed of the property, after the payment of anyoutstanding taxes;

2.5. The liquidator is not required to render security for the administration of the joint estate;

2.6. The costs of the application, as well as costs of the liquidation, to be paid;

2.6.1. In the case of the Respondent not opposing the application, by the communal estate.

2.6.2. In the case of the Respondent opposing the application, by the Respondent.

By the Court.—Registrar.

18 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 2895/12


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 7 June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Claassen

In the matter between: SEZELA BODY CORPORATE, Applicant, and ROSA BERNADINA MUSTAPHA (ID: 7311180910089), 1st Respondent, and ROSA BERNADINA MUSTAPHA N.O., 2nd Respondent, Address: House 272, Hebron Extension, Brits, North-West Province

Having heard Counsel for the Applicants and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

1. That the Respondents are provisionally sequestrated with return date 11 July 2012, on which date the Respondents orany other interested party may appear and advance reasons against a final order being issued;.

2. That the order must be served on the Respondents personally and on her employees, if any;

3. That this order must be published once in the Government Gazette and once in a newspaper being circulated in thearea in which the Respondents reside;

4. That this order must be served on the Master of the High Court and the Sout African Revenue Service.

By the Court.—Registrar.

Burden & Swart, 480 William Street, cnr. Fehsenstreet, Brooklyn, Pretoria.


Case No. 22336/2012


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 12 June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Van der Byl, AJ

In the matter between: FIRSTRAND BANK LTD, Applicant, and MAGDEL DE LANGE (ID: 7302240032089), Respondent, 579 Krisant Street, Doornpoort, Pretoria

Having heard Counsel for the Applicants and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

1. That the Respondent’s estate is hereby provisionally sequestrated and placed in the hand of the Master;

2. That a rule nisi is hereby issued calling upon the Respondent to show cause to this Court on Friday, 31 August 2012 at10h00, why the provisional order should not be confirmed and made final;

3. That a copy of this order shall be published once in English in the Government Gazette and the Citizen Newspaper and;

4. That a copy of this order shall be served on the persons and/or entities as envisaged in Section 11 (2A), of the InsolventAct.

By the Court.—Registrar.

Rorich Wolmarans & Luderitz Inc., Block C, Equity Park, 257 Brooklyn Road, Brooklyn, Pretoria.


Case No. 18286/12


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 11 May 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice De Vos

In the application of: THE BODY CORPORATE OF MAGNISYND (Scheme Number: SS1/1977), Applicant, and SIPHO ENOCH MAHUNGELA N.O. [in his capacity as Executor of the estate of the late ESME O’CALAGHAN (born WILKINSON) (ID: 6806020153080), Respondent

Having heard Counsel for the Applicants and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

1. That the estate of the late Esme O’Callaghan (born Wilkinson), with identity number 6806025153080, be placed underprovisional sequestration returnable on the 12th of July 2012;

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 19

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. That this order be publihsed in the Government Gazette and The Times newspaper before the return date hereof;

3. That this order be served upon the estate of the late Esme O’Callaghan, by way of service upon the First Respondent,by way of Sheriff;

4. That this order be served upon the Master of the High Court and South African Revenue Service by way of filing notice,by hand;

5. That the costs of this application be costs in the sequestration.

By the Court.—Registrar.

Kleyhans & Swanepoel Inc., 827 Pierneef Street, Villeira.


Case No. 13572/2012


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 20 June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice J W Louw

In the matter of: ABSA BANK LIMITED, Applicant, and PLANET WAVES 419 (PTY) LTD (Reg No. 2007/000444/07),Block A1, Centurion Close, 119 Gerhard Street, Centurion, Respondent

Having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

1. That the application for postponement is dismissed with costs.

2. That the Respondent is herby provisionally wound-up.

3. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon the Respondent to show cause to this Court on Monday, 3rd of October2012 at 10h00, why the provisional order should not be confirmed and made final.

4. That a copy of this order shall be published once in english in the Government Gazette and Citizen newspaper.

5. That a copy of this order shall be served on the persons and/or entities as envisaged in Section 346 A, of the CompaniesAct, 61 of 1973.

By the Court.—Registrar.

Rorich Wolmarans & Luderiz Inc., Block C, Equity Park, 257 Brooklyn Road, Brooklyn, Pretoria.


Case No. 2012/10414P/H No. 627


Johannesburg, 29 May 2012, before the Honourable Judge Victor

In the matter between: FIRSTRAND BANK LIMITED t/a FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Applicant, and NELESCO 492 (PTY)LIMITED, Respondent

Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

It is Ordered that:

1. The rule nisi issued calling upon the Respondent and any other interested party, to advance reasons if any, on the 24th day of July 2012 at 9h30, why the Court should not grant a final order in the following terms:

1.1 The registration of the company, Nelesco 492 (Pty) Limited (Registration Number: 2006/000512/07) (the Respondentcompany), is restored to the company register in accordance with Section 83 (4) (a), read with Section 82 (4) of the CompaniesAct 71 of 2008 (“the Companies Act”);

1.2 The Respondent company is to submit forms COR 40.5 in terms of the Companies Act within 30 days of this order;

1.3 The immovable property more fully described as:

1.3.1 A unit consisting of:

(a) Section 46, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plain No. SS376/2006, in the scheme known asSimonsvkei, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Reynfield Extension 66 Township, Local Authority:Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, of which section plan is 82 (eighty-two) square metres in extent and;

20 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

1.3.2 (b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with theparticipation quota as endersed on the said sectional, held by Deed of Transfer No. ST919/2007.

1.3.3 An exclusive use are described as S11 (Storeroom) measuring 8 (eight square metres being as such part of the common property, comprising the land and the scheme known as SS Simonsvkei, in respect of the land and the building or buildings situated at Rynfield Extension 66 Township, Local Authority: Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, as shown and morefully described on Sectional Plan No. SS376/2006, held by Notarial Deed of Cession SK494/2007s (“the immovable property”),are declared to be no: no longer bona vacantia.

By the Court.—Registrar.


Case No. 2012/16001P/H No. 0


Johannesburg, 5 June 2012, before the Honourable Judge Moshidi

In the matter between: STANDARD BANK OF SA LIMITED, Applicant, and PROPERTY INVESTMENTS NO 3 CC (Reg No. 1997/036269/23), Respondent

Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

It is Ordered that:

1. The above-mentioned Respondent company is hereby placed under provisional winding up.

2. All persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not orderthe final winding up of the Respondent on 24th July 2012 at 9h30, or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.

3. A copy of this order be served on the Respondent at its present attorneys of record, Gani Attorneys, care of NelsonBorman Attorneys, 17th Floor Scheiner Chambers, 94 Pritchard Street, Johannesburg.

4. A copy be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette.

5. The costs are reserved.

By the Court.—Registrar.

David Oshry Attorney.


Case No. 2012/10154P/H No. 0


Johannesburg, 24 April 2012, before the Honourable Judge Spilg

In the matter between: K B K AFRICA INVESTMENTS CC, Applicant, and RAINBOW AIRCRAFT (PTY) LIMITED,Respondent

Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

It is Ordered:

1. That the above-mentioned Respondent, company is placed under provisional winding up.

2. That all persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should notorder the final winding up of the Respondent, company on 30th May 2012 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as the matter maybe called.

3. That a copy of this order be served on the Respondent, at it registered office, SARS published in the Master of the HighCourt.

4. That a copy be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette and The Citizen newspaper.

5. That a copy of this order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditors by registered post.

By the Court.—Registrar.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 21

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 2012/10154P/H No. 0


Johannesburg, 30 May 2012, before the Honourable Judge Mokgoatlheng

In the matter between: K B K AFRICA INVESTMENTS CC, Applicant, and RAINBOW AIRCRAFT (PTY) LIMITED,Respondent

Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

It is Ordered that:

1. The return date is extended to the 10th July 2012.

By the Court.—Registrar.


Case No. 56277/2011


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 24 May 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Polson, AJ

In the matter of: SOLID BASE TRADING 112 BK (Reg No. 2008/054001/23), Applicant, and PIETER SCHALK DUPREEZ (ID: 64072650245024084), Respondent

Having heard Counsel for the Applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

1. That the Respondent is provisionally sequestrated and a rule nisi be issued calling upon all interested parties to appear

in this Court on 10 July 2012 at 10h00, and show cause why the Respondent should not be placed under final sequestration.

2. That this order be served on the Respondent and the Receiver of Revenue by Sheriff.

3. That this order be published once in the Government Gazette and the Beeld newspaper.

4. That a copy of this order be served on all known creditors of the Respondent by way of registered post.

By the Court.—Registrar.

EAL Muller Attorneys, 521, 20th Lane, Rietfontein, Pretoria.


Case No. 2012/11480PH No. 0


Johannesburg, 5 June 2012, before the Honourable Judge Moshidi

In the matter between: RIVIERA INTERNATIONAL VILLAS TWO BODY CORPORATE, Applicant, and OPTIMPROPS 1035 CC, Respondent

Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

It is Ordered that:

1. The above-mentioned Respondent Close Corporation is hereby placed under provisional winding up.

2. That all persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should notorder the final winding up of the Respondent on Tuesday, 26th June 2012 at 10:00.

3. That a copy of this Order be served on the Respondent at its registered office and shall be published in the GovernmentGazette and in the Citizen newspaper.

4. A copy of this Order shall forthwith be forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post.

5. The costs of this application are costs in the winding-up of the Respondent.

By the Court.—Registrar.

22 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 2895/12


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 7 June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Claassen

In the matter between: SEZELA BODY CORPORATE, Applicant, and ROSA BERNADINA MUSTAPHA, ID:7311180910089, 1st Respondent, and ROSA BERNADINA MUSTAPHA N.O., address: House 272, Herbron Extension,Brits, North West Province, 2nd Respondent

Having heard counsel for the applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:

1. That the Respondents are provisionally sequestrated with return date 11 July 2012 on which date the Respondents orany other interested party may appear and advance reasons against a final order being issued;

2. That the order must be served on the Respondents personally and on her employees, if any;

3. That this Order must be published once in the Government Gazette and once in a newspaper being circulated in thearea in which the Respondents reside;

4. That this Order must be served on the Master of the High Court and the South African Revenue Service.

By the Court.—Registrar, MRM.

Att: Burden & Swart, 480 William Street, cnr. Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.


Case No. 52492/11


(High Court of South Africa)

On 6 February 2012, before the Honourable Justice Fabricius



In re: A Scania R144 truck tractor with Registration Number SRZ 835 GP and engine number 5566718 and a HenredFruehauf semi-trailer with Registration Number NFN 865 GP, that were seized from Ahmed Mohamed by the SARS at theLebombo border post on 29 September 2010.


Having read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

It is hereby Ordered:

1. An order is granted in terms of the provisions of section 53 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (thePOCA) declaring forfeit to the state of certain property (the property), which is presently subject to a preservation of propertyorder granted by this Honourable Court under the above case number on 15 September 2011, namely:

1.1 A 1999 Scania R144 truck tractor with Registration Number SRZ 835 GP, vehicle identification number CZK894W andengine number 5566718 (the horse); and

1.2 A 1990 Henred Freuhauf semi-trailer with registration number NFN 865 GP, and vehicle identification number SJJ097A(the trailer).

2. The property shall vest in the State upon the granting of the order.

3. The appointment of a curator bonis is dispensed with.

4. Mbali Nhlangothi, a duly authorised employee of the Asset Forfeiture Unit, is authorised to:

4.1 Assume control of the property and take it into her custody;

4.2 Sell the property at best, either by public auction or private treaty;

4.3 Sign all documentation necessary to effect the sale, transfer and registration of the property;

4.4 Pay the proceeds of the sale of the property commissions and incidental expenses occasioned by the sale, into theCriminal Asset Recovery Account established under section 63 of the POCA, Number 80303056, held at the South AfricanReserve Bank, Vermeulen Street, Pretoria.

5. Any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the forfeiture order, may within 20 days after he orshe has acquired knowledge of such order, set the matter down for variation or rescission by the Court.

By Order of the Court.—Registrar of the above High Court.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 23

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 15137/2012


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 31 May 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Ranchod

In the matter of: VAN HUYSTEENS COMMERCIAL ATTORNEYS, and STATUS MONEY (PTY) LTD, Reg. No. 2009/016568/07, address: 647 29th Lane, Villieria, Pretoria, Gauteng Province

Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:1. That the Respondent is placed under provisional winding-up in the hands of the Master of the High Court;

2. That a Rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling all or any interested parties to appear on 3 July 2012 at 10:00, and givereasons why a final winding-up order should not be granted;

3. That the order is to be served as follows:

3.1 On the Respondent;

3.2 On the Master of the North Gauteng High Court;

3.3 On the South African Revenue Services;

3.4 On any employees and their trade unions if the same are found to exist;

3.5 On all and/or any known creditors if same are found to exist.

4. That the order be published on one occasion in the Citizen newspaper and on one occasion in the Government Gazette.5. That the costs of this application are to be costs in the winding-up of the Respondent, apart from any costs of the

opposition which will be sought against the opposition of person.

By the Court.—Registrar, MX.

Att: Van Huyssteens Commercial Attorneys, 5de Haviland Crescent, Torino Suite, Persequor Park, Pretoria.


Case No. 63507/11


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 14 June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Vorster, AJ

In the matter of: THE TRUSTEES FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE VENTURA TRUST, 1st Applicant, ANTONY GEORGIOU,2nd Applicant, and TSSA, LLC, 3rd Applicant, and MAIN STREET 227 (PTY) LIMITED, Reg. No. 2004/017931/07, address:C/o Mazars Block A, Momentum Park, 105 Nicholson Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, and DANIEL JAMES CLIFFORD, 1st Intervening Party, ANSOPHIA NAOMI CLIFFORD N.O., 2nd Intervening Party, DANIEL JAMES CLIFFORD (JNR) N.O.3rd Intervening Party, and KLAPROPS 69 (PTY) LIMITED, 4th Intervening Party

Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:1. That application for condonation is granted.

2. That Applicants 1 and 3 are not properly before Court and are not participating legally in this matter at the moment.

3. That the above-mentioned Respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order with thereturn date of 31 July 2012.

4. That the costs of this application on the scale as between attorney and own client from costs of the administration of theRespondent, in winding-up.

5. That the intervening parties are entitled to their costs of today including the costs upon the employment of 2 counselswhich will form part of the costs in the liquidation.

By the Court.—Registrar, A.N.

Att: Boman Gilfillan, 220 Lange Street, New Muckleneuk.


Saak No. 9863/2012


(Republiek van Suid-Afrika)

Pretoria, 27 Maart 2012, voor sy Edele Regter Goodey, WR

In die ex parte aansoek van: EVERLAND TRADING 60 BK, Reg. No. CK2009/024883/23, Kamferbosstraat 45,Kilnerpark, Pretoria, Applikant

Na aanhoor van die regsverteenwoordiger namens die Applikant en na deurlees van die kennisgewing van mosie en anderdokumente geliasseer:

24 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Word Gelas:1. Dat die Applikant voorlopig gelikwideer word.

2. Dat die Applikant en enige ander belanghebbende party opgeroep word om op Dinsdag, 8 Mei 2012, in hierdie Hof teverskyn en om redes aan te voer waarom die Applikant nie finaal gelikwideer moet word nie.

3. Dat hierdie bevel—

3.1 een maal in die Staatskoerant en in die Beeld dagblad geadverteer word;

3.2 per vooruitbetaalde geregistreerde pos aan die applikant se skuldeiseres versend word;

3.3 by die kantore van die Meester van hierdie Hof en die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens afgelewer word.

4. Dat die koste van hierdie aansoek koste in die applikant se likwidasie is.

Deur die Hof.—Griffier, HP.

Prok: Du Plessis & Eksteen, Eastwoodstraat 311, Arcadia, Pta.


Case No. 9863/2012


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 6 June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Diedericks (AJ)

In the ex parte application of: EVERLAND TRADING 60 BK, Reg. No. CK2009/024883/23, Kamferbosstraat 45, Kilnerpark, Pretoria, Applicant

Having read counsel(s) for the party(ies) and having read the Rule nisi issued out of this Court on 27 March 2012.

It is Ordered:That the return date of the aforesaid Rule nisi be and is hereby extended until 3 August 2012.

By the Court.—Registrar, MRM.

Att: Du Plessis.


Case No. 25944/2012


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 11 June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Tuchten

In the matter of: PATRICK SMUTS, Applicant, and DYNAMIC WEALTH STOCKBROKERS (PTY) LTD, Reg. No.1997/020269/07, Castle Walk Corporate Park, Block B, cnr Nossob & Swakop Street, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria,Respondent

Having heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents of record:

It is Ordered:1. That the Respondent be placed under provisional liquidation returnable on the 1st of August 2012.

2. That this Respondent is called upon to show cause on or before the return date hereof, why this Order should not bemade final.

3. That this interim order be served upon the Respondent at its registered address by way of Sheriff.

4. That this Order be served upon the Master of the High Court and the South African Revenue Service by way of filingnotice, by hand.

5. That this interim order be served upon the employees of the Respondent, if any, by affixing a copy of this Order againstthe principle 4 door or gate of the premises of the Respondent, at the Respondent’s registered address, by way of the Sheriff.

6. That the costs of the application be costs in the liquidation.

By the Court.—Registrar, HP.

Att: Edelstein-Bosman Inc., 220/2 Lange Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria.


Case No. 2011/20773PH No. 0


Johannesburg, 29 May 2012, before the Honourable Judge Mokgoathleng

In the matter between: SITRONIX KZN CC, Applicant, and SITRONIX (PTY) LTD, RespondentHaving read the documents filed of record and having considered the matter:

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 25

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

It is Ordered that:1. The estate of the Respondent Company is placed under provisional sequestration.2. The Respondent and any other party who wishes to avoid such an order, are called upon to advance the reasons, if any,

why the Court should not order final sequestration of the said estate on the 24th day of July 2012 at 10:00, or so soon thereafteras the matter may be heard.

3. The advertisement and service should be made on or before the 10th day of July 2012.By the Court.—Registrar.


Case No. 22304/2012


Pretoria 11 June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Hiemstra

In the ex parte application of: LAND AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA t/a THE LANDBANK, Applicant, in re: Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa t/a The Land Bank, Plaintiff, and IKOTIAGRI INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD, Reg. No. 2002/017140/07, 1st Defendant, and SIGIJIMA ISAAC SIBANYONI, ID:6002185431087, 2nd Defendant

Having heard counsel(s) for the party(ies) and having read the documents filed of record:It is Ordered:

1. That the above Court declare the deregistration of the First Defendant to be void.2. That a Rule nisi is issued returnable on 11 July 2012 calling upon all interested persons to show cause why an order

should not be made in the following terms:2.1 The registration of Ikoti Agri Investments (Pty) Ltd (Registration Number 2002/017140/07), is restored to the Company

Register in terms of sec 84 (4) of Act 71 of 2008.2.2 The assets of the First Defendant are declared to be no longer bona vacantia. These assets include:Remaining Extent of the Farm Mooiwater 247, Registration Division J.S., Mpumalanga Province, measuring 652.5504 (six

hundred and fifty-two comma five five zero four) hectares and held by the First Defendant in terms of Deed of Transfer NumberT157198/06, (“the immovable property”);

2.3 That the Rule nisi is to be served on the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission, the Registrar of Deeds, theCommissioner for the South African Revenue Services, the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, theDepartment of Finance and the Defendants;

2.4 That the Rule nisi is to be published once in the Government Gazette and in an Afrikaans and an English daily news -paper circulating in the Mpumalanga area.

2.5 The First and Second Defendants pay the costs of this application, jointly and severally, the one paying the order to beabsolved.

By the Court.—Registrar, HP.Att: Van Zyl.


Case No. 27314/12


Pretoria, 19 June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Bam AJ

In the matter of: PHILIP BOTHA, Applicant, and ADRIAAN JOHANNES VAN REENEN BOTHA (ID: 5402205013028), 77 Black Eagle Street, Kosmos Ridge, Hartbeespoort or 53 Black Eagle Street, Kosmos Ridge, Hartbeespoort,Respondent

Having heard counsel for the Applicant (s) and having read notice of motion and other documents filed of record:It is Ordered:

1. That the estate of Adriaan Johnnes van Reenen Botha be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in thehands of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent to appear and show cause, ifany, to this Court on 1st August 2012 at 10:00, why a final order of sequestration should not be made against his estate.

1.1 That the costs of this application should be costs in the sequestration.2. A copy of this Order is to be served per Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff on the Respondent in terms of section 11 (2) of the

Insolvency Act, 24 of 1936 care of and at:2.1 Attorney Carina van Niekerk at Office 6, 1st Floor, 35-on-Rose Street, Bo-Kaap, Cape Town.2.2 Blaauw Village Guesthouse at 52 Sir Lowry Baird Avenue, Bloubergstrand, Cape Town.2.3 Uys and Partners at Block 9, 1st Floor, Boardwalk Office Park, Boardwalk Avenue, Faerie Glen, Pretoria.

3. A copy of this Order shall be published once in the Government Gazette and once in a newspaper circulating in Pretoria.

Att: Friedland Hart & Partners, 3rd Floor, Block 4, Monument Office Park, 79 Steenbok Avenue, Monument Park.

26 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 2012/11480


In the matter between: RIVIERA INTERNATIONAL VILLAS TWO BODY CORPORATE, Applicant/Plaintiff, and OPTIMPROPS CC (Reg. No. 1995/020124/23), Respondent/Defendant

It is Ordered that:1. The Respondent is hereby placed under provisional winding up.2. All persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this Court should not order

the final winding-up of the Respondent on Tuesday, 26th of June 2012 at 10h00.3. A copy of this Order shall forthwith be served on the Respondent at its registered office and shall be published in the

Government Gazette and in the Citizen newspaper.4. A copy of this Order shall forthwith be forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post.5. The costs of this application shall be costs in the winding-up of the Respondent.By the Court.—Registrar.


Case No. 20863/2012


Pretoria, 18 May 2012, before the Honourable Madam Justice Mngqibisi-Thusi

In the matter of: JUAN TEREBLANCHE t/a TERBLANCHE ATTORNEYS, Applicant, and ART 2 PRINT CC, Reg No. 1998/031066/23, 1034 Darter Street, Montanapark, Pretoria, Gauteng

Having heard counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:It is Ordered:

1. That the Respondent Close Corporation is placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of thisHonourable Court.

2. That the Respondent and/or any interested parties be afforded the opportunity on the return day of 4 July 2012, to showreasons why this Order should not be made final.

3. That this Order be served on the registered address of the Respondent, its employees, trade unions of the employees,the Master of the Court and the South African Revenue Services.

4. That this Order be advertised once in the Government Gazette and the Beeld newspapers.5. That the cost, be costs in the liquidation.By the Court.—Registrar, EM.Att: Terblache Attorneys, First Floor, Block C, Brooklyn Office Park, 488 Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.


Case No. 7939/12


In the ex parte applicant of: RIO RIDGE 1110 CC (Reg. No. 2004/065998/23), Applicant

PROVISIONAL ORDER OF LIQUIDATIONHaving considered the Applicant’s application and having read the papers, it is ordered that:1. That Applicant be placed under provisional order of liquidation in the hands of the Master of the above Honourable Court.2. That a rule nisi be issued calling upon all persons interested to show cause, if any, on Thursday, the 26th day of July

2012 by the above Honourable Court as to why Applicant should not be placed under a final order of liquidation.3. That service of this Order be effected by:3.1 The Sheriff of this Honourable Court upon:3.1.1 The South African Revenue Services.3.1.2 the Master of the High Court and Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg; and3.1.3 Mr Pieter Willem van Rensburgh, the sole member of the Applicant.3.2 Registered post directed to all known creditors of the Applicant; and3.3 one publication in each o the Star and Sowetan newspapers.4. That costs of this application be costs in the liquidation.This Order is made on:Magistrate.—Kempton.

Mabuza Hewu Inc, Applicant’s Attorneys. Cell: 076 908 3368. Fax: 0866 892 893. (Ref: Mr S R Mabuza/VANR0001.1); c/o MB Mabunda Attorneys, First Floor, Standard Bank Building, 3 West Street, Kempton Park. Tel: (011) 394-2782. Fax: (011)394-8749.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 27

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)


Case No. 1775/2012


(Eastern Cape, Grahamstown)

7th June 2012, before the Honourable Ms Justice Nomjana-Ndzondo, AJ

In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant

In re: TOYOTA HILUX DNY 796 EC (the property)Having heard Adv. Mbilini, counsel for the Applicant, and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of


It is Ordered:1. That a preservation of property order (“the Preservation Order”) be and is hereby granted in terms of section 38 (2) of

the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (“the Act”) preserving a Toyota Hilux with Registration Number DNY 796EC (the property) which was seized by the South African Police Services in Aliwal North and was registered into the SAP13under Aliwal North CAS 122/05/2011.

2. That in terms of section 38 (2) and subject to the provisions of this Order, all persons with knowledge thereof are prohibited from disposing of, dissipating, interfering with, taking posession of or control over, diminishing the value of or dealing with the property in any manner.

3. That the property shall remain in the custody and under control of Senior Special Investigator Lucky Caleb Mdutyana(Mdutyana) of the Asset Forfeiture Unit, pending the outcome of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted in terms of section48 of the Act.

4. That the Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of the Act, as soon as practicable after the making of the PreservationOrder, cause a notice of this Order including Annexure B hereto, to be published in the Government Gazette.

5. That the Applicant shall, in terms of section 39 (1) (a) of the Act, cause notice of this Preservation Order, includingAnnexure B hereto, together with the copies of the papers used in supoort of this application, to be served on:

5.1 Simphiwe Qwema who resides at 6600 Hlalani Location, Grahamstown;

5.2 any other person who becomes known to the Applicant as having an interest in the property.

6. That any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:

6.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State;

6.2 to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from the forfeiture order in respect of the property, must enter anappearance giving notice of such an intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the Act.

7. That any person under paragraph 6 supra who intends opposing an order forfeiting the property to the State shall, interms of section 39 (4) of the Act, deliver a notice to the Applicant of such intention:

7.1 In the case of a person upon whom service is effected in terms of the Act, within 14 days after such service;

7.2 in the case of all other persons, within 14 days after the date upon which notice of this Order is published of paragraph4 supra.

8. That an appearance in terms of paragraph supra must, in terms of section 39 (5), including full particulars of the addresschosen for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter, and must be accompanied by an affidavitsetting out:

8.1 Full particulars of the opposing part’s identity;

8.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property;

8.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing the forfeiture application or in seeking to haveis or her interest excluded from the forfeiture order.

9. That any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration thereof. Such application shall be made:

9.1 In instance where the person is able to justify the application on ground of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cuase shown);

9.2 in other instances, upon at least 7 days notice fo the Applicant and all other persons identified in this order as beingpersons who may have an interest in the property. Such application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may con-sider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the Act.

By Order of Court.—N.M. Adam, Court Registrar.

NN Dullabh & Co.

28 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 2831/2010


(Eastern Cape, Grahamstown)

7 June 2012, before the Honourable Ms Justice Nomjana-Ndzondo, AJ


In re: NISSAN LDV 338 EC (the property)Having heard Adv. Nelani, counsel for the Applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of


It is Ordered:1. That in terms of the provisions of section 53 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (the POCA),

declaring forfeit to the State, a Nissan LDV 338 EC (the property) which was seized by the South African Police Service fromCharles Stan Twalo (Twalo) in Mooiplaas, East London, on 9th September 2010, and is registered in the SAP13/78/2010 underCAS 11/09/2010.

2. That the appointment of a curator bonis is made and is hereby dispensed with. The property shall vest in the State, andNimrod Valindawo Motolwana (Motolwana), a Detective Warrant Officer currently assigned to the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU),and be and is hereby directed to deal with the property as follows:

2.1 Assume control of the property and take it into his custody;2.2 sell the property by public auction;2.3 deposit the proceeds of the sale of the property into the Criminal Recovery Asset Account established under section 63

of POCA, Number 80303056 held at the South African Reserve Bank, Vermeulen Street, Pretoria.3. That in terms of 50 (6) of POCA, prayer 1 shall take effect 45 days after publication of a notice thereof in the Government

Gazette unless an appeal is instituted before this time in which case the order will take effect on the finalisation of such.4. That any person whose interest in the property concerned is affected by the forfeiture order, may within 20 days after he

or she has acquired knowledge of such order, set the matter down for variation or rescission by the Court.By Order of Court.—N.M. Adam, Court Registrar.NN Dullabh & Co.


Saak No. 2075/2012


(Republiek van Suid-Afrika)

Voor Sy Edele Regter CJ Musi, op die 14de dag van Junie 2012

In die aansoek van: EVERITE BUILDING PRODUCTS (PTY) LTD, Applikant, en PROMO BELEGGINGS (PTY) LTD,Reg. No. 1969/012401/07, geregistreerde adres te: N J van der Merwestraat 4, Sasolburg, Respondent

Na oorweging van die dokumente wat ingedien is en na aanhoor van die betoog:

Word dit Gelas dat:1. Die genoemde Respondent Maatskappy hiermee onder voorlopige likwidasie in die hande van die Meester van die

Hooggeregshof geplaas word.2. ’n Voorlopige bevel uitgereik word wat alle belanghebbendes oproep om redes, indien enige, in hierdie Hof op die

26ste dat van Julie 2012 om 09h30 aan te voer waarom die Respondent Maatskappy nie in finale likwidasie geplaas sal wordnie.

3. Hierdie Bevel, tesame met ’n afskrif van die kennisgewing van mosie en Aanhangsels, aan die Respondent Maatskappyby sy geregistreerde kantoor beteken word.

4. Hierdie Bevel moet sonder versuim gepubliseer word in die Volksblad en die Staatskoerant.5. ’n Afskrif van die likwidasiebevel moet beteken word op—5.1 Elke geregistreerde vakbond wat, vir sover die Balju redelikerwys kan vasstel, enige werknemers van die Respondent

Maatskappy verteenwoordig.5.2 Die Respondent Maatskappy se werknemers deur ’n afskrif van die aansoek aan te bring op enige kennisgewingsbord

op die Respondent Maatskappy se perseel waartoe die werknemers toegang het, of indien daar geen toegang tot die perseeldeur die werknemers is nie, deur ’n afskrif aan te bring op die toegangshek, waar toepaslik, so nie, op die voordeur van dieperseel vanwaar die Respondent Maatskappy ten tye van die voorlegging van die aansoek enige besigheid bedryf het.

5.3 Die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens.

6. Die Balju moet vasstel of die werknemers deur ’n geregistreerde vakbond verteenwoordig word en vasstel of daar ’n kennisgewingsbord op die werknemer se perseel is waartoe die werknemers toegang het.

Op Las van die Hof.—Hofgriffier.

Matsepes Ing.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 29

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Saak No. 4841/2011


(Republiek van Suid-Afrika)

Voor Sy Edele Waarnemende Regter Snellenburg, op die 7de dag van Junie 2012

In die aansoek van: ABSA BANK BEPERK, Applikant, en FERNOFIRE BETHLEHEM BK (Registrasienommer1997/034792/23), plek van besigheid te Biddestraat 23, Bethlehem, Vrystaat Provinsie, Respondent

Na oorweging van die dokumente wat ingedien is en na aanhoor van die betoog:

Word dit Gelas dat:

1. Die genoemde Respondent Beslote Korporasie hiermee onder voorlopige likwidasie in die hande van die Meester vandie Hooggeregshof geplaas word.

2. ’n Voorlopige bevel uitgereik word wat alle belanghebbendes oproep om redes, indien enige, in hierdie Hof op die 19de dag van Julie 2012 om 9h30 aan te voer waarom die Respondent Beslote Korporasie nie in finale likwidasie geplaas salword nie.

3. Hierdie Bevel, tesame met ’n afskrif van die kennisgewing van mosie en Aanhangsels, aan die Respondent BesloteKorporasie, by sy geregistreerde kantoor beteken word.

4. Hierdie Bevel moet sonder versuim gepubliseer word in die Volksblad en die Staatskoerant.

5. ’n Afskrif van die likwidasiebevel moet beteken word op—

5.1 Elke geregistreerde vakbond wat, vir sover die Balju redelikerwys kan vasstel, enige werknemers van die RespondentMaatskappy verteenwoordig.

5.2 Die Respondent Beslote Korporasie se werknemers deur ’n afskrif van die aansoek aan te bring op enige kennisge-wingsbord op die Respondent Beslote Korporasie se perseel waartoe die werknemers toegang het, of indien daar geen toegang tot die perseel deur die werknemers is nie, deur ’n afskrif aan te bring op die toegangshek, waar toepaslik, so nie, opdie voordeur van die perseel vanwaar die Respondent Beslote Korporasie ten tye van die voorlegging van die aansoek enigebesigheid bedryf het.

5.3 Die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens.

6. Die Balju moet vasstel of die werknemers deur ’n geregistreerde vakbond verteenwoordig word en vasstel of daar ’n kennisgewingsbord op die werknemer se perseel is waartoe die werknemers toegang het.

7. Die koste van hierdie aansoek, deur die insolvente boedel van die Respondent betaal word.

Op Las van die Hof.—Hofgriffier.



Case No. 958/2012


(Republic of South Africa)

Before the Honourable Acting Justice Snellenburg, on the 7th day of June 2012

In the matter between: SCANIA FINANCE SOUTHERN AFRICA (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and THOM-GEE ROAD CARRIERS CC Registration No. 2007/115258/23), registered address: 12 E End Street, Parys, Free State, Respondent

Having considered the documents filed in this matter and having heard argument:

It is Ordered that:

1. The Respondent Close Corporation is hereby placed under provisional liquidation in the hands of the Master of the HighCourt.

2. A provisional order is hereby issued calling upon all interested parties to show cause, if any, to the Court on the 19th dayof July 2012 at 09h30 why a final order of liquidation should not be granted against Respondent Close Corporation.

3. Service of this rule, and a copy of the notice of motion and Annexures must be effected on the Respondent CloseCorporation at its registered office, or its principial place of business within the Court’s jurisdiction.

4. This Order must, without delay, be published in Die Volksblad and the Government Gazette.

5. A copy of the winding-up order must be served on—

5.1 Every registered trade union that as far as the Sheriff can reasonable ascertain, represents any of the employees ofthe Respondent Close Corporation.

30 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

5.2 The employees of the Respondent Close Corporation by affixing a copy of the application and provisional order on anynotice board to which the employees have access inside the Respondent Close Corporation premises or if there is no accessto the premises by the employees, by affixing a copy to the front gate or front door of the premises from which the RespondentClose Corporation conducted any business.

5.3 The South African Revenue Services.

6. The Sheriff must ascertain whether the employees of the Respondent are represented by a Trade Union and whetherthere is a notice board on the premises to which the employees have access.

7. The costs of this application be costs in the winding up o fthe Respondent.

By Order of this Court.—Court Registrar.



Case No. 10637/2011


(Republic of South Africa)

Before the Honourable Mr Justice Koen, at Durban, on 5th June 2012

In the matter between: SCANIA FINANCE SOUTHERN AFRICA (PTY) LTD, Applicant, and BAMBOO ROCK 1061 CC,Respondent

Upon the motion of counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered (by consent):

1. That a rule nisi do hereby issue calling on the Respondent and any interested party, to show cause to this HonourableCourt on the 24th July 2012, why the Respondent should not be finally wound up.

2. That this order shall operate as a provisional order for the Respondent’s winding up.

3. That this Order shall be:

3.1 Published once in a daily newspaper awaiting in the greater Durban area, and once in the Government Gazette on orbefore the 13th July 2012.

3.2 Served on the Respondent and all after parties required by statute.

By Order of the Court.—Act. Asst. Registrar.

Senekal Simmonds, c/o Biccari Bollo Mariano.


Case No. 10245/11


(Republic of South Africa)

On the 29th day of May 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Jappie

In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant

In re: An application in terms of section 48 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, Act 121 of 1998, in respect of aToyota Hilux Raider with Registration Number NP72455

Upon reading the notice of motion, and the other documents filed of record, and upon the motion of counsel for theApplicant:

It is Ordered that:

1. That the Toyota Hilux Raider with Registration Number NP72455 (“the property”), which is subject to a preservation of property order (“the preservation order”) granted by this Honourable Court on 17 November 2011 in terms of section 38 of thePrevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (“the Act”) under Case Number 10245/11, be and is hereby forfeited to the Statein terms of section 50 (1) of the Act.

2. In terms of section 50 (6) of the Act, this forfeiture order shall not take effect before the period allowed for an applicationunder section 54 of the Act or an appeal under section 55 of the Act has expired or before such application is disposed of.

3. Craig Wood, who was appointed as curator bonis in terms of the preservation order, is authorized to continue to act assuch.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 31

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

4. That after this Forfeiture Order takes effect, Craig Wood is directed to sell the property by way of public auction and afterdeducting his fees and expenditure from the proceeds of such sale, to deposit the balance into the Criminal Assets RecoveryAccount established in terms of section 63 of the Act.

5. That notice of this Order be served on:

5.1 Philani Nkululeko Xaba, 1135 Nxele Street, Sobantu, Pietermaritzburg;

5.2 Malandela Advocate Ntombela, 1089 Nxele Street, Sobantu, Pietermaritzburg;

5.3 Craig Wood, c/o Ian Wyles Auctioneers, 33 Ashfield Avenue, Springfield Industrial Park, Durban.

6. That, in terms of section 50 (5) of the Act, the Registrar of this Honourable Court, or the State Attorney (KwaZulu-Natal)on the request of the registrar, is to publish notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after thisOrder has been made.

7. Costs in the event that this application is opposed.

By Order of the Court.—N P Fente, Senior Registrar.

Cajee Setsubi & Chetty Inc.


Case No. 10245/11


(Republic of South Africa)

On the 29th day of May 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Jappie

In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant

In re: An application in terms of section 48 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, Act 121 of 1998, in respect of a

Toyota Hilux Raider with Registration Number NP72455

Upon reading the notice of motion, and the other documents filed of record, and upon the motion of counsel for theApplicant:

It is Ordered that:

1. That the Toyota Hilux Raider with Registration Number NP72455 (“the property”), which is subject to a preservation of property order (“the preservation order”) granted by this Honourable Court on 17 November 2011 in terms of section 38 of thePrevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (“the Act”) under Case Number 10245/11, be and is hereby forfeited to the Statein terms of section 50 (1) of the Act.

2. In terms of section 50 (6) of the Act, this forfeiture order shall not take effect before the period allowed for an applicationunder section 54 of the Act or an appeal under section 55 of the Act has expired or before such application is disposed of.

3. Craig Wood, who was appointed as curator bonis in terms of the preservation order, is authorized to continue to act assuch.

4. That after this Forfeiture Order takes effect, Craig Wood is directed to sell the property by way of public auction and afterdeducting his fees and expenditure from the proceeds of such sale, to deposit the balance into the Criminal Assets RecoveryAccount established in terms of section 63 of the Act.

5. That notice of this Order be served on:

5.1 Philani Nkululeko Xaba, 1135 Nxele Street, Sobantu, Pietermaritzburg;

5.2 Malandela Advocate Ntombela, 1089 Nxele Street, Sobantu, Pietermaritzburg;

5.3 Craig Wood, c/o Ian Wyles Auctioneers, 33 Ashfield Avenue, Springfield Industrial Park, Durban.

6. That, in terms of section 50 (5) of the Act, the Registrar of this Honourable Court, or the State Attorney (KwaZulu-Natal)on the request of the registrar, is to publish notice of this Order in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after thisOrder has been made.

7. Costs in the event that this application is opposed.

By Order of the Court.—N P Fente, Senior Registrar.

Cajee Setsubi & Chetty Inc.

32 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Case No. 2524/2012


(Republic of South Africa)

At Durban on 5th June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Koen

In the matter between: PHILKEN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED (in liquidation), (Reg.No. 2005/001920/07) (Master’s Reference No. G1533/09), Applicant, and RAUTENKOR PROPERTIES (PROPRIETARY)LIMITED, Respondent

Upon the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the Notice of Motion and the other documents filed ofrecord.

It is Ordered:1. That the Respondent and all interested parties, are called show cause, if any, before this Court on the 17th day of July

2012 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, why the Respondent should not be finally wound up.

2. That this Order operate as a provisional order winding up the Respondent.

3. A copy of this Order must be published, on or before 5th July 2012, in the:

3.1 Mercury newspaper.3.2 Government Gazette.By Order of the Court.—G.S. Abrahams, Act. Asst. Registrar.

Barkers Attorneys.


Case No. 26022/2012


(Republic of South Africa)

Pretoria, 29 May 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Ranchod

In the matter of: CORNELIUS JOHANNES LUKAS HERTZOG JACOBS, Applicant, and GERHARDUS LUDICK(ID: 7304245146088, Respondent

Address: 70 Amsterdamweg, Clubview, Centurion, Pretoria

Having heard counsel for the Applicant (s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record:

It is Ordered:1. That the Respondent is provisionally sequestrated with return date 9 July 2012 on which date the Respondent or any

other affected party may appear and advance reasons against a final order being issued.

2. That this Order must be served on the Respondent personally and on the Respondent’s employees, if any.

3. That this must be served on the Master of the High Court and the South African Revenue Services.

4. That this Order must be advertised once in the Government Gazette and once in Beeld newspaper circulated in the areain which the Respondent resides.

5. That costs of this application will be cost in the application.

By the Court.—Registrar.

Att: Stiaan Bekker. address: 318 The Hillsidestraat, Kamer 412, Vierde Vloer, Lynnwood, Pretoria.


Case No. 4038/12


(Republic of South Africa)

On the 28th day of May 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Nkosi

In the matter between: CHRISTOPHER FRANK STURGESS, Applicant and TRAVEL DIMENSIONS CC, Respondent, PREBASHINI NAIDOO, First Intervening Party, LEANNE MOORE, Second Intervening Party, DEBBIE VENTER, ThirdIntervening Party, KIM-LEE ADAMS, Fourth Intervening Party, LINDSEY ANN VAN DER BERG, Fifth Intervening Party,and WILLIAM NIGEL VAN DER BERG, Sixth Intervening Party

Upon reading the notice of motion, and the other documents filed of record; and upon the motion of counsel for theApplicant:

It is Ordered (by consent) that:1. Travels Dimensions CC (hereinafter referred to as “the Respondent”) and all other interested parties be and are hereby

called upon to show cause, if any, to this Court on the19th July 2012 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be calledwhy the Respondent should not be wound up.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 33


ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2. This Order operate as an order provisionally winding up the Respondent.

3. The Master of this Honourable Court be and is directed to appoint a provisional liquidator forthwith, on an urgent basis.

4. This Order be published on or before 29 June 2012 once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published in Pietermaritzburg and circulated in KwaZulu-Natal.

By order of the Court.—N P Fente, Senior Registrar, Mornet Attorneys.


Case No. 4165/12


(Republic of South Africa)

On the 4th day of June 2012 before the Honourable Mr Justice Swain


Upon reading the notice of motion and the other documents filed of record and upon the motion of counsel for the Applicant:

It is Ordered that:1. A rule nisi is hereby issued calling upon the Respondent and all interested persons to show cause, if any, before this

Court sitting at Church Street, Pietermaritzburg on the 18th day of July 2012 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter maybe heard why the Respondent should not be wound up.

2. This Order operate as a provisional order winding up of the Respondent.

3. A copy of this Order be published on or before the 29th day of June 2012 once in the Government Gazette and once ina daily newspaper published in Durban and circulating in KwaZulu-Natal.

By Order of the Court.—N P Fente, Snr Registrar, A. Potwana, Austen Smith.


Case No. 5841/2012


(Republic of South Africa)

Durban on 21st June 2012 before the Honourable Madam Justice Govender AJ

In the matter between: STEALTH INDUSTRIES CC, ApplicantUpon the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon the reading of the Notice of Motion and the other documents filed

of record.

It is ordered:1. That a Rule Nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all interested parties to show cause, if any, before this Honourable

Court on the 26th day of July 2012, at 09:30 am, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard why an Order should not bemade in the following terms:

a) That the conditions of title contained in Deed of Transfer No. T041098/2011 as reflectd on the schedule hereto marked“X” in respect of the immovable property described as:

Erf 1921 Durban North, Registration Division FU, Province of KwaZulu-Natal in extent 1 133 (one thousand one hundredand thirty-three) square metres which was registered in the Pietermaritzburg Deeds Office on the 14th December 2011; be andare hereby removed;

b) That the Registrar of Deeds at Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal is hereby authorised and directed to amend the aforesaid Deed of Transfer accordingly.

2. A copy of the papers in this application shall be available for inspection by interested persons during office hours at thefollowing addresses:

a) The Registrar of the High Court, Masonic Grove, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal;

b) AMC Hunter Incorporated, 66 Lilian Ngoyi Road, Morningside, Durban.

c) eThekwini Municipality, Development and Planning Unit, 166 Old Fort road (KE Masinga Road), Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.

3. Any person claiming to have an interest which entitles such person (”the objector”) to object to the said Order beinggranted and who intends to object thereto shall, without hereby incurring any liability for costs, notify the Registrar of this

Honourable Court and the Applicant’s attorneys, AMC Hunter Incorporated, 66 Lilian Ngoyi road, Morningside, Durban, on orbefore the 10th day of July 2012, and appoint in such notification an address at which the objector will accept notice and service of any documents in these proceedings and the full residential addres of the objector.

4. In the event of there being any such objection and in the further event that the Applicant nevertheless intends to proceedwith this application:

a) That the Applicant shall on or before the 17th day of July 2012, notify the objector in writing of such intention and serveupon the objector copies of the papers in this application if they have not previously been served upon the objector;

34 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

b) That this application shall, on the 26th day of July 2012, be further postponed to a date to be arranged with the Registrarof this Honourable Court for hearing as an opposed matter, subject to the provision s of Rule 6 (5) (d) (ii) and (iii), 6 (5) (e), (g)and 6 (6) fo the Rules of Court, provided that the period of 15 days referred to in the Rule 6 (5) (d) (ii) shall run from the 17th day of July 2012.

5. The Applicant is directed to cause;

a) paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this Order to be published on or before the 5th day of July 2012, once in the Mercury andonce in the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial gazette;

b) a copy of this Order and copies of the papers in this application to be served forthwith on:

i) the eThekwini Municipality, Development and Planning Unit, 166 Old Fort Road (KE Masinga Road), Durban, KwaZulu-Natal;

ii) Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, 5th Floor, Stand Bank Centre, 26 Mathews Meyiwa Road, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal;

iii) the Premier of the Province of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg;

c) a copy of this Order is to be continually displayed with effect from the 28th day of June 2012, for a period of 21 (twenty-one) calendar days in a position where it is visible to the public at the property, being 53 St. Andrews Drive, DurbanNorth.

By order of the Court—S.C. Luvela, Act. Asst. Registrar

AMC Hunter/lc



Erf 1921 Durban North, Condition to be removed

C. Subject to the all special conditions as created in said Deed of Transfer No. 3277/1944 which appear therein the following terms:

Neither the property hereby transferred nor any dwelling or erection thereon shall be used either in whole or in part for thepurpose of carrying on any business, trade, industry vocation or calling.

The Transferee shall not use or suffer to be used the property hereby transferred or any portion thereof or any buildings orerection thereon for the purpose of advertising or displaying any advertisement.

The foregoing conditions shall operate as servitudes over the property hereby transferred in perpetuity in favor of the following properties originally transferred to Durban North Estates Limited, the remainder of which are still held by them or anyportion thereof, all situated near the North Bank of the River Umgeni, Victoria County, Natal, namely:

1. Portion Y of Lot No. 2 and the Remainder of the said Lot 2.

2. Subdivision 1 of Lot D, Sub-division A of Sub-division E, Remainder of Sub-division E, Sub-division F, Sub-division G andSub-division I, all of the Government Lot 12.

3. Sub-division B, Sub-division 1 of Lot C, Remainder of Sub-division c, Sub-division D, all of Government Lot 13, and theRemainder of the said Government Lot 13.

4. The Government Lot No. 14.

5. Sub-division A and the Remainder of the Goverment Lot 15.

6. The Government Lot No. 16.

7. Sub-division J of Lot 12.

And upon a breach of any of the foregoing conditions each and every owner from time to time of the aforementioned property or any part thereof shall be entitled and is hereby irrevocably authorized and empowered by the said Transferee andhis successors in title to apply for and obtain an interdict restraining any person or persons from committing or continuing tocommit a breach of any of the foregoing special conditions and servitudes.

The word “owner” in the preceding clause shall be deemed to include each and every restered owner of land whose deedof title contain conditions similar to the foregoing conditions.


Case No. 567/2012


(Republic of South Africa)

Before the Honourable Madam Justice Pillay at Durban on 30th January 2012

In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant

In re: an application in terms of section 38 of the Preventiion of Organized Crime Act, 121 of 1998 in respect of variousitems of property listed in Annexure B to the Notice of Motion.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 35

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Upon the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the Notice of Motion and other documents filed of record.


1. A Preservation of Property Order (“Preservation Order”) is granted in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention ofOrganised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (“Poca”) preserving various items of property listed in Annexure B to the Notice of Motion(“Property”). The property was seized and is being held under exhibit number Organised Crime Unit (Port Shepstone)SAP13/80/2011 and is currently in the care and custody of Warrant Officer Sydney Stahmer (“Stahmer”).

2 In terms of section 38 (2) and subject to the provisions of this order, all persons with knowledge thereof are prohibitedfrom disposing of, dissipating, interfering with taking possession of or control over, diminishing the value of dealing with the property in any manner.

3. The Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of the Act, as soon as practible after the making of the Preservatiion Order,cause a notice of this Order including Annexures B and C hereto to be published in the Government Gazette.

4. The Applicant shall deliver copies of the Preservation Order to:

4.1 Collin Fisher at No. 12 Shepstone Road, Manaba Beach, Margate;

4.2 Dina Fisher at No. 12 Shepstone raod, Manaba Beach, Margate;

4.3 The Exhibit Clerk, Port Shepstone Organised Crime Unit at No. 2 Princess Elizabeth Drive, Port Shepstone;

4.4 any other person who becomes known to the Applicant as having an interest in the property..

5. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:

5.1 to oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State;


5.2 to apply for an order excluding his or her interest from the forfeiture order in respect of the property, must enter anappearance giving notice of such an intention in terms of section 39 (3) of the Act. A copy thereof must also be served on theoffice of the State Attorney located at 6th Floor, Metropolitan Life Building, 391 Anton Lembede Street, Durban as the addresswhere the Applicant will accept all notice and service of all processes in these proceedings.

6. Any person under paragraphy 5 supra who intends opposing an order forfeiting the property to the State shall, in termsof section 39 (4) of the Act, deliver a notice to the Applicant of such intention:

6.1 in the case of a person upon whom service is effected in terms of the Act, within 14 days after such service, and

6.2 in the case of all other persons, within 14 days after the date upon which notice of this Order is published in terms ofparagraph 3 supra.

7. An appearance in terms of paragraph 5 supra must in terms of section 39 (5), including full particulars of the addresschosen for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter, and must be accompanied by an affidavitsetting out:

7.1 full particulars of the opposing part’s identity;

7.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property; and

7.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely in opposing for forfeiture application or in seeking to havehis or her interest excluded from the forfeiture order.

Curator bonis

8. In terms of section 42 of POCA, Craig Wood of the firm of aucitoneers, Ian Wyles Auctioneers, is appointed as curatorbonis over the property (the curator bonis). The curator bonis shall have all such powers, duties and authority as provided forin the POCA and in this order and shall, in addition be subject to the applicable provisions of the Administration of Estates Act66 of 1965, as well as the supervision of the Master of the High Court.

9. The curator bonis is authorised to assume control of the property and do anything necessary to preserve the propertywihile the order is in force.

Surrender of property and safeguards

10 Any person who holds any of the property is directed in terms of section 42 (1) (b) of the POCA to surrender the property forthwith into the custody of the curator bonis, failing which any member of the South African Police Service is herebyauthorised, on the instruction of the curator bonis, to seize the relevant property and place it in the custody of the curator bonis.

11. If any of the property is not surrendered to the curator bonis or seized and placed in his custody in accordance with thisorder, the curator bonis is authorised to require the person who holds or who held such property to disclose on affidavit, withina reasonable time specified by the curator bonis, full details of the whereabouts of such property.

Report the curator bonis

12 The curator bonis must file a report with the registrar of this Honourable court within 40 days of the granting of the preservation order which shall contain an inventory of the property taken into his custody in terms of this order, in which he shallset out the steps that have been taken by him to give effect to this order, and make any further recommendatiions as he maydeem fit regarding any other steps he might be required to take in order to give effect to the order. The curator bonis must filesupplementary reports containing additional relevant information as and when such reports become necessary.

36 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Fees and expenditure of curator bonis13 The fees and expeniditure of the curator bons must in terms of section 42 (2) of the POCA,be paid from the forfeited

property. In the event of no forfeiture order being granted, then such fees and expenditure must be paid by the state, providedfurther that interest on expenditure incurred by the currator bonis is paid by the state at the prime lending rate of the major financial institutions from the date of expenditure until the date of final payment.

14. Any person who is affected by the Order may ongood cause shown, apply for reconsideration thereof. Such applicationshall be made”

14.1 in instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or suchshorter period of the court may determine on good cause shown);

14.2 in other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this order as beingpersons who may have an interest in the property. Such application must be made not later than 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider resonable, bearing in mind of the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of the Act.

15. Further and/or alternative relief.

By order of the Court—G.S. Abrahams, Act Asst Registrar

State Attorney


Case No.Annexure “B”


(Republic of South Africa)

In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, ApplicantIn re: an application in terms of section 38 (1) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 in respect of various

items of property listed in Annexure B to the Notice of Motion


Property1. Evidence Bag FSE 3333031.1 Silver & black Canon Video camcorder MV10- Serial DM-MV10E.

1.2 Silver Sony Digital 8 steady shot video camera-DCR-TVR285E.

1.3 Silver Sony Megapixel video recorder- 1006585

1.4 Silver hard drive-Travelstar- E1821155.

1.5 Silver Vodafone IMEI 351681001486853.

1.6 JVC Video camera-10613306.

1.7 NASA Ni-MH battery pack for Motorola R180.

1.8 Silver HP Probook laptop 0018671153838.

2. Evidence Bag FSE 333305

2.1 Silver Samsung cellphone-IMEI 352819024222546.

2.2 Red & Black samsung cellphone-IMEI 358567027486253.

2.3 Silver Sony Ericsson P990i Cellphone-IMEI 359593005245601.

2.4 Black Sony Ericsson Vodafone-IMEI 353996013112281.

2.5 Black Nokia-IMEI 356962010214642.

2.6 Black LG cellphone-IMEI 352074036604444.

2.7 Black slide open cellphone-IMEI 3548590096933475.

2.8 Black & silver Nokia navigator-IMEI 356250000230210.

2.9 Black Nokia-IMEI 354187033155521.

2.10 Black Samsung cellphone-IMEI 357114005489420.

2.11 Black Nokia-IMEI 355667001431367.

2.12 White Samsung-IMEI 356259026974180.

2.13 Black Sony Ericsson Cybershot cellphone-IMEI 356127014942172.

2.14 Black Nokia-IMEI 351855013768371.

2.15 Black and silver Samsung Mini DV Video camera.

2.16 Silver Sony video Hi8 video camera-4368080.

2.17 Silver Sony Handycam-1354566.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 37

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

2.18 Black Nintendo DS teh500954254.

2.19 Silver Sony hybrid video camera-1592118.

3. Evidence Bag FSE 333306

3.1 Silver Canon power shot R200 Digital camera-serial 6232425734.

3.2 Silver Sony Cybershot Digital camera-serial 3905764.

3.3 Silver Benq DC2300 Digital camera-serial 0229R32500345.

3.4 Silver Samsung S760 digital camera-serial CJ39C91Q449319H.

3.5 Silver HP Photosmart M425 digital camera-serial CN6CD571CF.

3.6 Silver HP Photosmart 935 digital camera-serial CN355340JJ.

3.7 Black Sony Cybershot digital camera-serial 2385751.

3.8 Polaroid PDS3035 digital camera-serial 3035F3009450R.

3.9 Black Fujifilm S5500 digital camera-serial 44183999.

3.10 Black Canon flash.

3.11 Silver Samsung S760 digital camera-serial R08UC90QR075701.

3.12 Silver Samsung S630 digital camera-serial 973316698.

3.13 Black Fujifilm S5000 Finepix digital camera-serial 4ER51256.

3.14 Black Canon EoS1000F 3mm camera-serial 4714205.

3.15 Silver Canon powershot R410 digital camera-serial 2136216767.

3.16 Silver Fujifilm Finepix R210 digital camera-serial 33M16294.

3.17 Black 35mm camera with Vivitar 15m lens.

3.18 Maroon Olympus 35mm camera-serial 1057783.

3.19 Silver Vivitar Vivicam 3760 digital camera-serial 3380022744.

3.20 Silver Canon Powershot R460-serial 5236165949.

3.21 Silver HP Photosmart 435 digital camera-serial CN39R9112C.

3.22 Silver Sony Cybershot digital camera-serial 7481357.

3.23 Black Minolta autopak 400-x 35mm camera-serial 220125.

3.24 Black Canon zoom lens.

3.25 Silver Sony VCL-DH1730 lens.

3.26 Silver Sony wide conversion lens.

3.27 Silver Nikon coolpix digital camera-serial 44100982.

4 Evidence Bag FSE 333304

4.1 Black Sony Handycam video 8xr-1033323.

4.2 Silver Canon Powershot R460-4736061409.

4.3 BFDX Scanner black.

4.4 2 x Kenwood scanner black.

4.5 Mio Digiwalker b4R76E00574.

4.6 Tamron camera lens black.

4.7 Silver Lumix digital camera model DMC-FZ50.

5. Evidence Bag FSB 31833/00

5.1 Black Compaq pocket PC.

5.2 Silver Telcom I-mate pocket PC.

6. Evidence Bag FSE 333300

6.1 Black Kirisun PT 4200 scanner.

6.2 Purple Sony memory stick.

6.3 Silver HP Photosmart 130 portable photo printer-TH2b82206W.

6.4 Fujifilm XD picture card 64mb.

7. Evidence Bag FSB 31665/00

7.1 Ink pads and stencils.

38 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

8. Evidence Bag FSB 31642/008.1 4 x flash drives.

8.2 3 x memory cards.

9. Evidence Bag FSE 3333019.1 CDs.

9.2 Hard Drives.

9.3 Flash Drive.

10. Evidence Bag FSE 33330210.1 White Apple Laptop Macbook & charger-model a1181-N122Z844.

10.2 Silver Apple laptop model A1106.

10.3 Black HP Pavilion Entertainment laptop-00154115882661;

declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised,and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied;

4. If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interestfrom a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements forsuch an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3) and (5) of the Act. An appearance mustcomply with these requirements.

5. Your attentiion is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearancereferred to in paragraph 4 above;

6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by theApplicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property;

7. If you fail to enter an appearance, the Court may grant an order forfeiting the property to the State by default under section 53 of the Act.

8. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be givennotice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such acase the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the Act.

9. All notices, affidavits or other process documents to be delivered to or served on the Applicant and any further enquiriesshould be directed to: The State Attorney, 6th Floor, Metropolitan Life Building, 391 Lembede (formerly known as Smith) Street,Durban.


Case No. 1041/12


(Northern Cape High Court, Kimberley)

Kimberley the 15th day of June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Van Niekerk (Acting)

In the matter of: NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, ApplicantIn re: A White Toyota Hilux 2.4 with registration numbers and letters CVS 974 GP seized on 8 June 2011 near Jan

KempdorpHaving heard Adv Khoza for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record;

It is Ordered that:1. In terms of the provisions of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (POCA) a provision-

al preservation of property order is hereby issued with immediate effect preserving a White Toyota Hilux 2.4 LDV with registra-tion number and letters CVS 974 GP, chassis number YN519003541 and engine number 2Y9056756 (the property) presentlykept at Jan Kempdorp SAPS stores under a case registered as Jan Kempdorp CAS 26/6/2012 and SAP 13/127/2011 by theSouth African Police Service (SAPS).

2. Subject to the provisions of this Order, all persons with knowledge hereof, be and are hereby prohibited in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA from disposing of, dissipating, encumbering, pledging or otherwise hypothecating, interfering with, taking possession of or control over, diminishing the value thereof or otherwise dealing in any manner with the property, exceptas required or permitted by this Order.

3. The property shall remain in the custody and under the control of the Commanding Officer SAPS, Jan Kempdorp, untilthe expiration of this Order in terms of section40 of POCA or until the conclusion of the forfeiture application.

Application4. The applicant is directed, in terms of section 39 (1) (a) of POCA, to cause notice of this Order, together with the papers

used in support of this application, to be served on Siphiwe Wilberforce Shabalala of KwaHlath Village, Wasbank, as well asany other persons who become known to the Applicant to have an interest in the property.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 39

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

5. The applicant is directed in terms of section 39 (1) (b) of POCA, and as soon as is practicable after the making of thisOrder, to cause notice of this Order and Annexure A hereto, to be published in the Government Gazette.

Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order under section 39 of POCA

6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:

6.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or

6.2 To apply for an order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms ofsection 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance).

7. An appearance must be delivered to the Applicant;

7.1 In the case of a person upon whom service is effected under this Order, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4)of POCA, after such service; and

7.2 In the case of all persons, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice ofthis Order is published in the Government Gazette.

8. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5) of POCA, include full particulars of the address chosen for the deliveryof documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and shall be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:

8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance;

8.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; and

8.3 The basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely on in opposing the forfeiture order or in seeking to havehis or her interst(s) excluded from the operation of the forfeiture order.

Rule nisi and return date

9. The provisional preservation order herein is returnable on Friday 27th day of July 2012, and a rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon any persons having an interest in the property to show cause on the return day:

9.1 Why such provisional orders should not be confirmed pending the application for a forfeiture order under section 48 ofPOCA and the finalisation of such forfeiture proceedings; and

9.2 In the event of any persons having an interest in the property opposing this application, why such opposing partiesshould not be ordered to pay the costs of this application jointly and severally.

Opposition to rule nisi

10. The persons having an interest in the property and wishing to oppose the confirmation of this provisional order aredirected to:

10.1 Notify the applicant in writing, within five (5) days of service hereof of their intention to oppose the confirmation of theprovisional order; and

10.2 Deliver any answering affidavits, together with any relevant documents, within 15 days of delivery of the notice ofopposition.

Anticipation of return day

11. Any of the persons having an interest in the property may apply to this Court to anticipate the return day on 48 hours’written notice of such application to the Applicant.

By the Court.—R van Tonder, Registrar.


Annexure ACase No. 1041/2012


(Northern Cape High Court, Kimberley)

In the ex parte application of the NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTION, Applicant

In re: A White Toyota Hilux 2.4 with registration numbers and letters CVS 974 GP seized on 8 June 2011 near JanKempdorp


This notice is addressed to Siphiwe Wilberforce Shabalala and all persons who have an interest in the property describedbelow:

Take notice that:

1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions has obtained a preservation order (the Order) a copy of which is attachedto this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) in respect of a whiteToyota Hilux 2.4 LDV with registration numbers and letters CVS 974 GP, chassis number YN519003541 and engine number2Y9056756 (the property) presently held under Jan Kempdorp CAS 26/6/2012 and SAP 13/127/2011 by the South AfricanPolice Service.

2. If you have an interest in the property you must understand that it is now at risk. You will be well advised to obtain legaladvice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so how to protect it.

40 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

3. You are advised that the National Director of Public Prosecutions will, within 90 days of the publication of this notice,apply to the High Court under section 48 of POCA, for an order declaring the property forfeited to the State. The order will remainin force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made final.

4. If you intend opposing the application for forfeiture, or if you intend applying for an order excluding your interest from theproperty, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The appearance must comply fully with the provisions of section39 (3) (4) and (5) of POCA.

5. If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order, you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice by the Applicant of theapplication for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.

6. If fail to enter an appearance, the Court may grant an order forfeiting the property to the State by default under section53 of POCA.

Office of the State Attorney, Applicant’s Attorneys, First Floor, Woolworths Building, cnr Lennox & Chapel Streets,Kimberley. Tel: (053) 807-7800.

7. Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.

8.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to in schedule 1 of POCA, and is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence;

8.5 if he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basisfor such application.

Application for reconsideration

9. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall bemade:

9.1 in instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown);

9.2 in other instances, upon at least 7 days notice, given to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order asbeing persons who may have an interest in the property. Such application must be made not later than 8 days after the personapplying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of POCA.

By Order of Court.—Court Registrar.

30 State Attorney, Cape Town.


Case No. 988/12


(Northern Cape High Court, Kimberley)

Kimberley, the 8th day of June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Lacock


In re: A silver Volkswagen Passat with registration numbers and letters CY 304380 in Victoria West SAP 13 Register

Having heard Adv. Khoza for the Applicant and having read the documents filed of record:

It is Ordered that:

1. In terms of the provisions of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (POCA), a provisional preservation of property order is hereby issued with immediate effect preserving a silver Volkswagen Passat 1.8Turbo Tiptronic motor vehicle with registration numbers and letter CY 304380, Engine No. APU047126 and Chassis No. WVWZZZ3BZYE231331 (the property) presently kept at the Victoria West SAPS stores under SAPS 13/53/2012 by theSouth African Police Service (SAPS).

2. Subject to the provisions of this Order, all persons with knowledge hereof, be and are prohibited in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA from disposing of, dissipating, encumbering, pledging or otherwise hypothecating, interfering with, taking possession of or control over, diminishing the value thereof or otherwise dealing in any manner with the property, except asrequired or permitted by this Order.

3. The property shall remain in the custody and under the control of the Commanding Officer SAPS, Victoria West, until theexpiration of this Order in terms of section 40 of POCA or until the conclusion of the forfeiture application.


4. The Applicant is directed, in terms of section 39 (1) (a) of POCA, to cause notice of this Order, together with the papersused in support of this application, to be served on Jan Abrahams of A17 Koedoe Flats, New Orleans, Paarl, Western Cape andElton John Ely of 24 Leerdam Crescent, X13, Belhar, Western Cape, as well as any other persons who become known to theApplicant to have an interest in the property.

5. The Applicant is directed in terms of section 39 (1) (b) of POCA, and as soon as is practicable after the making of thisOrder, to cause notice of this Order and Annexure A hereto, to be published in the Government Gazette.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 41

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

ENTRY OF APPEARANCE TO OPPOSE FORFEITURE ORDER UNDER SECTION 39 OF POCA6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:

6.1 To oppose the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or

6.2 to apply for an order in respect of the property must enter an appearance giving notice of such intention in terms of sec-tion 39 (3) of POCA (an appearance);

7. An appearance must be delivered to the Applicant:

7.1 In the case of a person upon whom service is effected under this Order, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4)of POCA, after such service; and

7.2 in the case of all persons, within 14 days, as specified in section 39 (4) of POCA, after the date upon which notice ofthis Order is published in the Government Gazette.

8. An appearance must, in terms of section 39 (5) of POCA, include full particulars of the address chosen for the deliveryof documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and shall be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:

8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person entering the appearance;

8.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned; and

8.3 the basis of the defence upon which he or she intends to rely on in opposing the forfeiture order or in seeking to havehis or her interest(s) excluded from the operation of the forfeiture order.

RULE NISI AND RETURN DATE9. The provisional preservation order herein is returnable on Friday, 20th day of July 2012, and a rule nisi be and is

hereby issued calling upon any persons having an interest in the property to show cause on the return day:

9.1 Why such provisional orders should not be confirmed pending the application for a forfeiture order under section 48 ofPOCA and the finalisation of such forfeiture proceedings; and

9.2 in the event of any persons having an interest in the property opposing this application, why such opposing partiesshould not be ordered to pay the costs of this application jointly and severally.

OPPOSITION TO RULE NISI10. The persons having an interest in the property and wishing to oppose the confirmation of this provisional order are

directed to:

10.1 Notify the Applicant in writing, within five (5) days of service hereof of their intention to oppose the confirmation of theprovisional order; and

10.2 deliver any answering affidavits, together with any relevant documents, within 15 days of delivery of the notice of opposition.

ANTICIPATION OF RETURN DAY11. Any of the persons having an interest in the property may apply to this Court to anticipate the return day on 48 hours’

written notice of such application to the Applicant.

By the Court.—R. van Tonder, Registrar.


Case No. 988/12


(Northern Cape High Court, Kimberley)

In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, ApplicantIn re: A silver Volkswagen Passat with registration numbers and letters CY 304380 in Victoria West SAP 13 Register


1. A silver Volkswagen Passat 1.8 T motor vehicle with registration numbers and letters CY 304380, Engine No. APU047126and Chassis No. WVWZZZ3BZYE231331 (the property) presently kept at the Victoria West SAPS Stores under SAP13/53/2012 by the South African Police Service.


Case No. 988/2012


(Northern Cape High Court, Kimberley)

In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, ApplicantIn re: A silver Volkswagen Passat with registration numbers and letters CY 304380 in Victoria West SAP 13 Register


This notice is addressed to Jan Abrahams, Elton John Ely and all persons who have an interest in the property describedbelow:

42 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Take notice that:1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions has obtained a preservation order (the Order), a copy of which is attached

to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 121 of 1998 (POCA) in respect of silverVolkswagen Passat 1.8 Turbo Tiptronic motor vehicle with registration numbers and letter CY 304380, Engine No. APU047126and Chassis No. WVWZZZ3BZYE231331 (the property) presently held under Victoria West CAS 79/03/2012 by the SouthAfrican Police Service, Victoria West, and safely kept in Victoria West under SAP 13 Register.

2. If you have an interest in the property you must understand that it is now at risk. You will be well advised to obtain legaladvice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so how to protect it.

3. You are advised that the National Director of Public Prosecutions will, within 90 days of the publication of this notice,apply to the High Court under section 48 of POCA, for an order declaring the property forfeited to the State. The order will remainin force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made final.

4. If you intend opposing the application for forfeiture, or if you intend applying for an order excluding your interest from theproperty, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The appearance must comply fully with the provisions of sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA.

5. If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order, you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice by the Applicant of theapplication for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.

6. If fail to enter an appearance, the Court may grant an order forfeiting the property to the State by default under section53 of POCA.

Office of the State Attorney, Applicant’s Attorneys, First Floor, Woolworths Building, cnr. Lennox & Chapel Streets,Kimberley. Tel: (053) 807-7800.

7. Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.


Case No. 959/2011

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA(North West High Court, Mafikeng)

Held at Mmabatho, on this the 21st day of July 2011, before the Honourable Madam Justice Kgoele

In the matter between: JOHAN MOMSEN SMIT NO, 1st Applicant, and YOLANDÉ SMIT NO, 2nd Applicant, and IMPERIAL CROWN TRADING 134 (PTY) LTD, Respondent

Having heard Adv. Maree, on behalf of the Applicants and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed ofrecord:

It is Ordered:That: The Respondent be and is hereby placed under provisional winding up.That: All persons having a legitimate interest are called to put forward their reasons why this Court should not order the

final winding-up of the Respondent on the 6th day of September 2012 at 10h00.That: A copy of this Order be forthwith served on the Respondent at its registered address and be published in the

Government Gazette and in the Rustenburg Herald newspaper.That: A copy of this Order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post.That: The costs of this application be costs in the liquidation.By the Court.—Registrar.SS Inc.


Case No. 3756/12


(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)

Friday, 15 June 2012, before the Honourable Justice Gamble

In the matter between: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and RASHIED SAMODIEN, First Respondent, and ALOUDIEN SONDAY, Second Respondent

In re: R30 900 in cash and an Opel Corsa Pick-up series with registration number CA544831, seized from theRespondents by members of the South African Police Service on 8 November 2011

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 43

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)


Having read the documents filed of record and having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having considered the matter,

It is hereby Ordered:

1. In terms of section 53 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) that the following:

1.1 Corsa Pick-up series with registration number CA544831 seized from the First Respondent;

1.2 R9000 is cash seized from the First Respondent and;

1.3 R21 900 seized from the Second Respondent, hereinafter collectively referred to as “the property”, under the preservation order is declared forfeit to the State.

2. The Darling SAP13 Clerk, is directed to hand over the property to Ricardo Reginald Rhoda (Rhoda), a senior specialinvestigator in the employ of the Asset Forfeiture Unit of the National Prosecuting Authority.

3. Rhoda is in turn directed dispose of the Corsa Pick-up series by way of a public auction or private sale and to pay theproceeds, less any costs occasioned by the sale, and the R30 900 in cash into Criminal Assets Recovery Account establishedunder section 63 of POCA, with account number 80303056, held at the South African Reserve Bank, Vermeulen Street, Pretoria.

4. In accordance with section 50 (5) of POCA, the Registrar of the above Honourable Court is ordered to publish a noticeof this order in the Government Gazette as soon as practicable after the granting of this Order.

By order of the Court.—Registrar.

High Court


Case No. 19221/11


(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)

Friday, 15 June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Gamble


In re: R90 780, $820 and Naira 1 930 in cash seized by members of South African Police Service from 4 Strawberry Lane,Sail Street, West Beach, Blaawberg, on 27 June 2010.


Having read the documents filed of record and having heard Counsel for the Applicant and having considered the matter:

It is hereby Ordered:

1. In terms of the provisions of section 53, of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), the R90 780,$820 and Naira 1 930 in cash (the property) is declared forfeit to the State.

2. The SAP13 Clerk, of the Table View Police Station is ordered to release the property to Neill Delport, an employee of theAsset Forfeiture Unit of the National Prosecuting Authority, who is authorised to uplift the property and to deposit it into the trustaccount of the State Attorney.

3. The State Attorney is directed to transfer the property into the Criminal Assets Recovery Account established underseciton 63, of POCA, with accont number 80303056, held at the South African Reserve Bank, Vermeulen Street, Pretoria.

4. In accordance with section 50 (5), of POCA, the Registrar of this Court is ordered to publish a notice of this order in theGovernment Gazette as soon as practicable after the granting of this Order.

By the Court.—Registrar.

High Court


Case No. 11392/12


(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)

Friday, 15 June 2012, before the Honourable Justice Gamble

In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and SIYABULELACEDRIC KAMA, Respondent

In re: R98 653 seized by members of the South African Police Service from 6 Sagwityi Street, New Rest, Wellington on26 April 2011


Having read the Notice of Motion, affidavits and annexures thereto, and having heard Cousel for the Applicant,

44 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

It is hereby Ordered that:1 In terms of section 38, of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA), R98 653 in cash (the property) is


2. In terms of section 38 (2), of POCA, all persons with knowledge of this Order, are, other than as required and permittedby this Order, prohibited from removing, taking possession of or control over, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the valueof, pledging or otherwise hypothecating, attaching or selling in execution or dealing in any other manner with the property towhich this Order relates.

3 The property shall remain in the custody and control of the warrant officer Tozama Zeldary Jantjies, a member of thechemistry unit of the Forensic Science Laboratory situated at Plattekloof until the expiry of this Order in terms of section 40, ofPOCA, or until the conclusion of the forfeiture proceedings to be instituted by the applicant in respect of the property under section 48, of POCA, or until this matter is otheriwise concluded.

4 The Applicant shall cause a copy of the preservation of property order granted to be published in one issue of theGovernment Gazette as soon as is practicable after obtaining the Order.

5 The Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of POCA, cause notice of this Order, together with documents supporting theapplicaiton, to be served by the Sheriff on the Respondent and any other person who becomes known to the Applicant to havean interest in the matter. A copy of the notice to Respondent in terms of section 39 is annexed hereto marked annexure “A”.

6 Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State or applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, mustenter an appearance giving notice of his or her intention in terms of section 39 (3), of the POCA.

7 Such notice must be deliverd to the Applicant:

7.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calender days of service and;

7.2 In the case of any other person, 14 calendar days after the date when a notice of the Order was published in theGovernment Gazette.

8 A notice in terms of section 39, must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:

8.1 The full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice;

8.2 The nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned;

8.3 Whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for anorder excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the Order;

8.4 Whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence to in Schedule 1, of POCA, or is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence;

8.5 If he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture, the basis forsuch an application.

9. Any person who is affected by the Order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall bemade:

9.1 In instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown).

9.2 In other instances, upon at least 7 days notice to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order as beingpersons who may have an interest in the property.

10 Such an application must be made not later that 8 days after the person applying for reconsideration becomes awareof the existence of the Order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6, of POCA.

By order of the Court.—Registrar of the High Court.

30 State Attorney, Cape Town.



Case No. 11393/12


(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)

Friday, 15 June 2012, before the Honourable Justice Gamble

In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and SIYABULELACEDRIC KAMA, Respondent

In re: R98 653 seized by members of the South African Police Service from 6 Sagwityi Street, New Rest, Wellington on26 April 2011


This notice is addreseed to Siyabulela Cedric Kama and all other persons who have an interest in the R98 653 in cash (theproperty) residing at 6 Sagwityi Street, New Rest, Wellington, Western Cape.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 45

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

Take notice that:

1 The National Director of Public Prosecutions (the National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (the Order), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2), of POCA, in respect of the property;

2 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal adviceon whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it;

3 You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the Western CapeHigh Court, under section 48, of the Act for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The Order will remain in forceuntil the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied;

4 If you intend opposing the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interestfrom a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the Order. The requirements forsuch an appearance are set out in the Order and are also dealt with in section 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance mustcomply with these requirements;

5 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4), of POCA, ofr the entry of anappearance referred to in paragraph 4 above;

6 If you enter an appearance in terms of the Order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by theApplicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property;

7 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the Order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be givennotice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such acase, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53, of POCA;

8 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimaterights or interests), on 72 hours notice to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the Order, apply for reconsideration of the Order;

9 You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, youmust in addition comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently. Failureto do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you.

10 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on theApplicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Mr M Kagee, 5th Floor,22 Long Street, Cape Town. Tel: (021) 441-9229. Fax: (021) 421-9364.

Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.


Case No. 10996/12


(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)

On Friday, 8 June 2012, before the Honourable Mr Justice Le Grange

In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and SETH GREY COLLETT, Respondent

In re: A Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI with registration number CA 865 433 and R9 184.70, seized by members of theSouth African Police Service on 23 February 2012


Having read the notice of motion, affidavits and annexures thereto, and having heard counsel for the applicant;

It is hereby Ordered that:The property1. This Order relates to a Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI with registration number CA 865 433 (the Polo), and R9 184.70 (the

cash), seized by members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) on 23 February 2012. The cash and the Polo are collectively referred to as the property.

Prohibition against dealing in any manner with the property2. In terms of section 38 (2) of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA) all persons with knowledge of

this Order, other than as required and permitted by this Order, are prohibited from removing, taking possession of or controlover, dissipating, interfering with, diminishing the value of, or dealing in any other manner with the property.

In custody of SAPS

3. The property shall remain under the control of the SAPS pending the finalisation of the forfeiture proceedings or until thismatter is otherwise concluded.

Service and publication4. The Applicant shall in terms of section 39 of POCA cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A,

together with documents supporting the application, to be served by the Sheriff on the following persons:

46 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

4.1 The Respondent;

4.2 Quentin Donaldson of William Booth attorneys; and

4.3 any other person who becomes known to the Applicant to have an interest in the matter.

5. The Applicant shall further cause notice of this Order, in the form set out in Annexure A, to be published in theGovernment Gazette as soon as practicable after the order is granted.

Entry of appearance to oppose forfeiture order

6. Any person who has an interest in the property and who intends:

6.1 Opposing the application for an order forfeiting the property to the State; or

6.2 applying for an order excluding his or her interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property must enter an appear-ance giving notice of such intention in terms of section 39 (3) of POCA.

7. Such notice shall be delivered to the Applicant:

7.1 In the case of any person specifically identified for service in terms of this Order, within 14 calender days after such service; and

7.2 in the case of any other person, 14 calender days after the date upon which a notice of the order was published in theGovernment Gazette.

8. A notice in terms of section 39 must contain full particulars of the chosen address for the delivery of documents concerning further proceedings in this matter and must be accompanied by an affidavit setting out:

8.1 Full particulars of the identity of the person giving the notice;

8.2 the nature and extent of his or her interest in the property concerned;

8.3 whether he or she intends opposing the making of the forfeiture order, or whether he or she intends applying for anorder excluding his or her interest in that property from the operation of the order;

8.4 whether he or she admits or denies that the property concerned is an instrumentality of an offence referred to inSchedule 1 of POCA, and is the proceeds of unlawful activities and the basis for such defence;

8.5 if he or she intends applying for the exclusion of his or her interests from the operation of the forfeiture order, the basisfor such application.

Application for reconsideration

9. Any person who is affected by the order may on good cause shown, apply for reconsideration. Such application shall bemade:

9.1 In instances where the person is able to justify the application on grounds of urgency, upon 3 days notice (or such shorter period as the Court may determine on good cause shown);

9.2 in other instances, upon at least 7 days notice, given to the Applicant and all other persons identified in this Order asbeing persons who may have an interest in the property. Such applicant must be made not later than 8 days after the personapplying for reconsideration becomes aware of the existence of the order, or within such further period as the Court may consider reasonable, bearing in mind the underlying objectives of Chapter 6 of POCA.

By Order of Court.—Court Registrar.

30 State Attorney, Cape Town.


Case No. 10996/12



(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)

In the ex parte application of: THE NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, Applicant, and SETH GREY COLLETT, Respondent

In re: A Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI with registration number CA 865 433 and R9 184.70, seized by members of theSouth African Police Service on 23 February 2012


This notice is addressed to Seth Grey Collett, and all other persons who have an interest in the Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDIwith registration number CA 865 433 (the Polo) and R9 184.70 (the cash), seized by members of the South African PoliceService on 23 February 2012. The cash and the Polo are collectively referred to as the property.

Take notice that:

1. The National Director of Public Prosecutions (the National Director) has obtained a preservation of property order (theorder), a copy of which is attached to this notice, in terms of section 38 (2) of POCA in respect of the property.

2. If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal adviceon whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 47

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)

3. You are advised that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the Western CapeHigh Court under section 48 of POCA for an order declaring the property forfeit to the State. The order will remain in force untilthe application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied.

4. If you intend opposing the application for the forfeiture order, or you intend applying for an order excluding your interestfrom a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for suchan appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39 (3), (4) and (5) of POCA. An appearance mustcomply with these requirements.

5. Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39 (4) for the entry of an appearancereferred to in paragraph 4 above.

6. If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by theApplicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property.

7. If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order, or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be givennotice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such acase, the Court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the State under section 53 of the POCA.

8. You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimaterights or interests), on 72 hours notice to the Applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for recon-sideration of the order.

9. You are specifically advised that even if you intend applying for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case,you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend opposing the forfeiture application subsequently.Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you.

10. Whenever this Order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the Applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the Applicant at the following address: The State Attorney, Mr M Kagee, 5th Floor, 22 Long Street, Cape Town. Tel: (021) 441-9200. Fax: (021) 421-9364.

Any correspondence or other enquiries must also be directed to this address or contact number.

SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONSNotice is hereby given by the Master of the Supreme Court of South Africa, as stated, of the supersession of

provisional orders of sequestration/liquidation and the discharge of petitions.

The information is given in the following order: Estate number; the applicant; the respondent; the date of theprovisional order granted; the Supreme Court Division; the date of the discharge order.

TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKEKennis word hiermee deur die Meester van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, soos vermeld, gegee van die

tersydestelling van voorlopige bevele van sekwestrasie/likwidasie en die afwysing van aansoeke.

Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedelnommer; die applikant; die verweerder; die datum vanuitreiking van die voorlopige bevel; die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof; die datum van die afwysingsbevel.

D207/2011—Greg Henry Shopfiters CC, t/a GH Projects, 1st Applicant, Tinini JV & CV, 2nd Applicant, CV Shopfitters& Joiners CC, 3rd Applicant, D & H Flooring CC, 4th Applicant, MG Electrical Contractors CC, 5th Applicant, and NatalLocksmiths & Security Systems CC, 6th Applicant. 14-02-2007, KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. 13-12-2011.

D014/11—Firstrand Bank Limited, Applicant, and Fisher Road Water Services Provider (Pty) Ltd, Respondent.

01-02-12, KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. 24-05-2012.

D012/11—Firstrand Bank Limited, Applicant, and Cotswold Downs Development Company (Pty) Ltd, Respondent.

01-02-2011, KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. 24-05-2012.

D013/11—Firstrand Bank Limited, Applicant, and Cotswold Lakes Development Company (Pty) Ltd, Respondent.

01-02-11, KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. 24-05-2012.

C316/2012—Consumer Guardian Services (Pty) Ltd, Applicant; Riaan Schietekat, and Rene Mariette Schietekat,Respondent. 06-03-2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 07-06-2012.

C319/2012—Securibond (Pty) Ltd, Applicant; Johan Herman Strauss, Respondent. 06-03-2012, Western Cape High

Court, Cape Town. 07-06-2012.

48 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

ORDERS OF THE COURT (continued) • ORDERS VAN DIE HOF (vervolg)



VERLORE TITELBEWYSHierby word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van artikel agt-en-dertig van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, 1937,

ek die Registrateur van Aktes te Pretoria voornemens is om ’n sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel uit te reik in plaas van:Akte van Transport T7496/1995 gedateer 1 Februarie 1995 gepasseer deur:1. Jan Adriaan Heystek (ID No. 55091350500080, en2. Johanna Hendrina Heystek (ID NO. 6205160185004), getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met mekaar.ten gunste van:Gerhardus Paulus Petrus Cronje (ID No. 7010105250080), getroud buite gemeenskap van goed ten aansien van sekereErf 1142, Silverton Uitbreiding 5 Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling J.R., Provinsie van Gauteng, groot 793 (sewehonderd

drie en negentig) vierkante meter wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is.Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige sertifikaat beswaar het, word hierby versoek om dit skriftelik in te dien by

die Registrateur van Aktes te Pretoria binne ses weke van die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant.Gedateer te Pretoria op hede die 14de dag van Junie 2012Registrateur van Aktes


VERLORE TITELBEWYSHierby word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van artikel agt-en-dertig van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, 1937, ek

die Registrateur van Aktes te Pretoria voornemens is om ’n sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel uit te reik in plaas van:Akte van Transport T7496/1995 gedateer 1 Februarie 1995 gepasseer deur:1. Jan Adriaan Heystek (ID No. 55091350500080, en2. Johanna Hendrina Heystek (ID NO. 6205160185004), getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met mekaar.ten gunste van:Gerhardus Paulus Petrus Cronje (ID No. 7010105250080), getroud buite gemeenskap van goed ten aansien van sekereErf 1142, Silverton Uitbreiding 5 Dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling J.R., Provinsie van Gauteng, groot 793 (sewehonderd

drie en negentig) vierkante meter wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is.Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige sertifikaat beswaar het, word hierby versoek om dit skriftelik in te dien by

die Registrateur van Aktes te Pretoria binne ses weke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant.Gedateer te Pretoria op hede die 14de dag van Junie 2012Registrateur van Aktes


LOST TITLE DEEDNotice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 of the Registration of Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937, I, the

Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, intend to issue a Deed of Transfer, to replace Deed of Transfer No. T80797/2007 passed byLesedi Local Municipality, in respect of the property known as Erf 287, Devon Township, Registration Division IR., Province ofGauteng, measuring 2 355 (two thousand three hundred and fifty five) square metres, which together with the registry duplicatethereof, has been lost or destroyed.

All persons having any objections to the issue of such title, are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with theRegistrar of Deeds at Pretoria within 6 (six) weeks from the date of first publication in the Government Gazette.

Signed at Pretoria on 13 June 2012Registrar of Deeds


LOST TITLE DEEDNotice is hereby given that under the provisions of section 38 (thirty eight) of the Deeds Registries Act 1937, I, the Registrar

of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Title Deed No. T63620/2010 dated 15 September 2010.

Passed by: Estate Late Teboho Sekokota, ID No. 6701155381087, Estate No. 10822/2008, and Estate Late DuduzileDaphney Sekokota, ID No. 6901010682089, Estate No. 23576/2008, married in community of property to each other.

In favor off: Lerato Sekokota, ID No. 0203140171083, unmarried minor.In respect of: Erf 1604, Dunnottar Township, Registration Division I.R., the Province of Gauteng, in extent 2 194 (two

thousand one hundred and ninety four) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T63620/2010, which has been lost ordestroyed.

All persons having objection to the issue of of such certificate are herey required to lodge same in writing with the Registrarof Deeds at Pretoria, within six weeks after the date of first publication in the Gazette.

Dated at Pretoria on this 30 of April 2012

Registrar of Deeds

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 49



Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar ofDeeds at Pretoria, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer No. ST123098/2007, registered infavour of Harry James van Zyl, ID No. 6307155029088 and Hester Hendrina van Zyl, ID No. 6403070098082, in respect of A unit consisting of:

(a) Section No. 1 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS 579/2006, in the scheme known as PretoriaGardens, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Pretoria Gardens Township, Local Authority: City of TshwaneMetropolitan Municipality, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 182 (one hundred and eightytwo) square metres in extent; and

(b) An undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan, held by Deed of Transfer No. ST123098/2007, which has been lostor destroyed.

All pesons having objections to the issue of such certificate are hereby requested to lodge same in writing with the Registrarof Deeds at Pretoria within 6 weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette.



Vorm vir publikasie kragtens Artikel 38 van die Akteswet 47 van 1937

Hierby word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van artikel 38 van die Akteswet 47 van 1937, ons Gerrit JohannesMouton, ID No. 3311045022082 en Vera Antoinette Mouton, ID No. 3807260012088, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedmet mekaar, van voornemens is om ’n sertifikaat van geregistreerde Titel uit te reik in plaas van gepasseer deur: J C KrugerWonings Bk, Registrasie No. 1992/0005033/23, Gerrit Johannes Mouton, ID No. 3311045022082 en Vera AntoinetteMouton, ID No. 3807260012088, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met mekaar ten aansien van ’n eenheid bestaande uit.

(a) Deel No. 5 soos aangetoon en vollediger beskryf op Deelplan No. SS863/2007 in die skema bekend as Rayton 1189,ten opsigte van die grond en gebou of geboue geleë te Erf 1189, Rayton Uitbreiding 4 Dorspgebied: Plaaslike Bestuur: NokengTsa Taemane Local Municipality, van welke deel die vloeroppervlakte, volgens genoemde deelplan, 84 (vier en tagtig) vierkantemeter groot is, en

(b) ’n onverdeelde aandeel in die gemeenskaplike eiendom in die skema, aan genoemde deel toegedeel ooreenkomstigdie deelnemingskwota soos op genoemde deelplan aangeteken, gehou Kragtens sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Deeltitel No.ST108638/2007 wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is.

Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige sertifikaat van geregistreerde Titel beswaar het word, hierby versoek omdit skriftelik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes te Pretoria binne ses weke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant.

Gedateer te Pretoria op hede die 19 dag van June 2012

Registrateur van Aktes.



Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration Mortgage Bond SB131660/2007,dated 8 August 2008, passed by Glynis Marion Duse, Identity Number: 6004280156080, married out of community of propertyfor the amount of R40 000,00 (forty thousand rand) in favour of Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, in respect of certain:

A unit consisting—

(a) Section No. 15 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS16/1980, in the scheme known as CredenHill, in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at Erf 432, Craighall Park Township, Local Authority: City ofJohannesburg, of which section the floor area, according to the said sectional plan is 71 (one hundred and eighty-eight) squaremetres in extent; and

(b) an undivided share in the common property in the scheme apportioned to the said section in accordance with the participation quota as endorsed on the said sectional plan, held by Deed of Transfer Number ST74442/2002, which has beenlost or destroyed.

All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge the same inwriting with the registrar of deeds at the Pretoria deeds registry at which the bond is registered, within three weeks after thedate of the first publication of this notice.



Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of Bond B88875/2007.

Passed by: 1. Zjaak Willemse, Identity Number 7304225159085, married out of community of property; and

Passed by: 2. Esther Jacoba Willemse, Identity Number 7606010003082, married out of community of property.

50 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

Amount: R70 000,00 (seventy thousand rand) and Additional amount: R17 500,00 (seventeen thousand five hundred rand).

In favour of: Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, No. 1962/000738/06.

In respect of: Erf 83, Duvhapark Township, Registration Division J.S., Province of Mpumalanga, measuring 1 035 (one thousand and thirty-five) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed.

All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge the same inwriting with the registrar of deeds at the deeds registry in which the bond is registered, within three weeks after the date of thefirst publication of this notice.

Dated at Pretoria on 19th of June 2012.

On behalf of Standard Bank of South Africa Limited.



(Form of publication in terms of section thirty-eight of Act 47 of 1937)

Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act 1937, I, the Registrar ofDeeds at Pretoria, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deeds of Transfer T83566/2007, dated 25/07/2007,passed by: Tijger Vallei 2 Properties (Proprietary) Limited, Registration Number 2003/027267/07, in favour of—

1. Derek Bruce Klein, Identity Number 7904045098080, unmarried.

2. Jason Rex Klein, Identity Number 7609195051082, married out of community of property.

3. Bruce Rex Klein, Identity Number 5210085128080, married out of community of property, in respect of certain Erf 346,Tijger Vallei Extension 10 Township, Registration Division J.R., Gauteng Province, measuring 731 (seven hundred and thirty-one) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed.

All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing within sixweeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette.

Dated during 2012.

Registrar of Deeds.


Case Number 238285


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidationaccount, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Gobodo Incorporate, participating in theRetail Financial Intermediaries Umbrella Fund, will lie open for inspection from 1 July 2012, until 31 July 2012, at the officesof:

The Registrar of Pension Funds, offices of the FSB, Riverswalk Office Park, Block B, 44 Matroosberg Road, AshleyGardens Extension 6, Pretoria; and

The Registered Office of the Fund, ABSA Consultants and Actuaries, Muirfield Building, Fourways Golf Park, Roos Street,Fourways; and

The Office of the Magistrate, Randburg.

Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements, may lodge his objection in writing withthe Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 14 August 2012.



Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidationaccount, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of the Kolbenco Pension Fund (PF No.12/8/16227), will be open for inspection for the period 29 June 2012 to 30 July 2012 (30 days) at the offices of:

1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6,Pretoria;

2. The Office of the Chief Magistrate, 41 Van Riebeeck Avenue, Alberton North, 1456;

3. The registered office of the Fund situated at 6 Liebenberg Street, Alrode, 1451.

4. 66 Park Lane, Sandton, 2196, the offices of MICROmega Holdings Limited.

Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his/her objection in writingwith the Registrar of Pension Funds not later than 13 August 2012 (14 days after a day of inspection) at P.O. Box 35655, MenloPark, 0102.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 51


Kennis word hiermee gegee, kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), dat ’n voorlopigelikwidasierekening, ’n voorlopige balansstaat en ’n voorlopige verdelingstaat van die Kolbenco Pension Fund (PF No.12/8/16227), vir insae beskikbaar sal wees gedurende die tydperk 29 Junie 2012 tot 30 Julie 2012 (30 dae) by die kantore van:

1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Kantoorpark, Block B, Matroosbergweg 41, Ashlea Gardens Uitbreiding 6, Pretoria;

2. Die Kantoor van die Landdros, Van Riebeecklaan 41, Alberton-Noord, 1456;

3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by Liebenbergstraat 6, Alrode, 1451;

4. 66 Park Lane, Sandton, 2196, die kantore van MICROmega Holdings Limited.

Enige belanghebbende persoon wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekeninge en state moet teen 13 Augustus 2012(14 dae na laaste dag van inspeksie) skriftelik sy/haar besware indien by die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655,Menlo Park, 0102.


Saak No. 4729/12


(Republiek van Suid-Afrika)

In die ex parte aansoek van: FREDERICK CHRISTOFFEL DE WITT, 1ste Applikant, en HESTER MINSINA DE WITT, 2de Applikant


Geliewe kennis te neem dat die Applikante van voornemens is om op die 13de dag van Augustus 2012 om 10h00, of sogou doenlik daarna as wat die advokaat namens die Applikante aangehoor kan word, van voornemens is om aansoek te doenby die Noord-Gauteng Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika, vir ’n bevel in die volgende terme:

1. Dat die Applikante magtiging verleen word om hul huweliksgoedere-bedeling wat van toepassing is op hulle huwelik, byuitvoering en registrasie van ’n notariële kontrak, ’n konsep wat aangeheg is by die eedsverklaring van Martha Gertruida vanNiekerk, as Aanhangsel “M”, te wysig, welke kontrak, na registrasie daarvan, die Applikante se huweliksgoederebedeling salbeheers.

2. Dat die Registrateur van Aktes gemagtig word om die notariële kontrak te registreer.

3. Dat hierdie Bevel—

3.1 Sal verval indien die notariële kontrak nie geregistreer word by die Registrateur van Aktes binne 2 (twee) maande vandatum van die toestaan van hierdie bevel nie.

3.2 Nie die regte van enige krediteur sal benadeel soos op datum van registrasie van die kontrak nie.

4. Verdere en/of alternatiewe regshulp.

Geliewe kennis te neem dat die funderende eedsverklaring van Frederick Christoffel de Witt, en ondersteunendeeedsverklaring van Hester Minsina de Witt, asook alle aanhangsels daartoe gebruik sal word ter ondersteuning van hierdieaansoek.

Geliewe kennis te neem dat die Applikante Van Niekerk Ellis Prokureurs te Lytteltonweg 71, Clubview, Centurion, Tel. (012)660-2499, Verw. MG van Niekerk, aangestel het as prokureurs van rekord waar die Applikante kennisgewing van prosesstukkesal aanvaar.

Gedateer te Centurion hierdie 20ste dag van Junie 2012.


Saak No. 34329/12


(Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria)

In die ex parte aansoek van: ETIENNE VAN DER WESTHUIZEN (Identiteitsnommer: 7201235202089), EersteApplikant, en ALICE VAN DER WESTHUIZEN (Identiteitsnommer: 7306230162087), Tweede Applikant


Geliewe kennis te neem dat aansoek namens bogemelde Applikante op 2 Augustus 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlikdaarna as wat die Advokaat of regsverteenwoordiger aangehoor kan word, gedoen sal word om ’n bevel met die volgendebepalings:

1. Dat verlof aan die applikante verleen word om ’n Na-Huwelikse notariele ooreenkoms te sluit wat in alle wesenlikeopsigte ooreenstem met die ooreenkoms wat as Aanhangsel “F” tot die funderende eedsverklaring aangeheg word.

2. Dat die Registrateur van Aktes gemagtig word om die Na-Huwelikse notariele ooreenkomstig waarna daar in bede 1 verwys word te registreer, en wel binne drie maande na datum van uitreiking van hierdie Agbare Hof se bevel.

3. Dat die bestaande huweliksgoederebedeling waarkragtens die Applikante binne gemeenskap van goedere met mekaargetroud is, teen registrasie van die gemelde Na-Huwelikse ooreenkoms, nie meer op die Applikante se huwelik van toepassingsal wees nie.

52 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

4. Dat hierdie Bevel nie die regte van enige krediteure van die Applikante, wie bestaan soos op datum van registrasie vandie beoogde Na-Huwelikse ooreenkoms, sal beperk of benadeel nie.

5. Dat sodanige verdere en/of alternatiewe regshulp aan die Applikante verleen mag word, as wat hierdie Agbare Hof maggoed dink.

En dat die eedsverklarings van Etienne van der Westhuizen en Alice van der Westhuizen hierby aangeheg, gebruik salword ter ondersteuning daarvan.

Geliewe die saak dienooreenkomstig vir verhoor ter rolle te plaas.Geteken te Pretoria-Noord op hierdie 15de dag van Junie 2012.(Get S J van den Berg), S J van den Berg Prokureurs, Prokureurs vir Applikante, Jack Hindonstraat 259, Pretoria-Noord.

[Tel. (012) 546-9454.] (Faks 086 616 8252.) (Verw. Mnr Van den Berg.)Aan: Die Griffier van bogemelde Agbare Hof, Pretoria.En aan: Die Registrateur van Aktes, Pretoria.Ontvang afskrif hiervan gedurende 2012.Nms: Registrateur.


ADVERTISEMENTTake notice that Jeffrey Bryan Walters, ID No. 5703215093083, and Gillian Walters, ID No. 5406220031086, married to

one another out of community of property, intend to make application to the North Gauteng High Court on 24 July 2012, in termsof section 21 (1) of the Matrimonial Property Act of 88 of 1984, for the amendment of their matrimonial property system from“out of community of property with the inclusion of the accrual system” to “out of community of property with the inclusion of theaccrual system” to “out of community of property excluding the accrual system”. Any interested party shall be entitled to makerepresentation in writing to the Registrar of the North Gauteng High Court.

Such notice must also be copied to the Applicants Attorneys, Finck Attorneys of 7 Ebbard Lane, Muckleneuk, Pretoria,Telephone (012) 440-1239. the proposed material contract which applicants shall enter into to change their matrimonial propertysystem is available for inspection at the offices of the Registrar of the High Court under Case Number 4962/11, and at the officeof the Applicants attorney.

Finck Attorneys, P.O. Box 83688, Doornpoort, 0017.


Case No. 2012


In the matter between: AHMED AKHALWAYA (Identity Number: 4010225068050), 1st Applicant, and FATIMA ISMAILAKHALWAYA (Identity Number: 3704230044053), 2nd Applicant, and THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, JOHANNESBURG,Respondent

NOTICE OF MOTIONPlease take notice that the above-named Applicants will make application to the above Honourable Court on 31 July 2012

or as soon as Counsel may be heard for an order in the following terms:1. Authorising the Applicants in terms of section 21 (1) of the Matrimonial Property Act No. 88 of 1984, as amended, to

conclude a Notarial Contract by which their future matrimonial property regime will be regulated in accordance with the termsand conditions contained in the draft Notarial Contract which is annexure “SA2” of the First Applicant’s supplementary affidavit;

2. That the Registrar of Deeds (Johannesburg) be authorized to register the Notarial Contract;3. This Order—3.1 will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within two months of the date of the granting

of this Order;3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the contract.4. Granting of the Applicants such further and/or alternative relief.


Case No. 21628/2012


In the ex parte application of: ERNEST SELLO SEDINGWE (Identity No. 7511215489088), First Applicant, en LOUISA NOKUKHANYA MAKWAKWA (Identity No. 7509140295083), Second Applicant

NOTICE OF MOTIONBe pleased to take notice that the above-mentioned Applicants will make application to the above Honourable Court on

17 July 2012 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as counsel for the Applicants may be heard, for an order in the following terms:

1. That leave be granted to the Applicants to:

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 53

1.1 to change the marital property system which applies to their marriage, by the execution and registration of a notarialcontract, a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicant’s founding affidavit as Annexure “S1” and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate the Applicants matrimonial property system;

2. That the Registrar of Deeds be authorised to register the Notarial Contract in prayer 1.1 supra;3. That this Order—3.1 will lapse if the Notarial Contract in prayer 1.1 supra, is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 3 (three) months

from the date of granting of this Order; and3.2 That this Order will not prejudice or negatively affect the rights of any creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration

of the Notarial Contract in prayer 1.1 supra;4. Costs, only in the event of opposition;5. Any further and/or alternative relief.Please take note that further that the accompanying affidavits of Ernest Sello Sedingwe and Louisa Nokukhanya

Makwakwa, together with the annexures thereto, will be used in support of this application.Kindly enroll the matter accordingly.Dated at Johannesburg during 2012.Victor & Partners Attorneys, Attorneys for Applicants, c/o Denga Inc., 6th Floor, Ten Sixty Building, 35 Pritchard Street,

Johannesburg. [Tel. (011) 831-0000.] (Ref. Z Scholtz/MAT588.)To: The Registrar of the High Court, Johannesburg.And to: The Registrar of Deeds, Johannesburg.And to: The Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria.Received a copy hereof during 2012.


Case No. 29444/12



In the ex parte application of: PHILLIP JABULANI NCONGWANE (ID: 7912305298084), Applicant, en BETTY NCHADIKI NCONGWANE (ID: 8012110376081), 2nd Applicant

NOTICE OF MOTIONKindly take notice that Application will be made at the above Honourable Court on behalf of the Applicants on 19 July 2012

at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as Counsel for the Applicants may be heard, for an order in the following terms:1. That the Applicants are given leave to change the Matrimonial Property regime applicable to their marriage, by the

execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft of which is attached to the First Applicant’s Founding Affidavit andmarked Annexure “PJN2”, and which contract, after registration thereof, will regulate their Matrimonial Property system;

2. That the Registrar of Deeds be authorized to register the Notarial Contract;3. This Order will lapse if the Notarial Contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 3 (three) months of the

date of the granting of this Order;4. This Order will not prejudice the rights of Third Parties;5. Further and/or alternative relief.Further take notice that the affidavits of Phillip Jabulani Ncongwane and Betty Nchadiki Ncongwane, together with

Annexure thereto will be used in support of this Application.Dated at Pretoria during 2012.Kruger & Scharf Attorneys, Attorneys for Applicants, 51 Elandslaange Street, Hazelwood, Pretoria. [Tel. (012) 460-1370.]

[Fax (012) 460-1393.] (Ref. Scharf/oc/2760.)To: The Registrar of the High Court, Pretoria.And to: The Registrar of Deeds, Merino Building, cnr. Bosman & Pretorius Street, Pretoria.




MEESTERSVERWYSING: T2263/10Kragtens artikel 386 (4) geskied kennis hiermee dat ’n vergadering van lede van bogemelde Maatskappy in Likwidasie

gehou sal word op 1 Augustus 2012 voor die Landdros te Randburg, om 09h00. Die doel van die vergadering is om die magtesoos vervat in artikel 386 (4) van die maatskappyewet aan die Likwidateur te verleen.

Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo, Nakedi Mathews Phosa, Mede-Likwidateurs, p/a Bureau Trust (Gauteng), Arcadiastraat 825,Arcadia, 0083.

54 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

Case No. 10508/2012


(Witwatersrand Local Division)

In the ex parte application of: MFANIMPELA MOSES and MPHO DINGISWAYO, Applicant

Be pleased to take notice that application will be made to this Honourable Court on 10 July 2012 at 10:00, or as soon there-after as Counsel may be heard, for an order in the following terms:

1. That the Applicants be granted leave in terms of section 21 of Act 88 of 1984 to change their matrimonial property regime;

2. Permitting the applicants to register a Notarial Contract;

3. That the relevant Registrar of Deeds in Pretoria/Johannesburg be authorized to register the Notarial Contract;

4. That the Order—

4.1 will lapse if the Notarial Contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 3 (three) months of granting of thisOrder

4.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditors of the Applicants as at the date of registration of the contract.

DMS Attorneys, 43 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton, Johannesburg. Tel. (011) 783-1623. Ref. Mr D Sibuyi.



Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of section 38 (thirty-eight) of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, theRegistrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of T117903/2007.

Passed by: Mahendrasinh Sombava Rana, Identity Number: 4409175491083, and Ganga Rana, Identity Number:4604100235188, married in community of property to each other.

In favour of: The Trustees for the Time Being of the Madina Family Trust, Registration Number IT1788/2005.

In respect of: Portion 17 of Erf 4285, Louis Trichardt Extension 4 Township, Registration Division L.S., Limpopo Province,in extent 1 552 (one thousand five hundred and fifty-two) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer T117903/2007, which hasbeen lost or destroyed.

All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrarof Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette.


Case No. 33323/12


(North Gauteng Division, Pretoria)

In the ex parte application of: MATEU GABRIEL MOKGOTHO, First Applicant, and THULISILE NELLY MAPHOSA – MOKGOTO, Second Applicant


Please take notice that during 2012 at 10:00, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, the above-mentioned applicants will apply to the North Gauteng High Court of Pretoria for an order in the following terms:

1. That the Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage, by theexecution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft where is attached to the First Applicant’s supporting affidavit and ismarked “Annexure A” and which contract after registration thereof, will regulate their property system;

2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorized to register the notarial contract,

3. This Order—

3.1 Will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the registrar of Deeds within three (3) months of the date of thegranting this Order;

3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the Applicants as at date of the contract.

4. Further and/or alternative relief.

And take further notice that the Affidavits of Matheu Gabriel Mokgotho and Thulisile Nelly Maphosa - Mokgotho, will beused in support hereof.

Kindly enroll the matter accordingly.

Dated at Johannesburg during 2012.

Gcwensa Attorneys, Applicant’s Attorneys, 229 Columbine Avenue, Mondeor, Johannesburg. [Tel. (011) 680-1120/1121.][Fax (011) 680-1134.] [email protected] (Ref. CVO 1408/10/PG.)

To: The Registrar of the High Court, North Gauteng Division, Pretoria.

And to: The Registrar of Deeds.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 55


(Republiek van Suid-Afrika)

In die saak tussen: BARENS JACOBUS VILJOEN, ID: 5709275036086, Eerste Applikant, en PATRICIA VILJOEN (ID: 5703170005080), (getroud binne gemeenskap van goed), Tweede Applikant


Neem kennis dat op die 26ste Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so gou daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kan word, die bogenoemde applikante aansoek sal doen by die Transvaalse Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof te h/v Paul Kruger- enVermeulenstrate, Pretoria, vir ’n bevel wat as volg lees:

1. Verlof word aan applikante verleen om hulle huweliksgoedere bedeling te verander deur die verlyding en registrasie van’n notariële kontrak, ’n konsep waarvan aangeheg is by die aansoek as Bylae “D” en welke kontrak na registrasie daarvan diehuweliksgoedere bedeling van die Applikante sal beheers.

2. Die Registrateur van Aktes word gemagtig om daardie notariële kontrak te registreeer.

3. Hierdie bevel—

3.1 verval as die notariële kontrak twee maande na die datum van die toestaan van hierdie bevel nog nie geregistreer isnie;

3.2 kort nie die regte in van enige krediteur van die applikante soos op datum van registrasie nie.

Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 22ste dag van Junie 2012.

Hamann & Botha Prokureurs, Bessiebosstraat 133, Wonderboom, Pretoria. [Tel. (012) 543-0705.] (Verw. M Hamann/ap/ MH6097.]



ONTBINDING VAN UMZIMVUBU MUNICIPALITY, a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/27024/4939

Kennis word hiermee kragtens artikel 28 (7) van die Wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956) gegee dat ’n voorlopigebalansstaat, ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening en ’n voorlopige distribusierekening van die Umzimvubu Municipality, a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/27024/4939, gedurende die tydperk van29 June 2012 tot 29 July 2012 (vir insae beskikbaar sal wees by die kantore van:

1. Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea GardensExtension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.

2. Die Landdros, No. 5 Barker Street, Kokstad, 4700.

3. Die geregistreerde kantoor van die Fonds is by The Liberty Lewens Hoofkantoor wat Huidiglik, Ameshoffstraat 1,Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001, is.

Enige belangehebbende persone wat besware het teen die voorgemelde rekenings en state moet teen 13 Augustus 2012asseblief skriftelik sy besware indien by Die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102.



Dissolution Umzimvubu Municipality, a participant in the Corporate Selection Retirement Fund (in Liquidation)

Fund PF12/8/27024/4939

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (no. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidationaccount, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of Umzimvubu Municipality, a participant in theCorporate Selection Retirement Fund (in liquidation) Fund PF12/8/27024/4939, will be open for inspection for the period 29 June 2012 to 29 July 2012 at the offices of:

1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No. 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria.

2. The Magistrates Court, No. 5 Barker Street, Kokstad, 4700.

3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office, Liberty Life, 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein,Johannesburg, 2001.

Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writingto the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, not later than 13 August 2012.

56 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


In the application of: VAN DER MERWE, PHILLIP, Identity Number: 5307285131086, 1st Applicant, and GERBER,KARIEN (born GERBER), Identity Number: 6605080106081, 2nd Applicant


Take notice that on the 6 day of August 2012 at 10:00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the above- mentioned Applicants will apply to the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, at c/o Vermeulen and Paul Kruger Street, Pretoria,for an Order in the following terms:

1. That the Applicants are given leave to change the matrimonial property system which applies to their marriage by theexecution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is attached to the First Applicant’s Affidavit and is marked “D”,and which contract after registration thereof will regulate their matrimonial property system.

2. The Registrar of Deeds is authorised to register the aforementioned notarial contract.3. This Order—3.1 will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 2 (two) months of the date of granting

of this Order; and3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the Applicants as at date of registration of the contract.


VERLORE TITELBEWYS(Vorm vir publikasie kragtens artikel 38 van die Akteswet 47 van 1937)

Hiermee word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van artikel 38 van die Akteswet 47 van 1937, ek RamadimetjaSarah Mailula, Identiteitsnomer: 7506150325081, ongetroud, van voornemens is om ’n Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Title uitte reik in plaas van Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel T129028/2007, gepasseur deur B and F Malt (Proprietary) Limited,Registration Number 56/01686/07, ten gunste van Ramadimetja Sarah Mailula, Identiteitsnomer: 7506150325081, ongetroud,ten aansien van Erf 145, Seshego-9B Uitbreiding 1-dorpsgebied, Registrasie Afdeling LS, Limpopo Provinsie, grootte 374 (driesewe vier) vierkante meter, wat verlore geraak het of vernietig is.

Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel beswaar het, word hierby versoek omdit skriftelik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes te Pretoria binne ses weke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant.

Gedateer te Pretoria op hede die 15de dag van Junie 2012.Registrateur van Aktes.



THE REMOVAL OF THE CONDITIONS OF TITLE DEED VA08432/11 OF ERF 7678, LEPHALALE EXTENSION 16I, Fransie van der Hoven, being the authorised agent of the owners, hereby give notice in terms of section 3 (1) of the

Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967, that I have applied to the Department of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlement &Traditional Affairs, for the removal of conditions 16, 17 and 18, in Title Deed VA08432/11 of Erf 7678, Lephalale Extension 16,and to rezone the property and comply with the conditions of the Local Municipality to confirm that the Town is part of anapproved town-planning scheme and the conditions to be removed forms part of the existing Town-planning Scheme, 2005, byrezoning of the above-mentioned property, from Residential 1 to Residential 2, with special consent for a 20 (twenty) bedroomguesthouse.

All relevant documents relating to the application will be opened for inspection during normal office of the Department ofCo-Operative Governance, Human Settlement & Traditional Affairs, 20 Rabe Street, Polokwane, from first date of publication ofthis notice.

Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the MunicipalManager: Department of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlement & Traditional, Rabestraat 20, Polokwane, 0700, 28 daysfrom the first date of publication of this notice.



OPHEFFING VAN DIE TITELVOORWAARDES VAN ERF 7678, LEPHALALE UITBREIDING 16Ek, Fransie van der Hoven, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaars gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 3 (1) van die Wet

op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, kennis dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Department of Co-Operative Governance,Human Settlement & Traditional Affairs, om die opheffing van voorwaardes 16, 17 en 18 in die Titelakte VA08432/11 van Erf 7678, Lephalale Uitbreiding 16, vir die hersonering van die eiendom en om te voldoen aan die voorwaardes van die plaaslikeLephalale Munisipaliteit en te bevestig dat die dorp deel is van ’n goedgekeurde dorpsbeplanningskema en dat die voorwaardeswat verwyder moet word in die voormelde Titelakte deelvorm van die bestaande Lephalale-dorpsbeplanningskema, 2005, diehersonering van die eiendom soos hierbo beskryf vanaf Residensieel 1 na Residensieel 2 met spesiale toestemming vir 20 (twintig) kamer gastehuis.

Alle dokumente lê ter insae tydens kantoorure vir inspeksie by die kantoor van die Department of Co-OperativeGovernance, Human Settlement & Traditional, Rabestraat 20, Polokwane, 0700.

Enige besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek kan ingedien word of gemaak word by die Department of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlement & Traditional, Rabestraat 20, Polokwane, 0700, en moet die kantoor nie later as28 dae na die eerste datum van die publikasie van kennisgewing bereik nie.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 57


LOST TITLE DEEDNotice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of

Deeds, Mpumalanga, at Nelspruit, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T126832/2007,dated 13/09/2007, passed by Steve Tshwete Local Municipality, in favour of Sellinah Masianyane Tsiane, Identity Number7310110859085, unmarried, in respect of certain Erf 9453, Middelburg Extension 18 Township, Registration Division J.S.,Province of Mpumalanga, measuring 400 (four hundred) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed.

All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with theRegistrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga, at Nelspruit, within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette.

Dated at Nelspruit this 5 day of June 2012.Registrar of Deeds.


NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF A LOST/DESTROYED BONDNotice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of Bond B88875/2007.Passed by: 1. Zjaak Willemse, Identity Number 7304225159085, married out of community of property; andPassed by: 2. Esther Jacoba Willemse, Identity Number 7606010003082, married out of community of property.Amount: R70 000,00 (seventy thousand rand) and Additional amount: R17 500,00 (seventeen thousand five hundred rand).In favour of: Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, No. 1962/000738/06.In respect of: Erf 83, Duvhapark Township, Registration Division J.S., Province of Mpumalanga, measuring 1 035 (one

thousand and thirty-five) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed.All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge the same in

writing with the registrar of deeds at the deeds registry in which the bond is registered, within three weeks after the date of thefirst publication of this notice.

Dated at Pretoria on 19th of June 2012.On behalf of Standard Bank of South Africa Limited.


NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF A LOST BONDNotice is hereby given that I, the Registrar of Deeds Mpumalanga at Nelspruit, intend to cancel Mortgage Bond Number

BG113/1993KD, passed by Jacky Simon Phalatse, Identity Number 5310065703082, in favour of KwaNdebele UtilityCompany SOC Limited, Registration Number 1986/000788/08, previously known as Mpumalanga Housing Finance CompanySOC Limited, Registration Number 1986/000788/08, now known as Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency SOC Limited, inrespect of Erf 993, KwaMhlanga-B, Registration Division JR, Mpumalanga Province, in extent 672 (six hundred and seventy-two) square metres, held by Deed of Transfer No. TG51/1987KD, without the production of the bond as both the client anddeeds registry copies of the bond have been lost or destroyed.

All persons having objection to the cancellation of the bond are required to lodge the same in writing with the DeedsRegistry Mpumalanga, at 25 Bell Street, Nelspruit, Tel. (013) 756-4000, within six weeks after the date of the first publication inthe Gazette.

Dated at Pretoria during 2012.Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga at Nelspruit.


NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF A LOST/DESTROYED BONDNotice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of Mortgage Bond Number

BG1674/1992BP, dated 9 April 1992, passed by Phillip Seswai Moroke, Identity Number: 5702110100340, unmarried.For the amount of R40 000,00 (forty thousand rand).And an additional amount of R8 000,00 (eight thousand rand).In favour of: The African Bank Limited, Registration Number 1975/002526/06, in respect of Erf 1806, Ga-Rankuwa

Unit 8 Township, Registration Division J.R. ,Province of North West, measuring 413 (four hundred and thirteen) square metres,held by Deed of Grant TG896/1991BP, which Mortgage Bond Deed has been lost or destroyed.

All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge the same inwriting with the Pretoria Deeds Office, within three weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice.

Dated at Pretoria during June 2012.

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Signature of the person who purports to be the mortgagee

58 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


Case No. 11623/12


(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)

In the ex parte application of: BRENDEN CURT CORAIZIN, First Applicant, and TARRYN ERASMUS-CORAIZIN,Second Applicant

In re: Leave to amend their matrimonial property regime, as envisaged by Section 21 (1) of the Matrimonial PropertyAct, No. 88 of 1984 (as amended)

Be pleased to take notice that the above-named Applicants intend to make application to the above Honourable Court onTuesday, the 17th day of July 2012 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for an Order in the following terms:

1. That leave be granted to Applicant to amend their matrimonial property regime from a marriage in community of property to a marriage out of community of property in terms of the Matrimonial Property Act No. 88 of 1984 and in accordancewith the draft Notarial Contract Annexed to the Founding Affidavit, marked “D2”, as envisaged by section 21 (1) of theMatrimonial Property Act, No. 88 of 1984 (as amended).

2. That the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town, be directed and authorised to register the Notarial Contract within three monthsfrom date of this Order.

3. Directing that from date of registration of the above-mentioned draft notarial contract, the marriage of the Applicant shallbe governed by the provisions of the above-mentioned draft notarial contract and that their marriage shall no longer be in community of property and shall also exclude the accrual system.

4. That the rights of Applicant’s existing creditors shall not be prejudiced by the order.

5. Further and/or alternative relief.

Be pleased to take notice further when the report of the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town becomes available, a formal noticeof set down will be filed with the Registrar of the above Honourable Court to place the matter on the roll for hearing.

Be pleased to take notice further that anyone who wishes to object to the proposed change or to make any representationsin that regard can do so by writing to the Registrar of the above Honourable Court or by appearing in Court on the day of thehearing.

Be pleased to take notice further that this application and the Contract which it is proposed to register are available forinspection at the offices of the Registrar of the Court and at the offices of the Applicants attorneys.

Be pleased to take notice further that the affidavits of Brenden Curt Coraizin and Tarryn Erasmus-Coraizin together withannexures thereto will be used in support of this application and are available for inspect at the offices of the Registrar of theHigh Court at Keerom Street, Cape Town and at the offices of the Applicants attorneys.

Kindly place the matter on the roll accordingly.

Dated at Cape Town during June 2012.

STBB Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, Attorneys for First and Second Applicants, 2nd Floor, Buchanan’s Chambers, cnrWarwick and Pearce Street, Claremont, 7735; c/o Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 8th Floor, St Goerge’s Building, 5 St George'sMall, Cape Town. (Ref: WC18833/T M Chase/ts.)

To: The Registrar, High Court, Cape Town.

And to: The Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town.


LW DEVELOPMENTS CC (Reg. No. 2006/186268/23) (voluntary liquidation)

MASTER’S REF No.C1306/2011

NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO WIND UP VOLUNTARILY (pursuant to the Companies Act 71 of 2008)

Notice is hereby given that on the 11th June 2012 at an extraordinary meeting of members of the above-named company,the following resolutions was passed:

That the company be wound up voluntarily by its members, that Harold Trevor Jedeikin be and is hereby appointed as liquidator, that his remuneration be fixed at a maximum of R1 000.00, excluding VAT and disbursement and that he is notrequired to furnish security for completion of his duties in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008.

Harry Jedeikin, 11 Lansdowne Road, Claremont, 7700.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 59

LITEMENT INVESTMENTS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED (Reg. No. 2000/01725/07) (voluntary liquidation)

MASTER’S REF No.C508/2011NOTICE OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO WIND UP VOLUNTARY (pursuant to the Companies Act 71 of 2008)

Notice is hereby given that on the 11th June 2012 at an extraordinary meeting of members of the above-named company,the following resolutions was passed:

That the company be wound up voluntarily by its members, that Harold Trevor Jedeikin be and is hereby appointed as liquidator, that his remuneration be fixed at a maximum of R1 000.00, excluding VAT and disbursement and that he is notrequired to furnish security for completion of his duties in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008.

Harry Jedeikin, 11 Lansdowne Road, Claremont, 7700.



(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)


Notice is hereby given that Mbuyiselo Leon Mvoko and Miliswa Judith Mvoko of 19 Glenluce Crescent, Edgemead,Cape Town, Western Cape Province, who were married in community of property on 22 September 1999, intend to apply to the above-mentioned Honourable Court on 17 July 2012, for an order ordering that their current matrimonial property system shallno longer apply and authorising them to enter into a notarial contract by which their future matrimonial property system is regulated.

The application and proposed notarial contract are available for inspection at the offices of ZS Incorporated, 1st Floor,Waalburg, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town, or at the office of the Registrar of the High Court, 40 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town.

Should you wish to object to the said application you may do so by notice in writing setting out the grounds of your objection, which notice must be delivered to the aforesaid premises by no later than 16h30 on 13 July 2012.

ZS Incorporated, PO Box 2701, Cape Town, 8000. Tel: (021) 423-7231. Fax: (021) 424-1442.


Case No. 10942/12


(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town)

In the ex parte application of: ELIZE PLATEN (ID No. 8602180144086), First Applicant, and EVAN PHILLIP PLATEN(ID No. 8411025222085), Second Applicant

In re: The amendment of their matrimonial property regime, as envisaged by section 21 (1) of the MatrimonialProperty Act, No. 88 of 1984 (as amended)

Be pleased to take notice that the above-named Applicants are of intention to apply to the above Honourable Court on the7th day of August 2012 at 10h00, or as soon hereafter as counsel for Applicants may be heard, for an order in the followingterms:

(a) That leave be granted to Applicants to amend their matrimonial property regime, as envisaged by section 21 (1) of theMatrimonial Property Act, No. 88 of 1984 (as amended), from a marriage in community of property to a marriage out of community of property, with exclusion of the accrual.

(b) That the Registrar of Deeds, Cape Town, be directed and authorised to register the notarial contract within 3 monthsfrom date of the order.

(c) That the right of Applicants existing creditors, if any, shall not be prejudiced by the order.

(d) Further and/or alternative relief.

Take further notice that if any person and/or institution wishes to object to the proposed amendment of Applicants’ matrimonial property regime or would like to make representations in respect thereof, they can lodge such objections and/or representation at the offices of the Registrar of the above Honourable Court at 40 Keerom Street, Cape Town and serve a copythereof on Applicant’s attorneys of record or they shall entitled to appear at the hearing of the matter to raise such representations.

Take further notice that a copy of the application, together with the propose notarial contract which Applicants are of intention to execute, shall lie for inspection at the offices of the Registrar of the above Honourable Court at 40 Keerom Street,Cape Town, and at the offices of Applicants attorneys, of record.

Dated at Bellville on this 23rd day of May 2012.

Laubscher & Hattingh Inc. per HJ Ehrich, Applicant’s Attorneys, Quattor Building, 81 Voortrekker Road, Bellville; c/o CK Friedlander Shandling & Volks, 4th Floor, 80 Strand Street, Cape Town.

And to: Registrar of the Deeds Offices, High Court, Cape Town.

And to: African Bank, Golden Acre Mall, Cape Town.

And to: ABSA Home Loans, 31 Lower Long Street, Cape Town.

And to: Edgars, cnr of Long Street and Strand Street, 62 Matador Building, Cape Town.

60 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Fund Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidationaccount, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the Country Fair Foods Pension Fund,12/8/16237/1 will be open for inspection for period of 29 June 2012 to 30 July 2012.

1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6,Pretoria; and

2. The Fund: Country Fair Foods Pension Fund, Bofors Circle, Epping 2, Epping Industria.

3. The Chief Magistrate, 7 Parade Street, Cape Town.

Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing withthe Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, no later than 13 August 2012.

Liquidator: HT Jedeikin, 11 Lansdowne Road, Claremont, 7708. Tel: (021) 671-1643.



Notice is hereby given in terms of section 28 (7) of the Pension Fund Act (No. 24 of 1956), that a preliminary liquidationaccount, preliminary balance sheet and preliminary distribution statement of the County Fair Foods Pension Fund, 12/8/16237/1will lie open for inspection for period of 29 June 2012 to 30 July 2012.

1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6,Pretoria; and

2. The Fund: County Fair Foods Pension Fund, Bofors Circle, Epping 2, Epping Industria.

3. The Chief Magistrate, 7 Parade Street, Cape Town.

Any interested person who has objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge his objection in writing withthe Registrar of Pension Funds, PO Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, no later than 13 August 2012.

Liquidator: HT Jedeikin, 11 Lansdowne Road, Claremont, 7708. Tel: (021) 671-1643.



Hiermee word kennis gegee dat in terme van S 28 (7) van die wet op Pensioenfondse (No. 24 van 1956), daar ’n voorlopige likwidasierekening, voorlopige balansstaat en ’n voorlopige verspreidingsstaat van die County Fair Foods PensionFonds–12/8/16237/1 oop sal wees vir inspeksie vir die tydperk vanaf 29 Junie 2012 tot 30 Julie 2012.

1. Die registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Riverwalk Kantoor Park, Blok B, Matroosbergstraat 41, Ashlea Gardens,Uitbreiding 6, Pretoria.

2. Die Fonds: County Fair Foods Pensioenfonds, Bofors Circle, Epping 2, Eppindust.

3. Die Hoofmagistraat: Paradestraat 7, Kaapstad.

Enige geinteriseerde persoon met teenstellings teenoor die bogenoemde rekeninge en state kan sy teenstellings in skrifrig aan die Registrateur van Pensioenfondse, Posbus 35655, Menlo Park, 0102, en nie later nie as 13 Agustus 2012.

Likwidateur: HT Jedeikin, Lansdowneweg 11, Claremont, 7708. Tel: (021) 671-1643.


Form/Vorm J 297


The estates of the persons mentioned below being unrepresented, interested parties are hereby given noticeby Masters of the High Court of South Africa, that meetings will be held in the several estates at the places, datesand times specified, for the purpose of selecting some person or persons for approval by the respective Masters,as fit and proper to be appointed by them as executors, curators or tutors, as the case may be, indicating the particulars as follows: Estate number, surname and christian names of deceased, and occupation; date of death;place, date and time of meeting.

Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s Office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will beheld before the Magistrate.

N.B.: Items indicated by an asterisk (*) on the left-hand side denote the election of a tutor or curator;otherwise an executor is to be elected.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 61


Aangesien die boedels van die persone hieronder vermeld nie verteenwoordig is nie, word hierby deurMeesters van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika aan belanghebbendes kennis gegee dat byeenkomste tenopsigte van die verskillende boedels op die plekke, datums en tye vermeld, gehou sal word, met die doel om ’npersoon of persone te kies vir goedkeuring deur die onderskeie Meesters as geskik en bekwaam om deur hulleaangestel te word as eksekuteurs, kurators of voogde, na gelang van omstandighede, met aanduiding van diebesonderhede in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam en voorname van oorlede persoon, en beroep; datumvan oorlye; plek, datum en tyd van byeenkoms.

In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou en in ander plekkevoor die Landdros.

L.W.: Items aan die linkerkant met ’n sterretjie (*) gemerk, dui aan die verkiesing van ’n voog of kurator;andersins word ’n eksekuteur gekies.


19293/2011—Mokete Ernest Leeu, Porter Department of Health. 20 July 2010. Pretoria Master Office 113, 28 June 2012,10:00. High Court, Pretoria.

Form/Vorm J 295


In terms of section 75 of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as curators ortutors by Masters, or of their having ceased in their respective capacity.

The information is given in the following order: Number of matter; person under curatorship, or minor, andaddress; name and address of curator or tutor; whether appointment or cease in capacity, and date; Master of theHigh Court.


Ingevolge artikel 75 van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone askurators of voogde deur Meesters, of van die beëindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede.

Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van saak; persoon onder kuratele, of minderjarige, enadres; naam en adres van kurator of voog; of aanstelling of beëindiging daarvan, en datum; Meester van dieHooggeregshof.


MC222/2012—Thurston Quieton Sain, 87 Kentucky Street, Riverley, 2093. Curator, Jacobus Frederik de Beer,

GLMI House, 164 Totius Street, Harlequins Office Park, Groenkloof, Pretoria. Appointment, 2012/06/04.

MC343/10—Ntobeng Johannes Monyela. Kurator/Voog, André Kitshoff, Van Ryneveldweg 70, Pierre van Ryneveld,

0045. Appointment/Termination, 2012/06/04. Master of the Supreme Court, Pretoria.


CR16/2012—Herman Adolph Reinach. Kurator, Herman Adolph Reinach. Kurator, Derek Arthur Foster, Oubos Landgoed

25, Bloemfontein. Aanstelling, 2012-06-06. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein.

CR13/11—Trust Account and practice of the late: Willem Jacobus Botha, in terms of the Court Order dated the 18th of

August 2011. Curator/Tutor/Administrator, Mzwekhaya Arnold Mohobo, 139 Zastron Street, Bloemfontein. Appointment,

18-08-2011. Master of the High Court, Bloemfontein.

62 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


CR13/2012/DBN—Aumnath Maharaj, Lot 208, Cliffdale Road, Cliffdale. Curator, Premilla Devi Maharaj, Lot 208, CliffdaleRoad, Cliffdale. Appointment, 28 May 2012. Master of the High Court, Durban.

CR13/2012/DBN—Aumnath Maharaj, Lot 208, Cliffdale Road, Cliffdale. Curator, Premilla Devi Maharaj, Lot 208, CliffdaleRoad, Cliffdale. Appointment, 28 May 2012. Master of the High Court, Durban.


MC112/2007—David Herculaas Steenberg, Welgelegen, Parow. Curator/Tutor, Pieter Francois Theron, p/a Heyns enVennote Ingelyf, 168 Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood, 7460. Beëindiging, 1 Mei 2012. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad.

MC428/2000—Theresa Antoinette Thomatos, Huis Silwerkruin, Fonteinstraat, Wellington. Curator, Deon Oliver, p/aVillage Trustees, Posbus 869, Kuilsrivier, 7579. Termination, 19 Mei 2012. Master of the High Court, Kaapstad.

CR61/2012—Mervin Geldenhuys (ID No. 7605145197082, of 91 Paul Street, Roodewal, Worcester, 6850, Western Cape.Curator, Edwin John Petersen, of c/o MWP Inc Attorneys, First Floor, Rondebosch Medical Centre, 85 Klipfontein Road,Rondebosch, 7700. Appointment, 16 May 2012. Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

CR26/2012—Gail Janine Terry (ID No. 6504100090088), of 6 Aloe Court, Kewtown, Athlone, 7764, Western Cape.Curator, Edwin John Petersen, of c/o MWP Inc Attorneys, First Floor, Rondebosch Medical Centre, 85 Klipfontein Road,Rondebosch, 7700. Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

Form/Vorm J 193


All persons having claims against the estates mentioned below are hereby called upon to lodge their claimswith the executors concerned, within 30 days (or otherwise as indicated) calculated from the date of publicationhereof. The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname and christian names, date ofbirth, identity number, last address, date of death; surviving spouse’s names, surname, date of birth and identitynumber; name and address of executor and authorised agent, period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than30 days.


Alle persone wat vorderinge het teen die boedels hieronder vermeld, word hierby versoek om hul vorderingeby die betrokke eksekuteurs en binne ’n tydperk van 30 dae (of andersins soos aangedui) gereken vanaf die datumvan publikasie hiervan in te lewer. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: Boedelnommer, familienaam envoorname, geboortedatum, identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, datum oorlede; nagelate eggenoot(note) se name,familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde agent, tydperktoegelaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as 30 dae.


8791/2012—Levin, Emil, 1939-11-28, 3911285095084, 42 Athlone, Larrendale, Brakpan, 2012-04-23. Jaco Burmeister,Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.

8791/2012—Levin, Emil, 1939-11-28, 3911285095084, 42 Athlone, Larrendale, Brakpan, 2012-04-30. Jaco Burmeister,Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.

9246/2012—McDonald, Leslie Jacobus, 6 January 1935, 3501065041083, Plot 42, Mooibank, district Potchefstroom, 13 May 2012, Anna Elizabeth McDonald, 1 September 1936, 3609010053085. Carel Erasmus-Gaisfords, Posbus 71,Potchefstroom, 2520.

23048/2008—Puleng Lydia Montso, 6303120301082, ’n onderwyseres, Sobuzastraat 1477, Boipatong, 1911, 31 Oktober2008. L W van Wyk, De Klerk, Vermaak & Vennote Ing, Prokureur vir Eksekuteur), 1ste Vloer, Orwell Park—Blok 3,Orwellrylaan, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging; Posbus 338, Vereeniging, 1930.

8509/2012—Barbara Magdalena Janse van Rensburg, 16 Maart 2012, 1811170007081, ’n meerderjarige vrou woonagtigte Standerton. HJ Langeveldt, Langeveldt & Nel Prokureurs, Mbonani Mayiselastraat 16, Standerton, 2430.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 63

32292/2011—Andersen, Herbert Thorwald Johannes, 7 June 1941, 4106075122086, 60 Bertha Street, Turffontein,Johannesburg South, 20 July 2010; Maria Aletta Catharina Anderson, 19 January 1956, 5601190056085. Maria Aletta CatharinaAndersen, c/o Gert Venter Attorneys, 16 Cunningham Road, Glenvista Ext. 3, Johannesburg. 30 days.

9703/2012—Alberts, Jan Niclaas, 1941/02/06, 4102065023087, 3 Freesia Str, Arconpark, Vereeniging, 26 March 2012.John William Alfonso Cumming Zurcher, Postnet Suite 143, Private Bag X068, Vanderbijlpark, 1900.

9553/2012—Lephoto, Nomsa Hilaria, 7 June 1953, 5306070752080, 50 Northview Estate, 8th Street, Noordwyk, 1687, 6 June 2012. Reitumetsi Michelle Molobi, 31 Highlands Estate, 5th Street, Halfway Gardens, 1687.

6654/2012—Slabbert, Hendrik Johannes, 20 September 1941, 4109205021087, farm Elandsfontein, Fochville, 19 January 2012. Bruce du Plooy, PO Box 6216, Baillie Park, 2526.

31827/2011—Lukas Frans Nienaber, 2609165022084, ’n pensioenaris, Hoewe 108, Vaalview, Vanderbijlpark, 10 Oktober2011. L W van Wyk, De Klerk, Vermaak & Vennote Ing, Prokureur vir Eksekuteur, 1ste Vloer, Orwell Park—Blok 3, Orwellrylaan,Drie Riviere, Vereeniging; Posbus 338, Vereeniging, 1930.

30044/2011—Pilane, Kagiso Gontse, 1986-09-09, 8609095291084, 454 Edwin Makheta Street, Dobsonville,Johannesburg, 2000, 7 November 2010. T.T. Hlapolosa Inc, PO Box 7577, Johannesburg, 2000.

8945/2012—Du Preez, Hendrik Bernardus, 23/03/1942, 4203235020084, Stefinastraat 13A, Meyerville, Standerton,2430, 28/04/2012; Marie Dorothea du Preez, 14/05/1943, 4305140107086. Van Heerden Schoeman, Kerkstraat 6E,Standerton.

8945/2012—Du Preez, Hendrik Bernardus, 23/03/1942, 4203235020084, Stefinastraat 13A, Meyerville, Standerton,2430, 28/04/2012; Marie Dorothea du Preez, 14/05/1943, 4305140107086. Van Heerden Schoeman, Kerkstraat 6E,Standerton.

8316/2012—Tlou, Mokgale Levy, 1947-08-11, 4708115573085, 2218 Block U, Mabopane, 0190, 2012-05-20. Malatji,Mohosh & Pooe Attorneys, No. 51 Kerk Street, Brits, North West, 0250.

7548/2012—Sekhaulelo, Carl Motlabo, 23 June 1963, 6306235669087, 168 Tshungu Street, Cyferskuil, 0483, 16-04-2012. Tsikhala Attorneys, Suite 303, 3rd Floor, Premium Towers, cnr Van der Walt & Pretorius Street, Pretoria.

9268/2012—Barnard, Hester Gerbrecht, 1930-10-29, 3010290066089, Oleanderstraat 13, Germiston, 1401, 2012-05-05.Jaco Burmeister, Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.

12619/2012—Kluckow, Mervyn John, 24/07/1939, 3907245233088, 23 Dann Road, Glen Marais, Kempton Park,17/04/2012. M.H. Kluckow, P.O. Box 1002, Silverton, 0127. 30 days.

9268/2012—Barnard, Hester Gerbrecht, 1930-10-29, 3010290066089, Oleanderstraat 13, Germiston, 1401, 2012-05-05.Jaco Burmeister, Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150.

5044/2012—Behr, Susara Magrietha Behr, 02/10/1930, 3010020006082, Room 156, Palm Renausance, Silverton,Pretoria, Gauteng, 31/01/2012. Wynand Cornelius Behr, 543 Foxglove Street, Doornpoort, 0017.

8644/2012—Van der Schyff, Hermanus Barend, 1926-11-03, 2611035049081, 31 Bosbok Avenue, Theresa Park,Pretoria North, 2012-03-25. Jemillo Adriaan, 63B Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.

11829/2012—Weiss, Ronald Edward, 1946-02-23, 4602235014080, 6 Liebenberg Street, Nelspruit, Ext. 2, 1201, 2012-02-04; Gerarda Johanna Weiss, 1949-01-02, 4901020026089. Jemillo Adriaan, 63B Worraker Street, Newton Park, PortElizabeth, 6045.

10471/2010—Du Toit, Noel Frederick, 2 December 1952, 5212025011087, 1006 Beryl Avenue, Lyttelton Manor X3, 21 May 2010. Jan Erasmus, P.O. Box 95030, Waterkloof, 0145.

7384/2012—Roger, Robin John, 12 November 1948, 4811125174181, 71 Jasper Avenue, Doringkloof, 30 March 2012.Jan Erasmus, P.O. Box 95030, Waterkloof, 0145.

2875/11—Crous, Johannes Joost Erasmus, 30 July 1953, 5307305056081, 225 Seeswael Road, Wierda Park X6, 15 November 2010. Jan Erasmus, P.O. Box 95030, Waterkloof, 0145.

7427/2012—Muller, Johanna Magdalena, 18 February 1932, 3202180002080, Heuwelsig versorgingseenheid 2,Centurion, 21 February 2012. Jan Erasmus, P.O. Box 95030, Waterkloof, 0145.

27705/2011—Mitta Zulu, 1210090121082, 692 Khanane Street, Vosloorus, Boksburg, 29 June 2009. S.B. Sithole &Associates, 76 Black Reef Road, P.O. Box 412, Germiston, 1400.

13420/2012—Patuel, Hilario, 1933-05-04, 3305045100187, No. 5 Wild Pear Crescent, Fourways Gardens, Fourways,Johannesburg, 2012-04-05; Maria Teresa Patuel, 1938-01-22, 3801220118184. Chrisna Riche Attorney, c/o Master on Call, P.O. Box 1435, Strubens Valley, 1735.

8255/2012—Oberholzer, Jeanette Wait, 09-01-1923, 2301090001082, Tieroog 7B, Moreleta Park, Pretoria, 29-04-2012.A L Kretzschmar, Private Bag X17, Brooklyn Square, 0075.

12946/2012—De Lange, Barend Jan, 1935-09-13, 3509135010087, Plot 29 (b), 7 De Laan, Ten Acres, Randfontein,2012-05-03; Susara Maria de Lange, 1938-03-15, 3803150025082. A J Spangeberg, P.O. Box 393, Alberton, 1450.

12952/2012—Harrower, Catherine Patricia, 1924-06-11, 2406110046189, D18, 18 Douglas Crescent, St George Village,7 Economides Rd, Bedfordview, 2012-05-03. AJ Spangeberg, P.O. Box 393, Alberton, 1450.

6378/2012—Paterson, Johanna, 22 December 1923, 2312220011081, 216 Fleurenville Retirement Home, 675 PretoriusStreet, Arcadia, Pretoria, 16 November 2011. I Dekker, p/a Dekker Attorneys, P.O. Box 2990, Mossel Bay, 6500.

21572/2011—Goosen, Elaine, 1928-10-21, 2810210031084, 3 Henry Street, Malvern East X6, Germiston, Gauteng, 2011-11-14. Michelle Oosthuizen, P.O. Box 329, Montana Park, Pretoria, 0159.

8898/12—Hepburn, William Allan, 24 May 1960, 6005245009082, Plot 35, Klipeiland, Bronkhorstspruit, 5 February 2012;Maria Hepburn, 28 September 1964, 6409280054088. Cornel Botha Attorneys, P.O. Box 74035, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040.

9119/2012—Van der Walt, Barend Johannes, 1923-06-15, 2306155023087, 16de Laan 430, Rietfontein, 2012-04-03.Williemse Finansiële Dienste, 499 May Str, Brooklyn, Pretoria.

13651/2012—Linda Hanekom, 4803150057084, 21 May 2012, married out of community of property to JacobusEvirhardus Hanekom. Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell Inc, Attorneys for Executor, P.O. Box 26873, East Rand, 11462. 30 days.

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8746/2011—Wagener, Elizabeth Wilhelmina, 7 Oktober 1920, 2010070027088, Crossberrystraat 17, Vandykpark,Boksburg, 21 April 2011. Mnr. G K Cronje, Cohen, Cronje & Van der Walt Prokureurs, Cronwalt Gebou, Clerqstraat, Posbus 63,Bethal, 2310.

4611/2011—Dannhauser, Georg Friedrich, 1959-05-02, 5905025035085, Paulstraat 154, Balfour, 2011-11-03. ClaasenProkureurs, Strydomstraat 11; Posbus 7, Frankfort, 9830.

12952/2012—Harrower, Catherine Patricia, 1924-06-11, 2406110046189, D18, 18 Douglas Crescent, St George Village,7 Economides Rd, Bedfordview, 2012-05-03. A.J. Spangeberg, P.O. Box 393, Alberton, 1450.

12946/2012—De Lange, Barend Jan, 1935-09-13, 3509135010087, Plot 29 (b), 7 De Laan, Ten Acres, Randfontein,2012-05-03; Susara Maria de Lange, 1938-03-15, 3803150025082. A.J. Spangeberg, P.O. Box 393, Alberton, 1450. 30 days.

12316/2012—Jooste, Christina Pretorius, 10-04-1928, 2804100006082, Van Rooystraat 13, Oewersig, Potchefstroom,04-05-2012. PSN, Privaatsak X041, Vanderbijlpark, 1900.

7899/2012—Kirstein, Christiaan Jacobus, 12 Februarie 1946, 4602125052083, Silwerjare, Bethal, 6 April 2012. Eric vander Walt, Posbus 63, Bethal, 2310.

7750/2012—Hagen, Jan, 1930-08-27, 3008275016087, Eenheid 110, Senior 2000 Aftree-oord, Theronstr 101, Clarina,Akasia, 2012-04-17. FA Potgieter–Eksekuteur, Danie Theronstr 307, Pretoria-Noord.

17268/2011—Matthasen, Charmaine, 19 Julie 1949, 4907190041089, Rooihoutsingel 17, Doornpoort, 21 Julie 2011;Joseph Christiaan Matthasen, 8 Augustus 1948, 4808085072082. Marius Hugo Hamann (Hamann en Botha Prokureurs),Bessiebosstraat 133, Wonderboom, Pretoria; Posbus 14550, Sinoville, 0129. 30 dae.

6320/2012—Sawyer, Harry Alexander, 20 March 1933, 3303205031086, Plot 59, Donkerhoek, Rayton, Gauteng, 12 March2012. Hamann & Botha Prokureur, Posbus 14550, Sinoville, 0129.

8338/2012—La Grange, Aletta Jacomina, 18 September 1924, 2409180033087, plaas Rochester, Standerton,Mpumalanga, 18 Junie 2011. Kriek Wassenaar & Venter Ing., PostNet Suite #A7, Privaatsak X529, Silverton, 0127.

1903/10—Taylor, Andries Daniel Johannes, 1929-03-20, 2903205037081, 130 Montana Renaissance, 1057 BraamPretorius Street, Montana Park, 0182, 2009-11-28; Anna Jacoba Margaretha Taylor, 1933-05-21, 3305210020087. 699 PierneefStreet, Deerness, 0084.

9922/2012—Hurley, Elizabeth Verena, 1936-10-19, 3610190049083, 131 San Sereno Retirement Estate, Bryanston,Johannesburg, 2012-03-25. Floris van der Walt, PO Box 3900, Rivonia, 2128.

9636/2012—Owers, Raymond Edward, 20 February 1937, 3702205052184, 31 Natures Place, Petrick Avenue, FaerieGlen, Pretoria, 3 June 2012. Erna Grové Attorney, PO Box 35296, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days.

11438/2012—Vertongen, Johanna Catharina, 1939-11-23, 3911230024080, 19 Pickard Street, Delmas, 2012-02-07;Jean William Vertongen, 1928-07-30, 2807300024185. FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.

11418/2012—Reynolds, Stanley Alfred, 1925-07-29, 2507295032181, 8 Ryanglen, Lessing Street, Rynfield Ext 28,Benoni, 2012-03-09. FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.

13809/2012—Orton, George William, 1930-07-09, 3007095058188, 14 Sao Paulo Crescent, Seaward Estates, Ballito,2012-04-13. FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.

4144/2011—Oberholster, Alwyn Johannes Justus, 1942-06-20, 4206205005084, 10 Somerset Street, Ext Geduld,Springs, 2011-12-19; Jacomina Margaritha Oberholster, 1956-04-11. Linda Bode, 63B Worraker Street, Newton Park, PortElizabeth, 6045.

7162/2012—Müller, Agnes Martha Frieda, 1922-06-09, 2206090001083, Oostvallei 53, Garsfontein, Pretoria, Gauteng,2012-04-08. P/a Gerhard Maré & Genote, George Storrarrylaan 107, Groenkloof, Pretoria.

28935—Cross, Priscilla Margaret Anne, 05-03-1950, 5003050064087, 138 Belfry Towers, Beach Rd, Doonside, 17-09-2009.Executor Deon Cross, P.O. Box 434, Klip River, 1871.

16571/2011—Mbambo, Ntombiyomusa Happiness, 1986-07-26, 8607260623081, 7923 Intinginond Cres,Olievenhoutbosch Ext 26, Centurion, 2011-09-03; Mbambo Khanyisane Mongamcli Joseph, 1980-05-17, 8005175615088.Moumele Inc., 304 Rentbel Towers, Bureau Lane, Pretoria.

10807/2012—Adam, Hassen, 21 October 1939, 3910215104081, 6 Murray Avenue, Extension 10, Lenasia, 16 October2011. Jon Adam Creswick, of 21 Orange Road, Orchards, Johannesburg.

11807/2012—Wilder, Asenath, 12-01-1925, 2501250024085, 108 Courtyard Randjies Estate, Randjieslaagte, 2192, 24-04-2012. SM Wilder, PO Box 2971, Pinegowrie, 2123.

21775/2010—Adkins, Susanna Maria, 1928-03-28, 2803280006086, Homes for the Aged, 28 Jubilee Road, AlanWoodrow Park, Boksburg, 2010-06-22. Matt Larkins Attorneys, PO Box 22066, Helderkruin, 1734.

8385/2012—Knoechl, Anita, 1985-09-04, 8509040169080, 158 Progress Road, Reefhaven, Roodepoort, 2012-04-16.Matt Larkin Attorneys, PO Box 22066, Helderkruin, 1734.

8697/2012—Nhlapo, Duduzir Selline, 1979-06-03, 7906030463088, 58 Mopani, Tasbet Park, Witbank, 1 May 2012;Nhlapo, Thulane Zephania, 1977-07-07, 7707076184087. Motimele Inc., 304 Rentbel Towers, Bureau Lane, Pretoria.

13608/2018—Boyer, Denise Barbara, 1950-06-18, 5006180059083, 87 Tregoning Street, Linksfield, Johannesburg, 2192,2012-04-07. C/o Moss Cohen & Partners, 21 West Street, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, 2198; PO Box 659, Johannesburg,2000.

14124/2012—Serapelo, Ramanti Israel, 1958-01-22, 5801225790084, Stand 867, Zone 10, Sebokeng, 26 May 2012;Montseng Roselina Serapelo, 1965-04-25, 6504250257081. Derrocks Attorneys, P.O. Box 38048, Booysens, 2016.

11280/2012—Pavars, Juris, 1935-05-29, 3505295051085, 13 Northumberland Road, South Kensington, Johannesburg,2094, 2012-04-22; Genia Pavars, 1933-07-24, 3307240029088. Barry Kalmin, P.O. Box 650313, Benmore, 2010.

11214/2012—Forbes, Sigrid Meta Katharina, 19-09-1920, 2009190008002, 3 Fleming House, Randtjies RetirementVillage, Randtjies Road, Highlands North, Johannesburg, 17-12-2011. Leonard Singer Attorneys, 142 Beyers Naude Drive,Roosevelt Park, 2195.

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13964/2012—Dube, Phikeleli Negro, 1949-05-08, 4905085610083, 10660 Manentsa Street, kwaThema, 16 May 2012;Ntsayi Florence Dube, 1951-05-05, 5105055610083. Derrocks Attorneys, P.O. Box 38048, Booysens, 2016.

13630/2012—Henery, Petronella Sophia, 04-07-1926, 2607040074080, Kowa Pienaar House for the Elderly, Elspark, 12-10-2011, widow. J.A. Pieterse Attorney, 20 Duiker Street, Sunward Park, Boksburg. 30 days.

12738/2012—Narsi, Dalpat Narotam, 20-08-1933, 3308205051083, 6 Boulders Boulevard, Rockcliff Estates, Rustenburg,16-04-2012. DK Motiram & Co, PO Box 42123, Fordsburg, 2033.

3930/2012—Mazibuko, Walter Themba, 1962-08-06, 6208065462080, 538 Entshonalanga Township, Tembisa,20010707; Zodwa Ellen Mazibuko, 1955-03-14, 5503140277086. Zodwa Ellen, E.P. Sepatso Attorneys, P.O. Box 91, BelmorePark, 1400.

3928/2012—Mtshali, Mchinya Martha, 1952-09-13, 5209130692082, 09 Umnonjaneni Section, Tembisa, 20111102;Machibi Adam Mtshali, 1952-05-26, 5205265240085. E.P. Sefatsa, E.P. Sefatsa Attorneys, P.O. Box 91, Delmore Park, 1401.

5426/2011—Ngake, Machobane Ezekiel, 1960-04-07, 6004075833083, 44 Living Stone, Vereeniging, 01-02-2011; NgakeTinah, 44 Living Stone, Vereeniging, 1966-07-18, 6607180287084. Hlatshwayo-Mhayise Inc., 24 George Street, Vereeniging.

21572/2011—Goosen, Elaine, 1928-10-21, 2810210031084, 3 Henry Street, Malvern East X6, Germiston, Gauteng, 2011-11-14. Michelle Oosthuizen, PO Box 329, Montana Park, Pretoria, 0159.

7568/12—Rosengarten, Fanny, 21 April 1928, 2804210010081, Madison Gardens, 45 1st Avenue, cnr 4th Road, Kew,Gauteng, 3 March 2012. Dan Abraham Rosengarten, P.O. Box 1037, Houghton, 2041.

8852/12—Snaid, Mannas (also known as Mannie), 8 April 1923, 2304085047086, 287 Pendoring Road, Blackheath,Johannesburg, 2195, 17 May 2012. Arnold Charles, c/o Eversheds, PO Box 78333, Sandton City, 2146.

13934/2012—Marais, Eugene Ernest, 23-05-27, 2705235022086, 45 Saturn Street, Solheim, Germiston, 30-05-2012.N.T. de Munnik, HLB Barnett Chown (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 442, Bruma, 2026. 21 days.

12629/2012—Mair, Bruce William Pascal, 1948-07-14, 4807145155184, 6 Alpine Village, Nyala Road, Sonneglans Ext 17,2011-08-12; Notsizi Delsy Mair, 1966-10-01, 6610010320083. DHD Attorneys, Suite F1, Ferndale Village, cnr Oxford Street &Main Ave, Randburg.

8891/2012—Makkink, Rachel Elizabeth, 1948-06-17, 4806170005082, 1079 Deborah Street, Claremont, Pretoria, 2012-02-07; Willem Hendrik Wesly Makkink, 1953-09-09, 5309095054086. Morne van Niekerk, 63B Worraker Street, NewtonPark, Port Elizabeth, 6045.

12951/2012—Duncan, Shirley Isobel, 1928-04-29, 2804290046088, 41 Boschendal, cnr Lonehill Blv and Crestwood,Lonehill, 2191, 2012-03-28. Jemillo Adriaan, 63B Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.

8411/2007—Sayed, Imraan, 1984-11-05, 8411055290085, 7900 Pegasus Street, Extension 9, Lenasia, 2007-01-08. C/o Moss Cohen & Partners, 21 West Street, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, 2198; PO Box 659, Johannesburg, 2000.

13615/2012—Kirby, Marion Jessie, 28-10-1929, 2910280058080, 8 Darrenwood Village, First Street, Linden, 2195, 18-05-2012. Dave Oshry, PO Box 2971, Pinegowrie, 2123.

13905/2012—Boggis, Eric Robert Edward, 14-07-1931, 3107145101085, 2 Makriel Street, Bonaero Park, Kempton Park,08-05-2012. Rex-Phillips Attorneys, 70 First Avenue, Dunvegan, Edenvale.

32544/2011—Watson, Mich, 1960-11-06, 6011065217011, 2516 Fozwia Flat, Hamilton Street, Westbury, Johannesburg,2011-12-06. Zihaad Haffejee Attorneys, Office 3, 1st Floor, 21 Bree Street, Fordsburg, 2092.

14146/2012—Cassim, Ismail, 1925-06-01, 2506015059086, 283 Rose Avenue, Lenasia, 2011-07-14; Khatija Cassim,1928-12-25, 2812250073083. Ziyaad Haffejee Attorneys, Office 3, 1st Floor, 21 Bree Street, Fordsburg, 2092.

5413/2012—Rees, Laura, 28 May 1930, 12 Masefield Street, Farrarmere, Benoni, 1501, 18 March 2012. Peter JohnCowling, P.O. Box 38, Brakpan, 1540.

8339/08—Kanes, Charmain Yshela, 29 February 1964, 6402290054081, 106 Roseneath Road, Roseacre,Johannesburg, 15 February 2008; Samuel Alfred Kanes, 1 May 1957, 5705015169088. Michael Dansky, P O Box 2274,Johannesburg, 2000.

12452/2012—Van der Westhuizen, Nola (born Lee), 1967-01-27, 6701270132084, 56 Koorsboom Street, Heuweloord,Centurion, 2012-05-06. L Greeff, PO Box 600, Park South, 1910. 30 days.

11298/2012—Sepobe, Mamosego Mary, 29-09-1917, 1709290083083, 1283 Paul Flats Extension 4, Eldorado Park,26/04/2011; Lundell & Haman Lundell, 6 Grant Avenue, Norwood, 2192.

5062/2012—Landgrebe, Herman Karl Wilhelm, 6/6/22, 2206065074180, 4 Van der Bijl St., Douglasdale, Sandton, 25-08-2010. WKH Landgrebe & Co., PO Box 3665, Radbuy, 2125. 30 days.

4084/2012—Shabangu, Malusi, 1965-05-12, 6505125353088, 29 Austen Street, Tulisa Park, Gauteng, 12 February 2012;Nokuthula Shabangu, 1972-07-18, 7207180862082. Nhlanhla Mthembu Attorneys, PO Box 3974, Johannesburg, 2000; or 16-20 New Street South, 8th Floor, Rennaissance Building, Gadhi Square, Johannesburg.

539/2012—Powell, Megan Daffodil, 1935-07-21, 3507210027083, 18 Grampian Road, The Hill, Johannesburg, 2197,2011-12-02. Andre du Toit, 208 Barry Hertzog Ave., Greenside, 2193.

9522/2012—Amos, Luciana, 1945-02-10, 4502100104182, 30 Kyalami Crest Estate, Whisken Avenue, Kyalami EstatesExt. 14, 1684, 2012-05-20. P. Amos, PO Box 30514, Kyalami, 1684. 30 days.

13808/2012—Wolf, Hannelore, 1924-01-24, 2401240039088, Kinneret 3-3 Kfar Saba, Israel, 2012-05-14; Arthur Wolf,1913-11-26, 1311265014084. FNB Trust Services, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.

12958/2012—Wilson, Judahs, 1938-11-25, 38111255048081, 21 Burn Street, Waverley Ext. 1, Johannesburg, 2090, 2012-04-17; Mosekate Sarah Wilson, 1941-12-16, 4112160366083. FNB Trust Servies, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold,Johannesburg, 2132.

4574/2012—Vella, Ethel Gertrude, 14/10/1954, 5410140134087, No. 18 Melanie Avenue, Northcliff, Johannesburg,21/01/2012. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.

23730/2011—Matshaba, Selina Marapude, 1940-01-23, 4001230279089, 9814A Armitage Street, Orlando West, Orlando,1803, 2011-09-16. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, Johannesburg, 2132.

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13807/2012—Knodell, Jennifer, 1952-05-25, 5205250002086, 8 Quintondale, Orchards Road, Cheltondale, Jhb, 2012-05-16. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, Johannesburg, 2132.

13804/2012—Blunden, Gladys Mabel, 1920-02-20 2002200084105, Flat 6, The Old School, The Green, Grundisburgh,Woodbridge, Suffolk, 2012-01-30. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, Johannesburg, 2132.

2245/2012—Malisa, Moeketseng Gordon, 15 December 1974, 7412156139081, 4753 Riceflower Crescent, Etwatwa Ext. 1, 22 November 2011. TL Baloyi Attorneys, Suite 519, 5th Floor, Mansion House, 132 Market Street, cnr Von Brandis Street,Johannesburg. 30 days.

10511/2011—Goncalves, Maria Fatima Jardim, 1961-02-28, 6102280201086, Ruimsig Estate, 325 Valhalla Street,Krugersdorp, 2011-04-07; Joao Norberto Figueira Goncalves, 1958-07-05, 5807055193182. Eversheds, PO Box 78333,Sandton City, 2146.

11559/2012—Barker, Colin Charles, 1940-05-17, 4005175033088, 37 Alphin Close, Wroxhan Road, Paulshof, 2191,2012-03-11. Leigh Ann Swart, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

13108/2012—Alberts, Elaine Enid, 1935-01-05, 3501050004088, 174 Woodstream Lofts, Kenmare, Krugersdorp, 2011-12-21. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.

3625/2012—Van Blerk, Gert Christoffel, 1929-12-08, 2912085032088, 23 King Edward Street, Kensington,Johannesburg, 12/11/2011. FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.

16712/2011—Van Hoeken, Robert, 27 October 1935, Boulevard du Commandant Charcot 45B, Neuilly Sur Seine(France), 12 June 1995; Gerlinde Lackner, 13 March 1947. E da C Luiz Attorneys, PO Box 75962, Gardenview, 2047.

7038/2012—Mogola, Julia Mmamokgo, 28-03-1945, 4503280451088, Stand No. 2197, Moroka, Soweto, 1818, 30 August2011. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Jhb; P.O. Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107.

1177/2011—Mkhize, Erick Bhekizizwe, 5 March 1969, 6903055433089, 91 Pienaar Street, Brenthurst Ext. 1, 23 December 2010; Nonhlanhla Charity Mabuza, 13 December 1972, 7212150377082. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor,Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Jhb; P.O. Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107.

14127/2012—Smit, Dennis Michael, 13 April 1942, 4204135097081, 32 The Grenadines, Nightingale Street, Atlasville,Boksburg, 1465, 1 May 2012. Erna Grové Attorney, PO Box 35296, Menlo Park, 0102. 30 days.

2012/12371—Madhav, Elizabeth, 17/01/1937, 3701170103089, Erf 2354 Extension 1, Lenasia, 1999/07/29; GunpatMadhav, 15/03/1934, 3403155079083. Aashia Saloojee Inc., P.O. Box 2277, Lenasia, 1820.

13824/2012—Nyauza, Judith Josephine, 1958-01-21, 5801210445082, 1598 Elangeni Street Extension 1, Tokoza, 2012-02-27. Siphiwe George Nyauza, 1598 Elangeni Street Extension 1, Tokoza, 1426.

14368/2012—Mazebuko, Tapama Sam, 1954-06-02, 5406025400080, 311 Zone 8, Evaton, 6 June 2012; Zondwasi LeteaMazebuko, 1958-11-27, 5811270764082. Andrew Lishivha, Practising Attorney, Ex-officio Commissioner of Oaths, 3rd Floor,Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg.

5405/2012—Mhlanga, Patricias, 23 July 1969, 6907230266082, Unit 40, 2671, Doberman Street, Commercia, 14 June 2011. Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Jhb; P.O. Box 61726,Marshalltown, 2107.

15147/2006—Rafedile, Petros, 1952-11-18, 5211185763081, 7047 Zone 4, Diepkloof, Soweto, 2004-10-24. LishivhaTrust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Jhb; P.O. Box 61726, Marshalltown, 2107.

Smith, Cornelius Abram, 1926-07-07, 2607075005009, Bergsig No. 1, Prinsesstraat 26, Frankfort Vrystaat, 9830, 2012-03-15. JS van Heerden Lloyd & Jansen, Posbus 210, Ermelo, 2350.

14048/2012—Olivier, Susanna Catharina Olivier, 3 Desember 1917, 4607010526083, Greylaan 54, Vereeniging, 2 April 2012. Mnr. M P J S Olivier, Greylaan 54, Vereeniging. 30 days.

14048/2012—Olivier, Susanna Catharina Olivier, 3 Desember 1917, 4607010526083, Greylaan 54, Vereeniging, 2 April 2012. Mnr. M P J S Olivier, Greylaan 54, Vereeniging. 30 days.

10018/2012—Coetzee, Maria Glondina, 27 September 1947, 4709270160080, 19 Magnolia, Edenpark, Witbank, 1035,21 December 2011. Ingrid Yates, Sentinel International Trust, PO Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

18280/2011—Goosen, Bertha Miriam, 17/09/1919, 1909170013081, Sickbay, Altena Retirement Village, Altena Street,Strand, 12/09/2011. Me. A. Labuschagne, 402 Herby Currer Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria.

17560/2011—De Villiers, Jan Dawid, 13/7/1942, 4207135077086, Plot 72, Cora Botha Street, Vereeniging, 29/4/2011;Colleen de Villiers, 17/01/1948, 4801170076084. H.J. Pienaar, P.O. Box 15311, Emerald Hill, 6011.

12111/2012—Baptista, Fernando Manuel da Silva, 25 Junie 1950, 5006255136089, Repulbiekstraat 89, Noycedale,Nigel, 19 Augustus 2011; Mev. Philomena Clarissa Bapista, 12 Maart 1954, 5403120128088. De Beer Prokureurs, Posbus 704,Nigel, 1490; Breytenbachstraat 74, Nigel, 1491.

14048/2012—Olivier, Susanna Catharina Oliveir, 3 Desember 1917, 4607010526083, Greylaan 54, Vereeniging, 2 April 2012. Mnr. M P J S Olivier, Greylaan 54, Vereeniging. 30 days.

8806/2011—Zokwana, Linda, 1961-07-25, 6107250575088, 14 Melkhout Street, Mayberry Park, Alberton, Johannesburg,2006/05/05; Senzeni Zokwana, 1956-03-04, 5603045804081, Bruce Burt, 68 Tregoning Street, Linksfield, Johannesburg, 2192.

2471/2010—Vorster, Hendrik Johannes, 1948-02-10, 4802105031087, 2 Karee Street, Greenhills, Randfontein, 2009-10-18; Magdalena Cornelia Vorster, 1955-08-30, 5508300112080. Elaine De Witt Att., 2nd Floor, ABSA Building, cnr Human &Kruger Street, Krugersdorp.

11399/11—Ngenisile Lilian Tshabalala, ID: 3107270111081. Kgotleng Attorneys, PO box 11047, Johannesburg, 2001. 30 days.

7389/2012—Simoni, Vittoria Maria, 16-10-1916, CI AE8938276, Via Pasana Faemano 2575 Lucca, Italy, 23-11-2009.Franz H L Urbani, 230 Mount Pellan Drive, Glenvista, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 911, Germiston, 1400.

11654/2012—Soma, Narendra Ramjee, 1957-01-25, 5701255138081, 15 The Willows Rosen Street, Corlett Gardens,Lyndhurst, 2012-04-07; Lelieta Soma, 1956-07-03, 5607030238080. Ellen Julia Nel, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown North,2193.

23541/2011—Rowen Alfred Battye Shedlock, ID: 3006255018081, N12 St Georges Village, Economedies Road,Bedfordview, 28 June 2011. Uneda Hiley, PricewaterhouseCoopers, PO Box 55799, Menlo Park, 0018. 30 days.

13537/2012—Sambo, Sipho Sydney, 14/11/1967, 6711145288086, Gardenia Street 50, Kinross, 2270, 27/03/2012;Samo, 24/04/1972, 7204240461088. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 1620.

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13811/2012—Jjr-Nan Shien, 09-02-1942, 40-4th Avenue, Bezuidenhout Valley, 24-11-2011. Soom Moy Lee, c/o Chiba-Juvan Inc. 53 Church Street, Mayfair, 2092. 30 days.

2765/2012—Lekalakala, Joyce Makediane, 1966-06-28, 6606280949080, 6882 Tshepo Section, Tembisa, GautengProvince, 2011-09-20. JR Kgarimetsa Attorneys, JR Kgarimetsa Attorneys, Office A5, 2nd Floor, North Park Mall, Pta North.

10854/2012—Lubisi, Lucas Ernesto, 26/03/2012, 690808639008, 8647 Skhosana Street Ext. 1, Ratanda; JohannaSethole, 30/05/1976, 7605300520084. Preshnee Govender Attorneys, 62 Mashall Street, 3rd Floor, Khotso House,Johannesburg.

12683/2012—Mametja, Salamina, 04-04-2012, 660116039708, 3385 Extension 2, Protea Glen, 1818. PreshneeGovender Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, 3rd Floor, Khotso House, Johannesburg.

12288/2012—Mhlongo, Edward Reginald, 13/02/2011, 470412542608, 318 Godlo Street, Wattville, Benoni, 1501; EldaNtombizodwa Mhlongo, 14/01/1957, 5701140156086. Preshnee Govender Attorneys, 62 Mashall Street, 3rd Floor, KhotsoHouse, Johannesburg.

13386/2012—Mashile, Thamsanqa, 02/06/2012, 450211550308, 3385 Extension 2, Protea Glen, 1818; Masitisile OnicaMashile, 05/08/1953, 5308050723081. Preshnee Govender Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street, 3rd Floor, Khotso House,Johannesburg.

13824/2011—Moila, Matome Peter, 17/04/2011, 680307566308, 3385 Extension 2, Protea Glen, 1818; Gcinephi MavisMoila, 10/02/1969, 6902100404087. Preshnee Govender Attorneys, 62 Mashall Street, 3rd Floor, Khotso House, Johannesburg.

12568/2012—Minnaar, Leopold Vincent, 1927/04/04, 2704045057085, 15 Albert Street, Townsview, Johannesburg,2190, 2012/04/16. Isabel Pieterse, 7507220066085, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.

16224/2011—Nomalanga Splina Mawela, 3509250261085, 544 Leebanope Street, Meadowlands Zone 8, 1852, 2011-06-17. 83 Market Street, 2nd Floor, Room 206, Morksat Market Building, Jhb (J.AM Attorneys).

15363/2010—Mahlangu, Thandi, 1970-08-25, 7008250538085, 1176 Ormonde Ext. 26, 2007-10-02. Willem FrederickMollentze, Mollentze and Associates, 48 Chateau De Vie, Van Oordt Street, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp.

17239/2011—Matseke, Mabuti Charles, 1968-03-07, 6803075694084, 1540 Tanzania Street, Klipfontein View, 2011-05-29; Mamma Maria Kekana, 1974-07-22, 7402220549083. Shumani F Silamulela Attorney, 14 West Str., Selwyn Court,2nd Floor, Office No. 25/26.

7599/09—Moeng, Roy Sesinyi, 1955-04-29, 5504295720086, 6786 Unit 6, Ga-Rankuwa Zone 6, 1998-11-13. WillemFrederick Mollentze, Mollentze and Associates, 48 Chateau De Vie, Van Oordt Street, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp.

13371/2012—Tanya Madeley, 12/03/1968, 6803120147088, Unit 7, Tamptrisk, 26 Troupant Avenue, Magaliesig,Johannesburg, 23 April 2012. Trevor Bouwer – Bouwer Cardona Inc., 59 - 7th Avenue, Parktown North. 30 days.

13148/12—Nicolau, Tereza Maria Neves, 11 January 1954, 5401110089088, 66 Klip Street, Observatory Ext.,Johannesburg, 5 April 2012. BoE Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.

9472/2012—Chandrakant Parbhoo, 16 October 1940, 4010165089082, 336 Patel Street, Actonville, Benoni, 1502, 29December 2011. Bham & Dahga Attorneys, 9 Lakeside Place, Pioneer Drive, Kleinfontein Lake Office Park, Benoni. 30 days.

13902/2012—Pavitt, Roy, 24/05/1925, 2505245050089, 7 Greenhill Road, Emmarentia, 24/05/2012. Light andLovingstone Inc., 3rd Floor, Palm Grove, Houghton Estate Office Park, 2 Osborn Rd, Houghton, 2192.

13870/2012—Celestino Fernandes Pereira Agriao, 4608075010187, 13 Selton Street, Carletonville, Pretoria. Caldeira &Associates, PO Box 1619, Bruma, 2026. 30 days.

14074/2012—Molifi Wilfred Daniel Bokhoolane, 6 October 1921, 2110065139086, 7674 Mokopane Street, Daveyton,Benoni, 8 April 2012. Mpho Shadibo Gamede, c/o B.P. Ndaba Incorporated, 81 Ampthill Avenue, 1st Floor, Central House,Benoni, 1500; P.O. Box 797, Benoni. 30 days.

27093/2008—Beck, Charles Edward Lukin, 1922-01-18, 2201185104082, 19 Naine, Le Donaine, Acutts Drive, KwaZulu-Natal, 3626, 2008-12-09. Charles Stephen Beck, 5 Fort Street, Illovo Ext, Johannesburg. 30 days.

8863/12—Coulthard, Brian Basil, 1929-09-01, 2909015007081, 200 Glenvista Renaissance Village, Bellaires Drive,Glenvista, 2011-09-08. Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg.

13140/2012—Leopoldo Costa, 24/10/1944, 4410245056087, 62 12th Street, Orange Grove, 18/04/2012. Marc ClintonFaber, 329 Emerald Estate, Greenstone.

7328/2018—Chetty, Muthaiya, 1925-11-10, 2511105046084, 253 Honeysuckle Ave Ext. 3, Lenasia, 1820, 2011-08-14. K. Chetty, 253 Honeysuckle Avenue, Ext. 3, Lenasia, 1820.

13160/12—Du Toit, Ellis, 12 April 1943, 4304125063083, Complex 3, Sanyati Adamson Crescent, Weltevreden Park,Roodepoort, 13 April 2012; Rachel Charlotte Elizabeth du Toit, 26 September 1945, 4509260042086. BoE Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.

27189/2011—Luisa de Chaud, 20 May 1944, 4405200023080, 4 Kerkira, Catherine Street, Grayston, Sandton, 6 June2011. Antonia Lazaridis, c/o Christelis Artemides Attorneys, 2nd Floor, 20 Baker Street, Rosebank.

20067/2010—Nhlapo Ntombi Eunice, 1951-12-18, 5112180575084, No. 1528, Pimville, Zone 1 (one), Pimville 1809, 20 March 2010; Edwin Johannes Nhlapo, 4803185564088. 83 Market Street, Works at Market Building, 2nd Floor, Room 206;T.A.M. Attorneys, Box 62669, Marshalltown.

13535/2012—Forie, Aletta Maria, 05/04/1922, 2204050034087, Trans 50, Pitout Street, Witfield, 1459, 07/05/2012. ABSATrust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

4977/2012—Jan Hepburn, 6804125257088, a married male died on 9 February 2012. Matsemela Krauses & Ngubeni Inc,79 Fourth Street, PO Box 5, Docex 17, Springs, 1560. 30 days.

13651/2012—Linda Hanekom, 4803150057084, 21 May 2012; married out of community of property to JacobusEvirhardus Hanekom. Malherbe, Rigg & Ranwell Inc, Attorneys for Executor, P.O. Box 26873, East Rand, 11462. 30 days.

13762/2012—Mohamed Hassim, 16/6/1943, 13 Jacques Street, Rynsoord, Benoni, 18/5/2012. Nanabhay Inc, P.O. Box61907, Marshalltown, 2107. 30 days.

26900/2011—Vangel Jankulovski, 18 October 1933, 3310185084084, married, 4 Lunik Drive, Isandovale, Edenvale, 26 February 2011. Schoonees, Belling and Georgiev Attorneys, 23 Seventh Avenue, Edenvale; PO Box 83, Edenvale, 1610. 30 days.

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16666/09—Jackson, Mary Veronica, 1921/07/22, 2207210040084, 23 Sunbird Avenue, Lenasia Extension 1, 2008/10/31.Coovadia Attorneys, PO Box 10723, Lenasia, 1820.

13313/2012—King, Norman Sydney William, 15 October 1928, 20906 Hamaca Court, Bocaraton, Florida, United Statesof America, 28 September 2005. Nathanson Bowman and Nathan, 2 North Street, Melrose, Johannesburg.

32822/2010—Selina Khanyile, 3904150372084, 32 Jayani Section, Tembisa, 1632, 1939-04-15. 83 Market Street, 2nd Floor, Room 206, Works at Market Building, Johannesburg, 19 March 2001; T.A.M. Attorneys, Box 62662, Marshalltown,2107. 30 days.

13182/2012—Labuschagne, Hazel Ruth, 20 April 1926, 2604200063086, Flat 67, P.O. Box 1373, Randburg, 2125, 23 March 2012. BoE Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.

13181/2012—Lane, Elizabeth, 1927-04-08, 2704080038180, 423 Elphin Lodge, 222 Modderfontein Rd, Lyndhurst, 2012-03-04. Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.

12572/2012—Ladanyi, Robert Attila, 30/01/1972, 7201305103084, 136 Algernon Road, Norwood, 2192, Johannesburg,23/03/2012. Mareese Lucille Joseph in her capacity as nominee of Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands,2121.

4107/2012—Van Rheede Van Oudtshoorn, Nicolaas Wilhelmus Jacobus, 1934-09-17, 3409175012087, 64 DaviesStreet, Westonaria, 2012-02-03; Susanna van Rheede van Oudtshoorn, 1939-07-16, 3907160026087. Jaco du Plessis, #4 I’BaliVillage, The Islands Estate, Broederstroom.

8380/2012—Blignaut, Willem Johannes, 1929-10-10, 2910105039083, Plot 9, Sasobijl, Vanderbijlpark, 2010-06-10. GM Lubbe, Bothasbergstraat 16, Vaalpark.

7147/2012—Robbertze, Johannes Aldaris, 27 June 1951, 5106275019081, 32 Joubert Street, Wolmaransstad, 2630, 7 April 2012. T J Welding, PO Box 347, Wolmaransstad, 2630.

13450/2012—Venter, Jan Hendrik, 15 September 1942, 4209155034088, Potgieterstraat No. 5, Ermelo, 2351, 9 Januarie2012; Catharina Hendrina Joachamina Venter, 30 Julie 1947, 4707300022080. Johannes Vos, Vos, Steyn, Van Zyl Ing,Privaatsak X9061, Ermelo, 2350.

6756/2012—Jansen van Vuuren, Theresa Heroma, 1946-02-18, 4602180130089, No. 204 Summerton Place, h/vWebber & Kingstraat, Germiston, 2011-05-01. Legatus Trust (Edms.) Bpk, Posbus 1556, Strubensvallei, 1735.

26759/2011—Lombard, Elsie Catharina, 02-08-1952, 5208020010082, President Steynstraat 3, Ermelo, 2351, 01-09-2011; Arie Willem Lombard, 04-04-1952, 5204045013086. Sean Tromp Prokureurs, Posbus 32600, Waverley, 0135. 30 dae.

Schutte, Roline, 2/12/1946, 4612020011084, 9 Highgrove, Danie Theron Street, Alberton, 22/05/2012; Ignatius ChristianSchutte, 24/01/1939, 3901245027087. Wilhelmina Jacoba Pieterse, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

Helen Selame Johnson, 16 Oktober 1963, 6310160190085, Rondebultweg 314, Parkdene, 1460, 13 Mei 2012.Wilhelmina Jacoba Pieterse (ID: 6504290153084) in haar hoedanigheid as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, c/oSanlam Trust, Privaatsak X45, Lynnwoodrif, 0040.

Mtsweni (Mahlangu), Babulaleni Martha, 8/03/1959, 5903080750086, 817 Stand Ext. H, Tweefontein, Elandsdoorn,Kwamhlanga, Bronkhorstspruit, 5/12/2011. Wilhelmina Jacoba Pieterse (ID: 6504290153084) in her capacity as nominee ofSanlam Trust Limited, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X133, Halfway House, 1685.

14474/2012—Buta, George Philemon, 1/01/1957, 5701016748087, PO Box 437, Sehlakwane, 1047, 15/04/2012;Hleziphi Elsie Buta, 1/06/1963, 6306010335086. Wilhelmina Jacoba Pieterse (ID: 6504290153084) in her capacity as nomineeof Sanlam Trust Limited, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X133, Halfway House, 1685.

Swanepoel, Susara Cornelia Susanna, 5/01/1964, 6401050086085, 423 15th Avenue, Rietfontein, 0084, 17/05/2012.Wilhelmina Jacoba Pieterse (ID: 6504290153084) in her capacity as nominee of Sanlam Trust Limited, Sanlam Trust, PrivateBag X133,Halfway House, 1685.

13243/2012—De Bruyn, Wouter Jurie, 29/11/1965, 6511295593081, 157 Hornbill Street, Rooihuiskraal, Centurion, 229Britz Ave, Wierda Park, 1/05/2012; Adriana Marieke de Bruyn, 16/03/1984, 8403160227086. Wilhelmina Jacoba Pieterse(6504290153084) in haar hoedanigheid as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House,1685.

Redelinghuys, Susanna Cathrina Jacomina, 3/02/1938, 3802030048082, Martha Hofmeyer Old Age Home, 9 HoogStreet, Polokwane, 0699, 7/04/2012. Wilhelmina Jacoba Pieterse (ID: 6504290153084) in her capacity as nominee of SanlamTrust Limited, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

Johnson, Helen Selame, 16/10/1963, 6310160190085, 314 Rondebult Road, Parkdene, 1460, 13/05/2012. WilhelminaJacoba Pieterse (ID: 6504290153084) in her capacity as nominee of Sanlam Trust Limited, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137,Halfway House, 1685.

Osborne, John James, 9/01/1972, 7201095091085, 90 Elkie Street, Wilropark, 1724, 23/05/2012. Wilhelmina JacobaPieterse (ID: 6504290153084) in her capacity as nominee of Sanlam Trust Limited, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, HalfwayHouse, 1685.

13336/2012—Boeije, Willem Stephanus, 5/11/1945, 4511055047080, 6 Utopia Place, Kromdraai Street, Faerie Glen,Pretoria, 17/05/2012; Sophia Aletta Jacoba Boeije, 10/06/1951, 5106100035088. Wilhelmina Jacoba Pieterse, Sanlam Trust,Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

8301/2012—Venter (gebore Kruger), Beatrix Aletta, 1929-10-20, 2910200019089, Woonstel F110, Kruinpark Aftree-Oord, Wilropark, Roodepoort, 2012-04-15. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg.

8870/12—Taljaard (gebore Nice), Elizabeth Magdalena, 1936-07-20, 3607200013083, Huis Siesta, Pasteur Boulevard,Vanderbijlpark, 2012-05-19. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg.

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8877/12—Krouse (gebore Alcock), Heléne Dawn, 1930-06-15, 3006150037087, Impalarylaan 64, Carletonville, 2011-12-21; Zacharias Johannes Krouse, 1927-12-13, 2712135039087. Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Posbus3673, Randburg, 2125.

8873/12—Stolle, Douglas Arthur, 1944-11-23, 4411235007080, Forsmanstraat 9, Christiana, 2012-04-26. StabilitasEksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Posbus 3673, Randburg.

8184/12—Lang, Sylvia Janet Heather, 1946/05/10, 4605100104084, 13 Skylark Ave, Farrarmere, Benoni, 2012/01/31.Phillippus Albertus Coetzee, 22 Mc Nulty Ave, Silverlakes.

8903/2012—Cooper, Pauline Agnes, 1923/01/11, 2301110167087, 4 Prospect Road, Cove Farnorough, Hampshire,England, 2009/08/17. Phillippus Albertus Coetzee, 22 Mc Nulty Ave, Silverlakes.

20079/2010—Maruping, Gredah Nonkumbuzo, 20/05/1950, 5005200370082, 16780 Mathapama Crescent Ext. 26,Marimba Gardens, Vosloorus, 16/05/2010. Aurelia Tshabangu, 16780, Mathapama Crescent Ext. 26, Marimba Gardens,Vosloorus. 30 days.

9579/12—Edward Hopkins Staffor, 3611045087088, 13 May 2012. Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson, P.O. Box 1003,Pretoria, 0001. 30 days.

22262/2011—Mojaki, Seipati Lucia, 1964-01-07, 6401070349083, 80 The Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, 2011-07-24.Manthuping Theresa Mongoere, 80 Carbon Ave, Steelpark, 1911.

12861/2012—Molefe, Mpho Johanne Johannes, 4 March 1958, 5803045778083, 10140/21 Dobsonville Ext. 3, Soweto,21 April 2012; Abigail Nthabiseng Molefe, 19 September 1963, 6309190277084. Nerina Wessels Attorney, PO Box 3423,Pinegowrie, 2123.

12551/2012—Thesnaar, Arina, 1969-02-06, 6902060024081, 9 Oswald Park, Aston Bay, Eastern Cape, 26-04-2012.Eugene Peyper Attorney, PO Box 4610, Randburg, 2125. 30 days.

12862/2012—Husselman, Helena Jacomina, 11 March 1934, 3403110030080, Rusoord—Vryburg, 12 Elandweg,Vryburg, Noordwes-Kaap, 25 Mei 2012. Nerina Wessels Attorney, PO Box 3423, Pinegowrie, 2123.

8493/2012—Panderlis, Elaine, 7 May 1957, 5705070128086, 316 Maroela Street, Marble Hall, 14 February 2012. BoE Trust Limited, P.O. Box 56447, Arcadia, 0007.

8780/12—Andrew, Johan, 26 April 1966, 6604265090087, 35 Bluegum Bend, Eldoraigne, 26 April 2012; 6 July 1967,6709060006087. BoE Trust Limited, P.O. Box 56447, Arcadia, 0007.

6062/2012—Herfurth, Hugo, 5 November 1942, 4211055037088, Monroe Park 2, Koorsboom Street, Magalieskruin, 14 February 2012; Maria Elizabeth Herfurth, 4 January 1943, 4301040025080. BoE Trust Limited, PO Box 56447, Arcadia,0007.

16861/2011—Helberg, Leendert Barend, 13 June 1957, 5706135061080, 10 Park Street, Heuwelsig, Rustenburg, 0299.17 July 2011; Heila Elizabeth Helberg, 6110150062082. Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 56447, Arcadia, 0007.

21503/2011—Jacobs, Nicolaas Jacobus Gerhardus, 28 February 1936, 3602285017083, 56 Acacia Crescent, Nelspruit,1201, 9 August 2011. BoE Trust Limited, PO Box 56447, Arcadia, 0007.

21594/2011—Jacobs, Isabella Cornelia, 31 August 1939, 3908310020087, Nelspruit, 19 July 2011; Nicolaas JacobusGerhardus Jacobs, 28 February 1936, 3602285017083. BoE Trust Limited, PO Box 56447, Arcadia, 0007.

13/2012—Tems, Elizabeth Johanna, 1924-04-19, 2404190019085, 29 Nielson Drive, Blairgowrie, 2012-04-28. FNB TrustServices, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102.

8018/2012 PTA—Ziyad Bhamjee, 6 February 1979, 7902065023087, 1 Langverwaght Street, Eldo Meadows, Eldoraigne,Pretoria, 22 October 2011. Dawood Patel and Company, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, P.O. Box 70063, Overport City,4067.

1844/2012—Magor, James Louis, 1952-09-14, 5209145110088, 10 Davy Street, Minnebron, Brakpan, 2010-06-16;Dalene Lucia Magor, 1950-12-19, 5012190060087. Marina van As Attorney, Postnet 446, Private Bag X09, Queenswood, 0121.

14020/2012—Pyper, Peter Edward, 8/10/1925, 2510085051080, 181 Daffodil Street, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria,21/04/2012; Madeleine Constance Pyper, 3704050049083. Sentinel International Trust Company–Pretoria, PO Box 11287,Hatfield, 0028.

14024/2012—Young, Robert William, 23/04/1947, 4704235548180, 59 7th Avenue, Fontainbleau, Randburg, 7/04/2012.Sentinel International Trust Company–Pretoria, PO Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

14/2012—Monaghan, Jeanette Helen, 1942-04-04, 4204040019188, 7 Shaw Close Villas, Uys Krigestraat 33,Farrarmere, Benoni, 2012-04-14. Linda-Ann Lloyd, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102.

Bierman, Catharina Maria Elizabeth, 23-10-1932, 3210230009088, Edenpark Tehuis, Witbank, 1035, 23-04-2011. ABSATrust Bpk, Die Eikegebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

11/2012—Meintjes, Philippus Johannes, 1929-06-01, 2906015033083, Plot 126, Eland Street, Waterval, Pretoria, 2012-04-20. FNB Trust Services, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 0102.

10/2012—Lamb, Margaret Muriel, 1923-07-18, 2307180006089, 15 Magnolia, Edenpark Ext 16, Witbank, 2012-03-30.Linda-Ann Lloyd, Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102.

13504/2012—Delport, Arthur Edward, 22-05-1950, 5005225051089, Harrisonstraat 14, Benoni, 1500, 22-03-2012; AnnaLouisa Delport, 23-09-1956, 5609230028089. ABSA Trust Bpk, Die Eikegebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan,Kempton Park, 1620.

13538/2012—Delport, Frederick Christian, 29-05-1930, 3005295075085, 5 Drankenstein Avenue, Paulshof, Rivonia,2056, 01-05-2012; Delport, 25-05-1931, 3105250068081. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

8876/12—Ferreira, Antoinette, 06-03-1927, 2703060006084, 14 Riverside Road, Waterval Boven, 1195, 06-03-2012.ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

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13462/2012—Halgreen, Hilde, 28-06-1930, 3006280019187, Flat No. 18, Brentwood Retirement Village, Norton ParkExtension 1, 1401, 28-02-2012. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

13842/2012—Herwitch, Ruth Lillian, 06-03-1933, 3303060029084, 32 Judith Avenue, Emmarentia, 2195, 03-05-2012.ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

9505/12—Janse van Rensburg, Dirk Cornelius, 29-06-1924, 2406295002080, De Clerqstraat 27, Belfast, 1100, 06-02-2012.ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

13841/2012—Kruuse, David Dean, 10-04-1942, 4204105004083, 54 Penquinn Drive, Fourways, 2055, 13-11-2011.ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

13849/2012—Mametja, Mogaladi Salamina, 17-11-1944, 4411170297084, 16418 Dabula Street, Extension 2, Daveyton,1507, 30-11-2011. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

Meintjes, Wilhelmina Johanna Cornelia, 08-07-1923, 2307080001081, Edenhaven Frail Care, 12th Street, Edenvale,1609, 19-12-2011. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

13546/2012—Meyer, Maria Anna, 29-11-1918, 1811290020089, Jafta Ouetehuis, South Hills, 2197, 01-05-2012. ABSATrust Bpk, Die Eikegebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

Mokhele, Ruth Ntjantja, 02-04-1938, 3804020215085, 1131 Zanele Street, Dikole Ext 1, Katlehong, 1434, 08-03-2012.ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

Scheepers, Gerhardus Petrus, 21-02-1948, 4802215085080, Plot 84, Kootweg, Withok Estates, Brakpan, 1540, 15-02-2012;Maria Gertruida Scheepers, 08-06-1950, 5006080079082. ABSA Trust Bpk, Die Eikegebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- enMonumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

Schoeman, Elsabe, 12-08-1948, 4808120119088, Orpenstraat 5, Secunda, 2302, 17-04-2012; Johan ChristiaanSchoeman, 24-01-1951, 5101245105086. ABSA Trust Bpk, Die Eikegebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, KemptonPark, 1620.

Selepe, Magayiza Jeremia, 06-02-1943, 4302065415081, Stand 2409, 13th Street, Emzinoni, Bethal, 2310, 15-03-2012;Selepe, 13-10-1946, 4610130164082. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

13469/2012—Steyn, Sarah Wilhelmina Maria, 07-09-1939, 3909070084081, 28 Williams Road, Beyerspark, Boksburg,1459, 26-04-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Die Eikegebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

17739/2011—Stoltz, Isobel May, 20-04-1918, 1804200012080, 62 Sun Street, 208 Solheim, Primrose, Germiston, 1401,24-05-2011. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

13845/2012—Strydom, Hester Dorethea Francina, 21-10-1933, 3310210024089, Lenitas Aftree-oord, Elginlaan 20,Birchleigh, 1619, 28-05-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Die Eikegebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

Style, John Christian, 19-06-1937, 3706195064083, 97 Victoria Avenue, Benoni, 1501, 03-03-2012. ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

13853/2012—Van Rensburg, Frederik Jacobus, 24-08-1940, 4008245141089, 3 U Volk Street, Volksrust, 2470, 10-04-2012.ABSA Trust Ltd, PO Box 1081, Kempton Park, 16209300.

Van Wyk, Adriaan Jacobus, 05-12-1946, 4612055087082, Cardiganstraat 21, Dalview, Brakpan, 1540, 23-03-2012; SarieElizabeth van Wyk, 22-08-1951, 5108220073080. ABSA Trust Bpk, Die Eikegebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan,Kempton Park, 1620.

13544/2012—Van Zyl, Jan Hendrik, 15-01-1927, 2701155047088, Solheim Tuiste vir Bejaardes, Germiston, 1401, 09-04-2012;Martha Louwsa Helena van Zyl, 14-07-1929, 2907140025085. ABSA Trust Bpk, Die Eikegebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- enMonumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

Berga, Yvonne Margaretha, 08-07-1938, 3807080023083, Versorgingseenheid No. 14, De Meerpaal 34, Equestria, 0081,23-05-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Botha, Gert Benjamin Jordaan, 11-07-1932, 3207115034082, Amandasig Aftree-oord, Berglaan 1855, Pretoria-Noord,0182, 20-03-2012; Miemie Elizabeth Botha, 12-07-1936, 3607120022081. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Botha, Gertruida Jacoba Elizabeth, 25-10-1930, 3010250023088, Deel 17, Selross Park, Retirement Village, 0041, 18-05-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Botha, Isabella Augusta, 15-11-1918, 1811150038080, Eagle Crescent 1, Cocatoolaan, Helikonpark, 1759, 09-03-2012.ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Cilliers, Johanna Sophia Magdalena, 27-02-1932, 3202270058083, Jan van Riebeeckstraat, Pretoria-Noord, 011615-05-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

De Aveiro, Abel Braz, 03-02-1950, 5002035069187, 719 Makou Street, Monumentpark, Pretoria, 0181, 01-05-2012; MariaVernonica de Aveiro, 19-03-1958, 5803190067084. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

11374/11—Be Barros Viana, 04-02-1930, 3002045034181, 9 Baldu Road, Valhalla, 0185, 11-04-2011. ABSA Trust Bpk,Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

De Villiers, Johannes Michiel, 31-07-1952, 5207315002085, 63 Neeltjie Street, Meiringspark, 2571, 04-04-2012; JohannaSusanna de Villiers, 04-02-1959, 5902040082085. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Dys, Sarah Elizabeth, 01-02-1925, 2512010009084, Huis Annie Schilz W/S 120, Parkerstraat, Rietondale, 0084, 03-05-2012.ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Ferero, Dell Nanette, 18-10-1934, 3410180023085, 35 Melle’s Village, Hilton Road, Eldoraigne, Pretoria, 0157, 27-04-2012.ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Hattingh, Roelof Petrus, 09-04-1973, 7304095015086, Berilliumstraat 35, Wilropark, Roodepoort, 1724, 28-04-2012; DinaMagrietha Hattingh, 16-05-1973, 7305160094088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Heckroodt, Leonard Archibald, 07-04-1946, 4604075015086, Wrenstraat 11, Rand en Dal, Krugersdorp, 1749, 16-12-2011.ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

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Jansen van Rensburg, Hendrik Johannes, 15-12-1947, 4712155114081, Leipoldstraat 26, Lahoff, Klerksdorp, 0257, 30-04-2012; Zagaria Jacomina Jansen van Rensburg, 11-02-1953, 5302110108086. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria,0001.

Jansen van Rensburg, Jacomina Susanna Catharina, 04-09-1925, 2509040009084, Mullerstraat 47, Freemanville,2573, 11-05-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Le Maitre, Johanna Jacomina Jacoba, 12-06-1937, 3706120040083, 7 Regent Place, Midstream Estate, 1692, 24-04-2012.ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Meintjes, Hendrik Tjaart Jacobus, 01-06-1929, 2906015001080, Gamkalaan 104, Sinoville, Pretoria, 0182, 16-12-2011.ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Miller, Richard Edward, 30-04-1960, 6004305024081, 82 Hinda Street, Roodepoort West, 1724, 26-04-2012; Lucille AnneMiller, 31-03-1961, 6103310050089. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Moolman, Louis Johannes, 05-09-1943, 4309055020086, Lawsonlaan 1408, Waverley, 0186, 20-04-2012; NellieOdendal Moolman, 12-04-1941, 4104120134081. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Olivier, Phillippus Lodewikus, 12-12-1926, 2612125025080, Roodepoort Sentrum vir Bejaard, Robinsonstraat, Horison,1724, 02-04-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Schoeman, Cornelia Alletta, 04-01-1952, 5201040015082, Mollerstraat 07, Mindalore, 1739, 10-05-2012; Stanley AndrewSchoeman, 13-07-1947, 4707135037089. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Van der Schyff, Jeanetta Helena Christina, 30-06-1946, 4606300082088, Boskraaistraat 13, Ext 11, Brits, 0250, 09-03-2012; Lukas Johannes van der Schyff, 18-06-1939, 3906185038085. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Van der Vyver, Lourens Johannes, 01-11-1932, 3211015029085, Lynette Park 19, Sandvygie Crescent 42, Doornpoort,Pretoria-Noord, 0017, 08-05-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Van Heerden, Herman Stephen, 03-09-1968, 6809035132081, 1 Grysbok Place, Pierre van Ryneveld X22, 0157, 12-05-2012.ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Venter, Jan Louis, 08-09-1941, 4109085032089, Parkstraat-Noord 142, Randfontein, 1760, 06-05-2012; SusannaPetronella Venter, 17-09-1948, 4809170016083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Venter, Lucia Aletta, 28-08-1949, 4908280044082, Ou Rietfontein Woonstelle 2, 30ste Laan 945, Rietfontein, Pretoria,0084, 11-05-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

5244/12—Dragt, Egmond, 7 Februarie 1944, 4402075045082, Manitoba Mews 11, Manitobaweg 374, Faerie Glen,Pretoria, 0081, 20 Februarie 2012. Johann Jordaan, p/a Hereditas Trust, Posbus 11392, Queenswood, 0121.

8930/2012—Kramm, Helena Catharina, 1957-06-09, 5706090035087, Meerlust 3, Sixth Avenue, Florida, 1709, 2011-10-29.Joseph Kruger van der Walt, 14A Stone Square Centre, Welgevonden, Stellenbosch.

4147/2012—Mazibuko, Mandla, 11 October 1970, 7010115960082, 17529 Arnica Street, Glenridge Ext 16, Soweto, 31 March 2011; Priscilla Caherine Deborah Flayser, 11 April 1971, 7104110006080. Sivu Shongwe Attorneys, 3 Galena Avenue,Mayfieldpark.

18886/2008—Mootsa, Ntimeng Elizabeth, 14 July 1933, 3307140265089, 12928 Maluleke Street, Tsakane Ext 9,Brakpan, 4 July 2007. Sivu Shongwe Attorneys, c/o 3 Galena Avenue, Mayfieldpark.

307/2012—Pasqualucci, Florence Elizabeth, 8 November 1930, 3011080032083, 24 Lamenier Village, Milner Street,Waterkloof, Pretoria, 30 September 2011. Christopher John Phillips, PO Box 6622, Cresta, 2118.

12744/2012—Bates, Barbara Joy, 1944-07-14, 4407140010086, 6 Fife Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg, 2012-04-20.G L Palmer & Company, 22A Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, Bruma.

24144/2011—Wallace, John David, 09-02-1925, 2502095003086, 64 Northumberland Road, South Kensington/CosmosHouse, Nottingham Rd, Kensington, 15-06-2011. Israel Gordon, c/o Wertheim Becker Inc., PO Box 2277, Houghton, 2041.

9607/2012—Craib, Charles Louis, 22-05-1954, 5405225010087, 101 Market Street, Johannesburg North, Randburg,Johannesburg, 19-03-2012. R.C.W. von’t Hof, A & B Financial Services, P.O. Box 211, Bronhof, Johannesburg, 2154.

6693/2012—Potgieter, Jakobus, 1934-09-15, 3 Robina Street, Dowerglen, Edenvale, 2012-02-06; Martha JacobaPotgieter, 1938-04-03, 3804030043089. Van Rensburg Inc., PO Box 9110, Pretoria, 0001.

10546/2012—Gwabe, Mxolisi Randy Kimathi, 12 March 2012, 6601305674086, Bouvet Street, 35 Pasedena, BouvetAvenue, Northriding, 12 March 2012. Sivu Shongwe Attorneys, 3 Galena Avenue, Mayfieldpark.

13036/2011—Paraska, Annette, 1945-12-20, 4512200056083, 20 Stephanus Rd, Glen Marais, Kempton Park, 2011-03-23.Deanne Bekker, 30 Montagu, Fiskaal Street, Glen Marais, Kempton Park. 30 days.

9183/09—Geaney, John Patrick, 1920-10-25, 2010255045087, Highveld Garden Retirement Home, Midrand, 2008-10-05.HM Nel, PO Box 7441, Westgate, 1734.

6461/2012—Meyer, Vernon Patrick, 1945-01-17, 4501175092082, 2 Simonsberg Avenue, Bosmont, 2012-02-19; ShereenMarsha Meyer, 1956-08-12, 5608120102087. HM Nel, PO Box 7441, Westgate, 1734.

13351/2012—De Bruyn, Pieter Cornelius, 31-05-1951, 5105315122087, Stumkestraat 6, Witpoortjie, 1724, 14-09-2011;Cecilia Aletta Renchia de Bruyn, 19-02-1951, 5102190006089. HM Nel, Posbus 7441, Westgate, 1734.

13091/2012—Brown, Michael David Windsor, 24-08-1943, 4308245100089, No. 1 Donovan Macdonald Centre, cnr Maud & Du Plessis Streets, Maraisburg, 13-03-2012; Maria Magdalena Brown, 31-12-1937, 3712310059081. HM Nel, PO Box 7441, Westgate, 1734.

8921/2012—Janse van Vuuren, Miennie Aleta Magdalena, 1947-02-04, 4702040143080, Slegkamstraat No. 37,Middelburg, 2012-03-16; Hendrik Johannes Janse van Vuuren, 1944-12-09, 4412095128081. Harvey Nortje Wagner &Motimele, 1st Floor, WCMAS Building, cnr Susanna & OR Tambo Streets, Witbank.

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17805/10—Mahlangu, Kanana Eunice, 09-02-1966, 6602090301083, 798 Sedibeng Street, Tembisa, 1632, 09-03-2009;Jan Sipho Mahlangu, 08-01-1959, 5901085444085. Galloway Van Coller & Griessel Attorneys, 85 Rietfontein Road, Boksburg.

8371/2012—Johannes Hendrik Hattingh, 4105145009083, in lewe ’n pensionaris, woonagtig te Lilian Ngoyistraat 83,Middelburg; getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Johanna Elena Hattingh, 4305230003088. (Get.) CJ Alberts, JohanAlberts Prokureurs, Posbus 2957, Middelburg, 1050. 30 dae.

1147/2010—Pretorius, Francois Barend Christoffel Pretorius, 29-12-1926, 2612295020085, Plot 18, Rietspruit,Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, 10 September 2007; Elizabeth Maria Marthina Pretorius, 01-05-1930, 3005010041081. Electus Trust,PO Box 12541, Hatfield, 0028.

23295/2010—Maloka, Moehe Obed, 05-08-1945, 4508055430084, 20719 Mamelodi East, Pretoria, 06-10-2010; RebeccaMaloka, 26-09-1945, 4506260293081. Electus Trust, PO Box 12541, Hatfield, 0028.

1555/11—Langa, Rigina, 05-05-1937, 3705050260083, 6420 Otlega Drive, Kagiso, Krugersdorp, 14 November 1998.Electus Trust, PO Box 12541, Hatfield, 0028.

26040/04—Miller, Peter Robert, 03-09-1942, 4209035098083, 8 Cottage Place, 420 Rifle Range Road, Towerby, 2190, 3 September 2003; Elizabeth Margaret Miller, 02-05-1948, 4805020231088. Electus Trust, PO Box 12541, Hatfield, 0028.

1745/2012—Traiphinah Nomsa Galela, 5805200596085, ongetroud, in lewe ’n huisvrou, woonagtig te Erf 5283,KwaQuqa, Uitbreiding 10. (Get.) EPO Brandmuller, Brandmullers Prokureurs, John Magagulastraat 34A, Middelburg, 1050. 30 dae.

4854/2012—Naude, Emmerentia Theunissina, 1935-04-15, 3504150022083, 3 Standard Street, Nigel, 1490, 2011-05-12.Bouwers (Roodepoort) Inc., 355 Ontdekkers Road, Roodepoort.

22305/2010—Cronje, Deirdre Clare, 24-08-1933, 3308240041081, 8 Rosemary Park, 172 Pinkie Street, Annlin, 0182, 17-09-2010. LM Taljaard, PO Box 1683, Pretoria, 0001.

14705/2012—Smit, Theresia, 24 June 1958, 5806240216080, Fleurenville Retirement Haven, 675 Pretorius Street,Arcadia, Pretoria, 1 June 2012. W Hogewind, c/o Hogewind Trustees, PO Box 70866, Die Wilgers 0041.

17357/2011—Pretorius, Anna Magrietha, 2 Februarie 1932, 3209020052084, No. 16 Skemerhof, h/v Ben Swart- enVyftiendelaan, Rietfontein, 7 Julie 2011; Jacobus Fraccois Pretorius, 19 Mei 1929, 2905195026081. Marius Hugo Hamann(Hamann en Botha Prokureurs), bessiebosstraat 133, Wonderboom, Pretoria; Posbus 14550, Sinoville, 0129.

9314/12—Craven, Andre Daniel, 1962-09-14, 6209145039088, 710 Beyers Street, Rietfontein, Pretoria, 15 December2011. C Wilsnach, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

6621/2012—Modiselle, Philemon Paulus, 1939-10-09, 3910095160088, 4108 Block B, Mabopane, 0190, 24 June 2011;Emily Mamosonti Modiselle, 1942-08-28, 4208280466082. Liza van Schalkwyk Prokureurs, PO Box 9574, Pretoria, 0001.

14041/2012—Meyers, Susanna Johanna Hermiena Meyers, 26 January 1945, 4501260033082, 6 Baker Place, cornerBaker & Gans Streets, Edenglen, 20 April 2012; Michael Christopher Meyers, 16 March 1923, 2303165008083. Aletta MM vander Merwe, Attorneys McKenzie van der Merwe & Willemse, PO Box 2004, Kempton Park, 1620.

19324/96—Tshabalala, Simon Mavuso, 16 May 1918, 1805165201089, 54 Emonyeni Section, Tembisa, 9 May 1996.Aletta MM van der Merwe, Attorneys McKenzie van der Merwe & Willemse, PO Box 2004, Kempton Park, 1620.

9525/12—Coetzee, Noleen Sharon, 1958-11-03, 5811030078088, Sunsethill 39, Van Niekerkstraat, La Montage, Pretoria,2012-05-28. Magda Kets, Russelstraat 306, Rietondale, Pretoria. 30 dae.

1908/2012—Nona Victoria Motlhoki, 23 July 1943, 4307230433083, 509 Block D, Mabopane, 15 April 1996. MatlogaAttorneys, 204 Masada Building, 196 Proes Street, cnr Paul Kruger and Proes Streets, Pretoria, 0001. 30 days.

9120/2012—Shaku, Mmakolane Daniel, 21 November 1961, 6111215692087, Swaanstraat 219, Jan Niemandpark,Pretoria, 18 May 2012. Stegmanns Incorporated, PO Box 344, Pretoria, 0001. 30 dae.

8266/2012—Albertyn, Willem Hendrik, 06-04-1923, 2304065011086, De Oude Rus, Boegoeboschstraat, Kilnerpark,Pretoria, 10-12-2011. FPN Hennop Prokureur, Postnet Rietfontein, Suite 19, Privaatsak X9, Queenswood, 0121.

9194/12—Magdalena, Pritchard, 17-05-1951, 5105170125084, Erf 15589, Fish Hoek, 29 October 2008. Vezi de Beer Inc.Boardwalk Office Park, Unit N Ground Floor, 107 Haymeadow Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria.

9187/12—Van Zyl, Marion Joelien, 03-02-1958, 5802030079085, Erf 4576, Doornpoort Ext. 41, Pretoria, 9 October 2011.Vezi de Beer Inc. Boardwalk Office Park, Unit N Ground Floor, 107 Haymeadow Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria.

9195/12—Nhlapo, Nombizo Elizabeth, 06-06-1974, 7406061081081, Erf 157, Savannah Country Estate Ext. 2, Kungwini,Gauteng, 24 September 2010. Vezi de Beer Inc. Boardwalk Office Park, Unit N Ground Floor, 107 Haymeadow Street, FaerieGlen, Pretoria.

9183/12—Zikalala, Sizwe Jacob, 13-12-1960, 6012135460086, Erf 21330, Tsakane Ext. 11, Brakpan, 2 July 2011. Vezide Beer Inc. Boardwalk Office Park, Unit N Ground Floor, 107 Haymeadow Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria.

9185/12—Nene, Tamatie Kinglyton, 02-11-1947, 4711025383082, Erf 1941, Albertsdal, Alberton Ext. 7, Johannesburg, 3 September 2002. Vezi de Beer Inc. Boardwalk Office Park, Unit N Ground Floor, 107 Haymeadow Street, Faerie Glen,Pretoria.

9192/12—Zote, Wandile, 19-05-1965, 6505195328085, Erf 2819, Midstream Estate Ext. 33, 23 December 2011. Vezi deBeer Inc. Boardwalk Office Park, Unit N Ground Floor, 107 Haymeadow Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria.

9186/12—Hlongwane, Hadley Junior, 26-11-1970, 7011265427088, Erf 1427, Olievnhoutsbosch Ext. 4, 11 November2012. Vezi de Beer Inc. Boardwalk Office Park, Unit N Ground Floor, 107 Haymeadow Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria.

9199/12—Zote, Gillian, 15-09-1969, 6909150518088, Erf 2819, Midstream Estate Ext. 33, 23 December 2011. Vezi deBeer Inc. Boardwalk Office Park, Unit N Ground Floor, 107 Haymeadow Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria.

9198/12—Grusd, Alan, 23-07-1947, 4707235039084, Erf 100, Fellside, Johannesburg, 14 January 2012. Vezi de Beer Inc.Boardwalk Office Park, Unit N Ground Floor, 107 Haymeadow Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria.

9188/12—Enato, Bukelwa Cleopatro, 18-09-1974, 7409180398089, Unit 11 Epsom Terrace, Bryanston, 3 October 2008.Vezi de Beer Inc. Boardwalk Office Park, Unit N Ground Floor, 107 Haymeadow Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria.

2757/2010—Nyana Francina Manaka, 25-01-1951, 5101250563088, Sodoma Village, 08-07-2009. (Sgd.) MohaleIncorporated, 16 Thabo Mbeki Drive, PO Box 415, Mokopane, 0600. 30 days.

Edward William Storey, 3910075014081, No. 23 Donnelly St., Turfontein, 2190, 11-06-2011. OHM Legal and BusinessConsultants, Suite 117/8, Mansion House, 132 Market Street, Johannesburg, 2000. 30 days.

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3751/2012—Wiencek, Alfred Hugo, 1942-11-30, 4211305089186, 5 Maluti Street, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp, 10 October2011; Ann Durbie Potgieter Wiencek, 1940-03-03, 4003030019087. Brian Alberts Attorneys, 391 Ontdekkers Road, FloridaPark, 1709. 30 days.

12064/2012—Walker, Riger William John, 1937-12-05, 3712055120189, 2 Crocus Road, Plot 176, Kyalami, 2012-02-28; Nicola Ann Irene, Walker, 1941-08-22, 4108220086182. Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801

3086/2010—Mafatshe, Lapula Israel, 1955-01-26, 5501265725087, 7791 Morula View, Mabopane, Pretoria, 11 December2009. Senyema Gwangwa Attorneys, 430 Voortrekkers Road, Gezina, Pretoria.

9591/12—Van der Lith, Andries Johannes Stephanus, 06-04-1941, 4104065021087, Zebralaan 6, Middelburg, 07-01-2012; Hendrina Maria Johanna van der Lith, 10-06-1949, 4906100129083. Elna van der Walt (ID No. 7001020231081),nominee of The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

9589/12—Baeta, Manuel Goncalves, 16/10/2011, 4111095041183, 14B Kameeldoorn, Wilkoppies, 2571, 16/10/2011;Maria da Conceicao Baeta, 9/11/1946,4611090034182. Daniel Francois Arnoldus du Toit (ID: 6505065046080), nominee of theStandard Executors and Trustees, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

15575/2011—Mahlalela, Aaron, 14/09/1949, 4909145167084, 845 Matsulu A, Nelspruit, 4/06/2011; Thokozile AgnesMahlalela, 17/09/1958, 5809170743081. Daniel Francois Arnoldus du Toit (ID: 6505065046080), nominee of the Standard Bankof South Africa, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

9590/12—Bezuidenhout, Ernst, 13/10/1955, 5510135072083, Clivelaan 761, Moreleta Park, Pretoria, 29/02/2012. Elnavan der Walt (ID No. 7001020231081), nominee of Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

5244/12—Dragt, Egmond, 7 Februarie 1944, 4402075045082, Manitoba Mews 11, Manitobaweg 374, Faerie Glen,Pretoria, 0081, 20 Februarie 2012. Johann Jordaan, p/a Heriditas Trust, Posbus 11392, Queenswood, 0121.

5967/2012—Pieterse, Jan Gabreü, 1956/10/27, 5610275067081, Parkel Flats, Block A, No, 38, Elarduspark, 2011-04-14;Aletta Catharina Pieterse, 1957-11-03, 5711030014085. Aletta Pieterse, Parkel Flats, Block B No. 403.

464/2011—Masuku, Oupa Petrus, 15 February 1954, 6402155315080, 14558 Rathlangane Street, Daveyton, 27 November 2010. Nontutuzelo Masuku, 61 Rothburn Building, Woburn Avenue, Benoni.

464/2011—Ngwenya, Moses Mandla, 23 October 1972, 7210235339080, 753 Umsembelhe Street, Extension 5, Ponong,Vosloorus, 27 November 2010. Kholiwe Philisiwse Ngwenya, 61 Rothburn Building, Woburn Avenue, Benoni.

4808/2011—Zwiegelaar, Johannes Jurgens, 6/7/1916, 1607065014087, Ou de Rus Huis, Boegoebos Str, Kilnerpark,0186, 8/2/2012. JH de Jager, Fratesweg 520, Villieria, Pretoria.

7981/2010—Mathebula, Johanna Poppy, 12 April 1962, 62041203440, 5229 Ext. 10, Kwa-Guqa, Witbank, 1035, 15 December 2009. Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Street, Danville Ext. 5, Pretoria West, 0183. 30 days.

9586/2012—Bogatsu Margaret Metse, 1951/07/31, 5107310586084, Stand 1918, Mabopane-UX, 0190, 2012/03/21.Molefi Gregori Bogatsu, Stand 1918, Mabopane-UX, 0190.

6990/2012—Heiman Nathan Louis, 1921-11-15, 2111155008082, 9 Monte Caprara, Golf Road, Three Rivers, 1939, 24 February 2012. Elizabeth Robinson-Thomas, Attorney , Notary & Conveyancer, PO Box 264642, Three Rivers, 1935.


1567/2012—Godfrey, Martha, 1920-01-13, 2001130016088, 54 Park Road, Port Alfred, 6170, 2012-04-17. Deborah AnneGodwin, Independt Executor & Trust, Box 8081, Nahoon, 5210.

5256/2011—Ferreira, Mynard Jacob, 1934-04-10, 3404105010087, 34 Sangiro Street, Despatch, 2011-08-02; ElmarieFerreira (born Strydom), 1946-10-23, 4610230025001. Legatus Trust, Cascades Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville,7530; PO Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536.

129/2003—Badela, Sipho Arthur, 18 December 1937, 3712185205082, 16 Leonard Street, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth, 11 November 2002. Vivian Nomaindia Badela, 16 St Leonard Street, Algoa Park, Port Elizabeth.

1316/2012—De Agrela, José Gomes, 1936-09-16, 3609165037180, 24 Alfred Street, Stutterheim, 4930, 18 February2012; Maria Antonia de Agrela, 1935-06-13, 3506130095105. Elliotts Attorneys for Executor, 55 Murray Street, PO Box 67,Stutterham, 4930.

6981/2011—Sineke, Dryphus Sandiso, 1944-08-09, 4408095504081, Misty Mount, Libode, 2010-10-28. FNB TrustServices, PO Box 544, George, 6530.

2499/2012—Muller, Cornelia Aletta, 23 September 1915, 1509230064080, Ons Tuiste, Heughstraat, Humansdorp, 21 Oktober 2011. Marais & Crowther, Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters (SA) Ing., Pres. Boshoffstraat 32, Posbus 221,Bethlehem, 9700.

4903/2011—Du Toit, Rosemary Catherine, 12 January 1948, 4801120005084, 36 Kiepersol Flats, Forest Hill, PortElizabeth, 13 May 2011. Charles Garai, c/o Masiza Harker Incorporated, The Mill House, 20 Stanley Street, Richmond Hill, PortElizabeth.

3439/2012—Abrahams, Ebrahiem, 05-11-1929, 2911055099085, 49 Inyala Street, Gelvandale, Port Elizabeth, 9 May 2012.Tasneem Fredericks, Fredericks Incorporated, 109 Westview Drive, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001.

2217/2012—Nordien, Gava, 24-02-1920, 2002240042089, 19 Saliehout Street, Malabar, Port Elizabeth, 12-03-2010.Tasneem Fredericks, Fredericks Incorporated, 109 Westview Drive, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001.

1844/2012—Beukes, Engela, 01-05-1950, 5005010134082, 68 John Vorster Avenue, Sterkstroom, 5425, 28-04-2012;Louis Mathys Beukes, 21-08-1946, 4608215041084. Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 27428, Greenacres.

329/2012—Tasi, Thozamile Solomon, 1960-06-06, 6006065912082, No. 119 Acqciq Road, Balaze Valley, King WilliamsTown, 2012-01-22; Yoliswa Lilian Tasi, 1981-10-02, 6810020563082. Maseti Incorporated, No. 12 Bell Road, Vincent, EastLondon.

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3043/2012—Van der Merwe, Cornelia Petronella, 1923-05-20, 2305200033083, Aandmy Meiring Old Age Home, 35 Gillespie Street, Uitenhage, 2012-05-05. Jeremia Petrus van der Merwe, 5 Prentice Avenue, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.

1374/2012—Howe, Una Bertha, 26-04-1927, 2704260010082, 10 Albert Court, King Williams Town, 07-04-2012. BarryPaul Daisley, as nominee of Standard Executors and Trustees Limited (ID No. 5112025046184), PO Box 27560, Greenacres,6057.

2080/2011—Jowela, Tembiso Temilton, 1960-09-13, 6009135672082, No. 834 NU 15, Mdantsane, 2011-11-16; NoxoloMildred Jowela, 1966-05-31, 6605310700083. PLC Maseti, Maseti Incorporated, No. 12, Bell Road, Vincent, East London. 30 days.

3305/2012—Makie, Jessie Dorah, 10-09-1928, 2809100210089, 20 Magongo Street, New Brighton, Port Elizabeth, 6200,16-04-2012. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.

3262/2012—Caplin, Noeleen Elizabeth, 03-11-1929, 2911030023085, 7 Jaret Pollard Street, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth,6070, 30-04-2012. ABSA Trust Ltd, Private Bag 60571, Greenacres, 6045.

3318/2012—Mackenzie, Donald Bernard, 23-09-1937, 3709235010082, 54 Canal Road, St Francis Bay, 6312, 19 May 2012.Golberg & De Villiers Inc., 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth.

4889/2012—Reid, Patricia Mary, 28-07-1945, 4507280051087, 29 Broadway, Fishrhaven, 7200, 27-02-2012. Old MutualTrust Ltd, BOE Building, 270 Cape Road, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.

3339/2010—Snell, Harold Trevor, 1929-12-01, 2912015040086, 2021 North Pointe, Alexis Drive, Florida, USA, 2009-01-02.Maria Magdalena Jordaan, PO Box 8400, Nahoon, 5210.

1423/2012—Van Aswegen, Elsie Adriana Coetzee, 1916-04-02, 1604020037089, 77 Tenth Avenue, Gonubie, 5241,2012-03-11. Maria Magdalena Jordaan, PO Box 8400, Nahoon, 5421.

7058/2011—Rademeyer, Lourens Christian, 20 September 1933, 3309205089081, 3 Leipoldt Street, Despatch, 19 August 2011; Veronica Rademeyer, 3 November 1942, 4211030082084. Lynette Volschenk, nominee of Lynett@Law, 24 Caledon Street, Uitenhage, 6229.

7058/2011Lourens Christian Rademeyer, 3309205089081, 3 Leipoldt Street, Despatch, 19 August 2011. Lynett@Law, 24 Caledon Street, Uitenhage, PO Box 204, Uitenhage. 30 days.

1804/2012—Reed, Terence, 1923-08-26, 2308265003082, Kabeljou Ave, River’s Bend, Boesmansriviermond, 2012-05-24.James Stuart Neave of the firm Neave, Stötter Incorporated, PO Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.

1786/2012—Melville, Lore Marie, 1925-02-06, 2502060042184, Sunset Park No. 24, Port Alfred, 2012-05-26. Noel Stotterof the firm Neave, Stötter Incorporated, PO Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.

1639/2012—Carlstein, Dennis Roy, 1929-02-27, 2902275020084, 28 Chopin Street, Potchefstroom, 2538, 2012-03-24.Neave, Stötter Incorporated, PO Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.

1736/2012—Samuel Manie John, 1956-02-22, 5602225075082, 28 Seaford Street, Port Alfred, 2012-05-13. James StuartNeave of the firm Neave, Stötter Incorporated, PO Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.

4093/10—Bunyonyo, Mfundo Melrose, 14 May 1952, 5205145809083, Sif Ondile, Cala, Eastern Cape, 16 June 2010. R Dadarker and Associates, No. 12 Belgravia Road, Athlone, 7764, Cape Town.

2521/2012—Malkin, Alexander Clive Noel, 1929-12-22, 2912225072085, 11 Muir Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001,2012-04-14; Marjorie Joan, Malkin, 1939-09-18, 3909180076084. Marjorie Joan Malkin, 1 Muir Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth,6001. 30 days.

1035/2012—Matiso, Andiswa Eugina, 4 November 1960, 6011040140080, 1175 NU17, Mdantsane, East London, 4 April2012; Vusumzi Brian Matiso, 21 June 1968, 6806215408083. DrakeFlemmer and Orsmond (E.L.) Inc., PO Box 44, EastLondon, 5200.

3348/2012—Nomawethu Klaas, an adult female, 8209050318087, unmarried of 18 Mabopa Street, Zwide, Port Elizabeth,who died at Cookhouse on 5 May 2012. Boqwana, Loon & Connellan, Agents for the Executor, 4 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth,6001. 30 days.

3348/2012—Klaas, Nomawethu, 1982-09-05, 8209050318087, 18 Mabopa Street, Zwide, Port Elizabeth, 2012-05-06.Boqwana, Loon & Connellan Attorneys, 4 Cape Road, Centrahill, 6001.

790/2012—Gxabashe, Koleka Constance, 1969-01-02, 6901021273084, 1573 NU14, Mdabtsane, 2012-02-25. JemilloAdriaan, 63B Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.

3508/2012—Stols, Sybil, 1939-08-30, 3908300242089, 16 Phyllis Road, Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth, 2012-06-08.PSG Konsult Trust, E C Nel, PO Box 6111, Walmer, PE, 6065.

2556/2012—Solomons, Sinnina Sinnie, 8 January 1929, 2901080068080, 54 Avalon Crecsent, Gelvandale, PortElizabeth, 21 July 2011. Urmila Soni, c/o Burmeister De Lange Soni Inc., 29 Mount Road, Mount Croix, Port Elizabeth.

3311/2012—Joyce Kathleen Mandel, an adult female, 2708270030089, unmarried of 54 Summerseas, Marine Drive,Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, who died at Port Elizabeth, on the 18th of May 2012. Boqwana, Loon & Connellan, Agents forthe Executor, 4 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth, 6001. 30 days.

3311/2012—Mandel, Joyce Kathleen, 1927-08-27, 2708270030089, 54 Summerseas, Marine Drive, Summerstrand, PortElizabeth, 2012-05-18. Boqwana, Loon & Connellan, 4 Cape Road, Centrahill, 6001.

3455/2008—Wright, Brian Trevor, 26 May 1948, 4805265066082, 68 Mosel Drive, Uitenhage, 24 March 2005; HesterWright, 16 February 1954, 5402160138080. Marius Delport, of Schoon Road, Delport & Van der Merwe Inc., 102 Durban Street,Uitenhage.

6348/2010—Khan, Nurnahar, 26-12-1960, 6012260997084, 23 Aloe Street, Fort Gale, Mthatha, 30-07-2010; MD AluUddin Khan, 26-11-1947, 4711265572089. Norma Jones, as nominee of Standard Executors and Trustees Limited (ID No.5908240042084), PO Box 27560, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

1671/2012—Elder, Catherine Mary, 1918-11-24, 1811240024082, 72 Jarvis Road, Berea, East London, 2012-05-15.Deborah Anne Godwin, 49 Beach Road, Nahoon, East London, 5241.

1670/2012—Van der Merwe, Christian Alan, 1948-07-18, 4807185092081, 6 Syringa Court, Hillcrest Drive, Beacon Bay,5241, 2012-04-30; Sandra Lesley Van der Merwe, 1946-05-12, 4605120071081. Deborah Anne Godwin, 49 Beach Road,Nahoon, East London, 5241.

3022/2012—Maybery, Clive Vernon, 1929-09-22, 2909225049089, 23 Longmeadow, Hilltop Road, Lovemore Heigts, PortElizabeth, 2012-03-24. Mazars Administration Trust, PO Box 285, Port Elizabeth, 6000.

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999/2012—Ngwendu, Mzamo Elias, 1932-04-21, 3204215237087, NU 16–1343, Mdantsane, 2012-04-06; NomajoniPrincess Ngwedu, 1945-09-05, 4509050344080. Wayne Changfoot, Changfoot van Breda Attorneys, 57 Recreation Road,Southernwood, East London, 5201.

1000/2012—Jeke, Hlityiwe Gertie, 1915-07-15, 1507010129081, 1274 Zone 6, Zwelitsha, 2011-09-06. Wayne Changfoot,Changfoot van Breda Attorneys, 57 Recreation Road, Southernwood, East London, 5201.

1923/2012—Dyantyi, Funisile Lennox, 5 October 1955, 5510055768082, 99 John Voster Drive, Sterkstroom, EasternCape, 27 May 2012. Anthony Tyaliti Inc., 18 Ebden Street, Queenstown, 5320. 30 days.

1518/2012—Walters, Norman Frederick, 1928-05-22, 2805225010081, 1 Rochester Road, Kenton On Sea, 2012-04-26.James Stuart Neave of the firm Neave, Stötter Incorporated, PO Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.

1851/2012—Townsend, Terrance George, 1952-09-09, 5209095007086, 20 Fourteenth Avenue, Gonubie, East London,2012-05-08; Moira Winifred Townsend, 1955-07-27, 5507270060089. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 27521,Greenacres, 6057.

3068/2012—Jones, Michael Robert, 1935-08-04, 3508045060083, 12A Idylwylde Villas, 8 Silverdrifts Road, WalmerHeights, Port Elizabeth, 2012-04-29. FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057.

3647/2012—Bosman, Alberta Jacomina, 16 April 1931, 3104160026081, De La Reystraat 11, Despatch, 4 Junie 2012;Willem Hendrik Bosman, 2904135015080. Conradie Campher & Kemp Ing., Hoofstraat 20, Despatch. 30 dae.

4050/2011—Bursey, Peter Henry, 14 February 1925, 2502145021088, Apartment S7, Lily Kirchmann Complex, Berea,East London, 23 August 2011. Jonathan Clark, Jonathan Clark Attorneys, PO Box 19595, Tecoma, 5214.

5914/2011—Qilingana, Ntutuzelo, 13-06-1977, 7706135627086, Ncise A/A, Mthatha, 8 April 2011. Sylvia VusokaziMncedane, SV Mncedane & Associates, No. 42 Tshezi Building Office, No. 10 Madeira Street, Mthatha. 30 days.

694/2012—Silwane, Owkright Jojo, 11-11-1950, 5011115189088, No. 31 Ngqubusini Street, Waterfall Park, Mthatha, 01-01-2012; Gloria Nondumiso Silwane, 27-07-1956, 5607270181081. Gloria Nondmiso Silwane, No. 31 Ngqubusini Street,Waterfall Park, Mthatha. 30 days.

1715/2012—Pedersen, Clara Elsine, 28 April 1928, 2804280034086, Eldorado, St Peters Road, Southernwood, EastLondon, 2 March 2012. Louise Pedersen, c/o Gravett Schoeman Van Rensburg & Moodley, 4 Derby Road, Berea, East London.

3421/2012—Swanepoel, Iris Hester, 1921-09-18, 2109180024082, 66 Verdun Road, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth, 2012-05-24.Kevin Helm (Executor), 147A Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth.

1845/2012—Grobbelaar, Mary Chapman, 15-08-1926, 2608150019089, Elizsbeth Jordaan Te Huis, Cradock, 5880, 01-05-2012. Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 27428, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

591/2012—Stein, Martin, 26-09-1944, 4409265113083, Fullarton, Willowmore, 14-012-2011. Teresa Heasley as nomineeof Sanlam Trust Limited, Sanlam Trust Limited, Greenacres Office Park, 78–84 Second Avenue, Newton Park, 6045.

3093/2012—Nel, Derick William, 28-04-1956, 5604285115089, 22 Gambut Singel, Ext. 23, Bethelsdorp, Port Elizabeth,6059, 20-03-2012; Frasienna Nel, 8-11-1951, 5111080068083. Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 27428, Greenacres, 6057.

1713/2012—Gouws, Gideon Johannes, 20-09-1920, 2009205038085, Huis Silwerjare Bellstraat, Somerset-Oos, Oos-Kaap, 5850, 26-04-2012. Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 27428, Greenacres, 6057.

176/2012—Heshula, Phumza Nompumelelo, 11 April 1976, 7604110276088, 2384 NU 7, Mdantsane, 5219, 31 December2011. Edith Heshula, c/o Smith Tabata Inc., PO Box 11146, Southernwood, 5213.

1897/2008—Hoffman, Minnie, 30 October 1927, 2710300073089, 172 Boeing Road, Buffalo Flats, East London, 5200, 2 December 2007. Beverley Philemon, c/o Smith Tabata Inc., PO Box 11146, Southernwood, 5213.

3301/2001—Passmore, Donald, 11-12-1935, 3512115062086, 28 Dippenaar Circle, Buffalo Flats, East London, 5200, 26 July 2001. Amos Passmore, c/o Smith Tabata Inc., PO Box 11146, Southernwood, 5213.

1166/2012—Flugel, Allan Norman, 7 May 1930, 3005075020087, 33 Conway Road, Sunnyridge, East London, 5200, 24 March 2012. Catharina Flugel, c/o Smith Tabata Inc, PO Box 11146, Southernwood, 5213.

4539/2012—Du Pisani, Anna Maria, 19/07/1926, 2607290038082, Alsaceweg 9, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth, 4/10/2007.Sean Beagley (ID: 6904155255083), as nominee of Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, previously Star, PO Box 5562,Cape Town, 8000.

2742/2012—Fillis, Doris, 28 Januarie 1936, 3601280079080, Esterhuizenstraat 171, Arcadia, Port Elizabeth, 5 Maart2012. Wayne Mac Gear, Aneesah Campbell, Kantoor 9, Adderley Arkade, Govan Mbekilaan 697, Noord Einde, Port Elizabety.

1923/2012—Dyantyi, Funisile Lennox, 5 October 1955, 5510055768082, 99 John Voster Drive, Sterkstroom, EasternCape, 27 May 2012. Anthony Tyaliti Inc, 18 Ebden Street, Queenstown, 5320.

3284/2012—McClure, Janet Margaret McClure, 1932-10-02, 3210020085082, Cottage 6, Walton Park, Admiralty Way,Summerstrand, P.E., 2012-05-20. Pagdens Inc, PO Box 132.

1232/07—Silumko Edwin Gova, 5711295338088, 1387 Nu6, Mdantsane, 29 October 2007. Malusi & Co. Attorneys, 14 St Matthews Road, Southernwood, East London. 30 days.

1923/2012—Dyantyi, Funisile Lennox, 5 October 1955, 5510055768082, 99 John Voster Drive, Sterkstroom, EasternCape, 27 May 2012. Anthony Tyaliti Inc, 18 Ebden Street, Queenstown, 5320.

879/2009—Khumalo, Nandi, 19 Oktober 1974, 7410190355085, ongetroud, Msilastraat 17, Kamagugu, Nelspruit, 2 Februarie 2009. Vuyelwa Dorothy Khumalo, Maphafastrat 31, Kwadwesi, Port Elizabeth.

1071/2012—Hako, Situtu Ndoyisile, 1948/06/02, 4806025715083, Balasi Location, Bhisho, 2012/06/16; GertrudeMantombi Tuku, 1952/12/19, 5212190226080. Gertrude Mantombi Tuku, Balasi Location, Bhisho.

882/2012–Bhisho—Osmond Naki, 14-02-1950, 5002145709086, Noncampa Location, King William’s Town, 19-05-2012;Nosindephi Sealybi Naki, 5705251011085. Thina Peteni Attorneys, Agent for Executrix, Box 16219, Amathole Valley, 5616.

2499/2012—Muller, Cornelia Aletta, 23 September 1915, 1509230064080, Ons Tuiste, Heughstraat, Humansdorp, 21 Oktober 2011. Marais & Crowther, Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters (S.A.) Ing., Pres. Boshoffstraat 32 (Posbus 221),Bethlehem, 9700.

1925/2008—Mbolekwa, Solomon Luthando, 26/03/1977, 7703265431082, 58 Jade Street, Amalinda, East London,6/07/2006. De Wet Shaw & Baxter Attorneys, PO Box 1305, Queenstown, 5320.

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3814/2012—Le Roux, Cornelius Francois, 25-02-1934, 3402255019080, Piet Retiefstraat 13, Tweeling, 9820, 19-03-2012.Claasen Prokureurs, Strydomstraat 11, Posbus 7, Frankfort, 9830.

5819/2012—Venter, Daniel Johannes, 30 June 1939, 3906305008083, 40 Martin Street, Bethulie, 5 May 2012. WLDMVenter, Box 126, Ladysmith, 3370.

2322/2012—Bowen, Robert Walter, 18-06-1928, 2806185034087, 8 Kuduweg, Vaalbank Suid, Bloemfontein, 16-01-2012;Josephine Ursula Bowen, 12 October 1929, 2910120019086. Mnr Dyson Charles Bowen, p/a Newtons, Parkweg 27, Willows,Bloemfontein, 9301.

2322/2012—Bowen, Robert Walter, 18-06-1928, 2806185034087, 8 Kuduweg, Vaalbank Suid, Bloemfontein, 16-01-2012;Josephine Ursula Bowen, 12 October 1929, 2910120019086. Mnr Dyson Charles Bowen, p/a Newtons, Parkweg 27, Willows,Bloemfontein, 9301.

11311/2011—Makhala Anna Mahlaba, 5203130323087, 72 Motaung Street, Bohlokong, Bethlehem, 9700, 23 November2000. Hattingh Marais, Theronstraat 3, Bethlehem, 9700. 30 dae.

12126/2011—Abram, Motoholo Jors, 1968-01-02, 6801025261087, 513 Mahlatsi Street, Nyakallong, Allanridge, Oden-daalsrus District, 2011-09-22; Mmotheke Suzan Radebe, 1967-09-21, 6709210388088. Tsiu Vincent Matsepe, PO Box 669,Odendaalsrus, 31 Boshoff Street, Odendaalsrus, 9480.

12098/2011—Mogoere, Maselebalo Adeline, 1929-10-04, 2910140146083, 134 Block 4, Kutlwanong, Odendaalsrus,9483, 2011-10-01. Tsiu Vincent Matsepe, PO Box 669, Odendaalsrus, 31 Boshoff Street, Odendaalsrus, 9480.

15412/2012—Mthombeni, Tlalane Dorah, 1941-12-28, 4112280233080, 236 Nyakallone Allanridge, Odendaalsrus, 2011-12-11. Tsiu Vincent Matsepe, PO Box 669, Odendaalsrus, 31 Boshoff Street, Odendaalsrus, 9480.

6176/2012—Greyvenstein, Jan Johannes Jacobus, 1929-08-13, 2908135019083, 18 Ridl Street, Universitas,Bloemfontein, 2012-05-29. J H van Schalkwyk, Claude Reid Inc., 165 St Andrew Street, Bloemfontein.

3215/2012—Nieuwoudt, Georg Sebastiaan, 1933-07-09, 3307095021081, Diamondoord 8, Pretoriusstraat, Christiana,2012-03-06; Marieta Nieuwoudt, 1936-01-05, 3601050007089. JH van Schalkwyk, Claude Reid Inc., 165 St Andrew Street,Bloemfontein.

5494/2012—Putter, Jan Adriaan, 1942-03-29, 4203295005082, Henry Dyterstraat 15, Kroonstad, Vrystaat, 2012-05-10.Gerhardus Christoffel Engelbrecht, Posbus 1606, Kroonstad, 9500.

5907/2012—Bosch, Johannes Hendrik, 1944-06-11, 4406115006087, Fife Plot Tweespruit, 9770, 2012-05-10; AnnaMargaretha Bosch, 1948-09-13, 4809130039084. Johan Hendré Conradie, President Reitzlaan 119, Westdene, Bloemfontein.

4425/2012—Terblanche, George Frederik, 03-09-1934, 3409035028083, Springboksingel 11, Reitzpark, Welkom,Vrystaat Provinsie, 16-04-2012. Schoeman Kellerman & Kotzé, Posbus 419, Welkom, 9460.

1680/2012—Margerison, Maria Elizabeth, 1925-09-27, 2509270025081, Witborskraaistraat 6, Pellissier, Bloemfontein,9301, 2012-01-31. Pieter Coenraad Bruwer, King Edwardweg 26, Willows, Bloemfontein, 9301.

6360/2012—Mfile, Anton, 1956-02-26, 5602265619088, MacBeth 11, Bredelia, Welkom, 2012-03-26; Pamela Mfile, 1957-02-05, 5702050811088. André Styger, Neumann Van Rooyen, 2de Vloer, Neumann Van Rooyen Gebou, Heerenstraat 2,Welkom, 9460.

4162/2012—Goosen, Sandra, 01-05-1954, 5405010058085, 131 Welgedacht Aftree-oord, Fleurdal, Bloemfontein, 9301,04-03-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

6606/2012—De Villiers, Elizabeth Johanna, 1915-07-30, 1507300017087, Arboretum Tehuis, Kroonstad, 2012-06-10. De Hart Prokureurs, Posbus 250, Kroonstad.

5563/2012—Van der Linde, Johannes Alwyn, 1932-07-05, 3207055023087, No. I Cussonia, President Reitzlaan 70,Westdene, Bloemfontein, 17 May 2012. Alex Venter CA (SA), 29 Low Street, Observatory, 7925. 30 days.

6112/2012—Venter, Daniel Jacobus, 06-09-1942, 4209065015086, plaas Slabbertswag, Fouriesburg, 9725, 24-05-2012.Shirley Venter, plaas Slabbertswag, Fouriesburg, 9725. 30 dae.

3623/2012—Botes, Ignatius Marthinus, 21 Maart 1938, 3803215022082, Serenitas No. 131, Generaal Hertzogweg 51,Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein, 26 Maart 2012; Marié Sophia Botes, 10 November 1938, 3811100051082. ASC du Preez, c/oMcIntyre & Van der Post, PO Box 540, Bloemfontein. 30 dae.

1221/2012—Roscoe, Bernard and George, 1932-05-30, 3205305057087, 4 Dwars Street, Fouriesburg, Free State, 2011-06-28. Bruce Burt, 68 Tregoning Street, Linksfield, Johannesburg, 2192.

3402/2012—Harris, Bella, 30-10-1920, 2010300015085, 6 Paxville, Harrismith, 21-03-2012. Balden Voagel & PartnersInc., PO Box 22, Harrismith, 9880.

5213/2012—Stemmet, Willem Christoffel, 03-05-1932, 3205035005083, Sewe Damme Aftree-oord No. 34, GeneraalBeyers Rylaan, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein, 13-04-2012. Johan Stemmet, Posbus 5398, Helderberg, 7135. 30 dae.

5213/2012—Stemmet, Willem Christoffel, 03-05-1932, 3205035005083, Sewe Damme Aftree-oord No. 34, GeneraalBeyers Rylaan, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein, 13-04-2012. Johan Stemmet, Posbus 5398, Helderberg, 7135. 30 dae.

4793/2012—Kathrada, Rashida, 1950-01-27, 5001270063087, 3 Hazel Crescent, Virginia, 9430, 2012-01-04. Maree &Partners Incorporated, PO Box 123, Virginia, 9430.

1563/2010—Kayalethu Andrew Lenin Masimini, 4-03-1953, 5303045821082, of 20 Winterberg Road, Bergsig,Queenstown, 5319, 20-04-2010; Nosipho Pinkie Masimini. Michiel Johan Bester, c/o Bowes McDougall Inc. 30 days.

5409/2012—Schlebush, Andries Johannes, 20-09-1952, 5209205024005, die plaas Kliphuis, Reddersburg, 04-05-2012.CJ Stander, duly authorised agent for Hercules Frederick Venter, p/a Lovius, PO Box 12196, Brandhof, 9324.

1151/2012—Magrieta Johanna Grobbelaar, 08-10-1950, 5010080081080, ’n meerderjarige vroulike huisvrou, Huis 70,Mancorp Myn, Posmasburg, wie oorlede is op 21-03-2012. Willem Stephanus Grobbelaar, p/a Rosendorff Reitz BarryProkureurs, Derderstraat No. 6, Bloemfontein, 9301. 30 dae.

15109/2011—Le Roux, Anna Cecilia, 06-08-1920, 2008060007086, plaas Clifton, Hobhouse, 11-24-2011. HavengaRossouw Viljoen Ing., Posbus 28599, Danhof, Bloemfontein, 9301.

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6346/2012—Nel, Johanna Aletta Petronella Christina, 11-01-1936, 3601110031087, 3 Oosthof, Vrede, 9835. 12-03-2012.Elizabeth-Anne Ferreira as a nominee of The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited (ID No. 630405012), PO Box 27560,Greenacres, 6057.

6333/2012—Kotze, Nicolaas Johannes, 04-09-1964, 6409045003081, 1 Scheepers Street, Vrede, 9835, 28-02-2012;Aletta Magdalena Cecilia Kotze, 3-01-1968, 6801030118082. Elizabeth-Anne Ferreira as a nominee of Standard Executors andTrustees Limited, (ID No. 6304050123082), PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

15415/2011—Mangoegape, Serai Abenizer, 31-05-1937, 3705315201187, 1026 Masilo, Theunissen, 9410, 07-11-2011;Kedimotse Selina Mangoegape, 22-01-1949, 4901220635085. Elizabeth-Anne Ferreira as a nominee of Standard Executorsand Trustees Limited, (ID No. 6304050123082), PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

6389/2012—Atterbury, William George, 11 November 1931, 3111115003081, Markstraat 44, Vredefort, 9595, 30 Mei 2012;Johanna Hendriena Atterbury, 3 Junie 2012, 4306030003088. Mnr E Kriek, p/a Kerkstraat 17, Parys, 9585.

11720/2010—Karien Hallat, 7407050213081, wie oorlede is op 23 Augustus 2010, woonagtig was te die plaas Bethlehem,disrik Lichtenburg. WCJ van Rensburg, Van Rensburg Prokureurs, Posbus 2821, Kerkstraat 44, Lichtenburg. 30 dae.

6106/2012—Moeng, Manana Francina, 40-05-1940, 4005180367083, 235 Ratlou Location, Thaba-Nchu, 9780, 09-05-2012.Thapelo Bismarck Moeng, 235 Ratlou Location, Thaba-Nchu, 9780.

14625/2011—Kholong, Vincent Mokotedi, 1955-07-25, 5507255761081, 17 Taaibos Street, Sasolburg, 22-06-2010; BellaMrriam Kholong, 1960-03-11, 6003110766084. Mpina Abednego Mathebula, c/o Uys Mathebula Attorneys, 16 NJ van derMerwe Crescent, Sasolburg.

5388/2012—Harris, Dawn Elaine, 19-02-1941, 4102190063081, Rosenheim Retirement Home No. 83, Fichardpark,Bloemfontein, 10-04-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

6506/2012—Dippenaar, Anna Maria Elizabeth, 24-06-1944, 4406240102082, plaas Graslaagte, Bothaville, 9660, 30-04-2012. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

15078/2011—Ralephai, Moeketsi Joseph, 31-12-1944, 4412315305089, 7284 Monoko Street, Rocklands, 9301, 14-12-2011; Sebolelo Irene Florence Ralephai, 17-04-1945, 4504170211087. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein,9300.

3880/2012—Mohlabi, Motlatsi Elias, 24/05/1965, 6505245237088, 5070 CC Street, Bloemside 2, Bloemfontein, 9301,14/01/2012; Dikeledi Florence Mohlabi, 21/09/1966, 6609210558088. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

10246/2011—Hutton, Cynthia Beverley, 10/07/1955, 5507100230084, 16 Lourens Street, Villiers, 9840, 08/06/2011.ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.


4795/2012/PMB—Boshoff, Helen Dorothea, 1922-08-22, 2208220015082, Marian Villa, 282 Alexander Road, Scottsville,Pietermartizburg, 3201, KwaZulu-Natal, 23 May 2012. Tomlinson Mnguni James Inc, 165 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg,KwaZulu-Natal.

2069/2012/PMB—Abdool Gaffar Khan, 19 April 1941, 4104195109083, 55 Bridgeford Drive, Mountview, Verulam, 20 November 2007; Harriffa Bee Bee Khan, 25 October 1953, 5310250171087. Attorney for Executor, Bux & Associates, 138 Wick Street, Verulam, 4340.

7578/2012/DBN—Aroonkumar Ballasur, 19 February 1957, 5702195169087, 153 Marula Circle, Trenance Park, Verulam,13 April 2012; Shashika Ballasur, 27 September 1959, 5909270059089. Attorney for Executor, Bux & Associates, 138 Wick Street, Verulam, 4340.

8945/2012—Du Preez, Hendrik Bernardus, 23/03/1942, 420323502008,4 Stefinastraat 13A, Meyerville, Standerton,2430, 28/04/2012; Marie Dorothea du Preez, 14/05/1943, 4305140107086. Van Heerden Schoeman, Kerkstraat 6E,Standerton.

9941/2011—Singh, Joseph, 1957-05-22, 5705225169084, 35 Sapphire Drive, Shallcross, 2011-05-10; TaalwantheeSingh, 1954-02-17, 5402170713088. Taalwanthie Singh, 35 Sapphire Drive, Shallcross, Durban. 30 days.

6924/2012 DBN—Chinnah, Balasundrain Kanapathi, 1936-01-22, 3601225053083, 425 Park Station Road, GreenwoodPark, Durban, 4051, 2012-02-28; Nirmala Devi Chinnah, 1946-07-10, 4607100094083. Nirmala Devi Chinnah, 425 Park StationRoad, Greenwood Park, Durban, 4051.

3050/2012—Noble, William (also known as Billy), 17/02/1946, 4602175080083, 5A The Avenue, Kokstad, 4700,21/12/2011. Elliot & Walker, PO Box 17, Kokstad, 4700.

3027/2012—Govender, Perumal, 1929-02-01, 2902015044089, 85 Windham Avenue, Hillary, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal,2011-12-16; Niranjini Govender, 1933-06-25, 3306250063086. Jayshree Moodley & Associates, 97 Innes Road, Morningside,Durban, 4001. 30 days.

4452/2012 DBN—Dhooma, Fatmabi Bee, 25/09/1926, 2609250084080, No. 6 Tiger Rocks Road, Isipingo, Durban,29/10/2011. Zain Fakroodeen & Associates, Suite 19, Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftfdene Drive, Chastsworth, 4092.

7458/2012—Naidoo, Mariamma, 28/08/1945, 4508280482082, 205 Allingstone Crescent, Whetstone, Phoenix, 13 March2012. Shabeer Joosab Attorneys, 500 Ridge Road, Overport, Suite 1, First Floor.

8981/2012—Cele, Ntumbifuthi Bertha Cele, 1927-08-10, 2708100087085, G17 Umlazi T/ship, 6109068 Street, P.O. Umlazi, 4066, 2012-04-14. Nompumelelo Radebe Inc, Suite 1202, 12th Floor, Metlife Building, 391 Anton Lembede Street,Durban, 4001.

4755/2012—James, John Barsham, 1924/09/07, 2409075002080, 7 Old Trafford, 150 Gordon Road, Morning,2012/04/07. Livingston Leandy Inc, PO Box 4107, The Square, 4021.

4635/2012—Wolfe-Daimpre, Merna Margol, 1930/01/30, 3001300354185, 29 Far Lane, Hoylake, Mount Edgecombe,2012/05/17. Livingston Leandy Inc, PO Box 4107, The Square, 4021.

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2148/2012 PMB—Mbhele, Makhosonke Patrick, 1958/08/09, 5808095718087, 1 Ridge Road, Howick, 3290, 2012/01/30;Thobile Gloria Mbhele, 1965/07/05, 6507050516085. Ruth Lydia Pieterse, Lowe & Wills, 307 Pietermaritz Street, Pieter maritz -burg, 3201.

4558/2012 DBN—Dlamini, Menzi Fredrick, 1946-10-04, 4610045341030, K214 Newlands Height, P.O. Box KwaWasha,4360, 16 March 2012; Dlamini Busisiwe, 1952-02-01, 5202010462. Thaver & Associates, 113/114 Salisbury Cente, 332 SmithStreet, Durban, 4001.

4665/2012 DBN—Shange, Zwelihle Petros, 1952-08-16, 5208166792080, Z 1651, Phase 8, Umlazi, 4066, 2 August 2012;Mildred Thulile Shange, 1953-10-02, 5310020728083. Thaver & Associates, 113/114 Salisbury Centre, 332 Smith Street,Durban, 4001. 30 days.

5244/2011 (DBN)—Sibiya, Sandile Michael, 23 December 1978, 7812235512085, A 152, Kwamashu, P.O. Kwamashu,09-12-2010. Thaver & Associates, 113/114 Salisbury Centre, 332 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.

4030/2012—Shange, Nhlanhla Moses, 1960-02-06, 6002065660086, Ntabankulu Cluster, P.O. Box 32064, Isipingo, 4110,18 April 2011; Shange Cynthia Phumzile, 1963-10-10, 6310100427084. Thaver & Associates, 113/114 Salisbury Centre, 332 Smith Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.

261/2012 DBN—Malunga, Gideon Zamokwakhle Malunga, 1954-01-14, 5401145375082, No. 9 Arnciay Close, Clayfield,4068, 22 December 2011. Thaver & Associates, 113/114 Salisbury Centre, 332 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

10451/2010/PMB—Songweni, Mishack, 28 April 1947, 4704285491083, P.O. Box 10012, Bhekuzulu, 3100, 07/07/2010;Makhosazane Agrineth Songweni, 10/03/1961, 6103100753082. B.M. Thusini Attorneys, P.O. Box 2104, Vryheid, 3100.

4941/2012/PMB—Taylor, Peggy May, 9/03/1928, 2803090073086, Cottage 8, Village of Happiness, Margate, KwaZulu-Natal, 22/05/2012. Kerry Loukakis Attorneys, cnr Homestead and Erasmus Road, PO Box 2164, Margate, 4275.

4419/2012 (PMB)—Cornelius Johannes van Rooyen, 5802275056087, 11 Dolomite Avenue, Sunny Ridge, Newcastle, 4 May 2012; married out of community of property to Ann Letitia van Rooyen. S.W. Saville, DBM Attorneys, Attorneys forExecutor/Executrix, DBM Building, 52 Scott Street (PO Box 117), Newcastle. 30 days.

4417/2012 (PMB)—Sobalall Sumair, 3509135096086, a pensioner, 14A Carrington Street, Newcastle, 12 August 2010;married in community of property to Sakunthala Sumair. S.W. Saville, DBM Attorneys, Attorneys for Executor/Executrix, DBM Building, 52 Scott Street (PO Box 117), Newcastle. 30 days.

4488/2012PMB—Wells, John Michael Cuthbert, 1933/04/14, 3304145076082, 145 Waterfall Gardens, Yellowood Drive,Waterfall, 2012/04/19. Livingston Leandy Inc, PO Box 4107, The Square, 4021.

4281/2012—Davisworth, Royston, 30 May 1944, 4405305030089, 11 Range Road, Oslo Beach, 20 April 2012. Barry,Botha & Breytenbach, PO box 1, Port Shepstone, 4240.

4282/2012—Smith, Marjorie Phyllis, 19 October 1926, 2610190032080, 15 Dennis Circle, Umtentweni, 14 April 2012.Barry, Botha & Breytenbach, PO Box 1, Port Shepstone, 4240.

4153/2010—Naicker, Rungasamy, 12 October 1936, 3610125397086, 11 Baker Street, New Dheli/Sezela, KwaZulu-Natal, 10 February 2010. Meenachie Naicker, 11 Baker Street, New Dheli, Sezela, KwaZulu-Natal.

7923/2012 DBN—Salajee, Mahomed, 25 October 1943, 4310255150087, 13 Georgedale Road, Cato Ridge, Durban, 21 April 2012. Ismail Salejee and Kadwa, 25 Delta Road Isipingo Beach, 4115.

5514/2012 DBN—Eley, George Vincent Eley, 11 July 1950, 5007115086084, 493 Oliver Leigh Drive, Umbilo, Durban, 18 March 2012; married out of community of property and not subject to the accrual system: Cheryl Lorien Eley, 19 January1950, 5001190158082. Jason Clemens, c/o De Jager Clemens and Assoc, P.O. Box 1445, Durban, 4000.

Abdool Gaffar Khan, 19 April 1941, 4104195109083, 55 Bridgeford Drive, Mountview, Verulam, 20 November 2007;Harriffa Bee Bee Khan, 25 October 1953, 5310250171087. Attorney for Executor, Bux & Associates, 138 Wick Street, Verulam,4340. 30 days.

4838/2012/PMB—Fowler, Geoffrey Reginald, 1932-01-19, 3201195001087, 2 O’Connor Place, Glenashley, Durban,KwaZulu-Natal, 5 May 2012. Tomlinson Mnguni James Inc, 165 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.

4794/2012/PMB—Schroenn, Annunziata Maria Domenica, 1937-09-18, 3709180081187, 10 Moss Place, Montrose,Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, 24 April 2012. Tomlinson Mnguni James Inc, 165 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg,KwaZulu-Natal.

8374/2012/DBN—Pieters, Dawid Alwyn Vorster, 27/07/1929, 2907275006082, 25 Margate Drive, Margate, 4275,25/03/2012; Maria Isabella Pieters, 9/02/1933, 3302090003085. Jenny Naidoo (ID No. 6211040089085) nominee of StandardExecutors and Trustees Limited, Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 13961, Cascades, 3202.

7259/1993/PMB—Mavimbela, Elizabeth Daphne Thokozile, 3/09/1918, 1809030138088, Lot 10, Chief Mini Road,Dennisville, 20/09/1993. Winston Sydney Mavimbela, PO Box 12031, Pietermaritzburg, 3206.

2568/2012/PMB—Mavimbela, Tembekile Hannah, 21/05/1944, 4405215142081, Lot 10, Chief Mini Road, Dennisville,25/12/1996. Winston Sydney Mavimbela, PO Box 12031, Pietermaritzburg, 3206.

7380/2012/DBN—Ramaya, Stephen, 6/01/1954, 5401065152089, 8 Road 714, Mortford, Chatsworth, 14 April 2012;Gengamma Ramaya, 24/07/1959, 5907240091083. P Ramjathan & Associates, 273 Lenny Naidu Drive, Bayview, Chatsworth,4092.

3638/2012—Naude, Peggy Joan, 1924-04-21, 2404210026086, Oasis Care Centre Century Way, Century City, 2012-02-07. Peter John Naude, P.O. Box 2884, Durban, 4000.

5105/2012 DBN—Naidoo, Moonsamy, 1/9/1941, 4109015097087, House 70, Road 716, Montford, Chatsworth,23/10/2011; Devanayagie Naidoo, 17/8/1945, 4508170091084. Zubeda K Seedat & Co, 19/12 Hunt Road, Glenwood, 4062.

8489/2007/PMB—Biyase, Sikhumbuzo Chrysostomus, 5 June 1968, 6806056621083, 22 Morris Lewis Drive, Ixopo, 25 May 2007; Nondzwakazi Biyase, 9 August 1972, 7208090963085. Foster & Govender, PO Box 28, Ixopo, 3276.

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6457/2012 (DBN)—Bainbridge, Leigh Carol, 1967/06/07, 6706070127085, Summerveld Farm, KwaZulu-Natal,2012/03/17; Mark Robert Bainbridge, 1960/02/02, 6002025219080. Cox Yeats 21 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park,Umhlanga Ridge, Durban.

4260/2012—Govender, Perumal, 9 November 1928, 2811095158083, 14 Crossmoor Drive, Chatsworth, 23 March 2011;Sivagamiamma Govender, 2 October 1938, 3810020278080. Kanhai-Moodley & Associates, Suite 5A, 2nd Floor, Joy’DeenCentre, 18 Everest Street, Shallcorss.

4765/2012/PMB—Close, Rita Elsie, 1934/07/26, 3407260082189, Cluster Box MC22, Rob Roy Lifestyle Village, 3 RobRoy Crescent, Botha’s Hill, 3610, 2012/05/17; PO Box 136, Umhlali, 4390. Roberts & Chaplin, PO Box 136, Umhlali, 4390.

8155/2012 DBN—Vallabh, Dhanoo, 12 April 1928, 2804125059082, 38 St Pauls Avenue, Reservoir Hills, Durban, 4091,2 November 2011. Dherajlal Dhanoo Vallabh, 38 St Pauls Avenue, Reservoir Hills, Durban.

8018/2012 DBN—Xaba, Bertina, 10 June 1927, 2706100288083, 62 Dlamahlahla Street, Ntuzuma, 4359, 26 April 2012.Patrick Bongani Ngcobo, 62 Dlamahlahla Street, Ntuzuma A, 4359.

10020/09—Govender, Chinnamma, 5 May 1928, 2805050086081, 21 Addison Road, Erasmus Dam, Stanger, 16 September 2007. M.S. Mall & Company, PO Box 1333, Stanger, 4450.

5447/06 DBN—Dlamini, Jabulile Gladys, 1 February 1951, 5102010366085, AA628, Umlazi, 4031, 31 December 2005;Wilfred Themba Dlamini, 27 November 1947, 4711275255089. Simangele Winifrieda Dube, Unit 6, Panorama Acres, 1042,Rover Street, Constantia Park, 0181.

4924/2012—Ndaba, Bethwell, 10 July 1904, 10/07/1904, Bhejane Location, Pietermaritzburg, 18 July 1951. Siva Chettyand Company, 378 Longmakert Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.

16980/05—Ramsaru, Ramsaru, 01/12/1932, 3212015055088, 54 Sirkhod Road, Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg, 5 June2004. Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.

4570/2012/PMB—Pillay, Krishnasamy, 2 October 1964, 6410025024089, 308 Erica Avenue, Dalton, 19 February 2012;Maya Pillay, 21 April 1968, 6804210221080. Herbert Helmut Schulz, Schulz Wiesinger O’Dwyer, Box 33, Wartburg, 3233.

952/2012/PMB—Ramlal, Siyampathie, 20 April 1946, 4604200180086, 34 High Street, Richmond, 13 December 2011;Harikissoon Ramlal (deceased), 24 March 1952, 5203245188086. Sergie Brimiah & Associates, 510 Jabu Ndlovu Street,Pietermaritzburg.

949/2012/PMB—Ramlal, Harikissoon, 1952-03-24, 5203245188086, 34 High Street, Richmond, 16 December 2011.Sergie Brimiah & Associates, 510 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg.

2231/2012/PMB—Gengan, Ivan, 1963-09-26, 6309265266089, 41 Ramlingum Road, Northdale, 2011-11-05; DeviGengan, 1965-08-25, 6508250125081. Sergie Brimiah & Associates, 510 Jabu Ndlovu (Loop) Street, Pietermaritzburg.

7740/20121 DBN—Nurunissa Huck, 28 October 1929, 2910280234087, 113 Centre Road, Seacow Lake, Durban, 7 October 2010. 5 Murray Court, 375 Anton Lembede Street (formerly Smith Street), Durban.

2411/2012/PMB—Goolam, Surwar, 17 February 1950, 5002175053082, 4 Bornite Place, Copesville, Pietermaritzburg,3201, 8 July 2011; Rabia Goolam, 19 July 1953, 5307190158083. Rabie Goolam, 4 Bornite Place, Copesville, Pietermaritzburg,3201.

8726/2012 DBN—Thembani Bhekumusa Xulu, 5602175782083. Buthelezi Zungu Inc., 3rd Floor, ABSA Building,Richards Bay, 3900.

1882/2009 DBN—Philip Thulani Mofokeng, 7106015552081. Buthelezi Zungu Inc., 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, RichardsBay, 3900.

4672/2012/PMB—Walter John Hankey, 16/02/1930, 3002165349088, 2 Birchleigh, 106 Victoria Street, Estcourt,10/05/2012. Lombard-Badenhorst Inc, PO Box 18, Estcourt, 3310.

8412/2011 PMB—Ndlovu, Sifiso, 17 March 1983, 8303175922087, 230 Azalea, Unit A1, Edendale, Pietermaritzburg, 30 May 2011. G.R. Joubert & Associates, 476 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg.

19136/2011 DBN—Moonaisur, Gunputh, 16 May 1948, 4805165103084, 21 Cherrywood Avenue, Woodview, Phoenix, 1 November 2011; Dhewmathie Moonaisur, 27 March 1952, 5203270105088. Logan Padayachee & Co, 102 P Victoria Plaza, 45 Prince Edward Street, Durban. 30 days.

6740/2012/DBN—Atchamma Surajbali, 04/10/1948, 4810045177084, 35 Damorosa Crescent, Moorton, Chatsworth,4092, 18/04/2012; Atchamma Surajbali, 5602010235081. Behaire and Company Incorporated, 275 Lenny Naidu Drive,Bayview, Chatworth, 4092.

5092/2012/DBN—Moses Naidoo, 17/08/1949, 4908175030089, 105 Montdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth, 4092,unmarried, 18/03/2009. Behaire and Company Incorporated, 275 Lenny Naidu Drive, Bayview, Chatworth, 4092.

18259/2011 DBN—Akbur Ally, Dawood, 18 October 1942, 4210185119089, 81 Edgebury Road, Eastbury, Phoenix, 23 September 2011; Rahima Bee Akbur Ally, 26 May 1948, 4805260078082. Rahima Bee Akbur Ally, 81 Edgebury Road,Eastbury Road, Phoenix. 30 days.

6977/2012 (DBN)—Moodley, Dhanalutchmi, 16/09/1929, 2909160217089, 4 Shillong Road, Merebank, Durban, 4052,2/04/2012. T.C. Mehta & Company, 216 Seventh Avenue, Morningside, Durban.

10852/2010—Dora, Lutchimiah, 1934-10-04, 3410045082086, 8 Hurbans Road, Gandhi’s Hills, Tongaat, 2004-03-09;Veeremah Dora (now deceased). Bala Naidoo and Company, Suite 1 Ashanti Centre, 19 Arbee Drive, Tongaat.

7671/2012 DBN—Haffeejee, Mahamed Ali, 8 October 1937, 3710085063080, 21 Ridge Road, Kwa Dukuza, 18 April 2012,Durban; Ameena Bibi Haffeejee, 17 February 1942, 4202170048084. Mohamed Motala & Company, PO Box 2617, KwaDukuza, 4450.

3847/2012—Bosman, Venesia Margaret, 1918--09-18, 1809180001086, Jan Richter Centre, 40 New Scottland Road,Pietermaritzburg, 2012-04-11. Peter George Rousseau, 1st Floor, 145 Scott Street, Scottburgh, 4180.

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3630/2012/PMB—Werner, Llewellyn John Gilbert, 11/11/1931, 3111115051080, Trevton Eggs, Umlaas Road,Camperdown, 9/3/2012. Browne Brodie, 2nd Floor, ABSA Building, 23 Gardiner Street, Durban.

14164/2011/DBN—Kysmuth, Karumchand, 5 November 1938, 3811055069089, 441 Effingham Road, Red Hill, 4051, 14 August 2011. V N Kandailal and Company, Chartered Accountants (SA), 103 Stamford Hilld Road, Durban, 4001.

10451/2010/PMB—Songweni, Mishack, 28 April 1947, 4704285491083, PO Box 10012, Bhekuzulu, 3100, 07/07/2010;Makhosazane Agrineth Songweni, 10/03/1961, 6103100753082. B.M. Thusini Attorneys, PO Box 2104, Vryheid, 3100.

2774/2012/PMB—Dabideen, Samlal, 1 February 1942, 4202015121088, 21 Dolomite Crescent, Chatsworth, Durban, 25 February 2012; Rajpathy Dabideen, 26 July 1945, 4507260083084. K T Soni & Co, 250 Grey Street, Durban, 4001.

6079/2012—Makatini, Sibongile, 1968-09-03, 6809030387086, F977 KwaMashu, Mangethe Road, 4360, 8 April 2012.Bayliss & Associates, 113/114 Salisbury Centre, 332 Smith Street, Durban, 4000.

11281/2011 DBN—Celinkosi Dumisani Khumalo, 5908105884083, 47 St Andrews Streets, 45 Russlyn Court, Durban,4001. Sinama & Associates, Suite 1102, Tower B, Salisbury Centre, 347–351 West Street, Durban.

9079/2012—Maryon, Graham Michael, 1947-10-05, 4710055128185, 8 Starling Place, Gillitts, 2012-05-06. FNB TrustServices, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.

1540/2012/PMB—John Harold Wittstock, 11 December 1957, 5712115120086, Greenways Farm, Kokstad, 4700, 3 November 2011. C/o SJK Earle, PO Box 48, Cedarville, 4720.

1540/2012—Wittstock, John Harold, 1957-12-11, 5712115120086, Greenways Farm, Kokstad, 4700, Province ofKwaZulu-Natal, 2011-11-03. Sonnetta Wittstock, Greenways Farm, Kokstad, 4700, Province of KwaZulu-Natal.

7894/2011—Müller Lodwyk Joseph Jurgens, 1928-05-07, 2805075028080, Thorpe Lodge Wartburg District, KwaZulu-Natal, 2011-06-06; Dorothy Regina Müller, 1929-02-15, 2902150041007. Chris Müller, 39 Boekenhout Street, Val de Grace,Pretoria, 0184.

2107/12—Roopnarain, Choukieram, 1938-08-29, 3808295227089, 25810 Dingiswayo Road, Marianhill, 08-06-2009.Nishi Roopnarain, 25810 Dingiswayo Road, Marianhill, Durban, 4000.

5956/2012 (DBN)—Gopiechund, Weermal, 20 October 1944, 4410205426080, 21 Shastri Park Drive, Shastri Park,Phoenix, 5 May 2008. Gyan Mathee Gopiechund, 20 September 1950, 5009200632087. Shobhana Devi Dooken & Associates,403 Palmview Drive, Palmview, Phoenix. 30 days.

2733/2011 DBN—Norris, Jillian Joyce Esther Norris, 02/07/1943, 4307020066085, 24 Shongweni Heights, Angus Drive,Hillcrest, 3610, 13 November 2011. Croria Peter Kiggen “Erica” Senyati Park, 3 Abrea Rd, Klool, 3610.

2110/12—Ramdin, Gangapersadh, 06/12/1939, 3912065072087, 70 Southbury Avenue, Eastbury, Phoenix, 01/09/2010;Leelavathy Ramdin, 26/01/1942, 4201260046081. Leelavathy Ramdin, 70 Southbury Avenue, Eastbury, Phoenix, 4068.

8267/2011—Ntandane, Gugu Phumelele, 1978-09-30, 7809300421085, 27 Hartside Place, Caneside, Phoenix, 4068, 14 September 2009. Bayuss & Associates, 113/114 Salisbury Centre, 332 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

1491/2012/PMB—Kubheka, Zwilenjani Elias Kubheka, 1940-12-25, 4012255512080, 169 Harare Road, Inchanga, 3670,2010-11-11, Pietermaritzburg; Busisiwe Beatrice Kubheka, 1943-02-02, 4302020471088. T.E. Mlambo Attorneys, PO Box 61733, Bishopsgate, 4008.

2296/2012—Mbucane, Mandi Thomas, 1953/06/23, 5306235733082, 129 Station Road, Matatiele, 4730, 2012/01/04;Christina Nomboniso Mbucane, 1964/06/15, 6406150970088. McLeod & Associates, 110 Main Street, Matatiele, 4730.

8160/2010—Chetty, Chengiah, 1942-10-12, 4210125176082, 20 Gumfern Close, Redfern Phoenix, Durban, 4068, 2009-11-29; Gonavasigee Chetty, 1954-08-14, 5408140755083. Linda Bode, FNB Trust, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, PortElizabeth, 6057.

6593/2012—Pillay, Saga, 29 March 1948, 4803295175080, 4 Yorkvale Place, Rydalvale, Phoenix, 9 April 2012;Muniammah Pillay, 27 June 1948, 4806270154087. Ameer Singh & Associates, Suite 508, 5th Floor, SA Perm Building, 343 Smith Street, Durban.

2600/12—Jugunanan, Rohan, 6 August 1954, 5408065029084, 9 Porthill Gardens, Hillgrove, Newlands West, 10 July2011; Sareena Jugunanan, 17 May 1955, 5505170149085. Ameer Singh & Associates, Suite 508, 5th Floor, SA Perm Building,343 Smith Street, Durban.

9353/2012—De Oliviera Barbosa, Daniel Da Silva, 16/03/1956, 5603165056082, 21 Dick King Road, Athlone Park,KwaZulu-Natal, 28 May 2012. Daniel Jacobus of Grundlingh Attorneys at 24 Circle Drive, Westville, 3629. 30 days.

518/2012 PMB—M.A. Jansen van Vuuren, 13 November 1939, 3911130046084, 28 December 2011. Mr. N.T. Oosthuizen,PO Box 390, Newcastle, 2940.

518/2012—Jansen van Vuuren, Marjory Ann, 1938-11-13, 3811130046084, 4 Tielman Roos Avenue, Barry Hertzog Park,Newcastle, 2011-12-28. Nicolaas T. Oosthuizen, 70 Paterson Street, Newcastle. 30 days.

7084/2012 DBN—Hughes, Lioner Edward, 18/09/1919, 1909185035087, 31 Chicks Drive, Rosehill, Durban North,KwaZulu-Natal Province, 15 October 2011; Renee Hughes, 16/05/1925, 2505160045189. C/o MGD Attorneys, Postnet Suite25, Private Bag X01, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.

18853/2011—Wills, Charles Robert, 3711055079080, Parkview Court Shareblock, Durban, 28 November 2011. DeniseAudrey Williams, c/o Estates & Testamentary Services, Cluster Box 3524, Sunningdale, 4019.

9184/2012/DBN—Mileham, Alfred William, 1/07/1920, 2007015044186, 31 David Road, Scottburgh South, 4180,15/05/2012. Jenny Naidoo, 6211040089085, nominee of the Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban,4000.

6742/2012/DBN—Govender, Kasival, 18/09/1953, 5309185730082, 17 Lance Grove Circle, Phoenix, 4068, 2/12/2012;Vinayagie Govender, 22041958, 5804220117089. Woodhead Bigby & Irving Inc, PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000.

Fernandes, Maria Lourdes Ascenvao, 1930-05-29, 3005290029186, 355 Innes Road, Durban, 2012-05-04. NanwanthieA Govender, 29 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000.

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Farrer, Jeanette Elizabeth, 1942-04-27, 420470053089, 24 Klooflands, Kloof, 3610, 2012-02-25. Nanwanthie A Govender,29 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000.

30436 MF—De Beer, Petrus Jacobus, Corneluis, 1949-01-07, 4901075127089, 19 Bayridge Flat Lauder Lane, RichardsBay, 3900, 2012-05-10; Marie Elizabeth Magdalena Petronella De Beer, 1952-04-13, 5204130184081. ABSA Trust Limited, 10thFloor, ABSA Towers, 10th Floor, ABSA Trust Limited, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.

3903/2012/PMB—Chetty, Doorasamy, 15 October 1932, 3210155087085, 39 Belmont Crescent, Newholmes Way,Pietermaritzburg, 15 February 2012. BoE Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.

30450—Cronje, Esias Reneir, 1949-10-06, 4910065049088, 138 Kangelani Way, Assagay, Hillcrest, 2012-04-26. ABSATrust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

30475—Cloete, Maureen Helen, 21/10/1927, 2710210024081, 3 Athlone Heights, Athlone Drive, Port Shepstone, 4240,30/04/2012; Alwyn Jasper Cloete, 21/03/1922, 2203215008085. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

8560/2012–Brazier, Jean Elizabeth, 1933-03-28, 3303280004081, La Domaine, Hillcrest, 2012-04-26. BoE Trust Limited,Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.

Botes, Marjorie Lena, 1933-06-05, 3306050041084, 901 Canterbury Road, Woodgrange, Hiibberdene, 4220, 2012-05-17.ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

Babulal, Chris, 15/07/1938, 3807155056083, 36 Gemini Crescent, Chatsworth, 4092, 09/06/2011; Loretta ClaudetteBabulal, 17/11/1946, 4611170047088. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

16830/2006—Balnaves, Joan Margery, 1920/10/07, 2010070032187, Flat 409 Poinsettia Park, 619 Kingsway Rd,Amanzimtoti, 2006/12/01. Brogan & Olive Attorneys, 7 Ibis Lane, Amanzimtoti.

1496/2012/PMB—Patrick Byrne, 14 December 1947, 4712145076085, 8 Brentwood, 21 Adams Road, Hayfields,Pietermaritzburg, 3201. The Slater-Kinghorn Financial Services, 4 Pope Elus Drive, Ashburton, 3213.

15306/2008—Adams, Magamat Yunus, 1954-09-14, 5409145037089, 85 Sydenham Court, Rippon Road, Sydenham,Durban, 2005-06-10; Veronica Leonie Adams, 1957-04-21, 5704210040087. Veronica Leonie, 85 Sydenham Court, RipponRoad, Sydenham.

Zondo, Anna Cletha, 1938-10-31, 3810310230080, 154 Red Hill Road, Sea View, Durban, 4094, 2012-02-28. ABSA Trust,PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

2637/2012/DBN—Webber, Anthony Miles, 9 June 1942, 4206095014089, 47 Berea Park Road, Berea, Durban, 4001, 14 January 2012. BoE Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.

8594/2012—Van der Walt, Marai Magdalena, 1941-01-26, 1401260006087, 25 Mallow Place, Richards Bay, 3901, 2012-04-16. Nanwanthie A Govender, 29 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000.

Scholtz, Peter, 1959-10-03, 591005162085, 23 Impalaweg, Pione Park, Newcastle, 2012-04-16; Annolien JohannaScholtz, 1962-01-10, 620110043080. Nanwanthie A Govender, 29 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000.

8594/2012—Stapelberg, Cornelis Magaretha, 1926-05-08, 2605080055084, 152 Victora Rd, Newcastle, 2012-05-15.Nanwanthie A Govender, 29 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000.

Samuels, Loretta Elizabeth, 1941-05-20, 4105200061086, 10 Butcher Road, Sydenham, 4091, 2012-04-11. NanwanthieA Govender, 291 Anton Lembede Street, 10th Floor, ABSA Building, Durban. 21 days.

6161/2012/DBN—Simpson, Gladys Cameron, 26/10/1917, 1710260022085, Orchard Lea, Nursing Home, 22 ClydeAvenue, Musgrave, Durban, 4000, 26/02/2012. Woodhead Bigby & Irving Inc, PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000.

40/2011/PMB—Shezi, Sipo Absalom, 1940/06/21, 4006215392088, Willowfontein, Terminus, 620132, KwaKhuzwayoArea, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 2010/11/22; Rita Sizakele Shezi, 1948/10/18, 4810180558080. Margaret Mary McCullough, c/o J Leslie Smith & Company Inc, 322 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg.

8595/12 DBN—Ramdas, Ishwarlall Benjamin, 21/04/1958, 5804215153081, 21 Holly Crescent, Westmont, Isipingo,Orient Hills, 4110, 14/05/2012; Reena Ramdas, 27/03/1963, 6303270135082. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

6876/2012—Edgar Je’An Richards, 30 September 1940, 4009305150085, 5 Hopper Place, Newlands East, Durban,KwaZulu-Natal, 14 February 2012; Delyse Mary Richards, 4907290090085. Hajra Patel Incorporated, PO Box 3584, Durban,4000.

Pillay, Kamalaveni, 1970-04-13, 7004130158087, 8 Tim Dyer Road, Malvern, 2012-05-06; Nadraj Pillay, 1967-10-18,6710185201082. Nanwanthie Ajodha Govender, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban. 30 days.

Nkwanayana, Salengani Irene, 1937-06-06, 3706060264081, 1004 Xhakaza Street, Bhekuzulu Location, Vryheid, 2012-04-16. Nanwanthie A Govender, 29 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4000.

3092/2012/DBN—Nash, Dennis Harold, 14 January 1936, 3601145062180, 20 Highlands Court, Arbuthnot Street,Amanzimtoti, KwaZulu-Natal, 12 December 2011. Old Mutual Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Masgrave, 4062.

8429/2012/DBN—Naidoo, Sushiladevi Sundaram, 6 April 1943, 4304060403088, 5 Bishops Court, Mt Edgecombe, 22 May 2012. BoE Trust Limited, Ridgeside Campus, 2 Ncondo Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.

5074/2012—Olivier, Ross Anthony John, 1955-08-01, 5508015039081, 11 Isabel Boardmore, Scottsville,Pietermaritzburg, 2012-05-02. Old Mutual Trust Ltd, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.

Ndlela, Sifiso Aubrey, 1945-12-16, 4512165292087, House No. 010409, Wushwini Area, Hillcrest, 3650, 2012-03-29.ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

17320/2011/DBN—Madlala, Nqamfana, 3/10/1941, 4110035163081, 63619 Egwababeni Location, Port Shepstone, 4240,18/10/2011; Doris Madlala, 23/12/1963, 6412230709082. Woodhead Bigby & Irving Inc., PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000.

Minaar, Kenneth Michael, 1940-02-04, 4002045064088, 244 West Street, Pietermaritzburg, 2012-03-23; Barbara Minaar,1943-01-04, 4301040017186. Nanwanthie A Govender, 291 Anton Lembede Street, 10th Floor, ABSA Building, Durban. 21 days.

7673/2012—Kerrin, Isabel Maria Vieira, 1953/11/26, 5311260154188, 66 Elgro Flats, Doonheights, Amanzimtoti,2012/05/02. Brogan & Olive Attorneys, 7 Ibis Lane, Amanzimtoti.

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14796/2011/DBN—Jones, Douglas Ivor Thomas (also known as Douglas Ivor Jones), 42 Sycamore Road, Glenwood, 31 August 2011; Doreen Daphne Mary Jones, 25 April 1943, 4304250113083. BoE Trust Ltd, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.

7856/2012—Igesund, George Gordon, 1958-07-14, 5807145066083, 6 Brownlee Place, Bluff, Durban, 4052, 2012-04-10.ABSA Trust Limited, 10th Floor, ABSA Towers, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.

3898/2012/DBN—Iyer, Tommy Moonsamy, 1 September 1935, 3509015092080, 72 Statesman Drive, Havenside,Chatsworth, 4092, 22 January 2012. BoE Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.

3629/2012/DBN—Hancock, Thomas William, 13/02/1928, 2802135044086, 15 Acacia Road, South Port, Port Shepstone,4260, 14/12/2011. Woodhead Bigby & Irving Inc., PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000.

9666/2011—Howard, Cyril, 1933-05-26, 3305265054080, 30 Malton Mews, 20 Malton Road, Sea View, Durban, 4094,2011-05-02. ABSA Trust Limited, 10th Floor, ABSA Towers, 291 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001. 30 days.

Harris, Adele Christine, 1921-02-02, 2102020024081, 24 Tudor Gardens, Scott Street, Scottburgh, 2012-05-10. ABSATrust Ltd, PO Box 2174, Druban, 4000.

4676/2012/PMB—Singh, Rohan, 06-09-1940, 4009065048081, 72 Jenkyn Street, Newcastle, 2940, 29-11-2011;Parbahawathee Singh, 29-01-1948, 4801290064084. Parbahawathee Singh, c/o Neven Singh & Associates, P.O. Box 142,Newcastle, 2940.

4676/2012/PMB—Singh, Rohan, 06-09-1940, 4009065048081, 72 Jenkyn Street, Newcastle, 2940, 29-11-2011;Parbahawathee Singh, 29-01-1948, 4801290064084. Parbahawathee Singh, c/o Neven Singh & Associates, P.O. Box 142,Newcastle, 2940.

4676/2012/PMB—Singh, Rohan, 06-09-1940, 4009065048081, 72 Jenkyn Street, Newcastle, 2940, 29-11-2011;Parbahawathee Singh, 29-01-1948, 4801290064084. Parbahawathee Singh, c/o Neven Singh & Associates, P.O. Box 142,Newcastle, 2940.

8963/2012—Goba, Fikile Edith, 6012240996081, House 189697, Inanda Mission, Inanda, 4309, 30 June 2011. LesegoAndrew Goba, c/o Estates & Testamentary Services, Cluster, Box 3524, Sunningdale, 4019.

5100/2012/PMB—Luckraj, Lutchman, 12-11-1951, 5111125080085, 126 Willowpark Road, Port Shepstone, 4240, 21 October 2011; Bhahmathee Luck Raj, 27-08-1953, 5308270134085. Sharee Khan and Company, 385 Jabu Ndlovu Street,Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

5100/2012/PMB—Luckraj, Lutchman, 12-11-1951, 5111125080085, 126 Willowpark Road, Port Shepstone, 4240, 21 October 2011; Bhahmathee Luck Raj, 27-08-1953, 5308270134085. Sharee Khan and Company, 385 Jabu Ndlovu Street,Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

1252/2012—Munsami, Pillay, 1935-02-06, 3502065143085, 32 Gumfern Close, Redfern, Phoenix, 2011-08-17, deceased.Beena Budhoo & Assoc., 1st Floor 286, Seacowlake Road, Seacowlake, Durban. 21 days.

1256/2012—Ramlall, Bachnee, 1931-04-15, 3104150112081, 644 Seacowlake Road, Seacowlake, 2011-10-14. BeenaBudhoo & Assoc., 1st Floor, 286 Seacowlake Road, Seacowlake, Durban. 21 days.

8108/2012 DBN—Xaba, Bertina, 10 June 1927, 2706100288083, 62 Dlamahlahla Street, Ntuzuma A, 4359, 26 April 2012.Patrick Bongani Ngcobo, 62 Dlamahlahla Street, Ntuzuma A, 4359.

4908/2012/PMB—Gray, Dorothy Merrick, 1931/09/17, 3109170054080, 402 Amberfield, Mare Street, Howick, 3290,2012/05/29. Nigel Ibbetson Porter, Identity No. 4501015013082. C/o Harvard House Chartered Accountants and Auditors, PO Box 235, Howick, 3290.

5169/2012/PMB—Van Zyl, Kelly Anne, 1978-05-30, 7805300053084, 3 Jade Park, 16 Celtis Road, Boughton,Pietermaritzburg, 3201, 2012-05-03. Mr PJ van Zyl, c/o PO Box 11751, Dorpspruit, 3206.

15229/2007—Zwane, Mziwakhe Simon, 13/02/1946, 4602135186087, 1116 of Sundumbili A, 19 October 2005. WaynePretorius, P.O. Box 30711, Mayville, 4058.

4907/2012(PMB)—Gordon, Brian Donald, 1928/09/03, 2809035016080, Oakcroft House, Nursing Home, Oakcroft Road,West Byfleet, KT146JG, England, 2012/04/14. Nigel Ibbetson Porter, Identity No. 4501015013082. C/o Harvard HouseChartered Accountants and Auditors, PO Box 235, Howick, 3290.

4905/2012/PMB—Dicks, Ethel May, 1920/05/06, 2005060015085, Greendale Frail Care, Amber Avenue, Howick, 3290,2012/05/27. Nigel Ibbetson Porter, Identity No. 4501015013082. C/o Harvard House Chartered Accountants and Auditors, PO Box 235, Howick, 3290.

9169/2012—Nadasen, Gurusamy, 29 January 1944, 4401295099085, 42 Vandana Grove, Arena Park, Chatsworth, 4092,9 March 2012; Muniammah Nadasen, 14 December 1952, 5212140848082. Attorneys Malie Pillay & Associates, P.O. Box 49102, Qualbert, 4078.

2105/2011—Ncube, Busisiwe Salvatoris Ncube, 1949-02-24, 4902240164080, E959 Umlazi, 4036, 7 February 2012.Dludlu Attorneys, Suite 206, 2nd Floor, Perm Building, Smith Street, Durban, 4000. 30 days.

19162/2010—Maluleka, Dampi Moses Maluleka, 5004055209081, 69 Nhototro Extension, Chesterville, 11/11/2010;Zondile Gelvasia Maluleka, 1973-02-18, 7302180395082. Dludlu Attorneys, Suite 206, 2nd Floor, Perm Building, Smith Street,Durban, 4000. 30 days.

16623/2007—Solomon, Jeevarathanam, 18 August 1946, 4608185238082, 36 Rank Avenue, Silverglen, Chatsworth,4092, 24 October 2007; Thrinavali Solomon, 26 June 1948, 4806260293085. Thrinavali Solomon, 36 Rank Avenue, Silverglen,Chatsworth, 4092.

4277/2012—Poplett, Michael Arthur, 1940/04/11, 4004115019083, 49 Kloof View Road, Forest Hills, 3610, 2012/04/26;Pamela Ann Poplett. Livingston Leandy Inc., PO Box 4107, The Square, 4021.

5021/2012/PMB—Candey, Cyril David, 15 February 1948, 4802155149185, 17 Russell Mellick Street, Umtentweni,Province of KwaZulu-Natal, 4 June 2012; Christine Ann Candey, 10 December 1948, 4812100167182. Van Zyl Retief Inc., PO Box 27, Port Shepstone, 4240.

5601/2012—Delomoney, Mariamma, 19 November 1927, 2711190713088, 14 Lantana Place, Asherville, Durban, 30 July2011. G H Ismail and Associates, 543 Ridge Road, Overport, Durban, 4001. 30 days.

5601/2012—Delomoney, Mariamma, 19 November 1927, 2711190713088, 14 Lantana Place, Asherville, Durban, 30 July2011. G H Ismail and Associates, 543 Ridge Road, Overport, Durban, 4001. 30 days.

2190/2012/PMB—Premnath Bridgemohan Maharaj, 11 October 1954, 5410115099083, 55 Staghorn Crescent,Fernwood, Newcastle, 2940, 21 December 2011; Roshitha Devi Maharaj, 10 July 1955, 5507100120087. Attorneys for ExecutrixTestamentary, Mastross Incorporated, 393 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg.

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8630/2012 (DBN)—Joseph Jacques Couve, 05/03/1923, 2303055037085, 138 Barrington, Gazelle Road, Ballito, 4420,24/05/2012; Rachel Marie Sybil Couve, 2611200053082. J T Haskell, P O Box 22023, Glenashley, 4022. 30 days.

2190/2012/PMB—Premnath Bridgemohan Maharaj, 11 October 1954, 5410115099083, 55 Staghorn Crescent,Fernwood, Newcastle, 2940, 21 December 2011; Roshitha Devi Maharaj, 10 July 1955, 5507100120087. Attorneys for ExecutrixTestamentary, Mastross Incorporated, 393 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg.

5036/2012/PMB—Barratt, Harold Edwin, 24 April 1940, 4004245121080, 6 Kensington Gardens, Umbilo, Durban, 4 June 2012. Eckhard Volker CA (SA), PO Box 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630.

7772/1989—Van den Berg, Cornelius Hermanus, 1956-04-06, 5604065014080, 3 Joubert Street, Paulpietersburg,KwaZulu-Natal, 1989-09-13. Ronel (Lewies) de Klerk, Lewies Attorneys, 6 Floor, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town.

8962/2012—Naidoo, Sagren, 20 January 1969, 6901205118089, 22 Mkhula Road, Dawncliff, Westville, 1 May 2012;Vanessa Naidoo, 3 January 1970, 7001030146089. Attorney Vinay Yetwaru, P.O. Box 3218, Durban, 4001.

8961/2012—Naidoo, Purmasivan Narrainsamy, 25 January 1952, 5201265174087, 13 Petunia Court, Lotus Park,Isipingo, 21 February 2012; Dhanna Lutchmee Naidoo, 20 August 1948, 4808200152082. Attorney Vinay Yetwaru, P.O. Box 3218, Durban, 4001.

2443/2012—Ganasposad, Rajendranath, 1969/06/25, 6906255121081, 10 Heysham Place, Westham, 4068; 04/02/2012,Aster Ganaspersad, 1977/01/17, 7701170059089. Rajesh Hirckil Attorneys, 1 Kilstford Place, Sunibroi, Phoenix, 4068.

9232/12 DBN—Chung, Kwang Ji, 28/12/1956, 5612285800089, 174 Evans Road, Glenwood, Durban, 13/12/2011; SookHee Chung, 15/08/1957, 5608150855083. Sook Hee Chung, 17 Evans Road, Glenwood, Durban.

3687/2011—Mdima, Janet, 1936-11-26, 3611260259081, A2827 Inanda Newton A, Inanda, 2009-08-26. SentinelInternational, PO Box 2763, Westway Office Park.

8676/2012—Jacobs, Peter Johannes, 1957-03-04, 5703045135088, 7 Acacia Crescent, Westbrook, 2012-03-12. SentinelInternational, PO Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635.

9433/201/DBN—Naidoo, Goonasegaran Moonsamy, 1962/01/09, 6201095105084, Erf 2184, Sastri Road, Marburg,2012/04/23; Salochinee Naidoo, 1964/04/01, 6404010214086. Grobler & Moors, PO Box 73, Port Shepstone, 4240. ChamberAdministrators CC, PO Box 1301, Port Shepstone, 4240.

5124/2012—Uys, Gert van Rensburg, 1963-07-22, 6307225089088, Thangami Safari Spa, Swartmfolozi, Vryheid, 3100,2012-05-31. Jan A H van Heerden, Hlobanestraat 180 (PO Box 832), Vryheid, 3100. 30 days.

5124/2012/PMB—Gert van Rensburg, Uys, 6307225089088, Thangami Safari Spa, Swartfolozi, Vryheid, 31 Mei 2012.J.A.H. van Heerden Eksekuteur, Hlobanestraat 180 (Posbus 832), Vryheid, 3100. 30 dae.

4673/2012/PMB—Marguerite Barry Janse van Rensburg, 2504050010080, Rusoord Tehuis 46, Afrikanerstraat, Vryheid,22 Mei 2010. L.P. Janse van Rensburg Eksekuteur, Hlobanestraat 180 (Posbus 832), Vryheid, 3100. 30 dae.

9129/2012—Juszczyk, Bronislaw, 04/04/1926, 63-283438V00, Athol Evans Hospital, Cranborne, Harare, Zimbabwe,29/07/2010. P.J. Duncan, P.O. Box 1195, Durban, 4000.

8465/2012 DBN—Mey, Pieter Andries, 10 June 1932, 3206105024087, 28 Jakaranda, Arboretum Extension, RichardsBay, KZN, 17 May 2012; Mary Jane Mey, 29 April 1935, 3504290011087. Shepstone & Wylie Attorneys, Suite 27, CalypsoCentre, Richards Bay.

4673/2012—Janse van Rensburg, Marguerite Barry, 1925/04/05, 2504050010080, Rusoord Tehuis, Afrikanerstraat 46,Vryheid, 3100, 2010/05/22. Lodewyk P Jv Rensburg, Hlobanestraat 180 (PO Box 832), Vryheid, 3100.

3880/2012/PMB—Theunia Christobelle Claassen, 4403260020088, plaas Roodekoppe, Utrecht, 4 Oktober 2009. G.H.Claassen Eksekuteur, Hlobanestraat 180 (Posbus 832), Vryheid, 3100. 30 dae.

3880/2012—Claassen, Theunia Christobelle, 1944-03-26, 4403260020088, Farm Roodekoppe, Utrecht, 2980, 2009-10-04. Gert Hendrik Claassen, 180 Hlobane Street (PO Box 832), Vryheid, 3100. 30 days.

5447/06 DBN—Dlamini, Jabulile Gladys, 1 February 1951, 5102010366085, AA628, Umlazi, 4031, 31 December 2005;Wilfred Themba Dlamini, 27 November 1947, 4711275255089. Simangele Winfrieda Dube, Unit 6, Panorama Acres, 1042,Rover Street, Constantia Park, 0181.

9428/2012/DBN—Renard, Eugene Wilfred Danks, 1936/01/15, 3601155122080, 3 Barbara Avenue, Scottburgh,KwaZulu-Natal, 2012/05/26; Nina Lloyd, 1943/02/09, 4302090045184. Ian Smith, PO Box 1301, Port Shepstone, 4240.

4942/2012/PMB—Terry, James Peter, 22 July 1932, 3207225031184, Villa Bruno, Mbango Retirement Centre, Marburg,Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal, 8 March 2012. Jennifer Mower Attorneys, P.O. Box 248, Uvongo, 4270.

1192/2012/PMB—Ebrahim, Zohra, 12 June 1928, 2806120347081, 7 Doyle’s Road, Glencoe, 2394, 17 July 2011.Mehmood Ameen, 7 Doyle’s Road, Glencoe, 2394. 30 days.

3225/2012—Naidoo, Kistnasamy, 18-06-1939, 3906185129082, 15 Cairn Park Close, Shastri Park, Phoenix, 4068, 10 February 2012. Preandree Naidoo, 30 Lenham Drive, Lenham, Phoenix. 30 days.

8202/2012—Mseleku, Tembokwakhe Walter, 10 November 1947, 4711105184087, Stand W400, Umlazi Township,Durban, 4 April 2010; Mseleku Ntombilezi . L, 29 October 1950, 5010290685084. Heddex Attorneys, Suite 4008, 4th Floor, No. 2 Devonshire Place, Off: Anton Lembede Street, Durban.

11416/2010/PMB—Mkhize, Senzeni Juliet, 22 March 1944, 4403220396081, Lot 913, Khuzwayo Road, Nquthu, KwaZulu-Natal, 23 July 2004. D.S. Gumbi Attorneys, Office No. 2, Lot 42/1, Babanango Road, Nquthu, 3125.

3422/2012—Cooke, Elwood Stuart, 1939-10-15, 3910155030080, Chalet 47, Hibberdene, Caravan Park, Hibberdene,2012-01-12. Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet, Suite 205, P/Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801.

4194/2012—Marais, Ernest Lodewicus, 1928-12-19, 2812195087081, 12 Burnside Gardens, Dicks Street, Howick, 2012-03-09. Jemillo Adriaan, 63B Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.

4140/2012—Simamane, Daniel, 16 September 1949, 4909165610088, 11 March 2012; Simamane Toko, 10 May 1955,5505100734089. Hedder Attorneys, Suite 4008, 4th Floor, No. 2 Devonsire Place, Off Anton Lembede Street, Durban.

4140/2012—Simamane, Daniel, 16 September 1949, 4909165610088, 11 March 2012; Simamane Toko, 10 May 1955,5505100734089. Hedder Attorneys, Suite 4008, 4th Floor, No. 2 Devonsire Place, Off Anton Lembede Street, Durban.

3764/2012—Madela, Jabulani Patrick, 1985/01/25, 8501295541089, Annieville Mkhwanazi, Stand Esk No. 215,2012/03/24. Ntuthuko Zondi Attorneys, 7th Floor, Gallwey House 15, Gallwey Lane, Pietermasritzburg, 3200.

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4516/2012—Mbatha, Prisca Mami, 1974-11-03, 7411030354080, 8724 Section 5, Madadeni, 2951, 2012-04-19. NtuthukoZondi Attorneys, 7th Floor, Gallwey House 15, Gallwey Lane, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

1192/2012/PMB—Ebrahim Zohra, 12 June 1928, 2806120347081, 7 Doyle’s Road, Glencoe, 2394, 17 July 2011.Mehmood Amee, 7 Doyle’s Road, Glencoe, 2394.

4984/2012—Mswane, Sijombeni, 6 January 1939, 3901035264083, 972 Jabavu Location, Ladysmith, 3370, 25 March2012; Busisiwe Betty Mswane, 10 March 1949, 4903100658088. Ngcobo Services Trust, PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

6349/12—Reilly, Terence Sean, 1940-12-19, 4012195095089, 109 Clair Avenue, Manor Gardens, Durban, KZN, 2011-12-20. J.F. Paine and Associates, 2 Wren Crescent, Eagle Ridge Estate, Currys Post Road, Howick, 3290. 30 days.


742/2012—Eastwood, Catherina Johanna Houkjen, 1946-12-01, 4612010590089, The Farm Schyffontein, ZoutpanbergDistrict, Limpopo Province, 2011-12-26. Frans JG Chnoops, 17 Irwin Street, Musina, 0900. 30 days.

952/2012—Mathabi, Takalani Manly, 17-12-1980, 8012175453080, 189 Mashao Village, Makhado, Limpopo, 28-04-2012;Mpho Mathabi, 23-11-1983, 8311230370085. Mpho Mathabi.

4161/2012—Mogashoa, Selepe Richard, 06-06-1959, 5906066206080, House No. 250 Makeketela Village, Ga-Mamabolo, 09-05-2012; Mmope Thabitha Mogashoa, 28-08-1975, 7508281018080. Mmope Thabitha Mogashoa, HouseNo. 250, Makeketela Village, Ga-Mamabolo.

877/2012—Nyadzani Nasane, 7509195817088, Sane Location, 1 April 2012. Sengami Philemon, Makhado ShoppingCentre, Nditwami Complex, Office No. 3 and 4 (P.O. Box 504), Dzanani, 0955. 30 days.

5230/2009—Malose Daniel Monama, 9 July 1942, 4207095343080, 2452 Section C, Sekgakgapeng, 15 June 2009;Thabitha Tshuene Monama, 4 October 1962. As per authorised agent Maphoto Mamabolo & Partners, as provided herein infra41 Retief Street, Presdent Building, Mokopane; P O Box 1210, Mokopane, 0600. 30 days.

Mukwevho, Ndanganani Elias, 5 June 1960, 6006055543087, Stand 286, Misevhe A, Mashau, 18 May 2012;Thanandavha Thaini Mukwevo, 6008200865084. Choma and Associates, 30 Erasmus Street, Vleissentraal Building, LouisTrichardt.

4602/2012—Matlou Salmina Ramabu, 8510260642087, 27 May 2012; Moloko Elisabeth Ramabu. Moloko ElisabethRamabu, P.O. Box 3780, Polokwane, 0700; Stand No. 10063, Madigorong Village, Moletjie. 30 days.

952/2012—Mathabi, Takalani Manly, 17-12-1980, 8012175453080, 189 Mashao Village, Makhado, Limpopo, 28-04-2012;Mpho Mathabi, 23-11-1983, 8311230370085. Mpho Mathabi.

4161/2012—Mogashoa, Selepe Richard, 06-06-1959, 5906066206080, House No. 250 Mekeketela Village, Ga-Mamabolo, 09-05-2012; Mmope Thabitha Mogashoa, 28-08-1975, 7508281018080. Mmope Thabitha Mogashoa, HouseNo. 250, Makeketela Village, Ga-Mamabolo.

8879/2011—Veba Victor Ngobeni, 5009135204085, 13 September 1950, House No. 597, Zone 2, Mahwelereng, 23 October 2011; Mithileni Makhanane Jane, 1 January 1961, 6101011758083. As per authorised agent Maphoto Mamabolo &Partners, as provided herein infra 41 Retief Street, Presdent Building, Mokopane; P O Box 1210, Mokopane, 0600. 30 days.

610/2011—Poglitsch, Franz, 1943-02-18, 4302185007180, Farm Pietersburg, District Alldays, Limpopo, 2010-05-31. JohnDott, Box 624, Fontainebleau, 2032.

26792/2009—Letoaba Abel Nevill Tjiana, 6603055354083, 05-07-2009, divorced. M.G. Phatudi Incorporated, PhatudiLaw Chambers, 29 General Joubert Street (P.O. Box 1185), Polokwane, 0700. 30 days.

810/2012—Mudau, Alidzulwi Sylvia, 1956-06-04, 5606040662081, Itsani Village, 2004-01-12; Mudau Jonas Ndidzhlafhi,1951-04-8, 5104285630088. A.R. Madia Attorneys, Office No. 21 & G23, Old Mutual Building, Thohoyandou BA.

4829/2012—Michael, De Jager, 1937-11-10, 3711105027089, Por 330, Happyland, 241 KT, 2012-01-29. CHM Steyn,Steyn & Clarke Attorneys, P O Box 724, Hoedspruit, 1380. 30 days.

10053/2011—Khumalo, Butana Morgan, 1951-06-24, 5106245147087, Erf 33, Mkhuhlu-A Township, Mkhuhlu, 1246,2011-11-11; Maid Betty Khumalo, 1953-02-16, 5302160814088. Erf 33, Mkhuhlu-A Township, P.O. Box 615, Mkhuhlu, 1246.

799/2011—Dlomo, Belesi Saraphine, 1939-06-06, 3906060310088, Stand No. 112, Xanthia Trust, Bushbuckridge, MhalaDistrict, 2010-07-09. Mushwana Mashiloane Attorneys, P.O. Box 4047, Polokwane, 0700.

4198/2012—Nagel, Aletta Petronella, 27 September 1941, 9 Stephan Botha Singel, 16 Maart 2012. BoE Trust Beperk,PO Box 6287, Pretoria, 0001.

4443/2011—Du Toit, Terrence Peter David, 1938-07-10, 3807105026087, Lushof Plot NO. 84, Tzaneen, 0850, LimpopoProvince, 24 October 2010. Gideon Venter-Executor, Lex Numeri Building, 32 Peace Street, Tzaneen, 0850 P O Box 962,Tzaneen, 0850.

4443/2011—Du Toit, Terrence Peter David, 1938-07-10, 3807105026087, Lushof Plot NO. 84, Tzaneen, 0850, LimpopoProvince, 24 October 2010. Gideon Venter-Executor, Lex Numeri Building, 32 Peace Street, Tzaneen, 0850 P O Box 962,Tzaneen, 0850.

Magoro, Apson Madume, 22/07/1930, 3007225136086, Stand No. 411, Metz Village, Tzaneen, 0850, 27/12/2011;Matshidiso Maggie Magoro, 01/07/1939, 3907010341082. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Fhorbesch, Robert Joseph, 18/06/1946, 4606185073087, 5de Laan 126, Naboomspruit, 0560, 25/04/2012. ABSA TrustBpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

Brummer, Maria Jacomina Sophia, 18/12/1948, 4812180082087, Tsessebestraat 50, Onverwacht, 0557, 15/05/2012.ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

2205/2011—Phahlamohlaka, Leah Motawane, 22/06/1977, 7706220686088, Hlalanekahle, Klipspruit B, 1812,01/03/2011. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

203/2012—Nkobo, Mohlahlubi Edwin, 15/07/1933, 3307155270081, 54 Mamati School, Gamadisha Ditoro, Polokwane,2 November 2011; Popi Hazel Nkobo, 27/06/1936, 3606270222087. Electus Trust, PO Box 12541, Hatfield, 0028.

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5374/2010—Van der Merwe, Petrus, 25 September 1925, 2509255033084, Tuinplaas Saaiplaas, distrik Nylstroom,Limpopo Provinsie, 1 Januarie 2009. Gerhardus Francois Rossouw, Ruiterweg 11A, Mokopane, 0600.

4584/2012—Labuschagne, Gabriel Stefanus, 1951/07/17, 5107175034089, Ouetehuis Piet Potgieter, Hoogstraat 60,Mokopane, 2011/11/06. Morris Pogrund, Biccardstraat 25,Polokwane, 0699.

2389/2011—Budeli, Thinashaka Jeremiah, 13/01/1950, 5001135770082, Makwarela, Mandala, Venda, 24/10/2011.Daniel Francois Arnoldus du Toit (ID No. 6505065046080), as nominee of Standard Bank of South Africa, Private Bag X25,Hatfield, 0028.


1234/12—Grobbelaar, Willem Abraham, 1930-10-01, 3010015045087, Spes Bona Tehuis, Douglas, 8730, 10 May 2012.De Villiers & Bredenkamp, PO Box 9, Douglas, 8730.

92/12—Liebenberg, Johanna Magrieta, 1943-05-14, 4305140009084, Gibbonstraat, Kenhardt, 2011-10-18; LiebenbergJacobus Coenraad, 1941-08-07, 4108075019080. Brink & Genote Ingelyf, Posbus 7, Kenhardt, 8900.

1866/2010—Willemse, Gert Jakobus, 07/01/1937, 3701075051086, 07/01/1937, plaas Suid-Oos No. 120, MierNedersetting, 24 Desember 2009; Johanna Wilhelmina Willemse, 06/03/1936, 3603060045083. KBVS Prokureurs, Posbus 565,Kuruman, 8460.

1189/2012—Krieger, Daniel Pieter, 13 September 1932, 3209135054082, Suidrandstraat 281, Laugrerwacht, Callamas,10 Maart 2012; Catharina Krieger, 15/04/1957, 5704150159087. Le Roux & Genote Ingelyf, Voortrekkerstraat 30, Kakamas.

1477/2012—Stassen, Gracie Helena, 17 November 1930, 3011170034080, Ons Huis Ouetehuis, Ariadnesingel,Kimberley, 28 Januarie 2012. Hendrik Petrus Arnoldus Venter, Duncan & Rothman Ing., Chapelstraat 39-43, Kimberley, 8301.

1364/2012—Estment, Michael Lawrence, 24 June 1947, 4706245077084, 6 Henry Schmidt Crescent, Labram,Kimberley, 19-05-2012. Elliott Maris Wilmans & Hay, PO Box 179, Kimberley.

1240/2012—Le Roux, Aletta Francina, 18-12-1947, 4712190092086, Pickeringlaan 20, Kimberley, 28-04-2012. ElliottMaris Wilmans & Hay, PO Box 179, Kimberley.

3544/11—Gae, Obakeng Edwin, 1947-02-09, 4702095191083, Huis No. 380E, Loopeng Village, 29 September 2011;Kgomoco Elsie Gae, 1951-02-23, 5202230761089. Duvhenage & Van der Merwe, Posbus 63, Kuruman, 8460.

914/2012—Poolman, Daniel Johannes George, 1932/09/03, 3209035005085, Huis No. 4, Kromstraat 7, Kuruman,Noordkaap, 25 Maart 201. Duvenhage & Van der Merwe, Posbus 63, Kuruman, 8460.

690/2012—Shamley, Jacoba Hendrika, 2 Junie 1914, 1406020006084, Keldebees Versorgingsoord, De Villiersstraat,Upington, 24 Februarie 2012. Agent: Jacobus Cornelius Nel, PO Box 1331, Upington, 8800.

1246/2012—Galloway, John Theo, 21 Februarie 1962, 6202215066081, Luckhofstraat 609, Danielskruil, 4 April 2012;Susanna Elizabeth Galloway, 5 Februarie 1967, 6702050126080. Tygerberg Trustees, Posbus 5483, Tygervalley, 7536, Doex35, Tygerberg.

1193/2012—Canchiabato, Valentino Antonio Canchibato, 1954-05-25, 5405255774081, Reierlaan 14, Dingleton, 8447,2006-11-04; Rosa Antonio Canchibato, 1961-08-09, 6108090661088. Louw & Da Silva Ing., Kantoor 1, Prosperitas Gebou,Reitbokstraat, Kathu, 8446.

Visser, Catharina Barendina, 16 Febriarie 1932, 3202160002084, Huis Frieda Kempton Commercialstraat 5, Victoria-Wes, 7070, 29 April 2012. C.A. Visser, p/a Marius Scheepers & Co. Prokureurs, Posbus 38197, Faerie Glen, 0043.

1351/2012—Louw, Redivivus, 1/09/1925, 2509015012089, Prieska, 29/02/2012. Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar, ID:5607195060089, as nominee of Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, 7th Floor, Standard Bank Centre, Hereengracht, CapeTown, 8001.

1151/2012—Grobbelaar, Magrieta Johanna Grobbelaar, 08-10-1950, 5010080081080, Huis 70, Mancorp Mayn,Postmasburg, 8423, 21-03-2012. Mev. H.J.C. du Plessis, p/a Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, Derdestraat No. 6,Bloemfontein, 9301.

715/2011—Morkel, Ronald, 1954-10-10, 5410105104083, 50 Topaas Avenue Extension 14, De Aar, 2010-08-01. HL EsauAttorneys, Avondale Civic Centre, Avondale, Atlantis. 30 days.

1221/2012—Erasmus, Rynette, 06/03/1967, 6703060107086, Huis No. 14, Beeshoek, 8423, 15/12/2010; MarthinusGerhardus Erasmus, 07/04/1962, 6204075015083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

1340/2012—Van der Berg, Willem Nicolaas, 03/01/1948, 4801035003083, Plot 225, Ritchie, 8701, 26/03/2012. ABSATrust Bpk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300.

751/2011—Morkel, Ronald, 1954-10-10, 5410105104083, 50 Topaas Avenue Extension 14, De Aar, 2010-08-01. H L EsauAttorneys, Avondale Civic Centre, Avondale, Atlantis. 30 days.

1169/2012—Van der Westhuizen, Michiel George, 9 Mei 1921, 21050950080, Huis Boesmanland, Loeriesfontein, 8185,8 Maart 2012. AJ Muller, Posbus 56, Loeriesfontein, 8185.


5599/2011—Rankoko, Nkaraga David, 1937/07/24, 3707245249088, B308 Luka Extension, Ratshwene, Phokeng,Rustenburg, 0322, 2011/06/26; Peggy Christina Rankoko, 1946/10/20, 4610200630087. Volker Helmut Johannes Kruger, 67 Brink Street, Rustenburg.

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2341/2012—Elizabeth Johanna Malan, 3703220012088, Heeferstraat 19a, Rustenburg, Noordwes Provinsie, 23 Februarie 2012. JCJ Robbetze en Vennote, Leydstraat 149 (Posbus 259), Rustenburg, 0300. 30 dae.

8354/2011—Mc Arthur, Graham, 1949/05/10, 4905105671081, 25 Maroelalaan 25, Mooinooi, 2011/06/13. Volker HelmutJohannes Kruger, @Office, North block, 67 Brink Street, Rustenburg.

3855/2009—Blignaut, Isabella Magrietha Blignaut, 22 Desember 1941, 4112220005085, Fleckerweg 41, Orkney, 2620;Coenraad Johannes Cornelis Blignaut, 12 September 1951, 5109125132088. Claassens Van Niekerk Ing, Posbus 1378,Orkney, 2620.

4316/2011—Khabe, Richard Maleho Khabe, 1 Oktober 1967, 6710015638081, Shakespearelaan 29, Orkney, 2620, 31 Mei 2011; Leah Puleng Khabe, 25 Oktober 1973, 7310250446081. Claassens Van Niekerk Ing, Posbus 1378, Orkney, 2620.

2341/2012—Elizabeth Johanna Malan, 3703220012088, Heeferstraat 19a, Rustenburg, Noordwes Provinsie, 23 Februarie 2012. JCJ Robbetze en Vennote, Leydstraat 149 (Posbus 259), Rustenburg, 0300. 30 dae.

3855/2009—Blignaut, Isabella Magrietha Blignaut, 22 Desember 1941, 4112220005085, Fleckerweg 41, Orkney, 2620,26 Junie 2009; Coenraad Johannes Cornelis Blignaut, 12 September 1951, 5109125132088. Claassens Van Niekerk Ing,Posbus 1378, Orkney, 2620.

4316/2011—Khabe, Richard Maleho Khabe, 1 Oktober 1967, 6710015638081, Shakespearelaan 29, Orkney, 2620, 31 Mei 2011; Leah Puleng Khabe, 25 Oktober 1973, 7310250446081. Claassens Van Niekerk Ing, Posbus 1378, Orkney, 2620.

3673/2012—De Beer, Petrus Johannes, 21 September 1946, 4609215003082, plaas Witkrans, Ventersdoirp, 6 Junie2012. Paul Fick Cronje, Vermaas en Cronje Prokureurs, Van Niekerkstraat 7, Hartbeesfontein, 2600.

3214/2012—Veldskoen, Dolores Catharina, 1961/11/26, 6111260121081, Manchesterrylaan 6, Promosa, Potchefstroom,2531, 2010/11/21. Johan Hendré Conradie, President Reitzlaan 119, Westdene, Bloemfontein.

3457/2012—Volschenk, George Jan, 23 Augustus 1929, 2908235006089, Eriestraat 106, Dominionville, 2578, 28 April2012. Paul Fick Cronje, Vermaas en Cronje Prokureurs, Van Niekerkstraat 7, Hartbeesfontein, 2600.

5840/2011—Swart, Alida Johanna Sofia, 1926-10-01, 2610010019085, plaas Howard, Vryburg, 2011-06-09; PetrusDaniel Swart, 1922-08-02, 2208025018083. Alida Johanna Mostert, Posbus 32573, Glenstantia, Pretoria, 0010.

3678/2012—Moleah, Kealeboga Victoria, 5604100904089, X1181, Mangezi Street, Jouberton, Klerksdorp, 9 June 2012.Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Center, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745.

3661/2012—Morake, Petrus Tebogo, 5812065838081, House No. 716, Ratsara Section, Dinokana Village, 7 June 2012;Utlwanang Ruth Morake, 6307200931080. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Center, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng,2745.

3357/2012—Ngangelizwe, Bhotile Hendrick, 5302065723087, 646 Ramatong Street, Montshiwa, 23 May 2012. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Centre, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745.

3619/2012—Qalinge, Nzimeni Jan, 3510255194081, 2550 Pitso Street, Huhudi Location, Vryburg, 1 February 2008;Keetumetsi Gladys Qalinge, 4510040277083. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Centre, 43 Shippard Street,Mafikeng, 2745.

2396/2012—Nko, Thatayaone Esron, 8009235440081, 7571 Magogoe Koi-Koi, Mahikeng, 30 March 2012. RamerafeStephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Centre, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745.

3620/2011—Leepile, Mohenyiemang Jameson, 5801018780086, House No. B31, Gamontshonyana Village, Morokweng,Ganyesa, 8 May 2012; Keaikitse Selly Leepile, 6505270807086. Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Centre, 43Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745.

945/2012—Johnston, Douglas Hugh Bathgate, 12 May 1946, 4605125077083, Leopard Rock Lodge, Madikwe GameReserve, Madikwe, 19 January 2012; Madeleine Johnston, 06-12-1947, 4712060091085. Diedricks Attorneys, 90 (c) RobertsRoad, Clarendon, Pietermaritzburg.

3670/2012—Grobbelaar, Jan Aderjan, 1936-04-23, 3604235007081, Brakpan, Ottosdal, 2012-05-28; Gertruida SusannaMagdalena Grobbelaar, 1940-08-06, 4008060005088. Jennifer J van Vuuren, 12 Otto Street, Ottosdal, 2610.

2942/2012—Botha, Isabella Violet Botha, 28 September 1925, 2509280003086, plaas Tussenchvier, Posbus 69,Makwassie, 22 Maart 2012. Taljaard Nieuwoudt & Van Tonder, Posbus 287, Krugerstraat 33, Wolmaransstad, 2630.

13313/2010—Mokobi, Elias Roso, 1958-11-26, 5811265794086, 1123 Makaku Street, Ikageng, Potchefstroom, 19 July2010; Mahlangebe Angeline Mokobi, 1966-04-27, 6604270501086. Jansens Attorneys, PO Box 1000, 4 Peter Mokaba Avenue,Potchefstroom.

Grobler, Ockert Barend Jonathan, 11/03/1948, 4803115046081, Robynstraat 37, Christiana, 2680, 27/02/2012; AnnaWilhelmina Cicilia Grobler, 23/03/1949, 4903230006083. ABSA Trust Bpk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001.

3216/2012—Oberholzer, Michaiel Adriaan, 1953-11-20, 5311205035088, Dundonstraat 17, Wolmaransstad, 2630, 29 April 2012; Veronica Patricia Oberholzer, 1964-03-26, 6403260127089. Coetzee & Van der Merwe Prokureurs, Posbus 12,Wolmaransstad, 2630.

305/2012—Willie van den Berg, 5203165013082, Wynnestraat 1015, Bailiepark, Potchefstroom, 9 Desember 2011; wasgetroud buite gemeenskap van goedere met Martha Magdalena van den Berg, 5109110021080. Die Eksekuteur, Boedel WyleW van den Berg, Postnet Unit #275, Privaatsak X1288, Potchefstroom, 2520.

2733/2012—Johanna Catharina Cornelia Boonzaaier, 2808090042080, ’n weduwee, Huis Silwerjare, Schweizer-Reneke, 23 Februarie 2012. Japie van Zyl Prokureurs, Bothastraat 3 (Posbus 960), Schweizer-Reneke, 2780. 30 dae.

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7567/2012—Hutchison, Louise Margaret, 28 April 1958, 5804280045089, 68 Le Sueur Avenue, Belvidere Estate,Knysna, Western Cape, 28 March 2012. Bernadt Vukic Potash & Getz, 1th Floor, 1 Thibault Square, Cape Town, 8001.

1828/2012—Dryden, Joash Christiaan, 1969-10-01, 6910015103082, divorced, 28 Nightjar Street, Pelican Heights, 2011-12-02. Sinah Jacobs, 28 Welby Road, Greenhaven, Athlone, 7764, Cape Town.

7461/2012—Corewijn, Anna Melania, 21/10/1924, 2410210027180, 39 Albert Road, Hout Bay, 7806, 08/03/2012. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4762/2012—Manuel, Diana Maria, 1 July 1942, 4207010100086, 43 6th Avenue, Belgravia Estate, Athlone, 11 January2012. Norman Attorneys, 6 Cedars Avenue, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, 7785.

7747/2012—Hundt, Christine Henriette Elizabeth, 1939-12-25, 3912250118182, Villa Cortona Via Nazionale 13,Graanendal, Durbanville, 7550, 2012-04-30; Hans Karl Ludwig Hundt, 1938-05-18, 3805185009080. ET Executors CC, PO Box1515, George, 6530.

12617/2011—Ntsuntswana, George, 11/02/1950, 5002115350085, Erf 19591, 7L Mbuli Street, Mandela Park T2V3,Khayelitsha, 13 August 2011; Nobom Agnes Ncapayi, 13/06/1954, 54061306490864. N. Allen, 7 Voortrekker Road, Bellville.

14582/2011—Barkhuizen, Nicolaas Jacobus, 4-9-1939, 3909045047080, 69 A Ferox Street, Danabaai, 4-8-2011; DaniêlNicolaas Barkhuizen, 14-9-1942, 4209140037089. Johan Cilliers of Cillies & Associates, PO Box 2675, Mossel Bay, 6500.

6701/2012—Taliwe, Monelwa, 5 November 1965, 6511050840081, 70 Elijah Baraji Crescent, Makhaya, Khayelitsha,7784, 20 August 2009. Goldblatts Attorneys, 75 Williams Street, Parow, 7500.

16141/2011—De Vries, Geoffrey Solomon, 23 September 1928, 2809235052083, 1 Essex Road Wynberg, 10 March2011; Lilian Marjorie de Vries, 7 August 1930, 3008070051081. Aniel Jeaven Attorneys & Conveyancers, Raymark Corner, corner of Belvedere and Lansdowne Raods, Claremont, 7780.

3975/2012—Muller, Jean Adela, 14 November 1937, 3711140012088, 7 George Lily Road, George, 16 February 2012.Raubenheimers Inc, PO Box 21, George, 6530.

8393/2011—Baatjies, Dorothy Magdalene Baatjies, 1952-11-22, 5211220064081, Crecheweg A21, Hawston, Hermanus,2011-04-04. CJ Bierman, Vorster & Steyn Ing, Posbus 500, Hermanus, 7200.

7770/2012—Rauch, Beverley Denise, 4 Januarie 1946, 4601040022080, Palm Centre 2, Springstraat, Mosselbaai, 14 Mei 2012. I Dekker, p/a Dekker Prokureurs, Poisbus 2990, Mosselbaai, 6500.

10047/2012—Pieter Breedt, 3108175011087, Tweedyweg 98, Brenthurst, Brakpan, 29 Desember 2011. PR Nabal, No. 8High Street, Rosenpark, 2de Vleor, Tygervalley, Wes-Kaap. 30 dae.

9706/2010—Allies, Ursula Thelma, 15 November 1957, 5711150125083, Amethyststraat 40, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain,11 Julie 2010; Cecil Allies, 29 Mei 1955, 5505295140084. Roelien Roodt Ing, Posbus 1579, Brackenfell, 7561.

5696/2012—Dixon, Maria Margaretha Gloudina, 5 Julie 1922, 2207050040087, Derdelaan No. 8, Springbok, 8240, 30 Desember 2011. Jurie Wynand van Dyk, Hoofstraat 42, Moorreesburg, 7310.

11752/2011—Lewis, Bernard, 1948-03-20, 4803205119087, No. 5 Carlisle Street, Maitland, Cape Town, 3 June 2011;Rosaline Lewis, 1948-04-30, 4804300112084. Rene Lewis, No. 5 Carlisle Street, Maitland, Cape Town.

6892/2012—Hlotshwayo, Silozi, 3 June 1939, 3906035246086, No. 1, Industrial Park, Struisbaai, 26 November 2011;Muloti Kisimina Mthimkhulu, 27 May 1958, 5805270767087. Mr S F Stadler, c/o Duvenhage Incorporated, PO Box 952,Richards Bay, 3900.

6863/12—Schwamberger, Wolfgang, 18/4/1945, 4504185060180, Prospectstraat 24, Darling, 20 April 2012; RoselineThelma Schwamberger, 3/10/1935, 3510030032085. Basic Louw Prokureurs, Posbus 222, Dasrling, 7345.

6344/2012—Graham, Georgina Priscilla, 1925/04/14, 2504140242081, 6 Heideveld Road, Vanguard Estate, Athlone,7646, 6 August 2002. Wayne Hufkie Attorneys, 34 Waterford Road, Plumstead, 7800.

5194/2012—Arris, Frank Jacobus, 1949/04/13, 4904135708088, 35 Barker Street, Paarl, 7646, 30 December 2011;Caroline Delaine Arries, 1955/01/10, 5501100989088. Wayne Hufkie Attorneys, 34 Waterford Road, Plumstead, 7800.

6683/2012—Barron, Isadore, 14 October 1926, 2610145025080, B51 Glen Valley, Jorgens Avenue, Kenilworth, CapeTown, 23 April 2012. Quoin Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2275, Cape Town, 8000.

4454/2012—Molthahn, Klaus Dieter, 1941-06-01, 41060100274, Swakopmund, Namibia, 2012-01-21. FM Oehl Trust CC,P.O. Box 90290, Windhoek, Namibia.

5883/2012—Parker, Mohamed, 05/04/1936, 3604055041087, 31 Burns Road, Salt River, 29 September 2011; SadiaParker, 04/09/1938, 3809040032089. Bisset Boehmke McBlain, PO Box 76, Cape Town, 8000.

4890/2012—Van der Westhuizen, John Chris, 1930-01-04, 3001045055089, De Luc Crescent 7, Groenleegte, Paarl,2012-03-24; Hester Magdalena van der Westhuizen, 1932-07-02, 3207020026082. African Mutual Trust, PO Box 3339, Paarl.

7652/2012—Ayres, Elizabeth Joan, 1921-07-01, 2107010019082, Formosa Garden Village, Plettenberg Bay, 2012-05-25.FNB Trust Services, PO Box 544, George, 6530.

13485/2009—Shelton, Ernest Henry, 03/10/1945, 4510035040082, Shelton’s Rest Flora, Heidelberg K.P., 09/09/2009;Felicia Jonica Shelton, 16/02/1976, 7602160242083. Melt Kloppers en Eloff Ingelyf, Van den Bergstraat 27 (Posbus 466),Riversdal, 6670.

5384/2012—Viljoen, Jan Daniel, 1938-11-08, 3811085078084, 4 Gunter Street, Villiersdorp, Western Cape, 6848, 2012-02-16; Dina Johanna Eeufesia Viljoen, 1938-09-06, 3809060067007. Jacques Eckener Viljoen, 37 Aristea Avenue,Welgedacht, Bellville, Cape Town, Western Cape.

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6662/2012—Truter, Daniel Barthlomeus, 29 June 1935, 3506295066081, Bassonstraat 2, Moorreesburg, 7310, 13 Maart2012. Lionel Frank, Voortrekkerweg 47, Malmesbury, 7300.

7219/2011—Linders, Kathleen, 1930/01/05, 3001050061089, 10 Wintervogel Close, Westridge, Mitchells Plain, 7789,04/12/2008. CC Marais, Mostert & Bosman, MSP Chambers, 3rd Floor, Tyger Falls, 7530.

7219/2011—Linders, Kathleen, 1930/01/05, 3001050061089, 10 Wintervogel Close, Westridge, Mitchells Plain, 7789,04/12/2008. CC Marais, Mostert & Bosman, MSP Chambers, 3rd Floor, Tyger Falls, 7530.

7219/2011—Linders, Kathleen, 1930/01/05, 3001050061089, 10 Wintervogel Close, Westridge, Mitchells Plain, 7789,04/12/2008. CC Marais, Mostert & Bosman, MSP Chambers, 3rd Floor, Tyger Falls, 7530.

6005/2012—Theron, Willem Adolf Vogel, 1924-02-07, 2402075035085, Meerenbos 1, Durbanville, 2012-03-26. PieterCarlisle Henning, Fourie Basson & Veldtman, Voortrekkerweg 219, Parow.

7010/2012—Sapsford, Dorrien Inez, 1914-10-19, 1410190006080, Silver Oakes, Reitz Street, Somerset West, 29 April2012. Jacobus Christiaan Krige, Morkel & De Villiers Inc, PO Box 43, Somerset West, 7129.

6076—Swart, Anna Magdalena, 13 Julie 1942, 380503003308, Tam Boekiestraat 19, Amandelrug, Kuils River, Kaapstad,7560, 23 April 2012; Jacobus Dirk Theart Swart, 3 Mei 1938, 4207135062080. Overberg Boedelberedderaars en Beplanners,Fonteinhoutlaan 38, Kleinmond, 7195.

6890—Groenewald, Johannes Hermanus, 20 Oktober 1931, 3110205047081, Frankenstraat 5, Gansbaai, 7220, 9 Mei2012; Hermine Isa Groenewald, 14 Desember 1934, 3412140010087. Overberg Boedelberedderaars en Beplanners,Fonteinhoutlaan 38, Kleinmond, 7195.

7010/2012—Sapsford, Dorrien Inez, 1914-10-19, 1410190006080, Silver Oakes, Reitz Street, Somerset West, 29 April2012. Jacobus Christiaan Krige, Morkel & De Villiers Inc, PO Box 43, Somerset West, 7129.

5106/2012—Kondlo, Piet, 1955/05/25, 5505255908082, 16 La Provence, Heather Park, Eerste River, 2011/11/06. RussellPeter Grebe, ID: 6411155241089 as nominee of Nedbank Group Limited, PO Box 44774, Claremont, 7735.

14355/2007—Van der Westhuizen, Joseph Arend, 1956/07/21, 5607215156081, 33 Range Road, Matroosfontein, 7490,2007/08/11; Martha van der Westhuizen, 1956/06/13, 5606130125015. Ulrich Wermuth Hoffmann (ID No. 5410165090081) asnominee of Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 44774, Claremont, 7735.

5895/2012—Forbes, Ronald James, 25 April 1942, 4204255138087, Gamkastraat 40, Manenberg, 7764, 11 Maart 2012;Heather Olga Forbes, 12 Julie 1947, 4707120544081. Van Niekerk Groenewoud & Van Zyl Ing, Posbus 11164, Bloubergrant,7441.

6973/2012—Janse van Rensburg, Magritha Jacoba Jacomina, 18 Maart 1944, 4403180068084, Gillianstraat 85,Rosendal, 7550, 5 Februarie 2012; Victor Henry Janse van Rensburg, 23 Junie 1942, 4206235031084. Van NiekerkGroenewoud & Van Zyl Ing, Posbus 11164, Bloubergrant, 7441. (L H Wehmeyer.)

5768/2012—Davids, Asa, 15 October 1953, 5310150178083, 32 St Pancras Road, Sunnyside, Atholone, 21 March 2012;Omar Davids, 21 March 1948, 4803215099089. Esau Shapiro, Burman & Tinkler Inc., 4th Floor, Sunclare, Dreyer Street,Claremont, 7708.

6229/2012—Tsibuli, Terence Tabiso, 12-01-1971, 7101125934082, 8 Ashbrook Road, Morgen’s Village, Mitchells Plain.Heyns & Vennote Ing., Vasco Boulevard 168, Vasco.

7627/2012—Reiner, Alice, 18 July 1914, 1407180041085, Good Hope Park, 157 Beach Road, Mouille Point, Cape Town,17 May 2012. Stonehage Financial Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 51608, Waterfront, 8002.

3105/2010—Bruiners, Evelyn, 31 January 1948, 4801310125080, 30 Northway Street, Ravensmead, 21 January 2010.Edward John Adams, 10 Bosbok Street, Aurora, Durbanville.

5405/12—Ruiters, Valerie Margaret, 1959-04-07, 5904070211089, 22 Borzoi Crescent, Strandfontein, 2012-03-2012;Jackie Basil Ruiters, 1960-07-19, 6007195054084. Legatus Trust, Cascades I, Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville,7530; PO Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536.

8521/2011—Cullis, Sharlene Samantha, 1977-01-14, 7701140168055, 32 Seventh Avenue, Fairways, Ottery. LegatusTrust, Cascades, Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530; PO Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536.

14568/2011—Swartland, Saderick Liwenol, 1952-05-28, 5205285145082, 33 Iris Way, Grassy Park, 7888, 2011-08-06;Santa Reshina Swartland, 1962-08-20, 6208200184086. Legatus Trust, Cascades, Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville,7530; PO Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536.

1256/2011—De Wet, Esme Dolores, 1943-01-05, 4301050066081, 12 Kershout Street, Lotus River, 2010-12-11. LegatusTrust, Cascades I, Tyger Waterfront, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530; PO Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536.

5122/2012—Van Niekerk, Anel, 20-11-1962, Regent Park 26, Smutslaan, Somerset West, 09-04-2012. DS Meiring, LeonFrank & Vennote, Posbus 208, Somerset Mall, 7137.

3099/2012—Albert, Mary Jacoba, 12 May 1932, 3205120081080, 135 Vlamboom Road, Bonteheuwel, 19 January 2012.Laetitia Kay Albert, 135 Vlamboom Road, Bonteheuwel.

5054/2012—Modack, Salega, 18 December 1972, 7212180219085, 11 Maple Way, Wildwoods, Colorado Park, MitchellsPlain, 16 February 2012. Shaheem Modack, 11 Maple Way, Wildwoods, Colorado Park, Mitchells Plain.

523/2008—Adams, Patricia Elizabeth, 04-11-1944, 4411040100088, 17 Turksvy Street, Bonteheuwel, 7764, 24-12-2007;Abdul Baster Adams, 23-08-1948, 4808235628080. Loraaine Elizabeth Martin, 82 Juniper Street, Bonteheuwel, 7764.

7655/2012—Van Pletzen, Eugene Veronica, 1927-11-16, 2711160026084, Huis 55, Oudtshoorn Aftree-oord, Kerkstraat,Oudtshoorn, 2012-05-24. Duvenage Keyser & Jonck, Posbus 104 (Baron van Reedestraat 84), Oudtshoorn, 6620.

7701/2012—Short, Leonard, 1929-06-06, 2906295076182, K1 St Georges Village, Economides Road, Bedfordview,2012-05-20. Johann Jacobs, PO Box 695, Cape Town.

3610/2012—Oosthuizen, Emmerentia Catherina, 15-11-1964, 6411150044082, Ouhoutstraat 6, Stilbaai-Wes, 19 November2011; Theunis Jacobus Oosthuizen, 5303055071081. Bertie Coetzee, Boedel en Trust Dienste, Posbus 1494, George, 6530.

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5369/2012—Tredoux, Valerie Cahtrine, 22 Mei 1927, 2705220064085, Huis André van der Walt, Durbanweg, Bellville, 21 Februarie 2012. J H van Zyl, Miller Bosman le Roux, Posbus 880, Somerset Mall, 7137.

6360/2012—Nel, Frederik Petrus, 5 Augustus 1939, 3908055102082, Klipspringerlaan 4, Reebok, 26 April 2012. F J Lordan, Posbus 1100, Hartenbos, 6520.

6600/2012—Steenberg, David Herculaas, 04-01-1937, 3701045023009, Welgelegen, Parow. Heyns & Vennote Ing.,Vasco Boulevard 168, Vasco.

11708/2011—Swart, Esias Lemeul, 28-10-1944, 4410285096084, 36 7th Avenue, Boston, Bellville, 27-07-2011. MichaelMatthews & Associates, Suite D1, Westlake Square, 1 Westlake Drive, Tokai, 7945.

174/2011—Löckelt, Manfred Karl-Heinz, 30 October 1945, 4510300100132, Langstraat 103, Otjiwarongo, Namibië, 19April 2009; Maria Petronella Löckelt, 12 November 1948, 48111200544. Deon Pitzer Ingelyf, Barnardstraat 35, Gansbaai, 7220.

4859/2012—Eybers, Justinus, 1943-08-30, 4308305101084, Van Edenstraat 40, Swellendam, Western Cape, 2012-03-27;Marie Eybers, 1944-12-30, 4412300102087. Hendrik Eybers, 120 Scott Street, Parow, 7500. 30 days.

3105/2012—Lehmann, Hans Waldemar, 20-08-1935, 3508205068181, 36 Langenhoven Street, Boston, Bellville, WesternCape Province, 09-02-2012; Maureen Gennette, 15-12-1940, 4012150075084. Howard & Wareham Attorneys, PO Box 2544,Cape Town, 8000. 30 days.

2940/2012—Cupido, Isaac Daniel, 26-05-1946, 4605265145088, 16 Dawood Street, Noble Park, Worcester, 6850, 18 September 2007; Francis Cupido, 27 March 1949, 4903270031086. Meyer & Botha Attorneys, 102 Russell Street,Worcester, 6850.

2890/2012—Grobler, Douglas Bateman, 1976-01-30, 7601305055087, 13 Woodpecker Str, George, 6530, 2012-01-20.Charon Grobler, 13 Woodpecker Str, George, 6530.

14080/10—Martins, Trevor Philip, 1959-10-27, 5910275196082, 46 Duine Street, Condor Park, Eerste River. Ken Potelwaof KT Potelwa Inc. Attorneys, 3 Barrack Street, Suite 306, Benzal House, Cape Town. 30 days.

142/2012—Mahlangu, Solomzi Solomon Mahlangu, 1955-06-04, 5506155548085, 628 Bester Homes Way, CrossRoads, 7750, 29 April 2011; Nomakhaya Brenda Quva Mahlangu, 1956-02-04, 5602040464081. Ken Potelwa of KT PotelwaInc. Attorneys, 3 Barrack Street, Suite 306, Benzal House, Cape Town. 30 days.

7196/2012—Molloy, John, 26 January 1928, 2801265074186, 6 Pinewood Road, Somerset West, Western Cape, 27 April2012. Tomlinson Mnguni James Inc., 165 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.

7191/2012—Fairhurst, Bruce Joseph, 27-05-1970, 7005275062083, 50 Greenwood Way, Pinehurst, Durbanville, 7550,07-05-2012; Ingrid Fairhurst, 24-06-1967, 6706240167086. Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4383/2012—Frost, Donovan Samuel, 1931-09-29, 3109295028084, 40 Paradyskloof Villas, Stellenbosch, Western Cape,2012-03-12. Samuel Paul Frost, 8–10 1st Avenue, Boston, Bellville.

7011/2012—Baba, Lizzie, 24 December 1960, 6012240343086, 8 Abraham Riddle Street, Melton Park, 7100, 2 February2002; Josaya Baba, 13 October 1963, 6310135645080. ESI Attorneys, PO Box 5122, Tyger Valley, 7336.

8035/2012—Le Roux, Christina, 7 November 1940, 4011070074086, Clarendonsingel 10, Brooklyn, 10 Junie 2012. MPV Boedeldienste BK, Posbus 3463, Durbanville, 7551.

5446/2012—Stemmet, Willem Christoffel, 1941-10-24, 4110245060085, Elkana Boerdery, Montagu, 2012-03-24; JuneRose Stemmet, 1945-06-11, 4506110080084. JR Stemmet, 38 Adderley Street, PO Box 184, Worcester, 6849.

7883/2012—Kaspers, Harm Jan, 31 Maart 1930, 3003315040080, Volsteedstraat 50, Strand, 31 Mei 2012; Ilse CathrineKaspers, 2 Maart 1950, 5003020074083. MPV Boedeldienste BK, Posbus 4603, Tygervallei, 7536.

3098/2012—De Beer, Reginald Carel, 25 June 1945, 4506255038087, 107B Sandown Crescent, Royal Ascot RacecourseRoad, Milnerton, Western Cape, 21 January 2012. C & A Friedlander, 3rd Floor, 42 Keerom Street, Cape Town, 8001.

4069/2012—Jacobus Frederick Schoonraadt Strydom, 5606175084085, Meyerskraal, Hoopstad, 949, 10 April 2012.Odendaal Marais Boedels, Posbus 303, Hoopstad, 9479. 30 dae.

5125/2011—Dipholo, Phillip Tebho, 26 Maart 1945, 4503265401082, Hollandstraat 18, Peerless Park, Kraaifontein, 28 Februarie 2011. Mostert & Vennote, 9de Laan 192, Kraaifontein, 7570.

7537/2012—Ball, Elaine, 22 June 1921, 2106220016086, Robari Lodge, New Street, Somerset West, 27 May 2012.Morkel & De Villiers Inc., PO Box 43, Somerset West, 7129.

6248/2012—De Jongh, Lourens Johannes, 25 December 1934, 3412255013082, 15 Heuwel Street, Moorreesburg,7310, 6 April 2012. LB Vorster, LB Vorster Attorneys, 23 Steenbok Street (PO Box 250), Hermanus.

7190/2012—Jacobs, Jacobus Johannes, 19-05-1955, 5505195117083, Luikiestraat 1, Kuilsrivier, 7580, 04-05-2012.Gérard Verwey (ID No. 7105105228084), as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7189/2012—Watson, James Jacobus, 03-12-1938, 3812035271084, Magnoliastraat 31, Paarl, 7646, 03-09-2011;Margaret Catherine Watson, 02-07-1940, 4007020391083. Gérard Verwey (ID No. 7105105228084), as genomineerde vanSanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7539/2012—Botha, Emile Carl, 27-07-1979, 7907275079084, 14 Fernwood Street, Glen Haven, Bellville, 7530, 17-04-2012.Gérard Verwey (ID No. 7105105228084), in my capacity as nominee of Sanlam Trust Limited, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

6774/2012—Van Houten, Robert, 1924-08-03, 2408035056087, 941 Helderberg Village, Somerset West, 2012-04-24.George Lorraine White, as nominee of Personal Trust International Ltd, P.O. Box 476, Rondebosch.

6774/2012—Van Houten, Robert, 1924-08-03, 2408035056087, 941 Helderberg Village, Somerset West, 2012-04-24.George Lorraine White, as nominee of Personal Trust International Ltd, P.O. Box 476, Rondebosch.

7378/2012—Gersholowitz, Percy, 26 December 1918, 1812265001088, Highlands House, 234 Upper Buitenkant Street,Cape Town, 8 May 2012. Stephen Ian Kriger, 4th Floor, Communicare Centre, 2 Roggebaai Square, Coen Stoytler Avenue,Cape Town.

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17934/2011—Anderson, Susanna Elizabeth, 1928-11-19, 2811190002087, 1 West Street, Stilbaai East, 2011-02-15.Francois Anderson, 1 Morgenson, Sleigh Crescent, land en Zeezicht, Somerset West.

7649/2012—Avenant, Carel Abraham Reinard, 23 November 1935, 3511235014084, Barrystraat 4, Riversdal, 6670, 18Mei 2012; Jeanetha Gesina Johanna Avenant, 16 April 1940, 4004160032080. S A Hofmeyr & Seun, Robertsonstraat 6,Riversdal, 6670.

4420/2012—Swart, Abram Franzou, 01-05-1939, 3905015075085, Four Seasons Farm, Franskraal, Gansbaai, 7220, 01-08-2011; Maria Susanna Swart, 09-04-1943, 4304090072085. Deon Pitzer Ingelyf, Posbus 273, Barnardstraat 35,Gansbaai, 7220.

7590/2012—Swart, Jacobus Johannes, 25-02-1941, 4102255061087, Uniestraat 29, Bredasdorp, 7280, 13-05-2012;Lilian Margaret Swart, 25-07-1936, 3607250038089. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

9397/2011—De Jager, Michele Paula, 01-02-1967, 6702010111081, 60 The Poplars, Poplar Avenue, Thornton, 2 July2011. June Rose Theron, Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2nd Floor, cnr Warwick Street and Pearce Road, Claremont.

4182/2012—Nel, Susanna Engela, 21-09-1961, 6109210108083, Knorhoek Slot 2, Strand, 7140, 26-02-2012. ABSA TrustBeperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7138/2012—Booysen, Joseph, 30-10-1950, 5010305153086, Komeetstraat 8, Sarepta, Kuilsrivier, 7580, 26-08-2008;Yvonne Booysen, 29-09-1934, 3409290246081. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7161/2012—Hartzenberg, Gertie, 21-08-1935, 3508210212089, Gerardweg 3, Ottery, 7941, 18-04-2012. ABSA TrustBeperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

6715/2012—De Wet, Benjamin Peter, 15 December 1930, 3012155084082, 64 Wye Road, Manenberg, 7764, 1 February2012. Jacques Esterhuyse/Shirlene, ESI Attorneys, PO Box 5122, Tyger Valley, 7336.

11070/2011—Hull, Barry Hugo, 21 October 1934, 3410215056084, 13 Ivy Lane, Tokai, Cape Town, 8 July 2011. MichaelMatthews & Associates, Suite D1, Westlake Square, 1 Westlake Drive, Tokai, 7945.

86/2012—Raynard, Taliep, 1925-19-05, 2509155055088, 31 Ahmedeyah Road, Lansdowne, 7780, 2011-07-07; KulsoemRaynard, 1936-05-20, 3605200036088. Kulsoem Raynard, 31 Ahmedeyah Road, Lansdowne, 7780.

10420/2011—Magaga, Sylvia Vuyiswa, 23 October 1957, 5710230783085, 69 NY 134, Guguletu, 7750, 22 July 2011.K.B. Gangen & Co., Church Square House, 2nd Floor, 5 Spin Street, Cape Town, 8000.

2161/2012—De Wet, Albert, 28 Februarie 1946, 4602285053087, Simfonielaan 203, Paarl, 18 Oktober 2011; MariaMathilda de Wet, 31 Augustus 1953, 5308310001088. Keith Sheldon Prokureur, Waterkantstraat 41, Paarl. 30 dae.

6835/2012—Dicks, Glyndwr Weymouth, 22 September 1924, 2409225055087, 21 April 2012, 2 Spray Road,Bloubergrand, Cape Town. Abe Swersky & Associates, 10th Floor, Picbel Parkade, Strand Street, Cape Town, 8001.

2146/2012—Van der Post, Christiaan Willem Hendrik, 25 April 1940, 4004255014084, 10 Pelican Parade,Melkbosstrand, 24 November 2011, married. VanderSpuy Cape Town, 4th Floor, Alexander Forbes Building, 14 Long Street,Cape Town. 30 days.

293/2012—Ralo, Msuthukazi Libby, 1934-04-07, 3404070184081, 302 Shorham, 199 Beach Road, Sea Point, CapeTown, 2011-08-28. Boqwana Loon and Connellan Attorneys, 4 Cape Road, Centrahil, 6001.

293/2012—Msuthukazi Libby Ralo, 3404070184081, unmarried, 302 Shorham, 199 Beach Road, Sea Point, Cape Town,28 August 2012. Boqwana, Loon & Connellan, Agents for the Executor, 4 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth, 6001. 30 days.

7762/2012—Kelly, Desmond Nigel, 31-08-1954, 5408315055087, 511 Bonteheuwel Avenue, Bonteheuwel, Goodwood,28-05-2012. Chris Gerber, PO Box 4133, Durbanville, 7551.

4091/2012—Rogers, John Hamilton, 1937-03-19, 3703195019084, 1 Grunter Avenue, Sedgefield, 2012-02-04; JuneElizabeth Buckingham Rogers, 1938-07-13, 3807130095081. PSG Konsult Trust, E.C. Nel, PO Box 6111, Walmer, PE, 6065.

599/2008—Delport, Frans Johannes Moolman, 1938-09-15, 3809155067086, 42 Applemist Street, Woodale, Ottery,2007-11-07; Susanna Sophia Elizabeth Delport, 1946-05-11, 4605110073089. Pieter Steenkamp, Ou Kollege 35 Church Street,Stellenbosch, 7600.

15353/11—Haleen, Anna, 3/7/1925, 2507030005088, Nassoustraat 19, Bothasig, 3/8/2011. Bill Tolken Hendrikse Ing, 1 Sarel Cillierstraat, Bellville, 7530.

Barnard, Jan Marthinus, 11-12-1919, 1912115021086, 124 Blombosch, Melkhoutstraat, Mosselbaai, 8 Desember 2011.Herbie Oosthuizen & Associates, Montagustraat 71, Mosselbaai, 6500.

5848/2012—Kader, Jaddat, 25/05/1949, 4905255105088, 40 Gamsa Street, Rylands, Cape Town, 1 November 2011.Raees Ahmed Dadarker, 12 Belgravia Road, Athlone, 7764.

2229/2012—Marais, Aletta Gertbrechta, 1939-02-12, 3902120012087, 72 Sonnemerisie Street, Kuils River, 7580, 2012-01-28. Andre Marais, c/o 21 Oewerpark, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600.

2226/2012—Marais, Antonie Mattheus Jacobus, 1936-06-14, 3606145005089, 72 Sonnemeisie Street, Kuils River,7580, 2011-11-08; Aletta Gertbrechta Marais, 1939-02-12, 3902120012087. Andre Marais, c/o 21 Oewerpark, Die Boord,Stellenbosch, 7600.

7943/2012—Van der Westhuizen, Mavis Gwendoline, 14 September 1926, 2609140042082, Kerkstraat 50, Strand, 3 Junie 2012. Malan Lourens Lemmer Viljoen Ingelyf, Posbus 1029, Strand, 7140. 30 dae.

8052/2012—Briers, Roelof Johannes, 15 Oktober 1925, 2510155040088, IL Paladino, Altenaweg, Strand, 23 April 2012.Malan Lourens Lemmer Viljoen Ingelyf, Posbus 1029, Strand, 7140. 30 dae.

7431/2012—Gertenbach, Clive, 25/05/1935, 3505255078086, 4 Shiraz Court, 11 New Street, Durbanville, 7550,01/05/2012. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7428/2012—Bowers, Therese Christina Johanna, 12/12/1944, 4412120605087, 74 Jannie Rossouw Street, WindsorPark, Kraaifontein, 7570, 13/05/2012. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

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7665/2012—Gielen, Wilhelmus Jan, 5 June 1949, Paspoort No. NYH6B17H6, Plaas Klipfontein, Tulbach, 6820,25/04/2012. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7319/2012—Botha, Sheila Magdalene, 19/03/1946, 4603190065083, 14 St Francis Road, Grassy Park, 7941,02/05/2012; Bevan Botha, 12/05/1945, 4505125091086. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

5505/2012—Rice, Cornelia Louisa Cicelia, 29/04/1937, 3704290098080, Geranium Cottage, 22 King Road, Hout Bay,7806, 7/03/2012. Storm Langdon Reilly, Suite 310, Vincent House, Wynberg Mews, Ebenezer Road, Wynberg, 7800.

12506/2011—Payne, Gladys Sheila, 1942-02-03, 4202030065088, 23 Bellevliet Street, Bothasig, Western Cape, 2011-07-30; Dennis Andrew Payne, 1944-06-20, 4406205051084. Fourie Attorneys, PO Box 937, Durbanville, 7551.

762/2012—Hidden, Nellie Patricia, 1922-03-22, 2203220039083, Rosehaven Retirement Village, Willow Road,Hurlingham Gardens, Sandton, 2011-10-17. Smith & Associate Trust and Secretarial Services (Pty) Ltd, Dewagenweg OfficePark, Stellentia Avenue, Stellebosch, 7600.

7128/2012—Fabing, Ingrid, 25/01/1970, 7001250481083, Breuhlweg 20, Silversands, Kuils Rivier, 7580, 28/04/2012.ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

Claasen, Elsie, 15-08-1920, 2008150056084, 6 Charlie Brown Street, Macasser, 01-04-2012. W.A. Barnard & Associates,PO Box 1229, Strand, 7140. 30 days.

13584/2011—Visagie, William Henry, 16 May 1942, 4205165075087, 20 Hawk Crescent, Rocklands, Mitchelle Plain, 21 November 2009. CF Haasbroek Attorneys, D13 Wentworth House, Midpark Business Village, Green Close, Parow.

3709/2012/CTN—Hooper, John Vernon, 19 September 1937, 3709195065084, 40 Boyes Drive Kalk Bay, Cape Province,26 February 2012. BoE Trust Limited.

5225/2012—Rauch, Johanna Elizabeth, 1945-10-13, 4510130057080, Bridleweg 17, Oranjezicht, Cape Town, 2012-03-03. HJ Pieterse of Bisset Boehmke McBlain Attorneys, PO Box 76, Cape Town, 8000.

6263/2012—Phelps, Joyce, 1920-06-05, 2006050043087, 4 Ivanhoe Road, Fish Hoek, 2012-04-22. Ceris Rhiannon Field,40 Upper Clarens Road, Fresnaye, Cape Town.

6236/2012—Fowkes, Helena Dorothy Fowkes (nee Kunz), 1930-02-24, 3002240045081, 27 Wimbledon Way,Edgemead, 7441, 2011-1024. L V Goldswain, PO Box 60109, Table View, 7439.

4263/2012—Gerlad Henry de Waal, 25 Junie 1930, 3006255058087, Raystraat 35, Macassar, Somerset-Wes. H L NJoubert, Joubert Prokureurs, Posbus 627, Strand.

7834/2012—Coetzee, Jacobus Adriaan Hermanus, 12/12/1953, 5312125084081, Voortrekkerstraat 11, Vredenburg,7380, 25/04/2012. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

6873/2012—Barkhuizen, Willam Anthony, 1931-11-11, 3111115040083, 18 Joubert Street, Oudtshoorn, 6620, 2012-04-12; Elizabeth Rose Barkhuizen, 1937-05-12, 3705120099008. Jacobus Wolmarans, 75 Marsh Street, Mossel Bay,6500.

7834/2012—Coetzee, Jacobus Adriaan Hermanus, 12/12/1953, 5312125084081, Voortrekkerstraat 11, Vredenburg,7380, 25/04/2012. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3078/2012—Kaskar, Liaquatali, 25/05/1953, 5305255104083, 57 Orient Street, Cravenry Estate, 7493, 2011-12-05.Gadija Kaskar, 57 Orient Street, Cranvenry Estate, 7493.

7928/2012—Bettencourt, Antonio Jose Jorge Taveira, 1965-02-09, 6502095190087, 24 Bordeaux, Tokai Villa, CapeTown, 2012-05-28. Miss C Bettencourt, c/o PO Box 11751, Dorpspruit, 3206.

7206/2012—Krige, Jacob Stephanus, 4 April 1925, 2504045017083, Sherwood House, Sherwood Avenue, Kenilworth,Cape Flat 301, Sand en Seen, 16 Popham Road, Bloubergstrand, Cape, 4 May 2012. Walkers Inc (Agent), PO Box 254, CapeTown. 8000.

6738/2012—Bailey, Rosalyn Amelia, 15/12/1932, 321250035085, Miltonweg 73, Scottsville, Kraaifontein, 7570,20/04/2012. Brenton Ellis (ID No. 7302225254088) as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof,7532.

7020/2012—Carstens, Alwyn Johan, 2/02/1938, 3802025111085, Windjammerweg 4, Gordonsbaai, 7140, 15/04/2012.Brenton Ellis, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4797/2012—Israelite, Eda (also known as Edith), 8 March 1931, 3103080047086, 206 Henley Manor, 119 Beach Road,Mouille Point, 8005, 7 February 2012. BoE Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.

7341/2012—Fester, Harold Desmond, 13 June 1932, 3206135075083, 77 Park Street, Gansbaai, 6 April 2012. OldMutual Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.

7198/2012—Brand, Frederick Johannes, 15 Januarie 1926, 2601155007084, Kasteelbergstraat 27, Klaradyn Aftree-Oord, Brackenfell, 24 Maart 2012. Ou Mutual Trust Beperk, Posbus 86, Kaapstad, 8000.

1478/2012—Adams, Raymond Hendry, 1937-11-19, 3711195119085, Vitoriaweg No. 16, Retreat Wynberg, Wes-KaapProvinsie, 11 November 2011; Violet Adams. Mnr. Gerhard de Jongh, p/a Smith & De Jong, Posbus 370, Bellville, 7535.

6645/2012—Du Toit, Cornelia Francina Magdalena Elizabeth, 08/06/1922, 2206080044085, Altena Siekeboeg,Allenaweg, Strand, 7140, 20/04/2012. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7465/2012—Lawrence, Alfred Robert, 22/08/1953, 5308225006081, 32 Moss Street, Fernwood, Newlands, 7700,29/04/2012. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

8349/2011—Felix, Janap, 01/10/1953, 5310010025086, 81 Rooiels Road, Bonteheuwel, 7764, 13 April 2011. M B EbrahimAttorneus, PO Box 3708, Cape Town, 8000.

14988/2007—Lawrence, Selvin Derek, 02/02/1965, 6502025144089, 145 Connought Road, Uitsig Ravensmead,23/09/2007; Gail Elizabeth Lawrence, 11/02/1968, 6802110117085. Gaironesa Davids Att., PO Box 36016, Grosderry, 7702.

7755/2012—Nel, Sheila, 1942/09/15, 4209150133083, No. 60A Groenberg Road, Heideveld, 23/05/2012. GaironesaDavids Attorneys, c/o No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700.

92 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

6760/2012—Muller, David Andries, 3 June 1931, 3106035015082, 235 Altena Retirement Resort Altena Road, Strand, 9 May 2012. David Muller Attorneys, 22 Heerenzicht Estate, Vygeboom Road, Durbanville, 7550.

7956/2012—Simons, Robert John Ernest Simons, 8 November 1923, 2311085080082, 506 Palm Grove OasisRetirement Resort Century City, 19 May 2012. David Muller Attorneys, 22 Heerenzicht Estate, Vygeboom Road, Durbanville,7550.

7953/2012—Jacobs,Sadia, 18/04/1962, 6204180814084, 29 Second Avenue, Schaap Kraal Ottery, 31/05/2012; FaizJacobs, 13/11/1958, 5811135221088. Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, c/o No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont, 7700.

7954/2012—De Long, Alan Roland, 29/10/1959, 5910295237080, 11 Shrike Crescent, Sea Wind, 7945, 01/06/2012;Pamela Marlene De Long, 29/08/1964, 6408290718088. Gaironesa Davids Att., c/o No. 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads,Claremont, 7700.

5300/2012—Sacks, Yvonne, 26/08/1923, 2308260073080, Unit 14 Alphenvale Village, Parish Road, Constantia, 19 March2012. De Klerk & Van Gend Inc, PO Box 23844, Claremont, 7735.

7163/2012—Williams, Marco Anthony, 25/08/1962, 6208255074083, Geoville, Johannesdal, Pniel, 7681, 03/03/2012.Carol Josephine Williams, 03/01/1965, 6501030182084. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7162/2012—Bosman, Willem Cornelis, 01/12/1940, 4012015077085, Oktoberstraat 99, Worcester, 6850, 25/03/2012;Helena Bosman, 29/01/1945, 4501290442089. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

6269/2012–Martin, Joseph Jacob, 18/08/1948, 4808185552082, Goudiniweg 2, Heideveld, 7764, 17/12/2010; LucieValerie Martin, 24/11/1952, 5211240007086. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7631/2012—Adams, Joseph, 02/04/1926, 2604025071082, Goudstraat 19, Vanguard Estate, 7764, 02/04/2012. ABSATrust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7630/2012—Viljoen, Karel Nicolaas, 27/12/1932, 212275007084, Elizabeth Park 2, Somersetstraat 40, Bridgewater,Somerset-Wes, 8/05/2012; Marletjie Viljoen, 22/07/1944, 4407220001088. Rita Maria Mendes-Abreu (ID: 7002140318089) asnominee of Standard Executors & Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

3129/2012—Van Rooi, Dina Magdalena Elizabeth, 6/05/1972, 7205060161088, Stasiehuis 1, Prins Alfred, Hamlet, 6835,21/10/2011. Klaas van Rooi, 20/11/1964, 6411205121083. Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar (ID No. 5607195060089), as genomineerde van Standard Eksekututeurs en Trustees, Posbus 5562, Kaapstad, 8000.

7469/2012—Patel, Zainab, 1/11/1970, 7011010417087, 19 Bedford Park, Brand Street, Belgravia, Cape Town,11/03/2012. Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar (ID No. 5607195060089) as nominee of Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, 7thFloor, Standard Bank Centre, Heerengracht, Cape Town, 8001.

7122/2012—Parker, Mohammed Rafiek, 25/05/1957, 5705255799081, 30 Frangipani Street, Tygerdai, 7460, 4/05/2012.Nuraan Jonathan (ID No. 7108190193080), as nominee of Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town,8000.

7909/2012—Bolton, David Edgar, 6/09/1931, 3109065042182, 87 Wetton Road, Landsdowne, 7780, 14/04/2012. RitaMaria Mendes-Abreu (ID No. 7002140318089) as nominee of Standard Executors & Trustees Ltd, PO Box 5562, Cape Town,8000.

3703/2012—Calitz, Isabella Maria Magdalena, 4/09/1933, 3309040026082, Abeliastraat 32, Helderview, Somerset West,26/01/2012; Anton Calitz, 5/12/1928, 2812055012005. Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar (ID No. 5607195060089) as nominee ofStandard Executors and Trustees Ltd, 7th Floor, Standard Bank Centre, Heerengracht, Cape Town, 8001.

7529/2012—Hinrichsen, Eric John, 23-04-1929, 2904235027084, 25 Pinoak Crescen, Peers Hill, Fish Hoek, 7975, 16 May 2012; Edna Rose Hinrichsen, 18-08-1936, 3608180063080. Karin Monica Mercer, 21 Kwagga Street, Goedemoed.

6641/2012—Hickton, Marita, 1933-07-21, 3307210064180, 6 Boegoe Close, Vierlanden, Durbanville, Cape Town, 2012-04-14. C de Jongh, PO Box 50196, West Beach, 7449.

8171/2012—Naude, Wilhelm Heinrich, 15 April 1931, 3104155074088, Die Plaas Oudewagendrift, Worcester, 12 Junie2012. Anton André Strydom, p/a Muller, Terblance & Beyers, Posbus 7, Worcester, 6849.

6850/2012—Van Dyk, Andries Jacobus, 30/08/1932, 3208305007086, See Park, Melkbosstrand, 6/04/2012. BrentonEllis, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

6834/2012—Van Dyk, Marie, 9/10/1937, 3710090102089, Baracudasingel 10, Dwarskersbos, 7370, 28/07/2011; AndriesJacobus van Dyk, 30/08/1932, 3208305007086. Brenton Ellis, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

6218/2012—Cilliers, Susanna Hendrina, 27/12/1915, 1812270049080, Huis Uitvlugt, Montague, 6720, 1/02/2012.Brenton Ellis, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

5922/2012—Esterhuysen, Wilhelmina, 24/09/1939, 3909240035088, Madeliefstraat 19, Blomtuin, Bellville, 7530,5/04/2012. Gérard Verwey (ID No. 7105105228084) as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof,7532.

6395/2012—Cremin, Bryan Joseph, 1929/09/02, 2909025075086, 1 Connor Close, Constantia, 7800, 2012/04/20.Personal Trust International Ltd, PO Box 476, Rondebosch, 7700.

7634/2008—Richter, Kurt Hermann, 10/8/1934, 3408105327185, 502 Armon Norfolk Rd, Seapoint, 8001, 24/1/2007;Erika Charlotte Richter, 3/7/1930, German citizen. Andries Stephanus du Plessis Boland inc, 9 Muscadel Street, Wellington,7654.

5268/2012—Sauls, Catherine Martha Sauls, 1958-07-28, 5807280083083, 52 Defiant Circle, Rocklands, 7785, 30 July2010; Aubrey Sauls, 1966-08-25, 6608255576088. F.A.A Allie & Associates, 15 Thornton Road, Gleemore Estate, Athlone.

7485/2012—Claassen, Elizabeth Margaretha, 02/10/1931, 3110020015081, 08/05/2012. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 93

8291/2012—Van Zyl, Matthys Jacobus, 10 Junie 1926, 2606105021085, Bon Entreestraat 1, La Vie Est, Belle Aftree-Oord, Sontraalhoogte, Durbanville, 7 Junie 2012; Salome Francina van Zyl, 28 November 1932, 3211280010083. MPVBoedeldienste BK, Posbus 4603, Tygervallei, 7536.

6311/2012—Swanevelder, Carl Johan, 1928-06-25, 2806255013086, Kirkley Vale Bonniemile, Vlottenburg, 7604, 2012-04-18. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Posbus 57, Stellenbosch, 7599.

7721/2012—Flugge-De Smidt, Victoria Christine, 22 January 1934, 3401220001082, Peers Village, Fish Hoek, 18 April2012. Neil Parker (Executor), c/o Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes Attorneys, 26 1st Avenue, Fish Hoek, 7975.

6641/2012—Hickton, Marita, 1933-07-21, 3307210064180, 6 Boegoe Close, Vierlanden, Durbanville, Cape Town, 2012-04-14. C de Jongh, PO Box 50196, West Beach, 7449.

6873/2012—Barkhuizen, William Anthony, 1931-11-11, 3111115040083, 18 Joubert Street, Oudtshoorn, 6620, 2012-04-12; Elizabeth Rose Barkhuizen, 1937-05-12, 3705120099008. Jacobus Wolmarans, 75 Marsh Street, Mossel Bay,6500.

7449/2012—Burnett, Raymond, 19//05/1945, 4505195068089, De Miststraat 13, Loerie Park, George-Oos, 6529,11/05/2012. ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

6315/2012—Wilson, Julia Natalie, 8 April 1917, 1704080042084, 3 Northumbria Road, Sea Point, 8005, 3 April 2012.Fairbridges (Agent for the Executor), 16th Floor, Main Tower, Standard Bank Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town, 8000.

7639/2012—Morbin, Christopher, 17/09/1950, 5009175751185, P60 Timber Lane, Plantation Island, Thesen Island,Knysna, 6571, 7/04/2012. Gérard Verwey, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

6204/2012—Laten, Kasper Jan Hendrik, 18/03/1929, 2903185053082, Skoolstraat 63, Noorder-Paarl, 7646, 16/01/2012;Sarah Johanna Magdalena Laten, 30/12/1930, 3012300061084. Brenton Ellis, PO Box 1260-, Sanlamhof, 7532.

15972/2011—Rutledge, Marshall, 6/08/1988, 8808065068080, 54 Olympics Crescent, Alphine Park, 7785, 4/10/2011.Gerard Verwey (7105105228084) in his capacity as nominee of Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7188/2012—D’Hondt, Emilienne Alix Marie, 04-07-1923, 2307040041185, 417 Grosvenor Square, 21 College Road,Rondebosch, 7700, 26-04-2012. Gérhard Verway, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7311/2012—Steenkamp, Martha Gertruida, 15-06-1935, 3506150028085, Gouwsbloomstraat 11, Vanrhynsdorp, 8170,27-04-2012. Gérhard Verwey, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

6379/2012—Schloemann, Jessica Ann, 13-01-1971, 7101130193088, 11 Seascape Road, Noordhoek, 7979, 01-04-2012. Sanlam Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7591/2012—Visser, John Duckitt, 21-05-1938, 3805215025080, Qurantine Station, Cnr Bosmandam and OmurambaRoad, Milnerton, 7441, 15-05-2012. Gérhard Verwey, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

6054/2012—Smit, Susanna Sofia, 25-04-1948, 4804250075083, Van Der Poelsdoorndrift 17, Paarl, 7620, 07-12-2010;Johan Smit, 10-10-1945, 4510105104081. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

2807/2012—Michaels, Denise Yolanda, 1958-02-24, 5802240106082, 15 Eike Street, Rustdal, 7580, 2012-01-01.Brendon Mark Pearce, 15 Eike Street, Rustdal, 7580.

7825/2012—Tolmie, Donald, 20 Julie 1932, 3207205019084, Huis Stilbaai, Perlemoenlaan, Stilbaai, 6674, 20 Mei 2012.S A Hofmeyr & Seun, Robertsonstraat 6, Riversdal, 6670.

13799/2011—Zelda Barnard, 7009070172089, Du Toitstraat 14, Stellenbosch, 17 Junie 2011. Mnr Paul Barnard, p/a LouwIngelyf, Postnet Suit 237; Privaatsak X15, Somerset-Wes, 7129. 30 dae.

13799/2011—Barnard, Zelda, 1970-09-07, 7009070172089, 14 Du Toit Street, Stellenbosch, 2011-06-17. Paulus RetiefBarnard, 14 Du Toit Street, Stellenbosch.

6370/2012—Hallermann, Armin Ullrich, 1937-06-02, 3706025029181, 96 Zevenwacht Village, Kuilsriver, 2012-04-15.Stephen Walter Wallace, Warwick Trust, Postnet Suite 205; Private Bag X3, Plumstead, 7801.

7164/2012—Hugo, Johanna Elizabeth, 17-08-1935, 3508170029085, 2 Adderlleystraat, Robertson,, 6705, 01-05-2012;Pieter Hendrik Hugo, 04-07-1932, 3207045006085. ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

8317/2001—Mars, Maria Rebecca, 19-09-1926, 260919, 66 Repulse Road, Crawford, 01-09-1998. Shalene SchreuderAttorneys, Shop 1A, 40 Wellington Street, Durbanville.

13799/2011—Barnard, Zelda, 1970-09-07, 7009070172089, 14 Du Toit Street, Stellenbosch, 2011-06-17. Paulus RetiefBarnard, 14 Du Toit Street, Stellenbosch.

13799/2011—Zelda Barnard, 7009070172089, Du Toitstraat 14, Stellenbosch, 17 Junie 2011. Mnr Paul Barnard, p/a LouwIngelyf, Postnet Suit 237; Privaatsak X15, Somerset-Wes, 7129.

4951/2012—Kleinsmitd, Edward George, 19 April 1951, 5104195599084, 39 Erica Crescent, Protea Park, Atlantis,Western Cape, 26 January 2012. Mark Anthony May, May & Associates Attorneys, P.O. Box 74, Mamre, Western Cape.

8307/2001—Mars, John Jacob, 06-09-1926, 2609065078087, 66 Repulse Road, Crawford, 01-08-2001. ShaleneSchreurder Attorneys, Shop 1A, 40 Wellington Street, Durbanville.

3232/2011—Weinert, Johannes Helmut, 1944-08-23, 44082300155 (Namibia), 12 Love Street, Windhoek, Namibia,2009-09-27. Rosmarie Weinert, 12 Love Street, Windhoek, Namibia.

15904/2011—Viegeland, Yvonne Marilyn, 16-02-1944, 4402160072082, 6 Vink Street, Morningstar, Durbanville, 7550, 15 October 2011. Eugene Louw, 35 Main Road, Durbanville, 7550.

7575/2012—Suleman, Rashieda, 1941-05-02, 4105020212083, No. 508 A Bonteheuwel Avenue, Bonteheuwel, 19 April 2012. Salie and Salie Attorneys, No. 2 Dingle Avenue, Kenilworth.

15624/2011—Gillion, George Wesley, 6 July 1929, 2907065083085, Kerkstraat 1a, Hawston, 4 October 2011. MarjorieBingham Attorneys, 23-54 Villa Italia, Ratanga Road, Century City, 7441.

4190/2010—Ely, Moosa, 30 November 1958, 5811305143088, 31 Salmander Square, Factreton, 7405, 4 March 2010.Majorie Bingham Attorneys, 23-54 Villa Italia, Ratanga Road, Century City, 7441.

6800/2012—Kerr, Jane, 29-06-1935, 3506290042186, Kendrick House, Pittisporum Road, Thornton, 7460, 04-04-2012.ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

6815/2008—Bawa, Ayesha, 1916, No. 32 Cecil Road, Salt River, Cape Town, 18 July 2008. Essop Yusuf Chafeker.

94 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

Form/Vorm J 187


In terms of section 35 (5) of Act No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distri-bution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for inspectionof all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the latter, and at the offices of the Masters andMagistrates as stated.

Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executorswill proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts.

The information is given in the following order: Estate number, surname, christian name(s), identity number,last address, description of account other than first and final; if deceased was married in community of property thesurviving spouse’s names, surname and identity number; period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days),Magistrate’s Office.


Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van Wet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie-en distribusierekenings (eerste en finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantorevan die Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende ’n tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indienspesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, welke ook al die laaste is, terinsae lê van alle persone wat daarby belang het.

Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan dieeksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings.

Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: Boedelnommer, familienaam, voornaam(name), identiteitsnommer, laasteadres, beskrywing van rekening as dit anders as eerste en finale is; indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goederegetroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam en identiteitsnommer; tydperk van insae (indienkorter of langer as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor.


3031/2012—Meyer, Johanna Magritha, 2403270013083, Santos Haven, Heiderand, Mosselbaai, 6511 (Vereeniging;Johannesburg).—RJ Scott, Suite 8, Nile Gate, Drie Riviere, Mosselbaai, 6511.

1251/2012—Fourie, Ellen Barbara Cornelius, 4706070008089 (Heidelberg; Pretoria).—Van der Merwe Du Toit Inc.,Brooklyn Place Offices, 266 Bronkhorstspruit Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.

4108/12—Doreen Nel, 2204220116087, 20 Januarie 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae(Pretoria).—Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson, Posbus 1003, Pretoria, 0001.

16180/11—Christina Isabella Gernandt, 2610250014085, 15 June 2011, First and Final Liquidation and DistributionAccount, 21 days (Bela Bela; Pretoria).—Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson, PO Box 1003, Pretoria, 0001.

11579/2012—Reyneke, Hendrik Willem Johannes, 3805295026081, Oudtshoorstraat 874, Wingate Park, Pretoria(Pretoria Sentraal; Johannesburg).—Citadel Trust, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300.

20088/11—Mary Amy Grace Da Silva, 3209020043083, 11 March 2010, First and Final Liquidation and DistributionAccount, 21 days (District Barberton; Pretoria).—Friedland Hart Solomon & Nicolson, PO Box 1003, Pretoria, 0001.

16735/2009—Roodt, Hendrik Andries, 4310135102084, 2 Hyde Street, Bethal; Wilhelmina Christina Roodt,3404270045082 (Evander; Pretoria).—Streicher-De Swart, Posbus 4077, Secunda, 2302.

16735/2009—Roodt, Hendrik Andries, 4310135102084, 2 Hyde Street, Bethal; Wilhelmina Christina Roodt,3404270045082 (Evander; Pretoria).—Streicher-De Swart, Posbus 4077, Secunda, 2302.

1738/2011—Pretorius, Anna Elizabeth Maria, 2804080010088, Acornhoekstraat 336B, Faerie Glen (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Jan Hogen, John X Merrimanstraat 43, Bellville, 7530.

3261/2011—Abbott, Elizabeth, 6303090028087, Kudustraat 7, Secunda; Sebastian Johannes Abbott, 5807125001084(Evander; Pretoria).—Streicher-De Swart, Posbus 4077, Secunda, 2302.

11879/2009—Prinsloo, Hennie Josephina, 1420160034085, Huis Herfsblaar M07, Queenswood, Pretoria, First and FinalLiquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pretoria).

21291/09—Birss, Joan Daphne, 2611010022087, 71A Glenvista Renaissance, Johannesburg, First and Final Liquidationand Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg).

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 95

27185/2009—Moche, Mashigo Victor Geoffrey, 4708205649084 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Michael Burger Attorneys, PO Box36805, Menlo Park, 0102.

14068/00—Gericke, George, 0705065035002, No. 32, Enkeldoorn, Sprokielaan, Faerie Glen, Pretoria; Charlotte RadloffGericke, 2210070046001 (Pretoria).—Cornel Botha Attorneys, PO Box 74035, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040.

7138/09–Maré, Susanna, 4305220045081, Hoep-Hoepstraat 251, Wierdapark Uitbreiding 1, 0157, ongetroud (Pretoria;Pretoria).—Herman du Plessis en Seun, Posbus 23, Delareyville, 2770.

22667/10—De Wet, John Peter, 3801105043085, First and Final, 21 days (Standerton; Pretoria).—Nel, Prenzler &Potgieter, PO Box 382, Standerton, 2430.

3442/11—Roos, Johannes Marthinus, 2605135032088, Silkaatsnek 96 De Wildt, Brits; Helena Catherina Roos,3611290046086 (Brits; Pretoria).—GKL Ouditeure, Plaza Gebou 11A, Van Veldenstraat 45, Posbus 176, Brits, 0250.

4993/2012—Glenday, Patricia Ann, 3203090042083, 751 Alan Woodrow Park, 21 Rangeview Road, Dalpark, Brakpan, inthe Gauteng Province (Cape Town; Brakpan).—Lor Dea Trust CC, PO Box 11476, Bloubergrant, 7443.

10996/09—Van der Merwe, Willem Wouter, 5208125045085, Sybrandt van Niekerkstraat 95, Amersfoort, 2490; ElizabethCatharina (Cronje) van der Merwe, 4707060081086 (Amersfoort; Pretoria).—Oosthuizen & Smit, Posbus 340, Volksrust, 2470.

13695/10—Gericke, Abraham Stephanus, 2502045030080, Keerombergstraat 10, Noordheuwel, Krugersdorp(Krugersdorp; Pretroia).—GKL Ouditeure, Plaza Gebou 11A, Van Veldenstraat 45, Posbus 176, Brits, 0250.

22896/2010—Donin de Rosiere, Edeltraut Erna, 5203280119087, White River, Mpumalanga, Eerste en Finale, 21 dae(White River; Pretoria).—Greyling, Botha & Van Rensburg Prokureurs, Posbus 312, Witrivier, 1240.

7388/2012—De Aguiar, Quirino, 4003185071180, 62 Ferero Street, Edenglen (Edengeln; Pretoria).—Alta van Goeverden,PO Box 12129, Aston Manor, 1630.

31141/2011—Barkhuizen, Jacobus Johannes, 2509065010082, N. 18 Selrose Park North, Griffith Road, Equestria,Pretoria (Pretoria; Johannesburg).—Andriette Badenhorst Attorneys, PO Box 38469, Faerie Glen, 0043.

26982/09—Nesbitt, Reginald Sylvester Kenneth, 2111185057083; Anna Isabel Nesbitt, 3011220046083 (Vanderbijlpark;Pretoria).—CH Fraser CA (SA), PO Box 7, Vanderbijlpark, 1900.

16928/2010/JHB—Kamdar, Carrim Noormahomed, 3408285214088, Flat 302, Avonal Court, cnr Van der Merwe Streetand Edit Cavell, Hillbrow, 2001, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account and Re-Distribution Agreement, 21 days(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Dada and Associates, Suite 21, Second Floor, Lornegrey Medical Centre, 280 Dr. YusoofDadoo Street, Durban, 4001; PO Box 70840, Overport, 4067.

8788/2010—De Beer, Anna Martha, 3802020020083, 18 Minjonet, 678–10th Avenue, Wonderboom South, Pretoria,Liquidation and Distribution Account; Jan Andries Stefanus de Beer, 3205085023085 (Pretoria Magistrate’s Court; Pretoria).—Stuart Van der Merwe Incorporated, 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria.

20540/2011—Bisland, John Leonard, 4503025030189, 28 Cockcroft Street, Ontdekkers Park, Roodepoort, First andFinal (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Etienne D Vlok Attorneys, PO Box 7309, Westgate, 1734.

17268/2011—Matthasen, Charmaine, 4907190041089; Joseph Christiaan Matthasen, 4808085072082 (Pretoria North;Pretoria).—Hamann & Botha Prokureurs, Posbus 14550, Sinoville, 0129.

2316/11—Van der Merwe, Noel, 7601125057081, 2 Rustiger Ave, Eldoraigne Ext. 3, Centurion (Pretoria;Johannesburg).—Cornel Botha Attorneys, PO Box 74035, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040.

6268/2012—Paul, David Wheatcroft Langton, 3805125054089, 103–17th Street, Parkhurst, Johannesburg, 2193;Ebenhaezer Pitzer, 3602255046088 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Cornel Botha Attorneys, PO Box 74035, Lynnwood Ridge,0040.

5874/2012—Snijder, Martina, 3501120074186, 358 Bushwillow Street, Roodekrans; Hans Snijder, 3412245094184(Johannesburg).—Snijder & Associates, PO Box 31061, Totiusdal, 0134.

32625/2011—Van Wyk, Frederick Carel, 2102235006089, 95 Goldreef Village, Brakpan; Maria Magdalena van Wyk,2507280004088 (Johannesburg).—Snijder & Associates, PO Box 31061, Totiusdal, 0134.

2718/2002—Tlhopane, Sam Nelson, 3105215161088, 2735 Zone 2, Garankuwa, 0208; Eva Boikhutso Tlhopane,3807290295083, 21 days (Garankuwa; Pretoria).—Mabunda Attorneys, PO Box 42055, Boordfontein, 0201.

420/2012—Joubert, Hermanus Jacobus, 4105145002088; Johanna Magdalena Joubert, 4407290005084 (Christiana;Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat enDonald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

9140/09—Mitchell, Frederick Jeremiah, 3510145088089, 2 Pen Avenue, Kriel, 1ste; Loraine Eva Mitchell,4008140224089 (Witbank; Pretoria).—Krügel Heinsen Incorporated, Proffice Building Route N4 Business Park, Witbank, 1035.

3778/10—Coetzee, Andries Petrus, 3511065019088, Plot 326, Zeekoewater, Witbank, 1ste (Witbank; Pretoria).—KrügelHeinsen Incorporated, Proffice Building Route N4 Business Park, Witbank, 1035.

5326/2012—Van Schalkwyk, Cora, 3512290091082, 12de Weg 11, Parktown Noord, Johannesburg (Johannesburg;Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, PO Box 906453, Magalieskruin, Pta.

5326/2012—Van Schalkwyk, Cora, 3512290091082, 12de Weg 11, Parktown Noord, Johannesburg (Johannesburg;Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, PO Box 906453, Magalieskruin, Pta.

13252/11—Van der Berg, Frederik Jacobus Viljoen van der Berg, 3506135023086, 2 Sering Street, Vanderbijlpark SE 3 (VAnderbijlpark; Pretoria).—LW van Wyk/I Hearn, Block 3 Orwell Park, Orwell Drive, Three Rivers, Vereeniging.

7843/2009—Schoeman, Petrus Johannes, 3603045059084, Grungweg 37, Selection Park, Springs; Jeanette MaureenSchoeman, 4401160073082 (Springs; Pretoria-Noord, Gauteng).—Findek Trust, Posbus 1949, Rayton.

2969/2012—Parker, William John Clarence, 3906085031081, 40 Beukes Road, Glen Marais, Kempton Park; BarbaraLucy Parker, 4212280032084 (Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, PO Box 906453, Magalieskruin, Pta.

2969/2012—Parker, William John Clarence, 3906085031081, 40 Beukes Road, Glen Marais, Kempton Park; BarbaraLucy Parker, 4212280032084 (Pretoria).—Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk, PO Box 906453, Magalieskruin, Pta.

28304/2011—Cilliers, Susara Gertruida, 2604140010080, 16 c/o James and Bramley Streets, Ellaton, Klerksdorp(Klerksdorp; Pretoria).—Erasmus Jooset Inc., Private bag X5041, Klerksdorp, 2570.

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25436/2011—Palmer, Gordon Roy, 5001035088080, 59 Shandrani, 28 Calvinia Street, Brentwood Park, Benoni, 1501;Ellen Aletta Palmer, 5207300111081 (Benoni Magistrate’s Court; Johannesburg).—Marto Lafitte & Associates Inc., 11 SmithStreet, Bedfordview, 2007.

10868/03—Flinton-Herbert, Kelly, 20 January 1967, 2 Ashbourne, Portman Road, Bryanston, Sandton, SupplementaryFirst and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Randburg; Pretoria).—Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc., Mr MB Jackson, PrivateBag X40, Benmore, 2010.

2581/2012—Muller, Gideon Gysbertus, 6803115040082, 16 Merano Crescent, Kyalami Estates, 1684 (Midrandl SouthGauteng High Court).—Alida Susanna Muller, PO Box 284, Kyalami Estates, 1684.

18444/03—Struthers, William Jack, 1902245048083 (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Robin Twaddle Attorneys, PO Box 725,Halfway House, 1685.

6681/2012—Mashinini, Meshack, 4706215401082, 1137 Thembi Stand, Winterveld, 0100; Mashinini Nozingozi Mirriam,4908300304086 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Lebala Moloi Attorneys, Suite 247 Van Erkom Building, 217 Pretorius Street, Pretoria,0001.

7090/2012—Magaba, Elias Tshililo, 4601045120087, 6694 Phomolong, Tembisa, 1632; Makhanya Tholakele Tryphina,7209180598088 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Lebala Moloi Attorneys, Suite 247 Van Erkom Building, 217 Pretorius Street, Pretoria,0001.

6920/2012—Mushathama, Mukumela Asnath, 6209130968085, Stand 9078, Ivory Park Ext. 9, 1693; Azwitamis BethuelMushathama, 5804115501082 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Lebala Moloi Attorneys, Suite 247 Van Erkom Building, 217 PretoriusStreet, Pretoria, 0001.

10968/2012—Thompson, Neville Ian, 4612245106081, Plot 166, Gum Road, Benoni, 1501; Carol Thompson,5504210128084 (Benoni; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

14282/2011—Campbell, Donald, 3 July 1936, 7 Nursery Road, The Gardens, Johannesburg (Randburg;Johannesburg).—Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc., Mr MB Jackson, Private Bag X40, Benmore, 2010.

8027/2011—Cebekhulu, Mzingeli Silas, 7110245485081; Thembeka Keva, 7012310428089.—132 Market Street,Mansion House, 6th Floor, Office 603, Johannesburg.

10963/2012—Martin, Virginia Mabel, 4506110035088, 23 Royal Crest, Percussion Avenue, Radiokop, 1724 (Roodepoort;Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

8304/2010—Benvie, Errol Walter, 2906115048080, No. 1 Reading View Ranch, Grey Street, Alberante, Alberton(Alberton; South Gauteng).—The Classified Legal Department, The Star, Box 1014, Johannesburg, 2000.

30844/2010—Benvie, Yvonne Helen, 3405190002087, No. 1 Reading View Ranch, Grey Street, Alberante, Alberton(Alberton; South Gauteng).—The Classified Legal Department, The Star, Box 1014, Johannesburg, 2000.

13815/2011—Radebe, Happy Gladman Vuyo, 5612256086080, Erf 493, Ngwenya Str, Dube Village (Johannesburg;Johannesburg).—TM Serage Attorney, 62 Marshall Street, Khotso House, 4th Floor, Suite 402.

9902/2011—Kloppers, Franciscus Joannes, 2709055043180, 311 Marian Court, 388 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall, 2196(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Attorney SR Walbrugh, PO Box 411530, Craighall, 2024.

2146/2012—Weinberg, Eleanor, 3309110003086, Unit 4 The Villas, 112 Sandler Road, Glenhazel (Johannesburg;Johannesburg).—Paul Friedman & Associates Inc., 102 Ivy Road, Norwood, 2192.

9804/2011—Still, Elizabeth Alice, 1411170041089, 17 Van der Heever Circle, Parkrand, Boksburg (Johannesburg;Johannesburg).—Eliason and Partner, PO Box 92377, Norwood, 2117.

9664/2008—Smit, Johannes Francois, 6101235231081, 222 Konig Street, Boksburg (Boksburg).—BI Phillips, PO Box801, Bedfordview, 2008.

22613/09—Fisher, Leslie Tichauer, 4804275076082, 9 Darwin Avenue, Savoy Estate, Johannesburg (Johannesburg;Johannesburg).—Ziyaad Haffejee Attorneys, Office 3, 1st Floor, 21 Bree Street, Fordsburg, 2092.

12680/08—Ransome, Trevor Ian, 4809035025089, 4 Pendoring Drive, Weltevreden Park (Randburg; Pretoria).—TKI Scott Attorneys, PO Box 1464, Bromhof, 2154.

10971/07—Hoare, Nina Kathleen, 2908130053087, 42 Homestead Drive, Bramley (Randburg; Pretoria).—TKI ScottAttorneys, PO Box 1464, Bromhof, 2154.

24072/2011—Moagus, Gertie, 2808180037081, 43, 16th Street, Orange Grove, Jhb (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Nicole Sinovich Attorneys, 7A St Andrews Avenue, Senderwood.

17457/2011—Greeff, Eugene Brydon, 4010315040084, 25 Kipling Street, CW 6, Vanderbijlpark, 1911 (Vanderbijlpark;Johannesburg).—Liam Greeff Attorneys, PO Box 600, Park South, 1910.

4420/2012—Hill, Charles William, 2510105034082, 84 Oregon Street, Northcliff, Johannesburg (Randburg; Randburg).—Swift Secretary, PO Box 1241, Northcliff, 2162.

7227/2012—Schmidt, Robert Allen, 3807285015082, 246 Daleham Road, Mondeor, Johannesburg, 2091; JacobaAdriana Sophia Schmidt, 4101070030087 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Rubicon Administration Services, 208 BarryHertzog Avenue, Greenside.

20087/10 (Pta)—Van der Westhuizen, Anita, 5605160010089, 67 Vista Villas, Jamie Uysstraat, Vorna Valley (Randburg;Pretoria).—WKH Landgrebe, PO Box 3665, Randburg, 2000.

17572/2011—Hauschwitz, Lisbeth, 1503120045184, 4 Wolff Avenue, Primrose, Germiston, Johannesburg (Germiston;South Gauteng, Johannesburg).—Shepstone & Wylie, 18th Floor, 2 Long Street, Cape Town.

4994/2012—Greenberg, Rheda, 2101170010080, 85 George Avenue, Sandringham, 2192 (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Richard F. Reed Attorneys, 1 Penelope Avenue, cnr Gordon Road, Florida North.

15029/2011—Pietersen, Christiaan Wilhelmus, 4506015038088 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—Richard F ReedAttorneys, 1 Penelope Avenue, cnr Gordon Road, Florida North.

10386/2012—Sharpe, Leatirce Esmonde, 3201060022085, Cottage 19 San Sereno Estate, Fleming Road, Bryanston(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.

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11834/2012—Reinecke, Diana, 4906070049089, 5 Settlers Road, Bordeaux, Randburg (Johannesburg).—FNB TrustServices, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.

28925/2011—Ntshalitshali, Nduna Israel, 3202185121083, 25 Shannon Road, Ridgeway, Johannesburg; MasaniOlympia Ntshalitshali, 3308130192085 (Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.

30162/2010—Diedericks, Jacob Jacobus, 2608225030087, 17 Redi Street, Norkem Park, Kempton Park, Johannesburg(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132.

21734/09—Joubert, Pierre Daniel, 5301075047081, 309 Edward Street, Waterkloof, 0181, Second (Pretoria).—G vonGeyso Attorneys, Postnet Suite No. 159, P/Bag X06, Waterkloof, 0145.

511415—Jacobson, Peter Leslie, 5010205004082, 102 Eleventh Avenue, Highlands North, Johannesburg, Gauteng(North Gauteng High Court).

10011/2011—Celori, Gia Leo, 7111250223086, 165 Cedar Hills, Cedar Avenue West, Fourways, Amended First and Final(Randburg; Johannesburg).—Eversheds, PO Box 78333, Sandton City, 2146.

19221/08 (Pretoria).—Stein, Harry, 1601065031080, 9 Thembalami, 127 Daisy Street, Sandown, Sandton (Johannes burg;Pretoria).—Beder-Friedland Inc, PO Box 46288, Orange Grove, 2119.

19100/2011—Du Plooy, John Henry Lewis Stidworthy, 4510265091086, 153 De Villiers Street, Kenilworth,Johannesburg; Ria du Plooy, 5006220737086 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Thomson Wilks Inc, P.O. Box 3242, Parklands,2121.

7352/2012—Williams, Rodney Stokes, 2209165041083, 35 Judy Road, Blairgowrie (Randburg; Johannesburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.

15488/2011—Malahlela, Marofane Joel, 5009015418086, 556012 Zone 3, Sebokeng (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—Lishivha Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg; P.O. Box 61726, Marshalltown,2107.

9283/2012—Masheloane, Lerothodi Simon, 3012015156088, 1614 Zone 9, Meadowlands, Soweto, 1852 (Meadow lands;Johannesburg).—Andrew Lishivha, Practising Attorney, Ex-officio Commissioner of Oaths, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg.

9282/2012—Masheloane, Lekeleli Jeanette, 3109250173081, 1614 Zone 9, Meadowlands, Soweto, 1852; LerothodiSimon Masheloane, 3012015156088 (Meadowlands; Johannesburg).—Andrew Lishivha, Practising Attorney, Ex-officioCommissioner of Oaths, 3rd Floor, Samancor Building, 88 Marshall Street, Johannesburg.

2581/2012—Muller, Gideon Gysbertus, 6803115040082, 16 Merano Crescent, Kyalami Estates, 1684 (Randburg; SouthGauteng High Court).—Alida Susanna Muller, PO Box 284, Kyalami Estates, 1684.

02684/2012—Van der Berg, Anna Magdalena, 4811220077081, 16 Cathy Street, Brackendowns, 1448 (Alberton;Johannesburg).—Sentinel International Trust Company, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

5676/2012—Gunter, John Stephen, 3011305011086, 5 Reyger Street, Quellerie Park, Krugersdorp, 1740; SusaraElizabeth Gunter, 3805010048089 (Krugersdorp; South Gauteng).—Sentinel International Trust Company, P.O. Box 91,Auckland Park, 2006.

22776/03—Dyason, Angus, 2909105020085, 108 Churchill Avenue, Primrose, Germiston, Supplementary; Aletta Dyason,3012050009085 (Germiston; Pretoria).—Sentinel International Trust Company, P.O. Box 91, Auckland Park, 2006.

18876/2011—Simelane, Sethu Jane, 2412100125082, Erf 4765, Wesselton, Extension 4 Township, Ermelo (Ermelo;Pretoria).—Noltes Ingelyf, 11 De Clercq Street, Ermelo, 2350.

18872/2011—Simelani, Ngobela Absolom, 0211035036089, Erf 4765, Wesselton, Extension 4 Township, Ermelo; SethuJane Simelane, 2412100125082 (Ermelo; Pretoria).—Noltes Ingelyf, 11 De Clercq Street, Ermelo, 2350.

24864/2011—Wiesner, Elfriede Gertrud, 1809290009185, 37 Willoughby Street, Kenmare, Krugersdorp (Marshalltown,Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—De Wet–Van der Watt (Sandton) Inc, PO Box 78159, Sandton, 2146.

3197/2012—Yawa, Maaphale Maggie, 6307190675085, 4 Diaz Street CE4 van der Bijlpark, 1911; Joseph Mzaepheli,Yawa, 6005275767088 (Vereeniging; South Gauteng, Johannesburg).—Preshnee Govender Attorneys, 62 Marshall Street,Johannesburg.

4258/2011—Winnan, Sharon Adele, 6009030004084, 30 Springbok Street, Edelweiss, Springs; Paul Brandon Winnan,5710285016084 (Springs; Johannesburg).—BoE Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.

5436/2012—Wasson, Dorothea Maureen, 4212280079085, 1 Neville Road, Brackendowns, Alberton (Alberton;Pretoria).—Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Limited, P.O. Box 3673, Randburg, 2125.

8455/2012—Van der Wel, Simon, 2012305031182, 132 Waterval Village, 3rd Street, Florida Glen, 1709; Maria Arnoldavan der Wel, 2204270033182 (Roodepoort; Johannesburg).—BoE Trust Limited, PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.

5839/2012—Cynthia Erica Thompson, 4210230071087, 22 Lynx Street, Kensington, Johannesburg; John BryantThompson, 4103235022082 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Schoonees, Belling & Georgiev, 23-7th Avenue, cnr SecondStreet, Edenvale, 1610.

4705/2011—Slabbert, Charlene, 7004110037087, Erf 2276, Van Riebeeck Park Ext.10, Gauteng (Kempton Park; SouthGauteng–Johannesburg).

28872/2011—Serebro, Arye (also known as Arnold Mervyn David), 01253347-7 (Israel), 51 Hadar Street, Omer, Israel,First and Final, 21 days (Johannesburg).—David Fordyce Anderson, c/o PO Box 130258, Bryanston, 2074.

6977/2010—Spires, Malcolm Bradley, 7406115020085, 17 Urwin Street, Witfield, Boksburg (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Mollentze & Associates, PO Box 21487, Helderkruin, 1733.

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12345/2011—Msawenkosi Thandabantu Sikhakhane, 6311255889086, 0302 Sauer Plam Street, Protea Glen, Extension1, 1818, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; Joyce Dudu Sikhakhane, 7108110444084, 21 days(Johannesburg; South Gauteng).—Moruo Trust & Estate Planning in Associatiion with N R Mpungose Attorneys, Suite 5, 3rd Floor, Gandhi Square, Rennaisence Building, Johannesburg.

10041/2012—Roediger, Susan Renate, 4409060091088, 160 Ivy Road, Norwood, Johannesburg, 2000(Johannesburg).—BoE Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000.

15133/2011—Pole, Frederick John, 2501165003083, 9 Joubert Street, Rynfield, Benoni, 1501 (Benoni; Johannesburg).—Du Plessis Van Loggenberg Attorneys, 134 Pretoria Road, Rynfield, Benoni.

13588/2011—Mamntwana Barbra Nage, 3801040299081, 793 Tladi Moduba Street, Soweto, First and Final Liquidationand Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; South Gauteng).—Moruo Trust & Estate Planning in Association withMpungose Att, 16–20 New Street South, Renaissance Center, 3rd Floor, Suite 5, Gandhi Square, Johannesburg.

17899/2007—Makomoreng, Nomvula Caroline, 4407210377084, 28 Brian Mazibuko Drive, Xubede Section, Tembisa,1632, 21 days (Tembisa Magistrate’s Court; Pretoria).—Graham Attorneys, PO Box 5608, Kempton Park, 1620.

11943/2011—Mahlangu, Juliet Umpo, 5405300306087, 344 Lekaneng Section, Tembisa, 21 days (Tembisa Magistrate’sCourt; Johannesburg).—Graham Attorneys, PO Box 5608, Kempton Park, 1620.

8190/2010—Makgabutlane, Mabendi Isaac, 5004095272081, 11045 Bokaba Street, Kwa Thema, 1575, 44099; SylviaYvonne Makgabutlane, 5504300171085 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620;Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

22334/03—Maredi, Masole William, 6005025196084, 557 Zone 10, Extension 3, Sebokeng.—Standard Executors &Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.

5109/2011—Mosane, Jonathan Nananki, 7009205961083, 413 Ext. 02, Rabie Ridge, Midrand, 1685; Ellen KediboneMosane, 7402150509082 (Randburg; Johannesburg).—ODBB Incorporated, 13 Fredman Drive, Fredman Towers, 4th Floor,Sandton.

8114/2009—Mosadi, Gabriel, 5208065338083, 3048 Mathiba Street, Bekkersdal, Westonaria (Westonaria;Johannesburg).—Mollentze & Associates, PO Box 21487, Helderkruin, 1733.

22128/2011—Navinchandra Diar Morar, 3809015037089, 17 Salvia Street, Ext. 3 Lenasia, 1827, First and FinalLiquidation and Distribution Account; Santi Morar, 4209210034081, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Chiba-Jivan Inc,53 Church Street, cnr 9th Avenue, Mayfair, 2092.

9450/2011—Yousuf, Molvi, 26 December 1952, 5212265214086, 323:999 Hartebeesfontein, Hekspoort, Johannesburg,date of death: 29 March 2009, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Abdullah Ismail, F.E. Lachporia Attorneys, 179 Ninth Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg.

17103/2007—Thamsanqa William Mavuso, 16 September 1965, 6509165277082, a operational officer, 6 Mosely Street,Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, died on 15 May 2007, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Vanderbijpark;Johannesburg).—Ntshuyeng Mary Mavuso, Executor, c/o C.M.F. Malhou, P.O. Box 4339, Vanderbijlpark, 1900; First Floor,Enqua Building, 18A Hertz Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 1911.

33282/2009—Molefi Jonas Liefo, 6706215276086, an adult male person, married in community of property, 10 ShawRoad, Wright Park, Springs, 1559, died on the 13 October 2009, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Springs;Johannesburg).—A.Z. Human, De Jager Kruger & Van Blerk, Lexforum, cnr 5th Street & 7th Avenue, PO Box 1078, Docex 4,Springs, 1560.

26552/2011—Henry Lister, 2606305013189, c/o San Seriona Retirement Village, Bryanston, First and Final Liquidationand Distribution Account, 21 days (Randburg; Johannesburg).—Executor: Raymond Steyn, 29 Westway Ave, Kelvin, Sandton.Authorised agent: William Lawson Jay, 150 Standard Drive, Blairgowrie, Randburg, 2194.

15051/2011—Laher, Esoof Ahmed, 3209205074085 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Cachalia & Loonat Attorneys, No.70 Central Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, Central House.

493/2012—Kotze, Natalie Doreen, 4110270010088; Dirk Johannes Kotze, 3902135007080 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Christell Kotze Prokureurs, Suite 5, Rietfontein Centre, 910 Hertzog Street, Pretoria.

7240/2012—Jansen van Vuuren, Carel Petrus, 5007245085089, Unit 118, Marmanet Village 248, Bergriver Drive,Terenure, First and Final; Vasti Jansen van Vuuren, 5001070081081, 21 days (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—A Swart, Old Mutual Trust, PO Box 582, Johannesburg, 2000.

6314/2012—Hodgkinson, Gwendoline Matilda, 3404120016085, 75 Golden Harvest, Bromhof, Randburg, 2125(Randburg; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121.

17419/2011—Hawker, Geoffrey Douglas, 5704185067081, 36 Hamilton Road, Irene, Centurion; Loraine CampbellHawker, 5903020050084 (Pretoria).—Rudolph Botha Prokureurs, Posbus 17232, Lyttelton, 0140.

2734/2012—Fritz, Johan Thomas David, 2201085014084, Plot 212, Sysieweg, Derdepoort, Pretoria (Pretoria;Pretoria).—JB Hunkin, PO Box 149, Cresta, 2118.

6069/2012—Dixon (born Thornton, previously Taylor), Gladis, 2501200062185, Cottage 16B, Fairleads RetirementVillage, 25 Janes Street, Benoni (Benoni; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.

24355/2011—Coetzee, Willem Johannes, 3811285001084, 26 Schutte Street, Parys (Parys; Marshalltown).—Mr N HZaayman (CA) SA, 1st Floor, O’Reilly Merry Street 53, Rynfield, Benoni.

Maria Magrietha Gordon, 2 April 1951, 5104020073081, Johannesburg, oorlede 27 Augustus 2011, Eerste en FinaleLikwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Randburg; Marshalltown).—D.J. Fourie, Professionele Rekenmeester (SA) (Lid No. 761),Posbus 51, Schweizer Reneke, 2780.

6249/11—Van Staden, Marthinus Hermanus, 4805010103081 (Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—Van Staden & Van RensburgInc., P.O. Box 17154, Groenkloof, 0027.

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26667/2010—Du Plessis, Engela Maria Elizabeth, 7309030053084, 6 De Villiers Str, Brakpan (Brakpan; Johannesburg).—Louwrens Coetzer & Partners, 15 Athlone Ave, Dalview, Brakpan.

21587/09—Jordaan, Johannes Lodewikus Jurgens, 3103195036081, 24 Lancaster Street, Parkdene, Boksburg, date ofdeath: 19-06-2009.—Marius Swart Attorneys, PO Box 3074, Symridge, 1420.

22778/2010—Millard, Colin Terence, 3111175084088 (North Gauteng).—Rene Bekker Attorney, 20 Kaptein Jan Street,Rietondale, 0084.

13633/2009—Moller, Ella Sophia Adriana, 3209150021081, 27 Herbert Avenue, Krugersdorp West (North Gauteng).—Rene Bekker Attorney, 20 Kaptein Jan Street, Rietondale, 0084.

5311/2012—Joubert, Frans, 5307155044088, Two Brothers Way 12, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—RynhartKruger Prokureurs, Posbus 40590, Moreleta Park, 0044; Wainwrightstraat 658, Moreleta Park, 0044.

6058/2012—Joubert, Cornelius Johannes, 3811055051087, Saxbylaan 29, Eldoraigne, Pretoria, 0157 (Pretoria;Pretoria).—Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Posbus 40590, Moreleta Park, 0044; Wainwrightstraat 658, Moreleta Park, 0044.

4940/2012—Wolmarans, Sarel Johannes Phillipus, 6502016149080, Smitstraat 19, Clayville Uitbreiding 13, Pretoria(Pretoria; Pretoria).—Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Posbus 40590, Moreleta Park, 0044; Wainwrightstraat 658, Moreleta Park,0044.

6067/2012—Robbertze, Johannes Hendrik, 2209245014084, Goudpark 16, Bronkhorstspruit (Bronkhorstspruit;Pretoria).—Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs, Posbus 40590, Moreleta Park, 0044; Wainwrightstraat 658, Moreleta Park, 0044.

11550/01—Mokoena, Mputlana Petrus, 4611195363080; Gladys Mokoena, 5004220180084 (Nigel; Pretoria).—TaniaKapp Attorneys, PO Box 1009, Nigel, 1490.

6744/2012—De Swardt, Gideon Jacobus Casparus, 5203075001086, 16 Oleander Street, Germiston (Germiston;Johannesburg).—JL du Toit Attorneys, P.O. Box 1739, Boksburg, 1460.

5899/2012—Jansen, Paulina Wilhelmina Carolina, 3104210015084, 6 Jacolien-Hof, Engelbrecht Ave, Meiringspark,Klerksdorp (Klerksdorp; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

24701/09—Calitz, Maureen Patricia, 4504220090085, Klimopstraat 11, Van Dyk Park, Boksburg, Gewysigde Eerste enFinale (Boksburg; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

21581/10—Van Niekerk, Elizabeth Anna, 2405060017083, 163 Wes Street, Pretoria North, 0182 (Pretoria North;Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

14488/08—Thiebaut, Thomas Ignatius, 1809155013082, plaas Mooiplaas (Posbus 292), Sannieshof, 2760, TweedeGewysigde (Delareyville; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

946/12—Kidson, Josef Fenning, 4910125006086, 51 Van Niekerk Street, Hendrina; Anna Rosina Kidson,5308030050084 (Hendrina; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

2854/12—Konig, Ivan Frederick Jack, 3209225034085, Ephin Lodge Old Age Home, Modderfontein Road, Lyndhurst(Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

13237/2012—Helberg, Christina Jacoba Jeanette, 4309080090088, 10 Berenicia Street, Valhalla (Pretoria; SouthGauteng, Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

22404/10—Bosch, Helena Christina, 5004280039089, 163 Wes Street 163, Pretoria North (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

7369/2012—Kriel, Gabriel Gerhardus, 5209115076087, 18 Houtkop Ave, Unitas Park, Vereeniging (Vereeniging;Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

7876/05—Woodroffe, Anna Jonetha Maria Cornelia, 3801100049087, 1369 Acta Turn, Bergbron Extension 8, Johannesburg,1709, Third Amended First and Final (Roodepoort; Pretoria).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

9754/2012—Van Zyl, Pieter Cornelius, 5804205123086, 1053B Louise Street, Claremont; Marinda van Zyl,5809130039083 (Pretoria; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

12080/2012—De Graad, Anna Maria Margaretha, 2103160005088, Wenningstraat 30B, Groenkloof (Pretoria;Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Privaatsak X137, Halfweghuis, 1685.

9724/2012—Tolmay, Daniel Johannes, 6603235060089, 10 Tuinfluiter Street, Falcon Ridge, 1929; Petro Tolmay,6712230112082 (Vereeniging; Johannesburg).—Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685.

11258/2012—Le Roux, Johanna Adriana, 3003040012081, Mackenziestraat 250, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0181 (Pretoria;Johannesburg).—J R le Roux, Mackenziestraat 250, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0181.

4632/2012—Kapp (gebore Van der Merwe), Maria, 2008110041085, Huis Herfsblaar A420, Webbweg 1244,Queenswood, Pretoria (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.

3895/2012—Van Zyl, Johannes Lodewikus, 7009045017088, Fisherstraat 72, Nelsonia, Meyerton (Meyerton;Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.

7435/2012—Santos, Francisco Sardinha, 3712115016088, Marconistraat 41, Vanderbijlpark (Vanderbijlpark; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.

7425/2012—Hills (gebore van Wyk), Aletta Petronella Maria, 3710070001087, St. Cloudslaan 35, Mayfair,Johannesburg; William John Hills, 3204085003080 (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk,Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.

5406/2012—Prinsloo (gebore Ströh, voorheen Prinsloo), Elizabeth Maria Magrietha, 3703100007083, GemsbokparkNo. 9, Kirknesslaan 87, Pierre van Ryneveld, Pretoria (Pretoria; Pretoria).—Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk,Posbus 3673, Randburg, 2125.

20645/2011—Johnson, Malcom Walter, 3609245063081, 5 Blackwood Road, Primrose (Primrose; Pretoria).—PA Coetzee, PO Box 11102, Silverlakes, 0054.

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6765/2012—Zaayman, Izak Vivian Dannhauser, 3007015027081, FG Rennaissance 130, Hay Meadowsingel 45, FaerieGlen; Susara Gertruida Zaayman, 35071500038082 (Pretoria; Pretoria).—PA Coetzee, PO Box 11102, Silverlakes, 0054.

6263/2012—Nel, Johannes Jacobus, 4106105032081, Mimosalaan 452, Lynnwood, Pretoria (Pretoria).—J J de Klerk vanRoss & Jacobs, 2de Vloer, Rodericksweg 457, Lynnwood; Posbus 46, Pretoria, 0001.

4598/12—Bronkhorst, Petro, 4910090008083; Hendrik Frederik Christoffel Bronkhorst, 3902285044081 (Pretoria).—Botha Rekenmeesters, Posbus 15700, Sinoville, 0129.

10234/2011—Green, Daniel Johannes Poklemberg, 4002235045087 (Brakpan; Pretoria).—Le Roux Van NiekerkAttorneys, PO Box 32181, Glenstantia, 0010.

8116/2011—Fourie, Jacobus Theodor, 3001205036085, 297 Lyra Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Le Roux VanNiekerk Attorneys, PO Box 32181, Glenstantia, 0010.

4453/11—Mku, Mmudla Abel, 5304195608083, 9773 Kagiso, Krugersdorp, 1754, First & Final, widower (Pretoria).—Dibakwane Attorneys, Stand 416, Klipgat, Main Road (P.O. Box 610), Ya-Rona, 0202.

4452/11—Nku, Dikeledi Obertha, 5304195668083, 9773 Kagiso, Krugersdorp, 1754, First and Final; Abel Mmutla Nku,5304195668083 (Pretoria).—Dibakwane Attorneys, 416 Klipgat, Main Road, PO Box 610Y4, Rona, 0202.

6249/11—Van Staden, Marthinus Hermanus, 480501013081 (Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—Van Staden & Van Rensburg Inc,P.O. Box 17154, Groenkloof, 0027.

12862/2012—Husselman, Helena Jacomina, 11 Maart 2012, 3403110030080, Rusoord—Vryburg, Elandweg 12, Vryburg,Noordwes (Vryburg; Johannesburg).—Nerina Wessels Attorneys, PO Box 3423, Pinegowrie, 2123.

6762/2012—Vander Byl, Philip le Sueur, 5102265013085, Plot 75, Boschkop District, Cullinan, 1000 (Pretoria).—BoE Trust Limited, PO Box 56447, Arcadia, 0007.

4493/2012—Haak, Anthony, 2708095041089, Storeystraat 1246, Queenswood, 0186, First and Final; Emmigje Haak,2510240025086 (Pretoria).—Christene Smit (ID: 6908090061084) in her capacity as nominee of Nedbank Group Limited, c/oBoE Trust Beperk, PO Box 56447, Arcadia, 0007.

10574/2010—Phiri, Festus Mafisa, 5909225709085, 139A Mosasawane Street, Zone 1, Meadowlands, 1852(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Mr Harry Raditlalo Raborife, 288 Columbine Avenue, cnr Dunford Road.

6930/12—Le Monnier, Brian Michael Dennis, 5112095177083, Piet Retief, Mpumalanga, 2380 (Piet Retief).—BoE TrustLimited, PO Box 56447, Arcadia, 0007.

6162/2012—Kleynhans, Alida Margaretha Jacomina, 4001270004082, Bonckerstraat 35, Middelburg, 1050, First andFinal; John Henry Kleynhans, 3512165005084, 21 days (Middelburg, Mpumalanga; Johannesburg).—Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd,PO Box 1556, Strubens Valley, 1735.

10234/2011—Green, Daniel Johannes Poklemberg, 4002235045087, 297 Lyra Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria (Brakpan;Pretoria).—Le Roux Van Niekerk Attorneys, PO Box 32181, Glenstantia, 0010.

8116/2011—Fourie, Jacobus Theodor, 3001205036085, 297 Lyra Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria (Pretoria).—Le Roux VanNiekerk Attorneys, PO Box 32181, Glenstantia, 0010.

16320/11—McKay, John, 4911245067081 (Pretoria).—DNL Associates, PO Box 2523, Brooklyn Square, 0075.1576/2011—Van der Merwe, Carel Edward Cecil, 4801295158080, 120 Steenkamp Street, Del Judor, Witbank; Maria

Susanna, 6803120047080 (Witbank; Johannesburg).—Sentinel International Trust Company–Pretoria, PO Box 11287, Hatfield,0028.

10204/2009—Saffy, Peter Edward, 8311235063081, Mkuzastraat 9A, Middelburg, Mpumalanga, Eerste en FinaleLikwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Pretoria).—Vermaak & Dennis, Posbus 12801, Brandhof, 9324.

20363/2011—Boshoff, Adam Jacobus, 3001085022080, Roodekopjes 44, Plot 338, Brits, 0250 (Pretoria).—ABSA TrustBeperk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

7889/2011—De Beer, Johannes Marthinus, 2503085022086, 121 Gardens Street, Turffontein, 2190, 41885(Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/vLong- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

10685/2011—De Freitas-Branco, Jose, 1808135007081, 154 Rabie Avenue, Rothdene, 1964, 42133 (Vereeniging;Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/v Long- enMonumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

18114/07—Dolcin, Lucas Boy, 3507285197084, No. 10078 Orlando West, Soweto, 1818, 40913 (JohannesburgMagistrate; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/v Long-en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

22888/2011—Ferreira, Patricia Yvonne, 3105200030082, 11 Laura Crescent, Risiville X2, Vereeniging, 42873(Vereeniging; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/v Long-en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

6703/2012—Groenewald, Johanna Magrietha, 7210290126083, Evansstraat 17, Brenthurst, Brakpan, 43969 (Brakpan;Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/v Long- enMonumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

8154/2012—Jansen, David, 6504265030085, 26 Chewora Street, Riverlea, 2093, 44118; Desiree Deela Jansen,6803020199080 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/vLong- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

5450/2012—John, Monica Maydive Ruth, 6012130186082, 14 Springbok Avenue, Birchleigh, 1619, 43948; AlpheusEfriam John, 6006075215088 (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620;Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

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9450/2012—Johnson Johanna, 2903120021087, 11 Iris Street, Reiger Park, Boksburg, 44199 (Boksburg;Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/v Long- enMonumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

4680/2012—Mabuza, Sidloko Pencil, 2510165150083, 115 Hoyi Trust, Uthokozane, 1346, 43616; Nana Mabuza,4305030285083 (Komatipoort; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die EikeGebou, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

7685/2011—Mare, Paul Johannes, 5612075059086, plaas Rietfontein 90, Lydenburg, 1120 (Lydenburg;Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

Napier, Ina Lea, 2402260040080, Rynpark Home for the Aged, Rynfield, Benoni, 44166 (Johannesburg).—ABSA TrustBeperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

7797/2012—Ness, Paul Johannes, 4609075060081, Gleniffer Court 26, Gillstraat, Lambton, 1401; Alette Elizabeth Ness,4001160035089 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, KemptonPark, 1620.

5162/2012—Preuss, Conrad Franz, 3312095004087, Flat No. 3, Wanky Road, Selcourt, Springs, 1559 (Springs;Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

8598/2011—Simelane, Sonto Sizakele, 7011030593081, Stand 5565, Msogwaba, 1215, 42536 (Nelspruit; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, KemptonPark, 1620.

1638/2012—Smith, Gideon Jacobus, 2910235011085, AG Visserstraat 3A, Kookrus, Meyerton, 1960 (Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

1338/2012—Van den Berg, Johannes Philippus, 3308055026086, 15 Nonna Street, Birchleigh North, Kempton Park,43702; Aletta Elizabeth Fransina van den Berg, 3612160034087 (Kempton Park; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

24369/10—Van Niekerk, Ebenaezer, 2608305020081, Leipoldtstraat 47, Ridgeway, 2091 (Johannesburg, Magistrate;Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

2212/2011—Van Wyk, Abraham Christoffel, 3401075067089, 61 Fitzpatrick Street, Vanderbijlpark, 1911, 41491(Vereeniging; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/v Long-en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

7881/2012—Vermaak, Jan Theodorus, 3609205044089, 13 Utrecht Road, Gerdview, 2047; Faith Vermaak,3605310123081 (Germiston; Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan,Kempton Park, 1620.

Vorster, Cornelius Johannes, 3910055006081, Derbylaan 51, Brakpan, 1541; Cecila Vorster, 4409290016087(Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Die Eike Gebou, Grondvloer, h/v Long- en Monumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

24257/2011—Weihs, Betty, 2803300017089, 18 Hathaway Road, 205 Michael Angelo, Gresswold, 43070 (Johannesburg;Johannesburg).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1081, Kempton Park, 1620; Grondvloer, Die Eike Gebou, h/v Long- enMonumentlaan, Kempton Park, 1620.

7671/2012—Ackron, Maria Susanna Elizabeth, 4201300010089, Chrisholmstraat 9, Westonaria, 1780 (Westonaria;Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria,0002.

23730/10—Antonio, Manuel, 7004245168088, 44 Kingdom Street, Krugersdorp, 1739 (Krugersdorp; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002.

6392/2012—Barnard, Cornelia Maria Gertruida, 3906300040081, Smutstraat 89, Randgate, Randfontein, 1760(Randfontien; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der WaltStreet, Pretoria, 0002.

11997/2011—Botha, Hester Catharina Magdalena, 1411010009080, Lerouxstraat 24, Elandsheuwel, Klerksdorp, 2571,Amended (Klerksdorp; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van derWalt Street, Pretoria, 0002.

11374/11—De Barros Viana, Jose Alfredo, 3002045034181, 9 Baldur Road, Valhalla, 0185 (Pretoria).—ABSA TrustBeperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.

7677/2012—Mans, Francina Johanna, 6305270045088, Bridgeslaan 22, Westonaria, 1780; Wynand Frederik Mans,6611155091083 (Westonaria; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002.

6375/2012—Minnaar, Jacoba Johanna Maria, 2011050035083, Oxalislaan 177, Florauna, Pretoria Noord, 0182 (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002.

4217/12—Moors, Elizabeth Johanna, 3203260040081, Huis Hermon Ouetehuis, Generaal De Weststraat, Pretoria-Noord, 0182 (Pretoria-North; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, VolkskasSentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.

1613/2012—Nel, Maria Susanna, 3408100086083, Salliestraat 257, Chantell, Akasia, 0182 (Pretoria North; Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor, Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002.

4540/2011—Van der Westhuizen, Isabella Elizabeth, 4307050033088, Plaas Buffelshoek, Thabazimbi, 0387(Thabazimbi; Polokwane Do not use).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Vander Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.

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6373/12—Van Niekerk, Johannes Martinus, 4612175098084, Beliindastraat 1, Roodepoort, 1724 (Roodepoort;Pretoria).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria,0002.

30043/2010—Wilken, Hendrik Christiaan, 3911055030089 (Vanderbijlpark; Johannesburg).—KGL Attorneys, Building 3,Woodhill Office Park, Philip Engelbrecht Drive, Alberton.

23106/05—Nortje, Abraham Adriaan, 3109305032084, 15 Recreation Street, Anzac, Brakpan (Brakpan; Pretoria).—J H van Heerden & Cohen, P.O. Box 2048, Springs, 1560.

23297/2011—Reddy, Pushpamah, 5608120170084, 12 Francolin Drive, Bakerton, Springs; Srinathan ShunmugamReddy, 5506075130089 (Springs; Johannesburg).—J H Heerden & Cohen, P.O. Box 2048, Springs, 1560.

22522/11—Smit, Petrus Johannes, 2804245006088 (Johannesburg).—H M Nel, Posbus 7441, Westgate, 1734.25277/08—Geaney, Rosana Kazhmmir Cylizhu, 5506240126087 (Randburg; Pretoria).—H M Nel, Posbus 7441,

Westgate, 1734.14455/2011—Laubscher, Aletta Maria, 3311150008082; Jacobus Andries Laubscher, 3309145009082 (Roodepoort;

Pretoria).—H M Nel, Posbus 7441, Westgate, 1734.9789/10—Maria Magdalena Van der Merwe (gebore/nooiensvan Janse van Rensburg), 3807080066082,

5 Selati Tuiste, Poshumus Street, Lewisham, 1739, 2010/04/19, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae(Krugersdorp; Pretoria).— Jacques Venter Prokureurs, Posbus 1481, Ruimsig, 1732.

4146/2012—Shirley Catherine Williams (gebore/nooiensvan Watson), 3212220103087, 24 Cockspur Road,Weltevredenpark Ext 10, Roodepoort, 2012-01-13, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Roodepoort;Pretoria).— Jacques Venter Prokureurs, Posbus 1481, Ruimsig, 1732.

20627/2011—Botha, Anna Christina, 2005040027085, Princess Christian Home, Pretoria & Portion 1 Erf 427,Wonderboom (Pretoria).—Louis Dentan –PSG Konsult, P.O. Box 26198, Nelspruit, 1200.

357/2011—Sibiya, Dingaan Ben, 5212165814084, 215 Moroe Street, Atteridgeville, Pretoria; 6411270450086(Pretoria).—Electus Trust, P.O. Box 12541, Hatfield, 0028.

21838/2011—Lubbe, Gerhardus Petrus, 4202015049081, Faunaweg 689, Florauna Ext 1, Pretoria-Noord, 0182, 21 days(Pretoria North; South Gauteng High Court).—Deyzel, Odendaal & Vennote, Posbus 4988, Pretoria, 0001.

15609/2011—Wentzel, Susanna Maria Catherina, 2508280014085, 45 Die Palms Aftree-oord Fase 1, Drie Riviere, 1935;Christiaan Johannes Hubertus Wentzel, 2305215015083 (Pretoria).—Jordaan Botha en Vennote Ingelyf, Albatros Gebou,Joubertstraat 17, Vereeniging.

7680/2012—Gildenhuys, John Percy, 3111105023081, 52 ST. Patrick Road, Hurlyvale (Germiston; Pretoria).—Boela Vander Merwe Attorneys, P.O. Box 346, Germiston, 1400.

10637/2011—Pieter Vlok, 4308315091085, 23 Maart 2011; Frieda Jacoba Susanna Vlok (nooiensvan Janse van Vuuren),4705310085089, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Springs; Meester van die Hooggeregshof, SuidGauteng).—Luzaan Boshoff, Posbus 57, Kosmos, 0261.

13224/2010—Labuschagne, Petrus Adriaan Lewis, 5701185124086, 74 Geduld Road, Paul Kruger Resort, Springs;Petronella Elizabeth Labuschagne, 6105140074080 (Springs; Johannesburg).—C Wilsnach, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus40297, Arcadia, 0007.

28549/2011—Madai, Matilda, 2408140061089, 50 Blackberry Street, Toekomsrus, 1760 (Randfontein; Johannesburg).—Mr J.L. Pretorius, c/o Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

16528/2011—Swanepoel, Felicity, 4104110009087, 3 Mimosa Road, Randpark Ridge Ext 16, 2194 (Johanneburg).—JL Pretorius, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

8647/2012—Brand, John Frederick, 3902265004089, Hoewe 50, Strydomstraat, Byscelia, Meyerton, 1960; Aletta Elizabeth Brand (Meyerton; Pretoria).—JL Pretorius, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

28552/2011—Scott, Olive Trist, 1610070034082, Shady Pines, 127 Hodgson Street, Benoni, 1501 (Benoni;Johannesburg).—Mr J.L. Pretorius, c/o Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

13058/2011—Mayer, Maria, 1701050026188, Huis Siesta, 11 Herfsoord, Farayday Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 1911(Vanderbijlpark; Pretoria).—Mr J.L. Pretorius, c/o Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

19407/2011—Gradwell, David, 3708205010080, 7 Amandel Street, Rynpark, 1501 (Pretoria).—Mr J.L. Pretorius, c/o Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

10646/2011—Solomon, Thelma Cornelia Cecilia, 7010090191083, 19 Glencairn Street, Coronationville, 2093(Johannesburg).—Mr J.L. Pretorius, c/o Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

4646/2012—Dreyer, Johannes Magiel van Helsdingen, 2705270001086, Huis Herman, Generaal de Wetstraat, Pretoria-Noord (Pretoria).—JL Pretorius, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

2249/2012—Hermsen, Carolus Octavius, 1610055045087, Unit M5, Tarentaal Village, 128 Main Modderfontein,Edenvale, 1609 (Edenvale; Pretoria).—Mr J.L. Pretorius, c/o Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

3991/12—Kruger, Wilhelmina, 4908220067086; Frans Roelf Johannes Kruger, 5105145011005 (Pretoria).—DNL Associates, P.O. Box 2523, Brooklyn Square, 0075.

22941/2008—De la Rey, Pieter Jacobus, 5211215087006, Geyserstraat 11, Potgietersrus, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-en Distribusierekening (Nelspruit; Pretoria).—Frey & Slabber Ing., Posbus 3933, Nelspruit, 1200, h/v Brander & Jonesstrate,Nelspruit.

33562/2009—Clark, Phyllis Mary, 1611110036186, 32 Third Avenue, Illovo, Sandton, Johannesburg (Johannesburg;Johannesburg).—T J McGlashan, P.O. Box 412341, Craighall, 2024.

31698/2010—Keswa, Aaron Themba, 6308175647081, 820 Phase 3 Diepkloof Extension, Johannesburg; NomvuzoKeswa, 7210090337088 (Johannesburg; Johannesburg).—Michael Dansky, P.O. Box 2274, Johannesburg, 2000.

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9366/2011—Iorio, Carmela, 3503150109189 (Johannesburg).—Marco Anselmo Patrizi, Postnet Suite No. 223, Private Bag X10010, Edenvale.

7674/2012—Els, Denis Jeremia, 6911305128086, 23 Hull Street, Primrose, Liquidation and Distribution Account(Germiston; Johannesburg).—Anthony Wilton Thinane Inc., 1st Floor, The Chambers, cnr Oxford and Kirkby Streets, BedfordGardens.

16161/2010—Webster, Sheilagh Maureen, 2504060040184, 12 Club Crescent, Southdowns Estate, Cor John VorsterDrive & Karee Street, Pretoria, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Pretoria).—Prinsloo Prokureurs, Posbus 7486, Pretoria, 0001.

18038/99—Gysbert Adriaan, Kok, 2509095009088, Portion 22 of The Farm Rietfontein, Rustenburg; Catharina FredriekaSophia Kok, 2812250022080 (Rustenburg; Pretoria).—Haasbroek & Boezaart Ing., 13 Stamvrug Street, Val De Grace, Pretoria,0001.

25990/2008—Cohen, Lawrence Roy, 5407155104088, 65 Le Club, 131 Froome Street, Atholl Gardens, Johannesburg,The First and Final Liquidation Account and Redistribution Agreement (Johannesburg; Pretoria).—F.P.N. Hennop Attorney,Postnet Rietfontein, Suite 19, Privaatsak X9, Queenswood, 0121.

Miles, Dorathea Maryna, 5504260136086, 441 Pecon Place, Die Wilgers, Pretoria, First and Final Liquidation andDistribution Account; James Clark Miles, 5103175074084, 21 days (Pretoria).—Selwyn Shapiro, Executor, c/o Shapiro &Shapiro Inc., Shapiro Chambers, 20 Bureau Lane, Pretoria; P.O. Box 196, Pretoria, 0001.

5888/2011—Kortman, Hester Johanna, 3407100004088, Rebeccastraat 137, Pretoria-Wes, 0183, First and Final, 21 days (Pretoria; Pretoria).—HC van Quickelberge, Le Roux Jansen Prokureurs, Posbus 66577, Woodhill, 0076.

2889/2011—Mulder, Linette, 7206050060082, Amrosiastraat 139, Birch Arces, Kempton Park; Amandus Mulder,6208025053086, (Kempton Park; Pretoria).—Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, 165 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.

3807/2011—Geyser, Marthiena Fredrika, 6301050075080, 6 Harvey Street, Lewishon, Krugersdorp (Krugersdorp;Pretoria).—Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, 165 Alexander Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria.

20266/2010—Bernstein, Beatrice Antoinette, 1910010033081, 44 Smuts Road, Dunkeld, Johannesburg. Amended Firstand Final (Johannesburg).—Ingrid van der Merwe, IVDM Trust Services, P.O. Box 54447, Wierda Park, 0149.

8380/2012—Pretorius, Jan Antonie, 4107045045084, Unit 41 Palmarosa Furrow Road, Equestria, Pretoria, 0184; JacobaGertruida Evelina Pretorius, 4508140035088 (Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield,0028.

613/06—Mason, Engela Jacoba Elizabeth, 3403180064084, Plot 9 Burnside, Nelspruit, 1200. Amended First and Final(Nelspruit; Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

12851/03—Pretorius, Pieter, 2808195027085, Plaas Kalbasfontein, Distrik Vanderbijlpark, Johannesburg (Vanderbijlpark;Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

9117/12—Sacco, Giacinta, 2210070035087, Masonic Haven for the Aged, 54 Jukskei Street, The Willows, Pretoria(Vereeniging; Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

4552/2012—Theunissen, Joseph Edward, 4103145034086, Myburgstraat 73, Capital Park, 0084. Eerste; HesterCornelia Isabella Theunissen, 4712090028081 (Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25,Hatfield, 0028.

10413/2010—Van der Lingen, Johannes Henricus Brand Mathey, 4011055395084, 68 Bowlingweg, Bedfordview.Tweede en Finale (Germiston; Johannesburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

2998/2011—Van der Merwe, Petrus Jacobus Gerhardus, 4305245028088, Willemsestraat 57, Roossenekal (Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

18662/10—Bezuidenhout, Liz, 8007010136080, Albelinstraat 7, Kriel, Eerste (Kriel; Pretoria).—Standard Executors andTrustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

22058/09—Boshoff, Louis Christiaan, 4707225075080, Ettiennelaan 478, Silvertonrif. Tweede en Finale; Marie ElizabethBoshoff, 4906110116088 (Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

4143/2012—Jacobs, Maryna Johanna, 5612090079085, Eenheid 31, Drieriviere Ouetehuis, Vereeniging, 1930, Eerste(Vereeniging; Pretoria).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

16813/05—Maseko, Vivian, 6907140486085, 11521 Block M, Morula View, Mabopane (Pretoria).—Standard Executorsand Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

4952/2012—Matshehle Paulina Mokabane, 6412080713085, Stand No. 669, Morgenson (A), Glen Cowie, 2012-02-06,21 days (Nebo; Pretoria).—Baatseba Trust, P.O. Box 13441, The Tramshed, 0126.

16352/2011—Mkonza, Patience Sibongile, 7601050415080, 21 days (Johannesburg).—Nemakanga Attorneys, 61 VonBrandis Street, Krugersdorp, 1740.

17625/2006—Janse van Rensburg, Carolina Susanna Janse van Rensburg, 2108100044089, Van der Waltstraat 21,Kempton Park, 1620. bewysigde Eerste en Finale, 21 dae; nie van toepassing (Kempton Park; Pretoria).—F.J.J. van Rensburg,p/a Marius Scheepers & Co Prokureurs, Posbus 38197, Faerie Glen, 0043.

2118/07—Aplonia Maduna, 6010280694087, 1380 Iffley Road, Henly On Klip, Vaal Triangle, 3 June 2006, divorced. Firstand Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Meyerton; Johannesbug).—DLB Moabelo Attorneys, P.O. Box 12200, Hatfield, 0028.

2118/07—Apolonia Maduna, 6010280694087, Iffleylaan 1380, Henly On Klip, Vaal Drie Hoek, 3 Junie 2006, geskei.Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Meyerton; Johannesburg).— DLB Moabelo Prokureurs, Posbus 12200, Hatfield, 0028.

13014/2011—Masuku, Victor Masuku, 7309085668083. First and Final, 21 days; Evah Kedibone Masuku,7905270378089 (Soshanguve; Pretoria).—Kutumela Attorneys, 283 Louis Babrow Steet, Danville Ext 5, Pretoria West, 0183.

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324/2012—Werner, Dulcie, 3406050025085, 104 Settlers Park Retirement Village, Alfred Road, Port Alfred, 6170 (PortAlfred; Grahamstown).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

3128/2011—Westpfahl, Beyers Johannes, 3104125009081, Tornynstraat 24, Oesterbaai (Humansdorp; PortElizabeth).—Nel Mentz Ingelyf, Posbus 440, Humansdorp, 6300.

4570/2010—Naidoo, Vasanthapragasen, 5802265156087, 9 Komani Street, Queenstown, Eastern Cape (QueenstownMagistrate’s Court, Robinson Rd; Office-Grahamstown).—Jay Reddy Attorney, 206 Cheguevara Road, Glenwood, Durban,KZN.

3128/2011—Westpfahl, Beyers Johannes, 3104125009081, Tornynstraat 24, Oesterbaai (Humansdorp; PortElizabeth).—Nel Mentz Ingelyf, Posbus 440, Humansdorp, 6300.

3372/2011—Harvey, Donald Hubert, 3811165112084, 31 Smith Street, Gonubie, East London (East London;Grahamstown).—Vos, Steyn, Van Zyl Ingelyf, Kerkstraat 57, Privaatsak X9061, Ermelo.

2544/2010—Van der Merwe, Muriel Francis, 3707070057085; Jan Barend van der Merwe, 3504245035082 (EastLondon; Grahamstown).—Emslie Attorneys, 15 Stewart Drive, Baysville, East London, 5241.

129/2003—Sipho Arthur Badela, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Port Elizabeth; PortElizabeth).—Silas Nkanunu & Van Loggerenberg, Joint Trustees, Govco House, 522 Govan Mbeki Avenue, North End, PortElizabeth.

1509/2008—Vogel, Cornelius Hendrik, 4105185087080, 30 Albany Road, Port Alfred, Amended (Port Alfred;Grahamstown).—Neave, Stötter Inc., PO Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.

4325/2011—Bickell, Elleen Agnes, 1803120032087, 23 Fitzmaurice Road, Baysville, East London (East London;Grahamstown).—Financial Management Corporation, 90A Chamberlain Road, Vincent, EL.

423/2012—Warrington, Victor Lloyd, 3007225023086, 10 Hillview Road, Quigney, East London, 5201 (East London;Grahamstown).—Independent Executor & Trust, PO Box 8081, Nahoon, 5210.

5991/2010—Van der Westhuizen, Esther Anna, 3305010012086, Ons Tuiste, Humansdorp, Amended First and Final;Jacob Johannes Jacobus van der Westhuizen, 2806125002087 (Humansdorp; Port Elizabeth).—CW Malan Jeffreys Bay Inc.,PO Box 273, Jeffreys Bay, 6330.

1702/2012—Niemand, Barend Izak Zirk, 2709015009081, Granny Slipper Old Age Home, Rocklands, 6230 (Uitenhage;Port Elizabeth).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Privaatsak 60571, Greenacres, 6057; 1ste Vloer, Blok C, Metropolitan Sentrum, Kaap-weg 277, Greenacres, 6045.

4240/2010—Yendall, Nigel James, 5404025046086 (Grahamstown; Grahamstown).—Oqd & Stone.1490/2012—Prinsloo, Grace Evelyn, 3512260030086, Club 1 No. 12, Cromwellstraat, Kammapark, Port Elizabeth; Wille

Luther Prinsloo, 3706165038083 (Port Elizabeth).—Willem Luther Prinsloo, p/a Greyvensteins Ing., Posbus 754, Port Elizabeth,6000.

5631/2008—Greeff, Elmien, 5410010077085, 19 St Nicholas Complex, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth, 6025 (PortElizabeth).—Goldberg & De Villiers Inc., 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth.

2753/2011—Hilton, Audrey May, 2002290014087, Dolphin Coastal Nursing Home, 10 Northwood Road, Kenton On Sea,6191 (Port Alfred; Grahamstown).—Charteris & Barnes, PO Box 137, Queenstown, 5320.

499/2012—Van de Venter, Magdalena, 3802160046088, 2 Rupat, Ritchie Crescent, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth, 6025(Port Elizabeth).—Fedgroup Trust Administrators, PO Box 7242, Newton Park, 6055.

499/2012—Van de Venter, Magdalena, 3802160046088, 2 Rupat, Ritchie Crescent, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth, 6025(Port Elizabeth).—Fedgroup Trust Administrators, PO Box 7242, Newton Park, 6055.

1100/2011—Fish, Clive Anthony, 5705225009082, 29 Penelope Street, Rowallan Park, Port Elizabeth, 6025 (PortElizabeth).—Nelson Attorneys, 60A Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.

770/2012—Rule, Stanley John, 2708165026085, No. 3 Damant Lodge, Port Alfred (Port Alfred; Grahamstown).—Neave,Stötler Inc., PO Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.

4662/2011—Perry, Grahame Bennett, 2702175074086 (Port Elizabeth).—PW Harvey & Co (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 5675,Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 6065.

4646/2011—Martins, Minah, 3502220118089, 20 Narsing Street, Asherville, Graaff-Reinet, 6280 (Graaff-Reinet;Grahamstown).—Derek Light Attorneys, 26 Church Square, PO Box 431, Graaff-Reinet, 6280.

4822/2010—Duke, Donald, 1301065004088, Cottage 28, Kennersley Park, Oos-Londen (Oos-Londen; Grahamstad).—W.A.S. Spangenberg, Posbus 29418, Danhof, 9310.

1440/2011—Durrheim, Hester Susanna, 2004180043085 (East London; Garahsmtown).—Conlon and Associates, 13 Tecomma Street, Berea, East London.

4300/2011—Luvuno, Nompumelelo Gloria Luvuno, 5206140837087, 26 Bird Street, Beacon Bay, East London, Secondand Final (East London; Grahamstown).—Leon Keyter Attorneys, PO Box 720, Grahamstown.

Zinceba Mhambi, 6104215870084, of Jersey Farm, Payne Location, Mthatha, who died on 9 February 2003, First andFinal Liquidation and Distribution Account; Angel Naye Mhambi, 6903190366087, 21 days (Mthatha).—The Executor, c/o D.Z. Dukada & Co. Inc., 73 Nelson Mandela Drive, Mthatha.

6994/2010—Simone (Simmonna Maria) Inghels, 10 December 1925, of 27 Riverside Drive, Bluewater Bay, PortElizabeth, 14 May 2010, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Port Elizabeth).—Standard Executorsand Trustees Ltd, Port Elizabeth Branch, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

6994/2010—Simone (Simmonna Maria) Inghels, 10 December 1925, of 27 Riverside Drive, Bluewater Bay, PortElizabeth, 14 May 2010, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Port Elizabeth).—Standard Executorsand Trustees Ltd, Port Elizabeth Branch, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

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5973/2010—Serfontein, Frederik, 6402175102088, 33 Amsterdamhoek Drive, Amsterdamhoek, Second and Final (PortElizabeth).—Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

1676/2011—Gluckman, Peter Jack, 4404265101089, 18 Madeira Villas, South End, Port Elizabeth, 6001 (PortElizabeth).—RF Gibson & Co, Chartered Accountants (SA), PO Box 13695, Humewood, Port Elizabeth, 6013.

4146/2011—Jansen van Rensburg, Evert, 2508125004085, Erika Gentrum, Proteastraat, Cradock, 5880 (Cradock;Grahamstown).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22, Brandhof, 9324.

139/2012—Myburgh, Anetta Maria, 4805020011084, Franciscoweg 7, Chario, Port Elizabeth, 6070; Johannes MarthinusMyburgh, 4712195015082 (Port Elizabeth).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X11, Suite No. 22,Brandhof, 9324.

2212/2012—Greeff, Pamela Margaret, 4103140061084, 6 Diaz Court, Diaz Road, Kensington, Port Elizabeth, 21 days(Port Elizabeth).—Hendrik van der Merwe Attorneys, PO Box 27184, Greenacres, 6057, Port Elizabeth.

326/2012—Phillips, Una Elizabeth, 4507280045089, 27 The Ash Grove, Carstens Street, Kamma Ridge, Port Elizabeth,and 8 Allenby Road, Selborne, East London (East London; Garahamstown).—P.R. Heideman, PO Box 13169, Vincent, 5217.

5104/2011—Madabane, Fundiswa, 7106121055089, Marubeni Administrative Area, Moyeni, Libode, 5160, FirstLiquidation and Distribution (Libode; Mthatha).—MA Mahlutshana Attorneys, No. 43 Victoria Street, Mthatha.

8781/2010—Claasen, Malcolm Herbert, 5511265060088 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Mike Nurse Attorneys, 12 Zareba Street, Richmond Hill, Port Elizabeth.

8781/2010—Claasen, Malcolm Herbert, 5511265060088 (Port Elizabeth; Port Elizabeth).—Mike Nurse Attorneys, 12 Zareba Street, Richmond Hill, Port Elizabeth.

716/2012—Snyman, Pierre Marais, 4611285043089, 48 Great West Way, Framesbury, Port Elizabeth, 6045 (PortElizabeth).—Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

1509/2008—Vogel, Cornelius Hendrik, 4105185087080, 30 Albany Road, Port Alfred, Amended (Port Alfred;Grahamstown).—Neave, Stötter Inc., PO Box 76, Port Alfred, 6170.

4344/2011—Smith, Josephin, 4104230074086, 78 Oleander Drive, Aloevale, Queenstown; Emeron Dennis Smith,3708165106084 (Queenstown; Grahamstown).—Smith Tabata Inc., Docex 2, Queenstown.

5321/2011—Siyotula, Zodwa, 7412140816083, Qotirha A/A, Qumbu, First and Final, 21 days (Mthatha; Mthatha).—ZN Dumalisile Attorneys, No. 7 Craister Street, Mthatha.

4341/2010—Gumbanjera, Irene, 6004110329089, 27 Elizabeth Road, East London (East London; Grahamstown).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

724/2011—Coates, Cecilia Johanna, 2709110043084, 31 Kennersley Park, Bonza Bay Road, Beacon Bay, East London(East London; Grahamstown).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

378/2012—Pretorius, Nelie Christina, 2602190003088, Killarney 8, Park Rylaan, Port Elizabeth, Eerste en FinaleLikwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Port Elizabeth).—CRH Financial Services, Posbus 13490, Humewood, PortElizabeth, 6045.

378/2012—Pretorius, Nelie Christina, 2602190003088, Killarney 8, Park Rylaan, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—CRH Financial Services, Posbus 13490, Humewood, 6013.

3567/2011—Broekman, Judith Mary, 4909100137080, No. 4 Odoire Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth (PortElizabeth).—Fred Stemmett Attorneys, PO Box 22734, Port Elizabeth, 6000.

47/2002—Ntsulumbana, Mzolisi Headman, 3504275090080, Ciko Administrative Area, Willowvale, First and Final;Eunice Ntombizandile Ntsulumbana, 3808090089080, 21 days (Willowvale; Umtata).—I M Mdlulwa Incorporated, Attorneys forthe Executrix, Box 5393, Greenfields, 5208.

23/1995—Mzimba, Zolisile Leslie, 955623, Ntibane farm, Middledrift, First and Final; Sindisiwe Beauty Joyce Mzimba,4311190402088, 21 days (Middledrift; Bisho).—I M Mdlulwa Incorporated, Attorneys for the Executrix, Box 5393, Greenfields,5208.

89/2011—Salavu, Fundiswa Felicitus, 6103110769086, 28 Naude Street, New Brighton, Port Elizabeth (Port Elizabeth).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

3114/2006—Van Tonder, Alida Barendina Margeretha, 1307120003080, huis van der Horst, Aliwal Noord (Aliwal Noord;Grahamstown).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

2528/2011—Green, Magdalena Susanna Aletta, 4507220095087, 12 Wistaria Street, Blue Horizon Bay (Port Elizabeth;Port Elizabeth).—PJJS van der Watt, PO Box 3232, Riebeeckhoogte, 6231.

3068/2010—Moore, Tobias, 6706115187086, 18 Mark Street, Cradock, 5880; Inge Estelle Moore, 6809050141082(Grahamstown).—Odendaals Attorneys, 1 Carnation Avenue, Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045.

3156/2009—Aja, Lindile, 7009135752081, 90 Mzwazwa Street, NU7, Swartskops Valley, Port Elizabeth; NtombekayaMavis Aja, 7203070483089 (Port Elizabeth).—Ntombekaya Mavis Aja, c/o Greyvensteins Incorporated, PO Box 754, PortElizabeth, 6000.

1584/2012—Binjana, Nozuko Edith, 4310160464086, 3b Lumkwana Street, Northcrest, Mthatha, 21 days (LusikisikiMagistrate; Mthatha).—SV Mncedane & Associates, No. 42 Tshezi Building, Office No. 10, Madeira Street, Mthatha.

7322/2011—Yoko, Mzameki, 9206065692083, Mbhobheleni A/A, Libode (Libode; Mthatha).—SV Mncedane & Associates,No. 42 Tshezi Building, Office No. 10, Madeira Street, Mthatha.

4299/2010—Mbangeni, Bernard Sonwabo, 4201195555081, Sport Street, Mount Ayliff, Eastern Cape, 21 days (Mthatha;Mount Ayliff).—Elliot & Walker, 71 Hope Street, PO Box 17, Kokstad, 4700.

2248/2012—Hastie, Valerie Agnes, 2903310005080, 104 Cassia Gardens, Cassia Drive, Sunridge (Port Elizabeth; PortElizabeth).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.

4344/2011—Smith, Josephin, 4104230074086, 78 Oleander Drive, Aloevale, Queenstown; Emeron Dennis Smith,3708165106084 (Queenstown; Grahamstown).—Smith Tabata Inc., Docex 2, Queenstown.

9326/2010—Leppan, Catharina, 2305180003080, 43 Bella Fatima Flats, Humewood, Port Elizabeth, 6001 (PortElizabeth).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

8836/2010—James Samuel Strang Ward, 2202185033081, 54 St John’s Cottage, Cassia Drive, Sunridge Park, PortElizabeth, an adult male, married, 15 October 2010. The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (PortElizabeth).—Boqwana Loon & Connellan, Agents for the Executor, 4 Cape Road, Port Elizabeth, 6001.

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8836/2010—Ward, James Samuel Strang, 2202185033081 (Port Elizabeth).—Boqwana Loon & Connellan Attorneys, 4Cape Road, Centrahill, 6001.

Gerald Vuyani Mzondi, 6301085711089, who died at East London on 1 August 2003, 21 days (Queenstown;Grahamstown).—B. Makade Incorporated, IDK Building, Office No. 1, 92 Sutherland Street; P.O. Box 987, Mthatha.

2594/2009—Mzondi, Gerald Vuyani, 6301085711089; Babalwa Benedicta Mazwi, 6802041023089 (Queenstown;Grahamstown). B. Makade Incorporated, IDK Building, Office No. 1, 92 Sutherland Street, Mthatha.

151/2012—Zwelibongile Ngcuka, 6 July 1962, 6207065939089, Spaqeni Administrative Area, Flagstaff, 29 December2011. The First and Final Liquidation Distribution Account, 21 days (Lusikisiki; Mthatha).—F.T. Tayi & Company, No. 8 AMCACentre, Stanford Street; P.O. Box 361, Lusikisiki, 4820.

1405/2011—Kleinschmidt, Alfred Carl, 4505145035089, Coral Guest Cottages, Jack’s Close, Port Alfred (Port Alfred;Grahamstown).—Griesel & Associates, P.O. Box 2510, Port Alfred, 6170.

4121/2011—Muller, Edwin, 4505025163084 (Port Elizabeth).—Fredericks Incorporated, P.O. Box 63848, Greenacres; 109Westview Drive, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth, 6001.

1440/2011—Durrheim, Hester Susanna, 2004180043085 (East London; Grahamstown).—Conlon and Associates, 13 Tecoma Street, Berea, East London.

1969/2011—Luzipo, Nomazizi Beauty Luzipo, 4602160485081; Msikeleli Nelson Luzipo, 4910125492088 (Bhisho).—Tania Koen Attorneys, 29 Mount Road, Mount Croix, Port Elizabeth.

381/2005—Bacela, Emma Nongalo, 0106205000109 (Mthatha; Mthatha).—MP & TV & Associates, P.O. Box 52638,Mthatha, 5099.

8963/2011—Masoja Frank Makeleni, 4410165399087, 53 Morningstar Drive, Kwezi Park, Khayelitsha, 7764. First andFinal Liquidation and Distribution Account (Khayelitsha; Cape Town).—C. De Cerff & Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close, Eastridge,Mitchell’s Plain.

3125/2010—Van Reenen, Goerge Frank, 3205285045086, 18 Surburban Road, Blue Water Bay, Port Elizabeth (PortElizabeth).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P.O. Box 27528, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

7240/2011—Towsen Wilson Dolo, 5304015823082, No. 12114 Site & Service, KwaZakhele, Port Elizabeth, died on 12 November 2011, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Port Elizabeth).—Andile Ngqakayi Inc, 3rd Floor, Capitol Building, 545 Govan Mbeki Avenue, North End, Port Elizabeth.


2595/2012—Steenkamp, Gesina Maria, 191226005082, Kerkstraat 80, Theunissen, Vrystaat (Theunissen;Bloemfontein).—FB Coetzer Prokureurs, Van Heerdenstr 45, Theunissen.

11189/2011—Dennis Charles Townsend, 3607265027085, in die lewe ’n pensionaris wat woonagtig was te DickieClarkstraat 24, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie, en wie oorlede is op 28 Augustus 2011, Eerste en FinaleLikwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Bloemfontein).—Frans Johannes Kapp, Wessels & Smith, Yorkweg 1A,Bloemfontein, 9301.

13226/2011—Steyn, Martha Johanna, 24 04190057085, Fichardspark Retirement Village, Bloemfontein, First and Final,21 days (Bloemfontein).—Barry, Botha & Breytenbach Inc., PO Box 1, Port Shepstone, 4240.

10109/2011—Alexander, Jacoba Johanna, 3107210018081, Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Trompsburg (Trompsburg;Bloemfontein).—J J C Kock, Kerkstraat 6, Posbus 38, Edenburg, 9908.

9249/2010—Slabbert, Doynton Patrick, 7811065080086, plaas Lanverwacht, distrik Virginia (Virgini; Bloemfontein).—Neumann Van Rooyen, Posbus 4, Welkom, 9460.

12631/2011—Kruger, Gerhardus Johannes Jacobus, 4110035038085, Zebralaan 1, Reitz (Reitz; Bloemfontein).—Blignaut & Wessels, Sarel Cilliersstraat 29, Posbus 6, Reitz, 9810.

1825/2011—Pienaar, Wouter Daniel, 4005245013086, Dronkfontein, Rouxville (Rouxville; Bloemfontein).—Horn & Kumm,Posbus 14, Burgersdorp, 9744.

10928/08—Claassens, Jan, 6409095138084, Presidentstraat 24, Reitz, 9810 (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—NiemannProkureurs, Bus 9347, Bloemfontein.

15313/2011—Botha, Deborah Ann, 2902090035085, Doringlaan 6, Noorderbloem, Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein).—J J C Kock, Kerkstraat 6, Posbus 38, Edenburg, 9908.

7759/08—Oberholzer, Gideon Johannes, 4003035162080, Ridgeview No. 5, Pentagon Park, Bloemfontein, AanvullendeRekening (Bloemfontein).—Vermaak en Dennis, Posbus 12801, Brandhof, 9324.

14864/09—Cornelius Johannes du Plessis, 4305195016083, van plaas Good Hope, distrik Ficksburg, 9730, provinsieVrystaat, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Ficksburg; Bloemfontein).—Daniella du Plessis, p/aAdrian’s & Claasen Prokureurs, Fonteinstraat 73, Posbus 698, Ficksburg, 9730.

2169/08—Marthea van Zyl, 7311180212080, Eenheid 33, Oude Westhof, distrik Bloemfontein, 9300, provinsie Vrystaat,Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Ficksburg; Bloemfontein).—André van Zyl, p/a Adrian’s & ClaasenProkureurs, Fonteinstraat 73, Posbus 698, Ficksburg, 9730.

11867/2011—Labuschagne, Johannes Botha, 3207185017082, 51 Christiaan Rudolf Street, General de Wet,Bloemfontein; Yvonne Labuschagne, 3512270034086 (Bloemfontein).—Claude Reid Ing., 165 St Andrew Street, Bloemfontein.

11787/2009—Meyer, Lucas Johannes Hartman, 6109225087082, Havemanstraat 53, Viljoenskroon, 9520 (ViljoenskroonBloemfontein).—FJ Richter, Eksekuteur, Richter & Hill Prokureurs, Posbus 20, Viljoenskroon, 9520.

14411/2011—Roos, Jacomina Hendrina, 2309040058086, Kemleystraat 4, Kroonstad, Vrystaat (Kroonstad;Bloemfontein).—Gerrie Engelbrecht Rekenmeesters, Posbus 1606, Kroonstad, 9500.

7091/2008—Mahlasela, Dakadaka Isaiah, 6412255520083, House 92, Tshiame-A, Harrismith (Harrismith;Bloemfontein).—Cloete & Neveling Inc., PO Box 69, Harrismith, 9880.

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1928/2012—Frederik Hendrik Meyer, 3803235014085, ’n manlike pensioenaris van Malutilaan No. 1, Bainsvlei,Bloemfontein, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; ’n langskewende gade Marlene Emmerentia Meyer,4310040057084, met wie die oorledene binne gemeenskap van goedere getroud was, 21 dae (Bloemfontein).—MarleneEmmerentia Meyer, p/a Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, Posbus 41, Bloemfontein.

1928/2012—Meyer, Frederik Hendrik, Malutilaan No. 1, Bainsvlei, Bloemfontein; Marlene Emmerentia Meyer,4310040057084 (Bloemfontein).—Mev HJC du Plessis, p/a Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, Posbus 41, Bloemfontein.

10477/2011—Morris, Gerath Collin, 7209115245086, 61 Meyer Street, Kroonstad, 9499; Priscilla Sharon Morris,7402140196081. Du Randt & Louw Incorporated, 25 President Street, Kroonstad.

15311/2011—HO van Straaten, 1932-12-25, 32122550132084, Kortstraat 3, Dealsville, 11-12-2011, Eerste en FinaleLikwidasie- en Distribusierekening; AJG van Straaten, 21 dae (Bloemfontein).—AJG van Straaten, c/o Krohn Ingelyf, Maitland-straat 73, Bloemfontein, 9301.

6797/2010—James Cannon Gordon, 2703205053082, ’n pensioenaris, in lewe woonagtig te Liebenstraat 21, Sasolburg,Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met Engela Maria Gordon,3108240071082, 21 dae (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein).—De Klerk Vermaak & Vennote Ing., Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, 1ste Vloer,Orwell Park, Blok 3, Orwellrylaan, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, 1929; Posbus 338, Vereeniging, 1930.

15311/2011—Van Straaten, Hendrika Oostewaldt, 3405100088085, Kortstraat 3, Dealsville; Adriaan JohannesGerhardus van Straaten, 32122550132084 (Dealsville; Bloemfontein).—Krohn Incorporated, Posbus 7310, Bloemfontein.

899/2011—De Jager, Reinier Johannes Gerhardus, 4503055032089, 35 Leipoldt Street, Sasolburg, 1947, Amended Firstand Final (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein).—Anton Meyer, PO Box 8, Fourways, 2055.

13697/10/B—Maree, Lodewyk Jacobus Hendrik, 2904055010087, Knight Haven of St Francis, Hamlet Street, Welkom,First and Final, 21 days (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—AJ Maree, 58 Botterblom Street, Vierdelaan, Durbanville, 7550.

1462/2011—Pretorius, Johannes Jacobus, 6106055025083, Hopestraat 24, Doorn, Welkom, Vrystaat Provinsie,Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—Wessels & Smith Ingelyf, Posbus721, Welkom, 9460.

14362/2011—Blake, John Andrew, 3910225022083, Summit Ridge 12, Muisvoëlsingel, Parys, 9585; Susara AdrianaBlake, 4408070021085 (Parys; Bloemfontein).—Mnre Coetzees Ing., Buitenstraat 25, Posbus 5, Parys, 9585.

4162/2012—Goosen, Sandra, 5405010058085, 131 Welgedacht Aftree-oord, Fleurdal, Bloemfontein, 9301(Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraaten Donald Murraylaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

15052/2011—Matlama, Palamang Patrick, 6001045177088, Quthing, Lesotho, Liquidation and Distribution Account;Maphepang Calestinah Matlama, RB 247795 (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Motaung Attorneys, Shop 2 Albany Court, WestBurger Street, Bloemfontein.

5743/2011—Desiderio, Rosa, 31-05-1927, 2705310006186, Bergprag Aftree-oord, Bethlehem (Bethlehem;Bloemfontein).—HS Marais Prokureurs, 10 De Leeuw Street, Bethlehem, 9700.

10910/2011—Allers, Andre Johannes, 5503135073086, Strydomstraat 2, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein).—ASC du Preez, c/o McIntyre & Van der Post, PO Box 540, Bloemfontein, 9300.

10911/11—Allers, Anna Catharina, 5708030083086, Strydomstraat 2, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein; Andre Johannes Allers(Bloemfontein).—ASC du Preez, c/o McIntyre & Van der Post, PO Box 540, Bloemfontein, 9300.

10786/2010—Warren Charles Letley, 16-12-1952, 5212165050085, Boersmastraat 51, Universitas, Bloemfontein, Eerste enFinale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Bloemfontein; Bloemfontein).—Eksekutrise, Anita Letley, San Bernadino 1,Marietha Maartensstraat, Langenhovenpark, Bloemfontein.

14830—Lautre, Graham Prosper, 2702165015081, Naauwpoortstraat 443, Clarens, 9707 (Bethlehem; Bloemfontein).—Peachh & Du Preez, 731 Naauwpoort Street, Clarens; PO Box 212, Clarens, 9707.

2566/2012—Jenkinson, Alfred George, 4510315040083, 31 Audrey Blignaut, Langenhovenpark, Bloemfontein, 9301.Abraham Jacobus Kleynhans, Posbus 11887, Universitas, Bloemfontein, 9301.

10144/2011—Wattleworth, Elisabeth Brigitta Philomena Jacoba Maria, 4704190006083, 12 Kommandant Street,Fouriesburg, Free State; Edward Alexander Wattleworth, 3503055018089 (Fouriesburg; Bloemfontein).—Standard Executorsand Trustees Limited, PO Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

9797/2011—Willemse, Nicolaas Casparus, 3907145029081, Johnsonstraat 107, Deneysville (Sasolburg; Bloemfontein).—Standard Eksekuteurs en Trustees Beperk, Posbus 5562, Kaapstad, 8000.

4060/2011—Hattingh, Jacomina Carolina, 5312150105082, plaas Geluk, Lindley, 9630, Amended First and Final;Francois Hattingh, 5101195015087 (Lindley; Bloemfontein).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 27560,Greenacres, 6057.

6573/2011—Du Plooy, Pieter Willem, 5111165007089, plaas Ida, distrik Ventersburg, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale(Ventersburg; Bloemfontein).—Kalla du Plessis & Kie, Posbus 672, Hennenman, 9445.

816/2012—Beukes, Vanessa, 7105080233083, Cooke Boulevard 31, Odendaalsrus; Christiaan Frederick Beukes,6308135072081 (Odendaalsrus; Bloemfontein).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Bloemfontein, P.O. Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324.

9472/2010—Sabina Ramosoeu, 7207030411080, 456 N Bluegum Bosch, Phuthaditjhaba, Witsieshoek, 9870, 29 Mei 2010, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Teboho Samuel Ramosoeu, 7007175655081, 21 dae (QwaQwa; Bloemfontein).—Hattingh Marais, Theronstraat 3, Bethlehem, 9700.

9472/2010—Ramosoeu, Sabina, 7207030411080, 456 N Bluegum Bosch, Phuthaditjhaba, Witsieshoek, 9870; Teboho Samuel, Ramosoeu, 7007175655081 (Qwa-Qwa; Bloemfontein).—Hattingh Marais Attorneys, Theron Street 3,Bethlehem, 9700.

2545/2011—Pretorius, Susanna Elizabeth Margaretha, 2609190006086, Huis Simfonie, Piet Retiefstraat, Viljoenskroon(Viljoenskroon; Bloemfontein).—Botha Senekal Ingelyf, Posbus 2, Viljoenskroon, 9520.

626/2012—Lamprecht, Gert Petrus, 4908035156082 (Luckhoff, Bloemfontein).—LB Saffy, Honey Attorneys, P.O. Box 29,Bloemfontein, 9301.

2206/2012—Vorster, Schalk Willem, 3408075016081; Rosa Belinda Vorster, 4104070044082 (Bloemfontein).—LB Saffy, Honey Attorneys, P.O. Box 29, Bloemfontein, 9301.

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3306/2012—Adams, Maria Magdalena Petronella, 3810080073082 (Bloemfontein).—LB Saffy, Honey Attorneys, P.O. Box 29, Bloemfontein, 9301.

5388/2012—Harris, Dawn Elaine, 4102190063081, Rosenheim Retirementhome No. 83, Fichardpark, Bloemfontein, 9317(Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraaten Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

6506/2012—Dippenaar, Anna Maria Elizabeth, 4406240102082, Plaas Graslaagte, Bothaville, 9660 (Bothaville;Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraaten Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

15078/2011—Ralephai, Moeketsi Joseph, 4412315305089, 7284 Monoko Street, Rocklands, 9301; Sebolelo IreneFlorence Ralephai, 4504170211087 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSAProvinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

9713/11—De Jager, Aletta Gertruida, 2608230002089, Huis Goedversorg, Boshof (Boshof; Bloemfontein).—V.A. Hayes.13010/2010—Ngake, Jonas Galeboe, 7512190561081, Huis 20154, Jerusalem Park, Thabong, Eerste & Finale

Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Welkom; Bloemfontein).—R Pretorius, Podbielski Incorporated, Straatweg 355,Welkom.

13094/2011—Venter, Pieter David, 2410205001083, Van der Haerstraat 28, Reddersburg, 9904 (Reddersburg;Bloemfontein).—Rossouw & Conradie Inc t/a Rossouws Attorneys, Posbus 7595, Bloemfontein, 9300.

12489/2011—Jerling, Paul Johannes, 2511275037087, Elsstraat No. 3, Merriespruit, Virginia, 9430; Maria ElizabethSusanna Jerling, 3309090031081 (Virginia; Bloemfontein).—Rossouw & Conradie Inc t/a Rossouws Attorneys, Posbus 7595,Bloemfontein, 9300.

10984/2011—Van Der Merwe, Andries Petrus, 2405115021080, Calvynsingel 1, Parkwes, 9301 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en DonaldMurray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

10246/2011—Hutton, Cynthia Beverley, 5507100230084, 16 Lourens Street, Villiers, 9840 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA TrustBeperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murray Laan,Bloemfontein, 9301.

10246/2011—Hutton, Cynthia Beverley, 5507100230084, 16 Lourens Street, Villiers, 9840 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA TrustBeperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murray Laan,Bloemfontein, 9301.

12645/2011—Mokhele, Andrew, 5312185657081, 1366 Gelukswaarts, Kroonstad, 9499 (Kroonstad; Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en DonaldMurray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

3880/2012—Mohlabi, Motlatsi Elias, 6505245237088, 5070 CC Street, Bloemside 2, Bloemfontein, 9301; DikelediFlorence Mohlabi, 660921558088 (Bloemfontein).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein, 9300; 1ste Vloer, ABSAProvinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastronstraat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.


3968/PMB—Hutchins, Alan George, 2104235014089, Cottage 21, Village of Happiness, Margate (Pietermaritzburg;Pietermaritzburg).—J Leslie Smith & Company, P O Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

14227/2008/PMB—Khoza, Nkosinathi Emmanuel, 6508225462080, Amended First and Final (Pietermaritzburg).—Desmond Mayne and Company, 237 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

6958/2011/DBN—Naicker, Sivagami, 4404220404081, Liquidation & Distribution Account; Soobramaniyen Naicker,4112275388089 (Durban; Durban).—A. Lalbahadur & Ass, Suite LG 008, The Square, 250 Umhlanga Rock Drive, La LuciaRidge.

3487/2012/PMB—Schickerling, Doreen Thelma, 1305020033082, 13a The Lodge, Woodgrove, Howick Road,Pietermaritzburg, 3201 (Pietermaritzburg).—J Leslie Smith & Company, P O Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

259/1971/PMB—Goga, Ahmed Mahomed, 800314882A, Liquidation and Distribution Account (Ladysmith;Pietermaritzburg).—The Executors, c/o Omar Mahomed Attorneys, P.O. Box 62337, Marshalltown, 2107.

113/2010/PMB—Khumalo, Hlengiwe Pinky, 7606040705081 (Ladysmith; Pietermaritzburg).—Ladysmith Gazette, KeateStreet, Ladysmith.

5836/2011/PMB—Reddy, Angela, 5003210079082, 32 - 25th Avenue, Umhlatuzana Township; Loganathan Reddy,5201085822087 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—E Luiz, P O Box 314, Camperdown, 3720.

16856/2010/PMB—Thusini, Clowy Nomathema, 6202220632083, B1183, Mpumalanga Township, Hammarsdale, Firstand Final, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg,KwaZulu-Natal.

968/2012/PMB—Dunlop, Frank, 4304085455188, 1 Maccoa Lane, Amber Valley, Howick, 3290 (Howick;Pietermaritzburg).—Harvard House Financial Services Trust, PO Box 235, Howick, 3290.

863/2012/PMB—Hansen, Gladys Mary Hansen, 2501310018085, The Edgedale Lodge, Glendale (KwaDukuza;Pietermaritzburg).—The Natal Witness.

1554/2011 (PMB)—Doyisa, Mantonto Grace, 3404210145083, E466 P.O. Box Kwa Mashu, 4310, Liquidation &Distribution First & Final (Durban; Durban).—Thajer & Associates, 113/114 Salisbury Centre, 332 Smith Street.

5878/2011—Hlophe, Zinhle Octavia, 7709235474081, A 1562 Folweni, P.O. Isipingo, 4133, Liquidation & Distribution First& Final (Durban; Durban).—Thajer & Associates, 113/114 Salisbury Centre, 332 Smith Street.

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6761/2010—Thwala, Japhta Jabulani, L 632 Umlazi, Mlazi Township, Liquidation & Distribution First & Final (Durban;Durban).—Thajer & Associates, 113/114 Salisbury Centre, 332 Smith Street.

17765/2008—Ntombela, Witness Khanyile, 7808080434086, 449 Riverdene, 34 Crimpdene Close, Riverden, Liquidation& Distribution First & Final, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—Thajer & Associates, 113/114 Salisbury Centre, 332 Smith Street.

12348/2009/PMB—Frey, Doris Hedwig, 3209090038187, 3 Victory Road, Port Shepstone, 4240 (Port Shepstone;Pietermaritzburg).—Buhr, Parry & Co., PO Box 2, Port Shepstone, 4240.

14469/11 DBN—Nzuza, Mshayeli, 2201015891080; Regina Nzuza, 3201011602084 (Ntuzuma Magistrate Court;Durban).—Jafta Incorporated, PO Box 61405, Bishopsgate.

1453/2008(PMB)—Low, Richard Douglas, 6008105094087, Lindale Farm, Umlaas Road (Pietermaritzburg).—J LeslieSmith & Company, P.O. Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

2576/2012/PMB—Deacon, Ernest Gilbert, 3605215102081, Unit 99, The Cresent, Village of Happiness, Margate,KwaZulu-Natal (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Kerry Loukakis Attorneys, cnr Homestead and Erasmus Road, PO Box 2164, Margate, 4275.

10350/2011/PMB—Long, Humphrey, 2408225134082 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—B.S. Carshagen, PO Box 13884, Cascades, 3202.

11757/2010/PMB—Sandler, Hilda, 1205210022087, Room 513, Eden Crescent, Sol Harris Crescent, North Beach, 4001,Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—J H Nicolson Stiller & Geshen, P O Box 51241, Musgrave, 4062.

1080/2011/DBN—Govender, Kanniappen, 4812145124081, 5 Perrilla Place, Asherville, Durban; AmarthallitchmeeGovender, 6105130199087 (Durban; Durban).—Mooney Ford Attorneys, P.O. Box 442, Durban.

15908/2005 PMB—Pillay, Savithree, 4212310090086, 44 Coleus Road, Crossmoor, Chatsworth, 13 October 2005;Chinisamy Pillay, 4601055103080 (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg).—Kanhai-Moodley & Associates, Suite 5A, 2nd Floor, Joy‘Deen Centre, 18 Everest Street, Shallcross, 4093.

11620/2010/PMB—Sukoo, Kunti, 4212180056084, 6 Azalea Road, Forderville, Estcourt, 3310 (Estcourt;Pietermaritzburg).—Lombard-Badenhorst Inc., P.O. Box 18, Estcourt, 3310.

318/2012/PMB—Smith, Jacoba, 4502140133084, 25 Faerie Glen, Margate, KwaZulu-Natal; Stefanus Smith,3411115030088 (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Kerry Loukakis Attorneys, Cnr Homestead and Erasmus Road, P.O. Box 2164, Margate, 4275.

1615/2012 DBN—Naidoo, Loganathan, 3308235069089, 208 Belmont Road, Effingham Heights, Redhill, First and Final;Thainayagi Naidoo, 3608280108082 (Durban; Durban).—Garach & Garach, P.O. Box 800, Umhlanga, 4320.

10209/2011—Campbell, Donald George Sanderson, 2608265014082, 19 Msonti Road, KwaZulu-Natal (Pinetown;Pietermaritzburg).—J.L. Swan, P.O. Box 3, Hillcrest, 3650.

10545/2008—Hougton, Fay Isabel, 3001310030189, 199 Amberfield, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal, Third and Final (Howick;Pietermaritzburg).—J.L. Swan, P.O. Box 3, Hillcrest, 3650.

8250/2011/PMB—Singh, Amarnath Arjoonlal Singh, 5407015048087; Thanmathie Singh, 5305280124056 (Glencoe;Pietermaritzburg).—Rafiq Khan & Co, 45 McKenzie Street, Dundee, 3000.

4407/2009/PMB—Lister, Geoffrey Stanley, 2403275067084, Greendale House, 30 Amber Avenue, Howick, 3290(Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Lister & Lister Attorneys, P.O. Box 144, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

8043/2008/PMB—Majola, Stombana Josephina, 4711260524085 (Ladysmith; Pietermaritzburg).—Ladysmith Gazette,Keate Street, Ladysmith, 3370.

10256/2011/PMB—Barnard, Salman Stephanus, 2506125031082, Dundee Aged Care, Cottage No. 7, 15 BeaconfieldStreet, Dundee (Dundee; Pietermaritzburg).—The Courier.

5175/2012—Roopnarain, Rathilall, 5207025102084; Radha Roopnarain, 5503260151087 (Durban; Durban).—K.G.Reddy & Associates, 10 Tudor Park, 208-210 Northway, Durban North.

10194/2011/PMB—Dubazane, Ndabayakhe Anthony, 5708285436088, Dukuza Location, Bergville, Pietermaritzburg,First and Final, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty and Company, 378 Longmarket Street,Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.

2954/2012/PMB—Matiyase Sibangani Zuma, 5105255651087, Impendle Location, Pietermaritzburg, 18 March 2012(Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty & Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

2694/2012/PMB—Stuurman, David, 5710255224080, 5 Henry Fynn Crescent, Grange, Pietermaritzburg, First and Final,21 days; Nolufefe Violet Stuurman, 6212231083085 (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty & Company, 378Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

6329/2011 DBN—Ephraim Paul Sibiya, 6007285714084, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Empangeni;Durban).—Buthelezi Zungu Inc, 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900.

6329/2011 DBN—Ephraim Paul Sibiya, 6007285714084, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Empangeni;Durban).—Buthelezi Zungu Inc, 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900.

690/2012 DBN—Muntukayise Petros Gumede, 5707155894087, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days(Empangeni; Durban).—Buthelezi Zungu Inc, 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900.

690/2012 DBN—Muntukayise Petros Gumede, 5707155894087, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days(Empangeni; Durban).—Buthelezi Zungu Inc, 3rd Floor, ABSA Building, Richards Bay, 3900.

7511/2011/PMB—Mbuzeni Solomon Zuma, 6211175396081, Enkweleza Area, Bulwer, KwaZulu-Natal, First and FinalLiquidation and Distribution Account; Bongie Winnifrieda Zuma, 6402290370081, 16 July 2011 (Pietermaritzburg;Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chetty & Company, Attorneys for Executor, Testamentary Agent for Executrix, 378 Longmarket Street,Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

5133/2011/PMB—Shabalala, Mangena Henry, 5402045751081, L633 Georgedale Gab Road, Hammarsdale, First andFinal; Phakamile Favourite Rejoice Shabalala, 5509120625087, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Siva Chettyand Company, 378 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.

1221/2012 DBN—Chetty, Vijayaruthnam Subramany, 4711295151086, 12 Insight Place, Croftdene, Chatsworth, 4092;Maduramma Chetty, 5608140717088, First and Final (Chatsworth; Durban).—Vanidha Naik & Associates, Suite 111, 1st Floor,Liberty Life Building, 21 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Ridge, 4519.

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1221/2012 DBN—Chetty, Vijayaruthnam Subramany, 4711295151086, 12 Insight Place, Croftdene, Chatsworth, 4092;Maduramma Chetty, 5608140717088, First and Final (Chatsworth; Durban).—Vanidha Naik & Associates, Suite 111, 1st Floor,Liberty Life Building, 21 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Ridge, 4519.

9919/2006 DBN—Chris Conrad Höll, 5109155082088, 20 March 2006, First and Final Liquidation and DistributionAccount, 21 days (Richards Bay; Durban).—H.W.C. Schoeman, PO Box 10562, Meer-en-See, 3901, Richards Bay.

15912/2011 DBN—Mengel, Lily Barbara, 1804290028087, Kloof Rest Home, 40 Abelia Road, Kloof, 3610 (Pinetown;Durban).—Cox Yeats, P.O. Box 913, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.

5836/2011/PMB—Reddy, Angela, 5003210079082, 32-25th Avenue, Umhlatuzana Township; Loganathan Reddy,5201085822087 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—E. Luiz, PO Box 314, Camperdown, 3720.

9254/2011—Mdlalose Nomasonto Orah, 7206120487083, First and Final, 21 days (Richards Bay; Pietermaritzburg).—The Natal Witness, Pietermaritzburg.

16591/2010 DBN—Shusha, Joice Tho, 4405080249086, widow, First and Final, 21 days (Port Shepstone; Durban).—David Jula Attorneys, Lot 302, Reynolds Street, Port Shepstone.

8906/2011/PMB—Clarence, Beryl Louise, 3109050020086, 327 Lookout Road, Marina Beach, KwaZulu-Natal (PortShepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Kerry Loukakis Attorneys, corner of Homestead and Erasmus Road, PO Box 2164, Margate,4275.

1453/2008 (PMB)—Low, Richard Douglas, 6008105094087, Lindale Farm, Umlaas Road (Pietermaritzburg).—J LeslieSmith & Company, PO Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

17143/2011/DBN—Lekhram, Debipersad, 5107215071083, 222 Cardham Drive, Brookdale, Phoenix, First and FinalLiquidation and Distribution Account; Neela Devi Lekhram, 5603300148083, 21 days (Verulam; Durban).—Saras Naidoo & Co.,Suite 7, The Solstice, 6 Zenith Drive, Umhlanga Ridge.

7676/2011—Velayuden, Govindasamy, 2403025052089, 17 Paddyfield Place, Earlsfield, Newlands West, 4037; MaryPauline Helena Velayuden, 3302120058083 (Durban).—Anisa Khan Attorneys, P.O. Box 3002, Prestondale, 4021.

10209/2011—Campbell, Donald George Sanderson, 2608265014082, 19 Msonti Road, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal (Pinetown;Pietermaritzburg).—J.L. Swan, P.O. Box 3, Hillcrest, 3650.

10545/2008—Houghton, Fay Isabel, 3001310030189, 199 Amberfield, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal, Third and Final (Howick;Pietermaritzburg).—J.L. Swan, P.O. Box 3, Hillcrest, 3650.

1375/2011 PMB—Fabian, Elaine Winifred, 1604290012085 (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—A.F. Simoni, P.O. Box 380,Nottingham Road, 3280, KwaZulu-Natal.

8488/2009—Lamula, Philisiwe Monica, 6711130331081, 3 Martin Road, Modelkloof, Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal(Ladysmith; Pietermaritzburg).—Sibran, Nkabinde Inc., 9 Poort Road, P.O. Box 639, Ladysmith, 3370.

8488/2009/PMB—Philisiwe Monica Lamula, 6711130331081, 3 Martin Road, Modelkloof, Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal(Pietermaritzburg).—Sibran, Nadine Inc., 9 Poort Road, P.O. Box 639, 3370.

2266/2012/DBN—Arumugam, Ellappen, 3011155082088, 134 Naicker Road, Shallcross, Durban; DhanalutchmiArumugam, 3408040068084 (Chatsworth; Durban).—J.D. Vedan and Company, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, 4093.

463/2012/DBN—Sookoo, Parthab, 4309015148084, 6 Glenstone Place, Whetstone, Phoenix; Manee Sookoo,4703030160084 (Verulam; Durban).—J.D. Vedan and Company, 103 Klaarwater Road, Shallcross, 4093.

18557/2011/DBN—Stephen Naidoo, 18-08-1943, 4308185120089, 3 Palm Road, Croftdene, Chatsworth, the Liquidationand Distribution Account, 21 days (Chatsworth; Durban).—P Ramjathan & Associates, 273 Lenny Naidu Drive (formerly PelicanDrive), Bayview, Chatsworth, 4092.

17657/08/DBN—Shabalala, Dumisani Napolean, 2612245116082; Nontlahla Maria Shabalala (Ladysmith & Durban;Durban).—Ladysmith Gazette, Keate Street, Ladysmith, 3370. 2 Mercury, Durban.

19026/2011 DBN—Devanammah, Devanammah, 4711080006081, 29 Sunset Manor, 85 Sunset Avenue, Woodhurst,Chatsworth, Final, 21 days (Chatsworth; Durban).—Subhash Maharaj and Company, 322 Florence Nightingale Drive, Westcliff,Chatsworth, 4092; P O Box 561250.

10874/2003 (PMB)—Dludla, Mbongeleni Wilson Dludla, 3707085220082, 21 Las Vegas, Snell Parade, Durban, SecondLiquidation and Distribution Account (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—E R Browne & Sons, 73 Msugrave Road, Durban.

259/1971/PMB—Goga, Ahmed Mahomed, 800314882A, Liquidation and Distribution Account (Ladysmith;Pietermaritzburg).—The Executors, c/o Omar Mahomed Attorneys, P.O. Box 63237, Marshalltown, 2107.

18485/2011—Msane, Ntombizethu Angeline, 761223056008, KwaMsane, Mtubatuba (Mtubatuba; Durban).—ScheepersSpies Moaka Inc., P.O. Box 31, Mtubatuba, 3935.

18485/2011—Msane, Ntombizethu Angeline, 761223056008, KwaMsane, Mtubatuba (Mtubatuba; Durban).—ScheepersSpies Moaka Inc., Mtubatuba, 3935.

514/2011/PMB—Morphew, Marjory Joy, 2406110038087 (Pietermaritzburg).—Carters, PO Box 11546, Dorpspruit, 3206.516/2011/PMB—Morphew, Allan Granby, 1401195020085, Maryland Farm, Karkloof Road, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal

(Pietermaritzburg).—Carters, PO Box 11546, Dorpspruit, 3206.7646/2008/PMB—Schmidt, Albert Christian Julius Ernest, 2908195019080 (Vryheid; Pietermaritzburg).—

Cox & Partners, Standard Bank Building, c/o Hoog and Mark Street, Vryheid, KwaZulu-Natal.9291/2011/PMB—Fletcher, Nola Elizabeth, 3703040015089, Sprowston House, Kearsney (Kwa-Dukuza Stanger;

Pietermaritzburg).—Schultz Wiesinger O’Dwyer, Box 33, Wartburg, 3233.10723/2011/PMB—Stride, Lillie Irene Martha, 1904300026087, First and Final, 21 days (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—

F.W. Wright, Alimond House, 33A Almond Streeet, Newlands, Cape Town, 7700.10687/2011/PMB—Loubser, Catharina Sophia Maria, 4009230055086, 2 Kingfisher, Msingazi Gold Estate, Meerensee,

Richards Bay (Empangeni; Pietermaritzburg).—Mr J Bekker, Schreiber Smith Inc., P O Box 175, Empangeni, 3880.15919/2011DBN—Edgar David Smith, 3912265057185, Sunlaws Hotel, Margate, South Coast, KwaZulu-Natal, date of

death: 7 Septmber 2011, First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Port Shepstone; Durban).—Elliot & Walker,Attorneys to the Executrix, P O Box 48, Port Edward, 4295.

6272/2006/PMB—Mansoor, Ebrahim, 2803045068082 (Durban; Durban).—Nafeesa, Kadwa and Associates, 490 PeterMokaba Ridge, Berea, 4091.

589/2011 DBN—Naidoo, Sastri, 4411055080084, Liquidation & Distribution; Seethama Naidoo, 5309210126082 (Durban;Durban).—Joshua Attorneys, 20 Brand Road, Glenwoodm, 4001.

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17070/2005—Bond, Patricia Helen, 2710090012081, 9 Princess Elizabeth Street, Ladysmith (Ladysmith;Pietermaritzburg).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 37211, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

10060/2011/PMB—Sawnpathy Maharaj, 3106240078081, date of death: 8 June 2011, First and Final Liquidation andDistribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg; Pietermaritzburg).—Hay and Scott Attorneys, P O Box 12000, Dorpspruit,3206.

11773/2009/PMB—Khumalo, Zwelihle Nkosinathi, 7503115841088, 40 Inhlaba Road, Ladysmith, 3370; Jabulile ThobileKunene, 8006250460085 (Ladysmith; Pietermaritzburg).—Maree & Pace, Mpulo, P.O. Box 200, Ladysmith, 3370.

17974/2011 DBN—Govender, Muniamma, 3007010589085, 36 Canna Crescent, Wyebank (Durban; Durban).—PeterNaicker Attorneys Inc., Suite 911, 09th Floor, Salmon Grove Chambers, 407 Anton Lembede Street (Formerly Smith Street),Durban, 4000.

4506/2010 DBN—Naidoo, Kanakamma, 37112000190280 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Shunba Pillay & Associates, P O Box56907, Chatsworth, 4030.

11271/2007—Kallichuran, Suresh, 6104235166083; Parshmin, Kallichuran, 5611150230083 (Chatsworth; Durban).—Shunba Pillay & Associartes, PO Box 56907, Chatsworth, 4030.

5799/2011/PMB—Coertse, Hermanus Phillippus, 5605165119083, 18 Davidson Road South, Pinetown, 3600; divorced(Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Roellof Coertse, Coertse en Vennote, Posbus 1039, Kroonstad, 9500.

7545/2011/DBN—James, Jacqueline Yvonne, 6910020251082, 21 Frederick Avenue, Bluff, Durban; Dean Gary James,6909265397089 (Durban; Durban).—Audie, Botha & Company, 7th Floor, Mercury House, 320 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

19288/2010/DBN—Whitehead, Mabel Irene Mary, 1403070039081, First and Final, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—McNaught & Company, Suite 1, 555 Bluff Road, Bluff, 4052.

19288/2010/DBN—Whitehead, Mabel Irene Mary, 1403070039081, First and Final, 21 days (Durban; Durban).—McNaught & Company, Suite 1, 555 Bluff Road, Bluff, 4052.

13104/07—Mabika, Thembinkosi Samson, 6612015495084 (Lower Umfolozi; Durban).—Christine Wade & Co., 4 UnionStreet, Empangeni.

19326/2011 (DBN)—Silochan, Maya Devi, 5304220172085, 45 Clayside Crescent, Phoenix, First and Final, 21 days(Verulam; Durban).—C/o Phipson De Villiers, No. 1 The Claribel, 1 Claribel Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001.

2996/2012/PMB—Nene, Thandekile Selina, 18 February 1944, 4402180145082, Nkangal, Sweetwaters, Pietermaritzburg,KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg).—Venn Nemeth & Hart Inc., Attorneys and agents for executor testamentary, P O Box 600,Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

18854/2011/DBN—Pilz, Coral Lucy Maud, 2009090015081, KwaDukuza, Stanger (Durban).—Thorpe & Hands Inc.Attorneys, 4th Floor, 6 Durban Club Place, Durban, 4001; PO Box 2047, Durban, 4000.

14827/10 DBN—Mahommed, Abdool Rahim, 43052251082, 12 Flatside Close, Caneside, Unit 20, Phoenix, Amended;Zerana Banoo Mahommed (deceased), 5101160526084 (Verulam; Durban).—Sathish Mahabir & Associates, P.O. Box 2088,Verulam, 4340.

17522/2010/DBN—Ross, Nancy Goldsborough, 2206230012081 (Durban; Durban).—Harold Levin, Harold Levin &Associates Inc., Office 102A, Clifton Place, 19 Hurst Grove, Durban, 4001.

4094/2010—Draper, John Ralph, 2507095071181, 43 Durham Street, Fairmount, Johannesburg (Port Shepstone;Pietermaritzburg).—Norman Sher & Associates (incorporating Melman & McCathy, P.O. Box 1618, Highlands North,Johannesburg, 2037.

12666/2005/PMB—Khumalo, Kwazi Dawn, 4102180259087, B 1064, Mpumalanga, Hammarsdale (Pietermaritzburg;Pietermaritzburg).—Halse Havemann & Lloyd, P O Box 343, Pinetown, 3600.

27/2010/PMB—Moore, Sedrich, 4709185050087, Plot 24, Pongola, Second and Final (Pongola; Pietermaritzburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000.

1487/2012/DBN—Celentano, Ralph Louis, 2808045065087, 605 Kingsford, Esplanade, 4001, First (Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000.

18319/2011/DBN—Borrageiro, Manuel Raimundo, 4701235036083, 2 Bellvue Towers, 127 Brand Road, Glenwood, 4001(Durban; Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000.

1506/12 DBN—Wolak, Grazyna Danuta, 5701160200083, 2 Rivington Place, Ballito, 4420, 29978 (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000, 10th Floor, ABSA Building, 291 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

7793/2012/DBN—Viljoen, Johannes Jacobus, 4603095011083, 9 Braemar Road, Cowies Hill, 3610; Caroline AmyViljoen, 4912180027080 (Pinetown; Durban).—Sanlam Trust Limited, P O Box 2086, Durban, 4000.

16283/2011/DBN—Valjee, Rujnikant, 4110225106080, 136 Belmont Road, Effingham Heights, 4051; Jaswanthi Valjee,4309110094084 (Durban).—BoE Trust Limited, Ridgeside Campus, 2 Ncondo Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.

30395—Steenberg, Pieter, 3711195009088, 18 Strilitzia Street, Arboretuim, Richards Bay; Catharina Cornelia Steenberg,3809080011084 (Richards Bay; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

30386—Reddy, Naveethan, 7704245036082, 210 Lakeview Drive, Silverglen; Suzieanna, Reddy, 8106020062086(Verulam; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

8305/2011 DBN—Overall, Alistair Stewart, 2912115051082, 42 Northway, Durban North, 4051 (Durban).—WoodheadBigby & Irving Inc., PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000.

3534/2012/PMB—Visalutchmee Naidoo, 5702040147080, No. 14 Road 747, Montford, Chatsworth, First and FinalLiquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Chatsworth; Durban).—Leon Pillay & Associates, 450 Mansion House, 12 FieldStreet, Durban.

281/2012—Nzuza, Thenjisiwe, 4506250102086, 1389 Stand Block J, Esikhaweni, 3880 (Empangeni; Durban).—ABSATrust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

8589/12 DBN—Madsen, Maureen Deborah, 2402060030083, 634 Kingsway, Athlone Park, 4126 (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

2903/2012—Meyer, Ernst Lothar, 2605085019085, Unit No. 39, Paulpietersburg, Retirement Estate, Paulpietersburg(Paulpietersburg; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

30419—Moller, Pieter Frederick, 3910115027085, Munro Farm, Section 2, Ifafa Beach.—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

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4572/2012—Murphy, Joyce Anne, 2812290023080, 25 Aghulas Flats, Topham Road, Doonside, 4126 (Durban;Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

12878/2008 DBN—Mathison, Katherine, 1910190066083, 7 Tremley, 15 Ebor Avenue, Durban, 4001 (Durban).—Woodhead Birgby & Irving Inc., PO Box 2636, Durban, 4000.

4571/12—Latchmanspersad, Rohan, 4212055119082, 2 Abbeyfern Close, Redfern, Phoenix (Verulam; Durban).—DeenReddy, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

130/10 DBN—Hadebe, Duduzile Patricia, 6404010524088, P.O. Box 7112, Ladysmith, 3370, 28294 (Ladysmith;Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000; 10th Floor, ABSA Building, 291 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

8551/12 DBN—Govender, Govindasami, 4109255080082, 84 Bradcroft Close, Longcroft, Phoenix, 4068; SaradhambalGovender, 5110200118083 (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

738/2012—Gabela, Buyisiwe Mavis Pearl, 5605280782088, H Section House 88, 21 Emdonini Street, Umlazi, 4066(Umlazi; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

16816/2009 DBN—Gumede, Nombuso Prudence, 8006230344086, Erf 2510, Mobeni, Pietermaritzburg (Emlazi;KwaZulu-Natal - Durban).

11142/2010—Dlamini, Gladys, 3910100938080, House No. 7983, Section 5, Madadeni, Newcastle, Amended First &Final, 21 days (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

3564/2012/PMB—Chiazzari, Dorothy Doris Doreen, 3309060021088, 3 Mindy Mews, Kay Road, Hayfields; Derrick IanChiazzari, 3305125013086 (Pietermaritzburg).—BoE Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.

29667—Crouch, Leonard Allison, 4212225104089, 6 Alberta Crescent, Vryheid (Vryheid; Pietermaritzburg).—ABSA TrustLimited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

6390/11 DBN—Bender, Louis Peter, 5005155008083, 411 Elwyn Court, Point Road, Durban, 4001; Sally Joan Bender,5106220176085 (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

18564/11 DBN—Benimadho, Durga, 3810055093081, Lot 4, Indira Road, Port Shepstone, 29707 (Port Shepstone;Durban).—ABSA Trust Limited, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000; 10th Floor, ABSA Building, 291 Smith Street, Durban, 4001.

18508/2011/DBN—Byrne, Michael Thomas, 4405075082088, 124 Belfry Towers, 39 Beach Road, Doonside, 4126(Amanzimtoti; Durban).—BoE Trust Limited, Private Bag X14, Musgrave, 4062.

12791/2011/Durban—Holland, Rosa Cornelia, 3706300077087, 119 Highlands Road, Redhill, Durban North (Durban;Durban).—Attorneys King-Essack & Associates Inc., PO Box 82, Pinetown, 3600.

11916/2011/PMB—Chetty, Govindamma, 4705230532087, 4 Diphaven Place, Forest Haven, Phoenix (Verulam;Pietermaritzburg).—S. R. Sivi Pather Attorneys, 10 Luxmi Court, Arbee Drive, Tongaat.

9715/2009—Linda, Oscar Mondli Percival, 6602115307081, 123 Turnbult Road, Ridge Park, Pietermaritzburg, 3201,Liquidation and Distribution Account; Nana Agnes Linda, 6911050651084, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—Ngcobo Services Trust,PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

3270/2012—Meyiwa, Elizabeth, 4501011628081, 33 Nqumgede Road, Mpumalanga B, Hammersdale, Liquidation andDistribution Account (Pietermaritzburg).—Ngcobo Services Trust, PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

2429/2012—Mhlongo, Thabile Nizipho, 8803040957085, 17 Hulett Drive, Eshowe, 3815, Liquidation and DistributionAccount, 21 days (Eshowe; Pietermaritzburg).—Ngcobo Services Trust, PO Box 2897, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

8753/2011/PMB—Tshabalala, Dani Victoria, date of birth: 1928-12-30, 2812300184088, date of death: 2011-08-14, district of Shongweni, Magisterial Area of Camperdown, KZN (Camperdown; Pietermaritzburg).—McClung, Mustard, P O Box 4, Pinetown, 3600.

8753/2011/PMB—Tshabalala, Dani Victoria, date of birth: 1928-12-30, 2812300184088, date of death: 2011-08-14, district of Shongweni, Magisterial Area of Camperdown, KZN (Camperdown; Pietermaritzburg).—McClung, Mustard, P O Box 4, Pinetown, 3600.

13162/2010—Govender, Harinathan, 6509135074080, 41 Barvale Drive, Bakerville, KwaZulu-Natal; Juliet Govender,7108090134085 (Durban; Durban).—Beena Budhoo & Associates.

2943/2012/PMB—Howe, Herbert, 1706095048089, Cottage 29, Ramsgate Retirement Village, Ramsgate, KwaZulu-Natal,First and Final, 21 days (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Ian Saleem Kalil, c/o Ian Kalil & Co., PO. Box 245, Margate, 4275.

13171/2011—Gonya, Elizabeth Thandi, 5306120820085 (Ongoye; Durban).—Christine Wade & Co., 4 Union Street,Empangeni.

2943/2012/PMB—Howe, Herbert, 1706095048089, Cottage 29, Ramsgate Retirement Village, Ramsgate, KwaZulu-Natal,First and Final, 21 days (Port Shepstone; Pietermaritzburg).—Ian Saleem Kalil, c/o Ian Kalil & Co., PO. Box 245, Margate, 4275.

5297/2009 (DBN)—Gininda Amos Fanyana, 4703085580087, First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Empangeni; Durban).—V.B. Mthembu Attorneys, P.O. Box 8111, Empangeni Rail, 3910.

3359/2012/DBN—Glover, Alan Evelyn, 2208195042087, 25 The Village, Village of Happiness, 4280 (Port Shepstone;Durban).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 13961, Cascades, 3202.

1909/2012/PMB—Brooks-Neill, Nanette Taylor, 6001290014085, 10 Carlton Street, Ladysmith, 3370 (Ladysmith;Pietermaritzburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 13961, Cascades, 3202.

11373/2011/PMB—Phillips, Elizabeth Ann, 3005080026087, 110 Aristata Flat, La Gratitude, Newcastle, 2940 (Newcastle;Pietermaritzburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 13961, Cascades, 3202.

10730/2011/PMB—Laurens, Pieter Gabriel, 4907085092080, 37 Affodile Singel, Vryheid, 3100, First (Vryheid;Pietermaritzburg).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, PO Box 13961, Cascades, 3202.

4963/12—Mtiyane, Agriba Robert, 5606295267081, Q597 Umthombo Road, Umlazi, 4031 (Umlazi Magistrate Court;Durban).—Mbona & Associates, Suite 419-20, 4th Floor, Salisbury Centre Tower ‘B’, 347-351 West Street, Durban, 4001.

11612/2011 PMB—Lindiwe Mayvis Khanyile, date of birth: 5 April 1973, 7304050282085, date of death: 4 November2011,First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Pietermaritzburg).—Mthembu & Associates, Suite 101, 1stFloor, Fedsure House, 251 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg.

15996/2010—Kistadu, David, 5311255127082, 15 Shadu Ave., Westdene, Chatsworth, Liquidation and Distribution; Lee-Aan Kistadu, 7812190160086, 21 days (Durban).—Dludlu Attorneys, Suite 206, 2nd Floor, Perm Building, Smith Street, Durban.

9837/2011—Memelo, Zisho Simon, 5902145784080, 101 Circle Drive, Wyebank, Kloof, Liquidation and Distribution;Zamani Joyce Memela, 6201060593082 (Pinetown Court; Durban).—Dludlu Attorneys, Suite 206, 2nd Floor, Perm Building,Smith Street, Durban.

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12666/2005/PMB—Khumalo, Kwazi Dawn, 4102180259087, B1064 Mpumalanga, Hammarsdale (Pietermaritzburg;Pietermaritzburg).—Halse Havemann & Lloyd, P O Box 343, Pinetown, 3600.

16741/2011—Sorensen, Ninna, 4409270078081, No. 9 Pinehaven, Meller Road, Pinetown, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal(Pinetown; Durban).—Aidan Maurice Fayle, c/o Goodrickes Attorneys, 6th Floor, 6 Durban Club Place, Durban, 4001.

11370/2010/PMB—Blake, Malcolm Peter, 3808055036084 (KwaDukuza; Pietermaritzburg).—Hathorn-Thatcher, PO Box 20958, Durban North, 4016.

4147/2012/PMB—Gibson, George, 5710045768180, 88 Jan Smuts Avenue, Winston Park, Hillcrest (Pinetown;Pietermaritzburg).—Eckhard Volker CA (SA), PO Box 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630.

2331/2012/PMB—Balmer, Cullen Marc, 7408015150087, Empangeni Milling, Old Eshowe, Heatonville (Empangeni;Pietermaritzburg).—Eckhard Volker CA (SA), PO Box 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630.

11487/2011/PMB—Philpps, Horst Rüdiger, 4007125097189, 29 Pitiochary Road, Westville (Durban; Pietermaritzburg).—Eckhard Volker CA (SA), PO Box 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630.

3694/2012/PMB—Baillache, Barbara Rose, 3805110076089, 74 Louis Botha Avenue, Empangeni (Empangeni;Pietermaritzburg).—Eckhard Volker CA (SA), PO Box 1086, Wandsbeck, 3630.

15748/2009—Mzoneli, Qonda Godfrey, 3701085269082; Nokuphiwa Sanna Mzoneli, 3302250215081 (Stanger;Durban).—De Wet Leitch Hands Inc., PO Box 6160, Zimbali, 4418.

8777/2007/PMB—Pope, Barbara Anne, 2909190027086, Golden Mile Farm, Empangeni, KwaZulu-Natal, Amended Firstand Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Empangeni; Pietermaritzburg).—Garlicke & Bousfield Inc., PO Box 1219,Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.

1848/2012/DBN—Naude, Johannes Christoffel, 5509055044080 (Empangeni; Pietermaritzburg).—Desmond Mayne andCompany, 237 Hoosen Haffejee Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

2744/12—Welgemoed, Antonie Samuel, 3309175008087, 7 Bloomlea, 86 Fenniscowles Road, Umbilo, 4001; DoreenRosemary Welgemoed, 3906110057085 (Durban; Durban).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27th Floor,Volkskas Centre, 230 Van der Walt Street, Pretoria, 0002.

6511/2011/PMB—Varner, Elaine Doris, 2312310036089, 264 Flame Lily Park, 565 Stella Road, Queensburg, 4093,Amended (Pinetown; Pietermaritzburg).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd – KZN, PO Box 2763, Westway OfficePark, 3635.

14746/2010/PMB—Govender, Ruthnam, 3607245103089, 305 Star Street, Woodhurst, Chatsworth, Amended First andFinal; Rookmaniammal Govender, 4302280139086 (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg).—Sentinel International Trust Company(Pty) Ltd – KZN, PO Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635.

2420/2012/PMB—Proudfoot, Francina Louisa, 2401250031083, Loving Care Retirement Home, 15 Geelhut, Arbor Park,Newcastle, Natal, 2940 (Ladysmith; Pietermaritzburg).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd – KZN, PO Box 2763,Westway Office Park, 3635.

6591/2012—Baker, Irene Elizabeth, 4407230118088, 184 Clarendon Road, Durban North (Durban).—SentinelInternational Trust, PO Box 2763, Westway Office Park.

3319/2012/DBN—Nagool, Madanlall, 5202185119085, 139/141 Moss Road, Verulam; Dropathy Nagool, 5711050160081(Verulam; Durban).—D Sewjee & Co., 15 Bamboo Lane, Pinetown.

11252/2010—Maharas, Rajendra Ras Chandarban, 550/045122084, 21 Private Street, Newcastle; Roshwie DeviMaharas, 5912070794087 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 13527, Cascades, Pietermaritzburg,3202.

11252/2010—Maharaj, Rajendra Raj Chandarban, 5501045122084, 21 Privet Street, Newcastle; Roshwie Devi Maharaj,5912070794087 (Newcastle; Pietermaritzburg).—FNB Trust Services, P O Box 13527, Cascades, Pietermaritzburg, 3202.

17592/2011 DBN—Marshall, Elinor Mary, 1611030039088, Unit 128, Caister Lodge, 284 Musgrave Road, Durban(Durban).—PKF (Durban) Inc., P.O. Box 1858, Durban, 4000.

1771/2000 PMB—Rajkaran, Lakpathie, 86 Golden Poppy Crescent, Crossmoor, Chatsworth, Amended First and FinalLiquidation and Distribution Account (Chatsworth; Pietermaritzburg).—Saras Naidoo & Co., Suite T, Thesolstice, 6 Zenith Drive,Umhlanga Ridge.

1279/2011—Meumann, Robin Derek, 5604095085084, 7 Wickes Road, Amanzimtoti (Durban; Durban).—Estates &Testamentary Services, Cluster Box 3524, Sunningdale, 4019.

10700/2009—Govender, Dhanabala, 4812225053085, 54 Cathcart Street, Greytown, KwaZulu-Natal; Vasagee Govender,5201190055086 (Pietermaritzburg).—Surendra Singh & Associates, P.O. Box 8697, Cumberwood, 3235.

1732/2012—NM Gana, 5611300810081, weduwee was, Stand No. 586, Malamulele-A, Limpopo, datum van dood: 11 Februarie 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Polokwane; Polokwane).—Espag MagwaiProkureurs, Posbus 387, Polokwane; Jorrisenstraat 26, Adam Tas Forum, Polokwane, 0699. 21 dae.

1878/2011—Nel, Elsie Maria, 1908050040081, 11 Seventh Street, Naboomspruit, 0560 (Naboomspruit; Polokwane).—Franco Rossouw Prokureurs, Nelson Mandelaweg (Posbus 1798), Naboomspruit, 0560.

18160/2011–Govender, Vasidevan, 4810025147081, 3 Brenlen Road, Northcroft, Phoenix; Saravathi Gvoender,4408250021087 (Verulam; Durban).—FNB Trust Services, PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.

8044/2010 DBN—Shabalala, Themba Emmanuel, 6207135260086, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days(Durban; Durban).—Gumede & Jona Inc, 209 Permanent Building, 34 Field Street (Joe Slovo), Durban.

5443/2012DBN—Khan, Essop, 4706155119082, 38 Bandside Close, Caneside, Phoenix, Durban; Shahida Khan,5108260126087, Liquidation and Distribution Account (Durban; Durban).—Avusa Media, Ground Floor, MB House, 635 RidgeRoad, Overport, Duran, 4091.

18994/2009 DBN—Ximba, Sandile Patsy, 7602195736083, 1 Ibohlololo Drive, Kwamashu N, Liquidation and DistributionAccount; Busisiwe Agrinecia Ximba (born Ndelu), 7707200269085, 21 days (Ntuzuma; Durban).—Gumede & Jona Inc, 209 Permanent Building, 34 Joe Slovo Street (Field) Street, Durban, 4000.

16211/2011—Cook, Jennifer Rosemary, 3607060006086, 12 Longacres, Longwood Road, Kloof (Pinetown; Durban).10617/2011—KwaZulu-Natal, Hodgson, Edith May, 2208130046086, Amberfield Frail Care, Mare Street, Howic, 3290

(Howick; Pietermaritzburg).—Harvard House Financial Services Trust, PO Box 235, Howick, 3290.

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11221/11PMB—Mkhize, Mashelela Alfred Mkhize, 1 January 1918, 1801017254087, 867 Ndabuko Road, Kwamashu E,4310, 2010-11-94; Thokozani Rebecca Mkhize. Thokozani Rebecca Mkhize, 867 Ndabuko Road, Kwamashu E, 4310.

4082/2012/DBN—Sing, Ranjith, 3311245084080, 27 Bailey Road, Redhill, Durban; Sithmaya Sing, 5003170123086(Durban).—RS Singh & Associates, PO Box 561500, Chatsorth.

2787/2012/DBN—Appalsamy, Jimmy, 4907265110082, 18 Hopevale Place, Rydalvale, Phoenix; Shamwathi Appalsamy,5307020185082 (Durban).—RS Singh & Associates, PO Box 561500, Chatsworth, 4030.

10100/2011/PMB—Kunene, Bambelentulo, 5108255417087, Private Bag X9338, Vryheid, 3100 (Vryheid; Pieter -maritzburg).—B.M. Thusini Attorneys, P.O. Box 2104, Vryheid, 3100.


262/2011—Masuvhelele, Mathavha Walter, 6004205958081, Vuwani Village, District Vuwani (Thohoyandou;Thohoyandou).

1000/2012—Masindi, Nyadzanga, 4504120583080, Tshisaulu Thavhani, District Thohoyandou (Thohoyandou;Thohoyandou).—Mirror Newspaper.

522/2012—Mushuwani Solomon Tshikonelo, 521024159082, Ha-Magau Village, Limpopo Province, First and FinalLiquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Thohoyandou).—D.T. Mphaphuli Attorneys, Office No. 10, Thompson Bld, 0 Swongozwi Street, Makhado, 0920.

254/2012—Makhokha Azwidowi Phineas, 6102055372088, Maebane Village, Limpopo Province, First and FinalLiquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Thohoyandou).—D.T. Mphaphuli Attorneys, Office No. 10, Thompson Bld, 3 Swongozwi Street, Makhado, 0920.

273/2012—Tshivhula Tshihangwa David, 561027085, Ravele Village, Limpopo Province, First and Final Liquidation andDistribution Account, 21 days (Thohoyandou).—D.T. Mphaphuli Attorneys, Office No. 10, Thompson Bld, 3 Swongozwi Street,Makhado, 0920.

522/2012—Mushuwani Solomon Tshikonelo, 521024159082, Ha-Magau Village, Limpopo Province, First and FinalLiquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Thohoyandou).—D.T. Mphaphuli Attorneys, Office No. 10, Thompson Bld, 3 Swongozwi Street, Makhado, 0920.

3881/2012—Pieterse, Jacobus Johannes, 2609275041081, Monument van Rensburg Old Age Home, 69 Delane Str., PtaWest (Nylstroom; Polokwane).—Boonzaaier & Du Plessis Attorneys, PO Box 566, Nylstroom, 0510.

3881/2012—Pieterse, Jacobus Johannes, 2609275041081, Monument van Rensburg Old Age Home, 69 Delane Str., PtaWest (Nylstroom; Polokwane).—Boonzaaier & Du Plessis Attorneys, PO Box 566, Nylstroom, 0510.

254/2012—Makhokha Azwidowi Phineas, 6102055372088, Maebane Village, Limpopo Province, First and FinalLiquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Thohoyandou).—D.T. Mphaphuli Attorneys, Office No. 10, Thompson Bld, 3 Swongozwi Street, Makhado, 0920.

7616/2008—Chokoe, Kwena Calvin, 5403065705080 (Namakgale; Polokwane).—Kruger Nagel & De Jager Inc., PO Box 2972, Tzaneen, 0850.

5107/2009—Lepondo, Piet Joris, 2710185155084, House 477A, Dwarsloop Village, Limpopo Province; Marobagane ElleLepondo, 3601060251081 (Mapulaneng, Bushbuckridge; Polokwane).—Elmarie Bierman Attorneys, PO Box 5800, PietersburgNorth, 0750.

2362/2009—Neluembeni, Thidziambi Annah, 4305100562080, P.O. Box 863, Sibasa, 0970 (Thohoyandou;Thohoyandou HIgh Court Building).—Mathobo Rambau & Sigogo Inc., 28 Mphephu Drive, next to JJ Motors, P.O. Box 775,Sibasa, 0970.

9266/2011—Makoela, Mashito Lordwick, 2803105151083, Erf 772, Mookgophong Uitbreiding 1; Huanna Anna Makoela,4312100432082 (Naboomspruit; Polokwane).—Theron Wessels & Vennote Ingelyf, Posbus 21, Naboomspruit, 0560.

7680/2011—Hilda Maphalla, 5602280823087, 104 Unit A, Lebowakgomo, 0737, Limpopo Province, passed away on: 04-09-2011; Setabo Harrison Maphalla, 5204095662082, 21 days (Polokwane).—M.G. Phatudi Incorporated, Phatudi LawChambers, 29 General Joubert Street, Polokwane, 0699.

8372/2011—Lombaard, Floris Nicolaas, 4503185025086 (Tzaneen; Polokwane).—Ferreira, Venter, Laws & Nel, LexNumeri Building, 32 Peace Street, Tzaneen, 0850; PO Box 962, Tzaneen, 0850.

1103/2011—Joubert, Francois, 2606295023081, plaas Forest Hill 603, Tzaneen, 0850 (Tzaneen; Polokwane).—ABSATrust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria 0002.

9569/2010—Ferreira, Hendrik Petrus, 7603045009085, Berlin Wildsplaas MR. 172, Mokopane, 0600; Adrie Ferreira(Mokopane; Polokwane).—JL Pretorius, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

6497/2011—Kgafane, Lesetsha Quardos, 3502045186089, 6 Ga-Molepo Street, Mamatsha, Polokwane, 0879(Polokwane).—Mr J.L. Pretorius, c/o Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing., Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

1754/2012—Coetzee, Jacobus Francois, 2908145018083, Koraalstraat 114D, Kokanje, 0515 (Ellisras; Polokwane).—Menno Glas, Posbus 1026, Ellisras, 0555.

2304/2012—Roos, Gertruida Christina, 4305230116088, Hermanstraat 54, Ellisras; Petrus Gysbertus Roos,3805115019084 (Ellisras; Polokwane).—Menno Glas, Posbus 1026, Ellisras, 0555.

4915/2011—De Jager, Christina Johanna, 4805260027089 (Polokwane).—Steytler Nel & Partners, Suite 1, SuidparkBuilding, 126B Suid Street, Polokwane.

218/2012—Truter, Frederik Christoffel, 4811015119080, Douthwaitstraat 41, Louis Trichardt; Magdalena Susanna Truter,5308300058080 (Louis Trichardt; Thohoyandou).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

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330/2012—Dealie, Frans Sedokus, 3705265093089; Katrina Johmiena Hendrika Dealie, 4109170154087 (Keimoes;Kimberley).—Brink & Genote Ingelyf, Posbus 39, Keimoes, 8860.

3098/2010—Luttig, Gerrit Jacobus, 36011000339, Die Plaas Uitkomst, Upington, 8800 (Upington, Kimberley).—Malan &Venote, Posbus 27, Upington, 8800.

313/2012—Dinah Paulina Sawall, 27 April 1940, 4004270023086, Jakarandastraat 21, Prieska, 16 Januarie 2012. Eersteen Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Prieska; Kimberley).—M & M Van Niekerk Ing, Prokureurs vir die Boedel,Van Riebeecklaan 2, Posbus 34, Prieska.

1741/2011—Geyer, Wilfred Pieter, 3003315063082, 28 Black Street, New Park, Kimberley, 8301, Amended First and Final(Kimberley).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 27560, Greenacres, 6057.

1647/2010—Esau, Nthabiseng Veronica Esau, 7806280691083, 12910 Kokolohute Street, Tlhageng, Kimberley(Kimberley).—H P A Venter, p/a Duncan & Rothman, Chapelstraat 39-43, Kimberley, 8301.

3641/2011—Breytenbach, Stanley Vincent, 4403165009087, Perseel 881 Boegoeberg Nedersetting, GroblershoopDistrik (Groblershoop; Kimberley).—Elliott Maris Wilmans & Hay, Posbus 179, Kimberley.

3651/2011—Van der Schyff, Daniel Hermanus, 3202275019080 (Griekwastad; Kimberley).—De Villiers & BredenkampAttorneys, P.O. Box 9, Douglas, 8730.

313/2012—Sawall, Dinah Paulina, 4004270023086, Jakarandastraat 21, Prieska, 8940 (Prieska; Kimberley).—M & M vanNiekerk Ing, Van Riebeecklaan 2, Prieska, 8940.

747/2009—Zondi, Thabo Smallcane, 7404115436088, 1827 Protea Lane, Olifantshoek (Olifantshoek; Kimberley).—Mollentze & Associates, P.O. Box 21487, Helderkruin, 1733.

3493/2011—Boshoff, Adam Adriaan, 2710305005086; Boshoff Lucette, 3709270006086, Marianastraat 10, Heuwelsig,Kimberley, 8301 (Kimberley; Kimberley).—C M De Bruyn en Vennote, Posbus 3674, Diamond, 8305.

3493/2011—Boshoff, Adam Adriaan, 2710305005086, Marianastraat 10, Heuwelsig, Kimberley; Boshoff Lucette,3709270006086, Marianastraat 10, Heuwelsig, Kimberley, 8301 (Kimberley; Kimberley).—C M De Bruyn en Vennote, Posbus3674, Diamond, 8305.

3493/2011—Boshoff, Adam Adriaan, 2710305005086, Marianastraat 10, Heuwelsig, Kimberley; Boshoff Lucette,3709270006086, Marianastraat 10, Heuwelsig, Kimberley, 8301 (Kimberley; Kimberley).—Leon Joubert, C M De Bruyn enVennote, Posbus 3674, Diamond, 8305.

1389/2008—Johannes Martinus van den Heever, 5901215109087, 8 April 2008. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- enDistribusierekening (Upington; Noord-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kimberley).—Theron & Vennote, Alexander III Gebou, Alexanderstraat 18,Stellenbosch, 7600.

1221/2012—Erasmus, Rynette, 6703060107086, Huis No. 14, Beeshoek, 8423; Marthiunus Gerhardus Erasmus,6204075015083 (Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein 9300. 1st Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/vZastron Straat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein, 9301.

1340/2012—Van der Berg, Willem Nicolaas, 4801035003083, Plot 225, Ritchie, 8701 (Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk,Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein 9300. 1st Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastron Straat en Donald Murray Laan, Bloemfontein,9301.

2421/2011—Jonas, Thandekile Charles, 5107205620089, 32 Merriman Street, De Beers, Kimberley, 8301 (Kimberley).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 2413, Bloemfontein 9300. 1st Vloer, ABSA Provinsiale Gebou, h/v Zastron Straat en Donald MurrayLaan, Bloemfontein, 9301.


9992/2011—Van Tonder, Milton Alfred, 5602245055080, plaas 2 Rivier JQ253, Rustenburg; Marie Gertruida van Tonder,5808220103080 (Rustenburg; Mmabatho).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

1306/2012 (Mmabatho)—Elizabeth Anna Maria de Klerk, date of birth: 17 June 1937, 3706170063084, 33 HawthornAvenue, Geelhoutpark, Rustenburg, Liquidation and Distribution Account, date of death: 6 January 2012; married in communityof property to Jacobus Pieter de Klerk, 21 days (Rustenburg; Mmabatho).—The Executor, c/o Zietsman-Horn Inc., PO Box 54(208 Beyers Naude Avenue), Rustenburg, 0300.

5800/2011—Kruger, Pieter Hendrik, 2812025030087, Farm Vaalhoek, Derby; Adriana Jacomina Francina Kruger,3412210013086 (Rustenburg; Mmabatho).—Van Velden-Duffey Incorporated, Private Bag X82082, Rustenburg, 0300, Docex 1, Rustenburg.

11215/2011—Roux, David Johannes, 7205205151085, Reivilo, distrik Vryburg (Vryburg; Mafikeng).—Kotze Low &Swanepoel, De Kokstraat 14 (Posbus 123), Vryburg, 8600.

10704/2011—Holtzhausen, Anna Catharina, 4007090039083, 71 De La Rey Street, Koster; Pieter Hendrik Holtzhausen,3508025018085 (Rustenburg; Mafikeng).—Van Velden-Duffey, Private Bag X82082, Rustenburg, 0300, Docex 1, Rustenburg.

3522/2011—Erasmus, Christo, 5907185004083, 49 Springbok Road, Vryburg (Vryburg; Mafikeng).—Frylinck & Walker,PO Box 26, Vryburg, 8600.

1312/2012—Saaiman, Gerhardus Bartholomeüs, 3811155045088, Mooilaan 14, Baillie Park, Potchefstroom(Potchefstroom; Mmabatho).—Sanet Ras Prokureurs, Privaatsak X1268, Potchefstroom, 2520.

116 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

1298/2011—Shoke, Mpheng Dorothy, 4608180607083, House No. 132, Bethel Village, Mafikeng, date of death: 10 February 2011, Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Mafikeng).—Ramerafe Stephen Tau,Shop No. 5, Shasons Center, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745.

191/2012—Kwenaesele, John Tosi, 6704225750083, 142 Nelson Mandela Drive, Lichtenburg, date of death: 1 November2011, First and Final Liquidation, 21 days (Lichtenburg; Mafikeng).—Ramerafe Stephen Tau, Shop No. 5, Shasons Center, 43 Shippard Street, Mafikeng, 2745.

8556/2011—Scholtz, Mattheus Johannes, 3909145017082; Johanna Susanna Scholtz, 4004090012087(Wolmaransstad; Mafikeng).—C Vertue, Gous Vertue Inc., Suite 8 Preller Square Centre, Graaff Reinett Street, Dan Pienaar,Bloemfontein; PO Box 9613, Bloemfontein, 9301.

28119/2010—Natha, Ramash, 4106065118086, 241 Flamingo Street Extension 3, Lenasia, date of death: 8 January 2010;Wasanti Natha, 4704220111085. Chitoo Naran Attorneys, P.O. Box 50091, Zinniaville, Rustenburg, 0302.

11337/2011—Seetelo, Motseotsile Stone, 6012295916083, Manthestadt, Taung; Tlhomelang Magdeline Seetelo,4806030571083 (Taung; Mmabatho).—BG Bojosinyane & Associates, Suite 3B Valle Building, No. 1D, Malan Street; PO Box 453, Hartswater, 8570.

6611/2011—Moletsane, Sello Aron, 3904125240085, Letsulustraat 4021, Ikageng, Potchefstroom; Mtini Annah Moletsane(Potchefstroom; Mmabatho).—Klynveld – Gibbens Ingelyf, Posbus 1738, Potchefstroom, 2520.

1902/12—Schreuder, Frederick Johannes, 5404025063081, Boshoffstraat 40A, Rustenburg, 0300; Zelda JohannaSchreuder, 5901060037086 (Rustenburg; Mmabatho).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, VolkskasSentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.

7845/11—Lottering, Elsie Sophia, 4101060026087, Leemhuisstraat 126, Roosheuwel, 2571 (Klerksdorp; Mafikeng).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 383, Pretoria, 0001; 27ste Vloer, Volkskas Sentrum, Van der Waltstraat 230, Pretoria, 0002.

5439/2011—Gabriel Jacobus Hugo de Villiers, W/s 34 Oleanderpark, Klerksdorp, 2571, datum van afsterwe: 7 Mei 2011,Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Klerksdorp; Mmabatho).—Mev. ZP de Villiers Posbus 5086, Doringkruin,2576.

11198/2011—Bradshaw, Elizabeth Sophia, 2508250028081, Silwerjare Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Marksonstraat, SchweizerReneke (Schweizer-Reneke; Mmabatho).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

3786/2011—Bowker, Henry Distin McVernon, 2609185069081, 89 Rota Park, Leemhuis Street, Klerksdorp; Eileen JeanBowker, 3512280097081 (Klerksdorp; Mmabatho).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

2734/06—Rakgwale, Kebawetse Lenkie, 2703240028087, Pitsong Village, Manthe Tribal Authority, Taung, Second andFinal (Taung; Mmabatho).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

1932/07—Mbiphi, Vuyisile Patrick, 6709275243087, 2647 Monore Street, Kanana, Orkney; Mamodie Maria Mbiphi,7211300358088 (Brits; Mmabatho).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, Private Bag X25, Hatfield, 0028.

11177/2011—Molope, Pukie Margaret, 4708140648, Mabodisa, Moruleng Village (Mankwe; Mafikeng).—Gumbo &Company Attorneys, P.O. Box 1390, Mogwase, 0314.

1011/2012—Tlatsana, Keaoleboga Nathaniel, 6601195739080, House No. 1999, Motlhabeng Village, Mafikeng; Kuki Phemelo Tlatsana, 6609121099081 (Mafikeng).—Chris Maritz, Private Bag X2103, Mafikeng, 2745.


13730/2011—Lochner, Maria Elizabeth, 4801310105082; Petrus Johannes Lochner, 4102085034080, 36 King GeorgeStreet, Ruyterwacht (Goodwood; Cape Town).—P Rall, Marais Muller Yekiso Inc, 21 Oewerpark, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600.

16233/2011—Swannell, James Frederick William, 4011195128189, 146 Heritage Manor, Heritage Park, Somerset West,7130 (Somerset West; Cape Town).—FNB Trust Services, 99 York Street, George, 6529.

13043/2011—Chambers, John Howard, 3612215073080, 119 Southfield Road, Plumstead, Cape Town (Wynberg; CapeTown).—Michael Matthews & Associates, D1 Westlake Square, 1 Westlake Drive, Tokai.

5906/2011—Spiller, Werner Erich, 4001065021184, Erf No. 2442, Vredenburg, First and Final, 21 days; Susanna LouiseSpiller, 4701190100132 (Vredenburg; Cape Town).—FM Oehl Trust, P.O. Box 90290, Windhoek.

788/2011—Mhlekwa, Culligan, 3201016999089, NY 43, Room 64, Gugulethu, 7750, Liquidation and Distribution Account,21 days; Boniswa Hazel Mhlekwa, 3612080257081 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Godla and Partners Inc, 10th Floor, Reserve BankBuilding, 60 St Georges Mall, Cape Town, 8000.

15881/2011—Oliver, Catherina Gertruida, 1312050036084, Meyerstraat 16, Beaufort Wes, 6970 (Beaufort Wes;Kaapstad).—Van Niekerk Prokureurs, Birdstraat 91, Posbus 6, Beaufort Wes.

13269/2010—Klein, Thomas Daniel, 117 Stroebel Street, Ravensmead (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Bill Tolken Hendrikse Ing.14667/2011—Levy, Molly, 2204030050088 (Cape Town).—Abrahams & Cross Inc, P.O. Box 1661, Cape Town, 8000.16720/2010—Brink, Andre Johannes, 4202255079087, 84 Jan Van Riebeckweg, Hermanus, 7200 (Hermanus; Cape

Town).—Orman & Associates Inc, 39 Ocean View Drive, Green Point, 8005.661/2012—Felix, Delores, 5503020680086, Solomonstraat 15, Ravensmead (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Fourie Basson &

Veldtman, Voortrekkerweg 29, Parow.6981/93—Gant, Edward Maidment, 1506235020000, Lourensford Road, Somerset West, Cape Town, Supplementary

(Somerset West; Cape Town).—Quoin Trust (Pty) Ltd, 6th Floor, 119 Hertzog Boulevard, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8001.9334/2010—Nagiah, Rose Veronica, 5304050717082, 25 Privet Avenue, Grassy Park, 7945, First; Manuel Nagiah,

5508185105084 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Chris Fick & Associates, P.O. Box 4917, Cape Town, 8000.9334/2010—Nagiah, Rose Veronica, 5304050717082, 25 Privet Avenue, Grassy Park, 7945, First; Manuel Nagiah,

5508185105084 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Chris Fick & Associates, P.O. Box 4917, Cape Town, 8000.13284/11—Bosman, Magdalena Elizabeth, 4102250065083, 12 Texel Street, Ruyterwacht, Cape (Goodwood; Cape

Town).—Michalowsky Gledenhuys & Humphries, 11th Floor, Picbel Parkade, 58 Strand Street, Cape Town.

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12568/2010—Huskisson, Susan Irene, 6110200029081, 18 Camphersdrift Road, George, 6529 (George; Master of theWestern Cape High Court, Cape Town).—Uneda Hiley, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, P.O. Box 55799, Arcadia, 0007.

5247/2012—Andrew, Barry Garnett Wyndham, 3810275023082, 12 Violet Street, Blanco (George; Cape Town).—FNBTrust Services, P.O. Box 544, George, 6530.

12530/2011—George, Dirk, 3903195083086, Ysselstraat 60, Worcester; Spacie Jacoba George, 4210150372085(Worcester; Kaapstad).—JJ Beyers & Vennote, Posbus 706, Worcester.

14985/2011—Adams, Hilda Johanna, 3107010008084, Kerkstraat 88, riversdal, 6670 (Riversdal; Kaapstad).—S AHofmeyr & Seun, Posbus 16, Riversdal, 6670.

16691/2011—Coetzee, Cornelia Margaretha, 35013000540841, Buitekantstraat 299, Oudtshoorn, 6625 (Oudtshoorn;Kaapstad).—Hennie Jacobs Prokureurs, Posbus 905, Oudtshoorn, 6620.

1115/2012—De Jager, Gesina Catharina Elizabeth, 2910050051083, Paralellaan 3, Robertson; Samuel Wilhelm deJager, 3005235055080 (Robertson; Kaapstad).—Basson & Pelser Prokureurs, Posbus 265, Robertson, 6705

16270/2011—Van Zyl, Aldert Hermias Cornelius, 4406025063087, Andante Aftree-Oord Nr. 3, Fisantstraat 60,Amandelsig, Kuilsrivier, 7580; Estelle van Zyl (gebore Kleyn), 5009130063007 (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—Reddering &Oosthuizen Attorneys, P.O. Box 4097, Tygervalley, 7536.

1710/2012—Rule, Geoffrey James, 4012135065085; Sheila Hilary Rule, 4103180059089 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Sheila Hilary Rule, 8 Victory Street, Wynberg, 7800.

10984/2011—Benjamin, Agnes Amy, 2707140016088, 2 Severn Road, Diep River (Wynberg; Cape Town).—E Hoffmann,P.O. Box 39288, Capricorn Square.

13964/2011—Erasmus, Andreas Johannes, Mount Rhodes 1, Carmichaelweg, Vishoek, 7975 (Simonstad; Kaapstad).—Smit Kruger Ingelyf, Wellingtonweg 32, Durbanville, 7550.

3398/2012—Poiet, Hannelore Käte, 2609250053085, St. Johannis Heim, 155 Frans Conradie Drive, Parow (Bellville;Kaapstad).—Heyns & Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.

13964/2011—Erasmus, Andreas Johannes, Mount Rhodes 1, Carmichaelweg, Vishoek, 7975 (Simonstad; Kaapstad).—Smit Kruger Ingelyf, Wellingtonweg 32, Durbanville, 7550.

1210/2012—Davies, Colin Kenneth, 4007115317183, 3 Ricketts Close, Simon’s Town, First and Final (Simon’s Town;Cape Town).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town, P.O. Box 44774, Claremont, 7735.

2415/2012—Gibbon, William Monk, 4203215227188, 25 Croft Road, Constantia, First and Final (Wynberg; CapeTown).—Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town, P.O. Box 44774, Claremont, 7735.

8654/2007—Johnson, Marina Juliana, 2805200050086, Sherwood House, Sherwood Road, Kenilworth, Western Cape(Wynberg; Cape Town).—Bisset Boehmke McBlain, P.O. Box 76, Cape Town, 8000.

4694/2012—Van Den Heever, Patrick Nicolaas, 3710075008087, 46 Frans Conradie Drive, Fairfield Estate, Parow;Wilhelmina Johanna Aletta van den Heever, 4108040005081 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Heyns & Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard168, Goodwood.

Michael Patrick McKevitt Reynolds, 3306235100086, Thornton Place, Manatoka Road, Thornton, 7460, died on 2 January 2012, unmarried, The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Schnetlers Inc, Attorneys for Executor Testamentary, Colosseum, Century Boulevard, Century City, 7441.

4155/2012—Kitshoff, Johannes Mostert, 2206035033084, CJ Langenhovenstraat 35, Parow Noord; Hester AnnaJohanna Kitshoff, 2801220043086 (Bellville; Kaapstad). Heyns & Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.

4694—Van der Heever, Patrick Nicolaas, 3710075008087, 46 Frans Conradie Drive, Fairfield Estate, Parow; WilhelminaJohanna Aletta van den Heever, 4108040005081 (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Heyns & Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168,Goodwood.

17818/2007—Hendricks, Jacoba, 3905120407082, 2 Woodside Road, Lansdowne, Amended First and Final; MervinMichael Hendricks, 4105125162084 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—N. Allen Attorneys, 7 Voortrekker Road, Bellville.

12413/2011—Robertson, Reginald Ronald, 3505225068084; Julia Christina Robertson, 3407010049082 (Kuilsrivier;Kaapstad).—Marais Muller Yekiso, Posbus 36, Kuilsrivier.

6801/2010—Richter, Cathrina Naomi, 2011250030082, Bergville Aftree-Oord, George, 6530, Second and Final (George;Cape Town).—ET Executors CC, P.O. Box 10733, George, 6530.

7115/2011—Guimaraens, Prudence Heloise, 4603210032089, 4 St Michaels Road, Hilton, 3201, First (Pietermaritzburg;Pietermaritzburg).—Personal Trust, P.O. Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701.

14100/2011—Alexander, Brian John, 4009095044084, 115 Neptune’s Isle, Lagoon Beach, Milnerton, 7441 (Milnerton;Cape Town).—Estate Late BJ Alexander, c/o Gerber Botha & Gowar, P.O. Box 1, Cradock, 5880.

5402/2011—Charles, Christiaan Elias, 2903235212084, Hoogstraat 90, Abbotsdale (Malmesbury; Kaapstad).—Mnr DuPlessis & Mostert, Posbus 5, Malmesbury.

729/2012—Adonis, Albert George, 3611045238087, 47 Woodpecker Street, Sea Wind, Retreat (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Bisset Boehmke McBlain, P.O. Box 76, Cape Town, 8000.

15165/2011—Prins-Vosloo, Leoni Maureen, 7205060067087, Verdi Boulevard 11, Sonstraal Hoogte, Durbanville, 7550(Bellville; Kaapstad).—Marlo Laubscher Prokureurs, Posbus 295, Paarl, 7620.

5541/2011—Adams, Johannes, 6502135707080, Stasieweg 21, Lutzville, 8165; Elizabeth Adams, 6711040802080(Vredendal; Kaapstad).—Swanepoel & Swanepoel, Posbus 12, Vredendal.

4698/2012—Ellis, Jeffrey Anthony, 5211225114089, 17 Saul Avenue, Beroma, Bellville; Regina Clara Ellis (Bellville; CapeTown).—Bisset Boehmke McBlain, P.O. Box 76, Cape Town, 8000.

1605/2010—Anna Magrita Van As, 2409050150086, Plaas Welgemoed, Leeu Gamka, 6950, 27 Augustus 2009, DieEerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (Prins Albert; Kaapstad).—Markotter Prokureurs vir die Eksekuteur,Kerkstraat 39, Prins Albert, 6930.

1605/2010—Van As, Anna Magrita, 2409050150086, Plaas Welgemoed, Leeu Gamka, 6950; Johannes Jacobus Van As,3009105103087 (Prins Albert; Kaapstad).—Markotter Prokureurs, Kerkstraat 39, Prins Albert, 6930.

6835/2010—Wingerin, Josephine, 3112290044080, Oasis Care Centre, Century City, 1st Liquidation and Distribution and2nd and Final (Cape Town).—E Hoffmann, P.O. Box 39288, Capricorn Square.

1550/2011—Zothe, Sabelo Albert, 5511055705082, 34 Pepper Street, Philippi, Amended First and Final (Cape Town).—Bisset Boehmke McBlain, P.O. Box 76, Cape Town, 8000.

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5632/2011—Sam Willemse, 19 September 1951, 5109195150085, Die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- enVerdelingsrekening, 21 dae (Worcester; Kaapstad).—R Blanckenberg, Prokureurs vir Eksekuteur, Lady Greystraat 35, UnitedGebou, Paarl, 7646.

5632/2011—Sam Willemse, 5109195150085, Albatrosstraat 46, Worcester, 6850; Katriena Magdalena Willemse,8005270204085 (Worcester; Kaapstad).—R Blanckenberg Attorneys, 35 Lady Grey Street, Paarl, 7646.

7796/2011—Andries, Sylvia Evelyn, 30 Oktober 1935, 351030052086, Kortstraat 8, Mamre, 17 Augustus 1996; CharlesAndries, 20 Feburarie 1937, 3702205011081. Charles Andries, p/a Jozephs Ingelyf, Posbus 3115, Reygersdal.

3081/2011—Davids, Dina, 3305220105084, 87 Loganberry Street, Bonteheuwel, 7764 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—MWPInc Attorneys, 85 Klipfontein Road, Rondebosch, 7700.

900/2011—Van Reenen, Francois Hugo, 5112095007082, Vrededal, Darling, 7349 (Malmesbury; Kaapstad).—I Viljoen,p/a Coetzee Rossouw & Viljoen, Voortrekkerweg 99, Privaatsak X10, Malmesbury, 7300.

12668/2010—Moodie, Patricia, 5002010118082 (Mitchell’s Plain; Cape Town).—Andre Massyn Attorney, P.O. Box 685,Rondebosch.

6709/2011—Pizer, Katharina Maria, 4909230658187, Piedmon Street, Riebeek West, 7306 (Malmesbury; Cape Town).—Jason Freel & Associates, P.O. Box 255, Cape Town, 8000.

15359/2011—Cairns, Regina Louise, 2103270067085, Unit 315 Riverside Manor, Pinelands (Goodwood; Cape Town).—J. van Rooyen, Guthrie & Theron, 77 Main Road, Hermanus.

17022/2008—Isaacs, Arrie Deon, 6703175149080, Stowweg No. 10, Eerste Rivier; Nuanita Ellen Isaacs, 6804020598082(Kuils Rivier; Kaapstad).—Nielen Marais Inc, McIntyrestraat 16, Parow, 7500.

16016/2010—Gwe, Nontombi Gloria, 5604160227082, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days; Sicelo Gwe,4212105190083, M162 Block M, Manjana Street, Mbekweni, Paarl (Paarl; Cape Town).—Godla and Partners Inc, 10th Floor,Reserve Bank Building, 60 St. George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8000.

17200/2010—Roos, Thelma, 1903160015081, 336 Altena, 10 Altena Road, Strand, 7140 (Somerset West; Cape Town).—Herbert Maltz & Associates CC, 16 Prosperity Business Park, Computer Road, Montague Gardens, Cape Town, 7441.

17243/2011—October, Audrey Veronica, 4902030110087, Hoopstraat 52, Uitbreiding 8, Mosselbaai, Eerste en Finale(Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—I Dekker, p/a Dekker Prokureurs, Posbus 2990, Mosselbaai, 6500.

17242/2011—October, Nicolas Albertus, 4009265109089, Hoopstraat 52, Uitbreiding 8, Mosselbaai, Eerste en Finale;Audrey Veronica October, 4902030110087 (Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—I Dekker, p/a Dekker Prokureurs, Posbus 2990,Mosselbaai, 6500.

8963/2011—Masoja Frank Makeleni, 4410165399087, 53 Morningstar Drive, Kwezi Park, Khayelitsha, 7764, First andFinal Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Khayelitsha; Cape Town).—C. de Cerff & Associates, I Koffiepeer Close,Eastridge, Mitchells Plain.

8963/2011—Makeleni, Masoja Frank, 4410165399087, 53 Morningstar Drive, Kwezi Park, Khayelitsha, 7764, AmendedFirst and Liquidation Account; Nonceba Regina Makeleni, 5406270322088 (Khayelitsha; Cape Town).—C. de Cerff & Associates,I Koffiepeer Close, Eastridge, Mitchells Plain.

6032/2011—Czikk, Janos Jozsef, 3704125204085, Unit 5, Hyde Park, Ottery, Cape (Wynberg; Cape Town).—JaniceFletscher Attorney, 6 Carlton Close, Noordhoek, Cape.

13536/2011—Hough, Martha Johanna, 1901140042084, Robari Lodge, 1 New Street, Somerset West (Somerset West;Cape Town).—G C Webb, P.O. Box 1235, Strand, 7139.

6114/2011—October, Maureen Anica, 4401120492083 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Boshoff Njokweni Inc., 7th Floor,118 St George’s Mall, Cape Town.

3431/2012—Hestermann, Hildegard Irene Hedwig, 3401280038081, 18 Protea Avenue, Kommetjie, 7975 (Simonstown;Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

4344/2012—Drury, Angela Mary, 4310050086080, 16 Ascot Road, Kraaifontein, 7570; Malcolm Brian Drury,4203315072088 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou,Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

3846/2010—Anthony, Alice Wendy, 4811210141087, 31 days (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).17120/2011—Du Plooy, George Nathanael, 4005085017080; Martha Magdalena du Plooy, 4112050006088 (Bellville;

Cape Town).—Andrew Frylinck, PO Box 15311, Panorama, 7506.17106/2011—Pitchford, John, 2902125063086; Valerie Margaret Pitchford, 3304140036081 (Bellville; Cape Town).—

Andrew Frylinck, PO Box 15311, Panorama, 7506.4335/2012—De Lange, Hendrik Gerhardus, 2302115059089, Groenkloof Aftree-oord, Sandhoogtestraat, Grootbrakrivier,

11 Julie 2008, Eerste en Finale Likwiedasie- en Distribusierekening; Hester Cornelia de Lange, 2409010009083 (Mosselbaai;Kaapstad).—Danie Acker, p/a Rauch-Gertenbach Inc., PO Box 3, Mossel Bay.

4666/2012—Van den Heever, Marthinus Johannes, 2005195006082, NG Kerk Versorgingsoord, Hartenbos, 6520, 16 Maart 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—JC Fourie, p/a Rauch-GertenbachInc., PO Box 3, Mossel Bay.

10501/2009—Conradie, Phoebe Claire, 2310260058087, 39 Mitchell Street, Eastcliff, Hermanus (Hermanus; CapeTown).—Tontine Executors and Administrators (Pty) Limited, 5 Centurion, Kasteelberg Street, Durbanville.

470/2012—Frederik Johannes Snyders, 20 Maart 1978, 7803205063084, boer, Bekersfontein, Merweville, datum vandood: 12 Desember 2011, Likwidasie & Distribusierekening, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, 21 dae (Beaufort-Wes;Kaapstad).—Suzanne Snyders, Eksekutrise, Posbus 470, Bloubergstrand, 7436.

2332/2007—Rezant, David Isaac, 5110235144088, 21 Don Street, Diazville, Saldanha; Christina Roselina Rezant,5306070067083 (Vredenburg; Cape Town).—Mauritz Briers & Associates, P.O. Box 628, Cape Town, 8000.

13193—Louw, Marius, 4406155014082, 25 Greenfield Way, Kuils River, 7580 (Kuils River; Cape Town).—McKenzieGibberd Inc., 3 Benjamin Road, Wynberg, Cape Town, 8001.

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4666/2012—Van den Heever, Marthinus Johannes, 2005195006082, NG Kerk Versorgingsoord, Hartenbos, 6520, datumoorlede: 16 Maart 2012, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Mosselbaai; Kaapstad).—JC Fourie, p/a Rauch-Gertenbach Inc., PO Box 3, Mossel Bay.

3601/2010—Bachus, Mietjie, 4504160060080, 54 Neptune Street, Salberau, Elsies River; Stanley Joseph Bachus,4103235058086 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—C.B. Fortuin & Associates, PO Box 159, Elsies River.

2460/2012—Marsh, Edwina Victoria, 2501200044084, Two Oceans 29, Agulhasslot, Loevenstein (Bellville; Kaapstad).—MPV Boedeldienste BK, Posbus 4603, Tygervallei, 7536.

4335/2012—De Lange, Hendrik Gerhardus, 2302115059089, Groenkloof Aftree-oord, Sandhoogtestraat, Grootbrakrivier,11 Julie 2008, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening; Hester Cornelia de Lange, 2409010009083 (Mosselbaai;Kaapstad).—Danie Acker, p/a Rauch-Gertenbach Inc., PO Box 3, Mossel Bay.

3305/2012—Gwendoline Josephine Smith, 3003070294088, Heathcliff, 35 Third Road, Heathfield, Cape, First and FinalLiquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (Wynberg, Cape; Cape Town).—Herold Gie Attorneys, Attorneys for ExecutorTestamentary, Herold Gie Building, 8 Darling Street, Cape Town, 8001.

16220/2007—Greeff, Johanna, 3812310042085, La Perla 11, Altenaweg, Strand, Aanvullende en Finale Likwidasie- &Distribusierekening (Strand; Kaapstad).—Groenewaldt Prokureurs, Posbus 512, Stellenbosch, 7599.

5468/2012—Van Heerden, Maria Sophia Carolina, 2707110059084, Tuiniqua Aftree-oord, George, 6530 (George;Kaapstad).—Adv G D Coetzee, Posbus 9970, George, 6530 (George; Kaapstad).—Adv G D Coetzee, Posbus 9970, George,6530.

16864/2010—Henrico, Antonio, 6404095148084, 2 Verkouteren Crescent, Blaauwberg, Strand, 7441, Western Cape(Cape Town).—BM Attorneys, PO Box 16227, Vlaeberg, 8018.

11517/2011—Abrahams, Derick Malcolm, 5802075157085, 49 16th Avenue, Factreton, 7405; Agnes Anne Abrahams,6206060042089 (Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14,Bellville, 7530.

12196/2011—Burger, Theunis Johannes Nicholaas, 4503165028084, Hillstraat 134, Windsorpark, Kraaifontein, 7570(Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14,Bellville, 7530.

12857/2005—Fortuin, Sheila, 3903140387087, 107 Symphony Avenue, Retreat, 7945 (Wynberg-Oos; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

17262/2010—Feitelberg, Roger Barry, 3311215029081 (Cape Town).—Kaminer Kriger & Associates, 4th Floor,Communicare Centre, 2 Roggebaai Square, Coen Steytler Avenue, Cape Town, 8001.

771/2011—Spinoy, Marcel Armand Alan, 2609285044083 (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Stephen Ian Kriger, 4th Floor,Communicare Centre, 2 Roggebaai Square, Coen Steytler Avenue, Cape Town.

6796/2009—Koopman, Pauline Dorothy, 3512030090089, 3 Keur Street, Bontheuwel, 7764 (Goodwood; Cape Town).—K.B. Gangen & Co, 2nd Floor, Church Square House, 5 Spin Street, Cape Town, 8001.

1280/2010—Weiss, Irma, 1503060039189 (Cape Town).—Kaminer Kriger & Associates, 4th Floor, Communicare Centre,2 Roggebaai Square, Coen Steytler Avenue, Cape Town.

477/2012—Gildenhuys, Martha Johanna, 3503040004087, Serenitas 22, Altenaweg, Strand (Strand; Kaapstad).—MalanLourens Lemmer Viljoen Ingelyf, Posbus 1029, Strand, 7140.

14558/2011—Botes, Cornelia Susanna, 6808160130084, 11 Oakbury, Protea Village, Brackenfell; Hendrik Petrus Botes,6308205021083 (Brackenfell; Western Cape).—FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town, PO Box 155, Century City, 7441.

1729/2011—Pieter Hendrik Mieremet, 3206295014088, wat oorlede is op 22 Januarie, 2011, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-en Distribusierekening, wewenaar, 21 dae (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Swart & Nel Prokureurs, Posbus 737, Parow, 7499.

9974/2011—Branson, Valerie, 4010080037182, H106 Dolphin Beach, Marine Drive, Table View, 7441 (Cape Town; CapeTown).—Attorneys Lindsay & Waters, 54 Blaauwberg Road, Table View, 7441; PO Box 725, Cape Town.

2145/2102—Mercia Carl, 3708070046086, Selbournestraat 117, Parow-Oos (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Bill Tolken HendrikseIng.

14426/2011—Barr, Bernard William, 2712175021086, Room 14, Minerva Gardens Frail Care Centre, Capitol Way,Kimberley, Amended First & Final (Kimberley; Cape Town).—Bisset Boehmke McBlain, PO Box 76, Cape Town, 8000.

5263/2012—Esterhuizen, Abraham, 5106035054089, Duignamweg 23, Kalkbaai, 7975, Gewysigde Eerste en Finale(Simonstown; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14,Bellville, 7530.

7248/2009—Baker, Rosemary Jean, 5509040002086, 20 Railway Street, Moorreesburg, 7310, Amended First and Final(Moorreesburg; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 StrandRoad, Bellville, 7530.

649/2012—Subel, Millie, 11 May 1932, 3205110028083, 501 Rapallo Flats, Beach Road, Sea Point, First (Cape Town).—Bisset Boehmke McBlain, PO Box 76, Cape Town, 8000.

649/2012—Subel, Millie, 11 May 1932, 3205110028083, 501 Rapallo Flats, Beach Road, Sea Point, First (Cape Town).—Bisset Boehmke McBlain, PO Box 76, Cape Town, 8000.

16384/2010—Biderman, Miriam, 2802060031082 (Cape Town).—Kaminer Kriger & Associates, 4th Floor, CommunicareCentre, 2 Roggebaai Square, Coen Steytler Avenue, Cape Town, 8001.

11355/2011—Colyn, Daphne, 3404130037089, 33 Hangklip Street, Twin Palms, Strand; Stephan Walter Colyn,2411105015082 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Oosthuizen & CO Meyer De Waal Inc., 1st Floor, cnr Plein & Commercial Streets,Cape Town, 8001.

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15805/2010—Agulhas, Phillip Marthinus, 3207045043088, 111 Royal Road, Clarke Estate, Elsies River, widower(Bellville; Cape Town).—Christiaan Lucas Attorneys, 106 Van Riebeeck Road (PO Box 72), Kuils River, 7580.

2590/2010—Griebenauw, Daniel Johannes, 3311135029088, Gipsstraat 7, Vredendal; Maria Johanna Griebenauw,3601260067089 (Vredendal; Kaapstad).—Koos Coetzee Prokureurs, Kerkstraat 28 (Posbus 555), Vredendal, 8160.

13805/2011—Yaldwyn, Maureen, 2412060042087, 12 Prideaux Road, Rondebosch, 7700, First and Final, 21 days(Wynberg; Cape Town).—Timoney Consultants CC, P.O. Box 36427, Glosderry, 7702.

12319/2011—Martins Jacobus van Zyl, 3402275093081, wat op 21 Julie 2011 oorlede is, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-en Distribusierekening; Nellie van Zyl, (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Swart & Nel Prokureurs, Posbus 737, Parow, 7499.

11783/2011—Kennedy, Charles Thomas, 1906065038082, Liquidation and Distribution Account; Joan Kennedy,2311280044081 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Terence Rex Attorneys, Ground Floor, Capitol Corner, 25 Church Street, Wynberg,7800.

12319/2011—Martins Jacobus van Zyl, 3402275093081, wat op 21 Julie 2011 oorlede is, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-en Distribusierekening; Nellie van Zyl, (Bellville; Kaapstad).—Swart & Nel Prokureurs, Posbus 737, Parow, 7499.

3046/2012—Stroebel, Barbara Janet, 3106230044088, 40 Formosa Garden Village, Ferdinand Street, Plettenberg Bay,6600 (Knysna; Cape Town).—Gibson Butlin & Williams, PO Box 181, Plettenberg Bay, 6600.

5130/2012—Smit, Pieter Carel, 6008285044084, Hoopstraat 11, Piketberg, 7320 (Piketberg; Cape Town).—ABSA TrustBeperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

15508/2010—Vermeulen, Jacobus, 4209165047088, Cilliersstraat 10, Napier, 7270 (Bredasdorp; Kaapstad).—BothaProkureur, Posbus 192 (Kerkstraat 44), Bredasdorp, 7280.

5292/11—Brand, Jasper Daniel Alettus, 1708305007087; Helena Alberta Compion Brand, 2905140005081 (Robertson;Cape Town).—Anton Coetzee/Bas Accountants, PO Box 829, Robertson, 6705.

14671/2010—Louw, Willem, 4003275088086; Susanna Louw, 4209100125080 (Oudtshoorn; Cape Town).—James King& Badenhorst Incorporated, 144 St John Street, Oudtshoorn, 6625.

11984/2011—Geldenhuys, Aletta Johanna Henney, 3911040044088, Phoenix Parkstraat 27, Victoriapark, Somerset-Wes, 21 dae (Somerset-Wes; Kaapstad).—Johan Stemmet, Posbus 5398, Helderberg, 7135.

1761/2011—Erasmus, Peter, 5009085094080 (Oudtshoorn; Cape Town).—James King & Badenhorst Incorporated, 144 St John Street, Oudtshoorn, 6625.

10502/2010—Janson, Andrie Brink, 4401225086087 (Cape Town).—Van der Walt Attorneys, 39 Selati Street, VFVBuilding, Block A, Corporate Place, Ashley Gardens.

17280/2009—Böckle, Peter, 4402155034089, 2 Carissa Street, Loevenstein, Bellville, First and Final; Rosalia ElisabethBöckle, 4506300054188 (Bellville; Cape Town).—Heunis Law Group, 10 Huising Street, Somerset West, 7130.

11206/2010—Keller, Petrus Jacobus, 3510205021087 (Oudtshoorn; Cape Town).—James King & BadenhorstIncorporated, 144 St John Street, Oudtshoorn.

2548/2012—Herman, Jennifer Lyn, 4211160030086, 2 Bee Eater Close, Fish Hoek, Cape Town; Thomas Ignatius,3711205050080 (Cape Town).—S.A. Herman, Agent, P.O. Box 3975, Durbanville, 7550.

4561/2012—Van Dijl, Anna Marie Belladina, 2507200018085, L2 Peers Village, Genoa Avenue, Fish Hoek, WesternCape Province (Cape Town; Simonstown). C. Venter Attorney, PO Box 11476, Bloubergrant, 7443.

10166/2011—Hoffman, Peter Arnold, 2808205062080, Huis Zonnebloem, 61 Caledon Street, Cape Town; Patricia CecileHoffman, 4409190076082 (Cape Town).—Mrs .C. Hoffman, 6 Theal Road, Milnerton, Cape Town, 7441.

10166/2011—Hoffman, Peter Arnold, 2808205062080, Huis Zonnebloem, 61 Caledon Street, Cape Town; Patricia CecileHoffman, 4409190076082 (Cape Town).—Mrs P.C. Hoffman, 6 Theal Road, Milnerton, Cape Town, 7441.

169/2011—Williams, Beres Earlston, 6505015068085, Koalisiestraat 23, Bergsig, Caledon, 7230; Valerie LouiseWilliams, 6901160078088 (Cape Town).—The Executor, P.O. Box 391, Caledon, 7230.

3675/2012—Botes, Petrus Johannes, 2809025031081, Paradyspark Aftree-oord, Woonstel 33, Auronastraat,Brackenfell, 7560; Janetha Jacoba Botes, 2805060009081 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof,7532.

5744/2012—Griessel, Aletta Theunisina, 2310300009082, Huis Le Roux, Barrystraat, Robertson, 6705 (Robertson; CapeTown).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

372/2012—Levers, Joyce Winifred, 2909180055089, 5 Delos Road, Woodlands Park, Wetton, 7780 (Wynberg; CapeTown).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

5265/2012—Loy, Daniel Yunchang, 3602045055084, 39 Scout Road, Lansdowne, 7780 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—ABSATrust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA-gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

3111/2012—Rausch, Hans-Gunter, 4709235011188, 14 Somerset Road, Kommetjie, 7975; Barbara Rausch,511106006186 (Simonstown; Cape Town).—BoE Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.

3641/2011—Mayiji, Phaphama Wesley, 3109045145089, 44 Mama Way, Settlers, Langa, First (Goodwood; CapeTown).—BoE Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.

8746/2011—Farmer, Paul Johannes, 5910115088085, 8 Orion Street, Pine Place, Eerste River; 6201170175085 (KuilsRiver; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.

14602/2011—Jones, Allen, 5106165122086, 7 Walsall Road, Plumstead (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Old Mutual TrustLimited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.

16186/2011—Jackson, Cecil James Duke, 2006245064089, 36 Sycamore Crescent, Silverglades, Fish Hoek(Simonstown; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.

9994/2009—Pattison, Joyce Winifred, 3012010053082, 19 Prince Avenue, Plumstead, Second and Final (Wynberg;Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000.

16006/2011—La Grange, Wilhelm Johannes Stephanus, 4109245005082, Pinewoodlaan 36, Glenwood, Goodwood,Wes-Kaap; Elsabé la Grange, 4102250050085 (Goodwood; Kaapstad).—Steyn & Van Rhyn, Voortrekkerweg 45, Goodwood,7460.

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277/2009—April, Katriena, 4406270021083 (Caledon; Cape Town).—Christelle Swart, Executrix, c/o Bejo Trustees, 11 Atalanta Street, Melkbosstrand, 7441.

3695/2012—Cloete, Cecil John, 3610275050089, No. 2 Falstaff Road, Penlyn Estate, Landsdowne; Maureen JaneCloete, 4206120046080 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, corner of Alamein and Garfield Roads,Claremont.

10763/2011—Knight, Craig Mark, 6401165176086, 45 Daphne Crescent Woodlands, Mitchells Plain; Jacqueline Knight,6710270174087 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, corner of 1 Alamein and Garfield Road,Claremont, 7700; PO Box 36076, Glossderry, 7702.

15525/2011—Staggie, Ishmail, 5805125220084, 24 Gordon Road, Landsdowne; Nazley Staggie, 6909090112083(Wynberg; Cape Town).—Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, corner of Alamein and Garfield Roads, Claremont.

12863/2011—Hanekam, Mattheus Christian, 5409185230081, 16 Gamtoos Close, Portlands, Mitchells Plain; DoretheaLucian Hanekam, 5708280104087 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, corner of Garfield and AlameinRoads, Claremont; PO Box 36076, Glossderry, 7702.

15818/2011—Galvaan, Gawa, 3005230067080, No. 154, Lawson Street, Crawford (Wynberg; Cape Town).—GaironesaDavids Attorneys, cnr Garfield and Alamein Roads, Claremont (P.O. Box 36076, Glossderry, 7702).

14913/2011—Wiegel, Edna Zora, 2506040009080, 601 Dolphin Place, c/o Main & Wetton Road, Kenilworth, 7708, First (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, P.O. Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

5456/2012—Sapto, Johannes Jacobus, 2308215066080, 163 Kudu Street, Kewtown, Athlone, 7764; Nellie Sapto,2806250123088 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou,Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

5700/2012—Maasdorp, Dirk, 5208315176085, Napierstraat 12, Ravansmead, 7490 (Bellville; Cape Town).—ABSA TrustBeperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

5694/2012—Jephthan, Delvin Andrew, 6503305206085, Kogelbergstraat 8, Greenfields, Blackheath, 7580; Imelda MaryJephthan, 6810280037082 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

5068/2012—Hopper, Frank Gordon, 3405125003085, Drommedarisstraat 50, Oosterzee, 7500; Agnes Maude Hopper,3812220025089 (Bellville; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou,Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

4072/2012—Louw, Elizabeth, 5408200139087, Culemborgstraat 20, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell, 7530; GerhardusJacobus Louw, 5001185065086 (Kuisrivier; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Grondvloer,ABSA Gebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

15374/2011—King, Lendon Buxton, 4410225103081, 5A Verwood Road, Lakeside; Ann Jennifer King, 4311270082081,21 days, (Simonstown; Cape Town).—Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Buchanans Chambers, cnr WarwickStreet & Pearce Road, Claremont.

1177/2012—Long, Celia Thelma, 3112170054084, 4 Bishopslea Village, George, First (George; Cape Town).—StandardExecutors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

16867/2011—Noad, Christobel Ann Frances, 3301290017085, 36 Union Avenue, Pinelands (Goodwood; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

407/2012—Dungey, Molly Roy, 2012130017083, Silver Oaks Lodge, 71 Reitz Street, Somerset West (Somerset West;Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

17512/2011—Basson, Audrey Mavis, 1412020050080, Murambi House, Wellington Avenue, Wynberg, First (Wynberg;Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

4567/2012—Bing, Melody Lois, 3807050089080, 27 Silvermine Village, Silvermine Road, Fish Hoek, First and Final(Simontown; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

14094/2011—Visagie, Pieter Christiaan Cronje, 4708185018086, Jakhais Vallei Plaas, Sutherland (Sutherland; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

14136/2009—Adams, Getruida, 3907150087081, 18 Coates Street, Mitchells Plain, 7785 (Mitchells Plain; Cape Town).—Standard Executors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

10520/2010—Visser, Anna Maria, 2808260084086, 1 Patrysstraat, Piketberg, 7320 (Piketberg; Cape Town).—StandardExecutors and Trustees Limited, P.O. Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000.

6240/2012—Van Wyk, Hendrik Johannes, 4604085088081, Bachstraat 4, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell, 7560, Eerste enFinale; Petronella Hermina Van Wyk, 4603110051080 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

15618/2011—Mostert, Anna Johanna, 3905150050083, Prospect Place 205, Durbanweg 132, Bellville, 7530, Eerste enFinale (Bellville; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

7506/2011—Groenewald, Elizabeth, 2808060014085, Oxfordstraat 76, Vrijzee (Goodwood; Kaapstad).—Heyns &Vennote Ingelyf, Vasco Boulevard 168, Goodwood.

8255/2010—Van Zyl, Albertus Petrus, 5101165070088, Kruisfontein Redelinghuys, 8105; Elizabeth, Van Zyl,5311070065087 (Piketberg; Kaapstad).—MC Hanekom, Posbus 234, Piketberg.

5272/2012—Hanekom, Willem Adriaan Andries, 3611245019089, Hoofstraat 30, Langebaan, 7357; Johanna ElizabethHanekom, 3807220090083 (Hopefield; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust Verw, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

17719/2011—Van Rooyen, Jacobus Cornelius, 2402025048089, Huis Vergenoegd, Hoofstraat, Paarl, 7646, Eerste enFinale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Paarl; Kaapstad).—Loretta Hayward Prokureurs, 1st Vloer, Goeie Hoop Gebou,Pleinstraat 23, Stellenbosch, 7600.

16214/2011—Fourie, Gerrit Jacobus, 4503125064088, Noordhoek Chalet 14, Charltonstraat, Sunnydale, Vishoek, 7975;Gail Louise Fourie, 4611090084088, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Simonstad; Kaapstad).—LorettaHayward Prokureurs, 1ste Vloer, Goeie Hoop Gebou, Pleinstraat 123, Stellenbosch, 7600.

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968/2012—Koopman, Charles Louie, 3010025055084, Melody Square 17, Retreat, 7945; Pauline Koopman,3703010046015, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Wynberg; Kaapstad).—Loretta Hayward Prokureurs, 1st Vloer, Goeie Hoop Gebou, Pleinstraat 23, Stellenbosch, 7600.

1814/2011—Van den Heever, Cornelius Joseph, 2811235058086, Norwoodweg 165, Elsiesrivier, 7480; Magdalena vanden Heever, 5205270004088, Eerste en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening (Goodwood; Kaapstad).—Loretta HaywardProkureurs, 1ste Vloer, Goeie Hoop Gebou, Pleinstraat 23, Stellenbosch, 7600.

17749/2011—Olivier, Gladys Evelyn, 3502240009086, Napierstraat 17, Strand, 7140 (Strand; Cape Town).—SanlamTrust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

15158/2011—Dickson, Gilbert, 1910135063187, 2 Osmond Close, Simonstown, 7975 (Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

5014/2012—Mouton, Margaretha Elizabeth Johanna, 2411070018087, Klaradyn Aftree-Oord, Tafelbergstraat 16,Brackenfell, 7560 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

15813/2011—Kuun-Venter, Petronella Johanna, 2610230064085, Aftree Oord, Redelinghuys of Clydestraat 17, OakDale, Bellville, 7530 (Bellville; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532, Grondvloer, ABSA Gebou,Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

4182/2011—Anna Gertruida Cecilia Breytenbach (gebore Nel), 4408200066083, Newtonstraat 51, George, Eerste enFinale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening, 21 dae (George; Kaapstad).—AC Swart (namens eksekuteur), Braam Swart &Vennote, Albertstraat 59, George, Posbus 1340, George, 6530.

17148/2009—Adams, Heinrich, 6503285672082 (Ceres; Cape Town).—Janse van Rensburg Attorneys, P O Box 769,Westridge, 7802.

3817/2010—Odendaal, Susanna Magdalena, 4209020303080, Flat Mulland 4, Meadestraat 94, George, 6529 (George;Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

14418/2010—Kaindlbinder, Gloudina Gesina Magrietha, 4805110056080, Vernenoeg 28, Proteahoogste, Brackenfell,7560 (Kuilsrivier; Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

3692/2012—Lubbe, Aletta Catharina, 3710090007080, Kudulaan 1, Worcester-Wes, 6850 (Worcester; Cape Town).—Sanlamhof Trust Verw, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

5940/2012—Ceasar, Peter John, 5003215045088, 40 Ironwood Close, Eastridge, Mitchells Plain, 7785; CatherinaMagdalena Ceasar, 4511290015082 (Cape Town).—Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

16424/08—Van Zyl, Helena Susana, 2309180054085, Nuwerus Tehuis, Worcester (George; Cape Town).—Die Burger, P O Box 629, Cape Town, 8000.

7073/2008—Irene Dorothy Kruger, 53 Ninth Ave., Kensington, 7405, Liquidation and Distribution Account, 21 days (CapeTown).—A H McKenzie & Associates.

6396/2011—Collins, Susan Sabiena, 2804150133083 (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Janse van Rensburg Attorneys, PO Box769, Westridge, 7802.

1123/2010—Van Dyk, Jacques Gideon, 4206135138088, 24 Robyn Crescent, Welgelen (Goodwood; Kaapstad).—Colbee Accountants, PO Box 13679, Ni City, 7463.

4311/2012—Christiaan Marthinus van Dyk Stoffberg, 26 November 1946, 4611265031088, Shellystraat 127,Kraaifontein, 7570, Finale likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. date van afsterwe: 4 Maart 2012; Christina Christoffel Stoffberg,21 dae (Kuilsrivier; Kaapstad).—Sanlam Trust, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532.

4079/2003—Mehlohakulu, Thandeka Mandy, 6412010739085, 43 Victoria Road, Tuscanny Glen, Blue Downs. AmendedFirst and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account (Kuils River; Cape Town).—J L Pretorius, Pretorius & Wilsnach Ing, Posbus40297, Arcadia, 0007.

8307/2001—Mars, John Jacob, 26090265078087, No 66 Repulse Road, Crawford, Cape Town. Liquidation andDistribution Account, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, 40 Wellington Street,Durbanville, 7550.

8317/2001—Mars, Maria Rebecca, 260919, No. 66 Repulse Road, Crawford, Cape Town. Liquidation and DistributionAccount, 21 days (Wynberg, Cape Town).—Shalene Schreuder Attorneys, Shop 1A, 40 Wellington Street, Durbanville, 7550.

785/2012—Lodder, Jan, 2103195010087 (George; Cape Town).—Van der Vyver Inc, P.O. Box 10457, George, 6530.6644/2011—Fredericks, Abbas, 3308285071084, No. 54 Akasia Avenue, Bridgetown, Athlone, Cape Town. 1st Final and

Final Liquidation Account, 21 days (Wynberg; Cape Town).—Deena Moodley & Associates, 29 Wetton Road, Lansdown, CapeTown, 7779.

14628/2011—Holmes, Arthur Richard, 3606215028086, 5 Swellegrebel Street, Witsand, 6666 (Heidelberg; CapeTown).—FNB Trust Services, P.O. Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057.

541/2011—Du Toit, Pierre Cedric, 5511185161081, 36 Vineyard Road, Bergvliet, Cape Town, 7945 (Wynberg; CapeTown).—Ince Wood & Raubenheimer, 2nd Floor, 28 Wale Street, Cape Town, 8001.

16577/2011—Edwards, Howell Lewis, 1610105063080, Evergreen, Fir Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town (Wynberg; CapeTown).—Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyer, P.O. Box 695, Cape Town.

3572/2012—Stander, Audrey, 3007270032081, 83 Noordsig Avenue, Sunnydale, Milkwood Park, Noordhoek(Simonstown; Cape Town).—Government Printers.

5289/2012—Heugh, Merwyn Jonathan, 5403045070084, 21 Tambotte Street, Forest Heights, Eerste River, 7100; JuliaHeugh, 5608280163085 (Kuils River; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Beperk, Posbus 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. Grondvloer, ABSAGebou, Strandweg 14, Bellville, 7530.

389/2011—Zetler, Michael, 4009255030089, Felbrigge Farm, Vlaeberg Road, Lynedoch, Western Cape (Stellenbosch;Cape Town).—May and Company CA (SA), 4th Floor, 5 Saint George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001.

8963/2011—Makeleni, Masoja Frank, 4410165399087, 53 Morningstar Drive, Kwezi Park, Khayelitsha, 7764; NoncebaRegina Makeleni, 5406270322088 (Khayelitsha; Cape Town). C. De Cerff & Associates, 1 Koffiepeer Close, Eastridge, Mitchell’sPlain.

1971/2012—Edson, Anna, 3012250077080, No. 2, 6th Street, Rusthof, Strand, 7140, 25 November 2011 (Strand; CapeTown).—Morkel & De Villiers Inc, P.O. Box 43, Somerset West, 7129.

3109/2010—Myburg, Norman, 3305205036080 (Cape Town; Cape Town).—Robert Bryn Myburg, 35 Parker Street,Vergesig, Durbanville.

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6564/2008—Van Dyk, Marie-Louise, 5509040162088. Liquidation and Distribution Account (Goodwood Magistrate; CapeTown).—Salie and Salie Attorneys, No. 2 Dingle Avenue, Kenilworth.

7817/2009—Patel, Fatima, 5509040162088. Liquidation and Distribution Account (Goodwood Magistrate; Cape Town)—Salie and Salie Attorneys, No. 2 Dingle Avenue, Kenilworth.

4813/2010—Van Zyl, Christoffel Gideon, 4907315061087, Tienie Bothastraat 3, Heidebrand; Anna Jahanna van Zyl,5404270080087 (George; Cape Town).—Old Mutual Trust Limited, P.O. Box 27528, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

7252/2008—Radermacher, Anthony Joseph, 3803265031082, 51/195 Farm, Kraaibosch, George. Amended First andFinal (George; Cape Town).—BoE Trust Limited, P.O. Box 27528, Port Elizabeth, 6057.

3730/2012—Geduld, Louisa, 4708170114080, 7 Hine Street, Cloetesville, Stellenbosch, 7600 (Stellenbosch; CapeTown).—Anna Kotze Consult, P.O. Box 946, Stellenbosch, 7599.

15993/2011—Lawford, Patricia Elizabeth, 3110230051082, E99 Laprovence, Graniet Street, Welgelegen, 7500 (Bellville;Cape Town).—M.J. Lennox, P.O. Box 53247, Kenilworth, 7745.

1934/2012—Pienaar, Martha Susanna, 1610120007088, Huis Marie Louw, Faganstrat 18, Somerset Wes, 7130(Somerset Wes; Cape Town).—ABSA Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. Ground Floor, ABSA Building, 14 StrandRoad, Bellville, 7530.


Form/Vorm J 28


Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, noticeis hereby given by the Masters of the High Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have beensequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description ofestate/company; date upon which and division of court by which order is made and upon the application of.


Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, wordhierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeldvoorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is.

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing vanboedel/maatskappy; datum waarop en afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en op die aansoek van.

B66/2012—Tradmil Trading 4 (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2005/024053/07, besigheid adres: Erf 213, Vaalpark, Sasolburg,Vrystaat Provinsie. 31/05/2012, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Vrywillige Likwidasie.

C1124/2011—Athean Beard, 6506090167081, 157 Retz Drive, Table View, Cape Town. 18 November 2011, Western CapeHigh Court, Cape Town. Voluntary Surrender.

C930/2011—NNP Organics (Pty) Ltd, 2010/013279/07, 13 Seil Place, Olivedale, Randburg, 2162. 4 August 2011,Resolution by Creditor. Special Resolution by Creditors.

E19/2012—Melta Rapid Transportservices Primary Co-Operative Limited, 2010/008163/24, principle place of businessat No. 2 Bushview Terrace, North End, East London. 15 May 2012, East London Circuit Local Division, East London. Misile Kinana.

B64/2012—Jan Petrus Venter, ID No. 4608075022083, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met: Gloudina Maria Venter,ID No. 4906210084087, woonagtig te Ebeleenstraat 24, Naudeville, Welkom, Vrystaat Provinsie. 24 Mei 2012, Vrystaat HoëHof, Bloemfontein. Mariska Venter.

B63/2012—Douw Gerbrand Grobler, ID No. 7501045044088, getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met ChristineGrobler, ID No. 8203050010083, woonagtig te Begoniastraat 28, Gardeniapark, Bloemfontein , Vrystaat Provinsie. 24 Mei 2012,Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. Annette Stephanie Grobler.

C345/2012—Kenneth Paul Marcus, ID: 4305015092009, res. add: 12A Upper Kloof Street, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town.15 March 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Ralph Michael Marcus and Walter Marcus.

C435/2012—Central Route Trading 575 CC, t/s Supreme Fruits, 2006/118747/23, reg. add: 45 Commaile Road,Melkbosrand, W.C. 13 April 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Johannes Henoch Neethling N.O. and Others.

C484/2012—Werner van Zyl, 7101075217082, 25 Sparman Street, Strand. 1 June 2012, Western Cape High Court, CapeTown. Jacques Petrus du Preez.

C394/2012—Pilbeam (RSA) (Pty) Ltd, 2002/005582/07, 3 TPT Park, cnr Main & Gordon Road, Somerset West. 3 April2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Simon Philip Pilbeaum.

C514/2012—Sedekia Transport (Pty) Ltd, 2003/022478/07, Unit 5, Oude Westhof Medical Centre, 28 Van Riebeeckshof,Oude Westhof. 14 May 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Daniel Johannes Bosman.

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C381/2012—Microgreens Technical (Pty) Ltd, 2004/000236/07, 1 Waterford Mews, Century Boulevard, Century City,Western Cape. 27 March 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town.

C514/2012—Sedekia Transport (Pty) Ltd, 2003/022478/07, Unit 5, Oude Westhof Medical Centre, 28 Van Riebeeckshof,Oude Westhof. 14 May 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Daniel Johannes Bosman.

E17/2012—BMK Plant Hire CC, CK No. 2006/118430/23, registered address at 58 Avalon Road, Beacon Bay, EastLondon. 10 May 2012, Magistrate’s Court, East London, East London. Carol-Ann Schroeder & Mathew Moodley.

E16/2012—Izak Job, 6308105130083, 25 Meintjies Street, Aberdeen. 10 May 2012, Eastern Cape High Court,Grahamstown. Standard Bank of South Africa.

Form/Vorm J 29


The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, being wound up or having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the High Court of South Africa, Masters ofthe High Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936,sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926 and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of theCompanies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the saidestates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claimsagainst the estates or companies, the election of trustees, liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposesreferred to in section 364 or 431 of Act No. 61 of 1973, as the case may be.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description ofestate/company; date of the provisional and date of the final order, and division of court by which order is made,and date, hour and place of meeting.

Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will beheld before the Magistrate.


Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrikagesekwestreer, gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters vandie Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973,kennis gegee dat ’n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemdeboedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen dieboedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindesbedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet No. 61 van 1973, na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word.

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing vanboedel/maatskappy; datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en afdeling van hof waardeur ordergemaak is, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms.

In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voordie Landdros gehou.

C398/2012—Francois Albert Engelbrecht, 8312205081087, 14th Avenue 49, Boston, Bellville, Western Cape Province.3 April 2012—21 May 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 20 July 2012, 11:00, Bellville Magistrates.

C930/2011—NNP Organics (Pty) Ltd, 2010/013279/07, 13 Seil Place, Olivedale, Randburg, 2162. 4 August 2011,Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 11 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court, Randburg.

C1124/2011—Athean Beard, 6506090167081, 157 Retz Drive, Table View, Cape Town. 2 December 2011—18 November2011, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 10 July 2012, 09:00, Master’s Office, Cape Town.

C1369/2011—Grey Haven Riches 32 Ltd, t/a Atlantic Beach Golf Ltd, 2010/010205/06, 1st Floor, Old WarehouseBuilding, Black River Park, Fir Street, Observatory. 20 December 2011—20 February 2012, Western Cape High Court, CapeTown. 13 July 2012, 9h00, Master’s Office Cape Town.

N106/2012—Alamode Investments (Pty) Ltd, 2005/000848/07, 1st Floor, Kenilworth Park, 202 Brickfield Rd, Overport,Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. Final order: 08/05/2012, the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg. 11/07/2012, 10:00, Master’sOffice, Durban.

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N83/2012—Insolvent estate: Nurshad Essop and Monica, 7104265103088, 7303210175080, Section 107, Flat 235,Redberry Park 79 Ruston Drive, Phoenix, KwaZulu-Natal. 27/03/2012—23/05/2012, KwaZulu-Natal High Court,Pietermaritzburg. 19/07/2012, 10h00, Verulam Magistrate’s Court.

B56/2012—William Parkin, ID No. 7205065030080, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed, woonagtig adres: Caradine 8,Steenboksirkel, Woodland Hills, Bloemfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie. 03/05/2012—31/05/2012, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein.11/7/2012, 10h00, Bloemfontein.

B39/2012—Eques Risk Management (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2001/019681/23, geregistreerde adres: 52 Aliwal Street,Arboretum, Bloemfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie. 19/04/2012—31/05/2012, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 11/7/2012, 10h00,Bloemfontein.

N114/2012—Insolvent estate: Abhay Kumar, f/t/a Anix Trading Sheritha Kumar, 7311195188184, 7210140176080, Unit18, Deane Park, 19 Nettleson Road, Sherwood, KwaZulu-Natal. 30/04/2012—15/05/2012, KwaZulu-Natal High Court,Pietermaritzburg. 18/07/2012, 10h00, Master’s Office.

D224/11—Cxinhau Balmer, aka Lan Balmer aka Zinhau Maguire, 6310010289087, 110 Bernadotte Street, Amanzimtoti,Durban. 13/10/11—29/11/11, Durban & Coast Local Division. 11/07/12, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban.

C346/2012—Willem Johannes Jacobus van der Merwe, 6606055103004, Chapter 2 Farm, Geelhoutboom, George. 27 February 2012—1 June 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 13 July 2012, 9h00, George Magistrate Court.C9182/12—Denver Colin Cook, 6508105183087, 2 Wagner Crescent, Belhar. Final order: 16 March 2012, Western Cape HighCourt, Cape Town. 13 July 2012, 11h00, Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.

C1327/2011—Hendrika Jacoba Bronkhorst, 6911010033084, 46 Slakkepas Complex, Dwarskersbos, Western CapeProvince. 7 December 2012—23 March 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 11 July 2012, 9:00, PiketbergMagistrates.

C917/2011—Willem Alberts Muller Burger, 5912175089086, 22 Pringel Street, Oudtshoorn, Western Cape Province. 31 August 2011—19 March 2012, Western Cape High Court, George. 11 July 2012, 9:00, Oudtshoorn Magistrate’s Court.

C296/2012—Wynand Ruhle, 7812055076088, 66 La Bella Kompleks, Hibiscus Street, Gordans Bay. Voluntary Surrender,24 May 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 18 July 2012, 9h00, Strand Magistrate’s Court.

B51/2012—Ionia Boerdery (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 1993/000780/07, geregistreerde adres te Pres. Boshoffstraat 32A,Bethlehem, Vrystaat Provinsie. Finale bevel: 26 April 2012, Vrywillige Likwidasie. 13/7/2012, 9h30, Bethlehem.

B35/2012—Elysium Graanbermarking (Edms) Bpk, Reg. No. 2000/006848/07, geregistreerde adres te Angelicastraat722, Dorandea. 29 Maart 2012—31 Mei 2012, Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein. 12/7/2012, 10h00, Koppies.

D237/2011—Insolvent estate: Kenneth John Boyes, 4208275092083, 101 Oyster Quays, 2B Lighthouse Road, UmhlangaRocks. 8/11/2011—18/04/2012, KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. 11/07/2012, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban.

C398/2012—Francois Albert Engelbrecht, 8312205081087, 14th Avenue 49, Boston, Bellville, Western Cape Province.3 April 2012—21 May 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 20 July 2012, 11:00, Bellville Magistrates.

C500/2012—Immoploy (Pty) Ltd, 2003/023008/07, Reg add: 95 Arum Road, Table View, W.C. 3 May 2012—12 June2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 13 July 2012, 09h00, Cape Town.

C484/2012—Werner van Zyl, 7101075217082, 25 Sparman Street, Strand, 25 Sparman Street, Strand. 1 June 2012—1 June 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate Court, Strand.

C394/2012—Pilbeam (RSA) (PTY) Ltd, 2002/005582/07, 3 TPT Park, cnr Main & Gordon Road, Somerset West. 3 April2012—15 May 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 12 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Somerset West.

C514/2012—Sedekia Transport (Pty) Ltd, 2003/022478/07, Unit 5, Oude Westhof Medical Centre, 28 Van Riebeeckshof,Oude Westhof. 14 May 2012—8 June 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 11 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court,Kuils River.

C381/2012—Microgreens Technical (Pty) Ltd, 2004/000236/07, 1 Waterford Mews, Century Boulevard, Century City,Western Cape. 27 March 2012—4 June 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 17 July 2012, 09h00, Master’s Office,Cape Town.

C514/2012—Sedekia Transport (Pty) Ltd, 2003/022478/07, Unit 5, Oude Westhof Medical Centre, 28 Van Riebeeckshof,Oude Westhof. 14 May 2012—8 June 2012, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. 11 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court,Kuils River.

G1033/2011—Mautiwela Constructors (Pty) Ltd, 004/010163/07, 18 Bashee Street, Three Rivers, Gauteng, 1930.Special resolution: 06 July 2011. 03 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.

G1364/2008—Four Arrows Investments 179 (Pty) Ltd, 2004/031409/07, 1st Floor Randpark Building 20, Dower Street,Ferndale, Randburg, 2125. Final order: 10 October 2008. 04 July 2012, 09h00, Randburg.

D236/2011—Quiver Management Solutions (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation, 2010/006527/07, Office 1, 4 Walter Place, Mayville,Durban, 4001. 04-11-2011—16-01-2012, KwaZulu-Natal, High Court. 11-07-2012, 10h00, Masters Office, Durban.

D095/12—The Inside Edge (Event Management) (Pty) Ltd, 2003/006304/07, 271 Kenyon Howden Road, MontclairDurban. By special resolution passed on the 24-05-2012. 18-07-12, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban.

D103/12—Singlewell Storage (Pty) Ltd, 2002/011871/07, 2 Suite 10 & 11 6 Rydall Vale Cres, Douglas Saunders Drive,La Lucia Ridge, Durban. By special resolution passed on the 08-05-2012. 18-07-12, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban.

D023/11—Global Property Construction (Pty) Ltd, 1998/014303/07, 1st Floor, Lincoln on the Lake, 2 High Street,Parkside, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban. 09-02-11—23-03-11, Durban & Coast Local Div. 11-07-12, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban.

C402/2012—Dyssllau 1607 CC (in liquidation). 8 February 2012 (special resolution)—8 February 2012 (special resolution), Wes Kaap Hoë Hog Kaapstad. 18 July 2012, 09h00, Landdros, Bonnievale.

D69/2012—Superteam Electrial Durban (Pty) Ltd, 2007/035762/07, 17 Hunter Street, Durban, 4001. 11-04-2012—23-05-2012, KwaZulu-Natal, High Court, Durban. 11-07-2012, 10h00, Masters Office, Durban.

D034/12—Stables Wine Estate (Pty) Ltd, 2004/012059/07, 5th Floor, The Spinnaker Albert Terrace, Durban. 020-02-12—02-04-12, Durban & Coast Local Div. 18-07-12, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban.

E7/2012—Warren Gerard Peinke, 6806275007080, presently residing at Ridgeway Farm, Grahamstown. 9 February2012—8 March 2012, Eastern Cape High Court, Grahamstown. 18 July 2012, 10h00, Grahamstown.

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D70/2012—Super Team Electrical Richards Bay (Pty) Ltd, 2007/035762/07, 4 Langford Road, Westville, 3630,KwaZulu-Natal. 11-04-2012—23rd May 2012, KwaZulu-Natal, High Court. 18-07-2012, 10h00, Masters Office, Durban.

D188/2011—Roland Durr, 7009235065087, 9 Sherborne Place, Windeham, Umkomaas. Final order: 01-08-2011,KwaZulu-Natal, High Court, Durban. 18-07-2012, 10h00, Masters Office, Durban.

D188/2011—Roland Durr, 7009235065087, 9 Sherborne Place, Windeham, Umkomaas. Final order: 01-08-2011,KwaZulu-Natal, High Court, Durban. 18-07-2012, 10h00, Masters Office, Durban.

T3119/09—Janita van Niekerk, 8307220009089, 75 Visvanger Street, Haakdoornboom, Onderstepoort. Final order: 17th June 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12th July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.

T4380/10—Dube Nomsa, 8610190357085, Unit 675, Wonderpark Estate, 1st Street, Karenpark Ext 24, Pretoria. Finalorder: 09th June 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12th July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.

T6519/09—Patience Ndlovu, 7707281006083, 7075 443 Agowan Street, The Orchards, Pretoria. Final order: 13th October 2009, North Gauteng High Court Pretoria. 12th July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.

T3300/11—Tshepo Hope Matjeme & Grace Mapule Landani, 8312250468080 & 7412290390087, 746 Block UU,Soshanguve. Final order: 05th October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16th July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0149/12—Yvette Barkhuizen, 8003290008081, 29 Villa George, Kieskammastraat, Erasmuskloof. Final order: 01st February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16th July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T1460/11—Isak Dawid Van der Walt, 5404225119089, Vosarend Laan, Kameeldrift, Pretoria-Noord. Final order: 05th August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12th July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.

T5459/11—Hermanus Lambertus & Susanna Jacomina De Wet, 6006275150002 & 4811260079005, 18 CarmylieStreet, Dalview, Brakpan. Final order: 17th February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13th July 2012, 09h00,Magistrate, Brakpan.

T5229/09—Pieter Jacobus, 6910175171085, Columburg 1, Sonneveldt, Brakpan. Final order: 14th August 2009, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13th July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.

T6749/09—Raymond & Manyaku Sarah Mahlangu, 7109205451083 & 7604241076084, 18376 Cebekulu Street,Tsakane X 8, Brakpan. Final order: 23rd October 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13th July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate,Brakpan.

T4759/11—Gavin Morrison Irvine, 5612285001084, Bonanza Street, Barlett, Boksburg. Final order: 29th February 2012,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19th July 2012, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T4780/11—Lopke Roux, 80005080031082, 18 Alder Street, Van Dyk Park, Boksburg. 06th February 2012, North GautengHigh Court, Pretoria. 19th July 2012, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T4140/11—Deon & Susanna Elizabeth Erasmus, 6706075100087 & 70011809/190 085, No. 39 Silverleafstraat, Van dykPark, Boksburg. Final order: 13th October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19th July 2012, 11h30, Magistrate,Boksburg.

T0350/12—Andrew Gerald & Michelle Janine Altree, 6909155019082 & 6902130020085, 33 Mystere Avenue, ImpalaPark, Boksburg. Final order: 23rd March 2012, North Gauteng High Court Pretoria. 19th July 2012, 11h30, Magistrate,Boksburg.

T0959/11—Petrus Lewis & Gertbrech Elizabeth Magdalena Smith, 4903215047086 & 5005100117088, Lannerstraat26, Parkdene, Boksburg. Final order: 31st March 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19th July 2012, 11h30, Magistrate,Boksburg.

T4380/11—Natasha Doubell, 8208020251089, 22 Knight Street, Witfield, Boksburg. Final order: 24th October 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19th July 2012, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T4379/11—Francois Jacques Doubell, 7810285053083, 22 Knight Street, Witfield, Boksburg. Final order: 24th October2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19th July 2012, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T2079/11—Malusi Lucky Patrick Shingwenyana, 6801105307081, 7 Uitsighelling Street, Kempton Park West. Finalorder: 17th June 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17th July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T3080/11—Helman Treisman, 5103155010082, 3 Panorama Laan, Edleen, Kempton Park. Final order: 18th August 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17th July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T4059/11—Elna Buys, 7405300058082, Haak en Steekstraat 9, Glen Marais, Kempto Park. Final order: 10th August 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17th July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T4889/09—Werner Adriaan Wilken, 7601315007086, 4 Monmore Court, Maroela Avenue, Birchleigh, Kempton Park.Final order: 04th August 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17th July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T8029/09—Themba Alexandria Manqele, 4809045496080, 16 Modumela Cresent, Birch Acres, Kempton Park. Finalorder: 12th February 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17th July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T1980/10—Durward Jonathon Jacobs, 8205195348088. 106 Ravenswood Manor, Ravenswood, Boksburg. Final order:7 May 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 July 2012, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T4139/11—Francois Frederik & Lidia Erasmus, 6401115007084 & 6611130116088, 7 Human Street, Witfield, Boksburg.Final order: 13 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 July 2012, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T4779/11—Henry Thomas Roux, 8201215045085, 18 Alder Street, Van Dyk Park, Boksburg. Final order: 6 February2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 July 2012, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T0899/11—Michael Robert Ettershank, 8109255320088, 10 Edelweiss, Finchstraat, Atlasville, Boksburg. Final order:31st March 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 July 2012, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T3650/11—Madchefs Distributors (Pty) Ltd, 1998/005303/07, 24 Louis Botha Avenue, Beyerspark, Boksburg. Finalorder: 23 November 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 July 2012, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T2729/11—Gertruida Magdalena Victoria Human, 6605240013086, Gedeelte 2, Plot 7, Cypressweg, Zonnehoewe A.H.,Roodepoort. Final order: 14 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T2059/11—Graig Lomax, 80012045478088, Unit 34, Rosemount, Van der Kloof Street, Roodepoort. Final order: 17 June2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T1329/11—Archibald & Anne-Marie MaCaulay, 4809235200086 & 6103010021083, 36 Bataan Street, Roodepoort. Finalorder: 26 April 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

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T3230/11—Melanie Johanna Kidson, 6008120100083, 3 Canyon View, Sysie Road, Randpark Ridge, Roodepoort. Finalorder: 26 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T1279/11—Jack John Voges, 7608215140081, Eitemulstraat 1143, Robertsville, Roodepoort. Final order: 15 June 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T2429/11—Mariette Kruger, 8107240034087, 14 Vandadium Street, Mineralia, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. Final order: 8 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

T3170/11—Yvonne van der Westhuizen, 6304120112080, Soutpansbergweg 48, Aerorand, Middelburg, Mpumalanga.Final order: 26 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

T0570/09—Sonja Seyfarth, 8111110029086, Golden Gatestraat 25, Middelburg. Final order: 9 December 2009, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10:00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

T5680/10—Keith Boyden Worsley, 6401235127085, Essenhoutstraat 27, Kanonkop, Middelburg. Final order: 12 January2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10:00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

T0870/11—Hennelie Botes, 8503290018089, Lebombostraat 18B, Aerorand, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. Final order: 26 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

T5090/11—Lindiwe Patience Chiliza, 6012270670085, Stand 5370, The Orchards Ext 51, Pretoria. Final order: 23 March2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.

T4789/11—Maria Elizabeth Susanna Steyn, 5102110088084, 31 Lucas Oord, 471 Airport Road, Doornpoort. Final order:9 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.

4282/11—Marina Venter, 7601190017085, Adelide Flats, 273 Thea Avenue, Oval Gardens, Centurion. Final order: 21 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18-07-2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4582/11—Hester Johanna Elizabeth Bloem, 8208200019082, Venterstraat 161, Capital Park, Pretoria. Final order: 28 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18-07-2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4761/11—Veronica Kuhn, 5708130242087, 24 Snip Avenue, East Lynne, Pretoria. Final order: 27 January 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18-07-2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3872/11—Rudi Scholtz, 8201295254086, Danie Theronstraat 127, Pretoria-Noord. Final order: 26 January 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3012/11—Bernd Rolf Oellermann, 6808085106086, Waggelstraat 202, Montana, Pretoria. Final order: 30 March 2012,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3222/11—Christiaan Alexander & Elsie Hester Groenewald, 6411265087083 & 6811090114084, Bremerstraat 479,Mountain View, Pretoria. Final order: 26 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.

T4931/11—Martin Smuts, 7909045015083, 342 Ben van Tonder Street, Villieria, Pretoria. Final order: 18 November 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18-07-2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3611/11—Johanna Hendrina Lubbe, 5304260002085, 103 Becklake Street, Cosmos, Hartbeespoort. Final order: 16 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16-07-2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits.

T3622/11—Anna Aletta Sophia Pretorius, 6104270149085, 22 Anandale Street, Van Riebeeck Park, Kempton Park. Finalorder: 14 September 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T3652/11—Lurco Trading 226 (Pty) Ltd, 2029 Lenchen Park, Avenue South, Swartkop X4, Centurion, Pretoria. Finalorder: 2 February 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16-07-2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3522/11—Expertek Office Solutions (Pty) Ltd, 2007/003288/07, Ledwaba Office Park, Suite 873, Church Street,Pretoria. Final order: 15 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16-07-2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4061/11—Bernce Human,. 7405270020088, Haak en Steekstraat 9, Glen Marais, Kempton Park. 13 July 2011—10 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T4111/11—Andre Schoeman, 8004155080082, Plot 224, Bokfontein, Brits. 25 February 201—24 May 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16-07-2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits.

T4111/10—Mpati Simon & Regina Ramaesela Lebelo, 5901017147087 & 6603100433080, 27 Kolgaans, Mina Park,Pretoria. Final order: 31 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4432/11—Mark & Paulina Hendrina Webb, 6508305001089 & 6705210152086, 22 Swift Avenue, Phalaborwa. Finalorder: 14 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-07-2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Phalaborwa.

T4652/11—Grand Palace Trading 50 (Pty) Ltd, 2002/028068/07, 311 Piet Hugo Street, Wierdapark. Final order: 30 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3281/11—Nelesco 214 (Pty) Ltd, 2004/034722/07, 505 Charles Street, Menlo Park. Final order: 2 August 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3802/11—Gillian du toit, 8202040006086, Stand 2737, Petrel Street, Thatchfield Close, Centurion, Gauteng. Final order:29 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20-07-2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T2151/11—Mary du Plessis, 7606030064080, 9 Joyce Woonstelle, Ribistraat, Carletonville. Final order: 29-03-2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20-07-2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Oberholzer.

T2741/11—James Edwin Lubbe, 7702155110087, Sayffordstraat 20, Stilfontein. Final order: 14 March 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20-07-2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4401/11—Xolani Eustice Ngidi, 7204015455083, 2211 Daffodil Gardens, 21 Madelief Avenue, Karenpark, PretoriaNorth. Final order: 28 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4602/11—Erasmus Johannes & Yolan du Plessis, 6912165213083 & 7308290144088, 113/1 Erasmus Avenue,Raslouw, Pretoria. Final order: 3 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4751/11—Gert Louis & Marita Petronella Coetzee, 5909185136089 & 5805300082085, 430 Dr Van der Merwe Ave,Montana. Final order: 7 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

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T3292/10—Maria Magdalena Watermeyer, 6112110054084, Sapphire Lemonwoodweg 21, Eco Park, Centurion. Finalorder: 7 September 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T8001/09—Petrus Johannes Roos, 7702095018085. Final order: 11 December 2009, North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria. 19-07-2012, 9h00, Pretoria North.

T3322/11—Winten Trading (Pty) Ltd, 2004/011045/07, 2A Miller Crescent, Silver Park, Pretoria. Final order: 5 July 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3332/11—Hendrik Johannes Briel, 5210205039084, 19 Rhebeuck Single, Moreletta Park, Pretoria. Final order: 17 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18-07-2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T5021/11—NJC Construction (Pty) Ltd, 2003/002730/07, 1 And CF Financial Services, 21 Exeter Street, Robertsham,Gauteng. 19 October 2011—28 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 10h00, Master,Johannesburg.

T3811/11—Planforge (Pty) Ltd, 2005/039266/07, No. 48 7th Avenue, Edenvale, Gauteng Province. Final order: 21-04-2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-2012, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.

T4722/11—Peet Viljoen, 2000/0249497/21, Block B, Glen Gables, cnr Lynnwoodglen, Louis Botha Drive, Lynnwood Glen.Final order: 30 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16-07-2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3592/10—Christiaan Odendaal & Nicoleen Muller, 5107155184086 & 6007030058084, Sargenstraat B4, Lilianton,Boksburg. Final order: 27 August 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-07-2012, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T4064/10—QS Prop Trust, IT No. 9171/07, Vennstraat 23, Uitbreiding 4, Nelspruit. Final order: 23-02-2011, North GautengHigh Court, Pretoria. 20-07-2012, 9h00, Nelspruit.

T0583/12—Gideon Jacobus Ellis, 5711035026084, 18 Tierboskat Street, The Wilds, Pretoria. Final order: 11 April 2012,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18-07-2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T1563/12—Lindie Fourie, 7809280142081, 70 Delawair Street, Lynnwood Glen. Final order: 20 January 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-07-2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3864/11—Ndlovu, Walter & Sibonisiwe Smah, 6808205989080 & 7005120103082, 53 Albertuse Street, La Montagne,Pretoria. Final order: 30 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17th July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3924/11—Willem Johannes Mathee, 6909055299083, 5th Kameeldoring Street, Extension 22, Secunda. Final order: 10-02-2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20-07-2012, 9h30, Evander.

T5474/11—Jenkins, Jan Hendrik & Jean Verona, 5912245213088 & 5905230131083, 38 Hamilton Avenue, Brakpan.Final order: 18 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20-07-2012, 9h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.

T5274/11—Strydom, Gideon Lourens, 6708065041081, plaas Gedult, distrik Hartebeesfontein, North West Province. 18 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.

T1444/11—Nicolaas Johannes Janse van Rensburg, 7102245287088, Bandtjiestraat 3, Stilfontein. Final order: 5 May2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 10:00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.

T4703/11—Alvin Tarr, 7310075005088, 29 Carriesbrook Estate, Bellairs Drive, Northriding, Randburg. Final order: 1 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg.

T3764/11—Moss Patience Abueng, 7410140896089, Unit 97, Wonderpark Estate, First Street, Karenpark Ext 24,Pretoria, Gauteng Province. Final order: 17 May 2011. 17 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0883/11—Tsekelele, Lawrence Frans & Vuyokazi Happiness, 7202065676087 & 7602220270082, 16918 MathewsonStreet, Daveyton. Final order: 30 March 2011. 18-07-2012, 10h00, Benoni.

T2503/10—Jason Conrad Kimmerling, 8006175261081, 152 Pretoria Road, Rynfield, Benoni. Final order: 9 September2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 Juy 2012, 10:00, Magistrate, Benoni.

T4704/11—Willem & Hannelie van Vuuren, 7802215155088 & 7908100036083, Plot 33A, Barnardsvlei, Mooinooi, Brits.Final order: 9 December 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10:00, Magistrate, Brits.

3574/11—Van Zyl, Schaun Hank & Cindy, 7203055055084 & 7412110080082, Kupperstraat 26, Bonaero Park. Finalorder: 19 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20 July 2012, 9h00, Magistrate, Germiston.

T7624/10—Le Roux, Elsie Adriana, 5712020053083, Irene Street 4, Irenepark, Klerksdorp. Final order: 4 February 2010,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.

T1253/11—Kritzinger, David Louis & Cynthia, 5304015118087 & 5705240082080, 1212 Dormerlaan, Queenswood.Final order: 19th April 2011. 17/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3214/10—Long, Ettiene Elroyd & Elizabe, 7907315043082 & 8603220107083, Plot 2, Cilvale, Bapsfontein. Finalebevel: 12 August 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10:00, Magistrate, Benoni.

T1134/11—Christopher Mjadu, 5001305639083, 14781 Bierman Street, Eastfield, Vosloorus. Final order: 13 April 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 July 2012, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T4973/11—Beverley May Chrichton, 5310040153080, 76 Wellington Park, 3 Rooitou Street, Weltevreden Park, Gauteng.Final order: 15 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T4333/11—Letitia van Heerden, 8101080025081. Final order: 14th February 2012. 18th/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.T3683/11—Maboa, Lawrence & Motlalepule Christina, 6306265923081 & 6712200537086. Final order: 22 September

2011. 19/07/12, 9h00, Pretoria-North.T5314/11—Clark, Victor Aubrey, 7410285072082, 23 Swallos Nest, Caravellie Road, Boksburg. Final order: 20 January

2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 July 12, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.T0894/11—Calitz, Corne & Natania, 85013150711083 & 8806090113087. Final order: 31 March 2011. 18/07/12, 9h00,

Magistrate, Alberton.T5444/11—Els Frederik Christiaan, 85022275007083, Oslerstraat 42, Danville, Pretoria. Final order: 17 January 2012.

12/07/2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.T0193/12—Seshabela, Kopyane Stephens & Linky Mogaetse Sechabela, 6905085539082 & 7308230531089, No. 316

Malet Flats, 350 Johan Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. Final order: 13 December 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 22 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

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T0184/11—Fouche Helgard Eduard, 6909265093084, 18 Lombardy Lakes, Lombardy Estate, Silverlakes,Bronkhorstspruit. Final order: 15 February 2011. 19/07/2012, 10h00, Bronkhorstpruit.

T1203/11—Bean, Stanley & Anelie Christie, 6305195010084, & 6805270031087, 59 Athlone, Dalview, Brakpan. Finalorder: 21 April 2011. 20 July 2012, 09h00.

T3924/11—Mathee Willem Johannes, 6909055299083, 5 Kameeldoring Street, Extension 22, Secund. Final order: 10 February 2012, 20 July 2012, 9h30, Evander.

T5474/11—Jenkis, Jan Hendirk & Jean Verona, 5912245213088 & 5905283013083. Final order: 18th January 2012.19/07/12, 9h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.

T5623/11—Van Jaarsveld, Cornelius Hermanus & Letitia, 6809045130083 & 6906130347083, Vultureweg 35, ReynoRide, Witbank. Final order: 9 December 2011. 20/07/12. 10h00, Magistrate, Witbank.

T213/10—Jacobus Gerhard van Rensburg, 8105215089086, 26 Six Fountains Estate, Pretoria-Oos. Final order: 21 February 2010. 19/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T2593/11—Alida Maria Meiring, 4201270031081, Lapiroque 83, Lawerystraat, Elardus Park. Final order: 14 October2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Pretoria-North.

T1984/11—Adri Smith, 6904250121081, 15 Koeberg Street, Witpoortjie, Roodepoort. Final order: 10 June 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T0744/11—Kirchner Familie Trust, IT No. 4521/07, 4 Sotogrande Street, Silverlakes, Pretoria. Final order: 11 March 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 10:00, Master’s Office, Pretoria.

T0324/12—Igrade Holding (Pty) Ltd, 2002/025448/07, 24 Victoria Street, Route 21, Corporate Park, Nelmapius Drive,Irene, Gauteng. Final order: 21 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 10:00, Master’s Office,Pretoria.

T1133/11—Cyril Thandazini Mjadu, 7806115395082, 14781 Bierman Street, Eastfield, Vosloorus. Final order: 13 April2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 July 2012, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T2884/10—Paul & Gertruid Du Plooy, 7503015005081 & 7609200122084, Littlestraat 6, Sherwood Gardens, Brakpan.Final order: 2 December 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Brakpan.

T0814/12—Pieter Gabriel Smit, 7911255015084, Selbournestraat 7, Springs. Final order: 15 March 2012, North GautengHigh Court, Pretoria. 27 July 2012, 10:00, Magistrate, Springs.

4593/11—Fick, Wilhelm Hermann Martin & Aletta Sophia, 6009035093082 & 6210260099089, 42 Pridgeon Street,Selection Park, Springs. Final order: 4 November 2011. 20/07/12, 10h00, Springs.

T5213/10—Tromp Michael Leon, 7609155088082, 11 San Bernadino, Langevelt Street, Vonra Valley, Midrand. Finalorder: 14 June 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17 July 12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3803/11—Venter Jarn, 7508295003086, 31 Ste Laan 868, Villieria, Pretoria. Final order: 17 February 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T2456/2011—Brits Feed Processing (Pty) Ltd, 1993/000225/07, 44 Schutteave, Brits. 31 May 2011. Final order: 19 July2011. Transvaal Provincial Division. 23/07/12, 10:00, The Magistrate, Brits.

T0245/12—Elly Consibee, 5002070626180, 211 Heloma Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria. Final order: 19 March 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5505/10—Adrian Wium, 7608015022083, Eastwood Park 46, Magalieskruin, Pretoria, Gauteng. Final order: 13 October2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5405/11—Le Roux & Mona-Lisa Du Toit, 7403235033080 & 8201110006083, 422 15de Laan, Rietfontein, Pretoria. Finalorder: 18 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5115/11—Charles Leon & Anna Cornelia Jacomina Butler, 5705105064082 & 6011150009083, 35 Normandy Gardens,Kirkness Street, Pierre van Ryneveld. Final order: 3 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10:00,Master, Pretoria.

T1265/11—Annetta Maritz, 55011500281083, Von Willichstraat 65, Monavoni, Centurion. Final order; 17 November 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4086/11—Alida Maria Kristein, 7003070016081, Versterstraat 586, Elarduspark, Pretoria. Final order: 12 March 2012,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3716/11—Stefan Roets, 7101225002087, 656 Hestelleen Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 21 September 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3496/11—Johan Conrad & Emmarita Pretorius. 7306225120082 & 7206210073082, 1522 Kaallaagte Street, EastLynne, Pretoria. Final order: 9 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria

T4985/10—Keith Evan Meyer, 5707015091080, Roosmaryn 38, Rosemaryn Street 92, Annlin, Pretoria. Final order: 18 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4785/11—Catharine Elizabeth Seaborne, 6101260041082, Monroe Park No. 11, Koorsboomstraat, Magalieskruin, PTA.Final order: 6 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4705/11—Susanna Vosloo, 6904300009088, 3 De But, Wisteria Crescent, Highveld, Centurion. Final order: 2 November2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T5216/11—Christo Pieter Bezuidenhout, 8103065004081, 160 Rivea Street, Doornpoort, Gauteng. Final order: 18 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4036/11—Leonie Greyling, 7505145032081, 24 La Grange, Minnerton, Brakpan, Gauteng. Final order: 15 March 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.

T4386/11—Thelma Susan Genn, 6306130199081, Duntonlaan 4, Rivonia, Johannesburg. Final order: 19 October 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 10h00, Master, South Gauteng High Court.

T4326/11—Graeme Alick Ronald, 7307235092089, No. 7 Bideford Avenue, Robersham, Johannesburg. Final order: 11 December 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 10h00, Master, South Gauteng High Court.

T4506/11—Johannes Jacobus du Plooy, 7811115120084, Harmony Woonstelle 22, Doringkruin, Klerksdorp. Final order:26 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012. 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.

T4265/11—Mbongiseni Isaac Manqele, 6010235279083, 81 Nerine Road, Roodekop, Johannesburg. Final order: 4 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10h00, Master, South Gauteng High Court.

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T4676/11—Nicolaas Botha, 6901125250087, Sivewrightstraat 42, Krugersdorp. Final order: 1 November 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.

T3916/11—Johannes Christoffel & Margaret Ellen Badenhorst, 6604055132081 & 6707240092084, Gehardstraat 9,Helderblom, Krugersdorp. Final order: 6 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 09h30, Magistrate,Krugersdorp.

T1036/11—David Isak Karel & Sabrina Sybil Ray Storm, 6904065039082 & 7210120097082, Plot 114, Hallgate, Nigel.Final order: 1 April 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Nigel.

T0966/12—Thethanathi Financial Services (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No: 2001/012864/07), No. 5 Carel de Wet Road, Brits, 0250.Final order: 25 January 2012, Special Resolution. 12 July 2012, 08h30, Magistrate, Groblersdal.

T5076/11—Paul George Stols, 7201305114081, 25 Katlagter Street, Groblersdal. Final order: 10 February 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 08h30, Magistrate, Groblersdal.

T5256/10—Rouen Kruger Gouws, 6304235030087, plaas Krokodildrift, Groblersdal, Mpumalanga. Final order: 8 December 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 08h30, Magistrate, Groblersdal.

T3216/11—Stephanus Hendrick & Franciska Etsebeth, 6304125109009, 8 Zaretsky Avenue, Cinderella, Boksburg,Gauteng. Final order: 12 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T3146/10—Josantal Trust (1443/2000), farm Almero, Balfour, Mpumalanga. Final order: 27 July 2011, North Gauteng HighCourt, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Balfour.

T2846/10—Adam Johannes Bezuidenhout, 6210025024081, 27 Second Street, Northmead, Benoni. Final order: 10 March 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni.

T5336/11—Barend Daniel Piek, 7007265033082, 224 Boden Road, Benoni Small Farms, Benoni. Final order: 15 February2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni.

T3145/08—Bramley Christopher & Raven Lorriette Prince, 8210205231083 & 8506240122083, 41 Auropa Court,Kathleenstraat, Florida. Final order: 5 September 2008, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate,Roodepoort.

T5036/11—Bokfonteinbesigheids Trust (Reg. No. 6376/1995), 44 Schutte Street, Brits. Final order: 28 November 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits.

T4115/11—Renier Kruger, 7101030265085, 521 Bosch Street, Hercules, Pretoria. Final order: 13 June 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T8206/09—Stuart Packett, 5501185078088, 4 Amsterdam Drive, Olivedale, Johannesburg. Final order: 14 January 2010,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 July 2012, 10h00, Master: South Gauteng High Court.

T4185/11—Gertruida Johanna Magdalena Dorotia Venter, 6807040109086, 5 Vanderhyde Avenue, Bethal,Mpumalanga. Final order: 12 April 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Bethal.

T3195/10—Kimberley Rose Three Trust, IT9909/05, Unit 1902, Parktonian Hotel, Johannesburg. Final order: 30 August2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 July 2012, 10h00, Master: South Gauteng High Court.

T1775/10—Wanda Groenewald, 7611240012086, Plot 441 Kameeldrift, Montana, Pretoria. Final order: 20 May 2010,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master: Pretoria.

T1225/11—H3 Trust, IT12548/2007, 18 Sondagsrivier Street, Aerorand, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. Final order: 01 June2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate: Middelburg.

T0455/10—Martha Magdalena Pretorius, 6406030003084, Bayleystraat 17, Farramere, Benoni. Final order: 22 February2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Benoni.

T3246/11—Gert Diederik Janse van Rensburg, 5403085037084, 41 Fish Eagle Street, Three Rivers East. Final order:26 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Vereeniging.

T3736/11—Johannes Nikolaas & Monica Marie Smit, 5610025009086 & 5709010174085, 13 De Wilgers Emfuleni Drive,Vanderbijlpark. Final order: 22 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 09h30, Magistrate,Vanderbijlpark.

T4416/10—Nontsikelelo Kambule, 7909080296085, 32 Mond Pellier Street, Glen Erasmia X1. Final order: 22 October2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3776/10—Linda & Peter Arthur Scheepers, 6610250236080 & 6609305138085, Viljoenstraat 76, Krugersdorp-Noord,Gauteng. Final order: 05 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.

T5026/11—Waldo & Adri Van den Berg, 6808015034085 & 7304200008083, Overbergsingle 20, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp.Final order: 18 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.

T2406/11—Elmarie McCollough, 6111130189086, Farm Safola, Boskop, Potchefstroom. Final order: 07 June 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Potchefstroom.

T2156/11—Nicolene Bekker, 7609270168082, Plot 494, Vyfhoek, Van der Hoff Park, Mcroode Rylaan, Potchefstroom.Final order: 23 June 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Potchefstroom.

T2986/11—Jacques Gideon Cornelius & Judy Johanna Elizabeth Tredoux, 8312055001086 & 8906170186084, 1221A Paff Street, Booysens. Final order: 12 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate,Pretoria-North.

T3466/11—Clifford Madibe & Mosela Catherine Manyaka, 6707138587088 & 7804010258083, 80 Ryegrass TheOrchards, Pretoria-North. Final order: 08 September 2011, North Gautegn High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 09h00,Magistrate, Pretoria-North.

T3426/11—Marinda Liebenberg, 6412300190080, Monenestraat 85, Hartbeespoort. Final order: 07 September 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits.

T5136/11—Nithiana Ross & Sylvia Pillay, 6205205193088 & 6409130048082. Final order: 14 March 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.

T0795/12—Ockert Stephanus & Valerie Pennells, 6610145181087 & 6804240062082, Uvongostraat 3, Wierdapark X2,Centurion. Final order: 14 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0465/11—Sinotronics (Pty) Ltd, 1997/007910/07, Ground Floor, Block C Newlands Office Park, Louis Avenue,Newlands, Pretoria. Final order: 01 February 2011, special resolution. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T1805/11—Julie Hitchings, 6107270064089, Maryannastraat 258, Sinoville, Pretoria. Final order: 31st May 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20-07-12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

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T2565/11—Anna Magdalena Smith, 6608310032085, 25 Thornlands, Protea Avenue, Wierdapark, Centurion. Final order:08 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T1255/11—Petrus Johannes & Louisa Magrieta Kilian, 7006035002088 & 6110150226083, 231 Stead Laan,Queenswood, Pretoria. Final order: 26 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3446/10—Stephanus Izak Van Niekerk, 7209265018085, 27ste Laan 864, Rietfontein, Pretoria, Gauteng. Final order:14 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T2876/11—The Johan Charl Oosthuizen Family Trust, IT6419/99, Russel Wolpe, 2nd Floor No. 124, Ivy Road, Norwood,2192. Final order: 22 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T2176/11—Adele Rademeyer, 7403270071086, Kudupark 23, The Wilds, Garsfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 11 May 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3476/10—Brusson Finance (Pty) Ltd, 2007/009672/07, 39 Vorster Laan, Glennda, Johannesburg. Final order: 03-08-10, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18-07-12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T2136/10—Mark Dieter Gevers, 6705275001087, Van Blerkstraat 12, Clubville, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. Final order: 01 June 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

T0666/11—Gert & Johanna Frederika Duvenga, 7801175038086, Syringastraat 15, Pullens Hope, Hendrina, Kragstasie.Final order: 17 March 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

T2006/11—Samketse Investments Holding (Pty) Ltd, 2005/024895/07, 28 Bester Street, Office 108, Nelspruit,Mpumalanga. Final order: 28 February 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit.

T3845/11—Barend Petrus & Anna Christina Margaretha Louw, 6912025292087 & 7202220225085, 47 Lammervangerstraat, Jan Niemand Park, Pretoria. Final order: 18 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3995/11—Jan Dirk & Gertruida Catharina Grobler, 5411105135085 & 5605190030081, 111B Lanham Street, EastLynne, Pretoria. Final order: 07 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T1035/11—Jan Ignatius Du Plessis, 8208225008086, 503 Velskoen Avenue, Die Wilgers, Pretoria, 0184. Final order: 02 June 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3345/11—Pieter Johannes Joubert, 5712145139080, Irelandrylaan 103, Eldoraigne, Pretoria. Final order: 30 August2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3495/10—Alan Leslie Jones, 4502175009084, Plot 30, Shere Distrik, Pretoria. Final order: 18 August 2010, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3625/11—Gillian Ann Parrock, 6504140081089, 31 Mount Churchill Street, Midlands Estate, Centurion, Pretoria. Finalorder: 16 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4186/11—Daniel Pieter Wouter Rousseau, 6001175003088, Carolinastraat 637, Fairy Glen, Pretoria, Gauteng. Finalorder: 14 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4776/11—Gertruida Isabella Du Plessis, 6903290254084, Disselboom Weg 969, Wapadrand, Pretoria. Final order: 07 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4126/11—Jaco Bezuidenhout, 8110185026084, 16 Flordia Street, Evander, Secunda. Final order: 12 October 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 09h30, Magistrate, Evander.

T4426/11—Elizabeth Annamarie Du Toit, 6606290074085, 43 Beyer Street, Krugersdorp, Gauteng. Final order: 28 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 09h30, Magistrate, Pretoria.

T4976/11—Krisjan Fourie, 7601145054084, 15 Seymore Street, Westdene, 2092. Final order: 18 January 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3856/11—Andries Frederick Esterhuizen, 7111165063080, Farm 310, Wildebeesthoek, De Wildt. Final order: 27 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 11 July 2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4245/11—Francinah Phuti Futhane, 7712150505082, 113 Smithers Street, The Orchards. Final order: 18 October 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.

T3715/11—Annoesjka Roets, 6907230019085, 656 Hesteleen Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 21 September2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.11 July 2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T2735/10—Jacobus Andries & Carla Kruger, 6508125014088 & 7811240043086, Van Ryneveldstraat 221, Danville,Pretoria, Gauteng. Final order: 21 October 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 12 July 2012, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T2568/11—Alston Shado, 7608245217081, Toermalyn Place 35, Maryfield Park. Final order: 25/01/12, North GautengHigh Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0437/09—Alberts Chantal, 7008100280086, Wolffstraat No. 52. Final order: 20/02/09, North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T7847/09—Smit Susara Susanna, 6311170006089, 32 Kenneth Hoppstraat 32, Olympus, PTA. Final order: 04/12/09,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T5257/09—Oelofsen Anton & Lorewina, 7001305001084 & 7304260093822, Sweepslagstraat 89, Wapadrand, Pretoria.Final order: 21/08/09, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T5288/11—Van der Walt Phillipus Jacobus & Petronella Johanna, 6310055102088 & 6710260010085, 33 SkipperStreet, Del Judor Extension 2, Witbank, Gauteng. Final order: 08/02/12, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 10h00,Magistrate, Witbank.

T5237/10—Carolus Sheldon Graham & Cecilia Bernadette, 5705255129081 & 5807050084089, Apalisstraat No. 09,Meredale Uitbreiding 4, JHB. Final order: 10/12/10, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 10h00, Master, JHB.

T1208/11—Hendrik Johannes Gerhardus & Jacqueline Korff, 6707275143083 & 7010220072088, Perseel C 23,Bloempoort, Groblersdal. Final order: 20 April 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5447/11—Mahomud Munfusa Ephraim, 6805230138089, 285 Urban Street, Erasmia, Pretoria. Final order: 19/01/12,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T5498/11—Ignatius de Bruyn, 7408165250083, 1428B Dickenson Avenue, Waverly, Pretoria. Final order: 16/01/12, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

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T5587/11—Diane Stevens-King, 6101300070083, 12 Anton Road, Hartman Street, Vorna Valley, Halfway House,Gauteng. Final order: 15/12/11, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T5908/09—Martha Maria Schwulst, 5601050087089, 6 Belford Road, Delville, Germiston. Final order: 18/09/09, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T7547/09—Gerhardus van der Merwe, 7407135026086, Rooivinkstraat 21, Wonderboom. Final order: 03/12/09, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T2747/11—Louw Brett Conrad, 6703115020086, 2 Montagu Village, Broadacres Road, Dainfern, Randburg. Final order:29/07/11, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.

T1707/12—Maphale Albert Matsemela & Kgomotso Charlotte, 6708205350087 & 6911170464087, 3A First Avenue,Westdene, Northcliff. Final order: 16/03/11, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Master, JHB.

T5258/09—Delport Catharina Johanna, 671204009981, Dickesonlaan 1894, Waverley, Pretoria. Final order: 21/08/09,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0198/12—Deniese Ruby Botha, 611225007082, 3 Kem Street, Jan Smutsville, Boksburg. Final order: 10 February 2012,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/07/12, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T1247/11—Pieter Albertus Fourie, 7503115086080, 1 Glen Farm Road, Old Farm Road, Faerie Glen, Pretoria. NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5258/11—Gerhard Carl & Jacoba Elizabeth Pieters, 6108125074083 & 6210260002083, 12de Laan 884,Wonderboom-Suit, Pretoria. North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5327/11—Collin Vuse & Renata Oliveia Moya, 8202226297087 & 8603230139084, 758 Virgina Crescent, Cosmo City.Final order: 15 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.

T2387/11—Lucas Cornelius Mienie, 7603295112084, Gedeelte 31 van 56 Plaas Kaalfontein, Magaliesburg. Final order:28 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Randfontein.

T5597/11—Frederick Johannes van de Venter, 5511295082086, 3 Kens Place, Pierre van Reyneveld, Centurion. Finalorder: 19 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5237/11—Nicholaas Lourens & Maria Elizabeth Lazenby, 4010235002084 & 5612270052084, 6 Frans Avenue,Wilkenville, Klerksdorp. Final order: 8 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate,Klerksdorp.

T5338/10—Dalene Catherina Crafford-Schlebusch, 7406300195080, Hebron Estate No. 13, Highbury Meyerton,Gauteng. Final order: 18 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T0997/12—Capstone 29 (Pty) Ltd, 2000/027802/07, 49 Ferreira Street, Nelspruit. Final order: 29 March 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit.

T1548/10—John Freddy & Marna van Eeden, 5003305057084 & 5807080135083, Wesstraat 20, Clubville, Middelburg,Mpumalanga. Final order: 16 October 2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

T0117/12—Daniel Jacobus Badenhorst, 5301175039087, 5 Bruwer Flats, Joe Hanna Street, White River, Mpumalanga.Final order: 9 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16/07/12, 08h00, Magistrate, White River.

T4607/11—Cheryl Ann Stanford, 5108150050082, Cottage No. 2, Heronbridge Estate, 36 R114, Nietgedacht, Gauteng.Final order: 3 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.

T5278/11—Ludwig Leipoldt, 8007075104080, Ambrosiaweg Nommer, 164 Birch Acres, Kempton Park. Final order: 8 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T5368/11—Elizabeth Cornelia Brummer, 7504280208087, Douglas Road 205, Glen Austin, Midrand. Final order: 2 March2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T5188/11—Jeremias Cornelius Johanne Saurman, 5911025088082, Scottstraat 32, Hatbeespoortdam. Final order: 16 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits.

T5227/10—Domingo Manuel Amorm, 7003155769083, 31 Summerset Estate, Garden Road, Summerset, HalfwayHouse. Final order: 5 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T5287/11—Stephanus Johannes Wright, 7005255019087, 17 Leonora Close, Northwold Ext 11. Final order: 13 January2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.

T4078/11—Motsepe Motors (Pty) Ltd, 2001/016388/07, Brooklyn Court Block A, 301 Lange Street, Nieuw Mecleneuk,Pretoria. Final order: 1 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/07/11, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T1147/11—Ronel Spaumer, 7212070233089, Buchanstraat 5, Valhalla, Pretoria. Final order: 15 April 2011, North GautengHigh Court, Pretoria. 19/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0167/12—Nicola Catherine Hugo, 6711020415085, 122 Blue Berry, Midas Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria. FInal order: 7 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T0357/12—Albertus Eric Gous, 4511205029087, Walnutsstraat 32, Meiringspark, Klerksdorp. Final order: 28 March 2012,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.

T4397/11—Mokwena Khantshi Samuel & Anki Shirly, 6106115919085 & 7111160617088, 849 Hani View, MaubaneVillage, Moretel. Final order: 28/09/11, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T5137/11—Diane Sue Lau Strecker, 6506290104082, No. 9 Kongswood Lane, Douglasdale, Bryanston, Gauteng. Finalorder: 01/03/12, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.

T5178/11—Oosthuizen Carel Nicolaas, 6204055268082, 42 Gold Street, Triomf, Johannesburg. Final order: 30/01/12,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Master, JHB.

T5417/11—Walker Derek Ernest & Aletta Elizabeth, 5610275085083 & 5804140139080, 21 Mitchell Crescent,Brenthurst, Brakpan. Final order: 15/02/12, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.

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T1188/12—Martha Magdalena Visagie, 6208180018080, Tulbachweg 18, Stilfontein, Klerksdorp. Final order: 28 March2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10:00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.

T4588/11—Louis Edley Patrice & Susarah Martina Elizabeth Delmage, 5307085057085 & 6212070045088, RiebeeckHof No. 1, Wilkeville, Klerksdorp. Final order: 21 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10:00,Magistrate, Klerksdorp.

T5427/11—Aletta Johanna Heckler, 7502060024088, 14 Klawerhof, Klapper Street, Rissiville, Gauteng. Final order: 3 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-07-12, 09:30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark.

T4738/11—Pieter Jacobus & Getruida Gertzina Alletta Venter, 6506305119083 & 7402030031083, Plot 126, Wetlands,Randfontein. Final order: 27 January 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-07-12, 09:00, Magistrate, Randfontein.

T3298/11—Werner & Maria Magdalena Gouws, 770114501700744084 & 7704130044084, 15 Apatite Street, Elandstraat,Carletonville. Final order: 31 August 3011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Randfontein.

T3698/11—Heinrich Eksteen, 7009275049082, 14 Oakley Street, Rayton. Final order: 23 November 2011, North GautengHigh Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate, Cullinan.

T0127/12—Axel Ntobeko Nxazonke, 6904215505089, 22 Augrabies Avenue, Dalpark, Brakpan. Final order: 09 February2012. North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.

T4857/11—John Brian & Wilhelmina Hendriette Miller, 7011135110088 & 6602110117089, 47 Mopanie Avenue, GeneralAlbertspark, Alberton. Final order: 27 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, AlbertonNorth.

T5217/11—Louis Barend Blom, 5201295088081, Nerinastraat 41, Verwoerdpark, Alberton. Final order: 20 January 2012,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Alberton North.

T5687/10—Angelique Martha MacKinnon, 6811100149081, Ternstraat 2, Abermarle, Germiston. Final order: 6 January2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4598/11—Hendrik Gerhardus Jacobsz, 5002015078083, Plot 48, Uitloop, Mokopane. Final order: 1 March 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16/07/12, 10:00, Magistrate, Potgietersrus.

T5138/11—Laurika Maria Simpson, 7209060153087, Generaal Kritzingerstraat 143, Welgelegen, Polokwane, Limpopo.Final order: 31 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/07/12, 10h00, Master, Polokwane.

T0568/12—Henriette Kotze, 66001110086088, 19 Papegaai Street, Rant-en-Dal, Krugersdorp. Final order: 23 February2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 09:30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.

T1698/12—Beverley Gail Christensen, 5410190172086, No. 5 Veerbos Avenue, Weltevreden Park, Florida,Johannesburg. Final order: 13 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate, Johannesburg.

T2377/11—Pierre Andre Leonard Moureau, 10 Van der Walt Road, Edenglen, Pretoria. Final order: 1 August 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3817/11—Nicholas Tshepo Elrumo, 8201295663088, 653 Khupa Street, Rosslyn, Pretoria North. Final order: 13 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Pretoria North.

T4158/11—Jan Louis Last, 7202105050087, Halepnsiesstraat 76, Lynnwood-rif, Pretoria. North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria. 16/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5117/11—Ernest Boyence, 6809176036182, 204 Park Street, Belgravia, Johannesburg. Final order: 9 February 2012,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate, Johannesburg.

T5298/11—Datro Trust, IT No. 5630/2007. Final order: 23 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12,09h00, Magistrate, Middleburg.

T0847/10—Sebatana Eunice Nhlapo, 6405070353086, 2033 Wattle Street, Modelpark, Witbank. Final order: 17 March2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 10:00, Magistrate, Witbank.

T4248/11—Albertus Jacobus Kotze, 6409055052085, 3 Cirrus, 1038 Schoeman Street, Hatfield, Pretoria. Final order: 19 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0377/12—Errol Makhubela, 7609105403084, 118 Colorado Flats, 312 Schubert Street, Pretoria. Final order: 11 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T2048/12—Hanste (Pty) Ltd, t/a Innovative Recycling Klerksoord, 2008/025262/07, 8 Wild Avenue Villa, 60 WildAvenue, New Lands, Pretoria. Final order: 7 May 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17-07-12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T2178/12—Sunset Point Properties 106 (Pty) Ltd, 2006/026934/07, 140 Hamilton Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. Final order:8 May 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5087/11—Tthandiwe Victoria Nxumalo, 6902060736080, Parkzicht Flat 101, Unit 40, 239 Minnaar Street, Sunnyside,Pretoria. Final order: 5 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4997/11—Paul Johannes Jacobus du Plessis, 7408305271080, Venterstraat 161, Capital Park, Pretoria. Final order:16 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4767/11—Adinda Maré, 8601300175087, 29ste Laan 729, Villieria. Final order: 10 November 2011, North Gauteng HighCourt, Pretoria. 16/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3858/11—Cornelis & Jessie Maria Groesbeek, 6803125092081 & 6912180237083, 97 Silverlake Road, Silverlakes,Pretoria. Final order: 25 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5458/11—Sabatha Innocent Sakhi Mahote, 7206035667084, 583 Basalt Close, Helderkruin, Roodepoort. Final order: 9 January 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T5478/11—Jacobus Stephanus Louw, 7104075278088, 306 Sadie Street, Lynnwood Park, Pretoria. Final order: 13 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4188/11—M Cill Family Trust, IT No. 10410/98, 551 Sixth Road, Hartebeesfontein, Montana, Pretoria. Final order: 19 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-07-12, 10;00, Master, Pretoria.

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T5408/11—Leonard van der Walt, 6004125006086, Sangrouseweg 5, Rooihuiskraal, Pretoria. Final order: 18 January2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T0728/12—Vermeulen Miriam Olivina Adriaana, 6807120050085, 150 Daan De Wet Nel Avenue, Akasia, Pretoria,Gauteng. Final order: 08/03/12, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.

T0748/12—Prinsloo Justin Raymond & Petronella Ella, 8008035005084 & 8005070037081, Vinstrastraat 42, Valhalla,Pretoria. Final order: 23/02/12, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 25/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0727/12—Du Toit, Hester Augonester, 5610010014083, Kroonarendstraat 96, Daleside. Final order: 09/03/12, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 25/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Alberton Noord.

T0598/12—Pungana Revendren, 7611205090084, 20 Daniel Road, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park, Gauteng. Final order:01/03/12, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 24/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T0837/12—Molumong Investments (Pty) Ltd, 2006/033060/07, 288 Neptune Road, Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria. Finalorder: 23/01/12, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 24/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate, Pretoria.

T0838/12—Mabeba Lekomoto Humphrey & Phemelo Boitumelo, 8008075391081 & 7912260814081, unknown. Finalorder: 05/10/11, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 25/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate, Pretoria.

T0597/10—Smit Johan Roderick & Rina Susanna, 7203105064086 & 7605080242083, Elnako Hof Woonstelle No. 6,Jean Rouxstraat, Klerksdorp. Final order: 09/06/10, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 25/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate,Klerksdorp.

T0827/11—Vernon & Louise Michelle Viljoen, 7005255011084 & 7508280073086, Partridgelaan 31, Kiewet Park,Kempton Park. Final order: 24/03/11, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 24/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T4348/10—HS Brown, 6209090155087, 5 Pierneef Street, SE 1 Vanderbijlpark South East 1. Final order: 01/11/10, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 26/07/12, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark.

T5497/11—Warrick Leslie Visser Heppell, 6102255110080, Tomstraat 3, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp. Final order: 11 January2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp.

T5168/09—Kwadwo Boateng Dankwa & Rose Kankwa, 6006066573180 & 6412310737185, Woonstel No. 408,Klinkenberg Gardens, Visagiestraat 400. Final order: 24/08/09, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Master,Pretoria.

T4747/08—Mario Todd, 7303175141085, Georginiastraat 14, Horison, Roodepoort. Final order: 10/12/08, North GautengHigh Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T0178/12—Bonita Prinsloo, 7301270176089, De Villiersstraat 981, Daspoort, Pretoria. Final order: 6 February 2012,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T0808/12—Barry Dudley Clark, 8203195280088, 78 Kalkoen Street, Momentum Park Ext, Pretoria. Final order: 15 March2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/07/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4998/11—Petrus Markus van Rooyen, 7706295010081, Uniquehof 4, Johanstraat, Brits. Final order: 16 January 2012,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16/07/12, 10h00, Magistrate, Brits.

T0807/12—Nienaber Pieter Johannes Cornelius & Caroline Nicola, 6006305167083 & 7004290029086, 62 LouisTrichardt, Mayville, Pretoria. Final order: 15/03/12, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0817/11—Theresa Rene Shepley, 6311240048084, 10 Tulbach Court, St Joseph Street, Symhurst, Germiston. Finalorder: 24/03/11, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T1437/07—Lainique (Pty) Ltd, 1998/001958/07, 83 Rabie Street, Mokopane, 0600. Final order: 09/07/07, North GautengHigh Court, Pretoria. 27/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T2028/11—NDA Mining Supplies (Pty) Ltd, 1978/001341/07, Steventonweg 5, Boksburg Noord, Gauteng. Final order:16/01/12, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T2867/11—Yorke-Hart Carin, 6006270065080, 781 Florauna Road, Florauna. Final order: 24/08/11, North Gauteng HighCourt, Pretoria. 26/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0788/12—Meyer Johan Petrus & Elona Marjorie, 7203285079086 & 7408050065083, Hackney Street, Greenhills,Randfontein. Final order: 15/03/12, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 26/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Randfontein.

T0757/12—Gordon David Eliot, 7306145067082, 45 Boekenhout Street, West Acres, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. Final order:24/02/12, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit.

T0008/12—Decy Trust, 4888/2006, Kerkstraat 429, Arcadia, Pretoria. Final order: 15/02/12, North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria. 27/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0147/12—Bemeyani Medson Kapasi, 6403175175181, 55 Lawn Street, Rosettenville. Final order: 16/03/12, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0507/12—Kobus Olivier, 7710145014087, 343 West Street, Pretoria. Final order: 30/11/11, North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria. 27/07/12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0367/12—Andries Johan Gibhard, 8101105021081, Erf 3263, Marloth Park, Mpumalanga. Final order: 09/06/11, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 27/07/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Barberton.

T3369/11—Leandri Sandow, 8603210141084, 885 8ste Laan, Wonderboom-Suid, Pretoria. Final order: 15 September2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4919/11—Josias Engelbertus & Magdalen Johanna Gertruida Olckers, 7108215012083 & 7204210009081, Plot 364,Zwartkoppies, Pretoria-Oos, Pretoria. Final order: 16 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/7/12, 10:00,Master, Pretoria.

T4180/11—Johannes Martin Abraham & Sara Susanna Trauseld, 6005275015082 & 6811300046087, 80 VillageAvenue, Menlopark, Pretoria. Final order: 13 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/7/12, 10:00, Master,Pretoria.

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T4240/11—Christiaan Andrias Botha, 6810185050081, 22ste Laan 485, Rietondale, Pretoria. Final order: 12 October2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4659/11—Elizabeth Maria Boshoff, 5612190050085, Plot 62, Mooiplaas Distrik, Pretoria. Final order: 3 November 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4720/11—Fastpulse Trading 160 (Pty) Ltd (2000/030869/07), 287 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park. Special resolution: 7 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4500/11—Susara Petronella Jacomina Ferguson, 6010080117081, Cliffendaleweg 394, Faerie Glen, Pretoria. Finalorder: 21 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4070/11—Siyabulela & Zenele Mapasa, 7109235851088 & 7207080848082, No. 205 Ultramar Woonstelle,Bosmanstraat, Pretoria Sentraal, Pretoria. 27 August 2010—23 November 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/7/12,10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T2710/10—Lariza van Niekerk, 7701110057086, Witdoornrylaan 774B, Moreleta Park, Pretoria. Final order: 13 October2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T2070/11—Jacobus Hendrikus Janse van Rensburg, 7908255148089, 23 Alexander Mews, Herold Kidsonstraat,Garsfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 14 June 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3859/11—Wessel Johannes Prinsloo, 7509135368085, MacKenziestraat 78, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Final order: 27 October2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T6090/09—Jacobus Hendrik Cilliers, 6305045003081, Rossouwstraat 521, Die Wilgers, Pretoria. Final order: 28 September 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3860/11—Brian & Noreen Lee, 5312015184181 & 5407170441008, Bremerstraat 789, Danville, Pretoria. Final order: 27 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4310/11—Cornelius Johannes Daniel van der Westhuizen, 5710225039089, Dickonsonlaan 4789B, Waverley. Finalorder: 14 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4979/11—Karen Iabel van den Heever, 6603280240081, Carlastraat 8, Morelettapark, Pretoria. Final order: 7 February2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4600/11—Philippus Bernardus Malherbe, 6704175104083, Berenicastraat 12, Valhalla, Pretoria. Final order: 9 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4519/11—Hester Carolina de Lange, 7303280008088, 115 Vineyard Village, Boardwalk, Meander Estate, Faerie Glen,Pretoria. 8 September 2011—13 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T2880/11—William Douglas & Lona Deveugele, 5103305090083 & 5204170065083, Olivierstraat 340, Waterkloof,Pretoria. Final order: 27 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3800/11—Johan Gideon & Suzanne Pretorius, 6802195064087 & 6709300107083, Andriesstraat 6, De Wittsrus,Germiston. Final order: 17 November 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T2279/10—Gerhardus Jozua van Niekerk, 4812215001086, 238 Willow Avenue, Magalieskruin. Final order: 2 August2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3970/11—Craig Bevon & Michelle Isaacs, 7407155110083 & 7704120048087, 253 Alexander Mews, Herol KidsonStreet, Pretoria. Final order: 29 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3139/11—Rethea van den Berg, 5503270055088, Katjiepieringlaan 75, Rietondale. Final order: 18 January 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3970/10—Ripfumelo Reuben Mathonsi, 8305135739089, Elsie Joubertwoonstelle, Lovedaystraat 175, Muckleneuk,Pretoria. Final order: 28 October 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3789/11—Johanna Christina Erasmus, 6602010067087, Villa Chene No. 3, Veronicastraat 165, Magalieskruin, Pretoria.Final order: 17 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3330/10—Derrick Albert & Martha Norma Wiggill, 5208115062089 & 5602060004080, 34 Delheim, Glover Street,Centurion, Gauteng. Final order: 4 February 2011, North Gauteng HIgh Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5279/11—Johanna Fredrika Petronella Aletta Smuts, 6007260005086, Irma’s Acres No. 12, Clubview, Centurion. Finalorder: 8 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3249/11—Jacobus Christiaan Steyl, 660215109089, Soutpansbergweg 203, Rietfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 24 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3240/11—Vincent Monene, 6606045280086, 653 Alouettee Street, Elardus Park Ext 6, Pretoria. Final order: 19 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T3609/11—Jacques Corne Louw, 7009185052085, 41 Barbara Road, Woodmere. Final order: 16 September 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 18/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T4710/10—Alexsandar Ivanov Ninov, 6811235359084, 138 Cranberry Street, Magalieskruin, Pretoria. Final order: 11 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5469/11—Robert Wighton Cameron, 6212085073083, Unit 12, Birchleigh View, Kokerboom Street, Kempton Park. Finalorder: 13 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5529/10—Barend Johannes Labuschagne, 7802275015081, Goudastraat 584, Centurion. Final order: 3 February 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5149/10—Robyn-Ann Horn, 7008140047081, 343 21st Avenue, Rietfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 26 November 2010,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

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T2639/11—Lambertus Johannes & Freda Johanna Smith, 6501065013089 & 5111120003082, 678 Karel TrichardtStreet, Mountain View, Pretoria. Final order: 11 June 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T2730/10—Willem Daniel & Amanda Engelbrecht, 7005035041088 & 7405260246081, Thinus de Jonghstraat 19,Greenhills, Randfontein. Final order: 22 June 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T5690/10—Philip Meyer, 6901275123084, 20ste Straat 679, Rietfontein, Pretoria. Final order: 7 January 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T1850/11—Marius de Bruin, 5910255066081, Ohmstraat 637, Moreleta Park, Pretoria. 7 March 2011—17 May 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T1330/11—Mariette Karin Mulder, 6907040002081, Pinestraat 33, Magaliesmoot. Final order: 13 June 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19/7/12, 10:00, Master, Pretoria.

T1050/11—Susanna Maria Buitendag, 6110040059082, 6de Laan 929, Wonderboom-Suid, Pretoria. 26 May 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-07-12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4639/10—Eric van Wyk, 7511285032081, Fenwickweg 672, Moreletta Park. Final order: 26 October 2010, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-07-12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4890/08—Johanna Fransina van den Doel, 7009110232083, Diamondstraat 167, Claremont, Pretoria. Final order: 5 December 2008, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-07-12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4090/10—Christiaan Pieter Bester, 8501235104089, Ribbinstraat 923, Daspoort, Pretoria. Final order: 30 September2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-07-12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4020/11—Wanda & Petrus Wilhelm Rademeyer, 7712100074080 & 7110225046085, Plot 74 A, Juliet Street, Lusthof,Pretoria. 6 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-07-12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4689/11—Tobias Johannes Loubser, 5506265074089, Camelialaan 29, Lynnwood Glen, Pretoria. Final order: 27 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19-07-12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T2720/11—Stephanus Petrus Fourie, 6212055171081, 67th Orchards, Timbavatistraat, Moreleta Park, Pretoria. Finalorder: 25 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 20-07-12, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0789/12—Lorraine Swart, 6509240018089, Plot 29, Buffelsdrift, Pretoria, 15 March 2012, North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria, 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4260/11—Qondeni Samson & Lindi Victoria Mthembu, 7804115563080 & 8309010321088, 1174 Block BB,Soshanguve. Final order: 20 October 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3580/11—Amanda von Brughan, 6711010055081, 594 General Louis Botha Avenue, Constantia Park, Gauteng. 15 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T1120/12—Silver Rafts (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2005/001896/07), 263 Lynnwood Road, Brooklyn, Pretoria. Final order: 10 January 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3939/11—Bongani Israel Wiseman Magwaza, 6201265500080, SAPS College Premises, Room 111, The Inn, 1 Rebecca Street, Pretoria. 8 September 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T1560/11—Theodorus Ignatius van Ryneveld, 5112305060087, 478-28 Avenue, Villieria. Final order: 12 May 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T2699/11—Isabella Elizabeth Margaretha & Christoffel Jacobus Lodewikus Botha, 6912100098086 &6711205035088, 194 Leoni Street, Doringkloof, Centurion, Pretoria. Final order: 15 August 2011, North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria. 17 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3049/10—The Mikuah Trust, IT No. 1366/06, Matroosbergweg 56, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria. Final order: 29 July 2010,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0789/11—Wynand Johannes Swanepoel, 7812070045084, Skoolweg No. 1, Cullinan, Pretoria. Final order: 17 May2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T5250/11—Anel Maartens, 7812070045084, 121 Hadeda Street, Montana Park, Pretoria. Final order: 3 February 2012,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T0129/12—Ulrich & Karen Charmazel Slabbert, 6611115105080 & 7210240009082, Pafuri Mews Phase 3, 99 SerissaStreet, Sinoville, Pretoria. Final order: 8 February 2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17 July 2012, 10h00, Master,Pretoria.

T2159/11—Carel Cornelius & Jossy Sophia de Jager, 6502085061082 & 6812140058084, Von Wilighstraat 176,Clubview, Centurion, Pretoria. Final order: 25 July 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 17 July 2012, 10h00, Master,Pretoria.

T0649/12—Lolitha de Coning, 6010240055080, 5 Pineridge, Bellairs, North Riding. Final order: 9 March 2012, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

T4389/11—Clayton Edward & Belinda Hudson, 6911275151084 & 7207020058088. Final order: 26 October 2011, NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

T5529/11—Jacobus Steyn, 7602045020084, Ecksteenlaan 70, Obervatory, Johannesburg. Final order: 6 February 2012,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

T5479/11—Berry Johan Walter & Angela Jane Meuwsen, 6806085286080 & 6812030080081, 90 Beutha Street, Triomf,Johannesburg. Final order: 20 January 2012. North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the HighCourt, Johannesburg.

T4410/10—Innocentia Olga Hlongwane, 6103150774087, 7 Marguerite Crescent, Naturena, Johannesburg. Final order:22 October 2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

T3849/10—Carey Solans, 8202070003086, 42 Malanga, Castlehill Drive, Blackheath, Johannesburg. Final order: 16 February 2011, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

T5419/11—Simon Wellen, 5507115107087, 4 Ganges Street, Riveriea, Johannesburg. Final order: 15 December 2011,North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.

T0150/10—Arthur Geyser & Nanette Theresa Iveson, 7008195033085 & 7405310104082, Dahlia Street No. 66,Northmead, Benoni. Final order: 12-02-2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.

T3689/11—Warren Sharp, 8204285013082, Sunset Boulevard 48, Civinweg, Sonneveld, Brakpan. Final order: 23 October2009, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 137

T0749/12—Stachis Adam Strever, 7805015091080, 2 Keurboom Street, Anzac Ext. 2, Brakpan. Final order: 23 February2012, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 13 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Brakpan.

T5359/10—Helena Grace Venter, 8107290016083, 67 Charls Cilliers Street, Boksburg Noord. Final order: 9 December2010, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. 19 July 2012, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

N100/2012—Albacron CC, trading as NP Enterprises (CK2009/205681/23) (in liquidation); J. W. E. Hope & T. Meshengu,c/o Sewgoolam Administration Trust, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 20 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court,Pietermaritzburg.

C550/2012—Bondtech CC (in liquidation); Ernest David James, P. Carolus, M. P. Walters, Republic Trustees (Pty) Ltd,P.O. Box 4300, Cape Town, 8000. Thursday, 26 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Wynberg.

D186/2010—Insolvent estate: Dayalan & Savathri Moodley (Reg. No. 5402050137085), 52 Camper Drive, Havenside,Chatsworth. 10-08-2010—18-11-2010, KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. 11-07-2012, 10h00, Master’s Office, Durban.

T2006/11—Samketse Investments Holding (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2005/024895/07). 28 February 2011—28 February 2011,North Gauteng High Court. 20 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit.

T3323/11—Sive Aircon & Electrical Solutions CC (Reg. No. 2000/013188/23) (in liquidation). 13 May 2011—13 May2011, North Gauteng High Court. 20 July 2012, 09h00, Presiding Officer, Magistrate, Nelspruit.

T5302/11—Insolvent estate: LG Potgieter Vervoer BK (Reg. No: 2002/068231/23). First and General meeting of creditors. 11-07-2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

T834/12—Entle Trading 701 CC (in likwidasie). 20 Desember 2011, Spesiale Besluit, Registrateur van Maatskappye. 13 Julie 2012, 10h00, Landdros, Witbank.

T4667/2011—Insolvent estate: Rica-Robert Business Enterprise CC (Reg. No. 2003/096889/23) (in likwidasie). Firstmeeting of creditors. Wednesday, 18 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

Form J 29—Close Corporations


The Close Corporations mentioned below having been placed in liquidation by order of the High Court of SouthAfrica or the Magistrate’s Court having jurisdiction, and pursuant to section 78 of the Close Corporations Act, No.69 of 1984, read together with section 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act of 1936 and sections 412 and 356 of theCompanies Act of 1973, notice is hereby given that the First Meeting of Creditors and Members of the under-mentioned Close Corporations will be held on the dates and at the time and places mentioned below, for thefollowing purposes:

(i) The consideration of the statement of affairs of the Corporation lodged with the Master of the HighCourt;

(ii) the proof of claims against the Close Corporation;

(iii) determination by creditors of the necessity of the appointment of a co-liquidator and, if so, thenomination of a person for appointment;

(iv) receiving or obtaining directions or authorisation in respect of any matter regarding the liquidation.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of Close Corporation; name and description of CloseCorporation; name and address of liquidator; date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debts mustbe paid, if this is not done forthwith.

Vorm J 29—Beslote Korporasies


Nademaal die Beslote Korporasies hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika of dieLanddroshof wat bevoegdheid het, in likwidasie geplaas is, en ingevolge artikel 78 van die Wet op BesloteKorporasies, No. 69 van 1984, saamgelees met artikel 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet van 1936, en artikels 412 en356 van die Maatskappywet van 1973, word kennis hierby gegee dat die Eerste Byeenkoms van Skuldeisers enlede van die ondervermelde Beslote Korporasies gehou sal word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeldvir die volgende doeleindes:

(i) Die uiteensetting aangaande toestand van sake van die Korporasie wat by die Meester van dieHooggeregs hof ingedien is te oorweeg;

(ii) eise teen die Beslote Korporasie te bewys;

(iii) te besluit of ’n mede-likwidateur aangestel moet word en indien wel iemand te nomineer viraanstelling;

(iv) opdragte of magtiging ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid betreffende die likwidasie te ontvangof te verkry.

138 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van Beslote Korporasie; naam en beskrywing vanBeslote Korporasie; naam en adres van likwidateur; datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperk waarin skuldbetaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik geskied nie.

C478/2012—Lagoon Visserye CC (in liquidation); R Engelbrecht & HA Plaatjies, c/o Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor,Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 18/07/2012, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Vredenburg.

C481/2012—Cape Stainless CC (in liquidation). Bryan Neville Shaw, Peter Carolus & Bongani Raziya, c/o progressiveAdministration, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. Tuesday, 24 July 2012, 09:00 am, the Master ofthe High Court, Cape Town.

C547/2012—Welgebou Konstruksie CC (Reg. No. 1995/002463/23) (in liquidation); G D Wallace & K Titus, c/o WallaceTrustees & Administrators (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 1121, Durbanville, 7551.

C499/2012—Ouma Se Spens CC (in liquidation); Chrstian Findlay Bester & Mervin Dowries, c/o ProgressiveAdministration, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. Friday, 13 July 2012, 11:00 am, the Magistrate,Bellville.

G0345/12—P I Industries CC, c/o Peter Bothomley for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000.13/07/2012, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Germiston. 18/10/2011.

C478/2012—Lagoon Visserye CC (in liquidation); R Engelbrecht & HA Plaatjies, c/o Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor,Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 18/07/2012, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Vredenburg.

N82/2012—Eternity Star Investments CC, CK 2002/049370/23. 10 November 2011—Voluntary Liquidation, Glen VivianUsher, 192 Howick Road, Pietermaritzburg. Friday, 20 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, Empangeni.

G143/07—WL Butchery CC, 1998/009372/23, 90 Fifth Avenue, Fontainebleau, 2194. Final order: 22 February 2007,Special Resolution. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg.

G1553/10—Demoot Sand Close Corporation, Reg. No. 1994/009064/23 (in liquidation); James Robert Galloway, c/oKPMG Services (Pty) Limited, KPMG Crescent, 85 Empire Road, Parktown, 2193. 17 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the HighCourt, Johannesburg.

C511/2012—Hantam Grondverskuiwings Kontrakteurs CC (in liquidation). 9 May 2012—1 June 2012. 13 July 2012 at11:00 am, at the Magistrate, Bellville.

D45/2012—Bizeecorp 106 CC, 2004/115717/23 (in liquidation); Niel David Button, c/o Stowell Estate Administration Trust,PO Box 33, Pietermaritzburg, 3200, Reinette Steynsburg, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 21 February 2012—8 June 2012,KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Durban.

T3261/10—Insolvent estate: Riaan Stephanus & Chantell Meyer, 7406275176081 & 7802220171088; C Wilsnach & LALoubser, c/o Pretorius & Wilsnach Inc, PO Box 40297, Arcadia, 0007. Noord Gauteng, Pretoria, 25 June 2010.

D228/10—Imperial Food Corp BK, CK2002/100672/23 (in likwidasie), 108 Aldrovande Palace, 1st Floor, 6 Jubilee Grove,Umhlanga Ridge, Durban. 19/10/2010—08/12/2010, J Z H Muller & S A K N Mahomed, Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk, Posbus2101, Pretoria, 0001. Woensdag, 18 Julie 2012 om 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Durban.

G524/2012—Colmec Carriers CC, Reg. No. 1995/048984/23 (in liquidation), 31/33 Fransen Street, Chamdor,Krugersdorp. Bevel gemaak: 22 May 2012, Cornelia Carolina Mienie, Kgashane Christopher Monyela, Mmakoti MargaretMalowa, c/o Bureau Trust (Gauteng), PO Box 2232, Pretoria, 0001. 20 July 2012, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.

D54/2012—Extreme Solutions CC, 2002/0604257/23 (in liquidation); Ranjith Choonilall, R. Choonilall & Associates, Suite150B, 1st Floor, Mansion House, 12 Field Street, Durban, 4001. 25 June 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, 2nd Floor,Devonshire Building, Devonshire Place, Durban.

N31/2012—Devron Logistics CC, 2007/075713/23 (in liquidation); Ranjith Choonilall, R. Choonilall & Associates, Suite150B, 1st Floor, Mansion House, 12 Field Street, Durban, 4001. 25 June 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, 2nd Floor,Devonshire Building, Devonshire Place, Durban.

D43/2012—GC Civils and Construction CC, 1995/040956/23 (in liquidation); Ranjith Choonilall, R. Choonilall &Associates, Suite 150B, 1st Floor, Mansion House, 12 Field Street, Durban, 4001. 25 June 2012, 10h00, Master of the HighCourt, 2nd Floor, Devonshire Building, Devonshire Place, Durban.

T1281/12—Counterpoint Trading 61 CC, CK 2002/036035/23 (in liquidation). Final order: 19 January 2012. 16 July 2012,10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

T1280/12—Lenedi Projects and Trading CC, CK 2007/220053/23 (in liquidation). Final order: 25 November 2011. 27 July2012, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Polokwane.

G384/12—Distant Star Trading 561 CC; K van der Westhuizen, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 18/07/2012,11h00, Magistrate, Heidelberg.

T1569/11—Turbo Cats CC; JCW Roelofse & NE Luthuli Forum Trustees CC, PO Box 8871, 0046, Centurion. Wednesday,18 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.

G1569/11—Turbo Cats CC; JCW Roelofse & NE Luthuli Forum Trustees CC, PO Box 8871, 0046, Centurion. Wednesday,18 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 139

Form/Vorm 1


Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 of theCompanies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, noticeis hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case maybe, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwithunless otherwise indicated.

Meetings of creditors, members or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the datesand at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purposeof receiving the trustees’ or liquidators’ reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and forgiving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets ofthe companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description ofestate/company; name and address of trustee or liquidator and date, hour and place of meeting and period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith.

Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will beheld before the Magistrate.


Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van dieMaatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, wordhierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van diegeval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde, tensy anders vermeld,onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal.

Byeenkomste van skuldeisers, lede of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou wordop die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye,vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels ofmaatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of invordering vangedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheerdaarvan.

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing vanboedel/maatskappy; naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en tydperkwaarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie.

In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voordie Landdros gehou.

C1003/2011—Insolvent estate: Riaan and Mathilda Botes; C P van Zyl & R Willoughby, c/o Progressive Administration(Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Monday, 23 July 2012, 09h00, The Magistrate, Paarl.

N44/2012—Woodwedge Trading 13 CC - 2005/106418/23; Glen Vivian Usher, P.O. Box 11703, Dorpspruit, 3206. 13 ofJuly 2012, 10h00, Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg.

C1076/2011—Insolvent estate: Nicolas Charles Krone; C P van Zyl, B Raziya & C J Pick, c/o Progressive Administration(Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Tuesday, 17 July 2012, 09h00, The Magistrate, Tulbagh.

C733/2011—Silwerstrand Development Company (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); C P van Zyl, C F Bester & H Kajie, c/oProgressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Wednesday, 18 July 2012, 09h00, TheMagistrate, Hermanus.

C723/2011—Insolvent estate: Cornelius Johannes Vermeulen (ID: 6512145147086); Daniël Terblanche Hillary AnnePlaatjies, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. 20 July 2012, 11:00, MagistrateCourt, Belville.

C437/2011—Jigsaw Promotions (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); D Terblanche, WH Hufkie, Progressive Administration (Cape)(Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. 18 July 2012, 09:00, Magistrate, Goodwood.

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C1211/2010—Insolvent estate: Elize Gildenhuys (ID: 7001190179086); C P van Zyl, BN Shaw, A Moollajie, c/oProgressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. 23-07-2012, 09:00, Magistrate’s Office,Heidelberg.

K60/2011—Douglas Merino (Edms) (Bpk) (Reg No: 2008/008252/07) met hoofplek van besigheid te die plaas “Malabar”,Douglas Noord-Kaap Provinsie; Tsiu Vincent Matsepe, p/a Matsepes Prokureurs, Posbus 256, Bloemfontein, 9300. FrankelEngelbrecht, p/a Engelsman, Magabane Inc, Posbus 609, Kimberley, 8301. 11 Julie 2012, om 10h00, Meesterskantoor,Kimberley.

B20/2012—Nikado 183 (Edms) Bpk met registreerde plek van besigheid te die plass “Geluk”, Distrik Harrismith VrystaatProvinsie. Ottlie Anton Noordman, p/a Matsepes Prokureurs, Posbus 256, Bloemfontein, 9300. Tsiu Vincent Matsepe, p/aMatsepes Prokureurs, Posbus 256, Bloemfontein, 9300. 10 Julie 2012, om 09h00, Landdroskantoor, Harrismith.

B157/2011—Maria Magdalena Isbella Smith (ID: 4805180052084) weduwee, woonagtig te plaas blyvooruitzicht 24,Distrik Heilbron. Ottlie Anton Noordman, p/a Matsepes Prokureurs, Posbus 256, Bloemfontein, 9300. Tsiu Vincent Matsepe, p/aMatsepes Prokureurs, Posbus 256, Bloemfontein, 9300. 11 Julie 2012, om 10h00, Landdroskantoor, Heilbron.

G1747/11—Frederick Jacobus Storm (ID: 6104255079083) Maria Petronella Storm (ID: 6406260102085) getroud binnegemeenskap van goed, woonagtig te 3 Barbetstraat, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging. Tsiu Vincent Matsepe, p/a Matsepes Prokureurs,Posbus 256, Bloemfontein, 9300. Eugene Januarie, p/a Enco Trust, Posbus 92332, Mooikloof, 0059. 12 Julie 2012, om 10h00,Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg.

G166/12—Lester Franklin & Suzette Coetzee; J M Oelofsen, J G Adolph, Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10,Westgate. 17 July 2012, 9:00, Magistrate, Kempton Park.

G377/10—Maria Elizabeth van Heerden; J M Oelofsen, P D Buwa, Jaap Oelofsen Trustees, Private Bag X10, Westgate.18 July 2012, 9:00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T1011/09—Insolvent estate: Frans & Nadia Strydom; P H Hamman & Z Kajee, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private BagX17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Friday, 20 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Nelspruit.

G31/2011—Insolvent estate: Brett Peachey; J N Mahanyele, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17,Weltevredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 19 July 2012, 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

G226/10—Insolvent estate: Leigh Henstock; P H Hamman, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17,Weltevredenpark, 1715. Tuesday, 17 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

T4027/09—Insolvent estate: Freddie G Ellerbeck; P H Hamman & M M Motala, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private BagX17, Weltevredenpark, 1715. Thursday, 19 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

G143/2007—W L Butchery CC (in liquidation); G Da Silva Ramalho, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17,Weltevredenpark, 1715, Wednesday, 18 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.

G1553/10—Demoot Sand Close Corporation Registration No. 1994/009064/23 (in liquidation); James Robert Galloway,c/o KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, KPMG Crescent, 85 Empire Road, Parktown, 2193. 17 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the HighCourt, Johannesburg.

G221/10—Black Savannah Trade (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Paula van Eeden Liquidators On Call, 87A Rietfontein Road,Boksburg West, 1465. 19 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

G1648/11—Daisy Street Investment No. 62 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Paula van Eeden, Liquidators On Call, 87ARietfontein Road, Boksburg West, 1465. 18 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

G1648/11—Daisy Street Investment No. 62 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Paula van Eeden, Liquidators On Call, 87ARietfontein Road, Boksburg West, 1465. 18 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T5090/10—Insolvent estate: J M & B S Motswai; E.M. Venter & T. Oosthuizen, Joint Trustee, c/o Ventrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 3189, Witbeeck, 1729. 16 July 2012, 10h00, The Master, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.

C325/2012—Soul Kid Fashions CC (in liquidation); R Engelbrecht & P Carolus, c/o Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor,Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 19-07-2012, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg.

G0345/12—P I Industries CC (in liquidation); Peter Bothomley and Tebogo Moritidi, Eustace Kwape for Westrust (Pty) Ltd,P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 20-07-2012, 09h00, The Magistrate’s Court, Germiston.

T4712/11—Insolvent estate: Sanders, Cornelius Johannes; Monica Cowin and George Da Silva, Ramalho & John Gino,Adolph & Johannes, Zacharias Human Muller for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 19-07-2012, 10h00,The Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

G0627/10—Ventopia (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Norman Klein and Rischard Cassim for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527,Johannesburg, 2000. 19-07-2012, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

G0992/10—Redeal (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); Allan Pellow and Reunert Ndivhuho, Kharivhe for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000. 19-07-2012, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

C481/2012—Cape Stainless CC (in liquidation); Bryan Neville Shaw, Peter Carolus & Bongani Rayiza, c/o ProgressiveAdministration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Tuesday, 21 August 2012, at 9:00 am, The Master of theHigh Court, Cape Town.

C199/2012—Insolvent estate: Cecilia Johanna Greef; Bryan Neville Shaw & Mogamad Rahin Joseph, c/o ProgressiveAdministration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 4134, Cape Town, 8000. Thursday, 26th July 2012, at 9:00 am, The Magistrate’sCourt, Somerset West.

C325/2012—Soul Kid Fashions CC (in liquidation); R Engelbrecht & P Carolus, c/o Planet Administrators CC, 4th Floor,Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001. 19-07-2012, 09h00, Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg.

D170/11—Lot 1213 Westville Pty Ltd (in liquidation); Eugene Nel, Berrange Inc, Suite 1, The Mews, Redlands Estate,Pietermaritzburg, 3201. Wednesday, 18th July 2012, 10:00 am, Master of the High Court, Durban.

D071/07—Executive Aerospace Holdings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation); K R Vengadesan / A Vengadesan, Vengadesan &Associates, P.O. Box 18680, Qualbert, 4078. Zeenath Kajee, Westrust, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000.18 July 2012, at10h00, Master’s Office, 2 Devonshire Place, Durban.

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T927/10—Insolvent estate: Pieter Josua Vorster; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.Thursday, 26 July 2012, at 11h30, Magistrate, Boksburg.

T4976/10—Insolvent estate: Henry Octo van Heerden; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion,0157. Tuesday, 24 July 2012, at 09h00, before the Magistrate, Kempton Park.

T4488/10—Insolvent estate: Barend Johannes Liebenberg van Schalkwyk; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue,Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Wednesday, 25 July 2012, at 09h00, Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T121/11—Insolvent estate: Thercia van Schalkwyk; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.Monday, 23 July 2012, at 10h00. Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.

T1577/10—Insolvent estate: Licardo van Tonder; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.Friday, 27 July 2012, at 09h00, Magistrate, Meyerton.

T826/11—Insolvent estate: Deon Andre & Pieter Regina Visser; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne,Centurion, 0157. Friday, 27 July 2012, at 11h30, Magistrate, Vereeniging.

T971/11—Insolvent estate: Marlise Vorster; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.Thursday, 26 July 2012 at 11h30 before the Magistrate, Boksburg.

T1644/11—Insolvent estate: Jose Alberto Jardim & Elsa Baston Santana; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue,Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Friday, 27 July 2012 at 09h00, before the Magistrate, Brakpan.

T1643/11—Insolvent estate: Sedumedi Martha Semakaleng; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne,Centurion, 0157. Tuesday, 24 July 2012 at 10h00, before the Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.

T4502/08—Insolvent estate: Parvathy Vadivaloo & Kandasamy Shunmugam; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue,Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157. Wednesday, 25 July 2012 at 10h00, before the Magistrate, Benoni.

T1183/11—Insolvent estate: Gert Johannes Jacobus Smit; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion,0157. Tuesday, 24 July 2012 at 10h00, before the Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.

T2319/11—Insolvent estate: Mario Raymond Koen; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157.Friday, 27 July 2012 at 10h00, before the Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.

T2779/11—Insolvent estate: Peace & Malebogo Peggy Tongwane; Colvan Trust CC, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne,Centurion, 0157. Friday, 27 July 2012 at 10h00, before the Master of the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg.

D228/10—Imperial Food Corp Bk (Reg No. CK2002/100672/23) (in likwidasie), reg adres: 108 Aldrovande Palace, 1st Floor, 6 Jubilee Grove, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban; J Z H Muller & S A K N Mahomed, p/a Tshwane Trust Co (Edms) Bpk,Cobhamweg 1207, Queenswood, Pretoria. Woensdag, 18 Julie 2012 om 10h00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Durban.

T2099/11—Insolvent estate: Boshoff Dawid Jacobus (ID: 5505135049081); JH Botha & C M Viljoen, Kurators/likws, p/a Sechaba Trust, P.O. Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. Friday, 13 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T3323/11—Sive Aircon & Electrical Solutions CC (Reg No. 2000/013188/23) (in liquidation); C Murray & PH Lebepre,p/a Sechaba Trust, P.O. Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126. 20 July 2012, 9h00, Presiding officer: Magistrate, Nelspruit.

T2235/11—Insolvente estate: Daryl Allan & Bernadie Schreiber (ID No.s 8307255047087 & 8010010024082), residingat 783 Denys Street, Suiderberg, Pretoria; Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Zolile Abel Dlamini, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 1 August 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T2263/10—Purple Plum Properties 58 (Pty) Limited (Reg No. 2001/014697/07) (in liquidation), reg address: 4 RietbokStreet, Robinhills, Randburg; Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Nakedi Mathews Phosa, c/o Bureau Trust, 825 Arcadia Street,Arcadia, Pretoria, 0084. 1 August 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.

T4255/11—Insolvent estate: Anton & Ronel Arina Swart (ID No.s 6612255163087 & 6901040278080), residing at 237 Carelsberg Street, Erasmusrand, Pretoria; Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Charles Isaacs Lehoka, Bureau Trust (Gauteng),Arcadiastraat 825, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 1 August 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

C482/2012—Sterling Waterford Developments CC (in liquidation); AC Van Heerden, c/o Bedford Trust, P.O. Box 421,Cape Town, 8000. 14 August 2012, 9h00, Master, Cape Town.

C1041/2011—Insolvent estate: Late: Riaan Potgieter; AC Van Heerden, c/o Bedford Trust, P.O. Box 421, Cape Town,8000. 19 July 2012, 9h00, Magistrate, Somerset West.

D5/2012—Samtrans Logistics CC (Reg No. 2003/025279/23) (in liquidation); Neil David Button, P.O. Box 33,Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 18 July 2012, 10h00, the Master of the High Court, Durban, second meeting.

N25/12—Insolvent estate: Roshankumar Sugreem (ID: 6405225171086); Neil David Button, P.O. Box 33,Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 19 July 2012, 10h00, the Magistrate, Verulam, second meeting.

T1748/10—Insolvent estate: Jan Adriaan & Leslene Ronita Toinette Schutte; NJ Mzimba, c/o Kuhle MzimbaAdministrators, P.O. Box 36375, Menlo Park, 0102. 18 July 2012 at 8h30, before the Magistrate, Rustenburg.

C1033/2011—J R Bam Planthire CC (in liquidation); Ernest David James, Republic Trustees, P.O. Box 4300, Cape Town,8000, and Mogamat Igshaan Higgins. 19 July 2012 at 9h00, at the Magistrate, Somerset West.

C253/2011—Blu Designer Clothing CC (in liquidation); Ernest David James, Republic Trustees, P.O. Box 4300, CapeTown, 8000, and Mr A Maralack. 19 July 2012 at 9h00, at the Magistrate, Wynberg.

C271/2012—Earl Fischoff Plumbing CC (in liquidation). Ernest David James Republic Trustees, P O Box 4300, 8000,Cape Town and Hillary Anne Plaatjies. 17 July 2012 @ 09h00 at the Master Cape Town.

D258/10—General Veterinary Supplies (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 1997/002274/07 (in liquidation). Jayant Daji Pema, PostnetSuite, 269, Private Bag X1, Houghton, 2041 and Ashwin Hirjee, Trikamjee, PO Box. 11 July 2012, 10:00, Durban.

C1155/2011—Insolvent estate: Gerrit Maritz van Breda. Danie Acker & Sumaiya A G Khammissa, Rauch Gertenbach Inc.,10 Church Street, PO Box 3, Mossel Bay, 6500. 18 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Mossel Bay.

T8006/09—Insolvent estate: Sebina Sylvia Lintoe. I Hogewind, P O Box 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041. 25 July 2012, 10:00,Master, Pretoria.

B12/2012—Insolvente boedel: Esrie De Bruin. DT Majiedt, EG Cooper Majiedt Ing., Kellerstraat 77, Bloemfontein, 9301.25/07/2012 om 10h00, Meester, Bloemfontein.

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C34/2012—Builders Friend Somerset Wes 2 CC (in liquidation). R Pieters, JL Krynauw & ZL Ntsimango, c/o IndependentTrustees (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599. 12 June 2012 at 09:00 am, at the Magistrate, Somerset West.

C75/2012—Castle Crest Properties 22 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). R Pieters, GH Philander & K Titus, c/o IndependentTrustees (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599. 17 July 2012 at 09:00 am, at the Magistrate, Vredendal.

C348/2012—Insolvent estate: Lindie Olivier. R Pieters & MA Mohammed, c/o Independent Trustees (Pty) Ltd, P O Box820, Stellenbosch, 7599. 20 July 2012 at 09:00 am, at the Master of the High Court, Cape Town.

T770/11—Insolvent estate: SC Bekker (ID: 6712070136084). MJD Breytenbach, BB Mahlatsi, c/o Breytenbach, BusinessManagement, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 23 July 2012, 10h00, Presiding Officer, Master, Johannesburg.

T4171/10—Insolvent estate: DJ Ferreira, ID No. 5511265107087). MJD Breytenbach, L Moloto, c/o Breytenbach BusinessManagement, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 26 July 2012, 09h30, President officer: Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark.

T5100/10—Insolvent estate: AN Zako (ID: 7208281299083). MJD Breytenbach, A Wagner (CO: C Murray), c/oBreytenbach Business Management, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 23 July 2012, 10h00, Presiding Officer: Master,Pretoria.

T1976/11—Insolvent estate: WH van Onselen (ID: 5703155074085). MJD Breytenbach, H Barnard, c/o Breytenbach,Business Management, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 27 July 2012, 10h00, President Officer, Magistrate, Vereeniging.

T1894/09—Insolvent estate: J Oberholzer (ID: 8510065004087). MJD Breytenbach, EW Prinsloo, MK Malema, c/oBreytenbach Business Management, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 23 July 2012,10h00, Presiding Officer, Magistrate,Brits.

T1441/11—Insolvent estate: G Pierneef (ID: 7309245073083). MJD Breytenbach, A Mahomed (CO: JZH Muller), c/oBreytenbach, Business Management, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044 25 July 2012, 10h00, Presiding Officer: Magistrate,Middelburg.

T4366/11—Blue Nightgale Trading 781 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). MJD Breytenbach, R Cassim, c/o Breytenbach BusinessManagement, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 25 July 2012, 10h00, Presiding Officer, Magistrate; Klerksdorp.

T4849/11—AMB Financial Services (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). MJD Breytenbach, MS Mphahlele, c/o Breytenbach,Business Management, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 25 July 2012, 09h00, Presiding Officer, Magistrate, Randburg.

T2743/11—G-Worx Eight (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). MJD Breytenbach, EW Prinsloo, MM Mogale (CO: ML Ledwaba), c/o Breytenbach Business Management, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 27 July 2012, 10h00, Presiding Officer,Magistrate, Vereeniging.

T468/12—Zygote Properties (Pty) Ltd (In liquidation). MJD Breytenbach, R Parbho, c/o Breytenbach BusinessManagement, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 26 July 2012, 10h00, Presiding Officer: Master, Pretoria.

T4400/11—Basfour 540 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). MJD Breytenbach, Z Cassim, c/o Breytenbach, Business Management, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 27 July 2012, 10h00, Presiding Officer: Magistrate, Vereeniging.

T4952/10—Poolaxis (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). MJD Breytenbach, H Barnard, c/o Breytenbach Business Management, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044.

T1734/11—Mohanoe Holdings (Pty) Ltd (In liquidation). MJD Breytenbach, ZK Mqingwana (CO: J Muthanyi).c/o Breytenbach Business Management, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 26 July 2012, 09h30, Presiding Officer:Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark.

T2687/11—Canosa Pottery (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). MJD Breytenbach NAM Tshivhase, c/o Breytenbach BusinessManagement, P O Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. 27 July 0212, 10h00, Presiding Officer: Magistrate, Vereeniging.

T6045/09—Insolvent boedel: Goena, Elias. CKV Tanna, C/o Zeena Insolvency Practitioners, 75 North Rand Road,Boksburg, 1459. 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

T2134/03—Eagles Ring Traderd & (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). M E Symes, C/o Zeena Insolvency, P O Box 32512,Glenstantia, 0010. 17 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

G1337/07—Dormant Company No. 1 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). M E Symes & ME Maentja, C/o Zeena Insolvency, P OBox 32512, Glenstantia, 0010. 19 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

T3415/11—Blue Pointer Trading 341 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). M E Symes & MK Malema, C/o Zeena Insolvency, PO Box32512, Glenstantia, 0010. 18 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

C1290/2011—Du Brogrin Properties (Pty) Limited (in liquidation). Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr E Pertesen C/o MullerTerblanche Trustees, Fifth Floor. Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8001. 3 August 2012, 09h00, Magistrate,Knysna.

C886/2011—Insolvent estate: Sumayah Souma. Mr H M M Terblanche & Mr B Raziya, C/o Muller Terblance Trustees, 5th Floor, Huys Here XVII, 157 Longmarket Street, Cape Town, 8000. 02/08/12, 09h00, Magistrate, Mitchells Plain.

E39/2011—Insolvent estate: Demetrios Elias Anagnostakis. Carol-Ann Schroeder, c/o Idec Trustees, Bongani Qangule,c/o Drake Flemmer & Orsmond Attorneys, c/o 66 Recreation Road, Southernwood, East London, 5200. 13 July at 10h00 at theMagistrate, East London, for the following purposes: 1. proof of claims; 2. tabling of joint trustees report; 3. giving the jointtrustees directions.

E39/2011—Insolvent estate: Demetrios Elias Anagnostakis. Carol-Ann Schoeder C/o Idec Trustees, Bongani Qangule,c/o Drake Flemmer & Orsmond Attorneys. c/o 66 Recreation Road, Southernwood, East London, 5200.

N14/2012—Blue Waves Properties 125 (Pty) Ltd (2007/005812/07) (in liquidation). K R Knoop, Manci Knoop FinancialServices, P O Box 181, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 19 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate of Verulam.

D160/2011—Copper Sunset Trading 424 (Pty) Ltd (2003/030760/07) (in liquidation). K R Knoop & M P Voller, ManciKnoop Financial Services, P O Box 181, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 25 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Durban.

N100/2012—Albacron CC t/a NP Enterprises (CK2009/205681/23) (in liquidation). J W E Hope & T Meshengu, c/o Sewgoolam Administration Trust, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 12 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court,Pietermaritzburg.

T3335/10—Insolvente boedel: J van Niekerk. A Strydom & KR Vengadesan, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 20 Julie 2010, 09h30, Landdros, Krugersdorp.

T3651/10—Insolvensie boedel: FWC van Deventer. A Strydom & TP Hotane, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 19 Julie 2012, 09h00, Landdros, Pretoria Noord.

G1568/11—The Joinery Specialist (SA) Pty Ltd. A Strydom & TT Tshikovhi, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 18Julie 2012, 10h00, Meester, Johannesburg.

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T5341/11—Insolvente boedel: C Staats. F van Zyl & M Haywood, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 17 Julie 2012,10h00, Meester Pretoria.

T3505/08—Insolvente boedel: E J Opperman. A Strydom & J D Pema, Posbuso 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356,Pretoria. 25/07/12, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

T6685/09—Insolvente boedel: C J J Smith. J P Fourie & Morake, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356, Pretoria.25/07/12, 10:00, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

T7245/09—Insolvente boedel: CJ Nkuna. T Oosthuizen & WN Jacobs, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 17 Julie2012, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria.

C1048/11—Greenleaf Construction (Pty) Ltd. A Strydom & T Mokgorwane, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 18 Julie 2012, 09h00, Landdros, Oudtshoorn.

T3443/11—Insolvente boedel: DA Silva LP; K Van der Westhuizen, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 24-07-2012,10h00, Master, Pretoria.

C1094/10—Insolvente boedel: HJ & V Grobler; A Strydom & T Mokgorwane, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 20 Julie 2012, 09h00, Landdros, Riversdale.

T3598/10—Insolvente boedel: Manthe CM; JP Fourie, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 25-07-2012, 09h00,Magistrate, Roodepoort.

T4756/10—Insolvente boedel: B J Lottering; A Strydom & M M Marobela, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031, Docex 356,Pretoria. 25-07-12, 09h00, Landdros, Alberton.

T2984/09—Insolvente boedel: MJH & NP Lottering; A Strydom & R Parbhoo, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031.17 Julie 2012, 10h00, Landros, Middelburg.

T5034/10—Insolvente boedel: Meyer AC & I; K Van der Westhuizen, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 24-07-2012, 14h00, Magistrate, Fochville.

T2013/10—Insolvent estate: Sylvan Andre Pimentel, ID: 7002255196080, residing at: 29 Morenaberg Crescent, EldoradoPark, Johannesburg; Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Enver Mohamed Motala, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street,Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 31 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.

T2836/10—Insolvent estate: Roedolf Daniel & Martha Susanna Labuschagne, ID: 4605195012085 & 5304050138088,residing at: 36 Lombard Street, Witbank Ext 16; Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Lebogang Michael Moloto, Bureau Trust (Gauteng),825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 03 August 2012, 10h00, Magistrate, Witbank.

G524/2012—Colmec Carriers CC, Reg No. 1995/048984/23 (in liquidation), Reg address: 31/33 Fransen Street,Chamdor, Krugersdorp; Cornelia Carolina Mienie Kgashane Christopher Monyela Mmakoti Margaret Malowa, c/o Bureau Trust(Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 20 July 2012, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp.

T4673/09—Insolvent estate: Katherina Louise Wiseman, ID: 7303240148081, residing at: 109 Botha Avenue, Lyttelton,Pretoria; Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Tlabo Ignatious Maenetja, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria,0083. 31 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

N214/09—Insolvent estate: Cobbie Jeffery Ndlovu, ID: 7212125264089, residing at: 21 Levy Street, 6 Lyndall Court,Pietermaritzburg; Elizabeth Wilanda Prinsloo & Ranjith Choonilall, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia,Pretoria, 0083. 27 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pietermaritzburg.

T3203/09—Insolvent estate: Lucas Fanyane Mashilwane, ID: 7604075540080, residing at: 1564 Ext 1, Phomolong,Mamelodi East, Pretoria; Paul Daneel Kruger & Soria Marais, Bureau Trust (Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria,0083. 31 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4575/11—Insolvent estate: Gabriel Jacobus & Susanda Michelle Kriel, ID: 8309255043083 & 8501160107081, resid-ing at: Plot 28, Donkerhoek, Cullinan, Gauteng; Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Simone Liesel Magardie, Bureau Trust (Gauteng),825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 01 August 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T2587/11—Insolvent estate: Raymond Henry Noel & Catharina Hester Groenewald, ID: 7701045136088 &6606200211082, residing at: 454 West Street, Sinoville, Pretoria; Cornelia Carolina Mienie & Tania Oosthuizen, Bureau Trust(Gauteng), 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083. 02 August 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T1997/2011—Mpumalanga Utility Services CC (in liquidation); PH Hamman, MA Christian, First City Katleho, Block A,Ground Floor, Morningside Close, Michelle Street, Morningside. 20-07-2012, 09h30, Magistrate, Ermelo.

T2889/11—Insolvent estate: Van der Berg, Cornelia Magrietha; C M Cloete & S O Beauchamp, Xirimele Trustees CC, P O Box 12535, The Tramshed, 1026. 13 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

S144/2010—Millisec Express CC (in liquidation); M Timkoe, P Q Naidoo & J V Thomas, Mike Timkoe Trustees CC, P O Box 28773, Sunridge Park, 6008. 18 July 2012, 14h00, Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth.

D54/2012—Axtreme Solutions CC, 2002/060457/23 (in liquidation); Ranjith Choonilall, Suite 150 B, 1st Floor, MansionHouse, 12 Field Street, Durban, 4001. On 25th July 2012, to be held before the Master of the High Court, 2nd Floor, DevonshireBuilding, Devonshire Place, Durban.

T834/12—Entle Trading 701 CC (in liquidation); M Haywood & TR Ndebele, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. AdensInternational, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 20 Julie 2012, 10h00, Landdros, Witbank.

T2015/11—Insolvente boedel: Antonie Bornman (ID: 8007076124088); A van Jaarsveldt, D Enslin & R Pieters, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. Woensdag, 18 Julie 2012 om 10h00, Die Voorsittende Beampte, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Noord Gauteng, Pretoria.

T4533/10—Insolvente boedel: Sean Atkins, ID Nommer: 7212295047082; Petrus Jacobus Corné Van Staden en ArnoldDimakatso Michael Mohasoa, p/a St Aden’s International, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 07-08-2012, 10h00, Meester van dieHooggeregshof, Noord Gauteng, Pretoria.

T0662/11—V & SE Carr; Petrus Jacobus Corne van Staden & Sello Knuruma Moma, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd h/a St AdensInternational, Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 19 Julie 2012 om 11h30, Landdros, Boksburg.

T2416/10—Insolvent estate: MJ Eybers; M Haywood & J Fourie, p/a St. Adens (Pty) Ltd, h/a St. Adens International,Posbus 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. 13 Julie 2012, 09h00, Landdros, Brakpan.

N75/11—SOS Trust, IT1544/2003PMB (in liquidation); Ranjith Choonilall, c/o R. Choonilall & Associates, Suite 150B, 1st Floor, Mansion House, 12 Field Street, Durban, 4001. On 25 July 2012 at 10h00 hours, to be held before the Master of theHigh Court, 2nd Floor, Devonshire Building, Devonshire Place.

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D43/2012—GC Civils & Const CC, 1995/040956/23 (in liquidation); Ranjith Choonilall, Suite 150B, 1st Floor, MansionHouse, 12 Field Street, Durban, 4001. On 25 July 2012 at 10h00 hours, to be held before the Master of the High Court, 2ndFloor, Devonshire Building, Devonshire Place Durban.

N31/2012—Devron Logistics CC, 2007/075713/23 (in liquidation); Ranjith Choonilall, c/o R. Choonilall & Associates, Suite150B, 1st Floor, Mansion House, 12 Field Street, Durban, 4001. On 25 July 2012, to be held before the Master of the High Court,2nd Floor, Devonshire Building, Devonshire Place Durban.

T5302/11—Insolvent estate: LJ Potgieter Vervoer BK, Reg No 2002/068231/23; First and general meeting, proof ofclaims, submission of the Liquidator’s Report, Adoption of resolutions. 11-07-2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Middelburg.

T762/10—Insolvent estate: Anna Susanna Wilhelmina Willemse, ID: 4805230046086; First and general meeting, proofof claims, submission of the Liquidator’s Report, Adoption of resolutions. 10-07-2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

T4440/10—Insolvent estate: Schubert, Ingo Peter, ID No. 7510155314082; Second meeting of creditors • proof of claims• submission of the trustee’s report • adoption of resolutions. Wednesday, 18 July 2012, 10h00, the Master of the High Court,Pretoria.

C882/11—Insolvent estate: Van der Westhuizen, P, ID No. 4905095036089; Second meeting of creditors • proof of claims• submission of the trustee’s report • adoption of resolutions. Wednesday, 18 July 2012, 09h00, the Magistrate, Piketberg.

T1281/12—Counterpoint Trading 61 CC (in liquidation); GW Harris & TT Tshikovhi, Executive Trust, P O Box 90445,Garsfontein, 0042. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

T1280/12—Lenedi Projects & Trading CC (in liquidation); GW Harris & PTT Mfoloe, Executive Trust, P O Box 90445,Garsfontein, 0042. 27 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Polokwane.

T6803/09—JJP Erasmus & JM Erasmus; MH Davel & KR Vengadesan, per: Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675,Sunnyside, 0132. Tuesday, 17 July 2012, 10h00, the Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.

T3780/11—T Brand; P Fourie, K Beller & MF Kganyage, per: Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.Thursday, 19 July 2012, 09h00, the Magistrate, Pretoria-North.

T3474/11—Barzani 23 (Pty) Ltd; DM Botha & EG Sebastian, per: Corporate Liquidators, P.O. Box 28675, Sunnyside,0132. Wednesday, 18 July 2012, 10h00, the Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.

T5235/10—Insolvente boedel: Christiaan Johan Daniel Bester, voorheen woonagtig te: Hoystraat 32, Brakpan, ID No. 8101045068085; Venessa Bekker & Andrew Phillip Maralack & Barend Petersen, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom(Edms) Bpk, h/a VRS Trust Insolvensie Praktisyns, The Ridge Kantoorblok, h/v Koedoesnek & Grysbokstrate, Waterkloofrif,0181. Vrydag, 20 Julie 2012 om 009h00, voor die Landdros te Brakpan.

T4667/2011—Insolvent estate: Rica–Robert Business Enterprise CC, Reg No. 2003/096889/23 (in liquidation); Secondmeeting of creditors • proof of claims • submission of the liquidators’ report • adoption of resolutions. Wednesday, 18 July 2012,10h00, the Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

T4215/10—Insolvent estate: Du Plessis, Charl, ID No. 7106175140086; Second meeting of creditors • proof of claims •submission of the trustees’ report • adoption of resolutions. Wednesday, 11 July 2012, 10h00, the Master of the High Court,Pretoria.

T5715/10—Carnie Ian Thomas & Anne, ID No. 4910305075083, 6208030032083; Second meeting of creditors • proof ofclaims • submission of liquidators/trustees report • adoption of resolution. On 18th July 2012 at 09h00, Magistrate Middelburg.

T0433/12—Kotze Gert Johannes Jacobus & Natasha Natalie, ID No. 7710045104087, 8206020135088; second meet-ing of creditors • proof of claims • submission of liquidators/trustees report • adoption of resolution. On 17th July 2012 at 10h00,Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.

T5265/10—Niemann Yvonne, ID No. 5909280065084; Second meeting of creditor • proof of claims • submission of liquidators/trustees report • adoption of resolution. On 17th July 2012 at 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria.

T3911/10—Insolvent estate: Van Rheede, Mark Trevor & Denise Delphine, ID No. 6808045209087, 6204240193088;Second meeting of creditors • proof of claims • submission of the trustees report • adoption of resolutions. Monday, 16 July 2012,10h00, the Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

T3248/11—Insolvent estate: Brits Wholesalers (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 1958/001064/07 (in liquidation). Second meeting ofcreditors • proof of claims • submission of the liquidators’ report • adoption of resolutions. Monday, 23 July 2012, 10h00, theMagistrate, Brits.

T802/2011—Insolvent estate: Nyathi, Martin, ID No. 6207115694089. Second meeting of creditor • proof of claims • submission of the liquidators’ report • adoption of resolutions. Thursday, 19 July 2012, 11h30, the Magistrate, Boksburg.

T3966/11—Nanji-Passport Yasmin Yazin, ID No. 000000176349; Second meeting of creditor • proof of claims • submission of the liquidators trustees report • adoption of resolution. On 18th July 2012 at 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg.

T3766/11—Dreyer Lourens Christiaan, ID No. 7011175242080; Second meeting of creditor • proof of claims • submission of the liquidators’ report • adoption of resolution. On 17th July 2012 at 10h00, Master of the North Gauteng HighCourt, Pretoria.

T3547/11—Blue Fire Properties 118 (Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2005/025036/07. Second meeting of creditor • proof of claims •submission of the liquidators’ trustees report • adoption of resolution. On 17th July 2012 at 10h00, Master of the North GautengHigh Court, Pretoria.

N53/12—Insolvent estate: Ramlall A & M; Eugene Nel, Suite 1, The Mews, Redlands Estate, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.Thursday, 19th July 2012, 10h00 am, Magistrate, Port Shepstone.

G384/12—Distant Star Trading 561 CC; K Van der Westhuizen, Tutor Trust, Posbus 26598, Gezina, 0031. 18-07-2012,11h00, Magistrate, Heidelberg.

T1569/11—Turbo Cats CC; JCW Roelofse & NE Luthuli, Forum Trustees CC, PO Box 8871, 0046, Centurion.(Wednesday) 18 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.

T1838/10—A Dreyer; JCW Roelofse & JJ De Gama, Forum Trustees CC, PO Box 8871, 0046, Centurion. (Thursday) 19 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria.

G1569/11—Turbo Cats CC; JCW Roelofse & NE Luthuli, Forum Trustees CC, PO Box 8871, 0046, Centurion.(Wednesday) 18 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 145

Form/Vorm 2


Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926,and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will beheld in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below, indicating the number ofestate/company; the name and description of estate/company; the date, hour and place of meeting and the purposes of meeting.

Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will beheld before the Magistrate.


Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926,en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat ’n byeenkoms van skuld -eisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word met aanduiding van die nommer van boedel/maatskappy; die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; die datum,uur en plek van byeenkoms en die doel van byeenkoms.

In ’n plek waar ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voordie Landdros gehou.

E19/2010—Chris Cloete Agencies CC 1999/49922/23 (in liquidation), formerly trading as Triple C Agencies at 43 RegentStreet, Eureka, East London. 13th July 2012, 10 a.m, East London. Further proof of claims.

S80/2011—Aquatek Water Treatment CC Registration No: 2007/001295/23 (in liquidation). 11 July 2012, at 14h00 p.m,Before the Master, Port Elizabeth. To prove claims.

S80/2011—Aquatek Water Treatment CC Registration No: 2007/001295/23 (in liquidation). 11 July 2012, at 14h00 p.m,Before the Master, Port Elizabeth. To prove claims.

G804/10—476 Ontdekkers Way Close Corporation (in liquidation), trading as Insimbe Pipe, (Registration No: 2008/193948/23). 19 July 2012, 09h30, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. Late proof of claims.

G37/12—Sensor Trading CC (in liquidation). 19-07-2012, 11h30, Insolvency, Magistrate, Boksburg. Further proof ofclaim(s).

N132/10—Eltec Holdings Pty Ltd (in liquidation). 13th July 2012, 10:00 a.m., Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg.Proof of claims.

C991/2010—Hawks Tracing Revocery & Debt Collection Agents CC (in liquidation). Thursday, 26 July 2012, 9:00 a.m,The Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg. Special & General Meeting for: 1. Further proof of claims. 2. Adoption of resolution & tablingof report.

C192/2011—Insolvent estate: Ejaz Saeed. 17th July 2012, at 9:00 a.m, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of further claims.

C1057/2010—Tamasa Trading 358 CC t/a Project Man (in liquidation). 20th July 2012, at 11:00 am, Magistrate’s Court,Bellville. Proof of further claims.

C1398/2010—Insolvent estate: Tracey Lyn & Robert Dean Jamieson. 20th July 2012, at 9:00 a.m, Master of the HighCourt, Cape Town. Proof of further claims.

G741/11—Ayanda Solutions (Pty) Ltd Reg No: 2002/031682/07. 18 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Randburg. Furtherproof of claims.

G0024/10—Ivory-Palm Properties 20 CC (in liquidation). 11-07-2012, 10h00, The Magistrate’s Court, Randburg. For theadoption of the following resolutions:

146 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


1. That the report of the Liquidators in terms of Section 79 of theClose Corporations Act be and are hereby approved of ratified andconfirmed.

2. That the actions of the Provisional Liquidators and Liquidators todate be and are hereby approved of ratified and confirmed.

3. That the Liquidators be and are hereby authorised to engage theservices of an independent firm of Auditors with a view, interalia, to enquiring into the reasons for the substantial deficiencyin net assets reflected by the corporation and to further enquireinto such other matters as may be considered necessary, thecosts thereof to be paid out of the funds of the corporation aspart of the costs of liquidation.

4. That the Liquidators are hereby authorised and empowered to :-

4.1 Engage the services of attorneys and counsel in connection withany matter arising out of or related to the affairs of thecorporation in liquidation;

4.2 Agree with such attorney on the tariff and/or scale of fees to becharged by and paid to the attorney for the rendering of theservices to the corporation in liquidation;

4.3 Pay to the attorney, provided that there is at all times asufficiency of funds in the free residue, the agreed costs and thedisbursements made by the attorney as and when the servicesare rendered and the disbursements are made subject to -

4.3.1 the taxation of such costs and disbursements by the Master ofthe Supreme Court when the attorney has performed his mandate;and

4.3.2 the repayment by the attorney to the Liquidators of anypayment made by the Liquidators to the attorney inrespect of the latter's costs and disbursements whichexceeds the amount determined by the taxation, or in theevent of the attorney becoming disentitled to suchpayment, or any portion thereof, if it should be excludedfrom the confirmed liquidator's account pursuant to anyobjection under section 111 of the Insolvency Act, 1936.

5. That the Liquidators be and are hereby authorised to pursue the

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 147

collection of the outstanding amounts as are still due to the

corporation in liquidation and for this purpose to enaaap whatovarlegal assistance they may require in the interests of the corporation,the costs to be paid out of the funds of the corporation inliquidation. The Liquidators are further authorised to dispose ofthe balance of outstanding amounts by public auction, publictender or private treaty on such terms and conditions and forsuch amounts as they in their discretion may deem fit. In the eventof the Liquidators being unable to recover or dispose of thebalance of the outstanding amounts they are hereby further authorisedto abandon same if they in their discretion should so deem fit.

6. That the actions of the Provisional Liquidators and the Liquidatorsin employing staff for administrative purposes including, interalia, to pursue the collection of the outstanding amounts due tothe corporation, be ratified and confirmed. All costs so incurred tobe treated as costs of administration against the estate of thecorporation in liquidation and to be paid out of the funds of thecorporation in liquidation.

7. That the Liquidators be and are hereby authorised and empowered intheir discretion to compromise or admit any claim against thecorporation whether liquidated or unliquidated, as a liquidatedclaim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended,provided that proof thereof has been tendered at a meeting ofcreditors.

8. That the Liquidators be and are hereby authorised to dispose of allor any asset of the corporation by public auction, private treatyor public tender, as they in their discretion may deem fit, and allcosts so incurred be treated as part of the costs of liquidation.

9. That the Liquidators be and are hereby authorised to dispose of anyof the secured assets of the corporation to the respective securedcreditors at an agreed value or at an amount to settle the claim ofthe secured creditor.

10. That in the event of the Liquidators ascertaining that thecorporation is possessed of further assets other than thosereferred to in their report of even date, the Liquidators are herebyauthorised to dispose of the said assets by public auction, publictender or private treaty and on such terms and conditions and forsuch amounts as they in their discretion may deem fit.

11. That the Liquidators be and are hereby authorised to make applicationto the Master of the Supreme Court for the destruction of the booksand records of the corporation after confirmation of the FinalLiquidation and Distribution/Contribution Account subject tosuch directions as the Master may give.

12. That the further administration of the corporation be left entirelyin the hands of the Liquidators.

13. That the Joint Liquidators be and are hereby authorized to dispose ofthe following immovable property described as:

148 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

Portion 22 of the Farm Roodekraans, 183 IQ, District.

by public auction, private treaty or public tender, as they in theirdiscretion may deem fit, and all costs so incurred be treated aspart of the costs of liquidation and that the Joint Liquidators arehereby authorized to sign all documentation necessary to effecttransfer of each immovable property to the purchaser.

The Joint Liquidator's report and resolutions were presented andduly adopted by creditors.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 149

G1258/10—Racing for South Africa (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 12-07-2012, 0h00, The Master of the High Court,Johannesburg. Further proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses.

G1090/11—Talisman Plant & Tool Hire Boksburg (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 12-07-2012, 10h00, The Master of the HighCourt, Pretoria. Further proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses.

G0667/10—New Fashion Trading CC (in liquidation). 11-07-2012, 9h00, The Magistrate’s Court, Randburg. Further proofof claims and interrogation of witnesses.

G0624/10—Launch Clothing (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 12-07-2012, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.Further proof of claims and interrogation of witnesses.

G2042/10—Insolvent estate: Tandem Trust. 12-07-2012, 10h00, The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Furtherproof of claims and interrogation of witnesses.

G0024/10—Ivory-Palm Properties 20 CC (in liquidation). 11-07-2012, 9h00, The Magistrate’s Court, Randburg. Proof ofclaims.

S10/2012—Coastal Consultants Financial Advisors CC (in liquidation). 11-07-2012, 14h00, Master, Port Elizabeth.Proof of staff claims.

D64/11—Ingede Mineral Holdings (Pty) Ltd Reg No: 2006/014734/07 (in liquidation). 11 July 2012, 10h00, Master,Durban. Proving of claims.

G134/11—Salister Diesels (Pty) Ltd Reg No: 1997/020467/07 (in liquidation). 13 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate,Vereeniging. Proving of claims.

T7481/09—Bakgalaka Building Construction CC Reg No: 2000/015975/23, Registered address: 5 Evens Street,Westernburg, Polokwane (in liquidation). Friday, 13 July 2012, 10h00, Meester, Polokwane. Verdere bewys van eise.

T6330/09—Insolvent estate: Jeremiah Bouwer (ID No: 6908225228087). 19 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate,Bronkhorstspruit. Adoption of the following resolutions: 1. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised and empowered todispose of the assets of the Estate by public auction, and/or private treaty, and/or private tender, as he/they in their sole discretion may deem fit. 2. That the Joint Liquidators be and are hereby authorised and empowered, in their discretion to compromise or admit any claim against the Company, whether liquidated or unliquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of section 78 (3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, provided that proof thereof had been tendered at a meeting of creditors.

3. That the Trustee’s/s’ action in having applied to the Master of the Supreme Court for permission to sell the loose assetsand fixed property is hereby confirmed and that the Trustee be/are authorized to sign all documetns in order to give effect tothe transfer of the property.

G1293/09—Jacobs, Jurgens (ID No. 6611075025088). 13 July 2012, 10h00, Presiding officer: Magistrate, Vereeniging. 1.Proof of Claims.

T2786/10—Insolvente boedel: J M Smit. Donderdag, 12 Julie 2012 om 10h00, voor Meester van die Hooggeregshof,Pretoria. Bewys van verdere eise.

T7594/09—Insolvente boedel: J L Van Staden. Dinsdag, 17 Julie 2012 om 10h00, voor Meester van die Hooggeregshof,Pretoria. Bewys van verdere eise.

T3635/09—Insolvente boedel: Mbuyiseni & Grace Lettie Mahlobo. Woensdag, 25 Julie 2012 om 10h00, voor dieLanddros, Benoni. Verdere bewys van eise.

T511/11—Insolvent estate: Etienne & Aileen Margeret Steffens. Thursday, 26 July 2012 at 11h30, before the Magistrate,Boksburg. Proof of claims and adoption of resolution No. 7.

T511/11—Insolvent estate: Etienne & Aileen Margeret Steffens. Thursday, 26 July 2012 at 11h30, before the Magistrate,Boksburg. Proof of claims and adoption of resolution No. 7: That the Trustee(s) be and is/are hereby authorised to sell any movable assets or immovable property of the estate of whatsoever description and including outstanding debts by public auction, public tender or private treaty in such manner, upon such terms and conditions and for such amounts as he/they maydeem fit and the he is authorised to ratify any sale agreement already concluded.

T3896/11—Southern Palace Investments 194 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Thursday, 26 July 2012 at 10h00, before theMaster of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. Proof of claims; Submit Liquidators report and acceptance thereof as well asacceptance of resolution to Liquidator.

T2839/10—Cargo Africa Driver Empowerment 169 CC (Reg No. 2000/030777/23) (in liquidation). 6 July 2012, 10h00,Master, Pretoria. Proof of claims.

T3413/11—QGS Construction and Projects CC (in liquidation). Tuesday, 31st of July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate,Vanderbijlpark.

1. Proof of claim.2. Hold of inquiry.T1775/09—I/E H.C Viljoen (ID: 6808095049088). Wednesday, 18th of July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court,

Johannesburg. 1. Proof of claim. C848/2011—Insolvent estate: N O Jacobs. 11 July 2012 at 9:00am, at the Magistrate, Goodwood. Further proof of claims.G64/2011—Aurora Empowerment Systems (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 18 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the South Gauteng

High Court, Johannesburg. General Meeting: (1) Further directions from creditors to be tabled and approved. G1159/11—Insolvent estate: Fernando Manuel Ribeiro Braz. 10 Julie 2012 om 10h00, te die Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg. 1. Bewys van eise. T3946/10—Lebogile Trading 105 CC (in liquidation). 12 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. Proof of claims. B8/2010—Insolvente boedel: Johan Ludwig Strohfeldt. 11/07/2012 om 10h00, Meester, Bloemfontein.

Spesiale vergadering. G1828/2011—Wavelengths 1147 CC (in liquidation). 13-07-12, 10h00, Master, Johannesburg. Further proof of claims and

interrogation of witnesses. C222/2011—Johan George Bennett. 13 July 2012, 9h00, Magistrate, Knysna. Proof of claims.

150 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

C1104/2010—Insolvent estate: I J H Greyling. 17 July 2012 at 9h00, the Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof ofclaims.

C989/2011—Overwear and Duchess (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 20 July 2012, 9h00, the Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of claims.

C1203/2011—New Heights Trading 465 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 17 July 2012 at 9h00, the Master of the High Court,Cape Town. Proof of claims.

C966/2011—Phase Fashions CC (in liquidation). 20 July 2012, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof ofclaims.

C1084/2010—Nel’s Steel Manufacturing & Fencing CC (in liquidation). 17 July 2012, 09h00, Master of the High Court,Cape Town. Proof of claims.

G2248/10—Domino Hiring CC (in liquidation). Thursday, 19 July 2012, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Proof ofclaim.

T8269/09—Insolvent estate: Procrete CC (Reg. No. 2002/002371/23). Thursday, 19 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the HighCourt, Pretoria. Proof of claims. Lex-Star Trustees, P.O. Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.

T2101/11—Insolvent estate: Constantia Sectional Title Management (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 1994/010377/07) (in liquidation).Thursday, 19 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. Proof of claims. Lex-Star Trustees, P.O. Box 4373,Pretoria, 0001.

T3452/11—Insolvent estate: Generator Specialist CC (Reg. No. 2006/136597/23) (in liquidation). Thursday, 14 June2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Proof of claims. Lex-Star Trustees, P.O. Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.

T4077/11—Insolvent estate: IJ Mini Transport CC (Reg. No. 2006/210260/23) (in liquidation). Friday, 20 July 2012, 10h00,Magistrate, Witbank. Proof of claims. Lex-Star Trustees, P.O. Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.

T2719/09—Insolvent estate: SJ Lamprecht, ID No. 7109235048081. 10-07-2012, 10h00, North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria. Proof of claim.

B11/2012—Insolvent estate: Hein van Schalkwyk. Wednesday, 18 July 2012, 10h00, Master, Bloemfontein. To prove further claims.

B17/2012—Sigri Fast Foods CC, trading as Friendly Grocer Universitas CC (in liquidation). Wednesday, 18 July 2012,10h00, Master, Bloemfontein. To prove further claims.

D209/2010—Insolvent estate: Jerry Singh, ID No. 5808135183086 (in liquidation). 25 July 2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Durban. Proving of claims.

G1948/10—Kennablue Plant Hire (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Friday, 20 July 2012, 09h30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. To prove further claims.

G1239/10—Malcolm Adamson Construction (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Thursday, 19 July 2012, 10h00, Master,Johannesburg. To prove further claims.

D191/09—Broadvision CC (Reg. No. 1999/006432/23) (in liquidation). 14 December 2011, 10h00, Master of the HighCourt, Durban. Proving of claims.

T1435/08—Insolvent estate: T O’Connor. 18-07-2012, 10h00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. Further proof of claims.S117/2011—Hema Kem Agencies CC (in liquidation). 18 July 2012, 14h00, Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth.

Proof of claims.C1294/2010—African Spirit Trading 251 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 17 July 2012, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape

Town. Proof of claims.C942/2011—Recossa (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 17 July 2012, 09h00, Master of the High Court, Cape Town. Proof of claims.T3848/09—DH & JC Treeby. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. Bewys van eise.T6077/09—MM Tlharesakgosi. 18 July 2012, 10h00, Landdros, Klerksdorp. Bewys van eise.T615/10—CP Syffert. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. Bewys van eise.T4846/08—Sanchaba Technologies CC. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. Bewys van eise.T8088/09—RF Potgieter. 18 July 2012, 10h00, Landdros, Benoni. Bewys van eise.T793/09—PJ Oosthuizen. 16 July 2012, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. Bewys van eise.T2621/09—JCJ Home Fantacies CC. 23/07/2012, 10h00, Meester, Pretoria. Aanvaarding van resolusies:

8. That the Liquidator(s) be and is\are hereby authorised to sell any movable or immovable property of the estate of whatsoever description and including outstanding debts by public auction, public tender or private treaty in such manner, upon such terms and conditions and for such amounts as he\they may deem fit.

1.3 That the Liquidator(s) be and is\are hereby authorised and empowered in his\their discretion to compromise oradmit any claim against the estate, whether liquidated or not liquidated, arising from any guarantee or any othercause whatsoever, as a liquidated claim in terms of section 78 (3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, at suchamounts as may be agreed upon between the creditor(s) concerned and the Liquidator(s) provided that proofthereof has been tendered at a meeting of creditors.

T2621/09—JCJ Home Fantasies CC. 23/07/2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. Bewys van eise:

5. Florex Indoor Plant Services (Pty) Ltd.

6. Plantae Orchids (Pty) Ltd.

T4965/11—C9 Civils CC. 18/07/2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. Bewys van eise 13-Wesbank.

T3751/11—All Inclusive Residential Security CC. 16/07/2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. Bewys van resolution 8 & 14.

8. That the Liquidator(s) be and is\are hereby authorised to sell any movable or immovable property of the estate ofwhatsoever description and including outstanding debts by public auction, public tender or private treaty in suchmanner, upon such terms and conditions and for such amounts as he\they may deem fit.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 151

14. That the Liquidator(s) be and is\are hereby authorised and empowered in his\their discretion to compromise oradmit any claim against the estate, whether liquidated or not liquidated, arising from any guarantee or any othercause whatsoever, as a liquidated claim in terms of section 78 (3) of the Insolvency Act, as amended, at suchamount as may be agreed upon between the creditor(s) concerned and the Liquidator(s) provided that proof there-of has been tendered at a meeting of creditors.

T3751/11—All Inclusive Residential Security CC. 16/07/2012, 10h00, Master, Pretoria. Bewys van eise: 1. MFC. 2. MFC.3. MFC.4. Wesbank.5. Wesbank.6. SARS.

C1028/11—Insolvente boedel: J E & L Laubscher. 11/07/12, 09:00, Landdros, Kuilsrivier. *Bewys van eis.*OM RESOLUSIE 2 TE AANVAAR:“All actions of whatsoever nature hereto before taken by the provision Trustee(s) and/or Trustee be and are hereby confirmed, ratified and approved.”

*OM RESOLUSIE 8 TE AANVAAR:“That the Trustee(s) be and is\are hereby authorised to sell any movable or immovable property of the estate of whatsoever description and including outstanding debts by public auction, public tender or private treaty in such manner, upon such terms and conditions and for such amounts as he\they may deem fit.”

C1126/10—Vlame Occupational Health & Safety CC (in liquidation). Wednesday, 25 July 2012, 10:00a.m, MagistrateOffice, Strand. Second (General) Meeting -Adoption of Liquidators report. -Proof of claims. -Authorized to take legal opinion andto institute or defend an action iro any matter affecting the corporation.

E20/2010—Insolvent estate: M M Bosch. 13 July 2012, 10h00, Magistrate’s Court, East London. 1. Special meeting ofcreditors - interrogation purposes.

C575/2011—Insolvent estate: Johan & Susanna Maria Kruger. 17 July 2012, 09h00, Magistrate, Riversdal. Proof ofclaims.

T2937/10—Insolvent estate: De Frey Christine (ID No: 7902230053084). Thursday, 19th July 2012, 09h30. TheMagistrate, Vanderbijlpark. Proof of claim. Investrust, P.O. Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0128.

T8147/09—Insolvent estate: Daniels Francois (ID No: 641025027089). Thursday, 19th July 2012, 11h30, The Magistrate,Boksburg. Proof of claim. Investrust, P.O. Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.

T599/10—Insolvent estate: Degenaar Johannes Nicolaas Christoffel (ID No: 4208275075088). Friday, 13th July 2012,10h00, The Magistrate, Witbank. Proof of claim. Investrust, P.O. Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126.

G2162/10—Stephkar Bk Reg No: 2006/141320/23 (in likwidasie), gereg adres: 39 Rhodes Street, Springs, Gould, 1559.Likwidateur: L J Strydom & D T Majiedt, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 13988, Hatfield, 0028.Dinsdag, 17 Julie 2012, om 10:00, voor die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg. Die hou van ’n SpesialeVergadering vir: 1. Bewys van verdere eise;

T2590/09—Bartonia Investments (Ptu) Ltd. Wednesday, 18 July 2012, 09h00, The Magistrate, Randburg. Special meeting for the proof of claims.

T2965/09—A Barnard. Wednesday, 18 July 2012, 10h00, The Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria. Specialmeeting for the proof of claims.

T2740/09—JMJ De Swart. Wednesday, 18 July 2012, 10h00, The Magistate, Klerksdorp. Special meeting for the proof ofclaims.

T4513/08—ME MacDonald. Monday, 16 July 2012, 10h00, The Magistrate, Brits. Special and general meeting for the proofof claims and the adoption of resolutions: 1. That all actions of whatsoever nature heretofore taken by the Trustee and also setout in the Report to which these Resolutions are attached, be and are hereby confirmed ratified and approved. 2. That theTrustee be, and is hereby authorised, to sell or in any other way dispose of any immovable or movable assests of the InsolventEstate.

Form/Vorm 4


Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, andsection 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans ofdistribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditorsor contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for sucha period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever maybe the later date.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description of estate/company; description of account; account for inspection at Master’s and Magistrate’s office, date, period (if longerthan 14 days).

152 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel406 (3) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die likwidasie-, distribusie- ofkontribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae vanskuldeisers of kontribuante sal lê te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende ’n tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datumvan publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is.

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing vanboedel/maatskappy; beskrywing van rekening; rekening ter insae by Meesters- en Landdroskantoor, datum, tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae).

C89/2008—Ant Finance (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Third Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,Cape Town; Master of the High Court, Durban; Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Master of the High Court, Pretoria;Magistrate, Randburg; Magistrate, Stellenbosch.

C387/2009—Insolvent estate: Tinus Kits. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, CapeTown; Magistrate, Strand.

N198/09—Riverbend Trade & Invest 50 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Randburg and Verulam.

C143/2011—Insolvent estate: Russell Deon & Avaron Venesie Esterhuizen. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Mitchell’s Plain.

C143/2011—Insolvent estate: Russell Deon & Avaron Venesie Esterhuizen. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Mitchell’s Plain.

E15/2009—Insolvent estate: H. P. Koen. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master ofthe High Court, Grahamstown; Magistrate’s Court, East London.

E55/2009—Insolvent estate: A. R. Breedt. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,Grahamstown; Magistrate’s Court, East London.

C553/2011—Merimate Trade 1082 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. B. N. Shaw &A. Bowes. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Offices of the Magistrate, Somerset West.

S122/2011—Insolvent estate: J. M. Crossman. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the EasternCape High Court, Port Elizabeth.

C446/2011—Insolvent estate: Ernest Chambisso. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master’s Office,Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood.

C446/2011—Insolvent estate: Ernest Chambisso. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master’s Office,Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood.

C902/2010—M Wilson Projects CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. B. N. Shaw & L. M. Padayachi. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Offices of the Magistrate, Knysna.

G1752/11—Cross Point Trading 42 CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. South Gauteng Masterof the High Court.

G1149/11—Living Hotel Group (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation Account. South Gauteng Master of the High Court.S48/2011—Insolvent estate: Robert Saunders & Becky Joy Saunders. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution

and Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Port Elizabeth.E43/2009—Silver Solutions 910 CC (Reg. No. 2004/082753/23) (in liquidation), with registered office at 14 Cooper

Crescent, Beacon Bay, East London. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Grahamstown; East London.G749/11—L & A Stanford. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master, Johannesburg; Magistrate,

Roodepoort.G1360/11—S P du Plessis Electrical CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master,

Johannesburg; Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark.G2918/09—J H Keet. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Johannesburg; Magistrate,

Krugersdorp.G638/11—I B & G A Morrison. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Johannesburg;

Magistrte, Roodepoort.G1451/08—Insolvent estate: Daniel Kabelo & Disemelo Emily Leboea. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master

of the High Court, Johannesburg, 29/06/2012 to 13/07/2012.T7189/09—Insolvent estate: George James Kruger. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Balfour, 29/06/2012 to 13/07/2012. G1280/10—Insolvent estate: Johannes Dirk Martin Van Aalst. First and Final Liquidation Account. Maste of the High

Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Germiston, 29/06/2012 to 13/07/2012. G369/10—Trifecta Trading 413 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; The Magistrate, Alberton, 29/06/2012 to 13/07/2012. G616/10—Unit 11 The Shores (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; The Magistrate: Alberton, 29/06/2012 to 13/07/2012.G716/10—Seven Falls Trading 160 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court,

Johannesburg; The Magistrate, Germiston, 29/06/2012 to 13/07/2012.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 153

G459/11—N V Jordan Agency (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court,Johannesburg, 29/06/2012 to 13/07/2012.

G2574/09—ACN Cellular Technologies (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account.Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, 29/06/2012 to 13/07/2012.

G124/11—Mendotorque (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court,Johannesburg, 29/06/2012 to 13/07/2012.

G724/10—Insolvent estate: Taylor; Roy & Salome. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Krugersdorp.

G1728/10—Caravella Restaurant (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Masterof the High Court, Johannesburg.

G286/12—Northern Titles (Pty) Ltd (in members’ voluntary liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and ContributionAccount. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.

G289/09—G.G. Roof Carpenter CC. Second and Final Liquidation Distribution Contribution Account. The Master in theSouth Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg; The Magistrate, Meyerton, 29th June 2012.

G49/04—Supersensor (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Johannesburg. T2029/07—VJ’s Hardware CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

The Master, North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, The Master, South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg, 29 June 2012. T4483/01—Choice Holdings Ltd (Reg No. 1987/04241/06) (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution

Account. Master, Pretoria. G806/09—Blue Planet Trading 17 (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 2003/029868/07) (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and

Contribution Account. Master, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Alberton. D39/08—North Coast Trailers (Pty) Ltd (Reg No. 2004/018713/07) (in liquidation). Second Liquidation and Distribution

Account. Master, Durban. C161/2011—Castlehill Trading 281 CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s office,

Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Hermanus and Strand. B45/2011—Insolvente boedel: The Eagles Nest Residence Trust. Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie-

en Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein, 29 Junie 2012. G1302/10—Victor Trading (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.G1207/08—Insolvent estate: Dalgetty, Douglas & Fiona Helen. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. The

Master of the High Court, Johannesburg and Magistrate, Kempton Park, from 29 June 2012 - 14 July 2012.G0217/10—Friedshelf 714 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the

High Court, Johannesburg.G0488/10—Insolvent estate: Tandem Guesthouse Trust. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. The Master

of the High Court, Johannesburg.G1822/10—Topaz Sky Trading 71 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribuiton and Contribution

Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.G0147/12—Volkswagen Finance (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution

Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.G2304/10—Sunflower Housing Company (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. The Master of the High

Court, Johannesburg.G2687/09—PSG Electro Mechanical CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; The Magistrates Court, Benoni.G0524/10—Kimash Logistics CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the

High Court, Johannesburg; The Magistrate’s Court, Alberton.G696/04—Insolvent estate: Coenraad Hendrik van Schalkwyk, previously residing at: 295 Lois Ave, Newlands, Pretoria.

Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; The Masterof the High Court, Pretoria.

T4489/03—Insolvent estate: Elmarie van Schalkwyk, previously residing at: 45 SN Loren, Pretoria. Second and FinalLiquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

T8064/09—Insolvent estate: Ioans Lambrianos, previously residing at: 48 Krekmetart Road, Pretoria. First and FinalLiquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

C373/2011—Executive Bikers CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town;Magistrate’s Court, Goodwood.

C619/2008—Mark Blake Home & Office Maintenance CC t/a Marks Projects (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidationand Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg.

C1326/2010—Leuga Learning Material CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and ContributionAccount. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Bellville.

G355/2009—Zelpy 2706 (Pty) Limited. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, CapeTown; Magistrate’s Courts, Piektberg & Jan Kempdorp.

C1192/2011—Ravenscoe Trading 256 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. Master’sOffice, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Kuils River.

C522/2011—Inside Edge Trading 132 CC (in liquidation). Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of theHigh Court, Cape Town; The Magistrate’s, Somerset West.

G170/2007—Saitek Coatings CC (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master ofthe High Court, Johannesburg; The Magistrate’s Court, Randburg.

C1005/2010—Michael John Alexander Adamo (4706015130089) & Nicolene Alida Johanna Adamo (5011200119081).The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Office,Kuilsriver.

C1192/2010—Purplish Holdings (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and ContributionAccount. Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Office, Oudtshoorn.

154 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

C161/2011—Castlehill Trading 281 CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master’s Office, CapeTown, & Magistrate’s Court, Hermanus and Strand.

T3150/10—Insolvent estate: Eric Welthagen. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 29 June2012, before the Master of the High Court.

T0089/09—Insolvent estate: Jacobus Hendrik Nel. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.Master of the High Court, Pretoria, and Magistrate’s Office, Britz.

T618/09—Alphabet Properties 10 (Pty) Ltd, 2006/007744/07 (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

T1787/09—Insolvente boedel: Kevin Phillip Landman. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en Kontribusierekening.Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en Landdros, Witbank.

G174/10—Westgate Health Shoes CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, & Magistrate, Randburg.

T607/06—Villa Katya Estates (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Account. Meester, Pretoria.T3002/09—Insolvent estate: W C M van der Merwe. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master

of the High Court, Pretoria; Master of the High Court, Cape Town.T7695/09—Tshwane Office Automation (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High

Court, Pretoria, & Magistrate, Brits.T2583/09—Insolvente boedel: M L Phora. Eerste & Finale Likwidasie- & Kontribusierekening. Die Meester van die

Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.G1170/08—Henque 2207 CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg,

& Magistrate, Benoni.T3402/09—High Point Trading 967 CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master of the High

Court, Pretoria.T2458/11—Architectural Management and Outsourcing CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of

the High Court, Pretoria.G2094/09—Busin SA (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg.G2485/09—Blue Lounge Trading 74 (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court,

Johannesburg, & Magistrate, Kempton Park.T3461/09—Corbitt, Martin, ID No. 6312255026083. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Ermelo.G663/2011—Fourways Paint Centre (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2000/029841/07 (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation,

Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate, Roodepoort.T357/10—Harriss, Shaun Peter & Samantha Lee, ID No. 8003175229083 & 8006020250089. Amended First and Final

Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Master, Johannesburg.T2087/09—Klopper, Hester Aletta, ID No. 6610110172087. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

Master of the High Court, Pretoria.T2034/09—Tshalana, Delport Nicholas & Tembisa, ID Nos. 5605056211080 & 6310201052088. First and Final

Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Vereeniging.T3457/09—Insolvent estate: Van Aswegen, Gerhardus Petrus, ID No. 6303125134082. First and Final Liquidation,

Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate, Witbank.T1948/09—Wieners, Nicole, ID No. 6809030047086. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the

High Court, Pretoria.T7481/09—Bakgalaka Building Construction CC, Reg. No. 2000/015975/23, reg. adres: 5 Evens Street, Westernburg,

Polokwane. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Master, Polokwane.T3213/10—Insolvent estate: S D Keppler, ID No. 7902045064086, reg. adres: 164 The Meridian, 160 AG de Witt Road,

Solheim Ext. 73, Pretoria. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria.T541/07—Insolvent estate: Eric & Pertunia Angeline Mhaka, ID Nos. 7111116149087 & 7105240074088. First and Final

Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master, Pretoria; Magistrate, Boksburg.C1284/2010—Insolvent estate: Malarie Pather. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master

of the Western Cape, High Court, Cape Town, 29 June 2012.T1087/09—Insolvent estate: Kgaugelo Mahoro. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution

Account. Master, Pretoria.T0387/11—Insolvente boedel: Malaney Jansen van Vuuren. Gewysigde Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- en

Kontribusierekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en die Landdros, Germiston.G223/12—Just Slabs (Pty) Ltd (in likwidasie). Eerste en Finale Likwidasierekening. Die Meester van die Hooggeregshof,

Johannesburg en by die Landdros, Roodepoort.C79/2010—Insolvent estate: M P Brummer. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of

the High Court, Cape Town, the Magistrate, Bellville.C112/2011—Greystone Trading 34 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the

High Court, Cape Town, & the Magistrate, Wynberg.C1350/2011—Satrax CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,

Cape Town, & the Magistrate, Strand.C512/2011—Imison SA (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,

Cape Town.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 155

M42/2010—Pieter Marius Theron (born 16 February 1962) (ID No. 6202165002086), and Katrina Maria Theron(born 8 October 1952) (ID No. 5210080076086). First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master’s Office, Mafikeng;Magistrate’s Court, Vryburg.

C712/08—Holistic Health & Healing (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. TheMaster of the High Court, Cape Town, and the Magistrate, Belville, from 29 June 2012 to 13 July 2012.

C1052/10—Insolvent estate: P J Knight. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of theHigh Court, Cape Town, and the Magistrate, Knysna, from 29 June 2012 to 13 July 2012.

T5566/09—Insolvent estate: S M Rook. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of theHigh Court, Pretoria, and the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, from 29 June 2012 to 13 July 2012.

T2829/09—Insolvent estate: M F A Satar. First & Final Liquidation, and Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court,Pretoria, from 29 June 2012 to 13 July 2012.

C752/11—Insolvent estate: Leonard Johannes August & Annesia van Heerden. First & Final Liquidation, Distributionand Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Kuils River, 29 June 2012.

C752/11—Insolvent estate: Leonard Johannes August & Annesia van Heerden. First & Final Liquidation, Distributionand Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Kuils River, 29 June 2012.

C1155/10—Insolvent estate: Mogamat Faiek & Shayma Cassiem. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and ContributionAccount. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Wynberg, 29 June 2012.

C154/10—Insolvent estate: Garth Warwick Day. First & Final Liquidation and Distribution. Master of the High Court, CapeTown; Magistrate, Somerset West, 29 June 2012.

C983/09—Insolvent estate: Ettienne Prinsloo. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master ofthe High Court, Cape Town, 29 June 2012.

C429/11—Insolvent estate: Alwerdicus Family Trust. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Strand, 29 June 2012.

C298/11—Southern Amibition 252 CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,Cape Town; Magistrate, Bellville and Kuils River, 29 June 2012.

C1409/10—Calicom Trading (Pty) Ltd t/a Lansdowne Coachworks (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation,Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Wynberg, 29 June 2012.

C610/10—Insolvent estate: Dore Ferreira. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of theHigh Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Bellville, 29 June 2012.

E24/2011—Ocean Basket (East London) CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. (1) Master of theHigh Court, Grahamstown. (2) Magistrate’s Court, East London.

E33/2007—Insolvent estate: David Petrus Snyman. Fourth and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. (1) Master ofthe High Court, Grahamstown. (2) Magistrate’s Court, East London.

D119/06—Unit 12 Erf 35 La Lucia Ridge Office Estate CC. Supplementary First & Final Liquidation & DistributionAccount. Master of the High Court, Durban.

B84/2008—Insolvente boedel: Jan Gerhardus Meyer (ID No. 6004050073084) & Petronella Johanna Meyer(ID No. 61032700973089). Derde en Finale Likwidasie- en Distribusierekening. Meester van die Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloem -fontein, en die Landdroskantoor, Odendaalsrus, 29 Junie 2012.

D161/08—Twala Projects (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master of the HighCourt, Durban.

D78/08—Solect Investments & Trading CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. Master of theHigh Court, Durban.

T6813/09—Insolvent estate: S E Witthuhn. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the High Court,Pretoria, from 29th of June 2012 until the 13th of July 2012.

T4800/10—Insolvent estate: B J & M van der Westhuizen. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and ContributionAccount. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, and Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark, from 29th of June 2012 until the 13th of July 2012.

T210/08—Insolvent estate: C & N van der Vyver. Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master ofthe High Court, Pretoria, from 29th of June 2012 until the 13th of July 2012.

T4208/10—Uptown Trading 850 CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 29th of June 2012 until the 13th of July 2012.

T328/10—Insolvent estate: T J Tsotetsi. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of theHigh Court, Pretoria, and Magistrate, Heidelberg, from 29th of June 2012 until the 13th of July 2012.

T7010/09—Insolvent estate: N J & J M Tladi. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master ofthe High Court, Pretoria, and Magistrate, Boksburg, from 29th of June 2012 until the 13th of July 2012.

T1161/09—Insolvent estate: J R & H J Stoltz. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master ofthe High Court, Pretoria; and Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark, from 29th of June 2012 until the 13th of July 2012.

C615/10—Insolvent estate: L Senekal. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Cape Town; andMagistrate, Kuilsrivier, from 29th of June 2012 until the 13th of July 2012.

C823/09—Prov Cor Paving CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the HighCourt, Cape Town; and Magistrate, Mosselbaai, from 29th of June 2012 until the 13th of July 2012.

C164/10—Insolvent estate: PD Kolesky. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master of theHigh Court, Cape Town; and Magistrate, Mosselbaai, from 29th of June 2012 until the 13th of July 2012.

G308/09—Global Design and Build Solutions (SA) (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and DistributionAccount. Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, from 29th of June 2012 until the 13th of July 2012.

156 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

T3957/10—Emerald Sky Trading 448 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and ContributionAccount. Master of the High Court, Pretoria, inspection from 29 June 2012 to 13 July 2012.

T26/07—Insolvent estate: Du Plessis, Frederik Albertus Grobler. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.Magistrate, Randfontein; Master, Pretoria, as from 29 June 2012.

T4672/09—Insolvenst estate: Spies, Jan Stephanus. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.Magistrate, Bethal; Master, Pretoria, as from 29 June 2012.

N50/09—Mosi Oa Tunya Timbers CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, PMB,Durban, as well as MAG Court (DBN).

T2114/07—Insolvent estate: M & CJ Pheiffer. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and theMagistrate, Krugersdorp.

T355/09—Insolvent estate: LP & MA Burke. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Masterof the High Court, Pretoria; and the Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark.

T995/05—Insolvent estate: KM Mabasa. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and theMagistrate, Krugersdorp.

T1566/04—Insolvent estate: R & C Mason. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria andJohannesburg.

T1165/05—Insolvent estate: DJD & A Knoetze. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria andthe Magistrate, Krugersdorp.

T994/05—Insolvent estate: MJ & FJ Botha. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and theMagistrate, Krugersdorp.

T576/11—Insolvent estate: V & J Mathabathe. First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria.T461/05—Insolvent estate: A Moletsane. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and the

Magistrate, Randfontein.T238/06—Insolvent estate: IH Hatting. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria and the

Magistrate, Kempton Park.T1202/05—Insolvent estate: C & EB Maphumulo. First and Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High Court, Pretoria

and Johannesburg.T1519/07—L B R Decor & Sewing Wonderpark CC (in liquidation). First & Final Liquidation Account. Master of the High

Court, Pretoria.D160/08—Anwars Transport CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master, Durban.S25/2008—Nadkim Clothing CC (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master of the

Eastern High Court, Port Elizabeth.C1313/2011—Maxwells Engineering (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master, Cape

Town.B84/2010—Advance Underground Services CC (in liquidaton). Amended First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master,

Bloemfontein; Magistrate, Welkom.C444/2008—Thunderflex 21 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution

Account. Master, Cape Town.C360/2009—Atlantis Forge (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second Amended First Liquidation & Distribution Account. Master,

Cape Town; Magistrate, Atlantis.G1079/11—Bamboo Rock 1058 CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Distribution Account. South Gauteng Master of the

High Court.T4632/10—Insolvent estate: Daniel Jacobus Marais (ID No. 6907055014088). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and

Contribution Account. North Gauteng High Court, as well as the Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark, as from 29th of June 2012.T1685/10—Insolvent estate: Carjon Trust, IT: 4231/05. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

Gauteng North High Court, Pretoria; and Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark, as from 29th of June 2012.T3628/10—Insolvent estate: Jerry Habakuka & Lerato Georgina Moema, ID: 6803265666082 & 7604030764080. First

and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Gauteng North High Court, Pretoria; and Magistrate, PretoriaNorth, as from 29th of June 2012.

T4717/08—Insolvent estate: Wayne Thomas Price, ID No. 6710255111088. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, as from 29th of June 2012.

T1977/10—Insolvent estate: Petrus Johannes & Elanza Rautenbach, ID No. 5008045025085/5811270027084. First andFinal Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, as well the Magistrate,Bronkhorstpruit, as from 29th of June 2012.

T1839/10—Insolvent estate: Dick & Ronel Thompson, ID No. 8005275023084/8503220036086. First and FinalLiquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, as well as the Magistrate, Witbank, asfrom 29th of June 2012

T2747/10—Insolvent estate: Johannes Jacobus du Plessis, ID: 4406215022083. First and Final Liquidation, Distributionand Contribution Account. Gauteng North High Court, Pretoria; and Magistrate, Naboomspruit, as from 29th of June 2012.

T3949/10—Insolvent estate: Dona Deo Developments CC, Reg. No. 2004/087070/23. First and Final Liquidation,Distribution and Contribution Account. North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, as from 29th of June 2012.

T5627/09—Insolvent estate: Louis Spies, ID No. 7311305152088. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, as from 29th of June 2012.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 157

G943/10—Insolvent estate: Loxton, MV, ID No. 6309235245080. The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. The Master of the High Court Court, Johannesburg; the Magistrate’s Court, Germiston, as from 29 June2012.

T1071/11—Insolvent estate: Naude, TA, ID No. 7601075531084. The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from 29 June 2012.

T3377/10—Insolvent estate: Goss J, ID No. 7004220060086. The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and ContributionAccount. The First and Final Liquidaton, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from29 June 2012.

G2449/09—Insolvent estate: Davies, PJ & E, ID No. 6504125043088 & 6206250131088. The First and Final Liquidation,Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; the Magistrate’s Court, Krugersdorp, asfrom 29 June 2012.

T1446/11—Insolvent estate: Roos, BIN & ES, Identity Number: 6711025060084 & 6912130135080; The First and FinalLiquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate’s Court, Boksburg, asfrom: 29June 2012.

T57/09—Insolvent estate: Hanson, C, Identity Number: 6310095068000. The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate’s Court, Boksburg, as from: 29 June 2012.

T3892/09—Insolvent estate: Clarke, TF, Identity Number: 7411245041084. The First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from: 29 June 2012.

T3766/10—Insolvent estate: Minnie, MA & SA, Identity Number: 5705185210084 & 6202040001089. The First and FinalLiquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate’s Court, Randfontein,as from: 29 June 2012.

T483/09—Insolvent estate: Mahlangeni, TR, Identity Number: 6705241043808. The Amended First and Final Liquidation,Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from: 29 June 2012.

T757/11—Insolvent estate: AMH Maintenance CC, Reg Number: 2008/154664/23. The First and Final Liquidation andContribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, the Magistrate, Middelburg, as from: 29 June 2012.

T2092/11—Insolvent estate: DK Planthire CC, Reg Number: 2005/101649/23. The First and Final Liquidation, Distributionand Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, the Magistrate, Nelspruit, as from: 29 June 2012.

T8269/09—Insolvent estate: Procrete CC, Reg Number: 2002/002371/23. The Second and Final Liquidators andDistribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria, as from: 29 June 2012.

G2248/10—Domino Hiring CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the HighCourt, Johannesburg, from 29 June 2012 to 13 July 2012.

T1180/08—Insolvente boedel: K Criticos. Second and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Master ofthe High Court, Johannesburg and Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 29 June 2012 to 13 July 2012.

M85/11—Bermoncha Loodgieters CC. First and Final Liquidation Account. The Master of the North West High Court,Mafikeng and the Magistrate, Klerksdorp.

T2658/11—Crete Tech CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate, Witbank.

T4513/08—ME Macdonald. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the NorthGauteng High Court, Pretoria and the Magistrate, Brits.

T5123/08—PJ Wiid. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master of the North GautengHigh Court, Pretoria.

G1178/09—F Fitzgerald & Co (SA) (Pty) Ltd. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the SouthGauteng High Court, Johannesburg and the Magistrate, Benoni.

T6803/09—JJP Erasmus & JM Erasmus. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Masterof the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria.

M78/09—Yellow Stone Hauliers CC. Third Liquidation and Distribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Mafikengand the Magistrate, Ottosdal.

T8030/09—Insolvente boedel: TJ & LJ Kotze, ID No’s 6511075037085 & 6504010056088, woonagtig te: 65 AnitaCrescent, Moreleta Park. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie Rekening. Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

T5651/10—Insolvent estate: Jacob Gert Petrus & Julene Martha, ID: 7305215256088 & 7505110151085. The First andFinal Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Germiston, asfrom: 29th June 2012.

T599/10—Insolvent estate: Degenaar Johannes Nicolaas Christoffel, ID: 4208275075088. The First and FinalLiquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Witbank, as from: 29th June 2012.

T8147/09—Insolvent estate: Daniels Francois, ID: 6410275027089. The First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Boksburg, as from: 29th June 2012.

T2937/10—Insolvent estate: De Frey Christine, ID: 7902230053084. The First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark, as from: 29th June 2012.

T260/10—Insolvent estate: De Frey Pieter Hendrik, ID: 7706155061083. The First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; the Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark, as from: 29th June 2012.

N13/2010—Palmer Rubber Pty Ltd (in liquidation). Amended First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Master of the HighCourt, Pietermaritzburg and Master of the High Court, Durban, Pierre Berrange.

T1227/09—Insolvent estate: MM Snyman. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the HighCourt, Pretoria & the Magistrate, Benoni.

C389/2008—Fixtrade 160 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. TheMaster of the High Court, Cape Town and Magistrate’s Court, Wynberg.

C634/2011—Insolvent estate: Akbar-Ali Goolam. First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. The Master ofthe High Court, Cape Town.

158 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

T1227/09—Insolvent estate: MM Snyman. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Master of the HighCourt, Pretoria & the Magistrate, Benoni.

G1079/11—Banboo Rock 1058 CC, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation Account. South Gauteng Master of the HighCourt.

E33/2007—Insolvent estate: David Petrus Snyman. Third Liquidation and Distribution Acc. 1) Master of the High Court,Grahamstown 2) Magistrate’s Court, East London.

E42/2008—House of Danbury (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Amended Third and Final Liquidation and Distribuiton Account. 1) Master of the High Court, Grahamstown 2) Magistrate’s Court, East London.

E55/2009—Insolvent estate: A.R. Breedt. Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 1) Master of the HighCourt, Grahamstown; 2) Magistrate’s Court, East London.

M101/2009—Insolvent estate: Johannes Hendrik van der Walt. First & Final Liquidation Account. Master’s Office,Mafikeng; Magistrate’s Court, Delareyvillle.

Form/Vorm 5


The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companiesbeing wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned,notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the CompaniesAct, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course of payment or contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at theaddress mentioned below.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate/company; name and description ofestate/company and account; date when account confirmed; whether a dividend is being paid or contribution beingcollected, or both, and name and address of trustee or liquidator.


Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels ofmaatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtigis, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926,en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of insameling vankontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elkekontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator oflikwidateur moet betaal.

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; naam en beskrywing vanboedel/maatskappy en rekening; datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; of ’n dividend uitgekeer of ’n kontribusieingevorder word, of beide, en naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur.

T4429/08—Insolvent estate: Johanna Magrietha Elizabeth Pretorius. 13 Junie 2012. First and Final Liquidation,Distribution and Contribution Account. Dividends to be paid and Contribution to be collected. LA Loubser, p/a Mabaso Trustees,P.O. Box 39198, Moreleta Park, 0044.

T2687/09—Insolvent estate: Jennifer Costa. 17 May 2012. First and Final Liquidation Distribution and ContributionAccount. Dividends to be paid and Contribution to be collected. LA Loubser, p/a Mabaso Trustees, P.O. Box 39198, MoreletaPark, 0044.

S88/2010—Insolvent estate: K.L.M. & C. Kirton. 12/06/2012. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.Concurrent Creditors receive an award of approximately 0.00 in the rand. H. Maritz, c/o Klerck & Maritz Trustees CC, P.O. Box 7615, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6055; R.G. Brink, c/o Brink & Thomas Attorneys, P.O. Box 15950, Vlaeberg, Cape Town, 8001.

S67/2007—Insolvent estate: L. G. Janse van Rensburg. 05/06/2012. Amended First and Final Liquidation Distribution andContribution Account. Secured Creditors receive an award and a Contribution is levied. H. Maritz, c/o Klerck & Maritz TrusteesCC, P.O. Box 7615, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6055; P. Q. Naidoo, c/o P. Q. Naidoo Attorneys, P.O. Box 211220, Figtree,Port Elizabeth, 6033.

K29/2010—Uitstaan Motordiens CC (in likwidasie). 12/6/2012. Dividende uitbetaal. F Engelbrecht, p/a EngelsmanMagabane Ingelyf, Posbus 609, Kimberley.

C472/2009—The Business Zone 1215 CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 11/06/2012. Securedawards only. S M Gore, S Moodliar & G Davids, c/o Sanek Trust Recovery Services (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 159

C1443/2010—Wading Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 31/05/2012.Payment of secured awards only. C P Van Zyl, M B Beginsel & H M M Terblanche, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty)Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.

C489/2000—Haak Groep (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Cash reconciliation to the Second and Final Liquidation and DistributionAccount. 11 May 2012. Dividends being paid. Gerhardus Cornelius Kachelhoffer, c/o MTB Trustees, P.O. Box 7, Worcester,6849.

E28/2010—Just Bathrooms CC (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 10 May 2012.Dividend paid. Mrs C. A. Schroeder, IDEC Trust, P.O. Box 432, East London, 5200; Mr B Qangule, Drake Flemmer & Orsmond,P.O. Box 44, East London, 5201.

E63/2009—Insolvent estate: R. K Swart. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 22 May 2012. Dividendpaid. Mrs C. A Schroeder, IDEC Trust, P.O. Box 432, East London, 5200; Mr B Qangule, Drake Flemmer & Orsmond, P.O. Box 44, East London, 5200.

C1088/2010—Charles Potgieter Investments (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First Liquidation and Distribution Account.11/06/2012. Payment of secured awards only. C P Van Zyl, D Terblanche & K Titus, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty)Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.

C382/2009—Insolvent estate: Kevin Graham Wright. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Accountto the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 23 May 2012. Dividends being paid. William George Robertson &Dudley Bernand Davids, c/o MTB Trustees, P.O. Box 7, Worcester, 6849.

T5321/09—Insolvent estate: Hangwani Raymond & Mditsheni Sarah Ravhudzulo. 14/6/2012. First Liquidation,Distribution and Contribution Account. Dividends to be paid, Contributions to be collected. LA Loubser, p/a Mabaso Trustees,P.O. Box 39198, Moreleta Park, 0044.

E31/2010—Wavelength 150 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 31 May 2012. Dividend paid. Mrs C. A Schroeder, IDEC Trust, P.O. Box 432, East London, 5200; Mr B Qangule, Drake Flemmer& Orsmond, P.O. Box 44, East London, 5201.

C369/2011—Insolvent estate: Lisa Mari Ferreira. 28/05/2012. Dividend payable. Planet Administrators CC, P.O. Box 1995,Cape Town, 8000.

C1322/2011—Enimla Investments CC (in liquidation). 31/05/2012. Dividend payable. Planet Administrators CC, P.O. Box 1995, Cape Town, 8000.

C810/2008—Insolvent: Susan Peters. 23rd April 2012. Dividend payable. Planet Administrators CC, P.O. Box 1995, Cape Town, 8000.

C518/2011—Turn Around Boulevard Place CC (Reg No. 2008/255269/23) (in liquidation). First and Final LiquidationDistribution and Contribution Account. 8 June 2012. Dividend being paid and Contribution being levied. Hendrik Jacobus RustBarnard, P.O. Box 4974, Durban, 4000 and Danie Acker P.O. Box 3, Mossel Bay, 6500 and A M Tshivhase, P.O. Box.

C810/2008—Insolvent: Susan Peters. 23rd April 2012. Dividend payable. Planet Administrators CC, P.O. box 1995, Cape Town, 8000.

C369/2011—Insolvent estate: Lisa Mari Ferreira. 28/05/2012. Dividend payable. Planet Administrators CC, P.O. Box 1995,Cape Town, 8000.

160 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012



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C1322/2011—Enimla Investments CC, in liquidation. 31/05/2012. Dividend payable. Planet Administrators CC, PO Box 1995, Cape Town, 8000.

C1294/2010—African Spirit Trading 251 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. 12 June2012. Dividend being paid. Ernest David James, c/o Republic Trustees, PO Box 4300, Cape Town, 8000 and C Adriaanse, c/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 820, Stellenbosch, 7599 and B Adams, c/o SAB & T, PO Box 646, bellville, 7530.

T7924/09—JR Hale. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 01/06/12. Dividends paid and contribution collected. JM Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.

T2870/09—R Joubert. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 01/06/12. Dividends paid. JM Oelofsen, PrivateBag X10, Westgate, 1734.

G1083/11—Angelfish Investments 607 CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 31/05/12.Dividends paid and contribution collection. JM Oelofsen, Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.

G2953/09—Codi Stud CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 07/05/2012.Dividends being paid and contribution levied. Joint Liquidators: LT Correro & NA Mathla, Taxfin Trust, PO Box 1941, Southdale,2135.

T858/11—Hydra Colour Inks (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 11/05/2012. No dividends beingpaid and no contribution levied. Joint Liquidators: OM Makgato & F Langford, Makgato Trustees, PO Box 1941, Southdale,2135.

G473/11—Rapid Dawn 160 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 23/05/2012. No dividends beingpaid and no contribution levied. Joint Liquidators: LT Cordero & EP Maenetja, Taxfin Trust, PO Box 1941, Southdale, 2135.

G155/10—Danwet W130 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 11/06/2012. No dividends being paidand no contribution levied. Liquidators: OM Makgato, Makgato Trustees, PO Box 1941, Southdale, 2135.

G109/09—Group 4 Properties and Realtors (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 15/06/2012. Nodividends being paid and no contribution levied. Joint Liquidators: OM Makgato & ML Ledwaba, Makgato Trustees, PO Box 1941, Southdale, 2135.

G947/2004—Medadviser Media and Promotional Services CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 20 March 2012. No dividend paid or contribution collected. GDS Ramalho, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17,Weltevredenpark, 1715.

G625/2005—Benmore Art Gallery CC, in liquidation. Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 4 June 2012.Dividend being paid. GDS Ramalho, c/o Ranel Trust, Suite 285, Private Bag X17, Weltevredenpark, 1715.

T7214/09—Insolvent estate: Lloyd, Derrick Raymond & Gail Patricia. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. 01/06/2012. Dividends to be paid. Contribution to be collected. Mrs T. Hill & Mrs A. van Wyk, c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, Ground Floor, Lakeside Two, Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, Bruma, Johannesburg,2198.

G1737/10—Insolvent estate: Jagessar, Astheera. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.7/06/2012. Dividends to be paid. Contribution to be collected. Mrs T. Hill; Mr E.M. Motala and Mr T.L. Ngobeni, c/o ResolutionTrust Company (Pty) Ltd, Ground Floor, Lakeside Two, Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, Bruma, Johannesburg, 2198.

G1319/11—Duck Creek Technologies (SA) (Pty) Ltd, in members’ voluntary liquidation. First and Final Liquidation andContribution Account. 08/06/2012. Contribution to be collected. Mr M. Schmidt, c/o Resolution Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, GroundFloor, Lakeside Two, Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, Bruma, Johannesburg, 2198.

G711/09—Great Value Music (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 1 June 2012. Partialsecured awards only. EM Motala & J Muthanyi, SBT Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3119, Parklands, 2121.

G2374/09—D-Port Web (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 4 June 2012.Contribution being collected. EM Motala & S Moodliar, SBT Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 3119, Parklands, 2121.

N67/2008—Insolvent estate: Gary Claude Gray. Second Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. Confirmed:08/06/2012. Distribution to secured creditors. Contribution to be collected. Eugene Nel, Berrange Incorporated, PO Box 2838,Pietermaritzburg, 3200.

B160/2011—Beslote Korporasie bekend as: BR & B Boerdery BK, in likwidasie (Reg. No. 2000/066667/23), hoofplek vanbesigheid en geregistreerde adres te die plaas Woltemade, distrik Bethlehem, provinsie Vrystaat. 19/06/2012. Konkurrente dividende word uitbetaal, asook kontribusie gevorder. DR Henney, p/a Phatsoane Henney Ingelyf, Posbus 625, Bloemfontein,9300.

C546/2010—Queensgate Greenmarket Square Investment (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation &Distribution Account. 13 June 2012. Dividend payable. CK Trust, P.O. Box 3065, Tyger Valley, 7536.

C29/1998—Model Cash Butcheries CC. The Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 23 May 2012. Dividendbeing paid. CK Trust, P.O. Box 3065, Tyger Valley, 7536.

C619/2010—Insolvent estate: Marthinus Johannes Nicolaas Prinsloo. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 12-06-2012. Awards being paid to secured creditors. C F Bester & S L Rai, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.

C9/2010—Cross Atlantic Properties 92 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account.18-06-2012. Contribution being levied. L V W Bester, B N Shaw & M Baliso, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd,3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.

C167/2010—Green Willow Properties 212 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. 14-06-2012. Awards being paid to secured creditors & a contribution levied. C F Bester & H A Plaatjies,c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.

C270/2011—Insolvent estate: Maryke Landman. First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 14-06-2012.Contribution being levied. C F Bester & M A Mohamed, c/o Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, HycastleHouse, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.

162 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

E50/2009—Insolvent estate: T.I. & J. Verwey. 06-06-2012. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and ContributionAccount. Concurrent creditors receive approximately 0.00 in the rand. H. Maritz, c/o Klerck & Martiz Trustees CC, P.O. Box 7615, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6055. M. Timkoe, c.o Mike Timkoe Trustees, 1 Digby Road, Framesby, 6001.

C180/2011—Processing Solutions Industry CC (in liquidation). 30-03-2012. First and Final Liquidation and ContributionAccount - contribution levied. G D Wallace & K B Gangen, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street,Durbanville, 7551.

C1347/2009—Vanand Trading 1076 CC (in liquidation). 23.05.2012. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account -secured dividends. G D Wallace & M C Rawoot, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville,7551.

C710/2010—Insolvent estate: Werner Pieters. 03-06-2012. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account - secured,preferent and concurrent awards. L Groenewald & J Sass, c/o Wallace Trust, Unit 1, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street,Durbanville, 7551.

C1131/2010—Insolvent estate: Gull Trust. 01-06-2012. First Liquidation and Distribution Account - secured awards.C1354/2009—Insolvent estate: Nezier Ahmed Banderker. 01-06-2012. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account - preferent award.T379/09—Insolvent estate: C J Grobler. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 11-06-2012. Dividend.

R E Stroh, E M Edwards, p/a C-Lite Administrators, Posbus 4503, Pretoria, 0001.T2707/09—Insolvent estate: G Taylor (De Vos). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.

18-06-2012. Dividend and Contribution. M P Yssel, J F Fourie, K Keevy, p/a C-Lite Administrators, Posbus 4503, Pretoria, 0001.T3963/09—Insolvent estate: U Nkwan. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 08-06-2012.

Dividend and Contribution. R E Stroh, pa/ C-Lite Administrators, Posbus 4503, Pretoria, 0001.M56/08—Ghecko Catering Services CC (in liquidation). Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account.

06-06-2012. Dividend. W N Jacobs, p/a Mayibuye Trust, P.O. Box 14392, The Tramshed, 0126.G0204/10—Riversong Wildlife Estate (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 11-06-2012. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution

Account - secured. Allan Pellow and Sumaiya Abdool Gafar Khammissa for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg,2000.

G1426/09—New Vision Projects (SA) (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 28-09-2011. First and Final Liquidation and DistributionAccount. And Kgashane Christopher Monyela & Chetan Kumar Venilal Tanna for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527,Johannesburg, 2000.

G0747/07—Club Timbers (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 30-05-2012. Second Liquidation Account - secured. Zeenath Kajeeand Malebo Simon Rampoporo & Joshua Muthanyi for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000.

G2222/09—Park Communications CC (in liquidation). 22-05-2012. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account - sec, cont. Zeenath Kajee and Richard April Masuku for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527,Johannesburg, 2000.

G1118/10—The Media Extension (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 08-06-2012. First and Final Liquidation and DistributionAccount. Monica Cowin and Tshepo Medupe for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527, Johannesburg, 2000.

G0133/08—Absolute Sound (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Third and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 23-05-2012.Preferent and concurrent. Peter Bothomley and Miriam Livinia Adriaana Vermeulen, for Westrust (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 10527,Johannesburg, 2000.

C1215/2009—Matzikamma Rittelfees (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account. 13-06-2012. In terms of the account no awards will accrue to creditors and a contribution has been levied. B Shaw & M B Beginsel,Progressive Administration (Cape) (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.

C32/2011—Sprada Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 12-06-2012. In terms of the account, awards will accrue to concurrent creditors. B Shaw & M C Rawoot, ProgressiveAdministration (Cape (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.

C855/2011—North’s Garden Furniture (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 13-06-2012. In terms of the account, awards will accrue to preferent creditors. C P van Zyl & M A Mohamed & A T Lapoorta,Progressive Administration (Cape (Pty) Ltd, 3rd Floor, Hycastle House, 58 Loop Street, Cape Town, 8001.

G1356/2011—MSA Chemicals (Pty) Limited. First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 13-06-2012. No award.J Simpson, c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers, Private Bag X24, Sunninghill, 2157.

G1355/2011—Universal Leaf Aviation & Logistics (Pty) Limited. First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account. 07-06-2012. No award. J Simpson, c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers, Private Bag X24, Sunninghill, 2157.

T2287/09—Stammeta Trading CC, Reg. No. 2006/193997/23. First and Final Liquidation Account. 1 June 2012. Shortfallto be written off. LC Muller & MB Beginsel, p/a LCM Trustees (Edms) Bpk, 162 Maria Bronkhorst Str., Ashley Gardens.

T562/10—PR European Stores Shoes Fourways (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2000/14372/07 (in liquidation). First and FinalLiquidation Account. 6 October 2011. Shortfall to be paid by shareholders. GM van Tonder & SO Beauchamp, p/a LCM Trustees(Edms) Bpk, 162 Maria Bronkhorst Str., Ashley Gardens.

T4573/03—Insolvent estate: Mamocha Joyce Serkgobela, ID No. 6412050757088. First and Final Liquidation andContribution Account. 30 May 2012. Contribution to be levied from applicant creditor. GM van Tonder, p/a LCM Trustees (Edms)Bpk, 162 Maria Bronkhorst Str., Ashley Gardens.

T1630/08—Robiste Trading CC, Reg. No. 1998/055503/23. First and Final Liquidation Account. 1 February 2010. Shortfallto be written off. CE Oosthuizen & L Venter, p/a LCM Trustees (Edms) Bpk, 162 Maria Bronkhorst Str., Ashley Gardens.

T917/10—Ustron Trading (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2001/014737/07 (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 6 June2012. Shortfall to be written off. GM van Tonder & RE Stroh, p/a LCM Trustees (Edms) Bpk, 162 Maria Bronkhorst Str., AshleyGardens.

T387/05—Insolvent estate: L. & L.C. Stigling, ID No’s: 7302065728084 & 7603060223084, residing at 103 Flora Est,Lievaard Street, Proclomation Hill, Pretoria. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 29-05-2012.Contribution being collected. T.C. Muller & G.L. Warricker, c/o TC Muller Likwidateurs CC, p/a 825 Arcadia Street, Arcadia.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 163

T5105/10—Bucketech (Pty) Ltd, Reg. No. 2008/004139/07 (in liquidation). 14 Junie 2012. Dividends & contributionpayable. Botha, JH; Langford, F, c/o Sechaba Trust, PO Box 11889, Tramshed, 0126.

G1637/04—Caphela Security Services CC (in liquidation). Second & Final Liquidation, Distribution & ContributionAccount. 12-06-2012. Secured dividend payable and contribution to be collected. J. Z. H. Müller, K. C. Monyela, M. W. H.Mathibedi & N. G. Patel, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.

T4687/10—Derick Louw Properties CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 01-06-2012. Shortfall. I. J. Boshoff & K. L. M. Manamela, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.

T6923/09—Klatrade 828 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 06-06-2012. Shortfall. M. L. Ledwaba & M. S. Mphahlele, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 2101, Pretoria, 0001.

T1238/2009—Insolvent estate: Petrus Mario & Annelie Botes. Eerste en Finale Likwidasie-, Distribusie- enKontribusierekening. 6 Junie 2012. Dividende betaal en kontribusie verhaal. Constant Wilsnach, Posbus 40297, Arcadia, 0007.

G666/07—Midmo Trading (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2004/011921/07) (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation Account. 29 May 2012. Shortfall to be written off. G. M. van Tonder & L. F. Kaaba, p/a LCM Trustees (Edms) Bpk, 162 Maria BronkhorstStreet, Ashley Gardens.

N129/2007—F D Pneumatics CC (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 5 Junie 2012.Distribution is being paid. Kevin Morris, Kevin Morris & Associates, 181 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

C404/08—Insolvent estate: Andrew Herbert Aurthur & Leonie Salome Miller. Second and Final Liquidation andDistribution Account. 19-03-12. Dividend being paid. Mr H. M. M. Terblanche, Mr A. M. Rennie, P.O. Box 323, Cape Town, 8000.

T5231/08—Insolvent estate: R Cagnacci. 15 June 2012. Contribution, dividends payable. M E Symes & J Muthanyi, c/o Zeena Insolvencies, PO Box 32512, Glenstantia, 0010.

G102/11—SMB Investments No 5 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). 13-06-2012. None. MJD Breytenbach, N.M. Phosa, Breyten bach Business Management (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 40023, Moreletapark, 0044.

T848/05—Amina Motors CC (in liquidation). 14-06-2012. Preferent. MJD Breytenbach, KR Vengadesan, Breyten bachBusiness Management (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 40023, Moreletapark, 0044.

C1278/2010—Harbouredge Rental Pool (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 13 June 2012. Pro rata preferent dividends being paid. HA Plaatjies & NA Sansom, c/o Independent Trustees, PO Box 820,Stellenbosch, 7599.

T1699/10—Insolvent estate: Osvaldo Emanuel Ribero & Zulmira Braz. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. 14 June 2012. Distribution, contribution. E Rautenbach, Saftrust, PO Box 28, Fontainebleau, 2032.

G2008/09—Pro-City Properties (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and ContributionAccount. 15 June 2012, Distribution, contribution. E Rautenbach & LW Theunissen, Saftrust, PO Box 28, Fontainebleau, 2032.

G640/11—Insolvent estate: Jeffrey Lowell. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 21 June 2012. Distribution, contribution. E Rautenbach & WN Jacobs, Saftrust, PO Box 28, Fontainebleau, 2032.

G154/09—Great Force Investments 15 (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation). First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and ContributionAccount. 18 June 2012. Distribution, contribution. E Rautenbach & SS Moosa, Saftrust, PO Box 28, Fontainebleau, 2032.

T3925/09—Insolvent estate: Thabo Hendrick Khahlobe. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.14 June 2012. Both. W Hogewind & N J van Blerk, PO Box 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041.

T2505/08—Johan Christiaan Kriel. Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 14 June 2012.Dividend is being paid, contribution refunded. W Hogewind, PO Box 70866, Die Wilgers, 0041.

B83/2010—Insolvente boedel: Henry Nico Ward & Charmaine Ward. 06/06/2012. Dividende word betaal en/of kontribusieword gevorder. DT Majiedt, EG Cooper, Majiedt Ing, Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein, 9301.

B60/2011—Insolvente boedel: Henry Jacques Barrett. 12/06/2012. Dividende word betaal en/of kontribusie wordgevorder. DT Majiedt, EG Cooper, Majiedt Ing, Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein, 9301.

B8/2010—Insolvente boedel: Johan Ludwig Ströhfeldt, ID: 6102105044083. 15/06/2012. Dividende word betaal. DT Majiedt, Kellnerstraat 77, Bloemfontein, 9301.

T6127/00—Dynamo Retail Ltd (in liquidation). Third & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 20-03-2012. Dividendpayable to creditors. J L C Fourie & B B Nel, c/o Harvard Corporate Recovery Services PO Box 1671, Houghton 2041.

G1033/2010—Jabula Communications CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation & Contribution Account. 08-02-12. Collectionof contribution. R K Pollock and N E Luthuli, c/o Harvard, PO Box 1671, Houghton, 2041.

G123/2009—Rhemtulla Caterers CC (in liquidation). First Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account. 08-02-12.Payment of dividends and collection of contribution. R K Pollok and N R B Matjokana, c/o Harvard, PO Box 1671, Houghton,2041.

T5305/09—Insolvent estate: Cilliers, AJ & PI, ID No’s. 5501015121009 & 8704260020005. The First and Final Liquidation,Distribution and Contribution Account. 2012-06-14. Dividends payable, contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box4373, Pretoria, 0001.

T3305/09—Insolvent estate: Bothma, DJ, ID No. 6302045076084. The First Liquidation, Distribution and ContributionAccount. 2012/06/14. Dividends payable, contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.

T2560/08—Insolvent estate: Rossouw, DT & JD, ID Nos. 6411225148082 & 6305220159088. The First and FinalLiquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 2012-06-11. Dividends payable, contribution to be collected. Lex-StarTrustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.

T3852/09—Insolvent estate: Philip, C & M, ID No. 7803115077083 & 7710100130084. The First and Final Liquidation,Distribution and Contribution Account. 2012-06-13. Dividends payable, contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.

164 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

T3717/09—Insolvent estate: Van Eeden, Melvin, ID No. 7606125016086. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. 2012/06/01. Dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria,0001.

T191/09—Insolvent estate: Van der Merwe, Z, ID No. 8103170067080. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. 2012/06/08. Dividends payable, contribution to be collected. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria,0001.

T2596/02—Insolvent estate: Kotze, SI, ID No. 6803045038081. Amended First and Final Liquidation and DistributionAccount. 2012/06/11. Dividends payable. No contribution levied. Lex-Star Trustees, PO Box 4373, Pretoria, 0001.

G181/2004—Insolvent estate: Hendrik Lodewyk van Dyk. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account.14/06/2012. Contribution to be collected. CBStC Cooper, c/o Cooper Trust, PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300.

C656/2008—Silver Stone Trading 15 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & ContributionAccount. 14/06/2012. Dividends to be paid out and contribution to be collected. D Terblanche & A Moollajie, c/o Cooper Trust,PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300.

B33/2011—De Gouveia’s Exclusive Foods CC, in liquidation. Amended First & Final Liquidation, Distribution &Contribution Account. 15/06/2012. Contribution to be collected. BI Nakedi, c/o Cooper Trust, PO Box 27, Bloemfontein, 9300.

T2558/08—Vaillanti Kitchens CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 18/04/2012. PJC van Staden, p/a St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T3815/08—Insolvent estate: H Philpott. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 14/06/2012.Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. PJC van Staden, p/a St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T4602/10—Insolvent estate: SA Gous. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 05/06/2012.Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. PJM van Staden, p/a St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T473/09—Insolvent estate: E & C van Aardt. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 21/06/2012.Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. Reinette Steynsburg, p/a St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T2760/09—Insolvent estate: CMP da Costa. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. Preferentand secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. Jerry S Koka, p/a St Adens International, PO Box 1314,Groenkloof, 0027.

T2409/10—Insolvent estate: AJ Barnes. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 21/06/2012.Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected.Mari Haywood, p/a St Adens International, PO Box 1314,Groenkloof, 0027.

T3394/09—Andulucia Trading 145 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and ContributionAccount. 21/06/2012. Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. Reinette Steynsburg, p/a St AdensInternational, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T753/05—Insolvent estate: J Wilson. First and Final Liquidation Account. 19/06/2012. Leon Vermeulen, p/a St AdensInternational, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T4664/10—Insolvent estate: Tanya Swart. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 19/06/2012.Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. PJM van Staden, p/a St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T4093/10—Insolvent estate: BT & CC Coombes. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.19/06/2012. Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. A. van Jaarsveldt, p/a St AdensInternational, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T1164/05—Insolvent estate: GC Davies. First and Final Liquidation Account. 19/06/2012. Leon Vermeulen, p/a St AdensInternational, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T2793/10—Inspiration Chauffer Drive CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and ContributionAccount. 19/06/2012. Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. PJC van Staden, p/a St AdensInternational, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T6283/09—Insolvent estate: EL & HCM Fourie. First and Final Liquidation Account. 19/06/2012. TI Maenetja, p/a St AdensInternational, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T1646/09—Insolvent estate: AP Bantjies. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.21/06/2012. Preferent and secured dividends payable. Contribution to be collected. Jerry S Koka, p/a St Adens International,PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T774/11—Sunglide 98 CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 19/06/2012. Mari Haywood, p/a St AdensInternational, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

127/2009—Insolvent estate: Sarel Johannes van der Walt. 12 June 2012. Dividends paid. M. Timkoe & JV Thomas, MikeTimkoe Trustees CC, PO Box 28773, Sunridge Park, 6008.

S41/2008—Insolvent estate: Elmarie Herselman. 12 June 2012. Dividends paid. M. Timkoe, Mike Timkoe Trustees CC,PO Box 28773, Sunridge Park, 6008.

G352l/09—Slagter Distribution Projects CC, in liquidation. 6 June 2012. Shortfall to be written off. GL Warricker, c/o GK Liquidators (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 47153, Parklands, 2121.

G2568/09—Micromath Trading 764 CC, in liquidation. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. 1 February 2011.Awards being paid to secured creditors. Terence Andrew Morrison, Terry Morrison & Associates CC, PO Box 2823, Saxonwold,2132.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 165

T3378/10—Insolvent estate: ARH Ngobeni. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 25 May2012. Dividends and contribution to be collected. JP Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.

T1047/07—Insolvent estate: L Mostert. First and Final Liquidation Account. 29 May 2012. Shortfall. K van der Westhuizen,PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.

T1614/08—Insolvent estate: HF McKenzie. First and Final Liquidation Account. 1 June 2012. Shortfall. K van derWesthuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.

C19/09—Mazoo Investments 20 (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution andContribution Account. 4 June 2012. Dividend and contribution to be collected. Elsie Wagner, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.

T218/09—Insolvent estate: RK & NME Masoka. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution lAccount. 4 June2012. Dividends and contribution to be collected. JP Fourie, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.

C674/09—Insolvent estate: GE Marais. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 22 May 2012.Dividends and contribution to be collected. Elsie Wagner, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.

T1474/09—Insolvent estate: PW Labuschagne. First and Final Liquidation Account. 1 June 2012. Guardians Fund. AntonStrydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.

T411/09—Insolvent estate: SHL & JC Havenga. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 1 June2012. Dividends and contribution to be collected. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.

T4474/08—Insolvent estate: L Botha. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 1 June 2012. Dividends. AntonStrydom, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.

T2618/10—Insolvent estate: R Bodenstein. First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 6 June 2012. GuardiansFund. K van der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.

G1068/09—Ridhaa’s Carriers CC, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 24 May 2012. Shortfall. K van derWesthuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.

T8278/09—Niewalt Metering (Pta) (Pty) Ltd, in liquidation. First and Final Liquidation Account. 4 June 2012. Shortfall. Kvan der Westhuizen, PO Box 26598, Gezina, 0031.



(Reg. No. 2009/043529/23)

(Master’s Reference No. E81/2010)

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, as amended, that the First andFinal Liquidator’s and Distribution Account was confirmed by the Master of the High Court, Grahamstown on the 5th June 2012and that the Distribution of Loan Accounts will be made to the Members as a Distribution in specie.

B.J. Sahd, for Metcalf, Sahd & Co., PO Box 127, Queenstown, 5320. Tel: (045) 839-4136.

E66/2010—Insolvent estate: Pierre David Hugo. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 15 May 2012. Dividend paid.Mrs G.M. Voigt, Idec Trust, P.O. Box 432, East London, 5200. Mr B Qangule, for Drake Flemmer & Orsmond, P.O. Box 44, EastLondon, 5201.

E54/2009—Insolvent estate: SCL Schoonbee Trust. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. Confirmed: 24/02/2012.Distribution to creditors. Eugene Nel, Berrange Incorporated, PO Box 2838, Pietermaritzburg,, 3200.

T4231/10—I Joynt. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 11/06/2012. Dividend being paid andcontribution being collected. DM Botha and Z Cassim, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

T3107/08—Bouvest 2348 CC. Second Liquidation and Distribution Account. 11/06/2012. Dividend being paid and contri-bution being collected. DM Botha and EM Motala, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

M01/11—Falcon Labour Hire (Pty) Ltd. First Liquidation and Distribution Account. 13/06/2012. Dividend being paid andcontribution being collected. DM Botha, TG Molefe and EM Motala, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

T4011/09—Karee Hoogte CC. Amended Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account. 11/06/2012. Dividendbeing paid and contribution being collected. DM Botha and M Haywood, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside,0132.

B207/10—Linde Boerdery CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 07/06/2012. Dividendbeing paid and contribution being collected. DM Botha and CT Maredi, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

T6915/09—AM Molefe. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 14/06/2012. Dividend being paidand contribution being collected. EL Bester and H Barnard, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

T6620/09—Phil Minaar Afslaers CC. Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account.18/05/2012. Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. DM Botha en C Lehoka, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus28675, Sunnyside, 0132.

M47/11—Gobolaya Pest Control CC. First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account. 22/05/2012.Dividend being paid and contribution being collected. DM Botha en MM Molosi, Corporate Liquidators, Posbus 28675,Sunnyside, 0132.

166 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

Form/Vorm 6


Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned belowwill apply for their rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forthopposite their respective names, indicating number of estate; full name and description of insolvent (including hisdate of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; date when estate sequestrated, and address,occupation or status of insolvent at the time of that date; division of High Court to which and date and time on whichapplication will be made; ground of application.


Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat die insolvente personehieronder genoem om hul rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarinteenoor hulle onderskeie name aangedui is, met aanduiding van nommer van boedel; volle naam en beskrywingvan insolvent (met inbegrip van sy geboortedatum en persoonsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; datumwaarop boedel gesekwestreer is, en adres, betrekking of status van insolvent ten tye van daardie datum; afdelingvan Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; rede van aansoek.

G301/09—Grobler, Renier Nicolaas Johannes Stephanus, 12 Maart 1964, 6403125033084, assistent bestuurder indiens van Neotel te Rissikstraat 98, Parkstasie, Johannesburg (werksadres); Belhambraweg 23, Primrose, Germiston, Gauteng(woonadres). 10 Februarie 2009, Skoollaan 6, Primrose, Germiston, Gauteng (woonadres), tegnikus in diens van Transtel, teHoofdstraat, Braampark, Johannesburg (werksadres). Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 17 Augustus 2012 om 10h00. Artikel 124 (5).

T1034/08—Van der Merwe, Eduard, 13 April 1977, 7704135138089, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, werksaamvir Megavaal Engineering Technologies (Pty) Ltd, te Bessemmerstraat 5, Duncanville, Vereeniging, en woonagtig te No. 27 Bel-Air, Circuit Road, Beyerspark, Boksburg, Gauteng. 23 April 2008, woonagtig te Lowtherstraat 22, Witfield, Boksburg,Gauteng, werksaam vir eie rekening. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, op 15 Augustus 2012 om 10h00. Artikel 124 (2) (a) vandie Insolvensiewet 2 van 1936, soos gewysig.

T1888/08—De Wet, Albertus Thomas Reyneke, 01/08/1973, 7308015058084, bou-kontrakteur, Lotusstraat 17,Arconpark, Vereeniging, Gauteng Provinsie. 7 Julie 2008, Kritzingerstraat 17, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng Provinsie, bou-kontrak-teur. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria (RSA), Woensdag, 8 Augustus 2012 om 10h00. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van dieInsolvensiewet, Wet 24 van 1936, soos gewysig.

T1948/09—Wieners, Nicole, 1968-09-03, 6809030047086, Lingerie Designer, Gardeniastraat 14, Duiwelspiek, CapeTown. 17 April 2009, 93B Booysens Street, Wapadrand, Pretoria, photographic stylist. In the North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria, 17 August 2012, 10:00.

D116/06—Harter, Jean-Christophe, 1967-07-26, 6707265074082, and Tracy Marguerite, 1970-06-15, 7006150030080,J-CH: Retail manager, Comfortable Beds, Amazimtoti, TMH: Sales clerk, CBC Fasteners, Jacobs, Durban. 9-10-2006. 1 Arthur Howes, Road, Amanzimtoti, KwaZulu-Natal, J-CH: Sales executive, Nissan Gateway, TMH: Sales clerk, Geen & Richards. At KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban, on 15 August 2012, 09h30. Section 124 (2) (a) of Insolvency Act 24 of 1936.

T1474/2009—Pieter Willem Labuschagne, 1968/10/21 (6810215107083), Millwright, Lepati Straat 2267B, Aloe RidgeWest, Burgersfort, 1150. 3 April 2009, ambagsman, Tugelastraat 7, Secunda, 2302, In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (NoordGauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), Dinsdag, 14 Augustus 2012. Artikel 124 (3) van die Insolvensiewet No. 24 van 1936 (geen eisebewys.).

T4455/2009—Natalie Curtiss, 1973/05/14 (7305140157088), bookkeeper, 113 Broadhurst, Barlinga Street, Pomana,Kempton Park, 1619. 24 July 2009, 17 Quinin Street, Glen Marais, Kempton Park, 1619, bookkeeper. In the North Gauteng HighCourt, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), Tuesday, 14 August 2012. Section 124 (3) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936 (12 months have lapsed since Liquidation and Distribution Account was authorised by the Master.


G1818/11—Theuns Marius Fraser, ID No. 7504245065085, tans ’n privaat kontrakteur, was werkloos en was woonagtigte Mosswood 14, Van der Kloofstraat, Ruimsig en is tans woonagtig te Hantumlaan 13, Helderkruin, was gesekwestreer op 25 Oktober 2011 in die Suid Gauteng Hooggeregshof, Johannesburg. Datum van aansoek, 14 Augustus 2012. Artikel 124 vanWet 24 van 1936.

Gedateer te Roodepoort op hede die 20 Junie 2012.G.D. Ficq Prokureurs, Prokureurs vir die Applikant, Dieperinkstraat 11, Roodepoort; Posbus 6120, Westgate, 1734.

Tel: (011) 760-2558/9. Faks: (011) 760-3784. Verw: Mnr Ficq/NDT/6990. P/a AD Hertzberg, 3de Vloer Oos, 158 Jan Smuts,Walterslaan 9, Rosebank, Johannesburg.

T5569/09—Naude, Wilhelmina Christina, 26 September 1970, ID: 7009260162080, admin klerk, Elshoutstraat 5,Dalpark, Brakpan. 26 Augustus 2009, Elshoutstraat 5, Dalpark, Brakpan, admin klerk. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 23 Augustus 2012 om 10:00. In terme van artikel 124 (3) van Insolvensie Wet No. 24 van 1936.

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Geliewe kennis te neem dat aansoek gedoen sal word in die Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, vir rehabilitasie vanAlbertus Johannes Grobler (ID: 8204295078083), ongetroud en woonagtig te Heskethstraat 108, Moreletta Park, Gauteng,op 10 Augustus 2012 om 10:00 of so spoedig daarna as wat die advokaat vir die Applikant aangehoor kan word.

T2788/09—Pretorius, Zacharias, 12 September 1979, 7909125209085, motorwerktuigkundige, Inge Le 53, VonWillighstraat, Clubview, Pretoria. 10 Junie 2009, Inge Le 53, Von Willighstraat, Clubview, Pretoria, motorwerktuigkundige. NoordGauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 3 Augustus 2012. Artikel 124 (3) (b).

T0071/11—Erasmus, Karen, 17 Januarie 1969, 6901170064086, HR financial officer, 50 Mont Valon, 166 Von WillichAvenue, Clubview. 11 Februarie 2011, 60 Mont Valon, 166 Von Willich Avenue, Clubview, HR financial officer. Noord GautengHoë Hof, Pretoria, 3 Augustus 2012. Artikel 124 (3) (b).

T5517/10—Jansen van Vuuren, Annelie, 17 Februarie 1966, 6602170232083, Goedemoedstraat 145, Durbanville, tuisteskepper. 7 Desember 2010, County Walk 46, Garsfonteinweg, tuisteskepper. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 3 Augustus 2012. Artikel 124 (3) (b).

T4329/10—Lin, Sandra, 13 Maart 1968, 6803130096085, verteenwoordiger, Van Willightstraat 176, Clubview, Centurion.8 Oktober 2010, 2 Tuplips, Moreletapark, Pretoria, konsultant. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 3 Augustus 2012. Artikel 124(3) (b).

T5514/10—Baard, Seretha Erna, 24 Junie 1960, 6006240142084, tuisteskepper, Goedemoedstraat 145, Crest,Durbanville. 7 Desember 2010, County Walk 46, Garsfonteinweg, tuisteskepper. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 3 Augustus2012. Artikel 124 (3) (b).

T421/09—Van Tonder, Willem Frederik van Tonder, 29 Mei 1978, ID: 7805295160084, getroud buite gemeenskap vangoedere, werksplek te N & A Commercials CC, trading as Elite Auto, Vereeniging, woonadres te Melt Brinkstraat 9, SE 2,Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng. 20 Februarie 2009, Mozartstraat 12, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, getroud buite gemeenskap vangoedere. Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 17 Augustus 2012. Artikel 124 (2) (a) van Wet 24 van 1936.

T4993/2008—Setai, Thuto Taolane Michael en Setai, Mmasameule Julia, 8 April 1981, 8104085527085 en 28 Januarie1979, 7901280497084, toesighouer, en hoof administratiewe klerk, 44 Parkview, Parklands Estate, Parkland, Boksburg. 12 November 2008, Sunbird Village, Patridgerylaan, Elspark, voorman en administratiewe klerk. In die Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof,Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), 10 Augustus 2012, 10h00. In terme van artikel 124 (3) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van1936.

T1870/10—Hattingh, Francois Malan, 23 August 1953, 5308235003086, land surveyor, residing at 230 Bootes Street,Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria. 29 Septemer 2009, 230 Bootes Street, Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria. North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria, Wednesday, 15 August 2012, 10h00. Section 124 (3), Act 24 of 1936.

Form/Vorm 7


Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees’accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of theInsolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and documents in their possession relating to the said estates (exceptthose which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the date of this notice.

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of estate; name and description of estate; date ofsequestration order; division of the Supreme Court by which order is made; date of confirmation of final account,and name and address of curator.


Aangesien ’n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekeningsin die boedels hieronder genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolgeartikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, alle boeke en stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het(behalwe dié wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig.

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van boedel; naam en beskrywing van boedel; datumvan sekwestrasiebevel; afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; datum van bekragtiging van finalerekening, en naam en adres van kurator.

T1725/07—K M Beetge. 30-10-07, NGHC. 30-01-09. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.G2718/09—Milestone Properties 3 CC. 02-11-09, CK 6. 02-02-11, CK 6. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate,

1734.T1609/07—J H de Klerk. 02-10-07, NGHC. 02-02-09. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.G686/05—Raxel Communications (Pty) Ltd. 16-05-05, CM 26. 10-12-10. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate,

1734.T2322/01—Gametronix CC. 02-05-01, CK 6. 01-11-10. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.T337/09—H J J de Beer. 10-02-09, NGHC. 01-02-10. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.T1942-06—C M Steenekamp. 14-12-06, NGHC. 21-10-08. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.

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G825/08—Morulat Property Investments 5 (Pty) Ltd. 30-07-08, CM 26. 26-05-11. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10,Westgate, 1734.

T1888/08—A T R de Wet. 07/07/08, NGHC. 20-09-10. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.G2772/09—Pearson at Pearson CC. 06-11-09, CK 6. 12-09-11. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.T287/09—A Joubert. 31-05-09, NGHC. 24-06-11. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.T1585/08—A C Barrow. 20-06-08, NGHC. 18-09-09. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.T162/07—O Faber. 30-01-07, NGHC. 17-07-08. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.T280/03—Johan Van der Bank Boerdery CC. 22-01-03, CK 6. 30-06-11. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate,

1734.G1125/06—PPI Makelaars CC. 05-10-06, CK 6. 03-10-07. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.G1172/10—9 Spitskop Street CC. 20-04-10, SGHC. 01-07-11. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.T5186/08—M J & S M Van Wyk. 09-01-09, NGHC. 08-09-10. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.G451/08—I S Barnard. 07-05-08, SGHC. 05-04-11. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.G973/08—Hightrade-Invest 48 (Pty) Ltd. 03-09-08, CM 26. 16-11-10. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate,

1734.G1023/06—C Wiggins. 19-09-06, SGHC. 12-02-10. J M Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.G320/08—MC Mostert. 20-05-08, SGHC. 08-12-10. JM Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.T1231/08—A & M C E Pretorius. 09-05-08, NGHC. 29-09-09. JM Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.G39/09—M Sanna. 03-02-09, SGHC. 18-03-11. JM Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.G1552/09—Vedas Agency CC. 06-07-09, CK6. 20-01-11. JM Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.T2938/08—Microzone Trading 649 CC. 16-05-08, CK6. 14-10-08. JM Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.G242/08—M van den Bosch. 29-02-08, NGHC. 09-11-10. JM Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.G38/09—S Sanna. 03-02-09, SGHC. 04-03-11. JM Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.T51/07—GJ & M Pretorius. 13-02-07, NGHC. 05-11-08. JM Oelofsen, c/o Private Bag X10, Westgate, 1734.B23/2010—In die insolvente boedel van AJ & MS Rainier, tydens sekwestrasie, woonagtig te Conradielaan 74, Roodewal,

Bloemfontein, provinsie Vrystaat. 23-02-2010, Afdeling van Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein. 08-12-2011. DP Badenhorst, p/aNaudes Dienste Trust, Posbus 152, Bloemfontein, 9300.

G862/08—Insolvente estate: G Robertson. 11-12-2007, Witwatersrand Local Division. 09-12-2010, First & FinalLiquidation & Distribution Account. JJ Beetge & GHJ Venter, c/o Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood,Pretoria, 0186.

T3268/08—Insolvent estate: M Erasmus. 17-09-2008, Transvaal Provincial Division. 19-07-2011, First & Final Liquidation,Distribution & Contribution Account. JJ Beetge & DT Majiedt, c/o Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road,Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186.

T855/09—Femminique Undies Accessories CC (in liquidation). 10-02-2009, CK6 (Special Resolution). 09-12-2009, First& Final Liquidation Account. JZH Müller & MP Yssel, c/o Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood,Pretoria, 0186.

T1853/05—Everloss Health & Beauty Clinic CC (Reg. No. 1999/078283/07). 09-11-05. 13-12-2006. EL Bester, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

G1197/06—Legend Autobody Repairer CC (Reg. No. 1999/078283/07). 09-11-06. 06-12-2011. PJM van Staden, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027.

T733/05—Insolvent estate: Jilimba YN. 31-05-05. 12-11-2008. EL Bester, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314,Groenkloof, 0027.

T4303/08—Insolvent estate: De Jager H. 20-11-08. 25-03-2010. EL Bester, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314,Groenkloof, 0027.

T931/05—Insolvent estate: Botha JH & WH. 20-07-05. 03-02-2010. L Vermeulen, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314,Groenkloof, 0027.

T462/05—Insolvent estate: Links A. 15-04-2005. 04-11-2011. L Vermeulen, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314,Groenkloof, 0027.

T1552/09—Insolvent estate: Ekedum I & B. 31-03-09. 04-04-2011. M Haywood, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314,Groenkloof, 0027.

T3173/09—Insolvent estate: Fox MA. 27-08-09. 29-03-2011. A van Jaarsveldt, c/o St Adens International, PO Box 1314,Groenkloof, 0027.

T2521/09—Insolvente boedel: A G Watters, ID: 5409250046081. 3 April 2009, Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika. 24 Maart2011. Leonardus Johannes Strydom & Frans Seriti, p/a James van Rensburg & Strydom, h/a VRS Insolvensie Praktisyns, TheRidge Office Building, Suite 1, h/v Grysbok- en Koedoesnekstraat, Waterkloofrif.

Form/Vorm 8


Pursuant to section 179 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, section 366 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, noticeis hereby given of the dates or times fixed by Masters of the High Court by which creditors of companies inliquidation are to prove their claims or otherwise be excluded from the benefit of any distribution under any account lodged with the Master before those debts are proved.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 169

The particulars are given in the following order: Number of company in liquidation; name and description ofcompany; date or time fixed by the Master; name and address of liquidator.


Ingevolge artikel 179 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, artikel 366 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, wordhierby kennis gegee van die datums of termyne deur Meesters van die Hooggeregshof vasgestel tot wanneerskuldeisers van maatskappye in likwidasie hulle eise moet bewys of anders van die voordeel van ’n distribusiekragtens ’n rekening by die Meester ingedien voordat daardie eise bewys is, uitgesluit word.

Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: Nommer van maatskappy in likwidasie; naam en beskrywingvan maatskappy; datum of termyn deur Meester vasgestel; naam en adres van likwidateur.

G1948/10—Kennablue Plant Hire (Pty) Ltd. 20 July 2012. Independent Trustees (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 21341, Helderkruin,1733.

G1239/10—Malcolm Adamson Construction (Pty) Ltd. 19 July 2012. Independent Trustees (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 21341,Helderkruin, 1733.

Form/Vorm 9


In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner of his making an application to the High Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter asthe matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice ofsurrender previously made and upon having received the Master’s consent, in terms of section 7 of the Act.

The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, occupation andaddress, style of partnership or firm, and names and addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division ofHigh Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master’s consent;(3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Master’s Office where lyingand, if so, the Magistrate’s Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, address and date.


Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur ’n versoekerkennis gegee van sy aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of sospoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname van die oorgawe van sy boedel; of van dieintrekking van ’n sodanige vroeëre kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming,ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet.

Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres,styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of ’n aansoek, die Afdeling van dieHooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van ’n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum vanMeester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê vir 14 dae, die Meester sekantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal lê; (4) die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat daar op die 26ste dag van Julie 2012 om 09:30, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat diesaak aangehoor kan word, by die Vrystaatse Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word virdie aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van: Philippus Wilhelmus Nel, ID No: 56112125024080, werkloos, ongetroud,van Jan Van Riebeeckstraat 23, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein, Vrystaat Provinsie, en dat sy vermoënstaat ter insae sal lê by dieMeester van die Hooggeregshof, Bloemfontein, vir ’n periode van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Etienne Visser Ingelyf, Waverleyweg 16B, Waverley, Bloemfontein. (Verw: E Visser/JG/BN2136).

Johan Thomas Klopper (ID No: 5903245273081), voorman, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met MagdalenaElizabeth Klopper, (ID No: 7411260303088), 67 Keeram Plot, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. (2) Aansoek, In die Hooggeregshofvan Pretoria (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), 27 Julie 2012, 10:00. (3) 2 Julie 2012, Meesterkantoor, Pretoria; Landdroshof,Middelburg. (4) Danie Potgieter Prokureurs, Posbus 8315, Centurion, 22 Junie 2012.

170 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof,Kaapstad, op Woensdag, 25 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir dieoorgawe van die boedel van Mavis Joan Damon, ID No: 7407280229089, ’n volwasse vroulike persoon, woonagtig te Blue GillNo. 14, Sedgefield, Distrik Knysna.

Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoëstaat ter insae by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof,Kaapstad, en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof, Knysna, vanaf 29 Junie 2012, vir ’n tydperk van 14 dae.

Oosthuizen Marais & Pretorius Ing, B du Toit, Urban Attic Gebou, Siouxstraat 4, Voorbaai, Mosselbaai, 6500. (Verw: B duToit/mc/MM1964).

Adam Jacobus Kruger and Angelick Marrietha Kruger, married in community of property, residing at 19 Grant Street,New State Areas, Springs, Johannesburg South, Gauteng. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 27 July 2012, 10:00. (3) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Court, Springs, 2 July 2012. (4) DLB Moabelo Inc, P.O. Box 11132, Hatfield,0028.

Neil Gerald Kemp and Natasha Kemp, married in community of property, residing at 4 Valk Road, Birch Acres, KemptonPark, Johannesburg, Gauteng. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 27 July 2012, 10:00. (3) Master of the High Court,Pretoria; Magistrate Court, Kempton Park, 2 July 2012. (4) DLB Moabelo Inc, P.O. Box 11132, Hatfield, 0028.

Daniel Frank Geers and Susanna Maria Geers, married in community of property, residing at 13 Saint Paul Road,Hurlyvale, Edenvale, Johannesburg, Gauteng. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 27 July 2012, 10:00. (3) Master of theHigh Court, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Edenvale, 2 July 2012. (4) DLB Moabelo Inc, P.O. Box 11132, Hatfield, 0028.

Keith Donothan Collins and Jolene Collins, married in community of property, residing at 160 Tweedy Street, Brenthurst,Brakpan, Johannesburg, Gauteng. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 27 July 2012. (3) Master of the High Court, Pretoria;Magistrate Court, Brakpan, 2 July 2012. (4) DLB Moabelo Inc, P.O. Box 11132, Hatfield, 0028.

Ronald Peter Miller, ID No: 6608255104089, 13 Cheldralene Meenthuise, Paris Street, Lorian, Port Elizabeth, married incommunity of property with Renee Miller, ID No: 6407250079085, 13 Cheldralene Meenthuise, Paris Street, Lorian, PortElizabeth. (2) Application for surrender of the estate of Ronald and Renee Miller in the High Court, Port Elizabeth, on 24 July2012. (3) From 2 July 2012 for 14 days at the Master’s Office, Port Elizabeth; Magistrate’s Office, Port Elizabeth. (4) P de FreitasAttorneys, 323 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park, Pretoria.

Gert Pieter Tielman Koorsen, ID No: 8001035101088, 37 Zebra Road, Fauna Park, Polokwane, married in community ofproperty to Mariëtte Koorsen ID No: 8303160119087, 37 Zebra Road, Fauna Park, Polokwane. (2) Application for surrenderof the estate of Gert & Mariëtte Koorsen in the Gauteng North High Court, Pretoria, on 2 July 2012. (3) From 2 July 2012 for 14days at the Master’s Office, Pretoria and Magistrate’s Office, Pretoria. (4) P de Freitas Attorneys, 323 Lynnwood Road, MenloPark, Pretoria.

Eugene van Rooyen, ID No: 7704105096085, 6 Spesbona Road, Inadan. (2) Application for surrender of the estate ofEugene van Rooyen in the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, on 27 July 2012. (3) From 2 July 2012 for 14 days at theMaster’s Office, Pretoria and Magistrate’s Office, Pretoria. (4) P de Freitas Attorneys, 323 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park,Pretoria.


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof te Pretoria, op Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012 om 10:00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word, vir die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Lizelle Janse van Rensburg, met ID No: 7405310021088, ’n meerderjarige vroulike persoon, tansprokureur en getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te Olympus Country Estate 57, Ajaxstraat, Fairie Glen, dathaar vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof in Pretoria, asook die Landdroshof inPretoria, vir n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae gereken vanaf 29 Junie 2012.

Gedateer te Roodepoort op hede die 19de dag van Junie 2012.

G.D. Ficq Prokureur, Prokureur vir die Applikant, Nedbank Gebou, 2de Vloer, h/v Pretoriusstraat & Banklane, Pretoria. Tel: (011) 760-2558/9. (Verw: Mnr Ficq/yv) P.A. Mcintosh, Cross & Farquason.


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word na die Suid Gauteng Hooggeregshof te Johannesburg, opDinsdag, 24 Julie 2012 om 10:00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word, vir die aanname vandie oorgawe van die boedel van Anne Bruun, ’n meerderjarige vroulike persoon, tans konsultant en getroud buite gemeenskapen woonagtig te Skoolstraat 171, West Village, Krugersdorp, dat haar vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van dieMeester van die Hooggeregshof in Johannesburg, asook die Landdroshof, Krugersdorp, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) daegereken vanaf 29 Junie 2012.

Gedateer te Roodepoort op hede die 19de dag van Junie 2012.

G.D. Ficq Prokureur, Prokureur vir die Applikant, 3de Vloer, West Wing, 158 Jan Smuts Gebou, Walterslaan 9, Rosebank,Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 760-2558/9. (Verw: Mnr Ficqu/yv/ P.A. AD Hertzberg).

Elizabeth Ann van der Merwe, administrator, 1404 Parkland Estate, 601 Dr van der Merwe Street, Montana, PretoriaNorth, unmarried. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 27 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria; MagistrateOffice, Pretoria North.

Johan Bothma, millwright, 9 Bishcoffstraat, Sonheuwel, Nelspruit, married in community of property to Selma Bothma,manager. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 27 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate Office,Nelspruit.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 171

Line Nel, consultant, 249 Murray Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, married out of community of property. (2) North Gauteng HighCourt, Pretoria, 27 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria.

Riaan Ohlsen, supervisor, from 1 Parson Street, Vanderbijlpark, unmarried. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 27 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Vanderbijlpark.

Jan Andries Last Nel, unemployed, from 13 Ivan Road, Homelane, Randfontein, unmarried. (2) North Gauteng HighCourt, Pretoria, 27 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Office, Randfontein.


In die boedel van wyle Johan David Stapelberg, ID No. 4709115046080, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere metBarbara Magrietha Stapelberg, ID: 4712280036084, wat gewoonlik woonagtig was te Dorpstraat 39, Distrik van Fochville, enwat op die 15de Julie 2011, oorlede is. Boedel No. 14579/2011.

Die krediteure en debiteure word hiermee versoek om hulle eise in te dien en hulle skulde te betaal binne ’n tydperk van 30 (dertig) dae gereken vanaf datum van verskyning van die advertensie, naamlik 29 Junie 2012.

Schöltz Prokureurs, Prokureur vir Eksekuteur, James Morokalaan 55, Posbus 6025, Bailliepark, 2526. Tel: (018) 293-2822.Verw: C. Schöltz/S005.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 15 Augustus 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoorkan word, by die Noord Gauteng Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aannamevan die oorgawe van die boedel van Andries Johannes Truter, met ID No. 4906235063082, en Petro Henriette Truter, metID No. 5312210069088, haarkapsters van beroep en tans woonagtig te JG Strydomstraat No. 2, Mokopane, 0601, vir dieLanddroshof, distrik Potgietersrus, Limpopo, dat hul vermoënsstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof tePretoria, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf die 29ste dag van Junie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 22ste van Julie 2012.

Schalk Pienaar Prokureurs, Prokureur vir Eksekuteur, p/a Erns du Plessis, 1ste Vloer, Lapa Gebou, Bosmanstraat 380,Pretoria, 0001. Tel: (012) 323-6424/6583. Faks: 086 590 7980/(012) 323-0199. (Verw: DSP/es/S4449/12)SP0064.

Ziona Kostanjevec, bemarkingkonsultant, Roselaan 96, Rothdene, Meyerton, geskei. (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng HoëHof, Pretoria, 27 Julie 2012 om 10:00. (3) 2 Julie 2012, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en Landdros, Meyerton. (4) David Traub, Posbus 32714, Waverley, 0135, 22 Junie 2012.


Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the South Gauteng High Court of South Africa (Johannesburg), onTuesday, the 7th of August 2012 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Sagran Govender and Lutchmee Govender, a couple married in community of property of 3 Marigold Street, Bakerton, Springs, Johannesburg, and that a statement of their affairs will lie for inspection at the office ofthe Master of the High Court in Johannesburg, for a period of 14 (fourteen) days as from the 29th of June 2012.

Filed by: Amina Rahman Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant, 107 Queens Road, Mayfair, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 837-0002. Ref: ARAHMAN/RP/RHG 221.


Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the South Gauteng High Court of South Africa (Johannesburg), onTuesday, the 31st of July 2012 at 10h00, or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Indra Ramsamy, an unmarried, adult female of Unit 7 Eldorado, 23 Trolby Street, Oaklands,Johannesburg, and that a statement of her affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court inJohannesburg, for a period of 14 (fourteen) days as from the 29th of June 2012.

Filed by: Amina Rahman Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant, 107 Queens Road, Mayfair, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 837-0002. Ref: ARAHMAN/RP/RHR 340.

Adam Cornelius Willem Koekemoer, ID: 8007035201083, werkende man, Richardsonstraat 8, Swartklip, getroud binnegemeenskap van goedere, Estelle-Marie Koekemoer, 8401240173080, tuisteskepper. (2) In die Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof,Pretoria (RSA), Provinsiale Afdeling, Donderdag, 26 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Maandag, 2 Julie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester vanHooggeregshof, Pretoria; Landdroshof, Thabazimbi. (4) Erasmus van den Berg Prokureurs, Fauna 817, Florauna, Pretoria-Noord.

Leon La Grange, ID: 7902125248088, werkende man, Wonderboomweg 28, Glen Marais, Kempton Park, getroud buitegemeenskap van goedere. (2) In die Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria (RSA), Provinsiale Afdeling, Woensdag, 25 Julie 2012om 10h00. (3) Maandag, 2 Julie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Pretoria; Kempton Park. (4) Erasmus van denBerg Prokureurs, Fauna 817, Florauna, Pretoria-Noord.

Eugene Theron, ID: 6405035078083, unmarried, occupation: businessman, address: 28 Waboom Street, George. (2) HighCourt of South Africa (Western Cape High Court Division, Cape Town), 26 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 29 June 2012 until 13 July 2012, Master’s Office of the High Court, Cape Town, and Magistrate’s Court, George. (4) A Chimes & Van Wyk Inc.,Church Corner, c/o Courtney & Church Streets, George, 20 June 2012.

172 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

Pieter Daniel Terblanche, ID: 5110265076085, married, occupation: businessman, addrss: 94 Mann Street, Loeriepark,George. (2) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape High Court Division, Cape Town), 26 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 29 June2012 until 13 July 2012, Master’s Office of the High Court, Cape Town, and Magistrate’s Court, George. (4) A Chimes & VanWyk Inc., Church Corner, c/o Courtney & Church Streets, George, 20 June 2012.

Lafras Snyders, ID No. 8806245032083, 36 Mint Street, Vredenburg, Bellville, Cape Town. (2) Application for surrender ofthe estate of Lafras Snyders, in the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town, on 24 July 2012. (3) From 2 July 2012 for 14 daysat the Master’s Office, Cape Town, and Magistrate’s Office, Cape Town. (4) P de Freitas Attorneys, 323 Lynnwood Road, MenloPark, Pretoria.


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hoër Hof te Pretoria, op Vrydag, 27 Julie2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanvaarding van die boedel-oorgawe van Marelie Eunice van Staden (ID: 4906040078085), geskei en woonagtig te 17 Riverglades Estate, Juweelstraat,Jukskei Park, Randburg, en dat haar vermoënstaat vir inspeksie ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van dieHooggeregshof, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof, Randburg, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 29 Junie 2012.

Grove Deysel, Posbus 462, Pretoria, 0001. Datum: 22/06/2012.


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hoër Hof te Pretoria, op Donderdag, 26 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanvaarding van dieboedel-oorgawe van Henry William van Rooyen (ID: 7009155034089), en Tanya van Rooyen (ID: 7412310114087), getroudbinne gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te Frateswef 430, Deerness, Pretoria, en dat hulle vermoënstaat vir inspeksieter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 29 Junie 2012.

Grove Deysel, Posbus 462, Pretoria, 0001. Datum: 22/06/2012.


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hoër Hof te Pretoria, op Donderdag, 26 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanvaarding van die boedel-oorgawe van Werner Andreas Engelbrecht (ID: 6501145101086) en Catherine Elizabeth Engelbrecht (ID: 6912060159084), getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te Langenhovenstraat 100, Witbank, en dat hulle vermoënstaat vir inspeksie ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof,Witbank, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 29 Junie 2012.

Grove Deysel, Posbus 462, Pretoria, 0001. Datum: 22/06/2012.Anna-Carina Kuun, ID: 7902130068083, self employed, De Boulevard 61, Piet Retief Street, Vanderbijlpark, single.

(2) South Gauteng High Court (Johannesburg), 24 July 2012, 10:00. (3) 29 June 2012, Master of the South Gauteng High Court(Johannesburg), and the office of the Magistrate’s Court, Vanderbijlpark. (4) Erasmus Roets Attorneys, 85 Friedman Street, cnrMonument Road, Kempton Park, Gauteng.

Abraham Jakobus Harmse, 6803275034081, technical adviser, unmarried, woonagtig te No. 1 Tambotiestraat 18, ProteaPark Uitbreiding 1, Rustenburg. (2) Die North Gauteng High Court, Mabopane (Republic of South Africa), 26 July 2012. (3) 29 June 2012, at the Master, Mmabatho, and at the Magistrate of Rustenburg. (4) Johan Walker Attorneys, PO Box 1071,Hartbeespoort, 0216, 21 June 2012.

Johan Frederick Botha, ID No. 7008245065087, en Jacqueline Botha, ID No. 7608060301085, groefman en werkloos,getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met mekaar, residing at Plot F140, Geluk, Brits. (2) Die North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 26 Julie 2012. (3) 29 Junie 2012, at the Master, Pretoria, and at the Magistrate of Brits. (4) Johan Walker Attorneys, PO Box 1071, Hartbeespoort, 0216, 21 Junie 2012.

Cornelius Johannes Gericke, ’n meerderjarige konstruksiebestuurder, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en tanswoonagtig te Bari Place 3, Mindari, Perth, Australië. (2) Vrystaat Hoë Hof, Bloemfontein (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), 26 Julie2012 om 09h30. (3) vanaf 29 Junie 2012, vir ’n tydperk van 14 dae te die Meesterskantoor, Bloemfontein, en die Landdros-kantoor, Sasolburg. (4) P H de Bruin, De Bruin & Vennote, p/a EG Cooper & Madjiedt Prokuruers, Kellnermanstraat 77,Westdene, Bloemfontein.

Estelle McLennan (voorheen Olivier), ID: 7702240005086, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, aktetikster, woonagtigte 470 Suikerbos Street, Thatchfield Gardens, Centurion. (2) Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 25 Julie 2012, 10h00. (3) 2 Julie2012, Meester van Hooggeregshof. (4) Wessel Oosthuizen, Saxbyweg 1018, Eldoraigne, Centurion, Posbus 358, Wierdapark,Gauteng, 0149.


Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hoër Hof te Pretoria, op Woensdag, 25 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanvaarding van dieboedeloorgawe van Alan Walsh (ID: 7312085218081), en Sharon Ann Walsh (ID: 7410170248086), getroud binne gemeen-skap van goedere en woonagtig te 7 Henlet Gardens, Henley On Klip, Meyerton, en dat hulle vermoënstaat vir inspeksie terinsae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof, Meyerton, vir ’n tydperk van14 (veertien) dae vanaf 29 Junie 2012.

Grove Deysel, Posbus 462, Pretoria, 0001. Datum: 22/06/2012.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 173

AANSOEK OM BOEDELOORGAWEKennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hoër Hof te Pretoria, op Vrydag, 20 Julie

2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanvaarding van die boede-loorgawe van Monika de Kock (ID: 7901200020081), getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te Thornhill Estate20, Midaslaan, Olympus, Pretoria, en dat haar vermoënstaat vir inspeksie ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester vandie Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 29 Junie 2012.

Grove Deysel, Posbus 462, Pretoria, 0001. Datum: 22/06/2012.

AANSOEK OM BOEDELOORGAWEKennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Noord Gauteng Hoër Hof te Pretoria, op Vrydag,

27 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word vir die aanvaarding van dieboedeloorgawe van Monika de Kock (ID: 7901200020081), getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en woonagtig te ThornhillEstate 20, Midaslaan, Olympus, Pretoria, en dat haar vermoënstaat vir inspeksie ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meestervan die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria, vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 29 Junie 2012.

Grove Deysel, Posbus 462, Pretoria, 0001. Datum: 22/06/2012.

KENNISGEWING VAN OORGAWE VAN SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL [ARTIKEL 4 (1) VAN WET 24 VAN 1936]Kennis word hiermee gegee dat aansoek gedoen sal word by die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof,

Kaapstad, op Woensdag, 25 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die aansoek aangehoor kan word virdie oorgawe van die boedel van Abraham Johannes Pool, ID No. 5801275035083, ’n volwasse manlike persoon en HelenaGertruida Pool, ID No. 5805130060087, ’n volwasse vroulike persoon, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere met mekaaren beide woonagtig te Nagtegaalstraat 29, Aalwyndal, Mosselbaai, 6500.

Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die kantoor van die Meester van dieHooggeregshof, Kaapstad, en by die kantoor van die Landdroshof, Mosselbaai, vanaf 29 Junie 2012, vir ’n tydperk van 14 dae.

Geliasseer deur: Oosthuizen Marais & Pretorius Ing., per B du Toit, Urban Attic Gebou, Siouxstraat 4, Voorbaai,Mosselbaai, 6500. (Verw: B du Toit/mc/MM1964.)

Engelina Elizabeth Hall, ID: 5501160125086, besigheidsvrou, geskei, Noble Oak Landgoed 41, Blackwoodstraat,Bryanston, Johannesburg, Gauteng. (2) Aansoek: In die Hooggeregshof van Pretoria (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), op 24 Augustus 2012 om 10:00. (3) 30 Julie 2012, Meesterskantoor, Pretoria; Landdroshof, Randburg. (4) Danie PotgieterProkureurs, Posbus 8315, Centurion, 22 Junie 2012.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 27 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal wordom die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Annagret Homan, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, werkloosen woonagtig te Rossouwstraat 421, Murrayfield, Pretoria, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van dieHooggeregshof te Pretoria, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 22ste dag van Junie 2012.

HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.



(Republiek van Suid-Afrika)

In die ex-parte aansoek van: MARTHINUS JOHANNES PRETORIUS, ID No. 7911205016083, ApplikantHiermee word kennis gegee dat op Woensdag, 25 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of spoedig daarna as wat die saak aangehoor

kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hoërhof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Marthinus Johannes Pretorius, getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en woonagtig te Marozellandgoed, Klerksdorp. Applikant se vermoënstaat sal by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Santamgebou,h/v Kerk- en Queenstraat, Pretoria, en die Landdroshof van Klerksdorp, ter insae lê vir ’n termyn van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Gedateer te Pretoria op die 22ste dag van Junie 2012.

Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, Alexanderstraat 165, Brookln, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 362-2556. (Verw: Mnr T Viljoen.)

Sandra Louise Cooke, secretary, 669 Punctata Street, Dorandia Ext. 7, Pretoria North, married out of community of property. (2) High Court of South Africa (Northern Gauteng, High Court, Pretoria), 27 July 2012, 10h00. (3) 2 July 2012, Masterof the High Court, Pretoria, and Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria North. (4) David Traub Attorneys, PO Box 32714, Waverley, 0135,22 June 2012.

Conrad Pieters N.O. & Jana Pieters N.O., in their capacity as trustees from time to time of The JC Trust, IT 3436/06, 1 Arwal Court, Lawn Street, Arconpark. (2) High Court of South Africa (Northern Gauteng, High Court, Pretoria), 27 July 2012,10h00. (3) 2 July 2012, Master of the High Court, Pretoria, and Magistrate’s Court, Vereeniging. (4) David Traub Attorneys, PO Box 32714, Waverley, 0135, 22 June 2012.

Angelique Wasserman, ID: 8411170022082, divorced, 3 Strandlopertjie Street, Rooihuiskraal, Pretoria, admin clerk. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 26 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 2 July2012 (period of 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria.

174 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

Marius Ryno Wasserman, ID: 8206075224084, divorced, residential address: 3 Strandlopertjie Street, Rooihuiskraal,Pretoria, occupation: chef. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 26 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 2 July 2012 (period of 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria.

Jacobus Casparus Koen, ID: 8105265078088, dieselwerktuigkundige, en Chantel Cecilia Koen, ID: 8602070047084,huisvrou, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere, De Villiersstraat 961, Daspoort. (2) Aansoek Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof,Pretoria, 26 Julie 2012, 10h00. (3) 2 Julie 2012, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Pretoria.

Sphamandla Mbatha, ID: 8212135565089, werkloos, ongetroud, 105 Ranyawo Street, Tsakane Ext. 11, Brakpan. (2) Aansoek Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 26 Julie 2012, 10h00. (3) 2 Julie 2012, Meester van die Hooggeregshof,Pretoria; Landdroshof, Brakpan.

Andre Rudolph Wolmarans, ID: 8506245042088, verkoopskonsultant, ongetroud, Dennisstraat 24, Paul Kruger Oord,Springs. (2) Aansoek Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 26 Julie 2012, 10h00. (3) 2 Julie 2012, Meester van die Hooggeregshof,Pretoria; Landdroshof, Springs.

Cornelius Johannes Kruger, ID: 8405235007088, konstruksie bestuurder, en Christina Johanna Kruger, ID:7212220136083, naskool onderwyseres, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere, Basilstraat 13, Kruinhof, Germiston.

(2) Aansoek Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, 26 Julie 2012, 10h00. (3) 2 Julie 2012, Meester van die Hooggeregshof,Pretoria; Landdroshof, Germiston.

Maartin Petrus Albertus Engelbrecht, married out of community of property, residential address: 6 Frederich Street,Eldoraigne, Pretoria, occupation: consultant. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng,Pretoria), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 2 July 2012 (period of 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria.

Hermanus Johannes Vorster and Johanna Lodewika Vorster, married in community of property, residential address: 75 Van Velden Street, Schoemansville, Hartbeespoort, occupation: manager, unemployed. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, theHigh Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 2 July 2012 (period of 14 days), Master’s Office,Pretoria; Magistrate, Brits.

Kylie Samantha Ramage, married out of community of property, residential address: 9 Waterglen Estate, Rustenburg,North West, occupation: unemployed. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng,Pretoria), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 2 July 2012 (period of 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Rustenburg.

Barry Edward Ramage, married out of community of property, residential address: 9 Waterglen Estate, Rustenburg, NorthWest, occupation: mechanical superintendent. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng,Pretoria), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 2 July 2012 (period of 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Rustenburg.

René Steenkamp, ID: 6807260134084, divorced, residential address: Wierda Glen Estates, 63 Wes Theuns van NiekerkStreet, Centurion, Pretoria, occupation: unemployed. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, the High Court of South Africa (NorthGauteng, Pretoria), 25 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 2 July 2012 (period of 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria. (4) Michael SenekalAttorney.

Peter Daniel Teixeira, ID: 7206065024081, and Thelma Teixeira, ID: 7704030033088, married in community of property,residential address: 22 Bobby Locke Street, Unitas Park, Vereeniging, occupation: unemployed, unemployed. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 2 July 2012 (period of14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Vereeniging. (4) Michael Senekal.

Hercules Hermanes Blignaut, ID: 8208305264088, and Dané Blignaut, ID: 9201130151082, married in community of property, residential address: 17 Avacon Court, 37 Mentz Street, Casseldale, Springs, occupation: diesel fitter, unemployed. (2)Voluntary surrender of estate, the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 2 July 2012(period of 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Springs. (4) Michael Senekal.

Christiaan de Wet, Malan van der Merwe, married out of community of property, residential address: 362 BergseringStreet, Magalieskruin, Gauteng, occupation: unemployed. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, the High Court of South Africa(North Gauteng, Pretoria), 25 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 2 July 2012 (period of 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate,Pretoria North.

Hermanus Hendrik Steyn and Marianna Steyn, married in community of property, residential address: 362 Weir Street,Pretoria Gardens, Gauteng, occupation: workshop manager, unemployed. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, the High Court ofSouth Africa (North Gauteng, Pretoria), 25 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 2 July 2012 (period of 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria.

Ester Johanna Cronje, married out of community of property, residential address: 23 Rocker Street, Steiltes Extension 11,Mbombela, Mpumalanga, occupation: unemployed. (2) Voluntary surrender of estate, the High Court of South Africa (NorthGauteng, Pretoria), 26 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 2 July 2012 (period of 14 days), Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate, Mbombela.

Nicholas Sello Mathibe, ID No. 6203135916082, baker, married in community of property to Patricia Mmani,7001011747087, unemployed, 18 Maricco Street, Burgershoop, Krugersdorp, Gauteng Province. (2) In the North Gauteng HighCourt, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 16 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Master’s Office, Krugersdorp, Magistrate’s Court. (4)—.

Butini Moses Mokoena, ID No. 6910285550087, leave administrator, married in community of property to C.M. Meloi,ID No. 8012181061083, unemployed, 163 Clau-Clau Trust, Kabokweni, Nelspruit, Gauteng Province. (2) In the North Gauteng HighCourt, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 16 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Masters Office, Nelspruit, Magistrate’s Court. (4)—.

Mona Elize Jacobs, ID No. 6002100030089, sekretaresse, geskei, woonagtig te Borderstraat 1, Newcastle, 2940. (2) In dieKwaZulu-Natal Hoë Hof, Pietermaritzburg, Republiek van Suid-Afrika, op Donderdag, 26 Julie 2012 om 10:00, of so spoedigdaarna as wat advokaat vir applikante aangehoor kan word. (3) Lê ter insae vanaf: Maandag, 2 Julie 2012 vir ’n tydperk van 14dae by die Meesterskantoor te Pietermaritzburg sowel as die Landdroskantoor te Newcastle. (4) Van Zyl Smith Ingelyf, p/aShepstone & Wylie, Pietermaritzstreet 221, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

David Stephanus Jacobs, ID No. 6203105026086, besigheidsman, geskei, woonagtig te Borderstraat 1, Newcastle, 2940.(2) In die KwaZulu-Natal Hoë Hof, Pietermaritzburg, Republiek van Suid-Afrika, op Donderdag, 26 Julie 2012 om 10:00 of sospoedig daarna as wat Advokaat vir Applikante aangehoor kan word. (3) Lê ter insae vanaf: Maandag, 2 Julie 2012 vir ’n tydperkvan 14 dae, by die Meesterskantoor te Pietermaritzburg sowel as die Landdroskantoor te Newcastle. (4) Van Zyl Smith & Ass.Ingelyf, p/a Shepstone & Wylie, Pietermaritzstraat 221, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 175

Minette Strydom, 800210003084, verkoopskonsultant, ongetroud, woonagtig te Krinkhoutstraat 6, Glen Marais, KemptonPark, Gauteng. (2) In die Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, Republiek van Suid-Afrika, op Dinsdag, 24 Julie 2012 om 10:00 ofso spoedig daarna as wat Advokaat vir Applikante aangehoor kan word. (3) Lê ter insae vanaf: Maandag, 2 Julie 2012 vir ’n tydperk van 14 dae by die Meesterskantoor te Pretoria asook Landdroshof, Kempton Park. (4) Van Zyl Smith & Ass. Ingelyf,Waterkloof Golf Estate, Johan Rissik Rylaan, Waterkloof, Pretoria.

Tshekedi Koos Kwadi, ID No. 7909085677081, bus driver, unmarried, 4419 Dipela Street, Phagameng, Nylstroom. (2) Inthe North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 16 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Master’s Office, Nylstroom,Magistrate’s Court.

Dhaneshwar Rajdeo, ID 5305015076084, self employed, married, in community of property to Oomadevi Rajdeo, ID No.5911200198086, unemployed, 7 Staplewood Close, Woodview, Phoenix. (2) In the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban,Republic of South Africa, 16 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Masters Office, Durban, Magistrate’s Court.


Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the South Gauteng High Court, Republic of South Africa(Johannesburg), on Tuesday, the 31st of July 2012 at 10:00 or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Indra Ramsamy, an unmarried, adult female of Unit 7, Eldorado, 23 Trolby Street,Oaklands, Johannesburg, and that a statement of her affairs will lie for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Courtin Johannesburg for a period of 14 (fourteen) days as from the 29th of June 2012.

Amina Rahman Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant, 107 Queens Road, Mayfair, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 837-0002. Ref:Arahman/RP/RHR 340.


Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the South Gauteng High Court, Republic of South Africa(Johannesburg), on Tuesday, the 7th of August 2012 at 10:00 or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Sagran Govender and Lutchmee Govender, a couple married in community ofproperty, of 3 Marigold Street, Bakerton, Springs, Johannesburg, and that a statement of their affairs will lie for inspection at theoffice of the Master of the High Court in Johannesburg for a period of 14 (fourteen) days as from the 29th of June 2012.

Amina Rahman Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant, 107 Queens Road, Mayfair, Johannesburg. Tel: (011) 837-0002. Ref:Arahman/RP/RHR 221.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op die 27ste dag van Julie 2012 om 10 uur voormiddag, of so spoedig daarna as wat die saakaangehoor kan word, by die Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van dieboedel van Charlene Sheperd (ID No. 8102100006085), ’n meerderjarige vrou tans ’n persoonlike assistent met besigheids-adres Capital Motor City, Steve Bikoweg 510, Gezina, Pretoria, Gauteng, en woonagtig te Breedtstraat 142, Montana Park,Pretoria, Gauteng, wie tans ongetroud is en dat haar vermoënsstaat op die kantoor van die Meester van die Noord GautengHooggeregshof, asook die kantore van die Landdroshof vir die distrik van Wonderboom, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termynvan veertien dae vanaf die 29ste dag van Junie 2012.

Van Heerden & Krugel Prokureurs, Prokureur vir Applikant, Silvergrass-straat 33, Montana Pavilion, Montana, Pretoria.Verw: JJ van Heerden/S0084.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op die 27ste dag van Julie 2012 om 10 uur voormiddag, of so spoedig daarna as wat diesaak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord-Gauteng Hoë Hof, aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van dieboedel van Desiree Jeanne Malan (ID No. 6212300072084) ’n meerderjarige ontvangsdame werksaam te Adams & Adams,met besigheidsadres, Lynnwood Bridge, Daventrystraat 4, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria, Gauteng, wie tans woonagtig is te AttieNieuwoudstraat 891, Mayville, Pretoria, Gauteng, wie tans buite gemeenskap van goed getroud is met Phillipus WilhelmusMalan (ID No. 5608095137084) en dat sy vermoënstaat op die kantoor van die Meester van die Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, terinsae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien dae vanaf die 29ste dag van Junie 2012.

Van Heerden & Krugel Prokureurs, Prokureur vir Applikant, Silvergrassstraat 33, Montana Pavilion, Montana, Pretoria.(Verw: JJ van Heerden/M0057.)


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op die 27ste dag van Julie 2012 om 10 uur voormiddag, of so spoedig daarna as wat diesaak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord-Gauteng Hooggeregshof, aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawevan die boedel van Sandra Mary Gaddin (ID No. 6109040016084) ’n meerderjarige vroulike Uitvoerende Assistent werksaamte Accenture (Pty) Ltd met besigheidsadres Edcon Huis, Hazelstraat 5, Ormonde, Johannesburg, Gauteng, en woonagtig te 21 Brackenveld Villas, h/v Kokerboom en Bamboesstraat, Brackendowns, Alberton, Gauteng, wie tans getroud is buite gemeen-skap van goed met Alan Douglas Gaddin en dat haar vermoënstaat op die kantoor van die Meester van die Noord GautengHooggeregshof en op die kantoor van die Alberton Landdroshof, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien dae vanafdie 29ste dag van Junie 2012.

Van Heerden & Krugel Prokureurs, Prokureur vir Applikant, Silvergrassstraat 33, Montana Pavilion, Montana, Pretoria.(Verw: JJ van Heerden/G007.)

176 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op die 27ste dag van Julie 2012 om 10 uur voormiddag, of so spoedig daarna as wat diesaak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord-Gauteng Hoë Hof, aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawe van dieboedel van Jeanette Patricia Schoeman (ID No. 5412080131081) ’n meerderjarige vrou tans werkloos en woonagtig teCencertostraat 10, Witbank, Mpumalanga, tans getroud is, en dat haar vermoënstaat op die kantoor van die Meester van dieNoord Gauteng Hoë Hof asook die Landdroshof vir die Distrik van Witbank, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertiendae vanaf die 29ste dag van Junie 2012.

Van Heerden & Krugel Prokureurs, Prokureur vir Applikant, Silvergrassstraat 33, Montana Pavilion, Montana, Pretoria. Tel:(012) 548-5078. (Verw: JJ van Heerden/S0042.)


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op die 27ste dag van Julie 2012 om 10 uur voormiddag, of so spoedig daarna as wat diesaak aangehoor kan word, by die Noord-Gauteng Hooggeregshof, aansoek gedoen sal word om aanname van die oorgawevan die boedel van Charlotte Charmain van Graan (ID No. 6104260011089), ’n meerderjarige vrou tans ’n verkoopsvrou met besigheidsadres Voolkswagen Hatfield, Frances Baardstraat 1188, Hatfield, Pretoria, Gauteng, en woonagtig te Krugerlaan157, Lyttelton Manor, Centurion, Gauteng, wie tans ongetroud is en dat haar vermoënsstaat op die kantoor van die Meester vandie Noord Gauteng Hooggeregshof, ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien dae vanaf die 29ste dag van Junie 2012.

Van Heerden & Krugel Prokureurs, Prokureur vir Applikant, Silvergrassstraat 33, Montana Pavilion, Montana, Pretoria.(Verw: JJ van Heerden/V0066.)

Protas Zibuse Mkhize, 6211255309087, employed by Kusasa Paint, married in community of property to BawinileAnnatonia Mkhize, 6610310215082, unemployed, both resident at 24849 Madiba Avenue, Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal, alsoknown as Erf 24849, Pinetown (Extension 141) Township, Registration Division F.T., Province of KwaZulu-Natal, in extent threehundred and thirty-five (335) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T27331/2002. (2) Applicant: In the High Courtof South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pietermaritzburgand the Magistrate’s Court, Pinetown. (4) 22 June 2012.

Mhlupheki Meshack Masilela, 5501085252080, HR Practitioner, married in community of property to Thandiswa GlorinaMasilela, 6312310420081, HR Practitioner, both resident at 69 (A) Java Crescent, Elandshaven Extension 3, Gauteng, and/orErf 11701, Kwa-Thema Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, in extent six hundred and forty (640) squaremetres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T42655/2006, also known as 11701 Ncamani Street, Kwa-Thema, Springs. (2)Applicant: In the High Court of South Africa (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012,Master’s Office, Pretoria and the Magistrate’s Court, Springs. (4) 22 June 2012.

Michael Makholo, 6907135502086, military practitioner, married in community of property to Loiusa Makholo (bornMaraga), 690208089088, military practitioner, both resident at Chiawelo Extension 3,1818 and/or Erf 24, Kosmos RidgeTownship, Registration Division J.Q., Province of the North West, in extent six hundred (600) square metres, held by virtue ofDeed of Transfer No. T103581/2006. (2) Applicant: In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 24 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria and the Magistrate’s Court, Brits. (4) 22 June 2012.

Henry Colin Cloete, 6411275138082, security official, married in community of property to Clarice Cloete,5911180147088, housewife, both resident at 22 Edna Street, Delro Village, Blue Downs 7580, Western Cape, also known asErf 5093, Blue Downs, situated in the City of Cape Town, Registration Division Stellenbosch, Province of the Western Cape, inextent three hundred and ten (310) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T44936/1993. (2) Applicant: In theHigh Court of South Africa (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office,Cape Town. (4) 22 June 2012.

Thabo Samuel Mofokeng, 7108055650083, unemployed, unmarried, 57 Namakwaduif Avenue, Extension 3, KemptonPark, 1619, Gauteng, also known as Erf 1065, Birch Acres Extension 3, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, in extentone thousand and seventy-one (1 071) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T45490/2003. (2) Applicant: In theHigh Court of South Africa (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office,Pretoria and the Magistrate’s Court, Kempton Park. (4) 22 June 2012.

Pieter Carl Joubert, 6201135008082, shift boss, unmarried, 24 Dawill Street, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp, also known as Erf 76, Wilkoppies Township, Registration Division I.P, Province of North West, in extent two thousand three hundred and seventy-nine (2 379) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T13104/2007. (2) Applicant: In the High Court ofSouth Africa (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria andthe Magistrate’s Court, Klerksdorp. (4) 22 June 2012.

Craig Jodamus, 8503215285086, SAPD, married in community of property to Lizette Henriette Jodamus (Straus),8212080408084, housewife, both resident at 2 Lotus Manor, Watsonia Road, Lotus River, Western Cape, and/or Erf 1631,Gordons Bay, situated in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division, Western Cape Province, in extent six hundred and forty-eight(648) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T31591/2008. (2) Applicant: In the High Court of South Africa(Western Cape High Court, Cape Town), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Cape Town and theMagistrate’s Court, Gordons Bay. (4) 22 June 2012.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 177

Antonie Willem Mans, 8110285057088, personal trainer, unmarried, 19 St James Street, Oakdale, Bellville, 7530, WesternCape, and/or Erf 20617, Kuils River, in the City of Cape Town, Division Stellenbosch, Western Cape Province, in extent twohundred and eighty-nine (289) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T51646/2007, also known as 23 RhinoCrescent, Kuils River. (2) Applicant: In the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town), 27 July 2012 at10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Cape Town. (4) 22 June 2012.

Kenneth Bhekie Sandile Thwala, 6109215874085, self-employed, married in community of property to Corah BusisiweThwala, 5410090248184, housewife, both resident at 32 Valley Road, Bordeaux, Randburg, also known as Erf 500, BordeauxTownship, Registration Division I.Q., Province of Gauteng, in extent one thousand nine hundred and eighty-three( 1 983) squaremetres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T77938/1999. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (South GautengHigh Court, Johannesburg), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria and the Magistrate’s Court,Randburg. (4) 22 June 2012.

Marius van Deventer, 6005235112086, self employed, unmarried, widower (was married in community of property toKaren Helena van Deventer, 6406170131083), 44 Retief Street, Ashley, Pinetown, 3610, KwaZulu-Natal, also known asPortion 7 of Erf 184, Ashley Township, Registration Division F.T., Province of KwaZulu-Natal, in extent two thousand eight hundred and five (2 805) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T73362/2003. (2) Application: In the High Courtof South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pietermaritzburgand the Magistrate’s Court, Pinetown. (4) 22 June 2012.

Nontyantyambo Makendlana, 7809201292080, unemployed, unmarried, S43 Tandazo Drive, Khayelitsha, 7784, WesternCape, and/or Erf 9368, Khayelitsha, situated in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extentninety (90) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T86010/2007, also known as 21 Tandazo Drive, Khayelitsha,Western Cape. (2) Applicant: In the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town), 27 July 2012 at 10h00.(3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Cape Town. (4) 22 June 2012.

Riaan Schietekat (ID No. 6509125035083), police official, married in community of property to Rene Mariette Schietekat(ID No. 7401250122085), police official, both resident at 27 Bacher Avenue, Pearl View, Paarl, 7646, also known as Erf 27162,Paarl, Registration Division Paarl, Province of the Western Cape, in extent two hundred and fifty six (256) square metres, heldby virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T104023/2005. (2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape High Court,Cape Town), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Cape Town; Magistrate’s Court, Paarl. (4) 22 June 2012.

Ntsikelelo Leonard Boxa (ID No. 5404295182082), plumber, married in community of property to Nonkululeko PrettyBoxa (ID No. 6109090956080), housewife, both resident at 1425 Gamalakhe A, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal, also knownas Site 1425, Gamalakhe A, Registration Division E.T., Province of KwaZulu-Natal, in extent four hundred and ninety seven(497) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Grant No. TG5462/1987 (KZ). (2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa(KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’sCourt, Umtentwini. (4) 22 June 2012.

Susilkumar Naidoo (ID No. 5205205188089), transport controller, married in community of property to Shalini Naidoo (ID No. 5803020094084), accounts clerk, both resident at 34-4th Street, Greymont, Johannesburg, also known as Erf 530,Greymont Township, situated in the City of Johannesburg, Registration Division I.Q., Province of Gauteng, in extent four hundred and ninety-five (495) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T11006/2008. (2) Application, In the HighCourt of South Africa (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office,Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg. (4) 22 June 2012.

Thokozani Sydney Khanyi (ID No. 6908125668085), unemployed, unmarried and Brenda Lungile Nene (ID No. 7411100959081), domestic worker, unmarried, both resident at 3074 Dikole Extension 1, Katlehong, 1431, also knownas Erf 3074, Likole Extension 1 Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, in extent two hundred and thirty (230)square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T58978/2004. (2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’sCourt, Alberton. (4) 22 June 2012.

Mahlagaume Reuben Matlala (ID No. 6702035613087), internal audit specialist, unmarried, 22 Fenugreek Street, The Orchards Extension 46, Gauteng, also known as Erf 5855, The Orchards Extension 46 Township, Registration Division JR,Gauteng Province, in extent three hundred and four (304) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T116696/2007(2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 24 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012,Master’s Office, Pretoria. (4) 22 June 2012.

Peter Rambuluwani Vhulahani (ID No. 6309255366089), operator, married in community of property to Matshitso GraceVhulahani (ID No. 6209290482083), unemployed, both resident at 89 Indlawana Street, Vosloorus Extension 8, Boksburg,1475, also known as Erf 89, Vosloorus Extension 8 Township, Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, in extent two hundred and ninety four (294) square metres, held by virtue of Certificate of Registered Grant of Leasehold No. TL23779/1990.(2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 24 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012,Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Boksburg. (4) 22 June 2012.

Jeremiah Mogale (ID No. 7108135581084), unemployed, married in community of property to Moti Joyce Mogale (ID No. 8105070795082), unemployed, both resident at 131/8991 Tba Street, Protea Glen Extension 1, Soweto, Gauteng, alsoknown as Portion 131 of Erf 8991, Protea Glen Extension 11 Township, Registration Division I.Q., Province of Gauteng, in extentone hundred and fifty (150) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T61476/2007. (2) Application, In the HighCourt of South Africa (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office,Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Johannesburg. (4) 22 June 2012.

178 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

Benjamin Joala (ID No. 6404125737088), external sales consultant, married in community of property to MoipanePhillipine Elsie Joala (ID No. 6712310530088), unemployed, both resident at 41B Peppermint Crescent, Roohuiskraal North,Centurion, 0157, also known as Section 2, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan SS650/2000, in the schemeknown as “SS RN 896”, situated at Erf 896, Roohuiskraal North Extension 14, Local Authority: City of Tshwane MetropolitanMunicipality, in extent one hundred and twenty four (124) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. ST144105/2000.(2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 24 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012,Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Centurion. (4) 22 June 2012.

Raditlhokoa Moabi (ID No. 7902205584089), unemployed, unmarried, 27-58th Avenue, Tlhabane West, Rustenburg,and/or Portion 14 of Erf 849, Tlhabane West Township, Registration Division J.Q., Province of the North West, in extent threehundred and forty-nine (349) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T88545/2008. (2) Application, In the HighCourt of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 24 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria;Magistrate’s Court, Rustenburg. (4) 22 June 2012.

Themba Mbownane (ID No. 8004046324087), self employed, unmarried, 711 Parkzicht, 239 Andries Street, Pretoria, alsoknown as Section 141, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan SS342/1991, in the scheme known as “Parkzicht”,situated at Erf 2849, Pretoria Township, in extent seventy seven (77) square metres, together with an exclusive use areadescribed as Parking Bay 58, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. ST5668/2010. (2) Application, In the High Court of SouthAfrica (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 24 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria. (4) 22 June 2012.

Jean-Rene Okita Yemba Kasongo, date of birth: 25 September 1968, Passport No. C10305889, businessman, marriedin community of property to Celestine Nkenge Ngimbi, also known as Nkenge Okita Yemba (ID No. 6906210875185), businesswoman, 87 Java Crescent, Gosforth Park, Germiston, Gauteng, and/or Erf 252, Elandshaven Extension 3 Township,Registration Division I.R., Province of Gauteng, in extent one thousand (1 000) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of TransferNo. T14065/2007, also known as 69 (A) Java Crescent, Elandshaven Extension 3. (2) Application, In the High Court of SouthAfrica (South Gauteng High Court, Johanneburg), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’sCourt, Germiston. (4) 22 June 2012.

Andrias Nhlanhla Makhanya (ID No. 6312255577085), self-employed, unmarried, 33 Chimeara Place, Zeekoe Vallei,Newlands East, 4037, KwaZulu-Natal, also known as Portion 11 of Erf 441, Zeekoe Vallei, Registration Division F.T., Provinceof KwaZulu Natal, in extent three hundred and eighty-two (382) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No.T12530/1996. (2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Durban), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Court, Verulam. (4) 22 June 2012.

Francis Okechukwu Nweke (ID No. 7008026226189), self employed, married out of community of property, 20 GlentonStreet, Clayville, Gauteng, also known as Erf 321, Clayville Township, Registration Division J.R., Province of Gauteng, in extentone thousand one hundred and fifty-two (1 152) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T92357/2007. (2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 24 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012,Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Kempton Park. (4) 22 June 2012.

Sandile Makhubo (ID No. 8704086131082), sales consultant, unmarried, 312/14466 Protea Glen Extension 12, Gauteng,also known as Portion 312 (a portion of Portion 132) of Erf 14466, Protea Glen Extension 12 Township, Registration DivisionI.Q., Province of Gauteng, in extent two hundred and fifty-two (252) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No.T10504/2008. (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg), 27 July 2012 at10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Westonaria. (4) 22 June 2012.

Thilothambal Reddy (ID No. 6711270207083), motor vehicle salesperson, unmarried, B14 Pacific Gardens, Smuts Street,Midrand, Gauteng, and/or Erf 8, Trichera Township, Registration Division E.T., Province of KwaZulu-Natal, in extent one thousand one hundred and sixty (1 160) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T40396/2005, also known as 8-4th Street, Savillethorpe, Park Rynie. (2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal High Court,Durban), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate’s Court, Scottburgh. (4) 22 June 2012.

Mbulelo Eric Mgedezi (ID No. 6303025734080), unemployed, unmarried, H270 Nokwazi Square, Khayelitsha, WesternCape, also known as Erf 4331, Khayelitsha, situated in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division, Province of the Western Cape,in extent one hundred and ninety six (196) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T83039/1994. (2) Application,In the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape High Court, Cape Town), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’sOffice, Cape Town. (4) 22 June 2012.

Yandiswa Yolwa (ID No. 7703031208087), unemployed, unmarried, 65 Steelport Street, Welfare Park, South HillsExtension 1, 2197, Gauteng, also known as Erf 799, South Hills Extension 1 Township, Registration Division I.R., Province ofGauteng, in extent four hundred and ninety-six (496) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T56159/2008. (2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa (South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Turffontein. (4) 22 June 2012.

Mpumelelo Spayile (ID No. 7702215531082), manager, unmarried, and Feziwe Ndwandwa (ID No. 8001100626084), self employed, unmarried, both resident at B12 Manduray, Chippenham Crescent, Parklands, Cape Town, also known asSection 31, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan SS423/2005, in the scheme known as “Manduray”, situatedat Parklands, in the City of Cape Town, Cape Division, Province of the Western Cape, in extent sixty-four (64) square metres,held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. ST18609/2006. (2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa (Western Cape HighCourt, Cape Town), 27 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Cape Town. (4) 22 June 2012.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 179

Pieter Andries Pretorius (ID No. 7609115215080), support consultant, unmarried, 7 Ametis Road, Mayberry ParkExtension 1, Gauteng, 1448, and/or Erf 93, Mayberry Park Extension 1 Township, Registration Division I.R., Province ofGauteng, in extent six hundred and ninety-four (694) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No. T64992/2004, alsoknown as 16 Smarag Street, Mayberry Park. (2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court,Pretoria), 24 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Alberton. (4) 22 June 2012.

Nolubabalo Faith Mhlonitshwa (ID No. 7803240355081), unemployed, unmarried, 13 L Michelle, Gustav Preller Street,Vorna Valley, Midrand, 1686, also known as Section 130, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan SS753/1993, inthe scheme known as “La Michelle”, situated at Erven 513 and 514 Vorna Valley Township, Local Authority: City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, in extent sixty-three (63) square metres, held by virtue of Deed of Transfer No.ST100051/2006 and Notarial Deed of Cession No. SK5720/2006. (2) Application, In the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria), 24 July 2012 at 10h00. (3) 6 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court,Alberton. (4) 22 June 2012.

Tshekedi Koos Kwadi (ID No. 7909085677081), fleed control, 4419 Dipela Street, Modimolle, 0510. (2) Application: In North Gauteng High Court, held at Pretoria, on 16 July 2012, at 10am or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. (3) 7 Aug 2012, Master’s office, Pretoria. (4) Van Niekerk Conradie Attorneys, Posbus 342, Mossel Bay, 6500.

Johannes Petrus Du Preez (ID No. 6104205016086), businessman, 17 Franshoek, Meyersdal, 1450. (2) Application: InSouth Gauteng High Court, held at Johannesburg, on 16 July 2012, at 10am or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.(3) 7 Aug 2012, Master’s office, Johannesburg. (4) Van Niekerk Conradie Attorneys, Posbus 342, Mossel Bay, 6500.

Phepishi Jacob Matloa (ID No. 6402095550085), supervisor, Hazel Matloa (ID No. 6809020816086), 10624 MakhuraStreet, Ext 14 Vosloorus, 1475. (2) Application: In North Gauteng High Court, held at Pretoria, on 16 July 2012, at 10am or sosoon thereafter as the matter may be heard. (3) 7 Aug 2012, Master’s office, Pretoria. (4) Van Niekerk Conradie Attorneys,Posbus 342, Mossel Bay, 6500.

Jeffrey Mathato (ID No. 7509156165089), finance administrator, Nthabiseng Mathatho (ID No. 7907030530082), 278 Meteor Close, Ormonde View, Johannesburg, 2091. (2) Application: In South Gauteng High Court, held at Johannesburg,on 16 July 2012, at 10am or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. (3) 7 Aug 2012, Master’s office, Johannesburg. (4) Van Niekerk Conradie Attorneys, Posbus 342, Mossel Bay, 6500.

Eric Meyer (ID No. 5105175059080), businessman, Gedeelte 22 (van Gedeelte 10), Plaas Rietkol 237. (2) Application: In North Gauteng High Court, held at Pretoria, on 16 July 2012, at 10am or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. (3) 7 Aug 2012, Master’s office, Pretoria. (4) Van Niekerk Conradie Attorneys, Posbus 342, Mossel Bay, 6500.

Thomas Le Grange, ID: 6207225113088, self employed (contractor); Marcel Johanna Magdalena Le Grange, ID:6302270064086, 38 Battersea Drive, Kibler Park, Johannesburg, 2091. (2) Application: In South Gauteng HIgh Court held atJohannesburg, on 16 July 2012, at 10 am or so soon thereafter as teh matter may be heard. (3) 7 August 2012, Masters Office,Johannesburg. (4) Van Niekerk Conradie Attorneys, Posbus 343, Mossel Bay, 6500.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 27 Julie 2012 om 10:00, of so spoedig doenlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kanword, by die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), Nuwe Hooggeregshof Gebou, h/v Vermuelen- en PaulKrugerstrate, Pretoria, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Susanna JacobaJohanna Schoeman, Identiteitsnommer 7710050121083, ’n besigheidsvrou, ongetroud, en woonagtig te plaas Taaiboschpan,distrik Tolwe, Limpopo.

Neem ook verder kennis dat Applikant se vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoriaen die Landdroshof te Mokopane (Potgietersrus) ter insae sal lê vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf en insluitend 29 Junie2012 (synde datum van publikasie).

Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 22ste dag van Junie 2012.

(get) P J Kleynhans, Prokureurs vir Applikant, P J Kleynhans Ingelyf, 1ste Vloer, Waverley Plaza, Hertzogstraat 1116,Villieria, Pretoria; Posbus 32506, Waverley, 0135. [Tel. (012) 332-1450.] (Verw. P J Kleynhans/advw/KS379.)


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 27 Julie 2012 om 10:00, of so spoedig doenlik daarna as wat die saak aangehoor kanword, by die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria), Nuwe Hooggeregshof Gebou, h/v Vermuelen- en PaulKrugerstrate, Pretoria, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Magda Pretorius,Identiteitsnommer 8002180169086, ’n JOC kontroleerder, ongetroud, en woonagtig te 17 Lauriston Placet, Glen Lauriston,Valhalla, Gauteng.

Neem ook verder kennis dat Applikant se vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoriater insae sal lê vir ’n tydperk van 14 (veertien) dae vanaf en insluitend 29 Junie 2012 (synde datum van publikasie).

Geteken te Pretoria op hierdie 22ste dag van Junie 2012.

(get) P J Kleynhans, Prokureurs vir Applikant, P J Kleynhans Ingelyf, 1ste Vloer, Waverley Plaza, Hertzogstraat 1116,Villieria, Pretoria; Posbus 32506, Waverley, 0135. [Tel. (012) 332-1450.] (Verw. P J Kleynhans/advw/KP199.)

180 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 23 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kanword, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om aannamevan die oorgawe van die boedel van Lynette Claassen, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere en ’n skuldberader vanberoep, woonagtig te Kasukastraat 423, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester vandie Hooggeregshof te Pretoria ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 13de dag van Junie 2012.HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 23 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kanword, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om aannamevan die oorgawe van die boedel van Maria Aletta Susanna Stirling, ’n geskeide besigheidsvrou van beroep en woonagtig teMarherbestraat 69, Capital Park, Pretoria, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof tePretoria ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 13de dag van Junie 2012.HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 23 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kanword, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om aannamevan die oorgawe van die boedel van Alta Dekker, ’n geskeide verkoopsdame van beroep en woonagtig te Justin Cresent 34,Eldoraigne, Pretoria, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria ter insae sallê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 13de dag van Junie 2012.HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 24 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kanword, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om aannamevan die oorgawe van die boedel van Raphaela Michele Paulus, ’n ongetroude verkoopsdame van beroep, woonagtig te 23 Adar Gardens, Adar Laan, Midrand, Pretoria, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hoog -geregshof te Pretoria ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 13de dag van Junie 2012.HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 24 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kanword, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om aannamevan die oorgawe van die boedel van Amanda van der Walt, ’n geskeide administratiewe klerk, en woonagtig te Ben Swartstraat1175, Moregloed, Pretoria, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria ter insaesal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 13de dag van Junie 2012.HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 24 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kanword, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om aannamevan die oorgawe van die boedel van Cornelius Goosen, ’n besigheidsman, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere metJohanna Rachel Goosen, ’n debiteure bestuurder, woonagtig te Hannystraat 713, Pretoria Tuine, en dat hulle vermoëstaat bydie kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 13de dag van Junie 2012.HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 27 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kanword, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om aannamevan die oorgawe van die boedel van Philipus Stephanus Fourie, in ongetroude besigheisman van beroep en woonagtig teDerdelaan 738, Rietfontein, Pretoria, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof tePretoria ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 21ste dag van Junie 2012.

HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 181


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 24 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kanword, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Notukela Margaret Dabula, ’n geskeide area bestuurder, woonagtig teOuklipmuurlaan 421, The Willow, Pretoria, en dat haar vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof tePretoria ter insae sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 13de dag van Junie 2012.

HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 27 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kanword, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Johannes Hendrik de Wet, ’n ongetroude kontrakteur van beroep en woonagtigte Karin Hof 16, Lanhamstraat, East Lynne, Pretoria, en dat sy vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hoog geregshof te Pretoria sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 21ste dag van Junie 2012.

HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 27 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kanword, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Nick Johannes Boshoff, ’n passer van beroep en getroud binne gemeenskapvan goedere met Christina Elizabeth Boshoff, werkloos en woonagtig te Bezuidenhoutstraat 767, Claremont, Rietfontein,Pretoria, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria ter insae sal lê gedurende’n termyn van veertien (14) dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 21ste dag van Junie 2012.

HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 27 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kanword, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Chrisna Goosen, ’n onderwyseres van beroep en getroud binne gemeenskapvan goedere met Cecile Dekker, ’n onderwyseres, en woonagtig te Voortrekkerweg, Wonderboom-Suid, Pretoria, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14)dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 21ste dag van Junie 2012.

HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.


Hiermee word kennis gegee dat op 23 Julie 2012 om 10h00, of so spoedig moontlik daarna as wat die saak verhoor kanword, by die Transvaalse Provinsiale Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, aansoek gedoen sal word om die aanname van die oorgawe van die boedel van Anthony Kwan, ’n besigheidsman,getroud binne gemeenskap van goederemet Angeline Donna Kwan, ’n administratiewe klerk en woonagtig te Haarhoffstraat 1228, Villieria, Pretoria, en dat hulle vermoëstaat by die kantoor van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof te Pretoria sal lê gedurende ’n termyn van veertien (14)dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op die 13de dag van Junie 2012.

HES Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, Pretoriusstraat 876, Arcadia, Pretoria.Mhleli Papama Nkukwana, an adult unemployed male person, residing at 647 Rita Street, Moreletapark X17, Pretoria,

Gauteng, married in community of property to Ntombizane Sharrel Nkukwana, an adult female businesswoman, working andresiding at 647 Rita Street, Moreletapark X17, Pretoria, Gauteng. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 26 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. DLB Moabelo Inc, PO Box 12200, Hatfield, 0028.

Ewald Marius Vorster, unemployed and Hester Dorothea Adriana Vorster, unemployed, 86 Cloucester, Dalview,Brakpan, married in community of property. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 26 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Master’sOffice, Pretoria; Magistrate Office, Brakpan.

Cornelius Johannes Oliver, unemployed, and Rene Oliver, teacher, 44 Reedburch, Edelweiss, Springs, married in community of property. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 26 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria;Magistrate Office, Springs.

Bismarch Markgraaff, sales representative, and Marinda Markgraaf, administrator, 30 Le Roux Street, Elsburg,Germiston, married in community of property. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 26 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Master’sOffice, Pretoria; Magistrate Office, Germiston.

182 No. 35465 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 JUNE 2012

Silvanus Maduray, unemployed, and Rajasperee Maduray, unemployed, 6 Kiepersol Street, Dalpark, Brakpan, marriedin community of property. (2) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, 26 July 2012. (3) 2 July 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria;Magistrate Office, Brakpan.

Cen-Plum Business Trust, IT4797/01 (herein duly represented by Petrus Johannes Jacobus Bonthuyzen N.O. and AnnaSophia Nicolasine Bonthuyzen N.O., in their capacity as trustees of the Cen Plum Business Trust), 3400 Coshwood Street,Amberfield Manor, Centurion. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 27 July 2012. (3) 29 June2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria. (4) 22 June 2012.

Johan Willem Engelbrecht, konsultant, ongetroud, Breyerlaan 1442, Waverley, Pretoria. (2) In die Noord Gauteng HoëHof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), 27 Julie 2012. (3) 29 Junie 2012, Meesterskantoor, Pretoria. (4) 22 Junie 2012.

Susanna van Rooyen, makelaar/konsultant, ongetroud, Rondebergstraat 9, Aerorand, Middelburg. (2) In die NoordGauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), 27 Julie 2012. (3) 29 Junie 2012, Meesterskantoor, Pretoria;Landdroshof, Middelburg. (4) 22 Junie 2012.

William Charles Matthews, besigheidsman, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, Noritestraat 4, Wilropark,Roodepoort. (2) In die Suid Gauteng Hoë Hof, Johannesburg (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), 24 Julie 2012. (3) 29 Junie 2012,Meesterskantoor, Johannesburg; Landdroshof, Roodepoort. (4) 22 Junie 2012.

Cornelius Johannes Viljoen, line manager, and married in community of property to Dorene Erica Viljoen, customer service supervisor, 23 Lesvos Village, Sandwichbay Street, Elandshaven, Alberton. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court,Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 24 July 2012. (3) 29 June 2012, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court,Alberton. (4) 22 June 2012.

Human Welile Moffat, staff sergeant, unmarried, 3833 Talium Street, Clayville. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court,Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 24 July 2012. (3) 29 June 2012, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court,Kempton Park. (4) 22 June 2012.

Janine Hallett, data administrator, unmarried, 1067 Krugerrand Road, Strubensvalley, Roodepoort. (2) In the SouthGauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 24 July 2012. (3) 29 June 2012, Master’s Office, Johannesburg;Magistrate’s Court, Roodepoort. (4) 22 June 2012.

Ian Robert Falconer, salesman, unmarried, 892 Dragme Avenue, Strubensvalley, Roodepoort. (2) In the South GautengHigh Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 24 July 2012. (3) 29 June 2012, Master’s Office, Johannesburg;Magistrate’s Court, Roodepoort. (4) 22 June 2012.

Joy Jacoba Janse van Rensburg, sales consultant, married out of community of property, 51 Kershout Street, Van DykPark, Boksburg. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 24 July 2012. (3) 29 June 2012,Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court, Boksburg. (4) 22 June 2012.

Pamela Anne West, business manager, unmarried, 8A Sherry Vilano, Paul Kruger Street, Edenglen. (2) In the SouthGauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 24 July 2012. (3) 29 June 2012, Master’s Office, Johannesburg;Magistrate’s Court, Germiston. (4) 22 June 2012.

Tsietsi Lucky Mofokeng, boilermaker, unmarried, 17172 Motlhakoa Street, Vosloorus Ext. 25. (2) In the South GautengHigh Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 24 July 2012. (3) 29 June 2012, Master’s Office, Johannesburg;Magistrate’s Court, Boksburg. (4) 22 June 2012.

Maria Puseletsho Mofokeng, unemployed, unmarried, 17172 Motlhakoa Street, Vosloorus Ext. 25. (2) In the SouthGauteng High Court, Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 24 July 2012. (3) 29 June 2012, Master’s Office, Johannesburg;Magistrate’s Court, Boksburg. (4) 22 June 2012.

Magdalena Maryna Erasmus, onderwyseres, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere, Gedeelte 482, plaas Kameeldrift,Brits. (2) In die Suid Gauteng Hoë Hof, Johannesburg (Republiek van Suid-Afrika), 24 Julie 2012. (3) 29 Junie 2012,Meesterskantoor, Johannesburg; Landdroshof, Brits. (4) 22 Junie 2012.

Conrad Edward Gerber, fitter and turner, unmarried, 1 Bruce Street, Vanderbijlpark. (2) In the South Gauteng High Court,Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa), 24 July 2012. (3) 29 June 2012, Master’s Office, Johannesburg; Magistrate’s Court,Vanderbijlpark. (4) 22 June 2012.

David Thony Nkosi, police officer, unmarried, 138 Block FF, Soshanguve. (2) In the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria (Republic of South Africa), 27 July 2012. (3) 29 June 2012, Master’s Office, Pretoria; Magistrate’s Court, Soshanguve.(4) 22 June 2012.

NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR’S ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1)]Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the North West High Court, Mahikeng (Republic of South Africa) on

26 July 2012 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate ofMandrezel Vorster, ID No. 8803060023081, an IT Assistant, unmarried, presently residing at 68B Krokodilrivier Street,Rustenburg, 0299, North West Province and that a statement of her affairs will lie open for inspection at the office of the Masterof the High Court, Mmabatho, and the Magistrate’s Court, Rustenburg, for a period of 14 days as from 2 July 2012.

Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant/s. Tel: (014) 592-9217. Website: www.dlinc.co.zaE-mail: [email protected] Ref: C. Kraft.

NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR’S ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1)]Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the North West High Court, Mahikeng (Republic of South Africa) on

26 July 2012 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate ofFrans Stefanus, ID No. 6705115174086, an electrician, married out of community of property, presently residing at FrederickAve, Platinum View No. 42, Cashan, Rustenburg, 0300, North West Province and that a statement of his affairs will lie open forinspection at the office of the Master of the High Court, Mmabatho and the Magistrate’s Court, Rustenburg, for a period of 14days as from 2 July 2012.

Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant/s. Tel: (014) 592-9217. Website: www.dlinc.co.za E-mail: [email protected] Ref: C. Kraft.

STAATSKOERANT, 29 JUNIE 2012 No. 35465 183


Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Western Cape High Court, held at Cape Town, on 24 July 2012,at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Juan Riaan deWet, ID No. 7510015106082, a digital print specialist, currently unmarried and presently residing at 23 Sarphat Park, Kuilsrivier,7580, in the Western Cape Province, and that a statement of his affairs will lie open for inspection at the office of the Master ofthe Western Cape High Court, Cape Town, and the Magistrate’s Court, Kuilsrvier, for a period of 14 days as from 2 July 2012.

Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant/s. Tel: (014) 592-9217. Website: www.dlinc.co.za Ref: R. Lamprecht.(JWDE01)

NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR’S ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1)]Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, on 27 July 2012 at 10h00,

or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of Marc du Toit, ID No.6408105065089, a sales consultant, divorced, presently residing at 44 Northridge Avenue, Sunnyridge, Germiston, Gauteng,and that a statement of his affairs will lie open for inspection at the office of the Master of the North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria,and the Magistrate’s Court of Germiston for a period of 14 days as from 2 July 2012.

Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant/s. Tel: (014) 592-9217. Website: www.dionnelamprecht.co.za E-mail: [email protected] Ref: R. Lamprecht.

NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF A DEBTOR’S ESTATE [SECTION 4 (1)]Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Western Cape High Court (Republic of South Africa) on 24 July

2012 at 10h00, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard for the acceptance of the surrender of the estate of HendrikFrederik Christoffel Prinsloo, ID No. 6607175005087, a jewelry designer, married out of community of property, presentlyresiding at 2 Meurant Street, Riversdal, 6670, Western Cape, and that a statement of his affairs will lie open for inspection atthe office of the Master of the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town and the Riversdale Magistrate’s Court for a period of 14 days as from 2 July 2012.

Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, Attorneys for the Applicant/s. Tel: (014) 592-9217. Website: www.dionnelamprecht.co.za E-mail: [email protected] Ref: R. Lamprecht.

Geoffrey Bezuidenhout, ID: 8306195074086, ’n assistent bestuurder, 1 Waterside, Holiday Park Crescent, Costa Sarda,Knysna, Wes-Kaap, ongetroud. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Dinsdag, 24 Julie 2012 om10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Knysna. (4) EtienneGenis, No. 2, Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand, Kaapstad.

Amanda Swartz, ID: 7212130212081, ’n administratiewe dame, 6 Dover Road, Heathfield, Wynberg, Kaapstad, geskei.(2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Dinsdag, 24 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. (4) Etienne Genis, No. 2, Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand,Kaapstad.

Burleigh Kay Rhoda, ID: 7209180109084, ’n administratiewe klerk, Siriusweg 86, Surrey Estate, Athlone, Wynberg,Kaapstad, geskei. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. (4) Etienne Genis, No. 2, Sewende Laan,Melkbosstrand, Kaapstad.

Carla Schoeman, ID: 821130017086, ’n bate bestuurder, 59 Herta Crescent, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell, Wes Kaap,getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Vrydag, 27 Julie2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Brakenfell. (4) Etienne Genis, No. 2, Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand, Kaapstad.

Mandy Samantha Coskey, ID: 7108130751088, ’n verspreidingsbestuurder, No. 9, Pamaclose, Bothasig, Goodwood,Wes-Kaap, ongetroud. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Goodwood. (4) Etienne Genis,No. 2, Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand, Kaapstad.

Linda Carolina Everitt, ID: 5812310070084, ’n bate bestuurder, 9 Wisteria Court, Longmore Crescent, Edgemead,Goodwood, Wes-Kaap, geskei. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012 om10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Goodwood. (4) EtienneGenis, No. 2, Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand, Kaapstad.

Abelene Ann Damons, ID: 7407190866087, ’n administratiewe dame, Jacarandaweg 10, Matroosfontein, Goodwood,ongetroud. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Goodwood. (4) Etienne Genis, No. 2,Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand, Kaapstad.

Sharon Anne Laubsher, ID: 6304110091089, ’n werklose vrou, No. 18 Kiara Mews 31, North Road, Tableview, Kaapstad,geskei. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. (4) Etienne Genis, No. 2, Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand,Kaapstad.

Marianne Loubser, ID: 6810020173080, ’n senior administratiewe beampte, Roglandstraat 7, Arauna, Brackenfell, Wes-Kaap, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Vrydag,27 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof,Brakenfell. (4) Etienne Genis, No. 2, Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand, Kaapstad.

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Dominic Douglas Stokes, ID: 4302255083087, ’n pensioenaris, G009 Equini Grand National Bouleveard Royal Ascot,Milnerton, Wes-Kaap, getroud binne gemeenskap van goedere, en Shirley Carol Stokes, ID: 4807010785081, ’n pensioenaris.(2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. (4) Etienne Genis, No. 2, Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand, Kaapstad.

Ronville Mario Conradie, ID: 7509065115084, ’n vissery inspekteur, Schneiderstraat 3, Sandbaai, Hermanus, Wes-Kaap,geskei. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Vrydag, 27 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad; Landdroshof, Hermanus. (4) Etienne Genis, No. 2,Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand, Kaapstad.

Doreen Diane van Huyssteen, ID: 6308050159087, ’n administratiewe dame, 21 Symphony Villas, Schubartstraat,Sonstraal Hoogte, Durbanville, Bellville, Wes-Kaap. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad,) Vrydag,27 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. (4) Etienne Genis,No. 2, Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand, Kaapstad.

Helen Linda van Eeden, ID: 7704150187086, ’n administratiewe klerk, Monte Calvol Plaas, Eenheid 16, Morning Star,Philadelphia, Wes-Kaap, getroud buite gemeenskap van goedere. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof,Kaapstad, Dinsdag, 24 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad.(4) Etienne Genis, No. 2, Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand, Kaapstad.

Celeste Gracie Louw, ID: 7811220009081, ’n administratiewe dame, 3 Alphen Close, Westridge, Mitchell Plain, Wes-Kaap, geskei. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Dinsdag, 24 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. (4) Etienne Genis, No. 2, Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand,Kaapstad.

Marisa Jane Chan Yeng, ID: 7901090114085, ’n beplanner, T3 Belmi Ridge, Belami Drive, Sonstraal Heights, Durbanville,Bellville, Western Cape, ongetroud. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Dinsdag, 24 Julie 2012om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012 vir 14 dae, Meester van die Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. (4) Etienne Genis, No. 2, SewendeLaan, Melkbosstrand, Kaapstad.

Jacoba Maria van Bosch, ID 6710270143082, ’n werklose vrou, geskei, 106 Vierbergen, Stellenbergweg, Bellville, WesKaap. (2) In die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika (Wes-Kaap Hoë Hof, Kaapstad), Dinsdag, 24 Julie 2012 om 10h00. (3) Vrydag, 29 Junie 2012, vir 14 dae, Meester van Hooggeregshof, Kaapstad. Etienne Genis, No. 2, Sewende Laan, Melkbosstrand,Kaapstad.


In die ex parte aansoek van: JACQUES BOTHA (Identiteitsnommer: 8310175166086) (ongetroud) (vir sy boede-loorgawe), Eerste Applikant

KENNISGEWING VAN VRYWILLIGE BOEDELOORGAWENeem kennis dat die Applikant, Jacques Botha, ’n meerderjarige sweis voorman, met Identiteitsnommer 8310175166086,

ongetroud en woonagtig te John Vosterstraat 16, Lapampa Woonstelle 14, Ermelo, Mpumalanga, van voornemens is om op 27 Julie 2012 om 10h00 by die Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, aansoek te doen vir die aanname van sy boedeloorgawe.

Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die kantore van die Meester van dieHooggeregshof Pretoria, vir ’n tydperk van 14 dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op 22 Junie 2012.Magda Kets Prokureurs, Russelstraat 306, Rietondale, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 329-4518/6016. Faks: 086 6918 373. (Verw:

H Prinsloo/ek/KB0053.)


In die ex parte aansoek van: JAMES MC COY LANGUAGE (Identiteitsnommer: 6804255062084) (getroud buitegemeenskap van goedere) (vir sy boedeloorgawe), Eerste Applikant

KENNISGEWING VAN VRYWILLIGE BOEDELOORGAWENeem kennis dat die Applikant, James Mc Coy Language, ’n meerderjarige boer, met Identiteitsnommer 6804255062084,

getroud buite gemeenskap van goed en woonagtig te Plaas Buffelskloof, Steelpoort, Mpumaglanga, van voornemens is om op27 Julie 2012 om 10h00 by die Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof, Pretoria, aansoek te doen vir die aanname van sy boedeloorgawe.

Neem verder kennis dat die Applikant se vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê by die kantore van die Meester van dieHooggeregshof Pretoria, sowel as die Landdroshof van Lydenburg, vir ’n tydperk van 14 dae vanaf 2 Julie 2012.

Geteken te Pretoria op 22 Junie 2012.Magda Kets Prokureurs, Russelstraat 306, Rietondale, Pretoria. Tel: (012) 329-4518/6016. Faks: 086 6918 373. (Verw:

H Prinsloo/ek/HL0011.)Robin Creighton McGregor, adult male businessman, 74 Wedgewood Green, Bedfordview. (2) South Gauteng High

Court, held at Johannesburg, date of application: 24th July 2012. (3) 3rd July 2012, at the Master’s Office, Johannesburg,Hollard Building, 66 Marshall Street, Johannesburg and the Magistrate’s Office, Germiston, cnr President & Jack Streets,Germiston. (4) Brent Crafford Attorney, P O Box 234, Modderfontein, 1645.

Gert Pieter Tielman Koorsen, ID No. 8001035101088, 37 Zebra Road, Fauna Park, Polokwane, married in community ofproperty with Mariëtte Koorsen, ID No. 8303160119087, 37 Zebra Road, Fauna Park, Polokwane. (2) Application for surrenderof the estate of Gert and Mariëtte Koorsen in the Gauteng North High Court, Pretoria, on 27 July 2012. (3) From 2 July 2012for 14 days at the Master’s Office, Pretoria and Magistrate’s Office, Pretoria. (4) P de Freitas Attorneys, 323 Lynnwood Road,Menlo Park, Pretoria.

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Gedruk deur en verkrygbaar by die Staatsdrukker, Bosmanstraat, Privaatsak X85, Pretoria, 0001Publikasies: Tel: (012) 334-4508, 334-4509, 334-4510

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