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Grade 8 Curriculum Handbook School Year 2019-2020

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Grade 8 Curriculum Handbook School Year 2019-2020 Edited: August 2019

Grade 8 Curriculum Handbook School Year 2019-2020

Edited: August 2019

Table of Contents













PROGRAMME INFORMATION The Middle Years Programme (MYP) of the International Baccalaureate Organization is designed for students aged 11 to 16 (Grades 6 – 10). Within the MYP, students are challenged to make practical, relevant connections between what they learn at school and the real world. This learning framework empowers students to inquire into a wide range of issues and ideas of significance locally, nationally and globally. The MYP goal is to develop intellectually challenged and internationally minded young people who can empathize with others and pursue lives of purpose and meaning.

Above is the programme model for the MYP. The first ring around the student at the centre describes the features of the programme that help students develop disciplinary (and interdisciplinary) understanding. These are:

• Approaches to Learning (ATL): demonstrating a commitment to approaches to learning as a key component of the MYP for developing skills for learning

• Approaches to Teaching: emphasizing MYP pedagogy, including collaborative learning through inquiry

• Concepts: highlighting a concept-driven curriculum • Global contexts: showing how learning best takes place within a specific context

The second ring describes some important outcomes of the programme:

• Community service reflects the themes of responsibility, global perspectives, outward-looking thinking promoted within the curriculum

• The MYP culminates in the Personal Project (starting in Grade 9 and concluding in Grade 10)


The third ring describes the MYP’s broad and balanced curriculum framework. • The MYP organizes teaching and learning through eight subject groups: Language

and Literature, Language Acquisition, Mathematics, Sciences, Individuals and Societies, Physical and Health Education, Design and Arts.

• In many cases, discrete or integrated disciplines may be taught and assessed within a subject group: for example, History or Geography within the Individuals and Societies subject group; Modular Sciences within the Sciences subject group.

• The distinction between subject groups blurs to indicate the interdisciplinary nature of the MYP. The subject groups are connected through global contexts and key concepts.

Subject Groups Individual Subjects Lessons

per 2 week cycle

Language and Literature English, German 7 Language Acquisition English, German 7 Mathematics Mathematics 7 Sciences Sciences 7 Individuals and Societies Individuals and Societies 7 Physical and Health Education Physical and Health Education 8 Design Digital Design, Product Design 6 Arts Visual Art, Music 6 Options Spanish Language Acquisition, Spanish

Language and Literature, French Language and Literature, French Language Acquisition,

English as Additional Language, Junior Sports Leadership, Band, Musical Theater, Mother Tongue, Drama, Supervised Study,



*On the basis of individual needs, some students may have Learning Support or

English Language Acquisition in place of one or more of the subjects listed. The Learner Profile is the IB’s mission in action. It requires IB learners to strive to become inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective. These attributes of internationally minded people represent a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond a concern for intellectual development and academic content.


Service as Action Community service is a central part of the Middle Years Programme and complements the MYP curriculum. Service in Action is essential for holistic student development and: ● enables students to increase their awareness of the world around them ● fosters positive values and attitudes towards society such as respect and altruism ● increases student’s sense of responsibility ● helps students to develop their leadership and organizational skills Students keep a journal in which they plan, record and reflect on their service activities. Some activities may happen in class others are likely to be carried out as a group or independently. Approaches to Learning “Approaches to Learning” (ATL) refers to the communication, social, research, self-management, and thinking skills which help students become independent, life-long learners. These skills are taught within the context of the different disciplines.


ASSESSMENT MYP assessments are aligned with subject group objectives. Teachers use a range of tasks relevant to each subject and the nature of the knowledge, skills and understandings under evaluation. The criteria related assessments are designed appropriately for the grade level and reflect the development of the students within the subject group. Assessments provide evidence of student understanding through authentic performance and not simply the recall of factual knowledge.

Formative assessment (assessment for learning) Teachers gather, analyze, interpret and use a variety of evidence to improve student learning and to help students to achieve their potential. Student peer- and self-assessment can be important elements of formative assessment plans. Summative assessment (assessment of learning) Summative assessments are designed to provide evidence for evaluating student achievement using required MYP subject group specific assessment criteria.

Assessment criteria and MYP command terms There are four assessment criteria for all subjects. Each assessment criterion has a maximum possible achievement level of 8. All assessment criteria and all strands from each criterion are assessed at least once every semester. Teachers use the MYP command terms when giving instructions, when questioning students, when posing problems and when eliciting responses from a class. Students are expected to understand and be able to respond effectively to the MYP command terms. Please see the annex at the end of this document for a complete list of the MYP command terms and the expectations associated with them. Teachers give feedback to students within two weeks after the assessment date. The feedback focuses on the criteria and is submitted through ManageBac If the feedback is annotated on the work itself there will be a note on ManageBac as to where to find the feedback. Reporting final achievement levels At the end of each semester, teachers report on their students’ achievement levels for each of the four criteria based on evidence gathered throughout the assessment period. The best-fit achievement levels for each of the four criteria are added together to achieve the composite MYP grade. The final MYP grade is achieved by using the MYP grade boundaries from the MYP general grade descriptors.


Grade Boundary

guidelines Descriptor

1 1–5 Produces work of very limited quality. Conveys many significant misunderstandings or lacks understanding of most concepts and contexts. Very rarely demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Very inflexible, rarely using knowledge or skills.

2 6–9 Produces work of limited quality. Expresses misunderstandings or significant gaps in understanding for many concepts and contexts. Infrequently demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Generally inflexible in the use of knowledge and skills, infrequently applying knowledge and skills.

3 10–14 Produces work of an acceptable quality. Communicates basic understanding of many concepts and contexts, with occasionally significant misunderstandings or gaps. Begins to demonstrate some basic critical and creative thinking. Is often inflexible in the use of knowledge and skills, requiring support even in familiar classroom situations.

4 15–18 Produces good-quality work. Communicates basic understanding of most concepts and contexts with few misunderstandings and minor gaps. Often demonstrates basic critical and creative thinking. Uses knowledge and skills with some flexibility in familiar classroom situations, but requires support in unfamiliar situations.

5 19–23 Produces generally high-quality work. Communicates secure understanding of concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, sometimes with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar classroom and real-world situations, and, with support, some unfamiliar real-world situations.

6 24–27 Produces high-quality, occasionally innovative work. Communicates extensive understanding of concepts and contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, frequently with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar and unfamiliar classroom and real-world situations, often with independence.

7 28–32 Produces high-quality, frequently innovative work. Communicates comprehensive, nuanced understanding of concepts and contexts. Consistently demonstrates sophisticated critical and creative thinking. Frequently transfers knowledge and skills with independence and expertise in a variety of complex classroom and real-world situations.


LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE: English Unit name: Inequality, Injustice and Oppression

Content Assessments

This is a broad conceptual unit in which we will be studying a variety of literary and linguistic forms of communication. The main novel study of the unit will be To Kill a Mockingbird, which is an exploration of the context and history of racial discrimination in the USA. We will also be studying various other forms of media and texts that complement our understanding of this concept. We will inquire into how these concepts have manifested in literature and texts from other times and places. Students will complete a variety of formal and informal activities and practice their oral and written language skills throughout the unit.

Collaborative analytical essay Non-fiction comparative piece

Unit name: Experience through Language

Content Assessment

This is a broad conceptual unit in which we will be studying a variety of literary and linguistic forms of communication. The primary study will be examining poetry that expresses personal experience like emotions and relationship with place. We will be studying various other forms of media and texts that complement our understanding of this concept, like travel writing, obituaries, and journalistic columns. Students will complete a variety of formal and informal activities and practice their oral and written language skills throughout the unit.

Personal writing, poetry or travel writing Analytical essay

Unit Name: Violence and division

This is a broad conceptual unit in which we will be studying a variety of literary and linguistic forms of communication. The primary literary study will be Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. We will also be exploring the concepts in texts from more modern contexts.

Textual analysis Creative response


LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE: German Unit Name: Balladen

Content Assessment Die Schüler sollen sich in dieser Einheit mit unterschiedlichen klassischen Balladen befassen. Sie achten auf Inhalt, Aufbau, Stil und Sprache. Balladen können verschiedene Ursprünge haben, zum Beispiel eine historische Begebenheit (Fontane: Brück am Tay/John Maynard). So kann auch eine Zeitungsmeldung einen Autoren inspirieren eine Ballade zu verfassen. Balladen können auch fantastische Elemente enthalten (Goethe: Der Zauberlehrling/Erlkönig). Eine Ballade folgt dem Aufbau in Strophen und Versen und folgt einem strengen Reimschema (Paarreim/Kreuzreim). Balladen beinhalten viele Stilfiguren wie Metaphern, Alliterationen, Wiederholungen etc. Die altertümliche Sprache ist ein weiteres Merkmal dieser Textsorte. Die Abstimmung von Inhalt, Form und Sprache ist für eine überzeugende Ballade entscheidend. Auswendig lernen, Informationen entnehmen, Schlüsselwörter identifizieren. Präsentieren, Konzeption und Planung, Reimschema erkennen, Sprache effektiv einsetzen.

Kreatives Schreiben (B, C, D), Balladenvortrag (D)

Unit Name: Tom Sawyer

Content Assessment Die Schüler sollen in dieser Einheit lernen den kulturellen Entstehungskontext eines Werkes beim Lesen zu berücksichtigen und Unterschiede zur eigenen Kultur zu erkennen. Dabei wird untersucht, welches Verständnis für bestimmte Bereiche, während des Entstehungszeitpunktes des Romans, im Süden Amerikas herrschte. Themen wie Schule, Aberglaube, Sprache, Gerichtssysteme etc. werden am Weltliteraturroman “Tom Sawyer” aufgearbeitet. Auch rassistische Tendenzen der weißen Bevölkerung gegenüber der schwarzen Bürger werden genauer betrachtet. Es wird herausgearbeitet, ob es auch heutzutage ähnliche Annahmen in der Gesellschaft gibt. Die SuS schreiben einen Aufsatz, in dem sie zeigen, dass sie den Entstehungskontext des Werkes verstanden haben. Das Aufsatzschreiben wird erklärt. Die strukturelle Gestaltung der drei Teile Einleitung, Hauptteil und Schluss wird wiederholt und durch Ausdrucksübungen untermauert. Auch das Einbauen von Textbeispielen mit Belegen, richtige Schreibkonventionen und Arbeiten nach einem Strukturplan wird geübt.

Literarische Analyse (A, B, D)

Unit Name: Rund um die Zeitung

Content Assessment

.Die Schüler sollen In dieser Einheit begreifen, dass es um die Entstehung einer Zeitung und die verschiedenen Textsorten, die in diesem Medium vorkommen. Es werden verschiedene Sachtexte untersucht und es wird thematisiert, welche Effekte beim Leser durch sprachliche Mittel und äußere Gestaltungsmittel durch den Verfasser erreicht werden. Bei den sprachlichen Mitteln werden der Stil (z.B. formell, informell), dominante Wortarten etc. besprochen, bei der äußeren Gestaltung Absätze, Schriftgrößen, Fettdruck etc. Der Verfasser möchte mithilfe der Gestaltung eine bestimmten Zielgruppe ansprechen. Dabei verfolgt er eine Absicht (z.B. informieren, warnen, unterhalten). Besprochen werden bei der Textanalyse: Inhalt des Textes, Absicht des Autors, Wirkung des Textes, Informationen entnehmen, Analysieren/Interpretieren, Schreibkonventionen beachten (Zitieren etc.).

Kreative, mündliche Präsentation (C, D) und Sachtextanalyse (A, B, D)


Unit Name: Kurzgeschichten

Content Die Schüler sollen in dieser Einheit die Textsorte Kurzgeschichte und deren spezifische Merkmale kennenlernen. Diese werden anhand verschiedener Kurzgeschichten aus unterschiedlichen historischen Kontexten erarbeitet: u.a. Borchert: Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch (1947), de Cesco: Spaghetti für zwei (1975). Die Kurzgeschichte als typische Textsorte der Nachkriegsliteratur wird besprochen. Merkmale: auf das Wesentliche beschränkte Handlung, relativ einfache, sachliche Alltagssprache, geringer Umfang, Menschen in Alltagssituationen, Durchschnittsmenschen etc. Nachfolgend werden im Vergleich andere kurze literarische Texte untersucht (Anekdote, Erzählung etc.) und bestimmt, inwiefern diese den Merkmalen von Kurzgeschichten entsprechen. In der Klassenarbeit müssen die SuS neben Inhaltsverstehen auch ihr Verständnis für die Textsortenmerkmale einer Kurzgeschichte beweisen.

Literarische Analyse (A, B, D)





Unit Name: All About Me

Content Assessment

In the unit All About Me, students will learn how spoken words in a shared language help us to describe ourselves and others. The focus for this unit will be on interacting in English, building relationships and developing communicative language skills. Students will practice using the present simple/continuous tense to discuss and write about their home, family, school, likes and dislikes and hobbies. Students will be encouraged to use adverbs of frequency, pronouns, prepositions and vocabulary related to the topic such as family, homes, school, parts of the body, time, hobbies, food etc.

1. Reading assessment (Crit. B)

2. A digital presentation about their daily life that will be conducted orally (Crit. C&D)

Unit Name: Celebrations

Content Assessment

The unit Celebrations, will enable students to develop their understanding of how celebrations reflect culture and heritage, in the family, in the community and internationally. Students will interview a person from another country and read travel advisory and reviews to learn how to write their own paragraphs on different celebrations. Besides using a variety of methods to collect information such as interviews, books and online resources, students will also learn about formatting an effective flyer or poster. The language focus is using simple connectors, time expressions and colorful adjectives to make their writing varied and interesting.

1. Listening assessment (Crit. A) 2. An information written and visual report about five celebrations of another country (Crit. C&D)

Unit Name: My environment

Content Assessment

The unit My environment will allow students to learn new grammar and language patterns and how to apply what they have already learned. The language focus lies on compound sentences and the simple past tense. Students will learn vocabulary and sentence structures that help them describe their personal environment orally and in written form. Learners will also start a reading program and work on graded fictional readers to support their narrative description.

1. Reading Assessment (Crit. B) 2. Written Assessment that describes an ideal house (Crit. C&D)


Unit Name: My Shopping

Content Assessment

The unit My shopping will allow students to learn the lexical fields of eating, drinking and shopping by enlarging vocabulary and learning new grammar that is needed to express themselves. We will practise how to use these new expressions in their everyday life to use in various situations, for example grocery shopping or ordering things, food and drinks in different restaurants and shops. In addition, we will learn how to complain about things. They figure out local conventions and differences between their home countries and Anglophone countries. The literature focus is short stories.

1. Listening comprehension (Crit. A) 2. Written task on a short story with focus on speech and possible humor. (Crit. A, C&D)


LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: English (Phases 2 and 3) Unit Name: Is special needs not the normal?

Content Assessment

In this unit students will question the idea about special needs being the exception. Students will learn about different types of special needs through speakers and videos. They will befriend EL5 learners and prepare a way to teach them about a specific special need. We will read Wonder or Out of my Mind to support our literary discussions and review a variety of creative presentation formats and narrative language.

1. Reading Comprehension (Crit. B) 2. Teaching the EL5 learners in a creative way, based on their research. (Crit: C&D)

Unit Name: But is it really sustainable?

Content Assessment

Sustainability in different natural resources is the theme in this unit. After learning process and descriptive language by reviewing the water cycle, they will research a chosen sustainable solution and analyse one aspect using the Sustainability Compass. Besides including topic related terminology, sentence elongation and clarity will continue to be a focus. Documentary clips and readings on global warming and technological solutions which are hailed as sustainable will support our non-fiction literature studies.

1. Listening Comprehension (Crit. A) 2. A video with selected photos that support a voice over script that is structured like a critical documentary (Crit: C&D)

Unit Name: Democracy Now!

Content Assessment

Change toward democracy and freedom is the theme for this course. The students’ own experiences of change toward adolescent freedoms as well the German Unification is used as examples to describe and map how significant events cause change to happen. Connecting literature will include oral histories as well as excerpts of utopian fantasies. Language to describe cause and effect and sentence elongation and complexity will be reviewed.

1. Listening Comprehension (Crit. A) 2.A research project that will use a variety of sources and the research cycle will enable them to write an academic essay (Crit: C&D)

Unit Name: Fiction Literature Studies

Content Assessment

Alternating each year, we will either focus on classic short stories to introduce literary analysis or use short stories and excerpts from Iqbal and The Bitter Side of Sweet to look at poverty. Analysis of literature is the overarching focus, be it in text or visual format. Language to compare and contrast as well as reasoned argument will be reviewed.

1. Reading Comprehension (Crit. B) 2. A literary analysis essay comparing a short story with a video (C&D)


LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: English (Phases 4 and 5) Unit Name: Is special needs not the normal?

Content Assessment

In this unit students will question the idea about special needs being the exception. Initially they will explore what makes them and people in their environment special and what needs different people have. Students will interview different people and write short reports to create a mini awareness video. To support international-mindedness, students will choose one or more special needs that need significant accommodations and explore travel and living in their home countries. They will befriend EL5 learners and prepare a way to teach them about a specific special need. We will read excerpts from novels such as Wonder or Out of my Mind to support our literary discussions.

A mini-video PSA; Writing a script for a presentation based upon their research to be shown to kindergarten student,.

Unit Name: But is it really sustainable?

Content Assessment

The sustainability of our natural resources on Earth will be looked at in this unit. Students will research and evaluate the concept of sustainability and in doing so, will work on vocabulary, sentence structure and complexity, and analysis in their writing. The UN Sustainability Compass will be a linchpin throughout the unit. Documentary clips and readings on global warming and technological solutions which are hailed as sustainable will support our language learning.

An infographic to show and share student learning regarding a specific sustainability topic.

Unit Name: Democracy Now!

Content Assessment

Change toward democracy and freedom is the theme for this unit. The students’ own experiences of change toward adolescent freedoms as well the German Unification is used as examples to describe and map how significant events cause change to happen. Connecting literature will include oral histories as well as excerpts of utopian fantasies. Students will also research about freedoms in their countries. Language to describe cause and effect and sentence elongation and complexity will be reviewed.

A research project that will use a variety of sources and the research cycle which will enable them to eventually write an academic essay.

Unit Name: Short Stories of Life.

Content Assessment

Using short stories in both written and visual formats, students will analyse literature using character and plot development, and setting. Language to compare and contrast as well as reasoned argument vocabulary will be reviewed and used. Class discussions, along with research and writing tasks will be used to help students prepare and write a basic literary essay.

Reading comprehension paragraphs. A literary analysis essay comparing a short story with a video of the same or similar story.



At Bonn International School, German is divided into Language & Literature (LL) and Language Acquisition (LA). LL caters mainly for German native speakers, while LA is the acquisition of German as a foreign language. The grouping in LL depends on the number of students altogether in the combined years (5/6, 7/8 or 9/10). In LA, combined groups are divided according to the ability and experience of the students. The groups at BIS cover Phases 1 to 5.

Beginner: Phase 1 Advanced Beginner: Phase 2, etc.

At the end of a school year, the individual teacher and the department members decide which phase is expected to best suit the individual child for the following school year. The teachers consider both the oral and the writing ability of each student and the final grade. Assessment is adapted to the phase of language acquisition at which each class group is working. During the year, a change of group may be recommended if a student is underachieving, struggling or performing at a very high level for the group. This means a student with a 7 could move up a group, or a student performing below a 4 could be transferred to the group below once the Semester Report is published. Changes can only take place at the start of a new semester. The transfer needs to be shared with the Subject Leader and will then be reported by the teacher to the MYP Coordinator. For the transition, the teacher needs to collect evidence to pass on to the MYP Coordinator. If this is approved, the parents will be informed via the MYP Coordinator. Such changes will be made in the best interests of the child.


LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: German (Phase 1) Unit 1: Ich und meine Familie

The students will learn basic vocabulary about family and relations. They learn how to introduce themselves and talk about other people. Basic concepts of German grammar are introduced (articles, conjugation). Students put their own mother tongue into relation with German and learn how language works. The main topics in this unit will be personal identification, family, pets and numbers.The grammatical patterns the students get to know are nouns, capitalisation, gender, present tense (1st & 3rd person), "sein" and "haben", and regular verbs (kommen, heißen, sprechen...).

Oral task (Crit. C,D); Reading comprehension (Crit. B)

Unit 2: Mein Alltag

Content Assessment

Students will learn how to say the time in German. We will focus on school life, materials, subjects and everything else connected to school. We will also compare different school systems. Furthermore, we will talk about the students’ own daily routine. The grammar topics discussed in this unit will be the usage of plurals, sentence structure, separable verbs, the German articles and the accusative case.

Written task (Crit. C, D); Listening comprehension (Crit. A)

Unit 3: Mein Umfeld

Content Assessment

The students will learn new grammar and language patterns and how to apply what they have already learned. The focus lies on the accusative case and the present tense. We will work with several new lexical fields and the students will subsequently be able to describe and explain their environment in detail, either in written or in spoken form. There a various topics which will be discussed, starting with different places and different kinds of houses where people live or students have lived and going into detail by describing the own house and rooms. They will talk about family and pets and describe the personal environment either in class and in written form within different tasks.

Written Task (Crit. C, D); Reading Comprehension (Crit. B)

Unit 4: Name: Meine Einkäufe

Content Assessment

The students will learn the lexical fields of eating, drinking and shopping. They will expand their vocabulary and learn new grammar that is needed to express themselves. We will practise how to use these new expressions in their everyday life. We will practise various situations, for example grocery shopping or ordering things, food and drinks in different restaurants and shops. In addition, we will learn how to complain about things. The students will figure out local conventions and differences between their home countries and Germany.

Listening comprehension (Crit. A); Written task (Crit. C, D)


LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: German (Phase 2) Unit 1: Sport (Phase 2a)

Content Assessment

Students will talk about their free time, with a focus on sports. They will learn how to describe their equipment and their performance and will compare it with the performance of others. They will practise expressing likes and dislikes and will learn the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and the conjugation of the modal verbs müssen, dürfen and können. We will also cover the rules for word order when applying these new structures. Revision will also cover the conjugation of other verbs. The students will improve their listening comprehension skills and will write a text about themselves and their sports activities.

Listening Comprehension (Criterion A) and Oral Task (Criteria C+D)

Unit 2: Was ist passiert? (Phase 2a)

In this unit students will learn the German past tense (Perfekt) of regular and irregular verbs. We will read the book Papierhelden and talk about what happens in the different chapters. They will discuss the value of friendship and evaluate the behavior and reaction of the protagonists of the story. Shorter writing and oral assignments are based on the events of the story. Besides the grammar focus on past tense and rules of word order, we will focus on broadening the students’ range of vocabulary and learn techniques to summarize chapters. Students will be in a position to describe their own free time and talk about past events in general.

Reading Comprehension (Criterion B) and Writing Task (Criteria C+D)

Unit 3: Musik (Phase 2a)

This unit will cover the topic "Music" and the role it plays in our daily lives. Students will learn how to describe the music they like and will talk about instruments they play. Describing concerts – whether as a musician or as a spectator – is also part of this unit. The students apply structures from the prior units (present perfect and comparative forms) in a new context and will learn how to use modal verbs (dürfen, müssen, wollen) in the past. The writing skills focus on the different styles used in objective descriptions and more personal texts such as diary entries or letters. Students practice their listening skills and watch the movie Die Kinder des Monsieur Mathieu. Some of the tasks will be based on the events of the film.

Reading Comprehension (Criterion B) and Writing Task (Criteria C+D)

Unit 4: Wir verreisen (Phase 2a)

In this unit, the students will get to know different holiday destinations in Germany. We focus on the region of Northrhine-Westphalia, but in a short presentation the students will also present other parts of Germany and what is of interest there. Preparing this presentation with a partner, the students have to do research on that region and then talk about what they found out using language that all the other students of the class will understand. Students can either use a Powerpoint presentation or design a poster. Students will practise their reading skills by doing research and they have to select relevant information.

Oral Task (Criteria C+D) and Listening Comprehension (Criterion A)


Unit 1: Mein Leben (Phase 2b)

Content Assessment

In this unit, students begin by revising and practising the language necessary to describe themselves, others and their daily routine, before moving on to apply this more specifically to their school day, revising the school subjects along the way. They compare their school with German schools in terms of facilities, subjects, the school system in general and wider aspects of school life such as extra-curricular activities. Along the way, they learn about the conventions that govern the way they communicate about their daily life. Through interviews and articles, students will research and write an opinion piece for the BIS student magazine.

1. Reading Comprehension Task (Crit. B) 2. Interview and Writing Task (Crit. C&D)

Unit 2: Freizeit (Phase 2b)

In this unit students look at free-time and festivals, considering the differences and commonalities between Germany and other cultures around the world and discussing their own hobbies and preferences. Through collaboration with PHE classes, links to mental health and stress reduction activities as well as service activities to help stressed populations are explored. They further develop their use of cases and awareness of the need to adapt language to fit the format, purpose and audience of a text when they present their videos to BIS Early Learning learners or German adults.

1. Listening Comp. Task (Crit. A) 2. Reading Comprehension Task (Crit. B) 3. Oral Assessment with Q&A (Crit. C&D)

Unit 3: Reiseziel Deutschland (Phase 2b)

In this unit students look at tourist destinations around Germany and the more specific attractions of the nearby cities of Düsseldorf and Cologne. Using a website featuring the “Top 100 Tourist Destinations in Germany”, they put together a hypothetical roundtrip for a specific family at BIS with different challenges/limitations. They then use the Deutsche Bahn website to plan the actual travel and thus become more familiar with train travel in Germany. Having considered a number of different ways to report on their travels, they use the perfect tense to describe their journey in a variety of formats. At the same time, other texts help them discover how to use the accusative and dative cases to express destination and location respectively.

1. Reading Comprehension Task (Crit. B) 2. Oral Assessment with Writing Task (Crit. C&D)

Unit 4: Unsere Umwelt (Phase 2b)

In this unit, students consider a range of aspects of the environment in which they live. They begin by talking about the immediate area where they live and the means of transport by which they get around it. This leads to comparing different areas and weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of transportation by evaluating with the sustainability compass and finishing by investigating exactly what they themselves can do to make a difference. They also consider the fact that their "environment" is not just physical but also virtual, considering the different ways in which they communicate with others and the consequences of the modern, digital environment in which they live. Finally, they compare their media usage with that of previous generations.

1. Listening Comp. Task (Crit. A) 2. Writing Task with reflection on comments from peers (Crit. C&D)


LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: German (Phase 3) Unit Name: Kontakte über Grenzen

Content Assessment

After an introductory unit about general knowledge on German geography and history, the students will identify German stereotypes by studying surveys and images. This serves as preparation in order to distinguish cultural differences to other countries. By studying a variety of text sources on topics such as exchange programs, pen pals or distant relationships, the students understand the advantages and disadvantages of cross-cultural contacts. We will also address how it is to grow up in a foreign culture. With regards to grammar and style, the students will learn how to write a personal letter, improve how to vary subordinate clauses and declination of nationalities. We will also revise the use of reflexive verbs.

Audiovisual comprehension (Criterion A), Reading comprehension (Criterion B), Writing Task (Criteria C & D)

Unit Name: Wer oder was ist trendy?

Content Assessment

In this unit, the students identify what products, manners and behavioural patterns are "trendy" today. They also have to think about who sets trends and what happens if one does not follow a trend. The students will practise how to express, present and defend their own opinion in German, describe likes and dislikes, explain physical appearances and make comparisons. They will also work on their presentation skills and revise the passive voice.

Audiovisual comprehension (Criterion A), Oral task (Roleplay) (Criteria C & D)

Unit Name: Unsere moderne Welt

Content Assessment

In this unit, the students will learn about inventions that changed the world, in particular those that were invented by Germans. They will, for the first time, become familiar with more technical language and read more complex texts. Grammar topics, such as relative pronouns, the passive and modal verbs will help them to vary their sentence structure and vocabulary. The students will strengthen their skills in giving and explaining their opinion on a certain topic - both orally and in writing. Additionally, the students will learn and practise how different text-types (email, SMS and letter) differ in their writing styles, format and register. During the entire unit, students will communicate in the past, present and future tenses and learn when to use each one.

Audiovisual comprehension (Criterion A), Reading comprehension (Criterion B), Writing Task (Criteria C & D)


Unit Name: Sei ein Detektiv - Kriminalgeschichten

Content Assessment

In this unit, the students read a criminal story in German and learn about the conventions of this text-type. The students will approach the reading of this book in different ways. For some of them it is the first time ever that they will read an entire book in German. We will therefore address different reading comprehension techniques and work on improving pronunciation when reading out loud. During the course of the unit, the students will create a "Lesetagebuch" (a digital diary) allowing them to analyze and interpret the plot, characters and their relationship and the features of the crime story in a creative way. The content will include: What makes a good friendship? What power does money have? What characteristics do children have that could be useful for adults? While reading the book, the students will apply grammar in context and revise different grammar topics that are addressed in the novel. As it is the final quarter of the year, some recurrent and important grammar topics will be revised actively. Passively, the students will be familiarised with the simple past. We will also work on extending the students vocabulary, e.g. descriptions and characterisation of people (adjectives, clothes) or connectors between sentences. With regards to format and style, the students will learn how to summarise a text effectively. In their oral assessment they will present their favorite book in front of the class and discuss their different features of the novel.

Oral task (presentation) (Criteria C & D)


LANGUAGE ACQUISITION – German (Phase 4) Unit 1: Die Welt in unseren Händen

Content Assessment

In this unit we will look at the way human behavior has an impact on landscape and resources. What are recent global issues affecting our planet and our surroundings? How much responsibility do we have and is the future of our planet in our hands? We will look at elements of informative texts on climate change and global issues. How do we use language to express the impact of human action on the landscape? Students will research different kinds of authentic texts dealing with the influence of humans on natural landscapes and read texts dealing with natural resources. They will study newspaper articles on smart cities and on the influence of new technologies on jobs. Furthermore we will focus on the use of personal pronouns and on the study and use of stylistic devices in informative texts (use of nouns, objective language).

Listening Comprehension (Crit.A), Reading Comprehension (Crit.B), Writing task (Crit. C/D)

Unit 2: Technische Innovationen

Content Assessment

Which technical innovations have shaped our lives? Which ones do we find fascinating? Which ones come specifically from Germany? Students will read authentic articles and watch short reports and documentaries on some famous technical innovations. They will then learn about research techniques and successfully creating their own presentations on one specific technical innovation that they find interesting. Furthermore, there will be a focus on grammatical aspects, such as spelling, das/dass, s-ss-ß, capitalization. Through written exercises, students practice the use of conventions in different text-types: blog-entries, formal and informal letters.

Writing task (Crit.C/D), Oral Task (Crit.C/D)

Unit 3: Jugendliteratur

Content Assessment

In this unit students will practice reading strategies. They individually choose a book they are interested in from the Media Centre, according to their level. They will write a reading diary and make notes after each chapter. Students study content, language and stylistic devices of the novel in question and develop strategies to learn new vocabulary words successfully. In between we will have reading sessions, where students read a part of their story. At the end of this unit, they will do a presentation on their book, where they will present different tasks and questions around their piece of literature and read 1-2 pages out loud. Furthermore we will continue grammar aspects that need more practice, such as case endings, prepositions, capitalisation.

Oral task (Crit.C/D), Writing task (Crit.C/D)


Unit 4: Die Medien und ihre Auswirkungen

Content Assessment

In this unit we will look at different German media and compare and discuss how they differ in style, structure, language, topics, readership and format. We will especially take a look at the format of “tabloids” and discuss the quote “you are what you read”. After taking a critical look at different papers, we will also look briefly at topics such as “media manipulation” and “media ethics”. Each pupil will also choose controversial articles of their interest and compare how they are portrayed in different media. They will then summarise the main points and write vocabulary lists. The grammar we will study will be a summary of all grammar studied so far, focusing on their specific needs & weak points.

Listening comprehension (Crit.A), Reading comprehension (Crit.B)


LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: Spanish (Phase 1) Unit 1: ¿Quién eres? Presenting myself and others

Content Assessment

In this unit, students are introduced to the basic vocabulary associated with personal identification, families and extended families. They learn to introduce themselves and talk about other people such as their friends and members of their family (name, age/birthday, nationality, languages, family, pets, home town). Basic concepts of Spanish grammar such as articles and verb conjugation are introduced. Students compare their own mother tongue to Spanish. This way they see how language functions, and learn about parallels in vocabulary, grammar and non-verbal signals. Grammatical topics are nouns, gender, present tense (1st & 3rd person), "ser" and "haber", and regular verbs.

Writing Task (Criteria C+D); Reading Comprehension (Criterion B)

Unit 2: La vida diaría – My daily life

Content Assessment

Students learn verbs and other expressions and phrases that enable them to talk about their daily routines, their weekend activities and their free time and hobbies. They learn how to say what time it is and when and how often they do things. Part of this unit will be dedicated to school life and students talk about their school subjects and their school building. They talk about what there is in school and learn how to say where things are. Expressions like "hay" (there is, there are) and "desde ... hasta" (from ... until) are part of the vocabulary. The grammar focus of this unit is the conjugation of the regular and irregular verbs ending in ___ ar, ___er and ____ ir and expressions for giving one’s opinion, likes and dislikes (me gusta, me chifla, me aburre, me molesta ... ). Students become familiar with some radical-changing verbs such as "poder" (to be able to), "querer" (to like) and "preferir" (to prefer).

Listening Comprehension task (Criterion A); Oral Task (Criteria C+D)

Unit 3: Mi entorno – Where I live

Content Assessment

This unit covers the vocabulary necessary to talk about and describe where we live. This includes the description of one’s home town and neighbourhood as well as the region someone lives in; students learn to describe their home, the rooms of the house and the furniture. Students also learn weather idioms and the verb "hacer", which they need in some expressions when they talk about the weather. Other grammar points of interest are to distinguish between the two Spanish verbs for to be, "estar" and "ser" and their correct conjugation; the irregular verb "ir" (to go) is introduced and students use it to indicate where they go and how often they go there. Students improve and extend their writing skills and learn to apply frequency adverbs and the correct use of adjectives.

Writing Task (Criteria C+D); Listening Comprehension (Criterion A); Reading Comprehension (Criterion B)


Unit 4: La comida – Food

Content Assessment

Students learn the vocabulary of food and can then say what they have at different mealtimes. They can also express what they like and dislike and what is healthy. The Spanish expressions for "more than" and "less than" are introduced. Students will compare the food that is served in different countries and discuss the different types of food. Some Spanish specialities will be introduced and students learn how to read a Spanish menu. Asking for food in cafés and restaurants and performing role plays to order food are activities that help students to use the newly acquired structures and phrases orally. Using "tú" and "usted" correctly (the two Spanish forms to address people in a formal and informal way) is important in those roleplays.

Oral Task (Criteria C+D)


LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: Spanish (Phase 2) Unit Name: La ropa (Clothing)

Content Assessment

Students learn to describe and give opinions about clothing and fashion, starting with leisure wear and moving on to look at school uniform (as worn in Spanish-speaking countries). Besides widening the students’ cultural horizons, this reinforces the use of the present tense and the correct usage of adjectives, while introducing the concept of direct object pronouns. Students are expected to consider and explain their personal opinions about clothing. They discover the language necessary to go clothes shopping and the conventions that govern such transactions, which they put to use in role-play situations.

Reading comprehension (Criterion B); Written task (Criteria C, D)

Unit Name: Vidas americanas (American lives)

Content Assessment

In this unit students develop their ability to understand and write about events in the past, using the preterite. They read and view a range of texts about influential Latin American figures in order to reinforce their understanding of the patterns involved in the preterite tense and to deepen their knowledge of the Spanish-speaking world. They discuss with their parents and their peers the key events and decisions that affect people’ lives, while mining the texts for time phrases, connecting words and other linguistic tools that can help them to produce coherent and fluent text of their own.

Listening comprehension (Criterion A); Oral task (Criteria C, D)

Unit Name: Vacaciones en América Latina (Holidays in Latin America)

Content Assessment

In this unit students will use the past tense to discuss their recent holidays, investigate the many regional facets of Latin America and consider their personal travel preferences. They plan a hypothetical journey around a Spanish-speaking country, researching the country to determine their own choice of destinations (with reasons), accommodation and means of transport. They then use the past tense to describe their journey after the event, giving in-depth information and opinions about the trip and thus developing further their awareness of the need to adapt their language to fit the chosen medium of communication and intended audience.

Oral task (Criteria C,D); Reading comprehension (Criterion B)

Unit Name: La vida sana (Healthy living)

Content Assessment

In this unit students look at the role of sport and exercise in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They talk about the sports in which they (and others) participate, the frequency with which they do so and their opinions about them. Besides practising the regular and irregular present tense, this unit also looks at the stem-changing verbs and impersonal verbs necessary to talk about the benefits and consequences of sports (including injuries). Students use the imperative to give advice and instructions regarding healthy living, moving on to consider wider aspects of the topic such as healthy eating and harmful habits.

Listening comprehension (Criterion A); Written task (Criterion C,D)


MATHEMATICS Unit Name: Number

Content Assessment

Students will learn basic set vocabulary (element, subset, null set, etc.), and the properties of sets (commutative, associative, distributive). They will learn to draw and interpret Venn diagrams, and use these to solve real life situations. Students will learn to understand and use decimal places and significant figures for rounding and convert recurring decimals to fractions. Students will learn to understand the concept of Rational and Irrational numbers. They will then learn to use rounding to estimate complex arithmetic problems and will apply this estimating by rounding every number to one significant figure before calculation. Students will study the concept of Absolute Value, and will learn to use ratios in more complex situations. They will learn to increase and decrease a quantity by a given percentage and apply proportional change to scale and other problems.

Solving a real–life application using Venn Diagrams (Criteria C&D) Number – Unit Test (Criterion A)

Unit Name: Geometry

Content Assessment

Students will investigate the application of the Pythagorean Theorem and the relationships of angles in different geometric figures. They will apply the Pythagorean theorem in various settings including real life examples. Students will investigate Pythagorean Triads and various formulae for producing them. Students will solve problems of unknown leg lengths as well as unknown hypotenuse lengths. They will investigate irrational solutions to the Pythagorean theorem. Also they will extend to the cases of 30-60-90 triangles and 45-45-90 triangles. Students will investigate adjacent angles, complementary angles, supplementary angles, vertically opposite angles, alternate angles, co-interior angles and corresponding angles. Students will continue to use angle properties in increasingly complex problems involving Algebra. Students will study the relationship of the sum of the interior and exterior angles of a polygon to the number of sides.

Pythagorean Triad Investigation (Criteria B&C) Geometry – Unit Test (Criterion A)

Unit Name: Algebra

Content Assessment

Students will investigate the manipulation of algebraic expressions and apply the same skills to solving linear equations. They will use the algebraic symbol system to manipulate and simplify terms including algebraic fractions. Students will then move on to manipulating algebraic expressions by combining like terms, expanding brackets and factoring. Students will then use these skills to solve basic as well as more complex linear equations and inequalities. They will practice writing general algebraic expressions and equations for real situations and use them to reach solutions to real-life problems. In addition, students will investigate substituting values into formulae and rearranging them to isolate a particular variable.

Algebra – Unit Test (Criterion A)


Unit Name: Statistics and Probability

Content Assessment

Students will investigate basic descriptive statistics by collecting data and analyzing it numerically and graphically. Students will study different types and methods of data collection. Students will organize data examining raw data, repeated data and grouped data. Students will calculate the centroid value as the mean, median and the mode for grouped and ungrouped data including determining the median with a cumulative frequency plot. Students will discuss the significance of the difference in values of the centroid. Students will investigate the spread of the data using the range and interquartile range. Students will plot and analyze histograms and frequency plots for both grouped and ungrouped data. Additionally students will explore and calculate basic experimental and theoretical probabilities.

Vitruvian Man – Real-life application of Statistics (Criteria C&D) Great Horse Race – Probability Investigation (Criteria B&C)

Unit Name: Further Geometry

Content Assessment

Students will investigate properties of the Cartesian plane including plotting points, determining the distance and midpoint between two points and plotting straight lines. Students will investigate the equation of a line gradient–intercept form (y = mx + b) as well as properties of linear graphs in detail. Specifically they will learn to calculate the gradient between two points, determine the equation of a line given a graph, plot a line using calculated ordered pairs, use gradient–intercept form to rapidly calculate order pairs and calculate the equation given: the gradient and y–intercept, gradient and a point or two points. Additionally, students will calculate the perimeter and area of circles and basic polygons as well as sectors and compound shapes.

Further Geometry – Written Unit Test (Criterion A) End of year Exam (Criterion A)


SCIENCES Unit Name: Climate Crisis and Action

Content Assessment

Students will develop the knowledge to enable them to explain why Earth supports life when other planets in our solar system do not. They will learn about the processes of the carbon cycle. Students will learn that the ‘greenhouse effect’ as a natural phenomenon without which there would be no life on Earth and the impact on this of human activity. Students will explore some properties of greenhouse gases. Human impacts with respect to the enhanced greenhouse effect will then be explored, along with the concept of a "carbon footprint". Students will learn about the need for sustainable practices and some potential scientific solutions to the climate crisis. They will also be introduced to the concept of climate resilience. Throughout the unit there will be an emphasis on the use of data to support.

(Criterion C) Processing and evaluating data related to changes in the Earth’s climate. (Criterion A) Test

Unit Name: Germs! (formerly The Human Body in Health and Disease)

Content Assessment

Students will learn that health is more than the absence of infirmity or disease. They will consider how agents of infection and disease are transmitted. The main focus of this unit will be on bacteria. Students will learn aseptic technique and will apply this in an investigation into the efficacy of natural antiseptic substances against bacterial growth using an entirely safe strain approved for use in schools. They will learn broadly how antibiotics work and how their overuse is threatening our ability to manage serious bacterial infections. Students will learn that some bacteria are also beneficial to our health. They will learn about viruses and the ways in which these differ from bacteria. Towards the end of the unit, they will learn about the human immune response, the importance of vaccines in controlling the spread of disease and why it can be challenging to create a vaccine for a virus.

(Criterion B) Design an experiment to investigate the efficacy of natural antiseptics. (Criterion D) Research an impact of overuse of antibiotics to create an essay or presentation.

Unit Name: On and Off the Earth

Content Assessment

Students will learn how our understanding of the Solar System is growing rapidly through space exploration and how spin-offs from this can benefit our lives on Earth in unexpected ways. They will explore some aspects of space exploration in depth. With a focus on the Earth, students will learn about the Earth’s structure and about the rock cycle. They will learn to identify rock types, through, for example, working with a microscope.

Criterion D - Students will research one way in which human society have benefited from space research. Criterion A - Test


Unit Name: Sight, Light and Perception

Content Assessment

Students will learn about the properties of light. They will then focus specifically on reflection and refraction and will investigate these using laboratory equipment, including perspex blocks and prisms, and also computer software. Students will explore the structure and function of the eye with a special emphasis on the refraction of light by the lens and how the eye creates an image to be perceived by the brain.

Criterion B and C - Students will use software to investigate one factor of their choice related to a property of light.


INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIETIES Unit Name: 1. Extreme Environments

Content Assessment

Students will consider different climatic regions around the world and determine whether they can be classed as extreme. Students will learn about how mountains form and how communities have adapted to live in the mountains and tundras of the world. Students will also learn about how humans have sought to exploit these extreme environments in their search for natural resources. Students will discuss climate change, its causes and impacts. Finally, students will consider the sustainability of our current practices in terms of natural resources, as well as living within extreme environments.

Research project (newspaper article), in-class test and file check.

Unit Name: 2. Dark to Middle Ages

Content Assessment

Today, we often believe that a combination of hard work and providence or luck enable us to 'get on' in life. But was it always this way? Some of our counterparts from the Middle Ages might think otherwise! This course asks students to investigate what the Dark and Middle Ages were like for men, women and children of various stations in life. Students will examine the concept of a 'system' and how it could be argued that our societies are examples of such systems. Students will consider how hierarchical systems, often seen as necessary for providing social order, often impact heavily upon individuals, both in the past and in the present. This course will consider the role that religion and the church played in creating social structures and providing forms of government in Western Europe.

Research project (video) and file check.

Unit Name: 3. Settlements and Urban Morphology.

Content Assessment

Students will learn about how modern cities “grow.” They will consider the ways in which the growth and shape of urban settlements develop according to the needs of the population coupled with the geographical limitations posed by the area surrounding cities. In the form of a team research project, we will also consider how different cities around the world seek to address the very real man-made and natural problems that they face.

Group research presentation and file check.


Unit Name: 4. First Nations of the Americas.

Content Assessment

Students will learn about the role of traditional American societies and how they experienced change once coming into contact with European settlers. Part History and part Anthropology, students will have the opportunity to examine a number of the larger historical indigenous cultures of North and Meso-America, using the (rather broad) groupings of the Maya, Inca, Aztec, Inuit, Woodland and Plains First Nations communities. Students will consider how these communities employed technology and their knowledge passed down from their ancestors to adapt and thrive in their local environments. Through these historical case studies, students have the opportunity to consider the sustainability of practices used by a number of America’s First Nations communities.

In-class extended response and file check.


PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION Integration of health throughout Physical and Health Education To support the social, emotional and mental health of our learners at Bonn International School, the Physical and Health Education curriculum integrates the following health related topics throughout the Grade 8 curriculum. These units are not assessed through summative methods, but focus on emotional growth and development through formative forms of assessment. Units covered included and integrated throughout the year include: goal setting, health and well-being, global dignity, digital citizenship, comprehensive sexuality education, making healthy choices, drugs and alcohol and careers education. Unit Name: Wellbeing and Activity

Content Assessment

Within this unit, students will participate in a range of different activities in the unit. Students will choose 3 different activities to participate in over the course of the unit. one must be a team activity based on invasion games, the other and individual activity. Students will also look at their personal wellbeing. Wellbeing is a concept that includes physical, social, mental and emotional and spiritual wellbeing. These 4 things combined help make us balanced and healthy. Being aware of what our strengths and areas of improvement are help to improve ourselves. During this unit students will look at the 4 areas of wellbeing and how activity impacts them and themselves.

Written task on wellbeing (Criterion A) Performance in activities (Criterion C)

Unit Name: Net/Wall Games

Content Assessment

Within this unit, students will look at self-improvement and interaction with others through net/wall games including street racquet, badminton and other net/wall activities. Relationships with others and ourselves are important in how we interact and the choices we make as humans. By choosing and developing a skill on their own they have to reflect upon their own skill level. The interaction with others comes with sharing equipment, space and helping each other. They will create a personal development plan by creating a goal for improving a net/wall skill and working on how to improve that goal during the unit. They will also look at the interpersonal skills they will use to help do this. At the end of the unit they will reflect on the success of the goal and the interpersonal skills they used within class.

Plan for improvement and reflection of plan (Criteria B and D)

Unit Name: Fitness Through Activity

Content Assessment

Within this unit, students will focus on their wellbeing by participating in different sports activities including yoga, fitness activities, inline skating/skateboarding/ longboarding, net/wall and team sports. Students will set goals linked to activity levels and interpersonal skills to improve on while participating in games and activities in class. Negotiate with partners in the class to look at improving their chosen fitness component. This unit will also dive deeper into related concepts and how they work. They will use these concepts as a vehicle to review their own development. They will look at how they can improve their fitness levels by focusing on the amount of activity they do per week both in and outside of school. Within this unit students will be

Goal setting and reflection Vlog (Criterion B and D)


assessed on criterion B and D by setting a weekly goal for a level of activity, and planning for their activity levels for that week. They will reflect via a vlog/written template several times through the unit.

Unit Name: Movement

Content Assessment

Within this unit, students explore how dance can be present in many elements of sport. Students have the opportunity to use dance as a way to freely express themselves and how they naturally move during their favorite sports. Skills such as researching, note taking, brainstorming and mind mapping, will be used in order for students to develop their research skills. This will allow students to gain knowledge and understanding about different issues. From this knowledge, students will use the elements of dance to plan a creative movement routine that represents an issue. The dance will tell a story and express students feelings and ideas about their issue. Elements of dance will include: Body - considering the overall shape of the body while dancing, using specific body parts. Action - it can include dance steps, facial movements, lifts, carries, and catches, and even everyday movements such as walking. Space - Altering the direction, level, size, and pathways of movements. Time - event-sequence and timing to music. Energy - movement flow and use of force, tension, and weight.

Creation of the unit plan and rubric linked to their routine (Criterion A) Planning of a creative movement routine to represent the dance of sport (Criterion B) Performance within creative movement (Criterion C) Reflection of dance planner and performance (Criterion D)

Unit Name: 3rd World Games

Content Assessment

Within this unit, students explore how every child has the right to play and have fun wherever they are in the world. The unit will be based on games that students research from countries and present these games to the class. The class then participates in the games or modified versions of the game. Students will inquire into a range of different activities that are played in regions of the world that are less fortunate than where they do. They will create and answer inquiry questions linked to their presentation and game allowing for greater depth of inquiry within the task.

They will look at communicating, presenting to peers and running an activity. While not presenting the students will engage in a variety of different activities which will also develop ATL skills. Assessment on their knowledge of their chosen 3rd world game. Students will research one 3rd world game, will explain it, present it and demonstrate it in class.

3rd World game presentation (Criterion A)


DESIGN Unit Name: Bridging the Gap (Product Design)

Content Assessment

In this unit students will investigate the use of trusses in architecture and engineering. They are then given a challenge to design a bridge structure that can span a 50cm gap and support a maximum amount of weight. Students will develop a variety of designs, develop the best idea and construct it in a limited amount of time using materials as efficiently as possible. The project will culminate with a competition to see which bridge can support the most weight. The bridges will be tested to destruction to allow students to evaluate the theories that informed their design - this will also allow them to learn from the theories, failures and successes of others.

Criterion A- Inquiry: Background research Criterion B- Developing Ideas: Planning and design Criterion C- Creation: Making the solution Criterion D- Evaluation: Analysing the success of the solution

Unit Name: Design & Make It (Product Design)

Content Assessment

This unit focuses on innovative design solutions to identified problems. Students develop a new product, or modify an existing product, focused on satisfying a specific client’s needs. Students select the product they want to develop within limitations and have to justify the use of materials based on the impact it has on the world we live in. Drawing skills are developed during this unit with the focus on sketching, orthographic and isometric drawing, and 3D modeling and rendering.

Criterion A- Inquiry: Background research Criterion B- Developing Ideas: Planning and design Criterion C- Creation: Making the solution Criterion D- Evaluation: Analysing the success of the solution


Unit Name: Animate it Project (Digital Design)

Content Assessment

This project focuses on developing and applying communication skills that convey messages in 2D animation effectively. Students examine the questions: what are the principles of animation? How can animation have an impact on our thoughts and ideas? When is animation more effective than film? Are 2D and 3D animations changing how to learn or promote ideas? The investigation and analysis of products inform the specifications, design ideas, and the ideas chosen by students. Following the chosen design, a plan is developed for creating the solution. The technical skills are reinforced and extended further while creating the product. Then, the final solution will be tested through the design specifications.

Criteria A, C and D will be summatively assessed. Criterion A: Analysing and Inquiring A report that presents: the primary and secondary research, research plan, design brief, solution. Criterion C: Creating the solution Production Planning, technical skills, quality of the final solution Criterion D: Evaluating Testing, evaluation, success and impact of the solution Criterion B specifically will be formatively assessed. Develop design specifications, a range of feasible designs and evaluation. Formative assessment will be provided throughout the entire project to help and support students. This is done through feedback discussions and peer feedback.

Unit Name: The HTML Project (Digital Design)

Content Assessment

This project focuses on learning about the logical systems that communicate information on the worldwide web and the processes of communicating information online. Students will learn the importance of using logical systems for developing perspective and innovations. A website is developed using the web language, HTML. When investigating, students will explore: which HTML tags can be used to develop an informative HTML web page? How does innovation impact our lives? When is innovation and perspective more important than systems? Students analyse existing products and investigate the logical structure of HTML. Students develop design drawings to plan the layout, content, and HTML tags to use. When 'creating the solution' students follow the production plan and the chosen design to create the final product. Students have the opportunity to further broaden their knowledge by developing style sheets that attach to the page, Javascript and developing multimedia for a page.

Formative feedback is given throughout the entire project. Criterion A: Students investigate the HTML language. Inquiry is carried out with practice in writing HTML for a webpage. Students develop various HTML practice pages using a range of Tags. Existing web pages are analysed to deepen knowledge of web terminology, principles and features. Students investigate other logical web systems (languages). Criterion B: developing ideas for their website product Criterion C: Creating the solution Criterion D: Evaluating the solution


Unit Name: Illustrate it Project (Digital Design)

Content Assessment

In this project students learn how to use methods of digital illustration to create a final project. The product has to be designed with original images, drawings, illustrations, and typography to convey a creative and meaningful message. When 'analysing and inquiring', students will investigate and critically examine designs, ideas and products. Some questions students will explore are: how can technologies create new ways to communicate a message that uses original content? how do experiences and personal expression influence design?

Formative feedback is provided throughout the project. Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing examine existing products, develop skills, knowledge and understanding of tools and techniques. Criterion B: developing ideas - illustrations, drawings, typography. Developing a range of design ideas. Criterion C: Students use the production plan and design ideas to create the product. Criterion D: Evaluating the solution, testing, impact of the solution.

Unit Name: Introduction to Coding (Digital Design Elective)

Content Assessment

In this project students learn about the historical context of coding and specifically for the purpose of communicating and creating solutions to problems. In the inquiry stage, students will explore steganography, cryptography and learn the basics of writing and understanding letters in Morse code. They will continue to learn about encoding and decoding messages through the Caesar cipher that is specifically used for discreet communication. Then students will explore the basic commands in Python for the purpose of finding a solution to a problem. Design idea drawings and sketches for the final product will inform the planning when creating the final product in Python. Students carry out product testing with the design specifications to assess the success of the product. Some questions students will investigate are: what is coding? How can we use code to communicate and solve-problems? And, are any ideas for coding new to do they change with technology and time?

Formative feedback is provided throughout the project. Criteria B specifically will be formatively assessed. Criterion A: Inquiring and Analysing Criterion C: Creating the Solution Criterion D: Evaluating


Unit Name: Robotic Automation Project (Digital Design: Elective)

Content Assessment

This project focuses on coding for the purpose of communicating and creating solutions with robotic products. Students will explore engineering and programming robots using the Lego kit components and the EV3 programming tools. Working individually and in teams, students develop their skills in designing, engineering and programming a robotic solution for a defined task, and learn how to make calculations to program the robot accurately through planning logical steps and using mathematics. By examining existing robot designs and exploring Lego hardware and robotic programming systems, students develop their own unique solutions in their team. Some of the questions students will explore are: what systems are required to program robots that repeat instructions? How can motors be programmed to move forward and turn accurately using math? How are science and math used when developing engineering and programming robots? And, are robots in manufacturing new, or are they re-designed and re-developed from old ideas?

Formative feedback is provided throughout the project. Criteria B specifically will be formatively assessed. Criterion A: Inquiring and Analysing Criterion C: Creating the Solution Criterion D: Evaluating

Unit Name: Python Game Design Project (Digital Design: Elective)

Content Assessment

In this project students extend their knowledge and skills in the Python programming language by learning further commands in Python that will enable them to develop ideas for a game product. When designing the solution, students develop their knowledge and understanding of the essential core features for their own game interface design. Through individual practice in Python, the Python resources, testing, sharing ideas and peer-collaboration, students will create their final products. Some of the questions students will explore are: what are the differences between the module and shell? How can Python commands create design solutions in a game? How can games enhance and reinforce current and new knowledge?

Formative feedback is provided throughout the project. Criterion A: Inquiring and Analysing Criterion B: Developing ideas Criterion C: Creating the Solution Criterion D: Evaluating


ARTS: Music Unit Name: Jazz and Swing

Content Assessment

Students will learn to recognize a range of different jazz styles, listening to and appraising a variety of different pieces. This unit will inquire into Jazz music's cultural and historical background with a focus on creativity, identity and innovation. This unit will cover the history of jazz and important composers and performers, ragtime and swing rhythms. Students will learn and understand the emergence of Jazz, Jazz harmony and chord changes. They will also be able to identify the key characteristics (Call and response, off-beat, syncopation, improvisation) of jazz and create/play a Jazz improvisation.

Assessments include but are not limited to: Written and listening exam, jazz improvisation performance process journal (Criteria A,B,C,D)

Unit Name: Communicating with an audience – performing

Content Assessment

Students will learn about the contrast between improvised and organized sections of music. This unit will inquire into the relationship between artist and audience and the way in which the presentation communicates the intentions of the performer. The unit will cover the following: learning individual instrumental part of the class performance pieces for school concerts. Students will understand how improvisation has been used by a variety of composers in different times and places. They will practice and perform/improvise their instrumental part of the overall score focusing on sound production, rhythm, note accuracy, dynamics and musicality.

Assessments include but are not limited to: scales and exercises related to the performance piece, written reflection process journal (Criteria A,B,C,D)

Unit Name: Minimalism – Composition

Content Assessment

In this unit, students will learn about the key musical features of minimalist music and how to combine different motifs when composing and performing a piece written in this style. The unit will inquire into how the expressive intention of a composer is mirrored in the beauty of the composition. This unit will cover the following: rhythm in music, use of rhythmic notation, melodic, rhythmic and harmonic patterns, motifs and ostinato. The students will gain an understanding that minimalism is a style of music which uses and combines features from different genres. They will recognize that being able to maintain your own rhythm as part of a group texture increases your skill and confidence in performing. They will listen to minimalist pieces which use rhythmic and melodic motifs and compose their own minimalist performance piece.

Assessments include but are not limited to: Essay, composing own minimalist performance piece, written reflection, process journal (Criteria A,B,C,D)


Unit Name: Language of Music Theory

Content Assessment

This unit will focus on music theory there will be the opportunity to sit an external exam from the ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) which is an internationally recognised qualification in the music world. The students will build on their previous theory knowledge and extend their understanding in major and minor keys with four sharps or flats, transposing between clefs, compound time and the grouping of notes, writing four bar rhythms and understanding phrase structure. The unit will enable the students to improve their playing of an instrument by understanding the music notation necessary to develop their musical knowledge. They will be regularly assessed on the various elements of music theory.

Assessments include written assessments in the musical elements as listed. There will also be playing and listening assessments. (Criteria A,B,C,D)


ARTS – Visual Arts Unit Name: SGD Collaborative Mural

Content Assessment

In this short first unit, students will learn collaboratively, also going beyond borders to co-create ideas for a mural. This unit focuses on initial generation of ideas for a mural exploring Sustainable Development Goal #13 (Climate Action) for a collaborative project with a partner school in Japan. Grade 8 students will use the visual arts planning process to go from brainstorming to refining ideas for our school’s part of planning the mural imagery. The murals themselves will be completed in an after-school group. Completed murals will be displayed as part of the Japan Art Mile murals at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. ATL focus for this unit is collaboration, both in the classroom and with the partner school.

Students will be assessed through the following: Research, process journal, reflections, final artwork

Unit Name: Drawing Foundations-Perspective

Content Assessment

The aim of this short unit is to expose students to a range of drawing techniques and styles, allowing them to experiment and develop their own skills. Students will study drawing artist M.C. Escher who created mathematically inspired, as well as impossible architectural drawings. Students will investigate how perspective can change the way a person views the world. Students will complete a series of perspective drawing exercises which will allow them to develop their drawing skills as well as explore the studied techniques of M. C. Escher.

Research, process journal, reflections, final drawing

Unit Name: Sculptural Mask Making - Making a Statement through Art

Content Assessment

The primary aim of this unit is to expose students to 3D mask-making techniques and styles, allowing them to experiment and develop their own sculpting skills. Students will investigate masks from a range of cultures to inform their own creation. Students will then complete a mock-up and use peer critique to guide their final resolved artwork.The ATL focus for this unit will be communication.

Research Process journal Reflections Final artwork

Unit Name: Observational Drawing

Content Assessment

The aim of this unit is to introduce students to various drawing skills, and to teach them how to record information visually. While the previous unit uses a more scientific method of gaining understanding, this unit will utilize more of an organic approach. Students will complete collections of drawing tasks as well as experiment with a range of drawing media in order to understand the fundamentals of drawing. Line weights, directional lines as well as traditional, tonal shading will be learned, understood and applied. Many different media will be explored from which students many choose their favorites. ATL focus will be self-management.

Research, process journal, reflections, final sculpture


Unit Name: Landscape Painting

Content Assessment

This popular unit is the culmination of most of the skills learned from this year. Students will utilize composition techniques when making a photoshoot of a Bonn Landscape. From this photoshoot the students will crop, enhance and transform the photo as they transfer the imagery to the canvas. Students will then choose and inspirational artist from a shortlist. After learning and practicing the style of the artist, students will use acrylic paint to paint their impression of the Bonn landscape photo in the style of their chosen artist. Tints and shades as well as neutral colors will be learned and utilized. At: Thinking skills: creative thinking

Research, process journal, reflections, final artwork


OPTIONS LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE: French Unit 1 : Scènes familiales

Content Assesment

Au cours de cette unité basée sur les relations familiales,, les élèves étudient les spécificités de genres littéraires divers : le roman autobiographique ("Poil de Carotte" de Jules Renard, "La Gloire de mon père" de Marcel Pagnol, "Enfance" de Nathalie Sarraute), l’autobiographie ("Le Voile noir", d'Annie Duperey) et le théâtre ("Cet enfant" de Joël Pommerat). Ils s’expriment à l'oral en menant des débats argumentés sur les relations parents/enfants et mettent en scène un texte théâtral préalablement étudié. Ils enrichissent leur expression écrite avec des fiches de vocabulaire (antonymes/synonymes, mots de la même famille), de grammaire (les types et les formes de phrases) et manipulent les temps du passé, du présent, du futur et du subjonctif. Ils s'expriment à l'écrit en narrant leurs souvenirs d'enfance et/ou en imaginant une suite à un texte donné. Ils lisent deux oeuvres intégrales courtes du XXe siècle : "Voyage au pays des arbres" de J.M.G. Le Clézio et "Comment Wang-Fô fut sauvé" de Marguerite Yourcenar. Ils commentent des images : tableaux ou photographies. Ils se documentent sur la place de l'enfant dans l'histoire ainsi que ses droits et devoirs aujourd'hui. Ils assistent à la projection du film "La Gloire de mon père" d'Yves Robert et confrontent les différentes époques : passée et présente. Ils ont un regard critique sur l’évolution des moeurs.

Evaluation sous forme d’analyse de texte et d’expression écrite, relative à l’évocation d’un souvenir d’enfance.

Unit 2 : Parcourons des mondes nouveaux

Content Assesment

Dans cette unité, les élèves découvrent les récits de science-fiction et d’anticipation. Les auteurs de science-fiction et de romans d’anticipation font voyager les élèves dans d’autres mondes, souvent futurs, afin de les amener à s’interroger sur leur présent. L’étude du vocabulaire développé dans les récits de science-fiction permet aux élèves de comprendre comment on construit de nouveaux mots : les néologismes. Les élèves choisissent parmi une liste de romans de science-fiction, l’ouvrage qu’ils veulent lire et réalisent une présentation orale. Ils écrivent également l’incipit d’un récit d’anticipation ou de science-fiction. Cette unité est aussi l’occasion d’étudier les connecteurs, quelques homophones grammaticaux, les temps du récit au passé (plus-que parfait, passé simple/imparfait, conditionnel).

-Faire la présentation d’un livre. -Rédiger l’incipit d’un récit d’anticipation ou de science-fiction.


Unit 3 : L’heure du crime

Content Asessment

Dans cette unité, les élèves apprennent à identifier les caractéristiques du récit policier et à utiliser le vocabulaire propre à ce genre particulier. À partir de l’étude de premières et quatrièmes de couverture, ils étudient comment elles suscitent la curiosité du lecteur et comment les thèmes caractéristiques du genre y sont évoqués. Les élèves découvrent à travers cette unité des enquêteurs et des détectives célèbres tels que Sherlock Holmes ou Hercule Poirot. Ils étudient de façon détaillée des incipits de nouvelles ou de romans et repèrent dans ces textes des éléments implicites caractéristiques du genre policier. Ils se familiarisent aussi avec le récit policier lors de la lecture du crime n’est jamais parfait (tome 1). Cette unité est aussi l’occasion d’étudier les temps du passé (imparfait et passé simple) et leurs différents emplois.

-Réaliser une première et une quatrième de couverture. -Ecrire une nouvelle policière à partir d’une illustration.

Unit 4: Les fables de La Fontaine

Content Assessment

Dans cette unité, les élèves découvrent l’univers de Jean de la Fontaine et les origines de la fable. Ils apprennent à comprendre les caractéristiques principales de la fable en étudiant quelques une célèbres. Ils sont amenés à différencier la morale et le récit, à reconnaître les différents procédés narratifs et à identifier la personnification des objets et des animaux. Les élèves sont évalués sur l’acquisition de leurs connaissances et compétences au niveau de la compréhension d'une fable grâce à questionnaire. A partir d’une illustration, ils imaginent une fable à la manière de La Fontaine. Cette unité est aussi l’occasion d’étudier les syllabes, les vers, les rimes, la méthode S+7 et le verlan.

-Compréhension écrite d’une fable. -A partir d’une illustration, écrire une fable à la manière de La Fontaine.


LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE: Spanish Unit Name: Héroes vs. Antihéroes

Content Assessment

Comparación estructural y formal de diferentes textos o fragmentos para enmarcarlos en el género literario correspondiente. Investigación sobre las características comunes y peculiares de tres obras narrativas(creadas entre el medievo y el barroco), con la finalidad de observar la percepción de autores y lectores sobre la concepción de la heroicidad y el liderazgo en relación con los sucesos históricos y el contexto social. Análisis sobre los valores humanos inperecederos que conforman a un héroe. Identificación de los valores que aparecen resaltados en un cantar de gesta, en una novela picaresca o en una novela moderna.Estudio sobre la influencia de los cambios históricos en la presentación de los personajes literarios como reflejo de la sociedad. Análisis de la caracterización de personajes literarios hasta el s. XVII que actúan como paradigma de obras posteriores, influyendo hasta nuestros días.

-Examen escrito: análisis de un fragmento literario. -Presentación oral de una obra literaria. -Texto creativo: elaboración de una crónica periodística.

Unit Name: Lo misterioso y lo desconocido

Content Assessment

Los alumnos descubrirán las características más relevantes del Romanticismo en las literaturas europeas. Para ello es necesario presentar brevemente una descripción sobre el contexto filosófico y literario del siglo XVIII, con especial atención sobre la Ilustración. La unidad está enfocada a analizar los aspectos más importantes del Romanticismo, para ello se presentarán textos procedentes de diferentes literaturas europeas (traducidos al español), de modo que no solamente se analizarán los aspectos temáticos y formales, sino también culturales. Es decir, los alumnos deberán reconocer las elecciones temáticas de los autores, cómo crean tensión, los efectos que causan en el lector dichas elecciones y las influencias históricas o geográficas reflejadas en los textos. Además deberán reflexionar sobre la influencia de este movimiento en otras épocas hasta nuestros días.

-Prueba escrita: análisis de un fragmento de una obra romántica en la que se identifiquen los elementos románticos más destacados y el efecto que producen en el lector. -Texto creativo: redacción de una leyenda romántica en la que aparezcan los elementos más significativos del Romanticismo.

Unit Name: Publicidad

Content Assessment

En esta unidad, los alumnos profundizarán en el uso del lenguaje y las estrategias comunicativas utilizadas en publicidad. Descubrirán a través de ejemplos junto con un estudio guiado, los diferentes tipos de texto publicitario (narrativo, expositivo o dialogado). Profundizarán en el uso del lenguaje de cada anuncio publicitario teniendo en cuenta la función estética de la lengua, es decir, las figuras retóricas que aparecen y con qué finalidad. Aprenderán las diferentes modalidades de la oración simple a través de ejemplos publicitarios y el efecto que estas producen en el receptor. Por último conocerán las variedades lingüísticas (diatópicas, diafásicas, diastráticas y diacrónicas), de suma importancia en publicidad por la relevancia que tienen sobre el receptor.

-Ensayo: presentación de la planificación de un anuncio con los siguientes puntos: 1) Descripción del receptor meta. 2) Mensaje 3) Finalidad 4)T écnicas de persuasión: recursos literarios, variedades de la lengua, uso de la lengua. -Proyecto creativo:


elaboración y presentación del anuncio.

Unit Name: ¿Qué es poesía? Poesía eres tú

Content Assessment

Esta unidad tiene como objetivo una aproximación al género lírico. Los alumnos descubrirán a través de lecturas la finalidad de este género que es la expresión de los sentimientos del "yo lírico", diferente al autor. Para ello el poeta utiliza multitud de recursos formales, semánticos y rítmicos para llamar la atención del lector y despertar su empatía.Los alumnos deberán identificar estos recursos, así como interpretar la intención del autor y describir los efectos que producen en el receptor. Además, deberán ser capaces de aplicar estos conocimientos y crear sus propios textos líricos, ya sea en verso o en prosa.

-Texto creativo: elaboración de un texto lírico. - Prueba escrita: análisis de un texto lírico.

Unit Name: Uno, dos, tres= rets,nou, sdo

Content Assessment

En primer lugar los alumnos atenderán y participarán en una fase plenaria sobre las categorías morfológicas nominales y los tipos de sustantivos existentes en lengua española. A continuación deberán realizar una investigación dirigida sobre una determinada clase de palabra, que deberán exponer al resto del grupo y elaborar una serie de ejercicios para asegurar la comprensión del resto del alumnado. Como prueba final, deberán resolver un examen con el que demuestren ser capaces de realizar un análisis sintáctico, morfológico y ortográfico, a la vez que demostrar conocimientos sobre corrección sintáctica, morfológica y ortográfica. Los textos para realizar el análisis gramatical serán fábulas de Esopo y La Fontaine, ya que por su brevedad permiten al alumno una mayor concentración en la parte formal. Además, los alumnos elaborarán una fábula con la que demuestren sus habilidades ortográficas y gramaticales respetando las características formales y de contenido propias de este género.

-Presentación oral: características generales y algunas particularidades de una categoría gramatical. -Texto creativo: redacción de una fábula.

Unit Name: Personajes

Content Assessment

Los estudiantes analizarán los modos en los que los personajes van transmitiendo ideas dentro de una novela. Para que la comunicación de estas ideas sea efectiva, los escritores eligen a personajes con características muy definidas. Los alumnos deberán desarrollar la capacidad de identificar las caracterizaciones directas e indirectas de los personajes, así como evaluar el efecto que produce en el lector. Para ello será necesario profundizar formalmente en el tiempo, el espacio y el uso de la lengua en los que se desenvuelven los personajes. Además, los estudiantes descubrirán los tipos de personajes existentes en una obra narrativa dependiendo de su relevancia.

-Ensayo sobre los personajes de una novela determinada.


Unit Name: ¡Luces, cámara, acción!

Content Assessment

Análisis de dos obras dramáticas de diferentes subgéneros pero que presentan la misma problemática. Las obras a analizar son "Jettatore" escrita por el dramaturgo argentino Gregorio de Laferrere(presentación de un visionado con algunas escenas y un pequeño resumen) y "El sí de las niñas", escrita por el español Leandro Fernández de Moratín( lectura guiada). Ambas obras presentan el mismo leitmotiv pero con tramas y caracterización de los personajes muy dispares, que los alumnos deberán analizar para posteriormente organizar un guion de sus propias obras. La proyección de diferentes cortometrajes y el estudio del cortometraje "La leche y el agua", permiten a los alumnos descubrir multitud de técnicas audiovisuales que crean efecto en el receptor(los planos, los silencios, la música, la luz,...) y que deberán aplicar en la grabación de sus propios cortometrajes.

-Texto creativo: redacción de un guion cinematográfico. -Presentación de un cortometraje (trabajo en grupo).

Unit Name: Comicidad

Content Assessment

La comedia es un subgénero dramático representado a lo largo de toda la historia. En algunas épocas proliferó de manera extraordinaria por su carácter pedagógico. En esta unidad los alumnos analizarán las estrategias empleadas por los autores para provocar la risa en el receptor y las ideas que subyacen en el chiste del emisor. Para ello analizarán la comicidad en una comedia mexicana contemporánea sobre el descubrimiento de América, en la que se intercalan aspectos culturales tanto mexicanos como españoles, de manera que puedan apreciar la diversidad cultural en su lengua materna, así como las palmarias similitudes culturales transmitidas a través del humor.

-Examen escrito. -Texto creativo y presentación: redacción e interpretación de un monólogo cómico.


BAND Unit Name: Expression

Content Assessment

The first unit is Expression in which the students learn that through the elements of musical expression a musician can effectively communicate with an audience. They understand that an expressive sound is motivated by the development of good and consistent practice habits. This unit will inquire into the following skills: breathing, posture/playing position, music theory and ensemble work. The students will learn and understand the importance of ongoing practice routines and accurate use/control of dynamics. They will consider their role and the roles of others within an instrumental ensemble and gain an understanding of chamber music.

We will check for understanding through the following assessment tasks: Dynamics performance assessment Solo performance Solo performance reflection Ensemble piece performance (Criteria A,B,C,D)

Unit Name: Musicianship

Content Assessment

The second unit is Musicianship in which the students will learn about intervals, scales and scale patterns in music. This unit will inquire into structured musical systems with a focus on technique, melodic playing and intervals. They will gain an understanding of time management and effective technique practice routines. The unit will cover the following musical elements: intervals, major scales and articulation (legato/staccato). They will perform ensemble pieces/exercises with a focus on scales and intervals.

We will check for understanding through the following assessment tasks: Ensemble performance Process Journal (Criteria A,B,C,D)

Unit Name: Concert preparation

Content Assessment

The third unit is Concert Preparation in which the students will learn the processes required in preparation for a performance. They will understand that behaviour and discipline define a musician and his/her performance. This unit will inquire into the essential techniques which are needed to achieve mastery/ability to perform on the highest level possible: 'Warm-up' techniques, scales, arpeggios and practice routines. The students will understand the importance of setting goals for their achievement of successful performance. They will be able to perform to an audience exploring and applying the following key elements: accuracy of rhythm, pitch and intonation.

We will check for understanding through the following assessment tasks: Recording/video of practice routines Ensemble performance Process Journal (Criteria A,B,C,D)


DRAMA Unit Name: 'Intro to Improv'

Content Assessment

Students will explore a variety of improvisation techniques from 'open scenes', through to scripted dialogue, into character and situation. This will allow an understanding of how dramatic scenes are created and developed from the perspective of plot development, characterization and through to realization on stage. The focus will be on stage blocking, dramatic tension and audience impact. It will also introduce the students to basic script writing techniques, incorporating writing impactful, credible dialogue and subsequently guiding them towards an understanding of how to build character.

Students will create an original scene and/or series of connected scenes taking their inspiration from the plot material and characters provided for them. Assessment will take the form of 'in class' presentations. Students will also be required to discuss their creative ideas and evaluate the creative process and the generation of material. They will be expected to describe characterization & character development, scene development, plot formation and dialogue creation.

Unit Name: Devised Performance.

Content Assessment

Students will work in small production teams to create and then script original dramatic scenes. They will be given a theme and concept from which to work. These collaborative teams will be given the opportunity to select the style and genre of their scenes. This unit provides the students with the opportunity to explore further performance skills. The style and genre of the piece are group selected and student presentations are workshopped with the rest of the class to allow for feedback from others. This feedback is then to be used in group self reflection to further develop their performance skills and allow for an understanding of how their performance is received by an audience.

The assessment will take the form of an 'in class performance'. Students will be required to assess their individual progress through an inter-active discussion. The Process Journal will be used to document student progress. The students will also be required to submit a short original script with setting detail and stage directions. They will also be required to provide character profiles for all the main characters that are present in their scene.

Unit Name: Production Presentation

Content Assessment

Students are familiar with dramatic terminology, character development and plot structure. This unit guides them to further these skills by developing a script through 'in class' workshop techniques. Students will work as members of small production teams to create a series of connected dramatic scenes exploring character motivation and plot development with an eye to audience reception. They will be given time to develop original scripts based on character profiles they will be provided. Once they have a completed scripted scenes they will undertake rehearsals where they will block and shape the scenes for presentation to their peers.

The students will present scenes in an 'in class' environment for their peers. They will be required to keep a Process Journal and be able to answer questions regarding the structure of the play, character motivation and if they have directed a scene they will be required to present their Director's Notebook detailing creative/artistic decisions through the process.


Unit Name:Production Presentation

Content Assessment

Art is continuously evolving in order to meet the ever changing needs and expectations of it's audience. Students will research a range of dramatic scenes from published play texts and select two contrasting pieces to rehearse and present to a small invited audience of their peers. They will build on their prior knowledge acquired in earlier units. Small production teams will be developed to learn lines, build characters and explore blocking the action of the drama. The process will allow students to explore directing their blocked scenes and further develop characterization so they may have an understanding of how directorial decisions impact a performance piece and how ideas and concepts are conveyed to an audience. They will be required to record part of their rehearsal process for further discussion regarding creative ideas and artistic approach.

Students will give a small presentation, working as a collaborative team on one of the selected pieces. They will discuss the creative decision process in terms of the approach to stage blocking and charaterizations along with their intended impact on the audience. The students will be required to give a performance of their scene(s) to an identified audience and to record their developmental process.


MUSICAL THEATER Unit Name: Exploring Voice Through Song

Content Assessment

Students will learn that through the elements of musical expression a singer can effectively communicate with an audience. They will understand that an expressive sound is motivated by the development of good and consistent practice habits. This unit will inquire into the following skills: breathing, posture, diction and developing an ensemble sound. The students will discover the importance of phrasing lyrics in a musical and stylistically appropriate manner. They will consider their role and the role of others within a vocal ensemble and gain an understanding of choral music. The use of solfege will be the foundation for developing aural independence and harmonic interdependence.

Assessments will include but are not limited to: -Stylistic understanding through musical and lyrical analysis -Solo and/or ensemble performance -Reflection

Unit Name: Exploring Voice through Speech and Action

Content Assessment

In this unit, students will learn how to use their voice effectively to communicate dramatic text. Samples will be used from famous speeches, play texts, and musical theatre scripts to provide a variety of options for students to develop their speaking/acting voice. Students will learn how to control their verbal skills through exercises related to diction, phrasing, inflection, pace, and projection. Body language skills will be studied through exploring posture, gesture, facial expression, eye contact, and movement. Students will combine these skills to clearly portray characters in selected scenes and monologues.

Assessments will include but are not limited to: -Solo/group performance -Audience Impact reflection -Action Plan

Unit Name: Scene Development in Musical Theatre

Content Assessment

Students will learn the processes required in preparation of a choreographed performance. Students will have begun to develop their singing voice and actor's presentation skills by the start of this unit. They will have a basic understanding of blocking and how actors can most effectively move across the stage. In this unit students will work collaboratively to develop choreography to a variety of choral and musical theatre pieces. These choreographies will be student generated based on inspiration derived from various dance styles and musical theatre dance performances. The aim of this unit will be to combine singing, acting, and dancing into performances that may be enjoyed by the school.

Assessments will include but are not limited to: -Recording/video of choreography -Ensemble performance -Scene Blocking Plan


CURRENT AFFAIRS Unit Name: The Top Stories

Content Assessment

Through research, discussion and presentation, students will be able to recognize the relative importance of contemporary news events, both for humanity and the physical environment. Students will practice locating sources of information through different kinds of media, as well as how to sort and assess its value. Students will understand the importance of considering multiple points of view and recognizing bias. In collating information, students will practice writing skills, especially summarizing, paraphrasing and proper source citation. Additionally, students will be required to analyze factual information in news reports to make geopolitical and historical connections, while also developing empathy for those involved in new events.

In-class discussion and an editorial blog post.

Unit Name: Current Issues in the World Today

Content Assessment

There are a variety of major issues that regularly 'hit the headlines' as ongoing issues of concern. Students will identify and investigate contemporary news issues, with a special focus on their causes, as well as the impact on people and the physical environment.

In-class discussion and a multimedia presentation.

Unit Name: Current Affairs in your country.

Content Assessment

Current Affairs and news items vary from country to country. The issues may be common to a number of countries, or may be specific to one country. Students will investigate the national stories in their home country. They will be asked to determine in what ways their country is 'special' in terms of current affairs and news coverage. Collectively, students will consider why different countries have different issues to deal with?

Research-based essay.

Unit Name: Local News Items

Content Assessment

What are the issues that impact our local community? How can we remain informed about the issues that can affect us directly? How do global, national and regional issues impact us on a local scale? How can students become involved in resolving problems in their local communities?

Creation of an informational poster about a chosen issue of concern to the local community.



Unit name: Leadership Types

Content Assessment Successful teams have strong leaders and the importance of this role is evident in all categories of sports. The performance of a leader is very clear in interactive games and during matches. There are many types of leaders that use various styles to motivate athletes. The students will study various leadership types and will learn the strengths and weaknesses of the various styles.

Criterion A - Knowledge and Understanding = Powerpoint presentation

Unit Name: Planning and delivering an activity

Content Assessment When teaching children physical activities, excellent planning is the key to successful outcomes. During this unit, the students will learn how to plan an activity session (competitive and recreational) which they will teach to their peers. The plan should include items such as safety concerns, appropropriate level of competition, ensuring that the activities are fun but yet challenging and any modification necessary to make the activities more enjoyable.

Criterion B - Planning for Performance Planning and performing activities/ sports with peer

Unit Name – Sports Coaching

Content Assessment During this unit the students will teach their peers specific sporting skills. While teaching each other they will explain and demonstrate specific sports skills. In addition the students will show skill progressions.

Criterion C - demonstrating and applying skills to peers

Unit Name: Sports Nutrition

Content Assessment This unit will include information regarding macro and micronutrients and the importance of a proper diet not only in daily activities but also pertaining to participation in sporting events. Additionally, the students will learn about the importance of proper hydration during activities and a brief introduction to various types of sports drinks. They will explore the links between proper nutrition, health and performance in sport and exercise.

Criterion A - Producing a leaflet

Unit Name:Sports Injuries

Content Assessment Students will be introduced to basic sports injuries such as hypothermia brought on by weather conditions as well as broken bones, pulled muscles, and bleeding. In addition students will learn basic care of soft tissue injuries and will understand how to use

Criterion C - Applying and Performing = Role Playing


bystanders to help with emergencies.

Unit Name: Delivering and Planning an Activity

Content Assessment

In the first semester the students planned and delivered an activity to their peers. In this second semester version of planning and delivering an activity, the students will plan and carry out activities with primary children.When teaching children physical activities, excellent planning is the key to successful outcomes. The plan should include items such as safety concerns, appropropriate level of competition, ensuring that the activities are fun but yet challenging and any modification necessary to make the activities more enjoyable.

.Criterion B - Planning for Performance = Planning to teach primary students Criterion D - Reflecting and Improving Performance = Reflecting on teaching experience

Unit Name: Sports Promotion

Content Assessment

In the last unit of the year, the students will be responsible for promoting a BIS sports event of their choice. In addition, during class lectures, the students will learn how the media affects sports and the different types of media that bring us all the different ways that are use to bring us sports stories, news, action and information.

Criterion B - Planning for Performance = Designing and explaining promotional materials for a sporting event and explaining the effectiveness of the plan

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Bonn International School Martin-Luther-King-Strasse 14 53175 Bonn Germany

T: +49 (0) 228 - 30854 - 0 E: [email protected] www.bonn-is.de
