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Handbook of Oleoresins - Taylor & Francis eBooks

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Handbook of Oleoresins

Handbook of Oleoresins Extraction, Characterization, and Applications

Edited by Gulzar Ahmad Nayik, Amir Gull, and

Tariq Ahmad Ganaie

First edition published 2022by CRC Press6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742

and by CRC Press2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN

CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

© 2022 selection and editorial matter, Gulzar Ahmad Nayik, Amir Gull & Tariq Ahmad Ganaie; individual chapters, the contributors

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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication DataNames: Nayik, Gulzar Ahmad, editor. | Gull, Amir, editor. | Ganaie, Tariq Ahmad, editor. Title: Handbook of oleoresins : extraction, characterization and applications / edited by Gulzar Ahmad Nayik, Amir Gull & Tariq Ahmad Ganaie. Description: First edition. | Boca Raton : Taylor and Francis, 2022. | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2021056707 (print) | LCCN 2021056708 (ebook) | ISBN 9781032014005 (hardback) | ISBN 9781032030029 (paperback) | ISBN 9781003186205 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Oleoresins. Classification: LCC RS201.O6 H36 2022 (print) | LCC RS201.O6 (ebook) | DDC 583/.93—dc23/eng/20211124 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021056707LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021056708

ISBN: 978- 1- 032- 01400-5 ( hbk)ISBN: 978- 1- 032- 03002-9 ( pbk)ISBN: 978- 1- 003- 18620-5 ( ebk)

DOI: 10.1201/ 9781003186205

Typeset in Minionby codeMantra

Dedicated to my Late Grandparents Ghulam Mohiuddin Naik & Raja Begam Binti Damsaaz


Preface, xi

Editors, xiii

Contributors, xv

Chapter 1 ◾ Pepper Oleoresin: Properties and Economic Importance 1 Zakiya Usmani, aamir hUssain Dar, aayeena altaf, anD yash D. JagDale

Chapter 2 ◾ Chemistry and Properties of Coriander Oleoresin 11 hanUman BoBaDe, arashDeep singh, anD BalJit singh

Chapter 3 ◾ Characterization of Capsicum Oleoresin 31 asif ahmaD anD mUhammaD sUhail iBrahim

Chapter 4 ◾ Health and Medicinal Properties of Saffron 63 saBeera mUZZaffar anD iqra aZam

Chapter 5 ◾ Ajwain Oleoresin: Characterization and Properties 95 lUBna masooDi, tahmeena ahaD, Jassia nisar, anD shaheen khUrshiD

Chapter 6 ◾ Extraction Techniques, Production and Economic Importance of Asafoetida Oleoresin 101 garima BharDwaJ, aJay sharma, apUrBa gohain, harvinDer singh sohal, teJasvi Bhatia, anD vishal mUtreJa

Chapter 7 ◾ Black Cumin Oleoresin: Characterization, Properties and Economic Importance 129 sUmera mehfooZ, imtiyaZ ahmaD mir, ghUlamUDin sofi, anD naJeeB Jahan


viii ◾ Contents

Chapter 8 ◾ Safety, Toxicity and Properties of Fennel Oleoresin 141 vishakha singh anD shweta Joshi

Chapter 9 ◾ Distribution, Production and Health Benefts of Ginger Oleoresin 153 lisa f. m. lee nen that anD JessiCa panDohee

Chapter 10 ◾ Applications of Garlic Oleoresin 173 gargee Dey anD triDip BorUah

Chapter 11 ◾ Characterization and Extraction Techniques of Nutmeg Oleoresin 187 tahira mohsin ali, natasha aBBas BUtt, anD mariUm shaikh

Chapter 12 ◾ Health and Medicinal Properties of Rosemary Oleoresin 235 laUra natali, afanaDor-BaraJas, aDriana patriCia DiaZ-morales, eDgar váZqUeZ-núñeZ, sergio rUBén peréZ-ríos, maryCarmen Cortés-hernánDeZ, gaBriela meDina-peréZ, anD CeCilia BañUelos

Chapter 13 ◾ Characterization of Lemongrass Oleoresins 261 shafeeqa irfan, syeDa mahvish Zahra, mian anJUm mUrtaZa, saaDia ZainaB, Bakhtawar shafiqUe, raBia kanwal, Ume rooBaB, anD

mUhammaD moDassar ali nawaZ ranJha

Chapter 14 ◾ Health and Medicinal Properties of Turmeric Oleoresin 285 mUhammaD riZwan tariq, shinawar waseem ali, saJiD ali, anD mUhamaD shafiq

Chapter 15 ◾ Onion Oleoresin: Extraction, Characterization, and Application 301 shafiya rafiq, BaBaBoDe aDesegUn kehinDe, priyanka sUthar, sUheela Bhat, gUlZar ahmaD nayik, anD yash D. JagDale

Chapter 16 ◾ Production, Characterization, and Health Benefts of Cardamom Oleoresins Jasmeet koUr, renU sharma, sangeeta, vikas Bansal, monika hans, anD ashwani kUmar khaJUria

Chapter 17 ◾ Chemistry and Characterization of Clove Oleoresin 329 gUrpreet kaUr, kamalpreet kaUr, preeti kUkkar, navneet kaUr panag, anD

Jashanpreet kaUr


Contents ◾ ix

Chapter 18 ◾ Fenugreek Oleoresins: Chemistry and Properties 369 nighat raZa, mUhammaD shahBaZ, mUJahiD fariD, anD aDeel hakim

Chapter 19 ◾ Characterisation and Pharmacological Properties of Celery Oleoresin rUChi sharma, tanU malik, shailJa kUmari, anD somesh sharma


Chapter 20 ◾ Paprika Oleoresins: Chemistry and Properties teJasvi Bhatia, Barkha, garima BharDwaJ, aJay sharma, anD vivek panDey


INDEX, 423



Consumer demand for natural and herbal products continues to rise, and the desired focus for oleoresins is growing. Spices and condiments are known for their

natural favours. Similar to various plant extractives like essential oils, oleoresins form the largest category of favourings available to the favourists. Oleoresin represents the true essence of spices enriched with volatile and non-volatile essential oil and resinous fraction. India is the largest producer of spices (produces 683,000 tons per annum), which is around 31% of total world production. Oleoresin is a viscous liquid or semi-solid material obtained from spices, extracted with a hydrocarbon solvent such as acetone, ethanol, ethyl acetate, or ethylene dichloride, which contains the aroma and favour of its source. A two-stage process is employed for their extraction, in which the oil is frst recovered along with the resins by solvent extraction, and later the oil is recovered by steam distillation followed by solvent extraction for recovering the oleoresin. Oleoresins are 5–20 times stronger in fa-vour than their corresponding spices, whose pungency depends on the original powder’s pungency, and the yield varies from 7% to 15% depending on varieties. Te main compo-nents of an oleoresin include essential oils, fxed oils, pigments, pungent constituents, and natural antioxidants.

Te oleoresin represents the wholesome favour of the spice—a cumulative efect of the sensation of smell and taste. Terefore, it is designated as the “true essence” of the spice and can replace spice powders in food products without altering the favour profle. Te oleoresin may be rendered water-soluble using permitted emulsifers or converted to powder form by dispersing on dry carriers. Tese plated products impart the strength of good-quality freshly ground spices and can be easily incorporated into food. Oleoresins have many advantages over whole or ground spices. Oleoresins are easy to store and trans-port because concentrated forms reduce space and bulk. Tey can be more heat-stable than raw spices and have a longer shelf life due to lower moisture content. Oleoresins have con-sistency in favour, full release of favour during cooking, and easy blendability to achieve the desired features. Oleoresins possess antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal proper-ties. Oleoresins are extensively used in the treatment of anorexia, colic, cramp, fatulence, dyspepsia, heartburn, vomiting, indigestion, griping pains, and halitosis. Tese are also used in the treatment of fever, pulmonary diseases, and digestive problems.

Te market for spice oleoresins is largely untapped, and Indian homes are still not famil-iar with the product. Te world is moving towards natural products. Spices lend colour, taste, and favour, and they are a good source of antioxidants and have preservative as well

xii ◾ Preface

as therapeutic power. Terefore, it is important to understand and document the chemis-try, characterization, properties, and applications of oleoresins. Tis book contains brief information on oleoresins—production, composition, properties, applications (medicinal and health properties), etc. It has been designed to be a practical tool for the many diverse professionals who develop and market spices and oleoresins.

Gulzar Ahmad Nayik Amir Gull

Tariq Ahmad Ganaie



Dr. Gulzar Ahmad Nayik completed his Master’s Degree in Food Technology at Islamic University of Science & Technology, Kashmir, India and PhD at Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sangrur, Punjab, India. He has published over 55 peer-reviewed research and review papers and 31 book chapters, edited fve books, pub-lished one textbook, and has delivered a number of presentations at various national and international conferences, seminars, workshops, and webinars. Dr Nayik was shortlisted twice for the prestigious Inspire-Faculty Award in 2017 and 2018 from Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. He was nominated for India’s prestigious National Award (Indian National Science Academy Medal for Young Scientists 2019–2020). Dr Nayik also flls the roles of editor, associate editor, assistant editor, and reviewer for many food science and technology journals. He has received many awards, appreciations, and rec-ognitions and holds membership of various international societies and organizations. Dr Nayik is currently editing several book projects in Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, and Royal Society of Chemistry.

Dr. Amir Gull completed his Master’s Degree in Food Technology at Islamic University of Science & Technology, Kashmir, India and PhD at Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Longowal, Sangrur, Punjab, India. Dr Gull has published 35+ peer-reviewed research and review papers in reputed journals. He has also published two edited books in Springer, 10+ book chapters and delivered many presentations in many national and international conferences. Dr Gull’s main research activities include developing functional food products from millets. Dr. Gull is also serving as an edito-rial board member and reviewer of several journals. He is also an active member of the Association of Food Scientist & Technologist India. He is also the recipient of MANF from UGC India.

Dr. Tariq Ahmad Ganaie is working as Senior Assistant Professor and incharge Head in the Department of Food Technology, Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST), Kashmir, India. He has worked as an Assistant Professor in the same from 2007 to 2013; after that, he was promoted as Senior Assistant Professor. He completed B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry in 1998, M.Sc. in Chemistry in 2001, and M.Tech (Agriculture Processing and Food Engineering) at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, India in

xiv ◾ Editors

2005. In 2021, he completed his PhD (Food Science and Technology) at the University of Kashmir, India. He has published many papers in reputed national and international journals with high impact factors. He has organized many national and international conferences, workshops, and symposia. He has delivered many invited talks and is on the editorial board of many reputed national and international journals.



Laura Natali Afanador-BarajasPrograma de Biología, Facultad de

Ingeniería y Ciencias BásicasUniversidad CentralBogotá D.C, Colombia

Tahmeena AhadUniversity of KashmirSrinagar, India

Asif AhmadInstitute of Food and

Nutritional Sciences PMAS-Arid Agriculture UniversityRawalpindi, Pakistan

Sajid AliInstitute of Agricultural SciencesUniversity of the PunjabLahore, Pakistan

Shinawar Waseem AliInstitute of Agricultural SciencesUniversity of the PunjabLahore, Pakistan

Tahira Mohsin AliDepartment of Food Science and

TechnologyUniversity of KarachiKarachi, Pakistan

Aayeena AltafDepartment of Food TechnologyJamia HamdardNew Delhi, India

Iqra AzamDepartment of Food Science and

TechnologyUniversity of KashmirSrinagar, India

Vikas BansalDepartment of Food Technology, School of

Engineering & TechnologyJaipur National UniversityJaipur, India

Cecilia BañuelosPrograma Transdisciplinario en Desarrollo

Científico y Tecnológico para la Sociedad

Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Ciudad de México, México

BarkhaDepartment of Agronomy, School of

AgricultureLovely Professional UniversityPhagwara, India

xvi ◾ Contributors

Garima BhardwajDepartment of ChemistrySant Longowal Institute of Engineering

and TechnologyLongowal, Sangrur, India

Suheela BhatDepartment of Food Engineering &

TechnologySant Longowal Institute of Engineering

and TechnologyLongowal, India

Tejasvi BhatiaDepartment of Forensic Science,

School of Bioengineering and Biosciences

Lovely Professional UniversityPhagwara, India

Hanuman BobadeDepartment of Food Science and

TechnologyPunjab Agricultural UniversityLudhiana, India

Tridip BoruahPG Department of BotanyMadhab Choudhury CollegeBarpeta, India

Natasha Abbas ButtDepartment of Food Science and

TechnologyUniversity of KarachiKarachi, Pakistan

Marycarmen Cortés-HernándezInstituto de Ciencias AgropecuariasUniversidad Autónoma del Estado de

HidalgoHidalgo, México

Aamir Hussain DarDepartment of Food TechnologyIslamic University of Science and

TechnologyKashmir, India

Gargee DeyPG Department of BotanyMadhab Choudhury CollegeBarpeta, India

Adriana Patricia Diaz-MoralesPrograma de Biología, Facultad de

Ingeniería y Ciencias BásicasUniversidad CentralBogotá D.C, Colombia

Mujahid FaridDepartment of Environmental SciencesUniversity of GujratGujrat, Pakistan

Apurba GohainDepartment of ChemistryAssam University SilcharSilchar, India

Adeel HakimDepartment of Food Science and

Technology MNS-University of AgricultureMultan, Pakistan

Monika HansGovt. PG College for Women Gandhi

NagarJammu, India

Jashanpreet KaurDepartment of ChemistryMata Gujri CollegeFatehgarh Sahib, India

Contributors ◾ xvii

Shaheen KhurshidDepartment of ZoologyGovt. Degree College TralJ&K, India

Muhammad Suhail IbrahimInstitute of Food and Nutritional Sciences PMAS-Arid Agriculture UniversityRawalpindi, Pakistan

Shafeeqa IrfanInstitute of Food Science and NutritionUniversity of SargodhaSargodha, Pakistan

Yash D. JagdaleMIT School of Food TechnologyMIT ADT UniversityPune, India

Najeeb JahanDepartment of Ilmul Advia

( Pharmacology)National Institute of Unani MedicineBengaluru, India

Shweta JoshiG.B. Pant University of Agriculture &

TechnologyPantnagar, India

Rabia KanwalInstitute of Food Science and NutritionUniversity of SargodhaSargodha, Pakistan

Gurpreet KaurDepartment of ZoologyMata Gujri CollegeFatehgarh Sahib, India

Kamalpreet KaurDepartment of ChemistryMata Gujri CollegeFatehgarh Sahib, India

Bababode Adesegun KehindeDepartment of Biosystems and

Agricultural EngineeringUniversity of KentuckyLexington, Kentucky

Ashwani Kumar KhajuriaGovernment Degree College

for WomenKathua, India

Jasmeet KourGovt. PG College for Women Gandhi

NagarJammu, India

Preeti KukkarDepartment of ChemistryMata Gujri CollegeFatehgarh Sahib, India

Shailja KumariSchool of Applied Sciences and

BiotechnologyShoolini University of

Biotechnology and Management Sciences

Solan, India

Tanu MalikDepartment of Food Technology and

NutritionLovely Professional UniversityPhagwara, India

xviii ◾ Contributors

Lubna MasoodiDepartment of Food Science and

TechnologyUniversity of KashmirSrinagar, India

Gabriela Medina-PerézInstituto de Ciencias

AgropecuariasUniversidad Autónoma del Estado de

HidalgoHidalgo, México

Sumera MehfoozDepartment of Ilmul Advia

( Pharmacology)National Institute of Unani MedicineBengaluru, India

Imtiyaz Ahmad MirAYUSH Department of

Health & Medical EducationGovernment of Jammu & KashmirSrinagar, India

Mian Anjum MurtazaInstitute of Food Science

and NutritionUniversity of SargodhaSargodha, Pakistan

Vishal MutrejaDepartment of ChemistryUniversity Institute of Science ( UIS),

Chandigarh UniversityGharuan, India

Sabeera MuzzaffarDepartment of Food Science and

TechnologyUniversity of KashmirSrinagar, India

Muhammad Modassar Ali Nawaz RanjhaInstitute of Food Science

and NutritionUniversity of SargodhaSargodha, Pakistan

Jassia NisarDepartment of Food Science and

TechnologyUniversity of KashmirHazratbal Srinagar, India

Gulzar Ahmad NayikDepartment of Food Science and

TechnologyGovt. Degree CollegeShopian, India

Lisa F. M. Lee Nen ThatSchool of ScienceRMIT UniversityBundoora, Australia

Navneet Kaur PanagDepartment of Electrical

EngineeringBaba Banda Singh Bahadur

Engineering CollegeFatehgarh Sahib, India

Vivek PandeyDepartment of NanomaterialVET Centre for NanoscienceLucknow, India

Jessica PandoheeCentre for Crop and Disease

Management, School of Molecular and Life Sciences

Curtin UniversityBentley, Australia

Contributors ◾ xix

Sergio Rubén Peréz-RíosInstituto de Ciencias AgropecuariasUniversidad Autónoma del Estado de

HidalgoHidalgo, México

Shafiya RafiqDepartment of Food Technology and

NutritionLovely Professional UniversityPhagwara, India

Nighat RazaDepartment of Food Science and

Technology MNS-University of AgricultureMultan, Pakistan

Ume RoobabSchool of Food Science and EngineeringSouth China University of TechnologyGuangzhou, China

SangeetaGuru Nanak CollegeBudhlada, India

Muhamad ShafiqInstitute of Agricultural SciencesUniversity of the PunjabLahore, Pakistan

Bakhtawar ShafiqueInstitute of Food Science and NutritionUniversity of SargodhaSargodha, Pakistan

Muhammad ShahbazDepartment of Food Science and

Technology MNS-University of AgricultureMultan, Pakistan

Marium ShaikhDepartment of Food Science and

TechnologyUniversity of KarachiKarachi, Pakistan

Ajay SharmaDepartment of ChemistryUniversity Institute of Science ( UIS),

Chandigarh UniversityGharuan, India

Renu SharmaDepartment of ChemistryAkal Degree CollegeMastuana Sahib, India

Ruchi SharmaSchool of Bioengineering & Food

TechnologyShoolini University of Biotechnology and

Management SciencesSolan, India

Somesh SharmaSchool of Bioengineering & Food

TechnologyShoolini University of Biotechnology and

Management SciencesSolan, India

Arashdeep SinghDepartment of Food Science and

TechnologyPunjab Agricultural UniversityLudhiana, India

Baljit SinghDepartment of Food Science and

TechnologyPunjab Agricultural UniversityLudhiana, India

xx ◾ Contributors

Vishakha SinghMaharana Pratap University of

Agriculture & TechnologyUdaipur, India

Ghulamudin SofiDepartment of Ilmul Advia

( Pharmacology)National Institute of Unani MedicineBengaluru, India

Harvinder Singh SohalDepartment of ChemistryUniversity Institute of Science ( UIS),

Chandigarh UniversityGharuan, India

Priyanka SutharDepartment of Food Science and

Technology, Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, India

Muhammad Rizwan TariqInstitute of Agricultural SciencesUniversity of the PunjabLahore, Pakistan

Zakiya UsmaniDepartment of Pharmacy, School of

Pharmaceutical SciencesLingayas VidyapeethFaridabad, India

Edgar Vázquez-NúñezDepartamento de Ingenierías Química,

Electrónica y Biomédica, División de Ciencias e Ingenierías

Universidad de GuanajuatoLeón, México

Syeda Mahvish ZahraInstitute of Food Science and NutritionUniversity of SargodhaSargodha, PakistanDepartment of Environmental Design

Health and Nutritional SciencesAllama Iqbal Open UniversityIslamabad, Pakistan

Saadia ZainabCollege of Food Science and TechnologyHenan University of TechnologyZhengzhou, China

C H A P T E R 1

Pepper Oleoresin Properties and Economic Importance

Zakiya Usmani Lingayas Vidyapeeth

Aamir Hussain Dar Islamic University of Science and Technology Kashmir

Aayeena Altaf Jamia Hamdard

Yash D. Jagdale MIT ADT University

CONTENTS 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 Economic Importance 2 1.3 Geographic Distribution and Ecology 3 1.4 Production 3 1.5 Extraction Techniques 3

1.5.1 Supercritical CO2 Extraction 3 Global Yield (X0) 3 Kinetic Experiments 4

1.5.2 Soxhlet Extraction 4 1.5.3 Microwave Refux Extraction 4

1.6 Chemical Constituent 5 1.7 Applications 6

1.7.1 Antimicrobial Activity 6 1.7.2 Antioxidant Activity 6 1.7.3 Anti-Cancer 6 1.7.4 Other Application 6

DOI: 10.1201/9781003186205-1 1

2 ◾ Handbook of Oleoresins

1.8 Safety, Toxicity and Future Scope 6 1.9 Conclusion 7 References 7

1.1 INTRODUCTION Te discovery of bioactive compounds present in natural matrices has gained an increas-ing amount of attention during the past two decades. In addition to this fact, the aware-ness of the health benefts of eating healthy foods, as well as the development of analytical instruments, has contributed to the study of pepper fruits and their by-products as sources of bioactive compounds (Baenas, et al. 2019).

Pepper became so important in the Middle Ages that spice traders were dubbed “Pepperers” in England, “Poivriers” in France, and “Pfefersacke” in Germany (Govindarajan and Stahl, 2009). Oleoresin can be obtained from diferent plants such as basil, capsicum (paprika), cardamom, celery seed, cinnamon bark and clove bud. Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is appreciated as a food additive, a pigment for its physiological and pharmaceutical uses due to its high level of antioxidants. Pepper spray has been widely used for decades by government agencies or military forces worldwide to combat interpersonal violence or civil unrest, law enforcement, criminal incapacitation, per-sonal defence and sometimes even in controlling wild animals. Oleoresins are semi-solid extracts made up of resin and essential fatty oil that are obtained by evaporating the solvents used to make them (King, 2006). Naturally occurring oleoresins are referred to as Balsams. Oleoresin, ofen known as spice drops, includes all of the pungency and fa-vour components of pepper (Ravindran and Kallupurackal, 2012). Te oleoresin, which is made up of volatile and non-volatile components, can be separated by squeezing the herb or using a solvent mixture to extract the volatile and non-volatile components (Peter, 2012).

1.2 ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE In the Mexican culture, the wild chilli pepper that is also known as chile piquin (C. ann-uum var glabriusculum) plays a very signifcant role, serving as a staple food since prehis-toric times. Tere are a variety of ways of preparing cilantro, whether fresh green, dried, used in dust, brine, sauces, salads, moles, stufed chilli, sweet candies and other applica-tions (Garcia et al., 2017). In Mexico, the chile is used for a variety of purposes, including Curanderos utilize it in various ceremonies, such as “cleansing,” which refers to avoiding bad vibrations and is widely employed as an evil eye remedy. Prehispanic ethnic cultures, for example, were known to use medicinal plants (Martínez-Ávalos et al., 2018). Te Aztecs employed them to treat toothaches, ear infections, constipation and labour pains, and the early Spaniards in America praised their use. It is used to treat dyspepsia in the digestive system, as well as toothaches, diarrhoea, ear pain, cough and fever because capsaicin pro-motes blood circulation. Some medicines have been made from oleoresins from Capsicum spp., and they act on the mucosa to relieve respiratory problems. Chilli with meals may be the most popular hangover treatment. Capsicum is an ornamental plant in Mexican

Pepper Oleoresin ◾ 3

culture, and it is used as an adornment in plates, altars, religious gatherings and amulets, among other things (Kunnumakkara et al., 2009). Chilli is also used in cosmetics, paint-ings, and meals, and it is used in industry to obtain oleoresins, from which capsaicin is made, and it is utilized in human and animal foods, such as birds, and even in personal defence (Baenas et al., 2019).

1.3 GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY C. annuum var glabriusculum’s distribution extends throughout Mexico, Central America, Colombia and down into several regions of Peru (Martínez-Ávalos et al., 2018). Mexico has registered this species in all 34 states, and it can be found in the coastal zone from Sonora to Chiapas on the Pacifc, and from Tabasco to Yucatán and Quintana Roo on the Gulf of Mexico. Northeastern Mexico is typically found from sea level to approximately 1200 m and is particularly accessible to disturbed zones of small deciduous and thorny for-est. However, a recent study on potential distribution modelling is being investigated. Te temperature could be one of the key environmental variables afecting its spread from 18.3 Co, according to Martnez-valos and Venegas-Barrera (Martínez-Ávalos et al., 2018; Smith et al., 1957; kraf et al., 2014; Aguilar‐Meléndez).

1.4 PRODUCTION Te production of chilli fruits in Mexico is one of the largest in the world, with the country growing 2.2 million tons of them each year from a surface area of 149,000 ha at a participa-tion rate of 12,000 producers each year. Considering these facts, chilli is a signifcant com-mercial and social export product, with over 600,000 tonnes of green chilli produced each year, and its global consumption is growing every year. People from 9 cities in the states of Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas favour the types jalapeno chilli (37.3%), piquin (29.6%) and serrano (24.0%), while the cities of Linares and Ciudad Victoria are the largest consumers of the variety “piquin.” Harvesting wild chilli Capsicum annum var glabriuscu-lum fruits by people living in rural areas is a popular activity in some Northern (Coahuila, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosi and Tamaulipas) and Northwestern (Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chihuahua and Sinaloa) Mexican states, as the price is always high and they are commercialized in both Mexico and the United States (Martínez-Ávalos et al., 2018; Govindrajan and Salzer, 1986).

1.5 EXTRACTION TECHNIQUES 1.5.1 Supercritical CO2 Extraction

Extraction of supercritical CO2 was either done in duplicate or using a dynamic extrac-tion method consisting of an extracting column that is continuously supplied with solvent through a fxed solid bed (De Aguiar et al., 2013). Global Yield (X0) In order to determine X0, experiments were conducted in a dynamic extraction device (Applied Separations, Speed, Allentown, PA). In this experiment, 4.0 g of sample for the

4 ◾ Handbook of Oleoresins

fxed bed was put in a stainless steel column with a volume of 5.6 mL. Te efect of pressure and temperature on X0 was studied using a factorial design by repeating 2 × 32 = 18 experi-ments, each with three levels and two variables. Te pressures and temperatures were 15, 25 and 35 MPa and 40°C, 50°C and 60°C, respectively. It was determined that pressure ranges below 15 MPa can reduce extraction rate and yield, while pressures over 35 MPa result in unfeasible costs compression. To avoid thermal degradation in the extract, levels of temperature were chosen over the critical temperature of CO2 (31.1°C) and over 60°C, the upper limit. A fow rate of 1.98 10−4 kg/s was selected for the solvent fow. Te extrac-tion period was set at 320 minutes afer initially testing. Using the chosen solvent fow rate showed that all of the immediately accessible solutes had been removed by convection. Glass fasks were used to collect the extracts, which were then weighed on an analytical balance (De Aguiar et al., 2013). Kinetic Experiments For kinetics, frozen and oven-dried pepper samples were used with the similar extraction unit used for global yield experiments, at pressures and temperatures that yielded the high-est capsaicinoids yield and the conditions evaluated during the design of the experiment. Te sample used for the assay constituted approximately 4.0 g, the quantity of which was fxed inside of a 5.6 mL column of stainless steel. Carbon dioxide (CO2) was injected at a fow rate of 1.98 10−4 kg/s, and the average particle size of dry materials was 0.88 (*0.06) mm and 0.51 (*0.01) mm, respectively, for a freeze-dried and oven-dried sample. A curve showing the extraction fow was derived by measuring the mass of the extracted extract based on the time. According to the methodology presented, capsaicinoids were deter-mined in the extract (De Aguiar et al., 2013).

1.5.2 Soxhlet Extraction

During the study, approximately 5 kg of fresh peppers were dried under the air cir-culation oven for 20 hours at approximately 70°C and lyophilized for 72 hours at approximately −40°C (highest capsaicinoids). As part of the extraction process, the samples were ground in a knife mill after drying; homogenization is important for them as it reduces resistance to mass transfer. An extraction technique suitable for Soxhlet extraction was selected, using hexane as a solvent. The extraction apparatus was packed with filter paper, and 5.0 g of freeze-dried sample was put in at a time. The system was heated to boiling (69°C) with hexane (0.15 L) added. The ref lux was main-tained for 6 hours, after which the solvent was evaporated under vacuum (at 25°C), and the recovered extract was weighed and stored for further analysis at −18°C (De Aguiar et al., 2013).

1.5.3 Microwave Refux Extraction

Five grams of sieved samples were combined with solvents such as acetone and water hex-ane, and stirred with a magnetic stirrer. Soaking and stirring were performed to ensure that the sample and solvent were properly hydrated and homogeneous. In the microwave extractor, the sample was loaded and the orthogonal experimental design was used to

Pepper Oleoresin ◾ 5

irradiate it. To reduce the efects of superheating, a three-level microwave pulsed heating technique was used. For the pre-heating process, the sample was heated for 10 minutes at 100°C, irradiated as per the experimental design and cooled to 30°C for 5 minutes. In addi-tion to the pre-heating irradiation cooling modes, pulsed heating modes are introduced to reduce the efects of temperature fuctuation on the system. A refrigerated centrifuge was then used to centrifuge the sample at 5000 rpm for 15 minutes afer which it was removed from the extractor. An extraction yield was calculated from the fnal extract concentrate afer concentrating the extract using a rotary evaporator. Afer storage at 4°C, the oleoresin extract concentrate was analysed and characterized by chemical techniques (Olalere et al. 2018; Mnadal, et al. 2007).

1.6 CHEMICAL CONSTITUENT It contains approximately 0.5%–0.9% capsaicin, a volatile, colourless, crystalline and pungent compound. It also contains fxed oils, proteins and pigments, like capsanthin and carotene. Pigments are responsible for the red colour. Other ingredients of the drug include thiamine and ascorbic acid (Morais, et al. 2003). Because of the pungent taste associated with capsaicin present in pepper fruits, seeds and placenta, pepper fruits are consumed as spices in food preparations. When pepper fruits are consumed, they can create a burning sensation that can last for hours (Saleh, et al. 2018). Te characteristic pungent favour of pepper fruits can be attributed to capsaicinoids, which are a group of compounds. Associated with rheumatoid arthritis and gastric ulcers, capsaicinoids have also been shown to have therapeutic properties (Batiha, et al. 2020). Tere are 9–11 carbon chains, branched fatty acid vanillylamides in the capsicum, the most abundant of which are dihydrocapsaicin and capsaicin (Figure 1.1). Tey are accountable for 90% of the total pungency of pepper fruits. Te major capsaicinoids reported in capsicum oleoresin are capsaicin (48.6%) followed by 6,7-dihydro capsaicin (36%), nordihydro-capsaicin (7.4%), homodihydrocapsaicin (2%), homocapsaicin (2%), pseudocapsaicine, capsanthin and capsorubin (Luo, et al. 2011).

FIGURE 1.1 Structure of major capsaicinoids reported in capsicum.

6 ◾ Handbook of Oleoresins


1.7.1 Antimicrobial Activity

Te scientifc community knows that bacteria are increasingly becoming resistant to antibi-otics as time passes; therefore, the development of new treatments represents an important area of research. Pepper has been shown to have antimicrobial activity against a variety of bacteria, including Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli (Techawinyutham, et al. 2019; Dussault and Lacroix, 2014).

1.7.2 Antioxidant Activity

Leafy green vegetables with vibrant colours have high levels of antioxidants. Among these are pepper oleoresins, which were found to have antioxidant activity increased with the maturity stage of red, with nutrients like lycopene ascorbic acid and p-coumaryl alcohol ethoxyquin. It has been observed that isolated phytochemicals are efcacious against Fe(II)-induced lipid peroxidation. Methanolic extracts from C. annuum L. were found to prevent 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal-induced and H2O2-induced DNA damage in another investigation (Culafc, 2018; Maksimova, et al. 2014; oboh, et al. 2007).

1.7.3 Anti-Cancer

Capsaicin is responsible for the pungency of chilli. Tere has been evidence that capsa-icin is efective at stopping, both in vitro and in vivo, the growth of prostate cancer cells. Tere is signifcant research demonstrating that capsaicinoid compounds, derived natu-rally from chilli, have antitumor properties, both in vitro and in vivo (Šaponjac, et al. 2014; Amruthraj, et al. 2014).

1.7.4 Other Application

• Te capsicum fruit is used to create medication. Capsicum is used to treat a variety of digestive issues, including bloating, gas, stomach pain, diarrhoea and cramps (Pawar, et al. 2011).

• It’s also used to treat heart and blood vessel problems like low circulation, excessive clot-ting of blood, high level of cholesterol and cardiac disease prevention (Sanati, et al. 2018).

• Toothaches, seasickness, drunkenness, malaria and fever are among the other uses. It’s also used to aid those who have trouble swallowing. Capsicum is applied to the skin to treat shingles, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and fbromyalgia discom-fort (Gupta, et al. 2007; Madhumathy, et al. 2007).

Te capsicum fruit is used to create medication. It is used to treat a variety of digestive issues, including bloating, gas, stomach pain, diarrhoea and cramps.

1.8 SAFETY, TOXICITY AND FUTURE SCOPE Te safety of capsaicin consumption or topical application has been a subject of con-troversy for centuries. Research studies suggest that capsaicin may either act as a

Pepper Oleoresin ◾ 7

carcinogen or act as a cancer-preventive agent, based on epidemiological evidence and basic research study fndings. Despite limited safety studies, there is some evidence that pepper can be consumed in quantities several times the normal human intake without harming growth, organ weights, feed efciency ratios, nitrogen balance, or chemistry of blood in Indian population. In comparison to other naturally occurring irritants, cap-saicin is unique in that it provokes a short but refractory neuronal response, and there is a subsequent desensitization process (Srinivasan, 2016). It has therapeutic potential. For many years, creams containing capsaicin have been used to relieve a variety of painful conditions. Although some of their side efects are reported, they are highly debated as efective pain relievers. An increase in skin carcinogenesis was observed in mice treated with sunlight and capsaicin for a long period afer chronic, long-term topical application (Bode and Dong, 2011).

1.9 CONCLUSION A variety of pepper called C. annuum is an important crop in Northeastern Mexico, where its fruits are consumed and sold, generating much income for rural families. C. annuum contains varying amounts of capsaicinoids, explaining their high demand and the wide variability in capsaicinoids content. Te chapter indicated that red pepper and its active constituent have antioxidant, anti-cancer, antimicrobial, and anti-hyperlipidemic efects. Te antiobesity property of red pepper was partially simi-lar to that of some antiobesity medications. Te results of these studies suggest that red pepper could reduce the risk of mortality caused by cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, but further clinical trials are needed to confrm its efectiveness in humans.


Aguilar‐Meléndez, A., Morrell, P. L., Roose, M. L. and Kim, S. C. (2009) Genetic diversity and structure in semiwild and domesticated chiles (Capsicum Annuum; Solanaceae) from Mexico, American Journal of Botany, 96(6), 1190–1202.

Amruthraj, N. J., Raj, P., Saravanan, S. and Lebel, L. A. (2014) In vitro studies on anticancer activ-ity of capsaicinoids from Capsicum chinense against human hepatocellular carcinoma cells, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6(4), 254–558.

Baenas, N., Belović, M., Ilic, N., Moreno, D. A. and García-Viguera, C. (2019) Industrial use of pepper (Capsicum Annum L.) derived products: Technological benefts and biological advan-tages, Food Chemistry, 274, 872–885.

Batiha, G. E. S., Alqahtani, A., Ojo, O. A., Shaheen, H. M., Wasef, L., Elzeiny, M., Ismail, M., Shalaby, M., Murata, T., Zaragoza-Bastida, A. and Rivero-Perez, N. (2020) Biological proper-ties, bioactive constituents, and pharmacokinetics of some Capsicum spp. and capsaicinoids, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(15), 5179.

Bode, A. M. and Dong, Z. (2011) Te two faces of capsaicin, Cancer Research, 71(8), 2809–2814. Culafc, D. M. (2018) Synergistic antioxidant activity of clove oleoresin with Capsicum oleo-

resin and Kalonji seeds extract in sunfower oil, Biomedical Journal of Scientifc & Technical Research, 3(4), 3469–3474.

de Aguiar, A. C., Sales, L. P., Coutinho, J. P., Barbero, G. F., Godoy, H. T. and Martínez, J. (2013) Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of Capsicum peppers: Global yield and capsaicinoid content, Te Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 81, 210–216.

8 ◾ Handbook of Oleoresins

Dussault, D., Vu, K. D. and Lacroix, M. (2014) In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial activities of various commercial essential oils, oleoresin and pure compounds against food pathogens and application in ham, Meat Science, 96(1), 514–520.

García-Gaytán, V., Gómez-Merino, F. C., Trejo-Téllez, L. I., Baca-Castillo, G. A. and García-Morales, S. (2017) Te chilhuacle chili (Capsicum annuum L.) in Mexico: Description of the variety, its cultivation, and uses, International Journal of Agronomy. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/5641680

Govindarajan, V. S. and Salzer, U. J. (1986) Capsicum—Production, technology, chemistry, and quality—Part II. Processed products, standards, world production and trade, Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition, 3(3), 207–288.

Govindarajan, V. S. and Stahl, W. H. (1977) Pepper—chemistry, technology, and quality evalua-tion, Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition, 9(2), 115–225.

Gupta, R. S., Dixit, V. P. and Dobhal, M. P. (2002) Hypocholesterolaemic efect of the oleoresin of Capsicum annum L. in gerbils (Meriones hurrianae Jerdon), Phytotherapy Research, 16(3), 273–275.

King, K. (2006) Packaging and storage of herbs and spices. In Handbook of Herbs and Spices, pp. 86–102. Woodhead Publishing.

Kraf, K. H., Brown, C. H., Nabhan, G. P., Luedeling, E., Ruiz, J. D. J. L., d’Eeckenbrugge, G. C., Hijmans, R. J. and Gepts, P. (2014) Multiple lines of evidence for the origin of domesticated chili pepper, Capsicum annuum, in Mexico, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(17), 6165–6170.

Kunnumakkara, A. B., Koca, C., Dey, S., Gehlot, P., Yodkeeree, S., Danda, D., Sung, B. and Aggarwal, B. B. (2009) Traditional uses of spices: an overview, Molecular Targets and Terapeutic Uses of Spices: Modern Uses for Ancient Medicine, pp. 1–24.

Luo, X. J., Peng, J. and Li, Y. J. (2011) Recent advances in the study on capsaicinoids and capsinoids, European Journal of Pharmacology, 650(1), 1–7.

Madhumathy, A. P., Aivazi, A. A. and Vijayan, V. A. (2007) Larvicidal efcacy of Capsicum annum against Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus, Journal of Vector Borne Diseases, 44(3), 223–226.

Maksimova, V., Koleva Gudeva, L., Ruskovska, T., Gulaboski, R. and Cvetanovska, A. (2014) Antioxidative efect of Capsicum oleoresins compared with pure capsaicin, IOSR Journal of Pharmacy, 4(11), 44–48.

Mandal, V., Mohan, Y. and Hemalatha, S. (2007) Microwave assisted extraction—an innovative and promising extraction tool for medicinal plant research, Pharmacognosy Reviews, 1(1), 7–18.

Martínez-Ávalos, J. G., Venegas-Barrera, C. S., Martínez-Gallegos, R., Torres-Castillo, J. A., Santibáñez, F. E. O., Mora-Olivo, A., Guerra-Pérez, A., Arellano-Méndez, L. U. and Ocañas, F. G. (2018) A review on the geographical distribution, fruit production and concentration of capsaicinoids in Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum in the northeastern region of Mexico, Preprints 2018110517, doi: 10.20944/preprints201811.0517.v1.

Morais, H., Rodrigues, P., Ramos, C., Forgács, E., Cserháti, T. and Oliveira, J. (2002) Efect of ascor-bic acid on the stability of β‐carotene and capsanthin in paprika (Capsicum annuum) powder, Food/Nahrung, 46(5), 308–310.

Olalere, O. A., Abdurahman, N. H., bin Mohd Yunus, R., Alara, O. R. and Kabbashi, N. A. (2018) Chemical fngerprinting of biologically active compounds and morphological transformation during microwave refux extraction of black pepper, Chemical Data Collections, 17, 339–344.

Pawar, S. S., Bharude, N. V., Sonone, S. S., Deshmukh, R. S., Raut, A. K. and Umarkar, A. R. (2011) Chillies as food, spice and medicine: A perspective, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 1(3), 311–318.

Peter, K. V. ed. (2012) Handbook of Herbs and Spices, Elsevier. Ravindran, P. N. and Kallupurackal, J. A. (2012) Black pepper. In Handbook of Herbs and Spices,

pp. 86–115. Woodhead Publishing.

Pepper Oleoresin ◾ 9

Saleh, B. K., Omer, A. and Teweldemedhin, B. (2018) Medicinal uses and health benefts of chili pepper (Capsicum spp.): A review, MOJ Food Processing & Technology, 6(4), pp. 325–328.

Sanati, S., Razavi, B. M. and Hosseinzadeh, H. (2018) A review of the efects of Capsicum annuum L. and its constituent, capsaicin, in metabolic syndrome, Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 21(5), 439–448

Šaponjac, V. T., Četojević-Simin, D., Ćetković, G., Čanadanović-Brunet, J., Djilas, S., Mandić, A. and Tepić, A. (2014) Efect of extraction conditions of paprika oleoresins on their free radical scavenging and anticancer activity, Central European Journal of Chemistry, 12(3), 377–385.

Smith, P. G. and Heiser Jr, C. B. (1957) Taxonomy of Capsicum sinense Jacq. and the geographic distribution of the cultivated Capsicum species, Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, pp. 413–420.

Srinivasan, K. (2016) Biological activities of red pepper (Capsicum annuum) and its pungent prin-ciple capsaicin: a review, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56(9), 1488–1500.

Techawinyutham, L., Siengchin, S., Dangtungee, R. and Parameswaranpillai, J. (2019) Infuence of accelerated weathering on the thermo-mechanical, antibacterial, and rheological properties of polylactic acid incorporated with porous silica-containing varying amount of capsicum oleoresin, Composites Part B: Engineering, 175, 107108.

Uquiche, E., Millao, S. and del Valle, J. M. (2021) Extrusion afects supercritical CO2 extraction of red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) oleoresin, Journal of Food Engineering, 110829.

Pepper Oleoresin AguilarMeléndez, A. , Morrell, P. L. , Roose, M. L. and Kim, S. C. (2009) Genetic diversity and structure insemiwild and domesticated chiles (Capsicum Annuum; Solanaceae) from Mexico, American Journal of Botany,96(6), 1190–1202. Amruthraj, N. J. , Raj, P. , Saravanan, S. and Lebel, L. A. (2014) In vitro studies on anticancer activity ofcapsaicinoids from Capsicum chinense against human hepatocellular carcinoma cells, International Journal ofPharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6(4), 254–558. Baenas, N. , Belović, M. , Ilic, N. , Moreno, D. A. and García-Viguera, C. (2019) Industrial use of pepper (Capsicum Annum L.) derived products: Technological benefits and biological advantages, Food Chemistry,274, 872–885. Batiha, G. E. S. , Alqahtani, A. , Ojo, O. A. , Shaheen, H. M. , Wasef, L. , Elzeiny, M. , Ismail, M. , Shalaby, M. ,Murata, T. , Zaragoza-Bastida, A. and Rivero-Perez, N. (2020) Biological properties, bioactive constituents, andpharmacokinetics of some Capsicum spp. and capsaicinoids, International Journal of Molecular Sciences,21(15), 5179. Bode, A. M. and Dong, Z. (2011) The two faces of capsaicin, Cancer Research, 71(8), 2809–2814. Culafic, D. M. (2018) Synergistic antioxidant activity of clove oleoresin with Capsicum oleoresin and Kalonjiseeds extract in sunflower oil, Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 3(4), 3469–3474. de Aguiar, A. C. , Sales, L. P. , Coutinho, J. P. , Barbero, G. F. , Godoy, H. T. and Martínez, J. (2013)Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of Capsicum peppers: Global yield and capsaicinoid content, TheJournal of Supercritical Fluids, 81, 210–216. Dussault, D. , Vu, K. D. and Lacroix, M. (2014) In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial activities of variouscommercial essential oils, oleoresin and pure compounds against food pathogens and application in ham, MeatScience, 96(1), 514–520. García-Gaytán, V. , Gómez-Merino, F. C. , Trejo-Téllez, L. I. , Baca-Castillo, G. A. and García-Morales, S.(2017) The chilhuacle chili (Capsicum annuum L.) in Mexico: Description of the variety, its cultivation, and uses,International Journal of Agronomy. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/5641680 Govindarajan, V. S. and Salzer, U. J. (1986) Capsicum—Production, technology, chemistry, and quality—PartII. Processed products, standards, world production and trade, Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition,3(3), 207–288. Govindarajan, V. S. and Stahl, W. H. (1977) Pepper—chemistry, technology, and quality evaluation, CriticalReviews in Food Science & Nutrition, 9(2), 115–225. Gupta, R. S. , Dixit, V. P. and Dobhal, M. P. (2002) Hypocholesterolaemic effect of the oleoresin of Capsicumannum L. in gerbils (Meriones hurrianae Jerdon), Phytotherapy Research, 16(3), 273–275. King, K. (2006) Packaging and storage of herbs and spices. In Handbook of Herbs and Spices, pp. 86–102.Woodhead Publishing. Kraft, K. H. , Brown, C. H. , Nabhan, G. P. , Luedeling, E. , Ruiz, J. D. J. L. , d’Eeckenbrugge, G. C. , Hijmans,R. J. and Gepts, P. (2014) Multiple lines of evidence for the origin of domesticated chili pepper, Capsicumannuum , in Mexico, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(17), 6165–6170. Kunnumakkara, A. B. , Koca, C. , Dey, S. , Gehlot, P. , Yodkeeree, S. , Danda, D. , Sung, B. and Aggarwal, B.B. (2009) Traditional uses of spices: an overview, Molecular Targets and Therapeutic Uses of Spices: ModernUses for Ancient Medicine, pp. 1–24. Luo, X. J. , Peng, J. and Li, Y. J. (2011) Recent advances in the study on capsaicinoids and capsinoids,European Journal of Pharmacology, 650(1), 1–7. Madhumathy, A. P. , Aivazi, A. A. and Vijayan, V. A. (2007) Larvicidal efficacy of Capsicum annum againstAnopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus, Journal of Vector Borne Diseases, 44(3), 223–226. Maksimova, V. , Koleva Gudeva, L. , Ruskovska, T. , Gulaboski, R. and Cvetanovska, A. (2014) Antioxidativeeffect of Capsicum oleoresins compared with pure capsaicin, IOSR Journal of Pharmacy, 4(11), 44–48. Mandal, V. , Mohan, Y. and Hemalatha, S. (2007) Microwave assisted extraction—an innovative and promisingextraction tool for medicinal plant research, Pharmacognosy Reviews, 1(1), 7–18. Martínez-Ávalos, J. G. , Venegas-Barrera, C. S. , Martínez-Gallegos, R. , Torres-Castillo, J. A. , Santibáñez, F.E. O. , Mora-Olivo, A. , Guerra-Pérez, A. , Arellano-Méndez, L. U. and Ocañas, F. G. (2018) A review on thegeographical distribution, fruit production and concentration of capsaicinoids in Capsicum annuum var.glabriusculum in the northeastern region of Mexico, Preprints 2018110517, doi:10.20944/preprints201811.0517.v1. Morais, H. , Rodrigues, P. , Ramos, C. , Forgács, E. , Cserháti, T. and Oliveira, J. (2002) Effect of ascorbic acidon the stability of βcarotene and capsanthin in paprika (Capsicum annuum) powder, Food/Nahrung, 46(5),308–310. Olalere, O. A. , Abdurahman, N. H. , bin Mohd Yunus, R. , Alara, O. R. and Kabbashi, N. A. (2018) Chemicalfingerprinting of biologically active compounds and morphological transformation during microwave refluxextraction of black pepper, Chemical Data Collections, 17, 339–344. Pawar, S. S. , Bharude, N. V. , Sonone, S. S. , Deshmukh, R. S. , Raut, A. K. and Umarkar, A. R. (2011)Chillies as food, spice and medicine: A perspective, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 1(3),311–318.

Peter, K. V. ed. (2012) Handbook of Herbs and Spices, Elsevier. Ravindran, P. N. and Kallupurackal, J. A. (2012) Black pepper. In Handbook of Herbs and Spices, pp. 86–115.Woodhead Publishing. Saleh, B. K. , Omer, A. and Teweldemedhin, B. (2018) Medicinal uses and health benefits of chili pepper (Capsicum spp.): A review, MOJ Food Processing & Technology, 6(4), pp. 325–328. Sanati, S. , Razavi, B. M. and Hosseinzadeh, H. (2018) A review of the effects of Capsicum annuum L. and itsconstituent, capsaicin, in metabolic syndrome, Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 21(5), 439–448 Šaponjac, V. T. , Četojević-Simin, D. , Ćetković, G. , Čanadanović-Brunet, J. , Djilas, S. , Mandić, A. and Tepić,A. (2014) Effect of extraction conditions of paprika oleoresins on their free radical scavenging and anticanceractivity, Central European Journal of Chemistry, 12(3), 377–385. Smith, P. G. and Heiser Jr, C. B. (1957) Taxonomy of Capsicum sinense Jacq. and the geographic distributionof the cultivated Capsicum species, Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, pp. 413–420. Srinivasan, K. (2016) Biological activities of red pepper (Capsicum annuum) and its pungent principle capsaicin:a review, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56(9), 1488–1500. Techawinyutham, L. , Siengchin, S. , Dangtungee, R. and Parameswaranpillai, J. (2019) Influence ofaccelerated weathering on the thermo-mechanical, antibacterial, and rheological properties of polylactic acidincorporated with porous silica-containing varying amount of capsicum oleoresin, Composites Part B:Engineering, 175, 107108. Uquiche, E. , Millao, S. and del Valle, J. M. (2021) Extrusion affects supercritical CO2 extraction of red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) oleoresin, Journal of Food Engineering, 110829.

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