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Hong Kong 2006

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428 Appendices 1 The Executive Council 431 2 The Legislative Council 433 3 The District Councils 435 4 Overseas Representation in Hong Kong 442 5 Hong Kong Representation 443 6 Statistical Appendices 445 Table 1 (a) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 445 (b) GDP by Expenditure Component 445 (c) GDP by Economic Activity at Current Prices 446 (d) GDP by Economic Activity at Constant (2000) Prices 447 Table 2 Gross National Product (GNP) 448 Table 3 Balance of Payments Account 449 Table 4 Year-on-year Rates of Change in the Consumer Price Indices 450 Table 5 Business Receipts Indices 451 Table 6 Total Government Revenue and Expenditure and 452 Summary of Financial Position Table 7 Public Expenditure by Policy Area Group 456 Table 8 Government Expenditure and the Economy 458 Table 9 Deposits, Loans and Advances of Authorised Institutions 459 Table 10 Exchange Rates of the Hong Kong Dollar Against 460 Selected Major Currencies Table 11 Money Supply 460 Table 12 Exchange Fund Abridged Balance Sheet 461 Table 13 (a) Merchandise Trade by Main Country/Territory 462 (b) Imports, Retained Imports and Re-exports by End-use Category 463 (c) Domestic Exports by Principal Commodity 463 Table 14 Exports and Imports of Services by Major Service Group 464 Table 15 (a) Position and Flow of Inward Direct Investment by 465 Major Investor Country/Territory (b) Position and Flow of Outward Direct Investment by 465 Major Recipient Country/Territory



1 The Executive Council 431

2 The Legislative Council 433

3 The District Councils 435

4 Overseas Representation in Hong Kong 442

5 Hong Kong Representation 443

6 Statistical Appendices 445

Table 1 (a) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 445(b) GDP by Expenditure Component 445(c) GDP by Economic Activity at Current Prices 446(d) GDP by Economic Activity at Constant (2000) Prices 447

Table 2 Gross National Product (GNP) 448

Table 3 Balance of Payments Account 449

Table 4 Year-on-year Rates of Change in the Consumer Price Indices 450

Table 5 Business Receipts Indices 451

Table 6 Total Government Revenue and Expenditure and 452Summary of Financial Position

Table 7 Public Expenditure by Policy Area Group 456

Table 8 Government Expenditure and the Economy 458

Table 9 Deposits, Loans and Advances of Authorised Institutions 459

Table 10 Exchange Rates of the Hong Kong Dollar Against 460Selected Major Currencies

Table 11 Money Supply 460

Table 12 Exchange Fund Abridged Balance Sheet 461

Table 13 (a) Merchandise Trade by Main Country/Territory 462(b) Imports, Retained Imports and Re-exports by End-use Category 463(c) Domestic Exports by Principal Commodity 463

Table 14 Exports and Imports of Services by Major Service Group 464

Table 15 (a) Position and Flow of Inward Direct Investment by 465 Major Investor Country/Territory

(b) Position and Flow of Outward Direct Investment by 465 Major Recipient Country/Territory

Appendices 429

Table 16 (a) Number of Regional Headquarters by Country/Territory of 466Parent Company

(b) Number of Regional Offices by Country/Territory of 466 Parent Company

Table 17 Labour Force, Labour Force Participation Rate, 467Unemployment and Underemployment

Table 18 Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged (other than those 468 in the Civil Service) by Industry Sector, and Number of Construction Sites and Manual Workers at Construction Sites

Table 19 Wage Indices for Employees up to Supervisory Level (Excluding 469 Managerial and Professional Employees) by Industry Sector

Table 20 Average Wage Rates for Employees up to Supervisory Level 470(Excluding Managerial and Professional Employees) by Broad Occupational Group and by Industry Sector for December 2006

Table 21 Employed Persons by Monthly Employment Earnings 471

Table 22 (a) Number of Educational and Training Institutions by Type 472(b) Student Enrolment by Type of Educational and 473

Training Institution

Table 23 Distribution of Educational Attainment of Population Aged 47415 and Over

Table 24 Government Expenditure on Education 475

Table 25 Population and Vital Events 476

Table 26 Number of Registered Deaths and Death Rate by Leading Cause 477of Death

Table 27 Hospital Beds and Selected Types of Registered Healthcare 477Professionals

Table 28 Social Security 478

Table 29 Stock of Permanent Quarters and Estimated Persons 479Accommodated as at Mid 2006

Table 30 Property Transactions 480

Table 31 Land Usage Distribution (as at end 2006) 481

Table 32 (a) Electricity Distribution 482(b) Gas Distribution (Towngas) 482(c) Local Sales of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 482(d) Water Consumption 482

Table 33 (a) Inward and Outward Movements of Aircraft and Vessels 483(b) Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo 483(c) Port Container Throughput 484(d) Arrivals and Departures of Passengers by Mode of Transport 484


Table 34 (a) Motor Vehicles Licensed by Type 485(b) Public Transport: Average Daily Number of Passenger Journeys 485

by Different Modes of Transport

Table 35 Meteorological Observations 486

Table 36 Environmental Statistics 487

Table 37 Visitor Arrivals by Country/Territory of Residence 488

Table 38 Traffic Accidents by Area 488

Table 39 (a) Reported Crimes by Type of Offence 489(b) Persons Arrested for Crime by Type of Offence 489(c) ICAC Cases 489

Table 40 Communications and Internet Services 490

Table 41 (a) Penetration of Information Technology in the Household 491Sector

(b) Usage of Information Technology among Household 491Members

(c) Penetration and Usage of Information Technology in 491the Business Sector

Chart 1 Major Sources of Revenue (2005-2006) 455

Chart 2 Public Expenditure by Policy Area Group 457

Note:Figures presented in statistical appendices refer to those released up to the end of March 2007.Readers wishing to obtain current statistical information on Hong Kong are invited to visit the 'Hong Kong Stat ist ics ' sect ion of the Census and Stat ist ics Department's websi te (www.censtatd.gov.hk/hong_kong_statistics/index.jsp). The section is updated regularly and it alsoprovides hyperlinks to relevant government websites for facilitating retrieval of other official statistics of Hong Kong.

Special Note:** The Population By-census conducted in July to August 2006 provides a benchmark for

revising the population figures compiled since the 2001 Population Census. Population-related figures from 2001 to 2005 have been revised accordingly.

Symbols:The following symbols are used throughout the statistical appendices:# Provisional figures/estimates@ Figures are subject to revision later on* Revised figures- Not applicableN.A. Not yet available

Appendices 431

Appendix 1(Chapter 1: Constitution and Administration)

The Executive CouncilMembership on January 2, 2007

Presided over by the Chief Executive the Honourable Donald TSANG, GBM

Members:The Chief Secretary for AdministrationThe Honourable Rafael HUI Si-yan, GBS, JP

The Financial SecretaryThe Honourable Henry TANG Ying-yen, GBS, JP

The Secretary for JusticeThe Honourable WONG Yan Lung, SC, JP

Convenor of the Non-Official Members of the Executive CouncilThe Honourable LEUNG Chun-ying, GBS, JP

The Secretary for Housing, Planning and LandsThe Honourable Michael SUEN Ming-yeung, GBS, JP

The Secretary for Education and ManpowerProfessor the Honourable Arthur LI Kwok-cheung, GBS, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilThe Honourable Jasper TSANG Yok-sing, GBS, JP

The Secretary for Commerce, Industry and TechnologyThe Honourable Joseph WONG Wing-ping, GBS, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilThe Honourable CHENG Yiu-tong, SBS, JP

The Secretary for Home AffairsDr the Honourable Patrick HO Chi-ping, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilThe Honourable Andrew LIAO Cheung-sing, SBS, SC, JP

The Secretary for Economic Development and LabourThe Honourable Stephen IP Shu-kwan, GBS, JP

The Secretary for the Environment, Transport and WorksDr the Honourable Sarah LIAO Sau-tung, JP

The Secretary for Financial Services and the TreasuryThe Honourable Frederick MA Si-hang, JP

The Secretary for Constitutional AffairsThe Honourable Stephen LAM Sui-lung, JP

The Secretary for SecurityThe Honourable Ambrose LEE Siu-kwong, IDSM, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilThe Honourable Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, GBS, JP

The Secretary for Health, Welfare and FoodDr the Honourable York CHOW Yat-ngok, SBS, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilThe Honourable Mrs Laura M CHA, SBS, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilThe Honourable Bernard C CHAN, GBS, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilThe Honourable Charles LEE Yeh-kwong, GBM, GBS, JP


Member of the Executive CouncilThe Honourable Ronald ARCULLI, GBS, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilDr the Honourable David LI Kwok-po, GBS, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilDr the Honourable LEONG Che-hung, GBS, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilDr the Honourable Marvin CHEUNG Kin-tung, SBS, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilThe Honourable Henry FAN Hung-ling, SBS, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilThe Honourable Victor LO Chung-wing, GBS, JP

Member of the Executive CouncilProfessor the Honourable Anthony CHEUNG Bing-leung, BBS, JP

The Secretary for the Civil ServiceThe Honourable Denise YUE Chung-yee, GBS, JP

Appendices 433

Appendix 2(Chapter 1: Constitution and Administration)

The Legislative CouncilMembership on January 2, 2007

President:The Honourable Mrs Rita FAN HSU Lai-tai, GBS, JP (Hong Kong Island)


Functional ConstituenciesIr Dr the Honourable Raymond HO Chung-tai, SBS, JP (Engineering)

Dr the Honourable David LI Kwok-po, GBS, JP (Finance)

Dr the Honourable LUI Ming-wah, SBS, JP (Industrial — Second)

The Honourable Margaret NG (Legal)

The Honourable CHEUNG Man-kwong (Education)

The Honourable Bernard C CHAN, GBS, JP (Insurance)

The Honourable Mrs Sophie LEUNG LAU Yau-fun, SBS, JP (Textiles and Garment)

The Honourable SIN Chung-kai, JP (Information Technology)

Dr the Honourable Philip WONG Yu-hong, GBS (Commercial — Second)

The Honourable WONG Yung-kan, JP (Agriculture and Fisheries)

The Honourable Howard YOUNG, SBS, JP (Tourism)

The Honourable LAU Wong-fat, GBM, GBS, JP (District Council)

The Honourable Miriam LAU Kin-yee, GBS, JP (Transport)

The Honourable Timothy FOK Tsun-ting, GBS, JP (Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication)

The Honourable Abraham SHEK Lai-him, JP (Real Estate and Construction)

The Honourable LI Fung-ying, BBS, JP (Labour)

The Honourable Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan, JP (Catering)

The Honourable Vincent FANG Kang, JP (Wholesale and Retail)

The Honourable WONG Kwok-hing, MH (Labour)

Dr the Honourable Joseph LEE Kok-long, JP (Health Services)

The Honourable Daniel LAM Wai-keung, SBS, JP (Heung Yee Kuk)

The Honourable Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung, SBS, JP (Commercial — First)

The Honourable Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen, SBS, JP (Industrial — First)

Dr the Honourable KWOK Ka-ki (Medical)

Dr the Honourable Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung (Social Welfare)

The Honourable WONG Ting-kwong, BBS (Import and Export)

The Honourable CHIM Pui-chung (Financial Services)

Professor the Honourable Patrick LAU Sau-shing, SBS, JP (Architectural, Surveying and Planning)

The Honourable KWONG Chi-kin (Labour)

The Honourable TAM Heung-man (Accountancy)


Geographical ConstituenciesThe Honourable James TIEN Pei-chun, GBS, JP (New Territories East)

The Honourable Albert HO Chun-yan (New Territories West)

The Honourable LEE Cheuk-yan (New Territories West)

The Honourable Martin LEE Chu-ming, SC, JP (Hong Kong Island)

The Honourable Fred LI Wah-ming, JP (Kowloon East)

The Honourable Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee, GBS, JP (New Territories West)

The Honourable James TO Kun-sun (Kowloon West)

The Honourable CHAN Yuen-han, JP (Kowloon East)

The Honourable CHAN Kam-lam, SBS, JP (Kowloon East)

The Honourable LEUNG Yiu-chung (New Territories West)

The Honourable Jasper TSANG Yok-sing, GBS, JP (Kowloon West)

Dr the Honourable YEUNG Sum (Hong Kong Island)

The Honourable LAU Chin-shek, JP (Kowloon West)

The Honourable LAU Kong-wah, JP (New Territories East)

The Honourable Emily LAU Wai-hing, JP (New Territories East)

The Honourable CHOY So-yuk, JP (Hong Kong Island)

The Honourable Andrew CHENG Kar-foo (New Territories East)

The Honourable TAM Yiu-chung, GBS, JP (New Territories West)

The Honourable Albert CHAN Wai-yip (New Territories West)

The Honourable Frederick FUNG Kin-kee, SBS, JP (Kowloon West)

The Honourable Audrey EU Yuet-mee, SC, JP (Hong Kong Island)

The Honourable LEE Wing-tat (New Territories West)

The Honourable LI Kwok-ying, MH, JP (New Territories East)

The Honourable MA Lik, GBS, JP (Hong Kong Island)

The Honourable Alan LEONG Kah-kit, SC (Kowloon East)

The Honourable LEUNG Kwok-hung (New Territories East)

The Honourable CHEUNG Hok-ming, SBS, JP (New Territories West)

The Honourable Ronny TONG Ka-wah, SC (New Territories East)

The Honourable Albert Jinghan CHENG (Kowloon East)

Appendices 435

Appendix 3(Chapter 1: Constitution and Administration)

The District CouncilsMembership on January 2, 2007

Urban Areas

Central & Western District Council

Chairman:Mr CHAN Tak-chor, MH, JP (Elected member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr WU Chor-nam, JP (Appointed member)

Elected Members: Mr CHAN Chit-kwai, Stephen, JPMr CHAN Choi-hi, DominicMs CHENG Lai-kingMr HO Chun-ki, FrederickMs HO Sau-lan, CydMr KAM Nai-waiDr the Honourable KWOK Ka-kiDr LAI Kwok-hungMr LEE Chi-hang, SidneyMr LIN Mark, JPMr TAI Cheuk-yin, Leslie SpencerMr YEUNG Sui-yin, VictorMr YEUNG Wai-foon, MHMr YUEN Bun-keung

Appointed Members: Mr CHUNG Yam-cheungMr LAM Kin-laiMr YOUNG Siu-chuen, Albert

Eastern District Council

Chairman:Ms TING Yuk-chee, Christina, SBS, JP

(Appointed member)

Vice-Chairman:The Honourable WONG Kwok-hing, MH

(Elected member)

Elected Members:Mr CHAN Bing-woon, SBS, JPMs CHAN Oi-kwanMr CHAN Tak-waiMr CHAN Tim-shing

Mr CHAN Yiu-takMr CHAO Shing-kieMr CHIU Chi-keungDr CHOW Kit-bing, Jennifer, MHThe Honourable CHOY So-yuk, JPMr CHU Wai-joeMr CHUNG Shu-kun, Christopher, MH, JPMr FU Yuen-cheung, AlexMr HUI Ching-onMr HUI Ka-hoo, MHMr HUNG Lin-chamMr IP Chiu-shing, MHMr KONG Chack-ho, MHMr KONG Tze-wing, MHMr KU Kwai-yiuMr KUNG Pak-cheungMr LAI Chi-keongMs LAM Chui-linMr LEE Yu-tai, DesmondMr LEUNG Siu-sun, PatrickMs LEUNG Suk-ching, JoannaDr LI Kin-yin, MarkMs LO Tip-chun, MHMr LO Wing-kwan, Frankie, MHMr LUI Chi-manMr MAK Shun-pong, MHMr SALAROLI GIUSEPPE, Joseph, MHMr TO Boon-manMr TSANG Kin-shingMr TSO Hon-kwongMr WONG Kin-panMs WONG Yuet-mui

Appointed Members: Ms CHAN Kit-wing, Ellen, MH The Honourable CHEUNG Yu-yan, Tommy, JP Mr LAU Hing-tat, Patrick Mr LO Sai-kwongMs PANG Melissa Kaye, MH Mr TSANG Heung-kwanDr WONG Kam-din, BBSMr WU King-cheong, Henry, BBS, JP


Kowloon City District Council

Chairman:Ir WONG Kwok-keung, JP

(Appointed member)

Vice-Chairman:Mr CHAN Ka-wai (Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr AU Ka-shing, BenMr CHAN King-wongMs CHAN Lai-kwanMr CHIANG Sai-cheong, Ringo, MHMs FUNG King-man, VirginiaMr HO Hin-mingMr IP Che-kin, MHMr LAM Kin-manMr LAU Ting-pongMr LAU Wai-wing, JPMr LEE Kin-kanMs LEE Wai-king, StarryMs LI LinMr LIU Sing-lee, BruceMr MAN Tak-chuenMs MOK Ka-han, RosandaMr NG Ching-manMs SIU Yuen-sheung, BBS, JPMs TSOI Lai-lingMr WEN Choy-bon, MHDr WONG Yee-him

Appointed Members: Mr CHAN Wing-limMr HO Chi-kaiMr LAU Yue-sun, BBSMr LEUNG Ying-piu, MH

Kwun Tong District Council

Chairman:Mr CHAN Chung-bun, BBS, JP

(Appointed member)

Vice-Chairman: Ms LEUNG Fu-wing, MH

(Elected member)

Elected Members: Ms AU Yuk-har, GraceMr CHAN CheongThe Honourable CHAN Kam-lam, SBS, JPMr CHAN Kok-wah, BenMr CHAN Man-kinMr CHAN Wah-yu, NelsonMr CHEUNG Shun-wah

Mr CHIN Ching-man, DannyMr CHOY Chak-hungMr FAN Wai-kongMr FUNG Kam-yuenMs FUNG Mei-wanMr HO Wai-toMr LAI Wing-lin, AlbertMr LAM Ka-keungMr LAU Ting-onMr LAW Chun-ngaiMs LEE Ling, AliceMr LUI Tung-haiMr MAK Fu-lingMr NG Siu-cheung, MHMr OR Chong-shing, WilsonMr POON Chun-yuenMrs POON YAM Wai-chun, Winnie, MHMr SO Ka-hoMr SO Koon-chung, KevinMs SO Lai-chunMr TANG Chi-ho, FrancisMr TSUI Wing-chuen, RickyMr WONG Kai-mingMr WONG Wah-shun, DavidMr YIP Hing-kwok, MHMs YU Sau-chun

Appointed Members: Mr CHOW Yiu-mingMr FUNG Kam-chiu, MHMs KO Po-ling, MHMr LAI Shu-ho, Patrick, MH, JPMr SO Kwan-honMr SUN Kai-lit, Cliff, BBS, JPMr WU Kwok-cheung, MH

Sham Shui Po District Council

Chairman:Mr TAM Kwok-kiu, MH, JP (Elected member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr LEUNG Lai (Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr CHAN Wai-mingMr CHEUNG Man-to, RaymondMr CHEUNG Wing-sum, Ambrose, JPMr CHONG Chi-tatMr CHUM Tak-shingThe Honourable FUNG Kin-kee, Frederick,

SBS, JPMr KWUN Sai-leung Ms LAI Wai-lan, TracyMr LAM Ka-fai, Aaron

Appendices 437

Mr LEUNG Hon-waMr LEUNG Kam-taoMr LEUNG Yau-fongMs NG Mei, CarmanMr TAM Kwok-hungMr WAI Woon-namMr WONG Kam-kuen, MHMs WONG Kwai-wanMr WONG Tak-chuen, JoeMr YAN Kai-wing

Appointed Members: Mr CHAN Keng-chauDr CHAN Tung, SBS, JPDr CHAN Yan-chongMr KWOK Chun-wah, MHMr LI Hon-hung, MH

Southern District Council

Chairman: Ms MAR Yuet-har, BBS, MH (Elected member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr CHU Ching-hong (Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr AU Lap-singMr CHAI Man-honMr CHAN Fu-mingMrs CHAN LEE Pui-yingMs CHEUNG Sik-yungMr CHU Chun-yinMr KO Tam-kanMr LAM Kai-fai, MHMs LAM Yuk-chunMr LAW Kam-hungMr SHEK Kwok-keungMr WONG Che-ngaiMr WONG Man-kit, MHMs YEUNG Siu-pikThe Honourable Howard YOUNG, SBS, JP

Appointed Members: Mr CHAN Lee-shing, WilliamMr KO Kam-cheung, MHMr LEUNG Ho-kwanProfessor ZEE Sze-yong, SBS

Wan Chai District Council

Chairman:Ms WONG Ying-kay, Ada, JP

(Elected member)

Vice-Chairman: Dr TSE Wing-ling, John, MH (Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr CHAN Yiu-fai, SteveMr CHENG Ki-kinMs KING Mary Ann Pui-waiMr LEE Hing-wai, BonsonMr LEE Kai-hung, KennedyMr LO Kin-ming, TommyMr NG Kam-chun, Stephen, MHMs TANG King-yung, Anna, MHMr WONG Wang-tai

Appointed Members: Dr SIU Che-hung, PaulMs TSUI Wai-ling, Carlye, BBS, JPMr YAU How-boa, Stephen, BBS, MH, JP

Wong Tai Sin District Council

Chairman:Mr WONG Kam-chi, MH, JP (Elected member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr KAN Chi-ho, MH (Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr CHAN Lee-shingMs CHAN Man-ki, MaggieMr CHAN On-taiMr CHAN Wai-kwan, AndieMr CHAN Yim-kwong, JoeMr CHENG Tak-kin, Michael, JPMr CHUI Pak-taiMr FUNG Kwong-chung, BBS, JPMr HO Yin-faiMr HUI Kam-shingMs KWOK Sau-yingMr LAI Wing-ho, JoeMr LAM Man-fai, JPMr LAU Kar-wahMr LEE Tat-yan, MHMr MOK Ying-fanMr SO Sik-kinThe Honourable TAM Heung-manMs TAM Yuet-ping, CeliaMr TO Kwan-hang, AndrewMr WONG Kwok-tungMr WONG Yat-yukMr WU Chi-wai, MH

Appointed Members: Mr CHOW Ching-lam, Tony, MHDr LAU Chi-wang, JP


Ms LEE Ming-pui, MavisDr LI Sze-bay, Albert, BBS, JPMr NG Yiu-manMr SHI Lop-tak, Allen

Yau Tsim Mong District Council

Chairman:Mr CHAN Man-yu, Henry (Elected member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr LEUNG Wai-kuen, Edward

(Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr CHAN Kin-shing, AlexisMr CHAN Siu-tongMr CHOW Chun-fai, BBS, JPMr HUI Tak-leung, EonMr IP Shu-onMr LAI Chi-lap, AlbertMr LAM Ho-yeungMr LAU Chi-wing, DavidDr LAW Wing-cheungMs NG Po-shan, AustenThe Honourable TO Kun-sun, JamesMr TSUNG Po-shanMr WONG Che-ming, MHMr WONG Chun-hung, Dennis

Appointed Members: Mr KONG Wai-yeungMs KWAN Miu-mei, MHMr SHING Yuen-hing, MHMr WU Man-keung, John, MH

New Territories

Islands District Council

Chairman:The Honourable LAM Wai-keung, Daniel,

SBS, JP (Ex officio member)

Vice-Chairman: Ms CHAU Chuen-heung, MH, JP

(Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr KWONG Kwok-wai, MHMs LEE Kwai-chun, MHMr LO Kwong-shing, AndyMr WONG Fuk-kanMr WONG Hoi-yueMiss YU Lai-fanMiss YUNG Wing-sheung, Amy

Appointed Members: Mr LAM Kit-singMr LEUNG Siu-tongThe Reverend SIK Chi-wai, BBSMr WAN Tung-lam, Tony

Ex Officio Members:Mr CHEUNG Kwok-kwongMr CHOW Yuk-tong, MHMr FONG Kam-hung, MHMr LEE Chi-fung, MHMr NG Kum-chuen, MHMr WONG Chau-fuk, MHMr YUNG Chi-ming, MH

Kwai Tsing District Council

Chairman:Mr CHOW Yick-hay, BBS, JP (Elected member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr LEUNG Wing-kuen (Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr CHAN Siu-man, SimonMr CHOW Lap-yanMr HUI Kei-cheungMr LAI Siu-tongMr LAM Siu-faiMr LAU Pik-kinMr LAU Wai-kitMr LEE Chi-keung, Alan The Honourable LEE Wing-tatMr LEUNG Chi-shingMr LEUNG Kwong-cheongMr LEUNG Wai-manThe Honourable LEUNG Yiu-chung Ms LO Wai-lanMr LUI Ko-waiMiss MAK Mei-kuen, AliceMr NG Kim-singMs POON Siu-ping, NancyMs TAM Wai-chun, MHMr TING Yin-wahMr TSUI Sang-hung, SammyMr WAN Siu-kin, AndrewMr WONG Bing-kuenMr WONG Kwong-moMiss WONG Suet-yingMr WONG Yiu-chung

Appointed Members: Ms CHAN Ka-mun, Carmen, JPMr CHUI Chi-yun, RobertMr LAM Kin-ko

Appendices 439

Mr POON Fat-lam, BBS, MHMr SO Hoi-pan, Edinson, BBS, JPMr WONG Chi-kwan, MH Mr YUNG Wing-ki, Samuel, MH

Ex Officio Member:Mr TANG Kwok-kong, MH

North District Council

Chairman:Mr LAU Tin-sang (Ex officio member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr CHOW Kam-siu, Joseph (Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr AU Wai-kwanMr CHAN Fat-hongMr CHAN Hing-fukMr HAU Kam-lam, MHMs IP Mei-hoMr LAU Tak-cheong, AdrianMr LIU Chiu-waMr MOK Siu-lunMr POON Chung-yuenMr SHAM Wing-kanMr SO Sai-chi, BBS, MHMr WAN Wo-faiMr WONG Kam-sangMr WONG Leung-hiMr YU Chi-shing, Paul

Appointed Members: Mr CHAN Yiu-wahMs CHEUNG Mui-seung, EmilyMr KAN Wing-fai, TerryMr LUI Hing-chung, MHMr YIP Yiu-shing, Chris, MH

Ex Officio Members:Mr CHEUNG Fo-tai, BBS, MH Mr LAU Ying-woMr LI Kwong-ming

Sai Kung District Council

Chairman:Mr NG Sze-fuk, SBS, JP (Elected member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr CHAU Yin-ming, Francis, MH

(Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr AU Ning-fat, AlfredMr CHAN Kwok-kaiMr FAN Kwok-wai, GaryMr HIEW Moo-siewMr HO Man-kit, RaymondMr LAM Wing-yinMr LAU Wai-cheung, PeterDr LAW Cheung-kwokMr LING Man-hoiMr LUK Ping-choiMr LUK Wai-manMr NG Ping-yiuMr OR Yiu-lam, RickyMs PHANG Shuk-yee, ZoeMr SHEK Chi-keungMr WAN Yuet-cheungMr WAN Yuet-kau, JPMr YAU Chi-wan

Appointed Members: Mr CHAN Kuen-kwanMr CHEUNG Chun-hoi, MHMr HIEW Chin, BBS, MHDr LAM Ching-choi, JPMr LAU Hing-kee

Ex Officio Members:Mr LAU Wan-heiMr SING Hon-keung, MH

Sha Tin District Council

Chairman:Mr WAI Kwok-hung, JP (Elected member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr PANG Cheung-wai, Thomas, JP

(Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr CHAN Kwok-tim, MHMs CHAN Man-kuenMr CHENG Cho-kwongMr CHENG Tsuk-manMr CHING Cheung-yingMr CHOW Ka-kong, MHMr FONG Chun-bong, StephenMr HO Hau-cheung, MHMr HO Sau-mo, MHMs HO Suk-ping, ShirleyMr KAN Chung-nin, Tony, BBS, JPMr LAM Hong-wahMr LAU Tai-sangMr LAU Wai-lun


Mr LAW Kwong-keungMr LEE Chi-wingMr LEE Kam-mingMr LEE Lap-hong, AlmustafaDr LEE York-faiMr LEUNG Chi-kin, MHMr LEUNG Chi-waiMr LEUNG Wing-hungMr MOK Wai-hungMr PUN Kwok-shanMr SIU Hin-hongMr TANG Wing-cheongMr TING Tsz-yuenMr TSOI Ah-chungMr TSOI Yiu-cheong, RichardMr WAI Hing-cheungMr WONG Chak-piuMs YEUNG Sin-hungMr YIU Ka-chun

Appointed Members: Mrs CHAN LO Yin-bing, MHDr CHUI Hong-sheungDr FONG Yuk-fai, BenProfessor KAN Wing-kayMrs LING LAU Yuet-fun, Laura, MHDr LO Wai-kwok, MH, JPMr SIU Ka-keungDr TSO Wung-wai, BBSMs YU Sau-chu, MH

Ex Officio Member:Mr MOK Kam-kwai

Tai Po District Council

Chairman:Mr CHENG Chun-ping, JP (Elected member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr WAN Hok-lim, MH (Appointed member)

Elected Members: Mr AU Chun-wahMr CHAN Siu-kuenMr CHENG Chun-woThe Honourable CHENG Kar-foo, AndrewMr CHEUNG Kwok-yiuMr HO Tai-wai, DavidMr KWAN Wing-yipMr LEE Chi-shing, EdwardThe Honourable LI Kwok-ying, MH, JPMr LO Sam-shingMr LO Sou-chourMr MAN Chen-fai, MH

Mr WONG Chun-waiMs WONG Pik-kiuMr WONG Tin-lungThe Honourable WONG Yung-kan, JPMr YAM Kai-bongMs YIK Kin-hing

Appointed Members: Mr CHU King-yuen, MH Ms HO On-nei, BBS, MH, JP Mr LAM Luk-wingMr LI Yiu-ban, MH, JP

Ex Officio Members:The Honourable CHEUNG Hok-ming, SBS, JPMr TANG Kwong-wing, BBS

Tsuen Wan District Council

Chairman:Mr CHAU How-chen, GBS, JP

(Appointed member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr CHUNG Wai-ping, BBS, MH

(Ex officio member)

Elected Members: Mr CHAN Han-panMr CHAN Kam-lam, Richard, MHMr CHAN Wai-ming, MHThe Honourable CHAN Wai-yip, AlbertMr CHAN Yuen-sum, SumlyMr CHIU Ka-poMr CHOI Shing-forMr CHOW Ping-timMr CHOY Tsz-manMr KWONG Kwok-chuen, CosmasMr LAM Faat-kangMr LI Hung-porMr MAN Yu-mingMr TIN Sai-mingMr WONG Ka-waMr WONG Yui-tak, LouisMs YOUNG Fuk-ki, Sarena

Appointed Members: Mr CHAU Chun-wing, William, MHMr KWONG Loi-hing, Kevin Ms LEE Kit-ming, MHMs TO Kwai-ying

Ex Officio Member:Mr CHOW Kam-chuen

Appendices 441

Tuen Mun District Council

Chairman:The Honourable LAU Wong-fat, GBM, GBS, JP

(Ex officio member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr LEUNG Kin-man, MH

(Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr AU Chi-yuenMr CHAN Man-wahMs CHAN Sau-wanMs CHAN Shu-ying, Josephine Mr CHAN Wan-sang, MH Mr CHAN Yau-hoi, MHMs CHEUNG Yuet-lan, MH Miss CHING Chi-hungMr CHU Yiu-wahMs FONG Lai-manThe Honourable HO Chun-yan, AlbertMiss HO Hang-muiMs KONG Fung-yiMr KWU Hon-keungMr KWUN Tung-wingMr LAM Chung-hoiMr LEE Hung-sham, Lothar Miss LI Kwai-fongMr LO Man-honMs LUNG Shui-hingMr NG Koon-hungMiss SO Oi-kwanMr SO Shiu-shingMr TAI Yin-chiuMr TO Sheck-yuenMr TSUI FanMs WONG Lai-sheung, Catherine Mr YIM Tin-sang

Appointed Members: Ms IP Shun-hing, MH Dr LAU Chi-pangMr LAU Ip-keung, Kenneth, MH, JP Ms LEE Ying, Robena Mr PONG Chong, Edward, BBS, JP Mr SIU Chor-kee, Caecage, MHMr YING Yu-hing, MH

Yuen Long District Council

Chairman:Dr TANG Siu-tong, JP (Appointed member)

Vice-Chairman: Mr LEUNG Che-cheung, MH

(Elected member)

Elected Members: Mr CHAM Ka-hung, Daniel, MH, JPMs CHAN Mei-linMr CHAN Siu-kayMs CHAN Wai-chingMr CHEUNG Man-faiMr CHEUNG Yin-tungMs CHIU Sau-hanMr CHOW Wing-kanMr KWOK KeungMr LAI Wai-hungMr LAM Tim-fookMr LEE Yuet-manMr LIU YamMr LUK Chung-hungMr MAK Ip-singMr MAN Luk-sing, MHMr TANG Hing-ipMr TANG Ka-leungMr TANG Kwai-yauMr TANG Tai-wahMr TSE Hoi-chauMs WONG Choi-meiMr WONG Kin-wingMr WONG Pak-yanMr WONG Shing-tongMr WONG Wai-yin, ZacharyMr WONG Yu-choiMiss YAU Tai-tai, MH

Appointed Members: Ms FUNG Choi-yuk, MH Ms KWONG Yuet-sumMr LAM Kwok-cheong, JPMr SUNG Wai-chingMr TANG Chun-keung, MHMr TANG Wai-ming, MH

Ex Officio Members:Mr LEUNG Fuk-yuenMr MAN Fu-wan, BBS Mr TANG Che-cheungMr TANG Kam-leungMr TSANG Hin-keungMr WONG Yiu-wing


Albania Honorary ConsulAngola Consul-GeneralArgentina Consul-GeneralAustralia Consul-GeneralAustria Consul-GeneralBahrain Honorary ConsulBangladesh Consul-GeneralBarbados Honorary ConsulBelgium Consul-GeneralBhutan Honorary ConsulBrazil Consul-GeneralBrunei Consul-GeneralCambodia Consul-GeneralCameroon Honorary ConsulCanada Consul-GeneralChile Consul-GeneralColombia Consul-GeneralCongo Honorary ConsulCote d’Ivoire Honorary ConsulCroatia Honorary ConsulCuba Honorary ConsulCyprus Honorary ConsulCzech Republic Consul-GeneralDemocratic Republic

of Congo Honorary ConsulDemocratic People’s

Republic of Korea Consul-GeneralDenmark Consul-GeneralDjibouti Honorary ConsulEgypt Consul-GeneralEquatorial Guinea Honorary ConsulEthiopia Honorary ConsulFiji Honorary ConsulFinland Consul-GeneralFrance Consul-GeneralGabon Honorary ConsulGermany Consul-GeneralGhana Honorary ConsulGreece Consul-GeneralGrenada Honorary ConsulGuinea Honorary ConsulHungary Consul-GeneralIceland Honorary ConsulIndia Consul-GeneralIndonesia Consul-GeneralIran Consul-GeneralIreland Honorary ConsulIsrael Consul-GeneralItaly Consul-GeneralJamaica Honorary ConsulJapan Consul-GeneralJordan Honorary ConsulKazakhstan Consul-GeneralKenya Honorary ConsulKorea, Republic of Consul-GeneralKuwait Consul-GeneralLaos Consul-GeneralLatvia Honorary ConsulLesotho Honorary ConsulLithuania Honorary ConsulLuxembourg Honorary ConsulMadagascar Honorary ConsulMalaysia Consul-GeneralMaldives Honorary ConsulMali Honorary ConsulMalta Honorary ConsulMexico Consul-General

Monaco Honorary ConsulMongolia Honorary ConsulMorocco Honorary ConsulMozambique Honorary ConsulMyanmar Consul-GeneralNamibia Honorary ConsulNepal Consul-GeneralThe Netherlands Consul-GeneralNew Zealand Consul-GeneralNiger Honorary ConsulNigeria Consul-GeneralOman Honorary ConsulPakistan Consul-GeneralPapua New Guinea Honorary ConsulPeru Consul-GeneralThe Philippines Consul-GeneralPoland Consul-GeneralPortugal Consul-GeneralRussia Consul-GeneralSamoa Honorary ConsulSan Marino Honorary ConsulSaudi Arabia Consul-GeneralSingapore Consul-GeneralSlovak Republic Honorary ConsulSlovenia Honorary ConsulSouth Africa Consul-GeneralSpain Consul-GeneralSri Lanka Honorary ConsulSuriname Honorary ConsulSweden Consul-GeneralSwitzerland Consul-GeneralTanzania Honorary ConsulThailand Consul-GeneralTogo Honorary ConsulTonga Honorary ConsulTrinidad and Tobago Honorary ConsulTunisia Honorary ConsulTurkey Consul-GeneralUganda Honorary ConsulUkraine Honorary ConsulUnited Arab Emirates Consul-GeneralUnited Kingdom Consul-GeneralUSA Consul-GeneralUruguay Honorary ConsulVenezuela Consul-GeneralVietnam Consul-GeneralYemen Honorary ConsulEuropean Union, Office

of the European Commission Head of Office

Bank for International Settlements, Representative Office for Asia and the Pacific Chief Representative

The International Finance Corporation Regional Office for East Asia and Pacific and the World Bank Private Sector Development Office for East Asia and Pacific Regional Director

International Monetary Fund HKSAR Sub-Office Resident Representative

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Sub-Office Head of Sub-Office

Appendix 4

Overseas Representation in Hong Kong

Countries Represented by Countries Represented by

Appendices 443



BeijingOffice of the Government of the HKSAR No. 71, Di’anmen XidajieXicheng DistrictBeijing 100009ChinaTel: (86)-10-6657-2880Fax: (86)-10-6657-2821E-mail: [email protected]: www.bjo.gov.hk

GuangdongHong Kong Economic and Trade OfficeFlat 7101, 71/F, Citic Plaza233 Tian He North RoadGuangzhou, ChinaPostal Code: 510613Tel: (86)-20-3891-1220Fax: (86)-20-3891-1221E-mail: [email protected]: www.gdeto.gov.hk

ShanghaiHong Kong Economic and Trade Office21/F, The Headquarters Building 168 Xizang Road (M)Huangpu District Shanghai, China Postal Code: 200001 Tel: (86)-21-6351-2233Fax: (86)-21-6351-9368E-mail: [email protected]: www.sheto.gov.hk

ChengduHong Kong Economic and Trade Office38/F, Tower 1, Plaza Central 8 Shuncheng StreetYan Shi Kou Chengdu, China Postal Code: 610016Tel: (86)-28-8676-8301Fax: (86)-28-8676-8300E-mail: [email protected]: www.cdeto.gov.hk


BrusselsHong Kong Economic and Trade OfficeRue d’Arlon 1181040 Brussels, BelgiumTel: (32)-2-775-0088Fax: (32)-2-770-0980E-mail: [email protected]: www.hongkong-eu.org

GenevaHong Kong Economic and Trade Office5 Allée David-Morse1211 Geneva 20, SwitzerlandTel: (41)-22-730-1300Fax: (41)-22-730-1304

(41)-22-730-1305E-mail: [email protected]: www.gov.hk/cib/ehtml/geneva.html

LondonHong Kong Economic and Trade Office6 Grafton Street, London W1S 4EQ, UKTel: (44)-207-499-9821Fax: (44)-207-495-5033


E-mail: [email protected]: www.hketolondon.gov.hk


New YorkHong Kong Economic and Trade Office115 East 54th StreetNew YorkNY 10022, USATel: (1)-212-752-3320Fax: (1)-212-752-3395E-mail: [email protected]: www.hongkong.org

San FranciscoHong Kong Economic and Trade Office130 Montgomery StreetSan FranciscoCA 94104-4301, USATel: (1)-415-835-9300Fax: (1)-415-421-0646


E-mail: [email protected]: www.hongkong.org

Appendix 5

Hong Kong Representation


WashingtonHong Kong Economic and Trade Office1520, 18th Street, N. W.Washington DC 20036, USATel: (1)-202-331-8947Fax: (1)-202-331-8958E-mail: [email protected]: www.hongkong.org

TorontoHong Kong Economic and Trade Office174 St. George StreetTorontoOntario M5R 2M7CanadaTel: (1)-416-924-5544Fax: (1)-416-924-3599


E-mail: [email protected]: www.hketo.ca

Vancouver Sub-OfficeSuite 500, Park Place666 Burrard StreetVancouverBritish Columbia V6C 3P6CanadaTel: (1)-604-331-1300Fax: (1)-604-331-1368E-mail: [email protected]


Tokyo Hong Kong Economic and Trade OfficeHong Kong Economic and Trade Office BuildingNo. 30-1, Sanban-cho, Chiyoda-kuTokyo 102-0075, JapanTel: (81)-3-3556-8980Fax: (81)-3-3556-8968E-mail: [email protected]: www.hketotyo.or.jp

Singapore Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office34-01, Suntec Tower 29 Temasek BoulevardSingapore 038989Tel: (65)-6338-1771Fax: (65)-6339-2112

(65)-6337-7297E-mail: [email protected]: www.hketosin.gov.hk

Sydney Hong Kong Economic and Trade OfficeLevel 1, Hong Kong House80 Druitt Street Sydney, NSW 2000, AustraliaTel: (61)-2-9283-3222Fax: (61)-2-9283-3818E-mail: [email protected]: www.hketosydney.org.au

HONG KONG TRADE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL The Hong Kong Trade Development Counci l maintains branch and consultant offices round theworld. The addresses of these offices are providedon the council’s website.

Head Office38/F, Office TowerConvention Plaza1 Harbour RoadWan Chai, Hong KongTel: (852)-2584-4333Fax: (852)-2824-0249E-mail: [email protected]: www.tdctrade.com

HONG KONG TOURISM BOARDThe Hong Kong Tourism Board also maintains officesor representative offices in various countries. Theaddresses of these offices are provided on theboard’s website.

Head Office9-11/F, Citicorp Centre18 Whitfield RoadNorth Point, Hong KongTel: (852)-2807-6543Fax: (852)-2806-0303E-mail: [email protected]: www.discoverhongkong.com

Appendices 445

Appendix 6Table 1(Chapter 3: The Economy)

(a) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

2001 2005@ 2006@

GDP (HK$ billion)At current market prices 1,298.8 1,382.7 1,472.3

(-1.2) (+7.1) (+6.5)At constant (2000) market prices 1,323.2 1,623.5 1,734.3

(+0.6) (+7.5) (+6.8)Per capita GDP (HK$)**

At current market prices 193,440 202,941 214,710(-1.9) (+6.6) (+5.8)

At constant (2000) market prices 197,067 238,284 252,917(-0.1) (+7.1) (+6.1)

(b) GDP by Expenditure Component

2001 2005@ 2006@

Expenditure components at current market prices (HK$ billion)Private consumption expenditure 782.6 804.6 860.9Government consumption expenditure 128.9 121.4 123.3Gross domestic fixed capital formation 333.0 289.2 320.7Changes in inventories -4.1 -4.8 -2.0Exports of goods (f.o.b.) 1,481.0 2,251.7 2,467.4Exports of services 320.8 495.8 562.3Less: Imports of goods (f.o.b.) 1,549.2 2,311.1 2,576.3

Imports of services 194.2 264.2 283.9GDP 1,298.8 1,382.7 1,472.3

Ratio of expenditure components to GDP at current market prices (%)Private consumption expenditure 60.3 58.2 58.5Government consumption expenditure 9.9 8.8 8.4Gross domestic fixed capital formation 25.6 20.9 21.8Changes in inventories -0.3 -0.3 -0.1Exports of goods (f.o.b.) 114.0 162.9 167.6Exports of services 24.7 35.9 38.2Less: Imports of goods (f.o.b.) 119.3 167.1 175.0

Imports of services 15.0 19.1 19.3GDP 100.0 100.0 100.0

2001 2005@ 2006@

Year-on-year rates of change of GDP and expenditure components (%)In nominal terms

GDP -1.2 +7.1 +6.5Private consumption expenditure +1.1 +4.8 +7.0Government consumption expenditure +7.2 -4.6 +1.6Gross domestic fixed capital formation -4.1 +5.2 +10.9Exports of goods (f.o.b.) -5.8 +11.1 +9.6Exports of services +1.8 +15.4 +13.4Imports of goods (f.o.b.) -5.3 +10.1 +11.5Imports of services +0.9 +9.0 +7.4

In real termsGDP +0.6 +7.5 +6.8Private consumption expenditure +2.1 +3.3 +5.1Government consumption expenditure +6.0 -3.1 +0.3Gross domestic fixed capital formation +2.6 +4.6 +7.9Exports of goods (f.o.b.) -3.3 +11.2 +10.2Exports of services +6.4 +11.3 +8.7Imports of goods (f.o.b.) -1.9 +8.6 +10.0Imports of services +2.0 +7.4 +6.3

(c) GDP by Economic Activity at Current Prices

2001 2004 2005@

Percentage contribution of economic activities to GDP at current factor cost (%)Agriculture and fishing 0.1 0.1 0.1Mining and quarrying § § §Manufacturing 4.8 3.5 3.4Electricity, gas and water 3.1 3.2 3.0Construction 4.6 3.2 2.9Services 87.5 90.0 90.7

Wholesale, retail and import and export trades, 24.9 27.5 28.8restaurants and hotels

Transport, storage and communications 9.4 10.1 10.1Financing, insurance, real estate and business 20.2 21.2 21.9

servicesCommunity, social and personal services 21.1 21.0 19.2Ownership of premises 11.8 10.2 10.7

—––—— –—–—— —–——Total 100.0 100.0 100.0

——––— ——––— —––——––——— ––——— ––———––——— ––——— ––———––——— ––——— ––———––——— ––——— ––———GDP at factor cost (HK$ billion) 1,244.3 1,256.2 1,344.2


(d) GDP by Economic Activity at Constant (2000) Prices

2001 2005@ 2006@

Year-on-year rates of change in real terms of value added of major economic activities (%)Manufacturing -9.1 +2.1 +2.2Construction -2.2 -9.2 -7.9Services +1.8 +8.0 +8.6

of which:Wholesale, retail and import and export trades, +0.3 +14.4 +9.9

restaurants and hotelsTransport, storage and communications +1.9 +8.0 +9.0Financing, insurance, real estate and business services +0.5 +8.7 +14.2Community, social and personal services +4.0 +0.4 +2.1

Notes: Figures in brackets refer to percentage changes over the same period of the preceding year.§ Less than 0.05%.

Source: National Income Branches (1) and (2), Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 5077)

Appendices 447


Table 2(Chapter 3: The Economy)

Gross National Product (GNP)HK$ Billion, unless otherwise specified

2001 2005@ 2006@

At constant (2000) market pricesGDP 1,323.2 1,623.5 1,734.3Net external factor income flows 29.2 1.8 5.7

External factor income inflow 383.3 563.6 706.2External factor income outflow 354.1 561.8 700.5

GNP 1,352.4 1,625.3 1,739.9(+2.2) (+5.8) (+7.1)

Per capita GDP (HK$)** 197,067 238,284 252,917Per capita GNP (HK$)** 201,417 238,552 253,744

(+1.4) (+5.3) (+6.4)At current market prices

GDP 1,298.8 1,382.7 1,472.3Net external factor income flows 28.5 1.6 5.1

External factor income inflow 374.8 504.0 643.1External factor income outflow 346.2 502.3 638.0

GNP 1,327.4 1,384.3 1,477.4(+0.3) (+5.3) (+6.7)

Per capita GDP (HK$)** 193,440 202,941 214,710Per capita GNP (HK$)** 197,691 203,182 215,456

(-0.4) (+4.8) (+6.0)

Notes: Figures in brackets refer to percentage changes over the same period of the preceding year.Gross National Product (GNP) is a measure of the total income earned by residents of a country or territory from engaging in various economic activities, irrespective of whether the economic activities arecarried out within the economic territory or outside. GNP is obtained by adding net external factorincome flows (i.e. external factor income inflow minus external factor income outflow) to GDP of thesame year.

Source: Balance of Payments Branch (2), Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2116 5102)

Appendices 449

Table 3(Chapter 3: The Economy)

Balance of Payments Account(1)

HK$ Billion

2001 2005 2006@

Current Account Balance(2) 76.3 157.3 157.3Balance on goods -65.0 -59.3 -109.0Balance on services 126.6 231.6 278.4Net income flow 28.5 1.6 5.1Net flow in current transfers -13.9 -16.5 -17.3

Capital and Financial Account Balance(2) -97.4 -182.4 -201.7Net flow in capital transfers -9.2 -4.9 -2.2Net change(3) in financial non-reserve assets -51.7 -166.8 -152.8

Direct investment 96.9 50.0 -4.4Portfolio investment -322.0 -245.0 -258.1Financial derivatives 39.6 30.5 38.9Other investment 133.8 -2.3 70.9

Net change(3) in reserve assets -36.5 -10.7 -46.7

Net Errors and Omissions(4) 21.0 25.1 44.4———— ———— ————

Overall Balance of Payments 36.5 10.7 46.7———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————

(in surplus) (in surplus) (in surplus)

Notes: For details, please refer to the pamphlet series on Balance of Payments Statistics available on the Censusand Statistics Department’s website (www.censtatd.gov.hk/products_and_services/products/publications/free_reference_materials/index.jsp).(1) A Balance of Payments (BoP) account is a statistical statement that systematically summarises, for a

specific time period, the economic transactions of an economy with the rest of the world. A complete BoP account comprises (a) current account; and (b) capital and financial account.

(2) In accordance with the Balance of Payments accounting rules, a positive value for the balance figurein the current account represents a surplus whereas a negative value represents a deficit. For thecapital and financial account, a positive value indicates a net capital and financial inflow and a negative value indicates a net outflow. As increases in external assets are debit entries and decreasesare credit entries, a negative value for net change in reserve assets represents a net increase and apositive value represents a net decrease.

(3) The estimates on net change in reserve and non-reserve assets under the Balance of Paymentsframework are transaction figures. Effects from valuation changes (including price changes andexchange rate changes) and reclassifications are excluded.

(4) In principle, the net sum of credit entries and debit entries is zero. In practice, discrepancies betweenthe credit and debit entries may however occur for various reasons as the data are collected fromdifferent sources. Equality between the sum of credit entries and debit entries is brought about bythe inclusion of a balancing item which reflects “net errors and omissions”.

Source: Balance of Payments Branch (1), Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2116 8677)


Table 4(Chapter 3: The Economy)

Year-on-year Rates of Change in the Consumer Price Indices(1)(2)


2001 2005 2006

Composite Consumer Price Index -1.6 +1.0 +2.0Food -0.8 +1.8 +1.7Housing -3.1 +0.1 +4.7

Consumer Price Index (A) -1.7 +1.1 +1.7Food -1.0 +2.1 +1.8Housing -3.6 § +3.8

Consumer Price Index (B) -1.6 +1.0 +2.1Food -1.0 +1.9 +1.7Housing -2.8 +0.1 +5.1

Consumer Price Index (C) -1.5 +0.8 +2.2Food -0.2 +1.0 +1.8Housing -2.8 § +5.1

Notes: (1) The year-on-year rate of change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an indicator of inflation affecting consumers.

(2) The CPI(A), CPI(B) and CPI(C) respectively cover some 50%, 30% and 10% of households in HongKong. The average monthly household expenditure (in HK$) of these groups during the base period(i.e. Oct. 2004-Sep. 2005) were $4,000–$15,499, $15,500–$27,499 and $27,500–$59,999 respectively. Taking into account the impact of price changes since the base period, the monthlyhousehold expenditure ranges of the CPI(A), CPI(B), and CPI(C) adjusted to the price level of 2006are broadly equivalent to $4,100–$15,800, $15,800–$28,200 and $28,200–$61,500 respectively,and that of the Composite CPI is broadly equivalent to $4,100–$61,500. The Composite CPI is compiled based on the expenditure patterns of all these households taken together.

§ Change within ±0.05%.

Source: Consumer Price Index Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2805 6403)

Appendices 451

Table 5(Chapter 3: The Economy)

Business Receipts Indices(Quarterly average of 2000=100)

2001 2005 2006#

Service industryWholesale/Retail 96.0 102.5 110.0

(-4.0) (+6.5) (+7.3)Import and export trade 85.9 110.6 121.8

(-14.1) (+10.6) (+10.1)Restaurants 97.5 97.1 106.4

(-2.5) (+6.0) (+9.5)Hotels 92.4 123.4 140.4

(-7.6) (+22.1) (+13.8)Transport 97.6 145.1 160.5

(-2.4) (+17.8) (+10.6)Storage 85.1 84.3 92.9

(-14.9) (+10.4) (+10.1)Communications 86.8 87.6 88.4

(-13.2) (+5.1) (+1.0)Banking 102.7 117.9 140.9

(+2.7) (+10.9) (+19.6)Financing (except banking) 87.4 133.8 197.8

(-12.6) (+14.3) (+47.9)Insurance 114.2 212.9 258.2

(+14.2) (+16.0) (+21.3)Real estate 83.1 113.2 112.9

(-16.9) (+16.0) (-0.3)Business services 90.4 97.3 116.2

(-9.6) (+4.9) (+19.5)Film entertainment 115.2 116.7 118.7

(+15.2) (+5.0) (+1.7)Service domain(1)

Tourism, convention and exhibition 96.2 141.1# 159.5services(2) (-3.8) (+12.9)# (+13.0)

Computer and information services 88.4 146.7 161.1(-11.6) (+23.4) (+9.8)

Notes: Figures in brackets refer to percentage changes over the same period of the preceding year.(1) A service domain differs from a service industry in that it comprises those economic activities

straddling different industries but are somehow related to a common theme. For instance, tourismincludes all activities of all hotels and travel agents; and some (those involving visitors as customers)but not all of the activities of restaurants, retailers and transport operators.

(2) Part of the data are obtained from the Hong Kong Tourism Board.

Source: Business Services Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2802 1269)


Table 6(Chapter 3: The Economy)

Total Government Revenue and Expenditure andSummary of Financial Position

HK$ Million


RevisedActual Actual Estimate

2001-2002 2005-2006 2006-2007

Operating RevenueDirect taxes

Earnings and profits tax(1) 77,749 111,752 117,250Indirect taxes

Duties 6,981 6,424 6,784General rates 12,727 14,146 15,407Internal revenue(2) 21,077 31,555 37,420Motor vehicle taxes 2,676 3,895 4,387Royalties and concessions 1,881 616 602Fees and charges(3) (tax-loaded fees) 4,707 5,525 5,719

Other revenueFines, forfeitures and penalties 926 988 981Properties and investments 8,621 9,815 10,984Reimbursements and contributions 4,154 2,791 2,657Utilities—

Marine ferry terminals 206 229 214Water works 2,471 2,470 2,495Sewage services 689 675 669

Fees and charges(3) (excluding tax-loaded fees) 6,209 5,584 6,041Investment Income and Interest

General Revenue Account 225 3,857 10,667Land Fund 106 4,226 12,028

———— ———— ————Total Operating Revenue 151,405 204,548 234,305

———— ———— ————Capital Revenue

Indirect taxesEstate duty 1,928 1,676 800

Other revenue 3,312 2,983 4,018Funds

Capital Works Reserve Fund 10,683 30,977 41,277Capital Investment Fund 2,816 2,943 2,298Civil Service Pension Reserve Fund 5 520 1,480Disaster Relief Fund 1 2 3Innovation and Technology Fund 27 182 410Loan Fund 5,382 1,972 2,073Lotteries Fund – 1,232 1,411

———— ———— ————Total Capital Revenue 24,154 42,487 53,770

———— ———— ————Total Government Revenue 175,559 247,035 288,075

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————

HK$ Million


RevisedActual Actual Estimate

2001-2002 2005-2006 2006-2007

Operating ExpenditureRecurrent expenditure

Personal emoluments 51,909 44,665 44,737Personnel related expenses 4,870 4,309 4,008Pensions 12,899 12,834 13,722Departmental expenses 14,366 15,294 16,978Other charges 31,328 35,110 35,899Subventions—

Education 25,137 25,606 25,955Health 29,546 27,075 27,456Social welfare 6,960 6,340 6,435Universities and polytechnics 13,258 11,326 11,234Vocational Training Council 2,067 1,689 1,583Miscellaneous 3,252 2,914 3,008

Non-recurrent 3,151 5,300 4,733———— ———— ————

Total Operating Expenditure 198,743 192,462 195,748———— ———— ————

Capital ExpenditureGeneral Revenue Account

Plant, equipment and works 984 676 717Capital subventions 960 680 795

FundsCapital Works Reserve Fund 30,330 28,954 25,333Disaster Relief Fund 8 18 19Innovation and Technology Fund 283 365 508Loan Fund 7,277 2,520 3,230Lotteries Fund – 846 967

———— ———— ————Total Capital Expenditure 39,842 34,059 31,569

———— ———— ————Total Government Expenditure 238,585 226,521 227,317Equity Investments (Capital Investment Fund) 305 6,550 3,124Repayment of bonds and notes – – 2,550

———— ———— ————Total Government Spending 238,890 233,071 232,991

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————

Appendices 453

HK$ Million

Summary of Financial Position

RevisedActual Actual Estimate

2001-2002 2005-2006 2006-2007

Total Government Revenue 175,559 247,035 288,075Less total Government Spending 238,890 233,071 232,991

–———— –———— –————Consolidated surplus/(deficit) (63,331) 13,964 55,084

–———— –———— –————–———— –———— –————–———— –———— –————–———— –———— –————–———— –———— –————

Reserve balance at 1 April 430,278 295,981 310,663Write-back of provision for loss in investments 5,556 † 718 † –

with the Exchange FundReserve balance at 31 March 372,503 310,663 365,747

Notes: (1) Including salaries tax, profits tax, property tax and personal assessment.(2) Including bets and sweeps tax, hotel accommodation tax, air passenger departure tax and stamp

duties.(3) The tax-loaded portion of fees and charges is re-classified under tax revenue.† Figures refer to the write-back of the provision made in the previous financial year.

Source: Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, Government Secretariat.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2810 3658)


Appendices 455

Chart 1(Chapter 3: The Economy)

Major Sources of Revenue (2005-2006)

†Other Revenue includes:1. Loans, Reimbursements and Others 8. Hotel Accommodation Tax2. Estate Duty 9. Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties3. Capital Works Reserve Fund (excluding land 10. Loan Fund

premium) 11. Civil Service Pension Reserve Fund4. Motor Vehicle First Registration Tax 12. Disaster Relief Fund5. Air Passenger Departure Tax 13. Innovation and Technology Fund6. Capital Investment Fund 14. Lotteries Fund7. Royalties and Concessions

Salaries Tax, Personal Assessment and Property Tax


Land Premium12%

Stamp Duties7%

Bets andSweeps Tax


Utilities, Fees and Charges6%

Land Fund, Properties & Investments




Other Revenue†


Profits Tax28%


Table 7(Chapter 3: The Economy)

Public Expenditure by Policy Area GroupHK$ Million

Actual 2001-2002 Actual 2005-2006 Revised Estimate 2006-2007

Non- Non- Non-Recurrent Recurrent Recurrent

Item Recurrent and Capital Total Recurrent and Capital Total Recurrent and Capital Total

Community and external 7,248 977 8,225 6,636 1,161 7,797 6,846 1,287 8,133affairs

Economic 10,813 1,991 12,804 10,523 2,360 12,883 10,796 2,821 13,617

Education 46,688 5,988 52,676 44,190 9,721 53,911 44,873 8,180 53,053

Environment and food 8,242 2,996 11,238 7,430 2,236 9,666 7,915 2,390 10,305

Health 31,930 2,252 34,182 29,286 2,330 31,616 29,774 2,279 32,053

Housing 11,850 19,721 31,571 10,546 4,863 15,409 10,220 4,431 14,651

Infrastructure 11,781 14,491 26,272 11,181 14,273 25,454 11,188 11,719 22,907

Security 24,577 2,977 27,554 22,505 2,287 24,792 22,746 2,737 25,483

Social welfare 28,594 1,022 29,616 31,989 1,273 33,262 32,845 1,201 34,046

Support 28,722 6,499 35,221 26,424 3,768 30,192 27,327 3,988 31,315

———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ————

Total 210,445 58,914 269,359 200,710 44,272 244,982 204,530 41,033 245,563

———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———————— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———————— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———————— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———————— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ————

Note: Where appropriate, historical figures have been adjusted to comply with the classification adopted in 2007–2008 DraftEstimate.

Source: Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, Government Secretariat.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2810 3658)

Appendices 457

Chart 2(Chapter 3: The Economy)

Public Expenditure by Policy Area Group




























Social welfare




Other Expenditure


Revised estimate2006-2007
































HK$ Million


Table 8(Chapter 3: The Economy)

Government Expenditure and the EconomyHK$ Million

RevisedActual Actual Estimate

2001-2002 2005-2006 2006-2007

Government Expenditure (see Table 6)Operating Expenditure 198,743 192,462 195,748Capital Expenditure 39,842 34,059 31,569

————– ————– ————–Total Government Expenditure 238,585 226,521 227,317Other public bodies 30,774 18,461 18,246

————– ————– ————–Total Public Expenditure 269,359 244,982 245,563

————– ————– ————–————– ————– ————–————– ————– ————–————– ————– ————–————– ————– ————–Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at 1,298,813 1,382,651@ 1,472,291@

current market prices(1)

Growth in GDP(1):Nominal terms -1.2% +7.1%@ +6.5%@

Real terms +0.6% +7.5%@ +6.8%@

Growth in Public Expenditure:Nominal terms +0.7% -4.7% +0.2%Real terms +0.3% -4.1% -0.3%

Public Expenditure as percentage of GDP 20.7% 17.7% 16.7%

Note: (1) Figures refer to calendar years of 2001, 2005 and 2006.

Source: Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, Government Secretariat.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2810 3658)

Appendices 459

Table 9(Chapter 4: Financial and Monetary Affairs)

Deposits, Loans and Advances of Authorised Institutions

2001 2005 2006Number of authorised institutions

in operationLicensed banks 146 131 131Restricted licence banks 49 32 30Deposit-taking companies 54 33 33

———— ———— ————Total 249 196 194

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————(-4.2) (-5.3) (-1.0)

Deposits fromcustomers(1)(2) (HK$ billion)Licensed banks 3,366.6 4,043.4 4,734.3Restricted licence banks 33.4 19.5 26.5Deposit-taking companies 6.5 5.0 5.5

———— ———— ————Total 3,406.5 4,067.9 4,766.2

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————(-3.4) (+5.2) (+17.2)

Loans and advances for use inHong Kong(1)(3) (HK$ billion)Licensed banks 1,647.7 1,885.6 1,933.9Restricted licence banks 110.3 24.9 22.4Deposit-taking companies 32.1 19.8 18.7

———— ———— ————Total 1,790.1 1,930.3 1,975.1

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————(-3.8) (+7.7) (+2.3)

Total loans and advances tocustomers(1) (HK$ billion)Licensed banks 2,028.0 2,250.1 2,402.4Restricted licence banks 122.4 38.9 41.4Deposit-taking companies 34.6 23.0 24.1

———— ———— ————Total 2,185.0 2,312.0 2,467.9

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————(-11.2) (+7.2) (+6.7)

Notes: Figures in brackets refer to percentage changes over the same period of the preceding year.(1) Figures are revised on a monthly basis to take into account any subsequent amendments submitted

by authorised institutions.(2) As from June 2002, short-term Exchange Fund placements of less than one month are included

under time deposits as part of the monetary aggregates. The revised data series are backdated toApril 1997.

(3) Excluding loans for trade financing.

Source: Hong Kong Monetary Authority.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2878 8222)


Table 10(Chapter 4: Financial and Monetary Affairs)

Exchange Rates of the Hong Kong Dollar Against Selected Major Currencies

Effective exchange rate index forthe HK dollar(1)

Sterling US dollar Deutsche Euro(2) Japanese Special Trade (import and export)-weighted-mark(2) yen Drawing Right (Jan. 2000 = 100)

End of period (HK dollar to per unit of foreign currency)2001 11.31 7.797 3.53 6.91 0.0594 9.79872 105.92005 13.36 7.753 — 9.18 0.0659 11.08113 98.42006 15.22 7.775 — 10.26 0.0654 11.69521 94.3

Notes: (1) New series released since 2 January 2002. The effective exchange rate index for the Hong Kong dollar is derived from the weighted averageof nominal exchange rates of the Hong Kong dollar against 14 major currencies.

(2) Euro was launched on 1 January 1999. As from 1 January 2002, Euro has replaced national currencies of its participating countries (includingDeutsche-mark).

Source: Hong Kong Monetary Authority.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2878 8222)

Table 11(Chapter 4: Financial and Monetary Affairs)

Money SupplyHK$ Billion

2001 2005 2006


Hong Kong dollar 229.8 348.2 387.9Foreign currency 28.2 86.4 103.7

———— ———— ————Total 258.1 434.7 491.7

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————(+5.8) (-10.3) (+13.1)


Hong Kong dollar (2) 2,016.6 2,345.8 2,795.7Foreign currency (3) 1,577.5 2,061.4 2,303.0

———— ———— ————Total 3,594.1 4,407.2 5,098.7

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————(-2.7) (+5.2) (+15.7)

Notes: Figures in brackets refer to percentage changes over the same period of the preceding year.Figures are revised on a monthly basis to take into account any subsequent amendments submitted byauthorised institutions.(1) As from June 2002, short-term Exchange Fund placements of less than one month are included

under time deposits as part of the monetary aggregates. The revised data series are backdated toApril 1997.

(2) Adjusted to include foreign currency swap deposits.(3) Adjusted to exclude foreign currency swap deposits.

Source: Hong Kong Monetary Authority.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2878 8222)

Appendices 461

Table 12(Chapter 4: Financial and Monetary Affairs)

Exchange Fund Abridged Balance SheetHK$ Million

As at end of year

2001 2005 2006

AssetsForeign currency assets 877,427 971,217 1,045,541Hong Kong dollar assets 101,719 95,582 130,852

————— ————— —————979,146 1,066,799 1,176,393

————— ————— —————Liabilities

Certificates of Indebtedness 107,545 148,406 156,926Government-issued currency notes and 5,691 6,671 6,842

coins in circulationBalance of the banking system 671 1,561 2,035Exchange Fund Bills and Notes 118,157 118,134 129,139Placements by other HKSAR government 380,602 297,086 324,530

fundsOther liabilities 63,891 51,795 49,213

————— ————— —————676,557 623,653 668,685

————— ————— —————Fund Equity 302,589 443,146 507,708

————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————

Note: The Exchange Fund Abridged Balance Sheet is extracted from the Exchange Fund Accounts published inthe Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Annual Report.

Source: Hong Kong Monetary Authority.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2878 8222)


Table 13(Chapter 5: Commerce and Industry)

(a) Merchandise Trade by Main Country/TerritoryHK$ Billion

Type of trade/Main country/territory 2001 2005 2006

Imports 1,568.2 2,329.5 2,599.8(-5.4) (+10.3) (+11.6)

The mainland of China 682.0 1,049.3 1,193.0Japan 176.6 256.5 268.1Taiwan 107.9 168.2 194.9Singapore 72.9 135.2 164.8United States of America 104.9 119.3 123.6Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation 1,340.9 2,024.4 2,275.3European Union(1) 152.8 176.8 189.1

Domestic exports 153.5 136.0 134.5(-15.2) (+8.0) (-1.1)

The mainland of China 49.5 44.6 40.3United States of America 47.6 37.8 33.2United Kingdom 8.6 7.3 7.9Netherlands 4.6 5.4 8.0Taiwan 5.3 5.1 4.5Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation 121.6 107.5 100.0European Union(1) 25.7 22.5 27.4

Re-exports 1,327.5 2,114.1 2,326.5(-4.6) (+11.7) (+10.0)

The mainland of China 496.6 967.9 1,115.9United States of America 282.2 322.9 338.0Japan 83.6 114.3 115.5Germany 45.8 68.4 70.8United Kingdom 46.8 61.9 65.8Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation 1,042.8 1,683.2 1,869.8European Union(1) 194.6 304.6 316.0

Notes: Figures in brackets refer to percentage changes over the same period of the preceding year.(1) On 1 May 2004, 10 new members joined the European Union (EU). Together with the 15 original

members, there were a total of 25 members in the EU. Statistics on merchandise trade with the EUin this table are compiled based on the new coverage. They are thus different from figures shown intables of 2003 and earlier editions of this publication.

Source: Trade Analysis Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 5042)

(b) Imports, Retained Imports and Re-exports by End-use CategoryHK$ Billion

End-use category 2001 2005 2006

FoodstuffsImports 60.4 61.3 65.5Retained imports(1) 44.6 50.8 53.0@

Re-exports 17.4 11.9 14.1Consumer goods

Imports 538.0 677.9 697.3Retained imports(1) 121.2 127.8 133.3@

Re-exports 570.2 734.5 752.9Raw materials and semi-manufactures

Imports 511.4 869.2 993.1Retained imports(1) 161.7 215.9 236.6@

Re-exports 396.0 721.9 835.9Fuels

Imports 30.4 60.5 74.0Retained imports(1) 28.6 57.0 70.0@

Re-exports 1.9 3.7 4.2Capital goods

Imports 428.1 660.6 769.9Retained imports(1) 152.8 134.7 180.8@

Re-exports 342.0 642.2 719.4Total

Imports 1,568.2 2,329.5 2,599.8Retained imports(1) 508.9 585.3 680.4@

Re-exports 1,327.5 2,114.1 2,326.5

Notes: The coverage of commodities by end-use category has been slightly revised. Therefore, some figures inthis table may be different from those presented in earlier editions of this publication.(1) Retained imports refer to those imported goods which are retained for use in Hong Kong rather than

being re-exported to other places. The value of retained imports is derived by subtracting the estimated import value of re-exports from the value of imports. The former is obtained by removingan estimated re-export margin from the value of re-exports.

Source: Trade Analysis Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 4918)

(c) Domestic Exports by Principal CommodityHK$ Billion

Principal commodity 2001 2005 2006

Articles of apparel and clothing accessories 72.2 56.2 52.2Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, and 20.3 18.8 13.5

electrical parts thereofJewellery, goldsmiths’ and silversmiths’ wares, and 4.7 6.6 7.4

other articles of precious or semi-precious materialsTextile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles and related 8.2 4.7 4.1

productsPrinted matters 4.0 3.1 2.8

Source: Trade Analysis Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 5042)

Appendices 463


Table 14(Chapter 5: Commerce and Industry)

Exports and Imports of Services by Major Service GroupHK$ Billion

Major service group 2001 2005 2006@

Exports of servicesTransportation 93.7 158.0 172.4

(-5.9) (+16.9) (+9.1)Travel 46.4 80.1 88.7

(+0.7) (+14.2) (+10.8)Insurance services 3.6 3.2 3.6

(+3.0) (+0.7) (+13.1)Financial services 35.0 49.2 69.1

(+2.7) (+38.6) (+40.6)Merchanting and other trade-related services 106.4 162.2 181.4

(+9.0) (+10.7) (+11.9)Other services 35.8 43.2 47.0

(+4.2) (+10.4) (+8.9)———— ———— ————

Total 320.8 495.8 562.3(+1.8) (+15.4) (+13.4)

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————Imports of services

Transportation 50.9 81.4 87.7(+4.7) (+20.3) (+7.8)

Travel 96.1 103.5 108.6(-1.4) (+0.1) (+4.9)

Insurance services 4.0 4.7 5.2(-2.0) (-1.1) (+10.3)

Financial services 7.0 10.9 11.7(+8.5) (+20.5) (+7.2)

Merchanting and other trade-related services 11.8 18.6 19.1(+5.7) (+12.8) (+2.7)

Other services 24.4 45.1 51.5(-1.2) (+9.7) (+14.2)

———— ———— ————Total 194.2 264.2 283.9

(+0.9) (+9.0) (+7.4)———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————

Net exports of services 126.6 231.6 278.4

Note: Figures in brackets refer to percentage changes over the same period of the preceding year.

Source: Trade in Services Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2802 1372)

Appendices 465

Table 15(Chapter 5: Commerce and Industry)

(a) Position and Flow of Inward Direct Investment by Major Investor Country/Territory

HK$ Billion

Inward direct investment at market value

Major investor Position at end of year Inflow during the year(2)

country/territory(1) 2001 2004 2005 2001 2004 2005

The mainland of China 958.1 1,020.1 1,271.9 38.5 62.0 72.9British Virgin Islands 943.6 1,029.3 1,270.7 74.7 62.7 47.0Netherlands 199.9 307.2 327.1 -2.3 8.8 17.0Bermuda 315.7 272.2 271.5 9.9 8.9 36.0United States of America 193.7 243.5 205.8 11.8 48.4 -29.7Others 658.7 649.6 709.2 52.9 74.2 118.3

——–—– ——–—– ——–—– —–—– —–—– —–—–Total 3,269.7 3,521.9 4,056.3 185.4 265.1 261.5

——–—– ——–—– ——–—– —–—– —–—– —–—–——–—– ——–—– ——–—– —–—– —–—– —–—–——–—– ——–—– ——–—– —–—– —–—– —–—–——–—– ——–—– ——–—– —–—– —–—– —–—–——–—– ——–—– ——–—– —–—– —–—– —–—–

Notes: (1) Country/territory here refers to the immediate source economy. It does not necessarily reflect thecountry/territory in which the funds are initially mobilised.

(2) Negative inflow does not necessarily relate to equity withdrawal. It may be the result of repaymentof loans to non-resident affiliates.

(b) Position and Flow of Outward Direct Investment by Major Recipient Country/Territory

HK$ Billion

Outward direct investment at market value

Major recipient Position at end of year Outflow during the year(2)

country/territory(1) 2001 2004 2005 2001 2004 2005

British Virgin Islands 1,437.0 1,402.1 1,609.3 25.4 136.8 18.1The mainland of China 844.0 1,211.6 1,477.4 66.3 144.8 130.3Bermuda 91.9 129.7 126.1 -19.2 26.7 12.5United Kingdom 20.6 55.3 59.6 0.9 4.9 4.9Singapore 24.5 34.2 40.0 4.2 4.5 6.0Others 331.2 300.8 341.5 10.9 38.5 39.7

——–—– ——–—– ——–—– —–—– —–—– —–—–Total 2,749.2 3,133.6 3,653.9 88.5 356.1 211.5

——–—– ——–—– ——–—– —–—– —–—– —–—–——–—– ——–—– ——–—– —–—– —–—– —–—–——–—– ——–—– ——–—– —–—– —–—– —–—–——–—– ——–—– ——–—– —–—– —–—– —–—–——–—– ——–—– ——–—– —–—– —–—– —–—–

Notes: (1) Country/territory here refers to the immediate destination economy. It does not necessarily reflectthe country/territory in which the funds are ultimately used.

(2) Negative outflow does not necessarily relate to equity withdrawal. It may be the result of repaymentof loans by non-resident affiliates.

Source: Balance of Payments Branch (2), Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2116 5113)


Table 16(Chapter 5: Commerce and Industry)

(a) Number of Regional Headquarters by Country/Territory of Parent Company

2001 2005 2006

Number % Number % Number %

Number of regional headquarters 944 1 167 1 228in Hong Kong

Country/territory of parent companyUnited States of America 221 23.4 262 22.5 295 24.0Japan 160 16.9 204 17.5 212 17.3United Kingdom 90 9.5 115 9.9 114 9.3The mainland of China 70 7.4 107 9.2 112 9.1Germany 56 5.9 75 6.4 76 6.2France 43 4.6 49 4.2 55 4.5Netherlands 48 5.1 54 4.6 48 3.9Singapore 25 2.6 45 3.9 44 3.6Switzerland 34 3.6 38 3.3 42 3.4Taiwan 22 2.3 33 2.8 28 2.3Italy 7 0.7 20 1.7 23 1.9Australia 15 1.6 18 1.5 21 1.7Sweden 16 1.7 18 1.5 19 1.5Korea 13 1.4 17 1.5 16 1.3Canada 16 1.7 16 1.4 15 1.2

(b) Number of Regional Offices by Country/Territory of Parent Company

2001 2005 2006

Number % Number % Number %

Number of regional offices 2 293 2 631 2 617in Hong Kong

Country/territory of parent companyUnited States of America 420 18.3 606 23.0 594 22.7Japan 533 23.2 537 20.4 519 19.8United Kingdom 163 7.1 215 8.2 223 8.5The mainland of China 172 7.5 160 6.1 156 6.0Taiwan 142 6.2 133 5.1 149 5.7Germany 108 4.7 139 5.3 136 5.2France 88 3.8 110 4.2 117 4.5Singapore 77 3.4 103 3.9 106 4.1Switzerland 68 3.0 73 2.8 68 2.6Australia 43 1.9 69 2.6 65 2.5Korea 76 3.3 68 2.6 62 2.4Italy 52 2.3 53 2.0 52 2.0Netherlands 62 2.7 50 1.9 47 1.8Sweden 27 1.2 33 1.3 34 1.3Canada 34 1.5 25 1.0 31 1.2

Notes: Figures refer to the first working day of June of the year.The definitions of regional headquarters and regional offices have been revised as from 2006 to enhancethe clarity of description. It should therefore be noted that figures for regional headquarters and regionaloffices for 2006 may not be strictly comparable with those before 2006.Prior to 2005, figures refer to the country/territory where parent companies are incorporated. As from2005, figures refer to the country/territory where parent companies are located.In the case of a joint-ventured regional headquarters or regional office in Hong Kong, there may be morethan one country/territory of its parent company(ies).

Source: Business Expectation Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2805 6112)

Appendices 467

Table 17(Chapter 6: Employment)

Labour Force, Labour Force Participation Rate, Unemployment and Underemployment**

2001 2005 2006@

Labour Force(1) (’000)Age Group

Under 25 409 396 38825–44 2 044 1 953 1 94245–64 929 1 145 1 20665 and over 44 45 46Overall 3 426 3 538 3 582

SexMale 1 965 1 951 1 956Female 1 461 1 587 1 627Overall 3 426 3 538 3 582

Labour Force Participation Rate (%)Male 73.0 71.1 71.0Female 50.7 51.9 52.6Overall 61.5 61.0 61.3

UnemploymentUnemployed persons (’000) 175 197 171Unemployment rate (%) 5.1 5.6 4.8

UnderemploymentUnderemployed persons (’000) 85 96 87Underemployment rate (%) 2.5 2.7 2.4

Notes: Figures are compiled based on the data obtained from the General Household Survey for the four quarters of the year.(1) The labour force refers to the land-based non-institutional population aged 15 and over who satisfy

the criteria for inclusion in the employed population or the unemployed population.

Source: General Household Survey Section (2), Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2887 5508)


Table 18(Chapter 6: Employment)

Number of Establishments and Persons Engaged (other than those in the Civil Service) by Industry Sector, and Number of Construction Sites and Manual Workers at Construction Sites

2001 2005 2006

Industry Sector/Sub-sector Persons Persons PersonsEstablishments Engaged Establishments Engaged Establishments Engaged

Mining and quarrying 7 179 6 128 6 116Manufacturing 19 977 202 984 15 198 167 367 14 937 159 285Electricity and gas 20 8 096 14 8 002 15 7 926Wholesale, retail and

import and export trades, restaurants and hotelsWholesale 14 601 66 082 15 068 69 164 14 891 67 392Retail 57 681 210 228 55 672 221 927 57 045 229 395Import and export trade 98 339 500 719 97 186 510 372 99 415 519 204Restaurants 10 685 193 127 11 423 193 901 11 827 201 250Hotels and boarding houses 695 26 815 717 28 376 778 30 506

Transport, storage and communicationsTransport and storage 9 317 143 594 9 559 154 600 9 673 157 503Communications 1 249 38 104 1 016 29 152 957 29 381

Financing, insurance, real estate and business servicesFinancing and insurance 15 481 161 069 15 167 157 601 15 910 167 712Real estate 9 791 80 658 9 941 95 895 10 265 99 001Business services 25 918 192 147 29 347 210 931 31 322 224 841

Community, social and personal services 31 255 385 053 35 067 446 800 36 661 460 763

––—–—– –––—––—– –––——– —–––––—– ––—–—– –—––––—–All industry sectors above 295 016 2 208 855 295 381 2 294 216 303 702 2 354 275

––—–—– –––—––—– –––——– —–––––—– ––—–—– –—––––—–––—–—– –––—––—– –––——– —–––––—– ––—–—– –—––––—–––—–—– –––—––—– –––——– —–––––—– ––—–—– –—––––—–––—–—– –––—––—– –––——– —–––––—– ––—–—– –—––––—–––—–—– –––—––—– –––——– —–––––—– ––—–—– –—––––—–Construction sites 931 76 601 868 54 456 911 51 004

Notes: (a) Figures refer to December of the year.

(b) Figures are based on the Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies and the Quarterly Employment Survey ofConstruction Sites conducted by the Census and Statistics Department.

(c) Figures in this table do not cover establishments and persons engaged in the following activities:

(i) Agriculture and fishing.

(ii) Construction (other than construction sites).

(iii) Hawkers and retail pitches (other than market stalls).

(iv) Taxis, public lights buses, goods vehicles, barges, lighters and stevedoring services.

(v) Public administration, religious organisations, authors and other independents artists, domestic helpers and miscellaneous recreational and personal services.

(d) Establishment in construction sites refer to number of sites, while persons engaged refer to manual workers only.

(e) Manual workers at construction sites include skilled, semi-skilled and general workers.

(f ) Starting from March 2002 round of Quarterly Survey of Employment and Vacancies, the survey coverage has beenexpanded to include five more industries in the community, social and personal services sector. They are veterinaryservices, billiard centres, bowling centres, electronic game centres and funeral services.

Source: Employment Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 5076)

Appendices 469

Table 19(Chapter 6: Employment)

Wage Indices for Employees up to Supervisory Level (Excluding Managerial andProfessional Employees) by Industry Sector

Wage index(September 1992=100)

Industry sector 2001 2005 2006

Nominal wage indexManufacturing 148.6 144.3 148.9

(+1.4) (+2.5) (+3.2)Wholesale, retail and import/export 151.2 145.7 147.7

trades, restaurants and hotels (+0.8) (+1.5) (+1.4)Transport services 149.9 147.1 147.6

(+2.0) (+1.4) (+0.4)Financing, insurance, real estate 154.7 156.7 162.0

and business services (-2.5) (+1.8) (+3.4)Personal services 151.2 146.1 155.1

(-0.9) (-2.7) (+6.1)All selected industries(1) 150.6 147.2 150.1

(+0.2) (+1.4) (+2.0)Real wage index

Manufacturing 118.7 113.4 114.8(+8.1) (+1.2) (+1.2)

Wholesale, retail and import/export 120.8 114.5 113.9trades, restaurants and hotels (+7.5) (+0.1) (-0.5)

Transport services 119.7 115.6 113.8(+8.7) (§) (-1.5)

Financing, insurance, real estate 123.5 123.1 124.9and business services (+4.0) (+0.5) (+1.5)

Personal services 120.8 114.8 119.6(+5.7) (-4.0) (+4.2)

All selected industries(1) 120.3 115.6 115.7(+6.9) (§) (+0.1)

Notes: Figures refer to December of the year. Figures in brackets refer to percentage changes over the same peri-od of the preceding year.The Real Wage Indices of 2006 are derived by deflating the Nominal Wage Indices by the 2004/2005-based CPI(A). To facilitate comparison, Real Wage Indices prior to 2006 have been re-compiled using the2004/2005-based CPI(A).(1) Figures refer to all industries covered by the Wage Enquiry of Labour Earnings Survey, including the

electricity and gas sector.§ Change within ±0.05%.

Source: Wages and Labour Costs Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2887 5550)


Table 20(Chapter 6: Employment)

Average Wage Rates for Employees up to Supervisory Level (Excluding Managerial and Professional Employees) by Broad Occupational Group and by Industry Sector for December 2006


Supervisory, technical,Craftsmen and clerical and miscellaneous All selected

operatives non-production workers occupations

Industry sector Average daily wages Average monthly salaries Average monthly salaries

Manufacturing 323 12,050 9,787

Wholesale, retail and import/export — 12,134 12,134trades, restaurants and hotels

Transport services 507 12,815 12,968

Financing, insurance, real estate 444 10,702 10,718and business services

Personal services 540 6,120 6,348

All selected industries (1) 419 11,317 11,261

Note: (1) Figures refer to all industries covered by the Wage Enquiry Labour Earnings Survey, including the electricity and gas sector.

Source: Wages and Labour Costs Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2887 5550)

Appendices 471

Table 21(Chapter 6: Employment)

Employed Persons by Monthly Employment Earnings**Thousands

Monthly employment earnings (HK$) 2001 2005 2006@

<3,000 124.1 185.6 173.03,000–3,999 193.7 224.2 230.54,000–4,999 101.1 129.9 120.85,000–5,999 140.4 192.2 183.26,000–6,999 204.0 241.9 238.07,000–7,999 193.1 232.9 235.78,000–8,999 252.9 248.5 258.19,000–9,999 177.1 204.1 219.710,000–14,999 741.9 622.2 642.415,000–19,999 360.8 341.5 358.320,000–29,999 383.7 346.5 355.0�30,000 378.6 371.2 397.0

———— ———— ————Total 3 251.3 3 340.8 3 411.6

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————Median monthly employment earnings (HK$) 10,000 10,000 10,000

Note: Figures are compiled based on the data obtained from the General Household Survey for the four quartersof the year.

Source: General Household Survey Section (2), Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2887 5508)


Table 22(Chapter 7: Education)

(a) Number of Educational and Training Institutions by TypeNumber of institutions

Academic year

Type 2001/2002 2005/2006 2006/2007

Kindergarten(1) 784 1 062 1 015

Primary school 815 720 668

Secondary schoolDay 496 524 528Evening 41 47 37

Special education school (2) 74 63 62

Approved post-secondary college (3)(4) 2 3 2

Other colleges (5)

Day 7 13 13Evening 4 4 4

University Grants Committee-funded 8 8 8institution

Hong Kong Shue Yan University (4) — — 1

The Hong Kong Academy for 1 1 1Performing Arts

The Open University of Hong Kong 1 1 1

Vocational Training Council 1 1 1

Construction Industry Training Authority 1 1 1

Clothing Industry Training Authority 1 1 1

Hospital Authority 1 1 1

The Prince Philip Dental Hospital 1 1 1

Institute offering adult education/tutorial/vocational courses

Day 762 966 916Day cum evening — 424 548Evening 653 815 758

Notes: (1) Figures from 2005/2006 onwards include kindergartens converted from child care centres upon harmonisation of pre-primary services in September 2005.

(2) Figures include special schools, practical schools and skills opportunity schools. Practical schools and skills opportunity schools are grouped into “Secondary school” after completion of full mainstreaming. Figures also include one special school under the English Schools Foundation.

(3) Approved post-secondary colleges refer to colleges registered under the Post Secondary CollegesOrdinance.

(4) “Hong Kong Shue Yan College” changed its title to “Hong Kong Shue Yan University” on 19 December 2006. Figures prior to 2006/2007 in respect of Hong Kong Shue Yan College aregrouped under “Approved post-secondary college”.

(5) Other colleges refer to private schools which provide post-secondary courses, such as Hong KongAdventist College, Hong Kong Buddhist College, Hong Kong College of Technology, Hang SengSchool of Commerce, etc.

(b) Student Enrolment (1) by Type of Educational and Training Institution


Academic year

Institution/Programme 2001/2002 2005/2006 2006/2007

Kindergarten(2) 156.2 149.1 140.8

Primary school 493.1 425.9 410.5

Secondary school(3) 465.4 482.3 484.2

Special education school(4) 9.5 7.7 7.7

Approved post-secondary college (5) 4.2 4.1 1.4

Other colleges (6) 3.5 7.1 8.2

UGC-funded institution(7) 81.7 91.8 91.7

Hong Kong Shue Yan University(5) — — 3.3

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 0.7 0.8 0.7

The Open University of Hong Kong

—University-based 26.9 18.6 17.2

—Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and — 9.0 9.9

Continuing Education (LiPACE)(8)(9)

Vocational Training Council (8)(10) 58.2 61.7 60.1

Construction Industry Training Authority 1.9 1.0 0.9

Clothing Industry Training Authority 0.5 0.9 1.0

Hospital Authority (11) — 0.3 0.4

The Prince Philip Dental Hospital(12) 0.1 0.1 0.1

Project Yi Jin 4.3 5.9 9.4

Institute offering adult education/tutorial/ 182.7 235.9 186.8vocational courses (8)

Notes: Statistics in vocational and post-secondary education for 2006/2007 are provisional figures.Figures refer to the beginning of the respective school years.(1) Including both full-time and part-time students attending long programmes lasting for at least one

academic year, except for “Institute offering adult education/tutorial/vocational courses” whichinclude student enrolment for both long and short programmes.

(2) Figures from 2005/2006 onwards include pupils enrolled in kindergartens newly converted from childcare centres upon harmonisation of pre-primary services in September 2005.

(3) Figures cover both day and evening schools.(4) Figures include students of special classes in ordinary schools.(5) “Hong Kong Shue Yan College” changed its title to “Hong Kong Shue Yan University” on 19

December 2006. Figures prior to 2006/2007 in respect of Hong Kong Shue Yan College are groupedunder “Approved post-secondary college”.

(6) Other colleges refer to private schools which provide post-secondary courses, such as Hong KongAdventist College, Hong Kong Buddhist College, Hong Kong College of Technology, Hang SengSchool of Commerce, etc.

(7) Figures refer to students attending University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded programmes and full-time accredited self-financing sub-degree and degree programmes offered by institutions proper,continuing education arms and community colleges of UGC-funded institutions.

(8) Figures do not include students attending programmes for the Project Yi Jin.(9) Figures are available since 2003/2004.(10) Figures include students of Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Training and Development

Centres, School of Business and Information Systems, Youth College, Institute of ProfessionalEducation and Knowledge (PEAK) and Continuing Professional Development Centre (merged withPEAK since 2005/2006).

(11) Figures refer to nurse training programmes and are available only since 2002/2003.(12) Figures refer to dental training programmes.

Source: Education and Manpower Bureau, Government Secretariat.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 3540 7454)

Appendices 473


Table 23(Chapter 7: Education)

Distribution of Educational Attainment of PopulationAged 15 and Over**


Educational attainment 2001 2005 2006@

No schooling/Kindergarten 7.3 6.4 5.9Primary 21.5 19.2 18.7Secondary(1) 46.9 46.3 46.5Matriculation(2) 4.6 5.2 5.3Tertiary

Non-degree course 7.1 7.7 8.0Degree course 12.6 15.2 15.7

——— ——— ———Total 100.0 100.0 100.0

——— ——— —————— ——— —————— ——— —————— ——— —————— ——— ———

Notes: Figures are compiled based on the data obtained from the General Household Survey for the four quarters of the year.(1) Persons with educational attainment at secondary level refer to those with Secondary 1 to Secondary

5 education or equivalent level.(2) Persons with educational attainment at matriculation level refer to those with Secondary 6 to

Secondary 7 education or equivalent level.

Source: General Household Survey Section (2), Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2887 5508)

Appendices 475

Table 24(Chapter 7: Education)

Government Expenditure on Education

Financial Year (April-March)

2001-2002(1) 2005-2006 2006-2007(2)

Total expenditure (HK$ million) 52,676 53,911 53,053As percentage of total government 22.0 23.8 23.3

expenditure (%) As percentage of Gross Domestic 4.1 3.8@ 3.6@

Product (GDP) (%)

Recurrent expenditure (HK$ million) 46,688 44,190 44,873Spent on (%)

Primary education 22.3 23.4 22.9Secondary education 33.9 36.3 36.5Tertiary education 30.7 28.2 28.3Others(3) 13.1 12.1 12.3

Notes: (1) Expenditure figures of 2001-2002 have been adjusted to conform with the policy grouping adopted in2006-2007.

(2) Revised estimates.(3) Figures include government recurrent expenditure on kindergarten, special education, adult education

courses run or funded by the Education and Manpower Bureau (formerly Education Department), vocational education courses run by the Vocational Training Council and departmental support.

Source: Education and Manpower Bureau, Government Secretariat.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 3540 7454)


Table 25(Chapter 8: Health)

Population and Vital Events

2001 2005 2006

Mid-year population** 6 714 300 6 813 200 6 857 100Crude birth rate (per 1 000 population)** 7.2 8.4 9.6#

Crude death rate (per 1 000 population)** 5.0 5.7 5.4#

Infant mortality rate(1) (per 1 000 2.7 2.4 1.8#

registered live births)Neonatal (aged under four weeks) 1.7 1.5 1.1#

mortality rate(1) (per 1 000 registered live births)

Post neonatal (aged from four weeks 1.1 0.8 0.8#

to under one year) mortality rate(1)

(per 1 000 registered live births)Maternal mortality ratio(1) (per 100 000 2.0 3.5 0.0#

registered live births)Expectation of life at birth (years)**

Male 78.4 78.8 79.5#

Female 84.6 84.6 85.6#

Note: (1) Figures are derived based on registered deaths.

Sources: Demographic Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2716 8345)Department of Health.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2961 8569)

Appendices 477

Table 26(Chapter 8: Health)

Number of Registered Deaths and Death Rate by Leading Cause of Death

2005 2006#

Cause Number Rate(1)** Number Rate(1)**

Malignant neoplasms 12 310 180.7 12 160 177.3Diseases of heart 5 868 86.1 5 684 82.9Pneumonia 4 291 63.0 4 116 60.0Cerebrovascular diseases 3 434 50.4 3 334 48.6Chronic lower respiratory 2 261 33.2 1 957 28.5


Notes: Ranking of causes of death is in accordance with the number of registered deaths in the year of 2005.(1) Death rate per 100 000 population.

Source: Department of Health.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2961 8569)

Table 27(Chapter 8: Health)

Hospital Beds and Selected Types of Registered Healthcare Professionals

2005 2006#

Number Rate(1)** Number Rate(1)**

Hospital beds 34 119 5.0 34 639 5.0Doctors(2) 11 505 1.7 11 739 1.7Chinese medicine practitioners(3) 5 133 0.8 5 268 0.8Dentists(2) 1 941 0.3 1 976 0.3Pharmacists 1 583 0.2 1 649 0.2Nurses(4) 35 465 5.2 36 444 5.3Midwives 4 917 0.7 4 648 0.7Chiropractors 86 † 90 †

Notes: Figures are as at end of the year.(1) Number of beds/healthcare professionals per 1 000 population.(2) Figures refer to the doctors/dentists with full registration on both the local and overseas lists.(3) Figures do not include Chinese medicine practitioners with limited registration and listed Chinese

medicine practitioners. Listed Chinese medicine practitioners can practise lawfully in Hong Kongunder the transitional arrangements for registration of Chinese medicine practitioners until a date tobe announced by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food in the Gazette. Listed Chinese medicinepractitioners may apply for registration under the requirements of transitional arrangements.

(4) Figures refer to registered nurses and enrolled nurses.† Less than 0.05.

Sources: Department of Health.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2961 8582)Hospital Authority.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2300 6515)


Table 28(Chapter 10: Social Welfare)

Social Security

2001 2005 2006

Comprehensive Social SecurityAssistance Scheme

Number of cases(1) (’000) 242 298 295Amount of payment(2) (HK$ million) 13,560 17,631 17,766

Social Security Allowance SchemeDisability Allowance

Number of cases(1) (’000) 102 112 116Amount of payment(2) (HK$ million) 1,567 1,587 1,633

Old Age AllowanceNumber of cases(1) (’000) 458 461 465Amount of payment(2) (HK$ million) 3,563 3,659 3,706

Traffic Accident Victims AssistanceScheme

Number of cases authorised for payment 6 628 7 482 7 824Amount of payment(2) (HK$ million) 130 154 164

Notes: (1) Figures are as at end of the year.(2) Figures refer to financial years of 2000-2001, 2004-2005 and 2005-2006.

Source: Social Welfare Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2892 5232)

Appendices 479

Table 29(Chapter 11: Housing)

Stock of Permanent Quarters and Estimated Persons Accommodatedas at Mid 2006

Number of quarters(1)

Hong Kong NewType of housing Island Kowloon Territories Total

Public rental housing 73 800 251 200 389 300 714 200Subsidised sale flats 46 100 93 900 253 800 393 700Private permanent housing 352 500 389 000 627 900 1 369 400

–———— –———— ––———— ––————Total permanent housing 472 300 734 000 1 271 000 2 477 300

–———— –———— ––———— ––————–———— –———— ––———— ––————–———— –———— ––———— ––————–———— –———— ––———— ––————–———— –———— ––———— ––————

Estimated persons accommodated(2)

Hong Kong NewType of housing Island Kowloon Territories Total

Public rental housing 215 500 733 300 1 180 400 2 129 300Subsidised sale flats 141 600 279 200 800 400 1 221 200Private permanent housing 894 400 983 900 1 505 500 3 383 900

————— ————— ————— —————Total permanent housing 1 251 600 1 996 500 3 486 300 6 734 400Marine 3 100Other(3) 126 900

—————Total population 6 864 300


Notes: All figures are rounded off to the nearest hundred.Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.(1) The coverage of quarters excludes those in hotels and institutions.(2) Figures refer to the reference moment of the 2006 Population By-census (i.e. 3:00 a.m. on 14 July

2006).(3) Including persons living in public temporary housing, private temporary squatters/huts, rooftop

structures, unsheltered areas, etc.

Source: Census Planning Section (1), Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2159 3208)


Table 30(Chapter 12: Land, Public Works and Utilities)

Property Transactions

2001 2005 2006

Value of registered agreements for saleand purchase of property (HK$ billion)

Residential property 150.9 312.8 232.0Non-residential property 41.9 82.7 83.2

———– ———– ———–Total 192.8 395.5 315.2

———– ———– ———–———– ———– ———–———– ———– ———–———– ———– ———–———– ———– ———–

Property price index (1999 = 100)Private domestic units 78.7 92.0 92.6#

Private offices (Grades A, B and C) 78.7 133.0 138.9#

Property rental index (1999 = 100)Private domestic units 95.4 86.5 91.7#

Private offices (Grades A, B and C) 101.0 96.4 117.2#

Sources: Land Registry.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2867 4838)Rating and Valuation Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2150 8901)

Appendices 481

Table 31(Chapter 12: Land, Public Works and Utilities)

Land Usage Distribution (as at end 2006)

ApproximateClass Area (km2) % Remarks

ResidentialPrivate Residential 25 2.3 Residential land developed by private

developers (except village houses, HOS/PSPSand temporary housing areas).

Public Residential 16 1.4 Includes HOS/PSPS and temporary housing areas.Rural Settlement 34 3.1 Includes village housing and temporary


CommercialCommercial/Business & Office 3 0.3

IndustrialIndustrial Land 7 0.6Industrial Estates 3 0.3Warehouse and Storage 14 1.3 Includes open storage areas.

Institutional/Open SpaceGovernment, Institutional & Community 24 2.2

FacilitiesOpen Space 22 2.0 Includes parks, stadiums and playgrounds.

TransportationRoads 39 3.5Railways 3 0.3Airport 13 1.2

Other Urban or Built-up LandCemeteries and Crematoriums 7 0.6Utilities 7 0.6Vacant Development Land/ 20 1.8

Construction in ProgressOthers 21 1.9

Agricultural LandAgricultural Land 51 4.6Fish Ponds/Gei Wais 17 1.5

Woodland/Shrubland/Grassland/WetlandWoodland 245 22.1Shrubland 228 20.6Grassland 266 24.0Mangrove and Swamp 5 0.4 About 4 km2 of Mangrove and Swamp, which

is below the High Water Mark, is included inthis figure. This 4 km2 should not be counted inthe total land area of the Territory.

Barren LandBadland 5 0.4Quarries 2 0.2Rocky Shore 2 0.2

Water BodiesReservoirs 24 2.2Streams and Nullahs 5 0.4

——— –——Total 1 108 100.0 According to Lands Department, the total land

——— –—— area of the Territory, i.e. land above the High ——— –————— –————— –————— –————— –——Water Mark, is 1 104 km2.

Source: Planning Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2231 5000)


Table 32(Chapter 12: Land, Public Works and Utilities)

(a) Electricity DistributionTerajoules

2001 2005 2006

Domestic 32 799 35 811 35 428Commercial 84 214 93 341 95 370Industrial 16 759 14 636 14 015Street lighting 367 383 391Export to the mainland of China 5 692 16 192 16 300

————— ————— —————Total 139 830 160 363 161 504

————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————

Notes: Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.1 terajoule = 1012 joules

Sources: CLP Power Hong Kong Limited,The Hongkong Electric Company Limited.(For enquiries, please call Census and Statistics Department. Enquiry Telephone No.: 2882 4208)

(b) Gas Distribution (Towngas)Terajoules

2001 2005 2006

Domestic 14 493 15 444 15 082Commercial 11 060 10 919 11 050Industrial 1 011 898 903

————— ————— —————Total 26 564 27 261 27 034

————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————

Notes: Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.1 terajoule = 1012 joules

Source: Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited.(For enquiries, please call the Census and Statistics Department. Enquiry Telephone No.: 2882 4208)

(c) Local Sales of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)Tonnes

2001 2005 2006

Local sales of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 257 334 394 031 421 551

Source: Industrial Production & Tourism Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2882 4208)

(d) Water ConsumptionMillion cubic metres

2001 2005 2006

Fresh water 940 968 963Sea water (flushing purposes) 236 263 260

Source: Water Supplies Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2829 4709)

Appendices 483

Table 33(Chapter 13: Transport)

(a) Inward and Outward Movements of Aircraft and Vessels

2001 2005 2006

Aircraft (’000)(1) 197 264 280#

Ocean vessels (million net register tonnage) 547 650 695River vessels (million net register tonnage)(1) 133 199 218

Note: (1) Including both cargo and passenger aircrafts and vessels.

Sources: Civil Aviation Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2867 4237)Marine Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2852 3661)

(b) Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo’000 tonnes

2001 2005 2006

DischargedBy air 894 1 246 1 300#

By water 110 472 140 956 141 542By ocean(1) 88 506 106 695 106 579By river(1) 21 966 34 261 34 963

By road 20 409 20 964* 20 479By rail(2) 273 166 155

————— ————— —————Total 132 048 163 332* 163 475#

————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————

LoadedBy air 1 180 2 156 2 279#

By water 67 738 89 183 96 697By ocean(1) 42 170 54 772 59 629By river(1) 25 568 34 411 37 068

By road 16 509 17 755* 17 369By rail(2) 97 49 29

————— ————— —————Total 85 524 109 143* 116 374#

————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————

Notes: (1) Ocean refers to transport by vessels operating beyond the river trade limits, while river refers totransport by vessels operating exclusively within the river trade limits.

(2) Figures exclude livestock.

Sources: Civil Aviation Department,Shipping and Cargo Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department,Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation,Customs and Excise Department.(For enquiries, please call Census and Statistics Department. Enquiry Telephone No.: 2582 4068)

(c) Port Container Throughput’000 TEUs

2001 2005 2006

Container terminals 11 285 14 284 16 048Inward 5 376 6 985 7 879Outward 5 909 7 298 8 169

Other than container terminals 6 541 8 318 7 491Ocean 3 011 3 257 2 326

Inward 1 669 1 968 1 482Outward 1 341 1 288 843

River 3 531 5 061 5 165Inward 1 788 2 646 2 703Outward 1 743 2 416 2 462

Total 17 826 22 602 23 539Inward 8 833 11 599 12 064Outward 8 993 11 002 11 475

Note: TEU refers to Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit (based on a standardised container size of 20 ft. × 8 ft. × 8 ft.).

Source: Marine Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2852 3661)

(d ) Arrivals and Departures of Passengers by Mode of Transport’000

Mode of transport 2001 2005 2006

ArrivalsBy air 11 533 13 265 14 382By sea (1) 9 779 10 029 10 903By land 53 557 72 400 75 791

————— ————— —————Total 74 869 95 694 101 076

————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————

DeparturesBy air 11 488 12 700 13 683By sea (1) 10 238 11 499 12 390By land 53 080 71 443 74 964

————— ————— —————Total 74 806 95 642 101 038

————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————————— ————— —————

Note: (1) Including passengers to/from Macao by helicopters.

Source: Immigration Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2829 3407)


Appendices 485

Table 34(Chapter 13: Transport)

(a) Motor Vehicles Licensed by TypeThousands

Type 2001 2005 2006

Private cars 341 351 360

Motor cycles (including motor tricycles) 27 34 36

Taxis 18 18 18

Buses, public and private 13 13 13

Light buses, public and private 6 6 6

Goods vehicles 113 111 112

Special purpose vehicles 1 1 1

Government vehicles (excluding military vehicles) 7 6 6

——— ——— ———

Total 525 541 553

——— ——— —————— ——— —————— ——— —————— ——— —————— ——— ———

(b) Public Transport: Average Daily Number of Passenger Journeysby Different Modes of Transport


2001 2005 2006

Franchised bus 4 241 3 918 3 943

KCRC Light Rail Transit Feeder Bus 55 74* 82

Mass Transit Railway 2 103 2 374 2 401

Red Minibus (1) and Green Minibus 1 634 1 759 1 798#

Taxi (1) 974 1 026 1 065#

Kowloon-Canton Railway—Heavy Rail (2) 802 1 073 1 120

Hongkong Tramways and Peak Tramways 249 241 242

Kowloon-Canton Railway—Light Rail 319 373 374

Ferry 152 154 154

Residents’ Services 153 178 182#

———— ———— ————

Total (3) 10 683 11 171 11 362#

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————

Notes: (1) Estimates.(2) KCRC West Rail was introduced on 20 December 2003. Ma On Shan Rail was introduced on

21 December 2004. Heavy Rail includes East Rail, Ma On Shan Rail and West Rail from 2003onwards.

(3) Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.

Source: Transport Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 3150 8212)


Table 35(Chapter 14: The Environment)

Meteorological Observations

Normals (1961-1990)(1)

WholeJanuary July Year 2006

Air temperature (°C)Mean maximum 18.6 31.5 25.7 25.8Mean 15.8 28.8 23.0 23.5Mean minimum 13.6 26.6 20.9 21.7

Mean relative humidity (%) 71 80 77 80Total rainfall (mm) 23.4 323.5 2 214.3 2 627.8Total bright sunshine (hours) 152.4 231.1 1 948.1 1 773.5Mean wind speed (km/h) 24.0 20.0 22.6 22.6

Note: (1) The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) defines climatological standard normals as averagesof climatological data computed for the following consecutive periods of 30 years: 1 January 1901to 31 December 1930, 1 January 1931 to 31 December 1960, 1 January 1961 to 31 December 1990,1 January 1991 to 31 December 2020, etc.

Source: Hong Kong Observatory.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2926 8449)

Appendices 487

Table 36(Chapter 14: The Environment)

Environmental Statistics

2001 2005 2006

Average daily solid waste (tonnes)(1)

Municipal solid waste disposed of at landfills 9 300 9 380 9 280Municipal solid waste recovered 5 320 7 100 7 780Construction waste disposed of at landfills 6 410 6 560 4 130Special waste disposed of at landfills 1 110 1 750 1 630

Pollution complaints handled (number of cases)Air 11 877 12 343 13 264Noise 10 848 8 444 8 755Waste 1 219 1 153 3 375Water(2) 1 637 1 991 1 939Miscellaneous 16 155 220

————– ————– ————–Total 25 597 24 086 27 553

————– ————– ————–————– ————– ————–————– ————– ————–————– ————– ————–————– ————– ————–

Notes: (1) All figures are rounded off to the nearest ten.(2) As from the edition of year 2004, the previously used complaint categories “Liquid” and “Water”

are combined into one single category “Water” on the ground that both types of complaint aredealt with under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance.

Source: Environmental Protection Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2838 3111)


Table 37(Chapter 15: Travel and Tourism)

Visitor Arrivals by Country/Territory of ResidenceThousands

Country/Territory of residence 2001 2005 2006

The mainland of China 4 449 12 541 13 591Taiwan 2 419 2 131 2 177South & Southeast Asia 1 747 2 413 2 660North Asia 1 762 1 853 2 030The Americas 1 259 1 565 1 631Europe, Africa & the Middle East 1 171 1 726 1 917Macao 532 510 578Australia, New Zealand & South Pacific 387 620 668

———— ———— ————Total 13 725 23 359 25 251

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————

Source: Hong Kong Tourism Board.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2807 6543)

Table 38(Chapter 16: Public Order)

Traffic Accidents by Area

Number of accidents

2001 2005 2006

Hong Kong Island(1) 3 171 3 040 3 070Kowloon 6 201 5 944 5 685New Territories(2) 6 259 6 078 6 094

———— ———— ————Total 15 631 15 062 14 849

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————

Notes: Figures represent the position as at 7 February 2007.(1) Including traffic accidents occurred on outlying islands other than Lantau Island.(2) Including traffic accidents occurred on Lantau Island.

Source: Hong Kong Police Force.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2860 6246)

Appendices 489

Table 39(Chapter 16: Public Order)

(a) Reported Crimes by Type of OffenceCases reported

Type of offence 2001 2005 2006

Violent crime 13 551 13 890 14 847Non-violent crime 59 457 63 547 66 278

———— ———— ————Total 73 008 77 437 81 125

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————

Overall crime rate (per 100 000 population)** 1 087 1 137 1 183Violent crime rate (per 100 000 population)** 202 204 217

(b) Persons Arrested for Crime by Type of OffencePersons arrested

Type of offence 2001 2005 2006

Violent Crime 8 435 9 339 10 352Non-violent crime 30 394 31 465 31 876

———— ———— ————Total 38 829 40 804 42 228

———— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ———————— ———— ————

Rate of persons arrested for crime 642 652 667(per 100 000 population)**

Source: Hong Kong Police Force.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2860 8448)

(c) ICAC CasesNumber of persons prosecuted

2001 2005 2006

Pending Convicted Acquitted Others Total

Involving individuals employed in 61 25 8 13 3 – 24government departments and policy bureaux

Private sectorCivilians prosecuted in public sector 127 95 27 34 1 – 62

casesCivilians prosecuted in private sector 337 223 143 95 7 _ 245

cases —— —— —— —— —— —— ——Sub-total 464 318 170 129 8 – 307

—— —— —— —— —— —— ——Public bodies(1) 10 13 4 3 3 – 10

—— —— —— —— —— —— ——Total 535 356 182 145 14 – 341

—— —— —— —— —— —— ———— —— —— —— —— —— ———— —— —— —— —— —— ———— —— —— —— —— —— ———— —— —— —— —— —— ——

Note: (1) As defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance.

Source: Independent Commission Against Corruption.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2826 3273)


Table 40(Chapter 17: Communications, the Media and Information Technology)

Communications and Internet Services

2001 2005 2006

Postal servicesLetter mail (million articles) 1 360 1 275* 1 322Parcels (thousands) 923 927 929

Telecommunications and Internet ServicesTelephone lines (thousands)

Business 1 765 1 677 1 701Residential 2 161 2 116 2 135Total 3 926 3 793 3 836

Number of fax lines (thousand working lines) 411 410 375Telephone lines per 1 000 population** 583 555 556#

Public mobile radiotelephone subscribers 632 695 747#

per 1 000 population(1)** [847] [1 250] [1 369]#

Public radio paging subscribers per 1 000 population** 38 19 18#

Outward external telephone traffic (million minutes) 3 487 5 638 6 542Number of licensed Internet Service Providers (ISPs) 257 186 180Number of customers of the licensed

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)Registered customer accounts with dial-up 2 018 975 945

access(2) (thousands)Registered broadband Internet access customer 623 1 648 1 744

accounts (thousands)Internet traffic volume

Customer access via public switched telephone 11 056 1 060 619networks(3) (million minutes)

Customer access via broadband networks (terabits) 73 607 5 392 294 7 794 032

Notes: (1) Excluding pre-paid SIM cards. Figures including pre-paid SIM cards are presented in square brackets.(2) Excluding Internet pre-paid calling cards.(3) Excluding customer access via leased circuits.

Sources: Hong Kong Post.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2921 2806)Office of the Telecommunications Authority.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2961 6740)

Appendices 491

Table 41(Chapter 17: Communications, the Media and Information Technology)

(a) Penetration of Information Technology in the Household SectorPercentages

2001 2005 2006

Households with personal computers at home (1) 60.6 70.1 71.7

Households with personal computers at home connected to Internet (1) 48.7 64.6 67.1

(b) Usage of Information Technology among Household MembersPercentages

2001 2005 2006

Persons aged 10 and over who had used personal computers during 50.3 58.8 62.9the twelve months before enumeration (2)

Persons aged 10 and over who had used Internet service during 43.3 56.9 60.8the twelve months before enumeration (2)

Notes: Figures for 2001 refer to Apr.-Jun. 2001, figures for 2005 refer to May-Aug. 2005 and figures for 2006 refer toJun.-Aug. 2006.(1) As a percentage of all households in Hong Kong.(2) As a percentage of all persons aged 10 and over in Hong Kong.

Source: Social Surveys Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2887 5103)

(c) Penetration and Usage of Information Technology in the Business SectorPercentages

2001 2005 2006

Establishments using personal computers (1) 49.7 60.5 60.5

Establishments with Internet connection (1) 37.2 54.7 55.9

Establishments with Web page/Web site (1) 10.7 15.5 17.5

Business receipts from selling goods, services or information through 0.43 0.64 N.A.electronic means (2)

Notes: (1) As a percentage of all establishments in the industries covered in the Annual Survey on InformationTechnology Usage and Penetration in the Business Sector. Figures for 2001 refer to Apr.-Jun. 2001, figuresfor 2005 refer to Apr.-Aug. 2005 and figures for 2006 refer to May-Aug. 2006.

(2) As a percentage of the total business receipts. Figure for 2006 will be available in end-2007.

Source: Science & Technology Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department.(Enquiry Telephone No.: 2887 5560)
