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how bui ^ in C rst w Bostor dth ( ninitii sky color atedB r ip -

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^vwvw.magicval a 7 CkXMJMORf ___ W-EATHRR:^ Today: siinny, ...... «W W S/((tlir low 64 M agic Valu Rreworks: Hiere’s pie do in the Magic-Valle3 Fourth of July. Bid questions: Were G ------- officials righrin'award bid for computers to a ny coowned by a tead M onhy Selection made: Buhl Chamber of Commerce ers choose their new e tive. F ood & Ho\ H Gard Seve Mag Vail. d^ abve year __ SpOR'lS __ 1 DKilng ona high note: TWin Falls AA America Legion baseball team c out the Cowb<^ Classic nament with a bang. I O pinion Mind your manners: Le - of the coimty-owned he are openly rebellious ol “ ty authority, today’s edi says. F S ection by sec Section A Secth Weather ... .2 Sports . - Nation ... . 34 Money . W orld ........... 5 Opinion .... 6-7 SCCtll . Obituaries .. .2 Crosswo idaho/West ..4 - Momir^l Nation --------- 5 MoviOT ^ X. ^ C'asslfie Section C Food 4 Home . .1-8 C lassifiei Log on t o ... Bmsrae;' ... for online classMc 733-0931 ralley.com daho/96th year. No. ’July r s : RNING ay: Hot and t c ny,high9^_ PageA2 Firewc L liV ^ --------------1 ' ByJohnT.I K — —Tjmesjtow |{ M l|| TWIN F - quirky; a _____ crackling] S n M palm with < No, the gravity*de insane skai plenty to They’re ley this ------ thauwill-l tonight, so — pagrBir -'"pi'xi™? ? GoodinE_____ _________ ardinga ---------- 1— 0 a compa- V ._ J | acher?. Page B l- - Heani on jail iree lead. By Mark Hei v^execu- Time^Nawe -PageD4- JER omi jumped by year from t )N'I in court Ti . . much of wh arden toun “Hujigs j “y e n ___________sheriffs dej [agic ^ prelirhit alley gar- iveattHis RodastB,: jar’s escapod.Wi m ior Q ub the cscapc arden reports, bt >ur. - - - -Rodasta-an Page C l ® surrendenn Mexico bore Boston f --------------^ --------- escape in CO te: The preliminary ican Tl rlneoH testify. Bo! S icr., had taken B Page Dl so Boston I W arren saii returned Bo and ordered “He said' off his Shirr,’ hospital Warren si sofcoun^ but he block editorial aheadlcick. lock - pusl PageA6 “I had tht said. “I waj '‘/-vT«i/-.vr hit him in t iCTION screaming (c ‘♦Inn n W arren t rllO n U Rodasta ati( ts ------ 1-3 with Alvarez 5y .... 4^ --“^varezj The next e remember w ^lOn E in a nearby ] Abby— " 3 ^ iword .. .3 -that and ca ^ .......... 3 s^fered; inS ilfied .4*10 Boston’s Do The Associate -------------■- ---------------- __________ Louisvn. the brink of P 0 world’s first heart - a bat: size of a sofi the need foi sticking out 0 and plastic hour operatic Med ads Monday. Tl patient was.*' ' Tuesday and [*1 refused to rel The patien die within a 1 10 . ation, and d< ------------ -thoartifldal] M (how 3 bui vorks company booming business T. Huddy >w8.writer_ . f FALLS - The names are a hummer fish cylinder, a ig.fish.cylinder..a.typhoon_ th crackling tail, hey aren’t the names of defying roller-coasters or kateboard tricks, re the names of fireworks 11-be.shot-up-into the air some as h i^ as 300 feet, ig-in-a-bursrof-colorand~ Tlardj^ ring takes tesrim lii-break charges Heinz . we Writer . ____________ ME > A guard who said h by three men trying to escai n the Jerome County Jail te; Tuesday that he can’t rem< what happened during the att ;s just went blank,” Jerome C deputy^gt. Ted Warren said < ninary hearing for Mont} n said he was working in tl -Nov.-23-when-Boston,-Sam- 1 , 29, and Antonio Alvare Warren was severely beaten < ipe, according to investig; bur has since returned to and_Alvarez surrendered a r, but Boston was on the run ring himself last month at th< order. 1 faces charges of.battery i connection with the jail brea iry hearing will continue Thui dasta and Alvarez are expect Boston was held Tuesday i lunp' Jail in lieu of $200,000 b I said on the night of the esca] 1 Boston up to the jail’s front n could make a telephone said the trouble started whi Boston to his cell, opened the 'ed Boston to go in. id Tm not going in there’ and rr,” W arren said. 1said Boston then tried to hit jcked the blow and put Bostoi k. When'Boston - still in the jshed him back against a aid he decided to try using the cell key in my hand,” W vas going to take the cell ke< a the face with it, but he st; J for help.” n testified that’s when he and Alvarez headed toward rez in the lead. 2 just came right-at me,” he » :xt thing W arren said he c r was finding himself on his 1 )y laundry room with somcbo m. a‘'SSS^Tf&W'SMV't7om'lTre''i n ’t tejJ you who^i was,” he sai can’t remember anything escape. He shid he has lingi roblems because ofthe beatii nduding memory problems. ’s mother, Debbie Lagunt 3ctors ir ated Press __________________ TLLE, Ky. - A patient on of death has received the •st self<ontained artificial latteiy-powered device the K)ftball that riins without for vrires, tubes or hoses It of the chest, geons from the University Ile implanted the titanium Sc pump-durlng a seven- idon at Jewish Hospital on The hospital said the is.“awake and responsive” nd resting comfortably. .It release personal details, lent had been expected to a month without the oper- doctors said they expect al hean to extend the per-" ' . -i m ^ inC rst w c What: Twin Falls fireworl WhMi: College of South When: 10 p.m. The best viewing locatlc _ grassy areas at ttic rea; domis and also in tho r re pus between the Aspen a tower, a CSI press relei in --------^TTw .TVvln Falls City Ban 3f 1- " Events around the <S ------------------------------- -- ir light at Twin Falls’ I !t, celebration, id--------- “Ifs a-very oggressi Bostor mony , , . ■ 1 he was , ; «ape'last ; testified jmember - - attad<. e County j id during J nty Ray fl 1 the jail ■■ im-Frank ------ ".’' .."•'M irez, 18, • ■ enduring . 1 tigator’s '' • 1 to work. ■. ^ -1 i a short' ' run until the ery reok.-His— “hursday, >ected to y the me when he the and took’. stoainto he head- a ' more W arrea key he e - - e is knees !body in ng else - escape last year, ingering ating;he_::rzGooding;-an(l- ^ family were a unas of speak to Boston mplant son’s life by only about —;— But the device is > I major step towarc i patients’ quality of life. 1 .The new pump, t AbloCor, is also a tech t from the mechanical 1 i the 1980s, which weri wires and tubes to bul I outside the body. The r I those, thi Jarvik-7, 1 pumping device and w I an apparatus the size ! machine. “I think it’s potent ; step forward In the ai development,” said Dr. t president of the Am> Association. However, he said tht ' implantabre, perman m dncsday, july 4, 2( dth ( For the Fourt orks snow tonight concert Jthom Idaho 8 p.m. PSI Wa< lUons aro the large toilets. saroftheCSI TbeTwli Bmiddle of the canv have a I en building and_lhe__ ^ o_f the lease says. . Inc. o fi »«l wiljperform a — -^concest Shawr ie valley - B l dan v ________;________ Firew Fourth ot July ssive show,” said - ninitii (ton reacts after a recess is ca ar.' • ------ ----------------------- -- d-other members"bf'Bdst( at the hearing', but did on. taitific ut a month. heart s considered ^ obvioi rd improving whose ^e. demon ), callcd the Onl^ chnological'lcap . Amerii 1 hearts used in heans !Tc attached by . of tho i lulky machinery Som i most famous of Higgin ..used air as a_ _ the M« vras attached to Richmi ce of a washing unlikel “A d ntially a major plant c artificial heart “It’s go )r. David Faxon, with a i merican Heart The » Ablomi he dream of an ------implan m ent artificiai ft 2001 sky color rth _______ ert in front of the Fine Ans Cente i/aste Systems will provide portat is. ____ _ Vvtn Falls Senior Cftlzera ^ n te r Ia bartjecue funckalser In the vie the F ln e .^ Center, Green Thun of Twin Falls will also have a food ession area., - - wn Thompson, head pyrotCi 1 with Western Internati eworks of Oregon,^ the : ting on tonight’s.show.at lege of Southern Idalio. “Pe ‘Well, it’s only 20 minutes.' Please see RREWORKS, P3i atedB > called dining his preliminary h stdh’s^^^^-Diiriiig^nerbi id not Lagunas proteste :ial heai rt is not yet a reality:..‘‘Tl iouisly an experimental di ise long-term success has 1 lonstrated.” nly about half of the ^ iricans on a waiting list for < IS received them last year, 10 rest died. )me doctors, including R< ;ins, chairman of cardioio] Medical College of Virgin imond, said artificial heart Itely to replace donor hearts. ^ donor heart in a good ti I can last 15 to 30 years,” he going to be hard to replace a machine.r le experimental heart, mac imed Inc of Danvers, Mass. amed.by.Drs. Laman Gray Please see HEART. Pa ^ W hatpu Flrew rip Ivicini- ood ^nnj|H otechni- HBHDjDH “People But Page A2 Dcatir^ ry hearing at the Jerome C(iunty rbrealciiTth'e’pro’ceediire sted to guards about not beir Please see BOSTON. Page I ir f - Sm all pi ^ A Kentuckypatie oxporlmonUil Abi ‘‘This is 8bn,nitatiii9 si I device ' ^ as to-be Patlmt's (aiUagteKt ■ or donor 2?h fH , - m ar, most Robert ology at ginia ................. are trans- he said. ace that - nade by TS;^ iss., was hoart. 0 ray.and„ ■.PageA2 ELL T , ' V 9903 Ills th e flash in t Shen : ElectrtoeurTH] : oasiniuega 9 ^ K h l s . i : s i? ; d a | (UV) , -> Exploaion ; UVUahl«>cft« h«M m«tai« : 'pho*phora ' ■mehotflnto • lubo . 4#^. :;;^P^tlfevrotK ^lorcfMcnical : Phoephoroll . refuse I e n te r Los Angela Times' THE HAGUE, Radiating contem world,' which h; account for a dec: hem,.former Yu Slobodan Milosc ' crimes tribunal Ti ' to retain defense “I consider this 'bunaLand'indicti ments,” Milosevii . imperfect Engli .. JiPBcar.ance..on f crimes, for wliich i ----- rcst-Of-his h'fe-in-. “It is illegal, belnj U.N. General A ^ , need to appoint organ.” ' The man^held rc of-his countrymer international comn m t^ t left 200,000 pc lions homeless stag mance for the Inte Tribunal for the F His head held hig ward and his six br Please set I Declarat I aims^ ij B political; Loa Angeles Times y WASHINGTON- Hm 225th birtliday, the to the United Stat< ling the road for ^ 'aimed at inspiring among America’s yo Standing befor Memorial on Tuesd . the Declaration c Road Trip, a projec ■ ongtnal July 47 i/Ai wide tour over the n ___ ______ Lear.p.urcliased.L igs;------ million-last year a r; jing auction. In unveilii e A2 Please see DE lump replaces he itioni bocamo Ihe tint person lo fix ibIoCor. Iho lirst solt-conialnodarh IMtHUlpSIBpS blood turns fluid- fillod sac. croatlr>g •— - ' '--------- ^— , 7x1 i flow* Into one sido of ’ I ^ out the oppoalta »ldo | ----------l«P< ( = g = II f i r e w orks ~ " ubrascant lioht '' ....... - •se v ic ;es to r a p le a ies’’ ■ _______ ' UE, - Netherlands - , tempt for the outside I has callcd him to iecade of .bloody may- Yugoslav I’resident losevic defied a war' J Tue.sday by refusing ise counsel or enter a this tribunal false tri- lictments false-indi'ct-'- evic told the court in" ,i iglish at his initial in four-counis-oLwar. ich he would spend the -in-prison if-convicted. ------- eing not appointed by Lsscnibly, so I hiove^ no int counsel jto illegal d re^nsible by many men and much of the immimity for four wars Qpeople dead and mil- staged a classic perfor- Intemational Criminal ,e Former Yugo.slavia. high, jaw thrust for- it brief comments drip- 3 s e e MILOSEVIC. PageAS ition tour" inspire Jactivism s ____________________ N -Just in time for its the document that led Itates' creation is hit- ar a nationwide tour iiig political activism s youth. fore the Jefferson lesday, television and n of Independence jjectjhat will take_^ ' TTETpnnt on a'nation- ........... j'e next four years. 5d.tiie.prinufor.$8.14 ------ -- -ara Sotheby’s online ' Biling it Tuesday, he e DECLARATION. Page A2 ) heart O rocoiva U h > laitilieial heart. -<1 :: - c Control unit A - rt-fTimi maersklafMsrsMB 2:Ei>M >a^n, : . i;

^ v w v w . m a g i c v a l




......« W W S / ( ( t l i r low 64

M agic Va l u

R rew orks: H ie r e ’s p ie do in th e M agic-Valle3 F o u rth o f July.

Bid questions: W ere G------- offic ials rig h rin 'a w ard

b id fo r c o m p u te rs to a n y co o w n ed by a te a d

M onhySelection made: B uhl C h am b er o f Commerce e rs choose th e ir new e tive.

F ood & H o \


M agVail.d ^abvey e a r

__ SpOR'lS __ 1DKilng o n a high no te :TWin Falls A A A m erica L egion base b a ll te a m c o u t th e Cowb<^ Classic n a m e n t w ith a bang .


O pinionM ind your m anners: L e

- o f th e coim ty-ow ned he a r e openly re b e llio u s ol

“ ty au tho rity , to d ay ’s edi says.F

S e c t i o n b y s e c

S e c t i o n A S e c t hWeather . . . . 2 Sports .

- N a tio n . . . . 3 4 M o n e y . W o r l d .. . . . . . . . . . 5Opinion ....6 -7 S C C tll

. Obituaries . . . 2 Crosswoidaho/West . .4 - Momir^l

— N a t i o n - - - - - - - - - 5 M oviO T^ X. ^ C'asslfieS e c t i o n CFood

4 Home . .1-8

C lassifieiLog on t o ...

Bm srae;'... for online classMc


677-4042^ :W


d a h o / 9 6 t h y e a r . N o .

’July r s :

R N I N G —

ay: H o t a n d t c n y ,h ig h 9 ^ _

PageA2 F irew c

L l i V^ --------------1 ' B yJohnT .IK — —T jm esjtow

| { M l | | TW IN F — - q u irk y ; a_____ c ra c k lin g ]

S n M p a lm w ith < N o , t h e

g rav ity * d e in sa n e skai

p le n ty to T h ey ’rel e y t h i s ------ th a u w i l l - l

to n ig h t, so— pagrB ir -'"pi'xi™?

? G oodinE_____ _________a rd in g a ---------- 1 —0 a c o m p a - V . _ J | a c h e r ? .

Page B l- - —Heani on jail

i r e e le a d . By Mark H ei v^execu- Time^Nawe

-P ageD 4- J E R o m iju m p e d by y e a r from t

)N 'I in c o u r t T i. . m uch o f wh

arden toun “H u jig s j“y e n ___________s h e riffs dej[ag ic ■ ^ p re l i r h i t alley gar-

iv e a ttH is R o d a s tB ,:jar’s escapod.Wim io r Q u b th e cscap ca r d e n re p o r ts , b t>ur. - - - -R o d a s ta -a n

Page C l ’® su rre n d e n n

M exico bore B o s to n f

-------------- --------- escap e in COte: T h e prelim inaryi c a nTl rlneoH te s t i f y . Bo!

S i c r . ,h ad tak en B

Page D l so B o s to n I W a rre n saii re tu rn e d Bo an d o rdered

“H e s a id ' o ff h is Shirr,’

h o s p i ta l W arren sis o f c o u n ^ b u t h e block e d i to r i a l ahead lcick .

lo c k - p u s l


“I h a d tht said . “I waj

'‘/-vT«i/-.vr h i t h im in t i C T I O N screaming (c ‘♦ I n n n W a r r e n tr l lO n U R o d a s ta ati(t s ------ 1-3 w ith Alvarez5 y . . . . 4 ^ - - “^ v a r e z j

T h e n e x t e re m e m b e r w

^ l O n E in a n ea rb y ]

Abby— " 3 — ^iword . . .3 - t h a t a n d ca

^ .......... 3 s ^ f e re d ; inSilfied .4*10 B o s to n ’s

D o• The Associate

-------------■- ----------------__________ L o u i s v n .

th e b r in k of P 0 w o rld ’s firs t

h e a r t - a bat: ■ s ize o f a sofi t h e n e e d foi

■ s tick ing o u t 0

a n d p la s tic h o u r operatic

Med ads M o n d a y . Tl p a tie n t was.*'

' T u esd ay an d [*1 re fu sed to re l

T h e p a tien d ie w ith in a 1

1 0 . a tio n , a n d d< ------------ - t h o a r t i f l d a l ]


( h o w

3 b u ivorks com pany boom ing businessT. Huddy >w8.writer_ .

f F A L L S - T h e n a m e s a r e a h u m m e r fish c y lin d e r , a ig .fis h .c y lin d e r ..a .ty p h o o n _ th c rack lin g ta il, h e y a r e n ’t t h e n a m e s o f d e fy in g ro l le r - c o a s te r s o r k a te b o a rd tricks , re th e n a m e s o f f ire w o rk s 1 1 -b e .sh o t-u p -in to t h e a i r som e a s h i ^ a s 300 fe e t,

ig - in - a - b u r s r o f - c o lo r a n d ~

T la r d j ^ring takes tesrim lii-break chargesHeinz .w e W riter .____________ ■

M E > A g u a r d w h o s a id h by th re e m en try in g to e sca i n th e Je ro m e C ounty J a i l te; T u e sd a y th a t h e c a n ’t rem<

w hat h a p p e n e d d u rin g th e a t t ;s ju s t w en t b lan k ,” Je ro m e C d ep u ty ^ g t. T ed W arren sa id < n in a r y h e a r i n g f o r M on t}

n s a id h e w a s w o rk in g in t l -N ov.-23-w hen-Boston,-S am - 1, 2 9 , a n d A n to n io A lv a r e W arren w as severe ly b e a te n < ip e , a c c o r d in g to in v e s t ig ; b u r h a s s in c e r e tu r n e d to an d _ A lv arez s u r r e n d e re d a r , b u t Boston w as on th e run rin g h im se lf la s t m o n th a t th< order.1 f a c e s c h a r g e s o f .b a t te r y i connection w ith th e ja il b re a iry h ea rin g w ill c o n tinue Thui d a s ta a n d A lvarez a re expect B oston w a s h e ld T u e s d a y i lu n p ' J a i l in l i e u o f $200,000 b I said o n th e n ig h t o f th e esca] 1 Boston u p to th e ja il’s fro n t n c o u ld m a k e a te le p h o n e said th e tro u b le s ta r te d whi Boston to h is c e ll, o p en ed the 'ed B oston to g o in. id T m n o t g o ing in th e re ’ and rr,” W arren said.1 said B oston th e n tr ie d to hit jck ed th e b low a nd p u t Bostoi k . W hen 'B oston - s till in th e j s h e d h im b a c k a g a in s t a a id h e d e c id e d to tr y u sin g

th e cell k ey in m y h an d ,” W vas go ing to ta k e th e cell ke< a th e face w ith i t , b u t h e st; J fo r he lp .”n t e s t i f i e d t h a t ’s w h e n h e and A lv a rez h e a d e d to w ard rez in th e lead.2 ju s t cam e r igh t-a t m e,” h e » :xt th in g W a r r e n s a id h e c r w as find ing h im se lf on h is 1 )y lau n d ry room w ith som cbo m .a ‘'SSS^Tf&W 'SM V't7om'lTre''in ’t tejJ you w ho^ i w as,” h e sai

c a n ’t r e m e m b e r a n y th in g escape . H e sh id h e h as lingi

rob lem s b ecau se o f t h e b ea tii n d u d in g m em ory problem s.’s m o th e r , D e b b ie L a g u n t

3 c to r s ira te d P r e s s __________________

T LLE, Ky. - A p a t ie n t o n of d e a th h a s re c e iv e d th e •st s e lf< o n ta in e d a rtific ia l la tte iy -pow ered device th e K)ftball th a t r i in s w ith o u t fo r v rires, tu b e s o r h o se s It o f th e chest, geons from th e U niversity Ile im p lan ted th e titan ium Sc p u m p -d u r ln g a se v e n - id o n a t Jew ish H osp ita l on T h e h o s p i t a l s a id th e

is.“aw ake a n d responsive” n d re s tin g com fortab ly . .It re le a se p e rso n a l details, lent h a d b e e n e x p ec ted to a m on th w ith o u t th e oper- d oc to rs sa id th e y e x p e c t

a l h e a n to e x te n d th e p e r - "

' . -i


i n C

r s t wc What: Twin Falls fireworl

WhMi: College of South When: 10 p.m.The best viewing locatlc

_ grassy areas at ttic rea;domis and also in tho r

re pus between the Aspen a tower, a CSI press relei

in -------- TTw .TVvln Falls City Ban

3f 1-

" Events around the<S ---------------------------------i r l ig h t a t T w in F a lls’ I !t, c e leb ra tio n , id--------- “ I f s a -very oggressi

Bostormony , , . ■

1 h e w a s , • • ; « a p e 'la s t ; te s tifiedjm e m b e r - -attad< .e C ounty jid d u rin g Jn t y R a y f l

1 t h e j a i l ■ ■im -F rank ------ ".’' .." • 'Mi r e z , 1 8 , • ■e n d u r in g . 1t i g a t o r ’s ' ' • 1to w o rk . ■. ^ -1 i a s h o r t ' ' ru n u n til th e

e r yreok .-H is—“hursday ,>ected to y th e

m ew hen h e th e

and to o k ’ .

s to a in to h e head-

a 'm o re

W a r re ak ey

h e

e - - eis kn ees !body in

n g e l s e - escape last year,ingeringating ;he_ ::rzG ood ing ;-an (l- ^ fa m ily w e re au n a s o f sp e a k to Boston

m p la n tson’s life b y only a bou t

— ; — B u t t h e d e v ic e is > I m a j o r s t e p to w a rc i p a tien ts ’ qu a lity of life. 1 .T h e n e w p u m p , t A bloC or, is also a tech t fro m th e m echan ica l 1 i th e 1980s, w h ich weri

w ire s a n d tu b e s to bul I o u ts id e th e body. T he r I th o s e , t h i J a rv ik -7 , 1

pu m p in g device and w I ■ a n a p p a ra tu s th e s ize ! m achine.‘ “ I th in k i t ’s p o te n t ; s te p fo rw a rd In th e ai

deve lopm en t,” said D r. t p r e s id e n t o f th e Am>

Association.H ow ever, h e said tht

■ ' im p la n ta b re , p e rm a n

md n c s d a y , j u l y 4 , 2 (

d t h (F o r t h e F o u r t

orks snow tonight concert Jthom Idaho 8 p.m.

PSI Wa<lUons aro the large toilets. saroftheCSI • TbeTwli B middle of the canv have a Ien building and_lhe__ ^ o_f thelease says. . Inc. o f i»«l wiljperform a — -^concest

S haw rie valley - B l dan v________;________ F ire w

■ F o u rth o t Ju ly

ssive show,” sa id -


(ton reacts after a recess is ca

ar.' • ------ ----------------------- --

d -o th e r m em b ers"b f 'B d s t( a t th e h e a r in g ', b u t d id


t a i t i f i cu t a m onth . h e a r ts c o n s id e r e d ^ o b v io ir d im p r o v in g w hose^e. dem on), c a l l c d t h e Onl^chno log ica l'lcap . Am erii1 h e a r ts u sed in h e a n s!Tc a t ta c h e d by . o f tho ilulky m ach in e ry Somi m ost fam ous o f H iggin . .u s e d a i r a s a_ _ th e M«vras a tta c h e d to Richmice o f a w ash in g unlikel

“ A dn tia lly a m a jo r p lan t ca r tif ic ia l h e a r t “I t’s go

)r. D avid Faxon, w ith a im e r ic a n H e a r t T he

» Ablomih e d ream of an ------im p lanm e n t a r t i f ic ia i


2 0 0 1

s k y

c o lo rr t h _______ert in front of the Fine Ans Cente

i/aste Systems will provide portatis. ____ _Vvtn Falls Senior Cftlzera n te r I a bartjecue funckalser In the vie the F ln e .^ Center, Green Thun of Twin Falls will also have a food ession area., - -

w n Thom pson, h ead pyrotCi 1 w i th W e s te rn I n t e r n a t i e w o rk s o f O reg o n ,^ t h e : t in g o n to n ig h t ’s .s h o w .a t lege o f S o u th e rn Idalio . “ Pe ‘W ell, it’s o n ly 20 m inutes.'

Please see RREWORKS, P3i


> called dining his preliminary h

s td h ’s ^ ^ ^ ^ -D i i r i i ig ^ n e rb i id n o t L agunas p ro te s te

: ia l h e a ir t is n o t y e t a re a li ty : ..‘‘Tl iouisly a n e x p e r im e n ta l di ise lo n g -te rm su c c e ss h a s 1 lonstra ted .”n ly a b o u t h a l f o f t h e i r ican s o n a w aiting lis t fo r < IS rece ived them last year, 10 r e s t d ied .)m e d o c to rs , in c lu d in g R< ; in s , c h a irm a n o f card io io] M ed ica l C o lleg e o f V irg in im ond, s a id a rtific ia l h e a r t Itely to rep lace d on o r hearts. ^ d o n o r h e a r t in a goo d ti I c an la s t 15 to 30 years,” h e go ing to b e h a rd to rep lace a m ach in e .r

le e x p e rim e n ta l h e a r t , mac im ed I n c of D anvers, M ass. a m e d .b y .D rs . L a m a n Gray

Please see HEART. Pa

^ W h a t p u


r i p

I vicini-

ood ^ n n j | H

otechni- H B H D j D H

“People But

Page A2

D c a t ir ^

ry hearing a t the Jerome C(iunty

r b r e a l c i iT th 'e ’p ro ’c e e d iire s te d to g uards a bou t n o t beir

Please see BOSTON. Page I

i r f - S m a l l p i^ A Kentucky patie

oxporlmonUil Abi ‘‘T h is is 8bn,nitatiii9 si I d e v ic e ' ^as to -b e Patlmt's ■

(aiUagteKt ■

or d o n o r 2?h f H , - m a r , m ost

R o b e r t ology a tg in ia .................

a re

t ra n s - h e said.

ace th a t -

n ad e b y T S ; ^iss., w as hoart. 0r a y .a n d „■.PageA2

E L LT , ' V 9 9 0 3

I l l s t h e f l a s h i n t

Shen : ElectrtoeurTH] : o asin iu eg a

9 ^ K h l s . i : s i ? ; d a |(UV)

, -> Exploaion ; UVUahl«>cft« h«M m«tai« : 'pho*phora

''■ m e h o t f l n t o • lubo .4# ^ . :;;^P^tlfevrotK

^ lo rc f M c n ic a l : Phoepho ro ll

. re fu se I e n t e r

Los Angela Times'

T H E H A G U E , R a d ia tin g contem w o r ld , ' w h ic h h ; acco u n t for a dec: h e m ,. f o r m e r Y u S lo b o d a n M ilosc

' c rim es trib u n a l Ti ' to r e ta in d e fen se

“ I c o n s id e r th is 'b u n a L a n d 'in d ic t i m e n ts ,” M ilosevii

. i m p e r f e c t E n g li . . J iP B c a r .a n c e ..o n f

crim es, for w liich i----- rcst-O f-h is h'fe-in-.

“ I t is illeg a l, belnj U.N. G enera l A ^

, n e e d to a p p o in t o rgan .”

' T he m an^held rc o f-h is c o u n try m e r in te rn a tio n a l com n

m t ^ t le f t 200,000 pc lions h om eless stag m an ce fo r th e In te T rib u n a l fo r th e F H is h e a d h e ld hig w ard a n d h is six br

Please set

I DeclaratI aims^ ijB political;

Loa Angeles Times

y W A SH IN G TO N - H m 225th b irtliday , th e

to th e U n ite d Stat< lin g th e ro a d fo r

'a im e d a t in sp irin g am ong A m erica’s yo

S t a n d in g b e f o r M em orial on T uesd

. t h e D e c la r a t i o n c R oad T rip , a p ro jec

■ o n g tn a l J u ly 47 i /A i w ide tou r o v e r th e n

_________ L ear.p .urcliased.Ligs;------ m illion-las t y ea r a r ;jing au c tio n . In u n v e ilii e A2 Please see DE

lump replaces h eitioni bocamo Ihe tint person lo fix ibIoCor. Iho lirst solt-conialnod arh IM tH U lpSIB pS blood ■

turns fluid- fillod sac. croatlr>g

•— - ' '--------- — , 7x1i flow* Into one sido of ’ I ^ out the oppoalta »ldo |



= g =

II f i r e w o r k s ~ "

ubrascant lioht

' ' ....... -

• s e v i c

; e s t o

r a p l e a

ies’’ ■ _______ • '

U E , - N e t h e r l a n d s - , te m p t fo r th e o u ts id e I h a s c a l l c d h im to ie c a d e o f .bloody may- Y u g o s la v I’ r e s i d e n t lo se v ic d e f i e d a w a r 'J Tue.sday by re fu s in g is e co u n se l o r e n te r a

th is t r ib u n a l fa ls e tri- lic tm e n ts fa lse -in d i'c t- '- e v ic to ld t h e c o u r t in " ,i i g l i s h a t h i s i n i t i a l in fo u r - c o u n is -o L w a r . ich h e w ould sp e n d th e-in-prison if-conv ic ted .-------e in g n o t a p p o in te d by Lsscnibly, so I hiove^ no in t c o u n s e l jto i l le g a l

d r e ^ n s i b l e by m any m en a n d m u c h o f th e im m im ity fo r fo u r w ars Q peo p le d e a d a n d mil- staged a classic perfor- In te m a tio n a l C rim inal ,e F o rm er Yugo.slavia. h ig h , ja w th r u s t for-

it b r ie f c om m en ts drip-


ition tour" inspire J activisms ____________________

N - J u s t in tim e fo r its th e docum en t th a t led I ta te s ' c re a tio n is hit- a r a n a tio n w id e to u r iiig p o litic a l a c tiv ism s youth .f o r e t h e J e f f e r s o n lesday, te lev is io n and

n o f I n d e p e n d e n c e j j e c t jh a t w ill t a k e _ ^ 'TTETpnnt on a 'n a tio n -...........j'e n e x t fou r years.5 d .tiie .p r in u fo r .$ 8 .1 4 ------ --- a r a S o theby’s o n lin e ' Biling i t T u e s d a y , h e e DECLARATION. Page A2


heartO rocoiva Uh> laitilieial heart.

-< 1 :: - cContro l un it A


r t - f T im im aersk la fM srsM B

2 : E i > M > a ^ n ,

: . i;


HighH H K ^ H Bo_______W G B ^ . ---------lorn

— 7—-—^ -------S ta

' w■■ j ^ a s ^

: -R E G I O N A L C l• Today: City Hi Lo W: BotM 10266 pc• Bonnot* Ferry 91 59 S

Burley. 95 64 pc. Coourd'AJoho 92 58 s '

Erko 96 53 3'.E ugono.O fl, 86 52 s

______Hngnrmfln ~ ’ OB M ..___I(UtKi Falls 91 56 pcKaDspoH. MT 91 54 s

•• Lowislon 9a 64 sMalad 91 62 PCMalta 87 60 pc


Defendan to bomb L

; TTie Washington Post

•j NEW Y O R K -A n A man • w ho—was -arrc: Decem ber 1999 as he bring explosives across dcr from Canada told i

^ jury Tuesday that he : _ :'.accompliccs -had plai

bomb Los Angeles Iniei Airport on Nevy Year’s E

Breaking 18 months ol Ahmed Ressam discloj

--------iiclyfor the'first timebusy airport was the targ

' plot that triggered a na FBI crackdown and wic fear of terrorism during um celebrations.,

-I Sallow-faced and dad ; prison scrubs, Ressam ,: ‘ fled for more than two ‘ U.S. D istr ict Court ii ' M anhattan.. He said

R e p r e s e n t a n y o n e t o \

WASHINGTON (AP) Cary Condit denied on ' that he had asked a fligl dant to withhold infoi

; from authorities investigi ' ■ disappearance of a

California woman, t The flight attendan ^Iane_Smithj_tqld_Fox_Ni she'ha'd'a'ye’aflong affj Condit. She said he conta last month and was ups she'told him“slie'lurd'l^

------- v iew in g-p eop le aboutChandra ^ V y’s disappeai

C i r c O la c io n.j D aniel W alock, c ircu lu lion

ll C ircu lu tion phone line* i>ctwccn 7 a n d 10 a.m . on do nol r cc c iv e y o u r p a p er ca ll th e n u m b e r fo r yo u r in B u rlcy .R uperi.P a u l-O a k lc y ..........................

. T w in Fall*----- :: - o n d o th e r a r e m

:: S u b s c r i p d o n r a t e sHwncdelivery: (bily aiKl Suj

per week: Surulay iinly.• Mall uibicnpiionvniu\( be paid !> and are avallsMe nnly where

noc malniaitMl. Mail ratct; All 1• dally and Sunday SA.OO per v

only S4.00 per week. Suitday per week. O ul o f Male raict: ^unday$7 .00 p e r week, dally

T im es-N )Ciiculadon (Danid Wale

: News (d ark Wah«onh.B i! RetaflAdvertiglogfMIke ;! Ag Weekly (Janet Goffin

— -PuMbher Stephen Hang

' * TIbw llwn .T trtira fc.il


Igh 105*Boiso NMmalhlglVkx

^ a r y wiw»Jwty«(W ^ lo .

UonettodM . ^ % NotnwlmonCfl^ ^ W»»out»-37iMMv»*no<i

f M HunOdtty^ --------------YMMiteyairaL ^ . ewofiMtrtci

■ V k w d e ,» 6 | PoOMiyMtai

S S r ^ j ^ Grass:__P g M t t X Tre«______

C I T I E SThu.

W HI Lo W otyX 96 62 t - McCjfl ' -i 78 53 pc Missoula. MTX 98 6 pc PocatofloJ • ■ 84 52 pc Pcniand. OB> 93 54 s RkihCand.WA> 78 50 pc Salmon1----99-65-pe----SaH-Lakaaty lX 89 56' pc Soatllo. WAI 63 48 t ' Spolumo.WA> 90 58 t StonloyX 93 61 pc ,• SunVaBcyX 91 56 pc Yollowstofto, Ml

Q ^— GolfWITH TEACnfff? —1 —

nt tells coui L.A. Intern__________ received e:

Afghanista 1 A lgerian an Islamic •rested—in— , ’decree, tok he tried'tO; A lthoug OSS the bor- tourist map :d a federal gets, he sai h e and h is _ bomb juste >lahned-to— ^ ^ ^ ^ ic h o n itemational “An air sEve2000.-. -R essam ; s of silence, - , • ‘Angeles.” :losed pub- Asked wh ne that the United Stai arget of the nium, Rcsst nationwide “If one i widespread operation," ing milleni- best to hit tl

Ressam < lad in black , dcr agents c n, 33, testi- crossed b VO hours in. _• Angeles, W t in low er ' rental car f id he had explosives z

tative denies I withhold iniVP) ~ Rep. to talk to tl jn Tuesday have to tal light atten- don’t even formation FBI,"’ Smitli tigating the She also <

a young is S3 and n: sign a dcclc

ant, Anne relationsliip:_News_that______Condi t,J>affair with statement ' ntacied her the Levy inipsei when __not asked aibeen called ‘ d iscussing

)ut intern anyonemisli >earance. His stateition*t"h8v'e“ ~ tioii of Simil

p«f week. Sund;ion director

$I.VO() chargc ne* arc open rctumU clKckv . only. If you

r L S : ’ M a i l i n f o r rThe Titne«-Nc'

. .. 677-4042 j,iiy al 1

New]i 'pcr% Inc J. FalUbyThcTinw

J-.M) per week. ,,_i paid inadvanee .^?" '® ^ creM lvcT U l«fl™ «'=cwllll All Idaho rate*; PoMmauer. | cr week, daily w: fiay only S3.00 Idaho 83303. ic«: daily and cowilly only SS.OO- UagieM

N ew s te le p h o n e diiWock, Circulation Direaor) ( (Del^ Johnson, Manager) .h. Managing Editor)............Dee Smit, Advertising Direct ffin. General Manager) . . . . Jtge n - ^ . . . . . . r:.

A N A C - ~ - -ro ^ y i6 pja.VtaMnay--------= •iu» •................................... lo tv e r "irtow ..................... ........... 82*/Sl*■♦YMf . . '... TOSlO* ’

i::::;— in* iocr tonAnvr^fMn, jiMt. OXXT '*• .... .................................0.00*

------0.04*to j ^ ' to a n i ......:.........a : w ~n o d M ( O c L i ) -------. - . - w J

I noon .... '..V......1.27% <IcPTM sura £

------- ».02in. v(tanlay In T«rln m i s \^ i x m Wbed»-.^_„...Lbw I-....-Low Mold ...........Abseni fBK A M hRiB«ndAllw9ro(kW to— -

S S f i H Tompomtunjs am today's

J c a s e ^ ^ dataprovidodby ^

Today Thu.HI Lo W HI U W

.-90 58 B. 86 54 t .T 95 57 9 86 52 I

' 95 58 pc 95 58, PC? 64 S8 s 78 54 pcA 10061 s 89 S3 PC

92 58 • 88 S4 PCtyrUT-10060-po—9S-68-PC----

,80 54 a , 72 52 pcA 02 58 S 84 54 PC

92 54 s 88 . 52 pc '. 92 60 8 90:S6 pc

, MT 88 48 I 84 46 PC

f-LessonsiCHINQ PROFESSIONALh r i s T a rte r .

I r t of plan national1 ex p lo s iv e s t r a in in g in s ta n a n d w as fo llow ing l i e f a tw a , o r r e l ig io u s 0 k ill A m ericans. "'■ ” u g h h e p u r c h a s e d a- lap a n d c irc led th re e tar- sa id , h e liad p lan n ed to • a o n e . __o ne . a p ro secu to r asked.— l i r p o r t in A m e r ic a ,”

r e p l i e d ; “ In L os

w hy h e ^ d ta rg e te d th e I ta te r fo r th e n ew mille- rssam s h rugged slightly. - . e w a s to c a r r y o u t a n * 1," h e sa id , “ it would b e * il th e b iggest enem y.” n w as a r r e s te d by bor- ts on D ec. 14,1999, a s he

b y f e r r y i n to P o r t W ash in g to n , d riv in g a <

r filled w ith hom em ade a JS arid tim ers.

........--------------------------- J

;s asking aformation ') th e m e d i a y o u don’t ^t a lk to a n y b o d y . Y ou ^ en h a v e to ta lk to th e liihsa id .0 said th a t'C o n d it, who ^1 m a rrie d , u rg ed h e r to g c la ra tio n th a t den ied a ^ lip b e tw een them . . ,J> C alif.»Jssued a b r ie f 3 It T u e s d a y c o n c e rn in g

in v e s tig a tio n : “I h a v e ,I an y o n e to re fra in from __ng t h i s m a t t e r w ith J ^=n6Phzfve=rSuBBe»itti” =“lis le a d th e au tho rities.” Cite m e n t m a d e no m en- BliUi. - - . . ^

tiI___ h

nday only S3.5<l per week.ItiOcd in all alxivc raiei. A Pge w ill he lev ied for all H

, • SI) r m a d o n uNcwn (UPS 6.11 -OW)) is pub-Bi 132 Third St. W.. Twin al _ m 3 fli^ b y .M a gi>:-V.aHcy- — ciik:. PeriodicaU paid at Twin it'ime^-Ncwv Oiricial city and 1<iper punuani 10 Section 6C> - Tiho Code. Thurvlay i< hereby tS he day of tlie week on which'ill be published- nir. p lea«e »end change o f Cl0: P.O. Box 348. Twin FalU. , Jj

Nuvrttnotaot Ir

- - jp

d i r e c t o r y “

D ...V .............. .Ew.2............ .......... £ x t 3 ®e c to r ) .................Ext. 4..............................E x t.5 ' P'— ^Tr ~ r:-£ x ^ 2 i 9 - -----


[ C ^ A L L l

F W E - D A Y F O l- p T O D A Y ^ ' i TO

^^vstom ikilo!^^ -CIp^

--------- A 9 6 ^ -------1------- - 1

R E G I O N A L WSouttMm Waho: Sizzling sur on afternoon thundorstomi. H wilh o stray thur dorstorm pos Bolsa; CFulto hoi again today

Partly sunny fomorrow; ll miglNorthern Nevada: Hot today scattofififl ol thundofstorms. p Partly cloudy tonight with a stiNorthern Utali: Sur>ny to pan thunderstorm this altomoon. I- Sfllt Lako City.

Northern Idaho: Tho vory wa ar>d patchy clouds; a low spot storm. Highs 86-100. Cloar lo

- N ATIONAL EX THigh l i r in Pain Springs, O

- N A T I O N A t r W lShown aro noon positions ol wee h>ghs lor tho d a / Forvcast htgn/

S^. Ted Wanen describes tl stand.

Boston _Continued from A l a b le to ta lk to h e r son.

“ B e c a u s e h e ’s a n es you ’re say in g I h a v e to j m y p a re n ta l r ig h ts ? ” .shi

- one guard.- T h e g u a rd s to ld L agur

B o s to n c o u ld t a lk o n ly a tto rn e y w h ile in co u rt, w a s ta k e n q u ic k ly o u t c o u r tro o m a f t e r t h e h ended for th e day.

B o s to n h a d o r ig in a l! ; ja iled on c h a f e s of sexua of a d iild , ch ild custody 1 e n ce and m isd em ean o r I acco rd ing to c o u r t recon c h a rg e s s te m fro m a n C 2000 in c id e n t in w h ich

HeartContinued from A l Robert Dowling, o ne o f fiv

_ tr a in e d : . to _ u s e _ th e .d e > hum an experim ents.

T h e 'A b io C o F h ^ a tw o pum ping un it, and electroi t r o ls th a t a d ju s t th e pu s p ^ based o n th e body’s It is pow ered by a sm all 1 pack w orn o u ts id e th e bo< transm its cu rren t t h r o u g tl

T he h e a r t a lso h a s a ro a b le in te rn a l b a tte ry , alx

- ri20;0 fta -pa6 e rr :th a t can w its ow n fo r a b o u t 3 0 m ii lo n g e n o u g h f o r a p a t i re m o v e th e b a t t e r y pa< tak e a show er, fo r exam ple

T h e ho p e is th a t such i n ism s will o n e d a y allow e n ts to le ad a re la tiv e ly i l i f e , s a id J o h n W a tso n N a tiona l H e a r t L u n g and In s t i tu te , w h ic h h a s givi

■ m illion tow ard re sea ix h in con tained a rtific ia l h earts .

“T h ^ a rc a b le to d o j ^ i a n y th in g t h e y l i k e t ^

. th ro u g h ; w h a t I d i l l , mOi ex e rd se ,” W atson said.

D avid M. L ederm an , A t p re s id e n t a n d c h ie f exe<

-^ a id . in :A p r i l - th a t .th e -c o i -h a d T e c e iv c d 'fe d e n il 'a p p r


m - - m2aua.«aoty.^ i Cloufla.and.am cloudy. moy t-slorm,

-T -6 4 " ------ |4 - A - 9 2 ^ T - &

V E A T H E R!unshlno and )nlonso hoot ogaln HIgns 80-105. Cloar to porlty cItosslble party.______________ly with blazing sunshino; just the )h 102. Ctoar to partly cloudy an ight thur derstorm,ly wilh sunsbino and occasional . particularly this altomoon. High snowor or thunderstorm oarty.aniy cloudy and hot today; a lovs . Highs from U10 80s in Iho highc

vami to hot woathor will contlnui ots In tho mountains might have10 partly cloudy tonight.

f R E M l E S

CA l^w 36" In Bofi

L E A T H E Rrealhor systems and procipitaiion. Ta jn/low tomporaiuros aio givon lor soi


f l

the Injuries he received in the

w as accused < . a Je ro m e hor

e s c a p e e , h im in a close 3 g iv e u p B oston app h e a sk e d a ro m an tic r t

hom eow ner’s u n as lh a t te r , a n d h e hj ly to h is in h e r c lo se t t. B oston ow ner’s know i t o f th e tw o w eeks, a< h e a r in g police rep o rts

W hen th e 1 Ily b e e n th e c lo se t do ua l ab u se o u t a n d triCi > in te rfe r- accord ing to p■ b a tte ry , -----------------jrd s . T h e Timcs-News O c to b e r can bertachai

h B o sto n mailatmhcin.

perfoi'm a t lea Iv esu rg i- w ith t h e a r t • c t n m n y p a ile n r in E o ue v i c e . i n ----- r e c ^ v e th e dc_______________ P a tie n ts seivo-pound m u st b e suffei TOTiic con- progressive hi m um ping e d to r e s u l t i >r’s needs. days. T hey hz11 b a tte ry . f o r a h u m a n » d y th a t M ost o f th e pa I th e skin. th ey carm ot w recharge- daily ro u tin e c ibout th e T h e g o a l o:w ork on-— ^rwith-the o rtifi

l in u te s - b le th e life spi i t l e n t to to 60 d ays, Lei a c k a n d th isy e a r .)le. “ E v e ry p a t1 m echa- d ie on th e Abi w rec ip i- T he f irs t rei

no rm a l c ia l h e a r t , ; n o f t h e S e a t t le - a r e a i d B lood days a f te r re o iven $20 1 982 . W il l ia in to self- - J a sp e r , Ind ., li s . c o m p le te art!^ t a b o u t days b efo re he ^ d o u p A r tif id a l he lo d e ra te ' 1980s a ll h a d s

c a t i o n s , a n d \b io m e d d e v ic e s a s pe e c u t iv e , m e n ts fo r dis » m p a n y ——targe ly -a ispen ? r o \ ^ to S tates.



£UiiUt = =Eaniy sunnyi li= = : irm. ' might t-storm.

L 6 0 ^ |- | . A 9 0 ^ T - 5 8 ^ - | - | -


aln loday: Just tho ctianco of •' i ’ c lo u ^ and warm tonight i

Iho slight chanco ol an and warm tonight. Low 68.

nal Clouds; Ihoro will bo a llghs mostly In tho 90s.

low spots might havo a 1ghorolovailons to 100 In *

inuo today wtth sunshino ! avo an allomoon thundor-

rday (lor the’46 conl>Buou» stalw) 'q

Icrlin, NH 0


............... A




■ I



the attack~whlle on the ^

:d of trying to strangle r lomeowner who found )set.ipparently was having J]: relationsliip with the *r’s 15-year-old daugh- ®had b ^ n camped out ^

;et without the home- . owledge for as long as , according to Jeromerts. , c e homeowner openeddoor, Boston jumped ?•ied to strangle him, *0 police reports. g

tys reporter Mark Ilcim Hcd a t 735^238 or bye- ?inz®masicvallcyxom g


least'fivc human trials irtificial heart. The. SouLiviHe is tffe first to ”device.— ..... ........................... ^selected for the trial____ffering from a c iironic, _ : h e a r t d isease expect- J. It in d e a th w ith in 3 0 J" h a v e to b e in e lig ib le

an h e a r t t r a n s p l a n t . P p a tien ts a r e so ill t h a t "

t w alk o r perfo rm th e , , le of life. {*1 of the experim ents • tifidal hean is to dou* span of these patients Lederman said earlier ..

latient will probably J kbioCor,” he said,redpient of an artifi- C*:, Barriey Clark,’ a ' w!a dentist, lived 112 Feceiving a Jarvik-7 in Rliam S ch ro ed er-o f Tl., lived longest with a dirtificial heart - 620 ei h ed iedin l986. . . heart patients o f j h e ,_ piid a variety bf compli- r<nd th e u se o f th e thperm anent replace- pid iseased hearts was pi jended-in.the-United— e}


s __________________________

I S A T U R D A Y i l j i

= “ iHosHirsunny.— =

- |-A -e a '’- T - 5 a » - | - |-A -e8 °

S U N A N D M O lStihrlso todayS u n se t to n ig h t...........................M oonriso l o d a y ........................M oonsot tonight .......................

Full _Uist Now

July 5 July 13 Ju ly 20


8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2p.i '0 -l! MlnlffioT2-3rLow; 4-6. Moi High; 10>. Vory HiQh. Values Ind oxposuro to tho sun 's ullravioloi

- N A T I O N A T T dToday

City ■ • HI* Lo W iAtlanta . ,B6'-70 r 8Atlanlic City 77 68 I 8Baltimoro , 84 66 t 8Billings. 91 62 t 8Birmingham 91 73 ah 8Boston 78 68 t, .7Charioston. SC 88 74 e 8Cfiarloston. VW 83 65 t 7Chicago . 84 56 &b 7Clovolond 80 56 I 6

- o e n w ? ------------- 90 60 pc 8OosMolnos 82 60 s 8Ootroit ' . 84 54 sh 6E lP oso 94 70 PC 9Fairbanks ' . 60 49 sh 5Fargo 76 47 9 7Honolulu. ,88 74 a BHouston • -92 72 r 9

. Indianapolis 86 63' * 7Jacksonvillo 91 72 t 9:KoroosClly 88 66 t '8Lao Vogos 106 Q2 pc 1iUtlloRock 94 76 c &Los Angelos ■ 88 68 pc & W aathef (W): t-sunny. pc-portly pl'Snow llurrlos, tn-snow . i-lco.

U.S. apoil rape; Japa

OKINAWA Ciry.Japai^__The ..n ew __U .S__amba

expressed regret Tuesdaj a lleged rape of an Ok: woman by an American

■ man, while JapaneM poli e^ fo r the U.S. military

■ over the suspect,'an Ai sergeant.

Form er Sen. Howard was barely off the plane 1 to take up, his posting envoy in Tokyo when I veyed President Bush's'coover the ind d en t.---------

“President Bush said 1

Firework:Continued from M. [y it’s hard to keep peoples tion very long with just fir With this show, there is n sky - there is always son going off in the air.”

Thompson, who also wo: bartend er in Oregon tonight’s show will yielc color of the rainbow - in' red bursts of cascading and yellow tracers of ligh ing as high as 200 feet ii sky, disappearing as it ne groimd.

It’s a fireworks lover’s fi And the fireworks will

off to. the music of-Kool 96.S FM.

“The fin a le w ill hav H endrix p laying ,” Tho said - a definite positive

~¥Kfg5n^nf8rH“f8 W F i”bangers in the audience.

More than 1,000 shells it>s tiv s i r t fronr 3* tO"5*i w ill be se t off during t minute show^

— Terry Tariorchalrman T w in ■ F a lls Fire Com m ittee, said severa businesses chipped in me pay for the $15,000 event • right, $15,OM.

“The new thing this ye th ey (W estern Interna Fireworks) are all exdteti is they have these boxes t] kind of the new thing tli

DeclaraticCoBttw dfrom /tt- —* —w as jo in ed by actor M F reem an, actor-directo R ein er , P ennsylvan ia Thomas J . Ridge and a nun d vic leaders and projea o ers. -

Calling the project “a c porary experim ent in renewal,” Lear said the | the tour is “to inspire yotu pie a n d ... hopefully every partidpate in dvic activi

-exerdse^their rights-and,- aIl,tovota”

« '

~ ~ ; T V c

__________ C A N A D ]UNDAY I city I

Ca iary ' tCryibfook____t

L . _.Kok>wnaLetbbrWoo” ’ { floglno ■}

insliino. 7

Be_w .cca . _VlctO,riO____ _,6■ ▼■OO I Winnipeg 6

> O N _ W O R T O6K)6a.m.9:19 p.m. City ' I-8:51 p.m. Acapufc» 85:14 o.m. Albona 8

, Auckland • SBangkok 8

k__ ________ .Bolpng. _____ .8I Boriln 8' , •. Buttoos Alros 5» SSSKong I

i P A Y ^ I. London 7

-------------- --Mexico Clly 7~a----------- --Moscow 83 " 'r ^ ' “• Paris- 8■a---- 1 .1— nio do Janeiro 8t ~ n 3 - Rome • • 8p.m. 4 pm, Sooul ........... aodornlo: 7.9. toi,vo 8'ndicato tbo w an^ 7ioiraya. Zurich a

I T I E S ~ ~Thu. _ _ _ _ _ _

HI Lb W - City H86 68 r Memphis 9!88 60- sh Miami ............8i86 56 sh Mlhvoukoo 8: 88 52 ..pc Nashvillo ■ 9: 88 70 r New Orleans 8!

. 75 59.. pc___Now-Yojk--------a90 ■ 73 r Oktahomn City ff.76 54 ' pc'"“Omaha 8(72 50 s Oflando 9:68 47 s PhlladolDhIa 8

T n r " p c ----PhoonI* .---- il81 57 s • Portland, ME 7568 48 s Raleigh 8E95 7t pc Rapid City 7!59 47 8h Rono 9£78 59 s Sacramonlo 1C87 74 s St.Lool9 91 93 73 Bh SI. Paul 7£ 78 58 PC Salt Lake City 1C 92 73 t SanOlogo 7J

'81 64 .1 San Francisco 76 102 78 t Soottlo 8C90 72 9h Tucson- 1C86 68 ' pc Washington. DC 80

Ily cloudy, c-cloudy. ah-showors. l-ti

iogizes for; an wants si>an (A P )- express our r bassador ---regret,”-Bake: ay for the the tarmo 'kinawan International n service- • Earl Hailston, slice wait- on Okinawa, y to hand _ jural (state) j \ ir Force” and also apolo

The hand< rd Baker Woodland, w J Tuesday denied any ii g as U .S. rape, was held 1 he coa- tations betvcontrition----- WashingtonrV--------------- among Okino'i that we . the surface.

: s _ ___ _off a com pli

es’ atten- sequence. Ab( ireworks. , these fire oH no black.' Tario said,

omething Thompson a nicians were I

rorks as a ting a bunke: >n, said long, and the ild every within it that I induding shells.Ig flam e Sand was ght bum- bunker, about into the length of the f

nears the hold them in p Fuses run fr

i fantasy. computer, wti ill be set ' works off.al-O ldies------- “For the fin;

shells being s ive J im i ends,” Thomps lompson Thompson <e for the___ fun.

“ ‘‘inertT T s^ injury, thougl

lis, rang- than 1,000 sh rin ch es, iiiiu tliu sky, hc i the 19- But the job

___ buddies a chain o f the see different rew orks Not to mentio rai local • rounds of golf, noney to “We’re goir It - that’s and golfing aft

ing.('ear that -----------------la tio n a l Timcs-Ncws s cd about Iluddy can be■ tfiat a r e __ Falls.atJ35-32that fire jhuddyOmagici

o n ______. “The momen

Morgan thing to hdpthtor Rob er and rejuvena Gov. traditions,” h e :umber of Lear’s print’: organiz- remaining “Dt

of the dedaraicontem* Philadelphia,n civ ic Dunlap 2 2 ‘i goal of W ednesday,ung peo- Continental Cryone, to Thomas Jeffe:ivism, to and formally: oad^-abovc“ Stales* hreedom

nial rule.


D I A N C I T I E SToday Thu.___ L

HI Lo W HI U W■ 80 69 'pc ' e r ' 4 7 ' j) t

-S 8_pc 89_48 _s

77 52 s 88 63 PC.77 56 s“ ' 90 60' pc

= 7 S = 5 S = p c = ^ 5 f l = 9 8 = ^• 70 -54 pc- • 68- 52,” ^_ 6 7 _ 4 8 _ p c _ 6 8 _ 4 4 _ p t_

64 48 9 75 54 a

.D C l t l E S 'Today Thu.

HI Lo W HI Lo W 89 77 1 - 91 79 pc 83 68 8 86 70 s S3 '42 8 - 52-.48 ' e; 8 9 -7 9 r 88 79 r

_88_74_pc__90ir4_pc_81 61 pc 89 67 pc 57 43 s ‘ 57 48 s 93 64 9 ' 93 66 s87 B l' p e ' 88 s r - r

■ 7 9 -5 4 8 ■“ 7 9 'S S ' # ' 'I 68 4 4 ' 9 70 '43 PC .

79 63 sh 78 63 sh 73 54 Sb 75 51: PC80 60 pc 84 60 s82 63 po 66 '62< sh

I 82 63 pc 78 63 pc ' 81 s a B 84 65 pc

82 74 sh 84 66 pc —e 2 ^ m r -« 4 - 4 « -p o -

89 77 pc 88 76 pc79 57 PC '8 2 60 r80 62 pc 83 62 pc

__ _ Thu. ___HI Lo W HI Lo "W92 7S t ■ 9 0 '7 0 sh 89 79 sh 89 7 7 r pc83 53 B _ 64 51 S93 73 sh 88 65 eh 89 74 t - 88 76 t

’ 97 7 2 ' 9 93 70 9 86 CO 9 82 GO S 92 73 I 9< 73 tl6 ew ~ ^pc 1W S5~pC 75 02 r 79 54 pc88 70 r ' “ B 9~ 68~r-------75 56 pc 79 62 pc 95 54 9 93 60- pc 102 65 pc 97 62 9 91 70 pc 83 69 pc76 53 s 73 56 9 100 69 pc 95 68 po 72 70 pc 76 70 pc 76 54 PC 76 55 PC 80 54 s ' 72 52 pc 104 74 I 96 73 c

C 86 68 1 80 62 8h 8. l-thundorstorms. r-raln.

r alleged suspectir regret, our sincere aker told reporters on *mac. at Narita >nal Airport. Lt. Gen.:on, the top U.S. officer va, visited the prefec-c)_8Q.vernment.office___wlogized.ndover o f Tim othy I, who police say has y involvement in the ield in limbo by consul-’ m etw een Tokyo and nrWith the wait, anger' m inawans-was rising to

ip le te m agazine in About 25, 30 to 40 of off the same time,”

>n and other pyroteth- Te busy Tuesday set- iker, about' 100 feet the cylindrical tubes mt hold the fireworks ,

as filled in to ^ e out three-quaners the he fireworks tube^to in place. .-n from the shells to a which sets the fn e-

finale, you’ll have 55 " lg set off in two Sec- tnpson said.on agrees the j o H s -

sa lw a y r* a ' 7is'k: of-" ' lugh. After all, moreI shells are fired off^-hesaidr----------- ’ 'iob givesJum^and Ws___chance to travol~^rl:nt towns, he addpd.Ition taking in sorne olf.joing golfing b e f^ e ; after,” he said, silWl-

vs staff writer John T. be reached in Tloin


nent is right for sonic— . p this nation redisSbv- venate its great dvic he said.iiit IS one~6f only^25 “Dunlap broadsides” ‘ aration produced* by li'a. printer Jqhn 225 years ,-_TOo y, after theII Congress ratified iferson 's documenty: aaserted.TheTJiutig ^ r r lom from'British <^<>


GLENDALE, Nev.------ :-Greyhound bus barrelj

— iniecstatejiorth-otLas-^• ovem m ied early Tues(

mg, seriously injuring ]— ^-Including the-SOy^Rilo

All 38 people aboan- : were-token-to-Las-Vei

tals, induding a-womaneight months pregnant

- into labor and a 13*yer v?ho was in serious cond a broken back, authoritii

“They were just roUir in sid e with 35 other -Nevada Highway Patro

—--—Alan-Davidson-said-uf two and the driver were Las Vegas, 48 miles awaj

“T hey are lucky m dead.”

Davidson said the dri' Davis of Las Vegas, sk

! the curving Interstate IS- high rate of speed or fel

■ The cause of the crash i— investigated.

-_ _ T h e bus trip, No. 1309 ed in New York City oi night and was behmd sc

_____ it headed_fqr_Los.Aiigeko fta sV e g ^

“ Justice^-.-•niflWaaWngtonPort

' WASHINGTON” Sandra Day O’Conno vote often decides dos<

-------- the-Supreme-Courtrhher voice to the grown of skeptidsm about the tration of capital punis

' the United,States. Speaking to a group i

law yers in Minneaj Monday night, O’Conn that “seriou s questif

. being ra ised about tl penalty, and pointed to of 90 death row inm:. have been exonerated si

' • ■ ,“If statistics are any ij the system may well be some innocent defenda executed,” she said.

States have put to de than 700 prisoners in th years. The federal go\ executed Oklahoma Cir Timothy McVeigh on the first dme a federal

‘had been executed Jn ^• ' decadcs. Eight days”!

federal government put Juan Raul Garza, a c< drug trafficker and mun

.^^^PARKLERS^ ! « / ^ 3 BOXES §

; ^ C U C K O C ^

^ ^ C O L O R E D ^ /<«^SPARKLERSi3

3 bo x e s 3







v / C I - « * t e a io .......... .............- • • 7 ^ ^ \ j < ^ e T o n e -------------

da-biise](A P ) - A

re led o ff th e Bs-Vegas-and—lesday m o m -__lg 11 people .___^ I d ^ v e r . -------->ard th e bi:s t^egarhosp l^—Ran who-wBs ~ m t a n d w ent year-o ld boy snd itio n w ith ■rities said ._____)Uing a round e rtro l T rooper -u f te r- th o se —'e re taken ' to way.


driver, Je rry sk id d e d off

! IS ex it “a t a feU asleep ."

^ w as bem g. . W hile h

309, ongm at* th e w ay tt jr on S unday u led to stop I ^ e d u l e a s sta tion , dini ;e les„by_w ay_L off-tiie iniei

A s s u n 1

rexpress- • J u s t i c e

w h o se lose cases a t r h a s - a d d e d — w ing ch o ru s . Jth e adm inis- ^in ishm ent

w om enon

?nnora r e

th eto th e eases

im a te s w h o d since 1973. ly ind ication , be allow ing

id a m s to bo supreme Cm

d e a th tno rc meeting o 1 th e p a s t 25 o ’C o n n t

r e t i im f iW

: r a / p 4 „ 'e V

p u t to d ea th1 c o n v ic te d h a v e added m rd e re r. ^ y U .S . ;

^ pTffTFwmJrHCRip

r THBI a a

k B B ESmall Happiness

^ Large Happlness-

M oondance .........

Lg J a d e BiJ+tcrfl

^ ^ ^ \ ,B r e a th I e s s ............

^ Howling Coyote .

B/C Casrtfc Scysc

3 ^ ^ _ P c a r ls o fjth c ;O ri

l^ 'j^ D e rb y .D ay ..........

' A pache F ire Dam

J * ' W arew olf..........Shockwave ........

S tin g o f th e Scoi

S a rg a n tu a ...........





::rash-eati. I

it had many stops along , the bus was not sched- lop in tiny Glendale, a gas liner and trailer park justitersrate.----------------------------n rose over the crash


Court Justleo Sandra Day OXonn e of tha Minnesota Women Lawy

m or’s- rem arks cam e after President Bush’s ’ bm a trip to Europe dur- ich he was m et with I protests against capitalent in the United States-----by the McVeigh execu-

e international protests • led new energy to efforts . anti-death penalty

h / Y W H B

>S......................1 .2 5 « afty 5 0 N e

ss-..—.......1.95«am ;sorje

..........................2 . 2 5 m ptusoNe

r f iy ..............3 . 2 5 u nus'oNS

........................ .6 .5 0 ea ftU 5 0 N e

t ...................1 1 . 9 5 e o PlUSONe

ise.r .-.-.-..-.!t2:9Bi>rmi5aNe

O r ie n t - - —I Z z S ^ a - f i u s one

................. . . 1 2 . 9 5 e a flVSONE

a n c e ..........1 6 . 9 5 m n v s o te

.............. . . . . 1 5 . 9 5 e o ftwowe

....■-....‘ . . . . 1 9 . 9 5 « . a w c f tf

c o r p io n •. 2 1 . 9 5 « a fiusoNe

..................... 2 4 . 9 5 m ftUSONE


•OUfiQ'SAUTO • ........HAILEY IMNGSSrORe-_________ » _ _ _

I' ' .

tjsesm u

scene Tuesday, glass and were found strewn aro wrecked and bloodied bu sk idded, crashed thr

— guardrail-and-plummetet down a sandy em bar

)t~ab6ut (

onnor speaks Monday night at nvyers in Minneapolis.' '

activists.___At the.Supreme Coui

th e ju stices are prep: revisit the issue in tw cases next year. One c

— address the question of it is permissible to exec

' victed murderers who c tally retarded; the.othi with a Virginia man’s d


i j ® 3 io ,$ iO ( ^



oneniEE tf-'T-?;'-

oW fsfF-^^M OKE BALLS 1 2 for ^

$ 1 0 0 ^

™ ' W 0oN£m£

m ^ ^ s n a p s ^

T w ^ T O Scouf^ A N oneS i

A P A C M 6 E O l

l A O R N I N e n S L O l


— 1— — -

iltip lein

*»»*•id dothing Davidson saii round the The bus tu bus. It had and came to firough a womanwasoed'30-feet----- eraergencyaankm ent, . isnotequippi

deathrp(^ ^ ^ ^ ^ |~ r h e w^~sent

repre lawyer witl

1 ' interest.“Perhaps

imnimum st: ed counsel adequate

R B ^ H U appointed c( used,” 0 ’Cor

O’Connoi tha

defendants \ sei'were 28 to be convict

...ing theirmor

death senten O’Connor’:

iVfMM adequacy ol

......r j t , s t e “ ^in an Ap Washington,

lurt itself. '1'“'*' ‘ “^e, paring to ™ming to th wo major '•■e eve ot ej case will "•■■ch the c

if whether— represented ecute con*I are men*;her deak*~ | |^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B daim that__

J *

yc' 1 - —1.

f e i: :r 3 '.

S ' 4,

% -

) F P

3 R y ^ “

L 1

njuriesNevada Ststa -

W -H tehw y.P «tfol— ■- : Officer Robert —

B L T flfraaJ> ru«he» d l r t „ -■ | off of a handbag

found aLthe.icfln«____o tabu icra th

■ ■ TueadaylnQiendale, Nev. A • Qreyhound bus,

I P I shown In back- l l j f l ground, barreled off ■ Interstate 15,H j plunged down an ' ^ embankment and | BM/I rolled over early I n m that day......... ~ |

>1* _____said.tu rn e d c om ple tdy o ver to r e s t o n i ts side; o ne

IS o n top o f th e bus w henpT crews arrlved.-Thebus-----pped mth scat bdts.

)erialtyint'enced t‘o~deailTafter ' )resented at trial by a ith a clear conflict of -

ps it’s time to look at standards for appoint

el in death cases and 9 com pensation for I counsel when they are ^ nnor said Monday, lor sa id— sta t is t ic s— = hat in Texas, capital IS with appointed coun*28 percent«nore likely 'icted tlian those retain- 3wn. attorneys r and 44 lore likely to receive a :ence if convicted.3r’s questions alwut the of counsel in capital

>ed concerns expressed : Ruth Bader Ginsburg ^pril 9 speech in jn. “I have yet to see a >e, among the dozens " the Supreme Court on

’ execution petitions, in B defendant was w ell ed -at-trial,” Ginsburg-----

^ o i i r f a m i l y

. .-F ireproof-C lear aw ay d r debris for 30’ai

j .-R ractice v»--” -' - g a y t " a f w r o i n

on ATVs, moto

> . B u r n w i t hN ev er leave car a lw ays h ave w a

Leave fire'Or, use them ir safety gear on

-F o r tnoi w w w .F ire w is

'H a v e a f u n r s a f Bur<

Report wildfires at 1-E

. A c c u s e d s :WASHINGTON (AP)

to close the books on onage_debacIe.that.ro<

-FB I, the government stru _ with ex-agent R o b ert:

that woujd spjire jiU- “ ex th a n g e-f6r-a-full"co

d etailing sec re ts he : — Russians,' people familiar

case said Tuesday.Hanssen’s FBI pensioi

to his w ife .'and six'-chi pan of the agreement in w ill p lead gu ilty to n counts of espionage Fri ultimately be sentenced prison, said the sources,

- on condition of anonymit;

E W fBecause the symptoms sometimea mimic tho9< you may not realize th< doctoc If you suspcctti sinusitis, review ihex i

__ K y.QU suffer from threeCenter-Idaho canM f

_ _____ ;Dtw«owo<»— Owrt W tia th irg. Thtdgyrww______________ IM

_ ^IN eJer in ' ' t « iPHt» In upper iw t t ____ t aOtdbtmOi____________ t a

_____________ ^NiMlCBMondan 1

- 1 I


732-0700 • T o U F j 1 9 1 Ad

___ __________ 1 5

j f i t i o n t i p s t

Y a n d o x i r b (

f your home.dry brush , overhangir ’around your hom e or

vehicle safe'j f ^ i f f i f o r a f r p B i r aitorcycle^ an d o th e r e(

h caution.:ampfires o r burn barrc water and a shovel on I

eworks to tliI in a safe a re a w ith a >n hand.

lo r e f ir e p r e v e n tio n i / is e .o r g o r w w w .K e e

a fe F ou rtli o f J u ly fr ureau o f Land IVlanat

1 -8 0 0 ^ 9 7 4 -2 3 7 3 or # f

' — — w<

spJLJ.S.=Eej*) - Trying_____F ourteenn an esp i- against Hana:ocked.the-----punishable.ruck a deal----- averts an OcttH a n ssen .. “We belies [is l ife in ate resolutioi zonfessioh ' Is'be'nfifldal J sold th e and to Mr. H iar wit|i the — ly,” said Har

Burton, He i ion will go any aspect of hildren-as-.-^— -The-Russi h which he .over 5600,01

m u ltip le m onds and •riday and account for h d to life in worth at lea: s, speaking emment has lity. uments..

isofdnusitlB M eofallei^M oroolds hat you need to see a ttiiat]rouhavc . e signs and symptoms.eeormote^SfoKs________ip i .

B ip B & Bym • -.......rnm^ikam-..

f tM 4 € fay i__________

;» ita g w i ami.Mnwmrf oriifciei________— we

awianii No

rm __________ ao—ttieiMa__________ aanwtiee

g Sinus Center


first and only sinus care d

Free: (877) M D S in id d iso n A v e . • I W in F a i 1501 H U i ^ • B t i i l e y _ U r< 4hU ikm ,m m 09n.Bbm \

■ W J P I M

to protect y

leautiful I d j

_ _________

in g tre e s or flam m abi or o u tb u ild in g s.

3 t y .

" aS ffm si^ ll spiark arr equ ip m en t.

rcJs unaaended, and 1 hand.

he pros:ad u lt su p erv is io n an

1 t ip s o n lin e : > ep ld ah oG reen .org

fro m a ll o f u s a t t h e a g e m e n t .


ffire on your cellular p]

w>dflMdiy.~Ju»y4raooi~ 'niw »N i»i4<ew>nwfc>FA Idehe- A4:.

— N a t i o n —

e a c h ^ d e a l r = rsen of th e 21 charges . tanssen could have bicen

hy TV>*»O ctr294uryt^-^— ;— :— dieve this is an appropri--. ition of thlf_"»>ty mat d fll^ o 'th B '^ em m en r— r. Hanssen .and his femi- Hanssen^lawyer.Preston l e declined to confirm t of the agreement ussians-pald-H anssen— 0,000 in cash and dia- nd s e t up an escrow sr him ih a Moscow bank least $800,000, the gov> tias alleged in court doc-


S k u a S p e o U m

________ U niirtO ^iwy Twcfc,»waiiicra*i

I------ -Su iM fcW ------______________jto________

______________Ma*___________ __________j___________ imr I 'im



in u B (637-4687) Falla


daho. •

a b le

a r r e s te r s ii "■


an d


h e

r p h o n e. - - -

— ^ A T I Q f ^ F ^

----- Motorcycte de;The number of deaths rn

______ according to the Nationj______ number ofmdbrcyctes.(“T "In 1999TJp1romto'3:87


■irif' III

__;■ l°°° pgp| |■ >, iiiiili

1975 , , ’80


______WASHIN_GTON (AP).motorcyclists are dying nation’s HFghwaysi' new

— - ST?rifflcs show. - _____The N ational H

Transportation - - Administration released Tuesday-showing that 2,‘ pie were killed in motorc> dents in 1999, the largest of fatalities since 1991. It second straight year that t

------ her-rose over-theyearbef<NHTSA, which has pro

motorcycle safety,prograir ing w i^ other interested to study why more motorc ers arc b e i^ killed in acdi

The increase mirrors s■ the number of motorcyde

road. There w ere 4.2 : motorcycles register^ in 9 percent from 3.8 million

"‘Unforturiately, the Inc motorcycle popularity h;

North Ko developn

WASHINGTON (AP) ■ Korea is going ahead wit opmcnt of its long-range

-----posingTTthreano securltjand to America’s friends, forces and interests, tli Department said Tuesdaj

L ast w eek , accordii ir.::senlor:Bush.administrat

cial. North Korea condu------en ginetesrof'th eT aep i

m issile . That cast do whether the communist ment is applying restrain

____program.“ NoFni~Korea promi September 1999 to suspei

• tests of the long-range : and the United States re: by lifting some econom tions that had been imp the country.

Narrowly, North Koi kept to the bargain launching any missiles, :

GOP lead embryoni(

The Washington Poat

WASHINGTON - Ju; after 38 House Repul wrote a letter urging Pr Bush to support embryor ceil research, three of the

' leaders fired back with a : worded admonition to nol to “an Industry of death.” n hard Arme

House majority leader, n whip and Republican con chairman, res^ctivel^ - s Jiily 2. statement: ‘‘'The

___ goyenunent_cannot mbrathe other way with rcspec destruction of human er

U.S. flies ou plane from <

MANILA, Philippines----- ThB-lasrdisassembtea-pai

U.S. spy plane that collidi a Chinesfe fighter jet, spa cr isis in U.S.-China-rel were flown off southern <

• Hainan island Tuesday.■ . The fuselage of the EP- equipment used to dismar p la n e w ere pack ed ot Antonov-124 cargo alrcrs arrived in the Philippine of Manila on Tuesday e> refueled and then depon Hawaii.

. . _!*.Things w ent extr smoothly,” said Navy Cmd F lem in g o f th e U .S. I

- Command in Hawaii. “It very well*orchestrated <

— ilin r‘-----------------------------

j M . T>w iN w n ,T » f c i^ k

leaMia^ira on -Mw$ from motorcycle acddentsh Ional Highway Traffic Safety/ e s on the road has also Incre :8TnitUonHr!&97. ----------

>ar ■ - .

I-B------- -----------— —

! iipi

llillllfiiill lii lHn

I *85 90

wny Tteffic

ycle (dead nent focu,P)_r M ore. .. followed bying on the Transportatiiew federal y. Mineta sai— ...... - - - Motorcycl

H ighway likely to dieS afety driver of a

«d a study every 100 m2,472 peo- 1.9 automobi

ircycleacd- accident c<est number motorcyclists, It was the Congress iiat the num- that divertec)efore.“ ‘" ■ way uion^y Iproposed a ‘ . those statesram, is join- ' moton^cliststed groups But-the niorcyde rid- victims drop]cddents. to 879 in 199rs a rise in In 1999, 1,0des on the motorcyclist.2 m illion .' helmets, 44in 1999, up ' nimiber of fion in 1W7. _ percent of vincrease in ' helmets. TheI* has been percentages:

orean long ment contiP) - North o ffic ia l, wlwith devel- Associated FIge missile, condition herityin-Asla-----fied:----------ds, military But the, the State advanced c(day. flight tests,ding to a North Korea rationTdffi-—n a e v e lo p m ^iducted an said.iepodong-1 Taepodonidoubt on in August 1ist govern- North Korea'aint to the ran dted by___ tion in_justim lsed in butld'a defcpend flight States agaii;e missile, siles.responded "A flight t

omic sane- be prohibiteitnposed on It would be t

and contraryKorea has ings betwe<in by not State Depai!S, said the '. Richard Boui

ders warn I lie stem cel]_________ then acccpt s

stem cells for Just days ical research, publicans House Spe President, R-Dl., didn’t

yonic stem but his spoke the party’s _ concerns aboi l astrbn^y ” The issue not give in ceed with a h.” tion plan to fmey, Tom cells taken fi

r, majority National Instconference the research-said.^in.a __ d iseases sui

lie federal A lzheim er’:orally.look _ Opponents,!pecrtothe----- ottve-religioi1 embryos, stem cell resc

mt last parts < 1 China, endiies (AP) - After arrix •parts-ofa— EP-3E wa's to lided with Lockheed ^ sparking'a Mariena, Ga., relations, - reassembled iirCKitia’s retunung to s<

EP-3E andnantie the ' ®

onto an _ ^ .craft that 1 1 1ne capital "’ evening, . £larted for ^ i T

K trem ely.............. ........ ' _

"&&Tc n a- p l e i---—- I pa

k, J i» 4 .2 0 e i

i« -r i« e '^ " — . — ’

s has been IncreaskiB. .lyAdmmistraUor.Tho_______aeaw<l.la_4^ million |



• O l

• . : ' strr

- — - - a

l i i l i l l — imiiu .•95 *99 L

ths rise, i uses in gby a rise.in.fatalities,’!___^ation. SeCTetaty_Norman— ^

yclists ore much more ' - y . die in a crash than the a passenger car. For

' m ^ on miles traveled obile drivers died in an compared w ith 36.5

Ists.s in 1995 repealed a law ted some federal high- ytO'safetyTjrogramsTn tes that didn’t require Ists'to'w^ helmets, number of helmetless

opped from 940 in 1995 1^7 before rising again.1,082 people kUled on lists were not wearing 44 percent of the tot^ f fatalities. In 1998, 45 f victims did not w ear- . . those were the highest es since 1991.

g missile tinueswho spoke to The

d Press on Tuesday on he would not be identi- '

le program can be 1 considerably without ts, and it Is clear that rra is going ahead mth i^'t-of-ihe-missiIe,-he—-----

ohg4 was flight-tested t 1998. Concern over ea’s program was a rea­lty the Bush admlnlstra-ist_ify^gjthe_need.to_____cfeiise for the United ainst long-range mis-

It test, of course, would ited by the moratorium, e a very serious matter ary to the understand- veen the two sid es ,” partment spokesm an > oucher said.

Bush on ;11 studiesJt and pay for extracted for the purpose of med* ch.”Ipeaker Dennis Hastert, n't sign the statement, ikesman said he’s voiced bout.the research, ue is whether to pro- a Clinton adminlstra-

:o fund experiments on .1 from days-old human

nstitutes of Health say rch holds promise for such. as. EarkinsonJs,.;r’s and d iabetes. s,.pardcular)y conserv- ^ourlcaders," compare esearch to abortion.

i o f s p y

J i n g c r i s i sriving in Hawaii, the______

I Martin fa c ility in ja., wherC' it would be ed in preparation for 0 service.

-dr more

l e w s if t h e , a t i o nease see 3ageB5~”

=seekstt©— W ASHINGION— (A

President Bush has rais million for Republicans a

^dendal'dlnners this year out even lifting a foilc.

T h e .g u e st o f honor stayed for dinner at eithe m ajor GOP fund-raisi atten ded ,-d isp lay in g-{ nessllke in-wd-out appros Republicans and Democn

. say contrasts’ with BiU CJ gl^-handing'style.

At both events, Bush pc . pictures with big donors'

diimer, was se a t^ with fii Laura Bush at a head tabl an 18-minute speech as th ence started on salads, ar le ft before dinner was s Vice President Dick Chen his wife followed suit.

“W e’ve got to go hon feed Barney, the dog,” Bu by way of explanation bei and the first lady left a ci d on^ fund-raiser last we< raised 520 million.

. . Rep. .Thom as_Davis_ Virginia, one of the part; fund-raisers as chairman

j nThe fb lji

and a maketti

_ • IDAPA aP.O. I

Docket No. 024 Deletes Section 0 1DAPA02.04.17.C

• Docket No. 02-( ment and DIsposi movement and d animals and requ alter knowledge 0 disposal; provide posal In emergcr circumstances. Ci


Docket No. 074 Licensing. Requlr pass the exam wit

— --------- additional ed’ucatDocket No. 07-0

Code. Replaces U version, as amem

Docket No. 07-<--------------Bullding-Safety.-P

Safety Code and p theldahoUniform of the Division of)

10/ P.O. I

------ DockerNo. 11-. . Training and Safei

vlction”: includes (icatlon ol Juvenl mum standards fi well as peace offii be waived by POS aregroundslorap records and how] certification; sets updates the physl certificates to rerr

IDAPA lldaho Comir

POIDocket No. I&02

program by clarifyi ol the Program am

IDAPA 16-DE — P O l

Docket No. 1G4): - tance Program. Ch

oftheEarlyPeriodI scrcen in conlorn ment By: 7/25/01.

Docket No. l&C Home Energy Assi sccond payment fo

r rnen s and 0MB Pc I fsO'* bt povertj^

other retirement p sum exclusions; cl

■ Uy; cUrlfies-docui application; and d year 2001 amounts


Docket No. 31-1 Rules. Adopts the F nlcations carrier li changelnatelepho long-distance telcp

• Docket No. 31-5 phone Rules. Chan

------- ------ theFGC-and-ADArthe rules. Commci

IDAPA 34-C____ ______ _________POE

Docket No. 34-0! the UCC. Implem( enactment of the 1

Icf 'C o p ie s oft

tion'lnfcrrrI of Admlnla

TTie l(

a d ^ i s ^^ v o id 4aiised'S^^i | l i | | j j j | j | |

at presi- ir-=-Wlth -----

T hasn’t ier of the isers he :-a-busl- oach that ' n ts alike C lin ton ’s . —

p o se d fo r ' rs’before • dinner when first lady take on the e\ ible, gave ' the bottom lin the audi- wants to mak and then the fund-rals< 5 served. said, eney and Yet the GOI

-w hose $100 ime and - primary camp 3ush said raising mart >efore he record amouj congres- congressional

fcek that trying to keen and regain cor

s III of_____ ^WithBusharty’s top Republican N m of the took in $23.9 i

PUB_______To Propose (

{lowing ag en c ies atl related, pertlne Ihe following rules02 - DEPARTMENT O F AGI

). Bo« 780, B alsa , td a h o B37 24 4 0 S 4 0 0 2 , Rules GovernI I 050 which is being replacc• Comment By: 7/25/01. ^0417-0101. Rules Governini )sal. Provides authority to rdisposal; prohibits the ab

quires them to be disposec ; of the animal's death; lists { des authority to determine cncy situations; and provi Comment By: 7/25/01.

^07-DIVISION OF BUILDIN 277 N. 6th, Boise, ID 837J

7-02054)101. Rules GovernI jlres an applicant for the ji vlthln a 6 month period or a] ;atlonrCommenfBy:"7/25/01 '-020&0101, Rules Governln 1997 Uniform Plumbing Coc

inded. Comment By: 7/25/01 7-0601-0101,.RuIe».Covern .-Prescribes the Idaho Unlf( I provides for enforcement a mSchoolBuildlngSafetyAct ]f Building Safety.- Comment

3APA11 - IDAHO STATE P( >. Box 700, Meridian, ID 836)M lOiiOioirRuies-ortirenfety Council. Defines “crime cs language to encompass tl mile Detention Officers; cla I for employment apply to c [fleers; sets out which misdi OST Council; clarifies which applicant's rejection; clarific w purchased college credits !ts out background invest: ifsical and medical standard jmain valid lor ISmonths. C

»A 15 - OFFICE OF THE GO' imluion For Tbe Blind & VI> Box 83720, Boise, ID 8372 02304)101. Business Enterprl fying the definitions and right; ind its participants. Commeni

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH> Box 83720, Boise, ID 8372i -03094)104, Rules Governln Ciarilies that blood lead ieve KlicScreening, Diagnosis,anc rmonce with federal taw an 1.:»>614^10I. Rules Governii (slstance Program. Removes : or crisis im w emionjjncon

t plan lump sum pay^ents;^ clarifies relerence to resider jumenwtlon needed when-1 I dates the minimum benefit Its. Comment By: 7/25/01.

31 - PUBUC imLlTIES COI ) Box 63720, Boise, ID 83721 -II014»I01. The TWephone s FCC slamming rul»'which p• Irom submitting or executi hone customer'sselectloh oft ephone service. Comment Bj 1^1014)101. Operator Serv anges conform^© federal lavi trcquirements; ndn-substar lent By: 7/25/01.

OFFICE OF THE SECRETA >.Box 83720, Boise. 1D.6372( •05064)101, Rules Governln] ments the filing procedure: e Revised Artjcle Nine of thi

Citizens of yi Idaho Adminlstr>f th e A dm inistrative Buiu m ation an d 'o rd erln g 'c a ll ilstration, 6 50 W. S ta te S

Id ah o A d m in istra tive--------- --- 7 r h t tp : /

............. ' i ' :

a b eW tQ|3T1=M =a=t=i=o-n-a-l-= ■■ M R e p u b l i c a n

Congressional ^ ^ | X o m m i t t e e ,

said Bush is p r o c e e d i n g w ith caution

^ ■ 1 after the fund-raising contro------versies of the Clinton years.

____ “H e_ .d idn ’t____want to be g

*" th ere for th e $ en we announced the . devening.T think that’s ..... 1line,” Davis said. Bush lake It dear *'he’s not b ilser in chief,” Davis ii

C:0P is looking to Bush P }0 million presidential npaign brokeallfund- • s< irks - to help ra ise S aunts for next year’s p lal races. I lie p a ^ is a ;ep its. House majority " w control of the Senate. gi h as the headliner, the— lai I National Committee w .9 million' at its black- G

BUG NOTICE} Or Promulgate New

Lpf the state of Ida lent Infbrmation cc 3S in the new issueiQRICULTURE cll0701-0790 nilrning Animal Industry, sei seed by a new chapter fill

tajling Dead Animal Move- o regulate dead animal abandonment of dead sed of within 72 hours „*■ is accepted methods of Ine the method of dis- t 5vldes for extenuating Re


)1NQ SAFETY 3720 . . . . rning Plumbing Safety e Journeyman exam to J®' r applicant must obtain

ning Uniform Plumbing :ode with the new 2000 /Ol.srnlng-Uniform-School-----liform School Building-----Eit and administration of tio ict by the Administrator me nt By: 7/25/01. Ge

apiPO U CE r3 6 8 0 ^ 0 0 __________^ie Idaho Peace Officer ^rj me ol deceit" and “con- s the training and certi- {u, clarifies that the mini- o detention officers as nsdemeanor crimes can------Ich military discharges c ifies reference to traffic in I lits can be used toward cal rstlgation' procedures; coi irds; and allows canine yni . Commeni By: 7/25/01. rgf,

v S ° S „ i ™ d17204)012 P“|prise Program. Updates {hts and responsibiiilles em By: 7/25/01.

m AND WELFARE D7204)036 Re|ling the Medical Assis- q rvei testing iJto be part— Sw indTrcatment(EPSDT) cat and regulations. Com- ciai

norrning the Low income res language allowing a _ :ome eligibility require- .;>n>tiprieriiromil33a;to—

payments lo IRA and i; adds additional lump D dent status and eligibil- d n~ a designee signs'an me :flt and percentages to

D:OMMISSION7204)074 Dne Customer Relations In f tl prohibit a telecommu- p ;uting an unauthorized . qp ofaproviderforlocalor By: 7/25/01. p

srvices and- Pay Tele- Tht laws and regulations of tantive changes clarify- ‘p,

■CcTARY OF STATE i— 7204)060______ : .______ling Uen Filings Under " ires mandated by the P‘ the yfilfwm Commer* LfS

your county can trative Bulletin aliletin and other rules pub! all (2GB) 332 -1 6 2 0 or wHt } sr., Room'lOO, B o ise . I<

/e Bulletin a n d Adm ini > :/A vw w 2.8tate .ic i:u i^

fcfeu str^^rdcTnado— ti^efllfl-la«t-mnnfKr-Thg

Senate and House fund- arms are sharing the $20 from last Wednesday’s pt tial dinner.

W hile Bush is keep! major fimd-raising appet on a tight schedule, he is

—tim e -to -m ee t-a n d gre party’s biggest donors.

Though most of the 4,00< _ dees.at last week’s dinnei

get a chance to be with Bi SlOO.OOO plus donors'did. dinner. Bush posed for r 100 photos with them. '

Republicans say Bush u best In small groups. They is simply not a big-ax)wd g Clinton or form er Pre Reagan:

" Rich Galen, who handl - seating-chart fo r -th e-l

S enate d inner, said th< president resembles his fa a fund-raiser. “The two gu

"w ere the'best at it in te getting the crowd up sta

-a n d screaming and carry w ere Reagan and Clii Galen said.

)E OF INTENlIW Or Changed Agencj

Jaho have publishc concemliig their in ue of the state Adncial Code-Secured Transact filings can be rejected; de: searching the Uen database filings under other laws dea taxes and various state and <

IDAPA 38 - DEPARTHi PO Box 83720,

Docket No. 384)5014)101, ( Repeal of chapter. Comment

Docket No.'384)5014)102.f Rewrlteofchapterimplemen statutes effective July 1.200

IDAPA 39 • IDAHO TRAr P O Box 7129,

Docket No. 394)3814)101, R rary Permits in Lieu of Full Statutorychangeswhlchmod temporarypermltrand provU temporary operation of veh maximum gross weight. Com

IDAPA 4 8 -DEPAP----------------- PO Box 83720,-D ock et No;4S4)1044)10iri< tion Grant Program. Establla munlty Implementation Grai Gem communities with proi applying and Implementing t

Docket No. 484)1054)101 (RCBG). Establishes requlrcr Grant Program and provide: program priorities and a pro< these grants. Comment By: 7

IDAPA 58 - DEPARTMENT 1410 N. Hilton, Bl

Docket No. 584)10141103, R in Idaho. Ciarilies that ail owi cal/lnfectlouswasteinclnerat comply wilh the provisions < updates citations to the fe< reference to July 1,2001. Con

Docket No. 584)1064)101. S write ol chapter provides stai pal solid waste management. ( municipal solid waste, and p tional requirements; provide for owners and operators anc review and approval process

Docket No. 5&01064)101. Repeal of chapter. Comment

Docket No. 584)!0»0101. Id Systems, incorporate by refei cation Rule. 40 CFRPATt 141,St ciarilies that the non<ommun noncommunity system. Comn

PUBUC HEARINGS - PubI Fpr The Following Dockets:^

~ Departmer Docket No. 024)4034)002, F Docket No. 024)4174)101. Ri

ment and Disposal.------------ Idaho CommI

Docket No. 154)2304)101, E Department of E

Docket No. 584)1014)103, Ri in Idaho-Comment By: 8/10,

Docket No. 584)1064)101 ai agement Rules • Comment B>

PUBUC COMMENT PERIOIThe Fallowing Docket Has Be- ________ . DapartrrDocket No. 2(M)3144)10l,Gi

• Comment deadline: 7/16/01.

I Please refer to the Idaho -ZOOirVolume 01^7 for ndtl public hearing schedules, G agency contact names.

in view all issues at the county lav

ubiications are available ft vHte the Office of Admlnis >. Idaho 83720. Visa and ^

in lstra tlve C o d e a r e av li^ a d rh /a d rn in ru le s /

s n s : : ^ra id J V l

P raising WASHING■n mittir^n weaker econo:p reside- ~PresTdent“Buj

Congress willp ing h is from the M ^earances. year, the chaiiis taking Budget Comi

^ L n , C>00 atten- reporters tiiat ier didn’t dnven the bu( Bush, the fiscal dltcH.” J d. B^ore ^ will simuno > roughly < 0 5 to testify

- tee-next-weel is at his p roduce som

eysayh e spending cuts < I guy like would restore t resident ^ on interv

budget ch ief died the fired back tha -House* fin an ces-are h e 43rd shape” andtiin father as surplus will st ;uys that other adminisQ terms of said recently, I tamping f ^ ^ r e v e n u rying o n - —S20.billionto$< lin to n ,” year than the

White House fc

ITcy Rules__________

led thexomplete.te Intent to change or Iministrative Bulletlictlons; lists reasons (or wf [escribes the search logic i se; and.glves cross-reference ealing with seed, farm labor d county liens. Comment By:

TMENT OF ADMINISTRATIOI0, Boise, ID 8372<M)003, Rules of the Division of Pur ;nt By: 7/25/01.1. Rules ol the Division of Pun ents statutory changes to put 301. Commeni By: 7/25/01.

ANSPORTATION DEPARTMI 9, Boise 10 83707-1129, Rules Governing issuance of ill Registration. Changes con )dlfy theduratlon and fees cha tfldesa new typeof permit toai ihlcles In excess ol their re; mment By: 7/25/01.

\RTMENT OF COMMERCE0, BolserlD 8372(W)q93— -ridaho Gem Community Imp! Ilshes requirements (or a Ce ‘ant Program and provides q rogram priorities and a pro< ] these grants. Comment By: Dl. Rural Community BlocI ements (ora Rural Communll les qualified rural communltl ocess for applying and implei : 7/25/01.

IT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUj Boise, Idaho 83706-1255 . Rules for the Control of Air P wners or operators of hosplti atorssubJecttoRule sections s of Section 39-128, Idaho Co federal regulations incorpon omment By: 8/10/01., Solid Waste Management Ri tatewlde consistency lor non- t. ensures proper managemen I provides specific siting anc ies an application submittal i nd provides DEQ with an app ss. Comment By: 8/3/01.1, Solid Waste Managemen! nt By: 8/3/01.Idaho Rules for Public Drlnkin ference citations to 1996 Publl Subpart Q; and makes correcti unity system referred lo Is a ti iment By 7/25/01.

blic Hearings Have Been Set«n i »r li’- «

•n t of Agrlcuiture, Rules Governing Animal InC Rules GoverolngDeadAnUnj

mlsston for the Blind , Business Enterprise Progra I Environmental Quality Rules (or the Control of Air Pi

10/ 01 .and 584)1064)102, Solid Was By: 8/3/01.

OD-The Public Commeni Pei Been Extended:tmiuit of Lands— ----------Grazing Leases and Cropland

lO Adminlsirative Bulletin. Ji itlces and text of all rulemal , Governor’s executive orden

iso f the i w libraries.i for purchase. For subscri Istratlve R ules. Departme 1 Mastercard accepted .

a v a i l a b l e o n T H n e .a t : , i _

ut will— Medicare 3NGTON-(AP) - Th? : onomy and the tax ciit'^. 3u sh p u sfi^ tHrougK”’ WiU drain $17 billion' ' I^ c a r e trust fund tl . '' ' hairman of the 'om m lttee estimat^^'-’

it Conrad, D-NJ), told' ’ Jiat R ep u b U c^ have; budget ‘tight iiito the t.” As a r e ^ t , he said'' mion White House offi- txfy'before his commit- ?eek and ask them to' ' om e com bination o f ' 'Jts or tax increases that ire the money. ■' terview. White Hou'^''' i e f M itchell Daniels'.' that the government^ ' ire-in-ilreally-^real^-^— Ihat this year’s budget '1 still be huge. But as iiistration officials have ly, Daniels agreed that enues will probably be to $40 billion lower this . . the $2.14 trillion the « forecast in April • " ‘

3 i i»-text __ ___or ' , letln. ■■ w hich lien ’ " “ • lie u sed for in c e s to l le n b o r. federal By: 7/25/01.

nO N •

Purchasing .

Purchasing .pu rchasing .


eofT em pO f ;conform tocharged (or j '' ' ' toau tho rizer registered '

.l i '.i

inplem enta” ^t Gem Com­es qualified p ro cess for By: 7/25/01. lock G ran tu n l l y B l o c k - -------->-..........jn lt le sw lthplem entlng


J r Pollution ipltal/m edl- on861m usl> Code; and ’i.:>p o ra led by 1. ■

t Rules. Re- non-munlcl- n en to fnon-and opera- > '

:tal p rocess application . ,

nent Rules.

nkingW ater________u » i-•ubllcNotlll-■ectionsand 'J .1 a transient ! . :


I Industry. ilmalMove-


irP o liu tio n no,I

iVasteMan- i *•ciif;

Period For .

a nd Leases

- ^ 31. July •!, S j S[makings,d e rs . and

■ 1_____ , ■s c r ip - ^ - — i * ? iment £.-*i


............._ _ _ m

^ i t u d y a — h ^ lt i icJ ____ LAUSAjlNEr_SWit*

----- Children bom tKrodgfTfitilizatioR seem to bt

------- heplthypsydiologicallj. yoimgsters, according ti

s t ^ to follow their fort b q i^ o o d to the brink

IVtoe than 1 million b{ be;?n b om worldwide

' v itro fertilization sini introduced 23 years.ai

-------early fears that IVF wduce deform ed babi proven wrong, attention

-- - e d to ^ ^ th e r such child

^tie«ardi presented T a conference of th e E S<^ety of Human Repi a:^ Embryology has fou

childrw embark on t_____ age'years, tht^segm .to

uig up normally.The continuing stuc

families ftt>m Italy, Spai and the Netherlands is c the quality of parentini psydiological developme d r ^ Researchers comp families, IVF families i donated sperm, families' rally conceived children with adopted children, •using donated eggs were ied.

Some experts have fe_____ pacents_oUVEJ»biesji

out to be overprotectiv«----- unrealistic expectation;

children . Experts h: ' hypothesized that fathei

dren bomjfrom donate might be more distant a not fully accept the ch theirowa.

Israel decides to con : policy of targeted kill

JERUSALEM - Des| -• a it id s i^ Israel dedded ' to continue its policy of

k i^ g s of suspected Pa • militants.

The decision by a qnal ministers known as the Cabinet” came after a burst of violence in wl Islamic militants were i Israeli forces, a Palesti

------- driver was shoMo deathsoldiers and two Israeli < a shepherd and a shopp< k illed , presum abl Palestinians. ~T he:Stat~0)epalrtm M onday that th e Pale were not doing enough to violence! but spokesnan Boucher also r e lt^ te d United States was “op

. Israel’s policy of targeted------- Boucher's commenrca

after an Israeli helicopte killed three Palestiniai bers of the Islamic Jilu who were riding in a ca with explosives.

Israel’s deputy defense Dalia Rabin-Pelossof, wh

' cd Tuesday’s Cabinet i defended targeted kill said they would continue sary. “It is a policy defense,” she told Isra “When we know of a terr is a ticking bomb - mear on his way, carrying expl carry out an a t t ^ in Isr incumbent on us to preve that is what we do.”

U^., Britain agree to ------U.N.'s oIHor food proi

UNTTED NATIONS - 1 ry for Baghdad, Security m em bers backed a fiv extension of the UJ4. hu on program for Iraq on after Russia threatened i

' sanctions against the Mideast lution.

A Hnal vote on the ext th e oil*for<food progr

.....- -delayed,-however,-wheiopposed induding a refe the U.S.-British plan in di tioa

A vote was expected b> midnight expiration of thi l^iase of the 4Syear-old | which allows Iraq to sell o dition that the proceeds { on food, medicine and oth

aUaysiea-o fitK x fiitzerlan d - - hfiiviiro be ju st as

aUras-other----- a i S S Tg to ^ first

poUMsour Bkotndoles- J ^ o r . d i p

. . . , rnissioti hai babirahaye Uie United d e using Ul and their t. Jince It was tfonsbylta S » 8 0 -S in «• wolfld pro- theBaghda ab ies wereion h ^ shift- DiMttlan tlildrensuffe------" w w a n .tUy. bumSfkOii ^lesday at MOSCOl c European crashed a ■epn^ucoon Siberian . round that as Wednesdai m their teen- Civil Avia Lto_be.gnn¥:----- according i

tudy ot 400 “®Ser<3)0pain, Britain fo r d ie X rIS examining yjous rep<tm gandtfie planecairirmentofAil- lO crew meiraparednr FoUowires tiMt used Soviet Unileswithnatu- intoasteepcn and those grmii airlirsn. FamiliK Oie onetimerenorsm d. - Russia am

. ■ ■' republics \; f e ^ that crashes astive or have supervons of theirhave also ■

iiers of chil- fllated sperm ■tt and might ■children as ' H

ontinue killings v>lespite U.S. led Tuesday - - ’ of targeted Palestinian

nail u p of h e “kitchen r a two-day which five

re killed by iStinian taxiIth by Israeli---------------- -di civilians — ipper - were ib ly by

tm en t'sa id ' Ia lestin ians1 to stem theoan Richard 'ted that the'opposed toted killings.”'came a d a y ------------------pter gunship lians, mem- ihad group, car packed

use minister, who attend- et meeting, dllings and.' lue if neces- cy o f self- srael radio. errorist>^o eaningheis xplosive^ to Israel - it is event it and

to extend Tograni- In o victo- . rity Council five-month humanitnri- on Tuesdayg U i U g j a a - ^ , .to overhaul he oil-rich

extension of >gram washen Russia---------------- ---•eference to itheresolu-

I before the the current

lid program,II oil on coiv is are spent other essen-

r d y


-si:wll & Mirch

ars-CH^-G]fertilizatiGW o fld I n n S r i^ “ “ “ ~

Is.ruesday, diplomatic and nirces confimed that two liplomats at Iraq’s U.N. had requested a^lum in. ted States for themselves r families. Previous defec- Iraqi offidBls have causedrable.embarrassment-to_—idad government

n.aiillnercrashes,_: killing an aboardX)W - A Russian airiiner 1 and burned near the n city of Irkutsk early iay, killing all aboard, the viation Authority said, ' lg to the-lTAR-Tass news-----

3>ort did not pve a figure umber of victims, but pre­sports said th e Tu-154 Tiied 133 passengers and < members. ’ .ving the collapse of the Jnion, civil aviation fell iep decline as htmdreds of Sines were spun off from im e monolithic Aeroflot, md other former Soviet s were plagued with air as aircraft maintenance srviston'detenoratedr’Bitt~ “~

o n S

i N O nOrig.«

75% O W H K T &WOMEI


I NovnO r i g . * 2 9


Sotection varfos by ' UmJtod to stock on rund. eoosonol inerchandiso is r Sorry, wo cannot accept pi

orders on doorenco moi

om otionaonchildi— in-recent=yeara,-the^ni;

Grashes appeared to have

Author who wrote on Jewish IHe dies In Cat

MONTREAL - IK Richler, an author and


novelJ ew is

~ ~ Mori tl

MonkK^IRIcM.. fi";;”' ' death. CaiuKlian broadca

. —Newsnet reponed that i agent said the author died

OrJy last week, Richlei announced he was unc chemotherapy, and Rich

, Jacob said the prognosis good.

The author of 10 noveli was best-known for his i Jewish life in Montreal K include “Barney's Versi two - “St. Urbain’s Hoi and “Solomon Gursky wa: that w ere shortlisted Booker Prize.

- compiled firom-wir

s p r i n g

i ] ; j 4 - " H 4 ^

$gso.$42”. ’38-M69 jSSES'.PETIWSEH'SWORia15P0RT5WEAR

1 9Wal ma jjBQjgg c[


I by sto re Iind . S a s ic , n o n - ...................■' is not Induded . ■W phor>e o r maJl ________ Hm ercharxJlia ^

g - q M f l GContinuedbtn P»"8 w ith

L -& 1-1;------ struck an anpose at this

aumbertof^ —wfaafcpEontii relessened., frontation.

• •_______ Presidingn - - o ffu e d MUc

ha'^ ful a n a a a read to wm,M ordecai dant respoiid essayist problem.”wn - for May said ie Appren- that replyship of M ilosev ic’sIdy Krav- - charges, agand other entirely, theie ls on p rep a id to ish li^e in ' f e n ^ to ^itreal, has ois'BOdays.I at age 70. Switchingis publish- C roatian la

Knopf launched inilada, con- NAT0,w4udled the in 1999 to htcaster CTV of ethnic Allt Richler’s province ofk1 Monday. riant republi<ler’s family “This trialndergoing fa lse justifiC ille r’s son crim es ofts was very -Yugoslavia,”

asked if hewels, Richler . * Mr. Milos works on question: D<. His novels —- - - a

lorseman" PIeedIQ U iC iC all Lisi

(irerepotts-- -T u A I N I M C,-

’ a n d ;



lowO r i g . > 5 0


Q s e v i c -tonA l----------------------------h d isdainT ^Iilosevic arrogant arid combative lis eariy opportunity in—

u ■ngJudge.R lchard.M ^__ lilosevic the chance to full 54-page indictment im, to which the defen- ponded: “That’s your

id the court would treat )ly as a w aiver of c ’s right to hear the against him in th^ir.. hen asked him if he >vas to enter a plea or pre- hink it over for «

ng to his native Serbo- language, M ilosevic into a diatribe a g a ^ t lich bombed Yugoslavia halt “ethnic cleansing”

Albanians in Kosovo, a of the country’s domi- bUc,Serbia.nal’s aim is to produce tification for th e war. J4AT0 com niitted in . a,” Milosevic said when e was ready to plea, ilosevic, I asked you a Do you want to enter

> HELP WITH I CKBOOKS*?jsa a t 7 3 7 -0 0 8 7 - vrS irvp -tt-S u p fo K r -

S u m n

rig. >35-«79


jNER - J H B I____ B i i M i f f i

B p i i n io r l g . '


J a i t


former Y u g o ^ President S . Critim TrUwnid T u ^ r t l

your plea today, or are yo for adjournment to cons matter further?” May pre

“I have pven you my i Milosevic snapped, laund

n e r F j

i ^ l M

5 &

H j N r a

CI. M s - 's g ■


J ’s

.......... . Wl

t Slobodan MUotevic a p p u r t In t The Bt©»e._______ • . .

you asking another excc nsider the called tribun ressed. - him o ff witl; f answer,” “ th is is not idling into speeches.”

I W c inviic y< T he T im cs-N c 'T w in FalLs or 1 up pur, Hridal

inrorm aiion al: your ■wedding, yoiir cngagem w lijlt^ ou 'a lxr

^ T h e T--------- L32-3na^t_«

32S 1/2 East 5

a s h i o i

n mirig. »45-»62“ 7 5 %ni:Er&DEMNSKNITSiiowMa

O r i g . « 4 0


Slnp Mondiy-Salunliy 10-9 and Sundi) Boise Towne Sqwc. CaB 321-4646. Wi

— tUOudi CitdA Canl,-Tht Affltrian Expr Clut) Inttirutioul, Mulefcard. Viu and I


W ntiwitiy,jmy4,2001 HaM»lli

W o r l d 7 ~


ixcoriation of “this so- bunal” before May.cut vith th e warning that lo t th e tim e to make T]_____________ [

; you. to stop iDy . • N ew s office in. _ . '• or Buriey and picic lal Packet full o f I about planning “ ing. A lso, drop o ff em en t picture rinTtliere! ^

t_\Wesc-TWin.Ealis----------1-------st 5th North. Burtey

n s



1 ^ . =U A n oTS

undjyll-ClnBoiMil'"'l6.WewIcotneyouri&Ws$CinJ.[Hn«ra— :— r~: and the Discom Card

H K d it q r l

~G ount^ K o s p it

Independence Day i ponder the increasingl by TWin Falls County

— — ogainst-elkted authoi . colonists’ tactics are re

Leaders o f M agic . 1.: -M ed ic a l C e n ter arie

tmnsforming the com tal into a “community it o rg a n iza tio n . Known as a 501(c)(3), su ch a s tr u c tu re w ou ld g iv e th em g r e a ter . in d e p e n ­d e n c e from co u n ty

'__ ^c.ontrol..::^ a n d _ less .■■ accountability..........

The idea is not nec­essarily a il bad. But- the single-mindednes! brass puts them at odi

__ Falls County com m isato explore more luctaii

A s the county’s elei com m issioners have i for now. They have bio

----- _delayed)-the-conversi(ing to solicit bids.

Now, th e h o sp ita l responded with what

. bold flanking maneuv< wrest the en tire hosp control, p erhaps th e piece by p iece. Thus ment that the hospita would becom e an out ter’s long-tim e compt States TUmor Institute

MSTI (pronounced arm o f St. L uke’s Re Center. So the m ove ' serve two objectives^

One, th e takeover'' hospital further/ into I w h ich is th e n o sp it apparent goa l.^ ^ d tw cancer c e n t o s cash i th e r e m a in d e r of

---------R e^ ona l a-les3 desirapeiing bidders.

The machinations h p osal a lso are d is t i bosses say-they-m us

-------- b e c a u se lW in F a lls 1. oncologist. Yet this d

from last m onth’s ur tion o f Dr. C hristine tract disagreem ents.

H ospita l o ff ic ia ls : - • — co m p la in t-w ith -H o l

says sh e stUl w ants FaUs, and sh e allege deal. Maybe so, or ma; hard a bargain.

^ r iCl«t« W*(wofth............... .

Tha members of tl William

Shape lip assessor't am really tickcd off

County assessor’s offjct--------- becauseof anlncrease

propeny value but bee __ my request for an appe

Our assessment node tim, “Api«alsofyourp must be filed in writing vidcd by the countyby

• On the mominp of Jun< asMssors office request form be sent to our hon

- miJes cast of Jerome. I pot mail forms out to property owners; with i those residing out of th have to come in to get i discussion with the app going nowhere, I again

-fonn be sent and was t(

: DoonesburyywrAtina/JCexx/K

‘ ax»/9aoM aus(sy /wpov/moMefiAeP

- j -

Page A-6


tyirnglitalboarcly is a fitting tim e to Ei ngly overt rebellion that ty hospital officials n iei hority.-The:raedical—Vail * remaricably brash, min ic V a lley R eg ion a l.. Holj i r e c o m m itte d to -e d v Dunty-ovmed hospi- Fc ity-based” nonprof- ties n.

Jg Members o f t/wMa, ■m Rf^onal Medical "y Ixxjrri ofdirectoss_____ becominz'mcreaJJ.. relfeUiom ofcounty iU t -= -— - --------less o f th e h o sp ita l, com odds with the TWin seel< isMoners, who want it Is rative lease options, opir ilected bosses, th e leas /e th e upper hand to si, blocked (or at least R eg rsion_and-are_mov*— whi<

hasia l lea d er sh ip h as Th lat appears to be a are uver. If they cannot bec« )spital frorn_public becz hey ca n p ed d le it N o l us their announce- heal jtal’s cancer center Te outpost of th e cen- groi ipetitor, M ountain Vail jte o f Boise. figu:ed , “ m isty”) is an pco] R egion a l M edical To ) /e would appear to im e5 __ min'2r w ould’move TEe 'll :o St. Luke’s orbit - com p ita l le a d e r sh ip ’s W tv«), peeling off the lea<

;h flow would make invc o f M a g ic V a lle y citii irable prize for com*—pla

th eis leading to this pro- the; stu rb ing . H osp ita l sior lUSt a lly with MSTI H Is lacks a quaIified~ho~s s deficiency results waj untim ely termina* the] n e H olm over con- ben s. renIs say they had no coui tolm ’s-w o rk -H o lm - is ai ts to work in Twih Ir eges sh e got a raw sion iiaybe she drove too - hi


TieTiiiKStephen Hartgen....................

.............. Managing editor MIk

9f the editorial boarti and writer iam Brock, Clark Walworth, Sle

ior’s office ^off with the Jerome fjce, not so much ise In thisyears >ecause of the way }peal form was han-

Jlice stated verlla.______ ‘j!!ir property value ing on a form pro- •by June 22,2001.” une.l4..LcaIled.the lesting the' above ' ' lome located seven

I was told they do 0 Jerome County th the exception of ! the state. I would et it. After a brief ippraiser, which was lin requested the s told, “Sony, we_ _ • —

•y I w u o u r c F >rxjK m i .I fTCOffruS

him, MmtW

• «

htjtQltfev d’s intrigE ith er way, it ’s hard not

lat Holm% departure creat« ien t cr isis for M STI and alley-R egiona!’s-!eadershii und, the doctors group that [olm - and terminated her - dwithM STL ^ .For now the county’s el6ct< es have blocked the hospit

d e s ir e s on

al Center's ion th a t le

r,ors«rexas'mgly— p -vote

---------------- We-’l l - • s<>mes n ex t. H osp ita l lead :ek an attorney generates o]: is not c lea r how ev e n a

pinion w ould h elp . WIIH ase from a landlord whose > s i ^ is uncertain? D oes Mz e^ on a l really want to take hich-th&.councy!s-chicf-lc{ IS opposed?The hospital leadership’s r -e e x c it in g to b eh o ld , m 3cause bf their artfu lness ;cause their outcom e is so i o less than the future of Ms 2alth care is at stake.Ten, 20 , 30 years from n roup w ill b e ru n n in g tl alley’s leading hospital am gure revenue stream. Who Kople be? How will they b t) w hom w ill th ey an sw e iterests will be upperm os unds?’Iliesti questions deserve a immunity airing.W hat is am azin g is that

:aders are openly disdain wolvem ent in these questii Itizens’ elected representat 'lain ly-regard-hospital-bx heir private b usin ess - ai hey hope to so lid ify throu ion to 501(c)(3) status.- H aving-seen th e length: ospital leaders iWll go to fay, county-commi.ssloners ley had chosen Hospital B< ers more carefully. Whetht ent board can c o o p er a te ounty to work out the liospii ;an open question. Independence D ay is a g

ion for al! publicly owned ii hosp ita ls included - to r

'hom they work for.

es-N p v sMike S m i t ...........................Advertb

iters of editorials are Stephen Hat Sieve Cnimp and Dan Helds.

can’t, office policy.” Al the co uur phone conversation, I sen stamped, ^If-addressed enve assessor’s office,-again reques form. There was no response.

What riglit does our assessc

office to receive a required foftiiim ti»i;iiy --------

Junu 22 arrived, eight days initial request, and still tliere response. Finally, on the last < Toyerome-io'gerthe'formonl; that they had mailed it the da and I would receive it that da

You win. Bonnie Tolman. Y me come to your office. Do yc wonder why people get tume government agencies? Thank they’re not all as dictatorial a

DORIS BOURN —Jerome ------ —

/■-----------s( UH-HUH. )'IJJOfi/ I • '■_______ ^

■?6KAi<'\ I \ l i f 7

W *1

m- -- ^ W g

M rt P gue Vlo t to n o tice *ates a conve- id for M a g ic 'jh ip .-K eep-in- ------------hat em ployed3r - is affiliat- ■

jcted authori- pitsQ leaders’ ' o n c e again.' H R H tor G r a n t . iued an opin- Wle a s in g th e I ^c e n t e r to /

uld require aote--^-a-vo t e - ------ost certain ly ' " ‘

s e e — w h a t----------------laders co u ld d; opinion, but \

a fayqraW e___________ ,ir S t . L uk e’s J ose authority JE M agic Valley L m ike an acdon -legal-officer-------w--------

’s m aneuvers Jj j y n ot m e rely

ess, but a lso ■ _ ' so important. A M agic VaUey

a now, so m e . j L - ^; th e M a g ic Lincoln’sand its nine- days, norho will those These coiy be chosen? threiwer? W h ose ^penj

in their

e a thorough

uiiat h o s p i t ^ _ieast fon lin fu l o f any Becaus :stions by the is imposs natives. They to pot. W-b u sin ess-a s-----opinions■ an a tt itu d e tismfor{ •ouehconver-

ths to w hich ' , h S i Sto h a v e th e ir thundercsrs may wish is Best.” ,I Board mem- loud and!ther th e cur* not disquate with' th e not sprinspital’s future ~ » feelin

an irreplca good occa- d institution., a rctnem ber

____________ _ ancestry.. from con

^ sanctity (U ourcultu

Patriot tice nor a

BftblngtllrectM shortcom indispen;

give iheii

L! conclusion of FlfOS C( sent a xiieU .ivelope to the has beenuestingthe---------man-cau;ise. have cosi‘ssor possess lars for fi i» W i7 e ? ‘« * « ~ “ ’-5nnnBnw d foi-m that ' The rei

acres norays after my ' Interstati ere was no ‘ It was (ai ist day, I drove ing durin only to be told^^^should b< J day before the fire a day habitat. 1

1. You made hi^dred ) you ever wmtersamed off by healthy sinkfuUv.

ift^dtf; which bu

------— T T = ^ c j j o i c e wi

By Garry Trt

^ / /NorrcMiRr I ^ 1 IKSAUyHA\^


9 ^ 9 _-

ove o f

Lmark of the dmes is t have stripped most ol patriotic holidays of i patriotism. We no lor celebrate Washingtoi

I’s birthdays on their actual or Memorial Day on May 3( ;ommetiiorarions have mon •ee-day weekends so that p< :nd more time watching TV the mall or making quick g The shift erodes the role of 's in reminding us of history ng patriodsm.Fourth remains an excepdcrnow.,., __ _____use patriodsm is so subjecti rssible to say whether it has We cannot easily measure i 1 polls. But we clearly take | r granted, treating it casual mes contemptuously, as if ii t needed when it obviously atriodsm, I do not mean ch« ing. flag-.wavine extiibidoiii: rous pr(^amation that “Ar ” American patriotism is of id obnoxious, and by itself, qualifying. But if patriotism ing from an inner love of co ing that, if removed, would placeable sense of loss—the

rican patriotism differs fror ountries’ patriotism. Germo ■sc, Russians and French tn f defined nationality by con y . In America, patriotism d' >mmon beliefs - in freedom y of the individual - that de ture and political system, otism is not an excuse for ir r a pretext for ignoring Am< tmings. At its best, it create: insable sense of belonging. 1 i together and - In our mojn test peril - inspires Americi eir Hves defending their coi

^ETTEJR^cost taxpayers moneyU.S. Bureau of Land Manage 2n derelict in its duty concer lused Hres on public lands. T )st the taxpayers millions of• fire suppression and range

recent fire which burned 5.9< ohhcast of the ffighway 93- ate 84 junction is a ^ood exai aused by irr<»ponsibla trash ing a 40-mph wind. This be sued for the cost of suppr and its rehabilitation as wili This area has supponed sei

rd deer and antelope in past: > and has always supported a f small game population, iier example occurred last si ten two irresponsible boys b rii^ the height of the hot sui bujned many thousands of a wildlife habitat alolig Odwi

rudeau I M alla

/TScao£> 7 /^ f r ^J l e e r , \[ y J ' . \ h rr iN ' u T* [J»/HI It '

/ftHnftsHlay, Jn ly 4 , /

J r S m w


c o u n t iis that we t of our3f their J TlongerIton’s andnal birth* I

orphed '

r^°shop. =n‘ik get* “"d self*alof these yearning ford

ory and er causes. We the “greatest i

•tion, at found respect_ ' Ironically, tJ!cdve,it renectfearth:las gone decaying. In h•e it by Patriots,” con;cepatrio* Bem softheAjallyand Institute worr[f'ft because Amei;ly Is thereby destn±est* ^irnsm^a_____ The Found;Amcrica were once the; often “civics cum ctIf.d iisis eating in ^iJd.sm does P^st and its hecountiy emphasis has J

Ild create (dial) ne then it is— andbiographj

As Bems pofou, sis on individumans, economictradi* somewhat at o•ommon people are so i1 derives advancement3m, the fof countr:define optimistic thai

our freewheel:rinjus* economy, I ^jnerica’s caUycondiuorites an Amencan wayg. helps are criticizingjments P m .?' «■ricansto . StiU, whats<country patriotism no 1

ing about and

( Sy Creek, as well'

S T i S i S S c;The«i • tiiat group sho ofdol- suppression, n Rcreha* ,; OQQ__________There is gcj

lt>edes in sout

° - s e - 5

Persons provei should bb char

jjj- for the fire supdon costs. It is BLM had infor

s built a" y m e o f t h ^ l - duc to DoUoca

lard FillmoreVe


^ iA j7 nJu

;iyis sti

^ R o b e r t J. S a m u e l s o n

ils. In our peaceful, prosper* f-absorbed era, there is a >r this sort of devotion to lar( ^e see it in the adulation of :st generation” and the new* ect for Vietnam veterans. y, the yearning may also ' that patriotism itself is ' n his recent book, “Making lonstitutional scholar Walter e American Enterprise orries that it is •* in pan nericans forget their history, stroying its importance and

idcrs* stories, Bems says, the focal point of schools’ liculum ... (as) a way of incul lildren a reverence for the 5 heroes.” But now this • as given way to “social stud- I neglect American historypby.” ------ -----points out, America’s emphi

idual “rights,” opportunity [tic gain has ways been It odds with patriotism. If so obsessed with their own int and well-being, what’s lef ntry? I am somewhat more Jian Bems. The paradox of eeling politics, culture and think, is that they autbmati* tion people tolove the vay of life, even when they ng American society or somi

It seems incontestable is thai no longer seems worth worrj nd that people consider it

ell as miles of livestock fenc* ■ere part of a suTOval.group_ ill operating). The leader of should have been sued for fir< I. rehabiliution and fence coi ists and should not be allowec .•■iith«this«pgcrwpcs^sicnw yeat concemnhat the sage

outhem Idaho moi^y becaus h loss due to fire, ve been a number of dellber* es-ihat-have.caused some of desert bums in past yeare. ~ )ved to have set these fires harged with arson and sued suppression and rehabilita- t is my understanding that th iformation on who caused :se fires but did not act on it ical pressure.Ies were made of these negli* juals end arsonists misusing Iture man-caused fires could

THe 'VfoHP

flflic H is /

A i i r Ht W f ’S - J . MA ' i r K ' ' '

r lo-iyvORfe

ill in ip (largely irrelevant to This is surely wrong, es when the nation i fully, there is no imr ger. But thot doesn’t tism’s value. In our < rea( and imagined d:

__ us apart. The politic(of race, sex, sexual'

*■' nicity) subsist on dif numbers of new imn between their nativt

” adopted homeland. I some counterweight to these and other di

At the'end of his b the story of a foreigr

3 arrives after-hours f< e*" at a U.S. embassy. Tl

asks the diplomat to ers the twin Ameria

___ next 10 minutes, the° marches to each flag_______the.flags, carefullyil---------- them on a stan d .-^

Sir.” the Marine say; ■ ' “I had to pay honon

“There was sometl . about' a lone Marine

moniol task which ol much to him,” wrote

• • - i t s simplicity, this mi power and die glory

of America stand for mighty wave of milit passage of a superca

' 10.000 men could neifest.” He hoped tha visit one of his own c

j soldier fold our flag:'. stranger and say, 'I a

delay, Sir. I had to hi July Fourth remin

’ . need to honor our co tiusday, but every d

Robert]. Samuelsot columnist.

c* possibly be preventei )________ ST]UARXXJ«PUIU

L:on. Large dalries'affe™ _____ The legacy of our c— —

Republican Party is t tion of our water by s large corporate da&ii

f ' This has destroyed----------df our agncultuhd ar

indeed a jewel of whi 1 Now ask what it is i

em Idaho. You will b building a home in til area in a large dty di

. foul air as a result of ing out to the special

■I trol them in the namt „ ERVINT. WILK1 I ■ Twin Fans---------

V r w / 'i ^m M

o i t a n tt to today’s problems, ong. Patriotism flourish- on is threatened; thank* imminent military dan* sn’t eliminate patrio* ur era, there are many :d differences that puU ities of “group identity” ual orientation and eth- .I differences. Large immigrants feel drawn itive countries and id. Patriotism provides ight - a larger loyalty - :r divisions.jis book, Bems reprints eign diplomat who ■ rs for an appointment y. The Marine guard it to wait while he low* srican flags. For the the Marine smarUy_ flag pole, slowly lowers ' ly folds them and places- ^ a n k you for-waiting,------says when he’s finished, lor to my country.” nothing impressive in e carrying out a cere- h obviotlsly meant very rote the diplomat. “In s made the might, the ory of the United States t forth in a way that a nilitary aircraft, or the jrcarrier, or a parade of i never have made man* that one day he could . vn embassies and “sec a lag and tum to a , 'I am sorry for the :o honor my country.’” • minds us of that: the r country - not just on ryday.___________

elson isa Newsweek


iffect water qualityurrounty commission*

boeiK ontFelle(H>;Hhe- r is and will be the poliu* ^ se llin g out to the

yed the pristine natu r e ____liarearwhicKwas-------•-------which to be proud, t is like to live in south- ill be told that h is like n tiie worst industrial y due to the stench and t of the politicians s^* dal interests diat con­ame of profit. • f - . WNS__ _ , • - __

By Bruce Tinslef.

weeK J

V We

i D i t e a j T ^ o f i H p r

t e ^ i m e s - N e w s =

- 1^=XQssimj^

... M . . / .1

r/, ^M.^ l ^ a B B W ' ^ B l

Politiciaj- i i n ^ r a his Independen

___ r . ■ lU i o l i d a y finds tht * H CTnited States p

■ H __pled, as it has_nfor a long time,

the generation that createc nation. It is not a notable a

=-=raryr2257earsl5T!^ood!oi 1 but not a landmark. Still, E ! McCullough’s biography of

Adams, one of the architcc the new »^public”aifd'6ur s president, tops the New Yc Times best-seller list, follow on the success of another b about tlie heroes of that er “Founding Brothers.”'

. This look back to the ori{ matter for celebration. As c less July 4 orators have sai< the past two centuries, it rc docs appear.a sign of God’s that we were blessed with s leaders at the birth of the n

But there is another sens which the Founders can be sidercd role models. Tliey .• all the human foibles that ( us about the politicians of t And thus, tliey serve to sofi harsh judgments and comb cynicism to whicl^we are a' journalists and the public - too prone.

' Consider, please, tw(» dcj tive pa.<»ages about the pul

— officials oFtharfirsrgenera and of our own.

Here is Meg Greenfield,' her deatb two years ago tlu tor of the editorial page o f ' Washington Post, in her po; mous menjoir, “Washingtoi writing about tlie politician knew: -

"Since about the mid*19€ Wasliington has gradually become more and more a o

, of political independent coi tors, loners and free-lancer still true that the lone-wolf tioner cannot get much don poli^ or programmatic sen But in an era when getting to happen may have less po value than merely seeming on tlie right side, this doesn bodier nearly as many peoj the capital as it should. Peo market themselves; policy i program become stage proi

Now, this description of t members of the govemmen

___met in the capital of New VCity in 1789- the fli^t since

' Constitution was adoptedil___comes from “Affairs of Hon

lively book written by Joan Freeman, a Yale historian,' the Yale University Press v, publish in September.

>..^^“Thpr».««ierfij!c>QCgani2Bi ties in tliis unstructured nei

- G ofp: A page for yo

fpSIWA!PSI W aste ! W ednesday J

t ; We vyill resui J schedule on t working Satu

July 9'", we V I PSI reminds-; ; out by 7 AM tc

i|[ PSIW

» ■ -

ut/Slf- n iB tim e~ a — f e o f S e r i o x i

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arisiia55e_;lence Day “ '!>the________a preoccu- a ’ ‘ LDP.tJceri . ne, with ^ited the ;

anniver-I lo n g T o n r =1, DavidV of Tohn arena, no set iL c , s » r ta su m d o n a lhir sccond Political com, York emment was 1 llowins■rbook blDI0 d.5n1.8l

foes... When l’ emment sprai

sriginsisa spring of 1789

S o .Ihsuch were none 100 IC notion. oPPoinlmonts ensein so good,’ thou; be con. Abraham M <

cy.sl.ared wore loss'her p =

-----------regional jealoic -fa r wheels of gov.

rcduang the i descrip- tdlittlemorei

p;:;£rule of the daj

ld ,unul ost, oixn dote thccdi. m .sc.Thopub of The but forgotten.p^Ii.u . Va™ .inglis.l,

.. here... their siJaitsshe their over-refi

tion to tnfles,’ 1960s, grinod’...GcoiJy also coasiuerea colony ’sti.por, or listl conti-ac- of deep regret -/»r« It ■« Then, as noioUpracii. s ^ m e d to c o n done in a observers to b sense. suit of person;nc things uousinpursui ipolilicS goals and pro. ing to be reputat.onsth

their larger re eople in , 'I is Possible People have always bcyand suchse lR enu

.. corrupuon wh 3tU .e ate with Wasl.jen tth a t endemic mou: vYork given what thi nee the — achieved in 22

ii± -------- probable that -Ionor,” a aU their foibleanrie B-------- are capable ofm, which withwsdoma » wiU astonishii

well as tiieir a i^OfLnar_______QaWCjneiv ' tiiViis'sdmeiiov

^ m u r^ o u a n d y o u r n i

ISTESYSli S y s te m s will be ’ July 4"’, for the 4tt >ume work one da) in Thursday, July £ turday, July 7. On i will be back on si s you to have-your I to insure pick-up.

TjLankYou, .


3 I / ^ m c d........... -1 - — T O o r -

> e . . . ^ - n e c t

LalwaysJi;......... I ejt

T )a v id S.~" B r o d e r wt________________ w

et tenris of combat or ilized rules for battle. ^ mbat in the new gov— as Uke a war without c was almost impossi- jj,, iguish friends from pq;n the Ainerican gov* irangtolifeinthe ^789, many were disap- )mpared with the f the Continental jhe roughly 100 men ' in the national capital ^ too impressive. TTie nts in general are not ought Georgia Rep. •Baldwin; the meml»rs leroic’ than those in ingresses, agreed stts RepresentativeJS...il ambitions and.ilousies-cloggedthe-^------overrunent, often le national le^slature re than a hotbed oflg and petty.accusa-_____bargaining was the--------

day, rather than hon- ;baieand compro- 'ublic good .seemed all ;n. Observing the ;tlessness of many r state prejudices, efining spirit in rela* - JS,’ Ames felt ’cha- eorge Washington ;red the prevailing istlessness’ a ’matter ret.”’now, the politidans rontemporary ,3 be caugln ui\,in pur- anal fame, more assid* suing their individual rotecting their own than conscious o r responsibilities, ble, of course, that we s been governed by ntered sorts, that the which so many associ- isliington today is our democracy. But this nation has225 yenrs,-itis more------at our politidai^ for — slesand limitations,of actingon occasion-----

n and foresight, per­ching themselves as r critics.».eAqnd.faUible_cten:___low s te e r e d B w j^ ^ ^ ^


ITEMS^3e c lo sed^ o f_ Ju ly .___ . jHay behind ' 5'“. Also n Monday, schedule. -

jr garbage” ”

ems ...■- -S

0ladfailin:expansion of the United Sti

_from .a set of AUantic.colon a continwtal nation, foughi

_ihrough-a.bloody.avil War reconciled afterward, accc]: waves of immigrants from t world and made them 'Amej

~&e^me tne arsenal ot demt in two World Wars, rebuilt i former enemies and stniggl with rome success to wipe o

' stuinieful he'ntage of slaver: The long view would sugf

the politidans we have tods not substantially worse that predecessors - and may b e : capable of rising to the dial as those who went before.

David S. Btvdcr is a nation political comspon’dent for Th Washington Post.

BURLEYAaoss Ifom

.................................1021 £. Main!20M77-5495

ubtccl to tetma r t w|MgBO«vteo api fhHB; UsBQS'roundod to 'oBoblo In Mrioct \Mzon Whvloas m teakf i d Off*n Avnilablo on twioc) towanco mlnotos romoln umood. Wc

V I FVc irrp i

B mal____________Th<

e :^ c te d to at ‘ ' riilesforfuiidi

human ^ b r y rules for the u stem cells, wh could aid in rc pain and suffc the lives of pe

_____ ' Parkinson’s di- malaTdies..

H ie debate is moral to kill

------- ... jiujnan life Inthe lives ofolt

Since Roe v: « there has beei

M j f effective effor dehumanize h pursuit of per:

' -------------affluence, nevhumanity havi

I There is n6_sei are headed.

Perhaps tho I Q T C stem-cell reses

- their bottom li limit to humar

States ^0”’ Wh*** stajniesto____ H SSi'otSU eSjh{ . ence "this farar-and_______ It’s crudal tiepted guage is being rthe old debate. Halericans, promised the smbcra^----- lifeTvlth-abortIt their euthanasiii^ed basis can anyo! out the experiments oi ejy, ■ ■ • immbnil and u ggest fact, who gets i day are ond “immoral’ an their. Itjsn’t that v e a s history.as a tetlallenge before, we hea

“defective” or----- speak of life b«onal “potential life’rhe might impose i

ing lives “not v


No National Lons Dista __ from .upurlioine sen

Largest NationuWe

n 'ibung Ford nSt.192 '


soreomont. prico plana oncJ p«cnotl tflinlnuwrUrwBwroliowan coa tea>. > morKflts for a IfmKod timo. Digital i K t dloit(il plans S28 .99 and at>ovo Woekond cidling period varioa by m

^serve t'esident^oshTvill----------oon make one of

nake his job difficult.rhej>residentjs_________I announce federal.....nding research on >ryos. These indude - e use of embryonic . which some believeI research to alleviate-----«ffering and preserve *; people with ^1 disease and other g

te is over whether itkill a just-begun f lIn order to improve.........^olderhumans. *s vs. Wade in 1973, S*een a concerted and ., fort to devalue and2 human life. In our . ersonal peace and ju lew categories of sub-ave been created. ^ sense_oLwliere.we __

hose who support search might tell us ^ n line. Is there a ■ t,lan experimenta-------r -standard should be ,i, government and sd- . ar and no farther"?iLtpJO-Ok atjiow la ii-__ •,ng used to distort ' ? Having already com- :e sanctity of human jrttonrlnfamna-de---------- ^isia, on what moral lyone then say other 5 on humqns arei unjustified? In ........ ^ts to define “moral” Tn al”? I lIt we do not have . ^ teacher. Now, as lear of lives that are p. or “inferior.” Some I before birth as ”fe” and those who u « a burden as hav- It worth living.”

t^M rim liV eoC H dklM IX

s tan ce C harges

eryA cearga

tle N e tu o rk

....... .TWINFALLSIn Centennial Sguaro. Noxt lo Papa Kelsey's 645 Blue Lake Blvd. N

___ 208-736-2022• i " -


notion. $26itctMition too nnd oart/< »>rSutHoa »u taww. loarotwrcwf tal sonrtco not ovaUablo In aO oroos, 3V0. For wookond proaiollon. wookt y marKot. Not ovailobio on Tamliy Sh.

thre san- ^ l O M

According to whom?.At_varioiis.times in histo

Native Americans, African Americans and Jews have thought of as subhuman; H

-Clay,-secrerary of state'lri'’«administration of John Qui Adams, told a Cabinet mee in 1825, “Indians are rapid appearing”;and “destined extinction,” because they t “essentially inferiorto the Anglo-Saxons.”

In its 1857 Dred Scott de sion, the Supreme Court fo that when the Constitution ratified, “Negroes” were “ i sidered as a subordinate ai

“inferior dass ofbeiti^TTa: had no rights or privileges such as those who held pov and the Govemmeiit might choose to_^n^them .”

The Nazis removed Jews the lawfully, protected stati

-legal personhood by definii them as “non-Aryans,” thu plying the semantic founda for the passage of more the laws, ordinances and decre

-against. Jcws,-which.ultima lead to the Holocaust.

More on how language hj corrupted our moral sense >

-be-found-in “Dehumanirini Vulnerable: When Word Gj Take Lives” (Loyola Press) Saint Louis University Pro! William Brennan.

Family Research Council President Ken Connor is rij when he says, “Once a utili an approach to human life becomes widely accepted, I be impossible to preserve a

■ IIDijita

■ 2 '



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7-720<J109 FOR AN APP0IN1

jrtylonnlnnlion fooa apply por tino. R. :nargoriinarestrtctlonsrcOfMl>fK>i oas. NoKvork claim Is t»s&d upon ir aokond usoqo abcvo promolk>rvil all< / ShflrtPton*-. O 2001 Wortron Wirolt


ictity pjine^ningfullno medical resear

^ —stenpceUresea , “Size or age do

*ilAS------ — human being.”--------- — What defines

tion of* the ages______ I’ words of the lai

. theologian Frai merely materia

-shaped by pure e been universe vHenry life, no purpo«i'’iHe' ------- destinadon afttluincy more complex, eetinc cabbage, but ofid T d ls - -^ jQ fully and wondif are known by <,g > we were being '

my mother’s wc 139)?

found I n a n a r fd e iresearch in the Newsweek, writ

a n T ^ e le y labels o,-ana:-----rzrl»ie-pun3t5,"-bu.g about human 111ower Vhenjjj from so many ir

life were watcir vs from Environment^ itu so f Agency would c

al» u tit . lussup. Science must doUon - ^ o n t o d o wl han 400 Science should rees reverse,

restrained by ai moral code,

jjgj. We have seeng can to unrestrained nc the longs.to eliiGames suffering as pos

bv" -nght-todo wron ofisw r right. Other wa:

short of destroy (.JI - humans, to enhs

ther along life’s iUtari- Jrithout cutting Q have just begun

' ■ M 77.on .asis Times columnist.


? 5 0 S u - ;

1 0 0 Hlnutai

AimiORIZEO RETAILERSPhonos and prices may vary by retailer

Verizon WlrelMii Center at ^RacfioShaclc.


RoQuiros crodlt opproval. Cannot b( Looo DBS

\ Industo- niporta of corrfor oponil«< allowance moy tw blOod oi standard -oloss. AH rtghts roaorvod.

idhMd^.My 4.-2001-TbM»fto«iWm«,-TMnFtto, Mriw -A-7 -

- 0 P I N I O N —

moral l « s t x ^ t on earch.” RegardingM*ardi; Counor gays,- -------: does not deflne alg .” -------- :--------- ----------------------ines us is the q u e s-, .......iges. Are we, in the i late philoMpher*Francis Schaeffer, erialandeneirgy-' ture chance in a ran- se %vith no author o f '>ose for living.and noafterw e die; a Uttle---------ex, perhaps, than a It o f no greater moral ;? Or, are we “fear* mderfuUy made”by God e ven w hen_______ng *Tcnit togetherin s womb” (Psalm — .. .

Je on stem<ell the July 9 writer Sharon Is opponents “pro- ^buta iittlfcpurityziTizzrr n life would be, good len humanity suffers ly impurides that if tcir or air, the ital Protection Id do something

ust not be given per- 0 whatever it can. ild serve humanity, rse, and must be y an immutable_______ i _

cen what happens led sdence. V ^ e _eliminate as much ___possible, it is never Tonginordertodo ways can be found, roying newly begun Enhance living fur* fe’s timeline and ing off those who gun the journey.

'S is a Los Angeles nist.


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ot bo cbmblnod^K'oihorT3ssn{rroQijii5a:7MM---------ml«d cmvrod population..........lard raloa. ovon K monthly

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UMyNeHureant i y i ^ A

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^ Boards • Bed Liner •• Tow Package • SlIc W indow • Overdrive Steering • Cruise Co:• Cassette • Power V• I^ower Locks • Pms

) o a Sinth»at7J0% APR ]

Pff Ourv s n t i ^ ' l e s - A t ■led dll id UnH Irigincetpjrr

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--------Compensation:^i--------- Judgpordcrs-------! jiiippliefropay ------ iDcdoschooL

. T h e T im cs-N ev

A rqus— ^ T H E - V A t

TheTimes-Nev offices are do

TWIN FALLS - The The Timiis-Ncws are di


A nyone with new encouraged to contact i reporter at 73J-0931, c ffie copy desk at 733

Forest officiate c, J— .vlsltors.to-useca

TWIN FALLS - Fire the Sawtooth Nationa

, ■ exweinely high, promp officials to call for caul part of forest visitors.

Those planning to vi . est should leave their fi

home, said Randy Ric tion and fire managem for the Sawtooth Natio

---------It!s.against the law toworks in your possi riational forests.

' - ' There were no fire^------- f irew o fk -^ a st JiiljT"4

Forest Service is hoping er safe Fourth of July.

“We really appredate eration last year from t We hope to have ano

• *b rk s-free holiday tl Richter said.

. 'T h e Sawtooth Natioi o ffic e has not placed restrictions yet this year

>‘We want to urge pe . v iry careful with-all fire

p ub lic land s,” Rich “E specia lly , please it

• that, your carnpfires arc before leaving y.our Cc picnic area. With the fi ■as high as it is right m fires.that aren't comp!

, stand a very good chanc ing outside of the fire spreading to nearby are;

- ; To d ate, two Wiltifl . burned less than an a<

.. SawtoothSj cojnpared ti and more than 250 sci


/ Department lifts I limits In som^ res

JEROME - As the wj tion worsens around th irrigation companies ar< the Ic^ho'Departinent oi Garife ofTiossible total d, at certain reservoirs.

In order to allow the take advantage of th ir and take fish that might d^e, th e Fish anc C om m ission has dire department to lift bag, i and size liinits on all fis in the following waters; R eservo ir in Camas O akley (Lowei- Goos< R eservo ir in dassia R osew orth (Cedar Reservoir in Twin Fall: th e Big Wood R iver 1 D istr ic t Canal divei B ellev u e downstrean H ighway 20 bridge at

------ Crossing.-------------------------------This new order went ij

Saturday and will remair- through Nov. 30. ..........

Waters where bag, p< and size limits have alre lifted, but fish must still vrtth rod.ancl r<^cLindu:

-^^Tfweh'oirlJtisfr.CreA^t (and Fish Creek below t Thorn Creek Reservoir i

_ L ak^ T hese w aters it som e frsh through the :

.^^_jJ.op.ulatidns-will- nee reduced for the remainii suKive.

If conditions become the department will consi tional salvage methods.

Rep. Mike SImpsoi visit Hagerman. Je

---------H AdER M AN— ReiSimpson will visit Hager Jerome this w^ek as pa July 4 district work perioi

From 1 0 :4 5 -to 11: .. .._Thursday,.Simpson will 1

Hagerman Library, 290 St., where he will preset flag to the library and gi remarks.

Sim pson w ill .be th speaker at the Jerome Club meeting, set for n p.m . Thursday at the

. Senior'Center, 212 First He will give a Washingtqr including bills he is sp<

- and the current political o^Com^lSfromTta



J N D ---------- 1—

ewsJosed Irhe offices of _______closed today _ .


lews tip s is ,ct the on-duty 1, ext. 237,. or 33-0931, ext.

: call forcaution^------- 'ire danger On - t .' -mai Forest is t ’ropting forest j | V;. ':autioti on the R

. H ' .I visit the for-T fireworks at W ^ | |[lichter, avia*' .. H U Hement o ff icer .' .itional Forest. |P P P | to have fire- •

issession on

e^ caused by _9 9 S Sy .4, and th e riTKTi’.’; ingforanoth- ' ' ‘

iate the coop* .m the public, inother fire- ' th is year,"

tional Forest :ed any fire ear.people to be:fires while on • *ichter sa id .s make sure \ / . lare dead out • camping orB fire danger The Time t now, camp-npletely out H ere’ance of bum- ' around t ire ring and bratelh<

‘HWiS'Si' “'r e in thed to SIX hres , „„dGrei

_____flm d.ry

sb a g I Fine Art

eservoirswater situa- - What:

I the region, Munidps areadvising W hen t of Fish and Idaho FiiII drawdowns — l^ e n :

he public to What; lirsituation, pal firew iht otherwise Where ind .G am e, CSIcamj irected th e -' When: g, possession 'fish species • guhl'

srs: Mormon ' .as County; ose C reek io C ounty . ir C reek) alls County: .:r from th e version in :Dm to th e

i S S r.t into effectlain in effect P "’-

, possession Jeroine ilreadybeen. What: till be taken displayd ude.Mogi»^-^------wiu.«.rJTReservoiiL. _ , Whrn-_ w the dam), * , - lir and Lava A 1 U s may h old x J u L L le year, but ^,eed-t6-^be-^ —TTw Tlme«

“ ALBIO ne extrem e, *own will >nsider addi- »oned T'oi5. -a coinmi

and firewson to Jerome

part of the

[1:15 a.m . X C ill be at the190 S. State By Sharon :sent a U.S. Tlmet-New 1 give some

GOODth e g u est owned by

ne Kiwanis Board mi r noon to-1— awarded tie Jerom 6 com pute Irst Ave. E. County Sc [ton update. . . . . The Sd sponsoring $31,518 1al outlook.----- —MTR Constaff reports - o i assume

' i ' '


i l;



re’s a rundown of events d the Magic Valley to cele- the Fourth of July today.

at: Twin Falls »nior dtizens reen Thumb Inc williiold a raising barbecue and food

ere: Between Taylor and . ^ buildings at CSI en:5p.m.

at: The Twin F alls apal Band will perform . • ' ere: College of Southerff Fine Arts portico in: 8 p.m:------ ;— :--------------

It; The Twin Falls munici-eworks displayere: The north side of thempusjn: 10 p.m. • • , ,

■ ■ ■ - ,/■. ■ at: Buhl w ill celebrate >rush Days. H ighlights e the parade, fireworks and ighter hose contest « : The parade starts at the :cdon of Burley and Main and the fireworks will be

Nortli Parkai: The parade will begin at . un.,.fircworks-at.dusk-and— efi^ter_hose contest. at 2__

leIt: Tlie Jerome fireworksrw»L.Ipcomp-HtgK School--------;n - 'i n p m ' ~~~ ~ L ,

bion has die»-Naw» ________

ION - This Cassia County vill celebrate an otijt-fash Fourth of July today? witljT munity picnic, a parade eworks.fun w ill begin w ith a

ost at the Senior Citizens • from 7:30-9:30 a.m. Cost T ie rfa in iiy rJ rp er m n r—.50 for kids 12 and under.

eacher’sronMetcatf ■te w corretpondent_______

>DING A company by a teacher and a;School member’s son hos'berened a contract-to sell 54-----Iters to th e Gooding School District •

SdiooI Board accepted a 8 bid on June 19 from;pm initers.^_ce;tificate__m^-bttsiness.iuime filed


alley arcS 1 1 Col|«gfl of Southom 1 EntrmcMtoCSI

2 StttolU nttw lW arb3 SH«ofTwfnP*a»

£ ■ • MunklMlBMtf


vcauMofttwlagctrafTlc expected for fireworks Bhow at«

of Southem Idaho, the Tv Police Oppertment asks t

___________ ______;------- • Pts«a« plmonarrtvlRC

.police department will be . -the secUofis of Falls Avof

College Road and Washir North surrounding tho col

Gooding ------------------ . Whan TheGoodkig-

dawn-to-c-------- Iha:iparadc.wiU line

south end of Main Strec Bt 9 a.m., with judging s 9 jo . tt rolls out at 10 s

. ing down Idaho Highv the d ty park. George ai Kelley will be the gn shals.

A flag-raising and a program arc planned

a.m. m tiie park. ' Food and ftm will foil

s compawith the Idaho secretar in April 1998 id^tiHcs' viduals doing businei MTR Co;nputers as D Muck and Bradley J. Ro

Muck is th e Good!: — School—b usin ess' eti

teacher and technolog; dan. Rogers is serving mission and is inactiv business, said his fathe

___Boajcd merobw.DoylftRcMTR was awarded

edhesiday, Ju ly 4, 2(

r a

saexplc_________ Mermen*—i»o«d

s patnoi^ of p.m.

or tonight's .*pi««Mbap

' = ys the follow. uKstormet.---------------------and pedestflQRCuify. n>e— • Don't dfink begin closing surrounding C /onue. North - potroiied. ond hington Street of driving undt :ollcge at 9 stopped and £

g -ftfew erks—

dusk Ind(e up on-the----- Vendors-wieet starting , burgers, pi ;srarcingat salad, and ) a.m., mov- games - im hway 77 to non - on th and JoAnn -the park. C (rand mar- will also be

The trac a patriotic p itch ing t id at 10:45 about noor

fee is $2(T^ qUow at 11. A p icnic

any winary of state tract ovees the indi- Computers!less under submitted iDarrell A. bid, dependlogers. additionaliin g H igh provided,etiircaiion D istrict)gy techni- Darrell Hatg a church been awaiiv e in the “basically bler. School d ealt withRogers._______b>eause_heji the con- . Hatfield

f f i

2001 J . -------


odes wi


« patient Several ihbu- le atterx] tho display, and .It may take several mltv e police to direct vohlcletfian traffic.................nk and drtve. The area-----------g CSI will bo heavily )nd ali drivers suspectcd indor tho influence will be Id arrested.

iGnnriing.High School-. .

lependenwill-seIl-hobdogs,-ham*-----pizza, fajitas and taco

nd there will be k ids’ induding a candy can- the northeast comer of . Games for older kids Ik available, ad ition a l horseshoe-

tournam ent begins ion in the park. Entry I per iwo-per team, lie, sponsored by the

IS schoover Connor Creek rs LLC of Burley, which d a $31,080 to $31,380 nding on the amount of al com puter memory

:t Superin tendent ‘ latfield said Muck had warded the contract, f because the board has ith him before andteislocaL” ____________id said the ocher local




ith ever

i B | | r i ¥ ■ - -

I ®

When: 10-10:15 p.m.

What: Gooding Fourtl picni<nt.

Where: West ParkWhen: 12-3 p.m.How much: S2 per pers

_ _ W e r id e lI____________What: The Wendell fi

- display -Where: North of Wend

School at the football fieliWhen: 10-10:15 p.m.

................... Please sfy. EVENTS

nee Day f— Albion-Improvemenrani

ation Committee, is plai the pavilion in the park p.m.

The AIR will provide 1 and hamburgers; tho attend should bring a sa dessert and their own t£ vice.

___:Eir.ew.orks_wilLwrap. day at about 10 p.m. at port .

ol compbid was much high Com puters of Goodi S33,862 - $2,344 moi MTR.

Idaho law allows a pul d a l or the offidal’s relo contract with the school if:■ • The contract is com] ly bid and the offidal i the low bid.

• Neither the public

7 ' ffObituarie!Idaho/Wc

-£ i £ 2 lU m 3 y ia it S l h

^ -------------- D e \

Gons J Bur]



BtmLEY in Burley a

Ken power for tlKatkartiky ° boost in ti: •ntlco-' The d ty .

*0 enter inworker— : cJ«rnr L a k e O ty iYanolino, bility of bu

L;flght,:pre*-------fired;electripare the according tc

Ihtrock- Burley loc!. M arcus Tl

•Power.- ' Diac mea

of air.ijualii ■- . could run fr

million, he s. . “We think

------------ ---------tionrburthi, . tors such as

to get to tl: - r': - Things like

factored intc C ogea Fo

th e projeci years, but th dous considi

.process, hes Burley i

because of i ’ its low, Ions

power rates,

nts "Inessent is trying to and more <

•w rre that csn pro• power to Bui

some other i \ area that wi

■"I- p ate , thatI Otherwise,J " .hroker.totaJ • into the eli! Theodore.sa

— Such-plan — ll ‘ 250 to 300 il

enough to \ d ty of at le he said.

■\f ■. '.'V/Cogen Po'

\ Glenns :

: J to finance, bi/ project, Thee

The terms agreement v at a futmre d;

' Cogen Powe: V ^ state and fe<t ed to procee-------1 the release Si

“This cooli to the dty, r cost-effecdvi

nh of July power," Ma; ' said in the :

position 'our very well for

. .. developm ei enhance our v id e some t

-------------- skilled jobs.”

o f f S ' ^ ;ndeU High PfoJcct in d

l^ e plants

TS..Page.B3 . nrh>»r titc^.tb — - nology to.e>

C l fa c ilit ie s '[ U n Administrato

“They're piind'RecnF----- UunRT’ Mittolanned for T he comp, rk at 6:30 required to o

pennit, but tl s hot dogs rezone the ar lose who is proposed, salad and — table ser- ‘ Times-Neu

S treeter canip_up_the___It the air- J09, t


)utercoi;h er .' LP nor his/her re] ding bid preparing th ore than specificatior

approving the

_______ improper sdlcc servant - pjgase

i N S I D F ,

aries............ .......................... -•/West . . . . . . . :B4


;velopcr ~ isiders irley-for wenplant—Streetsr wr» writer

-EY - A new power plant y could mean addldonol or the dty, ii\ addition to in the tax bcue. ity of Burley has agreed r into a site agreement igen Power Inc. of Salt ty to explore the'possi- building a natural gas-

fctrical:generadon:plantr_::i-: tg to a dty news release, rst step for the company^rk n in ing-w h eth erth e-------locadon is viable, said

Theodors: o f Cogen

neans knowing the cost jality equipment, which n from $2 million to $13 fie said.link that it's a good loca-rthere'are'a lo forfac:-------I BS build i^ power lines0 th e main grid lines, ike that all have to blfe ' into i t ” Theodore said.L Fow erJiopes'to h a v e . ' ject operating in two It that may be too ambi- ; tsidering the permitting ■ he said. .. 'y is a favored s ite of the threat of losing

long-term hydroelectric Ites, Theodore sai± The 1 14-acre site in Burley • le dty’s sewage plant sence, what we’re doing ; to put in these larger re e f fic ien t m achines provide more stabilized '1 Burley, and if there are ler munidpalities in the . t would want to partid- hat w ould be fin e , ise, w e will bring in at> take the surplus power ! electric power grid,”

jfantrgeneralJy produce00 megawatts of energy, to provide power for a It least 250,000 people,

Power is a lead-devel- company that-worked IT generators in Rupert ms F e ^ . Cogen PowerIgs in larger/compainies--------e, build and operate the rheodore said, rms of a possible lease nt would be negotiated « date, depending upon jwer*s ability to obtain1 federal permits need- weed with tiie project, sesaid. ' ■:ould be a huge benefit y , providing long-term,:dve and cost-efficient Mayor Doug Manning he release. “It would our entire community . for futim: growth and m ent. It would also our tax base and pro- le higher technicallybs.” ----------------------------------! their enthusiasm, dty nil dbsely examine the n detail, v isit similar d p roced witli caution, ' said.ints do generate_somc.

s thar.hava oldar ta d v .... .3 .exam ine how those 5 ■ o p era te . City rator Mark Mitton said.e pretty unobtrusive,.!_____itton said.mpany would not be to obtain a spedal dty at the d ty may have to e area where the plant td.

News w r ite r R u th :an be reached a t th e ia.Bureau.at.677=4042r—

o r b y e-m a il a t , magicvaUeyxom.

)ntractr relative is involved in'5 the contract or bid, tions, or any part in them. *7— — iffidai makes full dis- writing o f interest and

hes been no violaticm ovision of Idaho law competitive bidding or wlldtatjon of biiidn(>« ' .

ase see SCHOOL, Rase B3'

: n

— M a g i & ^ a

O ffic icBy Karen T e ^ i . " Tlnto-Nww cofTcspood*

— - ELKO;' N e v .- E lk commissioners will di

—:____to proCRCd-i«ith.thB-areconstruction o f J

______ South Canyon'Roadjmeet, this week.

' IMans for reopcnihi :'larerthls’summer'wei

last Friday w hen tl Set^’ice announcpi^ th lonmental impact sti be completed before a staned.,The study co year or-longer-to-comi from the county d and members of the Shovel Brigade- had p plan for the'road rect to the federal agcnc weeks ago.

Tribe m:-------- COEUR d’ALENE (

Coeur d’A lene Tribe ing that it would ni

—.----- rcmoving-Lake'Coetjfrom the federal gov Siiperfund cleanup Ui

L . —uith a guarantee that t I - water q u a lity goal

achieved in the basin. “We would have to 1

' ahces that there is goir upstream .m etals cle; that a more stringent

(• agement plan will be ii ______ed ,” P h illip Cernera

' A vI n F a l

Ludwik V o i i i t F ^Ludvik Vosika, 91. pa

Sunday. July 1, 20 0 t. ai C areCcnlor,

Ho w as born Jan . Ii Adoll and Abbie Sokolil WilbOf. Neb., w here he ■

' and educated. In 1935., Irotio Freeoul a n d they

Irtalio in 1930. He retire G as (A tncfigas) in -19 enjoyed tiio Idaho outdi ciriily liuniing a n d fishing

Luclvik is survived by t)6 yc.ifs, Irene Vosika ol ihoir d au g h ie rs , Peqg^ O k lah o m a C ity . 6 k l McGuirc ol Twin Falls. Jo a n (A rch) Jo n k in s c W ash .: two g ra n d c h il step -g randch ild a n d se g ra n d c h ild re n : tw o si: (Vern) Yosi ol Twin Falls K ruger ol S an Bernarc and several n ieces and i

Ho was p reced ed m e p a ren ts : h is b ro iher, F two sisters. B ertha Vosi Leabman.

The g raveside service will take p la c e a i 11 a July G. 2001. a t Sunse' Park, with Ihe Rev Da

. . o tlic ia lin g F r ie n d s rr Reynolds Funeral Chapt (ro rn3 -8pm .

Tne lam ily s u g g e s ts c o n tf ib u lio n s b o giv

^ n c l j I ohQPOl Ota^l or Reynolds Funeral Chape 1142; Twin Falls, tdaho S

---------------------K i M B I iR t

Patricia A. NovaeP a tr ic ia A. N o v a c e

Kimberly d io d M onday Ju ly 2, 2 0 0 1 . a l h e r Kimberly,

P a tric ia w a s b o rn or 1936. in N am pa. Idaho, t

______ter 0 1 Kirby a n d WinnlTr


M TlnM»Nm,TMaFalK

wxient______ ___

Elko County-----" E S1 discuss how ■ ■ at

f Jarb idge’s at 1:30 p Id w_hen_thej-_._ *P?>Mch

fees andling the road 3 P ^w ertt~qX jashS6d=...... -I the Forest Commi: that an envi- sjder furstudy had to -----cover th.

•e any u-ork is remo\*aI u could take a county. A

^mplete. StAff fees at tl id department result in r the Jarbidge '‘esn1 presented a . refused econstniction / imposed { sncy several previous


might backE (AP) - The • em’ironmibe is indicat- Tribal: n o l.op p ose federalaeur d’Alen e Protectioijovernment’s T astw e^I list but only Valley coat the high'(Kt the' stigmjla is w ill be ignation nin. But Ceito have assur- lakej)ff ttjo ingtobean not sigha:leanup, and free. Themt lake man- a civil tria« implement- m ining cera, a tribal required t

\ I I c ' Foreman I- c a ttle ran

- r r i . - ' w h e re sh' g rade schi high schoo County at BoiscHigh u a te d in Edward D.

. 1955. in Bo Patricia t

being outc i P V u S R f l a n d goll

include sov dancing. P

S'-' ' Catholic Cl

Patricia band ol 46

(Stephanie ID and Ri<

___ Iw oi bfoti............................... ........Fn fpm an n

(Mary) Fo p assed away three siste: . ai Twin Falls . ol Meridiai

ol Oreana, . 15. 1910, to Lakewood, <olik Vosika in iwo grar he w as reared N ovacek 35. he married both ol Ouhey m oved-Jo____grandson,.‘tired (rom Cal ID.•1975. Ludvik She was jtdoofs. espe- hor parent: »ing, ■ F uneralby his wile ol 10:30 a.m,

a ol Twin Falls: St. E'dwar ngy VosUta'ol Twin Falls- J k l a - . ^ y c e - a s celebra lls. Idalro an d .ai tho Pion IS ol V ashon , ID al 3:30 :h ild re n : o n e Thursday I I seven great- will receive

s is te rs O lga Reynolds F alls and Abbie ly suggest lardino. Caiil. tho Sl Edv nd nephews. the MVRMi in death by his may be giv r, R obert and or m ailed 'osika and Ida Chapel. P,

Idaho G33Ck'ice lor Ludviki_a_m .F riday__________ \ ;is e t Memorial Dale M etzger > m ay c a l l a tapel Thursday ,

!sis m em orialg iven to th e a

b e g iv e n 'to ' ^

apel. P.O. Box 10 83303.

^ f c ¥ — —

Ronald I^ -R o n a id - Wendoll pc

i R H Ju ly 2. 20i people thai

courag Ron was

in -G alilon Loufee Ja j India'napol

W / , ’/ s a n d ad o p i M Aller g rad i

Ron begar ■nrrn lf IsbrlcalingraCOK 500 in his dicek . 6 4 . o t Ron man jay^even ing . on Nov. 12 ier h o m e in they reloca

When Ron v on Ju ly 3 0 . 'be ing a dae

0 . the daugh- a custom sj nitred Paulln founded R ;

U b,U ito Wi * n id m iy 4 .2 0 (

IQ —

[ is c u s s r cMeetings

koC onn tycon im to tlonw s ^nil meet Thursday srxl Friday it the county courthouse. 571 SL The mecHnes will t»gln _0 p.m. each day.Ic bearinc on spo rts book ind W hsin i'ST cfiedijlea 'fw ". Thursday.

missioners' will also con- funding a lternatives to ' The cosT'of so lid 'w asie tl in the rural areas of the A recem'hike in dumping

t the g lko landfiH m ay___n Kgher disposal costs for esidents, many who have d to pay fe e s a lready ,’ d for garbage'hauling In JS meetings, commission ;rs have indicated there

: removing ]imental staffer.' - - al leaders m et with the ll E nvironm ental tion Agency dri the issue % raising hopes of Silver community leaders that

una of the Superfund des-' n may finally be removed. Cernera said taking the f the_Superfund list would ;hal that it is pollution^ lie tribe is in-thie midst-of— irial on its charge that the > com panies should be d to pay for tlie pollution

For oUtuaiy rati ____DoodUnete4:30 p.n Pairicia w as raised on a an ch in O re a n a . Id a h o .. sh e a t te n d e d a c o u n try chool. Since there w as no lool in that a rea ol Owyhee at that lime, sh e a ttended igh School w here sh e grad- n 1954. P a ir ic ia m arried D. Novacek on March 19. Boise. , ■ia enjoyed her rose garden. utdoors. cam ping , lishing II Her la v o r ile h o b b ie s sowing, playing gam es and . Patricia w as a mem ber ol - - E dw ard Ihe C o n f e s s o r '

: Church in Twin Falls.;ia is survived by her hus- 46 years, Edward Novacek

Ib e r ly . two s o n s , Ron inie) Novacek ol Kimberly. Rtck Novacek of Buhl. ID:•othe_fi,_ Nei I_ (Franc.eSJ___a.uCNam pa;jD -and-Roberi— Forem an of C aldw ell. ID: sters, Beryle (Elwin) Saxlon jian. ID. fluth (Bob) Collett na. ID and Bonnie Riley of od. CO. Also surviving arc r a n d d a u g h ie r s , K elsey >k an d A m an d a N ovacek Queen Creek. A2. and one )n,-Ju5lin-Novacek-ol-Buhli-----

vas p re c e d e d in d ea th by jnts. and ono sister, ral. M ass will b e h e ld at .m, Friday. July 6. 2001, at vards C alh o lic C h u rch in lls-with Fr, Ernesl Anderson branl. Burial will take place ioneer Cemetery in Oreana.30 p.m. Friends may call on ly (rom 3-8 p.m, an d family ;ive friends (rom 7-8 p.m. at Is Funeral Chapel. The (ami- esis memorials bo given lo Edwards Calholic church or =iMC Hospice Conlributions given lo luneral chapel stall led 10 R ey n o ld s F unera l P ,0 Box 1142, Twin Fails.


W l ' N D E L L -------------- T

d J a m e s F i n l e yid -Jam ss-F tfT T e7r"477^l— " passed aw ay on Monday.

2 0 0 1 . su rro u n d ed by ihe - hat loved him. ader a long rageous battle wilh cancer, . /a sbo rn j3n .O cl.-16 , 1953.— o rm a T lh e so n o l A nna Jayhes. He w as ra ised in 00119, Ind., by his m o th e r ' sp live fa ther. 6)11 Finley, aduating Irom h igh school san his rriachinlst c a re e r ig cars for the Indianapolis s d ad 's shop,larried Melody Kay Fuqua 12. 1976. in Indianapolis,

icated lo Wendell In 1977. in wasn't hunting: fishing or ja d he found lime lo invent1 spark plug \*/ire loom andR & M Speclaiiles with his __

2001 .

r p a d r e pw ill.be no increase in fees to cover the coUeci

- •-A'public:hgaring-Qn ble adoption of an ordi ting fees and license

pools in casinos in ^ o scheduled for Thursdt ing. Elko County Sh« Harris said currently t has no reg^ations de< sport's betting and ah ii casinos_a>nsidcniig pro service to'the piibUc i the commission’s action

Also on the agenda a------firom -the_tQwn.boards,c

and MontcUo and a dist . publiclands.

Timd-Ncws correqwrw Temtl am be readied in a t 77S-738-2733.

; lake fromftvm a centuiiy of takir of the valley.

___ “The EPA can go in iiflh ere is a re m ^ y bei place in the near'fiitii supposed to address th< Cernera”said,'ahd il c the lake if the cleanu not successful.

The cleanup strategj ed by the tribe is tht

- — Lake Management Plaisix years ago w ith t Department of Envirt

___Qu^icy and a citizen pa

- O lnttM and Infomuttkm. 733- 0 p.m. faf naxt-day publlcatton.

wife. Melody.R on is s u rv iv e d by:.

Melody: his son. J a so n i F in ley a n d h is d a u g h i (Mike) Winmill and Cham live g ra n d c h i ld r e n , Ei E lizabeth. Kayla a n d Tc W endell; hiS' in - law s . C harlotte Fuqua, ty n n F Forrest Fuqua: all ol We (R ich ) G e o rg e o( DeLi Teresa (Butch)Rankin of

. Lisa (Scoti) R oberts ol 1 He w as a very special Un

-- - his-nieces and nephew s, M ich e lle . C h ris tie , C Chaniele, Bo, Jam es, Brj Katy.-Ron.had-a-very-sp£ in h is h e a r t lo r Keri Gooding. She w as liko his

He w as preceded in d( parents, Ann and Bill FinI

___ brothfif.John__:________-------Vigil services will b e i

Friday, July 6, 2001. at 7 A n th o n y 's C a th o lic C Wendell. M ass will be c on S atu rday . July 7, 2C a.m , at Ihe W endell Hi{ Auditorium. Funeral arra a re u n d e r th e d ire Demaray's Wendoll Chap

---------Ron-was-a-vcryspeclaifa th e r , so n , b ro th e r , u friend,

He w as an inspiration t< will b e truly m isse d ani him.

God saw hd w as geitini And a cure w as not to t So he put His arm s aroi And w hispered. "Come In iears we w atched hir And saw him (ade awa^ Although we loved him Wo could not m ake him

A heart ol gold stoppe hard

Working hands now a t i C od broke our hearts t

usHe only takes Ihe best.

--------- — =---------- A u th o r I

_ _ _ H a i l e y

Frederick H. BledF re d e ric k H, B lech rr

d ied M onday, Ju n o 25, Hailey.

-------- B u m -in ~ S c h w elm :-GFrederick Biechm ann'siui

. . a n d r e s ta u ra n t m a n a g G erm any, Parts a n d Loi em igrated lo Ihe United 1932, (irst arriving in New There h e m ei Averell Harri olfered him a iob a l the bull! Sun Valloy resort iri S Idaho. Frederick followed lation in 1937. During Ihi sen /ed In the South Paclfi years, .m anaging the 31i Army Hospital kitchen lor e s and doctors. Alter lh<

__ ^was jen ijo_S oou(..S cu th .

Dair |——:— — _ _ L o r i - in sales tax McGimtii ictioncosts. n a m T >n~thie Ddssi- ..Yallfty dinance ^e^ K im b ^ se require-

ico Coivi^ is . ser v ic e . day’s meet- ^.Reynolds h eriff Neil Falls; in the county Sunset It

ealingwith— -m ay-ca ll I increase in - time of t ro v id ^ the_ Reynolds : prd’mpted)ns.' Rlchai are reports Hansen,-

Lotjadcpot— iscussionon Ward LD


ndm t Karen LuoimJ

Boise; gn i » ialw illfol

1 list PIK« StI c n r i c e a t

, a n d d e l i s , .>eing put in Ciire th a fis ' ' ^the threat,” --------—' ca'n'relistl u p p l a n i s M A G IC S

. Som engy suppon-he current Dorthylan it wrote H plyo^ t

th e stateronmental Mary / ?anel. ______

BITUARI]&0931, 278; betwom 2 p B. Daath n o tk ^ wb a fr— tafvl

help bu ild .y:. h is w ile, h o sp ita l kit (R ebecca) back lo the

h le rs , Amy Pacific andinelie Finley; ranks lo beE ric . J o s h . a g o m anagiTony, all of Sun V alley>. Fay a n d 1969 to co

Fuqua and esta te invesi/endoii: Lilis He truly <L and . F la,. V alley h is 13f Declo and . su p p o rted r( Twin Falls. es. He w asJncle Ron to • valley, with^s. Bill. Kart.- - -h e a r i 'f o r th

C h a rle n e , w as perpetiJrandon and gentlem an. Ipecial.place----- a c c o m p lis iri C ra ig of looked for wlis own, Frederickdealh by his lullest. wilhinley and his o u td o o rs , i

2 reoited-on— rappetiie for 7 p.m. at Sl, pie things in C h u rch in n e c e s s a ry ,

! ce leb ra ted Frederick wi 2001, at 11 ■ Frederick High School Emmy a n d ti rangem ents Arran'gen re c iio n of c a re of the ipel. Hailey, Idahilainusband:-----------u n c le a n d j

1 to us all, hem d w e love jaw y^ a | |

ing tired3 beround him ne wilh M e' ' iim suiter

m dearly ^im stay '. ,

p e d beating

It rest3 to prove to

I' Stanley In m 'S tan ' Vc

Stanley M f f lB W B g i N am ga died

(ered in a tru

Aldeh-W agc Boise.'The h

N am pa will s e rv ic e wil

■ M y B H Friday a l thi Gooding.

Stan w as ■ ■ K f j l ' C h icago . Ill I Q K g j j ^ a n d Hlldret

w a s ra isec C h ic a g o , g High School

- - in th e Unlte chmann- later the Unilim an n . 90 , Vi^nam,5. 2 0 0 , . in

-G erm an y . J tiay h a v a i iDaiad hotelig a m e n , In I '® / ; '™ ondon He

id S la tes in Interagency w York citu Inc. another Ir t S n S S ! ; , S t a n d sa yet-lo-be- l"0 «sWno. 0 Sun Valley. .

9d this invi- the war. he :lfic'for lourlis t Station ^ ------or the nure-iho war. he I 1 8 2 8 B i n . Korea, lo

i—A n n ^ a l t o t t —etib le- ntis of Twin service at ii;Ihurai^ at Park^fl Magic

3ly Road, Twin FaDs.

:e at 2 p.m. Thursday at IdsJFuneral.Chapel in.Twin, interm ent w ill follow in t Memorial Park; friends all-from-20-a;m.-until the f the service Thursday at. Ids Funeral ChapeL

lard C harles Sm ith of n, memoriaI service a t.10 'hursday.^at.the-Hansen- LDS C h a ^ 222 Birch S l iberiy (White MMtuary).

tn Jean Wright of Boise, ser- 10 aon. Thursday at Alden- >ner Funeral Chapel in graveside service and bur- foQow at 3 pjD. at the Filer ay.

Stewart Orton of-Rupert, at 11 a m Thursday at the

J3S'2nd Word; f r i e ^ may'

H - Z - — J

: VALLEY REGIONAL ME!1 names are omitted at the p

hy Carrington of Twin Fa Irof Burley

Dismissed f Ann Howard of Twin Fi

IES---- —2 pjn. and 8 p.m. Monday thtou ■nrtee and can ba placed untP S

Id a n d o rg an ize th e new k itchen th e re . He cam e he U.S, to work for Union Id worked his way up the b ecom e food and b e v e r - , ag e r and maltre d ' at the ey L odge , H e re tired in c o n c e n tra te on h is real ■estments,ly ca lled Ihe W ood River is hom e. H e g e n e ro u s ly d many worthwhile cau s- •3S lond of this spectacular 1th a sp ec ia l sp o t in 'h is the Saw iooth Valley. H e '

letually a European an d a n. He never dwelled on his l is h m e n ls - a n d a lw ay s- - r ways to be more, ick enjoyed his lile lo the 'iih his g reat love for the i. a w onderfu l s e n s e of

or h appiness and Ihe sim-*^— i in lile. G ood-byes are not ry. W e a re ca rry in g with us in our heans,

ck is survived by his wile, d his daughter. Claire, lem en ts w ere un d e r the ne W ood River C hapel ot aho._______________________

N am pa

y M .

VentersM, 'S tan ' Venters, 54. of

led Monday. July 2. 2001.

trucking accident,I qpryjrai^wtll hfl hfliri at 7 Friday, Ju ly 6. a t Ihe iggoner Funeral Chapel,9 Rev. Harold^Tjelia of the i lB f e th r e n _ C h u rc h . in /ill olliciate. A g raveside will b e h e ld a t 3 p .m .. the Elmwood Cem etery.

as born April 6 ,1 9 4 7 . in IN.. the son of Marshall

reth K nous V en ters . He ie d a n d e d u c a te d In , g ra d u a tin g from Kelly >oT, Stan served honorably ited-S m tes-M arlnes-and— Jniied S tates Navy during

: . 31 . 1986. h e m arried h u tie P uck e tt in Boise, e re s id e d in B oise a n d — tan worked for 3C 's truck- ■fime of hiB death, and Ije—I em ployed a t the Boise cy Fire C enter and Ideal e r trucking firm, d severallnlerestsInclud- I, gardening, a n d sailing,

B r i d g c 3 « ^ 5 S ^ nF a lU ■ 7 3 6 - 3 9 3 3 I

>1e call-fioni 9- l l~annrTh at thediuFch;burialat2 p

gicj^.in J h e _Fairview - C 51 Fairview. Ufflh (HflntAn

Rupen Chapel).

5k;----- Mai'gaiet Ctdley-fcee-at service at 2 pan. Thurs< rin_Burl^..LDS-Second,-F( in Tenth Ward Church, Sl ds Sl, Buriey; interment v

- , - D eacot Norma J. Gillette!? TWIN FALLS - N j f —GiUelte7647oF Twih"F

M onday, Ju ly 2 , 200 A Iphonsus-R egional Center in Boise.

J,. Services are pending b e'a n n o u n c ed by F

g.. Funeral Chapel, Twin Fi

^ Alleen Adams AndBURLEY - A lleen

tj Anderson,-78, of Burley le merly of Sublett died ‘ iy_Ju ly 3,2001. at Parke.V

H o s p ixiIEDICAL CENTER Thomj e patient’s request

Falls and Richard_ _Som

I F alls and Cassie M ^

m uch Saturday.fl S p.m. avaty day.___________

He Is sun/fved by his v of N am pa: his children, a n d Demi V enters; his dren. Allen and Heidi Pu( Boise: lour siblings. J a d W anda Williams. Larry Ve Cheryl V enters all of Ch h is m other-in-law. Haze Gooding: his in-laws. Gle o f G o o d in g , M ae Ve C hicago, III,, an d Ja c k V C h ic a g o , ill,; a s well n ieces a nd nephews, .

He w asp receded .in .de p a r e n ts a n d h is fathe Harold Mays.

The family su g g e s ts r — b e m ade lo Kathy Venter

S tan Venters, a t any W{ Mutual Bank branch.

F riends may call at tl W a g g o n e r F unera l

■;-----^Thursda^from 5-8:30 p ;n

Y u m a , A r i :

John W. Chose J rJohn W, C h ase Jr.. 79

• Yuma. Ariz,. resident, pas Tuesday. June 26, 2001. Ariz.

John w as born Dec, 26 Eugene. O re .-th e -so n of Sr. .and Gladys Archer C m arried-D onna Leopard 10, 1945. in V ancouve Jo h n w as a la n d sc a p e i

' before he en tered Ihe mi w a s in th e Army Irom S 1940, until Sept. 2e..194S

"^^3r^w a R o m e sle a d in Minidoka and hom esleac

Arlz.. In 1995. John also fishing, rock hunting and

-H e w as very active in the — gram,----------------------------^

Do you know what Areyouprepi

Who sho

MiLc. O tte ine fc EUub«(h r<tl

PARKE’S MA(2551 Kimberl;

Ttvin FaiU On/i

CES----- --pjn. Friday call firjm 1-1:4 Cem etery, the church (F

Edward Wi c uf Biulcy, Bellevue, ccle rsday at the p m , Friday, J Fourth'and—American-Lef SIS E, 16th“ 220-Cotlohwi ;willfoUow (Wood River C

THNOTl;0 and Rehabilit:

___ , .The funeral. ^ r * ? l “ . J j ^ b e - a n n o u n c e

Funeral Hom« )01, at S t. Buriev ll M edical

[lg and will Thelma Jui R eynolds Uptain HoI

Falls. PORTERV, Thelma June 1

iderson of PonervUIe,sn Adam s ly o f th e Twiey and for- Tuesday, Junei Tuesday, Services weView Care June 30 in Pon

^ALS— =npson of Jackpot, Nev. .

MINIDOKA MEMORLU.m^tuunes are omitted atjthe

Admitted - irgaret Maez of Rupert

i wile. Kathy Survivors ii n. Jona than o( Yuma. Arlz s siep-ch il- (K aihy ) C h i ’uckett all ol S harron {Ne ick Venters, livo g ra n d e Venters and Brickey ol N, Chicago III,; Caldw ell. Cl zel Mays o( R u p e rt . Bt lien Schutte P o c a te llo a / e n t e r s o l .N essen of R

Williams'ol grandchildrer II a s m an y in d e a th by

g rea t g rand: dealh by his . m em orial s e he r-ln -law . 11:00 a.m . F

H ansen Mon i m em orials 710 6 th St, ii ters. FBO ol - -K e ith W ise 0(1 W ashington lollow in' the

Military Grave tho Alden- veterans,'

C h a p e l.

-i B r e S I E I

JZ. Robert BiR o b ert He

Bremerton dl cancer at his

He w as. be Boise, Idaho,

__ (Murray)_Brschools in Wc

He m arrioi

from 1943 lo rank of motor class. He wa: Pacific Area i

H V o n e s ta r a nv W Victory MedalK j He w as a ry p r N aval Ship]p Submarine Be■ a s a supervise

Tl I Mr. Brand v I eral Masonic I•r. Sun/ivors in79-year-old Robert Jr, of E assed away Terree Cole c 1. in Yuma. G lenna Ruflin

grandchildren 26, 1921, in He w as preof-John-W:------ infant daughleC hase. He A memorial

rd on Dec, 'p.m, W edne: /e r . W ash , Tem ple. Fifti 3 g a rd e n e r A v en u e , military. He Arrangements I S e p t. 16. lion of Lewis !lS.-.ldBJater^— cremation.aLC n fS s iS r in VarlTiri t=’6uls ad e d there F o re s t Lav

so enjoyed M em orial d traveling, m ade to Hosr:i e 4-H pna-------P O -B o x -34 '

-------------— 98383-3416.--

nt to io I f someone c h pared to handle all the ould you call

IWralPerke t M ^ c Vallty Fu Home uvuld likr lo M p m e I and to mony ollm qiuillont ctm em t you may lum . Plfot latl today. o<ui ui yo«r mind et m e obonl torn PUn loday. and fiict lliefulun cmjuietice. We art 7U>/n Ft locally milled and openled and we will te rn your family

"Our Family S a v in g Your Vli« apram lteyoucttncm inton.

IGICVAUJEYFIINEIMrly Road, TWin Falls • 'in/y tecally O imnt 6r Opertlrd Fim m l

Cumtsusy; ftlends m «y” — 1-1:45 pjn. Thursday at ■I (Rasmussen Funeral

W illiam Strieker ofrelebration of llfe-ar4---------y, July 13, 2001, at theLegion-HaUPost-115^^-------hwdod Sr., Ketchum er Chapel of Hailey).

:ic E s -

ilitadon Center, u'al is pending and'will n ced-by-R asm ussen— —^ ome, 13M E. 16th St.,

JunelelsleyRVILLE, C alif. - tie Uptain Helsley, 68,Ue, Calif., and former- rwin F alls area died ime 26,2001; were held Saturday,

Porterville, Calif. ___

[AL HOSPITAL:_the_ patient’sreqyest...

d I

irs include his wife. Donna Arlz.: Iwo children. John L. C h a s e o l C a ldw ell a n d (Nell) S a n a d a of Rupert; id c h lld re n . J a n a (Alex)II N am pa. Kelly C hase of . C h en (Ray) H ayden of

B ra d le y S a n a d a of0 a n d J e n n if e r (D oug)3f Fiupert a n d six g rea t- d ren. John w as precededby his p a re n ts and o n e ..........in d so n . S eth Brickey. A •1 s e rv ic e will b e he ld a t1. Friday. July 7. 2001 at '- Mortuary Rupert C hapel, st, in Rupert, wilh Pastor 3 officiating; Inurnment will ' Ihe Rupert Cem etery with raveside rites by the local

i e r t o i ^ , - W a s h . ^ =

; BrandH erm an B ran d . 76. ol

I d ied Ju n e 14. 2001. of his home.5. b orn May 17. in iho, 10 Herman and Sarah - B r a n d . .H e a tten d ed _ Wendell, Idaho,

rried A rlow ene Pryor on 947. in Los Angeles, and se rv e d in th e Navy 3 to 1946. achieving the otor machinist m ate third w as awarded, the Asiatic

e a Cam paign Medal with a n d th e W orld W ar ll

>dal.a rigger at Puget Sound

iiipyard a n d a t N aval 3 B ase Bangor, He retired rvisor in 1980. nd was a mem ber o( sev- ilc lodges.•s include his wife; a son. of Bremerton; a daughter, lie of Bremerton: a sister, tiffing of Wendell and six ' Jren.preceded in dealh by an

ghierrJerreen,--------------------------)rial service was held at 1 in e sd a y a t th e M asonic Fifth S tree t a n d W arren

in B rem erton , ents w ere under ihe direc- wis Funeral C hapel with

3Ulsbo ano inurnment at Law n C e m e te ry in

ial d o n a tio n s m ay b e ^ospico ol Kitsap County,3 4 16 -S t lv e r d a le r W A ---------6.-'- ................

close to you dies? thedetails?II first?fyFunertI . . . . . . . . .

Uom and ^Please nn- ' “* <0 P"'lOITWIIVUl

'ulurr with n FMt-~oni^ U ated mortuary tnii/y ivilh Ilie

ton. Ju . . ___ .

SALHOME• 735:0011 _ _

nrTaii\m,e_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . .....


-Judge IBjrThe TltnM ^twf ■rid Tha Ai«ecl»fd Pr—i

- bE C L O -A SthD latr has ordered a Massai

------company lo compenBBHigh School for a defec ning track-it-sold the sch

Judge Monte Carlson . Sprlntrnx; which Is 01

Dan Daluise,' to pay m $74,000 to tho school under a five-year warn the Shrewsbury, Mass., claimed was not valid

- the problems were caus( Inainller^not-iho qualli

track material itself.Cassia County School

Superintendent Mike sold Tuesday the dist “ecsta tic" about the However. Chosley said tie is likely far from ovei

• •• •

A ilurry botnbir drop* a loai touohtd o ffaiirlM of bruil twoaxpinilvihoniM ni»r(

GlubsccROY, U tah (A P) -

Belden, who has opera Silverado Cafe in Ro

-1989, says the J995 Utal Clean Air Act almost foi

-----out of business.— -...... .----- ^ “Three-monthrafter-

took effect my business 1 en off 56 percent. This my fam ily survives. I either declare bankruptc

. creative,” Belden said. B elden jo in ed forcc

other Utah businessesSm okers— 0--------UnaiIn ternational. The SU Cafe then became a sod nization, with bylaws, c membership cards and a year membership fee.

Events —Continued from BlBliss

What: The Bliss fircwc play

Where: City park When: 10-10:15 p.m.

HansenWhat: The Hansen fir

-----display-----------:--------------Where: Rolling Hilk Par

. When: 10-10:lS.pjn.

BurleyWhat: The Burley firew(

■« 6^p.'.ay« .- i*rtr.n.ir->.-.fnr-TTrWhere: The park adja

When: 10-10:15 p.m.

— Rupert~ ■Wliat: Rupert will ccleb:

In<£pcndcnce Day holid Od-if^y 2001, with a rode

VVhero: The rodeo will b fa ii^unds.

\yhen: The parade begL a.ra;.with the rbdeo at 8 p.r

Dl^richVyhul: The Dietrich fir

di^lay Where: City park

j \yhen: 10-10:15 pjn.

Shool —

■ Cfirttlnued from Bl .Ih e definition of public

incUides boiu'd members, Istrators, teachers and a ll« eei'of a ^ o o l district.'

Gooding County School Clerk Cathy Thompson s bids were opened June 18

;— d id meeting was held Ji duHng whlcn the boara,

i _ i ■ • •

orders t“Itc^ b <

expecting tl

Istrict judge com pany, sach u setts esp ec ia llv isate Decio school.''tfective run- C hesley

ion ordered will help cI owned by. .. track, The J more than of the S80

3ol d istr ict spent In c£irranty that and materi

company tion, purchilid because the track.lUsed by the “W e’re j allty-of-the— in to -p u ttf

another S3 lool District . the rest,"ke C hesley next step iilistrict was Massacnuih e ru ling. General's Clid this bat- ney. We wllver. T he tele

load of flra rity d in t on a bniil ruih flrei Tuiiaay, Inoluding or •rQinoa. .................

:omeund) - Jack i_____ Tho_atat]grated the with other' Roy sin ce social, frati Itah Indoor organizatii forced her from the sm----------------------- However,erth e-law ----- w lth~tw b"ss had faU- Riverdale D his is how Rudy’s Soc . I had to have been s ptcy or get Morgan Hei

prove their 1 rc es w ith sodal organ! es to form The busin nanim ous — -scrutinized Silverado b u ild in gs t iodal orga* neighboring s, officers, Joe Deca: d a $3 per director for

ment, said 1

jw orks dis- ot owr■ i # tions tl I friends

, July, said Di sor of the T\

Dogs ond ca the loud nol

f ire w o rk s or worse, ge

Park “Wo get at llat thosholK the firework! said. -They’!


djacent to Blackwood 0bourse L. thnir rt/ Qc Ki

before the fi

■ ■lebrate the what: The •liday with display odeoanda Where: Rlc

'J When: 10-1II be at the

Haileye g m s a t ll w hat: Ha P-'"-' Days of the 0

a parade, t Barbecue an

firework. .f, Kings, 615 N.

- . When: The ________ noon with th<

~ . ing Doyle R)Iic offidal voted to acccsrs, admin- bid.ill employ- Tho'mpsor

- ............ didn‘tlndudl>ol District possible confn said the * “Tho d lja18 .A ipo. local vondon

I June 19, , Craig. Horef, Includ- lawyer, «ald 1

track SUI be appealed, and we're !g that,’ Chesley said. “If - ijet-any^oney from the ■ j

f'. It w ill rea lly h elp , ily for D eclo High i

ey said th e m onetary IJieschool-wouldbepald----- ]1 cover costs to fix the ile Judgment is Just short i80,000 the com munity Icash or donated labor . 1

erials for site prepara- ]chase and installation of (

e just putting 520,000 ittlng-a-now -bB se-and-----1$30,000 to $50,000.for- i," Chosley said. "Our- I > is to either contact thelu se tts A ttorney ]I Office or hire on attor* * Iwill do something.” ;Blephone num ber for i

7 l N G ~ A - B t A Z E

vah firt near Qanoa, Nev.. Tuaad ( oni on the southwiit ad|« of R

der fire froat>i8.itUowa it , a lo n g . „ uer private clubs, and naternal and religious vt I t i o n s , to b e exem p t - •smoking act. a»r, the Silverado, along.....-b'o new b u s in esses , ri) Dinner and Bingo and eoclal Club in Ogden, b1 asked by the Weber- Uiea lth Department to aj Ir businesses qualift- asonizatlons. tisinesses are also being ai jd to make sure theip-— o] s are sep a ra te fromng businesses. aicarla, environm ental v<tor the health depart- nd the Silverado came st


Keeping peliwner* should take precau- aiIS to keep their animal ihid s safe on the Fourth of t»1 Debbie Blackwood, supervi- Bu2 Twin Fails Animal Shelter. pi cats can be frightened by ‘K noises and run off. gel lost, m , get hit by a car, Blackwood ur

It least six or seven animals s(oltor who were frightened by - friD r h s every year..* Blackwood «ey're the lucky ones who Blihit by a car. Humans under- p(

^o_u ^ of the nplsc.^The ^ar

4) advises pet owners to put Av

e fireworks begin, if people Bu

p'he Richfield fireworks

Richfidd High School ♦ 0-10:15 pjn.

piHlailey w ill ce leb rate m 5 Old West with a rodeo,, th e annual Button and lots of'music and - q

The parade starts at N.MainSt. «■he parade will begin at the rodeo to follow at 7

Rogers,.unanimously Id ccept MTR Computer’s m

thion said the m eeting uding any discussion of rc inflict of interest. thscusslon centered on * ors," she said.iobdey,.the_board?s___ S/id he had not been con- Gt

ipplierltSprintrax was tempora

• connected, according to “^ h o n e-co n ip a n y ra m l"

could not be reached I— m ent on Tuesday.______

In his ruling, Carlson issu e was respon slb ll

— Idahoiaw holarth6''ov com panies that m lsle sumers individually res for th e dam age that

. Idaho A ttorney Gen Lance w as pleasec Carlson's dedsion.

“The court’s favorab m ent and order make

— that-Idaho-law holds bu accountable for their re; doni," said Lance In a sn

Lance’s Consumer Pr Division took over the ci

' Sprintrax refused to hono year warranty when ti started falling apart Jui

p — --------------------------

aadiy. Thundaralormi with llfl of Rano and another that thrai

om officii..u p for.review.because tl;

regarding social organi were changed in 1996.

Riverdale Dinner ant and Rudy’s Social Club

-b ingo haU.j^cupyJ)u^db nected to neighboririg'bi es . T he S ilverad o sha building with another S; Unanim ous Internation ant.

Health offidals struggli the interpretation of “sej and so u ^ t a county atti

-o p in io n .------------------—Chris A llred o f th e i

attorney’s office said the i ventiladon is at-the heart rule requiring a bulldlnj separate.


pets safearc going In and out of the hou they might want to put thoir po bedroom, she said.

But they should ihink twICe abc putting an animal in a kennel.

‘Keeping them iKkod In a ken makes them fill they're cagcd i unabio to escape,' Blackwood

-='Ariimal3 lh8t don’t have a priw secure kennel will get even mo Irlghtened txjcause they feel ih can't get away from the dangci

Blockwood said If someone los pet. they should check their ne

“w f m s f s f s iAve. W., 736-2299.

Builey Animal S helter 67S-22£

p.m. .Mow much: T ickets I

rodeo are S8 for reserved adults and S4 for children

What The Hailey firewc

: Near the Halle;grounds -----------

When: 10 p.m.

Glenns FerryWhat: The Glenns Fer

works display Where: City park Whw: 10-10:13 pjn.

Id aed by the board regard matter but would look intither.^ ‘ _ . _____

Muck did not respc repeated phone messagt the past week.

T im et’New s . corrcspi ... $haron:Metcalf. ean .be., rea

Gooding a t 934-5292.

topay S'rarlly dis- after it was i :o the tele- A t the tii d -D a lu lie - --H le d .-D a I i I for com- Installer in

n said the dywork. illlty and He said thowners"of------DexterTIarilead con- tends used ssponsible approved m X occurs. procedures neral Al tact,Daluisa ed w ith liar problei

almost even ible Judg- com m uniti e l t clear- region, indu businesses-^— Twin Falla ai epresenta- D a lu iie« statement. ' eredltabuiL Protection Hanka ahoi case after installation L

lor its five- Hanka' li the track Bend, Ore., 1 ust a yeor ‘ ing for him t]

------- -BoiseE —] releasi l | |k injure

. MOUNTA] man and a b roloniod Ml Hcddent wea

minther condition Tu>

MSftin G7 Dtirley, Deloi

. andBrocE.l____to E lm o re ]

Mountain He ^ Idaho State F

Martin Kin wero treatei D eloa Zlmr

' tranNferred Reoiottol Mei police aaid.

........- D eloa Zinfoot, ahoulde

Ifhtnlnc >> <1 ^afSii"""The acdde

—— — post 77 on In ^ west of Mou:

^ 1 ^ Zlmmermat i C l i d another vehl

back Into the the rules misjudged tli niiatlons d e in front ol

' Martin Zir nd Bingo - other.vehlc lb, also a went into th< itogs con-— at least twice business- *Hie driver lares its Steven P. Al Smokers and his passe >nal ten- 11, were not 1

Everyone gled with b elt, police leparate" under Invesdj ttom ey’s y v i •— rolK

SALT LA ^ Punctuating ‘"8 in th e num

fatalities, th ban police d died on.Mor m ule deer

------------ 1 Davidson.Also, Char

43, Central, ouse. a.m. Mondaypot in a cle collided I

cle on Utal Valley in sou

3d s^aid. Wrediv a le :- - - - - - - - - - — -- - - - ^ ^nore LAYTON,they • s a m e d a y a

}er." sa fe ty law Wio sc sa L ay to n te e nneaiby — ' a n d tw o otli

Jackson, 16, on-Main-StP

256 p.m. SundayI , the road and

^ . Sheand R(J for the a Layton Hi cd. S6 for killed.

worics dis- Surviley rodeo -TUCSON,-------------- M e x ic a n m a

desert trek th____ ers said all fo

glers.'Blit theerrv fire-erry tire statem ent y<

Tuesday. T hree His

-------------- found-deadJiainside the 0 Nadonal Mor

_ ■ north of the Jrdlna the ■”ito ltfu r- Tucson. Invi

they died rroifSVd toges over " • .y ® t

evidence or • may or may i

ipondenf hut the Indlvi McAed.in.-—atatement.du


schoolIS installed.tim e th e law su it was

iluItfB ^ aia-tm nflC B l- “ in southem Idaho had[f j-fipntariiiti _the culprit wai installer

ariks,-wnol3ilulM cpn* ed n eith er compariy* materials nor Spnntrax'BS for the D edo Job. In ise said, the same or aim- lema were found with exy track Hanks sold in i tie s throughout the sluding Eagle, Frultland, l and l ^Dgg; — ^ — I aaid his-company sev* oilneaa reladonahip with lortly after the Declo n ln i^ S .' la st addresa waa In

but there was no Ust* nthere.

s h o s p i t a l —

■ s e s t w o _____

e d i n c r a s h


rAIN HOM E- A Hurley a boy were treated and M onday follow lns an /eai of Mountain Home, sr woman waa In stable ruesday at a Boise hos*

CrZIm inerman, i i , oriloa D. ZlmmermanrSl;------i. Lange, 13,-were taken ' e M ed lca L C o n tf lrJn Home, according to an - e Polico newa release.Slmmerman and I^nsQ___ted and released, but m m erm an waa la te r >d to Balm Alphonsua >fedlcal Center in Boise,

Sim m erman su ffere d Ider and back InJuriea i7i s ta b le cond ition

ftenu)on, a hospital offi*

Ident occurred at mile* Interstate 84,13 miles

ountain Homa. Martin lan had'Just passed Dhide and was pulling the right lane wnen he i the speed of the vehl* t of him, police said. Zimmerman struck the i lc le , overcorrected , the median and rolled

ice, p o llu said.-------------- -w o f t h e other vehide, Abdallah, 44, of Boise, ssenger, Alex Abdallah, - 3t Injured, police said, le was wearing a seat ce said. The crash Is :sdgadon.

ice chief diLAKE_CITY ( A P ) .- . . Jng a nadonal increase <imber of m otorcycle 1the chief of a subur- <

: department in Utahlohday when he hit a ier on h is H arley t

larles Simon Weirick, ial, was killed at 7:05 1 lay when his motorcy- d head-on with a vehi-tah 18 in D am eron 1;outhcm Utah. ’ s ghw ay patrol sa id . 1

:k kills teens>1. Utah (AP) - On thea new teen driving twent into effect, two v

en-agers were killed)thers w ere injured 1LaxrJiita.»;?o n' n - *'High student Deanna s16. was driving north ,U ccet-at.about-11 30. \ay when her car left f id struck a tree.Robert Searl, 17, also tHigh student, w ere I


ivor says heN,- Ariz. (A P) - A hnan who survived a g: that killed three oth- afour were drug smug- n

the Border Patrol has' able to substandate his tl yet, an official said . ti

Hispanic m en w ere pl-Monday in the desert___g

Organ P ipe Cactuslonument, four miles t<e Mexican border and am iles southw est o f h

ivestlgators b e liev e 8rom intense heat and Ssr. ~ si I’t have any physical>r any sign that th is Ty not have occurred, Slividual did make the f<that.he.was.part.of a Flling organixadon, that si


TWTff PAT.TJg - T the longdme general nu KM VT-TV.isreavingtol

• “ B ffillate8 'ia“F arg o ‘air< Forks, N D „ on July 17.

The m ove, was ann Tuesday by Raymond president and chief e> officer of Catamount Bi Group.

“Lee and hia family an about the opportunity I Dakota, and he looKs foi furthering the growth i cess of-these two veiy ir Catamount properties, said In a news release.

W agner became KMV era l m anager In Octobi serving In that capadty

. the stadon’a acqufsidon___Communications Inc.,in.:

Catamount’s purchase in “It's been a great opp

to bo In the T w n Falla ci — ty fo r -m e -a n d m y -(

Wagner said. “Thia la an nity we need (o take ad of. It'a with mlxiod emotit be leaving."

Wngner haa been acU> community. He la currei man of tho Twin Falla C of Comm erce Busineaa Committee and la a me th e U rban R enew al board and Rotary Club,

_i_acilvlilB aJncludejerm u__ d_om o f jh e j jh a r ^ e r an

b era ltlp . in th e Cbll Southern Idaho Foundai

. Unlted<Way of Magic Va S o u th e rn Idaho Ec D evelopm ent Council i

~ Private Industry Council.

Senior ci director

BOISE (A P )- T h e dir senior cltlsen programa f and Ada County was ati on T uesday to h ea d tr Office on Aging.

Lois Bauer will replai Wlssel, who r e s t e d to director of the Republic for th e U .S . S en a te : Committee on Aging eai year.

Bauer has worked wit ddzens in the Bolse-Adi

- -a r e a -s in c e -1 9 9 3 -w h returned to Idaho after for three years as a spec tent to Washington Rei Congresswoman Jennifei

Prior to that, Bauei member of the Power Commission for nine yeaj

dies in mot...R ebecca C. Benson, 30

Clara, was driving north highway when her car onto the right shoulder.

She overcorrected, sv the car over the centerli onto the left shoulder.

Benson was attem pt return to her lane when lision with Weirick oc< Trooper Kevin Davis said

Sandy P olice Chie Dawson was obeying the speed limit when he eras

. Wolf Creek Highway at t

ts on day ne\Jam es Taylor, 17, Syi

and Rory Crouch. 16, I were treated and releasee

Layton p o lice Capt. N ance said th e accide

speeding and inexperienc Jackson had just had 1

Nance said.__Her 16th birthday was

the same time in April wl U niversity of Utah rele study showing Utah teei

e, others wehe was with a group and t group wps overwhelmed I and lack of w ater - tli m erits,” said Carlos Ca

' assistant chief patrol agi the Border Patrol’s Tucsi tor.. . “We’re hoping to fine physical evidence to supp

--- guy^s statement^'------------Frandsco £spinoza Sar

told Border Patrol Invest es well as the Tucson Citiz hospital bedside interv Sells that he crossed the Saturday w ith 11 othei smug^ers.

E spinoza w as discli Tuesday from the Indian Services hospital in Sells, for further questioning by Patrol a u n ts and J ’ima.l sheriffs uvestigators. The

— — TF— -W<

al-manajr-TV'leB Wagner,----- s s H H H e i

H d -G f.„d H o r w ih o #

inounced bogin to d a )H AG ERM

B rrd c . ';”

“ S l'M n ’foW d-t5—


IVT’s sen . Po** furthoS S i I bI, 837^364. cy through „ . n by Root Rodto qUM

-family*” -— Rupert FtJl opportu* ■*, M Bdvantageitionawo^li-

Miranda Ny>dve In tho tJaughter ofront chal^ Nyoi JachollI Chamber yeanold dau|aa Pluii II Jan Btudelember of Chatbtirn, tht1 A gency ter of Jo). Kla past Chatburn.■ pr**l* The nemeand mem< _ will be annoiiHoga of p.m.latlon, (he GrandatantI'alley, the bleacher leatEconomic age 8 and url a n d tho free to the ble11. -complloi

citizens pr gets state

llrector of In aelectlrI for Boise Kem pthorniappointed bring a commthe atate to helping ae

pendent and ilace Lupe “She can t[0 become . ahe ia paasloUcan staff fac in g our) S pecia l Kempthomeilarlier this Bauer, whc

11, takes ovdth senior received theda County new cash in iThenr8he.:-;programs;in!T working budget,edal assis* The governepublican th at th e scsfer Dunn. received a $4:er was a v ide som e pT County ment for low-iars. zens.

>torcycle ac10,.Santa der.of.W asath on the counties, accor drifted ' Highway Patu

He was notswerving a lth ough U trline and require riders

. tow earhelm epting to Dawson han the col- law enforcenccurred, and took ove:id. chief in 1994.lef Sam Dawson wae 55 mph • drunk, but likiashed on riders who ct the bor- wearing a heir

w law goes in^yracusc, have a hlghe

Layton, night and areed, likely to be ir)t. D ave when a friendlent can T he teen c

nee. hibits newly liI her dri- - from driving \

___ _The,idea,b(jis_about___Hale’s, bill.wawhen the ' car crashes, ai leased a ‘ ber of which : len-agers sters driving w

ere drug smI that the to focus on the1 by .heat the deaths andth e ele- Carrillo and'arr lllo , Steve Easton stigent for “W e’re tryicson sec- what th e goal

was," Easton sfnd som e Carrillo saic)port thi* not be retume

anez, 39, don for the invisdgators Espinoza toltizenina - -h e and threerview in group made ae border Jixana to a droler drug desert but mi

tance to the 1charged derad, waterln Health reached 115 deIs, taken “We’ve beeily Border for years. The i-County— .-the-tlm e,y-E ihey want Qtizen.

Wedneedtr. My.4.- 2001 - Tlme»l«e

: i j E ^ E S T —

Iger of -aves— -

Mley Ih brief

oatoumaiiwnttodaxnearHagsmianRMAN - Thfj ' cer In v itad o n a l horae- ' dng ioum am entw illbe - ly a t th e Sportaisan 'a : lort, located five milea hordonrU ;S rH ighw ty—T“

a t i p.m. There will be ion In alnglea, m ixed . itddoublea.th e r inform ation, call

UMn to iMtonight In Rupart-------

IT - A now rodeo I bo crowned tonight at t Fourth of July d o o . ...

M in id o k a - C ountyd a . ------------------------------ —lar 'a co n to a ta n ta a re ; Nyo. th e 17«year*old of S tev e a n a Laurie

hollo S tu d e r , th e 18> - laughter of Wally in d *• iider: a n d Jlamio . the 17'yeBrold daugh*J e f f a n d Tammy

no-oLtho^ow.quaen-i-^— m ouncod .juat.a fter 8.

:and aeata are $6 and loata aro $4. Children I u n d er are adm itted I bleacher aeata.;>llod from ataff reporta

)rogram :e postctln g h e r , Gov. D irk irne sa id B auer will

I aeniora remafn inde* nd aelf*Buffident. m b e innovative and : is lo n a te abou t issues u r s e n io r c i t i ie n s ,” ^ Ttesaid. _ . . . vwho begins work July - o v er an agency th a t :

the biggest infusion of in decades for senior

L in jh e .c u r re n ts ta te z z iiL :

remor also announced s ta te o f Idaho had

I $415,000 grant to pro- e part-tim e employ- low-income setdor dd-

iccidentasatch and S u m m it.......iccordlng to the Utah atrol.not wearing a helmet,U tah law docs not lers over the age of 18 Imets.had served in Utah

cem ent for 35 years 3ver as Sandy police 94.w asn’t speeding or like 44 percent of the lo d ie d , he was not lelmet.

into effect;her fatality rate at are-70 percent more e involved in a crash :nd is in the car. n driv ing law that

ly licensed teen-agers ig wilh other nonsib-

1 behind Sen. Karen-was.io.prevent-teen_____s, an inordinate num- ' ch happen to young- ig with friends.

n u g g l e r s

the circumstances of and any drug activity, nd sh er iff’s deputy in said. — _ ..trying to determine {oal of those people n said.said Espinoza would ' m e d to Mexico while■xan*provide informa- -----investigation. II to ld th e newspaper ree o th e rs from the e a delivery of mari- d ro p o ff point in the m isju d g ed th e dis-

he b o rd e r 'a n d wan- terle ss; in h e a t th a t ' " S degrees.seen in th e business They do th is trip all ^E ap in o aa-to ld T th e— r- r -

Fala, J M o ^ H ^ r r r

" l iM H o A V i ^I _ _ _ _ ‘

. l i j iJflXamy Rots, the drummer I Sibajawea In Lonevlaw, Wa vUng mu»lc.___________

t r a i h■ ivERNAL; Utah (AP) -

tiTiil v o lu n te e r s a t D y National Monument car

' w ith a fiu-like disease t have been transm itted fly bites.

T h e young vo lun tec tak e n Sunday to Ashle. M e d ic a l C e n te r w hei w ere hospitalized.

Six of those volunte( e x p e c te d to b e r T u esd ay , w hile th e ot w ere to be flown to Ss City for further treatmei

M a e k a "MACKAY (AP) - Th(

tJie big birthday are ever-----------T h ere is th e new Ce

rest area. A sign from tl rodeo hangs above d ty i ing a H appy 100th. R sjJort centennial key. cha have bought commemor tcnniai coins. , ,

And an eiglit-page me putTcr retelling tlie town is d u e out soon. I t ’s c: M ackay T e le g rap h a lovsTi’s first newspaper.

Earl Lockie, preside Souih Custer Historica said the celebration fo« O ct. 14 inco rporation gradually awakened th( nity’s spirit. •

“At first not that mat w ere excited, but now like everyone is,” Loc

• “It’s spurred a lot of acti evenis here.”

Tucked away in thu R iver Valley, M ackay ex istence to copper m ambitious engineer and aire.

W ayne D arlington, i n e e r , and John Mac

— invostorrlaunched a mi je c t on a section of tl K nob ran g e know n a Hill.” Together they b m ile e lectric m ountair system to haul copper '

Darlington then conv Oregon Shurtline Railro ii spur'Iini-'JroTii Blacklc

" Che desert, up the vajh

If anvboi n eed s m(

- I r i l b e i i'Classified

--------Twfci rmih

I . _ __ _

. B e a t OF a i

ler for the band Coda, putt totr WA«h.. Monday. Longvlaw'a (h

volunt(P) - Sixteen T he volu:: D in o sau r ' side Utah, icame down from Polan<« that may ly suffereded by deer borne, disc:

. ______ U tah or Colte e rs w ere Joseph Shslaley Valley tri-county 1tiere e ig h t V ernal that

Utah.iteers w ere “To me ii

re le a s e d exposed too th e r two p eo p le a n

I S alt Lake Shaffer, wliient. focusing oi

l y c e l e b rThe signs of the river acverywhere. The ope:C en tenn ia l-----dreds of mi

n the annual To acC'ty hall wish. Darlington. R esid en ts company tiihains. Some ra ilro ad sjloradve cen- parks, schc

system fed 1mock news- ’ As th e r

iwn’s history ■ town’s popi> ca lled the era l thous;I a f te r th e hotels andr. As Mackayident of the residents rrical Society a mining t'focusing on down river

ion day has ley’s biggesthe commu- ’

nany people . i ow it seems ‘-ockie said. > ictivities and

hu Big Lost :ay owes its■ m ining, an AC.nd a million- p/

n, th e engi-■ackay, the ________mmmg pro-

f th e W hite 1 a s “ Mine f built a 12- :ain railway e r ore down

invinced the ^ilroad to run_______ .Kloot, acrossalley and to {__________

odyie . . . ^



in ids. ^

M diho WidnMdv,July4.200d


>ome feeling Into hit playing durl three-day Go fottfrat ppenet

eers faiilunteers are from out- t

including oiie student iand, and they apparent- < id a zoonodc, or.animal-sease that rarely affects j Colorado residents, said . • s>haffer, director of the {y health departm ent in sla t covers northeastern j

i it looks like they werti -rto something the local ta re im m u n e .to ,” sa id c w hose investigation ison deer flies tha t can *

r a t e s i t s cacross from the smelter.' ” . “

peration employed hun*men, some with families:----- ,ccom m odate th em ,' on designed and built a f town a t the end of the 1 spu r. He p lan n e d for rhools and even a water id by tlie hillside springs.3 m ine flou rished , th e i opulation swelled to sev- < usand. Farms, ranches, id businesses popped up.:ay grew, businesses and > migrated from Houston, i 5 town about four miles ( e r that had been the val- . i ;est settlement. I

\ . lo o u r b .flina l,

'■ / Agortcr NO#

*oo»V«or _ I

^ca o eN'K ■ « *

EARLY CHILDHOO_________ 3 yr. P re -£

4 yr. Pre-Kinc 5 yr. Kinder

QUALITY CHRISTIA Ages 3-11 (after scho

^iOfiv.AafaHerjj-^DirQeloc.t^p _ VACATION BIBLE SCH(

__________________ ^ /

Call To Enroll No\

f i

' ' i *' the birthdi

M l

'D R U M _ _ _ _

during their te t'a t Martin Dock 9ned Monday with several band

11 v ie tkt ra n sm it a b a c te r ia l 'v isn't life-threatening or

“T hese k ids have be j e c te d to m assiv e bit said. “They didn’t take p re cau tio n s to preven selves from getting bitte got feasted upon.”

Shaffer said he ruled -mure dangerous liantavi ried by deer mice as th of the sickness.

The stricken voluntee school g ra d u a te s and

c e n t e n n. By 1909, MackaThad’a

~ an le lc c trrcT { ro w erlg M plant. A dam and irriga tems were built in 1918.

But over the years, th slnit doivn and the railroa 'Hie town’s iwpulation ha to about 500. Agricultui m ain industry , and ma dents work at the Idaho

. Engineering and .Enyiro Liiboratory,

Like many niral Idaho is struggling, and commur ers hope the centennial

. instills community pritle lures tourists.'

:nalne» and • Map towards ouiAgope’Christion School S

ChildCarc Centerrtri fni.nrtnlion fnr vm fhilrf'« futiirr

M i lDOD PROGRAM S tw i “f.e^ScM ol________________[inderganen • dergarten TIAN CHILDCARE :hool childcare also)

■Satty.IbiQmga-fJ5aPjaraq: h o o l * j u l y t o ^ o

15 Now 'U n d ^ ' Way"---------NJow * 734-3693 .

HAPPY BIBTHDAYlAshley Vanessa Marin,

^ bom to Maria andEdwardo Marin on July \

B -Oih, 2000. Celebrate my first birtticlay July

H <lth. 2001, at 12:00 pm in Harmon Park. Your J

W mom, dad, and brotJicr. A ^ Emmonual, wish yon ■ the very best thday.

— Ag<^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ E A G L * E - (

State Pork L____guBrds..dest

^ ^ ^ ^ ■ ^ = t w o .c h i l ( i r 4 a at

Parks and B^ ■ 1 = ^ 3 : ----------

R ick Ju s------S ta te-Park i— undl abour

position wai th eguards were 'location, he t

k l a m a t. — a law

K lam ach"! h a v ew ater to pn endangerec petltion.Tui “ G od Squa

____ ^EndangeredThe Pacif

based in Sa< th e petiti<

____I n te r io r Gchairs th e 1

------ G o m m itte tSeoretory D

^ ■ F l “This is a ... governtnen

K v v f l e rn m e n t n< D avid Had<

, th e p e titio ck at Lake Klamath Ba: ndtpfo- N icknam

b e c a u se it--------------------weigh-econo------------ vival of a s

3a to di;‘v irus. I t f re sh m a n ," >r danger- F lo r id a , 'S

Virginia anc jee n sub- u n tee rsfron i t e s ,” h e wereim affei :e a lot of T he sickn« snt them - ag roupw orl ten. They “ sw e lte r sl

sw eat cave ' :d out the main road, S ivirus car- “I’ve beer the cause have not sec

before,” saic cers, higli d irec tor for d co lleg e and Uinta cc

l i a la working '



the mines *tmd dosed. ■



10unity lead-

only le but also

iu r fu lu ra ...’ m


y<- 1^orrlton _1_Falls. Idaho


! ^ ’ 7 a



;eney plj5-(-A -P)-w -Eagle-IsJand^ k is unlikely to hire life- esp ite.the.drownhiga o f^ dran-inTleasrthanrtwcH—:

s ta te D e p artm en t of i Recreation sitokesmyi

u s t sa id E ag le 'Is lan d . k employed a-lifeguard-7- tif seven years ago.'iThe— ivas elim inated because ' i r tm e n t d ec ided life- ' ire ii;effecdve at such a lesaid.

wyersfileATH f a l l s . Ore. (AP) • f irm re p re s e n tin g

r B a s in fa rm e rs who en d e n ie d i r r ig a tio n p ro tec r threatened and red fish filed a formal ruesday to convene the u a d ” to o v erru le th ered.SpecIes Act.__________dfic-LegaLFoundatlon',— Sacramento, Calif., sent t io n to S e c re ta ry of G a y le Thorton, w ho

e E ndangered Species te e r -a n d -G o m m e rc e — ’D onEvarts. ' - '-s a predicam ent of the en t’s m aking and gov> n ee d s to fix ic,” said

iddock , who prepared cion-on b e h a lf o f two Basin w ater districts, im ed rh e G od Squad i t h a s th e p o w e r to

>nomics^gains«hrsur*^— 1 species, th e panel is

isease1 , ‘ ar-e 'fro 'm A lask a ,

K a n sa s , V e rm o n t, m d Poland.-O ther vol- om U tah and Colorado fected.a iess broke out among orking on a trail to the s h e l t e r ,” an In d ian

’e off th e m onum ent’s I, Shaffer said.>en h ere 16 years and seen anything like this aid Shaffer, the health - o r D aggett, Duchesne I counties.

icrlbe. 733^)931 |


) ^ o v i r f a m i l y

L . F i r e p r o o f -------------C le a r a w a y d r

debris for SO* a

J . P r a c t i c e \D o n ’t d r i v e o r

""6h“A i ^ 8 , ‘ in 'b to

....... .....Never-leavc-caialways have wi

i r . L e a v e f i r eO r , u s e t h e m i s a f e t y g e a r o n

F orm awww.Firewii

Have a fun, aa1 Bur

Report wildfirefl a t 1-3

Ians for]Lifeguards Mtuii lu wui

a pool where they can sa - tom . J u s t sa id . In th< — o paque-openT w ater-€

Island, th ere Is little cl find ing som eone q u id th ^ 's lf t beneath the’surf

In addition, h e said, ] -7~lifeguard:on-hand-cah-i — ents a false sense of seem

ing them less atten tive children’s safety.

“We literally had peo off 10-year-ofds fo r ho

2 petition”N ic k n a m e d th e G

S q u a d because i t he p o w & to w e i ^ ecorii

a ^ m s t t h e s u r v h a ,_____ species, th e p a n e l is.)

u p o f seven cabinet-

. o fficials c / i a ih d h y thS a r e ta r y o f Inter,

- ^ m a d e .u p of seven cabii o ff ic ia ls c h a ire d b y .t Secretary of Interior.

T he pane l was adde _ E n d an g ered S p e c ie s Congress in.1976 afte r a called the snail d a r te r c o n s tru c tio n o f a ( Tennessee. ,

------- The^commltree'harcoithe fates of the snail da

—--------- But don 't-t

Then Co^Mercy Housing I

for the Magic \ There is NO dow n pay

Homes are 3 or 4 bet Lowmonthly pa>

-For more Infonnatloii

Funded by USDA Rural Development

iT B T iT t

SlSfiori tip s it y an d our b(

f - . y o u r h o m e cd ry brush , overhangi) )* a round your hom e o;

v e h i c l e s a f eor p a rk on d ry g ra ss j ?E5rcy cl g s ^ n g “o m e r e

f h - c a u t i o n ^campfires-or-burn.barri water and a shovel on

r e w o r l c s t o t ln in a safe a rea w ith ] >n hand .

nora fire prevention wise.org or www.Kec

la fe Fourth of Ju ly f lu reavo f Land Mana

1-S 00-97f-2373 or «i

nolifej^ro r irb e s rin -^ e a v rtf lfB a fl tee the bot-_ As th e re h e n e a r ly drownirg«,Pj -o frE ag le— -wiU-sta rf tali chance of on-one aboui ck ly once more dosely irface. d r ^ s^d 'L ^I, having a of p a rk oi rgivB'pBr-"!— agency's sout)urity,niak--------- GerardoRi,re to th e ir drowned last

Hall, 11,-who 3ople drop developm en t io u rsa n d . ' dren,drowna

f o r ‘G o ( d lw h oop ing

G o d N orthern sp, gone ahead70S the jec t just onci

' a l o f a ' ' ted owl. The •' , — m a te ly droi

i rnade______ tions of iUegj^ / / W — '- ^ T h e — U;I J leuei R edam ation (he U S . ■- for th e comi__________ . . . -exem ption .t?nor. Spedes Act 1 .. . ■— -r-.. .. April it.coult

i> inet-level~ to 90 percen '.th e ..U .S ^ ... fa rm s a re i

served by the led to th e federal i r r i^ !S A c t by T he burea a tiny fish was instead

;r stopped e n d a tig e red dam in U pper Klami

tio n p ro jec tronsldered----- an d th re areniarte r, the the Klamath 1

:-think-ypu can afford <

M E B u i l d W l

; Idaho is now accepting ap : Valley Self-Help Housing 1 a p n e n t.a n d closing costs c

)edrooms, 2 baths aild doul ayments arc adjusted to yo

on please call toll f w 'l~ 8 6 t

to protect y

jeautifu l Id{

3 .

fing tre e s or-flam m ab o r outbuild ings.

e ty .I and in s ta ll sp a rk a n ’eqtiiprneiil. '

rrels-unattendcd.-and-- n hand.

t h e p r o s .I ad u lt supervision an

n-tips online:----------BepIdahoGrdan.org

from all o f us a t the lagement.

? . ' \

I f l r e ^ y ^ r c:ellular p

__________ :_________i_________ . _________. I

g j u a r d ^ VfiafkTTtBrtsia.— r t '

Ijout th e Importance‘.bf*': f e l y j i r « d ^ their cl^ ' " rL any Stevens, director "

o p e ra tio n s fo r th b .: ' louthemreglon.— —5'Ramlreir4,“of Namptt;''^------last Saturday, and Jam es ' vho was on an outing fo r ' nentally disabled cWl- ' vnedonJune2L ■*''

1 Squa#lg c r a n e a n d tW d"!1 spo tted owl, and Kas7; ad with a federal pro- . once. In 1991, the com-^^' pp roved som e rimBW.'.;;- pite threats to the spot-./' rhe exemption was u^ji- ,. Iro p p ed am id allega- 'legal lobbying---------------------'U iS ;— B u rea u [ o f - — cion considered ca llii^ , , om m ittee to weigh pn in .to .th e Endangeretd . . . Lct before dedding iMt ould not provide w a t^ , ,, ■ i cent of th e farms. TJ]ft. ,, | re o n ^ 4 0 ,0 0 0 a c r e s ' , '• the Klamath P ro jecC aJl,rigation project.ireou ru le d th e wa^^r^,.,.:ad n ee d ed to sustain ;^ - re d s u c k e r fish .ih- amach Lake, the*irriga-’.:ect’s m ain reservo^i*,,,,.irened'cohoTSalmotrjHT^-----ithR iver. I.' ..

rdOnfi;r:------ " .

V i t h U s ! :■ Sg applications /' ! ng Program, ;• ; ' ! tscanbeftnanced^ j

louble car garage! ' ' '') your income. ' . .

866-33S-2087. Z

m m ¥

d a h b . ^ ;

t a b l e - ----------- :. —•

a rre s te rs

i -------- ■ ------- r -

and .



r phone.

!i\T [O T r= ^

Engine cr ^ liorlagep

- a S la n -T A — A iriin grw nded seve i^ B o ^ w hile th ey scram ble i reoairs_or_find_replacem' be^fl^ise of cracks in the blades of their P ratt &

- o ng iry i^J . '. . T. TA & le ^ lv ^ iiv fli^ t er

ure$: have been blamei ' cmJfS since late last year.

The cracking has hapj the stator vane, a station; m jfd t of s tee l alloy th; dire<^ air. flow th ro u g the

The' c racking can c; engtne to shut.down. Bui haS.'two engines and co


Majtw, live others will l a b i a l in 1969 raa

VbllK, P a - The mayor other^ white men will be the daoth of a.black.woma

------- the dty's-1969 race riots,ruled T\iesday.

rtbsecuiors presented evidence at a preliminary to warrant a trial, Comm

• Ju d w Emanuel Cassimc— - nodflg that t h ^ only had

th<i^ was evidence of a a . p ro b ab le ca u se lo cha

defendants.'- Mayor Charlie Roberts<

•' poUtJe officer when LiUAUdn was killed the nigh 21,1969. He was arrestee and charged with murdt

------- i'acfessory-before-the-fact,for aJlege^y handing out i

. tion shortly before Allen W5 Ijhe m ayor, who has

— inH^lvem ent in A llen ’s- sh9;i]|^ no immediate ret

Caiisimatis’ niling.

C ^e d ian pleads inno o rdered n o t g o n e a r ch

^aiN TA MONICA, C C(fihkdian P au la Pour p ittded innocent Tuesday m olestation charges a lawyer said the case is ** hetlgutsout.”

? ^ o t gu ilty , your I Poundstone said in a near- wtien Los A ngeles ' su p e r io r C ourt Commi RqJJerta Kyman asked for 1 to c h a rg e of child endanj and lewd conduct with a gi theflgeofl4.

SSsnan ordered Pounds! . to kgep away from all mil

d re n unless th tiir guard__ indiSendent observers'are____an^Jrdered-herjio t-to-tl

h a ^ ^ or sexually molest c T h e jro se c u to r said the

' issuSS by the court arc star sw j^ases.

*^PBula is eager to get l ceeongs going so she can h day!B court," her attorney

____said..Gting mcditioi;j^rosccutors have not I de tu tt of the allegations. A meiUS in the case.were se< is ilJBping her guts out,” Cr

J d s h i"• L I S T I N G S;i; THROUGH JULY

:;;N0 SALE JULYHappy 4th o f Juh

;)ilUNT BROTHERS AUC 208-734-2548

Saturday, JULY 7 -1 1<l( Amo Auction-Cars'True !!i RVs • Eouipnienl

______ ;ConsignmBnts.WfiIcQnis_iJw;;^UNT BROTHERS AUC ;;; 208-734^548 .

:irUESDAY,JULY10-B:;;; Household-Tools•AniiQu ■*.ConsignmentsWe!coine-Je:

208-324-5S21 VffibNESDAY, JULY 11*1

• - If! •• BifrfrAfarrtSarrerrf'-- !9eet Equipmem - JD Tractor-

-tr-Seff Unloading Beds BurlAdveitisement-JulyS

!: u s AUCTIONS •!Www.ut-auctJonder«.i ‘AjUftSDAY,JULY12-5 > om Williams • Second Hand:


. B ^ f S T ^ ^ A ll c S o N K

— -ttU R SD A Y ,^U LY 12-4AnttionvV.Puka

K( |ehold-Tools-Djllectibles-l

I J M f i^ A U C ^ N S

!);nUDAY,mY13-4KX.;j)KD Ranches-Jerome Fairgrt

■ iii ^ s T u c t o S

TOE8DAY,JuI y 17.^KIII AMn&Roia Holmes Auctii iSHousa-Household Items >Bi

- -;‘i Adveftisament-JulylSUS AUCTIONS


:racksleadrairlirres^clin e s -h jive - ' '^ 757 jeB --------- Nale to m akee m e n L p a r ts = r u j-^ Y j a r

She cares nlAJW hitney-----

l i S S S ® laugh with c

M any fa n slappened in , A tk lns’ m(o ^ b l a d e n ASHVEtVn I of thethe engine. ih e M othei

M usic-Che But the 757 tradem ark i can fly on. pg^es

ers and fans ‘ paytheirlas

G arrison a c e ilOf Atkins as gu

m a n d u ^ .ots, a judge lumself one.


S 'o S 'S '- s . t p S

rtson was a G rand Ole Liuie Belle s t a r d l e s a ight of July NASHVl]

in May O pry sii r d e r a s a n whose songact^in-pan----- recofaeaT ^u t a i ^ j ^ . BeaUes,diSI was killed. ........T he s i m .- f d en ie d eom ed iaU f n s d e a th , leukemiardi reaction to „ients.wass.

Uy and friern B aptist Hos

nOCent) Jessica Etz. •ch ild ren ;Russeii oi

- him two yea- rEConI“Act

wilhVoniMc -com p i an d h e r .

is “ripping r "

r h o n o r,” jar-whisper 5 C o u n ty m issiqner ;or her iilea langerment 1 girl under

idstone^41, minor chil- ard ians 'R epresent_______it-threatcn,-------------st children.the orders 'W Mstandard in

et the pro- in have her ney Stevenedia atten-__ __otrcleased s. All docu- scaled. “It Cron said.

mLY 11

.Y 4 ™luMUCnON .-sssss® 8_________

hkwamT ,.c . . \ ^


_______ I

•SKMpm IiiiQues . ■ •Jerome ■ -BARW^s^ -{ — ------91________ S•11:00am S

■t- Bor-Trucks H Burlay-----------:-------------- B

- ■ Ir«.com f l•5.-OOn) I3nd Store ■Bhold-Rupert *

Sk w ic e s ^on.com . _• 4-.30nt O I r l

IS-Twin Falls ^

$i.com ^i:00m _________ _

B H R Rr».com


15 •

H ^ f l p i p i

[ to parp :

N ation In b rie f ;

i about fhildren. In m any' 'isab igk id rS he-lov& to— h childrens” ............ ..

n s g ^ r l b r m em orial s e rv ic eVILLE, .Tenn. - On the h e Rytnan Auditorium - l e r Church of C ountry . h e t Atkins’ guitar and^iis k white hat rested on a lestal table as entertain- ans gathered Tuesday to lostrespeos. on .K eillor eu log ized guitar music played soft-..3 b ackground , say ing lew music icons - Hank Sr., P a t^ Cline and Elvis - b u t never considered le.as a g reat g ian t,^ said le writer and host of the igram “A Prairie Home an.” “He was the guitar ‘ th e 20th cen tu ry, the who you ^ o u ld be and should look like.”

leO p ry I a t a g e 6 1/IL L E , Tenn. - Grand

s ta r Johnny R usseli, lg “Act Naturally" was l^3 iack Owens and. the ied Tuesday. He was 61. riger," so n g w rite r and tl, who had b a tt le d - diabjhosand’o ther’ail-

s s u r r o u rf^ by his fam-ends wheFTBe died, sa id __lospital spokesw om an t.- ,once said, tha t it took

'ears to get someone to ct N atur^y,” cb-written Morrison.npiled from wire reports

#73500wi vel Ri $ 2 8 8 f" ‘

= ¥ H O E N K - ^ P ) ^ - ^ o ld b o y .d ie d a t a .hoc where troubled youn^ti

_ . allegedly k icked a n d fi e a tmud. . .- A nthony H aynes o O d ied Sunday a t th e Ai

T^-iBuffalo-Soldiers R e-e Associatioh camp n e a r l w A ere th e re g im e n ii

__jniirrhg^j hlprb

U F irstF edt■ Savings Ba

r ReynoU■ F u n e r a l C h i

I W h ite M ori

I 'S U T T O N & {■ A uto Cent

TWIN F A U S ^ ^ ^ i H



\ e c \ m e i

* H u n y in f


i e s - a t % o (

oo t.cam p ' ' daily d ie tH sters were ca rro t an d i forced, to----- the day.- —

r T H o e n i x l ! ^ w e e l c i H i ^^m erica’j .......... T h e b o y ’:•en ac to rs__ JrtudJiQIUJaiib u c k e y e , — to ld -h erth a in c lu d e s d in and refi

.,unifo r m ^ .rTTr^a.-Atiions

r e r o / ^ ^ ^ H


S o n s


H o sm A L L* I

_______ 735-32


OPtI G a i T i -

G i v ^ '2 - l l te rb o t t l e s o f ( f i

••Umitod No pun

r s

f o r th e b e s t se i

■limited to*an apple, a _ _ d a.bow l of beans for

ty h a d b e e n a b o u t a i a five-week program. . i

iy |s m o th er,' M elan ie

h a t-h e rso n had eaten 'efused to drink water. ' i m a J U p u b lic ^ p o r te d — ^

i i f s l 3 l l H

^Marsha DeMeuie Century 21

ir Valley Properties

H A R R IS O N ID « MITSUBISHI IRr/SEAi M o t o r s | |- r M B r c a r y ’ H o n d s -V m

S. a y ^ a ___a S w B M ■

1212 « email: deby


m- 4 p m


:od to ono p er family.>urcha8o nocesMry. ' i

e lection . Lim itec


J— lUttiat the boy had vomited

_ _ M aricopa-Gounty-She Arpaio said he was treai

-d e a th as suspicTous and"t a u to p s y r«ulr< tn Ht»tprrr cause. “T here have bee serious allegations of a

Authorities removed a c h ild re n from th e c a r

-^ tu m e d > th e m 'to t h e i t ^

H 'D . L . E v ^ s B

I I n t e y s t a t e d f n m s e i n

■ Mavie THaOre&I JWtn FaUs Areim -CHAM Ben-of-EoM M em


[email protected]

S a v e Hi D is c o n t in u e D a m a g ed Mi

S a i2-piece st starting a

e d Q u a n ti t ie s .

Afednet , July 4,.^1 TimwMti

□ c u s e s i o r tJd dirt. T h e o rg a nleriff-Joe- the.-cam p di<sating the seeking comiPawm'tuig T u e sd a y , ffi

een som« , "O ur cam p is abuse a t w e e n d u re it

d,-r------------ co m e-o u t-«about 50 pened, i t 's nc

am p a n d . of th is progra [mrents. ■ ■■ 'lem :" ' ' '


^ H _ T i r ^

i=zM^Da/0-BANK ■ U fe Ins

H _______S aw

w ^ f l Jim IState Farm

Furniture &

■ M e l Q i iNiNG H E le c trc


UNDREDS! ED AND S u eIe r c h a n d is e


san iza tion th a t ruDS d id no t re tu rn calls:-^—

om m ent'M onday arid — ffut cam p d ire c to r .—

i^n^old-KSAZ-TVtS- p is a rough camp, bmt: e i t. W hen th e facu--:; t - a b o u t - w h a t - h a p W — - s not the com ponen ts^ ' >gram th a t’s the p r o b - ^

Schwab I : C e n te r ■ =

J w e r s e n f l l i—-'nsurance ■ ! « avings_____

I Bieri f =rm Insurants »

auto’s K:~3 S Appliance l | _

Quale's I ^. Ironies B

m ,■IGHTLY 3E.*

■ I ; ; :


B K 3 B E H ; _______ I

. . I . , -

■ ' f f Ik>»ltan, Turin Falb.

— M M E i-------- — WOSreWBr^DW

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$M00- - - W ^ | | | V l | J |t l l l l T l l l l

IDYUUiE 21 RECUNER C1399.99 Vi

PDICt M1 9 ” * 1

IITE_______ QWE HOOD-------469.99^ W

PRICrHA4 9 9

SUSHT ■ ____ -OAWBE ^

R T E D - S s IT S & , EES i z t


PRICE HA9 9 9 * $ 5—W/TRAiDE-----M


PR CE HA0 9 9

Fgreen Z& LOVE1749.99

PRICE4 9 9 >

3 4 9 . 9 9 ~ ^ H

PRICE f4 9 9 1 I IMTMK

w/coffeT ^ IFARLES419.99

PRICE ■9 ^


M B H W D D in :—BOOKASf-----WAS$S49.99



TREEWAS $ 6 4 9 .9 9 ^




KLF PRICE 2 4 9 9 1


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1 HALFF 1 %

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PRicrl50®irEirCHEST|~TDAMAGE ■$ 5 4 9 ;9 9 ^ B -^

price!75“i)DDS& IiedroomIECES ■


ILF fiigeratorITEONLY ■ ^619.99 ■

PR CEIIQ99*I w/traoe

ltinselfT ” ng oven ■1899.99

price!\mANESOFA I I vibrators!1399.99 ■


_ H | H H James

’ help.

T h e T im cs-N ew j

Ttw gardan I of Ralph and ■

Sharon [--------------- lihrman will— ■

b« part of H tho Junior ■

------------------Club Garden - - 1Tour; The ■

:--------------Lahrmans— Hhavo created H

thittmall B........ ’room’/ ■

between two I.......................... arches In H

their garden. 9 They call this ■

---------------- Uioirmedlta:— ■' tion garden.' H

. „ ^ n

T r a rr By Elizabeth Lar]

The BaHlnwre St

Two y e a rs ^ beautiful but n Md., house, Sui finally fe lt the resources to de\

L ike m any o d en in g , th e R' bought some si

' trees and tried i w hat re a l e s ta appeal. But nei dener; and-witl th e re w eren’t <

“The reason ■ e r ,” said S u e , ' want to m ake n didn’t w ant to the outside.”

Goodlandsca; percent to th e \ a G allup surve Nursery and La fo und . A nd M< estim ated .that 100 percent rei ment^when the

I^cR osw ells com elete the_w Phase one wou] beds. Phase cwi

_ _____ shrubs.or treesjthe back yard, v Abby, 3, play, F to get rid of ivy, and plant gross.

T hey se ttled th e G reen F

' Landscaping Co ed starting with money. Jn a yea

__ -_________a sizethat-w oulto plant.-W hen fo r le ss th a n $: d ed d e d to have

M cElroy’s pli th e sy m m e tric

—.........RoswclbLbtidcfew v aria tio n s w ere cut on .dt! to draw the ^

’ . lared entrance, so il w ere ad d e

. could p lan t ann t o ^ b u tn o t s o i

— ..............would look b areTo h id e th e l

' McEIipy u s ^ fl . • Conjiwcla*”-an *

___________ g e ta ja -b ig g e c .

ies Dullev: 1

' IPageC 4 : J

w s

n s f o r m ^Large •»Sun_________________

s ^ f te r m oving in to a t rundown Roland Park, Sue and Craig Roswell they had th e time and devote to the front yard. y of u s who enjoy gar-

R osw ells could hav e s shrubs and flowering ed to create a front with . s ta te agen ts call, curb neither is a ^ o u s gar- vith two small children .’t enough hours ih the

)n we hired a landscap*e, “was tha t we didn’t e mistakes. But we also to ^ e n d a fortune on

scape design odd 14 ■ le value' of the property, rvey fo r th e Am erican Landscape Foundation M oney m agazine h as

uit owners might see a re tiu u on th e ir invest- th e tim e comes to sell

:11s originally pl'aruied to e_work in three ould be the foundation two would be a row of ' es_on_pne side jo screpn 3, where Andrew, 6, and .f. Phase three would be vy, weeds and seedlings tss.ed on Jim McEIroy of

F ie ld s N u rse ry & Company, who suggest* ith young plants.to save ^ear they would grow toould cost-twice as much-----en his estimate came in 1 $2,500, th e RosweUs ive the whole Job done, p lan was to stay w ith

irnl gf thejdc'colonial with o ^ a . >ns. U n d u la tin g b e d s .. e ither side of the porch y e to the handsoixte pil> ce, and two tons of top: Ided to th e beds. T he one space so the couple u u n ^ if t l ^ i ^ t e d

m uch th a t th e bieds' s re if they d id n t™ \™ le h o u s e s foundation a flex d « n a ta “W i l t ' s ' m evergreen abnibtfaatTt.-

y o u r p r o ]

'•‘I P w . l g Mi

§ 11^ J ^ ^ / | i

Green HeMtNnMfyMdU ofSoeiodC njgRonM a's IHfft of tlw make-over, TUe

m any of th e o ther plants s e r i j> ^ n s e th e R ( ^ e l l s lo w o u in ten w c e g ardea.

o f tbie color tii > f f l b e provided by six “F az aleas . C om pact w ith 1

— blossoms.'tfaeydo'wellin's **Otto UQicen!* cheriv latii p ac t sh rub w ith s h iiv gn

i---:;aiidrfurry.^hite. blooms,

__ _______________

) p e i t y w

v j

H p f 1l l j

d UrtdKaptnc Company b doln n'e Maryland iwae. Tbe pteitta Ue Is the front entrance to the nts w ere cho- in la tesu i e llsw a n te d a . .fo rm sab i n,. . . getarounis tim e of year y e a r , the “R lv ttM ist" curve...

h la rg e p in k . For the inshade.;lW o~ j;jT ew plan lau rd , a i^ .gW .abo ii g reen leaves 'ysffleofffic ns, flan k th e ■ th e back > e re f f l^ th a t— McEJrp^^^

d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 0 (

d t h 1 6 w -

i p Q

>lng a makeover of the front Ungs In the foreground are lie home.um m er has lavender blooir border. If the RoswcUs dor md to recutting ihe bed ea< le l irio p e w ill suggest cl

ie second phase, the nurscj anted Norway^spruce; whic w t a foot a year, on the ri^ 6e bouse to block the v iew ' k yard. F o r th e final phas y -a d v ise d -ag a in s t- tr^ g -i

0 0 1 ____________


T o u r

M p l a c eB M The Tlmes4ileM

K -------------TW IN-FALm U a garden plaH | pond to a redB B visitors to thB D --------zrrG lubG arden '

The self-gui H H seven garden:

* Rocky oni a g 3300 E. - Thej^Bj French countiB B l progress.” £(■ ■ a another lands^ 3 in form al garH 9 consist of sur;^ a root celjar s ■ is-also-a-play9 sleeping loft □^ parries.^ • M ary an» .........—RimviewtaTHB . _ one-acre yard ^ dry river bed,w the edge of a II B filled with pe^ 3 love of cats is

this peaceful { i n • G ert Rie^ 9 Lane - The snP M a lab o r of lo'

owner. T h e g from cuttings

& ■ (60 p lan ts thiR R m arigo lds, p<

keep company B n * M ike ancI H 1049 Keegan

lot that prove U B of .space to hI B b ridge th a t c

bed to th e p----- th an 7 5 p e ren

als. The gardi - - - - by 30 contaii

- m a i n t e i

I U s e t h eH ~ T h e Baltimore SuiT

H Here’s are some[ B * Stay with tlie:H house.U . * Be willing to9 d isc a rd p la n ts S tliat are well past

their prime.^ • Buy 'p la n ts

fo r how th e y ’ll look w hen th ey aren 't blooming,

f e w hich m igRt be ^ most of the time.10 * C o n s id e r m w h a t p la n tin g s

a re com m on to s j i th e neighbor* 15 ■ ' . " h o o d r s o ”yo u rs I * w ill look as if (b S they belong.“ • If money is a

c o n s id e r a t i o n , buy sm all t re e s

_____qnd-shxubs-and .^ - be paaent. ■"

... . * D o n ’t [»lant PH a z a le a s w hen jfl ' -they’re blooming n | because a ll their HB— . - energy is-in their m flowers. ■H * Mulch once aH tural reasons; twii■ theticones.H * Monitor th e w;

lost because of Wi H ' much o r too little. W through mulch to i oB — watering.

9 ■ If all you need is" lea or two, you pn'** a landscape desigi:t b e r of p la n ts a re

get rid of a ll th e grass, which he fe

oms, ing proposition. I lon’t c r e a te d a b u ffe cach ' be tw een the .fou r th e . the ivy.

The on ly u p k e •sery m ust do is w a te r • hich neyv grass, bu t sQsc r i ^ t an d floitiers. The nv of will n e e d l i tt le c lase, established becau ig-to-----diseasc'resistant-a

XTCt ^b e re

i r w i l l t a k e

e S a t u r d a y^ews _________________

ALLS - Every thing -from— playhouse to a p eace fu l, redwood arbor will draw > this w eekend 's Junior

guided tour will focus on lens:and Mary Sligar, 3835 N. rhe sugars refer to their intry home as a “work in Each year, they tackle

ndscaping project. Their garden areas - so fa r - surprises like rock walls, jr and an orchard. There layhouse-complete-with— ft and front porch for tea

and Jam es K elly: 719 taTnrW r=Th'is"unTque — ard has a bridge over a led. a deck that leads to ' a pond and a flower bed perennials in bloom. A ■

; is also incorporated Into ul garden.lie tv e ld : 226 Meadows i small, beautiful yard is love to its 81-year-old '

e geranium s a re grown Igs taken the year before this year). S plashes of ■

, p e tu n ias and pansies any with a rose garden, and W anda Thom pson; an Lane - This is a city )ves you don’t need a lot0 have i t a ll. N ear the ,t crosses the river rock1 pond, th e re a re m ore rennials and lots of armu* ’ irden is also surrounded tainers of flowers.-M ike --

r n a n c e l a

e s e t i p s f o r bun -

l0(me landscaping tips. a j he architecture of the >d(



lilr'll!e rgsto

n , ^ B S H ^ B f ^ P ^ B B lesa d - B i M B M M M B B H

Abbey Roswell, 3, sits In th ;ir her family's home Just befot sir gets a makeover.------------

B a year for horticul- J.” , twice a year for aes-

i water: Plantings are p|g' watering either too sg,tie. Stick your finger rejto see if a bed needs ' ,

d is to replace an aza- talprobably don't need pn

signer. But if a num- thi3iren ’t doing well or ma

h e ivy and planting shi; felt-would be a los- mi1. Instead, the crew waffe r zone of g ra ss 13undation beds and fer

spik ee p th e R osw ells toer -p a rticu la rly jhe_ FoiOso m e s l^ b s , rech e foundation beds ed|B ca re once th ey ’re tw:ause the plants arc ani it-andcom pactrT he— of i

r i ..,

, JmJ __ ______

'oof/-Etfuor:-Denise Turtitr


^ S ^ ^ 'V ■ 'S o IW c te ta ^

f 'W Pbii^'Aini^Juni Garden Tour Is se t for p.m:SatunJayV,v Master ganlenert«naRS«

tIons, and gardoning'demo( will be held at Kelley Gvde

— rTwlrt-ftiiiarwherefnjltahdlwill be served afterthe toui

Tickets, priced a t» e for ad for children, are available a

— -Gofden Center. Hospice VkSimpler Times Village, Coui Garflcn, Candlestick Park a members of the Junior-Out Falls. Tickets will also be a participating homes the da] tour.

Thompson builds the wo tures; W anda Thompsor plants.

-------^ B ren t-and-Jan -Joh iSunrise Blvd. N. - This old-fashioned perennial f th a t produce waVes of

— M arch 'to ca rly summe: are then used to fill in w th e ho t su m m er m ontl sum mer and early fall, take center stage again.

-* R alph an d 'S h o ro n 588 C a rr ia g e L an e - arbors and lo ts of pott< welcome everyone to th gardens. There is a redv with a new wisteria rap ing to the top; and there

. tation area with new stai ing across to a wrought with gates holding flowei

• Ju d y N ale: 1023 T D rive - This sm all y a r varied views and a Uelir By mixing evergreens 1 jun ipers , skyrockets ai aspens with shrubs and

— th e m y s te ry of w h a t’i , curve o r where- a path

___offers plenty, o f interest.

m d s c a p i

b e a u t i f u l r e s i/ou want your yard to have j look, hiring a professional n 1 good investm ent. H ere ai ideas to get you started.

friends an b o rs fo r mendation


m ent,| m | H | | B U erenccs.


nance, lots fo r m uch

th e look i(spare am

^ p e r s

tli« front yard of ." lU in S W i a plan and

____w o rk m s lj• Get es

n writing from a couple of d :ompanies unless you real vith the first one.

• Remember that a profes ilanned and installed garde av e you m ain ten a n ce an< eplacement costs in the futu

• Ask about guarantees.—• If the lan d ^ a p e design

aik to are too busy to get iroject this summer, keep i hat autumn is the b<st .time nany shhibs and trees.

hrubs shouldn’t have to be nu ch , a n d sh a d e w ill me vatering.;

The RoW ells can apply an ertilizer such as Plani-Ton pring and fall. The liriope v o be cu t back in the early •or neat-looking beds they ecut the curves once a year •dger or a shovel and mulch wice a y e a r to keep weed ind re ta in m oisture during if dnm ghtr-------------- r:------

/ ' _ .

n s id e :lumbprlnts . . .C2

S r» rr ir> n ~ 0 —

mss dl a i t o - S S ' i ^ i ^

tfo r i^ tb 'S V - '

jh s w f t r q u e ^ : ' ' '■ emonstrations anion in shdicscream' ~ ■tour......... .............................>r adults and $2 lie a i Kelley : c Visions Inc.,Country Gift ifk and from aub of-Twin t>e available ot .J doy of tho

: wooden struc* ison tends the- - -

?his home has - ial flower beds of color from m er. A nnuals n with color in }nths. In fla te all. perennials in.ran L ehrm an;--------- -~5 - - Tw o new lotted flowers > the Lehrman edwood arbor, . rapidly climb- lere is a medi- statuary, look- ght-iron arbor >wer baskets.3 Twin P arks yard provides ieling of depth, ris like toolson s and quaking m d perennials, lat’s b eh in d a ath might lead - est....... .......... .............

) i n g

; s u l t sve a certain al might be ' e a rc some

\ s k y o u r i and, neigh- o r recom - tions.you choose g n e r from illow Pages a d v e rtis e - ask for ref- s.ive a clear your priori- >w m ainte- lots of color ic h o f th em -o u td o o r--------------------a r e a ) and >k you like and clean, h co u n try ).JVC a bud- ^K 5f=iW frar= == === == ^•s th in k rm“antr^rie to draw up ' and do thestages.__________ ^ __

t estim ates of different eally click

ofessionally rden miglu a n d p ian t

future.^------------------------- ---------signers you get to your ep in mind m e to plant

) be pruned m ean less

I an organic rone in the )c will need irly spring.hey should__^ ________e a t w ith a n _ -----1 ____ilch onco or — — ----------eeds down • -ing periods ,

Z U j t i O Q D . ^

R eiT isourc

DEAR CATHY; E an_____problem when

bo th in th e gard en an — 1—houserOnho-u^-to-m ak

ular product that was vc dvc, but it is no longer o We have found no other solution. Do you have q tion?

DEAR BUGGY: E a ntheir name because soirn

____ the Middle Ages wokeone in H i ^ ^ ear.' We la t ^ t isn!t an earwig’s goal

. ^W e iised to live in a he had been occupied by a gardener. The old guy us around the neighborhood ing everyone’s leaves. H

- — them homc-to his o w y

-■ high. And they’d percol . decay over winter. The n

w ere ap p a lled , b u t the made some df the riicwt ever seen.

But then, the bloom ca: off the rose^he day we fo

- wigs so thick they looke section of bl^ck, movin. And I really hated findin the house. The ugly things hide in dark places, thei

■ when th ey ’d b ee n disC' They will p inch a persi those pmceis, toorUgli.

That brings US'back to__ .^eaj|wig really desires: D

tiiatcdal. T he earw igs w loved living u nder that i

• decaying leaves. A lot o they ’I! set up housekee your carefully laid organic

You’ve got to remove th source. T h at’s alw ays tl thing to do to gel rid of

G r i l l p o ]ByUntla.Qassenhelmer

, - Kn>ght RIctdef New* Service

;■ _ Grilling is a great way an d flav o r v e g e ta b le s d ev e lo p a sm oky and intense flavon:''=. - ' .. I t’s fun to prepare the dinner on the grill by gril meat - in this case pork loin -'a long with the veg On a nice sum mer eveni up the grill w ith this qui easy barbccue dinner. Fo

• who don’t want to grill, cc under the brpiJer.'-

To prepare the dinner c , 1 d o n ’t m a r in a te th e " Instead, I spoon-half the- over the-meat while it’s (

■ ■ and pour ilie other half o— cooked sliced m eat to ad- flavor.

'This meal contains 599 c per serving with 30 per<

' calorics from fat.


•3/4 pound pork tenderlo 'Salt and freshly groune

. pepper; .4 m ed ium g a r lic e . crushed

3 tablespoons honey 2 tab lesp o o n s low-sa

* sauce2 tablespoons Dijon mus P re h e a t g r ill o r bi

Remove fat from pork li . th e pork nearly in half I

----- wise and.open-like a boo. pork should not be cu t ;

way through. Salt and r th e pork and press the o

I g a r lic on to th e m ea t oi \ sides. Combine the hon<

sauce and mustard. If usi

' large foil-lined tray and 8‘tu 10 llUllllHii.. TUri'rvegi

' o v er , p lace p o rk on tra spoon half th e honcy-mi sau ce over it. Broil 7 m


I MS h a r e T a l k ‘l ‘

P L U S F R E E N A T ITo 4 8 eontinuouM ■

__________ 3 0 0 J in \i t lm a M ia u iSOe/M lnute N ation

{ ^ C c U u l a r


b.htabe WMlnwdir.iair4,20(d

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larwigs a reterew elive.___a n d 'm th e -

----------i very.effec- i t available. ier ^ fecdve e a sugges- -

-BUGGY ---------------arw igs go t , “But T mo m eb ^y in mulchl” youke_up_with___Jtp._ ........ ...} Imow that indoors y<oal in life .. bait, just likI houM that 10 recom ir’ a splendid 'Diazinon, bi’ u s ^ to go the marketood, gather- an opdon.. He’d take ' Anyhow, in yard and r.. pests outdoin e ss ix fe e t rid o fth eo c‘colate and tore neighbors „

< ^ e nght fgei ^ d e all tion of ths hi

>!o<td liko_a----- T re a t th.»ing ea rth . p„poxurbi«ding one in diloingsh k cd to tee tu p -o n -hen scurry Th<a, ,-aulkiscovered . hole in thearson w ith dowsills so tl• m agam.to what an Once you’: Decaying source and is we knew insecticide,at layer of . m ore visitst of times, invaders.ceeping in -------------micmulclj. W liat's b li their food . Write to Ctiths-the f irs t . paper ora pest.________

) r k f o r e awith the vei

4ce • . grill, place grate and coe

ay to cook .utes. les. T h ey T urn vegt ind m o re pork on grill

. . honeyrm ust the whole Grill pork 7 jrillitig ihe vegetables.' >rk tender- • •grill o r broil vegetables. ang le . Seri ening, fire rem aining squick a n d -----the.sllced.piFor those— ings.-Serve w cook this and Potatoes....... - • Grilled Zuc

cr quickly, 3/4 poundshe m e a t. l/2poundrthe sauce;’s cooking .iIf over the " Y ou W eadd extra -------- ;—

99 calorics jercent of

IC " ,IK‘rioin t fund black

; cloves,

’•salt soy ^

nustard \ " b ro ile r . \ ™|-

k Lind cu t . r \ \If length- — 7------r 1tjook. T he ----------—I------]ut all th e d p ep p e r c crushed

, Subusing th e ,___. ^

i broil for __ B J K'cgetaBIcs * M ' H tra y an d

m inu tes I Cust(

:r c o n n e c

‘1 4 .9 5 P e r U n e

\ T I O N W I O E L O N Gu Mtale* f r o m h o m e area a u lta .J iO O O n ia h t .a n d w e a k lo n u ld e R o a m ln a . p lu » a p p l

t r I d a h o * s L a i o f P h o n e s <


| H 7 R M A IN .H A li


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'iTllIMBPRIN’rS ” 1

-Cathy—^ -( Walworth------ j

--------------------- -------------------- 1 j

m not getting rid of my i^u howl. You don’t have 8

i you can use a propoxur ° like for ants. Ortho used nm end sp ra y in g w ith . \ but since that’s going off ' ^ et soon, tliat’s rio longer ^

V, we need to control the 2 doors or'w e’U never’get" • occasional in-hou^visi^"

ea rw igs a re s c u ttlin g sihder your mulch, rake p1 aside. You’ll see them. i,and clear an area four b: all arouhd the foiinda- v\J house. ____ ;. . . bth e ground w ith th e ’- • y,baiL Choose a spray con- ^ilorpyrifos to apply four ntn-the-foundation, too. |rIk and seal every teeny vvle foundation and win- o<y the pests can’t ever cet___ p;

lu’ve removed tlie foodid used an appropriate wle, you should have no cii t s , from your pesky 'c r

. - - H---------------------------- -------- 0bussing your garden ? ofathy in care of this news- ' ortr 'e -m a il her a f siiif.org_______ . al

a s y , d e l i c ]vegetables. If using a :e vegetab les on grill cook about 8 to 10 min- ' V .• -pc

ige.tables over, p lace • rill and spoon half the pc is ta rd sauce o v er it.. th It 7 m inu tes w ith th e . th is. R cm oveljo th from cli oiler; slice pork on an of erv e p o rk w ith th e ; pi ; sauce spooned over ' pc-pieces. J4akes-2-serv------ Sprw ith Grilled Z ucch ln i^~ an «s. ' . A<lucchini and Potatoes: ' Fc d small red potatoes • ab d mini zucchini ' - M;

Vere A H m e s -N e w s H o


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a r g e s t S e l e c t i o n f t s a n d A c c e s s o t i e ^

MAIX(M<)ocooiiT)73ft-«M0 r iJEROME •324.2800' \WLEY • 7i8-l W4------------------^DAYS WMW.ahmDulwxomROLA REPAIR CENTER

P o n d s 7~By Mar^ t h Breckenrigg ^ Akron Beacon'Joumal

Anna Shane can take tion any tim e she wants

^ha&-to.-.doa&jtep;oat^h door, and she’s instant! ported by th e soothing

-w a te r tumbling over rock -^ S h an c V co m p ac rb o ck

N orth C anton , Ohio, hi -o v e rta k e n -b y -a -w a te rf

hopscotches down a sloj h e r s id e y a rd to a 'ro c pond. She had the water installed last summer, tn

- ing w h a t u se d to be grassy hill that I had to : the tim e” into h e r favoi away.

S h an e’s w a te rfa ll an were installed by E b erts : O hio. T h e in s ta l le rs di Shane’s hillside to carve w ater garden between th and garage, a space onl'

: 30 feet wide., ... ----------— Shrubs,-trees,fem s anc

n ia ls - su c h a s p'urplc flow er, sedum and blae Susan - edge-the waterf pond, which Shane and hi ly can en joy from an ad brick patio o r from the 1 window above.'She was i

• by the transformation o f ' yard into a sanctuary wh

can wqtcb sparrow s and play in a shallow pool at in the waterfall and lister w a te r’s sp lash , punctua occasional squawks from t

behind th e garage.Tom an d T h eresa Ha;

woodland stream is at thi , end of th e sca le . T he 11 creek connects two ponds Hannons’ farm in S tark C Ohio. W ater slides over a of w aterfalls and smallei on its way down a woodt side from the upper pond, abuts the Hannons’ back

3 i o u s m e, 1 medium red pepper

2 tablespoons olive oil Salt and fre.shly ground

•pepperP reheat grill o r broiler,

po tatoes (do not peel) ai th e p o ta to es in to q u ar t they a re ’large , cu t into, chunks'. Wa.sh zucchini a: off to p s tem . C ut in to

• pieces. Wash and seed re p er and cu t into 1-inch f

-Spoonolive-oil-into-asmal and add salt and pepper tc Add vege tab les and toss Follow c o o k in g .in stru < abov6. Serve with sliced Makes 2 servings.

H om e D eliv ery S ubscr

i f o u C o u l d

I a v e S a v e d

/lO R E T h a n

2 8 ^

W e e k A lo n m C o u p o n s '

d|fy & Save:

ice 733-093

F r e e ^ ' J P Cellular^

l^ S sS f& iJ ii

, ^ t e r f gtfga r - - : -

<c~a vaca- .t s All she source= h e tu b acfc=lUy trans- ThedMterenw>g rush of _8By8-BIII-HoffCKS. - . Center in Grezlryard 'in UonyourHjechas' b een Hoffman saysr fa ll 'th a i-------- sucfiostnottope from water feature icC T m ea yourcbifimun er g a ^ e n Some thing

• tocatkxi. H atingapondl

0 mow all • six hours of s 'o n te g e t- gives you the

■ . . plants, ho sajind pond . locotcopondsB ros.,m - won't grow, bidug in to shouldn't bo J'e out the a proper balaithe house bcnenclal bactily about protected fror-------• ^ : -pesUcldeseJolnd'peren- — - putting the po >le cone-- ' suroninoffIsack-eyed •Safety and Isrfalland can bo as deaher fami- to a child andidjoining moybeapooi2 kitchen or people wlihs amazed U —>f a plain to the lower/h e r e ^ e .nage house.Id robins st^ear“ a-bend _ built las t ye£e n t o t h e . trees thatja ie d by f|,e w aterw a’1 the five lished. The sti n-aviory-— anti'Shap’CilTj

Bros.) becaus< lannon’s wouldn’t fit a he other trees. 110-foot Tom Hanni Js on the favorite vantj

County, ing over the ll • a series the patio tha

Theresa Hann ded hill- nial border, thid, which _____________


^ g ] RcsidenUal- . RcflnMcc ♦ 1

■ Mobile Parks * Ca.sli Out *

nd black crcaUve and I

;r. Wash-. ■ 125%and cm iHgbiMHtar te rs . If ________No Ino. 1-inch ^ H T V i 'l l s V and cut





■ ■ . - . - j i - : . ' .

a j l s p r o v i

-Consl(It can-b«-a.6tunnLng.addmon— ^10 larKlscape, a burblingree of Instant relaxation. It can

nc« P e t In Iho preparation, ’ iof(man-O f.H offm ani-G atdcn_i:- Grecn. Ohio.' Get tho Informa^ eed to make good decisions, ay s , Information on fk to r s lo b o s fp ia w lo loralo a .ure, th e caro required a n d ___ .riunify’i lo n rn g restrictions, ngs to ccnslden.I. Hoffmari recommcnds situ- nd in a spo t tha t t s five to Df sunlight each day. 71131 Ihe widest choice of aquatic • says. Som e people prefer lo .3nd in the shade so algae < ', bu t Hoffman says tha t' x> a problem if the pond has | Qlance of fish, plants and tacterla. Be sure the pond is ; from runoff so fertlllrcr and . - don 't ge l In, ar<j avoid ,I pond in a low spot, or m d h e - - . f Is directed away from it. • id llabufty. A pond or stream | deadly a s a swimming pool \ md every bit a s irresistible, tt i lOor choice for young families ' j vllh children living nearby. ' . t

er pond near the car* ' wr. . tl:am and ponds w ere T >rear, b u t th e m ature— cishade the slope make hvay seem wefl-estab* rc stream had to be dug

use heavy equipm ent . H t among the existing rc

fom e n has p icked h is • h< ntage. point for look- • th e hillside, a spot near ' d< h at.le ts him take in ' A nnon’s vibrant peren- fil , the top pond and the er

ial & Commercial • Cor. * Purdia.sc • Home Improvei rks • Apl. Bldg-s. • Bill Consol t * • Condos • Log Homes • 1(1 Unlimited Fundinf*.*% Funding Available'Rallo...OK • Bank T^tm Doicns Income Verification • Stoic P,

^ i d e b a d

sider location, safet)—^RjrtheflnoreryouVfi-potcflUolfy

onyone is hurt or dies bccausc ^ r)d , says^N kffT O ^rts , o S t

vide S 1 0 0 ;o o 0o r.$300 .000 Ir — covorag0, 6he Bays.but-Starts _fwmcis.hfiLCllfiflts.lD«fiasflJt)£

to the highest leveHhey can at they hove a pond. Stream o rar

- * Zoning. Communltles-varyor restrictions regarding water gat Hoffman says. Som e communi might limit a pond 's depth, for or require a fence so children c wander Into danger. Ho reconv checlting with your'communlty": office.• M alntwjaoce. Caring for a po balancing a c t Factors such a s of system you install, how man; your pond h a s and whether anc often you feed them en ter in to :

■ rnalnienanco equation, Hotfmai ' You ca n make ^ r job easier b

Installing equlpm enrsuch a s a or waterfall pump, which a d d s c to the water; a rneohanlcal flitei to p s plant material arid olheTc and keeps II from clogging tho | and 0 biological fitter, which pro

'. the growth of helpful b a c^ ria th

w o o d e n f o o tb r id g e t h a t t t h e s t r e a m to a t i n y I r i s h c T o m H a n n o n b u i l t t h e on i c o t ta g e o u t o f c e m e n t b o a h a d W ill ia m C a h il l , a C in . ro o f th a t c h e r , m a k e a r o o f l

A s k im m e r b o x o n d i e e t t i e H a n n o n p o n d is h id H e f ib e r g la s s c o v e r t h a t r e s e i r ro c k . I n s id e i s t h e p u m p , f o rc e s 9,000 g a l lo n s o f w a

• h o u r t h r o u g h tu b in g t o t h e th e h ill . A .f i l te r i n . t h e b o x d e b r i s a w a y f r o m t h e j A n o th e r f i l te r , c a l le d a bio) f i l t e r , i s l o c a te d w h e r e th e e n t e r s t h e u p p e r p o n d an<

Competitive l ^ t e s ^ .^vem enis ^ .iso l id a t io n

A c r e a g e .

■Si?wns...YES!/T Pav...OKI • “0,11 VsXoir-

----------- -

I f e a r d e s j

ty and zoning -------illy^lobte-lf break down ISO of your nutrients for aquai Sta te Fami ■ balanced a jiond , iIdes-pro----------- ne^W lobb 'c iean :) In liability many people clear rts recom-— ^ ty ro T Jro c essT h a n :t)atBmount_' p o ^ a n d c k ia n ln g afford If plant material that ° n t! M £ L _ to m ..e o m i5 j ic e d _ t - especially If fish aton thoir-----------Ing the cold monlhiardbns, ting o(( and removl jntlios Ins PlQi'ts th a t areior example. . heater o r other me n can 't the ice so the gasc mm ends Ing piont material c ty's zoning • c o * t You can pli

$ 100 or le ss on a pood is a you Install yourself, is the type there’s virtually no any fish you can spend on ( ind how ' ganfen or waterfall. 10 the ' . a s swimming pools nan sa y s .. selfers, liners are ar_by. ______ .„ s!y e jh p n p refonroa fountain ' to havo fish, make s oxygen th a t's safe for then^ r , w hich___ with a staff th a t 's kr debris ' water gardens or a0 pump; can help you decldi jrom otes your needs.1 that . S o u rc e -A

: crosses plies a place foi, cottage. . ria to grow.me-room>ard andincinnati.f for it.e d g ^ f _ | r L ___________

The deep of sun

le top ofjxkeeps . . . . . . I , , I

p u m p . - ■iological •,lew a te r BirthSimd sup-

I I I RUComebim

j ! pur Great■ f.


^ p e s ^

B h '^ S ^ c o n v ^ - l t to ^ - iquatic plants. The more>nd,.lhe Jess .o fte n.U _ ____leaned. NcvertKeless,:lean their ponds aniiuaf- jiarinvoivcs-oraining-thB— “ inIng out any decaying - th a t 's se ttled in tho bot- - ?ed to be winterized. r _ jh are going to s ta y dur- onlhs.-That.lnvolves shut- moving the pump; remov- : a ren 't hardy; and using a r m eans to keep a hole in g a se s created by d e c a f rial can e scape . . . : ' iri plunk down a s 'ti ttle a s )n a preformed pond that rself, Hoffman b y s , and y no upper limit on w hat on on elaborate water

irfall. Som e even double )oots. Fordo.|lyour. are a little more expen- m redponds . if you wont . . , a k e sure you buy a liner them . A garden cen te r ■It's knoiMedgeablo about or a good pond tnstaltoc eclde w hat's b est for

t - Akron Beacon Jounul

£ for bencficial bactc-

ep red rose ummer... : lujy’s ''J ■ istone isU BYI and check out ■ rafJWecflph. .5

! f Je w e lry

--------- By Raeanne SaraH in-; Chicago Tribune

. QUESTION: I live i ribs are very_populni

------ftwistan^ rs ia ird u i ^to raelt-in-your mou

— — rheard-ihflt you-shotilc them, although I find ing first and finishing the grill is the'way to fall-off-the bone ril

___ another secret to fanu; B.HAUF.AUS1IN,

! - ANSWER: Everyb : opinion on what mah

ribs. Here’s th e appn : . tied on for fall-off-tli

a f te r consulting sev< and testing their advic

WHICH RIBS? The types of pork ribs: spa back and countiy-styl com e from th e p ig ’i cage. They are th e 1 choice, but.roany exp ing C hrls-K im ball Illustrated magazine, 1 for barbecuing. Thei

, he lp s keep the m eat ; m oist during th e loi

time.Back rib s, commc

b aby back ribs, com p art of the ribcage di

. hog’s backbone, not f pigi Many rib afidona ing L any Gerber, Chi

--------- cue expem md'catererI m an.com ) p re fe r

spareribs because thej- ' er. Bur hnrtf rihc nro jy

tible to overcooking, m diy and tough.

MakeBySuunSfllaiky Detroit Fr»a Pre—

Often when cooking prepare enough of the ingredient and vegetal meals. And these Ieft( d ien ts often form th< one of my summertimi m ain dish salads. A salad on a warm sum: refreshing and simple, ads often require no 1 very little cooking - j and very real advantag

- . . Today’s recipe is a \ • • — h i c ^ s e (nee-SW A H

w hich tra d itio n a lly t le a fy g re en s, tom atc beans, black olives, c cooked eggs and herbs oil and garlic We’ve a o v e r c u b e d an d co(

. sk in n ed po ta toes to and a quick fresh her grette. But use your ir and th ink abou t your ov ers : cooked an d


-it: Bai1--------------------------- Couni

........- • • the reai------------Z ,— ih aJeg :

fe in Texas and m ea t. I ^ ^ r e . I am

louth ribs. I’v e P IC KraldnorparboU----- METHOnd that parboil- » u ce s d ing them off on . said. “It ' to get do se to marihac r i b s n r t h e r e only ab'

intastic ribs? _ m ushy In , TEXAS re s t. T l

method ;rybody-has-an - dry m b, [lakes fantastic sprinklei iproach we set- .. before c (■the*b’one ribs using a 1 everal experts - a mop) Ivice. . doesn’t Irhere'are three demess. spareribs, baby cue sauc< style. Spareribs a lot of si ig ’s low er rib most do) le least m eaty during iJ jxperts, indud- cooking 3II of Cook’s' bum. A ; le, prefer them sauce aft he ir ex tra fa t grill*:at tender and SLOW long cooking dtsagre<

slowly (2m only c a lle d (2 2 0 to 2 om e from the ' .c losed . ' ! d o scsf to the cook, th< )t from a baby become, onados, indud- of the ga: Chicago barbe* fall dowi Ter (barbeque- temperal jr them to degrees,’ hey are meati- one side e-more-suscep— ^and-tum-

making them • three-zor right bur

today’:chicken ,

____________ cooked sjly, as do s

ing a t home, I This sathe main dish and the iiitables for two arate pla:eftover ingre- ta in e r s . 'th e basis fo r and can

im e favorites: advance. A crisp cool .

irnimer day is QUIC}Ie. These sal- : MtUces <lb cooking or 6 small- an obvious scrubbed,tage. , 1 /2 pia variation of trimmed\H Z ) sa la d , ' S a ltto iy consists of ' 10 cupsato e s, g re e n 1 medi5, tuna,,hard- thinly slicrbs.with olive__ 12_ o ure added left- packed iiicooked red* over coo)to th is sa lad beef strip;herbed vinai- ' 1 canr imagination weight) slDur own left- 6 hard<id sh re d d e d • 4' rom t

Q: G a n I 'p i

A ; Y es. F irs t D o n 't u s e a

^ w i l l d o p e r t r J 8 1 g c r y lic l a t e x ,

?7 0 ™ T iiia K e T 't a n y ' m a y w a r p f r

Hallo’s OUat

C all the Ki Division k Inscciicide U w n Fctji

, ^ Programs._____ ______ WWW.


I f S

rbccLKjncry-sty leribs come irom sar of the anim al, d o se r to * eBS^Thcy~hav«^hie‘m o8t - . Buy th e s^ if yo u w a n t:. Bh.mea'tLtq.u'se a fo rk a n d .

:K YOUR SEASONING SODr“M arlnades;'rubs'and“ s do not tenderize,” Kimball “It’s a myth.” H e adds lhat lad e s-p en e tra te th e m ea t .. abou t 1/4'inch , m aking i t ' y w ithout_tenderizing the T he p re fe r re d flav o rin g >d around the country is the lb, a mix of dry seasonings ded or rubbed on th e meat B_cooking. Most agree th a t .. a lu t in g sauce (also called . t p ) . th ro u g h o u t cooking 't improve moistness or ten- ss. Using a favorite barbe- uce is fine, but if it contains f s i i ^ or tomato sauce (and lo), brush it,on the ribs only S the last 20-30 m inutes of lg. Otherwise, the sugar will A safe route is to apply the after taking the ribs off the

WAND'LOW : There is no reem en t here : Cook ribs {2 to 5 hours) over low heal

3 275 degrees), with the lid J. T he m ore slow ly th ey the more tender they will le. But here is where some • gas grills Kimball has tested )wn: They can’t provide a ra ture any lower than 300 ss, Tiy to reduce the hear on de of the grill to medium m -theother-dde-off.-For-a— 50ne grill, set th e left and lumers (front and rear) on

’s Ieftoy(sn, tu rk e y o r b e e f and i shellfish work beautiful-0 strips of cooked salmon, salad can be m ade ahead

e ingredients stored in sep- ilastic sealable bags or con- ;. The v inaig re tte .is easy in be m ade 'a few days in :e.

IICK SALAD NICOISEes 8 servinglall red-skinned potatoes,ed, quarteredj)O u n d g re e n b e a n s ,

to ta s te .ips favorite l e ; ^ greens

sliced ^ ’Du n ce s a lb a c o re tu n a1 ih water, drained or left--— 3oked chicken, tu rkey or ripsin (3 ounces d ra in e d I sliced black olives d-cooked eggs, quartered m a to m ato es , w ash ed ,

p a in t - o v e r m y v in y l st pow er w ash to rem o a wire b rush o r sandpa rm anen t dam age. U se ; ;x. If you cha.nRe_the,C: i> ^ rk e r ’ fh¥ti before o from the sun 's heat.

n u r s e r ie s , Inc.N u tuh -nU n tN f^ iU K m !

: Kimberly Nurseries Spray 1 for com petitive qu o tes on


vw.kimhcilynurMric .cam

I . __

.............s — ---------

e withnT medium and turn the to off. Once ribs arc on d st——them-no-morethan-e\ I t — utes. " " ~

~ n f f i SEa t E T i s n s Another widely agreet

G A fte r th e rib s a re c id thenfinheavy follana ill . in a large brown pape I t , - the bag and let the rib It . .10 an hour. According i t ' ih e rib s steam slight ;e juices redistribute thn g meat, making the ribs le and tender.5s G erber gives a moi it method: T ake a doul

foil, turn up the sides, d . about:3 /4 inchofa liq i g ju ice or apple cider)1- ribs on top of the liqu2- the foil. Place the pad IS the grill and le t the d ab o u l 1 hour. Remoi y from the foil and brus if becue sauce. Cook ovi 11 low hea t (about 300 d e minutes per side. We e methods worked well.

0 H ere’s a method fo s adapted from “The B il Grillins and Barbecue, d ‘ it to charcoal kettle J y about 30 briquettes (i 11 n6y or an electric startt e ' ing fluid) and push tl1 side of the kettle. I ^ t i Q of foil-wrapped wood c0 charcoal. Replace the1 ribs go on the opposite 1 fit in three slabs you’ll I

1 open ^ the way t j u j 1 top vents about 1/4 inc

ers tom1 sliced-

Dressing: 1/4 cup phis 2 tab le

i ragon or white wine vir• . 3 tablespoons Dijon r• ' Salt and pepper to ta ' 1 t e a s ^ r i sugarI 1 /2 teaspoon dried

leaves 1 /2 teaspoon finely n

lie1 teaspoon finely mi

, . lot, optional--------------"2/3 cup olive oil

, Place the potatoes in saucepan.. Cover with 1 and bring to a boiL Re

. to medium and cook 3 , or until the potatoes o

Drain and set aside t ! - -j.prick_the potatoes.sev----- and microwave on high

der, 6 -8 minutes. Mean' sep a ra te saucepan, bi w ater to a boil. L i^ t l water and add the gre Blanch th e beans 3 m u n ti l c r isp - te n d e r . I

( S i

ly i s i d in g ? -------------

nove stains. ' - Ipaper - they ;e a top-qualitylc o )p J . .d o n V _ _ ____; or your sid ing "


BSECall Now for ■

733-6522 orJol

1 tlTCS(lie center one adding atlie grill, turn hour.

every 30 min-‘ ------- BARD--------- ------- --------- 3-fullIN-THE-BAGi----- ahniifilp,«d-upontrick: ' Dry ru t' tlon e , w rap • 1/4 cupiia '^ac^ lhem ^2 laBleMr bag. Close der, grouibs rest for up siigar.salllg to Kimball, 1 tableh tly and th e . sugar, f/ciroughout the t ^ , v ^ te3S more moist 1 teaspc

2 cups^lore complex ory or me;uble lay er of Barbeas, and pour in - Remov[quid (diluted inside of ir). Place the to do this Iquid and'seal rub ingreiicket back on bowl. Sprie rib s steam ribs withlOve th e ribs room tem]ush with bar- and refrii)ver medium- Place chip' d e^ e es) 3-4 ' homemaie found both above’priI. and heat

--------- are smokfor gas grills Turn priiBest Recipe medium; i

le.” To adapt Place thei grills, l i ^ t g rill. Cov(use a chun- ev ery 30

rter, not light- starts to pthem to one to 3 hout about a cup 'inside griI chips on the 220-275 d le grate. The wrap in fo reside, bur to bags. SeaiII have to use room te:bottom-vents----- UnwrapTliust crack the . becue saucnch. Plan on ing. Serves

lorrow’ebeans'and to stop th(

[espoons tar- large servi vinegar leafy greet1 m ustard green bes taste G ently to

Altem ativ 5d ta rrag o n onindividt

. H with leafy minced gar- , tiv e iy art

! \ ■ s lices, po nihced shal- m eat and 0-------------- ■ ' To prepj

all dressin in a medium - with a tigl 1 cold water combine. I Reduce heat the salad c : IS minutes . Garnish v» : a re tender. -and serve,

to cool. Or NOTE: 1sveral.tim es___ alLthe.lnggh imtil ten- — to g e th e r : inwhile, in a advance p b ring m ore potatoes, £ itly salt the w ash and re en beans. rhake the m inutes or ingredienti D ra in th e sealable ba

awf— Q : H o w c a n I p i

f o r a g in g ani! A: O ne m ethod is m ay seem , it will i cost-effective way

“HiTaisO u s e a iiqu taste an d will keej p lan ts w ith o u t dai

% s s| g ^ g jm n h o u s c s

Growers of Quality Ani)u.-ils.nnd I’erennlals.

o P.iilo Cont.-ilrtcts jjb .ind Datkcis .

369 S. 300 E IfTOtnc. ID


B S I B S —>r a FREE E stim a te

M S S s m s f - j s s s . ____

e tip sI a fe>v b riq u e tte s every

RBECDED'SPARERIBS” 'II slabs p o rk sp a re rib s ; Ipoundseacb- -irub: ,up sweet paprika -______- •3lespoons each: chili pow- round cumin, dark brown saltblespoon cach: oregano, freshly ground black pep- lite pepperspoon ground red pepper w wood chips, such as hick- n ^ u i t eeciie sauce for serving lOve th in m em b ra n e on 3f ribs, or ask your butcher ds for you; set aside. Mix all {redients together in small prinkle or rub both sides of 1th dry rub . L et stand ot anperoture 1 hour, or cover frigerate up to 24 hours, hips in aluminum tray or in_ nade tra y of foil. P lace primary burner. Close lid at grill to high until chips oking, about-lO-minutes.— irim ary b u rn e r down to n; turn off other burners), he ribs over cool part of Jover ajid cook, tu rn ing 30 m in u te s , u n ti l m eat ) pull away from bonos, 2.5 ours. T he te m p e ra tu re grill should stay between 3 degrees. R em ove ribs; foiL Place in brown paper

eol to dose. Set aside at te m p e ra tu re 1 hour. rribs-and'brush"wtHT5ar^ auce if desired before serv- ves 6 .

s saladnd plunge into ice water the cooking process. In a irving bowl, combine the eens, red onion, potatoes, >eans, m eat and olives, toss to mix. S et aside,

tively, arrange the salad idual dinner plates. Start ^fy greens, th en decora- arran g e th e re d onion p o ta to es , g re e n onion, d olives.epare the dressing: Place sing ingredients in a jar :ight-fitting lid. Shake to i. Pour the dressing over d and toss evenly'to coat.1 with hard-cooked eggs/e. ---------------

This is a salad in which iigredients.can-bc-tossed~ sr a f s e rv ln g tim e. F o r ’: prepara tio ji, cook the 5, green beans and eggs,... tid d ry 'th e g re e n s and 1 iic v in a ig re tte . All th e I nts travel well in plastic I bags. I

' n < S. e £

p r o te c t m y la w n a i n im als?is to put up a fence, a 11-eventually be the m ly of keeping the large qu id sp ray repeirmTw ;ep small anim als fron iam aging them or hai

Pest i Lawn Fe

Tree S| Ground :


788-9752 1

Creat<Jtomiy SchmMl===

Detroit Free P f ^

-It’s summertime an " are fired up. And not • b e lte r .than, a charci ^ ham burger. But w el ^ _ mean a dry burger,-S4

will develop new tec ensure a juicy l e ^ b when cooked through.

Start by selecting y< Lean top round or d

,f the best texture. I pr( il Have your butcher gi 11 from some sirloin and }f 20 percent to 25 perc it weight of Ihe chuck. N ;r fat m d ts oiit during coi s- Add m oisture and f

_ trick-to lceeping well:! ® ers moi’st is to add mo

best source is your favc such as A-1, Heinz 57CCi(T

" Season th e b u rger 'j seasoning-just befon

Adding seasoning too draw juices from the r

5 with a generous dose < g fresh ly g ro u n d blaci „ along with a litde of yo ;j hot sauce. You also ma J lie, onion and chopped t pers. B lend, don’t mj

your fingertips.=:-------^ If iW g -Jfh a p e : Ust

mold or cylinder encas tic wrap to form 8-ouni Then pat the burger ii T ra n sfe r to a parch waxed paper-lined cot and keep refrigerated v to cook.

To cook well - o r no my burgers medium-rai only way to kill bacterit be in the cen ter is to 1

' medium-well to well c very hard to igriore hei ings these days, so use nique lo be safe and s juicy burgers.

F T r V w


a n d g a rd e n f ro m

and as expensive as m ost perm anen t and

rger anim als awav. Yoi tw liich hariTBTtter om nibbling o n your la rm ing the anim als.

S p r a y i n i y "^

It Control Fertilization

d i m g ...............>d Control33-4206


It y o u )m«4 for 3 NMtr amnUnjmTvUtiii \------------

F Bq e

:e ‘the p-------- ^— - — — 'n u f F

2 pound:----------------------TBbout2 0 p»md the grills loin fat olhing ta s te s . . 4 ounces rcoal-grilled in any con ell-done can H einz -SO today we Worcesters 3chniqucs lo 1/4 cup d burger even 2 eggwhi

h. 2 teaspoc your bitfgen ‘ 2 teaspoc chuck have ly ground b

>refer chuck. 1 large c grind up fa t veiyfine(o id add aboul ^^4 cup Tcent of the Vidalia omi Much of the Coarsely

:ooking. *0 in a v o rT h o IW oneburg--------

- A i d ..ho

Starte of salt and ^„„ked bre,

t e S s -

n ash ,u sm g

asedinplas- i w ® th.mce p a tties .' „ jx e d pap.imo shape. an d t^ M g a

.ookle sheet „ d oil the 1 until ready ers on the

season thei not; I prefer ground blac •we, but the over ^ t e r 1 ila that may cook them 3 cook until Melt cheesc I done. It is point, if desi lealth warn- the buns on se this tech- golden. Imi 1 still enjoy burgers witi

ments. Make

✓MortnoooMllnUh»di I jP jjH ✓ No.mMs. Unr odo(. Lo

t^Hewdiamond-boidca ■ ■ ■ ✓ Loog-woffiia0 ioucb-u]:

floon iKf Uma . - CiOfwrClcttfoniDi


ardTo ad ver ti

c a ll 7 3 5


s l l i l l i i i l n a j j Bd _______Liqui-Gio u_-- __ ^ n d K a D e , t

I n s ta l la t io n , I r D e s ig n , Insfo

R ep a iBuriay/Rupttft A

___ 678-3807_______ 4



.. Get-bids for-y< and summer

)d & - H o m e -

3erfect:_legiilJinds of ground chuck with 10 peroent"t6"25"percenrsii^ ‘

ices of.your favorite saucesrtimhiir^arinn^ such aS A*l, - -

57, ■ b a rb e c u e ,tershire or Tabasco. ____ __ip dried bi«a,d crumbs whites, beaten spoons of sea salt » spoons or more fresh, fine- id black pepper ;e dove of garlic, m inced e (optional) .:up f in e ly d ic e d sw eetonion (optional)iely ground black pepper

rlhegrill.Ki{pptional>.____iburgerbunsimentsthe m eal in th e coldest

-y o u r-ra fF ige ra io r^ In -a-----owl, com bine th e sauce ! bread crum bs im til the is abso rbed . M ix in th e egg w h ites . In a la rg e

lowl,' com bine th e sauce- bread crumbs, m eat, s^ t , round pepper, garlic and lend using your fingertips, rge ramekm 6 r s m ^ indi- taVt o r flan cy lin d e r

I in plastic wrap to cut out -i-burgeE.s,ih,a circu lar:___ 1at the burgers into shape.' them to a parchment* or >aper-lined cookie shee t igerate them until you're ) cook. P reheat th e grill h e grate. Place the burg* he grill and generously theni w ith th e coarse ly black pepper. Turn them > e r about 5 m inutes and em un til they are done, eese over the top a t this . desired. Meanwhile, toast 1 on the grill until i h ^ are Im m ediately serv e th e with yqyr favorite condi* Iakes.4 big burgers.--

twdwHhoutsaodtDglK.LowticotLidcotdTxadlinish.:b-up/iapalr M m flniihing. aa;a <Iay to'coopl*^“ "

pretetfcnof toddf.

>6« 731-6110■

0 1

rtise here ^ 5 -3 2 1 0

-G reen'fCLpesiQo A ___ ___ 1 _____n, Sprinkler f~ ^ istalfoHon & p a ir .


sr-your sp ring -----ler projects.



TlwiiM i«i.T»teF^

= = ^ F o o g ( g |T

' ' ^ V«y^

h r . t r r

t— p - ^

- f e i f L ome*TT . ^ ' I12


= L © ¥ # k

wrap-aLooking a t th e Lovel:

easy to im agine lazing summer afternoon on an i

. . . ioned porch swing. The o covered porch spans th and wraps quite a ways the left side. Half-round i nestled u nder th e garag and two dorm er gables.ac home’s welcoming appeal

Inside, vaulted ceilings the sense of spadousnes entry, g rea t room, m ast and secondary bedrooms upper level, a railed brii across the air space that 1 entry and great room, wh ings slope up to almost ries in height.

S ources of n a tu ra l li generously supplied. Si brighten the entjy; wide 1

------ flirm irch“b r t h e rear"wmore Ught spills into the th ro u g h a b a n k o f .skj While bay windows in th and .dining room let in p l ig h t th e re , to o , th is 1 muted by the covered por

The kitchcn is en tirdy the great room, and a Ic versation bar rims the L work island th a t houses top as well. Ample counti

B u t t e r n

T h e y ’ r<By Cathy ThomasTha Ofanga County Reglstei

■ W hen I’m w ith Jo H um phreys, chef-ow ner Ramos House Cafe in Sa Capistrano, Calif., I want t restaurant.

He niakes it look like : much fun.

From 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ti through Sundays, his plac with comfort food, cool mi a d o r in g cu s to m ers. Ev<

fTT ienrw iilirexZ on th e fro n t p o rc h o r j( staff a t concerts. '

H is c u is in e , contem i A m eric an w ith S outhei

___C ajun influences, indudis is tib le d ish es siich as 1

. Com and Buttermilk Crat W ith F ie ld G re e n s , Soi F r ie d C h ic k e n S a lad C o rn b re a d a n d R as] Butterrnilk Pie.

H ere’s his biscuit redpe: BUTTERMSLKBISCU

3 3/4 cups a ll-pu rpose ^ lu s flour for dusting wo

1/4 cup baking powder 1/4 cup sugar 1 scant teaspoon salt

- l ^ iTILE « REFINISt

■b, lcW>i » M a« la ,,M ,4, :K)<


-------------; Bom__ noofl

^ s^riKfc]WKwa-Lj—u----- -------------------------

MiRoem- I»-*8w j n j j


L ■ J —

l a n d - h a

around/e land , i t ’s allows a teaing aw ay a cu linary m;an o ld - f ;^ ' without stepe congenial toes.: th e fron t A huge w:lys around a round theid windows pass*througrage gable that connect>^add to the thrc&car garlearance. Master suings expand huge walk-ness in the water doset,as ter suite in shower aims. On the Soft light fibridge cuts room througla t links the Two moiw here ceil- upstairs, plujst two sto- room, storag

and shelM1 lig h t a r e level also ofS idelights bonus room

Je windows storage spao• wall; and For a ' revthe kitchen sca led flooisk y lig h ts . section andI the office send $25 ton plenty of 1100 Jacobsis lig h t is W, Eugene,porch. spedfy the 1ely open to include a rc1 long con- o rdering . Ae L-shaped m ore thanses a cook- available forinter space mation, call (

m i l k B i s

r e e x p e d3/4 cup (1 ]

ster cut in 1/2-incl-------------- 1 1/4 cupsJ o h n Q. margarine, o

le r of T he 11/2 cups I San Ju an Fifteen mil

nt to own a adjust oven position and

<Q so dam degrees.S ift flour

. Tuesdays sugar and sa ilace hums electric mix« music and and.tnargariii B venings, Using flat

r jo in th e te r and m ai large peas. If

sm p o rary pastry cutter h e rn a n d mixer. Add Iudes irre-__u n til doughIS P o ta to , be in g carefi rab Cakes Tum onto flc S o u th e rn face. Roll out ad W ith mass, a s p b e rry U sing flou

cutter, cut ou pe: on ungreasiCUITS C over w ithise flou r, freeze a t leas work-sur*— month..Bake________ upper-third oir ed oven abo

until golden b cui ts.

i n iSHING ■ REPAIRMng •BathTubs •CounterTt I C h w FootTubs ^BothS,

rd i£ O p era ted ~ ^


tm. I __




_________ t e f f l f f i M i

=1■w Imi m S

— j y -■_______ nr«iiriii m-ijy

I • I

. c i XI

_____J c

is-thatH Ifeel :earn of cooks to create \ m agic to g e th e r h e re topping on each other’s

walk-in pantry is ju s t phe c o r n e r , in a la rg e cugh u tility /m ud room hects th e kitchen to the cgarage. t: suite luxuries in d u d e a . - -pIk-in c lo s e t , p r iv a te a« t, double vanity, w ^ - tl and deep soaking tub.

: filte rs in to th e bath- pugh glass block walls. Fn o te b e d ro o m s a re vplus a two-section bath- vrage doset, linen doset oM in ed h allw ay . T h is toffers access to a huge t

om and. an o th e r large trace.oyer the garage. . . , __neview p lan , including s30r p lan s , elevations, b nd a r tis t’s conception, .to A ssodated Designs, o>bs Drive, D epartm ent vile , OR 97402. P le ase n c Loveland 30-282 and re tu rn address when

. A ca ta lo g fe a tu rin g nm 350 hom e p la n s is bfor $15. For more infor- a01(800)634-0123. T

* ' b

s c u i t s : J

d i t i o u s;i 1/2 sticks) cold butter nch cubesips (2 1/2 sticks) cold , cut in 1/2-indi cubes B] K butterm ilk Tlminutes before baking,:n rack to upper third id preheat oven to 375 rc

rclur, b a k in g p o w d er, bi salt into large bowl of el lixer. Add cold b u tte r to rine.a t paddle atrachm ent,

la rg a rin e a re size of If desired, you can use P<

te r instead of electric d butterm ilk and mix gh is ju s t com bined , _ < efu l n d t to bverm lx . floured, d ty work sur- )ut to 2- to 3-inch-thick

loured 2-inch b iscu it P out biscuits and place ” a se d b a k in g sh e e t, th p la s t ic w rap and » s t 2 hours or up to 1 ke frozen biscuits on I ovenjrack in preheat- ' bou t 25 m in u te s , o r [I brown. Makes 16 bis-

t « REMODELrTops fR b e fvk m t& Kitchen /iemodeSng '

m .i'

Geilin- — DEAR JIM a.th lnk . thi ^ i ^ c e i l i n g - £ a n _ o r _tw«

■ — rti i f iV im fnrt ntifew bucks on our d ec tr

-w ant unique-looking fan — Dfrhe-mm laRrblrlRBF

What is best? — --- . — CA

CARRIE: Addi- >-£tyUsh ceiling, fautt wiU'

than-just sa\-e a few bu ^ u tility b ills . By inctea:

com foit level w ith ceili you can se t the a ir con therroostat 2 or 3 degree In m any' hom es, th is c over S1(W in the summer

A lthough all ceiling f g rea t hanging in big b< ce n te rs o r l i f t i n g sh e th ere are significant dif in q u a l i ty . A c h e a p c quickly b ^ i n to wobble i after you install i t This is la rly n o ticeab le on me

__high'Stfetfds most ciftenthe summer....................

T here are new, unique c^eiling fa n s availablc-i also e ffid en t. Some use

, palm, woven bamboo or V highly p itched oval blai

. effective cooling with h ings, a unique style, with tr im , u se s two of th e m o u n ted on a horizoni opposing each other.

Decorative tall pedesta fa n s , m o u n ted on an w r o u ^ t iron bas^ can be

_ w h e r e needed..Som e hi s ^ e d fans have an^iirtoiJ

' b lad e s w ith a built-in h light. For your kid’s room one that looks like a soc or an airplane. Other tha

Crack iQUESTION: Our <>nclos<

p orch h a s a wood Hoc crackf between the floorb h av e se v e ra l tim e s fill docks with wood filler, le th e n p a in te d th e floo r

-porch-ond-deck paint-Th always peels, especially the wood BUer. What’s wrc

ANSWER: The wood I probably causing the pr Floorboards shrink and ■ w ith changes in the hui which causes wood filler t or fall out. If the cracks t the boards are small, yo b e t is to lea v e them al th e re are som e large cn

_ m ig h t. b e 'p o ss ib le to ci s trip s of w ood and glui between the boards.

You m ight also try an outdoor Gupet on the pon would cover the cracks an' nate the n e ^ for painting.

QUESTION: Our kitche nets oirc made of beautifu but th e finish is worn ant around th e edges of the T he c a b in e ts have a mi brow n s ta in , covered polyurethane. Someone tol p a in t th e cabinets, b u t ! w ant to hide the woocL C h d p ?

ANSWER: Complete rc ing of the cabinets - remov

N o t h i n gBy Elien HawksTlw Baltimore Sun__________

J. S h ive ly of Carnegii requested a re d p e for a ‘ ro le w ith chopped o brow ned, ground beef; c elbow m acaroni; and a i tomatoes or a tomato sauce

This reheats well, makin 'W?5'ni»ttk’e‘rp5»WOTR*TCiW next day. Green peppers, p a rs le y o r a l i tt le sprin Parmesan chtese.coiUd gi up a little.


1 yellow onion, ch o p p ^1 teaspoon vegetable oil

T r y s o r r

F o oWednesd;

B c s a u M u lP ia e r in g L am inate Floorii

- Safes & SCTWff 324^

Lgfanscthat-adding___wo .w o u ldnn rf atr ie bills. I ~ u is instead - - Uc" varielty.

:a r r ie -v .—

ding a

Mcks your ^as4tl&.the.,. iling fans, snditioner eeshigber. can sav e s alone. ^v,j. . 9

; fans lookbox hom e 'lowrcKims, lifferences ,

one e and hunP isparticu-

ledium or

ue-looking!- th a t-a re___se natural rw ickerin

For high ceil-th filigree 1 ^ ^ ^ ™ lese fa n s .. ... . in ta la x is N«w c«llln£ ta

ta l ceiling the pitch ofn o rn a te good indicatebe moved pitched blade h igh-tech — m ovem ore-oD^HapeH • speed. TfHs”I ha logen more powerfm, choose massive moteK cer ball e r speed, hulan price, diminished. ~

in woodosed front o o r w ith rboards. I ille d th e

it diy, J >r w ith arhe point------

around/rong?i f ille r is , . „ , . _—problem . old fmish amd expand Ijare wood -lum idity , project Howerto c ra d c p l e o f ^ e r5 between *ake tha t miyour best cabinets. I sualo n e . If one door:racks, it 1“ ® c u t-th in _ ea s je r.to .w o rliue th em the cal

hardware,n indoor- ’The simples3rch. This up the areas \md elimi- stain have belg. small can of ;

that doscly nhen cabi* stain on the aful wood, ' are sold at mond faded hardw are stoie doors. c h a rts showm edium - ' appearance oled w ith .Simd the wontold us to 100-grit sandpt I d on’t and put a littliCan you wipe it on.ont

Let the'stainrefinish- minutes, thenoving the worn area is

g i b e a t s a1 pound lei

turkey------------ 1 (1 4 1/2-01gie. P a ., style tomatoes a “ca ss^ ‘ indudlng the j on ions; l(SK)unce)c

: cooked 1/2 teaspcxin a can of 3/4 teaspoon ce.” 1 teaspoon c

Freshly groii in g l ta n Qilorcookir iWSinRe " ^ i ^ ^ V u p s rs, fresh* cooked and dn ink le o f . In a lai^e si gussy it heat, saute the

the oil until D tO U ^ _ minutes.N S tir in th ed turieey and ch(>1 e n spoon, coo

n e t t l i n g

) d - & - H o mdays in The 71mes-Ne

. F o iiring^2'!s4. a...) G*nucw r«mi

*IuM0(|1m w( IkImM

^ ~ f l o 6 r & ^ J i s



m: fans can trim utliny bills yesr-r

of the fan blades is aato r of quality. Steeply eades (up to 22 degrees) I•e-air-a t-aslow er-fa n -----1IS requires a heavier,erful motor. With this ^otor running a t a slow- ihum and wobble a re tJ - ^

d floors?3 D o i t jJ YOURSELF ‘ ■ Gene Austin t

and’starting'bver with” ” F1 - would be a m ajor /iwever, there are a cou- yer approaches you can „m ight re juvenate the |suggest working with -

)or to see whether you „suits. The door will be ^ ork.withJ£youIremc>ve-' r...cabinet and remove all j.

siilest method is to touch pIS whcire the finish and abcjen worn off. Buy a fi3f pigmented oil stain pf matches the existing u! cabinets. These stains ^most home centers and s<stores, and th ere are oiow ing th e f in ish ed si of the various colors. girom areas lightly wilh siidpaper. Stir the stain tlttle on a soft do th and g 3ne of the worn areas, in penetrate for a fewlen wipei it off. If the nis still too light, add h<

i-good ol’lean ground beef o r lo

A:-ounce) can Italian - th >es,coarsdychoppeti,_ cc le juice csi) can tomato sauce ormn sugar----------- -------->on salt (optional) mn chili powderrotmd pepper to taste 35k in g p rav^.r — ~ ?s elbow m ac aro n i, m drained ut: skillet over m ^ u m the chopped onion in I translucent, about 3 /

h e g rb u h d b e e f o r ^ chop up with a wood* liooking until it is no j j

I t a s t y

1 0 - — = News 35

a r L i f e !- i-C a tiw v in jl

m. iIS H ^ _ w

■ ' Dow ~ lo F B


~ H ig h“ celllri

w llht_heldx<


' iigi

. Ceiling lan with ce ra m ic . and lights m ounted be

Special fan fC om em F designed celling

for outdoor with wii u se too ‘ j blade


A no ther fe a tu re to e' q u a lity a n d e ffe c tiv e n i both sum mer and winter

A larger range is bettei very slow low speed (dou rpm). In the. winter, you ' th e lowest speed . Three settings are’adequate, bi

1? Justleanother coat of stain or le first coat on longer before it off. After a few tries, you get a tone tha t closely n the old stain.

■ When you have touchec the worn areas, you niight give the doors, o r possil e n d re cabinets, a fresh i polyurethane-T o do-this the cabinets with mineral (pa in t th in n er) to remo' wax or grease. (Use caud good ventiladon, because r spirits are flammable and s tro n g odor.) S an d ti: polyurethane l i ^ d y , then

..o n afresh c o a t---------------—-A-second altemadve'is'ti

ish the cabinets with a vi stain, which stains and ap protecdve Hnish a t the sarr and can be use^d over old finishes. Vamish-stains arc p a in t sto res and hom e c under a variety of brand i Minwax’s Polyshades is a sold example. Follow dire on the container for prepar surface and using vaniish-si general, th e vam ish-staii should be as dark or darkc the original tone of the p re finished wooeL

QUESTION: I have a fon roof of my house, which i hot air from the a tt ic Is it

r c a s s e r o ]longer p in k , ab o u t 7 mil Add tomatoes, tomato saw the seasonings and mix we cooked.macaroni in a 21/2 casserole lightly coated w or cooking spray.

Add the m eat and sauo mix well.

Cover and bake in preh 350<legree oven until bubb

. justpht^ifwino.r/Y yowTij. ahminutes. L e t l ts ta n d a feV u tes before serving. Servcs-


In Stock TOe... White 4x4... * r* » q .f t.o r 2'.

Cheek out our beautifui new handmade llnel

r v i s i t o u r w e b s ite w w w .tile 4 u .c o m

355 4th Ave. W.Twin Falls 7 3 2 - 5 ^

_ _ C M s t o i f i J

G O F F lB A Y * c o fn ii* c o iisn o c n (

< ■

3re thanw nrod 1’ ^ fo o T ---------- — 1r height | __ H | j | H

ih-tech __ IjHljjMliriirfenI hand*

-o f fe r W u ro r l F o r use ir

ied and _ _ dully in th e , Igntfl J ing fan wilh

ceram ic heal • " ' '' dust o r odor

c h e a te r I “ =>"8.“ / ? " below • coaVair-fUter-■ ----- programmabli j m g g H venient.

Yo u can pr automadcally tem peratu re

vii rooms, a sleei ly reduces tJ

__ 2 te r you fall]

- th e d is ta n ce . . - . i . J .J im portantfor

> — ^calToom hei nporary downrod p a d ig fan F or 10-foot c(vicker downroc

for 15-foot cei] downrod.

W rite for L 487 - buyer’s

ev a lu ate fa c tu re rs of 1 n ess, fo r dard and a ir c e r use, is listing unique

h/»r f<f H ndps. ter as is a trols and featu 3wn to 25 $3 an d a busII will use W rite to Jan ee speed _ Royalgre_en I bui s o m e __ OH 45244.

iave the;leave the idea to run thisre wiping tial air<ondidcou should ANSW ER:]matches have the roof f:

. running while ied up all didoning is runIt want to such as this c<sibly th e out of the liviitl coat of hot air from thelis, d e a n -------------------------•al spirits QUESTION:lOve any wood chest ofidonand . taken on a tenis mineral washed otit theid have a tried airing Itth e old pecslsts.A t^iden brush ANSWER: H------ coming from pirto'refih- d ra w m lhat'arvam ish. wood), such a:

applies a ■ bottoms of dravune time of the case. Ttji vamish ished draw er ]re sold at coats of shellac,cen ters for sealing odo

J names. odor persists, uia widely bare-wood f a rirecdons shellac, whicharingthe most paint stor1-stain.In ters. 'ain tone • —ker dian Readers'quest.reviously are wdcome am

G ene A u stin , \ Inquirer, Box 8

u i in th e 19422. Semb expels gpustin9phin]init a bod cannot be answa

) l elin u tes .luce and ? r^P^®2S$8Z5vdL P utl/2-quan

}bly and

ew inin. ss-4.

f f





H o m e B u i l_ Building I

DisUncUon f l U ' ' 7 Years

Maaic \nONINC.

t4 9 ~ y ^ 8 0 - 0 5 0

n stylel■ “ S e n s i b l e ~

H ^Jam es.D uIley^

or five. ■ 7 ";e in a room th a t gets" he winter, install a ceif.. ith an optional built-m,', / tea t^r. For rooms ■wlUi * dor problems, c o n s id i an w ith spec ia l char-., i te r blades. Hand-hc^i^r'- lab le controls are con^*

1 program the speed to" ' ally change as the room . ure changes. For bed- leep m ode automatie^-i IS th e fa n speed soonall asleep.---------------^stalling a ceiling fan,. - nee fro m th e floor is for comfort. For a fjrpi- , he ig h t, use 'th e sh o ft" , lackaged wilh the f a ^ Jt ceilings, use a one-.;” irod. F o r 12-foot ceiT-,I two-f<X)t downrod anB i ceilings, use a five-foQjt .

ir U pdate Bulletin No. sr’s guide of 11 manu* o f high-quality , scan- iir d e a n e r ceiling fans que styles, pilch/num-icsrsp^sr6i2es,-c0n-^-?-----satures. Please indude' , ' • b u sin ess-s ize SASE,' J a m e s D u lley , 6 9 0 6 '':n D rive , C in c in n ati,^ .___

• . . __sm bethis £an while the cen- lidoning is nmning?R: I t ’s a b ad idea to ■ of fan, o r any attic fan, - i iie the central air-coiv- ruruiing. Exhaust fansr- s can pull cooled a i r - ' living area as well as^-i ith ea td c . ‘ ^-.i

DN: W e have a largfe ' to f draw ers th a t has- ' teixible odor. We h av e- the dntw eis and also

; It o u t,'b u t th e odor • yWeas?L* The cxlor is probably tt parts of the cAesr of — t are. unfinished (bare h as th e insides and Irawers and the inside Tty ^v in g the unfin^ e r p a r ts a couple of ilac, which is excellent odors in wood. If tho s, use shellac on other fa r ts . U se brush-on ich can b e bought at stores and home cen*

uorions and comments- and should be sent to n, th e Philadelphia - « 5 6 2 , Blue Bell, Pa. ^>end e-m ail f«j.. Uiptewsxxm. Questions sweredpersonallif.

tidingg Homes of ■ i’on For Over > arslnTfteic Valley! ;

ioo ;J

Consi(z - j f e t & a :- — -BrBfllDafoj-----------------— TheHartfonlCoitfMt —

‘ R ed fo r b ee f, w hite ’Ihat’s tho ageold dictun

--------ing wine and food Yet pihave trouble choosing wi

T h at’s w hy one entc F r ^ c h m arketer, Viniv;

"Gfficken” and “Lamb” BoJre e t M an g e r (Fr< “Im nk and Eat” ) l a b ^

••A new way to sell w Boire e t M anger websitt declares, these wines are to 18- to 25*year-blds " occasional consum ers, a tm ctiv e packages and messages.”

Boire e t M anger bottle tinbtive. Each features t of A e appropriate food

------- languages, and cartoonjte i^ The Lamb wine, for dimlays rows of cute whi a n a lim b chops. Around totn of th e b o ttle is a : sc^ie, complete with whi fence.

The look is deliberate.' site says the bottles are < to g ive ea s ily underst; infonnation to women.

“In 60 percent of the t t e w<pan is ui charge o

th e wine although she i know well the product,”

• sitB saj^

Yes-gKBy Unda Cicero TTw^laml Herakl_______

QUESTION: E ver sint pu t on a low-fat diet, F' try ing to m ake ground taste good.

‘ T u rk e y “ ham b u rg e r a p a r t a n d h a v e no flai m eatloaf.tums out diy ai less. How do I compensat< loss of nice juicy fet?

--------- ANSW EIfl-ihink-the-cd ally made veggie burgei their myriad flavors, tasti th a n a n y th in g homema tried, and certainly bett any turkey burger Tve c for tu rkey loaf, th e ver: e v e r h ad w as a t th e go

— ^ never-forgottenU nicom in North Miami.


1 tablespoon olive oil 1/2 cup minced onion 1/2 cup shredded carrot 1/4 cup minced celery 1/4 cup minced green p€ I'teaspoon dried oregan l.teaspoon dried basil

• ' 1 teaspoon minced garlii 1/2 teaspoon white pepp2 p ounds le a n fresh ]

t u r k ^1/2 cu p f re sh w hole

breadcrum bs

Some spu potato sal:

Jane Snow K ttitfitR kkfrN ew Sw vke

'Q: W hat’s th e best pot___potato_salad? . 1 al_wayi

Califomia long w h iter bt fib d th e m an y m o re . - AkhMvObio. -

■A: T he season for Cal l o i ^ w h ite s (a lso call( whites) is short. They an

aife a v a ila b le on ly fi'bi t i ^ u g h Ju ly . Look for d supermarkets now.' lx)ng whites a re indeed

choice for potato sala± Hi :oTal potatoes have a tissi skin, waxy tex tu re and i delicate flavor than potato vested in th e falL •

• T h e b e s t p o ta to fo r ] salad depends on yotu* p< ■ preference. Som e peop] meaty, mealy baldng potat potato salad, n n with you •

” T Tak<Moming I

A B C S e a r


: - 7 3 3 -9 6 8 ;: w w w .abcse w l «



~ ; Kob"Mau - - dent of Tri------ ------------J

ite fo r fish. M anger w tiun for pair- . states. H ev !t people still but says th swine. well in Man te rp risin g York and C nival, is bot- well” in Coi vines simply Moutner

- “ B eef,” selleriSFis] b” under its “Lamb is F ren c h fo r says. This 5i d. . sauvignon t1 wine,” the as well beci a te proudiy lar with Am are targeted Mautner Is “who are expanded i rs, keen on a re a lso “ : nd on quick “Duck,” “Q

_____ ______ JW autnerttlcs are dis* need. is the nam e “A lot of ] K)d in th ree side the me ony charac-— intimidated for example with what fc white lambs D e id re S m d the bot- Feast in W a m eadow says th a t

white picket approach is keting tactic

te. The web- “It’s easj re designed remember t rs ta n d a b le says.

Magnelloh e families food and wii;eof.buying___ saysheiLapjle does not consimier “ i t,” the web- and develop


round turPreheat o

_____ ' Heat oil in athe onion, c

unce I was pepper and , I’ve been about 5 mii ind tu rk ey cool romplei

turkey, saut g e rs” fa ll breod cruml ilavor. My . in a loaf pa t and taste- degrees for sate for the until golder

cooked thrc le'commer- ings. pgers, in all Per servini aste be tter caitfrom fat) m ad e I ’ve ed),83m gch te tter th a n ' 7 g cattoh'yd e tried. As mgsodium. tery b e s t I •gone-but- Vivian Rc

ira y U lag e ^ rrreq u est for t believed was

ICE’S “ cream y wikF- Helpful readt believe fit thiI The followrot homey desseiy custardy.1 pepper I used a dgano and still wanQ so you may \u-lic kling on top•pper ' custard mixti ih g ro u n d BREAD

pi>Ie-w heat l/3cupra is

5 thin slice:

•uds are be ilads than c

fe r a f i rm ,«tee______ the long wWt<

red-skinned ppotato fo r .a y s j lk e d _____ICE CREAK, but dan’t When you . - M .K ., J e r ry ’s Is la

Apple Cruml California summer, you il le d C al portitudents are fresh colleges and v

I'om M ay ” fruit w ith,a J r them in dnnamon-apj

suggested b «d a good Jo y n er 's AB H ie long, talk show. Th

issue-thin - - se le c te d fro id a m ore w e re d re ^ e c atoes har- Part of the ]

of the new fL >r p o ta to • * Tom Joyner ] • personal helps student ople lik e colly black col >tatoes for The sugges o u - I p re - $330to$3.50

ce a bre«g Break today on page

u n l e s s


1 8 3 Z _ _ 3 yi le s s .c o m

i s j f e Q l p r (

airing-iiT[autner, senior vice p r ^ r r i- '\^ Imports in Mount r K .Y ., s a y s 'B o ire e t ' " w in es a r e sold in 32

e won’t talk sales f i g u r ^ . ith e wine is doing very ' i

Itaryland, Oregon, Newd Oklahoma, and “fairly i^oruiecticut. i e r says the most popular'ish , followed by Beef. 1I is th e quietest one,” he :5 50-50 blend of cabernet . ]n and syrah doesn’t sell Jecause Iamb ii not popu- <N e ric a n consumers. : er says the line has nowd to n ine wines. T here :“ S h e llf is h ,” “ P o rk ,” I

“Cheese” and'“Pasta.” «er.says the.w ines fill a . . I

{of people, espedally out- t metropolitan areas, areed to-ask-what to serve ct foods.” (i M ag n e llo of C irc e ’s cW est H artford, Conn., sIt B o ire e t M a n g e r 's tis a “pretty cute” mar- t

rtic.asy: you don’t h av e 'to sr the wine’s name,” she I

Ho agrees that matching wine is intimidating, but aapproach.ia.to.help.the___ g* “ think for th e m ^ v c s o [op their own tastes and s ces.” She does this by t

r k e y c a n tt oven to 37S degrees.1 a saute pan and saute 1, ca rro t, celery, green id herbs until softened, n in u te s . R eserve and >letely. Mix the ground lu teed vegetables and d imbs thoroughly. Place Ic p a n a n d b ak e a t 375 sl 5r 45 to 50 minutes, o r e; len brow n on top and ai irough. M akes 8 serv- tl

ing; 212 calories (46 per- S^ t) ,I lg fd t(3 g s a tu r a t- d< cholesterol, 21 g protein,\ydrates, 0.7 g fiber, 159 wI- b:

blR odriguez e-m ailed a oi T a bread;puddlng:she ms Palestinian and wasw ith c u s ta rd in i t . ” ccaders sent redpes they ecth e request: 41owing is a wonderfully m s e r t tha t is creamy and

drm am on swirl bread ' E -anted more cinnamon, ■ y w ant to add a sprin- op o r b ea t it Into the xture.


aisinsces stole bread

stter for others n

, w axy tex tu re . A fte r I r tiites season is over, tiy E d potatoes. E

AM WITH A CAUSE M>u buy the new Ben & I Psland P a ra d ise a n d f timble ice cream s th is Q *'ou’ll b e helping sup- MIts a t historically black Kd universities. H

a h in t of coconut and Qpple-caramel - w ere by lis te n e rs of Tom

VBC R ad io N etw ork T he two flavors were•rom h u n d re d s t h a t ---------led up.le proceeds from sales flavors will go to the

tr Foundation, which m ts attending histori- coUeges. ^;es ted re ta il price is I S O ap in t . 1

sak -Ig e E3

r o o f w i r

B p a i r e eoffering 100 vrines for $1( _ “What it is a l lo w ^ mi to introduce people to wi w ou ldn’t h av e tried explains. “For $10, they

■ i ta t iy .”These wines would wo

informal, relaxed dinne the novelty Is part of the An Inform al tasting of i basic B o ire e t Mangei shows thp wines to 'be <

. ping but no t remorkabl lovers will be unimpres: cooks wonit •worry about i stealing the show. '

“F ish ,” m ade com ph sauvignon grapes, is the has that lively, grassy an expect with this grape. T

.. is l ig h t s tra w ,.a n d .the a p p le ta s te is sp ritzy

' tongue.“Chicken” is a 50-50 I

ch a rd o n n a y a n d colu Golden in color, the win* off-putting sweet-sour ta smells a b it like bamyar a f te r th e ch ic k en s ha through it.

“Lamb” is 50 percent c sauvignon and 50 percen It tastes vinegary and th little bouquet.

“B eef” is 70 p e rcen t and 30 percen t cabem e

—gnon, The-wine is soft-to-tl o f b e in g v ap id , w ith ji slightest astringency in th taste.

taste goo1/4 cup butter, melted 2/3 cup sugar - 2 cups milk 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggsLine bottom of grease

ding d i ^ (such as an 8-by-< loaf pah) with raisins. Cui slices in 3 strips, crosswi: e a c h in m e lte d b u tte arrange on top of raisin: the sugar^jnilk, vaniUn nr

' together and p o u r over ■ S p rin k le w ith c in n a n desired.

Set pudding dish in pdr water. Bake a t 375 degre< b re ad is brow ned and a blade comes out dean , alminutes. __

— Maktt'Sservixigs—Per serving: 297 calories {

cent from fat). 1 3 g fa t(7 g s ed), J 0 2 m g ^ o le s t^ , 7 g \ 41 g carbohydrates, 0.8 g fit mgsodium.

N o w ta } R esid en ti

M in i a n d li C o n v en ien t.)


B L • Ju ly 21 - N ew My ■ • Ju ly 24 - G oose C | 0 • Ju jy 2 8 - W edge V

Come In An B u m B Fabric • OuM* • l a f e i B B f f M7ftUblAM.N(B M B y * 10«w-Sd0paiTUtv

A M o w^ ^ R e a d -

m ^ . ■ *6.0

. It (cJ ; 1 •Penm ------- « In,

I ra' mulT . 1 •DunY T ‘Five

------465Addison-Ave.-\2331 South Un(X)ln

3 — ^ T i s rllO o rle s i ByRenMScI i .e to d o is Th.W a,M na Wines they ■

D oes a n j ywUl give w hether Wi

th e re fcv o rk a ta n thestraw bei

Properly r he n p ^ . som elht the fou r (T h o se fo r ;er w in es hav e e x p e r !easy .sip . . b o i s 0 - e * (

J w ild s tra wssred, but. F r a n c e - or itth ew m e b errie s fres , , ' . and still war

understand.] le best. It S tra w b e r irem ayou


I blend Of r .S °e 2 :rso " ■non traits as

n e iw s a n Strawberries taste and quandtiesof ard hay — potassium an la v e ru n ^

tcabem et LHtlB^UlOWent syrah. The straw! thin, w ith rose family a

or “accessor It m e rio t constitute th le t Sauvi- remaining be >-the p o in t- —portionof-the ju s t th ethe after- HoW tO 80l(

Peek benei ^ - berries piled

Ing p in t o r J V l ensure th a t i------------------ plumprand'i^l

S traw berri size, though

“ are diminutiv er than oversi

Most Imporsed pud-y4 P y rex ,___________!ut breadvise. D ip _ t e r a n d mIns. B eat ■ V Innrt _________ *irl^ read .im on if X

dn of ho t . *•ees u n ^1 a k n ife ^ ^about 5 0 .

ik in g r e s e r v a t i t la l /C o m m e rc ia l S to i l a rg e e n c lo se d RV sti

t l o c a t io n • Low, loi

il f

LY CLASSESly s tc ry C la s s ------------- >C h ase In T h e C abin ^ W orks

Ind Pre-Register Soont ^ • Notions • Books • AUflMiM M ■ TMn Paiu. IO ■ 208-733

# e r T h a t l - ^ o u r M i l

T o r o * S u p e r H e M o w e r w i t h E x

P e r s o n a l P j0 hp Toro QTS engine guare ie first or second pull for 5 yi for FREE!

drsonel Pace Self-Propei 8yi n control-alented Super Recycler cuttli lulches tor a healthy and bet jrable cast'alumlnun^ deck ve year full warranty

. * 4 6 9Model 20043 W/Bag

m mi P * W i iH in n i i - 1

.-W.—Twin-Falisridaho ■ in, Jerome. Idaho * 208

' . . ii

m c i m

rthe“seasD]Schettler ------- 1 - 'n g to n P o tt- I

inyone e ls e w o n d e r "W imbledon a tten d e es ifo r th e te n n is o^ fo r ’

Terries and cream? 'y ripened straw berries iith in g to a n t ic ip a te . io r tu n a te e n o u g h to - I e r ie n c e d fra ise s dese xcep tionally sw eet, | iw b e r r ie s fo u n d ino r d im inu tive straw - - :‘e sh from th e garden ^/arm from the sun will ,a.) . !e r r ie s a r e a v ia b le '}f p h y to c h e m ic a ls , , yhoo\ed nutrien ts that:ec t a g a in s t c a n fe r , .ase and. In the case of ,Lin (a pigment-related. . some of the m ost com- . assodated with a ^ g . .

ies also contain stellar iofvitam in'C and some .and iron. ^

> w n fa c t . 'wbeny-belongs to the F jt and Is, in fact, a false t » ry " fru it. The seeds c th e friiit portion; the 1: berry is technically a t the-stem.- ... ------

e le c U ■'Ineath the top layer of ^led in to those-charm -— -) r q u a r t b a s k e ts to nIt the en tire batch Is n'VibranrrTd:--------------- — firr ie s vary g rea tly In sijh those b erries th a t e dve tend to 'be sweet-irsized specimens. c:lortantly, seek tinifor- h

n o w

thec o r e X


t i o n s ! o ia g e . s to ra g e low ra te s



^ 7 8 7 9

: C a n i n d .l e c y c l e r * ’ E x c l u s i v e R a c e * .aranteed to start on •»years or Toro fixes

Syafem puts you - -

jtting system Mautllul lawn k

J 9 5

,a5K ll...*5 iS M *»- ^


0 - 7 3 4 - 4 1 4 7 -----------------D 8-324-REN T

. ~ ~ VI*

[ m 7 b i r r a ~ f e- mity in siae and color. Pi — any with-white “shoulder

• they w ere picked too ea • will not ripen furthen the

a re soft o r sh riveled ai their prime.

If the bottom of the co is leaking juice, this ma; indication of bruised or

- fruit.

H ow t o s to r e a n d c le iIf .not using the straw

im m ediately, carefully carton of unwashed straw onto a p ap er towel-lined spread in to a single lay re f r ig e r a te fo r.no m or three days.

Remove them from the erator a t least 30 minutes using as the chiU dulls th vor. Do.not d ea n until juito serving.-------------- 7 "

To r in se , g e n tly pll berries into a colander a under cool w ater; do nc

, s traw b errie s . Leave th< intact until after washing.

Although some prefer ply twist off the green hu] .their fingertips, this is no d e n t to extract the und« hard, white, conical-shap< tion of th e stem; a q u id

= w itl« iparing -kn ife-w ill- job. • •

H ow t o p re p a re— P e rfe c t straw b««rries nothing more than som e

_ n lb b le them . Even if not fro m 'th e garden , straw b still require only the.simp embellishments.

A sw ipe th ro u g h wh cream . A dip in m elted < la te . A q u ick d u n k in i

H g h b - I h p r o v i

•Peflpcrif^ the Beat Senjfce

1526 Highland Ave. Ea twin Palto^M tfHrTAafln

lines^ 3 days

K g j 1 6 . 0 0 g

' - - - t t l l— - .................... FirstJnnB

•ww*------------------------------------1 » 3 r tS

325 tJ


*«ln«il«r,-»il, 4,2001 -T taS*.

F o o d ^

m m E ]

e w ^ h i n t s c ;Pass over pagne. A t mo ers’ s tnce" ‘ttb rtcak e :— sarly and I t would be hose th a t try to categor a re p a s t b le u s e s f<

Instead, ju s t container You m ay wisl lay be an sider the folio or /no ldy than-perfect s

sim ple som e their sweetnes

e a n Try a drizzliw herries s a r o r a sp rity tip th e P«r. Or forgetiwberries kle with a spoed p late, sugar and setly e r and m inutes whilej r e th a n ry syrup forms

For kicks, ilie refrig------sugar with a pies before damom. Serv<their fla- cheesecake, p£iust prior e r your whim.., , Less-thoniM

Jile th e can s t i l l ^and run showstoppers.

s e ™ d " U : “ r h S &not suff,“ deriyingped w h ite-w in e vick flick honey . (1 do the Comb• fr iilts a n d a sp l

and chilled for • F ro ze n am smoothies. Ma<

BSTieed----- in 'l iq u e u r orleo'ne to n ish e d w ith ot warm c re m e fri^icl vberrles honey. Attem; ip lest of m er pudding

O f c o u rse , . sh ip p ed involve tim e.i i choco- S traw berry se 1 cham - ra the r spend ni

IT B B IE N T S t A R t IeNow Offering

^ Pre-Season— KcducedPrtceaOi

Z r ^ .Select Natural Qoi Furnaces & CondiUoneral

x q M V ^ In t i t e M a ^ V o a e y

faOS) 734-437f

IL l5*!*lra j E 3 -ia

|Ext 2 4 677^4h e U m e s N s v v Bnews and InfbrmaOon. - ‘ 'wwmagicvaloy.con)i SVMi WMi.-tWtn F«ar kUho--------n/2 e. Bth N. Burtoy. Idaho

c a r r h e l p T ~most, the makings for ; - -

I be sheer madness to I «orize all of th e possi-.'

fo r s t ra w b e rr ie s , j js t follow your fancy. ; - hvish, however, to con* j ollowing: Slightly less- ; ct strawberries need a m eth ing to en h a n ce Diess. .izzle of balsamic -vine- prinkle of black pep- get subtlety and sprih- j spoonful (or three) of ; set aside for about 15 ' tiile a sweet strawBer- rms. ‘:s, try confectioners’ • a pinch of ground car- "■ ^ erve atop ice cream . • i, pancakes or whatev-i m . ............ ...... ......i-berfec t straw berries le tran sfo rm ed In to irs. .w e e te n e d a n d p r e ­jam . Combined w ith nounts of peaches o r | nd sugar an d b a k e d > ts . Sliced and served ' in ac h sa lad w ith a ' . e v in a ig re tte la c e d y. C hurned in to iceinLbine_d_Kith_other______1 splash of champagne for soup.a n d w h irred in to Macerated, or soaked o r brandy, an d gar- 7 ith m asca rp o n e o r *. i ic h e b e a te n w ith em p t a British sum-

ie, all of th e ab o v e ne.'or labor o r bo th . •I season is short. Pd d m y time nibbling.

T i s H e r e * . ; , 7

lg •



4 0 4 | | |S :: .

F o o p & r F

-------- BjrSteve-PBtBseviky—South norkteSury-Sentim

----------- Timins-is-everything;ly for Dave and S andn

. Tamarac, n a . Thevvyr le t te r a sk ing m e to t

' everything I know aboG ; w rap srT h e y 'w ar ite 'd '

what you use to w rap i . . them -and how to m a----- ta s te good. T hey also

them to be easy. ..-- -------- When-I receivcfd th e i

..was experim en ting wi sandw iches. So, fo r D Sandra and all my read is a wrap prim er. One mastered the basics, yo the foundation for hun

. creative meals. I’ve alst . re d p e for Steve’s Gardt

one o f my favorites.• Tortilla flats: A “ v

ou tside w rapper fo r tl Wich must be fresh and i

■ • inches in diameier.-The- inch wraps are easier to hold more filling. It dei

. your appetite, but usua . to 12‘inch wrap fecds 'l

pie. Tortillas to use as w : r.iade with plain or who

flour. And several compi ' vor their to rtilla s w ith spinach, jolapeno, e t c . ' are usually sold in p a d eight to 12.

• Spread ’em: A spr< adheres to the wrap is n

— I n v i t e d

c r a b d i p

a n y w h eByMarllynnMarter The Ptilladdphla Inquirer

As summer entertaining into full gear, finding m e dishes is the order of the d

— • -This crab salad’s as cor with picnic fare as with menus.


Makes 8 (l/4<up) servir Com diips:

6 (6-inch) com tortillas1 teaspoon vegetable oi 1/4 teaspoon K osher

saltCnib salad: .

2 ounces reduced*fai cheese . . .

2 tablespoons chopped (green and white parts)

2 tablespoons low-fat . noise; 1 1/2 tab lespoons-fre

juice1 teaspoon taco seosonir 1 3/4 cups lum p crj

(ab o u t 6 o u n ce s), she . removed

1/2 cup fresh tender c< nds

Cilantro leaves (optiona P repare the co rn ‘chip

oven to .400 degrees. Bn side of ta c h tortilla with

: and cut it into 8 wedges, i with salt. Bake on a cook until ligh tly brow ned, s

; minutes. Let cool. Store ii• right container until time

M ake th e crab salad ; ^: cream cheese, scallion,: naise, Ume juice and taco

ing in a bowl. Gently stii crab ana com. Cover. Ref for up to 4 hours. Serve cn with com chips.

“ S ^ f o o d ^

; f e e d a c r o w■ By Susan Setesky

The D e tro it F ree Pre:• cakes redpe, which ran in i• pers - induding The Times I June 13, contained incorre< : madon. Here’s the co rrea r

CRABCAKES1 largeegg

: 2 slices white or wheat ; crust removed, (Tumbled

12 ounces shelled cookc ; or drained canned crab

2 mblcspoons minced b< •• per (red or green)

2 tableq»ons mayonnaisi 1/4 tea ^o o n cayenne pep

S e a f o ^ ^ S c t t ^ ^ i c e ■ In a medium bowl, beat

c r the egg find bread cnuni a fork. Add the crab, bell t mayonnaise and ci^yenne. S orously to break up the cn flaky eces. Heat the oil in

: skillet over oiedium heat, the oil is hot, spoon the eral equal mounds mto the pan;

: to make cakes about 1 indi ' Cook until th e cakes a re ] >; browned, alraut S m ln u t^ r w d cook tm til th e bottox ‘ lightly browned, about.4 ni J more. Serve with cdcktaH •■1M cm '4 servings. '

H o m e

3 ^X3l l s----------------- ;— To*sealih5tinal H um m us

ng, espccjid ~ ‘ ~ " n u fb u tte r d ra Segal of . d ep e h d in w rote m e a spread shr a t e l l th em small rubi ?ogt making ~ d eco ra tin i sd to kn o w no more tf ip them , fill can also u n a k e th e m - fine-chopp Iso -w a n te d ” or seafood

you use a : le ir le tte r, I the wrap,' w ith w rap m o re thi<

• D a v e an d m any spre iaders, here hum m us, •nee y ou’ve dips can be you’ll have — • F il f 'S

lundreds of -I

Tden Wrap,red leaf, ro

“ w rap ” o r re d onion: r th e sand- b e rs ; shr< Id a t least 8 roasted redf»e-10- to 12*-----b e v e ry th l■ to roll and be rolled e; deiwnds on over grillet

a 10- _ peppers, g Is two peo- ch in i, yell s w raps are room s, yo 'hole-w heat m ake won' npanies fla- espedally

hum m us-o c. Tortillas ro a s te d eg ackages of cheese com

adds proie p re ad th a t o r shredde s necessary a n u p sca li

t h i s - H H

b r e

lin g sw in u memorable

day. comparible - - th cocktail


e r


•ed scallion


iningc ra b m e a t sh e ll b its

r com ker-

H eat one

rith the Sprinkle

)okie sheet ab o u t

e in an air- m e to use.

th e mayon-

aco season- the

ilefrigerate crab salad

a l c e s " ^ ^ J

in newspa- Tia-News - rrect infor- a redpe.

oked crab

1 bell pep-


r ^ r

imbs with i l pepper,___ELStirvig- crab into in a la rg e

a t . W hen

m; flatten nch thicjc. re lightlytes,_T um __tom s a re .\ m inutes iH sauce.

llto,hlAo VMiMdiy,

tcxturu s, p la in o r fla v o re d

ling on Jrour d ie t . T his?hguld-be.applied-with.n__ib b er spatula o r a cake- in g _ sp a t^ a an d sg fead i lh a n 17«tlnch tHiBc. You > use a salad m ade with pped eggs,'tofu and eggs, lod, if you e a t itTTVKen a salad as the protein in p,' you can sp read it on ' h ick ljf; T o . s ^ e tim e , jrea d s such dWflavored s, c h e e se s p re a d s and be purchased.’em: Liet your creativity your choice of fillings,

nal.ones tha t add color le ttu c e leaves such as romaine or field greens;

ons; tom atoes; cucum - ire d d p d c a r ro ts ; an d red peppers. These m ust_ thinly sllced sb th~cy~can I easily. If you have left- lled vegetables, such as , unions, eggplant, zuc- i ellow squash or m ush- i yo u ’re in luck . T h e se i onderfu l w rap fillings,' i ly when combined with i}-or b ab a g h an o u sh , a-__ je g g p la n t sp re ad . Any | ompliments a wrap-and - i itein. E ither thin-sliced ' . ded cheese works. F o r ' a le 'w ra p , try b r ie or. (

f '


rc. tasigouda. M any of th e : ch e ese b len d s a re coand las ig 'B rea trT ry ^ loriviexican varieties.

• Roll ’em; When yoi-----you r w r a p ,“ la y -l t~fl:i

counter and spread it — the filling.-Make surejtl

evenly applied and thi about a half-inch bordi

— the drcum ferenca of tl w here th e re ’s no fillii

. s c a tte r a n .e v e n la y e r g reens or a r ra n g e twi leaves. T he frilly , top the leaves should be or side of the tortilla . Th«

__ a n Jn g ted ie n t_ th a t_ a dand te x tu re . T hink ab t ra s t in g co lo rs th a t v ^ e a t afte r you cut the i in h a lf . Y ou w a n t yo slices to look like a bri] ored pinwheel.

Now it’s tim e to roll i _ firm ly , w ith o u t squee ~ ;h a rd._Sometim es i t ’s b

m ake th e w rap sandw piece of parchm ent papi can use it td assist you rolling. Some cooks, aftt the sandw ich in .paper, ru ler against the paper up th e w rap an d forn

— s tra ig h t- rb I1 .4 f -y o u ’r paper to help roll the si ,open th e p a p e r so the still sitting on it. Then, wrap in half through th« using a diagonal cu t. 1


tc intc: sh re d d e d p u t a too lon v e n ie n t - . sandwich 1

w rap on ^ 'OU prepare guest. Disci g n m ~n re--------------------it first w ith STEVE’ ,the layer Is ;1;-(l0-inc ;hat th e re ’s or flavored d e r around ' 1/2 cup p the tortilla 1 ^UP ling. N ext. 1^4 cup e r of f ie ld — dieeSeJ)lei wo le t tu c e 1/4 cup jj >p p a r ts of p e r s , d ra i on the out- .with a pope h en comes ' 1 niediuiadds-color----- «hredded_about con- 1^2 cup

w ill look ' spicy mixec e sandwich • P la c e to rou r w ra p board or v, rightly co l-. hummus th

a spatula, 1 1 the w rap der around jez ing too tilla. Placehelpfu l-to__ _ over hummiwich on a Sprinkle Iper so you a row of rc u with the ■ center of th fter rolling rots over all }r, p ress a of sprouts, e r to even and cut int< rm a n ic e M akes 1 ser I’r e u s in g — —Perservin, sandwich, cent calorie

le w rap is • protein, 77, I, slice the 15 gram s r lie,m iddle to ta l fa t, 2 You m ay cerol, 1,081 r

---------- -------------------------

J)onco o th p ic k th ro u g h th e h f r j ^ to secure tfiem.,,! the p in w h ^ V n rp nf th e p late so it faces your

iscard th e paper._________

^E’S GARDEN WRAP in c h ):n o u r ,;w h 6 le ^ e a t^ ; e d tortilla?' p repared hummus ' washed fifeld greens • up s h re d d e d I ta l ia nlen d ________________ ____;> jarred ro a s te d red pep> a in e d w e ll a n d d rie d

iper towelium carro t, pee led and

:p b ro c co li s p ro u ts o r <ed sproutsto r t i l l a on a c u t t in g ’

• w ork surface . S pread thinly and evenly with

1, leoving a .5*inch bor- nd drcum ference of tor- :e lettuce leaves even ly .

le with cheese, top with ro a fte d p ep p e r down the wrap. Sprinkle car- all, and top with a layer ts. Roll to rtilla firm ly nto 2 pieces diagonally. serWng.ting: 640 calories, 38 per­ries from fa t, 28 grams 7 grams caitohydrates, s to ta l fiber, 27 gram s 2 7 m illigram s choles-

'1 miff<gmmssorf«um.

A lBnclowc 4‘ |u‘ni>- Cnupnn m orr<rfto<H] proem J5n

nm K>>

A lEndowi-oi

KI. Check ll


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l A ^ a t

i S ^ h e e s e- i—incorporates tl

? fruits of sumrr: Taste of Home______ .

'“ ■■Pam Persons of Towaf serves her delectal)le ch o fte n . S h e cam c up a recipe after she had sam ila r c h e e se c a k e s ' on .i

. California with h e r hii c e le b ra te th e ir 15th '

• anniversary;; “This dessert gels add• from a gingersnap crust ; cious lemon sauce," Pers• TANGY LEMON CHER

2 1/2 cups crushed gin__■ (about 40 cookies)______

1'I3 cup b u tte r or ma ; melted— Filling:----- ---------- ^

J 3 p ac k ag e s (8 ounc( J cream cheese, softened I 1 cup sugar { 3 eggs •' . l.tablespoon lemon jui

1 tablespoon vanilla ex Sauce:1/2 cup sugar

-------- 2 tablespoons comstart3/4 cup water

I 2 tab lespoons b u tte r__—garine-------------------------

1/4 cup lemon juice I -:: 1 tablespoon grated len ^ • " In a small bowl, combi ^ ie crumbs and butter; n

— ;-Eress-onto-the-boitom -;• inches up the, sides of a gi . inch springform pan; s e t ;• In a mixing bowl, bea , cheese and sugar until ; Add eggsr beat on low ji ; combined. Add lemon ji

i B e r r y g o (i By Beverly Bundy

— i'Fort Worth'Star-Telecram I ----------------------------------^ M ary W ilson, of A rl t T exas, re ca lls th a t w<• recipe for La Madeleine’ ^ b e r r ie s R om anoff son*

__.• back. O f^our.se, now t^ p rim e s traw b erry seas

can’t find her recipe. So h ,^_once_again..To cu t caloi• fat, substitu te light sour

-• - - However, do not use fat-fi; • cream - ihe taste'Is notli . the real thing.

LAMADELEINE’J . STRAWBERRIES ROM/ } Serves 2. 1 cup strawberrie.s hul > rinsed .I. 1/2 cup sour cream 1; 3 tablespoons brown suj ; 1 tablespoon brandy -

J u s t b e fo re se rv in g . b e rrie s an d trim .stems : p a r in g k n ife ..M ix rem . ingredients and let stand

3 m in u te s . P u t b e r r stemmed wine glass and t

I sauce.

Here’s anotlier recipe f » Madeleine. If you can’t b ^ ij^ea of eating hot soup rig

sim ply p u ree th e m ixtu «.J>lender and serve it cold.S* ;:; l a Ma d e l e in e po iJ - l- SOUP

Serves 86 small or 3 large leeks 4 la rg e on io n s, p e e h

chopped3 tablespoons'exlra-virg

, oil, divided u s e ____;____1 rib celery, chopped4 medium potatoes (1 Ij

‘ toes) peeled and sliced, 1 b o u q u e t g a rn i (pj

• J-... 1 teaspoon beef base '

f Salt and pepper to taste _ Thvme.. parsley- or. cher

garnish Trim 2 inches of green f

! lee k s, an d d isca rd . Slic ' rotmds; separate green am ;• p a r ts . W ash tho ro iig h l ' 'Strainer. In a large saucep; ^medium heat, brown onio green p arts of l<*eks in 2 spoons olive oil. Add celen

[: toes and bouquet garni. Si a n d T e d u ce h ea tio lo w .-]

p tablespoon olive oil in a sk ille t and cook w hite p;

r leeks u n til ju s t browncc ' water to cover vegetables I 8 cups) and simmer foc_3

' ' u te s . R em ove b o u q u e t ■ Mash potatoes, slightly, i

bottom of the pan and sti

t C ^ S N A H E R g


s e e a k e = ^ ^ H


vanda. Kan.^ chee-secake •

p w ith th e : ampled slm- n .a t r ip to husband toh w edd ing IB S fS I^W


e e s e c a k e | R | | Hgingersnaps__

m argarine,

nces each )


ier or mar-

lemon peel Creamy homenbine cook- vanilla. Be;•; mix well. P o u r-in tom and-tw o----- degree? for-a grea.sed 9- c e n ie r is a:e t aside. w ire ra ckle a t cream Carefully atil smooth. edge of theV just until one hour lorI juice and In a sauc

D o d r e c i p eSeason to ta

Tl________ per. Garnik:or cliervil.

V rling ton , 'w c ra n a REDUCED ne’s straw- Serves 8 om e tim e Crust:iv t h a t _ i _____ 2 tablespqlason , sh e f tablespo k) here it is ' garine ilories a n d . l.egg whit 3ur cream. ■ 1 1 /2 cu; it-freesour- crumbs- - - otliing'like l/2 teaspo

cooking spra IE’S. Filling:'M/VNOFF 1 teaspoon

2 tablespo* hulled and 1/2 cup fre

2 egg yolk: 14'0unce

sugar______ enedconden3 egg wliit

ng , r in se ture)ms w ith a 1/4 leaspoe em a in in g l/8teaspo< nd for 2 to 1/3 cup sug c r r ie s in Preheat o id top with Combine su

egg white in um speed w

le from La blended. Adi t bear the mon. To k wi right now, ened. Press c <ture In a 9-inch pie ph Id. ing spray. (IIi*OTATO sticks to you

■e le d and




n table* lery, pota-

, v . - H c a t - l ~ ^ ^ H B B |n a

ned. Add lus (about C-30-mm-— e t g a rn i.'

s tir well. .

^ R G R I L L f Sv u r a n t A : ^

memade cheesecake Is a wondei 3eat just until blended. : to c ru s t. B ake a t 350 ior-35-40 minutes ortin til----- 1i alm ost set. Cool on a 1 ck fo r 10 m in u te s . < run a knife around the i

the pan to loosen; cool longer. sucepan, combine sugar c

e f r o m L ataste with salt and pep- h

J^ i witli thyriie', pa i^ey ' B n L


?ipqons sugarjpoon chilled stick mar* y

Chite . . . . 1cup g ra h am c ra c k e r a

poon'ground ciiiharaoh tljray n

l£ran imflavored gelatin upoons cold w ater r<fresh lime juice y.ilks b:e can fa t:free sw eet- C( lensed milkiiites (at room tempera- w

SI?oon cream of tartar siixran salt ’ fcsugar e>: oven to 325 degrees. • e<sugar, m argarine and uiin bowl. Beat at medi- ra

I w ith a blender, until¥dd crumbs and dnna- 31with a fork until moist- coks crumb mbcture into a m p late coated with cook-(If the crumb m ixture ri

'our hands, spray yotir

l i i nJIGHTLY CHEF SPECIALS'a>gOnThcDt<k‘CatfkhrFmhStmof

Wood Roisled Prime Ribi..— Friday iiSilufday Evening-----



m u i

PktUMMn*^derful ‘slice' of life

and cornstarch. Stir in wa smooth; bring to a boll.

— heat;-cook-and’stir”over‘ heat for 2 m inutes or un ened. Remove from the 1 in butter, lemon juice anc

R efr ig e ra te cheesec! sauce overnight. Serve sa cheesecake. Makes 12 ser

a M a d e l e ihands with cooking spra Bake a t 325 degrees for ; minutes, or tmcil lightly bi Lfei cool on a wire ra c k .: oven to 325 d egrees. Sj gelatin over cold water in bowl; set aside.

... Com bine lim e ju ice a yolks In a small, heavy sa Cook over medium-low I 10 minutes or until slight and very hot (180 degre<

- ring constantly.-Do not_b< th e so fte n e d g e la tin . < m in u te . P la c e sau c ep t large, ice-filled bowl. Stir u tes or imtil the m ix tu re: room tem p e ra tu re . S trt y o lk m ix tu re in to a m bowl. Whisk in milk. Spo cooled crust and spread e\

In a c le a n bow l, be w hites, t a r ta r an d sa lt t speed until foamy. Gradut sugar, bea ting un til stifi form . Do' not overbear. 1 evenly over filling, sealing edge of crust. Bake for 2 utes. Let cool for 1 hour or rack, and chill for 3 hours.

Nutritional analysis per . 323 calorics, 5 grams fat, 6. carix)hydratcs, 9 grams pro m illigram s cholcstcrol, 2 ligrants sodium, 14 pcrcent ries from fat.

-From Cooking Light nil

— —

M MBy Carol J.Q. Knight RIddet

D ecadeni • ' Messy, rich j

. 't h e 't h in g s : \ split to be.\ ' ----------“ I f m a k e

th ink ing ab Y eagley , a

.-•!Sv Southeast. Di But a bana

^ to b e ju s t a < c ream and

Deliciously < ^ v e you a wl on the decac It’s unusual t'

B s traw berry , ' co m binatio

____ Zaborsky,.aIn te rn a tio n Associadon.

While vani-------- :--- ;i-T-8tlll tops V

America’s fa' vo rs, fo r th caramel Ice <

the Zaborsky sail

And caram ner for banan

Among the flavors are ch raspbeny an< a b e rry spli

*---- strawberry orYeagley said.

ll. Reduce i

= hea.; stirA Cheese, softer


i n e'ray ,too .)_____r 15 to 20 browned.

c o m / b ,in a small

: a n d egg W h e ns a u c e p ^ 147 Mat h ea l for ■ htlyjhlck.•ees), stir- • vbolLA dd- . C ook 1 ■ p an in a

3 min- Breachesra in egg ■ Mm ediumpoon intoevenly.)e a t egg ■t a t high ■uallyadd W a ^iff peaks A S

S pread Jig to the r 25 min-, on a wire ■s.r serving:61 ^ m s Totcin, 56 273m il‘

I t o f calo-


*Onappwved\ checkinf! accoii

t lWlnFhlls Downtown 736-7300



V .................

banana^5rei:haiiQ.Wardder News Service : i

;n t . an d d e lig h tfu l. 1 h and sweet. Ih e se are < IS you w ant a b an a n a '

kes m e 'h u n g ry '^ j u s t - ~ ab o u t i t ,” sa id Kelly a d ie ti t ia n w ith th e Dairy Association. imana split doesn’t have t a b anana, som e ice 1 nd a few to p p in g s. i y different dishes will i whole new perspective 1

cadent dessert. In fact, 'i ll to find the traditional ry, chocolate, vanilla ' i tion, sa id V ic to r i ,.a-spokcsm an-for-the— I onal Ice C ream ( n. smlUa and chocolate arc I > w h e n -it- c o m e s to —i favorite individual fla- th e p as t tw o y ea rs ,

» cream has been one itest grow ing flavors," uiid.amel is a perfect pan- lanas. >the most popular fru it—I cherry, orange, peach, *' and strawbeiry. Or try p lit w ith b lu e b e rry , “ 'an d vanlUalce cream,-------

V SPLIT BROWNIESD servingsnce)lpackagc.brownie —)ur favorite brow nie

ice) packages creamtenedugar

W e u n d e r s ta n de ^ r ic ia uriMltlinji to have ah U That ia why wc do ri Ihor

a n d druM tent all tmiu cm

Y o u d e s e r v e t o o r t a b l e w i t h y o u

733-8600n There’s N o Place L i Main Ave. E . » IWin Foils, I<

L. E vans

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edfredii. 7.99% A PH oh haht u count. Conitici ymir local bnmd

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R u p e r t TWInFblls 436-BA N K B lu e U k c s


c ONUi

rsplitca1 (8 -o u n ce) can ,c

__pjneapj)ie_or_pineappl& w e ll-d ra in ed an d ' t between paper towels to exc<^Uqoid-

3 barianas,'^ced1 pint strawberries, slici

— 1/2 cup chopped nuts ’1 ounce semi-sweet cho<1 tab lesp o o n b u tte r i

garine• Preheat oven to 375 d

Mix brownies according i age directions. Pour brow into a 13-by-9-by-2-inch pa 15-20 minutes or until set.

' room temperature.Mix cream cheese am

until smooth. Spread over ie layer. Top with fruit ai

—Melt chocolate and butter e r , s tirring u n ti l sm oot s u b s titu te c h o c o la te : Drizzle over Brownies. Cl

-From www.cgspouses.r


Makes 4 servings2 cups fat-free plain or

yogurt- -1 tablespoon honey (eli if using vanilla yogun)

1 cup c ru sh e d p in e drained

----- 4-bananas,. peeled_____1 cup low-sugar cereal i

Grape Nuts, Cheerios, A] e t c

d e a r l y C om pu 733-g>S)IO

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j .

mbemc ru sh ed Icupcrxishe

le_tidbits,_____ M ix-yogun’ p re ssed honey, to remove Dice or slice

•F o r-e a c h se mixture^ ban

iced straw berrie^:........................Sprinkle t op wlocolate al, and serve, r o r m ar-- • Variation: 1

. took, cut bana i degrees. . wise and top S to pack- ' and cereal. )wnie mixpan. Bake BANANA SE=t.CooHo 4 5cfvi„gs

e r brown. j

e”??oge“ : .

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or vanilla

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ished strawberries ;u rt,-p in e o p p Ie -a n d i- :—

licebananas.I serving, laye r y o g u r t ___b an a n as, c e re a l an<l ie^ ln a p a r fa it glass'. ip with addidoiial cere- 'e.n: For a b an a n a spit nnnnne in half length-';op w ith yogurt, fru it

k SPLIT SMOOTHIE 's ' 'ce) package firm tofu tiocolate syrup -

(o r 2 sm a ll) r ip e

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: : z U i O Q D ^

C o f f e eH yB ana»enng-------- ^C W c ^ Tribune

------- :— ^-Coffee-fihops-nu^-unsung heroes of (&ur are the comfort food c

----- “n iey stretch back in_______ far.asjnosLof.us can g>

a lifetime of backdrop; ■ sation. . •

________ .There’s something.' familiar about a place i . Bottomless Cup of cofi . tinues to believe a die ; sists of a hamburger j ‘ boiled <*EE and cottage

If everybody is far , this triple^lecker, it’s ' has berome standard

fee shops across the coj CLASSIC CLUB SAI 12 slices firm white fc

ed until crisp 1/4 cup mayonnaise

- taste------ • — g Bibb.-Boston o r il

f tuce leaves k 8 ounces cooked tui ; sliced.

-------1------^1-medium tomato,-thi; 16 slices bacon, co< 5 crisp; 1/2 cucumber, peelc

M a r i n a c

m a k e s t

“ “ l a m b c hBy Susan Selasky Dfltfott Free Pfw»

Lamb chops are ide grill because they coc and m ake a n ice pre; They are b es t w hen < medium-rare, about 14 This takes about 4 mi side - depending on ti over direct heat for sini

Pan-roasted potatoe: with rosemary, thyme are a nice complemer chops.

GRILLED LAMB < M arinade:

3/4 cup olive oil 3 tablespoons balsar

or lemon juice 2 large cloves garl

then crushcd or pressc 2 teaspoons dried or 1/2 teaspoon Kosher

____ :____1/2 teaspoon fresh— black pepper------------

Lamb:2 1/2 pounds rack (

lamb loin chops OU for grill grate In a shallow d ish <

plastic sealable bag, cc m arinade in g red ien t pare th e lam b, remo\ the large portion of fa rack, leaving ju s t a t Cut the meat between and scrape aw ay th e fat to the ends of the the rack into double < bones fo r ca ch ) o r i chops if desired. Dot work better. I f desire one of the bones. Placc in the m arinade and i them a t least 1 hour hours. P reh e a t or pr grill for medium>high 1 the grill is heated, oil and close the lid. Let h e a t fo r a b o u t 5 Remove the chops fror nade . P lace th e cho

______ grate.-close-the iid arminutes on cach side minutes for medium-r arc grilling the entire foil around the expose preven t bu rn in g anc

. rack meat side down f Ij^m.itimeS- Tun^ nng

' g rillm g on“th e secon ano ther 10-12 minut< m edium -rare. T u rn t rack an i ts s id e an d end fo rX to Z.minute: servings. .

NOTE: To bring ou- cate flavor .of lamb, t

lowing m arinade: 3/4 virgin olive oil, 3 table: samic vinegar. 3 full S] rosemary. Proceed as a

Jfeve ava< on the sidBy Sara Engram The Battlmofe Sun •

HOT AVOCADO: Ad tic a te d side d ish to 2 g r il le d d in n e r . Cui

. . /—California avocado-io remove the'pit. Drizale lim e o r lem on ju ic e a l ig h tly w ith o liv e oi: ]pbc^the cut sidejlow i coals for'2 to '3 'nuhutc

^ with salsa. For more re m ore in form adon abo

. dos> visit WWW. avocado.

IFW, kkte 4,2

; e s h e p s-------------------------thinlysU*

-------- L aybr—---------------------^spread LOtt-wdl-be^the IHvide.4: ining out. They -ofbread, Ki of the h<Kpi- turkey. ’J-----:----------------alice-brea«in memory as -rem ain ina go, providing___ slices,_ lops for conver* am ong 4

rem ainirng.irresistibly sde.dowi ce th a tp o u rsa ilytogeth »ffee and con- vvith 4 to< diet plate con- each into sr patty, hard* -A dap tge chees<£ Cooking”

fam iliar w ith Coffee it’s because it . in c lu d e rd fare in cof- m eringu country. favorite.SANDWICH • LEM( te bread, toast-

11/2CUiseo rm o re .to l/2 teas

7 tablesr iceberg let*-----into small

4 table:turkey, thinly shortenini

3 to 4 ta,-thinly sliced— ----- ----------cooked un til l l /2 c u

1/2 cup•eled, seeded, 3 table


------------------ -ideal for thecook quickly - .,tresentation. ,:n cooked to H H145 degrees. \ m inutes p er M

n tliickness - single chops, oes seasoned ; , ne and garliclen t to these m . •


samic vinegar

arlic, peeled, issedioregano ............' ‘\hersaJt ashly ground

:k of lam b or

ih or a la rg e ' . .com binethe lints. To pre- noyc most o f .. f fat from the . a thin layer.

the bones h e m eat and tie bones. Cut :Ie chops (two >r ind iv idual )ouble chops ! lired, remove a c eth e diops ' id refrigerateur or up to 4 Vp rep are th e v

ih heat. When • 1oil the grate

Let the grate \5 m in u te s .

rom the man- . .;hops on th e •and grill 3 4 _______

de for rare, 5n-rare. If you ^ j re rack, wrap , ,osed bones to ' # • 3nd grill the■n first for 10- Amd_coniinuc-:ond side for * ffu tes or untiln th e w holeTd grill effcfrites.-Makes 4 . -kM ------

out the deli- >, try the fol- J i cup extra* • • )Iespoons bal- : ' K j 1 sprigs fresh . isabove. (

acadode ^

Addasophis- :o your nex t Cut a r ip ei_in_hal£-jind__de with fresh e an d brushoil. G e n tly f e s S S I S i

3wn over to t___fttfwioiiwwL.l i t ^ S e ^ h ! redpes andiboiit avoca- K g j g g * " id o .o r» .„ . ,

1 , ^

; s e r v e u fsliced, optional-------------------bread out on work surface; M ightly with-mayonnaise.—

ad, spread side up. Top with /. Top ea ch w ith ano ther read,-apread-«ide-oprDivide~°- ling lettuce leaves, tomato ,_ b ac o n _ an d _ c u cu m b er— J 4 sandw iches. Top w ith ning slices b re ad , spread 3wn. Press sandwiches gen- ether. Pierce each sandwich toothpicks or skevtrers. Cut

ito 4 triangles. Serves 4. ap te d from “ Joy of lg”

:ee s h o p 'm e n u s alw ays le d e s se rt, an d lem on gue p ie h a s long b een .a e. • • 'MON MERINGUE FIE

Fastxy:, cups flour 2aspoon saltilespoons chilled butter, cut • tail pieces)lespoons chilled vegetable ~ ling( tablespoons ice water

cups water up sugartjlespoons p lus 1 1/2 tea-'


See store lor d<

’\ U / • * *

- ; ; n e w s u p b-lftbri;^Ffl. 9a.ni.-7

Kjiin o u i ^ FOR UP TO OKE F w w wnwi i HwcM*mcwuf.6Mo»ni

.* NOT m n

■ I t V M w w on OUCR. Lttn OM

■ i

i p s e n s e------ ^^MMnscomsterdi------ii Pinchsalt!.-------746S& yolks— -------fi- — .r,3-tablespoons-bmt< h piecesr J u ic e an d g ra te d e-°— lemons— ------- -— ^0--------------------- Meringue: r --------4 egg whites, room te1 Pinch cream of tartat i 1/2 cup superfine sug 1- ' For pastry, mix.flout 1 food processor fitted ' t blade. Scatter buner aj

uig 'overflour mixcurci f b u tte r pieces are no 1

sm all peas and flour coarse commeal. (Thi

s can be done using pastT i S p rin k le 3 tab lespo t I w ater over flour mixtu

' o r 6 tim es. A dd 1 te water at a time until di together easily. Do not form ball in processor.: c o u n te r; sh a p e in to hands. F la tten into 1- disc; wrap in plastic. F

! — 30'mlnutes.”ltem ove-d refrigerator. Roll into : cle; transfer dough to

----- p a n .-F o Id -o v e rh a n gunder; crim p edge usi fingers. Refrigerate 1 h to 24 hours if you like.

D a y sO f

I H O! O N - i

3r details.

S 0 ^ c t i>ER S T O R E S U M M I

. - 7 p . m . » S a t . & S i

lEFuiXVEM OAf. O sV uii Mma ofnno M tfnU w a m nwMciMQ emn. 8 a n o n fm m n « m r. Tits B a w Hi-Mfw m w iiw S s* St o m

«pu)tcHAuor|38g.00...........OMf MM m CUfTOMOl/tWMlT.

o f c o m— — — — r r r t tH O O ^ ______ aluniinm

tterH:ut-into-^^^-^m&uti^ Bake 1 0 1

d ze st of 2 to cool si---------------------- - 3 S 0 T l ^B - - — F b r 'f i ltem perature----- sugar, cona r um sauceiLigar stan tly , 0u c a n d sa ltin ' a b o u t3 i j with m etal h ea t. LigI and shorten- t bowl; whi e; pulse imtil^— thelioi'su, I larger th w yolks intc LT resem bles ' - whisking- his step also um*low h »zyblender.> ab o u t 3 n o on ; o f th e heat; stir w re; pulse 5 a n d zest, teaspoon of crust., d o u ^ holds For met lOt le t dough in bowL V r. Remove to of tiartar; o b a ll w ith form. Add 1-inch-thick a re s t if f R efrigerate meringue <

"dough’frd m '‘ 'edge,leavi ) 13-inch d r- the middle :o 9-inch pie peaks. Baig in g -e d g e -----minutes. Cising fork or until cool, 1 . hour, or up -A dapte e. Heat oven Authentic.

w 3iW iiBATI

i l n m'io n I s .AER HOURS;Sun. Regular Hour

' .

G U A R A N T Y ) O t t D I I ----------

- a j a s s E a s u s ^

■ - :k,

____ i

i m u n i t y

aum f o i ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ t h ^ l e a j r d t ^ d n ^ ^ B a k e l O ^ is;-remove* foU 'snd beonsr* p minutes more.' Set aside slightly. R educe h e a t to

"■ "------------------------fillin g , com bine w a te r, xxmstarch and sa ltin medi*~ cepan. Cook, whisking cbn- , over medium-low h e a t , ' 3 m inutes; rem ove-from ig h tly b e a t egg yolks in vhisk in 2 tablespoons of 'sugar iiiixtuie, th m Y^iisk nto sugar m btture. Cook, , ig-constantly, over m ed i- i h e a t u n ti l th ic k e n e d , ' i m inutes. Rem ove froin dr in butter, lem on ju ice St. P o u r fillin g in to p ie .

aeringue, beat egg whites . When frothy, add cream. it; b e a t tmtU so ft peaks dd sugar; beat until v4iites ff an d glossy. S p rea d le o v ^ h o t lemon filling to aving it 's li^ t ly t h i a ^ K * die and fomiing occasional Bake im til brow n, lS-20 i. Cool on rockj-refi^gerate- ll, about 2 hours, pted frwn “Saveur Cooks dc American"

MI m JBSD^ 1

P— ■ . —

3K fliT ii0 C O N V E N

L O .C A T I

7M-767A■ . B C P n e s S a B M a

I • . .

S h ^ e r e t u r nB y U m R e n h e r

to_ Fttft Worth Stw^Talega

r , .......S u m m e r m e a n s -1li.- —m o v e - in to 'f t^ o re - ] n- . mealtime posidon. evi t , ' ' no t w atching their'w il who a re those people n too easy to faU into I ){_ _ to ss in g a few tomato 8 k o rsom e le ttuce iWth' c, bottled dressing.I. - ' - This salad is anothei i, ' ty to explore A e veg n tdon a t your supemuu e four kinds of lettuces, e . . in texture, color and

combination of the le s the U ue c h e ^ p i ^ n. a n d a p p e a lin g . My :s J o h n , a n d ‘1 lo v e to s salad as a summer su]d • glass of wine.j|___ .o______MIXED LETTUCEa Serves 6 ' ^ a genei ll o r 4 as a m ain course 0 3 tablespoons fresh 1 e--------^9-tablespoons extra-

s 2 tablespoons chopi shaUots (use sw eet 0 :


^ F O RI N U t


l i f W iH O N S

.'S S 2 L - ' ' S H 'S ;«7S-nS3 72m Y

n a iY * K i t m n e w w A i i

t h e r e f r <

i ^ f s a l a davailable)

araw Itea sp o.... ....... I t e a ^

-th a t sa lad s 2 teaspc

svenfor those . 2 cups b weighty (And chio lettuc )Ie?) Biit it is 2 cups b 0 a.salad rut, endive lett>slic«O T top___ 2 cups bh ' a splash of lettuce___ :___ 1 cupbii

leropportuni* la egeitable sec* 1/3 cup c larket. It uses . ’ _Pour th !S, which vaty— medium b< d flavor. The in slowly, c lettuces plus em ul^on v e s is complex lots, lemon [y h u sb an d , Set bowl a: 0 sh are th is ing ingred upper with a P o u r abo<

dressing o'3E SALAD______ thoroughljerous starter fo r th is) . d ed d e if y(tt lemon juice of th e dre ■a-virgin olive— tharsom ei

times I don pped, peeled -F rom ' onion if not Entcrtainii

^ 1 ____ _ • •

^ J J


l U P TJ L U

I ; NECESSAI■ k ^ Store for (Jetaib.

1 1 ^tUANCO • tucnoMcs. HtlOMt* . ni

2122 934-4621 , 21wcaia * ao a M Y im i ^

r e s M n g =

)le)spoon grated lemon peel spoon otKoshCTi^t ispoons of freshly ground

jw bite-size pieces bf radic- nxiceps bite-size pieces of curly lettuce’>s bite-si « piec«_of_bu tter__

) bite-size pieces.oLarugu-_

ip cnunbled blue dieese : th e leinon ju ic e in to a n bowL Whisk the olive oil ly, drizzling it in so that an m will form. Add the shal* non peel, salt and pepper, vl aside. Place the remain- re d ie n ts in a large bowl, ib o u t tw o -th ird s of th e . g over the salad and mik ^ ily _ tL u se .k itc h en to n g s_ s). T a s te th e sa lad and if you want to add the rest d ressing - I have found m erim es-I'do 'and some~“ don’t.im “ Bon A pp’tit Outdoor lining”


I h■ S .. .

n im

OA.C. ;

ary j C

5 A T E S


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M o r n i n g 1

_ i S i » F t x s Q u o a c E

: a . •;I f th e y sm ell a

............ th e y h a v e to nin th e b u d

- Kansas Ciiy M TottyMtiser,affa

pitdurCMad Dun ^Yinicf/for/iitrhigt


— =^^Tr i v i a

, Q U E S 'n o N ir ^Which pitcher staned a

22 World Series games?...ansi

T o d a y ’s s c h e i

Mountain Home Tour

;-TB A

_ I n B R IE R ...............

Register for M-C clinic by Thursd:

BURLEY - W ebe U n iversity tra c k coac headline a M agic Vail clinic July 13-14 at Bur School. D eadline to re July 5. To sign up o r 1 inform ation, call Oakl coach Brett Graham at 6'

Snook and.Felker ICGA golf toumanr

SALMON - C harlo tt......-and-jBill F elker of Sain

top honors a t the I^ahp Golf Association event ai Valley <36W Q hu-S 'I ou on S u n d ay . O liv e an

ZZrrTaylorfinlshedrsecond:; by Wilma and C urt Sh< Rupert. •

In the first fligliit, Na Ron StanseJl of Twin F ished first followed by and Glen Lattin and She: Paul Schlafkc.

The next tournament v Candlcridge Golf Cour«! 7-8.

Chiefs sign-pick from Boise State

KANSAS CITY , Mo Kansas City Chiefs have a 'th re e -y e a r d e a l witl^ ^ a u n a rd H ans, a scveni

Jteck from Boise State Un ^ Terms of the deal were ^osed . H arts is the fifti

____ CliiefsLnine.2001_picks.ito terms, the team said Ti

H a rts , 5 -fo o t* ll ai pounds, played in 43 ga Boise State. He started z back, m oved to w ide r

____ and became a safety in hiyear. H e’also re turned 1 for one season.

He finished with 145 • 12 sacks and three intere

Harts was nam ed first-ti Big West after his final se

^ Arral^meiit se tfo former Stallions pli/BOISE - A former mei

^Kc Boise Stallions indooi ,'sional foo tball team wi ’ preliminary hearing on a tl^at he raped a 16-year-ol

.Richard Lucene Scrog^ will be arra'igned next I be fo re 4 th D is tr ic t D eborah B ail on a chi

- statutory rape. He has be in the Ada County Jail ir

- . -$ 2 0 0 ,0 ^ bond since his-.

The a lleged victim rc that Scroggins had raped night before when she gt

' a ride to an east Boise hon “ '~ S cro g g ih s“ was“ ‘w it

Stallions as a wide recel about a month and got so ited playing time before t d e n t, tea m sp o k e sm a i Anderson said; H e was r from the team afte r his a r

CompUed ftam stafT and Mtr

Tl«\aA A N .S\V ER:W hiteyPordoftheN ew YYankees.

S y P 0 R T S l = l N E ^ ------e-btesthtg ry h od-scoics.

'{x^nT^Times-NassOnSt^iii m for thclatcst -spons news.

cws ’

} U N E

C E _____________ _______• ByJoeSun


T W m i

)n iD lt Aftergo~ r ------------ : ~ y e a r s onJQ. Cowboy C

broke outA ------ Silverado

/ / . claim thir m eh tl\ie s

rA taua^ The winifter Royal ^ ^urfm awu-ugabatter / ^'ynhivpiidr' j

: G a p r i i

ss? - Th> Wa»hln

imwcrbelow, , ^ I M B U

-----!— ------ _ completln iE D U L E away'ffom

her serve ;jum am ent ^ n d a------ -------------- Iuesday-4a m rto m e , appeared v

I t had bi b ee n so n

_ _ _ Serena WiJ _______________frbmJcnocl

•C t r a c k

■dayb e r S la te ■ I 'Wlaches willalley track , sJurley High ■<" ! ' ' • '" f t re g is te r is to n

>r fo r m ore - nkley HighIt 67M979. chance. ^Ar

Graspmgo r u i tn C apria ti sltjr w il l gam e, poir

o tte Snook the court i d m on took reasons. Bi .h p ..& m to -iractedw W i ta tS a lm o ^ _only4 urgej lournam ent., r'-imJ-rippfed an d R ock (7-4), 7-5,6- rdlfoUowedZ -‘:::^By-grabbShockey of of the possi

. .yearfsm ajcNaomi and three wora<n Falls fin- dashed theby A nnette final here, iherron and

It will be a t |----------------trse o n ju ly

A briof look I the eighth at chahipionshi

a Weather - V5 was 82 degnVlo. - T h e Attandanc*ive reached was 3<rith sa fe ty !!'?< W ' » ■enthroundUniversity. '• 'J J . 'S ™ere not dis- n Nfrh Af • Davenport,i)! i n S ! Justine Henir^ t o . ^ e e ------ teMiI T u ^ a y . Women: No.

a n d 207 7 Kim Ciijstigames for Toutiol to Ve

:d as a tail- I___________e receiverr» his jtmior _____id kickbffs t

45tacklV s, ’ I -erceptions. -*-•>t-team AllIseason. R a m i r

£ « _

n ' ^ d i ^ e

o“S 2,"24 CLEVEU tt Monday

beenheld W e s tb r o .i l in U e u o f , Fis -Ju n e - lS - -C.U_v_e.l a i

In d ia n s ov

I re p o rted jJS so JS -V ' «d her the5 gave him .u JJ? *th ird careei


K S 'iM melim -____f o t t h e S

S i i 'utra reporta striking our

— the ninth.Ellis Burli

^ Ohka(2-3), *Y ork went3-for-»

______ Indians. .. .

»unnOT ____;

S P A L L S -T h e fireworks irly for the Twin Falls AA m Legion baseball team, going winless the last three in*lhe*'final d ay oFThe ' Qassic, Twin Falls (22-10) tut for seven runs to beat do of Las Vegas 7-0 and . hird place in th e touma- iesday.rin snappeda'two-year los-—

i G B Jr i a d r o l l s t o w a r d s

p l e r i n g g a n d s khlngton Poit _________

»LEDON,-En^and - The chan Jng the Grand Slam was flo; jm her, along'with her cbrifid 'e and ju st about eveiything r a few m in u tes a t Wlmbli y -a fternoonr-Jenn ife r-G ap d willing to simply let it go. been such a long day, there

I m uch m adness , and now Y i l l i^ s was only two points 1 }ckingiieiioutoLthequartW fi com er, of Capriati’s brain fii idea that winning the Austr

ich opens this year was enougl ihe remembered Paris, light about the French Open j as two points from defeat ti e said. “I thought, 'WeU, if yoi ire, you can do it now.’ I just > myself, ’At least hold on to la k e h e r serve it out. Just Jo fo r it now. This Is your And It worked.” iig a t the last strings of possib i slowly began reeling back o in t by point, forehand by I le m atch only grew strangei i tugged, with both players lea ‘t a t d ifferen t times for mei But while Williams became

«rith.a weakened stomachrCai: ged. She sa lv a g e ^ ^ ^ e ^ o n i fc d 'th rou^ the 'th ird , sealing;, M jdctoiy^^____________ _____bbiiig the-wln,-Capriati-kept- ssibility of claiming all four 01 ojor touroamentsi-sometlung men have accomplished. She :he possibility of an all-Wllli e, although'Serena’s older sl

Please see WIMBLEDON Pag

At WimbledonIk ot what happened Tuesday on I day of tho Wimbledon tennis ships;'- Wami ond sunny. High temperati sgrees.;-' •' ,e« - 38.375. Lost year on the cigi i 34,083. The total attcpdanco for t t days is 323.7;24. an Increase omiastyear.rlnnat» - Men: No. 6 Tlfn Henm{ Mo. 2 Vonus Williams. No. 3 Linds rt. No. 4 Jennifer Capriati. No. jnin.««fa - Mwirnone:------------------0 . 5 Serena Williams to Capriati; r

Jsters to Oavonport; No. 9 Noiha Venus Williams.

[n d i a n ;i r j f t 7 ^ r e t T i r r t c < p

e y e l a n d t b 5 1

r s a n d j e e r s i

tetedPreaa____________ I

:LAND-Roberto Alomar Iser-high five hits to over- I lannyRiuhircz’s re c i^ tQF ie ld , lead in g -jak e ■•o o k ■

the American — rov'^^~ ~ te a e u e -^ — 7)ston S>-l Tuesday night | |rook (2-0), m aking his H e e r s tart and first with " l, didn’t-allow-a run until— gz n homered with two outs h.* rb a ck at-Jocobs Field I"! st time since leaving as 0 itj went 2-for4, smgling y tw o tim es up before

lg ou t in the six th and □ ragalnsfD ^ys Baia in K

. _ .. tl irks homered off Tomo li 0 . and Jo lberr Cabrera ■•4 with two RBIs for the S

___________ W c(

ing streak for the Cowbo p lace gam es and hand their first win in a final g taking the tide in 1997.

to the 2001 champions an eighth-inning sin^e home the winning run : F a is as tfieHussets'beat Narhpa b ^ t West Salt Lb 1 fo r f ifth place. Le

. downed Mountain Q ^ E , "W e wanted to mak«

m en t,” Twin Palls co? — Rasraussen'saldr“We'pr

AMDs l a m


ib ledon m lap ria ti-----

3W th a t Its away


cn final, tyou can list kept to your ' .

1st b ea r lur la s t '

uibility, her

3y fore- iger the


> ^ h o i d ~ | ^ ^ ^ ^ Hir the ng only ihe also.

Page D2 M l M M .*


iti: No.Jsnnlitt Capriati c

I terflnal on the Cer


■^ton'aM anoy RamlwFJoRei tins practice Tuasday. Ramira Ing a member of tha Red Sox.

Yankees ID, Orioles 6BALTIMORE -

K noblauch had th re e h .. three runs scored a sN ew \

lied to win Its sucth straight.Derek Jeter, Tino Marti

Sco tt B rosius hom ered _Yankees..who moved.a.ha

sdnesdav. lu lv 4. 2C

) i lv e m dxiys in third we can put t nded them tournament 1 game since help us con

tim e arid hnship game,___ tournament^e brought They alson_for_I^aho___ staff isjdee]at Eagle 2-1. Cowboys a Lake d ty 2- state title, .e th b rid g e Sean Berr 1 8-2 . shutout int(ke a state- fling the Ha< oach M att ball and a s proved that ylddihgto r


I celebrates after defeating Sei :entra Court at Wimbledon. Cai


tea around with Cleveland'a Bi Irazwaaln Cleveland for tha fli)X. ---- -------------- TT------

ahead o f seci B theA L E ast

P hiirlf Ram iro Me h i t s a J S, Ynrif ral. ^"8 th e minii 'Y ork ja l. -N ew York wo

tine* andd fo r th e Mercedes (hntf-gnmo__ _____________

— -

2 0 0 1

lit together some wins In a » t sittiadon. That should :ome district tournament i hopefully come s ta teWfimt*.** . ' —Iso proved their pitching'eep_enough.io.make the__i a serious-threat fo r a

emhard worked a four-hit nto the fifth inning, baf- Hawks with a moving fast- a solid change-up, b^ore 0 reliever Matt Colvin.



W~ ' ■■

. . v '

S«r«n« Wllllmi Tueiday In thi Capriati won the match 6.7 (4-

K ) \ '/


_______________ l*ltauBnar Diaz during bat-

> fInt time alnca bacom- "

econd-place .Boston In "t uMendoza (S2) pitched " ^ o f one-hit relief, fac-inimum 12 batters, as JJ;won for tile ninth time «

.............................. ......Sis (4-9), trying to win his ^

“ Please serA tPage 02- ~h

* 1 ' 1 *

. Cowboy ClassITuotday'SKom

Championship = ldaho-Ffliiygf£flg«

Third place......... ......Twin Falls AA 7. Silver,

Nampa 2. West SL( Lcthbridge.8, Mountain

Twin Falls A 9. Layto

Colvin, working in hi game in two days,, was sl



PM«their women'a singlet quar- (4-7), 7-5,6-3.

NBA app as Grizzli(The A asoclatad Press

MEMPHIS-, Tenn. - Al years of trying, Memphis i

- l y a m ajor sports town;----The NBA on Tuesday ap

the relocation of the Van Grizzlies to this Mississipp c ity , an announcem en w asn 't a surprise but wa nitely a relief for those wh spent months wooing the and team.

“ W e a re e la te d ,” Me -Mayor Willie Herenton sj n u m b er of citizens, as v ele c ted officials, have v very hard to make this dr' on -NBA franchise for Menreality.” ____^

The league 's relocatioi .m itte e gave Its approv;

_w eek and.Grizzlies boostei a relocation party Saturda move w asn’t official, ho' un til the NBA board vot< made its announcement.

“ We look forw ard to n M em phis o u r new h Grizzlies owner Michael I said in a statem ent

An NBA “pursuit team,” A u toZ one fo u n d er J.R .

" H y d erlu red 'th e 'G riiflies

= = z:^ zzl________________ LQcaLsi:______________ . Scores <


T 1 kept SilveracSIC ; before Jacob rea the seventh tp diamps.

— -------^ ‘This'teanlhat If you*v€

vrado 0 ' need to defen >LC 1 A n Besser ssin Crest 2 place, well th ^on 5 get th a t Todi

vre should ha\ ' T he Cow

his secondishakybuf- Please;

I■ V..I

I Brltain'a Tim Henman ratu I — during thair man’a alngla* I on tha Centra Court at Wli

! Without S I quarterfi] I widecI Tha Aaaoclatad Pwaa

J W IM BLEDON, .1 I Englishman is am ong I w in W im bledon. T ha I the quanerflnals are tl I T h e d e fe a t of sev t I P ete Sampras has l e f t ' I a clear favorite in th e i I bom Tim Henman is t I h e tries to become th B _ ^ r e d P e n y in 1936 to 1 I - T he se n r lm e n ta rfa I tiirte nm ner-up Goran I year’s losing finalist p£ I ' probably retire af te r th I Andre Agassi, the ’9 I betting favorite among I ers a t 11-10 followed t I Henman (6-1).I The 26-year-old Hem I (erfinals for the fifth ti I h e ' re a c h e s th is : I “H enmum a” sweeps tl 1 with tennis replacing s I try’s sporting passion.I Sixth-seeded Henma: I American Todd M artin I 6-3, 6-2 Tuesday and n< I ed Roger Federer, who

Monday in five sets.M artin was leading t

to o n e w hen d a rk n e Monday.

_____lJIfJlenm an.goes.alLIt w ou ld co s t u s a i ($700,000), which woul


Droves M e ies’ newh(_______

A fte r 30- final-

approved • ancouverppi Delta ■ Orleans; and L< m t th a t Hyde’s groui vas defi- percent of the i rvho have “This is an e te league people of Men

“It’s time now i lem p h is building a com said.-“A- team tluc will

; w ell a s in the d ty ." w orked • The Grizzlie

dream of P y ram id , a li cmphis a along th e Mei

__________wlule the new ^ion com- is b u ilt Comp: •val la s t by 2004. ters.held_. Shane Battie day.. The e r of the year lowever, - round-draft pic jted and la s t W ednesc

pleased with tl m aking , to live in Memj: ho m e," "W hat maki

I Helsley makes me com . in the gym and

I,” led by p la y e rs ," coa I. “ P lt t”_ said. “I’m glac res aw ay ’ ndw'we'reback

I n s i d e -il s p o r ts ................ D2. ---------es and stats ___ D3 .e y . 0 ^ 6

T 2 3 9 ( H ^ 2 - T 2 ~ p m 1


srado off the scoreboard cob Eldredge came on in ' th to dose out last year's

eam-rtiH-n'ewIfto-Ieam ~ ~ u*ve uron something you i f e ^ it,” Silverado coach r said. “And if it’s third 1 then you better go and roday we didn’t do wiiat have done.":ow bpys sco red on a

ise see COWBOYS,' Page D2 |

^ ratuma to Todd Martinjla*7fourtlHomid mateli----------t Wimbledon, Tuesday.

: Sampras, finals are - ;opena

■ E n g la n d ' - A n ang th e contenders to rh a t’s how w ide open - •e this year. <ev e n -tim e cham pion eft W imbledon wiAout h e men’s draw. Oxford- ' is th e lo c ^ favorite as ) th e first Briton sinceto lifethetrophy .-^--------------r f a v o r ite s 'a re 'th re e -" ”- ” ran Ivanisevic and last t P a t R after - who will r this season. e ’92 champion, is the ong English bookmak- • sd by R after (4-1) and "

[erunan is.in the quar- h tim e and,.w henever s s ta g e , so -c a lle d 'IS th e British tabloids lg soccer as the coun- n.iman rallied to defeat rtin 6-7 (3), 7-6 (5), 4-6, i now faces 15th-seed- vho upset Sampras on

lg th e m atch two sets k n e ss s to p p e d p lay

.alLthe_way.and-wins,.i_____a p a y o u t o f ab o u t

/ould m ake the worst

lease see TENNIS Page D2

emphislome2 2 ^ ^ from five ■ H H other compet- i n t m ing dn es: Easm r _ y e■ j i A n a h e i m ,^ C alif.; S t.

L ouis; New d Louisville.■oup will buy up to 50 h e team.in exdting day for the ilemphis,” Hyde said, ow to turn our focus to nm petitive b a^ e tb a ll rill be a posidve force

zlies will play a t The a 10 -year-o ld a re n a M em phis riverfron t,ew downtovm stnciiiim______mpletion is expected

ttie r, the college play*---------sar a t Duke and first- pick for the Grizzlies

e s d a y , sa id h e w as h the move and plans emphis.lakes m e hap p y .an d nm fortab le is getting and working with om* - coach S id n e y Lowe Slad it’s a ll over and •acktow ork.”

- " ^ S P O jR T S n :

■ ■ A-TLAN-TA-(Ap')— '~Jon~es w ent 4-for-4. hit

....... solo homers and scorinrecord-tying five runs a

_____moYcd wiihin one ganNL EasMcading Phillies

Surhoff doubled, d ng a'ifd~dr‘ e Tri”th re e rii Cabrera (5-2) pitched a seventh for the win.

R eliever Jose Santi: was charged w ih ^ hit

— ^earned-runs-in-6n«^thl inning.

Cubs 3, Mets 0NEW YORK - K er/

p itched 6 1-3 scoreless a n d Sam m y Sosa h it I hom e run to lead th e

' Cubs to th e ir first win York in more than tliree C. o v e r th e M ets on 3 n i^ t .

Wood (8-5) allow ed 1 and foiu- walks to win for

• enth time in eight decis ■gave the Cubs their firs Shea Stadium since an 8-

April 16.1998,.Chic lost six straight since tliei

Marlins 7, Expos 0M ONTREAL-Ryan D

pitched a four-hitter for ond c a re e r sh u to u t a


' Sacram en to Kings f'rci Chris W ebber said he h

_ contacted by 12-15 NB/ since J u ly 1 and h as i where he will play next S4

In an in te rv ie w wi Sacr 'am enio Bee pul Tuesday, W ebber said

-- cake his time deciding w wants IO play. .■ “I’ll just say this: t did

ize how serio u s a ll thi agency) was until 12:01 ( That's all.l want to say ji Right now. I’m in the sar tinn th ;u I’ve b een in. know what I’m noing to di

W ebber is eligible lo with th e Kings fo r mot $120 m illion over sevei Only a han d fu l of j e a offer W ebber anything

CowboysContinued from 01. gnuuicl l)all by Ben MuqUi

. first io take a 1-0 lead ani 'on aiioiher run in tlie sect blooper by Carl Blackwo< ahead 2-0.

Twin Falls opened a • with iwo away in the fourt Jake Asher delivered a

. double Jo give the CowIk advantage. Smart base nu Creg Gabica on a fielder’ p la ted th e fm al run

, Cowlwys in ihe sixtlr."W hen you bring in a

team like Silverado, yt)u w

' AL _ _ _Continued from 01 fourth straiglit start, iillowi run's and 11 hits in fi 1-3 ini

Tigers'8, Royals 4DETROrr - Jose Lima

Ihe firs i tim e in n ea rl months as Delroit ended I game losing streak.

----- Tony Clark had iwo P_ bles, and Jose Macias add

Ihis for the Tigers. - .Lima (1-0), making his

stan for Detroit since Iwin by Houston on June 23. rt from a shakv start.

went five imiings, giving i runs, eight hits and a w stn/ckoiitoiio.

____ K ansas- City s ta r te i

WimbledContinued from Dl Venu.s, still has a chanc< t i t l e a f te r b e a tin g N: Tauziat Tuesday, 7-5.6-1.

Venus will next movese m ifin a l a g a in st__LDavenport, who rolled ov C lijsters, 6-1. G-2. Capri play Belgian Justine Hen s lip p e d p ast 1994 cha C o n ch ita M artin e z , 6*

the tournament doctor, v been treating the stomac

----- sh e - tra s“ b ee n “ n u rs in gSaturday.

“For a few days n tw r% struggling,” said Willian’ ad d e d ih a i she con tem dropping out of the tjourr

• b e fo re-her fourth-round Monday. “I haven’t been

-----really e a t since.-I haven’right since. I was just, ugh

'M TkiMMtm.TwtaFala.1

7 0 S % (- - C h ip p e r — —hittin g two_________ N a tn n g a team • ________s as AUanta F lo r id a 1tatHB nf i h f t __MontrecO-Eiesl4-7. ■ Dempste mgled n\Tce^_;_and_\valk< run-sTJose c a re e r co

U s c o n J i s s . retired 11-,!siretch.

ilia g o (O -l) • Charles J toK and six _,nins. liillin

■third-of-on doubles.• Expos stj (7-7) had hi Venezuela i

erjryW ood ihe majors I ess inningsit h is 27 th P Ira te s 3le C h ic a g o . . . ciNCIN ^ vin in New pitched int( ree years, 3- for h is fift tl T u e sd a y j„ h „ vande “ . . h o m ered d five h its Pirates beat for the,sev. . R itchie (! |cision i.H e t h e f i r s t I first win a t of hi:i W victory by a Pirates hicago had..„ -.N eagledidi hen. , G iles sin

double in hi » • . h is second[1 Dempster. ' gam e - and for his sec- “ 1° h6mer j t an d tiie EimerDesso

weepsi(AP) -

li has been{BA.tcams___ts no idea-—;t season.' w ith The [published f lid he; where he- - ' E

H (July 1). a re d irec tiily about it.' efforts at Tosame posi- Davis,in. I don’t T he D etn[) do." • P acers . Miilo re-sign Y ork'X nicl'

n o re th an ■ interested iiven years. althoudi thtearns ca n . team that co

lg close to lucrative cr

r s _______________

■ c r a ^ .a t theKjlier in die- ‘Tm ^ a d i t 'and tacked ,^d. Tiiat’s aw.'cond on a to see once awood to go wereexdted

T he Tw ira 4-0 lead Legion teamurtli before be excited1 a two-nm Cowboys bevboys a &0 ' n inih placenmning by fourth win of

ler’s choice , Falls A teatn fo r the SLC of Utah,

. ' loplayontlMtl a quality “It’sa w iiiu want your iind riglit no

Durbin (G;7) owed seven «=ven hits at i innings. ; 2-3 innings.

Twins 5, Wma won for CHICACi arly th re e homered tw -•d its eigitt- shot in i

M innesota u RBI dou-"— \Vhite Sox fo idded three . ^ d R a d k

______ m o 1-3 innirhis second time in four s eing traded Luis Rivas 1. recovered tlou'

l) in tlie sev i

lg up three _1 walk. He Devll R ays

s t : PETl te r Chad_______________

d o n ________on emotion,

nee at the “ I ju s t kt N a th a lie come out thi

-1. for il becauve on to a w ithou t foo

L in d say waim’t going. 1 over Kim By the thii p riati will obviously dc lenin, who C ap ria ti to :h am p io n be fo re ru n r

6*1. 6-0. anda.skingfc-Kisit-widi-__ sawng.laier;.r, who has a te d . I j.ust nach virus there. I don’lng“ 5 in c B ~ ~ b a d c ’*--------

By the end ’ Fve been retnioed hei- iams, whb ing to break i em p ia te d vice game? « um am ent h e r ow n, bt nd m atch Copriati dim sn ab le to h er first mate en ’tb e e n - On th e igh, going expressed pu ____________ £ is t . io . ih e ^

ounceatlonat Laagua ^

M arlin s b e a t th e |

fter (9-8) struck out two ilked_tw .o_in_hiu th ird___ ic o m p le te gam e. He1- straight batters at one t

s Johnson drove in three Jting two of Florida’s six \

s tarte r Tony Armas Jr. , i his family in town from

ia to vratch 'him pitch inrs for the first time.- ^

3, Reds 2 INNATI - Todd Ritchiento th e seventh.inning (if th s tra ig h t win, and i-ider Wal and Brian Giles ei a s th e P it tsb u rg h p iat the Cincinnati Reds.! (5-8) has put together $]c 'f iv e -g am e w inning ijhis career and the first tltes pitcher since Denny h d it in 1995..iingled, hom ered a n d b his first three at-bats -

nd s tra ig h t th re e -h it itnd V ander Wa! had a vir and a sacrifice fly off i 'ssens (6-S). - . G

>takes f(th a t am o u n t, inan d a t le a s t di two of them

■ ^ H .th e _ _ H o u s to n . . t£|P |g - R o c k e t s - a n d tc

Chicago Bulls > hia p p e a r to b e btout of the run- ni

i ^ H ning.'The Orlando ei

K S H M agic h av e - ttc leared salary r<cap' space bu t ti:

:ting th e ir rec ru itin gToronto center Antonio w

ir:troit P istons, Indiana Ji4 iam i H eat and New wicks a re known to be p:1 in acquiring Webber, mthe Pistons are the only, Bcould sign Webber to a ' a| contract without hav- •/

*em ,’l-R asm u ssen .^d____Fit worked out the way it; a team that we only get b e a year. I know die kids -edabouiit.” - ojvin F alls A A m erican Lim also had something to b<■d about. T he younger Nbeat Layton 9-S in the pi ce gam e to grab theirI of the season. Tlie Tw n dijam replaced Brighton d< ah, giving Layton a teamtlie final day. • mrtii against a ”AA“ team Rnow we’ll take it;”. Twin pi

;7) allowed seven runs on Rand two walks in jast 2 sc

5- , ' in

White Sox 3. 0 0 - M att Lawtontwice, including a two- n the seventh inning as ta ra llied to bea t the : for its fiftlistraiglii Viin. 'idke(9-t) allowed 11 liiis „nings to win.for tlie first-----IVIir stans since June 12.fas ded it at 3 wilh a two- Siouble off Sean Lowe (3- ineventh. Lawton dien liit si;iiulnei iu —

-heITS 7, Blue Jays 2 miTERSBURG. Fla. - [J

n. m'knew w hen I had to . ' sethere. I should just go acause my energy level. ovood fo r fo u r days, it W

:hird set, Williams was Wdeflated. She aUowed in.to ra c e to a 4-0 lea d piinning to th e um pire yc } for a bathroom break,yil'Lw as.ccallyjiause:_____ist h ad to g e t ou t of ' 3n’t know how I came

Uld of the set, she had ^e r steps slighdy, fight* ^ ik one of Capriad’s ser*$ and win a CQupIe ofb u t i t w as too la te . . j

linched the victory on— catch point. Me c o u r t ,- 'C a p r ia t i ......... \pure joy, pumping her crowdLO£Llt».s^was__


c P h i-B rew ers 2;-Card{na(s

= M I tW A U K E E —Jame: a llow ed th re e h i ts ov( Innii^ aiid M ark Loret

less de os die Milwaukee — bea t the St^Xouis^Cardinai

Wright (8-5) won for i tim e in five c a re e r de against th e C ardinals, v th e ir s ix th - s t r a ig h t .Wpnthorg got hi< fourth

Astros 6, DIamondbat^H O U ST O N -Julio Lug

a tie w ith his first hom< M ay 3, h e lp in g H ousto come Luis Gonz^ez’s 'g ra and solo shot in edging At . The Astros bea t C urt S

(12-3) to win th e ir four row a n d sn a p Diam ondbacks’ four-gar ning streak. . .

Gon2aIez..hit th e .th irc slam of h i s . t^ e e r - in th inning and d& ed a solo h the fifth thaT tied it a t 5. ’ home ru n s, he is_secotid majors to San Frandsco’ Bonds.

Dave Mlicki (1-0) pitch* in n in g s.fo r th e v ic to r) Wagner earned his 18th

. 19 o p p o rtu n itie s , s trik i Gonzalez to end th e game.

br Weting to work out a sign-an deal with the Kings.. •

W ebber said he has be . t a c te d by a b o u t -“ 12-

teams,” including the- Kit has not called back ever b u t p lan s to do so duri next few days.

“ 1 w a n t to be re sp ec every team. I haven't callt the Kings, but it’s not oul respect. I just want to tJ time.”-'W ebber said he is still v w ith his personal team , in c lu d e s h is a u n t . Ch. Johnson, an a tto rn e y w worked with him since he pro in 1992, b ro th e r Jc marketing representative B ry an t. H e h as n o t hii agent.

W ebber, who planned i

-F a l ls A coach A.J..Wats<] “We're definiiely starting better.”

The young Cowboys (4-2C open a 3-3 game in die sixt Luke H aw kins 'trip led w bases loaded to drive in dm Nick'Stanzack recorded d plete game victory.

The wins were a step in d direction for two teams 1 down dramatically different

“I diought we had a good m en t,” Tw in F alls coacl Rasmussen said. “The kids ■pretty welL Our defense w

Rookie Joe Kennedy pltcl solid innings and Sieve Co: in two runs as Tampa Bay s

- a four-game losing streak. Kennedy (3-1) allowed tv

and five h its , w a lked oi struck out one. He beat tl Jays for th e second timt making his m ajor league just under a m«)nth ago. -

.Marlners.8r.Rangers 4ARLINGTON, Texas -

S ele p itch ed in to th e sc inning and won for die first six starts for Seatde.

“— imKfrttffiiefoif lu tT iH j-hom er before Sele eyen tc

mound. The M ariners had son-high iCf extra-base lijts in six inn ings ag a in s t E

more tempered, frustrated seemingly constant medic ad v en tu res th a t hav e he over many of h e r matche Williams. W hen the two ]

-in -K e y ^ isc a y n o r rth i& r W iU iam s co m p la in e d injured knee. Williams als p lained of food poisonin y e a r a f te r lo s in g to M<

eRACKEIQwurr lie


_ O p e n J - D a y s A - W e

b O - ^ — C a d r e s 8 ,lejrW rightrr-----SfANr-DHv er e ig h t Jim enez h it e tta ’s RBI sacrifice fly i k e ^ M ^ ' " t ^ e NL re i » Brewers Padres over

r th e first h its in onedecisions and. T revor:, who lost th e side in tit . D avid save in 19 ch

----- ^ ^ K a n e - D r

« c k s 5

S S e Dodgers 4,ton over-------~ tO S “ANGrand slath in te n t io n a l Arizona. Bonds to lo SchiUing tw o ou ts in

u rth in a th e n re tired > th e th e Los Ang. am e win- o v er San Fr

. . eigh th straig] E a r l ie r i

th e th ird Dodgers foui

:o’s Barry li^^d i t leasthed 12-3 W illiry . B illy , .* 6 victory, Ih save in ° '} »"=k ing ou t L ivan Hern;IC. th e loss.

bber beuid-trade e l to D e tro i

,m a n y th in ^ < jeen eon- •• sion.2 - t .o - iS --------- I d o n 't tlCings.- He how many thi ery team , I t ry to mal< rin g th e rem em ber wl

p re s id e n t) J' 2c tfu l to H e was bujd lied back A b o u t a wi u t of dis- (P acers coac take ' my when my broi

fre e tickets 1 working and we went n, which the game, h a r le n e • “I mean, th who has . ' have a lot of te turned people in this J e f f and not w ant to | /e Shawn Jo e or for a l ire d an W ebber said.

- NBA teams i to trav- agents until Jt

«)n;said.— de suspea at t lg to play back when we

haven’t done d 20) broke 'xthwhcn--’ -with the sInCMaatmodwi uwjruns. • the com-

S S jirdI*""' >•- I the right !•»«»»5 headed au:nt paths. . cxl touma-ich M att T«.f*M7.s»«ii»>o ds played tori.}.viwsu;i was a lit-

tched six Oliver (7-3). 'MX drove Sele (9-1) g y stopped and sbc hits, v

andthreewalktwo runsone and A th letlC S S ,the Blue „ .

th ird inning a

4 Anaheim its si;'• The crowd o

- Aaron a postgame fii seven th the thiid large: st time in ry.

hree^run secona u n ie ltook the . allowed two jad a sea- o ver five inniits. seven second-shortesD arren son._________

:d b y th e H ingisat thei)ical mis- “ I th in k Ihovered inside. I thinkhes with C apria ti said.3 played tu h i ^ t i h d a &T-yearr=-r;ingtWith:myoiI o f an w ith my leg. 1ilso com- preTO' much ding th is happens everyM artina Tm just used tc

D W I N D S Nleiuunontf Yotit iliBtf ot Wont-i VOttWrtHAullBUIUCECOIMIIQ I AuWomoOXGmmnmil |


MOBILE SERVICE - | WE COME TO YOU |Jf f k • 6 a m - t o - 9 p m - 1

B,Roc k l6 r5 —> iE G O -^ D * A w K ® itr ^ U t San Diego’s fourth fly of the R a m e j j a j n g ^ re c o rd - t o J i f t th e e r Colorado.inBr(l=2)-BUbWd-lwo— le inn ing fo r th e win,}r Hoffman st|i]ck o u t i ^ e nin th fo r his 17th

> a r i ^ ( 0 -3 )' w as th e

4, Giants 3J G E E E S '- 'J e ff Shaw ta lly w a lk e d B a rry lo ad th e b a se s w ith in th e n in th inn ing , ed J e f f .K ent to give ngeles Dodgers a win F ranc isco a n d th e ir *

light victory.in th e r d a y , th e

ound ou t th a t p itcher reifort n eed ed recon- su rg ery on h is r ig h t ’s expected to be side- ast one year.Iliam s (2*0) e a rn e d • f, blanking th e Giants i t in th r e e in n in g s , rn a n d e z (6-11) took

eginsroit th is w e ek , sa id •Swill go into his ded-

th in k -p eo p le -k n o w - things r i l consider as lake th e d e c is io n . I', when I m et (D etroit

t Jo e D um ars in ’86. ijHng a Chevy truck, w e ek l a t e r I m e t

lach) Isiah (Thom as) rother and I got some ts to a P is tons gam e :nt to a clinic before

that’s the dilemma. I of re sp e a for a lot of his game. How could I 0 play for a guy like a coach like Isiah?”

id.ms may not sign free lJu ly lS .

It times, but we battled^ we fen behind and we' ed ia tinavih ile.” . ihUMr.atattO

Other tcoret


) gave up th ree runs S s, with four strikeouts h alks.---------------- ---------- ----

5, Angels 2 vXD, C alif - M iguel Ja two-run hom er to * fiye-run burst in the

B as Oakland handed °: sixth straight loss. *d of 51,838, helped by °fireworks show, was "

gest in Coliseum histo- ^

)i5^lwonLfr)rJu<tthi»— ^ e since A pril 29. He0 runs on th re e h its ■ ining,vmaichiog,W «. - m test outing of sea- H

------------------------------ 1

e Australian O pc^I know th e t ru th

ink most people do,” id. **I m ean, I could1 w d say 1 was deal- fi r - o ^ th ln g out diere=--= i i. But you know, it’s { I the same thing that • My time I play her, so . 1 to that.” |_

H I E L D ? I

''T U p t o : " l

!*250««I I 1 CASH I

"I BACK" I - • C aU T o a ay M

7 3 2 - 5 7 8 4 ' b--------— T— l l - l —

r - S P O F__ -SanJllegctact----------- SAN DIEGO-Eighi- - activated.from the 15-

i T uesday r—- Gvtrynn, who onnouj

the season, will be init - ^^“Gwynn'iVss'fii'srsl'

string. H e was activate_____ fxvn gnmA<' ntlft

Gwynn, in his 2 0 d i; games. Ih e outfielder i

.Oakland acciuli— -1- OAKLANDrCalifTi

outfielder Ron Gant fr fielder,Hobin Jennings

The deal, in the worl hitter in tlw A’s s li^ p i du rto n from that side retirement last week or

Gant is expected to i Anaheim.

Gant joins his sevei - years. He has averaged


Mogllny signs \TORONTO - Alexan

erful New Jersey Devil $22 million dontract wit

The 32-year-old un« better than one he coi

' > had discussions with Ml mai offer.

' Mogilny, a 12-year NI with 43 g o ^ and was li Stanley Cup finals, losir

Johnson to runTOIWO - Olympic gr

____ rntw»r in Jnppp, nnchPli. The five-time Olymf

Games in Brisbane, Aus m eter relay leg in Yoke

. . J ? P ^ Athletic_ . — He-said Johnson is se

200 and 300 meters befc . A ceremony to mark •said.

IVrone Hill deciiPHILADELPHIA - '

PhU adelphia76ersfori agent confirmed T u e ^

Hill, 33, had considen deal that covered more Mark Bartelstein, told Tuesday’s editions lhat. team. The 6-foot-9 star ag reem en t w ith th e I

. . rebounds last season.

Rlson’s weddinATLANTA - Not so

' - Andre Rison and singer The wedding reporte

'But neither wotdd be in3 ^ d Ufonday.^-------—

Cope^ a m eihber of tl the Atlanta Botanical ( confirmed the date duri tion last month.

Shelton said Lopes, 3 Thursday, but he said hi

Rison, played witl Lopes torched the $1.3 Alpharetta. They broke

T ennis _Continued from Dl ever belting residts from nis tournam ent as fa r as c o n c e rn e d ,” sa id Gi Sharpe, a spokesman for bookies WiUiam HiU.

“To be fair, we’d omy ing back to th e p u n ter: we’ve taken off them sine P erry (in 1936) an d Vi Wade (in 1977) last won.”

With Sam pras winning of the last eight titles - ai serv ing R ichard K ra jio other - Agassi is the last w ithout a big serve-ahd- game to have won on the f

13H > A N N U A l , J A C

IFRUMT. JU U r 6 th : Pre H onflecihinspecllon and SATURDAT. JULY T th:HospUaUty and entenain Awcuxls Saturday e\xr\tn

S p e c ia l U u u— nicT ttw iro n jffC K p o o

C actus P ete’s • T he H ------------------- Tll<rFoum a'

R A C I N C;aPj_R,E..jl>_41 JV .2575.N

~ t

s r

R T S I N B FitIvates-Gwynnfroiiht-time NL batting champioi [Sday disabled M ^ th e &

lunced last week lha t he’ll r litially available only to pine•sldellned'ApriI-21-wiai-tra Ited M s^ 8, c ^ to re-injure t ed b a d tto iheD Lon M ay-llr h season with San Diego, h a r is hitting 333 in 48 at-bats w

Ires Gant from Colo-T h e Oakland Athletics.acqi from the Colorado Rockies o gs.Drks for several days, puts am iping lineup. O a k h ^ has lad ae of the plate, with'often-iii only adding to the woes.0 report to the A’s in time to<

'enth m ajor league team an id 26 homers over his last 10 s 5 seven times in his career.

witli iUaple^LeafS-^inder Mo^lny, admitting tha vils was not his first choice,« rith the-Toronto Maple Leafsi ■restricted free agent said Ti ould have gotten from the E Mogilny’s agent. Mike Barnet

(^HL veteran, was sixth in the : ISdi in points widi 83 as the 1 sing to the Colorado Avalanch

1 finai race in Japang n u t Michael Johnson plans i oring a medley relay in a Sept npic champion will compete ustialia, in August and then n kohama, said Yukio Seki, a s tics Federation, sdecting three other runners sforehim. ^‘k Johnson’s retirement is be

sides to remajn witl- Tyrone Hilt has decided r the remaining two years ol day.ired opting out of his contraa e than just the next two seasc Id The'PhlladelphiaTnqulr it .(M was likely to get an e? ar te r will eam nearly $14 r i S ixers. H e averaged 9.6

ng couid be put on0 fast on those wedding vo e r Lisa “Left-Eye” Lopes, tedly was scheduled for Thu in town then, Lopes spokesn

■ d ie Grammy-wiiining t i o Tl1 Garden for a wedding thai iring an impromptu visit to t

, 30, will be in Los Angeles I he still expects the cpuple.to ith the Oakland'Ruders last .3 million mansion she shari ceup after that, but later got


grass a t Centre m a ten- Could a base as we’re “T here’s les G rah am ' used to be as >r British volley players,'

fa c e s th a t ki y"be gii^ FSCtrde. Tli ;rs w hat F renchm an hi nee Fred past the secon V irginia year.

“But guys ct lg seven serve and sen and big- such a big wea

leek th e the only shot tl st player ed with the ino id-volley court.... So the B famous baseliner to do

3 3lC K P O T 2 0 0 O F F B

n f l M iiHtmttM B

re -runn lng 25 m ph speed I nd ca r display. 4-8 pm . Ba: : Drivers meeting at. 8 ;30 i inm ent/rom tlu: community Irjg a t the Horscshu.

udM to <mr 3 0 0 1 spoxiMr»-Stat6X IneX Iquor • Ban H oraeshu • Spanish Qardi ra'(3ca • Pony E xpress C asl

l ^ j m

: V H . i E O P F - R O i G E N T B R P i U S E.N .J .S u n se t. UT 84015 - 1

IRIEF —rom PL ----- —pion Tony Gwynn was • i San Diego Padres on

H retire a t the end of )inchhit.-■a’ Saln'e‘d*H ^rha irP “ “ “ ire the hamstring after . .

. h ^ played in just 16 ts widi six RBIs.

oloradoacquired power-hitting es on Tuesday for out-

i onotherright-handed - lacked_consistent pro-_ n-lnjured'j6hn”jah a’s ~ -----

i today’s game against

I and fourth in three 10 seasons, and he has

that leaving the pow- :e, signed a four-year,afson-Tuesday.^--------- r ------d Toronto’s offer was le Devils. New Jersey -nett, but made no for-

the league last season h e Devils reached the inche ta seven games.

o nm s to end his runninglept^lSmeet:---------------------pete in the Goodwill Ul nm the dosing 4(X>- , a spokesman for the

lers who will run 100.

: being planned. Seki ■

ritii Sixersled to stay with th e ' rs of his contract, his

r a a so he could get a easons. But his agent, lu lrer in a story for n extension from the 14 million under his 9.6 p o in ts and 9.2

oniiold; vows for NFL star

rhursday in Adanta.:esman Matt Shelton .______

0 TLC, had reserved lhat day, and Rison' to an area radio sta­

les for a video shoot e to marry.last seasonrIn-1994;-----------hared with Rison in got back together.

CoRfied lom win reports

litre Court. '>aseliner do it again? less now than there as fa r as serve-and-

ers,” said Agassi, whok in d o f p la y e r iti______

T h e 2 5 -y e a r^ B n h ad no t advanced cond round until this

s can still pound the serve big. and th a t’s weapon out there. It’s )t that’s not interrupt- inconsistendes of the - there’s a chance for a1 do it again.”


cd llm l_ t.j;c03^-_ .____B arton 's C lub 93.30 a.m . ntty o f Jackpot.

u o r s : ______________2____Sarton’s C lub 03arden s RV Park___________:osbio

O A D3 E S-1-800-657-1062------------

CH A RLO TTE, N.C. Andrea Sdnso'n scored

-^as-the-Charlotte-Sring-< th e ir , w in n in g s trea k , games with a 65*61 vict

- the New-York Ubertv-M o n i ’uKclay iriighti

- • Allison Feaster put •— th e -S t in g -a h e a d - r o - '

s tay w ith a 3-pointer..w— left__________________ _

The Liberty, trailing 1 p o in ts , h ad possessioi f in a l seconds, but* W eatherspoon missed s

___ th e .la n e . .C harlo ite ls .' SQ tton«Brow n g ra b b

rebound and fed Stinsila jw p ..

-fe a s te r finished with 1__ foriCharlotte (5*10). Daw

added 10 points and eigh V ick ie Johnson see

points for the Liberty (1( lost for just the second ti g am e s. T ari P h illip s points and 12 rebounds.

T he S ting shot 59 pe the firs t ha lf and built lead. S tinson shot 5-for- perio3 and the Sting use ru n to e ra se a sevedeficit._______________

Phillips scored 10 poin first h a lf, but was scor tho final 9:55.

Monarchs 91, Lynx £M INN EA PO LIS -

Holland'Com scored 2 5 ; . the.Sacram ento Monarc

th e M in n eso ta Lynx Tuesday nighi, extendii winning streak to four 'ga

: B a SED/VLL’ AL Boxes


i l li iP-nliJsCndd < t 0 (UrwiK 3 0 B 0

S j i i w i H I

I s s TLSs S S s b -.

UcnMtLM i II ? 7 I I IJEkMJ* .O 7 0 0 I <

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UTpr*M«<r«. fn^Snt. Stcana


. * j | i

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-T*>KE115ieK5iS!e^.^^ WW«m» ^KMil.' ] 3 1 Hini'A 3 I S 0 '

...p - ' i - i s i t i fi i E J i i ! .JsAvak 0 0 »«icte 0 0 0

H w a a 10

“ * & T T T T T rS ‘'“ r i o i i 'i

TWINS 5 , WHITE »0X 3 — WigaOT*—— -CHCMO—' —I U t ■ i SISI Ip? Ill

SSh!^ <1C II } 9 0 ,3

i • •

.C. (A P) - -id 20 p o in ts__ig ^ te n d e d — a k .to - fo u rr— victory over '

, "w Nb T - P P ( |I ~ h . ^ i i i T Ir.w ith 1:11

lg by th ree l l | | 9 p ^ . iion in th e . ^it' T e re sa K d a shot in u j H | V n :!s-Tam m y .

th ei n s o n _ f o r _ a ^ _ ^ ^ ^ H H

th 12 points )awn Staley ight assists. s c o re d 16 (lO-S).who

i time in 11ps h a d 15 Charlotte's Tl '*• and Crystal Rpercen t m * _ , lilt 0 37-33 .-T h e loss V5 > r6 Jn jh c ____!" ' ' ' “ " 'Iused a 12-1 Minnesota. :v en -p o in t “ ‘

scored by a oints in the Sacramer coreless in *ntermissioi

the largest in WNBA 1

V CO Miami 44-1:* 15,2000.- K e d ra Cindy Bio !5 poinis as ers and scoarchs bea t-----p o in ts- fo rrnx 91*52 w hi9hshot: iding th e ir range, •games._________M innesot

- I f gf > MltrMUOT' EMOMcn? W I n OB'J M«T« « 33 5»3 .

i s , S S S .1] I Tomo 3a 4U 11.37 'V

W L PB oeUflHtoi SI 11 en ■ -o S T » f : l?5 ,i0»ow M M 411 t«4 BO >Uf<uabi M«a 4IS 17

J ...» “ r ~ 1OWUni] 40 4? 4U }l ’ Anirtri M 44 4U n'*“* - ” Dswnt«.Ti»mo4 KT.TvMM7,T«TCiQ«rl . D»r«MM(ir«uC«>t Un«KU 7. Soi SSMBt0.T«ui7.l0i«r4l , Ou>Un9l.«M.'«ni0.i;nv<

r ------- C*vM«f.BeKi'l------------I' ' -HrYvAWiI3.BUfflOI«l~-'----I M>ut>(inu«cfr41 Ttffete.r7.Taf0«i

UnsMOU 1 W* Soi 3I SMS«t.rt>u4I OtU>n9S.<WOTn3

I I ilOimKmw Cti (S A*.-' 4.7) u Dm< iwmi• tAthMn|So«<n»iM«>-ntlOuw«l|l4| I Mpn

NVTnAri(W«IM|ilStf<i»>< 10 (P»nwM),»«pmIwttlPiflu ).ii tl Tvit* 0<|| inwt'I U«%M|Uutt.3|UC7«>eoVlTd«S

J iwm ri.)!sy* ***"**I bUcnUQmiMSOlpmNY TinUntlBMom.lHpm Iew?f£pjRS,s” praUriMKU M VmM toi. t QS p ff SM.-Mtilwii.eUpm .

S £ ” ' ■ ' ” 'o“ o"o“ i“ « n ‘ 9omf i IJ I 1 '

t-j**.i>.«Mi«4 miM A X I N n ia ,R A N 0 I R l4

10 “ *™ . I

' p i i i i i ; I

i i .1

! !i3 ! ! ! !J ; ^ t 0 0 0 Q

T.tM**4l>4||4»,lt))Ik A TK LEnC SS,A N Q EU 2' AMVOU OMMOn Ecutnw fo o o o m d f o t

— SK .* .- -!'! ?

S . p J S d J ?


r P T H i ' n0 zSaKMBibtLnMWi” ® " ‘j PS-tWKM' y»wc»r. Fnl tfcWai*. J, 0 ' S«zi4S^nM0Hm r.^XkiiAMiUUn


iTLsus -w m m

, r i l g g r s T i l - - a K r - r g - n w r s ?

m S IK .—

i Tammy Sutton*Brown is trappec il Robinson Tuesday during the fli 5 was the most lopsided \ ic h is e h is to ry fo r e ta. Sacramento-also set hI fo r th e m o st p o in ts f' a Lynx opponent. _____ elento’s 4CT51eaa a n i ie ii iion tied the record for v jst halftim e advantage^ history. Houston led o -13 at halftime on June ii

sJlodgett hit five 3*point* a icored a career-high 19 fi o r S acram en to -(9*6), - J t 14-for-21 from 3-point 1

---------------- -piota’s K atie Smith, the s:

PMMKftt 47JJ in •.9 Um 4«3S i«1 IIS ngnM 4) 41 iOS S9II HwYert »4S 4» 12 ]4 UMW W4) ;4I0 ISSCvMOMnoe w I ta oe■ — .7 i t r iS 4

1: UMUM 40 41 4(4 tss SlIOM 40 41 4M I17 Cnmt 3J50 3« USPQtwm 31 SO Jt3 17oe HMOMn

ji Awwi w L P« OB •s S s . si i :i■ - ■ COIO<»»- —3»*4 .413 -H-S*"B*9S [ M4i,^M,».S


--------- -n»*U7,Uo«r»»IQ ------------------- -- PQtiu> ].CKrr«t>ooyc^i.NT.uitte

K K iS ! i ,> ’ ■lo<A/«Mi4.S«rf>M>to3 (BtfM fsi S'S) t) H T. Uki (tIWM-*t«. PB«u;ri|>«rai>4)tiCramu(Rta

m-f ■■> FMi&NW4.j|iiUvwMi|UiaM;

• Hpmn.tu CemaxSaMuMiuhnCktgorxm KI.7Capn

|0j9«1-4| 710pm<1 Crarru 10 )S • m nvWalUnrMi.llSSlm

Apm CoBiMittMOMaSOlpm^£S m1*£iU9M’ AnmtlHMW.SUpm

rnrato) tl IM I ta p;i

^E r« ~ m S ir i0 0 ntuenrt 0 0 Kifnt (_■/ g r i S j

■ i i HmtnMn 7 t 0 0 1

00 > 4 if J 0j I J = 0 IMARUNS 7, IXPOS 0

inn. pufiw uoKTiMa " . . ^

1 i g l i j i g

Ktta .0 0 0 nura’cfi

t t i S . W # ’to ° tfi-nratliSmSi^&Favt4.Uv

L ' r .■ ” . PIRATE83,REMa1—3----- mTMcnoH--------CMC*Hni—’ ® S f S“oc^«H T iI ? •& " J § § fes;', ? s ’ ’ SSSl i ? i gi;'!* 31VnMI >111 OTfiqX) 4 0

‘I « ?‘0 »nn”- 0 0 g Ur 'p 0 S 0 0 BOMcn 1 0

? !

0 0

■y » ^ __________^ ‘

ipecfty New York players Sue V e first half In Charlotte. N.C..

WNBA’s leading scorer, gam e with 6:34 left in l half after sustaining a cu forehead. Smith receivec

__es to close the cut jjnd rin the second'h~^f. She I wilh 18 poinis.

The Monarchs broke tl open with runs of 19-3 a in th e firs t half. H ollar scored 17 points in the fi and scored eight of Sacra first 11 poinis in the secor - The Lynx,(S-8), who sh

16 from 3*point range, -p e rc e n t an d lo st theii



Tennis, Wimbledon. Me „ Baseball, Cubs at Met]; Baseball, Red Sox at In

\i Tennis, Wimbledon, M<>9 Baseball, Yankees at 0a Baseball, OlamondbsclI Baseball, Phillies 8t BnI Baseball, Mariners at I'i7 Baseball, Giants atPo(

W......... *• H R<1-3 3 1 utniMe no Q 0

S ‘" " ‘ 'CMHIHLS4 e a }

S H S S -CUBS 3, Mns

(H»eMi _4 I 0 fttw'

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N i ' *■ s - P i 110 gwigyaia 0 {

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4 utm«s Mio*-*aw(4aKCi lUimcn PADRES e ,R 0 C K Itr« -ao — “« « »

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i------S - l - l - - S |

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i ! ! - ^DOO ISSIe”'’ MO 0 i 0

>1. 'Dm? r* ? 0 0

h e a \— NEW YOI

— Don-Ktog-ls lion to Lenni ordered rem

I B p '^ ^ h e J i

T h e o ffe r —cl.o.sed a t_aj

prom ote Kii Beijing at w defend th e title aga inst:

“I’m going predicted He to w in Ie

— heavyweigh time.

^ H b “He. ta lks five-lime ch: saw him bei

U D ^ ^ H c h a m p io n ,’ thought he sion that wer

iWlck« ihoy foueh^ Ititle last Au c h a m p io n

r, left theI the first A c c / ' V ' :u t on the'ed stitch* du c - ^ relurnod

f fiiiiihT d- -a iA H O c to to

.Assodadon*, ond.Corii riscoive free t iirsi half utaaurera an

r a m ^ to s th ro u g h PG ond half. without losin shot 1-for* tus.!, shot 32 "These an Jir th ird ch an g es we -------------------^years,!l-said

S S A N P yO n T H E M R

TELEVISION^ pt^nnmlng mty dHfet In MlntCt Men's Quanerfinals NBC ' lets ESPN . t Indians ESPN2 Men’iQuartefllnals TNT t Orioles ESPN scki.rtAitroi ESPN2 Braves ESPN itRansers FSPT * )ocl8ers____________ ESPN2

a s r j f f i .

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& h m-V '" f e j i l i ill»t 1 0 0 0 OCTTM 14 1' i r l l l l ? 1

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0 » § Late Box° MARINERS 9, RA

1 0 ? kb"" 0 0 I 2(55“

unu* 0 0 1 to tSwMUMr. 1

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0 -0 0 ATNlEnCSl,AANVCU OM0 0 0 CcUWia S 0 0 0 8tnr s r - - - g a ? - r n r a

v y w e i g h tO RK -(A P)~ Prom oter-'— I-ls-offering-$12.S-mll------rmox Lewie for a court* - I em a tc l^a ji^ B t Hasim - j

sav y w eig h t R nvln tf 1: e r w as dia* ‘ ' ~ " Ia_new8_conference_to___King’s Aug. 5 ca rd in | which John Ruiz will

le WBA heavyw eight st Evander Holyfield. ing to knock hbn out,” I Holyfield, who will try le a s t a p iec e of th e '

gh t-title fo r-th e f if th -----

ks ab o u t becom ing a ' ' ichampion, bu t I never it)ecoming a four*time in ,” sa id R u iz , w ho l le dese rved th e deci*vent to Holyfield when ]I t for the vacant WBA ]\u g . 12. Ruiz becam e I1 by o u tp o in tin g i

c i a t i o n w i l l nirgusondated Press i------------------------------- , 1gnificant changes lo theGolf, th e U .S. G olf I

1 will allow amateurs to ie equipment from man* 'and permit them to go i

?GA T o u r qualify in g sing their am ateur sta*

Iare two of the biggest :we’ve h ad in my 22 . s iid -T o n y -Z irp o li,-th e^ —J

H T A T Sa s ? . ! i------------------ V*XW<* 0 I

, K l \ICm it 3 0 0

10 a.m, •

2 p.m. SSS, .2 p.m. S T io

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-L 9 .9 _______________Ig l

imraanwcfpKM wwi

-----------3oxes toM4.sti*TvKM«j..MNoiMi s 3 ! i s r ; , ”TWI ligwaTiimO OCMI fo>^ IM ! 0 I vSal)wHTn&, Sm* S ?K0»d J 3 StKT^madoStUOH'I ) 1 ScctMHEnwMjtiesb 4 > vravMiiTACfr UrergA S I

B a s k e41TU7 Women'i

^ 7 BasketballlOO-SMa«7.Tau1l MTta

j < < s s

i'l'iT!I'ii'n i: i. S r _____


ass.^»f4-!o“— s s . - . ' & S>o«« a I 3 0 Ttuw«

_____ ' _ . _____

L t c h a m p k

K ins

_ _ ^ ^ B | ^ H w m br

— ^ e r ve

Boxerdles sixdays after knockout

------ NEW-YORK—-A-light. w eight'boxer, comatose

days af te r he was knocl in th e w a n in g seconc natio n ally te lev ised 1C fight, has died from his.ir

Beeihavean Scottland, pronounced dead a t 10:! M onday a i th e Be H o sp ita l C e n te r , th e f a n n o u n c e d . S cotilan<

m a k e b i g c h aUSGA’s senior director > teur status. “It’s going to ti little time to digest.”

The changes, effective could have a big impact leges with players who ' lest the professional water the season is getting under

U nder cu rren t rules, ; auiomatically forfeit the te u r sta tus by applying school. Next year, t h ^ ca school and remain amatei


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o n s h i p r e i^field"dn- -^ d e rW e n tlvh-3.--------------h o s p l ta l rn e ’ng sa id sdousness.

oroadcagt ch ild ren a nd

e a s - th e ■ bers stood vlfier*view----- bed-in-the-d«b u to r in 26 f ig h t.. U n ite d Scottland w

s“ a le f t- r ig h t <ju s t. 37 secor ro u n d b o u t

t Q eorge Khal in itia lly able

h t-heavyr— clonsin th e ri se for six sdous within 1 icked ou t T he fig h te nds of a B ellevue, wh lO iround d e te rio ra te d injuries. hours, d, 26, was S c o tt la n d , 0:36 p.m. re p la c e m e n i B ellevue boxer was inj : fa c il ity first boxer to nd , 'w ho since 1989.

a n g e s i n a m ar of ama- prize money.I take us a----- ^ T ia rm e a n s

as three weeks b'e Jan . 1, decid ing whc ct on col* even talcmg lii 3 want 10 Buy.com Jour, ers just as “It’s a little j erway. tha t a t th is p :, players Alexander, cc tieir ama- champion Flo: ng fo r Q- coach, we hai QwitiyQ* You want rod) teurs sim- your athletes a ;hi-to-any-----sity.ii-------------

sM«#M.apn Unam_ 5£*mfJiUSC X X ER S S S [orUaffwSoccBr

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s m a t r ht two surgeries a t th e ' -nevei^regained-ccn----------I.h te r jm a _ a u rv lv e d .b y _ ,.- - D e n ise , th e i r th r e e '

and a la rg e ex tendeda iyofhi^iattm yiM fatt----------i vigil a t M s h o sp ita l ' B -days-after-the-june—:------

d was knocked out bv h t c o m b in a tio n w ith iconds l e f t iii h is 10-u t w ith u n d e f e a te d ______halid Jo n es . H e w as ib le to answ er'ques*,e r in ^ bu t fell uncoiF----------lin minutes.h t e r w a s ru s h e d to . . w h e re h is cond ition

led o ver th e n e x t 48 ;

n d , a la s t-m in u te e n t w h e n a n o th e r injured, becomes the

r to d ie in New York

l a t e u r g o l f

y-ans giving up as m a n y ^ — » ks of school, and then w hether to tu rn pro , g limited status on the )ur. ^lie scary to think about is po in t,” said Buddy -, coach of th e NCAA Florida Gators. “As a have to deal w ith it. o do the best thln^ for es and for your umver*


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' Page D -4

= B r i e : f i

' - I N M o n

Q w est's Idaho suddenly s te p s

BOISE'^'Barb'arFW i has b ^ n the Idaho vice

- - fo r— Q w est- Com m u- International and U^ that since 1992, is endinj

■ ■■•'career with the commi• company in early retireir

Wilson, 48, has agreed uc as a co n su ltan t to Idaho, focusing on the < campaign to re-enter thi tance business.

The company also ann' Tuesday that Elizabeth ' government lobbyist for a .W ilson-protege, wil Wilson as ! d ^ o vice pn

Before joining Qwest , ;igo, Criner was a sen io r:

scaff member for Repub Sen. Larry Craig.

Wilson, one of th e hij file fem ale business 1( !<laho, offered no explat her decision to step dov in a s ta te m e n t on ly enjoyed h e r work fo r Q looked forw ard to h e i

------ com pany-resum e-long*service.

Buc a close associate sa m ade ihe m ove beca

__ .increasing dem ands of------ werc-com m anding-near

moment of her time.Aftei- g ra d u a tin g fi

University of Puget Soun joinc ■* w hat was th e h Telephone Sysiem in IS

- accoun t ex e c u tiv e for Northwest Bell in Seattle.

Ittah company add with division in Re:

REXBURG - A Prov bilsed company that conc phone surveys and other n>r b u s in e sse s n a tio t adding.ai least 8 8 jobs center, citing Ricks Collc: n en t t r a n s itio n to a f school.

“ We’ve already h ire pie,” said Ben Goodson, of the new Western Wat; sion, Rexburg’s third. ing as m any p e o p le ti

• througli the tloor that we with.” ,

Goodson said the*hlg work force that already the com m unity should

____ t o ex p a n d as R ic k sb ecom es B righam U niversity-Idaho th is school's enrollm ent is ex rise from a b o u t 9,000 than 14,000 by 2005.

The new Western Wat involves bu sin ess-to - research , in which a cr clients try to find other b to work with.

“When we started a m we expected to l)e doing j Imurs” of calls per day, “i up to 200 hours per day,' •■'ihe division has been tsuccessful,”____________

T he co m p a n y ’s tw Kexhurg divisions conce business-to -c lien t re s t w hich c u sto m ers a r e i ciim plete te lep h o n e su s im ilar d iv ision o p era Idaho Falls.

W estern W ats em plc than 1,000 people a t 13 ca throughout th e W est, i near college and univer puses.

‘■"Ttirom g r o ^ g gid&aARMONK, N.Y. - Afl<

more than 1 0 ,0 0 0 emplo------ y e a r , IBM C o rp .’s bui

Global Services group is about 1,500 workers.

The cuts are being mac ous U.S. locations to rc chan^ng client demand a reflect a business slowd< spokesw om an J a n Bui Tuesday.

Global Services. IBM’s ing and outsourcing arm, th e com pany’s fas tes t- u n its . A ccord ing to Dataquest, it is the world inform ation technology

__jrnit.___________W ith th e hiring ' of mi

1 0 ,0 0 0 new workers in the------m onth9-of-2 0 0 1 rit*now-

sonu^l50,000 workers, m m ore iHan 315,000 em worldwide.

E m ployees lo s in g th ■ were notified on Monday.

Shares of IBM w ere ofi $113.20 in trading Tuesdi New York Stock Exdiangc

_________ Complltdftomwli



0 chief H e u

JS down p a rtW ilson, whoic e president dv Mkihaen u n ic a tio n s>. West before

rement. ' Comm enjed to contin- s ^ « te d a to Q w est in “ le company's ?thelongKlis.

tnnounced on ^th Criner, its „ J j 'or Idaho andv ill re p la c e '^orVxng, president on

!St five years --------o r legislative mblican U.S.

highest pro- s le a d e rs in ilanation for lown, saying ly th a t she * Qwest and le lp in g th e ng-distance-----------

! said Wilson ‘2c a u se th e

of th e jo b . . early -every ---------

from th e lund, Wilson 2h th e Bell

1974 as an ■ fo r P acific

dds jobs B E lexburg•ovo, U tah-onducts tele* 5*11^her research io n w id e is t)s to its call illcge’s immi- a f o ^ - y c a r

ired 40 peo- - :on, manager /a ts Inc. divi-J ’WeVe h ir* ^ ------2 th a t w alk |g j | |Hwe can work

high-quality 'Uncle i idy exists in endoU Id continue - ks C o lle ge_____________

r s f i . “ ¥ K r \ / f .cxpected to X V X C0 0 to m ore

V'ats division S u rV C V to -business

com pany’s ot adul ;r businesses

all thei1 month ago.lg about 125 Knight RIdd ’. “and we’reay.” he said. weel.n extremely Canbbean_______________ softw are ttw o o th e r feehng soicentrate on fhat he coie se a rc h , in island.•e a sk e d to “I’ll pullsu rveys. A ? sudden

sra te s from because tl.......... — necUvitya

p loys m ore God!” ’ He I caU centers reason I wi t, p rim arily because m i/ersity cam* mgagain.”

The 26-y -------- -^ ..i^ th jL g igab?

workers ep»f«pren._____ fiiven to st

S Zployeesth isjau rgeon ing- T j ' " , is laying off M l J '

nade at vari-respond to BridccNewt

d and do notwdown, IBM NEW Yi B utler sa id Commissio

had decid M’s consult-r -proposed i ■m, is one of by G enej sst*growing Honeywell o G a r tn e r In a dec >rld’s largest first rime igy services have acte(_______________transactiorm ore th an reason for

the first five that the mi)w-emptoy9------ strengthetIBM counts on several

Em ployees remedies j insuffiden

th e ir jo b s tlonconcer sy- EUComio f f S U S to Mario Mon sday on the would “ha nge. com petltiiw lrtm xifU fa tiu try M

: u t h e r t o s t 2 r t —

t - t i m e A u g / 1

lael Joumee

IL - Buhl C h am b er of e rc e le a d e rs T uesday d a local ho td chain cxcc- I head their organization, ily Ann Heuther is expect- ake over the day-to-day of the growing chamber n a part-time basis Aug. 1. ust depends w hen they le as tu how much I'll be

said Heuther, who will

le Sam’ follows New York Stock of the abbreviated trading day Tu

a n y t a k e

jy: One quarter uits don’t use eir paid time off ■Idder News Service______

tck long c ru ise in th e an this spring left Detroite executive John L;iuer____so cut ofrirom liis work couldn’t wait to got i» an

ull into the port and all of :n get a voicemail alert; they had cellular con-__jr and Td Iw. like, ‘Thank He recalled, "The only was glad to Iw on land is my cellphone was work-

n.”6-year-old Lauer typifies ibytc.life.stvlpAt,vQUQq.^.^j eneurs. It’s a life gladly<^ i ' strctched-workxLiyt.»niL^-^i: 1C off. “I hate to riot l)c a t ' i ce ,” the sandal- and T* •

i r o p e a n c>w» ______________

YORK - T h ^ European i sion said Tuesday that it :ided to “ proh ib it” th e ' d $42 biUion acquisition - i le ro l E le c tr ic . Co. of ell International Inc ilecision tha t m arks the i ie European regula tors i ted elone to halt a U.S. ion,.the.EC.said the key i or blocking the deal >vasm erger ‘Srould create or __ilen-dom inant-positions----- ;•al m arkets and that the___ i•s proposed by GE w ere . i lent to resolve competi- < ^ m s ." Iimpetidon Commissioner. i onti said that th e merger i have severely reduced < ition in th e ae ro sp ac e I and resulted ultimately

mW ed

___Jeavc h er position as d' sales fo r C avanaugl

Western in Twin Falls t< new job.

“She’s got a very, ve m ark e tin g backgrouti Steve Kaat^ chamlrer v d en t. “ She has good : \vhat it takes to run a bu:

Heuther will succecd -w orking, w elM iked Phillips in the position, suffered a stroke May ll her 10-year relationship diamber.

Heuther and her Imsb to move to Btihl, where tl ed the Calvary Chapel ( few months ago, .she said

‘■It’s just another step

P a h

ick Exchange Chairman Richard ir Tuesday. Trading activity was

: e w o r k ^

Vacation tilAverage annual vacation

.. per omployoo. by countrU . S . i H l 3

Jap a n H I H I Z SS. Korea 2S

_____ C a n a d a .H B H - 2 (Britain 2



o z s o i u r Seeiee Aeceetwe fin*Mc Bcnmrnu m n

rootlevel said. “ Fortunat

am at work.”A compulsive workaho

c o m m i s 5in higher prices for cus particularly airlines.” Mf he regretted that the coi involved had not done i ad d ress th e com petiti cems of the Commissionr

Moriti also addressed t o f th e d iffe r in g judgi reached by the Commis th e o n e h an d and th D epartm en t of Ju stice o ther

“The European Comi _ a n d th e U.S. D ep artn

■~~jusDce have w o rk ed im__ operation_£iuring.this . tion. It is unfortunate tna

end, we reached differc dusiqns, but each autho to perform its own asse end the risk of-dissentini although regrettable, cai be'totally 6xduded.”

GE issued a stotem er

d n c s d a y , Ju ly 4, 20

director of over in that g h ’s B est She said to take the m ore excit

m en t to tl: /cry strong s ta r t up ai and ,” said* gram in the vice pre.si- lar to the or

J id ea s on • w ith a t th msiness.” Chamber of d the hard* “If we pt I B iirbara c a n b e l^ o v in. Phillips tie bedroom 10, ending Heuthersaii

ip with the B uhl’s cl enced a gr<

sband_plan___ m onths.w ii; tliey start* nearly 25 p« 1 Church a T he chami d __ ______involved injp to going dow ntow n'



ird Grasso, right, sporting Indc as down the day before the na

w i t h t h (


P in your VKBuy tickets s

“ find it hardei25 ' you've alrea<

ir you m ust«2 6 yourself.toa12« your calls duI period each■ 3 4 tho phone fo

MostpMpte■ 35 don't have e ■ 3 7^ ^ | 4 2 n e c e ssa r ily

believe worl growing mon L a u e r’s d is reflects not

lately, Pm trend fgr^mi

Once cor fiolic? Not ex tended tii

s i o n h a l tustomers, th e EC d e d Honti said “We are d& :ompanics ioday*sdeds e more to Commission tion con- sidonofHon<nr-------------— -nw e stronfI the issue ' Commis^on’ Igem ents th e compedi lission on acquisition o th e U.S. s ta te m e n ts :e on th e position and

- c ra f t engin i mmission Aviation Sen tm en t o f Iii recent irdose-tw:------ihe-Europearinvestiga* - had asked Gl tiat, in the es with billioi irent con- revenues th lority has w orth th e ci sessm ent divest The r« Ing views,- to sell virtual :an never avionics oper

iary power ui en t a f te r ing to a GE pi

E Y; o o i ~ - '

lat area,” Heuther said, id she hopes to “ bring c item e n t and involve* th e community"_a_nd a n 'a m b assad o r’s pro- " "

the Buhl-Chamber simi* one she’s been involved th e Tw in F a lls A re a . of Commerce, prom ote it right. Buhl

iowh as a nice quaint lit* . om town to Twin Falls,” said.ch a m b e r has, ex p eri- •

grow th spurt ih recent w ith-iisjro lls . jum ping pcrcent to 91 members, m b e r has also b e e n "in thc .$ 2 million.facellft___/n busin esses w ill be

^ R R

ndependence Day accessories \ national holiday. See more on i

l e m o n ^F e e i i n g o v e r

• some tipe to help you I md disconnect from your i

vacatioiw vmllln advance. 1ts and book hotels. You'll B■der to skip vacations when (eady spent tho money. tIt woik on a holiday, ration (0 a specific amount.’-Make-,— j during the same one-hour U

ch morning, then put away > } for the rest of the day. v >(e have hobbies they c e enough time to Indulge. f

ily. Som e e x p e r ts <ork ing on vacation is clore common. In a way, jl isd a in fo r tim e o ff c 3t just a choice of the

m any^^m ericqfis. for F

:onccived of a s an t tim e of renew al an d ^

t s G E t aecision , s ta tin g th a t , ‘ i&ply disappointed by dsion by the European )n to block GE’S acqui* oneywell.”ingly disagree'with’the jn*s condusions about stitive effects of GE’s1 o f Honeywell and its f. t s ab o u t th e m a rk e t t id influence of GE air* iin es and GE C ap ita l------ :ervices." i.it weeks, GE has saidian-M ttgerTask-Fdri*----- TGE to sell off business* f- lions of dollars more in r th a n th e $2.2*biUion : com pany offered to1 regutotors wanted GE '• laU yaU ofH on^w ell’s - derations and.lts etudl*• unit business, accord- ; ' 1 press rdease. fJ

--------------. ' Busirussi

i lciid(undergoing soon, Kaatz s

“ W e th in k w e’ve g exd tjng things going or

_ s^ d ______ _ _ _ _ _~Kaatz s a ia Ife u th c r

' W o r k i n g just four days a her new position.

In addition to h er thi• a t Cavenaugh’s, H euth

m anager for Moxib Java.. She’s also been quite the Twin Falls Rotary.Cli

_____ “I’m ju s t looking fot• building relationships in

munity,” she said.

Timcs^ews p(^itus and cm mdit rvpdrar MidiaiiJo

___bc.roachcd a t 735-3231..or.at mjoumec®masicvalley.

ues as he walks the floor after tl on stocks, page D*5.

v a c a t i o i

e r w o r k e d ? ,Use your vacation to pursue i raphy. fly fishing, pottery. co( whatever you love, tt may hoi forget what's going on back t

Befora you |mv« for vacation, devices like voice mall and Microsoft Outlook's *out of o email feature to let others kn

—you'll be a*ay.------------------Uka «iy smart buslnesspersoi your priorities. Getting reacqu£

your spouse or kkis rates 00 your lifetime ttxto list than phm call.

exploration, vacation tot often m eaas a cramped fc juggling k ids a t th e bca calls to the officc. .

The New York*based F

M ay th a t 2 6 .p e rc e n t oi --Tiomc*survey6 cfao"nof'i

th e vacation to which tl Please see VACATION,

a k e o v e r (European regulato/s TUe proposed $41 bUUonpun 8metger.theU.S.govwT,

^ H o n e>g><v■ izobo re v m u e : $25 i;

r ■ 2000 Income: $ 2 4 b [ ■ E m pk iy ee i::i2 6 ,0 0 d

T ^ P r o d i ic t i '^ u d K At :• 'y tflin x m d . utoouoni

ri Hfliy The 20-mei E oropam t the merged

ob|0CtSd engine and

}i .

'!Editor. Vt/fffiuj'StHuicfiim

~ T h c

er O l■ hoi

e r w ill be s a week at

h re c y e a f s ' O L w ' ther was 9 '

C a r t e l 1

^ T e « m ° s o f t e r c

_______ 1 ^ Associate


prices as Irai ness to resum

1 , I D e legatesO rgan iza tio Exporting &

^ ^ 9 -the ir dcc isimeeting a t th tersinViemii . OPEC pun

^ ■ 1 - of the world’s m K i production c

. ' rcls a day. • | ^ ^ _ J - h e j n e e t i i

U.N. Security in g w he thc i sanctions aga pcnded its cr

^ ^ ■ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ m o n t li In a_ United'Natioi

OPEC presi sa id a re su exports woulc “ psychologic

___ ___ m arkets.-He-expcacd pric in July and in not Iraq resuii

“There was sus on not inc

’ at this stage,” ference after 1

H Lewisto H . e n j o y b €

IH prices inQ K J The Assoc latet

r a f f l LEVnSTOKEsBel retailers are |

$1.60 a gallor r the of Idalio, Lew

b a r g e s a t thi_____ . P rices in t__________ __ community, ra

$1.39 a gallo cents or more rest of Idaho a midweek Foui T h e Americ A ssociation t Idaho resident

■asm lp ,! price is about k 01 work. “ s a llo n )n. set up M em oria l Di I L ew iston a nr office- eight cents, a know corapnmeswoi______________Jim.Cach.aiwn, set which owns sc lualnted tions, has no e eshlgncf ■jnany “Your guess

bu t Cach thir----------- - down for a t lea------------ ' The AAA fuloday too vey on T ue few days statewide avei

each and serve unlcadch ht>m $1.65' latl

Families over $1.64. Thi

o f_ |j0 0 2 ___^UUes, bu.t.mtj^TaKcf'ail ■■.cven~^igfier they are Colorado, OrCj N, Page D5 Nevada.

o f H o n ejesday blocked G P s ^ jfchase o f Honeywell, [ m t tmment had approved.

iblilian- ■ZOOOrevsni I billion-* > 2 000 Incom 10. ■ ■Bripioyees;

B B a ^ l f c F I UfoM i iS u M ld iv lH


lember European Union Com ed company would unfairly dc td aviation Electronics Indualr

him'7XV’0 9 3 K E x i r ^ 2 ' ~

~*he Timcs-Ne\V/S

P E g -

)lds2 ady I:1 braces for - r crude prices ”!lated Press ' “

(A , A u s tr ia - O p i c 'agreed Tuesda y to con*.*__iping oil at current laiv i raced for softer crude’Iraq showed a willing*,—-----sume its oil shipments^Ites from th « 'Itio n of P e tro leu rn I Countries announced qision a f te r a form al It the c a rtd ’s headquor- inna. •pumps about two-fifths, rid’s oil, with an offldal - )ri o f 24.2 million bar- ,

:eting-imfolded_as_ihe_____rity (^ u n d l viras debat* ' ) h e r to e x te n d t ra d e against Iraq, which s tf r ._ -. s cm de shipments Ij^ rj..

a d is p u te w ith th eitions............... ,iresident Chakib KheliJ.., e su m p tio n In I r a g l . . ould have a short-teiro ‘‘ 3g ica l” im pact on oil H e .ad d ed th a t OPEC prices to stabilize later d in August w h e th e r ^ ^ 5u m ^ sales.was a complete c o n s ^ ! ^ increasing productiojj..,_,

je,” he told 0 news cgiw - ter the meeting.

; t o n m o t o r i s t s

t e s t g a s o l i n e

i n d i e s t a t e

Bted Press_________ _

rO N -W h ile g a ^ l in e i. re getting a t o r above : lion throughout much ; wcwiston is an oasis of t the pump.in th e n o rth -c e n tra l/.ranged.from-$L33..ta_;____llion on T uesday , 20 ore below those in the -i-'t' .[io as motorists enjoy a‘ : •ourth of July holiday, e r ic a n A u tom obile m estim a tes 161,000 ' jen ts will be traveling . iday.-l e statew ide average - out a peimy and a h i ^ ' h ig h e r th a n on th e ' '1 D ay w e e k e n d , th e a r e a p r ic e is dow n

s, and it has local oil wondering,h.at-Colcman-OiLCo,..:;____s several area gas sta* no explanation for the .

less is as good as mine,’' th in k s they will stayleast a little w*ile.--------------- fuel daily gauge sur?' .

ru e sd ay fo u n d th e ', average price for self- • aded gasoline slipping . ..' late last week to j u a 'The state s ^ r ^ e d

avpmgejricffsjMcir<^ , , , - , h e r in “ 'C aT ifb rn ia ,. Dregon, M ontana and •

s y w e l f


^mmfsslon ruled • « - ’ /dom inate the Jet g : : ualrles

: ' .... =

MarkeN E W Y O R K (A P ).-V V ;

— s t a l i e d .T u e s d a y ,h e l d - b — f r e s h r o u n d o f e a r n in g s _ _ a n d d e c r e a s e d t r a d i n g

a h e a l l o f t h e F o u r th o f d a y . , ■

T h e D o w J o n e s in d u s t t a g e c l o s e d d o w n 2 1 0 ,5 7 1 .1 1 a f t e r a n a b b i

. s e s s io n t h a t e n d e d e a r ly E D T . U .S . m a r k e ts W e d n e s d a y f o r t h e hoU rc K )p e n T h u r s d a y . . '

B r o a d e r s to c k in d ic a t i n e a r l y u n c h a n g e d . T h e c o m p o s i t e i n d e x s l i p p e t 2 ,1 4 0 .8 0 , w h i l e t h e S ta i P o o r ’s 5 0 0 i n d e ;^ l o s t 1 ,234 .45 .-

“ W e ’v e h a d a l i t t l e b i t in g s n e w s , b u t b a s ic a l ly p r e t t y q u i e t m a r k e t b e t t h e h o l id a y ,” s a id J a m e j d i r e c t o r o f r e s e a r c h a t M o n tg o m e r y S c o t t . “ I t ’I b ly , l?e m o r e p ro d u c t iv e i

Investors1------- By D avid M cN augh ton

T he A tla n ta Journal a n d Con

E tiV n in g s d r i v e s to c k S u s tU in e d e a r n in g s g ro w t

, p r i c e / e a m i n g s ra tio s . “ I n v e s t o r s a r e w il l in g

m o r e p e r d o l l a r o f e a n th e y i h i n k e a r n in g s (g rov b e s u s t a in e d a t a h i ^ le^ lo n g t im e ,” e x p la in e d C a t

_____ t h e ' Ke o d o f q u a n t i ta t iv e

I T ie p r o b le m f o r in v e s t i s d e t e r m i n i n g w h a t ’s a

' a b ^ ^ r a t e o f e a r n i n g s gri- - e x p i i c t v ---------------- ---------------

— — I^’s - im p o r ta n rb e c a u iJ f e 'i i n g t h e r i g h t r a t e w ii in v 'e s to rs a v o id p a y in g to in R e la t io n to e a r n in g s fo r

\ y h e t h e r s to c k s a r e o v e - to o p r ic e y in r e la t io n to

AESCp ... 4300 -Tt Dmahn iVUC* JO 3I.BS DoVryAun ... lasT .<r OrtinAAOLTW ... U.7S • » De«lA«ASAUd, .N IB6J - a OaWN 31

■'* ^ .1!«XUt> .d l *iV -10 DxoniAUDI............... .ta owwyAaS«» ... I3DS .Ot OoUtQW l" - -

'.H( 4«;a !o i OuPon n AJMr ... 28W . .i t OuME9y(t.l

-----AfiWHO----.78 29«-?0I D>OS" 's s r J5S ira r* =

^ T A I S S ,.iA hu»- .n 4453 Eeotto .JAM 1.32 U .n -21 EdMcnnAmdaei ._ M ».1.40 E«J«*rdf • 6Anwan ZS4 42.64 ..81 ElPnoCp ftAMoymn .04 318S ..OS £>*"AEP... . 2 40 4«S7 -.3S EDS «AmC(». .32 3904 ..31 EnOrag .23* 0 ^ t .MU47.3} ..14 E>nnnej 19----— ^ 40-11 26-.M- Sftym—*MlointP ,S2 M 48 - 22 EnCul 9

___ UnttU #4'32T7 -43" EKSCO -Iis.28 49 SO. ..20 Ej.«lon I » ' A«llr«,, 3.12 48t0 ..tS EiunUWI.Te

SSSi. S I S S i S jsss ^ as :is Kssr i

::: SS :S "sr’" ,s ;!! JESS,»SSr'"“'SS ;S ESSf Soucsn., . . 2381 .33 >«BPPlC ».40 48S0 -M n»«Oo»l l ilUutto.- 48 3203 .01 FOfiMn 121Dtnitao 122 27.09 ..17 FoinJlb* ..QMOnt .M 383S -40 Fonun»0> «BkdAm 2241 8O49-0I f«*E«OkNY 72 48 23 • S3 FiMRn 2(

---- — TTWBO— 40- rmMae—to

DMtSI «0 S047 . UO ^ l T ' M I».I.“ OATX i3iS K ' ::: .SS : g § = " S

1.12 41.10 . » 0*0 «— ac* )fl_ jj8 iu«7j0 .i.n - Qjiwi,___Om m as S833 -CO Owwlwcn ..BoM ’ eo 3S34 -18 I tJI

■ » ■ S 2 - ;g » »:S

EVtwMV___248* ..SO OnUeir 7(0S S S :15 & u i

_ 3 0 » .0 4 O tfW ». CNMoJ .'to* 8S3 .03 OlMaSnil SH

Ciom'* .. 2234 1.14 Ot»»n«<S .4#C am * .. ias2 -83 Ooodiich I.IO ctncM JS lo a . a o-irtPnj» _C«M* ... 3831 •K OukUnSi Hi :” ^c*n*«4a .IO eeos . jo .toCtmrtrn ... 1878 ..II HmOn .MC*rrM»- .*2 308« -01 121Cjwrt* 1.40> SIM .03 HariKiEC«IMKO ... « # • -37 H**CI 2.48C m i .B8*u27.7» .J2 MWglC4Ttti . i i 4I.M *'eo 1S7CWyTO .20 30W ... HwcuM Ow»Eno ... 832 -13 H«4«P» J2 ChMU« 1.08 1887 .02 Ht>m< UlChwien 280 SOJS .08 «

. CtMin 1.80 34J0 -Jt HomfOp .18CHO^ . Ol 18S8 .88 03

ass'. :lt 5SS ,3 g S “ M g s :S S . g ? S g S S :5! S f S SCmMD 03) 1.33 .02 ■SU' S 4SICmeM 3 ».#s--.10 w«)n» • 188-COIM * .'0 tS I4 .03 rTW 80ss; " ss.rs Sir s,

s .CmceA T S -n io -.IS <00gss ■” ss :£ ss . iCota 2»«40t4 .,18 «*«»• OJ COrsMCn .48 4 ^ .Ms r » S5S?CofTHngi 17M -.30 JtttCmmvt ... 21.70 -.ID JHFr6iv MeCcCan ... 43M -JS .72Cram 40 M49 ,M JofrarCMIJ4CwCali _ 030 -« l JonwA* _CwmM I JO 4028 ..IS Knwl'= ass

— K«vfip*n-k78- OR. .M 2S.7S -01 nmOk 1.12

^ts=ends•W aU S t r e e t — .J - b a c k - b y - a ------------------- Ju lyIgs w a r n in g s " — I W M a iin g a c t i v i t y -------------o f J u l y h o U - ^ ______b l d U

b b r e v i a t e d 10,£r ly a f i p .m . Pet chanj)111 b e c lo s e d -0l o l i d a y a n d High

10.S95.13c a to r s w e r e b — ht ■hoNasdaqped 7.92 ti .... - I- .> ta n d a r d '&JS t 2 . 2 7 to

t h e g o lf c o u b i t o f e a r n - i n g f lo o r .’* l ly th is i s a • D u P o n t f< b e c a u s e o f a f t e r s h a rp l T ies M e y e r , i n g s e s t i m a t J a n n e y q u a r t e r , bl;

I t ’l l p r o b a - n o m ic s low d / e to d a y o n la r .

rs have toe d e a r n in g s

ConatltuU on o f d e b a t e no H isto ric aU

>ck p r i c e s . p e r s h a r e i iw th d r iv e s P o o r ’s SOO 1

7 p e r c e n t a j i n g t o p a y H o m in g s ( t a m i n g s i f h i s t o r i c a l m x o w th ) c a n ■ - 1 9 9 0 s , a n d 1 le v e l f o r a w e l l . T h e ?/]

G a ry T a p p , P o o r ’s 5 0 0 1 v e a n a ly s i s t h e s e c o n d q / . “A t s o m e je s to r s n o w , to b e s o m e r 5 a r e a s o n - ( w i t h e a r n i 'g r o w t h 't o ' C h u c k H ill,................... .......- a t F i r s t C a llj{ fe"estim al- ' w h ic li‘c o U « i w i l l h e l p . in g s f o re c a s t I 100 m u c h . “ B u t w i l l fo r s to c k s . ’ t r e n d l i n e t l a v e r v a lu e d d o n ’t k n o w ."

to e x p e c t* . .■ E a m i ^ a

on 2» » » ..77 EUgSf® *?•, §34

-2i s s s r v>n 2 S J l S S : S : a191 24 SO -02 LtMCio ... 3877»e« 2291 -.21 LcggPin .48 218] SO 3200 -O t' L«rmO>« 28 7S4421 28 33 - 39 L»inai OS OBO.10 19 21 -18 Lcimark ... 87.10

I 2Je.3fl.7S--.13l L£(*UA______17J03'’tW i lw : 'x -ulfill ' x 18M„ ! .:S 5 ? g :S S SS '.H tiS

-2190 - 08 UKUtp - 45 40.M » 30 44 97 -IS UXUtM .44 38 07

... 847 -03 Lo««t .08 37.00

• '^ « 3 S u ‘! u a i l ^ H I i n i H24U3S881.78 48 38 -.42 UDNA .38 3368S2 4IJ7 ..12 U a^ lg I.38u83l3

'•■ ii l iS rS J » 5 S S ’ SS-::;;

80 83 SO « OS ■«-*>... u MIU1 » W -m M4«Cp 188* ” »

_jo .4a^-«.39. _S - n S -.I0CB2.I4 -.01 McKHOOC .24 37.10

1 « 3940 -.13 U«an« 231 47.09 IW 9 83 . 33 U«4onrnc 9U 4S.7S 188 3090 - 30 M«tk 138 84 70 ie0 84S8.97 U*oSlH30 2(a Z3 2S

t a > ” ,:S ,S £ " " s s KS."

.st IJ8 *.08 UONYOp .4S 3991

.78 23 40 ..33 MSOW* .«2I 83.70 . . 40M -.22 MsowpTFzeeusaeo... 3 90 . 04 UotwoU .18 1890

.281 17.84 ..tl NCRCp .. 4722S S S ; 2 K S , . , i S S

S 'S S : S S S ? : f i S : . ’"S S :S KS,-..,iSS;

K S , ' , ' . S g S :28 4S 24 . 43 M*«Q 42S2 .—Bcr-c798-v3S~ TfatiMv----- :“ 3i;9ria i t . 9.89 - t j . No<oti> X Itoi.'.

NorikSo 24 20 19 • HonMN> .08 9 10

■ S .£ S -:g S K ’,'S s s :S S i! :S S S :

S S S f" - '‘ - ! iS :1.121 7830 - 08 Oltomu ... 3S2

.84 49 SI -.80 Omncom ..70 87J1 .2^2 a s . « >)0>w«c ... 218 •

:■! :

Iisif 3830 - n fpI kPW '. 1198 -K la T * '! ! ^ g i 7

i'i? 38W "t2 SSISs IM ’.. l8.7a-<!oi PK«Cn 2 04 40 00 • ... 39 90 -IS PapMCo S8I 4S82 •... 813 ..02 PartiEtoii .28 28 88 - 08u49U .42 P«oQvl .. 1740 -

•.80-U09S *.10 P.W(nin 2480 -..90 3409 ..to PAnr .44 40 44 -M S808 -03 pratnuca Ati 48S9 .121 ^8 0 prcjrt .M woe .

M U P T J ^ ^ i’m ^m S ' Ii:! 1819 .99 PnVrtl "l.5b“4 a 5 I

197-4199 - 23 PnMM ... 188S -.- 11.70 -.10 PIK«0 .20 979 .

g M40 - »m nies .04 porxus 2oe »po I.18 4789 . 19 Ported .Oil 7.17 ,03 7.80 ..33 Ptmet 1.00m 21.41 .

rw a w T S ' SSIw“ ' " uS l''.881 88.23 . 37 PrcdO t.40 8480 I132 2* IS .-20 Pre»*»Diit2 43.18 -i.19 23 43 *18 ProtSi 90 4 83 .1J0> 9M 7 .|.n PtD««r« .12 S833 -JOftn B73 - 32 Pug«£n»1.84 2833 -:08b 2800 - SO OudvOa 1.14 91.t9 .!.4SI 27.99 *0< OutruSw .. 2297 -I188-38 00—:10- ODrOSS ... IOT«-»-

88 43iS I n OMOCm ™ 3081.S«>I12.98>I37 (UfWyn 310 S039 -80 28 g .08 RPM .90 898 -(

7 3 3818 -12 nmertV J J 3 011^i S S ;S S S S ” S S :]09 38JI -M (WMCn ISO 31 S9 -<

FWMflin ... 23.08 .4n i M I H H nM<fw«v ... 890 -.1 ■** 2912 * a • jJJJOOb 41.10 i i09 Hoetal» l .a 19.10**4.72 91.04 -.19 ncKM* 80 3332 - :

IJ4 T4J0.2JO B»«n ... 21.49 .C- 41.40 *J3 no|HOl4 MU S890.IJ- 11.98 -Ot ... 1820 *4

I.OI 2M I-.J0

a l .S - ; ,K - iS S .-T S -5 S -;!


lustrtels^^^kg i ^ g |=lingo from provlous

.13 10.531.52

high: 11.722.98 —in; 14.2000 APRIL • I

;ourse, than on the trad- . t<

t fell 92 cents to $47.20 - rply cunailing its eam - c im ate fo r th e second s< blam ing a global eco* ii wdown and a strong dol> b


wonder abgs growth — is a subject ‘enow. y silly, operating earnings C e fo r th e S ta n d a rd & ti0 have increased about na year. • e;s growth was above the anorm for much of the tl

id P/E ra tio s ran up asP/E for the Standard & d0 h it a record 36.43 in yi3 quarte r of 1999. __________le point there will have de reversion to the mean ly •nings g row th ),” said11, director of research ft:all/Thomson~Financial,----- iniects and analyzes cam- - vsasts. C.ill we g e t below th e tii : th e next few years? IV." bjs are definitely expect- th

^ 9111 11280 *S0 snifra 0«« 33 18 - 87 m52'■« Sten*toW ... 47.2d-148 ■2.70 Im ■■■ «"> •'* T1.32 .-23 S4»nSOF2.i3» 14 80 -24 "3S8 .00 SiriU. .98 1949 ... N»537 -M SenwoPI 841 38 44 . 04 AT}77 *M ’i 8340*IJ0 Qo,:a -28 sa-to .04 1990 -:iO HO.J44 . 04 SdAllvrt* M 44.49.152 Lw

>39 .80 - 8.99 *.43IM.M Sh.*lx 142, 4480.1.50 S :S 58 22 4 9 . 03 «!g 4 “ Shopta------- 7.80 * 34 Wt

107 -18 S«nP*c 2S| 1800 . 13 Alt -07 Safi**.-— 2089-14

SflXM" • . 58 48 * 38 IDT Ssiect'fi ... 17.79 - 44 LU

lU .}g SoluM .04 1338 *.12 113 .92 SOMMCotlJM 2333 . 02

110 ’ io SomtfON 90 22 28 . 29.SO ... SpmPCS ... 247e .60 US' M -M SWAVk 92 4200 .13 g -:S - Si»m«ffl_M-37J4--.ia.,73 .24 SUl*SBt 4« SO99 . 25 SitviJ4—.ie. --- 04-33J9 .91- ——

Sunin .80 985 *06&4)P0«. 2201 28 58 * 08 AOv

.70 .JS S«*F .. 53 07 . 08 OV!23 - 04 SurOFng .48 24 11 . 81 u,^JJ -jJ SunO«d» .. 3088 -J4 Tqi.5 Nm09 -.IS W «M N«mW *.1S SjOM .. 18 77 . 0*2 ♦••J SrmbCT* ... 22J4 .38 I___S Sncoi .28 2839 .17 H H22 .89 TJX 181 32.93 . 44 ■n raw 140 40 88 . 19 ^ “ TVAJ1#e 03* 8 84 . 19 M I 95 240U49S3 -OS “« Iso tSw»»* 32t 42 4S I 3J 5’’g t S L 1” ?4M !» IBj-rar Tt u■ l .. 2a;'8 -.n------ »20 -.20 TmU«iI.( 98< 3SSS .08;» • “ ' MM r ”Is -.19 T.U® 180 8 7 55 . 11 H.S U -08 I..mo ,30 3281 -S35 :S -S' Hi; :S! Te«n El ... 22 01 -34

Iiaisr----lao-iTMTlM"------a ... IMfljf . I39S .20

“ “ «® '« A#»njT».n»oen 12 4080 . 17 AmmC T,«nO .. 43 8 -09 AonO

W t.oe TrUKtfin JSulSftI .28 BKoT5 ;S

o‘I « ISXWSS 40m.20 10 - 248-18 Ut«X>P»e 80 54 75 - 24a .44 Unayi ... 1445 * 130 •« UOiwn 1.081 14 13 -02 2 ^J : g UKMoon .. 9 08 . 030 -io 0P9B - -78-48 98 *494 -48 UtAJn«» .81840.2.48 9 *01 USkncrp 7S 23.19 -.18

90 72 99.1.87) .33 Unnmot .01 82» -18 li^H5 .21 Unem 180 38 80 . 901 USiwv M Iw ”2s W*C0 IJO 30.83 -.102 .28 - 111!! 0.10 Mm J Ml 33 3891 ..8L ^

V-ip.f — « 34 98,-38 1 .IS Vfnuot .. 1820 .JO I • '2 V«fUonCml54 54 98 . 81 '

Vtend . S300 . 28 S>EI .iS VW»r 22.22 --24I -39 VMIen* 21a 22 83 - 87» -'0 240 70 82 -S7 ^I-I-11- *«*Cot _ 12.09 .80- '£SEI ..17 Wal4«1 291 4932 .93I -34 wwjm .14 34 10 ..to Meefei WAMud. 88 37.70 ..10 .g f f

t *« WMmM ■ . ^ . « 5 5 VMnn 318 4438 -J2 WJ*

I .48 '''^•09 « .10 SliSI -IB waaes i» 2318 -28I -<8 «(MIm Ijg ZU0«1J8 tflMI’J-J' WmnSN M iM • £ *. Wntm IH S8J3 .24 •,•5^. .M VVmiCom .. 302 -14I-IJI WiraCe* .80 3300 -.13 rMMa' •** ytae£n 80u24.t0 .18■ I CTOEffrt 04 uto .44,.,.00- XMCn|r7-l.5«-n9«-«08-

.02 Xma .101 937 -13 L- :


. E a rn in g s w o rries ah technology stocks.

A xsys T echno log ies cents to $10.74 after redu second quarter outlook an ing 9 percen t of its wor because of soft demand f< ucts.

ibout eamied to be below the trend 1 y e a r . L a s t ' w eek , Call/Thomson Financial n th a t b ase d on consenst m ates from analysts, op eam ings per share for tl a re expected to f a l l^ 7 | this year from last year.

And estimates of the pr dec lin e h av e increased year has progressed.

___At.the.end.of.ihe.firsLcthe Slock market was “ab ­ly priced,” according to Hi

B ut r is in g s to ck prici fa llin g e a rn in g expect

' moved the market back ini valued ferrito ryrbased 0 Call/Thomson Financial’s tion model.

T he m odel u ses a P /I based on estim ated eamii the next 12 months and tfn

mmmmMMost Active (tiMww). M

Him> VoKOOl U t t Cha Wtn AT4T 157764 J2J1 -.57 Nst C©nEI« 130294 4B.51 -.60 SPt HonwlllntI 132904 35.10 *.99 Nab Lucont 120910 0.69 *.03 Qrv EMCCp 822M 31.62 ♦1.02 Gl*

Nwtw Lw i Ctia %Cha Nan WllpniSlv 2.40 *.43 *21.8 EqvlAiftanU ----- 360-r^.43—»136 HsnPS«yt>ye 19.75 *2.25 *12.9 Rad IDTCp8n- t2.50-*1.41—*12.7 kx» LndAuB 16.93 .1.08 *12,5 Pan

Losers (CoiKM)N«m« U«> Cho %Chc NamRoehTcft 1095 -1.60 -14.1USAliwoy 16.40 -2.49 -11.9 PYRPay)Sh 56 95 -7.63 -11.0 PrUeWatwlnd___14.20 -1.65 -10.4 Mleh

'SiKSrtn# 2 60 -.30 -10j Metii

. - .D ow y..'.. . . . T”A0v»ne«<J 1.603 AdvaOodinod 1.367 OediUnchaJWKi 237 UneHTolaltsww. 3,207 TotalNffwHKjh* 96 NowNowLow* 19 NewVoluma ■ 722.650.910 Volur

53-WMkHigh Low NaiTw________

11.401.19 9,106.54 DowJonnlndu* 3.157,44 2.346.70 OowJonotTrui*

41825 30668 Oo»JonesLURM661.19 550.57 NYSE CompoiOa

— 97640---- e27.98-Am8« Indn------4.289 06 1.619 56 Natdaq Composii1.530 01 1.061.19 SAP500

545.71 41970 RMMI200014,329.04 10.068 63 WUsNro5000

»m8_______ DIv PE Laal Chot>cfun .76 16 29.65 *.01rrwCa* ... . ... 1703 -JSonCorp .901 25 3501 *.11KofAm ■ 2.241 13 60.49 -.01alsoC ’GO 24 35.34 -.i(

SIS'sWU 157 3t 41.90 -3SJwWlPa .32 22 20.40 -JOjtnaOp .16 44 47.69 ..19aosrp 1.86 10 36.00 -.10>y«wp_____ 1;10- 11 26.01..-.13«OvF J 2 19 12.35ioonEl ............. 1.56 -.05enwT ... 39 43J5 .9 5

Han M «w S3S modAclM atoda oi NudM) N«lonal M v M antf-lOO mo t,iifti«B*8tS » ^ in b e fc tc h M MWa Nam« s u d d a n iM d IMphMMIyssss;s£ ss -.M m oMnwi66fMmr.Lm C Pri08 Block « m tratfno al IMW ag P»BtL«aoto>)n<cr»»dw.N8C»i«^

ftm l NiiRtt: N am e( iniMl'furid iiia i M N«

S d S S S s S S s ^ s lp ii-t-M iraM r. >>e»«a8N «SM S^

ytin^ ligIn th e

--------B ro sa v iio ir_________ . . ^ - i . a i j i f t e r J— 11.000 q u a r te r rev

expanding lo: The wamii

— 10.000 , .w hat has be-------------------^string-ofbad^o n n n -ond q u arte r

®-“ ° which sta n tl A lthough

~ 0,000 been expecti ......................te r to be we— 7000 - - have been .c

the level of:------ I----- compani'es’-i

AP w h e n th e ( improve. .

ilso h u r t T hat murk th e m a rk e t’

s f e lM 7 S ince invest dudng its d e n c e in v, and slash- improve, the} ork force tive to fully c for prod- , to the market


lings growd line tliis est ra te of tl: , F irs t bonds. T he reported com pares b<

isus esti- eam ingsyielt )perating It’s a comn the S&P because hist(

7 percent been expfecti stocks than b

predicted investors for id a s th e < stocks.

Last week,Lquorter,----- m arketwas 21bout fair- He’s not the or tiill. One of theices an d by those conc c ta tio n s tions is how f;imo_ov.ec:___ particularly.won First ic growth in th

I’s valua- Eamings po 500 increase

7E ra tio . - gross dom est nings for through 1997 the inter- 2000.

la»<J100Ti228501 45,64 *.19 a»co >POR 32796124.10 -.03 Inl8l9 labwa 20196 36.47 ..26 Oacfc 5f»yWotl • 16016 3.73 . 12 SunM IMoOSfl • 9626 .1.09 *.10 ChkPi

; Gamers ( » Off K M ). .c

iqvldynan 2J5 ..20 *9J HytoMl»t*»--------3.00—.:2 s— *9.1 OatiflMac 2.77 ..22 *0.6 M«rtH WepCTpf—9.50-4.7S— *a.6 Modar axwtC 12.40 ..90 .7.6 Paniry

Losers («a« awi) ; iam* ■ Laat Ctw %Cho Nam* i«asSpd8 11.00 -361 -2S.7 Mudax YREn 5 55 -.70 -11.2 Rogui rUeEn 19.70 -2.10 -9.6 lntntS«JehArt___2.45_-,24__ rfl.9 1-Man]«tionx)« 2.55 -.20 -7.3 Pivotal

' D iaby)vane«d 305 Athsnpcined 202 Oodmrwnangod 97 Undujxallium 604 Totalli»wHigln 16 N«wHiM Low* 6 N«w U )<um8 47.302.120 Vduny

______________ Ual CTiQhmnaa io,57i.ii - 22.01M»port41Jon 2.609.37 *2.67•Ue« 361.69 - 25Mo. 626.01 -1.20------------------------ 904 00------ .V.OO-Orto 2.140.80 -7.02

1.23445 -2.2649683 -156

11.454.17 -23 20

Ito .%Chq Nam*______ Dtv t•01 .11.9 S<»*lPw 1.608'.22 *232.3 SoftMnI ^..It ' *22 SkyWosla .08’.01 '.31.9 S M W P ' 2.60•.16 .51 Tofodyti

30 *55 VjJhI . 24 ■ .05 ' 0 .7 WaMail .201 : 35 -11.5 Wa»hF8d .961 1 JO .10.0 WolliFrno .96 : .19 ' *4 6 ZionBcD .80 :.10 .26.6.13___. 7.1 .

-6.5 .05 --«00.95 .21,6 • ,

bn tM «(*w Yorti'aiodc E « * m mott KflM on Amaiicin.Sloak Enft tfSi»«B<ii«orwof*lnp» .'.-- M- ily tv •» oomMn/t Ml narm-.(mt I



angedV_softw are _ s e c tO r .____ :in dropped 89 cents torjQ w ering.it&.sgcond.------e v e n u e f o r e c a s t a n d J o s s e s t im a te s . . : .’ ■ ■nings a r e t h e l a t e s t i n ' b e e n a n u n r e l e n t i n g(ad-news'ahead'dfsTO:------ 'te r .earn ings re p o rts , i t this month. 'gh W all S tr e e t h a d ctingthe.second quar. ' weak; many investors 'I.caught off-guard by------<3f w e a k n e s s a n d m o s t 's’-inability;io-T)redict------•i en v iro n tn e n t w ill '

]irkiness has thw arted e t ’s e f fo rts to ra lly . t sstors have no confi- <

w hen re s u lts w ill 1 ley’ve had litde incen- ' y commit their money 1 Icet and do a lot of buy- t


^ rate ■the 10-year Treasury ' J

le m odel e f fec tiv e ly • bond y ields a g a in st: . r

elds on stocks. . . nmon teclmique, usedistorically yields have . „:cted to be h igher oh / I bonds to compensateor the risks of owning „

ik. Hill calculated the [;21-perc8nt overvalued----- ^

1 only one to think so. he worries expressed 5 m cemed about vdiia- q f fast profits can grow, . .y r-with-slower-econom— -b > the forecast. ■per share for the S&P _.

ised fa s te r th an th e jstic product in 1992 a, >97, and in 1999 and .


Host Active (tt Off «ff8) ™

|»C0 254253 19.19 -.03 1819 216335 30.46 ..40 1 S 5iBcloa 215425 19.77 ..19 aSpS;nMlao9l09695 J5.91 ..14 Aa»n f*P0in^8 1 6 ^ _ 44.55 .4.40 * 2 g

tm* L*al Cho %Cho ^8hM 3.16 ..78 02.7lt»R8tn— t0 3 0 -i2 j0 “ w 2:0 ' iff®artMla 2.30 «.50 *37£ a i i ! ^SdemM----5,68“. i : i 8 “ .2 6 . r Afcnrltfilry 9.75 .1.00 .25.6 J g g

. Losers (ooaM ffa) ' -!22_____ *Chomax 0 22 -7.79 -40.7 ifluin 5.70 -5.05 -470 ntSoc 29.99-20.t6 -40.2.<anyn___6.10.-3.70___31.4. . A«aaoC-OtalCp 1399 -4 21 -23.1

----- Diary ^v8ne« 1.604

1.W5 M M dwiQOd 1.181 AUfpw taH»8uw 4,610 JaMft wH.Oh» 53 JSST oUmn 49 A ^ lum»__________ O44.778J00


•S ^ §>61 -21 -200 .,10 •67 *.10. -4.66 *3.66 25 - 07 -1220 .15.09 S 2S ? .20 -.20 -4.70 -3.72 0>t«MO■00----.711-------4-.T0----i4.17- BBbMb.02 -.37 -13 35 -46 37 :.26 -.18 .6.50 -16.00 .56 -.31 *2.75 . 5.19 CtnSoP 1.20 -.20 .593 -16.70


V7D_pe...u . t chfl %chg g sg ;... 28.50 -1.11 -fl.O16 20 06 *.17 -11.8 S S e «26 27.52 -.69 -4.3 Crt*»14 61.10 ... .21,9 Onn .15 3699 . 67 -.7

14 11.86 - 04 0 .1 C»-«0 34 4922 -53 -7.4 14 25.72. .2 0 -.5 S™ u* 20 47.13 .1 0 -15.4 Carw^ 20 59.08 . 07 .5 4


.V ia'M lingA acM onttw xefung^ Mucutl lunda ar* •I'''-?' -, osercp


........ • ' AHC—' ATSICm


a i 5 i S ! i i 5 S . a j j ,

Sm fU t .» H'WwmS..' anACw• 1 OBSTyh

^VSc^ori:— Conttnu«JfroniD4------------

e n t i t le d . They blatni dqnands of theirjobs.

the toll looks even worse. survey of 5,000 executive: C leveland-based Manai Recruiters International r

— thar82-percenrsaJd th%y'«in with their office while < tion.

Such behavior can taki Some 55 percent of emj vyho skip some or all of th<

— tion.say.they experience : of being overworked, vs.

— cent-of-those-whoTJse-a vacation, the F a i ^ e s an Institute study found

Perhaps worst of all, pai Uon isn’t even an option f o f th e n a tio n ’s w orkinj Eileen Appelbaum, an e« with the Washington, D.C E conom ic Policy Instil th ink tank that studies i issues, said th a t of th e who make less'than $10 ar roughly one in five woi tw o-thirds e ith e r hav e 1

—paid-vacation-for-the-pa . years or had some years \

time off. •, ■When the working poor

• paid tim e off, i t ’s usual week or less per year.

.“Paid vacation is defin• middle-class-or-better be

Appelbaum said.A m ericans clearly are

minds about working durin tion . M any bem oan th e Others, like Lauer, don’t a care.

“I cannot be disconne said L auer, founder and executive officer of roodi -Web a p p lica tio n servici

'-basedin-D elrbit7“Goingw tion is horrible. It’s abso miserable’.!’ •■ Today’s connectivity e:

ages working on vacation.'• W ebb, sen ior vice presid

m ark e tin g an d s tra te g

•*»»«----W»—ta»|-Oi9 Dddinrta _”OkTrw-----CMOck ... «T .(t .. 807 -.IB OgPo«P ...

51AMU .. 22J3 -J7 OimHd----... 43 01 .i.» aOjrwe ... 1 MooMda _ 2848*3.18 ESCWM- .. 4W»do« ... 3328 .74 Erm* ... OmOxi ... 9.19 .23 EdnStv ap«n ... 18.17 *.oa : ;okm ... 1203 -.41- io « .j» onaqi ...4w c«- ...-4I.31 --I4 em •

«MS|f« OS 4S30-I8S MaUt _SrtSihn “ 5? *1o -

■umarT n - . 8J3 -,47 E/mTM jm*E S t . - s s a -ii*aT«< _ tij7 .48 enwaM ~!5J£f - f .V i ■« -

^ :S JE T * !

rr • S ? ^ '!? '■»“ » '■■■ :T .... 2183 -85 Fa«y •tM<1 ... 10 88 - 22 - j

JCC ... 1707 .22 2•ntsnt ... 15^ ..4S1b. _ 818 08: s ■■ :S S SS "s r ' : I S :S & ■ :::.^ 12W .M ..

t A i S S S to : ’iT ' * : :XTW* .181 4624 - 80 M««»0 9Sphrt _ t2M -74, Hanwle _ I

SS : ’2 S - “B«mM _yl1J4 .,78 »Qir«»e« ... 310«fVlM .. 4M -49 »<OUOO« ... 1:3c«n ... 41.79-113 HumOtnt ... s:»»Cmt .. 4419.1.11 MlW . (wOC|i 2288-100 >2T«cr»" " II101 .. 280 -10 COS ■ .. 8-aod4« ... S8 94 ..It lOECt ... 8(nSoPI ... 781 .01 lOMiiiB _... 21.97 .29 imcimi .. 51rtkm .. 1949-1.n - •mO 922 . imrunei . i(S a l__ jb_i7Jo«in. ESu»—_ _ apNn ... 71.89-1,12 VtiutflB I"nSn 8 39 -lo MoSpc* i 3•rtCrn . ... 2403 -J2 .. 14kPoMt . 4449.8,40 kthMTlK _ a400 .; 5328 * 37 infcicm 11mCpt ... 3703 * 40 mtgssln i" 3**. J2I 48^ .28, :SS ... £

- ... 29J8 -93 Mtli ce XCO ... t919 -03 inlnMPIci ..“ m iii"'i __imip JO* kwciwur I

S E i f i | S : S

s i; g g - i s ■ "cwTcn ... 1.90 -01T S i""! ■3an.ijt' J?•Comn _ .19 *.01 " K«» ... 12J0 .34 5 5 ^ •• ^

A u :% «pMoS,n'. "£ " IKt 238S .35 - jJ

UmRicn ~ 29 rrcp _ J4 *43 * *.« «

tSScn :: .Sf s a TS- a a » - . . » : s

»* Dhr Latl 0»Q U>noE . . 19---- 11J3--.I7- K5SS.,-r .-•ICom _ 42 ..02 K S !?" - ^ttPmf u <<n EuratMTin _^ SM Si rricn»« ... 22.1

S . ■■ ,S2 o amaet - ■<r a s i . - - " U : . 3 S 2 T :::

S ' . S !ia x ,S I?-»Eor> .. -01 SftSPD»V9I* 81.1

.74 -.02 ISnni000V.72» SOItUM 1.10 19J2 *.22 lSnMaMn80*ll9B ... 81S .25 iShni000027» 591Imgn _ 3.75 ..t4 l9>ft2000Vnl44«t3■■on ... 148 ... ShftTOaOOillOMIIDUmt.82aI08.09 .-18 lSM)(3000l.27a 901T«ti ... 2005 - 8S lSfCrnn.9S* 5U

—« -80»-.« - l » 6 ^ 1A»*1W«*y Z .88 Ija hv«»aB -


Management.:n e d _ th e ___ profusion.of.i

pagen and odrial-class,----- too-easy-to-sti>e. A 1999 th o u sa n d s o/es bv the office._______lagem ent “You can ge I reponed ly 365 days a y'checked safd. eo n vaca- And it’s only

A irlin e m aki ike a toll. , June it’s gouig mployees three m ajor a heir vaca- access e-mail i e feelings a irc ra f t cal s. 27 per- A irlines , Uni -a lH h e ir—r-D elta“A lrX lr md Work . th ree largest

first three to s >aid vaca- is also'in talks I for most lines, ng poor. The nation’s ^conormst tributes to wo '.C.-based Many a travel t i tu te , a business.ccnvie i poverty two to w rite o e people long family vac an hour - But if woridi o rk e rs - problem for m i had no the business ^past-five----- opportunity:—s with no “If you want ' . income, then y

or do get in an average ally one Lauer said. “Ii

above tha ti if yi initely a things beyond ijenefit,” sorii you need

av e rag e com i e of two work.” ing vaca- L auer conce e tren d . - long hours is an seem to . always be avai

and his f ia n c ^ le c te d ,” to m any in 0 « i id ch ie f" family shortly ;tlevel, a young and sing! ice firm tim e - a nd may on vaca- when such oll-o soluiely possible.

. “You are so c encour- ' on your goal, tli n.' Vince faze you,” he s ident of days-a-week s d egy fo r , several years.

^~iu iTi,«3'r?S i” ^ ::: ,!S : S

:-i7M .:i3 “jsK • • “ »«- a- » » *” S32ff:•• ^.T;!® Mtiuo .. 20J8-102■ is -i JISH -SS McOttan _ 22JJI . _•• ^ UcOMAn ... 19,73 *.33E s i t s S S r . : : S S : :g■ iSSSS Z' Im

^ g T ' i r SSo7’~ r r j S " 7 i r S S K ™ f S I I S

: SSSJ.: s s s r ’ ' g s - ; : s : .”S ;s: SKS,'. :S■ s s :?! TSS.'. " S •”. » » - 4 ' K . " ’ ;

“ 19 05--M-. 21J7.IJ7 HMagAy* ~ 27.01.8J7S S S K ~ ! 1 S :S

a ^ m t S S S -. ' f S : 3 :“Sg :S 2SS5 “ a!!-;iS. 2.94 ..11 MilMC ... I7.C8 .03 9900 . 29 MauCp _ 1.18 *M

S818 .50 »*M** ... 532 -ilBlS * l3 fwSa ■' 8977 m8.18**J9 ONlSun ~ 2580 441998 * 09 OpWMvSyl ... 3188-13821 28 -37 QiKUt ... 1977 .19

Zi49279 . 08 PMCS'i ... 3024 * 07 3840 - 08 P4cSun .. 3180 *,74S S : s J ff i, ;’;;s-;s! is,. :: ,SS :S

-SKfS?- S S S — iSgTg-8489 .84 P4>cn*i 38 4049 -39 88 03 . 228 P«»»C<n ... 17.70 *.19 .35 .at PaxXMon ... 4834-142a x : : s - s i s

18 57 -34 ' 34« ’ siSm ' .PiKt»«d___8JI_-J3-Ptwutcp .. I1.99-4J1 ' 34« .11 ■■■ 420S *04 I

1498.IJ4 ■ 3370 -Mail.iao . 29 99 *o ■1% : ; i

“ « S '■ i ii; * 1 :

gSST- 'mSK** - yio4.39 V

312? .49 ftjSU ::; nes vX . ::: i f , .

1» -08 R«na(ty _ SI.M-XOe y1021 -24 flKflUol ... 3247*t07

- « Fl«C«nnn ,., 24M *4028.0J.I43 RMd. _ *i29.l17 X»M .19 fWbt)t.S4* 7899 * 14 -«77 -n no»«in ., ISI9 *11 *432 I i8 V

4?M . « lEl‘iSI1_.l5_4iM_ri2. Z 4829 .11 6*0»SII«f ... 1397. -.73 t

1999 - 01 ImpOUg 841 24 85 . 14 P..14 -01 Mrmaon 32 30 . 27 Q'3J9 .JO tnis . JSTor S.70 -M lr»M>tn 27* 44 28 . <!22.W .M kWW> 2.311 11.25 - 40 %7J1 O? h^CpT : 37.70 I;-ijo-^io. Mm------_ieeo—10- •®'1073 .12 UnOlg . 280 . 00 *.S -.ji ass- s9» . ' I Mwn^ 88> 143? Iw I

1018 -03 N(XPegnl83* 422 . 17 a17J5 .J0- WR— ---- 19245.140 SI81.97 -21 Kaon. ,.. 38 4 7 *J8 siSOOO .21 NMdlOOTr . 4384 *19 S11590 - 30 Na<«eAffl437« 1834 * 85 j.59 82 -13 N».y. ... 990 *.» I'•t38»S.2S OtSvHTn .11* 8840 ..75 ”8180 .23 PYflEn _ ' 18S -.70 PSS :S SS* : lUS :s 57,t4 .19 PrtMCn _ t8.70-2.t0 W

•dnM<lay,My4,3001 T1ibo»4«m

uit .Recruiters, said > o flap t^ -ce llirfu> ne« ,Z —1 othCT devicea-make it >-stay-plugged-in-evcn-g— s o f m ile s from th e

n get sucked ih so ead- s a year, 24/7, W ebb

snly going to get v m n ^ - - lak e r B oeing sa id inTi 3uig intt) business with*')r airlines to le t fliers> ail-ond th e Internet in^- c a b in s . -A m e ric a n - ' —

U n ited A irlin es and.'^ x if fe r= - th e “WHifon*ffTiT— est ca rrie rs - a re theti^ to sign up, but Boein&w- alks with 30 o ther aircv*

3n’s tax code also conh> working on vacation... iveler h lu attended a';' invention for a day op- • le off p art of a weekr... vacation.iridng on vacation is a ' '— - r many, for a slice of s elite it represents an .<■

ant to eam an a v e rag e -■ n you’re going to pu t ’Ige am ount of w o t^ ”tir , “If you w ant to rise;:.- if you want to ach ieve '* jnd th e average per- :ed to go beyond th e i . sm m itm eh t to yburLI

ncedes tha t w orking '" s an option that won’t!', ivailab le,to him._He„,; c ^ Erin Ribiat, plan:: Dctober, and to s ta n a - ■ tiy thereafter. Being angle was the perfect..naybe the only rinw - - ■ .__;dl-out dedication was • •

so cxdted, so focused I, that h doesn’t e v e n '; lie said of his seven^^" schedule of the past* •

s. •

H Stiwo ,74 HiM .29 Sarannat _, 2138 .xe”: 5 - M8 .J8

~ teiMCp 4J4 -xa,.,1.U ScM _ 2209 -3^! ,

SMByndn _ 11.10-2.79..',r02 S«n*e*A ... 13.79 ^ Sfpiacar ... 40.40*1iS ”

_ s«m*n 3140-4JO':-.*.33 ShraPti 55M -.80-••• “ SW ... 21.48 -17- .'as StmOftt .. 47.87-148♦« 8»>A1 33 3040 . J i; , ,.___

SSIi ... 9 05 -29 4J0 sievi,e— r-2o:f4—4i;.:—

StyW»*» ,08 27.42 -89 .04 SmurtS»>» ... 1585. -4l';'1.18 SncWa ... 22.77-1.19“Ijo SonutfMi ... 21.29 -42i..41 soumnit .58 29 94 -35

So>«cp .10 12.95 *13.. . r.n Bp«58en - 843 .41 •20 SU(M« . ... 15.18 -27 '

SMree«l~-2l.99 -7B---------147 Sa>r» • ... <233 -13 '_____

stertMMA ... 18 07 -es" •,41. SunMcrei . . 1991 *U^U Suf«.T ... 81.11 -OJ..,JJ S-«Tm ... 1840 ..14...2 97«a«. 8 98 .OJ

SrMi/n ... 23 63 .38i:i8 Srmie .. 0 47 -2*‘'M Stnoptr ... 4995 -49;4J WWm ... sew ..42' ■38 TaktTw ;.. 1749 -.82 ■ ’'* TCpPC« .. 17J0.148

■ Tattea .. 18 43 *39 07 Tartyon ..: 444 - 28...Qfl TanTa-------2048.4.78_

» DteoSII .. 12 80 - 4I-et- .Tnakiy------- J8S7—2S----------M Tmaawtin _ ittOl -a* '^ IrrOmlc .. 9 57 -J9-42 T(V«ty ... 35 40*14S2 Trla00.y ... 37.87 *.SS.71 TrOun .. 2097 *4881 UGANh. ... 27.00 -40j;- IMOU-----:::-0M—t»—-------04 USnww ... 107 -.03 '•OM Vtam . J8 18.94 -.14.,,M Va<WBn . _ 584S-20S77 VMta ... 6S45 *.18''

54 Vartc»4at _ l« -J4“ Vieat . 1291 -44-X Vflnofla ... 940 -oe”S8 V<auCp ... tl.TO -20'-g Vll«m ._ 2030 * 8419 WaOUD - 843 -.14_______M _ 1747-143 ••j2 Wtonn ... .07 -00a WVkAm .. dl89e -5».U Wrtaafe _ UO -.7 ,,16 WorW*4T ... • .80 ,.,.» WorMCera .72t 1447 .44.. .10 VMAICIn 80p 18 89 -1617 XUtal _ 184l-l.1l" ' j* XOConif ... 1.98 . 07’ ’■ « ~ i- ■41.19*28..■ Yahoo ... 1981 -.23'3 atfep 7 .80 9*08 * 07.■3 2orann .. 31i3 *J8.,

4 Preleng _ 48 -41 ‘ ‘S - K : - r ' f S - ' r * - — :' CamM ^ .tl -S8« $oOaiT«a B.8S *07 12 Sainwan .. 344 -O8 .1.0- .5r^[_,04*.41D4_.J9___-0 9rnnHaa .. 2.12 *.12, SoHKIrn .Q2a 4449-lJl , - ,.. SPDR' 1.4Sal24.tO - 0 3 I0 8PIM ,74a M89 -.10 -4 S^Dai' .94* 2223 -07...,7 SP&w .48* 30a_-J». . ...!0 SPFnd 48* 28.73 -JS ‘ SPTacn .. 2U9 10■ Snapaoin ., 140 *07'"'1 TtOti. 4411000*140’'; Tinw—ii _ ,t4a.*4( I.Q i>gg *44 .J T<«Um 44a 13.11 .JS"”''0 LMI9) .. 447 ■5- U80i8---- =-8740-440^—-----5 WM*0# _ .10 .41 9 WralHlT .08 198


•4«Mt.TMnF«». ldite M -


. Cta B4>ounc] 14000 1.! ----------- Swi *V»n------ - ^iso ' .«Dk J-Ycn BI77 .(

._:.a»p 6ure*«»«*fieK—-MBI—.«' - 0«C 6u<»<vrw<ry .W79 .1

SaoUS.Ostar iie» e II


S«p COMEXSMt 4.320 4- f ----- s , - a s — SS:S-S

! S«p TrML Etond .101,00 tO; Doe TtML Ekmd 0

—,________Sap.tAmiOwM------to i« l - i aDm UumSond

_________ Ail_CoflM ,M.OO-#’S«p CoIlM S7.40 »

- Jul OrsngaJulM 79.10 .7. ) S«0 OvioIhiC* 7» to T.I Jul COCM 9tiI S«0 Coco* Ml

jm-Codon 41 00 41Oct Conoo 40.70 »AuoUv*e«nl« 73.0S 7:

—----------- ;O d-iw Mcn*-------- 75M—00cl>*c«n« 7S.6i 7!

_________FBe.UrtMfflt______ 7«J!i....7lMar Ln« e«ii« 77 OS 7iAwg FMMfcalM 01.33 M&*p F**d*rc«m« BOSS ecOd FM(M>c«rM 00 M 0(Jul Liy*hO0* 73 25 75AUQlJv«t>oo< 7030 etOcf L>v« hoo> 60 05 S(DM Uy. 5729 MJU PoAtwdy 00 00 o:Auo PoA6.IV B535 KF-bPorkb«l>y BOSS ec

' Jul WhMt ' 255 1/2 259,l s « vv i' Mw WtiMI W 20DI Jul SOyMWI 4B1 400

Aug SoyC«w< ' 407 4»0jm Com —19iW4 IMS«p Com 203 1/4

; ..’JS'V. r-.—

Ocl OFPMA 13.70 13Kov afP M.tk. - 1205 12D M O fP I^ 12.40 12Jan OFP UA 11 50 11F.bQtPMJ» 1132 11Martuipuok 1140 II

OuMMoni frem smell

B i;a n !V.MrD*lni..P n e n f t n«r lo otoo.ft, 100 pow

' e>«*nt. k t t liUho Man Ui «nd tlo *ut<i«e> to erwtfff wineui new# P mor. >K«nl pnc. «lo>m.1>on tnoui

' r aiatIno>1ti«m», $10;p^1ot,-Sie, ■ loano [wik*. no quoi., tnun

--------------||T» 0"f«n ea*f Ornangvmm OofilOin«« 104IK) b»«n pncet a>e co"^ Ma'Ml N.K1. U.S. 0«9arim«nl o< < nofllw-nt J 10:p«io» *1«-$l».»a

1 SI7; ixnu'],10-SI7; amail wtM..: I

Tj G rainVan.yOra.niPne.t lof wti.al p«t butA.l. tniMl boant p«r nunO'MI •>«>gni. Pnc.. •Son «nil« >M>*al, U 40; OaiMy, S4. tnuad 9>ain. no quo).; oalt. H BO, e.ni mmtlji.). Pnc.. a t. given da<Son wt«. «t'^«l, Jun. <Mi(v«tv, Me

.Oufl«y. S2.ft4; ano MrMy. o.liv.'y I P/icM quolM Oajty by S-mpW Agn. n.M Drain and Oaan <n OutM anO > looomng grain pnc..: ton «rhn. orti »2,4fl. n.w crop lir»1 tyill SMI.mtM Dan«y. 54 2S. CO<n. S4 29 (To»n Fa

-------------0.lr«nr m Twwi f .i!» ana Oooomgl-------- L«ir>d{}La>.Ml«e mT«mF«H.—

POCATELLO (API - kuno Farm 0 . O'oin isoun IDI TuGUUv.

POCATELLO - Wr>.ia wnsal 3 05 ( (tl.aay): 14 p«4c<nt *pfiiig3 33 l*i 0 0 6 EN-Wiiiia«naal3 15|ii«a( 20LI4 parc.nl tp<me3 42 (up IS) P^*LAN% - wnu. «l>ea1 3 35 (■

CALDWELL - Wlui* *»«a1 cwt 4: 4 34 lH«»Uy)POnTLANO,Or».<AP).(l«>tal I

--------------- ru*«d«y Iw gram. ariivK) al Pomrail, ifucn O' ba-fl. p.r butn.i.

...... .......... OS I M>n««M»*n»«l:3D9. rarvg.US 1 w’me"“ 'ti!i” ' ' “"®'orQAiry prolom. 3 35. langira $3 IOpcl.proi.«:3 3S. .arwingl3 3 I t pet. prol>m, 3 4S.3 4T 1? PCI proi.n; 3 50.3 03 13p«t.pi0le«:3 73.3 00

US I dark noriliorn tonng wn.al;. ISpcI prolsn; 3 D5'4 01

I4pcip.ol..r.;NA IS PCI. prol.-n: 4 27-4 3?

US 2 bari.y. uml tram, anu barg.. u US2l>arlsy<l«liv«r<K]lo»aarK)ar»

US 2 yellow corn. 4 57 1<2-4 91 1/4CHICAOO(AP) - ruliiioTlii(wro< olTrao.Tuo.:


Ham. S«il CtKl wOroin

■ .0! S S " . :tqwe IJB4 .fit ’«»iSn a H.TM* 941 .Ot

• isijiJr&Sip iw -M

S E '° ” ' “i c'i" ■S n " :tl § £ - 3srs ," n Vi I :??Win 41 0 JJ Munaip IM 9ni^r.BM .01 ''•0 {

SHTrmDdnloM ’ , Ajnyfg.pci■aa.T” -" Kf; . k;;' ;?!S :!S S ' i isss;s2CnanAp I2»i ... OrwhRnJ Corwa 9427 >04 AmwkanFiOtoAoSplsi* -04 * < t^ 0 1

S » ; ;;;; ■"S ! r ' S : s \ :g S ^ j ■” p i p I

iS a i? .” -"' S ’JvaiMi I I» -01 fiP^Ap : auvViMa' tMrWlOA i

1*23 AmarltanFi " s S S o 4 37 . 02' OnrtNll S 'Ato^unMB' AniunFunJ

---------w s n

----- :!5POm*p 27(0 -II

-------- TacMp 770J.99 “ V];«n2AMlMCaAR. bCvrty 2-----------oovfflp— 7 i r ^ o r -ancoOB-

OwMl 24 10 - 11 04mM*lF«


'S I S £ r '“ s . «_____ S S ! i

,SJ! :: ISS'""0(10 1789 - 14 BrtiMonFwK -tU o-«n20#4-0J

_____ ..is s r .sg ^s



F uro R E S —, - . ^ a ~ c . ^ s e - i s .

8 22 Sill -.15 ^I 'i.4oos~i:4oa3' r .o io o ' ttoi.'.uw * I 1.3000 1.3008 ..0100 Mw’iopwi < - .8087 .8101 - - c o m

.8173 .8I77«.000Z SJMObtirtM—.*444— .•4*e-»,0IM— Ji<-----101,SI .8450 .8450 >.0180 S«0 1M.9 I 11950 119 63. -..13 Nm 200i_ i» .ia j2 0 .ia __ ^ la ^ D a c __a i ur—« S « 08C2 »>2-M a» 223r - f f i - l 8 S : | - H S - S r H S iI 4535 4J43 • .34 S.0 242.7 I 4.203 4.278 • .32 OW 2479

I loaia 100.14 ..IS Mon.-.cpan I 99.22 0923 >.10 OATS -I0 2 J f t- l0 3 ^ ---- -JU— •W buM nI

I f i : : iS i??:i■n’s i 77.58 udn'-taala.

048 991 ’ *9 SOV^CA^'4043 40.43 '-.79 B.OOObun*it30 5039.83-.77 * Jiri 491 S7345 73 00 .JO Aug 482.7

— 7493—71.17----.-.18 Sap 475.5.... 78.05. 79^2 . • !o3 —jIS'.. .479

(W.70 90'87 i :45 May 480.59037 #047 ..38 Jul 49000 30 90 80 - M Hen 480.59075 00.87 . 48 Mon.-tialat

i i sii ’:l?58 50 54.70 ..15 Jul 15.500305 0545 .1.17 Aug 15.03MOO BOM ’ ’ to ^ 'e03

2501« 2 U 1 /2 '.2 V4 Dm 10 35

28bV/I 2W1/5 *11/4 S "480 I? 483 1/2 . i 4 Dm 1812

203 1/4 300 1/2 . 3 1/3 . SOYBEAN Mi 14.95 14.05 . 05 100lent:<IOi4

H-^gg-H'gg : :!? i %,1370 13.70 - Sw 1M« 12.78 13.76 ..01 Oel 104.711?JS 1?:J2 : i l ^ !U.?i1128 11.32 ..09 Maf 1632(

j S ’' im :o(Aug I8I.W

NS__________________ Mon.»e<»oii

MINNEAPOLIIipOunOi.US. No, I0 tloragt cr%arM». Pr>e.. WHEATr» PwOucri6»tM>g «.OOObu<nMn inouklcoiitactO«ai«i«. Jui 31;.$nnat. nSQuoi.. Pnc.a' , Ok 3303/lM1Mw.«l<>ytiy0..n S«p 3000®»~iul3rLM°'*5' “ '** “im :L>4 S17.Ouol.tcuf- WKtTEWHEA


INS S S__________________ No open ccnin

uMl grain, oafi. com and» . HiOiKl lo eriango __________t. *4,19 (48.pound b««»): Ch«Wa/ ctwa,I00,eo'n,i4.20(l5p«r. Enenang.;n daily by Rang«n» m Oa,„i,: t KXX f. Mouniain Horn.. 52.57; tvy m Dun.y. >4.00 AgnSourc. m Qu>i.y.onOKanMnr.poilUho __________I. «in.al, tod 0«W«ry.»mt>.f,»2.30 ' IDAHO FAILSm Fan* only), (DWH >{>ol___ laalx>'» upp.rn.......... ............. ......... O.manOMi.cmtOur.au Innrrrwunlam M)05(»l.ni7,),Mi1.y4 06 2*^h2*4.o'!i' J3 Itmauy). oioinafy wm. p.r nuftdno*.

imum 1000-1ti.aOy).bar>.y4lOlup m liimbnBtp. ) 15). 11 p«'cml*nniar S.Oune.minir

baiM10 5-iD35 (ti.atry). tiail«y 03 OC- A 40 p.rc.ni rmg* '0l»t«»0y),.11 p«r:___13.00.lowbiia . » , ' T®,rr;

— ^ i S ; iPomano Iw atiipmanr t>r 24 00, mo»llyarvgino 13 35-3 30 - ------- 20 00, P««»lrangtf^*3 35.3 38 ' Ounc» mim/tH

10.*3 303 39 CHICAQDlAI

|0^e?rtK j'|

SH»dlOB*lii' 9 00-0 50. Col

j r i i l ‘4 20 -

l^oonlh. Ch<yiBO OonrO QalM 1010 lilrM S.O* eng.


'iin 'in » !s:s:s? ^552 Io? 'c !S oS '“7?‘o> .01 V i

T.n B84 CilCQSl 22 27 -02 En1<1204 OitOrSl 1494 -09 Ci,

<»t. m A: Cmo«' 0207-19 E»8M -01 Cel»n49lnr«: Efli4?0 .01 OsySnr* 48 32 .OS CaP39 ColumtKa Fundt; Ou-

■ i n -03 Dtlanctn 2184 -04 0.:?__!0W______(jmn___34.63*^11- -Qli

4 78 CwiMCoFdQn; HT1 3192 .10 D»cdAo 1071 .01 Ha, !s.» ssssassi sp 1014..01 Cn<S«Y 1094 M*

2S10 -02 COTrAp 919 -01 Uf. 20 91 .04 fqiyr 949 -01 Srr__ '4 83 - 10 FiiMc*0-1CL22-*01- -Sm------97T-IT2 FulneY 10 38 - 01 TEiipr.t.0 : MrUAp 9 00 EnliI 894 -01 IkTldOp 0 03 Oal

S S - i i t & , S15:!! a25 10 -02 MAP ».7fl .01 Efli

.iprMaY: »Qs 7 57 . 01 -0«,i,,S!5:!S S" !:S:S 85anFunMA: CO Cap U l Fd«; Oil >0 1713 -0 ^_ lo 0 r. I?90-M_ 0 .

I 12 --OS I ftfrl.Fund. AT ■'■’1 wi i s —0!- -ffrv rr /r -~ T ;-r jr -5=

An 4 45 .03 OnUFundaB: * IMi OAp25(7-09 NYVtnB 2582 . 02 Ma Ap i93T -09 DnIaFunMCkV: Mg kp » 4 l -08 NYVcnr 27.04 . 03 Md

k S :S sf l!S:S s a s i j s r s SIp I 50 -01 MawwalntMlB: Ca > M24 .07 SmCVOl >949 Eo

2 2 'SS A»»«MFUg: Eo»p 2330 - 08 CommAp 22 99 - 02 0» IIA 22J8 -07 DtKh. At.tiM Inv: OrI' r j - ’’ si-s.;;.'” £snvs.-“ s:

fflS fS ' s . »s ;s s’jss.isi. a

gSS! IS!S_;S !: 2 ; , '3 . ' “ irA 30 02 - 02 DaUnn 98 54 >.12 •*<

s r . ,!iS;S Elpn1247 .08 OomMSeektv; VK

jb - j *o->i-o4- sw

■ ^ 'S b .0 3 'S C r 3997 . 09 'f:,v ! ? i f - 0 4 ' 5

1855 - a DoQ) 34.41 -bi) Co>“• 75^ 'S aS T S J?? ';?? ' ’sS ’ IS S :.g ^2I 2309 - 07 nwm>n 1153 .. FPA

1184 -.02 Mde^c 27.98 -.01 Pmtl l e a -01 Ufjklc 11.98 ... MMtardc NaUin 029 -.08 Aog

- IS S ' " s

3 " ^ s ' l F - i ! S

r^H d*»-iY « iii«d trr> iirM

SMS wSis ^*3ol U ls:.-«s2"— «9—-•*-panMIS0.020,uplJ78. ................. ..

Oals 2 0 3 3 5 ~ 198.S ^303'“ o.78.ii.2a _ -2 ia-------2 ta— 2 i 4 l a - ^ 2 a _15.75 218.5 219-79 217 ,3.25 23 . 228J9 231.78 22829 •3,73

47.8 291 247.1 S9035 -2*29Mil w aoi lW» 103.030

l)«imi50C,763 - . ■

18 118 118 * ’i78 . | J 900.5 110.25 -I08JS- 1I02& -1,7ft ■

^W 12.«0tn**njm; o r a par UnM91 S 49»S 488 5 4005 -1 .2 9 --75 5 479 75 **72 478.79 tS j-79 . 4B3 . . . .47B'-’- 4 l i s . . t l i s . .95 - 4B2 405 491.5 -9.590S 494 488 494 . -4.5» 497 400 407 - .590 5 403 4(U . '403 -3 >*niniia2,034.up4,7l7 '4 00.K orapM b.l iu I8M I9M 158^ l!l75.70 10.70 15.70 18.10 ..22539 1900 1929 • 1852 ‘ I]”180 1880 1980 18 80 -!o8>05 17.25 1703; 17.23 -.17r.90 17.50 1 750 17.50 ..17112 1912 .18.12 1813 -.071.*n ml'153.057 4MEAL Oolarapwien___________________ 17f1M -onUSWI70^ 187.50 170 00 . Jo54.70 187.50' 1(54 50 107.10 • .00 1500187.30 10400 10700 > .40 54 10197.00 184.10 187.00 . .0012.50 194,40 102:90 164:00 I :lo irso 164,80 101190 184 50 t r l o 19.00105 00 104 00 104.00 .3 00 ^^mri3I,309OLIS(AP)-Tu.;Mft McFi Low 8«a*. dig.' iMnum; o m t pM OuM0 322.79 317.79 322 .2*5OS— W9------34“ ?— ^ 5 — ;3:s—0 300 390 SCO -1 « t 5,100

MmuKorapMbutfMlsnlracltMEAT .— .TJ T.HMnwn; e r a pw bu.Monlmclt

C heese______rt.«t. pric.t on in. Crucago M.ftaniii« 9300^.0100; 40.pouna btocM: 1.6700, nc

PO'lA'rOES•LLS (AP) - TAu/tday't potato pnca. lor ip.r vaii.y, Tww FWfOurl.y dii»>ctt.»i«d Bnd U9. 2 ODoO, cnnoif40'90rarwn(jr minimum laiily. I.gtit, oin.ri mod»'.l«. out tltaoy. nsil cait m itwn tupply. Motl n.dt cioiw) July 4in. nu ti.l Uu'CanK U S 1• •ounce minimum Bal«J5 10W. m.an aacKt eOneifliil non tiie A 40 p.fc.nl 5-Ounc. mm- K-10 50. low 11.00, l.wl>igti.r;CalodS 10- )t per hunarodw.ighl non tite A 40 perc.ni niMrrum 0 OO'O 50.1.w 10 00. l.w hign.i;.III 6-ounc. minimum “3.(»-lV50, l«w” ***** luBn.i.bal#d.lO &-10.UmMO*pai Hurtdrao.m tita A 40 p.rc.nl 5'Ounco minimum t0.50>ni 40*°6 M 'oo°5*i.Qf'er; 50t 10 ootj.oo! I«w 14.00-15 w!*' sfiy n^niir; eot 20 00-22 00, 70. 32.00- •Itlly 23 00-34.00. occa>«nalfy higher; 80t 00. occatiOOAOy higti.r arvo lower; OOt 19 00. e«»ionartynign«r 100« lOOO.JOOO, 10-12 nirtHim 18.00-17 00, lew 15.00. occaiionaliy 0 lower.) (API . USDA - Me/or polsid markelt FOD -3.ni.US I Monday.yit per cwi Idata Ourfiankt 70 count 32.00- Icounl 10 00-20.00. Colotaoa No<kolat\» 70 ».22 00. 190 count 1500.1700 0 tiimbag Non Sa. A per eyrt: Idatyj OurbanhiColorado Norkolant 0 00-9 00. WiKontin • p«rc»1.It US 1 Hie Apercwl 100»i tackt i:Minnetoi«N:0»»olaHounonoOS ' '•

S S . 'S K S - * " '" - " '" ’™ .

iS .U '= V c :-" I S l i ;S :K

CapAAp 2992 .02 OiSlrtIA 29 21 -08EQu<yAp 509 ItinOdA 814 .01EflincAp 23 95-01 iniOnM 9 98 >01Carrvkp 647 -02 WiEqA 1747 -02

.QlllXAB-34.72_t.fll. JBSmCA-Zl.Cfl ...03 0«1nAp 1016-04 UCpOAp 97B .01 HTDdAp 969 .01 LITmA 944 -Ct InerKAp 1339 - 12 lIl.t..A - 9 70 ... InnOrAp 1409 .07 UIMI 1086S:» !S :g SKI SSMRCoAp 847 .91 NCMunA 10 72 SmCoOA 28 98 -18 PAMuA UN

- ^ ^ p - - 6 « - . o r

'sS 'H L .,' I?i* i i . i ;,CW>»0p28J3 .02 Wk)l»A 1408 _. E««,Dp 598 .. FMemadO;

.asss^s!;!!8 S , “ ,K ! :S S S ? i S ; i !0 - i^ P c ^ ^ ^ i o g

40J 0*0^^ *5 98

S°4]?-iS S ' ,!S iSK !S J ;g

EcMjCp 58? ... WSmCQ 2010-03^

InuOrCp’’ 383 - 07 H «^'p ' 'e S

wSSSt 776 * '" : Owmr 18.74 .04 UitfdO 9 92 - 01 :

SZ '. . s s ::: ’J S : ? !VOnrth 1039 -01 E«lnC 1749 - 01

tMTBTMnA: OrtlrtC 28.93 - 08LoCoOAl 7.08 -02 MMC 814 -02

-S/nCOOA -4.58--0I- -m qC — 18es~0J eoargraenB; nSrrCC 2017 ..03Fo<nS 16.77 - 03 UgCpOC 985 - 02

sSsS 1438 -.BJ SSvC • Treb«el.larFinM; UHFdC g.gi-'OIVaiAM»n33 47 . 07 ruirHidF;FPAFind.;' M ar 2A88 -02PBtn. 2330 -.14 OondF 8.71 -01' 5 » r 2 9 3 -..3 S i r ;

iSgg -9 .» rMuOppA 9.74 _. OHMun 11.14 ..SOOnd 'IL3T -03 SlrlneF 8,15 -.,

J4J0--.0J -IMF — B .tt-----AuaPcA 7.83 - 04 P*«m .dM t:BendA 8.80 -01 AnnI 0.98 •«!CapAo* t u t -.09 Am>»p 9J8 -JI



* - .... ‘- -112,000 ta .; e r a IkOd 889 8.88 8.47Mar 845 fl,47 832

4 May . &33 _.&28____U S-8 • Jul 7.04 7.98 7.773 Ort 7,88. 7,88 7,84I —8 — Morv-»**I«S7.IOT- —------

9 112.000 ta .: e r a pwtL?... ^ ?!” ?!-S

■ . S F ® r ’--------- — e i.o o -2i.oo— *1,00-I - as 1’,:’?-*’:,’?..73 Mo<1.’*UIm 177'.-.5 Mo«V'»opMrinlO,084 .

L ivestcPOCATELLO |AP) - Idaho Faim D

■ ■ B S 'c Z K K s n U x ,. .__onFfl(Uy.UiiuirMeaRnMtEUia n«M lMd*r MMrt 73.0043 OO; b 84.od-04.00: ttockar WM't nif. ItftlM ft fVt: ttMvy tuttlMi l«M«r *1

kgm htOtr h«iler« OOOO-W.OO-. Wo tiMii cow. rVK (lock cowt wrth ca)

wwtfMr^^ rV*^.*iH»rTtf»Wa;

I CHICAOO (AP) - Futurn Irad^ o) M.rcaniM EuAang. Tu«:! * -5 40.000 t a : e r a pwti.r Aug 7303 7395 7345r Oct 75.t5 75 35 74.05' DM 75 80 75.65 75.25-------- Faa---- 78iO—7435------78.0S-

Ap. 7 7 ^ 77,05 78.B5Jun 73.50 73.40 73.40 Mon.'ital.* I0JO41-

1 K f ^ o t i j T o f M * ^ 00.70I Sm 90.70 00.85 00.37 ) Oci 90 85 90.80 90JOI Jm 00;70 90:70 00:30

' -isssiffis""” "40,000 ta.: e r a par ll.Jul 7300 70.25 73.80Aug 89.85 70.30 89.30Oct 80.40 8(7.85 68.63Dm 57.05 57.35 98.50F.b 57.50 57,75 58.90

— S '- g i - g i ~ £ f -U tl »PM «*38 “ ®‘’Mon.'i Ml«ta,>>07

. 40.ooot)8.:oirtip8fii.____Jul 95.80 90.00 93.85Aug --04.80 ' 05.35 ' 93.10 'Pw 80.05 80.95 ' 80.00

' Mar 80.50 80.50 . 79.90M*yi^1.M 8^81,50 80.90

----- Mon.-»tat.. i,000Men.-aep«)lni2.908. up1l5

- M eta ls /C ufS.IM1M) netld Id prtcM, TuMdt]


V N Y i" ^ 3 lS ^ ® I d “^ ^ 0 0 '

NEW YOflK (AP) -Fuluiet iraomg < tiM Tu.»84»:

Opan H01 lA>Irao* ...... - ..........).50' iootio;roc.:ae84npwtiovez.'a- *tg 370 00270 20 260:i0.

Ocl 370 50270:M 289 40 1 .^ ^ 272.30272.30 370.40

E 'Dm . ...ID FtO ...................

Apr?i g :::::tnhi Dmr> • Jun

Dm ...................................Mon.'a Ml.t 3.021

.) S.OOO tray 0i.i e r a par boy OZ.

Jul 427.0 420 0 423 5 Aug

• Sto 4^.0 4M0 428.5

-.11 OnmitS 11.22 -01 miOdn 10.1-02 J I

. ” Qort-ls 10 87 lo t M lSSn’w:!-08 0o<0d 10 43 . 04 UmU4 29C• 01 C5o«Ullrt 199 ,., OTCn 34.1• Cl G.UISSP 199 ... O n .«n 30< -02 MitXJ 632 •Ol Pvrann I8.C .03 incTiS 10 29 - 01 R«*lEn IBS• 03 McTil 10 36 - 01 STDFn 8.1

-Ct MiMunl 1037 Trenin 53.1 ... Kautmn 4 79 . 01 USSIn 10(

LIdOrQS 991 ... UtMyn 194s a t ,!S :Si ,'2s;.ziMgoCnO 1038 - 02 BuKhr 66<

:: SSrSliiS; f S S: •”! SSiSS V,S :g SK,-M S S K . Si-02 Ui3Ciip 1748 . 01 TMir 70!:J! s a IlS; :S a S H K S i-01 UUIHWW30H ... CAMinTl2.3

Sioe Tr 1} t3__ _mwMun .».«.02 iruuvTll lUrt -10 mvUnjOBtOS:S-01 TgRlOdS 1043 - 02 NYMunn12.1-05 UnrtShft 1.97---- SUmMuB-lOJ.02 imsnod 19' ... ToiMMnn3i<.01 FMeliyAtf>FKT: FIrti Amec Fd.• 02 -FnSycT-20J7--IfiOAp 101 - a I9 n -0 3 FktltnecF*

is ’SS3."sH;”;“ 'a f '! ! ; •" '3S5ra5

..i SSS', 1M!:S iSSmr'--m eS ? ” ■”•01 QroWI I m tSSumMI

ss?’ =ii! :S = =^v-iu i-3fiaaigK::S S S iS i !. « lE SSSISSig

:SJ Sffiv’ Ifi:<» ,AMBrOrn.1934___ .FLIFAp-tU-02 fialancfl 19.42 - 02 0»WiAp 24.1 -03 OkjOin 4888 -00 OrtUrcA I2.C:.s ^ r , ’i s : s iSK Sffi :.S gSH., s s :S S S !• 01- -CnwseB—JOJOTOl' 'MJTFAf"!!.!. -V .PW - -H39 -.02 {jrTFAp t l i-.01 Deatl- 1204 7.01 PflTFAp 11J

MEqn 23.53 -04 S C ^ p K I•02 DMnin 1988 - 05 USOnAp 81-.01 OMOOin 29.71 -.03 UHMAp' 10.S:S K " S S - S t t s f e s

- Einca. U M - J t IncomCt. ZJ ...--Fidein 3IJI - I t SmCaCI 32.C ..--ONUAn 1078 -03 FrnVTraM ..,--OoMlnen 981 -03 ShraA 2t.4

----OiVCOA 98.80 *01 PianWTeaiVTcOremcn 30.85 -ID DMitAp 109;a aE’.”.!5:.B ssa;,a

S ' ts ;S S" =s — a—54 7,84 -.11 Dm

........................... MFviivr nirM_____ ' 44,270.01110.» 31.14 -,08 ,199 20.90 -.01 Emenard443I jgg _ r . S l ,10 21! -03 t 5)|!j![? ^*^‘*

AMWwm.OS. CopfMr. S75.0


SSd’ l387,80- t e a j g i

>;lianita«SarUaara . Maitury.SlftO. ■C^hewewiawtor ■ . Ptaunum. I55« rtlM^n/chelMaln Platinum 1558.1'siarsssss,MockarhaH.fth/a; . 'NEWYORK(A)caJ-MM; Tuatoay.eenvi

■ Dolatw:i::,g on tna CMcago MaitPfiiMi

» 8«aa 0 9 . SwMFrane

5 7360 -30

t ^ =:!; ■ F(5 77.02 -.13 -----------------0 73 90 -,10 NEWVOnK(Af^ _______________ Mercant*. Etth

U O K T m of . i.000bti:aD(to

0 9090 " 'S ^5 90:97 1:48 SSr” ::t§ Sg iU l : --U S ; l2iS

Jun 24,73 Jd

s s s ^ ; s - |-:::::0 ' 59:70 -[Is S n

S S3:m ::::;

^ , E5 ~ c 7 4 ^ t~i70 - 1J01 ?S:S§ :;Ig , S3 S .0 81.50 -1.00 Oct 72.10

Om 73.80 F.b 74!i0

JRRENCY £g*y- i?

sss ., ■ ^ e;-------------- 0 a c ~ « :S 0 ~1«,10. Mon.]i la l.. 28


Nol 70:40 »gonlt>.NYM.re Dm 70.50

SaBa OKt ^ 0

., 287.M -1.80 C&'y290.00~i:e0 'Mon'7lMi2e 0 20090 -1.80 '

0 27080 -1.70 NATWaT oAS' I J i io " i io

:: 28080 :!iS 2S282.30 -1.20 F.b 3010

: S :l:!S !£ JJSS : iSS :;:1S ft iSS. 311.20 -1,10 Jul , 3.985

»..........--------- ------------------ Od 3 8005 - J J Dm 3080 , 425.0 .33 Jan ....1 "2 *•'> 432.5 -02 Uon.'tooanlM.

10.15 -01 WorUAp 1545 -01 Twwin■!S;.!! SS:7.02 ... (iCE>un44l: JmiaJ

14.72 -21 Tnntt 84.29 - 08 msOiii »49 .22 OUOTrualM: WrIdiK;!S :s ar. ;:s ;s issst8 73 ' ... OMOTniatIV: SmCpC

iW ^-O t. -US < ^ -1890-01- -SyllvA U78 -CO Aaael 3554 -01 JoTmH

l ; l : i S T s n i i S•cit: (WasyFundl'TruM SmCc< 5640 .23 Eooni 2351 -08 Tk« i

SS 'S o S 5"S 5^ 'SS!53 48 . 02 Olwiin.de Fund*; LaggU11 ;s Xs | - ; | r p

P I S K f f ” ■ ” S K .

OrCoTAp 4.75 -MjS o E ft’aS e -.18 l i g w

li® io S r S m ^ ycttci S S ' i a ? - '* g

14J2-08 BCrSypn'iS Ioi wtapDym^prt 18.48 -17 WOAp

l'“ SSSSrntSr!!- I S S

S1.t2 -08 Taftn^n2490 -08 8KkA|5 5 iSfSi;; ; i ...- ^ p 3401 -w g g p M u --ia jPM M ^ACtac 'w ns

a™ -30 Flrt«B • 9.10 -02 MiMa - U U ^ n l ^ - a I^MM

HVWn -OJO^OI T « «

1438 -M BW tlft tOJI -J4 CewV.

Z ™ '45M ^ 0 ~

i,o.-47iMi— 4 8 7 S - - J S ? : i - i : S - = :::

,tp 1 ----------JC raPI - Maftrly M. UmtmMi, «llu«i Ti-.ii. 110.038: FabfWalad 44,011, on 10.028, ■g bu»on priea ler a»rar kl London |430 otl»wnw8«j<o,B<i>ao4a— ---------------44380. on 40.040; Fttrtcatad 44.022. ell >»af ipot metun Tuaaday 44343. oW 40.034 <lAP)-3oetnonlafrouimat»loncai . 89.8 earn* p a tL o n d o n Maul Exeh. '4.0 Camoda lul plai*., U,3. dawmatien.. '.59 earn* p a tN .Y .W re apol Tua. Ileanttparl).M5.39 oafX* lb.. daHvarad..90 boy OZ.. Handy A HaniMn (onty d ^',80 Ifoy o».. NV Maro »po< Tua,270 H a ^ & Harman (only daily quota).

>l*d. n.a.-nel availabla.( (AP) - Kay eurnncf axcnanoa ni*.

. 134,34 124.34S0.8478 40 84893J080 2.310041,4087 41.4154

: 1.7080 1.7904Otar 1.5005 1.8138to 0.0500 0.0380

FQSS1L.EUELS.-...I (AP) -Futurat trading on iha N*w Vom xeMinoa TuaMay;

Ual* par bU» i.30 25.85 28.34 .39

g “S! l i E :ISS :?! IH! SI:?? ::1?» .54 2939 2584 -.18S S ?iS ISS :S

................... 24,88 - ,tl

«2 24,'« 23.88 24.08 ' m 2X80 l!04

23:28 -03

jjm450.488-------------------- — -------

^ * 7 ? 5 o 70.50 71,80 *,92::S

g ?J:SS SS30 74:70 74^9 74:59 t:32S « j o ” :io «:»• t:|•0 67:i8 8?:00 87:i8 l'.:a

87:so »:aa .... .... 88.00 -.33

. 28.403% Ml 148.043. up 887 lOASOUNES**7K J*‘' , 70.80 72,10 -,71lo 71:00 eoeo ” :oo t:”10 70.40 69.90 70.15 ..35to 7080 80.00 70.40 -.3015 7135 70,60 70.00 .35

71 JO -30 . ..... 73.00 - '.,15--'

78.18 ..10

0 3.320 3320 3 84 .01

S l i S I J :is’0 3800 3:049 tiM

§ l i l i I I ilL’0 3.574 3.510 3 74 -137 5 3 820 3.585 3 828 -142

s IE l i 111 ;i:i».»;■............■-imt468.851,up 1.373

.Win 44.18 -14 H«eu7Fiind.t: murn 47.13 -.34 HWlnaVal 23.10 >02S 5 4 ! S .T ” K SK U >?oGrn 28.50 ... BalOpA 29 84 - 02fe 'S S :S KSSia SS :!S

S S inHwaeckA: S4P500 1519 -03

■ S E I3a .5 i.»«vAp-23.4l—08- -OaVOI—3114-.0* CtiA 832 -.08 BdHMC 9 31 ...

s M : : l M : i l liC c^ l S.I9 -.02 o n v ts i 11.93 -09

Coin) 1138 -.08 BaVDp 3380 -CO)gliMen:Fd FdOrOp 1888 -10oorTrl 1128 *.n OMOp I3SO-OIilrwp 3111 -,18 Mon(ioarl23.0e -.08

ertvClaaaA: '■ OfcCM l l i a l o i y * 8.18 -01 Moe 1432 -09

S m ^ U ^ - . l 8 . -SWin _ lf t :S ,-,S.laleafPMieeK USOttfl 8.90 -03 iSan 2S34 -.03 u e 18.89 -.01 iCW 24.74 -.00 ValAdB 3204 -.04

*A 0._.lsi2 ..Jl. m S n J ( 3 i--.12

H ' i - "IwwiereA: OuaWt 1835 -02

:«& n2at2 -33 M anaFtraPriA :

as j j : s asaaa?-”3 S -M

Sw S z 5 ^ ' i»5 -«>Ap 1 ,19 'S S S T '^ S o 'JS eiRAp 18.14 -02 netMtaaOrMw 4Funda : Menn 98.78 -38kITO I At -02 HMtaaallmaaMrKsa?a !*s JS gs^a'i" ■" r !5S-“ SSSiiK -

f f ls ss s if i00 1332 s a OMmU 38.84 -03sartE«.« js s .-s s '" '

«m / - ib j4 . ^ 5 S S ^ " ;-* n 1:“ S S ^ tSST-JO L^ew n l&S -02s t p ^ . 0 2 '

wvna 11J3 - J I dSk«0Ap4a3l -08


\l ~ W ^ ^ G T O N {A•:o------ to - fa c to r ie s - re g is fLO largest increase in ne---------boo tted tly : stronger"

c a « , semiconductors — trial-machineiy.— “ '

«o« T h e Com m erce D

®" orders re b o u n d e d ^__ 2.S_percent»ia£tet-fa:

percent the month b e Tiie la tes t s'napsh<

. facturing activity was "*■ m any analysts .w ere

They had forecast t: orders would rise by in M ay. T he advan<

) largest since_a 7.5_pj postedln June 2000.

“This rise in orde - encouraging'and poin

ile but emerging r e a Je r ry Jasinow ski, pi th e N a tio n a l Asso Manufacturers.

On Wall Street, sto held back by a fres

. earnings warnings an< tra d in g ac tiv ity ah

------- Fourthof-Tulvholida^ Jones industrial avei

down 22.61 points at 1------- Manufacturers have

^ est hit by the economi 4 which began last yet

with flagging dem and have cu t back prodi laid off workers.

But recent reports h s l ^ s tha t the.econot clim ate for manufac be improving.

T he N ational Ass( P u rc h a s in g M anag

------ M onday-said-its-ke:

P r iv a te c o r ” f o r t e i e c o n

‘ Knight RIdder News SerPROVO, U tah - D<

any wholesale change: plan to build a $35 m optic system to add I Internet and phone sei cable TV the d ty alreviding._______________

A new s ta te law m ade th e re ta i l ei telecom m unica tion !

< financially impractica0 but Provo is pressing ; § p lan s to becom e a ' 9 - provider. City officials s - - ' is what they wanted a l ® W ithin the next mi 9 .they will get some he

when Provo will pick _ _frqm the list of six priv

«-•—nies that-have emerg« ists to help th e city operate the system.

So who m i^ t it be? "T hat’s the $35 mi:

W B ara «Ut to citttoket reports. If you'n

In a stock, mutual fund, ty that's not In our rcpoi

CtplreApO.IS -03 VtMn 20.1! '02 QioeAp 48 55 - 32 Pnrv Imr Courw .01 OOrp SmCtplnl65(02 WYdA” ” 2?* “'

::D9 MSOIA** 34.28 -.05 ^ ^ p ..10 SnlnAp 388 - 01 JemAp I5.7(01 TO.FMP 11.11 -02 UUAp* 12.0!

: S l l i i s 1.09 -SinneOt—3 90— tt PraMRtHFOi]s ss. M- s I I I h S.02 -OV»»A0»39--.e2 CATrtp 81

:■!! s r - S - l i“ S 2 ” -"’ gsf \ s:,S i S S ; . ^ 3 : S g.08 PaKOFundeA; OrlnAp I .24

03 Tnnst 1039 -03 moorp 2 .25s ' s s r - ' “ v:'‘- i s y ; , ,s.01 MknCI ......... ImAp .1 OB04 T ai^ l 1719 -,1I N.«0Ap4,72... PWCO Fund* Matt- NVTiAp .79

t , l«Ya 957 ... OICAp 28-12 LmOu ...10.03 -01 -fU/cMp-l 81

Tolflt 1035 -03 TiEjiAp .78,02 TRB 1017-02 tFHYA 1.2901 PappFimd.: USOvAp I ,7702 AmU. 23 51-1.02 UtMp - I 20 ^ PaxWartd: ViuAp 03■W £;Srtu«21:®* v5rtlp » SBt I2.t2 - 04 PUn*mFond*B

“ * s J I “ - » I T ’ I I!7I -0<«wp 19.71 -09 f'«Op«l 4438

s . fSS tSJ!" • “ S E ' " "Balanean 10 10 . to PMn*m Fund* V 38 BCNpn 3048 -08 OrJW 1937

OroMnn 2830 -07 A4n«id(:« O r^n 23.42 - 08lu ■ |S !n '‘“a tB T w D^EoSi'^Sm .01 I r ^ n 12.M - .0 Ou«iilgq3KffJi01 uSekntnloS *“ '’ l ' u ‘" '» 7 3

UdC«n 3937 -,13 EgO^ 34.58:S N * r^ " n a M -o ? '•Ew n'^JiTo.09 H jW n a u - U OTCn 12.«

'i i & i l SS - ^ " n - S i i : ; g } . a t ' ’n J?:Sf«4 SpecMn 1083 -.02 umcn 14iB

TFInen 988 -.01 OCIPMMte « JfffHn_ii.ai.tJi. .aiUnEAiiiU4

r y o r d e K

^ r c e n t m- Orders ■

s fe re d - th e ii------- F a C tnearly a year,r dem and’for~rr:*Hero ls'a‘ rs and Indus- to Americ

SMUoruAyD e p o r t m e n t s 4 m 6 |„ |„ -that-fac tory— — _ n May, risingfalling-by-3.4__ : _ 3 8 0 . f ->efore._______________ ^S—h o t of manu- - g . I as be tter than I I :e expecting. ' I ■ th a t factory * 340 |c t i

ly l.S percent Jpr« n e e was th e 3 2 0 I j>ercent,gain_________ J.JJS

d e r s is .q u i te 300 U ints to a frag- icovery," said •• • p re s id e n t of sauR C S 'a jo c ia tio n of-

tocks stalled, industrial jsh round of turning in n d decreased seven mon h e a d of th e • Even wJayrThe-Dow----- the-measu■erage closed ea ting thi : 10,571.11. ^ ctor of i

Tlie slowdown still h e a r ea r. To cope regained ; id, companies w ere hopi ductio n and ihem anuf

be over.; have offered To stav omy and the Federal R ic tu re rs may j a i ^ s i x

most rece isociation of point, can ig em en t on • th e five 0 ey-gauge-of----- point movt

m p a n i ie s c o u r ran ian ica tx ^ ^ ^cfvlce tion. They

ing compaDon’t expect* w ill b e d»es in Provo’s Venturellomillion fiber- cations me1 high.speed cable-televerv ic e to the bought inready is pro- lion.

'____________Tw oJiniV m ay h av e Wide Opeie n d of th e with Utahn s b u s in ess build broai:al for d ties, ne tw o rk sg ahead with W o rth , Ti1 w h o lesa le ex e cu tiv ells insist that R ondoall along. Brigham \n o n th or so, letic direchelp. That is Q u e s ta r :ck a partne r sidiary ofi r a te .compa-___ing__cont''ged as final. P a c if icy bu ild and V e c tre n

A d e s ta Ci? S c ien c enillion ques- Intem atior

Something missing'tomlzBoijr.mar' and we'll tryj’rc Interested, Please call Ra•d, or comrrwd). 0931, Ext. 2<jort, just call as tions.

1.18 >02 Cor*FiAnl048 - 02 OkieCMm**l:' EmMapn 7.72 - 08 DivlrcA55B -.19 EgkKAn 38 12 - 07 Or^lncl9*A: IncEoAn 9.77 - 09 ONUAA509 -01 IrtfUAn 9 48 - 01 GKUADI590 -.01 loCO>Ofn31.72 -,10 OnMAp5.78 -.03 .liCV*lAn19 95 - 04 OrolrcOp709 -.02 UP900An38 04 . 08 GrllnclltMB: SmCOrAnl0 97 - 08 OiOppAi;

P s : ; : :103 - 03 lOOOSaln 34 40 . 07 TEfttSlaA: SlPlnyn 19.10 -03 USOvA157 -.02 SiPSeln 19,14 -04 USO.DI)39 -03 4cudder Funde A; TempMor181----TT -OrMrfW—3835—08 -Emifep-

iii-'i ra iii -I €r- i]; :s sr. H ill S rIB3 -.07 Scudder Funde B: Tontyl l ! ; g W J "’.40 - 03 Deoain 2498 -.28 DkfiVal 132-19 OUOalSn 2431 -09 USAAOre

»*ie«'ri20 87 . 02 OrMTin

1.09 - 04 l«c^tln2888 -.04 t ^ n’,72 . 25 TcNnn3n 20 0l -.19 kSS148 -.02 8 tie tied fund.; S8Pld<1.73 ... AmSnp 32.82 -.04 TiEXn

S g Z S IS J S rg :S - cSK ?SSi - « ' S S 7103-10 S*W nt34 39 -22 EOAp 130 - 08 SnMiBemMA: EnlAp

« :: : a l i i i s;S::S ISSi"S:.S ^•lisis; S?A1.73 -.19 BodOiBmyABaaB: V«iKa«iw ;30 -04 HO<«l 1372 -04 EOOl;38 -34 BmMiBrtmAlML:____EqircOlt»4-..l0 -N0«w.r'l372--09 VMbnw

Li.:” S r S F s w- S i ^ i i , s<37 -04 u 3 S ? r38 .,19 ^*0^1 9337 .13 OIWAd■-7»-:» l0CpWr538-^.04- -UtfnMn-

-31-37 ^ S r ^ 7 8 ? . 1 ^ " n-SSS^n'’

tn Oe<Selny 10.87-01 QiViEqn18 *,t1 O nm n 30S9 -04 HYCorpir:g:s aSK" :" as:-' £•” sracii:- sw." :S:S asr.“

xa _ BalAtf p 15.19 -01 UeUodn I.- e«A«lp 15.18 -.04 LTCOfpn .84.- ja . .BUCWI.ISA___ -LTTtryn-

rs jumpi"

c t o i y o r d O T fI s 'a 'to o lT a t iQ la l 'n e w o r j ^ r ^ le r ic a n f a c to r ie s . I"‘ , ' tallyaitlu$i«d ‘ “ TT ., j l lH o n -----------

B p s^ovloua mo^h ■ J.M M M

J J A S O N D J F M A; M ' 2000 , . '.,_ 2 0 0 1 . .

£: Department et Commerce - - AP

rial activity rose in June,3 in its best perform ance inmonths. . ' " r -------D with the im provem ent, ;asure-was a t a level indi- th a t the m anufactu ring

of the economy remainedsslonrBurccorramlstST?Erd-----ea rten e d th a t th e index" ed some lost g round -and lopeful tha t th e worst, of inufaciuring recessionjnay

•.;tave o ff re c e s s io n , th e tl Reserve has cu t interestsix tii^ e j_ th i^ _ e a r . _The___■ecent cu t, by a’ q uarte r- cam e las t week. Each of >’e o th e rs had b ee n half* loves.-------------------- ^ :---------

j r t U t a h c i t y n f s 'G o m i a c t '^ ^tiey ail are such outstand- npanies that th e decision e d if f ic u lt ,” s a id P au l ella, Provo telecommuni- 1 manager who heads the ilevision company the d ty in January for $2.3 mil-

f in a l is ts -h a v e _ u ia h - t ie s _____)pen West has an alliance tah-based SwitchPoint to roadbara communication rks in D en v er a n d F o rt , T ex as . S w itc h P o in t’s tive v ice p r e s id e n t is I F e h lb e rg , . fo rm e r [n Young U niversity ath- irector. A nother finalist, itr ln fo .co m , is a sub- of Questar. T he remain*

jn te n d e r s a r e .SiejTra.. c C o m m unica tions^:n C o m m u n ic a tio n s ,} C o m m u n ica tio n s;an d :e A pplicaW onstional Corp. V'

ng?........i£ 4 -I try to include IL \-II RatTwna Jones at 733-ct. 262, wilh your sugges-; ;

^ 18« -08 M 323 -01 MutlYn 10 83 .„UAA IIM oi MuH*Lonl233 ...!SSi S ' J » . ...imcAp 1307 . Mutldn 1037. _ ilrcOp 1330 Mulo^n ll.tO ' -...

M -S o ? 1099 Ira f*J'^T nn*S _ 5»llp18 94 . 03 NYWta.Tnll.12 -.STp 4.70 PAlntLTnll24 .01 W p— 470—TT- -Prrreo.n'S5-B7~IO------

r / i l l s - ” s rtSfl 1290------- BtCorpn 1078 ' '3>A 9 79 -<b STFadn 1032 ..3.DI 079 - 03 sn tryn 1037 -01S?*"'???- SX-EO'' 15-*9-03 M issJTmdAvMu*Fdt: TtMOIrn 28)11 -.05M 37.51 -09 USOron 20^1.-08mbwgFdt; UMtyn 1388 .** 20W--.05

S S ':g S . " .

■•r t" Eu>OOan.2lB9'-.27..

«un isb o -U £>t«v>n 34»,..(r7 Skn 1832 - 03 OrtMTin 27^1 -JDI'L ‘2i '^0^" 10II2-.03

ISm "o? •'^cien.i2M .

Wn-loCT— T 3<"C«)rt-2a2j’I,W--------• UneFd: STDrMn 10II3'«01

^p 4487 .15^p 14 08 - 04 Valuen 2133-05

| i | - ^'Ap 1891 ■■ '<5W -,02*Ap 1011 -02 TSmUft. Jffit :v05

^ 1 *7M ■■'.* 0™-*"

S S F s ;iwdA*i5™i- Con'n»A U O >JtS r ? « i l ^ ; i 9 « » ‘'82« M l1l0»-01 NCetHAp fn : ; . ; . .

S J i l ’zS"imnirtle- VwgA R48.bOIMAn 22.40 - 06 *aMteft: •• • - n*nnl098 ... CertOrn Sj’U rjo

'SmCWr-nSO ^W-----sn 21B7 io4 •6'^apVn <ff-«.ei H» 8042 -33 UStfyfflnltH-J8 Mn 1030 - 01 UftaOrn 2242->30

I I I ; : E l i .JP" loS I m

>?n" ! S : g ' ^ ' • ^ ' ^ . . 1 0Mdn 1849 -34 0 ^ 1 3a ft *.13ofpn 830 -.03 inccqi 4i:&r'-;lo .rvn-,048-« :H,Co<W 9M«:;^3-------

T h e T im es-N cw

Twin Falls man celel birthday a t open hou

TWIN F A L L S -Jo e C , b ra te his 90th birthdc

hous____________________ Satu

IP ^ ,. , Grar

J a n .Sidti'

b ro t

I JoeOonnan b ro t em p

haulers fo r 10 years. H Ruth Bartak in 1940. H soiith 'bf Biihl where he and raised range cattle in 1976.

He la te r moved to T h e w o rk e d ' fo r Twii Company as a ditch rid<

« in 1996. He m arried Gcj 1997.

..........H e e n jo y s b a llro o rpinochle.

■ Hosting the event an ___ iCaren (Chuck) R e iw i^ f

Jane t (Kent) Redfield ol He has five grandchildre grandson.

Pioneer ButtW^CIuiT discontinues meetlni

TWIN FALLS - The Club takes a break in t meetings will resume in t

For more infonnation.

Find Argentine tango a t Ketchum cafe Thu

---------KETCHUM—Argentinwill be held from 8*11 p the Newslink Cafe on th Valley R oad and Leadi Ketchum.

An in tro d u c to ry les;

GIvIcRotary Clubs

DIue L skc t • 7 a.m. Tu CavanauRh’* Besi WcMrm in Twli 7007 or 734-4187.

Ourtey • ooun T ueidayt al : Convention Center; 678-2221.

Duhl • 12:05 p.m. T huriJa C^andnandI;W3^)B28.

.. ■ GoodlnK •.J2:1S pjn. Friday «t

ilBlley . Noon Thursday at Ccnirr ot Blaino County; 7890897 c

Jerome- Noon TuoMlay ai Chi J23 S. Al<Jcr 324.70UOW32WS11.

Keldwm/Sun Volley - Noon on Rlco'i Pina and PoMa-RcMauntnl 4 t72W l0a • '

Rupert. Noon WeUncidayt at HJki Ixxlgc. Call Jack Bell al 43&S<

----------- ^^Shothone • Noon Wedne*lsy bi' Citizn»Cen(er88&222lorSS6-2ft

Twbi Fallf . Noon Wedne*dayi Club In Twin Faltt; 73(>-4<129 or 734Uons Clubs

Burley • Noon Fridays at Prica'i OvofUnd Ave-: Val Cam. 67M980.

Burley Sage • 7:30 pjB. third Farm Bureau confcrencc m m , 44 Alfrctco Road. Shenna Raoucy, 67

_ _ _ _ C « « l i n i j . 6.iuit.oa.the.jeeDnd Mondays at Ihe Uncoln Inn; 934m

ItuUey • Noon first and third We__ Full Moon Rntaurm t In BeUcvuo.

Heybum ■ 7:30 p.m. second i Tuesdays al ilcylnmi firesiatlon;4

Jerome' 7 p.m. first and third . Jerome Qvie Ubrarr. 324-79ia.

Kimberly -7 ajn. Hrst and Ihinl Crosftoads United Mclhodiat C>sssa.

Rupert • 7:30 p.m. second i ^tonday at Rod Crou buUdJng. 70; 6301.

Rupert SyringB • 7:30 p.m. s (ounh Monday at United Method 60S ltS l..4 y .9 y Z

Restauranq 734-S26R.Twii rsSs ftteSBdi • fin

Thursdays at North's ChueJi Waft Falls.Kiwanis Clubs

____ Buhl . Noon WednesdayiCfwidstand Sports CfUli call S4Ja 8576.

BuHey ■ Noon Wednesdays a t P . . 24440verlondAve.:43&3228or43(

F iler • Noon Tuesdays at Met bodiit Church; 326-4S30 or 326-

Rupcn. Noon Tuesdays at the R 43&8124.

Jerome • noon Thursdays at t^ Senior Cenler, 212 Finl A n . £ , cal

Twin Falls .' Noon Thursdays • Club for lunch; 73&427S or 734-4244Optimist Clubs

— r'TwioFilliTNSa-TttSaiSrat Kcstaunmi: 73M278; 733.7035 or T.

Jen ime • G {un. Wednesdays. Ooi lS6E.B<alnSu324-S469.

W enden • 7:15 p.m. Tuosdi CoTBto* Resuurani In Wendell; S36Civil Air Patrol_______

Burley- 7 p.m: Mondays «i th Aviation Admlnistralioa Buildi Durlcy AirixMt; 677-2SS9 or 43&CS61

Twfa Folk. 7 p.m. Mondays a t ; _____l/W . Jwlin Fkid; caUMiltfo «t7

Soroptinilst InternationalTwin Fatlf • third an

Tuesdays at 12 p.m. at Idaho Joe’s T 596 Blue Lakes Blvd. N. In TWtn Pal nest Momen aie inriled. 734-9486.

Burley • noon lecoDd. third a Wednesday at George K% 978.7202.

Rupert • noon oo flm and tUnl Rupert Elki Lodae, 678-2766 or 43S.Beta Sigma Phi Sorortty

______ X lA Ip te 'I ta d » p * e r- .7 J0 p jiTh“r»«**y. Sepf.M a« 543-55

x i Omega Chapter - 7 p.m. s<

3 W S

— C O x M Pi le b ra tM 9 0 th ; p.n l o u s e S a tu rd a y “ p-e Gorman will cele-id ay w ith an open ^w!ouse from 2-4 p.m . q _,Murday at_380_Casa__ran d e Court, Twin r ~alls. • - ^G orm an was bo rn H

3n. 1, 1912. in ■Idney, Neb. He was Hdsed in and around Hidney before coining KH> Id a h o w ith h is B ro th e r , Je s se , in)36. (Sorman and his H ro th e r w e re self* n p lo y e d m ilk " . H e married Besse ^. He bought a fann .______he was a d a iiy m ^ Tl tie until retirem ent

Wo> Twin Falls .where . w in F a lls C an alrider. His wife died S: Geraldine Koirth in Rec

foui)om d an c in g a n d A

o n tare his daughters. The

1 of San Jose, Calif., dog!ro f T w n Falls and----- fea"i of SpringTield. m. Tidi dren anti one great- for :

Rail_ _______ Tlub takes break, - ^ tings In summer ^tie P ioneer Button n the summer and finfi in the fall.3n,caU 423-5525. OPO

C>igo , m u s ic , A ^ T iursdayitine tango dancing "IT 1 p.m. Ihursday a t ' and I the com er of Sun are ( adville Avenue in fast.

Prlesson s ta r ts a t 8 and

6294 or 439-2613Other civic

Tuesdays s t Snake River ITwin Fails; 734. (ouith Thursday

Center in I al Burloy Inn Bob at 7334031.

Made Valley rsdays al The ihird Tuesdays i

caU733-287lor: y a t the Lincoln--------- 8<xlety lorC

^ TwinFalUOwl 897 cr 788-2114. C oodfnaB ^ China Village.

S‘ >- ^ , 934<205. - t o n - ^ ^ i t . . -nieM aifeV.n n i; Bob Stone . ,h« lecondand

_ ‘ West Reitaurans St the Rupert 540^.JG.5611. DuhlChamb5r»r^Senloi------,hiaM«?da^tt6-2883. ------- Lambda DeltJ a y ja t i^ T u r f p . , S * ^ h T h ,7 3 4 ^ 9 . Instituia. 16S0 0

vrelcome.Call67 ■ice's Cafe. 2444 Jerotne Cour,980. pm. second-niut >ird Tuesday at

444 E. 5th N. r. 678-2398.'»BdLMd.founh-----------Mack.V«Hey4-4141. pjn. T uodays 81; Wednesdays at Second Ave. E. Ifrue. ______ ____ Magicherdt Bnd and fourth Tuodays at the m;4369030, . tnS fT jK iw ne Itird Monday at FaUs; 734-2664.

hinl fueiday at TumS ^ s a t th< It Church, 423. room; 678-7430.

Snake River 1 id and fourth Ilazmony HoU. I .707FSU 436. or438«148.

Sweet AdeUn Tl. second and to Boise chorui 1 ihodltt Church. 733«238.

■......... ' ■" II Rtw «nJ tiiird ni _Waiton In Twin lU ngO

7-9 p.m. Wei . Senior a tU ea s

atPrtoa'sCafe, m M ^ S c iw tir r436072a

F a T n i ' ^ uheRupenHlk.

It the Jerome p |-_ i|-,,caUJ24-2332.jj ja . th e T u rf^.i*4. 7J0jun.thinlT u________ .Other 7.

------- B r id fe v ip j ,or73^7805« . Bridj^ House, 24i

■■o-y*« <h. 2 S SiS366477. IUU,IUrTl»oqSir

MGl community oente

n a l ' — Main, Hailey; 726

>6. 0p a c fae « -9 ir t and fourth B re X ^ e e S h o i

324*329. AU level ^ F i J ^ a t M agleValkyl438J613. a«itnoetin«.CaUly at73M938.Newi

3-5522 or 734- 0639.

J. second and T h u 5 2 v '« U i t

m[MUNITY-:).m. Music, daince and libdtlo »ver. . “ •

For more information, call S

rwin Falls woman celebra )5th birthday with potlucl

. - I TW IN I A m anda c e le b ra te b ir th d a y p o tlu c k ai S u n d ay a

6 * 1 5 ^ ^ 3 8 Barry Pari H b f f l Q l M Falls.

Those wli a t te n d the may call Ph 6 P-“ - Sun( home, 2033

_______Ave.“‘Xlie^tamilyrequests no gifts.

Vest Magic Lake Recreat losts annual July 4th festISHOSHONE - W est Mo|

Lecreation C lub will hold il 3urth of July celebration Satur A barbecue will be held fror

n the deck with a drawing for 1 h e lunch will include hambuj 0^ potato salad, beans, lemc sa an d ice c ream an d w ill ickets for the raffle are sue for 3r $1. Proceeds will ^ 0 towai :ainbow (jold.The West Matdc Lake Recrea

ill hold its monthly meeting t unday. The public is invited. For more in fo rm a tio n ,,^ 481

ooding Airport hosts anm pen house, fly In breakfa!GOODING - T he an n u a l

Irport open house and fly in' ill be h e ld from 7 a.m . to aturday."Ihe break^sTIs $4 and child id under eat free. F ree airpli re offered with the purchase tst.Proceeds are used for imprc id maintenance of the G o o ^

ggirsipC .L to ri;-B u ,i.,T i^ »— il

icrer Etka Lodge • 8 pjn. second and ■day at Weston Plaza Convention rinFalls,caURoeerat 7334151 or Tl

Jayeees. 7J0 pjn.'(irM and ys at Majde's Pina In Twin Falls; “ o r7 3 3 .7 ^or Ctra tlre Anachronism • TTw------ s<»T2nne*r3p5rSiu«I5yrSnhc-------f f l 5 2 S p S - . .d .« a lW « n e nay at Ihe Lincoln Inn: 934-8452 or at

cVaDeyToostnwten.12:10p.m. tnd founh Tuesdays at Addlwn w rant. 348 Addison Ave. W.. 733- q

»mbe» et Commerce • First and______rs: t t Hobn at Crendstandt Spotis.>ella Sigma sorority- meets at 7 Thursday at the Burley LDS -0 Ocddenial Ave. New members « J678«392or678-lG22. . ounty lllsierieal Society - 7:30 ^ rhufiday at Jerome Qvic Ubcary. 35

Musicalk y SlnglesSquara Dance CIub>7-------glit at St. Jerome's Parish lUU. 216 _,E.lnjen>me:734.5689.t t Barbershop Chonis • 7:30 p.iaihe Rrst Meihodlft Chuich base-■ne Street and Fourth Ave., Twin j^;

HhsrtBontc Occhesua • 7J0 p-m_____^the Burley High School band „

m.TT Flats ■ 7J0 p.m. Tuesdays at „ U. 123 K St, In Rupert; 43&GCH7 J"

rllne* Chorus-Members cair pool . ■Ul every Tuesday evening. Call “



Wednesdays at Golden Years ^ ms cenier, 218 N. Rail Sl. W., ^

_____Mdays al Ageless Senior Center 1^ ot in Kimberly, Anyone over age

2nd Ava. & Twin ril niursday. Friday and Saturday, ^

iisslon clubs mowkChib. 7 pjD. second Tuesday ** oble In Twin Fails. ,ookQub<booksbynewauthor)-1 Tuesday a iB^ncsg. Noble. _

PM. Monday! at Magic Vaney UU , 246 Falls Ave, Twin Falls; 733- Cai

Iley Pinochle Club • 7:30 p.m. w i t Disabled American Veteran*, ehl I Street and Shoup Avenue, Twin

ta R « irn > m Center PineeMe EK 1. Tuesdays and Saturdays bl the nter at 653 Rose St. N. in Twin

Support Croup - 6 p.m. .Sai irCh»pl«TBooKst6t»nM-N;—72&542S. 1RineandPbtelCSob -Shooters 190p.m. Wednesdayf at 253 Fifth I^ pistol callben and .22,324- lnf<

cylritCfab.tnaeuforlunebeeil >!>!< CaU Glenda at 73341040 erVlcU V k ewmembcnwclcone. B59li Cun d o b • nooo to dark 1■JO.-to fi p jo :S u n d iy i, '^ 734-— ”~Mni

RajeyRaae8ecklr-7pLn.Bea)nd 324 Lutheran church at comer of I


© r a________W e d

L E V - E N T Sitions and $5 . Cun-ent p

accessibleil 578-0238.

. Colleger)rrtes w w ta\ (Upk . . ____ _______ X W IN -I FALLS - Southern ] a P lo tt w ill College foi Ite h e r 9 5 th M aking ty w ith a . show stud c a t 12 p '.m .'. to m ak e i ’ a t H a rry English mi 'ark in Twin yogurt pai

g r^uun cr who can not a rec ipe 1

th e p o tlu ck fttim 11 a.. Plott from 4- cost is $40. unday a t her -You’re t 033 Eldridge dents in g _________ the prot>eits. compound

scientific e JatlonClub ate their o' istlvltles4ag ic L ak e S32. d i ts an n u a l Fun wid iturday. students inirom 2 4 p jn . d ay p h ra :or a shotgun. Spanish-s] iburgers, hot be hel<?monade. ice Thursdays, /ill c o s t '$‘3. Drawing for $5 or one grades sevi wards Camp indoor anc

held 12-2 p T e a tio n .a u b _ _ _ B ru sh s ti lg a t 12 p.m. dents in gr 1. color and487*1202. to ^ p h s .1

20 and cosinnual p.m.

a l G ooding raphy and in' breakfast have a fuU to 12 p .m . fo r u se di

iildren age 7 - ^ ^ to fS r* ro ll rplane rides tow ard ch ise of break- The v

14 and Ju l' iprovements informatioi ding airpon. Ext. 2290.

- - C l u brJitouriM Street and Heybum Aventi

7334696 or Julio al 734-7303.

W eightlessTOPS Clubs

Burley Chapter 256 - 6 to 7 p.m in the ll^bum Sdtool lunch room.

Coodlog O vptcr 251 ■ 5 pjn. Th _ tho CoodIng Senior C llljens C« _ ^ I? lA si> .: 9Jti»»ot9 il=5*40 .

Jeresw Chapter 48 - 6 pjn. W ^ thepubUc llbrMV. 324.7426 or 324-S;

Twfai Fans Chapter 3 • 12:30 pjti at Our Savior Uithetan Church. 1701 Ave. E.1733-3304 or 3266833.

Twin Falls Chapter 309 ■ Wednesdays in Iho recrcation ro* CasweU Ave. W.j 734-5132or 736J23

Support GroupsNational AIllaiKe for Ihe Ment

Idaho for survivors of mental illn ftmUles and friends. 7 pjn. Tuesdi ^ Middle School faculty lounge

Women'* support group ipon Advocates for Survivors ef Domestic •6 pjn. Tuesdays, call 789-4191 for dj

Advocst ea* gtoup for chUdm u p I ~oW who have wltnes*eJ-domo»irc vi

pjn. Tuesdays, call 788-4191 for dinx Unplmned prvgnuxy Chri(tlafv4

port and counseling group - 5: TWsdays. 425 NUurice St. N. Twin Jane at 324-5103.

Breast feeding support grou -Wetlnesdays at St. U ik r t Wood RJ,

Medical Cenier. 727-8410.Grief support group - 3 p.m. I

Rupert United Methodist Church. 6 43&33S4.

IIIV support group • 10 a.m. e,r Saturday. Call Jane at 733-3129.

LDS substance obuac t^oveiy g ^ Fridays at 2420 Parite Aw. In B

MOMS d u b meets weekly for SUI ftctlvi tJ«, CtsU Mstttisr s : 73442SS.

Health Care Provider 12 Step 1 Program - &X pjn. Mondays at 42S N.. Twin Falls. Call Denise a t 73< Brian at 436-1721 -

. Adult ChUdroi oCDyrfwietkml I S pjn. Wednesdays at the Walker O Second Ave. N, Twin Fall*; 734-4200.

Falls Senior Conter the last Wednest month, meeting following lunch, call!

GcBiMtmolhen in Touch • Christii mothers who pray for grandcbilc schools, 734-2653.^ C randtao^’i ^ l^ y e r Fellowsli

cvenri^ ng ea.

M a ^ Valley Bruin Iniwy Suppt ■ad R*fenml SerrkeT For infortna Cassandra Blakley at 326-40Sa

Maiat in Touch - Christian momi vwious times throughout the week tc children, schools and teachers. In I central Idaho regioa call 82S-9C04.

_,_,feff«!jLPwn.Syndr«i>e.aiiU W oematlon:^! 73M869, leave a me

Pom PoUe.Support Croup • For inft call C78-257I.

..S o u th e rn Idaho Twfat Fan* S l f ^

Information, call 43&960aM etta llha tth Support Creiv - 7

and third Mondays at the Twin Fails Hospital cpofercK a room; (800) 572-9

third Tuesday In*0a5«dE 5Iu‘i ^ View Care ^ t e r anil Rehabililati S598.

M ethm e( Young CMkiren - 7 pji -sad foonh-W edn«idayi-anhe'Tw Rafottned Church, 1631 Grandviev 324-703S.

Breath Easy Club and Magic

mi d n e s d a y , J u l y 4 , 2 (M

S ^ —projects include a handica

le restroorn and a picnic are

) of Southern Idaho offe I College for Kids ciasMI-F-ALLS------^Ihe-ColleB1 Idaho announced the folk for Kids classes; lg Snacks Fun and Simple idents in grades two to four s snacks such as quesadj muffin pizzas, strawbeny-ba larfaits and orange slushies cracker treats. Students wii ! book. This class will be a jn . to 1 pjn., July 9*12 am U).i the Mad Scientist will helf grades three to sbc invest

nds by conducting a varie : experiments. They will alst own chemical garden that g iges colors. The class will be ; p.m., July 9-12 and the cc

ith Beginning Spanish will t in grades four to six basic e ra ses and- o bou t c u ltu r -speaking countries. T he i eld from 12*1 p jn . Tuesdays irs,julyjl0;26.and.the.costis lg in Value will show studeri !ven to 12 how to create outt nd still-life drawings. I t w l :p.m.strokes-ln.Paint>will-teach grades seven to-12 about vi d w orking from life and ; . Both classes will be held J t 3St$50. It will be held fron

hotography will show can 1 and care, the basics of phi id film types. S tudents shi ally adjustable 35 MM con d u ring th e class an d wii i.to.take.photographs.usiiig oils of film. The dass 'is gei :hildren in grades four to I will be held from 3*5 pjn . Jly 21. The cost is $25. For r ion or to r e n te r , call 733-9 I.

3 G A L E Nm u^'^v i^ 'it — BroHho* C h b e(

don. call 344-6567.Chrlstlaa 12-S


732-5317._ . La Leche Lea]


Thursdays at 9628.Cenier. 3 0 8 _ Twia Falls -10 ( ---- Kati conference rot;an ^ ,;^ i7 ;n— nta iih -u cp irtM i■-5722.

709 Heybum A l'A n O n * for

s ." " * ”(Aurch, Stevens Str

: Jetoa»e“ ^ n o oPreiby tarian Chi

m tally lllo f Jerome. 324-2379. llness, their Jerom e -7 psd ^ W o o d Preslqteriaa Churcl ige,call788- Ketdaon-SJOa

- Seeend8CEH736-3: oniored by Kcttbum*neea'Slic Violence 23S4.•directions. Twin Falls - 8■p to 12-year Valiev Fellowshlt>:; vfcteS*—6-------734«&4:---------n w i ^ Twin Falls - ncn

5:30-7 p ^ MOI. in Falls, call Twin Falls. 9 a j

FeUowship Hall, 734«J*P ■ ""O” ____ Burley . 8 p.m.River VaUey------Church. 21WBuftot

Hailey - 7 pjn. T 1. Sundays. Hall, 799-4209 or 781 1, 60S H. St., BuU - 8 pjn. Fri

516 Main, 543-4926.A l a t o e n . i ,^

rg ro u p - 7 Ilfohasbeenoffecte > Burley; call ing.

i-p S c T i a m ^ supponand 2095thAvo.N.TWit

/(i™.Imer’.D i support group

Twin FbIU •al FmiUes - ___ Wednesday of motCenier. 203 sponsored by Sunl oo. Fayeal734-864S.Bllad and Burley • 74 p.m

at the Twin month at Buiiay Sei esdayofthe Aihlcy Manor Care 111733^073. S45I.stian grand- AlCOhOllCS Am 1 dren and »Mvwinniw» n i n

Twin Fan*. For I rshlp, non- 73M446 or 733-7897 praying for Sunday B r ^ a iaine al 734- nates beiwean 9 a.

Cafe, Highway 81 .port Croup- • course. Burky; 67*4? tnatlon, call Study Gre'up

Wednesdays, Tht ims meet at Episrapal Chuidi, X ttoprayfor 878J200or679.9414 n the south WecBen*i Group

Snow Buildlnju 132il*Ht.:.F(»f____S44«or87#-£»50._ .tnestaga. MinlCoiilaCtcuinfomtatioo. Snow BuUdln*. 132:

9040 or 439-5448. Ik s -S p jn . Gooding-Tuesda

f le n i . For 436^2or432«71B

7 ju n .f lm E . a S T a S ^ S ^

p i « ; « 9 0 p - 7 ^ Avo.t».9.878-90Sa

678- a d l 7 M ^ “*"*"

p m s e c o n d _ J | S S S l ! ! M t Debtors Anony, „ .. CaD7324767.

lie Valley For business own*V - 1 , <■

0 0 1

— Stateic a p p k "M O U N T A IN irea. ParicwHlhostA4

Highllghtsof fferS Viewing th e ;

" through _the pa theevening.

ege-rof-— —A spedalch il illowing G uest Speal

Lowell Observi pie will about Mars ma\ )ur how Mars in 3-D ai id illa s , A screening c banana W*^men” a t 11:3 ies with ' Program adm will get dren age under )e h e ld 16 miles south c and the the observatory

. . fishingand playelp stu* For m ore ird » d g a te Kurt Zwolfer at nts_an5 __ riety ofilsocre* — ■*— *— itg row s' ■ 4 * .7 3 b eh e ld ~ ' | '® . cost is I ■ ^

11 teach E x , j j 6 :every- u r e in e class r ly san d f .; i s $ 3 5 . _ ien tsin ^utdoor, will ^^ ____ V \_______; vBlue,

pho* H i Ju ly 9- tun 2-4

photog-shoulduunera(Till b e B o ^ S « l l« j8 r ., B!l n g .tw o _ _ th an k jmi M tar ti geared A lK lm im .T lM l.l1

i n d l « * , i i i l * H b TtMciau Bpprccb

J D A R —^ Id»he.-Porinota iitfonna--------f\

e o n e ta . For infermatian, coil ^

ial73SlW lorA myat324- Id

10 a.m. second Thursday in W ■ rooth st South Central District ~ Slm fa fC S ra B p iS ------------------------» pjn . nrst Wednesday ai Sl •tim Center. N.for people coneemad about ' ing. Hotline, 736.3555.I p.m. Monday, Senior dtisen & ■troet, 7344481. EtIt. Tuesday, Peace Lutheran> Street and Sixth, 7344239. .noon“ T h u rsd iy s-a t F irs t------ (nChurch, 262 E. Ave. A. in9. 22

p.m. Thursdays, First ureh, 7344664. Tl» ojn . Mok% , Sun C h ^ S71 «-31&S. El«a W«dnt«iay. Sun Oub, 720-

22> 8 p.m. W ednesday, Migie tlp_Haii,8gLSe«r.d.AYc.J<,____ FJ

noon Friday, Step meeting. 13 lurch, 209 Fifth Ave. N., 423-

PJ) a jn . Saturday, Magic VaUey p j734^611. Rc >.m. Tuesday. PresbyterianftotrAmr«6-9K3.— ------------FrIt. Tuesday, St. Chaiies Parish M •7885944.Friday, Presbyterian Church.

126. Vsyoungsters age 9 to 19 whose p | x ted by someoM ol*e‘s drink-

rwin Falls, 7344664.0 IM 8 S O

u p f O r l ^ l l o s ^• 10:30-11(30 a.m. third

month a t 640 Filer Aro. W. unBridge Care Cenier, call

p.m. second Thursday of the Ce Senior Center, snwisorod by

:are Center; colt Blill at 677-

Inonymoiis■or information, call 7334300,■897.kfast Group - Sundays alter- ““ } a.m. and 3 p.m. at Edith's u , 91 E„ across from the golf 7*4l799or678«29i ^u,jp • 9 p.m, Mondays, ^ Thursdays a l Sl. Jam es ™ %2CkhSt.andOakley.Burier,'414.nip • S p.m. Mondays a l the u, 1321 Oakley Ave. No. 9; 438-

raup • 8 pjn. Tuesdays at the 1321 Oakley Ave. No. 9; 677- g ,

isday night Freedom group, 8 “ ■ jiiscopalOvureh. 125 7th Are,

•8 pjn. U o n d ^ and Friday Sbc g behind Episcopal churA;718. flig

. ’ilking * 1 p.m. Sunday and 7 the Snaw b id in g , 1321 Oakl«7 Ma

iN * F o r^ ro ln fo n a « > i« n . SM the

VoUiy • For mere iafonaa- Net

■nvnvMift WeIIJIIHJUa ggj

wnera, call at 7336088. . , |

e p a r k foIN HOME - B runeau Dun t Mars Day a t its observatory > of the event indude: - lie red planet up d o se and parks collection of scopes

:h i]d ren*9 sh o w a tS p jn , " ^ — e a k e r K e v i n S c h i n d l e r f i i r v a to ry i n F l a g s t a f f , A riz .' n a v e r i ^ P e r d v a l L o w e ll a t J 3 a t 10:45 p j n .lg of the movie classic, “Mai 11:30 p ja .idmission is $3 p e r person v ic r 6 free. Bruneau Dunes is th of Mountain Home. In adi ory, the park offers hiking, c ilajing in the sand, irifonnation call p a rk intc •a t 366*7919.

— ' “7------------- :a 'r '‘ ! S

School Bovd chainnan; k IT to Sobool Board.TnistMt Mik Mtw WM sifMd by 40 nMintw imsthm in conjunction witli th< ro0fafn, which Inchides strttcM »r bands.Klatod Uw school district alloti

“ Narcotfcs AnonymousFor information, caU 736-1 IGO or

BiM . Know fear group, 7 p jn .! 119 Broadway Ave. N„ call 736-116 328.5257.

Gooding 8 pjn. Mondays, comer I Idaho; 7 tun. Thursdays, 1120 A Mon

Ketchum 7 p.m. Mondays; 6 Wednesdfv^ 6 JO p - i^ & H ^ y * , S

------lOmbcrir 8 pjn.“nui«diyir310 MBortey Saturday Night'* AMght

NA, 8 pjn. Saturdays, 1321 Oakley A Building, Suite 9; 678.1330, (non

For inform ation, call 6 Sundv nlghl meeting, 7 pjn. Sund« Eilis.

Paul • 8 pjn. Saturdays, 220 E. EUi 4Udie*On»,6p .m . Mondays, 23

' Mcnd«yB(dilationpeup,8 p.m. 220 E.E12is (nonsmoking).

I t Werics, Hew and WIv Book Stu Tuesdays. 220 E Ellis.

Emmen Crotq^ 8 pjn. Wednesda

“ ™ ^ ^ G , o u p . 7 p j : . T

Friday NIgbt Basic Test Book Sna

ihqieft Noon Thursdays. 121 W. 1( 1330.

Twin Fklls. 7 JO pjn. Sundays, 289 pjn. Wednesday. 1201 Falls Ave. E. I pjn. Fridays, 315 Falls Ave., Desert Roomll2.

7 pjn. Mondays; 6 J0 pjn. Tuesda' ~Frtdays;7 p m S a tu B a^ i t 8 0 1 2 ^

M a id u a n a A n o n y m o u sTwin Falls - 10 p.m. Saturday

Valley Feilowsh^ Hall. 801 Second 736«918,aU 12«eppcrsweIcomc.Pill Addicts Anonymous

Jiy n Falls -_I2-yep remvenr

Overeaters Anonymous■ Twin Fan* • li;J0 p.m. Wodnctds

a jn . Saturdays or 1 p.m. Mondays. i in p at the First Baptist Church. 910 i St. (use side door on Wednesdays ai -Avenue cntnuKS on Saturdays); 732-0

-----Heybum, call 6794531 fW moretkXL

Geoding - 7 p.m. Mondays at the Cenier. 1120 Montana; 934-8092.

Other Jobs Daughtere

B c th d t s * 7 p ju . fccond an t l«M danal 1519 Overland Ave. In Bui

Belhal 14 • 7 p.m. second an< l is n d m at 225 First Ave. E. in Jerum

B ^ e l 15 - 7 p.m, first an Wednesdays at 6th ood California In < C.U9344283.

Bedtd 43 • 7 pjn. fin t and third I at 883 Blue Lakes Blvd. N.

Bethel 56 • 7 p.m . second and Wednesdays at 893 Blue Lakes Blvd. h

. M a w n l a a c t l v i t J e s -------------S a r e( the West 35 Older c< £■««

8 pjn. first Thorsday of Month a t ' Masonk Lodgo on North Idaho Sltvet.

Geediag Eastern Star Ledge - 7 'teCond'Tbeiday oToonlh a i~ M a j^ ' Sfath ArciiM and California Sttvet.

&daMie c tep ttr 77 Older e( the S t ir * first and third Wednesday at Tenqile, 113 E. Idaho la Pau l 436^26 , Rupert 39 Order of I te E aa u ti Sta

Ihe aecead and fourth Thursdayi MaaoalcTempla.620E.8t.. 531-S19a

Twte FUh C l iv ttr 29, O rd s ef tba S b r - meeu the tecood and founh Tu the Masonic T eapte . Blue Lakes Be North, 73M816.

— Twin Fall* U d g * 4S - S p.ra. t Wedneiday at 893 Blue Lake* Blvd. 6937. : •

R a p st Lodge 65 - 9 pjn. f li» We a t Ropert Masonic em pie. 620 E. :


i N s i r----- .-Comlca_____ -Morning b re a k .._______ ^ C la s s if ie d . . '. . .

Community Editor. Pat Mart.

)Gi4s e so nm es S tate ry July 14,

d personal >s through

from th e uw iU talk 19:45 p jn . •

[ars Needs '

with ch il-.. is locatediddidonto - *mss.camping. E » .l»U iln J cooi(

r z r *

>R T H A N K S _

____ ( * ) • _ i | r

M M f H h S tI f j f •

/ ■

loft, and Aodray Sisson, socofM liko Bauchmaf Ron Thao^,^ tMfs of M oxerc^ dm , 60 an tho Collogo of Southofnldaho. T :hh(| arms, lo(s. knoos, foot am

owing tho uso of tho gym for th<

--------------- -^ --------------------------

or (900) 329- ner” foun?S ^S n ® ^ 4037.

Arch MlIl60orl900) T»»esdi«. Rupert Moi

, , . . P au llo d g e 7 7 -.

S £ . ^ r a m » S f F S,S 7 J E 2 n d ___ _ Buhl-Post 3G04,

pjn. second TuesdayIMiifl St.----------Cotlru;543-5437.— 'h t Git>up ef Burley - Post 3041 Ave., Snow ~ p.m: second Tlunda on-imoklng , ^ H a II .S S 4 H I |M

1678-1330. pjn. third T u o d ^ days, 220 E. &d&.678-93ia

Glentis Ferry • f mis. Post. 7 PJU. third T,220E.Ellis VetetaasMemcrialli------------------------- C*«dlBg-Po*t 3(n. Mondays, third Thunday of th

Memorial Bidg, 934-! Itudy.8 pjn. Hailey - Post 412

Bellevue, 509 Fon ■dayK220E. Thursday of the awni

Kimberiy - Pom II . Thursday], pjn. third Wednesda

dlis«scen ter,423^ tn«ly,7p.m. Rupert. Post 3678,

.100S.;678. Rupert ChiUDenbpi Shoshone - P os t;

S9Shoup;7 Post; 7 p.m. second E. No. 21; 7 Shoshone members b nDulldlitg. Twin Falls. Post:

p.m. second Tuesdadays; 7 ryit____ Falls DAV.IIall.4S9SdAve.N. W endeU -Post2

Poit. 7 p.m. first Thi Wendell Senior Cltl

sy i, magic ' quarter master at 324 ndAve.N., . ftebekaH Lodgfl

Idaho Rebdcoh U

I^^p^9j30 R ^ RrteSah IU»

} Fellows Lodge at We>

and third Wednesd 0 Shoshono Goodin*.

. SyT&aRebekah 2-0767. Mondays at t re informa-------Jenimc:------

the Walker . th ird T U e ^ ^ a tU ^Other orpnizat

MUItaiy Order o f t 6 7 9 -7 p.m .'first W National Guard Armi TwinFalls. caU 324-41

md founh CM aJm Sli«le* CBuriey. and every, otherind fourth Foursquare Center, wna. Fan*.73M255.and third . C hcfa tkaM enR

d Mondays Twin FaU* a s p tc otKaniiation for busir

nd fourth 8J 0 aum. every -niui« LN. at 7330404 or Joan at

Odd FeOaws. 9 n. ----------Z— "Felknrni*n:i3dim d'■**m Star. Twta Falb C texe■I Wendell p.m. first and third «t. LakesB)vd.N.

Thursdays In F ^ i d d he Eostcm Union Ledge 45 • 1

te -m e e ti SM leiy - 2 p.m. f ir i^ » tiU h a ■ -BtriiananSt. ........

ifaeEaawn ThUpublicnrvletcTuesd^r « • H ef» M atk VaJkv du Boulevard hatvicurmOTn'nglte*

" , h t Inhrr^ liau m td .•tn* f irs t—— o guiiuutiun,-dav anrfd .N .,42^- nrntingwithatktphoi

onioct persan IS Alt frWednesdn Nw*. m Box SO. Hie.St.,43& aubCoimdar.TTwifaa

I D E ^TVTT— -.E2 ■' :k...........'. ,E 3 - -----------_______ E 4 -W _____ ___________-

fanantomo- 735^288

-----------S e c t i o i r E r ' -------


iboios Dp Man at tho. not Stato Park on Mars I.

nm d from Mt, prooont at r t ,A iid ro»RoM a n d J a >— --------}andpvor,holdattho 10. Tho clssi BOO* a low­land bands, ttslng p o k >

r tho program.

n t Shrfoe Chib, 6 J0 p-m. din- dnesday at Rupert 1 ^ 436-

Is M asons - 8 p.m. second t Masonic Tetnpie, 436-4037.77 • 8 p.m. first Thursday of - M) Paul Post Office, 438-5150.f Foreign Wars3G04j/rhur*ton Pence Post. 8 ssday:^ 1 month at Lincoln

t‘ 3043, CassU County Post. 8 , , jrsday e t the month al Buriey ' illdUaad.6452387 •1073. N. Andrew MoUer Post; 8 lay of the month at D e ^ E ke

7 • Foil 3646. Glenns Ferry ltd Thursday of the month at rialHall.366<27ia

S S S K ' S i l K934-5065.t 4128. Big Wood River Post,Fourth S t., 8 p.m., third

month; 934-9002.OM 10328, Klmberty Post, 7J0 iesday of the month al tenkw 1 2 3 ^ 3 .3678,llariowlfc>opesFDai. 7D0lourtblW daysoftheinaotbat------------irfepmoit Cento', 4366964.■ost 3001, U ttle Wood River snd Tuesday of the montli'at ers homes, 88&27S5.>0*12136. Hemy Lytle Post,-8 e ^ ^ of 1 month at Twin

Dst 2974, Thousand Sp ring It Thursday of the month' at ■ Citisens Cenier Bidg., call 1324-4016.dge•hLedge 96 -First and third n. at 120 W. Avo. A. WendaU. h Lodge 107- meets the sec-

^West I3th Street and Oakley

cbcfcah Ledge 9 8 .2 pjn. First nesday a l the Lodge Hall,

Jiah Lodge t to - Second and ia i .8 p .m .a i J32E.A vc.'.B .— -

ah Ledge 45 • 2 p ja fint and Lodge lUU Inllagerman.Izatlonsr of the Purple llean O M tcr I t Wednesday of month at Armory. 1069 Ftontier Rood.24-4183. / tlM Group.7pj«LooJune2S ther Monday, ChrislUn Iter. 181 Morrison St.. Twin

na BibleTelBwaap*: 7 / - j ~ ■oc CMU Caboose room, calTAl

» p te t of UTIp, professiiua ' J business men otkI womeo, 7- luisday at Depot Grill, U uk an at 736-2519.

>ap«er Order ef DeMoiay - 7 hird Thursdayi a t 893 Blue

Lodge 4 - Second and fourth________

I j j ^ ^ - Second and founh

45 . First and third Tuesdays

IBSetfaedistOaMbWMCB's ■. first Thursday a t 211 S. _

visrofumnV du te m d orpmiM ticnT^I lotoA or ea i«dacif veur nw^- amif noriee w iA namt <4 A t ranrftP*dtf«).*Bn«flunaaftfce' ■ bptenr numbiraad nomea/a n it M m m tnnb or Th* I8.7Wn/UZ(«J3aj;«t*m>*n «ifa>d»r»ifnaon7UKfa|l..

Y :

^= = = = sa= = nm iim n;im rM ,

-1- . ’ Claa«icPMmit»-----_: m r .Attornev/ p o -v

IF I ASK VOU ABOI ___ " W A tF ^ ^ tc e >NS»



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c A M ^ s e r ^ I

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------ l- BiwtleBaltey -----------"


i;:Ff»kv)d ErnestMJxHi

,/TlM Bom loser

: i f l | r o p H ! ' m r


d' voiTm in ^BOUT VOUR______________><SURANCe?- _ j f S b ^


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---- ------------------ ByCnartes

I T R A T S 'H E M A P e ^^ A > Jg 5 E -M V -H A T -^

By Scot

i /l j e r e n t VOU SUPP TO F IX r-\Y. FURNA<

1/ ° A N ^ x t h

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N<?—Y&UR THiM Wfl<& tfSF- iMOeFSMPeMT'S PAY.

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3TM OH/tfr

By Ctiance

Ol'l C O fA PintP! WAOAZi \ - SU B ^R IF^C SH

______________ 7-^

— — I----------- By Branl Parker &-Johr

<soN 5rrnrnc»M j


By Chris

f ^ / e i s e - r 7 2 ? < s o /K £ = & A C K ^

ByMoit( ^ e S " U N P E f ^

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__________________By Bob'

^ RfC/lUSe P/»Ui ^ i f e v e ^ f f i > i p N 'i

A C C i S ^e -------T O - T H ^ - =I I N T e f t f i ^ T . .

f c


Tjexx Ti(A£. lets not sit w UNKK. WH£E£ TM£ FIS EWO

I fc Age. GOtW' C

is MrSdiiiir— “ ~"Fbf Better

—- / --------------- MlMOTIS.'i

__i __®< A ^ ( / c r ----

x tt Adams Btondk

?POSEO^ , ___ _ACE. _ J ^ 3 ?F tA Y ' s u iHOUSE. • \ ^Oi: A

ahnny.Hart----------- PieiOet—

'W------- Denntathof

^ T O 1,1 HE JOV ). w u r V

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- • “ Ge e , /v- r = ^ NEvf e ihnriyHait — RoseURosi

______ IJ rr,

is Browne Ztts

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I ^ \)it Walker Liam

,-«Oia* IthawS-AS^ ■ . BCNCeSGB

S tm soB nn

(I K E H r* . J l - t 1 7-,■T i I

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m & Chip I f C Z E j l

WefiCTLV ^ ^ W / 5 Jc«K5 : ^ ^ m f TOFF!

S - l ^'

tetofForW oiM ------------

? D ’a g ? j s s u % p ?

— WJjK l Jffljl—

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» Menace ■ ■ ------------------ B

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tl .fM C w iti^

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To'R>ASnftoRGoo& Le______VT3UES_____ . , _------- O tfr« S F M eH o o K =

_ ______ AARSH

JSPV ^ ^


“ I }------------------ n------ —

1 c s a

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-ByHank-Ketcham-------- Th«i


r.V "” \ 7

— "W

INKYOU’P■cfZ£.-__________ _

ririrAN‘miiH&I IH fWtncUAIll

» ikrfe

< a n v s a f e a m 19 \s E B m iN T D i ^ m 'T s o N t w s r i s tW IS U X JK IB R S S f)E w v iW (S i» a s |

C n i— UMOM.

ByJohnDeering ' NonS

■THaBtddBST^ . 1e g ea iT V .e iE K w s in , -

• e i \ /

___________ ByDe

f e i

« Family Cbeia~---------------

_ ____ ___

■; >

Why does Daddy alw fars? He knows now 1


W. BERNIce UEPT | ! | | ^ ^

iSequttur ;f 'WPLlMPfiJW- oue

,1VR-’ «N C t Wti.Oo'IbUKMM- ■ ■

V / WWKT'NC-W. * "• J W M P tV f* ,, JTO Cl

jr~~^ L -TJJ^

r - M< » o f t»H 0006 .[fW6.tBai»B«wfa - . jTV»WC(»6.«# f / >

__ ^ Lynn Johnston ~ -_;

y Dean Young & stan Drake

\ l l^ ( a N e H 6 L > T 3 > - ' f W T O M


By Brian Crane

7 h » r m 9 r a v \ |

By Bil Keane ^

ilways watch old------w they came out.” _

~ By Pat Brady

1 '

1 Borgman and Jerry Scott'

^ S -

../r=^ LBy Greg Evans

'■ ^ W l te y

o u e f i r e £ ^ t v _ ] j | J JI i i TWW c uw , 1

l<»CKr»>KQ»*4lC Y c J ltiL w R s tw a i* , i > IGcptpsiytei'-


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30 Ricrt-atiNrt — n - ■• 31 CQOntQUno . ^

roomi r32 U i« « ,• _ .

3«'Punoim' *— ^prtxTucl •

• 37 C<Ai or P«p«| 38Tum'righil 4 Ab

• 39 MCfvs.furUnly B Tri ' • * 40 C«nrnon B U>

, ' . •howtfgtft .7 N l< 41 Plainung * . ' n«i

42 8up«rlal»t|y d.Tai■upirtor 9 c ii

- - 2 1 3 Kintf of irtingl* lo .ln l._• _ 40H0UMh0ld - 11 Thi

47 ?Wn ttfind ia BiJ

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B7W indar' ■ffi'.ea,P*n»W •h o t! 27 8hi

e9Aoaompll«h»d v 28 8fi

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1 BtoofM i - • M Ain

. ■ •- ____ itm ir :,____ _^__3fl.0a(

z A lle i^ iw il l e i

j ^ z b a n d t o

• L 09 ANGELfe9{AP). .. Allen will embark on u tl ' Wm i Coo« tour.noxt mo .E ddy Diviq $ Ula New

V Jaa B o n U to m m o teh litr ■ : ‘T he Curse ortho Jade So

Allen play» clorlnet v bond every Mondoy nigl

• Carlyle Hotel in ManhuttaThe band la acheduled

Aug. 2 In S e a ttle , An OoUond, Calif., and Au^ Angeles. Screenings wilTt

.. - uled o day before the 9 : Seattle and Lod A n ^ e s . /

. ing In San Francla'co w place before the Oaklanc m ance.. .'

A c t o r w a l l —

p e r f o r m i n S

b e n i e S f i t c o n c- ’ LOS ANGELES (A P).

; Seagal and his six-memb jo ined by th ree fem ale singers, will piArfohh All

. - the Sash! E jn ^ e n c e 2CH ' fitconce^ir^-jamaica.• • Seagal, and jhis band wi - Sevei^ son^jfrom an alt

. for release in September, year-old actor wrote or <

__ « all thejongs on the albuir; “I l ia v e always loved m u sic ,” h e sa id . “ W J a m a ic a e a r l ie r th is

;■ recorded with Beenie M V»;^Toots IJ ib b to . As for our «>appearance'on Aug. 26, •

_ to g iv e i shoeking-pMom ' The SasBIlExperience

^ e d u le d for Aug. 22-26 Rios. Concerts will take ] JameS 'Bond Beach with

____Jean as the host.Seagal’s filihs include

.“ M ark ed fo r D e a th ,” “ U n d e r z S ie g e ,’:'

C .-^Exeaitivj D edsion” an .'Wouncis” earlier this year.

’ The ac tor said his inti _ j n u s jc .d e v e lo.R ed Jn _ tj• ly fe li^ ^ n d T w a T R e ha .^nsp irgd by C u rtis Ma

^iEwi55j M I M M

I p B

H i

_____ TlMttllT*!AtHtlo rtad ' |g |m|a| rH n1i TfiP • 0 Q n 1

■ tjidiH'tntn?. I Q iJwB n i Niiiiitoliti* - 5 u n«ti.TabI* preite'tor PH H ^LM lllj Citaroul . iBioioiTlLfAl?'«xsr ■ y-sM; ;Wno w 1 H » ■ h1' Burning ooal ■■■nTTTTTTE

I Blao)( holl SxpriMiont ol,•aiiiliotlon . * ■ » T T iTc Try to oulfun— m t T h o l^ if^lttMry . s i x ' l lSharpan .Siaaigl*Ontolltvt, 97 Raddlih bnwi ■hartly 90 Milt ilaaium BacKbene -40 Prldt mambor Oiillnol rtglon 41 John o( *Pawlt Alfimiiivai JO- TowW- ligon . . 42 Italian monk Breatht . . 43 PirmtKani •halJowfy 44 Ont ol H«fpo'i .Oalamai__ _____ brolhara—_

e m b a r k o n a l

CO p r o m o t e n t

f)-W o o d y ■ A U onv^u three-dtv ingi In oachmonth witn from eoch coJW Orleunfi nonprofit mtin new film,. according toScorpion." la releasing tl:)t with the . . In 1996,light at the European touItton. in the docurled to play Blues,'* bu tAu». 3 in formed live 01 og. 7 InXos He wrote, iiTbe sched- “The Curse oe sho^s in which also i s. A screen*- ' H e len Hum tw l l l t a k e - David Ojdenand^perfor- Theron.Thei

S ^ s h i i c e f t '?) - Steven. l ln b er band, »lie backup -------Aug. 26 a t - 0HN7DATIA» 2001 bene-

R V1 WiU debut V Z V album iliie K A H . . >er. The 50-)r co-wrote H H H Iium.__ _______ ^ed reggae ‘W hileis y ea r, I H B L Q i Man and 3ur concen:6, we placi Chicken Riormance.^1---------- Sftow Onice 2001 i i 26 in Ochd<e place a t ' Todiy^i th w y c le f l

. d i m o ' s —

and “Exit ' n x - :Jar. ANIMAL liinterest in MUMMY RETi th e ’late ^ I....... .nas'Ttieen" *' 1" ' " ' «tf?y M ayfie ld , A.I. »2I Htiiidrlx. ^ .•» Tod«v*«

T '- ' '■ • SWOF------------------ SC/

,'v ■ « ;» .J-• - I . V BAB’


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izm iipzz]

i i i i i i r i

m i^■■lATTtftAtofHtt] ■ *■ ttaloTM t^^ V

inTtTrTTiTNTtilM[ k U i d i i M S i f l i a b ■ U M H U * I^ T ih d ---------- dP P M t B F M . ^BjiIlBlyVMPh|Pjlft| ' ' Bl

own ' ' 48 Aolrtit I

bor ’ *iwlty 48 Dliunoliv* flair •

4D Plocrino plaot k 60 Zano of _

- Bl iMnioira Epo'a B« Brook ol . ^

tM y— ■■■ I , tl

L t o u r w i t h

l e w m o v i e |

UI Introduce tho screen* “ich city, and proceeds iconcert will go to local ^ ^music oraan liationa, , ,

to DrornnWorka, which rI tho film. . - « 5, A llen w en t on ntour that waa showcased i l :um entary “Wild Man *' u t he haa n ev e r p e r ­son the West qpast. t e, directed and stars in fv B of the Jade Scorpion," Jf0 s tars Dan Aykroyd, ^ in t , W allace Shaw n, -len Stieni and CharUse 10 movie opens Aug. 10. 1^



1 R un N ow toW »f.«.M M ;X ' I ( Day Wow (o m firOfrT.TMso—■ — tf.SOMbSufflmwUi0nMr)c*M ■ ^

■|8*f w M*-1I UM -118 - 4M - T:10 ■ I f f ' ■ DOOS«2;M.J:4M«a>r.-M4;4« H

RA^ffl^UTIFUL'''*^ I0-2.4J-l«e-r.-»-»;49 H. 1i:i0-2:4i.8:00.7:30.9:41ETURNS

^R D F^S H tjo^rlr , I _3CA RY M O \^E2 ~ ■

B p ’s., ‘TWO ww

L i Z S i

Mom’s— -D E A R A B B ^T ^T a^l^

“super mom.” Pm active sh u ttle our two daughti

- on .a .commuDity ,softball-t ~toa-Bymtwlca-a-w«ek,-ai

W ednesdays in a small equ ipm en t store owned in-laws.' ■.

My older daughter, “Je

tin lo r in high school), s y th e s to re la s t Wedi afte r school. A few minut

a nervous-looking man e : H e a^ked m e ab o y t so . equipm ent, and then - I w hat h e claimed was a gu pocket - demanded mom th e register.

Abby, If I had been thei I would have walloped h

' ru n fo r th e door, ou t I v/ant to take any chano my daughter there. I told take, what he wanted and

, Well, that wasn't tho er H e o rd e re d us In to thi room, told us to lie face bound our hands and fei

—d u c t tap e , gagged ua ar D e sp ite h e ro ic tu g g lr squirm ing, n e ither jen n

- 1

GapriconIF JU L Y 4TH 18 .

BlRTIfflAY ... you are In d e n t.b u t a lso crave affi You are loyal, no Btrongdr troversy. In love, you are t

. ate. Taurus, Leo and Scorj aona p lay m em oroble n y o u r life, could have th« tera, initials in names: D. During this cycle, morltal changoa. Much th a t hat routine will be transform! a d v e n tu re d u rin g A December most memorabl

- A R IE S (M ar. 21*Api Meaning of thia holiday ha im pact on you. Read and atay close to hohie If.po In c lu d e fam ily In 'celebi Taurus Involved.

TAURUS (Apr. 20>May aware of spiritual qualities holiday. Define terms, rec the courage of those who th e Declaration. Take tim*

b a sg sia

|om ?D A nA ^S (M ?40h l?^

B B I a t l A n '^ H ^ H t H E l o s t EM

0 r n T 0ATI A wnx AT 11.00 Cmb mEDDIE MURPHY -A

DI.D011i2jEsi n V

Sum m ar Matin— W— k a CHICKEN RUN HW.n>ur»1;M

— SNOW DAYiSiri;^V.MA a s ta V M wfo SummwUiibM*;

ATU^NTISiTO>Uy 13:30 . 3;SS- 5;f0- Ti30 • t

DR.DOUTn.E2 7.-».».j CATS AND 0 0 0 8

TMty 13:30. 3:gf . S;]0 • 7: JO • S

TotfaVa PQ 13R«t.dM ftw U , ____ TOMB RAIDER 7:00. t;30

iNaorALsumSvfMoi^i^scnei----- «a . 1Z-40 - i-45 - 10 . 7.-40 - 9:

04 -13:20 ■ 3:35 - 4:50 - 7:30 - 9;TlxW i P01» ntrnM U~l>.

W hat'a l»w W orst That C an Hajts . 12M - J; ts • 4:30 ■ 7.-00 • »:f;

LARACROFT: TOMB RAIDE IHDIOTAL svmouno OM 3 SCKCt Bl T t2.-00 - 3:15 - 4:30 - 7:00 - S.- *3 - 13:30 . 2:55 - 4:50 - 7:30 ■ 9:.


s *D©G5

fryearold-— --------------e in PTA.Iters end H P B P V awn, play—1-teamrgo-------and-'w ork= ill sports . sd.by my

Jennv"(a could free oui . stopped than an hour d n o .Ja y came ln,.heai u t .» U l« found u . m is lentBred. ' ' ,.om« >ki T h in k in g I -ho ld ing angry Ihan 1 BimtaW i timo wo lay b moy tram w o rried tha l

traum atixed i lere alone pletely helple; him and could hai I d id n 't happened ne:

icei Kith ■ fijed , Jen n y ; Id him to became fid leave. , literally rerei end of It. did you le t hit :he back ’ She ipparen i ce down, fee li - tha t w feet with kung fu o n h li and left. - Although 1 1 ing and ■ rish t thlnfk I i my nor I d a u ^ te r fs d li

m: Be ren1 -YOUR r ----------------& n L _ H or drtdcoii' . • 8ydn»pnision*

’r S u f ln *0 meditate. h««J l i t G EM IN I (I n M, V ' tcS !ShY: w ‘ruth

f ' ; . ! K o S k ‘to” tf

« o ' ; :w 'm i u original touch i . n / t h u do- A ccent ■«enoi!ifi •' • rom ance apotl o C d • » » i" w ‘' r 'iietSdSy Aquarian playi


iMs - t s

y o i

1.• »;fS

BTiir■9M * 0 - .

la p p tn


AB. JJ ^ .


1 ^ 1

ipTCacti. I • ,iii

3 __D ear - ij g ^ A B B V --------- ^j T 6 e n S n B S i r = ®

aurselves. I t was more ur before a customer q eard us moaning and •ussed up in the back

g back , I w as m ore • « n sca red d u ring theI'bound. Mostly I was y,la t Jen n y w ould be ' 'd for life. I felt com- th>less. n, la rd ly believe w hat next. When .we werely wasn’t traumatixed. y<B furious •« a t mel She ihreamed a t me, “Why cchim tie us up. Mom?** p<ently fe lt - and still ,p ; we could have used him or something.I still think 1 did the blI feel guilty that my codlsiUudoned because t t

mincied o:)RC)SCX)PE ^ dn»y OmarrTT - an________ I ho

r*l(M ay 21>Juno 2 0 ) i - q

I too far afield. Stick Iths, get promises In neone may be trying f~' you. Get prloriries in com Involved. fJ '(June 2 H uly 22)t Be

e hiBtory of this day.' . ») the future. Vou are • w ide reco g n itio n . ip tha t ended could , Aries represented. .. •

y 23*Aug. 22)1 Place ± on e v e ry th ^ you ' I t c re a tiv ity , give . (Other chance. S tart ,■ affa ir of th e hea rt. . if,®

ays key role. _ ^ J j '

D t i F f S t m l y l

. F i r e p r o o f y

Clear away dry 1 debris for 30* aro

Don’t drive or ps

^ B u r n w i t l f l

N ev er leave cam j , alw ays have wate

. L e a v e f i r e v i

Or, use them in i safety gear on hi

For m ore wwW.FirewUe.

Have a fun, safe Burea

Report wildfireB.atJl^aO

tiojTiang~her m other allowed some

de us up without a f i ^ t . gone from auper mom to schnook. Any id ea s on ti



DEAR BOUND GAGGED: You ac ted ap ; ately. R eal life is no t a n arts movie w here heroine risks and live beyond the < credits. If you had tried tc lop” the robber, one o r b you id g h t no t be alive toda

Don’t be so quick to cot that your doughtei' “waan’; matised.” She is blaming y what happened because si help leu and humiliated. B you could b e n e fit from short-term post-traumatic cou n se lin g so th a t w hat pened can oe put in propc spectlve.

DEAR ABBYt Thia ma)bit “racy" for your columi conaider it an u tem ativ e t( advice to “ F urious in At

of this da)VIRGO (A ug. 23<Sept

Land, property, could be a -buy.lf.you-tr8.obBervant..C answers, not evasions. Foe homo, m arital status. Pro| received, including portnen

LIBRA (S ep t. 2 3 .0 c t . R e la tlv ea vlfllt w ith o u t notice. Highlight flexibiUt) satility and humor. Make it however, that you don't u a te such su rp r la e s . Ga Involved.

SCORPIO (O ct. 23*Nov Y o u r-k in d of doyl Love m oney w ill be fe o tu re d . valuable returned. Count p sions and blessings. Tauru another Scorpio wul play dr Ic roles.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 21): Keep opdona open. See featurea change of Itinerary, flirtadon could become sei be careful, don't get in too

I C S j I

t c

a i ^ o u r b e :

y o u r h o m e .■y b r u s h , o v e r h a n g i n g r o u n d y o u r h o m e o r c

' s b i c j U i „ § a £ e d l ;

p a r k o n d r y g r a s s a m n=^?'c?etf”5 i? a * o tn e r '5 9 t

r c a u t i o ^ n r

m pfires o r b u m barrels ater and a shovel o n ha

i w o r k s t o t h (n a s a f e a r e a w i t h ad : h a n d .

•re fire prevention tl| ie.org or www.KeepI

Fe Fourth o f Ju ly froi e au o f Land M anage

B O O ;9 7 4 T 2 3 7 3 .o iL jlf ln

----------- --------------- ' Wad

^ers d au jleone to Mich.,** the 14-] 1.1 have b o yfriend wrcrh nnp»r hi»m» ^, how to__ R ather thannatg lra - d d ly u d v conf----------:— reffectlve'wayTi\GGED, would be to foX)NrPA. r e la te d 'to m e

-.-from Italy:—AND A braggart oi

pproprl- who would listm artial sex with th e cli

ies take som eone wouli closing her; she’d slropt o “w tJ saying, “ Yes, tboth of was sooo'small.

day. . . . • - I inc luden’t trau- DEAR N.BJ>.; you for . it a step furth*she felt m in d ed p ersoBoth of m ak e h im aelf

n som e m ak in g a n o thic stress worse. Peoplea t hap- their sexual ex]per pep lying.

CONFIDENI ay be a EST MOM ANI mn, b u t. Happy birthday to your pretdest, w ltde

\d r la n , In the world. XX

y’ssignificpt. 22)1 V inoinvolved a good CAimCORN

.Offiain'— Celebrate hoUdc ocus on sible. Focus on oposals m arital status. I inhlp. el. Be reminded It. 22)t conce. Libra feat t p r io r AQUARIUS L Ity, ver- "Answetii'found^ itc la tr , ■ Avoid lelf'dece Vpnid* no t o b ta in e d c je m in l Define terms, ou

Pisces figures p r )V. 21): P IS C E S (Pel v e - a n d — What had been d. Lost becom e perm o posses* have m ore resp

rus ond su re . Be reody dromot- You gain new t

tion.22*Dec.cenariory.MUd I H I f i J a l l T i Plerious; o deep.


m gtl^nii

o prot^^^ iautiftd IdS

lg trees or flammable outbuildings.

tv - -nd install spark arre£

Is u na ttended , and land .

le p r o s .dult supervision and

tips online: pldahoGreen.org

om ell o f u s a t th e lement.


'atkMsday, July 4^2001-TtaMeMM

■fc TV—1 A T y _______N G dREAK.

Ig h ter14-year-old whose exr w rongly c la im ed td xj vi thher i — , ianJoccing_iLP®.tfinj_____»nfrontadon,_ajnore_____iyToifliurihe~gu/\iii-------3 follow an exam ple ' ' m e by a c o lle a g u e

-t once boasted to a4 listen .tha t h e 'd bad .} class beauty.' W hen 'ou ld m e n tio n I t to Im p^ shrug it off bj{ i S j^ W tr le d - b u th q


Bj>.] r d like to take rther. Only a amalli Tson w o u ld t r y tq lelf look b e t t e r by o th e r p e r s o n looS ?Ie who b ra g abou2 ;•? : explolu ore usually ' .

1iNTIAL TO DEA R- ^ AUNT B PplE i iday ond love to th e tdest “flrecrtckera": X XX -JEANN E .. .

icanceiid 'RN (Dec. 22JWL 19)1lUday at home if pof— -----on w here you Uvei •

la. Decorate, remodf ded of day's signify featured. 'IIB (jon. 20-Peb. 18)t n d^behind r a e a . '^ eception. You hove id co m p le te s to ry ;1, outline boundorles,I prominently.F eb . 19*M tr. 20)>>en temporoiy could rm onen t. Y ou w ill -esponslbillty, pres< idy for prom otioiT IW respect, admira*


a h o .

Die ^

T e s te r s

i d _


»hone.----------------------- 1-

\ ■ :

I : e 4 T l m M * N « w t .T w l n' ■ —

: Noilce a P fopo tdd Wlthdn--------- OppoclunltylorPubllo Mm

• AGENCY: B urM u o l Land : . . . ACTION: Notlc«.r — -------SW MMARYfTH«'BuSiifoi-- --------Tff’BX tintf'PubiR rcirK row

plr«5 on O cto b er 10. 20 ( poH od Tho PLO withdrew i

to p re le c t t h e n

T h« :tan d h a s b e en a n d t• WtW wll

rioctlon with the propceed v l6 M In writing by the dalt Director ol the Bureau 'o l I

id raw ai com prlaoa approx publicjand and1.2B 0.00ac e sta In prtvaie landa locale p le te deadrlpilon c an b e | > Office e l th e address show I m a tlO n m a y b e o b ta in ;■ • www.M.blin.govA public meeting will bo Irom 4i00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. i at.'4;30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m, c Ino will IM held t Lower Sn R ^ . 3948 Devolopment > Tha «xtenslon will b e proc<

. r e f la t io n s so t forth In 43 C O ^ C : Com m ents m ust be the;publicatlon ol tho Foder ADDf\ESS: Com ments shoi Director, BLM. Idaho State B o ise. Idaho 03709.

: . FOR FURTHER INFORMA' mcma,. BLM. Idaho S tate C

!■ Boise, Idaho 63709.206-37 . Jlifftnlo Buxton f Branch Chief for Lands ond [ • - PUBLISH: July 4 .2 0 0 1 .

f - ' --------------------:

5 0 -------I



' ' MEET1NQSMay 21.2001

----------- T ho :8oanJofT riJB too9 'lo r'i Iho C o llo g o o f S o u th e rn

Idaho h a s estab lished tho 1 . t h i r d M o n d a y o f o a c h ' m o n th a s t h o i r r e g u la r

mooting date, in th e everit ' tno i.tho thlrd:M onday is a

hoJiday or conlilciiau wilh othor even ts, tho rogular^ schedulod mooting will bo hold.tho following Monday. Tho*2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 2 r e g u la r m o o tin g s c h e d u le Is a s follows:

. . July..18.2001 , Auflust 20, 2001

S o p io m b o r1 7 .2001 0<apber 15.2001 Novorrbor 19.2001 ‘

. D o co m b o rl? . 2001 • January 2 8 .2 0 0 2 - - —

February 25 .2 0 0 2 ' MdTcft'1,8.-2002 A p n ri5 .2 0 0 2 May 2 0 .2 0 0 2 ' ‘ '

, Juno 17, 2002In fo rm a tio n c o n c e rn in g spocilic mooting tim es ond

• \ pia.bea may bo obtained bycantaclinQ Mlito Maso'n at 208-733-9554 oxt. 2203. Jo h n M. Mason Doon of Financo P U B L IS H ; J u ly 4 th a n d

_______ l.1th ;a o o i.- ... r:.-.

.-V e g a l n o t ic eO ra(t-E nv lronm on ta l As- so s sm o n t on D ocom m ls- s io n irig o l IN EEL S p e n t F u e l B a s in A vaiiab lo lo r

^ Pub^cCom m onl.Tno- U .S . D o p ar tm o n t of E norgy is making avollablo

. lor public com m oni a draft onvironmontal a ssessm en t that oxom lnos aliomotivos

'f o r d o c o m m iss lo n in g a n ' n O !P g .sp o n tj> u c lo a U u o L s io ra ^a basin a t tho Idaho N jtior)al E nglnooring and Environmontal Lobor&lory. T ho d ro ll o n v iro n m o n ta l .-issossmont is titlo. 'D oac- tivailon, Docommisslonlng,

— :----- a n d -D ism o n ilo m o n to fth o 'C P P-603 Basin Projoct.' A 30-day public com m ont po- rIocJ ori tho asao ssm o n t bo- gins Ju ly S. 2001 and onds Aug. 8 . 2 001 . Com m onis roceii»od oftor that d a te win

_______ b o c o n o l d o r o d .q .o .practicable.Tho 603 basin s w ore built al Iho Idaho Chomlcal Pro­c essing Plant (now Iho Ida­ho Nucloar Technology and Enoinooring Conlor) in the 1950‘6 to s to ro sp e n t nu ­cloar fuol from on • and oil- sito rpac lo ra , Tho b a sin s u se d largo volumos ol w a- ' to r to p ro v id e ra d ia t io n sh ie ld in g a n d to coo l tho ro ad o r fuel. Built to 1950s s la n O o rd s . th o c o n c re te

T-- 'D n s in s h a v o no lin o rs or r“ ’‘i^ ''l3 flR ^ 1 K ii(W ’by5ibTO?Ai(* 1 fu o l h a s .b o o n rem o v o d

from 'tho basins and placod in o><Hor d ry s to r a g e , or

. mo^iTfTiodorn undorw otor I ba^ln^ lhat havo both linors r . an ilaa K d o to ctio n sy sto m sr

DC{E Inlonds to dooctivato 1 th o fu o l b a s in s , a n d th e

d (4 lt o n v iro n m o n ta l a s ­s e s s m e n t e v o l u o t o s o ra t^ go 'o f a lto rn o ilv o s lor c losing tho b asin s. T hose inc luao : 1) d em o lish and padfalty rem ove tho basins: 2 > tlo m o tlsh a n d g rou t In p U i ^ ^ ) deactivate and re- nwwe tho basin s: and 4) An ini4clm d a g e o l sludge ro- miawal a n d s ta b iliz a tio n , w h fc h js D O E'S proposed a n o n . T ho onvironmontol o ^ s a m o n t a lso ovolualos t h » r o q u l r o d n o a c t io n a lftn o tlv o .

----------T o .o b lo ln .o -c o p y -o f -th e -d iydh -A nv ironm on tal a s - s a i f f m o n t , c o n ta c t T im J a c k a o n b y p h o n o a t (208J528-8484 o r e-mail ai

- Ja cfcsb tb O id .d o e .g o v . or ■ B ra« i:8ugger 'by p h o n e a t

(208)526-0833 o r e-mail at b u g g o r b p O l ^ o o . g o v . T h o a e w ho h a v e a lre ad y

.. - r e s p o n d e d to a p o a tca rd , mailing on (he environm en­

ta l a a a o s s m e n t w ill b e- mallaO a copy. Com ment*

on (h« draft environm ental---aase aa m o n ta h o u k fb e ae n t

-------lo rF b g e r~ rw H c h e irT 6 0 3 '

: X'


fin F«H » . I d a h o W d n — d a y ,

n I i 80

NT. OE.THE I N T E R I O R ■ em ent>22i=_________________________hdraw al E xtension and Seating; Idaho md M an ag e n ^n l. Inlerfor

ir ^ C i ix r ^ a n » e m a n tp r o p o M i a ra s rrp ro rN o T e M o rw f iiS t ax 2 0 Q1 for a n additional I0«yeai •w public land from surfaca antrj • raer«alional,-Bcanla,-antf«ultup

Id will rem a in o p e n lo m lna ra »-wl»h loaobm n oom m erta In oofv te d ex tension m ay p rese n t theli d a le specified to the Idaho S ta u of Land M anagem ent. The with- iroxim ate ly 52 .353 .04 a c r e s ol0 a c res of resen /ed mineral Inter- w ted in O w yhee County. A com- 3e provided by the Idaho S ta te hown below and addttkwal Infor- a I n e d a t t h e B L M w a b a l t a

e held Monday. August 6 . 2001 .m. Specific briefings will b e given m, during'thai meeting. Tha meet* ' S nake River Dlatrlet Conferanea >nt Avenue. Boise. Idaho 83705. rocessed in accordance with the 3C F R 2310,4.be received within 90 daya from

ideral R egister Notice, should b e se n t to the Idaho S u te a te Office, 1387 S. Vinneii W ay.

MATION CONTACT: Jack ie Slm- te Olfico. 1387 S. Vinnell W ay. 5-373-3867.

end Minerals

^ I m ont. U.S. D epartm ent of E norm . MS 1216. 8 50E n-

_ orgy D r., Idaho Falls. ID. ^ 83401-1216 •RN PUBLISH: July 4 .2 0 0 1 .

n■ u l f l P enonoU -

.m 1 i o i ~ | !me I L O S T & FO U N Dc h J la rsrit I1 a ____Ploaso chock your ad lorl ilh_____corroctnoss on the UrstI irty_____day thal It runs, a s T h e l bo_____T im os-N ow s Is no t ro -l ly._____ sponslblo lor orrors af-l a r tor thot timo.__________ I

E-MAIL your classillod ad 10 us 01

tw lnadO m lcron .ne t -FOUND Border Collie X.

' ■ m alo. Black & w hite, tan ey eb ro w s , m ostly black face. 732-5557.

------FO U N O ak litonatThom pson Pari< on 7/2.

C all732-616e. FO U N D F em ale G orm an

Shophord, near tho LDS ng c hu rch In Kimborly. Coil nd 423-0908.•jy LO ST C ar k e y s w/romoto.

Noar Winco. opprox. 1 mo. ago. REWARD 734-7095

L O S T 4 m o n th o ld B luo Hoolor pup w/pink collar

^ _ o ^ H w y .3 0 ^ L o s l 2 miles__ S of B anbu iygm do ; S50

rew ard. Edlo 0737-1416 , 'S* L O ST 0 HO w ater sk i O 18- A ndorson Roson/ior 6/30. 'h i Cali 726-7377.

~ L 0 5 T e y e g le s s e a 6/26 bohirid K im berly M iddle

. . . S c h o o l botwoonflS 7:30-9:30pm ol T-Ball

, g a m e . Dosporaloly need thorn. 324:0696/734-3105

a®- nsk lor Sandm .B loL .L O ST H azelton 1>4.yr,old ho black Lab at Wilson Lako, nd sho m ay-havo wandorod y. Into lown. Call 825-5719. tol l o s t Whito toacup Poodio

Malo. LJist soon a t CSi.1®:- -A nsw ersC hoflo .734-9118 . > A LOST Whiio W est )0 . H igh land T errier fomolo. J- , vicinity Eastland ond Filor.

Call 736-8702.^isMill ----------------1-S- --E ‘ 1 . S



E 1 ^ 1>to

Od ^od ■ ■ ■ I P ■ ■or O

IS.•to . bno

i B .Iol


I tatsratat

% I V |V wwwj

si .^ i ■. ■

g y jJ u f y _ < .2 0 0 l 1 ___

r n . .d . i-■ C A R D O F


____jt6WRATUUtidNSI_Rooer ft Cindy

— O n Your Engagem entof Lora,

____ __ :

e x t ' FAMILY wish to thank all e a r those who brought food, ntry m ade memorial donationa. itup- ^ = ^ e n t cafda-a-show ed—

ira]^ . d u r i n g m e j l l n e s s t h e ---deaffi o l our father. Qod

heir ' Blesa Youi - late T he U e n n a n Family.

i 1 0 3 ; 1 tar- I DIETARY ,— Ifor-

To O at PaW To Loae Up To X)1 M ib a . In The Next 30 Daya /a n N atu ra i/Q uaran taed •at- • 0 G -0 e 2 » « 2 « : ic« I = ^ = = ^ = ;15. § . 1 0 4 ^ the I P E R S O N A L


“•« L ooking for lo v e ? Heart- «y. • q u e s t can help. Match-

m akara since 1990. A aea. in’- -10-09. Info: 1-800-949-3411 “y- w w w .H O Introa.com

^ wouS'iS lo*m eet gentlem an with

varied Interests. R espond— lo: Box 93157, % T^e

Times-Nows. P.O . Boxo f S40, Twin Falls, ID

in- 033O3-OS48.IID. ^ ■ ■

i 1 0 6 I_ I S P E C IA L I

■ N O T IC E S II * "

•Juicest S teaks on the S n a k e '

- 1 -------------- MONTANA-------------- ‘I_______ S IE A ItH O U SE _______I

J a L c O h o l i O ^A N O N Y M O U S

_ 208-733-8300 a. 726-46S0H

F A X . . t Y O U R


DEPARTMENT 2 0 8 - 7 3 4 - 5 5 3 8

‘ ‘‘ 2 0 8 - 6 7 7 - 4 5 4 3— (BURLEY) .

— T hat birthday od you placod in som o timo ago in Tho )S Timos-Nowgf Now is Iho oil timo to como pick up your

pictures. Stop by Tho iS: ~ a o s s l f l o d Dopt todayl

95 4 1 0 7 I I A B O R T IO N

lar g A L T ER N A T IV ES

SO PnEGNANCrCRtStSCENTEH''i 16 FflffeTESTIN G-j^ 734-7472 - 80(K371-7472.«

» i 1 0 8 I -_ I P R O F E S S IO N A L

I ^ ^ ^ E R W C E ^ ^

AFFORDABLE WINDOW 'I WASHING. Q uoran lood Kl work. Froo ostimaios. Call 05 423-5926 or 420-0005 or _ 420-7962. Si-. discount.M >ld A S S IS T E D 'L IV IN G h a s 10. room s avail, for elderly, od 734 .1866o r734 -4445 .«£ l --------BANKRUPTCY--------lio Alfordabk) & fast. Accklonts,

divorco & criminal manors.1 8 . - C a ll Brad Rica a t 734-3367--------------- BANKRUPTCY--------lo. , Compolilivo ratos on or. Chapter 7 bankruplcios._ Joff Stokor al 734-8452.

S u i t e d t o c o m f o r t

o r t o e a s i e r

p e r f o r m a n c e .

H a n d y .

C l a s s i f i e d 's •-

c o n s i s t e n t ) e a s y

_ a y a i l a b l l i t y J o r _ ^ _________

b o t l i a d v e r t i s e r s

a n d r e a d e r s

IX H eTm ira^Se^




v .m a g ic v a lle y .co m

rL L ja U tH A N D Y a iA N ^ A N — Repair, RabuiM. Replece

- • - w n e n w x . J im 38 » 4 1 5 0 -

J j 113 -Ir I CHILD CARE

l ^ ^ S E R V I C E S ^ l

CHILD CA RE 24 h o u r II- c e n a e d d a y c a re . M eals

-_ r rr ln e l.-A II :a g ea :w e lc o m e r ^ ~IC C P-accep ted ;^R eferer»-

c e s . Call 208-324-5784.B a KID WORKS


^0 ICCP C enlfled,. . d ■ ‘^ ^A ll.m ea la p ro v W e d .^ -^

Infants -11 yre.Doy, eves, nights & wknds

- . Call 735-1440 K IN D L o v in g M o t h e r

would like to take c a re of your chiU rsn In m y hom e;

J T F /F lleraraa .73e-4804Ji- .v L O V IN Q T O U C H D ay •n C ara h e s openings, for 18 ra m os. *. Call 736-4979B

STAY AT HOME MOM has 1 o p e n i n g . S u m m e r a c t lv l t le a . R e fs , e v a ll- Cindy a t 208-733-96e0.B

~W IQ Q L eB A Q IQ Q L E 8 Full time openings.

S55M k. ICCP accepted .- 5:30am. 73S-5020.B—

P ------PUBUC SERVICE------' MESSAGE^ Don’t pay to find work be- ° fore you got tho job. For

f re e In fo rm ation a b o u t avoiding employment ser-

-v ic e ecom s, wrilo to th e F e d e ra l T rodo Com m ia-


slon . W ashing ton , D .C ., 20560. or call the Natk>n-, al Fraud Information Con- tor. 1-000-676-7060.

- ^ 0 ^~ AG.WEEKLY-----------------------

CORRESPONDENTS . 'I f y o u h a v e o w a y w ith

words, an AGRICULTUR­AL background, why nol start your career a s a Part timo co rresponden t with thg M agic V olloy's'Ioad- infl ag new spaper? New s­p a p e r o x p o r io n c o la a plus, S end rosumo. list of rbforoncos and exam ples of relevant work to:

Ag W eekly Editor Carol Dum aa P.O . Box 548

Twin Falla, Idaho 83303

^ ^ 0 3 }. ASKING QUESTIONS . - C o n d u c t p u b lic o p in io n ' 1 polls ovor tho lolophono.

A B S O L U T E L Y N O I SALES! Strictly research , r S7.00 to $9.00 p e r ho u r.

Casual work onvironmont ' F lox ib lo o v o s . d a y s , & w knd. hours. 15-30 hrs; por weak. Groat port-limo job or second job. Cioso 10 CSI cam pus. For moro

^ .m ic.C all 736-28531111111111 ' BEAliTY

P r o f o s s io n a l n o il s p a noods a professional nail te c h with groal cuslom or

' serv ice. Salary d e p en d s ' on oxporionco & cilontolo. ' P lo o so se n d ro su m o to Attn; Joanne Bourquin

■ 628 Biue U k o s Blvd. NM



WE NEED; _ j



C M om oM uro^ ''"® ‘• Conlidonco to work

in last pacod store• Humor

WE PROVIDE YOUf• Drug Froo Workpioco• Full timo bonolils

✓ Bluo Cross Health (Em^toyar pays 100%

suraneo pmmlums)• . ✓ Ufo Insuranco . . .

✓ 401 K Plan I• U niform s'^ , '• Fuol Discount '

PICKUPAPPUCATXM" 6 8 8 Pok) U ne Road

All Shifts Available $6.00-$10.00 per hour


=Cdn5trucllon“" Clerical

FQrklift Certified . Production

'Macliine Operators Maids

Warehouse General Ubor

Assembly _ Applflirpeison al

e Sly1l8t.PT o r FT n « d « J .0 - —vaiybosirvaPPlTOW W W r

I with leasing optloM

• available. Call 734^2731 ,- L y n n o rU sa J i

CA RPETTECH p A vigorous work anvlrori- '* m a n t, a com m itm en t to

"___ q u a l i t y la n a o e a a a r y .'• - a K p e r .- la helpful But not !T - F a q u r r T d T W li r f r a ln lh a ' ! right pareon. P lease pick

up a p p llc a tlo n a a t S a r- ^-vfcamaater,^238-flth'A v*=

------------- C IRC U U T IO N ~ACCOUNTS;


if T ha Tim ea Nawa Is accapt- i; Ing ap p llca tio n s for thia I poa ition . D u tie s Include

Sp rocasalng o l paynienta, p repa ra tion & reconcilia­tion, & custom er aervlce.'

. H ours for thia full time po- I a l t l o n a r e f ia m - 3 p m r Monday-FrMdy. The Meal

h a s a p leasan t parsonall- I ty & an attention to detail.

A pp llcatlona c a n b a tilled o u t a t

-----------^W aTlm aa N aw a---------- 132 3 r d 8 t W . ' un til Ju ly i e , 2001.

A ttn : D aniel W alock.

CLERICAL' Full-time Billing Cieik Open*

Ing in Tw in F a lls . M ust have 2 yeara billing e xpa- rlence In a medical o f ^ end extensive knowledge and docum ented training Of ICD9 and CPT.codlng.. C ollec tion e x p e r ien c e a m ust. S om e evening work ; r e q u i r e d . B i l i n g u a l I

' preferred.Competltlvo sal- ' - a r y b a s e d on qua lif ica ­

tions. excolleni bonolits. Sena rosumo. caver letter , and 3 profoaaional refer- I e n ce s to FHS-Admin. 388 •

■ - M o r f in ,T w ln F a I f e 7 I O ’ " 83301 . Drug Free W ork- - place . EOE.

I CLERICAL IIm m ediate openings for

e x p e r ien c ed se c re ta r- - l o s . b o o k k o o p o r s & j

-ca sh io re ___ ,733-7300 or 678-4040


CLERICAL ~P a y ro l lc lo rk a n d b illing

c le r k n o o d o d fo r b u s y i trucking CO. Exp. roquirod. PoyS8-S10m rD O E. Send rosum o to P.O . Box 694,- Jorom o, ID 03338.B

CLERICAL - 1W anted PT light ofllco work ■

in t h o K o tc h u m Id a h o oroo. F o r m oro infonno- tion call 208-736-3765.a

CONSTRUCTION ' E l e c t r l e l e n a N e e d e d :

M ounta in H om o jobsite will roquiro up to 2 4 -28 - oloctrlcions. W ork w eek '

•will bo 6-10‘s. storting a s _aoon-aa;07/D 9/0irPosS i-" _ ‘ bility of por-dium a n d on

hourly rate up lo S25. Fax ~ your rosum o ASAP to 541-889-7755 A ttn: Brian

COUNSELOR ‘Y outh S p ec ia lis t, supor-

' viso/counsol at-risk youth in Rupert a rea rosidontial . foclllty. M ust havo good written, vertjoi skills, ro- late well w/chlldron & fam­i l i e s , w o r k o s t e a m momtwr. Competitive sal- o ry & bonolils. L etter ol in te rest & rosum o to: ID Y o u th R a n c h . 1 2 7 5 N. 400 E ..R u p ert, Id 83350 EOE.

C U S T O M E R S E R V IC E ^PT driver/guard. Custom ­e r sorv ico posilion. Doy time hours. 15 to 20 h ts. > p o r w o o k . b a c k g ro u n d i c hock , po lyg raph , good d r iv in g r e c o r d & w ork history. Kirk a l 241-2727

- o r-8 o b a t4 2 0 -9 3 9 9 .» — ^ - CUSTOMER SERVICE/



•S10.50 Baso/appt. •Custom er solos/sorvico

•Scholorshlps avail. •Condlllons apply

•No oxp. roqui(od-Will Troln 23 Positions to fill by 7/19

No moitar how you t^cna yourc4moW«« « s -T 0 5 r- • -

busy tehodulo. Pul ctat4>- liotf# limo-MvIng otreciora

.ot-goods and MrvlMa to ' ' wotk lot you loday._______

St. Bene Family Medii

Succrt>(ul r.tndidjlc shw U bt Jsiunu- fuli lime position lo din pharnucy optralwru assuring (ii

__ wilh all kTcboL^pital^^,. . /.imiiics. Musi possess currcnt

Bochclor of Scicncc in Phami hospital or clinical cxpcricncc. G fit-s. Sitid rwumc wilh salary cxi Family Mfdical Ccnter, POBoxi

Moneytree. Inc. it teekliIndividual (o till Id le r

• £nYH«nr Earning Po• Montblu Bonu*/nce»• Mnliatf. Denial. & V• m'rvmcnr Profit Sh• Paid Vacation i Hoti• Flexible Work Sehati

U you have cash handling experience, pleow apply in ]

M O N E Y T R E E T l N i7 9 9 C h * fM y D r., t t * .


— i- c o w g Tw u c n o w -------------I, Franklin Buikting Supply la «T - t i i r tn o T R o o r r r a a r A l f ? r

c tlo ia a n d S a v m re . Call 1,- - T a n y a t3 a 4 - Q 1 8 tJ

HortEort Organic D a f^ ii'10 now hiring night mllkere

. starting pay S6.Q7/hr...q|= = n l o h f e o w p u * h a r a ’^I a S e ;e 7 /tirF P « w ti9 W = A Indude vacation pay

good benefits. p S m «.f, =contMeLYoiut438'a4sc~

i - P a f f f o . ^ ^

, BXIfiT™------------------R e l ia b le , a x p e r le n o e d .

milker w anted . Top wag- t . a a w i th n io * 3 b d r m . '. h o u a a . C all K riala 738 - ! 2078 o r (2588 E . 3500 N., Twin Falla, Idaho. 83301).11 6ERYAL-------- -------I. FuiMlma D en tal A aa ta tan th n e e d e d fo r Im m e d ia ten posKlon. M ust b e a motl-II vated te am player. Please I- mall o r fax resum e to attn;I. Asalstant Position PO Box

146, Twin Falla, ID. 83303 o r fax 734-8885. ■

b m k i --------------------------- H y g le n la t n e e d e d . O u r

p rac tic e le grow ing. We h a v e a n e e d fo r o n e or

. —iw o.daya.addltionaL hy.-. g lene p e r week. If you are m terested In thia opportu­nity p le a se notlly Dr. Rob- brta'^Offlce a t 733-5348. 256 Manin SL,Twin Falla.

DRiVER-------- ------------------C D L /H azM at req u ire d , with local pick up & deliv­ery exper. Ceil 844-1060 or 800-362-2091. ■

DRIVED ------- 7 -------N e e d ^ for a freight route.

H ome everyday. C lass A CDL. e x p e r . p re fe r re d . Cell 800-317-4885. ■

bRlVER- CDL C lass A . OTR reefer.

e x p erien c ed w/1 y e a r o r ' ' — 100.000 m ilea w ithln-the

la s t 3 y re . Q ood driving reco rd . W es te rn S ta te s , mainly C a lllom la . Home

'e v e ry w ee k . C all 1-888- -5 00 -5801 o r0 3 4 -5 6 8 6 .aDRiVER---------------------------C l a s s A C D L w ith d b ls .-

e n d o rse m e n t. Exp. ru n ­n ing lo a d e rs & forklilts, k>cal hauling. 324-7148.M

DRIVERNow hiring lo r Mixer Driver/ Laborer, lull time, tw nelits.

C lass A CDL. & T&N endorsem ent req. Apply ot: Kloepterlne.751 Uedronm St South

E qual O p p o rtu n ity -------E m ployer

DRiVER----------------- ---------R eady mix D rivera noodod

In Iho W ood Rlvor Valloy. $ 14 /h r. lo r oxpe rioncod drivers. Insuranco, rotiro- m e n t. & o th o r beno fils. Call Wetter* Heady Mix for an apptointmont.

208-788-7989a DRIVERS

FT/PT noodod OTR.- _ R o fe r» ..W o sto m S ta te s ,- :

C onada. $50 0 s ig n on b o n u a . Fuol & safoty

bonus possible. Homo frequently. 888-865-7600.

DRIVERS----------------------RANGEN. INC.


Accopling applica tions lor long-haul drivers. C lass A C D L . c u r r e n t m e d ic a l c a r d . & o l o a r d r iv in g record roquirod. Average

- —doys-outr-7-1(h-95% 'no*- •touch freighi; P a id voca­tion, sid ( k>ave. holklays. M odico t In su ro n c o and 401(k) plan . Apply in por­son or moil rosumo

- ::------- RA N O EN.IN C.,-------115-13th A venue S outh

Buhl. Id ah o 83316 o r e-mail:ckooppllnO rangen.com


• EM PLOYER.---------

I DRIVERSWE-RE YOUR ANSWER,• We’ll G ot You Homo• Wo Pay lo r Exporionco •T ruo Pay IrKroaso •C om plete Benefits ^• Auto Shift Available DICK SIMON TRUCKING

800-727-5865 X 465 0 « 5 800-777-9100 X

7798 vrtvw.simn,com

— -•Tmlnlng Avaltablo' ' ' 877-374-8379

ledicts iical Center\f M a n a g e rd be a team leader/player to d t i^ , coonilnate and control lg l i l y patient can. (ntaact

phy»idan», patient* and TOlIdahophannacyliccnsc, . armacy or PharmD, 3 years \ Competitive w aw and bcne- r expeclatiofts lo Benedicts tox586,)crome. ID 83338 EOE

iking a caroor-orienied PMitlon in Twin Fail*, ( i^ r m i ia f

& Vition Insurance Sharing Plan ‘lotldaift ledule

ton-key nnd keyboard in person today.

, "DRIVERS :» P^nlHono oy lla h ia Inr O T P

CD L d riv era te 'e p a r a t e v an a , reafara ..& .w alklng.

__ l lo o r a th r u 4 5 a t a t e a .Kt. —Competitive wag*. boflua-_

es, benefita.Jrte«nilvM7 is— I n c 0 m ew l 11 r ■ n g *• s $40,ooo-S50,ooo/year.

■ depending on youi^ ~ ^ B a s ^ ^ ^ m ^ ^ D . ^

E-MAIL yourctaasHIM a d

^ twlnadOmlwoant'

L . M A M n w w q p .

- Sirhplol;T he J .R . SIm plot C om ­

il*. . p a n y Is look ing fo r a )■ Qualified Boiler Opei^»• a to r wfth 5 yeara expe- f rienc* with le a d e i^ ip )• ability. K now ledgeable

In a t e a m a y s te m a &It A 8M E b o ile r c o d e e . e M uat b e ab le to main- J. U in boilera such-aa ml* e no r brick repair, & ml*Y n o r e le o t r l e a l . M ua t IX h av e m echanica l abill- 3 I le a In p u m p a> v a lv e

r e p a i r . T h is p o s it io n d o e s r e q u i r e h e a v y lining. Will b e required to woric nlghta 8. w eek­e n d s . Benefita include: c o m p re h en s iv e m edi-

- c a l plan, penslon r40 ik r pa id holktays; paid va* catlona, ahort term dis­ability & very com peti­tive w age rates. Educa* t i m i assis tance & c a - ' re e r ad v an cem en t op- p o r tu n ltie a a v a ila b le . P lea se se n d resum e to HR A dministrator, J .R . . SImplot Com pany. P.O .Box 676 , H aybum , Id.

‘ 03338 or call 677-7103 lo r fu rther inlormatlon. R e su m e s m u st b e re- ce j-g idbyJu ly23 .2001 .

MinidokaMake a difference in

Minidoka Memorial Ho

H O M E l^ A L T H W eekend work only.

ADVANCED EM' Full-iim e positions a shifts, on-call and wi

MEDICAL TECH Full-tim e technoiogi; able. Position includ 7 on/7 off swing shil

In ic rc s lc d a p p iic a n is m a )

436-0481 o r a p p ly in p e r

Equal Opportunity-Emp


NURSmCRNs <2) needed in ICU foi RN nci.'dcd In Emergency LTN (2) needed for night RNs (2) needed for cvcnir

____ LPN or CMA for I’hyslclat

LABORATORYFull-time Medical Tvchnol

-PHARMACY-----------Pham ucy Director and Sta Retail Pharmacy.

TRANSCRMPTIONFull.llmcTranscriptton Ma PRN Transcriptlonists need

DIETARY— TYay Aldc/Cashicrs (2) nee

StnJ mumt tM HR. 660 Shoi

STF a m i l

709 North■ iiiii» i"C »n ■ -

St. Benedicts is a ir ■•providing patfent-tbc

professionals w ho wn provider.

l I R N - A c u t e C ar« (l-F T or N igh t shift. C urrent licvnii

B H om e H ea lth RN (FT) RM ponslble for hom e visi palicnis. Requin-s va lid di iicctue & reliable tr.trupoi

H Social W orker - H om e H« (PRN) BSW tvqulrcd. In-h

■ pflHcnl' tarHH cxpcHei-d es ire d .

a P -A .( l-F T ) -P.A. fo provide scrviccs In W endell clinics. -

B L PN -L T C U (FT )— L P N w /c h a rg e c n u rw p re

Im m ediate opening .■ M ed . Tech (FT)

G cncm list position; requir AMT, C L A or equ iv ale n t.:

•d a y shift.

f CompeHtivc•Group Hcallh/Dcn •Personal ^avc/Va< •Retircmcnt/403B ai Hospital Spcinsorcd

\ ^ > E A P

-t-ED U C A T K W -^------------ ^3 If VOU love working with , - y o u n g f f i r a r e n W c f t ^2 tlan ertvterment, N ew LH**' ~C hH a tla n ~ P rih 8 eh 6 b l In : W endell la a c c e p t^ g ap- ^ = p llca tle n s for a & lt tlin e r - t e M h l n g p e * W o n . - ^ ^ ^

Call Tm cy a t 5 3 6 4 6 1 0 o r V Julia a t 636 -5 5 P 0 - _

= = B « 8 « ia B 9 T w m r « ic f i* r a lso b o y ’a b a s l ia tb a l l . .

o o a eh . Contact 829-5353

_____ Qpar^ uSyniSrtw'' Farrn m achinery equ ip*

m e n t o p e ra to r to rake , ba le 8i atBCk hay Call 324*71^

5HIERXC----------------Im m ediate lull tim e o p e n ­

ing with benefita available working with developm en- tally d lsab lad indlvlduala In a g roup liom * setting, $ 6 .5 0 p e r h o u r , h ig h s c h o o l d ip lom a o r QEO requ ired . Inquire In p e r­s o n a t 111 0 N. Lincoln, Je ro m e or call 324-9655.

I H 3 S E R — ------------------W anted , experienced in com m ercial construction.

S and resum e to Box 9 3 8 0 0 % T im es N ews.

P.O . Box 548, Twin Falls, Idaho 83303.B

I St. BeneI Family Medit

. I Racjloloyy BI ARRT licensed, CTrxperict r knowledge of ultrasound and I I Supen-i^ explain a plus. 1

I State rf-the-art ima^g equipi l-scanncr.inost advanced in regie I benefits. Send resume wilh I ........ 'StrBenedictJ Family!

1 M e m o r i a l In your life and ours...The op| hospital. Now hiring for the i

H - CNAy - .................................

available. Position incli weekends.

HNOLOGISTgist positiqri (ASCP or c( ides rotating day shifts/w lift.

iay coniaci Human Rc.sourcc.s crson M-F 9:00 am - 4:00 pm iployerfDrug-Fne-Workplat

’e tbe patient comes fir

for evening and night shifts. Must cy Room. ACLS Prefem.tl. 12-hour nt shift. . - ' .ling shift. ...................Ians Officc. _____(fer shift and weeketul dlfjemttla ally differmtlab: ICV. £/^ Chargt

lologlst. Must be ASCP or equlvale

Staff Pharmacist positioat available I

Manager needed. Managerial cxperlc «kd. Experlcncc prefenvd.

lecdeil 25-30 houn per wei-L Weel iothoiitSLL.'MnFalb.UuhoorflUot

r . B E N E D IC Tl y M e d i t a l C e i

th Lincoln AvgnLie* )cit>me. lJjh.>

m i s s i p n - ^ r i y e n h e a l t h ira b c u s e d " c a r e . W e a r e Io o v-nnt lo w o r k f o r a t o p q u

IorPT) Brharmacy Clerkm»c required ' Support derk fo

pharmacy techs, iaitsto ' profidcncy. self I driver's multitask & prlo

wnatlf# . : cxperlenctt prefc Health BPhaimacyMaiu.-home . Oircct.coordlnal ■ienctf - - — pharmacy opera

current Idaho in Pharmacy or I

I n W o i . RRadlology Mam ARRT licensed, (

.___ Prefer supervlsf.referred. w orking CnSSle

and mammogni]

jiresA SCP, n ^ l« b o l o m U t ( P it. Prim arily G eneral U b and <

ve Wages/Excellent Bec n to l, ~ •Shif^C H ffcreni /a c a tio n _ • 2 0 H r. W eek B a n d / o r •T u it io n ^ i m tcd _____________ • S h o r t T e rm P i

■____________» U fe In s ./A E M

iJ J iia iw t e ; w n c e .

* S l i f t p l o t .2 T he J .R . SIm plot Com^ ^; -pany .H eybom P la n tl i '

^ te h a n c * L *ad p « r* o n .;M u « .h tv r5 ip * r t« n c # —

v ^ ^ E s 5 ^ 3 ls ie » n ■■» tronic s c a le s y s tem *. _______I ""1 . 8?j3e0 ja iic .jD n)puH fa _____- U e a m a ln te n a m tnaiv ;;I. ag em en t ayatam a anti

•m a in ten an ce for Food S a f e ty . B e n e f i t * in;-

- elude: 6om pr*hanalve medical p lan , penalon;

. 4 0 1 k , p a id K oiidays;pa id v a c a t lc ^ e , t h o i t ’*

: term disability a n d very- ' compallthrewaioe rates.'• EducaU onal.lualst«nc4 ) a n d c a r e e r a d v a n c e ­

m e n t o p p o T tu n i t la a available. P tM ue aiend resunw lo HR Adminis- t r a l o r . J . R . S Im p lo t C o m p a n y /P .O . Box 676, H e ^ ii tn . ID 83336 o rca ll 877 .7103 lor lur* th e r In fo rm a tlo n .'R e- s u m e e n iu a t b * r e - c e lv e d b y ^ 2 3 .^ 1 . ...

i n e d i c t s f d i c a l C e n t e r ;p r M a n a g e rxriciKe mjuimi. Wortog and iTumnugraphy pretemd. , ilus. Will direct, coofdinale and0 assuring quality patient cue. ' quiptnent Including Spiid CT region. Com pdllivewa^ and 'wilh salary expectations to • ____nily Medical in te r , tiff»,ID83339EOE

1 Hospitalopportunity ew ts at

he following positions: '

icludes 12-hour ■

T equivalent), a y a il-:_ ______s/weekends o r

•riW., .............. ..................■; ■-------------

iOSPITAUfirst." ' ■ ;

klustlKACLSccrTlried;--------" , — "lour shifts,

nfiflls. ‘large Nune

Ivalent. ,

ible In tlte Hospital and / ;

./.I ' perlcncc required. ' r - i

iVeekcnds re q u ir^ ', ' ■ ' " J flacutapp/kurhnaincil. ’ I *

TS- ; . 'J '' e n t e r ‘ i .

____ __■ ;

c a r e o r c a n i z a t i o h . .l o o k in g f o r c a r i n g «q u a l l l y h e a l t h c a r e *' J

1etk/Te<h(lTcmp/l PT) •rk for PharmocLtl St •xha. Computer ;self starter able to tpriorltizv. Previous ■ JJrcfcticd. •lanagerfFT) •llnateandcontiol ,Sperations. R equires--------- IO Phanruin^ licvnse. DS ■' o r PharmO, 3 years ' *linlcalcxpcriene.i i ■ilanager(FT) ' ie d , CT exp. required. ||r^soo'_cxp, p lua_ ::___ •m le d g c o f utltra sound •)graphy. J

» t(tT )and clerical duties. . <

Benefits ^ iinm tia l Bem uses ' ' c k B enefits A v a i l i ! im b u rscm en t ' 1n ^ s j b i H j y ____ ___ _ _ , ; .j-----------\D & D y

■ " S - i

— f At w ---------:----------------------rE lp . SUago Stetger^Packer

-------i ^ r a » r s /A o B o ‘o O w ra ^(or. D ays/nlQ hts. PT/FT.

— j % C C u • ! 0 m f t L " F t o » ^ g B M g 7 3 4 : e a 2 C

____ ; . A r ^ f Jnn jn E d o n .___in~POTon: a2S-S200.B

— C T ^ f-K o ie h u m Jaw rflrm r Ci)0al exper. & W ord Por- ffici p r o f e r r e d b u l n o l mftndatoot'. Sa lary DOE.

- O ood ornptoyoe bonofits. ( ^ 1 7 2 e ^ 1 9 B .

M M K T E N A ^E --------------tHOROOM ORGANIC : DAIRY , M alntonanco porson• noedod..M u8ihavo }voldli)g'oxper1or>co plus• -Oonaralm afntonanco •

i . i.rosum oto : ■ ie e 9 E. 500 S , Paul, ID• 83347 o r call You aJ '}• 43S-8450oxt. 109

M & n a o o m o n l‘c o l lo c to r oponlnff a t {oon company.

m ^ ^ h a n Tc ----------------—

I ■ FuU Sorvico shop.M ust h a v a ow n tool*.

d[3l 733-2049/734-5001. M ^ IC A L ' qS IA poalM on fo r b u sy DZ'a offico. lull timo pcsl- Ikiji with clinical rosponsl- OWtio?. c o m p u to r skills rw ulrod. P loaso respond

— wfih rosum o to: 1218 Oth S ti* 1 2 R u p o rt. ID 8S350.

C e S icA L ---------------- —Ntfj* h lrbo CNA'fl and NA's

------- lo r am aTl-oaelstod (Ivlng-^ l r t ^ A ( to n » o n shift. 7 B ^ 1 ^ 0 r 7 3 M 2 5 8 . a

MEDICAL ^N ^rso poslltibn avail. In busy modicol olfico. S#nd

. - r tfsu m o to 112 W . Sth.-- Jlirofflo. 10 83338 or call <

___ _,Lpui9a 2ao-oa22« ____

^K a^M ooR ohab. Contact ^ 1 ^ Brown a t 886-2228.B

M (PICA L ^ ;*CMA position fo r a b u sy

V ictor’s qlflco. Full timo ’position with clinical ro- <stjOTSibilitlos fo r a friond- '

____ p jV 8 o r iA " * * ° t '”~"klli“r taulrod. P loaso respond i v (m a rosum o to: PO Box ^ :» 5 3 T ^ { n ^ F .a l l s . ID . g

m^ ic a L ~ ‘'-------------------- ®CN A w ithildot)4 ro g lsira- Ti

tlrrre, lO hou rsh llts .ovo ry . (4hor Saturday. Excollent B o n o l l t s . C a l l J o " 1«20B-367-a919.B

M ^ D IC A L _ _ _

T«(ln PallB C a r e C e n te rnow has inomodiato opon- Irigs lor C N ^ fo r A| o S y ah irt/E venlng alUft I

W e o tfe n f SIGN ON BONUS (

___ • A posillvQ.work onvlron* —I'

•tempotlllvODa'tory.■ TjBrrtfic bonelits packago

_____IncludfngRTO___________ *•A Jobw tioro you con mako *

adifforonco In som oono 's *lite. ■*

• Shut difforoniial. *J PayforoxporlorKO. *

Se>p by for an application '*‘ and/or intorviow. *

_____^Tt«ln Falle C ere C e n te r - *« 734 4 2 8 4 * ^674 E aetU nd Drive ,J EOE

1?0W HIRING: |•UlN - Fiill Time

J l g h l * < :f o r S u b - '

pm • 6am

bEridgeviewI OFFERS: ,

.^ S lc k m d HoIkl«si p iy" ♦ * » » i i ;C 9 i i^ 5 jS 'io ? -----------

! C o ^ A^ttcndance •- ♦ ^ S io ik Retirem ent —

:plan^ h e a l t h , D ental, and

'D ptlca l Insurance ■ ♦ifcoBego Tuition

IJVssEstaoce I I l S ^ l o ^ p )

bacoiM p a rt o f our m m apply In ptrw i at j ,

"t f tin F a O f .ID 6 3 3 0 1 I 4 { ^ 2 0 S - 7 3 6 - 3 9 3 3

;;T o n S b « n B a i)o r _ 1< ; ; KariaV w g h n

i : @ . . . A G r <

PiMBfclln C aF V ^ in Buikfav Sucply b se d cb s : d « faV cc ep tic« fa L ^In A/t; d jta crifry, a rd oBtomci pdfcr skills (micnKoft offiix). Individ Av^fi w anIiudR a e p i E n ^ mohi tasked and detail oriented Frai

- o^/ers cop ipctitiv^ -w oM and sak 401 K and cm p lg ^ .d is c o u n ts .

I UA»Jaqers----------------^ .^.t9 ,.am bitioua;flU U ed.kK .

complex. 801-5720628

2^ Confer Is looking for 6 C ook . Willing to train tho

I MEDICAL----------------------L . iJ o Jp jio ad o c L E X Jo -c o o k t

caro for oklertv. M ust b e------- a m a »6 w ^ l t 'a n y ehH t.

-A p p lv .a» -D eS an o -P la c» - r. 218 \V .B . S hoshone. ■

! ' I 'm e ix c a l ;; Mountain vrsw

Caro CanterA Commun/ty of Can


I CNA/night shift10pm -6 :30am FT.

j CNA/ovoning shift 2pm -10 ;30pm .

RNA.PN 12 hr. shifts avail,

, W o Oflor:, * Health Plan '• ♦ 401 (k) Plon

♦Flox Plan Bonefrts . ♦V aco tlon

♦ Sick Loavo + Holiday Pay ♦Tuition A sstetance For ■ Conilnuing Education♦ P ro lo ss fona l G row th

o n d P r o m o t i o n a l Opportunities

/ * F r io n d l y . F a m i l y Atmosphoro

I H Ira O n B o n u s I $300 CNA

C ontact U a n n Jonos. DNS

. (208)423-559t

MEDICAL------------------------SHOSHONE REHAB «■


SHOSHONE, ID 83352 (208)888.2228

COME JOIN OURTEAMI l-aundty &houMkOflpflr.

Contact Tony LPN-Noodod rr/PT ovos.

MISCELLANEOUS Job oponinss now avallablo

Fork Uft Drivers =J f Fish P rocesso rs 5Jr W arehouse Labor

•-> ClortcalS e a so n a l positio n s a lso available.

-Apply In p orson a t:_____ - RE m ploym en t S o lu tio n s 1201 Falls A ve. E . SU .24 T w in Falls, Id ah o 83301 ( MISCELLANEOUS CAR WASH SUPERVISOR Full-time position lo r C ar ' W ash S u p e rv iso r a t tho _

-M aglc-V olioy 'a finest c a r f i ■ caro contor.* • Exceliont Bonodts.

. Compotitlvo W age.Excellent Working

Condlllons_ _lC.uslomOLBflivIco.akilla o_ . .

must; Supon/islon Expoftonce prolorrod...

will train.Apply in p o rso n . M onday

through Friday. 8 am to 3 p m a t A u to P r id o . 8 0 8 Chonoy Drivo. Ploaso ask

_ lo r-T rado _______________ _

MISCELLANEOUS I IMMEDUTB OPENINGS* induslrlal-Ught/Hoavy* Factorv-/>jl Shifts* CDL* Constnjctton* Forklift* Landscapfl/sprinkkjr* Sanitation All Shifts* Fish P rocessor .T^.MochanlcAWoldor____ _* CNA. & RNs


111 R IorA vo.733-7300 735 Ovortand 678-4040

www4>«r»ono»^lutlnc<oni __

Jo b opening for night w atchm an avallablo at In ters ttte Feodors in i

Malta. Full boneliis. 401K . plan. Instiranco. F>)oa80


F r a S l i n

..J s a o o q tt«— - i w i f a t f c i t e -

thiftiOevt^podUeDtt-O n ti ld e S a le r f r -----------

IniideSales lip« rlenoedl|tim «tar

OaUnet Sales O DLDzim Y u A E ^

. s f l n M i k a t / t a t a l

e o fB m o a u a .W w iW » lsp « a e a .


"frin lU to----- J

■ re a t •;Z a re e r M o v e .

an w s e r v f c a e ta l i i ^ c o m - | r iv ididm u9bcpcT sonable_ afafestidf^ w ^ h A i t s , ' ■ ^ Franklin Building Supply #sa lary a rw ell-arb cn c fttsr ‘ ‘ y / ,


B ovenlntw. Must have drh^- - e r s license & p e 18 pkie.- — J. 7 3 » 8 1 0 0 e v e n ln g s J -. ~ .-N E W S P A P E R -------- '0. CIRCULATION

- IJ . _JD lfljuccaft«fiit fttimfidate. _U

^ I - * ” !** ^

m a n ag e m en t skills, a n d enjcy working wWi youth.An outgoing personality ba plus. L

T his e n try level m a n ag e -m ent position Indudes ro- **1sponsiblimes tn managing /y o u th & a d u lt c a r r i e r s . ^sa le s prom otions, & pro- HvUing excoUent custom er ^

• serv ice . If y o u .a re Inter- 'es ted , fin ou t ar> applica* _

A ttn: D an W alock VP.O . Box 548 •

Tw in Falls , ID 83303.’ADnuOFREE *WORKPLACE-m I

PROFESSIONAL------------- f.D evelopm ental S p e c ia lis t • (Position requ ire s B acho- ckirs D egree in Social S d - • Fe nces, Spoclal-Ed, o r ro< • {latod Holds to m anage day pp ro g ra m s fo r d o v o lo p - • hm entally d isab led adu lts • KIn te a m a a ttin g . S a la ry cDOE & e d uca tion . Exc.l trbonetit pkg. Sond rosum o • $to P .O . Box 1892 . Twin FoFalls, ID 83303 Attn:AD- bMIN or coll 734-2811. L

PROFESSIONAL------------- J fTho Timos-Nows Is k>oklng TE

for o Markoting Coordina- 34tor. Part lime position • up hilo 20 hours pe r wook with Tsom o lloxiblllty in hours. CR o q u lro m o n ts : c o llo g o = =

-O ogroo-or-oqulvalen t e x - -X*-. p o r l o n c o In m e d i am a rk o tin g . C o o rd tn a lo *marketing olforts of rrialor * departm ents o l tho news-paper a s well a s commu- f nityinvolvomentodivltjos Familiarity with markot ro- seacchanddetTw graphlco

- a plu». S end rosum o to: - TWTl>e Tlm»*-N« w s Ev<A ttn: Mike Sm it M

P O Box 548 AlTw in Falls . ID 83303 D<

nECEPTIONIST-------------- WEChiropractic d o d o r, noods Ex

full Umo assis tan t rocepti- a ro n is t . C a ll 1 - 8 8 8 -3 0 5 - m1007. anytime to apply. F i

^ T A U R A N T ^ ------------------- tl«Cook Part-tlmo/Full-timo Yi

All shifts. OS Closing S orvor6pm -1am.

Janitor 8pm-2am,- IW agos OOE. Apply In I

porson Mon 3-5pm. IBOO N O veriand. Buriey ■ ■

IRESTA O RA H I “ 'SC o o k s noodod. Expori-

onced sa u te & bnjilor c o o k . B rin g In y o u r J;“ current payd ieck and wo will givo you a .50c .

— raiseA ^ .ln .personr ■ 1 5 9 8 ^ U k o s Blvd. ■

North, Twin Falls, ID. ■ (

-SA LES ~ mo

bei» ® a ® ® yoi

.L ook ing .lo rJ-dopondab la . Dorson w ho h a s a g roat ^ volco, ilkos to work-wlth- tho public and m ake fan- A T tastic monoy. you aro tho HI ono we aro looking lor. P7

Call Sandl. 733-0931 ex t. 'r 273 or walk right Into Tho

_ T lm os.N ow 8 Annex BWg- -c a 5 311 Main Avo. W est.

D n w »

irw tirti piac« 10 took lor i !7 Mboot buys In anilquai li Ie«M*Jllod. Find yooi t r w - ■ ur»loaay.Call?33-083t.

25 Buii Entry LevelPositions —

A v a i l a b l e c i

Now ^Part Time- - r (

Saturdaya _zo ~ £b&am’S:00pm

-Bonuses-&- IncenHves , ^_ , I _ matPaid Training$ 1 0 0 Refernil

Bonus ^Raises after *3 months anm

— Advoncemeht— MOT dpporhjiniHes

Flexible .Thi■ Schedules curre


$ 7 .0 0 /h r(Guftranteed w age. <Jm ln. hra. required) re lla

C a i l i r o d a y l 2 1

732-5259w a l t i n s W i f i i j i S

1399 FSmon Soda SOI , , . 1Wlnfalf,kMto - |

BALES r- r - A t t - m n o B i n f h — — X

F T 4 P T j» S t lc « s a v a H . * - Motivated peoplB;houfV-T ^ T P h M C o m m lss to fu F a x - i - . ro sum e4 to20e^ 78 -2121

-ca U K Im a t2 0 M 4 1 -7 -1 7 1 - -__________ EsfUflU____________jobeO allthlngsw lreleasjiet a * i gwLOOICWOFUHTH6 R -------- —Uttle R ed Hen bttookhvilfv

T t n t f s p e d a I ( M n m ^— s B io B - c a p e r t^ a n d ---------

people skills. Long term .25-40 hoursA wek,

Bring you r resum e 16 I LRH at Magto Valley. Man.


Are you Interested in «vort(- 7 Ing wHfi developirwntally d i s a b l e d a d u l t s a n d children?

Do you w an t to worit In a

you o re valued? 1

If y o u a n s w e r e d Y E S to H th o s e q u e s t i o n s . S .L . S ta r t & A sso c ia te s m ay '1 h ave a caroo r opportunity for you.

• Full a n d p a rt timo & on } con poslttons A

• Flexible scheduling • <• E x t e n s i v e t r a i n i n g

provktod•M u st be 18 years or okler •M ust have valW drhwr's II-

c o n s e & d o p o n d o b lo transportatkxj.

• $6,75 ■ S7.00/hr.For moro Infonnation stop

b y o u ro ff ic o a t1 0 2 7 B lu o L a k e s . S u l to 1 . o r c a llt208) 732-0910._________

TECHNICIANServka Tochnfelan, AC & I hoa tlng.M ln.3ytB .oxpor. I Top wogos, * benefits.Call 733-8548 for appt.B

TECHNICIAN ------ J JFull tim e se rv ice loch to __

w o rk o n h e a v y t r u c k . TV w age dopeijds on oxpori- onco, heavy truck expori- e n c e p referred , beno llts ^ availab le . P ick up appli­ca tion a t 1S92 Klmborly T Rd. Twin Falls, ID. j

TRUCK WASHER E v e n in g s & w e e k e n d s .

M u s t b o d o p o n d a b lo . Approx. 35 hrs/wk. W age DOE. 324-7800 I

W ELDERSExperienced TIG w eU ors a n d labo re rs n e ed e d for well established compony.Full timo perm anent posi- i

- t io n w /b o n o f lta . Af«0 /c .. j Vmll9y H a ll-A rc 7 3 3 ’0503. ■ ____________


^ ^ ^ J V A N T E ^ ^

SIN G LE MOM w a n ts joblhat I can bring daughter (8 ). 6 y rs . e x p . In ho m e 70 hoalth/chlldcaro. 1st a id , _ CPR, rels. 733 -2133JI



^odoral em ploym ent Infor­m ation Is froo . Rom om - ber. no one con promise you a federal job. For Iroo Inlormation about fodomi

-Jobsrcall C aroor A merica--------Connection. 912-757-3000 A llfaN IIU N iW E N E E O 5

HELPl $500-$5000/m o. t . n PT/FT Froo-truining. Toll

froo-(877)967-5713.B ^ lOME ASSEMBLY It;iA SYW ORW EXCELLEI^ ih .PAYI A ssem ble Products /< A tH om o ,C a llT o liF roo1- Int 800-487-5568, ext. 3145

Ph2 1 a


___________________ ★lu H i- m ___





k k A k A k * I1 you IlM In B u h ls B n ■

f O tp H ^a n t" * canHer...

P toM * e o n te c f DIttrM m n a g tr

739-0931, tx t 347

D H i:? --------------------------OTOR-nOUTE_

! < : ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ij'Tha Tlmes-News is ' urrenlly looking for an IndependantM otor Route Carrier In the BUHL area. Valid drfvera license &

ellable vehicle a must.

/ t o u T e e 2 3

'IF you live In theIht area S are Interest- ,

'ease contact.the.TMn. .. - a Falls Tlmes-News

>ffheat733-09S1.ext. F'47T 0n il^byy323^ -----

St. W. TMn Falls. S

T ' k - k i r - k ' k | j


The Times-News is currently looWngforan

— Independent M btor^ —— R o u trfro n rB llsrto ------

the Mountain Home area & Betlevue.

— stiQ stionerow netr—___ ^ _________________ ’ __iiio n m n , a uarey.—Validdflvet»H6efwe-&^ —

vehicle a must.

IF you live In this area S are Interested In being

' a Newspaper Carrier, please contact the

7W/n Falla Ttme»-f4ewa office at733-0931, e x t 346, or atop b y .

1 3 2 3 fd S tW .Twin Falla,


T h a T lm a a - N a w a la currently looking for

A Independent Carrier to deliver our weekly

shopper & Auto trader In the


IF you live In the H eybum area & are Interested In being a 2 Newspaper Canier, please contact the . Burley Tlmes-News office a t 677-4042 or 2 atop b y the Burley of- SC flee at: 325H £, Sth N. 2i (Next to Wat-mart)

fW H FALLS (8)




B O O - g S ^ ^ . w.800-900 3rd Ave.-W.— ‘

BQiOESSS200-800 2nd Ave. W. 400-600 3rd Ave. W.

B s i i n s m ‘I200-800 2nd Ave. E. In

7 0 0 - ^ ^ U n e " S-------- ---------------------------- --- M

ROUTE 86Q i100-500 Borah W.------- 'K

— 100-500 VWseman-----------

ROUTE 861 ' H100-500 Blk..Dubol3 ■

B0UTE865 '100-200 Camay St. £ “

. Casa Grande Ct. I

ROUTE 879 I800-Bastwlnd.

- eoo-WestwInd----- “

— B s m s m500-600 Calm Avo. t.

100-1300 Northom Pine PT, '200Pat1(MoadowsDr.

Y<t fy o u U v o n th ^ W t... ^=rr. sld*ofTwlnFmU»&mrm Ai

Intonstmdlnb^lnga P 'nd»pMd9ntnewBpap9r

carrier... J^IweontM Ct District , *

Usnsgsr S3.<733-0931, txL 347


^ r k - k k k k - k

XHavuoont Drtng aMxovwt- 'Bd rMulta. Wh«n you wrtte l«ur du«ffl«d ad. t>a sure

und«t«MAd-y<Kir- ------a V i —

R E M E M B E R '« t birthday ad you ptacod m e bme ago in 77ie »H»? Now to tho timo to—

3P t)y me Custorrier irvtecDepttodnyt [ _ _

The ,';. applicatiorThese positions are 7-da and. can be a source-of paid foryotir m om ing 1

Stop by The Times-New or call 735-3302.


-TWINFALL8{7) . ’•- * * A i *

R K M . K K - w

THETIMES-NEWS -C U R R E N T L Y H A S- - « -^ & F O L L O W IN G - ^


ROUTKS UN IHE b : . .-e A S T S ID EtJF— ------TWINFALLS-----------

ROUTE 713Evergreen Dr.

Holly Dr. ■' J Juniper St. N.

ROUTE 71SIBOOTarghee ' ~

1800 Botterroot Pahslmerol *

Pahslmerol Circle ■ DoraDr.N.Dora Dr. S. —

ROUTE 719 *■900-1100 Blue iJkes ir

1200-1101 Ave. E. 1200-10thAve.E.


ROUTE 723 UpTrofferDr. I

Meadowvlew Ln. *•Hankins Rd. Wo

Elizabeth rr

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------ Chase Dry - — -- —

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400 Taylor ^600 Borah

tfyoullvoooth9EA3T aide ot Twin Falls a are In ft—tKllnbalngan

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High Debt ratto OK ' £ S ell Emptoyod....YESII

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lg p ro llts u su a lly m oon woo Dig risk . B o lo ro you do Business with a company.:hock it ou t with tho Bet- • 3 kto rB uslnoss'B ureou . F o r ' ,501Iroo in lo rm a tio n a b o u t dona v o id in g I n v o s tm e n t -jocascam s, writo to tho Fedor- c a ll Ji l T r a d e C o m m is s io n , r o b e /t/eshington, D.C., 20580.>r call tho National Froud ^ 777;: n f o r m a t l o n C o n t o r r 1-800-876-7060.----------------- wind

305 *-0- C O K T R A C T S & [ y iM O R f o A O E S

M D lvsfsllhd cipUal. 'ocai ___ 20$:734:B737.m____


c a r j

^ I 4 3 M

• tho V_^j2uh

^ D O IJ Site.

s in TVvin Falls. 4 w e d ivery positions j$ 1 6 while you get

--------------------- --- - 1 - At in TWin Falls 4

_______ V ,

• J O iy ^ r g Q m . T im e s - f te w e , 1


— M ortgagesr C on tracts?-------*“— :t D eeds or t(u*r? r :i : - ;• Y o o w a n tto se n ? - E*i

W e w ant to boy.— Prom pt & castvoffers.— = t W e a r s tocal A eon»etttlve>. - s n ' CaU 208-733-3821. ,R. T odd Blass, PresJdent —

— Richard B. SUvara - o z iVtee P y sk ien t.

;— S ec w ta r y ^ f w s u r e r ^

BducsU on

14 0 3 I B

^S2SSiSJ2*JrU T O R IN G g r a d e s 1-3 , il R eoding p h o n e t l ^ . Get Ci a h e a d starti 735-8135. ■ 3^


K y i i l ReiU Batale

I™ n

5 0 1 you

_ O P E N H O U S E S 1 ’ ^ 019

Pleaso check your ad lor c o rrec tness on tho first day tha t It runs, a s Tho .utc T im os-N ow s is not re- ««« sponsible lor errors ol- te r tha t timo.

_________ dlrf.

I -3I H O M E S ^

vm"? toca

— p U B U c SERVICE----- *;M ESSAGE 3e ^

flilinp property? Don’t p a y Now any loos until It's sokJ. For I f re e in fo rm atio n a b o u ta v o ld ln g - tim o sh a r r^ n d ' ~ P c « 'real e s ta te scam s, writo ore« lo t h o F e d e r a l T r a d eC om m ission . W ashing- -S17ion, D .C.. 20580 . o r call ' >oaj Ihe N atkxial Fraud Infor-Ti.a 1 1 o n C 0 n t 0 r . <1-800-876-7060.- J g n ?

' t char. . sub<


■” AD-. .. Sbay

)u y t h e G u a r a n t e e dp a c k a g e a n d T h e ®" *'!

. T i m e s N e w s g u a r - ^ a n t e e s to s e l l m e r -

c h a n d i s e o r ''g o o ra u to m o t iv e i t e m s moviIn 7 d a y s a n d r e a l $ i4 0e s t a t e l n 1 5 d a y s l c ^

o r w e w ill r e r u n m o«t h e a d a n .a d d i t i o n - &»siia l 7 d a v s . T h e r e S

i s a ^ e x t r a C h a r g e f o r t h e

g u a r a n t e e dp a c k a g e . A d s - m r c

m a y b e c a n c e l l e d _ Hom - e a r i y - f o r c u s t o m e r

c o n v e n i e n c e b u t t h e C h a r g e will

r e m a in t h e s a m e . fruit croombdrmsidin

“ . _ . - ' . .phas4______________________ a ir C(JH L ors, c

$78,000 a-fmfl bdrm,-2 bath , port brtck; • *

.cor.garago & shop,_______

IS\^omfortablo one lovol 3 drive 3mi. hom o in good con- RV h Ition, firep lace , fonced Owne ird . m etal shod , double s t o nsrage;---------------- -------------- D'O 'n

$80 ,000 Rawli:/oil m aintained, ono lev- I. 3 t jd r m s , 2 b a t h s , KIMBE oodstovo, largo kjt, cov- boths. od pallo on Poplor. carpe

$89,000 bar. S

..b d rm ..2 .b o th .h o m e ,- >88 sq It. noplace, gar- 5 ^ in s p a c e . C o n v e n ie n t ,, cation on Cloar Lake Rd J* I John Robins 543-6339 Ty BERT JO N E S REALTY _ '

733-0404 T*>«lHL 3 b d rm s.-2 b e th s r -RUPEfl >00 sq . ft. Vinyl skiing & collar, ndows. Central heat/aira. co v e red dock w /hot ^UPERb. S p rink ling sy s te m , tiful.hc 111 543-5393 oftor S.» bdrm. RLFY Must BOll or ro~t - P«s<ur a ;^ |{ I .2 5 5 0 sa .f th o fro . W 'S D T O im r o T T g r ^ SHDSF :a tion . 421 P a rish C t. rom o i7-2402_ox^1 j ) a 2 r ______D.OIIWURLEY HOUSE FOR water,

AUCTION ^V O -;July 20th. 2 0 8 S 1 3 W 'ffoy Idatio, 3 bdrm. 1H th. unfinished bsm t. & 2 r g a ra g o . 1650 sq . ft. ^< th o m a in lo v o l. L g . ' ? a c io u s y d . w /w o ll & -r>k rinklor sy s te m . H om e ii“ . I se ll a t 6 PM, For view- r ? , ’ I & m oro Inlo. call U S ‘ ictlon a t 208-434-5555 , ^ K ollh431-9300 .«JRLEY HOUSE F dR ' 1- '

AUCTION . L — — 17th. 2001. Builoy ID. TWIN I

> drm .. 1 b a th , u n a l - a t :h o d c o r g o ro g o . fo r TH, >churo call U S A c t io n Q r 20 8 -4 3 4 -5 5 5 5 . K eith 4 s 1-9300, Cori 431-3405. 2 doc >0 M • cmcn «twn you ksctaM lflodadloiprM d . S9< word aboul m« Ram* $t19.0< J hive for wJe, 7M<)031 or 73'

ONWrOIVN CORNER LOT. &IB. ReaJior owned. <85,000terms c 0 T » A T F A f f l i i W y ^ A f t t edge to Ihe Twin Fate Golf C o u r^ i e ^ to $ f % 9 0 0 . Cocntry atm

ta,T w in F a l la ; k t a t K > E ^ ~

- T O n T 5 r = 3 5 = 5 n r a r f ? S -ftad. inctude ew price c rf f^ V.

- lum fo & f •o«na-lof-be«-:i— - r» t 1 .- 7 3 » 0 e 3 1 ------- ~

l^ lA IL y o u r d a s s m e d S tf i i . :__ • t a u s a t •■■■.

P » te R 2 iKin n. h o m e ;n lW f ^ ' — or tor Miel No pets-v-yr

CBII733-4174.B H A H SE M B e8in tfufT »«hC 3 ''r” -* d rn i rW lM .b e th s r ta e i i r A — . sxtru,.UIfli. A C sn d jn o c s i/^

A sk in g $ 0 5 ,0 0 0 ,5 w . -6 4 ^ ,-« 3 ~ « 5 e e :^y

died, 5 t>drm. 2 bath . CaO; V lof m om liifo. 4 - 6 8 5 6 t f J

Bank O w ned H o m e i " T y i e e e T — m .C om

m ba th s. $85,000.CaO (926) 7e4-224ia ‘":

J E R S B T T B S S T T E iS ^ v 2975 sq; ft. home. Low' - cost geo-ttieima) heatkiQ'-'& coo ling sy s te m . 2:icar'.'.‘ . o a rage , 2 4 ’X32* sh o p on ;5 a c r e s , L a rg a g a rd e r f ; ' ' young tree s , m m ile* N . ' o f J e ro m e Q o ll C ourStfT "' $195 ,000/lirm . C all 324;*' ' 0191 o r 6 3 9 - 0 6 9 9 .B . . - v r

I E m 5 S B T b 3 ? S v i " B o S ,b sm t Extra room s, c o m « { ,. to t AC. g a s heat, c a rp o ^ ., .

$66,000. A p p t™ » 4 - 6 6 ^ " : ; ' - JMr o m E 2 bdrm . 1 btttfiN'.; dbl. c a r ga m g e . sp rink ld rj-

system , s to ra g e shed ,321 E. Sth. 324-8567j r -

J 6 f t 6 W 3 b d m » . l U t h ; VNice lo n d sc M n g . N ew .

rinyl windows. O a d c Q o o d ^ . kjcatton. 532 17th Avo. E . ^

$78 ,500 .324-4387J K ; - - E R 6 M ^ 5 b d m u .d b « l I W ^ Newer. 250 0 sq . f t h o o te * : '

Fea tu res 2 f l» s t e f suftee,’-------- -groat room, form al d in in g , ' i

in very o p en floor ptdn. AiJ ‘$179,900. WHI co n sk fJr ' U lease op tkxis o r rentl^.C^

0 1 6 1 6 lh A v e .E . .Call 32 4 -2 3 4 6 .* .

E H O M E B u y th e m o s t : '- ' charm in g .h o m e In q a ie i- ;.. su b d iv is io n . 3 b d r m . , '2 ' ' b e th h o m e w ith a ll t h ^ ^ a x tra s . C o v e r e d decKlV * t'au ilod c e ilin g s , m e p lev , Wtchon, dbl. c a r garagrf.V •3ay w indow s, A C. c to se 10 J e m m e H igh S ch o o l;;’' mi this and m ore for onljf-., 1 J85.000. . ,. - , 1 '644-9788 hr. m— s a y J » .

bourse, 3 bdm i. 2 bom ; ' Tiovlng-motlvatod sellof.'- ^140,000. C aJ 64 4 -1 3 1 2 J ' : CTCHUM H om e mustt>*«!, n o v e d l N ic e 3 b d r m l ' ■ Easily m oved. G reat val<. je l Serk>uslr>qulriesonly:. : a l l ( ^ 8 ) ^ - ^ . H

3l'X56' m ach ine s l ^ « i ; - - '506 W. C e n te r S t C o m r - 1 merdal resklentlal z o r to d i - Home Is 2 bdrm . 2 bath-'liig li.cellings.-hardw oo<^-------noon . elec. s to v e a refrl^j.'► 0 w ood burn ing stove ,, leorty full b sm t. w/W/D,. ruil closet, coat fum ade A ; oom lor a n o th e r b a lh 'S "»drm. New er m etal ro6f A* - iding. S h o p h a s 2 2 0 3 ihoso power, toilet« sink;’Ir c o m p re sso r , 2 w o ld i-.' rs, drill p re s s , grindorsr ' 1 -frome hoist, b en ch es &Ices a etc; Also a live c a r - a rogo bu ild ing & a 4 0 'e m iyan on property o l H , --------’cro plus. T here a re two rlvow oys-ono w ith futr ."IV h o o k -u p s . $ 8 9 ,5 0 0 .- ' iwner will Ilnanco w/suty-*' ’ t o n r i a l d o w n p y m t'. ' ro -n n y -o -r 'S h 6 r 0 fi lawlings. 208-423-5676. r 420-5449. ■ i^ ^R L Y now, 3 bdnn. 2 .Qths. stove, rofrig.. bliip arpet. k itchen w /snack ' ar. $39,500. Ownor will in y w /5 % dow n. 10% fl-'a n c ln o - o n 'O A C rC o ir -----------34-8064 or 423-5253. » ’

Need A H omo?Twin Foils A rea - ••

Boise A rea? H >eH eseT e«m .C om

itlar, fenced y o r S 'T l S ts. $82 .000 .438-8824 ■

ul.homo. 2557 sq . ft. 6 Irm. 3 bo th . 6 .7 acros. isturo & com ils..$130.< — .......

m o d e l , 2 4 0 0 s q . I i.v |»m .o_orf.l.4.flctaa.wUb________1Iter, hu g e sh o p with 3 lyo, 1-16', t>am a n d cor..[, $139.000, 886-2295W .

T O E m i E S N E W ^ TO ssified D ep e rtm eo t '. o p e n s a t 8 :00 am

M o n th ru F rL T ake C ar* o f y o u r . . c la ss ified b u s in e s s : b e fo re y o u h e a d to ..

y o u r bu s lr te ee-208-733-0931 e x t 2 ........>r o u r B u rley O ffice. > ■

1-208-877-4042 . . , _

nN FA LLS- -------ATTENTION-SEE .THIS ONE FJRSTI - , - - G reat L o ca tio n 4 bdrm s.. 2 bo ths, -

: docks, 2 fireplaces. >>RV parking. Brick. • 69SSunriaeN . ■ ,

19,000. Call 733-5408 " r 731 -5408forappt.M . u..

r. Excellent buikJing-/^’ " '' ms considered. . f c . , . ’:;

a tm osphefB w ithciy iH ,..

”L ^ 5 S L -r':-

_____ r ■

' ' " " " ' . I

S h o s h o n e Form nous n«w ninKXfol. on 5 aero

. Ig . tr e o s , ou tbu ild in g moMIo homo hook-up. a d itlo n o l a c ro o g o a v a590.000. Coll 934-0020. TWIN FALLS $196,900

Still m w tS IO O sq . ft. 4 brdms. 2»4 bam.

Unfinlshod bsmt. Upomcie Call 734-0944. ■

T W N FALLS 1480 sq. tt. 4 b d rm .1 K b a th . N ot O 'Loary. O vorsizo 2 a gorago.SI 10.000. Call U on appt. 733*3eg2B

TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. w/ bdrm . ren ta l. FIroplaci foncod yard, siding, g i rago. now windows. Nic no lghborhood. S7S ,00( Call B37-9099.B

___________ IW lH -F A L L S abdn iu -, 2 bom, AC, hot tub. dock,

5110.000. C*II324-0987J TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm. 2 bathS10,S001Ropohom lorl<sUngcag800-319<332

ext. 0792.B TWIN FALLS By ownor.

bdrni. 3 full ba in s , haotoi pool, now paint. AC, sprfr k lo rs , low m alntonanc* yd. Exc. location. Call |i viow. 7360217, S109.40C

TWIN FALLS Must Soil b ow n o r. 3 b d rm ., 2 ba tl h o u se . Control a ir. auti s p r i n k l e r s , f o n c o d 5 8 9 ,9 0 0 . 2 3 2 Callont< Avo. Call S78>791B ovo o r 788*9021 m ornings. ■

T W IN F A L L S n o w o r : — bdrm. 2 bath, Lg. bockyc

A C , s p r in k to r s , d o c h p o n d . 1 2 5 2 I n c a O i596.000. Coll 735-8416.

T W IN F A L L S P r I c o rcducod S7000. 3 bdrm. bath,' AC, Auto sprlnktori fo n c o d , Ig . lo t . 2 6 6 I C a m in o . S B 9 .9 0 0 .C a 734-4127. ■

TWIN F A L L S -n fc* a p i__________ L cIo u a .co n d o l2 .b d rm ..

full ba ths, quiol a ro a , a cond. 2 car garogo. Rot parking. Cottr733-0471.1



MAGtC RESERVOIR - , Tho porfoct placo to onjo

fistilng. boating ond rola> I ing! 3 bdrm s. 2 baths,> firop lacos. dock , doubiI g a ra g o & b o a t g a ra g e




^ ^ D A i n i E S ^

BUHL 350 co~w dairy, 10 on a sido. Noor Buhl. Fo

. sa le or loaso. 536-66661

In A lo s k a . CRP.**H?y graln.Wili irado (or fami c ranch in Idaho. 655-43111


^ A L O T C _ | _

I B L IS S L and invoo tm onopportunity, 1 group o f !

. undovolopod rosldontle7 tots. Caii2oa*362-C2oi.i

' 1 6 0 oc ro s. An oxtraordi•nary property wtth unlkn

------- a S tn iS ^ f f i i r S o o w o f i9lto at www.olkridgomou ntain.oonior208-764-341i



.’)N» n iiinp itir I* autitad 101 ------------- a y . ' a a f t - B j s !

pratarane* m M o n or

• pr*far«ne*, rtmltailon «r«l»Cflmln«llon.' Familial ■ tatui lAdudat ehlltfran

.(m d ar th a ae ao f ia iM n g

~ l«ndpOTplaMCu1rncuMody

- -ar* m n a b ia on an •qual

...........W » -fm ._ T h « To»-tl— •

f ” " "

L . • _____ .♦ ________ __

_ L 6 6 Tlfrt»»W»w i;T W l

ouso , FILER 40 acfo s SW of clicros, full w ator, good foncirin g s , h a s boon split into 20 ocp ,a d - p o r c o l s , 5 3 0 0 0 p<iv a tl. Bcro/offor. 735-9980, m>20.B HAZELTON 512,5009 0 0 -------- ^^-lO acres.-sodudod-l.tt. coum iy .C a lI825 -66 i;I. or206-431*5617.B“'•“ s- JERO M E country, 3 bdn

2 both mobile on 1 a n|.n . 56 2 .5 0 0 . C all 324-391'J o o r for appointment, ■J " ; KIMBERLY-------------------111 lor $29,900 G reat building si

‘ Ibr your now homo. 3.5w/ 1 o c r o s . l o c a t e d in t^

loco . China Rldgo E sta los. F, g a - diroaion a n d details CiNico T H E H E S S T E A W000. W A L T 0 7 3 7 * 3 9 3 9 «

TA M I0737-3940. H9702


734 -0400 ^ K IM B E R L V o ro a .m n c i,____ fencod a n d w ator share:or, 5 529,500. Coll 423-6340.1

t w i n f A l l s -----------------5 5 5 .0 0 0 b u ild y o u r n o

" “i® ho m o on th is 2 .7 aero" ^ 0 to t- ifs o n e of tho bost loij 2 2 ; 'on in Meadowrldge wlihIII by na tu ra l rock wall on thb a th northskJo o l tho proporta u to F o r m o ro d o to l l s v iso d . T h o H o s s T o a m .c o m cj n to c a ll WAUT 7 3 7 -3 9 3 9 covos TAMI 737-3940. N99557S .B ____


734 -0400 7 7^7 TWIN FALLS Duplex bulll ’ 2 Momlngsido E

-7 3 3 -2 3 2 3 Of 733-7051B 16 E l -jyyJN FALJLS, FlJor Tr«; .C o ll w ir s RldQo S u b d lv ltk

lot for so le by'ow ner. O ^ r3 3 = 6 1 3 3 W % r.5 6 7 6 I

m . . i . ____W E N D E L L 20.ncm _J, a ir parcels noo r Wendoli. R ec. Coll S36-6666.B

WENOELL 20 ACRES ^ = i Call Gory Ot 731-5030

o rT o n y a t 731-055 1 «



S'aJ^ TWIN FA L L S ’ T /re d t fi8, 2 » r o e k s ? ’ C hock rotui lublo on no w 4 plox: Call Chuc a g o . 733-8207.B

' TWIN FALLS Country kLTY 4 -p lo x .3 b d fm .,2 b a th s_____ 5+ acres . 5200,000--------------Call (702) e d 0 -3 l7 9 :«

WENDELL 3 bdm i. 2 b a thr. 3 bdrm. 1 bath houc on 2 lots. 593 .500 . 32<

= = 3606 after 6pm No roalto


1 TWIN FALLS------- Approxlmotloy 1 aero------1 o f C -1

com m ercial property--------Jocaiodon ---------

___ Elm Stroot behind^ Motel 6.------J All utllitios on sito.

Call 734-4139.

n tla l TWIN FALLS Commorcli Q1.H lancl fo r lo o s e . Up to------- Njaxt-loJ<Mfli»t».ln^ I hom os on W. Hwy 30. Lj o r ^ - b usiness sign on sito fc21sg:___ youf.u3*.H M .pow «,-s!:

tor, a soplk:. Will buiW I 2 f tn 734-4100 tv, m sg. I

----------^ 1 6 -------VACATION PROPERTY


hom o. Newly rorr>odolo< C o m p le te ly e q u ip p e d S toops 6. FrI.-Sun. 525'

Q ofFtI.-Frl. 5350.774-290;

il r { j g ^ ^BROAOMORE-84 3bdrm .

Of 1 both, Ig. opon kitchen i M living room, pllchod rool

c a r p o r t , h o o l p b m p lal 5 2 0 . 0 0 0 / O f f e r . C a l •n 436-6127

DIETRICH -97 28 ’X44-, : M bdrm, 2 both, assum abit ^ l o a n , m u s t b o m o v o d „ $39.900. Call 934 -6916J y JERO M E 1B76 Sky Lino',

2 bdrm . 1 bath, a t ■ oo o d V CO M .'CAlI324-44$4«2 U tV tH A L- -S OLDER HOMESA . Ur>d«rJ9B3...Wa can y OUI ; owitcootr»cti.2S%<k>wn, « . 6% ln te recL 8M up ls fr«e .I # - -------------B ro ek m an 'a ---------->- ^byW ^ M ort^

M n j a n iU M ih Q [ w « d n » ^

if city, TWIN FALLS 1972 12x60icing. 2 bodroom , vinyl siding.> acre appliances, nice condition,I p 0 r C uny Trailer Pork. 56700., m sg Call 86e-4774.BXI. TWIN FA L L S 2 b d n n s . 2«J--------- b a tn ro w w /a p p is n v ic o :617 552.500. Call 734-8943.M


. GRAVE SfTES 3 O Sun- Momorlol Park-on tho

sunny slopo. 326-4472.B

i ^ 2 0 Ju I r e a l ESTATE %nr I WANTED7029


DEPARTMENT cros . 2 0 8 - 7 3 4 - 5 5 3 8t lots O”'ilh o 2 0 8 - 6 7 7 - 4 5 4 3!o‘r i ° (BURLEY)/ i s i t WANTED M a n u fa c tu re dTl o r h o m o to buy & m ove to;9 o r my ac rea g e . 655-4311.B


NC. BUHL ’98 hom e. 2 tKlrms.-, 2 boths. A ssum ablo loan.

71 no monoy down. 543-1625 0 Dr. KETCHUM '9 4 , FLootwoodMB.------ 28-X40’ 3 bdrm.T2 bath.—

538,000. 208-487-1245.B Islon W E N D E L L F o r s a lo by .C a ll o w n o r . 1 9 9 6 . 1 4 X 6 0 , ’6 .B Cham pion mobile homo.— --—3 bdrm. 1 bath , vory good °j----- -cond .-$23 .000 r83»6213B

30 B a m i R cu iem u te IB Kcnial


-3 — . TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. 'o o r condo by CSI. Nice.

S600/mOvCall 737-0713.B TW IN F A L L S 8 bd rm . 6

------- both, a c ro a g o , ront/pur-tfy ch aso or solo. 733-1359. 1 Hhs. ---------------------

m _ _ R 0 ?■ I UNFURNISHED

*50;;; I HOUSES ouso324- BUHL 2 bdrm, 2 b a lh . '98 iltors m obile hom e . N o po ts.

. 5 4 5 0 /m o *■ d o p . L ong torni lease , in Buhl Mobile

. ___ Estoios. Coll 543-8342C A S T L E F O R D 4 b d rm .

384 Moplo. No pota/smo- k in g . 5 4 7 5 + d o p . R o ls . Coll733-540af731-5408,B

E-MAIL your closslliod od ly to u s 01— tw In ad O m lcro n .n et -- ' EDEN HAZELTON 2 bdrm.

Appls. Carport, liroploco, no pets. 5375. 423-5104.

•rcIo bdrm. hom o on 'a 'q S o ? to 3 tano for rent. $495 pkis '

'i\ irBARKER^ 1 ° 0111643.4371

-both,prtvatoyard.™ orogo! r rv W/D hookup. No pots. 5350 " * -fdop.837-6204 oftor 1pm

}iod. I ISr T

a s o

i . v f h r q u e / f T i

iT s

od !6JI


PriifBtt Part

Ktoy, Uuly.4,.2001

x60 H AGERM AN 2 b d rm .U ng, b a th s , f lro p lo c o /w o o i tion, stove. Now fumoco. Nov 700. b l in d s , c a r p o t & v ln ^ l

W/D hookup. Froo coble T~ 2 N o pets. S450/mo. * dop

- G o l i e37*6204-attonpm B [ 3 ^ . JE R O M E 5bdm i9 ..3bath i

n'owor 2500 sq, ft. homo.Located in o good

neighborhood In Jerom e. Footuros 2 m aster sullos groat room, formal dining

___ in vory opon Iloor pWn.>un- 916 16th Avo. E.tho — Call 324-2346.B ------

IB . JE R O M E C lo an 1 bdrm — I 5360. S tove & rofrlg. Nc

pels. 543-9196, m e ssa g e LEASE HOMES near Klm>

_ borfy /H ansonnopo (s2 o i 3 b d r m . M orodllh 734-

_56B .1 .J}V 09j34 ;089B Ji_ MAOICADS SERVICES

. ' moglcads-mall.com/ront A p t A Homo Rentalam

TW INFALLS Baaulltul 3 bdrm. 2 balh, firoplaco,

'a p p ls ., garago, yardean . ■ No pots/sm oklng. S895+

:D doposll. Call 733-6269.B TWIN FALLS Elogant 3 b d r m . 2 b a th , r a n c h , n o o r C S I, d b l. g a ra g o . fiT o p laco , d o c k , 5 9 5 0 . 733-7660.B

___ TWIN-FALLS 2 bdrm. 150’Od M adison. 5500/mo.-»dop. ; IS 733-9658 or 731-2345.B = TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm.; n 552 4th Avo N.. with stove, 5 rofrig., 5 4 7 5 -t-dop.■' No pots. Coll 733-3322. « J TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm.,W/D [i3.-, incl. 1 balh. 5450/mo, No an . pots. 420-8887/ 734-5633. 525 T W IN F A L L S 2 b d r m s . Md 15gBFIIerAvo. E. 5475-^\ -------- S300 dopr-No potSrRofS;5.B Yard caro . wolor provided

733-2776B BO. TWIN FALLS 2 bedroom, ■no. no smoking. 5425 monlh. » d Call 733-3742,B >

t w i n f a l l s 3 b d rm . 1 bolh. South of Twin Falls

I on Hv^y. 9 3 .5500/mo. 1st ” & lo s tm o . rent. 731-1690

days, 733-3894, ovos.B TWIN FA LLS 3 b d rm ., 2

_ b a l h . 5 5 5 0 /m o . + $ 4 0 0 c l e a n i n g d o p . F i r s t p a y m en t. N o pots', ro ts.

M d roq. Available July 1. Coll— 734-4101 alter 2pm. B

TWIN FALLS 4 bedroom3.B 848 Eastlond Dr. S. 5550/ [ -g m o. 5550 dop. 734-4402. >ur- TWIN FALLS 5 bdrms. 1 >9. 1 baths. Appls. S875/mo.-f- — I dop. Roni wilh option to— • —b u y r O A C r N o p o t s 'o r

sm o k in g , r o ts . & c re d it chock. Coll 208-735-5399.

T W IN F A L L S H O M E - O FR C E For rent, 5650+-

'1®' s e c u r i t y d o p . 2 b d rm . " 0 S u n r o o m . h a rd w o o d ,

f loo rs w /flrop loco . W/DI__ _hookup._404-7lh-Avo..N >m . Ploaso call 208-734-6694, I f TWIN FALLS N.E, Oran on

quiot cul-do-sac. Nowor. _ 3 bdrm .. 2 ba th , fencod od yard. 5995/m o. * 51000

d o p . C o ll 7 3 5 -8 0 8 8 or- -308-0705. B --------------

TO. WENDELL Nico 3 bdrm71 CO, • b a th r l n rg o - y a r d r S 8 9 5 ' 21: Avoll. Aug. 1.S36-5664.B

sf M 603

Call 733-1952. B ow __ TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm,

W am onlilos, onoroy"oiflcion(. 3m Coll 734-2556. B

O D B S i i6 IV 8

^orty f t J y • A g ta f t i r e O a i ^

a i -------------- S 0 4 —law I UNFURNISHED 1^1. ^ ^ P T C ^ D U P L E X K

op. TWIN FA L L S S tud io opt riB.- —$225/m o+-*1S0ftJoprN (

pots. Cali 733-3006.B10. BUHL Sen io r Clllzon,

2 b d rm . W /O h o o k u p ^o. rafrlg. stove , utlts. allowa 09. n e e . R e n ta l a s s ls ta n c t ng ovall. 735-8048 EHOB

BURLEYToking applications lor

~ 'w ailing Ilsl7 lf2 .-& '3 bdrm': m . opts. M ountain Velw Eos No 678-9141^ EDEN A p ar tm e n ta 5 unlti m- fo r r o n t . (2 ) 2 b d rm . 1 o r b o f h s , ( 1 ) T b d rm . ( f]14- studio. Kathy 825-4179B

S~ 1 Vi bath , app ls, O arogo S It foncod yard. 5650.I 1013W M idw ay543-5669B I GOODING 1 bdrm . ap t., :o, avail a t W ost S ide Coun, r». Sen ior a g e 62 o r ovor and 5-f d isa b le d , incom o dotor* B .. m ines ront. Ask for Shlrloy — , 934-49B6B.:h. HAILEY0 . . BALMORALAPTS.0 . . * N ow *

Affortfablo 5Q ’ Luxury

* * N O W I * *S ’ 1 .2 .3 b d r m . ,- 5 7 8 - 1 1 1 0 «-0. HAZELTON.

Now taking applications: S y rln g a E tu t a a .

— • 1 bdm t. a p ts ; Quiet & woll ' y m aintained lor tho eldorty ;io 62 yrs. of a g e or oldor,

H ondlcoppodrt)lsablod s . rega rd less of ogo.> * Federally AsslstodfS;------ Houslng.-CaH 829-4206.-o d ' H andicap A ccossibloB.

E q u a l H o u s in g— Opportunity.Ih. JERO M E 2 bodroom. 1H

balh. patto. W/D 5485.- f -324-286g~or~324:B4&9:B' Ils JERO M E 1 bdrm. c lean & 1st quiet, laundry facilities on 90 site, b a se d on Incomo, no I pots. 324-3464. EHO.B

30 ra^ r^ ^M S o Jm ^ oloct® No s t pota/smoklrig. 324-4423.B '3; K IM B E R L Y 1 b d r m .

oppis. Included, no pots. _ 5325.431-9950,423-9659 ! RUPERT

Taking applications for ^ walling list. 1 & 2 bdnn.^ opts. Volloy Park Apis.

436-5882•o RUPERT_________________O f T o k in g a p p l ic a t io n s lo r jJ* walling list. 1 ,2 . & 3 bdrm.

a p arlm o n te . Southw ood j . Apartm ents 436-0226

*; «-Hear th e quietl>d.'D Laurel Parte ApartmentsM_______ 176 Mau_rico Sirool____4 Twin Folia

734-4195 " TW INFALLS------------ ------

m • • • • • • • • • • • • •

?! SARATOGA/? a p t s15- • Luxury 1-&-2 bdrm — B . Pool1 •W/elght facility f "C lubhouse - - -

3 Call Dawn at _ - *! C C '

651 Saratoga Dr y_ Twin Falls. ID11. • • • • • • • • # # # • • # #

I ta r t lo t iO r f y ■ '


— I KIMBERLY Now apt. bidfl , 2 bdm i. m b a t h . C a lla l l g tor 7:00 p.m . 423-4377.B

H5T TW IN FA LLS Avail, now -N o- —novw r-a-bdim r-a-bath-h I dovm»tairB'3-'plex, grounc— lovol, range , rolrlg, dish

w ash e r , W /D h o o k -u p su p . c o v e re d p a rk in g , som e

ulllltios Incl. no po ts, 560C "f® monlh. * dop . credit anc S _ . landlord chocks roquirod.

Call 734-4411 Willa Inc. (or_ J r * * * * * * .* * .* ,* ,* * :* *

TWIN FALLS Studlo/5305 1 bdmV5325 -f dop. Utils

— p a id . 7 6 1 M a in W . Nc nits pots. Coll 326-4477

V n TW INFALLS 2 bodroomn ' 2 bath., all e lec . in Russell— S a u a ro . a o o l . w / W /D/ . , 5 5 0 0 -f $ 5 0 0 d o p . Coll O S T r a g i a t 7 3 6 - 8 5 0 3 o r

731-2433 V TWIN FALLS

LUXURY 2 b d r m .u n i t s , u r t Q /w yv/Q hook -up , AC.

No sm o k in g /p els .- S ta r t 10^ 0 5 4 7 5 . 735-0473B .

— j O P E N I N lKacyMeadov

L o c a te d O n Kaery M ci B e h in d T h e RD

~ ' B i u m N e w - 1 1 . Z i 3 B c o m

(Oil '■ Spacious Floor

d ■ Individual Patit■ C o m m u n ity Cl

' '■ T lay~G rouhd■ Gas Heat

^ ■ W&D Hookups .■_Compuier:Cen

j-j ■ Central Laundr on ■ Dishwasher/Di‘1 ■ Center Air)4 ■ Friendly On-SitN o ____ __________

2 All These Amei Its! For m ore inform atio i59 208-5^

____ For th e hearing.< a i t 1 -8 0 0 -5 4 5 -1

>• Se Habic

m .od


i H H


3ldg. TWIN FA LLS 2 bdrm,II al- sa v e 55. a ll utlllUaa 7 .B In c lu d a d l $445.~ Call 734*5483

T W I ^ A L W Newer

>und P a r k , W /D h o o k u p , n< Ileh- po ts $425«Jop 733-27671 ups. TWIN FALLS

N ew er, beau llfu i onorg ' o f t i c io n l .1 ,2 & 3 b d r m

“ " tl a p ts . A ffordable p r ice s Incom e restrictions apply

>«• C a ll F a w n b ro o k A p ta — lor detail# a t-734 -1600 .-

305 E H O . H a n d l e a p p a cJtils. « c ca aa lb la .____________N o TW IN FA LLS

Vory C lean. Q uiel 2 & 3— bdm i a p ts . Microwovo, ^ , 1 DW, loundry on site.

r o r 730*7106TWIN FALLS

— ‘FALLS APTS.*ii8 . 1 ,2 ,3 Bdmns. $ 3 3 5 * 4 9 5 AC.. Som o DW& W/D hookups, ta r t - S pacious ond clean".

No po ts. 734-6600

sTG S O O N ! !)ws ApartmentsMcadovkPS L a n e -O f f F a ir St. R D G ro c e r y f n B u h l


or Plansitios/Balconies - Club House

ips!entet— idryDisposal

Site Staffnenities And More tion and application call ^543*2740 ngJmpaired, TDD#5 * 1 8 3 3 E x t . 2 0 8 ^ tb ia E s p a n o l ] B ^

i i < » 7 3 - 3 a a « N . M « b i

iw 20IU i

_ J ,, ,

TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm, fire* place, co vered paiio. ap* p is . W/D h o o k -u p . law n

— c a r o a n d s o m e u t i l .prov ided . Call 734 -1556

w t- —orS43:B84arS475Tao^

™ T W IN FA L L S 2 b d rm . 2 b a th d u p le x , g a r a g e ,

rgy ro lrlg ., s to v e , OW, W/Drm. hookup, now palnVcarpot.e s . City ulils. pd. 5600-fdop.3ly. NO sm ok ing /po ts , c lo seta . to CSI. avail 8-1.934-5771



O n T o w n C a r s .

-All Ljnfflis recei\ Maintenance for 3)

L I N CA M E R I C A h

TfBSfflMOiniRS 1733-7700 OP t

TWIN FALLS Cozy, m tta l fire* 1 bdrm, W/O hook up:Ji» ap* cen t rem odel. 7 3 4 - 2 8 2 «

“7 " YWIn M L l I 2 'b d n i T .^p le x , 5 3 7 5 /m o .

^ bath. Slove. rofrlg, D W 4 ’ W/D. No pets. 73 2 -0 8 9 5 J

W D TW IN FA L L S 3 b d r m f j . po t. both duplex. garoge.-ro» . lop . frig, stove ,' dlshwQfitiQ]^ o s e Ac, 5650 mo. 5500 cloan»,771 Ing dop. No sm ok lng -n b , -----------pots.-Rof.-roq’d.-734-lc£5i------


n , C o n H m n l a l s , K f o v i g t r t o n .

:eive Complimentary 3 years/36,000 miles.__

'L J ^C O L N :AN L U X y R Y

RS701MaiRJW8.L P 800-318-7708


— 1


v 5 i z —

nwlN FALLS 2 bodfooni— 2 .baU iJJa.a inah ino /po lA ~ - Cail 734-8007 loavo meg.

■ hoat. 4 partO ras. pood, no : jjfn o k o /p o t# _ S 5 5 0 jn o o th i. .+.SSOO dep ..732 -e iS S JL 4 T W I N F A L L 8 3 7 9 - 2 !- U n o ro . *H od«l 0pw ir,-3 i j

b ctrm . 2 b a th , g a r ^ o . :■. $650*'. 733-6207/737*0043. - -TWIN FALLS d e a n 2 bdrnT= ' i L tJaJi. W/O fwpkup, o n .. _

r a g o , $ 4 5 0 + d e p . N o Bmoklno/pot9.734.7136.M •

—oow -catp a ii a b o d ^ balhj- -___^W/D^roWo...AC,-$540-*-

S450 dop. Avaiiablo now, n o s m o k ln g /p o ts . C a ll ''423-4922 T oriny .*- ------- .

TWIN FALLS G re a t cloan , • 1 bdrni No pols $375/mo.- ■Klop.UUI. if)cl. 326< a9M I ,

TWIN FALLS Ug. 1 bdrm. • o p t. Now o a rp o l/p a ln i .

WA W/O hookup, appliances. I ig - N o y a rd /p o j s . W a to r &I '0 h o a l p a id : $4 '0 0 /m o . +M f )2 S dop. Call T34-47&8. m TWIN FALLS Nico 2 Ddrm. '

a p t. w / a p p liancoa furn* i a .. Ish o d . All u iiiltio s pa id .

S 460 . 132 0 e th Avo. E.’ OoposH&reto. 734-8577.a

TVnN FALLS Nico duplox, . 492 WakotloW. 2 bdrm.

S4S0 -K S400 dop.’ F o rapp t. 736-8100.

Available now H TWIN FALLS • R ueee ll S q u a re A pta.

2 bdrm ,. 2 bath $ 5 0 0 m o/$s00dop ,

C lea r S p r in g e A pts.3 bdnn . 2 both

IS 650m o/S630oh lot-t-dop

R o b b in s A p is, f ibd rm .rl Bath

- $ fl0 5 m o /$ 5 8 0 'o fn sr+ 'd 0 p ' “ A sh S tre e t (Duplox) «

3 bdrm. 2 balh $625m o«600 on 1 et + dop

------ - P lu s m a n y m orelCall Mickle

HALLOWS PR O P. MGWT. - 734-4334.

—W ENDELL'2 bdrm.-opl. oil" 'J utllllos paki, vnishor/dcyor. C an bo panlal fumlshod.' S475/mo. + $150 doposll. S36-6264H

H Hn A -C O U S -T I-C A L [ f & D R Y W A L L


Custom Toxluros J 731-0788 CTF)if----------- 878-0991 ( B u r i^ ) -------

Inaurod • Froo Ealimatoa |

I A IR D U C T I r ______ C L E A N I N G ^! ■ Air Quality Sorvfcos ; AJr O ucts Fum acos ' Oryor Vonts Chlnuoys , Insulation Roitioval ;• 732-8788 *, '



TWIN FALLS PLA N R O O MJo b s tO'bkj tor all construction. Froo

, m onlh (now CO.) Bluoprint copies.

--------- 734-PLA N (7 5 2 6 ) -

I C A R P E N T R Y 1

, Repair and install:. Oocks, foncos, windows,

•doors, snrall romodols.Froo osllm atos

Call Chuck Rogors 326-S271 o r 731-1391.

C A R P E ffT R Y , I --------------- E T C .— —

Rotired Iknnsqd Gonotat Cbrrtractor w/ovor 25

, yrs.oxpor.;E nloya' carpento«w oi1c ;

— Call W a ^ l S -rw M

CM w itog ............SanOea i .

C L E ^ i i lN G I s e b y i g e

CO U N TRr CLEANERSB uslnoasM . rojJdiHUlal,

- constn id ton cioan up. SpocmiJjo i f f t i ^ _ :

ck>aning.<FrM eeUmat- os. B o n ^ a Insured.

J e ro n w 324-3299*^

C O M k p T E R - lS A L E S i^ R V I C EInk C a t t i f ^ Re(IH $10 C om pirtoK Notebooks;' Printers. I t o M ochlnosr W oSenA -SbrvteaA n

O F F IC E & .736-M 68 :A/lslt o u r retail sto re •

located by Offica.litax

. Qoi 'ii, ^ 7 M h. . 'tho ki»«6M way . . ; wtth ' i

— • cfMWed, 733^)93t. JJ

i ■ ■


= -TWIN FALLS OuiolrnlcelT ; 1 I O - 2 b d n iu J J ja I h J 3 W _ .I. hookupv yatd, $430g-------K S 2 2 f rd e p r6 a 9 -e i9 2 J - -

^ J E n O M E Holiday MoMI

SHOSHONE 1 bdmi. uso ‘ -o fk i ic h d n ;c a b 1o T V ,$ l60 i

2 m o.ubllllospd. 836-7037.

^ - rofrtg.-8Tjtia . ^

/wookly ratos • Anordabto • Cloon •O u io t* Friendly*

: 2152 KlijilwlyRd, 733-8820• TWIN FA tX S MOTEL3 . $120 & up wooWy-'! 248 2nd Ave W. 7 3 3 - ^ 0

606 IMOBILE.......HOMES .

' B U H L n ic e 3 b o d ro o m .: $ 4 7 5 4 $ 2 5 0 d o p o s l l .. Cloan. Call S43-8800.H

GOODING 2 bdrm.I $350/mo.>$300 doposlt. <

Avail. 7-8. 934-4827.«■ T w iN FA O S T ro llo ron> ^

aero S400 month + utlllllos. Call 733-7404.B


Qluo Lakos and Filor , , Oillco-Rolail '

700 Sq. Fl.- 2000 Sq. Fl. . H am m ock Merta'geme'nl 1

,------ 734-4339 o r3 4 2 -7 3 6 8 ', <JEROM E Com or o l Maln&

L in c o ln .-S o v o ^ a l u n i ts ) avail. R e n ts s ta r tin g O .

. $300, Plooso phono Rick 1 539-5311 or423-5311B NEW OFFICE SPACE

_____FOR RE|frI Space's available August 1.

576 sq. rt. O $550/mo. &' 684 sq . ft. O $825 /m o . ■*

Pro-w lrod for com putor nohwori(,Coll736-8747.B

p iu s m i|D n |M

r ^ O N C R E T E I

D & M CONCRETEFootings, foundations, drivoways, sidowalks.

Dolrios and rosldoniial.All your concroto noods.

_____;_ C a « 535-6705_______

I CONSTRUCTION I. .ALTON CONSTRUCTION . .• AJ P hases of Coristmct«n - -

& Repair


B & BM aintenance

All typos of romodol cons^uction. spodaUzing in ba lhnsoms/Commoroial

palming. 23 yra. oxp. Frooostlmalos/423-4065

[c o n s t r u c t io n I *

B a d g er O ayllghtlng IHydro-Excavation

Sorvico .E lim inate D am age i Savo Timo & Monoy U nos Exposing, polo I ho les tronchlng. olc.


I c o n s t r u c t io n I

Excovatton, Dump Tnick Sorvico

Sockhoo Sorvico Roasonabio R a le s b

W e m e et aU you r n e ed si J2 0 8 )8 « 1 ^9 9 5 ^

Stephens Backhoe Dump Truck ServiceTrenching & oxcavoting '

- In a lo il w aste sy stem s , Ctoan^jp & demoNtion. I

I Cell 438-5043 I


•> Je ed a jo b ? . TI

733-7300 o r 678-4040 1


R M ld en tie l« R e n e h . ,P o le..0ow ol& ra ilw ood r - - (enco..RepaIrw orf(.n ' .

corrals, ba itted wire."'*'

‘■“ . C j S S S S J ” ' I 1I • ' C a U 8 3 4 « 1 5 ; - ~ I

;Sommor-»f hare - and ITSr r " o a n o e sa le seasonrFM d- - o u t t h e y o » m d tea - •vM irn* wt>«ra yowrt «rU ;b*tfeughthepow«fulBra*

r -TW INFALLS........................ - i \----- JU B tiA iM a c e J n iv _ £ o £ .:__

teoso • -2 O lfk»s. Rocep- r ” ~ t fo n a r e a / p t u s C u iilu i-- ence room. $1;S77/moftth-------___ or.$450/month for Individ..

ua l dflicoa. Call K ent o r M : rc ifK ly :c a U tia a l7 3 4 :« l( iC ' ■

Y w In FALLS.--------------- T I1 7 0 0 sq .lt .R le rA v e ,E .— ■

. . 1 3 0 0 s q .n .F i le rA v o .E .. Bl-----------R en tneQ oU ab le--------- o

734-5380B • «______✓.TWIN FALLS ✓ -------> P ro fe ss io n a le ffic e sp a c o . r ' .

AC. Ig. parking kJt.utJi. _S L ^-Jncl..From.$100B9tJnQnttL J S

737-3924 o r 3084)11 7 .a c r ‘rW IN FA LLS& onvortthis ^ - n o m o toyottr o fficospocof

O nA ddlsonA vo. W. nearhospital. $975 plua sq . ft. ^

I H as plenty of sto rage a n d ''signage. 733-8841 .■ _2

★ * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * T W iN F A L L S * * i

★ JE R O M E * IAll s h a p d s , °

• -a iz o 8 & lo c a t io n a l . •. - SRETAIL, O FR C E , SH O P _ !

& WAREHOUSES TVNood a space to leaso? KWa will find If tor youi ^TIDWELL JENKS °P ro p e rty M a ru g e m e n t “733-5203 or 420-3711 ^

TWIN FA LLS Now ofllco as p a c e s on P rim e E a s t- al a n d p r o p o r t y u n d o r pc o n s tr u c t io n . R o so rv o f<your sp a ce now by calling aG ory T h io tto n o r D oug b

, Strand o t 734-4061. kTWINFALLS----------- ------- 0O F n C E ANO RETAIL . TVVarious iocalona and sizes , R«

Call Slovo for moro Info. HALLOWS PR O P. MGMT

734-4334 LTWINFALLS------------------- PO ffice sp a c e n e a r C ourt-

houso, pionty o t parking. __A m erlcen R eal E s ta te TV

734-5650 o

c o a t o f r o n t o n B l u o ^ L akes? R easonoble relaif TV and office s p a c o s avail- n<

- —ablo 01 tho R ogerson Malii — ndow niSvn. 734-6832 7:

You II novof know mo vaUio ot TW cla»9ltlod unui you um it.

_______ Caa 7334)031, 7


I G R O U N D S I I T M a i n t e n a n c e

AA MOWING SERVICE U w n Moinlonanco. woodlot ond orehord

mowing, Alfordabio_______ Quality service______ q,

. Call 732-4420. '

I H A N D Y M A N I f f .W O R K _____ _

------------------------------------------- -Yi

G onoral hom o ropalra.- * Iniorlor/oxtorior.

plumbing, palming. Ni and diywall.'

18 ye a rs corpontry oxp, L £ | . Froo osllm olos =J o h n 735-5179



l-foatlng/AC Rofrtgoratfon ___Com mercial and i—

rosidontial ---------<208) 733-6548-------


H andym en Jim. HeCom mordal& rosklontial. i T enant improvomonis.,

Inlorlor-oMtofioc painting.F ences of all kinds, 7

D ecks-patios. I___Romodoling of oil kinds. . f =

W o travel all ovor.27 years oxporionco,

A rnembor ol tho Setter----------- Busineae.............208 -3624907 toll (rM


I H O M E n *’• c o n s t r u c t i o n

k H E ^ jb B X A ^ Q M ^ j^F C a ipen tefs •. ? 1 =

/Ui Jo b s Largo & Sm aH TT > interior & Exterior ■,

. 732-5618 e r 731-6089 _


CARE IR em odels. drywaU. tile, e

painting & carpentry. —• • 20 yrs oxp. Froo i— :

i j c a l l ^ S ^ W '

L A N D S C A P IN G : a

TONY'S LANDSCAPMQ A H o m e R e p a tr* -------------- •

S p r in k le r s , tr im m in g , 'p r u n in g , & c le a n u p s . — W o d o v r tu ty o u c a n r

T o n y -7 3 4 -3 3 2 2 -

' ■ • -________ , B

I L A W N C A R E I cS

Tired r f j a y in o too iiKich ' for your lawn c a rs?Now you don 't havo to.OuoWy Lawn C aro wffl Nonboat m ost any price. d«

...................... ba.......Coll Cliff today a t — • f**

53»-6276. ^ o>. wo

-TWIN FALLS Office sp e ce : T^------ Just-A-M oro-lruvfont--------S

nooollable. $450/mo. Call M Cinay_0 7 33:533 f f o r ~ m

i eoa \M— COMMERCIAL— — ^ R E N T A L 5 _ |

BURLEY Ovar 2500 s q .t t . ~K —of-bosJnoea-epoooH ocat- —■ od in O vertand Shopping ^

Cenler. $700 tfer month. _ f- re f . &-dop~oslt requlrlsd. /

- Call 208-678-5100 I, ^ g R f iH £ . ;U tM jc a m i n « n . - I

c l i l a p a c e * . 1 .0 0 0 to 7 "3.c o o 8 q ,' n.*w s ootTr u n - '

—o d n ftoxt-lo Je rom e Rec-- ■roaUon Center. Available IJu ly IS , 2001. For infor- ■mation coll 208-720-1740 T>o r '208 -720 -1119« w

•A ve.W 1 ^ ^ ^ ,$ 4 2 5 /m o . 2 0 0 0 s q ; tt . b ldg. $8S0/mo. Good for F

. small business, 208-543- 5 6 S 8 o r7 3 t-S 6 g 8 B

TWIN FA L15 idool down­town office space , historic building. V arious su ite s avoilable. Shared confer­e n c e room s and training room s. Excoilent comput- 01 a n d p h o n o s e rv i c e s available, /kmpio storage. A c ro s s th o s tro o t from U po st oirico. G ood localk>n ^ for b u s in e ss , o tto rnoys, ■ a c c o u n ta n ts , in su ra n co ■ buslnossoo . Compotllive ■ loose ratos. Coll 734-667 “ or 1.(800)284-0613 _

TW INFALLS------------------- JERetail sp a c e s available (or

le ase . 2272 sq . ft ond ! 2022 sq. ft. a t 870 Slue J

Lakes Btvd N. II intoreslod I ploase contact Connie or

Loroy Atwood 1-800-289-6348,a ^

TWIN FALLS 1,000 sq . It.. I ovorhead door, restroom , I 8 'x 1 5 'o l f ic o . H igh land I Avo. E. Call 423-5411 ,■ m

T W IN FA L L S 2 u n its . A now 3 bay doioll shop, a _

“ n lc o 'w a r o h o u s o /s h o p :— ,i 734-2347 or 736-9919,M j

TWIN FALLS office for ront s o r solo. Call Sam a l $

738-3776 or 734-9379.B c



Small eng ines, aircom pressors, .

oloctric foncors. 'P apa Jo h n 's Ropair

Spring tune-ups fo ryour iavtmmowor. 733-4858

U G H T H A U U N G I [1-Yard filling up wrth junk?- • • —

Nood tha lyon f debris . houlodoff?'

No timo to do it yourself?, ^

C ail 735-0707 Lv. M sg.

"“ p a in t in g I LInterior/E xterior

H usband & Wllo toom.Ovor 25 ye a rs oxp.Senior discounts. Roasonabio rolosi '

Cell J a c k 735-0227


S-'H a v e G un . Will Travel* L

Homos,Farms.CorrvTXHckil Spray Brush & Roller -

. Powor W ashing 30 yoars oxporionco

732-5787 or42d>2920



Painting. Remodeling. f ] Toxturing ftOrywall.

. ' .F roeostlm a to sI TCan BUI O (208)

^ R l m a v S r a ^ ^ * ^■ Landscaping

10 Yra experience. -G ardenlng.-G ro8ees . —

FoftUlzor, Automatic fi sprinkler system s,

Installatkm & repair.678-3253 436-3253

eve . 431-0889 anytim e Va

” 0 ? S iN < ? l- , rl: ^

• - P r v l B s B l o n a t i = : o l l s h a k e m o b

“ - C . I I 734-4016 V• . w■ ■ J Bri

. ROOFING I ^PROFESSIONAL. R o o m a a c o A T M O s L J

733-7221 o r 328-5857 j“Com mercial, rosidontial.

‘ Buildup roofs: Most m inor kMtks repaired in ; . 2 4 h rs . •

Nomanwnowyeuapandyour 2T d«yt. dM tin*d fits your- L bu«y Put cIbmI-' Ct

of oood* sno twvtcM to. work lor you today. '-----

TWIN FALLS --------- ■-S H 0 P - 0 [ T iC & - W 8 H t-> - I r 1780 aq. fLOFFICE-Qualltvl n

— 2 ( j a n R | S S r c S ^ ^^— — W anbom e------- -------a,iO(XL& QjLQEElC£^£hop. _ E — 390sq .-fl;O F F IC E (2 )— ^

5000 sq . fL W arehouse ■ ^ A N a i iO R E L C a a S tm - . 1

H a l l o w a P r o g f ^ ^ M g ^ J |

TWIN FALLS Shop/w aro-, £-housaJN lthrostrD om sond ' I

offk». 4000 sq . I t ; Includ- l i ing office, vrill ronwdol to suit. 733-0081 w eokdavs. _ H

1 01 0 ---------------STOIIAGE/------ 1- - n


TWIN FALLS M M O O ' ■ w a r o h o u s e w ith 1 6 'x 4 0 '

offiM. 3ph ^

C all734-9 5 7 f ' ^


F r o o r o n t o f f o r , o n o nm o n th f r e e w h e n 2 rrm o s . p a id . S e c u r i t y 7lighting, fenced , ga ted ^ and sitom anagor.471 S .P a r lc A v e .W J

734-5595 _*O regon Trail Storage H

Tvrin Falls, ID S 0

1 612 i>■ PASTURE ^ ^ J F O R R E N ^ ^

0JERO M E on ed g e Of town. ?

H orso fonclng , difforont ^s i z e s , o u to w a t e r e r s , Sbom s. $90/mo. 774-3740. _KIMBERLY Pasturo for - '

_ l i i , 'g ? S f . r - E615 '

M O B IL E H O M E _ S P A C E H t

m o r n i t m s s T i r m :banks o l Billingsley Crack H

_neo r.tho .S noko .R ivo r in _ 2 j th e H a g e rm a n V alloy . Troilor-RV S pace . Month- s u m m o r- o r y r . ro u n d . $250/m o, Dbl. o c cu p a n ­cy. full hookups. 837,4822. .

---------------- :--------------------- HO■ g<


l l


— - 0;R O O F IN G I I HO

_______ foR easonable ratosi c t

F ree estim ates, financing O-737-0000 HO

HOME BUILDING ^. P lans Available fo

Froo e stim a tes c737-0000 Mt

= j hi


O PJ o h n 's S h a rp en in g 1

S erv ice |Com plete sharpening. |- Carbklo 81 sleol saws,■ 141 B ra ck o n S iS

734-4050 • v»■ 1 -8 0 0 ^ ^ -4 0 5 0 I ~

S M A L L 1 _ f T R A C T O R SAI S E R V IC E a

— jPETE SHETLERRoiotiiilng. W ood Pie

____ I _ M o ^ g . ______ § f (Levollng a«w ' 1 £

Lown Proparalton • « , Son/k:ing Iho M, V. Aroa

326-5010 -----


■NmK&K T ree coa T rim m ing I"®!

& Law n care,Shrubbery ond bush

trimming.— For free Estim ates— ------

Call 7354)553

T R E E S E R V JC E S l •


V A C U U M { I n l_____ S A L E S U lA N D S E R V IC E ID

ELECTROLUX 111V acuum deo n o rs , sham - I H

pooors, central vacs. U BSales, s e rv k » end repair. | l |

239 D uB ois ! ■Call 733-5618 ( I I I

W E D D IN G & I n B R ID E S M A ID I i i

WEDDING SH O P J UW edding O nos $50-400 i HBridesmaid-Rent or Buy. I l l 30% Off On Invitational I I IV eiis-Silps-Shoos-Bras U l

Tabio{kChoirs-/\rchways H I733-8838-210 S . Main H

W i n d o w I mT IN T IN G ID

July Special II2 Truck windows $79 .95. [ H Ufdtlmo Warranty. U l

C aitTetH F JN lM V I734-T1N r(8468) ^


SPA CE S AVAILABLE W,-In-nioe-ciean-(am lly-oorrt~ —e

munltv with rulos. 1 mofflh y f r e e r o n t to a p p r o v e d E

“ o p p n c a n u r v n ia g r w o s r -3 2 4 ^ 8 9 0 3 o r Buhi Mobiro- W

eatfliM S43.B342M— . ■

I 701 I $I - ^ u v e s t o c k — I ^

CATTLE hHolstein sprin g e r helfere. 5

— C T n 2 o fa 3 a -i.« ia .B - c i 'DONKEY 5 yr. am bitious 'T \-m in i.Jack d o n k o y .-$ 3 0 0 .------ P

Call 324-8969M H E-MAIL your classified a d

t o u s a t ^

FUN, EXOTIC PE T S. Pro- V ducing O strich trio, E m u q

- p a i r , M in i D o n k e y . & n U am a. 825-5344 E ves .fl

GOATS 1 fomale, $40 & 3 q e m ales, $35 eac h & older 3 q m om s, $80 oa . & 1 da d . a736-9370.B ..................... p

HORSE 8 yr. old M ustang m o r e , b r o k o t o r l d e . 3 / $700/offer, 736-1625 n

H O R S E W A r a b i - an/American sad d le bred 0 rilly 5 yr. oW ’Black B eau- & ty’ groat potential. S add le 5 tralnod. Call 352-1129. ^

HORSE 3 yr. old reg. Paint . filly, by S uper Sandy , oul o l rog. appendix OH race- » brod m aro, (Go Man G o brooding). Cali 735-3214 d a y s . 737-0670 o r 5 4 3 - 5 6 1 5 n lg h ls ,a =. HORSE G ood looking w

Palomino gelding. Weil 21 broko. has worked cow s. — hunts and h a s dono 4-H.7 yrs, SI 500, K ath leen a t *'

208-824-6582JI H O R S E g r a y g e l d i n g ,

g e n tle-anyono c a n ride l n r j $1 OOOifllrm. Can 886-9958. HORSE Palomino moro. . c

.2 j^oor8.old..Buono-CtioxL .cc? D oc's Oak breeding.90 days professtonal f, ■raining. Ready to. go . _ ± Roinln^cuttinc^roplng, ^ S3000. 829-5883,B |

H O R S E P a lo m in o p a in t I gelding, 11 yrs. oM, ranch L raised, gonilo. no papera. $2000. Coli 677-4353

HORSE SHOEING 1 t< Cali for appt 543-5451

M ikeNevllleB c i iH ORSES Bomb proof, tali

galled riding m are. 19 yrs.$900. Quolity Paint Pinto “ c s tallion, o a sy to h and le . G eorgoous, 4 yrs. Sacri- flee. 51500. Must soli by 07/03AJ1.COII825-S072B. jjji;

H O RSES Mlnlaiuro m ares sv foal. 8lo llion ..oasy e n try . _ .2f c a n , h a rn o ss, 12 yr. old OH gelding. 3 2 4 -6 8 M JI , g

H ORSES Well bred, g ree n I broke lo flnlshod. trained ! = for barrol, roping, po lo s. CL Call 438-4392 or 436-3830 H

M U LE 8 y r. M olly. 1 4 .2 S! h a n d s . R id es & p a c k s . — $ 1200/offor. 2 p lace horso CL trailer, exc. tires.' $700/of- H

lf o ^ 3 2 4 i? 4 8 8 « _____________ OfOPEN HOUSE a PRODUC- J l !

TION SALE July 28 10 m n am . to 4 pm.Lano Cow

H orses Ranch. Stanrod , alui ID. soulh of Malta. ID.

C a ll8 2 4 -5 5 l8 o r owvtrw,Ianocovrtiorso.com

POULTRY layTn“g pullets, ___Gokfon soxlink, $4 .00 F o ach . Can 423-4767.M el.

SADDLE 16* seo i. nicely tooled ond padded, $300 . WA Call 536-6630 or 324-2741- - g '

SH EEP D orset Ram.2 yeara ok).

Ploaso call 208-543-9231. ■ SfOCK-TRAILER-CombO ■ -

1 8 - $ 2 5 0 0 /o f f o r . g o o d L coodillon,CaII423-6342.» ^


R E M E M B E Rrhat birthday od you plocod lomo llrnooooln T7w Tlmos- Motv«7 Now Is Iho tima 10 » m o pick up your ptetufos. SloptiylheCiwtorTKir S « n ^ Oopi todayl

At Con Paulos li ----------- But


| H R e g l s t e Ul

I ^H I ■ J o b eH I R e g i s t e r t o 'w i n a t i

II I I . _____I004S7t7000___

H 324-3900| n | ^

I WANTED quality Holstein H/l I—o p r ln g e r h o l f o r s rM a y - - t e !_W flQ LvJLctiflcR>A K JnL _ 2

Bob 934-8034. ■ ' HA

-----------r 7 0 Z — r r - \ ^ l=FA RM m A N CH = — s u p p u e s /e q u i p I ^

—C H U T £-nsw C enex-B ig- Valley, deluxe, u se d once, u $900. Call 208-326-5525. ”

.CfiM B IfiE M(i-6S0 1811. 'R a header. $4000/offer. Call T 543-5428 o r 7 3 1 -3 4 1 4 ^ , jg

‘^I'nlL B ^rov? f f i n e “ -PLA N TE R 6ns»vr18S fn tl.- - 5 (

H AY C H O P P E R 7 1 5 5 - h a H ess lon . W ori(s woll. 2 y F re em a n 2 0 0 B A L E R S L w/HydrauUc. PLOW 4 bot- . » t o m w a t ta . SW A T H E R S 1 1 1 2 N o w H o l l a n d . D onahue sw a th e r trailer. RAKES 8827 Allen. J

Call 837^4866B GRAIN BINS 2 large bins.

D Iso , 16ft. 2 8 ' b la d e s .Alum. 4* & a* w heel line p ip e . M ake o ffe r. 4 8 7 - ^2 5 9 0 o r623 -386 -4012« ___

S A D D L E l ik e n o w . F o r ■ m ore Info. Cali 436-3361 ST U M P g r in d e r , R a y co m D eu tr, d ie se l, pow orod,665 hrs. D oos th e big K>b, ■ $13,145, CqH733-5471.M ■


se1 S » » „ , , b hsolf pn3peltod.4ebultt

engine. $5995. ^Coll 324-5858.B ®

TA NK 5 2 0 0 g a llo n th ic P'wan polytank. $2800. Call DR208-487-1245. ■ lie

TARPS Heavy duty. . • ce15x50', $175, O thor s izes ^

avail. KMR Products. f l208-733-3138, ■

208-423-5212,a LW ANTED S w athe r, O wa- DR

tana, 270 or 275. for parts. E«Call 324-5082 C.

WOOD FENCE-POSTS 7.- ^Sit. 21 tt. co rra l p o le s . 25 cIt. pow er po lee.420-4235 rr


C alv in s C u sto m S tack ing m 1 ton bales hay and straw. m 731-6228 or 829-5281.B M

CUSTOM HAY SWATMNQ Contact 934-9718 or


Mlni-Cassia a rea .678-3253 ovo or

431-0889 anytimo.H NORTH W EST custom hoy

swathing, niklng or baling. ..280-0954 or 280< l953 .a

1 705 1L j R R i w m o j ^ ^

CLY D E'S PIP E REPA IR.H an d lin e s , m a in lin e s ond w heel linos, (ovon in . Iho fiold). Call 678-7149.M I

CLY D E'S PIP E REPA IR. *■ H an d lin o s , m a in linos a n d w heel lines, (even in- —

- th 0 f l0 ld ) :C a n 6 7 8 -7 1 4 B a ' ~ IRRIOATTONplpomondorB.

2-8* p r e s s a n d w eld alum inum pipe . Wo accept

Moslorcard & Vise. & cover Ihe Magic Vaiioy

Araa. Call 539-9532 - R ick . .

~ P UMP 7.5 hp Toshiba electric motor, oxc. cond.$250. Call 644-1412. ■

WATER RIQHTS-SHARES -D a iry-form -com m orical.- —

B u y o rS o ll.e 2 5 .5 6 t7 .«

7o t n___^ y . G R > ^ _

ALFALFA 2 String 110 lb, balos. Prim e Srd. Also'

now cutting. Will sell sman am ounts. Call 324-5082

or 539-6034.B ALFALFA HAY 2.000 ono

ton bales oxcolloni quallly.Coli 587-9131 .1 -

ALFALFA/GRASS HAY T2 wide bok». Can 733-5839

leave a m e ssa g e ,■

s in Jerome & Twin Fai ut come see us July'St

c l e -

t e r j t o w i n a n O u t d

• • w i t h y o u r c h o

C ; 6 r . .


36 g iven aw ay on Si a t e ith e r o ( C on’s locatlor

r « g M « = T O lJ

r• t^fww.conpSi!toi

W edneM lay. J i

MY 1st cutting. Srnall A 1 \~ m - ton balea.'aR!t^ waters.- - rr

’IAY 1 st cutting, sm. bales. WA :0 0 ~od.QUATlLy..Ca.ll. —to436-7007-^...... -------- ' 'I 'S I i

— HAY 1stsm.'bale».— -W i 50 T 23-30-177.200 T 3 =

22-31.r166.SU5a:f0£jilL. .fl_ Call V k a o ra t6 S ^ t1 .* ,J f l ,' HAY buying and senit>o. ~if l New a old crop. 062-3212 *

o r i -800-709-3868J i _ ___IAY FOR SALE 1500 too ^ 1st. 750 ton 2nd, no rain,

jasts^avall«|ber^V0jum«:ixirchaso orlco adiustmo- I nis. (-armor owned. Call' W T-509.54©.7328.-«---- ------ f l ~1AY GRASS 71 bales, 90- Fpri 110 lbs. each, $4/balo.-2 holstoin. 1 steer 1 heifer aooibe. each $400 oach. - I 'f 324-4032 leave msg. ■ ^


1T-®'«T-” rtT‘’*ScIdng ^Cail Con at 4204)133

or 2804)839Ji OAK HAY Approx. 150 T. • .Clean. Perfect for honMs.'- ooe

Call 543-6677.B ^

-------------r o i --------------1ANTIQUES & I

c o l l e c t Tb l e s I “J,

IRESSERS $150 & $350. corBACHELOR CHEST. jTab$350. CURIO. $700. SIDE w rBY SIDE. $800. BARRIS- rL, TER BOOKCASE, $800.Please call 208-734-7367.

tlquo, large mirror, good v"' condllton, $95.734-3416. JlSH


IRYER Whirlpool. Gos. Cxcollent condJfkm. $125 Call 732-0485________

”oWri8 .8^Jc fL w )S imaker. $400,733-3873. witl

lEFRIGERATOR works congreat, gas stove,, used 2 dreyrs. 324-6614 before 9pm hutc

i m ^


- ^ S

O n A c c o r d s , < & P o s s p o i

- O____ XXONXI

M H H B a U l f f H

7 0 1 I H a t l i b l

y 3 3 - 7 7 D O T 8 0 0

•alls w e w ill b e c l o s e d , 5 th & 6 th fo r t h e . . .

t d o o r F u n P a c k a g i o l c e o f . . . _ .

S aturday, J u ly 7*. ' ons or online a t m ni.M itp

i J L v c & M___ ^ ISMHaLjkl

■ T W IN F i

h ™

Ju ly 4 .2 0 0 1 . T im es-N ew s) T

W A S H E R /D R Y E R S ^ . '■- K e o m o m e x a o o n d .- s a ^ i ------- :' S t n g l* w a s h e r . $12S<% -Wafrar>iy.~Cair736^ 8 0 fe r ^

8 0 4 . J Z I ] ! : — 1 -BUtLDiNG . : ;

^ ^ A T E R j A J ^ j j —

n o ^ $ ^ 0 0 ’ sen $ 4 0 0 0 .4 2 3 - S 9 2 U I

CO M PU TE R 3 y e a r s Old: b u t u p g r a d e d 3 3 3 m hz*

. s l D t 7 . W IN 9 6 . 9 6 M B : . . RAM , 2 0 O B H D . R a g e * vMoo. rull tow er. 40X CD> $42SA>fter. 208-7324l28a;

COMPUTERS :Jse rF rfe n d ty P C B u iM e rs* .

123 Main S tree t E . - ' Jo rom o ID. 63338.

(206) 324-8799 O pen 9am -7pm M on,-Sa(;;'

D e lL a p to p » - le 8 S « '; -I returns. Starting O $596 ;;

L _ F i R M r o O D _ ^

FIREWOOD LO GS Promi- um k>ng k>g8,'.16 to 20 ft.', d e l iv e r e d 5 o r 10 c o rd truckloads. $115 p o rfiM c o rd . 1-6B6-720-4912JI

^ W O O D c u ? . 's * H * ° d ^ . A pprox . 2Kt tO '3 c o rd s . S200/atl. Call 73 4 -4 7 0 8 ./ '

^ A R D W O O D .H ardw cod______cut & Spm. S90/PU loafi.T You plek up; caB 324-769?. 'I - 811



) E D K in g s i z e , b r a s s , headboard and footboardw llh-bedTollr$100.-Low -— ------e ry P e r c u s s i o n O rg a ir - w ith b e n c h , o x c e l ie i \ t c o n d ., $ 1 5 0 , d a rk plnj^ d r e s s e r 84* .wilh m irro r. hutch $100. 7 3 3 -0 2 2 1 .'

MTES ;mw!

u a v T J P e i

p o r t a

X » A

F HONDA i h r a . E

M m s - y y i B t

id July 4th.


age fl


® yi U m M N . H WFAtLS U

f l tW 9 0 0 ..... *

' 1 :

siT w ln F a llsJc ta h o E ? •;

1 ' . . ‘BED RO O M S e T .4 pit--------- ;~ -ha tdw oo(» .'lttII«n -p fo

T t ---------r ; - < a > t r g o o d - c o n d r $ 3

' t i --------- r ^ Q u M n 's i z e . 'M a u f e #

^ --------- - s - m a t c t i i n a r S l 8 0 0 n i: ■■ pood sh a p e *300. Bn

------------ -------n m C O U C H .~ S » o rG________ . ' ofloia .C aB 208-735-lli -------------- - D ^ B o o m - T S i ^

- Herring Bone wtth 6 c ti

' ' '

j ___CEW TER-Qak-S7S_] Con 324-4802.i . . MATTRESS Q uoen Sl: ‘ hotof ro tu m s.$ 1 3 0 a flt .C a U 734-8881' ' q u e e n m a ttr o s o & t

springs by S oars. F)m - c loan . s e o . 463-9162 ., msg. ■

V - ...........' :S L E E P E R S O F A Q uaV' ‘ sl2o. dork blue, $200/01’ •, ■ Con 326-5109

SOFA a LOVESEAT Broyhlll P asadono . Q r

• condition. S 750 .543-81 -SO U O C ak tob lo48*w lt

i ■ - c h a i r s w ith p o d o s t $250. Call 733-7570 oi timo afior 5pm. ■


A IR C G N O m O N tN

AIR CO N O mO NER Anno . 14 0 0 0 BT U . $4C

J.. Ploaso con 208-734-29' A IRCONOm ONER Em>

------------------ s o n o u io t c o o i n o ; oBTU. U se d 2 m o . l i : new .$250 .C al734 .54 i

AIR CO N O mO NER On usod 2 sum m ora. S17(

Small 40‘s lypo chromo ploco ta b le A chairs . S85. Call 733-3914 01 734-2253. E voninss S

wookonds.--------------^ A I R - C O N O J T tO N E

Pofiablo. 10.000 BTUs, wks usod.S275.732-822

- SWAMP COOLER 1/2 I - /w wotor fill adaptor. S<

now $400. warn $250.1 od only om onth .-S chw In n A lr d y n e o x c o rit

-• bIKo. $250 .436-9859



MISCELLANEOUS Diamond r in g , H con $ 8 0 0 . D l s h w a a h e portable. $200. 735-06

815 LAWN&


---------- = ------ -‘Juicoel-Sloaha on tho< • ■ . . . Snake* -... S T -- . MOMTANA-- ^ STEAK HOUSE< A l nO TQTILLING Bla ^ Work, wood movdno^BS

ar4dM f«tnjc»<.32& 4e

^ '3 ^ f tr 4 - B f t7 S p r u c e r D o i ' ^ V o 'y Q' d plant ovailable.

^J'y .-^-ydfairte iaieco iA iV '.'s . , 886-2399 Shoshono ^ FILL DIRT $3 .00 por yof

. O u o llty d irtP lo o so c a y ,208r733-8207.B ..

• ^ L A W N MOWERS (2) - - - • 1 Snappor 8hp, rkJing nxj

------- 7 - “ or w /booflor. 5 'y r s r o• * $ 8 00 /o lfo r. 1 - B riggs ,*■' Stmtton S h p push'mow

SlOO/olfor. 423-6879 V R O T O T IL L E R 8 h p .4 s[ : roor tino, w /rovorso, o

p r o p o lio d , o x c . c o m •• $500. Afior 6pm 324-28

RO TO TlLLERCransm c 6 hp. $500. Ptoaso co

: 208-734-2918.; ROTOTlLLERTroy-Bm.

Horso modol, now moto runs g roat, irado or b(

: offor. 536-5754,


: TV. 13* S y iv a n ia . $7• Like nowl,Call 732-614(

ro to light. C o p ie s up . 38'. $250. Call 326-5660

- . B O A T T R A IL E R Sm .su ' • FORD MARINE ENGir

• • R o b u l l l .S 1 5 0 0 .Q O ! \ CART Club car. Electr

S200. Lg. RIVER RAI ' sz .A r.'ru rau iB '-juy g rti

. A lR C O W E L D E R ontn ' or w/tool box & bottle ra<

, : ■ $3500, Call 487 .2075.1

--------- DiABETICS.• ** Suppiios moirod to you

' ; homo a t no coal.1 Wo bill M edicant/• second insurance.; Call 1-800-762-7704.

•v - Q UIPM ENT-Raatauraf , 9 ■ A pan aloam lab ia $450, ? food w arm ers $60 eac t

. \ b everage sta tion $175— ;■ r r r — Call 734 -0287JI

\ ~ m x


2 0 8 - 7 3 4 - 5 5 3 8 '

: , 2 0 8 - 6 7 7 - 4 ^; r (BURLEY)r Looking lor oxtrs vseatKx

fflonay? Why rwt Mfl the*------ . ttn-oood a«ns yeuVeliMi

•toring? OsM lfM wB do H C««73»0931.

r ■

p ia ca ; E .M A lL voufclaa8ifte(Proving ----------- to u s a t------*43S0:------ hrtmdOmlcnn3M* ^ g S a r B X bH eiH E H P im t Tr

S p e . . S 7 5 . C O O LER , c ireaa 'ft- - C o la m « f l - i 2 v o u , !jio p < L . _ P q w B B .P U N T ^ C 6 8 2 a ■ m a tt a le c t . P u ls e rsSTffJ n » w r ------- F A S r t f i e e s

S-I14S. . . e0 0 4 1 » -3 4 0 S tfO a k - -i^^*«wwJa»t&>aa.com. J c h ^ C ip T O P 1 3 3 m h z . h c h in a up to you r home'cofT

;7 e 9 3 = = a e :u 3 r s B r d « a t:& r s :

2 . 8301 botw oen 8a m -ai s l z o L A PTO P C om pu ter wl a a a t (he good ies $600 . N«1 d e s k t o p c o m p u te !. . a c a n n a r , m o n ito r cin ™ i a " * 7 0 0 . N e" J T * a o .k lo i.a im p u lo r -n o

pov»araupp[ylan.G RI______ B U Y l5 4 0 0 .0 k Je rb o c3 u e o n tri. $ 1 0 0 . P o r ta b le d O/offer w asher. $ 100. 423-9(______ M ATTRESS AND BCr ■ -• SP R IN G S King s i« G reat Brand na m e. Almost n

3-6172 Pd. $699 .95 . Sell fc $150. Call 736-7170

o s t a i , Mis c e l l a n e o u s ■9 any- A n t iq u e p h o n o g r a ;

S l lv e r to n . $ 1 0 0 . G — c a b in e t , h o ld s 7 au

$50 . (8 ) mobile hom e b le s ft t ire s . $50 for 1 (4INQ & 2 tlro y 886-2823 Ivr

G e n e ra to r O nan . 2.5c Ama- ro m o lo s ta r t , p ropai

S 4 0 0 . $400 . A ir c o m p ra a a -2918. 3 0 g a l. ta n k . 5 0 ' ho

$200, W elde r, 180 ai0 !000- - $ « 5 .- 3 2 4 - 7 4 2 6 --------L ik e mTsCELLANEOUS

•5441. H o m e a t e r e o a y a t e Only K enw ood. w /5 C 0 plo

5, 75* & surround sound . $5C >mo4 - C o m p u te r s y s te m . Cc i l r . p a q P r o s a r io w /IJ-9 A o , p r i n t e r . $ 1 0 0 0 /o f i Z ii. 732.5666m

PHILCO consoio 19’ cc----- ^TV.aprox-1S.yrs old-wo

•Jg 2 groat.$100yoHor,678-St 8228. P R O P A N E T A N K . 2- [75- ^ goi. $25 e ac h . 2 i n i di

S o d s ta in le ss stool Imirrors, $45 so t. Extoi

. ing m irro rs fo r PU . $ n rif ln Adjustable bod froi

and dbl. sl2o hoadboa I $1 S. C ar so a l for d o g .:

I Block a n d w hite 13* 1 $15, Call 736-3756.

Q uoonM A T m E S S & B t I M SPRINGS, By Simmor

U sod vory littio. Pd.-S5i ------ ^ S 0II-SIOO, Coll 736-71:

c a ra t. R E M E M B E R T hat birthday od you plat

• * ^ '0 som o timo a g o in Thi “ I 77/nos-Wows? Now is t

timo lo c o m o pick upy< picturos. S top by Th«

LIES Classiliod Oopt toda^ SU O INQ g la s s doo r 5'

- —• o x t . d o o r, 2 b a t h ro i

• ' .'iWng p o o l> /pum p . 1 1 : • -oloct, orgaVt;! V CR. J • • BBQ grill. Call 732-0:

I I a n v i w d y

W n e e d s■mow- ■' ■i r o id ;------------------------------------0g s a

se lf ■' I9i-2836 'im an, ' ‘I Jjc a ll

^ I'll be = j in □ Classifieds.1 $ 3 5 I $ 7 5 . !■ '

3140. jd y n eu p to ■660.M ■S1S0 . IIGINE ■ W K I lO L F ■ V K #octrlc.RAFT ■ f l K S K f l U

a trail. . —I rack. Jamie Martin

CanyonsidB............ - -Really--------

your - GMAC

0- ■ a n K i f t n f a f s i04..

irant150,4>ach,175.I__ ^ --------T-TTT

------- -• B rowse curren5 • Custom ize you ■ size range, nei

’• V lew ful^coior IED • Get up-to-date T , • U n k to A gent F ^ • A ccess current 3 • A c c e s s links to ___ • .P u is you In diRhOMbean. ---------------------------------- ,HoU. ^

TWIfH=«B»y Idaho WadncBti

T rack . W HITE S E R G E R 47o( ‘ •-2 ® *- ^ ? 2 5 0 --P f« ff :M w ln g .m

C o lo 'MAN u se d 2 aur

r . • -m a r » r $ 5 5 0 . SN A PPE I S ------- ~ I :A W N H O W E R 7 $ fl9 5 5 J ^ .. _N E L 80N .craw ling .9pr! Chur*. k l a r , $ 1 0 . W E IG H

B E N C H ^ym -a eceeorle

ill-M 6 i.


N - e ' ;

DRUMS Pearl s e t wAhrof N ew er Excelkinl condltk>n. $500 n e ed s Call 324-8772

iREA T PIANO B a ldw in , S p in e tw a tw / Exc. cond,. sokfom use* a d ish - $1000. Call 837-9124. ■

PU N O H andm ade uprtgh BOX b y S o h m er& C o ,o tN .Y sire. , R k h to n e quality , s tnew . $2000/offer.II for P lease call 735-5300.B

* PIANO L ow ory c onsoK very nico. Bargain prlco (

i r a p h , a t S 1 2 0 0 . 7 3 2 -8 0 5 8 c G u n 934-9149.H

P IA N O S t o r e y - C l a r k < „ i« u p r i g h t . E x c . c o n d i w l o stooo/offor. Call 734-969

''" ™ 0 ■ — i 820

!.5cck. I P E T Sp a n e . ■ & S U P P U E S la a o r .h o s e . ________________________} am p. AUSSIE SHEPHERD F)OQ--------------pupsrC ham pion .show -/--------- work lino $ 3 0 0 .8fe-264<s te m . B A SSE T HOUND p u p s p layer AKC, c h a m p l ln o s so i S500. parents on site. 536-5712

BASSETT HOUNDS pups J -9 0 0 AKC. s e e pa ren ts on site o f f e r Call 436-6306 ;— _ BOXER Purebred puppies

color 7 wks, old. 2 m ales.- 1 fom ale-734 .7871 ovos

‘•SSSe 735-8187 mom ings.B I OAROIGAN W elch C org

Tm J AKC rogistorod, 1 st shots •LrV 8 w ooks o ld . g ro a t witl

kids a n d good cow dog'• *20----- C a ll a n y tim e -7 7 5 -6 6 4™ m e 2291 or 775-664-2155.B ,g s s ' D A C H S H U N D S 2 llttU }• TV malos. rod, AKC rog. I s

sho ts. R eady 7/14, $30C each. 733-0699/420-0347

nons. FREE S ave a Momo cat i S550. klltons from tho pound. 7170 . Coll 733-7753B ----- FREE KITTENS vory cuto

' ' “ fy cuddly. & litter bO) trainod. Moggio, 736-6521

is tho FREE m ale kinons & mam p your rria cat, long & short hair Tho V o ry c u to & s p o i l e d (Jay! Ploaso call 208-536-5023 r T T i puppy- Border Coliltro o m 8 m o. o ld , sm a r t anc *5515r —vory-8W oot:Cair324-5i5i 1 gm. Bom to 6 pm.

1 F R E E lo g o o d h o m o ,-OJbO 2 groy h o u so k itlo n s

6 wks old. 678-8705 • G E R M A N 'S H C P H E R C

................ p u p s . A K C. l a t S h o ta-------------- w orm ad,-feady-6/ 20/01

B oth p a re n ts o n s ig h t , 1 Ploaso caO 208-324-3632 “ G E R M A N S H E P H E R C

' Purebred pups. Black/sit ver. $ 2 5 0 .366-7272,B

G ERM A N SH O RTH A IR AKC R eady to 0 0 , 5 Livei & 5 l i g h t e r ; L iy e r sire

_________ S250,324:5082/ 539-603^GOLDEN R E T R I E V E ^ AKC. 2 fomales. light gold

1 on. paronts on silo. S25C oa. Call 326 :3454a

HIMALAYAN rag doll Silver point, malo kinon,

' $150, Coll 733-7055, ■m - JA CK RUSSELL-------------

W TERRIERS. Rrecrockor! W Tiny, adorabio pups, w/oyc

p a tch e s . 6 w ks. Q ualit) smooth coats. $200- $250. Ready. 825-5072

LAB AKC pupp ies , avail. 7 /7; oxtonsivo field tral

_________ and hunt tost background.C all732-0756 to reservo,

e S450 with introduction tc b ird s , s h o ts , a d d dew -

__ claws romovod. ■mRay Sabala )im K

Irwin Realty s t r k■

snt real e s ta te listings in t our search by price, local Tear schools, ag ent or rea sr photos and com plete te l e infonnation about p rop t Profile P ag es with conta int Infonnation about local to local real e s ta te web s ilrect coptact with agen ts

ww w m agic

is d a y rd u ly 4 r2 0 0 i--------- -------

Mawl— -L.JACICRusMUT«rr(« $ 4 5 ._ PupptoafivM akaokl

g .m iK . LAB PunM es. Purebred. M e ft 2 chocolate m ales . De 3 6 3 9 - -^ la w e d - ft- la t- sh o ts .-S

each. Cal20&643-4974 *PER_ P O M E R A N IA N S -A X *flO . w h ite /cream . $ 2 5 0 . C 9pr!n*_ 7gg-e779 y

. E u 5 5 i 5 o i 5 3 M 5 3 i 5& le jn a lo s jb la ek f t law

1 R O T W E IL E R PU P P IE -------1 = A K C -JM .J a J ls^ d o c k e

black, b lack a n d sllv a r LCall Groat disposition. ,

■ , Roservo now. 733.1325. ^Ijono SIAMESE K ITTEN S'

with is r sh o ts . Seal poin

Pk)8s o call 208-536-5750. SIAMESE kinons. Paren • a ro on p ro m isd s , $ 1C

rtglit oadi.Call208-326-3212. , WANTED TO-BUY.LOOl

Ing for-AKC ro g ls to ra0 . GOLD RETRIEVER m aJ ___ to siro imor.' Light lo miso le . dium cotor. (206)788-944

W E IM A R A N E R S p u p i AKC. 2 m ales , 2 fomai&

____ 56 ou t of 60 champion:a^fk, $350 to $450 .735-114$.l

^ i 821 " — n I S T E R E O /R A b lO S

I C D ’S

* STEREO Technic, in s — cabinet, with single CD

___ $ 1S0,_C all733-8840«

I5H I 822u p s . I ---------T O O L S ---------5712 I MACHINERY

site! 'Ju icost S teak s on tho Snake*

^ “ °« ™ g Jg S T C A K

-vosr CABINET ft SHELF b u lk1 e re . 88 draw ers of port:

S300.C all 735-1859

S U ! I V A R I E T Y F O O D S ^64- ^ ^ ^ t S U P P U E ^

itt io EXCELLENT CR OP. 1st STRAW BERRIES>300 R eady now U-pIck, $3.00347. /gal. + tax. Picking daily

7 - l l a m f t 5-epm . Ploasc? n o c h iid ro n u n d o r12.

R august Strawberry____ Farm. 5V4 mi. N. ol Porini:uto, Bridge & 1 mi. W. onbox Barrymore Rd. o r 3 mi. E

« 2 1 on the 300 S . Frontagolam- - - - R o a d 324-2036.hair. ^ I —lo d . i 825023. I W A N T E D T O^ I b u yand>151~ 1 . ^ -------- ------------

BUYING — — -U S CoIrM a n d C u rren cy " “ • Idaho Coin GailorioB

• 302 N. Main. Twin Fails.______ _______ S inco .1970 ..^ - .iR D 733-8593. O pen only O ta,. — Tua.,.W ed.rand-Thurs.

'BUYING R e lrlg era to rs Cleon & straight. Workini

^ o rno t.736 -»805 . •.BUYING SALT ft PE PPE I

S®"- C O L L E C T IO N o n d oli____ n o v o i ty o r m in l a tu r iMR. clocks. Call 436-6791 gl7o D O N tT .P A W N Y O U f !034 GUNSt I pay top dollar fo —— ■ q u a lity 'u s o d 'g u h s . A h’ IS stylo. Any brand. 837-620: jold* or 490-1000

WANTED D oors for 1935------ 3 6 F o rd 2 d o o r s o d a n>•1 o th e r sh o o t m ota l p a rts Jn^ or pa rts car. 736-0949 — W A N T E D — P A L L E T S *,n«, < 0 " x 4 8 “ w ill p a y to i

dollar. Coll 208-677-272S Qllly WANTED 1 6 'to 2 0 'US0(

construction'trlr. C om ae >7P Ralph May a t 539-5124. ^ r i r W A N T E D 1 9 8 2 - 8 3 -8 4 tra i Honda Nighthawk 550 fo und. pans, 208-734-9466, irvo,' 'W ANTED 300 /500 gallor n to propano tank and a fron ow - ond loader for a M F270'

tractor. Call 934-5951. ■

) K iiiland Lynn Rasmu

rick ian d Gem Slat ra lE s la te -------- " “ally

n the Magic Valley, nation, nurnber of bedrot real esta te finn, e t c .) text descriptions about opertles and available h ntact Infonnation. cal T e a tu re d Hom es."' 3 sites, and agen ts ' hom its and com panies vla e-

i c v a l l e y . c o r

le r— u w a n t e d 4 x4 ;a t v . ^ik l______ootxL around S1500..3:ales^. M agnum. a t^ryesM kil

- r ~ - 4* o rb a tta rb a rro L 3 m aig r - -------T eepoolbriL Packlfiadl

I l f E Call 775-77»-2386. VKC. STCW e b B oats: A W a Coll snowmobiles. Running 1

-n o trS 3 6 -6 4 3 8 ------- ------to h a . — W A kT^b-feuvtng-oy-

'IE S h a ts and purses, callulol k o d .; — prayer,books-73M ^

____ ft co m p u te r C D 's. Alac~chlkJran‘8 0itorclsovtdoo

■nr a n d m usic. R e aso n ab i .prfced. 326-6898 Iv. m a t

SSia W aKTED D ead O r Altvi 5— T V s , appliances, stereo lint TV D octor. 734-9188. I. ■ W A N T E D d e s p a r a t o l W JI seeking good kids horst

U tU ogirlw antstork joan .she n o o d a a h o rse th t w a n ts to r id e w ith hoi Call 423-6153. ■

.W .ANT-ED H a y B a to r L«i* Sm all, Pull-type: 2-Wid

Hay Stacker; 3-Pqlnt Pos Hole Digger; and a U se

2 :2 ; - F latbed Trailer. For Fai ip s , P r l c o s . 4 2 3 - 4 8 0 0 o ilm . 733-8838. Anytime,I’P®; WANTED Largo dog mn, i f £ chain link, w asonabio. — ] — "Call 733-7447 •' s ' — ------ of-736-3878.—

___ 39A lover action 22 riHlc■“ in oxc. cond. 543-5676.1 WANTED Moving boxes,;D, vv«1 pick up.m Call 734-3108.= 5 WANTED OLD GAS

PUM PS o r g a s s ta tio n— - Item srT op $ paid. Tony

208-886-0274.■“ WANTED Pet corriors. Mo___ d iu m , la rg o a n d e x tri0 large. Call 208-352-4680

W A N TED Plasdcorw ood tubed radios. Call

934-5866. kiavom ossogo

•ns. 31 ■ wido, L a ^ p a U o fljr___ n itu re . B e d . 2 8 ' w ide— 1 B a n ta m o r s m a ll h o n

r a t t , rubber,_Bar*b>Qu( I S ' grill, cam p in g gear.— Call 543-4000---------

' Straw to bale lor 2001. ' 731-5463 or 825-5463

00 WANTED To buy Direct T \ lily Saiollite System.ISO Caii 625-5463.

WANTED V intage Barbie dolls and clothing. 1959 • 1979 . In te re s te d In es-

^ _ ta le s and colioctions. Cal 733-1322 or 733-96B8.

_ I 827—1 I GARAQE


* HANSEN Fri, onlyl 7-5pm.M oving Salel

Golf sot. som o antiques.ty------- watO(bod.iaotho9',IumHufol

Sorry, no kids clothos Is- 415 2 n d S L E .« _, ' 'JEROME Fri, Only. 8 am. , Yard_Salo._§mall g lass-J _____ waro,. loQ ls.-and.tona-ol

stuff.ing 9 2 1 17th Ave. E . •___ TWIN FALLS Sat.ER Bam-lpm. Moving Salol o ld Ooybed. desk. ganMning «ro lools.clothing. BBhoop.

& lots of household iloms, J R 438 K nottlngham D r .» -

kfiy ladciors. T V .'car^ tS T ^ ?03 . stovo, copper boiior,

bM k s, misc. hardware, ^ railroad tios. towbar.

lumber. RV hotwa'lor lank, copper boiior. loncing. 563 A dd ison W est &

___ B racken S tre e t South



^ HARLEY DAVIDSON '95 (o ' FXOS, 15,450 mis., exc.

cond. Inci. sadd le b ag s, i— . -_w indshlold.Jotw ard c o n ; ion irols. cam upgrade. Super ont T rapp e x h au s ts & m any 05 o t h e r o x t r a s . A s k in g ■ $13 ,500 .208-788-4985.B

lussen Kttty Spencer DJ. Ross

____ Canye>islda_' Realty


oom s, ag e range, .

Jt each listing. . hom es conveniently.

m e pages, e-mall.-,-


30 0 d : -HARLEY-’O I^X L C -pan ..35Z_ _Soat..m liT W Srfront-fon

___ fit._Gdmflc.jaolC«tu»htu r n s ig n a l s , c lu tc h

m a n - =^brak*tevor»,.AH:tak«r>< iddk). before 100 rni.SO Srieei y-ifir - n A R L E Y S p b rts ttrW le a m is / e x tra s . N o tr a d e

$7800/otfer. 420 -6 8 9 1 J H O NDA‘01 . XR200.

. - I . . ~ F o o l blK«i n /accosao rls : u l^ d « B 0 a o l f e r T O 4 - 4 7 ^ r?9 H ONDA1993 XR250.9h0l

~^^°-~Suportrdp~oxhaU 8i

-HONDA M a g n ar '0 0 ,'b ag aK|v b la c k , b a c k r e s t , winc nsQ 8 h la ld . .3 7 K m ile 8 .-llk

newl $6200 .208-324-J68 reo s HONDAS 2 CL-350 S, 7 88. & 7 3 . good ninning bikei

now paint.now battertei $550/oa . Call 793-2948.

a n d KAWASAKI 2 000 KX 25 th a t Like now cond . vory lo' h o r . h rs. lota ol oxtm s. $450(

532-4423 or 431-1983 l o r r SU ZU K I-1982 G S 11001 Vido w in d sh ie ld , ro m o v ab l Post S a m sin lto s a d d le b a g t Jsed ■ tra v e l 'tru n k a n d tourin F a ir s e a t , s x c e l l a n t c o n d l 0 o r tio n , $2000. 934-5760.1____ SUZUKI'9 6 125 DR. Exc4v n , cond. $2 ,000 ./olfer. ie. _________678-2847

--------B lu e /b la c k rC o b ra p lp o !>dol le t kit. $4500/offor. Ca Itflo, Rob In Burk>y-431-9577.l ® :_ SUZUKI 800 im ruder '9C as , Low miles, exc. cond. lot

of oxtras. Call 431-6700___ SUZUKI G N 125 '92. Bram> now , boon sto re d , gros Ion lor irrigator. 788-2599.B ’"V X R 2 5 0 R '88 Rebuilt moloi___ n e w s u s p e n s io n ,s u p oMo- trapp.$1800 Can 764-205;

YAMAHA 98 V -S tar 651 « 2 : cc Classic, loaded. $4250 xJd Coll 678-7482

YAMAHA 2 0 0 0 . TTR225 ^ — w /llg h tk i l ,- lo w -m llo s I te . $2800. Call 208-543-8744 ,'1'^' YAMAHA'01 W R-250F

Riddon only 62 mis. Ukc now. S5200. 774-2243«

YAMAHA VIRAGO 1998 _ 3 2 0 0 m ilos,.pipos.-w lnd

— 1 s h ie ld , lo ta o f o x t r a s . $5400, Can 208-736-3360

53 YZ '96 250 Extra plastic 6 77^ tuir. G ood condition. Col

734-9119or731-2316 .M

_ I 903^ bio I B O A T S &

I A C C ^ S O R I E S

&AYLINER '8 6 C ap ri 16!:__ Volvo in board, open bow,“ I e a s y loado r trailer, oxc.

c o n d . $ 4 0 0 0 C a l i 436-6991

J BOAT MOTOR -1987 9.fl h p M orcury sh o r t shaft,

m S750. Call 733.1515.BOSTON WHALER '8 3 1 7

19, ft. 90 HP Johnson, Calkinsjfol-------•tfJiilorM oorlngcovor.—is Fishing & skiing extras.

Exc. original cond. S6.99S ~ ' Call (208) 334-4547.B s s - CU STO M W ILD J o t bOBl uof- _ :92 .-a02 -f;o rd -n io to r-iaQ

h rs . Trolling m otor, Exc cond. $16,500. 678-0957

“ • ELGIN 7 0 65hp Morcury lei m olor. C anopy ft trailar. ing Call 733-9562. op. F O U R W IN N S '9 5 , 175

F r e e d o m , 1 3 5 h p . 3 .0 * ■ O M C c o b ra , 4 cy l. oxc. KOS cond., g ^ g o kopt, oloc-

IKc IrolTing n ioior. 3 '-^ t> . lo rie s , AM/PM c a s se tte ,

o , sp a re tiro, $8000. C allJIm 0 733-8728 days or 734*

nk. 3785 ovonings. ■ ‘ '

t t ^

3R:.M r'" y t K S S S s S S x B f s s ^

parts .- R B E R Q U ^ b o a t n S - J•fond------hp-E vlnrude-m otorrgociOCkflw shflpat « i«w ;

& HoVERtirtAFT.60 mph. i« m ' -3 -P ® 8*anger.-=obod-f«

• hunting, fishing ovor le iSTow- —anow'ft-mudp-allterralm id e s . - 2 0 » 7 3 4 .9 4 8 4 J i l i r ^ E T - S K I -f « 6 - K a w a e a l •0. IIO O Z X i. 2 se a ta w /{ ir.-------- dynamlc.acQop.and.ridI____ . p i a t o . '9 8 S h o r la n d e rio 3 ------ 'p l a c a n r a l l e r w /a to ra gjr tB s r ^ oocnpannw ntB oth trvex i r s a c o n d . $ 3 5 0 0 . C a ll 67S

2 6 7 9 o r431 -2679 a u s t~ - M o to r ’a a - i s h p .-Q a m J.B '■ Fisher, axu .'slm uu. $8S(

_ B o a t.L o a d e r .E id o ..a le t ?if{S: w/now ropea . $300. 45

iiuL 4 th A vo n . T w in Falls “ C aD 733-8940 :« ■"

r r fa MOTOR P r ic e rw lucedi , ' . - 7 18 HP Merc. Vory tow 2 1 : hours. Call 7 3 3 . 3 ^ , ■ ■48. Q U A N T U M 1 9 9 2 b a s

boat. Jo h n so n 150, troll !, •'’ 9 m o lo r . o le c tro n lc a

$5500. Coll 733-9446.13 ' SEA RS 12’ aluminum boa

_w /-trlr..5hp g a s ft Mlnkot trolling m otors, oa rs . Illi v ests , anchor, fish findoi w / 2 tran a d u co ra . $700

nHi* Call 734-3856/420-6821 >0.a STARCRAFT 15>^' alumi STTTi num 80 hp morcury. PT i

T . m a n y e x tra s , $5495 B o a t D oc a t 423-6267.B

Tgoo S T A R C R A F T 1 7 'o p o t□oa------bow ,-1 2 0 h p o u tb o a rdnni] live woils, tots o t storage

77 a now covor, m any oxlras Call 837-9039, ■

STARCRAFT 2000 . 16 It 'n n SO hpM ercury.pow ertrin ^ & tilt, oil Injociod, oloct rafiO t r o l l i n g m o t o r . E a a i iroal Loader. U ke now! $8900

Ploaso call 208-352-4274 O'®’’* SUNRUNNER 19lt., oper iP®J bow. 170 hp Morcnjisor

depth finder. AMff=M, cas 65 0 se tt sto reo , groat ski & 01 250. family boat. $6^ o l f o r

543-4368 or S43-5433, p s , SU N TRA CK ER Pontoon, lo a ,- -•87,-28 '.-70hprfully equip; 744. ped. 837-4S86/837-4711.

Uko i 9 0 4•m I - C A M P E R S &

I --------- S H E L L S -------find-

CAMP-A-WAY 7 6 queen 7—r o v o ra h o t. to ile t, rofrlg , ^ “ f r e e z e r , h e a te r , ja c k s , c a ll S800 Call 436-4929 eves. ^ C A R IB O U C a m p e r '9 3

11 It. oxc. cond. $6,300, 678-0957

> FREEWAY 1 0 'Cam per. ■ 5 G ood cond . $995./offor,16 ' ________ 878-9674

“ w- K I T O R A N G E R o a d ®*f; R a n g e r . '8 4 . 2 4 ' Fu lly 0 11 equipod. AC. $5,500. Call___ 436-4974

S P O R T K IN G '7 6 . 9»5 It. o v e rs h o t . E x c .'h u n tin g

___ /fishing cam por. Not soll-J1 7 contained $900.934-5498.

-U S E D CAMPER SHELLS ia MANY SIZESflWODELS. QQ,; BIG SAVINGS. 678-0103 .■ VAN GUARD '95 6' cam p­l e or/loaded , se ldom used ,

- p r i c e d to 8ell.-788-7779.M

fe® i 9 0 5_ I G U N S &


iT s GERMAN mfg. 22 Homot, 3 .0 M onte C a rlo s tock ; dbl. ixc. ' so t tr iggers. H air trigger lec :. _qdJusU ble . U sed a s Snip- M t'- or Hlle WW1I.~ A ppraised tie , $350O-$40t>0. Reloading Jim d ie s , c a a o s . E xc. cond . ’34* M ako o f lo r . C a ll Larry,

(208)-543-2566. ■


> 2 f TA D R U 9-3S71H igr3‘'5 a r lood- “ re ir$ 2 5 0 rT A U R U 8 '3 5 : u - f - -fnag r4S -barreV «a76 ryk« jR+i'- nowl Call 208-324-4685.

lea, i f ........ 9 0 7HOMES—

a g o 'n o r ■ ------------------------------------

1“'l e c - -n tee .-ln d u d es I r u c k * ^ 151. rrw untad h itc h .E v ary ._ Ila, thing w orka..S7.000/____ trwke offer. 034-8073.d l i •

' I CRUISE M aste r 1 9 76 .20 ', — 25K m iles. $4950. Awn- > Y >r;g.NlCEICall543-2648.B e s i DODGE 1980 Fireball 22 ',

C la ss C , very sha rp , ox- tra s , $ 5 8 0 0 .837 -4885 .a

:ota FO R D CH IN OO K '7 9 , 21 Ille ' ft. woll kept, sle ep s 4, duo :ler. to de ath , m ust soil. $5000 00 . /o iler. 734-5119 e v e s .B

£ i : FO U R WIND C lass C mo-' ml- to r hom e, 26 '. quoon bed. T& Call 736-0678,

G ULFSTREAM ’95 34 It. 16ft. slide out. 26K mis.

e p A s te a l a t $39,500. rd;-------------- -731^1352*----------

SS: G U LFST R EA M '9 6 F o r t C hassis , 34 '. w/slide out. loaded , liko now, 1 1K mi..

^ ' M ust s e e to a p p roc la to . $35,595. Call 736-2078.B

11: HAVI “ GOT l l l M T E R

IS. / J

I ZilSDCE; • •liy R c r t « s c u l o w° > S a b l e s , V l l l a giT

/ ; : =18. • I f 0 ^

-------------------------- L ( ^

33 ■

M e r c

nIH B S a iM O T O R S :

17 8 8 - 7 7 0 0 o r a

■B aT rrS T A H C R A FT C onsloIIa :------ --'3 5 7 — t io n - * 9 9 r f u n y id a d o d ,—- y k e - - $ 8 0 0 0 - /o » t f r . 4 8 7-2 0 9 8 ------ ^>85. e v ea o r 727«7474 days. ■ J _

r 460 . y Back UP monitor. _ a l lo o -o u t. L ev e l Ja ck a i—^ = 423-6846M , - _

* 1 9 0 8 I— I l-SNOW-VEHICLES---------___ i ^ ^ ^ Q U l P M E N j^ _ _ -

— • iM iu ry o u rc ia sa iiiw ra a ^ to u s at-

___ tw tn a d e m lc ro n .n e t

™ ■—7- ~ c o n d i t o n 7 i o o m iioa';;---------

■ ,.$3 .50Q /<>f(er888-2295J- -

i. I , 9 0 9 I - _ _ I SP0R71NQ GOODS 157 I ' HUNTINQ SUPPUES

M i ARNOLD PALMER senloI Z 3 sh a lts 4 -9 Irons. PW . SW . i22 ', LW. Includes bag . $200 . ‘ox- 678-5856

l i W IL S b N F a t S h a l t lo f t, 21 handed goll clubs. U tanl.duo ■ um wockis, 3. 5, & driverOOO iricLcom platosotoflrons.. ■ SW -^ iron. G reat buy O — $ 4 9 9 . 8 I K E S 2 a l n g l e

speed , hiafhera oxc, cond.Jed- $35?oa: Call 734-9812. ■ ■

n r i m oI TOAVEL

_____ I tTRMLERS ______

ALPENLTTE 'Bt> bth W heel out, 2 2 -ft. Im m a c u la te , AC, mi., . D b l. w in d o w s , b e lo w °tO- book . $ 6 5 0 0 , C all 7 3 4 .8 .M 8359. after 5pm. ■


IW o s 3 . 9 % OR ■ g e n , C o u g o n i .

a r c u r V _______________

B 7 o i M a l n i i » B . E

> 8 0 0 - 8 1 8 - 7 7 t t 3

■ ■ li

, ;[T , , ; w ^ e s d a ; j

------- - - - : “ W hen-chi. Q « « tb , T o iu >

_ . T . . :c i ■. ■— --------- ■', ‘ •■•-’-•••-'

.. ■ .Today’s

— ^71— — f iT B a c trB U l — ■--------------------- one 'dow hr'

V- - ............th e b r ^ - r i•down and aj •, South re

' d iam o n d q. iWiBstpaflsh

— V a c e and exidum n\y 'sac

Having a S ou th h ad i

-... .'and.a hea rt•: double adv(

• "ho w to su cc

: dum m y’s ti- m y ’s la s t

cashed dum ■Jted w ith £

It w as a -E a s t ’s jach arid th e heai

Since We club queen I

>• J e t t i s o n e d :________ ‘__..held .Q ;10-3«

: b ^ o n heart . ..a ho p ele ss

(W est is mai- : ---------sh p u id ie a d

d r » ^ out V . -n ca n d iscard

----- ^ ---------- on a high hei■ W hat if E S o u th ’s qui k in g , b u t 8 i n e f s e agairi

_________ honor

A STRO STAR ’87- m Now AC. carpot. ^ull sizo rofrig. Must soil. S39S0 Call 420-2083. m

DUTCHMAN ,'91 VSIh wheel 28lt. AC, ow ning^ micro- wavo, stor«Q. Ekc; cond.

. . H H c h m a S ^ 324-82876 u t c h m a n ; 93 2 r . so i-

.-.:dom usod . Uko now . aw- ■ n ln g . m o n y lo a tu r o e .

S9000. Call 678-4357 E S P R E 1 9 9 8 .2 4 f l.5 lh

whool w/slldo out and I canopy. Uko nowl

C o!l208-326-3680;« O O L O N U Q Q E T 79 .19 ft..

~ sloops 6. S2000/of(or. C n l l3 2 4 - 3 2 « . | i . . . .

M O tlO A Y -R a m b lo ra e r— — A lum am or28TnJlly :ioadr

od. oxtra d o a ir. tfs .O O a' C o l l7 3 1 -3 5 « ? ,-« r t

HOLIDAY RAMBLER U Ambosondor.Sz fL'Qoooh bod in baclc iA ffordoblo quolity. $5 0 0 y 4 ^ -2 0 7 S J)i

■ 'INVADER V Z lO tf ' •Solf contalnod. R oducod.

-------:S2250/onor.734i7;167» 'JAYCO -96 25- 5th whool.

r - m a n y l o a i u r o s . E x co l . - .•cood .C a»206-43M 234Ji.■ ■ "JAYCO -96 E ajjlo SL 5tfi

. . . whool. Pofloct cond.. Ilko-:-now. $9 .5 0 0 .423-S365.B

c a m p I r l r . L ik o n o w .-. Loadod. S loops up to 8.

N oods 0 ho m o th a t will u so m oi S 1 2 .5 0 0 /o tfo r. Ind. oquallzor hl(ch. $oo a l 517 S ilver B e ac h Dr. J o r o m e ( B i g L I t l i o R anchos j324 -7e75 .B

lOT COMPANION 1895 24 ft. travel trtr. Air. awning,

m i c r o w a v o . s t o r o o , loadod. Exc. condition In­c lu d e s o q u a llz o r h itch . $9SOO/offor.-420-3700.B

t ic rr COMPANION'9 9 27ft. ^ 5 th w hoo l. L argo s lid e . •a-»L lko now . A:Iuxury>unil.

^16.(TO 324^7043SJroMFOHT'sasm wnooi

^ & w n ln g , Call 436-3780 ^ [ c a m p e r 'B 8 to n t t r l r . ^ K S t o v o , r s f r lg .^ u r n a c o . e W s io o p s 6 $2500.536-2475. Ira U N C H A S E R By Kll. '99. * i* 2 2 - . B«W conL 'w /aw nlng. HB 'Ioquallzor; A O ^ a o p a .7 . ^ I f c e new, f e b o o . 934-4405 H f f E R R V . i 7 - 2 7 « i f t r 5 t h - « P ^ w h « e l .-Q u 6 t;^ lr« h o a t.

. '•a w n li^ , t& f e ta s s oxtori- .--..’o r, e x c . c o ttd .-$ l3 .S 0 0 . ' > S«« a* S p a c o U."Andbr-

;*r. eon C am pground. Edon - - O f will trad e fo r tongue tow > ;t ra llo r 208-825-4123.* . W A N D E R E R - '9 B 2 f i V ::-s la ep « 6 e8syrC tfT re79-

>T y !0 0 9 9 o r4 3 V M 1 3_____

:3f~ I-.-M UTILITY

1 9 9 6-V-:'1 6 .0 0 0 lb .2 4 '- p l n n e l . - .S»:$4600 . Can 886 -229S Ji

d a j i , J u i y ; ^ a q o i ------- -----------

[E4CES0NIchoo8ii^,between_ttoo- tlwaps like io try the one


f’s dum m y p ro y ed d isap - .t<rSoulK.'jF’acmK a loser BUltrShouId lie se ttle for l i r o r sRould'he reach for s ring and risk going two' a an ex tra 50 points? refused to cover W est’s

1 q u ee n in dum m y, an d sslvely cash ed his trum p exited wilh a low d u b to »ace.. ^g already lost two tricks, id to avoid losing a club a r t Since W est’s takeout dvertised th e h ea rt king, icceed?g for a n en dp lay , South diam ond a n d cro ssed to s tru m p 10 to ru ff dum - s t d ia m o n d . T h e n h e um m ys club king and ex- h a c lu b , h o p in g W e st

> a poor p lan th a t failed, ick won th e t h i r d d u b , e a rt shift b ea t th e game. W est would have led th e !n had h e held Q-J-io, o r jd .h is c lu b q u ee ji if he 0-x. S o u th sh o u ld h av e— arts . However, instead of s s f in esse to th e queen narked with the king), he a d lo w to 'h is riiricTTHis~ t W est’s long, and South l td dum m y’s club lo se rheart. , ------------f Elast sp lits his honors? q u e e n g o e s to W e st’s t S o u th r e p e a ts th e fi- a ih s t E a s t ’s re m a in in g lo r. giving W in.his.lO thl

-L i______ ■■i -

izo I 01^ ^ A W A T T O r ^ ^

eel p y Q H T lN a iw u nd. . . R&J Aviation LLC >67 - ~ -C a irjlm S 3 9 -4 4 8 6 loi- HANGER fo r s a le ot tno

Tw in Falls Airport. Cinder .e block construction.

Cali 7 33 -5e06Ji K - TWIN FALLS A irport ex c ; j h a n g e r , cindor block. Wil­

son Told up doors, heated --------- 734-4314rovoS7734-5054r

^ ' 1 I AUTO PARTS &

s ■ I ; ACCESSORIES |S i ! :P 3 iiT iA ttJ a « A n s - s 7 -n 4 XL P arts ca r all for $200.

t .C an 420-6891.

5 I ' . 1 0 0 5 1 ^ I AtrnOUE AUTOS ’Is I <1 pOLLECTIBLES I

bu a lltd. 4 5 .4 0 0 orlg. m is .,I • T bostoflo r. Call788-2599.M 5 - l=OR[> Dt>t. A . I la i t>od - j 1929, $6,000/offer. John ■ O ooro 1953. 734-9386.B

M E R C E D E S -73 M odo l 'J" 2 8 0 .4 doo r sodon. 6 cyl. '22 g a s . $1300. Call Evenings — - - 6 7 8 :7 2 6 9


EQUIPMENTBO E ssic itfien S B 48* dou- j)r. bio drum, diosei. lowabio.•o Ilko now condition. $3900.

Call 435-881-2463.B GEN SET 250 KW Caterpll-

g . Iar, 2689 hours, Ilko now.0 , $16,900. O thers avaltabto.n- 435-881-2463 Bur1oy.BJ - HAY T R U C K -8 1 . P o loL C abovor Truck. 13 spd ..rt. 4 0 0 C u m m in s, 2 7 ' b o d .0 . 2 -3 0 'flat bod trallors. Call il. 324-8551.« n rrem B T H S H A D T T -------,1 C ab -ovo r, C um m ins 10 n . - s p d . w / j^ a j io b r .« k a .-1 - $450yoffor. y - 0 « ) 3 B . .■

n l ' 2 5 T ^ , ' ^ terrain. sUdo21 out, S w now, $4000. Call2 • 435-881-2463 Burtey.*! SC ISSO R S im 1996 JLO’X 2 0 -electric 46 ’ wkie.

like now. $3900. Can _ 435-881-2463 BurloyJi

3. i 1007

Ir' .w /du«lirr«-now t i r M ^ s c o n tM w 454 & A T .,I te ^ cond. $5500.-734-7641 M I*' DA ISUN ISeO ^M ngbod,'- 5 spood.T. :C a ll7 3 4 -4 0 t4 J i > / D O D Q E -971S00 ExL cab r7 « XLT. 3 6 0 V e e n o : ' -

Loadod. L eather Intorior.M -$11 .600 , Call S 4 » 6 2 4 7 J |-

” _ F o r '04andnow orp ickup .IT $75. Call 732-8226.

- servico body, duals, tow • tnOea. w ench . $6900. Cali 435-881-2463 B u r te y J '

0X1. c a b . P o w e r S tro k d dtesel. AT. Too m any op-

5 l io n s lo .l lB l_ $ 1 6 .0 0 0 .1,- . Coflsldor trad a In c a r o r I -smaU PU . 734-8912B

BRIDGtf- Bobl

!0 _________ ,, ^ N 0 R T H ^ic ' ♦ 10 9 7 5

st-------------♦-K 10 8

W EST EAi♦ - .a

i r i r K 7 6 4 ^ .1! r_ t . : :Q ; j .9 -4 ___________♦ - /•r ♦ Q IC 6 3 * j

^ , SOUTH♦ K Q J 8

P * 7 4 20 _Vulnerable; East-W est h D ealeh North

It TOe.bldding: . , .N orth E ast S o n th .

. P ass Pass 1 ♦J 4 t A U p ^

^ Opening lead: Diamond qu


I* South holds:♦ 3V J 1 0 5 2

^ ♦ A 7 5 3 2♦ J 9 S

5_ N o i ^ _ South ■ f ! ♦ IN T1 25P.. 2 . i5— ^ANSWERrPass.-Aral6e 1 h ea rts m ight win; howevi r prospects are not good.

i _

S«>d brtdt* quMlloet lo Um Aen. P.C { RkhudnB.-DC7U(V«DcM«BNaU*

««nipid«m4c9«lgr>^.. C0{9ri(ht2D0I.URtt«drMlU«{^

—1 DODOE -s? Ram 50Runa good. $1000/offer.

Can 735-1755 , ,^ FO R O ’9 9 P o w o rs tro k e

C row C a b dually . F 350 f r U rleL 82K ml. $19 ,900 . -

Coll 678-1625 _ FORO R anger-97 Groat iO shape. Low milos. $6800. i for 676-1784

F O R D R a n g e r . ’ 9 0 .__ ' w '/loolbox, 156K m iles ,(c ; goodcond . 733-3676. pm \

QMC ’9 0 S -1 6 P U Sharpl . -C hrom o.w tiM ls.tool boac- _

_ n e w t i r e s . R u n s g r o a t . - “ 1 1 2 5 K m ls .$ 2 8 0 0 /o ffo r . <

423-4772B . IMAZDA -99 3000 C am per I

J - s h e l l . Tow pkg. 4SK m is. i gg- - E x o , oond.-$13.750.-Fofd- -

'8 8 Bronco 4x4. Loaded. 150K m is . $5000 /o ffo r. .

= Soo a l 2538 Addison Avo. ( n e . o r c a ll 7 3 3 -0 3 0 0 o r





i .III



i H i n i n | | | n i j j H


obbyWoUT --------

' 5 4 • ___________ :

3 .


r . n n s z ------- - -k -A ^7 ~ S S -2 --------------------------► J 9 5

8 6 2

t ■ ■ - ■

tb .W est.DbL



23 2

Ise-to 'three-' ■ “« v er, gam e

I. p.o.B«x nuu.


1 0 0 8 I :TRUCK PARTS


' '4 JE E P Aluminum W heels and U re t. Q ood condHton.

- 1 5 ' $125. 670-4669 CHEVY Suburban '87 4x4

350 engine like now. gray intorior. w heels & tlros.for ]

, sa le for. parts. 678-3221

1 W H E E L S A T I R E S o f f I 2001 Fo rd . F -150 , 4X4, .

- $ 6 0 0 . CaU 208-324-7336.- -■

• M 1009 I? L :- -* X 4’S IJ C H EV Y -'96.-2500.“ SlnoIe: "'• —c a i> - r d re 8 « i r 6 8 t r m T T “• $14,000. CaU 539-0755J

! CHEVY 7 6 short box. 350. i r 4 s ^ . , runs good. $1500

o r b est ofter. 324-6460.

l e r Q / t r

A . ; -

- - cifhic^ M 4-g434 " ■■

- ^ S b a d '^ 4 - S i ? B » y - 4 ^ ^ very g o o d con d ; e ng ine

- ^ h o r t - b l o o k - l i s B ^ n l y ^2 t,4 7 2 ml. an tires.new ;

-------anaohed taW lr«-10tf(tm pr3 rem ovablB motorcycto mountsL gooee neck end

“ “ Standard ^raller^Hch■|ow-' ing package.B est reason ­ab le offer. 208-677-8726

<^EV V *99^10V V /shetl.- U i t cond. 6 new tires 4- ~m uffiar.-$3500r732-S404~

$8000. F o f d '9 4 Bronco, Eddio Bauer, V-6, AT.

leather interior. CD playor $8000. P lease call . 208-539-6311 or

2 0 6 -4 2 3 -S 3 1 U

; d r. h igh r is e . A/C. Sun - roof, toaded . $2S,50(Voff- er. 308^)664 o r 324-2541.

C H ^ BLAZER 7 7 Migh S ien a Jim my. Black/chro­m e w hee ls . 400 . AT. re­movable tM . Excel; condi $3500. C an078-0S06 •

e x c . m e c h : $2600 '. '71 B l a w . $6000.733-7060

c H e v y B l a z e r , .1 9 7 9 . R uns g re a l t Low m iles . $2000/olfer. Can 736-7310

CHEVY 8 - 1 0 . 1 9 8 3 . 2 .8 v e , A C . r u n s g o o d . $2500 /o ffer.C ia 3 2 ft^1 9

. $11,000.:CaU 324-3344 ext 24.

— c Ke v V -9 9 Tahoe - 69.000 milos. $21,500.Can 324-3344 exL 24.

D O D O ^ 'S S R a U e r w W )■ AC. M ust seU. Exc. cond.

$2995/offer. 324-1186. ■ 1

c ab . C u a to m e q u ip p ed . $ 1 0 5 0 0 . C a ll 6 7 7 -9 9 3 3 ; after 6 pm . o r 431-3824

O O D Q E '96 « lo o .Ext. cab , V-10. AC, AT.

CD. bedliner. G ood tiros. : 59K m ls.$16,900/offor.- Can 837 -90S aJi

4x4. AT. L oadedI Book! ' $ 14 ,600 . T ak4 $11 ,000 . C an734-6912B_________

sound otoer tru^l^R ^ea^ to go. $1995. S43-6856Ji 2

FORD '8 8 F150 XL. 302 V8. AT, runs good, shen, $4000/offer. 326-5980B

shocks. 4 chains, now oversized tiros + 2 sporos. U flk iL 170K .1K onbrand j

new engine. $5K/otfer.Can Jo h n a t 326-3193.B

FORD ’92 F-250 7.3 oxt. cab. d iesel. 6 ' tong bodAv i liner & sholi.toadod. oxc. cond. $9.500.677-2215

' o tte r s p jn . ^

T e ^ ! ^ C * ^ t i N ^ box'. G ood co n d itio n $4 4 0 0 . Call 677-4099^

-F O R D - '9 3 F-350 Turbo — Dle«e<-X LTr6opd.-Nk»- -

d e a n truck. $7500. Call 543-6204 or42Q .6161 .B

C o m p a n io n , 2 4 ft. S th w heerC aH 543-5095. J i

Iu S m


.. . F O R 0 1997 ExpedKton f- XLT 5.4 L. $19,500. Can ------- ■4 2 T 4 7g2 .Br 7 3 i a r a J '

r g o o d c o n d .$ ie ,600/offer.^ ---------CaU J36.7e68 .B -------I. TORD 1998 Exptoror XLT.• red . 60K mis., exo. cond., r- ^poW ftf'iM ivfow aahdloclar fi . AC.

e T bes. Can 324-7409J1 i!- FORD •99 Crew C ab PoW:

erstroke XLT F250 super du ty . 67K m i. $ 2 4 ,9 0 0 .

; r ^ C aU 6 7 8 - 1 6 2 5 ^ = ------- —FORD ‘OO'EKpumiluil'

t---------E ddte B o u e r r g r o e n .- ^ -L WantJnty. $28,995.

-736-8207 or 420-6002. B - ' FO R O E x p lo rer XLT '9 6 ■71K m l. F u tty lo a d e d ,

r $8500. Can 679-1656 ev- elngs or 436-9993 days

FO R D F -2 5 0 . ’9 4 , X LT' ' . 460. 5 spd. Bodllnor. low

2 pkg. AC $7000.423-9052. .

matching sha iI.'PL . P w !AC. CD. still u n de r war- ,

t ranty. extended cab , SLT. .. Soo a l 833 M adrona S i. I . North. $12.000.420-2605.* FORO, F-250. P ow er' .

Stroke, 1995, S s p d . XLT. i75.500m iios. $15,000

I 4 3 6 - i9 9 S ,a n e r6 :o o p .m .. QMC '9 0 S u b u rb a n Exc.

c o n d . V ory c lo a n . Now e n g in e , tiro s & b ra k e s .

) $6.000yoffer. 532-4167 > QMC ’96 Yukon SLT Putty

lo a d e d . L o a th o r s e a l s I Bronze. 92K freew ay mis.

$14,900. CaU 326-6898« ISUZU RODEO LS 2000.

AT, 6 CD c h a n g e r , tow p k g . ro o t rack,* runn ing boanj. fog tights, privacy g la ss , 16' a lum w h ee ls .

; white. 14.000 mL $20,900. Can 788-3131

J E E P *90Wrangler. S sp d . 2 n d o w n o r .‘i6 8 K m is . $4350. Call 543-9395B

J E E P '9 4 S p o r t . A C , g ro e n /b lo g o , low /pK g;, 10 0 .6 0 0 m l.,o re a tc o n d .. $6500/offor. 726-0794J

L im ited E d ition . 1 0 8 K m iles . V6 o n g . L oaded .

-423-4622. ovonlng8.'.B .. - JE E P 1995 W rangler CO. .

5 4 k m ile s , a la rm , ru n s g rea t, bluo book value Is $10,600 asking $9700/of-fer. C oll423^5656.B_____

J E E P ’97 Grand Chorokoo Ltd. AC, sun roof, loamor. Rem ote stoned . Loadodll O w n e r will g iv e $ 2 0 0 0 i c ash to toko ovor paymo- n ts. $18,000. ow od. Cou 734-1842 or731-4619B

J E E P C h o ro k o o L are d o ’90 A C. CC. tow p a ck - g a g o , g o o d fa m ily c a r . $4500. Con 436-5211

N IS SA N ’93 SE V-6. Qrool B c o n d . $8200/offor. 732- 5707o r735-8300B

I tGl»9e92

I *rni539o


' T iU .'.'IfaifftsonFD ni

W e d n e s d a y .

TO YO TA '9 4 . w ith sh e ll,

Ir-------r e a r - a x l e ^ 8 6 -M e r e u r y . -f------C o u g a r XHT f d r paTta.': "•L C a n j> 5 - a 4 p : r i- - ^

r -I

J I V A N s i-

- CH BVY 'p Si C a rgo7Vai>r - _ _ 2 4 K jn l^ S ,l- l.0 Q G _ C fllL _

Goorgo/Ron a t 866-2142. .- CHEVY •90 Mart< III conver- '

5 sion van; TV/VCR roady .'® AT, PW .PL ANVFM cass .

S ea ts 7. $3500.438-6146 : ov o s.o r4 3 1 -2 5 6 1 B '

r CHBVY V an , 1 9 7 6 . A T.' sink , Icobox. b o d . good• tires, $ 9 7 5 .733-5938.B ; 7 CHRSYLER '9 7 . T ow n &.’ Country, loaded w/toalhbr,' $12,900. Cali 324-3529/. - 539-3530.............................. J! DODOE 7 3 Von excellent,

c o rg o v a n , $ 9 5 0 . C a ll '■ 934-M98.B . ■ -j . FO R D '9 6 Wind S ta r GL

3 door, 66K mis. loadodll.. $10,900/OfTer. 734-4541B j• I 1M0 I' I AUTOMOBILES

L ^ o r s a ^ ^ -

> Plooso check your a d for _• com jctnoes on th e first f• day that il m ns, a s Tho■ Timos-Nows la nol ro- I sponslblo for omsra pf- , te rtho ttlm e.— —


- C lassified D ep a rtm en to p e n e a t 8 :0 0 am

M on thru Frt.T ake C are o f y o u r = c tass ifiad b u a ln e s a / b e fo re h e a d to

1-2M ^3-W lV rt. 2 o r o u r BuTfey O ffico



’ Spodal $359.95. Most American vohtotoa. parts,

labor & Installatton Indudod.

■ .-E conom y T ra n e m le e lo n -C af/^24-S7B 07or

F n « p leku p A d « n v9 ry iBUICK '84 . Regal. Pow er ,

s to o r i n g / b r a k o s . A C , 'c ru is o ,lln to d w in d o w a, Iotc. R uns great. 76K orig- ~ moi mi. $2500.934-4455JI

BUICK Century 2000, must < seNI Futty to ad od ,$ l3 .900Ploaao can 208-735-0206. {g

BUICK Pari( Avo. '9 7 Ultra, i65K, fully loodod. ' I

. . • 678-7987 1

I O1 1 1 ^


Hfc orf“olpocl«ttB<)u5$T0iSl.8O‘F'2< mo 3«iMl $18£S.2S. PKltfn lor llkuuaoanpurpo! M tligitiiily dtORt, Italt. letHre all applqbfc

L a k ^ B I v d : ; !

qW is j g t o b e S ir t offlie I

......... I , ■ .

ly. July 4 . 2001. T I m e s 4 4 e w t

. C A D I L L A C '8 7 C o u p e h■ Pavllla t^iflfwiriitft irme

- ite c th e te rrS 1 1 v d 0 < L .F b t^ _ ^ = W - T a u r u < v V .6 r A t . r--.$eOOO.-42»B311B ------- -_ _ C r tE V y jB 9 1 .( ia p jf c a _-— S u p rw n e i? d y o o M ’~ '5

j ^ ^ ^ ^ . M p p t e . C a r i o ^ . ;fi ^ 3 4 7 P o w e r e v e ry th in g .. E x c e l l e n t d b n d l t i o n . ' '

$5 5 0 0 .733-e627B CHEVY CIO '8 3 PtckuD 2

WMdl driv^w/lnsulal&d ^------ Sheik-New tirearnew — —

lrans.3SOC.I.O.'P9.PB. . ~ -a ir. Qoodcor)d.Run< '•

well; Must soni $1400/' ■ fi . offer. CaU 644^1418 J

n u e . P W . P L . p o w e rs e a ts , n ic o c io a n s h a rp Pcar. 543-8144 Iv. m s g J i 1

CHRYSLER U B a ro n OTC.- Pt93 6onveitlble, w hile, AT; <ioadodt Exc. sh a p o . 55K <m n o s .$ 4 a 0 0 .7 ^ 7 p 6 0 .B :

P 0 P 0 E , " 8 9 . OMNI N ew Ptlre s-f more.. $ lS00/offer. 1

. ' Can 736^2043 e r 6 p m J i JD O D Q E '81 Colt. PtN o w t l r a s . E x c ; M P G . f$1250 /o rfer.734 -6384a 8i

D O D O E‘9 9 D akota 2w d. 5 P<spd . b e d liner, now tires. B30K m is. $9 ,5 0 0 . MUST <SELLI Can 644-6420B <

E-MAIL your daasified ad t o u s a t

tw in a d p m lc ro im e t ;

f a l r c o n d . $ 1 8 0 0 . F o r d SI'9 3 E xplorer. 100K m is. cIfs In Tacom o. $8000 . 5

T lta n -7 6 m otor homo-A1.- f r24n. fully contained. Low smilos. $4500. Coll Ron a t c735-6479 lv. m essago .B v

5 .0 , 5 8 p d .* 2 ^ 8 0 i? g o o d T imis. i r wide tires. $9000. cBoautirul 733-6727 lv.msg $

FO RD ’9 4 T a u ru s . Fully VV- l o a d e d . A C . 2 8 m p g ; - AI C o m fo r ta b lo & c l e a n . 3

$2600. Cali 736-5983. B y y

HONDA-^2. Pre lude. Hchromo17*M rheels. ■

m ust s e e l $8800. "734-7119. _

iONDA 1994 A ccord EX PS . PB .P W . P L . window tint, su n roo l. K enw ood AM/FM CO . $6900/offor.Can botwoon 8 arh a n d 12 pm. 736 -5283JI

HONDAS from $9001 Polico im pounds. For T t

listings: C a f 800-319< » 2 3 w H hexL 3109 .B

ISUZU. Trooper. '9 1 , extra . SOI o l b rand now w heels

& t i r o s . 4 d o o r . R u n s goodI $ 4 3 0 0 .32& 4163JI

M S R P * f a- m m P f

M S R F ^ S A

M s m * 3 a

■ M P r* Z e .6 8 ‘

nwm I m OAC. 10% out oTpodid. lulduH Ji rpostt onfy. "Wide p i te dcflol trdwJe ta . ti <4at«>aiB.MSnP8bdoWryiaoe(l.»cttrt»i

N : / - n v i h F a U s

n i l

». HONDA Chrto OX i m . 4 . 1 C -.. df-SapdjaKfflie. ta a o G r-:— I P le M e ^ 206-^00762.

U —ver J>«naannte etereo A . .r :^puksm..*laim-.mlem.-:^.^----- l40K.ml8.A»kihgSlW).—- - ____

• U ^ I i ^ U r V M a rq u is -; BrooBham7’8 a . s t e r i 6 . a l l ~

• p o w e r . LOADEDI E x c . cotkL 32 .400 actual mUoa,

r $2gQ0.-73g-.QSfl6revea.B- ^ —

- ' g p 35V.*AT. ACj - . $11,500. Can

- 324-6056 o r 731-0677. B -------

" M . '^ l^ ^ a 'l^ ^ ' .A C ! PL i ; PW . a CO. 5 spd . G reat . corid. $ 5 2 5 0 .734-8766 .«

$1500. Cali 7 3 5 ^ 7 8 B '• P 5 N T tA g .-94 6 r a n d AM-------

Q T .4d r.V 8 .A T .A C .N ew tiros. O reat cor>d. ExtrasI $5.60Q/bffor. 732-8449 .B .

P o N T i » r M 'S 5 S 3 T S r t ;S E . e x c . c o n d . . 4 9 K ; $8500 .734 -1955 hr. m sg.

POffTIAC -87 G rand Prtx Fuiiy loadod. Exc. cond.

80K m ls$12.000.30e06l7B ■ P O R ^ 6 h E 7 7 911 Black w/new Intortor. Good condition'. Asking $6000. CaU 280-1625B

SU B A R U '02. Legacy . W agon. AWD; k w ml:. ‘

AT, A a CD. $5295 . Calf ^ 4 - 8 0 5 6 o r7 3 1 -0 8 7 7 .B

SU B A R U -91 L egacy wag^ on. AWO, J40K mte. AC, $3500/offer. 732 -0943B :

5 a p d . A C . P W . P L i ; cruiso, 111K ml., reliable,

vo ry fa s t . $ 4 0 0 0 / ofleC 737-9388 or 5 3 6< 666 . ■

VW *91.J e t t a , s u n r o o f c r u i s e , C D , lo w m isA $3800/otfer. 7 3 3 - 4 3 0 7 .^

VW -95 Je tta G LS sunroof.A C. 5 s p d .. $6 9 9 5 . Can 324-1166 o r 324-2521.B

volt, n ew pain t. In & ou t' aunroof. tint m ags; $ 4 5 0 a P lea se can 20ff-734-i 030.

I"" 1099 AUTO



tim e s^ L ^ ifiedDEPARTMENT

2 0 8 -7 ^ 5 5 3 8208-677-4543


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