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How to assess prognosis after cardiac arrest and therapeutic hypothermia

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See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259719245 How to assess prognosis after cardiac arrest and therapeutic hypothermia. Crit Care 18:202 ARTICLE in CRITICAL CARE (LONDON, ENGLAND) · JANUARY 2014 Impact Factor: 4.48 · DOI: 10.1186/cc13696 · Source: PubMed CITATIONS 28 READS 130 8 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: Fabio Silvio Taccone Université Libre de Bruxelles 237 PUBLICATIONS 2,423 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Tobias Cronberg Lund University 89 PUBLICATIONS 1,834 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Hans Friberg Lund University 131 PUBLICATIONS 3,620 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Jean-Louis Vincent Université Libre de Bruxelles 1,127 PUBLICATIONS 70,934 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Fabio Silvio Taccone Retrieved on: 03 February 2016




























Taccone et al. Critical Care 2014, 18:202http://ccforum.com/content/18/1/202


How to assess prognosis after cardiac arrest andtherapeutic hypothermiaFabio Silvio Taccone1*, Tobias Cronberg2, Hans Friberg3, David Greer4, Janneke Horn5, Mauro Oddo6,Sabino Scolletta7 and Jean-Louis Vincent1


The prognosis of patients who are admitted in a comatose state following successful resuscitation after cardiacarrest remains uncertain. Although the introduction of therapeutic hypothermia (TH) and improvements in post-resuscitation care have significantly increased the number of patients who are discharged home with minimal braindamage, short-term assessment of neurological outcome remains a challenge. The need for early and accurateprognostic predictors is crucial, especially since sedation and TH may alter the neurological examination and delaythe recovery of motor response for several days. The development of additional tools, including electrophysiologicalexaminations (electroencephalography and somatosensory evoked potentials), neuroimaging and chemical biomarkers,may help to evaluate the extent of brain injury in these patients. Given the extensive literature existing on thistopic and the confounding effects of TH on the strength of these tools in outcome prognostication after cardiacarrest, the aim of this narrative review is to provide a practical approach to post-anoxic brain injury when TH isused. We also discuss when and how these tools could be combined with the neurological examination in amultimodal approach to improve outcome prediction in this population.

ReviewClinical scenarioA 52-year old woman collapsed on the street and under-went bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Emergencymedical personnel arrived 8 minutes later and found thepatient in asystole; cardiopulmonary resuscitation was con-tinued and return of spontaneous circulation was finallyobtained 23 minutes after arrest, after a total of 4 mg intra-venous epinephrine. The initial electrocardiogram sug-gested an inferior ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Thepatient was transferred to the emergency department andunderwent emergency coronary angiography, which re-vealed a proximal right coronary artery occlusion, even-tually treated by percutaneous stenting. At 90 minutes postarrest, the patient arrived in the ICU, hemodynamicallystable but comatose, with bilateral flexor responses to pain-ful stimuli and absent pupillary reflexes; she was not re-ceiving sedative agents. Therapeutic hypothermia (TH)was immediately initiated. When the patient’s relativesarrived, they immediately asked about the extent of

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Intensive Care, Hôpital Erasme, Université Libre de Bruxelles,Route de Lennik 808, 1070, Brussels, BelgiumFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2014 BioMed Central Ltd.

brain damage and chances for survival and neurologicalrecovery.

Hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy: the problemCardiac arrest (CA) is a devastating event associatedwith mortality rates in excess of 90% [1]. Among pa-tients who achieve return of spontaneous circulation,more than 40% survive to ICU admission and nearly30% are discharged alive from the hospital. The mostimportant reason for poor outcome remains the post-cardiac arrest syndrome, a pathophysiological processcharacterized by three main components: brain injury,myocardial dysfunction, and systemic ischemia/reperfusionresponse [2]. The severity of these disorders is not uniformand may depend on the cause, the duration of the CAand the extension of the ischemic injury; however, braininjury remains the most common cause of death inthese patients [3,4].

How to predict neurological outcomes in hypoxic–ischemicencephalopathyPrognostication in hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)is a particular challenge because decisions to withdraw

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life-sustaining therapies largely depend on predictedprognosis [4]. A systematic review highlighted how theneurological examination (absent pupillary light responseor corneal reflexes, absent or posturing motor responsesto pain, myoclonus status epilepticus), high serumneuron-specific enolase (NSE) and bilateral absence ofcortical somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) couldreliably predict poor outcome in comatose survivors afterCA [5]. Nevertheless, such an approach has been ques-tioned recently; specifically, introduction of TH as aneuroprotective intervention after return of sponta-neous circulation [6] may significantly influence theneurological examination and also potentially modifythe prognostic value of circulating biomarkers ofbrain damage or the accuracy of SSEPs [7-9].The aim of this review is to provide a practical

approach to the comatose patient surviving after anoxicinjury and treated with TH, and to outline when and howthe available tools should be combined with the neuro-logical examination in a multimodal approach to improvethe quality of prognostic assessment (Figure 1).

Clinical examinationClinical manifestations after CA depend on the suscepti-bility of different brain regions to anoxia (for example,the cerebral cortex, thalamus and cerebellum are moresusceptible than subcortical areas and the brainstem).After reperfusion, brainstem functions, including spon-taneous breathing and reflexes, return more rapidly than

Figure 1 Multimodal approach to assess prognosis in comatose surviapproach to assess prognosis in comatose survivors after cardiac arrest treacombined with the use of electroencephalography (EEG) and somatosensospecific enolase (NSE) and S-100β protein) and magnetic resonance imagin

those related to deep brain structures (for example,response to pain).In patients not treated with TH, a lack of motor re-

sponse or extensor response to pain (Glasgow ComaScore – Motor Response (GCS-M) ≤2), bilateral lack ofpupillary reflexes and bilateral lack of corneal reflexes at72 hours after CA have all been regarded as reliablesigns of a poor prognosis [10]. Today, however, the cli-nical course of neurological recovery is obscured by se-dation and muscle paralysis associated with TH duringthe first 24 to 48 hours post arrest, a period duringwhich most survivors without significant brain injurymight recover responsiveness. In addition, hypothermiamay prolong the metabolism of sedative agents and in-duce drug accumulation, with significant impact on thetiming of neurological recovery [11]. As such, early as-sessment of a poor prognosis based only on the clinicalexamination may contribute to withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy in nearly 20% of patients who mayotherwise have shown complete neurological recovery[12]. Use of sedatives could negatively influence the pre-dictive value of clinical examination within the first 72hours after TH initiation [13,14]. The amount of se-dation used probably varies considerably between cen-ters, and this may explain why the clinical examinationhas been reported as reliable in some studies and lessreliable in others.During the initial period after CA, when cooling and

concomitant sedation is used, the only reliable prognos-tic information is limited to a minority of patients who

vors after cardiac arrest treated with hypothermia. The multimodalted with hypothermia should ideally include neurological examinationry evoked potentials (SSEPs), the measurement of biomarkers (neuron-g (MRI).

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develop dilated, unreactive pupils and loss of all brain-stem functions as signs of total brain infarction and/orherniation [4]. The detection of asymmetrical motor re-sponse or stretch reflexes should indicate the need for aneuro-radiological investigation to detect focal brain in-jury; however, use of neuromuscular blockers with THmay limit these clinical signs to being present only onadmission. Great care should be taken to avoid a prema-ture diagnosis of brain death because recovery of brain-stem function may occur even in more severe cases [15].In clinical practice, additional tools – including electro-encephalography (EEG) and neuroimaging – should beused to confirm extensive brain injury and swelling.When sedation is weaned during rewarming, recovery

of at least a localizing motor response to pain (GCS-M≥5) is a sign of a favorable prognosis [16] and no furtherdiagnostic tests are necessary if the patient continues toimprove over subsequent days. On the other hand, if thepatient remains unresponsive to pain or with only astereotypic motor response (GCS-M <4), the prognosisworsens each day without sedation and complementaryprognostic tests have to be considered. Indeed, GCS-M≤2 alone on day 3 was associated with a false positiverate (FPR; that is, the proportion of patients misclassifiedwhen this variable is used) for poor outcome of 12 to24% [17,18], whereas the combination of such abnorma-lities with myoclonus or absent brainstem reflexes (thatis, pupillary and corneal reflexes) reduced the FPR to<4% [17]. Pupillary and corneal reflexes should be testeddaily in all patients, because their absence has been asso-ciated with poor prognosis in several studies [18-20].However, few data are available about changes in thesereflexes over time and the reactivity of constricted pupilsor reaction to corneal stimulation may be difficult toassess reliably and can also be altered by deep se-dation. Finally, the optimal timing to define prognosisusing the neurological examination remains unknown.One could propose the need to delay prognosis assess-ment until 72 hours after normothermia has beenachieved (that is, 4 to 5 days after CA), but no reliabledata are available on the reliability and predictive valueof clinical tests at this timepoint [14].Clinical seizures are reported in about one-quarter of

CA victims [21,22], but various forms of motor manifes-tations are often misinterpreted as seizures [23]. Myoclo-nus is a common event following CA that may or maynot be an epileptic manifestation [24]. Occasional myo-clonic jerks have little prognostic value in patients suf-fering from HIE. In a recent study, post-hypoxicmyoclonus was reported in 20% of patients, 9% of whomhad a good outcome [24]. Generalized (including faceand limbs) myoclonus is often associated with burst sup-pression on EEG and is an ominous sign, especially if itoccurs within the first 24 hours and persists for more

than 30 minutes (that is, status myoclonus) [25]. Beforethe introduction of TH, status myoclonus was consi-dered a reliable sign of poor prognosis if it occurredfollowing a primary CA [5], whereas good outcomewas occasionally reported if the arrest was of hypoxicorigin [26]. Since myoclonus usually occurs early andis usually suppressed by sedatives, status myoclonus isless frequently observed in hypothermia-treated CAsurvivors and cannot constitute by itself a sign of pooroutcome [27].

ElectroencephalographyThe use of EEG is advocated to detect seizures and post-anoxic status epilepticus, which occur in 10 to 40% ofpatients and are associated with a poorer outcome[19,21,22], particularly when detected early during TH[28]. Nevertheless, good neurological outcome has beenreported following aggressive anti-epileptic therapy forseizures occurring in the rewarming phase [29], espe-cially in selected patients (that is, those with preservedbrainstem reflexes, present cortical response on SSEPsand a reactive EEG).In addition to seizure detection, EEG has been used to

identify specific patterns associated with outcome duringHIE (Figure 2). A dichotomized definition of EEG pat-terns, such as malignant or benign, has been developed.EEGs are considered to have a malignant pattern if post-anoxic status epilepticus, alpha coma or burst suppres-sion or generalized suppression is present. Other EEGpatterns, including a generalized slowing activity, gener-alized alpha–theta frequencies or the presence of epilep-tiform discharges, are considered benign or of unclearsignificance. In CA patients not treated with TH, 84% ofsurvivors had benign patterns whereas 88% of nonsurvi-vors had malignant patterns [30]. In a recent study, 12%of survivors and 86% of nonsurvivors after CA had amalignant EEG pattern within the first 3 days [19]; inter-estingly, a malignant EEG pattern was associated with a0% FPR to discriminate patients with good and pooroutcome in those treated with TH in this study. How-ever, benign EEG patterns could not distinguish patientswith neurological recovery in another study [31]. Thesedata suggest that a malignant pattern could be used topredict extensive brain injury after CA, regardless ofthe use of TH; however, other benign findings or fin-dings of unclear significance are not predictive ofneurological recovery.Dynamic changes in the EEG (that is, cerebral reacti-

vity) are dependent on the integrity of the ascending re-ticular activating system and are strongly associated witharousal [32]. A nonreactive EEG, defined as the absenceof any reproducible change in amplitude or frequencyupon patient stimulation, was significantly associatedwith in-hospital mortality after CA [17,19]. EEG

Figure 2 Electroencephalogram findings from resuscitated patients after cardiac arrest. (A) Electroencephalogram (EEG) recorded duringtherapeutic hypothermia, showing an example of continuous EEG: the patient had complete recovery of consciousness. (B) Burst-suppressionfindings during normothermia; the patient had concomitant myoclonus and bilateral absent N20 cortical responses to somatosensory evokedpotentials, and eventually died. (C) Generalized periodic epileptiform discharges at 36 hours after hospital admission; we decided to withdrawcare on day 5 because of persistent coma with posturing and absent pupillary reflexes.

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reactivity also had a better predictive value for neuro-logical outcome than malignant/benign EEG patternsand predicted awakening in patients with an EEG pat-tern of alpha-coma after CA [33,34]. Nevertheless,standard EEG in these studies was performed only atthe end of treatment, under normothermic conditions.In patients treated with TH monitored with continuousEEG, a nonreactive EEG was strongly associated with apoor outcome [17,19], with an even better predictive

value than SSEPs [28]. On the other hand, a reactiveEEG is often associated with a good recovery [28].Moreover, the presence of a continuous EEG pattern(as opposed to an EEG showing flat periods and/orspontaneous burst-suppression patterns) early during THwas associated with a high probability of recovery[35,36]. Thus, when an EEG is performed in comatosesurvivors after CA, both the EEG pattern and reactivityshould be recorded to assess the extent of brain injury.

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Importantly, EEGs have several limitations in this set-ting. First, lack of a universally accepted classification fordifferent EEG patterns can lead to differences in defini-tions. As such, post-anoxic paroxysms – classified asperiodic electrographic discharges by some neurologists– could be considered as post-anoxic status epilepticusby others. Recently, a simplified classification with fourmajor EEG patterns after CA was proposed: flat pattern,continuous pattern, suppression-burst pattern, and elec-trographic status epilepticus [35,37]. This approach pro-vided valuable prognostic information, could be easilyinterpreted even by non-neurologists and may facilitatedata comparison among studies; however, these findingsneed to be validated in a larger patient cohort.Second, the diagnosis of absent/present EEG reactivity

relies on the experience and expertise of the neurologistwho interprets the EEG. The exact stimulus needed toreproduce EEG changes and reactivity has not beenclearly standardized. Moreover, muscle activity afterweaning from sedation may produce artifacts and neces-sitate muscle relaxation. Reactivity can thus be easilytested only during TH, but few data are available on thetime course of EEG reactivity after CA.Finally, continuous EEG may enable a better evalu-

ation of brain function over time; however, a recentstatement recommended continuous EEG over intermit-tent EEG only for seizure detection in patients with

Figure 3 Somatosensory evoked potentials. (A) In comatose survivors atranscutaneous electrical stimulation applied to the median nerve and thencontrolateral cortex (N20). (B) Example of present N20 cortical response (C3N20 cortical response (C3’) in two comatose patients after cardiac arrest.

refractory status epilepticus, whereas both techniquesare effective at improving prognostication in post-anoxiccoma [38].

Somatosensory evoked potentialsThe SSEP is a small (<10 to 50 μV) electrical signal thatcan be recorded non-invasively from the skull after ad-ministering a set of electrical stimuli to one of the per-ipheral nerves. In CA patients, the median nerve is mostcommonly stimulated bilaterally at the wrist. Electrodesare then placed at the elbow, Erb’s point, the cervicalmedulla (peripheral) and on the parietal and frontal cor-tex (cortical); specific responses are commonly identifiedas N9 for Erb’s point, N14 for the cervical medulla andN20 for cortex [39]. The cortical responses can only bereliably interpreted when the peripheral and spinal re-sponses are also present (Figure 3). If peripheral re-sponses are not present, this may be due to peripheralnerve damage. For prognosis of a poor outcome afterCA, only the short cortical latencies (N20, expected toappear 20 milliseconds after median nerve stimulation)are used. In order to have absent SSEPs, predictive of apoor outcome, cortical responses have to be absent bila-terally in a technically well-performed test [40]. In pa-tients who remain comatose after CA, SSEPs havebeen shown to reliably predict poor outcome [5,14].

fter cardiac arrest, somatosensory evoked potentials are elicited byrecorded at Erb’s point (N9), the cervical medulla (N13) and the’) in two comatose patients after cardiac arrest. (C) Example of absent

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Cortical N20 responses are not influenced by mode-rate sedation or metabolic disturbances and remainpresent even at a sedation level that is sufficient to in-duce an isoelectric EEG [39]. Propofol produces min-imal to <10% suppression of the SSEP amplitude [41].Midazolam and opioids also have only a moderate ef-fect on SSEP amplitude and latency. Remifentanil cansuppress the cortical SSEP components by 20 to 80%when given at high doses (0.8 μg/kg/minute), as usedduring neuromonitoring in the operating room [42].A systematic review of studies on CA patients before

TH implementation showed that bilateral absence ofN20 on day 1 or day 3 after CA could certainly predictpoor neurological outcome. Some false positives wereidentified when SSEPs were performed too early (within1 day) after the anoxic injury; thus, this test should notbe performed earlier than 24 hours after arrest [43]. Intwo large prospective studies performed in patients treatedwith TH, the bilateral absence of N20 at rewarming(that is, on day 2 or day 3) was a reliable tool to pre-dict poor outcome, with a FPR of 0% [17,18], and apooled analysis of recent studies [14,17,18,44,45] stillgave a very low FPR of <0.5%. Unfortunately, only asmall proportion of patients with a poor outcomeafter resuscitation have absent SSEPs, resulting in alow sensitivity [46]. Moreover, preservation of the N20response does not imply a favorable outcome; indeed,almost one-half of the patients with a present N20 willhave a poor outcome.A limitation of SSEP is that it has only moderate inter-

pretation reproducibility. In one study, SSEP recordingsfrom 56 patients with HIE were interpreted indepen-dently by five experienced clinical neurophysiologists.The inter-observer agreement was moderate (kappa 0.52,95% confidence interval = 0.20 to 0.65) with the mainsource of disagreement related to noise levels [47], whichshould therefore be reduced as much as possible – forexample, by giving muscle relaxants to patients with toomuch muscular activity. Electrical ICU equipment thatcan interfere with readings should also be turned offwhenever possible. Providing more stimuli (up to 1,000or more) and increasing the stimulus intensity can alsoimprove the signal-to-noise ratio [47].

BiomarkersBiomarkers are quantifiable biological substances, usu-ally peptides, which can be easily measured in peripheralblood. Biomarkers of brain injury in comatose survivorsfrom CA include NSE and S-100β [48,49].Before widespread use of TH, serum NSE levels

>33 μg/l at 72 hours after CA were strongly associatedwith poor prognosis [40,50]; the reported FPR variedfrom 0 to 3% [5]. However, Tiainen and colleaguesshowed that hypothermia may significantly reduce

serum NSE levels, probably by selective attenuation ofneuronal injury [8]. The cutoff values for NSE predictiveof a poor outcome were also significantly higher in pa-tients treated with TH than in those without cooling[51]. Finally, a single high NSE measurement on day 3after CA and TH remained associated with a poor out-come but with a FPR ranging from 7 to 29% [18,19], andmuch higher NSE cutoff values (>50 to 80 μg/l) wouldbe necessary to predict poor outcome without false posi-tives [52,53].High concentrations of S-100β have also been found

in patients remaining comatose after CA; however, dif-ferent cutoff levels, ranging from 0.2 to 1.5 mg/l, havebeen proposed to predict poor neurological outcome inthis setting [54,55]. Before widespread use of TH, S-100β levels within the first 2 days after hospital admis-sion could predict outcome in comatose patients withHIE with a FPR of 2 to 5% [5]. More recent studies havecompared the predictive values of NSE and S-100β afterTH, yielding conflicting results [8,40]. Although S-100βhas a very short half-life and could potentially be moresensitive for detecting extensive brain damage within thefirst 24 hours of hypoxic injury, most of the existing datarelate to NSE, which remains the most commonly usedbiomarker in this setting. Furthermore, NSE levels havebeen shown to have a strong correlation to several otherprognostic indicators after CA, including EEG changes[56,57].Importantly, both biomarkers have important pitfalls;

because NSE is found in red blood cells and plateletslevels may increase in cases of hemolysis or NSE-producing masses, whereas S-100β can be released fromadipocytes and chondrocytes, and levels may thus in-crease as a result of chest compressions [58]. Variabilityin handling of blood samples, including storage, centri-fugation and freezing procedures, are other potentialcauses of error [59]. Disadvantages also include the lackof standardized assays, which may explain the differ-ences in reported cutoff levels reported in the literature[60]. Finally, if CA occurs concomitantly with otherbrain diseases, such as stroke or traumatic brain injury,the contribution of HIE to elevated biomarker levelsmay be difficult to distinguish.

ImagingCurrent guidelines state that available data are insuffi-cient to support the use of computed tomography (CT)imaging in neuro-prognostication of comatose CA survi-vors [61]. Nevertheless, early CT could be helpful to ruleout a cerebral cause of coma and/or CA, especially incases with preceding neurological symptoms, in caseswith nonshockable rhythms or in young patients withoutcardiovascular risk factors [62,63]. Moreover, as braindeath may occur in up to 10% of patients in the days

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following CA, CT can provide evidence of an irreversibleneurological catastrophe in patients being considered forbrain death determination.Some studies have evaluated the predictive value of

CT for predicting neurological outcome after CA. A lossof distinction between gray and white matter, indicatingcerebral edema, has been associated with a lower likeli-hood of good outcome [64-66]. Other studies have sug-gested that a ratio of Hounsfield units in the gray matterversus the white matter <1.18 can accurately predictpoor outcome [67,68]. However, these studies are limitedby the small numbers of patients. The largest study todate, including 151 patients, illustrated the utility of CTimaging by incorporating whole brain Hounsfield units;a decrease in this value, especially in combination withtraditional clinical features, was highly specific for pre-dicting poor outcome while maintaining acceptable sen-sitivity [69].Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a more

sensitive indication of brain injury after CA comparedwith CT, and the use of apparent diffusion coefficientvalues has recently helped to quantify the degree of in-jury (Figure 4) [70-72]. Apparent diffusion coefficientmaps are used to create diffusion-weighted images(DWI), a technique that relies on the concept of re-stricted diffusivity of water across dysfunctional cellmembranes, such as those of ischemic neurons. Cyto-toxic edema occurs secondary to failure of ion pumps,leading to increased intracellular water content as ions

Figure 4 Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Diffusion-wsuffered a ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest with prolonged resuscitationglobal anoxic injury.

are no longer adequately pumped out of ischemic neu-rons. Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) se-quences are T2-weighted, but with suppression of thecerebrospinal fluid signal, allowing for high sensitivitybut relatively weak specificity for lesions. FLAIR isparticularly sensitive to vasogenic edema.Regional (that is, the occipital and temporal lobes),

spatial (that is, widespread and diffuse lesions) or tem-poral (that is, absence of resolution in FLAIR abnormal-ities) MRI findings may provide better insight into thedegree and mechanisms of hypoxic–ischemic brain in-jury, and hence better predict outcome in comatose sur-vivors, including those treated with TH [73-75]. Bilateralhippocampal hyperintense signals on DWI and FLAIRalso appear to be specific imaging indicators of poorprognosis in patients who suffer global hypoxic–ische-mic injury [76]. The ideal timing to perform MRI wouldbe 2 to 5 days after CA (or after TH, if performed); du-ring this time, DWI abnormalities in combination withthe neurological examination on day 3 improved thesensitivity for predicting poor outcome by 38%, whilemaintaining 100% specificity [70]. However, one shouldemphasize that most studies of neuroimaging for CA pa-tients are limited by their retrospective nature, heteroge-neous populations (for example, not all patients werecomatose), and the self-fulfilling prophecy of early with-drawal of life-sustaining therapy (that is, the falselypessimistic interpretation of prognostic variables con-currently used to forgo life support) [77]. Additionally,

eighted magnetic resonance imaging scan of a 68-year-old man who. Diffuse cortical hyperintensities are observed, consistent with severe

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the prediction of good outcome remains even more un-certain than that of poor outcome, and both CT and MRIneed to be further evaluated in well-conducted prospec-tive studies in the CA population.

Multimodal prognostic algorithmPrevious studies have suggested some benefits of amultimodal approach. Before the implementation of TH,the addition of NSE measurements to the GlasgowComa Scale and SSEP increased the predictability ofpoor neurological outcome from 64% to 76% [78]. Com-bination of the neurological examination, EEG findings,SSEPs and two serum biomarkers improved prognosticvalue with no false positives for death [79]. In patientstreated with TH, the use of SSEPs, NSE and EEG in-creased the number of patients identified as having apoor outcome from 75% to 88% [52]. Also, the combin-ation of arrest duration, Glasgow Coma Score and non-contrast brain CT findings on admission was a strongpredictor of mortality with severe neurological disability,showing a 100% specificity and positive predictive value[67]; however, the quite small cohort population and theabsence of clear recommendation for withdrawal of careare major confounders for this study.Importantly, the precise multimodal approach will vary

among centers depending on the availability of electro-physiological monitoring, technical expertise and laboratory

Figure 5 Multimodal prognostication of coma after cardiac arrest andcardiac arrest of all available tools that are used to predict poor outcome oprognosis or neurological recovery should be considered when specific finof care should be initiated, because this approach has not been validated.biomarker levels did not relate to a specific cutoff value because of severalburst suppression; BSR, brainstem reflexes; EEG, electroencephalogram; GPEresponse or posturing; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; N20, cortical resplase; SM, status myoclonus; SSEP, somatosensory evoked potential; uNCSE,

facilities, and the use of several prognostic tools doesincrease costs. Also, self-fulfilling prophecy should beavoided and considerable efforts have to be addressedto combine the different variables to accurately pre-dict neurological outcome. Finally, decisions to with-draw life support should also require good educationand training, should require good communication be-tween the ICU team, and should be based on the ethicalprinciples of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficenceand justice.Taking into account all of the previous referenced

studies, we thus propose a combination of several prog-nostic tools to improve the accuracy of predicting goodand poor outcomes after HIE and TH (Figure 5). Afterinitial neurological examination (at hospital admissionand before sedation and muscular paralysis to induceTH, whenever possible), continuous or repeated stand-ard EEG monitoring should be started already duringTH to identify the presence of early seizures, of malig-nant EEG patterns and of EEG reactivity. Evidence of re-active EEG or continuous background activity indicatesa high probability of good neurological recovery, andthese patients usually wake up rapidly after rewarmingand discontinuation of sedation. In contrast, malignantpatterns – including burst suppression, generalized peri-odic epileptiform discharges and cerebral inactivity (thatis, a flat EEG or unreactive background) – are associated

therapeutic hypothermia. Summary of the suggested timing afterr neurological recovery from coma. This algorithm suggests that poordings are present but this does not necessarily mean that withdrawalDashed lines, lack of strong evidence to support the suggestion. Highlimitations affecting their measurements and accuracy (see text). BS,D, generalized periodic epileptiform discharge; M1–2, absent motoronses to somatosensory evoked potentials; NSE, neuron-specific eno-unreactive nonconvulsive seizures; uSE, unreactive status epilepticus.

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with poor outcome. Immediate initiation and prolongedtherapy should be considered for post-anoxic status epi-lepticus, especially if it occurs in the rewarming phase inthe absence of other signs of extensive brain injury; incontrast, early nonconvulsive seizures are often associ-ated with a poor outcome, especially if associated withan unreactive EEG and nonresponse to anti-epileptictreatment. The effect of treatment on this kind ofseizures is uncertain.Importantly, no EEG finding should be used alone to

predict poor outcome, and these negative EEG patternsneed to be correlated with neurological examination at48 to 72 hours after the end of TH, when sedation hasbeen withheld for at least 24 hours. If patients have gen-eralized persistent status myoclonus during the first 24hours, poor outcome can be predicted if it is associatedwith bilateral absence of N20 after rewarming. If SSEPsare not available, a malignant EEG pattern increases thelikelihood of poor prognosis but further diagnosticwork-up (including brain imaging and biomarkers)should be considered. It is reasonable to assume a poorneurological outcome in patients with absent pupillary/corneal reflexes and GCS-M ≤2 on day 3 after CA. How-ever, prognostic accuracy is increased if these signs areassociated with an unreactive EEG or malignant pat-terns. In other comatose patients, bilateral absence ofN20 potentials 48 to 72 hours after CA indicates irre-versible brain damage. If these findings (that is, malig-nant EEG, poor clinical findings and bilateral absenceof N20 potentials) are absent, prognostication be-comes more difficult. The combination of high NSEand S-100β levels with widespread DWI or FLAIR MRIlesions should be considered as additional tools to iden-tify extensive cerebral injury. Because these methodshave some limitations, they should not be used to makefinal decisions on treatment levels. Rather, a prolongedobservation period (1 to 2 weeks) should be consideredto allow for delayed neurological recovery.

Perspectives and areas for future clinical investigationConsidering the limits of the neurological examination,certain electrophysiological tests have been proposed. Asimplified EEG method with a limited number of EEGelectrodes, in combination with amplitude-integratedEEG, could be used in comatose survivors of CA, andmay provide relevant and rapid bedside information thatcould be evaluated also by non-neurologists [35,37].Functional deficiency of the auditory–frontal cortex net-work of auditory discrimination is a common findingshared by different neurological disorders with cognitiveimpairment [80]. This deficiency can be measured withthe so-called mismatch negativity, an EEG finding that iselicited during a specific auditory stimulus using soundsthat differ in pitch, duration or loudness. Mismatch

negativity has been shown to better predict awakeningthan SSEPs in patients remaining comatose several daysafter CA [81]. In a study by Tzovara and colleagues, allnonsurvivors showed deterioration in mismatch negati-vity between two measurements, whereas all those pa-tients who had an early improvement in auditorydiscrimination regained consciousness [82]. Finally, longlatency evoked potentials, such as P70 and P300, havebeen correlated with neurological status in CA survivorsafter 3 and 6 months; however, these potentials aredifficult to perform in the early phase and do not pro-vide additional predictive value to the available electro-physiological tests [9,83].Analysis of the time course of biomarkers could also

improve their predictive value. An increase in NSE levelsby >2 μg/l between 24 and 48 hours after CA was re-ported as a strong predictor of poor outcome [48].Preliminary studies have shown that other blood bio-markers, including glial fibrillary acidic protein, neuro-filaments or tau protein, may represent alternativebiomarkers [84-86]. Also, because the post-CA syndromeactivates a systemic inflammatory response syndromesimilar to that of sepsis [2], C-reactive protein, copeptinand especially procalcitonin could be considered adjunc-tive tools to assess prognosis [87-89]. The combinationof such molecules with biomarkers of heart injury, suchas cardiac troponins and brain natriuretic peptide, alongwith novel biomarkers, including circulating cell-freeDNA and micro-RNAs, could create a multipanel ofbiomarkers to incorporate into the prognosticationprocess of CA patients [58].Advanced MRI techniques could provide interesting

information, although their usefulness is less clear thanconventional neuroimaging techniques. Some of thenewer techniques include diffusion tensor imaging, frac-tional anisotropy, functional MRI (including resting-state and task-specific functional MRI) using blood oxy-gen level-dependent contrast, and high angular reso-lution diffusion imaging tractography. These imagingtechniques can evaluate brain oxygenation, regional ac-tivation in response to external stimuli, neuronal struc-ture and axonal myelination, and all these findingsmay give new insight into the investigation of post-anoxic brain injury.

ConclusionsAccurate prognostication of comatose patients sufferingfrom HIE and treated with TH can be obtained only 72to 96 hours after CA and requires a multimodal ap-proach. The neurological examination remains the goldstandard; however, motor responses may be delayed upto 5 days in patients undergoing TH and neurologicalexamination is not sufficient to accurately predict prog-nosis. The addition of EEG could improve prognostic

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accuracy, in particular the presence of an early (within24 hours from CA) reactive EEG pattern as a findingsuggestive of good prognosis, whereas a nonreactive orburst-suppressed EEG pattern is associated with a pooroutcome. Bilateral absence of N20 at 48 to 72 hours isalmost invariably associated with a poor prognosis.Serum biomarkers of brain damage (NSE and S-100β)may be useful to assess the severity of acute brain injury;however, they should never be used alone and furtherstudies are needed to better define predictive cutofflevels. Findings from MRI investigations could poten-tially help to identify patients with extensive hypoxic–ischemic brain injury. Additional tools are under investigationto further improve the quality of prognosis assessment inthis population.

Key messages

� The clinical examination remains the gold standardfor assessing prognosis in comatose survivors afterCA; however, the use of sedatives and coolingprocedures severely limit the early use of clinicalfindings in this setting.

� Previous guidelines should no longer be applied inclinical practice to assess brain function in patientstreated with TH.

� There is no optimal timing to assess prognosis afterCA.

� We recommend the use of a multimodal approach,including full neurological examination with at leastSSEPs and EEG, to help with coma prognosticationafter CA and TH.

AbbreviationsCA: Cardiac arrest; CT: Computed tomography; DWI: Diffusion-weightedimages; EEG: Electroencephalography; FLAIR: Fluid attenuated inversionrecovery; FPR: False positive rate; GCS-M: Glasgow Coma Score – MotorResponse; HIE: Hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy; MRI: Magnetic resonanceimaging; NSE: Neuron-specific enolase; SSEP: Somatosensory evokedpotential; TH: Therapeutic hypothermia.

Competing interestsHF received lecture fees from Natus® Inc. The remaining authors declare thatthey have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsFST planned and drafted the manuscript. All the authors contributed toliterature research, data interpretation and critical revision of the manuscript.All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to dedicate this article to Dr CA Wijman whoseresearch contributed hugely to the assessment of prognosis of comatosepatients after cardiac arrest. They would like to express gratitude to designerVincenzo Ciffo ([email protected]) for drawing Figure 1.

Author details1Department of Intensive Care, Hôpital Erasme, Université Libre de Bruxelles,Route de Lennik 808, 1070, Brussels, Belgium. 2Department of ClinicalSciences, Section for Neurology, Skåne University Hospital, Lund University,221 85, Lund, Sweden. 3Department of Intensive and Perioperative Care,

Skåne University Hospital, Lund University, 221 85, Lund, Sweden.4Department of Neurology, Temple Medical Center, 6C, New Haven, CT06510, USA. 5Department of Intensive Care, Academisch Medisch CentrumMeibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 6Department ofIntensive Care Medicine, CHUV_Lausanne University Hospital, CH-1011,Lausanne, Switzerland. 7Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care,University of Siena, Viale Bracci 1, 53100, Siena, Italy.

Published: 14 January 2014

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doi:10.1186/cc13696Cite this article as: Taccone et al.: How to assess prognosis after cardiacarrest and therapeutic hypothermia. Critical Care 2014 18:202.
