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How to create an Expansive Vision in Action Board

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How to Create an Expansive Vision- in-Action Board Practical Tips and Energetic Tools to Bring Your Board to Life Michala Leyland Wood for the Trees Coaching © June 2021

How to Create anExpansive Vision-in-Action BoardPractical Tips and Energetic Tools toBring Your Board to LifeMichala LeylandWood for the Trees Coaching

© June 2021

Now, you might have heard a lot, if you follow Law of Attractionteachers, about setting intentions, taking action and manifestingyour dreams.However, too often in this field there is a big focuson you being energetically ‘to blame’ and finger pointing aroundyour ability to manifest effectively (Not everyone, but there isdefinitely an element of this that I have witnessed.)

I’m not a fan of this type of shaming and I much prefer theapproach I take to Vision Boards as a working document thatfeeds our strategy and helps us to align energetically with whatwe want at our heart. If you didn’t ‘manifest’ what you intendedit’s a learning and growing opportunity NOT an opportunity tobeat yourself with a blame stick. It’s a chance to refine theprocess and then take inspired action to get to your next level.

How does it work?

First, have a clarity of Vision for your life and your purposedriven business. I love delivering my BE Clear and Rise VisionBoard Workshops as my 10 step process gives the participantssuch incredible clarity, that yields results.


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Third, enjoy a level of accountability. Work with a friend, a coach, set yourself aconsequence but work to deadlines that have meaning and create themomentum you want to achieve. The reason my VIP Visionary Lounge membersenjoy fantastic results weekly is because they are committing to theiraccountability with other unapologetic visionaries.

Fourth, tap into your board daily on an energetic level to ensure that you aretaking impactful steps and making good progress in the areas that are mostimportant to you.

Fifth, visualise not ONLY the end result, but you taking the action needed toachieve it, even on a ‘bad’ day. This can be extremely powerful. This can beenergetically expansive and will support how you show up in your Visionaryenergy daily.

Sixth, use any mistakes, or perceived failures, as a feedback loop and see thepositive aspects of how it is taking you another step closer to your end goal,even if it isn’t in the timeframe you anticipated. You are one step closer if you usethe learning to grow. Don’t allow yourself to go into a shame cycle or seeyourself as a failure, simply use the situation you are in to stay curious and learnfrom it.


Second, set SMART with a heart goals. These goals are directly aligned with yourVision and reflect the specific and measurable element of what you want toachieve, as well as the energetic drivers within that goal.

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As I said, there is a lot of ‘shaming’ in traditional Law ofAttraction circles and it has to stop. You did not bring that illness into your family. You did not create a global pandemic.

You did not decide when and where you were born and howyou started out in life, and thus your starting point and mentaland physical resources may be different to others.

But don’t beat yourself up and let that Mean Little Cow (inner critic) voice dragyou down.Use your Vision Board as a working document and find the next level stepsfrom where YOU are and where you want to get to.

Identify what needs to happen when things don’t go to plan.

One thing I’m passionate about with my VIP Visionary Lounge members andone to one clients is using the power of Visualisation as a tool to live your Visionnow. I’ll share that with you now.

Many things I’ve seenlevelled by LOA coaches at

people who haven’t‘manifested’ effectively.

Yes, take responsibility foryour actions and choices.Yes, manage your energy

and focus on what you cancontrol.

Yes, have the samecompassion for yourself asyou would others if things

don’t go to plan. Yes, create a new narrativewhere your upbringing, or

your gender, your age, raceor where you live don’t limit


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Recently, I reviewed the ways in which I deliver my Vision-in-Action Board Workshops and howthese impact on my clients, as I truly want them to live their Vision now and see all the ways thatVision is in action.

A big part of the work we do is visualising how they are making the Vision happen, not just theend result.

In traditional law of attraction the end result is where many advocates focus their attention,however, this can be counter productive once the Vision has been created into a Board as it cangenerate a detachment from the individual's part in bringing it to life. When we think of it as aworking document and focus on the individual steps and our part in taking those steps it makesthe Board a really practical tool as well as spiritually energetically aligned.

In one study, researchers at the University of California asked one group of students to visualizethemselves getting a great grade on an exam. They asked another group to visualize themselvesstudying for the exam.

The students who visualized themselves getting a good grade scored lower on the test than thestudents who visualized themselves studying. Students who visualized themselves studying putmore time into preparing for the test and ultimately, they scored much better.



Visualise yourself getting that gym kit on and making timefor that beach yoga.

Visualise yourself making that phone call that will bring inthe contract.

Visualise yourself preparing and pep talking your team before youdeliver on that amazing event you have been planning for months.

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Whatever your Vision, see it in action. Feel the emotions of doing the uncomfortable and theecstatic. When you then put that into action you are energetically able to manage it all and enjoythe ride. Ups and downs.That’s why I decided we need to call it a Vision-IN-Action Board NOT a Vision Board. Now that’s avisionary thought.

a) A1/A3 card orpaper

b) A corkboard c) A large frame

a) Glue/ Scissors b) Drawing pins c) Blu tac

a) Magazines/newspapers

b) Access to googleimages or Canva/printer

c) Access toPinterest

d) Wallpaperlining paper




1 - One of/or both:

2 - One of/or both:

3 - Pictures/words:

d) Access to Googleslides/ Power point

4 - Felt tips/Gel Pens/Glitter/Stickers

Some of my clients have done the Board digitally and had them printed professionally on a canvas ormade into a poster to frame.

There are no shoulds. Personally, I like mine on a cork board which means I can remove and addthings as they are realised. Whatever you choose, the power in it is the underlying energy in which itwas created and the way you use it daily, weekly, monthly to maintain commitment and focus towhat you want in your life and business.

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My first top tip for creating a stunningly visualboard.Don't stick/pin down all your pictures and wordsuntil you have decided where you will place them.Aim to have no gaps so you can fill them with smallpictures, doodles, affirmations or stickers etc.Make the board visually appealing so when you seeit it lights you up




Forget everything you know about Vision Boardsyou are going to do it YOUR Way and make it yourown so you really want to action it daily, enjoy theride and use the working document principlesmentioned above. #sodtheshoulds Choose pictures that are either the specific item youdesire or an energetic representation of what youwant.


On Your Board you will have life areas. You choosewhat they are. Again, it’s what is most important toyou. Here are some examples: Adventure and travelInternal wellbeing and connectionHome and familyWork and businessCommunity and contributionWealth and abundance etc etc etcWhatever you likeGrouping them can help you focus to create annualand 90 day goals


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Create a definition of Success and print your Mission statement ifyou have one. Ensure they have a place at the heart of your board.

Above all, recognise that it's a step by step approach (with the oddquantum leap) that will bring your Vision to life and allow you tolive your definition of Success.

Top Tip 5

Use Value words to fill gaps oroverlay on areas they connectstrongly with your board.You can print them out or cutout of mags/newspapersIn addition, inspiring andmotivational quotes can beused to fill space or highlightan area of your board.

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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyondmeasure. It is our light, not our darkness thatmost frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am Ito be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'Actually, who are you not to be? You are a childof God. Your playing small does not serve theworld. There is nothing enlightened aboutshrinking so that other people won't feelinsecure around you. We are all meant to shine,as children do. We were born to make manifestthe glory of God that is within us. It's not just insome of us; it's in everyone. And as we let ourown light shine, we unconsciously give otherpeople permission to do the same. As we areliberated from our own fear, our presenceautomatically liberates others.

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I know it is true for me and I know I am on a mission to liberate myselffrom the fear of my light and show others that they have permission to doso by creating Visions of life and living them.

I hope that the tips in this little book inspire you to do just that.


If you are interested in me holding the space for youto expand your Vision and shine, check my website

for upcoming workshops or be added to the waitlist.

Be Clear and Rise.

Michala Leyland Wood for the Trees Coaching.

W W W . W O O D F O R T H E T R E E S C O A C H I N G . C O . U K
