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-- S.vl ec~ - ~s ~See> ahE~ ~if (ef - sL~ -t:l _,_, \f ~a.ruz. PLEASE RETAIN UN ARCHIVES ORIGINAL ORDER SERIES <-r;c,<i{/ BOX (0 . '~ 'Dv q{ tr{ g FILE , ACC . b,1 ";, lo,,,..,


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COPY -...


BATAVIA, 16 AUgUst 1949. Pal.eis Rijswijk.

., No.2223.

" I

• J


I have the honour: to forward herewith English translations of the documents, found on the commander of the penetrating elements at S a aya, as re e

""to in conclusion II , 1st paragraph of the lettEU's No. 22:)2 of 13 August 1949 of the Chairman ot the Netherlands Delegation,:

These documents are: a) Operational order 107th Bn tT .N .I. b0

) Operation I (Appendix I) ) Operation II (Appendix I?)

d) Operation III, Special Operation (Appendix· III) e) Appendix IV: Codes and recognition signs for messengers

of the Local Military Commander Surabaya. f) Suggestions / demands · g) Letter from OPIS DIV I to Major Djarot h) Letter from C .c.S. Mobile Command Bn 107 i) Explanation concerning the strength of th~ enemy on its

different posts. j) Certificate to Lt. Samsi k) Translation of envelope

To the Chairman,

I have the honour to be, Sir, .

Your obedient SaM'ant,

sgd (J.J. van de Velde) Chief Representative of the Netherlands Delegation on the

Central Joint Board.

of the Central Joint Board, Hotel des Indes, BATAVIA.

Tronslnti cm of p)i· .t;~;stc-,tic e: ,ni.:-::s refcrr8J t0 in Noth . D~l. le t~ er 2202 .

11Tentara Nasional Indonesian Territorial Battalion 107

Operationai order

No , 149/Kdo . 107/c


7 copies

(Ex~ution of Operational order No. 7/o/s • .:;L~9 KMD Soerabaia.)

I . The "technical execution of operational orde!" No. 7/o/s .- 49 is ~o be diviped ~nto three phases as follows:

A. Phase I. Keeping the bases on which to fall bo.ck intact in the sub-district- of KEDOENGADEM and environs, making use of:

l, No. 1 Coy, 107th~attalion 2·. The Djokotole Unit 3, Sappers Section Soemarlie 4. Military Police Co~ps

Captain J. Rambe is hereby appointed Commanding Officer of the combined 'troops, and is thus functioning as temporary C. 0 . of the· 107th Battalion (see my "Order of the day 11 No . 1l+4/Kdo 107 /c). . .


B. Phas e II. "Div er si ve Action", whi ch j s to be taken east of the main road between Ngimbang and Ploso, attacks to be .. made on small enemy post· s such as Mantoep, Babadan, Kemlagi, Dawar, Balongpangang etc. · Object: To keep the above nam ed post s r:busy",.so that t,heir attention may not b e drc..:m to the east nnd so that they ~vill not be able to attack the "shock··tro o ps" mentioned in ' Phase III in the back. This will· be executed by III Coy, Command ed

~ · ~ by 1st Lt. W. Prnriotobaris.

Phas e III. The "Shock Troop s" push on to the t own of Soe1~aiai2.,. using th~ f ol l owing units:

. ~· ~ ~,' l·. The Semut ..:·Ireng Unit ("Black Ar,.t Unit",-trarislator) 2. 108th Battalion. · 3· IV Coy and Srijon6 section o f 107th Battalion 4: Sect ion I, II Coy, 107th Btn in r e serve 5 .• ~appers Se ction Soetrisno

c.o. Battali on Command er of 107th Btn.

II,. Each unit will b e SU'JDorted by -•th'€ lo 'cal "Pe oples De'f e·nse: Corp s 11

III, Acti'on will be initiat ed on the 15th July 1 49 · from: the present base ,

IV. Details concerning teclm:ica.l execution nro dealt with by th e , eµcJ_o sures of this orde r.~

V. C.O~ will be at his post 0

end . This order to: C. o. S·emu t Ireng

2. c.o. 10 8 Btn (Lt~ Jasin) 3. Coy CommRnders I to IV, 107th and must be executed accurntely.


Given i.n th e field,

Copies to : C • 0 • KMD Soe1~ubaia Archives.

July 9th1 1949, 0900 hrs

signed Dj a rot ~o ebyantoro, Majo r

c.o, 107th Btn. Combin ed Troops





( Ope:eation 1 )

I . Bearing in mind the fa.ct that what has be en 1rtentioned in Par.I

must be carried out by units at minimum strength, the foll.owing

.must be adhered to:

a . Patrols are to be sent ou.t in 11sections 11 to attack enemy posts

at Soek?rrune and Ngimping .

bA Arnbushes must be made .

c . Actions · must be r.iado .1 whereby our troops suddel:ll-y appear and

then disappear again.

d .• Neyer oppose the enemy in a frontal at:tack.

e • Intensive n zyoho-kinrau 11 (translators note: a Japanese term

r:ieaning recce-patrol)

~I. As this territory fo~ms a base on which to fall .back, ev e ry

attention pmst be pai,1i to supply, mo.inly regarding food and

. arnmuni t ion .

III . a .• Reports from the c.o. must be sent on to the KM:b Soerabaja _.

b~ Situation Reports copcerning phase a. _ to be a6nt to the 6.o.

at l:l ast once a weeke

.. . ,. "Courier ·posts" must be establmeµ as circumsta,nces require.

d. ~ther no . essary work must be done .


To: c.o. Operation I ( Capt . J' . Rru.nbe)

copies to : c.o. ·KMD Soerabaja



• •

APPENDIX I I . ( Op0r ~t io n I I)

1 .• This operati on i s a f oi nt , in conn e cti on v1ith t h e attack .

2,. fn c onn ~ cti on h dr ewitt .:

a . It wil l n o t be nec e ssary t ci tak e ~ .r ge .. sc ale a cti on .

h . Acti on sh ould bG un uertak e:m by uni t s n ot

lar ge r than one 11r e goe 11~

3. It is imp ort a nt that 1~rnomen to..ry " and "ma ss action " ( trans l ators

no t e , th e o r i g in a l or de r u ses the Dutch words fo r those i !} Qu o te s )

in the " op e r a ti onai ar e a" , s o th a t th e e n emy 's a tt e nt io n wi ll b e

d r awn t o thi s a r e a .

4. The Peo pl e s De f e n se Corp s mus t b €J. m_ade u s e of .

5. Cont act must b e maint a in ed wi t h o. c. I V Coy 1 07t h Bn, v,h o up t o t he

present has b eu n in ch a r go of gu e ril l a warf a r e in t he operati unal

zon ,=, mer•t.i on ed in Par . II , and a ll KPM ( tr an s l at ors note ? ) i n thi s

t e r r i to_ry, in o:ede r t o ob t a in :

1 .• Da t a con,cer ni ng t he situati on in th o ter!'it ory m~ntio n cd -.

2 .• 11Sup .,_Jly 11•

3.• I.laki ng use of tho Peo p l es Def ens e . Co rps .

4. What e v e r m8..y fu r the r b e no c o ssary,.

6 .• As s oo n as p o ssi b l e a p r og r ai:1 of wor k t o b e do n e' mus t be drawn up ,

7.• -I t is of e;r ea t i mp ort a n ce t o kee p' cor.1t.uni ca.t i ons in goo d ord e r .

8 . The ba se will b ~ th e sub - d i str ict S a.mbe n e;, n o rth of the main roa d

fr om Ngim b in g t o Man too p , or · a ny o t he r pl ace tha t may be mor0

sui t ab l e at th e t im e

9.• Tro ops sh all s "tn.rt movin g .on Ju l y 1 2th , f ro m the pr es e n t bas e .

10. Wait f or or de rs . f r om th e ...,SO . conc e rnin g th e exac t momont of

starting ac t i on .

Ju l y 9th, 1949.

TdJ :C.o. Oper ati on II (Lt . w. Pran ot oburis) f or a c t i on .

copi _es t o : c. o. KMD Soo r uha j a

Fi l e .

. .

. ·


Appendix ITI

(Operati on III, ~pecial Ope~ati on)

1. The situation in the operational territory is as has beBn tndicated on the r.111p r,nd the exp1anntory notes a ttached. ·

2 . 11Rou te II to 1.

be foll owe d~ 107th Bn i s already- in II o"p era ti onal II territ ory

2 . 108th Bn mo,ves from .pres e nt bns o to the envir ons of Krom ong 2nd Bnnjoeasin .

3. Scmut Ireng (Bleck Ant) Unit to move f:o om present base to the anviri ons of K~ tem::,s I,1nde ( g o os in to ·the fores .t)

3. Hiding places concealed in the fores ts mus t b ,::; .found for personnel.

4. Unit·s will receive or der s fr om th e C.0.- combined ti~oops (c. o. 107 Bn) concernin i; the tim e atwnich th e sp e cicl operation is· t G begin, as s oo n as ~nits 1, 2 and 3 have arrived at their d e stinati on .

5. Extremely fast advanc e s must be made to th e obj e ctives, ~voiding battle , nctitm must not be tak en until the d e stim­ti on has be en reach ed .

6. Further orders for this action, and an 11instruction 11 will be given by lo cal c om.rr,nnding offic e i-s.

To: c.o . Operati on•III f or a cti on copi.es to _c. o. KMD So cr r.be.ja

• File Date, July 9th, 1949. -

.. • . .




I .


. (11. 0 11· "'' e·_,1 _l_c·v1-+v o_·,oc,:., 01 1 n C· c:., "..., r,•er.> + ro +1 1 0•'"• nn 1'1\18 t be \;,, y ...., _ ,1,,.., 1..Jl.J(.I,,:...) I.J U U- v..L:1_.1 •--•~• ~

provided with r.m ic1eHti:fj_cr,tion pr.,pe1°, which rc1uD"t be

r.iacle by the pel".Jon givin 0 the order, nncl. ·which r .. n.wt be

ohown to s.ny tiuthorj_ty he encormtoro . The f"ollow:i .. ng

1 i3 r.u: exrnnple ;


Courier f'ror2 e O • • e e • • • o O •



• • • • • • • • 6 • • • • • • • • , • •

. . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

' ( l )

( 2)



a. These ider1.ti.f'icati ornJ muut bo written Oj1

prei'e:i'.'&bly a □mall l)iece of pc,peJ.", Do tlmt the co-c1.rioJ:c

crd1 cGrry then enuily; theoo ident:Lficst::Lor:. papero nn.wt


(1) The nar 1.e of the Unit ( :LE code )

( 2) The nr,D.e of' the courie1~

(3) The j:.rn:10 of the penrnn. [nrtho~!.."ioed to recc;ive

the r.lCDDa0 e ( in codo)

( 4) The date of depa~ttm:e of' the couJ:-1er 01° d:Li::-

b. Afte1° the irl.entificatiojl pape1,o f 1,01:.i. the cour ier rove b:_en p1,oduccd theoe p8.pero Dhould be tr.,ken

from him ru1d de □ troyed and replaced by a

oimil.sr i(tent:Lfication on whic}1 the sddreeo

opposit~ aide the date of receipt of the meoosGa

of the rec:i..pient .

NB. Thie id~1tificstion ' 1:JJ:1.y jlGVG 1., be ohown to

unauthoriced pe1°00Ee .

II . Before Dhowing thece II ic1ej1tif ics. t ioj-: pGpori:i" the c ourie~c

J ... o ·to coi1vij1ce }1j_1:1.ce:L:f ·t11E'lt 11e j_c (1GE"i.J.ijl:G i/vitl1 ·J?I"lier1c1o,

and to thj_o ern:1 he v1ill queot:Lon vvhoevo~!." he io cler.J_ ij1g

·with in th3 f o1lowj_/1g mr.u:r:.e11 :

El. Qllest:LOjl ~

1. Repeatedly ccratch hie J":ooe

2 . Scratch hiD o.sr.

1 . If the

the noue , then it muot be 2iirnwerec1 by c1oinc the

2. If the queotion iD auker.1 l1y Dcratchij:cs

the ear, then it muct be 8i1i::;werecl by doing the



C • riil C 8.. fJ G

Socbc,li Coy

Anila 11

II Blceloek . J . S. Staff

Thi □ code is vsli d further notice.

be r.u1y rJo-LtlJ-t c1tu,,J_J:g ~t11ic e1ccl1r1r1ge . ~

[Ll8 0

Ol,, i r: ot}lGJ.7 i/J:JYD

Bn h ay ·

K:.L Sbi ·

Ki Ki S .• I .

Bn Djbw T.1\ . Selcs..1,,ru1



• •

Tra nsl ation . " Draft "

of the (Rep . ) Loca l hiili t a:;:,y Corn,1and e r Socro.baja

to th e Loca l Mi lita r y Commande r 8 1ba j a at , the

discussions on / 8-' 49 a t•••·••

r. The "S tatu s " of the T. N. I . in the tow n of S oeraba j a :

a , is as the sta tu s of a l ega l a r n1y of a St a t e , wh i ch fh th e

p resent con flict fon ~ -one of th o t wo p a r t ie s;

b . fo l lowing the cease h o sti l it i es or der ann ounc ed by t h e

Co:mmander in Chief of th e . R_opu b li can llrm e d Por ce s on

3/ 8/49 at 20. 30, the pos i tions o c cupied at prese nt by the

r11 . N. I . ( i n the town of Soor abaja ) cann o t be . w.ithdra wn.

II. The obje c t of t}ie action un dertake n by the T,N,I, Ba tt.

D.JAR0T on 10/ 8/ 49 at 24. 00 i s th e fo l l owi ns :

a . t o as s is t in the maint e nan ce of l a~ and order in the to wn

of Soerabaja , as a p r op ara 'iiion for the t ime , t h at the R.I~ 2 ~

(Repub li c of t he Uni t e d S t a t es of Indo n e sia) will ob t a in

Qompl e te i nd op e ndanc o ;

b . i'i i s ce rtainly not th e i nt e ntion t o d i stu r b th e peace in

the town ;

c. ii- con g ruent with th e ta sk of Ba t t . 107 a s KlVIK (T ra n s l a ­

tor's note ;?) Soer abo. ja .

III. I n ord e r t o :

a . ensure p e ace and ord e r

b . diminis h th o possibility of " inc i de n ts "

a ) a part of the town of Soero.b a j a shou l d b e ceded t o tho

T,N.I., where sp o ci a l arra n g ern.ents o f t h o T.N.I. an d

its r!lil it a ry co1ni:1and wi ll be in forc e ( a sec ond Ber l in)


b) th e T. N. I . shou l d b e b il le t ed .

I V• B_oth parti e s sh ould promul g.<J. t e ard or s of the day to :

1 .• their r e sp e ctiv e tr oops

2. t he i nhabitants of Sooro.b n.ja , conc u r1ning i:;he l:1test

dev e l opments, th a t p e op l e r;-iay ad.apt th,.nr:ii.-el ves t o th e n ew

situ at i on .

V • Pro :m.ul g a tions as to :

1 .• th e distinctiv e -

m,:1rks of th e 11.n.r~ 2 .• Cormnand flu.g ,. otc . . 3. stmn ps,

4. e t c . . 1


3 '

- 2 ...

VI . The dis cuss ions s h ould b e pr o c,;de d by th o f o:;:,rrnt i on of a

"L o ca l Joint Comt.iitt cc 11 a s "Cont a ct ··o f ::'ic o 11 an d j o int

s e cr e to.ri a t . '. ~

VI I• Other i t oms to bo d e ci ded by t he 11C0n t r o.l J oint Boa r d 11"

Dn t e : 11/ 8/L~9 at · oi3. oo h ours

' ..


'r . N. I .

Loca l Llili ta ry Con ~~nd The Cornman din i:; Olf ic o r

( in it i al s of )hla j or Dj aro t

"1- •



l Div. T.N.I,

s·nbj ect: IICoup X"

Fr om : 0 • P. I. S •


To: Naj ar Djsr ot in the f i el(l.

Following (1:Lscuociono of your plr,n, I have the

honour to 81.i.bmi t to ym.1 certain f'actD. Theoo (lE",ta I cm:1Jd no t

send you yeoterds.y as tallrn with ~.'l:aj. G<:m. Suharrljo had not

lJ~ei1 co~uletec1 and I waD sti_~l wui ting :-· or furth er inf ornst:L c T.rie-fol..tov,ing io Jor yqur in .. i:'01-,u.utio_n ~ .

1. To begin w1t11, I perool'l.f',11.y we.i1t to see MaJ . Gen.

Su.harc1jo and explaiile(1 your plan in clett,il. ·I inDiDtecl thst 1,­

c:ipprove of your plan anc.7. thr~t he cooperste with the ~xecutj_ o::

thereof. He aluo agreecl to the plan being brought into

execution simul taneouoly ut other plr,c ec: which E1.ight be of

political or of st_22atec;ic value.

For thiD reason I lw.ve cent s cpecisl mef.rnengm." to

Lt. Col. Sudjot10 thi:3 mo11 ninc; snd to I:I.s.jor Mog,ernls . You

have no fear of theoe plr.,nr.:i lee.kine; out.

. , nee ' ·

2. Maj . Gen. Su.J:1arclj o hs::;i "teDte d " Ha j or llc;en

( trrnrnla to1°s not ? ) of Au.st1°alia (U:NCI) rn1d hao talked to

him privr,tely; this you may __ believe.

The above menti oned. Ms jor ag11 eed t u the plan r.,nd Dr.ii ,

that he would act no a atrong intermediary. He left today f or Bn+-=1v1· 0 1 ij1 01 1 'le1~ •l-o 1-,olcl rl1' "'C1.l'""'i0j7<'' ;aii tl, l1i n 11B·ei .e~ rl 1· '"'i 1 c.~ v\...,.. ~ ... ...,. _ v ==--.. .. , .... ..., ... '-'u- _...., H- - ___ ,_, - _ 0 c1.,. -- v-!-

General11 (an Auctrali8.n Colonel). ··(Tr rnrn~u:,to1'0 i":ote, in the

Indonesian text fo1 1 the wo1°rls. undei~lined 11iVl c'cin mat& " are us eel, .

li te1~ally nern1ing "t o· play with the eyes" 01° ij':_ other wordc,

to flirt). He will be nble to give r., clesr .·anDwe1', .ss he f.A1ic1

to l\/k-,j. Gen .• Suharllj o , Bfter hio retu1 1 n from Bat&vir, on the

9th of August 1949 ( Tue sck.y ). The object of hto deparh .. 1re to

Batr.~via, where the HQ of the .Dutch Arr·.1y iD, iD to exert the

neceucary presstu 1 e, in csBe the Dutch slrnuld vd.Jh to tc,ke

There weTe only .s. i' ew points which he inpre13,Jerl on 1;c-: .

namely the following: A. Avoid armecl cl.s.Dheo

B. Ir:. towl'l our per.Jorntel nmDt beh&ve cor1 1 ectly , thi e;

in orde1· to clec.eiv,e other UHCI of:f icerc.

c. ,Irl the ' town 0"\.111 troop:3 rJJ .. "tGt "bo billetteO. 8CCOl 1 (l:iY r•

note, "of a recognioed state " would be ' rn1 equr,lly

£.ccu.rate trrnu:;lation).



- 2

1Ll1y inci(1ont 111lu:d; . be 1.:-oportc (l

lOCE',l UNCI l")GJ.:'80rn1ol .

ii:1n oc:lj_ st ely . ' .

He sloo requ.ected thr,t cr,re bG ta ken thr,t n c1thi .i":g

concei 1 ning this plaE ch cuJ_(l lo&k out un.til tho tine r,t ;,"Jhich

the action be initir,terl.

Tho f ollo'Ninc; sh ould be nenti oi:ecl to y ou for I-t-:i.j . G().iL


A. Off:LcGrs ospec:Lal l y oh uuJ_r_l c oru.hwt then,sclvoo

correctly, s o that th8 tr oo 1x: 1.-vfll also be unc1 Gr

c m:t1 1 ol .

B. Avoid 11IE' ovocr ,t io.i1 11 • ·

C. Militar y bad gc c of rrn1k n-i:1.ot be co mpleted ( t11 rn1.s-­

latorc note, here f oll o'ND s cls c c11 :y_Jtion of c.

cel 1 tain n ate I"i &l t o be u.Ded f o11 thi c lYtJ . .1.1poDe).

D. Avoid arno cl. c rn:j~lict .

Torl&y :he :uJ mee ting tho Divi c ion Co::m12,rn1er at Kccl:L1°i

t"Uld w:U.l be infor n ecl by hj_i.-.:. in pri vato C O.ilV 8 1:uc.rti o .i1.D . Ac h e

Gen. Suharclj o , .,....O"'<c•1' l)l e l-1c. 1·,+e· 1 (1"' +o ,,;e+ ·1-h'e·i,,.., lJ 1Ju ... _ , ..__ c,; __ J .:..u J ...... 1...J u 0 u l,,.__ --V on the 8 t h

of' Jrngt.wt snd to le[tVe Cs.pt . Srj_s min i n Soe11 8.baia in ord,:i_' t h[, t he nmy ob□ Gl'VO evcnto thel 1 C . Tho c ourDG of ovrn1ts can ther . bG

iepo1 1 t eel to him teleg1 1 ~1phi c slly to J oc j o..

l lu:rve not hrd the opportlm :Lty t o :~1 eot Sam.Di , or t o

po □it~ve the fact tlrn t within the town of Soerabaia tho:i:c hr, Y-. .t>o-1 -·o ., -!-.; be ·1 t-·c - r · ·P ·-··-o D. ( I- B~·1.-nl..; o·, ·-,.~·-1el --.L J. ,::j LG V-Lr.1.8 8J . .1.· )u p ,.:; O"- ·:.,.u. JSr j·., c! i.,c( ___ L J., J.cw ·-,j

1-} to ;2 Coyo, Maj 01° Dj arot ncrnt produce f r.J_De (locu 1-:.1eEtr ,ti on

for- this pu11 pos e, whic .h 1:1u.s t amonc; other thine; □ ·1n.cJ.ucle:

plsn , to attack the t owr:. of Socrabait, on tho 17th of Augtrn t ,

sncl to cm.we confusim1 there .

3rc:l 1949

pur _ely 11m.ilitr,ry r.locm :10n t 11•

F-c1°tbe-P"'1QPG 0-" Wor1··1cih,7 ,:,y next , I ·-111 b l l I- r,--:~ L.!. _ - l ,. _ 1 J .1. , J . ,J ,.lc, · ·:v_ ···~ ~c :C, ) __ 8 ·uo .:_0 · .. you. f'u rt ho r informati on on ·s.i1y m.;__bject thst D.sy n ot be cl esr

to you .

- 3 -I rn11 still occupied with othor quoc t iorn::; which arc h: .

c onnec ti 011 with thi G plan .

Pl08.oe s end 1:1e co n f'ii ·r:1.8.·~ ion.


I n all activitie.s conce1 ·r:.ing thio pL:u:., (i nclrn1:Lng the f8loe rloc1.11:1ents) all t1·oc ps of br other Supono vli ll be u.nc1.or yotu" or rler/J.


( O~ l')+ ) ., . C.l .. ,J ♦ o o •



. . Explanation concernin g tho stren gth of the enemy .on its diffor ont por '·

1 .• Soekorame

2. Ngimbang

3.• Bodjonegoro

4.• Dander

5• Soembor redjo

6 .• Baureno

7.• Babat

8 .• Lrunongan

9• Soegio

·:.lo .~: Mantoep

11. Babatan

12. Kemb gi

13. Balongp angga ng

14. Do.war

15.• -'.Koepang 16 .• Tjerme

17.• Monganiri

18 .• Bendjeng

19. Kedrunean


.. l.- ,1 section

2. 11trn.nsit~post 11 l section, . as from 3/7 r e inforced by one company •

3.• i section

4,. 2 sections, "operating point".

5 • 2 11 regoe s 11 {trans la tor I s no. te: small

unit of about 8) 6,. 2 sections

7A 1 section

8,. 1 suction

9• 1 company since . 1/7/49, never been

occupied b efo re • . • .

10 .• l · se ctio,n

11. 1 11re goo " Heth. Troops+ l 11ro goe 11 o:r

police tro ops~

12. 2 11r ecoo s 11 Neth. troops+ 2 11ree;o es 11

police + '- men VDMB.

13• 2 "re goes " polic e.

14. ·1 "re g oo II police . . . 15.• 1 11 re goe II p olice

lb.• l ~oy. reinf or ced by 2 "regoes 11 poli,.. ,-

17.• 2 11re e;oe s 1' police.

18.e 2 11r egoe s 11 police.

19, 2 "recoes" police + 1 regc.o Neth.tro op :

Kemiagi,-Babatan, Bl.panggang, Dawar, strength 1 Bat·t.·, under command of a major, H,Q. at Kemlng1

Date, 15/7/1.~9.· at 15.00 hours. Staff r.s . (sgd) Lt. Soehartojo.

Note: ifgimbang since 5/7/49 reinforced up to l coy.

~tamp: entara Nas.i. onal Indonesia

Angkatan Do.rat Bataljon 114 (further illegible)


Mobile Command/Batt. 107


"Me rdeka 11

I. I received the · _r e port

Dat e : 9-8 -49 at 01.00

II.Please take along "li ght bombs (maximum of' 25 kgs)"

in behalf of the acti on to b e taken .

III .If' possible all 11bor:i.bs 11 oi 25 kgs .-1 5 kgs/shel l s of 2.0

ems and '7, 5 c1-:is • as 11vell as charges of TNT are to be .tak e n


IV,Other 11b ombst1 for the present should _be buried at various

places, w:hi ch as much as p~s rible should be done by m:j.li t a r y

. personnel whilst some mep ' s:\1.?uld ke ep watch . • . .. ";, _ . .

v.En d . ,

,h ief of Staff "Mobile Comr:1a.nd/

·• Batt.107 •

" ( 0


( sgd ). ille g ible. ,.. .

... ,:

,> ••



rfuis i.s to certify ·'that ·the bearer lieutenant

Samsi of the T.,N. I e is permitt ed to move in the t own t hL

morning (11/8/49) under the protection of the United

Nations Llilitary Observers, to establi □h contact betwe 0n

and his cornrn.andin g Officer .

•• ••• ..•. •..• (il ~egib le)

c . c .

(sgd) A•B • Knights,

S/Ldr •


/ ' /

No: 1182.



BATAVIA, 15 August 1949. Paleis Rijswijk.

Further to my letter of 13th instant No.2202, and particularly with regard to paragraph 2 of that letter, I have the honour to inform you that .'further documentary evidence has been received which again leads to the con­clusion that the cease-hostilities orders have been infri ng0d by armed forces of the Republic of Indonesia.

Copy of th ese documents in th e original language, as well as copies of a translation in both the Netherlands and th e English l anguage, is enclosed.

From the contents of th e documents it is cl ear that on 3rd August 1949 at 2400 hrs., a plan for an operation on a lar ge scale in the ar ea of Surabaya was issued by Maj.or Djarot~ Commanding Officer 107 Battalion I Div. TNI. It should be noted that the order was issu ed after the proclamation of ·the cease;-hostilities orders and mentioned as the hour of execution the 10th of August, 2000 hrs., i.e. four hours before the coming into effect of the cease-hostiliti es -orders in the ' whole of Java.

In view of the seriousness of the situation, anc,l furthe .r to the . meeting ·of the Central Joint B_oard on 14th August 1949, I have the honour to request you to arrange for a formal meeting of the Central Joint Board on Tuesday, August 16, 1949.

As item on the agenda I beg to submit:

"Observance of the Cease-Hostilities Orders ::..r. East and Central Java."

I have the hor.our to be,


Your obedient Servant, for and on behalf of the Chairman

To the Chairman of the United Nations Commission f or Indonesia, Chairman of the Central Joint Board, Hotel des Indes; B AT A V I A •


J.G. de Beus Vice Chairman

No: 1182 Page J.

TRANSLATION/EMHR Annex to Letter No.2217.


ORDER No.8/0/S-49

I. With reference to:

A. The continuation ( s.econd part ? ) of the Strategical plan of Military Command So.erabaia Area dd.30 April 1949.

B. Order No.37/dar-49/P.S.dd 9 June 1949 as issued by the Military Gouvernor for East-Java/Commander le Division.

C, . .'f.he instructions No.J/O/I dd. 4 July 1949 of Military Command E~st-Java area. , .

D. Order No,7/0/S-49 dd. July 1949 of the Military Command Soerabai 2 area.

II. To the Comnander of Territorial Battalion s. T ,M. SOERABAlA:


. · Is ordered·:

a. To join the Command of Bn.107 tactically and in sueh a manner that together with . Company BOEDINAN a strong unit will be formed in accordane~ with :t.he instructions of Bn.107.

b, During the operation to establish post near the base on which shall be retreated. ' · · ·

c. To cqµtact the Commander of Bn.107 as soon as possible in order to receive ' further ; instructions.

d. To move from the present situation in the direction of the Soerabaia area (in ;which the tactical command must be joined).

The O eration shall be carried out as from l th Jul and concluded on 31st July ta.kin into · consideration that i_'t;,. th .e o eration shaJJ be intensfied shall reach its climax between · the 22nd and 27th · July 1949. Attention:

; • J ; ;; ' ' ~ \

l. The :route arid 'the base on which to retreat shall be arranged later and in accordance with the situation of the area in which

, it is being op.erated (and after having consulted the command of . Bn:1,07).: . . .

2. During ' the · operation the population shall be used for the total destruction. (scorched earth).

J. During . the operation in each area (either small or large) which has been liberated, the freedom shall be proclaimed and the necessary forces shall be left behind with the aim of leading the resistance and the non-cooperation.

4, The smooth cooperation during the operation between all fighting units.

5. Reports on the situation/resul,s of the oper~tion shall be forwarded to me with all speed. ·

6. Strict security as to the plans of ope.ration (l)~arly the date and object of the operiation). _ . . .. .

r : . .

· IV. I am present at the post.

v. Issued. ~,: ',

Iss ued Date At

somewhere 4 July 1949 11.00 hours.



' .

No,1182. Page 2.


~;.. ~ . ,.:; .. '-.,, ·--· - . . ··- . ,. ,...__,


l. Atterrl to:

II. Considering:

III. .Decid .ed:

, . ·· , DECISION ·

No.lliMob. Co.

a. The expanse/situation of the area K.M.D. SOERABAIA.

b.. Action -leader situatect •in such a way to be easily removed.

that my order No. 6 dd.22.5.1949 has to be improved.

To appoint :. t.~

Ma,j. DJARar SOEBY.ANT0:00.

CPI):Ull._and~r Bat.10 7 . :. ;. . '

... . . ., ,, ,I. , ..

1.. Second in Comma.ndd~-~M. D. Soer abaia; , t he area North of the Kali Br antas •

. ~ .l. ~.. . , ' .

--IV. . Thi s decision '. is val.id beg;inpip.g th .e. ·da_f it . wa~--s_igned.

V. The end .

Copy to:

l. G.M. I. 2. G.M.Co.II : J · .• , .... .

3. Wnd.Cdt .K.M.D.-S.M. ' ~ ..

I+. . J~?.,t • 41 . 5. Bat .108 6. K.M.D.-LAMONGAN 7, Staff Operations 8. Staff P.M. 9. -. _ S.econd i/ c Res , -SI BAIA


') .

Issue d -dd.6.6 .1949 Time 09 .0 0 hours .

Mob.Co. KMD/SI'M SOERABAIA The Commander.

; ... (Signed) _ Lt.Kol. R. KREI'ARI'O.



Annex to · Letter No.2217


l. With rei' erence to:

No: ·1182 Page 5, ,



A. Supplement to Operation Order K.M.D. Soerabaia dd,30 April '49, B. Operation Order No.J7/dar-49-P.S. dd,9 July 1949 .from Military

Governor Cdr. Div.I. C. Opaa.tion- inst-"'Hotions No,3/0/I dd,4 July 1949 from Military

Conunand Soerabai.a area. II. TC. Cornmarxier Bat.42 Div.I.

Operation Order.

To move with a compact unit from your presen t position to the ;)peration area; district LAMONGAN and district SOERABAIA, with for the southern border the line DRADAH - TIKUNG - MEl'.ATU -TJERMEE - BENOWO - KUPANG (SOERABAIA),

b, Surprise attacks to be carried out on small outposts and enemy convoys,

c. This action must be earried out by appearing/disappearing in the areas which hr~ve bc~£.i. fixeu. in _Ar+.~ TT 1. ;, l the end of July 101 ,q,

·.his action must be directed specially on t he hi~way B.1-J3AT­.... AMONGAN-GRISSEE and the towns.

e, To carry out action with the purpose of small units which have not yet a status.

£. To determine a base to .fall back upon, in the areas as mentione ci in Art.II.C.

III. a. The action will begin on 17 July 1949 by gradual degrees, until the main object has been attained between 17 and 27 July 1949,

b, This action should be an action from the North, to support the action of Bat.107 S.T.M. SOERABAIA.

J:v. Herewith is reported that the area as mentioned Sub.II~C is operation area .


1. The route and bases to fall. ·back upon are fixed a.coording to the latest situ.a ti op 0f the operation area.

2. Before beginning the action cor.::ac.'.. must be made with Bat.107. 3 ~here must be cooperation between the companies and other units

in this action. 4. Without delay (I expect a r~port of the phases/results of these

actions; the connections must be made more effieient. 5, Be very careful 6f your guard of J.eakr->~es (d'.c.~e and ob .iect ot

the action) •

. V. I am on my base. VI. The end.

This order has to be given to Cdt.Bat,41 In the field 4 July 1949 to carry out prudently. 11.00 Copies to: Military Command 1. Cdt. KDtn' LJ\MONGAN t o ·05ve his full Soerabaia area,

cooperati r ·· - , .41 ---· k,.ilLKD/49 0.l.. 25/XII- 1 48 on-dd.Ll,1949 ? ,., _'t T'.; IJ , ONEGORO 4. Cdr. ~~: µ, SOERABAIA

, ' ,J. - ' /l'AI\IA town 5, File.

No: 1182 Page 4,

Sent to the Commander of Bn.107 to be carried out strictly.

Copy to:

The Commander of Bn.107, The Commander of Soerabaia Area .

• • • 0 •••

. .

. . ' .

Sgd. Lt.Col. R. KREI'ARrO.

No: 1182 . Page 6.

TRANSLATION/EMHR Annex to Letter No.2217,





OPE&iTION ORDER No. 29/0. S. -49


b. c.

the supplement of the operation plan K.M.D. SOERABAIA of 30th April 1949. the operation instruction No.3/0/I dd. July 4th, 1949, Orders to advance for the K.M.D.1 s Bats/K:D.M.-of the,

To Commandant Mobile Unit 11KOSTORD11 C.P.M. DctjVI/A 4th July 1949.

is ordered

a. that he is discharged of his function as "Dai Tai" 113. b. To move his troops to the area North of the river. c. To support the ~ction of Bat.108 in the task of attacking

the town of Soerabaia. d. To get in contact with the Co.Bat.108, e. To approach Bat.108 in the advance and to prevent actions

of the enemy. f. To be under tactical command of Bat.lOV together with Bat.108.

III. The action startp on 20th July 1949 and gradually until 31st July, with the explanation that the main target must be attained between 22nd and 27th July 1949.


1. The route and the base to fall back upon can be decided together with the tactical commands of Bats.107/108.

2. During action to make use of the population (totalitars) for the entire destructions.

J. During action to stimulate in all small and big resorts to non-cooperation/spirit of resistance.

4, To report immediately to me the phase/results of the actions and to improve the mutual liaisons.

5. To watch accurately against leakages of our action (date and object of the action).

IV. I am on my base.

V. The end.

The order has to be delivered to Lt.RUSTORO -- Commander Mobile Unit C.P.M. Det.VI/A and has to be carried out immediately.

Published in t he field ddo. 17 July 1949: 5,00 p.CT.

, CO Military Resort SOERABAIA The Commander

Sd/- Lt .C~l. KRET ARTO.

Copies to: 1. Mi.lit ary Governor East Java/ Commandant Div .1. 2. Acting 90m. C.P. H.Det VI/A. 3. Cdt. Bat. 107 4, acting Cdt, Bat.108 5, K. ·n. M. DJOMBANG 6. Files.


MILITARY COMMAim: · "' · ·--······ , . f:OERABAIYA AREA

No. 0/A dd. 17 Juli 1949 .·


TO Cdt. Bat. 107



Herewith is annoµncedthat the operation order No.9 / 0,S. -' 49 handed to Coy. EEMUT IRENG ha& not been foll?wed and al so not carried out.

Acc ording to rep ort& which cnine in the reason we.& that there \vere many cases of il1ne&s nmong the 'troops, also many . weapons were unfit for use.

Instructions of this order have been hend e d to the Mobile Unity C .P .M~ 11KUSTOR011 to carry out this acti on.

Al though the expecte d forces are unable to come, you don I t need to be r.frnid, and you must not recko n on the troopil of EEMUT IRENG.

For your furth e r informeti on, th e Command h as be e n moved in an e asterly directi on t o fill up the gaps with the oth e r co~nnnds in order th nt this ncti on will be nn h £'.rmonious enterprh e .

Let uf:i hope thc.t you will not be hindered on th'O way, with the in 1:;vit e,ble conf:iequencef:i which will foll ow.

Once fr ee , for ever f r ee , · The Lord will protect us ,

Operation ·f:itaff

Sa/ Kapt. RJI . SUDJONO , ir. ·

Be on your gu ard: This action is already a public secr et , everything is kn own except date and time. The . attack on th e town haf:i not to be perf ec t ; we have t o show at leeHit activity.




I. With r ef er ence to 1

0.. The suppl ement ary ope r ati on or de r fr om th e Milit ary Corrur,0.nd Soe r ab ai a Ar ea dd . 30 ~p ril 194 9

b . Oper ati on or de r No. 37/ dar -49/P .s . dd . 9 J une 1949 from Mil. Gou v . Eestern J ava/Comman de r I Div .

c . Operati on or der No. 7 and 8/ 0/S - 49 dd . 4 Ju li 1949 from Mil. Command Soer ab a ia Ar ea .

II . To I Command ant Dot . BOEDIM.A.N (COY)

Is or der e d ,

a . Plac e yours e lf at th e d isp os al o f th e offi ce r Commanding Bat . 107 and ope r at e as one unit with Bet . 10 8 i n obed i enc e t o i nstructi ons fro m officer c ommeindi ng B0.t . 107 .

b . To join his t r oops wi tli Bat . 108 and t o t ake ove r command. c . As so on as e ve r is p ossible cont act with Ba t. 107 t o r eg ul at e

str e ngth with Bat . 108 d . To mov e fr om his b ase to th e Soe r abai a Are a (t o c on t act with

th e t e.ct i cal commen d ) ·

III. The acti on t o beg in on 17th July 1949 succ ess iv e ly tili 31st July 1949 , f or y our i n form e.ti on th at th e mai n ac_ti on b e_gins be twe e n 22nd an d 27th July 194 9.

Att e nti0n 1

1 . The r of'.d and th e bas e t o fall buck up on aga i n c an be fix e d to ge th e r with the t actic al cmrunand s oi Bat . 107 and 108 , North of th e Kali BR.ANTAS.

2 . During th e ac_ti on us e th e popul ntion to ca r ry o ut de structi on s. 3 . Durin g th e v.cti on e very littl e r e s sort h !:'.s t o be pr ocl amnt ed

t o a bi g one le avin g behi nd t he nece ss ar y str eng th (r e sista nce/ non - cooper a ti on with th e enemy) .

4. Stri ve t o c ooper at e duri ng t he menti oned noti on s . 5 , Rep ort t o be _ a s s oop. a s po ssibl e e.b out meai:;ures t o.k en an d

r es ults o f acti ons • . 6. Be c areful with s ecr e ts (de.t e and goal ).

IV. I amonmybas e ,

v. The ®nQ..

This or de r i s sent t o 1

Kapt . BUDIM.1\N, (Co . (8EMUT IRENG)

t o be s t ri c tl y c arrie d out. Copy t o : Cdt . Bat . 107.



· Orde r ed i n t l"B fi e ld .On I 4 J u l y 1949 Ti me 1 10 . 00 ho ur s

Mil. Co . De.cr e.h Soe r ab o.i n The Commending Of fice r.

8 gd . Lt . Kol. R. KRETARTO

The fi e l d .


Str ategic Orde r No. 7/0/S-49


I. Referring tos

A. The continu a ti on of the Btre.t e gic Plo.n of the Military Command -Sour ebo.i o o.ren dated 30th April 1949

B. The Strategic Order No.37/do.r-49 / P.S. dated 9th June 1949 Militnry Governor of East J ava/Commander lbt Divi&ion.

er. The &tr ate gic instructions No .3 / 0/I dated 4th July 1949 Milit e.ry Command Soerabain Area

II. To the Commander Bn.107 BA Territo r ial S . T. r,;. Soerabaie



b. c.






in tlie shortest possible time troop movements of the present posts in the direction of rioernb£' .ia town . To dir e ct ~.nd inclu de Bn. 108 and Coy BUDIMAN in the&e troop movements To t e.ke by surprise the sme.ller enemy posts e.nd convoys inside and in th e vi<)'lnity of Soernbai n town. · During the execution of this plen to ple ,ce posts ( guar ds) as is us ed tc defend a II fall back 11 base (Wehrkreise) . To incorpor£' .t e di&p e rs ed groups which h ave not be en officially r e cognized. Hit an d run notions will be performed in Eloer nbo.io. town until the end of July 1949 Return to base will be executed with repetition of the actions us in per II.c.

The acti om shall be €jin per 17th July until 31st July 1949 with intervals, also in the period between 20th July and 27th July the action slwll be intensified.

Atte ntion.


2. 3.

4. 5.


Route and 11fallbac0 1 base can be indicated l ater on according to the situeti on of the area. where the opernti on is being carried out . During the operation the population shnll be used for total destructi on During th e operati on each sm£1ll or lnr e:e area , which has been freed, shell be proclaimed a& fre e wheron& sufficient troops will be le ft behind t o operate ngdni;t the resi:.tance and nonco operation of the enemy Eac h det a il which joins in th e operation shall pre.cti8e 0. smooth cour&e Report about th e si tu 0.ti on/success of the oper ntion sh all be f onv ar ded imrne d i r.te ly Actions egai nst the enemy sh all be av oid e d before the obj e ct of the oper ati on has b ee n re eched fitrict secrecy of t he rnr.tt er (p articul nrly the clc.te and the object of the operation).

IV At the moment I run pre sent at the post.

V The order is given

For strict ex e cuti on Sent to Commande r Bn.107 Copy s ent to : 1. G.M.D.T.

2. Bn. 108 3. Coy. BUDIMAN 4. Bat. 41


Order i&&ued , Domewhere Do.t e 4 July 1949 At 11.00


Signed Lt.Col. R. KRET~RTO


TRANSLATION/EMHR. Annex to letter No.2M.7_


!. Based upon: l. Informations from Staff:I. Div.I. and Combat Section ( The Black cat) • . , ,~

2. Information from Commandant K.D.M. SOERABAIA. 3. Information from the other side. 4. The available forces

·· is fixed the operation plan for the execution of P. S ,No. 7/a/5-,49 K.M.D. SOERABAIA as follows:

A. The nature of the attack and ite intention.

The attack shows the character to raise dis­turbances, not with the interition to occupy the town of soerabaia but in order that the city could not be called safe.

B. Kind of attack.l. To raise disturbances where many Dutchmen amuse themselves as dancing halls, restaurants, pictures, etc., To make the atmosphere of the town uncomfortable and to enlarge the result of the attack. ·

2. Attack on small military objects, whereas ·the large ones have been avoid ed (Goenoengsari -Don Bosco etc.).

3. Kidnappirig of military and civil authorities, and Indonesians (marionettes) . The action has to be carried out specially by the combat section staf I Div I (The Black cat) under thA eommand of Lieut. SAPOLO.

4. Attac~ , on vital branches of industry which are very important from military points of view, such as ·r,telephones, broadcaating stations, .¢~c.

5. Attack on I'ook-outs . to prevent resistance of . A

the enemy from the co~ntry -side and to deal .with attacks when retiring.

c. Troops joining the action to the targets. I. As starting point the .area Ti'.NDES-MANGANTI­

KEDOEROES. 2. Marching .in 'the directions:

a. The main road GRJ:SSEE ;- SOERABAIA, .target airport MOROKREMBANGAN carried out by the detachment TOHUI -Sic,

b. The main road BENOWO - KOEPANG, target the prisons KALISOSOK•BO EBOETAN, TOENDJOENGAN 1 -the telephone office carried out by ·Bat.1U7.

c. The main road KEDOEROES - WONOKROMO, tar g The European district u~rlMO, telep~ ... cne office South and the oil factory WONOKROMO and the broadcasting station KAJOON carried out by Bat.108.

d. Frori1 the east side of the town of SOERABAIA target A Divisie, Palmenlaan and surround- • ings carried out by The Black Cat reinforced by l section of Bat. 107.

e. Actions against posts 1) surroundings KRIJAN by station KOMOS of the Black cat 2) surroundings SIDOHARDJO by Coy _ICHI)AR of Ba-t. SAMSUL I$LAM and .3) surroundin_g ·s road KEBAM:EAN - Moro by Coy rrr.Bat.107.

D. Of K.D.M. SOERABAIA/Maj.DARMOOOEGONDO, charged with the secti on Tat.al People Defence.

E. Sundries .

' 'I .,

- 2 ..

l; To prepiie the ~Q~n for a rebellion. 2. To elJmi .nate the present Dutchmen, spies and

trai to'rs ~4 ;eve ·ry "kampong" • .. I. To .rob' the ( ~nemy of their posse ssions. 5. To sabotage where it is po ss i bl e , respecting

the lives of the - workmen ·or Soerabaia. 6. To pro-l.i-tcte for and to carry out the supply for

the trocips. " _ . l. The . qt :tack has to be carried out within one

night ·"'·in regard to the sr.1all military f orces and in order to risk as little as possible as well for our people as . for the popuJ.ation. Another question is: $en the riots in the town are growing alike those in November 1945, in

· that case the attack may last a couple of days. 2. The way·of penetration: to deceive the enemy

in order t o carry out the attack as soon as possible with the largest possible results.

a, Dressed in uniforms of the Dutch army. b. Transported in trucks.

J. As soon as the troops are j_n the town they have to carry a secret mark to di ~~rininate friend from the enemy.

4~ The attack is carried ·out af t er sunset. 5. For a aafe re~rea t the r e has only to be falled

back upon the base in order to escape a perse­cution of the enemy.

6 • . In order t o get the effect as great as possible · •·· and the io _sses small, the tr oop s have to split

in 1 "reg'IJ.11 at the most . 7. The bridga _s to be .destroyed: WIJOENG, BAMBE,


F. The attack is fixed on 10-8-1949/ 8.00 p.m.

G. The' details of tYle a t 'tack will be given by the commandant by verbal ~greemept,

The end.

Made in 2 copies:

Issued in the field dd. 3-S-1949. 1200 p.m .

The Commandant of the Combined Forces.

was signed Major DJAR0T :;JEBYANT0R0.

1. To send to the troops. 2. rn cognisance of K. D.JJI~ S0ERABAIA.

- 2 -

batallion Div. I T.N.I. under the command of Major Djarot seized a motorvehicle 0f the Royal Dutch Shall-group (Bataafse Petr oleum Maatschappij). A group of said units con sisting of about 65 men drove to the t own of Surabaya and dispersed in the eastern quarters of the town. At the same time about two hundred men of the same batallion appeared in groups in the centre and western sectors of the town, Nearly all of thes e men, including their commanding officers, Major Djarot, were taken int o cust ody.

3. At Modjokerto Republican armed forces the 11th August pene ­trated and infiltr ate d int o th e t o'Wrl, th us impr oving their positi ons in relation to -the Netherlands troops in contravention of the ~~i~e

fire agreement.

4. The Netherlands military authorities ha ve furthermore received several indications that similar tactics amounting to _ violation of the status quo are being applied at different places throughout East-Java.

Written orders and several other documents proving the above contentions were found on members of the Republica n armed forces concerned who were apprehended by Netherlands tr oops.

Fr om the f oreg oing facts the following conclusions must be drawn.

r. Inf ormation received up to now by the Nether lands armed force .s and corroborated both by eyewitness accounts. and by captured documents prove that •at least in Surakarta, in Surabaya and in ~ Modjokerto Republican armed forces have after the entry int o force of the cease fire agreement tried to impr ove their posi­tions at the expense of the Netherlands forces either ,by pushing forward their positions or by penetratin g int o Netherlands held • t owns, thus vi olating the status quo and acting in contravention of the cease fire agreemen t. These infrin gements were rendered possible by the fact that Netherlands troops did not retaliate by firing as they would have been entitled to do.

II. From the facts menti one d the conclusi on must be drawn that these events do not const itute is ol ate d incidents but form part of a wider scheme t o be applied at othe r places in East and Cen­tral Java. This con clusi on is ru bstarrtiate 'd b')i do cumentary evidence, found on the commander of the penetrating elements at Surabaya, photostatic copi es of which can be procured .

Up to now Netherlands f or ce s have withheld fire in the face of these acts which could reas onably be expected to prov oke them;


Copy M08T CONFIDENTIAL -Netherlands Delegation N. 2202

Batavi a , August 13 , 1949


I have th e hon our t o i nf orm you that the Gover nment of Ind o­nesia have rec e ived i nf ormati on of th e f ol l owi ng infri ngements of the cease fir e agreement by Republican armed f o rc e s .

l . Since August 7 at daybreak Republic an armed forc e s have / start ed armed disturba nces in t he t own of Sura kar ta (Sol o ) which

deve l oped int o a coordin a t ed a cti on on a l arge s ca l e amountin g t o an attem pt to disturb ord er i n th e t own and possib ly t o occu py t he t own be f ore the cease fire ent e red in t o f orce . ·

These disturbances conti nued i nt e rmi t t entl y until t he en tr y into f orc e on midnight of August 10/1 1. Firin g th en di ed down, but after that the Republic an a r med f orc es cont i nued t o commit ho s ­til i ties i n th e sense of a r t . 3 of the "Manua l" by mi ne l ay i ng ·and puttin g up barricades , which i n the c )Ur se of th e ne xt da y ~ ·. · ',.,_;!· ..• :t':.{ __ q (August 11) ware gradually pus he d f or ward up t o the centre of th e t own.

Al th ou gh the Netherl an ds tr oops would ha ve been entitl ed t o take def ensi ve a cti on aga i nst t he se host ilities th ey di s pl ayed a great se lf - r e st ra int i n wi th hol di ng f i re in the fa ce of t h is pr o­voca tiv e a cti on . , Cont a ct ·was a t l ast estab li shed wi t h th e lo cal T. N.I. command er , Lt . Col . Sl amat Ri adi , who de c lare d, t hat he was not in possessi on of th e r eg ul a ti ons for t he i mpl ementa t i on of t he cease fire agreement . Lt . Col. Slamat -Ri adi was finall y persu­ad ed t o withdraw his tr oops f r om the t own.

2 . At the same ti ~e th e fo l lo wing event occurr ed i n and near · Surabaya.

r,n August 11 , 1949 , at about 01. 00 hours , f r om the dir e cti on of Mangant i (12 to 15 ki lo met e r s west of Sur abaya } units -of 107





1. fil!11'H SUMATRA (Period endi113 14 July 1949)

· Tho nilitary situation continue s to deteriorate rapidly . Thm.-e is an increase in terrorist activity, witl l a corros:1ondirJ.G lo s s of life, . not only ai:10.nc;st the troops, but a.r.wn0st planters and their families. The attacks are not confined to Dutch estates , but have been uade on Anorican , J olciar i, Dritish, French and Swiss property.

2. SOUTH SUHATRA (Period ondinc 23 Ju l y 1';)49) (Sour ce : Dutch H.Q.)

Palor.1bai1r{ B.osidenc:y;.

ln tho La.hat area, a slicht increase of cuerilla activi +,y is reported . Sabota.Go on tho railroad between Porabanoelih and Moeara Eniu continues . Also a train was sh ot at for the first· ti: :10 between Porabar.1oelih and Dartoeradja; an isolated enipor slic.;htly wounded ono Lut ch sol dier. In J,ho r:1ountainous area, 25 kilot lcters South o:t: Lahat, an increase in land

' nininc acti vi tics has boo n noticed, tho result s of whicl1 wore s everal Dutch casualties (about ton).

On July 4, a t d.no ox1_lodod un der a train between Mocara - Eni n and Lahat . Ten Ind one sian civi l ian passonc;ors WL;ro wounded . After twn days spent on repairs, tho railway rosu uod acti vi tio .s .

SoJ:to intinidation ai1d abductio ns of Indono siai 1 i:coplo wore ·reported in tho Poraba .uool:ih-Mooara-Eni1 :1 area durine tho period 3- 9 July .

A few Dutch s◊ldiors wore wounded in l)atrol clashes in Pacaralan area .

On 13 July, a train was deraile d near Hocara-Eni1:1 c.lue to sabota 0o, Tho danai_.;od train was shot at; a few Ind onesian passencors F ore sli 0 htly wounded. ,•

A fow patrol cl a shes occurred ne ar Sooroo-LanGon ar:d Hocara-Roo pit ( Du.tch c;arrisono.d ka.::iponcs alonG the roa G. between Looboek-L:in ccau and Djai:1bi) also in Kci:1anc aroa (alor]L; tho boundaries of falonba ng-Djambi residonc ~ cs).

furinc tho perio d 22 Juno to 2 July , 250 younc Indon e s'ians, re cruited by tho Nci.;ara Sw:iatra Solatan , ,,ior c sent to Nectar, for r:lilitary tra:in i ne in view of tho for nation of the Federal An:1y. A. further 250 are expected to bo rocruitocl within a few weeks, (Source: Wali Nosara) .

Lanponr; Residency

A few patrol clashes wore reported in Princsowu area (midway between Tandjoonc;-Karanc an d tho s::1all harbour of Kota Ai:;ocnc) . In one of those

· cla ehcs, one :.l1tch soldier was wour:dod ; cuorillas casualties unknown). Also, on Juno 30, a Dutch convoy was ar:1bushcd i n tho above uontionod area .

/One ••••


- 2 -

Ono .soldier, ba dly woundo d d:i,.od and two ot h8 rs wore sli ch tly wounded .

To preve nt t llo SL1U[:;[:;lin 13 'or' a r !:'.S and arn:1uni tions, tho l ocal Mili ta ry Co:ju and or ca u sed .1.,oobook- Harin, ,~Ga , or: tho East ern Coas t, t o b e occup ied rocontly . Ther o wore no Dutch casualties but it was os ti L2.ted by tho Co,:nJandor t ha t souo '6 or C TNis wor:o wound ed . A n ac hir:o c"Lln, fr ou observation a J a~~anoso co~:y of a Vickers, was ca ptured . Le.tor on a TNI officer c:,avo hi u solf up t o tho autllori ties . Seve n si:1all crafts wor e se iz ed 2.nd t ho 1:1asto rs taken to Tand j on~ -Kara nc for intorroJation .

Durir:c tho 1Jeriod 16-2 0 July > i n t ho Pr ir 1Jsowu c.roa one ili t ch sol dier was slii:_;htly wounded when a woa1Jon carri or was r d.nod .

:Jonku l on Residen cy

f a t r ol clashes occurred i n tllo vicinity of tho f ol l owinc localities; Mooara Auan , Tjuru p , Ko1,al1ia r:, I;onkulon , No Dutc h cas ualties wore ro portod , but· t ho 13uorillas suffe r ed six fa tali ti cs . Land u inos woro als o disc over e d on tllo roads an d rouovod .

A bricl Go wo.s sabotacocl on tho road betw een Kor,ahian and Tjuru p . It was ro~·,airod i r: two days . \

3. CENTRAL SUf.'!ilTRA ( Peri od or:din c 25 July 19h9) .

St a to uonts u ado by ve.ri ous Jutd '. officers an d civilians in dicate t ho local DLrLch uili ta:ry co1.r:1ar:d is concontre.til:c on s ocur i_ t y of Lut ch - hol d t owns, security of co1x.11.micati ons (roads a r:d 1Jublic utilities) an d s e curity of nilitary iK)Sts .

It is rq ,ort od tllat a TNI str onl)1ol d is l ocat ed at Lasi ap~:rox:i.1.1e.toly 3 kilon cters East of :?ukit Ti ::cc i. The ro a rc 200 - 30 0 u or: with rifl e s and so::10 brcn s uns . 'l'llo TNI contr ul t ho i :.L edi ato a.r Ja of Lasi ; tll oy have destr oye d bri dc es on r oa ds l oadir:c i11to tlio · ar ea t Lus lar :.:;ol; ;r ,.,r oven tin :._: tho uobility of Dutch i •e..tro ;J.-s. 1'ho ~ut cll 11-..ve s ent few 1,atr ols int o the ar ea in t ho past . ( Sour co : Li'Ll'u ell n i lit ary) •

A two nan .uutch r,atr ol sur~ iriso d a confe.r oncc of Tn t aki ns ~.,12.co in a house i n Fadanc Pan djar13 on 6 July . A silot was fir ed by a TNI sol dier , and c'.S 2. r e su lt of tllc acti on 12 TIU wore kille d . A Maj•.1r Anna s (TNI) wa s w0undod but esca ped . · A lfr . Tja: _iat (Ro~ ublic an civil affairs official) was kill ed . ( Source : I,,utch civil official) .

The :::.iut cll OL,t po st a.t Gue:;uk (I,iW of ? ajak a:.1bu) on 13 July, rc 1·u ls od a TNI attack of 20-3 0 u cn wit h a~·iJr oxiJ'.1atoly 10 rifl e s . No cas ualti e s . ( 3ourco : Dutc h r.lili t ary) .

Tho electric cab l e between .Jukit Tin c ._:i ai :.d 1 ajak anbu ha s boon sab ota e:;ed ver y effectively by TNI t:ucrilla f orces . . Th e cable wa s cut f or t llo first ti ne a1;pr oxi u atoly 2 July, in tho vicinity of t ho TNI str orJ[;hol d at Lasi. Tho cable was cut tho sec ond t ,i uo . at the bri dl;o near : as o on api;roxi i:1c.toly 6 July . Every day an attor .tpt was na do by Jut cl1 p0wor ""'.ho1.1s o tec hnicians t o rel ai r t l10 c. b l o at t llo brid ;.,;o , ,but they were fired on· cc;cll ti ne by TNI f orces . On ar ,pr oxi ;.tato l y:: 9 Ju l y , a transf or 1.1cr hou.so at t ho bri c.cc near :-:as o was als o dostr , yo d . Tho sab ota__:o f t l!o cable ha s bc on done by an expert e l e ctricia n . Hm·mver , it is l)oliov od tha t re pairs car: be uad c . (Source : :Jut ch civilian - rated Al, and Irut cb 1.li li tar y ) .

It wa s l earne d that t ho roa d b~twoon :-;ukit Tii~L:0i and Pond o;,o has boon sab ota 3od by t llo constr u cti on c f a barr i cade e.nd tank tra p (10 i~1otors l one , 3-4 ucters deep, r oad wi dth )~. .ii 'si::n.1l.to d 3 in . C,"'Lm ccr:structo d of wood and

/ir on ••••


- 3 -

iron was 1,18,cod at tho barricade . ( c• 0ourco : Jut ch 1:1.ilitary ).

Since 19 LJCce.i:tbor 1')43, tlloro have boon a ,_,~:rcxiuatoly 69 deaths in U :_:ricado fr on all causes; this inclu de s 4 suic ides . U ~:ricado has a t otal stron ctll uf a ) J oxi1.k1.tol;;r 4,000 (S ource: :::.1.1tcll 1-Lilitary) .

A Jutch soldier was wounded in both handa by a sniper on G July , whilo drivi11c a joc p on tho roctd between PaJanc T-'andjarii:..; and ~;uki t Tir1Gci. (S ource : pursonal ob sorvati e,n -M.il.i tary Observ er) .

Thero arc nany burned he;usos on tho r oad botwoon Fainan and Indrapura (South of Padar1[J . In tho c:,pini on of tho Hilit,-::.ry Observers, _tho burnins of houses in this e.roa is incror..sinc; . On L . July , ti 10 lfrlit a r y ubsorvors , saw snoko risirl.£.:; fr ou th o ashos i 0f f our houses , and on 21 Jul y Milit ary Obsor vur s counted 34 houses in fla uo s , en tho seno road, ap~Jr cxi n._,toly l~O kilo no tors South of I-'ainan .

4 . :·J'.2:i3T JAVA (Peri od ondir1£_; 23 J u ly)

Tllo c.ction of 20 Juno, uont i onod in tho last ro;_<:rt , t :x:.k " lace \.Jost and South of Lolos and was ccnsidorod t ,J bo ver y successf ul. The nur:tbo r of "sarorl(;s " ( r-:rostu '.1ably :;)1) surrondorir:c aftor tho action nw·:tborod 453. Tllis i s by f a r tho lar 0ost over ro~ ortod in this a rea . Ne, l'tonti ::in of this acticJn has boon ::iado by Ro~_ublican scurcos . Tho si tu a ti cin conerally i n tho Garoot o..roa has ea sed as a r e sult of tho above .

Tho inactivity of t ho TNI units and tho i ncrease in tho mu:1bor surrondorin13 is attributable t o tho "pauzoH associatod with t ho rest or a ti on of tho Ro ubl.ic and consequent 11coaso-firo 11 ordor .

Tho Siliwanci IJattali on cc opu rdirl[.; with t ho Lut ch md tho I asundan tr ouj_JS arc continuin c with their rocrui t i nt: • Tho l atter now mu:1bor aPl:.,r cxiLia t el y 500 .

Republican sources llavo ro intod out th a t whor: tho c oase - firo ordor is issued, no nas s withdrawal of ~utch or TNI f orces sl,:JUld take i:laco as tho ; ,u~Julati 0n w,>ul d suffer , because :

(1) (2)

(3 )

a 11froo .. hancl 11 wuulcl bu .:.;ivon t o su bver sive olo uonts ; ro.L:risals by either Dutch or TNI when , and if , tlloy

t ook over ea ch others a reas ; tho su~)i,ly 1.1r 0blou .

It is considered th r.t (2) could bu l essoned by ci:,nsidorati on as to wrnt Jut ch tr oo~)S wore used . Ca1;t . 11.ckuun d has su~0e stod that tho ?asu.r1~lan l olico nay bo used t c., re pla ce ~utch tro o1 s in certain areas . It is intoro.::;tin .:.; t o note that ilo~ Ll blicar1 sour cos str c11...;l ::- ob j ect to status qu o lines boin;:; intr oduced .

Tho n ain cc-ncorn of TNI CoL:uandors a •. ~iea r s t e, ho tho Horalo Facto r. They will Li ve every coope rati on if they [_;ot tho ri 13ht lead which the y car1 f orsoo will loa d t o tho ua inton an co of law and o rder and eventua l poaco in Java . If c ivon a ch '.nee they a_ poar t o have onouj1 confi den ce ( althouu;h tl10ro uay not bo onoui:)1 oquipuont) t o cl ean up tho subversive olo ue nts and rn. i ntain that (o.xclu cli nc; ::::utch) 60% of c.ru s in Wost Java arc in TNI hands .

(.;n the nic.:ht of July 18,, Sooka booLLi was attacked in considera ble for ce . It is Ct,n ei dorod that this atta ck was launched by tho TNI with tho objoct 0f cJ.ouonstratinc t o tho ~JOlJUl&ti on the stron.:.;th of t ho He ub lican ,-.r-1,iy.

/ Their ••••

Their ability t o i)onetrato tllo t own with ,Jut doto cti un was duo in no sn all 1:1eD..suro, to cc·oy;or c.ti u 1 by soctic: ,ns c.f tho cou r.tlmi ty . Tho fact th e,t tho atta ck ,,rc.s not intended E~s a r.iilit2r~/ acti on h1t as a denvns trati cn of r,owor , is burno out by the fact t ha t tho ~utch re~ c rt no casualties on ei th or side . This wc.s further do;1onst rc:tod when TNI tr r10~~•s entered a : . cr owded theatre ri ddled tho screen with bul lets e . .nd wi th d~ow with out nolos t int; t ho audience .

:Joy -.. nd ackncrwlodciric tho atte,ck ; tlrnro has 1,oon no cf i' icial statonont fron :~utch he adqua rters . Tho Hilit c".FJ Observer Toa;1 f eo1s , hcwovor that this is pa rt of a Ho~ ubli car: plan t c inti ui dato or frqross t ho :~c~.,Ul ['.ti (1n of \Jos t Java which further incid.onts listed under L:;UOrill a a ctivit y soo n t o ccnfiru .

Land uinos arc ro1 1)rtod on tho ro ad s f ,.,r tho first tL10 in this area and have boon located oven i n ::and uonc itso "lf . Tho destructi on of bridcos llas boon uu ch uoro th or ouc h and t otal dostructhu is f ,. r n uro c 0ur:,on than tho ,:;artial da.uac:o which has hithert o boon tho c2-so. Tllo barricadir, [.; 0f r oads has al so bo on uor o th .r ou,:_)1 and eff ective rosultirl[.; in tho re-intr oduction of convoy es corts on nw:1orou s r outes . This soo ns t o 110int to a uoro hichly tr e.inod and or Gru1izo d sal.Jotour or;._;c1nisati -:..n in tho aroa .

TIU and/or c.:uorilla a ctivit y shows a nc.rkcd i r:cr on.so . Thero are ro~.orts of direct acti on o..cains t tho ~1opul£.ti on . In SOLlO cases th.oso i .Cts arc directed ai.::ains t s :,ocii'ic i1o:..;oncios or HoC.:.a.nas with n view t o onforcin 0 tho orders arid re L:;ulo..ti ons beirli_; issued in this c1.roa in tho nru.10 of tho Ro1mblic .

It is considered that tho Ilopu1Jlicans arc rnkinc a dotor1 ,cined effort , in tho l>Oriod before tho coaso-firo order is issu ed , t o i u:,ross tho ~x1pul2 ,ti on of vlost J ,.va with tho 1Joton ti al i, owor 0f tho TNI ,,i th a possible view t o couba tin ._:; tho JI i nfluence and t o assure thousolv os of a cons i de rable fo1l owi.nc: sh ould tho I-'asoonc:an ' s 1.0siti on in tho Fodor2.ti un boc0;.1e a 1,1atter f or vote . It is further cw si dorod that tho TNI cvuna ndors , assunin 0 tlv .t t hey will bo allowed t o ronain in the area and knowirl[:; they will have t o f oll ow tho RoJ.,uoli can 1,r inci~ Jlo of livirl(; on tho r opul E'-ti un , are endoav ,mrin..:; t o esta blish control over l ocal areas .

Cotinunis t activity is ox~,octocl k increase as see n as tho cease-fire is ordered .

The nuubor of TNI re · ortin,· or surrondorin r t o the Nether l ands f orces • ~ w ~

l1c.s now dr oJ.,~-ocl t o e, noc;li[.;iblo fic;uro but tho :'..,'utch ro~,0rt that tho munber offorin c f or rocr uitnon t to tllo Federal Arny s till oxcoods tho c111.,a ci ty of the depot f or trainir: 0 •

Tho ca shiorinc of l~chnud Wirana ta Koosoo na; ·wt1ilo boiq.:: understandable fr ou tho Ho1ublican point of vi ew , co1,1os at a sine:;ul.:.:trly ur:f :jrtunato ti uo fo r security in t his area . Tho J attalion under his Con::tc . .nd has boon ros 1,orisib lo(with ::.,.utch c oopor,:;.ti un) f c,r curtailinL,; tho a ctivities of tho ::::,r t u a uuch crea tor extent; ,iue t u their knowlodto of tho 1Joo1, lo and cuuntry , than wvul d have Loon i os si, Jl o by any ot her tr oo;_,s . It is :.;.onorally oxj_)octod that a chan :.::o in ccu.lUnd wi ll cause a flare Ui, in ;r 2,cti vi ty.

Hmrovor , tlloro soons t o be s,,1,10 cL.ubt HS t J whether 1,chuud 1rri.ll rolinqui sh c0Lc1.1c\nd oi' tho bat talion or , n,. l one er u lin c allo::,;ianco t o tho TNI, tr2.nsfor to tho Federal 1.ruy .

Tho first of tho :,.,utch trained Federal : attalicns , is duo this week in tho :;and oonc area , havin~ , cou. ;loto d its initial and field trainir,£:; . While tho i \ .. rth.9.ti 0n of a Federal Arr:ry soo u s 01,linontl y des ir able , tho a 1;1:.oaranco uf a i' .,r nod body cf Fodortl tr oo;-)s is lic: ,hlo t . further conp lic ato tho already c ,;Jl·lex po siti on in \'lost J o.va . Tho llo~mblic clai i:linG Host J ava as ~1a rt of their area , have a: ;:,o intod a Military Govern or and

. ;::l a ced under his ccunand al l TI-JI tr 0o;Js in tho area whi ch they roe ·,c;niz:o as tho only true ar1.ry.

/Tho :i:'asoondan .•••


- 5 -

Tho 1-'asoondan, on tho other hand> naintainir1c its 1.,ositi on in tllo Fodorati un as an indo pondont 3tato, now al~,_., has its own ar ny e.nd c0risi dors that any tr t. o~,s in the area nust be un der ?as oendan c0ntr ol . This will und,mbtodly L iad t o frict ic n botwoon t llo Hopul)licru1 and Feel.oral tr ooi.,s~

5. C:ENTRAL J,.,, VA

SoL:aranr ,; Arca

Nu ro~'Jort has boon rocoi vod f :,r this rieri od .

?oorw okorto l'irea (Peri od ondiric 24 July)

Cc:nsidorablo open and undor cr c und activi t y is takinc ~;lace in this area . Known TI'H forces: f our battali ons of 8th ~~ri c;ado of 3rd ~ivision of TNI, kn cwn as Sub Hohr Krais Slauot (SHKS), and an unkm ,wn nw:1:x,r of 110_,ublican Marine s.

Conv oys aro cor:tinually boinc a tt acked usually with aut onatic vma1)cns · including Vick ers; occasi onally a heavier aut u2:1atic woa>on has boon used . Lridc;os in tho vicinity of Poerw,· korto have boon d , 1::2,c od by oxpl osi vos and rail coLu:tUnicati on is 2J.1:1ost at a standstill duo to intense c;uorill c1. attacks and lack of tr 2..in t,"Ll.a rds. Tolo;_)hcmo coi:11:mnic n.ti on is ccu/ lotoly disrupted Gutsi do tho t mm owin c t o sab ot ac o and lack of J'.lc'.tori a ls f -::>r ro r;air .

Tho f oll owin c inci dents have t aken place recently:

Local.Civilian Source

(a) On 6 Juno, tho hos. ital at l ·ct.;rb c,lin _:::ce was •. .artially burnt aftor all 1:1odicines an d oqui~ .L:ont had boon ro uovod . In cl•JllOSian rrm·sos wore ki dna1,::-ocl> als o several. .:iatic nt s . Thero is sh o., tinG i n this t own ne arly ov ury nicht .

(b) Gn 13 Juno, thoro was an attack un a train at three ~,laces 0n tho Foorw,)kert o-Tjilatja. • lino at Nutok , 1'1,andokan and botwoen Kroja a11cl 1:'1a0s. 3 sulcliors, 4 railr oad 01.1,.;l oyoos killod , 8 civ i lians wounded, No train ran 0n this r oute after ti10 a:·;•.)VO acti .n until 30 Juno (1 tri 1j ).

(c) Ori 1) Juno, there was an atte :ck on a t rai n cm t h o i.·oorwokorto -~r oo.<,ok lino at Ko.ran c sari. 7 cut •Jf t ho G train c;uc.rds wore kille d . Tho trai n returned -'-er j_ oorw i)kort o . Si nco tllis acti on n r.J train has run on this r outo . This rail connecti on has only boon used 4 ti uos since March .

(d ) 0n 29 Ju no, 3 brictcos within 4 kil o,1otros fr l:Ll l oerwokor t o on r oute t o i r oo:.,ook were badly d,,:.1:ia0od by ox1 l usi vos . This prevonted direct cu11v0y connecti on with Ir oo.Jo·ok - Toz_;al until 3 July.

(o) On l July, a G"Ll.arcl on tho b rid co, lJO ,:1otros fr ou the Hotel :t·oorwokort o was s llc.)t dead . Artry s ,1urcos s t ato this was a private r:attor.

Fron Official :Sutch Source

(a) Guerilla f orces cc1ntactod by :'Jutch i ;atrols are c fton ar 1:1od wi t h su perior woa i;uns than tho Ju tch j_>atr ols carry . Tho guerilla f orces hero have a cc ns iclora1Jlo mu::bor ,:-f aut 01.1P.tic wea):Jns i ncl ud i n,c; Vick ors .suns and it is known th- t t hey l--j ssoss s ,Ji:10 he avi er au t <Jna tic woap~;ns ( . 511 and :;;ossibly 20 r:t/1.1) . Hocently a =.i'ut ch i)atr c l wa's inV ;)lv od in a 9 hour r,cti •m wit h a c-ueril l a f orce South of i:-'corwc.,kort o . ---

/ (b) • • • •

- 6 -

(b ) The tm...n ')f i-ocrwe,kcrt o was attacked ::m the ni j1 t of tho 5th July by a l ,\rco f orce coi: s i stinc l-'f a m.u:1bor ,Jf well 2,rr:ied TNI aided uy a~i: r 0xi ua tely 25 0 younc uen fr c,::t two nearby kai:q,onGs • At 1930 tho l i i:_;hts of the t .Jwn were cxtincui shed by the cucrill2.s, by ucan s of a sllort circ ui t caused by t hr uwinc a steel cable acr oss the h . t . lines . ,Several hc,uscs were destr oyed in the eastern arc e.. J1rinc the atta ck, fires wore ob served in ~-oorwokort o , Kul on, ~~an tars oka, SawanGan and I-'cronc . t. bridi:;o , one kil onotro fr c.u tho centre of tho t , .. wn , on tho Tjilatja i; r oute , w,.s da :L,c;ed by cx. ,l osives . Tho uridce is unserviceable . Sovoral 11<?,tivo hc,us cs , ~;rcbably about 12 , S 8l:l 0

lOU yards fr o1:1 tho Hc,tol i c erw·0kert o 1voro bur ned du,vn. Offici a l .wutch Arr:.ry source stated ) n ,body was killed oithor side - one Chinese cue.rd , twe, native civilians ,oun ded, 2 natives kidr ial·y;:;cd, 36 native houses burned dcwn and 1:iany , inclu dinc ono larco hotel , l ooted . (Aneta states a t c,tal of f . 8,) , 0(iC dau a:::;o). The r oute t o Tjilatja 1, is cl ose d owin i:; t o _,artial clost r,ucti on of one briclco . Railway line is unda .uac;cd , bu t infrequentl y use d, duo t o intense attacks . Convoy r c;utc t c Tjilatja. 11 is 0pcn thr ·~•uch :Janj ocnas . The attack on 5 July i s tho first ori_;anised a t tac k on a l r-,r c;c s cale this t own has cx~:,crienccd f or a ,1;·,r oxi ue.tely two nonths • .:Utch arny •-~~;i ni on is tl F.t the attack was 1:1ado ~,ri na rily t o obt ain cl ot hinc and r:1oncy_ since ver y little B,ttc n 1,t was nad o t o c ontact ::..;utch ar ny . llttacks un ~•olico i,csts ) r obe.bl y wcro uad c by TNI as a divcrsL ;n t o aid tho 11pcr:iocdas 11 (l G- 20 year old youths of no rc c,ular or [.;anisati on) , wh:> wore ,Jnly arue d with knives and ) etr ol bottles, in their efforts t c, 0bta i n the necess ary cl othes , r:1oncy et c.

( c) un the ovcnin c of 7 July , lar __:c ccinvoy ar ri vod in ~-'oorwoko rt o i'r <.!J. 3ona ran c;, l oa,dcd wi.t ll t i!:1Licr etc . t o roi ,a ir bri dso s in tho Wonosobo area .

Tho tactics of t ho TEI ar parontly arc tc. strike uncx.octodly at vc.rL ,us >osts thr ou[:;hout th o entire area, and then ra. i dly disperse . This keeps al l units on their t 0os a s t l1cy ne ver lr..n )W which unit will be struck at nex t . Tho can ~,aicn is ~.r ovin c very effective , t.s tho i-utch c0Lu:iandor wi ll not a ccept rcs1 ,un sibility f ,:;r tho safety ')I the tca.!:1 in any pa rt of the ar ea , unless in convciy . This i Lcl udos t he i, :u-1cd:i_at c vicinity of tho t own of Poorw ok crt o . It is clear , t horofc rc , tllr,t security thr •,uc;h(,ut 11W11

:~r ic;adc area loaves nuch t c, uc des ired . ( Tl1c t •JNn ci' Krani_;0an between fo crw okcrt o ai·1d :)oonia j oc , containinc a ,-~:-rc,xi u;J,toly 2v huts in c oo d c ,,,ndi t i on , was not iGcd t o bo ontircl; y eva cu ated . ) ( Tllo Cc l onol of 11W11

~;r i i:;ado, on hoari nc th u.t tho toa n ~)r , IA-Sod vi si tin e S 0 ,T ,,l l;,_, vll 23 July J

oxr:rcssod the u 1 ,ini on that it 1.liL)1t be adv is a ,:•lo t o ~~oLain in Souaran13 til l after 27 July . His reas on was the advent of tho N,)slci:t New Year, when he antici 1;a ted a sto p1-iinc up 0 f attacks . On th u other hand , he po inted out that t his was entirely up t o the di s creti on of tho tca n ) .

:'setwccn .~djibaran c and i ocrw okcrt o, i t was evi dent t ha t tho r oad had recently boon bl ocked by fallen t rees . Gn re tu rn, a week lat er , no rc sii:_-;ns of a r ece ntly cle ar ed earth r ciad bl.:ick wore n >ticcd .

Tho .::::utch rc 1 ort th [. t fi chtinc is takin c })lnc o between TIU and DI uni ts wes t of Ht . Slamct . They st a t ucl there were no Coi:u:1unists in tho a rea .

It i s considere d th a t a sli t_;ht increase in ::,;·uorill a a ct ivity has taken 1::,la cc .

J ogjaka r ta Ar ca (}1cri ucl endin c l G July)

u11 2 J u l y at ab out 2vv 0 hours a cronado ex~Jl odod near tho house of the fo r r:ter Naj . Gcn . Sudibi o in J 00 jakarta t -'.)wn. The f :.;llowinc; nicht a

/ Maj ••• ,.

- 7 -

Naj . Sunanti (known t o be a TNI 1.101:1bor of 'the oxtrot::ist and l eftist Hurba i arty) and nine of his foll owers wore taken ~,r isono r by tho TNI in tllo sa.r:ic aroa . Thoy wore ro;_~crtod t o have boon r.1olesti nc tho : ,o:mlation and roquisiti oniric f uod and uatorial. Maj . SuLianti has Loon knc;wn and souc:ht by t ho TNI since the Sultan's first off tprts t o olil::inato tho C,xrr:nmist oloment s -wit hin tho Ho sidon c y .

No f ur ther actions, 2.cts of ro~)risal cJr sab utaco have occurred t o tho lm_,w;i.octco of \.,he Military Observer toan .

Thero arc a,~ :roxir.tatoly 3, 00C nu (includirJG Mi") .tr oops within tho B.osidoncy . Tho so arc orcar:i sod and dis 1Y.,s od as f o ll cws :

X J rica do - HQ in J ,.c jakarta .

1st Dn ( a1Jprrixir:1atoly 650) in J oc jak ar ta t , wn and Kabupaton (noi::;oncy) . r:~,nt ool. HQ in J osjakarta .

4th 2.;n (a p:,ro .xina toly 650 ) East '--f J c,Gjakarta in tho area between tho J vc;ja - i-raub anan r oad and tho ,foi__;ja -r·ij ooncan road and in tho Kab1.qaton cjf Gurn.u1J: Kidu l. HQ at Ta11clj oonc tirt o .

1st ;:;n uf C?H (r-fr) ( a~,~ir oxi i:,atoly 15Li) in the eastern ~:,orti on of Kabupaton Sleuan . HQ at Kodj at irxm .

vno Coy of XVII :jdo ( a. :)r oxi u e.toly 15()) ir: Kaliupat on Kulon rroc o . HQ at tJatos .

fo ur Coys ( aAm ,xi1.1atoly 600 ) of Ton·i torial tr, :~-'lJS - uno Coy in each Kabupaton ( Slouan , GummG Kidul , ,.,antoo l, and Kul c;n :C-r ogo ).

Those troo~ )S arc dis~ osed in pc.sts and 3arris ::ns in tho nain t •)1,ms and villacos al unc tho main roads of c::nu:uni cati ons e.nd in 'vi l la s es al ·::m::; tho eastern odso cf Kn.bupaton Slo1:1an.

Tho Thl has a wi de assortnont ,_)f rifles , carrnnc s, ~,ist ols , sub-na chino suns , J.l..,i,chino cuns , and ncrtars uf all r:iakos . It has boon in dic ,1tod thc'.t a1.u:mniti on f or sor:1e tYJ.•OS i.a i n sh ort su >:.1l y , and this is a i,r <",blo u . Host :;:iors ormol a;)poar t ..:,· be arnod with s,no t ypo c,f fi.rcarn . Hore detailed inf .;r1:12.ti on '\-Jill be i_;ivon later . Very few con,)leto unif or ns or oven odd ito n s of ur:iror;.l are in evidonco . TNI :arc usua ll y identified by woarin[; sono ito n of cl othinc which i s. rod ( a ca p , bandana , ar ::1band et c.)

Tho docroc c•f trainin c of tho TNI is diffic ult f ur Ni lit ary ubsorvors t c os t i::iato . Those tr ,,o~;s f or tho past six nrinths , hr.vo been li vinc; an d fi 1)}ti r1.[; as cuo rillas, as ,.._ res ult of 1'Jhicll they do n,;t 2.,,;. oar t r, be well crcanisod and wel l trained tro o~Js as we kn0w thou . Cn t ~10 c,thor hand, durin c tho cl·1c:m3oovor of auth<,rity i n tho Tiosi clor,cy tlloy c,avo ev i den ce of boinc well discipl i ned and , by tlloir conduct as far ,:,,s obsorvod by Military Gbsor'vors, the y a1ji,.oar t o be di s ci~·li nod and t ) have rocoived sci:10 tr ain.in c; in u ilitary f ,,r 1:i.:,ti ons e.nd ~Jr, coduros. Militar y ubs orv ers wore t --: ld by th9 I aku Ala n that t ho tr ,,. l;S 01.1ployod in tho ro occupa ti un c f _J .:,;:_,;jakart e. t own; . had boon ooloctod on th o basis c,f boin c tho Los t dJ s ci j_1linod . _ ·

As far as can be clotor:'.linod by Military Ubsor v01·s, t he re arc - n~;-·f ,j rc es er c;rcuj_ s n0t under Ho: ub licar: cuntrcl.

It ha s be en offi ci E;l l y ro 0 ortod t o Nilit ary Obsorvors that confir n t 0 tion of tho death of Comr:mnist l oade r Tan lfal aka ar:d alsc uf cx-TNI !•f.ajor Sabar udin (an oxtro 1:1ist and a f oll ower of Tan Nalaka), has bee n rc coiv od by the/ Sultan .

/ Doth ••••

;Joth of those loadors aro roi ,:jrtod t o hav o boon exec u ted by TNI Col. Sunkono in the vicinity of Kcdiri .

Pri or to the bcci r:.nins of the ~ut ch evacuation of this Residency, 11T11

Dricade H~ re ported tho followinG inci dent to Military Observers=

Gn 17 June three Dut ch police men were ca iJturod e.nd t1urdcrcd by a band at the ka.t:tponc; of Nc aclik ( ap,_)r oxi 1:1atcly l kilo nctro northeast of J oi::;jakarta ). Tllo next day, a Dutch police ins pe ctor with an e s cort of 20 1:ten wont t o the villa co and; after questionirJ.G the inhabitants, discovered that they had, in fact, be en killed . The c,r , .vcs were lo cated and the bodies r01:1ovcd to tho Joc;jakarta hos;:-:.ital for auto;_)sy. The condition of tho bodies indic ated that they had boon killed in a brutal fashion by bcatinc; .

Reference t he articl e s published in Aneta on l July, under the headirl[; "American Journalists' Vie ws on I ndonos ia 11, i n which Mr.Willia n H.Ncwton is quoted in a story of the death of a :)ut ch pa tr ol near Kata Gedo . :Military Observers hav e . no knowled c;o of such an inc i dent .

At 1Jrosont tho civil po lice ab ove tho orcanis ati onal level of tho Kopanowon (Dis trict ) arc not opc rati nc; or pr o:)orl y ar med. Each villa c o has its volunt ee r po lic e f or ce whic h ftmcti ons 1vi t hou t fircar1:1s .

vn Stmday, 17 July tho roSi Jonsibility f or law and order in tho town of Jo c j akc.rt a was turned over t o tho Central Govorrn:1ont Civil Police . Thos e pvlico in tho t own (tho ol d Mobil e ~ric_;adc of a1Ji)r oxi uat oly l 0G0 non) have boon ari:1od with tho rifles and c c:.rbi ncs t ur ned over for t llc'.t pur pos e by tho :.:.utch on 28 Ju no , and hav e boun dressed i n co::1pl oto now unii'o r n s of khaki wit h a1,prur:,riato dis t incui shin s ar 1:1 patc hes . The. unii'u r ns wore received i'r ou t ho .!..A.1tch on 14 July . Tho t ur nover was a cc o,:1pli shcd with out i nci dents and it is now inten ded that tho TNI tr u01)S of 1st :~n will be novod fr on t ho t own of Jo i.Ja kart a int o Kabu:-,at on Ja .nto cl 1-,rlthin a few days .

Effective 17 J uly, the curi'cw in J o3jak f.rta t own extends fro1 :1 22JO hou rs t o v5vv hours .

It was lear ned fr on tho I anowu (civil head of Ka:;.,anowon or District) on tho wost od.:_;c of t he Hesi donc y t ha t a TIU f orco ope r a tine ac ainst tho :Cutch outsi de tllis Uesi don cy in the 2.roa south and southeast of foon m.dadi has boon crossin c tho borde r int o Jo .__;ja1rnr ta il.osidon cy to rest and roc up orato . The tcar :11 s I:lil it .'.' .. ry li ais on officer , Col . 1Jjc .tikus o1:10, cxrJrosscd tho opi n_ton the.t ha ~poni 11[;s of t his ty po at any ~, lace on th o bur dor ) could not be prevented or con tr olled .

Tho si tue.ti un at Sa la u - Te::1pel ( whicll Na s re: J(,rtod on :1r ov iuus ly) of :i.,utch an d TNI f orc es f acin;_; oa cli othe r a cr oss tho bri ds o a: >~;oars t o have boon s a ti sf a ct oril; ;r resolved . At t ho Scl[.;[.;Ostion of Militar.r (;bsorvor Toai,1 1iG ( Se.la ti3a ), t ho =:;utch wi thdrow th eir lVff' p( s t fr ci:t tho b rid c o • t o a house in Sala.1-1 3U,.i r.1otros f r ,JJ:1 tho 1)ri di_so . (0b sc rv od by Hilit ary (.bscrvcrs) . Col. Djatikusuuo ro 1)orts th a t t ho TNI ;,ost hc.s now al so boon with drawn at least ?vJ 1:10tros . ( To be cc.nf ir nod by obs erv ati on lat er) .

Salati ,,a Arca (Peri od ondirl[; 22 July)

Milit ar y 1_ bsorvors acc ou~ anicd tl!e l as t el0i ,1ont of 11'1'11 :··ri i::;ado L .- Tonpol on Thursday, 30 Juno 1,;4r; . J\.t 14•~i., h•.,urs , tllo last :=utch tr oo~,s cle ared tho bcw.1dary of ·tho .t,osi d oncy 1.-f J u:_:j2.k3.rt o.. at 2. bri rJ.co on t he Ih,r tho r n ond of Tonp ol. Milita r y vb sorv ors at t hi s )Oin t t he n tDvcd 1-mcscortcd in the cJirocti on of Sr.la ti ca .

At a jJCJint a • • r oxi1r1ately 3 kil ouotros ncrt ll of To:_1l)Ol and ab out 1405 hours , Military ~b.sorvors were driv inG at ab <,ut 4u ki l ouotrc s vc r hour

/duo ••• •

- 9 -

duo to the c0ndition of tho r oad • . :Military ubsor vcrs hoard an a.utouatic woa.1:ion, which sounded like a ;-:ron cun and a mu,1bor of rifle shots . At apj_)roxir:t r~toly 3C(: 1:1otros to tllo loft of tho road , possibl J 10 cuo rillas ,v"ith woa11ons wore obse rved. Firi nr.:; in tho di roc -ti ,.m of tll ·o UN jee p . continued and :Vdlitary vbsorvors accelerated tu about GU ki l om.'!tros an hour . Appr vxi u.atoly 7 kil ouotros further north , tho near end of a · 0utch c.__,nv0y wi1icll was halted; was C(;ntactod . Tho oi'ficor in char co . in.for r:1od Military Cbsorvors that they also had boon fired up on at ab out tho sai:10 · l ocat i on whore tho Milita ry ubs orvo rs had been attacked .

Hilitar.r 1jbscrvors arc of tho opinion th ect this was a dOl i borato attack on th ou f or tho follmvinc roas c,ns :

(a) Military Gbsorvors wore travollinc uncs ccrtod.

(b ) Tho United Nrcti ons fla 0 was in :iosi tion on the richt fr ::,nt of their jeep .

(c) Firirl[ continu ed whi le the j eep was in ran::;o .

( d) Tho mmbor oi' sh ots fired dur in c t h e attQck .

( o) Tho UN jee p was only 1:10vi nc at about 4G kil 01:1ot res per hour and should he ve teen ot.sy to i denti fy .

No injuries wore sus tai ned ty tho :Military Gbsorvors 2.nd no da1:1c.ce occurred t .J tho UN jee p .

11T11 :)ri c;ado area is qLliet on tho whole. I n 1Joth tlto 11a::_;ol anc and ~ oorworodj. _, area , there is s '-1:10 sni1 ,inL,; at r:ie:;ht at ~- .sts , but there arc no attacks .

Tho Cv uf V Inf ant ry :~attalion at Hi1.;__;ol ar10 stc.tos that his intolliconco roj_;orts in dicate that T.NI tr oops i n his area are boinc ro_.;lacod by tro o;is that arc in.filtr- atinc; fr -:.u tho Hosidon cy of JoL~J:1.karta .

Tho Cu uf rtS :,attali on a t ?c,orworodjo said tliat his intolliconco ro ;:-,orts indicate that TNI troo 1:s arc inf i ltr ~.tini::; int o his ar ea al one the coast 01 the SW t .Jrd or of J 0cjakarta Hosidoncy and thrutit:h tllo nou ntains t o tho NE of foorwc rodj o . Ho st a.tos that th ose e..ro tr oop s of tho 3rd i:ln of tho TNI which is loc :=-.tod in tho a rea of lJr oona , north of i 0orworodj o .

llor;oncy of ~1odj onof:ior o (i'eri od ondin c 23 July)

Nothorlar~ds f c rco s arc carryinc out tho usual :)atr ols and other r cutino securi ty r:1oasuros .

Hor;ublican and/ or t::,·ucrilla forces ro r:tain scattered t hr ouc;hout tho ar ea as far as is ro1 ••~rtod ~1r kn, ·wn. At tho iJrosont tine , suo ri l la activity would a: :_.car t o be de cro r.sinc . Thero is, at le as t : a 1,1onont ary lull and tl10 entire area has boon very qui et.

Tho Korps Nariniors (:=:utch Marinos ) :·ri i:;aclo Headquar t ers will shortly LKNO fr u1:1 Soorab aja t o Ncdj okurt o uhoro tho b n,tt ali on headqu arters is l ocated.

Thero a~,~,oars t u to a very active Crn.i.l_tunist un dcri::;r cund whi ch; however, soous L lJo li n itil, L.; its present activities t o r-an~,hlctoor i q; . At :..-atjiran , t h o Military ub~orvor to au was sh ,)i~Tl throe crtido handlottorod i,anph l ots .

Tho Hilitar.r vbs orvor toau vi si tod Jriarodja , Krijan, Modjokorto ,

/ Nod j osar i. •••

- 10 -

Nodjos ari , Ncor o , Ga.npol , Por onc , Si doc:.r dj o, Gr is s oe, Maii.c.s.rsid ono ek t i, Karru1cr odj o , Sida j oe , Tj a1:1poorrodj o, Sooko~rvat i , and rat ij ar1. It is notab le t hc..t t h is area wl?.s cover ed wit hout t ho nec essi t y of an aru cd esc ort .

Mari nos r epo rt only two r if l e sho ts fired ir: t he ir ar ea cluri nG tho wook onclin c 23 Jul y . Civ i l i,uli cc and nili ta r y s ources r o1,;..rt soi:10 r a.r,1pok a lcinc th o nvr t horn coast . Na.ti vo ro 1Jurts say t hat a [ ar1c of l v": non ( nl ;,,r 5 or 6 ar med with fir oar n s ) at t acked Sookawat i , wounding 10 to 12 pe rson nel. Fr on tho t oan I s inve s ti Gati on , i t a-;pear s tha t tho atta ck was cono.uct od by a la wle ss [.sro up bent on the ft of foo d or no noy . Tho nw:1bo r was ~Jrobably cr oatl y oxa cco rat od . While th o t oau was at ?at ji rru.1, a ro 11ort was re ceiv ed that a L;anc of 300 was uar chin c on Tja npoo rrodj o . Inv os ti ca tion by police , 1:lili t ary an d Jf.Lilitar .1 Obs er ver s prov ed t hi s to b e a f al se alar1 :1.

Guer illa activit y a : pears to bo corlfi nod to a poli t i cal na ture at r::rosont. Tho Courmrli st olc nont so01:is to pr edomi na t e .

Fro n a,di scuss i on b otwo on th o Rocoonba , East Java, and a r:ioubor of tho Milit ar y Observer to a1:1 it was l e ar ne d t ha t a r.tooti rJ.G b ot ,voon t ho TNI an d tho Co1:11,turli s t s was pur :,ort od t o llavo b oon hol d th o f ir s t week of Ju ly , noar E'olo , i n w)!ic h it was ac r ood to cea se fi eh ti nc ea ch other and to cooper ate r:lili ta r i l y ._

Kodiri Area (Peri od endi ng 9 Jul y )

'Ih o Dutc h continu e to pat r ol and mvocp those ar eas not under th ei r contr ol. As a r e sult of t hos e actions th o r oad f r ot1 '.,2_tos to ? ;~r e was orJonod on 29 Ju no . It was l oa r nt on a v i s i t t o vfatos t hat owinc to lack of pors onno l, th e Dut ch f orc e ba sed at tha t 1~ost was only ab l e to ca r r y out sua l l pat r ols, sou o of whi ch wo:ro of th r oe t o fou r days dura-~ion and li nked Ui, wi t b fo rc os l oca te d at :~li t ar in tho south .

It was ro 1)or t oct by a Roi,ub li can sup:::)ort or , who b1: s re cent l y retu r ned fr om Ma dioon , tha t on Monday , 20 J uno , and Tuesday , 21 Juno , a t 0500 hours , 25 pounder shollin c 1vas r Oi>Ortod on t ho villa &;e of Dm:t1)a l on a~,pr oxi uatol y 6 ki l 01:1otr c s N. E. of Madioon .

On Hodn os day , 22 Juno , 20 wounded civili ans wor e adni t to d t o Madi oon hospi t al, and on Thurs day, 23 Jun o, t ho Rod Cross wont out t o ~et uo r o 1t1otmd od ca su alties .

I t is not known how nany wore ki l l ed .

l,'.iili ta FY' Observ er s on a re ce nt vi sit t o Nadioon wore t old tha t . concentrati ons of Corn:mnists wore l ocat ed i n t his a r ea .

4t h ;~ri i:;ado re port th o foll owirJ.G r:lilitary i n ci dents whi ch occurre d in t ho : ri cad o are a f or t h o peri od Ju no 21 t o Jul y 5:

Enony fir e on corn.ray s 16 Enor.iy f ir e on uili t!3,ry ba r r ack s 30 Pat r ol cl D.sl10r, 92 Mi nos and bonb s on r oads 27 Rond o1Jst r,clo s and deno li tions .Jill

Tota l - 205

It was ro 1 or tod by a Dut ch o: 1ic or t hat on 7 Jul y while t r avolli ni:; by c0nvoy on t ho r oad be twee n =:li t nr and Wil iq~ i, a 1:lin o of t ho pu l l wir e t ypo oxr1l odod ki llirJG one off i ce r (Cha :Jl ai n of tho Fr i Lc oss Ir ene .Ia tt a li on ) and ,jn o Dut ch sol dier and woundir:.s two ot hers .

• / While ••••


- 11 -

~v11i lo a Mi:t.it~ry Obser v er was returnirlG f r on Dj01:iJJar1c. by j eep on Fr i day , July 3, tho joo~ ; st r uck a nine which had boon l a i d on tho si de of t ho r oad between Forak and Djonba.11c.· It was tr nvollinL.; behind tho lead i nc v ehicles of tho c onvoy .

On Fri day , 1 Ju l y , it w2..s rej, ),,rtod that a hmict-~c;rona:d0 ··1tl'as :-th r own into th o ho::10 of an Indonesian livin:.; in tho centre uf the town . Ono civili an wonc..n was se v erely i nj ured u.nd later died of wotind::r~ · ·,:t ·wa s l a ter asce r t ained by Nilitary Ob ser vers tl is..t t ho owner of th e houso ·t1as--a bad r or,-i..1tat i on wi th the Rej,,ubli c aris .

On Sun day , 3 J u ly Got 2200 hour s , an ox1,l os i on fo ll owod by sboo t ir1c; was hoa r d on tho outsk i rts of tho town .

Mili tary Observers have noted that whor: SjX;akinc t o Dutch o.:1icer s and ORs in tho Kedi ri c.rea , th(.)ro aj,:_10?.r s t o have been a f allin c; off i n the uora l e of the t r oop s since tho :,rcl; u i m-.ry talks c01.:nencod and when th o Residen cy of J oc;j e.karta was handed ba ck tc tho Ro: ublico.n Govornnen t . They cla i u thL,t al l tho lo s s of li fe sinc e tho 2nd Police Action cou.noncod in Deconbor ho..s [.;uno for n .. uch t .

Hala ng Arca (Per i od cndinc; 30 Jul y )

'Ihorc l1as not be en any noti c:oq.ble cl10.11to i n the situ a t ior: in th i s a rea fo r the :>a st weeks . Shoo t inc a t niJ1t i s sti ll ho.::>rd ro c1.1.l a r ly . 13abotac;e cont i nues on tho rai l way li no t u SooraL>aj a and i ncid ents uccu r on a ll 1:1ai r1 r oads .

No deta i ls of any s1 .. ocu i c ope r ation s by tho Notho r l&nds fo rc es ha ve b oon r e ... or tod to us , Liu t wo have boon t ol d by then thr.t tlloy ha ve condu ct ed wit h rucco s$ a nw:1.bor oi' s,.1all offens ive pat r ,Jls . Loc2,t io11s of ar oa s not un de r Nethe rl ands c unt r o l have ne,t l>oon r cro rtod oi t ho r , but it is not bol i ovo d t11at .tllcso areas have cha q _:od. I n fact , it i s tho Mili ta r y Obser vers I opini cn that c;onora ll y tho Ifot horlands f or ces stil l · contr ol on l y t ho n ai n r ou tos and tho contros a t wlli ch their t r oops arc Lasod . Tho in l yi nc; country e.re c>.s ar c s t i l l continually li ab l e t o ho attacked or in t i ni da t od by eit he r TI\JI, . Couuunists 0r ) l ai n band i t s .

A fu rt he r attack was nad o on a Netho rl c,nds s oldie r in day li Ght insid e Mal anc .

Ja.na_;o and inci dor:t s a rc SLlLlLiariz od ocl ow:

Villa.r_;os r obbe d of I dent it y Cards Public wo rks and buildinc;s at t z:,cko d Civi l 11 11 and. cr o11s " :~rid [;OS attacked c,r dostr 0yod Road incidents Railway 11

Atta cks on Civil Polic e II 11


Ka,.1pon~ Chi of s Civili ans

Phone li no s cut

Sour c e : ?orsonal inv-osti:...;ation HQ 11X11 :~ri [,;ade .

7 26 25 15 L,6

, 15 31 · 5 15


Guer illa ac tivity doe s not ap 1 ,car t o hav e clocr oa sod .

ilit ch ca su2,ltios fo r the . per i od Ki l l ed 2 , wounded 19 .

/ECJNanc ••••

- 12 -


1. Na.l.TH Sill1J,.THA (Peri od onclinc 14 July ) .

No chanGo ~

2. S0U'IH SUMi .. ~ (Per i od ondi.1ic 23 July )

Two rubber estates (Kot abon and Natar estates ) l ocat ed in tho vicinity c f Tandjocnc-Karai.1c arc now in 01:x;rdi on . Two rubbe r est ates (:-:,orcon and Rottcrda.r:1 est ates) in tlio Lau~:oric; area, a ro expected to bo ac;ain in r;r oducti on ·withi n a few weeks .

Tho railway is now opor Ltinc; u1; t o Kota 7'.oor::ti as pre vi ously expected.

Un 23 June, the r oad between Ko~Jahian an d 7:onkulon has boon opened t o traffic ., t hus connoctinc Pal0i :1banc wit h : onkulon .

All over tho ar ea vis i t od ; Koct a :~ooui , Hotr o , r ri nc;sowu, To lo one; f adnns and Kota - Ac:;ar1c, ::i001Jlo wer e w0rkinc in fiel ds; tho r.1arkots wore heavily st ocked as wore tho shops in tho lar co towns with textiles, f ood etc , The poo1,lo l ook well fed and ro a s0nably well cl othed : · ThO 1'.J.E,I. cuildor was tho only currency in use .

In Metr o , tho irrication syste u has boon rc~Jairod and ovcry t hinc is i n rea dines s t o co1:1nencc operation .

Exte ns ive r oad work is c;o inc on in tho whol e ar ea . Social welf a.ro consists 1:1ainly of a u obile Rod Cross t ea.1:1 wllich treats U lJ t o thr co thousand pat i ents lJOr 1veok fo r tho usual tr 0pical diseases .

Milit a ry Obser ver s ilaid an other 1·,ors onal visit t o Lt .Col.Hassa n Kasi n . He declar ed to .Mili tary Observ ers th c.t ho had noth i nc to conp lain about t ho Dutch troa.ti:1ont .

3. CENTRAL Sl.JM.i.,TH.A (Pori ud on4iric 25 Ju ly)

J.t I ndrapura , cl oth and cl othin ~ is boi nc distributed to tho civilian j_::.opuL. ti on by the Dutch ~

Road ro 11air s arc beinc uad o botwoon Soen c;ai ponooh t ho supervision of a co1:1pany of Dutch art :1y cnGinoors . de.nc;or ous nountain road and has not boon re rair od for

and Kajoo Aro unde r Tlli s is a very

eigh t years.

Markets aro i'uncti ,;rlirl{~ and tra de is fair at Soen i:_;aip onooh , Indra pura , Taip on and Fai nan .

'Il1oro i s a.r1 abundai.1ce of rice in the a r ea s, uth of f'adanc , For m.orly t his was a rice ox. .0rtin ..; ar ea and a t present t here is sufficient rice t o food tho l ocal ~)opul ati on .

The electric ~-,.,wor pl ant at Painan is ._;pvr ati ns at suf f icient ca 1;acity t o furnish electri cit y t u th o surr 0un di11i._; area , Electricity at 3ooi:;aipon oeh is su~.,pli od by Jutch ar 1:iy n ut or t;oncrat or.

Dutch :::;i.1ilders arc oxclusi voly used in tho a r oa sou th of 1-adan r;.

Medic al su~-~Jlios in Socn~aii •onooh arc suf i'ic io nt . an I nd0ncsiar1 dJ ct 0r by tho Dutch i:lilit ar.1 . Ci vilia.r 1 treated in the i:lilitary hos~, i t a l.

They aro su: ~)lied t o hospital cases ar c

/4 . WEST ..••


I •

- 13 -

4 . WEST JAVA (Peri od ondir ic 23 July)

Tho Rocont 1.1f Tj and j ,:,cr , a c cor dinc; tc I,utc h ro ; c,r ts , roc oi v od a l otter fr u,1 a Maj or Krn,1al Tjris sup~;us odl y c,:_-.1:1>:1ancl:i,.ri,:_: t h o Sec ond ::,a,ttali on of th o 12t h Siliwa n,:_;i ~,ri ...;a do ordcri ni::; a ll I ndonosi.:i.n work e rs i ri tlw _Rot:oncy t o pay 5% of th eir inc onc t o t ho Sili wanc;i :'.livisi on . u'r:l o~s this \.,r&s dono , t ho ri ce i n :tho are a w u l d bo burned (n ost of tho rice is nilled i n tho t own itself' and s t ored there . I :t, is ;)r obably th os e i nsta ll at i e,n s t o whic h tho lotter refers) . Report e dly tho levy was nc,t paid and tho ric.o was bu rned .

5. CENTRAL J1WA Se1:iaran . Arca Jo ro 1x,r rn.s b oon r ccoi vod f or this :,ori ,,d .

Poorwokort o Area ( Foriod onclin c 24 Jul y )

Thero i s at pr es en t an "oc onuLtic b1J ckade 11 a :i_ ~.li ed by l ocal s uor i l la f orc es t o i-'oor ,vukorto . This is offoct od by tho t orr c risi n;_; of the l oc al 1:;opu lat ion , rxev ont ini:_; t hen f r n carr yi ni:; 1-;r cduce to t ho Poorwokor t o narkots , and f orbi ddi nc t h ou t o ac cor;t Dut ch 1:10noy, whic h the y dos i cna t o a s 11rod 11

no noy . Tho ef fe ct of t ho c.bovo i s a u ild slrnrt o.c;o of frui t and voc;otab l os i n tho t own . _;oc aus c of t he cli s l occ~.ti e,11 e,,f co::u:nmicati ons by rail , and tho inte nse at t c.cks on convoys , the r e is c-_ sh ort ,\ _;c of who at fl our , sa l t and all di stri but i on i)JOds . Loca l N. I. I , ;J, :;aso li no res er ves , which al so SU[;pl y tho er 1:iy , have fa l len t o a 14 day reser ve . Air s ervices t o Wirasaba , tho airfie l d whi ch s er ve s ~oerwokort o, are avai l ab le at presen t onl y f or r:li l i~ ar y ) ur:;_;osos .

Ri co i s 75 ce nts per kil o .

I t i s consi der ed t hat conditi on s so nor all y have i u~ir c,v ed i n th o l as t thr ee wook s . Fr on vis ual i nsp ecti cr: of Tokos etc ., no ovi donco cuuld bo s oon of tho ofi'o cts of an ec onor_lic bl uckade . :Ji i 'fic ul t ies havo boon ayparent over tho l a st f ew nont h s , wi t h re 0ard t o t rar1s.);irt ati 0n of su1):.:li os f r c1'1 la r cor cent r e s .

Jorqak a.rta Area ( Per i od on dine l e\ J uly)

.No defini te char10o has ye t boc nu o a;_.;_Jaron t i n t ho occno1:tic s t anda r d of livi nc . However , it is very n0tic oablo U:c'st ~ ooplo a :;_ 1ie ar t o bo f r oor and Doro willin c t o 3,0 about t he ir bus i nes s of tond i ni::; cr op s and carryin s on trade . Roads ar e back t o n0r ual / t r a ff ic cf al l ki nd s an d tc "ms whi ch wor e jwit h f cr i:10rly pr actical l y dosortod are bocc,Ltin 3 i nhab i to d aca in . Whereas p :,s t a l s o_rvico s wi.thi n tho Resi dency ar e f uncti ::-ninc , t he r e i s nc, iiost a l se rvice with ar oa s c,u t sid o tho Hosi doncy exc ept f or 0fficial ua il vi a th o UNCI plane .

Practically ovor y pio co of t r c:.ns r crt was t urn ed ovor now and in oxcol l ont cc,nditi un . Conuunic a t Lms an d lJUlJlic ·works wore a:;_\ aro n t l y turned ove r i n a s s c,)d conditi on e.s wc:.s poss ible .

I nclonosi an br an d ci i:;ar ottos he.vo incr ease d in r rico by 150% ( 1;r c:,bab l y la ck of sui ,:,l y ) .

Tho i ni ti nti un of r ail t ra ff ic f r un Hoontil an is s chedul ed t o boi::;in un 19 Ju l y wit h t ho ·r eceip t uf s everal rail car s of su : ,/ Lios fr o1,1 East In cl,,n osi a .

li.s f ar as ca n bo dc t or n i nod , all pri nary sch ool s i n the Il.esi dcn cy are now 0por atin c either in t heir 11r 0por buildi ns s 0 1· i n ono r c on cy quar t ers. S01:10 sec ond ary schuol s are open now ,~nct tllo ot her s a r c t c, be opened shor tl y .

/S al at ir;a ••••

Salati r:a Arca (Period cndirl[; 22 July)

un 7 J uly , Mili.tary Observers wero roquestod by HQ "T" ~ ,ri g ado to acc oi:1pany vehicles wlE ch tllo ~tch wore tu rni ns over t o tlit'.::r 'Ro; ,ubli.ca1 :1s at Moontilan . Mili. tar y Ubsorvor toa m #7 fro; :1 J oc;jak arta broui:;ht tho Repub lican drivers an d Dauri offic ials a cr o ss the bor der a t T01J~Jol and the trans a cti on was ~u1:q1l otod at I'Ioontilan . Jn thi s date tho Ro1,ublicans

. wore ai :,ro.xi natoly 1.1.; 2 llwrs late t o pick t ho vehicles up . This delay was said t o b o duo pa rtly t 0 t ho difficulties encotmterod in passin ~ two road bloc ks at Ton~:;ol.


On 14 Jul y , Nili tnry ubservors wore aca i n requested by "T" ~;ri ;:;ado t o acc onpany a cunvoy c,f veh i c l es t c be turned over to tho Ro~ublicans a t Moontilan . Tho convoy arrived at 0930 and tho Ro: ublic·w 1s at:rivod . at tho a~\:,ointod ti n e of l OGG h ours . Toa.l:l f/1 ai:_;ain br ouch t . tll c -'d:ri -vors and Danri officials ac r o ss t ho bo rder . Tho tra1 ;s ... cti on was 1:1ado with out difficulties .

un 20 July, Mili ta ry Cbservor-s ac c 01:1i anio d a coflv6y ·of it'Ohicles t o Nc,cntilan f or tur nover t o Rciublic an s . Tllo conv oy arrived a t tho ap1,ointod ti ue oi' llOG hours . As tlle F?.olJlllJlicans had nJt arri ved at 123 0 hours, tho Hi li tary Observers cr o ssed t110 lxJrd or t o '1'01:1~,ol and requested tho Pe st coutiandor t o cunt act J oc j aka rta . ufi' icials at J oi::;jak ~rta sa id th ey wou ld arrive at 14vv . 1'-fili tr~r y (Jbsorvors ret urned t o Moont il an and uad o arran i:.;onen-t4 f or tho i·os t at Salan t o se nd a sig r:al 3.t 14\JJ , if tho rfo~)U1Jlicans wore in sic;ht . At 140v huur s a r10Lativo si o1a l cJ.1:10 i'r ~-u S2.,l a.u and tho :Utch

. .,

do~:e.rtod f or .::hJ1:1c'cr an1:; with vehicles. _Tho ~utc h cor:i:)lai nod t ha t the y ce,uld not aff ord tc l ose U10 til ,to ·or ·21 dri;vors , several [;ll.e.r ds an d tllo trans: 1ort cffic or, duo t o those· del ays anc1·tnat -1rt110 Ro·,c1Llicans desire t his oqui~ ,nent the y be punctual in 1:iootin g tho a 1,poi ntod ti t:10s .

l,,t aA, r (J.xiua toly 153U hours , Toan 117 with Rermblican drivers arrived at To1:t:,ol and Teau #7 -~ r ocoodod t o Hoontilan , arriving a vi,ro xi.l:iatoly 5 huurs after tllo a 1 /.1i nt od til:;o f or transfer ,

I t was learned c.,t this ti uo by M.i.li t ar y Oosorvor Team 1-/G t hat tho : .. utch wore turninG ov er 15 C01.u:mnist pris oners to t ho i1p1 ub lic mw at Sala1:1. Thero is no furt he r ini' Gr1:iation ccncornini::; th i s ue.ttor at pr esent .

Life in t ho t owns an d al 0ne,; th o ua in roads seo1:1s tc /- {5~·:·noY'I'.mI. Tho :Sutch ro, .ort t hat there is i;lonty of f ,,r.,d for t h o natives . However , in tho I'oo rworodj o area , there see ms t o be a sho rta co of textiles as 1:1an y of tho i)opu l ati on were ub sorvod Hi t h no cl ot h es a t all or woari n:::; r ai:.;s. Intorc our so of trade between Ma[;olanc and Seu arc1.nc; sco n s t o b e nor1,1al s ince th o 0~1onir ~ of tho r oad .

ilo 11oncy of :~od j ono r;or o ( r ori c,d ondin ::_: 23 Ju l y )

No ch2.nc o .

Kodiri Area (ro ri od ondine:; 9 J uly)

Military ubsorv urs vi s ited t ho Hoi ublican Hos j_;ita l at Kodiri. Thero i s a t o tal of 153 patients of who1:1 4v arc wut.mdod .

Mili ta r y ubsor ve 1°s have intervi ewed a l vcal 1msir :oss nan who tra des wit h vi llEiL,;ors vutsicl o tho t vwn. Ho st at ed th :,t until twv ncr :th s aco , ho was su~;:~;l i od with o:.:;cs fr ,,u tll o north; south eas t ar:d wes t ern districts outside tho t ·..,·wn. Now ho can cn l y buy n odi ocro su1 ~.li e s f r om tho sc,uthorn soct 0r , and t 11on qui to 0f to n llis da il y quota is st c l on 1vhon TNI t r o,::,1;S raid tho vi llacc r s on their wsy t o tllo t v1,m. Ho als u st e-.tod that when a far n er wished t c, se ll a ccw in Kocliri, lie had first t u obtai n a porn it fro1,1 a i:,01 ub lic an source and :Jay 5% tax on th o a 1 , r ;.xi;~1ato price of the boa st . At each Ro1.ublican r,,c,st on r oute t o th o t own ho 1,c.d t o 1,ay an · additi onal

/5% •..•

- 15 -

5%, CL11soquont ly tho doalor ha d t e, i.,ay a v ory hi ::;h 1 rico fo r tho boas t .

hS fr or:1 t ho firs t of Jul y t h o .l,rico 0 1 b 1of was raised 15 conts a kil o and is now f . 1. J u cont s a kil o duo k tho so t axos .

Un Monday , I+ July, tho ra il way li no was u1Jono d botwoen I<edi rf · arid~ Spe rabaja ~ I'a:ssonc; or s can now travel dai l y botwoor: thoso tw o pl ace s and r:1any a r o availi rl[; tho fis olvos 11f this uoclo of trans pcrt .

F.ir tho wookondinc ) July, a further .12 wounded pa tients wor o g.dn i t t od t u t ho 1to.,, ub li cai-1 h0s1.1ital • at Kodiri. Must of t hoso wor e fr 0n th o Tool oonc;ac oonc aroa in tho s cuth .

_Mala.ng Arca (P ori c,d ondirJL; 30 July)

Tho Military Obsor v or toan vi sited Sinc os ari , Lawanc;, r oor oswari , j_·andakan , and j_'c,rr onc . Tho po1Jul nt i cn aro busy with r outine tasks of pla nt i nc and harvos ti n~ cf cr c:1,s . Hoad s aro i n a t c,c,d st2.to of ro: , air . Howev er, bot woon Lawai113 a nd l' orr on;::;, a l a r t o number oi' tho troos on tho r oads ide wore follod acr ciss tho r oad and had t o bo ro r:icwod . A f urt he r porcont ai:;o have boon cu t t o a va r yin c de c r ee a~,:, aront l y with t ho idea of follinc la t or .


1. N0HTH Sill'ilSHA (Fori 0d ondir l[; 14 July)

As ea ch day ~,asses, s i n ce tho return of tho Ro1 ublic an Govorn r:1ent t o J oi:;jaka rta s on o throo wooks a(_;,:,, and no "Cease Fi ro " orde r is i ssued, tho i'oolirl[; of i'rustr a ti ,Al auo nc;st b ,) t h nili t a ry e..ncl civi li an i ncreases , t ho n c:..tm ~al fooli rli_; boin c t ha t t ho '.'.).ttch ret urned J :)c:;jakart a t c, tho il opublic , undo r st ar:dinc that a 11Coaso Firo 11 ordor w:,Juld f 0li ow, whcro e.s in actual i'act torr oris u and l oss 0f lif e hc:.s i nc reas e d in t his c1roa .

Tho ,~utc c,uo ,--,f th o ab ov e situ 2,t i .)n nay bo ill ustr a ted by tho recent acti on take n by Dr . Mansur , lJali Noc;ara Sw.li..tra Tin e r. Fir stly , i n his statonont t hat ho i s n,Jt pro ~;arod t o roc c1:.;niso any " Cea.so Fir o11 ordor urit i l all Ro1mbl ic an tr uo~,s , whc; h 2:vo i nfiltr ate d int o :S.1:1atra Ti 1;1or , r.ro with dr awn. Socu 1dly , by tho a:, 1loa r an co in t he l oca l pa ~;crs c,f rocrfaitin s advor ti son onts f ,:,,r r:ion t u · j oin tho Noca r a Ar n od For cos, vit1ich will obvi ous l y dote r p )tonti al s ol diers fr ot1 onli stinc in tho Federal kr uy , which until rece ntl y ·was als o advo rt i sinc:; f ur .ro cr ui ts i n tho l ocal ::_-,ross .

It is dii'fic ult t c i' rJr m an;;r C·Jllc.~usiv o u1Jini on. as t (, cor:diti ,' llS wit h in 1,tj ch . Military ubsorvors ha d di s cu5 si ,ms wi t h ilo1.ub lic an offi cers a s they travelled by UlJCI plane f r uu Ifota r a ja t o J oi:;jaka r t a , but -thO'"J appeared un c,,1:u:m1ica ti vo . Tho Dut ch Nil i t, ..ry HQ arc c nvi nce d tha t · t horu -"is · c ,m si. dor ,\blo Co:.u:tunist help boinc civon , 1,art ic u l ar ly in tho snu i:;c lin c in uf woai)cns, otc . This i~ su 1,purtod by tho vie ws of t h o :Sut ch Naval Forces C)o ratin c fr cn .~a l a.wan. Mili t a r y l;b::;orvors intend acc -;upany i nc t h orn on . r;c,tr c,l in tho . n ear f uture .

2 . SCUTH SUMi.TilA (i ori bd ondi nc 23 July)

Tho ilosil mt of tho La.npc,n13 area ass ur ed Mi l itary Cbsorvors that his area was quiet ai:d that tho ~ oupl o wor e qui to ha~:py that tho Jut ch au t h oritio s had ret urned an d t ha t tho Re publicans had c -,nc . This was als o tho ro :)ly when other civil auth uri t ios wcro qu os ti uned .

H0wovor , 0no inl ia bi tai1t (,f Kvota-: ,GOLli , and c,n o i'r ;,u Hotr u e,avo tho i u1;rossi cn t ha t , ·wi t h tho oxco 1,t i cn uf t ho Chine se C,x.u:tunit y , tho po upl o will wol c,.u o t ho Ho1 ublican Mlni ni s tr atic ,n if it is ret urned t u tho area .

/Th er o ••••

- 16 -

There sce n ed t__; be a very str onc f eeli r][; t ha t, i f tho Ropub li can G0vor 11.uo11t returns, tho La.n1J~ni::; ar ea sh ould be a separate state wi t,h its uwn v uic'o and or i:;ani sati on in tho Uni ted States of In donesia . In any caso, the Lamponc pe uplo aro n ,..:,st unwi llir lG t o e.ccopt any rulo fr ,.,:1 J ava .

3 . CENTRAL SUJ\it.TH.A (Peri od endinc 25 July)

Lurir>[; tho visit of tho Republican ::::;olo[.$ati un tc :~ukit Tin i:;ci , . t horo was a domonstratil ·n in tho h0usc of Mustafa ? anai . Dut ch milit ary onto ro d the huusc and arrested Mustafa Fanai ( tho f or mer Repu blican Coumissi cnor of Foli co). N0 others wero arr est ed . Ho is await inc trial in ;;ukit Tin Gci on char c es ,_.f orcanisin c an undor 13r ciund r:1ove r:1ont . (S ource : :)utch nilita ry ).

Thero arc 55 civil polic oraon i n ~'ad anG f andjan c , but th ey arc poc rly equ i pp ed : n ; ,ist o ls, 3 bra ns and s ,x:10 rifl es , t ot a l - 25 woa1; , ns . i:)l an s are boiric made t o nrcanise a civil :,c lico or i an isati on in Duki t Ti nc;c;i.

Tho Kirin c i po,,.pl o c r ea tly dosiro secur ity and a rc amd. '" us t o c~o:)ora to with ·th o Lut ch t o su~Ji"Jros s cuorilla activi t y .

Tho pe ~plo ir' . tho area south cf :i ainan arc nai nl y ,;f tho Kiri nc i tribe . Thoy have always boon 1CO% l oyal t o the Jut ch . At rrcs ont tlloy have an 0vor abundance ,if l oyalty as thoy ar c re put edl y anta i:;u11ist ic t ,_;wards the Iv.iinane;ke.bau. J..ny breaches <..,f sc curi ty in this ar ea arc attributed t u i nfiltr a t i ons 0f J.',Iinanskabau -l od Gane s. ( Suur c c : Dutc h .r~li ta ry) .

4 . WE:3T J i-.VA (i:;or i od cndin L 23 J uly )

I t is ccr:s idorod that t l10 situati un in West Jav a ha s and is c,-:ntinuin s , t o de teri orate r a1.iidly . Tho mcralD oi' tl1 o :.::Ut ch trc u~js has boon l owered , as has th o n uralo ,f tho white pc : ,uL .. ti c.,n, Werk on i,lan tatins etc . , has defin it ely bee n curtailed and the r:;cn oral :mtl ook is cit llcr t 0 ad opt a wait and see p,)licy or t o i;ro r.)aro t c, salvage what ever j_J:-:,s sib l c and l eave t he c0untry . There dces rh)t a>,,oar t o be a c orrcs pondins up- li f t in the muralc of tho 0rdir1e.ry I nd one sian .


Ser:1ara ne Arca

lfo re por t has boon received f er t hi s pcr i ,)d .

h iorwokcrt o Arca (Pe ri od ondirl/3 24 Jul y )

No chane;o re j;ortod .

J or,;j aka rta Ars,st (Peri od cndin i::; 18 Jul y )

Tho outstai~din c atti t udo in ev i dence is ono of cnthusi r.sn and ple asur e 1_.vor tho return of tho Republican ad ninistr at i m .. Tio~~ublican offici a l s and / or Mili t , .ry Obse rve r s arc wclc oncd ent husia stica ll y cvc rywhcr c in the ar ea . Much relief and ;il oa surc is 0f course du o t o the tcrninatL ,n uf open hostilities betw ee n tho tw o f c,rcos . . However , the welc ono of tho Republica n adr.linis tr ati on afJj_JOars t u be sincere .

As far as ca n bo dotor1 :1inc d by Jviilit a ry Gbsorvor s, the c iv il and nlilit ary [:;vverru:ient vr c;an is at i un of tho area i s fu nc ti 0nir 1t:; eff i ciently . It is n0tc d that a census of tho , ,-:,pulati un is bo inc tak en which is st ated by tho 1-aku J la n t o b o in lro pa ra ti ::.,n f or l oc a l cle cti 0ns . It is i nt ended that both n on a nd wor.1cn will be all owed t v v ote , bu t only th ose who car: write tho I n donesian l ant,ua c c wi t h Lati n char acters • .

There have boon no indicati ns of prc ,pa 0and a agains t the H.o:.ub lic,

/..-;bs crvod •.••


- 17 -

obser ved or ro ro rtod . . .... ~ .... -.. ····•-. ~.~ ..

A stator:1ont by tho ;_;u1, ati. of Wunosari is Jf interes t • . Ho states that he desires t c ._;ct t llo Chine so inhabitants of 1V,nos2.:rl back ~t;~r1' -( ~ll but 3 evacu a te d with tho lA.ltch) beca u se they have advantac;o ous business conne cti ons and have t o a crcat exten t run tho cor::ncrcc of tho area . B.o al,s o states that ho is takin c sto 11s t u brir][; them ba ck. . •i" .. :- . . ·· · :: , .. ;

It is noted t hat all (Jf t h o 1lc)r:tan Catll ulic priests and nuns (inc l udinc nati vc :Ju.tch) have ronaincd in tho aroa ar:d are coinc ab cut their work um1olostod and Hi. th no restricti ons .

SalatiGa Aroa (Peri od or~dirl[_; 22 J uly)

Military Observers visited Macolanc and Si:x:iko t u tho 2nd in C<";ta and of V Inf Dn . Ho ro;_Jortod that tho aroa on the wln lo was quiet . Thero had boon uccasi cJnal sniper fire at sc:r:10 c,f their ) ,,s ts but there wore no attacks t o be ro purtod . Tho r oads fr ,,m Salatica t o Hacolanc and Salatica t o Tcmang oong had boon op onod t o civilian travel. Tho Sa l atica - Macolanc r 0ad is in bad repair but rei Jairs aro boing started . Native trave l on tho r oad appe ars t o be i ncroasin3 . :Military Gbsorvors j oined a c onv ey t o ~ oorworodj o . Tho r oad is in nood of ro l)air and native traffic al onG it was slight . Thero soor.1od t c,, be little activity in tho i'iold s al ong tho r oad .

At i-oorw orodj o, Hilitary Gbsor vors discussed tho l ocal situati on with L/C Van dor :;or c o, CO V RS =a1. This battali on has boon in this aroa f ,)r only two weeks . Hili t a ry Observers wore info r i:ICd that the nati vo :),Jpulati :m was c0oporatin t; with tho :C:,utch nili tary .

Military 0bso rvors interviewed tho ikcont of Poorw orodj o , who stated that c(morally tllo 1:iupul-...ti cn was ple ased t c;• have tho pr e. tecti on of t ho ,.,utch n ilitary and the .t ra up 1..,k activity had decreased since VHS had novod into tho area . In reply tc que s tL .Jns sub mitted by Military Cbsorvors , tho Roi::;ont stated ho was a Nati onalis t and th a t ho was NJT in fav cur c i' tho ll.oju blican Govorn.mont, but desired t ,, soo a Federal St a tes of In donesia Govornr.1ont CGnt r ullin g Ind onesia. In ro ply to further questi cn ir l[:;, ho inf or1:1od Military Observers that ho was c ,nf'idont th is was also tho vi ow cf tho r:1aj ori ty of Indon esian under his contr ol, exce pt f or a porcontac; o of tho I nd onesian youths . Ho also stated t llat ho wanted indo pondon cc f or his countr.r , but that ho f olt that it sh o:11ld be obtained in a ~1oaccful 1:1annor and not by for co . He felt that his pocplo wore not ready yet t o rulo tho country but th a t t hey had much t c learn bof c,ro they cou l d successfully n1lo tho I1solvos . Ho als c sai d ho felt tha t Sl,I'. 10 of tho 1,101.1bors cf tho Repub l ican Govern ment at J oi:;jakarta wore not c f th o hi c;hest calibre ~

Military Gbs ervors visi tod tho ::.rutch ~Jost at Poorwodadi and interviewed tho 1ost Co1,u.:andor . Ho said t llat tho area was quiet and t ho 1·c.,;,ulati cn was coope ratin g with th or:i. Thero had boon severa l i nst ances of r obbery al vn[.; tho r '-.ad as po c1;lo wore takin g their G'_,ods t o the earkot, but ho felt that this would be st on ,od a s sc, n as they had noro ti1 :1c t o cot . tho area under contr ol.

Tho Vill a;:;o Hoad was int ervie wed and ho stated that ho was c lad t ,.) have tho pr otocti ,m 0f tho ""'utch. \Jhon asked whether tho po -,plo 0f his villa ge w\.,uld rather ha ve a Ho~ ublican Gov orru:tent or Jutch cuntr ol , ho ro~, liod that tho nati vo did nut _ caro wllo ·was in char Go as l one; as thoro was peace .

1.,,n 19 July, Milita r y 0bsorvors visited t ho Dut ch posts of Kootawcdadi and I-ro1,1boon . Int erview s wit h tho Cornaandors 0f both pusts wore substantially th o same, i.e . that the areas \,voro quiet and tho poo11lo wore cooperating with the n .

/Thero • •••


' ..

- 18 -

Thero was evidence uf moderate a ctivity in th o fields and tho r oad was woll t ravelled .

ltocon cy of : ;odj ()rlOPjOro (Peri od ondine 23 July)

tfo cha nce ro ;::iort ed .

Kodiri Area (Per i od ending 9 July)

No change r epor ted .

Mala n[; ro a (Period endine · J C J~ll y )

No change .

9 nu . ),Jr·~ r<.)ffi m, 1 _ _1.J_J/'- -· . I I )" ./' -----'"~ .. ~·

.E. PRI OR Drig Aus Ivicnber

Major Del Chairr1an



;v/~~11rt;;z, __ ) n__,-' r /v ·- ·

. ,, .. t

R.W. TA: LOR Lt . Col. USA Member .



Copies distributed

Delegations on , :1)./.~ ~} . Sent to Lake Success on

. -Sent to Batavia on·•••·•··••

Cross referen ce

- 3 -

iron was 1;lacod at tho barrica de. (Source: JL1tch nil.itar y ) .

Since 19 .LJCCe.t:tbor 1')43, t horo have boon a ,~ rcxi ua toly 6; deaths in U ::.:,rii:.:ad.o fron all causes; t l1is inclu c:los 4 suici des . U ~:ri,c;ade hns a t otal stronc;tll uf a: ;,r oxi..1-i.ately 4, 000 (Suurco: :::;ut cll 1.tilit D.ry) .

A Dutch soldier was wounded in both band3 by a sniper on G July, while drivirJt a jeep on tho ro a,d botwoon h. dar1c i' andjan £_; and :)uki t Tir J.Gsi. (S ource : pursonal o bsorvati 0n Nill tary Observ er) •

Thero aro Liany bl:rnod l1e;usos on tho r oad botwoon Fainan and Indrapura (South of Pad ar1r.J. In tho 0pini on of _tho Militr:ry Observers, tho burninc of houses in this c?.roa is incro asin.::;. On l ." July , tho Milit ar y UbsorYors , ·saw sn oko risirl{:; fr o::1 t ho asllos uf f our he.uses, and on 21 July Hilit 2,ry Obscrv 0rs counted 34 houses in fla Lios , en tllo sa u o r oad, ap~,r cxi u, .toly hO kilo n otors South of l'ainan . •··• ·• ♦ - -- •• .. _ •

4. \I'i3T JAVA (Period ondirB 23 J~lly~

Tllo c..cti or: of 20 June . uonti onod in t ho last re~ ,,;rt , t ,~,ok , lace 1/lost and South of Lolos and \va~ considered t c, be ver y successful. The mu,tbor of "e:;aront:s" (r.-rosluJably :cir) surrendcril:c after tho acti on mu:iborod 453. , This is py f ar the lar..;ost over re~ -ortocl in this c:.rca . Ne, l'lcnti:: m of this • action has boon :.iado 'by Ro1.ublican scurcos . The si tu at:1.-:.n .c;enorally in tho Ga.root c.roa has eased as a r e sult of the above .

Tllo inactivity of tho TNI units and t ho i ncrease i r: t ile nw:1bor surrondorinc is attributable t o tho 11pauzo 11 ass ociated ui t h th o r os t c,rati on of tho Ro, ublic an d conseque nt ffcoaso-fire" order .

Tho Siliwan ci i.:attalion cc opuratirl,'._; with the Lutch cY:d th o I asun dan tr ouj_JS arc continuin; __ _: with their rccrui tine;. Tho lc.ttor n ow mu.1bor ap1:.:rcxiua t oly 500 .

Republican sources llavo r,ointod out th a t when the cease - fire order is issued, no n ass with drawal of :Sutcl: or TNI f ,)recs sl,oul d take i,l ace as tho ;,,v 11ulati 0n w.:iul d sui'f or, because :

(1) a 11froo··hand 11 wuulcl bo .::;ivor: t o subv er sive olo Lionts ; (2) ro, :risals by either :SU.tch or TNI whon , and if , they

t ook ov er each others . a reas ; (3) tho su~J:_;ly 1,r oblo u ,

It is considered th r,t (2) cc,ul d bo .. lessoned by considcrati cn as t o w.rnt :Jutch tr oo:)s wore used . · Gay;j.r 1i.ookJ.mr~ha.s su,_;;_;cstod that tho ?asundan i:o licc nay bo used t 0 re1 ,lacc .:.;utch tro o1.s in certain areas . It is intoro.:::;tin.:; t o note the. t Ho~ Ll hhcan sonrccs str oni!_y object to status quo lines boir: 1_; intr oduced .

Tho nai n cc,ncorn of TNI Cou: 1an dors a. ~)oa:i.~s t c, be tho · Horalo Facto r. They will L,i. vo every coope rati on if they c:ot t ho ri c;ht load which tho~r can f orsoo will l ead t o t ho Ltai r:tona nco of law and order and eventual peace in Java . If r·ivon a cl1:.nco they a ,:,oar t o have or:ouch c;mfi donco (althrn.1 ch t here uay...,not be CUGU£:;h oquipuo;1t) t o cl ean up tllo subv ersive clo ,.ionts and uai r:tain th at ( cxc;4,pdinc; ::::utch) 60% of .rLs in Host Java are in TNI hands .

un Urn nii,)1t of July 18., Sookab ooui was a t tacked i n cunsi clora ble for ce . It is cc,nei dorcd th a t this attack was launch e.d by tho TNI with tho obj oct 0f clcuonstratir]C t o tho iJOptl&ti on thu strcn cth cf tllc Ho, ub lican ,-i.rr:iy •

/Their ••••

- 4 -

Their ability t o l)onotr at o t ho t own with uut dotect iun was duo i n no suall 1:1ol:.suro , to C<"oporc.tL ,n by s octi c ns c.f th o c cnnu ni t y . Tho fact th e,t tho attack w2.s n,)t intend ed a s a r.iilit 2,ry acti on bnt c>.s a dor:10nstr ati cn of r,owcr , is burno out by the f a ct t hat tho Jutc h ro : (,rt no ca sualti e s on oithor side . This WctS further douo nstr ntod 1,-ihon TNI tr n0r1s ontorod a cr owded theatre ri ddled tho scr een wi.. tl! bul l ets e.nd. wi th d~ow ivi th out no lost ir1c t ho audience .

::oyd1d ackn owlodcir][; tho att 2.ck ; there ha s bo on no of f"ici al st ato uont Zr on :.=utch he a dquarters . Tho Mi..lit ?,FJ Observ er To.in f ools , hcwov or th a t this is ;_,a rt of a Ho~ub licar: plan t c inti ci dat o or iJ:qros s t ho i-O~.-ul1:,ti un of \Jost Java which fu r ther inci dents listed un der su orilla a ct ivit y soon t u ccnfir n .

Land Liinos arc ro1 1.:.rtod on tho, ro [;ds f ,,,r t ho first ti :.io in this area and have boon l ocated oven i n : 'an duonc itse lf . Tho dostruc ti ,:sn of b ri dcos ha s boon un ch 1:1oro th or oui:.;h and t otal dostruc ti u:1 is f ar n oro c our::on 1than tho ~-,art i e,l danaL_;o which has hithort u boon tho C<',so. Tllo barricadinc of r oad s has als o bo on uo ro th .rou .c)1 and eff e ctive rosultir][; in tho re -i ntr oducti on of convoy e s corts on nun or ous r outes . This s001:1s t o liOint t o a u oro hi chly tr 2.inod an d or ;_;ani zod sallotour or __;nnisati ~n in tho are a .

TNI an d/ or i:_:uerill a a ctivit y sl10ws a nc:.rk cd i r:cr oaso . Thor ·o are , re ~.orts of di r ec t a cti on i1[:;ainst tho i)OlJUlc ,ti cn . In son o ca ses tho s e , .cts are directed nGa i nst s1.,ocii'ic He:_:oncios or Heu.aria s with n view t o onforcin c tho or ders a.nd re 1:;ulD..ti 0ns b eir li_; i s sv.od ir: thi s ar ea in tho nau e of the Repub lic .

It i s c onsi dered that tho Ilopu 1Jlicans are 1~nkin c a dctortd.nod effort , in tho 1)oriod bof oro tho coaso - i'iro c;rdcr is issu ed, t o i1.111ross tho :x ,pul 2,ti on of vlost J c..va wit h tl~o j_Jotontial ;:,owor of tho TNI ,-.ii.t h a possible view t o coub atin._:: t ho :JI i nfluence and t o assure tho n solv os of a cunsidorable folloi,,inc sh ould tho I-'asoon C:an I s i e,siti on in t ho Fodor 2.ti on boc ouo a Ltatter for vote . It is further cw si dor od t ha t tllo TNI c vn:w.ndo rs, asstu :d.n0 tl1<0.t they will bo all 01vod t o reuain i n tho a re a an d k11owu1£_; t hey ,..Jill have t o f oll ow t ho Ro.L,ubli can 1,r inci~ ;lo of livir 1c_; on th o i;opul r.t iu n , arc cndoav ;Jurin c; t o es t ab lish contr ol over l ocal are a s .

Cot u:mnis t a ctivit y is oxi:octo d t , incre a se as s ee n a s tho coaso-firo is orde red.

Tho nuubor of TNI ro ~ortin [.; or surron dori nc t o tho Netherlands f orces 11-.s now dr o.L,:,ocl to Et no c:;lici u lo fi c;uro but t ho :'..,'utch r o: ,0rt th at t ho mu:tbor offorin c f or rocr uit nont t o t llo Feder a l Array still excee ds tho At' c,,.i.a ci ty of tho clo:)ot f or traininc .

Tho ca shiorinc of 1~chnu d Wir an at a Koos ool'.ta, while boi nc und erstan dable fr ou tho ho1.ublican 1Joint of viow , cones at a si r1£::ul 2.rly unf ,.;rtunato ti ne f or so curi ty in t his a rea . . Tho J atta li on under his Co:.1u( . .nd has boon ros 1,onsi blo(with :':,utch cooi)or ati un) for curtailin;_: tho activities of tho :=r t 0 a uuch i_;r eator extent; ,:::ue t L, their knowloclL_;o of t ho po0l; lo and cuuntry , t han wuul d have lloon : ,ossii Jl c by any other tr oo;:;s . I t is t_;enorally ox1 .. octed th at a chm1to in cc 1.~_iand viill_ cause a flare u1"i in ~ o,cti vi ty .

Hmwvor , t h ere seem, t o bo s,,no d,.ubt a s t ) whet her l.chuud 1'iill rclinquisl :. co;'.i...ta1d o;f.' th o ba tt a li on or , n~ l ·::mc cr cwi rl[; allo _sim1co t o tho TNI, tr c>.nsfcr t o tho Federal , ,r uy .

Tho first uf t ho ...1utch tr ai ned Fodor al :~attali cns , is due this week in tho :-;and uont..; ar ea , h avin ~, co,:1, ,lete d its initial ar :d fiel d trainir'G • While tho i\ ,r u.ati un of a Federal 1\rny soo u s 01.d.nontl y dt;.)sirablo , tho a1;poaranco uf a f ·,r ued body cf Fodorcl tr oof)S is lir ,blo t further conplic ato tho already c :.1: lox pc,si ti on in i-Jost J ,:::,_v a . Tho Ho.L~ub lic claiLiinc; \Jost Java as ~;a rt of their area , hav e a :,~ ointod a Milit a r y Govern or and 1;l acod under his ccun and al l TNI tr v) ;;s in th o ar ea 1,Jh ic ll t hey roc ,,;:_:;niz:o as tho only true ar uy ~

/T ho ?as oondan ••••

- 5 -

Tho 1-as oonclan, on tho other hand} uaintaininc its i_.osi tion in tho Fodorati un as an i ndo~:ondont State, new als ,, has its own o.ri:ty 2.nd c0nsidors that any trt. o;_,s in tho area nust be unde r F'as oondan cont r ol. This wi 11 u1:cL>ULJtodly load t o fricti cn 1.)otwoon the Hopti.iJlican 2.nd Federal tro o:.,s .

5. CENTRiili JttVA

301:,arary,; Area

Ne ro~;ort has boon rocoivod L ;r this per i od .

Poorwokorto Area (Peri od ondirl£:: 24 July)

Ccnsidorablo open and under cr c und activity is takin 0 ~,lace in this area . Knuwn TIU f orces: f our battalicns cf 8th :_ri cado of 3rd :i visi on of TNI, kn cwn as Sub Wehr Krais Slauot (S\JKS), and an unknuwn nw:1;J0r of Ilo.,ub lican Marinos.

Ccmvoys aro cor:tinually boin 0 at-to.eked usually with aut ,Jnatic woaj)ons incl uding Vick ers; occasi onally a hoavic.;r aut ,,,;:1atic woa~,on has boon used . Lri dcos in tho vicinity of Puorwkor t o have boon d, L,c\_:;od by expl os ives and rail co1.u:mnication is 2.1.'.:tost at a standstill duo to intense ~uoril l c1. e.tta cks and lack of tr2.in i::,1-1.ards. Tolc~)ht >no cc,u.uunicn,ti on is con~:letoly disrupte d c-u tsido tho t uh,n owinc t o sabota.:.;o and l ack of l'.18.t oric~ls f-:>r rei ~ai r.

Tho f oll owin c; inci den ts have taken place recently:

Local Civilian Source

(a) On 6 Juno, tho hos~ ital at 1-corb c,lin ~:cc was ,_,artial l y burnt after all medicines and oqui~_.uent had boon r-01-:uvad . Ind une sian nLi.rsos wero ki dna1,:Jed > als 0 se veral ,:iaticnts . Thero is sh o,:tin~ in this t uwn nearly ev ury nicht .

(b ) Gr: 13 Juno, there was an at tack on a train at tl1roc ~,laces on tho F0orwukort o-Tjilatja; .• lino at N-.>t ok, Handokan 2,nd be tween Kroja and l''l?.cis . 3 soldiers , 4 railr ,)ad 01.1,.Jl oyoe s killed , 8 civ i lians wc,undod . No train ran .:m this r oute after t llo a:J·.JVO acti .n until 30 June (1- tri: ~).

(c) On 1) Juno , there Has an atte"ck on a train on t h o ioerwokorto -i~roo,_JJ Ok lir:o at Ko,rani:_;sari. 7 c.:ut •.Jf tho C train 1;uc.rds wore kille d . The train returne d t o " oorw ,)korto . Since tliis a ction n r.J train llas run en this r oute . This rail connection has only boon used 4 ti n es since Nar ch.

( d ) 0n 29 Ju no , 3 brid::;os 1.Jithin 4 kil o::1otros fr ,~u :; oorwokorto on r oute t o ~ r c,o~Jook wore b2.dly du:iaL_;od by ox 1 l u si vos . This prevented di rect cunv oy con necti on with lr oo,_;ook - To.:_;al until 3 July.

( e) On l July, a i...;Ll.ard on tho bri dsc , lJO ,:1otro s fr nu tho Hotel :i oorwokorto was sltc.>t dead . Ari:zy-s uurcos state this was a private ua ttor .

Fron Official Dut ch Source

(a) Gue rilla f orces conta cted by :'Utch ~jatr ol s aro c fton aruod with su per i or woai ,(.>ns t han tho :u tch 1;atr ols carry . Thq cu grilla f orces hero have a cc-nsiclcrablo nunbor ,:-f aut o:-1At ic woa;;ems i ncl udinL.; Vick ers suns an d it is kn oi'in th, t they lYjssoss s ,)1:10 heavier aut c1:1ati c woap ,)ns (. 511 and ;;ossib ly 20 1,t/1.1). ltocont ly a =:utch ;)a tr c l we.s inv ,)lv ed in a 9 hour c,cti ,n with a cuoril la f orce S0uth uf i: oerwc.,kerto .

/(b) • • • •


(b) The t own ')f :i-oerwckert o was attacked on t he ni e:;ht of tho 5th J uly by a l ,,r c e f orce cu;:.sistin c uf a nm:1ber u f well arr:ted TNI aided by a: \ r .J.xi1:1atoly 250 youni:.; uon fr c,::1 two nearby kai:q;on0s . At 1930 tho lii:_:hts of th o t 2wn wore oxtinc,ui shod by th<-; [;uor ill a s, by uoa ns of a short circ ui t cau se d by tllr owinc a stool cable acr oss tho h . t. lines . .Several hc.,uscs wor e des tr oyed in tho eastern e,roa . =.ur in 0 tllc atta ck, __ fir(,)_S wore, ob served i n i:oorwokert c , Kul on , :;an tars oka, Sawancan and F0ro nc . A brid3e , ono kil onot re i'r oi:1 tho ce ntre ~;f tho t ;;wn, un tho Tjilatja p r oute , w:.s da :LL;od by ox~.-l osives . Tho brid 0e is un sorvic oablo . · Several native hc.,usos , ~,r cbably about 12, s ::>,,10 100 ya rds fr ou tho H,:.,tol ~ cerw0ke rt ,_, wore burned d,iwn. Offici nl i;;utch 1.\rr·_ry s rmrco stat ed) nvbody was kill ed _either _9.i de - one Chinese 3ua r d, twc, native civilia ns w:mndod , 2 nat ives kidna~ ,;:;od , 36 native houses burned de wn and 1-:iany , · i nc lu di nc one la.rec hotel , l ooted . (lmota sta t es a t cital of f. Gl) , O:iO da.ua:::;e). Tho r oute t o Tjilatja 1) is cl ose d owin t_; t o .art i al dest ruct io n of one briclco . Railwa y line is unda .L aced , bu t infreque ntl y used, duo t o intense attacks . Conv oy r c,uto t c Tjilatj ap is open th r cJUL:;h ~Janj oonas . Tho attack on 5 July i s th o first or can ised atta ck on a l c,r c;o scale this t own has ox::,oriencod f or a,_,;-,r oxiLt, ,tely twc n0nths . :Ut ch ar ny c::;;i ni on i s th < t tho attack was 1:1ado :.-ril: 1arily to obt ain cl ot h ini::; P.nd r:tonoy~ since ver y li t tle B.tt oq ,t was 1:iaclo t o c c11ltact ~ut ch arny . lltta cks un ; ,olico i,C sts :,robab ly wore uado by TNI as a div orsi ·Al t u aid the ";,or.1oedas 11 (1 6- 20 yea r ol d y-:iuths of no ro [_:,11lar 9r ca nisati on) , wl1:> were onl y ar necl wit h kniv es and ) Otr ol bottl es , in their effo rts t o outain tllo ne cess ary cl othes, 1:1onoy et c .

( c) un tho evenin i:.:: of 7 Jul y , l ar .:_:o cc;nvoy ar riv ed in ?oorwcko rt o fr_,.-u 3emaranc , l oade d wi t ll ti nb or etc . t o repair bri d0os in t ho Wonc,sobo area .

Tho t ac tics of t lle TI-il arparontly arc tc st ri ke un ox: ,ectedly at vrari ~us ~.-osts thr oU[;hout the entire area, and then r a •. i dl y dis pe rse. This keeps a ll units on their t oes as t hey never kn _1w -which unit 'Will be stru ck at next. The cau~)aicn is :r ovin c very offoctivo , c-,s tllo :i::-utch cc_.rn:i.andor will not a ccept ros1 Ainsibi li ty f ,_)r tho safety )f tho ·toa2:1 in any pa rt of tho area, unless in conV"Y• Thi s i 1~cludos t ho i r:i.uocJj_ato vicinity of tho t own of Poorw okort o . It is clear, t horo f oro , that securi t y th r •,ui::;hc,ut 11W11

:,ri c ado ar ea l oaves 1:1ucl1 t e, oo desired . ( Tllo t r:i1-vr1 c.i' Kranci:;an betw een I'oo rwokor t o and :)001:1iaj 00, con t ai ninc a;:.)rc xi unto l y 2v huts in s ood c ,.,ndi ti on , was n0t icod t o be on ti roly evac uated . ) ( Tllo Col onel of 11W11

:,ri 0ado, on hoari ni,; t ha t tho toa t1 :;r c·,1,osod visitin G Sc>,,Tc; . .tt._, vn 23 J uly , ox1,.re ssod th o u 1,i n:i..on tha t it 1.li 1.:J1t be advisa ,;lo t o ro na in in Srn:1aran 13 til l after 27 Jul y . His reas on· was tho advent of tho Hcslo r:1 Now Yea r, when ho anti ci .i:;ated a st oE, in c Ui ) c.,f attacks . Gn th u other hand, he pointed ou:t th at t his was entirely up t o tho disc r et i on of tho toai:1) .

~°3otwoon f-i.dji ba ra nc and 1 oonr ,kort o, i t wa s evi dent t hat tho r oad had rece ntl y boon b l c:•ck od by fallen tre es. Gn re tu rn , e. week later , uo ro sicns of a rece ntl y cl oe.rod earth r 0a d blo ck wore n ,iticed .

Tho :ut ch ro 1 ort th t.t fi chtir][ is takin c; })11=1.cc between TI-JI and DI units wost of Ht . Sl araot. Thoy st c.t od ther e wore no C;:;mnun:i..sts in tho ar ea .

It is -consi dere d th a t a. slit._;ht in crease in :::;-uo rill a a,ct,iv i ~_y has taken 1::,l a co.

J ogjak arta l;roa 0 'or i od ondi nc l G July)

Gn 2 July at ab0ut 2vvu hours a crona do ox~)l oded ne ar the huuso of tho fo r 1:1or Maj . Gon .Sudibi o in J ,)[;jakartat own. Tho f: .>ll owinc; nic:h t a

/ Naj ••••

- 7 -

Naj . Sw-:1anti (known t o be a TIU na: 1bor of -the oxtro u i st and l eftist Mur ba i arty) and ni ne of his fo l l owers wore tak en ~ris one r by th o TNI in th o sa ne area . They wore r oj_~crt od to ha vo bo on molost inc tho po:mlat ion an d r cquisiti oni rJL: f vod and 1:1.ato r i a l. Maj . Sun anti has Loon kncwn and souch t by t ho TNI s i nco th o Su l tan I s first of f orts t o oli Linato tho C•x u:mnist olo iacnt s wit h i n tho Ho si dcncy .

No f urth er actions , B.cts of ro: 1r isa l cir sabot ai_:'.o ha ve occu r r ed t o t ho kn "wlo dc;o of t,ho Mi lita r y Obser ver t oan .

The ro aro a, •~1r o.xir.iate l y 3, 00 C TNI (i nc l ud i rJ,S m ) t r oor:s ,vi t hi n the Resi den cy . Those arc or 1_;ani s od and dis p0s od a s fo l l cws :

X Dri cad o - HQ i n J ,[_:j akarta .

1st Dn (a rJpro xi i::a.t ol y 650 ) i n J os jak ar t a t, ,,,ni Lncl Ke.bupa t cn Uioc;oncy ) D.::-.nt ool. HQ i n J ocja karta .

4t h ::.:n (a p:)r oxi r:1atol y 650) Eas t 0f J _:_..;Ja;mrt a in tho ar ea bo t woen tho J ui:.;j a - i·r anbanan r oad and tho ,Joi:;ja -:dj oonc an r oa d and in th o Kab tq a ton c1f GunU11[:_; Ki du l. HQ at Tanclj oenctir t o .

l s t : .. n uf CiJN (Hi ) ( a: ~ ;r o.xi::1a t ol y 15 \.J) i n tho easte r n 110rti on vf Kabupaton iSl cnan . HQ a t Kodj a:,tbon .

uno Coy of XVII :Jdo ( a. :::,r oxi 1:1at el y 150 ) i n Kabup aton Ku lon r r oc o . HQ at Wat es .

F0ur Coys ( aA )l' ,,X:iJ.1.s.tol y 6l.10) of Terri t oria l tr ,.::::i1Js - Uno Coy in each Kabupaton ( Slo uan , Gunur1e Ki dul, d lnt ool , and Kul e;r1 ~-rogo) •

Those t r oo~)S a r c dis~ 1)f;od in pe,sts and c;ar ris : ns in t h o na in t ·:n,ms an d villc ,eos al cmc tho r;1ain r oads of co::1uuni c ati ons and i n vi l l ac;os aLm ::; tho ea stern edi::;o of K;,.bupa to n Slo 1:1an .

Tll0 Till hus a wi de ass ortr :tent •_)f ri fle s, ca r oin c s , ~,ist ol s , su b-1:1achino cun s , n . .1.chino cuns , and 1:1c.r ta rs .,.f a l l uako s . It ha s boon i nd ic ,~t od t hc'..t a;:n:nmiti on f or sono t YJ_:e s i.s. i n s llor t su >11l y , and th i,s is a 1Jr ublo 1.1. Most pors cnno l app ear t v, be ar u od 1,vi th s,·no t yp o c,f f j_roa r m. Mor o detaile d i n.i\ ; rn a ti on ,-v:i.11 bo 0 i von l ater . Ver y fmv couJ.il ote un if or n s or oven odd it ee s of ura r oru a :ce in evi den ce . TNI ar c us uall y i clcr:t i fi od by woari n13 sou o i to u of cl oth i nc whic h i s r od ( a ca p , ba ndana , ar ~.1band etc . )

Tho doc;r oo of train i nc of t ho TNI j_s cli f.ficult f ur Mi l it a ry Ubsorvors t ~ os ti uato . Those tr c,o~;s f or t ho past si x nont hs, hc:-,vo bo on li vi n0 an d fi c;hti nc a s cu or i llas, as ,.._ r e sul t of 1t1hic ll th ey clo n-:_;t a, .Loa r t r, be wol l or caL is od and 1voll trained tr oc):r:is as wo· kn0w th ou . Ln t llo ckho r hand> durin c th o chanco ovor of au t hn ri ty i n tho l1osi clo1,c;'l they c,avo evi den ce of b oir,1-c wol l di sci i)l i nod and , by tlloir c,mdu ct as f ar e,s ( bsc r-vcd by Mili t a r y Obse rv ers, they ar,~-'oar t o b e di s ci~·,l ino cl and t ) have r ocoi.vod S l..LlO t rai ni nc; i n 1.d.li ta r y f ".rn,:,t i ons c:.nd :Jr codu ro s . Ni li tar y uli sorv or$ wore t _-.:.,l d by th o I aku Al an that t lie ti •_,. r s 01.ti·1l c1yod i n tho ro occ uiJatLn cf .. J -: jj'e.ka r ta · t 0wn, had b oon oolo ct od on th o basis uf boinc t ho b es t cJJ s ci; )l inccl .

As f ar as can bo cletor n inod by Mi lita r y Observ ers , t he r e arc n•,; f orc e s c.r [;r em~ s nvt un der Ho~ ub li car: cunt r c l.

It has been ofi'ic i 2,l l y r e. ortcd t o Mi l i t J.ry Observ ers t hat conf ir l'.1at i on of tho dea t h of Coam ni s t l oader Tan lfaln ka ar1d J.l s o of cx- TNI N.aj or .Sabarudin (an oxtro i:list an d a f ol l ower of Tan Malaka) , ha s boo n ro coi.vod by tho Sulta n .

/ Iioth ••••

- e -

:Jot h of those l oad ers arc ro i,,.,rtod t o have boon execute d by TNI Col. Sunkono in th e vicinity of KodirL

Pri or t o tllo boeinninc of tho 1JUtch evacuation of th is Resi dency ., 11T11

Dricado HQ re ported the f oll owin[..; incident to Hi li tary Observers: .

. '

tJn 17 Juno throe Dut ch po lice men were caj_itu r od e.nd 11ur derod by · a band at the kat:liJonc of Ncaclik ( ap,.;r oxi 1;1ato l y l kilo notrc northeast of J oc jakarta) . Tllo next day , a Dutch police ins pector with an e scort of 20 men wont to t ho villa co and; after quostion.in-e tho i nhabitants , discovered t h&t they h ad, in fact, boon killed . The s r : .. vos wore l oc a ted and t he bodies rei :1ovod to the J ocjakarta hos;:-ii ta l for auto;_)sy. Tho condition of t ho bodies indic ated that they had boon killed in a bruta l fashion by boa t inc .

Ftofo ronco tho articles published in Aneta on l July , under the hoadiric "America n J ournalists 1 Views on I ndonosia 11, i n v~hich Nr .Willia!:1 H. Nowton is quote d in a stor y of tho dea t h of a Ju t ch pat r ol near Kata Gode. Military Observers hav e no kn owl edco of such an inc i dent .

At 1)r osont t he civil ,ol ico above tho orcanis at i onal level of tho Kcpancwon (Di str ict) aro not op eratin c or pr o:)crl y ar med . Each villaco has its volunt e er police forc o whic ll f tmctf ons 1d th out fircari:1s .

vn Sunday, 17 J uly tho roSi Jonsib ili ty f or la w c.".n d order in tho to'i'm of J oc jak['.rta was turned over to tho Central Govornr:1ent Civ il Police . Thos e pvlico i n tho t own (tho ol d Nobile .:...ri.:.;ado of' b.pi)r oxi mato l y l \.A..,(, non ) ha ve boon ar::1od with tho rifles and c r:.rbi 1:os t urned over for tllc.t pur po se by tho :...utch on 28 J uno , and have b ee n dressed in conp l oto now unifor n s of khaki wit h e..l)iJrur: ri ato distin 0uishinc; a r 1:1 patc hes . Tho -uni i'o r ::ts were recoi vod i'r on t ho .!.JLltch on 14 Jul y . Tho turno ver was acco np lishod \vi th out i nci dents and it i s now intended that the TNT t r o-.Yt)S of 1st ~:n wil l be r:ioved fr on t llo t own of J oi__;jakart a int o Kabulx1t on ;-:ian tool within a fow day s .

Effective 17 July , the curfew in J oJjak f.rta t own exte nds f r on 22 JC hou rs t o v5vv hours .

I t was lear ned fr on tho i 'an owu (ci vil head of Ka:;_)anewon or District ) on t ho west odcc of the losi doncy th at a TIU f orce oper a.tine acains t t he :Uutch outsi de this Hesi doncy in tho r..roa s outh and sc;uthcast of Pocnmdad i has boon cr ossi n0 the border into J o'-;j akar t a Hosi doncy to rest and rec uperate . The toa n 1 s 1:lil it .::-.r y liaison off ic er , Col . Djc,tikus ono , ox1Jrossod tho o;:)in.ion that hap ponin ;:;s of t his ty po a t an y rilaco on tho border ; cou l d not b e pr eve nted or cont r olle d .

Tho si tue. t i on at Sala. 1:1 - Tenpol ( whic h wa s ro pc,rtcd on ~Jr cvi uu sly ) of ::.,utch 2..nd TNI f orces fac i n ;_; e a ch other acr oss the bri d.£:;o a ) ~Joars t o have boon satisfact oril y reso lv ed . At t he Scl[:;[_;Osti on of Mili t ary- Cbs orvor Tcar:1 #G ( Se.latic;a), tho ~utch with drew their MF pc.st fr oLi tho brid co t o a house in Sala. u 3 U,.i n otros f r vtt tho 1)riJ.Gc . ( Jbsorvod by Mi l i tary ~:bsor vor s ) . Col. Djatikusu1- 10 rc j_)C·r ts t ht.t tho TNI po st hD-s now al so boon withdrawn at l east 5CJ 1:1ctres . ( To be ccnfir n ed by observ ati on l ater) .

Salati r,;a Ar ca (Peri od on din c 22 Jul y )

Milit a r y l. bsorvors acc on ~ ani od th o l as t ol oncnt of 11T11 ~'ri i::;ado t :::, To1:1pol on Thursday, 30 Juno 1\:4') . J\.t 14•~\._; h,~urs, t llo last Jut ch tr oo~_,s cleared tho boundary of tho rto si d onc y '--f J 0LjD.k 3.rt a at e. bri dc o on t he fa ,rt horn end of Tonpol. Mi l i ta ry ....,bservors a t t hi s ..,oin t t hen r:1ov od uno sc crtod in tho cJ.irecti un c)f Sala ti 0a .

At a · ix ,int a ~-. r oxi.1:tatoly 3 kil ou otros r:cr t h of To:'.,~-:iol and ab out 1405 hour s , Military vb scrvors wor e drivi ns at ab c,u t 4u kil ouotros por hour

/due • •• •

' '

- 9 -

duo to tho cvnditi on of tho road . Military vbsor vors hoard an autorn:,tic • weapon; which soundoc;l liko a ;-::ron ;_;uri and a nunbor of rifle shots . At ap;_)roxinatoly JCU notros to tho loft of tho road, possib ly 10 i:;uorillas with woapo1:s wore 0bsorvo d . Firinc; in tho directi 0r: of th o UN joo p continue d and Military ubservors accelerated t0 ab out 80 ki l o1~1otros an hour . Approxinatoly 7 kil onotros fi.lrthcr north , · tho near ond 0f a uut ch c,.:ffvuy which was halted, was c0ntactod . Tho ofi'icor in char co i nfor med Military Cbsor vors that they also had boon f i red upon at ab out ·tho sa ne l ocati on where tho Milita ry ubsorvors had boon attacked .

Militar y ubsorvors aro of tho opinio n thc.t this was a dol i bor at o attack on then f or tho foll01dr1£.: roas r,ns :

( a ) ' Hilita.ry Gbso rvors wore travolli nc lUlOSccrted .

(b ) Tllo United Nn.tions flac was in ;ios i tion on tho richt fr ::,nt ,,f their jeep .

( c) Firinc continued whi le tl10 j uop ,·ms in ran:::;o.

( d) Tho mu:Jbor of sh ots fired durinc tho attJ.ck . ·

( o ) Tho UN joo ;_, was 01:ly ::1cv inc at abuut 4G kil o1:10tros pe r hour and should h,. ve boon or..sy t o i dentify .

No injuries wore su stai ned by tho Hill t2. ry Gbsorvors e.nd no da.:J.a.c;o occur red t .J tho UN jee p .

"T" :)ri c;ado area is qLliot on U1e wln lo . I n botll tho l'ia::_;el c1 . .nc and • oorworodj. ., area , there is St.:::o sni 11irJ.G at nicht at ~ ,sts , but the re are no attacks .

Tho Cv of V Infan t ry :~attali on at Hc:\:olru1c st-..tos that his into l li con co ro 1Jorts indicate that TNI tr oop s in his area are beinc ro~;lacod b:r tr oo~l~ that are illfiltro.tinc fr u.t th o Hosidon cy of J oe:;jaka rta .

Tho Cu vf ItS =,attali on a t ? Gorworocl j o said t lla t his intolli[;enco ro 1,orts indicate that TNI tro o1;s arc in.f i ltr r.tinc i nt o his a r o2. al one the coast of the SW b.)rd or c,f J o.::;j akarta Hosi doncy and thr0u i:)1 tllo J:tountains t o the NE of i~oorwe,rodj o . Ho st a tes that those c:,ro tr uo ps of tho 3rd i3n of tho TNI which is loc :o.tod in tho area of lJr oor:a , north of :i vorworodj o .

itor;ency of :,c:djonor;oro (i ·or io d enclinc 23 July)

Notherlar:ds f c rco t, arc carryin c out tho usual :x1.tr ols and other r cutino security I'toas uros .

Hoi;ublican and / or [}..lOril la f orces re t1ain scattered tbronch out tho area as far as is ro 1 -:.,rtod :Jr kn, ,wn. J.t the 1Jrosont ti n e, suor i l la activity would a~ :;.'oar t o be docroasinc; . There is, at l east 5 a nono ntary lull and tl10 entire area has boon very quiot .

Tho Korps Hariniers (:,utch Harinos ) :-ri cado Headquarters will sho rt ly r:1e,ve fr vu Soorali aja t o Hcdj -:ik :.::rt 'J whore the b r;.tt a li on headquarters is l ocated .

Thero a~,~-oars t c uo a ver y act ive Cu;_11Juni ~,t un dorcr cund 1,,1l1ich ; however , soeus t, Lo li nit i.11::_; its pr e sent .s.ctivitios t o 1 an~-'hl otoorinc . At :i:·a tjiran, t h o Militnry ubsorvor toa u was showTl thr oe crude handletto rod i;auphlots .

The Military vbser vor toa1-:1 visited Jr i ar odja , Krijan , Modj okcrt o ,

/ Modj osar i ••••

- 10 -

Modj osa ri , Ncoro , Gai:1pol, ?0ronG , Sido~rdjo , Grissoe , Marli_;F.i.rsidouookti , Kara.ncrod j o , Si dajoo , Tjru:1poorrodj o , Sookowati , ctnd ratijan . It is not ab le tlx ~t th i s aroa was covered without tho necessity of an ar n od esc ort .

Mari nes roi )Ort only two rif l e shots f i red in their area durinc: tho week ondin3 23 J uly . Civ i l police and nilitary sources roi .<.rt sou o ra mpok a.Linc tho nurt horn coas t . Na.ti vo ro 1>orts say that a cane of LA; n on ( r:ly 5 or 6 ar no d wit h f i roa r1:1s) atta cked Sookawat i, woundinc 10 to 12 personne l. Fr on tho team ' s investiGa ti on , it a~Jrioars t hat the attack was i;:onductcd by a la wl ess i.;r oup bent on th oft of food or non oy . Tho rnm.bor was ;Jrobably i::;r oatly oxaccoratod • . While tho toau was at Pat j irru :, a rq,ort was recoi vod tha t a isanc of 300 was ua rc hin 0 on Tj ai:11Joerrodjo . I nvostication by police , 1:tili tary and Vti.li tary Observers proved this to be a f alse al ar '.:t.

Gueril l a activity a : pea rs to be confined to a ~)olitical nature at :prese nt . Tho Corn:mnist cl onont seous to predouinato .

Fr o1:1 a discussion botwoon tho Rocoonb a, East J ava , and a noubcr of the Mil i tary Obser ver t oan it was learned t hat a n oot ir i[; between tho TNI and the Corn:tl.mist~ was pur: ,ortod t o have boon hold tho first wook of Ju ly, near colo , in w:.1ich it was aGrood to cease fic hti n~ ea ch other and t o coope rate r:til i ta r i l y .

Kodir i Ar ca (Perio d ondir>G 9 July)

TJ.10 Dutch continu e to pa trol an d s1,,oep those areas not under their contro l. As a result of tlwsc actions the ro ad fro 1.1 \ir-.tos to i,};;.ro was or;onod on 29 J uno . It was l earnt on a visit to v'iat os tllat cMirl[; to lac k of personnel, tho Dut ch force based at tl1at ijost was onl y ab le -to carr y out SlJa l l pa trols , so1:10 of whi ch wore of throe t o four days dura ti on and li nked u1, with forces located at :·,litar in tho south.

I t was rei_)orto ct by a Roj_,ublican supporter , who hr.s re cently retur ned f r om Madioon , that on Mor:J.ay, 20 J uno, and Tues day , 21 Juno , at 0500 hours , 25 pounde r shollir][; was rOi>Ortod on tllo v i llaco of Don;Jalen a1,pro xi; .1atoly 6 kil onotros N. E. of Haclioon .

On Hodnosday , 22 Jmw , 20 wounded ci vilians wor'o aclLtittod to Madioon hos pi ta l, and on Thursday , 23 Juno , tho Rod Cross 1,,tont out to so t no ro w--cund.od casualties .

It i s not known how nany wore kil l ed .

:Mi litary Obser vers on a ro cont visit t o Nadioon wore t old that concentrati ons of Co1:1nunists wore l oc ated i n this a rea .

4t h Lri [.;ado rep ort tho followirl[; i:tilitary i nci dents which occurred i n tho : ri cado area f or thq period Juno 21 t o July 5:

Enw:iy fire on convoys 16 Enoriy fire on 1:tili tary ba rracks 30 Pat r ol cl a shes 92 Min os and bo1:ibs on r oad s 27 Ro[',d 01)st2..cl os and do::ioli tions _J±Q

Tota l - 205

It was re~ ortod by a .Dutch of ficor that on 7 July while t r avollin[:'. by cvnvoy on tho r oad between :Jli ta r and Hi liq~ i, a 1: • no of tho 1Ju ll wire t ype ox1,l odcd ki ll i rl[; one off ic er (Cha~;l ai n of tho Fr i r,coss Ir ene r a.tt a li on ) and un c Dut ch sol dier and Ho1.rndirl[; two ot he r s .

/ While ••••


- 11 · -

~~11ilo a Hiiit ~ry Obsorvor was roturnir1c; fr ::;1:1 DjotuJa.ns by j oop on Fri day , July 3, tho joc~ ; struck a x:lino 1vhich ii"ac:I-fiec'r'i. liii'.d'or { ·thc- ' :sith5 of tho roa d botw oon Fcrak and Djor:ibanc . It was tr2.vollin 0 bohin d t .ho l oaq ir1G -vcl1iclcs oi" tl10 cor1voy . · ·.-.: . .. -----. •---··- - - --· ·

On Fri day , l Ju l y , it wa s rc > :rtocl that a hand crcnado was th r own into tho ho:.to of an Indonesian livin.'._; in tho centro uf tho town . Ono civilian wonan was sovo ro ly i n jur ed and lat er di od of w1Jill'icl:s: · rt ··was lator ascortainod by Militnry Obse rv ers t ll: .t tho ownor of tho house has a bad re puta ti on with tho Ro~,ublic ans .

On Sun day , 3 July at 2200 hours , an cx;_,l osion fo llowod by shoot i nc was hoard on tho outskirts of tho town.

Mili tary Observers havo noted that when s1Jea kint: t o Dut ch c11 ic crs and ORs in tho Kcdiri 2.roa, tl ioro ,1., :10?.rs t o ha ve boon a f allir: c off i n tho uora lo of tho tr oops since tho ~JroliLd .nc'.ry talks conn onccd a.nd when th o Hcsidoncy of J oc jcl <:arta was handed ba ck to tho Ror ub lican Govorn r:iont, They claiu thc,t all tho l os s of life s inco tho 2nd Police Acti on cou.uoncod in Doconbcr h2.s 0une · f o r n. ,ucht .

Malang Arce: (Peri od ondinc 30 July)

'Ihoro ha s not boon 2.ny noti co abl o clia.rt;o in tho si tu ation in this a r ea for t ho 1ast wooks . Shoo t irl[: a t nio.1t is still llo.::trcl ro2,uJJ::.rly . E°)abotaco continu e s on tho rail way li no t o Soorabaja and incidents occu r on all nai n roads .

No details of any s 1,ocinc ovora ti ons by tho NothorlLnds forcos have boon ro,. ort cd to us , but we have boon t ol d by then th r,t they have conducted with ai.ccoss a nunbor of s:.1C\.ll ofi'ons ivc pa.t r ills . Loc<?.tions of a r ea s not w'ldor Ncthcrlar1ds c unt rol have net boon ro 1.or t od oi t ho r, but . it is not bol iovc d that those aroas have chmicod . I n fact , it is the Mili tary Obsor vors 1 opini on that i._:onorally tho Nothorl a nds f orces s t il l cont r ol on l y th o na i n r outes and the contras at which their t r oops arc ba sed . The inlyin c count r y a.ro e,s arc still continuall y liable t o ho att a cked or i n t i r:d.datod by oithor TNI, Co:.iutmists or pl ain ba ndits . · ·•· -·· ··-·- ·

A further at t ack was Li.ado on a Nothcrlc: ,nds __ s oldicr in daylicht insi de Malan [;.-

~Bna0c and inci dents a rc st.WLiarizod bolCJw:

Vil lacos r obbed of I dentity Cards Pub lic works and buildinc;s at t Lckod Civil 11 11 and cr o1;s 11

::ridcos att a cked or dostr ;:;yod Road incidents Railwa;,r 11

Atta cks on Civil Police 11




Ka,_tpon[_; Chi cf s Civilians

Phone li nes cut

Sourco : ?ors on al . invosti;__;a ti on HQ 11X11 :;ri;:;acl.o.

7 26 25 15 h6 15 31

5 15

--1. l GG

Guerilla activity clou s not ap 1,oar t o · hav o docr oaS:Od.

ilitch ca su a lties for tho r~ori od - Killed 2 , wounded 19 .

/ECON,.1MIC •••• .

- · 12


1. Na.lTH SlJ111,,TH.A (Pori ud ondinc 14 ·July )

No chan130.

2 . S(;U'IH SUI>U..~ (Per i od ondirJG 23 July )

Two rubber estates (Kotabon and Natar estates ) located in tho vicinity c.f Tand j oonc -Kar anc aro now in operation . Two rubbe r estates (~orc;on and Rottor dar:i ostatos ) i n tho La.ui:ori,c; are a, are oxpoctod t o ho ac;ain in r;r oducti on within a few wooks .

Tho railway is now opor ct ins up t o Kota ;:orn:li as previ ous l y oxpoctod .

Un 23 June, tho r oad betwe en Ko1Jahian and ;:onkulon has boon opened t o traffi c ; t hus conno ctinc; Faloi:1bar1t: with ~onkul on ,

All ov er the area vis i tod ; Koo t a :.:;001:li , Metr o , Fri nc;sowu, Tol oonc Fadan::; and Kota - Ac0ons , :_(;0pl o wore workinc; in fields; tho .riarkets were heavily stocked as wore tho sh ops in tho la.rec t owns with textiles, f ood etc . The pooi ,l o L)t)k well fed and roas 0nab ly well cl othed . The N .E.I. [,"Llildor was tho ,,;-tJnly curren cy in us c .

I n Metro , tho irrication syste .u has boon ro~aired and overythinc is in readiness t o co::u.1onco ope ration .

Extons'i vo r oad work is c;oirl[S on in tho whole area . Social welf G.ro consists 1:1ainly of a uubilo Rod Cre ss teau which treats UiJ to throe thousand patients per 1vook fo r tho usual tr 0pical disoaso .s .

Mili tary Observers paid an other f•ors onal vis i t t o Lt . Col.Has$an Kasi n . Ho dec lared to Military Observers thc..t ho had notbinc tu ccnp lain about tho Dut ch troa t i:iont ,

3. CENTRAL SUNnTHA ( Pori ud ondirit 25 Jul y )

h.t Indrapu r a , cl oth an d clothinc is boinc distributed to tho civilian :r,.o::;u l u.ti on by tho Dutch .

Road ro1 ·airs aro boinc; nado tho su1-;orvi sion oi' a cor:ipa.ny of de11Gorous nountain r o ad and has

between SoenGai :)onooh Iut ch arr.1y cncinoors , not been rq:airod for

and Kaj o'o Aro. under Tllis is a vor;1

eitht years .

Markets arc i'un cti-:.;nirl[~ and trade is fair at Sooni:_;aiponooh , Indrapura , Tai p0n e .. nd Fainan . ·

Thero is an abundance of rice in tho area s 1uth of l'adanc , For mer l y this was a rice ox, 0rtin 0 area and at present t boro is sufficient rice t o f oed tho l ocal :.1opul ati on .

The electric ,' •Jwor plant at Painan is ,Jj_Jvratin c at suff i cient ca paci t y t o i'urnish ···oloctri ci ty t v tho surr oundir\.; area . Electri city at 3oogaiponooh is SLl~.,pli cd by Jut ch ar1:iy n ut or cono rat or .

Dutc h 01:Lldors arc oxcl usi voly used in tho aroa s out h of i;adanu; .

Modi cal su. -~,li os in Sooni::;aii.•onooh arc suf ficiont . They arc sn/: Jliod t o m1 I ncl0nosian d;ct ur by tho Jutch i:lilitary . Civilian hosi Jital cases arc treat e d in tho i:lilitary hos:'.Ji tal.

/f+. WEST .•••


... 13 -

4. · ~\JEST J AVA (Peri od ondinc 23 Jul y)

The _Recent A Tj andj uor , acc ordini.:; to I,ut ch ro~ cr ts , · rocoivod a lotter fr o1:1 a_)1aj or Konal Tjris su.p:.osodly conr:1andir1t.: tho Second ~:iattali on of tho 12th . SiliW8:tl£.;i ~,ri.:;ado ordorin c; all In donosia.n workers in t ho Ro~oncy t o

.pay 5% of the ir inc o,:;o t o tho Sili wanc;i Di.vision. Unless this wa s dono, tho rico i n tho aroa wrJuld bo burned (u ost of tho rice is nil le d in tho town itself and st ored thoro. It is ;)r obab l y tho so i ns t all ati ons t o which tho lot tor rof ors). Reportedly tho levy was not paid and tho rice was burn ed .

5. CENTRAL JAVA Soria.rang Arca f:jo ro 1xirt has boon rocoi vod f or this peri ,,d .

Poorwoker t o Area ( Peri od cndin s 24 July)

Ther o is at pre s ent an 11ocon vLtic bl ockade" a~ ~.liod by l ocal ;::;ucrilla f orces to Pcorwokorto. This is offoctod by tho torr c-risin;_; of tho local i:;opulat ion , r.roventini:; thou f r , n carryins ;Jroduco t o th o Poorwokor t o rn.r kot s, and forbi ddin c the n t o accept Dut ch nonoy, which t hey dos i 0na to as "rod" nc,noy . Tho effect of tho c.bovo is a 1:lild sh ortac;o of fruit and vo13otablos i n tho t own. _Joca u so of t ho disl ;;cc.ti 0n c.,f co1:u:n.micati ons by rail, and tho inte nse att 2.cks on convoys, there is a sh ort a ._;o of whea t fl our, salt and all distributi on s0 od s . Local N. I. F . J . 4asol i no reser ves , which al so sur,ply tho ar r.iy , have fa l len t o a 14 day reserv e. Air sorvicos t o Wirasaba, tho airfield which servos :2oerwokorto, arc available at present only fo r r:d.litary ~:iur:;_,os es .

Ric o is 75 cents per kilo.

It is considered th at c0nditi ons ::.;onoral l y hav e iu'-Jr uv od in t ho last throe wooks. Fron visual ins pectio n of Tokos etc., no ovidonc o c,.;ul cl bo soon of tho off octs of an ocon or:tic bl uckade . :Jiffic ultios have boon arparont over t ho l a st few nonths, with r o;3ard t o trans ,.1Grtati 0n of SUd.ilios fr on lar c;or contras.

Jogjakarta Area (Por i od endin c l CS July)

No definite chru10o has yet boc ono a, ,i'iaront in the ocononic stru1dard of livJn c . Howovor, it is very noticeable that ~ copl o a1.~Joar to be freer and 1:1oro willin c t o fiP about their business of tending cr op s and carryin c on trade. Roads arc back t o nori:ia1/traffic of al l kinds and t owns which were jwith fcr n erl y pr actically deserted arc bo coi:tin c inhabited ai:;ain . Whoroas p;,s t al ser vices wit hin the Il.esidoncy aro fun cti 0ninc;, there is n0 ~1osta l sorvico with ar eas cutsido tho Hosi doncy oxcopt f or c.,fric i al 1.1ail via tho UNCI plane .

· Practic ally every piece of transr c1rt was turned e:vor now and i n exce l le nt conditi on . Con :iunicati c)ns and lJUblic works wore a~)i_ar en tly turned over in as [;s.o d conditi on as ims possible .

In dorw si an br and cicarottos have incr eased in r rico by 150% (1;r obab ly lack of su 1,~1ly).

Tho in:iti ati un of rail traffic f r vn Moontila n is s cheduled to becin en 19 July wit h th o r ecei pt uf s everal rail cars of su:-:i:Jli os fr or:1 Eas t In d,.,nosia.

A.s f ar a s ca n bo dotontined, al l prinary schools in the Ilosi dcncy aro now oporat:in 0 oi thor i n their iJr o1)or bui l dincs c-r i n ot:1orcon cy quar ters. Sone sec ondary sch ools ar c open nc,w a.nd t ho others arc t c, be opened shortly.

/Sal atic;a • • • •

- 14

Salati ga Arca (Peri od ondi rl[; 22 Jul y )

On 7 Jul y , Milit a r y Ub sorv ors wore requested by HQ 11T11 ~,ri Ga do t o acc o1,1r any ve hi cl e s wh:i.ch th o J..Jutc l1 wor e tu r n.inc ovor t o t ho Repub li can s a t Moontila n . Milita r y Ubsorvo r t oam #7 fr ou J o.::;j akarta br ouch t . t he Republica n driv er s a nd Da.1:1ri offi cials a cr oss the bor der a t Teu:· ol and tho tr ans a cti on was 9uup l et od a t Hoont i l an . Jn t hi s da to tho Ro1mblic an s wore a i ~,r oxi uatol y 1.L/2 huu rs l ato t o pic k tho vehi cl e s up . This dolay was sa id t o b e duo partly t o th o di ff ic u ltie s onc,)1.mto rod i n pas si n~ t wo r oad b l ock.s a t Tc.npol.

On 14 J u ly , Milit ary Obs er vers wore ac a i n roq uos t od ·by ·11T11·' ··:ri cado t o acc on) any a convoy of veh i cl e s t o b o t ur ne d over to tho Rc~,ublicans at Moont ilan . Tho convoy ar r i v ed a t 0930 an d th o Ro:ublic ans arrive d at tho a;_)point od ti me c.0f 1000 hours . Toru:t #7 a c ain ;Jrou cht th o dri v ers and Dat iri of fi ci als aer o s s t ho bor der . Tho t r an s -~cti on was r:iado with out di .f'.ficultics .

On 2 0 Ju l y , Mili t a r y Cb sorvo r s ac c omi,ani od a convoy of veh icl es t o Moent i la n f or t ur nover t o Ro1 .. ublic ans . The convoy arriv ed a t t ho appo inted ti a o of' 1100 hou rs . As t ho Republi can s had not arr iv ed a t 1230 hour s , t ho :Milit ar y Observ er s cr o sse d t ho borde r t o T01:1~,cl an d rc quostcd tho Po st ( conu an dcr t o c0ntact J oc j aka rta . Off ici al s at J oc;j a k. .. rta said t hey woul d arrive at 14,AJ. Mili t r~r y Gbscrv crs r et u r ned t o Mocntil an and mad e arr ang on en ts f or th o f o st at SeJ_am t o send a si gna l 3.t 14GJ, if tho Hc1Jub lica n s were in si ght. At 14 .Ju hours a noc ativc si gnal CD.i'.te i 'r ou Sc::.l rn:1 and th o ::)itc h d.o;.,artod f or .:3cetar arlG wit h veh i cles . Tho ~1tc h con:,l ainc d t ha t t hey cc,ul d not aff ord t c l o.so t ho ti ne of 21 dri var s , sev era l c;uards and th o tr an s:1or t cf f ic O!' , duo t o ti 10sc · de la ys ar1¢1 th a t if tho Rc~1.lLlica .ns des ir e t hi S c qui r,mont t hey be pun ct ual i n t1eo t ing tho a f~poi nt ad ti ne s .

At a~Ji1r oxi 1,1atoly 1530 hours , Toan If? wi.t h Repub li can dri vers ar r ived at To1:i;_,c l and Toan #7 1;r ococdcd t o Mocn ti l an , arrivin g a ppro .xi.l:iatol y 5 huurs aft or th o a l;lJoi nto d ti 1,10 f or tr an sf or .


I t was le ar ned at th is t iJ:10 by Mili tar y Ooscrv cr Team #rs tha t t ho ::.,utch wor e tur nin g ov er 15 Cotu:1uni s t pris oners t o tho i1ci ,ub lic an s at Sal ai:1. Thero is no fur th er i nfcri:ia ti on con ccrn ir ic t h i s 1:12.ttc r at 1Jr osent .

Lifo in t he t owns an d a l one; th o mai n road s so01-:1s t o bo nor 1,1al. Tho 2:Jutch rc.i..ort that t her e is plent y of f uod fo r t h o nat iv e s • . How:o.ycr , i n t ho Poor worodj o area ; t he r e sco rns t o b o a sho rt ac;c of t extile s as r1any of tho vopu l ati on wer o ob serve d wit h no cl oth es at all 0r woar in c; ra i:;s . Interc our· se of t rade bet ween Maccl an c and Scuar c1.ng s ccu s t o be · no rmal s i nce tho o:icnin 0 of th o r oad .

He1;cn c;z of :~odj onor;or o ( 1 ·ori od ondi nc; 23 Ju l y )

No charl£._;e .

Kc d.iri Are a (rc ri od ondi nc 9 J uly)

Milit a r y Ubsorv ors visit ed t ho Hoi ub lic an Hospital a t Kodiri. Thero i s a t o t a l of 153 pati ents of whou 4u arc w0m 1dcd .

:Mi lit a r y Jbsor vo r s h11vc i nt crvi cwod a l vca l lm sir: us s t1an who tr ad es wi t h vi l l&,c;crs uut si d o tho t own . Ho st a ted tl n t until twc.. nc nth s ac o , h o was SUj_.Jj_, lic d wit h cc;Gs fr ,,r:1 th o nort h, sou th cas t a.r:d weste r n districts outsi de tho t .Jwn. Now ho can onl y buy mc di:.~cr c su 1 : .li os f r om tho south ern se ct or, and t hen qui t o uf tcn his da il y quota is st cl cn 1vhc n TNI t r o01·Js rai d t ho vi l la i:;cr s on tho ir ·way t o t ho t v\'il1, Ho al s o s t ,.tcd tha t when a f ar 1,tor wis hed t c, sell a c0w in Kodi r i, ho had f ir st t o obt ai n a pcr r:ti t f r o1:1 a i:lo 1.ublic an s::.mrcc and :Jay 5% t ax on t ho a~ ~ r ,>xi n at c pr i co oi' t h o b oast . ht each Ro ,ublic an r:,c,s t oh r oute t o t ho t own ho Jie.d t o J...,ay an add iti ona l . . .

/5% ••••

- 15 -

5%, consoquontly t h o dea l er had t c., )i.y a v or y hi ch ~ rice fo r tho boa st .

1.s fr o1,1· t ho fi r s t of Jul y the ,.ri co oi' b0of wa s rais ed 15 cents a ki l o and is now f . 1. Ju ce nts a kil o duo k t hose taxes .

Un Morway , 4 Jul y , tho r ail way li no wa s Oj_Jonod botwo ou Kodir L c3,nd . Soor aba ja . 1 assonc; crs ca n now t r av el dai l y bot ,<Jeor: thos e two r)l a cos and raany a ·r e avai li ni,; tho1:1solv6 ~ 0f t his 1.tc;do of t ran s rc rt .

F ,r t ho wookenclinc '; Ju l y , a furthe r 12 wounded pa t i ents wer e adn i ttcd t u t ho .tto,. ub lic an h0Sj_,1ita l at Kcdiri. H0st of t hes e .,for e f r <..,n the Tool ucncac oonc ar ea in t he s c,uth .

Malang Arca (Pori c d cndir]c 30 Jul y )

The Milit a ry Observ er t eru:1 vi si tcd Sinc osar i , Lawanc;, ~-cjor c swari , l"andakan , a nd ~'o rr onc . Tho po1au l Qti cn ar c bu sy with r outin e t ask _s of r,lan t i ni::; and ha rvosti nc of cr o1;s . li.oads arc in a cc-c,d st 2.to of r c1, ai r . However , botw oon Lawanc a nd j.'or r onc;, a l ar c c nw.1bor c,f tllc t r ees cm t he r oa dsid e were fell ed a cr l,SS th o r c-1a d and hacl .t , be r onovod . A f urt he r porccnta i:.;o have boon cut t J a var yinc; dc i:;roc a~):,ar cn tl y wit h t he i dea of follin c lat er .


1. foJI~TH SUHiLTHA ( Pe ri od ondi nc 14 July)

As ea ch day ~~a s ses, s i nce th o r ot ur µ of th o Rorub lic an Govcrr mcn t t o J oi::;jakart a s ,-i1:10 thr oe weeks au o , and no 11Coa sc Fi r o11 or der i s i s sued , the fc e li q~ of f r us t r ati (.Jll a1:tunss t but h nilit a r y and c i vi li an i ncr ea se s , tho fa .tu r a l f oc li rlG boi n.c; th at t he ::.,\lt ch r et ur ned J oesjak a r t a t u tho :ilopublic , unde r st andini::; t ha t a "Ceas e Fi rc 11 or der W\)uld f ol lm1 , whcre e.s in actua l i' act tcrr or isn e.nd l oss e,f li fe h&s i nc r ea s ed i n t his ar ea .

The outc (>Lle of th o ab ove s i t ua t i 0n nay be i l l us tr ate d by t he r ecent acti on t aken by Dr . Mansur , Wal i Nc.c;ara Sw::t,tr a Til ,1c r . First l y , i n his st ato uon t that he i s not pr c1Jar ccl t 0 ro c ocnis o any 11Coa so ,F:i:i.~011_0.r dcr unti l al l Repub l i can t r OOi,s , whc, he.vo i nfi l tr at ed i nt o ,~·,n atra Tinu r , r.r c ,Ni t h dra wn, Soc~,ndly , by t he a : ,1Jonr anc c i n t :·10 l oca l. pa,~_,01~s c)Lrocr ui tin s aclvort iso u ont s f or r.icn t v j oin tho Nec ar a h.r nod For cos, whi ch will obvi , ,us l y dot er p,./ contia l s ol die rs fr on 01:li s tin g i n t ho Fodor al Ar uy , 1,,ihic h until r ecen tl y was al so aclv crt i s i n1__; i' ur ro cr ui t s i n t h e l c,ca l ::r os s .

It is di ffi cul t t 0 i' , ,r r:1 an y c ;11c~u sivo UiJi ni on as t c, conditi ,ms wit h in .i,t joh . Mili t ar y ubsc r vor s ha d dis cu ssi ms with llc1.ub licm: ()f f icors as th oy tr avelle d by UNCI pl an e f r on Kot ar a j a t o J o[';jak art a , but the y app eared unc u1:u:1uni ca tivo . Tho Dut ch Nili t r.r y HQ a rc c nvi nc od .. tha t :t,b,gr:_c is c,m m.dcr ,\b lo Coumunis t he l p b ci nc ci vc n , 1,a rticul ar l y in t he s1:1uG2;linc in of wcaii•.,ns , ot c . This i s su1;purtc d by tho views of t he :Sut ch Naval For ce s q:ic r ati nc f r , ·e . ~ala wan . Mil ita r y Gbs erv or s inten d ace !Llpan yi nc th 01:1 on patr c,l in t ho nea r i'utu r o .

The fics :idmt of th e Lan r,c,nc; a r ea a s sm·cd l-'Ii.Jj _te.ry Cbs orv crs t hat his area was qui et and th a t tho : o.,,pl o wcr o quit e ha ~-l!Y that tho ::::Utch auth ur i tios had r ot ur nod an d t ha t tho Re public ans had £>no . Thi s wa s al so t ho re ply w~1c n o_thor ci vil auth ori t i es Nore quo sti nod .

However , uno in ha bitan t 0£' I Got a-: ,uoni , and one f r ou 1fotr ,j r:,avc t ho i nv r ossic.n that , 1,r.ith the cx cc i,.,ti cn uf t he Chin es e C0rn:1mu t ·r, t he pc uplc l"d.11 wolc ,;1:10 t ho 1io1 ubl ic an Ju:lmi nist r ati on if i t is r et urned t u th e are a .

/Th ere •• ••


- 16 -

Thero scened t0 be a vory str cnc f oolir ][; that , i f tho Ro:)Ubli can Guvorrn.1N1t returns , tho IN: 1)~ns area sh ould be a separate state with its uwn v oice and c,r c;ar:i sati un in tho Uni ted St ates of I nd onesia . In aJ1y case , the Lar.1;;onG po~.plo are n,..:,st urn~illir JG t o e,cco pt any rule fr cu Ja va .

3 . CENTR.-i.L SUllii.THA (I ·eri od ondinc; 25 July)

Durir.[ tho visit of tho Hor-ublicar: :-_,olocati . in t c :·ukit Tin ci:;i, t he re was a domonstrati n in tho hvusc of Mustafa ? ana i. Dut ch 1:lili tary onto ro d th e h ,Juso and arrested Mustafa Fana i ( th e f 0ruor Rq ,ub lican Cu.u:lissi ..;nor r.,f

:tc lico) . tfo others wore arrested . Ho is await inc tria l in ::ukit Ti ncc i on char cos · f orca rlisi ni:; an underesr c,ur:d 1.10vor:1ont . (S om·co: :'.Jutch n ilitary ).

Ther o arc 55 civil iJolico n on i n ~'ada1:c Fandjan c , bu t t hey arc poc rly equi pp ed : G : ,i st ::,ls , 3 brons and s .,::10 rifles, t otal - 25 woaj_1' ns . : l ar:s aro boiric 1:iade t o or ca niso a civil :ir.lico orca:1iseti cn in :3ukit Tin cc:i.

Tho Kirin c i po,jplo croa tly desire se curi t y and arc anxi , us t c c~.o:)ora to wi t h tho 1ut ch t o su ~;r ross cuor illa acti vit y .

Th o po .1~10 in tho area s uut h ,:f i ainan aro 1,1ai nly 0f t ho Kirin:::;i tribe . They have a l ways boon 1GO% l oyal to tho :Jut ch . At r rosont they have an uvor abu n dance A l cya lt y as they arc rOj_)Utodly anta [_;v1ustic t l_,warcls tho }iiinanc;ke.bau . iuiy broach es vf socuri ty in t his area arc attributed t u· infi l tr ati 0ns 0i' Ninanskabau -l ocl ce.11cs . ( Sc.,ur co: Dutch rlili ta ry) .

4 . WE:3T J;..vA (r ;ori c d ondinc 23 July)

It i s c<. n;:;ido rc d tha t tllo sit ua ti vn in Wost J ava hc:.s and is c , ntinuing , t o do to r i crato r a1.>idly . Tho :_1crale cf tl1 o :Ut cll tr c ,;_.1s has boon l ovmrod , as ha s tho u 0ra lo 1f tho wliito iJC:1ul~tL .,n . Work on plan tati .,ns etc ., has defin it e l y boon curt ailed and th o c:;onoral outlock is oitl1or t v c:.do1,t a wait and see p,)l ic y or t u 11ror 1aro t c. sal vage wllatovor 1;,)s siblo ar:d le ave t he cc,unt rJ. TI1oro dLeS r11>t a: ,, .02.r t o b e a corrosp (,nd in .s u1)-li f t in t ho r:1ur alo of tho J rdi11e.ry In dcnos i an .

5 • CENTHh.L J ;-. VA

Sor:1aranc; 1~roa

lfo re port has boon rocoivod f or this lJCrixl .

i ·oorw okor t o 1-irca (I-ori od ondin 0 24 July)

No cha nc:;o ro iior tod .

J ogjak a rta Arca (Pe ri od or:dinc; 18 J uly )

Tho out sta nd i ns at ti t ud o in ovidor:co is one of onthusi ,•.sn and ple asure , .. vor tho return of tho Hcrubl ic an adnini s t r a~j_ >n . Ho :;ublican offic i a ls and / or Milit . ry ubsor vo rs arc wolc 0ucd enthusias t ic al l y mr0rywhoro in tho area . Much relief and :Jl oasu ro is , .,f c ,,ursc · du o t c tho ton ,1inati .,n uf 01,on hos tiliti es botw oon tho tvw f r;;rcos . However, tho wolc ono of tho ROi;Ublica n a cl.i:linistrati ()n a 1j 1"oars t u bo sincere •

. i-.s f ar as can be doton 1inod by Jv'ri.lit ary Gbsorvors > tho c iv il and 'li'- -'- . ,_. ~ -'-1 . . " ,_ .. "+' " . -'-7

l:ll 1..iary [-_;vvorn 1-1on1..i '--'r i_:c? .. .nisa1..iiun 0 1 :.,10 are a is 1ur:c 1..ii0ru r~ 01-'-icion1..i_y . It is rn . ..,tod that a census c,f tho -'-,,·..,u l at i 0n is boinc take n which i s stated by tho i-aku i'.l au t o b o in iTOpara t ic..E f ~;r l cc al o l e ct L ,n s . It is i ntended

· that b uth n on and wou on wi ll lie a ll uwod t ,J v ote , but only th ,.,so ·wh L car: wri te tho In don,Jsia n l an~uaGO wit h Latin cha r a cters .

Thero hc=,vo boon no indic ati ns vf pr e ')aband a agains t tho ;:io~.ub lic,

/ :,bso rv od • . ••

- 17 -

obs ervod or ro. 0 :>rtod .

A stat01 ,1ont by tho j_;upa ti of W0nosari is )f interes t •. , Ho states that ho desires t c 0ot tllo Chinese inhabitants uf jif,mosari ba ck asain (all but 3 ovo.cuatod with tho wtch) beca use they hc!ve _a~v_ar~t~i3e_0~~ - bus _~~1gss conne cti ons and have t o a g roat extent run tho cor:u::10rce of tho area . Ho als r) states that ho is takin[.; steps t u brine them ba ck .

It is noted that all of the Hof1an Cath oli c priests and nuns (i ncludinc nati VO :Jutch) have ror.1ainod in tho area and aro GOing abc;ut their wc;r k uni:1ol estcd and with no restricti ons .

Sal atiga Area (Peri od cndiric 22 . Ju l y )

Mi lit ary Observ er s visited Hagola:nc; and sp oke t o the 2nd in ccir:1P.1and of V Inf .. n . Ho re ported that the area un tho whole was quie t. Thero had boon occasi onal sniper fire at sonc c,f their ,:Yists but there wore nu attc:.ck~ tc be ro: 'lurtod . Tho r oaqs fr ,_,m Salatisa t o Ha.solan13 and Salatii:s a t o To1:ianr:;clcni:s had been or;cnod t o civilian trave l. The Salatig a- MaGcl ang r 0ad is i n bad repai r but repairs arc being started . Native trave l on the r oad appea r s t o bo increasi n • :Military l;bsorvors j oined a conv oy t o i oerwo r odj o . Tho r uad is in need of re pair and native traffic a l one; it was s l id1t . Thero sooi:tod t c,, be little activity in , ;:,ho fields al ong tho r oad .

At ~-·ocrw orcdjo , Military (..:bsorvors discussed the l ocal si tuati on with L/C Van dor ;,er Ge , CO V RS ::)1 . This battali on has boon in this area f ,:,r only two weeks . Military Observers wore in fo r med that the nati vo ~)upulati-:m was c0op oratin e with tho :Jut ch n ili tary .

Military Observers intoniiowod the Hei;ont of Poorw oredj o , wh:) st a ted that r.:;onerally the popu L .. ti on was ploasod t.__. have tho prctcction of tho ;_,utch r.ri.lite.ry and that ra mp0k activity had decreased siilcc V RS had novod int o tho area •. · I n reply t c qucs ti ,ms submitted by Military Observers , tho Hq;ont stated ho •was a NHti ena lis t and that ho was i)T in fav cur of tho Hoi ublican Government , r~ut desired t 0 soc a Federal St a tc .s of I ndunc s i a Govornr:1ent c,;nt r ollin g In donesia . In re ply to further questicninr; , ho i nf urnod Mili tary Observers that he was c,,ni'idont t his was also the vi ow of t ho 1,1aj or i ty of I ndonesian under his control, excep t f or a percentage of tho I nd ones i an youths . Ho also stated that ho wanted i ndo pcn den co f or hi s countr.r , but that ho felt that it sh ou l d bo obtained in a _;_-)caceful i:1armor and nc,t by force . He f clt th at his l)coplc wore not ready yet to rulo tho cotmtry but that the y had much t o learn bofc ,rc thoy could successfully rule tho 1:tsolvos . Ho a ls c s aid ho i'clt t ha t s, l:iC c f tho noub ors cf tho l1or,ub l icar1 Govern ment at J o~jakarta woro not c f t ho hij1ost ca libre .

Military ubsorvors visi to d the :::.,.utch ~;e st at I"oorwodadi and intorviowocl tho le st Co1:11.:andcr. Ho said t hat the aroa was quiet and tho r c.:r,ulati cn was cuoporatin c with tl101,1. Thoro had boon several i nstances of r obbe r y al onE the r Gad as po o1;lo wero takirl[; their w ,ods t c tho r1arkot, but ho felt that this would bo st o1.1,od a s SGon as tlloy had 1:1.oro timo t o r:;ot the area under contr ol.

Tho Vill ai:_;o Head was int orvio wod and ho stated that he was 13lad t o have tho :;r vtocti ,;n 0f tho uutch. \Jhen asked vmothor tho pe --pl o 0f his village wuuld rather have a llc~u blican Gov ornr.:1ont or Jutch cuntr o1, ho rc: )liod that the nati vc di d nut care wll0 w,;,s in char ce as l oric as thoro was poaco .

Ln 19 July, Milit ary ubs orv ors visited tho Dutch posts of Kootawodadi and · Promboon . In ter views wit h tho Co1:uaandors of both posts were substantial l y the sa me , i. o .. that tho areas wore quiet and t he peop le wore cuo poratiq~ with thm :1.

/T he r o ••••

- 18 -

'I110re was evi denc e uf no derato a cti vit y i n t ho •fie l ds a nd th o r oad wa s wel l travelle d .

(? or i od ondin13 23 Jul y ) '

Kodiri Arc a (P eri od cndirie 9 ·July)

No chan ge re ported .

Mala ng -i.roa (Pe ri od endi ng 3 july)


Drig Aus Monbor

Maj or Del Chain:.1a11






MILIT .lffi.Y EXECUTIVE JOARD 110011 13;%, Hotel des In.dos Datavia, Java, Indonesia

lO Aueust 1949


Tho Chair1:1an,. United Nations Co;Jr:lission for Indonesia

1. NORTH SUMATRA (Period ondinG 14 July 1949)

Tho i:lilitary situation continues to dotoriorato rapidly. · :There is an increase in terrori s t activit y , witl1 a corros :;ondirl/3 loss of life, not only ar:10nc st tho troops, but ar:1oni;st planters and their fanilios. Tho attacks arc not confined to Dut.ch estates, but bavo boon uade on Al:1orican, Jolcian, :~ritish, French and Swiss property.

2. SOUTH SUI1ATRA (Period ondi.nc 23 July 1949) (Source: futch H.Q.) ..........

Palenbann Hosidoncy

ln tho Lahat area, a slicht increase of cucrilla activity h; ·reported. Sabotac;c on th o railroa d botwoon Peraba: :1oclih and Mocara E..'1ir:t continues. Also a train was shot at for tho first tirn hotwoon Peraba: :1oolih and :Sartocradja; an isolated enippr sli.:_;htly wounded one tutch sol dier. In j,ho r:1ountainous area, 25 kilo1 ,1otors South of Lahat, an increase .in land

' Llininc acti vi tics has been noticed, tho results of which wore several Dutch casualties (about ton).

On July 4, a Lune ox,_.lodod .under 'a train between Mooara-Eni n and Lahat. Ton Indon usian civilian passoncors wore wounded. lifter two c.ays spent on repairs, tho railway resuupd acti vi tics.

So1:10 intiJ:lidation and ab ductions of lndor1osian people wore reported in tho Pcra ba.1:1oolih-Mooara-Enir:1 area durir;e tho ~)criod 3-9 July.

A few Dutch sol diers were wounded in ;.)8.trol clashes in Pacarala1.1 area.

On 13 July, a train was derailed near Nocara-Enii;1 c.\J.c to sabota Go. The da::ta.God t rain was sh ot at; a ·i'ow Indonesian passorll3ors wore sli [.;htly wounded.

A few patrol clu.shcs occurred near Sooroo-Lancon and Hooara-Roo pit (!Jutch c;arrisonod ka .uponi::;s alone; tho road between Locbook-LinL.;i::;au and Dja ubi) also in Ke1:1anc ar ea (alone tho boundaries of falonbanc;-Djar:1bi r osidoncio ,d).

furirl[_; tho ~Joriod 22 Juno to 2 July, 250 younc Indon 1.;sians, rocn rited by the Noe:;ara Sw:iatra Solatan, wore sent to Hodan for nilitary traininc; in view of tllo for na.tion of tho Federal Aruy. A further 250 are expected to be recruite d within a few weeks. (Source: Hali lfo[:;ara).

La.1;1ponc Hosidoncy

A few patrol clashes were rqportod in Princsowu area (1:lidwa:.y between Tan'djoonc-Karar1c a.r:d tho s1:1all harbour of Kota Acoonc) . In ono of those clashes, ono :.11tc h s oldier ,".fas wounded~ c;uorillas casualties unknown). Also, on June JO, a Dutch convoy was ar:1bushcd iri tho above . ucntionod area.

/Ono ••••

Ono so l die r :, ,ba dly wou:i:idod, di ed and two oth :Jrs wor e sl it:;htly woundod .

To pr event tho stm~ li nc of ari :ts and ar.1uun i tions, the l ocal Nili ta r y Cotu:iandor - caused J:.oebook--Mari r1;_;5a , ,,on tho Eastern Coast, t o be occupied r ecent l y . Thero wore no DJ.tell casualties bui; it was osti rn.ted by tho Co:Juan dor th at - sbuc 6 or G TIJis . ,woro .wo1.mdod : - A 'nachir:c t::,,m, fr ou ·obsorvation· a J ai;anosc co~-::y of a Vic kers , was ca ptured . L:.tor on a TNI officer cave hinse l f up t o tho aut hori tics . Seven s r.1al l crafts worb seized 2nd the r:1ast ers taken t o Tand j onc -Kar anc fo r interroJation .

fu ri r][; t ho j_Jeriod 16- 20 Jul y; in t he Pr i n.::;sewu &roa one Tu.tch sol die r was slii:;h tl y wounded when a wea i,on car r i0r was nined . _______ ;. .. --- --

:,or1kul on Res i den cy

Pat ro l -'c l a s llc s oc cur r ed in tho vic i nity of tlrn f ol loi-a nc· l ocalitios ; Mooar a iln an , Tju r up , Kor,ahi ar: , :Conku l on . - No Dutc h casua l ties wore rb 1;o rtod , but t ho cu orillas suf f er ed s ix fatalit i es . Land nines wore also discovorod on t he r oad s and r emov ed .

A bri cli:_;e was sabo t a0od on tho road between Kcpah i an and Tju r up . I t was r o1,air 0d i r: two days . -· · · .. ,,, __ ·- ----·· ____ _

3 . CENTRAL SUJ:.fATRA (Per i od endinc 25 Ju l y 19L1.9.) .... ~~--·-- ---·-•-- ---·-·

St atouonts r.iade by VP..r ious Jutd : officers and civilians ind ic ate t ho local :Cutch nili tary co1.u:ia nd i s concont r e.ti ri{:; on so cur i. ty · of Lutch - ho l d towns, se curit y of " coLLtluli c at i ons (roads and pnblic utilities) an d s e curity of i:lili ta r y pcists . -,~.

It is rq ,ort od that a TNI st r oncll ol d is l ocat ed at La si , ap: :r oxi.uii.toly 1~ G kil onote r s Ea st of ;Juki t Ti ncc i. Tllo re aro 200,-J OO u 01: with rifles and so::10 br en i::;uns . Tho TNI cont r ol tho iu .:,:edi ato ar .:ia of Las i; they have destr oyed br i d0es ori r oads l oadinc i nto tho ar oa thus l 2.r0oly ,:rov entin :_; tho nobility of Dutch j_,2.trol s . Tho ·~ut ch 11....vo sent fow 1,at r ol s - int o t ho area in the r,ast . ( Sour co: Ltr.:. ch u i li tc1ry ) .

A t wo nan wt cl1 r,at r ol su r j_)risod a con ference of TNI ta.k ins ;;l e.co in a hous e i n Pa.danc Pand j anc on 6 Jul y . k shot was fi r ed by a TNI sol dier , and a_s 2. r e su lt of the a ct i on 12 TNI were ki ll ed . A Major Anna s (TNI) was wvundod bu t es caped . Mr. Tja u.at (Ro~_ub lican civil affai r s official) was ki lled . (Sourc e: Lutch ci vil official) .

Tho ;utcll outp ost at Guc;uk (HW of ? ajak ai:ibu) or: 13 July , · ro iu lsod a TNI at tac k of 20-3 0 ucn with a~-i,r oxi nat el y 10 rifl e s . _ No casualties . ( 3ou'rce : fut ch r.lili tn ry-) .

Tho el ectric _ cab l e between .. ~ukit Tiri i::;___:i and 11ajak a.nbu has been sabota e:;od v ery effe ctive l y by TNI i::;uorill a f or ces . Tllo cablo was cut f or the first ti no appr oxir.1a t ol.y 2 July , in the vi ci rli ty of tho · TNI st r o11,r__:l1ol d a t Las i. Tho cab l e wa s cu t .the second t fr 1e a t tho brid i;e near ~ as o on aPiJroxi na tely 6 J uly . Every day an attor :1pt was ~uado by 'Jut ch powor - how~e tµclmicians t o r o1 ai r t ile c. b l c at tho br ic t ;e·, but t hey word f ired on· each -ti ne by - TNI f orcCs . On ay,proxi :.1ato l y 9 Ju l y ~ a tra11sf or ::1or ·hbuse at tho b:ri c-ee nea r :-,aso was als o clest r , yod . Tho sab ota ._:e f t he cable has 06cir··cto-i-r6--·by·afr--cxport ol octri ci an . However , i t is . boliovod th 2:t . ro ,pai +R:i-,C,&L bq_ na!::l_q_ , -_:.:.JS ourco :

.-:Gut ch civili an - ra~ .od Al , atld Iiut ch ·1:u;l.,1;tar y),. · _ --_ · , . . •. .• ~·!- "\, . . .. ~· . . . ' .' ~:'I • . . •

, It was learned that, tho roa d bctweq1 :-:ukit, Tir ~.:_;i :arid , P,entld'Jo-.-has '.Jeon sab ot acqd by tlle constru cti on of a barric ade ai1d tanlc '-traf'5 '( 10 ntit&:ts l oni:;, 3-4 e oto r s deep, r oad wi dt h ) . A si uul. _ to d 3 i n .' ·cun ccn st'.tli'ct'o d,. t)f 1,wood and

/ir on ••••


I - 3 -

they have done so in order from their side to contribute their utmost to prev~nt a resumption of firi ng . It need not be empha­sised, however, that the situation created is highly explosive and requires ir,1n1ediate action on the part of the UNCI. Hence the Netherlands Delegation urgently requests you as Chairman of the UNCI and Chairman of the Central Joint Board in the interest of the preser vati on -o f the cease fire and in order t o prevent danger ous developm ents, t o tak e the following acti on forthwith:

. a . To instruct the military observers in ,East Java and central · Java , and particularly in the t owns mentioned , to render themselves

on the spot, t o observe the facts menti one d above and t o rep ort thereupon;

b. To instruct the · said military observers wherever these fa cts are found to be correct, t o take immediate measures t o put an end to them without awaitin g further instruction .

In view of the seri ous situa t ion which has arisen I regret to have to inform you that in order to keep in constant touch with the course of e~ents it is impossible for me to attend the meeting of the C. J.B. scheduled for today, 13th August 1949, at Djocja­carta. I would greatly ap preciate though, if you would be kind enough to arrange for a meetin g of the c . J .B. at Batavia , if it all possible on today 13th August 1949 or otherwise on Sunday August 14 in order to discuss the above even ts .

I must moreover bring to your knowl edge that a ccordin g to information received from the Government administrator for East

Java, the following acts of t err6rism have been perpetrated:

In the nig ht of 10/11 August 1949 20 desah-heads together with 13 of th eir clerks were kidna pped by T. N. I . units in the area of the de lta of the Si dohardj o . It should be pa rti cularly noted that 18 of these were l ed ove r the Kali Poron g af t er midnight (11 August zero hrs.) In the ni ght of 11/12 August ano ther thr ee lurahs {des a -h eads ) and t wo tjariks (clerks ) wer e a lso kidna pped . It should be noted th at th e se acts of t erro rism took place i n the area Por ~ng , wbere pea cefu l conditions had prevailed during th e last few years,

I would high ly appreciate if you would communicate the above to the Chairman of th e Republican Dele gat ion .

The Chairman of the Unit ed Nations Commission for Indonesia, Batavia.


(s) H. L. s' Jacob
