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Immunocytochemical localization of aromatase in the brain

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Immunocytochemical Localization of Aromatase in Sensory and Integrating Nuclei of the Hindbrain in Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica) HENRY C. EVRARD, 1 * NOBUHIRO HARADA, 2 AND JACQUES BALTHAZART 1 1 Center for Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Research Group in Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, University of Lie `ge, B-4020 Lie `ge, Belgium 2 Molecular Genetics, Fujita Health University, Aichi 47011, Japan ABSTRACT The distribution of the estrogen synthesizing enzyme (aromatase) in the hindbrain (rhombencephalon and mesencephalon) of male adult quail was investigated by immunocy- tochemistry. Aromatase-immunoreactive neuronal structures (perikarya and fibers bearing punctate structures) were observed in sensory (trigeminal, solitary tract, vestibular, optic tectum) and integrating (parabrachial, periaqueductal, cerulean, raphe) nuclei. Besides the expression of aromatase in these well-delineated nuclei, dense to scattered networks of immunoreactive fibers were found dispersed throughout the hindbrain and, in particular, in its rostral and dorsal parts. To a lesser extent, they were also present throughout the premotor nuclei of the reticular formation and in various fiber tracts. In contrast, no immu- noreactive signal was found in motor nuclei, and in most of the statoacoustic (cerebellum, cochlear, olive, pontine, part of vestibular) nuclei. The expression of aromatase in perikarya and fibers in areas of the adult hindbrain where estrogen receptors have been identified previously suggests a role for estrogens locally produced in the regulation of sensory and integrating functions, contrary to the widespread assumption that these functions are reg- ulated exclusively by steroids produced in the gonads. J. Comp. Neurol. 473:194 –212, 2004. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Indexing terms: estrogens; reproduction; sensory system; nociception; serotonin; catecholamine Reproduction requires the adequate integration of var- ious sensory cues, including odors and/or visual stimuli associated, for example, with feathers, fur, and egg pat- terns; auditory stimuli such as songs in birds; or tactile stimuli specific to reproduction (e.g., Murphy and Schnei- der, 1970; Konishi, 1973; Keverne et al., 1983; Ball and Balthazart, 2002; Blaustein and Erskine, 2002; Hull et al., 2002). The period of reproduction is often correlated with changes in sensory acuity that are potentially controlled by estrogens and that are a prerequisite for the adequate integration of reproductive sensory cues. For instance, in female canaries, estrogens enhance the response to a light mechanical stimulation of the ventral brood patch, a pro- cess that is required for the successful construction of the nest and adequate incubation of the eggs (Hinde and Steel, 1964; Hutchison et al., 1967). In female rats, estro- gens facilitate lordosis behavior by enlarging the sensory field of the pudendal nerve, which contributes to an en- hanced perception of the male-derived lordosis-inducing stimulus (Komisaruk et al., 1972; Kow and Pfaff, 1973). Estrogens also regulate the perception of male olfactory signals that facilitate lordosis behavior in rodents (Chabli et al., 1985). In addition to experiments showing an inter- action between sex steroids, sensory acuity and reproduc- tion, there is a wealth of evidence indicating that sex steroids potentially modulate most, if not all, sensory mo- Grant sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health; Grant number: NIMH50388. Grant sponsor: Belgian Fonds de la Recherche Fondamentale Collective; Grant number: 2.4555.01; Grant sponsor: Government of the French Community of Belgium; Grant number: ARC99/04-241. *Correspondence to: Henry C. Evrard, Boston University, Department of Biology, 5 Cummington Street, Boston MA 02215. E-mail: [email protected] Received 6 June 2003; Revised 18 December 2003; Accepted 26 Decem- ber 2003 DOI 10.1002/cne.20068 Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 473:194 –212 (2004) © 2004 WILEY-LISS, INC.

Immunocytochemical Localization ofAromatase in Sensory and IntegratingNuclei of the Hindbrain in Japanese

Quail (Coturnix japonica)


1Center for Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Research Group in BehavioralNeuroendocrinology, University of Liege, B-4020 Liege, Belgium

2Molecular Genetics, Fujita Health University, Aichi 47011, Japan

ABSTRACTThe distribution of the estrogen synthesizing enzyme (aromatase) in the hindbrain

(rhombencephalon and mesencephalon) of male adult quail was investigated by immunocy-tochemistry. Aromatase-immunoreactive neuronal structures (perikarya and fibers bearingpunctate structures) were observed in sensory (trigeminal, solitary tract, vestibular, optictectum) and integrating (parabrachial, periaqueductal, cerulean, raphe) nuclei. Besides theexpression of aromatase in these well-delineated nuclei, dense to scattered networks ofimmunoreactive fibers were found dispersed throughout the hindbrain and, in particular, inits rostral and dorsal parts. To a lesser extent, they were also present throughout thepremotor nuclei of the reticular formation and in various fiber tracts. In contrast, no immu-noreactive signal was found in motor nuclei, and in most of the statoacoustic (cerebellum,cochlear, olive, pontine, part of vestibular) nuclei. The expression of aromatase in perikaryaand fibers in areas of the adult hindbrain where estrogen receptors have been identifiedpreviously suggests a role for estrogens locally produced in the regulation of sensory andintegrating functions, contrary to the widespread assumption that these functions are reg-ulated exclusively by steroids produced in the gonads. J. Comp. Neurol. 473:194–212, 2004.© 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Indexing terms: estrogens; reproduction; sensory system; nociception; serotonin; catecholamine

Reproduction requires the adequate integration of var-ious sensory cues, including odors and/or visual stimuliassociated, for example, with feathers, fur, and egg pat-terns; auditory stimuli such as songs in birds; or tactilestimuli specific to reproduction (e.g., Murphy and Schnei-der, 1970; Konishi, 1973; Keverne et al., 1983; Ball andBalthazart, 2002; Blaustein and Erskine, 2002; Hull et al.,2002). The period of reproduction is often correlated withchanges in sensory acuity that are potentially controlledby estrogens and that are a prerequisite for the adequateintegration of reproductive sensory cues. For instance, infemale canaries, estrogens enhance the response to a lightmechanical stimulation of the ventral brood patch, a pro-cess that is required for the successful construction of thenest and adequate incubation of the eggs (Hinde andSteel, 1964; Hutchison et al., 1967). In female rats, estro-gens facilitate lordosis behavior by enlarging the sensoryfield of the pudendal nerve, which contributes to an en-hanced perception of the male-derived lordosis-inducing

stimulus (Komisaruk et al., 1972; Kow and Pfaff, 1973).Estrogens also regulate the perception of male olfactorysignals that facilitate lordosis behavior in rodents (Chabliet al., 1985). In addition to experiments showing an inter-action between sex steroids, sensory acuity and reproduc-tion, there is a wealth of evidence indicating that sexsteroids potentially modulate most, if not all, sensory mo-

Grant sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health; Grant number:NIMH50388. Grant sponsor: Belgian Fonds de la Recherche FondamentaleCollective; Grant number: 2.4555.01; Grant sponsor: Government of theFrench Community of Belgium; Grant number: ARC99/04-241.

*Correspondence to: Henry C. Evrard, Boston University, Department ofBiology, 5 Cummington Street, Boston MA 02215.E-mail: [email protected]

Received 6 June 2003; Revised 18 December 2003; Accepted 26 Decem-ber 2003

DOI 10.1002/cne.20068Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).



dalities, including nociception (e.g., Bereiter and Barker,1980; Klimek, 1985; Duval et al., 1996; Amandusson et al.,1999; Bradshaw et al., 2000; Gintzler and Liu, 2001; Pajotet al., 2003; Evrard and Balthazart, 2004; Ji et al., 2003),olfaction (Hara, 1967; Deems et al., 1991; Hummel et al.,1991; Guillot and Chapouthier, 1996), light touch sensi-tivity (Burris et al., 1991; Romanzi et al., 2001), taste(Zucker et al., 1972; Mascarenhas et al., 1992; Than et al.,1994; Alberti-Fidanza et al., 1998; Li and Hay, 2000),audition (Cox, 1980; Yovanof and Feng, 1983; Elkind-Hirsch et al., 1992; Coleman et al., 1994; Caruso et al.,2000), and baro- and chemoreception (Tatsumi et al.,1997; Mohamed et al., 1999; Minson et al., 2000).

Numerous sensory nuclei in the brain and spinal cordcontain estrogen receptors (e.g., Martinez-Vargas et al.,1976; Sar and Stumpf, 1977; Simerly et al., 1990; Aman-dusson et al., 1995; Shughrue et al., 1997; VanderHorst etal., 1997; Simonian et al., 1998; Evrard and Balthazart,2000; Evrard and Balthazart, 2002) and, therefore, couldplay a role in the estrogen-dependent changes in sensoryacuity. However, the origin of the estrogens potentiallyregulating sensory functions by a direct action in sensorynuclei has never been carefully analyzed, but it has beenimplicitly assumed that these estrogens are from a go-nadal origin. During studies on the control of nociceptionat the spinal level, we recently demonstrated the presenceof numerous estrogen synthase (aromatase) -immuno-reactive (ARO-ir) neurons throughout the entire rostro-caudal extent of the spinal dorsal (sensory) horn in maleand female Japanese quail and in rats (Evrard et al., 2000;Evrard and Balthazart, 2001). In addition, we demon-strated that, in quail, systemic and intrathecal injectionsof an aromatase inhibitor decrease markedly responsive-ness to a noxious thermal stimulus (Evrard and Balthaz-art, 2003). On this basis, we wondered whether, in paral-lel, estrogens could be also produced in sensory nuclei ofthe hindbrain and affect the functioning of other sensorymodalities. In the present work, through the use immu-nocytochemistry, we assessed the presence of aromatasein the sensory nuclei of the hindbrain in male Japanesequail, a useful model for the study of neural aromatizationin which aromatase immunocytochemistry reliably re-flects aromatase activity (AA) and the distribution of aro-matase mRNA (Balthazart and Ball, 1998a,b).


Seven adult male Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica; 6weeks of age, weighing approximately 200 g) purchasedfrom a local breeder (C. Dujardin, Liernu, Belgium) wereindividually housed in cages under a long day photoperiod(16 hours of light and 8 hours in dark) at a temperatureranging from 18 to 22°C. Food and water were alwaysprovided ad libitum. All experimental procedures com-plied with the Belgian laws on Protection and Welfare ofAnimals and the International Guiding Principles for Bio-medical Research Involving Animals published by theCouncil for International Organizations of Medical Sci-ences. The protocols were approved by the Ethical Com-mittee for the Use of Experimental Animals at the Uni-versity of Liege.

All subjects were injected intravenously with heparin(20 mg/ml; H-7005, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) anddeeply anesthetized with an intramuscular injection ofHypnodil (50 mg/kg body weight; Janssen Pharmaceutica,

Beerse, Belgium). They were perfused through the heartwith approximately 500 ml of saline solution (9%; 0.15 M)followed by approximately 500 ml of fixative (3% parafor-maldehyde, 15% of water saturated with picric acid, and0.1% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2).The brain was immediately dissected out of the skull andplaced overnight in a 20% sucrose solution in 0.1 M phos-phate buffer. Brains were then frozen on powdered dry iceand stored in a freezer at �76°C until used.

Transverse sections were cut at 40 �m thickness andcollected in 0.05 M Tris buffer containing 0.125 M NaCl(TBS, pH 7.2). Alternate sections were stained by immu-nocytochemistry for aromatase (all subjects), serotonin or5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT; n � 3), tyrosine hydroxylase(TH; n � 3), or by toluidine blue to visualize Nissl bodies(all subjects). Staining for TH and 5HT was used to ascer-tain the location of the catecholaminergic and serotonin-ergic nuclei.

Transverse sections assigned to the coloration of Nisslbodies were stained by toluidine blue as described before(Evrard et al., 2000). For immunocytochemistry, sectionswere pretreated for 20 minutes at room temperature with0.6% hydrogen peroxide in TBS and then washed threetimes in TBS containing 0.1% Triton X-100 (TBST). Sec-tions were incubated 48 hours at 4°C with the primaryantibody that was either a polyclonal affinity-purified an-tibody raised in rabbit against quail recombinant aro-matase (anti-ARO; diluted at 1/500 in TBST; see Foidartet al., 1995, for description of the preparation of thisantibody and its validation and specificity for use in quail),a monoclonal antibody raised in mouse against TH (1/1,000; anti-TH; Incstar, Stillwater, MN), or a polyclonalantibody raised in rabbit against 5HT (1/50,000; anti-5HT; Incstar).

Sections were rinsed five times in TBST and incubatedfor 90 minutes at room temperature in a solution contain-ing either biotinylated goat anti-rabbit IgG for aromataseand 5HT staining (1/400; DAKO A/S, Glostrup, Denmark)or goat anti-mouse IgG for TH staining (1/400; DAKOA/S). Sections were again rinsed five times in TBST andthen reacted for 90 minutes at room temperature withTBST containing either a peroxidase–anti-peroxidasecomplex (1/1,000; DAKO A/S for TH and 5HT) or anavidin–biotin complex (VECTASTAIN Elite ABC Kit, Vec-tor Laboratories, Inc., Burlingame, CA, for aromatase).After five more washes in TBST, the bound peroxidasewas revealed by immersing sections for 10 minutes in asolution of 3,3�diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride(Sigma, D-5637; 20 mg in 50 ml of TBST containing 20 �lof hydrogen peroxide at 30%). Finally, sections weremounted in a gelatin medium and cover-slipped.

All sections were observed and some were digitized at300 DPI with a Leica DMBR microscope equipped with a3-CCD camera (Sony DXC-950P) connected to a digitalvideo recorder (Sony DKR-700P). Images were stored on140 Mb Sony data disks and transferred to a Macintoshcomputer. Images generated from sections treated withantibodies were recovered in the Adobe Photoshop pro-gram (Adobe Systems, Inc.). Figures including micropho-tographs were prepared from this material with no alter-ation except for the adjustments in contrast and densityperformed to obtain matching panels within a same plate.Images generated from serial 40-�m-thick Nissl-stainedsections were recovered in the program Canvas 5.0.2(Deneba Systems, Inc.) and then used to prepare sche-


matic drawings of the hindbrain at different rostrocaudallevels (Fig. 1). Cell groups were recognized based on theircytoarchitecture and with the help of atlases and treatisesof avian neuroanatomy (e.g., Kuenzel and Masson, 1988;Hartwig, 1993; Dubbeldam, 1994). Sections stained for5HT or TH allowed the exact localization of catecholamin-ergic cell groups (e.g., nuclei of the solitary tract, centralgray, locus ceruleus) and of the serotoninergic raphe sub-nuclei as described in previous studies of the brain in quail(Cozzi et al., 1991; Bailhache and Balthazart, 1993) andother avian species (Parent, 1981; Berk, 1991; Berk et al.,1993; Reiner et al., 1994; Toledo et al., 1995). It must benoticed that the avian brain nomenclature is now in aprocess of profound revision, and some of the terms usedin the present study perhaps will be changed soon (AvianBrain Nomenclature Exchange Web site: http://jarvis.neuro.duke.edu/nomen/index.html or at http://www.avianbrain.org/). Once the transverse schemes of thehindbrain were completed, sections immunostained foraromatase were closely observed under the microscope.The distribution of ARO-ir cell bodies and fibers wascharted on the schemes (dots and grayed areas, respec-tively). Four levels of grayness were associated with fourincreasing degrees of density of ARO-ir fibers that werequalitatively assessed on an ordinal scale (Fig. 1).


General observations

The cytoarchitecture of the hindbrain in quail, as re-vealed by toluidine blue, closely corresponded to the orga-nization described in other birds and, to some extent, inmammals (Dubbeldam, 1994; Butler and Hodos, 1996).The distributions of the 5HT and TH matched those pre-viously reported in quail (Cozzi et al., 1991; Bailhache andBalthazart, 1993) and other birds (Parent, 1981; Berk,1991; Berk et al., 1993; Reiner et al., 1994; Toledo et al.,1995). They are, therefore, not re-described in detail.

The ARO-ir structures displayed a typical neuronalmorphology characterized by immunoreactive perikaryawith immunonegative round nuclei often associated withimmunoreactive fibers bearing punctate structures (e.g.,Fig. 2D). The expression of aromatase immunoreactivityappeared to occur in the cytoplasm and also at the level of(or close to) the cell membrane, but the image resolutionmade it impossible to determine the exact location of thesignal (e.g., internal vs. external side of the cell mem-brane). Isolated immunoreactive fibers with punctatestructures were also frequently observed (e.g., Fig. 4H).ARO-ir perikarya were usually clustered and allowed thedelimitation of specific cytoarchitectonic areas. Isolatedfibers formed scattered to dense networks that were eitherconfined, like perikarya, within specific cytoarchitectonicstructures or were spreading through important volumesof the hindbrain overlapping with several nuclei. In thefollowing paragraphs, the distribution of the ARO-ir neu-rons is presented in detail in a caudal to rostral order thatfollows the order also used in a recent review on the avianfunctional neuroanatomy that was used as the main ref-erence in our work (Dubbeldam, 1994).The different cellgroups were considered in functional systems. This distri-bution is illustrated by schematic drawings (Fig. 1) andrepresentative photomicrographs of transverse sections(Figs. 2–4). These observations are also summarized in

Table 1. Besides the review prepared by Dubbeldam(1994), other bibliographical references on the neuroanat-omy and functions of the main groups of nuclei are citedafter their first mention.

Somatosensory system

Sensory trigeminal system. Aromatase immunore-activity was found to be broadly though heterogeneouslydistributed throughout the entire rostrocaudal extent ofthe sensory trigeminal system (P 4.2 to A 2.1; Dubbeldamand Karten, 1978; Wild and Zeigler, 1996; Dubbeldam,1998). The most numerous and intensely stained ARO-irneurons in the caudal hindbrain were circumscribedwithin the limits of the caudal subnucleus (nTTDc; P 4.2to 2.8, Fig. 2A,C,E,F). This subnucleus is divided into fourto five laminae. ARO-ir structures occupied mainly lami-nae I and III. They were less dense in lamina II and absentin lamina IV. Caudally, the labeling extended withoutdiscontinuity in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord aspreviously described (Evrard et al., 2000). Rostrally, thelimit of the caudal subnucleus was clearly defined by theend of its laminar organization and, coincidentally, by thedisappearance of ARO-ir somata (P 2.8). Although ARO-irfibers remained present, they were rare all along the restof the descending trigeminal tract (TTD; P 4.2 to 0.8, Figs.2I, 3A); a network of scarce positive fibers heterogeneouslyfilled the entire interpolar (nTDDi; P 2.8 to 2.4) and oral(nTDDo; P 1.6 to 0.8) subnuclei. In the three caudal nuclei,no ARO-ir fibers were seen exiting the trigeminal systemand extending in adjacent loci such as the adjacent retic-ular formation, which is known to receive inputs from thecaudal and interpolar subnuclei (Dubbeldam, 1998). Theentering trigeminal nerve itself (NV; A 0.2 to 0.4) did notcontain any immunoreactivity. In the ascending part ofthe trigeminal system, the principal trigeminal nucleus(nPrV; A 0.4 to 1.2) contained only a small amount ofARO-ir fibers and was surrounded by a ring of denseimmunoreactive processes that overlapped with the tri-geminal ascending tract (TTA; A 0.2 to 0.4, Fig. 3G) and,to some extent with the superior vestibular nucleus (VeS;A 0.4). The mesencephalic trigeminal nuclei (nVM; Fig. 1,A 2.3 to 4.4; Hummel et al., 1988; Scott et al., 1994)expressed long transverse ARO-ir fibers with punctatestructures.

Dorsal column nuclei and external cuneate nucleus.

Another conspicuous group of ARO-ir soma occupied theventral position of the external cuneate nucleus (P 4.2-3.0;CE; Fig. 2A,B; Dubbeldam, 1984) and seemed to be therostral continuation a group of ARO-ir neurons previouslyobserved in the spinal cervical nucleus (Evrard et al.,2003). At the same rostrocaudal level, and mediodorsally,a few stained fibers were also observed in the cuneate-gracilis or dorsal column nuclei (GC; P 4.2 3.0; these twonuclei are not distinguishable in birds; Wild, 1989;Necker, 1991).

Viscerosensory system

With the exception of a limited area located at itscaudal end (the posterior dorsomedial subnucleus; mDp;P 2.6), the whole solitary tract nucleus was covered byARO-ir fibers associated with varicosities (nTS, cnTS; P4.2 to 1.6, Figs. 2A,D,J, 3B–D; Krol and Dubbeldam,1979; Katz and Karten, 1983; Gentle, 1984; Dubbeldam,1994). Two groups of ARO-ir soma were present in thesolitary tract nucleus. At the levels P 4.2 to 3.2 (the


Figure 1


Figure 1 (Continued)

Figure 1 (Continued)

same level as the caudal trigeminal subnucleus andexternal cuneate nucleus), the first group consisted ofsmall round-shaped neurons that send coarse stainedfibers transversally toward the mediodorsal part of thetrigeminal spinal nucleus (cnTS; Fig. 2A,D). More ros-trally (P 2.0, Fig. 3C,D), larger multipolar ARO-ir cellswere confined in a particular area of the solitary tract

nucleus that may correspond to the rostral part of thedorsomedial subnuclei (mDa) described by Katz andKarten (1983). These cells displayed only short immu-nopositive processes. Dorsal to the solitary tract nu-cleus, the area postrema (Apa; P 2.6) was also denselyinnervated by aromatase fibers forming a kind of sheatharound the area postrema.

Figure 1 (Continued)


Fig. 1. Schematic drawings of transverse 40-�m-thick sectionsthrough the hindbrain in Japanese quail (from the spinocerebralintersection to the occulomotor nerve). Black or white large dots areused to illustrate the general distribution of aromatase-immunoreactive perikarya. The number of dots has been adjusted toprovide a rough qualitative estimate of the amount of immunoreactivecells per surface unit. The different gray tones correspond to differentdensities of ARO-ir fibers per surface unit with the darker colorscorresponding to the denser networks of immunoreactive fibers. Theapproximate correspondence between gray levels and amount ofaromatase-immunoreactive fibers per surface unit is illustrated at thebottom of the first panel of the Figure 1. Bundles of hatched lines in

RF are used for areas containing homogeneously distributed, lightlylabeled aromatase-immunoreactive fibers. Sections are presented in acaudal to rostral order. The sections are located as being anterior (A)or posterior (P) to a reference plane in the quail brain (0.0), whichcorresponds to the reference plane 0.0 used by Kuenzel and Masson(1988) in the chicken atlas. The rostrocaudal coordinates used herealso refer to the corresponding plates in the chicken atlas and, there-fore, do not correspond to actual millimeters in the smaller quailbrain. For abbreviations, see Table 1. Magnification has been adjustedin the successive pages to allow a detailed representation of all im-munoreactive structures (see scale bars at the bottom right of eachpage). Scale bar � 250 �m in P4.2–A1.6; 500 �m in A2.2–A4.0.

Fig. 2. Digital photomicrographs of 40-�m-thick transversal sec-tions at different rostrocaudal levels through the quail hindbrain,illustrating the distribution of aromatase-immunoreactive (ARO-ir)neuronal structures. A: Laminae I–III of the caudal nucleus of thedescending trigeminal tract, the extern cuneate nucleus (CE), and thecaudal solitary tract nucleus (cnTS). B–D: Higher magnifications of A.In C, the double arrowheads point to ARO-ir cell bodies embedded inlamina I ARO-ir fibers tangle. E: Caudal/interpolar nucleus of the

descending trigeminal tract (nTTDc/i). F–H: Higher magnifications ofE. I–L: Interpolar nucleus of the descending trigeminal tract (nTTDi;I), solitary tract nucleus (nTS; J; arrows point to ARO-ir punctatestructures), raphe pallidus (Rp; K), and obscurus (Ro; L). For otherabbreviations, see Table 1. Scale bar � 150 �m in L (applies to I–L);200 �m for A; 75 �m for B,H; 100 �m for C,D,G; 350 �m for E; 35 �mfor F.

Fig. 3. Digital photomicrographs of 40-�m-thick transversal sec-tions at different rostrocaudal levels through the quail hindbrain,illustrating the distribution of aromatase-immunoreactive (ARO-ir)neuronal structures. A: Lateroventral part of the oral nucleus of thedescending trigeminal tract. B,C: Solitary tract nucleus. D,E; Highermagnifications of C (mediodorsal [D, mDa] and medioventral [E, mVa]

tiers of the solitary tract nucleus). F–H: reticular formation (F; RF),ascending trigeminal tract (G; TTA), and central gray (or periaque-ductal gray; H; GCt). I: Caudal locus ceruleus (LoC) and dorsolateralraphe (Rdl). J: A higher magnification of I. For other abbreviations,see Table 1. Scale bar � 85 �m in J (applies to D,E,J); 100 �m forA,F,H; 350 �m for C,I; 200 �m for G.


Fig. 4. Digital photomicrographs of 40-�m-thick transversal sec-tions through the quail hindbrain, illustrating the distribution ofaromatase-immunoreactive (ARO-ir) neuronal structures. A–C: Dif-ferent strata of the optic lobe. D–F: dorsal (Rd) and dorsolateral raphe(Rdl), area of the subcerulean nuclei (SCv), and linearis caudalis (LC).

G: Dorsal (SCd) and ventral (SCv) subceruleus nuclei. H,I: Dorsal andlateral part of the rostral hindbrain. J: Lateral parabrachial nucleus(PBl). For other abbreviations, see Table 1. Scale bar � 85 �m in J;100 �m for A–C, G–I; 350 �m for D; 500 �m for E; 200 �m for F.

TABLE 1. Abbreviations and Aromatase-Immunoreactivity Distribution in the Hindbrain1



I–IV laminae I–IV, nucleus tractus descendens nervi trigemini, pars caudalis ���/� ���/�IV ventriculus quartusAm nucleus ambigualisAn nucleus angularisApa area postrema ���BC brachium conjunctivumBCD brachium conjunctivum descendens ��BCS brachium colliculi superiorisCI nervus cervicalis Icc canalis centralisCb cerebellumCMOd nucleus centralis medullae oblongatae, pars dorsalisCMOv nucleus centralis medullae oblongatae, pars ventraliscnTS nucleus tractus solitarii, pars caudalis �� ��CT commissura tectalis ���CTz corpus trapezoideum �CE nucleus cuneatus externalis ��� ���FD funiculus dorsalisFLM fasciculus longitudinalis medialis (��)FLt funiculus lateralisFRL formatio reticullaris medialis mesencephali ��FV funiculus ventralisGC nuclei gracilis et cuneatus �GCt substensia grisea centralis - periaqueductal gray ��IC nucleus intercalatus ��ICo nucleus intercollicularisImc nucleus isthmi, pars magnocellularisIO nucleus isthmo-opticus ���IP nucleus interpeducularisIpc nucleus isthmi, pars parvocellularisLa nucleus laminarisLC nucleus (raphe) linearis caudalis �� ��LLd nucleus lemnisci lateralis, pars dorsalis ���LLi nucleus lemnisci lateralis, pars intermediusLLv nucleus leminsci lateralis, pars ventralisLM lemniscus medialis ��LoC nucleus locus coeruleus �� ��LS lemniscus spinalis ��MCC nucleus magnocellularis cochlearismDa nucleus tractus solitarius, medialis dorsalis, pars anterior � ���mDp nucleus tractus solitarius, medialis dorsalis, pars posteriorMeV mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve ��MLd nucleus mesencephali, pars dorsolateralisMnV nucleus motorius nervi trigeminiMnVIId nucleus motorius nervi facialis, pars dorsalisMnVIIi nucleus motorius nervi facialis, pars intermediaMnVIIv nucleus motorius nervi facialis, pars ventralisMnX nucleus motorius dorsalis nervi vagimSi nucleus tractus solitarius, medialis superficialis, pars interminentialis ��mVa nucleus tractus solitarius, medialis ventralis, pars anterior ���mVi nucleus tractus solitarius, medialis ventralis, pars interminentialis ��nBOR nucleus opticus basalis or ectomammillaris ��NIII nervus occulomotoriusNIV nervus trochlearisnIV nucleus nervi trochleariiNV nervus trigeminusnVM nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigeminiNVI nervus abducensnVI nucleus nervi abducentisNVII nervus facialisNVIIIc nervus octavus, pars cochlearisNVIIIv nervus octavus, pars vestibularisNIX-X nervus glossopharyngeus et vagusNX nervus vagus �nXI nucleus nervi accessoriiNXII nervi hypoglossusnXII nucleus nervi hypoglossinPrV nucleus principalis nervi trigemini �nTTDc nucleus tractus descendens nervi trigemini, pars caudalis ���� ����nTTDi nucleus tractus descendens nervi trigemini, pars interpolaris �nTTDo nucleus tractus descendens nervi trigemini, pars oralis �nTS nucleus tractus solitarii ��� ���OI nucleus olivaris inferiorOL optic lobes ���OMd nucleus nervi occulomotorii, pars dorsalisOS nucleus olivaris superiorPBI nucleus parabrachialis lateralis �� ��PBv nucleus parabrachialis ventralis ��PL nucleus pontis lateralisPM nucleus pontis medialisR raphe ��� ���Ram nucleus retroambigualisRd raphe dorsal ��� ���Rdl raphe dorsalis lateralis ��� ���RF Formatio reticularis �Rgc nucleus gigantocellularis �Rm raphe magnus �� ��


Statoacoustic system

Cochlear system. With the exception of ARO-ir fiberscovering the dorsal lateral lemniscal nucleus (LLd; A 2.2to 2.5) and surrounding the intercollicular nucleus (ICo; A2.3 to 4.4), no immunostaining was detected in the co-chlear system and its related nuclei (P 2.0 to A 4.4; Arendsand Zeigler, 1986; Akesson et al., 1987; Ball et al., 1989;Dubbeldam, 1994; Kubke and Carr, 2000). It has to bestressed that the ARO-ir fibers seen in lateral lemniscalnucleus and around the intercollicular nucleus are in factpart of a very large and dense network of ARO-ir fiberscovering almost entirely the dorsolateral part of the ros-tral hindbrain (from A 1.2 to 4.4; photomicrographs of thisnetwork are shown in Fig. 4H,I).

Vestibular system, cerebellum, pontine nuclei, infe-

rior olive nucleus. Besides the presence of a few ARO-irfibers in the dorsal vestibular nucleus (VeD; P 2.6 to 2.4)and in the rostral to the superior vestibular nucleus (VeS;A 0.4), no immunoreactivity was found in the vestibularsystem (Wold, 1978a,b; Kuenzel and Masson, 1988; Dub-beldam, 1994).

Optic lobes and related nuclei

In contrast with their absence in the isthmic nuclei,dense networks of ARO-ir fibers with varicosities wereheterogeneously distributed in various strata of the optictectum (A 1.2 to 4.4, Fig. 4A–C; Reiner and Karten, 1982;Kuenzel and Masson, 1988; Gunturkun, 2000). In trans-verse sections, ARO-ir fibers preferentially displayed anorientation parallel to the plane of section in most of theoptic lobe (Fig. 4A,B) except in two oval areas located atthe dorsomedial and ventromedial ends of the most super-ficial layer of the tectum (see asterisks in Fig. 1, A1.2 toA2.2; Fig. 4C). ARO-ir fibers were also present in some

parts of the isthmo-optic area (IO; A 2.2 to 2.5; Gun-turkun, 2000). These fibers were embedded into the largeARO-ir fibers network of the aforementioned laterodorsalpart of the hindbrain.

Integrating nuclei

Premotor nuclei of the reticular formation. In thecharts of Figure 1, we highlighted most of the reticularformation with light gray hatches corresponding to thevery scarce but relatively homogeneous distribution ofARO-ir fibers with varicosities throughout the reticularformation (Fig. 3F).

Serotoninergic and catecholaminergic systems.

The 5HT-ir raphe subnuclei could be separated in a ven-trocaudal (P 3.0 to A 0.4) and a dorsorostral (A 0.4 to 2.5)group, in agreement with previous studies in quail (Cozziet al., 1991) and, to some extent, in mammals (Parent,1981). Both groups contain conspicuous populations of5HT-ir cells (not shown here in detail, see, however, Fig.4). These groups are similar to those described by Parentin a comparative study of the serotoninergic system inbirds and mammals (Parent, 1981). Based on this compar-ative study, we tentatively named in quail the differentgroups of 5HT-ir cells according to the mammalian no-menclature (Paxinos and Watson, 1986). Additional stud-ies, however, will be necessary to ascertain homologiesdiscussed by Parent.

Dense to scattered ARO-ir fibers were found all alongthe raphe subnuclei (see Fig. 1). In addition, five groups ofARO-ir somata were observed. The most caudal group waslocated between the two bundles of the mediolateral fas-cicle (FLM; P 2.8, Fig. 2K,L). The second one was made ofonly a few small immunoreactive cells that were locatedmedially on the floor of the hindbrain at level A 1.6. The

TABLE 1. (continued)



Ro raphe obscurus �� ��Rp raphe pallidus �� ��RPam nucleus reticularis paramedianus �RPgc nucleus paragigantocellularis �Ru nucleus ruber (red nucleus) �RxVM radix mesencephalica nervi trigeminiSAC stratum album centrale ��SCbd tractus spinocerebellaris dorsalisSCd nucleus subcoeruleus, pars dorsalis ��� ���SCv nucleus subcoeruleus, pars ventralis ��� ���SFGS stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale ���SGC stratum griseum centrale ��SGP stratum griseum periventriculare ����SLu nucleus semilunarisSN substantia nigra ��SO stratum opticumSS nucleus supraspinalisTa nucleus tangentiallisTD nucleus tegmenti dorsalis ���� ����TIO tractus isthmo-opticus ���TTA tractus nervi trigemini ascendens ��/���TTD tractus nervi trigemini descendens ��/���TV nucleus tegmenti ventralis ��� ���VeD nucleus vestibularis descendens or Deiter’s nucleus �VeL nucleus vestibularis lateralis or Deiter’s nucleusVeM nucleus vestibularis medialis or nucleus triangularisVeS nucleus vestibularis superior �Vla nucleus tractus solitarius, ventralis lateralis, pars anteriorVT ventriculus tecti mesencephaliVTA area tegmenti ventralis ���

1List of abbreviations used and summary of the distribution of aromatase- immunoreactive (ARO-ir) fibers and perikarya in the hindbrain in male Japanese quail. The numberof crosses (1 to 3) provides a qualitative estimate of the number of immunoreactive structures (fibers or somata) per unit surface. Crosses in parentheses for FLM indicate thatthese cells are more likely to be in between bundles of the FLM rather than in the FLM itself.


third group consisted also of a few ARO-ir cells located inthe raphe linearis caudalis (LC; A 2.2 to 2.3; Fig. 4E). Thefourth group (the most conspicuous group of ARO-irperikarya in the rostral hindbrain) consisted in a largewing-shaped nucleus (at levels A 1.2 to 2.5; Fig. 4D,E). Inthis group, large ARO-ir cells were found around and, tosome extent, in the mediolateral fascicle (FLM, A 1.6) andoverlapping with the ventral and dorsal tegmental nuclei(TV and TD). At levels A 1.2 to 2.5, a fifth group of smallerARO-ir perikarya was observed in the vicinity of the ven-tral and dorsal subceruleus nuclei (SCv and SCd; Fig.4F,G). Throughout their entire rostrocaudal extent, themorphology of the fourth and fifth groups of ARO-ir cellswas found to be very similar to the morphology of the5HT-ir cells observed on parallel sections (Fig. 5), suggest-ing that these two neurochemical markers could be colo-calized.

As shown previously for serotoninergic cells (see Pan-zica et al., 1991), ARO-ir cells overlapped with TH-ir cellgroups. They were found, indeed, in the ventral part of thelocus ceruleus (LoC, A 1.2) and central gray (GCt, A 1.6 to2.2) as well as in the median part of the dorsal and ventralsubceruleus nuclei (A 1.2 to 2.5). However, double labelingof the same sections for aromatase and TH revealed that,in fact, these ARO-ir perikarya stand at the border of theTH-ir cell groups of the locus and central gray rather thanbeing part of them (Evrard H.C. and Balthazart J., un-published data). In the subceruleus groups, ARO-ir cellswere actually intermingled with TH-ir cells but werenever colocalized in a same cell (Evrard H.C. and Baltha-zart J., unpublished data). Most TH-ir cells groups were inaddition densely innervated by ARO-ir fibers throughouttheir entire rostrocaudal extent. Both the substantia nigra

(SN; A 2.3 to 2.5) and the ventral area of Tsai (AVT; A 3.4)were included in a large network of ARO-ir fibers thatcovered most of the hindbrain at this rostrocaudal level.This ventral network of ARO-ir fibers, however, was lessdense than at more dorsal corresponding levels. The in-terpeduncular nucleus was devoid of staining (IP; A.3.6).

Parabrachial system. The parabrachial nuclei areinvolved in various functions related for example to noci-ception, cardiovascular function, and homeostasis (Jac-coby et al., 1999; Millan, 1999; Saleh et al., 2002). In theNissl-stained sections, two parabrachial cell groups (PBvand PBl) were clearly identified ventral and lateral to thebrachium conjunctivum (BC; A 1.2 to 1.6; for a compara-tive study on the parabrachial system, see Petrovicky andKolesarova, 1989). The entire parabrachial system wascovered with ARO-ir fibers (PBv and PBl; A 1.2 to 1.6). Inaddition, the lateral parabrachial nucleus (PBl) containedARO-ir somata (Fig. 4J).

Other integrating nuclei. The nucleus interpeduncu-laris (IP; A.3.4) was almost entirely devoid of ARO-irstructures. However, numerous ARO-ir fibers without ap-parent orientation (like TH-ir fibers) were found abovethis nucleus and in between the two branches of nerve III.This area has not been named or described to our knowl-edge. The nucleus ruber (red nucleus, Ru, A 3.4/4.4), likethe reticular formation, contained few ARO-ir fibers withvaricosities.

Other areas

Besides sensory and integrating nuclei, numerous areasrelated to specific functions were found completely devoidof staining (e.g., motor nuclei) or covered by scatterednetworks of fibers (e.g., median and spinal lemniscal path-ways). These areas are listed in the Table 1.


This study demonstrates the presence of abundantARO-ir neuronal structures in numerous sensory and in-tegrating nuclei of the hindbrain in adult male quail.Scattered fibers were also found in the premotor nuclei ofthe reticular formation. Previous studies had identifiedARO-ir neurons in the spinal dorsal horn and forebrain inquail (Foidart et al., 1995; Evrard et al., 2000). Thepresent results thus complete our knowledge of the distri-bution of aromatase in this species. It has to be noted that,like in the spinal cord, no ARO-ir structures were found inthe motor area in the hindbrain.

Comparison with other species

There is, to this date, no comprehensive study of thedistribution of aromatase in the spinal cord or hindbrainof any species other than Japanese quail. The fragmen-tary data already available, however, in most cases, areconsistent with the present findings and hint at a goodphyletic conservation of the expression of aromatase insensory and integrating nuclei. In other avian studies,aromatase mRNA has been detected in the solitary tractnucleus (Metzdorf et al., 1999), in the spinal dorsal horn(Fusani et al., 2002) and in a wing-shaped cells group thathas also been shown to express 5HT (Cozzi et al., 1991;Shen et al., 1995; in the present study: dorsolateral anddorsal raphe subnuclei). In quail and in pied flycatchers(Ficedula hypoleuca), AA has been detected in both theoptic lobes and the rest of the hindbrain, although no

Fig. 5. A,B: Digital photomicrographs of adjacent 40-�m-thicktransversal sections immunolabeled for aromatase (A) or serotonin(B), illustrating the coexistence of these antigens in sections in thequail hindbrain (level A2.3). Arrows point to some of the areas whereboth aromatase- and serotonin-immunoreactive structures were ob-served. For abbreviations, see Table 1. Scale bar � 250 �m.


microdissection was carried out to locate more preciselythe enzymatically active structures within these largebrain areas (Balthazart et al., 1998; Foidart et al., 1998).In rats, aromatase immunoreactivity has been detected inall sensory nuclei of neonates (Horvath and Wikler, 1999)and evidence from estrogen microdialysis also suggeststhe presence of aromatase in the adult parabrachial nu-cleus (Saleh et al., 2002; see below). In addition, previouswork in our laboratory has demonstrated in rats the pres-ence of ARO-ir structures in spinal regions and hindbrainsensory and integrating nuclei homologues to thearomatase-expressing nuclei identified in Japanese quail,including the parabrachial nuclei (Evrard et al., 2001;Evrard H.C., Harada N., Balthazart J., unpublished data).Finally, although the expression of AA in hindbrain neu-rons appears similar in amniotes and, to some extent, invarious teleost species (Timmers et al., 1987; Callard etal., 1988; Mayer et al., 1991; Gelinas and Callard, 1993;Schlinger et al., 1999), other fish species (i.e., plainfinmidshipman fish and rainbow trout) differ significantly byexpressing aromatase in glial cells rather than in neuronsand, at least in the midshipman fish, by expressing suchglial aromatase in motor rather than sensory nuclei (For-lano, 2001; Menuet et al., 2003; Forlano, personal commu-nication).

Functional implications

The broad distribution of aromatase in the sensoryhindbrain indicates that the presence of aromatase in thedorsal horns of the spinal cord of adult quail is not aunique feature of this structure (Evrard et al., 2000) butrepresents a more common trait of sensory nuclei. Aro-matase immunoreactivity has been observed also in theolfactory bulb of canaries, ring doves (Metzdorf et al.,1999), quail (Evrard H.C. and Balthazart J., unpublisheddata), and fishes (Chiang, 2001). These observations allowthe extension of the notion of “spinal aromatase” to thebroader and new concept of “sensory aromatase.” As ex-plained in the introductory section, the regulation of sen-sory function by estrogens produced in the sensory nucleicould play an important role during reproduction.

Besides sensory nuclei, the present study also demon-strates, for the first time in vertebrates, the presence ofARO-ir structures in the parabrachial nucleus, periaque-ductal gray, raphe, substantia nigra, and cerulean nuclei.Aromatase located in these integrating nuclei could alsoplay a role during reproduction. For instance, the controlof the motor aspects of male sexual behavior that dependon the action of estrogens among others in the periaque-ductal gray could rely, at least in part, on locally producedestrogens (Absil et al., 2001; Murphy and Hoffman, 2001).

Furthermore, it is interesting to note that most hind-brain nuclei expressing aromatase are also involved in theregulation of nociception and, more broadly, of homeosta-sis (Millan, 1999; Craig, 2002). Indeed, the caudal trigem-inal (as well as the spinal lamina I), solitary tract, para-brachial, cerulean, and periaqueductal nuclei that containaromatase have been shown to represent an importantcluster of nuclei in the pain pathway and, more broadly, inthe homeostasis system. It would be interesting to inves-tigate further whether the juxtaposed aromatase expres-sion and pain/homeostatic system are developmentallyand functionally interdependent. From a clinical perspec-tive, the study of hindbrain aromatase could bring rele-vant information regarding estrogen-dependent discom-

fort such as migraine (involving caudal trigeminalsubnucleus; Silberstein, 2000; Pardutz et al., 2002), dys-pareunia (involving possibly the solitary tract area receiv-ing inputs from female genitalia through the vagal nerve;Meana and Binik, 1994; Collins et al., 1999; Komisarukand Whipple, 2000), temporal mandibular disorder (Fill-ingim, 2000), excessive nausea (involving a.o. the areapostrema; Jarnfelt-Samisioe, 1987), Parkinson’s disease(involving the dopaminergic neurons of the substantianigra; Leranth et al., 2000). Moreover, in humans, thehindbrain homeostatic system is assumed to be an impor-tant relay in the neural circuitry mediating the processesof self-recognition and emotion because it integrates infor-mation concerning the state of the body (Craig, 2002).

Subcellular distribution of aromatase

The identification of the origin of the numerous isolatedhindbrain ARO-ir fibers will require piecemeal tract trac-ings combined with aromatase immunocytochemistry. Byusing this method, Absil et al. (2001) demonstrated thatthe quail GCt (avian homologue of the periaqueductalgray) receives numerous ARO-ir afferents from the lateralpreoptic area so that part of the ARO-ir fibers presentlyobserved in the GCt may arise from this area (Absil et al.,2001). The presence of aromatase in fibers and punctatestructures (presumptive synaptic boutons) suggests thatestrogens could be produced and released at sites fairlydistant from the ARO-ir perikarya. This idea is supportedby the detection of AA in the optic lobes (100 fmol/mgprotein/hr; Balthazart et al., 1998) where immunocyto-chemistry identified ARO-ir fibers and punctate struc-tures but no immunoreactive perikarya. The synaptic na-ture of the ARO-ir punctate structures is supported by theprevious detection of AA in synaptosomal fractions andthe detection by electron microscopy of aromatase immu-noreactivity in presynaptic boutons in addition to theperikarya (Steimer, 1988; Schlinger and Callard, 1989;Naftolin et al., 1996). In the perikarya, the exact subcel-lular distribution of aromatase has still to be confirmed,but it seems that the enzyme mainly resides in the mem-brane of the endoplasmic reticulum (e.g., Naftolin et al.,1996). In the boutons, the immunoreactive material isessentially associated to the surface of clear vesicles butdoes not seem to bear any relationship with the neuronalmembrane (Naftolin et al., 1996). The functional charac-teristics of the cell organite(s) in which estrogens areproduced and presumably from which they are releasedstill has to be investigated. For instance, whether theARO-ir vesicles in boutons derive from perikaryal reticu-lum, how they arrive in the terminals, and whether pro-cesses other than simple diffusion are associated withestrogens release (e.g., by means of synaptic vesicle-likeexocytose) remain to be investigated. In both theperikarya and the boutons, estrogens could be formedfrom circulating androgens that enter the central nervoussystem (CNS) and then the cells through diffusion or,alternatively, from androgens directly produced withinthe CNS (e.g., Mensah-Nyagan et al., 1996; Steckelbroecket al., 1999; Matsunaga et al., 2002). Once formed, estro-gens produced in the perikarya could interact with estro-gen receptors and DNA in the nucleus of the cell wherethey are produced or diffuse through cell membranes andbind to nuclear receptors in other cells as suggested pre-viously for spinally produced estrogens (Evrard and Bal-thazart, 2003). Estrogens produced in boutons could sim-


ilarly diffuse locally and reach adjacent cells expressingnuclear estrogen receptors and induce thereby genomicchanges in their environment. However, because, in addi-tion to their action at the genomic level, estrogens havebeen shown also to change rapidly the excitability of neu-rons through the interaction with specific membrane sites(Kelly and Ronnekleiv, 2002), estrogens produced in theperikarya and in the presynaptic boutons could addition-ally activate fast nongenomic mechanisms in an autocrineand/or paracrine manner. In particular, the presence ofaromatase in the proximity of the synaptic cleft is as-sumed to lead to the establishment of high synaptic con-centrations of estrogens that may be necessary to exertfast nongenomic action at the postsynaptic membranelevel through mechanisms that are similar to those usedby neurosteroids (e.g., Naftolin et al., 1996; Baulieu et al.,2000; Ball and Balthazart, 2002). Finally, it must also bementioned that, besides estrogen synthesis, aromatasehas been shown to catalyze other reactions such as the 1�-and 2�-hydroxylations of androgens, the 2-hydroxylationof estrogens, and the methylation of various substrates,including dopamine or cocaine (Osawa et al., 1993, 1994).This finding could provide alternative nongenomic modesof action for the products of AA.

Control of hindbrain aromatase activity

AA is regulated either through relatively slow controlsof the transcription of the aromatase gene Cyp19 or bymore rapid phosphorylations/dephosphorylations of thearomatase protein (Balthazart and Ball, 1998b; Balthaz-art et al., 2003). Cyp19 consists of 10 exons, including atissue-specific first untranslated exon that contains a va-riety of promoters (Simpson et al., 1994). In the preopticarea, the transcription of Cyp19 and, as a consequence,the levels of AA are dramatically increased by testoster-one (Harada et al., 1992; Roselli and Resko, 1993). Incontrast, in the spinal cord, this steroid does not alter AAnor the number of ARO-ir cells (Evrard et al., 2000).Similarly, AA in the hindbrain could be independent of thelevels of circulating steroids. Although this possibility re-mains to be rigorously assessed, it is already supported byseveral indirect data. For example, the fluctuation ofplasma estrogen concentration does not alter the estrogenconcentration in the parabrachial nucleus of female ratsbut a peripheral stimulation of the vagal nerve elicits arapid local release of estrogens in the absence of change inadjacent structures (Saleh et al., 2002). In addition, in thepied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), while AA decreasesin the preoptic area after the seasonal drop of testosteroneplasma concentration, this enzymatic activity does notchange in other brain areas, including the optic lobes andthe remaining hindbrain (Foidart et al., 1998). AA insen-sitive to steroids has been also detected in the rodentlimbic system (Roselli and Resko, 1993) and in the oscinetelencephalon (Schlinger and Arnold, 1991; Saldanha etal., 2000). Taken together, these results suggest that thegenomic control of AA by androgens and estrogens may bespecific to the preoptic area and parts of the limbic systemand that the control of neural AA is a rather heteroge-neous process. Further investigations are now necessaryto identify the major mechanisms controlling AA in areaswhere transcription of the enzyme is not controlled bysteroid. In the sensory nuclei, as we previously suggestedfor the spinal cord (Evrard et al., 2003), AA could bemodulated by substances released from local afferent in-

puts, including primary afferent and supraspinal fibers(see the example of substance P release in the spinal cordin Evrard et al., 2003). It would be of particular interest toassess whether specific sensory stimuli induce or reduceAA in sensory nuclei through genomic control but alsothrough faster control mechanisms involving aromatasephosphorylation (see Discussion in Evrard et al., 2003).For example, while normal sensory cues might inhibit ornot affect aromatase, reproductively relevant sensory cuesmight activate aromatase and, thereby, influence the pro-cessing of subsequent sensory cues in a way that favorsreproduction.


In conclusion, the present study demonstrates the pres-ence of the estrogen-synthesizing enzyme in broad areasof the quail hindbrain, in particular in the sensory andintegrating areas. These data suggest that estrogens arelocally produced in broad areas where they could exertsignificant effects on a variety of brain functions, includ-ing the regulation of various sensory modalities and theintegration of different types of inputs and outputs. Thesefindings also allow extending the concept of spinal sensoryaromatase to the much broader idea of a sensory aro-matase that would be implicated in the modulation ofmost if not all sensory inputs.


We thank Profs. J.L. Dubbeldam (University of Leiden,The Netherlands) and G.C. Panzica (University of Turin,Italy) for their useful comments on an earlier version ofthe diagrams of the present article.


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