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IN THIS WEEK'S TIN TUC - The Highlights... - UNIS Hanoi

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UNIS Hanoi Mission Statement Our mission is to encourage students to be independent, lifelong learners who strive for excellence and become responsible stewards of our global society and natural environment, achieved within a supportive community that values diversity and through a programme reflecting the ideals and principles of the United Nations. UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter Volume 19, Edition 10, Friday 26 October Next Week... Monday, 29 October Mini College Fair by IDP 11:25 - 12:15, High School Counselling Office Committee on Directors 17:30 - 19:00, B7 Tuesday, 30 October Board Finance Committee 07:00 - 08:30, B7 Thursday, 1 November EARCOS 1 - 3 November Grade 4 PAC 18:00, Centre for the Arts Friday, 2 November D-G12 Parent Coffee with the Counselors 08:30 5MS/SC Parent Concert 11:50 - 12:20 ASA Session 2 Registration 2 - 4 November Saturday, 3 November SAT Testing (High School) Sunday, 4 November Alumni Reunion - Kuala Lumpur Coming Soon... Monday, 5 November Mathematics Consultant in ES/MS 5 - 8 November Tuesday, 6 November Advancement Committee Meeting 8:15 - 9:30, B7 University of Illinois Springfield 11:30, B8 Parent Maths Workshop with consultant 19:00-20:30, B7 Wednesday, 7 November Parent Maths Workshop with consultant 07:00-8:30, B7 Thursday, 8 November MRISA Senior Volleyball, NISC, 8 - 11 November MRISA Junior Basketball, SSIS, 8 - 11 November Values and Beliefs Statement Taskforce, 07:00, B7 BoDs Community Meeting 19:00 - 20:30, Blackbox Friday, 9 November GIN Conference (Singapore) 9 - 11 November ASA Session 1 ends Grades 3-5 Atheletics Morning 08:30 - 11:00 Saturday, 10 November Alumni Reunion - London KOTO Bike Ride Departs from UNIS Hanoi 06:30 [email protected] IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights... Important Notes from the Head of School and Board of Directors. (p.2) UN DAY Celebration Photos (p.3-4) Arts News—Visiting Exhibition and King Lear (p.13) Service Learning special report (p.14) Notes from the MSHS and ES Principals. (p. 5) Birthday Updates (p.6) ‘Doing’ science in Elementary School (p.8) Join Saussage Sizzle at the new location! (p.15) Walk for the Community (p.16-17) Rove Beetle Factsheet (p.18) Living with Technology (p.9) MYP Achievement Ceremony (p.10) Discovery-Grade 12 Coffee with the Counselors (p.12) SCO News—Apply for funding! (p.19) NEW Boutique items (p.19) Employment Opportunities (p.20)

UNIS Hanoi Mission Statement

Our mission is to encourage students to be independent, lifelong learners who strive for excellence and become responsible stewards of our global society and natural environment, achieved within a supportive community that values diversity and through a programme reflecting the ideals and principles of the United Nations.

UNIS Hanoi’s Weekly Community Newsletter Volume 19, Edition 10, Friday 26 October

Next Week... Monday, 29 October

● Mini College Fair by IDP 11:25 - 12:15, High School

Counselling Office

● Committee on Directors 17:30 - 19:00, B7

Tuesday, 30 October

● Board Finance Committee 07:00 - 08:30, B7

Thursday, 1 November

● EARCOS 1 - 3 November

● Grade 4 PAC 18:00, Centre for the Arts

Friday, 2 November

● D-G12 Parent Coffee with the Counselors 08:30

● 5MS/SC Parent Concert 11:50 - 12:20

● ASA Session 2 Registration 2 - 4 November

Saturday, 3 November

● SAT Testing (High School)

Sunday, 4 November

● Alumni Reunion - Kuala Lumpur

Coming Soon... Monday, 5 November

● Mathematics Consultant in ES/MS 5 - 8 November

Tuesday, 6 November

● Advancement Committee Meeting 8:15 - 9:30, B7

● University of Illinois Springfield 11:30, B8

● Parent Maths Workshop with consultant 19:00-20:30, B7

Wednesday, 7 November

● Parent Maths Workshop with consultant 07:00-8:30, B7

Thursday, 8 November

● MRISA Senior Volleyball, NISC, 8 - 11 November

● MRISA Junior Basketball, SSIS, 8 - 11 November

● Values and Beliefs Statement Taskforce, 07:00, B7

● BoDs Community Meeting 19:00 - 20:30, Blackbox

Friday, 9 November

● GIN Conference (Singapore) 9 - 11 November

● ASA Session 1 ends

● Grades 3-5 Atheletics Morning 08:30 - 11:00

Saturday, 10 November

● Alumni Reunion - London

● KOTO Bike Ride Departs from UNIS Hanoi 06:30

[email protected]

IN THIS WEEK’S TIN TUC - The Highlights...

Important Notes from the Head of School and Board of Directors. (p.2)

UN DAY Celebration Photos


Arts News—Visiting Exhibition and King Lear (p.13)

Service Learning special report (p.14)

Notes from the MSHS and ES Principals. (p. 5)

Birthday Updates (p.6)

‘Doing’ science in Elementary School (p.8)

Join Saussage Sizzle at the new location! (p.15)

Walk for the Community (p.16-17)

Rove Beetle Factsheet (p.18)

Living with Technology (p.9)

MYP Achievement Ceremony (p.10)

Discovery-Grade 12 Coffee with the Counselors (p.12)

SCO News—Apply for funding! (p.19)

NEW Boutique items (p.19)

Employment Opportunities (p.20)

Notes from the Head of School

Dear Parents, Thank you to the people who attended Breakfast with the HoS this morning. A good discussion was had and the notes will be forthcoming in next Friday’s Tin Tuc. I would like to encourage all parents to attend the Board-Community Meeting set for Thursday, 08 November starting at 19:00 in the Centre for the Arts Black Box. Lastly, I would like to publicly thank all of the parents who helped make UN Day such a big success. Part of this being such a great school community event is the amount of effort put forth by so many people, and kudos go out to those who gave of their time and energy. I might add that as an employee of this school, the UN Day celebration made me proud to be a part of UNIS Hanoi. I feel so fortunate to be connected to something that can make such a difference in the lives of our students. Days like this remind us all of what is most important in our work and why I enjoy each day here. Thank you again for helping to make UN Day the special event that it was. Respectfully, Dr. Chip Barder, Head of School

Notes from the Board of Directors

All parents, faculty and staff are warmly invited

to meet with the Board of Directors

Date: Thursday 8th November, 2012

Place: Black Box, Centre for the Arts

Time: 19:00-20:30

There will be some presentations with a chance to ask questions after each presentation and at the end of the meeting.

Refreshments will be provided.

Agenda Items:

Welcome and introduction of Board members: Sarah Garner, Board Chair

Role of the Board of Directors: Sarah Garner, Board Chair

Financial update and introduction of draft budget for 2013-14: Graham Watson, Board Treasurer

Preparation of a Values and Beliefs Statement: Craig Burgess, Chair of Values and Beliefs Statement Task Force

Any other questions/comments: we appreciate questions submitted in advance. This will help facilitate a good discussion at the meeting

Join the Board in celebrating 25 years of UNIS Hanoi

Sarah Garner, UNIS Hanoi Board Chair [email protected]

Welcome to UNIS Hanoi Steven (Brandon) Ramos 12MD!

We wish best of luck to Yuki Takabuchi 4BM and Minako Takabuchi 8MH who left UNIS Hanoi this week.

United Nations Day Celebration

Nearly 2000 students, parents, faculty, staff and distinguished guests from the Hanoi community joined together this week to celebrate UN Day at UNIS Hanoi. It was a time for celebrating our cultural diversity and reflecting on the theme of Rapprochement of Cultures and the peace that is promises. Opening the celebrations, 64 nations were represented in our Parade of Flags with students from Discovery through to Grade 12 as our proud flag bearers. We were honoured to welcome Dr Pratibha Mehta, the UN Resident Coordinator in Viet Nam and Mr Tran Ba Viet Dzung, Director General, International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Education and Training as our guest speakers, who joined Head of School, Dr Chip Barder and Grade 10 student, Jonas Fiebrantz on the stage. Performances from the MSHS Band, the MS Choir and instrument soloists with Dr Barder, the APAC Choir and Elementary School and the MSHS dance team “United Movement” delighted the packed Sports Centre. Directly following the ceremony all students, faculty and staff joined together for a special 25th Birthday photo and then the entire community enjoyed a delicious community lunch together, organised and provided by our parents. This wonderful day for our entire community is only made possible by the most incredible teamwork by students, faculty, staff, administration and parent volunteers in the weeks leading up to the big day. Thanks to all those who worked so tirelessly and patiently to make this day so special. THANK YOU!

Plates and Containers from the UN Day Lunch

Thank you very much for your contribution to the UN Day Lunch! It would not have been so successful without your participation. If you did not bring back your serving plates/containers/baskets, please come to the Advancement Office

(Admin Building, Room 103) and look for them. Unclaimed plates will be donated to charity organizations after 2 weeks.

United Nations Day Celebration

Notes from the Elementary Principal

Dear Parents,

UN Day: What a fantastic week to be the ES Principal at UNIS Hanoi! My first UN Day was a wonderful experience. It was a pleasure to see the flag bearers all carrying out their duties and waving their flags with such pride. The children clearly enjoyed the day and the resulting photograph for the 25th birthday will be a great memento for us all. Having so many parents attend made it a real family affair and a very special occasion. Thank you to all parents who contributed to make the lunches so successful and such a marvelous array of international cuisine.

Grade Level Blogs: I trust that everyone is accessing the Grade Level and class blogs which are now all up and running across the Elementary School. They are a great way to keep up to date with what is happening in terms of curriculum and other activities. Many are being updated this week with UN Day photos and reports for you to enjoy.

Student Conferences: I have now begun to meet with small groups of students from each grade level as they complete a Unit of Inquiry. The students are tasked to come and talk to me about what they have been learning and to bring things to share with me to help them explain their new understandings of a particular theme or to show me new skills acquired. This is helping me get to know the UNIS curriculum whilst also helping me get to know the students in a smaller setting. I plan to continue this for the rest of the academic year as it is very informative and enjoyable!

Kind regards,

Carole Denny, Elementary School Principal [email protected]

Notes from the Middle/High School Principal

Dear MS/HS Families,

A great big THANK YOU to everyone who supported our UNIS Hanoi UN Day celebration. Thank you to parents who organized food, national dress, and to those who attended the festivities. It was a wonderful community event filled with international good will……..and great food. Well done and thank you!

During my first few months at UNIS Hanoi I have spoken with many parents who are concerned about gaming.

For those coming from a generation where gaming was Monopoly let me explain the term. “Gaming” means, “A game played on a computer (or other device) using computer graphics for display.” Many parents fear computer games believing their children will become addicted, develop antisocial behaviors, or will waste their time with mindless nonsense. While caution and parental monitoring must take place not all computer games are harmful and in many cases they can provide beneficial experiences for children.

Personally I view gaming like eating ice cream. Enjoying bowl of ice cream every once in a while is fine but eating it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is not appropriate. The same can be said for gaming. If your child enjoys an age appropriate game now and again I would not worry. However, if your child is obsessed or staying up late into the night playing computer games then I would be concerned. I encourage parents to speak to their children about gaming and to learn more about it. It is true that there are many games which focus on violence, sex, and racism. These should be prohibited but there are many truly enjoyable games which pose no threat to children. In my experience the vast majority of children are a much more sensible than we give them credit for and will self-monitor. Nevertheless parental oversight is a key component for digital safety.

UNIS Hanoi is here to support students and help inform parents. On campus students participate in technology sessions that promote digital citizenship. Teachers are being trained in Generation Safe strategies to help guide students through the maze of technology issues. We have installed Webroot filtering software on UNIS Hanoi tablets which makes it very difficult for students to play computer games. In the end, we encourage students to make healthy choices.

Clearly gaming is here to stay. We can bury our heads in the sand and hope gaming will go away or we can be proactive and embrace the opportunities it affords. The NMC Horizon Report (http://www.nmc.org/horizon-project) identifies game based learning as one of the fastest growing components of a high quality 21st century education. Game based learning can be extremely interactive while at the same time help to develop higher order thinking skills. With proper oversight and parental involvement gaming is not detrimental; on the contrary, it can be an excellent platform for learning and provide a bit of entertainment to boot.

All things in moderation.

Warm regards,

Pete Kennedy, Middle/High School Principal [email protected]

Notes from the Advancement Office

A heartfelt thank you from the Advancement Team goes to the entire community for the role that each member played in making UN Day such a wonderful success for everyone to enjoy.

You are too numerous to mention by name, but our sincere and heartfelt thanks goes to you all.

In the words of Jonas Fiebrantz (our student speaker) “I am proud to be part of the UNIS Community.”

I hope you enjoy the ‘photo special’ on page 3-4 capturing so many of the wonderful memories.

And we proudly unveil in Tin Tuc the result of the amazing teamwork that went into our special 25th

anniversary photo of every student, teacher and staff.

Watch the “Making Of ” film HERE! 25th Birthday Update What better way to launch our Birthday year than with UN Day!

And we are delighted to announce that plans are developing for a wonderful spring event – A fundraising Birthday Ball on April 13, 2013.

Our goal is to raise funds from a glitzy evening event to offer to our Vietnamese community a birthday gift from UNIS Hanoi which will support those in need in our host country.

Our existing Service Learning partners will be the beneficiaries of our gift which we hope will be in excess of 20,000 US dollars from the ticket sales and an exclusive auction.

And this goal has been made possible by the extremely generous support of the team at the Intercontinental Hanoi Westlake who have offered to sponsor the entire event in their Ballroom ‘almost’ free of charge! And their offer of a luxury ‘package’ worth 5,000 USD to start the Birthday Auction on its way!

Thanks to UNIS Hanoi parent and General Manager Adam McDonald for their lead sponsorship in this highlight calendar event - a birthday gift that UNIS Hanoi is delighted to receive, and we will be working hard together to make the evening a success for everyone!

Again – watch this space…

School Climate Survey Your opinions and perspectives about the school you have chosen for your children are very important to us, and each year we ask all members of our community take part in our School Climate Survey.

Next week you will all receive a personal invitation to take part in the 2012 online survey with detailed instructions.

The survey covers all aspects of our school’s performance and helps us measure progress and identify areas for improvement.

This is the fourth year that we have used this survey, and this year it is has been updated and is available in 12 languages online including Vietnamese, Korean and Japanese – our largest non-English mother tongue groups.

The survey is especially created for all schools accredited by CIS (Council of International Schools), and we look forward to sharing the results of this data with you upon completion of the process.

It will take only about 15 minutes of your time and the insight we will gain from your participation alongside parallel surveys amongst our students (Grades 6 to 12), our entire faculty and our Board of Directors will be invaluable.

The survey will be available online beginning FRIDAY NOVEMBER 2 for a two week period.

Emma Silva, Director of Advancement [email protected]

Notes from the Advancement Office

School Directory Update Before the break you all received an email concerning our School Directory.

Each year we have published for our parents a printed Directory with contact information to help our community stay connected. This year we had planned to introduce a new system through ISIS Family allowing parents to search and access contact information securely online, replacing the easily outdated printed Directory.

Unfortunately the ISIS Family developers encountered some issues and were not be able to provide the online Directory Service to the previously planned timeline. It is not expected to be ready until early 2013. We apologise again for the inconvenience.

As a result, we are working hard on the production of a temporary, limited version of the printed Directory to provide the

best service possible in the circumstances for our community and hope to be able to deliver to all families in the week

beginning November 5. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

ARE YOU STILL IN CONTACT WITH THOSE WHO LEFT UNIS HANOI? Because UNIS Hanoi’s first global parties for our alumni are just a few days away... but there is still time to sign up and join us.

Kuala Lumpur – Sunday 4 November More than 10 UNIS Hanoi alumni in Kuala Lumpur will share their memories and catch up about the school in an afternoon tea with Head of School Dr Chip Barder and Director of Advancement Emma Silva in Shangri-La Hotel from 3-5pm. Click here for details.

London – Saturday 10 November UNIS Hanoi alumni from across Europe will join up on November 10 in London for Class Year pub lunch, a sightseeing tour and a Vietnamese authentic taste dinner. Click here to see the full programme. And for those that turn up, we will have small bags of surprises from Vietnam and an on-the-night fun prize draw.

Hanoi – Saturday 22 December Enjoy a Hanoi winter evening of food, drinks, music and old friends, classmates with Head of School Dr Chip Barder. Details to follow.

Have your friends, who are UNIS Hanoi alumni, email us at [email protected] to join and check out the Alumni Website for other UNIS Hanoi 25th Birthday Alumni Reunion dates and stay connected… We look forward to seeing our alumni again soon!

Emma Silva, Director of Advancement [email protected]

Notes from the PYP Coordinator


A Good Investment of Time

Scientific inquiry is the ‘do’ in science. In a world where scientific knowledge is now just a click away: available to anyone with a PC or phone, just knowing about science is no longer special. Although it has always been important, being able to do your own science has become even more valuable in education in recent years. Teaching scientific Inquiry involves guiding students how to investigate the world around them. A young scientist who is able to plan her own experiments, test her own theories, to make his own predictions, to collect her own data and to draw his own conclusions; is set up for scientific success in the future. Such inquiry competence is of course central to the IB Middle Years Programme also and indeed central to almost any future school system your child may move into. It is for these reasons and others that scientific inquiry is a focus of the UNIS IB Primary Years Programme. To give you a feel of how all of this scientific inquiry transfers to the classroom I have here a collection of photographs. These pictures were taken around UNIS in the last week or so. When you look at these photographs think about how these activities and questions are guiding the children. Good science-teaching guides children not only to find out about science, but also to find out how to ‘do’ science. Christopher Frost, PYP Coordinator at [email protected].

Pre K Questioning: ‘What do you notice?’ ‘What do you wonder?’

K Testing Theories ‘How

could you make the ball move

further? ‘

Pre K Experimental Design ‘How can you find out which shape is best at rolling?’

G5 Provocation to spur questioning

‘Produce the most unusual image

possible of yourself’

G5 Provocation to spur experimentation ‘What is the most interesting sound you can make?’

G3: How might

you move a

boulder with just

one friend? What

ideas take the least


Parent Session Recap: Living with Technology

Last week our team of three - Cami (ES Counselor), Jules (ES Librarian) and Michelle (ES Tech Coordinator) - facilitated an Elementary parent session by inviting mums and dads in ES to join us in our 'Living with Technology' discussion . Our session focused on two parts: Managing technology use at home and sharing online resources that are available to the school community. http://www.slideshare.net/unishanoi/parent-recap-living-with-technology

The rise of various gadgets - mobile phones, iPads, laptops and social media such as Facebook, Skype and such - have given us access to massive amounts of information and the ability to interact with each other in ways we haven't done before. But these advantages bring challenges as well, and one of these is figuring out how to maintain a healthy lifestyle while balancing our use of technology. We began our session by asking the parents what are some of the challenges or frustrations that they would like to address in our session that day. See the list beside.

The school emphasizes the importance of home-school partnership . With this is mind we shared the strategies that teachers use to balance and manage technology use at school: Students in Grades 4 & 5 discuss and then sign the Responsible Use

Agreement with their parents, to inform, encourage and empower the students to make the right decisions when it comes to online safety and responsible citizenship

Using signals and cues during lessons where tablets are needed , and developing good habits when using the Tablets

Putting the tablet in "listening mode" when a student's full attention is needed

Learning to carry the tablet properly and to use their tablet bags when moving from class to class

Assigning tech leaders and helpers in class

Encouraging peer coaching when using technology Tablet use is not allowed during recess and lunch, unless they receive

permission from their teacher to use one Above/Below the Line Approach, to help the child manage their own behavior and keep to the classroom agreements

For children, we believe that giving them the skills to manage their own behavior is just as important as setting clear boundaries that will guide them in making balanced, responsible choices .

Afterwards the parents also came up with their own effective strategies at home that they shared with the group:

Model good behavior for technology use Setting limits by

Using a points system for every screen time access Keeping it simple - do not introduce too many rules and consequences that you cannot follow through

Occasionally check your computer’s history (see this web tutorial to find out how) Taking interest in your child’s online activities by asking about the games that they're playing every once in a while Spending more time with your child! Encouraging children to play educational games Use certain after school activities to encourage good habits and appropriate technology use Include more playdates and reading activities that do not necessarily involve technology - children need a break

from tech use too!

Other strategies and tips that we recommended include: Using a timer when setting screen time limits (more on these Screen Rules in this article, and research on the

effects of multitasking) Using filters in Google's search engine (see the quick tutorial here) For those who are looking for parental control safety programs to use in their own computers, Norton Online

Family is a free online service that you can check out Visit the Commonsense Media website if you are looking for the latest reviews on kid-appropriate websites,

apps, games and more. Highly recommended!

Our dedicated ES Librarian, Miss Julie Conroy shared some fantastic subscriptions that children and parents can access in school and at home. Passwords to these resources can be found by going to the Library's Online Resources page in the school portal (please have your parent username and password with you in order to sign in.) Miss Conroy also showed us how to access the Library Catalogue to view the books that are available in UNIS Hanoi's Library.

We will keep you posted on any strategies and tips we find thru this space and in our class blogs. We hope to see you again in our future sessions! If you have any questions or comments, please email [email protected].

MYP Achievement Ceremony – Grade 11

We hope that all the students are settled and enjoying the new academic year. As you will recall, grade 10 was students’ final year in the IB Middle Years Programme. In June, their final grades were submitted to the IB and these were verified externally in light of the moderated samples of student work, tasks and course outlines that were provided by the school back in April. Each student will receive a record of achievement which states all of the registered subjects they studied in grade 10 and gives the final grade in each. This will be useful for future situations where the students are applying for academic places or face other types of selection. The students who met all the requirements will also receive an MYP certificate which gives no results but just states that there has been a generally satisfactory level of accomplishment in all aspects of the programme. Both documents will be contained in an IB document holder. It is our pleasure to invite returning grade 11 students and their parents to our MYP Achievement Ceremony in which students will be presented with their IB documents. Completing the MYP is a reason to celebrate – students worked hard throughout grades 9 and 10 to show what they are capable of, both in their subjects and in the Personal Project.

Date: Wednesday, November 21 Time: 19:00-20:00 Venue: Theatre (B10)

We look forward to seeing our returning grade 11 students and parents at this special ceremony.

Sibylle Harth, MYP Coordinator [email protected]

Mystery Reader in the Library!

Calling All Elementary Parents,

November is Mystery Month!

It’s a Mystery…..Who is the Reader? We need YOU to be a Mystery Reader. Please sign up using this link to be a surprise reader to your child’s class in the Library. The Link is a schedule of classroom Library times. Please click your child’s Library time and type in your name. If a name already exists, kindly select another week to be a MYSTERY READER!!!! Please do not delete any information which is not yours. Kindly provide us with a few clues about yourself that I can share with the children; where you are from, how many children you have, what languages you speak, occupation, country of origin and email to [email protected] Thanks for reading! And remember Shhhhhhhhh!!!!!! You are the Mystery! Ms. Conroy, Elementary School Librarian

Middle School Dance

On Friday November 2nd, The Middle School Student Council will be hosting a dance. The dance will be from 6:30 to 8:30 in the school canteen. The ticket price is VND 50,000 in advance and VND 60,000 at the door and includes a soda and a sausage. The dance will be chaperoned by Middle School teachers. Please contact Kevin Johnston at [email protected] if you have further questions.

Notes from the Elementary Counselor

Active Parenting NoW

Classes for Parents of Children Ages 5-12

Starts October 30th!

There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings.

~Hodding Carter, Jr., Author and Journalist ~

What is your parenting style? How about your partner's?

Parenting is extremely important, but can be challenging at some point or another. Fortunately, by learning how to enhance our parenting skills, cooperation from our children comes more naturally. There's a lot of evidence to show that authoritative and positive parenting has enormous benefits. UNIS Hanoi will be offering Active Parenting Classes, a video-based series, to help facilitate more effective family communication and cooperation.

Sessions will take place on Tuesdays from 8:30 am to 10:30 am (approximately) in the UNIS Hanoi Library Projection Room from Oct. 30-Dec. 11 (No class Nov. 13). If you are interested in joining the class, please contact the counseling office at [email protected] to sign

up. Numbers will be limited.

Active ParentingActive ParentingActive Parenting


Mathematics Consultant Visits UNIS Hanoi

We are very excited to be welcoming Cindy Chapman, a Mathematics consultant, to the UNIS Hanoi campus from November 5-8. Cindy will be providing professional development for our Elementary teachers and our Middle School Math teachers. Cindy will also provide two workshops for parents. The focus of the two parent sessions will be the same, but we have planned a morning and an evening session in hopes that one of these times will better suit your schedule. Over the four days Cindy will be observing teachers, modeling lessons in classrooms, holding coaching discussions with groups of teachers and providing feedback to our Math Curriculum Review Team. Cindy comes with a wealth of experience from both a teaching and leadership perspective. In her teaching career Cindy won

a national Presidential award in the United States for teaching Mathematics. Cindy served on the Board of Directors for the

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) from 2000-2004. After a thirty plus year career Cindy is now an

independent writer and consultant.

Invitation to the Parent Sessions Please join our Mathematics consultant, Cindy Chapman as she conducts an interactive session with parents, which will focus on the use of questioning to uncover students’ understandings and misconceptions in the area of numeracy. Cindy will explain the processes and steps involved in building solid, progressive mathematical understandings and strategies that can be used in the process.

Tuesday, November 6th, 7-8.30pm in the Community Room Wednesday November 7th, 8.00-9.00am in the Community Room

Meagan Enticknap-Smith, Director of Learning [email protected]

Notes from the Counselors

D-12 Parent

Coffee with the UNIS Counselors


Friday, November 2, 2012

8:30-9:30 am--Community Room

(We will also be asking for input on the upcoming safety informational sessions.)

University Information Sessions



College Visits, UNIS Hanoi

October 2012

Please click on the links below to find out more about University and College Fair opportunities in the second half of October. October 29 - Mini College Fair by IDP (US, Canada, NZ, UK)

Group Discussion time will focus on

the understanding of the roles and the

importance of the partnership between

the school and the home.

Join us as we look at the role of the UNIS Hanoi


King Lear at UNIS Hanoi

Family Conflict – Shakespeare’s at UNIS Hanoi

How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child! (1.4.312)

UNIS Hanoi is proud to be hosting the American Drama Group Europe’s version of King Lear by William Shakespeare. This production will be staged in the new Performing Arts Complex on 30th October 1.00pm-3.00pm for High School students, Grade 10 -12. Arguably one of the darkest of Shakespeare’s tragedies and perhaps his most profound, this production promises to be magnificent. The unwieldy text is streamlined and sharply focused to create a unique theatrical event that blends live music, spectacular imagery and thrilling action. Some familiar characters and scenes are cut but the heart of the play is revealed. The actors themselves play cello, violin, percussion and sing stunning five part harmony. The production has been acclaimed by public and critics alike from Tokyo to Berlin and Malta to Oslo. Background Lear, the aging king of Britain, in an attempt to avoid future strife, decides to step down from the throne and divide his kingdom evenly among his three daughters. First, however, he puts his daughters through a test, asking each to tell him how much she loves him. Goneril (wife of Albany) and Regan (wife of Cornwall), Lear’s older daughters, give their father flattering answers. But Cordelia, Lear’s youngest and favorite daughter, remains silent, saying that she has no words to describe how much she loves her father. Lear flies into a rage and disowns Cordelia. Period written: 1605 First known performance: December 26, 1606 Tickets and Information for the Opera House Performance TNT Theatre Britain will also be performing King Lear at the Opera House on 31/10/2012. If you are interested in seeing the Opera House Performance please contact (4) 3747 8658 or email [email protected] or [email protected] For further information regarding the UNIS performance please contact [email protected] Emma Collins, HOD Language A [email protected]

The London 2012 Arts Posters Comes to UNIS Hanoi

UNIS Hanoi is delighted to work in partnership with the British Council Vietnam to present the London 2012 Arts Posters in UNIS Library. Twelve of the UK’s leading artists were commissioned by the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) to create a series of posters to help promote the London 2012 Games and embody the values of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The six Olympic posters were designed by Ofili, Martin Creed, Anthea

Hamilton, Howard Hodgkin, Bridget Riley and Rachel Whiteread. The

Paralympic counterparts are the work of Emin, Fiona Banner, Michael

Craig-Martin, Gary Hume, Sarah Morris, and Bob and Roberta Smith - a

pseudonym for the artist Patrick Brill.

We are very thankful to the British Council Vietnam to give UNIS Hanoi community the opportunity to look at these

posters. Posters are NOW ON DISPLAY in the Library, please come and enjoy!

Service Learning Special Report

A UNIS Hanoi student will receive one of the highest honours from her native Sweden in recognition of her work helping others… and it all started as a fifth grade project! Linnea Niklasson has been chosen as Swedish Child Hero 2012 with unanimous agreement by the selection panel from a group of more than 20 other finalists. Linnea’s mother, Malin Nikalsson said: “We are so proud of her. The project at UNIS started as an exhibition for Grade 5, where Linnea wanted to know more about her heart. During that work she realized that the heart surgery that she as a Swedish child got for free at home, someone in her new home country could never afford. So she decided to give to someone who could not afford it the heart surgery they needed to save their life.”

But Linnea did not stop there… she raised funds from family, friends and UNIS to pay for two heart operations that were successfully done this summer. And now she is on her way to collect for the third operation with her project gathering momentum. Her family’s birthday gift for Linnea was her own website to support her work (www.heartoflinnea.tumblr.com), she will be interviewed by a national Swedish radio this week and a television crew is on its way to Hanoi to make a documentary about her and her project. Elementary School Assistant Principal, Jan Humpleby said: “Linnea’s independent, self-reflective research began as a very personal project but as she learnt more about her own childhood heart surgeries, Linnea grew in her own self-confidence, and unlocked the whole school communitiy’s passion and possibility to make a difference in the world. She organized a school wide campaign to raise not only money but awareness of the fight of many young children with heart problems in the world.” The School’s dedication to Service Learning is central to every child’s educational experience at UNIS Hanoi and often unlocks extraordinary learning and development for our students. At the end of their time in the Elementary School all students in grade 5 take part in a 10 week research project either independently or with a small group through which they have an opportunity to exemplify all the skills, attitudes and knowledge they have gained on their journey towards becoming a responsible world citizen. Students choose a topic about which they are passionate but which allows them to investigate how ‘our actions impact the world we share’. Head of School, Dr Chip Barder added his praise: “We are enormously proud of Linnea and will be excited to follow where this takes her. To have teaching and learning impact our students so powerfully is the only reward as educators that we look for. This is a wonderful moment for Linnea and her family but also for the Elementary teaching faculty at UNIS Hanoi to enjoy.” The selection panel includes Sweden’s Princess Christina, and famous business men and woman and sports stars including Linnea’s own heroine – downhill skier Anja Persson . At the United Nations International School of Hanoi, our vision is that our learning community will be an inspirational role model for a better world, and we are immensely proud of the way in which Linnea has so powerfully exemplified that goal.

Sausage Sizzle News

We’re moving to our new location!

Your UNIS Sausage Sizzle will now be serving our world famous products behind the Sports Centre B-4 Fresh brewed coffee, tea, water, soda,

popcorn and sausages will be available

from 9:00 to 11:30 on Saturdays.

One Thousand Paper Cranes

Lang Son Trip 28th– 30th September 2012 For our first CAS trip, 11 HS students from the One Thousand Paper Cranes (OTPC) UNIS Hanoi group visited The Hope Center, in Lang Son, from the 28th to 30th of September. The Hope Center has orphans from the age of 8 till high school students. The UNIS Hanoi OTPC group and a group of university student volunteers helped to prepare a special Moon festival for all the children. We created animal masks, can lanterns and other decorations. We also made Moon cakes, of different shapes and sizes. During the few days of preparing for the festival, the OTPC group became closer to the children and enjoyed being with them. We also experienced real country-side life, which some students found difficult to adapt to. We felt that the Hope Center is in need of more donations, for more improved facilities. On the night of the Moon festival, the OTPC group performed for the children, and so did the children for us. We also had a bonfire, and we all circled around, creating a feeling of unity. We all hoped this year's Moon Festival was a special experience for the people of Hope Center. After we came back to Hanoi, the UNIS Hanoi OTPC group packed a box of donations for the children of the Hope Center. Jin Sun Park – Grade 9


Walk-a-thon Thursday 15th November, 2012

1:30 – 3:00pm

The Elementary School Walk-a-thon Organisers are excited to tell you about our major Community Service Fundraiser for the 2012/2013 school year: the Walk-a-thon! On Thursday November 15th from 1:30pm – 3:00pm students from PreK to Grade 5 will participate in the annual UNIS Walk-a-thon. Students and teachers walk around or run around the track on the UNIS Hanoi oval to raise money. The proceeds will go toward projects set up by the Blue Dragon Foundation e.g. providing meals, homes and medical assistance for families in need. Last year we were able to raise over US$13,000 – this year we hope to be able to raise even more!! Thank you for helping your child take action to help make a difference in the lives of other children!

Walk-a-thon Organisers: Carlos Joaquin, Khoi, Yu, Francesca, Niamh, Lyla, Marie, Sarah, Thanh Elementary School Service Learning Bronwyn Finnimore Barbara Bowman [email protected] [email protected] Blue Dragon Foundation website: http://www.streetkidsinvietnam.com/

Hard at work

organizing the annual



Every $100 raised by Team UNIS Hanoi sends one more child to school

In 2011, the UNIS Walkathon raised 13,089 USD to help poor children in Vietnam

In 2012, the money you raise will be spent to send children to school

How many children can UNIS keep in school?

United Nations International School Hanoi Walkathon to benefit Blue Dragon Children's Foundation

Thursday, 15th November at 1:30 pm

If you get 15 sponsors at 10,000 VND per lap and you walk for 40 laps, you will raise 6,000,000 VND (300 USD) to keep three children in school for one year

Let's keep children in school - where they belong!

Operation Smile

Operation Smile is an international medical NGO providing free surgeries for children

with cleft lip and palates. From Monday 29th November, Operation Smile will be

accepting donations in the form of cuddly teddy bears and other plush toys. The toys

that Operation Smile gets will be given to children as a small way to comfort them

before and after operations or sell to raise money for operations. Please look around in

your house, if your child has grown old for toys, please bring them in, or if there are any

neglected toys, bring them in also, we love any in all. We dearly wish you take your time

and bring them to school, there will be a box in the library decorated with roses for these toys; Operation Smile volunteers

will also be going around collecting toys. If there are any questions, please send an email to [email protected].

Thank you!

From the Nurses’ Office...

ROVE BEETLE FACT SHEET UNIS Hanoi has seen an infestation of Rove Beetle (ants three cavity) recently which has led to the closure of the pool over the last couple of days for spraying. A pest control company is working very closely with UNIS Hanoi to spray the affected area safely and effectively. Chemicals used to spray are produced by BAYER and are safe for humans and animals. DESCRIPTION: The Rove Beetle presents with different colors and is small, (1-1.2cm in length 2-3 mm wide). It has a black head with an orange thorax (immediately behind the head). The body is mostly black with a shiny metallic black area that conceals its folded wings and a distinct broad orange band towards the tapered tail. Also may appear as iridescent blue color. The Rove beetle can be found at the edges of fields around grassed areas, near water and vegetable fields. Favourable conditions can lead to localized populations explosions for short periods. During daytime, the beetle will be seen crawling around the ground swiftly with hidden wings, resembling ants. At night the beetles are attracted to light sources and will fly and land on objects near the lights. PUBLIC HEALTH IMPORTANCE: The beetle contains a poisonous animal contact toxin, that is released when crushed. If you crush the beetle the toxin is released and absorbed by your skin. The beetle can be crushed if you swat it like a mosquito or if it collides with you at speed (such as bare skin or on a motorbike) and can cause conjunctivitis, severe dermatitis and serious skin irritation. Initial symptoms include reddening of the skin and a, ‘burning sensation’, this is followed by painful irritation and itching with extensive pustules and blisters on the skin. The affected areas may remain irritated, blistered and sore for 10 days. Toxin on the hands, can spread toxin to other areas of the body and other people. PERSONAL PROTECTION: Do not touch the beetles. Blow or wash beetles off your skin. Minimise lighting in infested areas at night. Wear long sleeved and long legged clothing to minimize exposed skin. Have bottles of soapy water handy for first aid and then use cold compresses, antihistamines or Aloe Vera to alleviate symptoms. Avoid secondary infections in blistered areas. Seek medical attention for severe skin reactions to the toxin.

Nurses’ Office, [email protected]

Community Building

REGISTRATION FOR KOTO BIKE RIDE! The KOTO Bike Ride is one of the charity’s major fundraisers and is a lot of fun – with a ‘short’ version out in the countryside for all the family to join in. UNIS Hanoi community has a long tradition of taking part – this year on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10. REGISTRATION WILL BE TAKING PLACE AT UNIS HANOI:

TUESDAY October 30 – 7.45 to 8.30

Click below to find out more

School Community Organisation

SCO Boutique Announcement

New arrivals…… The new high quality swimming towel with embossed UNIS logo Small white towel with embroidered UNIS logo and… 5 new colors of girls’ PE shorts in limited numbers. Only 3 pieces per size and per colour so you’d better hurry! Also, there are some recycle bags for sale with big discounts: a variety of sandwich bags, wine bags, small back-packs, etc. Open hours: Monday and Thursday: 15:00 to 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: 08:00 to 09:00

APPLY FOR FUNDS FROM THE SCO! The UNIS Hanoi Shool Community Organisation (SCO) accrues funds through many of the fun activities organised and strongly supported by the wider UNIS Hanoi Community. What are some of the things this funding is used for? Over the past few years the SCO has provided funding for many successful projects and purchases, such as the Nhat Tan Music Scholarships, outdoor seating around Canteen, UNIS Hanoi Community Garden project, Service Learning projects such as Operation Smile and Peace Village, and many more! Would you like to organise a project or require funds for something, or have a special idea? To make all members of the community have an opportunity to access this money, and that the process is transparent, once again the SCO would like to extend an invitation to any students, teachers, staff, parents, school groups to apply for funding for a project for the 2012-13 school year by completing and submitting the application form and the budget form by November 23rd. The guidelines can be found HERE

For all enquires, help with your application, etc., please email the SCO address [email protected] and we will reply as soon as possible.

Applications for this round of funding close 5 p.m. on Friday November 23th, and we hope to be able to announce the successful projects before the Winter Break. Pippa Wood, SCO HS Chair on behalf of the SCO Executive [email protected]

Employment Opportunity

Employment opportunity with

United Nations International School of Hanoi

MSHS Deputy Principal

DP Coordinator

Admissions Advisor (part-time)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIS Hanoi is a not-for-profit international school offering all three

International Baccalaureate

Programme from Discovery to Grade 12.

UNIS Hanoi is fully accredited by the Council of International Schools

and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

Energize Schedule

If your child has any food allergy or dietary restrictions, please let us know. [email protected]

Parents...please remember to send a lunch ticket or money each day with your Grade 1 and above child so he/she can purchase lunch. FYI: The Canteen does serve a vegetarian option each day.

Milk Product : Green Color

Pork : Red Color

Seafood : Blue Color

*** Main dish contains EGG

Canteen Menu for the week of October 29 to November 02

Western Set Menu

29*** Pan Grilled Pork w/Tomato Gravy Sauce Steamed Rice Lettuce Salad Apple Cake Fruit / Milk

30 Spaghetti w/Bolognaise Sauce Cucumber & Apple Salad Mixed Vegetables Cinnamon Toast Fruit / Milk

31 Fried Fish w/ Cream Dill Sauce Oven Roast Potatoes Romain Lettuce Salad Raisin Cake

Fruit / Milk

1*** Chicken Quesadilla w/Salsa Potatoes Wedge Mexican Salad Mini Donut Fruit / Milk

2*** Home Made Burger French Fried Potatoes Green Salad w/Balsamc Dressing Marble Cookie Fruit / Milk

Asian Set Menu

29*** Tempura Noodle Grilled Vegetables Apple Cake Fruit / Milk

30 Teriyaki Chicken Multi Grain Rice Mixed Vegetables Cinnamon Toast Fruit / Milk

31*** Stir Fried Pork (KR) Multi Grain Rice Egg Roll Raisin Cake Fruit / Milk

1 Fried Noodle w/Beef Stir Fried Dua Muoi Mini Donut Fruit / Milk

2 Chicken Curry Steamed Rice Stir Fried Susu Marble Cookie

Fruit /Milk

ECC Set Menu

29*** Pan Grilled Pork w/Tomato Gravy Sauce Steamed Rice Lettuce Salad Apple Cake

Fruit / Milk

30 Spaghetti w/Bolognaise Sauce Cucumber & Apple Salad Mixed Vegetables Cinnamon Toast Fruit / Milk

31 Fried Fish w/ Cream Dill Sauce Oven Roast Potatoes Romain Lettuce Salad Raisin Cake

Fruit / Milk

1*** Chicken Quesadilla w/Salsa Potatoes Wedge Mexican Salad Mini Donut Fruit / Milk

2*** Home Made Burger French Fried Potatoes Green Salad w/Balsamc Dressing Marble Cookie Fruit / Milk

Photos are from www.office.com, www.wikipedia.org and www.wikimedia.org

ENERGIZE HOURS (Monday, October 15 Onwards)


Swimming Pool

06:15-07:45 17:45-19:45

17:45-19:45 06:15-07:45 16:45-19:45

06:15-07:45 17:45-19:45

06:15-07:45 17:45-19:45

08:15-16:45 08:15-12:00 13:00-16:45

Fitness Room

06:00-08:00 16:30-20:00

06:00-08:00 16:30-20:00

06:00-08:00 16:30-20:00

06:00-08:00 16:30-20:00

06:00-08:00 16:30-20:00

08:00-12:00 13:00-17:00

08:00-12:00 13:00-17:00

This Saturday the school is hosting the UNIS Hanoi Invitational Swim Meet. Due to this event, the swimming pool will not available to Energize members on either of these two days (October 26-27). Normal use will resume on Sunday (08:15-12:00) and 13:00-16:45). On Sunday there will be a large number of people on campus for another event. If you are planning to make use of Energize facilities, please bring your Energize Cards or UNIS ID with you, so you can verify that you are a member. Thanks very much!
