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Incorporating Zero Responses in the Analysis of CVM Valuations

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Incorporating Zero Values in the Economic Valuation of Environmental Program Benefits Benjamin Reiser Department of Statistics, University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel and Mordechai Shechter Department of Economics and Natural Resource & Environmental Research Center University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel Send correspondence to: Prof. Benjamin Reiser Department of Statistics University of Haifa Haifa 31905, Israel E-mail: [email protected]

Incorporating Zero Values in the Economic Valuation ofEnvironmental Program Benefits

Benjamin ReiserDepartment of Statistics, University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel


Mordechai ShechterDepartment of Economics and Natural Resource & Environmental Research Center

University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel

Send correspondence to:Prof. Benjamin ReiserDepartment of StatisticsUniversity of HaifaHaifa 31905, IsraelE-mail: [email protected]

Incorporating Zero Values in the Economic Valuation ofEnvironmental Program Benefits

Benjamin Reiser and Mordechai Shechter∗


The contingent valuation method estimates individuals’ willingness to pay (WTP) for

non-market environmental assets via preferences elicited by either open-ended or

dichotomous choice questions. Traditional analysis of such data has tended to ignore

zero WTP values, or treat then in a unsatisfactory manner. Recently, spike models,

which explicitly allow for and incorporate zero responses have been suggested. The

paper extends the spike model approach to allow for explanatory covariates, and

shows how standard computer software can be used to carry out the computations.

In addition, the paper develops estimates of mean or median willingness to pay as a

function of these covariates.

Key words: Contingent valuation, logistic regression, willingness to pay, spikemodel.

∗ We thank Sagi Nevo and Natalia Zaitsev for valuable and dedicated research assistance.

1. Introduction

Economic valuation of societal benefits from environmental improvements and the their

associated costs are today essential informational inputs in environmental policy making. The

attributes of environmental quality, a public good, require the adoption of different approaches

from those customarily employed in studies of private (market) goods, in carrying out such

valuations. Two approaches for the valuation of public goods have been used in this context.

The first employs so-called “indirect” valuation methods, which infer an implicit value for the

public good from observable market prices of private goods1. The second approach - the so-

called “contingent valuation method” (CVM) - is viewed, on the other hand, as a “direct”

approach, because it uses a questionnaire to elicit from surveyed respondents in a direct

fashion their own valuations of posited changes in the quantity (or quality) of the non-market

public good.

A typical CVM scenario involves inquiry into the amount of money the individual

would be willing to pay for a change in government policy concerning, for example, pollution

control, scenic area regulation, or the supply of environmental amenities. The “consumers”

(i.e., the respondents) in this “contingent” market scenario are typically provided with a

detailed description of the good being evaluated, and are then asked questions concerning their

willingness to pay (WTP) - i.e., their subjective “price” - for the good under study, or in

utility-theoretic terms, what change in income would leave the respondent’s utility level

unchanged. In addition, questions are posed about the demographic and socioeconomic

characteristics of the respondent (age, sex, education, income, etc.), as proxies for variations

in individual preferences.

The Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) has become an important tool for estimating

willingness to pay (WTP) for non-market environmental goods. Preferences are typically

elicited by either open-ended questions which inquire after the individual’s WTP, or

referendum (closed-ended) dichotomous choice questions. In either case, WTP (over some

population of interest) is generally assumed to be a random variable from some continuous

distribution. Popular choices for this distribution include the normal, lognormal, logistic, log-

logistic distributions. Empirical open-ended data (e.g., Langford and Bateman, 1993) indicates

1 For example, Shechter (1991) posited a relationship between a public good, air quality and two private goods, residentialhousing and medical services. Changes in air quality levels are expected to shift the demand schedules for these marketgoods: Air quality affects housing prices as well as the demand for preventive and medical care that are associated with theeffect of air pollution on health. From the extent of these shifts, implicit prices of the public good in question can beinferred.

that the distribution of WTP is generally skewed to the right with a substantial lumping at zero


Typically, these zero values are either ignored (as in carrying out a normal or logistic

analysis) or excluded to allow a log transformation. Recently (McFadden, 1994; Kriström,

1995; Johansson et al., 1994) there has been interest in models which explicitly allow for a

positive probability of zero WTP in the analysis of both open-ended or dichotomous choice

CVM data. Kristrom refers to such a model as a spike model. McFadden (1994) considers a

rather complex distributional model for WTP which depends on real discretionary income (for

which information is often unavailable) and an “income elasticity” parameter. He discusses

both open-ended and referendum data. Ignoring these complicating features he essentially

suggests for the distribution of WTP a mixture of a point mass at zero with some continuous

distribution such as lognormal, gamma or weibull or alternatively censoring a continuous

distribution at zero. He also allows for consumer characteristics (covariates), but in his mixture

models does not allow the possibility of a zero WTP to depend on any covariates. This

mixture model is similar to bioassay models constructed to take natural mortality into account

(e.g., Collett, 1991). Kristrom (1995) and Johansson et al. (1992) only consider the

dichotomous choice framework but add a second question in order to determine whether the

individual is willing to contribute at all to the project. Their underlying model is based on

censoring but can readily be extended to the mixture model. In addition, their papers do not

take covariate information into account.

The mixture model implies that the population of interest can be considered to be

composed of two sub-populations. One sub-population is simply not willing to pay at all for

the good in question, while the other sub-population is willing to pay and has a continuous

WTP distribution. We find this to be more appealing than the model based on censoring and

note that McFadden found it to be empirically preferable for the data he studied.


In Section 2 we discuss the mixture model as applied to open-ended data. We show

that covariate effects on the probability of zero WTP can be readily introduced and that the

likelihood function factors in such a way that standard software can be used to estimate the

model. In Section 3 we examine the mixture model for the closed-ended case when the

additional question suggested by Kristrom is used. Again, factorization of the likelihood

function permits the use of standard methods to estimate the parameters and covariate

information can be readily introduced. Section 4 provides numerical examples of the methods

described in Sections 2 and 3, using data from a study on nonuse value of Mt. Carmel National

Park in Israel. Finally, Section 5 presents a concluding discussion.

2. Open-Ended Data

2.1 No covariate information

First consider the case where no covariate information on the individuals is available. Let p

denote the probability that an individual chosen at random has WTP=0 and let F(x), x > 0

represent the continuous cumulative distribution function (cdf) for the sub-population which is

willing to pay. Then the cdf for an open-ended response w is

P WTP ww

p wp p F w w

( ),,

( ) ( ) ,< =


+ − >

0 00

1 0(1)

For an observed random sample of n individuals let δi = 1(0) if the ith individual’s observed

WTP is zero (wi > 0). Consequently the likelihood function can be written as proportional to

( ) ( )[ ] ( )p p f w p p f wii


i i ii


w i

δ δ δ δ=

− −= >

∏ − = −∏ ∏1

1 1

1 01 1 ( ) (2)

where f is obtained as the derivative of F and wi o>

∏ represents the product taken over all

individuals with observed WTP > 0. Typically f (and F) will depend on unknown parameters

which will need to be estimated.

A reasonable choice for F would be

( )F zz= −

Φ log µ


with ( )Φ t et u= ∫− ∞



π du and z o> , i.e. a lognormal distribution. This would reflect the

right skewness discussed in the introduction. Other skewed distributions such as weibull or

gamma are also reasonable candidates.2 Conventional choice of the lognormal has the

advantage of allowing the use of standard computer programs and familiarity to economists.

The likelihood function (2) breaks up into two separate pieces

2 McFadden (1994) suggests use of the highest likelihood or the Akaike information criteria inorder to choose the “best” parametric model. Whether these criteria can effectively distinguishbetween various skewed models without exceedingly large amount of data is questionable andneeds to be further studied.

( )i

ni ip p

=−∏ −


11δ δ (4a)


( )∏>wi

if w0


which can be maximized separately to provide maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the

unknown parameters.

From (4a) we obtain the MLE


i=∑ δ

i.e. the observed percentage of zero WTPs in the sample. Maximizing (4b) while assuming (3)

results in the usual MLEs for µ and σ based solely on the positive WTPs.

One is frequently interested in the mean or median of WTP for the population under

study. From (1) we have that

Mean = ( ) ( )1 − ∫∞p wf w dwo (5a)


Median = F p



− −−










which for the lognormal case (3) results in

Mean = ( )12

2− +p e

µ σ (6a)








−exp ,


µ σφ 1121




Note that ( )Φ − 1 p * denotes the p* percentile point of the standard normal distribution.

Estimates of the Mean and Median can be obtained by substituting the MLEs of the unknown

parameters in the above formulae.

Distributions other than the lognormal can be used in the above simply by substituting

the appropriate F and f into the above formulae. It is more convenient to use distributions such

as the gamma or weibull for which programs to compute the MLEs are readily available.

2.2 Covariate information

In many situations covariate information (Age, Sex, etc.) is available for each individual. This

covariate information may effect both the parameters in the distribution F and p (that is the

probability of zero WTP may be influenced by age, sex, etc.). In order to keep the notation

simple, however, let us assume that there is only one covariate and denote by xi the covariate

value for individual i. Both p and F (or f) can now change with the individual i as xi changes.

Introducing the subscript i on p, F (or f) in order to denote the effect results in (4) becoming

( )p pi i i ii

n δ δ1 1

1−∏ −



( )wi o

i if w>

∏ (7b)

each of which can be optimized separately.

First consider (7a). We need to model pi as a function of xi in order to proceed. A

convenient formulation would be to assume that

log logit p pp xi i

i o i= −

= +1 1α α (8)

An alternative formulation would be to use the probit transformation. The use of (8) in (7a)

results in the usual logistic regression analysis where the dependent variable for each individual

is simply 1 or 0 according to whether her WTP is zero or greater. The likelihood factorization

in (7) shows that this analysis has no connection with the actual nonzero WTP values.

Standard computations provide estimates of α o, α1 , and the pi.

Turning to (7b), let us first consider the lognormal situation. Following the usual

conventions we assume that σ is constant while µ varies in a linear manner with xi,

i.e., µ β βi ix= +0 1(9)

The use of (9) together with (3) in (7b) results in just the likelihood function for a lognormal

linear regression model considering only the individuals who provide a positive WTP.

Consequently standard regression computations in the log scale provide estimates of β0, β1, σ

and the µi. The Mean and Median are now a function of the covariate xi and thus in (6) p and µ

need to be replaced by pi and µi respectively. Estimates can be obtained as before.

Extending (8) and (9) to more than one explanatory variable is trivial. It is important

to note that the “α‘s” and “β‘s” in (8) and (9) respectively will in general not be the same.

Furthermore, in the case of many potential explanatory variables (covariates) those which are

important for estimating p may not be important for estimating µ. Due to the likelihood

factorization, model building techniques can be used to pick the important covariates in (8) and

(9) completely independently. Although gamma or weibull regression models are not as well

known as the (log)normal model, software to carry these out does exist and consequently they

provide an alternative to (3).

3. Closed-Ended Data

3.1. No covariate information

Consider now a dichotomous choice situation with an additional question, as suggested by

Kristrom (1995). The first question asks whether or not the individual is at all prepared to

contribute to the project. If the response is positive the second question asks whether the

individual is willing to contribute A, where A is one of the possible bids in the study. For

individual i, let Si = 1(0) if the response to the first question is yes (no) and set Ti = 1(0) if the

response to the bid Ai is yes (no). We further assume that the underlying probability

distribution according to which the individual responds to the question is described by (1) with

w being replaced by the bid Ai presented to the i-th individual. (Si ,Ti ) can take on the values:

a) (1,1)

b) (1,0)

c) (0,0)

where in c) the second 0 is implied since for Si = 0 there is no follow-up question. For the i-th

individual the likelihood function corresponding to these three possibilities is

a) (1-p)(1-F(Ai))

b) (1-p) F(Ai)

c) p

resulting in the overall likelihood:

( ) ( ) ( )[ ] ( ) ( )( )[ ]p p F A p F ASi

S Ti



ni i i i i1 1

11 1 1− −

=− − −

∏ ( )

= ( ) ( )[ ] ( )[ ]{ }p p F A F AS S



S Ti



ni i i i i i1



11 1−



∏ −∏( ) ( )

= ( ){ } ( )[ ]( ) ( )[ ]p p F A F AS S





i Si i i i


( )





11 1−


=−∏ −

∏ (10)

where i Si, =


denotes taking the product over all individuals with Si = 1.

The likelihood function (10) breaks up into two separate parts

( )( )p pSii

n Si1


=∏ − (11a)


( )[ ] ( )[ ]i Si


iTiF A F A

, =

−∏ −1

1 1 (11b)

From (11a) the MLE of p is



nn S

n^ =

− ∑=1 (12)

i.e. the observed percentage of those unwilling to participate at all. F will depend on unknown

parameters which require estimation. Various choices of F are possible.

Assuming a lognormal distribution results in

( ) ( ) ( )F AA


o i i= −

= + =Φ Φ Φlog


σβ β η1 (13)

with β µ σ βσ

η β βo i o iA= − = = +/ , , log1 11 . Use of (12) together with (11b) results in the

usual probit model in a log scale.

Assuming a log-logistic distribution results in

( ) ( )( )

( )( )F A


o i

o i



++ +


exp logexp log


β ββ β



11 1(14)

which combined with (11b) results in the usual logit model in a log scale. Consequently

standard probit and logit regression results apply. Computer software for these is readily

available. Note that following (11b) the computations are carried out only on the individuals

who are prepared to participate ( )Si =1 .

For the computation of Mean (Median) WTP, the general result given in (5) applies

and for F lognormal (6) holds. The estimates for the unknown parameters in (6) will be

obtained from (12) and the probit analysis described above. For F log-logistic, the

corresponding population Means and Medians are obtained from (5) to be

Mean = ( ) ( )

( )1


1 11

− −>

p oπ β ββ π β

βexp ( /sin /

, (15a)


Median = exp

log( ),


1 2 12




− −





where for β1 1< , the population mean does not exist. Estimates for the population Mean and

Median are obtained from (15) by substituting for the unknown parameters their MLEs

obtained from (12) and the logit regression analysis described above.

3.2 Covariate Information

Again, for the sake of simplicity of notation, we assume one covariate taking the value x i for

individual i and use p and Fi i (or f i ) to denote the effect of the individual on p and F (or fi ).

Consequently the likelihood (11) can now be written as the product of

p piS



ni i( ) ( )1


=−∏ (16a)


( )[ ] ( )[ ]i Si

i iTi

i iTiF A F A

, =

−∏ −1

1 1 (16b)

each of which can be optimized separately.

In order to proceed we need to assume a model for p i as a function of x i . As in

Section 2.2 we typically assume that

log it p xi o i= +α α1 (17)

Alternatively a probit model can be used. Thus a standard logit or probit analysis based on all

the individuals according to their response to the first question can be used to estimate the p i

as a function of x i .

The analysis of (16b) is very similar to that of (11b) as discussed in Sect. 3.1. We

generalize ηi to include x i , i.e.

η β β βi i iA x= + +0 1 2log (18)

and proceed as above with either a probit or logit regression using a log scale for the bids.

This regression only includes individuals who expressed a willingness to contribute in the first


For computation of Mean (Median) WTP (5) applies after replacing p, f and F

with p f and Fi i i, , respectively. As in the open-ended case the Mean (Median) now depends

on the covariate x i . In the lognormal case we thus obtain a generalized version of (6) to be

( )Mean p ei i i= − +12 2µ σ / (19a)

where as before β σ1 1= , but now β β µσ0 2+ = −x i i






i i





−exp ,


µ σφ 11





For the logistic assumption on Fi we obtain a generalized version of (15) to be

( ) ( )[ ]( )Mean p

xi i

i= −− +

10 2 1

1 1

π β β ββ π β

exp /

sin /, β1 1> (20a)


Medianp x p


i i i


− − +



log( ) ( ) ,


1 2



0 2


β ββ (20b)

The modeling described above for one covariate can readily be extended to k

covariates, say x x xi i ki1 2, , ..., by replacing α1x i by j

kj jix


1a in (17) and β2x i by


kj jix



in (18). Estimates of the Mean (Median) are obtained by substituting in (20) the estimates of

the unknown parameters. It should be again emphasized that the covariates important for

estimating p i need not be identical to those important for estimating ηi .

3.3 Question Order

The order of the two questions described in Sec. 3.1 can be reversed. The first question would

be whether the individual is willing to contribute a specified bid A and if the response is

negative the second question asks whether the individual is prepared to contribute at all. An

analysis parallel to that described in Sec. 3.1 results in a likelihood identical to (10).

Consequently the methodology described above can also be used for the reordered questions.

However, there is one logical difference between the two situations. Previously the bid

presented to the individual could not influence his response to the question on his willingness

to contribute at all; but now, due to the reversal of the order, it may. Consequently in this case

the bid A i needs to be considered as a potential explanatory variable for p i .

4. An Application

As an example of the analysis of spike models we examine the data of a CVM survey discussed

by Shechter et al. (1997). The paper analyzes real donations in the context of natural resource

damage valuation, as an explicit expression of use and nonuse value, and compares them with

CVM-derived valuations. The donations were raised in the wake of severe damage suffered by

a natural resource in Israel. In the summer of 1989 large areas of Mt. Carmel National Park

were destroyed by fire. The park is located in the Carmel mountain range in northern Israel. It

contains one of the few natural forests in the country and a wildlife reserve, whose major

function is the replenishment and reintroduction into a natural habitat of threatened species to

the region. Recreational activities are mainly restricted to hiking and picnicking. Significant

portions of the park's natural forest stand as well as the wildlife reserve were consumed by the

fire. For the subsequent three years, portions of the burned area were unusable or had limited

public access. While the fire was still raging, in anticipation of the need to finance active

intervention to rehabilitate damaged areas, a national media campaign was launched to solicit

donations. The "Carmel Fund" was established as the depository for all the money collected.

The fund has been managed by the Ministry of the Environment to finance ongoing research,

rehabilitation and preservation activities in the aftermath of the fire.

A follow-up CVM survey was carried out in 1993. The respondents were explicitly

queried about their willingness to donate in order to preserve the park. The survey attempted to

reproduce as much as possible the conditions of the fund raising campaign in order to specifically

test for the existence and magnitude a nonuse value component in WTP. Information on various

demographic and socio-economic characteristics (explanatory variables) was also obtained for

each respondent.

Two sub-populations were sampled in the follow-up study: a donor group which

consisted of people who had actually pledged donations in 1989 and a general population (GP)

“control” group. We will only discuss the GP sample in this paper. This sample was randomly

selected from the telephone directory. Respondents in this sample were divided into two

groups: 200 respondents were presented with an open-ended version of WTP questions

(denoted OE), and a second group of 500 respondents were given dichotomous choice

(closed-ended) WTP questions (denoted DCH).3 The respondents who were given a

dichotomous choice question and replied negatively to the presented bid were further asked

how much they were willing to contribute. In order to exemplify the methodology discussed in

Sec. 3 we ignored the actual amount an individual in the DCH group is willing to contribute,

and simply took any positive (zero) amount as showing a willingness (unwillingness) to


The Appendix lists only those explanatory variables found to be useful in our modeling

below. Excepting Bid, the other variables in the Appendix are taken as categorical and are

3 A detailed discussion of the survey is given by Shechter et al. (1996).

defined for modeling purposes as dummy variables. For each explanatory variable the number

of dummies is one less than the number of classes. For example, Income is defined by two

dummies, the first of which takes on the values 1 or 0 depending on whether the individual is in

the lower than average national income or not. The second dummy is similarly defined for the

average income group. The higher than average group is defined by both dummies taking the

value of zero, thus the estimated coefficient for each dummy must be interpreted relative to the

higher income group which serves as a baseline.

4.1 The OE sample

Following Sec. 2, we use a logistic regression model for the P(WTP = 0) and a lognormal

linear regression for the positive WTPs. A backwards procedure was used to reduce the

number of explanatory covariates. Tables 1 and 2 present the covariates which were found to

be significant. Due to the method used for constructing dummy variables for each categorical

variable the coefficient associated with the highest level of each categorical variable is

automatically set to zero and consequently is not listed in these tables.

- Tables 1 and 2 -

Table 1 shows that for individuals having a positive WTP, users have a higher WTP

than non-users. Examining Table 2 we see that the probability of not contributing at all

increases with increasing age, decreases with increasing income and is smaller for white collar

workers when compared to blue collar workers. For this data set the covariates important for

the P(WTP=0) are completely different from those important for the positive WTP regression.

Means and Medians can be computed as functions of the covariates as in Section 2.2.

According to the combined spike model (Table 3), white collar users belonging to the

highest income and lowest age group will on average have the highest WTP, while blue collar

non-users belonging to the highest age and lowest income group have on average the lowest

WTP. Table 3 presents these two extreme cases, along with a number of other cases with

different combinations of levels of the covariates. As expected, due to skewness the estimated

Medians are smaller than their corresponding Means. Note that due to the strong covariate

effects, examining the overall mean (or median) may be misleading.

- Table 3 -

4.2 The DCH sample

For the dichotomous choice data we assume that the response to a bid for those willing to

donate, can be modeled by a logistic model in terms of log bid4 (as in (14) and (18)) while the

probability of not being willing to donate at all can be modeled by a logistic model (as in (17)).

As in Sec. 4.2 a backwards procedure was used to reduce the number of covariates. Tables 4

and 5 present the final models. The two questions presented to the individual are as discussed

in Sec. 3.3 in reverse order and thus log(bid) is considered as an explanatory covariate for p i .

- Tables 4 and 5 -

In the DCH sample, none of the socioeconomic variables examined effect the WTP of

those individuals who are prepared to participate. We suspect that the anchoring effect of the

Bid variable overshadows that of the other variables. However, the P(WTP=0) is effected by

user, age and income as well as the size of the bid. Nonusers have a higher probability of not

contributing than users. The probability of not contributing to all decreases with increasing

income. The age effect is not monotonic but the highest age group has a higher probability of

not contributing than the lowest. It should be noted that P(WTP=0) increases with bid. We

postulate that high bids seemingly discourage people from contributing anything, although this

requires further corroboration. If this is the case, one ought to seriously consider the option of

presenting a bid only after the individual has indicated a willingness to pay something at all.

Finally, Table 6 presents predictions of Means and Medians for some combinations of

covariate values computed according to the spike model. The largest WTP is obtained by the

high bid, high income, low age, user group, while the smallest WTP corresponds to the low

bid, low income, high age, nonuser group.

- Table 6-

4.3 Comparison of the OE and DCH results

There are both similarities and differences between the OE and DCH results. If we look at

only those individuals willing to contribute the OE sample indicates a user effect with the

model estimates of Table 1 resulting in a mean WTP (for only those willing to contribute some

positive amount) of NIS 74 for users and NIS 38 for nonusers respectively, while the model

estimates of Table 4 result in an overall mean WTP of 128. The P(WTP=0) is, for the two

samples, effected in the same general direction by age and income, but differs in the effect of

bid, user and occupation, with bid and user only effecting the OE sample and occupation only

the DCH sample. It is important to note, however, that since the DCH and OE groups are

4 Log bid is used rather than bid to account for the skewness noted in the Introduction.

random sub-samples of the same population, we would expect to see similar results. The

observed differences again raises the question as to which approach provides a better

indication of the individuals’ WTP (see, e.g., Mitchell and Carson, 1989).

5. Discussion

In the analysis of WTP data the possibility of zeros is often ignored even though there is

empirical evidence that this frequently occurs. Recently spike models have been introduced to

take this zero lumping into account. We have shown how spike models, when considered as a

mixture of a point mass at zero with some continuous distribution, can be extended to take

explanatory variables into account.

For both open-ended and closed-ended (with a secondary question) data the likelihood

function breaks up in such a way that computations are carried out separately for individuals

willing to contribute and those not willing. Standard computer programs can then be used to

carry out the computations and the results can be recombined to provide estimates of Mean or

Median WTP which do not ignore the zero value.

The methodology can be applied to various choices of distributions (F) for those

willing to pay and of models for the probability of not being willing to pay at all (p). Our

examples have used conventional choices but others are certainly possible. The question of

how to pick the best choice remains an open issue, and deserves additional study. Another

problem of interest which we are currently examining is the development of good confidence

intervals for the mean (median) WTP.


Collett, D. (1991). Modeling Binary Data. Chapman and Hall, London.

Kristrom, B. (1995). Spike Models in Contingent Valuation: Theory and Illustration. Paperpresented at the First Toulouse Conference on Environmental and ResourceEconomics.

Johansson, P.O., B. Kristrom and H. Nyquist (1992). Valuing a Public Good using the CVM:Bid Vectors, Spikes and Risk. Mimeo, Stockholm School of Economics.

McFadden, D. (1994). Contingent Valuation and Social Choice. Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 76, 689-708.

Mitchell, R. C. and Carson, R. T. 1989. Using Surveys to Value Public Goods. Washington,D.C.: Resources for the Future.

Langford, I. and I. Bateman (1993). Welfare Measures and Contingent Valuation Studies:Estimation and Reliability. CSERGE GEC Working Paper 93-04, University of EastAnglia.

Shechter, M. (1991). "A comparative study of environmental amenity valuations,"Environmental and Resource Economics 1 (2): 129-155.

Shechter, M., Z. Zaitsev, and B. Reiser (1997). Measuring Passive Use Value: Pledges,Donations and CV Responses in Connection with an Important Natural ResourceWorking Paper. Natural Resource and Environmental Research Center, University ofHaifa, Haifa.


List of Explanatory Variables

Age: Respondent’s age group, 1 (youngest) to 5 (oldest).

Bid: Bid amount in NIS (New Israeli Shekel) for the dichotomous choice.

Occup.: Occupation 1 = white collar, 2 = blue collar, 3 = other.

Income: Household’s income level, 3 = higher than (national) average, 2 = about

average, 1 = lower than average.

User: User (of park) = 1, passive-user = 2.


δ delta

π pi

σ sigma

φ phi

∫ integral sign

∞ infinity

Π product (capital pi)

∑ summation (capital sigma)

µ mu

α alpha

β beta

η eta

Table 1: OE Sample: Regression Model for positive WTP

Parameter Coefficient Estimate p-value

Intercept 3.15


1 0.66 0.001

σ2 0.996

Table 2: OE Sample: Logistic Regression Model for P(WTP=0)

Parameter Coefficient Estimate p-value

Intercept -0.44

Age 0.045

1 -1.88.

2 -1.63

3 -1.55

4 -1.13

Occup 0.049

1 -1.13

2 0.62

Income 0.021

1 1.24

2 0.11

Table 3: OE Sample: Spike Model Predictions

Estimates of

Users Income Occup Age µi pi Meani Mediani

2 1 2 5 3.14 0.81 7.4 0

1 3 1 1 3.81 0.03 72.0 47.0

1 2 2 1 3.81 0.17 61.8 35.1

1 2 2 2 3.81 0.21 59.0 32.6

1 2 2 3 3.81 0.22 58.0 31.7

1 2 2 4 3.81 0.30 52.0 25.8

1 2 2 5 3.81 0.57 31.9 0

2 2 2 3 3.15 0.22 29.9 16.3

1 1 2 3 3.81 0.47 39.7 9.9

1 3 2 3 3.81 0.20 59.4 32.9

Table 4: DCH Sample: Logistic regression model for ηi

Parameter Coefficient Estimate p-value

Intercept -9.73 0.001

Logbid 2.17 0.001

Table 5: DCH Sample: Logistic Regression Model for pi

Parameter Coefficient Estimate p-value

Intercept -3.00

Logbid 0.50 0.007

User 0.022

1 -0.65

Age 0.005

1 -1.80

2 -0.03

3 -0.49

4 -0.6

Income 0.0178

1 1.00

2 0.38

Table 6: DCH Sample: Spike Model Predictions

Bid Income Age Users Estimates of

pi Meani Mediani

50 2 3 1 0.14 109.8 75.4

50 2 3 2 0.24 97.1 64.9

50 1 3 1 0.23 97.8 65.6

50 2 3 1 0.14 109.8 75.4

50 3 3 1 0.10 115.0 79.2

10 2 3 1 0.07 119.2 82.1

25 2 3 1 0.10 114.6 78.9

50 2 3 1 0.14 109.8 75.4

75 2 3 1 0.17 106.4 72.7

100 2 3 1 0.19 103.7 70.6

100 1 5 2 0.58 54.1 0

10 1 5 2 0.30 89.5 57.6

100 3 1 1 0.04 122.7 84.5

10 3 1 1 0.01 126.2 86.8
