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Index of Authors Cited

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Index of Authors Cited Aagaard, P. 29, 66 Aagaard, T. 625 Abbott, P.L. 190 Abdel-Wahab, A.A. 224 Abed, A.M. 526 Abel, W.A. 27 Abrajano, T. 292 Abt, S.R. 294 Acrivos, A. 360 Adabbo, M. 780 Adam, D.P. 424 Adams, A.E. 69 Adams, J. 25 Adams, R.D. 446 AEUB 502 Agassiz, L. 633 Aggarwal, P.K. 394 Agrawal, Y.c. 285 Agricola, G. 249 Agterberg, F.P. 685 Aguilar, C. 384 Aharon, P. 526 Ahlbrandt, T.S. 253 Ahn, J.H. 65, 126 Ahnert, F. 605 Ahr, W.M. 397 Aigner, T. 354 Aiken, G.R. 362 Ainsworth, P. 371 Ainsworth, R.B. 202 Aissaoui, D.M. 395 Aitken, J.D. 446 Aksu, A.E. 292, 498, 499, 672, 673 Al Farraj, A. 7 AI-Salem, A.A. 626 Albritton, c.c. 292 Aleinikoff, J.N. 548 Aleva, G.J.J. 145, 411, 534 Alex, C.M. 673 Alexander, C.R. 605, 606, 736 Alexander, H.S. 354 Alexander, J. 433, 760 Alexandersson, E.T. 438 Algeo, T.J. 183 Ali, Y.A. 18 Allan, G.L. 397 Allan, J. 502 Allen, E.A. 587 Allen, G.P. 498, 583 Allen, H.E. 751 Allen, J.R.L. 16,40,42,59,61,137,168, 172,183,195,213,214,231,267,271, 287, 296, 335, 356,413, 414, 433, 498, 514, 551, 618, 633, 668, 711, 728, 733, 748 Allen, P.A. 183, 354, 358, 364, 609, 733, 736 Aller, R.C. 438 Alley, R.B. 331, 746 Allison, K.R. 287 Allison, P.A. 458, 728 Allmendinger, R.W. 733 Allouc, J. 71 Almbaydin, F. 526 Almon, W.R. 126 Alonso-Zarza, A.M. 7,9 Alvarez, L.W. 656 Alvarez, W. 656 Amarie, M. 137 American Geological Institute (AGI) 746 American Society of Civil Engineers 618 Amery, G.B. 674 Amit, R. 8 Amodio, S. 183 Anderson, E.J. 184 Among, H.L. 744 Amorosi, A. 333 Amos, c.L. 498, 687, 711 Amthor, J.E. 241,242 An, Z.S. 443 Anbar, A.D. 384 Andersen, H.V. 414 Andersen, M.A. 120 Andersen, T. 299 Anderson, J.B. 330, 498, 499, 746 Anderson, K.B. 565 Anderson, L.c. 498 Anderson, R.F. 396, 492, 605, 763 Anderson, R.S. 253, 711 Anderson, R.Y. 765 Anderson, S.P. 395 Anderson, T.F. 394 Anderton, R. 271 Andresen, A. 436 Andrews, J.E. 754 Andrews, J.T. 424, 605, 606 Andrews, L.M. 223, 692 Angel, MY 763 Anguy, Y. 519 Anketell, J.M 551 Ankley, G.T. 751 Anonymous 223, 633 Anselmetti, F.S. 314 Antia, E.E. 157 Aomine, S. 4 ApeJt, c.J. 480 Aplin, A.C. 167 Appelo, C.A.J. 542 Appleby, P.G. 753 Appleman, D.E. 139 Arakel, A.V. 91 Aravena, R. 516 Arbey, F. 63 Archer, A.W. 736,743 Archer, J. 137 Archie, G.E. 267,314 Arikan, F. 554 Armi, L. 464 Armijo, R. 734 Armstrong, R.L. 599 Arnott, R.W. 364, 567, 687, 711 Aronson, J.L. 29 Arora, V.K. 344 Arp, G. 3 Arrhenius, G. 379, 341 Arribas, J. 548, 549 Arthur, M.A. 85, 384, 394, 526, 702 Arvidson, R.S. 99, 100, 241, 526 Asako, Y. 711 Asaro, F. 656 Asgaard, U. 82, 700 Ashi, J. 673 Ashley, G.M. 711 Ashmore, P.E. 87, 582 Asian, A. 35, 287 Asmerom, Y. 394

Index of Authors Cited

Aagaard, P. 29, 66 Aagaard, T. 625 Abbott, P.L. 190 Abdel-Wahab, A.A. 224 Abed, A.M. 526 Abel, W.A. 27 Abrajano, T. 292 Abt, S.R. 294 Acrivos, A. 360 Adabbo, M. 780 Adam, D.P. 424 Adams, A.E. 69 Adams, J. 25 Adams, R.D. 446 AEUB 502 Agassiz, L. 633 Aggarwal, P.K. 394 Agrawal, Y.c. 285 Agricola, G. 249 Agterberg, F.P. 685 Aguilar, C. 384 Aharon, P. 526 Ahlbrandt, T.S. 253 Ahn, J.H. 65, 126 Ahnert, F. 605 Ahr, W.M. 397 Aigner, T. 354 Aiken, G.R. 362 Ainsworth, P. 371 Ainsworth, R.B. 202 Aissaoui, D.M. 395 Aitken, J.D. 446 Aksu, A.E. 292, 498, 499, 672, 673 Al Farraj, A. 7 AI-Salem, A.A. 626 Albritton, c.c. 292 Aleinikoff, J.N. 548 Aleva, G.J.J. 145, 411, 534 Alex, C.M. 673 Alexander, C.R. 605, 606, 736 Alexander, H.S. 354 Alexander, J. 433, 760 Alexandersson, E.T. 438 Algeo, T.J. 183 Ali, Y.A. 18

Allan, G.L. 397 Allan, J. 502 Allen, E.A. 587 Allen, G.P. 498, 583 Allen, H.E. 751 Allen, J.R.L. 16,40,42,59,61,137,168,

172,183,195,213,214,231,267,271, 287, 296, 335, 356,413, 414, 433, 498, 514, 53~ 53~ 551, 56~ 58~ 59~ 618, 633, 65~ 668, 711, 728, 733, 73~ 748

Allen, P.A. 183, 354, 358, 364, 609, 733, 736 Aller, R.C. 438 Alley, R.B. 331, 746 Allison, K.R. 287 Allison, P.A. 458, 728 Allmendinger, R.W. 733 Allouc, J. 71 Almbaydin, F. 526 Almon, W.R. 126 Alonso-Zarza, A.M. 7,9 Alvarez, L.W. 656 Alvarez, W. 656 Amarie, M. 137 American Geological Institute (AGI) 746 American Society of Civil Engineers 618 Amery, G.B. 674 Amit, R. 8 Amodio, S. 183 Anderson, E.J. 184 Among, H.L. 744 Amorosi, A. 333 Amos, c.L. 498, 687, 711 Amthor, J.E. 241,242 An, Z.S. 443 Anbar, A.D. 384 Andersen, H.V. 414 Andersen, M.A. 120 Andersen, T. 299 Anderson, J.B. 330, 498, 499, 746 Anderson, K.B. 565 Anderson, L.c. 498 Anderson, R.F. 396, 492, 605, 763 Anderson, R.S. 253, 711 Anderson, R.Y. 765 Anderson, S.P. 395

Anderson, T.F. 394 Anderton, R. 271 Andresen, A. 436 Andrews, J.E. 754 Andrews, J.T. 424, 605, 606 Andrews, L.M. 223, 692 Angel, MY 763 Anguy, Y. 519 Anketell, J.M 551 Ankley, G.T. 751 Anonymous 223, 633 Anselmetti, F.S. 314 Antia, E.E. 157 Aomine, S. 4 ApeJt, c.J. 480 Aplin, A.C. 167 Appelo, C.A.J. 542 Appleby, P.G. 753 Appleman, D.E. 139 Arakel, A.V. 91 Aravena, R. 516 Arbey, F. 63 Archer, A.W. 736,743 Archer, J. 137 Archie, G.E. 267,314 Arikan, F. 554 Armi, L. 464 Armijo, R. 734 Armstrong, R.L. 599 Arnott, R.W. 364, 567, 687, 711 Aronson, J.L. 29 Arora, V.K. 344 Arp, G. 3 Arrhenius, G. 379, 341 Arribas, J. 548, 549 Arthur, M.A. 85, 384, 394, 526, 702 Arvidson, R.S. 99, 100, 241, 526 Asako, Y. 711 Asaro, F. 656 Asgaard, U. 82, 700 Ashi, J. 673 Ashley, G.M. 711 Ashmore, P.E. 87, 582 Asian, A. 35, 287 Asmerom, Y. 394


Asserto, R. 234, 681 Astin, T.M. 720 Astin, T.R. 183, 223, 659 ASTM (American Society for Testing and

Materials) 344, 751 Atchley, S.e. 446 Athy, L.F. 167 Attalla, M.N. 502 Attia, K.M. 526 Atwater, B.F. 183, 756 Aubrey, D.G. 609 Aubry, M.-P. 443 Auffret, J.P. 498 Augustinus, P.G.E.F. 157,736 Auman, H.J. 751 Ausich, W.1. 249, 728 Austen, T. 285 Austin, W.e. 682 Autin, W.J. 287 Auton, T.R. 229 Awramik, S.M. 3, 690 Awwiller, D.N. 394 Ayalon, A. 394, 396 Aydin, A. 733 Azam, F. 491 Azevedo, T.M. 91

Baag, e. 557 Baas, J.H. 567, 568 Baas, M. 594 Baba, J. 338 Bachtel, S.L. 447 Bachu, S. 502 Back, W. 190,241,542 Badiozamani, K. 241 Bagnold, R.A. 31,172,229,253,335,352,

528,529,618,625, 638, 67~ 711, 759 Bahlburg, H. 548 Bailard, J.A. 625 Bailey, E.B. 335, 628 Bailey, E.M. 403 Bailey, S.D. 246 Bailey, S.W. 65, 126, 400, 722 Bain, D.e. 126,167 Baird, G.e. 446, 728 Baker, A.J. 394 Baker, e.L. 651 Baker, J.e. 53 Baker, P.A. 134, 241, 242 Baker, V.R. 292, 292-293 Bakken, B. 668 Baldauf, J. 763 Baldauf, J.G. 492 Bale, A.J. 285 Ballantyne, e.K. 7 Ballard, R.R.B. 224 Balling, R.e. 123 Balme, B.E. 148 Baltzer, F. 241 Banfield, J.F. 219 Bangs, N.L. 673 Banks, N.L. 195 Banner, J.L. 394 Bao, H. 368, 395 Baozhen, Z 299 Bar-Matthews, M. 396 Barbarossa, N.L. 294, 480 Barber, D.J. 100


Barber, R 491 Barbieri, M. 507 Bardaji, T. 274 Bardossy, G. 145, 411 Bargar, E. 592 Barkan, E. 396 Barmawidjaja, D.M. 594 Barnaby, R.J. 105 Barnes, H.L. 703 Barnes, M.A. 403, 428 Barnes, N.F. 491 Barnes, P.M. 672 Barnes, P.W. 157 Barnes, S.S. 378 Barnes, W.e. 403, 428 Barnett, A. 757 Barnhisel, R.T. 126,449 Barr, J.L. 563 Barrell, J. 172, 639 Barrett, P.J. 330 Barrett, T.J. 384 Barrie, J.V. 561, 682 Barron, E.J. 146, 491 Barson, D. 502 Bartholoma, A. 27, 736 Barwis, J. 741 Baryosef, B. 4 Bascom, W.N. 22, 27 Bassler, R.S. 308 Basu, A. 416,430,548,549,554 Basu, A.R. 394 Batchelor, G.K. 530 Bateman, R.M. 148,314 Bates, R.L. 224, 283, 534, 736 Bates, T.F. 646 Bathurst, R.G.e. 69,93, 134,219,224,438,

462, 474, 505, 633, 640, 688 Battjes, J.A. 718 Baturin, G.N. 525, 526 Bauer, A. 371 Bauer, B.O. 246, 625 Bauer, R.A. 35 Bauld, J. 39 Baum, G.R. 333, 526 Baum, R.L. 248 Baumann, P.e. 751 Baumiller, T. 728 Baumiller, T.K. 728 Bayliss, P. 126 Bayram, A. 625 Bazykin, D.A. 183 Bazylinski, D.A. 424, 549 Beard, B.L. 384 Beauchamp, B. 682 Beaufort, D. 450 Beaufort, L. 594, 763 Bebout, D.G. 19,242,446,475 Beck, J.W. 394, 395 Beck, V.H. 91 Beckinsale, R.P. 633 Becq-Giraudon, J.F. 403, 428 Bedard, D.e. 751 Befring, S. 668 Behl, R.J. 665 Behling, P.J. 146 Behr, H.J. 418 Behrens, E.W. 506, 674 Behrensmeyer, A.K. 287, 728 Behrensmeyer, K. 728 Behringer, R.P. 353

Beier, J.A. 594 Bein, A. 234 Belderson, R.H. 498,499, 609 Belknap, D.F. 587, 588 Bender, M.L. 526 Benitez-Latorre, J. 516 Benito, M.1. 394 Benn, D.T. 292,331 Bennett, J.G. 344 Bennett, J.L. 751 Bennett, M.R. 331 Bennett, R.H. 206 Bennett, S.J. 301,480,536,618,759 Benson, L. 754 Benson, W.H. 751 Bentley, e.R. 746 Bentor, Y.K. 134, 525 Berelson, W. 492 Berendsen, H.J.A. 36 Berezniuk, T. 502 Berg, R.e. 746 Berg, R.R. 518 Bergan, M. 281 Berger, A. 443 Berger, A.L. 183 Berger, W.H. 89, 120,491,492, 594, 673,

763 Berggren, W.A. 443 Bergman, H.L. 751 Bergman, K.M. 498 Berhane, H. 502 Berne, S. 498, 499 Bernard, H.A. 47, 271 Berner, K.E. 599 Berner, R.A. 85, 145, 160, 219, 226, 408,

451,542,557,594,599,633,702,728 Bernoulli, D. 507, 508 Berry, W.J. 751 Berryhill, H.L.J. 499 Berthois, L. 338 Bertling, M. 71 Bertram, M.A. 99 Bertrand, P. 548, 763 Bertsch, P.M. 126,449 Besly, B.M. 549 Best, J.L. 301,530,531,536,537,567,618 Bettess, R. 582 Beukes, N.J. 384, 531 Beutner, E. 436 Beveridge, T.J. 38, 39 Bevins, R. 137 Bhattacharya, J.B. 203 Bhattacharya, J.P. 202, 203 Bhattacharyya, D.P. 65, 385 Bice, K.L. 396 Biddinger, G.R. 751 Bideau, D. 267 Bierkens, M.F.P. 287 Bierman, P.R. 394 Biggs, D.L. 665 Biggs, R.B. 202, 609 Bildgen, P. 394 Billings, L.G. 756 Bilodeau, G. 673 Biot, M.A. 314 Bird, D.K. 29 Bird, M.1. 123, 394, 395, 397 Birkemeir, W. 625 Biscaye, P.E. 464, 672, 673, 763 Bischof, S.A. 438

Bischoff, A. 278 Bischoff, W.D. 99, 100 Bish, D.L. 400 Bishnoi, P.R. 138 Bishop, CA. 751 Bishop, F.C 99, 100 Bishop, J.K.B. 763 Bissell, H.J. 249 Bittencourt, ACSP 202 Bj0rkum, P.-A. 118, 167, 168 Bj0rlykke, K. 29, 118, 167 Blachere, J.R. 241 Black, J.M.W. 716 Black, K.P. 625 Black, K.S. 618 Black, M. 440 Blackwell, D.D. 316 Blair, T.C 7, 374, 582 Blais, J.M. 408 Blake, W. 753 Blanc, P. 105, 549 Blanford, G. 416 Blankenship, D.D. 746 Blasco, S.M. 673 Blatt, H. 60, 118, 458, 554, 592, 599, 633 Blissen bach, E. 7 Blockley, J.G. 384 Bloom, A.L. 183, 395 Bloos, G. 354 Blount, A.M. 400, 722 Bluck, B.J. 22, 27 Blum, J.D. 395 Blum, M.D. 582 Boardman, M.R. 242 Bobrowsky, P.T. 756 Bock, W.D. 135 Bodine, M.W. 722 Boersma, A. 507-508 Boersma, J.R. 59 B0ggild, O.B. 69 Bogli, J. 15 Boggs, S.Jr. 184, 430, 549 Boguchwal, L.A. 301, 711 Bohacs, K.M. 85,458 Bohn, H.L. 108 Bohor, B.F. 63, 264, 656 Boichard, R. 241 Boiron, M.C 105 Boles, J.R. 20, 29 Bolt, G.H. 108 Bonatti, E. 507, 507-508 Bond, G.C 733 Bondevik, S. 756 Bone, Y. 474 Bonnecaze, R.T. 352 Bonney, T.G. 633 Bookin, A.S. 400 Boon, J.D. 609 Boothroyd, J.C 741 Bora, J.A. 185 Borchert, H. 263 Bordeaux, Y.L. 728 Borer, J.M. 446 Bornhold, B.D. 31,668 Borre, M 120 Bory, A. 548 Bosak, P. 678 Bosellini, A. 183 Bosence, D.W. 102,688,728 Boswell, T.G.H. 633


Botrell, S.H. 702 Bottcher, M.E. 594 Bottjer, D. 440 Botz, R. 722 Boudreau, B.P. 226, 451, 606 Boudzoumou, F. 722 Bouloubassi, I. 403, 763 Boulton, G.S. 193, 331, 746 Boulvain, F. 688 Bouma, A.H. 59, 168, 170,271,375,491,

499, 563, 633, 672, 698, 759, 778 Bourbonniere, R. 681 Bourgeois, J. 59, 364, 647, 673 Bourillet, J.F. 498 Bouroz, A. 63 Bourque, P.-A. 101,474,688 Boutakoff, N. 308 Bouysse, P. 498 Bowen, A.J. 31, 625, 626, 711 Bowen, R. 395 Bowman, D. 7 Bowman, J.R. 224, 395 Bowman, M. 698 Bowyer, D.A. 599 Boyce, F.M. 408 Boyd, R. 47, 202, 582 Br0rs, B. 31 Bradley, J.B. 638 Bradley, W.C 25 Bradley, W.H. 594 Brady, L.L. 356, 531 Brady, P.V. 225, 242 Braekman, J.-C 683 Braitsch, O. 263, 722 Brakenridge, G.R. 287 Bramlett, M.N. 89, 665 Brancaccio, L. 754 Brandon, M.T. 436 Brandtstiidter, H. 224, 242 Branney, M.J. 759 Brassell, S.C 85 Bray, CJ. 599 Bray, D.1. 294, 344, 434 Bray, J.W. 425 Brayshaw, A.C 531, 618 Brazier, V. 7 Breed, CS. 711 Brenchley, P.J. 364, 728 Brennan, S.T. 263, 599 Brenner, R.L. 364, 743 Brett, CA. 458 Brett, CE. 206,446, 728, 729 Bretz, J .. H. 292 Bricker,O.P. 53, 118 Bridge, J.S. 35, 60, 87, 202, 287, 433, 480,

536,537,618 Bridges, E.M. 4 Bridges, P.H. 102, 688 Brien, D.L. 34 Brierley, G.J. 433, 582 Briggs, D.E.G. 702, 728 Brindley, G.W. 65, 142,400, 633 Brinkhuis, H. 594 Brinkmann, R. 633 Bristow, CS. 246, 498 Brodie, 1. 763 Brodzikowski, K. 746 Broecker, W.S. 183,396,491 Bromley, R.E. 120, 700 Bromley, R.G. 71,82,120,700

Brook, G.A. 681 Brookfield, M.E. 60, 253 Brooks, J.R.V. 206 Brooks, N.H. 301 Bmrs, B. 31 Brosse, E. 167 Brotherton, D.1. 582 Broussard, M.L. 202 Brown, G.C 142,599 Brown, L.F., Jr. 183 Brown, P.G. 599 Brown, P.J. 561 Brown, R.G. 234 Brown, R.J.E. 8 Brown, S.M. 109 Brozovic, N. 733 Bruder, K.F. 674 Bruhn, CH.L. 698 Brumer, CA. 293 Brumfield, D.S. 519 Brumsack, H.-J. 594 Brune, G.M. 408 Brunn, P. 157 Brunnacker, K. 755 Brunner, CA. 760 Brunsden, D. 668 Brunsdon, CF. 344 Brush, L.M. Jr. 529 Bryan, W.B. 757 Bryant, E.A. 292, 756 Bryant, 1.D. 202 Bryant, W.R. 170, 206, 274 Brzezinski, M.A. 395, 492 BSI (British Standards Institution) 344 Buat-Menard, P. 763 Buatois, L.A. 82 Bubela, B. 505 Buccino, G. 754 Bucher, W.H. 567 Bucholtz ten Brink, M.R. 665 Buck, S.G. 385 Buczynski, C 462, 505 Budai, J.M. 190 Budd, D.A. 241,446 Buddemeier, R.W. 606 Buffington, E.C 31 Buffington, J.M. 294,618,633 Buffier, R. 139 Bugge, T. 668 Buie, B.F. 412 Bull, P.A. 716 Bull, W.B. 7, 8, 145, 7-8 Bullard, T.F. 430 Bullen, S.B. 234 Bullen, T.D. 395 Burban, P.-Y. 609 Burbank, D. 733 Burchette, T.P. 474,475 Burden, J. 362 Burge, L.M. 433 Burke, E.A.J. 299 Burke, K. 733, 734 Burke, R.B. 560 Burke, S.K. 763 Burke, W.H. 118, 395 Burland, J.B. 121 Burley, S.D. 20, 105, 106 Burmeister, E.G. 516 Burnett, L. 751 Burnett, W.C 525, 526



Burnham, A.K. 306 Burns, L.E. 599 Burns, R.G. 378 Burns, S.J. 21, 118, 134, 241, 396 Burns, V.M. 378 Burr, G.S. 395 Burrell, D.C. 606 Burruss, R.C. 299 Burst, J.F. 333, 720 Burstyn, H.L. 647 Burt, D.M. 100 Burt, N.T. 285 Burt, R. 4 Burton, E.A. 106, 118, 438 Burton, G.A. Jr. 751 Burton, J.H. 65, 126 Busby, c.J. 733 Busby, J.F. 190 Busch, D.A. 202 Buschkuehle, B.E. 242 Buseck, P.R. 127,424 Busenberg, E. 99 Bustillo, M. 660 Bustin, R.M. 85, 403, 428 Butler, G.P. 19,585 Butler, J.B. 344 Butler, R.F. 423 Butler, R.M. 502 Butt, T. 625 Butterfield, G.R. 253 Butterfield, N.J. 394 Buxton, T.M. 692 Buynevich, T.V. 47, 741 Byerly, G.R. 264 Byers, C.W. 446, 672 Byrne, J.V. 19 Byrne, R.J. 609 Byrne, T. 436

Cabrerra, J.G. 248 Cabrol, P. 681 Cacchione, D.A. 498, 625, 672, 687 Cadee, G.c. 633 Cai, J. 743 Caincross, B. 583 Cairns-Smith, A.G. 677 Calabrese, E.A. 606 Calder, E.S. 31 Caldwell, M. 592 Caldwell, W.B.E. 397 Callander, R.A. 434 Calle, C. 768 Calon, T.J. 672 Calvache, M. 8 Calvert, S. 491 Calvert, S.E. 66, 378, 379, 384, 594, 672, 763 Calvet, F. 446 Cameron, A.R. 403 Caminade, J. 756 Campbell, C.S. 33, 336 Campbell, C.V. 59, 60, 364 Campbell, T.H. 599 Campbell, L.M. 751 Campbell, S. 716 Campion, K.M. 185, 203 Cande, S.c. 443 Canfield, D.E. 395, 599, 702, 728 Cannon, J.R. 18


Cannon, R.L. 519 Cannon, W.F. 633 Cant, D.J. 434 Cao, Z. 618 Capo, R.C. 241 Carey, S. 292 Carling, P.A. 292 Carlson, C. 508 Carlson, c.P. 42 Carlson, J. 698 Carlson, P.R. 498 Carlson, W.D. 462 Carmona, M.C. 682 Carnes, M. 673 Carozzi, A.V. 633, 665 Carpenter, A.B. 241,542 Carpenter, G. 672 Carpenter, S.J. 395 Carpenter, J.R. 185 Carr, S.J. 375 Carr, T.R. 183 Carrier, G.F. 718 Carrigy, M.A. 16 Carroll, A.R. 85, 506 Carson, M.A. 33, 256 Carstens, H. 224 Carter, A. 548 Cartwright, J.A. 720 Carver, R.E. 358, 618 Cas, R.A.F. 296, 335 Casas, E. 299 Casey, M. 167 Casey, R.E. 763 Cassells, J.B.C. 294 Castaing, P. 498 Castens-Seidell, B. 585 Castillo, M.M. 138 Castro, L.N. 526 Cathelineau, M. 105 Caumette, P. 39, 440 Cavazza, W. 592 Cavell, P.A. 242 Cawood, P.A. 358 Cayeux, L. 505, 640, 640-641 Cegla, J. 551 Cembranos, M.L. 4 Centineo, M.C. 333 Cerling, T.E. 91, 395 Cermak, V. 315 Chadwick,O.A. 91,241 Chafetz, H.S. 53, 395, 505, 754 Chaloner, W.G. 123 Chamberlain, c.P. 397 Chamberlin, T.C. 643 Charnley, H. 127, 134, 142,458, 498, 677 Chan, L.H. 599 Chan, M.A. 224 Chandler, F.W. 554 Chandler, J.H. 344 Chandler, R.J. 248 Chang, H.H. 529, 618 Channell, J.E.T. 424 Channer, D.M.DeR. 599 Chapelle, F.H. 542 Chapman, C.R. 278 Chapman, D.L. 109 Chapman, P. 668 Chapman, P.M. 751 Chapman, R.E. 267 Chapman, S. 229

Chapman, V.J. 736 Chappell, J.M.A. 395 Chappie, D.J. 751 Charaklis, W.G. 39 Charlie, D. 756 Chase, E.B. 605 Chaudhuri, S. 395 Chazot, G. 395 Cheel, R.J. 356, 364, 537, 687 Chen, c.L. 352 Chen, J. 681 Chen, W. 224 Chen, Y. 4 Cheng, D.C.-H. 360 Cherry, J.A. 268 Chesnut, D.R. 148 Chi, G. 508 Childs, C.W. 395 Chilingar, G.V. 249 Chillingarian, G.V. 168 Chivas, A.R. 358, 395, 397 Choi, K.S. 743 Choi,D.R. 446 Choppin, G.R. 438 Choquette, P.W. 15, 118, 267, 678, 684 Chorley, R.J. 34, 633 Chough, S.K. 274 Choung, K.-S. 687 Chow, N. 446 Chowns, T.M. 224, 308, 665 Christ, c.L. 63, 634 Christiansen, E.A. 678 Christie, J.M. 554 Christie, P.A.F. 167 Christman, R.F. 362 Chrzastowski, M.J. 35 Chuber, S. 183 Chuhan, F.A. 167 Church, M. 8, 11,22,25,345,434,480,531,

582, 618 Church, M.A. 344 Chyba, C.F. 599 Cialone, M.A. 43 Cicero, A.D. 599 Cirac, P. 498 Cisne, J.L. 183 Cita, M.B. 594 Clague, D.A. 733 Clague, J.J. 33, 605, 756 Clark, T.D. 395 Clark, J.B. 751 Clark, J.D. 698 Clark, J.S. 123 Clarke, J.D.A. 474 Clarke, T.L. 561 Clauer, N. 333,371,395,450 Claxton, B.L. 300 Claypool, G.E. 306, 395 Clayton, c.J. 306 Clayton, J.L. 605 Clayton, R.H. 385 Clayton, R.N. 395, 396 Clayton, W. 137 Clements, R.G. 83 Clemett, S.J. 549 Clemmensen, L. 137 Clenell, M.B. 167 Cleveringa, J. 625 Clifford, c.H. 594 Clift, R. 229

Clifton, H.E. 42, 157, 537, 625 Clinton, H.E. 634 Cloos, M. 436 Cloud, P. 384 Clough, J.G. 183 Clough, S.R. 35, 287 Clymo, R.S. 516 Cobb, J.e. 157 Cochonat, P. 673, 698 Cochran, J.B. 170 Cochran, U. 757 Codd, J.M. 498 Cogley, J.G. 599 Cohen, A.S. 734 Cohen, Y. 39,440 Cole, F.A. 751 Cole, R.B. 582 Cole, R.D. 206 Colella, A. 202, 274 Coleman, J.M. 36, 202, 283, 668 Coleman, M.L. 29, 306, 395, 396 Coleman, N.L. 229,618 Coleman, S.E. 301 Colin, F. 722 Collier, E.L. 433 Collier, R. 274, 492, 599 Collins, M.B. 568, 609 Collinson, J. 137 Collinson, J.D. 195, 203, 271 Collinson, M.E. 123, 148 Colman, A.S. 525 Colquehoun, D. 561 Colquhoun, D.J. 47 Combaz, A. 429 Compston, W. 656 Compton, J. 525 Condie, K.e. 599 Congdon, R.D. 63 Coniglio, M. 395, 672 Conley, D.e. 625 Connolly, J.P. 751 Conolly, J.R. 692 Conway, K.W. 682 Conybeare, e.E.B. 283, 634 Cook, H.E. 474 Cook, P.J. 525, 526 Cooke, R.U. 22,211,253 Coombs, D.S. 29, 780 Cooper, J.R. 414 Copard, Y. 403, 428 Corbett, P.W.M. 618 Corliss, J.B. 599 Cornelisse, J. 285 Cornell, R.M. 368 Cornwell, J.e. 703 Correns, e.W. 118,641 Corte, A.E. 214 Corvi, P.J. 306 Costa, J.E. 8, 33, 292 Cotterill, D.K. 502 Coumes, F. 698 Cousineau, P.A. 508 Cowan, e.A. 446,475 Cowan, D.S. 436 Cowell, P.J. 47, 625 Cowen, e.E. 751 Cowen, E.A. 743 Cowling, T.G. 229 Cox, G.H. 628 Cox, L. 384


Crabtree, S.J. 519 Craig, H. 366, 395 Craig, R.F. 24,425 Crans, W. 668 Crawford, M.L. 299 Crawley, R.A. 537 Creaney, S. 85, 458, 502 Creaser, R.A. 397 Crelling, J.e. 565 Crerar, D.A. 118, 136 Cresswell, R.G. 397 Crickmore, M.J. 753 Cripps, J. 123 Croke, J.e. 287, 434, 583 Cronan, D.S. 379,491, 534 Crone, A.J. 557 Crook, K.A.W. 283, 634 Cross, B.L. 308 Cross, H. 159 Cross, T.A. 35, 185, 287, 634, 644 Cross, W. 634 Cross, T.A. 447 Crossland, e.J. 606 Croudace, 1. 757 Crowder, D.W. 344 Crowell, J.e. 184,331,514,733 Crowley, T.J. 145 Cruden, D.M. 33, 248 Crunan, H.R. 665 Crux, J.A. 499 Cruzado, A. 682 Csanady, G.T. 229 Cubitt, J.M. 685 Cui, B. 338, 344 Cui, Y. 618 Culbertson, K. 605 Cullen, D.J. 525, 526 Cullers, R.L. 548 Culver, J.J. 716 Culver, S.J. 499, 716 Cundy, A. 757 Cuomo, M.e. 206 Curiale, J.A. 366 Curray, J.R. 491,512,561 Curry, B.B. 746 Curry, W.B. 763 Curtis, e. 306, 396 Curtis, e.D. 29, 395 Curtis, R. 585 Curtis, W.F. 605 Cys, J.M. 118

Dabrio, e.J. 42, 274 Dacey, M.F. 184 Dainyak, L.G. 371 Dake, e.L. 628 Daley, B. 354 D'Almeida, G.A. 253 Dalrymple, R.W. 202,498, 499, 582, 609,

736, 743 Daly, J.F. 587 Daly, R.A. 31 Dan, J. 8 Dana, J.D. 308 Dapples, E.e. 224 Darby, D. 757 Darby, S.E. 294 D'Argenio, B.D. 183,754,755

Darwin, e. 560 Darwin, G.H. 568, 634 D'Asaro, E. 464 Dasch, E.J. 397 Datta, P. 400 Daughtry, K.L. 397 Dauphin, P. 526 Davaud, E. 53, 505 David, P.P. 246 Davidson, D.F. 135 Davidson, M.A. 43 Davidson-Arnott, R.G.D. 42, 625 Davies, A.M. 224 Davies, D.K. 126 Davies, G.R. 241,263 Davies, G.W. 618 Davies, J.L. 736 Davies, M.e.R. 414 Davies, P. 755 Davies, P.J. 53, 447, 505, 506 Davies, R. 360 Davies, R.K. 202 Davies, T. 491 Davies, T.A. 733 Davies, T.R.H. 301 Davis, A. 85, 403 Davis, B.S. 39 Davis, E.E. 138 Davis, J.e. 183, 685 Davis, J.M. 224, 267 Davis, R.A. 736 Davis, R.A., Jr 47,736-737 Davis, R.H. 360 Davis, W.M. 634 Davoli, G. 59, 292 Dawans, J.M. 242 Dawson, A.G. 756 Dawson, S. 756 Day, S.J. 531 De Batist, M. 498 de Boer, P.L. 183,625,736,737 De Decker, R.H. 534 De Geer, G. 766 de' Gennaro, M. 780 De Gilbert, J.M. 700 de Haas, H. 737 De Josselin de Jong, G. 336 De La 768 de Lange, G.J. 423, 594 De La Pen a, J.A. 548 De La Rocha, e.L. 395 De Lange, J.J. 594 de Leeuw, J.W. 148, 594 de Ligny, D. 400 de Raaf, J.F.M. 59 de Vernal, A. 673 de la Calle, e. 450 de Ronde, e.E.J. 599 DeB en, W.A. 751 DeCaritat, P. 126 DeCelles, P.G. 224, 548, 582, 592, 733 DeMaris,P.J. 148 DeMaster, D.J. 492 DeMaster, T.D. 492 DeNiro, M.J. 395 DePaolo, D.J. 395 DePasquale, F. 224 Deakin, M. 526 Dean, W.E. 85, 526 Dearnaley, M.J. 285



Debrenne, F. 682 Decarreau, A. 722 Decho, A.W. 39, 440 Dedkov, A.P. 605 Deer, W.A. 769 Defarge, C 101 Degens, E.T. 19, 594, 634 Deigaard, R. 625 Dekkers, M.J. 423 Delaney, M.L. 120, 525, 526 Deloule, E. 105 Delour, J. 353 Demaison, G.J. 763 Demars, C 105-106 Demicco, R.V. 19, 157, 263, 447, 537, 585,

599 Demko, T.H. 700 Demoulin, A. 137 Denaix, L. 4 Denison, R.E. 118, 395 Denlinger, R.P. 188, 352-353 Dennis, P. 754 Denny, CS. 8 Denton, P. 755 Derenne, S. 403 Derry, L.A. 395 Desrochers, A. 15, 682 Deutsch, A. 278 Dewers, T.A. 190 Dewey, J.F. 733, 734 Dewhurst, D.N. 720 Deynoux, M. 331, 746 D'Hondt, S.L. 443 Di Taro, D.M. 751 Diamond, L.W. 29 Dickens, G.R. 138 Dickinson, W.R. 430, 548, 592, 698, 733 Dickinson, W.W. 757 Dickson, J.A.D. 118,121,234,462,684 Dickson, R.R. 464 Diedrihc, N.W. 185 Diekmann, B. 549 Diem, B. 568 Diepenbroek, M. 27 Diessel, CF.K. 63, 85,403,428 Dietrich, W.E. 22, 338, 344, 408 Difficy, J.P. 287 Dijkstra, T.A. 268 Dill, R.F. 31 Diller, G. 137 Dillon, T. 751 Dillon, W. 139 DiMichele, W.A. 145,148 Dimitrov, P. 292 Dimroth, E. 384 DIN (Deutsche Ingenieure Normung)

344 Ding, T. 395 Dingle, R.V. 668 Dingler, J.R. 42, 625 Dinkelman, M.G. 563 Diplas, P. 344 Disnar, J.-R. 403, 428 Ditchfield, P.W. 224, 462 Dix, G.R. 672 Dixit, S. 491 Dobkins, J.E. 27 Dobson, D. 434 Dockal, J.A. 190 Dodds, J. 267


Dohrenwend, J.C 9 Dolan,J.F. 447 Domack, E.W. 331 Domenech, R. 700 Domenico, P.A. 542 Domenico, S.N. 314 Dominey-Howes, D. 757 Dominguez, J.M.L. 202 Dominic, D.F. 618 Donahue, D.J. 395, 594 Donaldson, J.A. 384 Donovan, DT. 183 Donovan, R.N. 374, 720 Donovan, S.K. 728 Dooge, J.CI. 634 Doornkamp, J.C 716 Darale, J.A. 395 Dare, W.H. 109 Dorn, R.T. 8 Dorobek, S. 241 Dott, R.H. 364, 447 Dott, R.H. Jr. 59, 446, 592, 628, 634 Douglas, I. 605 Douglas, J. 605 Douglas, L.A. 769 Douglas, R.G. 635 Douglas, S. 39 Doukhan, J.-C 278 Dousset, P.E. 531 Doveton, J.H. 314 Dowdeswell, J.A. 331, 606 Dowling, CB. 394 Downing, J.P. 626 Downing, R.A. 120 Downs, W.R. 606 Doyle, L.J. 447 Doyle, R.J. 38 Drake, D.E. 498, 625, 673 Drake, T.G. 301 Dreimanis, A. 331, 746 Drescher, A. 336 Dressler, B.O. 278 Drever, J.I. 262, 542 Dria, K. 362 Driese, S.G. 447 Driscoll, M.L. 672 Driscoll, N.W. 668 Drits, V. 371 Drits, V.A. 234, 371, 400 Drivet, E. 241 Dromgoole, P. 698 Droppo, T.G. 408 Droste, J.B. 722 Droz, L. 698 Druffel, E.R.M. 395 Druitt, T.H. 360, 530 Drummond, C 692 Drummond, CN. 183,185 DuMontelle, P.B. 35 Dubiriska, E. 450 Duce, R.A. 491 Duck, R.W. 659 Dudas, M.J. 716 Dudley, S.J. 294 Duff, P.Mcl.D. 183,447 Dufficy, J.P. 35 Dugdate, R. 492 Duggan, J.P. 241 Duivenvoorden, C 202 Duke, W.L. 354, 364, 687

Dullien, F.A.L. 519 Dumont, J.L. 91 Dunbar, CO. 135, 651 Dunbar, R.B. 673 Dunham, J.B. 243 Dunham, R.J. 110, 135, 249, 272, 560 Dunlop, D.J. 368 Dunn, A.J. 633 Dunn, P.A. 183,447,474 Dunne, K.C 287 Dunoyer de Segonzac, G. 634 Dupont, E. 688 Durand, A. 418 Durand, B. 362, 403, 429 Durand, J. 498 Durney, D.W. 634 Durrance, E.M. 224 Dury, G.H. 434 Duschatko, R.W. 268 Dutton, S.P. 20, 219 Dvorkin, J. 314 Dyer, K. 625 Dyer, K.R. 229,285, 498, 609, 736 Dymond, J. 492 Dymond, J.R. 378 Dymond, R. 492 Dypvik, H. 549 Dysthe, D. 167 Dzulynski, S. 59, 282, 551, 678,

748, 759

Earle, L.R. 516 Eastoe, C 396 Eberhardt, P. 106 Eberl, D.D. 142,234,371,449,

450,462 Eberli, G.P. 183,314 Eble, CF. 148 Ebneth, S. 395 Edelvang, K. 285 Edie, B.J. 135 Edmond, J.M. 395, 599 Edwards, D.P. 592 Edwards, K.J. 123 Edwards, M.B. 195 Edwards, R.L. 395 Egeberg, P.K. 167 Eggenkamp, H.G.M. 395 Egrlich, R. 519 Ehlers, J. 736 Ehrenberg, S.N. 126 Ehrlich, H.L. 39 Ehrlich, R. 430, 519, 561 Eidsvik, K.J. 31 Eidvin, T. 668 Einsele, G. 93, 183, 443, 687 Einstein, A. 229, 352, 360 Einstein, H.A. 294, 480 Eisma, D. 285 Eittreim, S.L. 464, 672 Ekdale, A.A. 82, 700 EI-Younsy, A.R.M. 224 Elam, J.C 183 Elders, W.A. 371 Elgar, S. 625 Elimelech, M. 159 Elkins, J.E. 224, 308, 665 Ellam, R.M. 548

Ellery, K. 583 Ellery, W.N. 583 Elliot, T. 183 Elliott, S. 757 Ellis, e. 188, 353 Ellis, P.G. 702 Ellwood, J.M. 711 Elmore, D. 396 Elorza, J.J. 308 Elsass, F. 371,450 Elverh0i, A. 188 Embry, A.F. 134 Emeis, K.e. 594, 763 Emerson, S.R. 526 Emery, D. 184 Emery, K.O. 19, 272, 458, 534, 561, 673,

702,718 Emiliani, e. 395, 507 Emms, P.W. 31 Engel, M.H. 85, 362 Engel, R.J. 4 Engelund, F. 618 Englezos, P. 138 Engstf0m, F. 121 Enos, P. 267, 474, 618 Environmental Protection Agency (US) 751 Enzel, Y. 8 Epstein, S.M. 397, 634 Erba, E. 443 Erdmann, A.L. 35 Erdmer, P. 397 Erel, Y. 395 Ergenzinger, P. 753 Eriksson, K.A. 183,384, 599, 736, 743 Erlenkeuser, H. 763 Ernst, W.G. 308, 634 Erskine, W.D. 35 Eshet, Y. 722 Eslinger, E.V. 29, 127,397,677 Espitalie, J. 429 Essene, E.J. 100, 105,677 Esslinger, P. 502 Esteban, M. 15 Ethington, R.L. 243 Ethridge, F.G. 354, 583 Etris, E.L. 519 Eugster, H.P. 19,145,184,211,262,263,

418, 542 Evamy, B.D. 190, 684 Evans, B. 543 Evans, B.W. 508, 722 Evans, e.D.R. 498 Evans, D.J.A. 292,331 Evans, G. 585 Evans, H.T. Jr. 63 Evans, J.M. 397 Evans, M.J. 395 Evans, P.D. 711 Evans, R. 634 Evans, S.G. 33, 605 Ewen, D.F. 358 Ewers, W.E. 384 Ewing, J. 491 Ewing, M. 491,673,722 Eyles, e.H. 145, 331 Eyles, N. 145,331,747 Eymery, J.P. 450 Faas, R.W. 609 Fabricius, F.H. 505 Fabricius, I.L. 120


Fader, G.B. 561 Fader, G.B.J. 746 Fagel, N. 548 Fagerstrom, J.A. 82, 475 Faghri, M. 711 Fahnestock, R.H. I Fahnestock, R.K. 25, 272 Fairbridge, R.W. 183,190,219,673 Fairchild, I.J. 243, 331 Faleide, J.I. 168 Falkowski, P. 491 Fallick, A.E. 20,21, 127, 234, 394 Fanning, e.M. 548 Farley, K.A. 264 Farmer, V.e. 4, 400 Farquhar, J. 395 Farrell, K.M. 287 Farrington, J.W. 763 Fastovsky, D. 657 Faugeres, J.-e. 673 Faure, G. 395, 400, 548 Faure, K. 599 Faust, G.T. 65 Faust, L.y. 314 Fawcett, P. 146 Feary, D.A. 447 Feder, J. 168 Federico, D.e. 711 Fedo, e.M. 599 Feigl, F. 684 Feldman, H.R. 743 Fendorf, S.E. 109 Fennessy, M.J. 285 Fennessy, W.J. 674 Ferguson, J. 505 Ferguson, R. 344 Ferguson, R.I. 87 Ferland, M.A. 47 Ferm, J.B. 519 Ferm, J.e. 646 Fernandes, A. 4 Fernandez, J. 8 Ferrara, G. 507 Ferraro, S.P. 751 Ferrell, R.E. Jr. 554 Ferreri, V. 183,754,755 Ferris, F.G. 39 Fessas, Y.P. 360, 530 Field, L.J. 751 Field, M. 606 Field, M.E. 498, 499 Fieller, N.R.J. 344 Fifield, L.K. 397 Figueiredo, A.G. Jr 687 Filippelli, G. 525 Filippelli, G.M. 525, 526 Fillo, R.H. 499 Finkel, R.e. 605 Finkelman, R.B. 684 Finkleman, R. 308 Fiorillo, G. 502 Fischer, A. 443 Fischer, A.G. 183, 185 Fischer, G. 492 Fischer, J. 106 Fishbaugh, D.A. 42 Fishenich, J.e. 294 Fisher, e.G. 766 Fisher, I.S. 308 Fisher, M.J. 396

Fisher, Q.J. 167, 224 Fisher, R.S. 20-21 Fisher, R.V. 63, 134 Fishman, N.S. 703 Fisk, H.N. 272, 287, 434, 582 Fiske, R.S. 757 Fitchen, W.M. 183 FitzGerald, D.M. 47, 741 Florke, O.W. 412 Fhigel, E. 69, 505, 560 Flanningan, D.T. 408 Fleet, A.J. 167 Fleischer, P. 673 Fleisher, e.J. 681 Fleming, R.W. 248 Flemming, B.W. 157,498,736 Flenley, E.e. 344 Fletcher, W.K. 531 Flick, R.E. 31 Flicoteaux, R. 526 Flinsch, M.R. 396 Flint, R.F. 135,331 Flint, S.S. 202 Flood, P.G. 447 Flood, R.D. 711 Flores, G. 436 Flores, R.M. 287 Floyd, P.A. 63, 548 Foerster, R. 308


Folk, R.L. 27, 118, 135, 219, 224, 234, 249, 272, 344, 345, 438, 462, 505, 508, 548, 557, 646, 650, 665, 681, 685, 716, 754

Follmi, K.B. 525, 526 Folio, M.F. 592 Fontes, J.Ch. 395 Fontugne, M.R. 594 Foord, E.E. 264, 656 Ford, D. 110 Ford, D.e. 678, 681 Ford, R.L. 430 Ford, T.D. 755 Forman, S.A. 65 Forti, P. 681 Fortin, D. 39 Foscolos, A.E. 66 Foster, J.M. 763 Foster, R.J. 720 Fournier, F. 605 Fowler, B. 379 Friih-Green, G.L. 508 Frakes, L.A. 145 Fralick, P.W. 384 France-Lanord, e. 395 Francis, J.E. 145 Francis, J.R.D. 301 Franco, E. 450 Francois, R. 492 Francu, J. 395 Frank, A. 246, 253 Frankel, R.B. 424 Franks, P.e. 224 Franks, S.G. 29 Franseen, E. K. 183 Frape, S.K. 366, 396 Fraser, G.S. 42, 743 Fraser, H.J. 519 Frazier, D.E. 674 Frazier, S. 362 Freds0e, J. 618, 625 Freeland, G.L. 687


Freeze, R.A. 268 Freiwald, A. 560 French, B.M. 278,416,656 French, P.W. 736 Frexxotti, M.-L. 299 Frey, M. 126, 371 Frey, R.W. 82, 83, 649, 700 Freyssinet, P. 395 Freytet, P. 91,755 Friedman, G.M. 19, 135, 438, 634, 684 Friedman, 1. 395 Friedrich, G. 379 Friedrich, N.E. 741 Friedrichs, G.T. 609 Friend, P.F. II, 582 Friend, P.G. 734 Fripp, J.B. 344 Frishman, S.A. 506 Frisia, S. 100 Fritz, P. 366, 395 Fritz, S.J. 65, 66 Froelich, P.N. 526, 557 Frolov, E.B. 366 Frost, R.L. 51 Frostick, L.e. 22 Frostick, L.E. 8, 531 Fry, W.H. 109 Fryberger, S.G. 211, 246, 253 Fryer, P. 508 Frykman, P. 121 Fu, L. 224 Fuchtbauer, H. 118, 135, 368, 635 Fuchsman, e.R. 516 Fukushima, H. 549 Fukushima, Y. 31,353,759 Fulfaro, V.J. 734 Full, W. 519 Fullagar, P.D. 333 Fuller, S. 746 Fullerton, L.B. 126 Fung, J.e.H. 229 Futterer, E. 354, 728 Fursich, F.R. 700 Fiirsich, F.T. 728 Fiitterer, D. 506 Fyfe, W.S. 394, 395, 396, 599

Gabel, S.L. 203 Gaffey, S.J. 506 Gage, K.L. 397 Gagliano, S.M. 283 Gagnon, A.R. 594 Gaines, A.M. 99, 100 Gaines, G.L. 109 Gale, A.S. 120 Gale, J.F. 718 Gallagher, J.J. Jr 716 Galli-Olivier, e. 526 Galloway, W.E. 157,183,202 Galtier, J. 149 Galvin, e. 374 Galy, A. 395 Gammon, P.R. 682 Ganly, P. 628 Ganssen, G. 763 Gapon, E.N. 109 Garbe-Schonberg, D. 722 Garber, R.A. 19


Garcette-Lepecq, A. 403 Garcia del Cura, M.A. 755 Garcia, M. 31 Garcia, M.H. 294 Gardeweg, M.e. 31 Gardner, J. 606 Gardner, L.W. 314 Gardner, W. 492 Gardner, W.D. 464, 672, 673 Gardulski, A.F. 673 Garfunkel, Z. 668 Garlan, T. 498 Garlick, G.D. 224 Garnett, R.H. 534 Garrels, R.M. 63, 256, 263, 492, 599, 605,

634 Garrison, R.E. 118,121,458,526,665 Gartner, S. 657 Garvie, L.A.J. 127 Gaspar, L. 526 Gass, 1.G. 734 Gassmann, F. 314 Gastaldo, R.A. 145, 744 Gat, J. 408 Gat, J.R. 397 Gaudette, H.E. 242 Gaupp, R. 371 Gautret, P. 102 Gavin, J. 443 Gawthorpe, R.L. 433, 733, 734 Gecol, H. 360 Gees, R. 665 Gehrels, G.E. 548 Gehrels, W.R. 587 Geikie, A. 746 Geiss, J. 106 Gektidis, M. 71 Geldsetzer, H.R.J. 474 Gerdes, G. 39,440 Germann, K. 135 Gersib, G.A. 287 Gerson, R. 8 Gessler, D. 480 Gessler, J. 22 Getzen, R.T. 563 Ghibaudo, G. 759 Ghosh, J.K. 561 Gibbons, G.S. 374 Gibbs, M.T. 146 Gibbs, R.J. 722 Gibling, D.A. 364 Gibling, M.R. 11,512,582,743 Gibson, e. 443 Gibson, E.K. Jf. 549 Gidaspow, D. 352 Gidman, J. 234 Giese, R.F. 400, 722 Gieskes, J.M. 412 Giesy, J.P. 751 Gilbert, G.K. 301,582,711 Gilbert, R. 605, 766 Gile, L.H. 91 Giles, J.R.A. 91 Giles, K.A. 733 Giles, M.R. 167,219,371 Gilg, H.A. 397 Gill, D. 685 Gill, LP. 560 Gill, R. 634 Gillette, D.A. 253

Gillispie, e.e. 634 Gillman, R.A. 224 Gingras, M.K. 82,202 Ginsburg, R.N. 53, 118, 157, 183, 272, 446,

474, 634, 653, 736 Giosan, L. 202 Giovanoli, R. 379 Girard, J.-P. 395 Girardclos, S. 505 Gischler, E. 53, 653 Given, R.K. 241 Gjessing, E.T. 362 Glaser, J.A. 675 Glass, B.P. 656 Glassby, G.P. 379 Glasser, N.F. 331 Glazek, J. 678 Gleason, J.D. 396 Glen, W. 656 Glenn, e.R. 333, 525, 526 Glennie, K.W. 211,272,653 Glover, B.W. 557 Gobas, F.A.P.e. 751 Goddard, E.N. 557 Godderis, Y. 599 Goff, J.A. 668 Goff, J.R. 757 Golabics, S. 755 Gold, T. 366 Goldberg, E.D. 492 Goldberg, S. 109 Goldhaber, M.B. 702 Goldhammer, R.K. 183,185,447,474 Golding, H.G. 692 Golding, S.D. 660 Goldsmith, J.R. 99, 100,99-100 Goldsmith, P. 757 Goldstein, A. 224, 308 Goldstein, R.H. 118,299, 299 Gole, M.J. 384 Goles, G.G. 549 Golonka, J. 560 Golubic, S. 71, 690, 729, 755 Gomez, B. 480, 618 Gonthier, E. 673 Gonzales, E. 436 Gonzalez, L.A. 395 Gonzalez-Martin, J-A. 755 Good, G.A. 634 Goodbody, Q.H. 135 Goodwin, L. 224 Goodwin, P.W. 184 Gordon, L.J. 599 Gorham, E. 408,516 GOI·ini, M. 507-508 Gorsline, D.S. 272,491, 673, 733 Gorton, N.T. 105 Gorur, N. 292 Gottlich, K. 516 Gostin, V.A. 656, 657, 720 Gotze, J. 554 Goudie, A.S. 91,211,253 Gouy, G. 109 Goy, J.L. 7, 8, 9, 274 Grabau, A.W. 184,644,653 Grace, J.R. 229 Graf, D.L. 99, 100,395,99-100 Graf, J.e. 416 Graf, W.H. 618 Graham, J. 354

Graham, S.A. 592, 733 Grahame, D.e. 109 Grammer, G.M. 53, 184 Grams, J.e. 105 Granger, D.E. 605 Granlund, E. 516 Grant, B. 599 Grant, W.D. 625 Grass, A.J. 229 Gratier, J.P. 167, 543 Graton, L.e. 519 Graves, W.J. 303 Gray, J.M.N.T. 352 Gray, M.B. 582 Graybill, F.A. 685 Greb, S.F. 148 Greeley, R. 253, 711 Green, R.H. 751 Greenbaum, N. 8 Greenkorn, R.A. 268 Greenly, E. 436 Greenspan, H.P. 718 Greenwood, B. 42, 43, 625, 626 Gregg, J.M. 234, 241, 242 Gregor, B. 634 Gregory, A.R. 314 Greimann, B.P. 618 Gressly, A. 272 Grieve, D.A. 403 Grieve, R.A.F. 278, 657 Griffin, G.M. 722 Griffin, J.J. 492 Griffiths, D.K. 498 Griffiths, J.e. 344, 646, 685 Grim, R. 634 Grim, R.E. 63, 142,400,677 Grimaldi, D.A. 565 Grimm, J.P. 430 Grimm, K.A. 526 Grinnell, R.S. 728 Grospietsch, Th. 516 Gross, G.A. 384 Grossman, R.B. 91 Grossman, S. 8 Grosswald, M. 292 Grotzinger, J.P. 118, 184-185,384,446,

447, 474, 506, 625, 690, 698 Grousset, F. 763 Grousset, F.E. 548 Grow, T. 711 Grun, R. 755 Gruner, J.W. 400 Grunnan, H.R. 665 Gruszczynski, M. 625 Gruver, B.L. 42 Gueguen, Y. 314 Gude, A.J. 418,666 Gude, A.J.3rd. 780 Guggenheim, S. 142, 722 Guichard, F. 498 Guidotti, C.V. 358 Guidry, M.W. 526 Guiguet, R. 543 Guilbert, J.M. 135 Guillen, J. 625 Gulick, S.S. 673 Gulliver, F. 561 Gunatilaka, A. 234, 438 Guo, L. 755 Guo, Y. 397


Gupta, S. 733 Gurnis, M. 733 Gust, G. 596, 609 Gustavson, T.e. 145 Gutjahr, A.L. 268 Gutschick, R.e. 224 Guven, N. 63, 677 Guy, D.G. 675 Guy, H.P. 301,711 Guy, M. 530 Guza, R.T. 625 Gyr, A. 568

Hakanson, L. 408 Hakansson, E. 120 Hiintzschel, W. 283 Habicht, K.S. 395, 599 Haenel, R. 316 Haff, P.K. 253 Haffner, G.D. 751 Hagadorn, J.W. 440 Hagdorn, H. 249 Hagerthey, S.E. 618 Haggerty, J.A. 508 Haibo, F. 299 Haines, P.W. 656 Halbach, P. 379 Halfpenny, R. 531 Halicz, L. 396 Hall, A. 780 Hall, e.A. Jr. 308 Hall, D. 480 Hall, T.R. 396 Hallam, A. 183, 447, 634 Hallermeier, R.J. 344 Hallet, B. 253 Halley, R.B. 118, 242, 243 Halliday, A.N. 395, 396 Hallock, P. 474, 673 Hallsworth, e.R. 358 Halverson, G.P. 384, 395 Ham, W.E. 634 Hamblin, A.P. 687 Hamblin, W.K. 778 Hambrey, M.J. 331, 746 Hamelink, J.L. 751 Hamilton, P.J. 371 Hamm, E.P. 634 Hammond, D. 492, 526 Hampton, B.P. 224 Hampton, M.A. 408, 668, 675, 759, 760 Hamza, V. 316 Hancock, J.M. 184 Handford, e.R. 263 Hands, E.H. 42 Handschy, J.F. 592 Hanes, D.M. 625 Hannington, M. 722 Hanor, J.S. 53, 542 Hanselmann, K. 39 Hansen, D.J. 751 Hansen, E. 618 Hanshaw, B.B. 190 Hanshaw, D.B. 241 Hansley, P.L. 557 Hanson, e.G. 531 Hanson, G.N. 394 Hapke, B. 416

Happ, S.e. 434 Haq, B.U. 184 Harbaugh, J.W. 203 Harbour, J. 8 Hardenbol, J. 184-185,333,526


Hardie, L.A. 19,100,135,145,183-184, 211, 242, 262, 263, 474, 506, 537, 542, 585, 599

Hardie, L.H. 447 Hardman, R. 121 Haremboure, J. 668 Harker, R.T. 100 Harland, W.B. 331,746 Harms, J.e. 59, 172, 272, 364 Harper, D.A. 395 Harper, D.E. Jr. 751 Harris, e. 414,425 Harris, M.T. 183 Harris, P.M. 446 Harris, P.T. 498, 609 Harris, T. 145 Harrison, A.S. 301 Harrison, e.G. 605 Harriss, R.e. 379 Harshbarger, J.e. 751 Hart, B.S. 202 Hartley, A.J. 698 Hartman, H. 677 Hartman, N. 526 Harvey, A.M. 7, 8, 9 Harvie, e.E. 263 Hassan, M.A. 22, 618, 753 Hassler, S.W. 384 Haszeldine, R.S. 20, 21 Hatch, F.H. 634 Hatcher, P. 362 Hathaway, J.e. 722 Hattingh, J. 563 Hattori, I. 184 Hattori, K.H. 722 Hauff, P.L. 127 Haughton, P.D.W. 458, 549 Havholm, K. 253 Hawkesworth, e. 396 Hawksley, P.G. 360 Hay, A.E. 568, 626 Hay, R.L. 780 Hay, W.H. 605 Hay, W.W. 89, 605 Hayes, J.B. 224, 308 Hayes, J.M. 396 Hayes, M. 362 Hayes, M.J. 29 Hayes, M.O. 47, 736, 741 Hays, J. 443 Hays, J.D. 145, 184 Hayton, A. 751 Hayward, B.W. 757 Hazzard, J. 33 He, Q. 753 Heald, M.T. 29 Heaney, P. 660 Heard, H.e. 99,99-100 Hearty, P.J. 757 Heath, G.R. 89,492,526 Heath, K.e. 673 Heath, R.G. 492 Heathershaw, A.D. 498 Heathwaite, A.L. 516 Hebisch, V. 379


Heckel, P.H. 184,474 Heezen, B.e. 272, 430, 673, 733 Heggie, D.T. 526 Hegner, E. 549 Heijen, W. 106 Heiken, G.H. 416 Heiman, Monica 651 Hein, F.J. 673, 698 Heize, e. 492 Hequette, A. 157 Heling, D. 135 Heller, P.L. 35, 698 Helmold, K.P. 281 Helsley, e.E. 557 Hem, J.D. 263 Hemming, M.A. 561 Hemming, N.G. 105 Hemphill-Haley, E. 756, 757 Henderson-Sellers, A. 599 Hendricks, S.B. 109,400 Hendry, J.P. 20, 106, 462 Henk, B. 82 Henley, S. 685 Henning, G.J. 755 Henrich, R. 560 Henry, D.J. 358 Henry, M. 751 Henry, V.J. 736 Hensley, V. 526 Herbers, T.H.e. 625 Herbert, T.D. 443 Herbertson, J.G. 301 Herczeg, A. 526 Herdman Sir, W.A. 647 Heritage, G.L. 344 Herman, J.P. 498 Herman, J.S. 241, 755 Hermanns, K. 71 Heron, S.D. 47, 741 Hertweck, G. 736 Hervig, R.L. 395, 397 Herzer, R.H. 561 Herzig, P. 722 Herzog, B.L. 35 Heslop, D. 423 Hess, G.R. 711 Hesse, P. 423 Hesse, R. 542, 660, 665, 673, 698 Hesselbo, S.P. 659 Hetherington, E.A. 118,395 Heward, A.P. 202 Hewitt, R. 728 Hey, R.D. 344 Heydari, E. 506 Heyward, A.P. 8 Hickin, E.J. II, 433, 434, 529, 582 Hickman, S.H. 543 Higashi, A. 214 Higgins, J.D. 24 Higgs, R. 716 Hildebrand, A.R. 599 Hilgen, F.J. 423, 594 Hill, B.T. 743 Hill, e. 681 Hill, e.A. 678 Hill, G.W. 157 Hill, I. 755 Hill, P.R. 157, 673 Hillaire, M.e. 548 Hillaire-Marcel, e. 424, 673


Hillier, S. 127, 65-66 Hills, D.J. 673 Hilmy, M.E. 526 Hilton, D.R. 366 Hinckley, D.N. 400 Hindmarsh, R.e.A. 193 Hine, A.e. 157, 184, 673 Hines, M.E. 242 Hinman, M. 751 Hinnov, L.A. 183-184 Hinton, R.W. 385 Hinze, J.O. 229 Hipple, K. 4 Hires, R. 702 Hirst, J.P.P. 8 Hiscott, R.N. 292, 335, 498, 672, 673, 698,

759, 760 Hjulstrom, F. 347 Hobday, D.K. 736 Hoch, A.R. 462 Hoefs, J. 385, 395 H0eg, K. 167 Hoek, E. 425 Hoekstra, P. 625 Hoffman, J. 371 Hoffman, K. 746 Hoffman, P.F. 384, 395, 733 Hofler, K. 360 Hofmann, H.J. 396, 690 Hofstra, A.H. 242 Holbrook, J. 42 Holden, P. 395 Holeman, J.N. 605 Holland, H.D. 100, 263, 384,

525,542 Holland, S.M. 728 Hollister, e.D. 272, 430, 672, 673, 711 Hollister, L.S. 299 Hollmann, R. 412 Holly, F. 480 Holly, F.M. 618 Holman, R.A. 43, 625 Holser, W.T. 118, 395, 397 Holtedahl, H. 668 Homewood, P.W. 184, 634, 644 Honda, H. 224 Hondzo, M. 188, 353 Honjo, S. 89, 492 Honnorez, J. 507, 507-508 Hooke, R. Ie B. 8 Hooper, J.N.A. 682 Hopkins, T.S. 157 Hopley, D. 53 Horacek, 1. 678 Horbury, A.D. 219 Horkowitz, J.P. 519 Horkowitz, K.O. 519 Horn, R. 498 Hornemann, U. 278 Hornibrook, E.R.e. 66, 396 Horowitz, A.S. 69 Horton, R.E. 582 Horvatincic, N. 755 Hosking, K.F.G. 534 Hosterman, J.W. 63 Hotzl, H. 734 Hou, Z. 531 Houbolt, J.J.H.e. 498 Houghton, B.F. 335 Houlik, e.W. 447

Hounslow, M.W. 659 House, M.R. 184 House, P.K. 292 Houseknecht, D.W. 21, 106 Houston, M. 139 Hovland, M. 306 Howard, J.D. 42, 157, 364, 649 Howard, R. 149 Howarth, R.J. 634 Howd, P. 625 Hower, J. 29, 127,333,371 Hower, J.e. 148 Hower, M.E. 29, 127 Howie, R.A. 769 Hoyanagi, K. 636 Hoyt, J.H. 47 Hrouda, F. 424 Hsu, K. 33 Hsieh, J.e.e. 397 Hsieh, M. 366 Hsu, K.J. 436 Hsui, A.T. 734 Hu, D. 605 Huang, H.Q. II, 582 Hubbard, B. 331 Hubbard, D.K. 560 Hubbert, M.K. 167 Huber, B.T. 145 Huber, M.1. 512 Hubert, J.F. 161,430 Huddart, D. 331 Hudelson, P.M. 364 Hudson, J.D. 83,462, 728, 734 Huerta-Diaz, M.A. 702 Huff, W.D. 63 Huffman, A.R. 278 Hughen, K.A. 605 Hughes, e.R. 127 Hughes, M.G. 718 Hughes, R.E. 66, 449 Hughes Clarke, J.E. 31,711,759 Hulbert, M.H. 206 Hulscher, S.J.M.H. 498 Hiilsemann, J. 634 Hulton, N.J. 606 Humphrey, J.D. 118, 234, 242 Humphrey, N.F. 25 Humphris, S. 492 Hungr, O. 33 Hunt, A.R. 568 Hunt, J.e.R. 229 Hunt, J.M. 135, 366, 403 Hunter, I.G. 15 Hunter, R.E. 42, 157, 172, 246,

253, 384, 499 Huntley, D.A. 285, 498, 625,

626, 711 Huntoon, P.W. 678 Huppert, H.E. 352 Hurtig, E. 316 Hussain, V. 526 Huston, T.J. 395 Hutcheon, 1. 126, 397 Hutchings, P.A. 71 Hutchinson, I. 756 Hutchinson, R.A. 700 Huthnance, J.M. 498 Hutter, K. 352, 353 Hyde, R. 246 Hyndman, R.D. 138

Ibbeken, H. 27, 344 !cole, M. 418 IFA 526 Iijima, A. 21, 66, 135, 636, 780 Ijnsen, F. 737 Ike, T. 673 Ikeda, H. 22 Ikehara, K. 606 Illing, L.V. 242, 272, 438 Ilyin, A. 526 Imamura, F. 757, 757 Imamura, H. 636 Imboden, D. 408 Imbrie, J. 145, 184,443,506 Imlay, R.W. 19 Imran, J. 352 Ince, S. 634 Ingall, E.D. 85 Ingersoll, e.G. 751 Ingersoll, R.V. 430, 592, 733 Ingle, J.e. Jr. 673, 753 Ingram, H.A.P. 516 Inman, D.L. 31,47, 344, 529, 605, 625, 711 Innocent, e. 548 Insalaco, E. 560 Irish, J. 687 Irish, J.D. 568, 626 Irwin, H. 20, 306, 396 Iseya, F. 22 Isla, F.I. 22 Isley, A.E. 384 ISO (International Standards

Organization) 344 Ito, E. 395 Ito, M. 636 Ito, S. 673 Iversen, J.D. 253, 711 Iversen, N. 306 Iverson, R.M. 188, 248, 352-353,425, 675 Iwasiriska, I. 450

Jackson, J.A. 224, 283, 534, 736, 746 Jackson, M.J. 447 Jackson, R.G. II 434 Jacob, K.H. 224,242 Jacobs, M.B. 722 Jacobsen, S.B. 394, 395 Jacobson, G.L. Jr. 587 Jacobson, H.A. 587 Jaeger, H.M. 353 Jaffe, B.E. 625 Jago, e. 285 Jahnke, R. 526 Jahnke, R.A. 526, 763 Jahren, J. 167 Jahrens, J.S. 66 J ainheng, X. 618 James, H.L. 135, 384 James, J.P. 15 James, N.P. 15, 101, 118, 157, 184,272,395,

446-447, 474, 475, 635, 673, 674, 678, 682

James, W.e. 146, 548 Jamieson, T.F. 374 Jamtveit, B. 167 Janecek, T.R. 120 Jansa, L.F. 673 Janse Van Rensburg, R.W. 530


Jansen, E. 668 Jansen, J.M. 605 Janssen, H.A. 336 Janssens, J .A. 516 Jansson, M. 408 Jarvinen, A.W. 751 Jarvis, I. 135, 526 Jaunet, A.M. 101 Jeans, e.V. 93, 396 Jedoui, Y. 53 Jefferson, G.T. 110 Jefferson, T.H. 331 Jeffery, D.L. 397 Jehl, e. 526 Jell, J.S. 53 Jenden, P.D. 366 Jenette, D.e. 202 Jenkins, D.A. 4 Jenkins, R.J.E. 656 Jenkins, S.A. 605 Jennings, J.N. 15 Jenny, H. 776 Jensen, B.L. 625 Jercinovich, M.J. 8, 22 Jessop, A.M. 316 Jessup, R.W. 22 Jiang, S 395 Jiang, W.T. 66, 127 Jimenez De Cisneros, e. 184 Jobson, H.E. 356,531 Jodry, R.L. 242 Joeckel, R.M. 743 Johansson, M. 760 John, e.J. 47, 587 Johns, M.W. 668 Johnson, A.M. 188,248 Johnson, e.e. 146 Johnson, e.M. 384 Johnson, D.A. 711 Johnson, D.W. 157, 561 Johnson, G.D. 397, 557 Johnson, G.W. 519 Johnson, H.R. 736 Johnson, H.W. 743 Johnson, M.A. 498, 499, 609 Johnson, M.E. 644 Johnson, N. 557 Johnson, S.A. 557 Johnson, S.W. 109 Johnson, T.e. 682 Johnson, W.J. 299 Johnsson, M.J. 256, 358, 549 Johnston, G.H. 8 Jol, H.M. 47 Jonasson, I.R. 722 Jones, A.P. 414 Jones, B. 15, 85, 110, 135 Jones, e.M. 172 Jones, e.R. 202 Jones, D.L. 665 Jones, E. 183 Jones, F.T. 224 Jones, G. 242 Jones, G.A. 292, 594 Jones, G.D. 242 Jones, G.P. 121 Jones, J.B. 135, 412 Jones, L.S. 25, 35, 582 Jones, M.E. 193, 195 Jones, P. 751

Jones, R.L. 458, 599 Jones, S.L. 757 Jones, T.P. 123 Jongmans, A.G. 4 Jopling, A.V. 59, 172, 537 Jordan, T.E. 733 Jordt, H. 168 J0rgensen, B.B. 306 Jorissen, F.J. 594, 763 Jory, D.E. 605 Joswig, W. 400 Judd, A.G. 306 Jukes, J.B. 628 Jull, A.J.T. 53, 123, 256, 605 Jump, e.J. 202 Jung, W. 19 Jiingst, H. 720 Junger, E.P. 302

Kaehler, G. 760 Kahle, e.F. 110 Kahn, J.S. 268, 686 Kairo, S. 42 Kajihara, M. 338 Kaldi, J. 234 Kalff, J. 408 Kalin, R. 681 Kalkowsky, E. 506 Kalkreuth, W.D. 403 Kamb, B. 138 Kaminski, M.A. 292 Kana, T. 741 Kanji, M.A. 24 Kanoglu, U. 756 Kantorowicz, J.D. 20 Kaplan, I.R. 366, 394, 395, 702 Kapp, P.A. 548 Kappenburg, J. 285 Karachewski, J.A. 703 Karahan, E. 347, 619 Karl, H.A. 498, 673 Karlin, R.E. 594 Karpoff, A.M. 100 Kastner, M. 138, 281, 412, 492, 526 Katayama, H. 606 Katopodes, N. 352 Katz, A. 100 Kaufman, A.J. 384, 395, 396, 397 Kaufman, J. 447 Kaufman, P. 625 Kaufmann, R.S. 396 Kaul, L. 526 Kaule, G. 516 Kawamura, R. 253 Kay, G.M. 634 Kay, M. 430,733 Kazakov, A.V. 526 Kazemipour, A.K. 480 Keays, R.R. 657 Keefer, D.K. 248 Keene, J.B. 412 Kegel, W. 649 Keith, B.D. 506 Keller, B. 287 Keller, E.A. 677 Keller, G.H. 31,673 Keller, P.e. 308 Keller, W.D. 224, 400



Kellerhals, R. 344, 434 Kelley, JT. 587, 588 Kelley, W.P. 109 Kelts, K.R. 412 Kemp, A.E.S. 268, 492, 763, 766 Kemp, N. 743 Kemp, P. 763 Kemp, P.H. 568 Kempe, S. 605 Kendall, A.e. 462,474 Kendall, e. 396 Kendall, G.St.e. 183, 184-185, 474 Kendall, M.B. 639 Kenig, F. 241 Kenn, M.J. 529 Kennard, J.M. 447 Kennedy, S.K. 519,554 Kennedy, W.J. 118, 120 Kennett, J. 492 Kenney, e. 24 Kenney, T.e. 425 Kennicutt II, M.e. 751 Kenny, R. 190 Kent, D.V. 145,443 Kenter, J.A. 673 Kenyon, N.H. 498,499,609 Keppens, E. 234, 333 Keranen, R. 42 Kerans, e. 184,446, 447 Kerr, H.W. 109 Kerr, P.F. 4 Kesel, R.H. 8, 287 Kettles, T.M. 516 Keulegan, G.H. 294 Keupp, H. 683 Khan, S.U. 362 Kidd, R.B. 594 Kidder, D.L. 224 Kidwell, S.M. 526, 728 Kiene, W.E. 71 Kiessling, W. 560 Kile, D.E. 462 Kilgore 492 Killey, M.M 35 Killops, S.D. 366 Killops, V.J. 366 Kilps, J.R. 344 Kim, K.H. 526 Kim, S. 362 Kiminami, K. 636 Kimura, H. 396 Kindle, E.M. 568 King, E.L. 498 King, J.G. 605 King, J.W. 443 King, L.e. 411 King, L.H. 561, 746 King, S.e. 492 Kingston, K.S. 43 Kinsey, D.W. 53 Kinsman, B. 625 Kinsman, D.J.J. 118, 242, 585 Kirchner, J.F. 22 Kirchner, J.W. 605 Kirkby, M.J. 145, 256 Kirkland, B.L. 462 Kirkland, D.W. 634 Kirkland, LK. 395 Kirschvink, J.L. 549 Kittleman, L.R.Jr. 344


Kjeldstad, A. 167 Klaine, S. 751 Klappa, e.F. 15 Klaucke, L 673 Klein, e. 384 Klein, G. 135, 563, 736 Klein, G.D. 734 Kleinberg, R.L. 314 Klemme, H.D. 85 Klenke, Th. 39, 440 Klimentidis, R.E. 190 Kline, S.J. 229 Klingeman, P.e. 22 Klinkhamer, G.P. 526 Kloprogge, JT. 51 Klovan, J.E. 134 Knapp, RT. 31 Knarud, R. 281 Knauth, L.P. 660, 665 Kneller, B.e. 335, 759, 760 Knight, P.G. 331 Knight, R.T. 526 Knight, W.e. 63 Knighton, A.D. 11,434,583 Knipe, R.J. 167 Knock, D.G. 203 Knoll, A.H. 39, 118,384,394,396,690 Knox, J.e. 605 Kobluk, D.R. 438 Koch, P.L. 368 Kochel, R.e. 8, 292 Kocurek, G. 172, 246, 253, 568 Kodama, H. 66 Koeberl, e. 264, 278, 657 Koederitz, L.F. 234 Koehnken, L. 256 Koepnick, R.B. 118, 395 Koerschner III, W.F. 184 Kohl, B. 499 Kohler, e.S. 42 Kohnke, K. 51 Kolb, e.R. 272 Kolla, V. 698 Kolodny, Y. 135, 397 Kolpack, R.L. 673 Komar, P.D. 31,157,292,338,344,347,

48~ 568, 618, 625, 673, 718 Kominz, M.A. 733 Konikov, L.F. 242 Konno, E. 757 Konuk, T. 498 Kopaliani, Z.D. 87 Kopaska-Merkel, D.e. 135 Korsch, R.J. 85, 459 Koshimura, S.-i. 756 Kostaschuk, R.A. 8 Koster van Groos, A.F. 395 Kosters, E.H. 274 Kraft, J.e. 47, 587 Krajcar-Bronic, T. 755 Krajewski, J.J. 702 Krajewski, K.P. 526 Kramer, H. 301 Kranenburg, e. 285 Kranz, R.L. 519 Kraus, T. 371, 450 Kraus, M.J. 35, 287, 583 Kraus, N.e. 625 Krauskopf, K.B. 29 Kreisa, R.D. 354

Krenvolden, K.A. 139 Kreulen, R. 395 Krinitzsky, E.L. 778 Krinsley, D.H. 65, 126,549,716 Krishnamoorty, e. 109 Krissek, L.A. 673 Kroenke, L.W. 120 Krogstad, E.J. 599 Krone, R.B. 285 Kronen, J.D.Jr 333 Kroon, D. 763 Kroonenberg, S.B. 626 Krouse, H.R. 299 Krug, H.-J. 224, 242 Kruiver, P.P. 423 Krumbein, W.e. 27, 184, 344, 634,

645, 685 Krumbein, W.E. 39, 53, 440, 690, 737 Krupp, R.E. 702 Krynine, P.D. 135, 557, 583 Krystinik, L.F. 211,687 Ku, T.L. 379, 397 Kudrass, H.R. 534 Kuenen, P.H. 737, 760 Kuenen, Ph.H. 27,31,40,168,272,282,

414, 551, 609, 634 Kuhn, G. 549 Kuhn, O. 526 Kukla, G. 443 Kulke, H. 127 Kullenberg, B. 594 Kumon, F. 636 Kunk, M.J. 397 Kuramoto, S. 673 Kurita, H. 751 Kusakabe, M. 397 Kutzbach, J.E. 146 Kvale, E.P. 42, 736, 743 K venvolden, K.A. 138 Kyser, T.K. 396 Kyte, F.T. 264

Laban, e. 498 Labaume, P. 335 Labendeira, e. 148 LaBerge, G.L. 384 Labeyrie, L. 443 Lacasse, e. 292 Lacelle, B. 516 Lachenbruch, A.H. 214 LaHusen, R.G. 425 Lajoie, J. 135 Lallier-Verges, E. 763 Lamarck, J.B.P.A.de M.de 249 Lambe, T.W. 24, 167 Lamberson, J.O. 751 Lambert, LB. 396 Lambie, J.M. 711 Lamboy, M. 333, 526 Lamoureux, S. 408 Lancaster, N. 211, 246, 253,

253-254, 711 Land, L.S. 20, 21, 29, 118, 135,20-21, 219,

242, 394, 396, 438, 506, 542 Landim, P.M.B. 734 Landing, E. 161 Landis, e.A. 734 Landis, G.P. 242

Landrum, P.F. 751 Lane, M. 100, 526 Lane, N.G. 249 Lane, S.N. 344, 480 Langbein, W.B. 145, 583 Lange, e. 763 Lange, H. 118 Langella, A. 780 Langenheim, J.R. 565 Langenhorst, F. 278, 657 Langereis, e.G. 423 Langevin, P. 229 Langford-Smith, T. 660 Langmuir, D. 557 Langnes, o. 168 Lanier, W.P. 743 Lao, Y. 396 Lapierre, F. 498 Laporte, L.F. 474 Lappalainen, E. 516 Lapuente, M.P. 549 Larese, R.E. 29, 167 Large, A.R.G. 344 Largeau, e. 403 Laronne, J.B. 22 Larsen, L.H. 626 Larson, M. 625 Larson, R.R. 29 Larsonneur, e. 737 Laschet, e. 135 Lasemi, Z. 242, 462 Laskar, J. 443 Last, W.M. 408 Lattman, L.H. 8 Laudon, P.R. 234 LaValle, P.D. 27 Lavoie, D. 508 Lawless, M. 294 Lawrence, D.B. 438 Lawrence, J.R. 396 Lawton, T.F. 734 Lazar, B. 542 Lazar, R. 751 le-Campion-Alsumard, T. 71 Le Bot, S. 498 Le Drezen, E. 499 Le Lann, F. 498 Le Mehaute, B. 625 LeBlanc, R.J. 47, 202 LeDain, A.Y. 734 LeFebvre, Guy 248 Leach, D.L. 242 Leadbeater, A.D. 248 Leather, J. 526 Leatherman, S.P. 47 Lechak, P. 554 Leckie, D.A. 59, 687 Leckie, D.L. 364 Leclerc, R. 434 Lee II, R. 751 Lee, A.e. 27 Lee, D.E. 498 Lee, J.A. 375 Lee, M. 29, 397 Lee, R.F. 751 Lee, R.W. 190 Lee, Y.1. 214 Leeder, M. 202 Leeder, M.R. 8, 90, 145,274, 433, 618, 734 Lees, A. 102, 688


Lefebvre, G. 24 Leggett, R.F. 8 Leggewie, R. 135 Lehmann, P.J. 183,447 Lehrmann, D.J. 184 Leinen, M. 492 Leinin, M. 492 Leininger, R.K. 554 Leith, e.K. 384, 628 Lemberg. J. 684 Lemke, L. 592 Lemoine, M. 508 Leonard, A. 698 Leonard, E.N. 751 Leopold, L.B. 287, 434, 529, 583 Leppard, G.G. 408 Lerico1ais, G. 498, 499 Lerman, A. 226, 408, 526 Leroux, H. 278 Leslie, S.e. 673 Lespinasse, M. 105 Lester, D.e. 751 Leszcynski, S. 161 Letolle, R. 333 Lettau, H.H. 253 Lettau, K. 253 Leung Tack, D. 71 Levey, R.A. 563 Levi, e. 682 Levinson, R.A. 203 Levish, D.R. 292 Levy, Y. 19 Lew, A.B. 561 Lewis, e.F.M. 561, 606, 711 Lewis, K.B. 672 Leynaert, A. 492 Li, J. 395 Li, M.z. 609, 687 Li, Y. 395 Lichtner, P.e. 542 Lick, J. 609 Lick, W. 609 Lidz, B.H. 135 Lieberkind, K. 121 Liesegang, R.E. 224 Lin, T.e. 31 Lin, Z.H. 31 Lind, I.L. 120, 121 Lindgreen, H. 371 Lindholm, R.e. 684 Lindsay, E.H. 557 Link, M.H. 698 Link1ater, E. 648 Lippmann, F. 224 Lippmann, T.L. 43 Lisitzin, A. 492 Liss, S.N. 408 List, J.H. 625 Lister, J.R. 352 Littke, R. 85, 403 Little, W.e. 480 Liu, P. 757 Liu, Z. 395, 498 Livingstone, I. 253, 254 Ljunggren, P. 531 Lloyd, R.M. 438 Lloyd, R.V. 100 LoPiccolo, R.D. 195, 231, 296, 530 Locker, S.D. 673 Lodding E. 51

Loebner, B. 526 Loewinson-Lessing, F. 634 Logan, B.E. 344 Loh, e.H. 531 Lohmann, K.e. 190, 394, 395, 397,

462, 599 Loijens, M. 100 Lomando, A.J. 53, 447 Lonergan, L. 720 Long, B.F. 202 Long, D. 756 Long, E.R. 751 Longstaffe, F.J. 66, 394, 395, 396, 397 Longuet-Higgins, M.S. 625 Lonne, J. 242 Lonsdale, P. 711 Lonsdale, P.F. 673 Loope, D.B. 446 Lopez, F. 294 Lorah, M.M. 755 Loreau, J-P. 506 Lorsong, J.A. 203 Loucks, R.G. 263 Lourens, L.J. 594 Loutit, T.S. 333, 526 Loutre, M.-F. 443 Love, D.W. 734 Love, L.G. 29, 395 Lowe, A.L. 746 Lowe, D. 137 Lowe, D.J. 4 Lowe, D.R. 8,31,59, 193, 195,

231, 264, 296, 353, 360, 530, 665, 760


Lowenstein, T.K. 184,212, 262, 263, 299, 585, 599

Lucas, J. 526, 728 Lucas, S.E. 436 Lucia, F.J. 234, 242, 268 Luckman, B.H. 33 Lucotte, M. 673 Ludvigson, G.A. 743 Ludwig, J.P. 751 Ludwig, K.R. 757 Ludwig, M.E. 751 Ludwig, W. 491 Luetke, N.A. 526 Lugmair, G.W. 264 Lui, S. 397 Lumsden, D.N. 100,242 Lundberg, N. 358, 436 Lundegard, P.D. 219 Lundqvist, J. 746 Lunine, J.1. 139 Luternauer, J.L. 682 Luther, G.W. III 702 Luz, B. 396 Ly, e.K. 43 Lyell, e.H. 506 Lynch, F.L. 396, 505 Lynch, J. 687 Lynch, J.F. 568, 626 Lyness, J.F. 294 Lyons, P.e. 63 Lyons, T.W. 161,438 Lyons, W.B. 242 Lyons, W.J. 35 MacArthur, R.e. 638 MacCarthy, P. 362 MacDonald, D.D. 751


MacDonald, G.M. 8 MacEachern, J.A. 83, 202, 700 MacKenzie, D.B. 440 MacLeod, K. 264, 657 MacMillan, D.H. 743 Macar, P. 414, 551 Macaulay, CL 21 Machel, H.G. 100, 106,241,242,462 Machette, M.N. 8, 91 Macintyre, LG. 438 Mack, G.H. 8, 146,430, 548, 554, 734 Mack, L.E. 394 Mackenzie, F.T. 99, 100, 118,224,241,256,

263, 492, 526, 599, 605, 634, 665 Mackenzie, W.S. 69 Mackey, S.D. 35, 202 Mackin, J.R. 583 Mackintosh, M.E. 31, 674 Macko, S.A. 85, 362, 366 Macquaker, J-H-S 168 Macumber, P.G. 211 Maddock, T. 583 Madejova, J. 371, 450 Madsen, O.S. 625, 687 Magee, A.W. 716 Magee, J.W. 605 Magno, E.A. 396 Maguire, D.J. 123 Maguregui, J. 202 Mahaney, W.C. 716 Maher, B.A. 423 Mahony, N.A. 751 Maier-Reimer, E. 492 Maiklem, W.R. 19 Majewske,O.P. 69 Major, CF. 47 Major, CF. Jr. 271 Major, CO. 292 Major, J.J. 188, 353, 360, 675 Major, R.P. 242 Makaske, B. II, 583 Makino, K. 757 Makino, Y. 743 Makurath, J.H. 741 Malcolm, R. 362 Maldiney, M.A. 285 Maldonado, M. 682 Maliva, R.G. 121, 219, 224, 308,462 Maljaars Scott, M. 253 Malla, P.B. 769 Mallinson, D. 525 Malone, A.E. 42 Maltman, A. 137, 193, 668 Maitman, A.J. 331 Mamay, S.H. 148 Manasseh, R. 360 Manceau, A. 722 Mandelbrot, B.B. 206 Mandl, G. 668 Manganini, W.J. 492 Mangano, M.G. 82 Mange, M.A. 358 Mange-Rajetzky, M.A. 358 Mangerud, J. 756 Mangin, A. 681 Mankiewicz, P.J. 85 Manning, A.J. 285 Manning, D.A.C 85 Manning, P.G. 224 Mansour-Tehrani, M. 229


Manville, V. 335 Marchig, V. 379 Marfil, R. 548 Mark, J. 690 Markello, J.R. 447 Maroulis, J.C II, 582 Marr, J.E. 634 Marriott, S.B. 91 Marsaglia, K.M. 734 Marsal, D. 685 Marshall, D.J. 106 Marshall, J.D. 224, 462 Marshall, J.F. 506, 526 Marshall, J.R. 716,717 Marshall, K. 39 Marshall, N.F. 674 Marsset, T. 498, 499 Martill, D.M. 728 Martin, A.E. 728 Martin, D.A. 256 Martin, G.D. 462 Martin, K. 505 Martin, L. 202 Martin, R.T. 142 Martin-Algarra, A. 526 Martin-Jezequel, V. 492 Martinell, J. 700 Martinez, P. 548, 763 Martini, LP. 268, 592 Martino, R.L. 743 Martinsen, O.J. 202, 668 Marumo, K. 722 Maruya, K.A. 751 Marwick, P.J. 145 Marzo, M. 274 Mas, R. 394 Masi, U. 507 Maskalenko, V. 292 Maslin, M.A. 424 Mason, T.R. 83,385 Masters, J.C 121 Masters, J.M. 35 Mather, A.E. 8 Matheron, G. 685 Mathis, R.L. 118, 234, 242 Matsumoto, E. 606 Matsumoto, R. 21, 66 Matsutomi, H. 756 Matter, A. 20, 105, 106, 127,333 Mattey, D. 148 Mattey, D.P. 396 Matthews, A. 100 Matthews, E.R. 27 Matthews, R.K. 183 Matthews, S.J. 31 Matti, J.C 185 Mattiat, B. 206 Mattson, V.R. 751 Matzko, J.J. 308 Maurer, H.F.W. 358 Maurmeyer, E.M. 587 Mavko, G. 314 Maxey, M.R. 229 Maxwell, C 253 Maxwell, W.G.H. 447 Mayeda, T.K. 395 Mayer, L. 674 Mayer, L.A. 31,711,759 Mayer, P.G. 480 Maynard, Barry, J. 459

Maynard, J.B. 66,85,135,161,206 Mayr, H. 700 Mazullo, J. 561 Mazumder, B.S. 561 Mazzucchelli, R.H. 531 Mazzullo, S.J. 118, 234, 242 McGivery, Th.A. 27 McArdell, B.W. 301,619 McBride, E.F. 27, 161,224,356,508,514,

537, 665 McBride, R.A. 157,498 McCabe, P.J. 172, 287 McCaffrey, M.A. 542, 763 McCaffrey, W. 760 McCaffrey, W.D. 759 McCarthy, T.S. 583 McCarty, J.P. 751 McCave, LN. 285,347,443,464,618,672,

673 McCave, N. 424 McClay, K.R. 702 McCormick, D.S. 625 McCreesh, CA. 519 McCulloch, M.T. 397 McCutcheon, A.J. 673 McDermott, F. 396 McDonald, L 264 McDonald, R.C 287 McDonald, R.R. 253 McDonnell, J.J. 396 McDowell, S.D. 371 McDuff, R.E. 599 McElhinny, M.W. 525 McEwan, LK. 254 McFadden, L.D. 8, 9, 22 McFarlan, E. Jr. 272 McGinn, S.R. 741 McGivery, Th.A. 27 McGough, P. 743 McGrail, D.W. 673 McHardy, W.J. 371 McHargue, T.R. 698 McHugh, CM.G. 711 McIlreath, LA. 474 McIntosh, A. 751 McKay, D.S. 416,549 McKay, J.L. 396 McKee, E.D. 60, 172, 184, 246, 537, 711 McKelvey, V.E. 526 McKenna Neuman, C 246, 253 McKenzie, B. 224, 308 McKenzie, J. 397 McKenzie, J.A. 100, 118,241, 243, 634 McKie, T. 354, 687 McKinlay, P.A. 47 McKinley, J.M. 722 McKnight, D.M. 362 McLain, A.A. 371 McLea, W. 757 McLean, D.G. 344 McLean, S.R. 301, 498 McLennan, S.M. 549, 599 McLeod, K.G. 278 McLoughlin, P.A. 674 McManus, D.A. 561 McManus, J. 492,618 McMurtry, G.M. 525 McNabb, D.H. 256 McNeal, B.L. 108 McNeill, D.F. 53

McNutt, R. 396 McNutt, R.H. 395 McPherson, J.G. 7,161,582 McSaveney, M. 757 McTigue, D.F. 618 McVicar, M.J. 303 Mcbride, E.F. 135 Meade, R.H. 256, 358, 605 Meads, R.E. 224 Measures, C 599 Medioli, F.S. 588 Meents, W.F. 395 Megahan, W.F. 605 Megson, J. 121 Mehta, A.J. 609 Meigs, A. 733 Meike, A. 224 Meischner, D. 729 Meisheng, H. 100 Meissner,F.F. 447 Melice, J.-L. 443 Melim, L.A. 118, 242 Melosh, R.J. 278, 657 Melosh, J.H. 33 Melville, B.W. 301 Menard, H.W. 282 Mendoza, C 82 Mengel, J.T. 384 Menzies, J. 331, 746 Mercone, D. 594 Merino, E. 224, 692 Merriam, D.F. 184, 685, 686 Mesolella, K.J. 183-184 Mesolella, K.L. 184 Messulam, S.A. 502 Metcalfe, G. 360 Metzger, W.J. 224 Meyer, G.A. 123, 256 Meyer, R. 502 Meyer, R.E. 718 Meyer, R.F. 502 Meyers, J.H. 53 Meyers, R.A. 47 Meyers, W.J. 105,394 Meyerson, A.L. 702 M'hammdi, N. 498 Miall, A.D. 8,59,60, 145, 184,

202, 272, 287, 331, 434, 512, 583, 592,634

Miall, A.E. 202 Miall, CE. 634 Michael, K. 242 Michel, H.V. 656 Michel, P. 411 Middelburg, J.J. 594 Middleton, G.V. 33,59,60, 118,254,268,

272, 335, 344, 353, 408, 512, 537, 633, 634, 653, 668, 728, 760

Midtgaard, H. 687 Migliorini, CI. 272, 760 Mikkelsen, O.A. 285 Mikos, M. 25 Milan, D.J. 344 Milankovitch, M. 443 Millar, R.G. 294 Miller, D.J. 743 Miller, D.N. 224 Miller, G.H. 605 Miller, H.C 625 Miller, J. 102, 118,434, 688


Miller, J.F. 395 Miller, J.M.G. 331 Miller, J.R. 8 Miller, M.C 347,568,618 Miller, R.L. 686 Millero, F.J. 438, 703 Milligan, T. 285 Milliken, K.L. 29, 224, 308, 358 Milliman, J.D. 69, 256, 605, 673 Millot, G. 127, 142, 411, 634 Milne, P. 438 Milner, H.B. 634 Milnes, A.R. 91, 526, 660 Mimura, K. 366 Minato, M. 636 Minoura, K. 757 Minter, W.E.L. 531 Miser, H.D. 665 Missiaen, T. 498 Mitchell, J.G. 396 Mitchum, R.M. 184-185,203 Mitchum, R.M. Jr. 185, 272 Mittler, P.R. 42 Miyamoto, T. 636 Miyata, Y. 231,296 Mizota, C 396 Mizuno, A. 636 Mizutani, S. 636 Mochizuki, K. 673 Modeer, V.A. 24 Modreski, P.J. 264, 656 Moehle, S. 9 Mohrig, D. 35, 188,353 Mojzsis, S.J. 264 Moldowan, J.M. 366 Moller, N. 263 Molnar, A. 366 Molnar, P. 605, 606 Moncreif, A.CM. 331 Monicard, R.P. 268 Montanez, I.P. 184-185,242 Montagna, P. 751 Montanari, A. 264, 278, 657 Montgomery, D.R. 294,618 Monty, CL.V. 102, 688 Moody, J.A. 256 Moore, A. 756 Moore, CH. 42, 118, 438, 475,

506, 634 Moore, CH. Jr. 53 Moore, D. 450 Moore, D.G. 491,673 Moore, D.M. 66, 142,371,449 Moore, E.S. 634 Moore, G.F. 673, 734 Moore, G.T. 763 Moore, G.W. 681 Moore, J.C 436 Moore, J.G. 757 Moore, J.R. 534 Moore, P.D. 149 Moore, T.C 89 Moore, T.C Jr. 492 Moore, T.E. 8 Morad, S. 281 Moran, K.M. 673 Morehead, M.D. 606 Moresby, R. 53 Morgan, D.J. 63 Morgan, J.P. 414

Morgenstern, N.R. 673 Moriarty, D.J.W. 526 Morita, S. 673 Morley, CK. 734 Morley, M.S. 757 Moro, M.C 4 Morozova, G.S. 36 Morris, A.W. 285 Morris, R.C 384 Morrison, D. 278 Morrison, H.A. 751 Morrow, D.W. 242 Morse, A.P. 338 Morse, J.W. 100,224,438,634,

702, 703 Mortensen, J. 121 Mortimer, R.J.G. 396 Morton, A.C 358, 458, 549 Morton, J.L. 599 Morton, J.P. 396 Moshe, R. 8 Mosher, D.C 498 Moshier, S.O. 462 Mosley, M.P. 345, 583 Moslow, T.F. 47, 157,498, 741 Mosola, A.B. 746 Moss, S.J. 548 Mossop, G.D. 184 Mothersill, J.S. 43 Mount, J.M. 447 Mountjoy, E.W. 100,241,242 Moxon, I. 592 Mozley, P.S. 118,224,396 Mozzherin, V.I. 605 Mucci, A. 438, 673 Muda, J. 531 Mudge, B.F. 587 Mudie, P.J. 292 Muehlenbachs, K. 396 Muhs, D.R. 548 Muir, R.O. 263 Muirhead, A. 568 Mukerji, T. 314 Mulder, T. 202, 605, 673, 698, 760 Muller, P.J. 763 Mucke, A. 557 Muller, A.H. 728 Muller, D.W. 634 Muller, G. 214, 635 Muller, M. 360 Mullineaux, L. 492 Mullins, H.T. 474, 673 Mullis, J. 20, 105, 106, 242 Mulrennan, M.E. 43 Multhauf, R.P 263 Mumpton, F.A. 29 Munk, W.H. 625 Munn, S.G. 734 Munnecke, A. 462 Munoz, M. 316 Muntean, J.V. 565 Murat, A. 594 Murata, K.J. 29 Murphy, CP. 375 Murphy, W.F. 314 Murphy, W.M. 118,167 Murray, H.H. 185,400 Murray, J. 492 Murray, L.G. 534 Murray, R. 60, 633, 634



Murray, R.C 19, 118, 303 Murray, R.W. 665 Murray, T. 746 Murton, J. 414 Musashino, M. 636 Mussett, A.E. 599 Muste, M. 618 Mutti, E. 59, 184, 272, 283, 292, 335, 698,

760 Mutti, M. 242 Muwais, W.K. 502 Myers, K.J. 183 Myers, W.R.C 294 Mykura, H. 224 Mynard, V. 526 Myrow, P.M. 161,354,687 Mysak, L.A. 146

Nadeau, P.H. 118, 167, 371,450 Nagel, S.R. 353 Nagle, J.S. 729 Nahon, D. 411 Nahon, D.B. 722 Naiman, E.R. 234 Nakagawa, H. 480 Nakamura, Y. 673 Nakaya, S. 757 Nalpanis, P. 254 Nanson, G. 529 Nanson, G.C 11,206,287,434,582,583 Naqvi, J.M. 308 Nash, D.J. 660 Nash, W.P. 281 Nathan, Y. 526, 722 Naumann, R. 51 Navrotsky, A. 400 Naylor, M.A. 436 Neal, J.E. 85 Nealson, K. 39 Nealson, K.H. 219, 384 NEB 502 Neev, D. 19 Negendank, J.F.W. 766 Neill, CR. 347 Nelson, CM. 634 Nelson, CS. 475 Nelson, D.M. 492 Nelson, H.F. 118,395 Nelson, J.M. 301, 568, 618 Nelson, R.A. 734 Nelson, T.A. 673 Nemec, W. 8, 274, 673 Neretnieks, I. 268 Nesbitt, B.E. 722 Nesbitt, H.W. 459 Nesteroff, W. 594 Netterberg, F. 90 Nettleton, W.D. 90 Neuman, CM. 22 Neuman, S.P. 268 Neumann, A.C 71 Neuweiler, F. 102, 560, 688 Newall, G. 364, 728 Newell, N.D. 506 Newnham, R.E. 400 Nezu, 1. 480 Nicholls, R.J. 760 Nichols, G. 123, 335


Nichols, G.J. 8, 123 Nichols, M.M. 202,609 Nichols, R.J. 231, 296, 530 Nicholson, H. 243 Nicholson, W.L. 345 Nickling, W.G. 22, 246, 253-254, 711 Nicolaysen, L.O. 278 Nicoll, R.S. 308 Niedoroda, A.W. 157, 157-158 Nielsen, P. 234, 625 Nielson, R.L. 397 Niering, W.A. 587 Nieuwenhuyse, A. 4 Nikuradse, J. 294 Nilsen, H. 9 Nilsen, T.H. 8, 734 Nio, S.D. 59, 736 Nisbet, E.G. 39, 139 Nishiizumi, K. 396 Nissim, S. 8 Nittrouer, CA. 605, 606 Noack, Y. 722 Noakes, L.C 534 Nobles, L.H. 188 Noffke, N. 39, 440 Nongkas, M. 757 Nordin, CF. 605 Nordstrom, CE. 31,47 Normack, W.R. 293 Normark, W.R. 272,491,492,673,698,

711, 760 Norris, R.D. 396 North, G.R. 145 Notholt, A.J. 135 Notholt, A.J.G. 135 Nuesch, R. 371,449 Nummedal, D. 741 Nunn, J.A. 542 Nur, A. 314, 733 Nygaard, R. 121 Nystuen, J.P. 281

Obelic, B. 755 Oberbeck, V.R. 657 Oberhiinsli, R. 358 Obermeier, S. 137 O'Brien, D.W. 526 O'Brien, G.W. 525, 526 O'Brien, N.R. 206, 459 O'Brien, P.E. 447 O'Connor, G.A. 108, 109 O'Connor, J.E. 292, 292-293 Odin, G.S. 66, 127,333,384 Oelkers, E.H. 118, 167, 542 Oertel, G.F. 561,687 Off, T. 498 Ogren, D.E. 374 Oh, S.1. 498 O'Hara, P.F. 549 Ohr, M. 396 Ojakangas, R.W. 384 Ojha, T.P. 548 Okada, H. 636 O'Keefe, J.A. 657 Okuda, S. 9 Olah, G.A. 366 Olbricht, W. 344 Oldershaw, A. 225, 462

Oldfield, F. 753 Oldroyd, D.R. 634 Olive, P. 594 Ollerhead, J.W. 43 O'Loughlin, CL. 425 Olsen, CR. 605 Olsen, P. 443 Olsen, P.E. 145, 184 Olson, J.S. 512 Oltman-Shay, J. 625 O'Malley, P. 755 Omori, M. 636 Omoto, K. 414 O'Neil, J.R. 395 Ong, P.M. 534 UNions, K. 397 Onstott, T.C 395 Oomkens, E. 272 Oost, A.P. 568, 736, 737 Opdyke, B.N. 146 Opdyke, N.D. 557 Orange, D. 606 Orange, D.L. 436 Ord, D.M. 274 Ordonez, S. 755 Orford, J.D. 716 Ori, G.G. 734 Orme,G.R. 447 Orr, E.D. 716 Ort, M. 335 Ortoleva, P. 224, 692 Orton, G.J. 202, 272, 274 Osborne, P.D. 43, 625, 626 Osborne, R.H. 27, 760 Osleger, D. 185 Osleger, D.A. 184-185,447 Osmond, J.K. 185 O'Sullivan, J.J. 294 Oswald, E.J. 447 Otto, G.H. 537 Otto, J.B. 118, 395 Outerbridge, W.F. 63 Overbeck, F. 516 Overpeck, J.T. 605 Overstreet, R. 109 Owen, G. 137,195,296,414,551 Owen, M.W. 285 Owen, P.R. 254 Owen, R.M. 190,462,506 Ozalas, K. 700 Ozdemir, O. 368 Ozretich, R.J. 751

Page, K.J. 434 Pagel, M. 105 Paik,I.S. 214 Paillard, D. 443 Painter, R.B. 605 Pak, H. 672 Palciauskas, V. 314 Palenik, S.J. 303 Piilike, H. 443 Palmer, A.R. 263 Palmer, R.J. 15, 110 Palmer, T.J. 659 Palomares, M. 549 Panichi, C 754 Pantin, H.M. 31,353,498,759

Paola, e. 35, 87, 173, 301, 344,480, 537, 596, 618

Paopongsawan, P. 531 Paphitis, D. 568 Papike, J.J. 416 Paq uette, J. 100 Paquin, P.R. 751 Parchure, T.M. 609 Parea, G.e. 19 Parfitt, R.L. 4 Park, A. 224 Park, e.F. Jr. 135 Park, J. 184,443 Park, J.O. 673 Park, W.e. 519, 692 Park, Y.A. 737, 743 Parker, G. 22, 25, 31, 188, 301, 352, 353,

618, 759 Parkerton, T.F. 751 Parks, G.A. 118 Parks, J.M. 512 Parmenter, e.M. 722 Parra, M. 548 Parrish, J.T. 145 Parrott, B.S. 47 Parry, W.T. 224 Parsons, K.M. 729 Partridge, T.e. 278 Passey, Q.R. 85, 458 Passier, H.E. 594 Passier, H.F. 423 Patchett, P.J. 396 Paterne, M. 763 Paterson, D.M. 440, 618, 737 Paterson, M.S. 543 Paterson, W.S.B. 331 Patterson III, W.A. 123 Patterson, R.J. 242 Patterson, W.P. 438 Pattiaratchi, e.B. 609 Patton, T.L. 734 Paul, M.A. 331,747 Paulik, F. 51 Paulik, J. 51 Pauling, L. 400 Paull, e.K. 139 Pavlou, S.P. 751 Payton, e.E. 272 Peacor, D.R. 65,66, 100, 126, 127, 396, 677,

723 Pearce, A.J. 425 Pearce, R.B. 492 Pearce, T.J. 549 Pearson, T.H. 85 Pedersen, T.F. 763 Pedley, H.M. 754, 755 Peizhen, Z. 606 Pejrup, M. 285 Pell, S.D. 358 Pelley, J. 751 Pelosi, N. 183 Peltzer, G. 734 Pemberkon, S.E. 700 Pemberton, S.G. 82,83, 157,202,502,700 Pencle, A. 747 Peng, T.-H. 491 Pengxi, Z 299 Penland, S. 47, 202, 741 Pentecost, A. 755 Pepper, A.S. 306


Pequera, N. 582 Perch-Nielsen, K. 120 Peregrine, D.H. 626 Perez-Arlucea, M. 35, 36, 287 Perinet, G. 418 Perkins, R.D. 185 Perkins, R.J. 229 Perry, E.A. 29, 127 Persaud, D. 751 Peryt, T.M. 506 Peters, K.E. 366, 403 Peters, S.W. 734 Peters, T. 508 Peterson, e.H. 751 Peterson, F. 146 Peterson, F.F. 90 Peterson, G. 137 Peterson, M. 492 Petit, J.R. 396 Pettijohn, F.J. 40, 63, 135, 161, 168, 173,

206, 219, 430, 440, 512, 551, 568, 634, 685

Pettijohn, F.P. 219 Pettit, K.E. 751 Petzold, D. 51 Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B. 264, 657 Pevear, D.R. 396, 677 Peypouquet, J-P. 763 Pfab, G. 368 Pfefferkorn, H.W. 145 Pfeifer, H.R. 508 Pfeiffer, A. 285 Pfl ueger, F. 440 Phillips, e.R. 360 Phillips, F.M. 267, 396 Phillips, R.L. 42 Phillips, T.L. 148 Philp, R.P. 366 Phizackerley, P.H. 502 Picard, M.D. 206, 224, 634, 720 Piccolo, A. 362 Pichler, T. 234 Pickering, K.T. 203, 673, 698, 760 Pickle, J.D. 430 Pickup, G. 292 Piepgras, D.J. 397 Pierson, T.e. 188 Pigott, J.D. 53 Pigram, e.J. 447 Pimentel, N.L. 90 Pinet, P. 606 Pingitore, N.E. 462 Pingree, R.D. 498 Pini, G.A. 436 Piotrowski, J.A. 746 Piper, D.J.W. 31,492, 498, 499, 606, 673,

674,698,711,759,760 Piper, D.z. 379, 492, 526 Pirrie, D. 224 Pi sci otto, K.A. 29 Pisera, A. 682 Pisias, N. 492 Pitman, E.D. 268 Pitman, W.e. 185 Pitman, J.K. 234 Pittman, E.D. 167 Pittman, III, W.e. 292 Pivnik, D.A. 582 Pizzuto, J.E. 656 Plafker, G. 185

Plan con, A. 400 Plant, J. 703 Platania, G. 757 Platt, N.H. 91,287 Plaziat, J.e. 90, 241 Plet, A. 755 Plint, A.G. 396,498, 512 Plotnick, R.E. 729 Plumlee, G.S. 242 Plumley, W.J. 25 Plummer, L.N. 100, 190 Plummer, N.J. 99 Plummer, P.S. 720 Poag, e.W. 135 Pollack, J.B. 253 Polo, M.D. 42 Popp, B.N. 506 Poppe, L.J. 722 Porcelli, D. 396 Poreda, R.J. 394 Porfir'ev, YB. 366 Porrenga, D.H. 66, 127 Posamentier, H.W. 185, 583, 698 P6sfai, M. 424 Post, J.E. 438 Postma, D. 542 Postma, G. 8,274


Potter, P.E. 40,69,85,135,161,168,173, 206, 219, 440, 459, 512, 551, 568, 592, 634

Potts, M. 440 Pottsmith, H.e. 285 Poty, B. 105 Pouliquen, O. 353 Poulsen, e.J. 146 Pourtaheri, H. 480 Powell, D.M. 22 Powell, E.N. 751 Powell, J.L. 657 Powell, R.D. 331, 606, 743 Powers, D.W. 300 Pozzuoli, A. 450 Prashnowsky, A.A. 308 Prats, J.M. 502 Pratt, B.R. 3, 102, 224, 475, 659, 688, 690 Pratt, R.B. 720 Prave, A.R. 364 Pray, L.e. 267, 634, 640 Preece, R.e. 755 Prell, W.P. 763 Premoli Silva, I. 443 Prensky, S.E. 268 Presley, B.J. 161 Preston, R.M.F. 193, 195 Prevot, L.E. 526, 728 Prezbindowski, D.R. 53, 190 Price, D.M. 756 Price, M. 120 Price, N.B. 66, 378, 379, 384, 763 Prince, e.M. 519 Prince, e.R. 519 Prior, D.B. 31, 202, 274, 668 Prochaska, W. 722 Prospero, J.M. 606 Prosser, D.J. 698 Protz, R. 397 Proust, D. 450, 722 Prud'homme, M. 229 Prufert-Bebout, L. 438 Pryor, W.A. 85, 135, 161, 206, 459


Pugh, D.T. 743 Pujol, e. 763 Pulham, A.J. 83 PuIs, D.D. 203 PuIs, W. 285 Purdue, A.H. 665 Purdy, E.G. 438, 506 Purser, B. 242 Purser, B.H. 241,447,475, 506, 734 Purucker, M.E. 66, 385 Pusey, W.e. 438 Pusey, W.e. III 447 Puskaric, S. 594 Putnam, P.E. 8 Pye, K. 65, 126,246,254,345,711,736 Pyle, H.T. 711 Pyne, Stephen, J. 643

Qian Ning 35 Qin, Y.S. 605 Qing, H. 242 Quade, J. 395, 548 Quguiner, B. 492 Quinn, T.M. 242 Qutawna, A.A. 526

Raab, M. 722 Raab, W. 379 Rabineau, M. 499 Rachmanto, B. 42 Rachocki, A.H. 8 Radke, B.M. 118,234, 242, 308 Radtke, G. 71 Ragueneau, O. 492 Rahmani, R.A. 537, 700, 737 Rahmanian, V.D. 185, 203 Rahn, P.H. 190 Railsback, L.B. 223, 681, 692 Raines, M.A. 190 Raiswell, R. 224, 702, 703, 728, 729 Raitt, R. 492 Rakofsky, A. 698 Ramarao, B.V. 360, 530 Ramberg, H. 414 Ramm, M. 167 Ramsay, A.T.S. 89 Ramsay, J.G. 512 Ramsbottom, W.H.e. 185 Ramseyer, K. 29, 106, 397 Rankey, E.e. 447 Rao, v.P. 333 Raphelt, N. 480 Rappol, M. 747 Rasmussen, D.L. 202 Rastall, R.H. 634 Raudkivi, A.J. 294, 568 Raup, D.M. 729 Raupach, M.R. 254 Rawson, P.F. 93 Ray, B.J. 491 Raymond, L.A. 436 Rea, D.K. 492 Read, J.F. 184-185,447,475 Reading, H.G. 157, 185,202,203, 272, 634,

640,698 Reddering, J.S.V. 563 Reddy, M.M. 462


Redfield, A.e. 588 Reed, A.A. 161 Reed,S.J.B. 118 Reeder, R.J. 100, 106, 118, 684 Reedy, R. 416 Rees, P.McA. 146 Reiche, P. 173 Reid, I. 8, 22, 531 Reid, M.E. 34, 248, 425 Reid, R.P. 438 Reid, W.P. 684 Reif, W.-E. 729 Reijmer, J.J.G. 462 Reimer, A. 3 Reimers, e. 526 Reimers, e.E. 338, 763 Reimnitz, E. 674 Reimold, W.U. 264,278 Reinech, H.E. 8 Reineck, H.E. 43,59,60,157,170,206,

283, 440, 537, 568, 634, 649, 737 Reinhart, M.A. 537 Reinick, H.-E. 42 Reinson, G.E. 47, 83, 537, 737, 741 Reise, K. 737 Reitner, J. 3, 102, 560, 683 Ren, M.-e. 606 Ren, M.E.Y. 605 Renard, A. 492 Renard, F. 167 Renwick, W.H. 8, 606 Repeta, D.J. 763 Resig, J.M. 121,526 Retallack, G.J. 91, 146,634,776 Rex, G. 148 Rex, R.W. 492 Reyment, R.A. 729 Reynolds, B.e. 397 Reynolds, R.e. 127,371,397,450 Reynolds, R.e. Jr. 66, 142,449,450 Reynolds, R.e.J. 127 Reynolds, R.L. 424, 703 Reynolds, T.J. 118, 299 Reynolds, W.e. 229 Rhoades, L. 42 Rhoads, D.e. 206 Rhodes, R.N. 498, 609 Riba, O. 734 Ribberink, J.S. 626 Ricci Lucchi, F. 19,59, 168,272,283,634,

698, 748 Rice, e.A. 703 Rice, D.D. 306 Rice, M. 254 Rice, M.A. 254 Rice, R. 592 Rice, S.P. 25, 345 Rich, e.I. 65 Rich, E.!. 592 Rich, J.L. 168 Richards, K.J. 568,711 Richards, K.S. 583 Richards, M. 272, 698 Richardson, E.V. 301,711 Richardson, J.F. 360 Richardson, M.J. 673, 674 Richardson, W.A. 224 Richter, D.K. 506 Richter, R. 283 Rickard, D. 703

Rieken, W. 93, 183,443 Ridgway, K.D. 582 Riding, J.B. 83 Riding, R. 3, 560, 690, 755 Riebe, e.S. 605 Rieke, H.H. 167 Rigaut, F. 698 Rigby, J.K. 683 Riggs, N. 335 Riggs, S.R. 135, 526 Rightmire, e.T. 190 Rijsdijk, K.F. 551 Riley, e.M. 19 Riley, J.J. 229 Rimstidt, J.D. 105 Rine, J.M. 157,499 Risk, M.J. 438 Rittenberg, S.e. 702 Rittenhouse, G. 434 Ritter, D.F. 8 Ritter, J.B. 8 Ritz, K. 375 Roadifer, R.E. 502 Robbins, D. 83 Robert, A. 294 Robert, M. 101 Robert, P. 85, 403 Roberts, A.P. 424 Roberts, H.H. 202, 447, 498, 499, 674 Roberts, N. 8-9 Roberts, S.M. 299 Roberts, S.T. 542 Robertson, A.H.F. 734 Robertson, P. 308 Robinson, A.G. 219 Robinson, D. 126 Robinson, K. 400 Robinson, R. 366 Robinson, S.G. 424 Rochon, A. 292, 673 Rock, N.M.S. 686 Rodgers, J. 134, 331 Rodriguez, A.B. 499 Rodriguez-Lazaro, J. 308 Roe, K.K. 526 Roe, S.L. 9 Roedder, E. 299, 308 Roelvink, J.A. 626 Roen, J.B. 63 Roep, Th.B. 743 Roeske, S. 436 Roest, W. 722 Rogers, e.D.F. 268 Rogers, D.A. 720 Ri:ihl, U. 443 Rohling, E.L. 594 Rohrlich, V. 66, 384, 526 Romanek, e.S. 549 Romankevitch, E.A. 763 Ronen, D. 397 Ronov, A.B. 526, 599 Rooney, S.T. 746 Roquin, e. 411 Rosch, H. 412 Roscigno, P.F. 751 Rose, A.W. 557 Rosen, M.R. 211 Rosen, P.S. 47, 741 Rosenberg, E. 39,440 Rosenberg, P.E. 100

Rosenfeld, J.L. 462 Rosenquist, I.Th. 167 Rosenzweig, W.D. 300 Roser, B.P. 85, 459 Rosier, H.J. 118 Rosol, M.J. 605 Ross, e.A. 185 Ross, e.S. 4, 63 Ross, D.A. 19,594 Ross, G.M. 396 Ross, J. 766 Ross, J.R.P. 185 Ross, P. 751 Rossignol-Strick, M. 594 Rostron, B.J. 242 Rothpletz, A. 506 Rothman, E.D. 185 Rothwell, R.G. 335, 760 Rotunno, M. 499 Rouse, H. 634 Rouse, H.L. 757 Rowan, E.L. 242 Rowe, G.T. 763 Rowekamp, E.T. 25 Roy, P.S. 27,47, 625 Royden, L.H. 734 Ruan, H.D. 51 Rubey, W.W. 167,263,358,531,599 Rubin, D.M. 172, 499 Rubin, M. 190, 588 Ruddiman, W.F. 272 Rude, P.D. 438 Rudnick, R.L. 599 Rudolf, D.L. 4 Rudowski, S. 625 Rudoy, A.N. 292 Ruessink, B.G. 43 Ruffell, A.H. 722 Ruiz, J. 242 Ruiz-Amil, A. 450 Rummery, T.A. 753 Runstadler, P.W. 229 Ruscher, e. 756 Rush, P.F. 395 Russell, D. 634 Russell, J.D. 4 Russell, P. 625 Russell, S.e. 51 Rust, B.R. 206, 364 Rust, I.e. 563 Ruszczyriska-Szenajch, H. 747 Rutgers, L.M.M. 549 Rutter, E.H. 543 Ruz, M.-H. 157 Ryan, J.N. 159 Ryan, P.e. 127 Ryan, W.B.F. 292,594,711 Rybach, L. 316 Rydell, H. 507 Ryder, G. 264, 657 Ryder, J.N. 9

Saarenmaa, L. 516 Sabine, e. 526 Sackett, W.M. 135 Sadaqah, R.M. 526 Sadler, P.M. 185,618 Sageman, B.B. 702 Saito, Y. 605, 606, 636


Sakai, H. 395 Sakamoto, T. 594 Sakharov, B.A. 371 Sakinc, M. 292 Saliot, A. 403 Sallenger, A.H. 625 Sallenger, A.H.Jr. 718 Saltzman, B. 443 Salyn, A.L. 371 Sam tie ben, e. 462 Sandberg, P.A. 118, 242, 263, 462, 506, 684 Sander, B. 640 Sanders, J.E. 135, 331, 748, 759 Sanderson, D.D. 743 Sanderson, D.J. 374 Sanderson, R.W. 722 Sandler, A. 722 Sandusky, e.L. 563 Sanford, W.E. 242 Sangree, J.B. 272, 674 Sangster, D.F. 15,678 Sanlung, M. 202 Sanson, F.J. 10 I Sanz, E.M. 91 Sares, S.W. 430 Sarg, J.F. 447 Sarnthein, M. 443, 507-508 Sarre, R.D. 254 Sass-Gutkiewicz, M. 678 Satterfield, W.M. 674 Satterley, A.K. 185 Sauer, E.K. 678 Sauer, R.R. 548 Saunders, T. 83 Saunders, T.D.A. 82 Savage, S. B. 353 Savin, S.M. 29, 146, 397 Savrda, e.E. 700 Sawatsky, L.H. 267 Saxby, D. 531 Schack Pedersen, S.A. 688 Schaefer, A. 592 Schafer, W. 729, 737 Scheidegger, A.E. 519 Scheiwe, T.D. 700 Schenck, P.A. 594 Schenk, e.J. 211, 253 Scherhag, e. 379 Schertmann, U. 51 Schidlowski, M. 526 Schieber, J. 85, 206, 549 Schimmelmann, A. 763 Schlager, W. 184,474, 475, 653, 674 Schleyer, R. 27 Schlichting, H. 294 Schmid 568 Schmidt, G.A. 146 Schmidt, H. 649 Schmidt, K-H. 753 Schmincke, H.U. 63, 135 Schmitz, B. 264, 657 Schmoker, J.W. 118,242 Schneer, e.J. 644 Schneidermann, N. 684 Schnitzer, M. 362 Scholle, P.A. 69,118,121,225,308,475 Scholten, J. 722 Schon, J.H. 314 Schuttenhelm, R.T.E. 498 Schoonees, J.S. 626

Schoonen, M.A.A. 703 Schoonmaker, J. 100, 436 Schopf, J.W. 690 Schot, E.K. 692 Schott, W. 492 Schrader, H.J. 674 Schrag, D.P. 384, 395 Schraub, F.A. 229 Schreiber, B.e. 135, 263 Schroeder, P.A. 371 Schroter, T. 135 Schubel, K.A. 665 Schubert, e. 27 Schuchert, e. 634, 639, 734 Schuffert, J.D. 526 Schults, D.W. 751 Schultz, D.J. 554 Schultz, J.L. 29 Schultz, L.G. 127 Schultz, P.H. 657 Schultz-Guttier, R. 100 Schulz, H.D. 542 Schulz, M.S. 395 Schulze, D.G. 769 Schulze-Lam, S. 39


Schumm, S.A. 34, 35, 145, 272, 582, 583, 606

Schuster, R.L. 33, 425 Schwalbach, J.R. 673 Schwarcz, H.P. 396, 397, 681 Schwartz, F.W. 542 Schwartz, M.L. 47 Schwarz, A. 283 Schwarzacher, W. 185, 686 Schwarzer, S. 360 Schwertmann, U. 368, 557 Sclater, J.G. 167 Scoffin, T.P. 53, 118, 135 Scott, A.e. 123, 148 Scott, D.B. 588 Scott, G.A.J. 256 Scott, H. 234 Scott, K.M. 188,425 Scott, L.O. 502 Scourse, J.D. 331 Scriven or, R.e. 722 Scruton, P.e. 203 Seager, W.R. 734 Seal, R. 301 Searl, A. 21 Sebag, D. 418 Secord, A.L. 751 Sedimentological Society of Japan 636 Seeber, L. 137 Segalen, P. 411 Segnit, E.R. 135,412 Seguret, M. 335 Seibold, E. 492 Seibold, I. 653 Seilacher, A. 82, 83, 93, 183, 443, 729 Sejrup, H.P. 668 Selby, M.J. 24, 425 Sellards, E.H. 651 Selles-Martinez, J. 224 Sellier, M. 105 Sellwood, B.W. 650 Semil, J. 625 Sen Gupta, B.K. 333 Sengor, A.M.e. 734 Sengupta, S. 561


Seong-Joo, L. 418 Seramur, K.C. 743 Serjani, A. 526 Serra, F. 293, 760 Sethi, P. 85, 206 Seuss, E. 506 Sexton, D. 692 Sexton, M.J. 447 Seyedolali, A. 549 Shackleton, N.J. 145, 146, 395,

397,443 Shakesby, R.A. 716 Shaler, N.S. 308, 588 Shanmugam, G. 272, 760 Shannon, E.Y. 63 Sharma, P. 396 Sharma, S.K. 99 Sharp, L 733 Sharp, J.M.Jr. 224 Sharp, R.P. 9, 188, 711 Sharpe, C.F.S. 248 Sharpton, V.L. 278, 657 Shau, V-H. 723 Shaw, H.F. 397 Shaw, J. 292, 344, 606, 747 Shaw, P.A. 660 Shawe, D.R. 224 Shearman, D.J. 224, 272, 585 Sheets-Pyenson, S. 634 Sheldon, R.P. 135, 526 Shelton, R.E. 526 Shemesh, A. 395 Shen Huati 561 Shen, M.C. 718 Shepard, C. U. 308 Shepard, F.P. 43,459,561,634,674 Shepherd, R.G. 537 Sheppard, R.A. 418, 666, 780 Sheppard, S.M.F. 397 Shergold, J.H. 395, 525 Sheridan, R.E. 733 Sherman, D.J. 42, 246 Sherman, D.M. 703 Sherwood Lollar, B. 366 Sheu, D.-D. 161 Shi, N.C. 626 Shi, S. 756, 757 Shields, A. 301 Shields, G. 525 Shields, G.A. 395 Shields, M.J. 242 Shilts, W.W. 746 Shimer, H.W. 644 Shimkus, K. 292 Shimmield, G.B. 548, 763 Shimp, N.F. 395 Shinn, E.A. 19, 135, 184, 447, 474, 585 Shipley, T.R. 139, 673 Shipp, R.C. 43 Shipp, S.S. 746 Shoji, R. 636 Shor, A.N. 31,711,759 Short, A.D. 43 Shotton, F.W. 173 Shreve, R.L. 34, 301 Shrock, R.R. 214, 628, 634, 651 Shukla, V. 242 Shukolyukov, A. 264 Shuto, N. 756, 757 Shvidchenko, A.B. 87


Sibley, D.F. 21, 100, 118, 234, 242, 692 Sicre, M-A. 763 Sidle, R.C. 425 Siedlecka, A. 308 Siegmund, R. 526 Siehl, A. 66 Sieser, W.G. 121 Siever, R. 219,281 Sigurdsson, H. 292 Silber, A. 4 Sillen, L.G. 263 Silva, A.J. 170 Silva, P.G. 7, 8, 9 Silver, B.A. 447 Silver, E. 436 Silver, L.T. 657 Simo, J.A. 242 Simon, D.B. 301 Simon, S. 416 Simone, L. 506 Simoneau, A.M. 605 Simonian, K.O. 734 Simons, D.B. 711 Simonson, B.M. 264, 384, 665 Simpkin, T. 757 Simpson, E.L. 183 Simpson, J.E. 353 Sinclair, L 83 Sinclair, LR. 408 Sindelar, S.T. 203 Singer, A. 4 Singh, LB. 8,43,60, 157,206,283,537,568,

634, 737 Sinha, R. 582 Sinha, S.K. 301 Sinotte, S.R. 308 Sippel, R.F. 118 Sir, W.A. 647 Sirinawin, T. 531 Siringan, F.P. 499 Sisson, T.W. 34 Skei, J.M. 606 Skempton, A.W. 248 Skene, K.I. 499 Skillbeck, c.G. 723 Skinner, B.J. 139 Skyring, G.W. 526 Slack, J.F. 66 Slansky, M. 526 Slatt, R.M. 206, 459, 561, 698 Sleath, J.F.A. 626 Sleep, N.H. 39, 599 Slezak, L.A. 408 Slingerland, R.L. 35, 36, 358, 480, 514,

531,618 Sloan, D.D., Jr. 139 Sloan, J.L. II 605 Slominski, J. 625 Sloss, L.L. 185, 634, 734 Sly, P.G. 408 Smales, A.A. 634 Small, L.F. 338 Smalley, U. 248, 268 Smart, P.L. 15, 110, 242, 243, 716 Smetacek, V. 491 Smit, D.E. 190 Smit, J. 657 Smith Wellner, J. 746 Smith, B. 40, 551 Smith, B.J. 717

Smith, C.S. 650 Smith, D.E. 756 Smith, D.G. 11,47, 183,287,433-434,537,

583, 737 Smith, D.S. 15 Smith, G.A. 292, 592, 734 Smith, u. 408 Smith, J.D. 568,618,619,626 Smith, J.N. 606 Smith, J.V. 692 Smith, L.R. 35 Smith, N.D. 11, 35, 36, 287, 531, 537, 583 Smith, R.L. 763 Smith, R.M.H. 83, 583 Smith, S.V. 606 Smith, T.N. 360 Smits, L.J.M. 314 Smol, J.P. 408 Smoot, J.P. 145, 211, 212, 262, 263 Snedden, J.W. 499 Sneed, E.D. 27, 345 Snipe, L.G. 100 Snowball, LF. 424 Snyder, R. 400 Soares, P.c. 734 Sobecki, T.M. 4 Sommerfield, c.K. 606 Sonett, c.P. 743 Song, H. 395 Sonnenfeld, M.D. 185,447 Sonnenfeld, P. 263 Sorby, H.C. 173, 219, 506, 543, 568, 686 Soreghan, M.J. 734 Soter, S. 366 Souls by, R.L. 229, 625, 626 Souriau, M. 606 Soutar, A. 526, 763 Southam, J.R. 605 Southard, J.B. 31,59,172,254,301,364,

567,596,634,668,672,674,687,711 Southgate, P.N. 447 Southon, J.R. 397, 594 Sowder, K.H. 743 Spot!, C. 21, 234, 397 Sparks, D.L. 109 Sparks, R.S.J. 31, 231, 296, 530 Spasojevic, M. 480 Spearing, D.R. 59,172,364 Spears, D.A. 63 Spencer, R.J. 262, 263, 299 Spencer-Cervato, C. 242 Spero, H.W. 499 Speyer, S.E. 728, 729 Spicer, B.E. 8, 287 Spicer, P.J. 358 Spila, MY 83 Spinnangr, A. 9 Spirakis, C.S. 557 Spiro, B. 331 Spitznas, R.L. 308 Spooner, E.T.C. 599 Sprenger, A. 185 Sprinkle, c.L. 542 Spurgeon, V.L. 743 Srdoc, D. 755 Srivastava P 582 Srodori., J.' i42, 371, 395,450 Srodon, L. 234 Staffler, D. 278, 657 Stacey, M.W. 31

Stal, L.J. 39,440, 737 Stalder, P.J. 127 Stallard, M.L. 29 Stallard, R.F. 256, 358 Standaert, R.R. 722 Stanistreet, I.G. 364, 583 Stanley, D.J. 561, 606, 673 Stanley, G.D.Jr. 475 Stanley, S.M. 242, 263, 506 Stanton, R.J. 397, 678 Stanzione, D. 754 Staples, L.W. 224 Starinsky, A. 397 Starr, J. 502 Stasiuk, L.D. 241 Staub, J.R. 744 Stauble, D.K. 43 Stauffer, P.H. 231 Stearn, e.W. 683 Stearns, H.T. 242 Stearns, N.D. 242 Steefel, e. I. 542 Steel, R.J. 9, 274 Steele, J.L. 316 Steele, R.J. 9 Steelink, e. 362 Steen, 0. 436 Stegena, L. 316 Stehi, S. 459 Steinen, R.P. 135, 462 Steinmetz, J.e. 184 Stern, L.A. 397 Stern, O. 109 Sternberg, H. 25 Sternberg, R.W. 626 Sterns berg, R.W. 625 Stevens, K.M. 436 Stevens, R. 766 Stevenson, D.J. 139 Stevenson, F.J. 362 Stevenson, G.M. 184 Stewart, F.H. 263 Stieglitz, R.D. 716 Stille, P. 333 Stive, M.J.F. 626 Stockton, P.H. 253 Stoddart, D. 635 Stoddart, D.R. 53, 118 Stoermer, E.F. 408 Stoessell, R.K. 190 Stoffers, P. 722 Stokes, G.G. 626 Stokes, M. 8 Stokes, S. 253 Stokes, W.L. 766 Stolk, A. 498, 499 Stolz, J.F. 39, 423, 440 Stone, e.G. 698 Stone, J.O.H. 397 Stoner, J.S. 424 Stopes, M.e. 149 Storms, J.E.A. 567, 626 Stout, M. 462 Stout, W.E. 185 Stouthamer, E. 36 Stow, D.A.V. 272,459,668,673,674,711,

760 Strahler, A.N. 408 Strakhov, N.M. 594, 635 Strasser, A. 53, 185


Strauch, F. 137 Strickholm, P. 692 Stride, A.H. 499 Strobl, R.S. 502 Strong, G.E. 91 Stuart, R.J. 229 Stubblefield, e.J. 649 Stubblefield, W.L. 157 Stumm, W. 159 Sturz, A. 526 Suarez, D.L. 109 Sucha, V. 371, 395,449, 450 Suczek, e.A. 592 Suess, E. 506, 763 Sugisaki, R. 366 Sullivan, G.G. 674 Sultan, R. 224 Sumer, B.M. 625 Summerfield, M.A. 606, 660 Summerhayes, e.P. 763 Summerson, e.H. 650 Sumner, D.A. 506 Sun, H. 384 Sun, M. 459 Sunagawa, I. 234, 549 Sundborg, A. 531 Suquet, H. 768 Surdam, R.e. 780 Suter, J.R. 202, 499 Sutherland, A.J. 22 Sutherland, J.K. 224 Suttner, L.J. 430, 548, 554 Suwa, H. 9 Svarda, e.E. 673 Svendsen, J.I. 756 Swanson, F.J. 256 Swarbrick, R.E. 436 Swart, P.K. 53, 135, 242, 243, 397 Swartz, R.e. 751 Sweeney, J.J. 306 Sweet, M.L. 246, 253 Sweeting, M.M. 15 Swennen, R. 234 Swett, K. 190, 394, 396, 690 Swift, D.J.P. 157-158,364,499,561,

626, 687 Swinchatt, J.P. 447 Swisher, e.e. 443 Sydow, J. 499 Syktus, J.I. 145 Sylvester, A.G. 734 Sylvester, P.J. 599 Symonds, D.A. 447 Symonds, G. 626 Synolakis, e. 756, 757 Syvitski, J.P.M. 202, 499, 605, 606,

698, 760 Szetu, J. 51

Tabachnick, K.R. 683 Tada, R. 135 Taguchi, K. 636 Tahirkheli, R.A.K. 557 Taira, A. 673 Tait, J. 371 Takahashi, J. 636 Takahashi, T. 188,756,757 Takeuchi, M. 636

Tanabe, S. 751 Tanner, P.W.G. 214, 720 Tanton, T.L. 628 Tapponnier, P. 734 Tarduno, J.A. 424 Tardy, Y. 411 Tarling, D.H. 424 Tarnocai, e. 516 Tarr, W.A. 224, 666 Tartaglia, P. 224 Tate, G.B. 498 Tate, R. 362 Tatsukawa, R. 751 Taviani, M. 396, 499 Taylor, B.L. 673 Taylor, D. 531 Taylor, D.M. 755 Taylor, F.W. 395 Taylor, G.H. 85, 403 Taylor, H.P. Jr. 396, 397 Taylor, J.H. 635 Taylor, J.M. 268 Taylor, K.G. 66 Taylor, M.W. 780 Taylor, R.E. 635 Taylor, R.M. 557 Taylor, S.R. 549, 599 Taylor, T.N. 149 Taylor, T.R. 21 Taylor, W.E.G. 135 Taylor, W.L. 206 Tazaki, K. 395 Tazioli, G.S. 753 Tchoubar, e. 400 Teall, J.J.H. 635 Tebbutt, G. 474 Tedrow, J.e.F. 303 Teichert, e. 506 Teichmiiller, M. 85, 403, 429 ten Have, T. 106 ten Haven, H.L. 594 Ten Brink, N.W. 8 Ten Kate, W.G. 185 Ternois, Y. 763 Terwindt, J.H.J. 272, 625 Terzaghi, K. 167 Tessier, B. 59, 744 Tetzlaff, D.M. 203 Tewari, V.e. 526 Teysen, T. 592 Thamban, M. 333 Thamban, N. 333 Thamdrup, B. 599 Theide, J. 763 Thein, J. 66 Theo, S. 202 Theron, A.K. 626 Thiel, G.A. 27 Thiemens, M. 395 Thiry, M. 660 Thorn, B.G. 47 Thomann, R.V. 751 Thomas, D.S.G. 212, 254, 660 Thomas, H.e. 109 Thomas, J. 760 Thomas, M.A. 498 Thomas, M.F. 411 Thomas, N.A. 751 Thomas, R.L. 379 Thomas, W.A. 734



Thomas-Keprta, K.L. 549 Thompson, A.M. 161 Thompson, e.H. 4 Thompson, G. 599 Thompson, H.S. 109 Thompson, J.B. 755 Thompson, P. 364 Thompson, R. 423, 753 Thompson, R.T. 397 Thompson, S., IlL 185 Thompson, T.A. 42 Thompson, T.G. 652 Thomson, J. 594, 674 Thomson, R. 492 Thomson, R.E. 498 Thorndike, E.M. 673 Thorne, e.R. 344, 638 Thorne, J.A. 561 Thornton, E.B. 625 Thornton, S.E. 673, 674 Thorson, R. 137 Threadgold, T.M. 400 Thurber, D.L. 183-184 Thurman, E.M. 362 Thyberg, B.T. 168 Thyne, G. 29 Tian Baolin 149 Tidwell, V.e. 268 Tiedemann, R. 443 Tilleard, J.W. 35 Tilley, B.J. 397 Tillitt, D. 751 Tillman, R.W. 157, 499 Tilton, G.R. 29 Timofeeff, M.N. 263 Timofeett, M.N. 599 Tindale, D.S. 345 Tinker, S.W. 184-185,447 Tinkler, K.J. 635 Tinterri, R. 59, 292 Tippkiitter, R. 375 Tissot, B. 429 Tissot, B.P. 366, 403, 429 Tobin, R.e. 300 Todd, J.E. 225 Todd, R.G. 185, 447 Todd, S.P. 458, 549 Tofani, R. 698 Toh, E.S.e. 531 Tolhurst, T.J. 618 Tolomeo, L. 507 Tolonen, K. 516 Tolson, R.B. 592 Tomlinson, e.W. 161 Toolin, L.J. 594 Toomey, D.F. 475 Tornqvist, T.E. 582 Torrens, H.S. 635 Toth, T.A. 65, 66 Totten, M.W. 554 Tovey, N.K. 716 Townsley, M. 253 Toyama, G. 673 Trappe, J. 526 Trask, P.D. 635 Traykovski, P. 568, 626, 687 Treguer, P. 492 Trendall, A.F. 384 Trenhaile, A.S. 27 Trentesaux, A. 498, 499


Trevena, A.S. 281 Trewin, N. 206 Tribble, J.S. 100, 101, 723 Trichet, J. 101, 526 Tricot, e. 443 Triplehorn, D.M. 63, 656 Troelstra, S.R. 594 Trommsdorff, V. 508 Trompette, R. 722 Troost, K.e. 746 Troup, A.G. 379 Trudeau, S. 751 Trudgill, S.T. 15, 71 Truesdell, P.E. 345 Trumbly, N.L 53 Trumbore, S. 763 Trusell, F.e. 684 Truswell, J. 137 Tsipursky, S. 371, 449 Tsoar, H. 246, 254, 711 Tsui, T.F. 300 Tsuji, T. 231, 296 Tsuji, Y. 757 Tuchman, M. 751 Tucholke, B.E. 672 Tucker, M. 242 Tucker, M.E. 90, 135, 446, 475, 506 Tudoran, A. 498 Turcotte, D.L. 185, 345 Turi, B. 549 Turner, A.K. 425 Turner, D. 436 Turner, T.L. 718 Turner, J. 394 Turner, P. 557 Tuttle, M.L. 703 Tuttle, O.F. 100 Twenhofel, W.H. 628, 635, 651 Tye, R.S. 36,203, 741 Tyler, N. 202 Tyler, S.A. 554, 651 Tyson, R.V. 85, 459

Uchmann, A. 459 Uchupi, E. 458, 673 Udden, J.A. 652 Ulmer, D.S. 118 Ulmer-Scholle, D.S. 225, 308 Ulmishek, G.F. 85 Underhill, J.R. 733 Underwood, M.B. 673, 734 UNEP 212 USEPA-USACE 751 Unmi, e.K. 491 Unterschutz, J.L.E. 397 Upreti, B.N. 548 Uriz, M. 682 Usdowski, E. 242 Ussler, W. 139

Vacelet, J. 683 Vadour, J. 755 Vagner, P. 498 Vahrenkamp, V.e. 242, 243 Vail, P.R. 184-185,272,333,526 Vali, H. 549

Vallance, J.W. 188, 353,425, 675 Vallieres, S. 673 Valloni, R. 549 Van Andel, T.H. 89 Van Bemmelen, J.M. 109 van Bennekom, A.J. 491 van Bergen, P.F. 148 Van Beynen, P.E. 681 Van Buchem, F.S. 185 Van Burkalow, A. 16 Van Capellen, P. 85 Van Cappellen, P. 491,526 Van Dam, R.L. 567 van Dijke, J.J. 626 van Driel, J.N. 241 van Enckevort, LM.J. 43 Van Gelder, A. 59,711,736 van Grafenstein, R. 763 van Heerden, LL. 202 van Heteren, S. 47 Van Hise, e.R. 384, 628 Van Houten, F.B. 66, 557, 635, 646 Van Houton, F.B. 135, 384, 385 van Kempen, T.M.G. 683 Van Krevelen, D.W. 635 Van Leer, J.e. 711 van Leussen, W. 285 van Lith, Y. 100 Van Loon, A.J. 746 Van Niekerk, A. 480, 618 van Olphen, H. 285 van Os, B.J.H. 594 Van Rijn, L.e. 43, 480, 609,

618, 626 Van Siden, D.e. 447 van Soest, R. 682 van Soest, R.W.M. 683 Van Straaten, L.M.J.U. 283, 609,

737 Van Tuyl, F.M. 225,308,666 Van Wagoner, J.e. 157,184,

185, 203 van de Plassche, O. 587 van de Poll, H.W. 224 van den Boogert, J.M. 737 van der Nol, L.V. 27 van der Zwaan, G.J. 594 Van den Berg, J.H. 43, 87, 711 Van der Heide, S. 185 Van der Meer, J.J.M. 747 Vanden Bygaart, A.J. 397 Vaneslow, A.P. 109 Vanoni, V.A. 229, 301, 711 Vanoort, F. 4 Vardy, S.R. 516 Varnes, D.J. 248, 345 Vasconcelos 243 Vasconcelos, e. 100,241 Vassiliou, A.H. 722 Vatan, A. 635 Vathakanon, e. 526 Vaughan, T.W. 652 Veeh, H.H. 526 Veerayya, M. 499 Veizer, J. 385, 394, 395, 397, 599 Velde, B. 127,371,65-66 Velegrakis, A.F. 568 Vella, P. 185 Vengosh, A. 397 Ver, L.M. 526

Vera, J.A. 184 Verburg, P. 4 Vergnaud-Grazzini, C 594 Vernik, L. 314 Verosub, K.L. 424 Verrecchia, E.P. 91,418 Verrecchia, K.E. 91 Viekman, B.E. 711 Viets, J.G. 242 Vila, E. 450 Viles, H.A. 755 Vincent, CE. 157 Vinogradov, A.P. 599 Violante, C 755 Viseras, C 8 Visser, M.J. 59, 499, 736 Visser, R. 737 Vitali, F. 397 Vivit, D.V. 395 Vogel, J.S. 594 Vogel, K. 71,618,729 Vogel, K.R. 480 Vogt, T. 628 Voight, B. 24 Von Breymann, M.T.K. 763 von Brunn, V. 278, 385 Von Bulow, K. 516 von Dreele, R. 400 Von Engelhardt, W. 635 von Morlot, A. 190 Von Post, L. 516 von Rad, U. 412 von Stackelberg, U. 379 Vreeland, R.H. 300 Vreugdenhil, CB. 353

Waag, CJ. 374 Wach, G.D. 157 Wachterhauser, G. 703 Waddell, H. 635 Wadell, H. 345, 636 Wadleigh, M.A. 395, 397 Wager, L.R. 634 Wagle, B.G. 499 Wakefield, M.l. 83 Wakeham, S.G. 594 Walden, J. 9 Walderhaug, O. 29, 118, 168 Waldron, J.W.F. 436 Walker, G. 105, 138 Walker, J.R. 127 Walker, P. 498 Walker, R.G. 59,157,172,185,202,272,

335,364,434,447,498,512,635,647, 687, 698, 760

Walker, T.R. 118, 557 Wallace, K.A. 202 Wallace, M.W. 657 Walling, D.E. 606, 753 Walsh, J.J. 763 Walsh, J.N. 224 Walshe, J.L. 126 Walter, H.J. 549 Walter, L.M. 118, 395, 438 Walter, M.R. 690 Walter, W. 83 Walther, J. 653 Walton, E.K. 183, 282, 447, 748


Wan, D. 395 Wan, S. 480 Wang, L. 397 Wang, S. 459 Wang, Y. 395, 606 Wanless, H.R. 185,243 Wantland, K.F. 447 Ward, L.F. 83 Ward, P.D. 657 Ward, W.C 243, 344 Wardlaw, N. 462 Waring, G.A. 242, 263, 755 Warme, J.E. 635 Warne, A.G. 606 Warner, B.G. 516 Warren, A. 211,253,254 Warren, CJ. 4 Warren, J. 219,263, 474 Warren, J.K. 19,135,212,263,585 Warren, R.S. 587 Warthmann, R. 100 Wasmund, E. 594 Wasserburg, G.J. 395, 396, 397 Wasson, R.J. 9,246 Watanabe, Y. 396 Watney, W.L. 183 Watson, A. 146 Watson, D.M. 149 Watson, G. 626 Watson, M.P. 760 Waugh, B. 557 Waxman, M.H. 314 Way, J.T. 109 Waylett, D.C 674 Weare, J.H. 263 Weaver, CE. 63, 127, 135, 142,

459,723 Weaver, F.M. 412 Weaver, P.P.E. 335, 674 Weaver, W.E. 583 Webb, G.E. 53, 560 Webb, J.A. 660 Webb, J.E. 698 Webb, R.H. 292 Weber, M.E. 229 Weber, O. 498 Weedman, S.D. 514 Weedon, G.P. 185, 443 Weerts, H.J.T. 287 Wefer, G. 491 Wegmann, E. 635,644 Wehausen, R. 594 Wei, L. 618 Weidman, CR. 711 Weiland, R.H. 360, 530 Weimer, P. 698 Weinberg 430 Weinberg, B. 561 Weinberger, R. 214 Weinheimer, A.L. 763 Weir, G.W. 60,172,537 Weise, S.M. 366 Weissel, J.K. 668 Weissert, H. 507, 508, 634 Welhan, J.A. 366 Welkie, CJ. 534 Weller, J.M. 185,447 Wells A.J. 185 Wells, J.T. 285 Wells, J.W. 652

Wells, N.A. 512 Wells, S.G. 8, 9, 22, 123,256 Wells, T.M. 35, 583 Welte, D.H. 366, 403, 429 Weltje, G.J. 626 Wenbo, Y. 299 Wenk, H.R. 100,224 Wentworth, CK. 345 Wentworth, CM.Jr. 231, 530 Wentworth, S.J. 549 Werner, A. 137 Werner, A.G. 635 Werner, B.T. 246, 568 Werner, F. 283 Wershaw, R.L. 362 West, CW. 751 West,I.M. 18 Westermann, G.E.G. 728, 729 Westphal, F. 729 Westphal, H. 462 Wetzel, A. 459 Weyl, P.K. 219,225,543 Whalley, W.B. 716,717 Whateley, M.K.G. 203 Wheatcroft, R.A. 687 Wheeler, H.E. 185 Whinland, H.D. 438 Whipkey, CE. 241 Whipple, K.x. 188, 353 Whitaker, F. 15, 110, 242 Whitaker, F.A. 242 Whitaker, F.F. 242, 243 Whitaker, J.H. McD., 354, 698 White, A.F. 395 White, B.R. 253, 254 White, CD. 203 White, D.E. 243, 263 White, G.N. 109, 723 White, J. 592 White, J.D.L. 335 White, K. 9 White, T.E. 626 White, W.A. 720 White, W.R. 582 Whitehead, S. 308 Whitman, J. 491 Whitman, R.V. 24,167 Whitten, D.G.A. 206 Whittington, G. 7 Whitton, B.A. 440 Whyte, M.A. 563 Wiberg, P.L. 618,619,687 Wiedenmayer, F. 683 Wieland, M. 352 Wiele, S.M. 537 Wiewi6ra, A. 450 Wigand, P.E. 8 Wiggs, G.F.S. 254 Wightman, D.M. 83, 157,502 Wightman, W.G. 743 Wignall, P.B. 85 Wignall, P.W. 729 Wilbert, L.J. Jr. 272 Wilcock, P.R. 33,268,301,619 Wilcoxon, J.A. 121 Wilderer, P.A. 39 Wilgus, CK. 397 Wilke, B.M. 51 Wilkin, R.T. 85, 703 Wilkinson, B.H. 183, 185,241,462,506



Wilkinson, M. 20 Wilkinson, S.L. 424 Willard, D.A. 148 Willemann, J.H. 185 Willetts, B.B. 253, 254 Williams, E.G. 646 Williams, G.D. 668 Williams, G.E. 657, 737 Williams, I.S. 358, 656 Williams, K.M. 605 Williams, L.A. 118, 135 Williams, L.B. 395, 397 Williams, P.B. 568 Williams, P.W. 678 Williams, W. 137 Williamson, M.F. 379 Willis, B.J. 202, 203, 287 Wilson, CJ.N. 231,296,335,530 Wilson,I.G. 711 Wilson, J.B. 560 Wilson, J.L. 102, 185, 267, 268, 272, 447,

475 Wilson, L. 606 Wilson, M.A. 4 Wilson, M.D. 168 Wilson, M.J. 142, 371,450 Wilson, P.A. 146, 396, 674 Wimbush, M. 674, 711 Winchester, J.A. 63 Windom, H. 492 Windom, H.L. 127, 185 Winfrey, M.R. 306 Wing, M.R. 526 Winker, CD. 195 Winkler, K.W. 314 Winland, H.D. 684 Winn, R.D. 499 Winston, R.B. 149 Winter, A. 121 Winterer, E.L. 492, 635 Wise, S.W. Jr. 412 Wiseman, W.J. Jr., 31,274 Witzke, B.J. 743 Wogelius, R.A. 243 Wolcott, J. 345,531 Wolcott, J.F. 22, 344 Wolery, T.J. 599 Wolf, K.H. 438 Wolfe, J.A. 146 Wolfe, S.A. 246 Wolfi, W. 396 Wolfstein, K. 285 Wollast, R. 100, 118 Wolman, M.G. 287, 345, 434, 529, 583 Wong, P.K. 225 Wood, D.M. 24 Wood, M.E. 588 Wood, R. 475, 560


Woodborne, M.W. 534 Woodcock, N.H. 668 Woodsworth, G.J. 33 Woodward, J.C 606, 753 Woody, R.E. 234 Worden, R.H. 722 World Glacier Monitoring Service 331 Woronick, R.E. 21 Wrang, P. 371 Wray, D.S. 396, 549 Wright, D.K. 549 Wright, J.Y. 296, 335 Wright, L.D. 31, 43, 687 Wright, M.W. 755 Wright, P.V. 475 Wright, V.P. 9,15,91,110,135,474,475,

506 Wroth, CP. 24 Wu, G. 673 Wu, J. 360, 656 Wunderlich, F. 59, 283 Wyllie, M.R.J. 314 Wynne, D.A. 502

Xu, J.P. 687 Xun, Z. 243

Yaalon, D.H. 8 Yagi, H. 673 Yagi, T. 636, 637 Yalin, M.S. 347,619 Yamashita, F. 757 Yamashita, N. 751 Yang, CS. 59,499 Yang, CT. 480,529 Yang, Z. 606 Yang, Z.-S. 31 Yang,W. 447 Yao, X. 395 Yapp, CJ. 397 Yariv, S. 159 Yaroshevsky, A.A. 526 Yasar, D. 292,672 Yasuda, T. 549 Yeakel, L.S. 356,514 Yechielli, Y. 397 Yeh, E. 253 Yeh, H.-W. 397,526 Yeh, H.H. 757 Yi, H.I. 498 Yim, W.W.S. 534 Yin, P. 498 Yiou, P. 443 Yitshak, Y. 22 Y ochelson, S.H. 148 Y oshinaga, N. 4 Young, G.M. 331,385,459,599

Young, G 459 Young, R.A. 561 Young, R.W. 756 Young, S.W. 548 Young, T. 385 Young, T.P. 135,385,506 Young, W.J. 301 Yu, W. 31 Yu, X. 459 Yuan, L. 502 Yuan, L.P. 519 Yuce, H. 292 Yurtsever, Y. 397

Zabel, M. 542 Zaitlin, B.A. 202, 537, 582, 736, 737 Zak, I. 395 Zaki, W.N. 360 Zaneveld, J.R.V. 672, 673 Zanin, Y. 525 Zanin, Y.N. 526 Zarba, CS. 751 Zavala, C 59, 292 Zawistoski, A.N. 743 Zazo, C 7, 8, 9, 274 Zeikus, J.G. 306 Zeitzschel, B. 763 Zelazny, L.W. 109,723 Zeng, J. 360 Zenger, D.H. 190, 242, 243, 633 Zenkovich, V.P. 43 Zhang, J.L. 459 Zhao, Z. 673 Zharkov, M.A. 263 Zheng, H. 400 Zheng, Y.-F. 21 Zhiming Xu 625 Zhu, X.-K. 397 Ziao, J.L. 443 Ziegler, A.M. 146 Ziegler, K. 397 Zierenberg, R. 492 Zimmerle, W. 85, 206, 459, 554 Zimmermann, H. 100 Zingg, T. 345 Zinkernagel, U. 106 Zolensky, M.E. 599 Zolitschka, B. 766 Zreda, M.G. 396 Zrobek, J. 625 Zuffa, G.G. 293, 549, 760 Zullig, J.J. 438 Zuppann, CW. 506 Zussman, J. 769 Zwolinski, Z. 287

abiogenic hydrocarbons 365-6 abrasion

fluvial 24-5 glaciers 318 grains 616 heavy minerals 356 marine 25-7

abyssal cones and plains 484-5 accommodation/sediment supply

ratios 176-7 accretion 252, 598 accumulation rate 514-15,601,603 acoustical properties 308-12

pore fluids 310-11 pressure and temperature effects 311 sediment types 309-10 wave velocities 309-12

Activity Index, soils 23 actualism theory 628-30, 649 acute toxicity 749 Agassiz, Louis 629 aggradation 46-7,580 Alberta, Canada, oil sands 499-500 albitization of feldspars 28, 280 alfisols 774 algae 66-7 algal carbonate sediments 1-3 Algoma-type iron formations 381, 382 Alizarin red S (ARS) 683, Plate I alkali feldspars 278, 279 alkanes 365 Allen, J.R.L. 747 allochthonous sediments

classification 132-4 glaucony 332 lakes 405 neritic carbonates 472-3

allocycles 173, 274 allophane 3-4 alluvial deposits 568-9, 575

facies models 270 geometry of ancient deposits 581-2 ridges 34

alluvial fans 5-9,579-80 see also fan deltas

Subject Index

controls 6-7 deserts 209 processes and sediments 5-6

aluminum, bauxite 48-51 Amazon submarine fan 695 amber 563-5 ambient fluid 348, 350 American southwest, alluvial fans 5 amorphous structure, amber 564 ana branching rivers 9-11,576,578-9 analyses see techniques anastomosing rivers 9-10, 575, 577, 579 ancient karst 11-15

features 12-13 kars t breccia 13 -14

ancient oolites 504-5 ancient potash, evaporites 261 ancient reefs 471 angle of repose 15-16,336 anhydrite 16-19,584-5 animals 255, 649 ankerite 19-21 annelids 69 antidunes 706 aprons, carbonate sedimentation 474 aqueous inclusions 297-8 aquifers 539-40 aragonite

calcitization 93 geochemistry 93-4 neomorphism 460-1 ooids 129, 503-5 sediments 127 shells 66, 68 speleothems 679-81 stains 684

archetypal ichnofacies 74 architecture

bedding 54 fan deltas 273-4

aren i tes 590-1 arenites see sandstones arkoses 278, 591, 645 armor 21-2,617 aromatic hydrocarbons 365

ARS see Alizarin red S arthropods 69 ash flow 348 asteroid/comet impact 275, 654 atmospheric oxygen, iron formations 382 Atterberg Limits 22-4 attractive energy, colloids 158-9 attrition

fluvial 24-5 marine 25-7 quartz 646

authigenesis 27-9, 421 authigenic minerals 216

feldspars 280 geodes 306-7 zeolites 779 - 80

authigenic rocks 131-2 autochthonous sediments

classification 127 - 32 glaucony 332 lakes 405 neritic carbonates 472 siliceous sediments 660-6

autocompaction, salt marshes 587 autocycles, sedimentation 173, 181-2 autosuspension 30-1,670 avalanches 31-3, 252 avulsion 34-6, 578-9, 582

back-arc basins 731 back-barrier marshes 586 backwash 717-18 bacteria 37-9

carbonate sediments 1-3 epibenthic cyanobacteria 439-40

Bagnold, Ralph Alger, physics of sediment transport 249, 250, 527-9,638

Bahama platform, dolomitization 239-40 Bailey, Edward B. 628 Baja California tidal flats 585 bajadas 579 ball-and-pillow structures 39-40, 58,

549-50 banded iron formations (BIFs) 367, 379,

380, 381


bands, liesegang banding 221, 223 barchans 710 Barrell, Joseph 638-9 barrier islands 43-7, 155

environments 43-4 morphosedimentary types 45-6 thoeries of origin 44-5

barrier reefs 465 bars

see also point bars barrier islands 43-7 eddy bars 290 ephemeral braid 85 littoral 40-3 tidal 740

basalt 591, 598 base-level conditions, alluvial fans 7 basinal facies

carbonate mud-mounds 100-2 fan deltas 273-4 mudrocks 452

basins brines 540-1 rift basins 258, 729-30 slopes 472-4, 669, 672 stresses 161-2 tectonic control 730-3

Bathurst, Robin G.c. 639-40 bathyal zone, slopes 668-9 bathymetric forms

glacial deposition 324-5 glacial erosion 324-5 tidal influence 607

bauxites 48-51, 409 beaches

armor 22 shoreface facies 152-3 swash and backwash 717-18

beachrock 51-3,112, Plate I bed load 574

braided channels 86-7 G.K. Gilbert 643 tidal currents 607-8 transport model 477-8 transport rates 613-14 unidirectional flow 611-12 wave action 622

bed model 478 bed slope 611 bed stress 621-2 bedded minerals

anhydrite 17 chert 661-2 gypsum 16-17,584-5

bedding 53-4 see also cross-stratification; sedimentary

structures bedsets 59-61 composite sets 60, 61 internal structures 54-9 iron formations 381 laminated 53

bedforms 618,633,703-4 cross-stratification 170-3 eolian 252-3 floods 290-1 flume studies 300-1 littoral bars 41-2 ripples 566, 567

bedsets 59-61


behavior, trace fossils 72, 73 benthic invertebrates, toxicity 748 bentonites 61-3 berthierine 64-6, 125 BIFs see banded iron formations binding agents 561-3 bioclasts 66 -70 biodepositional structures 71 bioerosion 70-1 biofilms 37, 688, 690 biogenic processes

calcite 95-7 coastal facies 150 hydrocarbons 365-6 sediment magnetism 421

biogenic sediments 482,487-91 accumulation 487-8 carbonate ocean mode 490-1 oozes 488-90 silica ocean mode 491 varves 764

biogenic structures 71- 83 ichnofacies 74-9 paleoenvironmental significance 79-82 stromatolites 688-90 trace fossils 72-3

bioherms 558 biological processes, ooids 504 biological sediments, caves 109-10 biomarkers (hydrocarbons) 365 biopolymers 426 bioreactors, epibenthic bacteria 37 biostratification structures 71 biostratinomy 723-6 biostrome 558 biota 571, 753 bioturbation 407

mudstones 204 structures 71 tidal flats 735

birds, contaminants 749 bitumen 499-500 Black Sea

black shales 83 sapropels 593

black shales 83-5 Blue Earth amber 563 boehmite 48 borings 70-1, 699-700 bottom nepheloid layer 462-3 boudins 667 boulders, imbrication 372, 373 Bouma sequences, turbidites 56-7, 757, 758 boundary layers 620-1 bounds tones 129-30 brachiopods, bioc1asts 67, 68 brackish water ichnofacies 75, 76, 81 braided channels 85-7,323,575,577,

580, 582 breccias

ancient karst 13-14 impact breccia 275 ophicalcites 506, 507 pipes 678 sedimentary 134 solution 677-8

brines see also saline environments; seawater continental 540 deep basins 540-1

evaporites deposition 257,260-1 magadiite formation 417

broad marshes 586-7 Brownian motion 226-7 bryozoans 67 bulk density, compaction 162 burial

authigenic minerals 28-9 cementation 114-15,116-17 deformation 192 diagenetic reactions 65 dolomitization 240-1 fossils 723-4 mudrocks 456-7 paleosols 775-6

burrows 699-700

calcareous sediments H.C. Sorby 650 oozes 488-9 pelagic grains 119-21

calcification, algae and bacteria 1-3 calcite

see also aragonite burial-stage cements 114, 117 cathodoluminescence 104 compensation depth 88-9 cracks 657-8 crystal structure and geochemistry 95-7 dedolomitization 188-90 dissolution 489 neomorphism 460-1 ooids 505 sediments 127 shells 66, 68 speleothems 679-81 stains 683-4

calcitization, aragonite 93 calcium carbonate

see also aragonite; calcareous sediments; calcite; carbonate sediments and rocks

cements 51-3 polymorphs 93-4

calcrete/caliche 89 -91 canyons 693 carbon, stable isotopes 392 carbon cycle, upwelling 761 carbon dioxide 305 carbonaceous sediments and rocks

charcoal 121-3 classification 132 coal balls 146-9 peat 514-16,586-7

carbonate cement fabrics 112 carbonate depositional environments

mixed sedimentation 443-7 neritic environments 464-75 platforms 464, 465 ramps 464-5 sediment gravity flows 472-3 slopes 669-71

carbonate fluorapatite 519-21 carbonate minerals, stains 683-4 carbonate sediments and rocks 632

see also dolomites; limestones acoustic velocities 309-10 algal and bacterial 1-3 allochthonous 472-3

autochthonous 472 R.G. Bathurst 639 bioerosion 70-1 caliche/calcrete 89-91 cathodoluminescence 103, 104-5 L. Cayeux 640 cements 92-3, Ill, 114-15 classification 127-9,642 compaction 166-7 concretions 220 diagenesis 91-3 facies models 270-1 factor analysis 685 fine-grained 472 geochemistry 93 -100 microfabrics 91-3 mineralogy 93-100 mud-mounds 100-2 ophicalcite 507 properties 94 sands 590

carbonate skeletons 726-7 Carboniferous coal seams 146-7 casts

gutter casts 353-4 load casts 58, 192, 193,414 pot casts 353 tool marks 747-8

catagenesis 366, 402, 427 catalytic properties, smectite 676 catastrophic deposits 56-7 catastrophic events 287-93, 318

see also floods catastrophism theory 288, 569, 629 cathodoluminescence (CL) 102-6 cation exchange 106-9

clay minerals 106, 140 vermiculites 767-8

cauliflower nodules 307 causality, toxicity 749-50 caves

ancient karst 13 sediments 109-10 speleothems 678-81

cavitation 572 cavities, stromatactis 687-8 Cayeux, Lucien 640 cements and cementation 110-19,215

beachrock 51-2 burial stage 114-15 carbonates 92-3, Ill, 114-15 cracks 657-8 dolomites 234 early diagenetic (non-marine) 113-14 silica 115 siliciclastic sediments 115-16 syndepositional (marine) 111-13

Central Asia, paleofloods 291-2 chalcedony 117, 659-60 chalk 119-21 Challenger Expedition (1872-76) 481,

647-8 chamosite 65, 125 channels

see also flumes anabranching 9-11, 576, 578-9 anastomosing 9-10,575,577,579 avulsion 34-6 braided 85-7 current analysis 509


distributary (deltas) 200 floodplain sediments 286 geometry 430-2 meandering 430-4, 575, 577-8, 582 rivers 571-9, 581-2 submarine 692-8 tidal 738-40

charcoal 121-3 Chattanooga Shale 83, 84 chemical compaction 163, 165-7 chemical constraints 235 chemical diffusion 225-6 chemical divides, brines 260 chemical weathering 429 chemistry

ankerite 19 berthierine 64 calcite 95-6 dolomitization 235 kaolin group minerals 399 phanerozoic seawater 261-2 porewaters 537-9

chemogenic sediments 482, 483, 487, 764 cherts

bedded 661-2 cements 117 conversion from magadiite 417-18 magadi 664 nodular replacement 662-4 ongm 131 Precambrian 664-5

chiso-gaku, Japan 635 chlorite 123-7,449

detrital 124-5 evaporite/dolomite association 125 red beds association 125-6 shallow marine 125

chronic toxicity 749 CL see cathodoluminescence Cladophora, microbial carbonates 3 classification of sediments and sedimentary

rocks 127-36 allochthonous deposits 132-4 authigenic rocks 131-2 autochthonous deposits 127 - 32 bentonites 62-3 caliche, calcrete 89-90 carbonates 127-9, 642 clay minerals 139-41, 140-1 cross-stratification 171-2 dolomites 236-7 dolostones 131 evaporites 258-60 limestones 129-30, 268-9 oceanic sediments 482-3 phosphorites 521-2,524 sands 590 sandstones 590, 646 silcretes 659-60 tills and tillites 745

classifications ana branching rivers 9 dunes 243-4 eolian dunes 243-4 facies 268-9 fluid escape structures 295-6 glaciers 318 reefs 557-8 soils 771-4 stylolites 692

subaerial dunes 71 0-11 surface forms 703-4 tool marks (Allen) 747 trace fossils 72-4 tuffs 62-3

clastic dykes and sills 59, 136-7, 194 clastic facies, open coasts 149-57 clastic rocks see mudrocks; sandstones;

siliciclastic sediments clastic varves 764 clasts, flow-oriented 371-4 clathrates 137-9 clay, definition 139 clay minerals 139-42

authigenic 117 bentonites 62-3 cation exchange 106 C.W. Correns 641 definition 139 identification 141 illite group 369-71 kaolin group 398-400 K-Ar dating 386 mixed-layer 447-50 mudrocks 458 oceanic sediments 485-6 origin and distribution 141-2 Rb-Sr isochron dating 386-7 smectite group 675-7 structure and classification 139-41 vermiculite 766-9 X-ray techniques 632

clay sediments mixed-layer 447-50 pelagic red clay 485-7 syneresis 719


Clayton yellow stain see Titan-yellow stain climate

evaporites formation 257 past conditions 315 sediment provenance 544-5 silcretes 660

climate change 145 alluvial deposits 581 fan delta indicator 272-3, 274

climatic control alluvial fans 7 sedimentation 142-6

climatic precession 441 climatic rhythms, Milankovitch cycles 180 cnidarians 67 coal 132,146-7,629-30

see also charcoal; peat acoustic properties 310 ankerite 20 balls 146-9 diagenesis 426-8 resin 563 resistivi ty 313

coastal facies 149-57 inlet areas 153 preservation 153-7 processes 149-50 shorefaces 150-3, 496

coated grains 502-6 coccoliths 489 cohesionless sediments 86, 610-11

see also gravels; sands cohesive sediments see muds colloidal properties 157-9


colluvial processes 406 colored impregnation media 218 colors of sedimentary rocks 159-61 columns, stylolites 690 combined flows 55-6, 708-9 comets 275, 597-8, 654 compaction 161-8

chemical 163, 165-7 deformation 192 diagenesis 215 dolomitization model 240 mechanical 162-5 mudrocks 456-7 mudstones 164-5 porosity 161, 162, 165-6, 215 sands 164, 165, 166-7 stresses 161-2

compensation depth, calcite 88-9 compositional maturity 429-30 compound cross-stratification 171-2 compression, stylolites 691-2 computer simulation models 182-3 concave-upward shells 725 concentrated flows 347, 350 concentration fields, turbulent

diffusion 227-8 concentrations

heavy minerals 530 porewaters 537-8 suspensions 359-60

concretions 219-20, 223 fossils 727 septarian 657-9

condensed sections, phosphorites 523-4 conductivity, heat flow 315 cone-in-cone structures 220-1, 223 conglomerates 134,472-3, 588 consolidation see compaction consolidation laminations 295 contamination 748-51 continental crust 597-9 continental evaporites 258-60 continental goundwaters 539-40 continental rifts 729-30 continental shelves 560-1, 604 continental slopes 669 contourites 269, 671-2 convection, dolomitization 240 convolute laminations 58, 168, 192, 193 coral reefs 470, 557-60

J. Murray 647 T.W. Vaughan 652 J. Walther 653

coralline algae, reefs 2 cores and coring methods 168-70 Coriolis effect 143, 686, 694 corrasion 572, 595, 726 correlation, mudrocks 457 Correns, Carl Wilhelm 641-2 corrosion 572, 726 counter-flow ripples 55 cracks

concretions 220, 657-9 desiccation 194,204,209,210,

212-14,719 syneresis 718-19

craters, impact 275, 653, 654, 656 cratonic basins, deposition 733 creep 250, 424 crescentic eolian dunes 243-4, 245-6


Cretaceous-Tertiary (K -T) boundary 654-5

crevasse-channel and crevasse-splay sediments 286

crinoids, encrinites 248-9 cross lamination 535 cross-bedding see cross-stratification cross-sections see geometry cross-shore sediment transport 623 cross-stratification 170-3, 633

see also hummocky cross-stratification; swaley cross-stratification

classification 171-2 current analysis 509 cyclic 172 deformation 59 dunes 207 hummocky 55, 362-4, 686 large offshore sand dunes 494-5 origin 170-1 overturned 193 swaley 55, 363-4 unidirectional flows 54-5 way-up indicator 627-8

crust see also tectonic control of sedimentation composition, Moon 415-16 continental 597-9 dutile deformation 543

crusting, eolian transport 251 Cruziana, ichnofacies 76, 79, 80 cryptocrystalline texture 436-8 crystal structure

calci te 95-6 chlorite 124 diagenesis 216

crystallography dolomites 231-3 speleothems 679

crystals geodes 306-8 sand 222, 223

CSS see Cyclic Steam Stimulation current crescents 513-14, 595 current lineations 513 current ripples 565, 566, 705-6 currents

see also flow (process) autosuspension 30 gutter casts 353 orientation 509-14 planar laminated sands 536 scour marks 595 superimposed currents 607 thermohaline 671 tidal 55-6, 606-7, 737 time-averaged oscillatory 624

cyanobacteria, calcification 2, 504 cyclic cross-stratification 172 cyclic sedimentation 173-83, 444, 445, 639

allocycles v autocycles 173-4 Carboniferous deposits 444 fan deposits 580 hierarchies 174-8 orders of cyclicity 174-5, 178-82 quantitative analyses 182-3 terminology 173-4 varves 764-6

Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS) 500-1 cyclicity, glaucony 332

cyclothems see cyclic sedimentation; rhythmites

Dake, Charles L. 627 Darcy equation 293-4 Darcy (unit of permeability) 266 Darcy's Law 266,516 data collection and processing 510-11 dating methods

see also isotopic methods radiometric 385-97, 547 varves 764

debris avalanches 31-2 debris entrainment, glaciers 319-20 debris flows 56, 186-8, 348,425, 434

deposits 579, 580 processes, alluvial fans 5-6

debris slides 425 debrites 671 decomposition, organic matter 426, 514-15 dedolomitization 188-90 deep basins, brines 540-1 Deep Sea Drilling Project 88-9, 169 deep water deposition

see also oceanic sediments facies models 271 paleocurrents 511-12 zeolites 780

deepwater nepheloid layer 462-4 deformation

see also deformation of soft sediments burial 92 cross-stratification 172 features 277 glaciotectonic 321 grain-scale (pressure solution) 542 laminae 168 slides 668 subglacial deposits 319, 320 tidal-waves 606-7

deformation pathways 39, 550 deformation of soft sediments 57-9, 190-3

see also load structures dish structures 193,230-1, 295, 529 forces 191-2 processes 192 slump structures 194, 667-8 structures 193-5 styles 194

dehydration 375, 440 deltas 153, 195-203, 580-1, 639

see also submarine fans braid deltas 577 definition 195 delta fronts 200, 496 environments 200 facies 200-1, 270 fan deltas 272-5 ice-contact 324-5 lacustrine 406 morphology 196 prodelta 200 research history 197-8 river mouth processes 198-200 scale and importance 197 sedimentation 604 tidal 737-41

density, river outflows 198, 199 density inversions, soft sediments 192

denudation rate 600, 60 I deposition

see also sediment deposition anhydrite and gypsum 16-18 bathymetric forms 324-5 charcoal 121 eolian 249, 252-4 floods 289-91 glaciers 320-4 meander floodplains 432-3 numerical models 475-80

depth, calcite compensation 88-9 deserts 207-12

alluvial fans 5 armor 22 eolian environments 207-8 fluvial environments 208-9 lacustrine environments 209-10 landforms, ridges-and-furrows 595 marine coastal environments 211 playa environments 210-11 sediment transport 527 J. Walther 653

desiccation structures (cracks) 194,204,209, 210,212-14,719

detection methods see also forensic sedimentology extraterrestrial materials 264 tracers 752

detrital grains chlorite 124-5 diagenesis 214, 216 feldspars 278-9 quartz 552-4 sand 591-2 smectite 676

dewatering 231,698-9 diagenesis 214-19

see also authigenesis; burial; compaction berthierine 65 carbonates 91-3 cements 113-14, 116 chemical processes 215-17 chlorites 126 conditions 214 feldspars 279-80 fossils 726-8 free gas formation 304 humic substances 362 hydrocarbons 366 organic matter 402, 426-8 physical processes 215,216-18 red beds 556 rock components 214-15 sapropels 593-4

diagenetic structures 219-25 concretions 219-20, 223 cone-in-cone 220-1, 223 geodes 221, 223 liesegang banding 221, 223 sand crystals 222, 223 stylolites 222-3

diamagnetism 418 diamictites 134, 325, 327 diamictons 32, 134, 325, 326, 330

see also tills and tillites diamonds, marine placers 534 diapirs, mud 194-5 diaspore 48 diatomites 661


diatoms 489-90,491 dickite 399 differential thermal analysis (DTA) 48-50 diffuse double layer models 108 diffusion

chemical 225-6 turbulent 226-30

dilatation 335 dilute flows 347,349,350-1,352 dip direction, cross-bedding 172, 200,

201,510 disarticulation, fossils 723-4 discharge, river mouth 198 dish structures 57-8,193,230-1,295,529

see also pillow structures dispersive stress 638 dissolution

calcite compensation depth 88-9, 172 compaction 165 diagenesis 216 dolomitization 235 fossils 726-7 stylolites 223, 690-1

disso lved gases 304 dissolved load 574 distributary channels, deltas 200 distributary mouth bars 198 dolomites 20,234-7, 683

burial-stage cements 114 chemistry 99 chlorite 125 classification 236-7 crystallography 231-3 dedolomitization 188-90 diagenesis 92 geochemistry 94, 237 mineralogy 97 natural environments 237-41 occurrence 98-9 penecontemporaneous 237-8 textures 231- 4, 236-7

dolomitization 234-41 chemical constraints 235 environments 237-41 fluid flow 240-1 hypersaline environments 239 hyposaline environments 238-9 mass balance constraints 235-6 models 237-41 porosity and permeability 236

dolostones 131, 234, 241 domes, breccias 678 downslope movements, slides and

slumps 191,666-8 drag 229, 609-10 drainage networks 568, 569-70 drilling rock cores 168 -70 dry fans 579, 580 DTA see differential thermal analysis dunes

anti dunes 706 barchans 710 barrier islands 44 classification 243-4 eolian 207,243-6, 252-3 large offshore 493, 494-5 processes and dynamics 244-5, 252-3 sediments 245-6 subaqueous 706 surface forms 709-11


Dunham classification, limestones 129-30 duricrusts, silcretes 659 - 60 dust, extraterrestrial 263 dutile deformation 543-4 dykes, clastic (neptunian) 59, 136-7, 194 dynamic equlibrium, rivers 569, 572 dynamics

debris flows 187 eolian dunes 244-5 eolian processes 252-3 glaciers 317 mass movement 347-9 turbulent flow 226-9

Earth orbital parameters 441,442-3 orbitally forced insolation 441-2

earth flows 247-8,425 earthquakes

syneresis 719 turbidity currents trigger 757

ebb-tidal deltas 153, 738, 739-40 ECC see Exposed Continental Crust echinoderms 69, 724 ecology

coral reefs 471-2 ichnofacies 77

economIc uses calcrete 90 evaporites 257 smectite 676-7

ecosystems contamination 748-9 salt marshes 586

eddy bars 290 eddy diffusivity 228, 229 effective porosity 266 effective stress, compaction 162 ejecta, impacts 263-4, 654-6 elastic wave velocities 311-12 electrical properties 312-13 elutriation 215, 295 embedding media 375, 562 emissions, cathodoluminescence 102-3 encrinites 248-9 encrustation, fossils 726 endogene tic sediments, caves 109 energy, colloidal particles 158-9 entrainment 250,319-20,571-2,594-5,610 entrapment, fluid inclusions 297 environmental applications 676 environmental issues 524-5 environments

see also eolian environments; peritidal environments; saline environments; subtidal environments

barrier islands 43-4 deltas 200 deserts 207-12,234-6 detrital quartz 553-4 dolomitization 237-41 evaporites formation 257-8 facies models 270-1 glacial and periglacial 327, 328, 330, 715 low energy 332, 496 mudrocks 457 mudstone fabrics 206 neritic carbonate deposition 464-75 oolites 503


environments (Continued) paleocurrent analysis 511-12 phosphorites 519-20

eogenesis 402, 426-7 eogenetic cements

marine carbonates 111-13 non-marine carbonates 113-14 siliciclastic deposits 116

eolian environments 207-8 see also wind transport cross-stratification 170 deposition 249, 252-4 dunes 243-6 textures 486, 715-16 transport 249-52

ephemeral braid bars 85 epibenthic bacteria 37, 439-40 episodic deposits, structures 56-7 epoxy resins 375, 562 equations

cation exchange 108 Darcy 293-4 isotopic methods 385-6 motion 227 Rouse 614-15 shear strength 191 Stokes settling 337

equilibrium partitioning, toxicity 750 erosIOn

see also abrasion; attrition; bioerosion; corrasion

J. Barrell 639 bathymetric forms 324 episodic 255 fluvial 569, 571-2, 578 glacial 256,318-19,603 grain threshold 345-7,608,610-11 meandering channels 578 organisms 70-1,255 sediment transport rate 616-17 submarine channels 693 susceptibility 254 unroofing 591-2

erosion and sediment yield 254-6 chlorite 124-5 climate effects 143-4, 145 glacial erosion 256 hills lope factors 254-5 human activities 255-6 organisms 255

eskers 324 estuaries 195-203,581

circulation 607-9 definition 195-7 processes 197 sedimentation 604 tidal flats 735

etching 714 ethological classification, trace fossils 73 eustasy

alluvial deposits 581 cyclic sedimentation 179-81

evaporites 257-63, 269 acoustic properties 310 anhydrite and gypsum 16-19 authigenic talc 722 brine evolution 260-1 burial-stage cements 114-15 chlorite occurrence 125 dedolomitization 189


environmental conditions 257-8 marine and non-marine 258-60 mineral sequences 132, 260-1 nodules 307 phanerozoic seawater chemistry 261-2 resistivity 313 sabkha 584-5 sands and gravels 590 silicified 664 solution breccias 677

evidential value, sediments 301-2 exfoliation, vermiculites 768 exogenetic sediments, caves 109 exotic lithologies 434-5 experimentation 633

see also techniques angle of repose 15 flumes 300-1 pressure solution 543

exploration, oceanic sediments 481-2 Exposed Continental Crust (ECC) 597-9 extrabasinal deposits 132-4 extraterrestrial materials 263-4, 597-9,

653-7 see also Mars; Moon

extreme floods 287-8 extruded sheets, soft sediments 194

fabrics 265-6 see also micro fabrics breccias 677 carbonate cements 112 environment 206 melange 434, 435 mudstones 203-6

facies associations 269-70 carbonate mud-mounds 100-1 classifications 268-9 coastal 149-57 deep water carbonate slope apron 473 deltas 200-1 glacigenic sediments 328, 329 A. Gressly 629, 644 ichnofacies concept 74-9 iron formations 379 ironstones 383 littoral bars 42 meandering channels 433 models 268-72 reefs 469-70 river channels 575-9 sequences 54, 57 shoreface 150-3 slopes 672 submarine fans 694-8 tidal flats 735 tidal inlets 740-1 J. Walther 653

factor analysis, carbonates 685 fallout radionuclides 752 fans

alluvial fans 5-9,209,579-80 deltas 272-5 outwash fans 323, 324 submarine 271, 289-90, 692-8

faults 667-8 growth faults 193-5


see also animals; organisms sediment mixing 450-1 toxicity 749-50

Feigl's stain 684 feldspars 278 - 81

detrital 589-90, 592 overgrowths 279-80 provenance 279

ferallitization 770, 771 ferric oxides see iron ferricretes 409 ferroan dolomites 19, 20, 188-90 ferromagnetism 418 ferromanganese nodules 376-9,487,488 ferruginous tracers 752-3 fine-grained sediments see mudrocks fingerprinting technique 752 fining-upwards sequences 57, 755 fire erosion 255 Fischer Plots, cyclic sedimentation 182 fish, neoplasms 748 fissility, mudrocks 454 fissures, filled 136 fjords 322, 60 I, 604 flame structures 281-2

see also load structures flaser bedding 56, 282-3 flat-topped platforms, carbonates 464 flatness, grains 339, 341 flocculation 284-5, 454, 609 floes 284, 340, 454 flood ramp 739 flood-basin sediments 286 flood-tidal deltas 153, 737-9 floodplains

avulsion 35 classes 576 deserts 208-9 meander deposition 432-3 sediments 285-7,575,582

floods 287-93 catastrophic 287-8, 289-90, 318 depositional forms and structures 289-91 dynamics and processes 288-9 Mars 288, 291 subglacial 291

flow (process) see also currents; thresholds; velocities acceleration 244 combined 708-9 competence 346 direction 172 flood dynamics 289 fluid 217,228-9,240-1 geostrophic 686 grain threshold stress 346 granular 335-6 hydrodynamic model 475-7 littoral bars 41-2 meandering channels 432 multiphase 226-7,518,615 oscillatory 55-6, 704, 707-8 rapid-flow regime 336 resistance 293-4 ripples 566, 567 river channels 571-2 sediment transport 613 shallow flow theory 347-8 unidirectional 536,609-18,704-7

flow-oriented clasts 371-4

flows (forms) see also debris flows; fluidization;

gravity-driven mass flows earth flows 247-8, 425 gravitational 424, 425 internal structures 54-6 mud flows 348 pyroclastic flows 348 surface forms 703-9

flows tones, calcite 679-80 fluid dynamics, rivers 569 fluid escape structures 294-7 fluid flow 217,228-9,240-1 fluid inclusions 297-300

composition 298 pressure 299 temperature 298-9

fluid pressure 674 fluid stress 251 fluidization 136, 295, 412-13, 530 flumes 300-1,643

braided channels 577 first use 630-3 grain threshold 345 straight rivers 578

fluorapatite 727 flute marks 595-6, 707 fluvial processes and deposits

alluvial fans 5-6, 273 armor 21-2 attrition 24-5 deserts 208-9 placers 530-2 tufa model 754

Fluvialists 569 fluxes

global sediment 601-3 mantle 598 sediments 600-5 solutes 596-7

flysch 732, 757 folds, soft-sediment 296, 667 foliation, melange 435 Folk, Robert Louis 642

limestone classification 130 foraminifera 67, 68 force chains 335-6 forces, deformation 191-2 forearc basins 731 foreland basins 731-2 forensic sedimentology 301-3 formation water 391 fossils

bioclasts 66 -70 calcareous nannofossils 199-21 trace fossils 71-83

fossils, preservation 723-9 biostratinomy 723-6 diagenesis 726-8 silicification 307 trace fossils 72

fractionation, stable isotopes 392-4 fractures see cracks; faults fragmentation

fossils 725-6 melange blocks 435

framboids 702 framework reefs 558 francolite 519-21 free gases 304


freeze drying 375 freshwater carbonates 753-4 freshwater fauna, toxicity 749 fringing marshes 586-7 frost creep 425 fuller's earth 676 furrows (waves) 595, 707 fusain, charcoal 122

Ganges plains 579 garnet 357 gas hydrates, clathrates 137-8 gases 304-6, 538 gelifluction 425 gelisols 774 gem minerals, marine placers 532, 534 genetic packages 57 geochemical cycles, seawater 596-7 geochemistry

burial-stage cements 115 carbonates 93-100 dolomites 237 evaporites 260-1 techniq ues 632

geochronometers 385, 388-9 see also isotopic methods

geodes 221,223,306-8 geology, sedimentary 626-7 geomechanical properties 162-3 geometry

ancient alluvial deposits 581-2 gutter cas ts 353 littoral bars 40-1 meandering channels 576-8 melange units 435-6 pore spaces 267 ripple marks 565-6 river channels 430-2, 573-4 surface forms 703-4

geomorphology see also surface forms channels 575-9 heroic age of 630 karst 12

geophysical properties 308-14 acoustical 308-12 electrical 312-13 radioactive 313-14

geopolymers 426 geostatistics 685 geostrophic flows 686 geosynclines 631-2 geothermic characteristics 314-16 geothermometry, stable isotopes 392-4 Germany 631 giant current ripples, floods 290-1 giant wave deposits 291 gibbsite 48, 410 GIFs see granular iron formations Gilbert, Grove Karl 631, 642-3 Gilbert-type fan delta 273 glacial processes 318-21

bathymetric forms 324-5 debris entrainment and transport 319-20 deposition 320-1 erosion 256,318-19,603 glaciotectonism 321

glacial sediments 316-31 depositional landforms 321-4

diamictons 32, 134, 325, 326, 330 distribution and significance 316 environment criteria 330 facies analysis 328 geological record 328-30 glacigenic 325-8 glaciolacustrine 328 glaciomarine 326-8, 328 ice-marginal landforms 321-4 landform associations 328 reworking 321 surface textures 713-15 terminology and classification 325-8 tills and tillites 325-6, 744-51, 745 yield 256

glaciers dynamics and structure 316-17 fluctuations 318 glacial theory 629-30 hydrology 317 -18 types 317, 318, 322, 325

glacio-eustatic cycles 179-81 glacio tectonic deformation 321 glauconite see glaucony glaucony 331-3, 386,448

see also verdine gleization 770, 771 global climate 142-6 global sediment fluxes 601-3 Globigerina ooze 489 Glossifungites ichnofacies 698-9 gold, marine placers 532, 533-4 Gouy-Chapman theory 108, 158 Grabau, Amadeus William 643-4 graded bedding 56-7, 333-5

distribution grading 334 normal or reverse 334 sands 646-7 tsunami deposits 756 turbidites 758 turbidity currents 334 way-up indicators 627

graded streams, G.K.Gilbert 643 gradients, streams 570-1 grading see graded bedding grain flow 335-6 grain orientation 265-6

see also imbrication sands and gravels 589,616-17

grain settling 336 - 8 see also settling behaviour

grain shapes 714 distribution 344 early analysis 630 elongation and flatness 339, 341 sands and gravels 589 smoothness/roundness 341

grain sizes 338 - 45 b-axis 339 determination 339-41 detrital quartz 552-3 distribution 343-4, 429 early analysis 630 erosion threshold 611 fractionation 624 freq uency 342 heavy minerals 530-1 lunar sediments 416 sampling 342-3 sands and gravels 588-9



grain sizes (Continued) settling 338 tills 744 J.A.Udden 651

grain threshold 345-7 grains

abrasion 616 bed load 611-12 drag/lift 610-11 eolian 715-16 pressure solution 542-3 sands and gravels 588-9 sixth-power law 630 sorting 616-17 spinning 713-14 surface textures 712-13 transport 530-2 turbulence 612-13

granular flow 335 granular iron formations (GIFs) 379,

380, 381 graphical representation 704-6, 708 grasses, salt marsh 586 gravels 588-92

anabranching rivers 9-10 armor 21 current analysis 509 lithification 51-3

gravitation, turbulent diffusion 229 gravity corers 169 gravity flows see autosuspension gravity waves (water) 619-20 gravity-driven mass flows 56, 347-53

macrodynamics 347-9 micromechanics 349-52 names and attributes 348 slurry 530, 674-5 sorting effects 352 turbidites 757

gray coloration 159 graywackes 133, 430 green coloration 159, 331, 332 greigite 701 Gressly, Amanz 644 groundwaters 537

see also porewaters continental 539-40

growth fabrics, cathodoluminescence 105 growth faults 193-5 guano 109, 524 Gulf of St. Lawrence, littoral bars 41 gutters and gutter casts 353-4, 595 gypsum 16-19,584-5,681

Halimeda segment reefs 3 halite 585 hardground, ancient karst 13 HCS see hummocky cross-stratification heat flow, geothermal 314-15 heavy metals 367, 541 heavy mineral shadows 355-6 heavy minerals 356-8,617,630,646

placers 530-1,532-3 provenance 356-7,546

hematite 159, 367, 368, 555-7 hemipelagic deposits 482, 483, 670 herringbone cross-stratification 55-6 heterogeneity 217, 222 heterolithic beds 444


hierarchies, cyclic sedimentation high-frequency stochastic cycles high-stability minerals 357 hillslope factors, erosion 254-5 hindered settling 358 - 60 histosols 773 Hjulstrom curve 345-6 Hjulstrom-type fan delta 273 Hotchkiss, William O. 627 HS see humic substances

174-8 181

human impact, sediment fluxes 255-6, 602 humic substances (HS) 361-2, 426 humification, peat 514-15 huminite 427,428 hummocky cross-stratification (HeS) 55,

362-4,686 hydrates, clathrates 137-8 hydration-dehydration, laterites 410-11 hydraulics, rivers 266, 571-2 hydrocarbons 364-6

see also kerogen diagenesis 426-8 occurrences 365 oil sands 499-502 origin 365-6

hydrodynamic model, fluid flow 475-7 hydrogen sulfide 304-5 hydrology

evaporite basins 257-8 glaciers 317-18 paleofloods 291

hydrolysis, weathering 770 hydrothermal deposits

dolomites 240 iron formations 382 talc 721 travertine 753, 754 zeolites 780

hydroxides and oxyhydroxides 366-8 formation 367-8 properties 367 transformation 368

hypersaline environments 239 hypos aline environments 238-9 hypsometric influences, tides 607 hysteresis loops 419,420

ice sheets 603 Milankovitch cycles 180 soft-sediment deformation 58-9, 192

ice shelves 318, 322 ichnofacies 74-9,698-700 ichnology 71-83, 649 Illing, L.V. 632 illite group clay minerals 369-71, 448, 449

crystal size and shape 370 oceanic sediments 485-6 origin and evolution 369 structure 369-70

illitization 126, 369 imbrication 57, 371-4

classification 373 downstream dip 372-4 upstream dip 372

immature sediments, alluvial fans 6 imogolite 3-4 impact sediments 263-4,653-7

see also extraterrestrial materials impact and shock metamorphism

features 275 - 8 craters 263 metamorphic features 275-7 structures and products 275

impregnation 218,374-5,561-3 inclusions

amber 565 cement 115 detrital quartz 552 fluid 297-300

indicators see also way-up indicators climate change 272-3, 274 paleoclimate 144 paleocurrents 509-10 provenance 546-8

individualization of evidence 302 induced and remanent magnetization

418-19 Indus submarine fan 696 industry, evaporites 257 infrared emission spectroscopy 50-1 injection bodies, dykes and sills 136-7,

194, 296 inlets

coastal facies 153, 155-6 tidal 737-41

insolation, orbitally forced 441-2 insoluble organic matter 400-3 interfacial forces, colloids 158-9 intergranular fluid 348, 350 intergranular porosity 266 internal structures (bedding) 54-9

see also crystal structure; fabrics; sedimentary structures; textures

deformation-related 57-9 large sand dunes 494-5 microstructures 68, 516-19 tranportation-related 54-7

International Association of Sedimentology 631, 636

intertidal flats 468 in tra -arc basins 731 intrabasinal deposits, classification 127-32 in traclasts 128 intraformational mud clasts 57 intrinsic permeability 266 intrusions, soft-sediment 136-7, 194, 296 inversion 460

see also neomorphism iridium 654 iron

classification of ores 131-2 hydroxides and oxyhydroxides 367-8 occurrence 367 oxidation states 159-60 oxides 555-7 sulphides 701

iron formations 367, 379-82, 389 banded and granular 367, 369, 379-81 origins and implications 382

iron-rich chlorites 125 ironstones 379, 382-5

oolitic 380 origins 383-4

iron-manganese nodules 376-9,487,488 growth and composition 376-7 origin 378

islands, barrier islands 43-7 isotopic methods 385-97

basic equations 385-6 K-Ar methods 386 model ages and epsilon values 387 S143sNd/SI44sNd ratios 388 provenance indicators 547-8 radionuclides 389 Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isochron

methods 386-7 S87sSrlS86sSr ratios 387-8 stable isotopes 389-94 tracers 385 U-Th-Pb 388-9

Japan, sedimentology 635-7 journals 637

K-feldspars 278, 279-80 K-T boundary see Cretaceous-Tertiary

boundary kame terraces 324 kaolin group minerals 398-400

chemistry 399 kaolinite 398-9, 448 oceanic sediments 486 origin and occurrence 399-400 structure 398-9

kaolinite see kaolin group minerals karst, ancient 11-15, 109-10 kerogen 366, 400-3, 426, 427 kinetic sieving 352 kinetics

cation exchange reactions 108 dolomitization 235

Krumbein, William Christian 644-5,685 Krynine, Paul Dimitri 133, 645-6 Kuenen, Philip Henry 633,646-7 K-Ar dating 386

illite 371 iron-manganese nodules 376

laboratory analysis, forensic 302 lacustrine sedimentation 404-8

charcoal 121, 122 classification 405-6 deserts 209-10 limnologic processes 404-5 processes 405-7 sediment record 408 tufa model 754 varves 764, 765

lagoonal deposits 18, 155-6 lags 608 lahars 348, 425 lakes 209-10, 404-8

see also lacustrine sedimentation laminae 53-5, 534-6

contorted 549 deformation 168 mudstones 203-5 planar 534-5

laminasets 59-61 laminations 592-4

bedding 53 consolidation 295 convolute 58, 168, 192, 193 cross 535 deformation 192, 193 mudrocks 454 muds and sands 54-5


planar and parallel 534-7 stromatolites 688-9

landforms see also surface forms bathymetric 324-5 glacial deposition 321-4 ice-marginal 321 subglacial 324

landsystems approach 328 lateral accretion 57, 432-3 lateral facies, deltas 20 I laterites 65,408-11

continental drift influence 410 nomenclature 409-10

latosols 409 layered structures see laminations; sheet

structures (minerals); stratification Leith, Charles K. 627-8 lenticular bedding see flaser bedding lepispheres 411-12 lessivage 770, 771 levees 692, 694, 696 liesegang banding 221, 223 lift, grains 610-11 light heavy minerals 532, 533 lime muds 127, 128 limestones

see also carbonate sediments and rocks; chalk; dolomites

ankerite 20 cherts 662 classification 268-9 crinoidal 248-9 dedolomitization 188-90 Dunham classification 129-30 Folk classification 130 micrite 436 oolites 502-6

limnologic processes 404-5 linear dunes 243-4, 246, 710 lineations

see also orientation current 513 parting 512-14, 535 parting-step 512-13

liptinite 427, 428 liquefaction 57,412-13

soft sediments 136, 191, 192 structures 295, 296, 759

Liquid Limit, soils 23 Liquidity Index, soils 23 lithification

beachrock 51-3 sands and gravels 588-92 stylolites 691 Trypanites ichnofacies 700

lithofacies, glacial environments 327, 328 lithogenesis, J.Walther 653 li thomarges 409 li ttoral bars 40 - 3 load

see also bed load; suspended load fluxes 600-2 rivers 574-5 tides 607-9

load structures 413-14 load casts 58, 192, 193,414 pseudonodules 549,550-1 trigger mechanisms 413 turbidites 759

wrinkle marks 414 lobes, depositional 694 loess 715 log-normal distribution 343 Long Range Desert Group 638 longshore sediment transport 27, 623-4 low angle lamination 54, 55 low energy environments 332, 496 lower shoreface facies 152 lowstands 445, 446, 496 luminescence, provenance indicator 547 lunar sediments 415-16 lunettes 243-4 Lyell, Charles 628-30 Lyman, Benjamin S. 635 lyophilic colloids 158 lyophobic colloids 158 Lysocline 489

Maastrictian chalk, North Sea 120 mackinawite 701 macroborers 70-1 magadi cherts 664 magadiite 417-18 magnesian calcite 99 magnesium carbonates see dolomites;

dolomitization magnesium-rich chlorites 125 magnetic properties 418-24

classes of magnetism 418 induced and remanent 418-19 natural magnetic minerals 419 sediment magnetism 421-3 susceptibility 422, 423

manganese nodules 487, 488 man tIe, fluxes 598 marcasite 701 marine attrition 25-7 marine environments

deserts 211 ichnofacies 76-9

marine fauna, toxicity 749-50 marine sediments 653

carbonate cements 111-13 diagenesis 92 evaporites 258, 259 glaucony 332 humic substances 362 SI43sNd/SI44sNd ratios 388 paleoclimate evidence 144 phosphorites 520-3 placers 532-4 porewaters 540-1 red beds 556 S87sSrlS86sSr ratios 387-8 sand belt 466

Mars 288,291,776 marshes, salt 586-8 mass movement 424-5

see also flows (forms) causes 424-5 earth flows 247-8 gravity-driven mass flows 347-53 rock avalanches 31-3 rock falls 33 slides and slumps 191,425,666-8

mass spectrometry 632 matrix

breccias 677 melange 435



maturation of organic matter 402, 425-9 catagenesis 402, 427 eogenesis 402, 426-7 metagenesis 402, 427 telogenesis 427

maturity, textural and compositional 429-30

meandering channels 430-4, 575, 577-8, 582

flow 432 formation and deposits 432-3 planform and channel geometry 430-2 river planform facies 433

mechanical compaction 163-5 mechanics

avalanches and rock falls 32-3 debris flows 186-7 unsteady flows 351-2

Mediterranean Sea mineral magnetism 421-2 sapropels 593 sedimen t fl uxes 602 shoreface sands 496

meetings, sedimentology 637 megaturbidites 334 melange (melange) 434-6 meltwater, glacial 318, 323-4 mercury injection test 267,517-18 mesogenetic cements 114-15,116-17 Mesozoic bentonites 61 metagenesis 366, 402, 427 metals

heavy 367, 541 redox-sensitive 593-4

metamorphism cherts 633 diagenesis relationship 217-18 impact and shock features 275-8,

654 ophicalcites 506

metastability, diagenesis 216 meteoric carbonate cement 112 meteoric water 240-1,391,539-40 meteorites 597-8

shock metamorphism 275-8 methane 305 methane hydrate 137-8 Mg/Ca ratio, seawater 596, 598 micas 449, 767

see also phyllosilicates mlcntes 128, 436 micritization 436-8 microbial action

diagenesis 217 dolomitization 237-8 kinetic isotope fractionation 394 reef builders 558, 560 sedimentary structures 439-40

microbial deposits 688-90 carbonates 1-3 epibenthic bacteria 37 mud-mounds 101

microborers 71, 437 microcrystalline calcite see micrites microcrystals, sulphides 702 microfabrics

carbonates 91-3 mudstones 205-6 ooids 503-4

microscopy, carbonates 91-2


microspar, calcite 461 microstructures

bioclasts 68 sands and sandstones 516-19

microtektites 655-6 middle shoreface facies 152 migrated gases 305 Milankovitch cycles 145,179-81,441-3 mimetic replacement, dolomites 232-4 mineralization, fossils 727 mineralogy

ankerite 19 bentonites 62 carbonates 93-100 clay 139-42 dolomites 97, 98 mudrocks 453 ooids 503-4, 503-5, 505 siliceous sediments 662

minerals see also clay minerals; feldspars; quartz authigenesis 27-9 carbonates 683-4 cavity precipitation 306, 307 evaporites 257, 260-1 fluid inclusions 297-300 fossil skeletons 726-7 heavy minerals 356-8, 617, 630, 646 magnetic properties 418-24 marine placers 532, 533-4 oceanic sediments 487 precipitation 37-8 provenance indicators 546-7 shock metamorphism 276-7 stability 429-30 sulfides 701-3 weathering properties 545-6

mmmg evaporites 257 iron formations 379 phosphorites 525

mires, peat 515 mixed siliciclastic and carbonate

sedimentation 443-7 mixed-layer clays 369-70,447-50 mixing models 238-9, 262, 444-5,

450-1 mobile armor 21 models

biogenic sedimentation 490-1 computer simulation 182-3 cyclic sedimentation 182-3 diffuse double layer 108 dolomitization 237-41 facies 268-72 flumes 300 grain entrainment 250 mass transport rate 251 meandering river floodplain 433 mixed sedimentation 444-5 mixing 444-5,450-1 238-9,262 numerical 475-80 packing flaws 518 paleoclimate 144 porosity 516-17 sediment routing 617-18 sediment transport 477-8, 615, 624-5 submarine fans 694-8 terrestrial 598 tufa 754

turbidites 269 moganite 659 molasse 732 mollusks 68, 69 montmorillonite 675 Moon 415-16,776 moraines 321-4 motion

equation 227 initiation 249-50 particles 226-7 threshold 610-11

mottle horizons 409 mountain building, sedimentary basins

731-2 mountains, alluvial fans 5 mud cracks 204,209,210,212-14 mud flows 348 mud waves 706-7 mud-mounds 558, 560

carbonates 100-2 mud-silt 3 mudflats 735

deserts 210-11 shorefaces 153

mudrocks 451-9, 590 see also clays; shales; siltstones ankerite 20 burial and compaction 456-7 clasts 57 clay and silt sources 452-3 in traf orma ti 0 nal clas ts 57 oxygen levels 455-6, 457 provenance 457-8, 546 sedimentary structures 454-5 stratigraphy and environment 457 texture and nomenclature 452-3 transport 453-4

muds 692 anabranching rivers 10 dewatered 698-9 diapirs 194-5 fluid 609 laminated 536 shrinkage cracks 212-14 tidal flat environments 467-8 transport threshold 611

mudstones see also mudrocks compaction 164-5 depositional fabric 203-6 microfabrics 205-6

multiphase flow 266-7, 518 Murray, John 647-8

nacrite 399 nannobacteria, ooids 504 nannofossils, calcareous 119-21 natural environments, dolomitization

237-41 natural-levee sediments 286 Naumann, Edmund 635 Na-Ca, cation exchange 107 Na-K, cation exchange 107 Sl43sNd/Sl44sNd ratios, seawater

and sediments 388 near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) 50 neomorphism 189,460-1 neptunian dykes and sills 136-7

Neptunists 569 Nereites 76 neritic carbonate depositional

environments 464-75 basin-facing slopes 472-4 flat-topped platforms 464, 465 peritidal environments 467-9 ramps 464-5 reefs 469-72 sand shoal complexes 466-7 sediment factory 465-6 subtidal environments 466

neutron activation method 752 NIR see near infrared spectroscopy nitrogen 305 Noah's flood 292 nodules

see also geodes; pseudonodules anhydrite and gypsum 17-18,585 cherts 662-4 iron-manganese 376-9, 487, 488 microbial carbonates 3

nomenclature amber 563-4 bentonites 61-2 laterites 409-10 mudrocks 452, 453

non-calcareous rocks, bioerosion 70 non-cohesive sediments 86, 610-11 non-marine deposits

berthierine 64-5 carbonate cements 113-14 evaporites 258-60 ichnofacies 74-5 red beds 555-7

non-mimetic replacement, dolomites 232-4

nonparametric statistics 684 nonplanar dolomites, textures 231-2,233 normal grading, episodic deposits 56 North Atlantic, mineral magnetism 422 North Sea, Maastrictian chalk 120 novaculite 661 numerical models of sediment transport and

deposition 475-80 components 475-9 equation set 479 example 479-80

ocean circulation basin-basin fractionation 491 upwelling systems 761-3

Ocean Drilling Program, chalk 119 oceanic sediments 481-92

see also pelagic sediments biogenic sediments 482,487-91 chalk 119 chemogenic sediments 482, 483, 487 deep water deposition 271, 280 distribution 483 exploration 481-2 sedimentation rates and thickness 483-4,

485 terrigenous deposits 482, 484-7 volcanogenic deposits 482, 483

oceanic waters, calcite compensation depth 88-9

oceanography, T.W.Vaughan 652 odinite 64, 65, 125


offshore bar theory 44 offshore sands 492-9

classification 493-6 Pleistocene deposits 497-8

oil 364-6 see also hydrocarbons

oil sands 499-502 Old Red Sandstone facies 270 olistostrome 435 OMZ see oxygen minimum zone oncoids 3, 502, 753 oncolites 129 ooids 502-5

carbonate 129 environments 503 ironstones 380, 381, 383 mineralogy and microfabric 503-5 ongm 504

oolites 502-6 oozes 482, 483

calcareous 488-9 siliceous 489-90, 660-1

opal 490,659-60,661-2 open coasts, clastic facies 149-57 ophicalcites 506 - 8 orange soil 415 organic compounds

humic substances 361-2 hydrocarbons 364-6

organic matter (OM) black shales 83-5 colors 159-60 decomposition 37-8 kerogen 400-3 maturation 425-9 peat 514-16 sapropels 592-4 slope deposition 672 upwelling systems 761-2

organisms, erosion 255 organizations, sedimentology 637 organogenic/microbial model,

dolomitization 237-8 orientation

see also dip direction; imbrication clasts 371-4 currents 509-14 fossils 724-5 grains 265-6,589,616-17 gutter casts 353-4

oscillations currents 362, 364, 624 flows 55-6, 704, 707-8 ripples 708

osmotic swelling, vermiculites 768 outwash fans and plains 323, 324 overbank deposits 286 overgrowths 216, Plate I overturned cross-bedding 193 overwash, barrier islands 45-6 oxidation 159-60

see also telogenesis oxides, iron 366-8 oxisols 774 oxygen, mudrocks deposition

455-6 oxygen isotopes

cherts 663-4 feldspars 281 ratio 442

stable 389, 390-1 oxygen minimum zone (OMZ),

upwelling 762 oxygenation, slopes 672 oxyhydroxides 48,366-8,376-7

packages, shales 205 packing, loose 191 packing flaws 518 painted particles 752 paleoclimate

indicators 144 interpretation 144-5 laterites 410

paleocurrent analysis 509-14 current indicators 509-10 environment and paleo slope 511-12 heavy mineral shadows 355-6 parting lineations 512-14 statistical methods 510-11

paleoecology 652,681-2 paleoenvironments

see also environments lacustrine sedimentation 407-8 trace fossils 79-82 varves 764-5


paleoflood hydrology 291 paleogeographic reconstructions 356, 357 paleogeothermometer, illite 370-1 paleohydraulic calculations 288-9 paleokarst see ancient karst paleomagnetism 421,556-7 paleontology 650-1 paleoslope interpretations 511-12 paleosols 774-6 Paleozoic, carbonate mud-mounds 101 palimpsest sediments 560-1 pans, deserts 211 paragenesis, authigenic minerals 27 parallellamination 534-7 paramagnetism 418 parasequence, cyclic sedimentation 174,

175-6 particle settling see settling behaviour particles

see also boulders; grains; pebbles gravity flow 30-1 orientation 265-6 packing 265

particulate organic matter (POM) 488 parting, mudrocks 454 parting lineations 509, 512-14 patterns, streams 570, 575-7 pavements, fluvial armor 21-2 PDFs see planar deformation features peat 514-16, 586-7

characteristics 515-16 coal balls 146-9 humification 514-15

pebbles see also gravel imbrication 373 marine attrition 25-7 sphericity 26-7

Peclet number, diffusion 226, 228 pedogenic carbonates 90 pedoli ths 771 peels 374-5

see also relief peels


PEG see polyethylene glycol pelagic sediments 269,482,483,730-1

calcareous 119-21 clays 641 'rain' 482, 487, 488 red clay 482, 483, 485-7

pellets, calcium carbonate 128 peloids, calcium carbonate 128 penecontemporaneous dolomites 237-8 periglacial environments 715 peritidal environments, carbonates 467-9 permeability 236,266,516 petrographic image analysis (PIA) 517 petrography

cathodoluminescence 104-5 L.Cayeux 640 definitions 627 diagenesis 218 lunar sediments 415 mudstone fabrics 203 provenance determination 544-6

petroleum 364-6 oil sands 499-502 reservoirs 257

petrology C.W. Correns 641 definitions 626-7 historical development 630

petrophysics 266-7 acoustical velocities 311-12 electrical properties 313 sands and sandstones 516 -19

Pettijohn, Francis J. 648 phacoids, melange 435 phase separation, slurry 674 phosphates 131, 727 phosphogenesis 519-21 phosphorites 519-26

classification 521-2, 524 concentration 521 environments 519-20 'giant' deposits 522-3 stratigraphy 523-4

phosphorus 519,523 photography 340-1, 713 photomicrographs Plates I-II phylloid algae 2 phyllosilicates 398

see also clay minerals; sheet structures (minerals)

chlorite 123-7 micas 449, 767 structure and classification 139-41 talc 721-3

phylogenetic classification, trace fossils 72, 74

physical properties 265-8 physics of sediment transport

(R.A.Bagnold) 249, 250, 527-9 PIA see petrographic image analysis pillar structures 193,529-30 pillows see ball-and-pillow structures pipes, breccia 678 pisoids 503 pisolites 129 piston corers 169 placers

fluvial 530-2 heavy minerals 358 marine 532-4


plains, deltas 200 planar deformation features (PDFs) 277 planar dolomites 231-2,233 planar lamination 534-7 plane-parallel lamination 54 planform

see also geometry meandering channels 578

plankton 487, 761 plants

charcoal 121-3 coal balls 146-8 erosion 255 peat 515 resin 563-5 subtidal environments 466 tufas 753

Plastic Limit, soils 23 Plasticity Index, soils 23-4 plate tectonics

development of concept 633 diverging plates 729-30 sands and gravels 592 subduction zones 730-1

platforms, carbonates 239-40, 464, 465, 598 platinum group elements 654 playas 210-11,584 plucking or quarrying (glacial) 318 podzolization 410,770,771 point bars 57,432, 578 polyethylene glycol (PEG) 375 polymorphs

see also neomorphism calcium carbonate 93-4

polytype, illite 370 POM see particulate organic matter ponds and creeks, carbonates 468 porcelani tes 661 pore fluids see porewaters pore spaces 517

diagenesis 214-15 geometry 267 pore throats 517 porels 517

porewaters 310-11,315,537-42 composition 537-9 debris flows 187-8 marine sediments 391,540-1

porosity 266 compaction 161, 162, 165-6 dolomitization 236 models 516-17 reduction 215 stylolites 691

pot casts 353 potassium 313, 331 potassium ferricyanide 683 Precambrian

cherts 664-5 paleosols 775

precipitation of minerals cements 111 concretions 220 diagenesis 216 geodes 306, 307 lime muds 128

preservation coastal facies 153-7 fluid inclusions 297 glacigenic sediments 328

trace fossils 72 pressure

acoustic effects 311 authigenesis 28 fluid inclusions 299 nonequilibrium fluid 674 porewater 187-8 resistivity effects 313 shock metamorphism 275-6

pressure solution 223, 542-3, Plate I pressure-temperature behaviour, fluid

inclusions 298 primary lacustrine sediments 405 primary red beds 555-6 Principles of Geology (C.Lyell) 628-30 Principles of Stratigraphy

(A.W.Grabau) 643-4 process facies models 269 prodelta 200 professionalization sedimentology 629,

631-3 proglacial tills 745-6 progradation

barrier islands 45-6 coastal facies 153-5, 157 deltas 200-1

properties of sediments see also grain shapes; grain sizes;

permeability; porosity carbonates 94 colloids 157-9 geomechanical 162-3 geophysical 308-14 iron oxides 367 magnetic 418-24 physical 265-8 weathering of minerals and rocks 545-6

provenance 544-9 chemical determination 546-7 feldspars 279 heavy minerals 356-7, 546 isotope determination 547-8 mineral and rock properties 545-6 mudrocks 457-8, 546 petrographic determination 544-6

pseudomorphs, calcite 99 pseudonodules 39, 58, 549-51

see also ball-and-pillow structures soft sediments 193

publications, sedimentology 637-8 pyrite 701-2

marine mudrocks 727 mudrocks 456

pyroclastic flows 348 pyroclastic rocks, classification 134

QFL determination, provenance 544 QFR determination, provenance 544 quantitative analyses 182-3,569,

645, 684-5 quartz

attrition 646 authigenic 28 burial-stage cements 116-17 cathodoluminescence 103-4 conversion from magadiite 417-18 detrital 552-4 durability 545-6 geodes 306, 307

lepispheres 411-12 sands and gravels 589-92 silcretes 659-60 siliceous sediments 661-2 surface textures 712

quasistatic flows 336

radio transmission, tracers 753 radioactive properties 313-14, 315 radioactive tracers 752 radiocarbon ages, resins 564 radiogenic isotopes see isotopic methods radiography see X-ray radiography radiolaria 67, 489 radiometric dating 385-97, 547

see also isotopic methods Raman spectra, bauxite 49, 50 ramps, carbonates 464-5 rapid earth flows 247 rapid-flow regime 336 rare earth elements, provenance

indicators 546-7 rasping organisms, bioerosion 70-1 rate of. ..

accumulation 514-15,601,603 burial of fossils 723-4 denudation 600, 601 sediment transport 251,614-17,621-3 sedimentation 600-5

Rb-Sr isochron dating 386-7 reaction kinetics, cation exchange 108 recognition key, soils 773 recovery, oil sands 500-1 recrystallization 460-2

see also micritization red beds 125-6,555-7 red clay, pelagic 483, 485-7 red coloration 159 redox conditions 159-60, 762 redox-sensitive trace metals 593-4 reduction features 222, 223 reefs 469-72,557-60

see also stromatolites ancient reefs 471 barriers reefs 465 classification 557-8 depositional facies 469-70 distribution 559-60 growth window 470 microbial carbonates 2-3 reef builders 558 scleractinian corals 470-1 stratigraphy 471-2

reflux model, dolomitization 239 regime, glaciers 317 regolith 771 regressive coastal deposition 196 regressive stratigraphy 47 relict sediments 560-1 relief peels 561-3 remobilization, erosion products 256 replacement

mimetic and dolomitic dolomites 232-3 minerals 215,216,721-2

repose, angle of 15 -16 reptation, eolian transport 250 repulsive energy, colloids 159 research

barrier islands 44


caliche/calcrete 90-1 cathodoluminescence 105 deltas 197-8 diagenesis 218

resin 563-5 resistance, flow 293-4 resistivity

chemical diffusion 225 sediments 312-13 temperature and pressure effects 313

retrogradation, barrier islands 45-6 reversing currents, lamination 536 reversing eolian dunes 243-4 reworked sediments 321,406-7 Reynolds flux 228, 229 Reynolds numbers 337,351 , 358,610-12 Reynolds stresses 228 rhodoliths 3 Rhone submarine fan 696 rhythmic sedimentation see cyclic

sedimentation rhythmites

tidal 741-4 varves 764-6

Richter, Emma 649 Richter, Rudolph 648-9 ridges

see also bars alluvial 34 sand 493-6 shoreface-attached 152 subglacial 324

ridges-and-furrows 595 rift basins 258, 729-30 ripple-drift cross-lamination 55 ripples, ripple marks, ripple structures

565-8,627,630 see also dunes currents 509, 705-6 definition 565 formation 527 oscillatory flows 708 H.C.Sorby 650 subaerial 709-10

risk-assessment, toxicity 750 rivers 568- 83

see also alluvial deposits; channels; fluvial processes and deposits; streams

anabranching 9-11,576,578-9 anastomosing 9-10,575,577,579 braided 85-7, 323, 575, 577, 580, 582 channel geomorphology 575-9 deserts 208 equilibrium and threshold theories 569,

572-3, 574 erosion 569, 571-2, 578 hydraulics and geometry 571-2,573-4 longitudinal profiles 570-1 meandering 430-4, 575, 577-8, 582 river mouth processes 198-200 sediment transport and deposition 571,

574-5, 576, 581, 601-2, 604 straight 575, 577, 578

rock avalanches 31-3,348,425 rock components, diagenesis 214-15 rock falls 33 rock slides 425 rock strength, chemical compaction 167 rocks

see also carbonaceous sediments and rocks;

carbonate sediments and rocks chemical determination of

provenance 546-7 classification 127-36 weathering properties 545


rose diagrams, paleocurrent analysis 510, 511

rosettes, lepispheres 411-12 Rosin distribution 343 roundness 341, 429, 589

pebbles 27 quartz sand 553-4

Rouse equation 614-15 Rouse parameter 226 Russia, sedimentology 631

sabkhas 211, 584-6 dolomitization 239 gypsum 18

SAGD see Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage salina 584-6 saline environments

dolomitization 238-9 minerals 210-11,257 salt wedges 607 tufas 754 zeolites 779

salinity, porewaters 538, 540-1 salinization 771 salt bodies 678 salt flats 584-6 salt flocculation 284 salt marshes 586-8 saltation 250-1,574,611-12,710 sampling

coring methods 168-70 diagenesis 218 grain size 342-3 grain surfaces 712 paleocurrent directions 510 X-ray radiography 777

sand bodies, deformations 58-9 sand crystals 222, 223 sand dunes see dunes sand flats 735 sand injection structures 194 sand shoal complexes 466-7 sand volcanoes 57-8, 194 sands 588-92

avulsion deposits 35 R.A.Bagnold 638 classification 590 compaction 164, 165-7 composition 589-92 deformation 192 eolian dunes 243-4 graded beds 646-7 grain flow 335-6 grain size and shape 588-9 laminated 536 lithification (beachrock) 51-3 marine attrition 25 petrophysics 516-19 submarine fans 692-4 tidal deltas 739-40 tsunami deposits 755

sands, offshore 492-9 banks 493 dunes 493, 494-5


sands, offshore (Continued) ridges 493-6, 497 sheets and patches 496 shorefaces 496

sands, oil 499-502 sandstones 588-90, Plate I

see also arkoses; graywackes; turbidites acoustic velocities 309-10 ankerite 19-20 cathodoluminescence 104-5 cements 115-16 chemical compaction 165 classification 132-3, 590, 646 dish structures 230-1 laminated (flagstones) 534-5 petrophysics 516 -19 reservoirs, feldspars 280-1 wood charcoal 121, 122

saprolite 771 sapropels 592-4 scablands debate 288 scanning electron microscope (SEM)

712-16 Science Council of Japan 636 scleractinian coral reefs 470-1 scour and scour marks 594-6

current analysis 509 current crescents 513-14 turbidites 759

scree see talus cones SCS see swaley cross-stratification sea-floor ferromanganese nodules 376,

377-8 sea-level control, shelf facies 445, 446 seawater

calcite compensation depth 88-9 chemistry 261-2,540 dolomitization model 239-40 evaporation concentration 258, 259 gypsum 16 MglCa ratio 596, 598 SI43sNd/SI44sNd ratios 388 nepheloid layer 462-4 S87sSr/S86sSr ratios 387-8 solute changes 596-600

secondary lacustrine sediments 405 secondary red beds 556 sediment deposition

debris flows 187-8 eolian dunes 245 glacial 320-4 meandering channels 575, 578 river mouths (deltas) 198-200 rivers 571,574-5,576,581,601-2,604 slopes 669-72 submarine channels 693-4 transport rate 616-17 turbidity currents 757-9

sediment entrainment 250,319-20,571-2, 594-5, 610

sediment factory, carbonates 465-6 sediment fluxes 600-5

depositional environments 604 influences 601-3 rates of sedimentation 603-4

sediment transport see also currents; load; rivers bed stress 621-2 braided channels 86-7 cross-shore 623


drag 609-11 eolian 249-52 erosion 616-17 experimental work 633 floods 289 R.L.Folk 642 glaciers 319-20 longshore 623-4 models 615,617-18,624-5 numerical models 475-80 oscillatory currents 624 physics (R.A.Bagnold) 527-9 rates of transport 622-3

bed load 613-14 suspended load 614-15

rivers 571-2, 574-5 sand and gravel 610-11 sorting 616-17 tidal inlet sands 740 tides 606-9 tracers 752-3 turbulent diffusion 226-30 unidirectional water flows 609-18 waves 619-26

sediment yield 124-5, 143-4, 145,254-6 sedimentary basins

see also basin facies mountain building 731-2 strike-slip faults 732-3 subduction zones 730-1

sedimentary dykes 59, 136-7, 194 sedimentary geology 626-7 sedimentary iron ores 131-2 sedimentary structures

see also cross-stratification; laminations; scour and scour marks

dunes 246 early recognition 630 microbially induced 439-40 mudrocks 454-5 mudstones 203-5 paleocurrent indicators 509-10 tidal flats 735 tidal rhythmites 741-4 turbidites 758-9 way-up indicators 627-8

sedimentation climatic control 142-6 definition 626 nepheloid layer 462-4 rates of 483-4, 485, 600-5 slopes 669-72 tectonic control 729-34

sedimentologists 631, 638-53, 685 sedimentology 626-7

bedding definition 53 history 628-37

first period (pre-I 830) 628-9 second period (1830-94) 629-30 third period (1894-1931) 630-1 fourth period (1931-1950) 631-2 fifth period (1950-77) 632-3

Japan 635-7 meetings 637 organizations 637 publications 637-8

Sedimentology Society of Japan 636 seepage 295 seismic profiling, facies models 271 seismites 57

selective grain entrainment 346 selective sorption, vermiculites 768 SEM see scanning electron microscope SEMP see Society of Economic Paleontolo-

gists and Mineralogists Senckenberg Laboratory (R.Richter) 648 septarian concretions 220, 657-9 sequence stratigraphy 636

cyclic sedimentation 176 mudrocks 457 phosphorites 523-4

serpentine group 64-6, 449 serration, stylolites 691 settling behavior

curves 337-8 hindered settling 358-60 scour lag 608 velocities 284-5, 337, 358, 359

shadows, heavy minerals 355-6 shales 132, 641

acoustic properties 310 depositional fabric 203-6 diagenesis 126 packages 205 resistivity 313

shallow depths authigenic minerals 28 marine evaporites 258 marine sediments 653

shallow flow theory 347-8 shape analysis, grains 589, 630 shear strength, equation 191 shear stress 249-50,477 shear surfaces 666-7 shearing resistance, soils 24 sheet flow, imbrication 373 sheet structures (minerals)

chlorite 123 clay minerals 139-41,447-50 illite 370 vermiculite 766-7

shelf sediments, diamond placers 534 shells 723-5

see also bioclasts shelves see continental shelves; slope

sediments shock metamorphism 263,275-7,654 shoreface deposits 496 shoreface facies 79-80, 150-3 shoreline deposits, deserts 210 shrinkage cracks 204, 209 Shrinkage Limit, soils 23 silcretes 659-60 silica

see also chalcedony; opal; quartz burial-stage cements 115 clathrate structure 138 geodes 221 lepispheres 411-12 spongolites 682

silicates see also clay minerals; phyllosilicates iron 383 magadiite 417-18

siliceous sediments 489-90, 660-6 siliciclastic sediments

cements 115-17 climate effects 143-4, 145 geothermometry 393 mixed 443-7

sandstones 590, 592 slopes 669, 672

silicification 307, 662, 664 sills, clastic (neptunian) 136-7 silt, classification 128 siltstones, fern charcoal 121, 122 simulation of sediment transport and

deposition 182-3,475-80 sinuosity, channels 578 sixth-power law 630 size analysis, grains 588-9, 611, 624,

630, 651 skeletal fossils

bioc1asts 69 disarticulation 723 micritization 437 minerals 726-7 orientation 725

skeletal mud-mounds 101 Skolithos ichnofacies 72, 76, 78, 80, 152 slack-water deposits 291 slides 194,248,424,425,666-8 slopes

avalanches and rock falls 31-4 failure 424-5 neritic carbonate slopes 473-4 sediments 474,668-74,717-18

slow earth flows 247-8 slump structures 58, 194, 425, 666-8 slurry 530, 674-5 smectite group 655,675-7,719

bentonite 61 illitization 126 mixed layer structure 448, 449 pelagic deposits 486

smoothness 341 Sm-Nd isochron dating 386-7 snout, mass flows 349 soapstone 721 Society of Economic Paleontologists and

Mineralogists (SEMP) 650-1 soft-sediment deformation 57-9, 190-3,

193-5 see also dish structures ball-and-pillow structures 39-40, 58 folds 296 intrusions 194, 296 load structures 193,413-14 pseudonodules 193, 549-51

soils 770-6 Atterberg Limits 22-4 avalanches 255 classification 771-4 deserts 207 liquefaction 412-13 river valleys 571 smectite 676 weathering processes 770-1

solar radiation 143, 404 sole markings 353,509-10

see also gutter casts solenoporaceae 3 solid solution behavior 96-7 solifluction 425 solubility, calcite analyses 96-7 solutes

evaporative concentration 207 porewaters 538, 539-40, 541 seawater 596-600

solution breccias 677-8


Sorby, Henry Clifton 542, 630, 649-50 sorting

fossils 725-6 grains 616-17 gravity-driven mass flows 352

source rocks, mudrocks 452-3 source-area factors, alluvial fans 6 spar bodies, stromatactis 687 spatial variations in sediments 444-5 specific gravities, heavy minerals 356 spectrometry 632 spectroscopy, bauxite 49-51 speleothems 13,678-81 sphericity 26-7,341,429,689 spiculites 681-3 spinning, grains 713-14 spit accretion theory, offshore bars 44 sponges 67, 68, 558 spongolites 681-3 S87sSrlS86sSr ratios, seawater

sediments 387-8 stability of composition 429-30 stability fields, anhydrite and gypsum 16, 17 stable isotopes 389-94

applications 385 fractionation and geothermometry 392-4 isotopic exchange 393 provenance indicators 547 sediment variations 391-2 variations in water 390-1

stains, carbonate minerals 683-4, Plates I-II

stalactites 679-80 stalagmites 679-80 star dunes 243-4 statistical analyses 645, 684-6

cyclic sedimentation 182-3 paleocurrents 510-11 rivers 569

steady uniform shear flow 349-51 Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage

(SAGD) 500-1 s tea ti te 722 Stokes' Law 339, 359, 406, 453-4 Stokes' settling equation 337 storage, erosion products 256 storm deposits 466, 686-7 straight rivers 575, 577, 578 strain, compaction 162 strata see bedding stratification

see also bedding; lamination cross-stratification 170-3,362-4,

633 glacial sediments 320 littoral bars 41-2 phosphorites 522 terminology 60

stratigraphic younging, ripples 567 stratigraphy

ancient karst 12 barrier islands 46-7 coal balls 148 cyclic sedments 174-5, 178-82 definition 626 A.W.Grabau 643 iron formations 381-2 Japan 636 Milankovitch cycles 442-3 reefs 471-2

salt marshes 587, 591-2 W.H.Twenhofel 650

streams see also rivers R.A.Bagnold 638 deserts 208 G.K.Gilbert 643 gradients 570-1 patterns 570, 575-7 power 528

strength, loss of 191, 194 stresses

bed stress 621-2 compaction 161-2 dispersive 638 flow stress 346 fluid stress 251 Reynolds 228 septarian cracks 658 shear 249-50, 477

strike, deltaic sediments 20 I


strike-slip faults, sedimentary basins 732-3 stripping 595 stromatactis 687-8 stromatolites 664, 688 -90 structure, crystalline 95-6, 124, 216

see also sheet structures (minerals) structure, internal

see also fabrics; petrophysics of sands and sandstones; textures

bedding 54-9 clay minerals 139-41, 370,447-50 humic substances 361-2

structures see also deformation structures;

sedimentary structures biogenic 71-83 deformation 193-5 desiccation 212-14 diagenetic 219-25 dish 230-1

stylolites 222-3, 690-2 subaerial surface forms 709-11 subaqueous speleothems 680 subaqueous surface forms 704-9 subduction zones, sedimentary basins 730-1 subglacial sediments and processes 291,

319-20, 324, 745 submarine fans

channel systems 692-8 facies models 271 floods 289-90

submergence theory, offshore bars 44-5 subplanar surfaces, stylolites 690-1 subsidence 729 substrates

bioerosion 70-1 ichnofacies 76,698-700

subsurface features, ancient karst 12-13 subtidal environments 466, 468 successions, shoreface 154-6 sulfide minerals 701-3, 750 sulfur, stable isotopes 389, 390-1 sulphates see anhydrite; gypsum superimposed currents, tides 607 superimposed strata 60, 61 Superior-type iron formations 381, 382 supply limited transport, eolian 251-2 supraglacial tills 745 supratidal flats 468-9, 585


surface accumulation, calcrete/caliche 89-91

surface forms 703-12 see also bedforms ancient karst 12-13, 14 subaerial 709-11 subaqueous 704-9

surface shearing stress 249-50 surface textures 712-17 susceptibility, erosion 254 suspended load 574

concentrations 68 sediment transport 612 tidal currents 608-9 transport model 477-8 transport rate 614-15 wave action 622

suspension 30 see also autosuspension clay fraction 453-4 eolian transport 250-1 particle settling 358-60

swales 44, 363 swaley cross-stratification (SCS) 55, 363-4 swash and swash marks 717-18 swelling, smectite 676 syndepositional cements 111-13, 116 syneresis 658, 718-20 synthesis, dolomites 97-8

table salt, evaporites 257 talc 449, 721-3 talus cones 33, 579 taphofacies 727 taphonomy 71, 723-9 tar sands 499-502 taxonomy, soils 772, 776 teaching 642, 646 techniques

cathodoluminescence 102-6 cores and coring methods 168-70 detrital grain determination 548 geochemistry 632 historical introduction 629-33 impregnation 374-5 isotopic methods 685-97 mass spectrometry 632 microstructure determination 516-18 relief peels 561-3 scanning electron microscope 712-16 soils recognition key 773 spectroscopy 49-51 statistical analyses 182-3,510-11,569,

645,684-6 tracers for sediment movement 752-3 X-ray radiography 777-8

tectonic control of sedimentation 632, 729-34

see also plate tectonics alluvial deposits 581 alluvial fans 6-7 compressional mountain building 731-2 cratonic basins 733 cyclic sedimentation 182 diverging plates 729-30 dolomitization 241 fan deltas 274 marine phosphorites 520, 522-3 sands and gravels 592


strike-slip faults 732-3 subduction 730-1

tectonic melanges 434 tecto silicates, zeolites 779-80 tektites 654-6 telogenesis 115, 427 temperature

acoustic effects 311 authigenesis 28 fluid inclusions 298-9 resistivity effects 313

tempestites 686 temporal climate change 145 temporal variations in sediments 445 tephra deposits 716

allophane and imogolite 3-4 classification 134 zeolites 780

Teredolites ichnofacies 699-700 terminal velocity, settling 337 terminology

bedsets 60, 61 cyclic sedimentation 173-4 dedolomitization 190 A.W. Grabau 644 stratification 60 surface forms 703-4

terrain, ancient karst 14 terrestrial models, crustal evolution 598 terrestrial sediments 362, 482, 484-7 textural maturity 429 textures 265-8

see also fabrics; grain shapes; grain sizes beachrock 52 bentonites 62 dolomites 231-4, 236-7 glacigenic sediments 326 limestone classification 130 littoral bars 41 mudrocks 452 surface 712-17

theories barrier island formation 44-5 glacial 629-30 Gouy-Chapman 108, 158 historical development 628-30 shallow flow 347-8

thermal transformations, bauxite 48-50 thermodynamics, dolomitization 235 thermohaline currents 671 thixotrophy 677 thorium, abundance 313 thresholds

eolian transport 250 erosion 345-7,608,610-11 fluvial erosion 573 transport 610-11

thrust faults 668 tidal currents 55-6, 587 tidal flats 467-9, 734 -7

biological aspects 735-6 muddy carbonates 467-8 sedimentology and facies 735

tidal inlets and deltas 737-41 coastal facies 153 flow patterns 512

tidal sedimentation bundles 56 rhythmites 269,741-4 sand ridges 393-6

tides 734, 741-4 coastal facies 149 cycles 742-3 ranges 734-5 sediment transport 606-9

tills and tillites 325-6, 744-51, 745 time-averaged oscillatory currents 624 tin, marine placers 533 tissue-residue levels, toxicity 750 Titan-yellow stain 684 tonsteins 61-3 tool marks 747-8 topography

see also geometry; landforms; surface forms heat flow 315 karst 11-15

total overburden stress 161-2 tourmaline 357 toxicity 748-51 trace elements 546-7 trace fossils 71- 83

classification 72-4 paleoenvironmental significance 79-82

tracers for sediment movement 385, 752-3

traction load 56, 252, 574 tractive currents 54-5 transformation 188, 460-1

see also neomorphism; recrystallization transgressions, glaucony 332 transgressive coastal deposition 196 transgressive erosion 155 transgressive stratigraphy 47 transport

see also sediment transport charcoal 121 eolian 249-52 erosion products 254-5 floods 289 flumes 300-1 fossils 724-5 glaciers 319-20 grain thresholds 345-7, 611 mudrocks 453-4

travertines 754 tropical coral reefs 559 tropical month 742 trough cross-stratification 171 Trypanites ichnofacies 699-700 tsunami deposits 755-7 tufas 753-4 tuffs 62-3 turbidites 757-60

see also graded bedding Bouma sequences 757, 758 convolute lamination 192 depositional features 759 high density deposits 758-9 model 269 tool marks 747-8

turbidity, nepheloid layer 463 turbidity currents 348, 757-8

autosuspension 30-1 experiments 633 graded bedding 334 P.H.Kuenen 646 slope sediments 670

turbidity maximum 607,609 turbulence, grains 612-13 turbulent diffusion 226-30

Brownian motion 226-7 random fluid motions 228-9

Twenhofel, William H. 650-1 two-phase flow 266-7,518,615

Udden, Johan August 651-2 Udden-Wentworth grain-size scale 339,

340,651 ultisols 774 unconsolidated sediments 310 unidirectional water flow 609-18,704-7

internal structures 54-5 planar lamination 536 ripples 567

Uniformitarianism 288, 569, 628-9 see also actual ism

unroofing, erosion 591-2 unsorted sediments (glacial) 325 unsteady flows 351-2 uplift 729 uplift-stage cements 115 upper shoreface facies 151-2 upward-fining sequence 432 upwelling systems 761-3 uranium, abundance 313 U-Th-Pb dating 388-9

vadose zone sabkha 584-5 speleothems 679-80

varves 764-6 vaterite, geochemistry 94 Vaughan, Thomas Wayland 652 vegetation

coal ball evidence 148 deserts 207 eolian transport 251 erosion 255

velocities channel flow 572 eolian transport 250 erosion threshold 345 grain entrainment 250 settling 284-5, 337, 358, 359 sixth-power law 630 waves 309-12 wind 244-5

verdine 332-3


vermiculite 449,766-9 vertical facies, deltas 200-1 vertical pillar structure 529-30 vertisols 774 viscosity, soil 412 viscous liquid 412 vitrinite 427, 428 volcanic materials 61-3,598 volcanic rocks, charcoal 122 volcaniclastic sediments

see also tephra deposits chlorites 126 classification 134 oceanic sediments 482, 483

volcanoes, sand 57-8, 194 vugs see geodes

wackes 590 Walther, Johannes 653 Walther's Law of Facies 270 wandering rivers 576 wash load 612, 615 water

see also seawater groundwater 537 mass exchange (lakes) 404-5 meteoric 240-1,391,539-40 porewaters 537-42 stable isotopes variations 390-1 unidirectional flows 609-18,704-7

water transport 528 see also rivers; sediment transport; wave

transport water-escape channels 529-30 waterlain tills 746 waterlogging, peat 515 wave ripples 55, 565, 566 wave transport 619-26

R.A.Bagnold 527 modes 621-2 rates of transport 621-3 swash and backwash 717-18 water waves 619-20 wave propagation 620-1

wave-dominated inlets 740 wave-formed bars 40-3 waves

coastal facies 149

lakes 405 mud 706-7 velocities 309-12

wavy bedding see flaser bedding way-up indicators 627-8

cross-stratification 627-8 fining-upwards sequences 57, 755 first use 631 graded bedding 334, 627

weathering 600,713-15,770-1 bauxite 48 chemical 429 clay minerals 142 detrital chlorite 124-5 diagenesis relationship 217-18 mineral and rock properties 545-6 mudrocks 452-3 provenance 544-5 sediment yield 254

weight loss, attrition 24, 25 well cuttings 651 Wentworth, Chester 651 wet fans 580 wind transport 249-52

R.A. Bagnold 527-9 dunes 244-5,710-11 fluxes 603 pelagic clay 486 ripples 565, 709-10 surface forms 709-11 wave structures 55

wood bioerosion 70 charcoal 121, 122, 123

wrinkle marks 414

X-ray radiography 631-2,641,777-8

yield, sediment 254-6 see also erosion and sediment yield

zeolites 487, 779-80 zircon 357 Zoophycos, ichnofacies 76, 80 ZTR index 429


Kluwer Academic Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series

Previous Volumes in the Series (currently in print)

C.W. Fink1: Encyclopedia of Applied Geology

J.E. Oliver & R.W. Fairbridge: Encyclopedia of Climatology

C.W. Fink1: Encyclopedia of Field and General Geology

D.R. Bowes: Encyclopedia of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

D.E. James: Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics

J.R. Shirley & R.W. Fairbridge: Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences

E.M. Moores & R.W. Fairbridge: Encyclopedia of European & Asian Regional Geology

R.W. Rerschy & R.W. Fairbridge: Encyclopedia of Hydrology and Water Resources

D.E. Alexander & R.W. Fairbridge: Encyclopedia of Environmental Science

c.P. Marshall & R.W. Fairbridge: Encyclopedia of Geochemistry

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M. Schwartz: Encyclopedia of Coastal Science

Chesworth: Encyclopedia of Soil Science

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