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Influence of germanium oxide addition on the electrical properties of Li2O–B2O3–P2O5 glasses

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Inuence of germanium oxide addition on the electrical properties of Li 2 OeB 2 O 3 eP 2 O 5 glasses Andrea Mogu s-Milankovi c a, * , Kristina Sklepi c a , Hrvoje Bla zanovi c a , Petr Mo sner b , Maryna Vorokhta b , Ladislav Koudelka b a RuCer Bo skovi c Institute, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia b Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, 53210 Pardubice, Czech Republic highlights graphical abstract Electrical and dielectric properties of Li 2 OeGeO 2 eB 2 O 3 eP 2 O 5 glasses were studied. GeO 2 addition causes the depolime- rization of phosphate network. Formation of Li þ conducting channels results in the el. conductivity increase. Subsequent conductivity drop is a consequence of more densely packed network. article info Article history: Received 9 April 2013 Received in revised form 15 May 2013 Accepted 16 May 2013 Available online 24 May 2013 Keywords: Lithium germano-phosphate glasses Lithium ion conductivity Electrical modulus Dielectric relaxation abstract Lithium ion transport upon the addition of germanium oxide in a series of mixed glass former lithium borophosphate glasses has been investigated. The electrical and dielectric properties of (100 x)[0.5Li 2 O e0.1B 2 O 3 e0.4P 2 O 5 ]exGeO 2 with 0e25 mol% GeO 2 glasses have been studied over a wide temperature (183e523 K) and frequency range (0.01 Hze1 MHz). The increase in dc conductivity with the addition of GeO 2 is attributed to the formation of ion conducting channels arising from the structural modication and formation of the PeOeGe linkages, resulting in an easy migration of Li þ ions along these bonds. At higher GeO 2 content glass network becomes more densely packed and ionic conductivity is slightly hindered as a consequence of the increase of bonding forces inside the network. Such a decrease in the conductivity is more reection of the stronger cross-linkage in the glass network than that of the slight decrease in the Li þ ion concentration. The electrical modulus formalism is used to describe the dielectric relaxation. The scaling of the ac conductivity results in an excellent collapse onto common master curve whereas the electrical modulus spectra showed slight deviation indicating the distribution of relaxation times caused by the presence of various structural units in the glass network. Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The need for electrolytes suitable for lithium batteries applica- tion has given rise to the investigations of numerous lithium ion based glass systems [1,2]. Glass electrolytes have certain advan- tages over their crystalline counterparts like physical isotropy, absence of grain boundaries and ease compositional variation [3]. Among lithium based glass electrolytes, lithium borophosphate glasses have been studied extensively in literature [4e6] because of their interesting structural and physical property changes upon network modications. These systems contain two different glass formers (B and P) in the glass network responsible for an * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ385 1 4561 149; fax: þ385 1 4680 114. E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Mogu s-Milankovi c). Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Journal of Power Sources journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jpowsour 0378-7753/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.05.068 Journal of Power Sources 242 (2013) 91e98

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Journal of Power Sources 242 (2013) 91e98

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Influence of germanium oxide addition on the electrical propertiesof Li2OeB2O3eP2O5 glasses

Andrea Mogu�s-Milankovi�c a,*, Kristina Sklepi�c a, Hrvoje Bla�zanovi�c a, Petr Mo�sner b,Maryna Vorokhta b, Ladislav Koudelka b

aRuCer Bo�skovi�c Institute, 10000 Zagreb, CroatiabDepartment of General and Inorganic Chemistry, University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, 53210 Pardubice, Czech Republic

h i g h l i g h t s

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ385 1 4561 149; faxE-mail address: [email protected] (A. Mogu�s-Milanko

0378-7753/$ e see front matter � 2013 Elsevier B.V.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.05.068

g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

� Electrical and dielectric properties ofLi2OeGeO2eB2O3eP2O5 glasses werestudied.

� GeO2 addition causes the depolime-rization of phosphate network.

� Formation of Liþ conducting channelsresults in the el. conductivityincrease.

� Subsequent conductivity drop is aconsequence of more densely packednetwork.

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 9 April 2013Received in revised form15 May 2013Accepted 16 May 2013Available online 24 May 2013

Keywords:Lithium germano-phosphate glassesLithium ion conductivityElectrical modulusDielectric relaxation

a b s t r a c t

Lithium ion transport upon the addition of germanium oxide in a series of mixed glass former lithiumborophosphate glasses has been investigated. The electrical and dielectric properties of (100 � x)[0.5Li2Oe0.1B2O3e0.4P2O5]exGeO2 with 0e25 mol% GeO2 glasses have been studied over a wide temperature(183e523 K) and frequency range (0.01 Hze1 MHz). The increase in dc conductivity with the addition ofGeO2 is attributed to the formation of ion conducting channels arising from the structural modificationand formation of the PeOeGe linkages, resulting in an easy migration of Liþ ions along these bonds. Athigher GeO2 content glass network becomes more densely packed and ionic conductivity is slightlyhindered as a consequence of the increase of bonding forces inside the network. Such a decrease in theconductivity is more reflection of the stronger cross-linkage in the glass network than that of the slightdecrease in the Liþ ion concentration. The electrical modulus formalism is used to describe the dielectricrelaxation. The scaling of the ac conductivity results in an excellent collapse onto common master curvewhereas the electrical modulus spectra showed slight deviation indicating the distribution of relaxationtimes caused by the presence of various structural units in the glass network.

� 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The need for electrolytes suitable for lithium batteries applica-tion has given rise to the investigations of numerous lithium ion

: þ385 1 4680 114.vi�c).

All rights reserved.

based glass systems [1,2]. Glass electrolytes have certain advan-tages over their crystalline counterparts like physical isotropy,absence of grain boundaries and ease compositional variation [3].Among lithium based glass electrolytes, lithium borophosphateglasses have been studied extensively in literature [4e6] because oftheir interesting structural and physical property changesupon network modifications. These systems contain two differentglass formers (B and P) in the glass network responsible for an

A. Mogu�s-Milankovi�c et al. / Journal of Power Sources 242 (2013) 91e9892

enhancement in the ionic conductivity. The increase in the con-ductivity is due to replacement of one former cation (P) by the otherone (B) and formation of various borate and phosphate structuralunits in the glass network if the total ion concentration is keptconstant. The observed behavior is usually called the “mixed glassformer effect”.

In this context, mixed matrix glasses of the type Li2OeB2O3e

P2O5eGeO2 containing only a single mobile alkali ion are particu-larly interesting as a solid electrolyte. Recent reports [7,8] on thelithium borophosphate glasses have suggested that at fixed Liþ ionconcentration an enhancement of mobility depends on the struc-tural and microstructural features in the glass structure. The mostimportant structural changes are related to the presence of variousstructural species which varies with the borate fraction. At lowboron content, up to 10 mol% B2O3, the increase in ionic conduc-tivity is attributed to the formation of B-(OP)4 linkage within aborophosphate glass network resulting in a larger degree of chargedispersion favorable for the ion transport. At higher boron con-centration the electrical conductivity decreases due to the forma-tion BO3 units which could be detrimental for the Liþ mobility. Itseems that the presence of BO3 units breaks the conduction path-ways formed by BO4 where Liþ ions are involved as charge com-pensators [8].

On the other hand, with the perspective on lithium batteryapplication, it is interesting to investigate materials for which glasscomposition mixing leads to the enhancement of the ionic con-duction and transport characteristics. Therefore, the present workreports the investigation of the electrical properties of lithiumborophosphate glasses modified by germanium oxide. Germaniumoxide containing glasses are characterized by their high ion con-ductivity which makes them interesting candidates for solid elec-trolyte technology [9]. Furthermore, mixed germano-phosphateglasses have attracted considerable interest because of the possi-bility of fine-tuning properties with varying chemical composition[10]. Structure of alkali germano-phosphate glasses have beenextensively studied by several authors using vibrational spectros-copy, 31P MAS NMR spectroscopy, x-ray absorption near edgespectroscopy [11e14] and more recently by combined NMR andXPS spectroscopies [15]. These studies have suggested that alkaliions preferentially modify the phosphate units leaving the tetra-hedral GeO2 structure in the glass network unaffected [11]. It wasalso found [15] that the observed structural changes in sodiumgermano-phosphate glasses are related to the presence of a non-bridging oxygen in GeO4 tetrahedra, which charge is compen-sated by sodium ions.

In our previous paper we reported a structural characterizationof lithium borophosphate glasses modified by the addition ofgermanium oxide in the seria (100 � x)[0.5Li2Oe0.1B2O3e

0.4P2O5] � xGeO2 with 0e25 mol% GeO2 [16]. The introduction ofGeO2 produces new linkages between phosphate chains throughPeOeGe bonds whose amount increases with germanium incor-poration along with a depolymerization of the metaphosphatechains into pyrophosphate units. The introduction of germaniumcaused an increase in Tg and a decrease in the molar volume [16].Therefore it would be interesting to examine the electrical con-ductivity behavior in these glasses as a function of Li2O content.

The possibility that the germanium prefers to form tetrahedralunits together with the tendency of phosphate chains to depoly-merize with the addition of GeO2 content leads to the interestingbehavior in ion transport of these glasses. In this paper the influenceof glass composition on electrical conductivity properties over awide range of temperature and frequency has been studied.Furthermore, the changes in electrical conductivity and its temper-ature dependence have been discussed based on the completionsbetween network breaking/forming events and Liþ ion mobility.

2. Experimental

The detailed preparation of glasses with nominal composition(100 � x)[0.5Li2Oe0.1B2O3e0.4P2O5] � xGeO2 with 0e25 mol%GeO2, has been reported elsewhere [16]. However, it should bementioned that the glasses were prepared from analytical gradeLi2CO3, GeO2, H3BO3 and H3PO4 using a total batch weight of 10 g.The homogenized starting mixture was heated slowly to 1273e1423 K in a covered Pt crucible. The melt was held at maximumtemperature for 30min and then cooled slowly in a graphitemould.Obtained glasses were annealed for 30 min at a temperature 5 Kbelow their glass transition temperature, Tg.

Samples for electrical/dielectric property measurements werecut from annealed bars and polished. Gold electrodes, 7 mm indiameter, were sputtered onto both sides of 1 mm thick discs cutfrom the glass bars using Sputter Coater SC7620. The samples werestored in a dessicator until the electrical conductivity wasmeasured. Dielectric and electrical properties were obtained bymeasuring complex impedance using an impedance analyzer(Novocontrol Alpha-AN Dielectric Spectrometer) over the fre-quency range from 0.01 Hz to 1 MHz and in the temperature rangefrom 183 to 523 K. The temperature was controlled to an accuracyof �0.20 K.

The complex impedance data, Z*(u), were plotted in the Nyquistrepresentation form, a typical complex plane plot represented byimaginary part Z00(u) vs. real part Z0(u) for each temperature. Apoint of this curve represents a given measurements of Z0(u) andZ00(u), at a specific angular frequency u (u ¼ 2pf).

The impedance spectra were analyzed by means of equivalentcircuits modeling and parameters were obtained by the complexnon-linear least square (CNLLSQ) fitting. The complex impedanceplots typical for all investigated glasses consist of a single semicirclewith the center below the real axis. The equivalent circuit thatrepresents such depressed semicircle is a parallel combination ofresistor (R) and constant-phase element (CPE). The CPE is anempirical impedance function of the type ZCPE* ¼ A(ju)�a, where Aand a are the constants. The values of the resistance obtained fromthe fitting procedures, R and electrode dimensions (d is samplethickness and A is electrode area) were used to calculate the dcconductivity, sdc ¼ d/(R$A).

3. Results

3.1. Electrical conductivity

The complex impedance plots for all glasses investigatedexhibit a high frequency depressed semicircle and a low-frequencyspur, which emanated from ion migration and the electrode po-larization, respectively, Fig. 1. As the interfacial resistance increaseswith decreasing temperature, the low-frequency semicircle fallsoutside the experimental frequency range at low temperatures.The radius of the semicircle related to the bulk behavior decreaseswith increasing temperature indicating that the ion conduction isthermally activated, inset to Fig. 1. The intercept of the depressedsemicircle on the real axis gives the value for the bulk dc resis-tance, Rb, offered by the sample at various temperatures. The pa-rameters of the equivalent circuits were obtained by the complexnon-linear least square fitting directly to the measured imped-ance data. The values of the resistance, Rb and electrode di-mensions were used to calculate the dc conductivity, sdc ¼ d/(R$A),Table 1.

The activation energy for dc conductivity, Edc, for each samplewas determined from the slope of log(sdc$T) vs. 1/T using equationsdcT ¼ soexp(�Edc/kBT), where sdc is the dc conductivity, so is thepre-exponent, kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is the

Fig. 2. The dependence of the dc conductivity, sdc, at 303 K and activation energy fordc conductivity upon GeO2 content.

Fig. 1. Complex impedance spectra measured at 303 K for different (100 � x)[0.5Li2Oe0.1B2O3e0.4P2O5] � xGeO2 glasses. Inset: complex impedance spectra for Ge-10 glassat different temperatures.

A. Mogu�s-Milankovi�c et al. / Journal of Power Sources 242 (2013) 91e98 93

temperature (K). The activation energies, Edc, for all investigatedLi2OeB2O3eP2O5eGeO2 glasses are listed in Table 1.

Fig. 2 shows compositional dependence of dc conductivity, sdc,at 303 K and activation energy, Edc. The dc conductivity, sdc, forglasses containing GeO2 exhibits higher values than that for GeO2-free glass whereas the values for Edc decrease with increasing GeO2content. It is interesting to note that the sdc increases for about oneorder of magnitude for glass containing 5 mol% GeO2 reaching thevalue of 9.13 � 10�8 (U cm)�1. Such a behavior is related to thestructural modifications observed with the addition of GeO2 as aresult of interlinking between phosphate chains and germaniumtetrahedral units [16]. It is assumed that the formation of mixedformer network in the glass structure improves the motion of Liþ

ions. With further increase of GeO2 content the sdc slightly de-creases from 1.16 � 10�7 to 5.29 � 10�8 (Ucm)�1. A more significantdecrease in dc conductivity with decreasing Li2O content from 50 to37.5 mol% and cross-linking of phosphate units by Ge atom wasexpected. However, it seems that the depolymerization of phos-phate units along with the incorporation of Ge atoms into thenetwork forms continuous channels for the easier migration of Liþ

ions.Going further in the interpretation of conductivity, the ac con-

ductivity, sac, at different temperatures for Ge-10 glass is shown inFig. 3. The ac conductivity spectra, generally, show a universalfeature [17] where at low-frequency region the conductivity is in-dependent of frequency and corresponds to the dc conductivity, sdc,whereas at higher frequencies exhibits dispersion in power lawfashion. The transition point, between these two regions is shifted

Table 1Composition and selected properties for the (100 � x)[0.5Li2Oe0.1B2O3e

0.4P2O5] � xGeO2, x ¼ 0e25 (mol%) glasses.

Sample Glass composition(mol%)


(�0.5%)Edc/kJ mol�1


LiO2 B2O3 P2O5 GeO2

Ge-0 50 10 40 0 1.15 � 10�8 62.88Ge-5 47.5 9.5 38 5 9.13 � 10�8 58.04Ge-10 45 9 36 10 1.16 � 10�7 56.55Ge-15 42.5 8.5 34 15 1.04 � 10�7 56.51Ge-20 40 8 32 20 7.50 � 10�8 56.87Ge-25 37.5 7.5 30 25 5.29 � 10�8 57.20

a At 303 K.

toward higher frequency with increasing temperature. The slopesobserved at low-frequency region at higher temperatures arerelated to the electrode polarization. The ac conductivity of ioni-cally conducting glasses over a wide range of temperatures andfrequencies shows a region of power law behavior in the form[17,18]:

sðuÞ ¼ sdc þ Aus (1)

where A is the temperature dependent constant and s is the powerlaw exponent, s< 1. The A determines the strength of polarizabilitywhile exponent s represents the degree of interaction betweenmobile ions with the network. For glasses investigated in the pre-sent study the s factor slightly decreases for Ge-5 glass whereas forother glasses containing higher GeO2 content is almost constant,inset to Fig. 4.

For better understanding of the motion of Liþ ions the ac con-ductivity was scaled at different temperatures and compositioninto a single master curve. Since, for many glasses (ionic and elec-tronic) the shape of conductivity, s(u), does not depend on tem-perature these curves can be superimposed using so calledSummerfield scaling [19]. In this scaling approach, the conductivityaxis is normalized by sdc and the frequency axis is normalized bythe product sdcT [20]. Thus, the master curve gives the dimen-sionless ac conductivity as a function of dimensionless frequencyand can be referred as a timeetemperature superposition principle.

Fig. 3. Frequency dependence of the ac conductivity at different temperatures for Ge-10 glass.

Fig. 4. Temperature dependence of s factor for different (100 � x)[0.5Li2Oe0.1B2O3e

0.4P2O5] � xGeO2 glasses as a function of mole fraction of GeO2 at differenttemperatures.

Fig. 6. (a) Frequency dependence of dielectric constant, 30(u) at different temperaturesfor Ge-10 glass. (b) Frequency dependence of dielectric constant, 30(u) obtained byrescaling log 30(u) axis.

A. Mogu�s-Milankovi�c et al. / Journal of Power Sources 242 (2013) 91e9894

In Fig. 5 the master curves for all glasses are shown. The conduc-tivity isotherms of the presented glasses are superimposed ontosinglemaster curve indicating the validity of the timeetemperaturesuperposition properties. Thus the excellent timeetemperaturesuperposition indicates a common transport mechanism, whichoperates in the entire temperature regime.

3.2. Dielectric properties and relaxation studies

The complex permittivity 3*(u) ¼ 1/(juCoZ*) can be expressed asa complex number:

3*ðuÞ ¼ 3

0ðuÞ � j 300ðuÞ (2)

where 30(u) and 300(u) are the real and imaginary parts of thecomplex permittivity.

The frequency dependence of the real part of the complexpermittivity, 30(u), for Ge-10 glass at different temperatures isshown in Fig. 6(a). The values of the dielectric permittivity, 30(u),measured at 303 K and 11.7 Hz for the presented glasses are givenin Table 2.

Fig. 5. Conductivity master curves for different (100 � x)[0.5Li2Oe0.1B2O3e

0.4P2O5] � xGeO2 glasses.

At higher frequencies, 30(u) tends to approach a constant value,3N

0(u), which results from rapid polarization processes occurring inthe glasses under applied field [21]. Therefore, the mobile ions willnot be able to rotate sufficiently rapidly, so their oscillation willbegin to lay behind this field resulting in a decrease of dielectricpermittivity, 30(u). With increasing temperature and decreasingfrequency, 30(u) increases considerably due to electrode polariza-tion. The bulk polarization of the glass sample results from thepresence of metallic electrodes, which do not permit transfer of themobile ions into external circuit. Consequently, ions are accumu-lated near the electrodes causing large polarization of the glass. Itshould be noted that the electrode polarization sometimes masksthe low-frequency permittivity of glass samples. However, forglasses studied in this paper, the low-frequency plateau, 3s, denotedas the low-frequency static value, usually associated with the po-larization effects of the long range hopping of mobile ionswith respect to the immobile glass matrix in the ionic glasses, is

Table 2Selected dielectric properties for the (100 � x)[0.5Li2Oe0.1B2O3e0.4P2O5] � xGeO2,x ¼ 0e25 (mol%) glasses.

Sample 30(u)a

(�0.5%)D 30(u)at 303 K

sM00/s (�0.5%) f0M00/Hz (�0.5%) EM00/kJ mol�1


Ge-0 30.06 14.8 8.58 � 10�5 4.56 � 1013 62.63Ge-5 132.13 16.2 1.11 � 10�5 5.57 � 1013 57.63Ge-10 123.59 18.4 9.82 � 10�6 3.33 � 1013 56.05Ge-15 104.23 20.3 1.12 � 10�5 3.40 � 1013 56.27Ge-20 93.54 21.0 1.40 � 10�5 3.30 � 1013 56.35Ge-25 68.71 22.9 2.03 � 10�5 1.90 � 1013 56.59

a At 303 K and 11.7 Hz.

Fig. 8. Temperature dependence of dielectric constant, 30(u) at 11.7 Hz for different(100 � x)[0.5Li2Oe0.1B2O3e0.4P2O5] � xGeO2 glasses.

A. Mogu�s-Milankovi�c et al. / Journal of Power Sources 242 (2013) 91e98 95

well-defined as can be seen in Fig. 6(b). The static permittivity, 3s,was determined by diminishing log 30(u) scale which allows theseparation of the bulk permittivity from the electrode polarization.

The magnitude of the bulk polarization called dielectricstrength, is given by D 3¼ 3s(u) � 3N(u) as proposed by Sidebottom[22]. The dielectric strength, D 3, represents the rate of permittivitychange due to the relaxation. For glasses studied in this paper, thewell-defined plateau, 3s, makes it possible to determine thepermittivity changes and the correlation effects between successfulhops.

Fig. 7 exhibits the systematic increase in D 3values with theaddition of GeO2 as a result of the enhanced Liþ ion mobility. For allglasses, the D 3 shows a temperature dependence, which agreeswell with data obtained for other phosphate glasses [23]. The insetto Fig. 7 exhibits the dependence of D 3upon the GeO2 content atthree different temperatures.

The temperature dependence of 30(u) measured at 11.7 Hz for allglasses is shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen that the 30(u) is lessdependent of temperature at lower temperatures whereas in-creases at higher temperatures. For GeO2-free glass the values for30(u) are lower than that for glasses containing GeO2 in the wholetemperature region. Values for 30(u) measured at 303 K and 11.7 Hzfor all glasses are given in Table 2.

The factor, which means the phase difference due to the loss ofenergy within the sample at a particular frequency is the loss factortangent, tan d ¼ 300(u)/ 30(u). The frequency dependence of tan d atdifferent temperatures for Ge-10 glass is shown in Fig. 9. Themaximum in the tan d peak shifts to higher frequency as the tem-perature increases indicating a thermally activated behavior. Na-ture of the variation of the dielectric parameters with frequencyand temperature is found to be similar for all the other glasses inthis study. Generally, the dielectric losses at high frequencies aremuch lower than those occurring at low frequencies at specifictemperature. This kind of dependence of tan d upon frequency istypically associated with losses by conduction.

An alterative formalism thatmay be used for analyzing electricalrelaxation behavior in glasses is the electrical modulus model [24].Although there is a debate [25] about the suitability of this model,the advantage of this representation is that the electrode polari-zation effects are minimized in this formalism [26]. In the modulusformalism, an electric modulus M*(u) is defined in terms of thereciprocal of the complex dielectric constant 3*(u) as:

Fig. 7. Temperature dependence of D 3 for different (100 � x)[0.5Li2Oe0.1B2O3e

0.4P2O5] � xGeO2 glasses. Inset: dependence of D 3upon GeO2 content at differenttemperatures.

M*ðuÞ¼1= 3*ðuÞ¼ 3

0ðuÞ=ð 30ðuÞÞ2þð 3

00ðuÞÞ2þi 300ðuÞ=ð 3

0ðuÞÞ2þð 300ðuÞÞ2


The frequency dependence of M00(u) at different temperaturesfor GeO2 glass is presented in Fig. 10. The maximum in the M00(u)peak shifts to higher frequencies with increasing temperature. Thefrequency region below peak maximum M00(u) determines therange inwhich Liþ ions are mobile on long distances. At frequenciesabove peak maximum M00(u), the carriers are spatially confined topotential wells, being mobile on short distances making onlylocalized motion within the wells. From the characteristic fre-quency, which is equal to the relaxation frequency at which themaximum M00(u), occurs, given by umax ¼ 1/sM ¼ sdc/ 3o 3N

0(u), theconductivity relaxation time, sM, can be extracted as shown inFig. 10. It is clear, that at any chosen temperature, sM for GeO2glasses exhibits lower values, whereas sM for GeO2-free glass isalmost one order of magnitude higher. The relaxation times, sM, forthe glasses measured at 303 K, are shown in Table 2.

The scaling analysis can also be performed using the electricalmodulus formalism. The normalized imaginary part of electricalmodulus, M00(u)/M''(u)max versus f/fmax, for all glasses studied isscaled to the single plot, as it is shown in Fig. 11. In this figure, tworegions are distinguished. In the region bellow M00(u) peak where

Fig. 9. Frequency dependence of dielectric loss, tan d, at different temperatures for Ge-10 glass.

Fig. 10. Frequency dependence of electrical modulus, M00(u), at different temperaturesfor Ge-10 glass.

Fig. 12. Temperature dependence of the dc conductivity, sdc, and the relaxation fre-quency, fM00 , for the Ge-0 and Ge-10 glasses.

A. Mogu�s-Milankovi�c et al. / Journal of Power Sources 242 (2013) 91e9896

dc conductivity dominates all points lay on the master curve. Thehigh frequency region is associated with decay of field where ionsare spatially confined to potential wells and free tomovewithin thewells. However, the slight deviation from muster curve at highfrequencies is observed.

The plot of the relaxation frequency, fM00 ¼ 1/(2psM00) versus 1/T isrepresented by an Arrhenius equation, fM00T ¼ foM00 exp(�EM00/kT),where EM00 is the activation energy for the electrical relaxation. Theactivation energy, EM00, determined from the slope of the log fM00T vs.1/T for Ge-0 and Ge-10 glasses is exhibited in Fig. 12 and is given inTable 2 for all glasses. The activation energy values for the electricalmodulus, EM00, and for the dc conductivity, Edc, are almost identical,suggesting that the relaxation processes and dc conductivity are inclose agreement.

4. Discussion

In the previous paper [16] the effects of germanium addition onthe glass forming characteristic and structure of lithium bor-ophosphate glasses have been shown. The structural investigationexhibits that the glass structure can be regarded as a network ofvarious phosphate and borate units interlinked via four-coordinatedgermanium. The addition of germanium dioxide results in the

Fig. 11. Electrical modulus, M00(u), master curves for different (100 � x)[0.5Li2Oe0.1B2O3e0.4P2O5] � xGeO2 glasses.

strengthening of bonds within the structural network of themodified glasses, as revealed from a substantial increase of theirglass transition temperatures. It was also found that the incorpo-ration of germanate units into borophosphate network is accom-panied by the formation of PeOeGe and GeeOeB bonds. Therefore,according to the 31P NMR and Raman spectra, the addition of GeO2breaks the metaphosphate chains and consequently turns meta-phosphate into shorter pyrophosphate structure [16].

The increase in dc conductivity can be interpreted in terms of theabove mentioned modifications of glass structure. Recently it wasreported [6,8,15,16] that at low B2O3 content a lithium bor-ophosphate glass is predominantly composed of metaphosphatechains connected by barely detectable tetrahedral BO4 units. Thus, itseems that in GeO2-free glass, the glass matrix hinders the Liþ

motion which results in the lowest dc conductivity. Clearly,the anionic metaphosphate units behave as deep Coulomb trapswhere Liþ ions are probably bounded to the discrete non-bridgingoxygens [7].

On the other hand with addition of GeO2, the reactivity betweengermanium and phosphate units induces an increase in number ofgermanate units incorporated into phosphate network, leading tothe formation of pyrophosphate units. However, it was shown[15,16] that one of the oxygen atom bound to the Ge atom intetrahedrally coordinated GeO4 units is a non-bridging. So, it seemsthat glass modifier Liþ ions are shared between these two glassformer units where Liþ ions are involved in the charge compen-sation of [GeO4]� units, whose charge is more delocalized. Such abehavior increases the mobility of Liþ ions since widely dispersedcharges through PeOeGe linkages modify the bonding of Liþ ionswhich are thus trapped less effectively. Moreover, it is well knownthat the depolymerization of the metaphosphate chains and theincrease in the amount of pyrophosphate units which contain non-bridging oxygens enhances the electrical conductivity of glasses[27,28].

As the germanium content increases, x > 10, the dc conduc-tivity slightly decreases as a result of further incorporation ofgermanate structural units into the glass network leading to theincrease of the network reticulation by the formation of PeOeGeand GeeOeGe bonds. Moreover, the presence of large amount ofgermanate units increases the anionic character of the germaniumgroups which reduces the Liþ ions mobility and breaks the con-duction pathways. However, it is worth mentioning that withincreasing GeO2 content small amount of BO3 units, 8% of the totalnumber of boron units, is also formed that might reduce the Liþ

ions mobility [16].

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The observed frequency dependence of ac conductivity is inaccordance with the jump relaxation model [29,30]. In this model,at low frequencies, a mobile ion jumps successfully to its neigh-boring vacant site due to a long time period available and suchsuccessive jumps result in a long range translational motion of ionscontributing to the dc conductivity. Once an ion has completed itsinitial hop from initial site to the neighboring site, two competingrelaxation processes can be viewed at higher frequencies, the ionmay hop back to its initial position (correlated forward-backwardhopping) or the neighborhood may relax with respect to thenewly occupied sites. Either one of these competing ways ofrelaxation can be characterized by respective rate. Thus, anincreased probability of the correlated forward-backward hoppingat higher frequency along with the relaxation leads to the observedhigh frequency conductivity dispersion.

Considering the conductivity behavior using power law, theexponent s which represents the degree of interaction betweenmobile ions with the network can be given by the ratio:

s ¼ initial back� hope rate=initial state� relaxation rate

The term initial back-hope describes the motion of a hoppingion to its initial site. This movement is due to the Coulomb repul-sive interaction between mobile ions and can be explained as fol-lows. The site relaxation is the shift from the site of potentialminimum to the position of the hopping ion due to the rear-rangement of neighboring ions. The diminution of the Coulombinteraction between mobile ions with the decrease of their con-centrations reduces the back-hope rate leading to a decrease in s[31]. For glasses investigated in the present study the s factorslightly decreases for Ge-5 glass whereas for other glasses con-taining higher GeO2 content is almost constant, inset to Fig. 4. Thisleads to the conclusion that with the addition of GeO2 more un-stable ion sites are formed which, due to the opening of manychannels, results in an efficient ion transport over long distances. Itseems that the mobile Liþ ions are less constricted by surroundingoxide network which contains borate, phosphate and germanateunits. This can be attributed to the number of channels available forion transport, i.e. to the dimensionality of ion transport pathways.Clearly, oxygen coordination around germanium which possesseslarger degree of charge dispersal and serves as Liþ ions compen-sating sites is responsible for the modification of the local envi-ronment that could mimic changes to the dimensionality of theconduction space [32].

The variations of s values as a function of temperature for allglasses are plotted and exhibited in Fig. 4. There is a decreasingtrend in s values as temperature increases. The most apparentin Fig. 4 is the increase in exponent swhich occurs at temperaturesbelow 270 K. According to Sidebottom [33] the increase at lowtemperature is attributed to the transition to a second dielectricprocess where ionic motion is less active. However, the origin ofthis process is still uncertain and therefore will not be discussed inthis paper. On the other hand the process at high temperatures isrelated to the ionic relaxation. For glasses in this series the expo-nent s at high temperature plateau, at about 300 K, has a values¼ 0.65� 0.04, which is consistent with “universal” s¼ 0.67� 0.03for many alkali oxide glasses [34].

Summerfield law was a basis for scaling properties, which al-lows obtaining a universal conductivity curve. As shown in Fig. 5the ac conductivity for all glasses investigated is found to bescaled very well. The data collapse to a common curve, implyingthat exponent s is independent of GeO2 content, which is inaccordance to the present findings. This suggests that there is agood timeetemperature superposition and that the conductionmechanism remains unchanged with addition of GeO2.

In general, the relaxation phenomena in various ion conductingglasses are observed to be non-Debye type [35,36]. The non-Debyebehavior arises from the distribution of ionic sites within the glassymatrix to which the ionic jump occurs. Thus, for ionically con-ducting glasses it is assumed that the ions interact stronglywith thenetwork. It is worth noting that this is related to the long rangehoping of ions from one site where they are effectively trapped tothe others where polarization is associated with the changingenvironment of different sites ions hops into. Therefore, the con-duction and conduction-related polarization are integrated intosingle continuous process [25].

For glasses investigated, the decrease in 30(u) and 300(u) withincreasing GeO2 content in glass network is attributed to the con-ductivity changes, which are directly related to the enhancement inLiþ ionsmobility for Ge-5 and Ge-10 glasses and slight reduction forglasses containing higher GeO2 content. It was previously notedthat the incorporation of germanate units into phosphate network,at higher GeO2 content, reticulates the phosphate chains and leadsto a more cross-linked network. As a consequence, such a structureis more suitable for ion trapping which reduces the overall ionicdiffusion and causes a decrease in the conductivity.

It was mentioned earlier that the D 3 is a quantity, which de-pends on ion hopping, and its changes are related to the changes inhopping dynamics of the mobile Liþ ions [25]. The values of D 3

shown in Fig. 7 indicate a progressive increasewith increasing GeO2

content in glasses. It seems that this increase is related to thechanges in the glass structure, suggesting that the D 3depends onthe structural modifications which are responsible for the forma-tion of many channels available for favorable ion transport whereLiþ ions are less effectively trapped. This is consistent with previousreports [23,25] where it has been demonstrated that the D 3 isrelated to the hopping dynamics, i.e. to the concentration of mobileions. Our analysis clearly leads to the conclusion that the D 3de-pends not only upon the population of mobile ions but also on themodification of glass network which contains structural units withlower charge density that support an easy migration of Liþ ions.

The conductivity relaxation model, where a dielectric modulusis defined by M*(u) ¼ 1/ 3*(u), can provide information about therelaxation mechanisms [24]. According to the earlier discussion,two apparent relaxation regions appeared, the low-frequency re-gion, being associated with the hopping conduction and high fre-quency region being attributed to the relaxation polarizationprocess.

The relaxation times, sM00, as calculated from the frequency at theM00(u) maximum, shown in Fig. 10 and listed in Table 2, are ther-mally activated with following respective activation energies, EM00.From Table 2, it is clear that the relaxation times, sM00, for the pre-sented glasses decrease as the GeO2 content increases, if comparedto the GeO2-free glass, due to the higher Edc and consequently, alower conductivity, sdc. For Ge-10 glass, the relaxation time, sM00,becomes the lowest, which causes the highest conductivity in thisglass.

The scaling of modulus data has been carried out in order to testwhether the relaxation process remains unchanged or notthroughout the compositions and temperature range studied.Fig. 11 shows the resulting master curve obtained for different glasscompositions exhibiting a good overlap for all spectra on a mastercurve. However, at high frequencies the curves do not collapse to acommon muster curve. Such a behavior could depend on details ofthe short time dynamics where mismatch relaxation includesrelaxation movements or adjustments of the glass network and isinfluenced by the local structure. Similar scaling behavior isobserved for other glasses [23]. Sidebottom [23] proposed that suchbehavior can be correlated to the dimensionality of the local cationconduction space in the sense that by depolarization of phosphate

A. Mogu�s-Milankovi�c et al. / Journal of Power Sources 242 (2013) 91e9898

chains and incorporation of germanate into glass network, localenvironment becomes constricted leading to the dispersion inshorter time region. This is consistent with a slight decrease in sfactor and decrease in the free volume of the glasses containingGeO2. Clearly, the divergences in the scaled data for these glassesprobably originated from the difference in the distribution ofrelaxation times caused by the structural disorder in the glassnetwork.

As already mentioned, the temperature dependence of therelaxation times for these glasses is a thermally activated processfollowing Arrhenius law. The activation energies, EM00, and Edc,observed in the temperature range measured for all glasses arealmost identical as can be seen in Tables 1 and 2. This behaviorsuggests that the same activation energy and existence of a singlecarrier are related to the same relaxation process.

5. Conclusions

The effect of compositional changes observed by the addition ofGeO2 to the Li2OeB2O3eP2O5 glass on the electrical conductivityand dielectric properties has been investigated. The observed in-crease in dc conductivity with addition of GeO2 is attributed to theformation of ion conducting channels arising from the structuralmodification and formation of the PeOeGe linkages, resulting in aneasy migration of Liþ ions along these bonds. The maximum in theLiþ conductivity can be attributed to the presence of variousstructural units interlinked by tetrahedral germanium units. Athigher GeO2 content glass network becomes more densely packedand ionic conductivity is slightly hindered as a consequence of theincrease of bonding forces inside the network. The reticulation ofthe glass network is primarily a result of the incorporation of GeO2units into phosphate chains by forming more GeeOeGe linkageswhich favor Liþ trapping ability. This trapping mechanism causes aslight reduction in the overall ionic conductivity. Such a decrease inthe conductivity is more a reflection of the stronger cross-linkage inthe glass network than that of the slight decrease in the lithiumconcentration.

Finally, the addition of the third glass former to the glassnetwork has a direct impact on the changes of conductivity throughthe formation of mixed structural units which serve as compen-sating sites for lithium ions.

The dielectric permittivity, 30(u), and its variations with tem-perature and frequency have been analyzed on the basis of thedielectric relaxation processes. The electrical modulus formalismis used to describe the conductivity relaxation. The scaling of theac conductivity results in an excellent collapse onto commonmaster curve whereas the electrical modulus spectra showedslight deviation indicating the distribution of relaxation timescaused by the presence of various structural units in the glassnetwork.


This work was supported by the Croatian Ministry for Science,Education and Sport. Grant No: 098-0982929-2916. The Czechauthors are grateful for the financial support from the Grant Agencyof the Czech Republic (Grant No. 13-00355S).


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