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Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:641–651 DOI 10.1007/s00217-007-0573-4 123 ORIGINAL PAPER InXuence of moderate heat pre-treatments on physical and chemical characteristics of kiwifruit slices Sara Beirão-da-Costa · Ana Steiner · Lúcia Correia · Eduardo Leitão · José Empis · Margarida Moldão-Martins Received: 20 October 2006 / Revised: 2 January 2007 / Accepted: 6 January 2007 / Published online: 14 February 2007 © Springer-Verlag 2007 Abstract The eVect of mild heat treatments, applied to whole kiwifruit, on physical characteristics and chemical composition of minimally processed fruit was studied. Fruits were subjected to heat treatments at 45 °C for 25 and 75 min, cooled for 24 h, minimally processed and stored at 4 °C for 12 days. Heat-treated fruits showed increased respiration rates in the Wrst 2 days of storage. Samples colour was marginally aVected either by heat treatments or by minimal pro- cessing. The application of heat treatments leads to an increment of slices Wrmness due to cross linking between demethylated galacturonic acid chains and endogenous calcium. An increment in sucrose, L- malic, citric, quinic and ascorbic acids was observed as a consequence of applied heat treatments. Heat treat- ment at 45 °C for 25 min applied to whole fruits allows quality retention of minimally processed fruit during 9 days at 4 °C. Keywords Kiwifruit · Minimal processing · Composition · Moderate heat treatments Introduction The most important motivation for purchasing mini- mally processed products relates to convenience [1] but the health beneWts associated with the consumption of fruits and vegetables have led to a growing attention to this kind of products [2, 3]. Convenience and quality are the two aims diYcult to harmonize because minimal processing operations lead to physiological and biochemical changes typical of the senescence process such as increased respira- tion, ethylene production and loss of membrane integrity [35]. Minimal processed kiwifruit undergoes several dete- riorative reactions leading to loss of Wrmness, increased respiration and ethylene production rates, mass and Xavour loss [68]. Some eVorts had been made in order to get a better preservation of the sliced fruit, such as application of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) prior to cutting, packaging in non-conventional modiWed atmo- sphere with argon and nitrous oxide [9], application of volatile compounds such as methyl jasmonate, ethanol and other alcohols [10], treatments with hydrogen per- oxide, calcium lactate and controlled atmosphere pack- aging [11]. The eVects of mild heat treatments on the posthar- vest physiology of fruits and vegetables were already discussed [1216]. This kind of treatments was eVective in quality maintenance of fresh cut cantaloupe melon [4, 17, 18], apples [19] and mango [20]. Moderate heat treatments applied to whole kiwi- fruit were found to be an interesting methodology able to better preserve minimally processed fruit slices [12] but the underlying mechanisms remain somewhat unknown. The objective of the present work was to S. Beirão-da-Costa (&) · A. Steiner · L. Correia · E. Leitão · M. Moldão-Martins CEAA, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Technical University of Lisbon, Tapada da Ajuda, 1340-017 Lisboa, Portugal e-mail: [email protected] J. Empis IBB, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:641–651

DOI 10.1007/s00217-007-0573-4


InXuence of moderate heat pre-treatments on physical and chemical characteristics of kiwifruit slices

Sara Beirão-da-Costa · Ana Steiner · Lúcia Correia · Eduardo Leitão · José Empis · Margarida Moldão-Martins

Received: 20 October 2006 / Revised: 2 January 2007 / Accepted: 6 January 2007 / Published online: 14 February 2007© Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract The eVect of mild heat treatments, appliedto whole kiwifruit, on physical characteristics andchemical composition of minimally processed fruit wasstudied. Fruits were subjected to heat treatments at45 °C for 25 and 75 min, cooled for 24 h, minimallyprocessed and stored at 4 °C for 12 days. Heat-treatedfruits showed increased respiration rates in the Wrst2 days of storage. Samples colour was marginallyaVected either by heat treatments or by minimal pro-cessing. The application of heat treatments leads to anincrement of slices Wrmness due to cross linkingbetween demethylated galacturonic acid chains andendogenous calcium. An increment in sucrose, L-malic, citric, quinic and ascorbic acids was observed asa consequence of applied heat treatments. Heat treat-ment at 45 °C for 25 min applied to whole fruits allowsquality retention of minimally processed fruit during9 days at 4 °C.

Keywords Kiwifruit · Minimal processing · Composition · Moderate heat treatments


The most important motivation for purchasing mini-mally processed products relates to convenience [1] butthe health beneWts associated with the consumption offruits and vegetables have led to a growing attention tothis kind of products [2, 3].

Convenience and quality are the two aims diYcultto harmonize because minimal processing operationslead to physiological and biochemical changes typicalof the senescence process such as increased respira-tion, ethylene production and loss of membraneintegrity [3–5].

Minimal processed kiwifruit undergoes several dete-riorative reactions leading to loss of Wrmness, increasedrespiration and ethylene production rates, mass andXavour loss [6–8]. Some eVorts had been made in orderto get a better preservation of the sliced fruit, such asapplication of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) prior tocutting, packaging in non-conventional modiWed atmo-sphere with argon and nitrous oxide [9], application ofvolatile compounds such as methyl jasmonate, ethanoland other alcohols [10], treatments with hydrogen per-oxide, calcium lactate and controlled atmosphere pack-aging [11].

The eVects of mild heat treatments on the posthar-vest physiology of fruits and vegetables were alreadydiscussed [12–16]. This kind of treatments was eVectivein quality maintenance of fresh cut cantaloupe melon[4, 17, 18], apples [19] and mango [20].

Moderate heat treatments applied to whole kiwi-fruit were found to be an interesting methodology ableto better preserve minimally processed fruit slices [12]but the underlying mechanisms remain somewhatunknown. The objective of the present work was to

S. Beirão-da-Costa (&) · A. Steiner · L. Correia · E. Leitão · M. Moldão-MartinsCEAA, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Technical University of Lisbon, Tapada da Ajuda, 1340-017 Lisboa, Portugale-mail: [email protected]

J. EmpisIBB, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal


642 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:641–651

understand the physical and chemical changesinvolved in minimally processed kiwifruit previoussubjected to moderate heat treatments.

Materials and methods


Kiwifruits [Actinidia deliciosa (A Chev) Liang et Fer-guson var deliciosa cv Hayward] were purchased at alocal market. Fruits selected by uniform size and theabsence of visual wounds was stored under refrigera-tion (4 °C) prior to pre-treatments and/or minimal pro-cessing. Physical and chemical fruit characteristics aresummarized in Table 1.

As it was apparent from previous works [12] thatmaturity stage has relevance in the treatments’eYciency, so total soluble solids and pH were mea-sured for the raw material.

Despite the low Wrmness value, total soluble solidsand pH denote that fruits were at a ripe stage, ade-quate for consumption (TSS ¸ 12.5%). The lowestWrmness value may be indicative of early harvestedfruits followed by storage, because as [21] state, lateharvested kiwifruit retains their Xesh Wrmness duringstorage better than early harvested fruit.


Heat treatments

Whole kiwifruits were subjected to immersion heattreatments at 45 °C for 25 min and for 75 min [12],

rapidly cooled in a cold chamber (4 °C) and kept undercold storage (4 °C) for 24 h. Non-treated fruits wereused as control.

Minimal processing

Heat-treated and control fruits were hand peeled,washed in a cold sodium hypochlorite solution(125 mg/L free of Cl-, at pH 6), gently dried with a blot-ting paper and cut into slices (t1.5 cm thickness) withsharpened knives. Slices from diVerent fruits wererandomly distributed and each 250 g packed in low-density polyethylene and vinylidene chloride bags[3,000–4,000 and 11,000–15,000 (mL/m2/24 h/atm) per-meability to O2 and CO2, respectively], and stored at4 °C. At each date of analysis three packages per sam-ple were evaluated.

Analytical procedures

During cold storage, samples were analysed for pack-age atmosphere composition, colour, Wrmness, free andlinked calcium, sugars, acids and pectic polymers.

Sensory analysis was performed by a ten elementtrained panel, concomitantly with those objectivedeterminations.

Atmosphere composition. Headspace gas sampleswere taken with a hypodermic needle through an adhe-sive septum previously Wxed on the bags and analysedusing a checkmate 9,900 O2/CO2 gas analyser (PBI-Dansensor, Denmark).

Colour. The colour of kiwifruit slices was evaluatedboth on outer pericarp and on inner white core. Mea-surements, made with a Minolta CR300 colorimeter,were taken by L*, a*, b* (CIE) parameters. Hue angle(h°) and chroma (c) were calculated [22]. Results werethe mean of 20 measures on each section of fruit slices.

Firmness. Firmness was evaluated by performing apuncture test on Xesh of kiwifruit slices using aTA-XT2 texture analyser from Stable Micro Systems,equipped with a 25 kg load cell. Firmness measure-ments were taken as the medium force attained in apuncture at 4 mm distance, at 1 mm/s with a 4 mmdiameter stainless steel probe. Results were the meanof 30 measures for every sample. As Wrmness is thecritical parameter in minimally processed kiwifruit’sshelf life, this parameters’ analysis was extended for12 days of storage.

Calcium. Calcium analysis was performed on thefruit’s outer pericarp, without seeds, using the methoddescribed by [17], slightly modiWed. About 2 g of kiwi-fruit cut in small cubes and 20 mL of cold deionizedwater were homogenized. About 5 mL of water used to

Table 1 Physical and chemical characterization of raw material

Mean values § standard error. Firmness n = 30; colour n = 20;other parameters n = 3

Firmness (N/mm2) 0.052 § 0.0025 Colour (outer pericarp/white core)L* 45.30 § 1.254/67.93 § 1.047c 20.14 § 1.001/23.27 § 0.718H 116.77 § 0.431/108.38 § 0.312

Total soluble solids 12.8PH 3.5Calcium (mg/100g fw) 33.97 § 1.212

Sugars (g/100g dw)Sucrose 4.28 § 0.133Fructose 23.91 § 2.846Glucose 17.45 § 1.812

Acids (g/100g dw)Malic 0.14 § 0.003Citric 2.42 § 0.016Quinic 3.09 § 0.063L-Ascorbic 0.17 § 0.003


Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:641–651 643

wash apparatus was added. The mixture was stirred atlow speed for 1 h. About 5 mL of rinse water used wasadded to the homogenate before centrifugation at20,000g for 1 h, at 4 °C using a Hermle Z 383 K(Germany). Samples were Wltered through the What-man 541 ashless Wlter paper. About 30 mL of Wltratewas added of 30 mL of 3 mol/L HCl to determine freecalcium. The insoluble material was incinerated withthe Wlter paper at 550 °C for 24 h and re-suspended in10 mL of 3 mol/L HCl and 40 mL of deionized water.Strontium chloride was added to control ionizationinterferences. Calcium levels were determined at422.7 nm using an atomic absorption spectrophotome-ter equipped with an air–acetylene Xame.

Sugars and organic acids. Sugars and organic acidswere extracted and analysed by HPLC according to themethod described by [23]. About 10 g of kiwi washomogenized in 25 mL distilled water and the sampleclariWed by centrifugation at 20,000g for 20 min. Thepellet was washed with 25 mL distilled water, centri-fuged again, and the supernatants collected andpooled. Samples were Wltered through 0.45 �m Wltersprior to HPLC analysis.

Sugar content was evaluated by an HPLC systemconsisting of a 125 Beckman pump, a diVerentialrefractometer model 401, a R460 Waters detector anda Waters 745 integrator. A Sugar Pak 1 column fromWaters was used. The mobile phase was 50 mg/L cal-cium EDTA solution and the Xow rate 0.5 mL/min at90 °C. The sample volume injected was 20 �L.

For the determination of organic acids a Beckmansystem Gold chromatograph was used. The HPLC sys-tem consisted of a 126 Beckman pump, a diode arraydetector model 168, operated by Gold 8.10 software.An Aminex HPX-87H column from Biorad was used.The mobile phase consisted of 5 mmol/L sulphuricacid, pH 2.2, and the Xow rate was 0.5 mL/min. Thesample volume injected was 20 �L and the detectionwas at 214 nm.

Ascorbic acid was extracted according to a methoddescribed in [24]. About 50 g of kiwifruit was homoge-nized with 50 mL of metaphosphoric acid, during15 min. Then, another 50 mL of metaphosphoric acidwere added. The slurry was Wltered using the What-man 42 Wlter paper. The Wltrate was Wltered againthrough 0.45 �m Wlters prior to HPLC analysis. Ascor-bic acid content was determined as referred fororganic acids.

Pectic polymers. Pectin extraction/determinationwas performed according to [25]. Pectins wereextracted from the alcohol insoluble residue (AIR)obtained homogenizing 20 g of fruit with 100 mL ofboiling absolute ethanol. The homogenate was vacuum

Wltered, the residue washed with 80% ethanol until dis-colouration and the residue was dried at 35 °C § 2 °C.

About 100 mg of AIR was homogenized with 50 mLof distilled water and stirred for 30 min. The mixturewas centrifuged at 15,000g for 15 min, the pellet resus-pended in 50 mL of distilled water, stirred and centri-fuged again. These procedures were repeated twice.The three supernatants were pooled and represent thewater-soluble fraction (WSF). The pellet was resus-pended in 50 mL of 0.05 mol/L HCL and incubated for30 min at 98 °C under reXux. All extractions were per-formed in triplicate.

Uronic acid concentrations were estimated by them-hydroxydiphenyl method using galacturonic acid asstandard [25].

Sensory analysis. Sensory evaluation of minimallyprocessed kiwi samples was conducted in the sensorylaboratory of the Department of Food Science andTechnology, ISA/UTL. The sensory evaluation wasperformed by a total of ten trained judges (food engi-neering students and staV). All of them were non-smokers and their age ranged from 25 to 63 years old.The room, at 20 °C, was equipped with seven isolatedsensory booths. The tasting sessions occurred in theperiod from 10.00 AM to12.30 PM. Panellists performeda descriptive test and were asked to analyse the sam-ples’ colour, typical aroma, untypical aroma, typicaltaste and Wrmness, in a scale of Wve points. Thosedescriptors were selected in previous trials.

Statistics. Analysis of variance was applied to theresults, as well as a mean comparison test (FisherLSD), to analyse diVerences between treatments alongstorage time. Principal component analysis was alsoperformed. “Statistica” v. 6.1 software from Statsoft,Inc., was used.

Results and discussion

Figure 1 shows the evolution of CO2 concentration inthe headspace of minimally processed kiwifruit pack-ages along the storage period. The analysis of atmo-sphere composition inside the packages during 9 daysof storage revealed that minimal processing operationsled to an enhancement of respiration rate with an accu-mulation of CO2 inside packaging of all samples, pro-ducing a modiWed atmosphere. Agar et al. [8] reportedthat kiwifruit slices had doubled their CO2 productionrates of whole fruit few hours after peeling and slicingoperations at 20 °C and within 1 to 3 days at 2 °C. Sam-ples previously subjected to heat treatments exhibit ahigher accumulation in the Wrst 2 days of storage,17 and 14% for treatments during 25 and 75 min,


644 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:641–651

respectively. From the Wfth day to the end of storageperiod the concentration of CO2 inside the packagingwas similar for treated and control fruits (c.a. 19%).Paull and Chen [16] refer that the respiration rate ofripening fruit is initially increased by exposure tohigher temperatures but, after treatment the respira-tion rate declines to near or below the level of non-heated control. In minimally processed kiwifruit a simi-lar pattern was found between heat-treated and controlsamples.

The accumulation of CO2 was followed by depletionin O2 levels, reaching about 4.5% of O2 inside packagesof all samples at the end of storage period.

Changes in respiration rate as a result of whole fruitheat treatments and/or minimal processing operationswere observed in sweet cherry [26], cantaloupe melon[4], peaches [27], plums [28] apples [29, 30] and pears[31] among others, depending besides other factors oncultivar, maturity stage, age of tissue and storage tem-perature [16]. In our work, we notice that the eVect ofthe minimal processing operations on respiratory activ-ity of kiwifruit could not be minimized by the applica-tion of moderate heat pre-treatments.

The tolerance of minimally processed products tolow O2 and high CO2 levels depends upon the com-modity. Low levels of O2 combined with high concen-tration of CO2 may induce fermentative reactions withthe production of ethanol and acetaldehyde impartingoV-Xavours.

The O2 level can be allowed to drop to near or at therespiratory quotient breakpoint, the O2 concentrationwhich corresponds to a sudden raise of the respiratorycoeYcient [32], without injury [33].

Some works [8] refer that O2 levels below 0.5% canenhance the production of acetaldehyde and ethanol,while modiWed atmospheres with 2–4 kPa O2 and/or 5–10 kPa CO2, in combination with calcium treatments,were eVective in maintaining the quality of fresh-cutkiwifruit slices for 9–12 days. In minimally processedpineapple wedges no oV-odour or oV-Xavours weredetected after a 2-week storage period, at O2 and CO2levels lower than 2% and higher than 15%, respec-tively [34].

In the present work, the O2 concentrations insidepackaging never drops below the referred levels.

Samples’ pericarp colour evolution during a 9-daystorage period is summarized in Table 2. The majorchanges occurred in the Wrst 2 days of storage. Samples’L* and c underwent a decline indicating some yellowingresulting from chlorophyll degradation. These changeswere mainly due to minimal processing, as followed bycontrol as well, and were marginally aVected by heattreatments. Cut surface browning was not noticed. Hueangle, the parameter that better describes the humaneye perception of colour, underwent marginal diVer-ences in all samples along the whole storage period;hence, these changes were not visually perceptible.

These results are in accordance with previous results[12] in which the adjusted model showed a similar pat-tern of evolution of L* value for Wrm ripe kiwifruit.

Loss of kiwifruit’s pericarp green colour, yielding anincrease in a* values, and induced by cutting hadalready been observed, probably due to chlorophylldegradation and consequently to pheophytin forma-

Fig. 1 CO2 headspace composition of minimally processed kiwi-fruit packaging during storage. Open diamond 45 °C/25 min; opensquare 45 °C/75 min; Wlled triangle Control. Each data point rep-resents mean § SE

Table 2 Colour of minimally processed kiwifruits’ outer pericarp during storage

For each colour parameter values followed by the same lowercase letter are not signiWcantly diVerent at P < 0.01, Fisher LSD test

Storage time (day)

45 °C/25 min 45 °C/75 min Control

L c h L c h L c h

0 43.18ab 19.00ab 117.91a 40.38bc 15.94bc 113.09abcd 45.30a 20.14a 116.77ab

2 37.53cd 12.00cde 110.70cde 36.00d 13.42cdef 115.00abc 40.19bc 14.17cd 110.70cde

5 37.69cd 10.86def 112.11bcde 37.56cd 10.61f 107.96e 38.71cd 12.83cdef 109.01de

7 38.38cd 13.91ef 112.88bcd 37.04d 11.60def 112.01bcde 40.29bc 12.32def 109.60de

9 38.38cd 10.42f 107.48e 37.31cd 11.47def 110.66cde 37.81cd 12.94cdef 110.94cde


Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:641–651 645

tion [35]. Blanching treatments at 99.8 °C for periodslonger than 5 min also lead to an increase in a* valuesof outer pericarp tissue of kiwifruit halves [36]. Rocculiet al. [9] observed similar colour changes in minimallyprocessed kiwifruit, c being the most aVected parame-ter. The authors conclude that a storage atmosphere of90% N2O, 5% O2 and 5% of CO2 allowed a betterpreservation of L* and h°, probably due to an indirectinhibitory eVect of clorophyllase by N2O. Nevertheless,other authors referred that there did not appear to beany consistent relationship between the changesoccurred in the total chlorophyll content (degradedbetween 70 and 80%) and colour of kiwifruit slices sub-jected to blanching and vacuum solutes impregnation[37]. Agar et al. [8] report a slight brown discolourationin slices exposed to 10 kPa or higher of CO2 but thiseVect was observed just in 1 year experiment, not beingconWrmed in the second one. On the other hand, thesame authors state that kiwifruit slices’ surface darken-ing, expressed by a decreased L* value, was due to theinduction of a translucent water soaked tissue and notto enzymatic browning.

Colour was also measured in the white core of slices(Table 3). In parallel with the pericarp, heat treatmentsonly marginally aVect slices colour. The observeddiVerences were mainly due to minimal processing asboth treated and control samples underwent the samecolour evolution. Chroma was the only parameterslightly aVected by heat treatments. Despite the factthat at the beginning of the storage period treated sam-ples showed lower c values than control, from the sec-ond day onwards the three samples did not showsigniWcant diVerences (P > 0.01). Limited informationis available about colour changes of kiwifruits’ whitecore. Rocculi et al. [9] measured colour changes ofkiwifruit white core by image analysis and concludethat just a modiWed atmosphere with N2O could mini-mize the occurrence of brown area, which representedmore than 90% in control after 4 days. In our work,colour was evaluated both by the tristimulus reXec-tance method and by sensory analysis but such notice-able changes were not detected.

The inXuence of the application of mild heat treat-ments in kiwifruit Wrmness is shown in Fig. 2.

It is apparent that all samples evidenced a gradualsoftening along the 12-day storage period. Neverthe-less, in control samples, the Wrmness decrease wasmore pronounced than in treated samples. Immedi-ately after minimal processing, samples treated at45 °C during 75 min showed a lower Wrmness (t15%)than the other two, but this value was almost constantuntil the end of the storage period. At the second dayof storage no signiWcant diVerences were foundbetween the three samples. After 5 days, control sam-ples continued evidencing a faster softening patternwhile samples subjected to treatment at 45 °C/25 minpreserve the Wrmness of the second day of storage.After 12 days of storage, control samples showed areduction of Wrmness of about 49% while samplestreated at 45 °C/25 min exhibit a softening of 22%, incomparison with the raw material.

Firmness is the most limiting parameter in qualitymaintenance of kiwifruit slices. Agar et al. [8] conclude

Table 3 Colour of minimally processed kiwifruits’ white core during storage

For each colour parameter values followed by the same lowercase letter are not signiWcantly diVerent at P < 0.01, Fisher LSD test

Storage time (day)

45 °C/25 min 45 °C/75 min Control

L c h L c h L c h

0 65.10a 20.65b 109.24a 65.21a 19.88bc 108.09a 67.93a 23.27a 108.38a

2 60.96b 19.82bc 105.58bc 58.14bcde 18.67bcd 105.04bc 58.62bcde 19.28bcd 106.25b

5 60.32bc 17.98cde 103.32de 59.01bcde 19.26bcd 102.73ef 59.87bcd 19.66bcd 105.06bc

7 57.20cde 18.52bcde 102.81ef 56.68de 17.55de 102.29ef 60.06bc 18.43bcde 104.47cd

9 59.66bcde 18.16cde 101.78f 58.62bcde 18.20cde 101.72f 56.52e 16.48e 102.91ef

Fig. 2 EVect of heat treatment and storage time on Wrmness ofminimally processed kiwifruit during storage. Above each bar,diVerent uppercase indicate signiWcant diVerences at each time fordiVerent samples, while diVerent lowercase indicate signiWcantdiVerences of each sample at diVerent times (Fisher LSD). Barwith vertical lines 45 °C/25 min; bar with slanting lines 45 °C/75 min; Wlled bar Control


646 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:641–651

that the hurdle eVects of storage temperature, ethylenescrubbing, calcium treatments and modiWed atmo-sphere, could minimize kiwifruit softening. However,even the most eVective treatments used lead to adecline in Wrmness values between 25 and 50% of ini-tial raw material. Rocculi et al. [9] also describe posi-tive eVects on Wrmness preservation of kiwifruit slicesby packaging atmospheres with argon or nitrous oxide.Slices underwent a Wrmness decrease about 10% after8 days of storage and a 36% decrease after 12 days. Aspre-treatment, the application of 1-MCP to whole kiwi-fruit results in a Wrmness decrease of just 12.5% in fruithalves, after 10 days of storage [35].

The Wrming eVect of moderate heat pre-treatmentsin kiwifruit slices had already been observed in previ-ous work [12], and it was supposed that the preserva-tion of Wrmness was due to the activation of pectinmethylesterase (PME) (EC and subsequentformation of calcium pectates. In our results, the analy-sis of pectic polymers (Fig. 3) and free and linked cal-cium (Fig. 4) support this hypothesis. In controlsamples, the period of faster softening was accompa-nied by a marked increase in soluble pectin content.From the Wfth day and until the end of storage, thelevel of those polysaccharides remained constant buttissue softening proceeds. In heat-treated samples, thelevels of soluble pectin remain constant during thesame period. Samples heated during 75 min showed atthe beginning a higher level of soluble pectin, explain-ing the lower Wrmness, but this value was maintaineduntil the end of storage. The prolonged heat treatmentpromotes the release of strongly linked polysaccha-rides; therefore, this sample also exhibits higher con-tent of total pectin, at the beginning of storage (Fig. 4).

In samples treated during 25 min, soluble pectin justbegan to increase after 5 days storage. Despite thediVerences observed in Wrmness, at the end of storage,all samples showed similar levels of soluble pectin.

Varoquaux et al. [6] already suggested that the tex-ture breakdown of kiwi slices is probably due toenzyme catalysed hydrolysis of cell wall components.

One day after heat treatments, both treated samplesshowed similar levels of free calcium, about 7–9%lower than control samples, suggesting that in heattreatments of samples calcium pectates formationoccurred.

At the end of 9 days packaging all samples showedsimilar levels of free calcium. During the storageperiod the progressive PME activity induced by slicingallows, in control samples, the formation of calciumpectates as well. Nevertheless, this slower process wassuperseded by a faster and stronger softening of sam-ples as observed.

Despite the fact that PME activity was not measuredduring and after the heat treatments, the results seemto prove that those heat treatments promote PMEactivation allowing cross linking between endogenous

Fig. 3 EVect of heat treatment and storage time on (a) solublegalacturonic acid and (b) total galacturonic acid of minimally pro-cessed kiwifruit during storage. Open diamond 45 °C/25 min;open square 45 °C/75 min; Wlled triangle control

Fig. 4 Free calcium (% of the total calcium in samples) of mini-mally processed kiwifruit. Bars with the same lower case are notsigniWcant diVerent at 95%. Bar with vertical lines 45 °C/25 min;Bar with slanting lines 45 °C/75 min; Wlled bar control


Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:641–651 647

calcium and demethylated galacturonic acid chainsfrom pectin polymers in the cell wall and middlelamella.

Zhang and Chen [38] showed that soaking treat-ments inXuence the texture of green eggplants andoptimum results were obtained at 52.6 °C for 18.9 minin NaCl solution at 0.224 mol/dm3. In eggplants, a pro-gressive activation of PME was clear between 30 °Cand 65 °C, but the enzyme was stable at 50 °C for20 min. When incubated at 60 °C, the residual activitydecreased signiWcantly during the Wrst 10 min of incu-bation, but the residual activity decreased slightly asincubation time progressed, perhaps due to diVerentisoforms of PME present, with diVerent thermal resis-tances.

Vicente et al. [39] refer that air heat treatments at45 °C for 3 h delay strawberries’ softening by enhanc-ing PME activity, diminishing endo-1,4-�-D-glucanase,�-xylosidase, �-galactosidase and polygalacturonaseactivities, delaying hemicellulose degradation and pec-tin solubilization.

Luna-Guzmán et al. [17] describe as well, for canta-loupe melon, the Wrming eVect of heat treatments at 20,40 and 60 °C in association with dips in 2.5% calciumchloride solutions and, therefore it may be possiblethat the observed eVect in kiwi slices quality mainte-nance could be enhanced by the application of calcium.

Fructose and glucose were the main sugars in analy-sed kiwifruit (Fig. 5). Fructose (t53%) was present inslightly larger amounts than glucose (t38%). Sucroseis also present but at lower levels (t9%). Otherauthors [8, 10, 40] refer a similar relation betweenthese diVerent sugars found in kiwifruit. Both heat-treated samples showed higher (P < 0.05) levels ofsucrose than control samples that retain the initial con-tent of sucrose during all storage period, indicating thatthis enhancement was due to heat treatment ratherthan to minimal processing.

Despite the results demonstration of a clear connec-tion between heat treatment and sucrose contentincrease, the mechanisms involved are somewhatunknown. The hydrolysis of larger polysaccharides bythe heat treatments is a possibility which should be con-sidered. On the other hand, the activation of enzymesresponsible for sucrose synthesis, like sucrose phos-phate synthase (SPS) and sucrose synthase, as responseto stress imposed by heat treatment is also possible. Theactivity of these enzymes barely changes before andduring the period of rapid sugar increase but it is knownthat a competition between sucrose synthesis and deg-radation exists during postharvest ripening [41. Lange-nkämper et al. [42] report that SPS mRNA increases inkiwifruit in response to ethylene. It is possible that heat

treatment led to a higher production of ethylene, con-tributing as well to sucrose synthesis.

In the Wrst 2 days both samples exhibit a decline insucrose concentration, to levels similar to control. Asfructose and glucose concentration remained identicalin the same period, the assumption of disaccharidehydrolysis is improbable. As already observed, heattreatments lead to a rise in respiration rate, conWrmedby the greater accumulation of CO2 inside packages.The decline in sucrose level may suggest that this sugarwas consumed as respiration substrate.

In control samples glucose and fructose contentincreased (P < 0.05) from day 7, revealing the occur-rence of hydrolysis, but sucrose content remained atthe same, probably due to continued ripening.

The acids analysed in samples were quinic, citric,malic and ascorbic (Fig. 6). Quinic acid is the one pres-ent in major amount (t53%) followed by citric acid(t42%). L-malic acid is present in about 2% of thetotal acid amount and L-ascorbic acid, the most active

Fig. 5 EVect of heat treatment and storage time on sugars con-tent of minimally processed kiwifruit during storage. Open dia-mond 45 °C/25 min; Open square 45 °C/75 min; Wlled trianglecontrol. Each data point represents mean § SE. Bars not re-vealed are hidden with symbols


648 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:641–651

form of vitamin C [43], represents about 3% of totalacids.

Some authors have referred diVerent levels of theseacids in kiwifruit [8, 10, 44]. The nutrient content offruits is subject to variation within a species but thereare also diVerences due to environmental and culturalpractices [45, 46]. Storage temperature of whole fruitcan change the balance of quinic, citric and L-malicacids in the fruit [44].

Heat-treated samples showed higher levels of allanalysed organic acids, at the beginning of the storageperiod.

As consequence of minimal processing, L-malic acidcontent decreases during the Wrst two storage days,which may be due to the more pronounced respiratoryactivity for heat-treated fruits. Afterwards, the threesamples showed a progressive decrease but with no sig-niWcant (P > 0.05) diVerences between each other.

Citric acid contents were higher (P < 0.05) than con-trol in samples treated, respectively, during 25 min and75 min, for 2 and 5 days. Thereafter, all samples main-tained equal and unchanged values until the end ofstorage. A similar pattern was found for quinic acid. Asquinic acid is the one responsible for the “Hayward”Xavour [44], the maintenance/increment of its contentmay be desirable for the maintenance of Xavour proWleduring storage.

For both of these acids, control samples evidencedno signiWcant diVerences (P > 0.05) during storage. Atthe end of the storage period, acids levels are similarfor all samples.

The stress imposed by minimal processing led toascorbic acid synthesis, which is conWrmed by the sig-niWcant (P < 0.05) increase in its content in samples at

the second day of storage. The antioxidant role playedby L-ascorbic acid is what makes this small molecule acrucial component of the plant response to diVerentstress agents [47]. The marked increased observed insamples treated at 45 °C/75 min was due to the higherstress caused by a longer heat treatment. All recentpublications seem to indicate that multiple L-ascorbicacid biosynthetic pathways are functioning in plants.However, deWnitive proof of their occurrence must beobtained either by using quantitative radiolabellingstudies or by reverse genetics [48]. Nevertheless, sam-ple heat-treated for 75 min showed higher solublepectin content, as can be seen in Fig. 3. It is known thatD-galacturonic acid is metabolized to L-ascorbic acid-6-14C by an inversion pathway in detached ripeningstrawberry fruit. In this pathway, pectin-derived D-galacturonic acid is reduced to L-galactonic acid, whichin turn is spontaneously converted to L-galactono-1,4lactone. This compound is the substrate of the L-galac-tono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase enzyme, producing L-ascorbic acid [48].

However, the beneWt of the treatment from nutri-tional point of view was lost, since from the second daythe vitamin content drops to level similar to other sam-ples. Despite the higher levels of CO2 inside packages,from that moment and until the end of storage, ascor-bic acid content was maintained in all samples. The sta-bility of ascorbic acid in kiwifruit slices can be partiallyjustiWed by the pH of the fruit [45].

Our results are in agreement with others for citrussegments [49], cactus pear [50] and Golden deliciousapples [51] in which ascorbic acid content was margin-ally aVected by minimal processing, but not with thoseof [8] that report a total ascorbic acid progressive loss

Fig. 6 EVect of heat treat-ment and storage time on ac-ids content of minimally processed kiwifruit during storage. Open diamond 45 °C/25 min; open square 45 °C/75 min, Wlled triangle control. Each data point represents mean § SE. Bars not revealed are hidden with symbols


Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:641–651 649

for kiwifruit slices during 12 days of storage, eitherpacked in air or under various modiWed atmospherepackaging. Ferguson and Macrae [52] reported that thecontent in total ascorbic acid in Actinidea fruits, includ-ing Actinidea deliciosa, showed little or no decline dur-ing postharvest ripening.

The eVect of heat treatments in ascorbic content isalso ambiguous. The application of an air heat treat-ment of 50 °C for 2 h slowed the decrease in ascorbicacid content of broccoli Xorets [53], but the applica-tions of air heat treatments at 34 and 38°C led to higherlosses in ascorbic acid than for non-treated tomatofruits [54].

Principal components analysis allowed a betterunderstanding of interactions between objective andsensorial measurements. The two Wrst principal compo-nents (PC’s) explained 73.32% of total variance. Ascan be seen in Fig. 7, there is a strong correlationbetween sensorial parameters of Wrmness, typicalaroma and taste and objective measurements like Wrm-ness, sucrose and L-malic contents, all positively asso-ciated with the PC1. It can be stated that theseobjective measurements are related to freshness attri-butes.

After the observed correlations a new analysis wasperformed using only the objective parameters data.The two Wrst PC explained 84.02% of the total varianceof the data. Nevertheless, Wrmness, a critical qualityparameter in minimally processed kiwifruit, has a high

correlation with PC3 (9.37%), and therefore can beuseful in samples’ diVerentiation. Figures 8 and 9 showthe projection of analysed variables and samples in thespace of PC1, PC2 and PC3.

From Fig. 8, it can be observed that samples fromday seven onwards are correlated with higher concen-tration of simple sugars, denoting some polysaccharidehydrolysis. On the other hand, heat-treated samples,until the Wfth day of storage, are correlated with highercontent of quinic and citric acid maintaining the Xavourof fresh fruit. The projection of PC also permits the

Fig. 7 Principal components comparison of variables: aroma—typical (TA) and untypical (UnTA), typical taste (Ttast), Wrm-ness—sensorial (F_sen) and instrumental (F_inst), and chemicalcomposition—glucose (Glu), fructose (Fru), sucrose (Suc), citricacid (Cit), L-malic acid (L-mal) and quinic acid (Quin)

Fig. 8 Principal components comparison (PC1 vs. PC2) of Wrm-ness instrumental (F_inst) and chemical composition—glucose(Glu), fructose (Fru), sucrose (Suc), citric acid (Cit), L-malic acid(L-mal) and quinic acid (Quin). Samples: heat-treated 25 and75 min (25�, 75�, respectively), control (C); 0, 2, 5, 9 days of stor-age—D0, D2, D5, D9, respectively

Fig. 9 Principal components comparison (PC1 vs. PC3) of Wrm-ness instrumental (F_inst) and chemical composition—glucose(Glu), fructose (Fru), sucrose (Suc), citric acid (Cit), L-malic acid(L-mal) and quinic acid (Quin). Samples: heat-treated 25 and75 min (25�, 75�, respectively), control (C); 0, 2, 5, 9 days of stor-age—D0, D2, D5, D9, respectively


650 Eur Food Res Technol (2008) 226:641–651

conWrmation that both heat treatments applied led to abetter maintenance of Wrmness. In Fig. 9, the correla-tion of the heat-treated samples during almost all stor-age periods with Wrmness is apparent.


Since softening is the crucial problem in sliced kiwifruitquality, the application of moderate heat pre-treat-ments to whole kiwis allowed Wrmness preservation ofthe minimally processed fruit. Despite the fact thatboth heat treatments maintained the saleable quality ofminimally processed kiwifruit for 9 days at 4 °C, treat-ment at 45 °C for 25 min maintained a better quality ofthe commodity. The mechanism involved in the pro-cess was the formation of calcium pectates from deme-thylated galacturonic acid chains and endogenouscalcium, enhanced by heat treatment. SigniWcant ascor-bic acid loss was not observed in sliced fruit. On theother side, it is noteworthy that an increment in thisvitamin content was observed after heat treatment; it isnevertheless necessary to use supplementary tech-niques in order to preserve the concentration of biolog-ically active compounds that tends to diminish.

Heat treatments at 45 °C seem to be a “clean tech-nology” useful in quality preservation of minimallyprocessed kiwifruit.

Acknowledgments The Wrst author acknowledges Wnancial sup-port from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugalthrough programme POCTI.


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