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Installing - Jive Software

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| Contents | 2


Installing....................................................................................................... 3Changing the Root Context.................................................................................................................3

Installing the Linux Package............................................................................................................... 4

Troubleshooting Linux Installations.......................................................................................... 7

Installing the Solaris Package...........................................................................................................10

Troubleshooting Solaris Installations......................................................................................13

Deploying to a Virtual Environment.................................................................................................. 14

Post-Installation Tasks...................................................................................................................... 15

Installation Known Issues..................................................................................................................16

Installing On a Cluster...................................................................................................................... 16

Setting Up a Cache Server.................................................................................................... 18

Configuring a Cluster Node....................................................................................................20

| Installing | 3


This guide includes information on installing the application.

Use these instructions as a guide, keeping in mind that they're a template and your requirements will be

specific to your community.

Some Jive modules (and plugins) you've purchased have their own system and installation requirements.

See the separate documentation for each.

With Jive versions 3 and up, the distribution you receive includes key required pieces (such as an

application server, Java VM, and an evaluation database). Your operating system should have a package

manager (such as the RPM manager on Linux or pkgadd on Solaris) already installed. When installing,

you'll invoke that manager to install the package that contains the application.

Important: The pre-packaged PostgreSQL DBMS is for evaluation purposes and should not be

used for production instances.

Changing the Root Context

By default, Jive installs and configures for the root context, for example http://yourcommunity.com.

While we recommend you maintain this default installation behavior, non-root contexts such as http://

yourcommunity.com/community are also supported. To use a non-root context, you need to set an

environmental variable that changes default installation behavior.

The RPM has several flags you can set before installation to dictate default behavior. By default, on fresh

installs the RPM runs:

appadd --verbose sbs

This command gives you the basic application setup, Apache files responding on port 80 of the root

context and pointing to your Tomcat installation on the default ports. It also copies /usr/local/jive/

application/template to /usr/local/jive/application/sbs. However, you can set the

following environmental variable to change this behavior before installing:


Or, if you forgot to set the environmental variable and want to change the default settings you can issue:

apprm sbs

appadd --context-path=community community

apprm removes the existing installation (not the database, just the app). appadd creates the new

application instance. In this case, the context path would be the text to appear after the root URL (http://

yourcommunity.com/community) and the argument community would be the name of the directory

created in /usr/local/jive/applications/.

| Installing | 4

Note that appadd has several flags that control the configuration files. For example:

appadd --auto-port --context-path=sbs1 sbs1

appadd --auto-port --context-path=sbs2 sbs2

autoport is aware of existing installations and will stagger the ports to allow multiple instances on a

single server. This is useful for testing Jive, but note that single server deployments are not recommended

for production.

For more about appadd see the appadd command reference.

Installing the Linux Package

What You'll Need

To install Jive using the RPM, you'll need the following:

• A server that meets the minimum specified hardware requirements described in System Requirements.

• The host computer must have a Linux operating system installed. See the System Requirements for

supported versions.

• A copy of the application RPM. You'll also need SSH access to the host computer so you can copy the

RPM there for installation.

• Root access to the host where the installation is performed, commonly via SSH, or less commonly

through user interface access such as VNC.

• A bash shell to run the install commands.

Note: To use the Office integration feature that generates previews of Microsoft Office documents

and PDFs, you must install the feature on a separate machine. For more information, see Setting

Up a Document Conversion Server.

Installation Steps

The following installation steps represent the most common approach to installing the Jive platform.

Note: Warning: You should not create a jive user or a jive group (locally or in a remote

authentication system) before installing. This can create serious problems when administering or

configuring your instance later. The jive/user and jive/group are both required for installation and

normal operation and cannot be changed.

1. Ensure that the application database has been created as described in Database Prerequisites.

2. From the command line, access the target host as root. For example, the following illustrates using the

ssh command to access the server at targethost as the root user.

joe@joesbox ~ $ ssh root@targethostroot@targethost's password:Last login: Tue Jan 20 14:00:56 2009 from joesbox.example.com

| Installing | 5

3. If you haven't yet done so, copy the application RPM to the target host. Here's an example using the

Linux scp command to copy from a computer named "joesbox" to a target host at "targethost":

scp -v joe@joesbox:/Users/joe/jive_sbs-3.0.0-78305.x86_64.rpm root@targethost:/root

4. Set open file limits for the Linux system on which you're installing Jive. To set how many file handles the

jive user can have open at a time, add the following lines to the appropriate configuration file.

File Lines to add

/etc/security/limits.conf jive soft nofile 8192

jive hard nofile 65535

/etc/pam.d/login session required /lib64/security/pam_limits.so

5. Set options for the installation. If you want, you can set installer options (listed in the following table).

Typically you won't need these, but they can be useful in some cases.

To set these, use the Linux export command to set them as environment variables. All package-level

variables are enabled by setting their value to a non-empty string. For example, the following example

turns on debugging information:

export JIVE_DEBUG=1

You can clear the variable with a command such as:


Option Description Default

JIVE_DEBUG Exposes installation debugging

information, listing actions the installer

is performing. This is in addition to the

information displayed by the RPM -v

(verbose) flag.

Debugging information isn't displayed.

JIVE_APPLICATION_NOSERVICEPrevents the package from starting Jive

services immediately after installation.

By default, the application starts

immediately after installation; you'll be

able to navigate to its setup tool using a

web browser.

6. Install the application RPM using an rpm command such as the following. Here, the "i", “h”, and “v”

options are provided to indicate install with hash indicators, and to be verbose during the installation.

(Note that your copy of the RPM file -- here, jive_sbs-3.0.0-78305.x86_64.rpm -- might have a slightly

different name.)

rpm -ihv jive_sbs-3.0.0-78305.x86_64.rpm

Note: You can find out more about rpm command syntax at the Fedora web site.

| Installing | 6

The following shows console output for a successful installation using the preceding command. In this

case, the RPM file was in the /root directory of the target host.

[root@targethost ~]# ls -ltotal 191536drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 18 15:08 Desktop-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 195742683 Mar 9 09:14 jive_sbs-3.0.0.RHEL-5.x86_64.rpm-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 177294 Jan 2 2008 sysstat-7.0.2-1.el5.x86_64.rpm-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1707 Jan 16 10:42 updateDNS.shPreparing... ########################################### [100%]Preparing clean installation.Pre-install tasks complete. 1:jive_sbs ########################################### [100%]Writing installation version.Wrote installation version.Executing Jive post-install configuration.Creating jive group jive.Creating jive system user jive.Marking all upgrades as complete.Starting Jive System Daemon.Performing Jive system configurations.

Initializing database for first use.Starting Jive System Database.Starting jive-database: server starting

Configuring scheduled database maintenance.Configuring log rotation maintenance.Staging Jive Application.Validating configuration.Staging application from template: /usr/local/jive/applications/templateLinking application to master binary at '/usr/local/jive/applications/template/application'.Creating application configuration at: /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/bin/instanceApplication context set to '/'.Creating proxy configuration for default HTTPD virtual host.Staging cryptography.Creating private key to /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/crypto/sbs.pemCreating public key to /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/crypto/sbs.pubSuccessfully created application at '/usr/local/jive/applications/sbs'.Starting Jive applications.Handling applications ['sbs']Starting sbs...Executing /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/bin/manage startsbs started successfully.All applications started successfully (1 total).Starting jive-httpd:

Jive post-install configuration complete.

When it's finished, the RPM indicates that the post-install configuration has completed and the Jive

application has been started successfully.

| Installing | 7

7. If you'll be using a database whose driver is not included, copy its driver into the application's class

path. For more information, see Database Prerequisites.

8. You're finished installing. With a supported web browser, navigate to http://<hostname>/, where

hostname is the DNS-resolvable name of the server where the RPM was installed. There, you can

finish configuring the application with the setup console.

9. See Post-Installation Tasks for your next steps.

Troubleshooting Linux Installations

The Jive installation uses Linux RPM, a widely tested and used application that is very unlikely to fail.

However, there are a few dependencies that Jive requires (that you are likely to have already). If you run

into trouble during an installation, you can delete and start over as described here.

Note: You'll find the installation log files on the target computer at /usr/local/jive/var/logs.

Unsatisfied Dependencies

The application RPM depends on the presence of several low-level system packages that are common

to nearly all configurations of Jive’s supported Linux distributions. Also, the application RPM depends

on three high-level packages. If any of these packages (system or high-level) are not present, the RPM

subsystem will warn you, then refuse to install. When you see these warnings, simply install the missing

packages using RPM, then install Jive as described in the instructions.

Unsatisfied dependencies appear as an error when attempting to install the RPM:

[root@targethost ~]# ls -ltotal 202068-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 206701420 Jan 20 16:03 jive_sbs-3.0.0-78310.i386.rpm-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1347 Oct 7 16:14 updateDNS.sh[root@targethost ~]# rpm -ivh jive_sbs-3.0.0-78310.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: bash >= 3.2 is needed by jive_sbs-3.0.0-78310.i386 sysstat >= 7 is needed by jive_sbs-3.0.0-78310.i386

Depending on the host configuration, it may be possible to install the dependencies directly using system

tools. For example, in RedHat Enterprise Linux, the “yum” command can install dependencies via network

repositories. The following demonstrates how to install the dependencies shown in the error above. Note

that it is necessary to type “y” for yes when prompted:

[root@targethost ~]# yum install bash-3.2 sysstatLoading "installonlyn" pluginSetting up Install ProcessSetting up repositoriesextras 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00 updates 951 B 00:00 base 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00 addons 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00 Reading repository metadata in from local filesprimary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 90 kB 00:00 ################################################## 295/295

| Installing | 8

primary.xml.gz 369 kB 00:03 ################################################## 796/796primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 853 kB 00:01 ################################################## 2458/2458Parsing package install argumentsResolving Dependencies--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.---> Downloading header for sysstat to pack into transaction set.sysstat-7.0.2-1.el5.i386. 100% |=========================| 15 kB 00:00 ---> Package sysstat.i386 0:7.0.2-1.el5 set to be updated---> Downloading header for bash to pack into transaction set.bash-3.2-21.el5.i386.rpm 100% |=========================| 55 kB 00:00---> Package bash.i386 0:3.2-21.el5 set to be updated--> Running transaction checkDependencies Resolved

============================================================================= Package Arch Version Repository Size =============================================================================Installing: sysstat i386 7.0.2-1.el5 base 168 kUpdating: bash i386 3.2-21.el5 base 1.9 MTransaction Summary=============================================================================Install 1 Package(s) Update 1 Package(s) Remove 0 Package(s)Total download size: 2.0 MIs this ok [y/N]: yDownloading Packages:(1/2): sysstat-7.0.2-1.el 100% |=========================| 168 kB 00:00 (2/2): bash-3.2-21.el5.i3 100% |=========================| 1.9 MB 00:02 Running Transaction TestFinished Transaction TestTransaction Test SucceededRunning Transaction Updating : bash ######################### [1/3] Installing: sysstat ######################### [2/3] Cleanup : bash ######################### [3/3]Installed: sysstat.i386 0:7.0.2-1.el5Updated: bash.i386 0:3.2-21.el5Complete!

After dependencies have been resolved, the package should install normally.

Insufficient System Memory

The Jive platform requires a minimum of 3GB RAM to operate effectively for an enterprise environment.

If sufficient memory is not available on the target installation system, the installer will provide a warning at

installation time similar to the example below.

[root@targethost ~]# rpm -ivh jive_sbs-3.0.0-78310.i386.rpmPreparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:jive_sbs ########################################### [100%]Writing installation version.Wrote installation version.Executing Jive post-install configuration.

| Installing | 9

Creating jive group jive.Creating jive system user jive.useradd: warning: the home directory already exists.Not copying any file from skel directory into it.Marking all upgrades as complete.WARNING: this host does not have sufficient RAM to run a production Jive system. A minimum of 3GB is required to host the application and HTTPD servers. 4GB is required to run a locally hosted database.Starting Jive System Daemon.Performing Jive system configurations.Disabling CPU frequency stepping.

Initializing database for first use.Starting Jive System Database.Starting jive-database: server starting

Configuring scheduled database maintenance.Configuring scheduled database backups.Configuring log rotation maintenance.Staging Jive Application.Validating configuration.Staging application from template: /usr/local/jive/applications/templateLinking application to master binary at '/usr/local/jive/applications/template/application'.Creating application configuration at: /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/bin/instanceApplication context set to '/'.Creating proxy configuration for default HTTPD virtual host.Staging cryptography.Creating private key to /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/crypto/sbs.pemCreating public key to /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/crypto/sbs.pubSuccessfully created application at '/usr/local/jive/applications/sbs'.Starting Jive applications.Handling applications ['sbs']Starting sbs...Executing /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/bin/manage startFailed to start application sbs. See log file at '/usr/local/jive/var/logs/sbs.out'.Failed to start Jive applications. Please check the error logs at '/usr/local/jive/var/logs/sbs.log'.Disabling existing Apache HTTPD server.Starting jive-httpd:[ OK ]Jive post-install configuration complete.

In the above example, note the message “WARNING: this host does not have sufficient RAM to run a

production system. A minimum of 3GB is required to host the application and HTTPD servers. 4GB is

required to run a locally hosted database.”

Despite this warning, the RPM does install correctly; however, further errors are noted on the output line:

"Failed to start application sbs. See log file at '/usr/local/jive/var/logs/sbs.out'." The contents of this log file


[root@targethost ~]# cat /usr/local/jive/var/logs/sbs.outSCRIPT_DIR=/usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/bin

| Installing | 10


Creating temp directory at /usr/local/jive/var/work/sbs.Starting application sbsError occurred during initialization of VMCould not reserve enough space for object heap

Starting Over

In the unlikely event that something goes wrong during installation and you want to start over, you can

uninstall. When uninstalling, you don't specify the RPM filename, as you did when installing. Instead, you

give the logical name by which the RPM now knows the application: jive_sbs. Here's an example using the

rpm command with the "-e" switch for uninstalling:

rpm -e jive_sbs

If you want to be sure you've removed all remnants of the installation, delete the destination directory

created by the RPM with:

rm -rf /usr/local/jive

Installing the Solaris Package

What You'll Need

To install Jive using Solaris, you'll need the following:

• A server that meets the minimum specified hardware requirements. See the System Requirements for

more information.

• The host computer must have a Solaris operating system installed. See the System Requirements for

supported versions.

• A copy of the application package. You'll also need SSH access to the host computer so you can copy

the package there for installation.

• Root access to the host where the installation is performed, commonly using SSH, or less commonly

through user interface access such as VNC.

Note: To use the Office integration feature that generates previews of Microsoft Office documents

and PDFs, you must install the feature on a separate machine. For more information, see Setting

Up a Document Conversion Machine.

Note: You'll need to ensure that the following dependencies are installed on Solaris before

installing the platform:

• coreutils-7.4

• findutils-4.4.1

• gmp-4.2.1

• libgcc-3.4.6

| Installing | 11

• libiconv-1.11

• libintl-3.4.0

• logrotate-3.7.6

• md5-6142000

• openssl-0.9.8l

• popt-1.14

• readline-5.2

Installation Steps

The following installation steps represent the most common approach to installing Jive.

Note: Warning: You should not create a jive user or a jive group (locally or in a remote

authentication system) before installing. This can create serious problems when administering or

configuring your instance later. The jive/user and jive/group are both required for installation and

normal operation and cannot be changed.

1. Ensure that the application database has been created as described in Database Prerequisites.

2. From the command line, access the target host as root.

3. If you haven't yet done so, copy the application package to the target host.

4. Unzip the package file with the gunzip command.

bash-3.00# /usr/bin/gunzip JiveSBS-3.0.5-SunOS-5.10-sparcv9.gz

5. Set options for installation. If you want, you can set installer options (listed in the table below). Typically

you won't need these, but they can be useful in some cases.

To set these, use the export command to set them as environment variables. All package-level

variables are enabled by setting their value to a non-empty string. For example, the following example

turns on debugging information:

export JIVE_DEBUG=1

You can clear the variable with a command such as:


Option Description Default

JIVE_DEBUG Exposes installation debugging

information, listing actions the installer

is performing.

Debugging information is not displayed.

JIVE_APPLICATION_NOSERVICEPrevents the package from starting Jive

services immediately after installation.

By default, the application starts

immediately after installation; you'll be

able to navigate to its setup tool using a

web browser.

| Installing | 12

6. As root, execute the pkgadd -d command with the decompressed package file from the previous step

as an argument. (Note that your copy of the package file -- here, JiveSBS-3.0.5-SunOS-5.10-sparcv9 --

might have a slightly different name.)

When executing the command, the system will prompt for the package to process, enter all or press

return to select the default of all.

The pkgadd command will then prompt that the /usr/local/jive/httpd/bin/suexec file will be installed with

setuid and/or setgid permissions. Enter y to accept.

Finally, pkgadd will ask if it should continue with installation of the JiveSBS package. Enter y to accept.

Console output should appear similar to the following:

bash-3.00# pkgadd -d JiveSBS-3.0.5-SunOS-5.10-sparcv9

The following packages are available: 1 JiveSBS JiveSBS for SunOS 5.10 sparcv9 (sun4u) 3.0.0

Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to processall packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]:

Processing package instance <JiveSBS> from </root/JiveSBS-3.0.5-SunOS-5.10-sparcv9>

JiveSBS for SunOS 5.10 sparcv9(sun4u) 3.0.0Jive Software, Inc.## Executing checkinstall script.## Processing package information.## Processing system information. 1 package pathname is already properly installed.## Verifying package dependencies.## Verifying disk space requirements.## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.

The following files are being installed with setuid and/or setgidpermissions: /usr/local/jive/httpd/bin/suexec <setuid root>

Do you want to install these as setuid/setgid files [y,n,?,q] y

This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-userpermission during the process of installing this package.

Do you want to continue with the installation of <JiveSBS> [y,n,?] yInstalling JiveSBS for SunOS 5.10 sparcv9 as <JiveSBS>

## Executing preinstall script.Preparing clean installation.## Installing part 1 of 1./etc/jive/jiverc/usr/local/jive/.bash_profile/usr/local/jive/applications/template/README/usr/local/jive/applications/template/application/404.jsp/usr/local/jive/applications/template/application/500.jsp/usr/local/jive/applications/template/application/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF... (omitted for brevity)## Executing postinstall script.Executing Jive post-install configuration.

| Installing | 13

Marking all upgrades as complete.Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005Initializing database for first use.Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005Starting Jive System Database.Staging Jive Application.Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005Validating configuration.Staging application from template: /usr/local/jive/applications/templateLinking application to master binary at '/usr/local/jive/applications/template/application'.System memory requirements invalid. Application will likely run out of memory during normal usage.Creating application configuration at: /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/bin/instanceApplication context set to '/'.Creating proxy configuration for default HTTPD virtual host.Staging cryptography.Creating private key to /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/crypto/sbs.pemCreating public key to /usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/home/crypto/sbs.pubSuccessfully created application at '/usr/local/jive/applications/sbs'.Starting Jive applications.Jive post-install configuration complete.

Installation of <JiveSBS> was successful.

When it's finished, the output indicates that the post-install configuration has completed and that the

Jive application has been started successfully.

7. If you plan to use a database whose driver is not included, copy the driver into the application's class

path. For more information, see Database Prerequisites.

8. With a supported web browser, navigate to http://hostname/, where hostname is the DNS-resolvable

name of the server where the package was installed. There, you can finish configuring the application

using the setup console.

9. See Post-Installation Tasks for your next steps.

Troubleshooting Solaris Installations

Note: You'll find the installation log files on the target computer at /usr/local/jive/var/logs.

Insufficient System Memory

The Jive platform requires a minimum of 3GB RAM to operate effectively for an enterprise environment.

If sufficient memory is not available on the target installation system, the installer will provide a warning at

installation time similar to this example:

System memory requirements invalid. Application will likely run out of memory during normal usage.

| Installing | 14

Despite this warning, the package does install correctly. However, be sure to see the log file at /usr/local/

jive/var/logs/sbs.out. The contents of this log file might indicate:

bash-3.00# cat /usr/local/jive/var/logs/sbs.outSCRIPT_DIR=/usr/local/jive/applications/sbs/binJIVE_BASE=/usr/local/jive/applications/sbs

Creating temp directory at /usr/local/jive/var/work/sbs.Starting application sbsError occurred during initialization of VMCould not reserve enough space for object heap

Starting Over

In the unlikely event that something goes wrong during installation and you want to start over, you can

uninstall. When uninstalling, you won't specify the package filename, as you did when installing. Instead,

you give the logical name by which the package manager now knows the application: JiveSBS. Here's an

example using the pkgrm command:

pkgrm JiveSBS

If you want to be sure you've removed all remnants of the installation, delete the destination directory

created by the package manager with:

rm -rf /usr/local/jive

Deploying to a Virtual Environment

You can deploy Jive to a virtual platform by setting up the environment as shown in the following Best

Practices and Recommended Configuration sections. After your environment is set up as desired, you can

perform the Linux Installation.

Best Practices

Following a few best practices improves the performance of Jive when it is installed in a virtualized

environment. Here are a few suggestions that you can use to optimize the virtualization technology.

• Install SLES or RHEL as a guest operating system in a VMware environment per VMware instructions.

• Enable NTP following VMware's Timekeeping best practices for Linux guests.

• Use the configuration outlined in the following Recommended Configuration section to install Jive.

• Use memory reservation for performance reasons, especially if your virtual environment is set up to


| Installing | 15

Recommended Configuration

Component Recommendations

Guest Operating

System• RHEL


Web/Application x2 • 3GB RAM

• 2 vCPUs

• 6 GB OS Disk (Minimum)

• usr/local/jive should have its own disk. How large it is depends on the scale of

your installation.


Conversion Feature


• 3 GB RAM

• 2 vCPUs

Cache (standalone) • 3 GB RAM

• 2 vCPU

DB • 4 GB RAM and 2 GB CPU (for large instances we recommend a non-virtualized


• 4 GB RAM and 2 GB CPU (for smaller instances you can use a virtualized

database if desired).

Post-Installation Tasks

This section is intended to provide sample configurations and script examples common to long-term

operation of a Jive installation. As opposed to the Run Book (Linux or Solaris), these operations are

common to a new installation, but generally not for day-to-day operation of this platform.

Using Commands to Work with Your Managed Instance

Jive includes several command-line tools you can use to perform maintenance tasks with your managed

instance. With these tools, you can start and stop the application, upgrade the application, collect

information needed by Jive support, and more.

You'll find these documented in the Application Management Command Reference.

Enabling SSL Encryption

The Jive platform is capable of encrypting HTTP requests via SSL or TLS. Enabling encryption of HTTP

traffic requires several steps on a platform-managed host. For more about this, see Enabling SSL


| Installing | 16

Disabling the Local Jive System Database

Many deployments will not wish to use the locally managed SBS platform database, choosing instead

to use an RDBMS that is controlled by an internal IT group. In this case, the local database should be

disabled. For information on disabling the application database, see the Operations Cookbook

Note that disabling the database does not stop the service if it is running. Likewise, re-enabling the

database does not start the database service.

Installation Known Issues

Cache Server Configuration Issue

When you are configuring a cache server with its address, you may need to use its IP address or its

domain name, depending on the Jive version. For more information, see Setting Up a Cache Server.

Installing On a Cluster

Before You Begin

Before you set up the nodes in a cluster you should have already configured a cache server, as described

in Setting Up a Cache Server. The cluster will require the presence of a cache server in order to cache

data that should be available to all nodes in the cluster. If your cache server isn't configured and running,

you won't be able to set up the cluster.

Note: Your license determines whether or not clustering is enabled and how many nodes are

supported. To check on the number of clustered servers your license allows, see the license

information after logging into the admin console.


The nodes in a cluster need to be installed on the same subnet, and preferably on the same switch. You

cannot install nodes in a cluster across a WAN.


• IMPORTANT If you're upgrading and copying the home directory (such as /usr/local/jive/

applications/<instance_name>/home) from the older installation, you must preserve the

node.id file and the crypto directory from the home directory before starting the server. The value

stored in this file must be unique among the cluster nodes; that is, each node in a cluster will have a

unique value in the node.id file. You must preserve the node.id file because it plays a role in storing

encrypted information in the cluster; if that file is lost, you will lose access to the encrypted information.

If you are deploying a new cluster, it is permissible to copy the contents of the home directory from the

first node (where you set up clustering) to subsequent nodes -- with the exception of the node.id file.

| Installing | 17

Do not copy the node.id file to subsequent nodes. If the node.id file does not exist, the application

will generate a new file on startup.

• The cache server must be cleared and restarted before the upgraded application server nodes are

started and try to talk to the cache.

• If you're upgrading a plugin, clear the cache for that plugin and shut down the cache server first.

Starting a New Cluster

Always wait for the first node in the cluster to be up and running with clustering enabled before you start

other cluster nodes. Waiting a minute or more between starting each node ensures the nodes are not

in competition. As the senior member, the first node you start has a unique role in the cluster. See the

clustering overview for more information.


• The clocks on all machines must be synchronized for caching to work correctly. For more information,

take a look at Managing Cache Servers. Also, if you're running in a virtualized environment, you must

have VMware tools installed in order to counteract clock drift.

• If you're running in a virtualized environment, you must have VMware tools installed in order to

counteract clock drift.


• If your deployment will place a firewall between cluster nodes and cache servers, be sure to leave the

following ports open between machines: 6666, 6667 and 6650. Caching won't work correctly unless

these are open.

• Port 6650 should be blocked to external access (but not between the cluster nodes!) so that any

access outside of the datacenter is disallowed. This is to prevent operations alllowed by JMX not to be

executed on the cache server.

Overview of a Cluster Installation

1. Be sure to read the System Requirements for important information about software, hardware, and

network requirements and recommendations.

2. Provision a database server. Be sure to read the Database Prerequisites.

3. If you're going to use a separate server for binary storage, Configure a Binary Storage Provider.

4. If your community will use the document conversion feature, see Setting Up a Document Conversion.

5. Install a cache server on a separate server.

6. Install and configure the application on the first node in your cluster.

7. Install and configure the application on the subsequent nodes in your cluster.

| Installing | 18

Installing on a Cluster

Important: If, as part of your new installation, you're setting up one node as a template, then

copying the home directory (such as /usr/local/jive/applications/<instance_name>/

home) to other nodes in the cluster, you must remove the node.id file and the crypto directory

from the home directory before starting the server. The application will correctly populate them.

1. Use the Jive application package to set up a cache server on a separate machine. See Setting Up a

Cache Server for more information. Note the cache server address for use in setting up application


2. Before proceeding, make sure the cache server you set up is running. It must be running while you set

up application server nodes.

3. On each node in the cluster, install the application instance using the Jive package, but don't run the

admin console's setup tool yet.

See the Linux or Solaris installation instructions for more information on installing the application.

4. Start one node and navigate to its instance with a web browser. In the setup screen provided, enter the

address of the cache server you installed, then complete the admin console setup tool.

5. After you've finished with the setup tool, restart the Jive application server.

6. Start the application server on each of the other nodes. Because it's connecting to the same database

used by the server on the node you've already set up, the server on each subsequent node will detect

that clustering is enabled. Each will also pick up the configuration you set on the first node.

7. After setting up all of the application server nodes and running them once, restart all the servers in the

cluster to ensure that the address of each node in the cluster is known to all the other nodes. The entire

cluster must be bounced after all the nodes are set up.

Setting Up a Cache Server

This topic describes how to install a separate cache server for use by application server nodes in a

cluster. To install the cache server, you use the same Linux or Solaris package that you use to install and

application server. If your installation uses a single application node, the installation will not enable the

cache services; instead, the installation will use the local cache installed with the application server. When

you have a multi-node configuration, use the following steps to set up cache services in the cluster.

Note: If you're upgrading from a version prior to version 4.5.0, keep in mind that the caching

technology was completely revised as of 4.5.0. For information about the differences, see

Clustering and In-Memory Caching: Rationale and Design for Changing Models.

To install a cache server:

1. Install the application as described in the installation documentation (Linux, Solaris ).

2. Because the cache server machine's only function will be operating as a cache server, shut down the

services you won't need on a cache server:

On Linux

/etc/init.d/jive-httpd stop

| Installing | 19

/etc/init.d/jive-httpd deactivate/etc/init.d/jive-application stop/etc/init.d/jive-application deactivate/etc/init.d/jive-database stop/etc/init.d/jive-database deactivate

On Solaris

svcadm disable jive/application:defaultsvcadm disable jive/httpd:defaultsvcadm disable jive/database:default

3. Configure the cache server with its address.

• On Solaris, you must edit /etc/jive/conf/cache.conf and modify the CACHE_ADDRESSES line.

Exporting the variable is not supported.

• On Linux, you can either edit /etc/jive/conf/cache.conf and add the CACHE_ADDRESSES line or

export the variable.

For versions 4.5.4 and lower, you must use an IP address:


For version 4.5.5, you must use the domain name:

export CACHE_ADDRESSES="cacheserver1.domain.com"

For versions 4.5.6 or higher, use either the IP address or the domain name; both will work.

Caution: If you're setting up more than one cache server machine, you must use three or more.

The CACHE_ADDRESSES value should list them in a comma-separated list. Using only two

cache servers is not supported and can cause data loss.

4. Register and start the caching service with a command as shown below:

On Linux

/etc/init.d/jive-cache activate /etc/init.d/jive-cache start

On Solaris

svcadm enable application/jive/cache svcadm restart application/jive/cache

As the cache service starts it will:

• Write the CACHE_ADDRESSES value to the cache configuration file located in /etc/jive/conf/


• Run the cache configuration script located in $JIVE_HOME/sbin/configure-cache.

• Generate cluster.xml.

• Generate server.properties.

• Generate stores.xml.

• Start the cache service.

| Installing | 20

The cache service writes several log files to $JIVE_HOME/var/logs/. These are:

• cache.log -- Output from the cache processes, showing start flags, restarts, and general errors.

• cache-gc.log -- Output from garbage collection of the cache process.

• cache-service.log -- Output from the cache service watchdog daemon, which restarts the cache

service as needed and logs interruptions in service.

5. If you haven't already, set up your application cluster to use the cache server address you specified


Configuring a Cluster Node

You can get information about any node in the cluster and make configuration changes to it from the admin

console. You can also enable or disable clustering from a node in the cluster and set the node's cluster

address (which is unnecessary unless you want to ensure that the node has a particular TCP endpoint--IP

address and port number). By design, a node that is new to a cluster creates its own address and registers

itself in the database as a member of the cluster.

Be sure to read the clustering overview for information about how the clustering system works.

Fastpath: Admin Console: System > Settings > Cluster

Use the following settings on the admin console's Cluster page to get information and configure the cluster:

Setting Description

Enable cluster Click Enabled to enable this node for the cluster.

Cluster members Lists the addresses of other nodes in this cluster. Select the Remove

check box to have this node's address removed from the database.

Local Cluster Address Displays this node's IP address and the port on which this node listens

for others in the cluster. The IP address and port form the unique TCP

endpoint for this node in the cluster.

Cluster Overview Lists the nodes in this cluster, indicating which is the senior member.
