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February 2022



1 LIST OF MODULES ..................................................................................................................... 3

2 MODULE DESCRIPTIONS .......................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Business Ethics .................................................................................................................. 4

2.2 Business Performance Management ................................................................................. 8

2.3 Business to Business & Service Marketing ...................................................................... 10

2.4 Business Communication English .................................................................................... 13

2.5 Dutch Culture and Language ............................................................................................ 16

2.6 European Integration ........................................................................................................ 18

2.7 E-Marketing and E-Commerce ......................................................................................... 22

2.8 Event Management .......................................................................................................... 24

2.9 English for non-native speakers ....................................................................................... 27

2.10 Finance ............................................................................................................................. 29

2.11 International Entrepreneurship ......................................................................................... 31

2.12 International Marketing ..................................................................................................... 33

2.13 International Law .............................................................................................................. 35

2.14 Organisational Behaviour ................................................................................................. 37

2.15 Project Dutch Economy in a global context ...................................................................... 40

2.16 International Distribution (External Logistics) ................................................................... 42

2.17 Material Management (Internal Logistics) ........................................................................ 44



At the International School of Business, you can either design your own program or follow a block

exchange semester in one of our bachelor degree programs.

In this course catalogue, you will find the full module descriptions of the “Design your own” exchange



Code Module name ECTS




EBE BEH1 Business Ethics 7,5 Fall & Spring

EBM BPM1A Business Performance Management 7,5 Fall & Spring

EBS BBM1D Business to business & Service

Marketing 7,5 Fall & Spring

EBU BUX1A Business Communication English 7,5 Fall & Spring

EDC DCL1A Dutch Culture and Language 7,5 Fall & Spring

EEI EIN1A European Integration 7,5 Fall & Spring

EEM EMA1A E-Marketing and E-Commerce 7,5 Fall & Spring

EVE EVE1A Event Management 7,5 Fall & Spring

EEX ENX1C English for non-native speakers 7,5 Fall & Spring

EFI FIE1B Finance 7,5 Fall & Spring

EMI-MIE International Entrepreneurship 7,5 Fall & Spring

EIT ITM1A International Marketing 7,5 Fall & Spring

ELA LAW1A International Law 7,5 Fall & Spring

EOR ORB1A Organisational Behaviour 7,5 Fall & Spring

EPD PDE1C Project Dutch Economy in a global

context 7,5 Fall & Spring

EEL-IND1B International Distribution

(External Logistics) 7,5 Fall

DIL-MAM1B Material Management

(Internal Logistics) 7,5 Spring



2.1 Business Ethics

Name SU and code Business Ethics – EBEBEH1B

1. Study Program Exchange Program

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

3. Professional tasks

Objectives After this course, students:

1. Are aware of the complexity of business ethics 2. Have insights into various ethical approaches and theories 3. Have a basic understanding of how to deal with ethical issues in

the organization 4. Are aware of their personal ethical behavior 5. Have practiced presenting, discussing and debating skills

From IB Prospectus:

- Conduct large or small scale international research - Gaining international experience - Having a general idea of an organization and working in a

professional situation - Gaining awareness and acquiring skills on working and

negotiating in an international environment

4. Main Professional task

Students learn how to recognize ethical issues, develop moral sensibility-, analysis-, creativity-, judgement- and decision making skills in order to be able to make a moral acceptable action.

5. Professional Products

See also 12: Assessments

- An Individual written exam

- A written plan of approach (Group)

- A written research paper including a presentation of the research finding (Group)

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- Lectures: 56

- Supervision / Coaching: 6

- Exams (not during classes): 4

- Group Work: 50

- Individual Work: 50 - Self-Study: 44

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is main phase Cohesion with Organisational Behavior / Philosophy / Cross Cultural Management / General Business Studies


8. Entry requirements Sufficient level of English: equivalent to an IELTS of 6.0 Cultural intelligence and interest Communication skills

9. General description

General information Business Ethics is not only about right and wrong. However, what ethics is becomes more and more important in today’s business. In this course students will get insight into the complex world of Business Ethics. During this course ethical issues and approaches will be dealt with on several levels, including the individual, the organizational and the social and cultural (international) environment. Students will be challenged to elaborate on their future role as a(n) (international) manager. Issues that make Business Ethics complex are for example:

- Could one speak of ethical standards? - Is Business Ethics manageable, is it to be taught? - Who decides what’s right or wrong?

The aim of this course is to stimulate critical thinking and enable students to actively participate in discussions and reflections. Lecture Topics

- Individual and organizational ethical behavior - Concepts and approaches of Business Ethics - The ‘ethical cycle’ - International and cross-cultural management - Corporate Social Responsibility - Debating and argumentation - Ethical issues in international business - Aspects of culture related to self management - Ethics in marketing and communication - Ethics in (I)HRM

10. Competencies

International Business Competencies: - Intercultural adaptability - International Business Awareness

General Management Competencies: - Organisational Policy Development

Interpersonal Competencies: - Leadership - Communication - Cooperation

Task-oriented competencies: - Analyzing and information processing - Creative problem solving - Planning and organizing

Intra-personal competencies - Learning and self development - Ethical responsibility

11. Assessment criteria


The student - Formulates a correct moral problem statement - Makes a relevant problem analysis - Defines options for action - Evaluates ethical options - Reflects on the outcomes

10 20 10 50 10


The student - Writes a plan of approach for the research paper

(EBEBEH1A.7), including: - A personal motivation for the topic and countries - A main research question and sub questions



- A valid and reliable research methodology - A timetable / planning including division of tasks

between group members - Rules on communication and group work - Limitations



The student - Analyses and compares critically several definitions of

business ethics and culture (theoretical framework) and explains the links between the concepts

- Analyses and describes the culture of two different countries other than his/her country of origin

- Describes the ethical issues and practises in two different countries and is able to explain these differences from a cultural, historical, religious and/or societal perspective

- Describes two real life business ethics cases, one for each country and analyses this using the ethical cycle and input from cultural analysis

- Compares theory and practice and draws conclusions, answering the main research question, including a critical reflection on the research and validity and reliability issues.

- Presents research process, outcomes and critical reflection to the rest of the class

10 20 10 25 15 15


The student - Reflects on his/her personal efforts - Reflect on the efforts of his/her group members - Gives constructive feedback to the other group





Type of exam Written Exam (Individual)

Research Plan of approach (Group)

Research paper (Group)

Peer assessment Research paper (Individual)

Number of examiners 1 2 2 2

Exam period T1/T3 During class During class During class

Resit period T2/ T4 na na na

Duration 180 mins na na na

Aids na na na na

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5 Tick 5.5 Tick

Weighing factor 60% K.O 40% K.O

12. Compulsory literature

Pieters, A. and L. Royakkers. The Ethical Cycle, Sold in class

13. Recommended literature



14. Software na

15. Other materials

HAN digital learning environment (Scholar): - PPT’s lectures - Course guideline - Weblinks and articles

16. Activitities na

17. Teaching methods

• Interactive lectures

• Research

• Presentations

• Discussions

• Assignments

• Group work

• Assessments

18. Lecture/ contact hours

56: 14 weeks of 4 lecture hours per week. For this SU 80 % attendance is compulsory.

19. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

20. Max. number of participants



2.2 Business Performance Management

Name SU and code Business Performance Management – EBMBPM1A

1. Study Programme Exchange Program

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

3. Professional tasks Advisory

4. Main Professional task


5. Professional products

2 intermediary assignments, 1 final assignment (report & presentation)

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- lectures

- Supervision / Coaching

- Exams (not during classes)

- Homework - Self Study

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is : main phase

8. Entry requirements English at level B1

9. General description

The course introduces students to methods organizations use to achieve better performance. The course is based on the concept of continuous improvement to stay competitive. The course is an integration of financial and non-financial approaches to performance of both For-Profit and Not-For-Profit organizations. The main topic of the course is the Balanced Score Card, Business Proces Optimization and Lean Management are also addressed. In addition to Performance Management, students gain insight into their role in a group and into behavioural opportunities for improvement.

10. Competencies

Communicating and co-operating with others in a multicultural, international and/or multidisciplinary environment Definition and analysis of complex issues on the basis of relevant knowledge and theoretic insights, development and application of relevant solutions Setting realistic targets, planning and devising operations and reflecting on activities, on the basis of collection and analysis of relevant information

11. Assessment criteria

EBMBPM1A.0 MC exam: 25 of 40 questions correct

EBMBPM1A.6 Final assignment: see page 3.


12. Assessment Business Performance Management – EBMBPM1A


Type of exam Written, MC Intermediary reports, Final report and presentation

Number of examiners 1 1

Exam period T1, T3 P1, P2, P3, P4

Resit period T2, T4 N.A

Duration 90 mins N.A

Aids Paper dictionary N.A

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5 5.5

Weighting factor 3.25 3.25

13. Compulsory literature


14. Recommended literature

Kaplan and Norton, The Balanced Scorecard, HBS Press 1996, ISBN 0-87584-651-3 Kaplan and Norton, The strategy focused organization, HBS Press 2001, ISBN 1-57851-250-6

15. Software N.A

16. Other materials www.ap-institute.com; PPT slides provided by teacher

17. Activities Lectures, workshops, simulations

18. Teaching methods Lectures, workshops, group assignments, presentations

19. Lecture/ contact hours

P1/P3 2 x 2 hours per week P2/P4 1 x 4 hours per week Because a large part of the activities take place during classes, >75% attendance is mandatory.

20. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

21. Max. number of participants

32 per group


2.3 Business to Business & Service Marketing

Name SU and code Business to Business and Service Marketing – EBSBBM1D

1. Study Program Exchange Program

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

3. Professional tasks Composing a business to business or service marketing plan on a strategic and operational level

4. Main Professional task

Acquiring knowledge about concept and terminology of business to business marketing and service marketing.

5. Professional products

Business to business or service marketing plan

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- Lectures - 48

- Supervision / Coaching - 48

- Exams (not during classes) - 18

- Homework - 48

- Self Study: - 48

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is : related to management

8. Entry requirements The level of this SU is : 2. Principles of Marketing have been followed.

9. General description

The method of teaching used in this course is based on small cases. Student’s presence during lectures is required. Students are expected to participate actively. Students study and present a business to business marketing topic according to schedule. Further information about the teaching method used in this course can be found in the workbook for this course (called ‘block book’) and will be provided by the tutor during the first lecture. Objectives After completing this 16 weeks course, students will have an in-depth knowledge of the business to business and service marketing theory. Students will be able to apply their knowledge into writing a business to business or service marketing plan. Learning goals

- Developing a vision of changes and trends in the external environment and developing relations, networks and chains

- Analysing marketing issues, translating this into objectives andmarketing alternatives and preparing decision making

- Designing, controlling and improving marketing process or organisational processes

- Developing, implementing and evaluating a change process - Social and communicative competency (interpersonal

organisation) - Self-directed competency (intra-personal, professional worker)

Topics: - Understanding Service Marketing Management - Capturing Marketing Insights - Connecting with Customers - Building strong brands - Shaping the market offerings


- Delivering Value - Communicating Value - Use of marketing metrics

10. Competencies

International Business Awareness (P1) International Strategic Vision Development (P3) Organisational Policy Development (P4) Entrepreneurial management (P5) International Marketing Management (P6) International Business and Management Accounting and Financial management (P8) Co-operation (G2) Communication (G3) Creative problem solving (G5) Planning and organising (G6)

11. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more


1. Correctly recognize (In a case context) and present well structured the marketing business to business issues that pose a problem to an enterprise in a specific market situation.

2. Assess and present well structured, correctly and well substantiated the marketing situation in a case context, using the appropriate theory and models.

3. Based on own assessment present a well substantiated implementation of a chosen course of action using appropriate theory and models.


1. Issues that pose a problem for a described enterprise in a described market situation.

2. Assess correctly and well substantiated the marketing situation in a case context, using the appropriate theory and models.

3. Based on own assessment describe a well substantiated implementation of a chosen course of action using appropriate theory and models.

4. Sources used are traceable through clear references. 5. The use of audio-visual aids is supporting the presentation without

being distracting.


1. Based on a case, business to business and/or service marketing issues that pose a problem for a described enterprise in a described market situation.

2. Assess correctly and well substantiated the marketing situation in the case context, using the appropriate theory and models.

3. Based on own assessment describe a well substantiated plan of action using appropriate theory and models.

4. Sources used are traceable through clear references. 5. The use of audio-visual aids is supporting the presentation without

being distracting.


1. Correctly recognize (In a case context) and present well structured the marketing business to business issues that pose a problem to an enterprise in a specific market situation.

2. Assess and present well structured, correctly and well substantiated the marketing situation in a case context, using the appropriate theory and models.

3. Based on own assessment present a well substantiated implementation of a chosen course of action using appropriate theory and models.

12. Assessment Business to Business and Service Marketing – EBSBBM1D



Type of exam Written

Group assignments/ participation Business to Business Marketing

Presentation and report business to business or service marketing

Group assignments/ participation Service Marketing.

Number of examiners 1 1 1 1

Exam period T1, T3 During class period 1, period 3

During class last lecture period 2, period 4

During class period 2, period 4

Resit period T2, T4 N.A Within 10 days after completion the presentation


Duration 120 mins N.A N.A N.A

Aids N.A N.A N.A N.A

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5

Weighting factor 3.0 0.75 3.0 0.75

13. Compulsory literature

See blockbook (HAN Scholar)

14. Recommended literature

Marketing Management, 2/E

Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Mairead Brady, Malcolm Goodman,

Torben Hansen

ISBN-10: 0273743619 •

©2012 • Pearson • Cloth, 1064 pp Published 28 Jun 2012 •

Services Marketing: Global Edition, 7/E

Christopher Lovelock / Jochen Wirtz

ISBN-10: 0273756060 • ©2012 • Pearson Higher Education • Paper,

648 pp Published 13 Dec 2011

15. Software N.A

16. Other materials N.A

17. Activitities Excursion when possible

18. Teaching methods Lectures, discussion seminars, guest lecture, visiting professors.

19. Lecture/ contact hours

4 lecture hours per week. For this SU 80% attendance is compulsory

20. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

21. Max. number of participants



2.4 Business Communication English

Name SU and code Business Communication English – EBUBUX1A

1. Study Program Exchange Program

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

3. Professional tasks

Communicating in English, both orally and in writing, while being sensitive of cultural differences and conventions of international business.

4. Main Professional task

Communicating in English, both orally and in writing, while being sensitive of cultural differences and conventions of international business.

5. Professional products

Short written texts: - press release - direct mailing - review - summary - application letter - C.V. Report Formal business meetings Job interview

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- lectures and tutorials: 50

- Exams (not during classes): 10 - Self Study: 150 (10,5 hours per week)

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is upper intermediate (CEF B2).

8. Entry requirements

Completion of EEXENX1C (Exchange module English) or (near) upper intermediate knowledge of English. Note: Entry is NOT open to native or near-native speakers!

9. General description

This module will increase students’ proficiency in written and spoken business English. Students will learn how to write various short business writings and one longer report. Furthermore, they will be trained in performing meetings and a job interview.


10. Competencies intercultural adaptability, cooperation, communication, analysing and information processing, planning and organising, learning and self-development.

11. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more

EBUBUX1A.0 Vocabulary, grammar, and reading.

EBUBUX1A.6 Content, format, coherence, vocabulary, grammar and spelling.


- 30% application letter, criteria: content, format, coherence, vocabulary, grammar and spelling. - 70% job interview, criteria: pronunciation, language, fluency, style, content.


Quality of executive summary, introduction, analysis and recommendations; citation practices, language and layout.

EBUBUX1A.1 vocabulary, grammar, and reading.


- language; - communication skills: active listening, effective decision making, sensitivity to cultural differences in communication style; - business conventions: use of correct formal phrases; Assessed on the basis of continuous assessment, and therefore presence at all meetings and active participation is mandatory. Missed meetings will result in a lower grade.

12. Assessment Business Communication – EBUBUX1A

Exam Code EBUBUX1A.O






Type of exam Written Portfolio Job interview

Report Written Meetings

Number of examiners

1 1 1 1 1 1

Exam period T1, T3 During class

During class

During class

T2, T4 During class

Resit period T2 n.a n.a n.a T5 n.a

Duration 120 mins n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a

Aids n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a

Minimum grade or tick (√)

5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5

Weighting factor 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.2

13. Compulsory literature

- Market Leader upper intermediate third edition, ISBN 9781408237090 - Reader 3125 ‘Business Communication 1 – Exchange’

14. Recommended literature


15. Software n.a.


16. Other materials Materials handed out in class.

17. Activities

In-class tutorials: lectures, group work, pair work. Out of class: - projects: group work, pair work; - individual writing assignments.

18. Teaching methods

tutorials, writing workshops, group meetings, interviews, peer feedback sessions.

19. Lecture/ contact hours

In period 1: 5 lecture hours (2 x 2 hours) per week. In period 2: 4 lecture hours (2 x 2 hours). For this SU attendance is compulsory

20. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

21. Max. number of participants



2.5 Dutch Culture and Language

Name SU and code Dutch Culture, Language and Society (EDCDCL1A)

1. Study Program Exchange Program

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

3. Professional tasks Research and presentations,

4. Main Professional task

language skills, enabling to communicate on a basic level, learning about the culture and the values of the Dutch

5. Professional products

presentation language skills

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- lectures

- Supervision / Coaching

- Exams (not during classes)

- Homework - Self Study:

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is : beginner

8. Entry requirements none

9. General description Language and culture course

10. Competencies Reading, writing, speaking, presenting

11. Assessment criteria 5.5 or more

EDCDCL1A.0 Written exam

EDCDCL1A.1 Written exam

EDCDCL1A.4 Oral exam and assignments in class

12. Assessment Dutch Culture, Language and Society – EDCDCL1A


Type of exam Written Written Oral exam + assignments

Number of examiners 1 1 1

Exam period T1, T3 T2, T4 During class

Resit period T2, T4 T5 na

Duration 120 mins 120 mins na

Aids na na na

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5 5.5 5.5

Weighting factor 2.0 2.0 3.5


13. Compulsory literature

Start.nl deel 1

14. Recommended literature


15. Software N.A.

16. Other materials hand out in class

17. Activitities Excursions

18. Teaching methods Lectures, excursions and tutorials

19. Lecture/ contact hours

1x4 lecture hours per week. For this SU attendance is compulsory

20. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

21. Max. number of participants


22. Assessment Dutch Culture, Language and Society – EDCDCL1A


Type of exam Written Written Oral exam + assignments

Number of examiners 1 1 1

Exam period T1, T3 T2, T4 During class

Resit period T2, T4 T5 na

Duration 120 mins 120 mins na

Aids na na na

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5 5.5 5.5

Weighting factor 2.0 2.0 3.5

23. Compulsory literature

De opmaat

24. Recommended literature


25. Software N.A.

26. Other materials hand out in class

27. Activitities Excursions

28. Teaching methods Lectures, excursions and tutorials

29. Lecture/ contact hours

1x4 lecture hours per week. For this SU attendance is compulsory

30. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

31. Max. number of participants



2.6 European Integration

Name SU and code European Integration EEIEIN1A

1. Study Program Exchange Program

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

3. Professional tasks

Students will learn about European Integration in a wide-ranging method. The topic will be explained from different angles. There will be lectures, guest lectures, literature, presentations, case studies and possibly a visit to a European institution. We will look at issues from an economic, financial, marketing, legal and cross-cultural angle. During the course the students will learn about the European Union, doing business in Europe, mergers and acquisitions, European Institutions, European and Institutional Law, Competition Law, Economics, Export, Marketing and Cross Cultural aspects as well as recent developments in the field of business, politics, employment, export, environment, expansion, mergers and take-overs and their consequences.

4. Main Professional task

Both written and oral communication skills on a professional business level.

5. Professional products

Students will have to prepare a presentation about a business opportunity in the new European Union. The presentation needs an accompanying brochure. Every student will have to do at least one presentation. Next to that, students will have to prepare a report about a recent merger or acquisition, which needs to be presented in a formal setting as well. For the report and the presentation a basic setup must be handed in. The professional products will be developed both individually and in multi-national teams.

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- lectures

- Supervision / Coaching

- Exams (not during classes)

- Homework - Self Study:

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is in coherence with the other modules in the E-cluster, main phase.

8. Entry requirements No entry level.

9. General description Understanding and practising European business communication.

10. Competencies Writing a setup and a report, presenting, working in multinational teams.

11. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more



I. Business idea / PMC perspective Where does the business idea come from? (Innovative product, new trend, new legislation, copy of a foreign successful business model etc. etc.) Product /service clearly explained to the audience? What are the activities and resources for the primary process? Any partners to work with? Who exactly is the target group? Are they easy to find/identify? The product/service has some appeal as a good value proposition for the targeted customer group The target group seems to show enough perspective (large enough, growing, responsiveness…) II. Getting the product sold What will be your marketing/sales strategy? + What do you need to carry out in concrete terms? What distribution channels are involved? Special cross border issues? + Show (culturally adapted) promo materials (e.g. brochure) III.Setting What risks do you take? (Probability and impact, how to minimize the risks) Any rules and legislations to consider? European aspects to be mentioned Cultural elements that play a role in your marketing, distribution etc.+ plausible justifications IV.Pennywise / poundfoolish? What is your cost structure? (All costs included! Identify them first, then make your calculations) Can you avoid or minimize certain costs? What do(es) the revenue stream(s) look like? Is it sustainable? How can you optimize them? How do your calculations convince us that it is a profitable idea? (Your investments should lead to positive business results after one year. You don’t get so much money anymore from a bank and borrowing money is expensive!) Make a pessimistic and an optimistic overview based on clear and justified estimations of sales/turnover) Is this the optimum way to set up your business (e.g. your own company,. J.V., franchise etc.) V. Generalities /Presentation Originalitiy, enthousiasm + team work, credibility and clear set up of visual supports add to the end result. + Being able to answer questions and to deal with critical remarks.


The X-ray is half of an A-4 sheet to max. one A-4. It contains an outline of your presentation or report. Descripe the topic that you are going to talk or write about. Specify a main research question and show the content of your presentation / report. Next to that, show a list of sources you are going to do for your research.

EEIEIN1A.1 The MC-test consists of 30 questions about several different topics (marketing, economics, finance, legal, cross culture). Next to that, the MC-test might contain questions about the guest lecture(s).



The final report must have a solid structure with an introduction, a body and a conclusion. The introduction must contain a main (research) question, which will be answered in the conclusion. The report shall have a reliable list of sources according to the APA-norms. The report and accompanying presentation should address the background of the two companies, the reason(s) and the result of the merger/acquisition and a brief overview about a third party comment (f.i. European Commission). The report and presentation should clearly address at least the three main topics of the course: the marketing, legal and cross-cultural points of view on the merger / acquisition. All statements must be substantiated by relevant evidence from reliable sources (facts, figures, numbers, graphs etc.)

12. Assessment European Integration – EEIEIN1A


Type of exam Presentation + peer assessment

Hand-in X-Ray Multiple Choice-test

Final report, presentation + peer assessment

Number of examiners All available teachers in the course

>1 >1 All available teachers in the course

Exam period During class During class T2, T4 During class

Resit period na na T5 na

Duration na na 120 mins na

Aids na na na na

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5 tick 5.5 5.5

Weighting factor 2.5 2.0 3.0

13. Compulsory literature

❖ Notes of all lectures and guest lectures

❖ Syllabus & Handouts

14. Recommended literature

➢ Frans Somers European Business Environment, doing Business in Europe,2010, Noordhoff publishers (ISBN 978-90-01-76891-1)

➢ Michael Porter ▪ The competitive advantage of nations (ISBN 0-333-73642-7) ▪ Competitive advantage (ISBN 0-684-84146-0)

➢ Svend Hollensen Global Marketing - 6th edition, Pearson education (ISBN 9780273773160) (copy available in the library)

➢ Mike W. Peng Global Business - international student edition 2009, chapter 11, South-Western Cengage Learning (ISBN 978-0-324-58594-0) (copy available in the library)

➢ Simon Mercado, Richard Welford & Kate Prescott ▪ European Business (IBSN 0-273-64600-1) copies available

in the library ➢ F. Trompenaars Riding the Waves of Culture ➢ Chris Ollington & Jonathan Reuvid A Business Guide to EU

Enlargement : trade and investment opportunities in Europe and the accession states

➢ Gary J. Bamossy, Soren Askegaard, Michael Solomon, Margaret Hogg ▪ Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective


➢ Daniel Ofman (also on YouTube) ▪ Core Qualities, Gateway to Human Resources, publisher

Scriptum ISBN 90 5594 240 5

15. Software NA

16. Other materials NA

17. Activitities

In order to experience European integration for real, a trip to one or more of the European Institutions can be part of the course. The activity usually comprises two days and one overnight stay. Availability of the trip depends on various factors like f.i. other school activities and the availability of the European institutions. The trip can therefore not be guaranteed.

18. Teaching methods

There will be lectures, guest lectures, literature, presentations, case studies and likely a visit to a European institution. Working both individually and in multinational teams will help develop your personal skills.

19. Lecture/ contact hours

1 x 4 lecture hours per week. For this SU 80% attendance is compulsory

20. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

21. Max. number of participants



2.7 E-Marketing and E-Commerce

1. Name SU and code E-Marketing and E-Commerce – EEMEMA1A

2. Study Program Exchange Program

3. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

4. Professional tasks Gather, analyse and compare data in order to present a comparison analysis.

5. Main Professional task

See above.

6. Professional products

Group presentation comparison of the web presence of 2 competing organisations.

7. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- lectures

- Supervision / Coaching

- Exams (not during classes)

- Homework - Self Study:

Total: 210 hours

8. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is : main phase

9. Entry requirements None

10. General description

This course provides students with a broad overview and understanding of the many elements, disciplines and issues of E-Marketing and E-Commerce. As it makes no assumptions of any particular subject, students of any background with progress in their bachelor education program should be able to cope with the course. Although the general contents of the course are very broad, part of it has a strong focus on business models, business strategy and sales channels, and the way these have been changed by the penetration of the Internet in our society. Technological items are involved, though limited to a managerial point of view. The general aim of this 12-week course is to ensure that students understand that E-Marketing and E-Commerce is the real world of the Internet. Besides that students have to learn that the Internet is a medium to reach customers and that goods and services have to be delivered under more pressing circumstances of the 24/7 hour business day.

11. Competencies Analysis and information processing, written communication, international marketing, planning and organising, learning and self-development.

12. Assessment criteria Weigthed average of 5.5 or more

EEMEM1A.1 Minimum grade of 5.5

EEMEMA1A.6 Minimum grade of 5.5

13. Assessment E-Marketing and E-Commerce – EEMEMA1A


Type of exam Written Presentation


Number of examiners 1 1

Exam period T1, T3 During semester / classes.

Resit period T2, T4 n.a

Duration 120 mins n.a

Aids Dictionary n.a

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5 5.5

Weighing factor 3.5 4.0

14. Compulsory literature


15. Recommended literature

On HAN Scholar, continuously updated.

16. Software General available software, office suite & web browser.

17. Other materials n.a

18. Activitities n.a

19. Teaching methods

Lectures and group discussions during classes. Internet-enabled computer-based assignment. The use of the library and of the Internet is necessary to ensure that students have knowledge of the latest developments in E-marketing and E-Commerce and cognate areas.

20. Lecture/ contact hours

14 weeks x 2 lecture hours per week. For this SU attendance is not compulsory.

21. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

22. Max. number of participants



2.8 Event Management

Name SU and code Event Management – EEVEVE1A + EETETU1A

1. Study Program Exchange Program

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

3. Professional tasks

Organisational tasks: To plan and organise an event Management tasks: To co-operate effectively in an international project group Communication tasks: To communicate effectively with project group members, client, sponsors, third parties involved Analysing tasks: to apply basic knowledge on Action planning, Branding, PR, Sponsoring, Finance and Logistics) on this specific event

4. Main Professional task

To plan and organise an event which satisfies client, tutor and participants

5. Professional products

Group portfolio, including Minutes, Reports (Action Plan, PR Plan, Branding Plan, Sponsor plan, Financial Plan, Logistics Plan), Assessment of Plans, PR materials, evaluation form by the client, peer feedback/evaluations. Event

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in clock hours):

- Lectures: 6 x 2 =12 lecture hours = 9 hours

- Supervision / Coaching: 28 tutor hours = 21 hours

- Meeting, making plans, event preparation 150 hours - Self study of reader & other material 30 hours

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is : main phase

8. Entry requirements

A sufficient command of English (comparable to TOEFL score of 550 (paper) or 213 (computer) or IELTS of 6.5 Basic knowledge of marketing and PR models and tools

9. General description

In the first week you will meet your student colleagues during tutor hours. We will make interculturally diverse groups and link you to predetermined events. There will be different sorts of events, for instance sports, charity, PR and congress events. Every event has its own client who will give you the assignment to organise a specific event. This client has expectations towards the scope of the event, the target group and budget, which you need to take into account when defining your event and filling in the details. In your group you will start to work as an independent project group, which means that you have to take initiative in your group, plan group meetings, make meeting minutes and communicate with your client, lecturers, sponsors and other parties involved. You are highly dependent on your student colleagues in your group, so you are also expected to involve yourself and your other team members!


10. Competencies

Organisational and planning competencies Analysing and writing skills on Planning, Branding, Sponsoring, PR, Finance, Logistics Managerial skills in working in/leading of an international group Creative skills/ competencies Communication skills/ competencies Intercultural skills and open mindedness towards (people from) other cultures

11. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more

EEVEVE1A.8 Group assignment, see pt.12

12. Assessment Event Management – EEVEVE1A

Exam Code EEVEVE1A.8

Type of exam

Group assessment: Criteria for quality of group portfolio (60%):

o Group made plans with sufficient quality according to feedback from guest lecturers

o Group evaluated all the plans in-depth and in a structured way (comparing plans and implementation, including arguments behind choices made, critical analysis of group performance, strong points and points of improvement for all topics).

o Group organised an event, which met up with our relevant criteria for an event (see page 5) and satisfied the client, the tutor, other actors and participants

Criteria for individual performance (40%):

o Student participated actively during preparation, implementation and evaluation of the event (shown in minutes and feedback session).

o Student has sufficient knowledge, analysis and reflection level during group assessment (answers during group assessment)

o Student shows ability of self reflection and learning in the module

o Student describes relevant theories for group work o Student illustrates by making use of practical incidents how to

apply these theories

Number of examiners 2

Exam period During class and week 7 of periods 2 & 4

Resit period Week 8 of periods 2 & 4

Duration N.A

Aids Group portfolio

Minimum grade or tick (√)

5.5 Knock out criteria are:

- Sufficient presence and participation in team meetings and group work during the whole semester

- Sufficient presence during guest lectures - Passes for all the group plans - Group Portfolio complete and handed in on time

Weighting factor 7.5


13. Compulsory literature

Reader Event Management (handed out in the course)

14. Recommended literature

Bowdin, s. et al, Events management 2nd edition, Elsevier Event Management Series, 2001. Sten, J. van et al. Creating a business, second edition, Noordhoff uitgevers Groningen, 2009. Wagen, Lynn van der. Event management for tourism, cultural, business and sporting events, Prentice Hall, 2008.

15. Software N.A

16. Other materials

http://event-management.bestmanagementarticles.com/ http://eventsecrets.com/ http://www.nuffic.nl/international-organizations/docs/publications/Gradingsystems.pdf

17. Activities Other activities: Guest lecture from a professional in Event management.

18. Teaching methods

o Lectures on related topic: Co-operation in international groups, Planning, Branding, Sponsoring, PR, Finance and Logistics)

o Coaching of project groups o Feedback sessions o Problem based learning

19. Lecture/ contact hours

Weekly tutor hours EETETU1A : Weeks 1-7 in periods 1,2/3,4 Lecture hours EEVEVE1A: Weeks 2 – 6 of periods 1, 3 (2 lecture hours every week) Lecture hours EEVEVE1A: Week 1 of periods 2, 4 (2 lecture hours) For this SU attendance is compulsory

20. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

21. Max. number of participants



2.9 English for non-native speakers

Name SU and code English – EEXENX1C

1. Study Program Exchange Program

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster – Not for native or near-native speakers of English

3. Professional tasks Communicating in English, both orally and in writing Reading business and news-related texts + vocabulary Presenting in correct business English

4. Main Professional task

Communicating in English, both orally and in writing Reading business and news-related texts + vocabulary Presenting in correct business English

5. Professional products

Text processing, Summaries and Presentation

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- lectures

- Supervision / Coaching

- Exams (not during classes)

- Homework - Self Study:

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is : intermediate

8. Entry requirements Reasonable command of the English language (near-intermediate)

9. General description

This module will increase students’ proficiency in grammar and reading and writing business English. Students will learn how to deal with intermediate to upper-intermediate business or news-related texts and increase their vocabulary in these areas. Furthermore, they will be trained in presenting in English and improve their pronunciation.

10. Competencies communication, analysing and information processing, presenting planning and organising, learning and self-development.

11. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more

EEXENX1C.0 Grammar, vocabulary and reading

EEXENX1C.4 Continuous assessment of assignments done in class, attendance requirement: 6 out of 7 lectures, participation

EEXENX1C.1 Grammar, vocabulary and reading

EEXENX1C.6 Presentation


12. Assessment English – EEXENX1C


Type of exam Written Continuous assessment

Written Presentation

Number of examiners 1 1 1 1

Exam period T1, T3 During class T2, T4 During class

Resit period T2, T3 na T5 na

Duration 120 mins na 120 mins 20 mins

Aids na na na na

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5

Weighting factor 2.25 1.5 2.25 1.5

13. Compulsory literature

Syllabus English 01 + 02 (campus shop)

14. Recommended literature


15. Software N.A

16. Other materials Handouts during class

17. Activitities

In-class: lectures, group work, pair work. Out of class: - Individual reading assignments - Individual writing assignments. - Presentations

18. Teaching methods Group meetings, individual feedback on oral and written assignments

19. Lecture/ contact hours

1 x 3 lecture hours per week. For this SU attendance is compulsory

20. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

21. Max. numberof participants



2.10 Finance

1. Name SU and code Finance – EFIFIE1B

2. Study Program Exchange Program

3. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

4. Professional tasks See description

5. Main Professional task

See description

6. Professional products

• FDI report for the MT board (CEO & CFO)

• Risk assessment

• Capital investment model

7. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- Lectures: 56 hrs

- Supervision / Coaching

- Exams (not during classes): 5 hrs

- Homework: 56 hrs - Project work: 70 hrs - Self Study: 23

Total: 210 hours

8. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is : 2 (main phase)

9. Entry requirements

10. General description


• Financial ratios

• Time Value of Money

• Bond & Equity Valuation

• Risk & Return (CAPM)

• Cost of Capital (WACC) EFIFIE1B.1

• Capital Budgeting

• Project Finance

• Sustainable Investment model (SIM)

• Risk management

• Financial Risk management EFIFIE1B.5

• Foreign Direct Investment Project

• Country analyses (Filter Model & BERI)

• Relevant data research

• Financial modelling (SIM)

• Reporting & presenting to the CEO & CFO

11. Competencies

12. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more

EFIFIE1B.0 Written exam

EFIFIE1B.1 Written exam



• Macroeconomic analysis

• BERI-analysis

• Industry analysis

• Investment model (data)

• Investment model (structure)

• Decision Criteria

• Conclusions (content)

• Report structure

• Problem

• Research methodology

• Research

• Research results

• Conclusions

• Recommendations

• Sources / References APA)

• Lay-out

• Present FDI proposal to MT meeting

• Defend FDI proposal to MT meeting

13. Assessment Finance – EFIFIE1B


Type of exam FDI project Written Analysis of an annual report (project)n

Number of examiners 2 2 2

Exam period During class T1, T3 During class

Resit period na T2, T4 na

Duration na 120 mins na

Aids na Calculator na

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5 5.5 5.5

Weighting factor 2.5 2.5 2.5

14. Compulsory literature

Fundametals of Corporate Finace, Hillier cs, McGrawhill Sustainable Investment Model, Jansen, JH

15. Recommended literature

Project Finance, Yescombe (copies are available in the library) Risk Management, ...... (copies are available in the library)

16. Software MS Excel (for investment model)

17. Other materials .

18. Activitities Possible visit to Amsterdam Stock Exchange and/or Dutch Central Bank

19. Teaching methods Lectures, seminars and project work

20. Lecture/ contact hours

2 x 2 lecture hours per week. For this SU attendance is compulsory

21. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

22. Max. number of participants



2.11 International Entrepreneurship

Name SU and code Introduction to International Entrepreneurship EMI-MIE

1. Study Programme Exchange Programme

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

3. Professional tasks

This module helps the students to develop and test their entrepreneurial idea(s) through theory and observations . The professional task is passing the development stage before actually starting a business.

4. Main Professional task

Defining an entrepreneurial idea

5. Professional products Creative acknowledgement (including moodboard, concept and brand) Strategic acknowledgement (including budget)

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- Lectures

- Workshops

- Supervision / Coaching - Company visits

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

8. Entry requirements

English: A sufficient level of fluency In English is a prerequisite for admission to this course, for example:

• An IELTS score of at least 6.0 or

• A TOEFL score of at least 550 (paper based), 213 (computer based) or 79-80 (Internet based)

• A Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) or Proficiency of English (CPE)

9. General description

This SU the student learns to develop a business idea starting from his own motivation and talents. Subsequently he will learn to rate his personal entrepreneurial skills, idea generation, customer orientation, creativity, concepting and branding, moodboard, budgeting, co creation within a network (crazy quilt), presentation skills, business cultures of various countries and reporting skills. The student will work in groups. The student will meet entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized companies during excursions and meeting.

10. Competencies

LOCO compentencies: 1. Analysis and research 3. Planning and organisation 4. Creating and producing

11. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more

Exam code strategic Content and acknowledgement, format, financial statements, coherence, vocabulary (grammar and English)

Exam code creative Content and acknowledgement, business creativity, format, coherence, vocabulary (grammar and English)

Exam codes for this module will be published later


12. Assessment (1) International Entrepreneurship - EMI-MIE

Exam Code MIEASS1A.8

Type of exam Portfolio

Number of examiners 1

Exam period During class

Resit period T5

Duration n.a.

Aids PPT or Prezi

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5

Weighting factor 100%

13. Compulsory literature


14. Recommended literature

• Blekman, T. (2011 ), Corporate Effectuation, [..] : Academic Service, EAN 9789052618968

• Byttebier, I. & R. Vullings (2009), Creativity today, Amsterdam: BIS Publishers ISBN 978-90-6369-146-2

• Osterwalder, A. & Y. Pigneur (2011), Business model generation,[..], Wiley, EAN 9780470876411

15. Software n.a.

16. Other materials n.a.

17. Activitities Pitch for entrepreneurs, Company visits (2)

18. Teaching methods In class: Lectures, group work, pair work, workshops Out of class: project work, research

19. Lecture/ contact hours

For this SU attendance of 90% is compulsory

20. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

21. Max. number of participants



2.12 International Marketing

Name SU and code International Marketing – EITITM1A

1. Study Program Exchange Program

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

3. Professional tasks Analysing international marketing cases, writing/presenting case analysis reports, writing/presenting an international marketing plan.

4. Main Professional task

Developing, writing and presenting an International Marketing Plan

5. Professional products 3 International Marketing cases, an International Marketing Plan

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- Lectures 56 x 0.75 = 42

- Supervision / Coaching 0

- Exams (not during classes) 4

- Homework 82 - Self Study 82

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is : 2 (main phase)

8. Entry requirements Completion of courses in Marketing and/or Marketing Management

9. General description

Multinational case groups analyse and present 3 cases during the course and ask critical questions about 3 other case presentations. The same groups also develop an International Marketing Plan based on an existing company intending to enter a new country market with a (new) product. This plan is also presented as an initial and final version in the first and last weeks of the 2nd period. The cases and plans will be assessed on the quality of the report/plan (structure, form and content); the content and delivery of the presentation; and the individual contributions to class discussions (critical opposition).

10. Competencies

• understands the international marketing process and its role in international business;

• is acquainted with the unique issues and problems associated with marketing in foreign countries;

• knows the fundamental theoretical concepts and techniques of international marketing;

• is able to analyse international marketing cases and recommend appropriate courses of action;

• can develop an international marketing plan.

11. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more


Average of 3 group case analysis reports and presentations containing: management summary, introduction, internal/external SWOT/TOWS analysis, evaluation of options, conclusions, recommendations, (cross-) references.

EITITM1A.4 Outline of a group international marketing plan as above.


International Marketing reports containing: management summary, introduction, internal/external analysis, SWOT/TOWS analysis, evaluation of options, conclusions, recommendations, implementation: foreign product, distribution, promotion, price policies; and (cross-) references.

EITITM1A.0 - theories of international marketing;


- international and foreign economic environments; - foreign cultural and political/legal environments; - international market research; - global marketing strategies; - foreign market entry strategies.


- international product management and service marketing; - foreign distribution and international logistics; - international promotion and pricing policies; - international marketing management - planning, organisation and


12. Assessment

International Marketing – EITITM1A


Type of exam Group case reports + presentation

Initial Group Markt. Plan + Pres.

Final Group Markt. Plan + Pres.

Written Written

Number of examiners

1 1 1 1 1

Exam period During class During class During class T1, T3 T2, T4

Resit period N.A N.A N.A T2, T4 T5

Duration N.A N.A N.A 120 mins 120 mins

Aids N.A N.A N.A Language Dictionary

Language Dictionary

Minimum grade or tick (√)

5.5 5.5 5.5 4.0 4.0

Weighting factor 1.5 0.5 1.0 2.25 2.25

13. Compulsory literature

International Marketing; Ghauri and Cateora; McGraw-Hill; 2005, (3rd edition); ISBN 9780077122850 Reader: International Marketing for IB Exchange

14. Recommended literature

www.mcgraw-hill.co.uk/textbooks/ghauri → Learning Centre → Student Edition

15. Software N.A.

16. Other materials N.A.

17. Activities

Multi-national groups of students give presentations about case study reports they have previously made. Opposing groups ask critical questions and give feedback. Each group also develops and presents a initial and final international marketing plan based on an approved (fictitious) international company.

18. Teaching methods

Before attending a seminar, students are required to read relevant chapters from the text book and the syllabus. During the seminar the lecturer will discuss with the class the main issues dealt with in the readings.

19. Lecture/ contact hours

1 x 4 lecture hours per week. For this SU attendance is compulsory

20. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

21. Max. number of participants



2.13 International Law

Name SU and code International Law – ELALAW1A

1. Study Program Exchange Program

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

3. Professional tasks Participating in legal aspects of International trade

4. Main Professional task

Participating in legal aspects of International trade

5. Professional Products

- Presentation on a comparison of the legal system of two different countries

- Assignment to conclude an International sales contract

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- lectures

- Supervision / Coaching

- Exams (not during classes)

- Homework - Self Study:

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is : 1/2

8. Entry requirements none

9. General description

This course provides the students an introduction to international business law. The course consists of 2 periods of lectures and assessments. Because of the fact that there is no previous legal knowledge required, the first period will be used to introduce the students to general legal concepts and to legal thinking in an international environment. The emphasis will be on an introduction to all kinds of legal topics such as the legal families of the world, international law versus national law, law of the European union, international contracts and corporate law. In the second period the main focus will be on being able to recognise problems that may arise when doing business internationally. The students will be able to apply the most frequently used conventions, and will be able to make an international sales contract and solve the problems that may arise out of the contract.

10. Competencies

1st period: The students will be able to recognise, diagnose and solve business-related legal problems. The students have knowledge of the way a national state may be organised. The students will be able to explain the relation between the law of the European Union and national law. 2nd period: This part of the course provides the students with an introduction to export-import practice and related legal issues in international trade law and international commercial contracts. The students will be able to enter into an international sale of goods by applying the ICC-model contract, and they will know how to negotiate the most important clauses. The students know the legal consequences of an international sale and initiate transport of the goods.

11. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more


ELALAW1A.0 5.5 or more

ELALAW1A.6 5.5 or more

ELALAW1A.5 5.5 or more

ELALAW1A.1 5.5 or more

12. Assessment International Law – ELALAW1A


Type of exam Written Presentation Assignment international sales contract


Number of examiners 1 1 1 1

Exam period T1, T3 During class During class T2, T4

Resit period T2, T4 na na T5

Duration 120 mins na na 120 mins

Aids na na na na

Minimum grade or tick (√)

4.0 5.5 5.5 4.0

Weighting factor 2.5 1.25 1.25 2.5

13. Compulsory literature

1st period: Introduction to Dutch and Commercial law, Sonja van Hall 2nd period: ICC-guide to export-import, 2012 edition, Guillermo C. Jimenez

14. Software

15. Other materials 1st period: statutes and treaties reader 2nd period: conventions reader

16. Activitities

17. Teaching methods Lectures, workgroups, preparation, independent work

18. Lecture/ contact hours

1 x 3 lecture hours per week. For this SU attendance is compulsory

19. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

20. Max. number of participants



2.14 Organisational Behaviour

Name SU and code Organisational Behaviour – EORORB1A

22. Study Program Exchange Program

23. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

24. Professional tasks Self-management and general management of teams

25. Main Professional task

To behave professionally in an organisational setting and get insight in managing other people

26. Professional products

Reflection reports

27. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- Meetings with activations (mandatory presence)

- Coaching and teamwork

- Research, reflection and report writing

- Preparation of activations - Self-Study: “Essentials of Organizational Behaviour” Robbins

amongst others

Total: 210 hours

28. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is very high

29. Entry requirements Basic self-knowledge; Sense of humour; Courage; Openness and a strong motivation for personal and professional development

30. General description

The module Organizational Behaviour (ORB) is all about people’s behaviour and the influence of their thoughts, emotions, their values and attitudes, their position and situation on that behaviour, partly related to work, partly related to their background and personal situation. Social Psychology and Work Psychology, Sociology and Politics are the scientific resources for the theory of ORB. The actual behaviour of the students during lecture time, in the role of managers and employees, will help them get more experienced in involving other people, influencing them in a positive way and motivating other people. These are essential skills of managers, which are at the heart of this module. We will use work-related situations and cases and literature from the professional field as resources besides our own understanding, experiences and feelings towards Organisational Behaviour topics. Furthermore we see and treat the students as “knowing people” and we use their knowledge as well. We want to keep the gap between what we are talking about and what we are doing during class as small as possible. Therefore the activity of each student in class must be stimulated and guided in the direction of effective organizational behaviour. Organizational Behaviour is not only a module to understand and learn to manage the behaviour of other people, but perhaps even more important to improve the understanding of yourself and your own drives and behaviour. Using these general ideas, we can integrate theory and practice, knowledge and skills and connect ourselves with other people.

31. Competencies

- The ability to apply relevant scientific insights, theories and concepts of organisational behaviour on an organisation, and to combine several subjects to gather information and draw conclusions in a methodical and reflective manner.


- The ability to plan, manage, control and evaluate personal work activities and group work in projects and activations.

- The ability to make use of relevant techniques to monitor own performance and write a reflection about it.

- The ability to lead activations, discussions, express ideas, make proposals.

- The ability to make proper use of presentations techniques and audio-visual aids.

- The ability to take initiative and a manager role within a small team in order to reach a defined goal.

- The ability to actively contribute to a group product or result. - The ability to explain the differences between national,

organizational and occupational cultures and to outline strategies for adapting to these differences in e.g. human resources management, marketing and intercultural communication.

- The student can identify the relevant dimensions of cultures and has developed self-awareness of his own cultural background.

32. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more

EORORB1B.4 Activation during class with a joint responsibility for high quality meetings.

EORORB1B.5 Written reflection report on own organisational behaviour during first block. Min. 5.5

EORORB1B.6 Activation during class with a joint responsibility for high quality meetings with less interventions by the lecturer and higher standards. Min 5.5

EORORB1B.9 Presentation organisational behaviour from theory to practise. Peer assessment of others in your group Overall final grade Min 5.5

33. Assessment Organizational Behaviour – EORORB1B


Type of exam Reflection block 1

Activiation block 1

Activiation block 2

Final presentation and peer assessment

Number of examiners 1 1 1 1

Exam period T1, T3 During class During class T2, T4

Re-sit period T1, T3 (resit max grade 6.0)

NV = resit N.A T2, T4 after first version

Duration N.A. N.A N.A N.A.

Aids N.A N.A N.A N.A

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5 V 5.5 5.5

Weighting factor 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5

34. Compulsory literature

Essentials of Organizational Behavior, Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge – ISBN 9780132545303 (Prentice Hall)

35. Recommended literature

All kinds of literature, websites, games about organizational behaviour

36. Software N.A

37. Other materials N.A


38. Activities See pts 9, 10, 11

39. Teaching methods Interactive group lectures, coaching and group work, self-study, research, activations, reflection, report, peer assessment

40. Lecture/ contact hours

1 x 3 lecture hours per week. For this SU attendance is compulsory

41. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

42. Max. number of participants

20 per group (aim)


2.15 Project Dutch Economy in a global context

Name SU and code Project Dutch economy in a global context – EPDPDE1C

1. Study Program Exchange Program

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

3. Professional tasks Analysing the economic environment of companies

4. Main Professional task

Analysing the economic environment of companies

5. Professional products

A report or short documentary by which the student shows his ability to analyse the economic business environment of companies, to draw conclusions from it, and to present findings in an attractive way.

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- Lectures 15

- Supervision / Coaching 3

- Exams (not during classes) 2

- Homework - Self Study: 190

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is : 2 (main phase)

8. Entry requirements N.A

9. General description

The Netherlands is one of the European Union’s founding member states, favourably located at the North Sea, bordered by Belgium and Germany. It is one of the smaller European countries, with a total area of only 42 thousand km2 (including the Dutch Antilles), 16.3 million inhabitants, and a GDP of 591 bn euro (2010). It is a relatively affluent country with GDP per capita amounting to over 35 thousand euro in 2010. The Netherlands has always been an active international player, and many large multinationals have their home base in the Netherlands. The country’s dependence on international trade and cross-border relationships has made it an active member in a large number of international organizations, including among others NATO, the UN, and the European Union. Since January, 1999, the country has participated in Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). This module provides the student with relevant background information about Dutch history, demographics, and economic structure. Furthermore, an overview is given of the main economic challenges facing the Dutch economy.

10. Competencies

International business awareness International strategic vision development Analysing and information processing Communication

11. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more


• knowledge of the main characteristics of the Dutch economy

• knowledge and understanding of the position of the Netherlands in international organisation like the EU, EMU, WTO and IMF

• understanding of the influence the global economy has had, has, and will have on the Dutch economy



• awareness of the existence of different meanings of economic integration

• knowledge of the structure and performance of the Dutch economy in the last couple of years

• knowledge and understanding of the international environment in which the Dutch economy operates

• in-depth knowledge of an aspect of the Dutch economy, in particular a branch of industry

• understanding relevant theory in relation to the problem definition

• ability to apply the afore-mentioned theory to the specific case

• understanding of the influence the performance of the Dutch economy might have on the activities of specific companies

12. Assessment Project Dutch economy in a global context – EPDPDE1C


Type of exam Written Paper or documentary

Number of examiners 1 1

Exam period T1, T3 During class

Resit period T2, T4 N.A

Duration 120 mins N.A

Aids Dictionary N.A

Minimum grade or tick (√) 4.0 5.5

Weighting factor 3.0 4.5

13. Compulsory literature

Articles published on Scholar

14. Recommended literature


15. Software N.A

16. Other materials N.A

17. Activitities N.A

18. Teaching methods Lectures and supervision

19. Lecture/ contact hours

2 lecture hours per week.

20. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2), Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

21. Max. number of participants



2.16 International Distribution (External Logistics)

1. Name SU and code International Distribution – EELIND1B

2. Study Program Exchange Program

3. Target group Full-time exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

4. Professional tasks

A: Policy development B: Managing activities and operation D: Social and communicative competencies

5. Main Professional task A: Policy development

6. Professional products

- A group report and presentation on international distribution: from

customer demands to marketing mix and subsequently to the demands for the supply chain.

- A presentation of emerging technologies plus a report and presentation on supply chain innovation.

7. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- lectures

- Supervision / Coaching

- Exams (not during classes)

- Homework - Self Study:

Total: 210 hours

8. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is : 2

9. Entry requirements

Some basic knowledge of logistics or the supply chain is recommended, but not mandatory.

10. General description

A supply chain is a network of organisations that are involved, through upstream and downstream linkages, in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the ultimate consumer. Nowadays supply chains are global, this results in many challenges. The complexity of logistics can be modelled, analysed, visualised, and optimised. Supply chains should be competitive to allow businesses to achieve their goals and to satisfy the needs of the customers. Emerging technologies can lead to supply chain innovation and to more competitive supply chains.

11. Competencies

A3: Contribute to the development of relations, chains and networks B2: Establish, manage and improve upon processes D1: Collaborate in a professional environment D2: Communicate effectively and professionally


12. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more

EELIND1B.1 Written exam at the end of P1 (dictionary and non-programmable calculator may be used as aids)

EELIND1B.5 Group report and presentation during last class of P1 (all members must be present and participate in answering questions)

EELIND1B.6 Group report and presentation during last class of P2 (all members must be present and participate in answering questions)

13. Assessment International Distribution – EELIND1B


Type of exam Written Group reports Group presentations

Number of examiners 1 1 1

Exam period T1 During class in P1 During class in P2

Resit period T21 N/A N/A

Duration 120 mins 20 minutes pres./ 20 minutes Q&A

20 minutes pres./ 20 minutes Q&A

Aids Dictionary and a non-programmable calculator

Dictionary and a non-programmable calculator

Dictionary and a non-programmable calculator

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5 or > 5.5 or > 5.5 or >

Weighting factor 40% 30% 30%

14. Compulsory literature

Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 4/E, Martin Christopher ISBN-10: 0273731122 • ISBN-13: 9780273731122

15. Recommended literature


16. Software -

17. Other materials - Sheets of lectures - Hand-outs during class

18. Activities

Class will be broken up in project teams of 4-6 students dependent upon class size.

19. Teaching methods

- Lectures - Workshops - Student presentations - Tutor hours

20. Lecture/ contact hours 1 x 4 lecture hours per week. For this SU an 80% attendance is compulsory

21. Lecture period Semester 1 (period 1 & 2)

22. Max. number of participants



2.17 Material Management (Internal Logistics)

Name SU and code Material Management – DILMAM1B

1. Study Program Exchange Program

2. Target group Fulltime exchange students, Main Phase, IB E-cluster

3. Professional tasks B: Managing activities and operation C: Planning, execution and monitoring of processes

4. Main Professional task

C: Planning, execution and monitoring of processes

5. Professional products

• Written exam Inventory Management

• Improvement of the inventory management of a case company

6. Credits and study load

European Credits: 7.5

Study load (in hours)

- lectures

- Supervision / Coaching

- Exams (not during classes)

- Homework - Self Study:

Total: 210 hours

7. Cohesion with other SUs

The level of this SU is :main phase (2)

8. Entry requirements Basic knowledge in logistics.

9. General description

The logistics environment is very complex, customers are very demanding and demand is very volatile. However, with good materials and inventory management techniques, some decisions can be made that can reduce the overall cost of a company and improve the customer service level.

10. Competencies B2: Establish, manage and improve upon processes C2: Acknowledge, diagnose and correct problems C3: Monitor performance

11. Assessment criteria Weighted average of 5.5 or more



• Is able to make a forecast of future demand and can analyze which forecasting techniques is most suitable for which type of demand pattern.

• Is able to determine the optimum order quantity and re-order point for independent demand items.

• Is able to calculate the level of safety stock needed for the required service level.


• Is able to calculate the costs of ordering, the costs of carrying inventory and the expected average inventory levels.



• Is able to make a forecast of future demand and can analyze which forecasting techniques is most suitable for which type of demand pattern.

• Is able to determine the optimum order quantity and re-order point for independent demand items.


• Is able to calculate the level of safety stock needed for the required service level.


• Is able to diagnose the bottlenecks of the Inventory Management of a company within a case situation.

• Is able to improve the Inventory management of a company within a case situation.


• Is able to calculate the costs of ordering, the costs of carrying inventory and the expected average inventory levels.

12. Assessment


Type of exam Written Report

Number of examiners 1 1

Exam period T3 During class

Resit period T4 na

Duration 120 mins na

Aids Dictionary and a non-programmable calculator

Dictionary and a non-programmable calculator

Minimum grade or tick (√) 5.5 5.5

Weighting factor 5.0 5.0

13. Compulsory literature

Arnold & Chapman, Introduction to materials management, 8th edition, Pearson

14. Recommended literature


15. Software Excel / Spreadsheet

16. Other materials n.a.

17. Activities

18. Teaching methods

• Lectures

• Case studies

• Computer practical

19. Lecture/ contact hours

2 x 2 lecture hours per week. For this SU attendance is compulsory

20. Lecture period Semester 2 (period 3 & 4)

21. Max. number of participants


