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International Journal of Livestock Research ISSN 2277-1964 ONLINE Vol 4(2) May’14 Hosted@www.ijlr.org Page64 Invitro and In sacco Dry Matter Degradability of Some Indigenous Multi-Purpose Fodder Trees of Wolayta Zone, Southern Ethiopia Takele Geta 1 *,Lisanework Nigatu 2 , and Getachew Animut 3 1* Jigjiga University, College of Dryland Agriculture, P.O. Box 1020. 2,3 Haramaya University, School of Natural Resource and Environmental Sciences and Animal and Range Sciences, PO. Box 138 *Corresponding author - [email protected] ; [email protected] Rec.Date: Mar 03, 2014 05:13 Accept Date: Apr 23, 2014 04:38 Abstract The major limiting factor among others for livestock production is nutrition both in terms of quantity and quality in tropics. To curb the problem of feed availability, use of indigenous multipurpose fodder trees would be regarded as good option. The objective of this study was to estimate the in-vitro and in-sacco DM degradability of selected indigenous MPFTs in 3 districts of Wolayta Zone. Samples were collected from the field and analysed in the laboratory and fistulated animal at Holeta Agricutural research center. The five MPFT species taken for estimation of invitro and insacco DM degradability were E. brucei, V. amygalina, E. cymosa, C. africana and D. abyssinica. The in-vitro DM degradability of the five selected MPFT species were generally high and ranges 37-54%, and was lower (P < 0.05) for C. africana than other species. Potential and effective in-sacco degradabilities ranged 40-83% and 24-63, respectively, and were in the order of D. abssinica > E. cymosa > V. amygdalina > E. brucei > C. Africana. It can be concluded that the indigenous MPFT species with high in-vitro and in-sacco DM degradability can be supplementary to poor quality roughages to fill the gap especially in dry season. Key words: Fodder tree, DM digestibility, Invitro and Insacco, Supplementary Introduction In tropics the major limiting factor among others for livestock production is nutrition both in terms of quantity and quality. To curb the problem of feed availability, use of indigenous multipurpose fodder trees would be regarded as good option (Takele, 2013; Takele et al., 2014). Indigenous multipurpose fodder trees are potentially inexpensive, locally produced protein supplement for ruminants, particularly during the critical periods of the year when the quantity and quality of herbage is limited (Salem et al., 2006). Fodder intake is related to fiber digestibility because intake is reduced when fiber is increased in the digestive tract. Rate of digestion provides an important measure of forage quality because fodder species having rapid rates of digestion is greater in forage intake than that of forage species with high fiber and slower rates of digestion (Lebopa et al., 2011).

International Journal of Livestock Research ISSN 2277-1964 ONLINE Vol 4(2) May’14

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Invitro and In sacco Dry Matter Degradability of Some Indigenous

Multi-Purpose Fodder Trees of Wolayta Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Takele Geta 1*,Lisanework Nigatu

2, and Getachew Animut


1*Jigjiga University, College of Dryland Agriculture, P.O. Box 1020.

2,3Haramaya University, School of Natural Resource and Environmental Sciences and Animal

and Range Sciences, PO. Box 138

*Corresponding author - [email protected]; [email protected]

Rec.Date: Mar 03, 2014 05:13

Accept Date: Apr 23, 2014 04:38

Abstract The major limiting factor among others for livestock production is nutrition both in terms of quantity and

quality in tropics. To curb the problem of feed availability, use of indigenous multipurpose fodder trees

would be regarded as good option. The objective of this study was to estimate the in-vitro and in-sacco

DM degradability of selected indigenous MPFTs in 3 districts of Wolayta Zone. Samples were collected

from the field and analysed in the laboratory and fistulated animal at Holeta Agricutural research center.

The five MPFT species taken for estimation of invitro and insacco DM degradability were E. brucei, V.

amygalina, E. cymosa, C. africana and D. abyssinica. The in-vitro DM degradability of the five selected

MPFT species were generally high and ranges 37-54%, and was lower (P < 0.05) for C. africana than

other species. Potential and effective in-sacco degradabilities ranged 40-83% and 24-63, respectively,

and were in the order of D. abssinica > E. cymosa > V. amygdalina > E. brucei > C. Africana. It can be

concluded that the indigenous MPFT species with high in-vitro and in-sacco DM degradability can be

supplementary to poor quality roughages to fill the gap especially in dry season.

Key words: Fodder tree, DM digestibility, Invitro and Insacco, Supplementary


In tropics the major limiting factor among others for livestock production is nutrition both in terms of

quantity and quality. To curb the problem of feed availability, use of indigenous multipurpose fodder

trees would be regarded as good option (Takele, 2013; Takele et al., 2014). Indigenous multipurpose

fodder trees are potentially inexpensive, locally produced protein supplement for ruminants, particularly

during the critical periods of the year when the quantity and quality of herbage is limited (Salem et al.,

2006). Fodder intake is related to fiber digestibility because intake is reduced when fiber is increased in

the digestive tract. Rate of digestion provides an important measure of forage quality because fodder

species having rapid rates of digestion is greater in forage intake than that of forage species with high

fiber and slower rates of digestion (Lebopa et al., 2011).

International Journal of Livestock Research ISSN 2277-1964 ONLINE Vol 4(2) May’14

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Since the rumen is the primary site of digestion of forages, it is important to monitor their degradation

kinetics. This can be achieved by using in-vitro and in-sacco technique which is quicker and cheaper. The

important characteristics of digestion in the rumen with regard to forages are: effective degradability, lag

time, rate of digestion and the amount of digestible fiber. Rumen degradation is thus regarded as a major

descriptor of forage quality. It is useful in ranking fodder trees and shrubs in terms of nutritive value and

for comparing the digestive capabilities of important fodder species (Lebopa et al., 2011).

Several studies were conducted on multi-purpose fodder trees (MPFTs) in different parts of Ethiopia on

different aspects (Getnet, 2007; Aynalem and Taye, 2008; Lebopa et al., 2011). However, most were deal

with introduced or exotic fodder tree species and very meagre information was available about the

degradability of indigenous MPFTs. The significance of this study gives insight to determine the in-vitro

and in-sacco DM degradability of the indigenous MPFTs as animal feed. Moreover, site specific

evaluation of these species can contribute to further establishment and utilization as a fodder. Therefore,

the objective of this study was to estimate the invitro and insacco dry matter degradability of the some

selected indigenous MPFTs in the study districts.

Materials and Methods

Study Location

The study was conducted in three districts of Wolayta Zone, Southern Nation Nationalities Regional State

(Figure 1 and 2). The three districts were selected based on the potential of livestock production and were

in different altitudinal ranges. These districts were Soddo Zuria (highland), Damot Woyde (mid altitude)

and Humbo district (lowland) and were located at 330 km, 356 km and 347 km South of capital city,

Addis Ababa, and at altitude between of 1950-2400, 1400-1750 and 750-1100 meters above sea level,

respectively. They were experiences 8 to 10 months of rainfall and bimodal type was common (Tsedeke

and Endrias, 2011). The main rainy season was extended from May to September and the small rainy

season was in February to April but the amount was variable among the districts (Adisu et al., 2011).

The Sodo Zuria was located approximately at 6o50'N-7

o53'N and 37


o53'E, Damot Woyde was

located approximately at 6043’N-7

033’N and 37


o43'E and Humbo districts was located

approximately at 6034’N and 37

043’E latitude and longitude, respectively. The soil types of the three

districts were Vertisoil and nitosoil. The annual maximum rainfall of the study districts were 1300 mm,

1100 mm and 900 mm and the minimum rainfall were 1150 mm, 1000 mm, and 650 mm for Sodo Zuria,

Damote Woyde and Humbo districts, respectively. Temperature of the districts were ranges between 13-

International Journal of Livestock Research ISSN 2277-1964 ONLINE Vol 4(2) May’14

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26oC, 17-24

oC and 18-30

oC for Sodo Zuria, Damote Woyde and Humbo districts, respectively (Beranu,

2012; Fanuel and Gifole, 2012).

The agricultural production and land use systems were dominantly mixed crop-livestock farming system.

Crops and livestock husbandry were common practices in the three districts where an extensive livestock

production mainly depend on free grazing and cut and carry (in-door/out-door stall) feeding systems.

Pastures and hay from hedgerows, pastureland, crop residues and crop left over on farm land, agro-

industrial by-products like furishika and furishikelo, false banana or enset and its by-products and

browses were all feed resources in the study districts.

Figure 1. Map of Southern Nations and Nationalities Regional state (source: UN)

International Journal of Livestock Research ISSN 2277-1964 ONLINE Vol 4(2) May’14

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Figure 2. Map of Wolayta Zone (Source: Zonal finance and economy office)

Sampling and Data Collection

Households were asked to rank the different multipurpose trees (MPFTs) on the basis of their uses mostly

as feed for animals, availability of fodder trees and other benefits. Based on their rank, the top five

MPFTs leaves were selected for feeding value evaluation through in-vitro and in-sacco DM digestibility

determination. Thus, a total of 5 bulked leaf samples of fodder trees were used for in-vitro digestibility

and in-sacco digestibility analysis.

In vitro Dry Matter Digestibility

In vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of samples of MPFTs was determined by the method of Tilley

and Terry (1963). Dried samples were ground to pass through a 1mm screen. About 0.5 g of samples were

incubated in 125 ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing rumen fluid-medium mixture maintained at 39 0C,

followed by pepsin digestion in an acidic solution. Fiber digestion by rumen microbes had been

completed within 48 hours (although this is not the case for poor quality tropical roughages), but the

residue contained unchanged feed protein and microbial protein. To digest these materials, 48 hours

incubation in acid pepsin solution was used again. The rumen fluid was obtained from rumen fistulated

cattle fed with roughages and kept at Holeta Agricultural Research Centre.

International Journal of Livestock Research ISSN 2277-1964 ONLINE Vol 4(2) May’14

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In-sacco Dry Matter Digestibility

The dried samples of leaves were ground to pass through a 2 mm screen to determine DM degradability.

Rumen degradability of the samples were determined by incubating about 2.5 g of sample in nylon bag

(41µm pore size and 6.5x14 cm dimension) in rumen fistulated animals kept at Holeta Agricultural

Research Centre. The animal was kept in individual pens to control animals feeding separately for easy of

management. Duplicate nylon bag containing samples were incubated in three rumen fistulated cattle fed

with roughages and occasional supplements of concentrates, by placing the foliage samples at different

hours (at 0, 6, 12, 24, 48 72 and 96 hrs) and taking them out at the same time (sequential addition). At the

end of the incubation period, sample containing bags were washed after the removal from the rumen with

running water. The washed bags were air dried and then dried in an oven at 100 0C for 48 hours. The

dried bags were then taken out of the oven and allowed to cool down in desiccator and weighed


The DM was fitted to the equation described by Ørskov and McDonald (1979) using the Naway Excel

programme (Chen, 1995) to get the potential disappearance of DM. Y= a +b (1-e-ct

), where Y= the

potential disappearance of DM at time t, a = rapidly degradable fraction, b = the potentially, but slowly

degradable fraction, c= the rate of degradation of b, e= the natural logarithm, t= time. Effective

degradability (ED) was calculated by following the method of Ørskov and McDonald (1979), assuming a

passage rate of 4% per hour. The potential degradability, PD =a + b, where ED = a + bc / k + c, where

k= passage rate.

Statistical Analysis

Data on invitro and insacco DM digestibility were analyzed using analysis of variance employing the

general linear model procedure of SAS software (SAS, 2000). Mean separation was tested using least

significant difference (LSD). The model for the invitro and insacco dry matter degradability was; Yij =

µ+Ai +eij Where, Yij = response variable, µ = overall mean, Ai = fodder tree species effect and eij =

random error

Results and Discussion

Major Feed Resource Base and Constraints to Animal Production

The major feed resource bases of the three districts for wet and dry season were indicated on Table 1.

After crops harvested, livestock freely graze on crop lands and afterwards the livestock ere graze either

tethered or were kept by herdsmen on cropland and grassland. Cut and carry feeding system was more

International Journal of Livestock Research ISSN 2277-1964 ONLINE Vol 4(2) May’14

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common during the season when land was covered with crop. Feed supply was adequate from July to

December while the period from March to June represents critical feed shortage. The respondents were

showed that the shortage of feed resource has been an immense constraint due to high human population

in three districts that convert pasture and grazing land to agricultural field (Table 2).

Table 1. Major feed resource available in the study districts during the dry and wet seasons


Season % of respondents

Major feed sources base ____________________________________

Sodo Zuria Damot Woyde Humbo



Grazing natural pasture 87.4 85.6 82.1

Crop residues 32.7 33.5 29.4

Parts of root and tuber crops 44.0 48.5 38.7

Fodder tree foliages 43.5 41.5 35.0

Agro-industrial by products 25.6 21.0 17.0


Grazing natural pasture 15.7 12.5 13.5

Crop residues 73.5 67.5 76.0

Parts of root and tuber crops 20.2 18.2 14.2

Fodder tree foliages 65.8 58.6 55.4

Agro-industrial by products 26.3 22.0 19.4

Table 2. Constraints of animal production in the study districts


Problem Ranking by respondents*


Sodo Zuria Damot Woyde Humbo


C Sh & G D C Sh & G D C Sh&G D____

Shortage of Feed 1 2 2 1 2 4 1 2 2

Shortage of grazing land 2 3 4 2 3 2 2 3 1

Health problem (Veter. Service) 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 4

Low Productivity 5 6 3 4 4 3 5 4 3

Water Scarcity 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 6 6

Labour scarcity 6 4 5 6 6 5 6 5 5

*C= Cattle, Sh= Sheep, G=Goat, D=Donkey, 1= >85%, 2 = 65-85%, 3 = 55-65%, 4 = 40-55%, 5 =25-

40%, 6 = <25%

As figured (Table 2) out from the interviews made with the farmers, access to veterinary services was

limited, and disease was put as the primary challenge for small ruminants and donkey production. Low

productivity of animals, water and labour shortages were also among the constraints for livestock

production mentioned by few of the respondents in the area.

International Journal of Livestock Research ISSN 2277-1964 ONLINE Vol 4(2) May’14

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Invitro Dry Matter Digestibility of Selected MPFTs Trees

The IVDMD of the five selected MPFT species was generally high and ranges 37.03-53.68%, and was

lower for C. africana than other species (Table 3).

Table 3. Nutrient composition (% for DM and % DM for others) and in-vitro DM digestibility (%)

of leaves of five selected indigenous multipurpose tree species of the study districts

Fodder tree species

Parameter E. brucei V. amygdalina E. cymosa C. africana D. abssinica SEM

DM 95.13 94.24 94.253 94.31 95.35


CP 21.30a 19.25

a 15.67

b 15.55

b 11.34

c 0.95

Ash 13.42a 13.31

a 13.83

a 14.11

a 8.39

b 0.82

OM 86.57b 86.69

b 86.17

b 85.89

b 91.61

a 0.82

NDF 53.5a 38.33

b 42.75

b 55.52

a 40.67

b 2.19

ADF 43.05ab

34.51c 39.95

bc 50.65

a 33.56

c 2.57

Lignin 9.56b 8.47

b 10.92

b 16.99

a 9.104

b 1.26

IVDMD 52.68a

51.69a 49.95

a 37.03



a 2.46

abcMeans in a row with different subscripts are significantly different (p<0.05); DM = dry matter; CP =

crude protein; OM = organic matter; NDF = neutral detergent fiber; ADF = acid detergent fiber; IVDMD

= in vitro DM degradability

Without due consideration the differences among the five selected species, IVDMD values suggest the

potential of the indigenous MPFTs as a possible supplement to roughage based diets like crop residues

consistent with that has been noted before (Salem et al., 2006; Osuga et al., 2008). The relatively low

IVDMD of C. africana could be attributed by relatively higher NDF, ADF and lignin contents, which

might have limited microbial access to degrade the organic matter as fiber content and digestibility was

negatively correlated (McDonald et al., 2002).

In-sacco Dry Matter Degradability of Selected Fodder Trees

The in-sacco DM degradability parameters of foliages of selected indigenous MPFT species were

presented in Table 4. The degradation parameters a, b, c, ED and PD for DM were all significantly

different (P < 0.05) among the five selected browse species. The rapidly degradation fraction ranged 3.7-

21.7% and was in the order of E. brucei = E. cymosa > V. amygdalina > D. abssinica > C. africana,

while the slowly degradable fraction ranged 30-69% and was in the order of D. abssinica > V.

amygdalina = E. cymosa > C. africana > E. brucei. Potential degradability was greater (P < 0.05) for D.

International Journal of Livestock Research ISSN 2277-1964 ONLINE Vol 4(2) May’14

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abssinica and E. cymosa than the other species, followed by V. amygdalina, E. brucei and C. africana in

descending order.

Effective degradability also took a similar trend like that of potential degradability and values were in the

order of D. abssinica > E. cymosa > V. amygdalina > E. arucei > C. africana. All in all based on the

insacco degradability parameters measured in this study, the five MPFT species appeared to rank in the

order of D. abssinica > E. cymosa > V. amygdalina > E. brucei > C. africana. Generally the in-sacco

potential and effective degradability trends observed in this study were somewhat in line with the trends

observed in invitro degradability values. Although D. abssinica was lowest in CP content, it had greatest

in-sacco and in-vitro digestibility probably due to its relatively lower content of the fiber fractions, as

fiber and digestibility are generally negatively correlated (McDonald et al., 2002).

Table 4. In sacco dry matter degradability parameters of foliages of the selected fodder tree species

in the study districts


Species a (%) b (%) c (%/h) PD (%) ED (%)_____

E. brucei 21.4a 25.5

d 0.051

d 46.9

c 35.7


V. amygdalina 16.1b 61.8

b 0.068

c 77.9

b 55.0


E. cymosa 21.7a 61.0

b 0.070

c 82.7

a 60.6


C. africana 3.7d 30.1

c 0.085

b 33.9

d 24.1


D. abssinica 14.2c 68.9

a 0.095

a 83.1

a 62.8


SEM 0.19 0.34 0.0022 0.30 0.21

abcdemeans in a column with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0.05); a = rapidly

degradable fraction; b = slowly degradable fraction; c = rate of degradation; PD = potential degradability;

ED = effective degradability

Conversely, C. africana being relatively high in fiber and lignin content than the other indigenous MPFT

considered in this study. It’s in-sacco and in-vitro degradability was lowest, indicating that fiber and

lignin content limited the digestibility. In addition chemical composition estimated (Table 3) in this study,

other factors might have been involved in affecting digestibility, and this could probably be the presence

and concentration of different anti-nutritional factors like tannins contained in MPFTs (Van Soest, 1994).


International Journal of Livestock Research ISSN 2277-1964 ONLINE Vol 4(2) May’14

[email protected]



The five indigenous MPFT species selected as an important based on their abundance and utilization as

animal feed, were E. brucei, V. amygalina, E. cymosa, C. africana and D. abyssinica. These five MPFT

species were for their feeding values in the laboratory and were considered to be a potentially degradable

in the rumen to supplement poor quality roughages to fill the gap especially in dry season, and E.brucei,

E. cymosa and V. amygdalina were better in degradability compared to others selected. So, farmers

should select these degradable indigenous MPFT trees for sustainable animal production in dry seasons.


The support of the staff and farmers during the data collection period in the study districts is gratefully

acknowledged. We also extend our sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Education (MOE) of Ethiopia, for

funding this research, and the Wolayta Zone Agricultural office and all individuals for their continued

provision of facilities and enabling environment to conduct this research work.


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