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jehovah's praise

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As Car as possible the songs

have been arranged through·

out the book in alphabetica1

order according to the opening

word or the first vene. For

inda of lOng! according to

dt1e. -=e ~ 95 and 96.

Oop,r1.glit, I9&), by

Wntcllto~ Bible and Tract Bodety, JD~.

Brooklyn. N. Y.



s.r. Yes, A,a. l'e&,

Han the Signal! (lniU 11110)


Sig· na1 raised! See Christ on Zi. On't . wit-ow beat By mak.ingknownGod'twiU, Par ~ D • dlte All earth 'It'itb. praise ~ fill,

Chridon Zi. on's hill! n:""'.him 1~~.,~~. his name be '0"'''', mak-W$known God's 1I'ilJ,~ .. lOU toOn will earl:b WIth praise to 1I.ll, - _ nal ad · "er •

.. ,.,", ............. ,_" .... " ... , .............. , .•. " •... ," ... , ............ , ... , .• himl Iti ... ! Hoil

,. ~


2 Hail the Lord's Anointed!

LAII a H. 3. To

Thill T. m.

hail tbe Lord'a A· noint • ed, brillgll de· liv. 'rancupeed • y

him let praise un • «&1'1 - ing

is the help the


day ap _ point - ed, poor and need -still in - creu -

Be el)meII to break op - pres - .tOIl, Be givea them IOnp to" sigh _ ing, The right - to\l.l world will nev - ar

To tab II - way trans - gTeII - lion, WhOBellOula,condemnedand dy- iIlg. The _ 00 _ ra - ey will (IV - er

• ho _ Yah', bl_·ed Sonl To th090 who lut _ fer wrongi And dai - Iy thanb ns - /!end i

His reign

And """ Wilt be

he has be _ gun I the weak be strong. with· out. an ~d.

To set the eap - tives free, Their dark-neBS tomB to ligbt, Ria love cease to pro - eIa.im;

And rolo in eq - ui _ ty. Were prII-ciollll in bit aight. Up - hold Jo - ho - Yah',name.

3 The Greater Jephthah CalIs!

Stirring maid

L 2. He ealliIl a. No more

Hecallal at use

bo .. With joy will \'roe

God, .. h .... sit down,

Gird linn your ar· mar OIl.

To join him in the fight. But in hiB strength we

vie - t'ry baa beeD won. bat - Ue for the right. fear not an -., foe.

The Ored·er Jeph.thabgoea be-folf!; Wflre wiU-ing in hill day ofpow'r Ob, use til, Lord, to JlerYe for YOUi

He leada his might _ y throng. to suva nil be does guide; Shield us with your great pow'r

rise aDd join him in the ranks; With loy _ aI and wit.h faith·tal he&rtl, We As tlrm we stand un - to the end, Till

buth will be Dill' IIOOg.

11. - bot' on his aide. your tri - nm-phant houri

"Be Glad, You Nations, with Ria peopler' (£0 .... lSI." Rothuu.)

La. .n. 1&

glad, you na-tiont, with glad, you aa.ticas, with g{ad, lon na-tiool, lrith h~

pea. plel peG - plel pro. pte I

Tbe Sig - nalliund. up - 011 Zi - on i Of AI" - ma • roed-don', des • 0 ta- tlon i The goodn.", ot Je.bo.vah'tkiDg-dOl1lj

Th. TIWo 00

Ki.a.r-dom is .~ hand, world ill ncar the brink ttll from door to dOOl'

Re-joiee in ~"rJ landl It's near • fOr than they think I Yl!III, tell It more and more,

n. !lin' - en OM-til. tirneshavo end-edj Theitlringshave had da,. Wb.i..I8 men praise their A· bom - i - oa-tiOD And It::; the Prince p_. That priDe· ea thftl wlU rule in jUl-li., A in right _ tolUl - ON!.

Be gtad, lOU IUI-tlOIUI, with W,h&iI th&t Prirloe with ex Be ,lad, Jou na-lio.u, with

peo- pie' la-tiM;

peG- pJ.1

I • . ho· n,h'lItin,- bolllu.a,! Be .. - er will. ia-e.rn.e! SeI'T8 Ood in taith _ ".I-n_1

s - Hosannas for David's Son! (PIala 11'1 D, 25)

1. C.riot, tho .r •• W"l,d'. sure fOIln-da·tiOll, 2. Zi OIl, that d. • YOt • ed eit -1, 3. r.. yOUl' tem • pIe, ",here". bl.,ou,

II the tl!m-ple'a oor-Iler-,tooe, De.Ny loved of God 00 high, O"~t,!,gn .. lo .t.ndeachda.Yi

Cho -1t!I:I of the Lord, and pre_ riOlUl, Bind-ing all the ebureh in Due; ID u-nlt-ant ju • bl- la· tion Ponr8outh!&l1-felt mel· oody. In the ehad-ow of yOl1l'atroD,hlUld Keapyou:raheepfromurm,'III'lIpray,

help for. II" - u, And bold - 11 In ..... , ........

c ......

her eon - ft • denee I - lODe. the bomes and pub -lit! - Iy_

you they.tay.

6 Blessed Axe the People! (PuJm 19: 15)

Happily; wit1l.lteady movl!men~

1. Blesa-ed are the peo - pie Who, l""~!":i~~ :~[ '~I:~l~: ;;"'' ~!:~ your truth 2. Sa· tan and his Ie-giona Are ~ your faith 3. Do not loseyoureour-age Tho tho tnltb

is found, Whospread it aU a-round; For they will tv_er walk In the a • bound; Make earth with praisa n;l-!50und. J e • bo - vah hUlrG - vid _ cd A gain-B81; Still wateband ftgbtandprlYi Fot' ~"6mll8tslan tbetestAndm.

FiDd-ing,1.II they serve, Riehsup.pliesofyotlrgratJe. He will all tboee ehield Who his l'IgbteoulIltlS seek.

",,_,,",: Hav-ingGod's ap - prov-al, Clrenotwhatmeaaq.

th. Lo, .. ,- Blcss'd is the man who dai·l,.


messed Are the Peoplel (Condaded)

stud - iel bis Word. Heed bis King - dom ml!ll - ..", and

Prove your de - vo - tiOD amg-ing forth ba praisel

His Word Is Truth ( John 11:11)

'i'enderl,,; in a sudai11ed manner

1. Bles-eel ble, pre-eiouaWord, Truth most 11& - ered from Lord; 2. It', • lamp of pur.~t light Guid _ ing feet thradeptta. of nigbt; 3. It', • ,pring ot wa· tel' clear Of· i'ring lite to all lb,t bear. 4. God'~ Word ill in'l!Pired wd tnJe; Gina

To ru. name let praise bo ,in And the tc:Jrcl! of lib - er - ty; Free· Iy Wink,O Lhirst-1 ODe; Tblt bit aerv-&D1a per - fed - Iy

tb.i. gra-eious gil'!rom heav'n. y ... its"t.ruthwill let YOll ftee". Wbo _ 110 • ev • er will lIlA,. tome. For good worb will be.

8 "Fear Them Nod" (Matthe" 10: 28)

C01'/idefd!y; ""til vigorl

Tnm - ble 1l0~ be • Tho they tIM fair .~"". ~.d Tho )'011. die up •

That J, - ho • vah, God Al- might-y, Boao will strib tho dead· I, blow Fear lhell1DOt, my taith·fal war-rior.; Figbtlnor let )'0\11' beuts be tailIti Feartbemllot 1I'ho kill the bod-,. But eaa· Qot de-mol the IOu!.


"Fur Them Notl" (Condudt4) C1tortu; '" (I .tIL$taintd mill""r

~ them aot, 0 ml be • 109' ed, Tho their ti, f

I will keep 1II1 t.lth· till serv '1IlI~ As tho .p·ple or Ill,)' eye.

Praise the King of Eternity 4:u, Mejut-kally; with powe-r

10 - • Examine M e, 0 God (Pula 3)


1. Ex • IIID • ine me, aDd pM'l'8 my •• ,..; a Then t, 1titb TOice at thanlt-fu1-n-, S. With lin - nel'S do Dot plb - u me,

banda' in - no - eenet', 0 Lord, bah - i - t. - tion 01 your hou!I8, as for me, Lord, I will keep

So to your at - tar Ye., in that place ] And with your peo - pie

I will eome, do de .Ii~l ] will lin,


Try mind and beart, 0 Will pulJ-liIh aDd de Nor take a - way DIy

YOllr paths of truth J\-(I ltod. That great and .on - drous are. With men of btood and .trife.

Your name 10 mq'-ni-fy. Whet\!! does your hOD - or d1n!lL More and yet II;I.Qf'e yoar praise.

11 God'. Righteouo Requiremento Hoppily; tOitJ. /folDing motIt"'t:n'

1. Faith·ful 10 God, oh, let III be, a It: we but aiD ~ ,Ie keep our sight 8 Oil, let ua help our broth~ true,

lIis min - ia-ter., we eom-forl bring It: we'n ._Iert 10 preach the Word As min-ia-tel"l, oar bl_oed atate


II,IId;''i!':'' oW' in - !tg-ri-t,.j " will be fctU of light.

U olll'«lvn our 11eig.b·bon too;

To moum-ing onlll, u.UlIC\ them to IWg­Tbe truth by man - y will be hurd. We keen - Jy would .p-prfJ - ei •• te;

12 Forward! You Witnesses! (Z TillloU., 2:" 4)

Ruolutely: ill. moderdt~ ""lire" Imp(!

I J", . tiet and Z. Tbere-fore Ihe

,!80I- ditn of . Oog and bi,

truth have been :&.tost High hat Jab do not forn _ I.'!I with

this time of the end, PTe-pared an God', Wl)rldcon ... pir. a • t:y Withfaith in Je-pcuhed a·,ide by attnl The UfI!.' of Jeo. ;iv - en the eom-lIWId To ptllh tbe ad­seek I life of ease; Tb. bold-IICu they de _ fYi The "", •• -"g

!M'rV-ants the good newa to de-t~ndi ho - \'ah they taco Ule VI - e - roy

He taught them to war and to UII-daunt - ed by threats or by Thetetllu,~ be re-.toted to their Hil pel) - pie with In'V - let he Un'lpot - ltd .~ aU times re­In - teg • l'i - ty .1 - ""1),' main.

!bo. \lab 01, !UI.,no~ IeCk to bani , .. nee-of true woNhip ill the lalldi

1m -lers they do Dot try to pltue; Sa_tan tbeysbo,", to be a liei

!p1ao- esl grae-.!

!main-ingl tain_ing!


H. ""lIsbt them to wllr Ind to eon Un - daunt - ed by tbrea'" or by n, _ ,.,' TheM mUit be H. _ .t.ored to t.heir pile _ est Hi, peG - pie with ICI'V - ioe he If&C • es I Un - spot. ted _t aU timet roe-main-iIllI In - tfg - ri - 11 al _ wn)'Imain.Wn _ ing/

Forward1 YOQ WJtntsSeS! (Concluded)

t ... ·tr ItTong or b,,",Jio . j"i~ to en· dure IU thl

"".'''''''''''''.~"; Be rlld that ill God' .... U)"Otl

wll theilad ti.llinp to


13 'Forward!' Be Our Watchword C01lfirk"ny; flowinfl marcA

Not a look be· bind; Bilrosthe fttor -, pil _ lar At our .,. _my'I bud; Comea to gloriona birth. Mouming ODei c:n.VfI CIOttI - fort, Blind ODell grope (or Q1; Thiaday to be wredjEye had DOt be-held them,Ear had DC't'-U heard,

T~m the toil and flgbt; Je-sllII "..be.tOnl '011, Zi - 011 belllll with light. &at - ttr ,loom of night; }'OrwIUU tbru tho darkne8S, For·wal'd in _ to light. la tl!c path ot light, Till ~od'. Word fulfilled is, Till Ollf r.lIh be sight.


1+ -I

Giving Jehovah the Praise (1 Corlillhiug 41 'I)

WitA WClmth; jlowiftgly

.,th ,. 10

glo - ry tor him

priv - 'lege

It'. hill light Keef lieU oat God 8 aerv - ioe

Sbould thru YOI1 e'er With beav'n's fa - dillDt He of - fen to

wor - thy You prell - ence, Give

Je _ ho - vlh; Hia

did not Ood tbe

King- dom " -lint

pro -

To him bon-or Uill mm-5ag9 to Will bon - or his


IS Living Up to the Name Wit,., weAl'il/t aM grauful {low

jus • tice hon. - or .... -~

aI-migbt-,. e-ter· use wen ~h oc · ea· in your bJ~. ed

and match· lesa in and your abeep to iD love Ialld in

I~· feed: peaee,

Per. fed in Your name to Dwell· iDg to-

in Ii - nile wis - dom, aI - ways im.prov - ing our dai -Iy por. tioo,

Th. ... J.y

o_eralrul ing in buy_en a-bovei

Y)'T - i,1is of We would be Up to the

your in-slruc _ tions we faith - tul-Iy heed . flIla our heart. as your prall-ell in-erease.

an - ,ell! de _ light in your eerv - i«, cue - tul of our dai - Iy coo - duet name may 9111 ev - er 00 Iiv - ing;


Won_deI'S of Leat lOme re­Lit. to our



Living Up to the Name (CondllCled)

gra.. dous Je - ho • vah, gn:.~ is our priv-'1egeJ we will bring glad - ness,

Ob, may we Ob, may we ev Joy to your heart,


- ""

livo up to the name I or lifll tip to the name I o Jo-bo-vah onr I

1. Great Ood, we thank YOI1 for the part We have ill mak.ing gladyourbearti 2. E - ler-nal are yOIlJ:'IDOI'-cie.,LordiE - tcr-naltruthat-tendtyoUl'Word; 3. Let mul- ti-tudes their trib-ute bringiIn lOngs of praise ex _ ult _ ing e.ing; '- In ev - 'rJ land swelliond the lOng; From boolle to house bear it •• long;

For all your lov. ing-killd-nesllshown Yonr praise we joy-oua -11 make !mown. YOIU' prailJO 'li'ilI80und from shore to shore, World with-out ond, for ev. or _ more. B.i.J viii - di _ e.-tion loudpro.claim, And e"-upraiseJo-bo-vah'alWllo. The Sig - 11m for all peo-ples raile, And IIll the earth with joy-fu] praise.


17 Keeping Integrity

1. God hu now com· mnnd • ~ 2. With the King· dom good n~ ...

That IV. H~lp

ligbt forth 10 IIprl"ad

3. Faith_lui in your Slerv • i«, UI, Lord, to be;

B~.k . Com • rori Keep • ing 11m,

the 1II0DrD· en, un • brok • eo

Of e ... th'. Hope for Gllr in·

From All W.,

T .... H. GOo

hwbo-ly ODr Itrength to your eho • ..:n

" mo, .. make. 0", ~m

rt, pl'llise ,.,

I,. wit ...

g\lid .

pie Light - nings 1I&., h a", Cornea (rom Ood pit, Will with joy

... By ... light - mi •• lion To .. ..It.r -

boo . .. To your '0 .

20 '\!I

'In,1 .. !linf, •• lone i

pro . eh.im

-di "jne. I, known. Iy nllllll'.

18 Love'. More Excellent Way (1 CorillthJ.au 11)

L Dod is love. He !ll!te 2. We may lpeod much time 3. Lo", is P'· bent. 10Te

Love ot God &lid Ion Yet _bat prot - it would I, not _If - W, Dor

ill loy" u - eel-lioB -1. ", . eu-tioD too eo·dure; ill-iIwt-oered doea it

of. neigh-bor Prompt-iIlg all you do and .. ,. ... it bri.og ~ U our Dlo _ tin were Dot pure' re - ltDt-fw, U. - ell The _ 0 - cu.t _ ie ta.et..

Tho q bad aU faith and knowl.f<lge, Oirte of tooruee and proph-, - fl1. LoTe is COli - A • dent and hope - tuI, 10 the truth it takes de -liaht i Loveud faith and hope CIOn _ tin - Otl All we 1M!f'V8 our God •

Yet if love it _ Rlf were laelr.-ing We would ,in!. • ply Love int.rong, all things eo - dur - lng, And re _ joie N Ad the wa,. that'. more ell: • eel-ling h the way of


notb.ing br. io the right. per-teet Jove.

19 '" Be Strong in Faith (haiab . ')

1. God'. aerv-aots, who DOW _k to bring Glad tl· dings to th~ meek, 2. ColD-pared ~tb him, the Ono IDost bigb ~d lI'ho ere· ~ . ~ aU, 3. Let faith lD Ood youutrengtbre - new HIs 1l1imO to vm_di _cate;

Why abould ;you let The na - hons are bul You'll grow not wea-ry

1011 JrOw f-.ip.t..ad from II. huelt _ It

011 him you will ""'" taU. wait.

Do you not !mo., have )'ou not beard E - ter - nal is the LonU With·in hiJ; hudll he holcatht 1Itas, \Vtigbmoun-tainlin hill _lei Yoorsongot prais. es to the Lord Le~ men ofgood •• m bear;

gTOWI not fai nt, doe. DOl buv·eDt meg-om with his ne., - tt [rtr tbo wrath of

deePi Youd.ltb he wil l re - ward. SpaD; Hi, pow-or can - not !&iI. UWl i Be atrong aDd of good clJeer

20 -- Theocracy's Increase (J..u.h tl6, 'l)

Triumphantly; with. vigor!

L Hail The The • oe • ra • <:1, ov· er in· erus-ing I a Long 1an1 a - go uw tb, low _Iy be - gUHllng 3. Christ on hla jlJdg-m~t throne ,ita and is reign-ingi 4. Won - tier - lui Coun .. 'lor lind F,,·ther 8U • pet · nal,

pan • sion ;, ... tDk-inr plaul PH .. 10 Jo deem - er hio earth - Iy .'Y trod; Now • <,,"

Mar-v'!olll fX' As our Re­Na - tion. and Miiht -, i.

- ho - 'ah ;, mul • tI· tude

pro - pies be· tore him 'p-pelr; S~ Ood'. lu_prem_a_cy h., MO th, 0,1 - " of Ptoaee. z,,' of J. - ho • vah u-

'" , , , ,

I" \;Ullg wilh-out «aI-ing; trib· ut. are brin,.ing, he'll be main-lain-inr, StiTH peace e· ter - nnl,

, 1

+-.;-"Rem-nant" and "oth - ... r lihet'p" joy in II~ graee. Hail - ing the King, U" A - noint-fli of God. Cruah-~ng his rn· e - mies both tar IlDd nMr. Milk - lor bls gov-eru - rnent I'V -('I' in -erenlK'.

, ,

21 Jehovah, Our Song! (lMlU U:I)

Eztdta,dly; mootk-jlolDing

1. ~:~~~~~;i· ho-vah,oW'strengthand ou".ong, 2. eeptyou re· joieo io)"Ourlig:b\; S. joy we go, do _ iog yoW' 11'1 II;

You are our Mak-fl'; to Eyesthatare o-pened DOl'!' Tho Sa_tan but-ttl, nre

you we be-Iongj tee truth andrl,ht. tnIlt. . ing you shl1;

We are your wit - ness - es beAr - iug your news Hnil-ing tbe King_dam, they hear youreGUI-mand; Tho be may sIn)' us, Lord, help UI to be

Wheth-ff menbcl1' it or proud-Iy re-luse. M.tk - iog theireboieo with Je _ ho _ yah they ltand I Je _ ho-vnb,oar long. Our Wit - ness - N hold - ing last in _ teg _ ri _ ty.

Iltrmgth ud Dill' 1ODg, Your ume a - toJ-ling All the daylong i

22 -

Glo _ .


1. Bea· ... n.I' 2. A. our 5, Oive UB 40. Let the

Jehovah~ Our SoD,1 (CoDduded)

ho _ V.h, • might - '1 io pow'T,

You are Gili' To"" I

The Servant's Prayer

F. - ther, Sov.'nip Lord, Be your glo • rioWl len' • ice we pur - we Teach UII, lord, you wil-dom ff'OlIl •• bove, Pure.nd gen - tie, joy to have a part. In your llerv - iee


nallle a • dored; will to do. full of love; till heart;

For your mer _ c.ie. will en­YoureQm-mand·meob we ... ould Help us mer _ ci - rul to And to pmy," IIe'er will

faith.lul, 8'1'· er IIUI'\!. Bring-iog truth to "otb-er Jhefp". And with _ out par. Hal. - i - t,".

~~. That your kiDr·dom U'tUIl.


> !Ii

23 Forward Go!

1. H.v, you a 2. W IU' • riOIS of 9. Not in yoill'

(lHlah 18: 6)

aCIng 10 alng for God, a _ riM, join own migbt think you

J. -Uta at

to "'.

_ yah,

"'J' - quer;

Rave YOIl • Un _ der the Not of YOill'.

eong 01 hill reign and Cap - tain of hill Free r;elveli ea.o you win the

Have you a mes - 5llge clear for all Take up the shield at faith aud the But in the Bt~gth of Ood will bit


And • oom • mia - lion to Put on the bel· met of Bring-ins to nought Ba-eha.n',

For - ward gol

St4 - r.rt 'l'a - tioo.. eat • tie.

24 1

• Forward Gol (Omduded)

Dot w&it;Fol _low tbe Gmt.«r

The Dwellings of the Lord ( Paa)III IW)

With 104mt"; broadly

1. How love.I, Ire your dwell-jugs, Lord, The eourta where your Daml! i. ,·\lOrN I 2. How fa-vored thOle who e(llDe to yo l.l For help their pow. en to re. new! 3. A df.y with·in YO Llr l!Ourtf 110 fair Ex. ctls I thou-l&IId lpent e~where; I . Je • ho· vah iI • tun and shj,ld To those who rigbt-«lus rruita now yield;

With an my heart tor them lloreg. 'ling my fnlte-Cul llOof. And _ben rdnabed by grac:eandtrutb They l inc your pn.ise with Itrengtb of rooth. I 'd rath-el' ruardyollrdooflo blest Tbandwellm lents or Wltk · f'«·IIl'S8. H. helps them htp in • tt&' - ri - ty, And gi\'eI tbl'ID true pros · per • i . Iy.


I Am Jehovah! (laaiQ 45: 18)


C(l'ltjid,lIUy; wilh vigorl

1. UHr 2. Hark! 3 ....

f{~gl Sonl

"1 know nol J.. bo "Your Ood whom yOD serve Yet fur _is - t'fI hold

I Ibould let hi, reo • pIe fOt" n~k to me Ind trib • ute hnng!" poor oC urth in In • guid! glWP.

Re· fuse to let lb. H~b;" •• De • ~ tbe God ot 1.l'IIel'l lu eoun-ael'pinst Je-iKf.fth'.

vall I Who is he, Tbat ca.n-not 11&\". you now; Bfnd your OQ. thl'ir might-y EIIed, While Ihe


But ,.-bose Willi the po,,'r th,t 0 • vu­But .... bOM wu tbe lnight - Y Arm tbu Ab I who will de-strey the proud op-

ptr - ilhtd. in the turned 1M boaat-er h. • tt all the

depths ot the '" , "'clt to wbenet! be came,

mfl!k ot tU taflh ,

J Am Je:hovah! (CoDdude4)

,.itll."~ .

And whoM was the Ann thlt brought d. - [iv·'rance De • liv _ 'ring bw peo - pi, (rom lbeir dl'Nd·td roe, And who will eI - tab -lish thlm in ri,bt..ous-JlHS.

CAD"" • I ,

~ ~

And Btt hi, AnamAB-ni­And tum their

ebo-au peo-ple h - rut rn-e' lied his greahnd ho - 1, namd .or· row in - to lOBI' or mirth t

am the Lord; the" i. no otb_.r;

.. h ~ ..... • I r

am Ibe Lord, Je - b.o· yah ill all Damej I'", . 1 DIy King up-


26 - Heaven's Army Is Advancing!

Triumph/lnt n!.lJrch

1. Heu'n'. ar • my is 2. Ag • gres - ~h'e is 3. TIeav'o', Ir - my

- or - ing Je - ho • yah God'. word with bold - nese; hi. 'I'm _ di • ~a - tion,

drag - 00 Wit· ness" eer • tain;

Its ev - 'ry In this Je Je-ho,voQ

pow'r • ho


bis eOID - fIl.lQda. feel dis - may.


W'nI'gainst God"!'I'm. Now bat - ties (or Je - ho - V.h"lure

shad - ow of bill own hand God safe - Iy guards them all. takes thegraodof - fen - live; Let'. join hun in the figbl waits tritd.nd faith - tuJ, Who I.y not down thelword.

27 Courage. Press On!

L He that it: faith-CuI, he tbJ,t i,101-.I, Ntll' - tr Till give: tray 10 (ur; 2. Faith it the pow'r th,t mov" WI to ae-tiOD; Love prompta to failbfulDftiS DOW; 3. Forwardl Je-bo · 'Vlb,lIlirht-y mbat.tle, Ell:. hor14 usi.jth-lul to be,

Bot';'. the wit-D_ of truth lritb III bold.n_.Sbowing the Kingdom iI: ben:. Zeal for their King move. the heal1ll o! the loy-ali Self-ish am·hi·tina must bo .. , Till thia world'. 8)'S-telD5lie ahoro of .A.IId he bu gained vie-to..ry.

Then let'. go forth I On-wlrd! press on I Ad.vue-ing be Ollr light.

Tbua .. ,.. Je-bo-vah: "I'll smngthen and help 1011 ;B.t-tle for truth and for right!"

28 - Joyous Theocratic Activity Liltinglfi witll. lighC "eart

aDd joy - GUS the bOQI"I

2. A • lerl to beat' wi~·n'" to all, S. W. glad·1y call baek on the meek

the best of our porn! - )Ole - the elo-san- to ctill;

With pa-ticnee ea-eour-qe the weak,

_Ie -' --'c _I

Which DO., i.q the ~. ice we .pend, We fear-less-IT .tand on the Itmt, And aidt.hemJe·ho-vah \0 kno",;


name of our God to de - feldl po. - en will find UII dq • rreel. them in the len-ice to 10.

, 'ill

WithKinl-domtruth fUl·ingour mind Ld ,: iII. oa:rbeart. tor tbe"lheep", Ia eaIJ.-iDg at homeswePl&beleu Our mo-tire ia pan ud'ftll-meant; B1 prNeb.illi the Word ev-'ry-1t'hue, We tru - 1, ae - eom _ plish our .1,,, .. ~ . ~ ... .

1 I ~

29 - Happy the Merciful! (Mlnh_ 11;1)

HUr'/elf;;", a llUlaintd. mmu:cr

1. PI are the mcr !ull God'uyea tru-ly beu· - fuli 2. The Iller· ei. ful are great.ly b1e1!t; Tbru !aith and auv·ioe h'''t rest; 3. rhe mer - ci· ftll need IIsve :no dread When up led;

Who ~l to all who lovo therigbt: The Lon! in mer _ ~ tak.de-light. Th~ ben - e - 6t by mer - ey &hown 8inc:o ChNt was pl~ up - 011 his throne For life he glad -ly will be-atow On III who God -like m -c abOll".

Co.1-v'ry nll'l' - ey God df".pl,.,.,d, vi • mOD for our ran...om made; TllilS mer - ey they would glad·ly By pre.ch·jng God'. Word ev·'rr - where, Ob, mer-a-ful may we e'er be AIld that tell-der -i -

H. By

!wo ..... oor trame, that ue weat, tell - ing men: Be of good deer Q.I - ilIg each oc - ea..moa giv'n

So of - hn Wtt-CI)' to the meek. &-utlSe the Kioa'.dom. DOW is heN. To iI!l - i-tate our God in heav'n.

30 - Jehovah God, My Shepherd (hal_ II)

1. Jo • ho - nh Ood *' alY .bep-benl i 2. Tho in the vaJe of death'. aIad _ ow 3. How wile and lo .... ing my sbep-bent!

So wbyahould I war-ry or tnt t I •• U:, I nerd fear no ill Hil praia- es .ith joy I liDg;

,.~~.;~,r:~::.;..t~sb~PIO muehWill none ot hi5 OW'll for. get. al·ways near, Hia ItAII' bring!! me com-fort Itill. Itn· der are, To "otn - er .neep" lVill I bring.

My soul doc. n-.tore and bJea i My elJp he haswell lup-plied; Walitcare-hl.ly in hit W'Yi -

31 -

1ehovah God. My Shepherd (ConDhulttl)

guides my atepa for his own "~",,;;,, lov-ing-kind·utu will fol

glo-rious trea.a-ure ot ~" -mg Iu path.ways ot rilfbt..eous-neu. And e'er iu his housel'lI re-aide. I'll grate. hl-Iy use tll(lh day.

Let All Now Praise Jehovah! (Rfl ... eI,UGA Ifi: S. ,>

M4jUtil:ol~; with power

1. Je . hu - vah OUf God, 2. H01I"won-droUllandgreat S. To na - tions loug dark

mOlt bo - Iy, your .-orb, God let ligbt DOW

we high -ly ell - teem. and true are your way!ll ",;U come 10 your throDe.

1111- preme, ot prailll!l be abOI1'n;

YOllr glo - ri-OlllJ How jun, King of Pure lI'Or-ahip lind

IIWl - i-told worth judg·menta II. - broad, boll - or yUIU' name'

III now ex - to! in both bea.v _ eo Md earth. YO\lnaintsnuwnI_joice to \IOn· tess you their God. Ld aU men of good·",;U ),our vir _ taea pro-~'aim.

32 Gratitude for Divine Patience

1. Je • ho-vah God, y~ Madeall things beaa·ltout ill their time. 2. Great God, your uaI. tor rii:hi~~t;;;;; Could end at onte all wiek-ed -lless i 3. Your pll.tience, Lord, we I U68 [n aid-ing JIl(!n the truth to c.h00lle i

To this all na-turfl tea-ti-8ft! But that sal • 'fa· tion may be nUl'll Show them your at - tri • butes dj_vine

Through-out. Lbe earth lod in the skies. You have held back de-stme·tivs powra. Which in your word 10 de.r·ly shine.

An. :;;;;.;:;"':;.:~ de -light Now J "<m,".,;,- ti· tude" Help u. 110 plaiu

Yet aLill mOn! beau.· . _ tUI will be For pa. tienoe ahOWD, and long to _ And then with tie the bellO - 11


To all who love the truth aDd right, Yourprais~aingwith grat - i-tude That they sal - va - tion too !lUIy pin i

The tri-umph of your sov·'reign·ty_ The tri-umpb of ,.our SO\'·'n:ign-ty. Of your tri· um-phant IOv.'reign-!y.

Cultivating the Gift of Love (l C.rinlhiau lZ : 11)

and thUl k&l,!p true.

T~,;:.~~:;:~.-.,:;J.:lf 10 ptr-reou E - n are,trang_

Them all, yet maketbeirgreat-at care The gilt But we must give with all our heart To abare E'et' per·reet· iDg the gift or love, And t.bua ,-



The Divine Pattern of Love (1 John .: 19)

Dod "Y Lo~.


has wise ·Iy pro· \'id • ed our 10\'0 for our broth· tr His or-g&I1-i - u. _ lion

For us Will be Will al_

nil, Onl'l and ~1, r·.r~ -p ~e.tem eli· yinl!! that we mlly be

true. Firm and troe, Will mnkc U5 ... lert WIl)'1. Yes, .1 _ ways, Un-se]f· i$h _ ty ~m


. .~' , y r r r ~ ~

guid • ed, Lest we should oth • er In 1111 we ta • lion, Sing_lng his

Lest we should fall. In all we do. Sing-ing his

"Y ".w claim ~

.. by wbich ho l"II.les tV • I't",

that true warm Ie . fee - liOn. Ita name 10 eaeh hear · I'J', .... ~.

to help one In-IO"hill vin-di-


, , r r r r so



The Divine Pattern of Love (Conduded)

his ser-vani.l en - deav • or, 'gaiDst an- y de- fico - tiOll, tho truth ev _ er clear - er,

"I tion;

h that of ThtUI silo. our For that is

no Dev· er, no should ,uf·ter !'e.

still dearoer and

God's way is broth - tl' - Iy that is true

love. love.

Jehovah'. Attributes mea.nn'ed

1. i~1~~~~~~~.~:~!~;~~~f~~t1~fOtIII-t.in-head of life and 2. wit-nea bear YOIl made lh~m 3. n,bteGumcSllW0_onldmakeknowu; 4. It we are iD - debt - ed moat.

AD u-tllrupeabof ,.ODr lreat pow'ri Still more will Ar.ma-ged-don'aholU'. Andlt8n!bingiD yOUI' Word WI,! _ Yet greal-e:!' tris-dom,maj-N _ ty. r.r.,. _ flu bue • bear - ing ur, Andhum_blyw.l.kwithyou in feu. Your.t _ m-butea, yOIll' ,10 - riOl1l name, E.z: - nit - ing _ ly we, will pro-claim.

36 Rejoice! Jehovah Reigns! (hal. HI1)

Jo¥OUIlt/; ""tl 0 Il.ad" mDvemen'


allman-kind ti-dinpbring:'TheLord Om-nip-o. tent is ler-na.! truth m.rka all hi" wayli I.et alllh.t breathe.peal: tortb ,"pn,;;'.

For he will. make the ty-r.lIlt eeue, CaUM l'arth to yield her rieb in<l)nue.

I ,

~. '

The Lon:! is King! And who will date He reigna t Oh, then, t% - alt your IItr.ins, And, with his King-dom to the tore,

~ no ..•. ~u: :!··h· -II •• III WI, WJI· ........ II care, YourOodisKingl Je - hO'\'D~reignal

The nl-tionll "'i~lle.~ Wl\r no r,lOrt'lj


Or mar-mor .t his wile de-eree., (ho doub~ bis Pre-ciollllprom.ill.C!II' He baa in _ ataIled nn Zi - 00', height His bl_ - cd Son with King-tiom right. But "_'ry mID lit un - .-fraid, Bo-neath his vine Ind fig tree',1Ihade.


37 Fulfilling Our Commission

1. Je • ho · vah', wit - neal, you must teach In homea and pub - lie - Iy; z. This is the day when Sa - tan tries In ev - 'ry _, to ,till S. Doth "sheep" ud "goabi." you DOW must Wlm, And ear - nest ·Iy eoo - tend

It'. your eom - mn - lion now to preach, The lips of thOle who ad-vu-tiJe For truth and faith; tho moek~rs lteom,

Yet, wit_ness wtb-ful - 1,.­.ADd do Je - bo - vah', will. The good ne," e'cr de - fend.

811. _ tan's world may pres _ sure llring, You need not feet a -Tbn world'. at - lu.rcs ],(lu may not IICt , Bu~ keep I sin - glo U you would _ the II. - Dal figbt And in the vie - t'ry

But as Je-ho-vah'. praise yousing Up _ OD the pure The - 00 - h. - 03'. CoIl - tin - ue as • shin - ing light.

4 1

Tnl!it in bis might - ,. ann. Tbe King-dam that is nigh. God', Pill' - II<- - tS de - dare ..



Joyful Service Happily; with a Wt

1. Let's go forth with glad-ness now onr King; 2. In J e - ho - yah's serv - ice there is work for all ; 3. While we share with glad-ness in his serv - ice sweet,

All onr gifts and I,oy - al hearts and Giv-ing forth the

tal - ents to his work we bring; Tho but small our serv - ice, yet there­faith-ful, heed his gra - cious call; Sa - cred the com-mis-sion we've re­wit - ness to all those we met't, For this won-drous fa - VOl' to us

by we prove ceived from heav'n; here be - low,

. # Our heart's full de - vo - tion Ilnd show forth our love. Yes, to ns rich bless-ings thru the work are giv'n. Grant-ing us such serv-ice, our high praia - es 1I0w.

Jehovah Is Our God! (Psalm 95)

]fajestioolly; with power

ho - ah is our God, 2. He formed the deeps un-known, 3. Come, wor-ship at his throne; 4. To - day at - tend his voice,

The u­The seas Come, bow Nor dare

ni - ver - sal and all dry be - fore the pro-yoke his

King. land; Lord: rod;



Jehovah Is Our God! (Coneluded)


.. .. .r .... T .... .. .. (;; . Come, let us sound his praise a - broad And psalms of glo - ry sing. The moun-tains too are all his own; He holds them in his hand. We are his works and not our own; He formed us by his word. Come, like the peo - pIe of his choIce, And own your gra - cious God. ... • Ll ... • ... n •


Praise Him More and More (Psalm 71)

Beseechingly; smooth-flowing

'--' 1. Lord Je - ho - vah,Rock and For-tress, Let us ne'er be put to shame; 2. Lord,webless you that saI-va-tion You have brought usthruyour Son; 3. God of right - eous-ness and pow - er, You the hope of all our days,

Be our ref - uge and up-hold us As your hon - or we pro-claim. To the ris - ing gen - er - a - tion We will tell what you have done. Grateful-Iy we ren - der aerY-ice; Moreandmore we'll sing your praise.

--Lord Je - ho-vah! Great Je - ho-vah I We your hon - or will pro-claim. Lord Je-ho-vahIGreat Je - ho-vahlWe will tell what you have done. Lord Je - ho-vah! G~eat -Je - ho-vah I Moreand more we'll sing your praise.


Sing Triumphal Praioel

I. Let us ling Je. bo-v.h'spra.iac 2. Let US sillg Jo· ho-vah'lI praise S. Let us sing Jo· ho-vJ.h'. praise

face the might - 1 loud far all to hum - bill ond the

toe; h~. true,

Ntv - or let. That our King Show.ing theln

l\'&I'D - ing All we te.ch the

the en - II - my di.­will lOOn do.atroy the

their PMV - I • Irge of

may Uli

wiek - edt an - ice,

Fear them not! Yes, the timo Help·ing all

Du~ tor· wnrd let us is oh 110 vet· y

w!.o _k Ood', will to near! do.

Help lDen I!ee


Sing Triwnph&1 Praise! (Colldlldtd)

A ·bom· i - nn - tion. Let liS ling J e _ ho-vnh's prai6e trio

aU hon-or ill

Hail Jehovah's Goodness! (Pulm. U6)

MajtJtictJUy; willi. mt4S'Ured movem",'

1. Lcl Je - ho_vllh 2.He ore-doN. S. Higbt-y 1IVorb be 4. " fb.UlD:ml"nowen -

Nev _ er will his Made tne Ittn to He J"&oIllCln·bered Ne'V· tr will bill

a _ t10red;O'Cf tnl·.· tion tbings BeeII, 1I1"11v'u and earth and ot old, Brollght hit floek to hit rtSt, "Oth • ef~heep"lIl'f1

be ill Lord ; 1111 be-hretD; Ca· nun', told. rich· Iy blm.

kind·ness Csil. llilil Je - ho_vah's rood-~ bail! tPl'O WI light, nfoon Ilnd .lIn to mle by night.

111 when low, Snved us from .. might. y to/!, IriDd-neu lai l. Uail Je· ho. Vah'lI rood-nl'8ll, hail I

43 - Arise and Shine! (laaJah 60) . , ... ,

~ • ... ...... T ' . • 1. UUup, liftup your woioe with.ing.iDg.With~I1gth,OZi-()ll,IiftJOllrvoice;

2. ThuWl will not by "" yOW' light be, Nor moon ber brighl&a gifeat nigbt; 3. YOPuollu.llddaugbters,lrieodulldltrangers,AI elouds of do"., to yon noW' fly,

••• ... ,. ,. . . , I Y

, ,

'Hid earth'. grGIB w!_ ee:' praite ~;:'~;:.t your~~ :jo:, But Ood him-aell will be your alo-",. Je-bo-nh,youre - ler-nalli&'ht. With - in your walla, ufefrom ,II dan-reno TheyjoiniDpraiaiD&"OodMOItHirb.

'I I , Y~r' r


A - riM od ahine in youth fl· "',.wO, ,·.;,.li,,,,,,,=~, your King dON reign;

SooII he, at M-ma-ged-doD'. bat-tle, Willvin-di·cate J,·ho-\'ab'. lIame.

Hail the Reigning King! (hal. 11.)

1. Look,yoawrv-antll of Je - ho-uh, See ~ Boa of Da_Yid nOW',

a Eo. - {I-mi. _"HIlAde his fooktool Byeotn-mand-ment of his God;

S.In thisdaJ hiI wilI-ingpeo-ple Joy-M-Iy m.akeknO'lfll biI fame.

"">~ .. >u King, til-throned iu gio-ryj E. - 'I')' 1m", to bim DlWlt

In their midlt he now it rut-inK. Send-ing forth 'With atrengtb hiI rod.

Soon be'll judge the na.liana,Vin - di - cate Je - ho. vah',nama'

Bail himl Hail hiull Hail himl Hail Je - ho - "ah'. ~I

Bail bilD I Bail him I Bail him I Hail the KiDg ot Kill,..



• ,

----Then They Will Knowl

(Bseldel lSI 15)

Wij~ ill'eMfllj jWwiftgly

1. IAflg*:'O yo: f: your hI! • I), !f1 :. !~, ~}~, :. eeit Jour 2. Your glo _ riOIl" pow'r, by Sa -lan long do - lied, Soon wiU be -mOWll, and S. Prod hearts /.hat know no pit - '1 for the JlleU To hold their pow'r o'er .'

I . , ~

h: _ ~ Rp~ :.flled. ao:nit~~llOllrKingYOUrrigbt.eous-n_Dlakelmown j nev _ fir more de - nied; 8001l all hie hOlt, ;n Ar - ma - ,ed.don" "'.r, all man-kind do seek. Yourmight-y band ""i11 brukthe hllte-lul yokel , l

~ I V • Y

on-I)' are Je-ho·,ah; Then they will know yourw.y..n· jlUt .ndtruf;


46 -

Then They Will Know! (Col\dll.ded)

Tben they will knuw, through • uut the wbule ~1'8 - a - tion,

. 11 you ba ve pur · posed yon mil .ore - Iy d"

Jehovah, Our Dwelling-Place (PNlm 90)

With intenfity; broad/II

1. Lord, yuu have been our 2. From tv - ttl" \nst _ iug S. Tuth \Ill to num - bel', 4. And as we !ef"\·e may

dwell·ing-plaee Tn YOIl lire God, Til.

Lord, UUT dayl ; True we par-take Of


gen - er - Ii - lions past; end·lea yeaN the same, wi,-dum we wuuld leem i mer-ey ev - el' new.

BO -r!!g!e tho R:sthdrepacovLr ~~j.: _ tYBtoodr~t. And tho webowcd be - ncatilyour rod Yuur love did us n-claim. With un-der·stand·ing sing your emise, That men til. you may tum. Ell - ta~-lis~ fO; your greath:eehuk~ The ,.,.o rkyouTserv.efllti du.

, ., ' , ,

Ministers for the laaue VigoroU5Zy; ,tl I'Mrc",

it· sail For the Lord in daysgoDe by; is • au Finds the hearta of in fear,

aU re- bum of

Wit-oetAl- • .,ho,prov.ingatead.fut,Oave to Sa - lM'aboastthe til!.

Ap • pre-hen • live, yet oot.lmow - ing That the Ul - ill end is near. Might-yacts of God JII .ho .~;TeU hunltls the 11-m-verse.

"poI-tle!!, Al1dChriat. Je • lUa,chie! of all, RIlI·VII Illad·I, &re eon-tend-ing For thiaworld', BU-prem-.·ey; Tho llltD tIIA1 re ... train and bind YOD,Nev • er the truth be bound!

Kin-il-ters wbo for the ",. slle Wit-nessed to botbgrutlmdsmaU, Mill ' ia - ters, now.ound th" wlm·ingl "Flee to The Jdio.·is-ten, up-hold the iI_ IUt, Mab it


A Life of Praise

el' - 'ry part with praiae, all Illy pow - era speak

kind-neAl aDd with s\ill,

TbJt .U my con-duet Of you aDd of your That oth - era may both

may pl"O-Cllaim love, 0 Lord, ltam to know

Your be • Poor tho And want

in. I


and your '11'.,... be, and weak. do JOUr will.

pn.ieo a - lone, Nor ,h. join witb me In

I ask, but for a life A. joy - i'DI -I, I ev Your praise in - creu-ing ·1,

made up • er _It

we'll . ing,

O. T • I.

p";" • p .... strains

in ev • 'r, put.. • - broad your {iIlIIt' • for. tv· er new.


. ,


Seeking First the Kingdom (Matthew 6: 83)

Joyously; wilh IIUMUred lilt

1. Oh, how pre.eioWi to Je - ho • vM,Ob - jefl~ of hi~ );1'1)11 2. 'Vhnt It r •• ,'or to God'ascrv-enuTn that King-dolU work 3. ~ow this wick· ed worltl i. end· iog, Soon Lbo New Worltl will

dc-IiSht, to shire! It· rise;

tho - 0 - ernt • ie king-tlnm \I'iII Bu 4 ing ~ho - sen for that ser ... • iee us 'then all men will pra ise Je - ho· vllh, Earth will

sel ftl! Ul!lt - ters right! gh'l(! iL great . l'!;t eart. be II par _ n· di!l@.

P:h.!T!' !' t: 1::~g-dOIQ' To ita hopewel'tl :-Wfl~8tl.ue ; Why be 8DJ;. io\l$ tor lo·mor-row Lest wo hun_gel', lest lYe tbirst' Let', pl'IH:laim the King_dam Kood now, To all men ..... ho blind - Iy grope;

, , ... h

v V ,

ADd JfI· ho - ... ah Ood'8 Chief Wit-nell Urg. C!I

For our Ood will make pro - vi - Bion It wo Help-iog thelD to lee tho King-dom As tbe


UII the lI&me to do. seek tho King-dom first,

nil_lions' on _ Iy bope.

~ ......... :I!: ......

:::'3! y,,$


Seeking First the Kingdom (Concluded)

Keep on ~k - Lng nn!~ the King-dolll, -light;

Sbnre Je - ho - \.'ah', vin - di - ea - liDO, Seo the lri - umph of his might.

Equipped for Warfare

Eantutly; with moderattt mOll6mllnt

1_ teaeh us, 2. And teach os, 3. With .!lev _ er .. Con - trol our

quip UlI tor tbe fight, wis - dum to re - move

de - dare your ..... )'IJ, aU en - list;

Our minds and heart. truth And guide our worda a _ right. The er - ro~ that de - ceive And truth to clear -I,. pron. And belp the blind - ed 1~d~m;;",",:;g"t, YOUI' b'uth de- dares yoUI' praise. And m.,. our ~a1. to J Prove trua be - neath yOUI' lett.


51 The News of the Kingdom (1.Iai.U. 65 : 7)

"O'er earth I Re _ joice now you may; "Tho Lord I 'll o · bey!"

King-dam e.1J. men bear&-flD

to-day. Oh, hear Je - lUi say, to-day, "You wea-ry 1\'ho pra,.. to-day, And joy _ Cui · ly uy,

ver · sar • Y lOOn will be has come to reign, mak.icg pre-l!Ilrvell the faith • [uJ j to

lak.en ,,_way; Ob, hu-ten to e.-ape Iris de - up-t.iOIl/l to-dayl" .,.n,.!' itltray_

cer.tain thn day WhenWB.lltandpainaodlOr-rowwiU van - ish himtrib - ute pay, And gath-er to hu Sig. naland ne'er from

Let the un-god_I,. tor •




The News of the Kingdom (CotIduded>

lAC them ,.. tIU'D

God's Mighty Arm, Awake! (I .. lah 11: I)

might·y arm ot God, a·wabl Put ollYOUrttl'eugth,the na-tionuhab, 2. Say to thella·tiom Cromyonrthrooe,'l am Je • ho • vab, Ood .·Ione'; 3. You IODS of God, 1m name pro.elaim, In ev· 'r)' make kDoWil his tune;

And let your faith· fu] serv'aDta!lee YourToiee their l • dolt will oon·fOUDd,

Let .d. TeI'Ie pow'n be .'m, "':~!'"


YOlll'tri'UlllphsaDdyourmaj-H. ty. And east their aI· tan to the (T'O\lIId. And hail Je - bo· vah, God rla aU,

S3 Flee to the Kingdom! (~iah 3:2)

WitA irtte7Uiiy; jlowiflglll

Thua it DUly be in tho Qy of hi, all - ger, That Seek now Ood'iway to ('B _ cape tbeop-pres-tor, Sub­Wei-come the lirhtthBl Je - ho-vah i, send.ing, And

YOlI.ill be hid-den .. - "'.y. mit-tiog your-8elve!I to Cbrist'. reign. Jet him ... 10nl! be your fear.

FIe.: to the Kingdom, God' ••• y of eeeape;



F1ee to the KiDgdom I (CDndadfd)

tee· tion nnd b1.M-1,",; leD to heed

Forward! Theocratic Warriors! ConfldenUy j will.. vigor!

1. on in daD get, 2. For- ... rd, The-o· crat-ie. 8. Let yoat faith • ful 4. On - ward, then, in

oft in ,..at· rion, ... '" bo bat • tie

."" go, glad; movei

Por-ward, Keep a· Mareh,in More than

Fight the tight, main - tain the fltrite,

ar • mor yau "iII

Do not flee in dan-gets bOUf; Fight, nor think the bat-tie longi Tho op-pOIed by man-ra foe,

The-o • uat-ic breut and God', "bole eon • qu'rol"ll

Strength.ened You ,..tU Vio • t'ry Chr" _ tiaD

"itb the know your lOOn win .,1 • diers,

bread ot C.p _ lain'.

be your on· ward

life, ·Strength-Vled 1rith PO"", You well know your

Vie • t'ry lOOn will Chri. • tian 101· dicn,

bread of life. C.p.lain'e. pew'r. be your tOng. on· "'ltd go.

" I

Expressing Appreciation (RoID.u. ll:U·S5)

1I1lJrlfeU; ",w. CI .moot" lilt

1. Ob, the di!p~ both of' the ncll-" And We knowl-ed{:e of the 2. By Je - bo.vah'sgreateom-pawioD U!L LI3 ,rat· i-tude ex _ p~, 3. Not to world ·1, "I.)" coo.fonn·ing, Let III: prtlve what is Ood'. \\ill;

How on--.reh ••• hie his judg-mellyl And de - vote our liv - mg bod - i~ By tho I.nlth's tran.-form-ing po ... - u

Who to God lw «i.,.en eoun • tel, Or Hn-iDg made • ded· i - ca • tioo, Be E't'. tI' pray-ills lorOod'.W-.i.ac', Ltl

Nor has II\SJI

To hia c&uae Faith-ful.ly

hIS WAY' u-plored! of ngbt.fQDs_ness.

our VO'InI fol - litl.

to him hu nln-dered aid, to that • _ gree-mmt tme, a serve with 10 .... ·'1 mind,

III: he'd be in - debt· ed po. - er of OW' roe. - lOll

love to one aD • olb - tr;

Or that we Do-ing all Tbu. true joy

should be re-pAid' that we em do. and puOll -'II lind.


-56 Oh, Walk with God!

Liltingly; with warmtl\

1.0h, 2.0h, 9.0b,

walk with God and you will fInd How he can cheer your walk with God in pu· ri -!Y, He • lapse not in - to sin i walk with God in faith·ful-Desa, For tbenyou will at _ tain

And you with a ptBce.fuImindStnight on pel' - fed day_ Ad - vance to full ma· tu - ri - ty And his ap _ pro. va] win. COD - tmt-me.Dt true, and god - Ii'De8II, Whieh are the great -lilt gain.

Ria JOY will atreDgth.en you u dew Be - vives the droop-ing ilolv'ri And on what.ev _ er things are pure And love - Iy, true and just, Oh, walk with God, be ev - et' glad Hill glo-riollS praise to ling;

Bill mer • eies are each worn-ing nell', And On these thingll think, and to eu-dure ~t The pur - est joy that taD be bad Ilia

tre.li at eve· ning hour. GOO be e'er your trost.

KilIg..dom work will bring.

57 Take Sides with Jehovah!

001l{iti6rllly,· wit! a &mootlL till

1. Onee wilb eon· fn • aion my ~d bu,,:~ .. ftllod, On,"·',. 2. Now witb my whole heart I'll serve you, my Lard; 3. We will not ftllT what the DcI' - it ean do; Tn".',"

di - liDo. dis· ; Ob, witb ear ry your Word, Shar-ing ear - ry WI tbru. Tho they

'Vhen your sweet mes age I

what glad - ness with olb - el'S beman-y

,,' lb. "d

joy it things I have heard­

tho _8 ~ it".

Prais-iug the unroe of my T.kesidesOAitbJe·bo-\,.b,

God ill our atrength and our $o:,~g~~~~~",),

Make him your de - light i lIe'Jlllev~r for_sake you; W-.lk e'er in his


Take S ides with Jehovah I (Concluded)

Tell, 11'11 the grad Ii - dings Of free-dom linn peace,

His rule by Christ Je • lUS Will flV _ er in ereese.

Adore and Praise the Lord (halm 148)

1. PraUJo the Lord 1 you heav'ns, a - do~ him; PL"aiso him, 1111· g,,-15 in the h"-ight j 2. Praise the Lord, for he has spo - ken ; Worlds hill mighl-y ' ·oice 0 _ beyed; 3. Praise the Lard, for he is glo.riollSjN"ev - er will hisprom.j.,e tail; 4. Praise tbe God of our lI6l· va - lion; Hosts on bigh, bis pow'r pro-elaimj

SWl and moon, re - joice Law. which nev· er will He wil l m.ke bis sheep Heav'n and earth, and all

be-torehimjPraise him, aU you stan of light. be bro -ken,For their guid.anee he hM made. vie _ to-rious i Sa . tan's hosts will not pre - vail ere • a - lion, Laud and mag· oi - fy bis name.


S9 "Preach the Wordr' (2 'IbDothy ,: J)

witJa. brood",",

sea-BOD,AI • waysread-y to im-pari ~::1~~~!::~~:;:::~~, Pow-moe Haneom-mand-ed in this day: -oeu-ingiOb, how vi-Wthatall .heu l

• priv.i -~ is each one who lab • -ed - ness it fast m

ours That di-vineeharge to 0 - bey. :rea - 8OD For the bop(! with - in ,;;.;; .~h_~:

ereaa-ing And tho tel - ill tnd y,

"Preach the WortH" the 1Dee.E ones teaM·ing, Help - ing them. to un- der _ stand "Preaeh tho Word I" tho op - po - iii - tion Matee it out of eea-eon teem i "Preach the Word!" and bring A.I - va - tion To your - leU' and otb-tn too;

Kiosr- dom truths, and keep on preaeb - ing On the 8treeta lhrough-out tbe bad. Faith - lul be to your ellll- mil - Ilion; Ttust in God, who is su-preme. "Preacht.hcWordl"forvin-di-ea - tiOll Of Je _ ho - vab's DlLUle ill due.


60 Press On in Kingdom Service! Co1t.fidefttly; moderat!! march t6'IIIPO

1. PrcSll on in King. 2. Let'. raile Je - ho - vah's 3. It is re - quind ot

aerY - iee I Sig - nal sol - dins

It's work ,.our God did Moose; In truth and right-eDU8. ness, That the,. shall 10,. - be;

ha"a no time to 101t. AI ded _ i - eat.- ed war-rion, With the u _ nit _ cd pur·pose The called and eho -II!D war·rion

That meets with sure sue - milo Must keep in.. _ ri _ ty.

come, let let our

the ar - mor, And grailp faith's might-,. to - gel.b - er ~ - 1111. God's ho -1,.

depth ot love's all the hOllts v;c-to.ry

be, 'On-wardl' Our CliP - b.in we'll 0 __ "'-_

de - vo - tion of Sa - !.an at - lamed is


test • ed Are put to And truth has

on the o - pen

won the

Beld. shame. ..,..

Rejoice! the Kingdom Has Begun! (Rntlatlon 12: 12)

Jubilantly; with. II lilt

• " ~ ... ~ ~ ~S/ p! ..... .!:, ~ ~

1. Re-~oice! Re-joiee! For God lind ChrisLarc reit:U-ing!lW-joice! Rc_ 2. HO-Joice! He-joicel For God and Christ-arc reign-inglRe.joice! Re-3. He· joice! He - joice! For God nnd Christ. arc reign-iug !Re - joice I He-

-:-. -c-. • . ~

is tho timl! Qod will I!l: .press His Tho drag-on lind his de-moD. horde Will Tho Sa·tan now,oo-<!all$ll he imom His

wrath 'pillet aU un.right.eoill-ness. for him to give Hi - chael and hit an_geta".rredjThatde-moDhordowAS east toearlbjRe­,itne is thort, sends man - y WOIl:J, You "oth.onbetp" be of cood cheer,Hia

taith-fa1lSOn-anta of the Lord. HII-joieel joice, you bcnv-«lII, with grcatJDirthlRe. joicel CIel'_ lain eIId is VOl" 'I nearl For



Rejoicel the Kingdom Has Begun! (CoDdDdtd)

R6' joieel Re- joieel For ev-er

NelvWorld vie . t'ry has

King.donl will en·

Song of the Free

I. p~ to Ood, ;: "h! -: -n!t .! F~t for 2. All the light kCi!.PB on in • erens • ing, Shin. ing 3. 0 - pened Ill"e the gatee of Zi· OD, By her 4. Bold • Iy we will tak trot '. ar, rows, Stri,ke t~:


,., ;"

• mg ml·De!IlI to lUI'll hope of vie

the hand, the way,

troth, 'Y.



Nov, er will we Let us pl't'Sli on Bear-ing wit, ness Gi\'el!I snre hope of

fre!l • dom moI'll to King in ca':h un,

band. way. truth • '1.



Stirring nt4rch


Earth's New King! (p .. lm 2)

J~ _ bo· vah'sbost,his serv.:r:telIlSS, In :", i .\y He speaks the word lind they 0 - bey, Nor fear they for And all hi8 foes abllll li~k the dust, For nOli' hu come

I •••••

IId-vane-ea! to _ mor·row j his bour I

• I I

Their hel-mets bright II - gainst the aley Bid ig -no-ranM and er _ or lIy j Theil- two-cdged sword, tbe Word of Ood, Their fl.!et with gr.-ainua Ii-dings shod, Je - ha-vah nOIl'mllkesbarehisArm!Oh, hearthetrnm-pet's loud II-lann!

They shout It _ loud their but - tlo cry: "Christ 1"('igZlS r 0 Earth, re· eei\"e bim!" They "nlk the way their ?las-ter trod, E'en un - 10 death tbey rol·low. Do 1I'il;c,YOIL rul-el"ll, do nahnnn, You judg-<'S,owo his pow-erl


Earth's New Kingl (Condud~)


'Xilll! the Son, lest he be In - gry, Anti you per-ish in the way l

Bless - ed ue all

1. StrV·ao!.s of the 2. Wa.!k·ingbum·hly 3. L:!t us with II 4. E'en tho bit - ter

they thllt IJut their lrust in biOI to _ day1'

Serving the King movement

bearn .Iy King, with our Ood, read - y mind foes we meet,


jour· ney let UI slog; way our Mas-w trod,

with truth the meeJc we lind; Per· Sol! • eu . tion we'll _ feat;

Glo - rioUli in hia wOTks and ways. That bis "olb· er sheep" may live. Bot Ood's right-eellS-nen main. Laio. We sball hear n glad "Well done".

6S Send Out Your Light! ( ..... "1.)

1. Sead Oll ~ your light aud truth, 0 Lord; Let them our - tl"l be 2. Send out your light aDd truth, 0 Lord, Wheredo - mOIl hOBte hold I.ay; 8. Bend out your light and truth, 0 Lord, And let thcir beams 110

For wor - ahip pure &lid B1aek out tha light ol In a1ad - ow of det.th',

Send out yourtnllh, oh may it, Lord, He\pUl .to III'rye.nth OUt .t-f:ord. Send out yourtruth,givewam_ingelear To ,u that Ar-ma - red-doD'lntll', Send out your light, oh let men lee Yourgio-ri-oul The. De-n-IlY.

light, your light,

light and truth, 0 lArd.

68 \;I


66 Contending for the Faith (Jdele J)

Vigorously,' i,. march. ftlmpo

, Me· ODd pres - enee Wiek-ed .orb on - er let the De, - il weak - en Our lUre Cailh in each IV - e - Due ot wrv - iQlil For the true faith

earth • - bound, thinp tOni - lold i

10 eon - tend;

Cold haa grown the 10'l'e of But by mut! - y,!raYHand Oive a bold an faith - [ul

nan - y. Ver - y lit - tie faith aen' - iee, To the Caith let', finn wit - neg Till Ihi.world comes to

is fOWid. I,. hold.

it. end.

Ear _ nesl _ I)' let'. be eon-tend - ing For the By our 1I~.d - hat. ly tou-umd - ing, Yield-ing not With Je - ho - vah's vin _ di - ca - tiOIl Wict-ed - ness

that Ylill re-wved to doubt or tear,

will no more be;

By the sainta, a· pos-t1es,proph-eta, Men who in God'.Word be-lie.'i'ed. We 1ViII.trength-en one an - olh - er So that all may per_M_vere. We'll re - joioe in full Ia1 - n - lion Thru the pore The _ oe _ fa _ 01 .


The New Song I (hala U)

J"bihlltUlI; wit" vigor!

'---' 1. SlDg a Make 8. Let ~

'1; Lonl, band.,

to God the Lord a joy - DILl &hOllt

the might - y IM!4


his ho - ly Je-ho • vah the Roods re -

1n the l ight of ioU ml!n 1Iarp and hom and trum-pet Hillsand moun-tains .1· lO


.. IOt1g of ,lad - o_ w God Je - ho - vah, "lid .u !.hat there. in

that il oil lb.

" "'"

and bis f8l, ling and let.

right haDd tor vie. _ to.. .. - loud be - fort Ihe

the riv - (11'1: dap their

he haa ja~ ri,ht-«l\l.l _ Iy r lOund praise in full at! _ eon:! I sing praia - es in all landll


68 -

The New Songl (C.~hlded)

Sing! Loud let the New Soug

Sing! Sing! Sing! Je . bo _ yab 001l' is

Sing God's Praise! witll. /lowing mot:erntnl

1. Sing God's praise, hit 11'10 - ries abow, Sainta with. in hiB courts be·low, 2. SingOod'&prailll!,you"otb - er sbeep" Who bis tes - ti • mo· ny keep; 3. Sin, God's praise, his mer • des tmee; Praise his pa.-tirnee and hi, graee: 4. Stl'Ulgaand\'oIe - ca,bJnds andburts,In the eon-cert paris i

An • ~II round his throne a - bate, bit love. In his tem - pIe day and night, ",', __ , __ "'_,_ "":,, __ your might. All that be tor 115 has dooe; bit Son. All thatbreathe"ourLord a · dore;


69 - Tell It Out! JO'IJfuUy; with vigor

Tell it Tell it Tell it

,", ,,' ,,' a • mODII' a • JUOog • - mong

tho ~,


oa • tiOrll that our Lord man - kind tbat the Sav _ peo • pie Je - 5\1.3' reign

King' teiJnli

- gUJ8j

out! Tell it out I Tell it out! Tell it

out! out! out!

tbem thout ood ling; them br1!ak tbeirchaina; the vie-t'ry ",ins;

Tell it Tell it

Tell it Tell it Tell it

out a · monr the oot a • mong the out a _ moog the

ouU out! out !

Tell it Tell it Tell it

out! out! "II

will in. crfUC, Je - sus livClj

door to door;


Tell It: Oat! CCoadDlled)

might. y KiDI'Mea- ai •• h q the Prince ot out •• moD&' the _. TY Ollell .hat red; h. tonh the print«! p.,o all n.·tiolll

out wilhju _ bi·la-tiOD; 16lhuung n.'treuse; Tell it ootl Tdi it 01111 013 a-moDglheein.ntn.thathe all tor-gina; Tell it outl Ti!ll it oull worId'U'e~ -ff - •• 1100 is tor tv· t1' • mo~; Ti!ll it outl Tdl it oull

Stick to Your Work! 11111oUI1 4;: 16)

. i,. modercl •

• ald! YOill' ttaell.ing, That )'oW' pro·rr- all IllaY aee. lor - rna· ged. dOlI For J •. ho. "ab'. own name'. sate. 1IIed!; and low • To eome 0 - ver on Ood'. aide. vin· eli - ea· ,SaV'e),01U'..elf' .nd oth-m 100.

71 "The Sword of Jehovah and of Gideon!" (Judgea 7:18)

Earn.ully; with. (J lilt

1. There's a all go out tbe length of the land, To serve in the 2. All you meek, will yOIl join \I'ith tba Lord in hi' 'Work, lIe seeks IIll the S. then baa-ten a-Wtly 10 the work torto - day; 00 forth witb

ar -myof wilt _ ing and hearllllled with

aid_e_on; loyal. glad - ness;

For OUI" CliP' hlllJ is· sued the There is SeI'V - ice fol' lilt; 50 re­Com - fori. aU whom you meet with hI.

11 _ nel commond To van - quish tbe eo-hoT1s of Mid·ian. spond to hill call, With thanks for thi.t priv - i-lege roy-al. Tben III', lip, my mes4llg9aoaweet: His King-dom willban-ilIh nlllllld-ness.

To-day must the bat-tie be fought; Let', cH-1Iir· cle Ihe


-"'The Sword of Jehovah and of Gideon!" (Concluded)

foe, and about u WI) (0. "Tho Sword of Je·bo-vahllDd of aid.eon!"

72 The Glory of Jehovah (PNlm 11)

1. The heav'na de-elare the glor - y of Je· bo· vah, The 2. Je - ho - vah'slaw ill per.fect,lila 18.ne .... ·ing, Hi.s 3. Je • bo .... ab'. judpenl!, pure they are and rlghWoulj By

hands in we a·bove wo Bee; Yes, day to day sure wbleb makH!h1! ailll_ pitt wise. fli. pro - c:epbl malta

_ Bnla reap II great re· ward. Db, may our

work.jug!! of his tel - ti - mO-Dr

keep-ing them hI!

hi, ~

in - most

pral8ll,Nigbt telle 10 night of knowl-edge,mlgbt and maj - es - ty. joite, Pure his eom-mand, which firm will stand, makes glad our eyes. though" Be found by you up - right and true, O\ll' Rock 4I1d Lord.


73 nAll Things New!" (Reftl.UOD 21: 1·5)

Happily; nnooth-/lOwing

1. The 2. Let S. The

signa ot III men cit • y

th. tho .,

limes ,~


show Ood', kiDg. dam New Je ru - sa-wiU be all Incn's

be· gun, lem see, de-light,

In Th, With

- ry en-throned sita Je· ho - vah'a Son, The ba.t - tic in bellv. I'll he'l bride of God'. Lamb, shin-ing ra - diant - Iy; A-.domed now with most pre-eiou$ ,Itea that are 0 • pen by day and night; All nn· tiOrla will walk in her

the earth Je-ho­of God,

Re-joic:t!Ood'sdwcll.ing is with men, And he


will God'lI will vab ber light 11011' 1'(\ - lleet


will that


"'. lisht.

re-sides with them.

U AIl Things New I" (Concluded)

lio,m,,,,,';lIlherebepainor cry ing, No SOl' - row.ing nor an-1

~Ol' God has sai(l: "[ will make all thinga new.

74 Dedication

I. Take my life lind bring it, Lord, 2.. Take my feet and take my bands, 3. Tab my mo - menu and my days, 4. Take my beart and may it love

Take my voice and let i~ Take my in _ tel-leet and Take my ell - \'el' and my Taite my _ self, mlly nil I


With your will -~"",i';'; Let them $erve 3' Let them tlo .. Truth and \Ii!


• L

It!! "

The Taunt-Song Against Satan (Isaiah 14)


1. This chal-lenge 2. Yet to thea B. 'GainBt Sa - tan

bold - Iy hurled In - to the face of God : hal de - creed, Soon Sa· tan must be brought;

, Thnt he may bear hill fate;

"The earth For his With joy

I'll rule, Yell, the world ShaU rio be - neath my rod! re-bel -lion and his greed,Be'll sure-Iy come to nought. let all tho right-eous sing, "Ood'a lri - umpb we II • wait I"

eit, - alt. ed in the be. bound, With all his de· mon

• hove the stars of Ood In chains of dettth he will Be _ bel - lion will no more II _ rise TI,) mill" thelleav'n_ly scene;


T~ ~e ~ m~ht - y shall !b.:; ;\ b6 E tbe Most High I" Be-neath Chrillt'. hool he will be ground; Do - atrue·tion hi, re _ ward! All earth will be a Par - a· dise Ot joy and love Bfl- ttne.

I J 1"'"'1 I I .,..

I I ,s


76 The Day of Jehovah - (haIl11 118: 24)

Joyowly; with. a Iteady mouement

nt - joice, let eal'tb

To mag. ni - Cy his Son; With IGng-dom truth and Iigbt, For God do take their atand,

And prai$e aur·round the throne. Lili hean Who comes, And their

in God Je - ho_vah'sname, in • leg • - ty do keep,

To rule with pow'r and might. A faith·tul wit_ness band.

110 - Ian - na for our Do - saD - nl in the With - in thB t~·ple

Lord, send proe-per _ i - ty aad The he ... ens new in which he reigns They land and praise his Kiag aI- way,


For Zi _ on', cor - nlr _ atone! His saint. 011 earth now raise; they Ie"!! at hi. oorn - mind;

Sal - va - tion to your 01n1. U _ nito to give God praise. ADd preach through-out tbe land.

77 "Lord, Here Am I; Send Me!" (lain t : 8)

Wit.!!. '.'slIlily; flowingly

~~~ 1. To- day me» re.proach andahame In man· y wBY1Ion God'afnir name. a_~~ __ ~~_i __ ~~_~~_ S. To-day the metkonesmouruandaigh Be-eaUSl,l the a-vila mul-ti - plYi

S~~:~~:~,":'.;~~.::'::,~":~~~;::li':~:;'~i8 no God!" so 581S the fool. '!'bayper-lle-Clll.e true, man - y ~uch-likelhings they do. With hw-estheam they seek to dod The truth that gives one peaee of mind.

Who'll go the name of Qod to clear' Who'ihing his praise for men to beart Who'll tell tbe wick-edwhat'sinaton!'Who'ilwam of Ar - ma-~-don 'Bwart Who'll go witheom-fort to themeektWbo'lIhc1plhemright-cous-nesa to seek'

CIumu; with

"Lord,here am Ij send me, aendmel "Lord, bere am Ii &end me, !lend mel "Lord, here am I' send me, send mel


aing YOlU' prais _ c.s faith - ful·ly; I'1I6ound the warn - ing fellT·less ·Iy j I'll teaeb tho meek onet - ti',~'-IYi


"Lord, Here Am I; Send Mel" (Condaded)

hare am Ij ItIld me, &end r:nel"

Progressing in Service Tenderly; with II 'mooth liU

-i-t-" -i-............ i!J 1. There W8lI & time we did not kno. The way a Chris - tian ought to 2. Our priv - i-lege we then eouId!IeG Of serv _ ing The The - oe - n-3. We wit-ness DOW to all we meet, Fromdoor to door and on the 4. And as '1\'e ~k in, tV - 'ry land True wor-ship wide _ 1, to eJ:-

•. , , . +

truth aod wbt is eat - jog his great 'let - ting God be says the work is

y v

light, Showed til the fame, And yin _ di. too, And aI-wlya one, Un - til God

right; Showed u.s the tl'Uth lod what is right. name. tmet. dooe.

name; And vm_m - eIIIt_ing hi, great true'; And al-wI)'II 'let - ting God be dODe; Un - til God says the work is

\;,/ 81

79 -JqyfuU!I; witll1igorl

To the Work!

Ie"-ants of GGdI Let til fol-loW' lb. hun-gry be fed; To tbl wa - ter of .. rv.!tIe tor all; Soou tblOld worldol

joy of Je_ ho • vah our God and b..iISi,. Jlal our

name of JII- bo .... h n·

Ikmith to J.' pew, Let til ~~ :~:~~~~~:; our hand. flDd to do. ptaia • • will be While WII Sal • va - dOD b fTM I ah . ..t will be AI bit tbru The 'lh,· 01- ra· ey.

Hu. t'Din,




L Tbo • W. •. U f. P.y

To the Workl (CeadoW)

Lo, " u .. - t'nin, OD,

And .rv. un· til the work iI done.

Pay What Belongs to God (M.tthew 22: 11)

Cu. au ehould your II!rv· ice eJaim threat. In with th. wont. bav6beeu pur.ehaaedlrith a priM, more are 'If' our 01rl1j "eyould briDg J6· ho· vah praile, "oth - .r ab6ep" ret Iif" .hlt be· longl 10 OodYmHigb, 8erftTh. Tbe-oo - 1"1 • cYi

min. is - try krep free Uolll blame, aerv. at lUI - Y "11 - ri _ tJee 11111 not _Ik in 'IJOrJd • 1y •• ,.. tear-Ie. -Iy f'er telt - i - t,

• l/U'III~ bel· God COlllei B.nt. God, and bim ... lone. join in .. orld - I)' Itrite. bla tnJ. SOY 'rei,n - ty.

81 Wake the Song of Kingdom Cheer!


• tT

(Pula H)

. VJi'" vigor! l

1. Wake the SODg of King-dam eb~rl Lei it ling ou~ loud Ind dear; 2. Wake the fKlug of King-dom cheer! Let it ring out far and DeU. 3. W.ke the long of Kiug-dom eheerl Let 111 men or h~ar.

Tell the won-drouB thingt hI'. made. Praite theJudgeof troth and right. And, efI·tab·liahedworld, re-joioeJ

.. .. .. : -.... ... --it -. -. . • • ~

Jo'cared a· bove 1'Tem _ ble, earth, Lot tbe~


Joy - lui - 1, Joy - fuJ - 1y PraiM Iho Ood

aJlph iI b., Clothed with ._-lOme maj.es • 11'. be-fore the Lord: in thuD.der ~',


let all men ling, DOW BOund tb.ltraila of ri,bt-eout-n_;

B. D, mo~ will bo ir·DOred. Wam .f At - ma-sed-doD'IWU!


Bail J e - bo - vah as their King! That oW' God Je-bo-vah reignsl St.rve the King in faith·lul _ n~

82 The Glorious Treasure of Service (2 Corinthlaq t: 7)

Warmly; with 4 .smooth 1I1t

1. We thank YOIl, Lord, for King-dom truth 2. We t!wrk YOIl, gra-cious Ood, that .. e 3. Be - ClUIIe in earth - en ves - seu '"'

You have to us made known, May tea - Ii - mo - ny eive SUeh heav.'nly bear,

in Ibis pret - ent To those who un - der Help us as a· ble

e - vii world Your pte-ciouslight Sa·tan', role In earth'e gnl98 dark - ness live. min_a - ten YoU!" glo-riee • clare;

as wit- ness - lIS

bring ; bring, truth,

For we no long _ er Tbus to . be used, ill With raee as bold alJd

sigh and mourn, work like this, un - a·shamed


B" S.



83 Rich In Good Works (1 TilIlotb,. II: it-t.)

1. 2. Ob, what

Pro-lid - .. 17 to be spend.in«

our time and rieh _ •

h J. - ho - nob Goa, ciU LordJ All DIU' time ill I8lf-ilb strife, AlId our.ma,t.h to the poor S. SC) let', ..

~~~t; -vi - for thinglllleed-ta1 B up IOere world-Iy treaa-um

hUll - gry with the good new.

Tho by man - Y)WI I, _ DOM Wbiehean ntv _ ergi,e UI lifel Of the King-dom hope eo I tIl'8.

Ha gives Why not J'or by

cloth - ins, food and abel. ter, 8e&d aDd nth· t1' be eon-tent-ed U.".ing kUld, II.D -Iell- ish ten'. ica "Rich in

soU, ed lUll and rain; thinp 1Je real· 1y need, good WOfb"_ will be,

Fa· thtt That our livCl h. doeI IU-laiD. td.:-iI!.g Hold of lite lh.~'.H!e UI.-(!eed, b.n-m TTeu-ureI tor - tel' _ ni _ ty. -


84 Who Is on the Lord's Side?

1. Who is on the Lord', siildWho willIeI'Ve the Kingt Who will wit· DelIS for him, 2. Fieret may be the COD' ftiel, Strong maybe the foe. But OUT King Christ J,_,us S. Cho - tell to be 1101· dienilD an • - lien lind, Look_ing to our Cap.lain,

.... King-dom ti _ din" briDgf Who will dum the world'. side, Face it . 1 hi. rod NoneUJ!. o-vn-tbro .... ;To the roy-a! Sig - nal Vie-t'ry i, .-curt. !'ina-',. 1M na .tand. Tn bilKing-dom MrV _ ice Let us not grow cold,

Who it on tb, Lord'. sidefWbo ror him will p' Hearthe eaJ.I. to Mn'·iee For J.·hcrvah'. pow _ no V, k.the tri-umpb 1IW'tI. Joy-ful-Iy m-Lillt-mg Let ua loy - ,No. ble,trul .nd bold. lord Je.ho-vah,keepUl

w J. - ho - "'Ih'. b&Dd i Come and joic the Lord'. tide, For him take your standi I, ' NO"If we're 011 tbt! Lcml',lide, For the troth and ri&:htl In AI _ ..,. 00 the riabt aide Nowand n-tf - mOl'll



85 - The Signal (laiah 6:2: 10)

tbat Sig· na1, men of good do the oa - tioDli Cool - ilh - Iy of the Moet High, what will you

aplett - dor bel - IiQJl glo • nOIlS

on Zi - on's hill, ev - IIr en - gago

pI'Oll_pt!cl in view'

will - , "",, do,

Shin . And in r. Withaneh •

for all to Je·ho-vah'. be-ea.USII of

see' Is it the King of Tbe The -oc - ra - ey' Son, Deaf to tba news that the King-dom's b6 gun' fear, When all the aign.s lIhow the King_dam ill herd

let up by and day of' pM _ pare the



The Signal (Conduded)

Pea.ee, feat, higb,

Whose rigM - toua king Yak ing the tri - umph Say to the peo - pies:

will ev· er in _ ereaae. of God', name tom.plett:.

The Nt.World ill nigh I'

Cause for Gratitude

may be our lot in life mag-ni -fy Je·ho-nhGOOi In hosts of God en - enmp a-round Tbe love the Lord, aU you his sheep; The


sor - row or of joy, earth e;I; - lilt his name; dwell·ings of the jl18ti faitb·ful he'llpre-aerve;

po. - er aev • er

87 Extending Mercy to Others

lVith a IUJ'ing/

IItNY that old world long a - go, mer • I!iY our Ciod bat de - ereI!d joio - ing is founa in our 'land'.

Te • jeet ca.o - not

Ibow mor

Sliould de-ADd in And ~

Tben to No - ah be gave a tOIll_ Tbat the n~wt ot its fin _ isb be Pleas-ant tort-taste of N~wWo,ld oon-

J.t men know.' lIUIy gille heed. hill eom -mand.

as - aign. IUIlt the good neni to oth - m

'Cluse ru, Pm 1111-By e:{;-


mer • fS1

mer - Of. moun·tam,

EnemUng Here, to Othere (Conduded)

but he made good 1\88 of it ,"OU bITe ",-~ved of at tmeo to Je - bo .. ",\",~"

and he preached "mi,~ .. d ,nore", - it tan help you preaob.

• dam of God thl~ here I"

Oh, Bless the Lotd! (Put. lOS)

With wormt.\; .moo'My

1. !ilh'.~," of praiae up-on my lips 2. Tab Is 110m-pas· siOD-at., S. tar III east from wen 4. 0011 pre-pared his throne,

Oh, bless the Lord, my soul; Our fee - bie tram& well mOW!; 11 our.in - Iq - trl - *7, O'er &1l his ting-dom ftlgM;

his COl' - e - nant Hie lilt!' • ff1 !Wi ben - II -fib; PraUe him .hO~~::.~~:~~;;'~ be pit. t. those Who aetVe him bis pur-pelle ten1I Throllgh.out bis

89 Hear the CaUl

I' ,~... r ........ ~ •. .,- t" 1. Y~!~er OD fair Zi·OD', moun-taiD BtandsherKiIl8' in fallh-fu1-neD; 2. Trua~ in him who is yOUl' Cap-ta.injLet 110 heart ill to!Ir. ror quail; S. On· ward man:h-iDg, Drm and stud -" Tum the bat - tie to the gate,

I I ~ .Ill


Vol - UIl- teen he ea1ls for Je • IUS leads his will, ing Till Je· ho· vall gains the

c • ...,..

, I I

sen' - ice In his light for right-eOus·nesa. peo.pllj In his nlll1e they lrill pre.vail. vie·t'ry Andhi8 name doea vin - di-eale.

Hear tbuan I ob bud·k! yOUl' ar·mor on! Oraap thespir - W, might. Y sword;

'''~·in. OD to bat-tie for the Lordi

90 Christ Is Here!

1. Zi, OD'aking nowreigtll "ill-to-riotl.l;Pl"Opb~-cil'!lpro\·e thiB ill 2. CeD - tu _ ries God's wnta • - .ait - ed The pa'-Oll _ ,ea of theiJo S. Give to "oth - u sheep" iD-atroe-tioD, Xake them glad that Chri8t is

true; Lord;

God bas CroWDed hU Now their bop" are Spread lIle neWll ot

SOD, to glo..riousj S.· Un'. time to rule iI thru. con-slllD·mat-ed; No ... the time for theirre-ward. rt-e<ln-etruo-tion, For the New World now ill aear.

Chri.tt is here I Chrifi i. herel No1l' huc:ome the King-dom'sbirlbl

ChriU ill berel Christ i, here I Christ it here to rule the earth l


91 Blessed Zion I (h,al.m W)

1. Zi • on, tJl08t hap· py place,

2. Tbere Ood', a - noint • ed SOlI

8, MIIY peaOll with· in 1011 be;

A - domed with woo - droua grace,

Has bed hilJ roy - al lhrone;

With gt'I!at proi - per - i . ty

Com-pact _jtb waHt ot strength II - round;

H6 liti with truth and judg - ment there I

Mayall in - bab - i - tant. be bltsSed,

In you God'. sh~p ap-pear,

HIl makes b~ 8eT1"lnt!J glad,

AU IIICD that &eek your peace,

To wor-ship, praise, aDd hear The King-dom goe -

And tom·rorta moutn-erl SAd, Tella them. be at:ro:Dg

And prq fOl' ,-our in-ereas~ Ood .. rra-e!OliS fA -


pel'lI joy-fill

aDd ban-w. VOl' OIi.U!em

.... -,. fear,

"" .

Index of Songs Bong No. Bong No.

A. Ufe of Philt ...................... t8 J'orwudl Theoaradc Warrionl M

A.dore and Praise lbe Lord _ 68. Forward I You Witn~1 __ 12

II A.l1 Things New I" ........... _ ..... 18

Arlae and Shine I H ...................... 48

"Be Glad, Yon Nation" with :m.. Peoplel" ..... ____ j.

Be Strong in Faith ............ _ 19

Bleued AnI the People I ___ e BltUeCi Zion I ._ ....... _ .............. _ 91

Cause for Gratitnde ... _ ..... __ 88 Chri.Jt 11 Here 1 _ .. ___ 90

Contending for the FAith ___ 68

Courage, Pnu 00 I _.. .. '7

Cultivating the Gift of Lon .... 81 Dedication .. _ .......... __ . __ 7. Earth'. New Kingl __ H'_'''_ 63 Equipped for Warfare • ___ 00

Examine Me, 0 God ... 10 * Expnul.ng Appredatioll ___ 55.

Extending Mercy to Othen __ 81

"l"ea.r Them Notl" .... _ ... __ .. _ 8

Flee to the Kingdom I ...... __ lIS

'Forwud I' & Our Watobword .. 15

J'oroud Go I ..

Fulftlling Our CommiMion ___ 87 •

Ohi.ng Jehovah the PraiM .... _ 14

God', Mighty AnD, Aw.kel _ 62

God', RighteoUi Requinmmtl .. 11 Gratelnl Pniu ___ . __ 16

Gntibtde for ninDe p.tiellU> .. 82 HaU Jehovah', Goodn_1 _ ••. 42

Hail the Lord', AnoillMd I __ .. 2

Hall the Reigning Kinl'l _ 44

Hail the Signal I 1

Happy the Muci.tull 29 Uear the Calli __ . ____ 8'

U_ven/, Army:r. Advanelnrl .. 26

Bia Word II Trnth ''' ___ '' 1

ROIIannaa for David'. Son I _ Ii

I Am Jehovahl __ ... 25

Jehovah God, My Sbepha-d __ SO ..

Jehovah la Our God I ... __ S9

Jehovah, Our Dwelling-Plaoe .... 46

Jehovah, Om- Song! . 21

Jehovah', Attribute. S5

J oytul ServiN 88 ..

Index of Songs (Concluded)

Song No. Song No.

Joyous Theoorntie Activity ........ 28. Sillg Triumphal Praise I ............ 41

Keeping Integrity ........................ 17 .. Song of the Free ........................ 62

Let AU Now Praise Jehovah! .... 31 Stick to Your Work! .................. 70 .

Living Up to the Name .............. 15 Take Sides with Jehovah! ........ 57

"Lord, Here Am" I; Tell It Out! .................................. 69

Send Mel" ................................ 77 The Day of Jehovah .................... 7G ..

Love's More Excellent Way ...... 18 The Divine Pattern of Love ........ 34

Ministers for the Issue .............. 47. The Dwellings of the Lord ........ 24

Dh, Bless the LordI .................... 88 . The Glorions Treasure of Serviee 82-

Oh, Walk with Godl .................... 56 . The Glory of Jehovah ................ 72

Pay What Belongs to God! ........ 80 The Grenter Jephthah Calls! .... 3

~ Praise Him More and More ...... 40 . The New Song I ............................ 67

Praise the King of Eternity ...... 9 The News of the Kingdom ........ 51

"Preach the Word!" .................... 59 ~ The Servant's Prayer ................ 22

Press On in Kingdom Service! .. 60 The Signal .................................... 85

Progressing in Service ................ 78 ~ "The Sword of Jehovah

Rejoice! Jehovah. Reignsl .......... 36 and of Gideon!" ...................... 71

Rejoice! The Kingdom The Taunt-Song Against Satan 75

Has Begun! .............................. 61 Then They Will Know! ... , ......... 45

Rich in Good Works .................... 83 . Theocracy's Increase ............... _. 20.

Seeking FinIt the Kingdom ........ 49 To the Work! ......................... _ ... 79 •

Send Ont Your Light! ................ 65 Wake the Song of

Serving the King ............ _ .... _ ... 64 . Kingdom Cheer 1 ................. _ ••• 81

Sing God's Praise! ...................... ' 68 . Who Is on the Lord's Side' ...... 84

