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JOB 12 REEL 23 - Maryland State Archives

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DEPT - 33 ! JOB 12 REEL 23

DEPT - 33 !

JOB 12










Oreet, J, Ames

le71-(1957) Register S*.. Kame

Greet, Vfa J .

l'J05-(402) Contract

Greetham & Devereux

1804 - (146) Petition against Licenseing Inspection of Flcur.

1304 - (185) Regulate the mooring of Vessels. 1805 - (226) Petition to License vessels selling

merchandise while at our wharves. 1804 - (333) Report of Powder Magazine. 1804 - (334) Report of Powder Vagazine. 1809 - (280) Flour inspection. 1809 - (262) Flour inspection. 1810 - (331) Fetition For Inspector of Flour. 1610 - (333) Implication for Flour Inspector.

Sreetham, Kar£aret

1820 - (.504J Fower of Sttorney. ' 1684 • (313) Stock Certificate*.

Oreetham, Vary

1836 - (1440) Interments, Report

Greetham, Will lam

1798 - (228) Relief of Phila.Citizens, Ll3t of Sub. 1813 - (203) Fetition to remain in office. 1813 - (732)5th Regiipent Yd, Militia Muster Roll.

1813- (793)Pay Roll-5th Reg. Md. Militia. 1815 - (80)Petlt ion-Appoint Night Watchman. 1816 - (20S)AppIlcat ion-Fisi t ion Clilpiney Sweeps. 1816 - (475)Flour Inspec tors . 1810 - (289) Refund, pump, Coffers Dam, Jones Fa l l s 1810 - (323) Applicat ion, Supt . , Chimney Sweeps.

Greeting, Thos.

1814 - (221) Recommenlng for Office Citty Collector.

1815 - (394) Offer to rent riding School.


Greev, John S.

lb?0-(544) Construct Shed

Greever, II. B.

1859 - (218) Protes t removal of B. R. from Eutan St .

Greeves. V.* 0.


Oreeves, "'illiam

1660 - (2174) Licenses - Oyster i Liquor

Greevy, James It.

1846 - (1006) Licenses granted

5-ref, Louis , C h a r l o t t e

1900 - (600) Lry :-r

Grefe, Louis

1866 - (2405-A) License 1369 - (1420) Licenses 1371 - (1375) Prntt St. Ster m Engine 1873 - (799) Pratt St. Tracks

Greffers, John

1862 - (1535) Jus t i ce of the Peace - Report

Greger, Charles

1863 - (3474) Oath of enlistment

Greger, Henry

1848 - (1160) Lloensea Ordinary 1865 - (1549) Justice of the Feace report

Gregg, A.

1841- (756) Stockholder Western Bank .841 - (756) StoCkhOiae. »---ifid - (871) Appoint Maker & Repairer 3 IMS I (360) Tyson St. . I n g 1848 1847

(1160) Licenses Ordinary (1511)

1850 - (1037) Stock l i s t 1850 - (1081) s t° 0 !* 0 l JJf o

Se k

1351 - ( 409) Steeple clock IRW - (1034) Licenses

is -. las juf-^ssa s ».»

Gregc, A. C.

185C - (1037) Stock l i s t 1858 - (1935) Misc . B i l l s 1377 - (117?) HOT -.

Gregg, Aleflna

1855 - (191) Power of Attorney

Gregg, Alexander ....

1813 - (748) Kuster Roll-Ist. Reg.-Ft. McHenry. 1823 - (2"*7) Exclude articles other than food from

Mtcts. 1834 - (540) Increase salary, watchmen. 1839 - C371). Inspection - Flour 1841 - (614) Bridge - Gay 8t. 1844 - (334) Taxes - Refund 1844 - (482) Taxes - Refund 1844 - (603) Ordinances & Resolutions - Approved 1844 - (779) Taxes - Refund 1845 - f:4PN Taxes - Overpaid 1847 - (241) Pumps - St. Kary's 3t. 1858 - (247) Follce - Frotest Station House

Gregg, Andrew

1867 - (415) Steam Engine

Oreg^i Andrew &. Co.

1318 (475)

1821 -1821 -1823 -1823 -1824 -1825 -1826 -1828 -1826 -1827 -1827 -1827 -1827 -1827 -

(364) (410) (216) (642) (1M) (184) (286) (490) (1225) (8) (16) (92) (124) (315)

Inspection of Domestic Distilled Spirits.

Lamps-Watchman & Clealng-Blddle St. Inspection of Flour. Gauging & Liquor Inspection. Bog Tax.-«eturn. Proposal-Scrape Sts. Inspector of weights 4 scale beams. Inspection of Flour. Reduce Llcense-~kt. Stalls. Flaxseed Inspection Report. Pump-Franklin St. bet. Howard & Kuta Pump-Poss St. bet. Blddle & Union St Repair Pump-Pump-Union St. Pump-Franklin St. nr. Eager Al»

Gregg, Andrew 20 (& Company)

1827 (450)

1827 -1827 -

1827 -1828 -1828 -1829 -1829 -1829 -1332 -1838 -1833 1835 -

(528) (567)

(1865) (451) (464) (508) (529) (891) (447) (1199)

- (666) (417)

1836 (486)

Extension of Franklin St. to W. City Limits.

Increase Salary of Watchmen. Contributors & by-laws-Balto. Second

Dispensary. Dog Tax. Clerk asks for ralae-Lexingtori Hkt. Ajppllcatlcn for City Watchmen. Flax Seed Inspection. Lamp-Howard St. Inspection-Flax Seed. Compensate-clerk-Lexlngton Mkt. Flour Inspectors Flagstones - Mulberry & Paca 3t.

Night watchman.

Flax Seed, Inspections

Gregg, Andrew 30 (& Company)

1834 -(288) Watching, Western district. 1834 - (854) Superintendent, night natch. 1835 - <671) Addition, Lex. Mkt. 1840 - (871) Inspection - Butter & Lard 1841 - (750) Stockholder - Marine 3ank of Balto. 1841 - (784) Inquests 1844 - (201) Appt. Deputy Mkt. Master - Lexington Mkt. 1844 - (1267) Licenses 1845 - (1315) Licenses 1846 - (66) Pave - Cathedral St. 1846 - (101) Est. lot - 3iddle St. 1849 - ( 29) Pumps - plat 1850 - ( 233) " " , Cor. Cathedral &. Tyson Sts.

Gregg, Andrew ?4 (& Company)

IP 49 -1347 -1849 -1850 -1850 -1851 -1853 -1858 -1859 -1860 -1864 •

(490) (551) (€93) (303) (380) (341) (1509; (317) (219) (425) (306)

B.&C.R.R. bonds, holders Erect various pumps Walsh St. - open Cathedral St. flagstones Howard St. r.r. Butter Inspection Licenses Protest opening - Park St. Ask Passenger R. R. on Howard St.

Ooen - Park & Grundy Sts. Opening - Holliday St.

Gregg, Andrew A.

1850 - (314) Bailiffs, appoint additional

Gregg, Andrew C.

1858 - (1935) Kisc. Bills 1859 - (104) Coroners inquest

Gregg, Andrew G.

1660 - (350) Gun i-owder - Safe Keeping

Gregg, Andy H.

1867 - (243) Stockholder

GreESi Audrsa

1P45 - (1083) Application for Supt. of Streets

Gregg, 3ayfield

1850 - (314) Bailiff, appoint additional

Gregg, .Bernard

1350 - (1037) Stock l i s t

Oregg, Capt.

181? - (3 ) Paving .Yarrant-Exeter S t . b e t . Great Yor - - ' 4 3 i l ; e s S t .

1829 - ( 2 3 6 ) £ a t . S. W. Cor. Sxeter S t .

Gregg, E. J .

1867 - (361) Tax Sale


1863 (394) - Holliday 3t. Protest opening

Gregg, Eliza G.

1855 - (191) Power of Attorney

Gregg, Ellis

1846 - (260) Inquest

Gregg, H.

1849 - (1459) Licenses 1852 - (180) Assessments 1854 - (116) Pump Plat - Johnson St. 1855 - (191) Power of Attorney

Gregg, Harriet

1854 - (116) Punp P l a t

!>reg-, J . 8e\ton

13?: - ( l 349-C) City Collei:? I rect 1865 - ( 3 } ?<re Protection

G r e gEt James

1819 -1320 -1847 -1862 -1863 -1867 -1852 -

1369 -1869 -1369 -1871 -1872 -1874 -1876 -1876 -

(645) (291) (541) (431) (394) (822) (284)

(292) (294) (634) (1239) (366) (941) (112) (192)


Ordinary licenses granted. Pitt 3c Silkes Sts. binding on Green Open - Tyson St. St. Litigations - City Court Holiiday 3t. - i-rotest opening Condemn Oliver St. C»r.

°ners Inquest Orjen Oregon St. Open Oregon St. Open Oregon St. Biddle St. Curbstone Public ^o. Condemn ?rfn'.dln St. Opening ' ' jn t r rc t Centre St. Widen

1377 - (9.71) Centre 'St- Chrnge Lsame 1373 - (1115) P r a t t S t . HS I r*eka 1379 - (l?,19) Claim 1831 - (~56) Sewer I tor to :Al ley 133 ' ' - (?95) Pave Char les S t . 1832 - (?98) S3 Tracks Charloa S t . 1882 - ('7.54) ?«<7e Hova a S t . 133° - (356) Pave Bow 'd S t . 1884 - (133) Recomaeadation


Grege, Jaraes T.

1858 - (210) Coroners inqueat

Gregg, John ft

1819 -1821 -1823 S 1823 a 1823 -

1823 -1824 -1825 -1825 -1825 -1827 -1827 -1826 -

(203) (458) (13) (223) (237)

(241) (398) (153) (MS) (171) (441) (5e7) (60)

1828 - (351) 1828 - (382) 1829 - (509)

Owner of Varehouae on -3owleys Wharf. Lower Pratt St. Wharf. Puap Warrant-Washington A Water Sts. Harbor Master Appointment. Exclude articles other than food from

Ukts. Protest against peddlers. Property under "lease-Cross St. Liquor Inspection. Regulate weights; — Opening "Pratt St. 'bet.' Sutaw '& Gtsen Regulate sale or-corn-,-rye "etc. Increase Salary of Tatcnmen. Fireman of Uud Uacklne. Voluntary Subscrlptlon-Clty Defense. Inspection of Butter & Lard. Flaxseed Inspection.

Gregg, John K

1829 - (576) Staves Inspector. lSSg - (1658) Retail Licenses. 1829 - (1603) Retail License. 1331 - (1100) Sewer-Jones Falls. 1839 - (614) Bridge - Qay St. . 1841 - (74l) Stockholder - Corn Farmer Bank of Balto. 1843 - (222) Inquests 1845 - (360) Closing - Tyson St. 1846 - (368) Extension Greenmount Cemetery 1847 - (541) Open - Tyson St. 1843 - (1129) Fines - City Court 1848 - (1251-4) Comm. & Farmers Bank - stockholders 1850 - (1C83) stockholders 1668 - {(431) Litigations - City Court 1863 - C388) Protest opening - Holliday St. 1865 - (350) Sewers - St. Paul & Center Sts.

Gregg, John

1 8 6 3 1 8 6 7

1869 1369 1869 1871 1871 1872 1873 1373 1374 1376 1376 1876 1377

_ --------------

( 3 9 4 ) (719) (292) (294) (634) (17?6) (1953) (866) (107) (397) (941) (112) (192) (25-;) (931)


H o l l i d a y S t . - P r o t e s t o c e n i n r Nor th Ave. Br idge Open Oregon St. Open daemon St. Open Oregon St. Cathedral S£. RR Trncka-Reaoval Pave Park » t . Public Sn. Conde-Ji Open l ight St. tfharf Aspes-'meats Fr* kiln St. Opening Contract Centre St. ','iden Deed c r l e Centre i t . Change Hane

iiregg, John

1878 - (1115) Pratt St. HS Tre.eka 1379 - (l"19) Clain 1330 - (209) Remove Tr;.ck Cathedral St 138? - (flS) RB Eracka Charlea St 1884 - (133) Hecoanendntlon

Gregg, John Jr.

1841 - (750) Stockholder - Marine Bank of Balto.

Gregg, John C.

1850 - (1073) stockholders

Gregg. John 4 Co

'utr.ps and cleaning sue ••*••» of Gunpowder .315) 3upt. Pumps *...- .

(303) Fetition Keeping of Gunpowd -•<»«ot.ion for Supt. of Ch

1807 18C9 1809 1610 1810 - Vff-jVx " fe t i t i on »"' "V"' V.„* I M P . " ( ? ^ M t r . « t . Superintendent

at: giment Cava

and spirituous llqu ors

: {ni> BSffi.«ftrtaSW5j-n g streets.

(323) Application for oUp>.. -"-«t.ton For Inspector o

1811 - (364)Stree 1 8 1 3 . (241)App


f Fish.


'n.ney Sweeps.


licat on as • ,j4d corder.

18 13 . (720)5th F.e Muster Roll.

Kd. Militia. 181o - w •«••»' _ 7, R.y, naff. «•"• ««i

i'-"*--1813 - ("9)F.T»Wf£«'r & inspector o 1814

^ i ^ r o j r & inspei->." (838>Appolnt-ent £ « B £ e d S p l r l t 8 . ^Domestic Dl

s t e r . , „ , , (£97) Harbor 1 2 1 \7\1\ <^lt Measureme

1 8 1 7 - (547) Sail, m^ ^ ^ 1818 - (473) Inspec


t.or of t i c D i s t i l l ed

S p i r i t s .

Gregg, John H.

1846 - (274) Stockholders, Commercial & Farmers Bk. 1856 - (382) License - Meat 1370 - (?35«)3rect MM;.

Oregg, Lelghty

1855 - (170) Stockholder - R. R.

Gregg, Mary

1849 - (1459) Licenses

Gregg, Michael

1638 - (367) Interments

Or egg , Nancy

1838 - (1757) Trader's L icense

Bragg, Peeton

1840 - Remore tracks from pared atreata

Gregg, R. A.

1864 - (311)

1850 - (289) B.iO.S.F. So. - stock - dividend 1857 - (547) Coroners injuest 1859 - (214) Open - Holllday St. 1864 - (303) Assessment - Holllday St.

Protest opening - HOlllday St.

Oregg, Robert

1640 - (337) Remove tracks froa paved streets 1844 - (1267} Licenses 1846 - (1006) Licenses

Grege, Robert A.

1845 - (1315) Licenses 1847 - (1511) Licenses Issued for Jail 1858 - (247) Police - Protest Station House

Gregg, Robert H.

1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary 1849 - (1459) •

Gregg, S.

1809 - (320) Appl. Wood corder. 1847 - (263) Coroners report 1863 - (388) Protest opening - Holiday St.

Gregg, Susanah

1855 - (878) Licenses

Gregg, Thos.

1889 - (1608) Returns of Fish House. 1888 • (1718) Magistrates Report. 1829 - (1611) Magistrates Report. 1835 - (6661 Flagstones - Mulberry & Paca St. 1834 - (445) Repaving & curbing, Franklin St


1813 - (725) Md. Killtia. Muster Rolls. 1813- (785) Pay Roll-5th Reg. Md. Militia. 1825 - (97) Lexington Wet. Butchers Stalls. 1887 - (351) Coroners Report. 1853 - (703) In crease "ater & Gas suppky

Greegery, E.

1857 - (546) Coroners inquest

Greggs, Andrew

1334 - (434) Erect ion, mkts. 1862 - (431) U t i g a t i o n s - City Court




(80) ^ e t e r St b e t t>ufc«

i u e « n St»«

Greggs, Win.

1838 - (395) Inquests 1856 - (349) Build stone wall - Harford Run

Gregls, W.

Iw05 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Gregmlre, Christopher

1600 - (272) Market,New- Western part of City,

Gregor, Charles

1862 - (11404) Muster Roll - Eleventh Regiment

Gregor, Elizabeth

1662 - (6197) Bounty Application

Gregor, Frederick

1S45 • (1326) Magistrate fines

Gregor, Jaaaa

1813 - (485) Onralesione returned by City Commlaa Ion.

Gregory, Capt.

1817 - (843) Reports dc Heturns-Tonnage.

Gregory, Adeline

1373 - (473) Battery Sc.


Gregory, Amos

1838 - (1756) Trader's License 1839 - (1697) License issued retail 1840 - (339) Request to issue small note 1840 - (1165) Licenses Issued 1841 - (1073) Licenses 1842 - (836) Taxes 1842 - (1185) Licenses granted 1S44 - (12P6) Licenses 1845 - (1089) Application Master Chimney Sweeps 1845 - (1185-57) Inquest 1845 - (1315) Licenses 1846 - (206) Appointment - Karket Kaster 1846 - (1006) Licenses 1850 - (1037) Stock list 1853 - (448) Coroners inquest

Oragory, Anoa

1854 - (1372) Bond - Night Watch Capt. I860 - (318-17) Purchase - Federal Hill 1871 - (1996) Mfct. Tentila or

Gregory, A.-nos J .

1830 - (393) Foun ta in Oros- St 1890 - (439) ' - t

Gregory, Andrew

1851 - (1651) Licenses granted

Gregory, Armour

1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary

Gregory, Christopher

1844 - (1110-57) Inquest

Gregory, David

1863 - (347) Protest Sunday R. R. cars 1359 - (':6E) St. C> r^ Broadway : t

Gregory, K. It.

1862 - (4913) Bounty Application

Gregory, Francis A.

1864 - (2578) Bounty Application

Gregory, Geo.

1862 - (3031) Eounty Application 1863 - (3707) Bounty - 4th Regiment (Kd) 1864 - (2579) Bounty Application 1891 - (640) B i O E Lawrence St-

Gregory, George If.

1864 - (3917) Bounty Compensation 1865 - (8705) Volunteer-Discharged 137e - (1173) atutrt In Bhnreh Aisles

Gregory, H. I.

1889 - (34) Contract 13'JO - (6 5) Heating School 'L-neale St.

Guilford Ave.) 189.5 - (10:?) Contract

Gregory, Henry

1840 - (337) Remove railroad tracks 1856 - (280) Coroners inquest 1865 - (1552) Justice of the Peace report 1866 - (988) Broadway Market Railroad

1868 - (227) Injuries

G-regory, Henry D.

1858 - (270) Estab. Paid Fire Dept.

Gregory, Henry :.:.

1650 - (1038) Coroners inquests 1861 - (500) Damages - Uorton Alley

Gregoryf I. B.

1862 - (303U) Bounty Application

Gregory, J.

1639 - (305) Inqueata 4 Coroner's accounts 1640 - (337) Remove tracks from paved s tree ts 1843 - (861) Tax - Relief

Gregory, J. H. D.

1859 - (239) Widen - Light St. 1867 - (782) Improve Market

Gregory, James

1855 - (204) Coroners Inquest

Gregory, James C.

1862 - (9814) Bounty Atiplication 1862 - (11026) Knlistment Affidavit 1862 - (11484) Eight Regiment - Muster Roll 1864 - (2847) Bounty Application 1867 - (1653) Police ex t ra pay 18do - (682) School "0

Gregory, John

1840 - (337) Remove tracks from paved atreets 185C - (1028) Coroners inquest3 1868 - (11318) Oath of Enlistment 1862 - Q1398) Kuater Roll - Tenthe Regiment 1863 - (3754) 9th Kd. Regiment

1906 - (537) L?y Tracks

Gregory, John B.

1856 - (1335) Licenses 1856 - (111-A) Appoint - Weights ft Meesures Inspector I860 - (318-16) Purchase - Federal Hill 1863 - (452) i-oiice - want uniforms furnished 1862 - (453) Folice - ask additional pay 137" -. ("'17) Application

Grsgory, John F.

1864 - (3590) Uuster Roll

Gregory, John H.

1662 - (9973) lolietiiient cer t i f i cate 1862 - (11354) Muster Boll - Light Art i l lery 1863 - (2091) Bounty Correspondence

Gregory, John T.

1862 - (11345) Buster Roll, Co. C. - 2nd. Regiment 1864 - (3377) Army discharge 1864 - (3656) Muster Roll

Gregory, Joseph

1628 - (425) Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks. 1332 - (1035) Middle fetch Substitutes. 1836 - (523) City Watchman, Increase in pay 1836 - (1220) Nomination - City officers 1840 - (349) Increase pay - Watchmen 1846 - (372) Extension - Hanover Market 1852 - (S85) Coroners inquest 1853 - (450) Coroners inquest

Gregory, II. D.

1857 - (546) Coroners Inquest

Jrepory, '•'. F.

1900 - (599) Protest Iracke

Gregory, Kartha

1362 - (6286) Bounty Applicat ion

Gregory, Martha K.

1864 - (8579) Bounty Application

Gregory, Vary

1853 - (447) Coroners Inquest 1863 - (3707) Bounty - 4th lid. Regiment

Gregory, F.

185i - (182) assessments

Gregory, Robert

1803 - (358) Report Auction Sales by R.Culverwell 1845 - (246) Extension - Hanover Market

Gregory, Susan

1862 - (3031) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n

Oregory, Taeley

1841 - (906) Bailiffs return* 1841 - (1077) Magistrate* report

Gregory, Thoe.

182S - (146) Pay for treating patient*. 1852 - (1«95) Po l ice , bond 1853 - (703) Increase Gaa & Water supply 1863 - (347) Protest Sunday R. R. cars 1S7:< - (473) Battery So.

Gregory, .fash.

1856 - (280) Coroners inques t

Gregory, Wil l iam

1861 - (173) Chimney Cleanlne Machine 1S64 - (1763) S t r e e t Cleaning 1865 - (1546) J u s t i c e of the Peace r e p o r t s 1865 - (1656) S t r e e t c l e a n i n g - P a y r o l l 1371 - (1949-3) City College 3r?ct 1873 - (843) Water Supply

CJreggory, William (Gregory)

1798 - (221) Committee Reports, Election Returns. 1807 - (160) Auctioneer Report. 18:* - (685) Ran Alley - Widen 1843 - (866) Tax - Relief 1844 - (392) Place larap - Holland St. 1849 - (664) St. Peter St, - condemn 1850 - (228) ITells & Pumps - plat.'of pumps,

cor. Balto. & Republican 1852 - (420) Drawbridge over Jones Falls 1856 - (382) Licenses - Meat sold

Oreham, Tin.

3838 - (1982) Police Report 1850 - (236) Plat - Balto. & Carey Sts. - pumps

Qr«h««, John

1827 - (227) »aT6-CalTert S t .

Sreib, Michael

1807 - (838) Position as Standard of Weights.

Jreif, Henry

1874 _ (713) Con trnct iroiory Beleir ! -t

1371 137? 1377



_ --




( ; ("135)



City Co ege Br t Protest C .- Permit Contributors To Sav-n.vph Suff— erer An • Is, Bplto. ~..-rt Ilaa H5 -o. Lf;y Trrc!:s

Greif, Levi

1865 - (214) Clock & Lamps - Broadway IQct. 1866 - (993) Broadway Market Hailroad 1867 - (849) Extend Park loSO - ( 58) H •

Oreiff, H.

1839 - (649) Pet. to print In aeraan 1853 - (318) Plat - Eager St.

Greifzu, Catherina

1862 - (5651) Bounty Applications

Greifzue, Christian

1866 - (774) Boston St . - Double Track

Greifzy, Charles

1867 - (851) Extend Park 18dl - (543) He- Pe la P t , '•' t

Greig, John G.

1859 - (105) Coroners inquest

Grelmmel, Johann

1862 - (344) Currency Issue - small note

Oreln, Franz

1B39 . (649) Pet. to print In Qeraan

Greiner, John A.

1862 - (3841) Bounty Application

Grelner, Katharine

1862 - (3841) Bounty Application

Cf re'i r


Greir, Fieldey

1865 - (1549) Justice of the Peace reports

Greis, Christina

1863 - (2942) Bounty Correspondence

Grelse, Vlcheal

185R - (285) Coroners Inquest

Grelse, Philip

1842 - (278) Inquesti

Greisen, Ludwig

1859 - Contractor - Sond

Grelah, James

1856 - (280) Coroners injueat

Grelsner, Lewis

1862 - (1485-A) Bond - City officer (51)

Greisner, Ludwlg

1862 - (1485-A) Bond - City Officer

Oreltzer, Christian

1855 - (203) Coroners lnque«t

GrelTes, David

1839 - (1161) Property tax - colored people - Public School*

Gr • I v e s , George

1836 2004) Night T5atch, Return

Greives, James

1613 - (763) Jtuster Holl-6th Reg. lid. Militia. 1813 - (6oC) lay Roll-6th F.eg. Kd. Militia.

Grelan, D.

1866 - (1301) Public Schools Text Books -Fraud

Gremline, FhillF

1662 - (6267) Bounty Application

Gremmel, Jacob 1863 - (347) P ro tes t Sunday H. H. cars

3remnel . Jo'nan

1369 io71

- . (262) P - ( l ? ; 7 ) • : -erk

Gremminger, Kichael

1962 - (3401) Bounty Application

Jrenan, John F.

1 8 7 7 _ ( ) Bon s Pi

Grenan, Patrick

1819 - (645) Ordinary license granted.

Granbey, Lnes

1861 - (358) Nan pump - School #8

Grenby, Daniel

1835 - (83) Deepen well In Ann St.

Qrendell, Josiah

1B36 - (408) Court returns

Grendoff, '.Vm.

1857 - (546) Coroners inquest

Grendwell, Qarnett

1804 - (145) Appropriation for altering old footway 1809 - (857 )Petition, Sup't. of Chimney Sweeps.

arenas, Darld

1640 - (320) Belair Harket Request Tuesday It Friday Market days

Qrenes, DaTid Jr.

1640 - (320) Belair Market • Bequest Tuesday & Friday Market days

Granewald, L. H.

1867 - (8466) Army Discharge

Grenewald, Leonard

1664 - (3308) Army discharge 1864 - (3858) Bounty Compensation

Orenfleld, A. H.

1843 - (871) Tax - Belief

Orenford, Henry

1841 - (1174) Police returns

Sreng, David

1B40 - (350) Request - Two additional Lieuts.

Grengall, Jacob

1855 - (1099) Police Return

Grenier, Jo.

1850 - (1037) Jtook list

Grenlnger, 3eorge

1853 - (642) Catholics protest School Tax

Orenner, Frederick

1842 - (836) Taxes

Grennough, E . A.

1659 - (160-A) Ask Bond i s s u e - Western Kd. H. R.

arenval, V. J. H.

1875 - (8°8) 0 en Arlingt n Ave.

jrenielbrch, Henry

1871 - ' )

Grenzendach, H.

1853 - (220) Plat - Howard St. 1856 - (381) License - Vest, sold

Grenzer, Frederick

1867 - (782) Improve Market 1391 - (550) Pet .. 1 0 0 ?

Jrfiaze-', Michael

1B77 G ( )




. (319) APP1' 3od c° rder.

Orerer, Earnest

1864 - (3771) Buster Roll

Grergeus, John C.

1855 - (316) Water supply

Orery, Debonough

1836 - (1430) Interments, Report

Gresen, Lewis

1862 - (1345) Bond - Night Work 1862 - (1518) Justice of the Peace report

Sre~hoff, Chns.

1396 - ( l l i c ) tease Hn e - > 1 . Co. 1893 - ( 7 -0 ) Mlct. L 'cense

Green, Urn.

1S39 - (306) Intel-Bents

Gressen, Ludwig

I860 - (1730-A) License - Bond

[ J r e s s i t t , John *'.

1883 - (448) *P r o - , •••. H. HS Bo 1390 - ( :48) F i r C MB. 1906 - (»69) » t . S t s l l 1908 - (589) l o y Irp-Cfca

Gressner, John N.

1864 - (1310) Bond - Lamp Lighter

Great, Iaaae

1801 - (70A) Plat, Market St, Lancaster to Fleet St

Grethe, Frederick

1850 - (77) Canal & Aiaquith Sts. - pump erected

Gretzinger, Adam

1862 - (9974) Bnllatment certificate 1862 - (11354) Muater Roll - Light Artillery

Oreutz, Oarid

1839 - (631) Re - Carters * Draymen

Greuzer, John

1863 - (3455) Oath of enlistment

Greve, Charles

1864 - (495) Draft exemption

Greve, Heml

1856 (286) Coroners Inquest

Grever, B. H.

1864 - (111) U. S. Sanitary Comm.

Greyes, D. P..

1849 - (58) Fump - plat 1849 - (659) Fhila. #11. & 5alto„ R.R. speed

Greve8, David

1835 1836 1836 1836 • 1837 -1839 -1839 • 1843 -1844 -1844 -1844 -1845 -1846 -1846 -1847 -

- (421) Night watchman. - (690) Park, Met. St. - (301) Substitute '.Vatchnan • (535) Use of Public school for church • (535) Application - Watchman (478) Application for position - TTatchman (706) Colored people oppose tax - Public schoo (895) Deptford Fire Co. - Hemove apparatus (12) Hepair pumps - Eastern District (59) Application - Tatchmen (256) Recommendation - Fort ~arden (1315) Licenses (364) Fleet St. change to Canton Ave.

ifJSl .Bridge -Harris Creek (375; *iden - Broadway

#8 Greves, David

1856 - (88) Appoint P o l i c e

1866 - ( 9 0 ? ) Renumber Houses

1370 - ( "<57) Hd. Hospital Ir.aane

Grevee, David Jr.

1839 - (706) Colored people oppose tax - Public School 1846 - (378) Bridge - Harris Creek

Greves, Geo.

1850 - (1037) Stock list

Graves, Rabacca

1864 - (2770) Bounty Application

Grevey, Je r ry W.

1858 (210) Coroners Inquest

Grevey, John

1857 - (547) Coroners inquest

Srevey, Robt.

1827 - (351) Coroners Report.

Grevey, Wm.

1827. - (353) Coroners Report. 1858 - (210) Coroners inquest

Qrers, Henry

1862 - (8275) Bounty Application

Greyy, Andrew

1840 • (932) Inquests

Orery, Catherine

1840 - (387) Cloee - Howment S t .

Grevy, Saml.

1857 - (547) Coroners Inquest

Grew, John

1864 - (3090) Bounty

Orawa, Trad.

1311 - (544) Hambara of First Branch of City Council.

Lewi? ? .

137', - (703) Sshool A r o p r i a t i o n

Grewes, David

1S13 - (797) Fay Roll-Ist. Reg. Artillery. 1617 - (506) Regulations-Gauging & Inspection. 1819 - (645) Ordinary license granted. 1820 - (186) Appoint, Scavenger- Enstern district. 1821 - (409) Inspection of Flour. 1624 - (195) Proposal-Scrape 4 Clean Sts. 1827 - (98) Pos. as '.Vatchman.

Grey, Anthony

1857 - (546) Coroners inquest

Orey, Bernard

1356 - (1225) Licensee 1859 - (182) Permit - Unfg. of soap

Grey, C. 5T.

1857 - (547) Coroners inquest

Grey, Charles

1865 - (1553) Justice of the Peace report

Grey, Crumpton.

1879 - (5°4) Qua IfiedXoter

Grey, D. H.

1845 - (1353) Bailiffs return

Grey, David

1837 - (498) License for measurer of grain

Grey, Duncan

1663 - (346) Issue small notes

Orey, E.

1857 - (546) Coroners Inquest 1857 - (547) Coroners Inquest

Grey, Ford

1866 - (199) Property Sales

Greyt Frederick

1841 - (289) Bond - Pave Eden St. 1844 - (605) Resolutions approved 1847 - (584) Open - Canal St. 1849 - (735) City collector report

Grey, G. V.

1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Grey, S e o . H.

1865 - (1558) J u s t i c e of the Peace report

1373 - (1191) Allanst Greeting Pier

Grey, Harris

1862 - (1523) Justice o f the Peace - Report

Grey, Henry

1841 - (229) Bond - Pare Eden St. 1855 - (201) Coroners Inquest

Grey. J. L.

1860 - (315) Nuisance - Lexington & Gilmore Sts.

Grey, Janes

1655 - (204) Coroners inquest 1665 - (1554) Justice of the Peace report 1866 - (1117) Protest - Renumbering Houses

Or ay, John

1855 - (204) Coroners Inquest 1858 - (210) Coroners inquest 1859 - (182) Permit - 1'nfc. of soap 1863 - (3759) llisier Roll - lid. Battery Artillery 1866 - (1690) Lancaster St. Market - Stalls 1866 - (2552) Pines

Orey f John

18B3 (.-',10) Fremont T.i. ' l e c t r i c l ight

Grey, Jno. H.

1349 - (1460) Licenses 1854 - (1234) Coroners Inquest

Grey, Joseph

1856 - (280) Coroners Inquest 1857 - (546) Coroners Inquest 1859 - (2085) F i n e s - J u s t i c e of t h e Peace

1379 - . (5=,4) %m Ufled Voter

Grey, Leonard

1858 - (270) Estab. Paid Fire Dept.

arey, H. E.

1854 - (1257) Stockholder - Bank

Grey, Michael

1856 - (282) Coroners inques t


1331 - (350) Protest Brlrlj]

Grey, Richard

1866 - (2546) Fines

Grey, Stephen

1658 - (210) Coroners inquest

Orey, Thomas

1853 - (516) Protest - ElyeTllle R. R. 1866 - (2933) Army Discharge 1867 - (8470) Army Discharge

Grey, '.Villlam

1836 - (860) Erecting Po»t 1853 - (1510) Licenses 1853 - (631) Watering - Pratt St. 1860 - (8140) Fines - Justice of Feace 1860 - (8301) Follce Payroll

Oreya, William H.

1856 - (282) Coroners In ;uest

Grlbbln, Pat. 1878 - (1113) Pratt gt. R. R. Tracks

Cribble, Barney

1828 - (485) Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks.

Grlbbon, Ellen

1P43 - (1047) License Issued 1844 - (1267) Licenses

Grlblng, Jacob 1877 - (967) Street Railway on Druid Hill Ave.

" r i c e , Daniel

1850 - (556) Ground, r e n t s , Held by 2 a l t o . ;7ater Co.

Grioe, Eliza

1855 - (29) Pump Plat - Broadway 1856 - (382) License - Beat 1862 - (3531) Bounty Application 1863 - (2451) Bounty Correspondence 1864 - (1762) Bounty Application

Grice, George

1826 - (3*6) County & State Tax Collections.

iltl '- (3707) 1st lid. Cavalry


Grice, George W.

1856 - (286) Coroners inquest 1862 - (3531) Bounty Application

Or Ice, Henry

1813 - (485) Ommisaionsreturned by City Commiaa Ion.

Grice, J. Perkins

i860 - (£017) Streets - Supt. of Bond 1866 - (913) Renumbering Houses 1866 - (.1025) Patterson Park Extension 1869 - (270) st Cars Broadwy TarTO.

Orlce, Jacob

1842 . (279) Inquests

Grlce, Hary

1791 - (67) Plata - Market St. between Fells St. & Dock.

1799 - (157) Erection of Pump Light St.

Grlce, Perkins E.

1867 - (709) Church Clock

Grices, Elizabeth

1864 - (1866) Bounty Application

Grices, George '.v.

1864 - (1866) Bounty Application

Gricho, Fred

1888 - (239) No Lamplighter 1891 - (406) Paving

Grldley, J. c«

1 8 6 3 . (251-A) Dee pening Channel

patapsco River

Grldley, John

1835 - (458) Coroner's Report,

1836 - (1534) Coroners Inquest

1838 - (395) Inquests 1840 - (199) Application - Kiddle watchman 1840 - (932) Inquests 1841 - (342) Petition - Gas Consumer 1844 - (413) Improve Belair Market 1850 - (417) Belair Mkt. - evening mkt. 1853 - (703) Increase Water & Oas Supply 1858 - (13E1) Police Bond 1863 - (346) Issue small notes

Oridly, Suaanna

1925 - (94) Centra Hkt. Report. 1840 • (963^ Interments

Grleaves, David

1 8 4 4 . (508) Licena* to sell «oo A

Orleb, Anton

1866 (196) Lampii^ter

K2-te»J Appi 1802 - lcation Positic (414) North Kastern

Market Stalls

Griebel, Emll 1909 - (HO) Against B 0 Crossing

Grlebel , C. G. 1909 - (126) Tracks, Light S t .

O r l e b e l , Chas . G.

1910 - (4K5) Repave Butaw S t .

Grlebel, J.

1910 - (416) Erect Hospital

Grlebel, John II

1883 - (366) A nnapolts Balyo Short Line R R Co

&rleber, John G.

1906 - (760) Subscriptions

Grlechbaum, John

1675 - (S16) Protest Brick-Kiln

Grieese, Wm. H.

1S61 - (369) Against R. R. ears on Sundays

GrietJ, C. ie93 - (386) Penn, *". R. Tracks

Grief, Catherine

1884 - (283) License Fells Pt Mkt. 1S00 - (584) Market License

Grief, Charles 1877 - (1032) ISanufacturlng Aclis

Grief, David L 1908 - (823) Dog Muzzling

Grief, L.

1883 - (354) License-Fells Pt L'kt 1689 - (267) Director B. 0. R. R*

Orlef, Levi ie69 - (270) St Cars Broadway Market

Grief, Mich.

1846 - (341) Expenses - Election lew - (1035) Manufacturing Acids

Griefser, Catherine

1862 - (6085) Bounty Application

Qriefaer, John

1862 - (6085) Bounty Application

Griefzu, Chas. F. 1879 - (524) Qualified tfoter

Sr leger , Fred 1875 - (871) Flag Stones Fremoi.t St.

Griegg * Co. John

1813 - (S3S) Report Returns-Powder magazine.

Grlehl. Adam ie70 - (C443-U) Park Tax Abatement

Griele, John G.

1819 - (66) Fump Adjustment. 1823 - (831) Prevent Meal selling outside of mkts.

Grien, James

1838 - (552) Reg i s t ry Act - opposed

Grien, John

1864 _ (3767) Muster Roll

Grlenelsen, Fred

1910 - (411) Else. Service

Grlener, James

1629 • (548) Pave-Mkt. & WlJ.ke Sts . 1844 - (89) Application - '7atchmen

Grlenwald, John

1866 - (8544) Tines

Grlenwald, Klegel

1869 - (270) St Cars Broadway Market

Grler, Alexander

1829 - (510) Flaxseed Inspection. 1830 * — < ~ • • 1830 1S30

- (510) - (,4381 - (577} (904)

Brldge-ttwynns Rur_ Construct Road-Penna Ave.

Grier, Chas.

1833 - (404) Chimney sweep-Appt.

Orler, John

1824 - (849) Flour Inspection.

Crier, Hartln

1860 - (1746) Clerk -Belair Market

Grler, p. J. 1893 - (5) School Franklin St.

Grler, Thomas

179S - (231) Donations for Poor.

Orler, William

1856 - (281) Coroners Inquest

Orlar, Wllaon

1828 - (381) Inspection of Butter & Lard.

Grles, A.

1891 - (550) P e t i t i o n 1 0 0 F

Grles, Adam 1879 - (718) English German School

Grle3, John F.

187? - (1009) Build Public Squire

1881 - (972) Track Removal Gay St.

Gries, John G.

1849 - (451-104) Coroners inquest

Griese, Dora

1862 - (5603) Bounty Applications 1865 - (2019) Bounty Claim

Griese, Dorothea

1865 - (2019) Bounty Claim

Griese, Keinrich

1850 - (355) City ordinances - German corres.

Grlese, Henery

1864 - (3656) Muster Roll

Griese, Henry

1862 - (5603) Bounty Application 1863 - (3701) Kilitary Certificate 1865 - (2019) Bounty Claim 1863 - (3701) Military Certificate

Grieser, Philena

1865 - (2006) Bounty Claim

Griesman, Jakob

1864 - (2547) Bounty Application

Grlesman, Lou i s

1B90 - (411) Lamps

Griess , Andreas 1675 ( 926) Holllns S t . Biglne House

Grleas, Christina

1862 - (6238) Bounty Application

Griess, George

1862 - (1510) Justice of the Peace report

Orleaamann, Jacob

1856 - (381) License - Meat sold

Griest, Geo. C.

1860 - (318-14) Purchase - Federal Hill

16e9 - (o72) Tax Refund

Grles t , Isaac TR07 - (118) Establ ish ln te r sec 1807 - ( .no ; Maric,t S t s .

tion of George &

Oriest, J. (John)

1801 - (?1) Appl.paving Apple alley from Allceanna to Lancaster St.

1801 - (103) Paving Market St. between Thames & Fleet Sts.

1801 - (238) Petition to pave Market St. 1801 - (250) Petition- appropriation to fill marsh­

es on East end of Fells Point. 1802 - (312) Extention of the M-rket House Lancas­

ter & Allceanna Sts. 13C0 - (26) Washington St. between Bank &. Smith St 1800 - (273) Petition, Market St.Fells Ft,paving.

Grlest, J A

18e9 - (48?) Manual Training School

Grlest, J Wesley

1889 - (493) Open McCullough St.

Griest, Jas. D,

1867 - (782) Market - Improve

Grlest, « (3 3 3) Permit to hold oyster supper (269) Tax - R ^ i e f , „

« 8 : i ^ ^ e ^ - V w .aster 1 5 w - (iSSl) Election Judge i g l i - l U Election Judge S o _ 1375) Election Jud*e

1839 1843 1853 -

3riest, Bary

1807 - (117) Appl. establlah line of lot on Market St, Fells Point.

1807 - (118) Establish intersection of George & arket Sts.

1807 - (15lA)Establish Brandy,Howard St.German La. and others.

1803 - (67) Erection of Pump in Market Space. 1803 - (899)i'etitlon for equal Paving Tax,Market St

driest, Moses

1B37 . 1838 1841 1845 1847 1349 1850 1654 . 1858 -1860 . 1860 1860 1661

(1B2S) (1756)

Retail licenses Trader's License

(784) Inquests (1185-23) Inquests

(192) Open - Dover St. ( 646) Patapsco Rifle Co. - armory ( 408) Bethel ship - remove. (1372) Bond - Night Watch Capt.

Coroners inquest Li£ht St. Wharf

(204) (393) (467) (316-14) (ls36)

1869 -(656)

1871 1877 1883

- (1696) - (1001) - (313)

Protest - Erect Livery Stable Purchase - Federal Hill Bond - Harbor Kaster Tax Refund

Recommendations Gutter P la t e s Election Jud&e

Griest, MOBS

1867 - (705) House Numbering

1873 - (gxv) Application Inspector

Grlest, P. H,

1889 - (483) Kanual Training School

Grlea t , gsur.uel H l e e s - (6o3) Ext Balto St .

Grlest, W. C_

1685 - (477) Mount St. Electric Light

Griesz, Kosea

1839 - (1697) License Issued retail

Grlevus, A. W. 188V - {334) Calvert St. Spg

Grieves, James

1813 - (285)

1B35 -1836 -1837 -1837 -

1838 -1838 -1838 -1839 -1848 -1843 -1844 -1844 -1846 -

(690) (1535) (1085) (1045)

(35) (395) (1213) (641) (397) (870) (477) (603) (987)

Application for position of Harbor Master.

Park, Hfct. St. Coroners, Inquest Trustee, examine Alms ..ouse Construct bridge - Harford Run Remove bar at wharf - Fells Foint Inquests R. R. track on High St. Special appropriation - Franklin Regulate City Night Tatch Fire Co. Foreman of City Yard Taxes - Refund Ordinances & Resolutions - Approved Franklin Fire Co. Report

Grieves, James

1844 - (656) City - Port Wardens Accounts 1844 - (702) Use Shed - Pratt & Light Sts. 1844 - (732) Rent - Public Jttiarf 1844 - (1251) Franklin Fire Co. - Report 1845 - (1£89) Court fines 1846 - (240) Duties Assessors 1847 - (350) Tax Assessors - Compensation 1848 - (1134) Franklin Fire Co. - Report

Orlewlsch, H 168o - (446) Holllns St. Electric Light


G riff

Grlfe, John

188? - (29fi-C) Citizens Railway Co

Grlfen, Anton

1853 - (660) Ferrait Swine to run a t large

Griff, Louis


Grlffen, Alexander

1900 - (601) Protest Tracks

Griffen, James

1853 - (601; Enlarge - Richmond Market 1858 - (208) Coroners Inquest

Griffen, John

1900 - (600} Lay Tracks

Griffon, Louisa

1838 - (1756) Trader's License 1839 - (1697) License issued retail

Griffen, Lynch

1845 - (1379) Bailiffs returns 1846 - (1006) Licenses

Griffen, Martin

1810 - (62) Petition to grade Eutaw St. from Frank­lin to Ross Sts.

181C - "I] . .tition to <jrude Entew*S*. bet. "r •-'•-lir. anu ..... itoga Sts.

Oriffen, Kary

1846 - (1006) Licenses

Griffen, Michael

1666 - (97) Water Ordinance - Poll Book

Orlffen, Thomas

1837 - (493) License for measurer of grain 1851 - (397) Eerair 3pace,Regulate Days ,I!oll ins Kkt.

Griffen, W.C.

1866 - (903) Renumber Houses

Grlffen, Willlaa

1S40 - (350) Request - Two additional Ueuts.

1866 - (913) Renumbering Houses

Griffenberg, C. P.

186B - (3406) Bounty Application

Grif fe th , C. H. 1871 -(1337) Met. Clerk

Griffeth, John

1860 - (2170) Fines - Justice of Peace

Griffey, Jos. A.

1349 - (635) Belair Hkt. change hrs.

G r i f f l e t , R. W 1906 - (579) Lay Tracks

Griffil, R. R. Jr.

1867 - (582) Linden Ave. - Change Name

Griffin, A.

1850 - (1037) Stock list 1889 - (507) Public School

Griffin, A Ann

1849 - (687) Belair Market Change Houra

G r i f f i n , A. M.

191d - (124) Sunday 3=-.sebn.ll

Griffin, Abraham

1502 - (40) Paving Application, Charles St.between Pratt Sc Barre Sts.

1803 - (4) Paving Warrant, Charles St. between Pratt & Barre Sts.

1803 - (30) Paving footway on Pratt St. between Han-o v ©r & Chnr*l e s Sts

1803 - (158)Pratt St. between Hanover & Charles Sts. 1816 - (148)Establishment-Pratt St. bet. Charles &


Griffin, Albert 1900 - (fiOl) Protest Tricks

Griffin. A l l .

1864 - (1638) 1865 - (1632)

Street Cleaning Street cleaning

Payroll Payroll

^ i m n > A m b r o

1 3 6 2 — (GRna ~\ TI i 6 6 2 - (113611 ^ ? t y A W » " t i o n

Fourth Heglment

Griffin, Amy

1844 - (386) Deepen Harbor

Griffin, Ann

1848 - (1160) 1848 - (1036) 1853 - (1509) 1856 - (377)

Licenses Ordinary Marine Bank - stockholders

Licenses License - Meat sold

GriffIn, Annla A

ise8 - (666) Sewer Light St.

Griffin, Anthony

1859 - (330) Repair '.Vashington Road 1859 - (1527) Contractor - Bond 1866 - (2419) License

1670 - (2443-C) Park Tac City R. R. Co.

1875 - (1007) Hlght Soil

Griffin» Arthur

1809 - (322) Appl. '"cod corder.

Gri f f in , Bridget 1913 - (347) Propert.v Damage

Griffin, C

1873 * (528) Open Forrest St. 18K5 - (468) Belalr l£kt. Electric Light

Griff in , C. • 1980

(230) Confederate Memorial.

Griffin, C. W.

1900- (801) Railway Tracks

ffln. Capt- d „ Libertir St..

1 6 f 3 , 3 8 ) Plat. Literty.Ho-rd,Prd ^

1805 - (37"3B;

XB00 - C«« t tu?n8of TonnaSe on Sundry V..-

IB!, - <*» K e ^ n c a 8 t 9 r St. 1 6 1 3 - ( 8 5 8 ) - ^ n c a s t - r St. 1830 - CI**) W * "

Griffin, Catherln 1836 - (14*0) m t - e n t . . Report

1601 -

1798 -

1802 -

1807 •



1812 1813 1814 1814 1816 1816 1815

( l M , Erect P - P ° n H ° ^ ir

d ; rS t

A U e y . e t w e e , l a ) Paving t a r r a * , C 1 ^ a r d & Eutaw S t s .

i fberty S t . . l a e ) Petition - / ^ r t o aLpuraP,Llbe§U . i4l) Returns for re* s t .

-1»» wffs^slfeflrAlley' (A'O Pumo Warrant How-i" v a l .

I 5 ) P e t i t i o n Horse ^ ^ n n e y - l l B O Ja^ Warrant-Pump Repair

I 258) Supt. of Sts « P & p u n p a

- « > AP?11Ccror°rUsurer of Woo,

I I S ) S 5 t t 5 City Officers

iffin, Charles 2#

1818 -

1818 -

1826 -1328 -1842 -1842 -1847 -1848 -1859 -1860 -1862 -1866 -1870 -1874 -

1879 -1861 -



(490) . (425) (352) (357) (397) (532) , (2065) (2135) (344) (2545) (1S7) (718)

(583) (339)

lrading-3ath St. bet. Calvert <£ Holllday St.

Trade-Biddle St. bet. Pelaterstown Road 4 George St.

Reduce Llcense-Mkt. Stalls. Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks. Erect shed - Belalr Market Regulate Market days - Belalr Market Appoint City Commissioners Stalls - Markets Fines collected Fines - Justice of Peace Currency notos- small issue Fines Aopolntments Construct Armory Belalr Mkt.

Opening Douglas Street Improvement Belalr mkt.

Griff in , Chas. T. l eee - (348) Application Pos i t ion

Griff in , '•'has. W. 1681 - (373) New Gate Pa t te rson Pk

Griff in, C h r i s t i a n

1865 - (1985) Bounty Claim

Griffin, Columbus

1857 - (542) Coroners Inquest

Griffin, Daniel

1858 - (210) Coroners inquest

Griffin, Daniel D.

1866 - (1325) Mayor's Appointments

Griffin, E. 1909 - (129) Ho Tracks Callow Ave.

Griffin, E. P.

1670 - (2442-iJ) Park Tax Abatement

O r i f f i n , Edw.

1828 - (425) Proh ib i t negroes from d r i v i n g Hacks. 1833 - (411) S t . Sui,t. A p p l i c a t i o n . 1845 - (932) Inquests 1859 - (2139) F ines - J u s t i c e of the Peace 1865 - (1549) J u s t i c e of the Peace Report

1875 - ( 9 9 7 ) Grade Raborg S t . 1900 - (53) Proyiertj' release

Griffin, Edward C. 1910-(415) Construct Hospital

Griffin, Sdw. J

1385 - (353) Hew School

1896 - (1165) Lease Hoce Tel. Co.

Griffin, Edwin J

lee.'i - (314) Election Judge

18Se - (660) New Building School Ho 2

Griffin, Ella* T.

1827 - (113) tarn* «• Wall Digger. 1836 - (470) Fountain, Centre market 1837 - (83) Stepping stones - Pearl 4 Saratoga Sta. 1838 - (1220) Ward managers for the poor 1841 - (740) Citizens Bank - Stockholders 1840 - (224) Appointed- Judges of election 1840 - (338) Open Run Alley 1842 - (836) Taxes 1844 - (252) Application- Market Master 1844 - (272) Appointed- Judges of election 1844 - (301) Resign- Judges of election 1879 - (524) Qualified Soter

Griffin, Ellas Y

ie79 - (524) Qualified Voter

Griffin, Elizabeth

1835 - (1202) Alma House, paupera. 1062 - (8343) Bounty Spplioatlon

Oriffin, Ellen

1845 - (1315) Licenses - retail

Griffin, lugene 1887 - (334) Calvert St. Sog

Griffin, F. 1873 * (180) Freemont St. Wagons

Grlfflu, F. W. 1893 - (1) Telephone Poles

Griffin, neigh

1805 - (384) List of Ordinary Licenses in Baltimore County Court of Persona residing in


Griffin, Frank (Col.)

187B - (524) Qualified Voter

arlffln, a.

1821 - (350) Extend Pratt St. & Bowleya Wharf. 1845 - (196) Reduce Stall rents

Griffin, S. S.

1889 - (297; A-pllcation Position 1989 - (483) Manual draining School 1889 - (509) Sewer Head St. 1894 - (59) Parade Permit 1-98 - (376) Contract 1900 - (600) Ley tri.cks 1902 - (319) Contract

Griffin, (5eo.

1638 - (378) Interments 1840 - (1165) Licenses Issued 1854 > (1234) Coroners Inquest 1856 - (377) License - Meat sold 1859 - (106) Coroners inquest 1862 - (1731) Oath of Allegiance 1865 - (1558) Justice of the Peace report 187* - (2B77) J. P. Fines

Griffin, George-(Col.)

1879- (524) Qualified Voter

Griffin, Geo. Jr.

1852 - (365) Federal Hill Park

Griffin, Geo. 0.

1900 - (600) Lay Tracks

Griffin, Gompman

1805 - (ill) irhiskey Alley between Howard 4 Eutaw St

Griffin, Greenbury

1807 - (26) Petition sink pump Barre St.

1838 - (395) Inquests

G r i f f i n , H.

1844 - (1109-38) I n q u e s t

1869 - (265) St Cars Broadway Market

1 8 7 1 - (1949-C) City C o l l e g e Erect

1885 - (155) Mfct l ias ter

Griffin, H. C.

1813 - (754) Muster Roll. 1813 - (818) Payroll, 6th Reg., yd. yilitia. 1818 - (385) Paving Footways-'Vashington St. 1862 - (1760) Oath of Allegiance 1862 - (10256) Bounty Application 1864 - (1618) Pay Boll - City Collector 1865 - (5) Ne* High School 1869 - (157) Erect Market 1870 - (2354) Erect Market 1876 - (970) Open Arlinfjton Ave. 1878 - (1007) City Hall Public Sq. 1877 - (944) Citizens Railway Co. 1878 - (1097) Railway Tracks North Ave. 1880 - (830) Confederate Memorial 1881 - (246) Renumbering Arlington Ave. 1881 - (287) Paving Dolphin St. 1889 - (200) Supt. Lamps

Griffin, Harrison C.

1862 - (11334) Buster Roll - Co. J. - 2nd Regiment

Qrlffln, Henrietta

1855 - (19a) Power of Attorney

Griffin, Henry

1835 - (1550) 1840 - (320)

1841 1844

(364) (214)

184* - (189) 1856 - (284) 1859 - (106) 1890 - (445)

Bailiffs, r eturns. Belair market - Requests Tuesday *

Friday - Market days Stalls - Centre Market Application - Clerk - Fells Point Mkt, Broadway - Flagstones Coroners inquest Coroners inquest Market

Griffin, Henry C.

Increaee Salary - City Bookke. iper

Griffin, Hugh

1817 - (54) Faving K. E. Cor. Howard St. from Moore's Orchard to N. ".V. Cor.Richmond

3t3. 1819 - (37) Improve ru.np-Ross & I ' o r r i s 3 t . N. ".«.

Intersec. 1830 - (397)Kiscellaneous 3111s.

Griffin, J.

1847 - (261) Coroners report

Griffin, J. 3.

1841 - (384) Issue - City Certif icates 1847 1852

(5*4) Establish Market House (703} Inci'ease Vater & Gas Supply

1852 - (365) Federal Hill Park 1854 - (1430) Bond - Police Officer 1856 - (1225) Licenses 1860 - (318) Purchase - Federal Hill

Griff in , J . H. 1688 - (359) Application Pos i t ion 169] - (548) Funds, Hospital 1389 - (307) Application Pos i t ion

Griffm, J. Henry Tracks 1 8 e 3 . (483) Ho, Bait- Paas R

Griffin, J. J.

1850 - (887) B.40.R.E. - stock - dividends 1350 - (38°) Bridne3 - Jones Falls - Eastern Av.

1853 - (478; Pave"- Canal St. 1854 - (472) Open - Oough St .

Griffin, J. !».

1868 - (597) Permission to erect frame shed 1865 - (214) Clock & Lamps - Broadway Kkt.

Griffin, Jackson

1840 - (932) Inquests

Or Iffin, Jacob

1823 - (231) Prevent Heat Selling outside of Wets. 1823 - (716) Center 10tt. Return. 1824 - (1045)8utcnsrs Stalls-Centre llkt. 13,25 - C9&1, Centre Mkt. Stall "ent. 1S26 - (490) Reduce Llcense-IIkt. Stalls. 1828 - (425) Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks. 1833 -(1296) Bailiffs - Payroll returns. 1836 - (524) Petition to increase night watch 1838 - (395) Inquests 1838 - (1756) Trader's License 1844 - (412) Purchased lets - 3elair Market 1846 - (S08) Extension - Belair Market 1846 - (983) C l t y C o u r t f l n e g

1848 - (537) Belair Bet. - widening

Griff in, James 1

iW.-m 1S32 -

1833 -1834 -

1837 -1841 -1845 -ie46 -1853 -1860 -1867 -1871 -1871 -

1679 -1379 -

(82) (672)

(2352) (740) (784) (1094) (391) (447) (2139'* (415) (1949-(P877)

(524) ! (584) I

Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks Construct RoadpPenna Ave. Pave-Colu.-n.yla St. Parkin St. -Opening

Health interments. interments - Reports Inquests Application Supt. Chimney Sweeps Extension - Lexington Market Coroners inquest Fin°« - Justice of Peace Steam Engine D) City College Erect.

J. P. Fines

Din-ualifled Voter Qualified Voter


Griffin, James

1883 - (5P1) Electric Light Strieker St. 1907 - (478) Against Abbator 1913 - (347) property Damage

Griffin, James A. 1692 - (163) Paving Wilkens Ave.

Griffin, Jas. C. 1887 - (356) Pav-; Wllkens Av= . 1683 - (477) Mount St. Electric Light 1888 - (304) Application Position 1889 - (463) Kanual Training School 16S1 - (406) Paving

Griffin, Jones L.

1855 - (287) Erect Pump - Washington St.

Gririn, Jamia

1811 - (384) Petition to place Lamp Uhler Alley.

Griffin, Jarvls (col.)

1879 - (524) Qualified Voter

Griffin, John 1

1811 - (360) Streets & Pumps Superintendent Petit­ion.

1816 - (326) Fetition-KarKet Women. 1827 - (485) Supply water to Mkt. House. 1828 - (1324)Killing of Stray Dogs. 1880 - (88) Pump-Ross St. 1832 - (408) Flagstones-Ross St. 1832 - (1164)Appt. Night Watch.. 1832 - (1861)0rdinary License. 1333 - (1639) License grants. 1834 - (187) Erect,MfctT. house. 1835 - (618A) Railroads extension 1835 - (1763) Licenses, retail, 1837 - (1829) Licenses, retail 1838 - (56) Pump - Paca St.

Or If fin, John #.8

1838 - (625) Remore Frame House 1838 - (940) Remove frame building - Ross St. 1839 - (1697) License Issued retail 1839 - (1736) Magistrates - Returns _ . 1840 - (320) B.l8.lr Market - Rsauest. T u e s d a y ^ 1840 - (326) Close - Monument St. 1840 - (1165) Licenses Issued 1841 - (1073) Licenses 1842 - (836) Taxes 1842 - (1185) Licenses granted 1844 - (1266) Licenses 1845 - (1119) Amplication Supt. Chimnsy Sweeps 1845 - (1185-85) Inquest

Griff in, John #* 3

1854 -1862 -1862 -1862 -1862 -1863 -1863 -1864 -1865 -1866 -1870 -1879 -1669 -

(1234) (1522) (9817) (11215 (11388) (2092) (2450) (1513) (1559) (867) (3305) (524) (483)

Coroners Inquest J u s t i c e of the Peace - Report 3ounty Application Enlistment Affidavit Master Roll - Eight Regiment Bounty Correspondence Bounty Correspondence Fines Justice of the Peace report Lamp - Fremont St. Balto. Infirmary Disqualified Voter Manual Training School

Griffin, John A.

1855 - (193) Power of Attorney

Griffin, John H.

1864 - (3815) 1864 - (3824) 1865 - (3903) 1865 - (3570) 1866 - . (867) 1877 - (POOO) 1877 - (1081)

Buster Roll Bounty Compensation Power of Attorney Volunteer-Discharged Fremont St. Lamp Bonus Payments Filth In Patnpsoo St.

Griffin, John J.

1856 - (206) Wharf Rights - East Falls Ave. 1856 - (320) Erect Soap & Candle Factory - Caroline 1856 - (323) Fill up Harbor - City Dock St 1852 - (578) West Falls Ave, pave

Griffin, Jno. W. 1877 - (944) Citizens Railway Co

Griffin, Joseph

Coroners inquest ; Licenses

- (543) Coroners inquest - (1540) Fines - Justice of Peace

1855 - (803) 1855 - (877) 1857 - (543J 1858 1859 - (2108) Fines - Justice of the Feace 1871 - (1861) Jones Falls Overflow 1686 - (137) Lamplighter

Griffin, Joseph N

1670 - (524) Qualified Voter

Griff in, Joshua

1858 - (209) Coroners inquest

Griffin, Julia Ann

1862 - (4084) Bounty Application 1863 - (3707) 1st. Kd. Infantry

Griffin, Katie

16c8 - (141) Yellow Fever Fund

Qriffin, L.

1845 - (1339) Night watch report 1650 - (1C28) Coroners inquests 1851 - (1651) Licenses granted

Gri f f in , L James 1868 - (404) Application Pos i t ion 1691 - (43) Claim Surrender

Griffin, Lemuel

1848 - (69) Howard St. - pump, erect

Griffin, Leonard

1835 - (1768) Licenses, retail.

Griffin, Levi

1866 - (8545) Fines 1872 - (815) KoVr Tracks Eastern Ave. 1875 - (948) Favor Soap Factory

Griffin, Lizzie 1900 - (300) Lay Tracks

Orlffin, Louisa

1840 - (1165) Licensee laaned

Griffin, Luke

1856 - (1225) Licensee 1857 - (1034) Licenses 1660 - (2006) Police Bond 1862 - (1397) Lamplighter Bona

Oriffin, Luthur

1827 - (351) Coroners Report. 1888 • (376) Boots * shoes In Ukts.

Griffin, Lynch

1640 - (1165) Licenses Issued 1641 - (1073) Licenses 1642 - (1185) Licenses granted 1844 - (12?*) Licenses 1845 - 0097) Application - Supt. Chimney Sweeps 1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary 1849 - (146QJ "

Griffin, Lynn A.

1850 - (1037) Stock list

Griffin, II.

1864 - (1763) Street Cleaning 1874 - (882) Garbage Force LI

griffin, Madis

1349 -(250-42) Coroners inquest

Griffin, Margaret A.

1862 - (7603) Bounty Application 1866 - (2548) Fines

Griffin, Kartln

1818 - (385) Pavine Foot.wayB-Kashington 3t. bet. Faca & Charles, bts.

1820 - (694) Dog Tax. 1862 - (8500) Bounty Application

Grif f in , Mary

1849 - (1460) Licenses 1851 - (2022) School report 1856 - (377) License - Vett sold 1859 - (2075) Fines - Jus t i ce of the Peace 1862 - (6343) Bounty Application 1648 - (1160) Licenses'Ordinary

GriffIn, Mary E. 1876 - (3414) License Horse Wagon

Griffin, '-elvlna

1875 - (P393) "anover Ukt Rentals

Griff in , W.chp.eX

SB"- fe *****Ben Compen8a

Griffin, ^ichane

1896 -(1185) Lease Home Tel. Co.

Griffin, Klcneal 1883 - (366) Annapolis, Balto Short Line R. R. oo

Griffin, Minnie

1900 - (300) Lay Tracks

Griffin, "c. JT.

1692 - (165) Play Ground

Griffin, Neal

1845 - (1315) Licenses

Griff in , Paul

1865 - (1547) J u s t i c e of the Peace Report 1865 - (1549) 1879 - (524) Qualified Voter

arlffln, Peggy

1827 . (333) List of Hospital Ptlents.

1827 - (3S1) Coroners Report. 1888 - (1717) Magistrates Repott. 1850 - ( 576) East Falls Av. & City block - city proper­

ty leased. 1650 - (1095) Inspection, Butter & lard - bond.

Griffin, H.

1843 - (263) Tax - Relief 1846 - (401) Market Houses - additional

Griff in, R. B.

1856 - (417) Extension - Parkersburg R. R« 1859 - (242) Widen - Light S t . 1864 - (405) open - Tripoletts Alley 1866 - (1102) Pro tes t W.Md. R.R.Subscriptions

1867 - (606) Open - German S t .

Griffin, R. B. Jr. 1869 - ^02' Park Concerts

G r i f f i n , R. H.

1846 - (260) Inquest

Griffin, R.N.

1866 - (1103) For W. lid. R.R.Stock Subscription

Griff in , R. S

1881 - (373) New Gate * a t t e r so j . Pk

Grif f in , R. T. 1874 - (535) Condecn Bai-re S t .

arifrm, R. vr" 1909 - (343) Repavlng Franklin St.

Orlffln, Rich J 1671 - (1949-D) City College Erect

Griffin, Robert

1846 - (368) Extension, Greenmount Cemetery 1847 - (479) Close Joppa Road 1849 - (613) Lafayette Hose Co. - approp. 1849 - (632) Belair Mkt. - change hours 1853 - (450-A) Coroners inquest 1858 - (1282) Police Bond 1862 - (1485-A) Bond - City officer (25) 1862 _ (5000) Bounty Application 1879 - (686) New flortheatem Market

Griffin, Robt. B.

1836 - (1535) Coroners, Inquest 1842 - (828) Collection - Taxes 1866 - (907) Renumber Houses

Griffin, Ruth

1837 - (1829) Retail licenses 1838 - (1756) Trader's License 1839 - (1697) Licenses issued - Retail 1840 - (1156) Licenses issued 1844 - (1266) Licenses

Griffin, S. E.

ie?4 e (662) Garb&te Force Llat

Griffin, Sara'l

1835 - (1237) Health Receipts, Pauper burials 1845 - (1185-28) Invests 1859 - (2074) Fines - Justice of the Peace 1860 - (2163) Fines - Justice of Peace 1866 - (867) Lamp - Fremont St.

Griffin, Saml. E.

1860 - (318-8) Purchase - Federal Hill

Griffin, Sarah

1603 - (39) Erection of 1842 - (346) Licenses -

Pump & Well Aliceanna St. Smoked Ueat

Griffin, Sarah J.

1S63 - (2454) Bounty Correspondence

OriffIn, Silaa H.

1840 - (337) Remove tracks fro« paved streets 1650 - (396) Lex. St. closing 1S55 - (801) Coroners inquest 1857 - (543) Coroners inquest

Griffin, Stephen

1845 - (1315) Licenses

Griffin, Susan

1863 - (3707) Bounty - 5 th ISd. Infantry 1864 - (2674) Bounty Application

Griffin, Susannah

1802 - (4) Paving Warrant- Argyle Alley between Fleet & Aliceanna St.

1816 - (327)Fetition-Kftrket tfomen. 1862 - (6502) Bounty Application

Grif f in , T. W 16?e - (IV) Gist St. Opening

Griffin, Thos. 1

1807 - (104) Establish lot northwest intersection of Hill & Forrest Sts.

1807 - (151A)Establish Grandy Alley,Howard St, German Lane and others.

1800 - (27 2)Market,New- Western part of City. 1510 - (341) Application for Inspector I'easurer &

i.'arker of Lumber. 1812 - (329) Warrants issue* for. 1814 - (245) Clerk of Hanover Mkt. 1815 - (62) Pwtition to pave Lombard St. bet.

Eutaw & Paca St. 1815 - (112) Petition-Establish lines bet. property

Lombard St. Eutaw to Cork. 1823 - (765) Cancelled Checks.

1824 - (354) Bridge-Lombard St. orer Chateworth Run. 1824 - (505) Collector-Port Wardens.

Griffin, Thos. 2#

1824 1824 lf»5-1326 -1826 -1826 -1827 -1328 -1829 • 1838 • 1842 • 1850 1855 1862 1862 1863 1864 1891

- (552) Mayor's Appts. - (1039) Ordinary License. C552) , (1039) (390) (268) (365) (597) (537) (619) (658) (1328) (278)

- (400} - (4085) - (1585) - (3707;

Appt. of City Officers. Opinion of Ci ty C o u r t - B i l l i a r d Table . Council Convention Appt. List of Nominees-City Officers. Election of Officers-Council Conventio City Officers-"ayors Nomination. Nom.nation-City Officers. Recommendation - Grain Measurer Inquests Lex. St. clodng Catholics protest school tax Bounty Application Oath of Allegiance 1st. V.d. Infantry Market House Pavlnc


Griffin, Thos. D.

1652 - (285) Coroners Inquest 1862 - (2196) Bond 1863 - (3700) Company 5 - A.T/.O.L.

1866 -(1108) Protest W. Hd. R.R.Subscriptions

1868 - (240) Repair Docks

Griffin, thos. H.

1857 - (191) Police appointment 1862 - (1261) Bond

Griffin, Tbos. J.

1864 - (159) Protest - Arch St. ie72 - (60S) Switch Cathedral St.

leee - (191?) "onds

Griffin, Thomas V.

1858 - (1124) Police Bond 1864 - (1476) Tax refund 1869 - (306 ) Park Gateway

G r i f f i n , Thos. W. 1

1856 - (382) License - Heat 1857 - (206) P o l i c e appointment 1858 - (1301) P o l i c e - Bond 1858 - (244) Wel ls & Pumps - Condemn Artes ian '.Yell 1858 - (259) Lay Mains - Gas Co. 1858 - (326) Estab. Police & Fire Telegraph 1858 - (930) Bond - Harbor Master 1859 - (2404) Street Cleaning 1859 - (1567) Contractor - Bond 1859 - (1752) Police Bond 1859 - (193) Grade - Cannon St., Gist ft Lombard St 1860 - (1906) Police Bond 1860 - (2531) Harbor Rasters Return 1861 - (15331 Statement - Harbor ICaster 1861 - (419; Improvements - Patterson Park lflff " {59Z) Extend sign - Broadway

- (1485_A) Bond _ City 0fficer (22)

Griffin, Thomas W. *e

1862 -1862 -1862 -1864 -1865 -1866 -1866 • 1866 -1867 -1867 -1867 -1867 -ieee -1870 -

(1501) (444) (5755) (1418) (150}

(202) • (993) (1103) (618) (841) (367) (2545) (365) (2443-J

Justice of the Peace report Public School Teachers Bounty Application Bond - Lamp Lighter Property tax sale Property Sales Broadway Market Railroad

For W. Md. Stock Subscriptions Shed Extend Park Gas Boston St. Power of Attorney Protest Garbage Del.

X) fart: Tax Abatement


Griff in , Thoa. W. 1870 - (2609) Erecting School #31-Llen 1671 - (1892) Improve broadway 1871 -(1939-C) Extend Pat Pk 1871 - (1951) E. Balto School 1875 - (925) Widen Holllday S t . 1681 - (248) Pass Ordinance 1881 - (373) New Gate Pa t te rson Pk 1885 - (353) New School 1889 - (506) Public School

Oriffin, Timothy

1853 - (639) Catholics protest school tax 1858 - (1516) Fines - Justice of Feace

Griff in , ",'.

1852 - (179) Assessments 1864 - (1627) Street Cleaning - Payroll •

Orlffln, Walter 1797 - (41A) PaTing Warranta-Wolfe * Oeorg. St.. •

1864 - (3769) Mxater Roll

Griffin, William

1838 - (395) Inquests

1840 - (320) Be lair market - Requests Tuesday * Friday - Market days

1843 - (324) Alter - Marsh Market 1859 - (2405) Payroll - Police 1860 - (1808) Police Officer - Bond 1860 - (2414) Police Dept. 1860 - (£301) Police Payroll

Griffin, Wm.

1849 - (659) Phila.&Wil.&Balto.F.R. speed 1849 - (448-4) Coroners report 1852 - (283) Coroners Inquest 1857 - (543) Coroners inquest 1859 - (1727) Police B0nd 1860 - (598) Police appointment 1861 - (1390) Justice of the Peace report 1862 - (9804) Bounty Application 1862 - (10544) Enlistment Affidavit 1862 - (11361) Bister Roll - Fourth Regiment 1863 - (479) Issue small notes 1863 - (1342) Magistrates Report 1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays 1866 - (867) Fremont St. Lamp 1868 - (381) Relief Tunnel Overflow 1870 - (517) Stable 1687 - (309) Change Chestnut St. Name

Griffin, 77m. II.

1653 - (703; Increase Vater & Gas supply 1862 - (9790) Bounty Application 1862 - (9975) Enlistment certificate 1862 - (11354) Mister Boll - Light Artillery

Griffin, Wm. 3 .

1664 - (184) Barber's Protest

Grifflng, Daniel S.

1866 - (750) Chaplain Alms House

Griffing, Eliza

1362 - (4995) Bounty Application

Grlfflng, S.

1829 - (169) Balto. 4 Susquehanna R. R. Report.

Orl f f lns , Frank J

1692 - (16-3) Pavlr .£ Wllfcene Ave.

Gri f f ins , H 1870 - (19od) Stable

Grlffls, James

1845 - (310) Change Name - Potter St.

Griffls, John J.

1850 - (1078) stockholders 1852 - (245) Bnnk Stock 1854 - (1253) Stockholaer - Bank 1843 - (262) Tax - Relief 1867 - (152) protest closing - AlbemarlB St.

Oriffias, Edward

1837 - (577) Application - Health Supt. 1838 - (1313) 3ailiffs - Application for appointment

Gri f f las T Ida 1900 - (§$ ) property Rel»*»e 1900 - (428) Power of Attorney

Grl f f i s s , J . E.

1847 - (519) Soap & Candle Mfg.

Griff iss , J . J.

1846 - (088) Bridge - Fleet St.

G r i f f i s s , J . L.

1850 - (389) Bridges - Jones Fal ls Eaate:n Av.

Griffisa, Jaa. E.

1849 - (350-25) Coroners inquest

Griffiss, Jas. F.

1865 - (328) Manure & Garbage Pitts - Phila. Rd.

Griffiss, John

1836 - (1536A) Health BlUa, *3&\k 1838 - (1213) H. H. track on High St.

1844 - J196J «?r*!????-?*iea" 1846 1847


lim S & S S w K ' J ? " * " " Bank (519) Soap & Candle *fg. (£09) Remove Track Cathedral St.

Grifflas. K Abell 1900 - {§%) property Release 1900 - (4S8) Power cf Attorney

Grlff isB, Sarah

1895 - U e 4 > Water Supp1-

Griffiss, Thos.

1860 (2149) Fines - Justice of Peace 1871 - (1826) Oay St Alley

Grlffles, Thos. E. 1971 -(1323) Mkt Clerks

Grlfflss, Tho I

I860 - (220) Tunnel Chatsworth Hun


1851 -1860 -1666 -1666 -

1869 -

1870 -1871 1871 1874 1875 1687 1888 1889


Thos. J. Cray St.

(1137) ' 56)

Police bond Protest - Erect Livery Stable Tax Sale 8 Howard St. Removal of R.R.Tracks City Hall Bld*g Committee Construct Area

m__ . Kitchen - (1949-B) City College Erect - (689) Oliver St Open - (839) Rlght-Of-Way B.H&T Ry

(1094) B o n d

- (1514-A) Pawnbrokers Bond - (1630) Pawn Brokers Bond - (841) Pawn Brokers Bond

(466) (732) ( 1014) (82) (532)

- (409)

Gri f f l a s , 7/arren 1682 - (4?6) Bond 1893 - (851) Bond

Grlfflt, J.

1855 - (220) Flat Howard St.

GriffIt, R. R. Jr 1868 - t«8 ) Kanual Labor Scholl Approp.



Griffith, A.

1861 - (1399) Justice of the Peace report 1865 - (1549) Justice of the Peace report

Griffith, A. o.

1853 - (674) Tax - Refund 1853 - (703) Increase '.Tater & Oas supply 1860 - (2149) Fines - Justice of Peace 1861 - (369) Against H. B. cars on Sundays

Griffith, A. 3.

1853 - (2-3) Flat - Sterrett St.

Griffith, Abraham

1805 - (36?) Llet of Dog Tax. 1800 - (68) Pump Warrant, Charles & Pratt Sta. 1816 - (878) Eetablialiment-Lot #531-Prat t S t . b e t .

Charles & Hanover Sta. 1887 - (587) Incraaae Salary of Watchmen.

Orlff ith, Alberta 0.

1841 - (283) Lease - Calvert S t . at Bath 1845 - (206) Fence - Calvert S t . 3prlne 1853 - (1074) Taxes - Refund

Griffith, Alfred

1815 - (112) Petition-Establish lines bet. Lombard St. Eut-.w To cork.

1834 - (575) Repaving, Sharp St. 1842 - (-837) State tax 1854 - (435) Spring - Charles St. 1854 - (703) Lot Sale - Charles St. Spring 1856 - (542) Coroners inquest 1852 - (528) Spring St. at Hanover St. - "iden-Cond

Grif f i th , Allen

1836 - (1163) Courts, City f ines 1837 - (852) Fire plug - Greene * Fayette S t s . 1852 - (284) Coroners inquest 1855 - (450) Coroners Inquest 1858 - (1935) Kisc. B i l l s 1862 - (1700) Oath of Allegiance 1900 - (590) Market License 1906 - (600) HOTOTJ s t . tot.

Griffi th, Alverda

1889 - (493) Open UcOuLloh S t .

Griffith, Ana

1801 - (158) Condemnation of ground for a Nev prison In Baltimore Co.

1837 - (735) Interments - Report 1841 - (746) Stockholder - Franklin Bank of Balto. 1841 - (747) Stockholder - Marine Bank of Balto. 1841 - (755) Stockholder - Union Bank 1842 - (837) State tax 1846 - (280) Stockholders, Franklin Bank 1846 - (281) Stockholders, Mariner Bank of Balto. 1846 - (298) Widen Asqulth St. 1847 - (455) Open - Lfttle Asqulth St. 1848 - (1254-3) Marine Bk. - stockholders 1850 - (1078) stockholders

Griffith, Ann #2

1850 - (433) ' . 'ull lean S t . - opening 1852 - (477) K u l l i k i n S t . open condemn 1852 - (245) Bank Stock 1855 - (191) Power of Attorney 1871 - (1B28) Georg St. Cattle 1976 - (1607) Will

Griffith, Anthony

1887 - (568) Retain keeper of E. City Spring. 1851 - (1208) police bond 1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

O r I f f l t h , B.

1840 - (93?) Intermentt 1872 - (929) Lex. Mkt. Vent 1886 - (965) Observatory Federal Hill

Orlfflth, B. T.

1855 - (170) Stockholder - R. R.

Griffith, B.V.

1789 - (6) Bridge St, paving.

Griffith, Barzila

1858 - (302) Markets - Prohibit negroes renting s ta l lo62 - (342) Currency notes - Small issue 1872 - (9L:2) Lex. iiaarket Clerk

Griffith, Fell

18S7 - (334) Caivert St. Spg.

Griffith, Benjamin

1789 - (4) Taxes due, Horsee,carriages,Billiard Tab. 1792 - (4) Insolvents, List of 1792 - (5) Insolvents, List of 1803 - (158) Condemnation of ground for New Prison,

in Baltimore Co. 1818 - (743) Damages awarded for opening of South

St. 1819 - (86) Est. line of lot-|48-S. E. Cor. Front

& Fitt St.

Gri f f i th , C.

1867 - (659) Nuisance 167'J - (1961) Sign 1880 - (378) Jones Falls Floods

Griffith, <?'. G.

1853 - (1186) Place stepping stones - Howard St. 1863 - (2934) Bounty Correspondence

Griffith, c . H.

1912 - (341) H.H. Tracks Harler. Ave.

Griffith, 0. J.

1S90 - (362) Harbor Master

Griffith, C. H.

1636 - (1847) Record office, building

1636 . (8036) Court House, Scaffolding 1837 - (1601 Removal of wall - Court House

1637 - (1049) Building Walls, Bridges

Grif f i th , Carrol

1840 - (337) Remove t raeka from pared atreeta

Griff i th, Catherine (Widow)

1801 - (158) Condemnation of ground for New Prison in Baltimore County.

1825 - (542) List of Secur i t i e s , 1861 - (445) itenace - Jones Falls

Griffith, Charles

1799 1807

1813 1819

1831 1835 1837 1839 1843 184 6 1853 1860




(150) (105)

(812) (24)


Erect pump on Howard St. Establish corner lot on Howard

Pay Roll-51st

bard Sts.

. Reg. ttd. Kiliti Improve Pump-Green Or Union 3t

Mulberry & Est. Intersec,

Saratoga ota. .-German St.

(618A)Railroads extension. (759) (67) (270) (260) (147C) (496)

Interments - Report

Establish lot Tax - Relief Inquest

on Park St.

Regulate - Swine at large Open - Warner St. at Columbia

& Lom-

a. . bet.



Griffith, Charles

1861 - (551) Open - Uarner St . 1670 - (2443E) Park Xa* City S.R.Co. 1B80 - (220) Tunnel Shatsworth Hun 1900 - (544)

Griffith, Chas. S.

1883 - (366) Annapolis Bolto. short l ine n .H.0o.

Griffith, Charles 0.

1853 1854 1854 • 1655 1856 1856 1856 -1856 -1857 -1857 -1858 -1858 -

m: 1859 -

- (1595) - (1304) • (1357)

: <\n\ - (93) (357) (352) (501) (106) (1291) (203-1)

km) (82)

Report - Friendship Fire Co. Supt. of Sweep* Bond - Night Watch Lieut. Power of Attorney Appoint Captain - Mud Uachine Appoint Street Supervisor Statement - Orphans Court Application - Asst. City Commissioners Power of Attorney Dry Measure inspector Police - Bond Fower of Attorney Bond - Supt. Lamps Police Bond Attendance - Judges Orphans Court

G r i f f i t h , Charles G. #2

1859 - (101-A) Power o f Attorney 1859 - (1827) P o l i c e Bond 1861 - (1281) Vaccine P h y s i c i a n 1867 - (615) Steam Mil l 186S - ( 390) Rat>org St. lamp

1872 - (5C6) Ap-lic. Counts Sts . 1878 - (828) Hiturn Judder of tie ctlon

Griffith, Chas. J .

1904 - (34) Damages 1904 - (?9) D'jaafiee

Griffith, Charles W.

1862 - (9805) Bounty Arplication

1868 - (11362) Master Roll - Fourth Regiment

Orlfflth, Charlotte

1839 - (306) Intaraanta

G r i f f i t h , D. F.

1838 - (395) Inqnesta 1842 - (411) Report - B a l t o . & Suq. R. R. 1879 - (503) ?e r t i l i se ing IV-.ctory Protest

Griffith, Daniel

1859 - (106) Coroners inquest

Griffith, Daniel B.

1S94 - (1'J9) Food chemist

Griffith, David

1813 - (743) Kuster Roll-U. S. Army-Ist Reg. Arti llery-5th Brigade.

1813 - (803) Fay Roll-Iat. Reg. Artillery. 18E7 - (476) Lamp-Centre Met. 1850 - (293) Bethel shir - retain 1864 - (919) Tax refund 1865 - (1549) Justice of the Feace report 1865

Orlfflth, Dennis

1346 - (260) Inquest

Griffith, E.

1861 - (1396) J u s t i c e of Peace Report 1864 - (513) Opening assessment - Holllday S t .

J r i f f i fn , 2 . A.

iee3 - (383) Eal to . St. Paving

Griffith, K. B.

1864 - (419-A) Ask tax refund 1864 - (919) Tax refund 1867 - (673) Open - Hofman St.

Griffith, Edmund

1846 - ,(27l) Stockholders report

Griffith, Edward

1803 -1S19 -182© -1821 -1823 -1824 -1824 -1827 -1827 -1830 -1830 -1831 -1831 -1835 -

(395) Dog Tax. (645) Ordinary license cr^nted. (698) Dog Tex. (1178)0rdlnary Licenses. (425) Compensation for Pawing. (242) Paving Western Precincts. (425) ghees* Dealer-LlcBHse. (350) Coroners Report. (474) Regulate hoursCWagon standB. (361) Check. (1507)Interest on Stock. (39) Est. lot-Forrest St. (632)Dog Tax.

• (471) Coroner's Report.

•Centre Mkt.


1632 -1835 -1837 -1838 -1841 -1841 -1841 -1841 -1841 -1842 -1845 -1846 -1646 -1846 -1849 -1848 -

Edward , , (2)

(433) 3ridce-Jones Fulls. (618A) Railroads extension. (1580) Bailiffs - Return (1301) Bailiffs - Application for appointment (738) Bank of Balto. - Stockholders (739) Chesapeake Bank - Stockholders (740) Citizens Bank - Stockholders (750) Stockholder - Marine Bank of Balto. (755) Stockholder - Union Bank (279) Inquests (169) Stockholders - Farmer's & Flanters Bank (277) Stockholders, Farmers 4 Flanters Bank (282) Stockholders, Mechanics Bank

$95} 3 t o c l 5 h o l d e r 3 . 188&&II §15* 1029) Western Bank.

Griffith, Edw. #3

1850 - (1077) stockholders 1351 - ( 302) H

1852 - ( 49°; police, appoint 1852 - (246) Bank Stock 1852 - (250) Union Mfg. Co. - Stock

1854 - (1264) Stockholder* - Balto. * Havre Turnpike Co.

1854 - (1265) Balto. & Relet. Turnpike Co. -1854 - (1245) Union Bank 1854 - (1254) Stockholder - (1254) 1859 - (101-A) Power of Attorney 1860 - (363). Open - Hollidav St. 1865 - (1548) Justice of the Peace Report

de Grace


Griffi th, Edward A.

1881 - (2S8) Paving Eutaw Place 1881 - (385) Protest St. Paving 1918 - (5) Prori'ty isnages

Griffith, Edw. L.

1852 - (808) Water & ga3 petition 1854 - (467) Washington Hose Co. 1854 - (520) Preserve - Patapaco River 1854 - (1234) Coronera inquest 1854 - (1T57) Report - Washington Tire Co. 1858 - (270) Eatab. Paid Fire Dept. 1859 - (103) Coroners inquest 1861 - (369) Against R . R. ears on Sundays 1869 - (292) Open Oregon St. 1869 - (339) He-nave Ridgley St. 1869 - (352) D>P'B spring gardens 1872 - (972) Pra t t St . remove H.E. 1875 - (124) Market repairs •

Griffith, Rlen

1662 - (6541) Bounty Application

Griffith, Eli .R. 1799 - (149) Erect pump, Howard S t . 1807 - (225) P e t i t i o n , Supt. of Sweeps. 1800 - (£70) Lamp New - Howard «c Con.'.ay S t s . 1820 - (297) . " i s c - a i aneo t i s J i l l s .

1831 - (324) ffictract of Deed. 1S79 - (1411) ^lection Talley

Griffi th, " l i a s

1879 - (5?4) Qualified voter

Griffith, Elisha L.

1B62 - (9815B) Bounty 1862 - (11385) Kuster

Application Roll - Eight Regiment

Griffith, Eliz.

1848 - (267) Conway St. - pump, assessment 1849 - (1459) Licenses

Griffith, Sana

1374 - (480P) Power of »ttorjiey

J Griffith & Enso:

1801 - (54) Remove frame buildings, Pratt St. at Smith'8 Dock.

Griffith, Evens

1818 - (34) Pump Improvements.

Griffith, Fanny R.

1852 - (248; 3. & 0. R. R. Stock

Griffith, Fred

1855 - (69) Coroners Inqueat

Griffith, 0.

1846 - (285) Stockholders, Western Bank of 3alto. 1866 - (750) Md. School for Girls 1866 - (884) Cunbsrland St. Opening

Griffith, G. F.

1866 - (414) Property Report 1866 - (910) Renumber Housee 1866 - (1094) Trlpolette Alley -Wide

Brimth, 0. U.

1887 - (334) Calvert S t . Spg.

Griffith, G. 3.

1841 - (300) Assessments 1846 - (290) Coroner's Inquest 1847 - (358) Construct Tunnel - Centre St. 1848 - (480) Centre St. - tunnel 1849 - (545) Franklin St. - sewer 1853 - (619) Protest-- Slaughterhouse - Paca St. 1883 - (510) Protest - Elysvllle R. R. 1854 - (115) Pump Plat 1855 - (492) Court of Common Pleas (Carpet) 1655 - (95) Registers Report 1857 - (78) Appoint - Harbor Master 1861 - (383) Children1a Air Society 1861 - (1388) Justice of the Peace report 1862 - (9819A) Bounty Accounts - City Register 1863 - (337) Approp. Christian Kission 1863 - (393) Indorse widening Holiday St.

Griffith, G. 3.

1864 - (5) Plat - Balto. & South Sts. 1864 - (303) Assessment - Holliday St. 1864 - (311) Protest opening - Holliday St. 1864 - (405) Open - Tripoletts Alley 1866 - (414) Property Report 1866 - (11C3) W. Md. H.R.Stock Subscrlptlona 1866 - (1349) Withdraw Name - Tripolett'a Alley 1867 - (718) North Ave. Bridge 1867 - (1086) Jail - Board of Visitors 1867 - (1273) Construct Tunnel 1867 - (555) Sewer 1868 - (295) Franklin C\. Open 1869 - (146) Erect police sta. 1869 - (233) Merchandise cuild line 186" - (386) R.H. Stock issue

Griffi th, G. S. #3.

136? - (415) Boys home invi ta t ion 1370 - (2591) Prisoners a id 1872 _ (795) Boys Hone AD Top. 1372 - (335) Lay R.E. Tracks Davis St. 1873 - (154) Appointoents 1873 - (233) Industr ial School Directors 1874 - (684) Odorless excavating ap-oartua 1875 - (333) Paving Balto. St . 1875 - (931) Approo. house refocmation 1876 - (1040) Opening Streets 1876 - (1132) ColumDia A s. Gutters 1877 - (900) Bay view ine jie to Spring irove 1877 - (1000) Bil l for floor covering 1879 - (558) Protest Stnole IT. Calvert St. 1S80 - (181 Land for Park

Griffi th, G. S. lf4.

1880 -1SS0 -1381 -1883 -1884 -1885 -1886 -1SS7 -1B88 -1888 -19B5 -1888 -188B -1889 -1888 -1888 -

(137) (231) (263) (473) (182) (306) (984) (334) (278) (336) (372) (380) ( 4 6 ) (427) (479) (482)

Protet Tracks on Balto. St. O^cn uourt P.C. Ave Protest Paving i'rodess UUKbells on the Saor.ath Hecoinnendation Pave r"=lls Ave. u Ap-irop. Industr ial hone olored Galvert St. Spg. Application Position Application Position Application Position Application Position Application Position Application Position application Posit ion "pplicatlon Position

g i r l s

Griffith, "J. S. J r .

1888 - (419) Amlication Position 1878 - (1873) Otatre IDct/Hell 1881 - (ras) Protest Driving Cr.ttle 1889 - (493) O-nen UcCuLloh St.

Gr i f f i t h , George

1856 - (280) Coroners inquest 1861 - (646) Tax exemption - personal property 1863 - (348) Wage increase - City Labor V372 - (365) J0nes Falls Inr r . 1874 - (717) Construct araory J e l a i r Ukt. 1883 - (439) Gilaore ? t . Electric Light.

Griffith, Geo. A.

1867 - (349) Property Defacement

G r i f f i t h , u e o . E.

1396 - (1185) Lease Hone ~ e l . Co.

Griffith, Geo. U.

19 >0 -1901 -1901 -1906 -1907 -1910 -

(371) (358) (478) (582) (258) (415)

Contract "ontract Condere St. Patil St. protest paving ^ay tracks Contract Construct Hospital

Griffi th, Oeo. R.

1860 - (187) Prote-1 Tracks on Baltimore St.

Griffith, Geo.*.

1801 - (158) Condemnation of ground for New Prison in Baltimore Co.

1820 - (698) Dog Tax . 1836 • (1622) B a l l I f f a , Return 1839 - (686) bproTeaenta - B a l a l r Market 1383 - (366) Annapolis B& t o . short l i ne R.H.Co.

Griffith, Goldsborough D.

1850 - (556) Ground rents - Held by Salto. '.Vater Co.

Griffith, Goldsbourough S.

1841 - (223) Lease - Calrert St. at Bath 1854 • (381) Director - Water supply

(Green Granbury ) Griffith, Granbury

1805 - (1) Pav.Warrant, Barre St. between Charles & Howard Sts.

1805 - (37)Pun:p on Kanover St. corner Vtelcome Alley. 1805 - (88)petition Barre St. from Howard St. to

Charles St.paring.

Griffith, Griffin J.

1861 - (1379) Justice of the Peace

Griff i th, H.

1832 - (1165) Appt. Night tfatch. 1635 • (618) B. & 0. B. B. Extension 1835 -(618A) Railroads axtanalon 1852 - "(422) Drawbridge over Jones Fal ls 1876 - (1008) °ity Hall Public Sq.

Griffith, H. o.

1975 - (974) liight soil

Griffith, Harry

1911 - (15ft) ^rot^st

Griffith, Harry.D.

1803 - (358) Report Auction Sales by R.Culverwell 1832 - (1191)Watchman-Appt.

Griffi th, carry G.

X6B3 - (575) Balto. St. raTring

" r i f f i th , Hazard K.

1879 - (524) Qualified voter


1808 - (14S) Repave Bridge St. from High St. to Bridge.

Griffith, Henry

1848 - (359) Bailiffs, bond of. 1850 - (455) Public school #9 1861 - (465) Fruit stand - Light & Balto. Sts.

Griffith, Henry A.

1844 - (221) Application for position 1845 - (1095) Application Supt. Chimney Sweeps

Griffith, Henry B.

1314 - (1522) 27th Inf. Md. Ullitia. 1818 - (S75) persons subject -to Do^ Tax. 18E7 - (476) La*p-C«ntre Wet. 1827 - (527) Increase Salary of '.Vatchraen.

Griffith, Howard

1846 - (389) Jones Falls Bed 1853 - (308) Water & gas petition 1861 - (404) Gas light on' Fayette St. 1862 - (204) Treae. Report - Comma. Police

Griffith, I. J.

1645 - (437) Deepen - Jones Falls

Griffith, Isaac

1794 - (S) List of Taxes. 1621 - (388)Sale of mdae. in Sta. 1852 - (248) B. & 0. R. R. - Stock

Griffith, Isreal

1887 - (514) Easjp-St. Paul St. bet. Church * Pleasant St 1887 - (58V) Increase Salary of Watchmen. 1834 - (540) Increase salary, watchmen. 1835 - (718) Replace oil lamp, gas. 1840 - (335) Remove railroad tracks 1841 - (756) Stockholder - Testern Bank 1845 - (1344) Bailiff return 1846 - (283) Stockholders, Mechanics Bank 1849 - (495) "

1866 - (767) Steam Engine - Baltimore St . 1867 - (243) Stockholder 1670 - (2443DL) Park Tax Abatement 1E94 - (5) '.Tall Addition

Griffith, J.

1854 - (116) Pump P la t 1655 - (36) Pump Pla t - Hoffman S t . 1856 - (36) Pump Warrant 1S74 - (6OT) "ad i son Sqiiare I t jpr .

Orlffith, J. A.

1855 - (877) Licenses 1866 - (9S0) Lexington St . Extension

r l f f i t h .


J . C

(577) Coroners in-iue

Griffith, J. H.

1839 - (306) Interaente 1845 - (357) Taxes - Reassessment 1860 - (312) Erect tower - Franklin Square Presby. eh. 1866 - (97) Water Ordinance - Poll Book

Gr i f f i t h , J . Howard

1863 - (47S) Issue small notes

Griff ith, J . K.

165<? - (354) Steam Coal Will erected - Hish S t .

Griffith, J. S.

1866 - (154) Reduce assessment

Griffith, J. T.

1846 - (1185) Police report

Griffith, Jacob II.

1841 - (740) Citizen* Bank - Stockholders

Griffith, Janes <•<*•)

1786 - (2) Fines, selling liquor without License. 1802 - (303)Petition to regulate the sale of corn

<Sc Buckwheat. 1810 - (£22>Fetitlon establish line of l*t, Vicinity

of Dock Alley. 1814 - (192)Petltlon Reclaiming Clopper Springs S.

Shas. St. 1818 - (iBVjEst. Lot-Howard 3t. & Srandy Alley.

- (536] R.R. cCars-fieraove-Sts. 1840 - (337) Remove tracks from payed streets 1842 - (279) Inquests 1852 - (365) Federal Hill Park

Griffith, James

1854 - (1250) Stockholder - Bank 1855 - (204) Coronera Inquest 1857 - (545; Coroners ln.juest

1866 - (1103) For W. Md. R.R.Stock Subscriptions

Griffith, James J.

1862 - (9812) Bounty Application

Griffith, James K.

185P - (377) License - Meat sold

Griffith, Jane

1818T - (56) E a t . lot-Howard S t . & Brandy A l l e y .

Orlffith, Jefferson

1838 - (1685) Sheriffs Peport 1840 - (1130) rinea - Forfeitures

Griffith, Joab

1862 - (8433) Bounty application

Griffith, , John

1801 - (17) Paving Warrant, Wagon Alley between

1801 •


1799 1799

1602 1799 1803



Howard & North Sts. - (Ill) Paving Wagon Alley between Howard &

North St. - (158) Condemnation of ground for New Prison

in Baltimore Co. - (154) Erect pump Jones St. - (156) Petition Liberty nr.Dutch Alley

Erection Pump. - (50) Paving Application Saratoga St. - (157) Erection of pump, Light St. - (13) Paving Warrant, Saratoga St. between

Howard 4 Liberty Sts. - (42) Construction of Well & Pump on Bal­

timore St. - (365A) Report Auction Sales by Dewltt &



Griffith, John

1804 - (27) Pump Warrant, Saratoga St. 1800 - (38) Condemn and open North St. from Fay­

ette and Liberty St. 1800 - (39) Appl. to condemn North St. 1800 - (272)K: rket.New- Western part of City. 1609 - (310)Lumber inspection. 1812 - (455)Protest against Theatres, etc. 1813 - (812)Pay Roll-51st Reg. ltd. Militia. 1814 - (798)Payment for carts. 1814 - (1560)27th Reg. Md. "illtia Co. Report

Nov. i, 1814. 1841 - (743) Stockholder - Farmers * Planters 1841 - (784) Inquest* Bank 1848 - (284) Quarantine - Revising regulations

Gri f f i th , Johr

1844 -1844 • 1844 -1844 -1845 -1846 -1846 -1349 -1850 1851 1852 1856 1860 1861 1864


(364) (417) C1183) (me) (169) (277; (414) (493) (1077)

302) 44"

(1214) (195)

(1401) (3399)

Swine - Running a t large Regulate markets Stockholders - Farnera-Planters Bank Taxes - overpaid Stockholders - Farmers * Planters 3k. Stockholders, Farmers &. Planters 3ank Harbor - P ie r , Calvert S t . Farmers & P lanters Bk., stockholders stockholders


3ank Stock Court fines Pol-.'er of Attorney (4Q) Jus t ice of the Peace repor t Army discharge

Griffi th, John #4.

1671 - (2B55) Ballo. Infirmary report 188° - (404) Application posit ion

Griffith, John A.

1843 - (264) Tax - Relief 1852 - (424) Drawbridge over Jones Falls 1855 - (644) Catholics protest school tax 1853 - (461) 3. 4 0. 3ond - Guarantee 1857 - (557) Grade - Ensor St. 1658 - (320) Estab. Fire & Police Telegraph 1859 - (296) Erect Public drinking fountain

Prospect Square 1865 - (209) Closing Barter Shops Sundays 1866 - (910) Renumber Houses

1870 - (2L15) I n d e n t u r e 1871 - (1949A) " i t y C o l l e g e — E r e c t 1873 - (287) Consm. Joties F e l l s . 1872 - (500) Applic . ConmlB. STs. 167? - (1761) J 0 n e s ? n l l e Impro. 187.1 - (C4?) 7.M.H.R.

Griffith, rim A.

1877 - (900) Bay view in?nne to Spring 'irove 1B79 - (403) Sale Reelestate 1880 - (339) Protest Fassing Ordinaire 1883 - (366) Annapolis Balto. short l ine R.H.

Griffith, John F.

1865 - (1554) J u s t i c e of the Peace repor t

Griffith, John 0.

1855 - (804) Coroners inquest

Griffith, John H.

1864 - (3644) Uuster Roll

ari«* i t h . JrOm

1391 1911

- 168' . . (165)

q) Loops iienvnle St.

t e s t

Griffith, John L.

1868 - (10945) Bnlletnent Affidavit

Sr i f f i th , J0hn U.

1S6V - (692) House numbering 1S6'.' - (705) H0use mmberiig ISnP - (1368) St. Jospehs "iosp. "ater mains 1893 - (237) Vaccine Phys 1900 - (304) Bond 1900 - (6 0) Lay tracks

Orlffith, John R.

1854 - (1234) Coroners Inqnest 1855 - (59) Reccoa. to appoint - Haglstrata 1867 - (723) Speed - Steamboat

Griffith, John S.

1862 - (7514) Bounty Applieatlon 1863 - (2454) Bounty Correspondence 1864 - (2818; Bounty Application

Griff i th, John V.

1862 - (1353) lluster Roll Recruits, 2nd. Regiment

Griffith, Joseph

1801 - (158) Condemnation of ground for Hew Prison In Baltimore Co

1801,- (210) List of Lot Holders. 1802 - (292) Concerning erection of cellar doors. 1804 - (187A)Auction of Dry Goods. 1829 - (46l) Court of Appeals. 1831 - (558) Court Cases. 1840 - (337) ReaoYe tracks froa paves streets 1845 - T315) Railroads -Compelled to tare up track 1862 - (3245) Bounty Application

Griffith, Joseph A.

1853 - (703) Increase Vatter & Gas supply 1859 - (104) Coroners inquest

Griffith, Joseph H.

1862 - (2925) Bounty Application

Griffith, Joseph W.

1862 - (3248) Bounty Application

Griffith, Joshua

1818 - (89) Build .Tell-Jones Fa l l s .

Orlfflth, Kenny

1835 - (1978) Report, Interment*

Griffith, L. K.

1659 - (103) Coroners inquest

Griffith, Levi P.

1856 - (282) Coroners inquest 1869 - (192) Protest double track at Belair Karket

Griffith, LeTln

1856 - (280) Coroners inquest

Griffith, Lewis

1828 • (1698) Magistrates Report. 1845 - (315) Remove rallroaa tracks 1845 - (1185-63) Inquest 1846 - (290) Coroner's Inquest 1847 - (262) Coroners repor t

Gr i f f i t h , Lewis P.

1649 - (630) Belair Kkt. - change h r s . 1870 - (947) Sign

Griffi th, Louis P.

1S83 - (342) ^lect ion Judge

Griffith, M. 1846 - (399) Butcher apprenticeship

Griffith, U. ( J r . )

1385 - (305) Paving Sutair St.

Griffi th, M. A.

1873 - (80) Lease

Griffith, IS. C.

1864 - (858) Erect Shed - Eaten St.

Griffith, Makel

1847 - (262) Coroners report

Gri f f i th , Uanly R.

1350 - (1037) Stock l i s t

Griffith, Margaret

1843 - (317) Stalls assessment - Various markets 1862 - (6377) Bounty Application

Griffith, Margaret E.

1862 - (8433) Bounty Application

Griffith, Kartin

1S19 - (14) Improve Pump-Eutaw <Sc Franklin Sts. 1810 - (61) Fat., Grade Eutan St.

Gr i f f i t h , Mary

1881 - (451) Leap-Peace * LtTarpool Allay*. 1685 - (548) List of Sacurltiaa. 1849 - (634) Belalr Kkt. change h r s . 1850 - (1037) Stock H a t 1916 - (124) Sunday Baseball

Griffi th, Llajry *.

1881 - (388] PavingBatawPlc.ee 1882 - (497? i-aving ^ t a w P l a c e

Griffith, Kary E.

1349 - (814) Schools 1851 - C557) x " 1858 - (203-22) Poser

- 21st annual report system of Attorney

Griffi th, :ipry It.

1B82 - (325) Pave ^ataw Place

Griffith, Mathew

1811 - (294) Petition to check evil in Center Market House.

1811 - (331) Supt. Chimney Sweeps Petition. 1813 - (764) Muster Roll-6th Reg. ltd. Militia. 1817 - (358) To Pave Harrison St. 1818 - (270) Est. boundary line of lot-Union St.

Gri f f i th , Mtrryaan (318-25) Purchaae - F . d . r a l H i l l


Griffith, Michael

1849 - (451-85) Coroners inquest 1850 - (391) Jones Falls,Cleaning,.

Orlff l th & lloorhead

1799 - (175) Tax Pump.

Griffith, Kortlmer

1859 - (103) Coroners Inquest

G r i f f i t h , Mortimer C.

1376 - (1607) Will

Griffith, K. B.

1821 . (388) Sale of ndaa. in a » .

Orlffitb, N. R.

1S53 - (513) Protest - Elysrllle R. R.

Griffith, Nancy (col)

1834 - (8382) Health interments. 1838 - (367) Interments

Griffith, Nathan

1785 - (5) Wharf, county Calvert,Water k Market S 1788 - (4) TaTern License,CalTert Street pavement 1798 - (E28)Relief of Phila.Citizens,List of 1799 - (188)Llst of Tavern Licenses. 1802 - (72) Erection of Pumps, 7th Ward. 1802 - (294)Petltion against building of City HaU 1802 - (336)Llst of signs. 1803 - (412)Llst of Tavern Licenses. 1803 - (412)Llst of Tavern Licenses. 1805 - (3B4)List of Ordinary Licenses In Balto.

County Court of persons residing In Baltimore.

1808 - (142)Repave Bridge St. from High St. to Bridge.

1808 - (165)Plat of Short St. from Bridge St. to Wapping St.

Griffith, Nathan

1808 - (17) Pav.Warrant, Paving Bridge St. between High & Jones St.

1800 - (185)Reports & Returns, 7th Ward. 1813 - (178)Petitlon against diverting of later int

canal*Harford St. 1818 - (356)Est. Union St. near Old Town. 1839 - (615) Bridge - Jones rails 1862 - (2772) Bounty Application

Griffith, Osborn

1818 - (212) Est. Boundary line of lot #165-E. Side Forrest St.

Oriff i th, O'Shoine

1813 - (179) Petit ion Horae Ilarket-noval .

Griffith, Philemon C.

1S76 - (16 7) Will

Griffith, Philip

1659 - (103) Coroners inquest

Oriffith, Q« James

1846 - (38) Erect pump - Pratt St.

Griffith, R.

1834- (226) Appointment, City Bailiff. 1836 - (257) Petition to continue watchman 1849 - (1459) Licenses Issued 1853 - (661) Permit Swine to run at large 1866 - (815) Change name - Commerce St.

G r i f f i t h , R. A.

1 8 5 6 _ (382) Ueat l i c e n s e 1383 - (470) Centre Kfct.

Griffith, R. B.

1859 - (2059) Court fines

Griffi th, K 0.

1S74 - (642) L.-vurens St. Opening 1=75 - (75) i'atter«>n »ve. Chapel

Griffith, R. H.

1851 - (1649) Licenses granted 1853 - (1509) Licenses 1853 - (703) Increase Hater & Gas Supply 1854 - (1370) Bond - Might Watch Lieut.

Orlffltb, R. II. Jr.

1854 - (1484) Police Officer - Bond

Griffith, R. H. Sr.

1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary

a r l f a t h , B. J . ( J r . )

1871 _ (1882) Railway Track? Linden Ave.

Griffith, R. P.

1867 - (896) Public School

Griffith, R. B.

1837 - (836) Open Stttaw St. 1841 - (740) Citizens Bank - Stockholders 1841 - (756) Stockholder - Western Bank 1845 - (1344) Bai l i f f return 1857 - (1033) Licenses I860 - (335) Garden S t . change t o Linden Ave. 1868 - (3,)6) Cpen '-'ennan St. 1889 - (2 1) Open -"erman St. 1872 _ (987) -9oil Nuisance 1875 - (84S) Basin Snnitation 1395 - (429) Pwe Streets

G r i f f i t h , R. R. J r .

1867 - (705) House Numbering 186? - (225) ""hange Holiday St.

187C - (2341) LyncHburg S e v i l l e H.H. 1871 - (1949E) " i ty College Erect 1872 - (987) Bell Nuisance

Griffith , R. T.

1867 - (896) Public School

a r l f f l t b , R. W.

1654 - (387-A) De«d 1896 - (1185) Lease Home Tel. "o. 1913 - (531) Moving -Jicture Structure

Griff ith, "eese «.

1853 - (450-rt) Coroners inquest

Griffith, Richard

1621 - (117) Erect Slaughter House-West 3t. 1825 - (5381 Dog Tax. 1826 - (1200) Dog Tax Report. 1332 - (1950) License Granted. 1833 - (441) Tatchaian Appt. 1833 - (1639) License Grants. 1834 - (440} Erect lamp, Federal Hill. 1834 - (5401 Increase salary, watchmen. 1835 - (659) Lamp"erection 1835 - (483) Night TTatchnan. 1835 - (1768) Licenses, retail. 1837 - (60) Establish lot, Orleans St. 1837 - (123) Establish lot - Ostend & Russell Sts. 1837 - (538) Watchman - Application 1 8 3 7 " (1830) Licenses, retail

Gr i f f i t h , Hichard #2

1838 - (1757) Trader ' s License 1839 - (623) Protest - Ersctlon of Acid factory 1841 - (359) Footways - Light & Lee S t s . 1870 - (3365) l!ew Market S l d g .

Griffith, Robt.

1827 - (333} List of Hospital Patients. 1827 - (424) Change Staflls for Horses, etc. 1827 - (527} Increase Salary of Watchmen. 1843 - (342; Frohlblt nuisance - Swine running at large 1860 - (294) Mechanics - Bell tower - S. Baltimore 1861 - (492) S. Balto. - Mechanics Bell ringing

Griffith, Robert 3.

1853 - (450-A) Coroners inquest

Griffi th, Rofcert B.

1679 - (750) Paving Vincent al lay 1881 - (128) uonplaint 1881 - (309) Favoring Q-imor St. Property Inpro eme* 1881 - (330) Protest driving cattle* 1881 - (418) Paving ' incent a l ley 1883 - (4fi93) Centre «k-.. 1885 _ (301) Lies E n g . 1887 - (335) -a lver t St. Spg.

3r i f f i th , Robert I .

1920 - (317) Protest Food Sale

G r i f f i t h , Saml I .

1877 - (1150) Mdg. Acids West St .

Griffith, Romulus H.

1854 - (542) Council proceedings 1S54 - (603) Orads - Oarden St. 1854 - (925) Taxes - Refund 1858 - (22-203) Power of Attorney

Griff i th, Rubin

1802 - (301) Concerning sale of flour

Griffith, 3.

XSU - (40) Pump M £ 5 » S : a i

1829 - (615) Pave-Waggon Alley.

. bet . Camden &

Griffith, S. F. Dr.

1852 - (499) Police, appoint

Griffith, s. V.

1850 - (1037) Stock list

Griffith, Sam

1842 - (1353) Police returns 1843 - (1109) Bailiffs returns 1853 - (600) Improve - Richmond Market 1859 - (2123) Fines - Justice of the Peace 1861 - (1401) Justice of the Peace report

Griffith, Sam G.

1810 - (334) Application for Flour Inspector. 1811 • (3*3) Petition for Repairing Hanover Met. 1814 - (238) Appt. of Oauger Domestic Distilled S

pirits. 1814 - (614) War Commission Roster. 1817 - (252) Level Hanover Mkt. 1817 - (709) Paving Tax due. 1818 - (448) Mkt. Hanover Reguest for additional

Stalls. 1818 - (953) Taxes in suit. 1819 - (821) Opening of Alley-Hanover St. bet. Cam

dsn & Conway Sts. 1819 - (665) Reports & Returns-Powder In Magazine. 1820 - (599) Faving Tax due City. 1823 - (316)Pavlng Tax.

Griffith, Saml. K.

1855 - (277) Extend - Park St.

Griffith, Sanniel P. 1859 - (104) Coroners inquest

Griffith, Sarah J.

1862 - (7514) Bounty Application 1864 - (2234) Bounty Application

Griffith, Stephen

1S33 - (417) Night .Vatch \ppt. (593) Open Caroline St. 18-i3

1633 1834 1834 1832 1840 1640 1841 1842 1843 1844 1844 1846

(63-) Holland St. - reduce width. - (390) Erohibit, ereeU urge board. - (470) Pet. to reuuce v.'icith, Holland 3t. - (449) Bridge, Jones Falls. - (337) Remove tracks from paved streets - (1165) Licenses issued - (1073) Licenses - (1165) Licenses granted - (301) Appropriation - Lafayette Hose Co. - (1109-39) Inquest - (12A6; Licenses - (1006) Licenses

Griffith, Stlllman

1838 - (1830) Serve supper

Griffith, Susanna

1806 - (53) Appl. to pave Front & Short St. 1808 - (165)Plat of Short St. from Bridge St.

to Wapping St. 1807 - (360)Tavern License. 1884 - (900)Allowanc« to property owners.

Griffith, T.

1865 - (34D Closing Barter Shops Sundays

Griffith, Theo.

1818 - (374) Filling in of Damages to

Dock Estimates property


1813 - (803) Petition to remain in office.

Griffith, Theresa

1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary 1852 - ( 386) Damages for loss of hor3e

Griffith, Thole

1613 - (837) Application for position a* »ood oorder.

1615 - (301) Fetition-Appolntoent to Fublio Offi

Gri f f i th , 1318 -

1318 -

1819 -

1519 -1821 . 188* -1828 -1828 -1829 -1829 •

1829 -1829 -

1830 -1830 1830 1831

E. 31rie Thoicas

Fave Footways-Ccurtland 3 t . StFaul 4 P leas .n t 3 t s .

Damages awarded for ofBBing of S.uth 3t .

Improve Fump-Bolton St . be t . Richmond . 3. ' ; iedral S t s .

Fump "Cessl crt-FcBa 4 " o r r i s S t s . c t 8 n t

C v f l ^ V e W s n . d U 8 t r y ' Deposition in reference to Small Pox.

(425) Prohibi t negroes from driving hacks. (461) Court of Apprals. (497) Taxes on Dogs.

(1602) Ordinary License. (1803) Reta i l License. (543) Liquor License Law Report. "570) Baltimore County J a i l Report. 11005) Reduce-Water Right. (558) Court Cases. : «


1801 -

1799 -1802 -1804 -1800 -1309 -


1810 •


1813 1813


Thomas II (US) Condemnation of * * * * & £ £ -

(150) Erect pump. H o . a r d S * . (292) Concerning erec t ion of ce i i a r QU (187A)Auction of Dry Goods. S f f i So fxTo 8 r r r e e

aP p°c^nce .He ; ap P o in t . en t

Sup ' t . of Sweeps, 2nd S t . (278) Pe t i t i on Establ ish Lines of Lot York

Jb Forres t S t s . . Chimnev (323) Application for - a p t . of -himney

Sweeps. . . (455) Protes t agains t Theatres , e t c .

IAO^ n a l t o . County Levy-I $ 1 ) •Juste,: B o l l - 6 t h Reg. " • B X i t l . .

(812) Pay Roll-51st Reg. Ha. M i l i t i a .

Griffith, Thoa. gf

1813 - (827) Fay Roll-6th Heg. Kd. Militia. 1815 - (25) De"ed-3al to. 4 L i g h t . 1817 - (27) E a t . 3 . E. Cor. C o u r t l a n d 3 t . & 3eau

f o r t Lane. 1817 - (170) E s t . Lot i n t e r s e c t i o n of C o u r t l a n d

o t . A Beaufo r t Lane . 1818 - (16 : Repa i r Fump-1839 - (305) Inquests * Coroner's accounts 1842 - (1148) C i t y Court - F ines imposed 1844 - (407) Pro te s t - Hucksters 1864 - (3767) Muster R o l l 1866 - (856) Fireman's Pay Increase 1871 - (1949B) " l ty Al lege erect

Griffith, Thomas W.

1835 - (355) List of Justices of Peace. 1838 - (361) Interments

1838 - (1*02) Bailiff Report 1861 - (1274) Supt. - Streets & Pumps 1875 - (376) -arine -'osmtal T-ug

Griffith, Toney

1855 - (204) Coroners Inquest

Griffith, U. H.

1 eo - (230) onfederate Uemorial

Griffith, .V.

185a - (1369) Open - Grove Alley 1853 - (217) Plat - *ager St.

G r i f f i t h , W. A. H.

1571 - (183S) Urease h n r t o r

Griffi th, W. A. H.

187. - (1949B) City College erect 1879 - (990) Bredtion StiVble 1S88 - (-171) -Application Position 1889 - (483) Manual Training School 1690 - (348) ? i re °onm. 1890 - (660) Inspector

Griffi th, V. 0.

1906 - (601) 0r>en Howard St.

Griffith, W. E.

1861 - (369) Against R. R. cars on Sundays

Griffi th, '". t .

19iO - (6 0) Lay tracks

G r i f f i t h , W. H.

1836 - (696) Tonnage 1878 - (11920 Against erecting Pier

G r i f f i t h , W. R.

1867 - (705) House Numbering

Griffith, "Biter

1S91 - (540) B&O E.E. Lawrence St.

Griffith & Wanpulo

1604 - (147) Asking permission to use footways for Merchandise.

Griffith, Wm.

1826 1832 1832

1836 1836 1845 1646 1847 • 1850 -1351 -1855 • 1855 • 1858 • 1659 -1859 •

(425) • (217) . (1950) • (304) (1452) (289) (290) (263) (315) (321) (191) (208) (1147)

A 1 0 41 (2408)

Prohibit negroaa from driving Hacks. Sink well 4 erect pump-York live. License granted. Appointment, City watch Interments, Report York Ave. Slaughterhouss Coroner's inquest Coroners report Lamps placed - Constitution & Eager Sts Coroners inquests Power of Attorney Coroners Inquest Police Bond Coroners inquest Payroll - Police

G r i f f i t h , Wi l l i am #2

1859 - (406) K a y o r ' s a p p o i n t m e n t s 1859 - (1728) P o l i c e Bond 1860 - (1926) P o l i c e Bond 1860 - (2414) P o l i n e Dept . 1860 - (2319) P o l i c e 4c L a m p l i g h t e r s p a y r o l l 1862 - (351) S t r e e t cars run on Sundays 1867 - (637) Gwynns F a l l s Bridge 1S70 - (3336) Open St.

1872 - (832) -anton Pass Service 1375 - (925) Widen H0lliday St. 1875 - (976) flight soil 1876 - (979) Ice pond 1878 - (1178) Chairs ir. Church a i s les 1879 - (524) Qualified voter

Griffi th, to. ( J r . )

1870 - (244300) ?ark Tax Abatsnent

Griffith, William A.

1862 - (6973) Bounty Application 1863 - (347) Protest Sunday R. R. cars 1911 - (172) Protest

Griffi th, William A. R.

1883 - (822) Election Judge

Griffith, Win. C.

1865 - (209) Closing Barber Shops Sundays

G r i f f i t h , mi . E.

1855 - (316) Water supply 1857 - ( 544) Coroners Inquest 1872 - (974) Prat St. ranove ».R.

G r i f f i t h , Wm. F .

1866 - ( 2 5 5 4 ) F ines

Griffith, Ha. H.

1854 - (986) Rapaira - Court House 1854 - (607) ralraount 1855 - (316) Water aupply 1659 - (298) Satab. Passenger R. R. lo61 - (369) Against R. R. ears on Sundays 1863 - (347) Protest Sunday R. R. cars 1865 - (1549) Justice of the Peace report 1666 - (750) Chaplain Alms House 1868 - (306) Open German St . 1869 - (2 1) Or>en German S t . 1871 - (1413) E lec t ions 1S71 - (1428) E lec t ions 1873 - (154) Appointments

Griffi th, % . H. #a 1873 - (504) City »all Sq. 1875 - (925) Wj,den 'iolllday St. 1876 - (1009) " i ty Hall Public Sq. 1880 - (181) Landfor Park 1533 - (483) No. Balto. Pass. H.H. Tracks 1885 - (297) 2ng. House 1888 - (654) Change Hocie 'ederul St.

Griffith, Win. K.

1862 - (2925) Bounty Application

G r i f f i t h , % . M.

1836 - (141) S u p ' t of Chinnfeya. 1SS6 - (167) S u p ' t of Lamps

Griffith, Wm. R.

1841 - (750) Stockholder - Uarine Bank of Balto. 1861 - (1283) Vaccine Physician

1866 - (1186) Protest Renumbering Houses

Griff i th , Woodside

1882 - (363) Ewy. -racks l igh t St.

Griffiths, Richard

1835 - (691) Conatruction of bridge.

Griffiths, William

1658 - (209) Coroners i n q u e s t 1867 - (334) Calvert St. Spg*

Ch-iffner, ? rank

1905 - (573C) Paving FairMt. Ave.

Sri ffoil, H.

187- - (830) Protest car permit

O r i f f y , Wm.

1844 - (417) Reculate markets

Sri f lth, 20-b

1908 - (229) Baseball grounds quick park

Grig, Edward

1858 - (210) Coroners inquest

Grig, Irving

1857 - (545) Coroners inquest

Griggi Andrew 4 Co.

1316 - (412) Against erection of nab. Depot-City

1838 ^ ». 3l0Cil'„« neighborhood of uathedra - (503) Fire ping" - neiB«"«

Grigg, A.

1S50 - (3104) 3 a i l . f f s appoint addi t ional

Grigg, Alexandra

1813 - (509) Pay Holl-Iat. Reg. Artillery.

Grigg, Andrew

1838 - (578) Regulate - Weights 4 Measures 1845 - (1004) Nominations of Mayor 1853 - (461) B. & 0. R.R. 9onds - Guarantee 1856 - (360) License - Beat sold 1856 - (417) Extension - Parkerabure R. R.

i857 - (253) Inspector - Long <fc Dry measure B61 - (433) Repair R. R. t rack - N. Howard S t .

1866 - (1103) For W.Hd. R.R.Stock Subscript ions 1372 - (385) Comn Jonec F a l l e s

Grigg, Bayfield

1861 - (433) Repeal opening - Holliday St.

Grigg, David

1834 - (£041) Bailiff, return.

1834 - (2429) Magistrate report.

Grlgg, Eliza. J.

1862 - (320) Widening cost - Fayette St.

OriBE. James & pump:

. s t . »ary9 S t .

1B47 -1859 127" 1375

wo., vss:?*®v. S t .


(214 (5 -

Open - n t l

Ooen nfclin St-

St. 0-«n

U " ' rnn am

'L 3 7 5 1 (1040) Openi^ 1876

O r i g g . John

1847 - (72) 7/ella & Furaps - S t . Mary a S t . 1848 - (1130) F ines - Ci ty Court 1859 - (214) Open - Ho l l iday S t . 1859 - (2107) F i n e s - J u s t i o e of t h e Peace 1860 - ( 3 1 8 - 1 9 ) Purchase, - Federa l H i l l 1369 - (273) Enlarge « . 1373 - (531) OpenfcankUn St . 1373 - (532) Extend Franklin "t. 1374 - (594) Frnnlclln St. Opening 1375 - (895) Frpnklln St. Open 1375 - (9'!9) 0?en Little Franklin St. 1B75 - (10-0) Opening StS.

Grigsi J ° h n J -

1866 - (1325) 1666 - (1057)

Mayor's Appointments Mount Hope eases

Orlgg, John R.

1866 - (2647) Bounty Application

3rigg, Landon <».

1916 - ( I ) :: t. Sent

Origg, B. A.

1838 - (395) Inquest 1846 - (1006) Licenses 166a - (433) Repeal - Opening Holllday St.

Grigg, Thos.

1859 - (298 ) Estab. Passenger R. R.

Griggs, Andy

1838 - (541) Washington Place enclosed 1844 - (348) Inspection - Butter & Lard 1847 - (378) Inspection - Butter & Lard

Griggs, Ellen

1661 - (1396) Justice of let.ce Report



( 407) • > o l 1


1858 (210) Coroners inquest

G-rlggs, Geo.

1835 - (618) B. * 0. H. R. Extension 1831 - (3) Pump Ifarrant, Bond & Gough Sts.

1842 - (837) State tax 1844 - (540) Nomination of officers 1847 - (363) Coroners report 1853 - (280) Coroners in.juest 1853 - (1768) "harfage 1854 - (656) Regulations - Firewood 1854 - (1323) Harbor Master - 1st District 1854 - (1856) Report - Harbor Masters 1855 - (204) Coroners Inquest 1862 - (1534) Justine of the Peace - Report 1866 - (985) Broadway Market Railroads 1866 - (887) Iceboat Ajiproprlatlon

J r l g s , 3eo K.

1371 - - (3929) Harbor Board : : ry .


1858 (210) Cor oners inque s t

h Grigge, James

1804 - (187) Petition Bridge over Harford Run. 1809 - (805) Establishment, Duke & Queen St. 1813 - (189) Petition-Queen St. Erection of Lamps. 1884 - (397) Unsanitary condition of Harford Run. 1886 - (454) Floor A Lamp-Harford Run Bridge. 1887 4-(376) Coroners Report. 1834 - (86) Bond & Gough sts.-Establish lines. 1834 - (397) Layine tracks, B & 0 R.R. 1838 - (549) Repairing Pratt St. 1836 - (817) Repair Pratt St. 1840 - (898) Remove obstructions - Channel


Grigts, James

185" - (1028) 185* - (598) 1854 - (472) 1854 - (165D 1890 - (»65)

Coroners invests Renew license for Open - Oough St. Collectors Report

ten pin alley

3 r i g S s Jn=

1339 ^483) las ••

j r p i n - r S c W 1

Griggs, Jas. I.

1 8 5 6 . (871) APP ,int physician - Mar

5ne Hospital

1866 - (986)

1866 - C887)

Broadway Market Railroads Iceboat Appropriation

1371 1375 1379

(1936« ' "e :

. (354) ? - -_ (524) 3""11

Bg- S^P* f l e d f o * 8 *



1371 188-

(1939-I) 3 (162) HeCO

Griggs, John J .

1859 - (106) Coroners inquest I863 - (3759) Muster Roll - ltd. Bat tery A r t i l l e r y 1863 - (3499) Oath of enl is tment 1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays 1866 - (1025) Pa t terson Park Extension 1866 - (1101) For W.Md. R.R.Subscription 1371 - (!9'i3C) City College Srect


L'3l7 (564) Aent

Orlegs, Thomas

1853 - (447) Coroners inquest

1853 - (341) Water Supply 1655 - (803) Coroners Inquest

Origgs, V».

1887 - (350) Coroner* Report. 1888 - (425) Prohibit negro Hack drivers. 1839 - (305) Inquest je Coroner's accounts 1842 - (278) Inquests 1853 - (588) extend pier - Harbor 1854 - (392) Renew license for ten pin alley 1855 - (204) Coroners Inquest 1856 - (281) Coroners Inquest 1857 - (544) Coroners Inquest 1861 - (1215) Supt. - Sweeps 1866 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sunday 1865 - (1551) Justice of the Peace report 1866 - (887) Boat Appropriation

3riggs. 0.

1871 1B72 137°.

(civil HeELderry •• 7 \obll ;:_„ .T„n-s oed


: ( a 6 8 ) GUM JO * _ S

( 9 3 3) l ex . - * C SlerV:

Qrighegan, Henry

1867 - (849) Extend Park



jrill, 'ottfried

1374 - (659) McBlderrySt. Lamps 1333 - (434) Ho. Balto. Pal s. SB Tracks 1883 - (493) Orleans St. Opening

Srlll, Henry

1900 - (59.;) Protest --•••: a

Grill, Wllhelm

I860 - (301) Erect Cross St. Harket I860 - (316-20) Purchase - Federal Hill

Grille, Caroline

1868 - (6504) Bounty Application

Grllla, Caspar

1862 - (6504) Bounty Application 1862 - (11369) Bister Roll - Fifth Regiment 1863 - (3702) Absentees - Kd. Volunteers Infantry

Orlllet, Jamas

1627 - (368) Coronars Report.

Grillet, Mary Ann

1862 - (3318) Bounty Application

Grillett, James

1S65 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays 1865 - (1133) Bond for Bagatell Table

Grllley, John

1844 - (418) Purchased lots - Belair Market 1850 - (464) Bat. public Schools

Grim, Cornelia

1851 - (2022) School report

Grim, Elizabeth A.

1868 - (7869) Bounty Application

Grim, Janes J.

1861 - (369) Againsi cars on Sundays

Grim, Jamas I'..

1863 - (1643) Oath of Allsgiance

Grim, Hargaret T.

1862 - (7869) Bounty Application

Grim, Kary E.

1862 - (5695) Bounty Application

5rim, Stephen

1849 - (1899) Bailiff Report

Brim, x iOs. 0 .

1883 - (470) Centre " t . 1337 - (334) C o v e r t S t . Spg

Grim, William D.

1835 - (688) Taxes, new buildings. 1858 - (909) Bond - Chimney Sweep 1859 - (395) Auditor's Clerk's

Grim, Wm. P.

1857 - (76) Appoint Constable

Qrlmbsy, A. G.

1643 - (348) Prohibit nuisance - Swine running at large

Grime , W.

1855 - (316) Hater supply

Crimes, Capt.

1887 - (999) Watchman charged with breaking a man's arm

Grinee, Ann Catherine

1798 - (1) Paving Allceanna St. between Bond & Market Sts.

1810 - (301)Fetition Reair Fump George St. FeUa Point*

J830 - (532)Magistrates Report.

Grimes, Charles

1820 - (692) Dog Tax. 1827 . (52?) Increase Salary of Watchmen. ,i§3° -,L¥>i) Dsed-.lo»ard St. 1830 - (378)- City Stock. 1831 - (1276) Loan. 1831 - (1282) Loan-City Stock. "' 1832 - (58) Est. lot-Howard St. 1833 - (700) Watchman - 18th Tiard. 1834 - (340) Increase Salary,' watchmen. 1835 - (415)_ Night wwtohsMn-. 1835 - C618) B * 0 H.R., extension, 1836 - (471) Water used, market house 1837 - (857) Pare - High St . 1837 - (1703) Open - Madison St . 1838 - (195) City Stock l i s t

Qrimes, Charles #2

1838 - (1212)

1838 -1640 -1841 -1841 -1847 -1848 -1848 -1851 -1852 -1856 -1858 -1867 -

(1393) (871) (730) (738) (388) (480) (266) (307) (333) (80'

(320) (1953)

Laying track on High St. Balto. & Susquehanna R. R.

natch - Application for appointment City stock diTidends City stock dividend City stockholders Construct Tunnel - Centre St. Centre St. - tunnel Pump - Broadway - assessment stockholders Fire ping - Centre & Holiday St. Appoint police Eslab. Fire & Police Telegraph Gas Lamps

Grimes, Chas . E.

1858 -1860 -1860 -1864 -1866 -1866 -1867 -137? -1875 -1377 -1379 -

(1230) (466) (212) (305) (904) (1118) (736) (901) (836)

(1067) (318)

P o l i c e - Bond Protest . - Erect Livery S t a b l e s Alms House s i t e - Pub l i c Park Agains t opening - H o l l i d a y S t .

Renumber Houses P r o t e s t Renumbering Houses

Cattle on lex . St. Build Railway Outside Privies Property Surrender

Griaea, David

1798 - (124) Plat - Dock Allay & others. 1810 - (274) Petition Establiah N. W. Cor. Sharp

4 Hill Sta. 1830 - (532) Magistrates Report. 1830 - (1094) Bailiffs Compensation. 1830 - (1437) Kagistrates Report. 1864 - (3086) Bounty Application


Grimes, Edward

1820 -

1821 -1821 -

$823 -1826 -1827 -1827 -1827 -1828 • 1829 1829 1833 1834 1834 1835

(49) (490 ) Reduce (IIS) Poe. ai (499) Open &

(33) Est. lines Balto. St. (88) Erect "'oap '& Candle Factory-**kt. St. (209) Est. lines N. Side Balto. St. & N. ff.

Sifle of Pearl St. St. Cleaning.

Lieeris'e-Hlct. Stall*. aa Capt. or Lieui. of the Watch.

. .. it extend "Pine St. -(537) flection of Officers-Council Convent!

- (619) City Offlcere- Mayora Nomination. . (577) Night Watch Appt. - (658) Nomination-City Officers. - (685) Run Alley - Widen - (496) Extension, Lexington Mkt.

" /« 5A? S o u t h e ™ ex t e n s i o n ' Pine St.

- (628) Licensee, wagon* * draya

Grimes, Edward

1838 -1838 -1840 -1841 -1844 -1847 -1847 -1854 -1856 -1856 -1857 -1859 -1859 -1860 -1862 -

(1820) • (1311) • (388) (382) (540) (496) (508), nasi') (470) (513) (999) (406) 1437) iiBJ

Nomination - City officers Bailiffs - Application for appointment Open Run Alley Stepping stones - Run Alley & Park Lan Nomination of officers Extension - Pine St. Tunnel - Hun Alley Jury Serrlce (223) Nomination - City o f f i ce r s Mayor's correspondence - Appointments Masters Report - Chimney Report Mayor's appointmenta Bonds - Chimney Sweeps Widen - Arch & Fayette S t s . License Bond

Grimes, Edward #3

1858 - (911) Bond - Sneepmaster 1863 - (73) Janitor - City Hall 1863 - (340) City Hal l 1864 - (159) Protest - Arch St. 1864 - (478) City Appointments

Grimes, Elijah J.

1853 - ( 4 5 0 - A ) coroners inquest 1859 - (262) Extend - Richmond Market

Grimes, Elizabeth

1853 - (221) Plat - Lombard St. 18S5 - (191) Power of Attorney 1861 - (879) Bower of Attorney

Grimes, Qassaway S.

1844 - (1109-4) Inquest

Grimes, George H.

1863 (255-A) Sta l l transfei _ Fel l s Foint Karket

Grimes, H. S.

1855 - (201) Coroners inquest

Grines, Hueh

1850 - (1C30) Coronera inquests 1852 - (446) Markets 1857 - (543) Coroners inquest

Qrlaea, J. A.

1640 - (335) Remore railroad traoka

Grimes, James

1797 - (75) Bills, Receipts. 1813 - (41) Petition for paving Brltton St. bet.

. - York Road & the line of Gallop Hill. 1813 - (200)Petition for position as Supt. of Swe 1815 - (81) Petltlon-Supt. of Chimney Sweeps. 1815 - (83) Petition-Supt. Chimney Sweeps. 1816 - (176)Petition-Paving-Bridge St. bet. Forres

t & Brltton Sts. 1816 - (289)Letter-Britton St. & Bridge St. Favln

Taxes. 1817 - (271})Inspector of Lime & Charcoal. 1818 - (449)Mkt. House-Forrest & Harford Sts. 1619 - (205)Lighting & Cieaning 3rid£e St. 1820 - (319)lnspect.ion of Lime at Bridge St.. 1820 - (692)Dog Tax. 1821 - (363)Extend & repalr-Belair Rd. 1821 - (373)Extend Liberty St. 1826 - (542)Job as Watchaan.

Grilles, James 2#

1827 - (351) Coror.ers Report.-1828 - (374) Appropraltion for Impr. of Belair Mkt. 1828 - (408) IncenSiary Reward. 1829 - (515) Flag Stones-Gay 4 East Sts. 1831 - (617) Lamp-Egglne House. 1834 - (433) Erecting Lamp, Ensor St. 1836 - (1420) Interments, Report 1837 - (477) Bailiffs, Appointment 1844 - (636) Repair Bridge - Balto. & Suso. P. H. Co 1850 - (396) Lex, St. closine 1853 - (449) Coroners in.juest (32) 1861 - (492) S. Balto. Mechanics Bell ringing 1862 - (8644) Bounty Application 1866 - (1140) B. & C. R.H. Dispute

Grimes, James t>'rs.

1860 - (367) Hanover & Lombard Sts.

Grimes, James E.

1655 - (202) Coroners Inquest 1662 - (2799) Bounty Application

Srlmest John

1800 - (132) Auct ioneers Report 1814 - (61) Paving - Pearl S t . 1827 - (367) Coroners Report 1834 - (497) Crowding Markets - Horses & Wagons 1849 - (626) B e l a l r Market - Change Hours 1858 - (1424) P o l i c e Bond

1866 - (8913) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n 1874 - (671A) Monument St. $raek Semoval 1385 - (154) CTerk Hollins Ml .

Grimes, Jonathan

1849 - (631) Belair Mkt. - chanee hrs.

Grimes, Julia Ann

1862 - (8757) Bounty Application

Grimes, Lafferty

1819 - (225) Hay Scales-Sast of Jones Kails.

Grimes, Levi

1602 - (294) Petition against the building City Hal 1813 - (763) Muster Soll-6th Reg. Md. Militia. 1813 - (829) Pay Holl-6th Reg. Md. Militia. 1816 - (236) Establishment-Fleet bet. Bond St. &

Apple Alley. 1827 - (101) P)os. as Watchman. J827 - (368) Coroners Report.

Grimes, Levi F.

1862 - (8757) Bounty Application

Grimes, Margaret

1662 - (6644) Bounty Application

Grimes, Mary

1837 - (882) Open lladlson St. 1859 - (106) Coroners inquest 1862 - (5743) Bounty Application

Grimes, Nicholas

1814 - (176) Sale of C a t t l e & Stock.

Grimes, Philip

1640 - (938) Inquests

Crimes, Reeves 2..

1910 - (-15) Srect Ho lta3

Grimes, Richard

181.6 -1314 -1816 -1816 -

1813 -1820 -1820 -1820 -1821 -

1821 -1855 -


(614) • (175)

Fay Holl-5th Reg. Ud. Cavalry. Tar Commission Roster. Fetition-Fump-York Road.

(176) retltion-Faving-Brldge St. bet. est & 3ritton Sts.

(953) (105) (297)

(c92) (4)

,(113*9) (203)

Taxes in suit. Fump-3rldge 3t.

Miscellaneous M i l s .

••-og T a x .

Fump ''.'<irrant-Iitiprove Bridge "t. Town.

Dog Tax-Returns. Coroners inquest



Grlnes, Robert

1797 - (75) Bills, Receipts. 1798 - (ll1-) Pump Warrant, Seventh Ward. 1803 - (395) Dog Tax. 1806 - (14) P«»P Assessments, Albemarle

Old To 1600 - (185)Reports & Returns- 7th Ward. 1830 - (203)Lot-Aisquith St. 1856 - (26) Pump Flat

Grimes, Sarah R.

1862 - (4934) Bounty Application

Grime8, Susan

1862 - (4934) Bounty Application

Grimes, TTios.

1332 - (1421) liealth Treserve. 1838 - (1212) Uylng t rack on High St . - Bal to . &

Susquehanna R. R.

Grimes, Vincent

185S - (377) License - Meat sold

Jriroes, ''.

1910 (416) reot Hospltel

Grimes, William

1789 - (4) Taxes due.Horses,carriages,billiard tables, 1814 - (176)Sale of Cattle * Stock. 1617 - (272)Lumber en Sharf.

1818 - (446)0bjection to rates allowed to Inspectors 3urners 8f Lime.

1818 - (448)Vkt. Hanover-request for additional stall $824 - (342)Hepair of Bel Air Rd. 1825 - (94) Centre Hkt. Report. 1827 - (1414)Centre Mitt. Report. 1828 - (425) Prohibit negrees from driving Hacks. 1830 - (1075)Lexington Mkt.-Rents & Licenses. 1830 - (1275) Bailiffs Report. 1835 - (1241) Centre Mkt., Certificate of stall rents 1838 - (370) Interments 1859 - (2086) Fines - Justice of the Peace 1374 - (174) Deed

Grimes, Win. H.

1864 - (3566) Mister R o l l

Grimewille, Jno . H.

1350 - (1037) stock l i s t

Grimey, James

1857 - (547) Coroners Inquest

Jrima, Albert

1391 - (S64) Against 'oat Hepwing

Grimm, C. F.

1857 - (545) Coroners inquest

Grimm, Chas.

1813 - (6) Warrant-Fump Hepalr-Barre St. near Charles St.

1636 - (272) Heasurer of Oraln

irimm, •*. *.

1893 - ( 37) Vpccine Ph s. 1900 - (599) Protest Tracks

DTIBHL -irdraenn, *•

1913 - (388 ,262 ,176 ,154 ,15) P r o p e r t y Drmpge

Orlmm, Francis

185S - (882) Licenses

Grima:, Fred.

1339 - (433) Manual TrainningSc.-ol

1909 . u° 9} impr ,„rivivi-"


Srlooi, H. H.

1909 - (n?) M Track' Uolon Stn 1910 - (415) Srect Hospital

Grimm, Helnricb

1866 - (964) Low St. Erect Building

Grimm, j o h n

" f l I C j J * P |ond f o r B a g a t e l l Table U&o; Petition I 0 0 f ' B u - 1 0

Grimn, John A.

1852 - (359) Chestnut St . open 1865 - (1184) Bond for Bagatell Table 1873 - (1116) Prat t St. BH Trpcks 1383 - {Zoo) Armop. B r i to . ' 'hort Line BB c o :

Grimm, Joseph

1808 - (46) Paving A p p l i c a t i o n Haopy A l l e y . 1854 - (1307) Snpt . of Sweeps 1857 - (545) Coroners inquest 1864 - (3709) Buster Ro l l 1864 - (3894) Bounty Compensation 1883 - (460) Light St. i l e o t r i c L\git 1333 - (461) 11 -at St. " l e c t r i c L] at

Grimm, Katharine

1862 - (6261) Bounty Application

Grimm, Leonora C.

1851 - (2032) School repOrt

Grimm, Lewie

1863 - (3731) Roll - W . CaTalry Vol. 1863 - (3432) Oath of enlistment

Brljnm, Marie

1879 - (718) E n g l i s h Germp-n School

Qriu, Robert

1806 - (33) Pup Aascssaant* High & Pitt St*.

Grimm, Wm. B.

1862 - (10) Election Judges

jrimnel, wonrad

1374 - (713) Construct Arniry Belri r .!-t. 1373 - (i:>63) Srectlon Baglna S floiler nsor

St . - (] '31) Licence 3»lair Hkt.

J r i m-e

1873 - (10=9) l i c e n s e Centre •• 1 • 1331 - (3?8) P t a t w r t Coe.1 3 i l -lSST - (3?3) PnveBelfcir Hkt

1907 - (478) Against AKbntoir 1913 - (r?39) P rope r ty Damages

S r i c n e l , J . Henry

1913 - (165) P rope r ty DMiage

Srlmmei , Jncob

137.: - (554) Light S:. J e r . Ciinrch tax 1883 - (405) S l e o t r l c L i g - t 3 . Char les

P i » e l , j o h g

1370 - ( 51) Sal t

Grlmmel, Johannes

1862 - (6060) Bounty Application 1863 - (346) Issue small notes

ur imnel , John

1890 - (1435) 3 e l p i r Kfct. 1331 - (333) P r o t e s t Coal Oil Mkt.

CSrlnmel, Ka thsx lna , S .

1913 - (339) P r o p e r t y D

Jr iaael , Katrine

1913 (165) perty 3 Biaga

Srlffimoll, Gordon *

1 183 - (415) HlUen St. I l e c t r i c 1' t

drIsraeli, 11.

1900 - (600) La* Tracks

Grimmlnger, M»rgretha

1362 - (9157) Bounty Corres .

Grlmminger, Michael

1862 - (9157) Bounty Corres.

i r i a r i r , CHarle»

1916 (X-0) 2rec--lon of roMjatt^ir

Grimmons, John

1866 - (2545) Fines

Grims, Isaac

1866 - (2548) Fines

Grimshaw, A. A.

1862 - (9689) Bounty Application

Grimshaw, A. H.

1862 - (9158) Bounty Correa.


B e n j a » l n

. (280) Cor oner« ln'11 .ueat

Grlrasheres, Solomon

I06I - (369) Against H. R. oars on Sundays

Grimaley, Marinda

1854 • (1741) Court fine* 1856 - (1213) Court f ines

Crlnstead, John

1627 - (350) Coroner* Report.

Orlmston, John

18SS - (803) Coroners Inquest

Orln, Janes

1814 - (646) Fayment for Labourers.

Orindale , J . J .

1867 - (151) Cleric - Water Reg. Of f i ce

Grlndal l , Cept. 1B1B - (968) Tonnage

.Fel ls Ft.

Urindall , Charlee S.

1833 - (6?3) License Hol l lns Hfct. 1890 - (466) S t s . 1894 - (5^5) Sna i l s Hol l lns Hkt. i g l 3 - (410 ,411 ,100 , •) Fr lei-ty Daaage 1909 - (343) Heparins ' n o : l l n "'t.


Grlndall, I. I.

1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary

Grindal l , J .

1349 - (148) City employment references 1855 - (45) Pump P l a t - TVaahington S t . 1371 - ( l 514) taa j i lght ira

Grindal l , J . J . fa

1850 1851 1851


1869 1370 1371 1671 1372 1373 1873 137! idai

. ---_ ---. . ---

(1058) (1195) ( 397)

(iai) (136) (1?46) (1S42) (134?) (?93) (15^) (154) (545) (362)

J u s t i c e ' s comt>en3ation B a i l i f f b o n d ' H o l l i n s St.. Hk t . - r e p a i r apace - r e g u l a t s p a c e Assessments

Inprove Broa 4wy Sq. 3r>th Hnuse HBct. Mpster Hrrford •'San -Hoisencc Cour.cul Kosiinee A:— intaents

n Ope:V°ro?iclwny Re wring Oalhoun St.

Srind.-ll, J . J-

?k. 1836 - (975) Fountain Hj 1 8 B 8 - (-90) An-lic tion Position 1888 - (379) "

G r i n d a l l , J . T.

1849 - (105) City employment, app» re ferences

1379 - (£5l) "Protest" Closing Broadway 1855 - i~>79) Sever 1896 - (1177) Cross St. Hfct. Stpl is

G r i n d a l l , John

1842 - (836) Taxes 1843 - (13) Pavement - Little Hughes St. at Chas. 1843 - (139) Bond - Pave Little Hughes St. 1844 - (54) Remove building - ".'est 3t. 1844 - (506) Remove Frame Building - '.Vest St. 1844 - (nil-15) inquest 1847 - (243) Fumps - lillian St. - Assessment 1856 - (1231) License

3r lnd .9 l l , John S.

13S? - (304) Open Al ey 18 - (6?3) l i c e n s e Hex la 1393 - (463) S t s . 139.; - {:S2) Stalls Holli i Met.

Grindall, John H.

1849 - (1459) Licenses 1850 - ( 400) Lex. St. closing 1855 - (316) Water supply 1856 - (377) License - Heat sold

Grlnda l l , John J .

1 8 5 8 1374 1879 1339 1394

- (1249) - (139) - (532) - (^96) - ( • )

Police - Bond ' ' 'ider.ins; As i - - en t i [ i e f t i o n Po Ccn -.able

j r l n a s l l . John J- J r .

18a (.•:,) A?-Uo -tion Position

Grindall, John T.

1852 1853 1S55 185S • 1855 • 1858 -1859 -1859 -1659 -1B60 1860 1860 1860 1861 J§61 1864


. (285) (516) (246) (285)

(35) (10)

(258) (336) 1730) 471) 1929) (290) (318-9) (559) (1268) (344)

Coroners Inquest Protect - ElysTllle R. R. Open - Hanover St. Erect Powder House - Fort Covington Coroners Inquest Opening - Grindall St. Extension - Cross St. Market House Ferry Bar Road repaired Police Bond Open - Sterrett St. Police Bond Lay track - Hanover St. B.C.P. R.R. Co. Purchase - Federal Hill Stepping stone - William St. City Coram. & Port Warden Change grade - Montgomery St.

G r i n d a l l , John T. #2

1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1867 1369 1370 • 1371 . 1873 • 1373 • 1377 -1378 -1373 -1379 -

- (1468) L i c e n s e s

' C®?*> Hanburg St. steam Engine

-' &9°? ' £ j " < - " - e n s f . ^ ' i n t ^ - (986) Clos ing A l l e y - (1179) Open A l l e y • ( 3) . Bona • (3837) :iu3i»nce • (1930) Viden l i g h t S t . • (500) Aor l i c . "ommis. S t s .

(573) Light St . Tax ( '4 l ) Druid H i l l Ave. Tr-ckrs (1093) Peonle s BR (1173) Prving Isot 3efuad (60*) F e r t i l i z e r ? n c t o r i r a t e s t

C-rlnd; 11, John I to 1379 - (1141) ClAia 1330 - (1T>3) Hefund 133? - (319) S Hv.y ITPCV.S 1-.92 - (367) Open l eadenha l l S t . 1896 - (117..,1177) Hanover :'•-%. S t a l l s 1913 - ( m o , 9 9 ) Property Damage

Jrindall, John Y.

1363 - (1632) Vest St. "ondenn

i r indo l l , Joseph .

1869 1673 1879 1887 1833


( -3) * W (352) federal Hill Purohi (803) ?er t i 1 ein - act->ry Pro

tes t

(304 Den "1 f - (623) License

1894 - (SS) Sta l l s HoUlns fojllinsKk*-

A * . - (410,411,100.") Propert;-

Qrlnda.ll, Joseph J.

1854 - (1326) Health - Asst. Commissioners

wrind-11, Josinh

1 8 3 0 _ (1076) Le>:- Hfct. Sents i U 134-1 _ (io°•'•) Inspection Cord Wood : _ I, j ) City c omci l f lect ion

O r i n d n i l , Mar;

1330 - ( " ! Refund ->-1330 - . (1062) Hebfit? Pa iTngla i P e a r l 3 t .

Grindall, P. J.

1849 - (852) 3ath St, - change name

Grindall, if.

Public Park - Alms House site 1860 - (812) H « i " ($££L\ Against R. R. oars on Sundays 1862 - (8740) Bounty A pnl ica t ion 1862 - (11216) Enlistment Affidavit 1862 - (11388) Buster Roll - Eight Regiment

G r i n d e l , John

1851 - (1651) 1630 - (351) 1331 - (349)

L i c e n s e s g r an t ed Hefund SvzeS Oneese end ' i s h le-r .

G r i n d e l l , Charles

1844 - (1109-44) Inquest

r in to l l , "eor,-e

1390 - (563) I*"P u

Qrindell, Harry

1863 - (3760) Bister Roll - Ud. Battery Arti l lery

J r inde l l , J . 3 .

L905 - (56;) Hfct. licenses

j r i n d e l l , J . J .

1373 - (797) ". rf Assessment

Qrlndell, John E.

1856 - (1225) Licenses

Srlndell . Soto

1330 - I ' ) a

Grlndell, William

1 8 6 2 . (9817) Bounty Application

Grlndelmyer, John

1857 - (543) Coroners Inquest

Srindenshut'a, Peter

1900 - (599'; Protest Irncks

Grinder, Anton 1864 - (1496) Fines & Forfeitures 1864 - (3265) Bounty Corres. 1666 - (2543) Fines

Grinder, Gerad

1866 - (862) Manure Removal - Fleet St.

Grinder, Gottleib

1864 1864

(3537; (3870)

Muster Roll Bounty Compensation

J r t n d e r , Jncob

1870 - (.^31) Gr<-de

Jrinder, John 0.

1^70 - ("443-5^) Park lax Abetement

Grinder, K.

1857 - (542) Coroners Inquest

Orindaa, John

1825 - (542) Uat of Seeuritlaa.

Grindsfelder, Bros.

1847 - (468) Dry Goods s ale - Lexington Market

Grineker, Geo.

1661 - (1360) Justice of the Peace report

Orinell, Geo. 1856 - (230) Coroners Inquest

Jriner, 3thel

1920 - (14) Lease

Griner, m i l l a m H.

1856 - (859) Police Pay Poll

r ine

1S73 (" ,7' Bnilvs? •' t

Grlng, James

1856 - (280) Coroners Inquest

Orlnger, John

1845 - (715) Pratt St. Bridge rebuilt

Grinlow, G.

1863 - (117) Hater Board - Pay Roll

GrinnaX, James 1 8 5 8 . (204) Coroners inquest

--rinnel, Joh.i

1917 (564)

Grinnel, Jno. H.

1850 - (1037) Stock list

(Jrinnell , A.

1857 - (546) Coroners Inqueet

Grinnell, John D.

1858 - (210) Coroners inquest

Orlnnell, John F.

1843 - (148) Plat - Little Hughes St. - Paving tax

(Jr innell , Margaret

1813 - (490) Insolvencies allowed by Comm. of tax for Balto. Coun.

Grinnell, William

1864 - (1496) Fines - forfeitures

rjrinnusi, Joseph

1852 - (461^ Markets

G r l n s f e l d e r , Joseph

1859 - (221) Construct passenger R. P. on Howard S t . 1863 - (388) P r o t e s t opening - H o l l l d a y S t . 1371 - (1133) City Hr.ll Application 1373 - (393) Lay Sewers 1875 - (933) Hebrew Orphenage Water 1333 - (357) P?ve Hnwprd St. 1333 - (4b4) Howard S t . Electr ic Light 1335 - (4) Heprving Liberty 1906 - (593) Protest Irpcks

Grinsfelder, Samuel

1859 -1863 -l 3 ? « -1375 -13J0 -

(221) (388) (634) (836) (20a)

Construct passenger R. R. on Howard S t . P r o t e s t opening - Holiday S t . Josephine ' i t . Opening Build Railway O^eains Cathedral St.

Grlnsfeller, M. S.

1866 - (97) Water ordinance - Poll book

Grinwald, A* T.

1861 - (369) Against H. oars on Sundays

Griogrlst, J.C.

ie66 - (910) Henuaber Houses

J r l s ' - c h e r , C h r i s t i a n

1376 - ( '400) JOrt. •-- 11

ir isender, Johr-n

1878 - (1077) 3 . Mann nut St . Kkt.

Qrlsaan, John

1798 - (SSI) Committee Reports, Election Returns.

Grisp, Heny

1866 - (2544) Fines

Grlsrle l , Jacob

1865 - (232) Route of City Passenger R. R. 1376 - (?400) Ml tt. S t a l l

Griss, William

1852 - (285) Coroners inquest I860 - (1175) License - Oyster & Liquor

Grissam, Kargaret

1868 - (7678) Bounty Application

Grlssom, James G.

1862 - (2554) Bounty Application 1864 - (3917) Bounty Compensation 1865 - (2890) Volunteer-Discharged

GTISSOB, Kargaret

!8 6 2 - (2555) Bounty Application

Grisson, Margaret

1862 - (5469) Bounty Application

Grist, Isaac

1769 - (4) Taxes due,Horses,Carriages,Billiard Tab. 1801 - (11) Paring Warrant, Market St. between Lan­

caster 4 Fleet St. 1798 - (232A) Collection for the Poor at Philadelphia 1798 - (252) Elections, Returns of.

Gris t , Jacob

1851 - (1649) Licenses granted 1369 - (35?) D'P'K Spring Gardens

Grist, John 1B62 - (1522) Just ice of the Peace - Report

Griet, Major

1802 - (184) Location of Argyle Alley.

Or1st, Hary

1605 - (10) PaT.Warrant, Market St. Fells Pt.DocIc.

Gristell, J. J.

1857 - (542) Coroners Inquest

Grlswell, J .

I860 - (8162) Fines - J u s t i c e of Peace

Griswold, Chauncy

1348 - (530) Kadiaon St. - appropriation

Srisvoli, «.

1371 - (1311) Hasonic , Bldg. J-ait->rs 1871 - (1316) Telegr.-uh 0 arator App. 187? - ( ;) Appllc. Cos i s . Sts.

GriBwold * Oott

1825 - (533) Dog Tax.

Qriewold, Joan H.

1 » 9 1369 1373 13-0 1906

_ ----

(3 5) (263) (538) (431) (565)

Place F l a g s t o n e s Pub l i c Open F o r r e s t ^ t . : :--z. !-3ct. License

Oriswold, Levi

1819 - (645) Ordinary license granted. 1821 - (1099) Aaetlonaara Haport. 1821 - (1178) Ordinary License. 1824 - (905) COllactor-Port Wardens. 1824 - (552) Mayor'• Appts. 1824 - ,(868) Court Caaaa-Llat of Judgements. 1829 - (1636) Haglatrataa Report.

Griswol*, R . B.

1865 - (209) C l o s i n g Barber Shops Sundays

Grltt, James S.

1859 - (1977) Police Bond

Orlttaarer, 0 .

1S40 - (337) ROBOTS t racka froa pared s t r e e t s

Grltz, John

1863 - (1649) Oath of Allegiance

Griver, Jacob

1S46 - (558) Approp. Vatchman Fire Co.

Grlfes, David

1813 - (738) Mnater Roll-U. S. Army.

Grives, George

1859 - (2408) Payroll - Police

Grlves, Janes

1S3S - (395) Inquests

Griwly, Uarmlda

184* - (1492) FlneB, list of.

Qrlzzell, Robert

1835 - (720) Purchase, Balto. Water Co.

Grnich, J. V.

1856 - (377) Coroners inquest

Groamea, Jamea

1662 - (7596) Bounty Applicat ion

Qroamea, Jane E.

1862 - (7596) Bounty Application

Grob, A.

1379 - (71&) English German School

Grob, C h a r l e s

1853 - (1510) L i c e n s e s 1369 - (292) Open Oregon St.

Grob, Eliza

lo62 - (5755) Bounty Application

Q-rob, Johan

1369 - (265) St. Oars Broadw'y M&rkt. 1371 - (1897) Pave Broadway

Grob, John

1862 - (5771) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n 1866 _ ( 9 9 4 ) Broadway Market Covered 1875 - 1927) Hollins St. Ihglne Houoe

Orob, Justin

1884 - (290) Eagiae House H. I. Sect.

Orob, Jus tus

1866 - ( 9 6 4 ) Low S t . Erect Bu i ld ing 1887 - (331) Frame Bldg. Forrett St.

Sro'baker, I. S.

1896 - (1185) Lease Home Tel. Oo.

(Jrobaker, V •

1885 - (352) S r e c t Market

Grobacker, V a l e n t i n e

1862 1864 1866 1879 1877 1891

- (8808) - (3620) - (1063) - (570) - (935) - (552)

Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n Muster R o l l Garbage Nuisance Chatsworth Hun Sewer Chatsworth Eun Sewer Sewers Penn St.

Qrobart, James

1802 - (313) Petition for repeal of 6th Section of Ordinance to remove Nuisances.

Oroce, E.

1858 - (1514) Fines - Justice of Peace

Grock, John

1820 - (28) Repair Pump - Charles St.

Grodan, Jas. W.

1849 - (814) Schools - 81st annual report

Srode, Elizabeth

1871 - (2864) J. P. Tines

erode, John

1865 - (3879) Power of Attorney

Groder, E.

1858 - (210) Coroners Inquest

Grodner, Isrlah

1853 - (982; Compensation - Tax assessor

Groell, Nathaniel

1852 - (446) Markets

Groelle, Johan

1859 - (105) Coroners inquest

Groelle, Karollne

1862 - (3590) Bounty Application

ijroenlnger, Oeorge

1856 - (1231) License

Groealuger, George A.

1893 - (90) Bond

Groeninger, Johann

165o - (642) Catholics Protest School tax

Groenlnger, John

1853 - (642) Catholics protest school tax

Groeninger, Joseph

1853 - (499' Coroners inquest 1856 - (1225) Licensee 1860 - (1962) Police Officer

Groerfe, L'oses

1857 - (542) Coroners Inquest

Groff, Benjamin B.

1852 - (281) Coroners inquest

Oroff & Blackburn V.

1812 - (14) Paring Warrant French St.

droff, 0.

1897 - (760) Cross & Market

ftroff, Christian J .

188o - (415) Blectric Light Eastern Ave.

Groff, Dorus

1866 - (196) City stock owners

Qroff, Qeorge

1375 - (827) Open Arlington Ave.

Draff, Qco. F.

1383 - (379) Balto. St. Electric Light

Oroff, Henry

1876 - (935) Haricot S t n l l License

araff. laraal

1821 - (1099) Auctioneer Raport.

Groff, J.B.

1866 - (908) Renumbering Houses

1866 - (1014) Howard St. Removal of R.R. Tracks

(Jroff, James

1908 - (223) Dog Muzzling

droff, Lillle tt.

1312 - (153) Property Damage

Groff, Margaret E.

1868 - (9160) Bounty Corres.

Groford, Anna '.:.

1862 - (3308) Bounty Applicat ion

(Jroft, C h r i s t i a n

1832 - (217) Sink w e l l & ereo t jbump-York Ave.

Groft, Ceo.

1826 - (1719) Maglstratea Report.

Groft, Henry

1796 - (249) Election- Statement of.

Srogan, Agnes H.

1872 - (159) Druid Hill Are. Surrender 1872 - (168) Laurens St. Surrender

Grogan, Jae. I.

1873 - (1439) Condemn Shields Alley

ijrogan, Joseph

1900 - (599-601) Protest Tracks

QrogHU, Joseph P«

1900 - (600) Lay Trucks

Grogan, Matthew

1873 - (832) Canton Pass Service

Grogan, Michael

1867 - (637) C-wynns F a l l s Bridge

Grogan, F.

1866 - (1068) Abolish Swinging Signs

Jrogan, Peter

1375 - (947) Protest Soap Factory 1900 - (600) Lay tracks

Oroean, Rachel

1844 - (12R7) Licenses

Grogan, Rebecca

1841 - (750) Stockholder - Marine Bank of Balto. 1844 - (1125) Foreleh stockholders - Verchants Bank

Grogan, Thomas

Erect Slaughter House - Eager St. Prohibit tofg. of Chemical Manure

1855 - (230) 1858 - (304) 1866 - (2434) License 1873 - (460) Abel Alley name 1874 - (804) Harbor Sanitation 1878 - (1047) McKim St. Ooen 1883 - (24) Pave Ave. Alley 1884 - (16) Bond 4 Contract 1884 - (26) Bond 4"Contract 1885 - (28) Bond and Contract 1385 - (34) Bond 4 Contrast 1886 - (38) Bond 4 Contract 1887 - (29) Bond and Contract 1887 - (30) Bond and Contract 1891 - (535) Open Elisor St.

Orogan, Wn.

1828 - (28) Kat. lot »f Qround-Fayatte & St. Paul Sta 1878 - (1049) Chase S t . Condemn

Grogen, Thomas

1859 - (199) Pave Alley - Eager St. 1866 - (835) Eager St. Nuisance

1866 - (2415) License 1867 - (630) Steam Engine

Grogg, J. A.

1811 - (8) Hanover St. bet. Lee & Barre St«. 1811 - UDPump Warrant repairing Hanover St. 1811 - (233)E6tablieh bounary of lot 820# on Barre St.

bet. Hanover & Sharp St». lSlg - (1) Warrant Repairing chas. St. bet. Pratt

St. & Ruxton Lane. 1813 - (32) Application extend footway on Chas St.

neat Pratt St.

1821 - (£56)Pave Dock Alley & Light St.

Groggan, N. F.

1S39 - (507) Public School

Groggins, Richard

1865 - (K*2305) Re-enlistment

Sroghan, Mlchale

1871 - (1538) EeconnencLations

1882 - (1172) 1882 - (1231) 1832 - (1304) 1882 - (1375)

Election Judge Election Judge Election Judge Election Judge

Oroghegan, Jas. H.

1833 - (344) Election Jud^e 18B3 - (345) Election Judge

Iron, Adolph

1889 - (483) Manual Training School

Groh, George

1664 - (3857) Bounty Compensation 1877 - (2000) Bonus Payipents

Sroh, J.

1870 - (56) 1370 - (570) 1870 - (903)

Appointments Construct Shed Kitchen

Groh, Jacob

1860 1861 1867

1873 1875 1875 1876 1882 1382 1886 1890 1890

- (301) - ( 485) - (434) - (258)

- (401) - (864) - (2110) - (1539) - (1541) - (140) - (411) - (412)

E r s c t Cross S t . Uarket E x t e n s i o n - C r o s s S t . U a r k e t Awning Application Inspector Masonic Hall Grade S. Charles St . Extend Pier Oil Co. Bond Clerk Cross St. Market Bond Inspector of Charcoal Sup't of Chimneys Lamps Lamps

Or oh, John

1889 - (484) Fells Point Met. Cars

Oroii, J 0B.

1879 - (524) ^URlifled Voter

Oroh, JOB. A.

1888 - (326-B) Application Prelt ion

Groh, Josepha

1966 - (964) Lo* St. Erect Building

Srohan, James

1877 - (917) Canton Met. Eebuild

Grohe, George

1660 - (2556) Harbor testers Return

Grohe, George 5.

1873 - (156) Appointments

Grohgans, Georg

1853 - (640) Catholics protest school tax

Grohn, William 0.

1894 - (77) Pave Aliceaana St.

3rois, John H.

1900 - (599) Protest Tracks

Grokraan, George

1866 - (817) Cooke St. Opening

Groley, Anthony

1819 - (645) Ordinary license granted.

(Jroman, C. C. T.

1869 - (352) D ' P ' S Spr ing 3 a r d - n s

Ororaan, I . F i t z

1871 - (1485) Hecon.iendatioiis

Sroman, Ernest ?.

1380 - (331) Open Scott St.

dromes, Samuel

1858 - (210) Coronera Inquest

Gromes, Wil l iam H.

1864 - (1970) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n

Oromlnger, Jho.

1837 - (733) Interments - Report

Grown, Chas. & Co

1609 - (877) Flour inspector.

Gromo, N. 1.

1867 - (896) Public School

Gromp, John Van

1866 - (907) Renumber Houses

Oroms, Arons

1856 - (285) Coroners Inquest

Groins, E.

1856 - (286) Coroners Inquest

Groma, Henry

1858 - (210) Coroners Inquest

Groins, John

1856 - (286) Coroners Inquest

Oronan, Edward

1864 - (195) Market House - Broadway

Gronan, Martin

1859 - (2086) Fines - Justice of the Peace

Gronar, C. 1865 - (1559) Justice of the Peace report

Gronau, E. '•-

1856 - (882) Coroners Inquest

Sronau, Edward

1382 - (285) Opening of Cannon St. 1882 - (328) Open Federal St. 1890 - (150) Surrender of Property

Oroneberg, A. 2.

1887 - (305) Widen Balto. St.

Oroneberg, Ed.

1SS4 - (402) Widen E. Baltlaore St. 1650 - (355) City Ordinance* - German Corres.

Or oneIn, Edward

1855 - (316) Water aupply

Groner, August

lobO - (£162) Fines - Justice of Pea

Groner, Henry

1865 - (1559) J u s t i c e of the Peace report

Groner, Jacob

1813 - (24) Aaslgnment of Property In 3alto. Coun. Persons names appearing on Deeds or Abstracts.

1836 - (1535) Coroners, Inquest

3-ronert, Otto

1894 - (77) Pave Aliceaana S t .

Gronervells, John H.

185o - (703) Increase Water & Gas Supply, consumer

Gronas, Elizabeth *•

1862 - (7225) Bounty Application

Grones, Thomas

1857 - (89) Applicant - Lamplighter

Uronet, Walter

1885 - (209) Election Judge

Gronewell, J. H.

1856 . (1225) Licenses 1857 - (1034) Licenses

Oronewell, Johan B.

1872 - (852) Federal Hill Purchase

Gronewell, tf. H.

1873 - (799) Pratt St. Tracks

Groney, John H.

1866 - (995) Lexington Market Sales

Qronlnger, Jos.

1857 - (1034) Licenses

Gronsaw, Carl

1859 - (2106) Fines - Justice of the Peace

Groom, Darid

1888 - (1709) Magistrates Report.

Sro»m, Edw.

1818 1813 1814 1881

1823 1824 1826 1828 1829 1830 1830 1836

- (642) - (642; Exempt from Taxation-Act of Assembly - (762) Muster Roll-6th Eegt. I'd. Mi l i t ia . - (827t P»» *- ---* •••»--• Pet. to appt. Wood'Corder.

Ersct lamps-Ann St. bet. Sank & German

Flat.-Ann St*, bet. Dulaney & Bough Sts. Warrant for Paving.

(827) (354)

(133) (50) (1140) Horsea & Carriages aold at auction. (457) Open "onument St. (531) Reduce-Stall Rent & License. (486) Brickyard-Stirling St. (577) Construct Road-Penna Ave. (1425) Interments, Report

Or com, Emory

1839 - (390) Recommendation - Measurer of Salt & 1840 - (159) Recommend - Ueaaurer of Grain Grain

Groom, H.

1920 - (317) Protest Food Sale

Oro osj, Hsnry

1828 - (485) Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks.

Groom, John C.

1641 - (750) Stockholder - Marine Bank of Balto. 1846 - (283) Stoclcholders, Merchants Bank

Groom, Joseph

1864 - (181) Barber's Proteat

Groom, Nathan

1823 - (536) Collection* due Estate. l;25 - (542) Llet of Securities. J827 - (304) Est. lines of Old York Rd.

Groom, Rebeeea

188« - (6) Pump-Ann St. bet. Wilke & Fleet St.

Groom, Samuel

1858 - (210) Coroners Inquest

Groom, Thomas

1858 - (205) Coroners Inquest

Groom, Timothy

1828 - (1292) License t o s e l l i n Wets.

Groom, William

1802 - (53) Paving Application Ann St. between Lan­caster & Aliceanna Sts.

1811 - (263) Establish lines S. W. intersection Fleet St. & Argyle Alley.

1816 - (340) Application-Sweeper of Chimneys. 1517 - (5C6) Regulations-Gauging & Inspection. 1828 - (457) Open Monument St. 1829 - (127) Plaster-Bell Air Mkt. 1832 - (449) Bridge-Jones Falls. 1834 - (397) Laying of tracks, B & C R.R. 1836 - (1455) Interments, Report

Sroombridge, C»

1809 - (248) Council Correspondence, Re-appointment, Sup't of Sweeps, End Dist.

Groombridge, William

1807 - (EOE) Lighting of

1810 - (3E3) Application Sweeps.

lamps on east side of Court House,

for Supt. of Chimney

Oroome, Hepten

1836 - (1939) Report of interments, City of Balto.

Groome, Jno. C.

1882 - (288) Drainase Oirey St. 1885 - (279) Sewer 1889 - (483) Manual Training School

Groome, J.

1857 - (546) Coroners Inquest

Sroome, Uarla E.

1841 - (755) Stockholder - Union Bank

Orcone, Peregrine

1855 - (198) Power of Attorney

Groome, .7m.

1857 - (546) Coroners Inquest 1860 - (1824) Polio" Officer

Oroomes, C. 0.

1871 - (1949-D) City College Erect

Sroomes, Charles ! .

1B71 - (1417) Elections

Qroomae, Edmund

1857 - (546) Coroners inquest

Oroomes, Henry

1856 - (285) Coroners ln . ;uest

Oroomes, J.

1856 - (285) Coroners Inquest 1857 - (546) Coroners inquest

Groomes, James

1664 - (3711) Master Roll 1879 - (524) Qualified Voter

Sroomes, John

1857 - (547) Coroners Inqueat

Qroomes, Thos.

1838 - (395) Inquests 1857 - (546) Coroners Inquest

Grooms, Cap't.

1802 - (15) Paving Warrant, Happy Alley between Allceanna & Lancaster Sts.

1816 - (236) Establishment-Fleet St. & Argyle Alley. 1819 - (80) Eat. lines of Jit-Fleet 4 Ann St.

arooms, Charles

1855 - (204) Coroners Inquest

Grooms, Eliza

1827 . (1361) Magistrates Rsport.

Grooms, Elizabeth

1862 - (6506) Bounty Application

Grooms, Elizabeth A.

1863 - (2456) Botmty Correspondence

Orooaa, H.

1839 - (306) Intaraanta

Grooaa, Jacob

1689 • (J.609) Magistrates Report.

Grooms, Jamaa

1862 - (6506) Bounty Application 1862 - (11369) Kuater Roll - Fifth Regiment

Groom3, L. 0»

1856 - (285) Coroners Inquest

Grooms, Mary «•

, 2 7 2 3 ) Bounty Application

Grooms, N.

1S36 - (1424) Interments, Report

1839 - (306) Interments 1865 - (341) Closing Barber Shops Sundays 1877 - (1130) Tax Refund

3rooms, Nathaniel

1871 - (1964) St. Mary's St. Lamps

Grooms, P.

1635 - (1946) Report of Interments, City of Balto. 1871 - (2877) J. P. Tines

Grooms, Perry

1871 - (2377) J . P. Fines

Brooms, .tios.

1612 - (642) rersons isxempt from Taxation. Accord lng to Act of Assembly rassed at Nov. Session 1612. Chap. 191. S ecl6

1881 - (2) Ftjmp Warrant-Bayard &-Carolin-«- 3ts. 1821 - (361) Nuisance-Slaughter House-Bayard &

Union Sts.

om dr iv ing Hacks. \%\% " {fflX Prohibit negroes fr,

1834 - (390) Brohi I t i n e , eraotloE of l a r r e board. 1836 - (466) Caroline S t . , open Hempstead St . 1837 - (822) Open Caroline St . 1655 - (316) Water supply

Grooms, Ifm.

1812 - (642) Persons Exempt from Taxation. Accord­ing to Act of Assembly passed at No"

1819 - (231) &?tiS2 I^'HoS^N.19^ 8tS«-3&*. Falls.

1888 - (425) Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks. 1832 - (956) License-Ten Pin Alleys

1835 - (588) Plastering, Court Hnuae. 1836 - (334) Application, substitute night watch

1837 - (444) Establish Night Market, 3elalr 1839 - (686) Improvements - Belair Market

Grooms, VI11lam #2

1S38 • 1838 -1840 -1844 -1846 -1847 -1847 -1849 -1849 -1850 -1850 -1858 -1858 -1858 -1859 -

(1213) (1314) (337) (1109-1 (125) £62) (397) (631) (743) (532) (450) (1268)

R. R. tracks on High St. Chimney Sweeps - reinstate Sweepmaste Remove tracks from paved streets

31 Inquest Est. Lot - Madison St. Coroners report Appoint City Commissioners Belair Kkt. - change hrs. City officers - no-ninatio.-.s Lime Inspector's mayor's nominations Coroners in juest Police Bond Prohibit llnfg. Chemical Kanure Police Bond Police - Payroll

Grooms, William #3

1859 -1859 -1860 -1860 -1860 -1862 -1865 -

(406) Mayor's appointments - Policemen (1729) Police Bond (598) Police appointment (2414) Police Dept. - Pay roll (2310) Policemen (10) Election Judges (13; Establish Line - Eadison & Ensor Sts.

Grooms, Wm. H.

1862 - (2724) Bounty Application 1863 - (3707) Purnall Leglo;.

Grooms, William L.

1858 - (1148) Police 1859 - (1729) Police

Bond Bond

(1929) Police Bond 1S63 - (452)' PollO-1863 - (453) Folice

- viant uniforu.i furnished

additional pay

Oroone, J. B.

1889 - (483) Manual Training School

Groone, Tta. H.

1857 - (544) Coroners inques

Groot, tfm. H.

1878 - (1063) Locust Point Market

Oroothaas, George F.

1875 - (974) Sight eoil

Grooves, John B.

1880 - (18?) Protest tracks

Grooves, Mary

1862 - (8398) Bounty Application

GrooTea, Thos.

1863 - (3758) Kuster Roll - Junior Artillery Kd.



drop, Cathrlne

1882 - (259) License Fells Pt. Met.

3rop, John J .

1883 - (492) Or leans S t . Opening

Grope, G i l b e r t 0 .

1913 - (163) P r o p e r t y Da.-naee

Srope, Ida M.

1913 - (163) P r o p e r t y Daaage

Sropp, George

1869 -1870 -1874 -1875 -1390 -

(292) (1294) (690) (328) (454)

Open Oregon St. Construct Shed Oregon St. Open Open Arlington Ave. Market

Oroppe, F .

1878 - (1049) Chase S t . Condemn

Oroppe, Frank

1879 - (567) Grading Chase St.

Groppe, Franz

1866 - (898) Holland Alley Slaughter Houses

Oroppel, P. H.

1871 - (976) Conway St. Kitchen

Groppman, H.

1861 - (1388) Justice of the Peace report

Grors, James

1838 - (1943) Police Heport

Oros, James

1857 - (507) Attorney & Court f e e s

Grosch, Al'bert

1379 - (524) Qualified Voter

Grosche, Gust .r

1906 - (595) Lay tracks

Groschell, Henrietta

1862 - (6142) Bounty Application

Groschell, Hy.

1862 - (6142) Bounty Application 1864 - (2500) Bounty Application

Grosckel, Henrette

1862 - (6138) Bounty Application

Jroaoop, Wa.

1878 - (1097) Railway Bracks llcrth Ave.

Groscup, Ann Jane

1351 - (557) School system

Groscup, F. J .

1867 - (705) House Numbering 1871 - (1949-E) City College Erect 1873 - (976) Balto. City College

Groscup, Eiohael

1858 - (209) Coroners inquest



1980 1899 1900


_ -


(147) (463) (600)

City Pave Lay

Pr St tra

operty . Paul eke

Leai St.


(iroscuas, Ann Jane

185fi - (378) License - Meat sold

Grose. Charles

1864 - (3709) Buster Roll

arose, Richard

1837 - (1755) Fines Imposed - 3alto. City Court

Grosekel, Henrlette

1864 - (3500) Bounty Application

Grosekel, Henry

1S64 - (2500) Bounty Applioatton

Groseup, Fred

1910 - (416) Srect Hospital

OreagroTe, Pater

1840 - (1165) Licenses Issued

Grosh , Eugene

1852 - (446) K a r k e t s 1876 - (1164) Flag Stoues

Grosh, John

(567) 1827

1829 1889 1829

(548) (559) (579)

Contributors 4 by-laws-Balto. Second Dispensary*

f'ave-Ulct. 4 Wilke St. Ochre 4 Paint Factory-Protest. Captain of Eastern Dlstr.

Groshans, Elizabeth

1862 - (7345) Bounty Application

GrosnanB, Jacob

1862 - (7358) Bounty Application 1864 - (3706) ltuatar Roll

Groshaua, Jacob

1864 - (3712) Buster Roll

1865 - (3282) Volunteer-Discharged

Groshel, Henrietta

1862 - (2272) Bounty Application

Groahel, Henry

186C - (2272) Bounty Application

Groskopf, 1,'ichael

1862 - (9670) Bounty Applicat ion

Grosmr-n, Chares

1880 - (167) Protest Tracks 311 Bal t i :iore St.

Grosman, John

1865 - (1878) Bounty Application

Grosmann, Elisabetha

1865 - (1878) Bounty Application

Orosmlller, r.

1857 - (547) Coroners Inquest

Groapkopf, G.

1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Gross, A.

1834 - (421) Repaving, Charles 3t. 1840 - (303) Grade • Aaqulth St.


Sross, A. C.

1841 - (384^ Issue - City Certificates

1862 - (9347) Bounty Application 1862 . (11090) Enlistment Affidavit 1868 - (11385) Muster Roll - Sight Regiment 1863 - (2094) Bounty Correspondence

Grosa , A. P .

1906 - (223) Dog Muzzl ing

Gross, Abraham

1856 - (880) Coroners inquest

Gross, Alexander

1362 - (9815) Bounty Application

arose, Andrew

1811 - (329) Supt. Chimney Sweeps - Petition

Gross, Anna

1862 - (7554) Bounty Application 1863 - (2457) Bounty Correspondence

Gross, Anthony

1820 -1885 -1887 -1888 • 1888 -

1W19 -1831 -1331 -1838 -

(339) (153) (587) (408) (1658) JU603) f582)

• (1130) (419)

iemovnl of Obstrnctions Liquor Inspection. Compensation 8or Night Incendiary Reward. Retail Licensee. Retail License. '.7iden-Gay S%. Gas Lights-Gay St. Pave-">ay St. Pave-Gay St.



Falls. -- • en.

Gross, Appicot

1861 - (1382) Justice of the Peace Report

Gross, August

1862 - (3695) Bounty Application 1906 - (780) Subscriptions

Gross, Beny

1841 - (1081) Magistrates returns 1841 - (1213) Police returna 1845 - (1422) Bailiffs reporta 1855 - (203) Coronera inquest

Gross, C. H.

1682 - (1172) 1682- (1231} 1682- (1304) 188S- (13755

Election Judge Election Judge Election Judge Election Juds?

Gross, C.W

1900 - (599) Protest Tracks 1909 - (1]0) Against B 0 Crossings

Gross, Caroline

1B50 - (1723) Folloe reports

Gross, Catheine 1899 - (451) Met S t a l l s

Gross, Cathrlnan

1866 - (985) Broadway Market Railroad

Gross, Charles

1858 - (204) Coroners inquest 1864 - (3769) Vaster Roll 1865 - (3122) Volunteer-Discharged

Grose, Chas.(Col) 1879 - (524) Qualified iVoter

GroBS, Christian

1519 - (645) Ordinary license granted. 1821 . (1178) Ordinary Licenses. 1823- - (897) Ordinary License.' 1824 - (1139) Ordinary License. "*\ 1825 - (140) Adjust taxes on Hacks. 1826 - (449) Tax on Hacklgg Coaches. 1843 - (272) Tax - Relief 1862 - (7825) Bounty Application 1671 - (892) Stocton, Alley. Kitchen 1873 - (343) Water Stockholm St. 1890 - (371) Harbor Master 1891 - (406) Paving

Gross, Conrad

1856 - (1232) License 1857 - (1034) Licenses

Gorne, Conrad H

1883 - (310) Election Judge lb63 - (324) Election Jud.; e 1883 - (332) Election Judge 1883 - (333) Election Judtje

Gross, Daniel

1838 - (1951) Police Report 1839 - (1730) Magistrate* - Return* 1840 - (1362) Police return* 1844 - (1362) Police Report 1858 - (204) Coroners inquest 1864 - (3624) Bounty Compensation 1865 - (3904) Power of 4ttomey 1865 - (3571) Volunteer-Discharged

Oross, Debley

1861 - (1401) Justice of the Peace report

Gross, Deborah

1865 - (1897) Eounty Application

Gross, Dlanna

1861 • (1401) Justice of the Peace report

Gross, E.

1856 - (286) Coroners Inquest 1858 - (1514) Fines - Justice of Peace

Gross, Edward

!•«« " fe^lX p a r i n g Tax due Ci ty . 1857 - {546} coroners9Inquest y

1878 - (524) Qualified Voter 1883 - (452) Howard St. Electric Light

Gross, Elijah

I860 - (2162) Fines - Justice of Peace

Grose, Eliza

1835 - (1979) 1841 - (733)

1859 - (2060) 1861 - (1400) 1865 - (1547)

Report, Interment! Balto. & Fredericktonn Turnpike Co.

Stockholders Court fines Justice of the Peace report Justice of the Peace "eport

Gross, Ferdinand

1862 - (2722) Bounty Application

Gror.B, Florence 1909 - (lio) Against B 0 Crossings

Gross, Francis

1813 - (490) Insolvencies allowed by Comm. of Tax for 3alto. Coun.

1825 - (97) Laxlngton Hkt. Butchera Stalle. 1830 - (1076) Laxlngton Hkt.-Rente * Licenses. 1858 - (1513) Fines - Justice of Feace

Gross, Frederick

1332 - (470) Scows f e e . 1868 - (5548) Bounty Application 1864 - (147) Coroners inqusst 1871 - (1337) Mkt Clerk

Oross, 0.

1856 - (285) Coroners Inquest

1900 - (599) Protest Tracks

Gross, Or. H. 1906 - (222) Reappointment

Qrossi 0. W.

1840 - (335> Rsaora - Railroad tracks

Gross, Oabella

1855 - (203) Coroners Inquest

Gross, George (Col)

1679 - (524) Disqualified ?oter

Groat, George

1822 - (575) Cancelled Stocks. 1838 - (345) Interments 185P. - (280) Coroners Innuest 185P - (381) Llcenss - Seat sold 1862 - (9058) bounty Corres. 1862 - (11091) Enlistment Affidavit 1889 - (483) Manual Training School

Gross, Geo. H.

186a - (11385) Muster 1663 - (2457) Bounty

Roll - Sight Regiment Corre spondence

G r o s s , Geo. H7.

1685 - (237) Vaccine P h y s .

Gross , H.

1837 - (35) Lanp - Circus Alley 1844 - (1114) Physician appointed 1658 - (1513) Fines - J u s t i c e of the Peace 1668 - (8816) Bounty Applicat ion 1866 - (2544) Fines 1871 - (2877) J . P . Fines

Gross, ", P. 1896 - (1185) Leas* Home Tel Co. 1899 - (459) Nuisance

Gross, Herman

1879 -(524) Qualified Voter 1879 - (613) Barber Pole

Gross, J.

1835 - (657) Bundle hay weight 1837 - (444), Establish night Market, Belalr 1837 - (564) Application - Any office 1888 (137*) Recommend for Keeper of Springs -1839 - (412) Applicant for Police Calvert St. 1839 • (432) Substitute - Watchman 1670 - (2341) Lynchburg Dan*U"le R. R.

Gross, J. C.

1838 - (515) Laborers - Compensation

Oroas, J . 8.

1841 - (362) Change Name - Long Lane


1837 - (850) Erect gas lamp - Harrison * (Jay Sts. 1879 - tea) Harford Run S&wer 1A7S - (624) Harford Run Sewer 1883 - (491) Orleans St Opening

Gross, J. J.

1838 - (1375) Application 4 Recommendation - ~atch

1840 - (224) Appointed - Judges of election 1843 - (312) Water condition - Law St. 1843 - (1240) Assessments - Abated 1845 - (1185-16) inquest 1850 - (391) Jones Falls - cleaning 1855 - (191) Power of Attorney 1857 - (501) Power of Attorney

Gross, J. J. (K. D.)

ie?l - (1659) Recommendations 1882 - (407) Grammar school 11

Gross, J . P . 1672 - (992) Small Pox

Gross, J.S-

1834 - (274) Applicants, watchman.

Gross, Jackson

1856 - (280) Coroners inquest

Dross, Jacob 1 1889 - (491) Reduce Theatre License. 1833 - (430) Watchman Appt. 15 .3 - (537) auild brick rrivies. 1834 - (604) Erection of lamps. 1835 - (427) Night watchman. 1835 - (458) Coroner's Report. 1838 - (1534) Coroners, Inquest 1838 - (395) Inquests 1840 - (290) riow of water - Gay St. Bridge 1841 - (345) Lamps - Various places 1842 - (279) Inquests 1845 - (1504) Bailiffs returns 1849 - ( 634) Belair Mkt. change hrs. 1850 - (325) Exchange.PI., flagstones 1850 - (578) Wells S McComas Monument, Ashland sq

Qroaa, Jacob #8

1853 - (582) Extend pier - Harbor

1858 - (206) Coroners inquest 1883 - (394) Canden St. Electric Li^ht

Gross, Johanna

1862 - (3695) Bounty Application

Gross, Johannes

1504 - (167) Lottery for St.Johns Church. 1804 - (369) Erect Baltimore Town In Balto.County. 1817 - (367) Repair 4 Rebuild 3ridse-Jones Falls bet.

French & Jones Sts. 1821 - (273)Giving up ground for walls it"Jones Falls 1826 - (549) Stone Steps-Pratt St. Bridge. 1828 - (408) Incendiary Reward. 1829 - (304)Plat-Trinity St. 1830 - (344)Bond-CityCollector.

ss, John

1802 - (296) 1806 - (50) 1807 - (97) 1 8 07 - (228) 1805 - (1)

1805 - (37) 1805 - (88)

1805 - (95)

1808 - (1*2)

1808 - (152) 1809 - (1)

(John.A.) (Orog)

St.Johns Chuch Lottery. Petition Bridge St. extend footway. Establish lines of lot on Gay St. Dealers in nines and spirituous liquor Pav.Warrant, Barre St. between Charles

& Howard Sts.

Pump on Hanover St. corner Welcome Al.

Pet.^arre St.from Howard to Charles St.paving.

Petition Barre St. between Charles & Howard Sts.

Repave Bridge St. from High St. to Bridge.

Plat, part of Qay St. Paving Warrant, Fish Alley between

Fish St. & Jones Falls.

u Gross, John

1807 - (345) Owners of dogs and tax collected for same, 5th Ward.

1809 - (353) Gauger. ilSlO - (14) Yarrant paying, Gay St. from present

pavement to Griffith Bridge. 1810 - (98) Fetition Pave Gay St. Bridge St. S. on

Bridge St. 1810 - (331) Petition For Inspection of Flour. 1610 - (332) Petition Appointment of Asst. Flour

Inspector. 1811 - (305) Petition to extend Jones Falls. 1811 - (17) Paving Warrant Green St. 1812 - (246) Bridge St. Est. lines of lot. 1812 - (251)Griffith Bridge Bay St. Est. Lines.

Gross, John

1813 -1813 -

1815 -1316 -1817 -1817 -1817 -1817 -1817 -

1818 -1819 -1819 -

1519 -

4165) (526)

(49) (475) (57) (169) (335) (357) (698)

m (182)



Alter grade Chase St. Assessments Of Lots Jones Falls &

Bridge St. Fetition-Oreen St.-Repair Funip. Flour Inspectors. Est. Lot-Jones & 3rldge Sts. Est. Lot-3. W. Cor. Jones & 3ridge S Position-3ts. & Pumps. '.Vater Course-York Ro .d. Favinr 3ond-Dulaney St. bet. Custle

Alley & Bond St. Sale of lpt-Jones.Falls. Improve Charles St. FOmp. Port Wardens Report-Plat of Jones

Fulls.' Removal of wooden bridge-replace one

of stone-Gay St.

^rcss , John 4§

1820 - (23) Pave Sujar Alley. ie20 - (202) Removal cf d i r t from S t s . 1820 - (270) Paving Tax-St^ar a l l e y . ie20 - (339) Removal of obstruct ions-Jones F a l l s . 1820 - (698) Dog Tax. 1822 - (196) Claim in bui ld ing Gay S t . Bridge. 1823 - (218) Damage to Gay St . Bridge. 1823 - (397) Payment for damages in e rec t ion of Gay

St . Bridge. 1824 - (54) Warrant for paving-Killen S t . bet .

Hi;jh 3 t . &. Jonc3F.ill3. " ' 1824 - (388)Request for damages Gay S t . 1684 - (650) Bridge-Gay St . Ij825 - (58) Sat. French & High S t s . 1825 - (153)tiquor Inspect ion . 1826 - (358)PaTe-Chestnut Al.

Oro»», John 5#

1887 - (83) Est. lines of lot-Pitt St.bet. High & Front St.

1887 . (1363)Maglstrates Report. 1888 - (881) Repair Bridges. 1888 - (335) Erect Bridge at Jones F a l l s . 1888 - (398) Flag Stonea-C*noord S t . 1888 - (455) S e l l s a l t e d meat In Vkt. 1§89 - (317) Pump & J f e l l - P r a t t S t . 1829 - (485) Contitactors Bond-Centre S t . 1889 - (506) Water-Point Met. 1329 - (568) Open-Pleasant S t . 1830 - (830) L o t - F a l l s Ave. 1831 - (163) Lot-Benren S t . 1831 - (346)Dupl i ca te Bond.

1831 - (1130)Pave-0ay S t . 18il - (1499)Clty Bailiff Report. 1838 - (814) Erectpump-sink well-Harrison "t. 1832 - (433) 3ridGe-Jones Falls.

1832 - (1079)Sutp. of StS.

Gross, John 6§

1333 -1833 -1S33 -1333 -1834 -1885 -1835 -1835 -1835 -1836 -1836 -1836 -1837 -1837 -1838 -183P -

(383) (429) (554) (586) (337) (1174) (239) (354) (459) (127^ (345) (346) (439) (1740) (157) (1212)

Fave-npple Allyy. V'atchmun-.ip t. Cumberland Fire-Contribute to suffers Remove cars-Sts. ?ona "or co ntractors. Erect pump, Saratoga Sts. Bonds, paving. Judges of elections. Coroner's report. Paving W. Balto. St. Judges of elections Judges of election Jones Falls, Improvement Dog taxes Duplicate Contractors bond Layin? track on High St. - Bal to . &

Sus.jUehfinn'j R. R.

Gross, John at

1839 1839 1839 1841 1842 1842 1842 1343 1844 1844 1844 1846 -1847 -1848 -1850 -

- (241) - (261) - (264) - (325) - (47) - (146) - (279) - (272) - (55) - (179) - (426$ - (368) • (435) (1160) (1037)

Calvert St. Spring Plat - Mulberry St.

Pump warrants Soap A Candle factory Richmond St. - Install pump Plat - Richmond to Cathedral Sts. Inquests Tax - Relief Establish lot- Pldgley St. Establish lot - Pine St. Flag stones - Green & Mulberry Sts Extension - Greenmount Cemetery Harbor - Spring Gardens Licenses Ordinary Stock li3t

Gross, John #6

1855 - (204) Coroners Inquest 1856 - (286) Coroners inquest 1857 - (542) Coroners Inquest 1871 - (1826) Georg St.- flattie 1871 - (189S) Karket Ventilator 1872 - (448) Protest Stables 1873 - (343) Water Stockholm St. 1879 - (524) Qualified. Voter 1883 - (439) Gilciore St. Electric Light 1887 - (334) Calvert St. Spg 1900 - (600) Lay Tracks

Gross, John 0.

1838 - (395) Inquests 1855 - (204) Coroners Inquast

Gores , ^ctin H 19g2 _ (407) Gramr:.ar School 11

1690 - (462) Roads 1891 - (542) Refund IA«enoe

Orosa, John I.

1837 - (857) PaTe - High St.

Gross, JTno. I (Dr) 1873 - (158) Appointments

Gross, John J.

1637 - (681) Resignation of Election Judge. 1838 - (395) Coroners Inquests. 1841 - (143) Survey,Establish Lines At N.Gay St. 1841 - (273) Judges Elected. 1842 - (279) Coroners Inquests. 1847 - (196) Grade,Fayette St. 1850 - (582) Commissioners for Opening Streets,Mayor's


im: ppf&ruisUr^tff^es?Holders-1855 - (191) Power or Attorney. 1856 - (256) Orphans Court Expenses. 1858 - (1935) Misc. Bills 189o -(367) Deed Release

Gross, Jno M 190S - (110) Against, B 0 Crossing

Gross, John R. 1909 - (liO) Against B 0 Crossings

Gross, John T.

1837 - (941) Expenses - B a l t o . County Court

Gross, John Wm

1906 - (222) Reappointment

Gross, Jonas 1865 - (1897) Bounty Application

Gross, Joseph

1831 - (688) Gas Light-High St. 1831 - (635) Open-Monumnet St.

1834 - (1170) Open, Hater St. 1879 -(524) Qualified Voter

1891 - (549) Refund Lieence

Gross, L. Jr.

1836 - (S07) Remove aanure, Belair market

1838 - (395) Inquests 1840 - (303) Grade - Aequlth St. 1845 - (1085) Application Supt. Chimney Sweeps

Gross, L. E.

1862 - (9819A) Bounty Accounts - City Register

Gross, Lewis

1798 - (91) Paving Warrant, Harrison St. ie02 - (71) Erection of Pump on Frederick St. 1813 - (207) Petition-Supt. of Chomney Sweeps. 1816 - (.527) Petition-Market Women. 1617 F (267) Repatr 4 Rebuild Bridge-Jones Falls

bet. French & Jones Sts. J617 - (335) Position-Sts. & Pumps. 1817 - (698) Paving 3ond-Dulaney St. bet. Castle

Alley & Bond Sts. 1319 - (218) Removal of wooden bridge-replace one

of stone-Gajt St. 1824 - (415) Cede-adjoinlng Jones Falls. 1824 - (438) Protest selling In Sts. 1825 - (153) Liquor Inspection. 1827 - (406) Sale of merchandise In Ukt. without

License. 1827 - (523) Supt. of Sts. & Pumps.

Gross, Lewis 2#

1827 -1828 -1329 -1829 -1829 -1828 -1831 -1833 -1834 -1844 -1345 -1853 -

(527) (408)

m (583) (1658) (620) (438) (540) (454) (1195-1 (639)

Increase Salary of Watchmen. Incendiary Reward. Reduce Theatre License. Flaxseed Inspection. Appt. Watchman. Retail Licenses. Gas Lights-Gay St. Watchraan Appt. Increase salary, watchmen. Erect - Smallpox Hospital

6) Inquest Catholics protest school tax

Gross, Louis

1859 - (105) Coroners inquest

Gross, It.

1842 - (1362) Schools - Estimates 4 Resources 1847 - (128) 3ulld 3e la i r Karlcet

Gross, Uargarat A.

1862 - (6650) Bounty Application

Gross i Marshall

1827 . (406) Sal* of merchandise in Met. without License.

18S7 - (587) goopensatlon ttr Night *atchmen. 1888 - (1658) Retail Licenses.

Gros3, Mary

1865 - (1989) Bounty Claim 1865 - (360) Extend* Scott St.

Gross, Kary J.

1862 - (9662) Bounty Application

Gross, He Kenzle (Col) ie?9 - (524) Qualified Voter

Gross, Michael

1821 1835 1835 1838 1840 1841 1842 1843

- (364) - (684) - (688)

- (932) - (618) - (398) - (66)

1843 - (72) 1843 1844 1845 -

Lamp8-Watchman & Cleanlng-Biddle Acquiring additional propt., mkt

Taxes, new buildings. School Commissioners Report Inquests Remove work shop - Green St. Appoint additional watchmen Hanover Karket - Roof & Stalls Estimate - Erect cells - 'Vestern

272) Tax - Relief


(1111-8) Inque3t (279) Nuisance Lumber Yard

1845 - O 0 9') Application Supt. Chimney Sweeps 1847 - (261) Coroners report 1871 -(1337) Met Clerk

"atch Hpuse

Gross, Hoses

1858 - (204) Coroners inquest

Gross, Murry (Col)

1879 - (524) Qualified Voter

Gross, Nellie

1871 - (2877) J P Fine

Gross, Nicholas

1863 - (3741) Muster Roll - Colored Troops 1867 - (2517) Muster Roll

Gross, "Ichlcus

1890 - (462) Roads

Grose , P . P . 1872 - (936) Want lifct "ouse

Sross, P. C. . 1900 - (600) Lay Tracks

Gross, Peter

1843 - (266) Tax - Relief 1850 - (1029) Coroners inquests 1853 - (449) Coroners inquest 18SS - (114) Coroners inquest

Gross, Philip

1861 - (446) ie?o - (343) 1680 - (331) Op

Henace - Jones Tal Water Stockholm SV,

Scott St.


Gross, Phl l lpp 1691 - (406J Paving

Gross, P l a to (Col.) 1879 - (52«) Disqualif ied Voter

Gross, R.

1850 - (237) "ump plat, Grundy & Dolphin Sts

Sross, R. C.

1850 - ( 79) Cor. Dol; hin & Grundy Sts. - pump erected

Grose, R.F.

1835 - (433) Night watchman.

Grose, R. J.

1837 - (132) Establish lot - Balto. * Gay Ste. 1852 - (350) Erect Steam Kill 1856 - (286) Coroners inquest

Gross, R. L.

1862 - (11385) Muster Roll - Bight Reginent

1864 - (3737) Kuater Roll

Gross, Richard

1839 - (305) Inquest* & Coroner'• accounts 1845 - (309) Duties - Police Officers 1847 - (385) Harbor Wasters 1864 - (1496) Fines & Forfeitures T871 - (868| China St. Shed

Gross, Richard C.

1845 - (1004) Mayor's nominations 1845 - (1185-23) Inquests 1845 - (1387) Bailiffs returns 1846 - (488) City officers nominated 1847 - (563) " » "

Gross, Richard Henry

1835 - (1225) Alms House, paupers. 1835 - (1237) Health Receipts, Pauper burials

arose, Robert (D-)

1806 - (64) Petition Market Space Jones ""nils, paving.

1814 - (714)3ar Iron Order. 1839 - (306) Interments 1867 - (782) Improve market 1879 - (524) Qualified Voter

Groaa, S. J.

1829 - (491) Deduce Theatre License. 1652 - (446) Markets

Gross, S. S.

1837 - (553) Application - Supt. of Streets 1838 - (1303) Bailiffs - Application for appointment 1838 - (1356) Supt. of Streets

Grose , Samuel 1906 - (222) Reappolritment

Oross, Sarah

1655 - (201) Coroners Inquest 1865 - (1547) Justice of the Peace report

Gross, Sella

1861 - (1402) Justice of the Peace Report

Gross, T.

1B37 - (918) Sus-juehanna R. R. - Subscription for 1841 - (1205) Police returns stock 1859 - (2123) Fines - Justice of the Peace 1862 - (1522) Justice of the Peace report

Gross, ••

1858 •

1872 •

(1514) FineB _ Justice 0f Peace

(644 ) Ambulance

Gross, 'if. H.

1858 - (1359) Police Bond 1873 - (45») Grade Oregon St.

Gross & White

1805 -1806 -1806 -

1807 -1808 -

1809 -

1810 -

1810 -

1810 -

1810 -

(213) (154) (168)

(228) (51)






Petition, Fish Inspector appointment. To use footways, display of goods. Request for appointment of additional

Gaugers. Dealers in wines and spirituous liquors. Appl. tc pave Dulaney St. between "ar-

ford & Bond Sts. To use portion of foot pavements to

display goods. Warrant paving, Gay St. from present

pavement to Griffith Bridge. Warrant for erecting pump on Dulaney

St. Petition Pave Gay St. Bridge V, S. on

Bridge St.

Petition For Inspector of Fish.

Gross & White U 1810 - (331) Petition For Inspector of flour. 1611 - (305)' Fetition to extend Jones Fairs. LRT2 . C444X "etition of Flour Oilers. TBTS - (445) Fetition to Grade i Fave Harrison 3t, 1812 - (650) Recommendation for Spriing "leaner»Coior

ed. 1813 - (184) Fetition-Jones Falls Catering Flace.

Complaint as a nuisance. Appt. of Gaugers/ retitton-Favlng-7111 & 3uren 5ts. Flour Inspectors. Repair & Rebuild 3ridge-Jones Falls

bet. Frechch & Jones 5ts. Regulations-Gauging 4 Inspection. Fro osftl to build bridge at Fayette it. Widening of Jones Falls.

1814 -1816 -

1816 -

1817 -

1817 -1618 -1518 -

(208) (191)



(506) (71) (76)

Gross * White 3#

1818 - (473) Inspector of Domestic Distilled Spirits 1819 - (228) Bridge-Madiaon St. & Jones Falls. 1820 - (339) Removal of obstructions-Jones Falls. 1821 - (425) Overflow of water-Holliday & St. Faul

Sts. 1821 - (426) Condition of Bridge-Jones Falls.

Gross, Wllhelm

1865 - (1308) Bagatell Licenses

Gross, V/illiam

1834 - (1201) Health Report, small pox. 1834 - (2371) Health interments. 1835 - (463) Coroner Report.

1835 - (618) B. * 0. R. R. Extension 1836 - (1535) Coroners, Inquest 1835 - (1237) Health Receipts, Pauper burials 1838 - (395) Inquests 1838 - (1225) Oyster supper 1839 . (1697) Retail licenses Issued 1841 - (1073) Licenses 1842 - (279) Inquests 1842 - (1216) Magistrates returns 1842 - (1264-1275) Police returns 1843 - (866) Tax - Relief

m Gross, William

1844 - (1111-8) Inquest 1856 - (286) Coroners inquest 1857 - (923) Bonds 1862 - (2722) Bounty Application

leal "- SS*FM&SJWm &bl8

18M - (452) Howard S t . E l ec t r i c Light 1909 - (HO) Against B 0 Crossings

Grose , Wm H 1 8 7 0 - (26°) Lafayette iuarket

Gross, William.S.

1807 - (213) Ordinance passed to appoint qualified measures of Painters work.

1835 - (475) Coroner's Report.

1836 - (240) Petition to demise night watch 1836 - (1535) Coroners, Inquest 1838 - (395) Inquests 1351 - (579) Koni-ment - erect 1858 - (979J Bond 1870 - (2239) Grade

Grosscup, John 1869 - (2o4) Remove Nuisance

Grosscup, John E 1870 - (5S4) Qualified Voter

Grosecup, Josip 1873 - (473) Battery Sq.

Grosshans, Adam

1853 - (447) Coroners Inquest

Grosshoff, Eve.

1862 - (5886) Bounty Application

Grosshoff, Frsdk.

1862 - (5686) Bounty Application

Grosskopf, George I860 - (355) Condemn Sqruce St.

Grosskopp, Klohael 1679 - (524) Qualified Vot^r

Grossman, A. L. 1691 - (543) Light Low St .

Gro a sman, Charle s 1876 - (1130) Carey St. Sewer

Grossman, G. 1868 - (349) C h a t s w o r t h - ffltt House 1869 - (155) E r e c t Market

Grossman, Georgi 1869 - (156) i r e c t Start et

1669 - (306) Erect Stable

Grossman, Hannah 1900 - (587) Market License

Groeaman, John

1861 - (1540) Huater Hole - Central ..ve. Guards

Grossman , Peter ie93 - (237) Vaccine Phys

Grosamann, B. 1916 - (12?) U-RW Eleet Tracks Oallow Ave.

Orossmann, Frank 1887 - (355) Steam Boiler Wash. St.

Grossmann, Georg

1853 - (640) CathoUce protest school tax

Grossmarok, Joan ie70-(4C5) Bond

Orossmeyer, George

1856 - (285) Coroners lmjuest

Orossmlller, Harry

1856 - (286) Coroners Inquest

Groesmlller, John

1856 - (286) Coroners inquest

G-rossmuller, William

1856 - (285-3) Coroners inquest

Grossmuller , Urn. P.

1856 - (285) Coroners lnijueat

Oroasoner, Thos.

1814 - (589) Mayor's Corrsspondence-Conssrnlng Leasing of buildings.

Qrosuch, J. E" 1879 - (624) Harford Run Sewer

Orosvenor, Jasper

1841 - (731) Stockholders - American Life Ins.

Grotaker, Edward S. 1906 - (592) Lay Trucks

Orote, August 18e9 - (483) Manual Training Bchool

arote, C. f.

1841 - (731) Stockholder. - American Life Ins. Co.

Qrote, F.

1854 - (1651) Collector* Report 1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

1868 - (682) School 20

Grote, T. G 1879 - (609) Crossing a t Eden & Gay StB. 1879 - (718) Etagllgh German School

(Jrote, Qeorge

1841 - (731) Stockholders - American Life Ins. Co.

Grote, Henry

1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Grote, Herman

1664 - (495) Draft exemption 1906 - (601) Open Howard S t .

Orote, J. H.

1857 - (547) Coroners inquest

G r o t e , Johann

1847 - (67) Wel l s 4 Pump - McElderry S t .

Grote, John

1839 - (649) Pet. to print ordinance In German

3845 - (1315) Licenses 1846 - (1006} Licenses 1858 - (204) coroners inquest 1865 - (1239) Bond for Sagatell Table 1866 - (907) Renumber House*

Grote, John H.

1856 - (1285) Licenses

Grotemann, Semann

1863 - (346) Issue small notes

(Jrotewel l , Martin

1856 - (1225) L icenses

Grotn, BenJ. F. 1890 - (558) Applle.Any Pos i t ion

Groth, Catherine

1862 - (5409-A) Bounty Application

Groth, Eugene

1858 - (209) Coroners inquest

Groth, Henry

1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Grothaas, G.

1861 - (446) Uanace - Jones Falls

Grothaas, George T.

1666 - (1126) Protest Renumbering Houses

Grothaas, J. 1861 - (446) llenaoe - Jones Fal

Grotham, C. 1870 - (960) Awnlnp. Flap 1878 - (1114) Pratt St R R Tracks

Grotham P 1878 - (1117) Pave Pratt St.

Grotham, Wy G. 1688 - (e?(X) Preaching- Broadway

Grothan, L. B.

1867 - (853) Extend Park

Grotaans, B, G. 1675 - (976) Night Soil

Grothans, David Z.

1866 - (910) Renumber Houses

Grothana, G. F 1687- (305) Widen Balto St .

Grothaua, Chris

1877 - (905) 3ond & thames Sts -Unload BOX Cars

Grotuaus, D. B. 1876 -(979) Ice Bond 1877 - (944) Citizens Railway Co 1882 - (1424) Bond Lamplighter 1885 - (203) Election Judge 1890 - (504) Measures 1890 - (456) Market 1900 - (600) Lay Tracks

Grothaus, D. Z. 1870 - (2443) Park Tax City R. R. Co. 1888 - (644) Registration List

Grothaua, E J 18e2 - (298-C) Citizens Railway Co

C-rothaus, George F.

1850 - (391) Jones Falls.Cleaning. ie70 - (2443) Park Tax City R. R. Co 1871 - (1892) Pave Broadway 1874 - (884) Pdorless Excavifclng Appartus

1677 - (.885) B^lto St. Repave 1880 - (167) Protest Tracks on Balto St. 1885 - (266) Taxes

Orothaus, H. F 1679 - (684)'Qualified Voter

16B0 - (167) Protest Tracks on BaltlmoreSt.

1882 - (296-C) Citizens Railway Co

Grothaus, John

1864 - (3416) Army discharge

Grothaus, L. Z. 1877 - (1061) F i l t h In Patapsco S t .

Grothausy 0. B. iee5 - (271) Hosp FreeSepy

Grothaus, Wm.

1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Grothaus, Wra G.

1669 - (201) Supt Lamps ie91 - (564) Against Cost of Repaying

Grother, Jno. Jr.

1866 - (1103) For Yr.Md. Stook Subscriptions

Grotjan, F. J 1666 - (504) Application Pos i t ion

GrotJan, Thos J 1876 - (2384) Auctioneers Report

Groton, James

1846 - (260) Coroner's inques t

Groton, Wm. T.

1846 - (295) 3rd year p u p i l s - Central High Schoo

Grots. J. G.

1880 - (230^ Confederate Memorial

Grot t , CalTert

1854 - (1278) Vaah. * B a l t o . Turnpike Co. - Stock.

Orotte, John H.

1857 - (1034) Licenses

Qrottendick, Arnold

1663 - (23) Dead 1866 - (1032) Park S t . Opening

Grottendlck, Joseph 1669 - (483) Manual Training School

Grottendleck, Wm J

1888 - (352) Application Position

Grottham, George G.

1866 - (910) Renumber Houses

Grotzman, Wm H 1676 - (1107) Oregon St. Opening 1980 - (230) Confederate Kemorial 1880 fl (288) Hog N*lBanoe Lexington

Grouse, Uichael

1830 - (577) Construct Road-Penna Ave.



Grove, A. E"

1909 - (127) R R Tracks Union Sta.

Orore, Alexander

1855 - (201) Coroners Inquest

OroTe, Andrsw

1855 - (201) Coroners lnqnsst

Grove, B. F. (l£. D*)

1884 8(148) Comm of Health

Grove, B. F . (Dr)

1668 - (682) School 20

GTOT», Blackburn

1812 - (20) Paving Warrant North St.

Grove, C. S.

1863 - (158) Tax Refund

rove, Catherine S.

1850 - (1033) stockholders 1852 - (250) Onion Kfg. Co. - Stock

Grove, Charles

1864 - (3088) Bounty Application

Grove, Chris.

1858 - (1512) Fines - Justice of Peace

Grove, Conrad S.

1860 - (2123) Lay r a i l road - Bal to . S t . 1661 - (1364) Balto. City Passenger R.R. Asso. 1862 - (1114) Incorp. Balto. C. pass. R. R. 1862 - (190) Lay tracks - City Passenger R. R.

Grove, Daniel

1865 - (2061) Re-enl i s tcen ts

GroTe, Daniel S.

I860 - (318-7) Purchase - Federal Hill

Grove, David

1853 - (499) Coroners inquest 1859 - (2081) Fines - Justice of the Peace 1859 - (2151) Fines - Police Dept. 1S64 - (3592) Ulster Roll 1864 - (3829) Bounty Compensation

Grove, Edward

1855 - (96) Coroners Inquast 1857 - (542) Coroners Inquest

Grove, Elizabeth

1821 - (1134) 1841 - (741) 1846 - (274) 1850 - (1073) 1852 - (243) 1862 - (8614)

Dog Tax Report. Stockholder - Corn Farmer Bank of Balto Stockholders, Commercial & Farmers Bank

3ank Stock Bounty Application

Grove, Francis

1850 - (480) Streets, cleaning 1851 - (409) steeple clock 1853 - (7035 Increase ''later & Oas supply 1856 - (380) License - Meat sold 1859 - (141-A) Protest removal of Howard St. 1860 - (351) Gun powder - Safe keeping 1862 - (10) Election Judges 1866 - (918) Howard St. Railroad Tracks 1867 - (719) North Ave. Bridge 1867 - (1171) Endorse bonds - Union R.R. Co.

R. R. track

Grove, H. I.

1858 - (204) Coroners inquest

Grove, Henry

1810 - (67) Fetltlon to establishing grade rearl St. from.Reisterstown Turnpike to Market SJ.

1810 - (73) Petition to establish grade Union Lane, from Saratoga to Fayette Sts.

1814 - (61) Paving-Fearl St. from Franklin St. to Fark Lane.

1816 - (199) Petition-Paving-Fearl St. bet. Fayette & Franklin Sts.

1618 - (585) Favin^ Footways-Washington St. 1820 - (i4-4) Removal Of wooden bdss-Mkt. House bet.

Eutaw St. 1883 - (208)Protest against building Chatsworth Run


Orove, Hiram

1841 - (784) Inquests

Grove, Jacob

1866 - (196) City Stock Owners

Drove, Jacob F.

1841 - (733) Balto. * Prederlcktown Turnpike Co. Stockholders

1845 - (318) Tunnel - Run Alley 1854 - (451) Removal - Columbia Engine House 1856 - (281) Coroners Inquest 1857 - (188) Police appointment 1858 - (1935) Election Judges Compensation 1858 - (380) Estab. Fire & Police Telegraph 1859 - (4195 Election Judges 1860 - (2126) Fines - Collected by Sheriff 1860 - (284) Erect fountain - Eastern Spring 1861 - (279) Power of Attorney 1864 - (167) Oyster shells - Rear Balto. St. 1866 - (1103) For W. Md. R.R. Sub script ions I860 - (330) Complete High School ie?0 -(8443-00) Park Tax Abatement 1874 e(537) Furniture Factory 1877 - (805) Balto St Repave

Grove, James

1862 - (11395) Itaster Rol l - Tenth Regiment 1S64 - (3769) Mister R o l l \ 8 7 1 - (1828) Georg S t . C a t t l e

Grove, James H.

1866 - (196) City stock owners

GroTe, James J.

1863 - (3756) Mister Roll - 10th Regiment lid. 1863 - (3466) Oath of enlistment 1864 - (3740) mater Roll 1866 - (2773) Bounty Applioation

Grove, Jenett S.

1858 - (516) Claims - Compensation

Grove, John

1811 - (82) Hanover St. from Barre St. to Lee St.to Pare.

1835 - (470) Coroner's Report. 1844 - (407) Frote3t - Hucksters 1851 - (321) Coroners inquests 1854 - (1740) Court fines 1856 - (283) Coroners inquest 1657 - (546) Coroners Inquest 1864 - (3087) Bounty Application 1865 - (P-2338) Re-enlistrr.ent

Grove, John R.

1860 - (312) Erect tower - Franklin Sq. Preaby. Ch.

Grove, Joseph T.

1867 - (1107) W. Hd. R.R. Co. - Directors

Grove, L. Jewett

1856 - (282) Coroners inquest 1856 - (382) License - Meat 1856 - (615) Inquest 1857 - (673) Compensation - Coroners inquest 1857 - (397) Land Warrants 185? - (542) Coroners Inquest

Grove. L Jewltt 1666 - (365) Frotest Garbage Del.

Grove, Leonard S.

1S62 - (1138?) Muster Roll - Eight Regiment

Grove, Margaret J.

1864 - (3088) Bounty Application

Grove, Martin

1858 - (952) Bond - Belftirjcarket 1859. - (1480) Centre Market Clerk - Bond 1859 - (1901) Police Bond 1860 - (2016) Police Bond 1861 - (348) Erect gaa lamp 1861 - (1245) Belair Market Clerk 1862 - (10) Election Judges

Grove, Mary

1829 - (1602) Ordinary License.

Grove, Molly 1871 - (2877) J. P. Fines

Grore, P.

1836 - (1212) Laying track on High St. - Balto. *

1855 - (170) Stockholder - B. R.Susquehanna R. R.

Orove, Sally

1837 - (352) Fire plug - Greene & layette Sts. 1846 - (282) Stockholders, Mechanics Bank 1852 - (246) Bank Stock 1854 - (1254) Stockholder - Bank

Grove, Samuel

1858 - (204) Coroners inquest

Grove, Samuel E.

1867 - (788) Improve Market

Grore, Sarah

1841 - (741) Stockholder - Corn Farmer 3anlt of 3al to . 1848 - (837) State tax 1846 - (274) Stockholders, Commercial & Farmers Bank 1849 - (492) Comm. & Farmers Bk., stockholders. 1847 - (1851) • • • • # ' • « 1350c- (1073) stockholders 1351 - (300)

" - (243' 1852 - (243) Bank Stock

Grove, Stephan 1878 - (1411) Electl.n Tally

Grove, Stephen

1810 - (330) Fetltion For Inspector of Flour. 1610 ,- (333) Petition Appointment of Asst. Flour

Inspector. 1811 - (363) Streets & Pumpa Supt. Petition. 1818 - (75) Application to grade Green St. bet.

Balto. & Saratoga Sts. 1815 - (385) Correspondence to Council-Flour Inspec

tion law.

Grovel, Frincia

1856 - (417) Extension - ParkerKburg F. B.

Groveman, A.

1350 - C389l. Jones Falls - Fastenn Av. * bridge 1853 - (1509) Licenses 165V - (152) Change i - rade - Oharles St. 1859 - (155) Oppose R. R. track on Charles St. 1860 - (350) Gun Ponder - Safe Keeping 1860 - (467) Protest - Erect Livery Stable 1885- (275) Sewer

OroTemann, Anthony (Jr.)

1840 - (335) Remove railroad track* 1856 - (377) License - Meat sold 1862 - (8129) Bond

Orover, Abr.

1840 - (938' Health Internents

Grover, Agneas

1841 - (740) Citizens Bank - Stockholders

OroTer, Aguatu. (1099) Auctioo.ers H.port.


Grover, Alex.

1828 - (425) Prohibit negro Hack drivers.

Grover, C. G.

1861 - (367) Against cars on Sundays

Grover, C. H.

1858 - (210) Coroners inquest

Grover, C.P.

1866 - (910) Renumber Houses

Grover, Caroline

1834 - (23331 Health, intermenta.

Or oyer, Catharine

1636 - (1425) Interment*, Report

Orover, Charles

1824 -1824 1826 1826 1827 1828 1828 • 1628 1829 1831 1832 1832 1832 1832 1833 1834

joeite frame houae. -(2(428)SrX&t on from weather In atalla-Mkts. - (79) Pave-Pratt St. bat. Frederick & Hkt. Sp. - (55t)I«ampe-Pratt St. - (351)Coroner Report. - (76) E s t . l i n e a of l o t - S . E. Cor. P r a t t S t . • (458) Open Monument S t . - ( 4 7 1 ) A p p l i c a t l o n f o r Night Hatch.

- ( e s t * Nomination of Ci ty O f f i c e r s . - (635) Open-Monument S t . - (217) Sink well & erect pump-York Ave. - (377) Condition of Britton St. - (449) Bridge-Jones Falls. - (1135)Appt. Night Watch. - (588) Pave B r i t a i n S t . - (525; ^ e n i n g of s t r e e t s .

Grover, Sharl^a #2

1834 - (541) Increase salary, watchmen.

1835 - (664) Bridge, J0nea Falla.

1835 - (668) Eat. lane, Jonea Falls.

1836 - (236) Depoalta of Street Manure 1836 - (458) Bridge over Jonea Falls, at Kadiaon St. 1836 - (778) Madlaon & Forreat Sta., open 1836 - (1318) Schroeder St., open 1837 - (564) Application - Any office 1837 - (815) Erect - Soap & Candle factory, Buren St. 1837 - (865) Madlaon St. - Jones Falla walling Approp. 1837 - (888) Open - Madison St. 1837 - (913) Susquehanna R. R. - Subscription for stock 1837 - (937) water supply - Jones Spring

1837 - (973) Remove, Frame building

Grover, Charles #3

1837 - (1049) Building Walls, Bridges 1838 - (35) Remove bar at wharf - Fells Point 1838 - (534) Obstructions in Marion St. 1838 - (542) Courts, reimbursed for costs 1838 - (769) Pay sum of money

1838 - (1213) R. R. tracks on High St. 1838 - (1393) "Vatch - Application for appointment 1839 - (259) Plat - Stftdntdtxadcxafc. Harford Ave. 1839 - (264) Pump warrants 1841 - (740) Citizens Bank - Stockholder* 1842 - (837) State tax

Grover, Ed. L.

1866 - (910) Renumber Houses

Grover, Elizabeth

1834 - (120S) „ e a l t h H e p o r t i p a u p e r expenses.

Grover G. I

1663 - (402) Electric Ll£bt Carey St.

Grover, George

1802 - (294) Petition against building of City Hall 1858 - (210) Coroners inquest

C-rover, Geo W. 1873 - (531) Open Franklin S t .

Grover, H 1874 - (448) Water Pipe

Orover, J .

1858 - (210) Coroners i n q u e s t

Grsver, Jacob

1S33 - (lOBO)Erect limehouse

yard, it 3teiretts 3rick-

1835 - (482) Coroner inqulstion. \RC,Z - (446) Coroners lnques" its! " C205) Coroners I P — -1859 - (20S4)Fines - Ju

inques tice ,f the Peace

Grover, Jacob F 1671 - (1644 J Harris Creek Tunnel

Grover,James C. 1874 - (671-F) Monument St Track Removal

Grover, John

1813 - (64) Petition-property holders-Union St against nuisance on Lots of North of Union St.

1826 - (4) Est. lines of lot-Bowmans Al.

Grover, John E.

1858 - (210) Coroners Inquest

Oro»er, John R.

1854 - (1234) Coroners Inquest

Grover, Leonard B.

1860 - (2174) License - Oyster & Liquor

Qrover, Hary

1836 - (1454) Intaraanta, Report

Srover, Philip

1858 - (227) Hemove Market Vaeons & Carts, 3alto. S

1866 - (910) Renumber Housee

Grover, Rosetta

1362 - (9488) Bounty Application

Grover, 3. 1883 - (399) Electric Light Caroline St.

Grover, Samuel

1858 - (210) Coroners inquest

Grover, Sarah

1826 - (347) Insolvents.

Grover, Susannah

1841 - (740) Citizens Bank - Stockholders

Greyer, wta. (A)

1813 - (241) Application for poeitlon aa wood co der.

1822 - (576) Cancelled Checks. lflp . (765) Cancelled Checks. 1827 - (561) E v i c t i o n <5f Officers-Council Conven

t ion . 1827 - (1526) Vouchers. •

\s$&: [thih gia?ni?iiia?r , <ayor' N ° - i n a t i o n -1826 - (532) Job aa Keeper of E. Fountain. lflST - (§37) Election, Officers 1829 - (658} Nomination, City Officers 1841 - (740) Citizens Bank - Stockholders

Qrorer, Win. H.

1854 - (573) Nominations - City Officers 1860 - (59e) Police appointment 1660 - (2414) Police Dept. Fay roll

QroTernan, A.

1841 - (756) Stockholder - Western Bank 1845 - (283) Keep free of vehicles - Pratt St. 1845 - (1315) Licenses - retail 1352 - (422) Drawbrid/e over Jones Falls 1853 - (224) Plat - Valley St. 1857 - (1034) Licenses 1860 - (376) Erect Bridge - Boundry Ave. 1864 - (405) Open - Tripoletts Alley 1867 - (718) North Ave. Bridge 1870 - (2443-G) Park Tax Abatement

Groverman, A. J r .

1863 - (2012) Oath of Allegiance 1870 - (2443SW) Park Tax Abatement

Groverman, Amelia R,

1839 - (259) P lat - Harford Ave. 1839 - (264) Pump warrants 1854 - (113) Pu*p P l a t

Groverman, Anthony

1798 - (287) Relief of Phila.Citizens, List of Su 1821 - (85} .Fave Louisana St. 1811 - (88) Hanover St. from Barre to Lee-Pave. 1883 • (515) Complaint against Met. fflaster-Lexing

on Itkt.

1885 - (157) Enlarge Lexington llkt. 1826 - (487) Extend Lexington Mkt. 1886 - (490) Reduce License-Hkt. Stalls. 1885 - (178) Abate nuisance-W. part of City. 1827 - (453) Regulate keeping of geese. 1888 - (485) Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks. 1831 - (641) .Days-.for Hanover llkt. 1835 - (693) Opening, Peace Alley.

1836 - (580) Opening, Peace Alley

#2 Oroverman, Anthony

1839 - (571) Stock Report - Balto. & Susquehanna R. R. 1844 - (1267)L.lcenses

6roverman, C.

1885 - (178) Abate nuleance-W. part of City.

Grovermsn, E. H.

1839 - (259) Plat - Harford Ave.

Groverman, H.

1842 -1844 • 1844 -1844 -1845 -1852 -1853 -1860 -1861 -1864 -1868 -

(280) (367) m m (708) (834) (403)


Inquests Erect - Shaughter House Taxes - Befund Claim Erect Slaughterhouse - McKlm St. Erect Slaughterhouse - York Ave. Widen - Mcfilderry's VJharf Sewer - Balto. & Calhoun S t s . Clock In Church - Carey St . Protest opening - Holliday St . Holliday S t . Open Alley

Groveriran "enry 1871 - (1910) Grade Ki l l S t .

Groverman, Hy 1669 - (351) Remove Steps

Grovernan, J . Jr.

1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary

Groverman, J. B.

ie?8 - (1097) Railway Tracks North Ave.

1883 - (366) Annapolis Balto Short Line R.R. Co.



Ben J.

(240) Fump p lat, Hamburg & Howard Sts.

C-roves, Chns. F. 1690 - (361) Harbor Master

Groves, Chas. G. 1886 - (137) Judge Tax Court

Groves, Dennis

1862 - (8388) Bounty Application

proves, Elizabeth

1B62 - (9755) Bounty Application

Groves, F. A.

1863 - (1333) Kagis t ra tee Report

Groves, George

1798 - (251) Elections, Returns of 1858 (30£) Markets - prohibi t negroes renting

s t a l l s lb58 - (1149) ro l i ce fiond 1859 - (106) Coroners inquest 18 59 - (406) Kayor's appointments - Policemen 1859 - (1730) Police Bond

(598) Police appo 1860 1660


(£424) Folice Dept 1660 - (2319) Police & Lamclirhters payroll

Groves, George V.

1859 - (1643) Police Bond 1660 - (1929J Police Bond 1873 - (473) Battery Sq.

Drove*, Harriet

1836 - (1430) Interments, Report

Groves, J. C. ie71 -(1949-A) City College Erect

!BBS'- (?56| Observatory Federal Hill Groves

1890 - (361) Harbor 1690 - (364) Harbor 1906 - (225) United. R.

liaster Master

W. Elect. Co. Light St.Brack

Grov«B, J . J .

1846 - (945) Eagle A r t i l l e r y Co.

Groves, Jacob

1801 - (113) Paving Charles St. between Pratt k Barre Sts.

1806 - (48) Pump Assessments York St. 1833 - (685) Run Alley - Widen 1838 - (395) Inquests 1849 - (626) Belair Kkt. - change hrs.

G-roves, Jau.es C. 1871 - (1949-D) City College Erect

Z rove a, James F.

1863 - (576) Erect frame shed - Balto. St.

Grovas, John

1351 - (1849) Folioe report 1SSS - (203) Coroners Inquest 185fi - (281) Coroners Inquest 1864 - (3841) Buster Roll

Sroves, J4tm T. 1020 - (31?) Protest Food Sale

Groves, Joiin 3.

1878 - (106.') Locust Point Market 1879 - (524) Qualified Voter

Groves, Lewie G.

leSS - (204) Coroners Inquest

OroYea, H. 0.

1639 - (1525) City Bai l i f f - R«turns

Grove3, Margaret

186? - (335) Calvert St. Spg

Groves, Kary Ann

1862 - (8388) Bounty Application

OroT»«, Vary H. 1SS9 . (306) Intarainta

Groves, R.

1855 - (37) Pump Plat - Hoffman St. 1866 - (5084) Bounty application

Groves, Root. C.

1662 - (5084) Bounty application

Groves 1881 - ( 02) Paving GaJ St.

Groves, Saml. E.

1862 - (8614) Bounty Application

Groves, Stephen

1809 - (333) Wood Corder.

Groves, T. W* 1690 - (361) Harbor aster

Grores, Thomas

1864 - (3589) Ulster Roll

Groyes, Thos. G.

1863 - (3476) Oath of enlistment

Groves, Wm 1695 - (430) Tracks Wolfe St.

Groves, la. H.

1852 - (280) Coroners inques t 1859 - (106) Coroners i n q u e s t

Grovlng , Jaa B-

1881 - (&54) Lights- Park Heights Ave.

Grovney, Jas B. ie91 -(400) No Electric Limits

Groyamftn, A.

1856 - (417) Extension - Parkersburg R. R.

Growdon, F. A.

1862 - (5299) Bounty Application

Growdon, John W.

1862 - (5299) Bounty Application

Gro«est Jesse E.

1856 - (285) Coroners Inquest

Orowee, Lewia

1855 - (204) Coroners Inqueat

Growley, Chas.

1856 - (280) Coroners Inquest

Growley, F. C.

1859 - (1479) Physician Bond - Marine Hospital

Growling, Philip

1865 - (1558) Justice of the Peace report

Growther, P. T 1889 - (483) Manual Training School

Groyn, J . I " 1883 - (439) Gnaore St . E l ec t r i c LlS^t

Grozier , Joshua F.

1847 - (863) Coroners report

Gr viand, Jamee

1600 - (13S) Auctioneers report- Dewltt & Strike.

Grub, Christianna

1862 - (6002) Bounty Application

Grub, Eliza

1862 - (6192) Bounty Application


Grub, Kichael

1799 - (160) Erection of pump, KcClellans Alley & Market St.

1802 - (11) Paving Tarrant, Forrest Alley between Balto & Chatham Sts.

1801 - (119) Appl. for footway on Conway St. 1803 - (41) Repair of well & pump on Baltimore St. 1803 - (142) Pave footway on Baltimore St. between

Liberty & Hanover Sts. 1804 - (19) Pump Assessments, Baltimore St. 1804 - (137) To extend footway on Baltimore St. from

west side of Keeners to east side of Forrest i-ane.

1806 - (154) To use footways, display of goods. 1807 - (355) Reports and Returns, Long & Dry Meas­

ures. 1800 - (2721 Market, New- in western part of City. 1813 - (232) Application for position as wood corde 1821 - (1178) Ordinary License.

(Grule) rub, K'ichael

18C9 - (289) Supt. gauging Jry and long measures. 1809 - (289A)Supt. gauging dry and long measures. 1809 - (352) To use portion of foot pavements to

display goods. 1509 - (558) Nomination f6r Keeper of the Stand-.! i

ards of '.Yeights and "caanres. 1809 -656) Returns JJry measure. 1811 - (547) List of Nominees City Office. 1813 - (469) Nominations to Mayor. 1813 - (744)' Muster Roll-U. S. Army-Ist Regt.

at Baltimore. 1843 - (804)Pay Holl-Ist. Reg. Artillery. 1814 - (232)Applicatlon for Office Holder of Dry

ic Long Measures. 1814 - (1728)Supplles-Hd. Militia. 1815 - (318) Application for position as Keeper

of Measures.

I 6 1 6 (293)

l5l& v

(864") l B V " *• N

a C6? 8 \ 1&1& ' \ Q 4 5 ) 1818 - o S )

1S20 - <« , 1&20 ' V

1.821 - v

i n s f e c l " 8c T-<=n" f l t b e t - s a r

Est- l rnnVe"

w^Tc® *flcer8*

Grubb, Christlanna

1862 - (6823) Bounty Allowance

Grubb, E. B.

1841 - (873) Bailiffs returns

Grubb, George

1853 - (703) Increase '.Vater 4 Gas supply

Grubb, George Jr.

1867 - (706) House Numbering

Grubb, Geo. W.

1844 - (540) Nomination of o f f i c e r s 1854 - (1389) Inspec tor - Dry Ueasure 1855 - (337) Compensation - C i t y O f f i c e r s 1862 - (1776) Oath of A l l e g i a n c e 1S71 - (1860) J0nes Falls Overflow 1872 - (963) Perkins Snrin | Buy 1875 - (935) Widen Hoi11 day St.

Orubb, H.

1857 - (546) Coroners Inquest

Grubb, James

1862 - (6859) Bounty Application 1862 - (11372) Buster Holl - Fifth Regiment 1864 - (3706) luster Roll 1865 - C318I) Volunteer-Discharged

•Irtibb, John

13^3 - (586) Removal of cars in streets. 1837 - (1754) Flnea imposed - Balto. City Court

1838 - (1756) Trader's License 1845 - (1315) Licenses 1846 - (1006) Li c en s e s }§§§ - UJ-3^25 Oath of Enlistment 1862 - (114005 vuster Roll - Tent: Kuster Roll - Tenth Regiment

GruVo, John A.

1S70 - (34430) Park Tax 3 i t y H.R.Co

Orubb, V.

1636 - (1220) Jail visitor*

Grubb, Margaret

1851 - (2032) School report

Grubb, Kary

1662 - (4273) Bounty Application

Grubb, Richard B.

1856 - (109) Appoint Supt. - Streets 1859 - (1878) Police Bond 1863 - (3748) Kd. 9th Vol. Infantry 1863 - (3454) Oath of enlistments 1864 - (3583) Mister Roll 1865 - (2131) Re-enlistments

Orubb, T. 3.

1857 - (542) Coroners inquest I860 - (318) Purchase - Federal Hill

Grubb, Thomas

1862 - (4902) Bounty Application

Grubb, V. A.

1S55 - (202) Coroners Inquest 1860 - (197) Coroners i n q u e s t (4 ) 1863 - (454) F o l i c e - b t c k pay

1371 - (19492) City College Srect

arubb, Vashington A.

16G3 - (45£) Folice - vitnt uniforms furnished 1864 - (1392) Bond - Lamplightar

Grubb, Wm.

1830 - (475) Bridge-Ploughman St.

1838 - (1220) .lard managers for the poor 1842 - (836) Taxes 1844 - (1344) City Bailiff 1846 - (322) Hides Hanufactures - Nuisance 1645 - (1312 Jail - Report of Visitors

G n i O b , l»ra. G.

1B62 - (276) Sprinkle Lex. St.

3ruVb, Z. -aylor

1879 - (534) Qualified voter

Grubbin, Ellen

1846 - (1006) Licenses

•Jrubts, Uichael

1S7S - (1411) Election Tally

Grubbs, Thos. B.

1839 - (447) Substitute - Watchman 1841 - (342) Petition - Gas Consumers 1853 - (448) Coroners inqueat 1856 - (282) Coroners inqueat 1858 - (1095) Police Bond

Grubby, William

1838 - (1393) l a t c h - Application for appointment

:,ru"oe, Jrio»

_ (682 1 Scbo ,1 30 .

Grube, Johannes

1857 - (545) Coroners inquest

Grubel, Anthony

1862 - (6257) Bounty ..pplication

Grubel, Katharina

1662 - (6257) Bounty Application

Oruber, F e l i x

1843 - (271) Tax - Re l i e f 1853 - (448) Corone r s inquesx 138C - (330) confeder te Kemorisl XQ88 - (641) Protest Eulton Ave. I:q>.

O r u t e r , Geo.

1850 - (1029) Coroners i n q u e s t s 1SSS - (415) Electr ic Ligt . En tern Ave.

Gruber, Jacob

1332 - (1142) Appt. Night .Vatch. 1832 - (1816) Ordinary L i c e n s e .

183*. - (1639) License g i a n t s . 1843 - (262) Tax - Re l i e f 1866 - (934) Steam Engine - Hamburg S t . 1S72 - (852) Federal Hill Purchase

Gniber, John

1872 - (810) Mjve Tracks Bond St.

C-ruber, Jo ceph

1873 - (8 4) Ant-olance

Sniber, L.

1838 - (161) Yellow Fever Fund

Gruber, Uartln Watchman-Applicant.

S1. : SU) H^h-BUY.. Payroll

Oruber, Kichael

1848 - (1216) l&gistratea returns 1842 - (1294) Police returns

Oruber, P.

1829 - (308) Plat-Lombard St.

Gruber, '.villlam

1966 - (941) Leadenhall St . Nuisance

Grubert, Charles

& s •- [ii7^A)BortrrcoSp-sation

beat. W A n n

167 (1951) Stable

Ombl, Oaorga

1855 - (316) Water supply

Oruble, Ann Bartana

1837 - (767) Interments - Report

Grubs, George H.

1S53 - (703) Increase .tater 4 Gas supply

Gruby, Thomas

1853 - (448) Coroners Inquest

Grace* James

1882 - (1595) Bond 3up't whimneys l e t . r e s t r i c t

Gruck, John V.

1856 - (286) Coroners Inquest

Gruder, Henry

1864 -(1449-J) Bond - Bagatelle Table

Gruebel , Fred

1862 - (6205) Bounty " p p l i c a t i o n 1879 - (534/ CJualified voter

5ruetoel, Frederick A.

1908 - (220) Wash. Bait , inr.ep. Sleet . H.W.Co. Tracks

Gruel, Albin

1865 - (1553) Justice of the Peace report

ji-uel, James S.

1=71 - (1234) Lampli^iter *p l i ca t ion

Sruellaeyer, Uoritz

VZQ.\ _ (290) Engine Bono: H.S. Sect.

Gruenbauo, S.

1864 • (196) Broadway liarket House

Gruender, Antone

1865 - (1218) Bond for Bagatell Table

Qruenebaum, Isaac

1858 - (320) Estab. Fire & Police Telegraph

Gnienebaun, T.

13 E - (310) Srauby Str. BuiBancs

Gruenheidi K.

1867 - (1008) Open Young A l l e y

Grusning, Elise

1862 - (5582) Bounty applications 1864 - (185) Barber's Protest 1864 - (2334) Bounty Application

Gruenlng, John

186S - (5601) Bounty application

C-rueninger, Henry

1872 - (312) Move ?r.-iCks Bond Str .

Oruenwald, Michel

1853 - (450-A) Coroners Inquest

Srue t t e r , s . L.

1863 - (495) Washington Road Repair

Gruetter, Theo.

1665 - (1406) Cart Licenses

Sruettey, Frederick L.

1871 - (1754) Extend 3attery Sq.

Sraettor , ?. L.

1871 - (1982) Peoch Alloy Saw Uil l




- (1037) Stocfc list

Gruf, Wilhelm

1865 - (1166) Bond for Bagatell Table

Graft, J .

1 8 6 7 . (148) Water R e n t C o l l e c t o r

Grufy, Jacob

1862 - (9976) Enlistment certificate

Orugan, Jaaea

1855 - (316) Watar supply

"»rugg, Joseph

1374 - (557) :.!.._i son Square Is ipr .

Bruin, Cms. F.

1904 - (580) Pave --ercJdieaa St.

Gruider,, Anton

1865 - (1168) Bond for Bagatell Table


Gruley, Frank

1855 - (106) Coroners Inquest

Oruling, Konrat

1853 (447; Coroners toque st

Grull , S i l a s S.

1865 - (2005) Bounty Claim

Orult, Thomas

1842 - (836) Taxes

Grumba, iiria

1862 - (4115) Bounty Application

Gruabaum, Wolfe

1841 - (1162) Police returns

Gruribin, Cfelvin J .

1B85 - ( 353 ' Hew School

Grumbo, Henry

1863 - (73) Appointment - Lamp Lighter

Gruabo, Maria

1862 - (6008) Bounty Application

Oruaby, H .

1839 - (305) Inqueati & C o r o W t account .

Grumfelder, B.

1866 - (1127) Protest Renumbering Houses

iSrump, '!. E .

1BR5 - (207) E l e c t i o n Judge

Srunpman, reter H.

1S85 - (201) Election Judge

Orumway, Edw. M.

1S44 - (346) Auction Sales

Grun, Jas.

1862 - (2338) Bounty Application

Grun, H. C.

1865 - (810) House of Hefuge 1865 - (2023) Bounty Claim

Grun, Wm. D.

1859 - (212) widen - Hoffman S t .

"runfcaiim, J .

1873 - (799) P r a t t S t . Tracks

Grunby, John G.

1857 - (546) Coroners inquest

Orunby, W. J.

1857 - (546) Coroners inqueat

Grund, A.

1809 - (253) Petition, Sup't of Sweeps. lees - (425) Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks.

" rund , '3has.

1B70 - (^4"53HU' Park *ax Aua teaen t

~,rxmi-, Charles L.

Construct Armory squallfled 1 874 - (7X7)

1979 - (»34) 1879 - (524) Cfcualified voter

oelair Hfet.

:\lit) l ^ n ^ ^ t y ^ e s m O P - H

Grund, Francis

1856 - (1225) Llcensas

ttrund, tteo. Carl

1847 - (373) E s t b . Bowling Al ley

Orund, Johannaa

1828 - (457) Open Monument St.


IS70 . C3443J0J Park 'ax a cat went

Grundbaum, J .

i e52 - (460) Markets



C. L.

_ (1754) S« -x- , . B a t t e r y S<1-

Grundeaura, S.

1B52 - (460) Markets

Grundel, John

1856 - (2*1) Coroners Inquest

Grundall, 'la.

1864 - (3575) Uiater Roll

Grunder, V/miam

1865 - (3812) Volunteer-Discharged

Grundey, Wm.

1858 - (210) Coroners inquest

Grundlin, Mark

1828 - (1470) Bailiffs Report to Council.

Grundy, 3yron

1819 - (7) Improve Fump-3ol ton S t . b e t . Richmond & C a t h e d r a l S t s .

1875 - (822) Small Pox Vaccination

Grundy, Caroline

1836 - (1939) Report of Interments, City of Bslto.

Grundy, Charles

1856 " ( 2 8 1 ) Coroners Inquest

Grundy, E. P.

1857 - (546) Coroners Inquest

Grundy, George

1792 - (4) Insolvents, List of 1798 - (5) Insolvents, List of 1797 - (126)To build a magazine for storage of Gun­

powder. 1797 - (127)To build a complete magazine for stor­

age of Gunpowd 1801 - (6) Paving Warrant, Charles St. end of pave

ment to Chatham or King Tammany St 1798 - (lOO)Pump Warrants, Charles St. 1798 - (230)Relief of the Poor of Baltimore. 1798 - (231)Donatione for Poor. 1798 - (231)Donations for Poor. 1799 - (107)Acct. of money paid by City Commr's. 1803 - (1) Paving Warrant, Alley between Charles inn* / o ^ T, si' & KcClellan's Alley. 1803 - (23) Paving Warrant. Footway on B&lto.St.

between Calvert & St.Paul Lane.

#2 Grundy, George ( & Nephew)

1803 - (42) Construct Well & Pump on Baltimore St 1803 - (46) Erect pump on Charles St. 1803 - (147)Footway on Baltimore St. between Cal­

vert Sc St.Paul St. 1803 - (410)Aocount of Powder in Magazine. 1804 - (151)Asking permission to use footways

for Merchandise. 1804 - (157)Pave Howard & Franklin St. 1804 - (187A)Auction of Dry Goods. 1805 - (390) Account of Powder in Magazine. 1806 - (88) Plat, extension of Howard & Bolton. 1806 - (216) Committee Report on Ordinances. 1806 - (158) Prevention of mixing old flour with

New. 1806 - (154) To use footways, display of goods. 1807 - (S2) Establish lot formerly leased by

John E.Howard to L.Bausman.


Grundy, George ( k Nephew)

1805 - (98) Petition Charles St, paving. 1800 - (30) Appl. to change grade of Charles St. 1809 - (364)Provlaions to store hose and apparatus

in New Market Fire House. 1810 - (75A)Agreement to Opening Streets, Open Public

Highway on Franklin St. from Howard St. to Richmond St.etc.

1810 - (324) Petition Fpr appointment tf Supt. of Chimney Sweepers.

1810 - (346) Application for Supt. of Streets. Western District.

1811 - (86) Pump repair Warrant Baltimore St. 1811 - (328) Council Correspondence Supt. Chimney

Sweepers. Petition. 1811 - (359) Streets Superintendent Petition.

4# Grundy, Geo.

1812 - (54) Indenture-Lot of ground-Chatsworth Road and Blddle St(Cor. of.) Reisters-town Turnpike.

1813 - (165) Petition to alter,Grade Chas. St. North • of Pratt St.

1813 - (267)Committee Report-Petition for changing grade of Charles St.

1813 - (384)Resolution-Return money paid for sale of property.

1815 - (56) Petition abate nuisance. 1817 - (251) Stands for Hacks. 1817 _ (473) Sundry Subjects. 1817 - (751) Terms of sale-Dancing Assembly

Rooms. 1818 - (135) Grade-3iddle it. from Falls Turnpike

Rd. to Reisterstown Turn^iKe Rd.

Grundy, Geo.

1818 - (136)

1618 - (170)

1816 - (414) 1318 - (184) J818 - (283)

1818 - (748)

1819 - (7)

1819 - (213) 1820 - (151)


Grade-3olton St. from Falls Rd. to Richmond St.

Grade-Tyson St. Booth Alley & Bolton St.

Petition against Wagons & Horses. Est. Intersec. of 3iddle i Richmond. Est. E. intersec. of Bidale & Rich mond Sts.

Contributions to purchase ground for erection of Mkt. House Lexington St. bet. Eutaw & Union Sts.

Improve Pump-Bolton St. bet. Richmond 4 Cathedral ots.

Grading of East St. Est. line N. E. Cor. Pine 4 Fayette


Grundy, George 6#

1814 -1814 -1814 -

1615 -

1318 -

1519 -1881

(177) (180) (192)



• (56) - (459)

Transfer of personal property. Sale of property 4 a slave. Petition Reclaiming Clopper Springs

South chas. St. Establish.-nBnt of lot-Richmond-3olton

Sts. Grade-Richmond St. from Cathedral

& North. Chimney Sweeps.' Pump-Biddle St.

1824 - (395) Against building Bridge over Gwynna Vails.

1825 - (150) Refund money for pump-N. Howard Sts. 1886 - (3) Bridge-Biddle St. 1826 - (221) Est. lines of lot-Fayette & Pine Sts. 1826 - (347) Insolvents. 1826 - (349) Releases.

Grundy, Geo. 7#

1828 - (351) Voluntary aubacrlptiona-City Defenae. 1828 - (425) Prohibit negro Hack drivera. 1828 - (442) Lamp-Courtland St. 1831 - (185) Lot-rayette St. l§fj? - (157) Property tax sale 1865 - (157) Property Tax sale

Grundy, James

1857 - (546^ Coroners Inquest

arandy, James.W.

1806 (122A) Statement of various persons,con­cerning a certain plat.

Grundy, John

1855 - (558) Tunnel licHechen St .

Grundy, Lambert

1858 - (210) Coroners Inquest

Grundy, Mary S.

1837 - (736) Interments - Report

Grundy, Stephen

1813 - (225) Implication for po.ltion of Harbor Master.

Grundy, Tboa. B.

1813 -

1813 -1813 -ieie -

1819 -1821 -1825 -1838 -


(732) (793)

eaatte (42)

(150) (1939)

Petition foriPosltion as Supt. of Chimney Sweep*.

5th Regiment Kd. Militia Muster Rol Pay Roll-5th Reg. Hd. Ullitla. Crade-3olton St. from Falls Rd. to

Richmond St. Pump Warrant. Pump-Biddle St. Refund money for pump-N. Howard St. Police Report


Grundy, Tl111am

1856 - (286) Coroners Inquest 1857 - (547) Coroners Inquest

Grundys & Crosdale

1810 - (289) Reiund for attempt to pump out Coffers dam in Jones Falls.

186? _ ( 7 0 6 > House N u m b e r l


Grune, Jacob

1835 - (618) Railrodas extension

Grune, Pater

1835 - (61SA) Railroad* extension

--runebauin, Joel

1S77 - (912) City ordinance permits

ji-unetoaura, M.

1S31 - (335) Protest riving 3att le

Grunebaum, Nattonn

1B52 - (477) yulEkin "t. open & condemn

C-runefeld, H. A.

1879 - (718) : i is l i .E h G e m a n School

Grunehann, Henry

1855 - (316) Water supply

Grunehauser, Joshua

1853 - (610) Open - Kulllkln St.

Grunellok, Victor

1835 - (1976) Report, Interment*

Gruner, Anthehy

1828 - (1699) Magistrates Report.

Gruner, Christina

1862 - (5233) Bounty Application

Gruner, Elizabeth

1362 - (3992) Bounty Application 1864 - (2239-E) Bounty Application 1865 - (1896) Bounty Claim

aruner, George

1640 - (337) Remove tracks from paved streeta 1862 - (6621) Bounty Application

'inner, George 2.

1900 - (6 • ) Lay tracks

Gruner, George W.

1856 - (380) License - Meat sold

Gruner, John

1862 1864 1864

(6623) (2939) (3785)

Bounty Application Bounty Application Muster Roll

1865 - (3424) Volunteer-Discharged

Gruner, K.

1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Gruner, Philip

1837 . (1829) Retail licenses

"ironernald, Geo.

1S76 - (1 22) Onen Douglas S t .

Grunes, Geo. W.

1866 - (1103) For W. kd. R.R.Subscriptions

C-runevrald, 5*»

1883 - (475) U o i s a e n t S--. ELoct ifft.

1871 - (1891) Protest 71dening Broadway

Sroaewald, TTilhelm

1=74 - (665) Aisqi j l th S t . o-ienlnfi

Oruney, Joseph

1856 - (282) Corobers Inquest

Grunhamer, C.

1859 - (2095) Fines - •Justice of the Peace

Grunheime, T.

1859 - (106) Coroners inquest

Gruning, Ellaa

1868 • (6658) Bounty Application

Gruning, John

1860 - (2162) Fines - Just ice of Peace

Grunllna, E.

1664 - (1806) Bounty Application

Grunri, Jno .

1849 - (1460) Licenses

ji-un-.haun, Lubalt

1371 - (532) Balto. St. Kitchen

Grunnen, George

1853 - Increase Water & Gas supply

Grunner, Elizabeth

1863 - (3707) Bounty - 5th W. Infantry

Grunnar, John

1862 - (11370) Master Rol l - F i f t h Regiment 1863 - (3707) Bounty - 5 t h Md. Infantry

1879 - (524) Qualified voter 1889 - (483) Uan-ual -rcir.ing School

Grun3beln, Simon

1862 - (461) Markets

Grunt, Charles L.

1862 - (11395) Uuster Roll - Tenth Regiment 1863 - (3756) Muster Roll - 10th Regiment IM.

Grunt, F. S.

1857 - (546) Coroners i n q u e s t

Grunther, Edward

1863 - (3702) Absentees - fcd. Vclunteers Infantry

Gruntom, John

1859 - (2209) Street Cleaning

Iruimald, J. 17.

156? - (392) Open Oregin St

Grunwalt, Abrahaa

1855 - (204) Coroners Inquest

Grupy, Francis H.

1858 - (287) Erect Bridge - Hollingsworth St. 1859 - (242) Widen - ^ lght S V t s t 1861 - (351) ? • • p U « o r . - B k l w t S t . 1861 1663

(351 (422) (424)

Steam Engine Edison Square

Grant St . Improve

Grupy, Jacob

1862 - (9790) Bounty Application 1862 - (11354) Master Roll - Ught Artillery

Srupy, Thos. J.

1874 - (71 9) Change St. H a o e

Grupy, Wm. H.

1864 - (3638) Ulster Boll 1864 - (3652) Muster Roll

Orus, •.Villiams

1852 - (285) Coroners i n v e s t 1852 - (285) Coroners inquest




(1090) Ni ght watch repo r t

Grushln, John

1828 - (1448) Bailiffs Report to Council.

Oruslt, Philip J.

1655 - (804) coroners Inquest

Sruskopff F.

1867 - (782) Improve Market

Gruss, William

1862 - (1133) Bagatell Ucense 1864 - (1449-1) Bond - Ten Pin Alley 1865 - (1114) Bond for Bagatell Table


1&A9 "


(1460) Licenses

Gruthaus, C. F.

1855 - (203) Coroners Inquest

Gruthers, Samuel

1664 - (3526) Vaster Roll

Gruthilan, Geo. A.

1S40 - (350) Request - Two additional Lleuts.



jno . (1460) Licenses

Gruver, George

1844 - (1268) Licenses 1857 - (253) Inspector - Long & Dry measure

Gruver, Jacob

1844 - (1U1-1) Inquest

"mver, Phoebe

1671 - (1040) Jasper St. Shad

Grurer, W.

1861 - (506) Gas to ins - Pearl St.

OniYer, W. H.

1854 - (1401) Bond - Police Officer 1854 - (1797) Police report 1855 - (331) Noainatlon - City officer* 1855 - (221) Increase pay - City Employees 1659 - (1731) Police Bond - Lieutenant 1866 - (802) Property Sales 1867 - (1324) Police Bond 1874 - (642) Lau-ens St. opening

Gruver, William H.

1858 - (1150) Police Bond 1859 - (406) Mayor's appointments - Turnkeys


1:73 - (48) Open Gannon St.

Gryan, John w.

1862 - (11371) Muster Roll - Fifth Regiment

Grymes, John

1862 - (11400) Muster Roll - Tenth Regiment 1863 - (3706) Deserters - Kd. Vol. Infantry

Grymes, Tim. T.

1858 - (206) Coroners inquest

Qua, Samuel H.

18S5 - (804) Coroners Inquest

Guacen, John

1844 - (41) Erect pump - Cross S t .

Oualy, James

1840 - (334) License - Pawnbroker

Guam, lilwood

1860 - (2414) Police Dept.

Guard, Hitehell R. B.

1841 - (733) Balto. * Fredaricktown Turnpike Co. Stockholders

Guard, Moses

1856 - (280) Coroners Inquest

Guardian, Doraey

1S41 - (730) City stock dlTldend

Guardie, Ifm. E. S.

1842 - (837) State tax

Guards, B. C.

1862 - (2121) Bond

Suarlnq Oeaseppa

1904-(562) License

Guartman, Herbert

1851 - (1855) Police reports

Guay, Bernard

1658 - (1566) Fines - Justice of Peace

Qubble, 3.

1856 - (34) Pump Warrant

Qubernalls, John

1683-(424) Eutaw ot S l e c t r l : Liriit

Suoernatis, Louis

1909- (HOT Against Bo. Crosring

Gubltz, Barbara

1662 - (7962) Bounty Application

Gubltz, John Michael

1862 - (7962) Bounty Application

Oubler, John

1329- (535) Apnt. Watchman. 1332- (l0o7) Kiddle Watch Substitutes.

ou'Dtorlet, Frsnk

1879- (524) Qualified Yoter

Qubulinn, George

1864 - (361) Fish Market 1865 - (304) Larger Fish Market

Guby, Charles Sr.

1854 - (1741) Court fines

Quby, Charlea Jr.

1854 - (1741) Court fines

Qucicer, John P.

1905 (573c) Pave l a i r Mt. Ave.

Guoker, Sarah A.

1862 - (5540) Bounty Application

Ouckert, John

1847 - (519) Soap & Candle Mfg. 1853 - (506) Protecting - Machine Mill 1858 - (231) Prohibit erection of soap factory - 3a 1858 - (209) Coroners inquest s

1868 - (1485-A) Bond - City Officer (56) 1865 - (1415) Cart licenses 1866 - (2406) License

Qudbrodt, George

1881-(S36) Cross St. Unrket Stalls

Oudd, George I .

1885-(332) Erec t IferScet

Gudder, John

1856 - (1225) Ucenees

Gude, Arnold J. 1879-(534) Qualified Voter

Gude, Frederick

I860 - (2155) Fines - J u s t i c e of Peace

Gude, H. P .

1859 - (180) P r o t e s t R. 1866 - ( 995) Lexington 1374- ( 634) Oriorler..; SxcaTatlng A

T r a n s f e r to Howard S t .

Market S a l e s Objec t ions

1S75 (925) Widen Holliday St. Id83 - (418) Elect t ic Ll.-ht Eu- St.

Gude, Henry

1848 - (1129) Fines - City Court


lbdl- (335} Protect Driving Oattle

Gudei J• C«

1S5B - (205) Coroners inquest

Chide, J. t>. J.

1879- (524) CJttallfied Voter 1881- (252) Eepeirlnc Baltimore St. 1683- (37>;) Balto. St. Elect rice Lights ld93- (31 ) Property Surrender ld9.3- (32) Property Surrender 1893- (33 ) Property Surrender 1909- (110) Against So. Crossing

(hiisi J . S.

l d 7 9 _ (524) * * « * • i Voter

(hide, * » * « °-S t .

l 8 6 f t - (304) 0?*n • * ? " f g ^ w s *


(jernsn —-- - G<»rt?nn


7 r i59_ (201) «?•" 1370^ ( «*> B ° n 4 „ S t - Stable

f i t dor) <***?"; 1.371- U ° £ ' Aiiey 5 £ 306) Open W - * ^ ]%t (541) *>*»» " -ld73-

Oudenius, !. *n.

Ia96- (1X35) Lefse Horae Tel. Oo

Gudgeon, Jesse

1819 - (645) List of ordinary ilcenses granted. 1821 - (1178) Ordinary Licenses. 1824 - (1039) Ordinary License. J827 - (351) Coroners Report.' 1827 - U358) Ordinary License. 1828 - 1425) Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks. 1829 - (584) Appt. Watchman. 1829 - (1602) Ordinary License.

1633 - (1639) License grants.

Gudhing, Clover

1843 - (867) Tax - Relief

3udison, R.

1858 - (1497) Court f i n e s

Gudley, Jo*"1

1 8 5 9 . (1988) Police Bond

Gudy, Henry

l a 4 7 - (1511) Licenses issued

Ouadinger, John

1853 - (585) Square layout - N. E. Balto.

Guekert, John

1862 - (1278) Bond - City Comm. & Port .'.arden

Guelich, Charles

1862 - (8072) Bounty Application

O u e l t e r , Chas

1-J96- (1185) Lep.se Home T e l . Co

Guember, Andrew

1863 - (3135) Bounty Application

Ouember, Leonard

1379- (524) Qjilified Voter

Guenber, Andreas

1866 - (2345) License

(Juenther, E r n e s t

1374^(671) Honmument S t . Tr-.cic Renoval

Ouetither, Jred'ic.

1879-( 524) $ia l i f ied Voter

3uenther, Oeorse

ld71- (1J9.= ) Protest Itet.

Guenthert H.

1383-(366) Annapolis Ba l to , Line H. H. Oo.


Guenther, Hirftm

1860 - (424) Open - Park & Grundy Sts.

ouentber, Maria l l c a t i o n ( 4 8 82) Bounty AppUcatio


Guenther , ITiiolsuo

1870- ( J097O t > " A e S U

was- C*«> H l U C n St-

Guar, C. B.

1624 - (43S) Sailing In Sta.-Proteat.

(Vier, John

1856 - (280) Coroners Inquest

3uerr-nd, £ . P .

Id70- (98S)A«niilg l a p 18 - (1555) Qatttruct Shed 1370- ( ld70) Amine

luerand, Francis

1337- (1756) Sheriff's Report 185?- (558 ) Switch- Ho~ar& St. 1353- (560 ) Protect Tr-*~k- Eorrrd St. 1855- (70 ) City Stoc.:- ffater 3c - -

1357- (367) Water Board Hotices- Property H Lder lo53- ( 46) Circuit Court- Ccse'5 set 1856- ( . ) To^son To-n- Uor -<v- & Deeds 1871- (185S) Ho-rd St. Track 1872- (887) Horard St. H. H. Tracks

Guerand, Francolr

1857 - (351) Balto. City Water Works - Froperty Own.

Querand, L.

1639 - (486) Substitute - Watctaan

Guergens, Clemens

1855 - (170) Stockholder - R. R

Onerlea, Jaaea

1840 - (315) PreTent aale of matches on street

Guerlng, Johan A.

1862 - (2894) Bounty Application

Sueric, F .

1883- (427) P a s s . E. E. Eracko- OerrrJi S t .

Guericet Chas. S.

1906- (593) Lay Tracfca

I3d3- (457) Lafayette, City Pr>r.«. E.. Tracks German Street.

Querke, Perd.

1871 (2858) J. P. ?tnes

CJuerntz, John

1856 - (377) Licenses - Meat sold

Guerson, Henry R.

1845 - (1315) Licensee

Guert, Saml.

1858 - (328) Taxes - Assessors Compensation

Ouerth, 0. H.

1913- (531) Moving Picture Structure

If G Ouerth, ". "•

190a- (441) Prote . t Tsl. Bate

Ouartler, Bleonora

1890- (431) Kp.rs.et

Ouertler, ?red

1391- (547) Enlarge Hichnond l&t.

Ouertler t Tred'k.

1393- ("30) Eichnond Ifcricet Stnlle

Griertler, Friedr' ch

1669- (362) Public Hall ld70- (2351) Balair Market

Ouertler, Henr:,'

1 8 87- (357) Centre ttk. 1,90- (459) ferfcet




(357) Centre Iteriet

Guar* o l t . ar.ry

1856 , (392) 5al< fr« sh 112 at s

Guess, Margaret

1835 . (1237) Health Receipts

Fauper burial*

Ouessford, Franger

1865 - (1934) Bounty Application

Guessford, Otto

1865 - (1934) Bounty Application



Guest i A. Morrison. J r .

1670- ( 2341) IffncKtrars D a n v i l l e H. R.

Guest, 3asil

1821 - (53) Fetitlon-Erect Fump-on Eden St.. nr. Baysrd St .

1821 - (72) Pave Holland tram- Ed«nt'o Harford Sts. 1821 - (361) Nuisance-Slaughter House-Bayard &

Union Alley. 1821 - (393) La«ps-Eden St. bet. Pitt 4 Bayard Sts, 1821 - (419) flnidge across "arford St.. at Holland

1223 - (225) Wall-SHa*rford Btft-Tortc St. Bridge to Holland St.

1824 - (423) Vending of boots * Shoes. 1824 - (680) Court Caser-Usf of Judgements. $827 - (97) Pos. as Watchman. |827 - (1358)Ordlnary License: 1827 - (1387)Uagistrates Report-July. 1831 - (629) Watch 3ox-Holland St.

Guest, fl. H.

16B3- ( 366) Annapolic Brlto Short Line R. H. Oo

Guest, Fannie

1862 - (3999) Bounty Application

3 u e a t , Geo

1849 - (556) Nor th St Locomotive R e g u l a t e 1R51 - ( 11) Nor th Av. - g rade 1853 - (663) Open « l l e y - Townsend 3 t . 1853 - (491) Layout - Morton A l l e y 1856 - (361) Erect Brldee - North Ave.

1866 - ( 8 7 2 7 ) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n

la6d- ( 37a) Steam Trpns-. Dr. Hi l l Pic. Ia70- ( 1491 ) Yp.ult 1671- ( 1S?3) Oil Refineries

Suec t , Qeor/re

1873-1873-1874-1374-1874-L874- ; 1375-1,75-ld76-lo76-79 -( 1379-1879-1379-1379-looO-1868-

95) 752) 404) 582) 533 ) 695 ) 530) 834) 992 ) 117a) 371) 403) 404) 433) 485 ) 307) 278)

( )

Conn.. Jonat ? - ' l l s P-ve Uad! son Ave. Tfater • a g a r S t . Fi;<e Line Jones F a l i r Ii . E s t a b l e i s h P.irk S t . Paul S t . - Lot Pare re Bye Ear Hosp Apr>rop Grade Ca lve r t S t . Cont rac t Clairc Sale R e a l e s t n t e Claim Real Istata St. Paul & Charles Sts. Real E^t<te Transactions North Ave. P.-rtr.

Trans-- Dr. Hill Pic.

Quest, George ( Jr. )

ld70- ( 2443) Park lax Abate 1878- ( 1097) Bail»ay Track Korth Ave.

Onesi, Geo. E. (3ol.)

1J79- ( 24) Disqualified Voter

Quest, Georg H.

1864 - (3815) truster Rol l 1864 - (3824) Bounty Compensation 1865 - ( 3 5 7 2 ) Volunteer-Discharged

Guest, Gilmor

1862 - (284) Property tax sale 1864 - (1764) Tax B i l l s

Guest t J . W.

1867 - (718)

1867 1863

(782) (304)

North ft Improve Onen Qerm:

e . Br idge


St. 1863 - (306) Open Gerann St. 1369 - ( "01) Open German St. 1870 1370

(2354) Erect Market (2404) Rain Water

1872 - (924 ) Remove Hanover Itet. 1873 - ( 832) Small Pox Vaecllation 1373— ( 843) Water Supply 1377 - ( 900) Bay vlew &» aB* Spring drove 1873 - (1037) Gunpowder 1..31 - ( 298) Fire Irnck Location

Ouest , J . VTesle;.'

1..59 - (14<;0) Chimney S-• • • I06O- (576) Scftool_Co!n.t-is9i'}ner r e s l g n s t i o n 1860- ( 170") Sunt , -"ond- Chirn.;y Sweep l o 6 3 - ( 344) P r o h i b i t Ci ty P a s s . Cprr running Sunday 1S85- (: 4) Bond one1 B t r :t 1339- ( 54) Contr !t 1889- (ti7y) Con t rac t l o 9 0 - (468) S t r e e t s 1895) - (429) P-ve Streets-,


Quest, Jacob

1840 - (979) Interment*

Guest, John

1862 - (3999) Bounty Application

Quest, Marian

1884 - (880) Court Caaea-Llat of Judgemanta.

Gues t , Mary

1350 - (1742) School coranu.<ji3ioner3 - r e p o r t 1866 - (£544) F i n e s

Guest, Moses 1861 - (156) Appointment - Harbor Piaster

Gues t , R. S.

1867 - (706) House Numbering

1872 - (880) Howard St. E . H. Iraoko

Quest, Rebecca

1841 - (743) Stockholder - Farmers & Planters Bank

Guest, Richard

1815 - (302) Petition-Appoint to Fublic Office. 1889 - (484) Flag Stonea-Chas. & Con-ay St.. 1833 - (445) •Satch-.an Appt. 1839 - (306) Interments

Guest, Hichard s.

1552 - (11) Public schools extend 1866 - (1014) Howard St. Removal of R.R.Tracks

1866 -(1129) Howar St. Protest Removal R.R.Tracks 186 - (292) Or.en Oregon St. 1872 - (887) Howard St. R.H. Tracks

Guest, Sallie C.

1862 - (1902) Oath of Allegiance

Quest, Samuel

1831 -1837 1840 • 1841 -1843 -1844 -1846 -1852 -1552 -1893 -1853 -1856 -1656 -1857 -1859 -1859 -

• (663) • (404) - (871) (784) (291) (227) (372) (355) (179) (521) (532) (49)

(417) (247) (91) (128)

Taxation. Wood, Cordlna City stock dividend* Inquests Pumps - Howard & York 3ts. Application for position Extension - Hanover Market Again3t erection of planing mill Assessments Stepping Stones » Howard St. Petition for boll - Wash. Hose Co. Appoint - Health Commission Extension - Parkersburg R. R. Vaccine physician Appeal Tax Court - Refunds Tax assessors - Request compensation

Guest, Samuel *£

1859 -lobU -1860 -1860 -1860 -1862 -1862 -

1864 -1864 -1866 -

1<J71 -

(166) (367) (2144)

(297) (318) (284) (1761) ( 2 2 3 ) , (1357) (16180

( 9 0 4 )

( 1831)

Oppose closing Camden St. Remove pump - Hanover & Lombard Sts Fines - Justice of Peace Erect gate - Court House railing Purchase - Federal Hill Property tax sale Cath of Allegiance Increase pay - City Cashier Cashier of Collector's office Pay roll - City Collector Renumber Houses Oi.en Alley.

Guest, Sarah E.

1862 - (3249) Bounty Application

Guest, Wesley J.

1858 - (915) Bond - Sweeps Supt.

Guert, Willi am *

1900- (600) Lay Bri cfca

Guesteir, B.A. (P. A.)

18C9 - (8) Pav.Warrant, Duke St. 1810 - (597) Returna-Storage-Gun Powder. 1810 - (598) Returns-Storage-Gun Powder. 1814 - (38) Establishment-Lot-Little York St. 1614 - (118)Establish-2 Lots-Little York St. 1819 - (68) Est. line-3awley & Yates ground-Alb-.-r

marie St. bet. York & Wilkes Sts.

1824 - (%94)Tax for storage of Gunpowder on Brady Jfine Creek.

1823 - (721)Powder Magazine Return. 1324 - (654)Storage of Gunpowder. 1125 - (1) Pump-Fawn A Albwrmarle St. 1826 - (1253)Powder House-Return. 1828 - (435) Permit for Soda Fountain-Centre Mkt. 1828 - (1599)Dog Tax Report.

Queatier, Elizaketh

1830 - (447) Appropriation-Humane Impartial Society.

Gueatln, Robert.A.

1606 - (190) Petition, Masonic Hall to hold Lottery to build.

1810 - (596) Heturns-Storage-Oun Powder.

O u e t l e l n , N.

1866 - (985) Broadway l larket Rai lroad 136a - ( 3a9) Protest Slag. School. Id69 - ( 269) St. Cars Broadr'/ Iferfct

Guetier, Chas.

1691- ( 531) Paring Oolon !• Ave.

Guety, Dr. T.

1812 - (43) Pump Tarrant Howard St.

Guffen, Chas.

1811 - (Ll«t of Nominees City Office.

Guffey, Alexander

1355 - (170) Stockholder - R. P..

Guffey, Ben,).

1855 - (170) Stockholder - R. R.

Guffey, John

1855 - (170) Stockholder - R. R-

Quffey, Robt.

1855 - (170) Stockholder - R. R.

Ouf f l i n , "m. K.

lo75- ( 1032) la te r Su ly

Gufry, Frederick

1852 - (282) Coroners inquest

Gufy, Bernard

1853 - (586) Public Square - Erect Inn, N. E. Balto.

Sugg, John ft Co.

1809 - (336) Wood Corder.

9ng -enheimer, A.

16d8- (222) Tellov lever Fund

3uG •eniieimor, H. ( J r . )

1871- ( 1949»*)City College Srect .

Gu£jrenh.einerf Henry

1879- ( 5: <:) Qua l i f i ed Voter

Quggenheimer, Isaac

1838- ( 348) Application Position 13<J9 - ( 493) Open HcOnllon St. 1896-( ' 31) Rsle

(3 3-1088) 1397-( 5: o) Bond 139d- ( 332) Bond 1900- ( 117) Ooatr=ct 1901- ( 34- 367) Contract 1902- ( 31S) Contract 1 .•."- ( 193)-213) Contract

Ougeenheirer, J.

l o 7 6 - ( 956) Mul/barr;- S t . fewer

3ucenheirer, ' ' a i l .

1.97- ( 732) Contract

Ougua, John

1836 - (1965) Night n a t c h , Return

Guibbard, Jacob

1798 - (288) Relief of Phlla.Citizens, List of Sub.

Guldenthal, John

1862 - (7674) Bounty Application

Ouider, Ol tnerine

1871- ( 13375 Bet. Clerk

Guides, Geo. C.

1866 - (907) Renumber Houses

Guieneman, Samuel

1862 - (8894) Bounty Correa.

Gulap, Itosas

1864 - (3575) Muster R o l l

Guier, August

1859 - (2055) Fines - Criminal Court

Gulgan, James

18b2 - (1523) Justice of the Peace - Report

Guigley, Hary

1864 - (2136) Bounty Application

Guilback, George

1863 - (158) Tax Refund

Guild, 2. H.

1883- (2d0) SblargemeatSlwer C?lho-jn St.

Guild, Cliae. b .

lo71- (1949)A- Oity °ol ie-e Srect

Oulldener, Charles

19 - C645) Ordinary license gra >ted. 1819 - C645) 1821 - (1178) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l§&6 - (SZ6J Court-Case-KeeDing Billiard Table. IBS? - (377} Counsellors opinion on Tax refunds.

Ordinary Llcense< Lourt-Case-KeeBlqg Billiard Table.

Ouildener, Hannah (Mrs.)

1837 - (927) Widen ".agon Alley 1841 - (324) Soap * Candle factory 1865 - (324) Widening Park St. 1866 - (103S) Park St. Opening

Guildener, I. ( Kins)

1865- ( ) Oppose Poring Libert;.' St.

Gui ldernen , Ben/: J r .

191 2- ( 341) R. S . TmcSc Har lea Ave.

Gulldman, Morris

1843 - (1027) Courts - Fines & Forfe i tures

Guilds, Oraca

1839 . (306) Intarmenta

Oullett, Josephine

1837 - (772) Interments - Report

Guilfai l , William

1862 - (5527) Bounty Application

Gullfol le , -William

1864 - (3771) ISuster Roll

Gullfoyle, Richard

1837 - (535) Application - Watchman

Guilfozle, Eliza

1862 - (5536) Bounty Application

Gullfozle, Tim.

1862 - (5536) Bounty Application

Outline, John

185fi - (1821) Licenses

Oulllahan, Robert (Gullahan)

1797 - (43) Agree.iCont-Fllling of Calvert St.Dock. 1797 - (78) Street Cleaning.

Guillemoti Jfrchard

1819 - (645) Ordinary licenses gran'.ed.

Oullllard, Nicholas

1813 - (14) Warrant for paving Strawberry Alley be Fleet & Allceanns Sts.

Guillin, Thomas

1853 - (608) Improve Richmond Market

Ouillinghorst, Jacob

1858 - (1514) Finee - Justice of Peace

Oallaon, John

1839 - (1697) License iaaued retail

Ouin, Harriett Ann

1836 - (1411) Intermanta, Report 1853 - (450-^) Coroners Inquest

Ouin, Michael

1900- ( oOO) Lay Trsc::s

Guin, Nicholas

1853 - (450-0 Coroners inquest

Oalnand, F.

1827 - (426) Sale of lemonade stand-Centre Hkt. 1627 - (527) Increase Salary of Watchmen.

Gulnder, Jacob

1866 - (880) Lamp - Gay S t .

Guindlln, v..

1807 - (345) Owners of dogs and tax for sane, 5th Ward.

Guineas, John V..

1862 - (1236) Bonds

Guinlan, Joseph E.

1853 - (588) Erect Public Square in N. E. 3alto

Qulnn, 2 . S.

1883- ( 477) Mount St. Elect r ic Llgt .

Guinn, "dnard

1834- (23S5) Health, interments.

Guinn, Francis

185o - (644} Catholics protest school Tax 1858 - (298) Permit - Sale of fish - 3elair Market

Guinn, James

1849 - (683) Tessler St. - open

Guinn, John

1A4S - (680) Taxes - refund 1863 - (3734) Master Roll - 2nd !£d. Cavalry

Guint, Frederick

1B5K - (282) Coroners Inquest

Quire, Louis

lo39- ( 463) Manual Braising Se'r

Quire, Michael

1798 - (221) Conaittee Reporta, Election Returns.

Guiaa, Francis

1807 - (360) TaTern License.

Ouise, A. J .

Ic37"i- ( 2443 33) PsrK lax Abatement 1881- ( 4:1 ) Milk I n f e c t i o n

Cruise, Clara

1859 - (2063) Court fines

Ouir.e, David P .

1397- ( 154) Bond

Guise , Henry

1358 - (1512) Fines - J u s t i c e of Peace

1B69 - ( z?.$) Police Protection

Guise, John

•,ocvs . ( 4 5 0 - A ) nera eenaea


th i i se i John A.

1837- ( 334) Ca lver t S t . Spg.

Gulce Panl L .

1337- ( 334) Cp.lvRrt S t . Spg.

(Julshard, Catharine

1855 - (55) Deed - Property on Harford Ed.

Gulsh.rd, David

1811 - (11) Paving Warrant-Lloyd Lan«, bwt. Fitt & York Sts.

1811 - (85) Lloyd Lane to Pave. 1818 - (84) Paving Warrant Straight Lane bet. Vilk

Lane & Lloyd Lane. 1818 - (lOO)Application to pave $t*AfcgbA Lane. 1818 - (455)Protest against Theatres, etc. 1813 - (780)5th Regiment Cavalry Muster Roll. 1813 - (779)Pay Roll-5th Reg. lid. Militia. 1815 - (27)Deed-Averilla's Garden-Five Miles End

& others. 1800 - (87})Laths-Inspection. 1811 - (387)Fos.-Clty Commissioner. 1813 - (525)0pen Aisquith St.

J ™ " ^ 3 5 7 ^ Regulate market days - B e l a i r Market 1847 - (461) Extension - B e l a i r Market

Qulahard, David

1855 - (55) Deed - Property on Harford Hd. 1855 - (78) Description - RiTer Line

Guishard, Henry

ieoo 1813


. (271) Laths, Inspection jf, urged.

- (60) Petition to Grade & Fave Asqutth St.

(525) Assessment Opening Aisquith St.

Quishard, Kark (Guisfare)

1803 - (10) Paving Warrant, High St.between Bridge & York Sts.

1803 - (186)Pave High St. between York St.&bridge. 1804 - (89) Grade Pitt,flapping,High & Green Sta.

Ouithard, P. L.

1684 - (1139) Ordinary U c t n n .

Gulahard, Sarah

1855 - (55) Deed - Property on Harford Rd.

Guishelm, David

1804 - (75) Grade York & Harford St.

Guist, Hoses

1S57 - (£19) Election Judge

Guist, P. A*

1857 - (542) Coroners Inquest

Oulat, Rebecca

1841 - (732) City stockholders

Quistler, L. A.

1841 - (733) Balto. * Fredericktown Turnpike Co. Stockholders

Guiteau, S.

1861 - (369) Against R. R. oars on Sundays 1866 - (750) Chaplain AI1113 House 1S77 - (943) Citizens Railway "o.

Ouiter, John

1845 - (1315) Licenses

Oultin, Jno. 1840 - (9) Establish Lines - Eutaw St.

Gult ln , liar gar at

1640 - (9) Establish Lines - Eutaw S t .

Quiton, John H.

1835 - (618A) Railroads extanaion 1842 - (291) Police Report - Stolen Goods

frulton, Joseph

1818 - (475) Repair Vulcan Alley. 1819 - (51) Improve Futrp-Kine Tammamy St . be t .

Charles St. Liberty 3 t . 1821 - (110) Repave Vulcan Alley & Vulcan Ave." 1321 - (261) Pave-U»lcan Alley i t Forres t Lane.

Suitor, James

1836 - (1768) Washington Hose Co., Report

Guide, Oh. I . • .

Id33~ ( 7/36) Aniiepolis B a l t o . Short Line H . » . Co.

Guldener, Chaa*

1829 - (461) Court of Appeals. 1829 - (474) Reduce tax on Billiard Table.

Gulein, Danl.

1865 - (1546) Justice of the Feace Reports

Gulfresh, George

1653 -(1587) Court Fines

Gulhaar, Edw.

1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Oallclc, Ooldin

1839 - (306) Interaanti

Gullan, Peter

1862 - (11285) Enlistment Affidavit

j u l i m a n , I . H.

1S78 - (1097) Railway Tracks - !Torth Ave.

Gull, James

1838 - (1684) Sheriffs Report 1842 - (1149) City Court - Fines imposed

Gull, Luther C.

1845 - (1315) Licenses

OulXburd, 0.

1839 - (305) Inqueata & Coronar'a aeeonnta

Gullery, Fanney

1865 - (1553) Justice of the Peace report

Gullery, Frank

1865 - (1553) J u s t i c e 3f the Peace repor t

Gullery, George

1865 - (1553) Justice of the Peace report

galley, FhiUP

1B38 1841

(366) Inte.men0t%ank - Stockholder. _.~\ citizens Ban* (740) Citizens

Oulley, Sarah

1843 - (2761. Inetall Fire Plug- Oullford Alley & J664 - (1476) Tttx refund Charts St.

OulUneer Nicholas

1656 - (280) Coroners In? uest

Gulllson, Qeo. E.

186s - (5140) Bounty Application

C n l l l v a d o , A.

1902 - (427) I-Iarket License

Gulliyon, Henry

1839 - (306) Intsrnent*

Gully, Sarah

1841 - (732) City stockholder*

Gulme, John B.

1810 - (84) Plat Corrected for Paving Tax Dulaney B8nd Harford Sfca. & others.

3ulst, J. Vesley

1852 - (283) Coroners inquest

Gulsteln, Chas.

1846 - (260) Coroner's Inquest

Gum, Jacob F.

1857 - (175) Police appointment

Suman, Michael

1873 - (397) Wharf Assessment

Gumbel, David

1850 - (1037) Stock list

3umber, Sarah

1871 - (114P) Ki tchen

Gumbert, John

1814 - (1731) Supplies-Md. Hllitla.

Gumbert, Joseph

1868 - (404) S t . J o s e p h ' s Hbsp. - Water Kains 1378 - (1049) Chase S t . - Condemn 1884 - (290) Engine House - S-S S t r e e t

Qumbert, Michael

1862 - (1485-A) Bond - City officers (2?) 1866 - (2421) License

Oumbert, Nicks t

1837 - (1755) Pines imposed - Balto. City Court

Gumbmann, George

1856 - (389) Sale freah meats

Ouabraek, Stapbaa

1806 - (15) Puap Asaaaaaanta, Allcaanna & Burlc

Gumbuk, George

1859 - (106) Coroners Inquest

(Juaby i s . c.

1890 (367) Eartor l i s t e r

Oumler, S.

1876 (1106) Oregon g t - _ Opening

Oumley, Mary S.

1655 - (216) Open Various Streets

aummel, George

1862 - (6205) Bounty Applicati

SkunroelL, G,

1888 - (625) License - Lexington Kkt,

Stunner, Andreas

1893 (53) Protest Removal - Fence, Patterson Pk.

Sump, A. d.

1909 - (129) Bo Tracks Callow Ave.

Gump. G.

1889 - (482) Manual Training School 1906 - (??0) Subocrlptiorm

Gimp, Henrietta

I860 - (ISO) Against Opening Street

Sump, Jo seph

1889 - (4B3) Manual T ra in ing School

(fcrap, H. B .

187E - (2391) t 1890 - (441) Market

Gump, S. B.

1864 -1866 -1867 -1867 -1874 -1890 -

(214) (984) (705) (781) (537) (458)

P r o t e s t - Central Market Dry Goodsln Market House Numbering Market - Iron Doors furniture Factory Karket

Stoipert, Kary Ann

1870 - (2366) New Market 31dg.

Oumpmaiin, Michael

1876 - (1036) F o r r e s t S t . - Opening

Gumpz, Louisa

1864 - (2728) Bounty Application

Gums, Henry

1856 - (285) Coroners inquest

Gums, Jacob

1859 - (106) Coroners inquest

(Jun, Thomas.

1834 - (£4.9) Majistrate rep ort.

Gunbaum, Wolf

1841 - (1086) Hagistratea reports

Gunby. Chas. C.

1397 - (334) Calvert St. Spg. 1883 - (657) Cattle Driving


1989 (.463) HsJMBl

t i T a i n l n 6 School

Gunby, Janes

1837 - (887) Erect ticket office - Balto. Port Deposit R. R. - Market St.

1845 - (1185-80) Inquest

Sunby, Janes H.

1B84 - (162) Recommendation

Gunby, John S.

1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Gunby, Joseph D.

1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Gunby, K. H.

1863 - ( 3 4 7 ) P r o t e s t Sunday R. R. cars

Gunby, Panua W.

1864 - (184) Barber'a Protest

S-onby. S. 0.

1871 - (2929) Hartor Board Pay 1872 - (977) Salto. City College

Gunby, Stephen

1602 - (294) Petition against building of City Hall 1803 - (310) Petition Market St. south end, erec­

tion of pier. 1610 - (297) Fetition For Fish Market House at

Fells Point. 1S10 - (312)Fetition Extension of Fublic Wharf

on Market St.

1810 - (313) Fetition Obstruction by Hill at Market St.

1811 - (386) Philpot St. fc Wills St. Wharf Repair­ing of. Fetition.

1818 - (693) Abstract of bills against 27th Fee. Arsenal.

1664 - (184) Barber ' s P ro tes t 1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Gunby, S i U i a u

1842 - (278) Inquests

Gunoe, J.

1864 - (437) Salary - City Laborers

Qundall, William

1863 - (2094) Bounty Correspondence

Gundback, George

1857 - (543) Coroners Inquest 1691 - (550) Pet i t ion I.O.C.T.

Gundel, F.

1861 - (446) Menace - Jones Fal ls

Jundel, George

1879 - (686) Slew northeastern Market

C-"andel, Seo. J.

1883 - (1357) Bond - Laxpllghte 1885 - (205) Slec 1390 (565) Tax

Jud?e Collector

Gundel, Harry

1U63 - (3759) Muster Roll - Kd. Battery Artillery

Gundel, Thos.

1858 - (1543) Finea - Justice of Peace

Gunder, Anton

1865 - (1165* Bond f o r B a g a t e l l Table

Gunder, Catherine

1862 - (8498) Bounty Application

Qunder, Jacob

1856 - (2SO) Coroners inquest

Junderhelraer, P. tf.

1883 - (375) Baltimore St. Electric Light

Gundermaa, Fred

1893 - (455) Lomfcard St. - S lec t r l c l i gh t

Gtinderman, Lewis

1874 - (731) 3team f ix* Engine

Sundersdorf, Chr. L.

1871 - (1949-E) City College - 2rect .

3iinder3dorf, John H.

1916 - (124) Sunday Baseball

Ounderfldorff, C. H.

1912 - (541) E. R. Tracks - Harlem Ave.

Ckmdersdorff, 0. L.

1883 - (520) Slectr lc Light - S t r ic te r St.

Chindersdorff. C h r i s t i a n

1890 - (424) Lamps

Oundersdorff, Chr. L.

1881 - (330) Protest Driving Cattle 1889 - (483) Manual Training School

Gundershimer, J.

1856 - (373) Closing of doors - Centre Market 1859 - (2076) Fines - Justice of the Peace

Gundey, John T.

1857 - (547) Coroners inquest

Oundine, Lewis

1856 - (1221) Licenses

1856 - (1285) Licenses 1857 - (1034) Licenses 1858 - (204) Coroners inquest

Sundina, Louis

1656 - (1225) Licenses

Gundlaoh, Charles

1860 - (1638) Bara te l le License - Bond 1664 - (147) Coroners inquest

3undlach, E.

1876 - (1009) Olty Hall iliblic Sq. 1372 - (835) CroBB St. Buloance

Gundlach, F.

1879 - (603) FartUizing Factory Protest

Gundlach, George

1859 - (103) Coroners inquest 1860 - (471) Open - Sterrett St. 1862 - (6203) Bounty Application

Oundlach, Joseph

1853 - (640) Catholics p ro tes t school tax

"undlach, Louie P.

1891 - (564) Against Cost Hepaving

j i i ad lach , K.

1909 - (110) Against 2 * 0 Crossing

Oucdlach, William

1906 - (595) lay Tracks

Gundlacht, Charles

1862 - (3721) Bounty Application

Gundlaoht, Cbristian

1862 - (3720) Bounty Application

Gundlack, Charles

1862 - (1134) Bagatell i-i cense

Gundlaeh, Charles

1865 - (1448) Cart Licenses

Oundlark, U.

1S54 - (1234) Coroners Inqueat

Sundry, A. T., Dr.

1395 - (1185) Lease Home Tel. Oo

(Sundry, George 1801 - (SSI) Appl. for Supt.Powder House,Federal

Oundy, Alexander

1853 - (639) Catholics protest school tax

3"jndy, Andrew

1873 - (460) Abel Alley - Kame

Oundy, T. Blllopp

1856 - (417) Extension - Parkersbure R »R.


' Jungle, John

1870 - (2074) Shed

Gunigham, John

1862 - (11342) Buster Roll - 1 s t . ltd. Regiment

Gunlo, John

1861 - (1387) Justice of the Peace report

Sunkel , August

1878 - (1077) S. Monument S t . Market

junkel, Helnrlch

1872 - (311) Move Tracks

3unfcel, John

1R91 - (524) Qualified Voter

Ounlach, E.

1879 - (524) qualified Yoter

Gunlack, George

1863 - (158) Tax refund

Gunler, John

1851 - (1651) Licenses granted

Gunoeason, Win.

1855 . (234) Open - Eutaw S t .

Gunn, Andrew

1886 - (1140) Horse 4 Carriages sold at auction.

Gunn, Ann

1839 - (169?) License issued retail 1842 - (836) Taxes 1860 - (471) Open - Sterrett St. 1862 - (5044) Bounty Application

lunn, 3ernard

1833 - (1639) License grants. 1834 - (497) Crowding oC mkt., horses & wagons. 1835 - (1763) Licenses, retail. 1837 - (1829) Retail licenses 1S38 - (376) Interments 1838 - (1756) Trader's License

Gunn, Clara

1836 - (1458) Interments, Report

Gunn, J. F.

:S52 - (308) ~ater & gas petition 1853 - (461) 3. & 0. 3onda - Guarantee

Gunn, Jane*

1811 - (383) Theatrical Exhibitions. Length of Tine for Opening-Closing-Petition.

1818 - (39) Pump Warrant-Charles & Pleasant Sts. N. E. Intersection.

1826 - (346) County & State Tax Collections. 1828 - (351) Voluntary Subscriptions-City Defense. 1838 - (364) Interments

Sunn, John

1800 - (127) Auctioneers, Heport 1856 - (308) Condemm - Bruce Alley

Qunn, John E.

1S56 - (280) Coroners inqueat

Gunn, John B*

1859 - (101-A) Power of Attorney 1863 - (254) Power of Attorney

Gunn, John W. 1864 - (3608) Bounty Compensation

Gunn, K.

1862 - {1523) J u s t i c e of the Peace - Report

Gunn, Michael

1854 - (1741) Court flnea 1855 - (847) Criminal Court fines 1856 - (1214) Court fines 1858 - (1513) Flne3 - Justice of Feace I860 - (495) Sink Well - 'varner St. 1862 - (4087) Bounty Application 1866 - (8551) Pines

& U I " i . P a t r i c k

1 8 7 9 " (524J , u a l i f l e d ster

Dunn, Richard

1883 - (839) Prohibit sale of out msats fron wagon stands In Wets.

Gunn, Sarah 0.

1863 - (254) Power of Attorney

Ounn, Thos.

1835 - (618A) Railroads extension

Gunneson, William

1874 - (604) Gist St. - Opening

Gunnhausen, John

1865 - (1558) Jus t i ce of the Peace repor t

Gunnlbox, Tint.

1854 - (323) Cede Pump - Hoffman & Grundy 3ts .

Gunning * Bedford

1809 • (364) New Market Ftv House provisions to store hose & other aparatus.

Gunning, Catherine

1862 - (3774) Bounty Application

Sunning, '.'.. C.

1888 - (628) Opening Ba'ter Alley

Sunning, Michael

1874 - (717) Const ruct Armory - B e l a i r 13ct. 1883 - (674) Claim 1883 - (852) Cla ia

Qunnlson, Geo.

184S - (837) State tax

Junnison, ™.

1850 - (837) Fump, ~lat, Grundy & Dolphin St.

Gunnison, Ifm.

• (1367-1378) Collections - Harbor Master - (221) Inquests - (483) Estb. routes - Omnibuses (548) Various streets - open - condemn (311) Open Biddle & Chase & John Sts. (350) Dolphin St. - open to Cathedral St. (602) Improve - Richmond J.'arket (503) Open - Dolphin St. (377) License - Meat sold (1396) Justice of Peace Report (284) property tax sale (431) Litigation - City City Court M38)U Srdci.T,North Ave- Bridge (1764) Tax bills (24) Bond (495) Property Notice

Gunnison, Vra.

1871 - (1262) 1372 - (856) 1374 - (?4l) 1875 - (17)

Curbstone Cpen Sts. Water 01st St. -

m, U« RSR«


Suns, 3.

1591 - (564) Against Coat of Eeppving

Ounsalea, D. L.

1852 - (283) Coroners lnauest

Quneberg, Jacob

1855 - (62) Coroners Inquest

3unselnnn, Geo.

1891 - (518) Korth -eeat Market

Junselmann, Adam

1583 - (463) Oppose Widening Little 3ree n St.

Gunsher, Henry

1866 - (2543) Fineo

Gunsler, Lewis

1859 - (2070) Fines - Justice of the Peace

Gunsl, John

1865 - (258) Pay Increase - Garbage Ken

Guntenberg, Jacob

1660 - (344) Small note Issue 1863 - (3198) Bounty Application

Sur-strom, Robert 0.

1883 - (453) Oppose Widening Little Sreen

C-un'er, Catherine

1853 - (1925) Licenses collected 1657 - (1034) Licenses

Gunter, Charles

1863 - (37C6) Deserters - ltd. Vol. Infantry

Qunter, Henry

1845 - (1315) Licenses 1846 - (1006) Licenses 1850 - (1037) Stock list 1856 - (27) Pump Plat

Junter, Herman

1S79 - (612) Groucd for Public Sq..

Gunter, John

1886 - (165) Market Master - Protest 1900 - (£83) Market License

Sunter, L. V.

13ei - (288) Paving Sutaw PI. 1900 - (601) Protest Tracks

Guntennann, ?.

1833 - (375) Baltc. St. - Slectric Light

Suntermann, Frank

1SS7 - (32) Pave Marietta St.

Gunth, Fredk.

1849 - (1460) Licenses

Qunther, Adolph

1864 - (3769) Ulster Roll

Sunther, Albert

1906 - (600) Howard St. Sit.

Gunther, August

1359 - (192) Pro tes t double track a t Bela i r I.'arket 1861 - (478) Fire Plug - Belair Market 1862 - (344) Small note Issue 1864 - (361) Fish market 1865 - (304) Larger Fish Harket 1866 - (964) Low & Forrest Sts . - 2rect Blag. 1869 - (263) Public Hall 1873 - (526) Open Forrest St. 1E73 - (1568) Low St. - Build Sewer

Suiither, August A.

1674 - (716) Belalr ttrt.

Gunther , C.

1847 - (60) S e l l & Fumps - Ann 4 Lombard 3 t s . 1850 - (82) Pump e r e c t , c o r . Lombard S t . & Happy A l . 1654 - (408) widen E. B a l t o . S t . 1855 - (261) Extind p ipe - Lombard S t . 1858 - (259) Lay Mains - Gas Co. 1861 - (335) ImproTenent - B a t t e r y Square 1871 - (1949) City College - Sreet . 1874 - (584) Sden St. - Sever 1S95 - (1175) Belair !'.arket S ta l l s

Qunther, C. If,

1877 - (9E9) Drum P o i n t H. H. Stock 1681 - (385) P r o t e s t S t r e e t Pav ing

Guntber, Catherine

1862 - (7178) Bounty Application

crunther, Charles

1862 - (11402) 1873 - (456) 1876 - (1009) 1860 - ( 187) 1880 - (189) 1885 - (266) 1887 - (305) 1890 - (123) 1894 - (57)

I t u a t e r R o l l - T e n t h R e g i m e n t Oppose Opening Albenarle St City Hall Publ ic Sq. Protest Tracke - Baltimore St .

Against Widening Baltimore St . Taxes Widen Bal to . St . Surrender - Froperty l i g h t s : Harford Hd.

Gunther, Conrad

1663 - (o£2) License - 3elair Haricot

"unther, D. N.

leeE - (266) Taxes

Ount'ner, 2.

1882 - (312) ?ln«Btoneo - Druid Hill Fk.

C-unther, F.

187e - (1049) Chase St. - Condemn

Gunther, Edward

1862 - (7179) Bounty Application

Gunther, Erhart

1862 - (7178) Bounty Application 1862 - (11375) Huster Roll - Fifth Reg.

Gunther, Ernst

1864 - (3768) Master Roll

Junther, F. H.

1899 - (462) Pave Richmond St..

Gunther, Frederick

1638 - (1756) Trader's License 1858 - (804) Coroners inquest 1659 - (106) Coroners inquest

Sunther, Fred. ft.

1879 - (52-1) Qualified Toter

Gunther, ?redericta

1904 - (561) License

Gunther, Friederiek

1892 - (406) Belalr brkat Stalls

Gunther, G.

1848 - (263) Ann S t . - pump, assessment 1855 - (204) Coroners lnque«t 1856 - (880) Coroners inquest 1896 - (1175) Belelr Martet S ta l l s

Gunther, Georpe

ie83 - (254) License - Tells Pt. Kct. 1896 - (1178) Fells pt. Market Stalls 1900 - (501) Protest Tracks 1906 - (730) Subscriptions

Ounther, George, J r . 1900 - (601) Protest Tracks

Ounther, H.

1850 - ( 73) Canton Ave. 4 Ca3tle Alley, erect pump 1350 - (231) Fump plat, Canton Av. & Castle Al. 1852 - (282) Coroners inquest 1866 - (1117) Protest - Renumbering Houses 1867 - (847) Extend Park

Gunther, Henry

1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary 1655 - (201) Coroners inquest 1856 - (281) Coroners Inquest 1865 - (1169) Bond for Bagatell Table

1866 - (1128) Protest Renumbering Houses 1866 - (2552) Fines 1879 - (524) (fcui if led Voter

Gunther, Herbert

1846 - (1006) Licenses issued

frunther, J .

169? - (221) Belair Market S ta l l s

Suiither, Janes

1909 - (110) igalnet B.C. Crossing

Ounther, John

1845 - (1315) Licenses 1850 - (1037) 1885 - (145) Market Master 1891 - (394) Clean Lafayette Kkt.

(runther, John D,

1875 - (1097) Hallway Tracks - Horth Ave.

Guuther, John H.

1879 - (524) Cjuallfled Votar

Gunther» John L.

1868 - (370) Richmond St. - Protest Stable

Junther, John X.

1878 - (1040) Linden Ave. - Tracks

f}unther, Ju l i u s

1853 - (447) Coroners inquest

Gunther, Katrina

1862 - (5535) Bounty Application

Sunther , L. H.

1869 - (386) E.H. Stock l e s ' i e

Gunthe r , L . .7.

1853 1856 1B56 1867 1874 1S75 1876 1376 1876 1880 1882 1883 1884 1885

--_ --_ -_ ------

(450- , . ) (1225) (437)

(816) (179) (971) (1035) (1029) (1D40) (243) (323) (367) (161) (112)

Coroners in j u e s t T r a d e r s Liquor L i c e n s e s Water u s e - S t r e e t s Engine - N o r t h S t . Appeal Tar Court 3.ngine House - H-W Balto. Iron Hailing Sutaw Place Widening Opening Streets Bequest - Dig Veil Pave 2utaw Place City Pass. R-E. Tracks Recommendation Conni?sioner - Eutaw PI . Square

Gunt'ner, 1 . W .

1 B 8 5 - (MO 1666 - (IBS) l 6 8 9 - (493)

Extend PBjraent Cowris. Sutaw P I -Open KcOolloll S t .


Gunther, Llizie

1885 - (1145) Mount Hope Hoop.

Souther, I-udolph W.

1888 - (658) Damages - Clairc

Sunther, M.

1871 - (1881) Hallway Tracks - lindan Ave. 1872 - (915) K B . Cars & Ferry 1883 - (453) Howard St. - Electric Light

Gunther, Karlin

1865 - (342) Close Barber Shops Sundays

Sunther, Kartan

1871 - (1907) Snlai-fe KIrt.




(2552) Fines

Ounther, ITichol

1911 - (164) Protest

Gunther, Nicholas

185.5 - (446) Coroners inquest 1856 - (284) Coroners inquest

G u n t h e r , T. H.

1849 - (36) Coroners i n q u e s t 1873 - (813) Sarah Ann St. - Pump

Sunt her, '.'.'. B.

1883 - (96) Pave Eutaw PI .

Sunther, Wm.

1872 - (901) Cattle on Lexington St. 1S79 - (524) Qualified Voter

Cunthere, Kino

1971 - (1337) !'.kt. Clerk

Guntlach, George

1860 - (496) Open Warner St. at Columbia St.

luntler, John

1S70 - (2495) Srect Steaa Sng.

Guntlewolf, Geo.

1861 - (1402) Justice of the Peace report

18e5 - (263) B & 0 R.H. Co

sunts, J. W.

1910 - (416) 2rect Hospital

Guny, James

1876 - (1107) Oregon 3 t . - Opening

Guntz, John

1060 - (318-8) Purchase - Federal Hill 1562 - (1587) Oath of Allegiance 1864 - (1685) street cleaning 1865 - (1751) Street cleaning - Payroll 1865 - (1788) City Pay Roll

Guntzman, Jacob

1866 - (1100) Protest W.Md.R.R.Subscriptions

Gunnood, John

1812 . (455) Protast against Theatrea, etc.

(Junzebmann, Q.

1894 - (105) Food I n s p e c t o r

Sunselman, Conrad

1910 - (74) Title 1910 - (ISO) Property Release

3uEzela-.an, Conrad J.

1906 - (577) Market Stall

Sunzelman, 5 .

1S90 - (457) Karket

Gunzelman, John

1861 - (1381) Justice of the Peace report

Gunzelman, Catherine

1910 - (74) Title 1910 - (150) Property Surrender

(jupman, Seorge

1858 - (1535) Fines - Justice of Peace

Gurbrich, J.

1866 - (123) Water Board Payroll

Qurgton, William

1836 - (394) City Guards, organized to prevent riots, etc

Ourir, John

1846 - (982) City Court Fines

Gurish, Tm.

1863 - (3435) Oath of enl is tment

Gurlter, John

1856 - (1285) Licenses

Gurk, Bridget

1862 - (2363) Bounty Application

Gurk, Patrick

1662 - (2363) Bounty Application

Gurkins, Thos. E.

1867 - (137) Appeal Tax Court

Garley, Elizabeth

1862 - (7837) Bounty Application

Gurley, Geo.

1862 - (7837) Bounty Application

Gurraley, John

1859 - (423) Engine House - Repair Contractor

Gurmon, James

1865 - (1553) Justice of the Peace Report

Gurney, James

1853 - (644) Catholics protest schoo

Gurney. N. G.

1671-(1936S) Extend Patterson Pnrk

Oumey, Nathan

1856 - (1812) Criminal Court f ines

Gurney, Nathan G.

1857 - (544) Coroners i n q u e s t

Burner , Thomas

190C-(60u> Lay Tracks

Ournheard, George

1901^(600) Lat Tracks

Gums, Caroline

1862 - (2725) Bounty Application

Gurns, Iydia

1862 - (2725) Bounty Application

Gums, 7m.

1862 - (2725) Bounty Application

Gurny, John

1853 - (639) Catholics Fro tes t -School t ax

Gurry, 3arr.es

1609-(29S) Ouen Oregon St 1&?0-(99S) Bath House 1870- (238-1) Open St. 1874-(690) Oregon St Open 1875-(828) Open Arlington Ave 187u-(970) ipen Arlington Ave 1880-)At;alnst Opening St. i883-(364) Open Arlington Ave 1894-(lo5) Coaailssloner Squares

O u r s h i l l , J .

1854 - (113) Pump P l a t

Guraky, John

1864 - (184) Barber 's P ro t e s t

Gurten, John

1857 - (501) Power of Attorney

Gurthrie, John

1865 - (1552) Justice of the Peace report

Gurthrle, Joseph

1858 - (1151) Police Bond 1864 - (2182) Bounty Applloetlon 1865 - (1554) Justice of the Feace report

Gurtler, Christina

1862 - (8126) Bounty Application

Gurtler, Fred,

18?6-(935) Market Stall License 1376-(lo67) Ice Pond

Gurtler, Frederick H.

1862 - (8126) Bounty Application

Qurzan, John

1805 - (365) Li»t of Dog Tax.

Gusdorf, A.

1862 - (1494) J u s t i c e of t h e Peace 1864 - (1506) F i n e s

1870-(23t7) flater Huisance 1876-(ll07) Oregon St. Opening Ib80-(lfc8) Against Opening St . 188o* (187) Protest Tracks on Balto. St . 1883-(303) Open Arlington Ave 1883-(366) Annapolis Balto. Short Line E. E. Co. 1883-(37f) Balto. St. Electr ic Light 1885-(351) New School

Gusdorf, B.

1862 - (1494) Justice of the Peace

Gusdorff, A.

1866 - (995) Lexin,- ton Market (Sales) 1867 - (705) House Numbering

Ousdorff, I. A.

1^06-(579) Lay Tracks 190':-780) Subscriptions

Gusdorff, Joseph

l'J04-(579) Tracks

Susdorff, Moses

1679-( Disqualified Voter 624

GuBdorpf, N.

1683-(498) Electric Llcht Poppleton St

Gushing, David

1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Ousley, Jacob

1864 - (1813) Fines

Gusly, Merit A.

1673-(51) Open Forrest St.

Gusman, Michael

1859 - (2058) Court fines

Gusnor, H. F.

1860 - (227) Extens ion - B a l t o . Ci ty Passenger R.

Gusny, James

1876-(1106) Oregon St. Opening

Gussa, Johanna

1662 - (5772) Bounty Application

ttussdorf, A,

Xb75-(907) Widen Gay S t .

Oussmann, David

5 1813 - (51) Petition to pave Long Alley bet. Sara toji St. & the New Market.

SusBiaann, Geo.

lSVS-C'^a) A p p l i c a t i o n Lampl igh te r

Gust, Samuel

1966 - (971) KcClures Dock

Gustave, Horace(Col.)

lb79-( Qualified Voter £24

Gustavns, F«

1675-(974) Hight S o i l

peter Gus tavo Trac*8

Gustln, Oeorge

1840 - (966) Interments 1912-(232) P r o p e r t y Damage

Gustln, John

1862 - (1510) Justice of the Peace report

Gustin, R.P.

1866 - (8679) Bounty Application 187?-( 20CC) Bonuo Fayralifts

Gustin, Sara. E.

1912-(103) Daxages Awarded 1912-(?3?) Property Daaage

Oastlnlanl, F.

1860 - (305) Compensate - Slactlon Clerks

Sustls, «B. S.

1679-( Qualified Voter 524

Qustman, liiehael

1809 - (20A) Pav.Warrant, Eutaw St. between Pratt & Conway St8.

1809 - (88) Petition, pave Eutaw St.

Gustrink, Ernest

1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary

Sustus, H.

1832 - (1498) City Bailiff. 1839 . (306) Interaent*

(Jus tus , Lewis

190C-(5b7) Market. L icense

Oustus, Mahlon

1863 - (1651) Oath of Allegiance

Gut, Dorothea

1862 - (6183) Bounty Application

Gut, Nicholas

1862 - (6183) Bounty Application

G-ufberlet, Char le s

1879-(B96) Eden S t . Opening 1879-(u09) Crossing Eden & Gay S t .

Cufberlet, Frank

1685-(392) Lamplighter 1886-(l°e) Lamplighter 1907f",77) Endores abl:atolr

Gufberlet R.

190C-(&01) Protest Tracks

Sutherlet Richard

190O-(5O9) Protest Tracks

(Jufbroett, Geo, J r .

1809-(4b.:) Manual Training School

Gufbrodt George

lb83 - (395) R. R. Camden S t . 1691-(85) Amuse':ent Br ice S t .

Gutenberg, Jacob

187S-(807) E. R. Traces Eastern Ave

Gutenbery, Jacob

1864 - (2013) Bounty Application

Gutener, Fredrick

1856 - (388) Sale fresh meats


1862 ^344) Small- no t issa*

Guterkunst, August

1866 - (2543) Fines

Gutermath, G.

1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops Sundays

Out ermuth, Chri stlan

190^-: 73C) Pave Fairmount Ave

Gutermuth, Gephart

1864 - (2688) Bounty Application 1865 - (1457) Cart Licenses

Gutermuth J .

1690-(436) Market

Outermuth V.

1672- (9°4) Saw Mi l l 1676-(1113) P r a t t S t . H. T racks

Gutenauth, V. G.

1663-(4?9) Gilaore St. Electr ic Light

Gutermuth, Valentine

1862 - (4227) Bounty Application 1864 - (280) Abate nuisance - Fremont & Pratt Sts.

Gutasmlth, Gao.

1862 - (6676) Bounty Application

Gutesmuth, Geo.

1862 - (6656) Bounty Application

Guth, Gustav

1H71-(1830) Gerrian S t . Statj le 1873- (54 l ) Bernra S t . Wagons

Outh, John

168:1-(367) Bonds- Md. Central H. R.

Guth'brodt, Geo( J r )

lS8c-(352) Application POP' t

Suthei l , Emllie

1883-(466) Lombard St. Elect . Light

Gutheil, Otto

1875-(937) Holllns St. Engine House

Guthey, Joshua

1800 - (35) Grade Hanover St. between Pratt & Cam­den St.

Outhlns, Harry 1911 -(404) Uar'tet Rent

Outh r ldge , J . F .

1870-(2341) Lynchburg Danv i l l * E. H. 1671-(1325) Lineman

Guth r idge , J n o . J.

1879-(596) Eden S t . Opening

Guthridge, Ralph

1804 - (806) Quarantine Law, Fort McHenry.

Qutbrle, Ann

1807 - (87) Petition Pump on Charles St.-1810 - (233)Est. lines of lot-Charles St.

O u t h r i e , Geo. H( J r . )

ie71»(1282) Richmond Market Ap;.11 ca t ion

Guthrie, James

1856 - (513) Mayor's correspondence - appointments

Guthrie, John

1807 - (27) Petition Puop on Charles St. 1810 - (233) Fetltion establish Lines of Lot

Charles St.

Outhrle, John B.

1855 - (170) Stockholder - R. R.

Guthrie, Joseph

1853 - (447J Coroners inquest 1855 - (315) fleaove Capt. - Eastern district 1857 - (545) Coroners Inquest 1857 - (168) Appoint Police

Guthrie, Joshua

1799 - (807) Division of tarda- Against new Market, North End.

1810 - (833) Petition establish Lines of Lot Charle St.

G u t h r i e , P a t r i c k

1859 - (272) E s t a b . Market House i n Canton

iSTl-Cool) Hudson St. Sheft

18?7-(91?) Canton lOct, Retniild

Suthrle, Philip

189r.-( l?-*?) Lafayette Market Stalls

Guthrie, V. V.

1914-(163) Protest Moving Pictures

Oathro, Ann

1811 • (237) Establlah dlTlalon lfcne of lit #35 charlea St. West Slda.

1834-(30) Charlea st.-Establish lines.

Outhro, Charles

1855 - (302) Coroners Inquest

Guthrou, Wllllaa

1799 - (145) Pump Tax. Hanover St. & Oernan Alley.

Suthrow, Ann

18?4-(480D) Power Of Attorney

wawsw Chas.

1B71-(1949A) C i ty College E r e c t

Guthrow, J u l i a A*

1874-480D) Power Of At torney

Quthson, Joseph

1799 - (36) Paving Warrant, German Lane between Hanover 4 Charles St a.

Outhwright B. A.

1681-(?43) Repairs Tells Pt . Ukt.

Gutkain, A.

1B6S - (1313) Bond - City Coran. & Port harden

Gutklns, Thos. A.

1861 - (537) Steamboat from Balto.

Gutleib, N.

1867 - (842) Extend Park

Gutman, Abel

1867 - (692) House Numbering

Gut man, D,

l ° 0 6 - ( 6 0 4 ) Pave North Ave

tjutrnr.n, Dora

1 ?6-(935) Liarket S t a l l L i c e n s e

Siitmrn, Edward

1907-(58) Property Surrender

Sut^ian, 0 . A.

1*94-(145) ffater Cednr Ave

Gutraari, Geo.

1850 - (355) City ordinances - German c c r r e s .

Outman, I

1673-(901) Cattle on Lexington St.

Qutman, Jacob

1866 - (1000,1 Marion St. ."lace Lamp


Out man, J o e l

1659 - (£18) P r o t e e t removal of R. R. from Eutan S t 1859 - (180) P r o t e s t - R a i l r o a d t r a n s f e r t o Howard " 1860 - (2147) F i n e s - J u s t i c e of Feace

1869-(3030 Part- Concerts 1869-(S87) H. R. Stack issue 1871-U813) Soap Mfg. 1871-(1949E) City College Erect 1872-(965) Perkins Spring Buy 1873-(832) Saall Pox Vaccination 1875-(923) HeDreu Orphanage Water 1875-(953) Pave Madison Ave 1877-(2025) Contributors to Savannah Sufferers 1880-1339-( Protest Passing Ordinance

Gutman, Joel

lBBl-(407) Street Lighting le5C-(3H0) Sewer- Eutaw St. 1863-(41§) Hepave Eutaw St. 1865-(268) Taxes 1R68-(151) Yellow Fever Fund 1891-(548) Funds Hospital 1906-(780) Subscriptions

Gutman. John A.

190?-(13) Property Surrender

Gutman, J o h n B.

1850 - (415) E r e c t S l a u g h t e r House - Monument, E i d d l e & Chew o t s .

1869-(a70) St. Oars Broadway Market

Gutman, John D.

1867 - (839) Extend Park 1869-(37S) Repair Market

Gutman, J u l i u s

16JLUh0^ C^A!11 S ' ln« in« Signs 1879-( (Qualified voter 524 1886-(1035) Obstructions Sts . 1887-(300) License Lex. Market 1890-(346) Fire Commissioner 1894-(527) S ta l l s Lex. Market 1895-(14) Use of Premises 19C4-(158) Contra ct 1906-(539) La) Tracks


Gutraan, M.

1853 - (703) I n c r e a s e Vater & Gas s u p p l y , consumer 18SB - (130) Horse H. H. - C o n s t r u c t a t B a l t o . S t . 1867 - (705) House Numbering 1867 - (607) Open German S t .

Outm&n, U. J .

1909-(129) So Tracks Callow Ave

G-utman, Moses

1873-(506) Druid H i l l Pk. Approneh 1673- (75 l ) Pave Uadison Ave 1674-(717) Const ruc t Arnory B e l a l r Mkt. 1876-(1045) Wagon Stands

Gutman, N.

1866 - (1000) Marlon St . Place Lamp l«75-(836(Build Hailray y

lb77-(2025) Contrl'butores to Savannah Suffers 18804-208) Openlgg Cathedral St .

Gutman, Nathan

lb79- Qualified Voter 524 lb79-(1357) Erect Sign 1660-(o39) Protest Passing Ordinance 1890-(28) Bond Bayvlew Asylun 1?0L-(597) Protest Paving Little Sharp St. 1906-(589) Lay Tracks

Gutman, Nelson

1904-(158) Contract

Gutman, Rudolph

190 -(60C) l a y Trades

Gutmann, Kdw.

16&9-(48^) Manual T ra in ing School

Gut matin, J-

1671-US73) Cattle Thru City

Gutmann, John

1H71-(1694) Appro. Fella Point Hkt.

Gutmann, John B.

1 8 6 7 - (384) "arket Stalls

Gutman"1, S .

1875-(: '393) Hanover Mrt . H e n t a l s

lB91-(40ii) Paving

Gut man;,, TTilliam

1871-(1891) P r o t e s t Widening Broadway

Gutmeier, Nothburger

1864 - (2443) Bounty Application

autrou, Simon

1798 - (221) Coamlttse Reports, Election Returns.


Gutsnmth, Henry

18b8-(679) Date Patterson Park

antao, John

1797 -(96) Treasurer'* Aeeount.

Out so, Joseph

1797 - (96) Treasurer's Account.

Outsteck, Hiram

1956 - (285) Coroners Sm-uest

Gutfbrodt, Mary

190C-(583) Market license

S u t t e r , Mary

1670-(~ 447) Thoopsen S t . - Open

Gutternmth., V.

1871-(1S61) Jones Falls Overflow

Suttera, John

1799 - (127) Erection of Punp Charles St.

Gutters, Joseph

1799 - (127) Erection of Pump Charles St.

Outtner, C. J .

18£9-(295) Application Position

Su t tno t t , Charles

1840 - (337) Remove tracks from paved s t ree t s

Guttrey, Capt.

1817 - (847) To 1816 - (964) Ton.-.

nnage Report aee-Fells Ft.

Outtro, m .

1811 - (40) Puap Warrant Hanorar St. bet. Camden & Conway Ste.

Quttrom, S.

1813 - (748) Uuater Roll-Ist Reg.-Ft. HcHenry.

Guttrow, H.

1814 - (556) Mayor's Correspondence-Hat Makers aid in defence of City.

Guttrow, S.

1813 - (809) Pay Roll-lst.'Reg. Artillery. 1829 - (110) Est. Scott St.

Guttry, Joshua

1SOO - (88) Pump Warrant, Hanover St.

Gutty, Hathew

188S-(417) Grade- Eastern Ave

Outs, Jacob

1798 - (66) Ptwp on Loabard St .

Gutzinger, Adam

1062 - (9790) Bounty Application

Gutzman, "m.

1861 - (1403) Juetice of the Peace report

Quy, All

1861 - (1401) Ju s t i ce of the Peace report

Guy, Anna

1859 - (2123) Fines - Justice of the Peace

Gu>, Dixon

lb71-(1783) Sabbath Day Nuisance 1867-(334) Calvert St. Spg. 16h7-(3." 5) Calvert St. Spg.

Guy, Franeia

1804 - (369) Ereet Baltimore Town in Baltimore Co.

Guy, George W.

1865 - (1273) Bond for B a g a t e l l Table

Guy, Henry

1859 - (2127) Fines -1860 - (2164) Fines -1862 - (1523) Justice 1866 - (2561) Tinee

Justice of the Peace Justice of Peace of the Peace - Report

Guy, Isaac

1856 - (386) Coroners inquest 1861 - (348) Erect gas lamp 1864 - (1476) Tax refund

Guy, James

1850 - (1284) Follce

1859 (2126) Fines -3ond Justice of the Feace

Guy, James F.

1839 - (1547) City Bailiffs - Report

Guy, Janet

1862 - (8077) Bounty Application

Guy, John

1841 - (342) Petition - Gas Consum 1842 - (1185) Licenses granted 1844 - (1266) Licenses 1846 - (1006) Licenses 1850 - (1037) Stock list 1853 - (1510) Licenses 1856 - (1225) Licenses i.cc fpso) Coroners inquest

1862 1 (8077) Bounty Application

lob3-(398) Electric Light Canton Ave

Guy, Joseph

1858 - (1531) Fines - Justice of Feace 1861 - (492) S. Balto. Mechanics Bell ringing 1865 - "

187. I W Y&&£Srr2& the Peace repor t ory

Guy, Mary

1559 - (2107) Fines - -Justice of the Feace

Guy, Moses B e l l Tower - S. B a l t o .

Rol l 1860 - (294) Hechani 1864 - (3600) Buster 1865 - (1549) Justice of the Feace report 1867 - (190) Power of Attorney

Guy, R. G.

1B59 - ( 8 9 8 ) Estab, Cat t l e

Protes t - Sewer

P a s s e n g e r R. R.

1872-(901) Cattle on Lex. St . 1875-(836) Build Hallway

Guy, R . J .

1866 - ( 9 9 5 ) Lexington Market ( S a l e s ) 1866 - ( 1 1 1 9 ) P r o t e s t Renumbering Houses

Guy, Rebeeea

1866 - (2895) Bounty Application

Quy, Robt.

1838 - (1943) Police Report 1856 - (1825) Licenses

Guy, Samuel

1640 - (946) Intarmanta 1857 - (542) Coroners Inquest

Guy, Walter

lB89-(483) Manual Training School

Guy, William

1840 - (1165) Licenses Issued 1847 - (397) Appoint City Commissioners 1850 - (282) B.&O.H.R. - stock - diat, of dividend 1860 - (294) Mechanics Bell Toner - S. Balto. 1861 - (492) S. Balto. Mechanics Bell ringing 1861 - (396) Against widening Eutaw St. 1862 - (9819A) City Register - Bounty Accounts 1864 - (3798) Vaster Roll 1866 - (924) Hughes St. Garbage 1866 - (2728) Bounty Application 1871-(1708) Claim 1695-(430) Tracks- Wolfe St.

Guyden, G. S.

168B-(662) School 20

Buyer, Daniel

1800 - (138) Auctioneers report.

Guyes, John T.

1853 - (660) Ferrait Swine to run a t large

Guyser, Phillip

1867 - (85) Transportation

Guyther, Caroline

1872-(806) Grade Central Ave

Quyther, Caroline X.

1854 - (472) Open - Bough St.

Guyther, Henry

1856 - (271^ Appoint Physician - Marine Hoapital 1856 - (378) 1862 - (1485-A

ens« Bond


1866 - (887) Boat Appropriation

Meat sold City Officer


Guyther, John

1642 - (278) Inquests

Guyther, Mary

1839 - (1697) License Issued retell

Guyton, A. S.

1868 - (343) Currency notes - Small issue

Guyton, B.L.

1866 - ( 9 9 5 ) Lexington Market ( S a l e s ) 1872-(9?5) Remove Hanover Mkt.

ttuyton, B. S.

lb80-(308) Protest Opening Cathedral St . 1685-(S59) Protest Hepavlng Saratoga St.

Ouyton, Benjamin

1841 - (734) Balto. & Harfd. Turnpike Rd. - Stock-

1861 - (369) Against R. R. cars on sundayVlders

Guyton, Benj. F.

1851 - (3017) School report

Quyton, C. T.

1861 - (519) Rebuilding bridge - Harris Creek

Guy ton, E. J .

1863 - (117) Payroll - Water Board

1870-(2576) Md. Ins t i tu te 1687-(rS34) Calvert St . Sp«.

Guyton, Edward

1859 - (2095) Fines - Justice of the Peace

Guyton, Elisha

1849 - (634) Belair Htct. change hours 1853 - (450) Coronara lnquaat

Ouyton, Geo. W.

1866 - (1101) For W. Jld. R.R.Subscriptions

Guyton, Henry

1 844 - (408) P r o f i t - Huckster. , . « . M03) De.d - Gunpowder Copper 1866 - (103)

Qnyton, J. C.

1854 - (108) Pump Plat

Guyton, James

1889 - (444) Bailiffs Return. 1847 - (594) Open - Chew 3t. 1847 - (460) Extension - Belair Market 1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary 1851 - (1649) " granted 1855 - (1509) Licenses 1853 - (613) Erect Dispensary - N. E. 3aito. 18S3 - (585) Square layout - N. E. Balto

Guyton, James B.

188S-(l74i Street Coma. 169«-(ei l ' Election Judge 1690-(5C3) Measures 1891-(535) Open Ensor St 1892-(.?94) Elevator- Record Cfflce 1911-U) T i t l e 1911-(42) Property Release

Guyton, Jaaes C.

1857 - (544) Coroners Inquest

Guyton, Jno.

Stock list Belalr Mkt. - evening mkt. Licenses granted Bailiff 3ond Appoint Supt. - Streets Coroners inquest Sale fresh meats Taxes - Assessors compensation Coroners inquest Election Judges Lay Track - Ensor St .

Deed - Gunpowder Copper TTorks Pines

l t 7 0 - f IJ346) Square Keeper- Sa la ry 1670-12743; Sa la ry I n c r e a s e lfc72-(912) Madison Sq. Keeper

1350 -1850 -1851 -1853 -1856 -1856 -1856 -1858 -1858 -1859 -1859 -

1866 -1866

• (1037) ( 417) ( 1651) (1525) (107) (282) (391) (821) (208) (419) (179) (103)

- (2552)

Ouyton, John

1874-(702) Parks Solar;.- Inc ease

Ouyton, Joseph

1854 • (108) Pump P l a t I860 - (2164) Fines - J u s t i c e of Peace 1863 - (495) Washington Road Repair

1883-(441) Hanover St. E lec t r ic Light

Guyton, Joshua

1349 - (634) Belair Mkt. change hrs.

Guyton, Uary Ann

1649 - (629) Belair K'kt. change hours

Guyton, Mathilda

1846 - (1105) Night watch report

Guyton, Sa rah

1866 - (103) Gunpowder Copper '.'forks

Guyton, Samuel. W.

1879-( Qualified Totor 524

Guy ton,

1 B 6 2 . (272) Election ilerka appointed

Guyton, Wm.

1629 • 1843 1844 1846 1849 1850 1853 1853 18S3 1855 • 1859 1861

• (1603) Retail License. • \\°*Z\ Llcenae Issued - (1267) Licenses - (399) Butcher apprenticeship - (634) Belalr ttkt. change hours - (103?) Stock list - (450-A) Coroners i n q u e s t - (703) I n c r e a s e .Vater & Gas s u p p l y

(587) Pabl lo Square - E r e c t Inn - E. B a l t o . Howard S t . - Erect Steam Engine E a t a b . P a s s e n g e r R. R. R e p a i r R. R. t r a c k - N. Howard S t .

1869-(lo9) Widen Clay St. 1871-(1852) Howard St. Track 1673-(886) Howard St. H. E. tracks

(255) (298! (437

Guyton, wm. K.

1862 - (10) Election Judges 1865 - (116) Judge of election

1866 - (1014) Howard St. Removal of R.R.Tracks 1882-(356) Pave Howard St,

Guyton, *m. h

1B62 - (343) Currency notes - small Issue

Guyton, ffm. R.

1864 - (254) Election expenses

Guzman, Agutln

1856 - (391) Sale fresh meats

Guzzone, Samuel

1 9 1 Q - ( 4 0 4 ) ttct. Bent

Owalt, Catharine

1640 - (109) Plat - Hill St.

G*altney, J aws A

l&83-(429) Oilmore St. Elec t r ic Li£it

Gwaltney, "L, K.

1?10-(1V8) Handling of Cars

Q*an, Thomas

1870-(rj351) B e l a l r Market

Qwean, John 1840 - (337) He»ore t r a c t , from pared . t r e a t .

Owedel, VT.

16b9-(483) Manual Training School

Gweet, Saml

1854 - (1246) Stockholder - Bank

Gwin, Caroline

1851 - (19831) Police report

Gvln, L. Nicholas

1661 - (369) Against R. R. ears on Sundays

Gwin, L. W.

1859 - (106) Coroners inquest

Grtn, T. T.

186 3-( 333) Claims 1683-(469E) Hanover Market 16c9-(4fi3) Manual T r a i n i n g School

Gwindel, George J .

1S84-(1G0) Reconmandatlon

Gwir-der, Jaco'j

1670-(?711) Grant St. Charge Grade

Girinn. 0. J . U.

1868-(261) Heading Clerk 16?5-(351) John Hoppkir.s Statue 1£90-(114) Surrender Of Property 1698-(<il?) Snooth Tnvlrj: To Johns Hopkins Hospital l r97 - ( l ) Telephone Poles

Orinn Sr. C. W.

1811 - (66) 'Health County wharf Nuisance ask removal as.

Owlnn, Calab D.

1823 - (515) Complaint agalnat Wet. llaater-Lexlng ton Met.

Gwinn, Chas.

1803 - (£30) Relative to selling Dry 3ocds at Public Sale.

1803 - (409) Account of powder in Magazine. 1804 - (176) Petition Ponder Magazine. 1805 - (390) Account of Powder In the Magazine. 1804 - (333) Report of Powder Magazine. 1804 - (334) Report of Powder Magazine. 1804 - (335) Report of Powder Magazine. 1808 - (194) Petition, Hollingaworth & Smith's

Wharf, protest on Oyster Eoat, 1809 - (318) Appl. Wood corder. 1810 - (330) Fetition For Inspector of Fish. 1810 - (331) Petition For Inspectoniof Flour. 1810 - (334) application for Flour Inspector.

Qwinn, Che

1812 -

1812 -1812 -

1812 -

1813 -

1613 •

1813 •

is. "o


(444) (229)



• (180)

• (203)


Charle* & Conway St. Est. Lines of S. E. Intersection.

Tetition of Flour Dealers. City Commissioners Establishmsnt of

Division line on Xclane's Wharf.

Filling in of Dock Estimates of Damages to property holders.

Warrant for Paving Guilford Alley bet. Forest & Goodman 3ts.

Petition-Transportation-Fells Ft. to City Appropriation to break up ice in Bay.

Fetltlon to remain in office.

Gwinri, Chas. u 1814 -

1815 -1816 -

1816 -18]S -

1818 -1818 -1819 -1830 -1821 -

1823 -ie23 -1824 . 1825 -

1826 -


(80) (331)

(475) (389)

(413) (°48) (665) (330) (764)

(131) (665) (458# (133)


Ap,licdti Petition-Petition Ins, ecto

Flour let Feve -4 He

Sc Ester.d wh iAeturns-S Reports & Remove *• Erection Commerce Flour Insf Position i Inapeotloi


on City Collector. •Appoint Night '.fatchrr.an. for position of Beef St. Fork ir.

:pectors. pair-Lee St. b e t . Goodman Forrest St,. arf at 3asin-Flour Tnsp. ;torage. Heturns-Hanover Ykt. Stable Holliday St; of Platfora at Wharf. St.-Plat. p. Report. as lieasuer of Grain, n of flour, e Bailiff.

Gwinn, Chas. 4#

1326 - (519) Appt. Measurer of Grain. 1828 - (351) Voluntary subscriptions-City Defense. 1828 - (467) Application for Port Surveyor. 1828 - (481) Appt. of Port Warden. 1828 - (487) Regulate Tonnage Rates. 1S28 - (500) Hire Mud Machines. 1828 - (1623) Flour Inspection.

1830 - (1060) Watchman Applicant. 1831 - (653) ivailroad-Pratt St . 18;'3 - (624) Hanover Mkt. - Condition of steps. 1835 - (551) Court House, Lumber. 1836 - (1303) Property, assessment 1837 - (729) Interments - Report 1848 - (1029) Western Bk. - stockholders

CTrlnn, Ch.-.n, J .

lt>72-$7->9) T i t l e Examined

Gwinn, David

1797 - (7) pave Front st,Public Al,Calvert St. 1797 - (36) Paving Front St, Smith's Al.4 Busy Al.

Jwinn, L.'.V. & Co

1809 - (280) Flour inspection. 1SC9 - (i;S2) Flour inspection.

Gwinn, Ed

1807 - (228) Dealers in nines and spirituous liquors. 1813 - (726) Hi. Militia Muster Rolls. 1813 - (787) Pay Roll-5th Reg. Md. Militia. 1814 - (238) Appt. of Gauger Domestic Distilled

Spirits. 1821 - (371) Regulating sale ef wheat & Bran.

Cwinn, Geo.

Ifc95-(.?K) A p p l i c a t i o n

Oninn, Hannah

1841 - (733) Balto. & Fraderlcktown Turnpike Co. Stockholders

1841 - (742) Stookbolder - Farmers & lieehanlcs Bank 1841 - (755) Stockholder - Union Bank

Qwlnn, Hannah, Jr.

1841 - (755) Stockholder - Union Bank

Swlnn, J. U.

1871-(1160) Konunent St. Bny Window

Owlnn, Jacob

1821 - (407) Inspection of Flour.

Gwinn, James

1813 - (43) P e t i t i o n for paving Charles St . b e t . Pleasant & Mulberry S t s .

1316 - (181)Pet i t ion-Paving-Forreet Lane form Pleasant Alley.

1816 - ( lS l )Fe t i t ion-Faving Forres t Lane & Fleas ant Alley.

1836 - (1983) Report; Interments

1S'?0-G2443N) Park Tax Atatenent

Gwinn, John

1819 - (155) Furnish & repair Pumps. 1836 - (1441) Inter»ente, Report

1848 - (1160) Uoenses Ordinary

0«lnn, London

1836 - (1411) Interaents, Report

Gwinn, Mary

1351 - (1649) Licenses granted

Owinn, Mary Ann

1841 - (733) Balto. & Fredarlcktown Turnpike Co. Stockholders

1841 > (742) Stockholder - Farmers & Mechanics Bank 1841 - (746) Stockholder - Franklin Bank of Balto. 1841 - (755) Stockholder - Union Bank

Omlnn, P. W.

1814 - (277) Petition-Place Lanps-Pratt & Spears Wharf.

Owlnn, Richard

1827 - (4SS) Ragulata & Ifaaaura g r a i n , a t e .

1910-(12S-167) Property Release

CHilnn, Ko«an

1 6 3 6 . (1441) Intern ente, Report

Gwinn, Seth

1813 - (207) Petition for Position as Supt. of Chimney Swesps*

Qwlnn, Thos.

1815 - (249) Application for position as wood eorder.

1842 - (837) State tax

Gwlnn, Washington

1859 - (104) Coroners inquest

Gwlnn, Wra.

1844 - (1129) Real Estate - Sold for taxes

Gnyerback, Jo.

1350 - (1037) -took list

Gwyn, Chas . H.

l £79 - (659) Tracks on Lex l r^ ton St

Gwyn, James

1862 - (4498) Bounty Application

Gnyn, John R.

1853 - (659) Regulate Hogs

Cwyr., wll l lan

1672-(562) T i t l e

Gwynn, Caroline

1841 - (986) Tines imposed by City Court

Gwynn, Charlea 1842 - (836) Taxes

Gwynn, Chas. J . M.

1867 - (135) Water Eng.

1674-(280) Johns Hopkins

Gwynn, C la rence

1662 1862

c««. 5SS^fsS3U" (10160)

Gwynn, E. I .

I ° r0- ( f l7) Protest Fo.-d Sale


Gwynn, H.

1874-(826) Harbor Improvements


Gwynn, Henry

l£72-(632) Jones Fal ls Improvements 1£E8-)651) Cattle Driving lK09-(483) lianual Training School

0«ynn, J. Robert

1855 - (203) Coroners inqnest

Gwynn, John

1608 - (305) Petition to regulate sale of corn & Buckwheat.

1809 - (353) Gauger. 1847 - (372) Eatb. Bowling Alley

Owynn, John.Jr

1802 (305) Petition to regulate sal

.„ __' corn Buckwheat.

Gwynn, Louisa, E.

1920-(7) Lease

Gwynn, N. C.

1856 - (280) Coronsrs inquest

Gwynn, Rachel

1846 - (1C06) Licenses

Gwynn, Robert

1849 - (646} Patapsco Rifle Co. - armory 1862 - (1500) Justice of the Peace report 1862 - (1972) Oath of Allegiance 1862 - (2221) Bond 1862 - (2426) Bounty Application 1863 - (1964) Oath of Allegiance

Guynn, *1

1B02 -

1802 -

1803 -

1803 -1807 -

1807 -1807 -1799 • 1800 • 1809 •




(32) ....«... --ri^ir (305) Petition to regulate " l « c « h ^ t .

(3C6) Petition Lottery tor * • £ £ , ? £ ? on (3S5A)Heport of ^ ^ J ^ A S T l ^ ^ (23) *»**£ i r & T r i P o l e t a A l l e y g g S 2 * S T 2 S u ^ S t r ^ e t s * pu.P*-

. ' (S t? ) Diary - l . t Branch. ( 2 1 6 ) Wagons C a r t s ^ ^ e s R e _ a p p £ ) i n t , e n t ,

• ' 2 4 8 > C ° U n Cs ^ . r r o f l » e e p e , 2nd D i r t .

- (367) Streets * Pumps Supt. Pet i t ion .

Gwynn, .Tm

1809 -

1810 -1810 -

1811-1811 -

1818 -1812 -

1812 -

1812 -


(303) (323)

(380) (383)

(36) (311)




Fet- Lamps erection of stone & lower end of wharf.

Fetiticn Keeping of Gunpowder. Application for Supt. of Chimney

Sweeps. Inspector of Fish Inspector. Theatrical Exhibitions. Length of

Time for Opening-Closing-Tetitio Pump Warrant Calvert St. Tetition Green St. from Low St. S uth

Ward to City Line. Resignation as assessor for opening

Fratt St. Oath as Assessor.

Gwynn, 'Urn. 3#

1812 (541)

1812 -1813 -

1813 -

1813 -

1813 • 1813 i



(555) (18)



- (203) - (529)

- (532)

- (277)

Calvert & Chatam Sts. proposal to se 1 lot & Improvements to city.

Riot Investigation be made. Warrant for Paving Washington Sq.

bet. East St. & New Church St. Commissioners Correspondence. fiaspec

ing Extending & pave Calvert St. Fetition-Erection of Lamps Lexingto

St. bet. Howard & North Sts. Petition to remain in office. Assessors 4 Commissioners-Payment

for damages. Petition-Opening & extending

Pratt St. Petition-Appropriation Concert


Gwynn, 7m

1815 -

1816 -

1817 -1318 -ISIS -

1817 -1818 -

1818 -

13.18 -

1820 -

• (301)


(32C) (223) (441)

(107) (482)





Petition-Appointment to Public Office.

Paving of 3t. Paul Lane from 3altc. So Chatham St.

Fosition-3ts. & Fumps. S. E. Intersec. York & Lloya Sts. Lam;, at North Calvert St. .-.o ers Alley-

bet. St. Fauls Lane. Est. lot-Ycrk i. Lloyd St. Erect Lamp-Vilkes Alley bet. 3t. Paul

Lane & r.'orth Charles St. Assessment for opening of Fratt St.

Damages for opening of South, St. miscellaneous 3ills.

"m lnn, TTm.

1813 -

1614 -

1814 -

1817 -1817 -1813 -

1°20 -

1320 -1621 -1821 -

1821 -

1822 -

1822 -




(252) (339) (368)

• (344)

(561) (300) (407) (478) (105) (110)

5* (Gwynn)

Muster Rpll-D. S. Army-Ist Reg. ArtUlery-5th Brigade. Vfarrant-Furap Repair-East St. nr.

Calvert St. Valuation of Froperty along Great

Gunpowder River. Level Hanover "kt. Position-Sts. & Pumps. Pave Footways-Courtland St. 2, Side

St. Paul & Pleasant St. Removal of wooden bdss.-!.'kt. House bet. Eutaw St.

Fir^ PMg-gharp *• tep Sts. Indent If. Skit Jones Falls. Inspection of Flour. Regulation of »agona & carts.

Mortgage. List of Expenditures.

Gwynn, lla. 6#

1822 - (497) Compensation for legal services to City 1823 - (3) Pave-Oeoreg St. W. of Paca. 182o - (137) Plat-George k Paca St. 1823 - (865) Cancelled Checks. 1824 - (473) Sewer-Pratt St. bet. South 4 Commerce St 1824 - (512) Printing 4 Stationery-Report 4 Returns. 1824 - (567) Proposal for printing. 1825 - (133) Inspection of Flour. 1825 - (138) Application for Grain Measurer. 1825 - (180) Improve cove-Three Prcng Branch. 1826 - (346) County 4 State Tax Collections. 1826 - (422) Improve-Chestnut. Al. Ij827 - (480) Repair-Hanover Met* 1827 - (1526) Vouchers. 1828 - (175) Advertising Proposal. 1828 - (278) Deed. 1828 - (351) Voluntary subscriptions-City Defense.

Swynn, "Urn. 7#

1828 -1328 -1828 -183a -1831 -1831 -1831 -1S31 -1831 -1331 -1832 -1833 -1834 -1836 -1836 -1636 -

1637 -1837 .

(372) (384) (457) (1) (14) (658) (135) (1292) (1913) (14) (1322) (544) (395) (696) (1303) (1350)

(212) (1002B

Reduce Tax-Trustees of 3alto. Theatre. Inspector for Buildings. Open Monument St. Grade-Amity. St. Est. lot-3uchanan Wharf. Pump & '.Yell-St. Paul St. Pave-Green St. Printing Froposal-Balti.'iiore Gazette City Advert.sing. Est. lot-Gardeners Ship Yard. Adv., Corpor. Publication. Publishing. Balto. Museum, relief fm. taxes.

Tonnage Property, Assessment Balto. Gazette, Print council proceedings

American Gazette - Council Proceedings (1002B) Appropriation'.-? Run Al ley

Gwynn, Tfrn. #8

1838 1838 1839 1839 1839 1839

1839 1839 1840

1840-1841 • 1842 -1843 -

- (476) - (1368 - (105) - (115) - (132) - (767)

- (795) - (800)

- (108)

(864) - (426) • (825) (196)

Monuments - Battle to est. grass Application - Recommendation - "•'atch Recommendation - Clerkship Notice - Property holders - Jones Falls Extend Tfharf

Power to appoint directors - Ohio * Susquehanna R. R. Co.

Ordinances to take out licenses Marine Insurance Cos. - Resist payment

Mechanical Tire cn

Fire Insurance1 ^ - Purchase property Judgement - Balto. City Court Taxes - Discount alloned City Stock - City Stock

#9 Gwynn, TOn.

1843 - (417) Lottery - Town Hal l Report 1847 - (529) C o l l e c t - Taxes 1657 - (398) B a l t o . '.".'ater TVorks

lb72-(575) Widen Light St. ia7S-(582) Lease 1S73-(101) Open Light St. 1884-( ll ) Abstract of Title

Gwynn, '.7m. R.

1846 - (280) Stockholders, Franklin Bank

Gwynor, Robert

1862 - (2579) Bounty Applicat ion

Gyeble, Bent

1837 - (885) Remove frame building - Madison St.

Gynn, Robert

1856 - (280) Coroners inquest

Gype, George

1853 - (450-A) Coroners Inquest



Haacke, William

1859 - ( 103) Fower of atty.

Baad, J. M.

1888 - (426) Application Position

Haag, Isaac

1866 - (2544) fines

Haag, John

1679 - (534) Ctualified Voter

Kaake, J. G.

1910 - (411) Elec. Service

Haan, Adam

1872 - (952) Lei. Market Clerk

Haane, Eugene

1864 - (3656) Muster Roll

j jaanel , Eugene

1862 - (11352) ' /uster R o l l 2ND. Regiment.

Haar, H.

1669 - (168) Widen Clay St. 1872 - (898) Lay Sewers 1883 - (454) Howard St. Electric Light

Haare, Srnst

1874 - (605) Gist St. Opening

Hsms, A.

1878 - (1059) license Centre Met. 1888 - (276) Application Position

Haas, Anton

1874 - (717) Cons t ruc t Ar.-ncry B e l a i r Nkt . 1883 - (355) L icense Binover Mlrt.

Haas, Augustus

1863 - (3098) Bounty Corres.

Haas, Charles

1868 -1869 -1371 -1872 -1376 -1838 -1890 -

(351) (265) (1891) (917) (1346) (352) (445)

Clean Pells Pt. Met. St. Cars Brop-dw'y Market Onen Broadway Mkt. Cars & Terry Market Stalls Application Position Market

Hans, Conrad

1862 - ( 5 9 7 1 ; 1870 1872 1883

(245) (448) (514)

B o u n t y - a p p l i c a t i o n s Street Lamps Protest Staoles Electr ic Light Sharp St.

Haas, Edwin

1900 - (600) Lay Tracks

Haas, Eva

1562 - (4i9C; 3ounty-applications

Haas, George

1799 - (14) P e t i t i o n abate nuisance Lexington S t . be t .Liber ty & Howard S

1800 - (272) Idarket.Kew- western part of Ci ty . 1R53 - (1510) Lioensea - ordinary l i s t f. 1909 - (110) Against B 0 Crossing 1916 - (404) Met. Rent 1917 - (55-;) Wet. Beat

Haas, H.

1682 - (256) Pave Howard St. 1882 - (379) Market Monument & Chester Sts.

Haas, Henry

1804 - (48) Application to pave Saratoga St . bet Howard & Eutaw S t s .

1873 - (794) Pratt St. Tracks

Haas, J .

1905 - (590) Lay tracks

Haas, J. 0.

1879 - (879) Kew northeastern Market 1582 - (1437) Eond Lamplighter

Haas, J. F. I.

1886 - (165) Market Master Protest

Haas, Jacob

1874 - (454) Onen Broadway 1875 - (933) Orleans St. Widening 187S - (578) New northeastern Market 1379 - (718) English German School

Haas, John

1788 - (4) Tav.License, CalTert Street pavement. 1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops - Sunday 1B78 - (1054) Pedlers Olty K t ' s . 1383 - (358) License Lexington Hkt. 1383 - (1358) Bond Lamplighter 1384 - (286) License Lexington Hkt.

Haaa, Joseph

1862 - (9162) Bounty Correspohdence.

Haas, Lewis

1871 - (323) Eollins St. Shed

Eaas, Louis

1879 - (580) Glass Stall Hichaond Market 18b0 - (186) Abatement of Taxes 1882 (374) Extens ion H o l l i n s Market 1884 - (288) Incense Richmond :-Gct.

Haas, Martin

1R52 - {355} Federal "ill Pk. 1860 - ( 318) Federal Hill-purchase.

1666 - (1109) P r o t e s t : W a r r e n S t . T a i n t o f g . 1871 - (1769) Canton Ave. Puap

Haas, Kary

1862 - (5971) Bounty-applloatlons

Haas, Ph.

1870 - (2354) Erect Market 1871 - (1796) Ocolce St. Condemn

Haas, Sal.

1875 - (983) Orleans St. Widening 1316 - (l27) ff-HJf, Elect. Tracks Callow Ave.

Haas, Solomon

1879 - (718) English 3<?rman School 1900 - (600) Lay Tracks

Haas, V/m.

1B79 - (524) Qua l i f i ed Voter 1881 - (339) Improvement B e i a i r : & t .

Eaase, Alice

1876 - (1077) E. ::on'oment St. Market

Haa8e, Elizabeth

1862 - (9195) Bounty Application.

Haase, Ernst

ie74 -1877 -1831 -1881 -1883 -

(569) (1037) (235) (350) (434)

McEl-ierry St. Lamps Against Repaying Lexington Mkt. Centre Market Stalls Repaying Lexington Mkt. Ho, Balto. Pass E.R. Tracks

Eaase, Ernest, W.

1873 - (751) Center !-!kt. Regulate

Haase, F . Q-.

1865 - (266) Taxes

Haase, Fred.

1862 - (,4864} Eountv-applicatlons

Haase, Harman

1862 - (9195) Bounty Application.

Ewse, LcuiB

1879 - (524) Qualified Voter

Haase, Marg.

1897 - (355) Stea-ii B o i l e r Wash. St

Eaase, T. 0.

1677 - (395) Bulto. St. Henave

Haass, Theadora

1887 - (300) License Lex. Met.

Haaae, Wa.

1878 - (1077) 1. Moaunent St. Market

Eaaslmeyer, John

1383 - (49l) Orleans St. Opening

Haason, Uelson

1871 - (1935) Extend Pat. Ft.

Haayes, R. a*

1856 - (280) Coroner Inquest

Haaze, Fred

1863 - (2463) Bounty Corres.

Haass, Lizzie

1863 - (2463) Bounty Corres.

Haaze, Ileal

1863 - (2463) Bounty Corres.

Habalcht, Leonard

1859 - (2139) Licenses

Habbenett, Henry (Habburett)

1838 - (1756) Trader's License 1840 - (1165) Licenses-Issued

Habberset, Henry

1827 -less -1830 -1842 -1833 -1837 -1837 -1838 -1839 -1841 -1841 -1842 -1843 -1844 -

( 52e) ( 408) ( 456) (1816) ( 433) ( 34) ( 857) (1212) ( 662) ( 342) (1C73) (1185) ( 264) ( 380)

Compensation for night watchmen. Incendiary reward. Pave-High St. Ordinary license. Watchman Appt. Gas Lamp-High & Gay Sts. Pave-High St. Laying track on High St.Balto. & R. Streets-High Str.-repaved. Pet.-Gas Consumer Licenses. Licenses. Tax-relief. Gay &. High Sts-erect gas lamp.

Habberaett, A. E.

1849 - (629) Belair 1'kt. change hours

Habbersett, John

1857 - ( 546) Coroners inquests. 1659 - ( 175) Conway St-close.

Habberaett, w.

1855 - (204) Coroner Inquest

Kabbersett, Wm. (Habersett)

1858 - (280 Coroners inquest. 1856 - ( 386) Sale fresh meats.

Habboraett, lilliam

1863 - (3135A) Bounty applications

Habel, Ernst

1870 - (2443) Park Ta^ City B. S. Co.

Habel, H.

ie47 1848 • I 478) Cld JopDa :d.-close.

1160) Licenses Ordinary 1856 - ( 285) Coroners Inquests.

- ( 208) ( 105)

1856 1859 1B72 - (844)

Coroners Inquests. Coroners Inquests. Ambulance

Habel, Harman

1851 - (331) Coroners lnauest3 1856 - (1328) l icenses 1857 - (1034) Licenses 1859 - (1987) Bonds-police 1870 - (2367) Ha. Hospital Insane

Habel, Herman

1P.49 - (1459) Licenses issued 1850 - (1029) Coroners inquests 1851 - fl649) Licenses granted 1858 - l 208) Coroners Inquest 1860 - ( 198) Coroners Inquest

Babel, Jacob

1870 - (2587) Ot>en S t .

Habamager, John Henry

1841 - (1073) licenses

Ha'ben, David

1863 - (1266) Bond Lamplighter

Habenhauaen, John

1856 - (1225) licenses 1857 - (1034) Licenses

Eaber, C.

1868 - (319) Harford Bon Tunnel

Haber, C. W.

1847 - (263) Coroners Report - 46

Haber, Christian

1846 - (283) Stockholders Report - Merchants Bank

Haber, H. E.

1859 - ( 440) Howard Fire Co.-report

Hater, John

190C - (601) Hallway Tracks

Eater, William

1879 - (524) Qualified Voter

Enrberceji:, Frank M.

1888 - (66i) Jenkins Eui: Sewer 18E8 - (654) Change Hane Federal St. 1891 - (406) Faring

Eaberkarain, John

1869 - (265) S t . Cars Broadwy. Marfct.

Eaberkansm, Johann

1872 - (812) Move Tracks Bond Str.

Hrterkorn, Johan

1672 - (806) 3raie Gentr.il Ave.

Eaberkoron, Louis Otto

1905 - (571) Market Licenes

Eaberlein, John

1555 - (462) Widening Little Oreen St.

Babsrmon, Frederick

1671 - (12S5) Ogstcn St. Area.

Haberstroh, Frederick

1858 - ( 807) Coroners Inquests

Habert, Andrew

1862 - (3920) Bounty-application

En'bert, John S.

1974 - (717) Construct Armory Belair Met. 1880 - (187) Protest Iraoks Cn Baltimore St.

E a t e r t , John T.

1869 - (135-B) OraJe Harmony Lane

Ha'oert, Margaret

1662 - (3920) Bounty-applications

Efi'oicht, Frank L>

1679 - (603) F e r t i l i z e r s Factory Protest

Habicht, Jacob

1856 - (377) License - meat sold

Habigharah, Qeo. P.

lSes - (434) SVlton St. Electr ic Lifc-lit

Hablghorst, Chas. F.

1856 - (378) Licenses - Meat sold

Esbighurst, Chas. T-

1875 - (974) Sight soil 1883 - (193) Oils 1890 - (503) Measures

E2.t>ke-ieier, F r i t z

1900 - (600) Lay Tracks

Hable, Jacob

1910 - (415) Srect Hospital

Heble, S.

1371 - (1949-0) City College Srect

Hable, Samuel L.

1863 - (1388) Fines & Forfeitures

Balder, Carrie

1£S4 - (281) License Belair Nfct.

Batlsaton, Charles C.

1880 - (187) Protest Sracks on Baltimore St. 1680 - (359) Pretest Passing Ordinance

Eabliston, 0.0.

1F.71 - (1935) Extend Pat. Pk. 1876 - (10C9) City Hsll Public So.

Habmick, C ,

1S66 - (186) Payroll - Water Board

Habner, Elizabeth

1862 - (6037) Bounty-applications

Habollak, Henry

1862 - (6821) Bounty Application.

Habollak, Louisa

1RG2 - (6830) Bounty Application.

Habollak, Kartha

1862 - (6830) Bounty Application.

Habollak, 'Silliam

1862 - (6630) Bounty Applicat ion.

Eabrank, I.

1883 - (94) Pave Bnsor St.

Haburg, Ullliam

1839 - ( 306) Interments

E^cessy, William 0.

1694 - (79) Re-pave Boston St.

Eccheneistier, H-

1676 - (10C7) Oregon St. Opening

Hacheneister, Bnrbra

1BS3 - (490) Electric Lgt. Oregan St.

Kr.cher, John. S.

1870 - (2399) Huis&nce

Hacht, Henry

1862 - (9811) Bounty Application.

Hacht, Samuel 0.,

1864 - (2360) Bounty Application

Hacht, savina

1864 - (2360) Bounty Application

Eachtel, Artur, tf.

1211 - (172) Protest


1866 - (960) Monument St. erect lamp

Hachtel, Edw. I.

1396 - (246) Release 1896 - (346) Deed Release

Hachtel, Qeorge

1857 1858 1866 (1021)Orchard ^t.gae |>amp

1867 - (680) 1R69 - (279)

Hofman §t.0pen •alarce Iferkt.

Eachtel, 3eo. A.

1900 - (599) Protest Tracks

Eaclitel, =hn

1571 - (1807) Dolphin St. Opening 1374 - (4) 1875 (925)

Paving Widen Eolliday St.

aachtel , John Z.

1661 - (401) Paving S-ntths Vhrrf

Br.chtel, 1. 7.

1911 - (172) Protest

Eachten., H»

1676 - (1022) Open Douglas S t .

Eac ig , Emm J .

1832 - (163) paving Vfll ecs Ave.

Hack, A. A.

i e ? 2 - (686) Eoward S t . E . P.. 2r?.cka 1870 - (3106)

Back, Aaron

18-14 - ( 254; Supt .-streets-ay pi. 1644 - ( 343) Sutter i Lard-inspection. 1856 - ( 3e2) Licenses-meat sold. 1861 - ( 437) H.H.Track Repair-North Howard Street

Hack, Albert

1858 - v!538; Vines oustiee of the peace

Hack, Ander

1349 - (611) Josephine St. - opening

Hack, An

1835 -1836 -1837 -1837 -1837 -1837 -1848 -1840 -1841 -1842 -1843 -1644 -1650 -1853 -1856 -


( 684) (1975) ( 451) ( 526) ( 852) ( 904) ( 153) ( 269) ( 740) ( 144) ( 341) ( 217) ( 380) ( 630) ( 417)

Acquiring additional proptery, mkt. Night .7atch-return. Close Poppleton St. Application-watchman. Fire Plug-Greene & Fayette S t s . Open-Poppleton St. Contract-Curb stones. Butter & Lard-inspector. C.B.-S. Plat-Poppleton to Lex. Str. Paving Streets-contracts. Application for position. Howard Str.-R.R. Pratt St.-hog pens. Karkersburg H.R.Co.-extension.

Hack, Andrew A.

1850 - (480) Street - cleaning

186£ - ( 431) City Court-litigation 1872 - (88?) Howard S t . E. E . TrackB

Eack, Ann M.

ie73 - (531) Open Franklin St.

Hack, Anon

1845 - (318) Run Alley - tunnel

Haok, Alfeuat (August)

1844 - (1122) Citizens Bank - stockholders. 1861 - ( 457) H.R.Track Hepalr-H.Howard St. 1666 -(1118) protest renumbering houses

Heck, Aug. A.

X870 - (2443-F) Park Taj Abr.t»nent 1868 - (278) Steam Tr.inep. Dr. Hill Fk;

Eack, Cath.

1894 - (528) Stalls Eieha;nd Met.

Eacfc, Davis

1856 - (1547) Tines Justice Of the Peace

Hack, F. A . ,

1866- (31) Opening John S t . , 1866 -( '907) He-Number Houses 1867 - (705) House Numbering ie71 - (1866) Open Josephine St. 1879 - (560) Tracks Lexington Street

Eack, I. H.

1880 - (316) Protest Payment Eepavlng Fearl St. 1691 - (6) Reduction Church Property 1893 - (234) Repave Lafayette Ave.

Hack, F. W.,

1365 - ( 20 ) Deed - "Coxe Prospect" -Gunpowder F a l l s

1875 - (244) Water Courses on Gunpowder

Back, xredariek £.

1340 - ( 272) Butter k Lard-inspection 1843 - ( 271) Tax-relief 1843 - ( 329) Pedlers-tax demanded 1843 - (1047) License-issued ie59 - ( 104) Coroners Inquests

1858 - (?81) Coroners inquest 1856 - (377) Licenses - meat sold 1859 - ( 103) Coroners inquest

Hack, Geo. If.

1863 - (2064) Oath of Allegiance 1870 - (525) Shed 1871 - (193G-K) Extend P a t . Pk. 1873 - (1025) Pr.yaient of c la im t o

Bade, H. Clay

1B89 - (493) Cnen KcCvdloh St.

Hack, J.,

1866 - ( 110) Water Works - Pay Roll 1871 - (2877) J. P. Fines

Hack, Jacob

1B67 - (430) Addition to Houa«

Hack, John

1835 -1834 -1834 -1835 -1636 -1836 -1837 -1837 -

1838 -1839 -1840 -1840 -1841 -1842 -1848 -1846 -1856 -

(635) (498) (540) (664) (264) (321) (577)


(531) ( 486) ( 335) ( 337) ( 325) ( 837) ( 360)

I ^

Hun rtlley - TFlden , . Pavin," , Lexington KKt. Increase 3alary, watchman. Acquiring additional Propt., mkt. Situation wanted Application for Night Watch Application - Health Supt. Fire plug - Greene 4 Fayette Sta. Hay scales - removal at Market Space Substitute, T/atchman

R.H.Tracks-remove Remove tracks from paved str. Soap &. Candle Factory State Tax-list . Tyson St. - closing PoIlce-ap'polnC.

Hack, John Jr.

1838 - (1365) Recommendation - 'watch

H*ck, John T.

1840 - ( 335) a.R.Tracka-ramoTe 1850 - ( 400) Lex. S t . c los ing 1B78 - (1114) Pratt St. E. E. Tracks

Hack, Kelly

1858 - (1548) Fines -ustlce of the peace

Hack, Lownd

1858 - (1548) Fines Justice of the peace

Hack, Oliver.F.

1845 - (1286) Fines & forfeitures, Balto. City Court 1350 - ( 550) Stockhol era - York - Cumberland

1866- (618) Court Room addition 1873 - (309) Water Madison Ave.

Hack, Elchi .

1371 - (2876) J . ?• ? i " e

Heck, S. T.

1838 -(498) Eastern Fountain enclose

Hack, Thomaa

1836 - (487) Flax Seed, Inspection

Hack, '.Vra. A.

1835 - (618) B. *• 0. H. R. Extension 1835 - (684) Acuring additonal propt., mkt. 1838 - (155) Duplicate contractors - Bond 1839 - ( 486) Substit-ite, /atchman 1840 - i 335) R.R.Tracks-remove 1841 - l 502) Members 31ected-Jity Council 1842 - ( 515) Paving-regulate 1843 - ( 17) Eonunent Str-Laiap, erect 1845 - (318) Run Alley - tunnel 1846 - (209) Police officers, appointment 1847 - (490) Pitt & Exeter Sts. - cede 1849 - (138) George St. 1849 - (148) City employment references 1850 - (1135) Mkt. clerk - bond 1850 - ( 443) Water damage - Pa. Av. 1862 - ( 531) City Court-litigation

Hack, Win. A. #2

1849 - (729) City Council - election 1850 - (813) Preston & Hoffman Sts. clain for

, damages. . 1850 - (380) Kov.-arJ St. r.r. 1851 - (1272) Beef, pork ins. bond 1352 - ( 573) VniHHXS^. - open, Walsh St. 1852 - ( 461) Markets 1666 - (914) Renumber houses


Hack, Wm. W.

1846 - (200A) Health, appointment, member of board

Hacke, Andrew

1813 -

1816 -

1816 -

1817 -

1817 -

1S19 -

1820 -1820 -1820 -







(31) (96) (315)

Balance due on Fumpa, on Wilkes Bank & Forrest Sts,

Establishment-Lots #8 4 9 Great York St. bet. Milk Lane & Lloyd Lane.

Establishment-Great York St. bet. Milk & Straight Lane.

Est. Lot-Lexington St. bet. Howard & Eutw Sts.

Grading-AUey.Sellmans Alley bet. George & Biddle Sts.

Improve Pump-Lexington St. nr. Eutaw St.

Hooks Town Rd. & Biddle Sts. Pave Sellm^ns Alley. Grade & Pave-Reisterstcwn T:d. &

3iddle St.

Ha eke, Andrew S#

1825 - (159) Enlarge Lexington Met. 1825 - (178; Abate nuisance-Western part of city. 1826 - (486) Extend-Lexlngton Wet. 1827 - (1382) Magistrates Report. Sept. 1829 - (510) Flaxseed Inspection. 1830 - (577) Construct Road-Penna Ave. 1831 - (1200) Lamp-Howard St. 1832 - (210) Pave-Penna. Ave. 1832 - (430) a . R . -Prat t S t . 1832 - (439) Open-Liberty S t . 1832 - (905) C l o s e - L i b e r t y S t . 1832 - (1146) Appt. Night "Jatchman. 1833 - , (423) Night Tatch Appt.

Hacke, Heinrick

1852 - (234) Coroners Inquest

Hacks, James

1845 - (1315) Licenses 1862 - ( 134) Water Board-payroll

HacKe, John (Hack)


1319 1319



1825 1625 1826 1826

18(26 1828

1829 "32'

- (28) Fump r.epalr-Liberty St. bet. Lexington & Saratoga 3 t s .

- (2*) Jmprove Fump-Hcvard 3 t . nr . ?ra k i l n S - (32) Improve Fump-Lexington S t . n r . Eutaw

S t . - (342) Protest against Soap & Candle Factory

on Lexin;ton St. - (344) Removal of wooden bd£8-Hkt. house bet ,

Eaten S t . S erid of tfkt. - (159) Enlarge Lexington Mkt. - (184) Inspector of weights & s c a l e beams. - (331) Heport of Board of Hea l th . - (486) Extend Lexington Mkt. • (1279)Board of Health - (399)Pave-Dutch A l l a y .

( 1 3 4 4 J j a l l i f f s r e t u r n . 1829 - ( 161 i rUag i s t r a t e s Report .

Hacke, John 2#

1S31 - (1200) 1332 - (58) 1832 - (317) 1832 - (370) 1832 - (430} 1832 - (1191) 1833 - (401) 1333 - (423) 1835 - (412)

Lamp-Howard St. Est.-Howard St. Deed-Howaid St. Grade -Biddle St. R. R.-Pratt St. Appt. Watchman. Kkt. "aster Appt. Night, TTatch Appt . Night watchman.

-Hanover Mkt,

Hacke, Sophia

1826 0 (347) 1886 - (349)

Insolvent*. Releases.

Hackebaek, Henry

1861 - ( 461) Tax k Licenses-refund

Hackely, Robert

1826 - (365) Council Convention Appte.

Hackaman, H.

1828 - (351) Voluntary 3ubacrlptlona-Clty Defense.

EECkemeister, &eo.

1831 - (252) Eepaving Baltimore St.

H a c k e a e i s t - r , E .

1870 - (2387) Open S t .

Erckemelster, Heinrich

ie69 - (298) Proteet Open Oregon St.

Hacken, Henry

1860 - (2162) Fines-J.F.Heports

Hacken, John A.

1846 - (1006) Licenses Issued

H&clrer, C. Lewis

1871 - (1861) Jouoa Falls Overflow 1S71 - (1943-C) City College Erect

Eacker, Catherine

1878 - (1095) Patapsco St. Opening 1896 - (1183) Market License

Hacker, Charles

1861 - ( 459) Licenses 1362 - (1135) "agatell License 1365 - (1170) Bond Bagatelle Table 1866 - (907) Renumber Houses 1869 - (1339) Licer.EfB 1378 - (1049) Chose St. Condemn

Hacker, Frederick

1856 - (1231) Licenses

Hacker, Henry

1860 - (2126) Fines-collected by sheriff. 1861 - ( 459) Licenses. 1862 - (.1136) ?aratell-licenB9s 1863 - (1329) Fines & Forfeitures

Hacker, J. A.

1856 - (1225) Licenses 1857 - (1034) Licenses

Hacker, Jacob

.865 - (1170) Bond Bagatel le Table 8 - (755) Bagatelle l icense 1666 - ( l lOl)For W.Md.RR.subscriptions 1869 - (1368) Licensee 1869 - (1389) Licensee 1871 - (1847) Harris Creek Tunnel 1874 - (537) Furniture Factory

Hacker, John

1850 - (1037) 1879 - (524) 167S - (629) 1690 - (462)

Stock l i s t Cjialifled Voter Safety Gates Soads

Hacker, John A.

1844 - (540) Nonination of officers. 1844 - (1266) Licenses issued. 1848 - (1160) Uoense8 Ordinary 1872 - (962) Perkins Spring Buy

Hacker, John H.

1R49 - (1460) Licenses 1850 - (1037) Stock list

Hacker, W.

1846 - (5) Pump - erect 1846 - (154) " aaseasment - Cambridge 4 Leakin Sta.

Hacker, Walter, A.

1889 - (483) Manual Training School

Hackerty, G.

1845 - (1503) Bailiffs returns

Hactcet, Charles

1819 - (84) Est. lines of lot #101-Aisqui th Add. Friendship St.

1888 - (1708) Magistrate* Report. 1842 - (1220)

(1240) Police Returns. 1849 - ( 37) Pumps - plat 1351 - ( 50) Howard St. - pump erect

Ha eket, George

1835 - (1526) Bailiffs, return.

1836 - (370) Interments

Hacket, Geo. A.

1846 - (1308) Police report

1866 - (2896) Bounty Application

Hackee t , Jane

1835 - (1201) Alms House, j a u p e r s . 1838 - (395) I n q u e s t s

Hacket, John

1836 - (274) Measurer of Grain L838 - (385) Interments

Hacket, Uargaret

1818 - (953) Taxes in suit.

Hacket, Uichael

1864 - (495) Draft Exemption

Hacket, Oven

1842 - ( 278) Inquests

Hacket, Sarah

1858 - (1513) - Flnes-Justloes of the peace.

Hacket t , A. T.

1870 - (3445- j ) Park Tax Abatenent

Haekatt, Aaa

1884 - (889) Cpart Jfeaea-Llat of Judgaaenta.

Hackett, Caroline

1858 - (204) Coroners Inquests.

Hacicett, Chaa.

1R50 - (240) Fump plat. oor. i'amburgh & Howard Sts

Eaclrett, Enlly

1371 - (2877) J . P. Pines

Hackett, Frederick

1874 - (537) Furniture Factory

Hacket t , G.K.

1867 - (706) House Ilumharing

Hackett, Geo. A.

1850 - (916) Forrest St. Alter Trace Building 1850 - ( 350) First St. - improve house 1869 - (589) Frame Kitchen

M a c k e t t , J .

1862 - ( 129) '.Vater Toard-.-iayro] 1 1872 - (945) Slaughter Ho-ise*

Hackett, J. S.

1856 - (377) Licenses - meat sold

Hackett, James

1816 - (20c.) retition-Iaving-Susar ,Jiey bet. Forrest &. Montgomery 3t8.

1820 - (14) Fave Montgomery 3t. from William to Goodman St.

1820- - (e«S) PaVi'ng rax-tfon^tgomery S t . i (Jdodman - t 1826 - (49) Es t . l i n e s of Montgomery S t . b e t . Char

l e s & Light S t s .

Hackett, James W.,

1864 - 1971 Bounty Application

Hackett, John

1789 - (4) Taxes due,Horses,Carriages,Billiard Tab. 1797 - (95) Taxes. 1837 - (626) Application - Watchman 1838 - (384) Interments 1855 - (203) Coroners inquest 1858 - (1158) Bond-Police ie6£ - (2030) Oath cf allegiances 1663 - (97) WaterBoard - Pay Roll.

Hackett, I'ary

1862 - (2726) Bounty-appljcation

Hackett, liary A.

1863 - (3707) Purnell Legion 1864 - (1971) Bounty Application

Hackett, Kary J.

1863 - (2385) Bounty Corres.

Hackett, Patrick

1857 - (543) Coroners inquest

Hackett, Phil ip

1836 - (1452) Interments, Report 1879 - (524) Qualified Voter

Hackett, Richard

1830 - (1249) 3ailiff8 Report. 1862 - (2726) B o u n t y - a p p l i c a t i o n . 1863 - (3707) Purne l l Legion 1864 - (1971) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n 1867 - (937) » »

1883 - (490) Elec t r ic Lgt. Cregan St .

Hackett, Robert

1884 - (45S) Application for poaltlon as Measurer of Grain.

1829 - (1311) Bailiffs Return. 1826 - (520) Appt., Measurer ofGrain.

Kackett, Samuel

1836 - (1168) Courts, City f ines 1836 - (1535) Coroners, Inquast

:Kett Thomas

186 . (2726) weunty-ap nplication

1664 - ( W D - BOU nty Appl^at ion

Hackett, W83ley

1867 - (706) Hou3« Numbering

Hackett, fc. I.

ie72 - (945) Slaughter House

Eackett, William H

1881 - (273) Approp. Col-red Hone

Ecxkistcn, W. C.

1682 - (1172) Election Judge

Hackley, J . ( J r . )

1892 - (312) Baae Ball Lot

Hockley, R. S.

1835 - (467) Coroner'8 Report.



Hackman, Adam

1850 - (1028) Coroners Inquests

Hackman, Catharine

1839 - ( 306) Interments

Hackman, C h a r l e s

1859 - (2109) F i n e s 1679 - (524) qualified Voter

Hackman, James

ie62 - (1506) Justices of the peace-report

Hackman, Washington

1658 - (1192) Bonds.

Hacknnn, 7!m.

1850 - (373) Hay & Straw - h u c k s t e r i n g

1666 - (2562) F ines

Hackner, John Andre

1844 - (1E66) Licenses Issued.

Kackner, William

1U43 - (1072) Law 3uits-in favor of city list.

Hackney, Barton

1824 - (249) I l l i r Inspection. 1832 - (208) Pave-Faca St .

Hackney E.,

1864 - (159) Arch St. Protest

Hackney, E. *•

1914 - (163) Petition

Eacioiey, Edgar 14

1S14 - (160) Protest moving pictures

Eackney, Sleanor

1879 - (576) Hame Const!tion St, to Clifton Place

Hackney, J.

1829 - (1567) Flour Inspection.

HaCtoey' J ' " " \ . central Hi6h School 1864 - 395 Piano Cant

Eackney, Margaret, J .

1914 - (162) Pretest Kovlng Pictures

Hackney, Root.

1831 - (88) Grade-Long Alley. 1837 - (738) Interments - Report

Hackney, William

1836 - (486) nax Bead, Inspections sheet 1841 - ( 126) Pump-Appl. for In Ross Str. 1841 - I 172) Flat-Boss Streat Pump 1842 - ( 838) Pump Assessment-Hoss St. 1650 - (1029) Coroners inquests

Hacke, Charles

1875 - (995) High School Property

Hacks, Geo. TT. Capt.

1863 - (3732) mister Roll - 2nd Regiment

EP.C^S, Herman

1871 - (2866) J . P . F inos

Hacks, Joseph

1857 - (546) Coroners inquest

Hf.cktel, Ctes. S.

1696 - (1185) lease Hone Tel. Oo.

H a c k t e l , Geo.

1856 - (1235) L icenses 1869 - (276) Enlarge Markt.

Kacktel, Jno. C.

1875 - (84) Open Dolphin St.

Hadaway, Albert (Haddaway)

1837 - (1754) Fines Imposed - Balto. City Court 1847 - ( 263) Coroners Report - 79 1850 - (1028) • inquest

Hadaway Sdward H.

1862 - (.9977) Enlistment Certificates.

Hadaway, Edward K.

1862 - (9029) Deserter. 1662 - (9790) Bounty Application. 1862 - (11354) Muster Koll Llfeht A r t i l l e r y . 1863 - (2091) Bounty Corres.

Hadanay, James

1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary 1848 - ( 537) Belair Mkt. - widening 1841 - ( 784) Inquests 1859 - (1732) Bonds-Police

Hadaway, James H.

1860 - (2301) Folice-payroll. 1860 - (1931) Folice officer-bond.

Hadaway, Oakley (Haddaway)

1838 - (395) Inquests. 1841 - ( 784) Inquests. 1840 - ( 350) Request two additional Lleuts. 1853 - ( iili Coroners inquest3 1857 - ( 535; Coroners Inquests 1658 - ( 207) " 1856 - ( 881) " " 1847 - ( 863) " Report - 78 1862 - (173S) Cath of allegiarce 1864- (1681) Pay Roll - Harbor 1S65 - (1872-A) City Pay Roll - Harbor

Hadaway, Robt.

181* - (1483) Maryland Militia Report 87th Inf.

Hadaway, Thomas B.,

1864 - (3769) Muster Roll

Had away, If.

1862 - ( 342) Currency notes-small Issue

Ea&auay, V,'. H.

1B71 - (1679) St. St. Wharf Flag stone lb?3 (797) Pratt St Ir:.oks 1876 - (1080) Protest Wagon Stand

Hadaway, William H.,

1864 - (3771) Muster Roll

15 g6 - (914) Renumber houses 1866 - (1103) For Kd.RR s tock s u b s c r i p t i o n s

1867 - (705) House Numbering 1878 - (1962) Signe

Haddan, Oakley

1663 - (3760) Muster Roll- Hd. Battery Artillery

Hadddaway, Chas.

1827 - (1360) Magistrates Report. 1858 - ( 204) Coronera Inquests.

Eaddaway, George W.

1912 - (189) Property Damage 1912 - (85) Property Ba-'age

Haddaway, Jamas 7!.

1860 - ( 598) Police-appointments

Eaddaway, P.. I .

1874 - (717) Construct Arm-.ry Belalr Met.

Haddaway, Robert L.,

1864 - (3583) 1 8 6 5 - (2133)

Bounty correspondent Re-Enlietment

Hadday, 0 .

1859 - ( 106) Inquests

Hadden, David

1841 - ( 731) ALI k TCo-Stoekholdera

Hadden, H.

1671 - (948) Cross St. Awning

Hadden, John J-,

1365 - (308) Open Barber Shops - Sunday

Haddigan, Thomas

1865 - (1558) Report - Justice of Peace

Haddock, Janes

1858 - ( 300) Mkt.-Change o i l to gas lamps.

1867 - C784) Market Belfry 1870 - (2443-C) Parle Tax City E. E. Co. 1876 - (2400) Market Stal l 1669 - (216) Clerk, Holllns Market 1694 - (525) StallB Holllns Itet. 1895 - (422) Sta l l s Hollins Mkt.

Eaadock, Thos.

1670 - (2445-0) Park Tax City H. E. Co. 1681 - (252) Hepaving Baltimore St.

Haddon, Oakley

1840 - ( 932) Inquests

Haddon, '.7m.

1818 - (359) Est. lines of lot-E. Side of York Turnpike.


1900 - (600) Lay Tracks

Hadel, A. t . (M.B)

1696 - (1185) Lease Home Tel. Oo.

Hadel, Albert X.

1880 - (330) Confeierete Memorial


166£ - (1894) -triarn engine

1867 - (518) steam Engine

Hadsl, Chas.A.

1867 - (784) Steam Engine

Hadel, J. F. C.

1349 - (830) Streets - condition 1850 - (102?) Health report 1850 - (1114J Commissi-ner of Health - bond 1851 - ( 455) Health Commissioner-communications.

Hadel, J. Y. C.

1849 - (743) City officers - nominations 1850 - (582) Board of Health - Mayor's nominations

Hadel, 3. F. C.

1S49 - (766} Health Board - report 1849 - (767) Saratoga St. - condition of establish­


Radel, V7m.

1858 - (365) Federal Hill Pfc. 1B62 - (11374) Kuster Roll,Fifth Regiment. 1867 - (401) S«wer Appro. 1685 - (332) Erect Market

Haden, Bernard

1859 - ( 106) Coroners Inquests

Haden, Francis

1S50 - (1741) Harbor - payroll 1865 - (1553) Report - Justice of Peace

Eaden, Iiaac

1879 - (524) 3>ialifiea Voter

Haden, Johann Daniel

1856 - (388) Sale fresh meats

Ea&en, Michael

1£74 (553) IVrniture factory

Haden, Thomas

1859 - (2108) Fines

Eadenoalz, H.

1871 - (1949-B) City College Erect

Eaderman, Chas. A.

1900 - (599) Protest Tracks

Eftdermann, F red . S .

1896 - (335) Bond

Kadfield, Elizabeth

1862 - (3431) Bounty-applications

Hadfleld, Robert

lSCi - (3431) 3ounty-app3lcations

Hadge, John

1356 - (230) Coroners inque3t

Hadgins , John W.

1864 - (3834) :.'.uster He l l

Eadil, Chas. A.

1371 - (1965) St. Paul St. Open

Hadley, Alex.

1838 - (383) Wall-Charles St.

Hadley, John Lesley

1843 - ( 268) Tax-relief 1846 - ( 421) Run Alley - tunnel 185C - ( 396) Lex. St. closing

Hadley, Sam.

m 1813 - (1*8) Petition against diverting of water into canal-Harofrd St.

1836 - (1450) Interments, Report

* Hadley, lhos .

1686 - (490) Reduce Llcense-Mkt. S t a l l s . 1830 - (1198) 3a i l i f f a Report.

Hadloek, Robert

1785 - (5) Wharf,county, Calvert,Water & Market St

Eadnall, J. A.

1871 - (1850) Howard St. Track

Hadway, Oakley

1859 - ( 106) Inquests

Hadye 3, Earnest

1867 - (428) Gaa Lamp

Haebel, Herman (H)

1853 - (1509} Licenses list of 1858 - ( 808; Coronara Inqueat 1S61 - ( 356) rrotest use of alley-Caroline St.

Eaeffner, Denis

1886 - (140) Sup't of Chimneys

Eaeffner, Jno. A.

1890 - (494) Applio. Inspector Measure

Eaefcer, Denis

1868 - (389) Protest School Bldg.

Haefner, E.

1907 - (480) Protest Tracks

Haefner, Joseph

1862 - (7053) Bounty Application.

Haager, L.

1867 - (331-332) Stable

Eaegerich, Ohas.

1879 - (524) Qualified Voter

Eaegerlch, John 1.

1879 - (534) Qualified Voter

Haehl, Henry

1862 - (11382) Kuater Roll.Sixth Regiment.

Haeicenrother, Michael

1S71 - (1337) Oc t . Clerk

Haeling, Michael

1864 - (159) Arch St. Protest

Haeller, Benedict

1851 - (1651) Licenses Granted

Haemmer, Theresa

1862 - (4829) Bounty-applications

Haemah, John

1864 - (3681) Muater Roll

Eaenftling, 3eorge

1871 - (1754) Ext. Battery Sq. 1679 - (540) "Safety Gates"

Ef.enlech, Huadolf

1900 - (600) Lay Tracks

Haenish, John

1864 - (3693) Muster Roll

Haenish, B.

1900 - (600) lay Tracks

Baeniita, Hudolph

1900 - (599)

Haensler, Henry

1909 - (127) E.H. Tracks Union Sta.

Haepst, G.,

1865 - (1865) Route City Passenger Railway

Haerk, Michael

1671 - (1818) F a y e t t e & Vfolfe S t s . Kulsauce

Eaetel, Saras.

1687 - (334) Calvert St . Spg.


1666 - (98*) Braodway market railroad

Haetlni, Fred'k.

1373 - (397) Vharf Assessments

Raetterlch, Helnrlch

1871 - (1B97) Pave Broadway 1672 - (935) Lower :Ort. License

Hs-fee, George J*

1899 - (206) Bond 1899 - (210) Bond

Hafele, Chas.

1896 - (1185) Lease Home Tel. Co.

Hafele, John

1888 - (628) Opening Baker Alley

Hafer, Ellen

1850 - (1037) Stock lis

Hafer, Helena

1862 - (5999) Eounty-appllcations

Eafer, George J.

1897 -1899 -1899 -1900 -1901 -1902 -1902 -1903 -1904 -1910 -

(679) (355) (356) (172) (128) (76) (280) (281) (211) (145)

Proposal Coal Coal Bond Contract Contract Bond Contract Contract Property Release


1865 - (1080) S t r i eke r St.open

Hafermatz, P.

1872 - (818) Move Tracks Bond Str.

Haffeke, Charles

1661 - ( 501) Health-oysters in summer

Haffer, Ed.

1858 - (1512) - Fines-Justices of the Court

Hp-ffer, (Jeorge

1869 - (147) Ins ta l l Laaps 1900 - (601) Protest Tracks

Hafferick, Adam

1863 - (3010) Bounty Correa.

Hafferty, Jane

1862 - (91644 Bounty Correspondence.

Haffery, Chae.

1867 - (334) Calvert St. Spg.


1862 - (11133) Enlistment Affidavits.

Haffington, 'Tilllam 0.

1861 - ( 359) Against cars on Sundays

Haffner, Benhardt

1865 - (2653) Volunteers Discharged

Haffner, F.

1846 - (260) Coroners inquests 1850 - (1028)

Eaffner, J.

1678 - (1097) Hallway Tracks North Ave.

Haffner, John

1813 - (818) Fayroll, 6th Reg., lid. Militia.

Hpfley, Frederick

1878 - (1411) Election Tally

Hafman, John

1857 - (544) Coroners Inquest

llafmar, Cordolia

186,2 - (1523) J .F.Reports

Hafner, Charles

1659 - ( 103) Fower of atty.

Hafner, Valentine

1839 - ( 702) Buildings-Slaughter House let renaln

Hagadon, Wra. P.

1879 - (534) Qualified voter 1SB9 - (483) Uamial Training School

Eagadoni, Tfci.

1B73 - (1097) Kailway Tracks worth Ave.

Hagadcrn, *&• ?•

1S79 (5 34) ^vxalified voter

Hagan, Ann

1856 - (1225) Licenses.

Harran, Bernard

1852 - (282) Coroners inquest 1353 - (641) Catholics, protests school tax

Hasan, Charles

1842 - (1185) Licenses 1850 - (1027) Stocklist 185E ( 285) Coroners Inquests 1859 - (2085) Fir.es-J.F.Reporta-lst reports

Hasan, Daniel

ie45 - ( 95) Hughes St.-prcposal to remove dirt. 1845 - (13 85) Coroners Inquests. 185e - (1579) Fines-Justice of the peace. 1863 - (1652) Oath of Allegiance 1865 - (1558) Report - Justice of Peace

Hagan, Davia

1868 - (8733) Bounty Application.

Hagan, Dennis

1838 - (1366) 1840 - I 205) 1663 - (1653) 1863 - (2516)

Recommendation - >.tch Middle tfotehman-Appl. Oath of Allegiance Bounty Correa.

Hagan, Sllen

1859 - (2-59) Fines-criminal ct.

Hagan, Eugene E.,

1864 - (395) Piano - Central High School 1865 - (209) Close Barber Shops - Sundays

Hagan, Francis

1840 - (932) Iaquaats 1B7 - (1612) Kitchen

Hagan, Geo. W.

1848 - (1037) Coroners inquests

HoSan '


Henr ie t ta

_ (. 319) Lunacy Fe t i t i on

Hagan, Henry

1307 - (360) Tarern Licenses.

Hagan, Hugi H.

1=82 - (335^ Sarbagenan coaponsation

Hags*1' "oard ?aj-


Hagan, J . H.

1859 - (2108) F i n e s - J . F . R e p o r t s

Haftan, Jacob

1827 . (1365) Magistrates Report. June.

Tagar., Jam^s

1835 - (616.' l a i I roads-ex tens ion . ( 261) Coroners Report-36.

- (1225) Licenses 1647 1856 1857 - (1034) Licenses. 1858 (1510) Fines-Justices of the Feece. 1860 - (2142) Fines-J.F.Reports 1862 - (1523) Justices of the Peace-reports. 1867 - ( ? ) 1868 - (375) UOD Damage 1868 - (382) Pratt St. F.epair Gutters 1871 - (1615) Heconnendations 1S74 - (930) Com?. for Killing Dogs

Hagan, Jaao3 ?.

1376 - (1008) ^i ty 4*11 Public Sq.

Hagan, John

1851 - (1651) Licenses granted 1863 - (1333) Magistrates Report 1864 - (2411) Bounty Application 1865 - (1865) Report - Justice of Peace 1866 - (2431) license 1871 - (2863) J . P. Fines 1874 - (882) Garbage ?orce List 1880 - (452) liight soil 1081 - (359) Hemming "light Soil

Hagan, John H.

1349 - (1459) Licenses 18bl - (341) gutter Inspection 1867 - (616) Lamp

Hagan, John 0 . ,

1865 - (1549) Report - J u s t i c e of Peace

Hagan, John W.

1B50 - (1037) Stock list

Hagan, L.

1850 - (1037) Stock list

Hagan, II.,

1865 - (808) Open Barber Shop - Sunday

Hagan, II. A.

1836 - (1437) Interments, Report

Hagan, Vaok

1R45 - (1315) License; 1852 - (1925)


Hagan, Maggie

1865 - (1554-J Report - Justice of Peace

Hagi-n, Mark

1844 - (1266) Licenses issued. 1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary 1860 - X 844^ Streets - cl 1861 - (1367) Fines t Forf

n£> -Criminal Ct.

Hagan, Kartha

1362 - (6968) Bounty Application. 1863 - (2516) Bounty Corraa. 1864 - (2411) Bounty Application

Hagan, Uartin

1865 - (1547) Report - Justice of Peace

Hagan, Kary

1862 - (5062) Bounty-aDplloations 1971 - (2S77) J. P. rines

Hagan, Uicliael

1=85 - (112) Manager Poor 1836 - (198) Manggere of Poor

Hagan, On en

1838 - (1306) Bailiffs - Application for appointment 1842 - (1304) Police Returns 1844 - ( 66) Mud Machine-pay roll 1S50 - ( 644) Streets - sleaning 185C - t 229) OeptforS Engine House - rebuild 1858 - (1512) Fines-Justices of the peace.

Hagan, Patrick

1835 - (601) Time book. 1853 - (1509) Licenses, l i s t of 1855 - ( 847) Criminal Court - fines 1858 - (1573) Flnes-Juatiees of the peace 1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops - Sundays 1865 - (1558) Report - Just ice of Peace 1883 - (538) Electric Ligt Thames St.

Hagan, P t t e r

1863 - (2516) Bounty C o r r e s . 1883 - (398) Electr ic Ligt . Crfrton Ave.

Hagan, Richard

1799 - (16S) Erection of Pump, Union St. 1805 - (49) Well on Union St, Old Town. 1S10 - (10) 'Sarrant paving, Eleet St.bet.

Washington St. & Castle Alley. 1852 - (206) 7/at.er and Gas petition

Kagan, Rath A.

1977 - (TJOO) Sonus Payments

Hagan, Sylvester

I860 - ( 199) Coorners Inquests

Hagan, Thomas

1859 - (8100) Fines 1865 - (1548) Report - Justice of Peace

Hagan, Tail lam

ie59 - (2106) Fines-J.F.Heports. I860 - (2139) Fines-J.F.Heports. ie62 - (1521) Justice of peice-report. 1865 - (1547) Report - Justice of Peace

Hagan, '.".'illiam F.

1652 - (1523) J .F.Reports

Hagan, Teresa

1863 - (3649) R. R. Transportation

Hacany, u eorge S.

1879 - (524) Qualified voter

Hagans, H. C.

1662 - (8571) Bounty Application.

Hagane, L. A.

1862 - (8297) Bounty Applicatl

Hagard, Charles

1859 - (2107) Fines

Hagard, Kary

1841 - ( 731) ALI&TCo-Stoekholders

Hagart, Frank

1860 - (2139) Flnea-J.P.Reports

Hagarty, Edward

1859 - (2106) Fines

Bagarty, James

1843 - ( 333) Schools Public-erection in city urged

Hagarty, John

1859 - (8106) Flnes-J.F.Reports 5th ward

Hagdorn, '". I .

1878 - (1097) Hallway trades llorth Ave.

Hags, Elizabeth

1663 - (3707) 4th Hd. Regiment - Bounty

Hage, Joseph

1863 - (3707) 4th lid. Regiment - Bounty

Eagedorn, George

1893 - (53) Protest Removal fenae i 'a t t . i'ark.

Kagedorn, Henry

1879 - (585) - r i r J t i n g i 'o imtaln Druid H i i : Ave.

Hagedorn, F.egina

1909 - (109) Improving L . - i a l t o . S t .

Hagel, Gams

1864 - (147-A) Coroner's Inquest

Ho*5el. John

1883 - (431) 5Vaaont St . ^ l ec t r i c Ligt . 1883 - (4: 3) Fremont St. Pave

Hagel, Luoy

1846 - (1196) Police report

^a^eman, V.. L.

18°0 - (187) Protest Tracks on -a l t inore St.

Haeemann, V.

1869 - (243) Place ^aclanp

1370 - (2299) Gra;e 1574 - (595) Frederick Ave. Track renoved 1875 - (927) Hollins St. Kngtn e house 1881 - (296) Engine House Western Set.

Hsgemann, ^insor

1BE2 - (427) Sleetr lc Ligt . Frederick Td.

1888 - (348) Application positiom

Hagemeyer, A.

1856 - (381) License - meat sold

Hagen. Andre- InQuests ( 204) Coroners Inquea

185B - <• ZO*'

Hagen, August

1846 - (860) Coroners i n q u e s t s 191C - (421) Protest

Hagen, Chaa.

1356 1858

- (281) Coroner inquest

I 20?) 1864 - (185) Barber Shop

Kr_ en, Ohas. J .

1874 - ( 6 . 1 ) Gay S t . Graded 1680 - (351) H a g stonop ay S t . 1881 - (305) Nuisance "ay & Monument ^ s . 1206 - (584) Lay t r a c k s

Hagen, 2.

1S85 - (306) Pave Falle Xve.

Ha gen, James

1857 - (1034) Licenses 1876 - (1159) Tysons Chrooe TICB. 1879 - (534) Qualiii . voter

Hagen, James G.

1860 - ( 318) Federal Hill-purchase

Hagen, Jane

1862 - (6968) Bounty Application.

John Hagen. toPile»tVm*

Hagen, Mark

1846 - (1006) Licenses issued 1653 - ( 641) Catholics, protest school tax

Hagen, t.'.artha

1868 - (8732) Bounty Application.

Hagen, Owen

1838 - (1756) Trader's License 1843 - (1240) Asses3nents-abated. 1847 - ( 397) Broadway - widen. 1855 - ( 213) Pitch factory - remove

Hagen, Patrick

1S59 - ( 105) Coroners Inques

Hage Peter

1862 1862

- cu 573) (6968)

Kuster Bounty

* A 1 . » » * Regi :ent.

APP1 icatlon.

Hagen, Segmund

1865 - (3029) Vo lunteers Discharged

. 3 .

13-7 (.1915 '

0T1# S t . Sldg' l i n e

"-ku-enbnich, Theodore

1372 - (808) Monument St. -racks

Hajrenbruck, B.

X875 - (978) Sigrt ooil

-iaeenTsrush, -heodor

1SS0 - (452) - ' i gh t co l l

Hager Anna Karie

1862 - (7361) Bounty Applicatic

Ha6 e nef: Ha ntiah

1862 (.7361.

Q O U * 1 ^ APP 1 i c a t i ° n *

Hagener, Jacob

1662 - (11377) 1862 - (7361)

Muster Bounty

Roll.Fifth Regiment. Application.

Hagenhardt , Aug.

1878 - (1049) Chase. S t . Condemn



Hager, A. H.

1863 - (2957) Bounty Corres.

Kager, Andrew

1851 - (1651} Licenses granted

Hager, Andrew H.,

1866 - (196) City Stock Owner

Hager, Chriatopber

1864 - (45) R. R. Transportation

Hager, Edward

1859 - (2107) Fines

Hager, Elizabeth

1864 - (2249) Bounty Application

Hager, G. A.

1850 - (417) Belair Mkt. - evening Hkt.

Hager, G. W.

1649 - (624) Belair Uict. - change hours 1851 - (321) Coroners inquests

Hager, George

1826 - (753) Amend law on Flour Inspection. 1626 - (1234) Flour 4 Heal Inspected. 1832 - (430) H. P. Pratt St. 1851 - (321) Coroners inquests

Hager, Geo. W.

1850 - (337) Plat, sump, Balto. 4 Oregon Cts. 1850 - (339) " ' " ~°*en & SIndison Sts.

Hager, Matilda

1862 - (9469) Bounty Application.

Hager, Kary K.

1862 - (8488) Bounty Application.

Hager, Ruth A.,

1864 - (3102) Bounty Application

Hager, Sarah

1864 - (3103) Bounty Application

Hager, Susan

1871 - (3877) J . P. i'ines

Hager, Tin.

1872 - (810) Move Tracks Bond St.

Haf r ich , Loiiis

1911 - (168) Pet i t ion

Hagerick, Cha».

1879 - (534) Qualified voter

Hagerick, J0hn S.

1373 - (524) Qualified voter

Hagerman, Andrew

1862 - (8718) Bounty Application.

Hagerman, David J.,

1863 - (453) Police Ask Additional Pay 1864 - (3696) Muster Roll 1867 - (1653) Police *xtra Pay

"ftgeman, J . *•

18B = - (641) Protest -'-ulton "TO. Imp.

Hagerman, Julianna

1662 - (8716) Bounty Application.


1851 - (342) Steam l a . r . i n g . : i l l s •-•ct ion

Hagert, John

1857 - (547) Coroners inquest

Hagerty, A.

1863 - (479) laaue small notes

Hagerty, Alphonso

1859 - (2107) Flnes-J.P.Reports

Hagerty, Andrew

1847 - (263) Coroners Report - 73 1848 - (1129) Fines - City Court 1349 - (1432) Fines -1851 - (1841) Folioe report 1859 - (2136) Flnee-J.P.Reports 1865 - (1549) Report - Justice of Peace

Hagerty,Barney 1B03 - (60) Repairs to pump on Howard St .

Eagerty, Bethel

1840 - ( 974) Interments

Hagerty, Brlgot

1862 - (3581) Bounty-application

(1316) Telegraph Oper. App. (399) Contract (377) pixrp House (9fj6) '-'id'en Gay S t . (69) Masonry -alvert St. Fridge (?0) Grade Centre "t. bet . Holla :ay ft Front S t . . (119) Grade - ayette c t . be t . Calvert & Charlrj Sts.

(121) ^rade Fayette St. set . Gay & Hollidsy S t s . ' (137) Sswer Jnderal St. (237) Grade UoWlt Street bet . cook St. & Pa t t . Ave. (307) Grade Bo\uidry Ave. bet . Greeaount & ?el Air Ave. (348) Grade Oliver St. bet . Dolphin & Uc^acken Sts. (375) Grade Prat t St. from Srid^e to Howard St. (393) Grade Sarato.;:a Street bet. -incent Alley 4 -ulton


bgertjr, 2 . ?2.

1879 - (90) Construct new Drawbridge 1879 - (9?) Constriction c i t y Dock IVawbrtdge 1879 - (164) llort St. ?ridge Pier and Abutaents 1S82 - (1D22) 3oni Harbor Master 4th t&et.

Hafierty, " . S.

1572 - (504) Arr-'lic. Conr-.is. S | s .

Hagerty, Daniel

1S74 - (549) Autopsy Claim 1673 - (74) Srade Calvert St. bet . i!ort:. Ava £ Lanv.-le "t. 1878 - (441) ^ n d & ftntract 187S - (456) ^ond ft °ontract 137S - (845) Assignment ot Johnston Eros. 1879 - (163) "Jortii St. Bridge Pier and Aoutaents 1379 - (198) St. Paul St. "ridge 1879 - ( ?41) Bond and Contract 1879 - ( 5 ) cond and vontract

Hagerty, Edward

1635 - (618A) Railroads extension 1865 - (1549) Report - Justice of Peace

Hagerty, Elizabeth

1862 -,(4631) Bounty-applications

Hagerty, Francia F.

1662 - (9794) Bounty Application. 1662 - (10081) Enlistment Certificates.

Hagerty, Geo.

1849 - (1907) Bailiff report

Hager ty , 3eo. V.

1B97 - (660) " o n t r n c t

Hagerty, H-ugh J .

1879 - (534) Ctuallfied voter

Hagerty, J.,

1864 - (356) Shanty - McClure's Wharf

Hagerty, J . G.,

1863 - (347) Protest Sunday R. R. Cars 137?. - (806) grade Centre! Ave.

Etagerty, J . 3.

1971 - (1833) Lan-tde St. S rect Church

Hagerty, Jamea

1824 1887 •

1887 • 1830 • 1830 -1834 • 1838 1841 1846 1357 1856 1862 1869 1881 1888

(436) L icense f o r s a l e of s h o e s . (474) Regulate hours-Wagon Stands-Centre Mkt. (490) Regulate s a l e of mdae. In Ukta. (415) Pave-Centre S t . (461) P r o h i b i t v e h l c h l e s in Ukta. (492) Foot b r i d g e , Jones F a l l s .

' (1813) R. R. tracks on High S t . • ( 42) Sewer- to l a y on High & Granly 3 t s . • (260) Coroners i n q u e s t s

638) 92)

School - need for in E. B a l t o . Sale f r e s h meats

1431) Bond-lamplighters (:;37) Erect ^ay Window (252) Bepavin** Baltimore St. (S3?) School 38.

na£erty, Jas . J .

1871 - (295) Establish Lot. Halto. St.

Earerty, Janes L.

1869 - (157) Erect Uarket 1869 - (280) Brect Market 1674 - (57l) Memorial " i t i j ens railway

-Tagerty, Jas . P..

13S9 - (483) Uanual Training School 1397 - (660) Contract 1899 - (460) Sewer Ifui once 1900 - (594) ?ave Eutaw Place

H a c e r t y , J a a . S .

1853 - (514) E l y a v i l l e R.P.. p r e t e s t 1863 - (500) Repair ITindsor M i l l Road 1566 - (1103) P r o t e s t ,V.M. R . R . S t o c k Sub. 1870 - (2249) Pan E.H. Hearing 1371 - (359) Enlarge Batters 1871 - (366) P.ejnove Track 1871 - (1792) " l t lzens H.B. Tracks 1871 - (1868) Strighten Lanvnle St 1971 - (2146) City E.E. Tracks 1876 - (1012) ° i ty Hall Public Sq 1876 - (1014) C m - e n s Pass. F. V?. 1880 - (139) Bond Lake Montebell Contract 1980 - (149) Park Tax Pasrenger Railway 188J - (20B) Open Carey St. 1865 - (64) Pave Blocks

Harprty, J&s. S. 2

1889 - (493) Open licCulloh St. 1597 - (660) Contract


Kagerty, John

1801 - (239) Petition to remove two porches on Market St.between Calvert & South St.

ial of the Srick Kakers, f of Phila.Citizens, List of Sub. ion of Pump on Light St,

1798 -17S6 -1799 -160 2-1803 -1806 -

1806 -1799 -1800 -1800 -1809 -

1809 -1810 -

(150) (227) (15S) (292) (153) (146)

(29) (201) (129) (130) (248)

(331) (322)

tern or Relie Lrect Conce Alter Petit

Erect Petit Aucti Aucti Counc

Appl. Appli

rning erection of cellar ,door3. footway on Li^ht St.

ion to deeoen basin at Light and Pratt St.

ing pump on Light St. ion, I'easureir.ents of 3rain. oneers report, oneers report, il Correspondence, Re-appointment, sSp'i £ f Sweeps, 2nd List. Wood Corder. cation for Supt. of Chimney Sweepers

Hagerty, John 2#

1819 - (323) Application for Supt. of chiraney Sweeps. 1812 - (455) Protest against, Theatres, Circus. 1813 - (2C3) Petition to remain in office. 1813 - (2C7) Petitl.n-Supt. of Chimney Sweeps. 1814 - (271) Petition to appt. Wood Corder. 1815 - (301) Petition-Appointment to Fublic Office. 1815 - (302) Petition-Appointment to Fublic Office. 1818 - (4P6) Re; air Fump-Eutaw & Mulberry :t. 1838 - (1306) Bailiffs - Application for appointment 1846 - ( 340) Eden Lane - open 1848 - ( 291) Bond 1853 - ( 704) Increase water & gas supply 1856 - ( 384) Sale fresh meants 1857 - (. 228) Sunt, of Streets 1859 - (2107) Fihes-J.P.Reports 5th ward 1862 - (1510) Fines-J.F.Report? 1862 - (1511) Reports-Justices of the Peace 1866 - (1103) Bdl.RR.stock subscriptions

Haperty, John

1872 - (57 ;) n t l e 1875 - (249) Light St. lund A u g m e n t 1?79 - (534) Qualified voter 1888 - (664) Jenktne Ban Sewer

Kagerty, John H.

1863 - (4719) Bounty-applications

1875 - (827) O-oen Arlington Ave. 1878 - (1063) Locust Point Maricet 1880 - (184) For Opening Street

Eagerly, Uary

18S7 - (309) Change Ch^^t St. Hane

Hagerty, Kary A.

1862 - (25ei) Bounty-applications

Kagerty, Hichael

1876 - (1106) Oregon St. o ening 137B - (1665) Lombard St. extend steps 1PB0 - (187) Protest ~r;.cks on Baltimore St. 186S - (664) Jenkins run sewer




I 396)

v, -n Tire co-approp-Watchman f^"

Hagerty, P.

1837 - (735) Interments - Report 1SS3 - (82) rave leech. St.

Hagerty, Fatr ick

1859 1861


Us 106) F i n e s

96) .Reports 1364 - (495) Draft Exemption

1876 - (>88) Stepr. engine Suren St.

Hn<;ert}r, S.

1397 - (660) Con t rac t

Hagerty, Samuel

1857 - (547) Coroners Inquest

Hagerty, Sarah

iation-Humane Impartial Society. 1831 - (1162) oFrb S t o n e s - L i g h t S t . 1832 - (362) Humane Impart ia l S o c i e t y . 1832 - (441) Pave-Light S t . 1833 - (655) Light S t . - Widen 1837 - (1703) Open - Wadlaon S t .

Hagerty, Sarah D.

1&6.1 - (4719) Bounty-applications

Hagerty, Suaan

1862 - (6327) Bounty Application.

Hagarty, Thomas

1842 - ( 278) Inquests

Hagerty, 1».

1859 - ( 296) Etabl. passenger railroad

^ y , J - *•

=77 _ (908) Boundary Lane Aga iM* f a v e

Hagey, James

1352 - (15C4) Police bond

:'cu:ey, >

1878 -1678 -




32) Sewer Bor th Ave near . 1 Grade Sort l i * v e .

HarofBrd KUJI

Hapey, Tfa.

1S79 - (415) 3rade -ownseiid Larvale S t . , Calvert St.

Ha^cy, TTn. H.

Grade Ar.gjle Ave.

Haggard, 7/m.

1857 - (351) Property Oners on. line - Balto. Water

Haggart, .Andrew

1866 - (2544) fines

Hagger, C.

1850 - (1037) Stock list

Hagger, Charles E.

1859 - ( 106) 1863 - (462) 1863 - (736)

Inquests Upper Story Sign - Pratt St. Suspend sign - Police

Bagger, <i. " .

1=00 - (50'*) Ley tr- cfca

Hagger, John ?f.

1834 - (509) Opening - Lombard St. 1856 - (378) Licenses - Kebt sold

Haggerman, Lewis

1865 - (1173) Bond Bagatelle Table

Haggerty, Andrew

1851 - (54) Canal 3t. - pump erect 1353 - (169?) Fines - Crin.inal Ct. 1863 - (3433) Oath of enlistment 1863 - (3738) Ulster Roll - 2nd Regiment

Haggerty, Edward

1837 - (1830) Retail licensee 1840 - (1165) LIcansas-issued 1842 - ( 837) State Tax-list.

Haggerty, Elizabeth A.,

1864 - (3100) Bounty Applioat

Haggerty, Elizabeth L.

1863 - (2461) Bounty Corres. 1864 - (1344) Fines & Forfeitures

Haggerty, Fanny

1859 - (2104) Fines

Haggerty .Francis F.

1862 - (11341 duster Roll 1ST. MD. Regiment.

-fegerty, Frank D.

1S99 - (483) Manual Jreining School

Haecerty, Geo.

1353 - (588) Public Sq. erection of U.S. Balto.

Haggerty, George H.

1843 - ( 301) Lafayette Hose Co-ap^rop. 1B5S - (1697) Fines - Criminal Ct.

Haggerty, J . E . ,

1863 - ( 4 1 3 ) Lamp Lighters Wage Increase 1864 - (333) Lamplighters - Increase 1864 - (540) Ci ty Appointment 1871 - (1270) Frari!d.in St. stable

Haggerty, Jas.

1850 - (1037} Stock list 1864 - (1416) Bond Lamplighters

Haggerty, Jane

le62 - (3453) Bountv-api.liceticns 1862 - (9035$ Bounty Correspondence.

Haggerty, John

1847 - (103) Refund of taxes 1P.52 - (1697) Fines - Criminal Ct. 1856 - ( 20) Pump p l a t - Howard & Doveir S t . I860 - (2126) F ines 1662 - (5453) E o u n t y - a p p l i c a t i o n s 1862 - (1812) Oath of a l l e g i a n c e 1862 - (9035) Bounty C o r r e s p o n d e n c e . 1863 - (73) Appointments - Lampl ighters . 1864 - (3635) Muster Ro l l 1865 - (289) Pay Increase - Lamp L i g h t e r s

1865 - (1872-B) Pay R o l l - Lamplighters

Haggerty,John A.

1862 - (10809) Enlistment Certificates.

•g^TunTrvrsj' luf-tBrra?- (coxet),.- ?sm

Haggorty, J0-"-n E.

1871 - (403) RraaHAn St. Stable

Haggerty, John B . ,

1864- (3100) Bounty Application 1864 - (3680) lluster Boll

Haggerty, John E . ,

1B64 - (1392) Bond - Lamp Lighters 1666 - (938) lamp l i g h t e r s paylncrease

Haggerty, Luke

1856 - (285-59) Coroners inquest

Haggerty, l lgt.

186£ - (3452) Bounty-applications


1666 - (2544) f ines

ar ty , P. J .

1881 - (403) Blowing St- m Tnistlec

Haggerty, Sarah D.

1863 - (8460) Boiinty Corres.

Haggerty, ~'m.

ie6£ - (345^; Sounty-applications 1864 - (1496) Fines & Forfeitures 1666- (2545) fi nes

Raggett, E. E,

1 7 - (60) Proper^ surrender

Haggin, Elian

1835 - (1948) Report of Interments, 01ty of Balto.

Hnggin, W.

1600 - (233) Wharfage.

Hagh, Jos .

1900 - (600) Lay tracks

Hagharn, Henry

1863 - (1680) Oath of Allegiance

Haghart, Joshua

1863 - (452) Police Want Uniforms Furnished

Hagherly, Patrick

1868 - (220) i n s t a l l Lamp.

Hagle, Henry

1804 - (76A) Grade Kill, Hanover and other stree

Hagley, Anthony

1838 - (1756) Trader's License

Hagley, James

1858 - ( 209) Inquests


j 'nn

. C l 157) cons *roo* Xitc:l

Hagman, Catherine

1863 - (3248) Bounty Application

Hagner, A.

1862 - (9579) Absentees i Deserters.

Hagner, 2. U.

1888 - (657) Cattle driving

Hagner, fielding

1837 - (757) Interments - Report

Hagner, Frederick

1842 - (1185) Licenses 1843- ( 314) I arkets-varlous rentals

Hagner, George

(1015 (183)

1829 1830 1833 - (653) 1834 - (268) 1834 - (540)

Euro Stones-Rock S t . Pump-Rock S t . Lamp-Lexington & Rock S t . App l i cant s , n i g h t w a t c h . Increase s a l a r y , watchmen.

183S - (618A) Rai lroads e x t e n s i o n

Hagner, Jacob

1862 - (7262) Bounty Application.

Hagner, John

1832 - (1865) Justice of Peace Return.

8s : sim saw-sara?*-** 1861

Hagnar, Peter

1830 - (366) War of 1818.

Hagner, Susannah

1862 - (4130) Bounty-applications 1364 - (3075) Bounty Applioation

Hagner, Tfc.

1828 - (1286) License to sell in Ukts. 1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops - Sunday 1666 - C2551) Fines

ags , Henry

187 B - (1077) E. Uomment rket

Hagthrop, Edward

1801 - (75) Erect pump, Fells St. 1802 - (317)petitlon for additional wharves from

George St. to 7 ft.Water. 1803 - (196)Petition to General Assembly for

Amendments to City Charter. 1808 - (297)Appeal from City Commissioners fix­

ing an establishment on Aliceanna. 1S09 - (£57)Petition, Sup't. of Chimney Sweeps. 1318 - (953)Taxes in suit. 1820 - (ES6)Flat. Goodman St. bet. Hill & KontgOB

ery St. 1821 - (8) Pumj; Warrant-Improve Goodman & West

Sts. 1S21 - (117) Erect Slaughter House-West St. 1822 - (185) Sewer-Cross & Goodman Sts. 1822 - (263) Pave-Montgomery & Goodman Sts.


1824 -

18E3 -

1P.C3 -1824 -1825 -

1826 -1838 -1838 -1841 -184 2 -



2# -Bond, Fillip UP Lots-Strawberry Al.

Thames &. «uean Sts. (237) Exclude articles other than food fro,

Kkts. (212) Pave-Cross St. at Goodman Sts. (200) Filling of lot-Bond St. (452) Estimate for filling up lots-& coves. (346) County k State Tax Collection. (178) Plat - Pratt St. (1213) B. R. track on High St. ( 311) Place Lar.TD-Dond & Pratt jt. ; 836) Tax List

Hagthrop, John

1793 - (7) Tavern License.

Ragthrop, Thos

1813 - («36) Rifleman Bustard Roll 1st Battal ion. 1813 . (814) Pay Ro l l - I s t . Balto. Hd. Ftfleraan.

I . I .

1813 - (762) Huster Roll-6th See- "*• Mi l i t i a 1318 - (174) 3rado Willlnms St. bets TTarren & i-ontgnnery S»

s Hague, Jobn

1813 - (490) Ireolvencies allowed by Comm. of Tax for Balto. Coun.

Hague, Joaaph

1813 - (827) Fay Roll-6th Rag. lid. Ullitia. 1840 - ( 110) Wolfs St-?lat

Hague, Lewis

1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary

Hague, Willtaa

1836 - (523) City Watchman, Increase in pay

Haha, Jeme3 A.

1876 - (95f>) Market S t a l l L i c m s e

laha, John

1853 - (660) Swine running at large - permit

Haham, George

1863 - (3733) Master Roll - 2nd Regiment Vol.

Hahen, Lenhardt

1861 - (1410) J.F.Report - fine

Hahn, A. J.

1862 - (9637) Bounty Application.

Hahn, Abraham Isiah

1862 - (7753) Bounty Application.

Hahn, Adolph

1835 . (618A) Railroads sxtonslon 1853 - (. 447) Coroners inquests 1862 - (7904) Bounty Appl icat ion.

Hahn« Andrew

1891 - (531) Paving C o l u ^ i a Ave.

Hahn, Ann

1795 - (28) Tavern License. 1795 - (32) Tavern License.

Hahn, Ann C.

1862 - (8890) Bounty Correspondence.

Hahn, Ann Catherine

1862 - (9627) Bounty Application.

Hahn, Annie C.

1S94 - (525) Stalls Hollin= «kt. 1694 - (o27) «talls "ex. Met.

Kahn, C.

1:583 - (364) Ooen Arlington Ave. 1SS7 - (334) Calvert St. Spg.

Hahn, Carls

1860 - ( 318) Federal Hill-purchase

"EIUI, - a t h r a n

1871 - (1322) Mfct. U a s t e r s

Hahn, Catherine

1871 - (1966) Met. Hall 1D?6 - (3400) Market Stall 1898 (718) Market License

Hahn, Charles

1 8 6 0 - ( 427) Boyd * Parkin Sts-pun,p ren,o™

X - (1344) Fines * Forfeitures





(396) Wg-™ K°US<

I (f95) S.B. *»«» l 8 8 3 _ (395

;e <e St .

stern Set.

Hahn, Christian

1831 - (384) Stones County & mikes St. 1827 - (1358) Ordinar;/ License 1874 - (718) Construct armory be la i r mkt.

Hahn, Christopher

1837 - (1755) Fines Imposed - Balto. City Court 1S64 - (177) Canton Ave. Protest

Hahn, Conrad

1875 - (827) 0„en Arlington Ave. 1876 - (1107) Oregon St. Opening 1880 - (183) Against Opening Street ie86 - (165) MaUcet Kaster Protest

Hahn, Danie l

1667 - (784) Harked Balfry 1876 - (3*00) Market S ta l l ieS3 - (356) License Soll ins Hkt.

Hahn, Edr:ar F .

191? - (341) R.R.Tr-.cks Kar l^n Ave.

Hahn, 3dward

1644 - I 412) Beleir Mct-pur. lot. 1844 - I 413) Belair Met-improve. S £ - ( 35) Well, deepen - Orleans St. 1662 0 ( 329) Currency-notes small issue. 1863 - (346) Issue Small Notes

1866 - (983) sale of calvee

1867 - (640) Extend Park

Bahn, Sdward A.

187? - (259) --ay Appoints

Hahn, Eliz. T.

1850 - (1037) Stock list


190' - (587) Market l i c e n s e

Hahn, Era

1863 - (3707) 3rd. Md. Infantry Vol.

Kahn, F.

1S77 - (396) 3olto. St. :"laoBtones 1880 - (333) Sign Uuisance

Hahn, F e r d i n a n d

1865 - (1210) Bond B a g a t e l l e Table 13S9 - (283) Merchandise Build Line

Hahn, Frances

1828 • (425) Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks.

Hahn, F r e d e r i c k

1864 - (2341) " u s t e r R o l l 1865 - (1551) Report - J u s t i c e of Peace 1891 - (864) Against cost repaving 1995 - (423) Protest lence

Hahn, George

1859 - (3076) F i n e e - J . F . R e p o r t s 17 th ward 1860 - ( 318) F e d e r a l K i l l - p u r c h a s e 1863 - ( M 3 3 ) Oath of e n l i s t m e n t 1866 - (3548) f i n e s 1668 - (390) Baborg S t .

Lanp 1672 - (10.5) Open "cash St. 1873 - (747) Open "nlsh St6

1873 - (785) Oerman H. E. Church Toner 1S73 - (844) Postpone -ax ^o l l . 1874 - (751) Change St. ''one 1875 - (952) Open Mctftohan St. 1875 - (1168) Open TTilmer Alley 1877 - (69-) Bayard S t . Gasoline lamp 1685 - (353) Hew School 1895 - (430) Tracks '"olfe St.

Kahn.Grimbaum H.

1666 - (907) Re-number houses

Hahn, H.

Jerraan o o r r e s . 1841 - ( 324) Soap & Cahdle F a c t o r y . 1850 - (355) City o r d i n a n c e s

1853 - (179) Assessments 1861 - (1400) J . F . R e p o r t s 1S62 - (2076) Cath of a l l e g i a n c e s 1865 - (1546} Report - J u s t i c e of Peace 1866 - (907) Henufflfter Houses 1S69 - (326) Police protection 1869 - (1390) Licenses 1370 - (2341) LyncHburg Lasvil le H.R.

Hahn, H. 3 .

1862 - ( 344) Small note I s sue 1S59 - (263) - u t i l e Hall 1371 - (1337) Hkt. Clerk 1S73 - (528) Open Forrest St.

."ahn, H. J .

1883 - (499) Electr ic Light Pra t t St, 1587 - (317) Pave Fulton St. 1587 - (340) HolUM l&t.

Hahn, Harriett

159S - (1182) Lexington !!arket Stalls

Hahn, Henry

1864 - (3836) Muster Roll 1365 - (F-2253) He-Enlistment 1864 - (3858) Bounty djnnensation 1 71 - (833) Saasell =t. shed 1888 - (328) AsrtUcati6n Positiotf 1895 - (1176) Belair Market S ta l l s

Hahn, Herman

1863 - (13E6) Fines & Forfeitures

1866 - (415) Property Reports

1666 - (75L>) Bagatelle license

1866 - (2322) license


1872 - (858) Franont St- Wagona

Hahn, Jones

1890 - (449) Haricot

Hahn, James A.

1P22 - (938) Ukt. Stall License 1390 - (-.31) Market

Halm, Jas. W.

1887 - (334) Cnlvert St. Spg. 1890 - (455) Market

189? - (431) Auction Statement

Hahn, Jacob

1838 - (1220) Nomination ofClty off icers 186?. - (2077) Bond 1896 - (738) Water Bi l l •'•

(H ahl)

Hahn, John


1803 -1805 -

1813 -1813 -1832 -1838 -1838 -1840 -1841 -1848 -1847 1850 1859

(7) Paving Warrant- Fleet St* between Bond & Waahlngton St.

(412)List of Tavern Licenses. (83) Pav.warrant, West side of Light St.

between Helde's lot * Primrose Al.

(740)Huster Roll-U. 8. Army. (800)Fay Roll-Ist. Reg. Artillery.

- (86) Est. lot-Douglas St. • (871)Lot-Potter St. • (395) Inqnests ( 896) Cancelled Stock Certificates I 740) C.B.-Stockholder ( 836) Tax List

-(1355-5) Western Bk. stockholders - (1078} stockholders - ( 106) Inquests

Hahn, John

1865 - (1168) Bond Bagatelle Table 1866 - (867( Fremont St lamps.

1666 - (913) Renumber h o u s e s 1879 - ( a ^ ) Qualified voter

1879 - (718} English Oerann School 1882 - (4.-7) ~,ranmar School 11 . 1833 - (380) Bank St . eie t r i e Ligt . 1389 - (19'3) Bupt. lamps 1890 - (458) liarket 1898 - (716) Market License

Hahn, John Jr.

1846 - (281) Stockholders Report - Marine Bank of Balto

i858 - ( 245) " 1857 - (543) Coroners inquest

Hahn, .Tohn H.

1862 - (4935) Bounty-applications 1663 - (8916) Bounty Corras. 1S64 - (3347) Bounty Correapondenee

Hahn, Joseph

1832 - (1838) Flour Inspector.

Balm, L.

1S75 - (916) Protest Bride-Kiln 1888 - (67r;) Change "-;sae '.'malt St.

Hohn, L. L. 186? - (784) --aricet ?elfry 1879 - (643) Ice Pond IVwington Park 1881 - (296) Engine House Western Set.

Hahn, Lawrence

i:-74 - (731) Steam Fire engine 1876 - (2400) Market S$all

H&hn, Lawrence H.

1879 - (5?4) Qualified voter

Hahn, Lewis

1856 - (1230) Licenses 1357 - (1034) Licenses 1863 - (3703) Deserter 1863 - (3751) 9th. Md.

- Md. Vol. Infantry Vol. Infantry Brigade

Hahn, Loyi s

1860 - (2174) L i c e n s e s - o y s t e r and l i o u o r . 1S7 ; - (2427) Spring Garden Inp. 18<33 - (477) Xjyuiit St. Elect r ic Llgt.

Halm, Ludwlg

1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary

Hahn, It.

1809 - (25) Pump Warrant, Fleet St. 1863 - (3707) 3rd. lid. Infantry - Vol.

Hahn, Margaret

1867 - (784) Market Belfry 1371 - (897) "alsh St. Kitchen 1382 - (263) License Lexington Mkti 1883 - (356) License Holllna Kkrt . 1996 - (1180) Hollins Market S ta l l s

Hahn, "orf-ajeetta

1376 - (2412) Market S t a l l LicenRe

Hahn, Maiy

18S7 - (329) Laaon S t . Deed

Hahn, Nicholas

1832 - (1860) Justice of Feace Report. 1842 - ( 278) Inquests.

Hahn, Peter

1806 - (149) Against butchers selling aeat outside P u b l i c Markets . ,

1807 - (350) Reports and Returns,- F e l l s P t . M a r k e t . 1813 - (790)Fay R o l l - 5 t h Reg. Md. U i l i t i a 1818 - (389)Pave & Repa i r Footways-Lee S t . b e t .

Goodman & F o r r e s t . 1875 - (3395A) Market Licenses 1882 - (362) License Lexington Hkt.

Hahn, Philip B-

B7g . (524) Soalified voter

riahn, 3am 1. H.

1857 - ( 543 ; Coroners I n q u e s t

Hahn, Sarah A.

1862 - (6726) Bounty Application.

Hahn » Sophia Dorothy

1662 - (4935) Bounty-y-applloatlons

Kabn, W. A. C.m.)

1SS4 (!48) Coma of Hei • i l t n

Hahn, .7m.

1816 - (3",6) Petitlon-Murxet Women 1881 - (376) Pure water at Cantar Hkt. 1835 - (1S41) Centre Iflct., C e r t i f i c a t e s of s t a l l ren t 1850 - ( 433) Mulligan S t . - opening 1B54 - ( 34) Fump - Hulliken & Bethel S t s . 1856 - (384J Sale fresh meats 1857 - (1034) Licenses 1866 - (983) sa l e of calves

1B74 - (718) construct armory 3-lair nkt.

Halm, Will iam A.

1879 - (613) B.-.rter P o l e

Hahnanan, P.

1677 - (1 43) Dunping oyster aiells


1870 (.2S631 •pro t e s t

^.n*ai-e 5ae

Hahneman, ? r .

1869 - (352) n'P'H Spring Gardens 1877 - (98-0 Streets for reservat l n 1P7 0 - (2432) Sterre t t to Barre St. 1874 - (536) Condemn Barre St.

Hahnenan, Frederick

1856 - (252) Coroners inquest 1857 - (543) Coroners inquest 1666 - (1055) Bartage nuieanee

HaraieBond, B .

1 9 8 7 - (334) Cn lve r t S t . Spg.

Hahnesand, J o s - r -

1 8 S 7 - (334) OA-Wrt S t . Spg.


1666 - (1140) B&0 Railroad strike

Hr-honegr, Patr ick

1871 - (1935) Extend Pat. Pk.

Hahorn, Sophia

1851 - (1651) Licenses granted



Haiden, Jno. S. 1873 - (751) Pave Madison Ave.

Haides, Samuel

186£ - (1762) Cath of allegiance

Haig, James M.

1843 -1854 -1856 -1856 -1858 -1859 -1859 -1863 -1865 -1879 -

( 333) (1881; ( 299) (417)

( 320) ( 164) ( 242) (393) (165) (524)

Schools Public-erection of city urged Jury Service Balto. St. - remove pump Farkeraburg, R. R. Co. - Extension Eet. fire and police telegraph Protest sale of Calvert St-Spring Lot Light St.-widen Indorse Widening Holliday St., Property Tax Sale Qualified Voter

Haig, John

1839 - (1730) Maglatrataa-returns 1637 - (1745) Dog Tax

Haig, Margaret

1838 - (1756) Trader^ License 1840 - (1166) Lieenses-Hatailer 1841 - ( 324) Soap &v Candle Factory

HalSfc, Henry 1869 - (320) Repair Pump

Halgh, William

1908 - (221) Wash, Balto, Afinap, E l e c t R. W. Co .Trac

Halght, Charles

1864 - (3770) Muster Roll

Halght, Francis

1900 - (600) Lay Tracks

Height, G. (Drove)

1849 - (633) Belair Kkt. - change hrs. 1662 - (1903) Cath of allegiance.

HalSley, Henry 1871 - JlMO-E) City

College Erect


1868 - (10182) Enlistment Certificates.

Hail, John !.l.

1349 - (635) Belair Mkt. change hrs.

Hail, Robert

Halle, J.

1857 - (547) Coroners Inquest

Haller, George P

1918 - (124) Sunday Baseball

Hailey, Edward

1865 - (1553) Report - Justice of Peace

Halley, Thomas

1862 - (11369) Muster Roll,Fifth Regiment.

Halmbelon- Y. E.

1988 - (377) Application Position

Hain, Chr is t ian

1854 - (33) Pump warrant - Johnson St . 186£ - ( l l aO)pro tes t renumbering houses 166"- (984)Hamtjrg St steam engine 1867 a- (705) House Numbering 1870 - (2404) Rain Water 1R7P - (975) Pr<t St Remove R. R.

1078 - (1116) P r a t t S t . R. R. Tracks

Hain, Emile

1862 - (11361) Muster Roll,Fourth Regiment.

HaIn, Jacob D.

1836 - (55) Establish Line, N. f. Section Albernarl* St.

Haln, Louis II

1893 - (238) Repave Hanover St.

Hain, Wil l iam

1865 - (808) Opening Barber Shops - Sundays 1879 - (1365) E r e c t Awning

Halne, F.

1874 - (674) Monument St. Track Removal

Haine, Fredk.

184? - (1460) Licenses

Halne, William 1877 - (922) Castle St., Opening

"ainel .Patrick

1866 - (2426) license

Halner, Geo.

1844 - (1282) Police report.

Halnas, Anderson

1867 - (87) Transportat ion

Haines, Ann

1835 - (1237) Health Receipts, Paupers burials

Haines, B. F.

1856 - (382) License 1875 - {901) Grade Franklin St. 1891 - (841) Claim Surrender 1891 - (548) Funds-Hospital

aines, Catherine

1862 - (2794". Bount v-ar Dlioation 1863 - (3154) Bounty Application

Haines, Clarence E.

1669 - (463) Manual Training School

Haines, Chas.

1848 - (1114) Chimney Sweeps - appl. for sweep master 1°52 - (, 453) Markets 19143 (182) Protest Moving Pictures

Haines, Chae. F.

1883 - (3ea) Annapolis,Balto Short Line R R Co

Haines, Danlsl

1829 • (1606) Magistrates Report.

walnes, E.

1871 - (1856) Jones Falls Overflow

H a i n e s , E. K.

1862 - (8472) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n .

Haines, E. S

1871 - (1849) Howard St. Track

Haines, Edward

1835 - (618A) Railroads extension

Kaines, ^dwin

1862 - (2P0C; Bounty-arplic^ticn

Haines, Ephram

1866 - (196) City Stock Owner

H a i n e s , F . H,

1900 - (flOO) Lay Tracks

Halnea, Geo.

1988 - (425) Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks. 1350 - (1037) Stock list

Haines, George (Col) 1879 - (524) Disqualified Voter

Haines, George Lenia

1862 - (7180) Bounty Application.

Haines, George W.

\%% '- \\Wl) ^SliVr V. f tV' i foV^urn . l l Cavalry.

Hainea, Granville S.,

1866 - (196) City stock Ovmer

Haines, H. L. 1896 - (1185) Lease Home Tel. Co 1916 - (124) Sunday Baseball

Haines, J.G.

1867 - (427) Im,rove Courtland St.

Haines, J. J.

1B90 - (481) Streets 1891 - (399) Wires-Underground 1906 - (597) Protest Tracks 1908 - (598) Protest Tracks 1906 - (780) Subscriptions 1908 - ( 21) Wash.,Balto., Annap.Elct. R. W. OoTrag 1910 - (413) Repave Eutaw St.

Haines, James

1858 - (283) Coroners inquest

Haines, Joel

1866 - (196) City stock Owners

Haines, John

1834 - (486) Independent Fire Engine. 1835 - (618A) Railroads extension

Haines , John B.

1858 - (204) Coroners I n q u e s t s .

Haines, John W.

1862 - (8615) Bounty Application. 1864 - (3916) Bounty Compensation 1865 - (3055) Volunteers Discharged

Haines, Joseph

1863 - (2924) Eounty-application 1865 - (3056) Volunteers Discharged

Haines, Jos iah

1850 - (378) Bal to . 4 Ohio R.R. Co. - 3tock Dist . of dividends

Hainee, L. D

1679 - (524) Qualified Voter

Haines, Levin

1858 - (S04) Coroners Inquests.

Haines, Lewis

1862 - (9790) Bounty Application.

1862 - (11354) Muster Roll Light Artillery. 1863 - (3154) Bounty Application

Halnee, Lewis 3

1387 - (300) License , Lex, IB 1900 - (567| Market License -

Haines, Louis

1879 - (670) Tracks on Linden Avenue

Haines, Louis A.,

1864 - (3670) Muster Roll

Haines, Louis G. ,

1865 - (2610-M) Volunteers Discharged

1666 - (3054) Power of ittorney

"al l ies , Luis 1672 - (832) Lex. Met Clerk

Haines, Margaret J.

1862 - (9521) Bounty Application.

Haines, Uartin

1864 - (3770) Muster Roll

1871 - (8877) J. P. Fines

Haines, Mehaney

1827 - (333) List of Hospital Patients.

Hainas, Nathan 1826 - (1237) ' \ W iMpeot ,* . _ e r o i a i iflAfi - (274) Stockholders Hepor* 1846 K*'+l t F a r m e r 8 Bank TR50 - (1081) stockholders {% - ! l96) City Stock Owner

1 8 7 7 . (983 Fremont i t . » W n & W a t e r M a l n

TR7S - (735) Request to Charge w * S B - U ) Hequest To U * Water » »

Haines, 0 . P . 1888 - (386) Application Pos i t ion

Haines, Reuben H

1910 - (415) Construct Hospital

Haines, Revbin

1859 - (160A) .Vestern Kd. H.H.-ask bond issue 1866 - (196) City Stock Owners

Haines, Hichard

1838 - (1983) Police Report

Halnea, S.

1891 - (389) For Wagon Stands

Haines, S. A'

1871 - (2808) Court Decision

Haines, Samuel

1866 - (196) City Stock Owner

Haines, Sarah

186E - (7180) Bounty Application.

Hainaa, Solomon

1811 - (44) Pump Warrant rapalr Montgomery St.

Haines, Thos.

(11911 (1757) (1509) (15CS) (9165)


1838 . 1838 -1853 -1853 -1862 -1862 -1662 - (11219) Enlistment Affidavits.

Appt. Watchman. Trader's License Licenses list or Licenses list of Bounty Correspondence,

nty ' 19817) Bounty Application.

Haines, Thos. C.

1878 - (1097) Railway Tracks North Ave.

Haines, Townsend

1850 - (550) Stockholders, Balto.&Susq.R.E.Co.

Haines, Virgil

1858 - (204) Coroners Inquests.

Haines, W.

1859 - ( 106) Inquests

Haines, If. L.

1662 - (2753) Bounty-application

Haines, t . T. 1872 - (987) Bell Kuiaanoe 1875 - (1032) Water Supply 1879 - (b'.'A) Qualified Voter

Haines, William

1862 - (9415) Bounty Application.

1874 - (731) Steam Fire Engine

Haines , H l l l l a m C.

1862 - (9366 ) Bounty AppHcat i o n .

Hain«s,7fa H 1877 - (944) Cit izens Railway Co

Halness, E. 1871 -(t850) Howard St. Tracks

Halneaworth, Daniel (B)

1837 - (158) Caroline St. Wharf - Proposal for Pilln 1840 - ( 95) Mo21derrya Uharf-Reapir.

Halney, Jas.

1846 - (285) Stockholders report - Western Bank of Balto.

Hainey, Jarvis

1856 - (386) coroners inquest

Hainey, Robert

1856 - (285) coroners inquest.

Halnke, August

1870 - (522) Shed

1875 - (870) Close Conway St.

Hainman, James

1865 - (1553) Report - Justice of Peace

Hainor, John

1860 - ( 494) Warner St-open

Hains, Fred

1857 - (542) coroners inquest

Halns, Nathan

i«i -" i SS! St* r.!^.?-«-*«"«r. 185 1850

C 300) C 543) (1073)


Hain3, Wm. H.

1849 - (689) Vigilant Fire Co. - sale of enginehouse

Halnaon, Nathan.

1839 - I 6) Pumps-rialto St & Apple Allay

Hair, Jacob D.

1835 -1835 -1836 -1836 -1836 -

1836 -1836 -1837 -1837 -1837 -1838 -1838 -

1838 -

1838 .

1838 -1839 -1843 -

(304) (1436) (181) (394) (466)

(569) (1994) (397A) (571) (953A) (59)

(131) (138)

(133) (1837) ( 127) ( 222)

Mayor's appointments. Lieutenant night watch, returns. Appointments City guards, organized to prevent riots Execution of duties, Committee on ,•

claim Bridges, Jones Falls Night watch, return City officers Application - Health Commissioner Remove dirt - Bond St. Pump - Pitt St. Est. corner - Bwuren St. Est. lot - Franklin & Calvert St.

Est. intersections for Canton Co. Appointments-City officers. Port Wardens-report. Inquests

Hair, Jacob 0. #2

1847 - ( 294) Application for employment. 1849 - ( 115) City employment references.

Hair, Jamea

1802 - (294) Petition against building of City Hall 1838 - (81) Sewer repair - North St.

Hair, John

1610 - (309) Lamp-Wolfe S t . 1831 - (276) P la t -Wol fe S t .

Hair, JosfPh

1855 - (170) stockholder

Hair, Pater

1B67 - (850) Extend Park

Hair, Mi.

182S - (136) Ooata running at large.

Hairdy, John

1350 - (240) Cor. Hamburgh & Howard Sts.

Ha Ire, Ttaomaa

1835 - (618A) Railroads extension

1836 - (529) Increaaed wages, Scavengers

Hairres , William C.

1862 - (9182) Bounty Correspondence.

Hairtt, If. B.

1863 - (341) City passenger Cars, Prohibit Running on Sunday

Halse, J o s . G 1891 - (535) Open Eneor S t .

Haiseman, Uartha

1865 - (3835) Bounty Application

Haiser, Charles

1864 - (3124) Bounty Application

Halsser, J Fred

1919 - (89) Sunday Law

Halt, Samuel T.

1877 - (1010) Enlarge Market

Hake, Danll 1870 - (2416) Livery Stable

Hake, Elizabeth 1872 - (772) Open Al3oulth St.

Hakaly, Hany C»

1867 - (2547) Power attorney

Haker, John 1879 - (=24) Qualified Voter

Hakerley, C. C. 1870 - (2351) Belal r Met.

Hakesley, Charles"*.

1861 - ( 386) Zaser it-open

1867 - (873) Point Lane - Engine

1876 - (83. ) Market Stall License

Hakes ley, G. 77.

1853 - (703) increase water & gas supply 1863 - (1306) Tax Bonds

Hakesley, Henry oC

1866 - (2766) Eounty Application

1666 - (2668) Bounty "plication

1866 - (3040) Power of Attorney.

Hakesley, John

1804 - (369) Krect Baltimore Town in Baltimore Co. 1809 - (56) Establishments,'Granby St. 1826 - (541) Job as Watchman. 1833 - (103) Est. Potter St. 1842 - ( 837) State Tax-list 1846 - ( 282) Stockholders Report - Mechanics Bank 1849 - ( 265) Orleans & Eden Sts. - pump assessments 1852 - ( 246) Bank Stock 1354 - (1254) gfehanlcs Bank - stockholders 1854 - (1254) Hachanlcs Bk. stock. 1863 - (3463) Oath of Enlistments. 1863 - (3753) 9th Id. Infantry

Hakesley, Wm.

1828 - (1324) Killing of Stray Dogs.

1838 - (1213) R. R. track on High St. 1838 - (1314) Chimney Sweeps - reinstate Sweepmaster 0863 - {3748) 9th Id. Vol. Regiment

Hakoaley, ffilllaa J>

1840 - ( 330) Uonument 3t-Crading 1656 - ( 266) Coroner inquests 1863 - (1306) Tax Bonds

Hakealey, William W.,

1863 - (3454) Oath of Enliatment 1864 - (3771) Burter Roll

Halan, Enoch

1913 -(319) Property Damage

Halan, Mary B 1913 - (319) Property Damage

Halan, W. 3. Wilkinson 1880 - (231) Open Court P.O. Ave.

Halay, Thomaa

1871 - (1949-C) City College Erect

Halbach, Charles

1843 - ( 299) Jones Falls-remove obstruction 1848 - ( 522) Gay St. & Jones Falls - erect gables

on bouse 1850 - ( 355} City ordinances advertistd, Ceriran corre 1850 - (391) Jones Falls,Cleaning. 1853 - (587) Public sq. - erect in I'.E. Sal to. 1852 - ( 283) Coroners Inquests. 1860 - ( 372) Jones Falls-deepening

3861 - ( 445) Jones Falls-repair wall 1866 - (951) Lexington St.opening 1867 - (692) House Numbering 1888 -(411) Saratoga St. Protest 1869 -1236) Sohes Palls Overflow 1881 - (304) Protest Paving Gay St.

Halbach, H. J. 1885 - (320) Jones Palls Flood

Halbach, Henrietta W. (H S )

1851 - (309) eisteretown Rd Stockholdar 1851 - (310) York TUrnpike Stockholder

Halbaoh, J. C.

1848 - (1360) Balto. k Relsterstown Turnpike Co.-stookholders

Halbach, J. C. M.

1848 - (1029) Western Bank - stockholders 1651 - (309) Reisterstcin Sd otockholdere 1851 - (310) York Turnpike Stockholder

Halbach, J. T.

1879 - (679) New Northeastern Market

Halbaoh, J. V 1871 - (196"?) Spring St. Health

Halbaoh, W. H.

1843 - (1029) 7/estern Bank - stockholders

Halback, H. F

1870 - (1660) Shed

1870 - (16|31) Steam Engine

Halback, C. F-1871 - (I860) Jones Falls Overflow

Halback, W. F. 1971 - (I860) Jones Falls Overflow

Halbeoh, C. F-1901 - (478) Protest Paving Coadem St Paul St.

Halbag, Parbig

1864 - (159) Arch St. Protest

Halbaraat, Hanry

1884 - (1039) Ordinary Lleanaa.

Halberse t t , Oeo 11 1900 - (605) Rail Way Tracks

Haibersett, G. H. K. 1906 - (780) Subscriptions

Halbsrt EHi. 188!? - (298-C) Citizens Railway Co

Halbert, Edward

1832 -1833 -1835 -1837 -1838 -J839 -1842 -

m --1845 -1846 -1848 -1864 -


(1639) (1763) (1829) (1756) (1697) (1185)

iM (183) (1006) (1160) (395)

Ordinary License.

License grunts. Licenses, Retail Licenses, retail Trader's License Licenses, retail Licenses, issued

Belair Market-Purchased lot Licenses issued. Belle Air - Hfct. - extensio Licenses issued Licenses Ordinary Piano - Central High School

Halbert, Edward K

188e - (664) Jenkins Run Sewer

Halbert, George

1833 - (1639) License grants. 1833 - (1639) License grants. 1833 - (1687) Bailiffs - Payroll returns.

Haibert, H. J. 1677 - (1078) Morgue 1679 - (715) Openlne of Eden St. 1890 - (346) Fire CAmmlssloner

Halber t , Henry 1870 - (2443-R) Park Tax Abatement

H-lbert, J.

1354 - (107) Pump plat - Canal & Jefferson 3ts.

Halbert, James

1856 - (386) coroners inquest

Halbert, Jemma E.

1851 - (2C22) School report

Halbert, John

1832 - (809) Lease City Property-Potters Field. 1850 - (39/) Lex. St. olosfng 1851 - (1135) Police bond 1051 - ( 54) Canal St. - pump 1853 - ( 327) Change Canal St. to Central Ave. 1858 - (1564) Fine Justice of the peace

Halbert, John D.

1662 - (8212) Bounty Application.

Halbert, Kary

1868 - (8318) Bounty Application.

Halbert, Mary Ann

1835 - (1951)

1848 - (1160)

Report of interment.. City of Balto.

Lioenaes Ordinary

Halbert, Robert

1837 - (809) Petition - Bridge over Jones Falls

Halbert, William H.

1862 - (8311) Bounty Application.

Halbott, B. H.

1856 - (885) Coroners Inqueat

Halbott, H.

1857 - (547) Coroners inquest

Halbott, Jacob

1856 - (285) Coroners Inquest

Halbott, John

1856 - (286) coroners inquest

Halbott, William

1857 - (546) Coroners inquest

Halbtooic, Jamts H

1856 - (385) coroners inquest

Halbrooke, Joseph

1811 - (327) Application for position as City Commissioners.

1815 - (S3) Petltion-Harford St. Abate nuisance.

Halbrough, Mary-

1833 - (341) Persons sent to Alms House.

Hald, Anthony

1847 - (261) Coroners Report - 34

Haldenan, Jacob

1823 - (217) Frotaat-Ragulatlona of Oauglng & Liquor Inapaetion.

Haldeman, Preston E.

1862 - (8395) Bounty Application.

Haldenwood, Robt

1856 - (286) coroners inquest

Haldry, C .

1865 - ( 26 ) Deaf And Dumb - Pup"3


1866 - (968) "cCellans Alley erect steam engine


Hale, Abraham

186S - (8812) Bounty Application.

1862 - (11341) Muster Bo;l 1ST. UD. Regiment. 1863 - (3695) Absentee - lid. Vol. Infantry

Hale, 1871

Albert 1949 (1949-D) City f;college Erect

Hale, Andrew

1830 - (1461) Magistrates Report.

Hale, Anna

1858 - ( 303) Power of atty.

Hale, C. ff.

1856 - ( 262) 1658 - (1153) 1859 - ( 104) 186C - (2319)

Coroners inquest Bond-police Coroners inouest Police-payroll

Hale, Caleb

1788 - ( 4) License Tavern-Calvert Str.-payment. 1811 - ( 235) Proposal to establish l^nes-Bond St. 1818 - ( 953) Taxes In suit. 1824 - ( 898) Property under lease-Cross St.

Kale, Charles

1856 - ( 280) Coroners Inquests. ie57 - ( 547) Coroners Inquests.

Hale, Charles '7.

lese -ie5e -1659 -1860 -I860 -

( 983) ( 204) ( 406) ( 598) (1799)

Pond-police. Coroners Inquests. Kayor's appointments-policeman. Pol ice-appointments. Police officer-bond.

1879 - (524) Qualified Voter

Hala, Colum'cus

1864 - C'QPZ) Luster Holl

Hale, Edward )L)

1809 - (161) Plat, East Street between North and Bridge Sts.

1836 - (1237) Health Haealpts, Pauper burials 1844 - ( 412) Balalr Kkt-pur lots.

Hale, Edward H.

1858 - ( 208) Inquests

Bale, Silas

1842 - ( 836) Tax List 1843 - ( 299) Jones Falls*>remove obstruction

Bala, fiios

1624 - (435) License for a l l s of tinware.

Hale, Qeo. E.

1856 - (280) Coroner inquest

Hale, George W.

1862 - (8704) Bounty Application.

Hale, Harry C

1906 - $229) Baseball Grounds Quick Park

1910 - (415) Construct Hospital

Hale, Henry

1802 - (303) Petition to regulate sale of corn & Buckwheat.

1835 - (1895) Collection of taxes. 1857 - (542) Coroners Inquest

Hale, Insly

1845 - (169) Stockholders, Farmers &. Planter Bank.

Hale, Isaiah

1856 - 280) Coroner inquest

Hale, James

1841 - (1084) Magistrates-Report. 1856 - ( 886) Coroners Inquests 1861 - ( 492) S.Balto. Mechanics bell ringing

Hale, James K 1885 - (1145) Mount Hope Hosp.

Hal*, John

1798 - (85) Par.Warrant*, Alloaanna St. betwean Mar­ket * Bond Sta.

1798 - (96) Paving Warrant* Queen St. 1817 - (199)Est. Mkt.St. Fell Pt. Lot. 1855 - (204) Coroner inquest 1856 - (285-57) Coroners inquests 1861 - (1376) J.P.Reports 1864 - (3793) Muster Roll

Hale, John E.

1900 - (599) Protest Tracks

Hale, Jonathan

]e62 - (5087) Bounty-applloationa

Wale, Jonathan P . 1873 - (85) Open Dolphin S t .

Hale, Judy

1846 - (877) Stockholders Report - Farmers - Flanters

Hala, Margarat

1798 - (87) Pay.Warrant, Appla Allay batwaan Lan-eaatar & Pleat St, Fella Point.

Hale, Maria

1857 - (547) Coroners Inquest

Hale, Nathaniel

1859 - ( 106) Inquest*

"ale, "ath.

1870 - (C341) Lynchburg Danville R. R.

Hale, Norris

1847 - (262) Coroners Report - 27

Hale, Philips It.

1846 - (298) Aiaquith St. - widen 1847 - (262) Coroners Report - 9 1853 - (610) !.;uili!:en St. - open 1859 - ( 121) Commit Lunatic 1856 - ( 280) Coroners Inquests

Hale, Richard

1800 - (130) Auctioneers Report.

Hale, 3an.uel

1844 - (12) Coroners innues t .

Hale, Samuel B.

1308 - (?S9) Baseball Grounds Quick Park

Hale, Sarah

1862 - (8704) Bounty Application.

Hale, Sarah J.

1862 - (5087) Bounty-applications

Hale, Sargent

1613 - (601) Pay Roll-Iat. Reg. Artillery.

Hale, Thos. J.

1846 - (368) Greenmount Cemetery - ext.

Hale, Thoa. ',7m.

1846 - (367) Ext. - Greenmount Cemlery

Hale, W. B.

1851 - (1230) Bailiff bond 1860 - (2310) Police-payroll

Hale, Wells R.

1843 - ( 221) Inquests

Hala, Wesley

1844 - (1415) City Court - fines imposed.

Hal*, Wn. (H)

1813 - (16) Warrant for paving Union St. bet. North i French St.

1844 - ( 461) Light 3t-place flag stones 1860 - (E162J Flnes-J.F.Reports

Hale, '.to. H.

1840 -1845 -ie78 -

(53A) Pump & well - app. to erect 1328) Sugar Alley - change name (1097) Railway Tracks "orth Ave.

on :/arran St

Halelkln , Caroline

1899 - (45S) » * StaU

Haler, Louis

1864 - 1278) Lamp Lighter

Hales, Hugh

1797 - (123) Leas* of Lota. 1802 - (185) Assessments of Joiws St. List of

H a l e s , J R°uan 1872 - ( 8 4 4 ' Amoulance

Hales, Robert

1803 - (127) Pave High St. from Bridge to North S ieC5 - (196) Petition Jones Tanyard Eririge St,

cellar flooding. 1807 - (102) Establish line between lots #25 &

#26 situated on High St. 1805 - (83) Petition to grade High St. 1810 - (SOl)Fetitlon for Lamps for Old Town.

Hales, Roman

I860 - (8137) Fines-J.P.Reports

Hales, S. 1683 - (439) Gllmore St . E l e c t r i c Llglit

Hales, Washington C.

1860 - ( 598) Appointments-police

Hales, "ashington R.

1857 - (916) Bonds

m: mi] e oroners Inquest 1859 - C 406; Mayor's appointments 1859 - (1734) Bonds-Pollee 1859 - (2406J Payroll-police 1860 - (2310) Police-payroll 1860 - (1934) Police officer-bond

Haley, Ann

1835 - (1225) Alms House, paupers. 1835 - (1237) Health Receipts, Pauper burials

Haley, Catherine

1346 - (983) City Court - fines.

Haley, Charles

1857 - (542) Coroners inquest

Haley , Henry

1814 - (1600) 27 th Reg. Md. M i l i t i a Co. Report Nov. 5 , 1814.

1859 - (2126) F i n e s - J . P l I R e p o r t s

Haley, J.,

1866- (115) Payroll - Water Board

Haley, James

1852 - (283) Coroners inquest 1865 - (E-2226) Re-Enlistment 1877 - (1024) Jones Fa l l s Improvement

Haley, K.

ie&2 - ( 147) '.'ater Poard-payroll. 1863 - (136) flater Eoard Fay Roll. 1865 - (39 ) Water Board - Pay Roll

Haley, Mary

X?,E3 - (147) Coroners inque3ts

Kaley, Viohael

1823 - ( 50) St. clear.lnr. 1532 - (155?) City bailiff. 1832 - (1863) City magistrates-return. 1862 - (1982) Oath of alliances.

Haley, Nicholas

1845 - (1185-32) Coroners inquest

Haley, 0 .

1837 - (1452) Improvement 1840 - ( 337) R.R.Tracksvrenove

_ Jones F a l l s

Haley, Oliver

1855 - (882) Licenses 1856 - (1225) licenses

Haley, Patric

1663 - (1655) Oath of Allegiance 166- - (2551) Fines

Haley, T.

1863 - (117) Water Board Pay Roll.

^aley, Thomas

1862 - (5902) 1563 - ^3586) '.863 - (3641) 1863 - (3734) 1873 - (397)

Pounty-applications Boanty Certlfiente: R. R. Transportatloft Ulster Roll - 2nd lid. Cavalry

Warf Assessments

falfin, Chariot t e 1862 - (S173

Bounty Applicat ion.

Halfin, George

ie64 - (3286) Array Discharge 1864 - (3606) Muster Roll

Halfin, Gerard,

1364 - (3575) Muster Roll

Halfin, Sarah

1862 - (8173) Bounty Application.

Halfort,Dorothea 1900 - (COO) Lay Track

Halfpenny, Ann

1839 - ( 306) Interaamts

Halfpenny, T.

1832 - (1142) Appt. Night Watchman.

Halfpenny, Janes

1834 - (1039) Ordinary Llcenaa. 1829 - (1352) Bailiffs Report. 1626 - (345) Abayecants k Assessnents

Halfpenny, Samuel

1840 - ( 350) Request-Two additional Lieuts. 1350 - (1741) Harbor - payroll 1860 - (1759) Licenses-bond 1861 - (1281) J.r.Reports 1862 - (1£50) Licenses-bond

Halfpenny, Saml. W.

1352 - (280) Coroners in .ueat 1859 - (1528) Contractor-bond 1865 - (338) Manure & Garbage Pita - Phila. Rd. 1865 - (672) Nuisance on Philadelphia Rd.

Halfpenny, Wllllaa

1601 - (2) Paving Warrant, Allceanna St. between Market & Waahlngton, Fella Pt

1799 - (16)Eatabllah grada Allceanna St. 1806 - (16) Pump Aaseeamente.

Halgner, Harry H 18B8 - (1054) Pedlers , City Mkt'a

Hal i fe i iu r s t , C. F_

1900 - (227) Bond.

F-T inemp.nr., F. V 1908 - (222) Reappointment

Hallnahead, David.

1863 - (3435) Oath of Enlistment

H a l i t t , John 7.

1 ".?.?. - (44") ::=r::ets

Halkman, C. W.

1846 - (970) Chimney sweepmaster

H a l l , A.

1837 - (1194) Reduction of assessment 1839 - ( 306) Interments 1857 - (547) coroners Inquest 1870 - ( B ) Appointment* 1872 - ( 9 ) Contributions

H a l l , A. C.

1845 - (1322) Magis trate - f i n e s 1859 - ( 61) Accounts for the year 1860 - ( 231) S l a l g h t e r House-Baltimore 1861 - ( 369) A g a i n s t cars on Sundays . 1863 - (251A) Satapsco Hiver deepening Channel 1866 - (11O30 i'or ".Ud. H.H. snibsc lotions 1883 - (317) Election Judge 1883 - (380) 3Lection Judge 1883 - (334) -"lection Judge

4 F a y e t t e S t s .

Ball, A. Caroline

1878 - ( 628 ) Property Surrender

Ball, A. Contlcalle

1875 - ( 973 ) Central Ave. Tracks

Hall, A. Herliart

1916 - ( 124 ) Sunday JSaseoiiij.

Hall, Abrahman

1856 - (285) coroners lnque3t

Hall, Albert (C)

1834 - (397) Laying of track3, B & C R.R. 1835 - (466A) Coroner's Report. 1836 - (535) Use of Public school for church 1838 - (1220) Nomination - City officers 1839 - (1823) Police Report 1840 - ( 350) Request Two additional Lieut. 1840 - ( 932) Inquests 1842 - ( 278) Inquests 1843 - I 864) Broadway &. Sharspear 3t-place new pump

- (1311) Police report. 1844 1845 (1027) Police - correspondence from former


Hall, Albert H.

1840 - ( 869) City Stock - Jiridends

Hall, Alberta

1864 - (1905) Bounty Application

Hall, Alexander

1661 - (1379) J.P.Reports

Hall, Alexander U.

1856 - (280) Coroner inquest

Hall, Alfred

1830 - (1461) 1856 - (280) 1864 - (3799) 1864 - (3819) 1866 - (2730)

1666 - (3055) 1866 - (2989)

Magistrates Report. Coroners inquest Muster Boll Bounty Compensation Bounty Application.

Pb«er of Atto rney Army Discharge

Kail, Alverda

186£ - (2034: Bounty-applications 1863 - (3707) Purnell Legion 1864 - (2023) Bounty Application

Hall, Ambrose E.

1846 - (295) Pupils - Sn-? year - Central High

Hall, Andrew § x

1822 1825 1826 1827 1827 1827 1327

(163) (535) (417) (439) (441) (447) (514)

1827 - (567)

1828 1828 1828 1828 • 1828 • 1829 1829 -|829

(351) (410) (425)

m (481) (510) (519)

Navigation if Susquehanna River. Coat of aftit-Hayor * City Council. High Rates of Tonnage.• Sale of corn by weight. ""' Regulate sale of corn, rye, etc. Amend Insp. of Uackeral. lup-St. Paul St. bwt. Church & Pleasan

St. Contributors & by-laws-Balto. Second

Dispensary. Voluntary Subscriptions-City Defense. Inspection of flax Seed. Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks. Open Monument St. Appt. as Port Warden. Flag Stones-Calvert St. Flaxseed Inspection. Gun Powder Stoarge.

Hall, Andrew xM #2

1829 - (610) Oak Staves Inspect ion. 1831 - (591) St . Lamp8-Chas. & Lexington St . 1831 - (657 Flag StoneB-Stl, Paul S t . 1331 - (1011) Health Nuisanca-Franklin St . 1832 - (397) Compensation-Elliot S t . 1832 - (413) Flacstones-FYanklin St . 1S3S - UZP} Scows fee . 1832 - (472} Health, ships a t Quarantine. 1832 - (1104) Town Keeting. 1833 - (406) Harbor Master Appt. 1834 - (393) Stockholders, Ealto. 3.3. Co. 1834 - (460) Steam ton, ice boat, subsidy. 1838 - (677) School Commissioners Report" 1843 - ( 199) Properties-Sold for Taxes. 1861 - (1403) J .r.Reports

Hall, Ann

1839 - ( 306) Interments 1851 - ( 302) stockholders 1852 - (280) Coroners inquest 1854 - (1254) Macbanlcs Bk. stock. 1860 - (2163) Fines-J.P.Reports. 1864 - (2047) Bounty Application

Hall, «nn Maria

1666 - (2916) bounty Application

H a l l , Ann R.

1836 - (1438) Interments , Report 1S41 - ( 733) 3 b. . I B Co-.Jtockholders

H a l l , Annie

1S57 - (1034) L icenses

1878 - (1077 ) I . Honunent Street Market

Hall, Aqullla

1798 - (244) Survey of land, Baltimore Co. 1802 - (301) Concerning sale of flour. 1804 - (153) Position as Hay Weigher. 1824 - (SO) Warrant for paving. 1824 - (320) Plat; of Ann St.-Dulaney St. to Gough

St. 1824 - (323) |«nd Grants-Washington & county Sts.

Hall, Arthur

1827 - (1373) Magistrates Report. April. 1828 - (1670) Magistrates Returns. 1838 - (1690) Police Report 1865 - (1550) Report - Justice of Peace

Hall, August A.

1871 - ( 1949-B ) Xrsct City College

Hall , B

1855 - (385) coroners inquest 1865 - (1548) Report - Justice of Peace

Hall, Barbo A.

1666 - (3916) Bounty Application

Hall, Benjamin

1848 - (1160) Licenses Ordinary

Hal l , Blanche B . ,

1883 - ( 1577 ) Mount Hope Hospital 1884 - ( 631 j Mount Hope Hospita l 1885 - ( 1145 ) Mount Hope Hospital

Hall, Bob

1876 - ( 1008 ) City [ all Public Square

Hall, Bridget

1839 - ( 306) Interments

Hall, BrinScley

1849 - (1459) Licenses

Hall, Brinkley c.

1843 - ( 331) Pratt St Wharf-against renting

Hal l , Bryant

1855 - (203) Coroners inquest 1857 - (546) Coroners inquest 1879 - (524 ) Qualified Voter

Hall, C.

1821 .

LB36 •

1836 -

1837 -1837 -1839 -1841 -1851 -1853 -1853 -1856 -1859 -


(388) (25)


(859) (894) ( 725] ( 742) (1279) (459) (579) (417)

( 167)

(Carter A)

Sale of adse. on St*. Establish Line, Itonuaent St. Establish Line, S. Side lionument St., Southerly to rark St., to K. .-aley Additional watchman - Howard rark Erect Lamps1--Flower Alley Watchman-appoint additional F t M Bank-Stockholders Collectors - bond Hanover Mkt. meeting house Harbor erect wharf Farkersburg, R. R. Extension Conway St.-close

- (1122) protest renumbering houses

Hall, C. C.

1882 - ( 1172 ) Xlectlon Judge 1882 - ( 1231 ) Ilection Judge 1882 - ( 1304 ) Ilectlon Judge 1882 - ( 1375 ) Ilectlon Judge 1888 - ( 336 ) Apillcation Position 1888 - ( 278 ) Application Position

Hal l , C. Carter

1888 - ( 379 ) Apnl lcat lon P o s i t i o n 1890 - ( 465 ) l oads

Hal l , C. H. ,

1879 - ( 551 ) Closing Broadway 1883 - ( 475 ) lionunent S t r e e t E l e c t r i c l i g h t

fall, C. L.

1852 - (460) Markets " - (434) Cha r l e s S t . s p g .

H a l l , C. it.

1856 - (417) Parkersburg - R. **. Extens ion 1870 - (2443-I)Paric Tax City Kefund

Hall, C. W.

1846 - (367) Greenmount Cemetery - extension Ensor to Aisquith 3ts.

1856 - (1006) Police report 1865 - (1385) Bagatel le Licenaea 1866 -(1102) P ro tes t Jf.Md.RH subscr ip t ions

Hall, Caleb

1794 - (1) List of Taxablee for Spec.Commr's. 1795 - (83) Paving of South St. 1798 - (124) Plat-Dock Alley & others. 1803 - (30) Paving footway on Pratt St. between

Hanover & Charles St. 1803 - (149) Alter footway on Calvert St. from Love­

ly Lane to Water St. 1803 - (158) Pratt St. between Hanover £ Charles St-1809 - (31) Pump Warrant, Pratt St. 1508 - (31) Repairs to well & pump on Pratt St. 1800 - (82) Pump Warrants, Charles & Pratt S'.s. 1609 - (47) Establishment,Calvert St. Lot J49. 1811 - (Property Assigmnet Jones Falls at Calvert

St. Lot 21f. 1811 - (63) Establish Lines to Bond St. bet.

Wllke & dank Sts.

Hall, Caleb

1812 1813



1817 1814 1817 1618 1821 1)821 1823

1825 -1827

- (55) - (485)

- (486)

- (488)

- (547) - (614) - (355) - (7) - (112) - (958) - (12) (157)

- (255)

Assignment Calvert St. 4 Lovely Lane. Commissions returned by County Commiss

ion. Return of Real & Personal pro, erty in Western Precinct.

Description of property omitted by asse ssors.

fharf Extension. '.Var Commission Roster. Permission to build ".'harf. Bock & Cross 3t. Repairing Turn, . Pu... erected on Slasningt n St. Site for Fish House. Pump Warrant-Pratt & Exeter Sts. Enlarge-Lexlngton Mkt. Est. lines of Fifth Eine from E. S. Constitution St.


Coroners Report Lot-Washing*""

H a l l , Caleb

S S -" 8 8 ^trWashingTon S t .

1 8 4 4 - H 1 2 9 ) Heal E s t a t e s

1866- W»). » * - • » « £ • *

so ld for t a x e s .

1869 343 ) A.k „»ter front

Hall, Caroline

1852 - (3024) Bounty-applications

Hall, Carter A.

1841 - ( 750) M.B. of 3.-STOCKHOLDERS

Hall, Catherine

1838 - C1683), I860 - ( 2 1 6 3 ;

1862 - (2556 ) 1863 - (3707 )

Sher i f f F i n e s - J . P

Report .Reports

Bounty application 1st . Hd. Cayalry

Hall, Charles

1826 - (268) Opinion of City Court-Billiard Table. 1827 - (476) Regulate sale of dry goods-Ukta. 1829 - (476) Repair Bowleys Wharf. 1834 - ( 460) Subsidy, Steamtow & ice boot 1836 - (1168) Courts, City fines 1840 - t 971) Interments 1844 - l8A) Coroners inquest. 1850 - (1255) City fines 1856 - (1214) fines 1862 - (15?2) J u s t i c e of Peace -repor t 1865 - (1558) Report - J u s t i c e of Peace 1865 - (3652) Volunteers Discharged 1872 - ( 994 ) Saw Kill

Hall, Charles A.

1844 - (1231) Bailiff - report.

Hall, Charles A. D.,

1879 - ( 524 ) Qualified Toter

H a l l , C h a r l e s H.

1864 - (3813) Muster Rol l 1864 - (3872) Bounty Compensat ion

1867 - (2416) Bounty Compensat ion

1682 - ( 407 ) Orsmmar School 11

Hall, Charles John

1843 - { 304) Lamps-Gas, Lexington St. Jc Stay Alley.

Hall, Charles 0 . ,

1916 - ( 131 ) Protest- Moving Picture Parlor

Hall, Charles » . ,

1879 - ( 524 ) Qualified Toter

H a l l , C h a r l o t t e

1838 - (1212) Laying track on High S t . - B a l t o . 4 Susquehanna R. R.

1846 - ( 898) A i squ l th S t . - widen

H a l l , Clayton C ,

1883 - ( 333 ) K e c t l o n Judge

H a l l , Columbus

1864 - (3794) Muster Rol l

1867 - (2536) Power Attorney 1877 - (2000 ) Bonus Payments 1877 - (2002 ) Orerdrawn Bounty

Hall, Conrad

1840 - I 337) R.R.Tracks-remo've

Hall, Cornelius

1861 - (1397) J.r.P.eports 1662 -1563 mi) ) Muster Roll.Fifth Regiment. Oath of Enlistments 1863 - (3702) Absentee - ltd. Vol. Infantry 1863 - (3752) 9th lid. Infantry

Hall. D. 1836 - (1440) Interments, Report

H » l l , D. Sprlgg

1868 - ( 306 ) Open Qermnii S t ree t 1869 - ( 301 ) Open German S t r e e t 1873 - ( 747 ) Jones' T a i l s Improre

Hall, D. W.

Earners & Planters Bank. 1845 - (318) Hun Alley - tunnel 1846 - (368) Ext. Greenmount Cemetery 1846 - (418) Run Alley - (tunnel)

Hall, Daniel

1842 - ( 144) Plat-Poppleton to Lex. Str. 1843 - ( 154) Plat-Pump-Fayette & Cove Sta. 1858 - ( 809) Coroner Inquest

Hall. Daniel J . . ( Colored )

1879 - ( 524 ) Qualified Toter

H a l l , Danie l W.

1835 - (1695) C o l l e c t i o n of t a x e s . 1840 - ( 338) Run Al l ey -open 1841 - { 314) Bridge Open-Fay At Schroder Run 1841 - ( 743) F t P B . - - S t o c k h o l d e r s 1842 - ( 837) S t a t e T a x - l i s t 1844 - (1122) C i t i z e n s Bank - s t o c k h o l d e r s .

H a l l , David

1662 - (9049) Bounty Correspondence. 1862 - (7800) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n . 1683 - ( 482 ) lo Balto. Pass. R R Tracks

H a l l , Douglas

1391 - ( 564 ) AgalnBt CoBt of Bepavlng

H a l l , E.

1B50 - (1037} S tock ' l i s t 1857 - (545) Coroners inquest 1871 - (1949-D) Irect Oltjr College

Hall, E. C.

1842 - ( 145) Plat-Columbia to Portland Str.

H a l l , E. W.

1862 - (8163) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n .

1689 - ( 500 ) Protest Paring Park Are. 1908 - ( 221 ) fash. Balto. Annapolis Electric Ry. Co. Tracks


Hall, Edward (B>

1791 - (9) Insolvency, List of 1798 - (252) Election, Returns of. 1602 - (294) Petition against building of City Kail. 1803 - (14S) Repair curb on Bond 3t. near Shake­

speare. 1803 - (358) Report Auction Sale by R.Culver/jell. 1803 - (364) Report Auction Sale by Demitt &3trike. 1805 - (29) Pump & Well on Bond St. 1800 - (216) Wagons,C-rts & Stages, Licensed. 1810 - (312) Petition Extension »f Fublic Wharf on

Market St. 1812 - (218) City Commissioners Paying »ax-Potter S 1813 - (766) Muster Roll-6th Reg. Md. Militia. 1813 - (834) Pay Roll-6th Reg. Md. Militia. 1814 - (271) Petition to appt. Wood Corder. 1823 - (697) Ordinary License.

1824 - (43) Filling up lots-Strawberry Al.-3ond, Thames & Queen Sts.

Hall, Bdw. | i x j f e # 2

1824 - (EM) r i l l i n g of lot-Bond St . 1824 - (346) Remove Frame House-Bond St. 1825 - (452) Estimate for filling up lots 4 coves. )828 - (83) Lsprove-Cove W. of Strawberry Al. 1827 - (478) Regulate sale of mdse. in Ulcts. 1888 - (425) Prohibit negroes from driving Hacks. 1828 - (551) Construction of Cove-Fells Pt. 1829 - (175) Improve Harbor Cove. 1831 - (535) Recommendation for Watchman. 1832 - (1702)Clty 3alllff. 1832 - (1816)Ordlnary License. 1S3& - (18) Est. Caroline St. 1833 - (148) Est. dough St. 1834 - (293) Erect match bo::, Bond & Thames 3ts. 1834 - (397) Laying of tracks, B & 0 R.R.

1835 - (375) application, port phy3icain.

1835 - (618) B & 0 R.R., Extension

Hall, Edward

1836 - (666) 1836 - (727)

1836 - (1534)

1837 - (1755) 1838 - (395)

1838 - (515)

1838 - (1213) 1839 - ( 7061 1839 - 660] 1841 - ( 311) 1843 - (1092) 1846 - (983) 1848 - (1160)

m - om 1850 - (1037) 1856 - (1825) 1857 - (1034)


Removal drawbridge, Jones rail. Caroline St., extended

Coroner, Inquest

Fines Imposed - Balto. City Court Inquests

Laborers - Compensation

H. R. tracks on High St. Public .ichools-colored neopla opposed Hides & Skins-Inspectors-Appointment Place Lamp-Bond & Pratt St. Bailiffs Returns City Court - fines Licenses Ordinary


Police report Stock list Licenses Licenses

Hall, Edward H

1858 -1862 1862 1863 1864 1864 1865 1865 1B65 1865 1HR6

(1538) Fines-Justices of the peace,

\%Z9*) S BoSn'tFtppi*§al!on. • (3707) Purne l l Lsglon

(2006) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n - (3796) Buster Ro l l • (208) Open Barber Shops - Sunday

(1558 ) Eeport Justice of Peace (2574 ) Volunteers Discharged

• (3906 ) Pow?r of Attorney . (3056 ) Power of Attorney

Hall, Idwln L.,

1898 - ( 247 ) School Proposal 1901 - ( 93 ) Contract - Bond 1902 - ( 63 j Bond 1903 - ( 80 ) Bond

all, Eleanora H. C.

1862 - (2556) Bounty-application 1863 - (2465) Bounty Correa.

Hall, Ellas

1830 - 8577} Construct Road-Penna Ave. 1831 - 1487) Watchman-Applicant. 1841 - (1214) Police-Haturns 1847 - (361) Coroners Report 1867 - (2497) Muster Roll 1867 - (2491) Naval Discharge 1872 - ( 941 ) Close Matthew Street 1873 - ( 770 ) Clo•e Hatthew Street

Hall, Ellas 3.

1835 - (618A) Railroads extension 1846 - ( 274) stockholders Report - Commercial &

* Farmers Bank 1856 - ( 164) Vatchman, Eastern station 1851 - ( 300) Stockholders 1842 - ( 243) Stockholders 1858 - ( 203) Power of Attorney.

Hall, Ellaha

1881 - 11047) Appt. of City Officer*. 1R52 - ( 246) Stockholders 1654 - (1854) Mechanics Btc. stoek.

Hall, *-llza

1863 - (3319) Bounty Application 1665 - (3548) ' ines

H a l l , E l i zabeth

1331 - (588) JViden-Gay S t . 1838 - (1683) Sheriff Report 1841 - ( 741) C It T B of B.-Stockholders 1862 - (2901) Bounty-applications 1863 - (3707) Purnell Ugion - Bounty 1864 - (8006) Bounty Application 1864 - (8018) Bounty Application

Kail, Elizabeth A. (Elizabeth Ann

1862 - (2730) Bounty-application 1862 - (91SS) Bounty Correspondence.

-Jail, El izabeth I .

1862 1862

(£7301 3ounly-a (9167) Bounty 8 j p l i c a t i on brresponaence.

Hall, Elizabeth W.

1862 - (9535) Bounty Returns.

Hal l , U l a

1862 - (6665) Bounty Correspondence. 1893 - ( 46 ) Playground - Pulton ire.

H a l l , Sonet R„,

1902 - ( 149 ) Bond 1904 - ( 440 ) Bond

Hall, Enoa F.

1662 - (9169) Bounty Corroapondence.

B a l l , Brnest B . ,

1903 - ( 95-96 ) Bond

Kail, Esther

1836 - il413) Interments, Report

Hall, Eugenia T.

1858 - (203) Power of attorney. (139)

Hall, Eurastua

1865 - (1872-A) City Pay Roll

H a l l , F. C.

1842 - I 279) Inquests

Ball, T. D.J

1906 - ( 589 } Lay Tracks

Hall, »*. 0.

1858 - (210) Coroners Inquests.

Hall, F. H. Dr.

1862 - (8455) Bounty Application.

H a l l , F . J .

1858 - (1878) Bonds-Pol ice 1859 - ( £98) E t a b l . passenger r a i l r o a d 1861 - (1273) S t r e e t s &. Fumps-supt. 1863 - (347) P r o t e s t Sunday R. R. Cars 1866 - (1060) S t r i e k e r ^ t .open 1870 - (2315 ) Jonas' Tails 1874 - ( 717 ) Construct Armory - Belalr Uarlcet 1881 - ( 302 ) Faring day Street 1881 - ( 304 ) Protest faring Oay Street

l a l l , Fieri Una

1821 - (1178) Ordinary Licenses. 1823 - (697) Ordinary License. 1824 - (1139) Ordinary Licsn»«.

Hall, Francis

1834 - (2334) Health, interments. 1862 - (3033) Bounty-applications. 1862 - (9170) Bounty Correspondence.

Hall, Frar.cis J.

1856 - ( 320) E s t a b l . f i r e and p o l i c e t e l e g r a p h 1871 - (1826 ) 0a? Street Alley

1883 - ( 436 ) Hepave Gay Street

Hall, Trank

1871 - ( 2865 ) Tinea « J P 1887 - ( 647 ) Claim

Hall , Frank Kart ln

1862 - (9351) Bounty Applicat ion.

Hall, Frank W.

1889 - ( 483 ) Manual Training School

Ball, franklin

1885 - ( 953 ) lew School

Hall, Freeland

1840 - (1128) Gunpowder-Storage 1349 - (1459) Licenses 1856 - (417) Parkersburg, R. R. Extension 1859 - ( 248) Light St.-widen 1666 - (912) rienuaiber houses 1872 - (778) Baltimore Drum Point R R Ifcrt :age 1873 - (792J Pratt Street TrackB J.874 - (717) Construct Armory Belalr Market

l B o x - l ^

l 1 9 9 " (197)

1 6 0 2 - t » » )

B ^ B en Thames fc

pet i t ion a g t i , e to i« 8P e

l u o D e r . Pet i t ion relat ^ ^ H o U 9 e ,


Hall, George

1806 - (58) Petition, Market St. between Lancas­ter & Fleet Sts.

1806 - (167) For County Wharf at South & Ann Sts. 1809 - (254) Petition to re-appoint Sup't. of

Sweeps. 1809 - (3C4) Lumber Inspection. 1809 - (331) Appl. Wood Corder. 1809 - (5E8) Inspectors of Lumber. 1810 ,- (239)Fetition establish Lines of Duke St. 1810 - (288)retition lump out Cofferdam in Jones

Falls. 181C - (297)Fetition For Fish "arket House at

Fells Toiiit.

Hall, Geo.. 3#

1810 - (313) Petition Obstruction b y Hill at Market St.

181C - (333) Application for Supt. of Chimney Sweep*.

1810 - (342) Application for Inpector of Lumber. 1811 - (353) Inspector of Lumber Petition. 1811 - (547) List of Nominees City Office. 1812 - (455) Protest against Theatres, etc. 1812 - (698) lax Bill Sens* A Lot. 1811 - (1) Warrant Repaying Chas. St. bet. Pratt

St. & Ruxton Lane. 1813 - (32) Application extend footway on Chas.

St. near Pratt St. 1813 - (60) Petition to Grade 4 Pare Asquith St.

Hall, Geo. 4#

181o - (165) Petition to alter, Grade Chas. St. North of Pratt St.

1813 - (238) Application for position of wood corder.

1813 - (721) Discharge from Lazaretto. 1814 - (1424)27th Inf. Md. Militia. 1614 - (1514)27th Reg. Md. Militia. 1815 - (327) Pet. Apptraent of Wood Corder. 1816 - (176) Petition-Paving-Bridge St. bet. Forr

st & 3ritton. Sta. 1816 - (396) Fetition to repair Bridge-.Yilkes St. 1816 - (488) Port Wardens. 1817 - (257) Tun:.el Harford St. 1817 - (272) Lumber on Wharf.

1818 - (453) Erection of dispensary Aliccanns

4 Fleet Sts.

H a l l , George 5J

1820 - (28) Pump Repair-Charles S t . 1821 - (401) Overflow of water-Wet. & Allceanna S t . 1825 - (146) Pay for t r e a t i n g p a t i e n t s . »87 - (96) Pot. a* Watchman. 1827 - (35ft) Coroners fiaport. 1027 • (426) Stand lemonade for sale-Centre Met. 1827 . (485) Water Supply for Fells Pt. Iflct. House 1827 . (827) Spring of Washington St. 1828 - (280) Harbor Bills-Miscellaneous. 1829 - (464) ROBOTS frame building. 1829 - (547) CiSg Stones-Hkt. & Fleet St. 1829 - (548) Pavs-Wct. * Wilke St. 1829 - (556)Bchre 4 Paint Factory-Protest. 1829 - (619)Clty Watch Compensation. t830 - (463)Repair fanca-Fells Pt. Park. 1830 - (l054)Watchman Applicant. 1831 - (494) Copy of Commission. 1831 - (1049)Pl",lic Si*-11*1, St.-Fells Bt.

Hall, Geo. Bff (N)

1832 1332 1834

1834 1835 1836


1836 1837

1838 1838 1838 1839 1839 1840

1840 1843 1855

(1191) (1358) (397) (2-03) ( 616) (669)


Appt. Watchman; Stock Certificates. Laying of tracks, B & 0 R.R. Inspection, lumber. Nuisance, Wash. & Allceanne Sts. Erect Lamp, Ann St. Coroners, Inquest

- (1829) Long i Dry Measure, Inspection - (41) Lamp - Market St. F. Point - (536) Roads Improvement - Market St. - (1354) Watch - Request for appointment - (1763) Lumber Inspector - Report - (1711) Lumber Inspection-Report - ( 468j Substitute, ',/atchman - ( 350) Request-two additional Lieut3. - (1184) Lumber Inspection - I 276) Tax-relief - ( 204) Coroners Inquests.

H a l l , George #7

1859 - ( 103) Coroners I n q u e s t s 1860 - ( 403) S t a l l - C e n t r e Mkt.-remove 186.2 - ( 421) City C o u r t - l i t l j a t l o n 1874 . ( 717 ) Construct Armor/ - Belalr Market 1877 - (1034 ) Jones' Tails Improvement 1879 - ( 534 ) Qualified Toter 1879 - ( 515 ) Ooods destroyed oy Health Dent. 1689 - ( 483 ) Manual Training School 1891 - ( 540 ) B & C R R Lawrence Street

Hall, Geo. H.

1837 - (900) Remove pump - Cider Alley 1637 - (1832) Retail licenses 1838 - (1237) Appointments - City officers 1838 - (1319) Heights & Measures - Inspector 1838 - (1758) Inspector report - Long * dry measure 1847 - ( 26L) Coroners report - 49 185" - (116J wts & measures inspector appoint 1850 - ( 932) Inquests. 1852 - ( 11) Public schools-extend. 1863 - (347) Protest Sunday R. R. Cars

Hall, George H.lf.

1858 - ( 320) - Estaboish fire ft police teelgraph 1867 - (271 ) Alberraarle St. Opening

lall, Geo. K. N.

1852 - (283) Coroner3 inquests 1857 - (199) Appoint - Police

Hall, Geo. K.

1846 - (372) Hanover Bkt. - ext.

H a l l , Geo. W.

1350 - (1029) Coroners i n q u e s t s 1865 - (208) Open Barber Shops - Sunday 1873 - (154 ) Appointments 1891 - (396 ) Street epalrs

H a l l , J e o "' .S.

1566 - (907) Re-number houses

1867 - (841) Extend Parle 1685 - (289 ) City r a s s . Ballway Co.

Hall, Greenbury

ie-61 - (1403) J.F.Reports


Hall, H. (Hanna)

1834 - (liO£) Pauper expenses, health report. 1839 - ( 306) Interments

H a l l , H. H.

1856 - (417) P a r k e r s b u r g - R. B. Ex t ens ion 1876 - (1008 ) City "all Public *juar«

Hall, Hannah M.

1862 - (7801) Bounty Application.

Hall, Harman

1858 - ( 208) Inquests

Hall, Harriett

1836 - (1410) Interments, Report 1840 - ( 953) Interments

Ball, Battle

18b2 - ( 407 ) Grammar School 11

Hall, Henrietta

1885 - (146) Pay for treating patients.


1813 1818

1824 1824 1827

m 1889 1830 : 1832 1832 -1834 •

1834 1334 1835 1835 1835 1835 1838


- (823) - (27)-

- (488) - (678) - (351) - (568)

- C72) - (1602)

- U91)

: urn - (476)

- '540.) - (2383)

- (684) - ( 692) - ( 720) - (1953)

- 1 521)

Payroll, 6th Reg., Md. Mil i t ia . Pump Repair-Liberty St. bet. Fayette

& Lexington St. Lamp-Union St. bet. Bridge i Low Sts. Lamps.

Coroners Report. Retain keeper of E. City Spring. Est. S. f" Ordinary

of Lexington St. cenae.

Fells PtJ-Bell at Watch House. &PiJie"'gti&W&P 3ox-Pratt St.

Openinp, Hollins St. Increase salury, watchmen. Health interiienta.

Acqulr additional propt., mkt. Erect Bridge, Middle Branch. Inadequate supply, Balto.Water Co. Report Interments, city of Balto. Markets-Erect in Hollins St.

H a l l , Henry ^

1846 1847 1865 1566 1666 1888

- ( 982) - ( 263) - (3842) - (8651) - (3057) - ( 682 )

City Court - fines. Coroners Report - 87. Muster Roll Bounty applications Fower of Attorney School 20

Hal 1, Henry A. . planters Bank . stockholders.

IB** - ffi*' J ^ r i a U o n - U s » Bt 1864

T (345) Appropr

all, Herold

1862 - (£556) Bounty-application

H a l l , H e s t e r

1835 - (1958) Report , Interment* 1865 - (1898) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n s 1883 - ( 407 ) grammar School 11

Hall, Howard B.

1860 - (2126) Fines

Hal l , Howard 8 . ,

1888 - ( 682 ) School 30

Hall, Isaac

1789 - (4) Taxes due,Horses,Carriages,Bill lard Tab. 1794 - (2) List of Taxes. 1797 - (97) Pet 4 Appl.- Chimney Sweeps. 1802 - (294)Petitlon against building of City Hall. 1804 - (21) Pump Assessments, Bond St. 1802 - (294)Petltion against building of City Hall. 1807 - (1) Paving Ann St. between Wilkes & Fleet St. 1805 - (29) Pump & Well on Bond St. 180S - (47) Establishment Calvert St.Lot #49. 1812 - (55) Assignment Calvert St. & Lovely Lane. 1861 - (1401) J.r.Reports 1904 - (265 ) Bond

Hall, Isaac N.,

1864 - (3771) Muster Roll

Hall, Isaiah (Colored )

1879 - ( 524 ) Qualified Toter

Hall, Islah,

1855 - (3779) Volunteer'3 Dischargee 1864 - (3793) Muater Roll

H a l l , I s r a e l

1853 - (459) Hanover Mkt. mee t ing house 1853 - (446) Coroners I n q u e s t s 1879 - (524 ) ftoallfied Voter

Hall, J. ( J.C.)

1797 - (75) Bills, Receipts. 1803 - (150) Alter footway on west side Calvert St

between Water & Front St. 1839 - (1821) Police Report.

Wo" V$H) Cs°"^r4nr%


1856 - (435) Streets - Indexes 1857 - (544) Coroners Inquest 1859 - (2407) P a y r o l l - p o l i c e 1882 - ( 407) Orammar School 11 1887 - ( 646) Clala

H a l l , J . B . ,

1869 - ( 270 ) S t r e e t C a n Broadway arket 1873 - ( 810 ) Open S t . Paul S t r e e t 1877 - ( 900 ) Bay Tlew Insane to Spring Orove 1878 - (1115 ) P r a t t S t r e e t Ballway Tracks 1880 - ( 338 ) Bog nuisance 1882 - ( 442 ) ipprop . W U R R Co. 188S - ( 306 ) Pave T a i l s Ate. 1896 - (1185 ) l e a s e Hone Tel Co. 1907 - ( 479 ) Against Closing Morris Ave.

B a l l , J . Bannister

1879 - ( 547 ) Hulsance

1890 - ( 348 ) Fire Coma.

Hall, J . S. S. ( HaT. )

1875 - ( 995 ) High School Property

H a l l . J . I . a r e .

1900 - ( 600 ) l a y Track*

Hall , J . H.

1842 - ( 156) Harbor-Steamboat tledora-Jxpenses 1853 - ( 579) « erec t wharf

Hall, J . K. B.

1887 - ( 334 ) Calrert Street Spg. 1890 - ( 509 ) Measures

R a i l , J . M.

1838 - (395) Inques t s 1833 - (536) Roads Improvement - Market S t . 1856 - (880) Coroners inques t

186v - (1103) f o r W.Md.RR s tock s u b s c r i p t i o n s

1875 - ( 976 ) l ight Soil 1883 - ( 373 ) faring Baltimore • treet

Hall, J. 0.

1860 - (1721) I-loenses-sinks and privies clean. 1867 - (2399) Bounty

K a i l , J . R.

1348 - (1037) Coroners i n q u e s t s

1876 - ( H64 ) Refund Tax»«

Hall, J. T. Dr.

1862 - (8902) Bounty Correspondence.

Hal l , J Thomas

1856 - (70) appoint j a i l physician 1865 - (1554) Report - Justice of Peace 1871 - (1949-S) tract City College

Hall, J. W.

1852 1353 1857 1857 1836 1836 1850 1851 1852 1865 1666 1869 1688 1892

- (358) Removal of filth nuisances - (87~; Sane.l St. pavements - (170) Appoint Folice - (544) Coroners inquest etc - ( 394) City guards, organized to prevent riots. - (1434) Interments, report. - ( 327) East & West Falls Av. pave - ( 386) Erect Bridge - (1706) Lafayette Hose Co.-report - (1554) Report - Justice of Peace (1099) Protest W.Kd.RR.Subscriptions.,.

!Street Care Broadway Barket ( 270

( 407 ( 150 )

Itreet Care Broadway Oraaoar School 11 Street Opening

Hall, Jacob

1888 - (268) Plat.-Reisterstown Rd. 1858 - (1154) Bond-police 1858 - (204) Coroners Inquests, 1859 - ( 406) Mayor's appointments-policeman 1860 - ( 598) Police-appointments

Hall, Jacob T.

1856 - (382) Licenses - Meat 1863 - (2019) Oath of Alleglanoe

Halli James

1795 - (24) Paving Bond St. & others. 1S02 - (294) Petition against building City Hall 1807 - (1) Paving Ann St. between Wilkes &

Fleet Sts. 1807 - (50) Appl. paving Ann St. between Fleet

and Wilkes Sts. 1807 - (360) Tavern Licenses. 1810 - (239) Fetition establish Lines of Duke

St. 1817 - (312) Positions-Sts. & Pumps. 1820 - (96) Pave Sellmans Alley. 1820 - (299) Jurors Vouchers.' 1827 - (6) Pump-Ann St. bet. TTllke & Fleet St. 1834 - (397) Liyin g of tracks, 3 & C R.R.

1835 - C618A) Railroads extension

Hall, James #2

1837 1837 1838

1840 1841 1841 1844 1849 1852 1854 1856 1857 1858 1858 1860 1860 1S61

(767) (840) (571)


: (

( 335) 740) 784)

(1031) ( 497) ( 487) (1270) ( 280) (542)

( 303) (227) ( 363) 543) 398)

Interments - Report Fella Point Market - Repairs Watch House - Erect in Western

District R.R.Tracks-remove • G. B. **o* Inquests. Schools - Public #2 Magnetic telegraph Co., stocichol 'ers Park St. widening Maryland Telegraph - stockholders Coroner inquest Coroners inquest Hkt.-permit negroe8 renAinf? stalls Remove mkt. wagons, BaTtfe X° Holliday St.-open ** Broadway-pave V.'ldeninj; Fay. Str.

m - ®aw n^n--m\\%%%ioo^ the Feace.

Hall, James #3

1862 - (1773) Oath of Allegiance. 1863 - (3707) Purnell Legion 1863 - (3748) 9th Ed. Vol. Infantry 1864 - (1972) Bounty Application 1864 - (3754) Muster Roll 1867 - ( 615) Steam Mill

H a l l , James

1864 - (3575) Muster R o l l 1865 - (209) Close Barber Shops - Sundays 1865 - (2020) Bounty Correspondence 1867 - (937 ) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n 1871 - (1949-D) Brect City College 1879 - ( 524 ) Disqualified Voter 1882 - ( 410 ) Sewers - Read Street 1888 - ( 303 ) Application Position 1888 - ( 682 ) School 20

H a l l , James B.

1850 - (418) B e l a i r Mkt. days

Hal l , James D. S . ,

1874 - ( 522 ) Asbuiy V. I , Church

H a l l , James D. S . ( Colored )

1879 - ( 524 ) D i squa l i f i ed Voter

Hall, James F.

1357 - (546) 1866 - m £ )

Coroners Inquest Bounty appl lcatlons

Hall, James G.

1862 - (7802) Bounty Application.

Hall, James H.

1846 - (895) Pupils, 2nd year - Central High

Hal l , James I . ,

1882 - ( 1632 ) Mount Hope Hospital 1883 - ( 1576 ) Mount Hope Hospi ta l 1884 - ( 629 ) Mount Hope Hospital

Hall, James 0. L.,

1863 - (3454) Oath of Enlistment

" a l - , J air.es P .

1866 - ( 906) He-number houses 1679 - ( 524 ) Qualified Toter 1879 - ( 548 ) fct. Hallway Trades

B a l l , Janes H.,

1683 - ( 475 ) Monument S t r e e t X l e c t r l c Light

riall, James "7.

1853 - (703N Increase "~ter " 1859 - (148i) "Centre Harket-clerk-boha 1562 - (34PS) Bounty-applications 1863 - (2477) Bounty Corras.

Hall, Jane

1834 - (2379) Health interments. 1836 - (1436) Interments, Report 1835 - (1237) Health Receipts, Pauper burials

Hall, Jeatlr

1887 - ( 334 ) Calvert Street Spg.

Hall, jaaaa

1684 - (138) Hauling of Dirt. 1844 - ( 243) Market Master-appl.

Hall, Jesse P. ,

1879 - ( 624 ) Qualified Voter 1888 - ( 326-B)*ppllcation Posit ion 1 8 8 8 - ( 331 ) ippl lcat lon Position 1900 - ( 599 JProtest t racks 1912 - ( 937 )Bond

Ball, Jesse X.,

1878 - f 1077 J Mtnuent Btreet Kutot 1879 - ( 639 ) Osrden Ixtension Bopldns Hospital

Hall, Jimmy

1854 - (848) Criminal Court - fines

Hall, Job

1860 - (2319) Police-payroll 1861 - ( 555, Webster .^t-open. 1865 - ( 264) Greene St. Car Line

Hall, Joo H„

1882 - ( 1632 ) Mount Hope Hospital 1883 - ( 1576 } Mount Hope Hoapl tal 1885 - (1145 ) Mount Hope Hospital

Hall, John

1789 - (4) Taxes due,Horses,Carriages,Billiard Table 1791 - (9) Insolvency, List of 1797 - (1) Paving Aliceann St. from Bond to Market

St, Applications to, 1798 - (1) Paving Aliceanna St. between Bond 4 Var-

ket St. 1801 - (7) Paving Warrant- Fleet St. between Bond 4

Washington St. 1798 - (95)Pavlng Warrant, Queens St. 1796 - (252)Election, Returns of. St 1806 - (18) Pump Assessment, Apple Alley in Aliceann 1806 - (28) Pump Assessments, Fleet & Market Sts,

Fells Point. 1805 - (35) Well corner Fleet 4 Market St,Fells Pt. 1808 - (54) Appl. not to pave Howard St. 180C - (132)Auctioneers report.

#2 T. (B.)

Hall, John

1800 - (272) Larket.Kew- western part of City . 1811 - (622) Returns Sales furniture etc. 1812 - (55) Assignment Calliert St. & Lovely Lan 1814 - (1387)27th Reg. Md. Militia. 1615 - (26) Deed-Lombard & Greene St. 1816 - (320) Petition-Foot 3rldge across^ falls

Plowman St. to Horse Mkt. 1617 - (67) Est. Lot-Mkt. St. 4- Fells Ft. 1819 - (38) Improve Pump-Short St. nr. New

Charles St. 1820 - (109)Pump-Wilkes St. bet. 3ond & «nn St. 1820 - (296)1(1 soellaneous -Jills. 1823 - (638)Dog Tax.-Returns.

Ij823 - (765)Cance l led Checks. 1820 - (584)Council Convention-City Officers.

1822 - (536)Dog Tax-Report.

Hall, John 3#

1824 - (323) Land Grants-Washington 4 County Sts. 1624 - (425) Cheese r*«ler-License. 1824 - (505) Collector-Port Wardens. 1824 - (552) Mayor's Appts. 1827 - (568) Retain keeper of E. City Spring. 1628 - (425) JProhibit negroes from driving Hacks. 1629 - (497) Regulate Dog Tax. 1828 - (1595) Dog Tax Report. 1830 - (49J) Fells Pt.-Bell at Watch House. 1830 - (1076) Centre Mkt.-Rents 4 Licenses. 1830 - (1075) Lexington Mkt.-Rents 4 Licenses. 1830 - (1507) Criminial prosecutions. 1831 - (1009)Fountain-Fells Foint. 1832 - (419) Fave-Gay St. 1832 - (1035)Remove WatchKMJS 3ox-Pratt St. 1P32 - (1142)Apft. Night Watchman. 1833 - (450) Watchman Appt.

all, John (4)

Laying of trucks, p & 0 P.p.

Independent Fire Engine, Clock main Night watchman. Coroner's Report. Removal oyster shells Removal draw bridge, Jones Falls. Park, Mkt. St.

Preservation, Eastern Fountain. (1236) Alm3 House, paupers.

Military Company, Organized

1856 - (1451) Interments, Report 1936 - (1535) core ners, Inquest 1837 - (22) Flagstones - Park & Saratoga Sts. 1837 - t43) Lamp - Pearl St. 1337 - (728; Interments - Report

1 - ' A -

1834 -1835 -1835 -1835 -1836 -

1835 -

1835 -1835 -1836 -


(486; (427) (472) (647) (666)

(690) (703) (1236

• (396)

Hall, John #5

1837 -1838 -1838 -1838 -

1838 -1840 -1840 -1840 -1841 -1842 -1843 -1845 -1845 -1845 -1847 -1849 -

(1756) (73) (178) (395)

(583) ( 293) ( 975) (1289) (1167A) ( 338) (1025) (1005)

ym ( 461) ( 626)

Sheriff's Report Pump petition - Strawberry Alley Piatt - Pratt St. Inquests

Balto. & Ohio Co. - Officers Sc Agents Master of Vessels-impose tax Interments Polioe Returns Police Returns Hack Stand-regulation Courts-fines &. forfeitures Watchman, appointed - Western District

returns Belle Air Mkt. - extend Belair Mlct. - change hrs.

H a l l , J n o . $6

1849 -1849 -1850 -] r" -1855 -1858 -1847 -1853 -1856 -1857 -1857 -1858 -1858 -1859 -1861 -1862 -1862 -1862 -

(1460) ( 636) ( 438) ( 5R8) ( 204) (230) ( 262) ( 447) ( 384) ( 654) ( 759) (1513) ( 208) ( 105) (1386) (3084) (1419) ,

• (10946)

Licenses Selair Met* - change hrs. Omnibuses licensing Public 3".. - erection B.E. Bnlto. Coroner inquest Prohibit erection soap fact., Bank St, Coroners report - 3

" inquests Sale fresh meats Coroners inquest Police Fines-Justices of the peace Inquests. Coroners Inquests, J.F.Reports Bounty-appl icat ions . Bond-lamolirfit.ers.. . Enlistment ATfidavits .

Hall, J0hn 7

1354 - (3798) Muster Soil 1864 - (3313) Bounty application 1865 - (1410) C u t lic'enc s 1865 - (3489) Volunteers discharged 1865 (1549) reports Just ice of the Fet-.Ce 1865 - (941." L'\denhall St nuisance 1870 - (2351) BeSitrLIarlcet 1874 - (589) pen Oregon St. 1871 - (1949A) Erect "itjr College 13S2 - (4'7) toamiL- School 11 .

Hall, John A.

1857 - (542) Coroners inqueat

Hall, John B.

: mm: issmn 1858 1860 1862 - (7801) Bounty Application.

1841 - ( 740) C.B.-S/ 1844 - (1122) Citizens Banks - stockholders.

Hall, John D.

1856 - (378) Licenses - Meat sold

Hall, John F.

1838 - (395) Inquests

Hall, John H.

1838 - (395) Inquests 1838 - (1314) Chimney Sweeps - reinstate Sweepmaste 1840 - I 335) R.R.Tracks-remove 1842 - ( 836) Tax Li3t 1844 - ( 363) Dogs & Swine-tax 1844 - (540] Nomination of officers. 1850 - (1088) Coroners inquests 1853 - ( 14) Biddle St. erect p-jmp 1653 - (1598) Lafayette Hose Co. report 1854 - (1457) Supt. st. & pumps 1855 - ( 199) Coroners inquests 1855 - ( 331) Nomination city officers 1859 - (1835) Bonds-police 1860 - ( 318) Federal Hill-purchase 1864 - (2024) Bounty Application

H a l l , John H . ,

1864 - ( 8 2 3 ) E r e c t Frame Ki t chen

1871 - (1949-C)Srect City College 1675 - ( 990 )folnt lane

H a l l , John H. J r .

1856 - (396) Sale f r e s h meats 1863 - (347) P r o t e s t Sunday R. R. Cars 1864 - (886) N. Gay S t . - Frame Shed 1869 - (330 ) Complete High School 1870 - (a334-X)?TTM 1871 - (1949^A)lrect City College 1874 - { 717 )Construct Armory - Belalr Market

Hall, John M.

1840 - I 335) R.R.Traoks-remoTe

1842 - ( 836) Tax List 1853 - ( 537) Public Sq. e rec t in N.E. Bal to . 1907 - ( 480 ) Protect Track*

Hal l , John H.,

1862 - ( 337 ) Open Serern S t r e e t

Hall, John 0.,

1864 - (3799) Muster Roll 1864 - (3819) Bounty Compensation 1865 - (343B ) Tolunteere Discharged 1877 - (2002 ) Overdrawn Bounty

Hall, John P.J

1869 - ( 243 ) Place Oae Lamp 1870 - (2299 ) Orade

H a l l , John R. (Randolph)

1857 - (543) Coronera i n q u e s t 1860 - ( 318) F e d e r a l H i l l - p u r c h a s e 1873 - (524 ) federal B i l l Purchase 1877 - (1007 ) Build Public Square 1878 - ( 836 ) Heturn Judges of flection 1878 - ( 846 ) Return Judges of Xlection 1909 - ( 110 ) Against 5 & 0 Crossing

Hall, John T7.

1840 - ( 272) Butter & Lard-Inspector. 1840 - I 932) Inquests 1843 - ( 301) Lafayatte Hosa Co-approp. 1855 e ( 203) Coroners inquest 1856 - (79) appoint mud machine captain 1859 - ( 109) Coroners Inquests r

1659 - ( 122) Commit Lunatic 1862 - (5473) Bounty-applications 1870 - (1657 ) Bay Window 1870 - (2354 ) Bract arket 1872 - ( 864 ) Jefferson Street Pump 1878 - (1126 ) Preston Street Sever 1879 - ( 612 ) Oround for Public Square 1880 - ( 231 ) Ope* Court P 0 Are.

Hal l , John I . ,

1881 - ( 275 ) Drain Hol l ldar S t r e e t 1881 - < 379 } Opening A l l e y P o s t o f f l c e Are. 1881 - { 385 ) P r o t e s t i t r - e t Paring 1882 - ( 394 j B ridge Across Middle Hirer 1883 - I 387 1 Bonds- Md. Central H B. 1884 - ( 183 ) Eecomraend-tlon 1889 - ( 493 ) Open IfcCulloh S t r - * t 1890 - ( 565 ) Tax Col. 1891 - ( 546 ) Enlarge Richmond "arket 1894 - ( 300 ) i o n l l c - t l o n 1899 - ( 295 ) Bond 1903 - ( SO ) Bond 1904 - ( 235 ) Bond

Hall. John ff. (Jr., )

1898 - ( 247 ) School proposal 1901 - ( 93 1 Contract - Bond 1902 - ( 63 ) Bond

Hall, Joaaph

1883 . (884) Wall-Harford R*n * Bank St . 1883 - (837) Protest sale of articles other than

food* 1886 - (1140) Horses * Carriages sold at auction. 1834 - (597) Laying of tracks," B &' 0 R.R. 1835 - (618) 8 * 0 R.R., extension. 1836 - (899) Substitute

1838 - (1213) R. R. track on High St. 1838 - (1683) Sheriff Report 1839 - ( 306) Interments 1840 - I 337) P.. H. Tracks-remove 1840 - I 337) Remove tracks from paved str. 1843 - ( 267) Tax-r«lief» 1856 - ( 280) Coroner inqueat 1858 - (1156) Bond-police 1859 - (1778) Bond-police 1860 - (2414) Police Dept.-payroll

H a l l , Joseph

1863 - (393) Endorse Widening Ho l l iday S t . ,

1864 - (330 ) Holliday Street Opening

Hall, Joseph B.,

1907 - ( 479 ) Against closing Morris AYe.

Hall , Joseph C.

1661 - ( 279) Against cars on Sundays 1889 - ( 493 ) Open MeCmllob Street

Halli Joseph H.,

1884 - ( 629 ) Mount Hope Hospital

Kail, Joseph IT

1860 - ( 212) Almshouae-site-publlc park

Ka]], Joshua

ie09 - ( 230) Sstablishment-Froceedincs Sharp and German Cts.

1839 - (1757) Trader's Licenses. 1844 - ( 12) Eastern District-repair pumps. 1845 - ( 049) Fhila. Wil. i. Dalto. R. H.-speed. 1659 ( 523) Change name register st. 1862 - (1522) Justice of the peace-report.

Hall, Joslah

1826 - (546) Job as Watchman. 1828 - (202) Pave-George St. 1828 - (205) Well & Pump for George St. 1828 - (306) Pump Tax-Penna. Ave. 4 Pine St. 1828 - (309) Pave-Relsterstown Rd. & Geo. St 1889 f 1506) Water-Point Mkt. 1850 - (289-3) B.40.R.B. Co. - dividends

Hall, Judy

1846 - (283) Stockholders Heport - Merchants Bank 1849 - (1025) Farmers & Planters Bk. - stockholders 1850 - (10775 stockholders

Hal l , Jul ianna

1364 - (2409) Bounty Application

H«ll, Jnllui

1874 - ( 690 ) Owgon Street Open

Hall, Leander C.

1662 - (9351) Bounty Application.

Hall, Levin .

1797 - (97) Pet. & Appl. chimney sweeps. 1801 - (224)Appl. Supt. of Streets. 1798 - (232A)Collection for the Poor of Phila. 1798 - (252) Elections, Returns of. 1799 - (197) Harford St-Pitt St. to Stone Bridge,

Nuinance-Water flowing in street. 1799 - (217) Health Board's Report. 1810 - (266) Petition establish lines of lot Point

St, Tells Point. 1813 - (763) Muster Roll-6th Reg* Hd. Militia. 1813 - (829) Pay Roll-6th Reg. Md. Militia. 1821 - (402)Erect Fish Store. 1821 - (409) Inspection of Flour. 1826 - (565) New Fire Hose-Columbian Fire Co. 1828 - (351) Voluntary Subscriptions-City Defense. \§3Q - C1507)Crlmlnal prosecutions-Courts. 1831 - ( 1 2 0 8 ) B . & 0. R. R.-Howrd St. Eat. 1837 - (915) Construct c t t n a i . HaT.s de Gr.c.

Hall, Levin G.

I860 - ( 479) Billiard Tables-license protest

Hall, Levin J.

1663 - (1200) Bagatell-licenses 1864 - (2783) Bounty Application 1865 - (1175) Bond Bagatelle Table

Hall, Lydla

1836 - (1407) Interments, Raport 1353 - ( 165) Konursent - t . r epa i r

H a l l , M.

1848 - (1466) B a i l i f f Return 1873 - ( 530 ) I ranklln Street Flac Stone* 1S69 - ( 97 ) Meter sealing

Hall, H. I.

1882 - ( 407 ) Orammar School 11

H»l l . Ifaggle

1882 - ( 407 ) Oranmar School 11

Hall, Margaret

1798 - (8) Paring Apple Al. between Lancaster & Fleet St.

1801 - (11) Paving Warrant, Market St. between La caster & Fleet Sts.

1801 - (91) Appl. to pave Apple alley from Alice-anna to Lancaster St.

1801 - (103)Paving Market St. between Thames & Fleet St.

1799 - (28) Petit ion George & Fell St, Paving. 1608 - (312)Petition extention of Karket House,

Lancaster & Aliceanna St. 1800 - (13) Appl. to pave Market St. between

Lancaster 4. Aliceanna St. 1800 - (273)Petition, Karket St,Fells Pt,paving. 1801 - (11) Paving Warrant, Market St, between

Lancaster & Fleet St. 1868 - (9535) Bounty Returns'.'

H a l l , M a r g a r e t t a

1862 - (1862)

Hall, Maria

1636 - (IS12) Laying track on High St. - Balto. k Susquehanna S. H.

1849 - ( 626) Belalr i:kt. - change hrs. 1850 - ( 433) Mullican St. opening 1864 - (2824) Bounty Application

Hall, Mary

1807 - (50) Appl. pave Ann St. between Fleet and Wilkes Sts.

1829 - (1630)Justice of Peace Report. 1835 - (1330) Alms House, paupers. 1841 - ( 741) C & F B of ^-stockholders 1846 - ( 281) Stockholders Report - Marine Bank of

Balto. 1848 - (1026) " " Marine Bk. 1850 - (1078) » 1852 - ( °45) 1854 - (1358) " 1862 - (3023) Bountv-applicatlons 1862 - (9170) Bounty Correspondence. 1672 - ( 898 ) l«y Sewers

Hall, Kary Ann

1837 - (758) Interments - Report 1836 - (1212) Laying track on High St. - Balto. &

Susquehanna R. R 1839 - (1729) Magistrates-Returns 1856 - ( 377) Licenses-meat sold

HaLl, ««ry P . .

1BV3 - ( 99 ) Open l i g h t S t r e e t 1873 - (677 ) Udel l l i g h t S t r e e t

Hall, Michael

1858 - (204) Coroners Inquests.

H a l l . Monticel l

lb74 ( 673-B ) M o m e n t S tree t

•track Eeooval

Hall, Mordicay

1839 - (1780) Markets Rent-Felis Point 1859 - (2087) Fines

1862 - (10122) Enlistment Certificates.

Hall, Moses

1846 - (1097) Nlghtwatoh report

1904 - ( 265 ) Bond

H a l l , N.

18159 - I 306) I n t e r m e n t s 1849 - ( 636J B e l a i r Mkt. - change h r s . 1850 - ( 283) B.&O.R.R, Co. stoclc - d iv idends 1859 - ( 106) Inquests

H a l l , N. H.

- ( 837) S t a t e T a x - l i s t 1842 ^ ^ 1843 - I 255) 1844 - I 438)

Deptford Fire Co. Pratt 3t-plaoe lamp

1678 - ( 1210) He-grading t i e r 1878 - ( 1546 ) Centra Pier - Bnck Basin - araded 1878 1866 ( 157 ) t«pt. o f L a B p ,

H a l l ,



7802 ) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n .

Hall, Nathan H.

1847 - (375) Broadway - widen 1847 - (386) Canal St. - open

Hall, Nathaniel

1797 1826 1834 1841 1841 1845 1850 1856 1857 1857 1858 1861

- (98) Inepectlon of Firewood. - (490)Reduce License-Ukt. Stalls. - (3512) Application Kud Machine - ( 108) Lamp-.Jrect a t Union & strawberry - ( 985) Fines-Imposed by City Courts - (1094) Chimney Sweeps - appl . for sup t .

3roao\vay - widening ( 2971

(542) ( 232) ( 357)

Street, supt. appoint Appoint - Commissioner opening sts. Coroners inquest Prohibit erection, soap factory. Protest use of alley-Caroline St.

Hal l , Nelson

1871 - ( 2877 ) J in»ej J P

H a l l , 0 .

1857 - (544) Coroners Inquest

Hall, Oliver

1865 - (1548) Report - Justice of Peace 1866 - (254S)finee

Mil. r. «•!«>

1838 - (131*) C h i B n e y 3 W e 6 P"

reinstate Sweepmaste

Hall, Patrick

1828 - (1717) Magistrates Report.

Hall, Perry

1863 - (3743) Master Holl - Col. Troops 1865 - (1898) Bounty Application

Hall, Peter

1850 - (396) Lex. St. closing 1859 - (2106) Fines

Hall, Polly

1834 - (1.202) Health report, pauper expenses.

Hall, Preston

1845 - (182) Bella Air 1'Jct. - stallholders. 1847 - (263) Coroners Report - 14 1851 - (321) Coronera inquest

H a l l , P r l c l l l a

1837 - (737) Interments - Report 1841 - ( 732) Ci ty S t o c k h o l d e r s . 1841 - ( 784) Ba l to & Harford T.P.Rorad-Stockholders 1846 - ( 371) Stockholders Report - B a l t o . R e i s t .

Turnpike Rd. i e 5 8 - ( 203) Power of At torney . 1680 - ( 338 ) Hog Huisence

H a l l , R. C.

1833 - Jump & W e l l - e x p e n s e s . 1881 - (386 ) Protest i treet p»-rtr.s 1890 - (518 ) Vaccine V. D 1890 - (565 ) lax Col.

H a l l , R. H.

1329 - (484) F l a g S t o n e s r C h a s . & Conway S t a . 1838 - (1389) Watch - A p p l i c a t i o n f o r appo in tment

187S - ( 624 ) qualified Voter ia /4 - ( m ) Construct Armory Belalr Market

Hal l , a . Qnlncjr

1BB8 - ( 378 ) Appl icat ion P o s i t i o n

H a l l , R. W.

1846 - (269) S tockholders report - B a l t o . L i f e I n s . Co.

1879 - (524 ) Unklifled Teter

Hal l , Heverdy

1683 - ( 483 ) So B a l t o . Page. H H Tracks

Hall, Heverdy Jl..

1696 - ( 1163 ) Contract

Hall, Richard

1838 - (1574) Bailiff Report 1B38 - (1788) Magistrate's Report 1851 - (376) Harford Run - extend 1858 - (259) Lay mains, Gas Co. 1861 - (1402) J.r.Reports. 1862 - (152f>) J.F.Reports. 1863 - (1342) Magistrates Report 1865 - (1551) Report - Justice of Peace 1867 - (207) B l e c t l o n R e t . 1869 - ( 227) Chase* Holllday Street 1871 - (1936-J) fctend Patterson Park 1876 - ( 962-T) Stock Trans. 1877 - ( 895 ) Balto. Street Hepare

H a l l , Richard C.

1853 - (203) Power of a t t o r n e y . (139)

1875 - (246 ) Oreenholt land Assignment

Hall, Richard H.

1839 - i 666) Harbor-Ica 3oat Construction 1867 - (349; Property Dafaoeraant

Hall, Richard J.

1846 - (1105) Nightwatch report 1850 - (359) Grain measuring 1850 - (409) Bethel ship - remove 1852 - (282) Coroners inquest

Hall, Richard II.

1813 - (445) Petition to Grade 4 Pave Harrison St 1813 - (203) Petition to remain in office. 1886 - (542) List of securities. 1827 - (527) Increase Salary of Watchmen. 1829 - (596) Lamp-St. Paul St. 1829 - (1532)Dog Tax. 1830 - (205) Special Supplements. 1833 - (86) Pave Madison St. 1834 - (4390 Repnving & curbinr Fayette St. 1821 - (4940 Pett., clear footway. 1837 - (866A) Improvement - Jones Falls

1838 - (480) Bridges - Jones Falls - at Balto, 1838 - (1251) Gambling st* 1856 - (1145) Taxes-property.

Hall, Richard "'• jj&x jjr.

1815 - (26) Deed-Lombard & Greene Sts. ... 1815 - (301) Fetition Appointment to Fublic Office. 1816 - (301) Rogers lot-fiastern Frecincts-Ccmplaint. 1815 - (301) Petition-Appf. to Fublic Office. 1821 - (318) Health Report. 1821 - (388) Sate of mdse In St*. 1830 - )1222)3ailiff3 Report. 1831 - (1913)City 4 County Court Jurors. 1832 - (1093) 12th Ward Appt. 1833 - (882) Vacant lot adjoining Courthouse. 1834 - (500) Widening Lex. St., foot pavenie:t. 1834 - (505) Widening Lexington St. 1834 - (540) Increase salary, watchmen. 1834 - (1144) nalto^ County, records. 1835 - (219) RepaTe _.'"

j f»ve, Balto. St. 1839 - (519AJ Pew Holders-St. Pauls :hurch 1857 - ( 501) Power of attyorney

H a l l , Richard Wllmor

1837 - (907) Open - Poppleton S t .

Ball, Robert

1824 • 1887 -1B29 -1831 -1832 -1836 • 1837 -1844 -1844 -1852 • 1857 • 1859 -1862 1863 • 1876 . 1880 •


m Court C a s e s - L i s t of Judgements. Coroners Report .

Ochre 4 Paint F a c t o r y - P r o t e s t . (1208) B. & 0 . R. R. - E x t . Howard S t . (1094) 12th Ward Appt. (470) Fountain, Centre Market (562) Appointment - Powder House Keeper ( 230) Lamps-appl. (1292) P o l i e o r e p o r t . ( 280) Coroners inquest (546) Coroners inques t (2085) F i n e s - J . P . R e p o r t s 1 s t ward (2556) Bounty -app l i ca t ion (347) P r o t e s t Sunday R. R. Cars (1008 ) City Hall Public Square ( 339 ) Protest PaiBlnc Ordinance

Hall, Robert | r .

1871 - ( 194S-A ) Irect City Colleee 1879 - ( 524 ) Qualified Yoter 1882 - ( 407 ) Orannar School 11 1887 - ( 334 ) Calvert Street ipg.

a l l , Robert J r .

ie6£ - (2556) Bounty-application

1879 _ ( 524 ) Qualified Toter 1882 - ( 407 ) Oraanar School 11

Hall, Hobert X. 1 . ,

1892 - ( 209-210 ) Water Board

Hal l , Robert L . t

1875 - ( 974 ) l i g h t S o i l 1891 - ( 564 ) Against Cost o f Repaving

Ball, Rosa

1903 - ( 12-13-38 ) Damages 1903 - ( 28 ) Deed Helease

Hal l , Rose P . ,

1882 - ( 1632 ) Mount Hope Hosnltal 1883 - ( 1576 ) Mount Hope Hospital

• 1884 - ( 631 ) Mount Hope Hospital 1883 - ( 1579 ) Mount Hope Hospital 188E - ( 1145 ) Mount Hope HoBpltal

Hall, Buddello

1885 - ( 290 ) Court Boon - Imp. 1887 - ( 312 ) Court Building

H a l l , 5 .

1852 - (180) Assessments

1900 - (600 ) lay Tracks 1906 - (697 ) Protest Tracks 1906 - (780 ) Subscriptions

Hall, S. H.

1836 - (396) Hilltary Company organized 1843 - ( 221) Inquests 1846 - (290) Coroners Inquest 1852 - (11) Fubiic schools - extend 1874 - (717 ) Construct Amory - Belalr Market

Hall , S. J .

1849 - (628) Belair Mkt. - change h r s . 1855 - (803) Coroners Inquest 1871 - (1949-C) lrect City Col lege 1874 - (671-A JTrack ^emoval - Monument S tree t

Hall, Sallle

1882 - ( 407 ) Grammar School 11

Hall, Samuel

1829 -1832 -1832 -1833 -1833 -1843 -1843 -1846 -1846 -1847 -1848 -1P.51 -1852 -1852 -1854 -1855 -1856 -1862 -1862 -

(1633) (1529) (1832 -(593) (700) (267)

• (1144) ( 401) ( 416) ( 262) (1160) ( 322) ( 426) ( 365) ( 848)

( 204) ( 286) (3034) (1523)

Magistrates Report. City Bailiff. 41861) Justice cf Peace Report. Open Caroline St. Watchman - 10th Ward. Tax-relief. Bailiff Returns Market Houses, additional School - public (Caroline St.) Coroners Report - 11 Licenses Ordinary Coroners i:.quest Drawbrodge over Jones Falls Federal Hill Pk. Criminal Court - fines

Coroners inquest Coroners Inquest Bounty-applications J.P.Rep't.

Hall, Samuel Is

1863 - (3707) Purnell Legion 1364 - (2083) Bounty Application 1865 - (1548) Report - Justice of Peace 1867 - (511) Pump

Hal l , Sanael ?.,

1888 - ( 682 ) School 30 1894 - ( 87 ) Dog Buieance 1900 - ( 600 ) l a y Tracke

• 1880 - ( 230 ) Confederate Memorial

H a l l , Samuel J .

1852 - (499) p o l i c e , appoint 1352 - (2.'-S) Water & cas p e t i t i o n 1863 - (3282) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n 1879 - ( 679) Hew Bortheastern arket

Hal l , Samuel L . ,

1879 - ( 697 ) Paving O'Donnell Str»»t

Hall, Sarah

1866- (2651) Bounty Applications

tiall, aarah A ^

1855 - (199) Coroners inquests 1856 - ( 382) Lleesnes-meat 1862 - (2732.) Bounty-application 1864 - (1823) Bounty Application 1865 - (1553) Report - Justice of Peace 1865 - (2021) Bounty Correspondence

H a l l , Sidney

1623 - (13 ) Punp Warrant-Waahtngton & Water S t s . 1825 . ( 5 4 2 ) L i « t of S e c u r i t i e s . 1830 . (280) Lo t -Waah lng ton . 1897 - (448 ) Water Sent


Hall, Silas C.

1856 - (281) Coroner inquest 1856 - (1226) Licenses 1857 - (1034) Licenses 1857 - (1226) Licenses

Hall, Simon

1867 - (706) House Numbering

Hall, Solomon R.

1821 - (1178) Ordinary Lleenaa. 1823 - (697) Ordinary License. 1824 - (429) Cheese Dealer-LIcenae. 1824 - (1139) Ordinary Lleenaa.

Hall, Sophia

1839 - ( 306) Interments

Hall, Stephen K.

1838 - (395) Inquests 1840 - ( 932) Inquests ifU2 - t 2751 Coroners burials. 1842 - I 278) Inquests

Hall, Stsphen W.

1867 - (2383) Estate

Hall, Susan

1888 - (475) Repair Pump-Caroline & Oough Sts.

H a l l , T. B . ,

1865 - (206) B a l t o . - Yorktown Turnpike Terminal

1875 - (854 ) 5th Xeclment Izpense* 1889 - (483 ) Manual Training School

Hall, T. H.

184? - (261) Coroners Report - 50 1 54 - (434) Charlea St. sfe. 1859 - ( 167) Conway St.-close

H a l l , T. W.

1881 . (388) Sal* or ada* In S t a . 1878 - (774 ) ComproalM of Judgment (of Albert Hitchie) 1900 - (600 ) Lay Irackt

B a l l , T. f . , J r . ,

1871 - ( 1791 ) P r o t e s t - P a s s . R H 1672 - ( 295 ) Conm. Jones' P a l l s

Hall, Theodorick B.,

1863 - (452) Police Want Uniforms Furnished 1863 - (453) Police Aak Additional Pay

Hall, Thomas

1812 1813 1813

J816 1817 1327 1829 1829 •

1831 -1832 -1834 -

1836 -1837 -1837 -

- (Fells Point Hose 4 Suction Engine Co. -"" - (736) Riflemen Muster Roll 1st Battalion - (814) Fay Holl-Ist. Balto. Kd. Rifleman.

(175) Petition-Pump-York Road. ;336) Positlon-S't's. & Pumps. 527) Increase Sslary of Watchmen. '1214)Baillffs Report. (1630)<Juatice of Peace Return. fi ' »t._ lot-Mkt. St.

-:§ (98) (376) (422) (450) (31) (741)

Repavine, ^ ^ ' ^ r n a X improvement

interments - Report

Hall, Thos. - 2 -

1850 - (360) Grain measuring 1853 - ('173) Calhoun St. lay tracks 1856 - (285) Coroners inquests 1856 - (1513) Fines-Justices of the peace 1858 - (210) Coroners Inquests• 1859 - (2128) Fines-J.P.Reports 1862 - (1523) J . F . R e p o r t s 1863 - (319) For Circus Lease 1863 - (2019) oa th of A l l e g i a n c e 1864 - (3775) Muster R o l l - (Colored Troops 1866 - (2964$ Army Dlschar ge 1870 - (2391 ) fhnrrea 1870 - (2443-11) Park Tax Abatement 1873 - ( 397 ) lharf AseesEBent

Ball, Fiona*

1878 - ( 1115 ) P ra t t Street Bailroad Tracks

H a l l , Thomas ( Colored )

1879 - ( 524 ) D i s q u a l i f i e d Yoter

H a l l , Thos. A.

1867 - (1206) * r e c t Shad 1670 - (2631 ) Pave Shield* alley 1879 - ( 524 ) Qnallfied Voter

Hall, Thos. B.

1846 - (890) Coroners Inquests

Hall, Tlioraas 2 .

183B - ( 660) Hides & Sklns-Inspectors-Appointnent

Hall, Thomas H.

1841 - ( 311) Place Lamp-Bond & Pratt St.

Hall, Thos. I.

1856 - (377) License - meat sold 1858 - (304) Coroners Inquests.

1878 - (1194 ) Chester HlTer Steamboat Co. 1879 - ( 577 ) Conway Street lharf

Hall, Thomas J.

1 8 4 4 - ( 215) 1R5C - (10771

1850 - ( 408) 1851 - ( 303) 1352 - ( 244)

1870 - (2443-* ) 1872 - ( 778 ) 1873 - ( 791 ) 1879 - ( 5 2 * '

H a r b o r m a s t e r a p p l i c a t i o n , s t o c k h o l d e r s B e t h e l - s h i p - remove S t o c k h o l d e r s

f r » t t Street Trmdce Ojuaifled Voter

Hall, Thomas T.,

1878 - ( 1038 ) Light Street Wharf

Hall-, Thomas •arllliam

1840 - I 335) R.R.Tracks-remoYe 1841 - I 74S) J fc I Bank-Stookholdera

1870 - (2443 ) Park *ax Abatement

Hall. Thomas 77m. Jr.

1858 - ( 320) - Etabl. fire police telegraph

H a l l , Thomas IT.,

1878 - ( 528 ) Property Surrender 1879 - ( 485 ) Beal * s ta t e t ransact ion 1882 - (1542 ) Bond - City S o l i c i t o r 1883 - ( 366 ) Annapolis Baltimore Short Line H B Co. 1896 - (1185 ) Lease Hone Te l . Co.

Hall, T. H.

1840 - ( 350) Request-two additional Lieuts.

Hall, Virginia S.,

1878 - ( 1077 ) 1. Homment Itreet "arket

Hall, W.

1859 - (1821) Police Report 1848 - ( 524) Bridge, Canton Ave. - Jones Falls 1848 - ( 284) Tys*h St. - pump, assessment 1850 - ( 22?) Fump - plat, 3.E. Cor. ralto. 1 Oregon 1852 - f 179) Assessments 1853 - f 459) Hanover Est. meeting ho'jse 1860 - ( 422) Oregon St.-construct soesr

H a l l , " ' . A.

1868 - (1646) Oath of a l l e g i a n c e 1862 - (9535) Bounty Betu tms ' . ' --..

1876 - (1008 ) City ^ 1 1 Public Square

H a l l , w. C . (CarTel)

1813 - (748) Kuster Roll-Iat Rag.- l t . llcHenry. 1858 - ( 203) Powertrof a t ty , 1859 - ( 357; Alms HouBe-slle.

H a l l , f . Carrel

1876 - ( 255 ) Deed City Purchase 1878 - ( 588 J Deed to p r o p e r t y I n Bal t imore County

Hall, ». H.

1859 - ( 104) Coroners Inquests ie62 - (8641) BOunty Application.

1866 - (1122& protest renumbering houses

Hall, .:.h.D.

L867 - (636) Gwynna Falls Bridge

t a l l , W. Kent

1352 - (42?) Drawbridge ovel

1 8 7 0 . (2443-I)?«lc **X Abatewnt

Jones F a l l s

Hall, W. R.

1835 - (1762) Licenses, retail. 1838 - (536) Roads improvement - Market St. 1838 - (1213) R. R. track on High St. 1844 - (49) Coroners inquest. 1849 - (448-7) " " 1850 - (1088 ) " " 185? - (446 ) " « 1855 - (201 ) " " 1865 - (1549) Report - Justice of Peace

Hall, W. T.

1841 - I 384) City Certificates-issued 1857 - (542) Coroners inquest 1858 - ( 203) Power of atty.

Hall. W. Taylor

1875 - ( 925 ) Widen Holllday Street

Hall, W. Turner

1879 - ( 524 ) Qualified Toter

H a l l , •'. '.7.

1856 - (417) Parkersburg ". R. Extension 1873 - (99 ) Opon l ight i treet 1882 - (407 ) ananar School 11

Hal l , V/alker G.

1862 - (2734) Bounty-a e d u c a t i o n 1862 - (9535) Bounty Returns.

Hall, Walker Y.

1862 - (9705), Bounty Application.

Hall, Walter

1845 - (1118) Chimney Sweeps - appl. for sweep master 1879 - ( 678 ) lew Northeastern Market

Hall, falter 1.,

1905 - ( 573-A) Track laying


1811 -

1813 -

1816 -1881 -1840 -1840 -1841 -1843 -1844 -



(809) (67) I 871) ( 887) ( 730) ( 36'J) I 180)

Theatrical Exhibitions. Length of Time for Opening-Closing-Fetltlon.

Petition for Position as Supt. of Chimney Sweeps.

Application-Position - Chimney Sweep Erect Pump-Cor. Green & Mkt Sts. City Jtock-dlvidends City otock Interest City Stock-Dividend Spears Wharf-repair Patterson 3t-est.

1853 - [2S3J 3terrett St. pi it 1860 - ( 4280 Oregon otr.-construct seiner.

Hall, Wells (R)

1829 -1834 -1835 1837

1837 . 1837

1837 1840 1840 1341 1843

(557) (397) 618) 41)

(840) (889)


Ochre & Paint Factory-Protest. Laying of tracks, B & 0 F.R. B & 0 R.R., extension. Lamp - Market St., F. Point

Fells Foint market - repairs Erect ticket office - Baltc.Port Deposit R. F. Fell3 Point

(1830) Retail licenses 337) Remove tracks from :>av;d str. 350) Request-Two add'tiohal Lleuts. 389 Tax-Kefund 15] Mkt-Str.-Laurp-^rect. : [ "B)

Hall, Sills R.

1867 - (190) Power of Attorney

Hall, Wesley J.,

1863 - (1909) Oath of Allegiance

Hall, William #1 (Jr.)

1789 - (4) Taxes due, Horses, Carriages, Billiards Ta 1795 - (16) Paving of Howard St. 1803 - (282)Petition Chimney Sweeps. 1800 - (272)l!arket, New-Western part of City. 1809 - (253)Petltion, Supt. of Chimney Sweeps. 1809 - (558#Supt. of Sweeps. 1810 - (326)Petition For Supt. of Chimney Sweeps. 1811 - (330)Supt. Chimney Sweeps Petition. 1811 - (547)List of Nominees City Office. 1812 - (lOl)Applicatlon to pave Union St. bet. North

& French Sts. 1813 - (61)Petitlon of Subscribers busy on Forrest St

East Sts. & Bridge St. To remove nuisances.

1813 - (203)Petition to remain in Office.

Hall, Wm. 2#

1813 -

1813 -

1813 -1814 -

1815 -1315 -1816 -

1816 -1816 -1817 -1817 -13<i§ -



(469) (266)




(483) (488)

(-313) (783)


Petltion-Supt. of "hlmney Sweeps. Application for position as wood cor

der. Nominations to mayor. Fetitlon to appt. Supt. 0f Chimney

Sweeps. Pump "r'arrant-Calvert St. Faving Tax-Bank, York, Duke, •Tood Corder. Distilled Liquors-Inspector 4 Gauger. Inspectors k Measurers of Ifiodl Fositions-^ts, & Pumps. Report of Chimney Sweeps. Recommending Supt. 0himney Sweeps.

Hall, •M. 3#

1818 -1818 -1519 -1880 -1825 -1826 -1826 -1826 -1826 • 1827 -1827 -1828 -1828 -1830 -1831 -1831 -1832 -1833 -1835 -

(748) (852) (5T0) (692) (390) (365) (597) (1333) (1381) (376) (1181) (1475) (1672) (1441) (558) (1165) (1166)

. (351) • (3721

"kt. House & Lexington St. Supt. Chlirney Sweeps Report. Chimney Sweep Returns. Do£ Tax. Appt. of City Officers. Council Convention Appts. List of Nominees-City Officers. Inspector of long fc dry measures. Returns of City Officials. Coroners Report. Magistrates Report. Dec. Bailiffs Report to Council. Magistrates Returns. Magistrates Report. Court Cases. Lon~ & dry measures-Inspectors. Appt. Night Watch. Officers-City Council. Appt., City physician

Hall, \".'m. #4

183? - (390) Watchman Trial 1833 - (413) Night Watch - application 1833 - (516) Night Watch Resignation 1834 - (2041) Bailiffs, returns 1835 - (421 ) Night watchman 1335 - ( 470) Coroners Report 1836 - ( 182) Appointments 1836 - ( 182) » 1837 - ( 766) Interments - report 1839 - ( 306) Interments 1843 - (1280) Police returns 1845 - (1185-39) Corone s inquest 1848 - (1475) Pump plat - Foppleton St. 1853 - ( 220) Howard St. plat 1836 - (1316) Schroeder St. plat 1836 - (1432) Interments, report

H a l l , Wil l iam #5

1857 - ( 546) Coroners Inquest 1856 - ( 208) Coroners Inquest 1858 - ( »05) Coroners Inquest 1859 - ( 103) Coroners Inquest 1861 - (1402) J .P ,Report s 1862 - (11374) l u a l e r B o l l , F i f t h Regiment. 1862 - (9033) D e s e r t e r . 1862 - (9170) Bounty Correspondence. 1862 - (7546) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n .

1865 - (1546) Report - J u s t i c e of Peace 1866 - (907) Re-Number House» 1866 - (2551) F ines 1871 - ( 1337 ) Market Clerk 1871 - ( 2877 ) I lnei i J P 1877 . ( 1008 ) Solid Public Square 1879 - ( 718 ) laglith-Geman School

Hall , " l l l i a "

1881 - ( 157 ) Recommendation 18a3 - ( 452 ) Hoaard S t r e e t E l e c t r i c Light 1886 - ( 965 ) Obeerratory Federal H i l l 1869 - ( 483 ) Manual Training School

Hrtl, f l l l iam ( Colored J

lb79 - ( 524 ) Disqualified Toter

1353 - (149) Coroners inquests 1862 - (91671 Bounty Correspondence. 1862 - (9521) Bounty Applicat ion. 1867 - (334 ) CalYert i treet tog 1904 - (417 ) Bond

Hal l , William A. , (Colored )

1879 - ( 524 ) D i squa l i f i ed Voter

Hall, William C.

1858 - (1358) Police bond. 1864 - (3815) Kuster Roll

Hall, William F.

18*0 - ( 335) R.R.Tracks-remoTe

Hall, William &.

186-. - (3815) :;u.,ter Roll 1864 - (3824) Bounty Compensation

Hall, William H.

1845 - (25) Well & Pump - Install on Sarren St. 1650 - (456) Est. colored school 1859 - (2102) Fines-14th ward 1865 - (1935) Marriage Information

Ball, Willi an Kent

loVS - ( 524 ) Disqualified Toter

Hall, ffm. P.

1859 - ( 106) Inquests 1862 - (4217) Bounty-applications

H a l l , Wm. ? .

1B53 - (447) Coroners inf i n q u e s t s

1887 - (334 ) Calrert Street Spc

Hall, William S.

1862 - (9351) Bounty A p p l i c a t i o n .

1873 - ( 788 ) Pierce Street G«s-Ma1ns

Hall, Wm T

1857 - (547) coroners Inquest lS5e - ( 80S) "osier of a t t o r n e y . (135) 1887 - ( 334 ) Calvert Street tog.

H a l l , V.'m. '".

1853 - (535) Squa re , U.K. B a l t o . 1863 - (347) P r o t e s t Sunday R. R. Cars 1909 - (127) H.E. Tracks Union St- tion

Hall, W i l l i , R.

1842 - ( 278) Inquests 1852 - ( 365) Federal Hil l Fk.

Hall, Wilson

1884 (354) Bridge-Lombard St. orer Chatsworths Run.

