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jU .S i.Na a ig a fteiy - DigitalOcean

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jU .S jN W y s helli ByJACKREBDEN United Press lateraatioaal IB E m UT , • • LeSanon— Navy, jirotectlng embattla onshore, Joined Lebanon’s * cJvU war tor tbe first tinie by abdling Moslem ortUler tb e hills ringing Belnit. . '■ No. American casualties ported In tbe latest flgb Beirut airport, ^>ere i Marines were UQed earii weel^ !Stat^run Belnit radio -Thursday-that-imWentifk flew over western Lebano after U.S. and French waiT l:! reconoBissance hilssions. ^ cease bombardments, y 1A Marine spokesman. Mi ^ Jordan, said artillery shell r.— ^la UM-vtcinlty-of-tbe-Maris i'.' Belnit Internationa] Akpo day nlgbt, but added be kne M about tbe unldentU^ ri overiiead. ; -----------B lTinifV iT n ------- —Tw bvFalls teach«; ~^uConti By HARRIET GUTHEat TlmeS’News writer TWIN FALLS - Til talks between tbe Twin Uon and tbe scbool boarc After the meeting, tb mediator will be asked I the apparent deadlock. - - A b o u t IGO te a d ie r s sdioQl administration b —tioon uegjUatlug seaaloi . : ::uiaTroA:-;;:-rz::i_. ~HiemalnliBurremal : _____ ^aoce^ n ^ uO«gij^ by the cofflEiiea^bsen thenegoUatlngsesslons. r ^^'H»-boftnUsJ9sBng reduced- Insurance-bet jalfordtopaytbelncrea policy, as 11 DOW te _however, say the chang cut, and they say tbe bo entlrecost ■Unaw’Iartyeaf’rlpo “ —^tir« oow-orneaitrtn andhisorberlamUy.l deductible and was covi ------1 of Ihore than 0 , 000.------ In a compromise pac .. by.tho.boant.thedl^ o se to t eys^wQ€ . 78th > i.Na Hngprotecti A ChrlsUi al President R< can fleet to s Tlw-U:3.— moontalirTiJ tied Marines 25.000 refuge I’s escalating-— l!>ruze Mo [nelluirsday pledge not Uery posts in mulUnatlona firing a salv ies were re- tbat crashet Igbtlng near pound only a } two U.S. offldals Incli uiier In the er. ' About an I lo said late answered wl ISSmmhowH anon, a d ^ .' ^ aiplaoes few Marine foro IS and the 5-lnchcanooi r thieatened mountains “We hit w MaJ. Robert MaJ. Robert miitt crashed if the Dnn i r ln e - b a s e ^ — fiilCDCCd-___ tport Tljurs- Tlw shots Imew nbtlUng cbored In th ed aircraft Lebanesecaj -------------------- tbeUSrfleet her«£haered-negotlato tract ta ... «n»e long-running contract trln Falls Ekiucation Associa- lard stalled again Tliureday. the teachers said a federal ad to Intervene tn help break k. rs pidceted the downtown n buUdlng during'tbe after- sion-tnrabow of «4»port-for; n aiiren ip k ^ health Uwff- rbe TFEA alao te disturbed KtJoToi boarS'iiiienibOTlir nis. tng the teachers (o accept b S a i b , aayiU8~ U u mnot- reased cost of tbe Insurance te written. Hie teacbexs, ange would amount to a pay. I board can afford to pay tbe ~);KdlQ’r ^ 'b o a r d - p a ld - tb e i'lDSuranpo'for an emidoyee /. Tbe employee paid a $100 nvered fully on any expense p a d ^ propos^ Hiuradiy strict would coptlmie to pay thedunl- ge rode< h year. No. 252 W ye ts Marines: fi stlan leader appeal^ to - Reagan to use the Ameri- Xi stop Moslem shelling of a < -viilage-iammed-wWi-eomo— ' igees. ' Moslem gunners broke , a — . )t to endanger Lebanon’s ' peac^eeplng force, : llvo of three artillery shells ' hed into the Marine com- < y about 100 yards from U.S. < icluding LL Gen. J (^ MiU- n hour later, U.S. Marines I with six shells from their I \ritzera.and.Jh<L!JSSBowM,__ t assigned to protect the 1 irce Jn Lebanon, sent four i non rounds tjooming into the } hAhlftd the Marine base at J port..-'— . wliat we aim at,” Marine i ixt Jordan said wben asked > ruze artillery units were ^ ots from the frigate, an- i tho Mediterranean off the t c an ltal.w ^ the flrst use of i eet'sfonnldableflrepower. ------- torw aa thev entered the i jtks stal the full premium, bul fl ------- ralsed'to J150. And any $5,000 would bo covered fu ct A second board proposa a- offer senior teachers, fl» ^ years experience, a rail al schedule does not provli !ik raise for teachers with 211 However, the TFEA n vn proposals, saylag Uiey \ sr- - - o f f e r ^ a t l a s t wieek’s sess ■'Jj * i i a i r i h a t G U b ^ the Region IV Id S "'tlondirector.------------------ rJ _____BoUi plnai are^unai ® Houston, the president of I Uw t^ c b ^ estimate pt havetocomet9witb|39,( ot— «oaumMJuUyi^dI»alth ce .ButSuperlntenctotGa] n, Is closer to $60^000. WbatUieteacbOTaroa “® bankrupt tbe district, PU] money, wewouldsetUe." be ------- pmer"Bays tbe boar ee— teaefaers wtth-:two-vlab .00 provide excellent medlca ae the board to pay m aster te The taacbcfs who were ay picket line-carrying sij ay -- /^W«_Are.. iktank- ^ 1 m aiga fighting goe. ' -Tin Washingtbii. Whi spokesman L a ^ Speakes the Navy shelling and said — warslilpajlflrajbecejioj Marines.” ___ :Askcd if this consUtuted tlon of the hbstilltlcs ’ In Sp^es-said, "'niat’s f draw" your own conclusion Uie local U.S. commander decision to return Uie flr^. Four U.S. Marines have and 25 wounded ia 10 day fighting around Beirut. !T have had. Uie heaviest among Uie 4,800-man_pea -force -^TS'aeatl and 44 wou past year. In Syrian-controlled' '! jnlles north' of Beirut-, a 1 cyjied-ln-a^ exDlQdedt ^■^wtsciwrianingToisrf wounding 12. In Beirut, a spokesmar News said two network, retumed~safajTto"tIie ca being reported missing for in the Shouf. ---------- •-Seejam EASToo Fa 1C adm irilstratlon bulldl titrteac t Uie deductible would be my expense of more than dfuUy. losal made nm rsday would , Uwso'wlUi more Uian 20 raise. Tlie current salary ovlde on annual seniority 21 to 25 years of service. \ negotiators rejected Uie !y were worse than those «sslon. ....................... ve bai^alnlnfr”~^ d Terry- r Idoiib feducatloiDSSSenp” : macceptable, sold Joyce ;oftheTFElA. ate Uiat Uie district would •39,000 in additional funds to ilO^verage. _v:r --- -------- . Gary Filler saya Uie figure re asking for posslbly-could- _ Filler sayB._‘ j^If we bad the B." loard has-presented Uie iable-po]kle»-4baU-wouM— Uca] care and would aUow ir teachers more. •ere on Thurytoy’s low-key ’ I signs wIUi slogans such as »Is.Cutflng Benetlte For. I a 5.—J rfsx Twin Falls, Ida tgetf i s ^ o n ^ r ^ hlle Hou» I es confirmed ( lid American i_pIQtect_lhe__ __________ I ed an ^scala- In Lebanon, S for you to ' . Ions. He said \ Ier made Uw 'e been klUed sys of heavy !The French t casualUes juiS^ln^— ;Tripoll,, 42 i tiomb con- gatjiie fthJ .pSpIeCT tan fpr ABC K . employees capital alter 'or four days ■ . ^ t . 7T,ji I I • TVnr dinfli during a rally Thi rherrpi i Go6d Work" and "K T eaching"—disagree wiU "It’s not a quertion ol SanUier; a higb«dwoI j aren't asking for anyUils bank." _Tl)e teachers already under last year’s salary sc thatiany decrease In Insux toapaycut. The teachen also say Um jn e g ^ U ^ seriously. Alt! _-flmdialj>l^ beraipartJclpatedTn tfie i And t UW' board’sTcpresei prtqwsals in a Lalc^It-or4e Sdiool board Chairman! ThQr8day,.lwwever..Uxal 1 him about Uw oegDUaUoos ItisiqitoPUlertodatei DegoUations, be s a ld .^ doing." _ FU ler c o ^d not be read! Thurwlay n lgbt Uw two^gldoe are scbo th« Wirt nf twnrt w w * — tl mediator, according tO ' chief negotiator for tbe TF Eariler suminer, c lefttbetalks. ^ daho in tl MeWteiraneam c £wa M "S??! ZONE ^K h ald e ftelianese Di&e Druze a idvance r^xrviir M rrttr-J^gPU F--- - pteo/BCB OeUASHMLnT T iursday afternoon mket^ "Koesp Good Teachers riUiPUler. of money,’’ says Ernie 1 physics teacher. "We blng Uiat wUl break Uw ly have agreed to work ' sdwdule. And they argue suhmce benefits amounte Uw board is not taking Uw fUthpughUw.boardsetUw.- . sday*B meeting, nojnem *. imeStos.HuixtoS'MM- ' aentaUves-presented Uw - ^eave-lt rrumner, Houston an Bob Knighton said later atraier has not informed JOS. iermlne-who Is pnwfintAt_ : y don’t know what he’s u ± U for fu rth ^ comment iwduled to meet again at - Uils Ume wlUi a federal' O'OocnIe HtrtrfUson, Uw TFEA. V a federal mediator met H JA or ,L ^ fteiy I _______i J U L S J S f a w L f t i fires on Dm artillery pos/l WRICAN y% ouk al.Garl I Drtize I ‘^ A d v a n c e e army~repels \— 21 ( a d i ^ c e s j Gromyfcoxtnc Air lin suspei ' “ Bj^AYDEAN— --------- - ... UaltedPTessIaieroaUeuu ~ N A T ^ tO i) ^ —~ e x c ^ “ r A two-we^susiKostou ‘ wlUiUw Soviet Union In r - the Russian aUa(±. .bs The NATO agreement end of Uw Eun^wan Seci ------ 5 iceTnT«fidrid.-wbere- _ —Stqte George Shultz - —Forelgn-Mlnlster-Anarel the first hlgb^evel Ami encounter since a Russia Uw Korean Air Lines Ju - _ w e e t ^ _ _________I - Shultz dismissed Moso of Uw a^ck, sayinfl ' p osterous'e^ilanation nave offered and conUnu ------dlsbeltevlntfrworld-baa pounded Uw problem ." n{pinmflflc_flourcea_ foreign'ministers agree : ------fllghts'to and from-Uw j be^nnlng Sept. 15, tbe d I the Intematkmal Civil A I nizaUon begbi9 a m eetla [X Ja d lso B a ib e attack. ___ ThB NATO decision, v Indude Greece or Fran - -made-ln^^Brussels-later soumssald. L -------'^ U n i ^ - S t a t « - h f retallaUon for tbeTttac ! senger Jet carrying 26 eluding. 61 Americans, imposed a «kiay?-ba ------- flights.----------------- ;— ^ In Nairobi, K ^ a , ------- cbainnan-of-tbe-lntoi T r a n ^ r t AssociaUon Soviet attadc and sal viewed the Incident wlU gravity." In Tokyo, a Russian Judge: causes -------B y S T E V E G R E E N - -Ui/fet/Aiassiafemafia/ BOl^^^Ida^to judge says Inadequate turned Uw state’s coi stltuUons Into criminals.' Doo .B urn^ said lliu - -Lora miiat faf« Uw “grin: they will have to qpend E provide space for Innu Impose stlfTer senteoct lacTease. CalUug tbe stated cor . IUe8"woefullyinftde(pM ^d - taxpsS^ mi leglslaUve efforts to expenditures for corred ^ . -•T g ~*B g T iH n a a B g B . . willing to provide add for “intensifying Uw t aaie She L- * -J -J I n i r '' ' f l'u ia M i'' f lH l Frida l-Wd^ ANON- - Reagan Tb -■ forces in Le riaate videdwiui"' ------------tostop-ffienT 3 5 ^ Reagan m itlons telepbooeca Cmdr. Tim C r Navy frigat< u poalUonaJnl ^ UwMarlnep I ' S McGaraghty Force 62, In. conversaUon TurpoBiUoa’ irb SpeakMg: .^ttoeg r ^ l ^ i nean off Uw amphibious aboard alre Earlier, S] acterlze Uw .s«l Igers Shultz ------------ iksto R nded in '^~Ux Grew- y ,. . rtrf-aii-llnk^ tretaliatkmfor-- bn. a :;Korean. —oeogtiE: lagan ordered S ta t^ ’ sl let alriine fthUl ' soti5 '.!1 j -------------- -KoreBS^ it came at the ' ‘ by-sendii )curityCoofe^ ooanlda B*Secretary of '““ iBelffi : met St^et ' siito «rGr6mykff4fl= ^saE rS S merican^vlet ...ptote^ ilan Jet downed .Reagsn i Jumbo Jet lasi for Thg I -^hteh:2e scow’s account ~ '^'EiniSnSi ng “ Uw pre- - ; alrilw. 1 Uw Soviets suetooffertoa - -ing-to-It as- only-com^ .......................... . .-baslsald L_Bald_NA’K>._ ^■to'halt"an- e Sovtet-Unkm------- alnpaoe. i date on Nrtilcb L_— Aviatkin Orga-. loglnMonUeal Japanese.a _______ foi^ debr , >^ch dld'noT'bonedni^ ance. would be crew. t>r FMdAy,- the Woridwld Uwdvillan -had"iirgod Its. abating..,.! er^neasUfS-ln— ampclBtton ack ttl the ^ Into and oUt 269 people, In- White h s. Canada bos Speakes s 5an-oa_floviet__Rieagan_flil 1, Raghu Ra], tradecredli lamaUonal A lt- BM gan CO) a deplored lhe—grain eml laid tbe groqi nikleararr IUj Uie “ utmost In hU 1 Moscow li n diplomat told • See ; Lack of ; prison r individuals innnt;______ ; ___ providing B ______ ^ .. tmlnlng-fin 3 c ^ o f A^>9aIs . . I n m a t e . " . .te funding has “Most e »rrectional lo- (prison) sy vlng doors" for or three yi very exp« lursday taxpay'-Bumettsai Im realltv*' Uiat “The me Imoremoiwyto thatbysen nates as jn d ^ Inalstoprli ices aod prison for lo n ^ < tbe capad orrecUons fadl- recUonalli ^t«."UwJudge_ •. Osanott muS siq>jj*t 'dl^uulUes ) boost capital handed do jdions. Uwsanw' JdlUooal mooey . commlsslo I Buierylskm of . f„8e la w ! 25^ ■Iday, Septem ber?, 1983 a s t” ^ingJssueci^ [NGTON (UPi) - S ^dm f Thursday promised U.S. I Lebanon Uiv will be pro- lb “wtiatever suiqiort It takes ifi'Sltacks^yoii:**------------------------ n made tbe guanmtee in a 3 call from Uw Oval Offlce to lm Garagbty In Beirut after a gate shdled Druze artiUery in Lebanon Uiat bad fired on ne peace^ceeplng fo r^ r press secretary Larry said Reagan told ^ty, commander'of Task' , In a UireeHsloute telqibooe Uon, “I am determlrwd to t-takes to stop Uw^ttacks on --------- km.” ---- - . !s gave no Indication wtwUwr dent b ^ t i ^ to Uw-shores of Lebanoa U.S. - )us units wlUi 3,000 troops already are beaded In that; r, Speakes declined to char- Uw Increased U.S. military ' ;eePOUCYoaPi8sA2 Russict— n West j f l ' '~ "* aitAIr ^ ny<tng iBussias dtplomats tdditleal flight;;' r i a a * “R e i ^ u b D t o y d ^ * iigoMllnh l l i i i r a d a y a oear UW uunTotf.nnwre ^.l»]ledfdr.Pieaki^. SQ to.ntaUate..fi»coflfuUy_ :_____ be Inddent laA w ^ -in i:2Q pebl^died wbm a rngBA^KTwd&wa^^ ..... er. _• Midjly Biii^».-^wild-- .. er~8traybd Into Soviet w.auUiori.iles Uw Sqyieg tod tebris of Uw Boeing ?47«but UwbodI«0fU»passaiger5ur -------- twide furor ovdr the attack on —. ItoJetlloersbov^oo-slgrtS-of-.'T . European airiioa'pilots ttom b^M b^c6tUng'DfgWtf= rwf^rowSoTletUnknr 1 House spokesman Larry s said In Washington the I admlnlstraUoo w ^ cyi^ lmlUngifir_ww^MI^^r3I red! ts but he made It d ear U iar^ 1 conttn'««~to~nilB'out-a new — embargo or oisnqilion of •armsnegoUaUons. , Is Ust .of sanctions against f In retaUaUon for Uw iilr See PLANE OQPai9»A2 f money releases lals' wbo are on parole, and .. og more local facUlUes for jobriT . tJUMLwork-release.onow-rlsk ;t e v e r ^ ’ golng Into tbe^.^i, ) system is coming out Injwo-.'^ e years. It bas turned Into.A e x p ^ v e ' revolving door^/^^. tsakL -------- -- -------- most immediate "P. BCTdliigmoreSinvicted'crflF ^ Iprison andke^ingUwm Uwre ' jer terms, we have overloaded — - jadty of Uw Idaho State Oo^ alInsUtuUon,"besald. noUwr subject, ttwjudge said Ues~8tUl~ exist :ln~ eentencefl . I down by vartoaB'Jodges for- 3w offense. He recommended : - iglalaiuig.awuiiil .tt .npeeiai:.'."~ ssion to study Uw court LSeeJUDOEonPagsM ^

jU .SjN W y shelli

ByJA CK REBD EN United Press lateraatioaal

— IB E m UT , • • LeSanon— — N avy, jirotectlng em battla onshore, Joined Lebanon’s * cJvU w ar tor tbe first tinie b y abd lin g Moslem ortUler tb e h ills ringing Belnit.

. '■ No. A m erican casualties p o rted In tbe latest flgb B eiru t airport, ^> ere i M arines w ere UQed earii w eel^

!S ta t^ ru n Belnit radio -T hu rsd ay -th a t-im W en tifk

flew ov e r western Lebano a f te r U.S. and French waiT

l:! reconoBissance h ilss ions.

^ c ease bombardments, y 1A M arine spokesman. Mi ^ Jo rd a n , said artillery shell

r.— la UM-vtcinlty-of-tbe-Maris i '. ' B e ln it Internationa] Akpo

d a y n lgbt, but added be kne M abou t tb e u n ld en tU ^ r i overiiead. ;

-----------B l T i n i f V i T n

------- — T w b v F a l l s t e a c h « ;

~ ^ u C o n ti■ By HARRIET GUTHEat■ TlmeS’News writer

TWIN FALLS - Til ta lk s between tbe Twin Uon and tbe scbool boarc

A fter the meeting, t b m ed ia to r will be asked I th e apparen t deadlock.

■ - - About IGO tead ie rs sdioQl administration b

— tioon ue gjUatlug seaaloi . : : : u i a T r o A : - ; ; : - r z : : i _ .

— ~ H ie m a l n l i B u r r e m a l:_____ ^aoce^ n ^ u O « g i j ^

by th e cofflEiiea^bsen thenegoUatlngsesslons.

— r ^ ^ 'H » -b o f tn U s J 9 s B n g reduced- Insurance-bet

j a l fo rd to p a y tb e ln c re a policy, as 11 DOW te

_ how ever, say the chang cu t, and they say tbe bo en tlre c o s t

■ ■ U naw ’ Ia r ty e a f ’rlp o“ — ^ t i r « o o w -o rn e a itr tn

a n d h is o rb e r la m U y .l deductible and was covi

------1 of Ihor e than 0 , 000.------In a compromise p ac

.. b y . t h o .b o a n t . th e d l^

o s e t o t

ey s^ w Q €

. 78th >

i . N aHngprotecti

A ChrlsUi al P re s id e n t R<

c a n fleet to s Tlw-U:3.— m oontalirTiJ

t ied M arines 25.000 refuge I’s escalating-— l!>ruze Mo [n e llu irsd a y p led g e not Uery posts in m ulUnatlona

f irin g a sa lv ie s w ere re - tb a t crashet Igbtlng n e a r pound only a } two U.S. o ff ld a ls Incli u i ie r In th e e r . '

About an I lo said late answered wl

ISSmmhowHanon, a d ^ . ' ^aiplaoes few Marine foroIS and the 5-lnchcanooir thieatened mountains i»

“ We h it w MaJ. Robert MaJ. Robert miitt crashed if the D nnirln e -b ase^— fiilCDCCd-___tport Tljurs- Tlw shots Imew nbtlUng cbored In th ed aircraft Lebanesecaj -------------------- tbeU Srfleet

h e r « £ h a e r e d -n e g o t la to

tract ta. . .

«n»e long-running contract trln Falls Ekiucation Associa- lard stalled again Tliureday. the teachers said a federal

ad to Intervene tn help break k.r s pidceted the downtown n buUdlng during'tbe after- sion-tnrabow of «4»port-for;

n a i i r e n ip k ^ health Uwff- rb e TFE A alao te disturbed KtJoToi boarS'iiiienibOTlir nis.tng the teachers (o accept b S a i b , aayiU8~ U u mnot- reased cost of tbe Insurance te written. H ie teacbexs,

ange would amount to a pay . I board can afford to pay tbe

~);KdlQ’r^ 'b o a rd -p a ld - tb e i'lDSuranpo'for an emidoyee / . Tbe employee paid a $100 nvered fully on any expense

p a d ^ p ro p o s^ H iuradiy strict would coptlmie to pay

t h e d u n l -

g e r o d e <

h y e a r. N o. 252

W y ets Marines: fistlan leader a p p e a l^ to - R eagan to use the Am eri- ■

Xi stop M oslem shelling of a < -viilage-iammed-wWi-eomo— ' igees. 'Moslem gunners broke , a — . ) t to endanger Lebanon’s '

p e a c ^ e e p ln g force, : llvo of th ree artillery shells ' hed into the M arine com- < y about 100 y a rd s from U.S. < icluding LL G en. J ( ^ MiU-

n hour la ter, U.S. M arines Iw ith six shells from the ir I

\ritzera.and.Jh<L!JSSBowM,__ tassigned to protect the 1

irce Jn Lebanon, sen t four i non rounds tjooming into the} hAhlftd the M arine b ase a t J p o r t . . - '—. w liat we a im a t,” M arine iixt Jo rd an sa id wben asked >ruze a rtille ry units w ere ^

ots from th e frigate, an- i tho M editerranean off the t

c a n l t a l .w ^ th e flrst u se of i eet'sfonnldableflrepow er.-------

torw aa th ev en te re d th e i

jtks stalth e full prem ium , bul fl

------- r a ls e d 'to J150. And any$5,000 would bo covered fu

c t A second board proposa a - o ffer sen io r teachers, fl» ^ y e a rs experience, a rail a l schedule does not provli !ik ra is e for teachers with 211

H ow ever, the TFEA n vn proposals, say lag Uiey \ sr- - - o f f e r ^ a t l a s t wieek’s sess

■'J j * i i a i r i h a tG U b ^ the R egion IV Id

S " 'tlo n d irec to r .------------------r J _____BoUi p ln a i a re^ u n a i® Houston, the president of I

U w t ^ c b ^ estim ate p t h a v e to c o m e t9 w itb |3 9 ,( o t— « o au m M Ju U y i^ d I» a lth ce .B u tS u p e rln ten c to tG a] n , Is c lo ser to $60^000.

W batU ie teacb O T aro a “® ban k ru p t tb e d istric t, PU]

m oney, w ew ouldsetU e."be-------p m e r"B a y s tb e boare e — teaefaers w tth-:tw o-v lab .00 provide excellent medlca ae th e board to p ay m as te r te

T he taacbcfs who w ere ay p icke t l i n e - c a r r y in g s ijay -- /^W«_Are..

i k t a n k -

^ ■ ■ 1


a i g afighting goe.' -T in Washingtbii. Whi

spokesm an L a ^ Speakes the N avy shelling and said

— w a rs l i lp a j l f l r a jb e c e j io jMarines.”

___ :Askcd if th is consUtutedtlon of th e hbstilltlcs ’ In S p ^ e s - s a i d , " 'n ia t’s f draw " y our own conclusion Uie local U.S. commander decision to re tu rn Uie flr^.

Four U.S. M arines have and 25 wounded ia 10 day fighting around Beirut. !T have h a d . Uie heaviest among Uie 4,800-man_pea

-fo rce -^TS'aeatl and 44 wou past year.

In Syrian-controlled ' '! jn lles north ' o f Beirut-, a 1 c y j i e d - l n - a ^ exDlQdedt

^ ■ ^ w ts c iw r i a n in g T o i s r fwounding 12.

In Beirut, a spokesmar News sa id two network, retum ed~ safajT to"tIie ca being repo rted m issing for in the Shouf.

---------- •-S ee jam E A S T o o F a

1C a d m i r i l s t r a t l o n b u l ld l

t i t r t e a ct Uie deductible would be my expense o f m ore than dfuUy.losal made n m rs d a y would , Uwso'wlUi m ore Uian 20 raise. Tlie cu rren t sa la ry ovlde on annual seniority 21 to 25 y ears of service.

\ negotiators re jected Uie !y were w orse th an those«sslon ........................

ve bai^alnlnfr” ~ d T e r r y - r Idoiib feducatloiDSSSenp” :

macceptable, sold Joyce ;oftheTFElA.a te Uiat Uie distric t would •39,000 in additional funds toilO ^ v e rag e . _ v : r --- --------.G ary F iller saya Uie f igure •

re asking for posslbly-could- _ Filler sayB._‘j^If we b ad theB."loard h a s-p re se n te d Uie iable-po]kle»-4baU-wouM — Uca] care and would aUow ir teachers more.•ere on Thury toy’s low-key ’I signs wIUi slogans such as »Is.Cutflng Benetlte F o r .

Ia 5.—J

r f s x

T w in F a lls , Ida

t g e t fi s ^ o n ^ r ^

h lle H o u » Ies confirm ed ( lid A mericani_pIQtect_lhe__ __________ I

ed an ^scala-In Lebanon, Sfor you t o ' . ■

Ions. H e said \ Ier m ade Uw

'e been klUed sys o f h eavy !The F rench t casualUes

j u i S ^ l n ^ —

;Tripoll,, 42 i tiomb con- g a t j i i e f th J .p S p I e C T

tan fpr ABC K. employees capital a lte r 'or four days

■ . ^ t . 7T,ji


I • TVnrd in f l i d u r i n g a r a l l y T h i

r h e r r p i• iGo6d W ork" and "K T each in g "—disag ree wiU

" I t ’s n o t a quertion ol SanUier; a h igb«dw oI j a re n 't ask ing for anyUils bank ."_ T l)e teachers a lready un d e r la s t yea r’s sa la ry sc th a tian y d ecrease In Insux to a p a y c u t .

T he te a c h e n also say Um j n e g ^ U ^ seriously. Alt!

_ - f l m d i a l j > l ^ beraipartJclpatedT n tfie i And t UW' board’sT cprese i prtqw sals in a Lalc^It-or4e

Sdiool board Chairm an! ThQr8day,.lwwever..Uxal 1 h im about Uw oegDUaUoos

I t is iq i to P U le r to d a te i DegoUations, be s a l d . ^ do ing ." _ ■ •

F U ler c o ^ d not be read ! T hurw lay n lg b t

U w two^gldoe a re scboth« Wirt n f twnrt w w * — tlm ediator, accord ing tO ' ch ie f nego tia to r fo r tb e TF

E a r i le r sum iner, c

lef ttb e ta lk s . ^

d a h o

i n t l

M e W te ir a n e a m c

£ w a M" S ? ? ! ZONE

^ K h a l d e

f t e l i a n e s e D i& e D r u z e a id v a n c e

r^xrviirM r r t t r - J ^ g P U F - - - -

pteo/BCB OeUASHMLnTT i u r s d a y a f t e r n o o n

m k e t^"Koesp Good T eachers riUiPUler.of money,’’ say s E rn ie

1 physics teacher. "W e b lng Uiat wUl b reak Uw

ly have agreed to work ' sdw dule . And th ey argue suhm ce benefits am ounte

Uw board is not tak ing Uw fU thpughU w .boardsetU w .- . sday*B m eeting, n o jn e m * . im e S to s .H u ix to S 'M M - 'aen taU ves-presented Uw - ^ eave-lt rrumner, Houston

an Bob Knighton said la te r a t r a i e r h a s not inform edJOS.ierm lne-w ho Is pnw fin tA t_ : y don’t know w h a t he’s

u ± U for f u r th ^ com m ent

iwduled to m eet again a t - Uils Ume wlUi a fe d e ra l ' O 'OocnIe HtrtrfUson, Uw TFEA.V a federal m ediator m et

H J A o r

, L ^

f te iy

I_______i J U L S J S f a w L f t if i r e s o n D m

a r ti l l e r y p o s / l


y % o u k al.Garl

I D rtize I ‘^ A d v a n c e

e a r m y ~ r e p e l s \ — 2 1 ( a d i ^ c e s j —

G r o m y f c o x t n c

Air lin suspei

' “ B j^A Y D E A N — ---------- ... UaltedPTessIaieroaUeuu

~ N A T ^ tO i) ^ —~ e x c ^

“ r A tw o -w e ^ su s iK o s to u ‘ wlUiUw Soviet Union I n r

- th e R u ss ian a U a(± . .bs

T he NATO agreem ent e nd o f Uw E u n ^w an Seci

------ 5 iceT nT «fidrid .-w bere-_ —S tq te George Shultz- —Forelgn-Mlnlster-Anarel

th e firs t hlgb^evel Ami encoun ter since a R ussia Uw K orean A ir L ines Ju

- _ w e e t ^ _ _________I -Shultz d ism issed Moso

of Uw a ^ c k , sayinfl ' p o s te ro u s 'e ^ ila n a tio n nav e offered and conUnu

------d lsb e ltev ln tfrw o rld -b aapounded Uw p roblem ."

n{pinmflf lc _ flourcea_ fo re ig n 'm in is te rs agree

:------f llg h ts 'to and from-Uwj b e^ n n ln g Sept. 15, tbe d I th e In tem atkm al Civil A I nizaUon begbi9 a m eetla[ X J a d l s o B a i b e a ttack .___

ThB NATO decision, v In d u d e G reece o r F ran

- -m ad e -ln ^ ^ B russe ls-la te rs o u m s s a ld .

L ------- '^ U n i ^ - S t a t « - h

f re tallaU on for tb e T tta c ! sen g e r Je t ca rry in g 26

eluding. 61 A m ericans, im posed a « k ia y ? -b a

------- flights.-----------------;— ^In Nairobi, K ^ a ,

------- c b a in n a n -o f - tb e - ln to iT r a n ^ r t AssociaUon Soviet a tta d c and sal view ed th e Incident wlU g rav ity ."

In Tokyo, a R ussian


-------B yS T E V E G R E E N- -U i/fe t/A ia ss ia fe m a fia /

B O l ^ ^ ^ I d a ^ t o ju d g e say s Inadequate tu rn ed Uw s ta te ’s coi stltuUons Into c r im in a ls .'

Doo .B u r n ^ sa id l l i u- -L o ra m iiat fa f« Uw “ grin:

th ey w ill have to qpend E provide space fo r Innu Im pose stlfTer senteoct

■ lacTease.CalUug tb e s ta te d cor

. IUe8"w oefullyinftde(pM ^ d - t a x p s S ^ mi leglslaUve e ffo rts to expenditures fo r co rre d

^ . -•T g ~*B g T iH n a a B g B . . w illing to provide add

fo r “ in tensifying Uw t

a a i e S h eL - * - J - J I

■ n i r ' ' ' ■ f l 'u i a M i ' ' f l H l F rida

l-Wd^A N O N - -

R eag an Tb -■ forces in Le

r ia a te v id ed w iu i" '------------tostop-ffienT

3 5 ^ R eagan mi t l o n s te lepbooeca

C m dr. T im C r N avy frigat<u poalU onaJnl^ U w M arlnepI 'S M cG araghty

F o rce 62, I n . conversaUon

T urpoB iU oa’ i r b S peakM g:

.^ttoeg r ^ l ^ i

nean off Uw am phibious a b o a rd a lre

• E a rlie r , S]ac te rlze Uw

. s « l

Ig e r s Shultz------------

iksto R nded in'^~Ux G r e w - y , . .

r t r f - a i i - l l n k ^tre ta lia tk m fo r--b n . a :;K o rean . —o e o g tiE :lagan ordered S t a t ^ ’ slle t a lriine fthUl ' soti5 '.!1 j-------------- -K o re B S ^i t c a m e a t the ' ‘ by-sendii)cu rityC oofe^ o o a n ld aB*Secretary of ' “ “ iB e lf f i: m et S t^ e t ' s i i to « rG r6 m y k ff4 fl= ^ s a E r S Sm e r ic a n ^ v le t . . . p t o t e ^ilan Jet downed .R eag sn iJumbo Je t lasi fo r Thg I

■ - ^ h te h :2 escow’s account ~ '^'EiniSnSi ng “ Uw pre- - ; a l r i l w . 1 Uw Soviets s u e to o f fe r to a - - i n g - to - I t a s - o n l y - c o m ^

.......................... . . -b a s ls a ldL_Bald_NA’K >._^ ■ t o 'h a l t " a n -e Sovtet-Unkm------- a ln p a o e .i da te on Nrtilcb L _ — Aviatkin Orga-.

log lnM onU eal Ja p a n e se .a_______ f o i ^ deb r, > ^ c h d l d 'n o T 'b o n e d n i ^ ance. would be crew . t>r FMdAy,- the Woridwld

U w d v illan -had"iirgod I t s . ab a tin g .. ,.!e r^ n easUfS - ln — am pclBtton ack t t l th e ^ Into a n d oUt 269 people, In- W hite h s. C anada bos S peakes s 5an-oa_floviet__Rieagan_flil

1, R aghu Ra], trad ecred li lamaUonal A l t - B M g an CO) a deplored l h e — g ra in eml laid tbe g ro q i n ik le a ra r r IUj Uie “ utm ost In hU 1

Moscow li n diplom at told • See

; Lack of ; prison r

individualsi n n n t ;______ ;___ provid ing B

______ .. tm lnlng-fin3 c ^ o f A^>9aIs . . I n m a t e . " . .te funding has “ M ost e » rrec tio n a l lo- (p rison ) sy vlng doors" for o r th re e yi

v e ry exp« lursday t a x p a y '- B u m e t t s a i Im realltv*' Uia t “T h e me Im o rem o iw y to th a tb y s e n na tes a s j n d ^ In a ls to p rli ices ao d prison fo r l o n ^ <

tb e c a p a d orrecU ons fad l- recU onalli ^ t« ."U w J u d g e _ •. O s a n o tt m u S siq>jj*t 'd l^uulU es ) boost capital h anded do jd ions. U w s a n w '

JdlUooal mooey . com m lsslo I Buierylskm of . f„8e

law !

25^■Iday, S e p te m b e r? , 1983

a s t ”^ i n g J s s u e c i ^[NGTON (U Pi) - S ^ d m f

Thursday prom ised U.S.I Lebanon U iv will be pro- lb “ w tiatever suiqiort It takesifi'Sltacks^yoii:**------------------------n m ade tbe guanm tee in a 3 call from Uw O val Offlce to lm G aragbty In B eiru t a f te r a gate sh d led D ruze artiU ery in Lebanon Uiat bad fired on ne peace^ceeplng f o r ^ r p re ss secre ta ry L a rry

sa id R eagan told ^ ty , co m m an d er 'o f T a s k ', In a UireeHsloute te lq ibooe Uon, “ I am determ lrw d to

t-takes to stop U w ^ttack s o n ---------km.” ---- - .!s gave no Indication wtwUwr dent b ^ t i ^ to

Uw-shores of L ebanoa U.S. - ■ )us units wlUi 3,000 troops already a re beaded In th a t;

r, Speakes declined to char- Uw Increased U.S. m ilita ry ' ■ ;e eP O U C Y o aP i8 sA 2

Russict— n W est

j f l ' ' ~ "* •

aitAIr ^ny<tng iB ussias dtplom ats td d itlea l flight;;'r i a a * “R e i ^ u b D t o y d ^ * iigoM llnh l l i i i r a d a y a o e a r UW uunTotf.nnw re

^ . l » ] l e d f d r . P i e a k i ^ .SQ to.ntaUate..fi»coflfuUy_ :_____be In d d en t laA w ^ - i n i:2 Q p e b l^ d ie d w b m ar n g B A ^ K T w d & w a ^ ^ .....e r . _•

M i d j l y B i i i ^ » . - ^ w i ld - - ..

e r~ 8 tra y b d Into Soviet

w.auUiori.iles Uw S qyieg to dtebris o f Uw Boeing ?47«but U w b o d I« 0 fU » p assa ig e r5 u r--------

twide furor ovdr th e a ttack on — . Ito Je tllo e rsb o v ^ o o -s lg r tS -o f- . 'T . European a i r i io a 'p i lo ts tt o m b ^ M b ^ c 6 tU n g 'D fg W tf= rw f^ ro w S o T le tU n k n r 1 House spokesman L arry s sa id In W ashington the I adm lnlstraUoo w ^ c y i^l m l U n g i f i r _ w w ^ M I ^ ^ r 3 Ired! ts b u t he m ade It d e a r U i a r ^ 1 conttn '««~to~nilB 'out-a new — em bargo or oisnqilion of •armsnegoUaUons. ,Is Ust .of sanctions against f In retaUaUon for Uw iilr See PLANE OQPai9»A2

f m oney releasesla ls ' wbo a re on parole, and . . og m ore local facUlUes fo r j o b r iT .tJUM Lwork-release.onow-rlsk

;t e v e r ^ ’ golng Into tbe^.^i,) system is coming out In jw o - .'^ e years. I t bas tu rned Into.A e x p ^ v e ' revolving d o o r^ /^ ^ .tsakL -------- -- --------

m ost im m ediate "P .B C Tdliigm oreSinvicted'crflF ^

I prison and k e^ in g U w m U w re ' je r term s, we have overloaded — - ja d ty of Uw Idaho S ta te O o^ alInsU tuU on,"besald . noUwr subject, t tw ju d g e said Ues~8tUl~ exist :ln~ eentencefl .I down by vartoaB 'Jodges fo r- 3w offense. He recom m ended : - ig la la iu ig .a w u iii l .tt .npeeiai:.'."~ ssion to study Uw court L S e e JU D O E o n P a g sM ^

— 'A ^ T I n w f ^ .T w l n F a U a .

: tB r ie f f l’ C h in a m a y bli

" B O l^ (UPI) - Stat

— “ onanflgreem aittbata n p to T s a a p n a f f im d jf l

e ^ y e a r . -----— " Hnvid P n rig j dIrecU ■ '* EcUUuililC tiikl OOXIuuuii

Of lumber could be on it:- y e a r . ....... .....-.... .......

■ He said timbef sales 1— ----forpjtry p i t)g i^ al I ------- ecfaooli-be saidrWlS-be ]

purcbases fron sevenstate.- ----------

That mooey wUJ be '___-_rcscaicb.prograniJii.Q!___—^ ateb as tomrerseethej

for conqpaiiks lo deifl": " - wntlnn----- —

“The mljjute tbey ste( o t ^

rr— Lawyere^argui---------- BOlffi-(UPl)------ 1

before the Idabo Siqiren: whether l y m a t o ^

to p r e n a t a dtixeos' from taking effect aod t from « 4 to » 0 p er day.

But chief Idaho dq Harvey said the Le^ oBowed to stand becaus boost prior to a caastitaU

T y p h o o n ra v a----------- H0NG1C0NG=njH)=

l^ypboon j p e n a l i u d y ti^urftt as tt stzudk the Kong.

limited service offeml b extensive damages was

®*TW w«n rmM, mjifwf with schools and oCDces I prepare for winds of up i

I t e Royal Observato hoisted at 4:45 p jn . (4:<

__ was gpected within 13

T te observatory, tbe 1 bureau, said tbe typboc throuBhtheSouth China

^ ----- { ^ s q u a l ls andlm i

were warned to seek eoergeocy shdten wen


__ F k iuw

” p a r t ly cl“ ' Twto— GdbiBngarea:--------- PitUy dwdy and cod

cbspce of rinwers. Wcstert)____ tognph , HlflhinMnn; n

Toolght wOl be detrlag------- Satimljy wtlhbe w nny.' witl

to75.PraWe. BaOtf., \

VaDay:' WWdy •CBllePod abowers

ani colder; with lows of 37 lo win be sunny. w«b hW>* of«

-------NoctfanNenKisaadinim." rtitJy dasayloaior omT>

_ blgtetatteT^WertCTtywii

— —brteft^al«W«*.«od<wiUng; ' 33 (o 42. A aouUiwest Ooi

unstable oir codlouM'bver 1cloudy today, with scatia

~Nationat~AibuQu«rav« 74 a J, . . ,Aii«iu , , a roBoiion 41 67 ..ChtMOO S3 U ..OtllM *0 73 ..

- -Donrvr M »DotMolnos SS U ..Demit . 79 U ..Honolulu 90 7e ..Heuilon «J 72 .<IMIanaoolis «8 57 ..

I n d e xB u s in e s s .................

- O a s s i f l e d . . . . . . . .C o m ic s 1 ................. .

__M agic Valley ---- --------

C ircu la tion JenyHqHClrcutsUoa pbooM uv mka rDcehwyourpsperbyTun. Jera^WcodelKkwiltDfrHi

• -Burley-Eupert-EinMWiley Buhi-CiiUefbcd •

_ FlleHtogCTSOSvHomsterTwlnFalls and all otber aie«N ew s sujtoB-n*.™

- If you hsw a pbws tftj 0

n p o r t U U n m u d v c r t i r

^---- AdvBrtl«ing- «»«*«« JOO wl* lo pl«» «i » t

m t n M aoJty-rr t lw from -- - Bjn.DatOooaQ.'lnllaniistlaa

>uy lo a d s o f tim iitate offldals ^ negotlaUCBE

t cotdd resutt’ tn the cnwilatt i&^timfi^tMbB F te F -^ a

ector. of UieJtate.Departma aanitrAitain,-taU tbe Qist c a its way to Oitna by the end 0

be coord^^lio tiag] a the UnWeririty~6rHabo. be paid a fee fo-setti^ q>Ui reral wood-pioducts fmns ia

be used to sappact a UI fan I rhirm, PortgraideA He sal< hesalcaJi»caw J tv ^ ^ U l

step into tbe same room with I lolatioo of tbe federal antl-i

u e le g is la tiv e .m t—Lawyers-for-two—

rcme Court as they disagreed acted properly last aentoi

ied expense-pay Increases.

is' coounissioa recommend] id boosting eqxoseam ^ens

deputy '^toni^~ gineral L legislature’s dedsioo dnui< w aeLnm akennjecU atbe

/ag es H o n g Kons^ j= ^ ? B ^ -fr-n o a y -m o n idy bad on life anlhe British Crown Cotony of I

* -h<atd tv an underground raOway, ras being reported throughou

red toward K o^ Kpog Thun xs dodngMriyso r e d d ^ c m to too mUes per hour, atocy ordered the “No. 8*’ si (4:te a jn . EDT). meaning a 12 hours. The storm stnkk

be BrttJsb crown colony's wei txMO was moving west-north Ina Sea at about 9 mp. Mvy'tfiowers alao were-fOe

eek safer quarters. Some reie opened throughout the od


Ndtiona' Wcaitwf S*n ----------UP» WMfher Foloeo#'

cloudy wil— aftenuon-iin

- • ~ ____ crSiWlUjspn*o»*»r«ih ■ inuwaosaad otywladiofis

S Sn x u d o x i l e r .wfflbedetriM

± i -------------------TtiecbaDWtrN6¥S4i.-wnU— K T tb^da! wlodsof lOtbU Soulbemldal ■r1WgbFwOt==i«rBiyTB lag. wllh kiwi of— uk»plao»«o Oow of taoUL. begins to i

rer Utah. Partly Northwest mend, ouloly ibe state'

UaVeo"________ M ^JB ittmphU M ‘ nM MUmlB«aeh O Bl

■' SlSSSi. s s E:. r s r - ■ £ S :::: STr* £ S.... pnowit Its a.oa PituburgA n u.... Poni«3.i4«. to a

K---- -------..........B 6 O bttu arie

. . . . . - C4-8 Opin io n ,.........B4 S p o rts . .

. . . . . . . A5 C a le n d a r

IqjtdmSiUeattvtor nkcDedbetw«ieb7imdtO s.m.ad Lnu eril the nuiiw for jfoor siw

3ey____ __ ___............................

uessi.mw«H«dfcr JonKkov.dt) p or wlA to talk tb aomeaoe I [ f e n s ^ : w a r a s v .v p M itsiwiuiei^.caaTSKSie.ah»„«»wflli>isi»1nf--------:----tttvcrtlseoeat, csO TXMSIL Cli

ocn 8 ajn. tsifl 8 pm . aod 00 S) jooondHpHyadi issTSflsWsww

dis. {daho FVlday. SeptemM

F i y — —

ibe^ M cG dvern i<8js a re WASHINGTON ^frh tna M enovm . thrashe a ttaa JiL :::i.w ith = R k h a rd - N t tu a t i r a W ate rg a te , is expe

c a u U d a c y ro r tb e l9jient o f------ M cG overn p lansIt cargo in a n appearance d o f tb e T u esd ay , a n aide I

D a lm to sa id 'n m rad ^ t t i e - A d t e d i f M c G o r a » . Tbe th e 1984 field, tbe s • i lm b e r - - w as th e jr ia ii , b u ta

lo tbe w b o b e isan d im o w l announcem en t oa

'orestry to g e th e r.”

^ i l l W P P S S s t aSE A TTLE (U Pi)

,V . . ■ ' W a s h i n g ' PubUc p o w er p lan t N a 2 1! m a n a g e r 3 J)rM artj

- d ire c to r , a ssu red a w y — th frsy s tem ’rexecu l

— a n iin ra tW P P S S 2 j ■orsday T b e p la n t a t Hanfi ed o v er co m p le ted and wUl I 8*on In is schedu led tobegij

of 1984.____________

N a v y - e n g a sDdation WASHINGTON V

b u d ^ batU e witb I to b u a d new a h e

L a n y d es tro y e rs tb protec u ld be D efense ofO dals

D epu ty S ecre ta ry Oi ] g to m a k e budget cuts

S tu d e n t saiIf H oag WASHINGTON (I

w orked in R onald Bthftt.Jum f

ay , and m a te r ia l from ~ P r Kxittbe books,9ourcessa ld '

B a te r , now Whit ursday, R e a g a n ca m paign LtsCTi^d— 1980-. ......... "__IZ

B oth th e F B I a n* signal( a gale M idL . a r e b ivestlg2 ± to lO b rie fin g p a p e rs tnro____________ M aricA «hw orth.fveather in D ayton , Ohio, t rtbw est R e a g a n cam paigo.

Investigation s a i d ' jrecast,— -g resslo n a liav estlg jpflttfffB M m mnlrft phnn e 250 a lleg ed ly w as leake c rtC B y ._ H o u 3 e ._ . .. .......

e c t f h e rm : - ............. FROKTAL

' . ■ ^ 24

I- ..................

Fot«ca3l.to,7-PJ^.E5T o-t:o a i€ > -—--------------------------- - -

ith chance"aoHtfgbttime tbuflisa»bo^ '= ^ ckne beevy r^ jM ssib te . Hiflhs s o d lower 90s; iowB 90 to GS.


m -be-piBtmig Into Idnho-tjy— ) I monilag. Uiis wOl brlog a ahowera, maialy to oorthen , ■1 Idaho. Abo. phowen aad a , ( ten h m en will coaUaufi_io sni Idaho today. Oeariog b (BtewUetooJ^-toOowedbya— . niweekeod. ■ *. ' m Q f,dxrw ers.w lU jrc(um to r d«hb'obTCidaay”4ndTU4id#y:— Idaho should remain dlry.Son» eus ra ryiag w a g air pubs-wib— ,QO Saturday, aa high preasure— I » rebuOd Into tbe Padtlc d

tale’s wannest readlog oa A

—79--- —— PonUnOrOf*--------- X----'■7* .... S«.Uyii__________M__—IS—~ 5«ilUkaCltv «e73 S«n F(4f>cl»co . n Bl .M S«ini0 57U .... Spoktna tsta .... Wt»hli>otoo H

» ? Idaho75 ' »c .... Bois« nM .... OuJtor ■ nU ....... K«aannan 07

i c s ................... .... A6 ^. .................. A 4 _ . f

............— — e i - 4 — Ia r ................................ B 5 I

a i te a « u a ionly.IfyoadoDol res: 4kUvcry-<b

- 93ft3S3S . iOfl »»»•?. M j s s i ad n an . in

------------ A O w $nj5.6mBrt SB-S37S H S . 3 fSBBL 73M931 Sw<tay«»ly.

o trw eekdaT i. TO M M n *------- -nMllnmM

. r«Di.i3]n.i

d a d o e d adi~.i^a Satontayi Cram 8 (M ^aiada■Mtataysooly.- b*piSiiM»l


i r t o r s e e k -p r e s i d e» (UPI) - Democrat ahed In Ibe 19n prMldeiilljJIliuaop— hilt_fcxwHtg^JTliKMrspected to launch a “lights e 1984 nomlnatiODearty next w ms to make^‘a-ma}or annots ia " m ' G m utfi,WauuxiKtuU:ju de to tbe former senator fn nday. - .n m would Jdn sU o tha Den De aide said be could not coo ut “You and I know ti lowing that be is going to mak oa Tuesday, anyone.can

i f a f f j r e a d y j ^ w o

Sic Power Supidy -Systra 2 b at "full and good strengt


d a icdnt nleeting of four conu ecutive board, that rumors of S largwithoctfoondatlon.-- anford. Wash., is more than 9 rill be loaded with fuel In Novi e ^ producing dectricity in tl

a g e d i n 4 > u d g e t 4 > ; N (UPI) — Tte Navy Is engi lib tbe Defense Departmertf o drcraft carriers and expen: jtect them, it was repdrted Tin als by the Washington Joim T<*man has SO far prot tn>ffng plan* fnsn tbe objo 7 of Defense Paul lhayer, bu nitselsewberetodoso. __

l a y s h e c o p i e d p aN (UPI) An Ohio aaiege stu Id Reagan’s presidential cam]

aldlhursday.Vhite House chief of staff, w ^ lieutenant and debate coon

and^iitotoo'Govenmient oi leaded by Rep. Donald Alt tlgatlng how material from U Sroed ID in Reagan headquan JtastndentatWriehtStateU ^ ^ a dqilicatlng m aSE Ign. Sources familiar with tl Jd 'Hursday that Ashworth tlgaton that Baker aides had pbQtocOPles__9f_Jbe__materla iaked or stden from the Carl

r - — —


S p M - 7 7


e of show|— Tfauraday;wasl7 d d p m a t l

afteraroonringtowof31aIE31 In Twin PalScio'nnBaay,

count was 123 per cubic meter < ..w—JliaagtlcuUUEaLoatloafciBc _tiUcx_and_SDOtbmUdriioic

cbooce of showen loday. eq aoutheaatfm portloa of t Otberwbe. it ahodd be mostl: tbe area through Tuesday. £ any. should be lea than 0.2 of a

Average evaporatka rata a <|uarter toa thlMof aa 1

Tbe apraylng lawast cans fc range from S to t $ ^ mast 0

th r h rttfst tMUpg ^ a ftjgwl degrees, again a t Glia Beod. U» coolest was 30 de^eea, at Moot.

4__sa_____ U«il*»n-----------J9 SB .... McCtil aI ss .... Poeiwao 717 47 S»lmon a

• “ “ Twin FalkUl

Yo3ienJ«y ' 6u Mln Pep ■ LMtYoir »9 M NofTMi si U .os' ‘ Tod*r'«sunM<........7 S3 .... Tofflorm'a MinrlM....

N ation ......................... .F rid ay S p ^ a l - j . - W o r ld - . . — . . . . . . .

D e a rA b b y ............

□oiaiii* ............... _ •• d*lh«y - dafly. W patwedi: fta*Ite an) Soday. H.<S (NT waek. Roral -daOy.'IUBparwaASBatiy.aNper

m naU e anty « « ■ earrtte am% ed - d «ny MdSaoday. 1 BMtb HT o r t ta m 9 i: U i» A a MiCO; daly ai n r i ta fUTS. • n n tta S U a. tS moDir. I meath aes . 1 naao* lats. • BK• mao. SfteM atatat ad Hrrtoaa tUO^ BMctt lar da9y and Saaday.

I^M as kpittM ad dtfly i t m n M : sn. by Ma0 e Vilkj N an v ap in l^ l

^ Tia yali b* n a n m i omdal dly aod eaoaty aaMpapar

•0-us of ifeB hMM CMai Handaa ad aa tte day et B» ««ak as «W>* tad.

• Cod

. ~~8wmamari

1“ bureau chle

f^ S o iO h D nne-Pale to 1)6 n<TTM A ilnC em aDDflrmthat

that given —^ , UteamaJ<a’ W 3 ^ \ I put tbat : M T M J i

• Cooo rk ------


oi-j^O Tuu.- paliroTsjpi m standing joli98percert ‘-wehaveivember. it itbespring_____ Elmb a t t l e --------- a E i ^ ^igaged ina runalrllne:over plans en^doyea

ssive new nextTbursdhuiBday. ' Ibepresit» Post say AeroOot fli]‘otectedhis inclosed in.Jectloos of law was deiju thasbad askedtheC

ZZnd S r t U.S.

le ja fc y p g AeroOotanc Uckets issu intooroutol

___ MeanwMI


L J l S o r 'S

dejnands fa ......p revait a .r

5™ "lotaIls— AU.S.OI£ lite r WHle by

_. . point** Inwould oot ct

Gromyko:------ portara-alte

scheduled t£ o w Shultz.

- shouted a—:— pr---------- “G romyS^

I S worse” thaiC T fW r--------- peanSenaO

_ In that spt .......—Soviet;-cto

L „ _ _ Jucfj*VyJ_____________ * 0 0 0

system’s se. ____________ aagyetow a

.................. ... ~ penalties.--“The con

rerst : :p la c e -u > ^QkCtty. giildpHhw v^ Q i jwDen said.' Tofalr. Burnett a]OCiheJttagl^— yparwt moni n JH t e j -------cou rt act t

cenlratingo" I wwiW

m to c h : ............theb ttarre.■ wQIntDge hesaid. oifld t— -T - i ifarwiodato . .loCthBtlme.

Z7^'o^noradayr— ■■iiMmiM-. , ; "Coid. Attt.. and • ,atKaliqiell. •

; ,Forl

- n — « ~ ! ! P —• • • • • • • •B4 39 ....7« »4 A

■iu r - u m Pep 83 »a ....M « .... ^ ^ H T 'S3 «5 ....



. BX-5A 7 ---------- - J H i

____ B2

IOMiy la MC ■m Sm aSIa - ■ Araaly.tBam...............U . ^ooouaisuea:martiwttta - - m m tam nta .b f i

idflUW^WB---------<tffs . B ____

l o

i d e a s toattmjed&tmPaseAl

a ■fflrom Abi' Hanna re ) Beirut from tbe Lebanese nwn of-RMnn wfaerg-the-fay- lal Red Cross had taken Jd Ray Nunn. ABC’s Beirut blef. . - ■ aap ese ' Q >bto^ ■ . O T ^ ~ a

il<^tfrifln offensive believed med at toppling President mayel’s OuistlaiKtomloated

Jocllnued from Page Al leitf^as-an-escalatioo-of-

to defend themselvM. ^ b 'i i r ^ all parties to stop and pursue tbe goal of na* lty."besald.!s«rfd Reagan-toidlbfreom-0 the Marines “ the enth^ rjpnxid of jw ira«nheT jg^ job you're doing.”ive vital interests in Lebanon

meiuutlflUBd from Page Al l)eagan ordoed lhe ^ t ^ 3e to close its oOlces and Its s to Irave the coiintry by rsday. .sident reafllnned tbe ban on flights to the United States in Jamtary 1982 aftff martial declared In Pcdand. He also1 CM I A en n au tic s B oard to ^eroOoL’s r ig h t to se ll ticke ts , ited S tates.rabo-asked-the«AB-to4>ar- Ines-fiom carrying passen- sted for Aeroflot flights, to S . airlines to s u ^ ^ i^

and bar them from accepting tsu^ by Aeroflot for travel toftheUpItedSUtes.WIe, Shultz_aikl_Gromyto, Ih thelr'aldes,-met for two 1 six mlmrtia in a bare room ■pitirtpfipe of the UJS. am- to^lM ln.Ing from the sesskxt, the f..nf sta tft bbM t te .S g y fe t n ln ls te r 's r e ^ x n s e to U.S. fo r a n apology a n d s tep s to

3.recu rrence of th e _ d ls a ^ _ J ly

by saying there was “no n continuing if Gromyko> >4inng»hfap«yrit<miko refused to ta lk w itb re-irtor-ttw* nv«»«lng, ftrtgtnflHyj to last one hour.

visibly angry, almost as he told—reporters-

B’8 ~ n ^b lg S —WfiS—fiTOIr han his q>eecb to the Euro- ioMycoatovoce-Wednesday.. q ie^ .G rom yko repeated iarges-the.chdlian Jetliner.


ige— -----■rftiuifri from P a g Alsm tend^proceduia w tfi~ ward more standarizatfam of

smmisslon should examine bflity of estahlbhlng formal, sentencing guidelines lo re- »^lnfMmal and general s u4ilch'how exist," BuroeU'

I also said Journalists shouldffp» » m p m w>r<ng mtrtlnft

gob only sensatkMial cases, lid suggest that the press y h«lnnr«^ri nwwa, cnm hlning re.storles.wlth the routine^*:

> • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

'.nurfe^fiy 1 fhe> f Of a ll v ir tu e s” Z

•sr Infomotlon call: X i4>eS3a^r324460a------ f -

I New Ydi

[ f ^ 12.9%I . . ./.Wolnuf, Ook,


- ^AfEtCI

j '

re^ drivenofrattadksontwi s e the Shouf moiaitains hy— Betrut; bu t oftld a|-Betl

• **fbgfgft niortar and t t i rut Struck a Christian vfl

.area..- g Dnzze militiamen WC e d — have~ovtfrUB-paBlUaB ed rouodlng hmn anri v mt rocket and mortar fire e d K am a ra tth e ra teo fo n

and your presence in Be -of— proof of that,—Reagans

EaDT7‘‘i share your dee iop lo the Marines wbo ho' la- and those wbo have beei

“I am determined to m— we-provWe-you-whate tre takes t o ~ i ^ the ~Btb at-~D O sm ooi '—

Four Marines have I lOO _______________________

ig ' J LiS -l _ . 7

sn- . toIn* ;

Td42" ceiling oi

??r______ typo in ontiq'*'0 - — ontlquo broas,

p o lish e d bra “ * k its ovallob lo

b e -let ^ w m 'w^

^ --------- - l i rS to r e F In ibe______ ________________no __ko : " : - — '

331 EotHond re- — Twin Fell*. IDUy______- .._733-4»4»_ _

O p«n7 'S M otk .frl

ro- ..........................

t i - ] — —

sSSff* mMi -tth----------- .

s s y c ' ~og

e e "

See Mr. Goodwren

£ ^ E N G I N E

« eofforrwltiyOMiCfweoU _ • ________- ♦ --------------BU] UUI HXfCa» • — ~i-------BoartanomjrSwiuiidd

■ r » 4 3 % , . , »

♦33“O f!«r O ood th re Sa^■K EEP T H A T G R l

H O O I I S : ^

- ------------------------- 67 t2M alnA v» .S .

d m d K a P i a n o s

} % F in a n c in g3k, C heiry , Pecon Finishes

• -u t Of th * T ;f. CoontyFoli----- - -



g o v e rn m e n t io B e lru L I2 secoods. BV said 11 bad The to m towns in S im a te T CB overlooklag 40,000 refu em a radkrsakt- -the-vlUage m k e t sbeiitng"- pro-govert iriUage deep in militia.

-T beD nr rere reported to tog theO ug B ito T th c r s m x z fa*6r z r

w ere pouring Lebanon. ] re D elr E3 D r. A d ^ - o tK m u n d ev w y o therre fug

Selrutisthebest tbc figbtin asa k ld u rin g th e -d ay s and I fe-at-9:S3-a :m.— wounded.- eep sense of loss A sk ^ U javebeen kflled- deciStonst leninjured. in Beirut, to see to it that bavethata Oever-sqiort-it • ‘The-M ttecks'on-your— told-tbQ '-

--------- S p e a k e s -si ir iiw in ' in e f fe c t^

I I I l.'J o

^ V o B f l A


o r D o d o s t o l ^ | H MI q u e ^ w h i t o . J 9 — I —f f

b ro w n o r ■ S r o s s . L ig h t * ^ lo o t o x t r o S d h

-■ ^~y W6^3r6 pre f j J f l A S inatwuan:

utorforThin q n c ln g A v a H a b lo —[ £

5 p 5

jnch fo r dependable performa

ETUNE^UP=r^UoCMee'orB'tfoOOrw'Mla in,you< Easy sisrtog. rnpoAM portomunca and

aid* s< ou> Ewcwmic Engra TunvUK at«n«oan»irt*ngo«io«aaMp«ni Th«i

cartyrewn tf f OTO u ) Ul maM W aw ivubfetwwmanea i «b7ior HrTGoodwnen Cam

-____ LttiGtinloQcJo D>

Irt. SO. IMS ■■

R £ /^ r G M F E E U N G W IT H G £

B i - f r U J O - i S


m ■

M i i i H

ods.In tem atkm al R ed CSross-

ta r n h a t* betw een - 2 5 ,0 0 0 -a n d ^ refugees h ad sought s a f ^ in

b raze a i^ieared in ten t aa drlv-. C hristians from tb e m ountains _ lBT~jL>MV»nptAri wnti<hi»min. L dM oese-H ealth M inister

M roueh estim ated 65,000 S ^ a ln s a d y h a d f l e d B o u th .

t i»ng In Beirut in th e l a ^ 10 n d Bome-lS o tb e rs -h a v e ^ e e n -

a~ ir~R eaga n ' was -s a y ln g all o s to r e tu rn gunfhv a re m ade n it , Speakes replied, “They lat authority .” , , t M nrinw h a v a - f llv y a y 8 - |» e a _ iQ r-can defend them selves,*.? s : s a ld - ‘"n ia t policy b a s - ^ — ■ trihcelT ra." ................... g *

ale Price ^

proud to announce > ____

Thonjas Lighting. a i

^ - «2IE .M oIn . a Buri.y.ID ' 'Kf 67B-0210 —7 [I-------

»3Sot. _ i '

t ^ g f :

rm ance all seasori long!

yri DikMc U b -------- --

MUUAUI V J i m l RVICE PACTS ] £ £ | |tl MOTC«« COa«OtAn«M ■

I G E N U IN E G M P A R t s : Salanlaj7:30-1;l)0



House ch a irm an sa Jd . ' wiU push (o cu t off fundi peace-keeping force in le ss F r e s i d ^ hengflffTa congressional <q)proval troops there.

.C larence Lo cha irm an of the Hoiw

! Uons subcom m ittee on fi I Uons. c ited (he deaths of i - - in - Lebanon . and saU

‘ro lq ie rs a re “ 8lltlng-du< ■ -a n to d e c la re d w a r ." —

------------- Gon s re as-wii^exeretse:1 - th e pu rse” if R eagan dot

w ith th e 1973 W ar Powei and seek form al congi p roya l to keep them then

----------r^U bder-that-Jaw .-the pr

A n f i^ i !' WASHINGTON (UPI)

R eag an Thursday endo

------ —o ty -o f - fd d e r^ - ia w B i- ii. M onn 'A ct, but rejected

— ch an g es a s requiring woi t e ^ f o r the d ra f t o r alIo^

, com bat.H e also o vem iled Alto:

W illiam F rench Smith, com m ended Im m ediate c c ^ i n law s th a t prote<

SEATTLE ( U P I ) - th ree -te rm Rq)ublican E v a n s w as appointed Th'

Jack& in, a powerful Dc

— i l u d g c o T i

t e a c h e r s|s r .L O U IS (U P I)-A l

Ttiiff8day“ orQered leac Louis back to work in ; d isru p ted classes for :

' dd iooT sludents and hum lirb an children taking

:__:— ^ lknrtTTit.K«AwM>gn>g«HnnlO tb M strikes pe

W ashington Mlchi Pennsylvania , Rhode Is!

__ J ersey , cance lingo ru p stfb r lO T ,^ s tu d e n ts .

= : = = " J A K / [— —. ------ A h r o u r c

----- : — Family Mi

------ : - 113 5(h Avenue W(— - - -----------O ffice H ours-


m t t N ' A K E

I ' S 5 .5 0 a d i

---------F r iday::;

[. . .................... Mo.

FF rid

S 5 . 2 5 a d i

___ _ ....L- . ’ ‘‘M ixci

d a r

--------- ------------- 5 t o 7

■ - -. u


l e a c i i GrPI) - A key noUfy CocId. Thursday he troops inttnds for the U.S. g re ss thenin L e b y o n un- w heth e r tli

h al to keep the d i ^ t c h e t p a ^ c lp a t i

Long. D-Md., w e re sen t )use Appropria- no tcom ba tn foreign opera- But Lon 3 of five M arines " T h e sllui said American bo describ ■duck ta rge ts in one of host---------- -----------------“ Any'3^;tse-it» “ poweiH>t— v l9ton-can does not comply b u t tho p n w ere Resolution doesn 't set ingresslonal ap- "O u r M. lere. he warned, th e Ameri i p r u d e n t m ust— ^^wasted-as

iscrimini?I) — President th ey woi fKkrsed the re*, equality piIng from -a -vari«-------------------^ iD cludlng-tbo------- ^Wlth-Iated such m ajo r ov er Rea women to regls-' ' v o te rs, Un Jlowing ihem W th ird q ua

D epartm e .Itomey G eneral rig h ts anc th, wbo had re- view ing "i a te phnngM in toelim Jiia' 9tect women so I t indue

govem ort• . — F o rm er re p resen tc on Gov. Daniel for 43 yea r Thursday lo lhe E vans. £

D em ocrat who poliitment,

rders---- --5 b a c k• A federal Judge D r iKSCDEPS-TH-Sr--------- H C Iin a s trike tha tir 56.000 public lundreds of sub- - N q ing p a r t In a

* Sed S PAIIchlgan, niinols, iIslan d an d N ew ”

k/[e b '‘s t i r w i n :'RGe&4^&-6pening-oLh

. Fo/.the Practice Oi

S e p te m b e r 1 , 19£ W e st J 'irs ............ ......................................le n t: : • . ,

x T T L T ^ E ^ a r ; ^.■________A M II -_ -------

-S U P E R -S U N D A Y -B R U I------,t1 0 :a 7 m > 4 o = 3 lp ;m ^a d u l t s . 5 4 .2 5 se n io rs . S2.

P R IM E R IB S P E C IA : .v-&-S a tu rd a y -N iB h ts ,-S X

D A IL Y L U N C H B U F F v lo n tiay th ro u g h F r i d a y , :

F A M IL Y B U F F E T NIG r id a y & S a tu r d a y . 5 to 1( j d u l t s , 5 4 .5 0 s e n io rs . 5 2 .'

. L IV E _E N T E R T A IN M E 1x c d E m o t io n ” - N ig lU ly d a n c in g a n d l is te n in g p ic ;

H A P P Y H O U R 3 7 p - .m r j^ k lb n d a ^ h ro u g ]

• . . .F re e .H o r s d!_ocuvrM L ad ie s N igh 't-T liu red ay -r

> V t — ^

rJUxAnxx g• 1350 Blue Lakes Blvd.

D n 4 > n n gDongress ^ e n he sends U.S. Into hostile situations. Con- len has 60 to 90 days to .vote on r the troops can rem ain, iiij has contendfid t h e - t r w p s r tied to Lebanon last y e a r to late in th e m ultinatipnal force, n t in for peace-keeping duUes. • ibat.^ n g told a news conference. tuaUon today in Lebanon can r ib ed in no o lher w ords tlum. ostUltles."'Siyear-old-kldTVOtching'tele-- lan-eee-our-oeople-in-combatr- p r ^ id r a t of tiw United S tates see th is a s com bat,” be said. M arines a re too precious to

erican people to let them be as-6 ltU ng-duck-targets.la .an_

lation ch<rould conform wilh s tric t ^principles.

4 an£are-ln^}lrcd .by-concem - £agan*s raUng with women tb e Whlto House released the luarteriy repo rt of a JusUce m ent task force on women’s and a m em o from Smith re- 5 " th e sincerity of our efforts” n a te sex dlscrlmlnaUon.Juded recom m ended changes

toreplacet.nted W ashington In Congress sars.s. 57, who had said he w as not

ml. p rom ptly announced he

0 O Disc M ochlno ‘5 p o r doy

J b 'M o m f o o r s h ip C h a r g e '


mlU* w*i» ol f ll»r on Clov*f Rood 'IN FALLS — 734-4142:Buh'. oi

LHisjDfUce--------------O f - ly obstetrics 983

Jerom e, Idaho 0333S ' TSIe'pHone?

A 20Q )3 2 ^-n 5 1 ._ _

T N C T I O l ^ ^

H i :UNGH-----------------------------

52.50 cliildrcn lAL* • ■l X 9 i - a n d u ip __________ _

-F E T ^ 53.50

IG H T -ID p.m .

2 .95 ch ildren

V .lEN T . — - .ly fo r y o u r •Icasurc.

jgh~Fntiay ---------res-____ _______^ ------- ---/ - n i g h t ^ ^ - — ............ -

L N .» (2 0 8 )7 3 3 -0 6 5 0


gsfaees. undeclared w ar. a w ar c n- peacekeeping operation [>n h as n ev e r been, from th

ing. a ny peace to kcep.’J_ is;— " ~R M g a n ~ h as-d w ^ - to secU onofthew arpow er fi. recpilrcs him to notify C !S.- sends troops Into foreli

"equipped for com bat." £ . Long said th e preside an p o rt under another provi m . .. dep loym ent of troops i 'l

o r Into sltuaUons u4ie le-— involvem ent in bosUlit] it,— ind icated feythocircunu es T h a t provision vroulc

U m etable in which tho to h av e to be w ithdraw n If ( be not au tho riie Iheir can__ p]qyrjir»nt

t a n g r t ^let In th e wording of 63.1

viously IdenUfled a s gen

ro — be added-to-a-pendlng en R obert Dole. R-Kan., he ElizabeU ]E)ole,lsoneol ce _ in R eagan’s Cabinet.I’s Sbcteen o ther laws a re- changed, apparently t s ” leglslaUon, Sm ith said

d ra f t and com bat sta t e s untouched.

Sen. Jqckiss w ill seek elecUon Nov,

m aln ing five yea rs of Jc o t . O ne o f Uie m ost popular

tie sworhinM oncJaylnW as

— S U N D A Y S iF R E E

” \ j f I b o c k y F


lod,! qsK opofOio.rJorjojHroo EnloVp

» z ^ f —

!Off— - -

r disguised a s a t "on w here UiereUie v e iy begin- ' - j

v=lo'-o69erve”a “ ers act th a t only ' Congress if he e l ^ territories

dent should re-ivision covering ________“ Intohere imminentliUes is clearly - -n s ta n c c s^ --------------------j ld ' l r i g ^ r lhe • ' -------------10 t r o q s would If Congress does

conUnued de-,

ickedJ la w a -o ^ 'N T ^ e i d ^ T a s e f f . '^ . '

ng-bUl-by-Scn]-------------------L, whose wife, of three women

also ^ u l d be through other

Jd, leaving Uie a tu s of women

z§on)v. 8 to the re- Jackson’s term., arpoIiU ciansln

ashington, D.C.

jj” " HtDffl

;fpfi^c*?36_______ ________ _

a o x MS E l

While o ther des we’re Sell-A-Bn plenty to choos

■84 TEMPO. AnTempo of your

MUSTANG COand you’re Itchi

RANGER V-6.-> 2x4 and 4x4 me

~ THUNDERBIRIaerodynam ic sJ

BRONCO II. Fc— trim-size.



___________ 1243 Blue~ X w ln .F c

d a e e ^

j p p r

Sepi. 8-1/

bl'-r.. op£

t = j m v k

L L - A - I

! & G a Tealers w^orry abou t wh 3rating with somethjnc o se from at Sell-A-Bra

\n aerodynamically st} jr life.

lONVERTIBLE. You’ve :hing to put the top do

i.' A tough-little pickup T io d e i s , .......................

pp .T h e 'T ew ed up 'ne shape it's ever had. •

For every 4-wheel lov«

j e l h e r ^ l l a r atl5ell-A -B

ILYMONm nle L a k e s B lvd. N . 1»irtts7i r f a h o o ------ ----- —

----------- X —r—

■ - ■ ; V

• V_________ .


H v e r e

- B R A T

n m wwhat to do with last yei jng nevvfor everyone.. Jration prices.

S ty l e d sports sedan to

've had your eye on Its down.

jp with-lots-of-power.-/


Dver, a great new kick i

t y o u rF o rd D< B ratlon p rices;


- -


— No780----- v /VNo. 81

No. 81 w /s


No. 8C. 'w/

m ' i


N FALLS 734-9400 at. 10-6 Sun. 12-5

r i O N

^ r 'S T T T O d e lS T — - '--------(.And we’ve

o pick up the

ts high spirits,


:h-the b e s t....— ..... . ...

; in a new ., -

__________ —

iy.Septombtir9,1083 TImos-

\ 'i j : ; . ■ ~

: 809'SU pporrPaniyhose....... ‘-w yreini. heel & toe.___________, SiO Suppo'ft'PantyhoseI /nudo-hegl rJQlnI,-toe,-----. 811 Support P a n ly h o se ------w /sandaH oot. all sheer, hese th ree styles .

R eg , ^ 9 5 _______

N O W 5 . 7 S, 805 Support Stockings • 'w /re in f. heel & toe

Reg. 4 .75_____________ __

n o w - 3 t 9 5 ---------------------

SIzesA . B . C , D , E . F



b — —

no9-Now3, Twin Falls, Idaho A-3

. “ WIIBamEH r . PubHthif

. . . . S icphtnH a ManagmjE

J— ------------ Thc-m cm bcrs olarc Stepl

D on’t^ T e a c f i e

Raising the \- ......... .dispute 19 risky.

------------ increase-public-------; — the otheoimy—--------------- The-latterrw<

tactics employe Education Assi dispute with the

We thinlir,the i the teachers ar circumstances h

• The issue is . teachers have

pian, which is fl and all dependei

Tiie plan was there were few( ance ^ s t s . Botl

*" ~ iiidnj!? tlicpremlurnsrtoM :

Ithasbudgete — 1 - - two alternative

deductible from Similar plans

__ districts and Inteachers, both i change in their c

They claim su E they have not h!

- r - as an “Incremei In “ step-scale”

• because It 13 not------Butlirooroplr

people would de would like, but It

" W rtB ln r th T sltuation._llfa 0

onlyanes’tlm a^------- estim ated last s]

" That seem s cl __ ^ the board 's nej

-_________ Second, the — : — negotlations-as^ ___ ___ session Thursda

Perhaps rightfu as an affront.

The tragedy h and th&commm for the good of t fo ra n e w d e m e fall; we think thi

■ pass.--‘ 1. -- At the sam e I

- T P E A 's memb( ■ - -year.-assisted b: ^-^deductions-ln-p

tha t the union v.......... the dues deducti

None of these opinion, the teac

^ r — changes -in - th< ~ correspond moi

terns andlhdust The twani, ini

— in the negotiatio---------^B pth-sidesrin-si

exit room from t E a rlie r this su

-------- m ediatorrw hcrshould be calle< beforepositions

L ettersH y e n a s j u s t w o n

.'n w Times-News a n d lie ed ito ria ls ag a in st George 1 m ind of a so rt of (ab le whl<

,_on .__________

S eem s th ere w as a drou( w here th is lion and h is ml3

— to-vvhere lb e y ^ # w h u rtin | an i m ols w ere leav ing o r st they w ere w atd ilo g a s a pi a f le f ;Lslck buffalo. TTicy i hyuiins (11^’t take on the F

__stra ig h rw it, b u t Just run ah i.'cls.'indhaunches. Plhali

~ ^ ^ u T r a I o cJowirand fin ished! a lso not iced how to tally en

' w ere.u ie iio ii tyowiOT

i takct)i:ilb iiffiU o.” _• - "N o, G c o rg e ," .sh ep u m

to showourti%K5 strength . ] ; g e ttin g not ju s t one m eal, t

T bellonB m ilod.know inj ' cunning , a itd ashed h e r to (

an d tb e next d a y tb e byena ; s tag g e rin g acro ss tb e plali t d e a th .a o d b u r r le d to g e ta

H------- Y ep rtfae lion too tod te rr icould sca rc e ly walk. Now, i b u ta ttb e tb o u g b to fp u U in j

! - b eas ts , they lo st a ll sense o

E H ouard ------------ ------- WHSam.f Advcrtii

iH anacn JoryH<13 Editor Clrculat

s of lh e editorial board and.vvi tephcn Hartgen and WlDlam E

t harden er negotiB Visibility of a public ty. Advertisements and lic-syjnpatliy_but_can_ali

-we-are-afraidjris-aieJil lyed the past two days I issociation,' in its esc he Twin Falls school bos le tactic will backfire p are defending a positii

■s have made less viable is a relatively simple ■e a very generous m i fully paid by the dlstrl< dents, except for a $100 d las f in t n e^ tla ted a d 3wer employees and m loth conditions have ch;

$615,000.eted $528,000 and has off ve plans, both of-whict imJ100t»$150.- ■ ms a te hi effect in mf In much of private 1

il union and non-union, Ir coverage is a reductloi such an action is unfal:

; had a pay raise this ye nenf’-the $375-per-teact le” changes, saying 1 lot a change In the “base pinlonrthff$375^srindee define it. I t may not be itltlsstiU aralse. SeTfdiiiiasti’atism ias^i 1 o r l ^ al data on th< rg ap tSetweeiTthe uhioi ated $40,000; not some $1tsp rin g ^ ^ -----------------I close enough to us for negotiating t e w has

e board bas not be< as-we-thlnk-it_could I sday, Iw a i^ m em b e r^ tfuliyTBie teachers totei

f here Is that both sides lunity needs them both if the district's chHdren mentary school m ay be the board needs teachei

le time, tbe union need nbership was just ovei i by the board’s wiilingi i-payroU-checks.-Ther< a would fail to win a ce ctlon plan were dropped se are insurmountable •achers may need to ac< theh:-medlcal-insurM nore d h ^U y to exlsttn

In Its turn, shouTd ta k e : tions.and«>tten-it-s-all-c i-shortrneed-to-glve-ea' n this developing dilemi summer, the teachers c

icrleft~after"one"5essii lied back to assist hi f ns harden furthers-------

s / Pack attoion’t leam[UoydW jUker’s jnj,ge Hansen p u t m e In vb lch l'd lik e to p ass ^ 1

roug&t In them issus lived. And it got 1 ting forfood. beings tb e — m u ,r starving. So one day , Q& a pack of hyenas went sor eyno tedhow (be be<tie powerful anim al tn around nipping a t his— g rtf ta l ly , th e y g o tJ ^ ____ ____ ^ledhlm off.ThoH ons " ' bei ^engrossed.the hyenas,

ijnl. ‘'le t 's go down and , th< , hir

irred, " th en w e’d h av e th .Is e e a w a y o f * , ‘ i l .b ii tm a a y ." ;idngXullwell h is w ife 's ----------toexplalnTSbedId,------enasspoU edtbelioQ ^ lalnslooU ngD ear. ^sla c loser look. ™?rrihlft, anrifieemlng»y__IW, a hyena Isn’t dum b, liag d o w n tb e U n g o f— M ofreaso n ao d j

t h t h

amCBJaW!-------------------------------srtlilng Manager

(HoyijlaOon Manager.

Lwriters.oieditorlals -------Tl E. H ow ard ........

I board7 RMions“l ie e m p l o y e e l a b o r i d m a s 3 r a lU e s - m a y — a l s o t u m s e n t i m e n t '

jflrely-rraBPof-the------s by the Twin Falls Bcalating contract loard.! prhnarlly because ition that tinie and lie.le one. Twin Falis medical insurance Irlct for the teacher0 deductible, decade ago, when - more stable hisur- chang^. TOs^ m

iffered the teachers :ch„would raise the

nany Idaho school1 industry, but the n, believe that any ion in benefits.a ir shice, they say, year. They dismiss icherraise they got I it doesn't count se ."eedra-ralse-as-most-------be as much as they

j-also’bungied-this-------the Insiirmce was___ion ahfftheTjoardls $150,000, wlilch was

>r a settlem entrBut ~ " 5 hisisted thM'Uie ■iiHHllcal L'uverage.--------KCn as active in 1 be. At a critical - -! were not present.^___terpref lhe a s e n c e

les need each other, lh working together en. A bond proposal be on the ballot this ier support to help It

^ the board. Tiie /e r 60 percent last igness to aUow dues ae Js-so m e j e e l i n g = = certification vote If ed. ^le problems. In our accept some modest■Moe-coverage-to-i-----ting hisurMce pM- ..

e a mote dhect roleS-OF-nothingstance.-------sach-other-graceful-^ - mma.s called In a federalisIonr^We-think-he-------1 findhig a solution

acking Hansen± a r g e d th e g rea t cat.

T ho lion, w atching all th e whi) toto th e h lgb grass with tbo hyer lee ls . B ut In th e ta ll g rass they < ■ilm, so they departed , but were

which tb e lion and his mlssu 2a t in g

T b e o ex t d a y the sam e thlngh m i n i ^ off.anotber h y e n a ;_ ^ fignin, 'until th e H y en ^ b e ^ io som eth ing w as very wrong, for t)ecn halved.

“ T b a t lion’s tricking us, going

"N o, b e ’a n o ts m a r t enough, betw een h im and th e tall g rass I th ey d id oDd b ad tb e lion circlet

tho m issus, wbo collared a byci h im Into th e ta ll g rass.

J u s t then , th eh ead hyena sto] a ro u n d , ' 'H ey, w here 's 1

And tbcv aU •- N ow .a lltb eh y en M b u n d ied is a t frow ning a t th e Uon, wbo sal p r« » iln g tb e d ir t tro m himself.chuckling a t tb e hyenas a sh ed ; ram m in g . T his m ad e tb e byemthey^ttackedJW ril. out caiflfttbefo re you knew it, tbere w as 01 left; a nd b e w as skinned upprel

A s b e s a t w atch ing the Uons e

P f f c z rw l y ^ l i S F I E l D SY»

___________ ________________


5 . - J

_____ ~

1; u



B O S T O N -M y vacaUi Fo rw eeks,-! l i v ^ - a t a d life, on on island. Islands locations forvacations. £

We w ere rem oved fron- m ainslream .'rheW 6rtd l

' cove w ith DO m ore urgentide .

E ven th e new spapers ( W llh theh-v in tage datell du tifully , b u t randomly,- a rriv ed , th e s to rie sh ad i sp a c e betw een news and

I h ad a sense, those we ixS&iniK6nnfteTiayst)efc w hen people received “ 0 lea rn ed about opening vc

------ alreadyw onorlost^T he:h ea rin g about things aft<

-------coDtras t, we a re naunllynew s on tho hour every h

I for one am by nature -------JunW erF orm M toftn ffy- -=-244iourcyde, foUowingi

fro n t to th e bacjc pages a Y et I d idn 't find m y ne

wonderecTinsEaHwheQI m ellow ed am ong ou r oni

------ new s to travel.-I wondenp erspec tive w as fo r m ^

- ^ ^ = 1 know^ now s tfaatqa lte red a s it aged. The th im portan t, no, Im portan

ThissW A SH IN G TO N -N ot

____ organization w hosestati------- everyone from uverythii

expanded ita fleldof anx m essages. -

------A ccordlngto D ale Low- = p a r a n o l d , i i o t : ^ ^ j i p

th a t the public be wame< m essag es a re used In coi a s on b irn ipe l-stickers.''

Sublim lnation, a s aU o occu rs below the level of

-------W hen a-m essagaproduoso d ig b t M >Mt to e ffw t t

•---------S o m eycarsago rthO Tad v e rtise rs would flash i

------- th e i iny sereen.- ! h ayetf I____4allclatclyT-whlch-probat

- M yg u ess ls th a tte lev i' . consciously advertised p

____ subllm lnaHv p referred EO ne of the focal points

c ru sa d e a r e the ” ? rO P ” intersections and a t num

il '-o u r tju sy th o ro u g h fa re s .-

m in fo r so m abuddies.

tfhUe. Stumbled do you k lyen ash o to n h ls a g a ln ^ ley couldn’t find N O E l ■ere shy one hyena Tw in) Issus w ere busy D _ O n ^

ng happened, and And ag a in and tw o of tr nlocotlEslder ■ K61tKT( for tb e pack had

jlngluloU loU dl

. . . . . ^ classroc Jl. we’ll Just c u t____ multl-tl]lS3tti!lU lIK .''S 0------E - i J ®

lycnaandclm ge n e rg y

stopped and------------- rtjqu lroj’sU o y d ? ” Tolzln's^ ^ . n o U o y d l femlnd< ted together an d m oneyi> sa l care fu lly ----------- aboiKlo]elf. som etim es th an k s I ted ld h ls B oard .jrenassoang ry m ostbu (le them issus. and ^ i n i r i a IS only one hyena believe prettygood. ' I t w o iD seatlnghls coursec


' al

asm J

itlon, like a mood, passed.1 distance from m y everyday - ids a re ; 1 a m told, p rim eI. Surely ou rs was. om m aln landand d lapped In and oul ol our ency o r em ergency lhan the

s a rrived a t our m ailbox late, dines, w e d idn 't re ad them y,-lolsurely; B y the tim e they .. d a lready fallen Intothe id history. .veekSj of w hat It m m t have .2 fore Instantcommunicatlori, "new s" across oceans. They

ley-w erea chapterbehlnd .__fte r they had happened. By ly. up-tO Tdatetw P.lei^ttU nZ- /bour.re and profession a news____ryearrrstay ifook feira 'a g nam es and faces from the land into obscurity, newslag unsettling. I kher the dally a la rm Was incestors by the tim e It took “red how m uchof their !d by th a t distance.

things th a t seem ed ___ant, changed. I t w as a s if I

itop siglot-Safe, a California Bted ©>al is lo “protect hingatanyeosti* '^ha3— — Qxlelies to iQclude sublipilnal

owdcrmllk. th eh ead ------------jpo rts l e g a t i o n lo require :i^ H e n ^ u W lm ln a l-------------w m m unlcations m edia, such

i of us Nervous Nellies know, • of consciousperception.

:l the consciousness. It is said

r« w as concern th a t television h sublim inal com m ercials o ^ tft^ieard-any of-thatW ndof—lahlyJsjustasjwelL_________viewers continued to buy 1 products, even when they1 Brand X.________________ _ts of Low derm llFs new ?”^slgns seen a t traffic - — imerous o th e r l o ^ tions along s.— -----—1-' - " ~ ~

surprises- —es. he got m adder and maddejI know about th a t . . . be a tta c. Som e people neverlearn .S L T .K R E F Tn F aU s >

i* t raze Gooding s<)ve it o r te a r It down and s ta rt th e four <^tlons advanced by

Toizin;SiipeTlntendent of the School a t Gooding, beautiful, tree shaded campu

al modern^ nearly new brick b ling th e adm lnlstratlon/U brar ■ooms, dorm itories, cafelcria. th o u sand dollar hKloorswimi (inontotSelovQyT>fIcltl»m e olzln. ■nisonabtoprogrsiininHFBOIH] lenance, upgrading of older bi y conservation, and moderob red Is absolutely necessary, bi I 's options a ro unbeUevable. I Ided of tb e terrib le w aste of ta y ev o ry d a y by Ibe p a tb d k si| looed Idaho S tateTidxrculosl s to ou r abo rt-fil^ ted governo 1, a n d s ta te representatives. / b u reau cra ts and poUUclans a tax p ay e rs a re so gullible U at reonylG InfandpaytintirtbB y vu ld seem to m e In th is ca se ti e o f actton would be to k e q j lh

t i

| ^ 4 i H - G 0 0 K

h ad dropped out o f a 8oa; te. t ra c k I n t e r e s t in tbe

^v e rn m e n ts , tb e w ars, sy — In those weeks, tbe stc

h io n eo fm y o ld p ap ers . even ts but about tbe dlst

' In the vastness of q tace , ini' new so lar systern being I y I m l ^ t bave ignored t J in m y own pressing worl_____ of breaklngnewB.Buth<

thought about It waUdng- • lnthffham m o ck .lh ad U

som ething cosmic, a va: *nie only other tHiUelli

of m y vacation m ind evt 3 'n ie s ta te o fU )e ^ e 3 ,l l t

tMirVhfTTKli th ftrtiituto m ake a legitim ate cla

~ By conirasi, u»e oeiaw I talesofnatlonalpolIU cs-------- around In some c e l I

t r a n s l^ c e of daUy even!c n __duys’-lengthaerosa thei

. b lzarreecboeso ftheo ld" 'n ie y 're rioting in Afrli


lOl .................Because “STOP" speU

__ L ow derrallkA rguesJhai> :— prom ote drug abuse. Aioc— Certainly som ething I s n ch m arijuana consumption

Itco u ld b e ,a sL o w d en V,- highway departm ent Is u

" e rra tic behavtor” t lu we— program m ing.”------------Id B u trm n o ts u ro w h a tt TTr.t ^ f f pe K 'a b o d d be . lon-^— ‘'V lELD ’-tobvtouslywi on Although “ YIELD’’ spf------ ^ b b e rish , the word la vei____ sublim inal m e s s a g e s ^

Would you w ant yourC fo r da tes If you knew the^ Incessantlyconfronted b; "Y IE L D r'Isu re w o u id i

-------—r d r a th e r ta k e a chancng backwards.~ ~ c o uderm ilksays “ subl

der.an d w h at b e re a n d f lre ' lacked them b ureaucra tic

understandin approxlniale] expense accoi

schoolarto v er” are if tb e S ta te b y ‘Doctor* options re g a rbeldabo ------ Scbw^atGoo

. . opUonsl8Ug{ ipusboasts 1. P ire K e it jcbuUdlngs 2. Appoint! rary . C o m m itte e ..± i .a n d a s.D evelop iiTT^mlngpnnlmefurnlfllied“ — 4 :c io ae ly o

ac tiv ities o f fliflg ------------------j i M w i mrbuildlngsfor Gooding

More sci3.1am Itw o u ld a pttaxpayers b e r le tte ro fS• s lg b to f tb e . tbeB U dew ailosis Hospital, period of tlmiroo r,L and F O rsb e s tas.An>arenlly un iverse andsco rrec tly I m u s tr e mu tt^w iU BU^DOttbeB yb iaB ii' -—EBtelleWke tb ek )g !ca l s d e o c e te a c tilbescbool moiikey8. d a

7 $ ^_ . 1 ^

____ _______ >__________

eni'odman ©

Boap opera audience, aod loet tbe ca s t of d ia rac te rs , the r s , th e trends and bills.1 sto ry th a t stuck wilh m e most r s , w as not aboutw oridly d istant event of another world. 1 sdCTtists a re observing a ^ b o r h . _ _ . . .ed th is astronom ical discovery rorkaday life, in the confusionlhereJlstuck .W lth m e ..I____dng on country roads aod lying id th e space to wonder about v a s tlim e fram e, e lln th a t m ade the front page every d ay w as tbe weaU»6r.:, like tb e condition of iny lennli a tu s of tb e cl am I! a ts seem ed claim for attenllon.

Jcs, tb e w a r bulletins ra ttled Bl h ad a lready em ptied. ■n>e /en ts becam e m ore apparen t a bebay,:At.tlm«s.IeTOn h e b ­oid Tom Lehrer song: L frica .lra .la .la .'’ .

afeatakJV est:__:_- —peUed backw ards Is "POTS,” la l the se fligns subllm lnallyAndbe m ay be righ t.___ _____is responsible for increased lonterm ilksuggests, th a tth e is unwittingly promoth}g trough "hypnotic

lal the rep lacem ent for”

ywon’td o . - - - -----------— ^' K )dled backw ards Is pure ■ v S ta b iy c ra w iln g ^ tn ..

ir children borrowing your c a r they w ere going to be d by signs urg ing tbem to

ance on th em reading "STOP*

[ublim lnal’abstractions'

Ire Tolzln if he is an exanqile ol itic adm inistratkuL 11 Is m y ding tb a t th is m an is paid alely $40,000.00 a y ear, has ao ccount and a m odem b rick boD (ree w ith all utniUes pa id by oti

ate B oard of Education n e e d T gardlng the future of t t e S tate . 3oodlnftTrfeaBtfcaMl<fer Ibe fo u g ^ :[eilbToIzhLn t a T axpayer 's Advisory.------e . . ---------------------- " .......op a long-range p lan for n g an d lm p ib v ln g tb ead iD a l.- [y control and supervise tbe— of ftrtjiTO sdiool siyerinteodeoi


science vs. religioni ap p ea r th a t EsteUe WIersems o f S e p t 4. d id oot Uke It wbeo 1 ivaa compUfid aod w ritten In a < inae.s ta te s , yes, seven daya to c rea m d m an Is a sh o rt period of U c e m lo d b e r, Iw a s re fe r r in g to t tb e un iverse and m a a W tersenaM tfiraeem B toeaytii a c b e n teacb th a t m an cam e d d a lm ln g It w as tb e abaolute




" Becaiffle the papers tbi------ no lodger news and oo ty

questions of them . Woulc Iso lated m urder o r the b«

& M arcos? Would B arbara w — ralI»^J0H ^n^A ^co^ata ^ voices? Would UaU be Ir t Iw onderifou rancestc

dally buUetlns, removed m ore ab le to weigh Impo

s t m o re a b le to U v e in tb e n Uves? While w e Uve Indi

d. . focused on both the m int a an d fundam entals, weatl

-------T k n o w on ly tha lm yrery an d sta rtU n g astb ecrasI n Im m ed la lie ly lam back l _ buUellns, iqh tM l^m ta ii og t u n ^ ._______ PerfaaiM tb ere Is oo le i

com m unicatlohs. wnHe« ) le tte rs on frigates from c

leadO T o fn a tlo n sare no als quickly a s questions aod 1 telephone Unes Joined, a

I s iy p o s e th a t i l i s l ^ v

. disengagem ent is now a: “ "■■.vacations, ia t M ine is over. StiU, son: 1— ;;; solaT system Is being boi

EUea Goodman wrJl^

rny spei" contain m any diaboUcal,

■ and X -rated com m unlcat-------regulated.'? P e rb iq » th ^— however, whether Bublhn ’ force for good.---------- ScseM fflU Y jtoT O sre...i.i.m essageaon .^tj'eetslgns.

national cam paign againSuppose, for exam ple,!

w eaving his wajM own tbi saId"K N U R D .” Consdoi

.sense. B ut would U not gi' d r iver?________________

Would not th e blottertoi

------ fiffire would w hat tb e ilgback ing tq> to m ake sure I

HHInlcMi I'm ponvTiige____ sign would b e a w b e rin g ia r Meanwhile, th e w ord ‘‘1

Im planted In tb e driver*^ subllm lnally aw are th a t 1

I]— arevytBgroany.

D/cJc West writes a colu InleraaUoaaJ. ---------

o fo u r beginning of life.I s u re don’C know

E s teU eb asb een re a would be m ore lociome com e tro m num. o u r ta x As fo r bow long 11__________ an d jn a o ilw o u ld bs knows.

— ------- I-alsom ustrem iifour s ta ted in m y letter,

W IU iA M H A n T w ln F a lls .

“ :Dlsappoint€i w a s a S ^ d f i f i

----------------gam e.-M ore^w cUints. ^ led th e "B ruins

p l a y ^ a g o ^ g a r o aw ay w ith tb e gam

• th e Je ro m e Tigers n a ,h i ' young m en on th e i i l s a ld ' a o d offense during a s b o r t . _ j> eJdT w toF allsa ti

deserv e m uch b e d e a te a g lw L - • . Ime. A lsotbecapU oniDthe covered th e event.

T ig e r (ISO) Is Je f f I«hat---------- G orky-Federico^i:itro m KETIHFABNS1

J f ln o w

n e s ^ e w s , Twin, Falla. Idaho> Friday. Soptombero’ lSM

------- ^ -


m !9

s th a t cam e to our co ttage 8 ^iotyethl^Ga7 . 1 a s k e d d l t t q |^ ........'oiild Aquino’s death be a n H i ] . jebeg ln n ln g o rtb een d fo r B 'i }ara Honegger be s e i e n a a s ^ .'^ c razy lad y w b o b ea rd — --------}e Im portant? ,«stors, less bohabarded by ',)ved by tim e and space, w ere ' mportance. W ere th ey a l s o ' : : be nea r and fa r grouod o f ttaBlr In dally cycles, w ere they roflfe— oin u ttt and lhe eons, m inutW ‘ reaU ierandB O larsystem s?-^ .y re tu rn here w as a s a b n q i^ -;--------xasbo faK oreana lrU ner.ick to news tha tco m es i n - " r --------ninute events. Again, I s ta y ? ■'-------------- -— .— „ — -----------

0 leisure In ou r worid of In s ta ^ u ieou raB cestO T W U T ie ff^ '» = = = )m one cap ita l to another, t t iS enow preMu r e d t o r e ^ ^ r f --------

d, com puters alerted.Inevlt^^le: Coihmunlcatloa m s

w a IUXU17 for islands and

somewhere in the cosm os, a


? e dcai, ambiguous, subversive r IcaUons m a t m ust be stric t!^th ^ s b o u ld .- i 'rn w n d a rh ig .i---------3lhnlnatlon couldn’t also be a

in e d to m e th a tsu b llm ln a l }*gn s jiJgh t a b ^ th e x n iite h l. .....ja ln s t.d ru it driving.____________ _lie, a n Intoxicated m o to rist n tb e s tre e t cam e to a sign tha t SdOUSly, tb e sign nmtroq 00 )t give a pause to a tip sy ^

jrtonguebehfia ilievS ieldG yihnllf»hmplnng^notiytitftl i i l ^ m eant, perhaps e v e n _____ure he bad read It righ t? Ia j s a i m r a g o antcrtnffgocffg-— ingexoerience. '>^ ® ) l k ' ’ wouraBe------------------er '^b ra ln . m aking him liat he had consciously d o w n ^

column tor Uni ted Press “

e. . . . . . now w hat kind of science booKs n reading, t)ut a fle r th a t, I)iy»l }»Ay fTx^nlraya

ng 11 took to c rea te tb e un iverse ild h a v e to sa y —Godonly.. ' ______

miind EsteUe Uiat I nevertier, Bible no Aid to S d e n c e if .U T N E H

nted with covera^e-fliteB tn lb e ^ x ir ts section^"-

ilDS Rim Roughshod O ver •

same, but to I n ^ th a t Ibex n m Sam ew lU xM it^reg iB M for ,■ers Is oot c o rre c t Som e of tbe h e l i g e r te am played def eo#e ring tlw fn <rwg«rrw» Btw< sak a re^ iec ta ld esco re ; ' better recogniUod th an w as <

lon under ttie p icture, whltib e n to e e d sa c o n e c tk in . T be effK U ngeraboutto tack leb(#34>.------------------- :----------------NSW ORIH

L i v e ;ByPATM ARCANTONK Times-News writer

F IL E R - D espite Ihre-------- <JoudB—and - srnttered.

' crow ds continued to vl ______ p*nHBr.rtimlyFfllrftnTtill________ Tlw w et sprink les th a t

. " n o t enough tO a m p e i saJd N eom a Sbouse, a f a n d - th e wffe of fa ir m Sboosc. ■- - — •


R e p o r t e r T rlllh<

R eport I r o m i nByM A RTY TRiLLH A A

“ T Tim^Newswriter- —

“ f i l e r - U i e r e a r e d abou t m y worit wondi reaU y getting pa id fo r th

^.‘nmrsday'w asootooe' I T h ere I w as, a slttli^

(— ■'T a l l a X ^ t y Falr,*tryln !--------BSerles-of-strong-pllchinfi--------nbTMcoasruratBtaylng------------ I-B booldhaveknow nb

began a t7 ,a .m ., w ith a U bfVdrian A ip 'o f the-loca

---------Soclety^AipAvantixlequ-B tory I h ad w ritten th(

■ abou t the Snake Rlvi antlijM idear boo lh -a t_ l

- Jo h a B lre h Society b a s l: th e fa ir fo r ie l^ ty e a r s ih

___ T he tone fo r the d a y ha

After headini

S en a t...........BV R IC K S H A U G H N ^


B U H L - S l a t e S e a ’ decided to se rv e o u t tb

te rm In the L e g is la tu re ,...... -oTflce.- ------------------T -T h e -B u h l rea l-c s ta te i

8enl6rity~among memb(------- d^dded^a ll-iU iU llfr^

’ g b v em o ro f R o ta ry Jn le t I 'T v e b e c n te m p te d w l

^ y e a rs lu tbeJLegialature ‘T be R o ta ry position “ to >JrtndupacarB er”

H is DOW position, ove R o ta ry d u b s In soutberu would be.^ IncompaUb: L eg is la tu re because U w a t le a s t ooce aod p robab

T ry ing to bold dow n t------ ^ f a l r to-votar s of-to -the

B ark e r, a R o U rian six decision.”

i s to e f cNIO _■ ^ . No fig

T hursday ' p e i u ^ t o l

hrea ten lng g ray The failpH r n in p ^ rc n n q ot

visit tb e Twin T h a t w as rh u raday -— Uw~8ame<ha t did faU w ere____ ^Mre._Slipen nnyihing,**— alleridaho a fa ir em ployee d ay of t( • m anager Tom num bers.---------------------------availab le

^ ____ _

l h a a s e h a d t o e m p t y h h

t^ j^ o o k sQsidejdulA A S E — — *— n ie r e f i-------- -------------- Uons a s t<

. thedunk-( « days w hen I go 1 could jodering: A m I ev en t Is, t r th is? ra is e s moeofthOBedays:— Gounty-S ting duck a t th e ...unit.

•ylng to 'o u t lQ s m ia v e T ” 'S i ling -anns.-1-was— uolUe-ooning d iy :-----------------fo req n lp in b e tt« .-M y day— m em bers a telei^xme from expenses, ocal John B irch B ut the«<'jiint p lay w ith fl 1th e d ay before E a r i ie r in

liv e r Ailiance’s suggested(ho (Air. Thft ' A iighftnp

as h ad a booth a t tank .s:B enate< t---------------THerffwrh ad b een se t. •.<

ng the state H&

torreti^ESSY.___ ________-A — -

a John B arker, R-Buhl, h a . the second y e a r of h is nintl ire a ndT l^n re llre fh iiu pulUi

te agent, wbo ran k s-teco ^ -lj n b e rs of th e S enate, say s be'i [g to tplro n p wltfqn a s d lstric

! » S E R < o - S ' ' - A n e r l ure , “ I’ve gotten worn down.' ‘to an booor aod a good w ay t

jverseeh ig the operation of 3 lern I d ^ aod easte rn Oregon lUble w ith serv ing in th It will involve visiting tb e d u b lab ly tw ice a y e a r , he s a y s .. m botb posiUons would M t b

» g t c

k s h e \figures w ere availab le on ay ’s a l l e n d a n e e r b u t 'i t ap- to t>e good, M rs. Shouse said, 'a ir office rq>orted th a t 16,048

a s 870 m ore than la s t y e a r on^

_SIwyse_also reported_ good_ ihce W ednesday al^ th e f lh t”

tho rodeo, but she h ad no rs. P len ty of tickets a re lie for th e rem a in in g 'ro d eo


h is s h o e s a fe w t im e s

s outside m k tanke a re 'a n y iiu m b e r 'o f explon£= 3 to how I ended u p p e r d ^ on ik-tankseat...lid say I’m a soft to u d i. ‘Ih e s. a f te r all, fo r a good cause. I t money for the Twin F alls

-S b e r lf r s - s e a rd i-a n d - re s o u e

s e a re tb e-only fun ds th a t we ‘SHyr'Jlra:W ood,'*tbe-rcsi5cue s>mniaodar,-i-T1mt-g)es.solely ipm ent’p u rdu isesrN oD goftw r

e s ."i ie sim ple tru th of th e m a tte r

• In the day, I half-Joklngly had led to Sheriff J im M unn th a t be o p u t a rep o rte r o u t a t th e dunk

e w a sw g o in g b a c fc ----------------*-See DUNK oo P a g e Afi

& W com m ittee

i r i n g i n t------------B u t w hile B a rk e r cont

dlfflcu lt tim e. U nder ex bas cand id a te s from w esten Into g o (^ c h a i ^ o f being el<

_____Id a b o d is tr lc tju d g e , cand-ln— b e le ss llk d y to wintbosc tie's" - “ You’v e got to rem en: ric t vnu’r e going to have I

— oounty.^' B a rk e r says. x l7 a re a , D istric t 24, c u r re m.” T w in F a lls County, be y to in te re s ts o f tb e eqU re cot

T h e con troversy over 130 -d o u d o f u n certa in ty ove gon, . j iB t m o re th a n flve m o the six-w eek filing period

tubs perso n s in te re sted in si know w h a t leg isla tive s(

t b e b o w th e c o n te s tsw illb e ( ;^ya Tho p lan flpproved bv iftsy D a r C^gsv/ell would m

—T s ing le leg is la tive distri'

w s b ron perto rm ancesisbesa ld . ip- Among th e activiUe

T hursday w as free boi M8 ta lnm en t a t the picnicay.__ afteraoon,^a_grQ U Pjj)on youngsters, called the 1 -~ ~^8a n g -ln -sw c e t,: .q u le t

« d _ groiqs's leaders, C h an rat— P e te rsen of T w in-Fal DO tb e lr d e a r versions of 1ire reccp tlveaud ience.......ieo-------I n - th e d ay 's compc

M r > -

H C o n t e s t a r

H ..:B yD A V EI£>V IS.. -.

H . F IL E R — Miss Ro H T ^ ^ - 8 4 will re v iv e ber ■ _ following three days of ■ ' T be new M iss R od

rtf Nampft, Hn H ton ight’s rodeo, Qt abou ■ ■ ' T h irteen contestanti

th e s ta te a re vying f T h ^ b egan t h d r q t ^

•W ednesday iiiom iflg , .persona lity aod appeal t i o a “n i a t evening the

Q _ l h e ! speaW ng.and mod V —tlo n rsa y sK a ria D e m it

th e M iss R o (te id a b o o


I t Times-News writer aliaDue____ FnJSR-a^m fitljne!

F a lls County F a ir antic y p , „„A ^ ^ ff8 s- i^ n ch -h o tU n je — in d en taU o n s-o o -a ll-i

nnaU v b ecam e a wlnn oai— th& (ireti«ar-ajudgek]

. stp erln len d en t, sayste r item s , J ia d iie e n e n te n,th s a v s th ere is always s(lad fo r persons in le restea i:b e ' T he antique d i ^tnfc- a round ,” she says. In

F a i r is-the-oaly ooo-c______ gW^h fl

Som ething new, ]iU


i t O ^ O t contends his decision was easy >-successofs-wiU-bavc-ajnon ‘ existing legislaUve d istric ts tem Twin F a lls County stand ( ; elected, be says. But.under^ auU y approved by a uor th e n ranritrffltga from th a t B tea wll lose seats, bep red lc ts .— — lem ber, If you 're going lo run fe to c a n ^ g n all over th< m. H e says th a t Utbougb.hij iren tly indudes only w e ^ be b as tried to represen t tb< tcounty.iver. cedistrictlng to casting t over tb e d ec tlo n p ro c g s . WIU m onths re m a ld n g b « o re tbi rk)d for candidates begins a seeking ofOce do not reaUj e seato w ill be 19 for g ro ts 01 b ededded .

I m ake T w in F a lls County 1 a r ic t . 'w l th - two' Behator8 a a

Id. m em beraLies a t th e fa ir took tho nm etow n enters division lie a rea . In the K nlgge, 1 j)(_ T w ln F a lls cham plor e M elody N otes. Hollister, !pt-vnlt««»w - *nw»- p tnn:* ~ irm and Roland Knlgge 'a lls .-a lso -g a v e — n a m e d -" if love songs to a from .thol.................................. “ I sawipetlUve e v en ts ,- th e nam e

- y

^ s!

a n t D e n is e J o h n s o n w a

Rodea- Thursc

---------------------------- lants-cor........................ho rsem a

todeo Idaho for calegori( e r crown tonigni, coW-hon ofcompetition. A m erica M ieo'Idaho tak e Thursd ntjiueen,_V lcM e— w ere-JudduringAbreakJn—ute^^ancout9p .m .jte from around ,; [or DieB a t lo r lh e m n m ^ 1 ? “ “ 8 _ ta lh e polM, . jarance com petl- “ They hey took p a r t In s h a ip in odellng competl- gr6und," tnett;-the b ead o f -— ^The wi > con te st com pete

OTH — ----------- '

lea. even the ju d g e a J a ih f tl t t tlque departm ent a re stum pe

fnitr a lA x fnr TtftMlnlin e r th is y e a r b ecause *‘thl9

f Twin F alls, the deparim ent s th e bolUe, like m any oU> jred fo r.sev era l y e ^ . .B u t al som ething different e a ch y&

d in antiques anaconectiBTes. )Iay is tb e b est “ anyw hc to fact, lhe T ^ F a lls Coun i.cxoq}tlGd63lpg to .ev en lE i

Iterally, th is y e a r is a sm£

a i ^ l e a isy, fou r re p re k n ta tiv e s .>rw iy n p^^ *ited by one secto , fro m a ~ f l o t ^ a l dlHd a M agic VaUey CounUes r a — Un d e r th e pgiirting >

rill__ rep reseo laU xes.ead i,._______B en Y su rsfl,.tbe chiun, s a y s tb e Idaho Supren the th e F e b .2 7 flI in ffd a le l hla_ ..phnlH^ th a t Is unlikely, a nd be tbe lo d e d d e w hether to I

e ffe c t > ^ e tb e appeal { a Y su rsa say s b e hope Ith th to y e a r . “ I t would the— d r a g ^ <» into Janua i os, P o ten tia l candidate illy In d u d e R eps. L aw roi o r B rack e tt, R-Twln FaU

‘B a rk e r f^TnpriaA the IgB -th«y- p l a n - tn . .Mwk . r' a positions.UK]— — • - • SeeBy

f e ?

d q l v f ;e n o’f the Holiister 4-H Clu no two tc ^ spots in the Junto m m ark e t steer show. Kan< e. 17, o f F iler, w as nam ed g rar >lon. and Greg Andreason. 18.« e r , w as nam ed reserve chan

jgo’sp riz o -w in n in g -s te e r

ho B roadw ay show “ Cats!’ '"■ aw th e show In New Yorit.:{Ui me rem inded m e of m y s te e r ft

Agaves t o t h e c ro w d d u r i

iJdahaisd a y •a f te n io o n .- th e . contc com petedin-the qualUy-of th< mnnShip, : '^ t h tid e s : ln ..tfar Dries: f r w p a t t ^ workli o ra e "PHtt5 n rT m r-Misg~l todi Ica p a tlem , Dennett says, red a y 'n ig h t, the^am tiestan|iylgWl on thAlr nppoflmnrfland en trance before the todoor jie tl say s the Judges w ere loo ir contrbl o f th e horses, spe« » n tro l. lead changes and if 11 was sitting de<9 to the saddle, tey need to be as a ttrac tive ai In th e saddle a s they a re on tl

d ,''8 h esay s .“w innftr 'o rtho 'conqw tltlohw ete to the .Miss Rodeo Am eri'

w in ^ ja ft^calliope, built l ^ tw to F a lls , who e n t e i ^ it f(

Inform al hlst(?iycai Twin thfl n ttraetlvelv pane iped. disp lays — from the b

dIng„_geD graphy.book: .fron Us te hold ^ p m e n t of ,

ent’s - ^ to a a ndsllver. - j tber G l a ^ a r e en tries i ta h e _ say s, b u t th ere a re mo y ea r A m o u n ts displayW.------ wereToUild'ljrNovada;* e re And branding Irons >unty ranches, th e WInectq) have, w hich once raverdd

provide a r e a history imall California ^ T m i n e b

idershi]33. T lw county also w u ld I senator and two representativi listrlct'' c o m p o se d ljn h e "elg ies.lg d istric ts, the

________________ -chief, dqm ty. sec re ta iy _ o O l^ rem e C ( ^ could d e d d e befo: te for candidates w iiether i t w re d ls tri^ n g p to n ^ B u t-h e^ ! be says tbe h l ^ cou rt will ha^ to leave C o g s ^ ’s d istric tssal te being d edded---------------opes th a t d edslon will be ma< uld be very confusing if iluary.^^-----------------------------ates for B arker’s post do ii ro )ce Knigge, R-Fller. o r Nc 'a lls. These two m en, wbo wi be D istric t 24 ddegatlon , « i - r e « l e c t lo o > 4 o - t t i e l r - « ^

I BARKER on P i« e Afi

a i r a i tClub som e reason7^saIcrUi jilor- is th e daugh ter ( :andi . Law rence Knlgge. ra n d F o r A r id r e ^ n . it v 18, o f a f te ry e a r s tn th e d u b fiflih- ~ M o re lhanlOO'4-H’cj

. - ' "o f F u tu re F a rm ere ol r is. {e r^partlc lpated tn thi4ook------- Ai>-ii<^)en-to-Wor:" followed the JunloM ,:and . B efore the ju d g in g ,: jr fo r— p artic ip an ts - a like I

Liring t h e M iss R o d e o Idi

) b a ttleintes*. d sn te st l a O Uahqm^

ny^orphor, riltringth ree . .F in a b -------rfctog D ennett sa y s th a t I w u w thp nnfifinn i

w ell to th e p ast. I d ^ tan ts ' T exas to th e nttinl

leo.------- w in n e r3 ;J 'e x a sh a sElook- She also potols oui speed' n e v e r h ad a M iss Ami if the The com petitors, a Ie. Idaho , m u ^ have w e and “ *** sponsem th e ' T he contestan ts

H enm an of Idaho a w ill -B lak e rM y JftJ^ e le rs ) i ^ c a a ll of Boise; M danle

wtoter by D ick D iam ond of Tv itfo rd i^ la y b n ly . ■ can be absorbed to ea sy gulps lan d e d buUdtog th a t holds t le birch-baric boakets e n t i r e hP <^»pwqp Im H nM -tn an i ’rom_lhe_lmplements and hou )f yesten iay . to iKe expect

es a re down thte yea r, Lange m ore saddles lhan e v e r before a y of dooriajobs.’ som e of whitdars tow changing sty le s :-------ons from tw o w<^-lTOwn lai ;tq> to N evada and th e Shoe Sc red“ m'uch c n a u t h e m Idal o ty . while a skille t used in ie b ro ad S isth e ---------- T

j_ Mdffce needslBy BOB PR E U N I

lUves Times-N^wriU ?Ight .


eforo com efrom ^buslD ___ of<hnWflst.MflOK

n ^ n uuw lay;:: :— T - taTO Joining Gov. T'IS in KTfintnnn a t Q tTS

n t y

1 M saM ho wUI t e Noy „ tro d e jn l« sliii- to wllh China In two WM

■ relatlom wllh Ihi; -fiiiitbitr.


a en d <th c u s e n a ^ . who ;w l th b r ^

of s ta te Rep. an im a ls I Sheeps

t w as h is first w to M agic V Jb. Show alsi’e rsaiirm g 'naxsrs— -T heT n of-America-chajx— faii^ rou i ujeeveni. p art"5xcorM' ' ' Btcer ehow — F a lr -4 to ^m ark c l contest, w e re av i , youth and adu lt— F ile r , po

h u r r ie d . around . .w e re n o l

d a h o c o m ^ l l U o n T h u n

r e n d ^ c^,Clly. OWa.., thte „jberily;,. Ii ^ Nnttonfll .Tri^n Oa

t l d ^ ’s e n b lM to

S o ranks second to _ tnber o f naUonal .0*“ ° ° * Idaho has had four T he at b a d f l v e ^ ----------- t b e - T ^)ut th a t Idaho h as i t to san aierica. R odeo IVall from southern M iss Roc

won a local com- iso redbyag roup . Ja — a r e : - - S l» f l a ....t a n a ~ Po Falls;- Neenle H olm es s and-Kris-Searie, p e a l o f 1 lie T ^ lo r of lOm- C aldw el

o j^ ^ ta mrw to - A -handm ade wash]

- w ith a b d e for g r ^ p ^ youthfu l fa lr-goers gU

^ N ibley-Channel Lmnl t ln n ~and o photegTHf

? i ^ , _ a t . t h e . o I d Albion Noi ^ g _ A n p a H a j S S jK M tiaa.

once w orn b y Gertruc

w h lted ress .Sole, And am ong J b e vli laho, ' p a g e from a B o ^ to a M essenge” of Ju n e l

“ 7 -------year,“b u n S e am ount i

etinggoxxdi business tl

W n i e 1

~ ~ ~ from id !Y - State gov- in g ,aa \ ipen doon to' b ^ buslnea air=W(tr-‘"-WoiSB— "Wflrtd ‘m ortof the fln a^ Produd

dnesB. a nd In d u s try : . Th*-c av .A h n R v ansaaM

3 f* M -p ra i8 e d - to -

eeks to t ra d e J J S L ^ o o u n t r y a l l j ^

lay, S oplem ber9 .1983 ' TImei

^ a n e f c =tin o b es to h ^ to pfeparo th o ir .......a ls fo r th e competl tio a s e ^ re e d to g judgtog and the c V alley Jun io r Beef Brcedtogni«« w ere hd d n i u rsday . __

3 mortUng and afternoon a t the - rounds-w aa_quiet.for_lbe_m {»t_:_■5X cqjt“fo r u “fender^>ender-on------R oad 2 p m Nn ctetalls ava ilab le on th e a cdden t, but a police spokesm a n 8ald_lhere -.

n o l n j i ^ e s . '_ . . . . ..................

- - .T»r«IWphQ«^fiKVESAyESON

l u t a d a y a t t h e f a i r____________________________j_____

borngfatr-,r; H d d l Peterson of Jerom ei i Ost«j>QUt qf'T trth ' F ^ ; K eri - fting o f O akley: L au ra Jen sen S I iM lc d i^ e K e ll^ o f 'A lb lo n : l^ o h n s e o o t - BuMt— a » ^ —{land H m ;.an d _ U to a___gofG ooding. • _____________I

e contest te being q>onsored by S v S ^ a i s C ^ t i ^ a t t q w an iran d — sanctlooed by tb e Intem atkm al » M anagem ent, which bolds tb e - Rodeo A m erica contest,

e Judges fo r tbe contest a re : * la J e a n Conroy of McCammon, r P a r k e r of Wendell. Lee H. aes of Meridian. W.W. “ B1U '«~- , o f Nam p a and Jim m ie Hurley of .. well. • . . "

nping*ashboard-and-a knife sharpener - ^ t e and a handle to crank give s glimpses of “olden days.”

um ber Co.. a pioneer Twto FaUs trB rirofthB 'flrst-gradnatingdaas” ™ Norm al School to 1904. of which

in a T w ln F a U s n ;^ g h o m e.w M

triid e Pom eroy Loucks, wbo Uves Etetirement Center,, along with , a

) v in taf^ books to a faded front o ^ = o e w q > ^ , tb e “ Weekly— M_iia8i3t-U-C0sLQnly:S2.».psa::— tint w as payable to advance.

investment^le Institu te of ibe RocUes to Jng to p . govCToment c ^ d a t e

a s weU a s Individuals trom the n e ss a n d a c a c ^ c sectors, a t t t ia a m 'lu itsforlB tennDima t e = iu c ta ,” a trad e cocfetence on

y 'M n fe p ^ la l y held a t - _

bursday’& ^qw aterB sa id theiky_. J « « n W o ._ 8 ta t f f l . ; .M d e>ranging> ,'opportUQlUeS' for- ';Ing tb e lr p r o & t s In tbe. F a r t t and P a d f lc 'B lm countries, - th e i r e f f o t t s 'h a t f been reU - ' ' d y ' i i i e i ^ tm ta tbe la s t few IS fO r 'a 'n a m b e r of rsasoos, y'sakL.---".

imes-News, Twin Falls, ktaho A-9

y^;g-nmrt4iowa.Twfn Pal


___ _ ^m eS:Newswiiier__

: :_ -T W lN F A L I ^ ’IlM •6'f tho prosecution’s b th e sex*abuso ca se of F a lls vete rinarian Chi w as unknown T hura a f te r a judge ordered

_______ g ld _ _ ta k e n _ ln )m _ t; custody.

- ____ _ Twtn F a lls County

: •niuTBdnv when deput ' to enforce Jtx!ge Cl

bach ’s .F i f t h .p is tr ic..............C ourto rder.

D eputies say they wV------- -seek the-g lrir-A nd the

th a t c a se soys he fs i options.

------1 - - “ We’ro still ln a go------J -w e 're taking I t one ste

; sa id deputy prosec ; Voorhecs.

I . _.Ono.optlon a v ^ a h h J '■ "would Involve flashing

• to loca te" to a rea p = H n « tS r ^ t - s r o u ld al

J | \ ^ a h r o l\ BURLEY — w nue nn I son’s hom e Lo (he s ta te of ; a 73-year-old Ohio woma H iu i id a y In a one-car 'In te rs ta te 84, two m iles JSublettR oadexlL .: T he w om an jv as Ido "H iu rsd ay night, by an

, 'E a ^ a k e .O h lo .. "nie w om an and h e r SOD

' :w u ila m M atty of F e r a r id ingJn.a_van._di

IFive-ve: TWIN F A L l^ - A 5-1 c r itica lly In jured Wedoej

; ln a trafO c a cd d eo t, dlei a t M agic Valley Regi

r ^ T T ie <±ild, R yan B ^ n e n g e r In a c a r driven m t t e r , l7 -yearo ld Kfinbe

- - - to f Tw in F alls. -i i N o cita tions bave 1 *<igalDst the teenager, i

-------- a te h o -S ta te J o llc & - lf l-e

|! V K en n e th A u thorn . = r : A I^O N -K cnnethA u '■ ■ ? • olAJbJoa.dlodTu«tays!

r . Un«plti.l In Bitrfaw, fldsnUloess.

--------r '-rB dm N dv.H ri913.4lC l------- : - att«oded Tocb High in C

I ' and la te r sUeDded tbe

> Oakland from wfienbftwa------- 1 :-G6.wbeobonUfedandm

r • He maiTted Nellie Ma ; . Mayie.iB30.laOakland.I ' Ka was afnUaled with - . churcb in Oakland. H

- memberortbeBoeDaMi ; OaUond and h« also wai

! ; Cassia Lodge No. U In AU) ! •. . ._Survlvoia Include:.Wa — ~ tw o“ flona—Robert-C—I

Leandro, Calif., and Pai Idaho Falls: a sister. Ro

U-. Madera.Callf.:aDdnveg “— He- was • preceded - to

;• brothers.; *n»e funeral will be b

, Saturday a t Payne Marti; wllh the Rov. Robert L

Buriey H rst Presbyteri . : ndallng. Burial will be

3= S erv fi• ~ ~~im ?B U R N ^'Ibe~fuM

• t fdrnwriyofHeybuni.wfao ; . wili bo hclTal 2 p-m. toi I Mortuary In R u p ^ Bu

........ I; - Rupert Cemelery. FricoC____ :■ -Ubenmcralhameprloclo.i]

: SHOSHONE - j n » ^ C ow *, 83. of Sboshooe, \

~ ' b ^ y ; will be held today B oplisl Church , ia S h o iw

• bo In Shoshone Cemetery, ca ll a t tho Bcrgln Fune Shoehone th is morning.

------ • P^f-RR lyf l^ ldI Clarcnco "Bud'’ Chapnuu

-f-H o s ipy , MAGt - ■ ‘ REGIONAL!

__________ A/tmlrtfrf!- : Mrs. Philip S. Rowe. Lw CRooald W. Chase, Mra. Evcrw ?:;Q>ariston. Sharicne S ^ t g «

of Bur K y T f lr a r A H m r

Ellloll of Eden; Sarah e’. Ra------wKimborly.------------------------

- - - ...................... D■— rT N a iifC fa w ioHl Evans, Mn

P an d daughter, all of Twin Fall daughter, and Mra. Stevt

jS i^cK nlgbt and Mrs. O. WU f t 9*atly of FrulUand; Aaroo a CofSbosbono: Myra Ann Lewli MSimboriy: Dora Paro^nwau g f a o t a Monica. Calif.

^ A daughter to Mr. and Mr*.

f e f . . . ■■ .STLEt r ■■

Lou Rldenger and Effle Bj ' -‘ ^L ed aC booles.boU iofH a

and Gary Andreases of Hateli

i Falter M a h o F r j d a y . Septen

______ _____________^ I n - s c

w itn esij i AASE th e sltur'____________ta k e th

custody.-Thewhereahcrats--------B nrn it’s key w itness In followed 3 Of form er Twin Inary he C harles M anners - fa iled to ursday, one d a y - - bea ring :edlhe&-year-oId prevcntci_ber._m otherl8_________ __

No datm t y _ S ^ f f J im __ pre lim ln

EUtJes a ttem pted ners, wh Charles B rum - should b

Irict M aglatrata . count fe. ------- been fU a

ywiU continue to C ounty.! Uw In iinlly ahIs ravJewing his Uiree-wo

A slxtlgo position, and Involvlns s le p .a U U m e ," te r , has 1

aecutor Dennis In B an n c The 9-:

able to Voorhees d e red Ini ling an " a t te m ^ Voortiees J police depart- sh e shou 1 atart-fio^iee-lo— b a ll ,.a s ./

>llover kimoving (o h e r grandson ,

sofW ashhiglon, accord ingim an w as killed C rysta l ofa r accident on office,les north of th e A t abot

, . , M alty a p fIdentified la te r th e w estban Idabo S la te theh lghw i■Ialy^ 0 1da^ ■■o ■ .w b e w l U

. th ro w n 'fnson. SS-yearoId th e scene,jm dale, W ash., C oronerB■ driven by h e r T h e~ ~ ^

ear-old c5-yearo ld boy, Investlgat

loM dayevenlng Theaccdied l a W in tb e p .m . on C^ o t i a l M odica] T w in FaU_______■ . th e road,jDd, w as a' pas* c ra sh ed Ire n by his baby A g ra v eib erlyR obalcek he ld toda;- ■...............- ■ elsc ttlie rea been issued In anoUr. allhough tb e C o u n ty P r a.continulng Its .. F rlday .th i

f iiq ir ie !lor P in son -— fAutf»rT»I»Mrw.-----

ilCaproB,Oida..-he'In Oakland. Calif..___. , - r - - -tbe Unlveially of H elen>was9uDtUbewa8 of Glenns1 moved ioAlbloa Mountain:May Goodman on a gravead. p m . Satuvlth tbe Methodist Humpber:

He was a life HomolslB 1 Masonic jqwa# a member of j

iAibioa ........ K y a n dhis wife of Albion, TWIN F

PlBa0a - 0t_Sfln__Twln__Fall Paul A. Plnsoa of . Ma^C-Val Rose E. Seeley of from InJur

vegraaddilldrcn. dentearile -to -death by two - H e was-

Fails.e beld at il a.m. Survivor lOTtuary In Burley. Mrs. Gary t L. Bigler of the Mldutel < lerlan Church gf; gran^iare]

be to the Albion Falis and F

r i€ e s= =funeral for Bobble— w tw d l^ 7!nH Pr«^T««n n'nH m '' 'ivho died Saturday, RcypoldsF. toOay au ia i5 en id c h a fe d Burial wlU be In

tends may caU a t — ,nrvBtfT— j s ;

funeral for B ^ e ^ bTwbd-dled Wod-—lf e 3 p ;m r a t th e — ahooe. Burial will *ry. Friends may aSSS'ptfldo aervlw~for GODD'lN iman, 95, Of Fflcri WoltcPTU

p i t a l s -lAGICVALLEY ALMEDICAL CENTERad_________________________Ludlle Dorton. Kellly Lee Rot

-crBtt Poater. Jobn F . Deremlah, E e r a ttl Leo W.Wright. an of Twto

K ir’c.“ Kln*aU-and-Mr»f-Shell M n.-L*e-Earahart of Filer; Mr Reed ot Hailey; and Lupe RoSrl

rHTnl«—f t ...............•MrarLnteF^ancb aod-MtvrOMi Falis: Mrt. Bert Wright, Mrs-Da^ teve Shobe and son, all of Jerome WllUs MUler. both of Buriey: A] o Bowen of Hagerman; Rooold P. ewls of Weoieii; Mrs; Dennis Uer omaaof Buhl; and Benilce L.Shl

BWb .Ir*. Sbeldoo K. Sorensen of

T .m T N m c ra ----------------------Admitted

e Bnss, boUi of Jerome; Billy Ji ! Hagerman; Mario Johnson of Rk nel too.

lem ber9,iQ8^ ;

s e x t a h u s e c a s _ e _ ^

luation and h is ln ic t'lh em lo th e glri, if localed, into

Iy.m b a d i’s - ru lin g ' Wednesday* e d a n aborted Aug. 24 prelim - hearing , for which tho giri to a p p ear. Testim ony a t that

ig ind icated the g irl’s mother, nted h e r cou rt appearancc.

d a te h as ix e n se t fo r a new iln ary hearing . T ha t h ea r in g . b e-bcld to -determ lne If Man- w ho is free on ^ ,0 0 0 bond,I be-lw ld fo r-tria l:o n a flve- felony com plaint tha t has

Ued aga inst h im in Twin F alls y. M anners is accused of sex- j ib u s la g .the, g i r l . d u ring_a_ week period in June.Ixth coim t of sexual abuse, ing tbe g irl’s 10-year-old sis- is been filed a g a in st M annersnockC ounty .------- -----------------9-year-old’s m o ther w as or- h ito cou rt W ednesday — a t

w s ‘ -re iim st to stow w h y - lould not be requ ried to post

[ills gran<on, W illiam M atty J r . , 25., ing to Chief Deputy BiUy i o f th e C assia C ounty s h e riffs

bout 1:50 p .m ., th e younger ip paren tly feU asleep, causing jtbound vehicle to c ross over iw ay and drop into the median, i t . ro l to A ^ r - T l r r y a afrom tb e v d i ld e and d ied a l

ie , accord ing to C assia County rB n jc e Young.I w m a n , .w as_JiM dIng__to.

dies froiT^ U o n into tbe a c d d a t . icd d en t o c o O T e d ^ about 5:30 1 C anyon R idge ^ d , e a s t of a lls , w hen R obatcek’s c a r left Id, w en t out of control and J In to a p ile o fro c k s . iveslde se rv ice for Bond will be d ay . A full ob ituary appears

fhig ____n tb e r tra ffic death , G o o ^ P rosec tilo r J c ^ Arkoosh said .thatiiia.o lO ceJsJnve3tigatIng

s 5 = =

icCem#taiy,-wlUi gravcsldoJlUa.. at-by_m em beta_ot-tlia_C a»la.

ids'may call at-Uie fuienil borne' «faaoB.aadwnlnflj^nrt prtor In /ice on Salunlay..

in l V . L l m -

ins Ferry died Wedoeadsy a t a linHomeboapltal. - aveaide servlco will be beld a t 2 aturday in the Bruno Cemetery, lerys Funeral Chapel of Mountato 6 In charge of arrangBmenta.

r J .B o n d - --------J FALLS - Ryan J. Bond, 5. of rails, died lato Wednesday at Valley Medical Centcr.-Jurics be received In a car accl* rllerlntheday.— as-bora April-U-157B. io Twin.-

rota indude: bis parents, Mr. and uyBondofTwlnFalls: abrothcr.I of Twin Falls; and his irenta. Fran Maughon of Twto id Ray Ma ughan 0 f Kimberly.

d'l\jcaday,~wfl]'5D ticld today at iZ :in-'rw inrFaiL i~ C fhM toryr: Is Funeral caiapelot Twin Falia la pofarrangeroaili;

itJRN — The funeral for Eleanor omnier" Draper,'79.” of ■ Heyt>umr~ i Tuesday, will be held Saturday iu.la-U>».H«yburD.Flr8t .W ard.1 Chapel. Burial will be jnPleoA- .. A' Cemetery at Buriey. Friends il a t McCulioch's Funeral Home y today from 2 to 8 p.m. and oo y prior to tbe funeral.

ilN G ~T»jrfim cral7orR iainni7“T iB i’'TCcitn»,'orGo«msrmio—

Mr?. Roland and 8

b,EiileF.wto Fails; Margaret Padgett

Iwkkffi K*______MrOu-Jama HoyoMr».-Doo___ of Gooding. ~driguezbf

•anJohn* _ __Jflm .B a|beiy, DavtdBdl of Burley; Mllc&e ime: Viola Heyburo; JenyGlU Ardla R.

IP .Bm un Dennis Dudley an iennanof Fercbof Rupert; anStllQlfiyof_______

Soos to Mr. and 1 Crane, all of Buriey.

1. , ,

- . Isabelle Petennai f Joe Sant , ‘Richfldd: Debra WlUdnaia i


to a n d th e child’s would ito fu tu re court hearings.--------—In a n - affidavit fUea y — court—Voorhees s a ld - n - f irs t Indicated mls^N iri a llow ing h e r daughter i tat Aug. 17. In tho t same e r V ooriiees s ta led th a t hi

‘d en t th a t lhe girl o •’w ithout Injury.”

ng B rum bach’s ■ order, • n. ' - signed following tho co ^ — isuched orrthcse points;

- • N o baU would be r as secu re the m other’S fip [la- court;---------------X. • Bail would bo se t Q a s su re the child 's i

B rum bach cUed"lhe rr e , llm ony h i concluding,tIs-.....p oena will not practlcaUre secuT0” th e g i r r 8 appM______ • Untll_thal_bond_is,!<. p re lim in ary hearing a t s h e r i f f s office 'w ill-be w — ta k e-custody-of-tbe-gh: e t h e r w ith the Idaho De] hA HeaiUi and Welfare.

idmothei25.. W ash ing ton -to live > illy C rysta l said. The van \ f f s c a r . Both vehicles wer

h e r possessions, ger M atty and h is son ' ln g _ C a s a ia M em orial Hospl ver M atty w as adm itted . H

a l - TTiere w as $4,000 dan: nty and $2,500 dam age to th

T he Investigation of I Jp _ _ co n tln u ln g , C ^ t a l sd d

tn misha]th e fac ts behind the A

;30 th a t c lahned the life :o f R lch a rd W alte r-R Ick " left- Beck died Tuesday e m d m o rta l Hospital.

lU c accident occurrc be m otorcycle struck a

are d riv en t)y 27-year-old E- G ooding................. ..........

Ing R eed h as been cited aid y ield th e righ t of way. Ing cbargescou ldbeW ed ,.;

^.V .J^!a grovcsldo serv i« wii:

“ Twin Falls, with Tom Oia ne " I n i White Mortuary'of Tv In rtuinp»nfflrrnngpnwit.c

‘Hie farrllly suggests U 'cbntriixttions bo' made to' Regtonal Medical Center' seat loaner program, to Toalar.fiSOAddlacinAYO,.:^

a sen tto th eh ^ ilta l.____

y, A lb e r t U deepen ito GLENNS FERRY — All

. 65. of Glenns Ferry, died .iiomo. . ............ -

A graveside service was I tTumlng lo tbe Glenn Resi

of Glenna Ferry. Humpberys “I pel of Mountain Homo wo; r." -^arranHoments.— — — J-m 'K enneth D . Uileii

WENDELL-Kenneth E d WendcD. died Wednesday r. bospltaiatFortLewlstoWj Is Funeral arrangements in and will bo announced b

Wendell Chapel.

it— diwiTiKsdajfcvrtirBejbfM /r -rsM T tn'-lbeJtatLCTrlitn is Gooding. Arrangements a------- drrecUoiTdfTxannrayro

Tbo family suggests that n tribuUons be made la tt> Memorial Sdiolarship Fuc

— iH rG o o a in g H ^ rsa id a rsy Ing. 83330.

*•_ JF ROMTT — ftmgpii ^ 38, of Jerome, who died Wo ® bo held Saturday at to a " Mortuary Chapel In Twto

wlU bo In Sunset Memorial F alls. Tl»e family suggests

d , al cohtribuUoQS bo mado to 10 States Tumorinstltuteln’Bc



^ t and Jeff_Morgaa.both of Goo<

loya and soa of Glenns F en y ; and

_____ CArniAMKMOMAL----- -Admitted

Stella oiesley. Pam Free and R i

GlUettof Paul; andNaShayNelso----- DltffllaMd

ao i Elizabeth OnU Venn, both 01 : a u l Duff of PpuL

.Birth*nd Mnu Marioo D. Free, and Mi ley. . - _

' lONlDOKA MEMORIALArtmlttwl_________

toan of Rupert and Marla Juarez c

lin of Paul and AnlU Kalaer anc

- — ^ IS l'___________ GOO_D

_ verslbl^c

i M »" ■' K3Ued wllh th e -J Uie nojthe:----------givings about r lo testify onn e document, • *■he w as confi- ■ W hat 1 could tesUfy Ions, incl

law yers,

V which w as Isugge court hearing. Ih e -sb e r

) n eoeasaiy -to - • 'A flo r-a ll a p p e S to c a in • - m oney tc

: i . ..H ey ,':t a t $1,500 to N ew sisc

appearance. As wll 'm dlher’s’ tes-" " C ju lte T i I ; . th a t,‘‘a .su b - im aglnal aUyjjperate to _ _ J L to u n d .

w arm . Ais _ p a ld ,^ o r^ new s sot g hoirt, . th e d o m o re i Be ordered Id; N or vjh-l-and-placai--------pUcbera.)e p a rtm e n to f to m iss U___________________ Insteai

“ ——----------------------- close, v l

W ith a 11 ' a n d tr ip f

' 1 ‘ A s I

WlU. I t o ^1 wail tnwijig h e r

S k i e '

. w e r e taken to

- w o J

J i a g e to th e v a n ^th eo lh e rca r.‘ “ acc iden tia

........ S r ^ n e tw lU appi

Aug. 8 accident _fe of 18-year<jld # l ^ i k” Beck. ■' a t Goodhig M e - , « o

- - O n elh i Tcd when Beck’s financing a pickup truck medium ^ I E a rl W. Reed of D ierks, t - in tem atlied for failure to th e U.S. y, but additional H e u r ^ I, ArhnfwhftflM s e t I p :

g ive sm a------------- -^ R a ln to fo

I “ 'H ie b________ financinfi

a i r p t e l d «l I o t c r ^ t

that memorial u n e IM a-Moglc Valloy H auge. 0 fir’s Infant car- s a id h e 1 to care of Joe M ontana ..JTwtaJFaUi o r ^ ^O lbeiLprl' _____________ m ark e ts

I DierfcsAlbert uaccpcn. W yoming d Aug. 30 at his c re a te s t. . ................ . nanclngishcldjlhuraday lo an s fo r i est Cemetery In - B u tE v i ys Funeral Cha- th a t such VOS In charge of In tense s-------------------------- -llculUes.-

A nd thi-y D avld-PciD . Utley. 62. o f .......... ' 'ly^^The-ArniyWashlngloa t>C

• a— '■------- — KnlggB__________________o o u r l^ rd- — r ---------- to bold

d U flcu ltf------ -Twin F a l

a re~uod« Um rep resen lK om ag'cSyS.------- m cln r** -t memorial’coih T hose n t tw ^ c k DeZk possib le (

' _ H e ra ld ; ral for Sw Oiy, -B f f lin S L J iVodneaday^wtU CasUeXor a.m. at Whlto W a le rR e

in Fails. Burial ................aiParittoTwto Bailey, ts that memori- intereste> to the Mountato ' c lrc iim slBotoe.--------------------dedded-J

•_____I nm.B lick s

in g .b u th --------- ^ — ,. M onrot

h e would se e ld n g a

."H e’S !

M o n ro eswting

md Cecil HaUuway ------ *hn,/»hntr~ caU oo a i

Biis«inBlEEljis,.ll conim ltte

I Of Buriey; Nathan K Im beriy C a ta ld o -probflM y

Ur. and Mr«. Scott tak in g U> B a rk e r s so u rc e sa i a n d S v e rd

md Mlcbell*Bean.f ir s t t e n n

U willoffe;^ I N G — An I p i o S tate Ui y c laan n _ au d k 3 lo ^ wfflTieg a t th e (Joodlng S tate Sdjool f l if and Blind.

pingfl Lq In a sequence f !TS seeking a n Idabo hearir red certification endorsemei

> Coothuied trom P ag e AS It followed w as a se rie s of v ncluding one of a lino of polk rs , a re a politicians and possitp^nnlf lin ingirpfntnlron Bhnl:sgested to Ju d y W are, a cleric terUTs -office, ■ th a t J , p robat n re rd ram atlx ing -m y-sltua tk allp w b o would -wankrto sp e ^ to dunk poorlltU e m e? fy ,"-sbe replied, "T be Tlm< is open season.” w ith m ost thhigs, rea lity w a b it less th rea ten ing 'than -r oatlon. To m y grateful surprii id th e water_ln_tbe taiUcJo . A nd t b m w as no line of ahg sources and readers walUng r e th an gel ray feet w e t

w ere tb e brawny would- f s tn he feared . m anag s th e ta rg e t m uch of the Ume. ead , m y nem esis w as t cnrEiMfWflffallowed-tcFBtep^ v irtua lly In front o f tbo targi

a little throw, tbey easily .hitIp p ed th e ju m p sea t._______

1 plunged downward for t Qth Ume, I h ad a comforU tit about w a td iin g ' Munn a F a lls police Chief T im Qua ie th e posltkm someUme d u rl u rse o fth e fa h './a s no t to be. Both m en ha led Wood’s offer to participate, iey bolh sa id ; ‘W e've had it, sa id ."fBU TuniU flfem it

Includhig police Officer JI n ,'an d a newcomer, m aglstw Judge M ike Redman.

lO to I ro w in a ^ h n c e when ppear. H e’s scheduled to apge

rade-----•Cootlmied from {*age A5 lim iting fac to r baa been lack Ing, p a ^ c u la r iy for sm all- ai m -sized bushiesses, said Clta I, th e regional d irector for 11 aUona] trad e adm lnistraUon ,S. D q jartm en t of -Commerc fed th e Rocky M ountahi stall p q>eclal flnandng agencies m all businesses the backing^forelgnlrade.----------------------a b ig boys a re able lo get all U ing they need Uux)ugh lo i^ Ihn l i t .wlih theirBanIcs7’'B e sa l w -R ocky M ounlaln banks-w e r lending-.m6ney lo .sm alli sse s for export deals, h e said.

M oniafu buslueuuiuui, Ifa , o f Uie Big Slcy T rading Cc e h a d tried six la rg e westei n a banks before tu rn ing i H te flteJh iandng . Big Sky no ts 95 percen t o f l t s prodiK

k s said be would ask I ^ Ing and M ontana officials i s ta te export counsels and 1

g au thoriU es. ,U) guaranU o r overseas trade.3vans said Ui a n Interview lat< tch a n auUwrily would requh J s tudy because .of legal dls . '-----------— ------------------------Uie s ta te 's economic directo P o i ie r , sa id earller-4’bursd£

arker—•O oothued Crom P ag e ASB B 'p a y rb e does uo t th lnk-tl trdgrw i r w l lg t r i r t l n g - l l i a ^ d w aler.’' I fw o u ld -m a k e - It lo r from westei2aU s-C ouotyrJ»-says,.bu tl’J ' en t vrfiatever district" tbey pi

le Nrtto h ave been menUoned i le candidates Include Buhl au JD avaJ!finn )euR ob?rt:B ^o : Ito r and president o f tbe BU I; CasUeford bustoessnu

BlldcT and~rtoh K r a n e r^ ferd, Uw cha irm an of Qie Ida! R esources Board.

ey, bow evS , “says be is n }ted h) Uie Job under ai is tances: And Kram ef-says-l d-just-recefdly-Uiat-bo-wIU n

t say s be Is considering ruD it h a s not m ade a dedsk>n. roe savs be will not ru le out tl m ty df a candidacy, bu t'he so; uld prefer, to ta lk B arker hi g ano U ie rten n .'s a v aluable persco to u s ( a n r>h«mgitrt—h h —mtnrt—hftforee sa y s .

s to reaLnnanahip-ot4beH 0aIU vEd a b d W dK H rC ommlttflB -

g -B a rke r h a s beld - rince-U Itteew ascreatedlnldTO . ,

"ttm m lU ee^S Other rankle lleana — L aird Noh, I rty. an d T ta ry Sverdsten, I 3 a l r eady bold poelUoQs thi ly would preclude U »m troi t t o job if t o ^ r e re=elecle(

aays. Nob cha irs tbe Ri I a n d EDvlrooment Commlttei srdsten Is aitiditfant m ajo rsr;------------------------------ :--------Uiree, oUier R qxib llcans o ’B com m ittee-ate servhig thel m sinU w L eglsIaturd^--------

I ■ •

e r h e a r i n g <

I Uni- b u t 11 is q;>cn to anyoob e ^ h a a s s “ lIm ra~ ro f‘ ol for - cou rse a r e Sq>l. 3-10

Oct. 7-8 and Oct. 21-:0 for F r id a y classcsw U lbi iring . p .h i.i Etnd Sattm lay ment, held from 8 a .m . to

Saturday , if vis- S earch and rescue olico, m an Uio booUi Satin ssibly facility over to tbo IQt,_____rescue im it today, a si r ic a t Day.b a b ly _ __ S o _ f a r , j^ _ c ip a t lation;------ — -----------------------5 p e n d 2 - ^ j p = r r r z r r r - r ~ '

“ Fri.8 a .m .,n a g -ra l8 a .m ^ U ieN o :

^ - - - t h e W a ^ ;8 a .m ., Uie 4-1;

® .. .....obed lenco jud^n

ild-be 9a .m ..ju d g h igWged a ro n f l . _______le . U a .m .,U ioR C

Uie a ren a .B iFU p= = T p : r n = m 6 5 t e g urget. in tbeshow arem :

■ " * ! ' 1 p ,m „ Uio FB- - ............. h e ld h ith e sw h ier Uie 2 p .m .,D eeL a jjrtln g bandsbe ll.1 and 3p .m .,agro(q> Qualls 4 p .m .,D ee L a j luring--------- bandshe lL_____

5 p .m ., flag-low

S(i,m „theC Iia 5 ;30p .m .,theS

, shell,

, J im 6 p .m „ tire Savjtra te shell.

' 7 :30p .m ., pre-rw an t ___ 8p.m .., th e jro *e n h e . p lace-lnU w rodk pgear I-----------------------

Uiat he sees lilUe pos ickof export financing w ith -a n d B ut Idaho h as m :jlatk gains in Intem allon r Uie sald ron hi T rad e rs iro m Albei erce. a r e s ta r tin g to sh ip w! itales p o rt o f Lewiston, Poi les to . - r e c e n t trade.m italon Dg to a la rg e conU^ct for lu_________ Id ah o Jeg is la to raarli th e to w a rm iq> to prograi lines developm ent, he said.saia:------ ^ u l~ s l a l e - r u n d 5 -i-wiU— P o rte rlB -enU ro^ln te laller oUlce .consists o f a qui Id. m em ber’s Ume, be “Ron— govemment"gQaraot< Co., b le for' export a r r

stem . dea ls often k v o lv e : g lo offlclals m ay not Wi now e llh e r econom ic,or p

lu c ts hesOltn

iabo, SUU, Uiere Is pote Is to value to Idaho’s abu] Id fl- ria ls . P o rte r said. Th mtoo Uon m ay have lo ch

how ever, to Ot Into foi la te r F o r h i3tance.-farm ^;ulre . Increase producUon '

dlf- ^ l o i t expanding________m ark e ts hi souUieas t ,c to r, An Oregon f a r i n a t sday.— so ld h e c re a te d , a

- T acI?

I t i l to gr p u t I C o m p l e t e

Edna ^ ~ V i s u a Tauto l E x a m l n a t k

■Uoy._. .L ___ - _____Bum ______________

not BLUE- B l u e - L a k e s .

11 not

itU w _ _ _____(Bays ■ Into

— HARI. ............. A r e c e n t m

- M u g i c -V a l lb ; F A ., - d u r i n g t h e v— a '~ ' -S T A R K E Y —He

j-tb e— “ s e r v ic e - I S 'N C

iM nf ' C o n s i d e r lo c R- a i d , e s p e c i o


- d lsp an sB f* o r«

g H E A I

— W t a l c o


class a t <3cone. P-ni.r - U » ~ f o u r : c r ^ t R eg is 10 and S e p t 23-24;' p .m . - to<1-22; and Nov. 4-6. • U»8Chobe held from 510 9 I^ tn l l

y seastoris w in be IS U R csto noon and 1 fo 5 734-4478.

tan k h a jrue volunteers will y e a r ’s | urday, tum hig tbe lected.B Buhl search and “ We- j IS p a r t of West E nd say s. " I

-------------------------- d o n 't - kaUon_at_tbe_dunk throw n.'

Iday at thi ls ln g ceremony' iorthw est jun io r H ereford hell

kH dog fUUng and showing ju ^ng. will be held hi the sheep a:

Dg of polled H ereford catUe wll

W M q u a l i ^ g p m bull show


TFA round-robhi fitting and s le a ren a an d horse g ra ss area. Jang and h is Mental R evenge t

of aerobic dancers will perfc im g and h is M ental Revenge b

jw u in g cerem ony.

(larm Melody Notes will perfo r e SawtooUi NaUonal Q oggers \

B Charm Melody Notes wUl per ^wtooUi NaUonal C oggers wl

}-rodeo en lertah im ent a t Uio ra ideo and th e coronaUon of Mis! iw areha .

wsslbillty fo r such a lfa lfa t Uihi Uie next y ea r, convert! m ade subslanUal b a lls co onal m arkets, be p e lle lsa

' H is ai a m

w heat Uirough th e to ta l exi *orter.,8aId. And a theUnlt<in a lsoJias y ield ed _ _ _ itiab o -lum ber. oelleUzenm nlttn hpglnntrtgram s for economic|(] Ecoooir-Btm-nre-tMn^nKelingitAt^nHrtpn t - t r ^ — q ^M gespiaHCTof one s t i f f iro m ' soi le said.. E ven if PutU ng i-1___:_________ n . n ln h vitees were qvuuo ■*/rrangem ents. Uie, sem ngUi3 risks Uiat s ta te w a y o fc i w ant lo take for; |v)^tHrq1 ronnnng

itentlal for nrfding lundant raw m ate- rhe s ta te ’s produc-

foreign m arkets.. m e i^ m a y w an t to n of feed crops to og agricu ltural stAsIa.r a T U ie ~ £ o n re re f lc e ~ ^ ^ V 1 m a t ^ fo r hia ■ | H I

te ■ I C om ple te ["VTsual Exam ,

ion j F ram e & L ens

oH'foroKOmrnoirortS 4ChodUlod“ fl ------------Soplem bor 3 0 n 9C3,'oSly

: LAKES Os - M a l l -------------------- ______

N O T KtDOF-HEARIHGm a i l e r h a s r e a c h e d _ r e y a d v is i n g - o f o n o p e t w e e k o f S e p t . 5 t h r o t

H e a r i n g - A i 3 s — T h e - d e lO T -a - lo c a l - c o n c e r n T —

3 c a l s e r v i c e v ^ h e n p u r o i l y L O C A L SE R V IC E S ^R K E Y h e a r i n g a i d s fo iwhon you n « * d *®rvlc», y • a lw a y s a v a ilo b i* In th a tr


:oA-1 Hddi-ing/o f T w in F a n s

5ooding~-----jg lstn itlon 'w lll-be 'held -at-^4 :30-------::today In the C asey Buildhig a t

. . . ,. r'. . — .stalls a re available by calflrig IBo R esident G o ite r hj Twin F a lis a t - " W78.

•1 —: h a s been down sllghUy fran» last •’s pace, when .$1,400 w as col-xl. . -V -------Ve-still could come out,” Wood 1. "L ike so m any oUier Uiln©, we-t~ ftnow unUl - tb e - l a s t - b a ll- to -------w n ."_____________________g

iw jm rheifer show will be held In -f '•

g judging, followed by dog ■“ jparena^

9 w ill take phice In tbe show ^ ‘

low w illW fiS S ’in tl» show T l! '

-Harofordghgaartll hffhPl r tY ; ^ m z z

id showing judging will be

g e band will perform hi Uie JJJ;,!]

e rfo rm In U» band shell.’ ge band will perform In Uie ^

IT "rfo rm hitbebandsbe ll. 9 <>rs will perform In the band bi . ' .

perform hi the band shell. , n l j ^ a w ill perform" inT Iie^and^

lerodeoarena. ' * ‘ ■ llc«Miss Rodeo Idaho will take ^ _

’■Jsi------------------------------ n rr

7X.___________________________1-------------__________ _________ ad:.

rti'fa b y hivestlng In a factory th a t -erts balls to peUets, whlJesihe s couldn’t be shipped easUy;(Vie 5ls a r e h ^ e d Uke grain, 00

J and a neighbor's production anM unt-lo abou t-a th h d of - exports of aUaUa peUets l i ^

Jailed S tales to Japan , be said.'ibo-fore8t-productfl-al90rcan,^e--------Uzed and shln>ed o v e r s ^ , k e rs a t tbe conference saidr~

onom lsts a ttendhig ^ tw o -d ^

g e s h a v ^ b e e s d ra w h ig jo to a v ^ -• sonw -Rocky- Momitahi s ta t f t .- ------n g m ore value hilo raw m aleri-

Ig t b ^ overseas Is viewed a s 000 3rcreaUttgDewJobs.u>eyBald:— |

s S F

p n l r n f - j -------

_____ j_^0 tt-C 0 l5 ic tk L _ _, for tine p ric e !

ns o f 1 I-I _ •|N««r|.ttmo».) . . I

d~Aut;m»20iKrougt» ____onlyr

OPTICAL________ 7 3 4 - 6 5 9 4 ^ ^

C EiG PUBLIC ^d_ m a n y r e s i d e n t s o f

i r o u q h 1 0 t h f e o t u r i n g ___^ a l e r - . o f f e r j n g - th ls , -

.............. - .y .

a u r c h a s i n g a h e a r i n g — ES T H A T H A V E , b e e n ’ f o r m a n y y e a r s . : i

t, y o u r local h a o rln g a id • I r lo c o ia H lc a t . ......................


Aid Center ~

R io t p o l; SANTIAGO. Chile i 'Hundreds of riot police flri aod water cannons da stoofrfiurUQg students in

• sm itlflgp In th e n n h natlo....... te s f a g a in s l io y e a r e b r m

by P re s id en t Augusto PlDOi A t le a s t 2,000 p ro teste rs 1

th e P la z a Ita lia c h an tin g ' a ssa ss in s" a s buses loadod

—Rebelpi“ M aN A uuA , w j c a r a ^

— Two reb e l p lanes a t t a c l ^ l a irp o rt and a communicatj T hursday In a coordinate* ta c k /O o e p lane w as shot

___c ra sh ed in flames l^ _ th cm inol, i ^ i n g both m en t

J S o v ie t s

: PE K IN G (U PI) - ; M inister Mlimall K apitsa,• rank ing S o v ie t. 'offlcial IChlna In m ore than 2 0yea

I : T hu rsd ay fo r w ide^angih t I ;wlU In d u d e Donnalizatio! -iSovletrelatkiD a^-________

. H io u g h K a p ils a tried to :th e Im ^ r ta n c e of h is vis ; a n d W estern diplom atic sc ; b e eiod h is host. Vice Foreli ;Q lan Qichen, w ill t r y (

fo* Kin\ —I ■isultations on repa iring t ; U t betw een Moscow and 1 ; T he O ctober consultatk

— ‘ th e th ird round of oonnalljbetw een th e tw o commuc bm Chinese o ffld a ls say i expec t a sudden breakthrm

P ek ing in sists tb e K rem th re e dem ands before r€ im prove sub stan tia lly.

• iijm ey Indude tb e redncti* t n x ^ along tb e O ilnese I

- «K l to Soviet support , of ocaq>atloa of Cam bodia a wi t b ^ w a l from Af^ianisl

' ||‘Mo3c»w has issued fire ■^ftir Im proved-rdatlw B wl ' iKunlst r iva l b u t say s tbi m aods Invdve th ird cou

— -tiw u ld 'D O t-b e -in d u d ed -I ' sultations.

---------- " i r i b e “Sov let'U n lo rco i. o ne of tb e (O stades, re la

'____.jipp.roYe.grcaUy b u t w d

___ ;Boon,L’.afarB lO i m ln ls tiy s

_ r

Weinberg itours gair^ P U E R T O CASTILLA, f ? U P I ) S e c r e t a r y of Defe W e in b e rg e r visited th e s

and H onduran soldlen & d c a lled for a.?yoinl lroi p m m u n is m in C entral Am ^ W einberger’s call cam e ifnig w ith H onduran P resid t S u a z o Cordova on th e thli

__ S a y oU ils C entral A m erictS d u d ed _rtop^ In^c in Salvador-and Panama. •-

^ A b o ard ' Qs plane - Washington Hiursday nl; fBerger said the leaders o

ounlrles “agreed (hat the eed more economic aa

— ssistancw r-’nM lr-ecooom _ piyH lfflm U **

[H e ite ra ted it is "exti _ brtan l!M o _ o Q cw w ^^^ ^— tf 'th ree 'co u n tr ie s b u t o— p rS tF 5 n ’F ^ p e o i d e - t e

ons.",T to s ec re ta ry o t licfeiiM n A m erican G reen B ere t I

■ B H b b e a n c o a s t-w b c re - l «ops a re tra in ing to cou u e rrilla s flghting a m ore

— earw aiT nE IS alvador.— ^W einberger m e t S u a » ' tegudgalpa an d In a news B ld 't h ^ spdce-about " t nake a Joint fron t agains

— soaisrthrfcat.’' - — - ’ - _ Is no p lan rlg l

c a to rep ly to ®E tlanned Is.v rtia t w e a re C a id , re fe rrin g to masslvi

-C K uvers betw een-U Sm nti

I Irishroatli_> J 5 U B L IN ,- lrd a ii-< U P l;

I (n Catholic - I r dV o v e r w h e l n ^ y ~ t6 ~ n i:^

. floa] returns (rom a natloa :■ ^uihsbowedlDursday.:: ' A constitutional' s

abortion w as ^ lo 416.136, accpt

ta tion m ade by poUtw ^ j^ ie rs . .....^ v e n u se n td ld D o tJ lunce its official Ilgu

;Cipo]lucaI p a r ty a n d m edia

7 3 ^ A U 'flve“ p r e c l ^ vbtl ; 3 w m in Dublin.

„ ,600 rIot .poUcfiring te a r gas mounted with da sh ed with tod ispe ise th . in downtown Students, I

atlonw l(le .p rfc_a i°n r eiinarf n n lll ta ry rule - Soneffai’pollc l“ >cbet. Police re sp5r s galbered in and turn ing J Qg “ assassins, trucks, on lh dod wllh some opposition Iw

ylanesxttM '( U P i r ~ - ^ t lc la l^ ld ” e d Managua’s ■■ ’ T h re e 'a l r ”cations cenlcr airport werea te d d a v ra a t- a ttack , oK ld ibot down ood The secon the m ain tw * . Santa M nrtin abbard,~of* CMteiT’S d t

---------- : . . . . . . . . p r m T m "

s---- --------a t e I < 1 7 ;™ .

ep o tl F o re ig n -sa, tlie h ig h e t I J -ja c£ol invited to o ’years, arrived c V-^Lae.ririg tnllra that ”Itlon o l Sloo- ° A n

rto p lay down , V ^ 3 5visit, Chinese “ O . .c sources said o ^ i o f i reign M inister. I^ to lay ' lhe » . ^

g tbe 20-year

laltrnUfMi tnllra__nunlst nations I ^ H i ly they 'do not irough. em lin addressT S i u s a r c H i r - -------------

Ktion of Sovietse frontier, an «. of-V ietnam ’s . Ma and a Soviet nistan.firequent callswith ils coni*- -------tbe th ree do- #

countries and « d - in -lh e -co n — -------------

-could-U ft:]ust- r — 'elations coulde chm’t.exp e c t ________L l j e . . r s « i p ^ . . _______y source said. _____________

ger_. ~ tncs __A. Hcmduras • e f e n s e C a ^B site o f w ar , mds of Ameri- [lers Thursday(ren t” to Dght .;- —America.m e in a meet-sident R o b e r to -th ird and last -r ic an to u rth a tIcinduras.- 'E l -

^ - ' b a t t - ' t o - ^ ■ ■ ■ ■night, Wein- ^

3 of all three - [T they urgently and miUlaiy

tftmtixi o rB In I

ex trem d y im- ifcInvestm ent ln_^ Jt e m iJ » s S ^ — ------- fj- to -m ak6 -In -^ — • «rwllHflry altu ^ ____ j J

osealsoloured ^re tb a se o n lh e M*•e-Salvadoran— — — \ -coiinter leftist .o r e th a n th re e ^

zo Cordova in Miwsconference ^

" tb e o e e d - to - ---------- •linst lhe com-_ ____ _

right now " toelnbergersaid— --------------‘W bal w e have r e doing,” heslve Joint m a- I . lOKl'Honduran— ...............^



\ S — : gtp i) .—-Voters— ------- 1[rd a n d y o M Slalte’-abortlon ;■ S

tioowide refer- ay.------------ r — — - | E

am endm ent p r o v e d by

to a EloilUcal parties n

3gure8 ,butthe ”d la count waa ^

rating agalnk"''

tie studenDllra and arm ored trucks «riUi w ate r canncm moved in L the dem onstrators., induding one a ogghot,—Ounfl Bhan x i riffyl rDllco. ' ----------- ----i^Mnded by fh ing t e a r g as ' tg Jets of w a te r from tank \uie c ro w d -A t least one ileader w as pushed to Uie i

ttadctxini: ^ lr" fo rce"personnd a t t h e ~ r e re In ju r ^ In the daw n t Ic la lss^d . s:ond plane attacked thea r ta tdcicommunlcatlons__ pd ’e ^ a ^ % r tU ^ c a i5 Ih g 1

lb 2 e i b ( ’f , . Q o s c o e ‘T>fl

r r r ir lln ffij !nnH-y\ tj

^T ^fnnH n q n n r i ^ ^ n u n

n c - 10 :0 0 a .m .

t z - ^ z i J a y , e S c fi t t

2C£ - C i i ^ j<=lO p e n H o u s e w i th r e f r e s

t h r o u g h o u t t h e d a y 3 5 ^ S lio s h o n e 'S T rN o r ttra n d

)/i Ijli a n d le.q ittEX

V I I E d w o p d Ik McmW' S»Cg"l'I» in.oUQ'


/ im a m

I I C H o o s j^ f i

8 ^ m o d e ls - i)


— $ 2 4

S A V C ^— — on c

W orldsn ts’ p ro t

ground ao d beaten by po) ,U>e dem onstrators sca tte re

T he violent protests folkn o f ra id s by secret police in p ^ ^ n j^ r^ W h n tto f lM th .

A spuf e s n ^ - f b r t i i e ^ N ' telUgence -AgMcy said b» W ednesday tracked (our a ssa ssin s o f tbo SanUago g a house lo tb e east side c

oitdlm m~ m a j6f d a i r i a ^ ciffldals sa; ~nq>orts~had~ 8aid Uie

tocked Uie foreign m lnisto- so u th em Managua.

A fte r a ttack ing t b e 'a l p lan e w as shot down by a i (iro and crabbed In flame

PattDii S Qene Sta/tqi\ i jn n f-.n a . ti£ n d a

u t ic L i 1 U ^ y j 2 z U l j

b.t£.infj£.x..g, .ig 83__

f c S o u i f i o f S a n dr e s h m e n t s w ill b e s e r v e d lay a t o u r o f f ic e s . m d i 0 2 7 - 6 l u e L a k e s B lv d

o u r d o o l f ix i z s i .

I D. JOHBS &Uravai^K— ■■ ■ ---- -Q' ^olKli^n Cc'po'llion •

r a ®

x/txxyna___M J _ d R P _ y y A y , e ^ Q

f r o i f r o v e t *

i n : s t o c k : . 7 :

$ 2 5 0 6 5 ^I a

; n™ er_

test- eseaVIEN IU

K L l .n l g l . tH .« M d .n v e

J governor to , o t Santiago

b y a b o tU i

= r - . t » o » ln

g jj-p r t, tbe a h l t d t " an ti-ah x raft “ ’n e s .- ^ ' ■ ■— I----------- -_^-:

m n n n n n r a

qi i I______ « ' '•' ■' ■ • ' '

f j t a i i o r ^ _____ j

7 - i - - - - O l

. _ i - ID^ S - C o . ;

. ~ i ~ r 2 U B l wIJLIUUUU.Q ^ B B I *

O V E N __________


1 0 0 ®-----------16,0 ^

S I D E - 0 Y r S I


C^ T oEr^ez<ModeIn Size

15 to 22 c

imily flies c apingcomtNA, A ustria (U PI) - A dovak b icyde racer, his od two children, deOed gist border g u « j^ and

~ ^ )o a i^ a tibmemacte bot loon, offldals said Thurs-

9 sold CzecA b order guards lies a s Uie balloon, powered tU ed gas h ea te r and m ade ' lo w ^ iu ^ nibberized d o to .

th<»m througa m ltf urfcoess-oLa heigh t of.6,000__

ian -radk i-quo ted .U»e_re£-..- is saying tbe lr SO-minuto r a t off "com pletdy wiUiout

IS believed to be tbe first

Listen, F

D rd o r -T o d a y D o t3AHO HOMETK - F e o t u r h ^

Blu* L okas BlvS., Twin Folli

1 0

atorsM i l E

___________ ____ ; .

■ g l M p i .

ORcersise s - - —

cu. ft.

off in bal^ Timumstfia,I such e scap e f ro m Eastern I In a hom em ade balloon 1 y ears .[ - . The refugees wtire Iden I— Roljer t I lutyrar - ^ . - a - t m em b er of lhe C z e c h ^ w • rac in g team , his wife J •—dauG hter Jan a , 14.- and 6

i o rd , 11. The family lived 1 I n e a r B ratislava Just ac J ' D anube R iver from Austri

A u s tr ly i radio said Hutj : conslrucuon cngineclTWTl1__ In hl.q sp a re tim e and_fle;— balloons a s a hobbyr---------.____ A n In le rlo rM in ls lry .sp) sa id H utyras applied for t asy lum as Boon a s Uiey lac

th e northeastern town of I te in-


To Sign Up For■APRICE


lo n ’t D e lq ji?rHEATRE r OST TVDili ' '

_ C h o o s e

' 2 4 5 ' t c r i

_ s i z e


PrTces I

------------------------- __Friday. So

im E u rep o I m In four : c io itum .

entlfled o s_____ |

ovak cycle i C UJan a . 36. I r " - ...............

1 eon-Rich-......... .......................-j in a town _ across the ■. j j &tria.j ty ra w a sa 1 9 ^ ^ ^ ffw rcycied---------------lew _ h o ta lr ..

spokesm an ®

P IP3f Falkens- .

nee------------ ^t

, O fS .. . Spe

' Nov



” ‘W U K IH A

Hii I

e from^ - t b r ^ P

f i s j _ _ r — a B

Start As Lo

TWiB -fa llS

Soptombor 9,1983— -Tlmos-Nei.N ew a.-T w ln C alla,ldahQ Ar7,_____

INTO A E ^B IC SNow al tho I]

J e ro r n o H q a l th a _______ | | _____'FltnoKB C o n to r-------------S -------

ilte Mould In >1n>lructor H to Miinllofing ovQiloble ' 'Umo»:6;7o.m„9.10o.m. ;'.Bp.rfi.Mondovf=fitjQy 8»f month or $30 por month ll - --toT tuiifdcim ioi' - — S r

............ - ...................

\ Q i i l

Oh, How They>poiled You ____t o w Spoil Them


—- -.„ .n733-3674 W O lW ta l



§aiiO^pfreeze*L VRESZKK

,ow As


rj .................


l y M n

E = e t B

i P r e s e n t

• tODoug1’* i*n*n QuBrtBrboek

' Holiday (nn

b«r«n(lva Bock T lm afN »w t

-------- ---------M -O olg U o o o rd ----------- —;• - ' D*f*nilvaBack "

'. ■_____ 'y*T jf*»_______

‘ . 92 Kavtn Comaron^ ■ -.------ii™b=dr«----^^ . —^ A iid lion W att R aitauront

f j a | | | h . -

«6PhllC ulllnsnD afanilvaLlnaWIIHam»5h{»—

'— .__________ ' S - w g y .

79 0orryW h»a I * : O KanilvaLlr;‘r ; KTlCRoHIo



-i----------------— ------------— i

1 Falla, (daho Friday, 8 « p te t

i a f e i J v i

I n v i l

C K w

itin g The

,mw ^ m

IIB anA rH no ton • D afaniivaEnd

Conyon Spring! Inn

---------------- 34SaonS od lar —O afantlva Back ' B argtnturanca

------------ ^ .4 0 -T ro y Loeleli---------' DafantlvaBock Donnally 'i Sport*

_________ 85 Robart Hyan '

t BaiklnRobbln*

6 7 M 1 k a E rfc¥ ^ O H antlva Llna

_________Judy«lB eekl_____

hita ta ll B08«bW ll*Llna Dafanilvafdlo------------------------------

— «--------------------------------- - i s J S

- - -

™ - S u |/ / I il / _

W e


win F a lls

i t e s Y c

i m K

S jeg jyr l 9 8 3

1 1 1....... - - - »2N ofhonB urfca-

Wtda Racatvar I C revar'* Pdy < Pock

r; !

-------------- 25 Scott M o r n o n - ------Running Back

Arnold Moehlnary

_ _ .4m iuL K olb rook -----------D aU ntlvrB ack

Scotl't Rafrlgaratlon

I w B m -94M ]kaSm llh


--------- 6B M IkaPovalacO ffan ilva U na

Coca Goto BoHllna ----- ‘CaM^ony------------- -

M l S Bs e s i t s c s r i ----- i V B ^ S SWllkin* - 82 ToddIvaE nd WIda RaS lan i Idaho Bonk

___ ^‘! ! » ‘,’*‘*'■11? f■!--•-• * * • «li"r ' t t J L:


d»on» ShoaS lo ra Cl

^ i n

p p o r t

? / C 0 / 7

; A rea Cl

o u T o ^


p j j - T &

8 T w i

IS C hrltA b la O afantlvaB ack

Follt Brand- tndapandant Maol

--------------- 26 £ric-Andar»o'n— -D afantlva Beck

Idaho First NoHonol Bonk

.. 42PotXoot»-----------Llnabockar



Tha Marc Oaportm ant Stora

70 L oranO rr O H an tlvallna S h lrlav lW vo lt

' ■” W irnVMo^------------

odd Jo n a i ....................B J Run(R acalvar -Dalaniank ond T rutt P a ta n a n 't V

lorry Lawl*

d o iO H Ic * Supply

F a l l

ne N

b a in lie L i

^ t t e r

R i i

n n i f i h f i ' H IM iTT

h i F a !

- 14RobEllliQuortarbock

Twin FolU Bonk ond TrutI

S------- -------------30 J lm tu tx ---------

Running Bockik Tlll«roct

— - 4 9 S tav«B anna tt------D afantlvaEnd

P fle o H o ^d M ra___

60 Doug McRobsrIt

Amarlcon Raol E tta ts ond A ppraliol

73 Tim Bu.char O ifanilva lln a P a rcP o fT to n ~ ”I rrmm

M m J g

/ i tN le h o l* ' ------- — B4Cri•nilvaE nd . WIda.W a tta m W a o r ' CobI

Bill Ingram O ffantlw aBockCooch "


I S Y i


o f Comm

n d

p K rtS iP d Vil l s B f

IS P o tS ago l* DafantlvoBock

rutt * Naw tont Sportt Cantor


---------------— S t-JeH lon jba rf-ftunnlng Bock

PannyW ltaD rug

Da(an»lvaEnd ______ Bolia C » c ^ a Company

i l ^ ® i'if' ' ^ # 3

J i i - • ' . • . ^ 1 ^6 1 laR oyC allndo

T haP orlt

iffl74H onk Thorp O afan tlv a lin a

■ ■•■ Chom bar M am bar • ------------------bickeur^;ii--------

mCraig Jona« 85B.

IdaR acalvar Tl :obI*vI*Ion--- ---------------- Ropar.

Andy Borron OFfariilvA U na Cl

i n m

j= E a llsp a 3

m e r c e ^ :

r u i n s

T i b SHBB20A tan S tu n m an

D afantlva Bock ta r P rofaiilonol Butlnat*

• Sydam t

......................... -32S<ottM o«ock.--Dafandva'End

Unltad F lrttFadaro l Sovlngt and loon

llnabockar iny Austin Brokaroga

62B cbA ndarion------------- — 0 « a n # l» * lln a --------

Mlnit Luba

75 Randy Iow a D afantlva lln a

l5BobBurv>all 86:Tight End - ” ~ WI

p a rtM an tS fo ra ~ ~ ' ~ Ml

rron ' • Mlk«a Coach 0*fanJI»i

i m i M

i - B r u l r

\ u t m


-----1 U N t ^ —

1 ' 21 ScottSofnmbr”D afan tlva Bock’

Its Aca Printing

1 i j S B l........................9 3 A ta n D o v li--------

D afanilvaB oek >1 F lrttFadaro lS ovlngt


1 C T I Elln ab o ck ar

____ H. O. Bowan Company

iS64C hrl»O tar«f

B ackttaod Coopar'CoT

O f^ n ilv aL ln a

l6ScoH M arlay ' 80W ldaRacalvar WIM oela'iBooH Kranj

IkaTInkar Iva llna'Coo'chMBulldlnot_____________________

i t t t :

n s

^ W p r o g r e s s -

k ’ D afantlva Beck I/:FIntS acurlty Bonl^

m m m

------------- " - 3 4 Corky PadarlcQ -;-.'-----Running Bock

ig t In tarm ounta lnC ot- ir,

f,-------------— SITom M cK lnttry— :------------Cantar

ony V oko y ____


( t 78.SaanM oIy»aux D afantlva Llna

------------ .,,CnUw>tnLrrttnUni ■ , > -

W IdaR acalvar I ran g a l'.H a rd w o ra • ............. v V



■ y T . Featienterta:

^ M a nBy JaN E N E BUCKWAY TJmc3-News comspoadc

F A IR F T E L D -U ‘3 no (the" M anny Shaw r

• . :F ^ e ld i , l l h a s a f ld d I e o i ■ B iddle m usic h as been

l o f & w ’s life from tbe jTcii^ young and lulled to

• '"•fslfier's playing.—— iW y w ^w iU i^hftajQ iln jn jto

r;,:./9 d L tbe.bow across tbe

^ h e 76-yearold Shaw - - ‘-“ M rr Idaho Fiddler,” ‘

• LfUSA” and Is tbe-orgiml q p residen t o f tbe Old-TiJ

. A A ssociation of Idaho.IV: ^ partic ipates (n am f. 'n J p 6 a a l flddler competl p 'n d ^ y - a tW e l s e r a n d l s l ]

J th e Old-Time Fiddlers 1 HrideachJulylnShoshO P

; (M e ls o ls o a p c ^ u la rp c ; J # p e o r s a t conventions,

y i ifcea ired|u 8 s a D c e ' Academy o

and occasiona] fu n era ls and religious sei■ lA f l ^ a l activity for F a r e tb e Jam sessions beli

. Sunday evening a t tbe iwben “ Manny Is In town.’ ' .Shaw Is tho proud ow

; Ifian 40 violins, a mand (S u ta rs . a viola and t

w d history’ of each pl• d isp lay Id Manny’s Mu

f|ind woricsliop a t his bonw p! B om In Torrington. V

r — i^ b e r o M W j- a i a w - m c lia m ily to W ashington an i to Idabo by covered wago

_______. H e_rt|lilhM _U ?e old.wooden wagon wheels fro

_ . th a t brought him to tbe C : a san ll-y ea r^ jld b o y .

------- i-:^Th© -famiiy-homwtaad: k a s d ld 'Shaw ood his wif< :i— ?Uicnie-Barron.-"TbQr-an

^ i f two daughters, and ha . Children and ■> foi

■ "E a c h gets a fiddle," S • - -Shaw ’s g r « a ^ o p w

r * i ^ C 8m ii; and Shaw W o u n d J h e re . .sw ath lng j

' i v e s t o c k aod doing i .chores.- H is public fiddling c a r

---------iage-t3-w lie o -be s ta rted' ' com m unity dances on tbe

___i.:_M i-«H iId get a few doll ': a n d then pick iq> $2.50 K fidd llrtg . On-a-good wee

he says w ith a wlnnli “ I p lay by ea r,” he c

i- lle a m ed by w atching and iT c o u ld n ^ v e - i t - a lo n e ."

_ ^ ^ tisx p la!n o 4 tiu itte£ to e in o i p Shflw h f ls ^ ^ p rp m o f l r fiddle jnuslc” since 1950, i j o f Idaho 's.folk tradiU oa

lost.In 1960, Gov:? Robert

appointed Shaw.cha ln m

of Idaho’s TerritoriaLCe ebraUoninl963.

The-O Id«Tim e-Piddle tion, c h a rte red 'In lfl6 3 n

= ^ h a w * s - ^ e f f o r t s . - '^ H e - p )

served a s its p resident fo T he sam e guidelines ha\

^ R e a d eB y Connie F letcher pilcagoSua-Hmes

In w h a tm a y b e ih e m o s publish ing gim m ick sii •Irving wrote tho rea l tru tt i) ig lies, the New Yor 'W Uliam Morrow & Co. h

^____ ,'jio.ooCLlQ.flnyjcEadeLwfe"W ho KlUcd tbe Robins I T hom as Chastain (Morrow

- : T he Robinses a re filthy 'Ics n u ^ t e s . AU eight

~:vc iy u n c o a n ^ c dM ths.-' 'c h i J j e ^ lg ' l o “ »Tvb‘ m urders, detailing who -.where, when, bow, and

ru le s a r e inside the book. "W ho KUled the Robins

-The CharactOT a re 'a s telephone listing; tbe plo

: . -> ^ o d com bination of "Di n a s ty " and A gatha Chri ■nien T here W ere Nooe Chapters spit out bloody t M m uch tobacco ju lce .

___ • R ead this one for— p u b l l B h l n g l s a ^ t l ^ t b

- : L oxt» .D . E stlem an’fl f abou t D etroit gumshoe Ai “ 'ITio -G !a» Highway’! M ifflin. $13 .% ),lsab leak ' Chewed iq) by clrcum stai choice, se t against tbe oc

H ‘Gbdfath< ^_takesTNR( ^ . of TV rati


m ^ SAY b y fiddUnjocteof D akota an__ _ ___ D uringI n o f ha iil to find Shaw ap;

resldm ce In w earing le o v e f tb e door, beaded J a een a basic p a r t o lco u rse , iie tim e he w as “ Bveryi a to sleep by h is ce leb ra te .

. __ elM ,” Iwused to a tio n th e — W ood,’so-t hfront-o^mfrand— tn y h e rita ;the s t r in g , ’’ he____ A lso .In '

. , boree. Th aw Is known a s . C orra l r a i ’’ “ Mr.* F iddler, n u isd a n s ;onlzer and p ast I t is n rTlm e F iddlers’ cap laln s.

T h e annul and Judges th e a o d profe

je tl tto n b e ld a n -^ aU ty p eso Is the sponsor of T he j a r Iers’ Jam boree . M a ry L .C

--------------------ISSLbecair perform er and a t h is ra n ns, concerts and v isito rs w: Ihft rnglon.. He ThP.Slwah ‘win F alls . Re- n o w ^ n s

of Arts th is S unday In >nally. plays for Shaw be services. e a r ly age,ir Fairfield foUcs' tr a d e d a .J beld m ost every w h e n h e w tbe Shaw hom e The fick vn.” from a cow ner of m ore ra ssed hlr

aodolin, banjos, it, his fa t d a ceUo. Tbe p iece and •araescplptroiB aw ay.I piece, a re on Young f Music Museum t iv m th e s ame. d isp lays hL. Wyo., in Sep- w lth tb e o i -moved AvlttUiIa-— .R ach o f 1 and Ih ra cam e h a v e a ste agon in 1918. fidd ler lov old. Iron-ringed • F avoritt ; from the wagon i h e l ^ c e Cam as P ra ir ie , f lv e .ca lv e

bronc lo g aaded a lX w ra l,— K lnneyra l *fjfe, the form er . Kinney -aie-the paren ts -Fairflcjld ,- 1 have six grand- him . four p ^ t - “ The fl

......................'■ broken-a x"S h aw say s. i t ’s ’ straii

ranch— p d n ta ouIt »w (ian o R ^ be • Klnrioy'i ig jia y , f e ^ g _ K i n n e y .K c g other ranch a a w and

' w hich w asc a ree r began a t— Boise fair ted"piaying”for S h a w 'sm i the prairie . Another

doUats rodeoing -from -a-S o !.50 a night fo r w as f irs t r veekend-I'd ^ S o ld lersc l inlngsmUe. He hasle explained. " I D aniels o f aod 1 Just never b y h e r h u e .'i-H e J u d b e i L ^ k ^ w insl LM lr e a lm m lc. - " W i S noting “ o ld g m e Shaw savs

fearing p a rt He Is a! ions-w ere-belng-^m ade hli

tu te lag e ol je r t E . SmyUe "S am w . CTOM of a r o y ^ i ^ d

.Centennial cel- m ad e e x a Soldier Mi

tdler^a-Assocla'— instrum en >3, is a resuil o f r ^ V e lo p ," ] - p re p a r e d - th e ' » l - h a d -

it for four years, looked rea have been used S am .” he£

ersdecnost Interesting------------^since CUfford^ ^

ruth about som e 3 ^ifork publisher >. prom ised

IS FaraUy?” by rrow ,» .95 ). - ^Ihyrichcosm et- ' ' ' "}il o f them die— : -a.-'n>e read er’s ------------=—rvb"Uie“ - ^ g h r - ----------vbodunlt, why, jmd' subrnlt th e ' _ rf:

>k. . Al n s F a ^ y ? ” ls M

as Uvely a s aplot is a thinly - B ^ k•‘DaUas,” V D ^! . I j O l HHirlsUe’s "And i t t l f l M Iooe,” aod thely m urders like

for profit — f I B H

•fl fourth n o v fd - o f t h e s ^ lAmosW aUrer, T U sU m i y ’! .(H ougbton,_..departm en a k view of Uves anchor, Ss stance aod bad w an ts W al )o e o n u s in e s s 800, 8 0 0 .1

i er* ______iC to top___ -tings — B2

f h a r n ^ling groups In M ontana, South an d Minnesota.

lg the 1963 centennial year, appeared around the s ta te g an I n d l ^ costum e with Jacket, a fuU w a r bonnet and,

» , ca rry ing a fiddle, xyonb w as growing beards to ite. I w anied to do something h e explains. “ I have Indian io'theCTslUmOJAfasa'fiymhDlof- I ta g e a a w ^ a s jd a b o ’g.y In 1963, S iuw beg^inlils' Jam- T he first one ^vas held a t his' ranch and a ttrac ted numerous n s and spectators. - - .

no t. a contest, but a s be 3. Va celebration o t m usic." aual festival Includes am ateu r ofesslonal m usicians playing s o f stringed instrum ents, jam boree was moved to tbe u G ooding P arit in Shoshone In

'anoh lo bost the thousands o f ; wbo y early attend the event.

insoris th e Jam boree the second In July.b egan collecting violins a t a n

ge, tak ing a fte r h is fa ther who a.key-w lnd w a td i for a fiddle - } w os 17.iddle b ad a taU-picce carved I cow’s hom , which em bar- him . So when he could afford fa th er purchased a new laU-'’ tnd th rew the cow bom one

g M anny saved th e taUi}iece e sc ra p heap and now proudly 9 h is fa ther’s fiddle, complete } orig inal cow bo ra piece. .o tSbaw ’aiQ .plusJnstrum ents_ s to iy behlnd_Uiem, .>rtiich the loves to l ^ . .r lte s_ in c lu d e jte tim e during 18 d e p n ^ f o n w hen he traded iv e s . an d . broke, a . neighbor's ) ge t a fiddle m a'de'liy C fi^ lle "ra local ham esa m aker.-----------:y cam e to .Old Soldier, near d,-ln-l906-and-Shaw-admlred

fiddle is m ade from the aide-of-a^hraB hlnfl-m arh iiw ^ •aight g i ^ iM p l^ ’’ Shaw

ly’s-.' g ra r id d a u ^ te r Meryle~ K om her painted a jw r tm it of_ ind the fiddle. The“ ^ c tu re , /as nam ed "B est of Show” a t a a i r ln l980, is on diq)lay a tmuscjom;--------------------------------ier of Shaw 's fiddles Is m ade Soldier M ountain spruce th a t- it m ad e Into a desk for the Olds c h o o l: - -------—--------------a s a viola m ade by DoUy o f Je ro m e and a violin mado

husband Sam. Both a re weU- nstrum en t makers. ^ J je e ia i3 E i5 b .J 0 P « ;y e a r8 ;i .>ySt______ ______________ : ___

also proud of th e vloUn he him self, under the expert s o f Sam Daniels.1 w as r igh t tbere, looking over ilderaU th e tim e.’’

xo irsk in s into the 'forest near M ountain to select wood for

ten lsr-“ I t’s - a n ■ instlhct'.ypu -■ ," h e say s with akoow lngikxl. id^tt-coty l e -o r Tam arackaa~^ -evergreftn) Tftncfi.pQ3ta;.UmtL real nice, and 1 took them to te added.

3 d e ju z 6 i

ed lest p a r ts of Itatrolt.Iroeout, W ^ ls h ir e d b y o - tent-fitore dum m y of a TV Sandy Broderick. Broderick /a lk e r to find h is 20-yearold 1. T be ancbor say s be lost h is

l i


I'th K m O mId,



u rRg







a r



:aa t

dea t —Id



e r M a n n y S ti

!ii{....:.-'.’F iaai6HHftit.miiiiio ia r m ap le fiddles a rc pa: o r coUectlon, a s Is one m a XJ - ; Antone .-Bragc?, .a -weU' d. _ m a k ^ ^ m G d o d in g : (al=^4;^Hc<ra>«'bIs^n)0Sluuua t:.H he .tlrt-on ftJflcnd .lir.a ,to no rth ern N evada.

"Som e guy .was huni

so n once In the divorce 8 a DOW f e m .b e '8 jo a ln g I V tim e 'to d rugs. Wedter fl ± 00 tioublo, then troul Id W alker Is plunged Is netberw orid w here druj

H Teerudrinj ^ needs to fi ^ a new friei

f i d d U

>hsiw h a s b e e n I n s t r u m i

■Bntfpfffl’s 'e y e" ■ ja r t of Shaw’s m o re abo iuide by the la te pe rfec t s )U-koown^.vlolln f ingeriaa i

lu stra ted ,’ ingry for fiddle e red th e fi

a ith e^R-------------------- 1 — m l x - ^ i a

Elstlenu r e a d e rs I novel.’ *:

_______EaUeman:taU dngde

= = — - so kneeje=—J— . . sound like' • __________ H ie b e

. com ing 0 espedaU y F rid a y ,” M ai:tln’s,

-— :--------------------slde-of-Gl..................... - ‘I s t s - a n d -

•' hartW iltteT he CO

________ vestiga teM cG arrig

A G lasgow (A _________ a b ig s to r^ f i u n d n t^ G la sg o w :^ ________ __ _ c o rru p t, llW suspense.

. Don’t b. ^ o f Sunny

^ " g g j s e t t le m e n t and B ritish ric 5 him a second spookiest ’ finds Bud w ith should m «b le r ta r ts a s su rfaces . )d Into tb e A femai m gs ^od c rim e aSei

i k e r ...........find----------and — B2

I p S iFriday. September

m e n ta l in a lm o s t e v e ry

^beJnia6fl_!U -W l8lL-LW 6y lbout It. You can see it ha:

shape. The back of thi o a rd ^ is -m ada-out-of^an-olc janhaildle."^-”

B -M ngazlne "A m erica li Jd,” w hen th e publlcatton cov e f irs t national fiddling contes

tobms-l « jm e up m urder. • . - m an loxnvs bow lo drav } into h is waking-nightman

•Hie only " p r ^ e m t an '8 _ overuse f the tough detecUve deVlce. W alker taUc elerk-tougb he’s beginning li Ike a Dead E nd Kid. b est hanH w U ed m ystery t ; out o f B ritau rtE ese ‘' d ^ lUy ScoUand. Witness " F a t

by P e te r TumbuD <Sl 's , $10.95), a waUc on tbe dari Glasflow-wherocqisr^icumal id -c rlm lna ls-a ro aU -equaU;tten . —..................................cops of “ P ” Division In

te th e ^ e y m urder of Bll rig le , a . ^ r t e r lo r tri w Q arion . M cGarrigle needei to ry to salvage h is career. Hi It 'an ir 'w a rT Jro n q rtly -k illed W polico uncover a welter o t, le tha l moUves.-It's unqjarinj se. .t h e deceived b y the "R ebeeo inybrook F a rm ” atmospliep Jet s ta r t of Kenneth O 'H ara ' m a re s’ I^est” (Doubledaj i-a-m urdep-m ystM y-aet-at-. r id ing sdiool. T U s is one of .th s t m ysteries around, ope t ^

mokw read ers su ^ id o u s c5S.n a le groom Is found d ead in > SeeMyftetyooPagDBS

i C i abe_r9.l983 -

km ta^

ry a c t iv i ty a s s o c ia t e d w

bas ' In the p lM lo g ra i^ 1 the flddlo w ith circle ac

-old-i—in la y B -m a d e -b y —B«---------- a r izo n a rw a llaeo badDf fl v IoHn forJ t _____^iC M lgejJffiS lcJK !cov- th is old m an’s fiddl itest transla tion of the Rt

If y ou r fora£ ^ ”d o n * f/ is B y P A T MARCAN T ays, *T jines-iV ew s writerF a i r ............ .......<Sl. T W IN F A U £ -V iarfc N ational Lampoon <3 B a l . ^ - fra tcm ltlcaandC olli laUy • -•'iA nhnalH ouse,’.! it '

ou tings an d tourism In- “ V acation.”

BUI And, v acations nu

ided trea tm en t th a t m ari . H e Lam poon m ovie, lied.-"-- ^-^^-IhthfrfUnvcvfity] r of - C hase 'takes h is wife rin g - . B everiy D ’Angelo. J

c h i ld r e n o n a d r e ^ M ca - ca rfrom C Iiicaflp ta b m wfalcb'lntentronaByir a 's ......... resem l^ance toD isiday, . T h e ir trav e ls , bov

a ‘ fmi»ghturfthdbm«rtff t b e _ th a t th is fpm could 1 th a t w ith t b e ‘'T ow ering s o t "A lip la jje s l-a .” '

M urphy’s law n u in a tb e fam ily gets losti

I Smoking la goes out in

movies and

l l

w ith fiddling Ih th e state

U he Is playing aand scroU ^ 3 w astaken

id loaned hlnt th e — H e owr

xwns fo r th -fro m —m other-of idle” Is a loose brought t R u ^ a n caption, •Sc

VreitrtYR. good hoi m is s iv e

rro N io

-W hatthe . H |1 d id for _______>\|pgwiln

A i ^ fnrfnm lly.

[nay n e v c r b e l b e _ _ _ ^ ^

irk s lh e la tc s t |

•vniflnClievy , - „ Ife, played byi.aiid thelrtw o • --im vacallonby ‘ ~to WaOey World, SL L otdsilybe^fftfm og.... 'dfisertsofisneyl&bd........... ^fortbeGro w ever.are unfricndl;ier» iQ m uch 8 o _ _ i o u r i a t i » drankiq> tbere la rg es tm agInfem o'’ and ' everythin

does.uns ram pant as Include s ts ln ad an g e ro u s «Sei

i n - -------- .................. '

n d T V — B5- . I t

'W . _________

A ' ~ ^


ta te o f Id a h o

^ 1 5 years after the p lc tw ^ ■ iken. Shaw:was able to purchase' : .idlafromJyaUaco’sestatci------ ^ —own5~other -tnlaid-flddles In- —

iT-of-peari-taU-pioce that-w aaii:,-' ht to Idaho from Texas in

•SeeSHAWonPageBS _

l e m o o r f t —>Hday; m^ u c a t io n l^

j ■ I

k e v t ^ ~ ^ — r -

d s o d « } ib o ( t io o d a ix l in M ^ ^ B tscrf A r t t t o a ^ n w lonWnge Grand Canyon. Tbey b a U B ^ ^ H •ndly natives and hit aU tbe ^ it hot BPOts. Ute the worid’s _5t mud iKHBe. Ino lB er words, tiling th a t could go wrong. : - — -

luded in tbe b ad luck is t b e P - ^ < •SeeM O V ZEooPageBS

| ^ r l # r i €- - ^ M u s i c G l u b '

TWIN F A L L S - T--------- : l t s a n n u a l‘m em ber

= = ^ ^ R c n a Js3 a n c e ~ A fc ii 'd e ir -A v e .E .

T he p ro g ram will I them e will be “ AU Ml

"7 - In slm m cn la l. v oa-------------RDcocorclnssicairi i

_ _ ra ry m usic will be p r _____ 'i: ■ Local profesglonal

- S trick land . T enley SI ^C arp en te r-an d Com] 'J a n Olsen, Caro! B a r

_ _ ::: Anyo°® Inlcrested th e m usical a rts 'In T

....... .......th e te a <md loin, the---------- -m e m b e rsh ip dues a. -11—-. - .733.1838. •- -T..

S y m p h o n y «■ - ■' TWIN F A U ^ - ■

conducting a patron_________ ry .£cason._________^

■. A Nov. 5 concert wl - th e Feb . 14 co n c e r t '

------------- -will“f e a tu ro - jn. com poser; and the V,

...........se lec ted scbolarshli:;, symphony.

• ' • — Sponsor tickets aro ________ ■ will adm it com plete f

NBC ri f o t o p ( TV rati.. NEW YORK (U PI) -

----------- th e - top of - the-prim e- tlra tin g s la s t week w ith Ih e r ." T he M afia movlo evCT b e tte r the tld rd tlm

^ e a rsa g o .----------- : ; -A lI - th re e -p a r ts -o f -

m ovlo th a t a ir«d durl . e n d in g Sept. 4, mad(

■ N le lsen su rv ey ’sT oplO

W ben “ Tho Godfathe •on te levision In N ovem l .'a 26.S ra tin g a i ^ a '4r{!« •the v iewing _ a u d le n e ■spokesman said . In Nov h a d a 16.0 ra tin g and a

J a s t w eek it had aW .S n :sh a t« .

• O verall NBC la st we< fflH iig nuiH r-gS 'percent

~^«CW lng audience; CBS r a t in g s and a 23 sh a re on

T: r :r : ~ i t:3^nnrt:aa '8hflre .~r: ~;

: “ CBS Evening News’ ' a t s h o ld on Um No. 1 spo

-----------:cverting-new8-categor>. . -ra tin g and a- 2fl share ,

- ^ ^ J ^ l ^ U y News” h ad a 9A 2 0 T h a r e and ABC's ‘

. .Tonight” h ad a 9.6 r a t ___- .. . ; s h a re .^ _______________

- - T he ttq) 10 p rog ram s----------endlngrSept-:4,-accordln--------> iie lsenO o .-t-- -_____ 1 Slm ftn fti^S lm on {(Jl

2. NBC Movie of the \.........H her) ------------------- :-3 rM ag D u m rP ;M € B 5 )

4 .T h eA T eam (N B C ) _ » -5. NBC Movie (Godfatli

d T hrce 'sC om pany (A7 .F aU G u y (A B O )8. M iss Teen A m erica (

-------------9 -rJROMmHftfGodffltli• 10. N ew hart(C B S )-

— Sally-Eiel gets new

........... - HOLLYWOOD ( U P l) -who won on O scar p laj

'■ un ion o rgan iaor ln ' "N< — - - p lays-yel-another-grm y-

T e x a s P ic tu re ," schedul . production th is fall.

W riterKllrector Robert___ won A cadem y. AwardsTl

—— a n d —screen p lay —for—"---------K ram er^li-slgned -M IssJ

lead role In th e Dep d ra m a .' R obert W agner, s la r o

---------s e iT ^"’'H a r t 'l6 -H a rC " ^o u t from th e show to s ta r I

“ — A 'K lngr*Trfcatiinrfiim foO ffice.................-" W agner will p lay a r n lg h td u b ow ner who tries G erm an SS plot to kidnt an d D uchcssof Windsor.

— ^ V a l e r i e -BertioeUi.-whc ac tin g debut and then fix tu re in TV’s "One D ay sc rie s , d iverts her energ show lo s ta r in a two-hcm o v le ^ _ __' Tho youthful a c t n ^ w c a s t o f "AnoUier High I s ta r r e d w ilh M Ichad Brai


M Tlmos-Nows-, Twin F

[ b 'm 'e e t s M onday- The T ^ F a l l s M usic C lub ' bershlp tea~ 1 p .m. Monday fdemy o T A i^ located a t 505

ill be em cccd by M ark Nciwli 1 Music A rts M ake (3ood Langi rocal and danco sam ples of E trln ip re ss1cnlstr"Jnzr~nndT0 : presented.nal a rtis ts will Include Nelwlr y Stephens, Suzanne an d Sylvl o m p ^ y , Kim Groom, Amy Wanness and Leslie Mauldin, ted in becom ing m ore involv liTMogfc V a ll^ T s Invited to i the T ^ n F a lls Music Club.5 ar^-$lO.— Call for-rcscrvai

/ s e ts tic k e t drive— t h e Magic V d ley 'S ym p on ticket d rive for Its 25th Ani

tw ill fea tu re Jo (3errlsh. fluto ■rt wUl be the “ C debra tlon C • jrw rnm iss ioned -w ortrD jm i e M ay 4 concerto concert will 5hlp w in n ers-perfo rm ing-w

a re $30 and patron tickets a re te fam ilies to all th ree of the o

o f

tings j I) - NBC rode to »e - t lm c 't d e v i s lo n ~ l ; ---------rtth "T he <Iodfa- ■ vie m iu^tbon did ' tim e around than A

3f-the-n ine4»our— iu riag th e week I ad e the weekly T- - - o n t 110 list.

Iher" firs t a ired unber 1977 it had ■pdTenfahare'df

November 1380 it ^ d a 25 sh o re and 5 ra tin g and a 28 _

week h ad a 13.5

:b S h ad "a 12.8 ^I and ABC had an

w s" m aintained spot In th e early lo ry-wlth-ft-12.6^— — - UB, w hU eJ‘NBC-’ . 1 19,6 ra tin g and a - - / s “ World News - - f ra tin g and a 20 ' ' t

n s for tho week d lng-to-the-A.C.

CCBSJ__________________le Week ((Sodfa-

SS)-------------------- ------ r—: )rothcT)'(ABC)

ca(CBS)!a tb e r )= £ l ' ------ i ~

eld-------- .ir role1)- S a l l y F ie ld ,- ..............ilaying a labor vN onno- R oor *-— —ity-role-ln'-iJThe---------------iduled to begin

e r t Benton, v *o • * .......iO or_direcU on—"K ram er—vs---------------a -F id d ^ /o r-lh e---------------)epresslon era

r of the h it TV^ ^ n n a k e n im e — f--------a r in "To Cratch nforH om e-B ox---------------

a n A m erican--------------ries to thw art a dnap th e Duke r.

len becam e a lay At a T im e”e rg y from th e_________>hour CBS-TV

5 ~ ^ 'h M d U ie h R oller," CO- Irandon, Dinah

In Foils. Idaho Fridoy, Sopio

Adm ission a t ti « i .......... ........... a d u lts _ n n d _ Rw i.i I. i a m e m b e r fot- se

g ^ J - - . P a U y H a d l = y . l

505 Second A r t c l a s s: JE R O M E -

wlrth. The c la sse s for a rils nguagc." F r a m in g ln J e n if Baroque, C lasses Inclui

. ro se d a s s Sept rVlrth. Rick . _flow ers .Oct. 3.5 'Ivla, Sheri th e m orning an ly Greene. S ep tem ber, a. T o reg is tc r, CIolved with M ain In Jerome^locomoTo ‘ M o r r i s o n*’• Z /,------- BOISE=-Touvatlom a t b e ing scheduled

-p ro fessional org; v e perfo rm in g a rtsmpbony Is 377-1839 before C Annlversa- Ju n io r League ol i i l S f i t r ^ S c h o l a r s : 1 Concert" TW IN FALLS T u rld an (j— invliHltDTjnilltlo rtll feature be aw ard ed by Ui -w ith - the _ — In te re s ted -M j

■ y ea rs^ jld o r youi ire $20 and W ong a t 733-9554 Bconccrts. 733-1070 fo r more

^ E N D E Z V O U I

H O N ^ K O I


iA U B U T ~ '' ' Proporod'W lA K P IN M IR . 8 ho"

HOURS:Mondoy! )nHwy. 24 ' Nwxito

_____R o g ^ 7 - 4 9 ^ . S — -S g v o $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 . . ,

f r ig id

mF r i g i d a i r c w i l l

—o p p H a n c e s rs o W - e u r F a i r W e e i c (

2 0 4 M tiin A v*. N.

ptombofs, 1963

It the door for th e concerts ' _S3_for;.fitU(Jents. ..Contact _ • season tickets, o r can busir yat733-1079. ___s s e s b e g i n n i n g— Registration for fall wo

r tls ts Is being held a t C^rrell Ilerorao..:-------- ‘d u d e : calligraphy begli ^ n g

3 .and .4 :.ond tolc painting d l and-evening beglnning-the

-, coll 3Z4-2486or visit the stud:m e ^ _______________ .> n C e n t e r t o u r s srours-flf-^he M orrison C^enler Jed during February . Servlc< organizations Interested in ton irts cen te r m ay schedule a toi re Ocl. 15. The lours a re spon e o fB o J ^ . -f s h i p s t o b e ^ w a i

L S — Vocalists and Instrumi lltluno ii Jan . 2 fo r g ,-500-ln«d y th e M agic Valley Symphony. M ngiff Vnllgy residents, v

,-ounger, should contact condi 1554 o r business m anager Pali lore Information.

u s R E S T A U R i

H E N T IC ': O N G STYI^E 11 ^

n « .A m o rlco n -* -& S ao lood

k F O O D . . .5 W A Y WE PREPARE IT

rod Chlnoso >iylo w llh (rl«d hom om odo soup.

o ySoturdoyn-IO P JW .Ito Rup«rt Bowl- •— ---------------

O n l y w “5 ^ 1 - -p r ic e s -

sold du o a r s to r

'P rices V

I - — i n - t h e " ^

I I —iDon'f bc

^ Here ar17CU.FT.

ll N O flO S r-----------MGERATOR ■- ' -“ AUTO ___ _ WAS

" " I • j!**[ I I

- - I A

/^T Pow ef^fSnlnsH*"*'! - .V .i CsBtnl I V . I

' ............

^649®®— ''sss'

i ^ a i r e - Many

I F i

ill give us addition d-dw.rjng--Fa ir—yVee k customers.

P h . 7 3 3 - 7 n |*


3 will be $5 for DEAl t a_sym phony goes to I jiness m anager ev e ry i

ooon .K Ifh lsp a not.

kvoricshops and Shouli I Photo /\r t and and bur


>p on poU and nlcoholl c lasses during . com o ho

e la s t week In d ran k i • stra ig h t

jdIo a t 105 R ost------- Ifa 'g a ln

^ e t ^ ... .er-ln B oiscG ns-----------Ice, social and DEAB o n ring thenew — — (an d I?n lour b y calling h av e wr onsored by the h im lo

i r d e d ---------in en ta is ts a re r ~ lehdarsh lps to -------—ly. . ._w ho_areiductor C^afson “a lly Hadley a t 1 ^

l A N T ^

)dD iahe* -A — W

— f - 7

IT! i

r o l " r----436-9232- - f - - - t a S

S i

/V lth t h e p a r f i c = ^ a n d t h e i r p ( u r i n g F a i r W e

> ie o i u l OUI F a i

v d l l H o n l y th r<

^ p e c l g l “ p r i c e s “ l e d i s a p p o i n l i ^

r e a f e w e x a m

W h i r l p o <

■OMATIC = 7 % ^ M.» s h e r _ & _ 5 : ^ j

■whuipfloFlolMoM------ ---------------- (Mcblc DrXKWJlhor GuDnret

y a t F a i r W ^ i n

) n a l d i s c o u n t s o n e .k riT w .b .ic h r v y e^ :W » 11

C l u ^ a r . ' | p |

2S" d iag o n a l « ^

console^ r 'tv

R og. $ 8 9 9 .9 5 Iw fi** Sov* $ 200

19" P o rtab les As low a s . . . . .

£ ■ : —

een drilAR ABBY: My 13-yearK)ld to h is friend’s tu u se to drink h <f S a tu rd ay and Sunday afl . H la friend is 15. a n d l don’tk r p a ren ts a r e hom e a t th is lime

>uld I le t m y son go on doing t )u ry m y h ead In t t e sand like ;h? I can’t tie him up In his rt> le nex t five years. •• lOn'l w a n r f ilm to T u rirf iiU " o llc by th e timf; h e is 18. H e 1 : hom o from his friend’s house { 'h e can hardly ta lk o r wi ^ t . He keeps prom ising noUo iln , 'b u f l t 's .th e suji«5 story ' I yeckend. P lease h d p m e.j , ,

- DISTURBED MC_______ INLODI.OHAR MOM: If you love your s I ’m su re you door-you would w ritten lo mo), you will fort0 »1slt h is beer-drinking frie

.....................P r i d d y W l .

S eafo o d A LcShrimp, oystort. scallop* ond a all tho trimmings; Maihod ,f lolodbarSdottort.

o i a i r . . . . . .

THE FhlENDLIEST€Pl Call Toll Fro

J A C K P O T , N I V

id po t i on~of~o u iiartic ipq tion w e e k . Fair w e e □IrBooth;^

ro u g h th e 5 di

5 “^ c e p t :f o r_-1 h IS J : — ---------- ::—

m p les of o u r F(



i ' ' ’*Po/r rolloctor•'*799 I- slorogo dr

I 1 conlrol*

iflo!HgSellE'57eo'xK“ c D«Y«< * iuunn—f~-----------

. ; ' I o1 o

rP f ic e s

1 d ll F r ig ld a lre i | l - p .a M ^ i t - t a . ___

inker IIlid sonikJ}ccr_ . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H - . a f l e r - - ' - ^ » 7 A l

tknowIme or I ^ . V i

ig lh ls Olik e a n 1 1 ^ —jroom - Allowing him to sp

u so so Anonymous and ask ™ j|i. so n is possibly a h al<

l lo d o beg you not lo put - m ost im portan t thin

^ today.

MOM D E A R ' "ABBY: OHIO— !iGcorge.’L a o d J _ e i i r s o n tours. We a re both In uldn’t— problem:-George-alv forbid t ty yoiing g lri be w friend t i^ e n w ilh , s o h eh an

m a h t

La Bartond a Baron o i b««{ w llh d .po fo foo* . vogofablo.

T i


I V A D A- 1 ,

u r m a n u f Q c t u r t will-be~ limited e k s p e c i a l s c c

d a y s o f t h e I

h e s e 5 d a y s . ^

Fair W eek Spec

■ & . E

" Jy

lOol RJEaiAS Automoile ~

mi» •-O no,.p loco .chrom o p, o r b o w it • Full w id th9‘drow or •JnJIn lto® h eat q .It • B olonced Cooking . '

R o g ^ S 5 9 9 . 9 5 _ ^ ^ . ^ -

m 9 5 —

• w h ir lp o o l

• S h arp• F rig id a irc

P flm M flfk ^ d d o w n ,draitleolly..

P rk « t tta rtin g ot

» 1 9 < . 9 5 ^

A l s o i l b e r g i t r a d e a n d 1

nay neeM m eon

.................... ............. lakeouiV b i g a i l K e ai, ^ around

/ d n B u r e n g ive the

Dear Abby....................._snap3ho

^)end h is w eekends ca rriea l <vpq ymi «niHtv of shop In ise c ^ Alcoholics show s L Ik for Ils h d p . Your w ith a alcoholic J re a d y . I compllsl i t th is off. I t’s the When ling you have to do s a y s I ’n

harm les......................... ..................What<: My husband,

In o u r la te 60a. The thefo lks ilways-flnds a p r e ^ G c o r a - wants his p icture sh u tte rb

ands h is cam era to p arad e .

low Featui

Johnny Wes• A vory talon tod slngor, co

m any old (ovorltos llko; e nd "Tombling Tumbolwoo'

liloiLJi^es^ean-w e-offei d ^ o n ly to —the- :an b e p u rcha :

Fair. S e p te m l e s w ill h o ! pui li

!c ia l s :______ __

• J wi th

' t l I^ W a a- j l ----------------------

• 4 A utom atic Cyctoa Includlnfl I Power Clean* W ashing Syslom •! ing Option • Exclusive In-The-Dc Ba£koV» HiofbSido.Hacks • Moro

. ___ Slrriifgr v g iu o a Q;'■ moBlIo m o d o lil

S e l e c t f r o m o v e------- — 6 0 -fo m o tta — ^

• S t r o ta lo u n g e r s a l l o t r e d u c e d . , p r ic e s a n d g e t ti

) - $ 8 9 .9 5 r e a d in g fe f l o o r l a m p ~

I F R E E- 5 days qnl;

J e s o n a l l F a i r W e a k I i spectol term s too.

ed helpleone and says, “ Would you p lia se Jo u rp lc tu re ? " - - — r - — e alw ays m anages to p ut h is a rm _ m d the g lri’s waist o r shoulder Eb ! the Im pression tha t they 're m ore is trangers .hen th e trip Is over and the ishots have been d e v d o p ^ ho ie s them to his hangout' the cbffee ~) In our-sm all town, a i ^ -proudly-

tika young lady is a g reat ac-

plIshmenLtien I t d l h im this Irrita tes me, h e I ’m a p oor r t to obJcct to h is

nless p icture taking. ‘ ;iatdoyouthinkrAW >y7-------------- 1—


Oiks a t tho coffee shop m ust know ■gO"for th e 'h arm less , f m - lo v in g '^ lerbug he is, so don’t rain on his— de.

jstern•, c o m p o s o r 'o f fo r in g ' *Iko: "Cool W aters"woods".

Fer-th e s e — le - i te m s — — -- la s e d a t

T i b e r 6 ,

r t ic ip u te — —------

dercounter ............ " —ihwasherM odotD u s o o m r . :/vithHITomp . -h a s h i n g O p tio n

R * a . - $ 5 2 9 .9 5 - i ------- -----------------------

_ _ _llnfl Pots & P n n s » ___ ___________im»HiTompWash- o-DoOr Silvorwaro

> ^ n ~ ~ rr

^ -

1 1

. v e i ;

»rs - ./ .d :J t th is 7 ‘ng______ _________ _ _______

e : " V*' i n l y ^ _ . d b , :

i k • p e d a l s

' .".r •C ootim iedtrom Fco v c red w ag o a -A scntim cnta] favorli

s ln im c n t given him b'_ widow.

' ' r h e plalQ, unadomcc m ado In-VlrglQla-and I

— thm iigh tho fnmllv Owho brought it to Idaho tr . H arris , o f CnldwcU. h

to leave It to, t>ut hod tiea axid dccidcd to givo 11 to h

W hen H arris died, hla —cn^«d-thc-vlollnf^^»lnpl

' t lq u o case , to Shaw v

- M y s t e i•<Tnnt<nn<w F

— stoU r tw aten to 'dea tfa -v s h te . T he suspects a re arid th e m u n to connect c i ^ e . H ie flnhl~riaij n ^ - a n d - n e c k ra c e wl cfpkal t a anything Dick

A t last, a v illain >v4)o li —■cturdboard soe e r or-psi

' a a T C a ra ^ a d etective s<

construction mngnnh piffihcr, sex perv e rt a n pofct jn A rthu r Lyons’ 6<

‘ A ^ ’ m ystery, "A t t t A e th e r " (Holt,-4lioeba]

. P r iv a te eye A sd i Inw 8u^x!cted su icide of 1 a tto rn ey Hugh Cannloi p rob lem ' w ith the sulcld C anning w as Just sta rt scm ble and enjoy h is life v illa in , adventure and i n e ss In th is riveting priva

M o m e-•C ootim nd from Pa(

fam ily’s obligation to tak b ad-lem percd aunt, play h il t by Im ogene Coca, an

^ n e 6 f th e w inh li^ pob “ V acation” Is Its pointed golden characterizatlOTis la s t h a s tb e righ t form at b iza rre preppy-boy talen c la s tic face tb a t m ade h i “ S a tu rd ay N lg h tL lv e .’’]

■ ■MIner’sD au g b e r,” sbow veraatllU y a s theever-pa

b it p e rfo rm apa t u m ^ In by m ovie v e i ^ B rack en a s M r. Walley h

. - . Jo h n C andy of “SCTV” fi — .h ila rio u s a s theWalIey_%

g u a rd who gels sick on ro c o aste rs .- A littled isappo lh tlng ,!

• unpred ictab le . Is tb e brie supcr-m odel Christie B li tb e sexy tou ris t the famil a long th e highw ays of An

_ a co m ed y ja sb o a rd as tb lj B rink ley ’s woodenperfoi w a m ’ts o h a r d to fo t^ v e

Lam poon. F o r those not I w ith tho sty le of tb e magi p a s t film s; Lam poon Is

~ synonym ous witb comed; s a tir ic a l, som ew batd lsn s lap3U ck,w ithalltU eba( a nd sex throw n In.

I t ’sth lsso rto fco m h ln i — m akes-^V acatlon” a h l t f

com edy. M ost scenes will - doubled liflaughter, whlli . ' w ill leave J u s t^ u m p a in

y e t , th e tr ip Is w ell wor IxK ause overall, "Vacatli holiday. ..

^iU boajpd —in prim&j“ I ^ lW W ^ Y O R K j 'U P l i ^

th an a m U llon.pe6plc a — IK ro u ^ ’nrneg'Squarerl

spo t for anyone w ith a iw s tre e t c o m e r evangelists

• politicians. •- Now th e ‘’crossrbaai 0 has become a place for \ to get their own mess

___p u b jlc — v ia BOO sq u a re feligh t bulbs on' u ' o

• billboard., T hrough the “ Messc• P ub lic” project, a dlff e ach m onth gets a cba

Itp In Rmnf!So fa r, 20 a r tis ts hav

“ m essag es” an im ated o 40-foot e lectronic blUbooj

" ;^>ectacolorlnc. V T he p ieces run d u ^

w eeks of every m o n ^ ; : seconds -e v e ry --- \2 0

— gffwtw<«^hod betw ccn.fld< fo r th ings like Broadw aj

! tau ra n tso rso f td r ln k s .'

P r o s o n t tM coupon for

- J l a s ^ R A F ii M im tinA fflim iiEi E 3 by th o

N o t o r i o l

T ||A S H A D n R E rB l


S h a u

m P ag o B l dlsp laysll. Shaw s»

'orlte is tbc in- h is doctoi 1 by a fiddler’s p lay th e i

____ fiddling aTied fiddle w as w riting so xi-handed down— H e is a l f Charies H arris a sS ah taC K>tnl901.I. had no fam ily I ’m hoIdL heard Shaw play f ir s t kids tohlm . withobvichis widow pres- • ^nplete-w ith -an-----------------dV nWw lovingly

m P ag eB !h -w itb -a-ho rse- — ire a ll children,)ecU_toblg2MD}L_—?31flg scene,--a-- with death, Is

Ick F ranc is h as ;

10 is m ore than a ~p3ychotlc~ incss~ e story. Jac loon i!ood=ol'-boy;^Q— oate. . vitam in and prim e sus-

s’ seventh Jacob the Hands of

ihart & Winston,

investigates the

oing. Tbe only Iclde tag is tha t lartlng lo reas* life. Asch m eets id m uscle sore- -ivate eye tale.

P a ^ B ltak ea lo n g ai la y ^ to tb e,andberevU H K H I

polritsof ited and [(ms. Chase a t fiat fo r hisi l e n t s a n d -------------------------a h im a h itin)."D ’Angelo,M Id “Coal-------------M wsber^ ia tie n tw ife .- -m cesare .................l io ^ E d d le ly h im self.'" ’ f a m e l s ............ .............. .......y-WoricL.*_______________n ro ller

ig ,bu tno t ....................—Jriefroleof .B rinkleyas _________m ilym eets- ’America. In — ,thisone.— ------- ^—rfom ianO T"ive. _________ •aUytot fam iliar lagazioeor

le d y th a t is - . . . .isreq>ectful,bad tas te

01natlon;thfll_:_ _l i ta n d m ls s ------wiUhaveyou —/hlle others>ain. . ' _ ■ °w ortbit:aUon” ls a


t Wllh m ore 'I a day possln'^*^c r lt ls -a -p r im e ------------------I m essage, from Ists to soap box

S 'o f I f i ^ r l d ” -^---------------3r visual a rtis ts - cssages to tbo ■ efee to fco lo ro d .

s s a g e - to tbe different a r tis tchance see h is ........'oadway,.______________ _____bave bad tbe lr d on tbe 20^jy- joard owned by

tng tho last two - b , for about 35 120 minutes,.advertisem e n ts .- . . . .............J^ 'sbow sT ^ es^ ' .

Twmt h l s _ _ _ ^ | oFa ~

[FT:,„„||,-------■«IBHTIY H—I--------l j

o u s M

;B O V s-H r-= :

M t l......H ...... ....

V — — —

Y o u M u y



— 4 ROLL

Q l/a tiW tiltuPf AI>(HI3M A IN AVENUE EAST

--------- _C « O N £


ly . . . S h o p W a l k e r 50 M u c h ! ' Y o u D o r



| 9 0Sq.Yd

■(■iiANri<. IE TWIN FALL

N£ 7 3 3 - 3 8 3 9 . . . . ____ _

» • S • f g > O f

HI • 9 # # 9

' W S H

T ‘ ' . l

____________^> > • a • » •

M k

ise features a J ~ 3 S anta su it and I . ,• "was bom in the g r r

Santa and b is _. J L_i ^ i n g m uch lo I ! 'i

continue Idnho 's— ■ — —]• ct i ^ t h a s ^ H L-i

Award, a s liver | ! T cn itlon_of.. his ■ i;3

_ ■■ HR M -------i - d---. - U

■ ■


L i

71I '

' ' I I I I

' I

3m f f t n.__ COMI

"ZEn r r r -TTBigz

- - — h e r e i


1 * 2j_ _ _


• M“ Hachine Re -_«Jst3Hovieslf

3 Rent ViJBD Reel

'mX 1180 BLUE

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

i s 1 ^ '»»»■ SING5EEC:

E L L O E ] Bigxecotding

r f o r T m r “ l - 3 t l v ; A

rO O O GolflFor AmateuZ sepL -l3 thJ2 t


^ C o m e =


p S s^ R e n i^ M o v

r expires Sapt. 22) ■

TIMEMEMBItTSlHCtUDET— Rental (Mon.-Ttnirs.) FHFF _ econlerfi)rflWeek 12

o v e r ; R TO cm

i J lT i^ E S i r V D r N O _ TW INFALLS: _ open Monday <hr<

10:qa^00, Sundi


il l ^ g0 3 - 1 8 - 6

■HR" Jrg s ta r «yVnnual— — H

[ quFnainent~u r s7th .

iwEHrrrIN FALLS Oim xix :»= D ow n o n d

i nJaron o f Beef

a n d—C hlcken-T 7— “7“ Iso, A vailab le


m m m .

iM a i ie l— r i e a n d W E E H ^■^::^(mEmBERS ONI


> 1 ^12"--------

7 0 0 M O O O S E F i

SH COStH, (N ext to Now 5 734-7483 irough Soturdoy day 12:00-5:00

z f c c ^

I I nS j S siW e W o i

‘m o .1 Direct from in Reno. Ke)

drum s, brass -----and-son

- See im pressions M othls, Elvis Presl

H I I T X g

■ y P E C I: PRIME.» = dinni

^ Includos: S a lad , Polt a ______ s q u a w b ro o d rol!^

*Alo C orto M enu ^ ___________T axes Not Inc

r n i i r r)N HIWAY ‘

i Try Our Ni


1 ^ 1 P u I w - i IrB I Tf I p B i 11

lay, SoptemborQ, 18S3 T!m(

J g e f | rI..... .... ...... O J __»— - Q B—

“ r r r - B i pNLY------ i ! ^

[J ' i ■

W I E s | i H O M ! I ;

e w f o n 's ) ’* j " ' J

- j

SEPT. 11 '■ ___________I ______

ant to ■ n e . . , ' ■ ..

LANDl I zz.m lWGM ' ' eyboard,ISS, guitar»ng ; —ns of Johnny | esiey & more.

n r x r i j !B O O MeiAL___I ZIZ1EJHB= > NER=— : ^5— SUNDAY------ - ^ -------


P o ta to , O u r o w n ' ■ roll o n d c o ffoo . _ _ ^onu A vailoblo, |t Includod.

m o p cS L IZ^ 9 3

I I I I I 5

nmes-Nows, Twin Falls. Idaho » '

: F r a n k a n d j

i i w w g a

' ~.......

g B r o i o r n - l H i l

HERE‘S- r • (i'MOW, 1 TO ^A'

IR W IN ^ ^

i f e ? H a g a r t h e 1

S iN*'

G a s o l i n e A

S l i t ' s j u s t j / 'L e t h i l g .

i ^ f G a r f i e l d -

r ; (

< .: - JW^VAMtii .________

j ; ^ ? p i e B o r n I

■ - f;;.;::. TWSiSTOE O ccct-E : F o a cau liw & ...

a r s 'sduwatchim^ — h ; - t m e f l i ^ io M H O w ^



— - D a i


E * ' ; ” I

- ■-jT— 1 7 ■ ■ T ^

Tt r TT* MJ

ZZ=l-irrr- sr- M“ tt- —

__________ _n

D; j > G EN ER A L TEND) f:vT!> a s b ig a s you can now i ^ . . ' p la n s th a t o re yours. ( t : : . ,;- .be a b le to take them ( J . ; . '"■ h c lp y o u m a k e tb e ra a

. “^ — 'th c lr s u p p o r ta n d b a c ) ARIBS (M arch 2 1 1<

•■>ni-k ii/Knm i/m l fn tc f

&-4 Umos-Nowa. Twin f

F el £ m e s t


I H glilda “UKE -THANK '#0a F ^AV ™ Tril ^WB TANI A^E. Jji- liB TANOARD

J H o r r i b l e


A l l e y

- * * i yiyy up ! V He ha^ him s t a y in h i s . . -H ew is

1 e t till, h e

- —_________ 9 -9 1 L iaajumi.

Eoser "1-w^


iilyrC T O SSW

s— = ■ ■ ■ ■ ? ? ?<— —

I^ B 3 4 “

- n ^ H T )

D a i ly H o r<

VDENCIES: Think h av e f.ow about am bitious good w ■s. and then you will , s o m e em to Ihose wbo c an TAUim a success and get y o u r wlacking. u sual iJl to April 19) Go to fu ture.lief nnH .e)u)u> »/mi . nrwIcL

rln Falls, Idaho Friday, Sopt<

If ‘ ll - SOI

?>0 FOOD.

W P I a W , d o i J ' t b e i V E ' / e i i ' f r r i i hK k y o u P E A D

1 ^ ^ : =

‘ = 1 ^ PAh


l a t e s m e,S lim ! He's u p s e t v ish e s h is r e a l . H e d i d n t :h e r w a s h e r e ^ m e a n i t ;

UrelxircilufI ajndrtaU inc

‘ O U ' ^ , / » ^ ' V J l T H ' i l l W d j ^ V o W ^ '^ WIFE' A ME V W - AWO •<

■ I


i7ord------ ^boo

----------------------------------- io‘ ii5n- mor

■ i i r r i l i l i n i l u ______^14.Gro___ _ - ........ Ima

i s Rov_ _ ____ ___ flroj

' ' ' 17 Trai-J-------------------------------ia Uko

___________elav_ 2 | | | ^ ^ | ^ _ ^ ^ _ 2o_Bow

— ™ « — 2r F a ‘c. . I 22 Mov

i H p s ” upirt23 You

W - _______ ___________ V.

■ — — - m ----------------; ----------- ! E V______________________ E t r i----------------H M I'......... t r a= « f e B E _ | s ip I = = - : P | ' 1 _____ I a B '

■ “ M l m

r o s c o p e

2 fallh In h im o r her. and g£ ! will and s iq )po rt L ater. Join e en terta inm ent with others. ^URUS (April 20 to May 20) G •w ork doM m ore effiden tly th ll dnd gain m ore beoeflta in t re. Be particu larly careful In a ■l5lnn M ric .

iplomber9,1B83 _________

t - n l T X . 1 f t > u / ? H O I

/\N P I THlNlc

■oP T T M -K lN a-T o


j i u E V T I V H ^ B

— r nBBVlAJiE


5e t ? r [ v e t r i e d T I t o l d y c n i t o b e a i r y t o d i ! J - g o o d " - o u t . 'y r

m o t h e r 'n r T - i r K '' l ^ t o h i m . ' ^ J


' 7 ^

l Z ^— ------- / j p ^ PO W N '

nUW ' ( T H E FLC ^ > PL O TT

------ ^ S UNTIME

1 I W H A T A K E V O u iV w ^ MV

ACROSS___ 25 Ffonchrypow rlto r_ co in s lypo 27 G iiohp#

300S w orkorsloHon------------3TT31UO--------------■nonoy 34 IlnllanSrovon__________ ppo t_________m ag o - - - 35 S w is s - ' Rovoro ' can to njroo tly . 38 ‘‘— a n .i/n ryA y_____ flnclont ------------rransm lU od mnririor...” .ik o som o 37 T haw s :law 8 38 R oclpow ord 'aow likc 39 M

hicimy------------ ^ p o -------\flovod 41 Rangojpw oTd----------■42'POdlcunj-------^ oungg lrl itom s

-Y cJlw day 't Punte.Solved:----------

b b b x t i f m m f l

GEM INI (M oy 21 a r e g in ed and have so coonllnate your m utw fl profit. L ater

__L' am usem ents.gain MOONCHILDREl

oio in 21) If you w ant m hom e, give p ra ise i

I) G et critic iz ing them . i > than - a round fo r tbe home, in the LEO (Ju ly 22 to At n any finest capabilities t<

imin th e ir aDoroval

t i ^

3Nop, H i;1 0 <

-------------:-------- : - • 0 U y-T-----------r r - T - r r r ------- 1

b.-' ;• ••. , _ :± W

■ ■ .•

T H D U A 'H T ----------


f l H D u S i S l ( \C ,

■ ? C


m S5n fti9-T n

i;____ ■ »jou n o t t o Id r a g liim i —

' A n <

- ^ li: RE A R E V O u y B l o


_ . L a eN M E R E - 1 N - ^ — — ' ' s ; — LO OR J 0 I 6 T 6 JT IN & Y O O R 5 ^\E L V P E M lS E j l_^

/WIFEAWC>|- - F e e- I------

I j J - L A W ^ „ a t ;

l7r:~~ —W tt

_ — —- -Mg

44-Y o k S ' r 12 Angor ---------loflolhTr---------l a P a ra d li

45 R ara — ----------19 Uncou!— 464dca----------------2U liillflii.

47 “ ...n o th in g lam ily------- - l lk o — “ ----------24— ^ond

SO U nsoB lod sc ionc52 P innocio 25 Barbar

- ~ S 5 ••Im e ja ---------^ C l b r d -m a n w l th —” 20 S c raps

- 5 8 -F a c tio n 27 " _ c r y — 59 G orm an ■* — mlU

groo tlng " ' 28 Courty 60 M ako ha p p y 29 S lo p s

d ' 61 C ooking -StV S oll- dovico propol

— 62-W hlfipooi— ^ I - N o o m= ^ 9 -S « o fl® » ---------- 3 2 -Falhaf

64 Soucy 34 Apporl------------------------------- 3 7 -1 0 0 3 -

DOWN saJV ounc 1 L oaning 40 QIo'ss)

______T ow or lo w n _ .4 1 O b so rI - — 2 f lo lr ig « r5 - .. 4 3 T o w »

lo r ' 44 Propo:3 Ooclslvo (Ions4 S o c ia l 4 7 T o n n l8

• . in io c i a n r ^ a T I■ ■ S 'A n n o y ............. 4 9 Q rM d '

0 Tho — of 50 Elllptii- - - - - M a r s h -----------51_Fof—

7 'C a s t a s a k a lba llo t 53 R lvort

8 B oot o n o In th o Bo b a se b a ll 64 C onlir

j g O co an 56 M oist 10 S om ow ho l 67 Stavoc

ovorduo group: 1— ^ m jQ w e r_______ S flS oak

21 to June 2 0 You S ta tovc m any adm irers, a re w ttr efforts for m ore VIRer . got together for those i

you w£ ^ (^ 1 ^ 2 2 1 0 Ju ly ' prosptm ore hannony a t U B:2 to k la Instead of ga in p. so m uch. Shop go a f l

»e ................................... alaogjAug. 21) Show your SCOto daily a llies and d a y fc

[U £iid cooperation. ach ie \

I W i ;

f l

izard of Id\ f i e <10 6 a x ’'i

i and Lois<50X A OOOC> V. j Y '- O t J - A - 5 U l T - J - V —

/W A P K ep


& I f cndy Capp


ondie5 0 K I N G 6 0 '^ y HC

G L U M ^ - a a ,

aanuts0 THEy M ISS .ME Al^ j g g g u A ^ c i E ? _ - _ A

:0r' " ’ ________idiso----------- -outh----------- —

■Ily_________ ? t e ^ “ “

incosbarn or__________

apa:ry 0 ¥ornllk" ,

irr** l u m b e r IsI. <lenUy. though a polling m atrim onial re s t lun&a--------m ix-and-m aldw l

ioH °nB 3 ^ , , ^ h u m o r i!

nnd mark plonocra a o v l ^ ssy bird earlies t C hristian »orvod,_: lloD."«» --------------------------P®9'- ;That beeUe y oi;S l.n»m . p r o b j b l y t o b M farp-ap«^— h a s w ings foi

' ri.P»i->»fiRVRS;aior to < Young lady, h(Baltic C leopatra paintct

iMnod up p e r Uds d a rk bl

up:nbbr.Ik_________ F arm cxabough tt

to your magoanlm ous Ideas w orkable, r -IR G O (Aug. 22 to S e p t 22) 1 se ta lk s t h petsoos'or vlaioc1 wiil_kDOw :how to becom e i s p e i ^ In tbe n e a r future. IBRA (S e p ^ 2 3 to O c t2 2 )Y w a p ersooal w ishes easUy toda a fte r them .w ltb a lacrity . You ) ga in support for som e proj ed CORPIO (Oct. 2 3 toN ov. 21) l ’ fo r wrrmnrilng, 80 tha t -yOU iev e the g reatest am ount of

m m


/^ t m a t S '/v\'^ V h




sh e 'e w .'tviis is a 'COVPLETE LOAD OP TRIPE.IDONTKNDW . HOW ^CUC^KEEP. . v<AtCHir<}T>iESE

• S C a a P O P E ^ S ^ ■

H O R R ^ R ^ S o V i E ° — ^ A N O I T W A S

VERV > &•{■e M S A P R A S S I N ^ ^ ^


- h M r B o y d ----------

W hatVw hat

Is national adultery montli, I certa in ly not w proclaimed •esearchers say It’s when the h4>ffair»occu :. ■ -------

orist H.H. M j ^ J ‘Saki’’) th sed“ a‘ I n s t pfoneering. " " I t ’ Jan ." he said, “ who gets th e f

you recognize in tbe a ir a s a I M en around for about a year,I fo r th e last-wcck o r so of i l s lU


, how do you make, up your itcd hn - brow s and lashes blac k blue, b e r lower lids green.

ars^ l M y ^ j ^ TO t ono cent

» s th a t c e ss possible.au thority .

2) H ave SA G nTA R IU S i U oaaod Bo w ith a g roup of le m ore ' delightful tiiDfr. ~.

pockelbook, thous Y oucan today, x lay. 80 CAPRICORN (I ITou c an Y ou b av e a a J e c t . m o re successful :i) Good y o a n e lf seriously] yw c an AQUARIUS (Ja o f 8UC-' G o o d d a y ^ p l^ M i

p ! i / v w r \ i~| I >"j~

I f : . . . / C F P

. 3 ^ "

• y

r w_________ — J H M . ‘;

W W liwBh!!. 1

- V O U - M 6 A M 61 IE j " ~ - S C R S A M E O A T v l

A l_ L T H E ^ S C A P y — V-r.

f- ^ P A R T -S - ? - -) - -

___________ HOWJlQJ^lUCCO'___________fo iL iio tth ..so u th ,.C J

Ctiinese as in th< THHians? -

* N o s ta t i s t ic i a n on.. - - - r ■ - tr a d e ^ k p o w s how-n

tia irp le c e s .

----- AUTOMATICIffiJl, e v i-ed But H ave you e v e r se le most a s on outom atlc r---------------euch th ere b e Jn ie J

C o n fig u r^ U E eX th o u ^ t sem lau tbm aticp lsl

; fa ttest A superm arket told law m en th a t a

------- — w iU beprosecutod’'1 firefly , , ; • , r but It Local law in Y iifA prohib its passenge

tax ica te . ............

T h ere a re ra re pe g ro w in g o u to f il i^

r eyes? _______Qck,her ‘ D id 1 m entlbn thj

plnw brm s? -

n teach . A d d re n ™»n tt

P lease those in^ u h

S (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) PIS of friends and b av e a buslo r Be- easy oo- y o tg - su its u ^ 'D r i v e carefully a s ^

(Dec. 22 to J a a 20) . . . h ^wrtunity to becom e d e lld ill now, -BO apply liked yaodgetresulfai. --^ b e « Jan. 21 to Feb . 19} life, a |h a t trip , w betber (o r since

yioWMiicvi ■--------------- [-p ip-you-p;^/.,

;iT T IL L T M £ V P lW P O lJ T '“ ) '. ’ ' -HE CANY EVEt-J COOK J •;

l i t e ’

t e J -

. __ ^ /vfy OPINION V K.-wV ...........

' ^

H ^ W E MISS VOtJR 'i H .1 p ^ > ^ N 0 g t N 6 . ^ . _ _ § r


j f

iccount for the f a c i : i h a t _ t H > v ^ _ J1, c a s t 'a n d w est a re ^ sam e ln___ _

the language- of BrazD 's T i ^

n on earth , not even any in th e wig jw -m any jnen in tb la .coun tiy jvear.: „

IR E V O L V ra?— - ^ ........ ........ ........ ...

!f seen th a t so ri o f handgun known lc revolver? N either have I . Bul ny. British W d ) I e y E M b e r Q L ls ^ . ,^ B -a .revo lver:_ liu i:il f l t « . i a 6 T 7 : “p lsto r---------- ------------------- J---------;------

cet m anager in Ottawa. Canadaj a t somebody sto le hid "Shoplifters ;©d’'8 lg n . ; - - r: -:

1 Youngstown, Ohio. speclfTcaUy a g e rs from ridbig oo th e roo ts ol

■e people, you know, wbo have teeth fie irfeeC : - - ------------- ^

ith a tlM re w o m e ir th f lh 'm e o h a ie ■

a to 1 ..H . Boyd in c a n o l t i l t

ou have gijodfntuilion today. i PISCES (Feb. 20 to M arch 20) Ajy is ln e ss ta lk s dMWld b r ln ^ good .IS . ilts today, l l te n , |d a n a s m uch t l i e - I possible lo I » wflh tha ooeyoq to v t - IF YOUR CHILD IS BORN TODaF . . b e o r sb e . w ill be one o l tbo^ iliflbtful young persons wbo wIU ft . iced b y a ll an d sondry. and a lso w f -

r e ,^ i u D d ^ K ^ h ^ « f b e e ^ ^ n c e m tic b iM c c e a ls p o ^ l^ . . , - I

,H M T & , i

" r « a li f you have an Item i______ ffl/nmenf calendar, m

- ' ^ 5 4 8 . -Twin Falls. Si____ Q tl32m rdSt.W .m i

--------- ^odacsdayadoatopri'Special." Tbe listing i 'evffnts must be open ta

______ L i _ _

^ B L I S S - ' n i e V ^ ^ public dance at8 ;30p .i

I BOISE — Evo an _ "A m erican Fc

' 'the ' fiddle, auloliarp,______Ip.m. In th e F

ladm ission is $4, aodac Society m ^ b e r s , 's e n

-----------C r---------------------------- -

; TW IN F A L I^ - -n ' Club w ill hold a public

I.O .O .F. in Twin 1 : EtoydW hlteJBand,___

- TW IN F A L I^’ - •. p ro v i^ m u s ic fo ra d a j

Inn ini Twin F alls.

-----^ - T W lN - F A E lS - = ^

: Inn in Tw in F alls.

i: “ ll/sb l i s s - T h e Velvet

I pubU cdancea l8 :30p .n

13/T^ ^ ! - m m r __ Aif>.ihllr.riai

P o s hjByV ERN O N SCO TT Wnlted Press Inteznatioi

i^ O L L Y W O O D (UPI) lam p is definitely i

^ TV unless tbe d sm ok ing pot.

, ^B u t.tlU n k about It. Hi •■been s l ^ you’ve seen s

o r l a i ^ ' sucking SED acco smoke? ^ P i'obflbly not glnce• se a rc h proved more

_• rcfiislvely som e years be~ |iT a lb > J s , tfe y _ y « re .^ i {^ v o k e can ce r and heai

------- W odno3afly’S,'S3'tufdoy

— [ . ■ ^ W odnosday .— 3::

_ - | y: S a tu rd ay & S u n d a

I" 2 M onday — 7:00 • S I ' 2 W odnotsdoy — 7:0

“ Friday & S a tu rd ay

i ^ , ^ 9. 7 3 4 -5 ^

f --------------spECisn• 'B r i n g th is• Aft«rne k dW« Validol* N ln h


. . . l ^ s U ----- S - -


s i S

i l e n i bm for TTk TImes-f/ews enters unalUlJa:.JTie nrnt^Nevs^ s. S330I. or taiag 11 hour office

r^veymiTDollceby. 'print It In tbat hw J!* “Friday <ig In tbe calendar Is tree, but ata the public.

g/Today _____1 vet Danco Band will play fo r a )p .m . a t the Y-Inn in Bliss.

and Jem m y Blucstein will I F ( ^ Songs" accompanied by ip, mandoilh and g ^ ta r a t 8 It Room a t the Student Union

1 admission forldaho Folklore Beniof^Uzehs ahd s tu d ^ ta is

Tbe Swinging Sixties Dance b lic dance a t 8;30 p,m, a t the rtn Falls. Music wlli be by the

- "Rosewood Country” will dance a t 9 p.m. a t tiie.C^untiy

^Saturday= ^ ’Roeewood^t»untiy’^ r a ^ dance a t 9 p.m. a t the Counto*

l/Sunday^et Dance Band will play for a - p .m .attbeY -InnloB iiss.

Tuesday ,

n o k i n gUntil U

Itional d e rfu lp ro — ITiey savP D -T h e e m o k - do w ith 1 J y out in movies dialogue.I characters a re w lc k c < ^

depending . How long has it ' . M anj^ s U) a s ta r on small sty les. 1 Ihg in lungBful of nen 'busly

d ialogue \ tcfl_medlcal re- h e r gv rati re o r less, con- O r bo> } back th a t^ ffin _ ^ m a n n e r Ir ■ a i g l n t l M '3 0 3 . ' n w n y tir a i leart disase. ous. back-^

l lM O R N iN G SESSIO^la y - 1 0 :0 0 -12;00 (J1 .50Spoc i

-AFFERNeGN-SESSIQ•3 :30 . 5 :3 0 ($1.50Spoclal. w ith Id ay .— .l:00,-_4.'00 (A d m issio n s

~ “ EVENTI^"’SESSi6l^<D • 9:30 Fomily Nllo $8.00, up lo 7:00 •10:O0Adult NIto S3.25 witl

3ay — fl:0p -1 TOO (A dm ission S3


•5455 2100 K fm berly f T w in F alls , Id a h o -

[ACTPoy lU ilm ai, tkat* th* f*van

r n o o nig h t 1 ^ 2 3 4 5 6

^ = | H

w s ' k ®

i r = =2^ th 5 W « t E nd Senior C lti W— In-BuhlrM uslcw iU bebylg 1 4 / W ^

^ BELLEV U E - TTie p lay fo r a public dance

_ .D o llar.B ar in B clleyue._

B U H L -T h o Velvet Dl pub lic danco a t 8:30 p.m

^ d u b ln B u h l. by______1 16/Fl


TW IN FALLS - Mar — co n ce rt a t 8 p.m . a l the F

“ t h e A r i a i n T v ^ E ^ l a J and a r e on sale a t tbe

^ M usic, A nn 'aH allm arkoj

--------^TWINFALLS---- H e 'p la y fo r a public dance a t

, i n T w ln F a l I s ._ ^ ______

ly Ong(BOISE — "Contempora

ing and Sculpture” will ____ S ^ t . 2.S n t IhP RoIrp Gi

O' J A C K P O T -- T om m y through Sept. 11 a t Bartc G lenna and F ortune will p O ct. 2. W eekday shows ar p .m . S unday shows a re a t :

. J A C X P O T -“ aevclan< Sept. i r a t Cactus P e te ’s will perfo rm Sept 12 throu ktegins a t 8 p .m ., and tbe 1 l l p . m . ' ..................... ...........

(pleasethen, c igare ttes w ere won-

props for actors and actresses. S tyc-pcrform er9-som ethins4»- tt (heir hands while reciting le. C igarettes also cohnoted ness, d a r in g 'a n d elegance, ing on w as smoking.'r s ta rs developed the ir own

R em em ber Bette Davis ily punctuating her r a t ^ - t a t e w ith a c igare tte clutched inatlnghand._________liow about i b ^ distinctive • In whlch'J(rfm Waytie tossed : la .c ig a js ttf i jm tt . .a .c o D t^ tu :_ ik-hand flip across his body,


d n s " - ’ocio l, w ith o r w iihou t Skatoa)

lews— ---------- —ith o r w ith o u t Skatos) n S 2 .5 0 w - w o Skatos]

N S '' to 6 pooplo In family Mith o r w ith o u t S k a to s iS 3 .25 w - w o S k a to s)


'i Rd., ■

vanthFREE J f^ m i l • ^ — •6 Tth uM.u.

t iiMi ■

P =

:iUzen3 C enter a t tOlO Main byH aak-s b a n d . ........... ... .edne s d a y _____te Velvet Dance Band will nee a t 9 p .m . a t tbe Silver e._____________________________

h u r s d a y

t DanM Band will p lay fo r a p.m. a t the R am ona supper

Friday\{ai1c Nelwirth will give a » Renaissance Academ y of— 8uH cketajipaj5 .peE.peraon .- the Music C enter, W arner fc o r by calling 734-0719.

l)e Velvet-DaDce-Band-wUl— i a t 8 p .m . a t th e E lks Lodge

igolngo ra ry Trom ple rO eil Paint- vill be on d l^ lo y through I Gallery of_Art...670,Julla__

m y-W estem -w iil-perform arton’s Club 93 in Jackpot.UJ perform S e p t 13 through s a r e a t 6 :30 ,8 ,9 :30 and 11 sa t5 ,6 :30 ,8and9r4Sp.m .

land" will perform through A’a In Jackpot. Z ella-L d ir- - trough 18. ITm dinner sbow h e r o c k t a l l s h o w b e ^ a t

> i n m o ^

an- Ju s t before h e waded int es. T hen th e ie w as HunjA _ .u r i th thp Pwr.fr<x«ATiting from th e c orner o f h is £ d d rifing p a s t his squinti ce. G arfie ld ra re ly p layed

. nervouslypuffingclgari MJ G ary C^ooper and d s co w tey s alw ays bad so la t w ith th e lf H a n S ^ t h ‘ in — c ig a re tte p ap e r and

sa tA of BuU Durham i ve s tr in g from t l ^ moutKi ed Who will 'ev e r forgeti\k__ ilghtlng_two_cigarette5Iy, m a tch In a love seen

. i p i l i !p i W E E K Ep ' r AIL ADUL

- - i f j :------ ERQMA.T!-|S N IGH

N o w i i l J t] • At R*gu

; ; ; | . PrIcM• r l l •A IID ltc (

. IXCII*!j j j l , Bul Sorry No

I ' r ^r r i ^ F n.. i .SII.JB------- , . J ------------ — Oolly7!Ob-’___ _ Sot,-Sun.2;1Q.4;3i

r ^ i t e h f l e i- t h in g

~ =;ii

~ T W IN f J I ? !fAllt

s r iw iN i W ?Every »um m er

C h f ltt lakes hisI ________D iuJlU IftJri T h it y ea r h« 'p ‘to o fa r .

■ fi N A T IO ^ j L A M P « I

\ IN D S SO'I ji TH UR S. 7 : 3 0 •

Ij F R I .. T H U R S. 9 ;3

Valley will display Jennif :---- r through Sept rOO,-------- -

- - T W N FALLS— "F rag I of pnhColumbian ccram l . contem porary ceram ic

Baldwin w ill be exhlbitcc 'HerrcltTtttg e u m on th e C

~CamDU3'.~Muscum tiQurs- ^--■^p.m ^-Tuesdayj-from -6;

Wedhesaay through Frid I p .m .S a tun lay . .

_ _ ________ U p c q i

^ I S E _"Beach Bovp.m. Sept 18 aod "Besi

_ _ T e m , ”. w ilh Stella P arti _ 7 L ^ , : r t . iS e p t : j> ? .a U l i e

Pavilion. F o r ticket inforr

-------- JEROM E— Kenny Tlcall for public square dar 7:30 p.m . Tuesdays beg

~ C a th 0llc“ ParIah H all, 2 Jerom e. Lessons wil] b e h levels of dancers a r e I

. woriohop will t e be ld Sc American L e ^ n Hal! information call 324-2590 6

' ■ • TWIN FALLS - '.'Moc ' Chaplin m ovie m ade in 19

p .m . S ^ t . 22 in R oom 108 a l tho C^ollege of Southe mission is $4. and admissl act] vlly ca rd s l s « .

-T W IN F A L I5 - Guitarl National F ingerplcking c a t the R enaissance Acade a l 7 and 9 p .m . Also o n th Loder and (Cheryl Muell<

v i e s a nInto the heavy? • V oyager” im ^brey Bogart haiKllng 1

[s mouth, smoke sp ec tiv eJ iting eyes. John' n p h n h n

o s d id t i other screen f«nf»iprf h

d the little d o th N or wa! 1 dangling by a o f dem on; Ihs. lh an havijet Paul Henried the fa<» t e s _ o n _ a _ 8 ln ^ e _ y j i i^ |g J >ne from "Now punched h

* mTOKi,

E N D I N F L A T I O rILTS GET IN FOR $ 2 .7 5

■HT A T M O T O R -V U & G

J l - L - Jauiar

te o u n liHTK •<

^OPOM.I . . Ejtj ,

C R N IT H E r i ”

0-9:25..... ..............!?ir ‘r . T :;35.7!00-».}5 |{ti

4 K eaton a n d T c r t G a r r a r tg to h a p p e n to xzHnrles t h i

■ r IN BOTH TOWNS----------- daily 7:10-9:00

SAT.-SUN. 1:40-3:30- 7:10-9:00

p f iS l r p i a p Yrr Ch.vy I s i !ils fam ily

e w e n tr. ■ ■ ■ fi-jS: m► N A L f e * •> # N ’S f e 2 .

n f l f i - ® j p

d o m “ ...... i | i |. pii!f (i

L b

tnifer Bellinger’s silk batiks

ragUeContents," p " orhth» imlcs from Mcxlco, and tho I ii^scu lp tu res of Douglas

tra n rp ^ ^ m q-m n~m In R . -8 :30-a.m .—to-4 :30-p ,m .— - Viday, and fro m 'l to 1 :3 0 -

y m in g __ _ _

lest L ittle Whorehouse In i r t i^ .w il l be presented a t

ormaUon, call 38M535. ~ '

Thompson of-Burley^^wUl- - lance lessons for singles a t jeginnlng S ^ t . 20 a t the , 210, Sccond "Ave. " E : i n ’ e h d d for new dancers. All 3 iiivitcd. A round-dance Sept. 22, 23 and 24 in the

1! ta Jerom e. For moro WofS3«1579. , ■

lo d em T im es," a Charlie 1193G, will be shown a t 7:30 108 in the Vo-tech building them Idaho. General ad- Ission for CSI student wllh

a r is t ta i r is ' P ro c to rr 1982" - i champion, will periorm- idem y of th e A rts Sept. 21 the prograiri will be .fchn

eller. T ickets a re $5 and

j d j c y ^3r” w ith Bette Davis, befor g h e r one. F o r years would-b

'eJuIie ts.

ihalr WUliam PoweU's ciga m oking bespoke sophistlcatloi I the long cigarette holder I by m any a leading lady, no Tiong them Marl<ine Dietrich. -

vas th ere a m ore handy mean: onstra ting a n Insult on scveci iving a tU f DiaW'filHOIurii' tie o f another, usually Ihc s J r lc k Ju rt_ b e fo K J lie _ h « rc d h ls llg h ^ o u t.

3RMATior« — ft?Alfs^734-J4D0


- Mtow In Jo ro m e

!TJ:=loAiw-?T3(M^2r“ ~ -T.-SUN. 2!00-3i50-5:<0-7!30-9i20

arc the funniest hla summer!_;___

i a

i.i i T ^0 0 . “ i ' - ' l 10-5:20

>Au* I

FRI. (S A T .* SUN. C

1 .T H E C H E E R L E ,

2 . T H E S E N IO R S

3 . S C H O O L D A Y

( H . I . D . R E Q I

= = = = = —^Fridoyi p a ■ m m m■ S E P T I

I ■ a A R a H P T I L

L ! 2NIGh - ■ DIN Z — T r F O H 2 P «

I A L I F O R 4■ For r«»orvollon»or

. w eok oxeep i holld'

I N Icklo tw Ilh oach i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I

- - M A G I“ Y.I

-1 7 5 1 E llz a l

REGlPROCS e p t e m t

C l a s s e s B i


• Aerobics• BodyWorks

» K/4-gr»nfj -J •P ronato l/P i

• Senior Clos• W ator Exor

ifored-be fl

£ INTEfders - •G ym nasticnot •K aro to

Jl.- - r j-jd o "c itjb 'ians • Monday Br

_ •Y outhQ voieTn■lfie“ “ ..........»ero_ ~

i i _T il-ij Then's a tim e for / " i ~ : : ond a time fo r ...

i i i ® ^ ■ * * !> : • H U B B T l I i IN D S S O O N I

i2oB o i i i — —

i i i l i y MN O W T X

I. ONLY i l l i

.E A D ^ i l l \d!S i j IV Y S lifi — ,

■ 5a U l R E D I I i A


Byr9ombor9ri963=TlmB3. . . C O U P O N -


E H O 0 RIL • ■ U T A U U H T

HTS LODGING, aNERitABREA e o P L i 'l O N L T . . . W iond in lorm ailon Ph. 200-734-74!

Ilday w eo k e n d t. Bring Ihii od am ;h G o lo w ^ S ^ c lo l . H u r r ^ . . Ol

H C V A tL E Y -F.C.A.

a b o th B lvd ., T w in F alls

iSTERFOF GRAAA se:=^egistHiti&n;: iber-6th - Septei Segin The Week

<EssSSES* H, ■ . ' .W a l£

---------- | - 4 f W'P o s tp a r lu m

.L ilo ,.o r c i s o .

~ BABML- AV iREST* CA3 r id g o 7 3 ^’r> rn igh tn •_________-------------------------FO RM G

m p E l s l i

i ™ &CL>r playing il so te ----

DAILY: SUN. AT 1 :00-3

B, ^ _____ TH E STB ^ j f K MAN O

W ^ ^ r o t i T E

-----------------------P A 1Lr 7 .'20-C— -------SUNDAY-AT-^UOS-Si

Ip l j ^ ■ IJSiM

_____ _____ ▼ I,

______ I_____

w fir i jf f l

-JPENM^......... A s h o c kM th a t ta k e i

....... ........................

^ 1

mB5-NowsrTwlnTiifBlTaaho“f rd " ~

S P E C I A L ! •

J A R B I D O I , N I V . ■

G, A STEAK ■ iA K E A S T rr^ ^ ;» 0 9 « p a r c o u p lo * I

p lu s t a x I1-7451.O H o rg o o d 7 d o y » p o r - - i and roeolvo $3.00 Froo Slot I . OHor e x p ire ) Ocl! 5. 1963.

tils ■

>RFALLESSIONQrS-------- -■ ■ —------- IT =

em ber 1 Oth sk of Sept. 12 1

SWIMMING 1 NSTRUCTION*/ a to rB d b lo sro-Schooltitfit r ’* '" -id u llL o sso n s .......................Ifosovlng



ILY 7 :0 0 - 9 :0 0 , K10-3 :00-5 :00 .7 :00 .9 :00

S TR O N G EST___i . .I ON EA RTH p

FERRIGNO - ./ —j n i i l f P i

5 e I T > : _

n r o N t r i --------------------- zzi —S-3i 10-S i-1 ^ 7 4 2 0 .-------- i;ii —

l i i S l g L , : : ' '

..A rtdS ayG oodb /e iJT; ToYourBroinj

F irst R un! | 'Exclusive! fi'i

SIART8;3fl—ock in g -la lo c l ho rroc— 'i : \ .....ake# y o u b e y o n d fear, :jj : .

ONE ^ rii , IRK WIGHT itA m ao ien lao w fB r . j*;- . ■>Maa4io«tin«±tQ.lP G l l kV f ia h t a t h is Bide.

m B m r I

w ithNEW YORK (Ul

------------. , J o b e s average , bolsiS e c re ta ry Donald

: : a ll-U m e high H iu rs____ j ____ b ^ u s e o f j j r o f l l t a k

■ '* -A uto stocks flnrt• • leadere liT tho: ‘ fa u t- tra d ln g -w a s - i• becau se m any Inves

------ ; o fffo r tb e Je v ria h p g; T h e Dow Jones Int . dow n n early six pol

------ ; - g a ined -2;(0 t o ! ;2« .; -■ reco rd high of 1,248.; : h a d h it 1,248,77 a t i :; OKddnotboId.■> 'T h e Dow, w hich j

- ' nesday , h a s risen 51 _ I , p a ^ 14 sessions and i — A — > ^«eoond-half-tow ^x.

T b e la rg e Increases.: -* t a l ^ , analysts saki

.Tlie New York index ea sed 0.01 to 9e cfaange in tbe p rio

: s h a re . A dvances ' ■ 854-709 am ong tho I.

81*3 p .m . MDT.___ - 'B ig Bflflrd volti]- C - : 79,2S0;000 shares fPC ' •: tra d e d W ednesday.

' '. '.G oldm an Sachs > ' ex trao rd in a ry num b

......il tn tho fintt. ? ____rtb ro k erag e sold tbe

1 n ^ r e s e n t a m ajo 5 e tru c tu r in g but analj J b y th e a c tio n .

•J . »-a9flell; nal »ft«r JtlJ.t2 • — tlnnM eperailon* m a »1(

\ C-. - NEW YORK (UPlt - Wofli • — -tfo»od'niur#«ylOpoini»io«

; -i 7 octio .coio.Ji 10.03 10.04; ----- •-..'•-iJS n '." Il’,” Wm n'.ii^ “ 5!;^^'ol^ilV?„V„'U

-5 .. ‘Jm 1J.91 ......... . 12.»i:- .Op«nlniere»l:D,rtOe(irB- J. .. . iir«m6nTot>pj«*ious*ft<

' VORK (UPli Ooi ... .*. -Tu^fag eleaed Thut»a»r # pt "• ------— ftHjMr,...... ......... ............

" ■*■* ? '—m r g .g r r ruf r/.w 'v/.ub

' '* ! ' " r«iima'tW'»»iM:5'eow«^

“ 0pantnlor#tl;10,?00up23s .-.•.i. . . . .6olliom«ntonpfcrlouaand

" M S fe sHEW YOfl< (UPI

r0ll0<nfl4 . V* Miecltd•Id* ce>rpo4<tg pcKa

................... s'S»*~EiaS:w«*" • -Thuildtr. S tfS te tM a.

' - _ Sil*» . ; _ . __ P-t lhan

-T-f— :— n^noij— r ^ ^ ^ T n i r'AaliuU 7W aON

> - J, " S- i a g i l ' ; i

r “ -jSwij Tk PaTiMil ■ CMIm . H4 JUCM -IJO..... -suo

■ -iknudH 1,10 I ta nAIKand 3U a TDAmDoe IBO II ua.AtnCan 7» .'3 11?

- A < ^ - - i n - n o u- aeiA« j » lo fa

V» -AniHoui Of nAHOm# ».« I2?»Q I

Hob 1 iiisn ( ^AKtRel 31* a Ml” ACuna i.ao la »j i

■ K |“ J

' r - — S — r » — i r f FAuncfi : « aiM

i.: Aiui u I X

!: ^ € 1 4 !- ^ « p .M . M

■i: - S E ' I ' T s

IS i ih • " s a B - a . 1 5 .:■ ■ » , ' S 'iSt,■ ■ . - f f i , ' f S ■ ,! S

W Ak e t p r i ( I r e c o r d(U PI) — 1116 Dow T re o lstered b y T re a s a ^ — aftem Id R egan 's ca ll for w a s "

phnllgngcd Ito banks ursday but fell short hlghl< taking. _Rega d E astm an K oad k ~ b u d g e h e la te rally a flem pl p r ^ I c is-reslra lned - a b it—th a t tl ivestors (ook (he day l ie r th-new.year-______________Heni Industrial average, Broth* points a t (be outset, s a id . I M e.i4 ,-just-bdow lts— rcduci 248.30 se t June 16. I t also si 1 1:17 p.m. MDT but Itpollc

Trai± jumped 5;39 Wed- report ;5166poinlsover th e . b a d p; j i d f io e since hitting report

ies led to some profit estlm ilald. ----------------- bond ric Stock E xd iange "R e 096.95. There w as no m ari« irice of an average P u re e 3 topped declines Ju s td l e 1,922 issues traded Com

listedo lum e_drppped_ l o ^ th e coi from ' the s h a r e

y. “ - traded chs ' handled a n . The m ber o f large block d ex ad fsL t w b ttir s. n w < ^ang t i S T H o c ^ a i d n o r ^ S a v a n a jo r iportfolk) re> am onf la lysts w ere puzzled totalec

■■ w llhe ,

mmm■ ' 'j™?

u f f l ' S k “ ”

M S i i i T j i K l “ .EVd,,

’,8J3,t«0 101. tfom dlwon. p , ^ C

S t ,

------------------Mov^r.ooo*—KJI— js9,Bia,4oo(.«n j IJ '

~ n.181,«0'('.W 5.6U.’ ’' >S<lll

^ ___ Yiaui__

World suo» No. tl tuiutas ..lowariorpoimahigna,,

fooaioo't AiumVHi “SS ■ s s


P I ' , g S

a:iB'a;ia-----------------------?sSiinan.lB OomaalK

intfaen, Tunoa'b2:u. miwmun

s S w B l'» « » to IU «

Haw Ton gUJM . «

^ e Z CaUnau I

" *•'5 S S I“ 2 l 3 _ S i S A i _ _ « fj

I ! ? r 3 ' i s iS . ! i ! « ™ ! S '‘: 2 j S . . ll^ 5 i_2__oSSj I____ !.«____ 15«S u 7 u Co*V*l •« *

srs:5 » '"S 'i4n u 7 |2 ConjEd i n 7!S - “ ! : 5 S S S ,!

i 5 : 5 £ S — iS - .!

n t r s - r !i” S 5 :5 - '1** CurtWf »M II

“ a ,OT UU- >• I’*’' ^S ?™.-.S - S S . - 1 ■'? ”

o ' - -ni »H Oanmm I.U Ug V ! S S ,'.3 , S S ‘ i ! K £ “ c J S17 u jr - % D nn tr I » ?S', . v ; » . _ ■ ’ g S ‘ : 5 S a i '

iM ic e s f l i r t i le v e l're a su ry S ecre ta ry R egan g>ar :rnoon buylng.wfaen b e sald.tb 5 "n o good excuse’ ’ fo r the natk Iks to keep In terest ra te s a t c u n h levels.Legan, who ^ m e ^ l i ^ o ^ ^ I g e f ^ f r a i s don’t .create cn b le in s ra lso -re jec ted -co n ten tl t tlie n u n e y supply explosion < 'th is y e a r would rekindle Inflail' lenry K aufm an, _ noted Salon ithers economist, la te .Wednea 3 th e econom ic recovery_wo u ceT reasu ry borrowing needs. 3 suggested F ed e ra l R eserve a ollcles would sustain the rccovc ta d e r s h ad been 'encouraged o r ts exp«;fts, who e a r lie r this w I p ro jec ted the P e d ^ d a y wo o r t a J2 lo « blilloti I n c r e ^ rw y —im ates; T ha t news h ad sparke id m ark e t surge.R eg an 's s ta tem en ts kicked rk e t u p ," said W illiam LeFe% •cell G raham vie president. ‘ I d idn’t ta lk long enough." om poslte volum e of NYSC Issi ed o n a ll U.S. exchanges and O' coun ter a t 2 p .m . to taled 93,519, r « ~ d b w n ~ f ro m " tb e 107,285, led W ednesday.' he A m erican Stock Exchange added 0.04 lo 235.M. T here was

n s e In -lhe p rice of a sha r ^ c & to p p e d la g g m f e ^ jn g th e 773 issues tra d o i. Volu lied 5,340,000 sh a re s compaj 16.730.000 Wednesday.

^ Op«A HK]t> tM CUM f

s ls ll l i is

"““-“■“lailssisisa.sos9.<ou^u.iS&= = = S 1 S £ S S S S S S

----------------------4J,t$ 41.03 41JJ 4340^s s s s s s a i ? ;M.SS 5 .40 &}.7SS4.t0»

--------------------S g g S S S g i S SM.1DU.10US0UIUfi |O.W W JQ fl3 n M BZ C

Open InUfBil 1J.W1 up 333.4lllemofll pdCB9 on clota and i

W YORX lUPn - U leil moial ma 1 aa Quo'ed Thuttday Dy ino Amexun m et.aumeiiiaiita moitis pubiieallon:

'Iitnony.domesltt. relined Inalloy.U.OQIo ppot, olaciioiriic. deii>aiad U.S. TB.ni-:ad, common, U.S. piimory piodu' •Jt.60 e-lb.; U.S. non-pilmiry laeeenc ucors }4 OOclb.igne»lum,n.apercenl.lnsol lU.OOc-IB. inoanaao^ M9 po/ccm. boiad »oc i(Cury.VsS.OO-i7n.OOf&-Ib.ilask.

UadluaL. Am__UeL .UM. do

9l.«pptDi., UU.00-440.00 po> Itoy ounco. m . No. 1 heary mall scfBB — P«ls8i (M4.00 p«t Qiosa lon (consumot bu i): Am. et. Mkl. cotnposiia scrap price V

li N.Y. Ain. Mel. Mkt‘ altcyor p»co — U

^?prfine*«»eaietn .”u.S.'<a 0O ..«_e_-l,D;___

M •“ '• OowJnM ED •3M pUU* tt OriroCp »

S IB M S ' ■J , ,

_ J . , S J 5 : . ^ - . - 4 S ^ — i f — . ,n s £>"«*» ^IJtW TJU.II. Eitort to

IU n...-i tiPijo .70

” i « | 'a S l 5 ' a - » ------ 7“ —

J'» i S "?aai ul7H- fMMUI. ^

Fatio i n r U4 nrt* f1'si° * Pj

OH*' CAF - S T ° '


- t - " \r« r 'u S 'iV i l , '" '' GflMol 1KD

H ™ 48 . GenPub UM' i S S 5 l) t E.' p!c

n v n 't . H Gatwr n a ­il aaa n u - h caity i«s«

» n P40 uiKn I u1? “ f "* G<x>«'' ' “u w ^ 1.,*^;, GracaW JK t 144 uUtt- <4 GniloNM * 2

- . ' S . S ! * * - . " - __ “ —Grtfind 1M lo plU, H -®

t4;fl8Jp»><,IH GtillO-l IUiS ii-rt oSiiilvi ' “ _„I

"jI'F" is , 'I-'irs rn j t t h HaneMT •.»

yfsinw nw iw iru(nw ttr7«

Tradtno waa ctioppy ai Kadora we>e biaino Ifti producllcn reporls wore rt

f l f W f t " " Tlio1om-!iollmaltr«.aa a i io n S momn ago and me aovbea n ir r e n t .

Mnl^a” tSrt.KHMulMfed e ra l -------^ spun m btfywo-ttoii-g re d it :__ was-anrioutaa-la-

BnoJKoverino. Trui naipen tio n s-----l i r m --------------------j n e a r - {teai^o^VadJTriJt'aday*

r i: 1 1 “ f ■=

Sep 91} -»1B----- 1Kl tho r g!- s “» '

s w .Auo 912 - STS I

d o v e r sep 3340 3345 519,200 ^ sSS 2 8 5 .9 0 0 ^ - |;« - ^ — JJ” — .

«=ln- Ss If ■^ | F ^ «

S i S > a ;ip a re d j»n 24»o 25050 :

s ; ' : i r = s f =Auo 247D0 24TOSi i s il !“StUementpricMeftcto

ichange W Pt»T

97 50 00 ~Sre2S5 P'lcea: .

™ a 'a X L V .I i l l lg J S i :.Meilcan Mao. I Iroy OJ. Chinese Panda. 1 troy 02.

7T'«T*n U S. Armsliono I "or oz.90 57S2 Meiican SO BOSO, 1.2 i^y ‘Sia'ao AuBirurHOO coioiu. .M 11

J s . Atrlcan t.4 rand .25 ito S'-------------M8p(*-Lo«t-M ounoo^» I

s '^ ! ^ a ^> °yr*nd\'lw'lt'el

lil-i ScfesS&’Kr7'6i'ss' Odi'ats:17 U n Sunshine Libarly 1 ot. roun

.'UM » Tl'oao quoiaa rapiaaen'

.M&5 S7' '"hai BUVOfsaro SiSdino a■ 92 « 32 P*'®'*' ^'■a aataa ifttlMlRr anfl.flca□. Ilona,

ind pre*

' tirYf Tnrttr citrii ~ Qoid prices guoied in 1

------Inutaday:_____ _______London

.n'^un.Vi AMeifiMrillJPng 414 00“ an Moial Pitlallreemarkon 4l5 4i Pranklurl 4l9.9Sup Lia puie Zurich 4|4.J0uneh, NswYdrti

11? _ ______tundy and Matman - 414.e25-7V.ro EnQofrard. baso Priee 1 onlabricalafl gold 4M.00 1

eenoary’ ^Snce®

’■jnni,i>. (London prle# liiing cna toguiai |),g p(8,iou* day a closino----------------eorrojponavfitfitheprevioi’on Coi-

illsSuroh bl^ir lor bu^n^ delivery llme. price tna

., - —- 657,00 ^ N a 1 yollow aoyboans:

days. 5.M. 3.U, unefiannad perconl Procosao' bids: No. fye

3.69H0.72H.up3'W“>;tS __________up m - m . __ ;_____

^ s =3 • 351*7 J4U-IU H«!j M ] 74}iua n u - H HiMCulO1 . , j : S g i 5 - . S S ’p! i 114 Mr-=~Ti----- »,:iwH - --} ' 13 iM .......Hcmtilk '___I I24M1 UH4tU HouSlln ■I ___ J< 7M n n ” ICi inua 771* ^ % - ■.wo.ioj------I J JM i7U. U Dl Pwii 1 1 r : s m .

I la U3 7 tu- H IDM

! L'l1k:,5 sis« ”10 IJ (I3 nu* ininoin

f— K - i K i ' E — o —) 7 U l p3SK Jonloen3 13J7CIS :n.4 H ^-JOStMl!___ 'J .S « 5 : . i0 .. c n - H KaiseiAl

r ' t . a ® - . B l l ' :0 I2JM0 psm . KonoWl 0 ajtia 47H« H KertlK . '< ' >1 31 It't KkM*

' 7-;

° ’li'™ !(!IsMn5 la wa pK - *» Koppctj0 n n n n - u K;t>gwi - tJITM ^tl Ul<n LOitSq0 19130 44)t- M iM Enl1 3 7JJ uliv, Lanm I5 „ IS i f j ., f i ’ S !5 i '5 X ! !1 ,S S ! : 53------ JiM 'enH -"* ------LonaSif~ "0 • ta 141 5 \ . La Pac J atIN O . U LTV} <KU c n - U LvclyS1 ' . r S ! ! . : s—H H— ' Maeu,l1- .ISSim «sik uaru 1 I 71 3<1 47U* U UanKitl!• S 'U S ! - ' . !K B

fceggg - - — —

!:nkS(!?ESSSii'r't«ie.^'''"; J 7W coma,'cum uMChangod to 3 to up 1, and aoybeana oil 3 ' and volume Hahl as many ineir lime until lhe ctop coreloastKJclosed, prlvalo forecasler bl• . S i f e i i . j ’S i s r " ■' Inraa 17 M««ftl lowmian-B---------yi

led tw fe(e »4>, Monday, *«i P

--------ajeiped tne mattei end on a __ ^0S range on lhe Chicago tl.*'--tjnr---- C«o»*— - W’ S 'l ' 3 « , , 3 a 2 « . VI '~4i^ ~ ' '~ -'C T^~-~«tas*-------

- a i l j i l ' ; ! .4aW’- . '! .So^ _ —‘' - i s i u ' 305 ' ses

. . = a s B ¥ - i . is Qu

' “Sfe-- - m i ' S?**19m . . i t i u . .....iJld s.

fliru - 9t»\»SOT ^ 927J* 929W prOVl

J S “ ^ BankS f, 'S ? K S I ’s lS

“a K- g - g j - j g K e""

s K j j

^ E ii'.

s a ii2’^ 227M ^ SUi

— ____________■ — Pai^ : U )

iiecled gold and stiver coin

1 1 si;! L _oy' at. ' S iw »i:w _ _

S '! ! : S f e f

Itey07.48.75 40.75 ^ <,000- ~ o S f J

W.775 «6.775

» .i» s i i>und t13.72 ttie t . Jun 41 .enl Iho mid-ptic« between Senierr 0 and aelleift.ate launo as ... . Ea<u>'(■iwrrtRi'a on myk?l%onc!k O^fi

“ ctiFcpoints r

r S r p = S ^ S ° S f = i i

* “"SilerianfloO, .114.00 up 0.75. R T! V i W r S M - i a i lflold 434.70 UP 0.T9 pof Ifoy fJEvv


mmJSLr r a , i s s ‘ ,;;s.i;i! - P rina change Itom prevtous ,of new

is: up 10 JO days. 9.D91*. oil

; a't03a“ aw“f.»^^

M.n,fl HIM n h * \ t MflinM .15 !§ i^ 2 5 - u K r t

-IJO'- la-aoJa-fcin— ucamEi .a4 QtaM vuvt . McGiHi n 37 795 35H McKen — 3 88----- IJJ*S-|3-4--tt----»te»9—

- I S - - i . s - g " : ; - s a— 3Bi----- : • 17?- - -MKWiPl-2.« 8 347 nU- n MebUC0<Am n ton- n UohaKS

U 'l«J jm* MouMa ) n isa343invi-n miFu«i

T sS s : ; a i r

J4- - It 73--:<U* H -KarPw 1 I] 41S » , W NEngElg l

.eo i W n - n Ntious <5« tt X atn. V, Nosipw• I S i ! s | * ; s s s s

■ i.'io 'a m h 0^--4 20 II z» ae<*> u OhisCd-Akw.*" H ' O T fH— OmCE-

l.» I37B» pSU* n ounI.t; ta TX) J9H41H Omvk

ao . ra i7it onMkitea , > i» 3aut « o«rc»i— LL— • OutOU

lao 11 j a 42n- h o m c f»4 la 11 »»♦ n o**flBI 54b 4a II7M

t.?) 25 ta «»4 n PacCE.40 tl Ilta » - n PaeLigmr

299 in iu aiu« H PacPl1.a09 12I5U PanAffl

103148 tl7H«4u Panhdl- I 2 - - - ■ - 3 S - f " : v * - » -


, a " ^ s s s - , 3

New joble- W ASHINGTGN-(UPI) -

c la im s for s ta te unemplo benefits decreased to 414,0( Ing the la s t week in Augu

"v ersing or three-week u surge, Uie L abor Dcpartm i

The departm ent’s Emplo -and-T raldng-A dm inlstralibi -22.000 few er people sought

tim e benefit checks durii -w eek ended Aug..27.(han.(t

v lous week, In d a ta adjustr seaso n a l f a c to r s ^ -------------

T he num ber of people re t

(Quotations from NASO a t ap a t e l y -2 p .m . - A il-bids i n t ^ da._lnterdeaIer_iiUDLitlQna_i cT ddeT eta llT harit^nnO T l® m m isslon. These quotation ovided by E dw ard D. Jones ar

Bid .m kofA m er. .2ftSec.C o. 24.375 2 i t ld a C o rp .1326 » re F in .G p . 27.25 2 lerm n. Gas 16.875 1 ilw ood - • . .: .3


ET —• Stpu

~ 3 4 5

\ lfa lfa .24sue. B eels .25 .28 ^^ t o e s 4 3 .18 .1(p C om 4 8 .20 ^P ^ u r e .24 .28 .2L a w n s ------- 34—

tEW YORK (UPi)--Qold ,lulurM dosed J

" S ' - “ " c K i '

}- .454.70 - -454.70 ... 454.50- 45JJ0 : 472.50-. 472.M - 472.60- - 47t.«0 - I 406.9Q aM.SO 496J0,! 496 U. tiemeni pilceson close and previous

;wnlnir'}?i:nB,W>vp*?__________'miCAGO Olpll-Goia Mures closed 4CnlsnlghoiThufsOay.n ie w Mercex—IIM troy ot.; dlr» pm tro

• «3:8o 435:bo’ S:m - *a:wi7 .~ ‘r!~«7.30 44r,M'44«.10------- -----elilomenl priceson cloaeand ptevWua sllmaled sates: SlSconltacla. jnintere»t:J.8iJuo20.............-

eW ”y6 rK (UPN — "Handy and I «day (juotea silver al »t2,19 por line otinQelhatd Cor^.^(^ot«d '<>{iMlod'siMrViwueisoUli.aiu^

real notiheins; I al 23.00, 14 al 22.00. 2 .

| S g i v . i ! ! g ; i a ; i C T 5 ;

S I I S k :obean laianosiofa ae_cna r fl o a._____


nn'. 1*2 U IfJ paiU* K R

> , '2 , ! ' £ s ! ! i s s147 a s » pU - Ik Pr

;e»^___ 2.40 13 J< o u^ a pj

I il jf'isu I!pl- j.a3 . . ; ’j75.-j4ut 4*—n Xorp 2 l4no p]} - H Rtr s

w«i ;ao a 71 n Bt ICO i.a 10 91 33U* n nt

S' SS=5 ■ I___ ” 3 jXn7iH^.,.s4

'!*■ J2-- 'I’S s* -;silla I.D 121U . ta w -u ll

- 1 I8M’ H>*1*__ .£(if4 }« ■ * 7 ^ b X* 2 l5Sf iS .'fi]§ 52* . I S i r ' ^ g « :: I

5,' 'is 1 S SSt ! ;i! S VS— ’, '.B s i t s t■JB = '•- '* :&3E 1« 7877 ptSW ... '$<■f'" 2.1a if sn w * u :t!

l - i - i i H, ' i ■ I ' i i i s l i i ' I I i .iifirH' :

aln S 17 77 l8Ht Vi .? a » v 8

lei^ laim^— New ■ c h e d c s 'fo r th e i

iployment Joblessness duric 4,000 dur^ Aug. 20 w as a so j g i i ^ re- 2,387.000. an incn

iq>w ard ------------------------ --tm en t re- T he to tal doesn — ^ ^ — others-M to-reeel iployment v arious o ther pro itlon said— 51,10Cl-uhder-e3 Ight first- p rog ram s In 1 ffing the ^ f i ^ n l a - a h d ' Pi i. th e p ro - .708,500 .u n d er a [usted for supplem ental co----------------- g ra m -w h e n -o tlreceiving a s s i s t a n c e s ^

; approxi- I/MJg. F ib e r . lerdeaJer- I w J d & t3 do . nol Consd . F ood luiywii o r _ T tcsL ciii uiuonIons a re Big P lney OU. _sandC o. U tah P o w er

Ask A lbertson.21.50 IdaboPow erC o.25.U5 Heinz

1.25 D art-K ra /t27.50 F ir s t Inlste.17.25 V ngrd T rustees34.625 Safew ay • .

O f D t O r .A *

ApUffltw rxw eantT ' -'I

5 6 " ' ^

.2? .26 ,22 ,, .5. 1

.16 .17 13 J . -20 -20 " 1 6 . :4M ^ 2 . . 5 , 1

-:24-----X ----------. a ' ' '

led 40 to 50 ' Salt w lilrt'^X eif?^----- — S;»..tlWWBOV « ; Wheat prieoa aro gfvo

>e« n»v. otain o»'e« are an. a .90-7-414,50 — Valley oeai«r<li»ouuon»S 423 » u — oaoo—W . ^ a o

W. 49e.i0 OENVER (UPI) P.aleady. 100 IB. tacks «

. . . . . .. — unleaa oinemriae auiedmm"hao^i'n

M an 10 02. minimum 23.00-:z: E SsiXI___«)2ja___40 — 423«o | ^ 7 * T * n T 7 3

.........- :s|g |g■ taig'oVl«4*laioe?5 -TB:

"new YORK (UPfj” and markol_lroods aa

'e\u"nVe"2S arid de.lv

^ -------NEW-^OdK— (UPU2 ( 121.00 active alocks ir


1S.OO, 1 at WangLabs D. Champion Homes

n ' t t i i s . *011No. 1. less T I E Comm _______ p4ouslon Oil Tr

~pirnT ^7~ - '.n - ' ■ I71te0-- '7I1»*H*« s aSIHProclGt .40 lll in « ♦ '*

— HPutHKm • .10 17 258 2aw- WOoaiiOaU 48H+HRaiiion .54 ' ia 4a rv» - u

K “ ,S S S I ,!

ja u w , Pjtii-Ij,S ’" ' ! ' S ’J"= I!toSi, ,u 11 a * H

' » > “ . 1 1 , J «

^ i in -^ s^ i 11 "IsSi ^ JO 258111 J - J }

- g l -

: |S iS IS ! B S - '.s

B s k : . : : -2.40 aiaS2 p}7H ... i t ^ 3 t f 8»i8 S h . .

-ms5 ; 5

. ; S X . W , , B ,7 '5 , ; S “i ; i lS .S ! ^ : : ;

-------------------- --------------------B

! down y |■ ^H0(

s flrst 23 weeks of- ring the w eek ended 2 s o ^ n a U y ad justed ^ ” a 'easeofl3,000. de:

carlot--------------------------------------9 not Include 912,200 p'>c«< wive-cbecks>«BtdeF— — «>4km irograms, includingextended benefits---------0^

Louisiana, Wes t poik P u e rto " Hlco" and J||o j a ^ ) ^ a l fe d e ra l _ " “f f

compensation p ro - ' e2.oo; Dtticr--avenues _ of Hthausted. ‘ T h ^J , r ; 5

B9H1H E24.50 ' 24.7533:25 v j ; 34.00 a s *

___________ - : _ - 3 7 :125—

. JO .687522.00 P ^»25.00 95-105

- 32.00 g.,43.125 5.noe66.875 J3.V45.375 !•* 'J 38.6324.5CI MrSpI

950-UlWoun»ilatMW«»rUM ' F.O.d. 7fen'PfntBin»'*g^, - ;

r^'3T-^ i. and cl ------------------50-100

1.0 1.5 2.0. 2.6 „ •LO 1.5 2A -2 .7

• .6 - .9 l i 1.5 W ff.8 1.1 1.6 3.1 I V j

i;o >1.5 2 4 ™.1.0, 1.9 2.0 2 .: ^


. . ■' OOD — ---------- ----------- 1

9BBH—iS ^ ^ y 'ra -T B T Ie - trg rJ n ------- g»S

V B H H B H I — rte '^S

Poiaioea Thursday:'Market most <. S Ksacka j W InCh a.C^ on,ptlC

» -n !» , 5W0 wrtons ton.11.00: aos 15 00: tOs U.OO; 100a MIxe

S ffiJ

nH .

f t w u s t s r - ' - ' ” "—- I W

odelivery unchanged: pileea

— --------------------------- --------------------------- . Comm— Canon emj llnal prices Indusl. as .reported by the USDA. Trans[»iiver«<t 10 New Yctk siore- g r'--" laiivflied 10. rsiailers: Extra «dmMfumsU.«. . - n*o ..

'^in^ Anwlcan^'* sT^k I. F;» .

i i C E 5 £

IE S l i a

[vT— TiCBjh^^lJB - a t3B-«r—TiEatr 4.10 I) aa u iti

IH T«>Oai 2.17 12 53 SO 4H Teuskul., 2 ..IS3uItrU-U T aifaa .- . J5___25 t2 a » -

r &8 ■ j.«U UnElac 1.54 a SD8 I4H<IH {mwt5 ‘a i r o ^ a u lH ina Brands 63 IBH45 S’s'iS. ■ ':S l i ' S S , -

US SINl I . 5477 P»h4“ ■ ' S K a S5:...... UMftH___ j1_7a____ a 555 022^.

frESiEEESSSW • KEW YOflK (Um H FeOoirkig ata ndWmWa 15 , p « I S " „ ^ £H 'Swd Eicfiarm.' —!s tf - : • ■ • ■ -p^[h(3»iL»ilift amUm ' a ° □ 2' -

AfflOaAl JO 51 csa I7U- H APMltrf. . .UD ta &S 'SOU,

S2 S1, "a f .•: 8 l lU Dncan leo ' .. « 3i«.'ft Q i n... Q>ier^ a ..'1>

I'rSsT"-' ' iis« 5 - ( s s a - . - S —

n«kejen 5k a 'in .32U <'2 ? S i . ^

■frB'niiies-NBDWTwIn Falls. W

- jtju fc i::----- m------- rtTW)------ -------- trmiBcfc^CaiHe’ ' 35; sales injuinclont lo esUWleh

‘'Hoga'*' ''SSf' l/ading lildy 1 C1W.?sTSTc’e . a % " r g h e ^ ‘«'’£o. 1^5(20-750 Iba. 40 5W7.00: No. 1-J 290 lbs.M.25.

DES MOINES. Iowa (UPI) - MIOwosl iarlot Iresh cul moal trade Thursday: - -Beef—tradtno -and—oemand—fair—io_g«ot!:—__

'ba°''" fl OoSS.OO *‘’*IBa.^ '’BiO(MO.OO:sood arade 7-3 M0-7X. ibi. 8200—-x.‘;S'''loln's'*1'«7" Ib5!’' m ' ’ G S S '- i 'Io' i; ’-'3"o5'“ “>»nlwr;—aUnnad—hania—14.12_l&a— 71 )0_ZJU____0“ 3,bO niflhof, 17-20 lbs. 74,00-75.00 no • :tand; seedless bellies nol estaoiiahed: i2.M_i6a--aiJ0.-.lW 8 .Iba. M.OO.. 18.20 ibs.U.OO; no u ies o f Boston bulls ropotled.

■K A f«A 3-uiy. MO. (UPI) — Itveaioek thuraday: . . . . . .

loeoo?" ateerV- 'MerW)'*^6s.^mVslly*'2.a?’ higher.’ lBMoV*hol(e?sw 500 Iba.-iirm -to—1.00 Manet, Igguei---------iieers medium and large frame grade' 1 nMOO lbs. 58.00-5».50. one load US' Ibs. , 10.00: toodor Deiiets medium and laros tame gratle 1 tow 500-725 ibs. 50.00-52,M.

Hoga 800: irading active, t»»awa and

^wa^^ unoer^ 8» jM ” 1 n*"'*u''‘ ® y.Il Bo^

alauflhlBi ■ lambs^ ' aleady: ' { Jiom .alausnier. lampa .ona-lot cheK«.-and .- ulme 105 lbs. wiin No. 1 pells 51.00; SlM''lbs*'*4Soo’^

SALT LAKE CfTV (UPI) • - Utah feMlot-alw-- - ance aalea summary lor Ihe week ending TTiim- lay, Sept. 8. 1983: Tiado al area leediaia modvralo gain tnia ween: alaugftler steers l .n lower ffi«n ■st week's close: siauohier heilera 1.00-2.00 jwor; leed-lola teporling lalrlv good inquiry and enund: eoniirmod saios Ja ''w eek on 2,800 i»ughio^»ieot8^d^l^2S0h8tiugfiiar tuntera:^!^

■ Jo fri^ lb h'oia«'iMHM^.?o^ and cnoiee ‘siaugnior hellers: G o^ to rnosily chalco' 2-9 ’ so-l.o9o Ib. 55.00-57.00: olauanior came, acid .0.0. feedlola 3-4 oercenl ahrlnk; some with

urfent delivery.Sheep; Coniirmed 400: trade coniinuoa alow; <19. -

riee leal; load mlied choice and prime aiauoWer. nd chcico and lancy leeder tamba: larm iioeU,,>100- lb. -43.00- ai'a^hi- acioaa;~aoid -F.O.a.. 4......«reenlahrlnk;cu«enldellvory. -a.

-DENV&HWf— 6»alw ptioa tnr weat enrtirg____>iu(a(>ay.Sept.8.l«83:No. 1 hatdwlnitf whaal3.4t bu.No. 2 yellow corn 8.0»4.25cwl.No.2baJiey4.8M.D0cwt.

UntJerll protein whoal3.4«-3.«8bu.. up .02 ' No,11prololn3.eM.B5Bu,.up,0..02 ^ . No,l2pieiein4.iw.22bu..up.0l-.02 ” No.33{HOlem4.35U,4l bu.,up .OlvOJ


SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) - Ulah ftfy maMtK - % S ’S ; 5 & ” ?o’'S T T i 'S i ^ " K ," 3 S " . i 'S . r ; ,M ? . r s i “. z w . s 'r nay or Ml>M No. J Mlty uid Ho. 3 l.w J.i tuy: -


SSSlo. 1*2 dairy cuMa In Ihe central and aouthern reaaB8.00-1M.OO per lon. F.O.B, a l a b . __________

SusTt'iaia l i j j a '" 7 % iranspon 94 22 - 0 09Bllllllles «7.7«' — .03

r..- 'k a , s

s - - ' ' . h - ' -------------- T S ~ ~

t .....I-............si ■ I iP.'y_------------- J f , -------------------- . i i i

y’ 12 45 ”

; ; - ? J L = _

■*J— ~ — unoeai - i ----- aTW—ajft—-W— —UH+ 1* uplehn 2. ^ ^ ^ J 2 «ja p5l«tlH'

I^ U -H Varun- ,» ailfS S ift - jfa » - H vendo to ^ 61 • - ft •

-54«t^«t— yratttm—- <0 i8 ti> 3aH . . . ' - - .g1»i*| ft wamorC_________ j-tlM *

ft wuiuon... I.a 1tt«98 Jl _ .u . . .i ' A 5Sf a r a sy i8-f c « S ' J S i t s ' si'a ig liJ-ais - -19Ht H WVuiDi 258 13 IB S8U4 ft

'f L I * .. «J8 u iau -ft

? ! ‘ S - , A “ ! S 5 ;SCH -Ik Zenith Bad 1272491 Jl«-2ft « _ - f t rumlod’ U > 48 29ft-H

1 K c . " S ' » S - g t S - .sa4eclad OuilCtta .44 . 187 IIM . ,

H r « , „ “1 g ! ; 5

a T s . s . =6 » .a i ; . ! § '‘avi!■•!!:’!!«■ £

814-H .Uileftaa j ] IS IQ ITH-UJIM* H 'Nati^l per 48 U8 SHtlftu544- H .Nunac U U . . 18 20H .r i5 . : S S » ’s , . s i s . .

> 3 . - “ : S S ^ . i s s s ! : ;' 5H* H ■ 'SoBtron------Ort-------r r - a '" 9 "•pSU ^'ii isSSth* lOk 14 CT iS * i5 S : !• 51 S S S.“i !

_,C0<t>'"_ 28IMap5u*l3JH* ft ,T«60sOe Ae r 7 5 - '2 '- - - ' ~ S3 *1 Un Rnoui 72 Ift- H1)K- k Vamlttn ,1] IS S8 p14ft- H

K K , . ” ' 5 ? » - ■»- --

s.W aho— FTkteyrSeptembef.9.-1M aI_

. *..... B y U nited P re ss In terualk

E veryone knowa Ray going Into S aturday’s Alai gam e.

----------P e rk lM -w lU -m a k e - liB ry an t’s succcssor unt

‘ yiisiiimv.------------------------B ut th e g am e a t Blrmli

------ no picn ic for G eorgia T ec__^ e lth e r ._ C u n y ,_ P ertln a ’_

C olts team m ate , might s a c r lU d a l lam b since , f A labam a to lose a t bom Uonal debut.

“ T h e re w ill be a ^ a tten tio n on th is gam e bee r c p Ia d n g 'C o a c b ’Bryanti* o b jective wlU bo to OMJce


M on tana passed fo r m y a rd s and fired four

r p a s s e s and E ric W rij ' th re e lntercQ)llon3, sc

60-yard re tu rn , to po« F ra n d s c o 49ers to a 4W M innesota Vikings H iur

.. M ontana, tbe NFC— ---pa s ser - - ooe --yoa r—a

touchdow n throws of 21 to fou r differen t ret com pleted 17 of 24 p a

^ ynrrift , ............... L.W endell T yler rush

l .y a r d s o n 19 c a rrie s anc of M ontana’s TD passes

. -...........T b e_ ,49er«’ . nlcklItOfOSSed VllringgT om m y K ram er, Inter th re e tim es. K ram er ir p a s se s ' fo r 274 y a rd s i 30-yard touchdow n,pa

— fn' T be49ersheldal3-71( q^en lng perkxl b u t pu

" a w a y e a r ly (n tb e seo : S afe ty D w ight H icks :

fum ble by K ra m e r on " D a rr in N elson a t tb e K

M on tana capped th e c ' t-y n i^ TD pww

-C o o p e r .----------------. Jusr23'secoods later, Wrigfit intercepted Kr

w d scanqxsred 60 ys _ sc o re to open aW T Jead

. B o th team s’reco rds £ D an a M cLem ore r

(g e n in g kickofC 39 yi 49er8’-4 7 a n d M ontan

ten d ed for R oger Gn nec ted w ith T y le r o n a l an d F ^e^d ie Solomon t

-----------play-t&T»ut-the-49er8 ■' n e s o ta S l ." ^

___ B ut on Srd-andsm isfired on a p a s s m u i C ra ig w tilcb Vikings T u rn e r n ea rly Inten F ran c isco se ttled fo r a goa l b y R ay W ersching

--------le a d e a r iy ln th e f ir s tq i'n w V U d n g s failed to

dow n on tb e lr nex t poi : " th e '^g erfl d idn’t waste

th e ir d rive . TTiree rxnis a ^ y a r d th row trom

--------- RpnalrfnN fihem lflhputtb e M innesota 21.

M ontana then cooi

Oaklei----- Ry.<rrRVR C R UM P ---------— Times-News Mrts editor

CASTLEFORD - §0 pre-seastm .

C astleford a n d Oakley hi tw o of tb e football pow

— M agic VaUey-Confereoce opened la s t w eek w ith sbu th a t o u t o f tb o way, they w W hat w ill p robably be t g am e o f tb e season fo r b

— n ere tan lg b t:--------------------“ You’ve to to p lay ’em i

sa y s secood-year coach H — w bose-W otves a re rankei

U nited P re s s Intem atioaa: "Our- p rq ia ra tio n for this

— -weete-basbeei>4besam ea.' w eek.”

•• B u t f lrs t-y e a r Oakley i Tnm pidna, wboso team Is

■ 6 in th is w eek’s UPI poll, H o n e ts b a d m ore tim e to

‘th ls ro e . ---------‘'I rcaU y don’t like

----- Tonqrtdns.-w boliitthegnn:w ith a 28-0 v ictory over S a tu rd ay . “ I h aven’t seen

■ tHit I know th ey 're loadi gotag to b e a re a ld ia l le n f f l

' 8.p.tP-Tflt• High'S Hold.

( B otb h a v e e x ig e n c e b ess , b a t bo th lack s ize am a t tb e sk lU positions. JardL won n in e of tb e 10 g am es h( a t C asU i^ord. sees quicki H o rn e ts ’ p rincipal asset.

"I th in k tbey*U be ■ -flolclc,” -fw says.-“Tbeyiia>

an d a p p e a r to be well coad g a m e s w e’ve played wii th ey h a v e been tough tja U g a m ts T B u lT lh ln k - l O ak ley 's quickness, there

: t o to f M ln t s s c e i^ .”

Eins^tilatlooal ........................Ita

;ay P e rk in s’ situa tion All Alabama-Georgla Tech f i r

do-)-b is -d e b u t- - a s -B e a r— gu; under Im m easurab le api

m lngham figures to be *] r e d i Coach BUI C urry , aaTa’ fnrmop RnlHmnrfl__ Iqs^ t be feeling like a < e few _Qq)ect No. 14 grj om e tn P erk in s' emo-

petgreat deal o f e x tra ,G e

because R ay P e rk in s Is foo n t;” C u n y 8ald. “ 0 n r — wo nceotrate on the g am e ' twi

Eranch(U PI) - Jo e ’ m ore than 200 our toudidow n bright grabbed , scoring on a 1power tbe S an | | | K ^ 4 S -l7 rou to fthe Jh ursday night.4FC’s leading -ag O r—drilled—121,1,14, and 6 ■ ■ K 9 receivers. H e ' passes for 230 . Q l ' -,

S s b e d 'fo r 107 nnH caught One ses‘. —Ickle defense M | g | a

q u arte rb ack ' i t e r a t i n g him r m ade 25 o f 41 Is .and threw a - .pass to T erry cuflrter.-1-7 lead a f t e r t b e ^ ^ ^ ^ H

put th e gam esecond quarte r. H P m P Ics recovered a on a handoff to e M innesota 2L te drive w ith a

tPi--Tomerback—K ram er on tb e u | | S

3^r«to t o r t b eea(L __________dsaren b w l-l* ....) returned th e S S g S S I yards lo tbe

era lg , he con- D w ight j a S -y a rd th n w touchdowi on on a 14-yard n is h , opei O T -on-U ie-M lD -^leltln U » I

m l ^ JH o n tan a to ge l the

gs sa le ty Jo h n com pletedteitxp led . S an 80-yard djr a 38-yard fie ld 15-yard thji n g to o p e n a S ^ a t tb e M lntq u a i te r .’ B ro w n «I to m a k e a f l r s t l - y a r d r ^possession and n block -b

ste any tim e on M innesoUm sb y T y le ra n d in tb e p e riiom M ontana to Two b ig p u tth e 4 9 e ra po

connectedxmnected w ith th ro w anc

:y,W ol^ O ak ley JotSo m uch lo r M e y - 1 ^ -

y h l g h ^ l ^ss.‘“y<r_rSi'’" S . T S (aS T MJ 1 1. l S S m lstakes.w r both-sdioolB ^

m s o m e th n e ”

'■ .B f c o S f u S ^ o

Ihls gam e th is

‘•Gorrln®ly Coach Don r e a lly ono, la ranked N o. Tom pkins,oil, w ishes h is l lh o c a n ’t i iI to think about. 'hw W oIvi

N ev:, junlo: ke l l ," s a y a , h a v e n 't a ajround running in c re on die!•er Melba la s t ju n io r ta ilbsen Castleford, 140 pounds)laded. n i l s is quarte rt> adngefor.us.” ' th re w tworfit-.Gastleford—l a s i w e e k ^

ce and quick- and seasoning

» ' e i tm n e ly

with Oakley, Um <>“ >«■ Igh defensive O ak ley h t ik -because-o f—tb e - tw o - s c *re m ight be e C astle fo rd

........... - 14-8. • .

m ma lc e s^

1 1 ^ a i^ w T w ith itie boopla su “ W hen you p lay against

A labam a w ith a B ear Bryant 0 f irs t h ave to bea t the m ystique dow n lo th e basics of executloi guy-wbo-wlU-handlo thls-lhin a p p a ren t d ifficulty. II he has a

T be ^ m w n Tide ,a re 18-p a n d 'G e d i ^ T ^ ~ h a a n ’t~betintfXKi nf alY tttnrlKTU tn tnj ilry .

S till, P eridns isn’t taking g ran ted .

"B ill C i i r ^ Is not doe to b p e t^ le ’s noses,” said P u k L G eorg ia Tech will be a mi football te am and tbe worrc tW w ou ld 'be to uh 'dera tlm ale the tw o y e a rs ago. ” .


r a n c l s c o ’s B o g L c o p o l d h

~ O a r k for a 21-yard )wn desp ite a ’ heavy pass pening a lO-O lead w ith 9:35 le f irs t q u a rte r .--------- ------------

b e Vikings’ offense In gear -tbe~flr8t-<iuMteri—K ram er— ted sbc of seven passes in an

drive, Induding a critical thw w to Brown on 3rd-and-5

I l n n e ^ 4 0 .n capped th e drive w ith a run into the end zone behind : J« r; R ickey Young to puU Ota w ithin 10-7 wilh 2:16 lefi— eriod.Jig p lays m oved the 49ers on [>ext pofflesslon. M o n ta im _ £ d ^ t n CIoBcon a h 18-yat^' m d T yier broke free for a

IvesfiglJob la s t spring when Doug »ft-a-&:3-t©ara-to-become-fln— t coach a t B u tIf ly _ ao rr ie3 _ ba lld u b Is still, m aking loo

[stakes. -ik the kids a r e adapting very - t h e - n e w • system ;" —s a i^ " IS. "W e w ere aggressive M d b a), but wo m ade some

Lwe’re not.golng.lo be ab le to g a in 3 t_ a _ g o o d _ le a m _ lik e _ "d.”ly to tb e contest m ay be th e— I of O akley fliudcer Gus Gor- inkle. G orringe sprained 11 iring all four of the H ornets’ m s aga inst M dba.. n g e is quesUonabTeT^dlie’s » of ou r key people,” says s . “T bero 's no question that tp la y .i t will h u rt us." lives, thum ped theEUcos - i lo r varslty''32^~iast'"weefc,~” ‘ I coityjanible s ta r . TTiey r d y diBreh3e7flbdiq)onthe legarof— ilb ack R ich Owen (&-foot-7, is) and tbe a rm of sophomore a<± G ary Reynolds, who ro touchdowns In his debut

will have somevrtiat of an 2e, w ith 6-2,210-pound Junior ickloy a t offensive and de­tack le and 0-4, 200i>ound re Jdm O ldham a t offensive Dd n o se^ ia rd . C astleford's I defense,- w ith & 8,200i>ound ilnton F ^ a t o n e j a c k l f r ^ ound Junior M ch Kinyon a t

b as won I I o f the 16 gam es B/»h<wia hnve plaved. but

d won la s t year’s .meeting

i n i t i aisu rround ing li. Biyaii 1s t a team like ningest nt coaching It, you 323 v lct ?ue before you get hand-pi( Ition. But R ay’s a G ian ts tJilng-w ithout-any ........ Perkli13 a problem ; h e’ll A labam

-------- fop-a-p18-point favorites, utilize een hdped . by th e— Lew is a

________ _________ Joey.Joiing anything for In gai

No. I :d blow 'sm oke up Auburn ridns..-“ H e says-- -O klahor m uch im proved hosts W.

f th ing for us to do Oregon, them like we did S tate , N



d h a n d s - o n t a -V lk ln g .T c

' 39ryard run to reach the ‘ 18.• However, M ontana’s------p ass-a ttem pts-fe ll-lnco iI— rtiifting-a-toss-tha t T yto

to ' catch ' and then • W ersch ingended-tbe-d rI 32-yard f id d goal, g 1 Frty icisco a 13-7 lead aft I q u a rte r.

• T he 49ers’ n ld tel defer I K ra m e r again In tl I q u a r te r . C om erback R 1 in tercep ted K ram er -m '■— the-b a ll:22'y a rd s-to th e

14, a n d th ree p lays 'la te__ connccled_wllh_]&lomoi

' ___ yardu touchdown _wlUi ..l(I th e secorid'period,! 34-7 advantage.

[fatfer^cn— s__

r"^aklc0..;®---------- ThnB7Bp.gwtocl|lit ------

e -

t OotKta:' W 1’ <«18I)U) •Mtto. nrat •

ii«i Jonllitt, Carihdard. 9- --------- KSjeSki-------

s S«H«:!0Aklsyk^lU ;,t wnUMliMiJMaUB&lM.loi

OdoBMl: O tkkvom .a t 8 - " t s « ! -CWteBriJ:i-pw-l_ --------t»Meye(W»tw ttws-rMryr rromalUMS.

.............. la}aclwi Oakley:'WR an

° rorlonlgt:l‘«gan>A.Castle{Q(tl0 Tvtrdy bt» ectindei' xm1 andUouitivUniMHa.

, T i S ‘553^0iB^'TW **' '» 0 ; CMOMord b«m (ta« R[■ _

i N«xti^;OalUeyvWUni CuUefimiei taUlMMiiUUis • .1 aa id«U in«ii:0 (l«n :<

t------ T anr-fv^tvr/m rtM TtwyOo^CH/JTOl.tiokirjW

-cmittv'myuarriaBtarr. Jcoki-<»-IUM)..MPt«Dar' Corey WocdbiKm it-umt.i________Jod EKfUM (6-lVM ) . «J . .T . ~ “ 3oS!“ OMUBr^'

n = ii l s t e faiit r c U r^ ' 1 ^ D ecem ber g 3t college football coach in h ictories and died a m onlh 1 picking Perkins, who left the 3 to succeed h is form er coad i.Ifinq hng mnrto n nitmhor nf im a, induding scrapping the -passing-offenee-w hkb-sbQ ! the talents of quarterba and flet:trecclvers J e sse Be

fones.________________ ';ames involving top 10 team s . N ebraska tackles Wyomi n tak es on S outhem Mississ om a. v isits Stanford. No. S W ashington State. No. 6 Oblo m. No. 8 N q ^ C ard ln a host No. 9 N otre D a ^ hosts P u rt

tslslann S tale hosts No. 13 F la


! By M IKE

T imesrNff

F IL E Rcom petefo n n an ce

------ R odeorB utb e d ir t, h< ihanin tlM

R osser, R odeo (

th e F lie r t h is rodeo

the.cowbo;--------- Not-one

top tim es n igh t’s q o n ly two p a i^ c lp a i saddlSbro

-------- fin bancow iw ys ' eight-seco

- ......... S m ith ,H t o l r i t | | | | l b a reb ack

■ T lm R y d aD uring

--------- tliu fourth— P a r r is h ,- ’

— ;------ re m a in s^

---------w aH ~ fo n

T w in F faS.Owhlle

r e d B r o w n . . ___18.9._____le M innesota S add le I

s next two A ^»m pleter-ln---------le r app e a ^ - ------------------en fumble. NEIW Y(drive-w llh -a-------^ A r i a s r ^giving San defensive

Ifter the first sho ts , brol

the second ^ m eetRonnie Lott «^m<fin».TB

m d returned C ham nloale-Minnesota--------Coming'Iter M ontana be j,ion for a 14- _ in . t h e - l i r s l6:S2 le ft In M tfptm nn

n g th e4 9 e rsa . 7-6 , 6 ^ b ig lif t In

I cripp ling d


m mim, 0>ki«iy. tatOiJtkQrli »C <MCO)d


a r c m k M -^ - '--------- •

□iM'OoRtsff - .......................-

g(tl:TBM«knwapiiriab>b-' ’ , . ' • ' .

r Rfl». Nw.,' -

..-Mocp B BownW-a - t e m Sbn WWdhMM.

saDlor:.TB~„___■ann-ra ■■■iVR-AnJaa D unn Howtnl U rrar-atjBt— BiaiifSrWVmjr wo: WH - (WWW. Mcfagn

Jwlorj TK -T T7.-RWh KlqycB

p s i n Jr as"tSe A t West La1 h isto ry w ith B urtne ttkao ' h la te r, a f te r to tb ec ro ss -stbe New York '" n ie fac t td l. a ll tbe p re -s o L du m g es.a t.^co u p le Ja a n 1 the wishbone h av e ,” Burl

•JmS W d tw a ^ l M ^ ® Bendross a nd P u rd u e 's q_______________ .^ o y e d _ n K im s Saturday , c a re e r th^n imlng, No. 3 ple ted 53 of lissippl, N0.-4 —a ta r th ig -h ls . 5 M ichigan . N o tre Dam e, llo S ta te hosts In o ther T osts M em phis hosts Tempit uitiueandN O . C al, No. 15 W n o rid a S tate. Southern Me


EPRA TER IVews writer

;R — Cotton Rosser dldn’ e during W ednesday's per ce of the Twin F alls Count]

, h e w as probably Um happles th ea ren a . .>r, th e m ain cog In tbo Flylnj0 C o.v thestock-contradorfo i er r o ^ , w atched a s most 0 eo nnimnift played havoc will boys'efforts.ne.cowboy.or.cowglri belteret ies o r scores from Wednesdaj «q)enlng round. T bere w en

rt) events w here a t least fou >ants had successful runs - b rra c and b a n d racing. - arphflpk riding, onlv th ro -s w er« ab le to complete thi x o n d trip . Rookie Slepbei

1983's Inlercoliegelatt ck chaihplon, lopped the'trH 71. Rye B row er h ad a 69 whlli ’dalcb cam e tq> wilh a 65. lg W ednesday night’s rodeo r t r p l ace y a r e wa s a 09rRoi

s a i ( ^ the leader board witl h is rem aining.1 M yatt had a r d a t lv d y fast fi.i : a ll s te e r w restlers,-bu t tha r-from 'be tte rlng -W ednesda : 4.0 tim e by M arty M dvin. F a lls (x>wt)oy BobTlonroe ha<

ille Randee Munns t u m ^ in aj

le bronc d O i^ 'W iB m e oy la

F i a s - u p s e

YORK ( U P D - U tU e Jln im j putting-Yannlck-Noah -on - the ve w ith h is sharp passing roke se rv ice io the final gam< ay night to upset the fourth Frenchm an In five se ts and sei eeting with Ivan Lendl in tbc als o f the U.S. Open Tennli lonshlps.ag 'o f f " B 'v e r y slow s ta r t 'ln e m anaged only a single point itfrf tf irw gflmM, A rias used Qg forehand to fight badcfor-a 6 ^ , W . 7-5 triinnph, gettlng"a In tb e decisive gam e on a

g double-fault by Noah.............


vT j

-----------------§JOBtor; a

> U-U/m>, NPier: 0 - UadtdtM; mtm IM/ltO}. PK -

3 ,-r Otiy Rqngldi (Mmon apb- Utfc-0WB-<WHI». J i<*i n — I U«UI>. mekr. WB ~ A>h # K -a b fc f rw a -= " B j« -U B r- bonari; . IK - Itajr S d t a d .

<Mmu, JoBler; fi - U ny •W-jiBkr._ja-=_Mi»_esn5B__

_____________ . Ffk

HElEilettbppIeslBu] -■ -B ru in girls stay i ^ “ ClarsifiM CS:.:

B i^ a iLafayette, Ind., P urdue Coach caows avenging la s t y e a r 's 28-1 is-stat« riva l Irish won’t be eos; c t lhat they a re ra ted In th e to] e ^ easo n polls and even No. on Indication of th e great talen lu rtnett said. “ B lair K id

r e H p q u a i U ^ " ~'s quaitertjack, Scott C am pbd nwre success _ a g a li^ NE^ 1 iyi anyone in hUtoiy. H e has

of 89 for 702 y a r ^ and w tils f o u r t h - s t r a l ^ gam e_ai ne . - ...r Top 20 games, No. 11 P llts ip le , No' 12 F lorida_vlslts Soi 5 West Virginia h ^ P a d flc , 1 Methodist visits G ram bllng, 1

session first ni(

th e favorite for the crow d a s th ree cowbo] 70-point plateau,

dn’l Dixon H am ilton, Uie per- ranked saddle bronc rl( m ty lead all riders. Hov rh l t Shawn D avis gtiU -let ilest overall w ith a 79.

........ E .L . McClelland ha/Ing R andy Hoffman cd lec r-forr^-^worId'»-No^-ei8«ddl6 It of B utch Knowles, b ad a a wlUi Saddle bronc Is th

w here a flnals round a e d ^ S a tu rd a y n ig h tth e to p l iday com pete fo r Uie t<v nio vere sco res from tbe f irs t tw four ta k e a t le a s t a 70 for a o s — ' th e finals. The m an '

holds Uie lOUi spo t -

Lam en t M iller h a d t second - c a l l roping w rapped h is c a lf up In U m e m ore Uian 10 sec

^ M onroe, wbo had a 26.^ _ c e « ? i d c d a P . 0 - ..........[tnyr~ In a:fle id :laced:w lll kvlUi cowboys, only tw o teai

up w ith successful tean te .8 -M aglc-Valleyri:9>ers- Uiat B ill BenneU put Uiem sd^^— m oney w ith a-9.8 n m r

M iller stopped Uie t bad seconds: o a n -D aw n Dunn cam e Ul ____su!^18 second b a r r d r a

etSrNoahS — O t S t O p

une rth - •{set “ I b e whole firs t se t h the ' Uie gam e.'L -said .U ie

m is pound A rias, wbo w as I yea rs , 7 in d ie s a n d 35

- I n — rival,-and-becam e tbo QlQt to r e a d i Uie semlfin ised cham pionships becamt j r a Uiought I h a d .h o j fen m a tch .” a a Lendl, meanUme, ..........hum ble all those wbocc


I (M/t9D>, ( ra ia u n ; C - Rod <

- Qw; R - WooABw: .K • - t B - l l / U l l ) . J ^ : U - 8 ( i r a i i L

1 p>.WMdbBaM.I— (»uM 8fdi-w J:=n»o«yrr-1 . <M/»),JaD(ar:T-{UebKkvGB ; - H - Hmmr. CBy tto«mnl;8a-B(m«Z«nani(M/ B aicfaOww; p - aBni>*.

, c

i i B t C 2 = l .

/unbeaten C2-----

t t t ’s sch Leon Iow a Is dt Iowa Si 3-14 loss v is its Pac-10 rival ttsy. hosts Cincinnati oi top 10 of VanderbUt.I. l l n a A t U niversity P a ent.tbey— rebound from an.i

Is a n opening loss lo_: y r ic m y -G o a d i-Jo e -Pateroc

hav o no e ffw t 0 )d i.-ha3— cham pionsagalnst

" W e 'ro h ig o o d h

against __^Patemd'do«ain;ip

:tstHirgh D an Lonergaii wUJ touUiem D o ugS U w g,andsc :, No. 16 been m oved from d , No. 17 offensive guard.

1 scores gh ta t r<X nearcap ac lty to edge out )oys e d lp so l the 18.08.

J im Wriibe world’s ninUi to p u t a see r id e r ,h a d a 7 8 to Buliridlj owever. F ile r’s s lack peri leads Uie event accomodat-------------- --------— ridersi-an-had a 71 while ‘ nigh t follo\ ected a 70. Tbo G ary To B ft-b ronc-jldar,. ■ .tlwi fnr.tha 1O6. DarlAUjthe only event Uie Wran) Id wUl be b d d . SOiwlnt f p 10 cowboys will _ b u llj lg h tc r aohey. B a s ^ oh Iw o-day 'lt W in lg h ls .i t w ill W ld t PeU cowboy to reach points.

I wbo currenU y T*terode - John Mulock crownlngc r e a te ie d tonight open Uie pW erseom oete.-------U i0 3 a « re

n lsh t, tNit

g m a M iller o tten d o n a n 15.2 seconds, a econds ahead of 'nnndayoi ».7 . Kent Miller

sams could come im ro p ln g ru n s.

B|ll Bnhntr nnrt, r«»m sd v e s Into tbe » 7iS . K ^ i-M U ler a n d J . J . —

clocks ta 15.SKtvwta. Ul

up wlUi Uie only r a d ^ r u a D y m

1 at-O Sa o d he utl g am e to tl

P e n ^ ' : -----------6-4r-7-e-an~ ____________ f irs t Granc

' Ti^ndlj thew asont<q>of ninth-seed be Moot-9, 145- sem ifinal IS co n m lin g four cham pion 35 pounds to h is aga inst N 10 m n n_Other.____tinalff since Uie T he wor tne op ra ln j968. d d tid Frit ) jd iah ce .In ,th is_ N a v ra U ]o \------------------------ a n d d e fe a, conUnued to U oyd, seei com etieforelilm D urie . .

^ SUTTW M ahaffey

_ _ A i ------------- le ss on Uie« f - l 1 --------- e-under^w. V / J tb e f ir s t-n

^ toum am ei_ . T b e to u

B ankofBc Mahaffe

.......... th an offs<7“ low est ro

p lay ing In.......... cbmnplon

b h tlie sa o_______________ 7,119-yard

-------- Z lC lu lrw an;U iel981Sc

. W ayne 1 /- P lea san t ’

i r : z r “ A ^ r a i T w ^ i t I V McComlslI _________\ l — —sliice ih filf 11 • F u z z y -’ I f under-par

/ / A rd ie r w / / g rouped a

/ / a l 2-under____ / / Mahafft

_ S 9 0 .M 0 Jh----------- finish a t

.................. ..................M emphis.

. o ; . (nmT.1.Uve birdie

uajT-DnddojfjT ■ nartow ly

- S T v S o iT-=rqaouB-my------ drlnM ngr|w<wwui», ]«*»!.. anewBw] 5 « f i 3 S S = w d la n d

■ d en t t o t— — — ganie._’ ,.

flday. SeptemborO. 1983 Tin

jh o e s Q'a Slate, No. 18 Arizona S tate Ival UCLA, No. 19 P enn S tate U and No. 20 M aryland visits

Park, Pa., Penn SUile looks to ao.cmbarras3lng.44-6-scason- -_ -_ lo _ N e b r ^ ._ N i t ta n y Uons

:t” on” hIs“ defendlng' naUonal InstClnclnnaU.' yi bealUi, o u r spirits a re good ?e’re ready to play a good, jthall gam e,'' P a tem o said.

i|lp lanw bdesa lechanges,-bu t......—wUJ s ta rt a t quartertiadc ovor

im defensive tackle to s ta rtin g

isfailrodeoi out Mary I ^ w le 3 , ‘w hbbad an

Wright was Uie only bull r id e r I score In Uie book. He bad a 70.' riding is tbe only event w tiere a p ^ o rm a n c e is occurlng. To odate Uie m ore Uian 60 buU

illovrtng the rodeo. - “ ■ •r T\xile and Mike S t^ i e n s a r e '

A U r^ moved into tiie lead 'of' rangier buUflghtlng wiUi an it perform ance. Tbe dow n- h ter had a 73 W ednesday for a y 'lo ta l of lS3.-Hall o f F a m e r - - peUi is righ t bd iiod wiUi 148

rodeo resum eetonlght a t 8. Tbe Ing of Uie queen cerem onies wUl lie periorm ance. TradlUonally,

b4^ officials m ovea u teS rback--------jh t, hoping to b ^ u p F r i t t a y ’s , , once.

hiyoi^'innCt:Kft - 1. SUpbn Smitb 71; 2. R:r« Braver. nRydiWi.®. . ____

•,or».RMdwMi«-ll».----------------- -irae^l.'DtzanTtimmtii.-TsrirKLr-'------gd. 71; J. Raixly llonmm. n ; 4. Butd> ..es.^.-t.Un)aolMJUcr,.U,a;l.UM]m...;eol»m«r,77.aRBte - 1. BU Butak tad Bm OcoddU,lUcrtnffTJ.HIUw.iaA--------- ^ ------- •----------I ndog - 1. Dwfl Dgoa. J7.0; t Mtiy , u ta ; 1 HJUy Lou OntSqr, tSJ»; 4. )eU<LueU.ll«. i!taC-I.JImWrt8U,70.1«r btfUhtt - 1. Otil Allred eo; S. WIefc >

} utUlzed~bls paUent, 'b a sd lo e to UuxitUe M ats WUaoder 6-4.1-ao d .m ove-ever-doaer t o j y s _ ^ rand Slam diam plooshlp.D, seeded s e c o ^ aod Uie «eded Arias wUl m eet In ooe oal Saturday a i ^ dfifending lion Jim m y Connors goes t No. 16 Bill Scanlon -In Uie

women’s finalists be d ^Friday wbea No. 1 M attlna Ulova iaoes No. 5 ‘R a n x 5 h r lv o r -^ -^ ifendlng <^Tnptnn C hris E v e it seeded second, p lays No. 14 Jo

ahaffey,------ --lead share ^ston-lead—TON, Mass. (U PI) - John fey and J.C . Snead, each win- 1 Uie tour in tw o yea rs , m atched r i » r es 's 'Ib u rsd ay to sh a re - Bt-round lead in a 1350,000 PGA iment. %tournam ent is known a s U»e —

if Boston Classic, i^ fey tiad seven b ird ies lo m ore sffset a single bogey for his . round of Uie yoar. Snead, ■ g In the sam e g n ^ wiUi PGA lion Hal SuttMi, a lso had seven 9 aod ooa bogey over Uie par-71, rard P leasant Valley (>junUyyurge. Soea d 'r ia sH r iu mp h w aa, —__U S o u tb e m O p e n .-------------------------rue Levi, tb e i960 cham pion a t m t VaUey, sh a red seou id p lace :wlUi.‘:lp D g 4 ilttin g ;.ro o k lo -J^ m l ^ wbo h asn ’t cashed a d ieckbfifliB tiveckln April.______________ry._Z odlerw aa a IonB 3at__4i____'f iar 07 while Sutton and G eorge r were am ong seven p lay ers ^ ed a t 68. T w dve pl^yer8 w ere in ‘ ]der69andl5atoveiH >ar70 . ''S'- uiffey has m ade 150,000 o f h l s - i - - 0 this y ea r wiUi a UUrd-place >

a i tB o~ T P C ~ B nd-a-fifU i-a t— >hls. He m ade the tu rn a t 2-- - 34 and then re d e d off consecu-

Irxlies a t Nos. 15,16, and 17 while wly missing 0 0 18. bas been a slow p rocess for m e ist two y e ^ ” said M ahaffey, _ bo ih tb a t a h has' ^ v e n iq) ‘ tngT'sbed'90 puuuds and 'odopted ’ swing. “ I reaQy haven’t played, m d I need to s ta r t fe^Ung confi- to take som e p ressu re off m y

Tlmo»Nows. Twin Falls. Idaho_______

- f u m eiy C H R IS H S T T — Times-News writer

2 FILER — Passing was Thursday night, as tho V aged Ute Buhl Indlaqs 3 conference fooUiall game ■■-SoDtf ‘ Turoer" cau tDuchdown passes io

____ quarter, helping 0 » WU1^ 'p o ssin g yaitis ahainim e. _____

------KrPUer’sv lcto iy -w as -It■ ■ ; >Dahl-slnce-a~l»12-decfa

^ th o u g h the teams ha\ TeveiyyDarslDcetben.- -

“We felt with tbe oo&o ;age Uiey were giving us.

___ -So anything but throw t.’Cessfiily," Filer Coatfi" •jgald.> Turner was reqwislble ^Ihis success. Tbo 6-1.16(>f ;ignibbed scoring passes ( ! yards from Lm Cbadw r yards from Andy ^ c k e tt ' to totaling 81 y a i ^ on five

— ^ 'W e * v frta iowfrftU along ,-l h ^ of ntilUty to

.........-Leach said .o f Turner. **.'.good qieed, too."

. .. C- Turner's speed was evi first touchdown grab, as

• ::dted past'BuU 's Mike Ci '■Comer patlem -and m ad

..... 'jwlUilO:17lertlnU)e8econi;> After F iler stopped Bul .-6q tbe Indian S^yard Hoc l;(!oniiected with Turoer c play from scrimmage, 1

BruinsRUPERT - Twin Fa

Mlnlco and Pocatello to defeated In tt» Gem State

_ I b e . B n ^ g e t t ^ four R o d ] but balainc

scoring, toppled Mlnlcoi Kris Reynolds delivered winning serves and J i l l ; Reccbrlfld-tae smring as. di w p ^ Pocatello is<.~iy!

Twin Falls lays fiom Blackfobnhiirsday."—

a i l w l M ^ t a t k i o a l----------JEROME---- _ !« ie-B u

spotted Gooding Uie first U jM -sw ^U iO D ex tto t( UUe lo Uie Jerome Thursday.

^ Ifi to-ttai ----but'U»en won 16-7, 15-10..

claimed Uie coosolaUon p r Jerom e IM . 15»11. In firs

= - ^ S ;S - i6 d ^ ^ B = tr t a i5 t i '

Sox cuBy United Press IntemaUo

__j i i ’s :o ia :tkw n ."n ii» :to :WhlteSox. ..........

Harold Balnw.and Gre

runs in a (Iv&ran Uil Thursday night to lead tbe

. 'to an8^triHmiJioVeT:Uie Angels In Chicago.

Tlie victory was Uie \:___ fourth.stralghU iri-iQ tbJ

home and reduced tbi------num ber-to-n lne-for-c lli

Amprit’nnl/ingiiftWftgttlUi Chicago took a lea d :

when Ron KltUe hit a two and then pulled off a double

- '"GregW alker, wbostolebon The Angels cut Uie lead t

RBI single by Doug DeCb Uiird, but Uie Whlto Sox boi

" wIUj five runs in Uielr h inning. Carllon Fisk single Ing his hitting streak to 12 8 B a lo ^ followed wiUi bis 14t make it M .

A L stand ings" n i is s r s " i - j S i ' ' "

: §2 I V. S h . •' 2 § S i

- . s s s ’c , ' a s i s u;. • a s . g i r

g g ^ u • S g H: ^

OwUnd (UcCtrn i-n tt Twonio

■ ' ^ M s z : z : zo a iM lt lm tt Ootlsn «t OMmkI ic«ftw Pit. »■ MwwMu »c

■J.'' IUI>(»«.U NM Ton. I Um u S < ^

'^ • “ 'CSZTIfneft^owo. Twin F i i

> r * s ^ e a- .......... d istanced

e r and M\ ~ ............ j-OutliiLicd:?as F ile r 's fancy pededw lU i 10 W ildcats rav* - A C had s 34-0 In a non- th ird o f tbi m e. final touchc a i ^ t -Uiree—tbe-W U dc la Uie second qu an d ary Wildcats am ass e x tr ica ted 1 a 2 8 ^ 'le ad by 'f o r I2 y a r t

Uie m iddle »-lU -flrs t-over— edslon-In-1972.-*Filer-faced haven 't p layed SubsU tute

-.............— -foundT un ii&on-one cove^ U m e th e F us. w e couldn’t closely b:# Uie baU sue- -M unroe ai Kfi' J o O i e a d i ' sam eU m e,

_ U ie tu r f M b le for m uch of o ff ld a ls a SO^XHind senior - T u rn e r 3 of M a n d 35 possession: idw lck-and 18 T be WUc c e t to n h is w a y p h asIso n U IverecepUoQS. s ty le tb ey o n g t o U i a t — to u c h d t^ - .tc5Tthe.Ban.'’r 7 c ^ ^ - o n . "A nd be h as sco red fron

Uie f ir s t qu ev ldent.on tils v e rs lo n n m a s be acceler- L e a d i ej

1 CrcJwley on a — w hich expo lade tb e cafcb v arious del «Qiv quarte r. fo rm tb e ir Buhl 00 downs quent p a ss Uoe, Chadwick p icked o u r T 00 Uie firs t said .3. hitting h im Brown w ho had -o u t— touchdowns

IF a lls t ( ^ e d is -7 ,6-15,19 to rem ain un- . a teC o n fe re ice D e d o 15-10,y nlghL___________WKNDElx irp o in ts froin W heeler ar ainced roveraH D ^ o to a » i i » , 15-10. WendeU. ed I I s tra ig h t llie H o rD UI Skeem and WendeU t ;as Uie B n iln s ■ 8-lS, I& -S ^l y u . ' _ _ _ _ .......1 •iom e lo b o ^ ' _ C ^ f ^ s ^

________________took a pa irv ic to ries O'

Riihl Trtrilnnairs t gam e aod T be Pai D to cla im , th e C ounty 15*1 a invitational tie a t DieU

D ie trich too

10. H agerm an - - . i n - Jayve I prize, beaUng tr im m e d Ca first>rouod ae-ir e r e in ? 15 -7 .. SboAbooeU w J-H agerinan ------E D E N -

ut magilUonal Luzlnskf.__ __________ 22th h o m erto 'g C to r iU ie l M ike W itt, 7

an d w alked Qreg Tjtgtnsirt V iuice L aw ’:

th ird <nntngU ieW hiteSox Y aokeee6 ,E Ibe.CaUftinUA:_i_Al Milwau

tr ip le a n d tw e W hite Sox’ a tta c k a o d f h In a row a t a seven^xitt tbe lr m agic p a s t tb e B re

clinch lng-U ie—tbe-A L -E asitIUe.___________ Idlft BalU mad in tb e first s ta r te r B o b ! :wo-nm single w in in I t dei ib lestea lw iU i p itched Uie 1 tiome.— 1;. - h is iw h sav( id to 3-1 on a n to IMO. iC lnceslnU iebouncedback A stro s3 ,Pac r half o f the - A t S an ’ Dl igled, extend- W alling d< 12 gam es, and B Jo rio n an fr 14Uibomecto Uie lOUi inni

m ak e a wi

NL standings.......

UonlfMl ^ ^ Sj '

» k s .1 T " s a s

! i H - ___ss;iii" issSS& i

I'.s “ IS S S S fM J-K S ’S

**’ M ajorlioxscoresOCXKAn . . .. to * AKOllf

i ie i 'i tM lb - .<• .— netuiJl. ..M.l,9_Bvittg-U J

F ila . Waho. Friday. Soptem

mving^3d In^jqn defendcis J e f f Mlii- M ark M unroe on tlM play,

r tr ln to r tb c " c i id ‘ 20iw ..u u ln d 1 U i7 :Iltogo .adw ick IntercepUon, F ile r’s tbo f irs t half, se t up T u rn er’s ichdown. Two penalUes forced Idcals- in to- a.-secood*and-30 ly a t B i ^ 's 46, bu t T u rn er e d them wiUi a sliding catch a rds an d a T ^ p In g g ra£T dv^ileforZO ......... ...^ T a j ^ - a ^ -Ik -liertAliy laler. » d fourUvand-14^at Buhl^s 1 8 ^ tc q uarterback S ackett again im e r ln tbe end-zone, b u t this ; F ile r rece iver w as covered

by M unroe. T u rn e r and arrived a t th e baU a t tbe

ne, g rappled ov e r it and fell to ’ w ith 32 seconds ,lefl._The_.

aw arded th e toudidow n. lo on , tbe sim ultaneous

on rule’.Wildcats’ second-quarter em- 3 the p ass contrasted w ith the ey d i^ la y e d o n - tb e lr first w n^vsrW h en -L w in y -B ro w n - ~on six o fT s^ e n p lays, and 'em 1 y ^ but w llh 8 :io 1 in q u a r t s . E ric ParroU ’s con-

■un gave FU er a o 8-0 edge, explained Uiat Uiat drive,

c p o ^ Uie WUdcats to B uhl’s defensive s e ts ,-b d p e d (bem >ir s tra tegy fo r Uielr subse- jsslng aUack. “ We kind of u r pa tte rn s from th a t ," be

added a n o tb ^ 1-yard kiHvn-wlUi 0:47-remalnlng-to—

Mihica,, IM .

10.15. W «nddll0-1MiKl.T— The flgrvlny of KaUiv and Lori M atthew s c a rried a U u w gam e 'dec is lon -over—

im els won 15-10.10-15,15«.11 took Uie p relim inary .l&'U,

m ’p ^ — ---------------- --------tIC H --^T be C arey-PanU iers— a lr-o f N orihside Confnn>nce

ov e r D ietrich and Cam as

PanUiers dropped Cam as 5-13,15-1 an d cam e back-to letrich 15-2, IM S, 15-10. took Uie oUier m atch, toppingo u a ty lW , ISA-----------------------fvee p lay ,.. C am as. County C arey 5-15,15-10.15-10. •

> iii5 - i5 .V a H e y iM 4.= T Ja t K nl^U in 'a 'B e rv in g ''

pcnumld, Uie next batter, h it his e r and Jcoocked out s t a r t e r _ t, 7-12. Steve B ro^V ell^eved

W alicv. N ^ - s c o z ^ oh iw’s d ouble ScoU F le tc h e r 's ,.

},Brewer85^aukee.D onJlatU iiglyJiadj)__I two singles to q>aric a 15-hit d four p itchers com bined on lU to r jo -v au lt-Uie Y y ik ees — irew ers into second p lace in lastr-flvo-gflm es-bchlnri-lhft—lm Q rB _O rio lesJ4ew _X firK _ )b Shlriey picked up h is HfUi decisions and Rich G ossage le la s t two Innings lo record av o .M lteC aldw ell d ro p p e d :

? a d r e a a - ^ - ..Diego, pinch h itte r Denny doubled hom e G eorge

I from firs t base in Uie t<^ of m lng to b reak a 2-2 Ue and winner of re liev er M ike

i^ '“ ' sss,”/ HVsS:

i l s lI s IS■ “ " f c a .M r ig H 5 S s r j r ;


g g wmor« *0^ 0 Cau »

ember 0,1983

^am esill- p lay , w ith SackeU’s cc ly. to G reg Ja ro lim ek d o s ii

F -D i^rron<piiiT iU i* r’S F-Tunerl4paflrraraCba« cd F—7^inKr3S pan (real Cbach

F-Turnerl9p«iifn«nSaefce ^ .......K-UfownlrwHJareUoxfcpi

tJ l ____________________

Bruin sopli |'.-±Iansen_7_Inil3 TWIN F A U ^ - J e f f ? id Uuree touchdowns a s Tw id om ore tu rned lo Uie g le secondhalfT hursdayn lj to H ansen H uskies 29-7.K____ T w ln .F alls .to o k .flM .to a s T om P ra te r b o o k ^ s M cLlnn on a 31-yard p a

' final seconds of the sec n* se t iq iM alb ia’s first scor

1? T h e B ruins m arched „ - M allna going across fn . a f te r tak in g tb e secood

^ before H a n s e n ^ on the y. I t cam e oil a'sw inglni

alUwugh ^ th re w aw ^j-.fijoav] tlw -8 sleeperK R on Nelson, o t Q - s ideline. H ie play-covo V a n d N ick Schaeffer convi >f T w in F a lis rolled rigfa e 17 w here tb e team s exch

a n d Uien got Its U ilrdtou d J e f f C ariton kept on ai0— darted45-yards-to-score

IndiaiAnd Uie all-around pL C arp en te r allowed Shos fro m a n opening loss U

v 13-15.15-4.1^. d Shoshone took the prel

V ^ e y trav e ls to F llei M onday.

T T ia i im lf l r< ^ ^______G O O D IN G ,---Jb e y ,

b ea tin g each_j)tber In Z Conference triag u lar m e! -------'B llssbea tG ood lflffiS t^ bu tU ienbow edtoR Ichfii; — G o(>aing"SU tdTben-lX; 1 5 0 ,4 5 ^ . '.

).g K im berly 15-15, G .FK Ty--------- GLENNS rT T R R Y -.1y S a ra h S andau and BeUil

tb e K im berly Bulldogs - F e r ry 15-1, IM .

K im berly also d alm ec g ' ' ^ l C T 4 T 5 1 5 n ? 5 r —

iber to^i M adden, 7-4, and a lose; r _ DeLeon,-4-6—Vem_Ruhl( i lOUi inning fo r Houston a 1 h is second-save; Ju an I

Iw m e n m fo rU ie P a d re s .---------h i l a t e ganw s. it w as A

F ran c isco and Clnclni A n g e la .

t ^

I D odgers 5, R eds 2~ = A l EoffAngelesr-Mlke A ‘ th ree-run hom er in tb e 1

— dgh t-4 n n to g s-fo r-h l3 -a i I trium ph .

I T b e Dodgers d id not i1- fhrpo tnntngq off-lOSCT.

15-12, b u t D usty B aker fourth w ith a single and re ro foUowed_wlU\.a_s

’ Mat^shall h i t 'a 2 4 p itch II f ld d stan d s fo r h is I6t]r c a m e - le s s Uian. 24'bou:I gam e-w inning g^nn! R ed s W ednesday n ig h t

,u . . J J —

is s - f f - in

---------KnlMfpe-OSO bOM

" s s s r l

s , M U i

I;-! E ia"" ' r"r flii—

— T V . ^ h e d u l


j ^ l e r T fconversion p a ss R ob King singU ^'scorlng. Uirough i — r ~ ' : : - i ~ : - ^ 3 0 ; y a r d : r........; J 2 ^ M allna pi l '* and TodDdwtckfronuued)— SCOring.- KhrtdKpwUned)

hs 2 9 ; " ___

f M alina ra n fo r . p _ [^vln F a lls soph- ^ P '

ground in tb e night to beat tb e

•fliialfU m alead— '______d vp wlUi Tom l» ss p lay in tbe e c o n d p e rio d lo ore .ed 56 yard s —

-------------— 'Od balf'kickDff - —b e sc o re b o a r i ...............- -i n g ^ l e s e t u p .t .,S t ^ E lm an ____M;,Bsnie"lo!. aOT the oppositevored 01-yardsnrMted. _gbt har k to th er»tiwngB fumblCSoucbdownwben an opUon and

re .-H S 4 b rw 4 o — ------------

ns L -play of Angle ^ i . r - oshone lo ra lly I ‘ to beat Valley l ‘

ppltmlfmry | “ ' “

ler a t 6:15 p .m . | [

BJ-----------------------^~rF5y _ lo o k ._ tu m s_______ ]£_In a N orthside WneefT hm iaay . fS ta le i5 i5 ,- i5 C -------- : —[field 18-14,144. j e a n u c h f i e id --------- “

liF lo c k c a rr ie d _____ ._i(p past Glenns 1

led the p rd lm i- 5

I _:j

ser oul.Qf Luis vaiep .lid jedU ie.,. ,I and picked u p \i Boallla-hlt a ‘ • • v3.^,_________ --11T\U anta -a t-8a n ------ 7 ^nnaU a l Los •

iM aT B h aD h lla -^ -^ — » fourth, inning

---------- —- s ix tb - s t i ^ ^ t -------- -----— -

t get a b it fo r - ^ x .M ario Soto. _ . .. er led off UieidP edroG uer^ Jsingle before _

1 into Uie r igh t J6th homer. II ft,x irs a f te r 'h is j nm against tb e—

L---------- - h


I - I /(j

J <& M-Cwm (S),m H WMBaao ____

I i ? i 'l I ! -( I S t - t - i - - - ] —

M I n


i S “‘. ill . I Ii S i If! ■ \ l 's s ss in I liM

M llllc....- ............' . I'•X « - K-a-.Opm' . V^ J J - U . 9 Optn I

past Bl]ing fo r the two-poioler. Midwa ;h Ute final p e ^ following. [l:nmifc«iCa9e!X;Bflriho}omey 1 plunged across from Uie tw 'odd SmiUi’s kick complete3- - .............................................

pecialiring irrG


B R I D O N <W e SI

zWe^reTTT—J o r o m o a n d M a g i c '



a t p Inc. 1

an d q u a llflod so rv tco

:. - : PREEWLC a l l U s T o d c

______ Shop:(208).3L o e a to d '

z z z z z F e iiE ®________________ ^ R r J «


ALII______________________ N o .,

BINKLEY O iW a t$ 1 2 .0 0 0 .0 0 ............

(2)6-ROWH0N-O-SIW o s 5 8 3 0 0 .0 0 .

• W a s $ 4 7 0 0 .0 0 . . . . . . .

I j i s i i jCASE 6 6 0 W /CAB N o .'6 0 -0 4 -0 9 7 6 l W a s $7i

•C A S E 6 6 a W /C A B'N o : 6 0 - 0 4 i 0 9 n : W o s $ 6 :JO H N DEERE 9 5 W /CN o. 6 0 -0 4 -0 9 8 9 . W a s $ 7 lJO H N DEERE 6 6 2 0 ElN o . 6 0 -0 4 -1 0 3 2 . W a s $6iJO H N DEERE 6 6 0 0 El N o . 6 0 -0 4 -1 1 5 2 . W a s $ 3 : LILLISTON 6 2 0 0N o . 6 0 -0 4 -0 7 6 5 . W o s S l i JO H N DEERE 7 7 0 0 1' N o. 6 0 -0 4 -1 2 2 7 . W a t S 4

N o . 6 0 -0 4 -0 9 0 9 . W a i 3

W eiW

i i h f . S ^ - lU A l l . 1

iway lU n w .............................nc n T * tar«n i.........................

------TF-MaHntBnmMdlblttIW .-==TF=M Jln*«W fM »nM J two li-Netni«lpMliDairaji

leted TF-CvtloolSraa(C«rUa .............TF-MttlloBinsKSmlUtU

r&PInC-QI------------------ r-jepolTC o m m e r c i a l H o

O U R S I Z E . . .

C O R D A G Es e l l b y t h e b o x , b y i

ic V a l lo y * s _ A u th o r ! z o d

E N M F G . - H a y Ia n d

- C U R E - a n A l f a

IC. n o w h a s o ia rg * Invvntoi

F R E E M A N EIco p o r» o n n « l. e xporloncoc i

\ A A N C O M M E R <

d a y . . . G E R A L D , J E 3 2 4 - 3 7 7 3 • _ R e s l d

d 1 M l l o t g o r t H - V A M]

[ j l M

I ^ B IB fT h e ise llliiil l c e s - ^ S e p t « r iM f A l t s C O

NEW FAt i l l


t n v c i s ............ ... ILLOWAY 12-ROW CULl<>.^9aI 0 -0 6 3 8 . W o . $ 85 0 1

» rF S E T 1 8 'D I



$ 7 0 0 0 .0 0 ............ .. ........

S 6 5 0 0 .0 0 ~ . r r r r 7 . ; . . I'/ C A B .* 7 0 0 0 .0 0 ........... ............ •lE B* 6 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 ............M O WI EB* 3 7 ,5 0 0 .0 0 ............M O W

* 1 5 ,5 0 0 .0 0 ............H O WI 1 9 7 7 W / C A B * 4 1 .5 0 0 .0 0 ________ M O W

1. * 1 2 ,5 0 0 .0 0 ..................i

^ C O M t S Ii v e ’ M o n y i i s ^ E F d

» H o v e V V a i v e r

M o s t N e w & U i

P f l EQiI . f , T w i n I

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a y i n g E q u i p h i e r

= P R O D U C T S^ t h e p a l l e t

c T D is tr lb u f o r r o f

r and Biean Rakeid " '

nlfa prying Age

Fory o f rop faco m o n t p o r ts fo


ERRY o r R O D P H E L A I d e n c e ( 2 0 8 ) 3 2 4 - 5 5iA llos E a s t o f J o r o m o ' ’

m i

E J A j[ f s A t S j p i i M i c i l

6 - l O . l l l u r J n g ^» U K T r f A m

in is tb n 8 -R ow "

VINDROV.ow^6 S“ . . H O W * ;

. . , J I O w B

............................ r tO K * ®

HMES =................. .. M O W

m o w > 5 2 0 0

N O W f ^ S O O O

w $ 5 5 , 0 0 0

w « 3 4 , 0 0 0

w M 3 , 5 0 0

w « 3 6 , 0 0 0

m o w » 9 1 0 0 ~

s e e U S -d T r d c I O T S " f f r S t i r o f I n t e r e s t o n

J s e d I t e m s !

ilPMENlI F a lls7 2 7 - 2 ----------------- ^ 5 .4

M i


I -

ent & Supplies----


c o m p l o t o l i n o o r - - . .“

j e n t :

• lo r

SfoHBitcirof-thw-------------- —

LER _L A N • 5 5 8 4 ,

i O T --------- _ ”


« | A I ^

>WER _5 0 0’ 7 5 0 0

r « 8 9 0 0 -

; ! e 9 0 Q r

r ^ 3 9 0 « - -

ttnfs_ I. . ‘ 5 6 0 0 “


s to c k - ->n

■T C O .J'B u h l J ] l \

5 4 3 - 4 3 9 2 ^ " i i ”

G oodin-------- GOODING — '

G o o in g G o l f ^ . - T h e to u m am e

a n d o ld e r_____ __ T hc^5 -ho le n_____ ____ -"SrmTtny Tho y t

~ ~ ■'S a tu K iay rF u r th e r infon

. _ - _^C4-9077......... —

7 C a c t u s____ JA C K PO T - >

......520,000 'axnateiu_____ Downs.________

----------- -------Intotw osecU oiu----------------- a n d T hursday i

------- -----------S a tu rd a y ,— ■-"W e have pr

couple-thrcc or W ednesday. “ V everyone of gc tt

.......... D o w n asa ld tlip la y will begin e

H e said .<^na p a rtic ip an ts eac s la te d fo rT h u rs

^____Soccen§ ----------- ----------TW INFALLS

• ■ ■ •...... le a g ue wil l be h<- Ju n io r H i ^ S d i• A U flrst-th rou i F o r m ore ir 1 G reenw ood, 733-

j Jeromei 1 JE R O M E -

; ‘'slght*in" Satua j ' . a .m .to 4 p .m .e a

------- r! — r-,— T-arget-flbooleI h e lp m arksm en

. .. ■. T he event la s]

l O l M t o

A r g u e l l c

y i m m o r t

~ | g Q e s o n’.: ; lA S VEGAS. Nev. d em p tio n and a berth i y w ill be on Alexis j

---------- FtlffiiyTilBW TPheirbe---------- Jdjam pion-A aron-Piyc

•Bo x h ig .— :^.AsaoclaJ N v d te rw e i^ tch am p io

T en m onths ago lo h a n d e d Arguello tho v

----------h ls l6 - y e a r ca ree rrw lro u n d knockout. Th

- - 4682’a F lg h to f th e Y e aw ith both fighters du before P ry o r ended it

-----------o a a r ly tw o fkffpn «r- c h e s ............ .....................

T ho loss ru ined Argi a n unprecedented A rguello . one of only

F itzsim m ons, Henr; B a rn e y Ross, _Toi WUfrcd B e n ^ a n d j

l a s t and h e w ants to er c a r e e r a s a champion.

. “ T he four Utles 1 d re a m .” Arguello said fo r 16 y e a rs and It Wc

■ ....... e n d fo r m y career. 1l a s t f i g h t - w i n . lose (

______w m .puU he.last.iS E Uth is fight.

- - - T h e -bout-l3-BChe< • sh o rtly a f te r 10:30 p

------- qpeoialljbcoa'atntdfitls ta d iu m a t C aesar’s 3 3 ^ , w ith 31 knockoi

---- ------ faX Q d le jiX C L A rg !^knockouts. P ryo r will

' m illion and Arguello— jl.B m ilU o n .-------------

i ' ; “ I m ad e a lot of----------' ArgufiUO-gald,

p a r e m yself m entall Ju s t too liiany oislr ca lly , I w as in condltlc w a s not w here It was

---------- T l i a th a s b e e n a b ig f j: th is f i g h t - g e t t i n g m

w h e re I t’s supposed t j d ilc ta tc th e pace la s t tl .M^iat ho~wanted to do p r ic e . L a s t tim o I danc

' T h is tim e he will dan o---------- : - P r y o r fee la -th a t h

re m a tc h m uch quickt , fIghL “ I think the bej l i th e f irs t fight has t 1 P ry o r sa id . "H e h it n 1 ^ o t s a n d didn’t cki

— — H u io c ked him o u t — I- i th a n anybody In his

r in g -T h a t’sgo ln g to p l------1 ‘♦ t “ I-re sp e c t hlm-for--* l i e r in g w ith m or-l-tt- - j ^ . t h e . f l r s l . a g h t . N

S P l C I i---------•••----------- M ottCortiPI

4 ft6 C y l.ln llr» o ..........;> 8 c y lln d o r ...................• Includo* labo r. Ring*.

. <:> G a ik o ti.O iljCHram* rlng i S:

AUTOMil -----------T a A N S M U S IO I

• M e»tO v»rhault 1Gofwro!.R®po>''-

; . ...* ._Cofbo/^ ior»;:ini

- r ;H IO H W A T 3 0 1

- - - i

" ■ '"■ "■ ■ 'i---------

i n g h o s t s s e n i

Course th is weekend, iment Is for m ch aged 50 and i

c m e ^ pjay tournam ent wl' tw t>nfry lnrliiH<»«» n ' rti

form ation can be obtained b>

i s P e t e ’ s l i e M— A few spots rem ain for the t e u r g o l f U mmament,' report

Ions. Tho upper handicap dlvls ly and the lower handicaps >

p retty close to 200 righ t d o r m oro in every m ail plus "W e will have to cu t it ofl

jetting around the course each i th e tournam ent will follow p In each day w ith shotgun starts onsorlng Cactus P e te 's w ill he each evening w llh the featun ursday evening. -------------

i n x e g i s t t a t L o iI S — Final s igm qa for-the Op;0 held Tuesday night from 6 tc School p a ^ g lo tr xough«lght-grade youths a re <1 infonnaUoiv caU J im Th 733^MM o r the d ty recreation <

n e c l u b h o s t s— The Jerom e Rod and G

jtu rday and Sunday a t th e cli .each day.lo tersra gunsmllh-and-other-€ ten with the sighting on th e ir gi Is sponsored the S n a te Rlv<

' " ' ^ .............

l o ’ s

r t a l i t y ’

1 l i n elev. (U PI) - Be­rth in boxing histo- is Ai^uello’s mindrhe facwTmbeaten---------------jjypr-fo r **'** Wftrtii :la«Qn ____|uni_or_________

» In Miami, P ryo r ]0 w orst beating ofr winning on a-i4Ui---------------The b w t. voted

fea r.jv aaa .d asslc ,_________ 1duelling toe-to-toe

1 It w llh a flu rry of u n n n w o fP r i piin-___________

U-guello’s d ream of id fourth OUe. inly seVen fighters

enry Armstrong,Tony Canzonerl, id Rofe r to puTM .__________

0 end his Illustrious on.s bave been..n:vy laid. " I have ( o u ^ t . Would be a fittingr. Thls-wlll be m y ----------se o r draw — a n d lDP of m y blood inlo__________

Jied iiled -to -b eg ln — — — 0 p .m . EDT a t a i»<i i l .200< aat r’s P alace Pryor, ikouts, is a 2 'A-l uello, 78-5 with 63<i111'canralM ut 52.5' ■ dio will get about

of m istakes last aid. "1 didn 't pre- tally. Tlt^ we re BlrBcirorisTPhysi- iltlo n ,b u tm y m in d ./as supposed to be. g factor for me for- -- - ; m y concentration id to be. I lel him 3t tim e. I let him do > do and I p ^ d the. anced to his music, mce to m ine." t he will en d -th e icker th a n U ie.flrsf beating he look In

s to affect him ,” I tm e w llh h is h e s l jo anything and I-I-beat-hlm -w orse----------lis 16 y ears lo the o p lay on his mind.ror-goUIng-back-ln---------------I-think he h rllev es ....... - .........it.w as. rigged.”

V A L V IC I A LiPlckupi.................$H99r-TTT.— f w * - —lOi. Rod Bearing*.3ilSFIIlor |iS25*litfO ^ ^

MATICIO H .B IP A IB _____________,h $239-»325 alr-BraKe*.

CondtOen‘no~ ';iaiiiAMJitoWQliC—; -----ilU«g«r'alO O A B A O l

n i o F t o u r n e y>iimnmenLw»lhft held Dt the

id Older and women aged 45

wiU be held Salurjlay and . -c o c k ta lL p a m a o n lf iM :a n d ~

by phoning the pro shot a t

i r l y f u H ------------------he 13lh annual C alcus P ete 's o r ts host Professional- B ill-

Ivlslons wlU p l a y - W e d ^ ^ . L >s w iU-compete F riday and

; now airf we’re getting a lus phone-ins," Downs said off a t aboul 212 lo assure ;chday ."-V previous form ats In which u t s — a t 8:30 and 1:45 p.m.I hold a cocktail hour for the ure — the H aw alan Luau —

x D L s l a t e d _______Optim ist a u b ! s youth soccer__9 to 7,:30 in th e Robert S tuart -

re eligible to participate. Thompson, 733-5114; Dick indepartm en t, 733-0860.

s s i g h t - i nG un-Club .wlll conduct a

c lift’s.firing range from 10

ir-«xpert8-wiy-be-on-hamHo—rguns.Liver Silhouette Shooters and



Q ‘S 'Jir

FINISHRESTORERW ipoa aw ay yoars ol

____ oxidation a n a toad___— - i|7rrtTin6-Qr-yr-27o-

VINYL __ .J IE S T O R E R -

Ronow s & protocis vinyl lops & Iniohofs. l 6 o z . #T-274

YOUR ' ^ 9 • CHOICE m m

ZIP WAX CAB WASH----- . , an i Tunl«W n»hln««>yDUi : , l a i

■ ■ ea.4f I ■

* I

S A D D L ^


- V r*


------------------- lK6“ W d -a n d gnon-m em bers m

S ch ell (TWIN FALLS

_________ th e Canyon Sprl_________ Salu iflay.andSu

" s rg n ^ p s a r e b

Regiont w in P A H ?

A m erican D art Satu rdaya tthe* :

“ — :T he event feain c J ^ M W ^ I n

-------- - o f Idaho Falls,-! _ P o index te r and]

IhconjuncU on tourney beglnnlr

M u r r e l l' _ TWIN F A U ^

D epartm en t wll ' p .m . In room 117

M urrell w ill dl------- -----------m anagem en t of i

F o r m ore info 733-9554, exlcnsli

U t a l T ^

SALT LAKE C U tah football ta reasons.

H U riaJohnsot accom pany the \ of Arizona and h

• C huck S lo b a rtV f • Johnson w as I

• lh e ball 121 tim ej*-------— In-U lah 's-fira

- ■- . Johnson w as tli 1 a ttem p ts , includQi1SELF HEADQUAF



t C k 7 R E Q —■ ■ J M - 5 .49

LSH ' . u o u i p CAB WAX. y o u ___ Fot»jup«tNrfl.»f'»ll___

■A a i e >.*•

B L E C H E - W nA Iasi, ponotrailng whilo

llroclcanG r & rocondilionoi____ ____ co llon lfo fdoon tng ru t— m ais. 20 oz. sp ray -«

W oslloy's------- R EG1T99-

H A N D C L E A N E—s c - N oods no w!^ \ G rooso fid inw ip ''t > 1 w ilhoaso.-Lor^ J lormuia. Irdsn sc

i C REG 1.49



------------------------------ 1

— :1 " 1

gun - c lu b ra u b -m e m b e r s r m ust pay $1.

d e f e n d s c l u tLS - JatJcfe ScheU will a tle r irlngs women’s d u b cham pk S undA y;S ep ia£ ]0Jil the.Cur ‘ being taken a t the clubhouse.

n a l d a r t t o u r iS ^ T h e Southern Idaho D art ir t Association Region X - eT w in F alls E lks Club, e a tu re s 'th e top ie d a r t playi I n ^ n . M o n ^ . Utf

5.- B111 Shouso of Pocatello-, d R ic Johnston, all of Boise, on w llh the playoff, tljcro w ill ling today and ending Silhday

1 1 s e t s b i g g a i— Stu Murrell o f the

/ill presen t a big gam e sem 17 of lhe Shields Building a t O d iscuss the field care of wild jf m u l e ^ r , d k and o lher Idf iformation, call CSI's Conlln islon 243. Admission to the sen

u s p e n d ^ t a f U

:c iT Y { U P I ) - T h e N o . l la l l leam has been suspended Indi

00, a 5-foot, &-inch senlol* fror e Ules Ihis week for the ir gan 1 his future with lhe team is ur Wednesday.

I U tah’s serond leading rushe ies for718yards, a n av e rag eo irsl-gam e^9-8eaa£> nr-a -17 the Ute’s leading ru sher. 1 Kllngone 17-yarJ run.IB\RTERS

fCE“ „ nj

COOLC--------- O pon woovo consir

— ■ "driving. MaKos anyhand .

- -___ SALE PRIC

i r F I Iilowall

rubbor_ _

7 ~ i m p E R i ' l i

l i B L -------■ « =

' , 0 ,I ... ~ n u u i^

KIT ____ ___

s lo ra - ______ ,____‘Stall: 17,500 U S .G V ’

REG 38.99

F in . 1963_________________ ■

T W I N H = a

- 1 4 G A d d j s q i

r ^ 4 - 6 !

rsrw in be‘"fiam ill6a T r« € 7~

i b ^ c r o w n —tem pt to defend her title a t iplonship, to bo played next Junyon Springs .Golf CpurM.__---------------------------- ---------

r n e y h e r eart-A ssodatten will host th e— C -W orid M asters playoff

aycre in th e reg lonrw hich - J ta h and Idaho. ofT win F alls, R andy G rant lo-and-M arv Haff, Georgo—

iU alsobeaJI.OOOthnxHlay . lay a t the Klover Klub.

i m e c l i n i cle Idaho Fish and Game im inar next Thursday a t'7 I CoUegeof Southern Idaho., lid g am e and tho habits and Idah o sp ec ie s .- llnulng Education office at K m lnnrlsfree;-’— - - — t :

i l t e a c l c

a ilback on the Unlverslly of n d e rw a tay for disciplinary

rom Oxnard; Calif., will not ^mie against the U niversity I uncertain, said head coach

iher last season. He carried [eof 5.9 yard s per carry. -17-7--loss-to-New-Mexico,— •. He h ad 52 yards in 14M^ -----REFRIGEI—RECtiABGE------------------ R EG 5:9‘

^ - 1

Vi'fiaS; J^

CU SH IO Nisiruction lor long woof & cool sui ny trip a ploasuro! Umiiod tostoc

» C E D 2 .3 9 to 8 .99 ___

Q l ^ O F F - -■ ■ . OUn EVERYDAY


pj - F L E x i~i] S lainloss stool lan i

ongino drag tor int

■ REG-22.9B-&-aa

? ~ 1 7 L 8

t M U F F L M U F F I

' ' Suilltom oot or ofiginal oqi

REG 19.95

^ 5 . 8

T R A N S M I S S — C O O L I•Signlliconllylow'opofailngtom por

3VW------------------- aXSOOTBsr)9 REG 45.

« — 3 5 ^

3 n A v e ^ E r r r r ^

m s 7 ^


y ■ —

e7----------- ---- --------------------

■i .


f - • •Y


SERCONI 2ERANT- f i e C D t lE j g r ™ ™;99---------------- REG-1;

1 4 8 CEE^ ___________________

SU N nI sum m er - , stock-on----------Sm okodflroygli

1 5 " X 3 ------------------------- REQ-89:

C F A Nanroducosrincfoosod ^asm iloago.

^ 3 .9 0 -------------

» nF L O W S L ID II 'F L E R ;i to foxcood MloquipmonttcHieaiions.

^11iS IO N AiL E R S _____r— / /loworsfluld • .........iporaturolo / / ' • 'Tilssionjifo- / / ^js rG v w " - - —y y —15.99 l y

■ 8 8 4 l f a

------- - Ffk

' m mR

Every!M o n d a y , S optom I

Carr*! Hou>*ho1d OHIc* Eqi___________Adw»rlli«ni«nt.S«pr,.

W«rt. Ellore,T h u rs d a y , S op

BlllWolrE»tQl*._ Hog. Advortlto ment Sopl.

Well Auctlonoori a SaU t Mon.S a tu r d a y , . S e p te n

— AdgTtlumBBtSApi.-‘ M lllv rtPow atL .

S a tu r d a y , S o p to nLlovd t Nole H o ti, Bui Adv«f1l»om*nlS«pt.

Vl all A uctlonoori« SoU i Mo

W o d n e sd o y , S ep to iKVJlalry Form Equlpm

W *n. ElUrt. BonnoH t Mo'ii. T h u rs d a y , S ep to m

W and«ll-Hou»«hot{

Wofl. E lU n . Bonnotl * Mo'li

^AUT(kPARI— ■ ' / I R-12I C r E R A N T " M

t ^ 3 9 r ~ : : c 7 Z

1 0V LIMITS. 14 0

rioO Fg lass, loakprool-cushion. —

3 0 ” 1 7 " X 9:99------------- R E G -r t

7 7 ^ 7 9 ^

V A L V E C<

Modo wilh first 0--------s r«bb«f lo a

life & o ligh i seo

^ ' '^ ^ A C E P n i C E D 'S : ^

2 5 % I

IN G r m C K W UFi'i

^^39 €14.95 H i l j B f a l a y

^ S P L A S H G U ,S harp looking chrc proioci agom sim

road tar. pot

' Sm allREG 1.49 RE


O H^ H E £ «---------- I ^ - A U T O I--------- — u m y i i t .

SUN 9:0

flday. Septem ber 9.1983 Tl'r

I R I V I R A U C T I O Nery Saturday IOA.M.i m b o r U• Equipment•p.U.o_________ _____________________ L

o p t . 1 5-(ag'orman iopl. 13Monagomont Co.tem ber-17 --------------------—


o m b o r lT.Burioy •pt. 15I Monagomontto m b o r S Iilpm«nt »pt. 19Moiionmlth __ _____o m b o r2 2 ^Itol*------------.hold- • . ;•pt. aoMoitortmlth .

TS__ __

- ' ' ........

4 o z . #6012

X 3 5 ”i* r r a :9 9 ------- • ------- ^ ^ —

C O v i R T

[S K E T S T — ; -----irst quality cork•toassu ra long- . ■ ■■ - ..... ........7-,--------1 seal. For most domosticcars.^T2TO ~5:B 2~ •• • ~

O F FouneveflYOAV

i N D o w ^ ritallsiiiasnapi10 stock fubborIding. Formosl - -vroIol.Oalsun.Dodgo. Ford &Toyota trucks.

CHROME I :J J A R D S _____chrome guardsislmudsploltor. .................. ........ poObles&dirt.

— c arg o --------- - -----------------------------------REG 2 .9 9

1 , 8 8 4 ----------------- ----MiTQUANTTTIES -

m -

KER> P A R T $ ----------------—

9 :6 o -6 :6 o j

Times-Nows, Twin Falls. IdahoG ^ '

"'' T ^ F A i jJ s - - A r e d u « hlgb scbool teams will com

- la College of %nitbem Idah ^UooaLcwS-Cpuntry m eet...-------KatUiaeliitopf.CSIlBOT: - _ c o a d i apd ..m eet-J?£gan)

n jo r s d a y tb a t team s ft F a lls , Je rom e. M in |«^ W(

— R lg b r^ -H lg h la u d -a k H bandfu] o f runners from

— A m erlcaoF flU s,iire certain B ut th is turnout rep re«

— ha lf o f laa t year'8,-wfalch-li B d x n ls and m ore than 300 r

— IwaiMx-TvtflBflngrTnr-tbe-i drop , Klolnkopf cited bu

sELECT a m / f m

» i l l 0

10 watts p erc from 20-20.001

Ideal gift fort tor, loudness

— ;-------------- -lightod-dialJI

» III o o

_____ ^R o alistk

----------'-W o o fe r ,• LAB-77

I Control

. _ ~ “ I Z R a d

tu n e In the i ' _ _ M 0 n il0 L p la r

._________ 1 band. AC/bg

—TT - r H l- B ia s

------------ ^ ...

_______ : 5 _ c ie n WC

. EC-4(

Cu2 5

• f - ^ — Helps studi »■ functions, i

— :---------------------<leviaJion.-\


3 ^ TItnea-Newa.-TwIn Falls,

sts prepliued grotq) of blcms and ompeto to d ay B lack fo o t. ^ ■ s t a v l t a - - . K l j , ^ p ,

lhe race wm

tain lo^ttend.^ _ The flve-kl resents about hot water wc Jriududed-15—nance-buildi W runners. As campus. Kle i^ tte iid a nce - - ‘ budget pro* p a^ e sth e sp

[ i d l e

GIBMII]M S t e r e o R e c e

^ by Realis

f t 6 ~ a 6 l l i c

Jf channol, minimum rm s Int .000 Hz, with no moro than G

or college-bound students! ISS button, b a ss and treble AJi3i^092 ■____________

^ = w r a t c h e d = (

_________:___ S te i

O 0 - 0 1 1 1 0 . ^ 3 2

stTc~STA-430 AM/FM S't~ei Ulnimus'^'SO S p eak e r Sy. er. T uned P o rt an d 2" Tv 77 Belt-Drlve C h an g er W rol a n d S19.95 Movlng-Mi

id ib W i th AWI/F a n d

■“ All-Band F

neworid on” 2 6 MHFshdn ilanes and their towers on .1 '/battery operation. /^2-767

s C a s s e t t e R e cI —% SUPERTAP'

60 M Jnutes

2 5 “/o O f f

Uf 3588jp ^ jT A Our special <^ . !:. \ tu resa ll thei• ■ highs and wi^ f?44-S10/941

t l f i c “ S l i d e R u l C a l c u l a t o r:-4007 by Radio Shack

U t 1 4 9 5

5 % " . . 5

iudenls tackle tougK rhath ( s, including variance, meat n.-With-t>atteries_#55-97-6_

Y b u r P h o n e B<^NOv conpORATiON ■ Rad

lls .lt to h o -— F rl^ jf .S e p to m b fliber9,1083 _ - _ ^

' r . / . - v : - ' " '■ ■

I m eetnd an alleged meet In

pf said thal the jun lo r~ rifl-race-may4>e4tek^slmul:— with the glrla varalty event.<e JV glrlB run separately; ' would begin at 2:30 p.m.. If- run together, the event willxm;-------------- -- -----1------ __yklJometer course starts .at wbllNb.l.hearlhe'mialQte- ; Udlng-on-the-east-end-ot— fOelnkopf de^rlbed It as a p-de6lg^^i-course,-6lnce-<t—! spectator area fourllrnes.

S I lK

« s E

l e i v e r C u t ' 3 8 ° / “

a s ’J c * .

^ S a v e5 1 * 6 0 ,

R eg. IInto 8 ohms In 0.6% THO 159.95 I

tsi Tape moni— »SEVwm I lie controls, I

i C o m p o n a i t £ E

e r e o , S y s t e m _ _-------- By-Beallstic-L_______

S a v e I ^12080


Q Q■ m T m Reg. Seporate .7 ^ ^ -_ » g n ^ S 9 ^ a o ___te re o R eceiver System s With 6 V2”Tw eeterWith S tro b e , P itch M agnet C artridge J

r F M , V H F - A j O

d S h o r t w a v e 'DX-6 6 by Realistic-

^ " 4 p 5

I Flne>TunIng Control

id t^a v e in three bands, n 108-136 MHz aviation . 67 Bniianoa oxira__________ '

5 C o r d | n g T a p e _

^P'E’T y 'R ^ i s t l c ■■■•

90 M ln u t^

P f 2 6 ”/ o O f f

r 4 r | 8 83-----------------R o g ^ e .2 8 ---------

al CrO, formula cap-ie muslc.wilh.ciear_____wide dynamic range.

41 -___________ :__________

a n c s Q B I o n u a a n n o n n b b i k m n I

:h courses! 30 scienliric— : 3an value, standard6 _____________________ - J

Book for the RadM .ladlo Shack Phonos Are FCC

I FARf__ 3 6 0 o c r e s o pprc

O ld e r 1 ,1 1 6 sq .- — B L M -o n d -F o re s t

__ g ib le -o p p l ic Q o is t r o t io n (Fm H A ), B ox 6 5 6 , A rco .

- —s u b m i t - b id s _ J h i __ to ro c e , co lo r , 1- - o r m o r i to l s to tu

r ig h t to r e je c t a n

I ®



S te r e o 1


I D olby’ B an d C II Precision al big savin, ■ -an d -tw o solenoids pre ■ tape movement. Fluor J ters.//14-640-TMDoiDyi

E ^O sW S t= A i


^ jn-Das^A M /FM IS if CO tkTngTF/Eject, I

• U nder-D ash 40.W al » T w o 4 " Ftush-M oun

- -3 -S ta ti< J jn te r c o

S a v e

- 6 ^ 1: 129-95

Two channels— talk t . thg OlheE-EM-provide

silences tnlercom bot

" M f

- -One-fPiecelor Pulse Dk

' S av cT ^» 1 0 Z lH a n ss Up o n Am

o n O ptional M atclP u lse . Aulo-FIedial. switch, privacy butte Brown, //43-502 Tono.-For low-rate It bank-by-phone. simi

—Auto-Redlalor privac ^43-503. Brown #42

0 i l i a e k S l d f e ^ r X

CC Registered p r ic e s

IVIFORJro x . 1 3 m i. N W o f A ■w / w h o ej44n o s f r o m c

f t . h o m e , g a r a g e a s t - ^ m c e - ^ Q z i n g - l

1 s .-C o n i o c f i iE a rm c c s - ,}. 101 yV est G r a n d . Id a h o 8 3 2 1 3 , to r e b is -p T o p e r ty- is s o ld v

r e l i g io n , s e x . q g e ._ tu s . T h e G o v e r n m e n iny a n d o il o f f e r s .

^ — S ^ t e m b B r J 1 T i m e i s > f i* ( ------ Hurry— Pim ■ Cut 2o«« to

--- ----- - c*tAnae IT imsT

T j l

' C a s s e t t e D e cSCTr27-by-Reaiistio---------

Reg. 299.95

' N oise R eduction ings! Integrated circuii „ Tovide smoothrreliable— ft 'orescent.peak-hold me- Ijy Labofnloiiua licofiiino rnm II

t o t o s o u n a = S y E

, DIN-SJze C hassis 'a tt 5-Band B ooste r/E qu i Jn t D uai-Cone S pea k e r <

J o n W ire le s s T =□ r p SELECTaCOM-’ _


Vlrlng to D o— J u s t P lugInto-AC O iiH els—

to one station without disiaeB-efeaf-soondrAtnomatfciQlweefi-calter^y43-gl4—

^ — e o r d l e ^ W Pusfibutton Ha

ET-320 by Radio St

S a v e ' " ® 2 0

t1 9 9 5 ^<>foot range—talk, hang u Ihout trailing con±-Auto-Re imber called, privacy buttoi

Personals VWthiaiing ET-ISO by Radlc

j g 9 5 i s g

n y -F ia tS u rfa c e o r - ^ ch lng Wall B racket J r

3I. hi/Jo/oft rin g er' ' li/ft tton. White, M3-501. /life

f long distance.-------- m f-fTiilar sen/ices. No B W'acy button.-W hile"""! ■’<4 3 jO ^ ^

O e a l e t N e a t e s t Y e:S APPLY AT PAnTlCIPATINC STOI

SALEA rc o , Id a h o . 3 5 0

I o 'w o l l g, c q n o l. a n d 2 g r o n o r ie s .

j-P riv ile g e sT -S a 1 e — - o v b t l a b l e - to - e li-— S-.H om e—A dtn in ts^— i d A v e n u e , P .O . r e q u e s t fo r m s to

?. n a t i o n o ! o r ig in e n t re s p rv f> s - J h e __

r S a v i n g

H e r e !P r i o e s - ----------------------t o 46 '«>

w rsro ftrav " '

9 “

! c k

»ave* 8 0

l9®s “


^ s t e r r j —'.‘Realistic— -vi ____

ave~1 0 1 0

Q l R e g .^ H . 1 S 9 3 5 “ — '*VVJtri

lualizer r S y s te m s

jg S ta tio n s

Jisturbing __Site sqiielcfT ___

W i t h :

landsetS h a c k ■"


as S t3 9 .9 5 In983 C a ta lo g ' .

} up and dialRedial oTiast ----------tton. //43-268

h T o n e ' ------------------

tdio S h a c k


-^ n g A nnov S e le c t

Clasg” " ^ B ^ n b u r i c e i

- ■ 001 Florists-----------00?tO 9»*found—

003Announcomont:004 Spocial notices005 Memorial nollcc

_______ 006 Personals

- —

~ 007 Jo b s ofinteros 008 Sales pooplo

“ — O OSEifiploymonrai 010 Professional SI 015 Babysitters O iesiiuatlonswan 017Buslnos9oppo OlSlncome proper

• 020 Monoy to loan 021 Monoy wanted

------------------0Z3lnvo3tmfiril—025 instruction026 Music lessons

: ; s R e a e s ta l ' 029 Open houses

________ l-lP30.Hgmo5.for salt------- 031 Out-of-town he

~ 032Buhl-Fllerhorr033Klmborly-Han! 034 Jerom e homo!

- :• 038 i^eal esiato wa 037 Farms & ranch

' 038 Acreage &lola039 B usiness prop040 Cemetery lots043 Vacation propi044 Condominium:045 Mobile homes

R e n ta ls OSOFurnishedhou! 051 Unfurnished he

----------------- 052 Furn.apLt-&tlt054Unfurn. apts. 4056 Rtioms for rent057 Ronlal mobile h 058Gffico&buaiQS 059 Condominiums 061 Garaga rentals 063 Wanted to rent 065Tourist and trail

• 066 Mobllff hc'"''** *f

I S M er hand!067 Misc. for sale068 Computers069 Camera equlpr070 Wanted tat)uy071 Shoes and clol072 Antiques

------- --------07?TiTu3icann5irai

~ 078Furriilijre&cai

______ l e g a l n o t i c e j




- Case No. 35637-2 ANOTHERSUMMONS

--------MICHELLE------------ LEA= = R O E T H L tS B E R G E R ;=

Plaintlll■ VS' •




YOU ARE HEREBY• -notified lhal a-ComplainI

h as boon filed .against you In the above-entitled Court, by lhe abovo- nam ed Plalnlllf, and you

--------a re -hereby -d lrec led -lofile a writlen answer ot written motion In de­lense to said Complaini within twenty (20) days from the sen/ico of thla

^ S T 'Ano thef- Dummona> and you aro further notified (hat unless vou do so

- - within.- tho-llm o-herain specified, .the Plalnllfl will take Judgmenl

-------- against you-fls p r ^ e d foi_____ inthQComplalrit.

Tho nature of ino claim against you Is an ocllon fordlvorce.

WITNESS my hand and......the sea t of the said Coun

--------th!a -7lh - day- of- Sep­tem ber, 1983.Richard A. Pence

Clerk.-B y iC le o Robinson

Deputy Clerk PUBLISH: Friday, S eptem ber 9 ,16, 23, and

■■ 30,1983.---------------------

E l A n n o u f i c e m e n T i

-------- OOt-norista --------- rMorjorlo'a Flowors for tots;

~ M5‘SMrkB. 734-2021.

O O a-U stiFw m d, ■


ADOPTION_____Hour«_ Mon.Tu#*-Thfa-Fi1

'7:00»nt-1J0p(n. Open :*ppolntm«nt. 1:S^rrv8J0pn openlothepubllc.

• '1. Female shorthalr.-llvo«nt3whlto,10montfi8.

•2. Femalo Lab X. gold, I mos.3. Malo.poodio, aprlcol, '

. • year. ____

----------- X MEANS CftOSSBREb---------Sholtor- k>cale<l-on-1-mll«

west road, U80 ttie enlranct to Sower plant across th< road from KART Radio. 1BS

.Doo licenses tnay now b< -purchasod at itio City Woto

..........T i r a f t a i‘ H 00 answer. . . . . . . 324-4)1:

luncetnen ts - — •.ted o ffe r s

SitiedJi................................................ OTIAPIe m e n t s osohoj

063 Gai ' • 0fl5TIr<

087 Plairo^ 088 Var

090 Pel__________ ______________ 092 Am

io K e rne s t 095 Fei1 . 096 Far■agencies-------------- —se n rlce s 098 Far

— 099PSSanted iq o LIvip o rtun ltlos 101 Anie rty io 2 Caiin -104 Hoi^ __________________ ,■ 105 Hoi

106 Swi 108 Sh«

ns 110 Poi• - I 1 2 lrrli

t a t e * - 113 Far- -114 Far

h o m e e - - ^ i —jm e s i r ~ 3 Rm se n h o m e s i20A vl

w anted . - .,22Sp(c h e s ,23 Ski

^ 124 Sn(op e rty ,2 5 T r a

126 Car 127M0I

S a

5 a . . ' j SSlIup loxe3 , 3 5 c y j

E s s io m a l____________ns lor roni „ 21mF'? H 64-W

154A ut

9 ISOAul 162A ut

Ipmont l6 6 A u ljy ^ , 168 Autlothing l7 2 A u t

mont------------------------- — l7 5 A u lA s te r e o s j _____________340 b u iia rp e ts --------------------------3 « b u «

■— 002-lost4f(wnd---------: t - -------------------




ti(f LOCATED: 13Q 6TH AVE. W.

c e 1. Torrlof (omnlo, black and ” brown.

2.ShephordX.m ate.oold.>nt 3. pooOlo, fomalo. brown.■10 4. Stiophord. malo, brownro-'OndblacK----- — - _=n 5. Chihuahua, malo,-browft~.— ..8.0acfishundX.M a!oblactc a v 7. Spanloi Ciosa, Malo,

: black & brown. _

I3t ~ H ours6 to7pmonly ed Mondaythni Frtday,0- C a ll............ .733-0aMoxt2a4ou Bocau5iT-Ocfl3 ara-t:rouflnt10 in ovory_hour. and SOLO or

1 , DESTROYEDartarttTiourBrpioaso call or viBll tho pound

®* daily to chock whothor your •nt pot has boon piciod up. Thla lys r s -n o t an ujW W ale Hat.

1*2 Ihft?

f o Como an d 'p lc ro u l ■ puppy or full grown doo- they

J l) — would lo ta to h a v ea home.— } ' , FOUND, 0 mans 1970 Twin

Falla HlohSchooI c lass rlno lo r— on- j aeRBon~Strcot:-Twin7

■ ■ CalL10idflntllY.^3:&M2____™ -LOST black & whlto temate Of' border collie, 9 monlhs old.

by Robert Stuart. Reward nd oflorod. 733-7P34._________urt “ .t c s h e w a r d ::— —3p.,„-Fof-«-loal brown puppy.Uiat-

w as lolt botiind irf tapio •Sprlnga In Soum 'HlMs.

... »M-Si»clal Noticesnd DEVELOP Y0UB-T*ix™— - « 1 » i-H V P N 0 K S ,-S d .o o l

rotudents,— woifltit loss & * tolMCCo^as^, a i^eare exp.

i t s - °— OOS-MemortalHotlcas

^ 006-PB rM nala ~ ~ "

........ ..................C*1U3M3M_______

b o a r d & ROOM for sflfllor— Qonllomon. M2S monlh.

• askforD onorH olono.

^Si KI7-Jol)lolM>re« .

iver ----------------------•-----

> C A R R l i K■ ' 1 0 0 . 400 Block o lF

~ Stroot. Work on hotj itil»— -a n d koop y o u r .^ othS carrie r foom and b<t® - Call your oppllcotno® Nows 733-0931, or

■06“ ......... ...................313

LAppllonces---------------------------------------iHeallng&aircond.‘■BuildlftomalarUls--------------- .i . .......I Garage salos______________ _____rFIrewood'Plants& 'troes —iVarletyfoodsipels& petsuppllosI A u c t i o n s ________________ _______

iFertlllzer&topsoll . i Farm sood'F ^O faT n& 'feoa' 'I Farms for rent I Pastures for ronl . . .I Livostock wanted Animal breeding

(Cattle 1 Horsesi Horse equipment •_________ ______I Swine iSheepiPoultry&rabbits - I IrrigationI Farms & ranch supplies iFarmimplomenls - 1 Farm work wanted

J R e c r e a t io n a l ’ ; 7 ' lAvlallon 'Boats &marino Items . r,

!S'porting goods : skiing equipm ent.iSnowvehlcles • " - *Travel trailersCampers & shells 'VMotorhomes ......... ,Utility trailers ' • : •

1 Automotive - . jAuto service ' '

! Auto parts & accessories i Autos wanted .. . ...........

I Cycles & supplies , '1.i Heavy oquipmont ,'Truc^ts

: Import spons cars . ..........i4-Wheel drives •;I Antique autos

■ 'IAutos —Cadillac

■ Autos —Chrysler Autos —Chevrolet , ''A ulos — Dodgo A utos— Ford :Aulos — LIncoln-Mercury Autos —Oldsmoblle Autos — PontiacAutos — Plymouth_________ ________A ulos—OIner

iA u lo d eaiera- - ............... - - -------' Buglnoss.dlreclory ____ / _______

-------- O06-P«ionalt---------------- ^7__...GOOO— . NEWS.l--Wa"tcf»:C----------

Channel 6 oul ol Boise al 3om Sunday 9-11-a3.KKK. .

[A Problem Is not a'problom ,

E when shared. ManMrKoarift fi.ssoc\a\\on. 9om to Tam. ;LADY SEEKS ainfllo ranchor -

w T ^ PQgaiblo marrlaoo. 73<-e231.*~,nd LAW SHOP

Uncontesled dlvorceB. $76.-.------, ^ n k r^ .c y .^ « r^ ra l .o n ^

LEGAL— KTfS. _ Divorce,:k ■atralQht- banKnjpt^- -Ti*-- - - . ale, C367. Maiiordors available. '

------------- M O R M O N ISM ■;What do you know about Iho .

2S4 Mormon Ctiurch? 734-2813, •lont 678-«103,-54342«2-]ef.a-ro-_;_:,.j.:_) or . cordod now mossaoe wkly.. . .

unci Pro(fnant7*Nood” h ? ^ C a ll '■our 734.7472._______________[f’‘“ SURELY, In this area, ihero :''®*' '“must bo one'allm. ToMned ........

lady, 4M0, who on)oys trav- .

^ ^ ' ’‘p a n l o n s i T l p ^PPy Ing to marriage. II so. pioaso.

contact me Ihrouoh Box J-62 . •Sil---- c/o Tlmoa'Nowa. P.-OrBOK'-----------■win 543. TF, ID &3301. Enclose flno- ponlnont.lnlormatlon and If-.wim— DOBBlDtirpnotg:----------------- -— ------ r= ---------------^TERRORISM----------------------late -See It nowl The new docu-. old, menury of this growing In- lard tornational -threat to you-

NO PLACE TO HIDE- Irom------- Weaiern Goals Foundallona--that 'Sunday-.'Sopt. pm & ------Sfo 10:DS pin ftDT dn Turner'-..............in. Broadcaallng Syatom'a N*f .Z d tlonal Cable Network;5« Channol 5. For Informallon-.'iii- call423-WSff: ............

wiavioEOTAPE — rocoptlons, reunions, sales NTB—-pfomollons or anything*— nool—:(n)Bglnablo.— Reasonable:' & rates.VHSorBata.324-728t.axp. ' ---------- ----- ------------

^ ^ S e l e c t e d o f f e i i

fl0 7 - ^ Of t n t Cf Wt — •-------- ^OURNEVMAN—Mectiaflld:;— -------

oxporioncod In diesvn' hydraulic & oleclrlcal. E w

--------- rldricOtf' wtm conatructtar—---------inlor equipment. Salary comment \m »ur«'o Wlin-•o*porienc«2 - Btvio Apply In porson. Colonla>4243— Coneroto.— Addison—Avo.------------

— West. Twin Fall" ........

007-JobiofW w w l V

_____________ ________■ _____________

RS NEEDCDio f P lorco . A lso Jo ffo rso n h o u r a d a y b o fo ro schoo l l i lo rn o D n sItif if ilJo ln ou r ^ ' “ d b o co m o 'In d o p o n d o n t'.Ico tion in to ih o TlmoS-' , o r M o r y a t7 3 4 - a i3 7 .



c m s e

007-Job«ollrH 0resl----------------ASGROW -SeeO-Xcmpj

gooka plant manaoof. foi muM'-*P‘>cio SOTo COJ

________ — Uonlnot-*—P«ckaoIno— Jshlppino lacllily locatod Nampa, Idaho. This posit

-........—fequtreB—a —8,8 . - OOTiaiono wllh ' ptovTc

-------------- ouporvlaory— -oxporlan------- Adolllonal skills in hun

rolallona and dlroct cc munlcatlonB dio Import guallllcatlons. Submit sumo lo Leo Thomas. i

----------------- nfow Sood Coffipany.-t••_________ 1235. Twin Fallo; Idaho. E

------------------— ATTBmONLADIEB"!-••Houso o l Lloyd" now I Ino loy/gllt domonolralc

— ------------ ^ -pOfty“ pian:— W ortr—nIhrouch Nov. No Invc mont. dollvory or colioct! FHEE kit. Iralnlna&h09i<

.. .. oHt3.CallSu2flnno537-<9: AVON,NOTJUSfPRET

PTOFE8SI0NAL Thufo's good monoy coamollcs. Soil Avon. *

BEAUTICIAN wllh or wllh (ollowino (or now salon Rofloroon Mall, Twin Fa Inquire ot Evelyn's, lOt Maln.Joromo.

- - BEAUTICIAN lof - bi Joromo Solon. Evelyn’s,

• _ _____ w .M aln.Jotom o. *----- -------------C0UNSEtPR7THEHAT?T

Exporionco roquirod. days a wQOk tor local con Instfuctlons .provided unique bohavlor educai

............. pfooram- with loadinglionol organlutlon

. , - vifolbhl control. 734-<)405.EXP MAN 10 lood caiih tabulale food rations. M be'famllair w/vaclnatlon:

.. > troaiment of cattlo. Rof n03Mfv. Ba&-?0a7. B86-7752 EXPERIENCED milkers, F

_... ardo, nQ..hous!no ovalta!• • ...........■

: ■ ■ EXPERIENCED body r wanted, own toolL powe hand, sand rosurno & re


. \- ' Hotting & Air Condlll^ ' eslobllohmont looking fc

Serviceman. Must - knflwlDdQBabloJfLOiii^* nir-’ concfttloning. S enT

-siimo 10 E-52 c /o Tir News, Twin Falls. om oloveesknowoH hlsa

t---------------- IMMEDTATtraOB OPENrmijoror, minimum 2 yrs In: carpentry. Salary f probationary * bono Aoply Soulh Central C miinlty Aclion AQony. S lftahonoS IW.TF. EOE. WANTED: Expanded D Cenidod Oontal Asslsti Muat be soll-mollvatod on|oy people. Exc. work conalllons & bonollls. Sal

-----------------A-tnoenllvo-{>rogro<n,-&Roaumo: Box-W-51. <

- --------------------------- nm arN ow grrw tn-Fatigr-------------------UfEmEALTH-^rrlnaura

Socretary needed for Is Insurance odoncy. Si resum es lo Sox H*52,

“ ■ TlmoflNawsrBOKM: '_____ _ _ L f iN ^ P a rU lm Q jL fu ! l. t l(

Conlact ONS, Moun'__________ VlowCflfoContor42y553'

MICVMQTINSTRUCTOI 11 monlh conlroct; requl B yearo ro'cent lull n pmnlnwmnnt In marl

ogomont or on appropri dogroo & 3 years (ull tl rololed exporionco. Sal commenaurato wllh exp

Sopl 15. 10S3. Submit lo ol application & rosumo

■ Gordon . Jonoa. TroiOlvlalon, RFC Building. I Vo-Toch, Pocatolio. ID as: ISU Is sn Equal Opportui Afflrmotivo AciSmp\oyof.____ ----------- -MILKER WANTED, full tli

- ■ . . S36-2e2fl.____________ __I ------------ RESUMES. -Profession,

• • wrttton, -reasonablo , -c lldontlal. Christine 67^-22: SALES CLERK Noodod,

_p e rlonced only nood ap|,----------------no -phono calls ploa

Sflvao-Elovon.- 780 B:----------------- ljVeBBfvd:No7in:---------

SEED WEST INC., o no formod seed company looking (or a general m agof. Thls'indlvldual sho tw a .a^ b road knowjedfle

and processing. Send aumes lo box I>52, i

- —

________live In Bunt homo;All o r ttImo, Help husband caro

----------------- Gldortyr'sontlB'wlf®—Pr<elder woman. Room & bo + aalarv.-Rof. reo. 543^1Vlata Volunleor Area Vo leer ClearlnQho

_'Coordinator. Dutloar coc - -•-na le -v o lu n io ef-e fto n sr

crull & refer volunteer! mbel community nor quallllcatlons: EKee

-communleBtlon~&-orgoii Honed skills; ability to u with communlly lead' publlo .relations oxp | ferred, Bonellts:(roe month sUpend, <n

_________ oxps & olher b o n a im ^

WANTED. parTiweekond desk clork.livonSDrlnoalnn.______

____ WANTED - . - — autom" ' transmlaslon mechanic

run his own shop or Sian up a transmlaslon ai

________IrvBurlev. 678-^60. fl7S WWANTED potato trucKa hMl.Irdm field to collar

----------------- «rarox;-30dBy#r-Goo<}-f'&i(B8t unloading. Call Br<

----------Brolhoro Farma. «7-e2«M7-d338.

008-SaJe8 PeopleBuslnoos Opportunity In of A merica's faatostgrov Induslriod. Exc comm n u d .' .working Indivldi

------------------g o King rm nncfaftndet__________ H n c a ^ F o rJ fo o .In fo w

jW5-B»Iiy»l»era ^ B Y S n riN O My Ho Closo lo Harrison Schl, W eals;drofins:73«-«5^

■ " — 'to B T p rrn N G 'in 'm ^ n o

lo & from school. Ages } E xofoferences. 7?4^135; NEEDED play mato for old girl, large -apaei

------------ ■ nn niilftt fjilrla

elected oj. m s-aab y jltJers

condi* mciii J . Kiiriboi— and— BABYBrmNO^nvtlmo-C itod ai or nlghl& wookonds loo. osltlon ages wolcomo. Drop 5ooroo~ any iim o . very iBBJOna :oviQus rotes,-have excollunl roirianco.— ences.-CaH73<-(;Tl6;------hu m a n - Babyalttlng,'my hom o;; ' com- timo but Frl nights, any O' POnoni Drop-lna wolcomo, 73343' la A t BO p e e p Klndergait V ' o~- Comploto prooarallon lor

i ; 4T-—*-* Dayc«rti*TOitl.'

— S D P t a t t r T a ^ . - ! r r BRIGHT HORIZONS, Kind

l ! B l f ^ ;_ 0OitflnJ_PjoichD0l_£uIL

nplinn 2«-7. Mon-Sot. 6:<5arii ,n,inVi; ' midnight, Drop-

welcome. Full timo si ovalloblo- - only. 734-6C

lETTY 733.91^1________ nv? !L In ReUABLE BABYSIHE n 423-

WILL DO baDysltllng Tn tiome. days. Inia:

rr .n l.OlS-SllMtloniWfflleii

busy HOUSECLEANING - I ’s. 101 Wo do most housQh...... ..........chores-so trv us- vou'tl IaPi^T uaT-734-<975of-733^SW^ d .' 24 " m o w in g WANTED, Gc conlor. dopendoble wor|t, ()d lor 733-4980-______________ucatlon Wanted Housocloan ng na--- Jobs, oxperidncod, Roas ’ *or able i willing. Prolor F “5- nrr»ft..1?ft-4?05,afllo i ------- — —-----------------l io n a i 017-Bu8lnes80ppty8. lefnoc. •, CUSTOM MEAT process r752, ' plant with mobllo bulchot rs Paul "UCk locotod soulh flitahia Jerom e. Excollont buslno

- ' homoHncludod. Ownor a-------- lous to aoll lor hoi

reasons. Call Stovo Olxoi Rool Estate Unllmil


— 1- monoyi tax (roo. Invest I Itioning Hydroelectric pro|oct, 0x1 '0 (or^o toxsholtor. 734-0416.

Times couple rolldng-looklnoI Our , somoono lo Slop In S t ils ad. over thoIr thoatre. Ter

w s 'o ip " S J l irn iT E R E S T In By {4 93 Shop In Mlnl-Cassla Aienoliis. Growing business, J15II Com- required. 436-5731. Soilijy_ 72® InQulrlesonlY.________:0E, INVEST tn the dovoloprrr o u t y of rlvor & lako Iront prepsistanl. In e n c o d e , oxcollonl ro'Hod & on Invesimont. Call T34-&votking PROFITABLE BUSINESS.Solary sale. No compotlUon, M. ^ n d ----- oHer.J 34.3a30,M1. C/O

~ W A R N IN G !~wrance- _ .T he---T lm «»-N »w »— ir large commends that you ..S o n d vosllgoto-evory phase 52, C/o Invoslmonl opporlunll:_____ bspeclally Iho'so'Irum'Oiii-llm o,_^ololo orplferod by a 0^ ouniain doingbuslnossoitiora•5531.-____ localm otolorholel-------TOR Wo ouogost you cor oaulros ' yourownatlornoy.N ilrne iho Bettor Business Bun markot"

lo'r’alo Inlormailon (rom tho Jll t mo ' Attorney Gonoral's <

oadlino Phone 334-2400, ,

ime to: 018-lncom e PropertyiQ ^fs'u ' '4-PLEX. Reduced to SM,

All elec. Qood Mnanc . Markollnn Assoc, 734431

Acilon CLOSING C ( ^ DOW Twin Falls Triplex, assi

ini;;;:: ble FHA loan, Tc • neaaHblO.<6Q8ia3M94B.

Sell or trade- 1 acre . 4-plex 8. duplex, Urflt <lce. Ovmor -wlll c

■ - balance a t 10%. .1 mlli od, ex-. Twin. 734-2089.

*14 UNIT APT.,JilQniO!: Wttho. Good cash I

-- Trado -ot-lotmaw-SlM-------- Call 801-533-6848.

4-PLEX with assum monoogo. Two lois

«h«i.irt apadm onts and moflica flco. Noar Magic Vallay

1.“-°?-°*. . Dllai. 6 3 7 - f l 3 9 2 ^ _ _

' OZM^oneyToLoan

_____________ CASH_____-------- FORTRU8TOEEDSrso n to . a n d MORTGAGES

— n g g n ? e s ! f n e n i ~3^29 . WE'RENEWTO


coord*' -We buy—RE-Conir, rt8,-ro--,,-.-{leeda<lruat._i^moctfl«

s s .D ore^ 7344307^ “ ax- • Molropotltan.-Mofloafl' .tra v e l Securities Co.1 Bfuce

j ' ' Tom Hundhausen LoanOlllcor

W JllBU Y orSE aroalo

m lc*\b” 'h« S McCoys brokerao#, Bo)


^ 3 R e a l e s t a t esd-haul— i« * -------------I Brown '«288,or.. — r r r r r - ---------------------

030-H om es ForSalo AREALSTEEU'

______ 3 bdrm. lava rock llropIyin ono (amlly room, hardx growing doors, largo lot & moro. 1 nm (or of -all, e 7/8% assum ivlduals {oan with low down tdeper^— tnonfr-A sk (or Ran^ 0 wiiio WoBtem R«lty_733-Z36 59. TF; hom a 73^-2477.'— A a THIS FOR 0

^ ,5 0 0 . 4 bodroom, 2 (--------- family room, dining t

Home, panlry, ronge & dlshwaa ch l,(m t (Suited coiling, :

........garage. 1500 s«. II.rnomn:— f e 4 ^ o r 733-9frOeYe't

“ BY OWNERi-auallty 4 b(

5 5 £ i S i . r c SfoFT T r- fam. rm, oak Hoofing Ino pscloua -4 dining tin..2 Irpicos, ' ild e so c ^!an d lca p o d _ H /j_ # p il]!

W T?,”— Ajaumlililo loani

>//ers-gefhomo. _______ ______________Moals

00. A?i . / op In t l

_ro(oi- _ _ _ y f \

0; any

1 ^ - Hjaitsn,(or tst ■■

1 pns: — | —janiyt___ ____________

— -................

•UlLlC: ______________Agos I ..... ■ ■,

5am-12rop-lns '

slols;4-6M0. ■ ........... —

inER.1. 734- S

Triny ; T Inlanis __

ed - ■

sohoidi'll like - :--------- --------------------

5 " . YOlloan ing_ , _____oason- M

. . . . 0 1 1

[8;__esslrg:hoflngih of Islnoss, Iaranx'-'. > - - - - Ihoalih Iixonat Iimilod. M

tsl In a oxcol.

y bu3l--OMei---------------------- --------------------no lor i take - Terms.

T ioral 1 Aroa.S1S.OOO

opmont'(oporty ............ ...........

14-0418. fESS lor ; *I, Mako

n ourof— -------------------------poison

ra--------------- — — '— — —



1 Con-

, fiSS- (BO-HomdsForSiloBEAUTIFUL 5 Bodrod

“ =*="■-----h-6m0“ 6nT A cfoS"w 0SI"■tv Filor. Prlvato setting. ll\J.___ : stream, corrals and machlrS65,000.~ ahod, plus a 2 Bedroo lanclng. homo (or Grandparents or 1 M375, ront out. An excolloni bu

? s r m a ^ ^ 1 7 3 5 ' : '« E R T ^ ^ j a Torma REALTY. 733^H04.

940;__ a u t u m n and the days atacfo + 10 shorten. You have lime 1 iron o(- (ind a hom e,.and horo Is

carry— B fln o y in Moanoef--Poln mlio.to Conlomporary in stylo, cor

(ortablo In living. Lovo

jumablo '•yourlam liool'toaU ot".. 31S (oraical o l - . Ralph Esllnger, Broker l«y ►'OS* c o l l ^ . . 7 3 3 - 9 5

5— PROFESSIONAL,l i ------------a,-— - . -

,H0 . W W ^

mlricio, . BARQAIN-PRIGED elfliaoSiz. GORQEOUS- BRICK ;HOh

Ison'S BodroomSl’'* formai“ dlnli e^f; room, (amlly room, ai

' I ,. ?« !' 'm uch moro.- Well plann. iriio (or ijiichen with healing apac

Fabulous (enced p r d w * ‘(009 P““ °- ’

,j,p nanclngsoCALLNOWI

[O T ii r r R O T F(2fl yoars of HonosfServ/c

: T = i . . - O F F k ;eQBfl Bl Jo y c e C o lo '............w < nSsMlTnL- D ^ H ^ i6 t i- r r r : - . .7 3 3 4 t Box391. BEAUTIFUL homo

Sawtooth school area.- hnrirnnm, IW balh. air C(

dlllaning.___ family roglireplace, rango & diapo:

te flnlahed baaomonl. loi ;; : ::^ iir -- t» Y e re d '-p a tlo :-< ^ tj^ H j _ _ _ , storago area. $72,000. V

- assumablo loan & owners le nogoilalo lorms on do

----- M )^ t_ C a ll_ 7 a4 T 9 6 6 0 .

BEAUTIFUL Home on C ro Bost Course. Will trodo equity lumah^ land.--jea.500. Assume T m - - Io a n n s,OOP.3244920. i r ^ al BY OWNER, 6 Bdrm.-,: •23M or,_.. balh. quiet cul-do-sac. J_____ consider trado do*“ OnTY »73.S00, For aoot 7 3 4 ^ 7 ,,2 balh. 664 ALTURAS DR. 3 bd

g aroa. lotal brick, llroplaco. waallor. tochod garago. (onced yi

2-car (amlly room, dishwaslII. Call 'aio'vo. Assumable (c VO'S;-.......-j45.000.-By-owner.-734-3r ^ - ~ z - - - - - - - -] so It FABULOUS Vlow in yi celllnD ’ around log homo, docki Inonirv- - s tu d io &.beaulllul.ysrd c s Woli acre. Reduced 10 S88.i ofinkior ■■'Will c o n sid e r, irade. Iiinumo------ i67385TrGar'don*VliWfi7^10., ;r , ml‘08 N. olBolse>.- -


iTc a h ci CLASS

. ' • - • T o h e l p y o u :—ilo m s y o u d o n ’t n


J buy

^ T o h o lp yi g o o d p o o p lo .

B a

TO public ize

’ m ako an . ^ J a n n o u n c

“ z :

' T o h e lp y o i m o n o y —a n d go

03(>-HQmes For SaleI'odm___BY OWNER: 4br, A/C CIi)M-0( iS^cTiooTsrsnbpptngrtor . livo nonollOblO.t78.860,t34-2( ,'Jllr® COLLEGE MEADOWS , lo r lo condo. hI ldofio*'"t?oosing- loah. <

7344411.______________L.NC&- CQ2Y 3 Bodtoom, 1 b; - r r , booulKul yard, no basomi

i . i quiet cul-do-sac. 2031 S "’P r l s o Circle. J4.000 down L^r-n closino costs, Assumt7 '^ ’ ■ lo a n a .7 3 3 - ^ , ------------o v ^ J DO YOU WANT RNE QU S r ITY alt brick, 2V, balh he g that in in immnnitnin coi winter Hon? Wo havo the ansnan l/___ fof-yaaJn.primQiLEaOQj

______ acroagaioU .H,pffiittcia.3f " horsos, iivostocKlncludii

box slall barn & tac root Kar ulllity buildino. Manv m ^ 7 6 afflonttloalor{ies,ooo.

R.G, MesseramlthO CM GTAT& RSALT

\ l 730400.------------------------ENJOY.r.---------

' This superbly malnlal-------------homo and •Yafd..,Opon J

• pidn.^ExlfaslnCtudo w------------- burning-llrop laco__ bui------------- s te reo ayatem erhoaugo......... and much morD.

•• Bedrooms. 2 baths. 1400 (I. oMIvina aroa. 122 Avai


nininn $2500down.

: 3 !Evo'a'and wookonds

^0 fjg JoanBraw loy . : . . . 7 ^ISVJI-— p a c jn q - f o r c l o s u r i

LTY For Sale by ownor. bull trvirn\ NOW 3 bdrm homa In V

doll. Will consider pa trode;t31;900.536-2256,-

334030— FOR'SALE by-Dwnor--Ti;------ r_ - 4400 square foot homo ioa 4 acro loL. N.E. localioi Ir cart- bodrooms. 3 balhs, llbi room ' “ 'T'l'y room ,-play, rooi

reaSs}:— m ueh-m 0 f0 :-C a lt- l0- ’T argo 733-7609. >175.000.

r f . ; -------------...........................fter will

down«M-aL_pCHVTH&flETlREO COiJ-------- on Ihe move.' Enorgym GoK clont. - low .-mainlom ultytor fiofflo and easy lo car< umeblo uw n; Open and -spoc

tioor olan with 3 bodrooi ... ;2V l-bllh},_U r»0 ™rK,

887, ' and oprlnkllng system, ( , and oxocuflvo culd

S S ' SId yord.

IHWIN REALTY, IN -------------- ^ 7 3 « 6 0 0 — ,

1 yaar- LARGE ASSUMABLE L ocRtng, :on this Super 3 bdrmird on 1..... ba th .____greaL _ ...ipaS88.000. llroplaco, lilo roof. For s. Call • 164.500, Call Pam. Co n f ir i« ~ il .M iy o rH o a I ly r7 5 C T

■733-2697. 7 — • ;

EOMIIt» F l i D

u s o l i - . . .I n ood

r o h o lp you lin d ' i y o u 'd tiko to ______

you hiro 1. . . o r

I ho lp you izo on ovoni o r

nco m o n t_____________________

o u s a v e _______ ___________g o sP "

_ f t« - H o m e » f o tS a ie — Close LOW INTEREST, top lo terms— Hohr 5~gaffl7 '3~Daihr~t 1-2631 Fremont, 7V*%. rodui 'S 2 prico. owner anoni, 733-56

Now NEWER 4 BEDROOM, 3 h mabto nome with room for

Call bodroom In basomi____ Large lamily & rocroaibath room wllh (iroplace and ‘

monl. bar. NE location, closo Sun- Sawtooth School, - M,

wn oxirasi ASSUMABLE 1 mable LOAN. S79,900. To vlow i----------- lovaly-hemo-call Dalo' I

5 n i r lorson ol Gom Stato Ro

SSSS------^EA D TTObA T:..- ’___ lor you and yoursi 1

aPn^^— B a1™ % m ^ri2W -5qril3om & living space. Double moro garage- (oncod yard.

230AvonldaOolRlo.«2.{ t, OWNER FINANCINGTV ■ . AVAILABLE.-..

"T— - ’in s j i n j c w r r - r r____ 12 imorest-30 year lc


lalned Eva'aandWoekenda 1 floor . Jo a n BaiYlBY wood SPACIOUS 3 bdrrn', 1W l

3uill-ln— of» ^c ro -lo t-D in lng -ra gomp ..,Bmlly room w/llreplaco >• 3 sort, hugo kllchon wllh 1 too sq. air 8i microwave, (rull Ire: vonldo lots o( oxtraa. - Rot

. owned..- JfiS.SOO.- .Aaaj....... wllh.low dnwn-or fodnai

------- — KttlhV733-n0030f73«-g191THIS HOME QUAURES

i io i '’’ Low Intorost Idaho Hou! L oanl^ bodroom, .I'A b rango & dlshwashor, par

.dining aroa. (iroplace. 5^633 basement. 2-car oan IRE' A -tt8.B00.-Calt-n4.8660. Bxtras; - 733-9043 eve'a.

— 2-STOHYHODSEr3T>dfi ulldor. bath, llroplaco, 2Vi oc I Won-. tS3.000, Call 543-8072. rani.1 , a o n i , ho m e «37.0M,L____ cioarownorwlll linance.-Tudor— HarolO-IWOnT-Main V oon l--R oaltV 73 t0555 .ion. 4 ____________________library. BEAUTIFUL Boiso H )om & would like to Irado (or M 0 BBC-----Vnll0V-H0m».3454e43.—

i n : -------- L,___•BYOWNER*-..Tudor. 5 Bdrm, den. bath, (amlly room. II room, (ormal dining rc

fiiiP ig (ireplace, Inlorcom. t

aw nco o v 6 n s !^ 'E a p o " ^ l lh “ oponor, noaf pump- t g^ ao energy efdclent. sprlnklors, 3,000 a i (inishod, 1344 unlinis c u s to m -b u llt 'fo r -p ro

. ewner.t117.500.73*^tiBi / Oulel- BY OWNER, 3 bdrm. I, jidosac lot> alorago bsmt, noar I ntmont. , School. $39,500.3244054

BY OWNER- Nlco 0

INC.■ - - - i S S i b l T j i S t o S Ir io A N T B ”! ! ! — _ — ; a r , IBI-O'.lollown -or only For Salo by owner, bull

• _ • trade. $31.000.536-2256.


on 1 acro..vlow, pnyatg, H

___ __ a37.aiQ2nt.837^^ ------• 'Chock classlded whatever you nood- it's

— __ Qf e a t wav.iQ.saw monov?

— — 034—Jerom e HomeaBY 0W NER~4 bdrm, bath, all oloc homo w/ garage, (iiopt. & wood sto nlco yd, corrals & paslu

Joromo. $78,500. Assuma ________ K un.ForappiC7a-3674.— ^;jEROKirTT)3Trn72OTtpn

ly romodolod, now carpi Vt tsasemont.coinor lot. 1

____ - , : i ocaUan-$34,5gq^a?igl^

03ft-R oal Eal. WarnedWANTED HOUSE to mO

___ Pielorrably Norlh sido aiCall 324-7262,,

037 -F an ri3 i Ran^cjl^^

DAIRIES 40 ACRES Dairy comp! with cows. Will handle hoad. $30.000cfown.— — 60 ACHeS. Buhl.' alngK

, daily. ■Grado A 40 acros alWond includes 125 cows, Ooubi

— wimnsniQ£k-up3.:-'------— <0-ACRES-Oalrv,-cl05(i-------------- rWItrFdKrDoubTTB'HBr

(loosiaiis, 'ROW CROP

3nood 120’s............. 200ACREsNoilhoIJyror

240 ACRES noarWondoli,

‘ Call Jim Paulson 54349:

• - BARNES REALT^1043 Bluo U kea Nonrr

Cail 733-8227 GOOO 320 comblnati Sprinkler .irrigated, gt

- (oncos; lola of well A co w ato r.'Tbd im brick ho noxtto BLM. Realtor own

• Conlury- 21 Mayer- Rea - - - 734.703S6rS25-.&0: -

— NEWONT«eMAHKFl 80 ocros o( vory choico : several miles (rom T Falls 4 Filor. Fuii Twin F, w alo ^o c o n tly remodolc

■ vory high slalo o( cullivat as owner has been grow

________ only httY f PjtflgY '0 'dairy oporallon. Ow noods larger larm & r considera Irado. Call Ro Laasen 3264971 or Ds Lutz Roallors 733-0716. South aide .252 acres o( rigalod ground -t 93 acro: dry pasture w/polenllal boing Irrlgalod. L: boarders tho Highlino cai Irilgatod by sprinkler gated pippe, Thi^ (arm pricod to soli last at $455,

------- ------U,llh ..-'nprnit. 1330 DM____ ossumablD moncy,4_Oyiti

n consider small (arm____ _____ 'oquliy------ -------------

Call ■ [Ja¥i(J“ L u im b s l l 73>0716orevos 733-1717.- VERY NICE 3 Bodro

—hom e— on— 25-----AcSouthwosl o( Jeromo. Sh

------- — cornittr‘man7Tntini!rrToiI to qufllilicd.buyor. Cad.Jt

Jackson at Roal Estate ' llmllod,324-7518 or 324-59: Aa ACRE DAIRY. Doubl. Hnrrlnnbono. beaulKul

— » Bodroom houso, JfllW.l $100,000 down, 10% Inter on a 10 yoar paymenl. (

----- 324-7435._____________

I loca- (rontago, good —Imprc

S 5 " m Oullll- unaof 'i l


smonl. M M ■{ ■ ■ ■ ■roallon 1 "nd wot m ■ -------------- --ose to ■

■)w thIa Ilo Pal- _Roally I -1

----------- ■ —

I tw ; ^ ____

52.900. ®

- Exnp ■ .ITEMS UNDE

ADVEItnSED ^ S L la l^ P E C llD lf f laco in-, _ — i------------------------Ihjonn ■ 3 u i m 7 lIress & ■ A ^ ^

.....Inanco. _ --------- Forfoeh-Adi0 9 1 - - — ■ ----------------Llrii’Add;

lousl'no ® privaro indIhJih® ■ (non.<ommorclol)oanlrv’ ' ‘ o^ol liomt, iho •e Id i ■ vvhlch dooi np» o: ja'rago Z f*'® Pf‘^® 0 '

:>dfmT2 —acros. I :

sriTT. BCllPTHISCOIce.Call I r» West - ■

* Nomoi. oddro»» on Homo I lorwhichpoym oritl

ir Magic ■

— W lon. 2'^ ■ .P lea iep i, living ■ . .I room, ■1 ifMh p

h door I ■' . —— trlplo _nt. auto ■ -------------------------sq. ft.’ _inlshod, ■ -------------------------

1, largo IlarHIgh - p lM w pub liihm ye

■ ■ lo r ».hleh J______Oldor _ ■ ................ I*"

■ p l I

Klonly: ■ W l T m S H T f i

■ C latilliedOb » . I r

03d—A creage & Lois'Homo- ARTCSIAN Hot Witor Hon:q, loFs Sues, Roady.

=1^ — BT OWNER nTw BeautlTuI , lor tjdim nomo, 2V» baths, 1

It s a 1V4 ocro:__Fencodj__[anlOV.-.TTT^- ie'aped,' I__wiuridetqroui

— sprinklers, $95,000,324405----- CITY LOTS FOR SALE'

- — vai i ous sizes «(ribl C«1I4234441

I ^ovo EXCELLENT building lols asture. Joromo nnd Twin Fa aW _0l Counllqs, low down pi jmablo monla. CairSlttyfl'DlXOnL____ .—Roat. Ealalc_,UnlimilcnpToro-- - ’ g ^ » '- '

oi‘’ex*c - FAIRRELD.IDAHO . .. Pilncoss Mino ^ anch. 1 0 — acTo parcels. W ilor.-on

^ irlclly, county load. $21___ __oach, Anderson flano^R|

move, ervolr by Pino. Idaho,0 aioa. Acre paicols, walor. oli

irlclly and counly fO.-------- $32,000, lorms or $22,(p,.- cash. Call Bud, ASPEN I

___ ALTY. 377-2310 or 376^10

FOR SALE by ownor on 2 ■mplolo acios-2 bdrm, 2 bath, 1?l£jOO__mobllo homo. Gafano_-■'■“'- I • small room attachocT. ■nglo 6 c ond .$39,500,536-6497.

m?hi«fi f ^ B I L O o M E LOTS oublft Valley Mot— Efciaios::.^iiyr.r3t»ull-a

J n ^ a — dtvi6i0n.-Wa6t1in910n.SI.-: 4 1 biock w est on Phoas R ^ jJasy le tm s,-734-8943, MUST ■ SELL 2\Vi Ac

uromo soutn ol Jerom e. Best ol:Joii, Call 324-5621.----------- rz

1, 2 or 3 adlolnlng 5-a I493Q parcois, boaulilui vlow, f< ■7 land, (ull Tw in Fails ca T - 1 — walof shares/covenants; oflTr' milo south o( Buhl, I_____ down, owner will carry, Anation, havo 9 ocros, 4 or 5 ac

good toad (rontago, 5434437,\ c a n a i_ i ACRE-Twin. nower.3 bdi

homo 2 bath tiome. Ilioplaco owned, shares waior. vacani, Reallor modiaio • ’ • possess!

___ - $56,500, Call 73W07I or MXCT------- WOCTnc«tyr734-055^—ICO soil- 33 ACRES, 3 S & IW W1 Twin Buhl. Subdivided w/6-5 a In Fails & two 1V acro lots. Boaul doled 5 sotting, good grou '-is-in-a—livation .5 a c r e parcois. Buhl, $1 trowing jow n, 733-9114 wookda !OLJ!». ..734.3555a v o s4 a k a a d a - & r^av 50 ACRES, (oncod. wj

i i r ' p S . r t a . ! ;, silo, small down, owner— r r carry. Assume papor J

J ol ir- ja s ,600 or bost roasona5 ™ ? O llO l.aiM 7«._________

67 Acros, 750 W. 075 N, ■ rinSi Paul.l0.3bdrm -t-bulldln

1/3 Down, $261,000. S< 1“ bids to Box 208, Drews

SmOOO 0«S7M 4..dqqLqi______________________3wncf3_- —.11arm (or ^ Q39_Bu8[ries3 P ro p e ^ Idsllbra DOWNTOWN STORE" 717.- lease or salo behind 3droom Bon. retail or otdce', al' -jic roe— parl— 3.000_aq._(l,,, G , Shop, Forms. For details w iitoi

id Je rry . SB368.lie Un- IN BOISE, 160 AC o(4-5922. dovolopod land iocalod r,ubio 8 'HO Boiso; AirporL 2oIKul 4 commercial. CALL 733-75ranw T— b-HOP-Ton cnso- or sa lt nlorost bay. wilh air, 3 phase 0 nl. Cali irlclly. largo lot. alter _____ ^4-0119, ...............— -........

n y o « C — ^043-Vacatlon Property” 7 il500 HOT—ARTESIAR-WAT

ielsuro/rocroalton !

S ’h S m V A ' -


I h a v o c h o c k o d th o C la s s !

£ ? S - «4

A A• W - W . ... ................... •,PrivaloAddiJlomil - - .O t l c r g ,

. d d s r . o o - - - - _ - • .a r~ r»Indlv'iduoli only • t iy o u r ilai) to w li por- will oil!ho ioial vdluo ol oddltloiIt oxceod SKOOO. ,chargeooch itom rnu.i , ,Ro(undiod. No rc lund t l( ___{)d»ron

o llo r f


I and tolophono numbor* should b ant It includod w ilh ordor. 3 lino i r

niTEY O,0 print w llh dork ponell or badpoli

....................... .(Fijjur'

n y o d fo r ____ deya. ( ] 1 d o :_ ll «nclo*od. ( ) t d o I

Sam * _ A d d ra ir -

>d 0«partm «rit Phon« _Jrd S t.W « » - ......................................3ll».ID 8J301 -

..________ Ffldadav. Sootom borO 1983 Time


tW5-Mobll6 Homes

iH ? — m v l a A LA|<E., .ipT~oi '*• us Cascade sower 4 watfti jTZ— i9:Dao,'Caiirj4-iMm,llul 3 — .................I ,o n 045-MotillB Homos s c k r — A ttnssTH O H Es-M U srtsc 1054 Tho 64's ore berei Cioso-oi e - - pricos with all 83’6 plua “ 51,000 lactory rebalel CarK

Homos. 734^586._________

illcd! available


OVERSTOCKED! oloc- ON USED HOMES(OJO; .Flvo14W ldoa._ _____

•Ton12W ldos •i RE- .ThroolOW Idos

.ThiooSW idos------------M jlm -a n y - oWorl—Sovoii23/4 (rave! traltois and sovei

1981 - pickupcampors,

! % r — - “ BROCKMAN’S — ,MOBiLE HOMES

; —r 4 mlios norm of Perrli2 *^_B t!(lD e._T w in Faiis. Ptioi

___ 734-3187 or 433-570,^_____; t s o ^ —Trade Equliyin-O oubts:^ asani <or 14x65 Irailor cloar. CI3 3244288._______________7 ^ 3 TWO 12' wldo llx-up homo olf-f .- W il l consider .any. roaso

ablo ollor. Carlor Hom'------------------------

c."n™ USED MOBILE HOME ■i.rii-----------------SALE - -

lo« 24x601979 SKYLINE in fami • park,acios / . *27.500.„ 28x67 1681 GOVERNO bdtm.^— N o w .- - - •CO, 2 S2D.900., im- 14x70 1 981 GOVERNOjsion. New,oiielocirlc........-Main $16,600.------ ----- T4X56n 977"TAMAftACK7-i

. " f ' , 13 too.julllul 14,7O107aKlf.AllOlOCtflC.ound.

CONTEMPORARY HOME= = ------------ 2UM KifflMriy ROUT"walor CALL....................... 734-21(ron- ”■ _____ -_____

12x60 Am Homodalo, 3 bdri “f " ! ” m balh, Ifig, gas-stov■ carpol 4 drapes. Skylai '"ablo pnrUiSS. $6500.82941ft.

14x64 BUDDY. $ 7 ^ . f N- 01 paymonl. $175 p

monlh al 12%, or will renl (Sond t i 75, 788-9452,___________

• 14x70- KIT Golden Stale: Bodroom, 2 balh, liroplac

________ tiulil-ln dlshwashor. Slov------ ffllrlg-.movabld dock. Milv 000. $10,500, Call adL * J .___ S:30nm.4234SC7,---------- —

14x70 Tamarack, boautllu d 'f>o relurblshod. many exiri al' or - soo 10 approciato. Sllgi

5f un- cond., oxc cond. $65 d near 326-5110a(t6orwknds. _

1972 SIERRA. 2 bdrm. 12i

- - M i l ! ^1982 KAUPMAN'Y -Sng ?

>0f 6. leoosq ft. .Dbl-wide. To - -V T ' mov6drCall438-«34C— "S ---------- TB83Tffi5HOAM4x70,3 b"d?,y----------“ d o w n -V ia k o ' o'ater :— 6vrni5-0rn7:900r32g=454»:

9110. 2 BDRM 14x70.*Now wc Lot's stove, many extras. Call

' - - - .Inlo436-3584or5324530,-

M 'S M Y»FIED Al,5 i{ iod A d o p t io n t h a t l i f s m>

L H J j a T ' lANTEED RESULTS! —I-Go'liwoi-Now t TiM r .c lU f*. . _j-<y intovd RoiuIt» or your ov< -f*lvn<l»d-H«»*.'«-how.H--------p)„- . ------- JJ,utl bo to t up (or 7 doys. . (iti w llhordor loPor.ty.Adf.Only _■ good-only on liom t (or 3rooIotlolo'oV«ludod, 4 ir Itom dootn l te ll, w o‘liihor run your od ono —lono lw oak frooo f 6JO or ro(ond your monoyl jid t m ull b« pickod up or —onaw ed w ltH n T d o y i____. o _the od ondi. ’g "

d bo counlod o t porf o( your ad, R( I minimum, Non-eommorelol rotot

>URlftDIolnt pon (Ink may blur) u tlng ono 1 uro4W ordt.P orllno) ■

o s u b s c r i b o t o t h o T Im o s-N o o n o t s u b s c r l b o to t h o T im e s

»— ..............---------------- • ~

_________ __________________

0 0 7 -0 5 1oe-Mi>bll«H<m8» I

r r ’n 73 14x70 3 BDRM Tamarock. ■“ln t° r — Selup.-Space »17.-Vlll3paiw.--^----------------J0 < 6 W o :/J^ H i. — . , - . i

78 MOBILE HOME. 2 bdrm, 1 balh, 12x64 Academy. Take •’ •'»

____ ovor pymts. 324-2403, iifilJT t s o t ^ — ---------- --------- ]■ —»o-out>lua a M UCarter ^ R e n t a l s ; ; t ;

r ioT t, ■ 'incord ------------------------------------- -

_Maple BACHELOR 2 loom houso. vt s , - J W - W atar 4-3ant-furnr$75 m onr-'— -----

051-U nfum . Houses J I ,— ATTHACnvE“3 ’bdrT n^T dor-r'n—

------- home, now carpol 4 painl.bsm t. storm windows, 4

J ‘ (oncod yard. Avallabio Ocl.;S 1, $325-I-$1S0doO-733-6340.____ ATTRACTIVE 3 Bdrm home.

■ ■ m baths.-goraoe, (onccd— , .. yard, carpeted, draped. De­posits and rolorencos ro-

jovoral— qolrod. $285 m onth. 733-2093________joveral BEAUTIFULLY, docoratod 3

Bdrm homo, good NE loca- lion ,,$285 4 deposit. Attor

J ------------4nm.-324.325g — ------------------------;S MOBILE HOME..3 bdrm. 2’orrine bath. Call 734-2189.________Phono n e w e r 3 BEDROOM HOME

on small ocreago. closo to-Jorom e==^E I6C .trio=noar r : -----

r. Call ? ” (o re n c ^ '”u 'l i

oaaon- NICE SMALL 2 Bdim. Slovo Homos & ro(no (urn. Ideal (or cou- •

Dio 234 Norlh Wasttlngion.-------- l260 - .-$100dO p.733^6 i^ - •W E SMALL ACREAGE S.W. of

,..._Tvi(ln_3-t)dftiuhome.J24x3Q_______. „ shop, corrals & somo out-

' (amlly buildings on 1 acro. $400 ' m on. cleaning dop roquired.

7 3 a . 1 0 8 2 o r 3 2 4 ^ .RNOR-- 1 BDRM housO‘(or rent, (ully

carpeted . 4 panelod. AIL. oloctrlc hoal. 340 Elm. Twin

;K7-Ait— Fnn8- $200 iiiuiiit i "4-' a ap:------------7334130 a(ter6.___________• 1 BEDROOM small rental

:trlc. . houso. 424W Walnut, $150 ' monlh.

— •

OMES ^S■^B E 'n g ° l lm .■ . t _______* ° L.m ' hannmnni room, gas heai,^^•*73. g io jo ,0 shopping, 1738 Ad-_____ dl8onE..$285month.I bdrm. ' • REAL CLEAN, cule 3 bdrm Slovo, homo in Jorome. 325 Sth kylane Ave. E.,$325month. l « . • QArXg E & OFFICE, used 0. No (or outo repair on Addison .•5 por W. noor hospital, $450 •'on llcr rnonih.

MAYEH 4 ASSOCIATEStalo' 2jpiace, 14x70 MOBILE HOME. 3 _8iovo. bflrni. balh 4 Vl with wood-_______

af'ior ' l o v e l f ' F a m d p ^ i r ^ ^■ ■ iino,ta4-57130f733^64 6 ..^ -______

iUtllully *178; 1 bdrm. 1 balh collage,extras, - Rolrlg 4 stovo. 936 Bluesugars Lakoa Blvd. Evans Propertyunftrn. Manaonment. 734-1401._ i ______2 BDRMTCrdHflTTlroplaca;---------- -

$6500. 2 BDRM HOME In Filer. Ap- -L____ ___ pllancos lurnlshod, $195.+1. 12x64 doo.32ft45l4a(terSpm . •IS. Call 9 RnnM HI3USE w/atovo 4----- -- ------fSffl ^ VOrjacVadn. 4- -if55AB. deposit. 733-1148. ________To be 2 BDRM HOME. 228 Adams, _

t wood Bhop oroa. Largo jc ro lot on Call (or Canyon o d je . $280+ dep.30 - 32 4 ^ 7 9 or 73M974 alter 6

- — - — ■ I

k m y n o o d s . g

.... •• • S

Rate* ihow n horo opply lo | ~^Cuoroni«od-fieiultf o n d 'o ih o r _

n o n - e o m m o re lo l 'a d l . 'T h o to ■.-otot oro oU lm olod on on • -----cvorogo of 4 w o rd ^ 'p o r lino',

-F in e i-< o fe - l» -d o lo fm ln « U to m _ ||--------~ fa t lyp* which moy bo odllod to ^

fit pqymont. ■

LINES 1 2 -3 4 -7 !5 1 - 5 . 5 5 1 5 . 7 5 M 0 . 0 0 ■ ’4 T t S 9 . 5 0 1 3 .5 0 ■5 _ 8 . 5 0 1 2 .0 0 1 5 .7 5 |6 _ 1 0 .0 0 - - 1 4 .7 5 -1 8 T -7 5 -« < i . ^ ^ 7 1 1 .2 5 1 6 .7 5 2 1 .5 0 |

^ 1 3 - 2 5 2 0 . 0 0 2 4 .7 5 •

~ 9 ' t T 4 r 7 r i ' 2 g W T 2 ^ J

MAILORDRINGINi-______________________d, Roiet quolod apply to Woni-A'dt | o to to n iy . k

H E R E : z z ! - I>no tpaco lor ooeh word. p |

■ '■------ 1

------ ---------------------------------------- I--------------- --------------------------------- I -, .

: z : ^ ~ ~ ■— • .. . ^......................~ I . ' .

-N o w s . Jm o s - N o w s . ■


______________ ^ ^ --------------" I .

----------- ' -,= - ---------^ ' - i -' -

--------------------- ^ — 7---------------- I--------------- ------------------

................... ______________ , .

Im ea^Jewa. T«ln Falla. Idalib C-C

051-Urtfum. Houses

S o . ~65?“ 2frd Avo Woat.------Rofrig, - —atovo.______ carpoL-

drapos, Qarago. Evtns J _____ W aw oam wt.

CTO. 411 4lh Avo Norm. 2~ Bdrm, Qaa hoat, hardwood (toora, basomont. Evans

g g f f l :tsao. *64 Locust North. 2

-------S M r A W o ' S -•yard, baBomont. £»*na propdfhf Mtnapsmont,

3 BDRM. 2 tia itr Doublo"Mr““ garaao, foncod yard, No

--------- POlS.$400.37S-1613__________3 BORM HOUSE If) .

-H aabim an.-Full tusomont,- S2TS. Call 837-443T days cr

•837-8360 OVOS &wfleKonda.3 BDRM HOME. Qarago. nico yard, .firopiaco. , t» c .

- condition. 733-8117.3 BORM In country. Catpoi.

--------- famllrroom-4flfcplaeo.-4320—•m onlh. 934-4967evoa.3 BEDROOM.-2 ' balh. lull basomoni, garaoo. lovoly

' old8r~hom « m -«-Country - Sotilno In Exeellont NW

"location : Garden ap ico : fruit ______tree s. >376>mo. Leaso & d o -_

4 BORM home on cul-da> •- #ac.Lorgofam llyroom ,2car.

1400. 4 Bodroom, family room, 2 balhs, fJll basih m anl, relrtg, alove, carpet, d rapea, fireplace, gas heal.

---------len ced yard.-14J Polk. £v»n*—Management.

• 0S2-Fum.Apt&Dup.A CLEAN 1 BORM, (umlshed •p i. wator & aanltallon Pd., • $r»/monlh.Call734-«070.

+ $76 dopoalt. No pets..733-7187 or 9 > . _______CLEAN, carpelod 1 bdrm mobile homo, even smalls-

' Qood^Nleo nolgh^^ra.^Mo»l '

'JEROM E, 1 Bdrm, available now, all uiliiiles fumlshed. f ^ e t a . i lM plus deposit.

LARGE 1 BDRM. Also Stih dlo. H eat & waler pd. 203 4th St. N. 7344326 aller4pm. LOOKING FOR A HOUSE OR APARTMENT? Call QuIliCl'S.733-2940.________PARTIALLY furn apl. Extra nice, lo - working mature peraon, no amokora. $276 + deo. Including ul». 733-8841. TWO 1 Bedroom apart­m ents, downiown. {95 and

-------- tieO.-€«lf734-1333.— —-----WHY RENT whon you c a h ~

= ^ = b ^< o r^ 9 5 0 0 'd o w n -A -W M — month. Jim Volk, Bio W ood. Realty 7 3 3 ^ . 7 W ^ 1 .1 Bdrm, near Safeway In Twin. t is 5 piua power. Brian

--------843-8404 d«Yirti»83T3Tves:—

•:-= .jo l» ./fnQ u lro -.a l-603 :.ra iraz '-


064-Unfum .A pt8.- - A Puplexes------- A-LARQe-1-bdfm-epl-wHh

. taiindry & sloraoo. 22S 3rd ------- 3^yN :C T a:734-Ju75; —

1 FALLS a pa r tm en t” p io se to schools A shop* ping. Children wslcome. Warm, friendly & qulol at* moaphere. 1 s 2 bedroom apla. ;195& U 40 month. 883 ^ I n o y . - —

-------r CALL73»«0000R Q E 0U 8 2 bdtm apl. W/O hookup, bulll In appli-

■ ances; $276 V *100 dop, No beta.' Non smokors. 734*SSM.______________ ___SPACIOUS 3 bdrm 2 bath

fenced yard, 1 o r 2 ^ l d r e n . bk. Call ove's. 734-8025.I , " 2, or 3 l)drm ~apia: lurnlshod or unfurnished.

t17S. t bdrm carpotod, re­frlo, stovo, hoal/walor paid.

. . . .3 8 3 .4lh.A vo,. Eaal. ^ s . . .M infflem ini. j

2 APARTMENTS- ono 1 bdrm, 3235 ■•■-$50 cloanlng -j dep . 1 bachelor }190 -f $S0

___dop^AII-utllltloa.Dftid^ote];__ _cncoa. 543^995. • - ^ -

------ J-BDRMr-DlshwasherT-AO:------wator & sanI turn. Lawns mowed. USO 4-SlOOdop. 844 EaslandN . Rol. 734-2413.

> - . 2 BORM.Opon boamcolllno, Ilreplace, dlsftwasher.^ d ls -1._

S poaa), slovo & rofrig.,— la cu ill . $285.733-1602.

^ 055-R oom sF orR enl j^ BOARD and ROOM, for ao- ^

nior cltlzon who wants a 'H friendly atmosphoro. HomoH —cooked foodriaundnr and ao----- ‘M forth.Formorolnfo733-2513.__

C 057-M obil8Homet 14x70 MOBILE HOME. 3 *' bdrm, balh & Vt with wood-1 burnino slovo. Located in ►-■|ovely-pamily,Pflfk,'J275-v+_“ ’. l l«. , dop,734-5713or733W a.

J - OSS-Ofnce Rentals»-^F 0R ~ R E N T -body -»hop. - 5------2 bays + paint booth, foncod a. In yard, good location In^ Burloy. ail uUtlKoa paid but iJ heat: air comorossor im furnishod. advonisemenl» Sian lurnlshod. $825 month- ig — C7^7S60.-Of67S-0977. ---------------- (i* OFFICE SPACE. ExcoliontI location, nowor building, •r ampIo parking, all ulliiilos< paid. $325 month. Ooshior & j

3 OFFICE SPACE for ronl."400 I aq. It-Bluo Lakes Blvd Norm |

j location. Gail 7Sa-2<£B. .-p r iv a t e’ OFFICE wim fo- ;

'* Lceptlonlsl & answorlno 1EiBM rylco. $3S0 monlh. Call lP ^ ^ T c o al Globo Really 733- ^

; - 'O e j-W a n lf td T o R e n j:^ ^ 1■...... t

M 5-T rallerR anla l S

_ L «8;;M liM aHom8_Spc,„ K tC A M E O MOBILE ESTATES

(Comoilvo-wimos,)— - Adult so avail. 734-8064. e.

- c : ---------------------

J —— C4Tfme»*law8..TwHn FaU

rutals-Far\O tt-M oblle Homo Spe.

at. S-14 WIDE TRAILERS. Gas orQl___BlUoloctric. ADULT COURT.ne N opols. 733-3S38.

Dd. M e rc h a n d ise —na . ■! — —

~ i - tl67~Hl8celIaneou8^AUTFIUL-a-rUffTTOlorotT'

. custom drapoa wilh docora- T tor rods & white shoors. Paid- ’<~$750. Iiko hW-$200.-32*-7Wr~

'tiCOE------ '■ <rqe-afgiWW{pf ' FIREPLACE. PIpo comploto.I®__ BOBl ollor,Call 32«-8752,r , Carl Andorson'Dowsing'lft^“ {’ • atrumonlo for locoiino

Moiolfl & minoralB.—Alao Slaulfor posture & roducino,

- couch. Call 324-2418. CRAFTSMAN tabip 'saw.

- now. $250; Now Soars Doaj- - wood lalho. _ $200: Alao "• Chickorlng piano, mint con- ?0-~aillQn7I950:324-2507.----------

HARRIS 150 Doluxo Mobile III Tolophono. 7 -channels, ly comploto. AND 30" oaa fX ■'■whIlostovorCall 42>43T7orw 423-8T38,________ ;________11: HEAVY DUTY vortical wood

------KIng-elie-wood-hflatf-board,—- $40. M en's 28” 10 apood.„ ■ $40. SInalo bod & fiamo. jj" goodcondltlon,$45,734-3533

r„ Lace *. Tablecloth. 94x108. j* Chinese^ h^andmad^ .^ $300.

tl METAL DETECTOR Bounty i*-_H untor VLF/TR 840 flis- I crimlnator.' ■arm ost" n ew - ’ • condllion.$135.7340799. •

‘ MINK STOLE, aulumn hazo color, like now, $350 or bost

- - olfor. 423.8308._____________^ NorwoQlan Sllvor Fox Fur . •• coat. Like now. SI:o 7. Ask-

Ing $1500 or olfor. 734-7388. iP— PINBAttrMACHINe for aa le;- ' >■- Neods a couple of Ilghl

bulbs. $250.733-2807.^ QUEEN SIZE Serta porfocl . I ' > sleeper m attress & box-

« white TV. $25.Self propelled ' rosr bagger

• RES'TAURA^ EQUIPMEffT t lor sale. 8‘ duck, 4' hood &I’ I0lb lire extinguisher unit

' with pipes, lor restauranl R kitchen. $450.73W8S8. • '• Steel plale welding lablo

w /logs. heavy duty. 3x10' a $135; SO gal. barrel of stool » shim scrap. $4B; Heavy duty

Jio lablo. $75.837-8383 ovo's. SWAMP COOLER lor aalo. Nearly new. used only 2

J months. $450 or mako ollor,_ ------733.6B72atUr 8pm~,- :~-~— - —

i • e re , rockora. sloola. chairs and roil top doaka. Tho Mary

, Carter cenlor. 73^93 .2118 , Four1hAve.E..TwlnFaila.;----- UTILtTYTruck-Bcd-fon^on-

? " $725.Catl423^864— .^T WOOD PALLETS for sale. Assorted sizoa. . lots to

I • chooso from. Call Bob Cyr.

w u u u &IUVC lor oar^Call'733-8354.________________

■ 18 HORSE POWER IHC Cadelte riding lawn

I - mower.tracfor.(^1733-S52fl._.

0 7 3 - S o w f n f l4 ( ^

m u . SlPTUBOt 9 .19U

Two-Part Glamour

Printed Pattern

tv -irTc-.i(u. -rn^nrii

Ihis 'siifl oli<)i(»1tLn c m r' under I KM'iK to:>thit ilidej Jimplj oni fwt AdS - - Srw li tn llutd itco< 0' knit MULirSin » t 1em gim 3

-----Wv-W-lrtli«-5«"0'--------------------Pfifitefl Pilitin 9028 Him«

Sires {8. 10. 1?). (H. 16. 18)Orfltr >Oui lejuiji Sife S«nd $2.50 lof uch pjtttifl.»<>d sot lot Mch Piltiffi fo> potitilA d Kindling Ciiri^ Hiitin P i tU M R**d« M«l '•TwinfoMTlm— H>wi 232ITat Ilth SL.RtwTort. NT lOOli. Ptinl NUiE. ADDRESS.ZIP. SI2£ ind SnU NUU8£R.

WukittJ woman* Se» ttolhfj (hit »oii> Iw n>v. s i« mom too StniJ lof N£WfAU WINI£R

__ EAn£flN.CAIAU)C_£i£iLcitmn____- - coupon (JZ.SCntar) ...............CjIilM. $1 SO

AU ClwT BOOKS.. $2.00 (Mh 2»0iiiclJa'(«]tTnmfm 2t-nirtttfCfiti7 rifl»w________

M b md Citile;-ad(l 5Cl e*cn fsf pciljje anu hinfltmi

F a U a J d a h b i^ -F A la y ^ S a ptgm l

rm ers* ma- 067-M iscBllaneoos'

Dr , S monlh old wall awoy ro- T. ciinor. doop rual, J110.

Pocao marblo lop ond tablo,_ • $80._Coli_73*^77. ___

~ - . 068=Cofnpute[3 7 o ra -C am era Equip.

_ - OTO-WantodToBuy. .13 BUYING a. SELLING ail “■ lorms Ol gold & Silver. Con-

__tlncntal _ G o ld__ 8 33_B !uo_i- Lakos North. 734-4587.'{ r^^U V tN flrtW rw rilfig in gol(T^ 5- 4 sllvor. Idaho Coin Galior-- _ I OB,302N.Main.733-8593-

WANTED NIQHTCRAWLERS iQ HighoatPcicos. 430 2nd Avo

'E asl. ■9am-11am & 6om-' '0 . . 8:30pmovoryday.324.1151-- WANTED TO BUY: Extra

Long Ooublo or Twin Bod.“o C a ll^ 7 5 2 3 ,

--0 7 3 -S e tfn g & C ia f l» -rrT -- -

^ (W -A n tk jues. ANTIQUE Oak Fromod Floor , ,

Mirror, vory uniquo. Approx.- -2 ^» ’x8' $ 3 » . ALSOAntiquo- 'd Solid dak Library Oosk,w/4

ODon aido aholves. 1 conlor draw6r<200. ^4-8492 after 5 ' -

d»_lANHQUEeakefflc»cha!r-fof— 3. aale. Call 733-5528, •

. OAK H 006IER Kilchon Cob- - ^ lnol.3oakHM}Oys.2walnul,> -Ali beautifully roslorod. 1052 8. Koooan Lane. 734-7069.

ROUND SOLID oak aniiquo . tablo, excoliont condition,

ly $750. Cali 432-5573.

« “ 074^M usIca]- ---------'n Baldwin Spinolte Piano.SI Excellent condition, $1300.

Cail734-3533after6pm.If BOX GUITAR, 8 siring wllh i ' case , like now, $85. Call _ 328-4^4. ' <

?{ SAx! c ALL 438-0739 1n ”RUPERT.________________

El Kimball piano, pecan finish.I: lust like now. $1000. 734-9552 S or 734.^29 a lter Som.t — wEHPHis ~aieetfie~G uit3r— id exceilonl condllion. $100.Ul Call7330158aftor6pm.-------

Movinq-Muat aeiU 95 i^ear

4 cond. $950.324-2507.'

s s s i 5 ; „ " s r . % s s : !_ ' 5pm.________;____________!S 1906 upright PIANO, good0 lone^ ornate. $600/bost ol-oj for, g a ll328^043or328-S348..

1 OTS-Offlce Equipment

ir._077-R ad!o ,T yA _SlerM ___

0 f ~ S g ? 8 o le c t lo n . From'$99.B5!*• Kan‘B TV ft-A pplttncB. 420 -

^ RENT A NEW TVI Own a now . colorTV byronling. No cred­itors chocked, 20^M8'fl A vo,...

>h— N.'CAlNS-733-7l11. ?‘-rTHREE-19“-RCAColorTVar— j — 4 yoars old.--$149. each.®- Bannor, 733-1421._________, USED COLORED TV’S,' guarantood 4 rocondltlonod.

PnftHhiffg a, consolos. fn BlaelteraDDllnnco 733-1804"" ~

17" BLACK 4 WHITE T.V..^ excellent picture, $49.50 .

CASH ior good us7d■ lumiture and appliancoa.

Bannor. 733-1421._________. Cheat o l Drawors- 0 draw-,

ors. $40. 3 drawors. $1S. Couch, orange 4 groen. $30.2 ail wood bulfots, J25 or mako olfor. Call S43-8290. - . OARK BROWN plush mini pit - group, - clearance price , $349.U. Cain 's Cloarancd^ -Center. 733-7111,_________EARLY Amorlcan Rociinor. |

• Avocado color. $49. Bannor. ,

HEAVY Wood Framed Sola 5 •___Chalr._JlM._Bflnnor,-_733-___,

1421-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,KING SIZE m attress 4 boxmis-matchod. Only $49.95. : Cain 's Clearanco Conlor.733-7111._________________ ,

volour $ 1 B 9 .-B a n n o f r-^ -_ ^ l1421. _____ . !PAIR OF yollow vinyl bar ( stools, only $9.95. ^ I n ' s ‘

- C tearanceC enler. 733-7111.- . -r,___RQCKER.__ Rose Bolge,____ |

Nylon Frlzoe. $39. Banner. ■7iO-1421._________________ <ROSE BEIGE, h^lon Frlzoe (Sofa Bod. $79. Bannor. i733-1421._________________ I

■■.7R0SE BEIGE.-Nylon Frlioo . JSwivel Rocker $39. Bannor. [

-733-1421- — .......................... ISELL-. 3-ploco volour sota ac t. Rockor loungo chair,kitchen lablo 4 chair sot. iBodroom drossors 4 bods. , ml!ic.733-a358aftor7om.

■ USEO bunK bod so trx o m :— i ploto. roducod to $149.95. |,

— Cam*C--CloarancB—Center;— C733-7111._________________ ^USED ond labios andcolloo c

. "tables. 25% olf. Cain's iCloaranco Center, 733-7111. ^USED TABLE wllh 8 chairs. 1noodsw orKrroducodloJ25. FCoin's Cloaranco Conior. 7733-7111. £

OTJ^Appllances sJENN AIRE RANGE 30". IfExceilenl condition, oxira ■.

- accessories. 543-8128. -SPEED QUEEN DRYER, n

aalo. Call 733-8587.________ ^17 cubic It Iroal-freo rofrig. n $250. Wa^sho^r/diYor, $3W. y,

a l ^ n ^ u p r ^ m S c e i^ l l iO '! ^ 733-8358 after 7pm. ' J

080-K eatlngand fAir Conditioning |

LIKE NEW Franklin Olympic flHeavy Cast Iron Woodsiovo Nwllh brass h a n d 'fa rm e rs , O

. $1S0./bofltollor, 733-0699, j .0

' ^ -B u iw iW M a iT r ff ls aALL 'DIMENSIONS rough lumber. 220-250 por 10M 'JtX53ta.Call328i40e9. ------ T

— CEDAmmandToanxsno-'t?:— S Inconco Cedar. Redwood rough lumber. . 324-2127.— 3j

. 324-18120 PJ


arket:____ Ca2=BnMte8 ltolwl»la------i- RED CEDAR SHAKES direct- 3, from Orogon Mill by }. truckload. |39. Sq.. Days

343-1243. Evo's8Sa~<532.’ RON'SWhblosaleWIndowa.

117Pino SIroot. Kimberly. ‘----- 423-l864r innulatod-window

Spoclals: {5'0"x5'0" rop $f60,83 now $98,10^

• (2’0"x3'0" rog. $49, now $35.) 350 windows lo chooso

. - — from a t apocial diacounls.II ROUQH LUMBER. Troalod V POST .4 - -POLES. -FEED-. 0___BUNKS.326-3131-326-5e22..._

0 ■ - '8 '- 2»'4'irE'ca'noni/~!ft:^' '■ oach.

V^" CO blow plywood S " '$6.4D aoH oet.--------------------0 H ” Rull sawn siding. 1-- -IS.BSashoei.

H T-1-11 Fir oiding. $13.95 a shoo l. ,

1 ’/ j " Cladwood siding $7.95 ashoo l.

4x4 8 ' Fir posts, $3.49___ oach.

2a" wldo-OellB-titMjaiyft- nizod tln .63(allnoallt.


e __ (Behind United Oil)4 73W 909i r ____________________

If—L... FAIR WEEK Yard Salo. Sopt., 7 Ihru 10. 9am-<Jark. V« mile A Soulh of 93-30 lunction. lots

oinoodlesi_________ ' ' ''a GARAGE SALEI SatuMay,, ■ Sopt 10. 8-6. T ifod Of Fair

w eek? Como (o 'o’ur supor Salo. Wo'vo gol II alll Tens

----- of.good-.ciom os.,A ll.sizes.,Inlanls. toons,, adulls. De-

; prosslon g lass, old dishos,1 collectibles, quoon head

board, chost of drawors,L typewriter, electric heater.-

kltchon Itoms. lafnps, pictures, books, tapes, low-

' . oiry. tools, phonograph.

S. of Singing Bridge on Washington. Right al Clrclo.

I. K thon W est V* milo. Waich2 fo r jip n a . -______________: OARAGE SALE. Sepj^9 4 10

i! chairs, now humidifier.commorcial polisher 6

f w asher. 3 whi bike 4 moro.

' QARAQE SALE Sat 9am- 4pm. Motorcycles, bicycles,

r baby Items, cloihos & misc.S50 3rd AvoW.TF,________

a HUGE YARD SALE. Sopt I 9.10 4 ' 11 at 410 Nonh 7th.' Buhl, 10:30am to 7:00pm. ^

HUGE 4 family garago sato, Sat.. Sepi. 10.9-5, cornor ol Addison 4 Washington. Wehavoevoryiningl_________


It— Crazy-liemB^orazy-peopleil «.._^FunuEun..EanUsiiCr5lop.on-

your way 10 the fair. 8 5 F(l 4 Sat, across Irom Paterson's

• Market In Filer on Hwy 30.!' JEROME- 505 Easl 2nd Ave....... s - fQ m iiy r s o p ir5 r9 '4 " io ,“


lector, basoboard healers, fruit ^ d o r . '

anllqiio bod. lots ol misc!• 217 7th Ave. E.. Joromo.' SEPT.. 9 4 10. 9-5. 508 20lh

Avo. E.. Jerom e, Antlquo —^Bowlno machlnerfgrniture.- •

STOP! At our yard salo on your way to the Fair. Wo m erged 2 households Into 1 4 havo bunches ol good Itoms. Frl, & Sal. Starts 6am.Vi mile S. of Curry Country Store .fo llow lhesigns. •YARD SALE. 375 Elm St. N.. Sat. Sopt 10, 9 lo 7. Misc.

_orticlo3. outboard moior. S 'to o l i---------------------------

: YARD SALE: 3030 RIHo.-TT— rifle, dishw asher. TV, baby, adult 4 maternily clothes, canning |ara, bunk bods, lots of QOodlOB. 1230 Starfire

— 8attirday&-4.- ■ ■ —■ YARO SALE. Sopt 9.10 4 11,- 8-5,_CofloQ lablQ... sowing...

m achlno. clomos 4 misc. , 1714 Ostorloh a t tho ond ol Soulh Locust.'___________4 Family Paiio Salo. Fall 4 w lntor clothing, dining tablo,8 chairs 4 moro. Frl 4 Sal.

^ W l."' RUfo'' 'fl'utnw.' Tni" sar.’ • -^ Wyoming 4 8th ErOoodtnor— . . 5-FAMILY. . ...fufniluto..

c lothos. lots misc. Frl. 4 Sat. 50918m Avo. East,Jerom e.

■^ft.FAMIL-Y-Yafd-Sa!e! 2147—

dishes, and lufnlturo.8 FAMILY Yard Salo, 50 yrs accumulation. Tools, oil heator. album collection, 8 MM projector. muzzle. loadar;iOamS3t.-4 8am Sun,* N o^arty sales, 243 Ash.

- 086-FIrewood f i A BIQ BUCK SAVINGS! D r^) plno. Citl (0 . length. By tr|i> lead orco rd . Eve's. 3 2 ^ 5 5 .1 ^Abuhdahco”A-TtJU«inrD fy' ~

__ lodge pojo. custom cuu or-.

AL'S RREWOOD •Dry plno. deiiv4 stacked.14-18" spilt, small. $60.18-18" split, modium, $55. 18-24;'sp ilt,ta rg e $50.-- Por m a p in g .^ i.to n pickup.733-7804,:________________BEAVER WOOD Culling Co. ■

_G Q Od-C!oan.dry plno. Cut,. _ spilt 4 delivorod by semi load, cord or block. Also available post 4 poles Irom Island Park. Also aspen

- available. 733<?268- •Dry Pine 4 Aapen. $45/cord:

__g.lO jo r d loads.,$.S.S length 4 __IflO cut up. Dollvor. 326-4009. GOOO quality lirewood. $55 on up. Reody for doilvory at »our eonvonronco, 73342W.

—t£ f ^ S - w a f m - y © u M » a n f ^- with ouf cloan dry plno, spill

4 delivorod. $7D/cord. Call352-4203.352-4429.________LUCKY PENNY CHIMNEY SWEEP. Free Inspections fltadiv. Call 734-1898-NOW TAKING Firewood ordersi Long longtha, doliv- orod $50 per cord. 733^252 or 733-5178 ovonlnos.SALMON RIVER WOOD CO. ' Is laking ordora 5-7 cord loads. $50acord. 655-4310.

- TOP QUALITY LOGS by Ihe iBrnA tniffk load. For In- lonnallon; call 733-4299. :

_ 3 /< TON PICKUP Load, good , nlnaSfiS . Call 733-8281. j

r . .w V ,-'VO10 __

)d _

O'95 \ J |




- -Thoy ropoalodly toll us thoy Ilnd Iho swootost corn 4 cantaloup Ihoy have ever

=--. oa ten .a t-H orc^a_O rganic.- -Gardens, Pole Lino Rd. E,- — pti-73y4560. •—— ■

)t. BARTLETT PEARS 4 cook- 10 Ing apoies for sale, 543-4147. .la'/'gUZZIN ' .ACRES . HONEY.

Wlil fill your containers. Call y, 'j33rg&3fl!excODl Sunday.Ilr CANNING PEACHES 4 o r : poa rs . Kelfey Garden IS .. C i^ le |^ 2223 Addison Avo

^ CANNING PEACHES ready. Baggoti's - Riverviow Orchard. 543-5004/543-6987, CANNING. PEACHES. .Now roady al Akiand- Orchard,

vl Som o aro hail marked so we oro charging $8.50 a bushoil

,5 containera. - 2-milo8-E8«tr-4. In North. 4 1'/> Easl ol S.E. -n' corner of Buhl. Call bolero

coming 543-6083 or S43-4044.0, CUKES. CARROTS, zuc-

apples. Call 733-2963. 528 6 h v b u rn West._________ __1. Elborta PEACHES. Bartlott

PFARR c n cp rd Grapes 4i . apples, 423-4474.J. EXTRA LEAN Ground Beel

$1 Ib. Call 734-3771. Tuesday Ihru Thursday. 9am-2pm-

)1 FOR CUCUMBERS call 1. ' Floyd Drown. 733-9228..M JONES U-PICK FARM. Can- ), nlng cukos, dill, lomatoos. )t boans. boll poppora. greon 0 chlllios, jalapoanos. 4 cab-

bago.Call 324-3490._______0 NOW AVAILABLE- canning I. ~ 'P e a e h &i~4~Poaf3.-~Nociar-

n Z lK o l? o y -^ y ‘a ^ « h a / 5 ^ J, ~fnIIOS “W ost -4 -7 -North-ol - s Filer.. 543-5330. Bring con­


)— FroshI Any^izoi Order N ow r ' Collar PicKlo Co. 625-5288-

;------SOUTMWtCKVEQETABLES-fi— Gennlrtp-earrolBi-SlO-bu.--------P Cukos 6 bu.U^jk. 543-4809.I' 2 ml So'Buhl on Csiiird Hwy

TAKING ORDERS lor l ^ s .

potaloos-.IOib. 4 Cabbago. 2• miles Soulh. 'A East Motor

Merc Corner, Buhl. 543-5366.3 WE STILL HAVE FRESH

____ Ra3pborrlos-$13.75/lUi!____--------Huck1oborTios-$18:50nal;—’ Laslchancoforlrosh.J Blackberrlos 4 Bluoborrlos.

Othor berries Irozon. Com- ’ Ing soon: Concord grapes.■ ORDER-42aOT7. IKtpm.

Tho first place to look for tho best buys in antiques la claaalllod. Find your

; ' iroaB uretodoy., ____

D90-fJelB&!iuppiio3 .■! ADORABLE AKC rog buff

Cocker Spaniel puppies.1 $100. 734-5437 days or 734- — 3132ovo:e;and.woekonda------ -

AKC afghan hound, male,I__nou lo rea ._cfoam _w Jblack_

. m ask. 6 yrs old. largo, good ' looking, good waich dog.

Wltl give FREE lo good home a s I'm being transferred and cannot tako him. 728-3068.AKC Brlltany Spaniel. 1 yr.

“ ’ o iJ ftmJIo.-WbiS inc/..-»/a. .— S37-6694or837-4M7. —.. .AKC.REGISTERED „Goldon_

R^trlovor Pups. Cali 934-

pups. Parents reg. Wlli woik ~ " l ive3i& er$40rB3fas?.

BASSEn..HOUND-PUPPIES for sale. 6 weeks old. $100 oach.CailS3^8105. • COCKER SPANIEL PUPS.

•_AKC reg, $75 wtlh papers 4 S50 without papers: 734-7236.

- -COCKERSPANIEL PUPS lor .' sa |o . Purobrod bul no 3 oafeers. black. $50.734-8607.] E D X m u W KENNEU. Now• Taking hunting dogs lor Gunj R 0 " 0 ^• -gtin-oofl M io re the hunting --

sbason . 17 years Exporl-— e&.c,fl.3Z4-?^;______________

FREE: 7 week old Fomalo, Golden Rotrlevor Mix. Call734-4578 after 5pm.________KEESHOND PUPPIES for aalo. 6 w eeks old. 7 females, - - $75.678-1573 or 87^6045.MALE ' Slamose. kitton

-WANTED. Call 7 3 3 - ^ aller, epm._______________________

Pomeranian puppies, AKC Roolslorod.-1 black fomalo.1 sab le malo. Heavy coated.Call 324-2416.____________ 'PROFESSKJNAL' - QROOMINGI Vacationing?

— |!a-board-youiu .dog^C hatl— Miller Kennels, 423-6104, ' PUREBRED B aaiet houndav $100 each. Cali altor 5 536-6245. ___________________

— PUftEBREO— Ol d - Engliah ' Sheep Dog Puppies. Males $50.. FemaTes UO. Call 368- 2126 early m om s/late ovo'a. PUREBRED Slameso klt- lons. Houaebrolie. roady lo 00. $3 5 .7 3 3 ^ 2 altor 4pm. PUREBRED German S hep­herd pups; $50. Hall German

_3h e p h erd ...V i.G o ld en -L ab .-

PUREBRED black lab pup- Dlea. $50 each. 734-2787.REQ. DOBERMAN puppies, oxcollont pedigree. S150.

:r EG-OERMAN Shepherd :pups.- 8/ wooks old. Call* . 42^4768.

........ .....

. ’ ogo-Pets& Supplies s n REGISTERED Chosapflflko lOy BayjoUlovera. Born. July 20.

A 1983. $200.733-7458._______REGISTERED1W Yr. Fomalo

— Brltleny.-Hunied-1-aoaaon, .Erj;::m 5 Jb a ato fla r ..‘«3.fl329,-------

- SNAKE RIVER Canyon ?*'• Kennel - Club is holding \u ' beginning 4 Inlermediate ;Y. Obodionco Ciosses Mon- 11 day. Soptombor 12 al T.F.

Clly Park, 7:30pm. 733-1897 S or324-4566altor5pm,

on 3 FEMALE Shepherd/ ■VO Cocker C ro ss . Pups. 3,___ months old. troo lo good}y. homo, 733-9634 boforo 5.

j-« ® F a rm e rs ' m arkoird. '

® 8 -F O T S e e d L ALFALFASEEDIC- 2 new protrletary virlellea

S S - S r - S J U N - s f r S n Taphid and bacloiial wilt re­

n t alstarico. $1.85 Ib; 720 with * Phy'othlbfa root rot and

sistance. $2.15 lb. fcfck^pd 'O' by Stacey Seed. Bob *y Stacey. ^ 2 5 8 1 or Ed_ Koester. 934-5227._________

CUSTOM GRAIN CLEANING _ -P o r ta b lo " . Sovo your own in- seed slock for on tho lorm IS. oood cloaning 4 Iroailng.on BuIK onlv, 678^784._______

TOP QUALITY Atlalla sood.- Delivorod. Call Bob ng Hamilton 734-3587,

'9,; - pgz-H av, Grain & Feed ~ 0 '" ALFALFA-OAT HAYTBO tO n sr n* SSSaton.C^aii 324-8457.- APPROX. 50-55 tons ol 2nd.

culling allalla hay. Somow l" rain, rnalto olter.93U298. ' - n a ip n HAV Boem Lofldor* mounlod on 1973 Ford, oxc:------condltiorn—$3485:—324*1134-'• davs or 324-5222 ovonlnos:^ BARLEY WANTED. 50lbs or .»• botlor.324443aor324-5688.

bbtlor. Call324-504j.8 CORNCHOPPiNG- Leo'e Custom Fanning, Flier

32M964or326-4703 =Q R A lN =5T O R A G E ^'fo 'r=^ tF

- Up to 30.000 busheii. Call 3. M4-2771, _____________


3( "Custom rolled grain Is on your larm. -jr - C iirS 4 ^ 7 o r 5 4 3 :a » 2

SILEAGE CORN -for sale.: Coll 543-4015 or 543-4916 4:------ e s h fo f Glenr. WANTED: Wheat, ' lood - ff barloy 4 corn. Poto Lantinn. a. Conox Feed Plant. 733-45434- or 733-4921.______________-“ - H t cutitno hay.-Oaify quality^ 3, hay 4 feeder hay. Rainbow ic— C om m odilyH -«ay-hauiing_ d load lots. Rainbow Trucking.J. 543^23 or543-8090- 2 10 TON 1st cuttlno for sale.° Now seeding. $60 ton. Call


>- - SlraWTSc/Balo. m lnoyieio.Souih orjeromoT 3 2 4 ^ 4 . '

n— 25 T0NS-2nd-CulUng Allaifa- Hay. Soil all or part. Call

. -324:3269. >____________r ■ rA C RE S^:(T cuninji hay in 5___lhBllold..Call324-7ia.

I tW -P*nns For Rent___ .099-P astu fes For Rent

^ "HORSE-PASTUflE l6 r-ron t,- Summer 4 winter. Call 423-

f - 4213.............................. -

102-Cattle...n BULLSIorront or salo. Dairy t cows 4 heilera lor sale. Bill

■ ■ H arrls.aw ^L S._________- COLOSTRUM FED day old-___ calvos Ior salo. Contact------KararTXagTc-Vairoy-OairyrII 438-8292._________________

COLOSTRUM Started Bullr Calvos lo r sale. Day old or- - oidor.Cali516-8118.--------------

___ COLOSTRUM atarlod holfor1 and bulls calves for sale. t call 324-3438 or 324-5688. -

MONEY AVAILABLE lor j— 'daltylffSBS'COWsrPloaBpcair

733-2323._________________, 100 HEAD DAIRY COWS

DHIA.14vearBAI.438-9349. •8 HEAD while laco Hellers,

? all bangs vaccinaled. Brod 1— lo-calve-ln-M arch^H ad ;a ll-

other shots. $400 hoad.U 888-77B3.

m -H o rees' ^ABC'b - o l~ f^ 8 o m o n sh lp ' UOght 4 pleasure riding.

Hanm ans Stables. Also Family Fun Farm. 733-1039.

‘ ARABIANS 4 Standard ' : Breda. Call 733-2508. W or

■.•aft-54lOBlter8pm- BEAUTIFUL b a j'f lta re . %

----- I i i ly A a _ B r a b la n _ a a l lo f _ .• broke, gentlo. $500. Bom

S f E r m ™ ,Goldina roping horae. Qood

— -terbgo“nnef.-C3-4K7.I . H orses bouohl-sold-lradod. r : : Hom«ofOoe’« D o c to r.r--"

: M.Livoatoek..PH.733<055.

^ ____ IM=HD£S83-------------------

HORSESHOEING, gradual \ Farrier. 12 years exp. Rate; J 423-4217 Kimborlv alter Bpm:____________HORSESHOEING___

__ Exporloncod farrlor. CaLarry EvBrVotS733-4074~ Moofi C reek RancheaSovo

L ei-annuBl All Brood Horo I - Solo Sunday Oct 9, 1983. I pm at our now loc-Jorom ■ - .. . Pairgrounda,—Jerom e— It J Cattle log deadline Oct la

- Consignmonls accopto -- - until aale time. Total foes$S

----------for Rog.ho t303-4-S25 IcOrado-Call 208-487-2828- •

' ^juBLt: GRAND BAR. 5 yoa— - old sorrel. O .H . maro. Suga uD Bars, Diamond 2-Bar BrooO X — ing.-Staned a si'^ -yoa i-o ii

and ridden 30 or M days Brod to Sugar- not Sac

- Charm. $1200.324-4027. POCATELLO Horoo Tralnini

fr- Com er for lease. Indoo riding arena I56'x114' witi

■“ * oflico. kilchon 4 ' bathroom s on 25 acres

- 3;----- oubdlvidod-'lnto—8-h o ra i— pastures. "4-olair stailloi

bam + 4 bdrm brick homi with orchard. Iniorsiati Irontago.-all Irrlgolod. $1201 monlh. 208-23M926.8-5. REG. Appy Maro 8 y'rs.oVpe rioncod ridor-Seil or Trado

io - Al3D--W olcii..pony-gonllooood for kIdsrfel&OO.-------

. REG:AQHA Hod Dun Mare /lna Excellent brooding 4 dls

poslllon. 934-5268.________fon- SOUND. Quarter Horst T.F. Golding. 18 yoara. Cail 32*1897 4030. _____________ .3 YEAR OLD Sorrel grade >rd/ n u re . Gentlo. will bo qooc

3 hunting horse. $600 or bosiood ■ oflor. 3 ^ 1 5 4 .___________...........3 YR OLD Roglslojod '%

Arabian, Appy Maro. 16 hands, groen broke. $1000.;

V e t Bay Gordlng S450: Sholland Pony-$150. Or best-ollers.

“ 324-1219.

--------- 105->tiore»€qulpmont—For Sale Homemade Horso troilor. Dividing rack 4 load-

“ Ing ramp. $375, 734-8849.' lea U R G E Supply of now 4 ick usod Horso 4 Stock TrailersTin— o'rt-------mspray:------ Farmonire- Exchange. Hagerman 837- ith 8294 days. 837-8282 eves. nd '% SA C © tE ‘ANDTACK— ,Sb AUCTIONEd ' W ostorn Suppliers

W holesale Saddlon of Pilot jQ Point. Toxas l3 naving a

saddio and tack Invontorj,'

a s : BUB, bridlos. spurs. “ ■ halters, loads, reins, cin-

- z chos. pads, grooming ’“j auppllos. Sunboam clippers,

and much more will be ^ ____^ l a y d^ ai^^^puOllc^auclion^

Wostorn and _E ngllah____ — aaddloa.plua.aomo.now-CIt-

d o Y show saddles. Large— soloclion ol roping, cutting, n d . ploasure. youth, andflo„_:cnildron^a__saddles__ Alao._ now pack saddles. Hemslor___sold sogaratoly and in_to!s.(xc Ooalors welcomeT'AuclIdrr 134— will atari a l 7:30 PM;-Injpec*

tlon ol merchandise at T . 6:30PM. Plan now to aitend I th is monoy saving, salo at

tho Holiday Inn. 1350 Blue ■w— nbk'63“ Biv(i"Noim ifi"iwin'— Falls, ID on Tuesday, Sop-

tomber13ih.ler D O NTM ISSm---------_ WE BUY 4 sell used saddles n f = s n 5 2 H 5 rv iC k e r 's w estern :oll Storos 733-7096.

" 106-Sw ineSPOT BOAR lor sale. Callalter 8pm ,543-8766-_______WEANOR PIGS Ior salo. Call 324yi79ailqr5pm. ___

ic- 108 -S heep4-H MARKET LA>iBS. roady

■Z;— fof— alaunhier. S85 oach.

tlZ -lrrigallonQATEDPIPE_______

3w 4 underground PVC.g_ A m o m i r . ^ ^ ^ 4 S u p p l y -

R.M. LUKEHARTCO., ' lo- Several usod pivols and O" ancillary equipment ~ available,Call93*^010 of ii«;gn-..-whrifflr-1in f.f tn ii f 1°: . Farmland whool linos, $1500 _ oach (as is). Ono Ready Ifa— Rain. all.4 ':..J2300.(os ia),all 324-8185.____________________ :.Wo are a new dealer , form • Corrugated—M etai-Culvert-___Pipe. Ail alzos in stock in-

= clu£joH‘36’'-dI6750a-u870r5ir your irrigation pipe needa.

BOB BAILEY PIPE SALES 733-4013dayor night

m,— It3=-Farm Supplies..ALUMINUM 18" potato

s --cellar plpo.:8'xl8’ Low boy 3 axlo trailer. 532-4591.QRAVEL „POR SALE

Irv Dolivorod by tho load. CALLjlf! 538-2511. _____________

TOP QUALITY crushed )iq. gravoi. Dan Skoom. 543-8082. ictry;----- •

175-A uto Dealers

^ir . . _

I :______ II MOIall— ----------------------------------'d-. .


---------- H <=F5rfnIm ^em enl3 'r ; ^ - “ CA Sr660 Boan ComWnofot

Mlo. Fiold feadv J x c . cond. im By-cool coolor. 326-4078- “ OONAHUE-SWATHER trail- CHT1— err$1650r0Oo<tai^i8W^SlMf; ----- r-undonnow rp rlco . - Considei— trade, Cnii 436-8t92._______

)mo FOR ' SALE - New Holland -ID.— Swalher 4 bale wogon. 1st. Frooman aolf-propoliod itoo balers 4 misc. haying .J50- equipmeni. W rlto_lo_B oi lor— Z-5l,C/o-TIm05-N0wvP-O.


mgr tractor with *2083 houra. Like tod- now. 18.4 x38 rubbor with -old— edjustable— feaf— wheelSi lya. loadod w/welghts. Havo isc- rented my farm. Troclor ran

vory lililo the last 3 years. :|T„ Asking $18,000. 7050-2819 '1'!° hours. Rubbor. llko now.

John Dooro plow 5-18" * , bottom s 10’ packer. Soli a s a . p / unit $25.000. (500) 787-2582. rao - GEHL —om glo-.row - . corn lion choppor-w /nay head. Good .mo cond. $2400. Call 868-7568. ^ 0 688-7589200 J .........................................


ire. - Ils-


S P U D 11 9 7 6 -1 9 7 7 F ord LN

so 3 8 7 0 0 0 ‘ I B r r o d r a x l iId- . p o w o r s l o o r l n g , I— r u b b o r , 20" s f o o ! p< 3,0 o n d m o lo r :

37- ^

Phone 7’c?: » - .................

a 1980 TP i - T R - 7 - G O N

i 'i - — SP E C IA l;ig. .............nd : .....................................ao__ ' • ■nsis.__ !•, _______ ,sh

otuo__ A cyllndor, luoi ln|ocUi'Jf' tioning, powor brakes


S e e I t

‘ WILIi:— -2 3 8 S h o * tio n # 8 l.-N o r



W «'vo fo ld o v o r -600

fc ----- FREE l l— • C o t m oro for your

vohlcla j ' ' •-W ^oodvonitoyour

•W otako'.W od«-in»on your vohlcio;

• W oquo lllybuyers-= nobody coil your homi

• W e d o th o



ON ALL 1 9 8 3



051-114114-FannIm plem enb

■e for— 7H— 191— Dean— combiner—- ;ond. Speedy Iront mount 8-row :___ ■ bean culler. 4 6-row Heath

tIOOO w S ^ r T a 2 ^ 7 . - ' siderrr-tATEH-HODEL-JD-55-Com-— -___ bino. Cob 4 coolor. good 'OHN— cond.lioldtnadv.324-2191^[7 ^ LILLISTON 8 row boan-- lland wlndrower. Cenlor delivery.‘OOO- $2000.324-8704.___________ .PJ nn NEW HOLUNO TR 70: JO '

• 4440 cab 4 air; JD 4240 cab 4 - _

-----L-Jughmillor; 733C T t--^ ...... ■jr r 'LLi.:OUV£ft-ea^)IEBEbTrttetoi'»:^-: i iJ » loador. 2 row AC corn

chopper. Will Irado Ior live-

Have TWO Lockwood potator ran pHors wllh slingors. 40'oars Dooms. 1 has Mortoc ' .2819 Schutto,

3 SPUD TRUCKS 4 1 dump . J -* " Iruck for sale or trade. Call -^ 324-2243.___________ __

- -8 R0W HEATH-BEAN CUT-' - TER. Front mount. $900. CalK- 7568. 32^759 . •.

175-A uto Dealers ■ ■ '

LN 9000 fro ck s, 6V92TA . 9 A -tran»m laston5,'SQhp", ax lo ; sp r in g sC sp o n sIo rv ^ [|, B u^d w h o o ls , ' g o o d ''', t! p o ta to b o d s , w ith bislf..'; i -

iv.j, I------------------------------ ------------. .

ChevroletE A S I N G>733-3033 .c

r R I U M P H

N ^ V E R T I B L E - ^

«rED ITIO TP=" : ^

ociton. 5 spood. oir condl- jk o s . AM/f-M co sso lto , 1

e l t T oday At

I C ub e dCARS

North--------------- iT » r w 5 ; “

nONAL>FINDERSSELL YOUR CAR^eoo ^ w ^ o ^ ^ M o g lc . V o » ^ _ __ ^

J.ISTINGS ~r ocluol tailing:

■ WahondleoTl . , ____r notary poport;---------•.W*dUpIoy-youe____ ____,on vehlclowlihourt: '

• Wehovemulllple i. lilting lervice: iomo: • Wo hovo bonk



■“ 1243BIu.lok.fBlvd.N. B


IL E f S

i m K M ^ m m i T

USEOEQUIPUENT h—gh.fldiaulOdJ^w.Ho|lar>(14M c

a & ' S i ^ . n » . : o i

- - NOW Holland Soil Pfopolloo - o

^fofnallonal <30 Hoy Balor. J;S1496 ^M09S0V FoiQuaon 124 Hoy ['Balor. (990. L

— Ma6«ey Forw»or».2M Cofn a- crioppof,»2jo o .—•------------------1

wnool Tyoo SaQObructi ■' WlndWWUlftsKOTJO®. - .......'IHooBlon 6200 14' Augor I Swolhorl3760. •

- - NOHTHSIOEIMPLEJJENT-------:ProaroasJvo .Spofry,- Now Holland Doalor I

OnltioN orthsldo f321 S. Lincoln V Joromo, Idaho

3 z t J m f!Cnock wllh KonI Edwards '£(or oil you Now & Usod Hay 0

_ &orBlr>EquipiT»ontnooda. ' , In16‘ All 'm o lar"8pud~bod ; w/bolt. unloador & motor.S37-4g42 noon or aft 7:30om. i

“ ■ l'948'-BN - FORO- TRACtonT” f .. , vofv oood. Call 733^560, -- .j

1960 JOHN DEERE S5 COM- £ - - BINE,-oraln. and. boon.. Call - - b

1963 CASE boan apoclaj H combino w/Sund pickup cab s

- w/Bwnitip cooior, - Good «^ n d . 3 ^ 6 6 2 or 32&«336. [c

- 1171, GLEANER Model-G, - t very good cond., M W grain n h«ad w/ straw choppor, & t, p ^ n .monitor. HoJd roady. j

2T O f ^ u S - B o o .- -■ HifVMior. Call 324^030.

2S20 JOHN- OEERE traelor rrff/JO 148 loader, snap-on t-

r ia. Also divided 300 oal. 7;'head tank w/sland. ti

3W-2124alter 6pm,-_______ - ^

....... ................................... - ■

^ i p m ^ u c k o d . ’ 2 widel .?■R ist quality work. Jorry iS talov> 34-7 te .___________ P

-STACKII^IQ. C O R N A H aV OKOPPtNG, (solt propotlod).Manure haullno. oround pwork. Rock picker. Will trav- s6L64>eaa6.543-4011. c BEAN CUM INU. waging— pwith or wlihoul Ammonia, sGall326-4631. , 6( S m m e r o a l b ean hTHRESHING, roasonablo fian>e!C«ll42»8700. .0CUSTOM BAUNQ. 3-wldo ''slackfno.. Havo man witn , g8«»lher. Arnold Pruett. TS4S^048. ____________ ^CUSTOM bean threahlng iand fiaullng. call 54«214. J

------QUaTOM-flEAM-Thra thing------h— Wim-CB haze. Call 42^731

------ iiVgBinoB. ■ : -------~vCUSTOM GRAIN & boan 1

' . comDlnlng. . Will haul. C a l l ' . o c D l le e l4 2 a ^ after epm, > CUSTOM HAY STACKING, J

____l^ d e^ -1 0 6 8 olacKer. Call »

. .'G oatom .hnylnoV 8walhln(jrT;_p baling, stacking. Ouallfy 1 dopondablo work. Will [ray- ?

■’ el.M&^10orS3a-2<43, j

Gall Paulaon 543-6fl69. ICUSTOM Haylnq, swaihlng. . baling ■& ■stocking. Rolor- , oncoB. 7 3 3 ^ . 7334798. !

- 7 3 4 ^ . — CCUSTOM Manuro'HauIWo:— i Also nreen chop hay and i corn sliage Gooding GroonChop.934^r30.— ............. - )CUSTOM. manuro haullno, c

CUSTOM SWATHING, bal- vIng & stacking. Call 343-57S6 4If noansw ercall 543-6069. jEXPERT Custom Plowing \wllh o r wllhout Aqua Ammo*. (nla, Contact Brian Allen or <Mlko Mlllor. Full CIrclo ln c .- \Twin Falls. T O «71 . v GARY'S cuslom-throahlng.' - - t

— flfa in 'T n rc a n s rw iirh a u i!— ri3 ^ 1 6 7 . .____________ CGRAIN THRESHING & haul- 'Ina. Roasonablo raios. •733^840Sor733-7&3Sallor6. >

i ;■ l i i G - 7 ”

z : ~ ~ F W FiTS ~ :


„ y P U R SERVICE “ " T ” , IN

^ . - -THIS - “ '

-------- ^7^------- ADVERTISE--------YOUR


. ■ P lacedundorlho ho td lngo l ; youreholcel .........

— ^-Y our-ad -w llk fe«ch -23 .000• ■ families everyday and Iho

rosulta will amaze you. Call ■ today and one of our friendly

J Ad-Visors will holp you word • your a d -so that II will b«

! moal ofloctlve and bring you— ” in«rfasuii»‘y6»rs7&‘f«»tirng

, lor.

' 73^(931.: a BATHTUB REF1NI3HINQ , j -Ropair & rollnlshlng lor

p porcelain & fiberglass balh llxturos, appliances.Porcelain Service 734-9636,

- BLDQ MAINTENANCE , •Bulld»Ropalr»Remodel

— "CARPENTERS___________^: ''^ 'R e m o d o lln a ,'ren o v a tio n '&

• amall repalra. Over 20 years "ex p e rien ce . Call Jack for

Free osilmaio; 433-4528.

m e r s ' m a t

H.M,|. Custom corn & hay c — SJopplno.i manurthaullnc. - n

324-3311, Allor 5 324-5771 or £ 324^483. '______________ . f

r E..TWO .lQ-WHE£L£fiS_«! haul PEAS cr WHEAT. .

__ Cy5iom_MAY-&_STBAW-bal;__ IIng. Good 3-8lrinn baios. Now 500 balor. 530-2273, ■ PEA. groin and boan Ihroshlng with JO 4400 or I Lilllaton combino: Hay and « atraw ballna wllh JD 487— i

— B*Ior,Call3i6-«8a------■--------- ;

R ecrea tional \— --------- . .—— ,

12l>-Avtation__________JCOME JOIN tho Roloc < Advonturol Flnosl ulKa light alrcralt available. No Hconsorequired, 733-1305,________ONE QUARTER INTEREST .

, In good oldor Cojona 172..—- CalI32.<:8660,o!iet_6pm,,r^-------

121-Boat8&AcceM.- BOATS, MOTORS-4 TRAIL-.. ;

ERS, Magic Valloy Marina ; ■7V, W .on 30-93,7IK141. Evinrudo & Morcury Molora,

- b o a ts —i- - ll8 h ln g - ta e k lo ------

Hovburn/Bui?ov. 67^74n.SK HAUL MARLIN ski boat wilh B5 HP Johnson..Eazy - • load Irallor. 543-6800,______

- 15 FT: TRI-HULL boat and •' waller, 15 Fl. Aristocrat camp trailer, and 1973 El Camino, Trado lor RV Van ol equal

• value. Apx.S4500,436<52>,. 17‘ Tri-Hull. 165 HP I/O. lull '— to p -co w .-m ta c . akl ,Baulpr___ !

mont. Trailor. Very clean.. ^ W ^ C a l l 737-2395 days.

19‘ HAMMONO. 306 C h o ^ englno. Morcury outdilvo, powor till, Eazy load Halloa

t i l , 900, 733-8302._________•1B77TAHITI jot boat wllh 460 Ford.' S5000. Call 768-3333 daya, 788-2045 eves,

- - i22 -Sportin£G ood8_. p' aRKER- Haio 27o! « ' • scope, shoulder strap, oxc. cond. 324-1226.

~ PHE-5tA80 N GUn Saig, Sat;-----SopnO , Sun,Sopi 11,lOam- 6pm, In garago at rear ol hpuae. 624 Seventh St.. Rupert. No chocks, no credit cards, currency only. All FFL. regulallons will apply. All gunsa ro oxcellenl + mlntor new In Iho box. Wlncheslor Modol 12 3” magnum, all original 1550. Winchester Modol 12. 12-gaugo. 2Vi" chamber $495. 2 Wmchostor -

— M od«U43-304augo..1-wllh___^venl^lb, your choTca-aso. 2—

■ w ifteneaief-'irflat/co-M odoi= 12, one wllh vont rib JS75. ono plain barrel modlllod J525, WIncheaier Experi 96

— 20-cBua(rovBr&-underr*47S:— WInchostor 101 20^augo

— overA -underr30 '’-lull-4-lu1l,— 1550. .. - - X .

— REMIN0T0N.7MM magnum... ' new 3x9 acopo & flino, 4 i boxs o r amo, 1295 or ollor. i C allPeaov53M t48. i

m m ^w^h^Oowor^Rodilold ] scope. Call733-5S28. ' ,SUPER MAGNUM Gooso— : docoya. t 80 per. V> dozen,_ i

— nyioniboailncludod^upply---, llmllod- so order NOW. I 73*-2130after7Dm. • iWE WILL soli your guns. Gunsmllhlna. Pawn. Qun Shoo. 643-4260 Buhl. WINpHESTER MODEL TO XTR Foathor weight 30-06

— w/4xl;oupoid scopo: 22 levor Aclln. Modol WH WInchostor, S-L-I.R.4xBushnoll rango master.536-6577.________________WINTER WITH US In tho : Grand Kaymans: Mexico; San Juan Islands; -CA;

' Hawaii & The Virgin Islands wo will bo diving mom all in, '

•• -the noxt-<ew-riK)nlhi;-R«*- - ~:sonablff'pTice»rNex1-Seuba—

diving ciassoa atari 6-12-83. tntormounlaln Dive Shop. - 559 Wost Main, TF. Resorvq |

• your place 734-9224,4-6pm.

= —sep ” and


modeling, cablni furniture. Charles,.7:

J CHIMNEYCLEANINII Lucky Penny (--------'S w eep; Q uallly-80g o i reasonable-rates, I..................BDoctlons gladly, 734qIj. ' CHIMNEY SWEEP-BI■|ho........... P»8« & eificlont. Fl^11 prlao w/evory vlsll, IIdly ru sh-call now, 536-6<ord CONCRETE

G eoroe's Comonlm _________ QualUy_worK.-Low.,lng— ------Froo local eat, 734-21

CONCRETE FINISHll .A&A Concrete.. Fla d rlvow ^s, patios,

— _ ... walks. Free cal. 733--- DIETCOUN9EUNO i?h All nalural herbs

Loso 10-29lbs In ono Build aoir ostoer

— orool. Froo Info wrl— • - E n to r p r l s e s .^ x ^ I QBAVELtTgPSOn:

— _ Fof -driveways,— — — tots , otc.-Y cuhauloi

deliver. Northwoal •& and RlQOlno. 733-123'»f8..............PAINTINQ___________f®' . D ick's f ___ _

i r k e t - A u t i

1 22 -S portlng Goods. CHILEAN'm O U SE^ 7mm rl-

- no. oxc, COrH>rt75.-626-S043r---------FOR SALE Doublo A & Blue • Magic shot gun shell

- ompltosrAlter S; jo 73>22<9,---------—NEW.IN OOX;.Bfowftlnn'8-92--------••-« -M tffnW -R Itio 'w JeM o—

Super covoto S cieor gun, . - . im C a i i j3iU23tfl.----------------------

12S-TravelTfallereMUST SELL 35' SIC 1973 KIT oxc cond, now carpots.

— M200/ oflor, 324-7292, — S1LVER-STREAKS--110W-8- __ u acd__ Farmora Exchanno,

TOP LINE-Mld SummerSalel --Newvikiffjrs-RocKW oodlont—

Irallors, Special prlcas on all models. Call Tm UoM or . 734-3140,________________


------ -So Mam- W /iysro GOFor------------------- m a u a l l ly ln X ir f--------------

Travol Trailers Irom 19’ to 33’, Finn Whoola Irom 24' lo 3 5 'Terrillc solocilon ol Usod Trollora & 6lh- Whools, all priced right!

z::BQNANZA RV.CENTEB:z-_---------w gB ncoggnanqA TOy--------

B uriev . ID. Ph:678-947B- 1971 ARISTOCRAT ' 21'.

Double oxle, soli contained.. . oxcollont condition. Many

Itoms replaced. J3000. Coll734-3193 weekdays,_______JP72 22- KENSKILL iravol trailor. Tandem axlo. roar bath, aelf conialnod, oxc condition. « 9 5 0 .7884344,1978 •TEflRYr20«r-TD aaqd-------wllh oxtras. Excollont con- dlllon.14300.324-7431,- 1977 FIREBALL 24i4’ trailer..Soil contained, puliod toss than 2,000 mitos,-tS500.

Call 544-7T86,____________26’ ROAD RUNNER Sth WhooL Ball & plala' typo

' hllch, sloops 6, many lutras.' good condition. (5450 or Eost ollor. 934-<031;

.2 6 ' ROAD Rangor- loadod, oxc. cond. A/C. R/lcod to 80111734-2069,

CAMPER SHELL. wIlT Tit Dalsun P.U. Short bod. *165.Call 73*4322.____________ --lTkE rN E W Deluxe 8' Camper. Full ovorshol. 1981. U sod 3 tim es, gas/eloc ro- — frig, stovo. ovon, prossure wnior. thermostat lurnanco, — flush tollol. lacks, 837-4905. y,

. 10% '. KIT cabovor. fucnaco. . - stov^ c o b o x , noods work,

= 1 0 t= C A M P e f t j : r w l lh = 3 := ^ Ovorshol, Stovo & rolrlg, ig $225,734-4302aHor4:30,6 ' POLAR campor shell lor p,

“ *~%'1OfTDlCHUp:R25r73*907S-----gi■ T<

~ 1 ^ H o to r H o in B 3 • — diCLASS A MOTOR HOME for - ®'

■■ ronl,2Ht.,-Bloops6.-733-1027------nr alter 5om 7334244m o t o r HOME FOR RENT. '

, ONE 1983 24- El Dorado mktl A m otor homo, doalor domo, lo

— 3000 fflllosi Fora 460 with air.— IS

flovallablo G & G ei Manaulacturing & Salos, K Highway 25. Paul. Id. 438- oi


•■Amorlai'sBosl Motor Homo Viluo." j-.

Soo our'solocilon ol usod M Motor Homos, FANTASTIC!

. " ■ 'W N A N ^ RVCENTER •- - -40001k.Oy*n*i« Av*.,-

— B uri0 v rlD rP tirf i7 M 4 ra— xI960 FIREBALL 23' molor ^ homo. Excellent condition, 6‘ 15.000mllOS.32M095. -5:

wice g oi< d directo

__ _______ PAINTING----- “Ir— — l-P a lnU H ouaa

Ffoo ostlmato >,7344144,,.. . able. 734-5983 or__ iPAIWTlNQ------

sortlco at ext. R es. A comtjX m ..o L .F r o o o .l .

-Boyor's Plumb nl Servlco. 93-°215? ■ ■ ^ - Pt-UMBWOANI iHlNGFlal work, • ,remodel .& ropa

Quality BOfvlce; -QUAUTYPAINT

: » ? S f . l l l l n 2one^monthi l^ g p m .or.^

write M.D. --------959. TF. T&S Roollng .O n ~ ------------------ Ing, Free Eat.

parking— ilo r w a c a n — n O T w lU JWQ oat Crano Now la the tli 1234. I--------------tawns.-Troj^bll ----------- ^ IravoI.CallSJM

m 3 !5 S L _ ■ C las s llle d - .V — n w iry o u m sM J


ZIjmrj------- ------

. '—— ' t r h u g h t i t o n !y i tW fill **. . TTinm ac f f

T h e A m erican ._ . - .T e a c h e r s '. A ssods

g iven lt3 Book of A w ard to -a oasic c a rd p lay . Entitled

- .Win .M ore T ricks,"Is th e th ird in a sc ten by Caroline S A lexandria , Va. I f ro m bridge suppl IB.50, postage in prov ided is a dech

-------------- w ith—specla l“ Tnai^ m ak e~ it~ casy t< r in s tru c tiv e hands in th e tex t. H ere is p ie o n a sa fe ty p la ;

_____ With_no lo se rsod iam ond suit, th e <

- lefn~llc3~in how tctru m p s. It trum p:

. any p lay will land , W hat If they a re 4*

T h e a u th o r i “ A fte r w inning the South should lead s t h e a c e a n d i to w ard s d u m m y 's ,

' s a fe ty p lay c a rr l percent~™guaraBtc< an y 4-1 break (al a g a in s t 3-2 breaks)

“ If W est holds W est can win _th

' "'T'i~iM£i, buC ^um m y's—;-------- ;;Som h*s-W nrw iU -

' trum ps. If E ast h* Q-IO-x-x, West db tb e se c o n d ro t d u m m y 's Jack goes queeii. South « re tu rn , reaches d sp ad es o r h earts-s

p icks u p the trum p An excellen t bo

p l a y e r s w ho

127-Motor HomesTTIAVELTOWN

—Maglc-Valley'-a.Motor-Home— -H oajJquarlora . Wo feature a - —{uli-rangii^-oT-mblor-tiomea::—

Now-Usod iconslgnm onls.Alt . compollllvoly priced. Prolessionai, friendlysorvico 'Always a l Travel' Town, Whoro you savo by j

—dealing—directly -w llh-lho— \. ownora........................... ....... ' . i

TRAVEL TOWN ,.........«43 2nd Avo. Sou th ,T F -------

_______ 73*-aag1.______ -USEO____________ -i

—w r o P E f r m n r z r r u s a — A, tow, low miles, Immacu- lalol '

-107B SPORT KINO 24H', g reat Moor plan, super con-

JinIll:H IN tW N N IE” OT. Isloops6,G oodcondlllonr '1978 CHEVY PICKUP & So- ‘curlty Camper, great shape. Iig72UTElJNEFf,25'CUsaA, 1 on Inlomallonal Chassis.

N ow .U sodS Conalgnmenta i- "WETAKETRADES—

TRAVELTOWN6432ndA vo.South,TF ... ,

•734-2991. \

M ^ HOME lor ronl. Call J

„ _T»rt!lllH¥Tfailflr8 _ j

Trailor. 8'x6'x12'i e n c lo se * /!^ t450orb03toffor.324-121B, j 6'x l8 '3 axlo flat bod trailer. (

-532-i591r- »

D l r y : - ^

u3eA_5_JoncM________latos. Reason- call fQor7334996, • g S W ;

« Son's, Int & . BERVIC :omm., lences & -asl.734^l711., _ _ SSt-ofil>*T.&ECT:____ ; C a ^I. Reliable. Low-'- ' -THEE a

______ t t s s t :& SEWER_____ ,rr|lnp.Flimbing- lor all ' j™ o 'lI aewor nooda. ■ -----------1,9344233 'ANOWEtPfNO"------ ---------- »Plumbing, : • , , ,Weldlna, New. > SERV

r \H - n

a n t in g \pi»c9diratoa. Inl & -.yourchc

llmatoa. 733-7648

; a . V

a , . ‘ b u r r . ’;. i E c

J tlmo for now the rest^ m - l l l le r . - w l l l - —for.

. . Ihe aolutloRW f l s r T ^ g j . ...... ...........


ACES^Z r a ^ s u f r /e c i^ E B z ^ N O R - n iU b e U u s b tH u r / v — --------------

— --------- ---------- #(-AQ4. . . . . . WEST

♦ 6 6 4 . i n B r id g e V 7 6: la t i o n _ b a a . Q id 6 3_____)f th e Y e a r ♦ J i 0 9 8iIg~WOK O ft'---------— fiOUTHe d “ H o w to ♦ A K 1i,* .L the .book---------------s c r i e s w ri t* ' ' —

S y d n o r o f - ^( a v a i la b le v J l^ e r a b le :

ip ly h o u se s , so u th . T h e bid in c l.) . A lso . c k o f c a r d s a r k i n g r - t o^ r - d e a l - o u t— -------- p i* ,—s e x p la in e dis a n e x a m - O pen ing le alay. - - ' ' 'o u ts id e the_ I m p r o v e o n t

s o n ly p ro b - p ja y . T h e si■ tP -P la k lU ie Z -d r r d s l h o u l d ips a r e 3 -z . h e lp fu l .Jd th e s la m .4 -1 ? B id ,w ill

e x p l a i n s . .g,. ‘-'ii,,-,' b c c lu b a c e , S outh b o l ^ ; l a t n m i p t o

a t r u m p s J a c k . T h is T ic s . 100u » - « g a l M t ---------------- T L * ! ![also w o rk s:s ) .. . Soatb North Is Q-IO-X-X, l.N T 3 4 ; th e se c o n d ■ ;_________

J - d r a w t h e — A N B W E R :-T b e g a n w i th a n a v e r a g e d is c a r d s o n m u c h s tr e n g i o u n d a r id ' h o n o rs . I f s l i

t o E a s t 's . w i l l s u r e l y b l w in s a n y _ _

Land a dia- wiui a*u*«ddrMw p h R a s f a l O fofrteW,i p su it.'*>ook f o r a l l

w i s h t o

8 3 Automotive ^

- 1 J l '-* a to S tn )M — . ' . 0 132-Auto. P im & 7

---------- A c c w o r ie s ------------—ALMOST NEW 4 Arrn3lro n j)_ ^

“ Norao‘m-«iS— l l f e r - 3 1 * 1 0 .^- 16LTr -on -ch rom e_a lo llea—

Advertise where you’ll E•flriM Inclisairiod. _________^ ^CUSTOM MADE Mllcom C Iront b ra . for Audi 5000. - .vLeather and velour, mlg In eHollywood. CA. Day It waa )

• purchssed-lotalled rmrAudt— , -W lll'- 'take -U O O . (Burley)

436-6773 anytime,_________ 5FOR SALE Recently rebuilt i16R eng or will buy early 70'a -Toyota body. Mao newly ? u p U te re d a a a ta . 4234886.IMPCO 2-barrel carburetor.___,propane convorslon; 65 gal. ~ 'i a n C compWUly (assem bled. 423-4529. 'MUST SACRIFICE 409 Chevy ]engine. No carb, t17S. Call I

- 7 3 y ^ a f te r 6 o m . ‘WE REBUILD Hydraulic )Jacks a t ABBOH'S AUTO ‘SUPPLY, 305 Shoshone *

: Street South. Twin. -WILL-TRADE-fourlMa-L-T— i■llros'. mounted on white *

spoke wheola lor a jeep CJ5 i(or4atandardlracilonllrea& >wheels. 73943399:304:00. I

• A d v « r t l s « — 'a - •— f e m r l i i i t f - D i — -------

---- Call---- - -733-0931

* m a a a i 2 2 & m |

^YPAfNT^NQ.ble— palnUng_flOM ,___ _

Paula'a Contracting 572behweBnBam4om.


your d^lveries” and ■Mown, rune- Yellow Company. 733-1538.s a E R v c e . ■ - - - -

8. Shrubbery trim*.F re e e st. Inaured.I Tree Care. 734-1484.


d u nderlhehM dlrtgo f .■jMlcal

•d will reach 22,000 as everyday sod the • will amaze you. Call and ooe or our rrtettdly sora will help VOU word*d so tf«1 l( wit! be___ _elfecllveanabrtrvgyo- 9sull» you are lookin


JBBV WOLFF I .................. (

• 1— ______________________ 1ITII-------M -A -------........ •J S ------------------------- :----------------Q J ________ __________ I8 5 - — IQ 4 J ------------

EAST ♦ 9 7 SV 9 8 5 4 3 [

____^*2 f♦~K65~3 I

r rn ------------------------------------------1K lO l { lO J -------- !K s T t m . - ’ • ---------


lie: Both. Dealer: !bidding: 'c N orth E as t 'a ^ 3 . N T Ras-i_____________;a . Pass ' B----- P a ss— PiS J---------------------

lead: Club Jack

n th e ir basic ca rd sp ec ia l deck o f ' >

JdteT ttartlriilarly------------'

rith The A c «

i: .9 -0 .B ' • '

-JS . 'Q J85

. ■_____________ , ," i

.................. '

-T h rc c -n o -tm m p ,- ,--------ge opening w ith ' , ' ng th in secondary . s la m is on. N o rth < ’ b id a g a i n . _____ - - - j

qncsUoBs lo T1>e Aeta.U. DaUu, T exu 7iUS.

iFMUnSraiiuU I1


’ Jt

'■ ' I132-AutoPart8& i

A ccw aorles________ {—1972 K5 Blazor. Parting oul. - :i.noll - bar, -transfer—caae.— i ' eomplole-exleSi-elc^-Maka—

offer for pad s you want. , 733419ao rK P ^0 l. ,



BMlOtfef.42»82M. ;KAWAflKI-KP ITS, tSOO OT ‘ beat oiler. Will trade for rifle. . -Call 733-5767 afterfl,_______YAMAHA 650, excellent 7 - condillon, with helmst,$1600.3244232,_________ '


“ 72 H O flijrciB MO. fairing A flood. H.W, Paul. 82W2S3.1974 CB 550 HONDA. Fully loaded, excellent condition. $1000 firm. 733-6587 afl5,

^ 974=HONOA“ 100. Runs

1974 HUSOVARNA 250WR. Ready lor lhe,lrallal $348.. 536-2129 or 536-2533,1974 173 YAMAHA-Enduro" (or salo; $2^ . Call 733-2495, a fte r6pm .' • »

--1977 HONDA 750 A utom atic^ i::E ic_:candltiQ n^oiJLjnlI#a—

$1295.536-2129 or536-2533.1977 .HUSOVARNA 250CR. Real cloan 8. dependable. $695.636-2129 or S3&4533,

* 1961 KAWASAKI KZ-1000: $2800 or bost Offer. Call 54^^5661981 KDXm. Runs groal, now suspension. .$600. Call

- 734-3830,64----- -------1982 INTERSTATE Honda.

- 'M a n y ' s c c o s s o n e s r '1.200 - — htlio s; $4500.886^ ------------

17S-A utoPe*lera '

1 L <

T h eise i C ash R<

t i l lFor Over 3

“ 7 0 T T W iB lirA v » rE r

“ ^CycJwiSuppIlM"1977 YAMAHA 750. Shall 1 drlvo. 15,000 mllos. good <

-cond ,-$1,000 or- boai-ollot-----1■ 7334633 or 733-&S75, {

---------- . . .^ . .—11981 Honda GoldWlng. Fully I loadod. lota ol oxtras. ;

— miloOT— imniacuiatn;— Call —i 324-2344,314-5099............................................... (136-H68Yy Equipment ;

DINGBAT SPECIAL, You can ■ really ding In Ihtn qnoJ_AII_ _j

Kjrposo lfl57'Ch'bv '2 ion ; ___^Jyh Cub^W n WIIM6’ bod ___ 1

chassis 4/4 trans. 10 whool,500 mllos on now engine. 1

r r . $1985.'733.-Z4Z7.B-lM 0 ib F fi ;::^ FORKlFft, Clark ('rocltlc, :4.0001b lilt, J2?00, Choroor___ :

— nvniiaBio:g7B4749:HOUGH LOADER, gas. 4WD. llko now rubbor, robulil

JD 310 A QACKHOE, Good — condition.Call733-5761.*

W n d e e r e


J,D. 500C Backhoo. J19.500.• J.O. 544 Loader. $24,500,

--W abeor770radOf.$l7,500. -- -

E L L IO T T ’S I n c : ;inO vertandA ve..' Burloj^ ID

67M/87Bob Houston. Sales Rop

Homo P h o n o ......... 733-1490

1«-Trucka. ..SHARE^1962 « ton FORD

pickup. Ifalbo'd:------C a irr-

.UTILITY Truck B ^ f o r lT o n _ Truck wllh 7 comparlmonls. $725.CaiM?3-4864, _1956 2V lon IH boot truck,

-^1957 214 ton boat truck. -----------1957 .21* ton hydraulic ond dump,1963 Dodgo 4-5 yard truck CALL 7344368,___________ '

4 SD00d,$1175,734-5789.

1964 INT 1600 Load Slar; 345 -

supor good, good rubber, - short whool baso. ideal for pulling Irallors or tow truck. $120Q/offor, 655-<419,1968 FORD 600: 390 V4. 4 spood, 2 spood roar ond. runs good, good rubber, 16' l lalbod. $1200,655-4419. .. 1971 FORD RANGER XLT shonbox . Slap side pickup.V4. AT. $1000 or best ollor. 734-2e33altor5:3Qpm,

---- Tt5ff-^ ew.- 38 ;0 6 6 -it> 9 :^ tf^roar ends, Jako brake, road rangor. 350HP cummlnna,

chromo slacks & bumpor. > — $ li^ , C a l l 8 3 7 4 3 8 3 .4 a £ z ^

1974 FORD C400 w/dollvory- van.-AccM llng-eealcd bide —

through sopt. 15, Coniact- Mr. Bowor.at Soars. 403>r1aln___

Avo. Wosl, Twin Falls. 733-

175-Auto Dealers .



7 3 4 - 6 5 6 5 1 4 0

B 3 M E R C

o s i

in M o to rs K ebate ^50

U s o Y o u r R o b a t i S A s Y o u r D o w n P a y n

i E i s i Hf 30 Years The EasiestE . - ^ ________.n r— d

'_________________Friday, Sec

1" T ^ t n i c k a - - — ~ ~ i

1979 GMC Vl ton pickup, 6 IS cylinder, 3 speed, sunroof. «

--AVl/FMAleroo.goo<liilUllll-----U,Oakley. 662-3316, • &1960 FORD F-100. auto. PS, u

“ PB “A Cr302“V4r$4J73.00:---- V-- 734-ieJ6 or-734-7088,-A«k lor g|

Barry Ezoll. ----- K2 TRUCK TIRES. 900x20, $100 il

- f o r palr:8374383 ovontrros:------- fl____________ “ tr

U Konwonh Convonllonal b w/262 Cummins 544, 20' A Spud bod .$9000, 0(58 Auto car, 280 Cummins,

_ 6 1 4 . W S p u d ^ d . ^ . 171-Mack RL 700, 335 Cum- mlns 8 quadraplox, 20' spud IN

1 cdnvoftor dolly w/10,00*20 W tlres.$1750, 73

:z 4 _ iW oC T faT ificn iin )0 ic2 rrig Ures. duals Iron! 5 roar, qj $2250. th

------------- DtCKtJASPER------------ MEQUIPMENT BROKER a<

734-22150f324-2243 m

175-A uto P6a)ef8 _____1

SELECTED II982 01DSCUTIA$SCRUI5EI WAGON, Auromollc, powuf oir. PW, POL. tow mlloi, shor

_ ~ ~ 1981 PONTtACCBArjD PRIX

o x tS d o o n S n ie o .................

PICK!1982 FOROMSO Automatic, powor flooring. < Explorer pnckogo, low mlloj 19B2S.15CMC V-6, 4 jpood. powor jtooring, <loon <lcon-cloon .

F ln o n c in g A v a llc

‘cJfemse1486 Bluo Lako

= -O tirtW obsfor«= *^T 33-‘tJ

- 1 9 8 3 - C H B


"Coniompo Spirit", powo crulso, till, powor stooring Honing, sio ioo cossqllo , I couch , copldlnchQ ira. tabl Qimostnow. _

_____________S o e lt-T o

WILL-2S & S hoshon*S L N oi1h .

.(A c ro ss from Wll


moHEn10 WEST A ftA lN rJE R g ftrtl

C U R Y 1 . Y

E -p l1 9 8 3 C Y N X ^

This ha............................... ... onoogh

_____________ p o d• indlvl'd i;

FooTTiig r ^ a a a i i iS M E l \ \ t e r i o r 1


O i l

■ T .O l . -P A r ^

1 0

‘*® I ■ h

IMOTOPlace In The World ! —T w in-FoU s— :■-----------

--------’ ~ .x ; .

eplombqr9,1B83 Tlmos-Novi

1 1 4 - 1 4 1 ^“ ^ T ru c ia '

1976 FORD PICKUP Supor’’ cab F250. 390 onglno. Auto,tfana. A/C. PS. 54.000 mllos. ______Call 42347D8,_____________ ‘1977 CHEVY PICKUP. 350;___ __

■“ V 4 r 4 “ ip o u jr 'd u irU n k 8 r taloroo, log llgnis A roll barr^---------

- $3300, Call 7334821, --------i1078 GMC Slorra, PS, PB .|

— AtTT'OwpaincsiTOOO-mitesrl----------Includos campor ahull. Can: bo soon ol 1605 Addison'Avo, East, 733-5336 or 733-I 0000, $4295.____________ _ IHl~Vans- i-

INTERNATIONAL m otrovan ,'

WIII consldor-Jtado- $650,;734 45140f 7334621,_________;

....i97i-DODQ&-9ervico-Vanr------------occoptlnn aoalod bids •

_throuQ h ,Sopt 15. Contact ______Mr,BowDroiSoafs,403Maln 'Avo. Wost,. Twin Falls, 733- 0821.

175-Auto Dealers

] QUALITY™!l OilflC ~ '

cuip>s-2.°' *8695 . > 8 4 9 5>allablo O.A.C.

akes Blvd. N.------^JTirrCoflb"-

5 W V A N: ii _

: ,

lowor windows & locks,- )rino&brakoG. nlr condi*110, lop rock. TV, friflgo,,tab lo . bod. 2 .600 mllos.

B , 9 9 5 ^ITodayAt—------- ----------

I - Q ^ u s e d - — I j ^ C A R Sirth___________ 733-7M SI Wills Showroom) |____


EVmES. i; INSp m o smouTywh 3 2 4 ^ 3 1 8 - —

r N X ^ 1Wr s D O O R . -hatchback modol

u g ^ f ^ r thojamjly. Eqyip-wMh fror^whool dri^, _

jrduoi ro Q ls , rndoper»dot>t~ _ ' suspension," doluxo Irl- jr and mado ospociolly rh n U n n M o to r s .

M o C a s h l u t O f Y o u r T

P o c k e t !

• I I pvI v V

d To Buy A Car■ ^ 7 3 3 -7 7 0 0 7

Nows. Twin Falls, Idaho C-7

I z ^ u tV

: 142-im poftSportaCara-.PORSCHE,. .M 8S.,., ,935.

_____Cjibrlotoi9, All cufo. apoc,.coHlded cbmpllarico wllh

- EPA & OOT. Prlvato cars. ----- r-H ichafd Pow cfi ja 3 ^C -l5 j7 -- ■■7 REOUCeO 10 J7M,-for Qulck-

i- '-< roal tarfloln al Ihls p ricer > 1609 Cotlonwood. 733-1038 or

L-v 73<-34Sg. I•C- 1964 CORVETTE COUPE 327. •-■. 365 horao powor/AI#o 1W5


r tl- .w fo c h o d , teOO, Alao^ 15',. i Z ' Lockwood polato bod. *350.

Cali934-5164._____________vw n iiro n s -wontriraa-

--:Z -’T»owly rebulil onaino. J500. :-~^.-M4.lS7flor3?M B».

1966 REO VW, Excolloni ■ condiiion. now painl. uphoi-

ti-T T olofy & robulil ono^^no. Of- Qianaf aun foot. 862^79.

1Be7M0MIG(T • Z " Qood condiiion. J2500. Call

734-3184ovoninoa,-_______ _- V igTOVWCAMPERBUS^_ . Runs flood, sloops 5. JIIKM. r ■ Will lako aomo guns on

Irado. 654-2043.' • 1972 PORSCHE 911T Black

: Coupo. Excolloni condlllon Insldo- & oui. Many oxlrsj. Call 726-9614 alloreom.

• 1976AUDI100L6:AC,crulso ? ,X - ;:c p m w i^ M iF M :_ c a i8oii^^ --~^ow -m ltM ?oxo-oondr-w 300—• t ; ; r 7 3 w a;3 rJo fi. - - --------- ~r - : - 1 0 7 8 CEUCA LKlback. Now> ■** • llro s . runs good, 4 cylinder.

, C a3Pood.caii4234S8a.

■ 197S SILVER Anniversary Corvoilo. J9570 or w(i( lako trado. 324-2876 or 324-3605. 1978 TOYOTA CORONA

. . . ' Luxury odillon. loadod *rit» '-'T.' kli tho extras. 5 spd. good ■^•,~^«n}Srnow-m1loaoe;-»3500:-

. 423-4049 or 423-6586 Peopy.1'* • 1979 DMW 633 CSI. Siivor.* ’ r s u n ■roor,"black~lo'omorr4" :*=r*T(B 5ffar^m aas?^B tm tsifllfr- . - s f io c k t, . crufso. 1 . ownor.- : - ^ 603-66M645wa8kdavs----------

1980 AUDI 5000 S: aulomalic, PS /B . A/C. Qood cond, Call733-6657,________________

! ' 1980 TOYOTA COHOLU ..L ltlB ack . 5 _«pood,_ A C^- AM/FM atoroo, aupar cloan.-

, >4100. Cali 328-4735.- - : i 9 8 1 SUBARU OL Waoon.

: • • Sapd. Exc. condition. 23.000 ;! ~ Z ~m iloa. WOO. Call 7 3 4 ^ .—“ *-Summor Is hore- and lo la

Ow»0« Ml® soasoni Find ’ out whero thoy aro and tell

ovoryono whero yours will t>o tnrough ttio powerful ill-

- - ■ tto a aa ln e lasallled.

. pickup. Low milos. Supor_____ c loan.Call 6524691_____ ....

1952 J E E P .-U te OHV & ungino. jow bar.- row .bar.., motal lop wllh roll up win- do^ .^bo^ d^ j ^ ^ ^ l O h l .

■rp-: 1976 CJ-6 JEEP, oood condl-' i^ ..-. 'tlo n . aolt lop. new tiros. J ^ - i M300.Call733-6507. • Ji;:il9 7 # -B U a * f,-C n o y o n n o ^ tiJ l^

j;- ::c ru lB e . air. am-lm sloroo.

jt,TT*:j97» CHEVY BLAZER, AC. l7 -t;?-«it wheel. 4 speed , chrome j'^i.r-w hoeia. oxc cond. $5995. i ^ - . 3 i67-6861 Mounlain Homo. • 5 : ' . ’:i978.lHC Scout Travolor 4'-

- 1^ 4irnoe|- artvo, Turbo diesel.;P S , PB, air, front disc, while

:-.r?.-»Bpoh8 wheels, low^ mllos,• ' ^ - ' axtrae. Like new. 326-6061. - -

I960 CHEVY PU 4 whi flrlvo Cheyenne H ton, Now tiros,

-real clean. $5795.543-6600- 1 s : ‘ l980 FORD ISO Expioror;

. .• f.lrP SIB , 4 spoOd. 39.000 miloa.• I l - J i3 o o d MPO. Soli or trade (or

« 4 in OOUU umia. 324-3543- <>:>• 'oyo’a-__________:______i-:l;'-1981 OATSUN King Cab 4x4;

-5 sp eed . PS. siereo, sirlpos. ir’Z;* r a t a l s . Reg K59S. SELL 1 1 - :: tai95/0lf0r.67S-3372. :> > 1 9 8 3 CHEV 4x4 4-dr 1 ton - - . - 4 - s p d , 6.2 dlosol, 9.00(1

, : .Z - >nlle9. radial Uros. sloroo. till i ' - * •wheel, HO healer, choice of• ..'g o a rs . Tako ovor payments.—W t14:900-6r6-7^.-cr67^0977,—

Clean & sharp. ,17.000 , :.--:mllcaJlKfl-nnw-<-cyl..4iivl. .

- ; -opoKo wheels, oxiras, M995. ~ r - ^ 7 f ^ 7 - H d ! p - 6 - « y l r P & r « l l f -' -V 'c o lo r, bruahguard, (or Ihe

; Hunter,S3650. '• : • 79 CJ7 Hdlp, 6 cyl. biue.

apohQ_wheola._only.33.000,.> . m iles, S5450.

_ i- - ._ n .c JC R e d .,3 Q lio D ..w h ilo _;;opoK o wide wheels. 6 cyl. •

: :--8harp. »49S0. Cail 733-1659.

!r£l'^148-A JitiquflA irt03 ~ '•"■^'1932 N A ^ H ~ r ^ r Sedan. - ^ - ' . £ a s y rostorallon. Havo llllo.

-Z— •r^aie7^.324-2878or324-3605. - ■*T.*:'i 960. CADILLAC. Runs roal . - -" t- o o o d . 4 door, rap around

- roar.window, would reaiOfB nlcoly. $650. ra3-2807.

/ ■ : 152-Aiit0S*Bu!ck■ - 7 1979 RIVIERA FWD; loadod

with'overything, flog M550, ^ S E L L W 9 9 5 ^ ( l o r 8 ^ 2 ^ _

- r f : - i}4^A utoy-C3dlH ac - - •• • 1972 CADILLAC. 1 ownor, '

good ahapo- $1500 (Irm. Call 326-4013._________________

1975CADILLAC■ * - I _ r - .O fx id x o n d n io n _______. • - $ l5 « . 734-9064.

,,159-A utos-C hrysler.1— ll0 6 7 —C hfya lo r-N o*porl-2—

- door. $3M. Cali 733<»S5a(ier „ ~ .- 6 p m - _________________: - r i 9 7 B — CORDOBA;— 34.000—

mllos. vory clear*. $1995. Call > - 734-9658.

^ > 2 ' 158-Auto8-CheYrolel - I — 1B73 CHEVY wagon, nice

tniiiriw aoui.ru n av e rvjflood.■ $750. 324-4439.

'■ ' 1974 CUSTOM Doluxo 20 Chovy 454 Sutiurban. This la a heavy duly ouKit. buiK when roal cars woro slill In

-- .-production, Excolieni con.-.“ “ 5ition, Ideal for pulling a . .I travol trailer. Being aold lo

so tllo an osiato. 324-4014.

W rim ea-N ew o , Twin Fal


Jm’- - ----- ----------------->rs. X547_____________uck----- --- .i..-.-- - - - - - -ce. • - ■ / " "Sor /

i /T n , I15' • I50;--------------1 -------------------------- ,

raa— :------- ^ ^ -------------- '00. \

oni ~ \ ^ioi- \Or- - \

^11. 9 - 9 \ ^ ^

00...........................>r— - ........... "Look

icklon . - ., , ,as,


--------1977-CMEVY-^-doorlmpala?~ AT, AC. low mlloago, oxc n7 condition. Original ownor.

. Call 324-3546.___________i_^ -1977-MONTE_CA.RLO: OXC

cond. 6 track siereo. 56.000- miles. $3.000.324-1172.

7 2 ImptlM, lunod up, clean $365: 71I 0 LTD. 675; ’70

- BulCk. $250.324-2574,---------Z i ’78 CHEVY Mallbu wagon. 22 JS MPQ. looks poor, runs f f ^W M ..n395._Randy_5366146.

or. ieQ-Amo3-Dodge„ ^M O T H E R 'S c.e fE Q A I^ -J9 ai nr Alros Station Wagon. Front

Whool drlvo,' Powor door = “ locks.-A/C.' l> /SrP/B .- ofc7'C| $6295.7334754.___________

, 1978 DODGE OMNI. AT. AC.

l& ^ A u lM -F o n la ' 'in. WANTED any 71. 72. o r 7300 fo rd Pinto. Any modol. any

cond. 734-1561 or7W>422.C. 1965 FALCON RANCHERO.

— LThiamfl wnr a is. nuw iBdlal 100 tiros, rebulil 289 engine.


>|j ITS-AutoDealarait-

: THIp *

. A LI

1972CADILIij ___________ '2 d o o r coupioT Wa

1I 1973 CKVV*■ ■ Bluo, lu g g a g e

■ W M H l i1, W A G O N . W hiteI- W a

Ir 1977PtYM0I— — A ll'groodTclofKTli<— ---------------Wa

; 1974 AMI2 d o o r c o u p e , b rl

: fop, d o lu x o in to rlo__ Wai

L _ 1 U. 1973 D0DI’ ..... .......PICKUP.'Aufc— — ---- Wai

*15- 1977 FORD

B righ t y o llo w . w . tra n sm iss io n , hlg^] — ^ V T w


THI\ For O ver 3i7 0 1 A A a in A v o .

I Fallaridafio ' Friday, Septan

e _ _______________________

J * — ---—3

>k h o w b i g I o r t t , M o m t n y

t o h e r e a l r e a d y ! "

.....162-Atrto«»foTd-.......- -rrr :n9a7-F A L C 0N p:flT cyi;r3 :sp ;: i«r now tires, good trans- Of ponalion. >450.324-4439. ■ 1971 FORD 4Klr LTD. good

)xe onolno. good transportation. ! ^ - - $3(g).-733:il52. — •

1975 FORD Qron Torino 4 -- ------ doorr~ Oood - clean cond.

Loadod. $650.08(1678-2300.1976 PINTO. New palnl &

22 ' intorior. 46,000 o/glnlal m , m ijoa.^hw g^ttio car.jjrofor _

--------- t9a2-Ford-€seor» GLM d w -Tialchbock. A/C, PS. 4 spd. am /lm sloroo. 15.000 milos.

snt .5e r " 168^ercmy».Uiicoln— :

CLASSY aiivor 1980 Cougar XR7. 45.000 m, PS. P ^ air, now llros. $5900.544-2776.

= ------19?8 -MARK-V,.Uw-mlioa-A_------- loadirf.'Hadminorllfo under-

— hood. Definitely a reason­'s ablo fixer lo keep. No dam-

m y---aao-to -w indsh ie ld of-dash.- _ just wiring under hootr &

iS i- s is s A r iA & Tne. retail book ot $6100. Calr

734-6975 Mel or Dan.



LLAC ELDORADOu pe , fu lly p o w e re d . .f i r m s -------------------------

1 8 8 ^iriMPALA WAGON30 rack', vihyl in to rio r.f a t $995

»88nmrBOBMTIto, w o o d g ro in , 4 s p o o d .Vat$1199

188I0UTHF0RY4DRK T n r6 7 T 6 T r6 ir ra u T o m o !ic r~ ra«^1295--------- —

»88HCMATADIIRorlgh t re d w /w h lfo vinyl rior) a u to , t ra ry .. A /C . a t $1693

1 8 8H CLUB CAB _Ltlomotic. o ir, w h ito .ar$1695------


w o o d g r a in , 4 s p o o d Igh EPA.^ 2 4 9 5 --- --------^

6 8 8ion's

lEliSEN i30..Years The Easiest F o . E . J y

tamber9.19S3 . ____________

tn y ! I 'm u p •

-------1fl6-Mercuiy&Ui>co!n'SB7=:«ECHANlQ3:aPECIAbn97J ,ns- Morcury Monlogo MX. Ev.

orythlng groat oxcepl.noodt enalnow ork.733-3626.

on. --------^ ---------— le a- 'A u to s '- Okl8mot>H9 nd. 1977 CUTLUSS SUPREME; fl 350anglrtfl, PS /b«kos.A /C , “ 4 bood sTiapi. Cali 734-4387.Ilal -------------------------------------® : 172-AulM-Piinllacoor—Tieee— FlR E B m O ;__cu^^_ pd. palnl, 400 4 spood. wide os. llros, nice car. $2400Mrade------- }nrdo.^nnl4»4: Coil 6554419.~ ‘“ te72 • PONTIAC 2 “door “ Tiardiop. •• Oood Irans^ — r ~ pnrinllQ'rT;'$350.733^^: ' w "1975 PONTIAC ASTRE. 4 Sir apood. \ excolieni paint 6

- body. Now llros. needs hoadna.ikfll. $595- 734-9379.

i-A— Ta^-TBANS-AM^tow-mQos.. 3o r‘ many oxiros. Groal condl-3n- tioni Call 7334376._______im- ' " ----------------- -

— l73-^Aut03-Plymouth600 1973 DUSTER- 2 door. Iny H i & s s M v s . ' :

733-9255- •

175-Auto Doalera


1977 DATSBright re d , b lock viny---- - --

>16 i 1977 BUICK SK

P r a n g e m e ta llic , 4 s W a a~ $ !

*17t9!7;-SUBAF ront w h o o l drive,

W a s $

*21I W MERCURil . 2 DOOR. B ab y b lu o , I“ W a r $ !

- -1978 FORD I4 d o o r so d o n , 4 cylinc

■ Iro n s ., low m ilos.W a t $ :

*25------ I978XHEI

4 d o o r s e d a n , b o ou ti ____oufo . tra n s ., A /C , loco

w a t $ ;

*29W I M

’ BboutlFul g o ld m o i^ l [ in io rio r. o u to . tra n s .,

w h o o is .

MOTOit Place In The World 1 Twin Foils

--------173-Auto»«Plytnotrth—19fla PLYMOUTH ARROV - Spon Pickup. AC, aulo. SUI$3375.324-5553.

------- 174-Aul09-OlhefB--------=33ARS.J20fl]_TBUCKS-ifOfl Available at local gov ornmonl sales. Call (rolun dablo)1-019-569 )2410«I112: (or your Okeciory on how lc purcnaso24houra._____ ,175rAirtopea!er8_......

~ f ~luiw


' “ “ ’B5BU1CK'- -STATION WAGON ...."'62fO RD V A N = “ ^

Ids 6 cyllnd.jf, 3 spood........

- -’67 PLYMOUTH FII8VI ' ’4d«!r. V-O. Quiomaile .

'I: VOPlVHDinHfMSTATION WAGON ., .'74 MEHCUIIV COMET4 door. 6 cylinder, ouloirm __ _ _ _ _ _

is ’72ffflifOIJHrFUHY-), 2 door-V-0.oufomollc; ,

^ .... ............................. .

r WILLS -L O IU # 2

S h o sh o n e & 4 lh Ave.W .

Tn ^ 734-9233iT—

175-Auto Dealers


^ g g | f . g ____

ilTB210nyl in te r io r , 4 s p e e d .$1999

« 8 ^KYHAWK2DRI sp e e d , roo l sp o rty .$2095

' 8 8A RU m O N -'O. w h ito . 4 s p o o d .$2695

188“RY-MONARCH-», m o tch in g in te r io r .—$2499--------------

I 8 8 _I FAIRMONT^n dor e n g in e . 4 sp o o d


> 8 8■mm_jtiful s ilv e r m e ta llic ,:oI 1 o w n e r .$3695

► 8 8 ^JGARXR7^IIC 'w /d o lu x o vinyl

A /C , s ty le d s p o r t

> 8 8 ~

m s' To Buy A Car.733-7700

_ _ l 7 0 u l P . I ^ e r a

:E . .^ - W E B u y - ^ USED CARS7a ~ ; U C E H A N S E N ’S ~r . - ' ^ e H E V R O t E T -Tun- 1654BIuoLakesN.1127 TwlnFallsw io Ph.73«033

-■ j._.l75rAiJt.oDe»l®™


1^5 “ING AVAILABLE— iTioNWAeoN*495

* 4 9 5"t: z :* 4 9 5 "

...,*4 9 5 :I.......* 6 9 5L.=... * 9 9 5

. im 4 th Avo

A ' B W es t .

I --------------- I r n - ^ -

I :

I T n' ■ ^ 1 Y ^ »

' All o f o u r c a rs d th e y o ro so ld to a v a i la b le . . . thi

• escribing_thojni

I ----- 1975 ra■ MOi

.4 . cyllndsr. 4 - ip< die. buckol seo li.

~ H - W a s S n

I 1973 D[■ ONE TON

A-CTlIndB'r.'.-'iloi mlM lon, la v o 0 N0.N 6SI.

W c s $ 1

- F = ^I 1979 CHEl ~mr CHEVETIE

- ' ^ H 4 cylinder, 4 «p< lion , bucket tooi below low book. I

W a sS ;

¥ 3I 1978 MERi ■ — GflUfiAM

. .V .e. autom atic. [ in g o n d b ra h o t .a i

“ ■ ------ -Was-$3

•o x d u o e i "a* li" v«



7 1 ««


~ As Low

1 5 5 1


___ H B O llIjS J6 t o C l i e o M !


—--- O M /vvO iiaW M i-I—

Wl .sigBS. E


s o n d tru ck s o ro g iv en com to y o u . In a d d itio n , th e y ai th e OYNOMETER^Ask tho .

a m o c h o n lc a ^ o n ^ o lo c t^

CHEVY — 196 INZA WAC- ipood . AM ra- V-0. oulomo o li.N o .3 6 4 K Ing. power

•p«<lol,W as

- $ 1 ^ 7 5 --------------------

DODGE 1972 QNVAN V2l\•fongara irotii,. ’ , v .Sonc a on lhi» one. »toorlng ,.

m illion, I Worn Win

S 1 8 9 5 Wos_

lEVROLET 1971 IE’4H0flR--“ CHEspeed Irontm lt.

tool*. AM radio, ok. No. 3647.

Ing, pow er b

$ 2 6 9 5 '

i L j i ;ERCDRY ™ l 4qOOR—

l ion . ilere< a le e lr ic rei

e. pow or ileer- frosler. pov I. oir. No. 3523. 3507.$ 3 8 9 5 ---------^ ....... -W as

188-P^/ 'v eh ic le !




0 0 ^or

K 9 % h}3 Chevrolet Cl7 t o C hoose F

w As J

8 8 ^

j s l S ^ o11 to c h o o s e Fr

■ I l l P i r l n m

(Aceln n C H E V

__ ' S i y i L«M»NOHTI

m p lo to s o rv ico a n d sa fe ty I a r e to s to d by th o m o s t m o

lo -so loam ah to sh o w .y o u .tf o lc o n d lf lo n ^ b H h o ^ o r^ ^

169 JffP— 7- — 191 lEOHEER PIKTG

^; » i i 6 9 5

1010 12 DODGE 197 TON 4X4 LAMtnglne, pow «r . . . . . .3, 4-ipeod tron»- 6.cylinder.>,lack^5ulhub». ,|or», lockrinch.No. N647. and run t giis_$2395 Wc

550 »1175 JEEP ' 1979F lEROREE

4 cylinder. • poed , b l

nolle, pow er ile e r- niKet. No. r brokot, AM radio.:k .N o, 4659. , , ,

S 239S

735—il1 MERCURY u RI 3 DOOR— - rm. 4 ip e e d Irdnimi*,-. ........- U U nreo c o fie lle . oir. 4 cylinderroo r w in d o w d e . AM/FM tl<owor b ro k ei. No. tw o lop*. N

as * 4 5 9 5 ------- ^

»OY M ^ A Y M O IN D IU^ r 7 s


142-175 > i c e ~ ^ ^

Swite= =/ A P R : -----I n te r e s t . .

ChevettsI F rom

i o n n r ^ ^ ^

FromNO. 3-356

---------— ---------------------------------------



Ity In sp o c to d b efo ro m o d e rn oqulpm ont u . th e D yno.P rln touf .:lo.«

1976 FORD— - - ----TO RUNABOUTcylinder, aulom alic n liilon . pow er ile e r in g .,)ulrs packoge. No. 3696W as $ 1 5 9 5

M c ; =1972 TOYOTAJNO CRUISER __ _ider. 4 tp e e d tranim ii. lock-out hubt, looht

n t good. No. 4666.W as $ 2 3 9 5 -

106_ =9FIATSTRADA ^4DI»R— -ider. AM/FM ilereo , .5., b u c k e t t e o t t , low No. 3543.

W a s$ 2 9 9 5

1977 -1978 FIAT - - -

lONVERHBLE . : ; 'nder. S tp e e d trom..^ t ie re o , 40.000 mllet.9t. No, 3643.

W a* $ 4 7 9 5 ------- -- — i -m i 13BLUElAKES8tVD.NO.

7 3 3 - 5 1 1 0

■ ■ ■ ■

fridav, Mor

---- --------------- — -


I ON MOVIE (MON) ................ '7;36'.

HBO THE YEAR OF- ....... .TJQEfltMON) ,

-.<7:46- O dS-'A.M. WEATHER


_________(D GOOD MORNING M- - - - -



B;30____ :_____ Q jX -C n CHlLD:aJ?LAY.


------------- H BO -O R— SEUSS ONCTUE)




— — — f f i O CD ( 1 1> DONAHUE O QD TOO CLOSE FC

— — — fcJ>€DUOATldNAtPROQ- r : -------- “ OD OIFF-RENT STR OKES


-------------- m . WOMEN'S B IL L iyP S- f f i COLLEGE FOOTBALL



---------— THEAX)STjUUC-(FSI)------a N MOVIE (MON. THU. F

0:05.O T H E C A T tj^ S _

• ■ ' • --------- . '6 :3 0 - -. (D m MARY TVLEfTMOC



0:3SO H A Z E L

O CD © ( i i )"t h e ' youi............. RESTLESS-

(30 O DIFF'REMT STROKI --------------O m 6EBAME STREET (I

wnonday through 1

W ek t ; i caffE N N is

HO TURNED VEL. g j S S J 'O O D w h e

------- 0 (1 2 )Jlfc<5 " '( S B j Q V A l3F THE GEKTLE f f i f f i (Q)^

© Y O U AN6 © I-40P A F R ffi.VIDfOC 0 © A LL A M .000 PYRAMID SHOWAER MPANY (R)

O PERRY I( R ) g

E C D © W H EO O f f i R O JOKER-;


.................- -----------0 { 1 2 )G A I<EYS f f i NEWI AfVEEKCrtRrCTHU)— ffi^ P R V O )F THE GENTLE SHOW AER

SHOW MOV3JiY ------------- ^^ CD © H O U IOM_ 0(li5)E D U (

CD O f f l Al CB AS THE'

>T (R) aU E ) O SALE Olr.TFNNia(W finj. ■..gp.noNAtii (R)(THU) 0 < 1 2 ) IL C:R) (FRI) c c MIDDAYON MEETS THE f f i (11) THE


. © C F L F O < <{WED) © PKA FUMCARTHUR:. THE (FRI) •FRI)—------------- ------- HBCrCIN MCSUIT (MON) SHOW MOV



' ® lN D EPE h


rdQ f^ ~ M IN Q - - "


fUSA C S O C S O I^OS(MON) O N E W S D )n r m i E j -------------:R) ( W ^ ) CB LEAD-OFIU. FRI) C 9 DICK VAI

ff iM Y L r mTUB7THU)-------------- ^©'SEWINGrHEATRE (W ED )' © MAKE OFTIATDERS'OF mCROWXVI----------------------------- © K EEPIN GJ. FRI) © AMERIC/

© NASHVIL (D (S )A R E 'i

r - ^ .m v m E Q D I ^ o o n e a u str a



. Q f f i d O C O DUSTY'S CS O NEWS


OKES (R) THU)s T ( R ) a -------- OiBIlMAQlC

(^^ THE FAC^■ te iK L E 3 H ™ Em - w . -

g l e iThursday

3 c k d a y “5TsltR>l3j-------'--------- ---------------- iYOUNG AND THE RESTLESS (


10:05 J^Y MASON [

10:30rHEEL OF FORTUNE .. , D RYAN'S HOPE '•R-S WILD (MON)\M HOUSE (TUE-FRI) CCSTh o USE----- ---- -----------— -----QARY RANDALL tI ANIMAL'WORLD--------rtrAf© ON STAOE-“ -'^-^^- ' EROBICISE(MON) rI0VIE(WED,FR1)- .............. - f


' __ ____________ ___________H

lOVIE (MON. TUE. THU) C11:06


.S_ i>E T E R N O O N ---------------------- C

'12:00' °IQ D ® N E W S - .......................*{,Y-S SPECIAL •}{•UCATIONAL PROGRAMMING “ I ONE LIFE TO LIVE ' “IDAY .

•OFF MAN (MON. TUE) . CVAN DYKE (WED FRI)TTLE MARGIE (MON) C•JGETCrdOE)------ GKE' IT EASY, MAKE IT V,AVETWEO]--------------------------------eWQ .TIME (THU)--------------------------BICAN BABY (FRI) QVILLE AFTER HOURS (3IE YOU ANYBODY? CI DISC -JOCKEYS— - QrRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL C---------- ------------------------------:— CMERICAN FUTURfTY (WED) - -OR A c iH an H u )--------------------------a


. 12:16 . ®3ALL (MON. TUE) “



m e OF.OILPAINTJNG IFJU)____ GIKCTS OF UFE (R) • • • • . <2T i r r n n i i r i j M i j i m ] - c

vis]n d a y t i n— © -ATrHOM E-W RH-BEVEr



• © f f j WOMAN'S DAY US THU)


12:36 f f i MY HAWAII (THU)







. Q F.UNTIME____________SHOW MOVIE (WED)

____ . 1:10 . .• ©H OO RA Y FOR'HOLL YWOO





' 1:35" 'O T W fiP L lH iu iu m io . —


~ ‘C S ' 0 ” ® ~ © " T D '‘ f n ) “ AI WORLDO THE ADVEWTUHES- QF-

-.BEAUTY--------------------------------C£HOUR MAGAZINE






____________ 2-gQ ____f f i A COUNTRY COYOTE IN

_W OODJ3HU) —•• 2 ;3 0 ------------

-O JH E T O M O R flO W PEOPLE^ C£) CAROL BU RN pn.*N D ^ lE

ionn e r p r o tCTLV- NYE— ® DATING


IT (THU) © M Y LADY OF-*AND“ PAT— CTUE)-----------------






, , © TH ESU N (M O f._ © SWITZERLANr

O TO BE ANNOU '0 F N E X T 7 - ® O ® - ® - ® jRAMMlNG Q t h e THIRD EYl


e s .T o * R ^ ^ A n ;=cs TREASUREHU







CO ELECTRIC CO*.|>;---------------- O d a r w o o D Y T s“)----- —-c&tnrjoe-----







CD THE BRADY BU------------------- O -Q M S rsesA M B

(33 CHARLIE'S ANC ( S © (11) EIGHT I


____________ O (12)S U PE RFRIi[S: GOOD TIMES

«') © TIC TAC DO U G I-------------------©'OPRYLAND ON


, ^ . . . v CD SPORTSWEEK ’ (fl)(THU) O N MOVIE (MON.-




------- ------- -O B O N A N iA —•F’-; ---------- O L A V E R N E 4SH I31E_N0.S _ _ 0 D H E R E .'3 LUCY-

ig r a m srM F ~ - - ••••'•CHEO CDL<to o (WED-FRI) © E >

© INOF MILK AND WAFERS © 81--------------------------------------- © H <ARINNASHVIUE ' © B l OMAN (WED) SHOVDERBY (THU) WEDBOXING (FRI)^S MACARTHUR: THE © -T :RAL (TUE) COUClT C H i,aQ .M lN liT E a,Q F-_© .D i E TICKING (WED) (WEDICISE (FRI)3N) ffi T>

2:36O T C

^BUNCH ............... - c o (E_ 2 i4 f i___________________O Yi40N) SIONWD (WED) O Kl:— 5^30 ----------------1 ^ -— O 't gOUNCED ® Ef © (11} OAYS OF OUR O Ml

• CSM EYE (MON. WED. FRO CO A£ HE OOD3 (TUE. THU) - - - f > T h rTS GDHi( >NS - (® H / ZH 0 ( 1 : ^ND SON (B AL HUNT___________________ m S L




3:30 - — Q J,

EROES.:OMPANY (R) O CD n rooD P E C K E R ------------ - o r ©--------------------------------_ 0 _ T•A DEAL......... BEAU


CZJM/3:36EffiiluIS ^

h J n m d ------- - S o A!Q iiP9J.tA aw A N _______

MB-STREErtR) p ------------WJGELS........... m o ofT IS ENOUGH m v oSAQAIN , , , ,,ISONS ------------FRIENDS ______________® © T OJGH - - S . ..ONSTAGE ■



4 :30 , HBO 1IHe.V-THJNItOF.Ne>CW___(£HU-5E ON THE PRAIRIE ..SHOW .LER SHOW- ................... -.CyNM(SHIRLEY i COMPANY ------------








I CAROL BURNETT-AND FRIEfON.-TUE)----------------------------------I BASEBAU. (WE6. THU) - i-FALL-PREVIEWl-WGN^FANT^

‘DOBIE^IEOS---------------------------DONALD DUCK PRESENTS



ED) - - - U)HERO?

-..THE . _ _







) ,. .. . .

iLACy------- . , , -j

- , !l



. . . J iTASV------------

—» ---------------------i

, i

ENTS--------------- '1


<U) i



M)______. _______


— E lid e8:00

O C S (X )C S C S O O ............ O THE TOMORROW

------- ----"Coni Coda” Will Ih'o Tcbo aocrlllcod to enelo 2)

) o ® B U S iN S S 3 n ep (I OPRIMENEWSi CS) YOU ASKED FOII "Baroloot Wator-Skic

World's Laroost Pancal‘ __________ 0 0 - MOVIE * * ★ ••ftv------- -------- T o -E n n n -— (1&B8— i

Jamoa Donald. Andfow (B ( f t ) THE DUKES O ond Luko bocomo BIq

________ toon oQO orphan {P.R. I lor aioaJing. (RJ

OD SUPERBOOK O NEWI ANIMAL W Doolh Volloy"(D MO PARAOmC Aol luurant ond ontoflainmi Noahvlllo.<D dS BOXmO From >


__________ Roughrldora ol Otiawo I

^miitod, A trio oJ claaali by Iho popular children Snoolchoa,” "Tho Zoi EooaAnd Hom."

6.-06- ------- O RASCAL DAZZLE ■

cala aro loamrod in . fthorta.

----- ----------- O M O R E R ^ - p E 0 P t3( £ CD P.M. MAOAZINE O THE THRO EYE "I

- rinth" RolhQO aonda T< Phil hurling Ihrough Ih pupsull 6r~lho‘ wilch I Nidus. (Port 6) (DT1CTACD0U0H

..................O ® IDAHO REPORTS( D O ( 1 2 ) FAMtLYFEU

_______ CD UTAH - COLLEGE---------------REVIEW--------------------

O GD EKTERTAWMl Modolino Kahn talks ob(

---- comody sorloa. - -OVI'tWPOINT

- - .......... ~CD BUSINESS REPORT-C£ M*A*S*H Howkoyo gain s now roapeet lor o

--------------working nt-an ald'atstlo............ flro._____

03 SWISS FAMtLY ROBI o MICKEY MOUSE CLU © FANDANGO Conloi knowlodgo of country m polo wilh colobrliibs,

_____HBO FRAQOLE ROCK (lind'on ancloni Irooouro i n rinnnpfmi*jiu—Har-un

7:00O THE DUKES OF HA2Liikb bocomo Big Srothi

9l''3llng. (R)GD (D THREE’S COW mlsundorolanda a con hoars whllo eavoadrop him to bollowo Chriaay Is a THE GREEKS Tho m

. .............Qrook culture from tho M'in 1300 B.C. 10 tho doott Ihb Oroat in 323 B.C.

nolh Dpvor. (Part 1)— CC © - ( l O - B I L l

-------“ CRDSADE----------------------------O — ® — MACNEH.—

NEWSHOUR .. f f l O ® LOTTERYl (

Intorawoop Lottery roprot-------- Murphy) ond-on IRS og

Coll) dolivar big cash pi ------------ winnora-acroaa-tho-cotmti

O (30 MOVIE---------- — (10T 9 .-O m m n)-S u5n rr';

Coburn.CS WASHWOTON WEEK I O (12) MOVIE •(1903. Advonturo) Yul E Curtis.OD 700 CLUB Footurod: "Sovon'Daya Abl020" loo

can loko lo nalion's courao of doslruc

TION Quost hOBleas: Jesi Guoat: Dr. Joyco Brothora

; CD -NASHVH.LE-NOW.-L • - • • hlgniightnnrcburtliVTOUBlc.

2Tlfna3-N9W9.-Twif> W l

a y ^ v e i0 0 HBOLAUI I O QD ( S NEWd GLEASOM OW PEO PIH "Tho - JOHNSOH oTohiorrow: Pooplo Qloaaon { >elonl aplrita? (Port lovo with I

nal dram agpO RT SHOWMC

M usic" (1FOR IT Foaturod: W aller Brc SWor" and "Tho CWMOVn ncoko.” C o o p e r (•FivB Million Yoora Homa.Rob~ S d o n co -l-iC llo n j------- -----------row Koir. CZ) 0 9 MCSO FHA2ZARD .B0 You Can S Big Brothers lo o . B o rb raS lr

,R. Paul) with 0 yen m WALL ! Now.From

Tomplolon WORLD "Lllo In Fiinda.

(DZORRCAoiivitlea ol a ro s---------inmom spot outaido O TO BE -

O F IR S T Iim Madison S auare au thor o l "

. C 3 )(D ®»tEY 8 II In- (IBSU ^Sos^u«tc^o-*aln p , u , .wo Rough Ridera y yW T J ^ L p o s ^ A ^ _ . r e v i w Zlaale rhyming totoa Q F r e EM Iron'a author: "Tho ( j ) ctVIC D Zox” ond "Groon q o n e WS

(E> MOVIE» Roaa: Tho^ T he Lllllo Raa- Fonlaay) F in . film clipa and m o Graven.

_________ .OD VIDEO I10________ HBO INSn>jpCE----------------- eeabon in'!^ aoason . an■ "Into Tho Laby- . NPC. a lool » Terry. Holon ond vialt lo iho1--Ihe-Labyrinih In plonW aahl ;h” BoIor“ o n a n h o --------------------


„ - - o a r t s '/

KMEKT T O » G H r ^ aboul hor now TV

- o - d i r w Athing Now

RT------------------ " Jo h n M. 1oyo ond Hoi LIpa Tomplolon I b rea ch othor a lio r o ntion -Ondor hoovy— p,5^nio7o) ^

— __________ abo u l_ h laOBINSON oiiom p, of ,^ U B o v e ra o m o cnloatanla display flj) s t a r TII y mualc ond com- j g YESTH

intorviow wl:K Gobo end Rod

r--u«lulUilcHO!l.- -

rtAZZARD Bo nnd _ w n u c w

—;OMPANV R o p „ converaal.on ho

/ Is pregnantD main Ihomes in __D M ycenaean AgoBoth o t Aloxnndar O 0® WILC3.C.. oro irocod Morty Sloull

and boora. iBILLY-GRAHAM—


fl (Promloro) An ‘“ o GntiDroaontalive(Ben o l Ihelr coun

agent (Marsholl oxhtHlta hia

X "’'°r t t "Goldongirl" on achodulo. r r - A n to n r " J n T n o 5 ~ ® '^ ^ ® ^ ^

Thom aaCaInEK IN REVIEW S S J I S S* "T araa Bulba" CDSPORTSCJl Bryr^nor. Tony HBO MOVIE

■ Comody) SIrod: part two o l Rourko.looks a t actiona SHOW MOVI10 chongo tho (1877 . Fanta

injctlon. ^ ‘’ u o u ic

jo sa lc a W aitora. O 0S2-' Dron lora. Winger.^ -L tv a - f e a t i i r e l '- ------ ---- —tnlc. r . « v f r - - ® H P t QM*

n i n g ^ISURENCE O L n ^ R u d ^ C K I E ON AS MR. HALPERN ANO MR. O N Lauronce Ollvleralid-Jacklo n portray tw o-m an who a re In th Iho aam o woman in.this origi- ma.MOVIE * * ti "They Shall Havo

( t8 3 9 . Drama) Joel McCrea. Bronnan.)VtE *■* % "Tho Pursuit 01 D.B.

( lO a i . Advonturo) Treat Wil- to b e rt Duvall.

MOVIE * * * "O n A Clear Day • n Seo Forever" (1970, Musical) S lre isand , Yvea Monland.LL p R E C T WEEK "Something om t ^ p l e t o n " G uest: John M. lon, prosidoni, Tho Temploton

IRO • .............. 8.-00' - — •

)E ANNOUNCED nrE D m O N G uesi: John Updike.)l "R abbit la Rich."0 (11) MOVIE * * V , "Packin’ 1BB2. Comody) Richard B in li- lila Prentiss.> VWAQHIMfaTnM WCCI^ IM i

......................... :___________EMAN REPORTS ,5 DIALOGUE ,'8rie ★ ★ ★ "The Slipper And Tho , ho Story Of CIndorolla" (1076. ! ) R ichard Chamborioin. Gom- ton.:0 DISC. JOCKEYS ’^ THE NFL This apociol pro- ' s h ( w toBturoe s ro'vldw or Iasi— on analysis of Ihe AFC ond Ihe ook a t Ihe aoason ahead ond a Itio training camp of lhe chem-ahlngtonRodakinB.___________

' 8:088

.......... _a:30 _ _________S AT SOTHEBY'S: OLD MAS- IKTING8 A behind-lho-sconoa -Itio..>fln]giia. n u i;llo n -h au a n .., P a rke B em el, rovoals iho ton- oxcltom ent of tho ouctibn pro-

YALt STREET WEEK "Somo- i w From Tompletoit" Guest:. Tomplolon, prosideni, Th6~ >nPunda. ^5 ) MATT HOUSTON (Senson i) Moll loorna diairosBlng facia la falhor^whlio probing tho01 an oil baron lo gain control .10 ol M att'a land holdinga. p ITIMETERYEAR IN NASHVILLE An with Doi Reovoa.

8:38r a t i t Atlnntn RfUKnn a|-LOSDodgoro

e :60EN IN O A ZZ ^ho-V ocallota—----sa le To Bllllo" Tho lo tz Irndl-

k spiritual' muaic of o Now goapol choir lo Bllllo Holll- Iho merging of tho big bond Ihe biuoa.

.■0:00GRAHAM CRUSADE-----------------

ILD'AMERICA "Wild Boblos" sullor looks ol' how baby onl-

a. Ioarn important lilo-oaving I have lun a t Iho aamo timo,

raJO N IQ H I___________________IN CITY LIMITS Larry Gallln Satlin Brothora perform many >unlry hita. and Ricky Skoggalia virtuosity with Iho lidd le .__I olectric mandolin.3HT ZONE Flight 107 arrivoa llo. but empty.WLLE AFTER HOURS-Guealr'-------:oin,IHT FUOHT "TunnoiVlalon" I^CENTER/IE * * * H "Dinor" (1002.Stove Gutlenborg. Mickoy

OVIE * * * H !Slar W ara" ntasy) Mark Hamlll. Harrison

ram a) Nick Nolle. Oobro

------ 8:16— ---------------— -iAMC'OI*.fHE WEEK (Prom-- ' L

1 . .......... J ...

E loro)•- . ________ 8:28“ O NIGHTCAP Topic; or<

G uests:' Paul G bldbergor. d lecture critic for Iho New Yi loodlng o rch ilocta Robort /

** andC harfosG w athm oy. ' 0:30


D a y t i m ef - 4 :65> CIN * * "China 6. Liberty 3

W oatorn) Worron O atoa.F ob} J ■• QD * * ■ * " K ip p a " ’{1941

. MIchaol Rodoravo. Dlana'Wyi 8:00

. HBO " Th e MlBsionofComody) MIchaol Palln. Mag<

. fl:30 .^_(D "The Mon to Armod” ( I t

■ Clark. May Wynn.■ 7:00

CIN * * "Chimpo On Safoi

O * * "M edical Story" ( t mo) Beau Bridgoa. Jo se Forr<

8.-00GD * * "Stow aw ay" {1030, Shirley Temple, Robert Young

8:30SHOW * * - The Irishman" (1 mo) Michael Craig; Robin Nov

_ C a b l e t e c o n v e r s i/ / you are a subsc UaUleilsJoHiTooFIofE]

8 K B a-B o ise (( O Nickelodeon/. O K ^ ^ lseC

O K IV I-B o ise ( /- ------------O KTVB-Botee<

O WTBS^Atlanti O K T R V -B o lse 0 D C B N (a ir l5 U CBKMVT-Twlnl O E S P N < 2 4 4 jou (D U lsn w d u u m (E> N ashvUleNet

- ^ _ _ _ | 0 U S A Network^ IC D T V ^ S a ltL j

___________ Q3,MTy_<mualct

-------- if-you-pay-oxtraJor-HElook for:


C inam ax _ a suljscribe

system, look for white bers Jisted under-yoi

- - (X K U TV -SaltLal---------------- cp K n y iaaB ffFai- r(3)-KTVX-Salt Lal

. CDKSL-SaltLake CS)KPVI*Po(»tell

__________ C D K U E I« a l tU lO D K lF l-IdaboF aC£W GN-Chkago(

__________ ( a K B G tP oca tfi]q » 'USAN-NewYo

Ifyou do not get cable/t Jn parenthesis:

(ID K M V T-Tw laFi(12)KTRV-Bo1m (I

_ * P ublic inform ation. (C d n g i^ io n o l acilvily a n d /o r local program m i

tsE ast" America's Iho Pacllic.MicJw

orchilecturo. droams of domlnt daily archi- - q (^2) BENN^

York Timoa; undercover as a * t A.M. Slern (J) CHARLIE'S Af

to roscuo a lop i lias boon coplur<

"Midway is intornalional tolor

! m o v ig s -----r '3 7 " (.0 8 O , 1 ^ 0 * * H "HOV

' QD * * * H "Oui.t> ry :L U 9a?,_ Ji;).M ortha^o ll.iggloSmilh. j g g j * * * h

Mn lle r"( l0 5 3 , Dr [lO Se)D ano - Ellzobelh Allan.

SHOW * * * ,"Th fori" (1082, Emily" (1064. Cor

Juliu Anorows" '------ — -CIN * * b "Tho-I(1076, Oro- por" (1081. Advot rrer. Robort Ouvoll.

lO, Comody) O * * * "Appoii mg.___ . (1 9 5 t. Oroma) AU

(1978. Dm- i:ovin. .-H B O Tlrilrli-'T hoF

e le v is io n » ion g u id e

. f

iscrltxr to Magic ValleyDl^nsiatloniwiitlxm:i(CBS)a/ARTS}(PBS)aT 2¥»urijew ff)-------------------(ABC)e<NBC)------------------------------ata (lodepeadeat) ledDdepeDdecl) jUan/puMlc service)1 Falls (NBC/CBS) o u rqw rts)Qoelle tw ork - - -rkLakeccbannel) ■ ___



t)er to^anolher area cabic__fe and black channel num- 'our comnrnnily. Station ,

^ C l t y ( N B C ) .ansXCBS)---------------------------^akeCity{ABC)“ *---------------W C ity ((3S )d lo (ABC)^ ,C lty .(P B S )______ __?aIls(CBS)9 (lD d e p e o d e n t) .lelloJPBS)_________________f o r k ( ^ rtsDetwork)

7/itok /b r siatloinwmbcm''

F alls (NBC/CBS) (lodepeodent)

n channels_carry-C-SPAN___,ly), advertising, weailier ming.

a 'a firat ma]or victory In CDAlidway, shatlored Japan 'a (Qnlnaling Ihe Pacific. ' DonnW Y HILL Benny g o e s ............I a oanilary inspeclo'r. Q ) 1} ANGELS Tho Angola iry mend }p pfoaldenllal « ld« wholured by membora ol nn g qalorm group. (Part 2) ( t i ) j

6 :00 Come How To Bool Tho High■ (1979. Comody) Suaon g ^ g yesslca^Lango, • p ,

Iso Miiior, Rox Smith. .10:00 • mn)N

'Our Town" (1040. Dra- '

."The Hoort Of Tho , Dromo) Trevor Howard.

' - . ^ CIN 11:00 f1954 'The Americonijotion 01 Lougf, Corpody) Jam oa Garner.________

10-Purauil Of D.B, Coo- Ivonturo) Trent Willioms.

u o opoinlmont Wilh Danger"Alon Lodd. Pnyiiis Col- ‘

S a in t.

’2:00 r*.u JioPri2oF iohtO f"(1070 . *


2 - 23 - -

------------6 - - 7 — 7

- - 8 -----12---------- 9g 9 12

10 . . 1 3 1312 1! 11

-13 13- 140 5 - .......... - ...................

n e -17

- .18— ----------------------

H - - . 1 H H


------------ io ‘ ^ —---------^ ------------4---------------------

— 5 6

— 7 —- ’8 ■ 8

- ___________ 10

.Available In most a: Availablclniim ilctl

-------- «*-When-K-TV-X-Sail-LaiKTXL-Sacramcnto is p P au l. Rupert and Burley

— ;-S acram co tostatio i| is nol

3 ANOTHER UFE 3 OFFSTAGE An Intorviow onnlsW eovor.'• -----------0:48"

!) TO P RANK BO)ONO From H end. IN. (R)

10:00iCSCS(3)CSa(SO G D (QDN EW S

sm edy) Tim Conway. Don Knolta.' 1:00

■tow * * * " S la r Trek 11: The Wi I K han" ‘{1982, _Scloneo-Flct'ion)J im -SholnorrRlcordo'M onlalbah:'- N * * H !"C o n n o ry Row" (1032. C o) Nick Nolle, Dobra Winger.

, 2:00 TictcorTo Hoovon'^CTt)

amo) Nick Mancuao. Saul Rubineh 3:00 .

N "H obaon’a Choic954. Comody) John Mllla. Chat lughlon.----------------------3K)6—— — —) _ * * * IT hojlod .B odgo .O I-C c la" (1974, Dromo) Richard Thom choel Brandon.

4:0010 i^ * li ." H o w To Boal Tho H ist Of Living" (1979. Comody) Suj !ni Ja m es . Jo sslc 'e Lange.

. 6:00'J * * -rSoonor Or Loler"

/ /

; 2 - _2

9 4-------------------------------------- ^ —

6 - 6 --------- 7----- ~ 7 — 7—I - - _ - 10

I I 1II II n

i . I -. '5 Hor.21

~ ' "

_ 6 -

. 8 . - 8

si a reas, ilcdaroa.

LakeK3»y^igns-off the a ir .— 3 pickod up in Heybum, rley. P rogram m ing for the not ca rrled4nour listings^—


e s iS

J . :------

Wroit)■) WH --___I. Ora-

ra s i ;----------■ek.


Couf:____ _smas.



O THE GREEKS Tho moin I drook culluro (rom tho Mycon in 1300 B.C: io tho death of > Iho Groat In 323 B.C.. or throuflh iho liro-timo oludloo anolh OovBr. fPnrt _________

— O U P g n r o p g ^ T rPE ftg ' “ Dii Monlmof Adlor p rosldos ovot lociual (roo-ror-dll con^oming c o p to lb o au ty . (R) ONEW SM QKT GD BUSINESS REPORT O (12) BENNY Hna. Bonny oi Him compuny catlod "Choope 0 3 BURNS AND AUEN ID MOVIE * * * "Tox" (No D mo) Malt Dlllon. Jim Molzlor. (B NASHVILLE NOW Livo

. . . hlahliahllno coimlOLjnutic.---------- (B -V10SaO t80JOC K 6 ¥ e —^ “ ■ 10:30

O ALL IN THE FAMILY Edith' Floyd drops In for dinner with 1 loavinb h is dauohlor wllh tha 8 ® O CB'ABC-NEWS w g h tc b O c s G ) (11) TONIGHT Host

^ ^ a t u r c! 7;00' O ( S CD MEATBALLS & 8 PAG j G S O ffi? ( P ( 11) SMURFS

: __m iN V nA T 10NT0 F L Y ;_____0 ( 1 2 )T H E JETSONS CS REX HUMBARD

CD THE LESSON(D COUNTRY SPORTSMAN Lord Qoos soo Iroul llshlnp wll FfJi:oll.CD IS) YOU: MAGAZINE FOR W CD HYDROPLANE RAONG "Tumbio Cup” {(rom Tri CItioa. Wfi

:-:r^6H O W 4.IO V I£-~iir.ib.l^h^5hi Mualc" (l'939. Oromn) Jool K

i Wottor Bronnan.' “ '• ..... .. 7 :3d“





. HBO,MOVIE * * * -Tho Euro, —ItlO JB .—Q fam A )_U c—Rcmick

Elchhorn. • '

vous” ( t0 7 7 . S u a p ^ s o ) F 1 Harria. Oavld Jansaen .


_ _ 0 (12IJONNYJ3UE8T________CBCHARLANOO--------- :•CD MOVIE A -* "Tho Sovaoo > (1»49. WoBlarn)-William Elliolt. Booth.


CDl!5nS0ViE * * * "Tho"Lody" Lam p" (1B62, Biography) Anni glo. MIehaol Wilding.0 3 VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS


— 0 (I)G D T > e D U K E S ' CD O CQ CD O 0 THE GARY

MAN SHOW I— a j f f i T W i i m e a . .


— JOR-----------------------------------------— O < 18) L r m e r a s c a l s ----------

( ! ) ABBOTT AND COSTELLO CD MOUSERCISE "Tho Imporlnr Broaklast"

— CD WSU)E.FOOTBAU.-tR)--------8:35

O MOVIE * • * * "Exparlmont I • ■ fOr'’-( tses.-SuBiw nae) Glonn For

. Romlok.0:00


' m PERSONAL-FINANCE-------O (12) MOVIE * * "A Hauntin Will O o" (1942. Comody) S tan L

>in lham os in Coraon. Quasi; L conaoanA oo (Z) DOCTOR Wl of Aloxandor Tnro" Tho D odo

a ro - tra c o d In a dual o l wits oa of SIf Kon- Ing in tho balancc_________ _ O i l2).THICKEJ- B o a u ^ O r : -----uled-gnester-Johr3vor an inlol- (2) SATURDAY ning Iho con- Dreyfus. Guaot: J


CO CD TONIGHT ly a a llr l io o n Guosi: Llndaflon, »poF»m*." GOeARNEYMtLL

«d graeolul tram lo Dato. Dra- aulfors from hi# r

atamlna and ment VO foaluras' ^

" (SU 'A-8'H

ith hopoa“ S f l h S b o l th^a'

day preOliver Hbrdy.

5. r u « r m ® SUPERMAN'AQHETTI o q o o d m o r n i i

______________ CP-3TARS OF.THGuosi: JohnConlo

....................... CD SPORTSWEEKHBO FRAQOLE RClovo wllh Q Fraggli

, « ; a ^ s . “S I *


WA) (R) - Vonlshlng Eorih -ghn|I Hn~ " ~ Gingp'a - dr:<gpei ol M cC ron' Dooina a ooofchrd

• © SPORTSW EEK. . . ; - ---------- GD PERSONAL FiN

.,.R O A D



CIN MOVIE * * H ,At CADE le e 1. Advonturo),

• 10luropoana" O (3) ,GD TENNIS

j S n S 'o S f A - r in Rondoi. in FtuahlnQ Meado», Rtcha^^ {2 r U 'C D f f l lT T ) j

O YOU CANTTdC 8ION "Smoking"

LI v w n n n up tho true ILLYWOOD^ Horo of smoking. MRCHAV O O S ) COMPUTER I "B E H A V - ® o (SWEEKEN1

■ Promieto] "TTio Hm “ " J " l<»^"’A'boy and gl

Trlstino- Skylor) pren?i Artfinn onco Of o woalthy Bl on. Adrian g

w g s S S a ^ ^

Vnna Noa- b lacks in Iho baseb rogoiod Amorlea. CBGENTLEBEN CD THE WESTERNS! CDQUMBY


, . <lB 7i.-C om ody) Jo


» « 0 L lttLE RIVER

aolocllon or thoir . irlanco Of lopod In Mamourne.

_ _ _ 10:: “ 'G D o C D C D d O F L

o STANDBY... Ll nt In Tor- ACTIONI Host Loona FofdrL oo— now-anlmatlon-toehi

dopth look 01 tho r "Rock 'N' Rulo." fo

-/-R O A D — ol Doborah HarryrLe Wind and Fire.


DOO 0 ( 1 2 ) MOVIE lit ★tollo M o a t^ ^ . Joky (IdSS; Camody)"Bd

mtlng Wo Stovona.- ■n Laurel. GD AMERICA'S TO P'

I: Linda Ronttadl. O (QWHO 'T ha Androids O r ; BIGHOIclor bnd Grondol a n t^ b o GD EN'Its with a kingdom heng- lino Kainco. (P arts) ody aoig j j E J ^ W Q t f i ; S c h a d : ^ (Z)^LAl'otin'RIllo/,' Tho TubGD. " ~ tori, Ph\y WQHT Hoal; Richard how lh it: Jimmy Bulfot. • . (D tN SlNY HBO O

10:38 Star*#KT Host: Johnny Carson. Bolzor.lonstadl. 0i>ly CrgLLER Bamoy'a ollompl- WMomiransilion lo middle agoIs m an's coneern lor his Oavo th<ental stato. SHOW I

10-40 ' _ 1 0 : « ----------------- ------

- . ------------—11:00 CM u r•U.S. Opon Hlghllghta" ha day 's matchoa (from rnr< n m tional Tonnia Contor in

ION Guost: John'Updiko. ibltlaRlch." Mioniign

ograms^ CD WILD


w m i --------------- ---------- -Nalional:EIC{R) W avno I: ROCK Wambioy falls rn ^ ' gola named Lou.; "Tho- Sludonti g K

« O BUCK ^•30 fT) N ttu

3RR0W PEOPLE..-JTho c " irih" Worried about pro,not,. p pnm anc e ^ a i n phBn— ^ .-am aB V (Pan-2)-----------------------

f L u c , -----------------------r PRESTON O F THE

~ T o ~ p ‘o o f r« r o R R E f i~ ^ '^ ^ ,] ! '' ,lODorABrJohtSldo^^ JS IBE^TCNNIS "B a s ic s Z n T p

NathorlarROCK Red challonges ^ 8 0 INSI

*TH "Gflloxy E xpross" „ „ o n . « •0) Animated. NFC. o lo

10:00 visll to thilS ••U.S. Opon" Worn- pton W as rnen'a aamlllnala (livo.. .SHOW Ml Nalional lonnia Cantor ( i 9 7 l . Wcfowj:_oro()R.P_arj ..NY)___ Gablo—i).THUNDAnR CIN MOW•DO THAT ON TELEVI- (108J. C< ]" The' comody kida G aziara . 10 lac ts about tho dan-

ER PROGRAMMEENO SPECIAL (Sooaon c , - X " J Haunted Mansion Mya- I gtrl,(Chri.tlan.Slator. probe Iho diooppoor- g ® y mlaor.-(Pan O (R) Q kTHER I SPORTS ,LALWAmSUM-SHIN-H-*’" ^ - g J E: LIFE W THE N E G R O ^ S ^

y of tha iraatment ol ”seball iaaguos o l seo- cbmj


lONASHVniE----------------S t S l ®* * "Plaaso. SIrl"John Adtllolon. Cilia-

I0CKEY8 r . .fEn . - (BTMWW

lir hits in a concon * « P o '’ Ani10.10:30 ____ _______________I FLASH GORDON g - - ..........—

UGHTai .CAMERAI onard NImoy exploroa )chrtlquorwHh-on-In:— ( S O ' ® ' 10 new animalod Him e ra g e of K ■ foaturlno Mio volcoa aoto Twlm rLou Reed, and Earlh Chlcoflo C

O THEfl PROGRAMME------- BEAUTY ":AN BANDSTAND . Black Baa I DIALOGUE p lo t to l ix lt i t "Abbott And Coa- Q (Q) FOCBkyll^nd_Mr. Hydoi:___(33SHOPSBorla Karlolf. Craig O ^C A L T I



' aorles..LATENIGHt-AUERlCA—Jam«a-H rPh.D .,~m 55yctiD iooioinrB cu8i t Iho w oather a lfoc ts your mood. INSIDE CHMA3 ON LOCATION "C a tch A RisI r'tt 10th Anniveraary" RIcha cor. Pal Bonalar. David Srenm f Crystal, Gabo Kaplan end Rot lama aro among the s ta rs aalutt Now York show caao club whl<

0 thorn thoir atart.)W MOVIE * * * "S ta r Trok II: Tl th Ol Khan^^ (1902. Sciance-Fi W llira~m .Shatnerrniw ae Monti

MOVIE "Night o r fh o Ju ” (1080, Suspense) Jam oa Broil Gorman._____ :____ lilO S _ _ _ _ J _TENNIS "U.S. Opon HighlighK iliohts of tho day 'a matchoa (Iro


mal:ICnjimpiflnanip"_ (from Foi lo .lN ).(R ) .

11:002 ONE OF A KIND S AMERICAN STORY EWS I WEATHER / SPORTS JCK ROGERSlUMERO UNO ArgontinD's romoi cor driver. Juan Manual Fangio,liod. (R) • ______________WERICA'8 TtjP'TEN-------------------nEATEST SPORTS LEGENDSDTHEFLINTSTONESOWE * 'V "The BaUgo 01 Marahalan" (I9S7, Woatern) Jim Dovia

3U ANO ME. KID "Number Day" ,UTO RAaNCT/'Formuia I Oulel1 Prix" (Irom Zandovoort, Th<

INSIDE THE NFL Thl8"'8poclal p'ro in an nw iflan ifB m noviaw ’oi nm >n. an analyais ol tho AFC and the a look dl Iho aoaaon ahoad and a0 tho (raining comp ol tho chom Vashlngton Redskins.y M O ttE -* * * • •The Bay Frlond': . MuBlcal) Twiggy, Christ'ophoi 1,. .—.—■ — . ■ .lOVIE ••Thoy All Laughod’'. Comody) Audrey Hopburn, Bor ira.

11:10OVIE * * '* ''T he Man With The n Arm" ( 1BS6 , Drama) Frank o. Kim Novak.

” 11:30 ........CHLDREN'S THEATRE

QA1N8T THE ODDS “ FDR -And i f " Franklin Dolano Roosovoli 10 tho only man to bo oloclod font lor tour iorm's an 'd 'tecTllioY through tho Doproaslon ond

W a^ II: h ls 'w ita El'oanor won(rlbutos, niodals and aw arda for :ampalgn ior unlvorsal hurnan


S WEEK W BASEBALL------- T-----) THE~8 HIffTTAEES-----------1 VIE JWouldnULottvaAny O lhor Girl" (No D ata, Com-

AFTERNOON---------- -- - -

I2 « 0 '(S ) 'C B '(D '< n ) BA SEBA LL'Co" ol Konaaa City Royala a l Mlnno- wins or St. Loula Cardlnaia at 10 CubsC ADVENTURES O F BLACKY "Foul Play" Vicky, Albert and Baauty aro caught In a vicloua lix horao racoa.FOCUS ON SOCIETY5PSMITH______________________O.THWEEK. MAN OF THE YEAR>ERCHARGER8

SERT ■ Iho USTA National Ta Flushing Mondow-Coror

lada'- , , . , 0com-., (3 ) TENNIS ••U.S. Op

Highllghia ol tho day 'a -Rot.— theH/STA-Nflttontri-Toi s so s Flushing Moadow-Coron

1 t:30® **OV\E ★ "Stunt {

hard ^'^Vonluro) Christopher Sommor.O ARTS AT SOTHEBY TER PAiNTTNGS A behi

. ' look a t tho lamoua a Sothoby Parka Bornot, r(

.. aion and oxcllem ont o l t^ n c O O B lO A H O flE PO flT S-

, uled ouoata: John R i l ty , ' '«iM O MARY HARTMAN, MA

Mory can 't aoo oyo to tr, ta 'a child mlnlstor; Tom ir

^ .-daioJo th ia-iO O th ohiokoi O C B CD (11) FRIDAY N

Irom Tho J. Gaiii| Bond, Dary

(D VICTORY GARDEN B< talka to tho third and loui

IB) is ts in the Flflh Annual VI

•ort varlolios and harvaatlng. 0 ( 1 7 ) MOVIE * * -* ."T li (1951, Comedy) Doan ILewis. - ------QD LEAD OFF MAN CD BOBBY BARE AN Guoata: Harlan Howard, ;

lod18 © ® MOVIE "Lew _____(1932.-W ostorn) Wollor B


hfll— W arron Boetty. Diono /ia. 12:16

Chicofio Cuba ich ,2 :3 0■ho O SPECIAL DELIVERY .. . ..W all Doo". Ronnla-C ox-s ro- land atnr in thia IhrilllnQ a Liai. ture « iory-about Iho 2.00i Iho aoy o l o champion alod do d a porately to bo reunited wl i”<- boy who onco savod hia lir<

0 (QD FOCUS O N 8 0 0 E T d ' - . - 3 ) O (5) BPORT8 BEAT- lOf O CROSSFIRE------- ® -W IN e :-W H A T -P te A 8d ” W ines And R oaos" R oses an Mondavi and Inglonook, an

Irom Paul M aason and Lo a ro loaturod.


CD SWTT2ERLAN0 Tako amabnillconlly boaiitllul coin primitive farmlanda tb tl

nd- Sw isa Alps and the world'i oil torhorn.

____________.1:00____n a O OS) ART O F BEtNG HI Q ^^W andQr-flt&Bfm ". on 3 ) 0 ( 2 ) NCAA FOOTBAU 'Of O T H E WEEK IN REVIEW on (23 THIS OLD HOUSE Bot

tho orounda wilh a landaca ond tho carpontora put ( c ed a r clapboards . (R) Q

- -O D MOVIE "Mork OITfio-L-. Laah Laruo, Fuzzy St. John CD COUNTRY SPORTSfc

____ ,«<Llrnut_flahI^f____ Frizioll,

OQ PLAY YOUR BESTTEHI01 ThoG roundstoko" (R)

••— O W -M O V g***T > - “ Thy^ •n- Louis" (1957. Biogrophy) J

art. Murray Hamilton.1:30

" ~ 1O ~ (® ” ART'0 r B E W G '» Man With No Timo For Soau O STYLE WITH ELSA KLEf

5:— (3D »*0VIE-*-*"*- "Tho-Sop. Crlato" (1040. Adventure)

w ard. Jo a n Bonnoll.CD NEWI ANIMAL WORLD''


SHOW MOVIE * * "Oo (1978. Como'dy) Ja ck Nich<

____ StoonburflOO._____________1:40

O MOVIE * * ••Six Blac ^1902, Wostarn)_ Audla M

:T 7 “ ------ r^-^F rttiay .-S op i

Tannla Center Jn O atoa, Dunirona Park. NY). Tho Pointei10 musical min Opon Highlights" R a « 'a " aeg ^'a m atches (Irom Cata.

Q country musi It Savon" (1070, lor Connolly. Elko CD (D HOG

apy holpa HBY'S: OLD MAS- o l Goorino'slohind-tho.sconoa ® MOVIE. ouctlon houso. Adventure) CI, reveals lhe ton- Sommor.11 tho ouctlon pro- ONIG H TTR

r s ------------------------- (B HAWAU Fe-NIQHT-Soh«l----------i--------------y , Tho Tubes. : O WOMEN ; MARY HARTMAN From B essie 3 oyo wilh Loret- tion Is tracec n fhakaa 0 dinner ■ iho block, s ikon-lrlod-^toak:— “ o r to n n n o s i Y NIGHT VIDEOS day and the oryl Hall * John a ty loand tho

I Bob Thompson Duryea. lourih soml-linal-1 Victory.Garden ■ -«r»- ^ “ u ij reparation, crop BEHAVIOR "I 0- O SPORTS <•That a My Boy O (12) MOVI n Martin, Jorry - , a , y ( 1048.-------- ------------ KIrkDougloa.

CD WYATT E/ AND FRIENDS ( q MOVIE * d, Mlckoy Nov*- Boaco Roof

- Jam oa Daly, f.ew ^nd O rd o r j; .......................>r Bronnan, Wal- t-------------------

YS - - — c^ETTi>ds^^(l08l,D rn. '


j|9 X a cd ln a la .aU _

" . T v -f lp i0 action advnn- F l in ir i.obo”mllo odys- - —dog trying dos- , 'with the young • R®'

>11(0. C r o d l lo rlETY _ a p p l ie s tcr- . . . . zS o ry ico jsL f

• N o loni JA8URE-*^I0ht--------i - y 5 iT c 5 n

Loa Hermanos

'M Ra a look a l ihia . .. v J :oiintry, from lts - -- "Ih> tho ' majastle ( \ \ / £•Id lamoua Mat- • UV ^

rnUMAN "Tho

ALLW ‘Sob Vila walks \ i g a s l ^ scap e doalgnor .Jt on new red •J&-Laah*'(1O40)------- ------------------

lino with Oflvld - _ O S - I O _______________ A p la n ■ 1

eSBISjSaeicHZZ _ Q a ta b l ia ^) _ h o u s e h o ldfw - S p in ro ra t--------- ll»'h'“ c re 'd

c o r r io d o u

aauty"LENSCH•Son-OfM onto------------------------*re) Loulit H ay


■a„. sou,. CLEARAIicholson. Mary m

i^cro ssfi31aek Horaos"

Murphy, Dan I i g g a n a A v

iepiem borfl,J983 • . T l m o ^ w

Duran D uran,'Tha Claah apd , . n ter Slaiora afO' lao iu red ' In -• minl.'loaluros; p lu s 'a "Privalo aegm enl-lealuring Tho Stray

IH JRA X ____________ - - - ____HYLAND ON STAGE Rising nusic s ta rs perform.

11:3SKXIAN'S HEROES A Ruaaian a Hogan koop French art out lO's hands,TE ★ "Stunt Sovon" (1979. a) Christopher tonnolly , Elke


01 FIVE-0” ....................

EN IN JAZZ "Tha V ocalia ts;- is le t o Bllllo ' Tho jazz tradi- iced from ita oariiest roola - k. spiritual music ol a Now jostra rchoir'^nrB T irfo 'H oiir— tho merging of tho big band thobluos.

2:00 . . I - - - - - - • •■JJNDSR&TAWDINQ—HUMAN-»—R "Functions 01 Tho Brain" r s CLOSE-UPOVIE * * ! i "My Doar Socre- 148.—Comody) ‘I:nrnlno-Ooy;— - loa.TEARPE '•Treasuro Ot Sono o f (No Doto. Myotory) ly, Roger Mobloy.

llppliaiices-Steren _

R e n ta l C h a rg e s • N o , a r c h o c k s • R o n t

to p u rch o so • F ro o j»_Np In te re s t Ch o t ^ e » -o n g J o r m a g ro o m o n t .. ___c an co rico l a g ro o m o n t 0. .

- o k i y J P a y m e n t s

■ l o w O S1 ■ t o r th o s e " w f lh o u tih 'od c re d i t . _ to _ o w n _ ____oild I lo m s a n d ^ 'e s to b - J ___■ edlT If a g r o o r h o n f ~ o u t .

Imne 733-7111


I A v». N orth T w in l l o |

1(«10 3 _ ^ _

.......— ..... -p r-

f f lO P tC K T H I

mond. IN. (R)

------ O Y O aX jO TT------ aON-Cflftlff-Af

d iscovor th a t 11 . crim o and vandi

- -Q -O -U N D IBEHAVKM --Sffi O T >C P >Q 8T C (DtVAGOMTR/ (DiSaiSCHOLA MY ■■Baaoball;

............ .....................-Tlffl-flaWo# of th

(2) (D COUKTH O AQAMST -nB arton" Qoorg m ado hogo odvi

; - — - ------and- pfoducllm' - --------- <6uhdodih«rAnii

' 0 (0 ) MOVE 1 <1846: Drama)

■ O N ^ 8 7 WE-----------------------------OJjBiW EN _Eaj

throuQh tho 24 ■ a o o n d B o n th o a

- (£>..HERE'S LU ____________ . w oalthy Europ«

: tho bank into Oh CD <11) ORIZZ ao la oul to k bollovos Is rosp dealh .

---------- ----------------- CDWRAPAROU( □ OS USA I THEATER -F o rr ^ ) / "T oronloM


-----------— :------------ w orK orreaiiiR i- - ---------- 'd o n T ra e c u a * ^ ^

ONEW8MAKEI O ALL AMEn 440 yard n o rw 2 .8 million dollar

__________________ CQ_MASTERP}IFlam o Trooa Ol P iac o a" Tho aq men f'inda iiia »

^ \ s to ra o o h u t. (PaCC POPI Q 0E 8



______ - HBO VIDEO JUK"----------:i_SHOW-MOVffi-!

- - • (1082. Drama)Winoor.c m MOVIE *-* m a)P lpor Laurlo


CD ELEPHANTSCA.LIwino in ho anim als prooonl a s .th e y lorago,

_______ -aak to m M on rou

----------------------------a>-<D-WlU>-KII■ Sri Lonka” Mar

' _______tho Ural tlmo tobehavior ol raro O REOOIE JA< S P O frre •■dymn. ond girls comp

................ - ' "AAU Junior'-oyrr......................... In Columbua.-lndi--------- . ,o lk-obo«t-lho s

otcom potilion,__________________O NEWS /_W£/^

. ® VflLO WNO£_____________Tho cap luro ar

-------------- ------------- B o n o o r t ia o r w t--------------------------- haa-bacamo-n-U:

chroniciod. 0 ( 1 2 } DANIEL I C D dD V IE W S CD THE MONROt CDEPCOTMACSj TION Q uosi hoal

_______; _________ i y _ . ________CD (D) CO ED CD VIDEO DISC.; HBO MOVIE *1

------------------------ ( ig0OrWvonTuT«orM ooro .-



- _ -----a ) LORNE QREJ---------- ------------- 4 -T Jin a» ^ 0 W 8 .1--------------

I> sg.-ao - .......... -fflK T D O T H A rO N TELEVt---------j-And-Vandaliem"-Tho kida G It tharo la rfo lunny aldo to - (Z

NDBISTANCMNO HUMAN ih< •Sonsory Paycholooy"STORY aTRAM KllXA8T>C SPORTS ACADE- ticall; B a ta Runnino” Quoal: flic >f.th® MontrOBi £xp<v; (R )r ' r o'c

3 :00 GE nRYOAINTS r THE 0 0 0 8 "Carvor Andtorgo W aahington C arver ' ®idvancos In crop veraaliiiiy B;tion, and C lara B anon tSJ ^mbrtcniiRotJ.-CroBs:— — OIE * * * H "Tho Yoarling" McTxa) Gregory Pock, Jano To

WEATHER / SPORTS ^Pmil Mawtwftn fnirf>wftrf24 wooka a yoar w h ichha Sti10 au to racing circuit. ^

LUCY Lucy p o so s a a a . ® op o a n ’widow to lm oroas '> O rv ingM raiaan . " 'IIZZLY ADAMS A woman o" ') kill o black boar sho claosponsiblo for hor la lho r 's ^

lOUND NASHVILLE ........ ^h.A PRESENTS: TIME-OUT f’®' =ormuia 3 Car R aco" (Part *o«0 M arathon" ^

3:30 S□VENTURES OF BLACK ,/ild Jualico" Aflor a larm ^ II^o-burnB down; Dr.- Gor- iflitf of Broort. * —« E R SATURDAY <tERICAN FUTURfTY This r#o rnco-olfora-ff purao o l - 3llara (from Ruidoso. NM); RPIECe THEATRE "Tho ^ r o i Thika: Frionds In HiQh1 aon of Iho G rants' head ^ Is way Into tho-dynam ilo (P a rt4 > { R )g>E8 THE COUNTRY CLUB JnTBTTS' SHiOKB." JBHnniB'C.'— ^

AJN nIo?anoors Round-Up (1930) JUKEBOX 3 «te * * 1 4 ■ 'C a iin o ry -R o w '-^ t^ ■na) N ic k ’ Noito. Oobra F o '

* * * "Tim” ( t o s t . Dra- urio. Mol Gibson. O

3:3® n i lfEEKtUUSTRATED

3:40 old,ITS AND H PP O S IN AFRI* frio

horda, thoso .pondoroua ^ y , loni a lascinating parado go. llB liL J i« l-p l« y -ln - th o -^ rtl routino of doily oxlalonco. g g |

4 :00 InguKINQOOM ■!Monkoya-O I.-aaa . Marlin Porkins travois for CD' to Sri Lanka to aludy tho CD ■

sro and unusual monkoys. (D i JACKSON'S WORLD OF SH< rmnoatiCB" Moot tho boys -Girl >mpoting in iho Notlonol Simgymnnatlca cftamplonahip...........lnd>ana.«nd lialan a s thoy—10 sacrillcoa-and rew ard s• O '

V e A T H E R ./_ S P O R T S ______NGDOM VTigor Capturo"

and translocation o l a______•■wno8o~Rvmm[j~Torntorv—

EL BOONE "Tho Gun” "

r o e s a 'c iAGAZINE: WEEKEND EDI- loa loas ; Shown Wonihor-

' (T liJC JOCKEYS .* ★ "T ho .Soo W olvos” .

iiuru)'G reoorv.'P oeK rns^r—— - - - -B ro r

4 :10 o r'id • O I

^ ( l l ) N B C N E W S ico;E FAMILY abotMOVAK (3)TTSPO RTS LEGENDS O IREENE-S N W . VV|LOER- WEI ■a.TwlnFalioOldaijo Friday.


Q M O V IE(2) CD SIX MIUJON DOUAR- S tovo Austin and .O scar Goldmar ihe ir live* throa^onod by o (voi a aboteurs .O SPECIAL DELIVERY "Ono ' K<nd" Diana B tk a r sCara In iM t rt tic ond com poa^onale atory of c g le paroni and ho r robollioua ton-: old daughter.'GD EMERGENCY A citation'for br< above and beyond iho call of m akes th o parom odlca uncomldrtt ( D BUCK ROGERS O SPORTS SATURDAY ( B ^ H A W . .

McCoo. Co-hoati Rick Nelson. Ou Toco. O uanertlaah . M ichael Semi Loura Bronlgan. Rick Jam oa, M otels.. -O K E HAW G uests:-Pnul WIUI •Steve WorinQ?r W.llBr'd ~i;coH. M Dollar Band.( S THAT TEEN SHOW SPECIAL laaues o l inlorost to to d ay 'a toene •• runaways, prejudice, p e e r proe ond drug abuao '*-'oro d laoussad; c lal guoata ihcludO' Conrad Bain C herloaH aia,O (12) THE CHARMKINS Animi Tho advohturoa o l l^ady Slipper hor Irionda in Charm Worid are featuring tho voicoa of Bon Voi Aiioon Ouinn ond Sally Sirutho/s. q CB (11) U.S. FARM REPORT CD ALIAS SMITH AND JONES e g PANCHO. THE FASTEST PA\ THE WEST Tho adwonlufos ol Por a -C hoaoponke .B ay -tfllfiovnf.-fflnt m aater. o amoll MoxIcarTboy. aira lured.CD-.COUNTRY .'SPORTSMAN Si Lord goBB boo trout flshin'o wilFi C Frizzoil.© O B P O R T S PROBE----------------CS SPO R T SC E N T ^ .CIN M O V lE-**-K "•Loat And Foi (1070. Comody) Goorgo Segal. Gli Jockaon.

O <SD AMERICAN CHALLENGE atory of eight aolo aailors Who < longed th'o A tlanticO coan In a grui 3000 mllo yacht rac o la dacumonte [S:USU:AM i-yoUd;OlaplayrGardoi Foaturoa Include the Farmlnglon play G ardena, aoloctlng w ood lumi art ond food.D (12) HERSELF TKE ELF Anims Priacliia Lopez. Jorry O rbach. Di □iilon and G eorgia Engol provide b Of tho voicoa In thia lanteoy alory c Bllln princoBo w ho learns lo roly or Irionda w hon hor magic wand la al ayoaoltelulviliD ln. .3 ) SISKEL & EBERT AT THE MO\ 3lBkel-oinJ Eiju il tnko o lugfc at~" 3old Now Sexuality in M oviea." fo ng on th o trend tow ard more- ox[ta x .ae an o a in loday 'a fiima.____ _[B <11) MAGIC VALLEY ALMANAC [D AMERICAN SPORTS CAVALCAIra 'd Jl’SPORTS LOOK------------------SHOW MOVIE ★A-A'M "Groga 3lri" (lOSS.'^Cdmody) GoVdon j Sinclair, Deo Hepburn.


___ . . EVENING__________

------- 8 : 0 0 ________;33(£)CDN EW 8E»-SPEaAl.-OEL-fVERY-“l'H-Fin< Vay" Nino^or-old Nadio. who < torn with Boinablllda and muSt woi

luch on onormouB amount ol enf >nd onthusiosm lor lllo, that no fho knows hor eon ovor lool sorry

S LfTTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE D 80U D GOLD Hoat: Morilyn McC :Q jioaL_BicK_NolBon,_Guo9toj:o )uononiaah . M ichael Sombollo, Lo ironigan, R lck.Jam aa..Iho.M oiola_ 3 NEWS / WEATHER / SPORTS 3 ENTERTAINMENT THIS V ^ K F jrcd^ a-look -a i aomo hot young-c< :o: Ann Jilllan and Madollno Kohn t Dout tholr now TV sorios.D TO BE ANNOUNCED--------------) MEMORIES MTTTH LAMTREN VELK "Rhythm.lo Our OuainouiV ay. Septem bef0^ 1 3 ^ ' « ' • i.i

W l lVOMEN d e a th ol Vladimir Vi [R) — slan poot-balladeof— - ' '■ u l iiiriiw

« an Bxplanallon of wlUt-MAN llahmenl worfca lou(

uouQ ol (S ) BARBARA MANDI D R C a 818TER8 Qu.

10 O f~ A '"JI" '-S t* lfofd . - Ig rM lta- O (12) BARBARA h of a sin- MANORELL'SISTERS lon-yoar- QD MOVIE ★ * * •---------------- W aslBm) Burt L«ncair bravery - ® < l i ) WALT Dl8h

of duly C onnection" A youne J ttab lo . “ Oont (Jeffrey Byroi

(Larry C edar) conlinu a kldnappBd Bclonlisl

_ CD M O ^ * * 1

G uests ' Rodgravo, M argaret I ombollo, (D m o v ie "W BB, Tho H eart" (1052, 9iogr«

w ard, Dovld Wayne. MlllamB. CD ® OVATION "0 I. Million * ’> * “ C iiy^tflhi

“ Journey Inlo Thoilar lAL Four andO om ona” .enaaora CD VIDEO DISC JO O i orSaiuTS— 1D 4H E4V O RLM eO I id -f lp o - HBO LITTLE RIVER B lain ond U A Tho poBwiarjpck

oelocllon ol Iholr h nimaiod. toped In Molboumo.'

^ re 'tf ld '’ ■ “Voroen! O NCAA FOOTBALL

• s . q 0 :3f(2) CD P-M. MAGAZII TION

PAW IN / O THE THRO EVE Poncho, rinlho" Tho leonager .and-hial-Iaiilof.i'nio.anotli'dLac aircTIoa- ..U D "lm t10“dungoona“

N otlinahom .(Part 3) Bobby ( S DIMENSION FIVE

,i iD ..Id

___- ______ O .Cai3)-V ¥A LT-0|SiC onnecllon” A young

Found” oflonJ-(Jolfroy Byroi Glenda Cedar) contlnu

o kidnapped scientist (Z) CS O BOflNG Sc

TK------bbui'Larry-WoImba”tf’o WBC Hoavywel;

iL -V i!„ of the World (livo (r° NJ)-

, ^ violence. Intrigue one iirnaioo, . ,

; O (HD COUNTRY MU~ ry Rood hoalB o courl« n h « r ■ -porforma.««io i«n SkaOBB. tho Gatlin “ Fricko. Lacy J. Oaltoi> « ii \r te« --lh o Charlie Daniola Oi

“ l J u V cold-bioodod Bup..««ii,>ii Who blinded hla ox-wl oxpiicii Q REPOR

i A c “ " O DIFF'REKT-8T1

oaarv-a ' Lody Nancy Roogon;- -I C ---- CS-SURVIVAL ‘'Kiilo" M ichael London narra

big gamo onimala ilv Ooti Plains ol Eoot A

IT --------~ t h o ~ ln ir ic a io - r 6laiioj■ t>otwoon p redatora a

O--------------- 0 (ta)S T A R SeA R C

hoata thia apocioi li__________ tiono In olQhl en torla i

- female vocollBt,fHnd-A----- anncor:— mustcaf—^10 w os lending man. loading i w ear o ond appooroncoa b' Bhowa ih'oir atari on taieni si energy CB ( I D BILLY GRAH> no ono i D STARS OF THE G orry for G uest; John Conloo.---------- CD WOMEN’S BILUAIRIE tolionol 7-Ball ChamvicCoo. 0 "JTOCO.____H B 0 J k ( 0 V IE .* * j^, Louro ( 1001. Drama) Henryila.— j____UoBburn^_________S SHOW U21N CONCEK F ob- . bond porforma "Sum

hn talk from Ihe Rod Rock ol iro in Colorado.CIN MOVIE * * V , ■

?ENCE vouB" (1077, S ub Hnrrla, Oavid JonsBun

VyBOtsky, iho Rus- b reak upOf Biid aatiriat, iB (R) . . lBw■a ^ h^a wui K andwhy h la anII-oBtab- « f r j p)uch th® h e a n a ol " ^ ;

IDRELLATHEMAN-luoBla: Dotile WOBt, ^ " )

.M A N D R E L L » T «

'® A p a c h e ” (1954, ia slo f.JoanP o le rB . .SNEY .••T h o .O m o g a_ ..]g °N ^ j mg U.S. govommoni bOXD ron) ond hio Iriond " f inue Iholr Boorch for isl. (Part 2) (R) ^ S w o rlc

it Lockwood. o[bI and^"Wilh A Song In My “ fhom a oraphy) Susan H ay ,|ou ,,,,on

t "!.. Dland; Taloa of Gods

__________m ^ G ^i^ANO^IN AUSTRA- ck group perform s a p,<,o9onc

W t a l n a ^ n c o r t_______G uoataiJ

.n«;°® CD ®^ SENTS;3o m a b c ‘1ZINE: SPECIAL EDI- coi

blonda C(CE "Into Tho L aby oaple(era follow Iho wlt^h__ ^goloon >BOO^oC9.Ihny_ond_a„"5j.L.Aiic ia -o t-tho -S ho r1 (ro l— 0 - ^ O R - » SHOW K

(1070, C«•w ------------- Stoonburs'iSNEY "Tho Omega ^ •mg U.S. governm ent.ron) ond hla Iriiind ®* BrillBhInue tholr search lorist. (Pan 2) (fl) . GD (D B,Scheduled 12-ro&nd MANDREl

elght-iChsmplonahip (7 )O G D(rom.Allaniic City. (Connie £.............. ......................... Roarko a

;e-Konowo-.Blara In Frank) t_rl

SOO whon Iho Bono- O SPOR* nonarchists brought GD EVENl md holghtonod pas- Sovoral ( illhom as 'sea . Collins ar^USIC JUBILEE Jor- F iedler c >unlry music spociol Orchoatrnla n co s - by Ricky ( R ) -------Iln Brolhora. Jonio . (£) BARB« :ton, Tom T. Hall ond ,_DRELL SU Band. - 'C D SOLID

H"nka> BlnikB_'Co-hont; lupormarkol robbors Oua'rlbrfla •WHO. (R )Q Bronlgan,3RT8 CD ROCKSTROKESr-rAtfiOldlo— Oa.WRAP, r oniclo on drug CD Q ] ^B-aitentlon_Ql-FJral__ i;RuflLNoin :(R )Q CD VIDEOilora Of Tho Plain" HBO M 0\ rra toB B sludyoM ho or," (198 living on Ihe Seron- Bruco Sp< Alrica, locualng on ' CIN MOVI

lonanip“ ih B t"n x In ta ~ t1 9 0 irC c I and Iholr. proy. CH) G n«orn .

aCH John Schneldor— o .B A S E I lOBluring compoll- . AngoiooO

lalnmont ealogorlos _______

i^ ^ d y .’n n d T d o l : by s lo rs who got " show s ol Iho DBsi.

HAM CRUSADE OEVAN£ n » « ,0 0LH 0Pnv g M g u s .

JARDS-I'World Invl....................impionahlp - Match O CD Q

NEWS"On GoitKin Pond" O TOSC

ry Fonda. Kolharlnn Puccmi'a

i^ERT Tho Irlah rock poriistB a unday,-B loody-6 un- -violonco. -Day" and.oihor-hiia—aion Inta.I) outdoor amphlthoa- O iSS Mi

Tho LionI "Golden Rendoz- Connery. ( usponBo) • R ichard O N E W S ,«n._ _. . .. CD SIX C

7:30 ■ , ; hSILVER 8 PQON8 G randlaihbr on (Johrf-HOuaemsn) irioa io , up Edward and Kalo'B romance.

~ a-nn ) (B MOVIE ★ * t i "Borderilno" I, Adventure) CharlOB Bronsoti, Kirby. '

1 f f l LOVE BOAT April Lopez0) inform«; ib e crow that sho Is ig America, an obnoxious young rngor (M Iehtol J . Fojc> croalos >m8. and a young woman (Mary nough) docidoB to abandon horty .(R )Q .........................................W 8 / W EATHER-LSeOBIS.. . . >XINQ Scheduiod 12-round bout • Holmoa vo.-Scott Frank for iho Hoavywoighi Championahip of

ofld <from Allantic City, NJ). )V A ^ o lo fl.O f A BloIogx_Wntch- Film-W ilhXewlsJrhomaaliaiolOL Id award-wlnninoauthorOr. Lew- imoB revoaia som e ol tho mysto- vendors o M llo .(R )g 2) MOVIE * * H "Hard Driver", Dromo) Jo lt Bridgoa, Vaiorio

WS1) WJCEL OF FORTUNEj g o u t a m e r k : ayVJb - ^ * * V, " TTIU PluU Plpet'^ , Fantasy) Donovan, Donold

jOBBY-BARE. AND.FRIENDS n- .Hfttlan Hownrd. Mlckoy Now-


JC'S MANTRAP World promioro concoplual concert video, which 1 concert lootago wilh an oxcit- iplonage dram e;-aongo Include )n Arrow," "The Look Ol Lovo"kll OLMvHoatt," ------------ORTSCENTER' MOVIE * * ”Goln' Soulh".

Comody) Ja ck Nicholson, Maryjurgon.- —• — ..................• . -

8:30t-FOOTBALL-Torc^o-Argonoulo- ish Columbia LIdna

0;00I BARBARA MANDRELL & THE RELL SISTERS Guoata; Doitlo Jim S isn o n .a ) FANTASY ISLAND A reporter 0 Stovena) trioa to oxpeao Mr.} oa a Itoud, and a man (Gary

triea lo p row ojhot hla a oldlof

□RTSTONIGKTENING AT PO PS "Judy Collino"II Bonga immortalized by Judy . are podormod; Iho loto Arthur r conduclB th e Boston Popa itrn in aomo S trouss wnilzoa.

RBARA MANDRELL & THE MAN-.SISTERSUO QOLO Hool: Monlyn McCoo. .1! Rlek-Nnlnon:.Gun!ita :- Ta e o_ .rflaahTMichborSombolIo; Loum on. Rick Jam oa. Tho MoiAls. .CK CHURCH PROCLAIMSAPAROUND NASHVILLE------------) NIGHT FLIGHT Noli Young-oNovof.Sloopa",_________________EO DISC JOCKEYS WVIE "Tho Rood W arn-.1981, Advonluro) Mol Gibson, Sponco.3VIE * * * "Thoy Ali L aughed" 'C om ooy)-A udro/H opbum rB on-'n. . . . , ...

B;20SEBALL-Atlanto Brovoa nt L os- loDodgora

IHTCAP Topic; womnn nnd lllora- uegta; outhora Nora Ephron, Eri- 0 . nnd Coiotlo Dowling.

0:30U4S&NOVAK- USETERPIECE THEATER VIE "Rangora Round-Up (1938)

_j0 ;00 - - ----- --G D ( D C S ) O G D O I X ) C D

ISCA Kin To Kftnnwn ninrn in i'a oporo about tho polliicnl

B and lhe monorchlola brought :o. inlriguo ond hoighlonod p o s -ta.IhaJlvos^l.tho mssBoo_______

MOVIE * * * "Tho Wind-And Ion" (1075, Advonluro) Soon y . CondlcoBorgnn. n a / WEATHER / SPORTS < GREAT.IDEAS-•'eootily- Dr.

Mortimer A dler J im id e o e

s s L u s i P ' ’'-?ice. O (12 ) BENNY H LL I

• F rench film dirocior Piorro

aid n o T P g

' C B '( 1 1 ) AUCE A weigh poz Longo) aavos Jo leno 'e III ) IB— <a><enly thinks s h e 'a fallen uno Wni, (R)itoa CD BEYOND THE HORQ lory JAPAN MAGAZINE her G8 MOVIE * * » "Tho Thi

. ThomoBlna”, (.1064.,,Advoni M cGoohan. S usan Hampah

u i . SH O W “ W D V IE - ★ * * ,ho Runner"- (1082. Sclonco-Fl- ai-, eon Ford. RutgerH auer.-

. 10:16ch- O MOVIE * * * "The' Llli jio i-.-o{ '.iu rtaft.R oy-aonn:::iiflz aw- Paul Newman, Ava Gardner lie- a f f l ABC NEWS

10:30f f l MUSIC CITY NEWS A\ Stotlor Brothora and Loul

---------hotit .ihiu- piuBuinutton-D nse n by th e read ersh ip ol or m usic 's o idesl pubiicatio Alabama, Loretia Lynn, Bi

— droll. The U ak Ridge Bo o 'd Twitty.


SiSl— Wnflhlngton__ ■ - .•( S MOVIE * * * * <1960, Dramo) Kirk OouQla Olivier.

oro . O VEGAS Dan ao ls out Ich young show girls who I <:l<* sno lchod by a whito Slav

lor oolo ovoroeaB.-F O R - -THE.-LOVE. -OF

^^-777-Shle le la^4 ---Yornoll, Robo Coral Lowronco, Dale Evan Ford Join hoa ta Danlol J. I

“ fy Anita G illette lor on informr.......... Ihe problem o l child abuso.

0 (12) MOVIE * * * "Dl uie— C om edy)—Jo m o o —Cobur

M ason.CB ( I I ) SIMON & SIMON I

HE prove thot ho ' bow a murd Itlo voeotion in nonhorn ColHorr

,o r HBO MOVIE * * "The Sc (1080, Advonluro) Gregory

ary o rM ooror------------- ------------Nor . -------rT r 'iO :3S '= = e K « B ;B A T B f lD A V -^ « T - ■■ -R oborfB Idko. Guosls;'Koni 10" Morv Grilfin. (R)Idy CD MOVIE * * "Onco U| tiur In Tho W oat" (1060. Wos >pa Fonda, Claudio Cardinoio. oa. 10:40--------(3DM*A*S*H

- - 11:00O MEDIA- WATCH / HC


Guodi; Jobn Conloo'.: .~ c iR " M 0 V iE “> r r* -w - ’‘p5ya

Droma) Rip Torn. Anno Cop»

rrj. O N IQ H T TRACKS sn. 11:10

C4) MOVIE T it* * "Tho Last d " (1073. >^yslory) Richard ;onT—Jom oaC oburn:— :—

. .1 1 :3 0 ’ . O T H E BIG STORY

o s - O f f l (B (11) SATURDAY I Hoat: R obert Blako. Guoi

_____LognlnB' r^ i**i»' —rn. CD 700 CLUB •SnETTHETWORIID-SPOflTSM^

11:40CD THE WILD CAT FAMIl COUGAR Thia doplclion ol and Control Amorlcan-wild K

)) Its geographica l locallon. h its ond fomjly Btructuro.


in O SPO RTS UPDATE ; n r CD“ B 0flB Y “ 8A RE' AND

GuqoIb; HaflQn_HowfltdJ»1i ,hi bury.,B-. CD VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS____ SHOW BIZARRE______ -nd 12:06on CS (D LAUGH TRAX Gu<

Tops. M ichael Murphey. L son, Lynn Redgrnvo.

Dr. O NKIHT-TRACKS . ---------

i over an intol-nvMn’-Benny plays

re du Toftp,___t»-io«l>Man'^=5HrorrOoaW

ghlllltof (Tony Ille, then mis- on In lovo wlin’

UZON: U.S. /

m roo Uvea Cl Bnluro) Palrick. Bhiro.* H "B lode •Fiction) Harii-

.Ko.And Timos flZ 2-W oato5L

AWARDS Tho Juiso Mandroli m w n r a m .— one ol counlry lions. Guosls; Borbera Mnn-

ioys, Conway

lie va. Eaaiorn

■•Sportscus" jlos. Lnuranco

>ut 10 roacuo havo been

ovo fflorchflni

OF_A-CHILO- bon^W ognerr= ana ondOionn . Trovonii ana molivb look at10____________Dully" (196B, >urn,—Jam oB-

^ A.J. liloalo- irder whlio on ornia.(R)

Soo Wolves” ry Pock, Bog-

jt-t;ive=hob^ ontiy Lo'ogihs,

Upon A Timo OSlornV Honry .




ist Ol Sholla" rd Bonlamin,

Y NIGHT UVE ueals; Konny


MILY - THEo( the Norm

, hunilno hob-


ID-FRIENOS Mickey Now-


SuoBts; Four Losilo Niol

______■ luro. G uosla; authofg No

----------~ c a J a ag ,jin HTCol»tiftXte;:-------------------1 2 :3 0 -


--------------tD 'AUSTBAUAN RULE• . .(R ) ............

SHOW MOVIE "I (1873. Comody) Jutlol I

Sund.. . 7:00

-O G D ID d D S U M D A V H:--------------^ a n i« A C R E D 7 « » T “


Bumotio.O O D N E W S .0 ( 1 2 ) SUSAN AND TON'

------------ m S U H PftY M A flfl .OD KENNETH COPELAND f B GOSPEL COUNTRY ( S COLLEGE FOOTBALL vs. PurduoO N MOVIE * * * ''Tho ; ry" (1949. Bioornphy) Jot Juno Allyson..



--------------------------------------7 :3 0 ------r r^ .r - ® f f l JERRY FALWEL-fc—




D EFU W r GENERAL Hal H ra lo s this docum enlarv th. Iho caroor of,tho famotis \

how hla Indopondont. orr broughl him buccoss In coi ovontuolly Iod lo h is downit

-V ------- ---------- -7 :3 8 •i r ^ E O :A N D V 7 G f llF E lT H = ^ ;^




S TAR2AN --------------tLOYD'OQILVIE-------



_______HBO.MOViE..'*>._lLGcoonJAdvonluro) Ryan O'Noal. An SHOW ANNA TO THE INFINI Dina Morrill and J a c k Qltli th is Btory oboul a soero l exi

• clono a tamoua sclonliat.

O &EST.OF GOOD NEW S.____________________ ;e :3 0__


-----------d tTA BERN A CtrC HO IR-----_______CT Tpi F L F frm in n r m P AWv


____ _ a i ) LARRY. JONES______. ID MOUSERCISE ‘ G ood Spi

. 8 :38 O MOVIE -T ho NIDQonoroTT’ rTd67." Myaioi

______O:Toala,.0 fflaf.ShafU______8:00

O JERRY SAVELLE--------- f f l (D MONITOR___________


-------- -OHHAL-THWEEK--------------O N E W S

--------- (Z) MISTCT ROGERS (RJ— '

. may w arre n


rrw O RK N ^ S UctSioo ^ ULE8 FOOTBALL

lay proj• CBDAYOFC

Y MORNINp , o ita.TM e.1( S RAWHIDE 0 ( 1 1 ) ROBI


aol In Wyomino" 2) .>-A »tfY ^6miley (p-PERFO R l

pooplo whosi e a rs ond raeli

ONY ALAMO CQOJWRES----------------------------- C1W.MOVIC «»*<0 lo ro n i" (19 Pioaholto. Oo

U J. Notro Dsmo

ho Siraiioj, Slo- Jam oa Slaw an.

oua Sl«on7(P S ) f f l ( t 1 ) O f

ER .............. ® D .JA k*E S' - ............. -O S P O R T S V

HEDRAL • fflMORMON-------------------------- OKENNETH<fc________________ m ,JER RY FAJY O FO R U M

- m S E S A M E S ^ QDVIEWPOCNOKEN WORO----- :Q X J2 iH 0 B ElABT r a WELCOM^ ''P lfllo i'sS ocr5ARTHUR: THE © “ OVIE *ll Holbrook n a r- - <’»<7. ^tyatof lh a t oxomlnoa Complon. tis World War IIlul. fULUilnu oti -.-e w e W O R t

orrooant slylo C 2 ) 0 ® ( D t> I cam palona bul O YOU CAN' #nlail. • SJON;"DfiToa'

..........- --------- appolilo lor Ol

druo'a., , b / GDGDFACETI


. (D (11) FAITH I____ . ____ (DD .JA M ESK

„ CDQUMBY -, □ _____________ .© JS L W O v ie .' 9 (NoDalo.Advo--------- (D VIDEO DISC............. ■. . ■-------- (DSPORTSCBIICKEYI tP A trr CAVETTIICKE;^ (PAOT VVITH,. KENNY________________ tftlka.. with...#ui

about his muai

’ m o v ie

HWTEPOWERQIKord a lar in

hood cooch Fra f S . . - o REGGIE JA---------------- . SPORTS-::Doc.

covoroao ol IhlJSBBPYL.-'____ Junior Olymplc-I Irom Momphia LM“ 4R )------------- 0 ® E L E C m f <


Q ross and aulhc Judolsm oa a i

: •-------------|)ve«,— -----------Sports" QT) m a tin ee AT

"Tha Monetor h NlQhl Of Tho J. Corrol Nolah; atory) Po lor ~ aborts: ond a f9------------- ______ Q ^ m B E X H U l


____________ j _ ( B NFL GAMEOH a d MOVIE 4r~ Scioneo-Piction)

[R )g

-------- . o GD GD NFCowboya a t S t. L

— ----------------CD"(D NFL FO

. . f s y . j ^ i la- .-'I'S» jte d 8~ t t e y i 7 b n i ^ - ^

reirBffany7PniTO~KboT6r>. ■ c. . 12:45 »•

/IE * * H "Youna D oeiors In "(1962 : COmody) M Ichaol "S oan Youno. - - ' ' o


»gramsF W SCOVEpy -Cili£ K B O E Z E B H O T B E H a _ _ _ Q r IDE ' a06ERT8CHULLER . QSWAOOART • O

> MORNINQ MICKEYI (PART bui______atJRMANCE PL-US-A look' ai— QD lo so ln io ro s ta rovolvo around rot Being. ■ - - epiESTUNG CO

(1979. D ram a) Suzanno (Q Oon Murray. od

9:30 MoRITTEN-- - --------- - - - I D'OUORROW PEOPLE "The Bill E arth" Who la Iho mystorl- Me M P ort3 ) <DI ORAL ROBERTS ’ • *0( ES KENNEDY • - CW8 W EEK ....... . MinSNTABEFtMACLE CHOIR Sar mCOPELAND----------------------- r ~

ksTOEETOBO Z '5CNTiBERT SCHULLER------------------|ouiOME TO POOH.CORNER n ocrol P isco Is Sofo"* ............. Mai

★ W "S cn rod To O oaih" mo| Btory>- BolB- LuDOBi.- Joyco— in d

Bi(lt.10:00 (R)

iRtO TOMORROW------------------ ® 19M EETTH EPRES8 ~ Q l W T OO THAT ON TELEVI- Q lroo'-Th-o-T.rrfB’-T nsnllobio '' f f l l r cualard plea p revldea th o — g ) <

•OPf: THE NATION Lou<ER RCX3ERS (R)WEATHER / SPORTS ' n 30 /<ai FH FOR TODAY a KENNEDY----------------------

''R onooado Monk"dvonluro) ' ..................‘l6 C JO C K E Y S _ _CENTBl_________ ___r r BEHND THE SCENES BEA <Y ROGERS Dick Cavoll e t V .BUpOfotBr-Kennv~nogl)»l— rolui luaie, family, iifo and stor- O i

(197«E - * * -* " ''R o d # '’ (1961.— both ron Boatty, Diane Koalon^ O T

10:30 O'L TODAY SlonD 'd O 'N F L *B3 "Sunday . ' -proliloB-'B attlmoro-ColtB— ® Frank KuBh. ( t» 5JACKSON'S WORLD OF CuMl

locathlon': S o o -o x c lu s lv ___the National AAU /'U S A O <

>lc-Decathlon comoallilon -C107. la University. DuvkmK>COMPANY(R)--------------THS WEEK WTTH DAVID I

(195:RE R ubs

> CHAIMS Sculptor Cholm ( B 'n tlhor Chaim Polok diaeuaa 1 a croative lorco in ihoir S

M Y -AT THE BUOU Footurod: >D VI

ir M akor" (1944) alarrino lah;^n 1048 canoon; two B' 1946 nowirobi.'CR) ■ * 0 ""

HUMBABD-----------------------------------4(3ER ' . ® B 3UCKPRESENTS .r.- - Chiwi iO FTH EW EEK (R) ____________★ ★ "Timofldor" (1082. ( ) u

on) Frod Ward. Bolindo ginoeJoroc

11:00 ...... ln9C<NFL FOOTBALL D allaa ' 0 8 1 It. Louis CardirtolB CD WFOOTSAUT C b W a o o ol ' ~ Now I

- ® Ui:mW K.DEVlLL6 AT_TWMink OoVlllo ond his band "Karlom N octum o," "Slow "Lovo. Mo Like You Did Bef( olhor hila a t iho Savoy in N City.O NtOHTTRACKS

1:16® NEWS

Ciovoland a t Dotroll. Piltebi -OrconBny^flLBuflftlQ-aLCincinn

O OS) eiG BLUE MARBLE O NEWS / WEATHER / SPOR] O ® (B ( t l ) NFL FOOTBAU burgh Sloolora a l Groon Boy PO' 0 ( 1 2 ) 700 CLUB

T S n W lU G H T ZONE. Qunliie'r rotumo lo Iho lown of Dacha spending yoara in Soulh Amorlcj m _ B E Y ( ^ - T |g HORIZON:

0 9 MOVIE * * * » "Tho AbBon od P ro loaaor" (1991, Comedy MacMurray. Nancy Olson. (B -F A E ON-THE -MOUNTAIN~(Bill Harroll And Tho Virginiana MeCulehoon.(D AUTO RACINO "NASCAR Wi 400" (livo from Richmond. VA). CIN MOVIE * ★ * "T ako Hor, Mine" (1963. Comody) Jam os Si Sandra Dee.

T— --------■ - ^-j;30 r------- ----

B arton" G oorgo W ashinglon m ado huQo a dvancoa In «rop ver and production, and Clara foundocrino'Amorlcan'Rdd'Cro'BB O (OS WILD AMERICA “Wild Bi Marty Sloutfbr looho-ol-how-bat n ^ la , Inciudlng skurika, raccoont and boors, loom Important lilo-: skitla and havo fun a t the same (R) ' .g m OVTE--------------------------------OMONEYWEEK O SANFORD ANO SON ' fflNEWSMAKERS ® ONE -STEPBEYONO-------------

OPRVGucBta: Charilo Daniels. C Louvin.'

11:400 klOVIE * * H "Lovo Mo Te (1958, MuBleal) EM s Prosloy, Rl Egon:-_ -


12K» — . O 'T H E - AD VEHTORES-OF- B 3EAUTY "Tho O ulcaat" Slill uns U York Collaoo. N ed eomlcmc:elurnlnQ.to_o.ilfp oj crlmo.______a (QD MOVIE ■*'*K "Summoi :i977 . Dromo) Jam oa Congdon,.>oth Eiaonman.—------- ----------------a THE WEEK IN REVIEW a MOVIE-T»"** "Tho Qal^ >lorm" (1974, Biography) RIehart on. Vifflinia MeKorina.S) MOVIE-* ifr-"Op«r(ilIoft Poltl( 1969. Comody) Cary Grant, :urlla.Q.WAaUNQTON WEEK IN REVIE 3 (12) MOVIE * ■ * * "Watkat 1071. Advnntiirnl '.Innny AgiluvKTGuTiSTnr----------------------------DLEAD-OEF-UAN---------------------D MOVIE * K "O klahom s Ai 1052, Comody] Judy Canova. lUBSOll.a THATS.COUNTRY Guo»ls: To. nd Tho G laser Brothora.3 O SCHOLASTIC SPORTS AC,

3 VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS 8 0 FRAGGLE ROCK Tho doBlru f Boobor'a lucky charm leadsonlronlalidnln'coii'rf:

--------------- 1 2 :1 8 -----------------D BASEBALL SL Louis Cardlna h icaooC ubs----------------- 12:30-------------1 UVEWIRE "VIdoo G am as" Gui ngera Buckner and Garcia: irocki. Irom tho Midway Manufa 9 Company.I STYLE VffTH ELSA KUEN8CH D WALL *TREET_WEEK "Somol ow From Tomplolon" G uest: Joh

iK V i'unS 'a ■^Q U E V Y S M A K ^

® MOVIE * *RE'5XVQy~SuBpfln»o> Pol°^~Id perform berg.IW Drain.-' (D Hi, DOUG eforo" and sNew York ® ABC NEWS


iburj)h~ al ' Tomptoton, prealdi

(0 .1 1 ) GREATEST RTS "Xlfirmod"HoBl;Ki^LL PItiB- HBO FRAGGLE RC ^ockora lInd an ancioni Iroa_______ a dengorousQuoBt iier Lull?h w alter TEACHERS ARE

I: li.S . ■ / 1:1— ------------- 0 -M H )tA -W A T C Iont-Mind- JOURNAL dy) Frod ® SUPERSOCCER

( P DOCK FOR WRI rGoTstBi Duck q u iirh ls lo b a ina. John find a tob that ;

runs inlo moro Iro Wranoior gained lor whon I. employment agoncy>r, S h o 'a — <B GOSPEL COUNI Stowart, Brown. Andrus /

Voogtiln, Harry Brow_____ _____ (Q.IOLOVATION-:____________"W hlckor;#-W orW rrvor Ana j )' Corvor MOVIE ★ *

o“ !I, O O air Adv<: __ tyn,-Tom.Skonlll___'a a b lo s ;' g * . s c r e e n LEGEt

o ^mo limo “ ‘ - ■ thoir hilB, includim

I • ------ VOotia-'Slop Bellowlrfrom Ihoir "E pcapo" ® WONDER WOMA

- ............ O T H E B IG 8T O R Y -„ ™ . O - M 0 V l E - * - * H -

Charlie Sheridan.• SHOW PAPER CHAI

ta tions" A studenI i crlmo ho did not com

•Tender f,ls law caroof whon Richard woman ho invilod to

'bxoneralehlm .• a N MOVIE * * *

' y (1080. Drama) Tatai ___ __ tom u.Y flina iflk l.

B L A C tC -"O T H « WEEK IN W nsottlod 2:0 (m piatea O Q ) (5) TENNIS "I---------------linal.lllvaJrom_iha-U!nordog" nIa-Conlor in Flushlnt ii. Ellia- park. NY).------------— CD*(D -NFITFOOTBJ

.. Oonvor a l Baltlmoro, ithorlng’ Miami. Soalllo ol N< ard Bur- Houston a t Los Angoii

O IS) MAGIC O F OILItieoal"— dlo-'-------------------------

Tony OHEALTHWEEK " 0 ® 0 ( 1 1 ) NFL F<

flEW— Bronoos a l Baltim or*' (aboul" (2 ) GREAT PERFORM Kguttor.- head —RovlBltod:—Ol

Siorm'* Charfoa and

Annie" a Irana-Atiantic linor >. John alorm. (P an 9} ( R ) g

O (12) MOVIE ■* rompail W orld" (1054. Orami

Juno Allyson.^CADE- (D WAGON TRAIN .

- j g ; m o v ieFrlbnd” (1070, Oran

irucllon Koran Black. a lo 0 <B TOMMY HUNTEl

Owona.________ ID VIDEO DISCJOCW

nalB a t .CD AUTO RACING Rodnr Wnrnlng 200" (

____ ton^QH)____:_________SuobIb; 2:06: S ian O BASEBALL Allantr ifaclur- Angelos Oodgora



V FH(Iay7

or-L'b^Q-fd: l r r F j r s < ^ - ~ Q WH SHOV (1981

2M> ________


a rt. Ml

aldonl, The Tompleibii HBO {-------------------------------------4NVE8’s r SPORTS L E G ^ S - nowam ; Kan Howard. foBt-paROCK Gobo ond Rod SHOW

ro a a u re m a p a n d g o o n pink" ist lor untold rlchoB. Pihnitu

<2:40 ^ _iRE PEOPLE O AG

t :00 • EleanoiHOLLYWOOD

■RE Animo(od..DonttldB T i Iho Dlaney Studio "a t p a y s moro. bul hotrouble than ho bar-un ho gooa to tho *1 .n c y lo o p p ly lo ra jo b .JNTRY OuobIb: Jim Ed / Blackwood. Karon rowning. Laury Boono. M-:;Vlclorln'a Gilt" / .

* "Slloneo Of Tho 1"®" dvonturo) a io n Bura-

1-80' •• • Qopi of I•EUVERY. "Journey" Qg m O' imey ainga som o of w ood" ding "O pon Arma," Q abby f

i ^ l b u m . peop les

4ASE "G roat Expec-nl ia charged with a q l e a SC:ommlt tha l could ond JO W SChon a drunken young Qioaaonto 0 party rolusoa lo i^vo wltl-

r * r t "K ^ o m u sh a " itauya Nakadal, Tau- ^

8 A8F B A t t r whon ho5:00 . lage.I "U.S, O pen” Mon'a - 0 ® M , LUSTA.NfltJonaJ.Iao-— O N E W i ling Moadow-Corona (J ) MOVI

. ____________ Drajiia)_VT B A U rC overaoo ol (Q MOV >ro, Now England a t (1947, h Now York Jo ta , o r Conjpton

O O i o a R a i d e r a ____ C D Q lWOIL PAINTING "Con-


■ POOT8 ALL Donver ^

iRMANCES "Bridoa- ^^TIONI -O nihona- Ol Tho- -.d J.II., t o i - i r ^ s r - j y j ? ^

,„r durtoo . ,.ol„o n Wind and

"W om an's 9 ® ' ^ ^ Bma)._Cllflon. Wobb,__ ®

O H U N (^" ro c a u s o He'a My ® TOP_0 rama)^ Koir Dulloa. *"

' who h a s IITER GuoBi; Buck '

□JEV3_______________® JAZZ13 “CARr. E .c o n . .I” " p ; " « u I" CN.. tom l,..ln ||.~ ; band cone

O (12) Mintn Brovos a t Loa (19

Roberta H30 .................. - CD TRAVEEAP CDNEW t, UNCED---------------------Ol-Taavo'-K s <; ,

ayrSeplemBor-SnsaJ Time!

LMOHUBACKa .............. ;KJW MOVIE * H '•Halloween 081, Horror) Jam io Loo Curtis. D IPIaoBonco.

ir o s s b a g l e y 't MOVIE * * * * " th o Spirit 01 Jia " (1957. Biography) Jam ea Sla . Murray Hamilton.

0 STOPWATCH: 30 MINUTES ( EST1Q A T I V E -T K :i^ —Tolaviat KBmogozinoa'oro apodFod' In tl t-paced eom sdy spocial.OW MOVIE A -4-4H "Strlko » k" (1930. Musical) Eddio Canti


anor" Franklin Delano Rooaovi

Bident lor lour lorm s and lod ll ntry Ihrough Ihe Depression ai rid War 11: N s wi?o Eleanor-w i ly Iribulea, m odais and aw ards I

cam paign lor universal humi ta.

OS WINE, WHAT PLEASUF ibem el Souvignon And Morlot" Tt lomolB o l Boauliou, Burgoss C(

and Cloa du Vai and th e Mori1 Rutherford Hill a ro leslured. « W 8 / WEATHER / SPORTS?ED BECKMAN' ............TH ATd I N C R ^ L E I Fonturod:' I who runs 80 mlloa In tho dose t: a slum man p laced In a c a r th) opped from on 80-fool crano. SUTGREAT IDEAS "B o iu ly" D limer Adlor p resid es over an into

:orboauly.{R )MOVIE * * "Bad. Man Of Doac d " (1941,’ W estern) Roy Rogbrt By Hayeo.^CRPORMANCe PLUS A 106k 8 )lo w hoso Intoreals rovolvo arouni and racing,3) YOU: MAQAZINE FOR WOMEIurodrTTnnn]Bi~BT'PorrvEIiiB~fo

ixparlB,LAURENCE OLIVIER ANO JACKli ^SONA8 MR. HALPERN AND MR 'JSON Lauronce Olivier and Jackli aon porlray Iwo men who oro li with Ihe somo woman In Ihls orlgl ram a. . . . .

■ a-30THE-ADVENTURES-OP-BLACli JTY "G ood N olghbora" Albort'i ro ripoB focos a prison aenlenct I h e lighie oyiction from- nia cot

» MARKET TO MARKETEWSMAKER3UNOAV---------------- !OVIE * * '-’Shocklraum a".(i9a2 , o)j!Viiiiflm.Conrntf.-ChfiB.WIgaln3. (OVIE "S c ared To Ooalh"

Mystery) Bolo Lugoai. Joyce Iton.} CO-ED___________0:40________________K5RTFEATURE _

. 4.-00JTANDBY— UQHT8 I -. CAMERAI >NI Hoal Leonard Nimoy oxpioroa inimnllon tochniquaa wilh an In--tgok-nih -tnimow-nmmBTgirninicJNl-fiulw.” Inalutlna-tho-woicea lo rah Harry. Lou Rbed. and Earth and Fire.I VICTORY GARDEN E WALTONSW S 7 WEATHER-rSPORTS - - NGRYEYES* » -O E JH e m rirw in Shaw '« .dfa-. >1 ot tho '1960 OiympicB. ol a mon a a m ado It big but finds himBoil ling with a mid-lllo criala ia con-

»ZZ IN AMERICA "D iizy Gil- T D ronm Bah'd'.’.An.'brriiy o f 'jo ir an s including Gerry Muiligon and oa ch join J l n y Gllieapio in a big :oncoh at'ClncblrTConler.!) MOVIE "Return To Para- (1963. R om ance) Gory Cooper, :a H aynes: kVELLER'S WORLD Wt ANIMAL WORLD "Elophonlavo'.:— - .......................................D.:'ALfREO HO'CHCOCK PRE-

tv riii 'Fa iii> 7 iiiho 5

M . " —rugof._________

in II"Don-

31 SI.5low- - ,

I OF -



And •' svoll

and -won I lor man


B ra - —s e nthal

’ Dr. ”itel-




KIEA9.kleI in igi-

CK_________ __rtla________ __ice _________

92. --------13_____________h"co

tAI:--------- —oaIn- . .liff------------------ ,BS-------------------:th



II-'■Z . .IdIfl____________ _

J .


-------------- ^8EN T 8-------- ------ '•--------ODVlOEO DISC JOCKEY

■-Att^AMEBICAN-f '44U yord raco lor 4-yi ho rso s oKors a purso ol million dollora (fromnul( HBO MOVIE ★ * "Gfo

■ A'dvontufo) Ryan O'Nool4:30


----------------W am orPooibalt'H N o-D'c o ran , John Howard.— SHOW MOVIE Would Bo Kino" (16^ Soon Connery. M ichael i

• O N MOVIE * * * "Thi ry" ( t9 4 9 . Biography) .

---------- -----------------8 « 0 t ,------O W T E R A C nO N \

• (2IB N EW 8; O LIVEWIRE "Tho V

Howard HoBaoman, in Clhcl'hnairpTOCK—Ban

. Foray, tho voloa o l Bullwfnklocaftoona.

___________m -H P P HAW QuBBla:Stove W armer. WUIard Dollar Band, a (02) T H S OLD HO

I walka th e o fou 'x ts willdealonor artd tho car; new rod codar c lapboar ( S CAROL BURNETT Af O SPORTS SUNDAY GDM*A*S*H O T H A rS INCREDtBL man w ho runa 80 mlloi heat: a alunt m an plooc

_________ - g l T HE MUPP gT SG uoaCJD QRIZZLT ADAM9"

. . rlaka h is lilo to sa v a on an erupting volcano.

----------------C 9 ( t 1 )444 STOCK SAL(D FLYINO HOUSE - ■ .

------- © “PEflPOBRDWCE^__________ 0fl0p|p_wh0#0 InterefltB,

cara and racing, t.■ © ID 'M O V IE * * "T

1 Kung Fu*'(No O alo. Ad»------ ( P *»gQBTSCFNTER—


ffl TQ BE ANNOUNCED• ffiOJ'EJCTIW ---------------

O OS) WALL STREET thing Now From Tomj John M. Templeton, j Tem plolon Funds,

• (S A B C N E W S g................CD NEWS

0-V m .D -K IN O O O M -=' The Buahm en" Tho Bua

- W eal Airleo a ro illmod thoir prey disgu iaed a a < CD WILD AMERICA "Wil

— ^ ly - S lo u llo r lo o k » at-how ineiudlnO'Skunka, raccc

- ond hovo lun a l Iho aamiGDW SEARCHOF...-----

---------------- © -S W IS S FAMILY ROB:( S FIRE ON THE MOUBill Horroli And The V McCulchoon,

' ~ ___________ EANINQ

e;00------------— € > G D ® f f lC J t )e o i iU i

CS O ( £ <D THE MATTHEW STAR Pom se a rch to r> am 'o mlasln

, d a Tflonolo. (R>O THE THmO EYE Rolhgo gives Helen . roloaao thoao Imprisoni

---------------- rur; Torry. H elen and Ptaway to Iho land of Ihi

-----------1 -m y ilM lo u s E aa l. (P a rt4O OS) n o v a "Noloa W alchor; A Film Wilh L Bioloolat and aw ard win Lowla Thomao reveals

■ mysterlouB w ondora o i H ( S T O BE ANNOUNCED O N E W S /W E A T H E R /

--------------0 - ® WPLEYrS.BEUeFea tu red ; thow lldilte ol aurting on m an-m ade wa Amerlcai> w eaponry ' in atone a x ea lo modern unusual Jo o d a . Indudin longest aushi roll. (R)

- ...... -tZ )0<U C K 8T O B A R T «O i 1 2 ) O A M ^ BO O N f

KEYS ’ ~ ■ { J ,o lo lof ■<-FUTURfTV-Thla—4-year-old quartar ( j j w A U l0 o l moro Ihon ono q j keEPIN fluidoao.NM ). - JB b a c k s G re e n le e (1001. ©PRY Guo 4eot, Anno Archer. Louvln.10 (E) VIDEO I9 4BCOLLEISIS wa. PurduoM oochlo 01 Pop HBO MOVI lo-Doto) Kovln Cor.— ( JB70.--C<

H "Tho Man Who [ ie rs . Advonlure) q nO PU solC olno. Tocll(•The Sira lion Sto- y) Jam oa.S low art. . ind lroclly t

. ••© 'touch

" *. R olhgo -o<irom hurling thn

annd Sky j. . J uno— oi th-o-wffc>r NotoBha- lf t.1ha - - I I * - •

Ila: Poul W iin im a .'•- lard Bcotv ■ in.ii.on- ■

:arpontero pul on i q o OSPE ■oarda. ( R ) g B row n.'A fT AND FRIENDS voegiHn. Hy cm MOVB

KBLEJ Foalurod: a , ^ n d e nlloa in tho dosorl

[ g ? * * , B ( I GD 4 « J I ! L a n a J t o r n o _ ^ ^ ‘;= ^ ; « 9 -< 3 n n irsao m B —


r ' p t u s - A - i o T k i r t t - ^ ^ ' r ^0 ^ 5

• Two G ra v o a 'b i , . m ld-l9 lhC - o n g THI

-------------------------------H uW /vgni* ty Sioullor

a b e ar wh

£D ^ " j — i- T - - i := .(g 3 ..0 :QD-------------- --------------- (1977. Or*ET WEEK ••Somo- V accaro. omploton" Guoal: O F R E E M 1. preoldont, Tho ( J ) TOM R

A N EW 'Y oongwrllor

. . . ..•_aodoomo.i«-i'exparlm oni-O I.. -HalM nB oa Bushm en ol South O ( t2 ) I nod a a ihoy a lalk . woman ho aao slric h o o . while plot'Wild B ab ies" Mar- avenge hoj how bab y animals.— (j)-SATUR iccoons. owls and G uosla: Th nLlifO-8«vino sklilB,, J B JN T O U i >amo tim«..(R) {Q MOVIE-----------------;------- :-----M 066 .-C «tOBINSON----------------P loahottorlOUNTAIN GuoBia: ( Q (Q) CC » Virginians. John s ta te vs. L

SHOW M------ ------------------- r (1072. DroUNO_________________Hold.


h c ^ M ^ s " OF " ' o ' gdI S'am and Matlhow olrla and islng u ndo , w noso {tocld»-tO-

^VOf- o- u ^

EYE "L abyrlnlh" • Ovrona. in (ho .p o w er lo lonod by th e Mas- Q Q ) GD J-Phlt a ro vfhlskod— joolouo’cui ' the Caliph in (he portions v i r t 4 ) _ _ _halBlng ho(OS O t A Biology aa lo . (R) in Lowla Thom aa" (2) O ( S•wlt^iMJ aujhor Dr.___•'B eulah Lijo ls oofTib o n h o L esley Anr o ih lo . ( R ) p O d ) ® *« D daU va llaeiR / SPORTS doLavallacHEVE IT OH NOT oolo danc > o l Now York Cily;' conducta I1 w avea in Arizona; in o m usic• irom prehistoric ley trom ' stn la se r w arfa re ;' Fool The E Jding Iho w orld's B NEWS i)-------- --------------------- 0 ( 1 2 ) M <r«> A C H ’S SHOW - ‘-(ioy® r-B I’ M f E ackpdd Army > *< Buddy Hab

re-frokt-eafltef-o-oN ldfen .boa-: Icrc'e him to oid them' In tak ing ' j

»on tnoir lormor commonder. : j4 . STR EEnO U RN A TREPO m ------ iPING TIME _ <atSTAQE AT THE ORAND OLE i juobIo: Chorllo Danlols, Charllo

I: 0 DISC JOCKEYS iXEOE FOOTBALL N oiro Domo j luo(R) I3VIE * * H "Tho Prlza Fighter" i -Com ady)..T lm I. Conway., J 3 o r i_ j

.6:05 (PLACE TO HOE "Tho Sirolegy c tics 01 Torrorlsm" Domestic om ationol terrorism austalnod ly by th e Soviet Union la droplet* ]


JE ' THmO EYE ••Labyrlnlh" j ■ oohas Torry. Holeji ahd Phll.L i throvgh (hb Labyrinth In pursuit | CTCITBBlonininnirWIJuB. (Pan — 1

M(PREVIEW8 N oalJ3ablor at>d . Lyons ho st an ifllormallvo look ,=in e W « tth o m o v !r6 ..-------- ---------f>CETOPEOPLE. . ,O T H E R A N aa. . . ,JSTERPIECe THEATRE - '5PEL COUNTRY GuosIb: Jim Ed Andrus / Blackwood. Koren

1. rtarry Browning. Loury Boono. )V E ★ * * "T em pos!" (1082 .'

John C assav o to s. Gona Row-' |

7 :00 'CD ALICE Vera reg re ts wishing ;kT n 'hor-po t-bsnnlno landlady ' t«=v.ion>an:s:«psrtmeni-calches— |

CS) (Q (D (11) KNIOHT RIDER | I Knlghl and KITT a ro cought In ] d l e o l aToxOB-gunrunning wor.

: ROMANTIC ERA Four o l Iho ' it.Ronmnlic Era ballerir»o_o dom-_ '9 iho g rac e and grohddur of Iheh Contury. 'THE MAN-WHO LOVED BEARS6M fl imrfm nBthB a iu iy u f Mai-— \ for'a peraonol oxporloncos wilh whilo living a frugal lilo a s a . ,

fyi-MOVIE - » i> - '‘A lrport-'77"— ' O rom s)-Jack L om m oivB con3a_J


ilor porlorma somo now bollads ' no old slondbya from Symphonylo a lo n ; ( R ) - - ------- ----------- — ;:) QUNSMOKE An ombittorod ^

plotllng Matl'o* oxoculion to ho ; husbond^s hanging. IURDAY NIGHT-Host: Ed Koch. Tho Rolling SlonoB. I

3UCH IrtE 'T ^V '-'T hT U ijry 'D rchaund"Comody), Doon Jonos.-Suionno— |tor--------------------------------------------- 1C O U EQ E FOOTBALL Florido ( t. Louisiana S lalo i

MOVIE ■ ■ * * * * -• "Sounder" | 3roma) Cieoly Tyson. Paul wjn. ,

--------------7:06 -------------------i•K IN REVIEW I

7:30 ' ____ !( f l ONE“ dAY“AT "A TIME Tho“ * nd Ihoir roapocllvo spousesto-solvo-tholr-hot>o*«iH>»<»W«™— Ina-ltLtOQOlhof.-(B)___________ ___ !MMY HUNTER . Quost: Suck ;


B THE JEFFERSONS L ouise 's ' -curiosity roachos erfminal p ro- < ) whon ahe talka Helen Inlo I hor break Into G oorge 'a oiTico ' i

I) ' T ........................( Z ) ( B CD ( t l ) MOVIE * * V i I 1 Land" (P a rt 1) (1960, Drama) I

[9 EVENINcj AT PO PS "Cormon i Uade" A ctroas/dancocC orm oh I llade' perform s Iwo intorprotivo ' in ces; tho loto Arthur Fiodlor '10 thO 'B oiton P opa O rc h e s ira --l slcal program ioalurlng a mod- ' n "Gigi" and Carol King's ••I I 0 Earth Movo." (R) * fS / WEATHER / SPORTS ' < MOVIE * Or K '-'Qud And 4.ou"- - i

tab lt^ t.; ' ' ’ - 'I

* : i® N E w s ^ - : i u - - . . .I (D BENHAOEN— Q j^ 'R O o r F ( y r i G q a r o » i

_ and Iho children o l Kampuche i ing Tho Who. Paul McCartne:> _ T h O ,.P ro ie n d o rs ,' -E lvis i

R ochoslro. Tho Clash. The and moro.


‘ now sm agazlnos ore spoo(e< !..jaBl-pocod.coJ!l«d)'J'Po<=‘" ''-----------------------------8;0«-^----- ^

O N E W S ' 8:30; O CB (B'QOOONIGHT. BE ' Jonny believes Matt hos-

c ro ssod h e r whon a s to ry sh Jng on lolls InloW sloprifi} ^ (D JOHN ANKER&ERQ: . . . (D THATS COUNTRY Q uests

' A n 'dT hoO laser^ro thorsr I ^H B O FRAQOLE ROCK Cobo I (Ind an ancient tr o u u r e m ap i

, ■ . - ■ , -8:156"‘ O 8 P 0 R T 8 P A 0 E ‘ m MY HAWAH A look o t 11

M p e c ts oi tho H4W«lliiirtouching on lls.rleh heriisgb t

.,_.ry. •_- •-

! O ARTISTS OF T « DANCEumonlary film loaturoa Doris J Claire Haywood, fwo black cl

'■ phe rs who founded Washlngli Copilol Boiiol Company and l> Haywood School of Donee.

! O (B ® t r a p p e r ’ JOHN noeinlllo (Aloxn Hommort) trie Vince O ohzo 'to qiiii h is pos

, Francisco Memorial. (R> - - O CZ) 021 MASTERPIECE '

--•.'Tho.Flnmo_Tfooa..OI Thiko;__ SoortBmon" Whon o loopnri

Iho Palmer homo. Horoword • must bo hunted down ond d

! - < P o r t6 )< R )p .. - 1 ____ _- O SPORTS TONIGHT

, ( B TWILIGHT ZONE ConfodorPnrnrllnn ia Qivon _n_bQOlj_which Will help tho Conlodc tho Civil Wor.

•i;-4ISJMt:XlN Q I3 C OMtMQ_ ... ■ g a MOVIE "NiQhl c

*--A lo«iridar. ------ • - - -OD SPORTSCENTER

. _HBOMOVIE_"aotwoon Friend brom a) Elizobeih To'yior. Core

, SHOW MOVIE "Rod!Drama) Worron Bootty. Diono CtN-^MOVIE * * * - " A n

:~W 57ow oIfl<rL 'dndoo" (108T: DovldNoughlon. Jonny Agulto


. - ____ . 9:30o INSIDE BUSINESS CS KUNQ FU Caino is glven a

• —o&W mino by-odying proapoci1— O C O WTACI.----------------------— ID~M0VI8--*T4— S c a re d -H I ( t0 4 7 . Myslory) Bois Lugoi


ond ptovIowB~ol worldwide'I

p a rtic lp o n to . ond world updates.

^_ |Q .V lD E O D tSC JO CK E Y 8. .

! n QREAT - P A I ^ N Q S f Ingres' "Turkish Boih."

:----------------------------rto:oo----------' o BARNEY MILLER Woio li with 0 paternity suil and then i

I moro shocking news.— < S > ( 3 H D ^ O ( S O QDCS , O THE ROMANTK: ERA Fo » - g ro s te s t Romontie Ers boliori — o nstra to 'the gro co and grand

, mid-tOlh Century.► O H ® BROADWAY PLAYS V — TONI KENN6DY-CeNT¥R-TC , host ol s is r s Irom Broodwoj t Kennedy Center s togo into s I lion o l tho American th e a te r r formoro include Dobbio I i.-P o a il.B o ilo y . Barry Boslwlcl

Morso and many oth srs . (R)I O NEWS / WEATHER / SPOi


• ( B d i ) CSS NEWS ^ .u ^ iA W a J 0 H E 8 _ - _ :^- ' O <B) DON ORYSOALE'S R


E S . ? N O P { ;A c e Tq(ley. Q uoen. And T od ies 01

CoB tollb Inlofnnllonol10 Spoclais ind lrod lyby thoS

'” S J s ° n 0 ( S ABC NEWS led In this (D (It)N E W S


laundromat owno Archlo-forovorloa

fflS5?^A iN M ES he 'S -work. °pn,

oboutlheirnow TSrts'- Tor^ioflii' O STYLE WITH B jtB.Tompflii q c h l d r e n r uJO and Rod Gory Colllna ond fcpon d go ort o')

duo to droughi,' O oosls: Loslio Ug

' and Donnis Weave

..! " . " “ j ?

"ourpriao" birthds (5) COLLEGE FO

:E Thio doc- b o y ALL-AMEF a Jonoa and . Brodshow ond I choroogro- Anson Mount co

glon. D.C.'s (ook ol 24 ol the J Iho Jonoa* pioyoro In Iho coui

O (12) QUNSMO o Irlondiy young

'M. M.D. A fa c o sh im o so d o i rloB to-con. (Tl MOVIE * * i ( 0 8 T ^ i 's i j i r ^ ( r STI—A’dvsmDTo

oon, John Garfield : THEATRE ( D ( l l ) N A ^ L L ikn; A Roal _ f la JOHN OSTEEN urd InvndoB,. (T> lT?l _PBA_Bi fd Inaiais II Seniors Champlor

doslroyod. OH). (R) i

. CD (D TAKE 2 lorotoBCoul (D j a c k VAN IMPM i-m aaic------------------------- -Idorocy win g jc S S N E W S

------------------------1■ c ;0 M ( S g '~ O QOOFY'S QUC

- - -1’ -___ : - ® ayucoACHEi1

nda" (1003' O C a S N E W S irorBOrrtbll. t h e WEEK IN F ms^' (1081, - (B ENTERTAINME loKoolOn.' lufod: o look nl s I Amofie'on - igg; Ann Jlllian om TT'Co'fpody) ' nboiii ihoITnbwT'. Itor. o VEGAS Don (

whon ho holpS oui lor-who sle le s lo

__ group of ruthioBB {........................ m WORLD WARv a m o p .o o mon Linoa" in tO sd o f. Stolf dovolop

T o-D o-O -Ih -^® ^” ) ^ ' ^ job) Joyce (D ZOLA LEVITT JOB., Joyce ^

'04: SARA- TIONGuobI hoaloi i Highlights ® THEa'pro-Olym- B*l' Horroll -And-1

-Olymelo— McCulchoon-------Id r e S l « 0 n o t NECEJ

Comody skolchOt sic lilm ond nows^

^ sd llf lc ’tsko-oll.


InU 'S^even C3) (D MOVIE ’ ■n goto oven ( , 970. comedy)

DQKEwa____n o c k o " (1051.

n ^ u r o H ^ Woyno. Rbbort Ry " * * « u r o t lh o - ^ MOVIE

IW A SH N Q - ^Trvnnw T L. Ma^»holl. ,

CD HAWAII FIVE.J o r the por- I

Reynolds. O^NTERACTION lick, Robort t> ‘ ® COMEBACK>0RT8 * 0 NEWSMAKER

O MOVIE * » "D (1976, Mystery) IJackson . ........m.WORLD WAP

BASC&AUr ' o i6ri," -|n ‘1017, £

3 JOCKEYS........................ bnd IhINQ "NASCAR Wrangler . rogsinihm ond^ A )^ fl) ' ----- (5)^»0^^lOrOS-------- ---- -------------0 ( 1 2TO W DE"Tho Slrotogy iU JbV

31 Torroflam" Domostlc CD BA nol lorrorism susloinod OPRY0 Soviet Union is depict- L«uvln.

HBONichis (ng "I

"Alior The B

»nor ihreotonB lo suo loading ono oi his wssh- O AR

WENT THS WEEK F o o - Cloiro ll aomo hot young com- Pforo ' ■and Madolino-Kahn lalk— Copildl ,TV aorios.HELSAKLENSCH r . - J RUNNWOOUTOFTTUE ® R E tId Maty Ann Mobloy hoot . Q SP(1 chiidron ol Ethioplo and CS) SOII pro rtinnlng out of limo Co-hot jh l. famine. and worF Quorio Uggoms, Susan Howard Bronigi over. - 0 ( i a w , • . # 7 a

erchonomy lo 'ovo id o And Thhdoyporly.-. • - (DVtt)FOOTBALL '83: PLAY- (Q SP(4ERICA TEAM Torry .j Playboy Mogszino^s q q mcco-hoBt- this doso-up com ed

he bost eollego loolboil Hopbui :ounlry; ‘MOKE Mall Is helped by q m Oing runaway who Inlor _ - ,g deodly ndvorsory. ,* * : 'T!]?. ?«■ IL m NDT6)-E{fward-Qrffabin'—................................................ ' ®. ®"HLLE MUSIC ^ ^

L B O W U N Q lH C o lu m b lo .® !^ jlonshlp" (from Conlon.

. - io:35._...........Oeiobt

MPE Motlho

O 0

lUDER-------------------O N - h- 10:6B-------- • 'd o a o .HES'SHOW ' i o < ^

O N E \IN REVIEW------------------- - ® IN DIMENT THS WEEK Fofl- © E Y EII somo hot young com- (D AU and Madoiino Kahn lolk '/T V nodos.'.......................... (3 )(Din golo Inlo big Iroubloout 0 BolTyoId ptoopoc- ■ i a c R i i lorluno-ln c ash Itom o BBgongslots.'AR 1 "Behind Tho Gor- ^ 1017. the Gormon Gon-

.lopod pions lot o Ihtoo-

GA2INE: WEEKEND EDI- P “ JfbIobb; Phyllis Dillof. Story■HE MOUNTAIN Guosls: » ^onr d -T ho -Vlrglnlsns, John______ , C » (D: e s s a r il y t h e n e w sh^s combine with d o s - Q Ml i»B>oologo In on ollboot, JOURh• > " ' ■ ■ C« C8'! * * W “ Vico Squod" (5) M(

>-Soooof*-HuWoy,-aafy_Mo«T»»« ;______.Bo^s. I

1 t:06 0 3 VIOE "Darling Llll"y) Julie Andrews. Rock SHOW

In Lotr * H ^'FIy ing-L 'iilh -iTr—M iKos >1. Adventure) John:Ryan, » __________ HBOMr*H "T hoL I1 lloF oxos") Bolte Davis. Horbort Knotis


, ” -=30:_____________' i (D (UlER SUNDAY ) roorriC"Dooth At Lovo Houao" aon, Jc

y) Robort Wognor. Koto (Q Al-------------------- - 440-yo

A P i llY onr_Q!J.caUllu:_hofmos ^ '6 rtla in Is having sec- million

J IhoughlB obou i'tho wpr. CJiurdlainsolflco.' ' • ' ----- — i -f»O O A T ei& 8C O PC -----------------(12)JA CK yA N IM PE------- ---------

BACKSTAGE AT THE GRAND ORY G uosls: Chorllo Donlols. Char jvln....................................0 NEIL YOUNU IN CONCERT You forms oi soiocilon o l his hits, inch

"Hurricono." "Cinnamon Oh lior Tho Gold Rush" and "Out ) Bluo." In a concert taped jtBchlondhalio In W ost Gomiany.--------------------,^ .-45 .—ARTISTS OF THE.DANCE This dc onlory Him ioaturos Doris Jo n e s a Iro Haywood; twq block choroog ]ra who founded Washington: D.C DildLBftlioLComPACULMCLItllLJOm ^ o o d School o l Danco.

...... .1 2 :0 0 .:• - I-REUQtOUS SPECIAL SPORTS UPDATE .SOLID OOLO Host; Marilyn McC( host: .Rick Nelson. G uosls;,'Toi orioHIiab. M ichaorSomboIIorCai inigoni RIbk Ja m es . ThtfMotQis.; (t2)CANYONFORUM 700CLU B , , . .


12:10MOVIE "S ab rina" (19!

mody) Humphrey Booari. Audr 3burn.

12:30-MONEYWEEKSISKEL & EBERT AT THE MOVll kol and E bert lo k a .a look-ol "T d.Now-So»uoliiy-ln-Movlo> ^ o c i on Iho trend tow ard more oxpli

1 oconoa in todoy 'o lllms,<Q) COLLEQE FOOTBALL Flotl

itovs. Loulslano-Stato(R), ___0-MOVIE « «~-WoUi~'Acroso~r« • (1002. Drams) Anno Arehor. To

OW MOVIE * * * "FIrsI M on^y lobor" (1031. Com edy) Woli tihou. Jill Cloyburgh, '


1- MOVIE ★★•«H^"KBOomu»h 80. Dromo) Tatouya N akadsi. Tt


1:10 • - CD AMERICA'S TOP TEN . . - 1:30 —

CROSSFIRE-■~FIOHT— BACKI_W1TH_DAV ROW rrZ Ho8LDaVid±lgrQwltzJ<l,o a dongoroua chlld 'a chair, prove

b a ggage theft, M cDonald's ho gor myslory s lo ro and chollong

1:36 -1 ..................MOVIE * * h "Tho Busier Kool

>ry" (1957. .Bloorophy). Don< Connor, Rhonda Fleming.



U RNAL_______Cas'N E W S NIGHTWXTCH MOVIE * * "Bowory_Boys M(

fl»»oro--^( l 9 W , - C ^ « d y ^ _ ^ « i

'A S S W e -- - - -2:10

OW MOVIE * * W "Young OocU Love" (1082. Comody) ;Mlch<

Koon, S ean Young.2 :16 - ' .............

O M O V IE .* .*» '.'Tho pflzoFlghU 179. Com edy) Tim Conwoy. 03tlS.-------------------- a ;3 0 - ----------THE BIQ STORYAMERICA’S CU P.TH E 26T H C H / ‘*Q E (m


d i MOVIE * * "T hreo For m m C " (1962. Comody) Gloria Swi 1, Jom os Warron.

ALL AMERICAN FUTURRY Tl }-yard raoo lo r-4-yaar-old_quar o o a o lia r a a puraapLnipcB.lhsn.9 tion dollaf»(frorn«ul<lbl(!r.W l). (f

irchill., i • '

OLE ~larlio

’oungd u d -QW."Jl 01d otf-

doc- > arid ogro- i.C.'oJflftfl:-----------

;'Coo, •- , ' roco . ’JBUITO - •• -



p lic li"



ay In'*ollor~-------





AVIDlaokjL____ __





Mool _ ■


h lor'^Don




' ’ • '/

- - M i a i------6:00-

O G D ( D ( S ( S O O C O THE TOMORROW PE Loat S oc ra t" Mysterlou In on undorground lab. aloACliuolli)iotKoni.(PiiO (B) BUSINESS REPO!O PniM EN E W S(SFAMtLYFEUO

----------Li*_(E.301J»JK>U)Jtos!;iCo-hoat: Rick Nolaon. QuarlorltM h. MIehaol S Branloan, RIek Jam es, T O (11) NBC ALL-STAI NBC se rlo s s ta rs •• Inci--------------

' HJaoins, €yfon Allan ond____ . _• a p p e a r tn niuBlcol numl

, 'dy »kotchea..m-.'« Bnlu wortt'o now aoaaon.

" ODI SPY__________ f f i f t i i u a v -

(D l*40’PARADISS Aeti< ■ _ tau/«nt and.anterrtornmoi

NoBhvlllo. —(D O M o v e * * -Ron


O PORTRAIT OP'AMEof Flprida ia p ro sen to d ..

O MORE REAL ( 4 c^LE ( S ' ( S P-M. MAQAS h ie ld s’ da lo wMh Pd M onaco; a oroup of dorodovllB who taka Irbochorousrivota.

---------- — O-THF^ m a p EY&.'.'Li. ----------- W ltcn-B0l0f-I9 Ofoduall

lilo trom Rolhuo a s ho holp Torry. Helen and P

_ Nidun. tP art a ) --------CDTICTACDOUQH O (® IDAHO REPORTS ® 0 4 1 2 ) FAMILY FEU


__________ Robofla wlslla iho 4077on in« iooUngs ol tho pi

------------ thoro ............... ..... ............---------------QD BUSWE8S REPORT--------------- (B ^M iA SSiH A Joclur*,_______ :__ pln-movto Qod ’O plenie

actlvltlos aetiodulad lor (D MICKEY MOUSE CLI (DTAKDANQCrXdMO knowlodno ol country n

_ poio_wlthcolo^l1loB.- HBO MOVIE' Tr*W}4

{1977. F a n la a y )^ a rk h _ Ford,. ,v . .. I , _


Ihoir aancluary, 0*501 nnnd.a ocout on o lonely

• __ lobled roluoo lor ondon

CD O CS) (D NBC.AL Many NBC aorioB alars Jlllian. Noll Conor. VI Joo l Higgins, Byron All< Long •• a p p ea r In music com ody Bkolchos In o

' netw ork’s now saason.-* O LA BELLE EPOQUE tan Museum ol Art's c(

__________ i;L«-B«llo-EpoquolUo-lor a 'p en a tra l ln o look Irom t a a o to 1014. ■

-------- ------- a — ms— MTTCNEIC-----------------NEWSHOUR----------------ffi O ® NFL FOOTB.

' CharooraatKonBOsCII) CD SURVIVAL “ Socrola

. „ _ _ BaobabM- Ofson-W «lU cloao-up porlrall ol Afrii b sb iroo. Illmod by Alan

_________ ^ K o n ya’a T sano Nation

MOST FABULOUS REl Jonos d isc u sse s tha n; lon chlldfon In Third Woi ( S TWU.IQHT ZONE counlry. a gir) keeps s i hitchhiker on itio road a S ) ( l1 ) M 'A * S ’ H K o ll

----------------plant a Ilmo j a p t u l t a Leveryone soorchoa l< Home lo-symbollza tholi rioncea. (R)(D 7 0 0 CLU8 Foaturoc "Sovon Osya A blate" ' who (ound m rv o c te ttb -

O ------- --------- - <Q EPCOTDODIDNEWS tion Quest PEOPLE’ Hlller’a © NASW rlous zomblos are hiohllohllno b. and MIko beglna SHOW NOI (Part !)• faced wilhPORT ■ whon hla (a

ON MOVIE Biography)

It; Marilyn McCoo. - Monigomorsn. ,auo8f#:'TO ‘C O r7 -:---------:—Bl Sombeflo. Laura *'<Q qq; s, Tho Motola. • Howard nai ITAR HOUR Many history Including Anft-Jllll- o|. trkt Luwiuiibu. JO'H,'” Na^''a Mri and Shelley Lono ‘■'■iVgtaiitt' lumbbre and Qomo* miuio to tho

■ ■ , ' ~ -'»:^|||,n|loji~- <

R onlod ld< 'y (-l¥7a^^® g^ah_Rlehard-Britfrg:^-y?^

MER\CA A promo »<* - ■. .SHOW Mt0 .GW'VflOe:iPLE ■ • slncrolr,;ObiQAZINE Brooke • ; J ' Prineo Albert ol o a o f f l l ol white water pi^p, ^ ,

ko on Iho most ovoryoi - - iloms to syi

. JJtbyiinlhnlUPHL^VaneaaKfll lually draining »ho (j) o CB ho trlas In vein to LanH’TPSi id Phil focovor tho Ann Warron

----------- 0 ® S W

3TS ■ “ o«o"pVc=EUD--------------- bab iroo. Ill

u-L.r.x .. • InKonya’a ’ *ER FOOTBALL——A FREEMi

e pooptollailM^ to'gefmoi--------------------- <obulls hiB

- - ................ (Port 10) (Fir*_ii^lay.T.om .-_Q,t,2) Mnie are emonqjhe potutn" ( lor Iho 4077th. MitChum'. M CLUB (5) newsmtostanta-dloplay—(0 -^ 1 ry music and com- sorloB

..... _an..Noll Clirh :iStnr_Wm8_._ Higgins, By rk- Hamill. Harrison . npppor in

. _____ --______dy-Bkolch<0 work’s new S VALLEY Animal- ffl MOVIE •0(UCCow.lhtootonfl__za.For Any.'Bond ol condor* 'ody)'” nely quest to find o ' © (QJ FR dongorod animalo, performs Ir------------------^^^=Famrdfvnfl.ALL-STAR HOUR © VIDEO I ars •• Including Ann © BlLLIAf

Vicki Lawrence, vs. Luthorl Allen-and Sholloy ^

isicol numbers ond n N ^ S n 0 solute to tho

lUE Tho Molropoll. ‘t .T c o o n

IL / LCHR , oordon) paJTBALL San Diego'Clly Chiefs cp OESIONEHfola Ol Tho African documenta iielles-narrates a - - Africa’a groal bso- ' iSflOsOM Uan and Joan Root pOBto™ ad tional Park. (R)

RESOURCE Doane needs ol (ergot- * 0World countrlos. .trapped in« Drivino cross, docidoslo s soolng tho oamoId ahead. OCBGD<lol Llpa dacidos to tsbockl’s.c1 at lhe 4077th and en capilvo I lor appropriate inVestlOotlr heir wartime ope- O ®

HUMAN 0 iired: day Ihroo ol acclaimed o". «ltn ln»h|a«nl. - ■ Ilm ttowJceae:---- t— renWuelaaO

OT MAGAZINE; EVENINQ EDI-_ osl hOBloas: Carol Lawrenco. }HVILLE NOW Livo (oaluroB ling counlry fflUBlc.40B. BUYS A SUIT A youlh Is Hh solving emotional confiictB I (alhor decides to remarry. IVIE "Marciano” (1070. <ly) Tony Lo Blanco. Belinda ‘nary-. ':-------------------------------------- -----------13EFENSE OF FREEDOM Kon < narratea thio apocial look at *

Dry of Iho Navy. Iho doVelop-• military equlpmenl ond the_Jlarl In the dofoniio ol Iho unii- }

rt3o . . . • • I.(5&-iP0UARB PEQS Johnny; ■/h<?m«-run alreak altracta tho ii ; 0]t 1062 Uri loner Loeguo (

rNEWMART.Kirk- Deyano’s out-fcx cbn' grandmblher (Ruth Oor- <raiTvIsil-(R) • ' ' (^ VShaddw orooubf" Zorro j

>rk‘whor) the murderer ol tho . rwna'ndanle la also lound mur- ^

MOVIE ■'** *■ " ^ r o g ^ H ’ 062. ’Comedy) Gordpn John >. ;DboHepburh, ‘

. fl;oo , ,S M'A*S*H Hot Ups docidos >-a lime capsule at Iho 4t>77lh _ryone searches lor spproprioto aymbollso their worllmo expo-

i]B © MOVIE **Vt "Boulah I l ori 1!) (1W60. Diaiiia) L-eeley— Gren. Paul Rudd. fURVIVAL- "Socrets Ol-Tho Alrl-• •’bob" Oraon Wollea narratea a <'I portrait ol Alrioa'e great bao- <iI, Illmod by Atan and.Joan Root oI’a Tsano Nalional Park. (R) FjMAN REPORTS- 'AT PERFORMANCES ’’Brldoa- (.

Tiorrled until Lord Bridoahoad. his slslor’s adulterous allair.,^7 ) (R) Q ■ ■-MOVIE W*W-i:Rlw<ir-0L:No-23t

(1054. Adventure) Robert;v< 1. Marilyn Monroo.' ---- r'—s •'*“NBC-ALL-STAR HOUR Maity *-J rlaa stars -• including Ann Jilil-- -Cartorr Vicki.Lnwwa<J«^JflflL_llByron Allan and Sholloy Long •. < r in musical riumbors and como- . c chea in a .aaluto'.to tho not- c lewBoaaon. ^IE *H -‘I Wouldn’t Leevo Toro- C nv Other Girl" (No Dato, Com- ■ C

FRANK ZAPPA Frank Zappa ( B In concort Irom Now York's t rfr^oa Ic>. " ' ' . - eO DISC JOCKEYS r.lARDS Cowboy Jimmy Mooro orLassltor(R) (

- , e ;06S I

■ ‘" O t i s ' , --------- (UT POETS, GREAT WRITERS- j d: Marcel Prouat’a "rtemem-. t 31 Things Past."--------~g;30----- :---------------- (CD NEWHART Kirk Devsne’a I

o-.mn ornnd^nthBr fRuth ' i pays a visit'(R) ^

9HONSET.»UCMA“ 18eO'1030r— EH OF "LA BELLE EPOQUE" A | niary on this Bohemian palntor-r y -O settled In Paris in the_^and who ia best finowrTlor his advertising Sarah Bernhardt.- i ^TIME . t

hTho Glaser Brother#, , . (lAQOLE ROCK Gobo bocomos ,in Ihe outside world whon Ooc j10 board op Fragglo Hole. • (

'O-.OO iD CA'ONEY & LACEY Dotoclive Is.cover is blown and ha is tak- fIvo by tho car-lholt ring ha was |otlng.ttfl)-------—----------------- 1TWE'ART OF BEWQ FUUY 1 Dr. Leo Buscagiia. highly «

od speaker and popular ed u c arJ >fo8Sof‘ arUSC. proamil^,hi8 , ,1 i.^>-4v.tU*-ai-^law'»-yourt:.Lj

6:00IB *H "Daughter 01 Th« (1048. Advonturo) Lois Hai Coldwoli.

6;46— rjM -f *'4 "If Things Were I

(1870. Dromo) Suzanne Plosh Murroy.

• 6:68.HBO "Between Frienda" (It ma) Elizabelh tayior. dor^mi

: ■'"•a:30'’;-"" ' © * '* ‘ ''rtoAdllno Hum«rt

.' Advonturo) Rod Camoroa. Bar SHOW "Strike(1936. Musical) Erldl«:Canl

r ,y i » fr'.-'-'O **"LastO>'Tbofib»-Ho (1872. ComedyX'rAlltn'./A Kollennan. v

CIN * * * ” tim’' (1_96i,'P;flr Laurie. Mol GlbBon; > ■

--------------------------8 :0 0 --------(B * * * "Just ForVou'.* (1.6 cal) Bing Crosby, Jane Wymai

0 ;M •HBO ’’Star Wars" (II



the omorgenco ol modem Chi . ina nnd Interpret Iho way Chin

about 'thomsolves, Ihoir a'ai paina, and achiovomonte In c

• rovololionsry chango.CB TWIUGHT ZOIC A loojotti

■ BiothoBplritofherhoyday. .. . '© NASHVILLE AFTER WUR

vTracy NolBon. ;t'r.COLLEGE F00T8ALI

^TKBjUaC____________-V,® SPORTSCENTER ' - - ; - _i-KBO-MOVlE-*AJ4^1lU!LMi ■'•or" (1000, Cotpody) Waller —■•Julio Andrews. ~ ~ -. SHOW THE HASTY HEApT:

■ Horriaon. Cheryl Ladd Md P Blar In thlB*dromairc special

., .dyino'WorldlWar.II Boldjocivho oul ol hla billornOBS by Ws lel mato'a and a worm-hoorled nui CtN MOVIE * * » 'Droambaa

. Comody) Clillon Webb, ffinpei

Q ALL IN THE FAMILY Hem son'a station In Illo Is tnkini

-r^tep-upward-and-AfChieHS-lmixed emotions about the eitu


- - ------ 8:30 • -O CROSSFIRE

" '(5) CHARLIE’S ANQELS Thi •- join on Ice-fevueHo-flnd-cui-w ' tho show's stora havo vonlsli

t)’— ©ANOTHERLIFE----- - -


— R553:---------------------------


_ o (D -o j-a x m .o cB .o.c(ll)NEWSO LA BELLE EPOOUE Tho h tan Museum bl Art's coslum

— “L^i^Uo-Epoqualii-is -Iha-U lor e ponet'rallno look ol (V Irom leeoto 1814.ONEWSraOHT........CD BUSINESS REPORT O (12) HOGAN'S HEROES

i bliarre scheme lo blow up (uol plant lalls. Hogan triea sg


1st Robert Bonchley poses ai who has losl his guide and Disney Sludio lo discover wh

I, .Iheir anlpfied leat<ir*» lick,.t:.. m .HABHmej>LowLj-jy°.

n F is ^ ^ = ^

D a ^ imta sy ) Mark Hamill

ho Jungle" SHQW * * * H Halt. Ja m es Ci002. Comody)

D ee Hepburn.......... ....

0 Olllorenl" (1081, Drama) iBhotio. D on .' Ki6ld; : ^

© **■ "Flight 1 (10M , Ora-'- loro) Joon Loslio.l u m e i r --------- © - i n r T « » — m

.............. ( l0 S e . Comedyj r j " (1056. Ja m e s Warron.

'jS e ^p S n k " © * * ★ "Wllh Wlor. Elhol (1852. Blogrsph-------- -------------DaitkLWayna------• ! ' HBO * » l i "L■totLdvers" • <1880. Comedy)

-gSSri** -IAdvonturo) Van J<

“ \ b , • CtN * * U - •■’Tha rama) Piper ( , 97e_ Comedy}

J abara-_________

1.682.'MuBl- Q * * j 4 . ” Tokyi Humphrey Bogart

(1077. Fan- c iM * * H " M a r <

E :C «N A -S © ' S e o K ! S 5 S f iiv eC h I-

'hlno“ eMm*^"~(’ ®58. Adventur ilneae think Etchika Chouroau B'apirallons, 11 an oro o l 0 ALL IN THE F

.H olnor’a waywari itto n v ta r of— and .m a k a .u p . -A

_____________ O (HB GREATJR S G uest: ’’Brldosheod Rovi

The T hread '’ Juli U.L-Florida p lans 10 g e l marr

ho ad robutls hia........affair.' (P o ff 'lo n F

MiBaMark- (7 )O C S )A 8C N E » M atthau. M C g r tZ K r tn H

___ . HOBI: Johnny CanITLdrooory m er Dr. Carl Sag< Perry King c o ac h Lou Holtz,

k r a b o u l a kins'. (R)____tio.lB dfow nl. GD .O Q CTW W lellow sick*. T ara" Only o lai nurse.' ' snvo Romanarlhc o a t" (1852, Iho kingdom Iro }er R ogers. (Part 4)

------ 0-«a>-T H lC K E CBnry Joflor- ulod Quosls: Jam ino o giant |° y ’ ,r . r^llle3-wiih-^- ( B —WOVI£^-A A Ita.ilon . (1042. R o ra .M rt


. . . - I c o - ( I 0 8 t ; Drom ly Field.

th e Angola --------j

Carl Sagan. ArkiJ I I ------------- LoiTHoirzTpTarilBl

® BARNEY MIL w llh Jorry ,o rta»n r olvflB Ab

ioned outlit.^ . 1

CDM‘ A*s *h

I C E ( p © - - ( E ,T H E W q R L [ je

jM etropoli- ^imo exhibit. _

Iffliplratlo" ' S ) THICKE OF T (he-peri<^

.. ^ Behind th e aceno w ith S usan Lucci

i W hen ono CD LATENKJHt A

^ HBO w h e n WOIvION Humor- Q '*"! d irec ted ai a s a visitb?— m en tary ,-w h lch - id tours tho priaon «*hat m akes convictions. ,

ro '.'lea lrfoK '( B M b W . ^ 1'

' ■ r . , . ' ’ ■ . F r

rie m o v ie smill. Harrlaoi);ford. phy)

"Gregory’s Girl’’ gom* ly) Gordon John Sinclair,

_ © ir.'Abaenca Of Malice'*. Matt >) Paul Newman. Sally "HBO

10:00 • Saintht Nurso” (1054, Adven- SHO\ lilo, Forrest Tucker. dy) R"ThrOO‘l-or BodrOOm G"»dy) Gloria., Swansem.— QJH , I. dy),C

11«>im A Song In MyJ^o^”_ '© 4 sphy) Susan' Hayward, •" FaMi---------------------------------- ,'.:;Haa"Liltle Miss Marker'. Qmr

ly) Walter Matlhau. Julio ' man.

■•B .nl.on,a»d" n JbhnBon. John Hodiak. ' .,nv Thank nnd It’S Friday” ty) Donna Summor. Paul__________ _____ _______ON'>kyo Joe" (1840. Drama) tart. Florence Marty. •

12:30 Advelarclano" (1070. Biogra-

iilW>nusle:= - -------------Orw; JOCKEYS »>«»»'-lo jo a— _______

ituro) Jsmas Garner.

” l0:30 ■ ® « ‘E FAMILY When Berney ,>ard wllo wanta lo kiss O Q .JVrchlo'a gol..a bolter Featt'mr> Ifl Boom Boom............~ Oranc•AT PERFORMANCES lovlslled: ATwilcft.Ut M— 0 “ ; Julia and Charlea make OESK larried unlll Lord Bridea- docui hia alster;s..eduHoroua_j.desla

NEWS NIGHTUNE poBK-THE-eEBT'OF CARSON— 0 (B :araon. Guests: ostrono- Q M ;agan, Arkansaa football' Mary pltz. pianiBi Rosa Tomp- terrili ~ fromWHO_’’The_An^roida 01 auppc lasl-mlnuie reacue can . Q] Tl

-Iho lourth-aagment-and - gueal Irom Grondol’s infamy. , Q C

DAVU£ OF-JKE:NIQHT.Schad:— JoM| amoa Brown. Torry Cop- Lewii

• ^ © MiTTr-»""WBw~~vi37intgg m "i ce) Sotte Davis, Cloudo ~counl

© 1‘Tf JEVC

"Absenco 01 Mal- _and | ’ama) Paul Nowman, Sal- .-plc-c

partiiO'36 ■

ESror'CARSONHOBr— SHW I. Guests: astronomer Dr. Comt Ukansaa football coach ilBrR04»T0mpkinBr(R)-r'-CD” C lALLER A colortul coun- . aquai Abo Ltn'ebln a ne'w-laah- ih eN

• '— © R © 8 1

10:46Ij SPORTSMAN (R) --------Q LU

_ ................... g w lF T»g WaHT^cheduled © Bi

ERTAINMENr TONI(^ Sonic snoa ol "All My Children'.:—©” )^ cci and Dorolhy Lymon. ® VI t AMERICA Hoat: Dennis © WJOAn" Hlgh- 'OMEN WLL Acireas Loo Suaai I and narrates Ihls docu- ch-B rolU oa_alx women CT) I n senloncoa (or murdar LETT!

-• ..... - • - ........... ""Gbulc

- - . ^ cFrkiay.SeDte(nber9.1063

hy) Tony Lo Blanco, Belinda A omary.

1:003 * * * ."T ex" (No D ate. Onlatt Dillon. Jim M etzler.____ ____BO "How To B eat The

rn m o d y iS aim Ja m es . Je a a ic a Lai>ge.HOW * * -H "S o .F in e" ( t o a i . O y) Ryan O’N eal. Ja c k W arden.-----------------“ -JI30-“*’T ---- ----KN * -* 'h ■ 'D ream boei"-Ti.862,0 y) Clillon W obb. .G lnoepRsgora.

aoo .-'" . '- '--a * '* < rH "Tbo Pled.;¥lp*r" (1 aniVay) Donovan, DonalilPloaaoi B g .fejtJi,ittfflo) Oavld JanBBen,.;dP.rla L«lan .'i■v."'. 3:30HOW * * f i " T h e - P r ly o i i . M usical) Ann Ed<

4 :0 0 - : : " .3N * - * * "Tin)’’ .( ie6 1 .:0 ra m a)J aurlo. Mel G ibson;

6:30m "G alaxy E x fm aa" (1.dvonturo) Animated.

8 WlLgSTOWeS IN AWMATtOH-hroakthrougha in Disney animation >ry e re spolllghtod. Including'

>on Iaaturba7 ^ ..........11:10


1 OREAT POETS. OREAT WRIT e atured : M arcel P rousl'a "Ron ranee Of Things P a a t.“ -r— —

l l : 3 0 ._ . . ' l , | - ALPHONSe - MUCMA-iaaO»1 ESIGNER OF ” LA BELLE EPOQU ocumentary on this Sohem ian pali oalonor who aotliod In. Parla In

oBtera advortlaing S a rah Bemhan KilBLinAMQaePORTB I MARY HARTMAN. MARYHARTl lary makoa a phone call in aoarch irrilic answ er: C athy answ ora o om TV~Lahd; ^ d X 'c rb l la h a s a 'jp p o r . .________ . _______D THCKE O F TME MGKT Sehod Lieala: Jem ea Brown’. Terry Cople; I OD © (11) l^ATE NIGHT V AVID L E T T E R It^ Q uests: oi

r^niilrinn eofflndln I Ricawis. ‘3 MY LTTTLE MARGIE___________3—0PRYQW £».-(>N_STAQE_RI auniry m'uBic a tara portorm.3 O COUNTDOWN TO ’84: S / ^ O AND LOS ANGELES Highll nd preview s of worldwide pre-C Ic-com petttlona. p rollles o( Olyi a r t l e ip a n la . ' ond w orld rocsda to s, ........ ............ ........-HOW -M O VIE-'^im-^So F ln e ^ d omody) Rysn O 'N eal. Jacii W ardi

11:38D~© ~HOQAN’8 'H E R O eS -K lnc ju a ro s o f ra g a ln s t ’’Batlllng Bru le Nozia* would-be boxing champ,


12:00l u E - o g E c T o n — - —I (12) INOEPENDENT NETWiE W S .............. ........3 BACHELOR FATHER 3 - iO )- POA BOWLPW-t^ ^ w aniora ChampionBhip" (Irom CaiH).:.(R) 1 L ______3 VIDEO D is c JOCKEYS a N SID 6 BASEBALL <R)BO MOVIE "How To BeatIgh 'C oat Ol'L lvIng" (187erC on» ja a n Saint Ja m aa . Jd aalea Lango

12:08[) © LATE NIGHT WITH DJ cTTERMAN- G uosls; author~JSt ouldoh. com edian Richard Lewia.

1ZM«a c a S NEwfewW H T W A T CH w -:

T in w Nowa. Twin FtU». Ut

. Mont-.


T Hlgfi ;I Suaan :______

Come- . J

Coma- : „

’■ . ’(1072.

lonco.(1978. - - ____Leaeh^ •,SKPrince"idmund

i)_Plper J ,

(1081. ‘r

lon hie- ] cllpa

. . "’i IITERS i


KtSSd:-------- ri-------------lUE" Alalniar-............1______ _In_the . [ .. ^


7TMAN I"' ' Choi a' a call


oduled...................■lay.-..... -

WITHouthorllchard . _ . ___


SARA-hllghtaf-Olym*''lympic ...... -----ocord

(1081,:-------- ------------- :rden.

nctiloo-------- ----------Iruno."»p. >■____________ _



at The>m«Jy> : go. ^

DAVIDies«pnT~—r ^ r -— r ia.

-Ji;'!’ ‘.v - i-

. * - t; I O ’C nO S SF lR E --



0 9 COCLEQE FOC- ' V8. Purduo (R) •

' : ______ O N MOVE- - . , i ■- -m B ) P lp o rL e u r le >

, ~ »aO MOVIE •'(1956. Drama) Joo: Fleming.


"Sovon D ays Abio] I I who found tho 80cr«I "


Up" (1072, Orama} Kolo Woodviilo.

' : ____________. 'l : i

Tuej~ o c a j f f l f f l C D O i

O 'T H E TOMORROW L ast S ocro l" Tho ' com o la co to faca w Ing logaey. (Part 2}



—i-----------------Amofloan-»ooHata-»i- f . . th rough-E urop«-ar«- ; < by tho pooplo Ihoy n

_ _ dont# which happon L oo ' Moflwothor.' B Adrionno Barboau. Oi

> Boronaort. John McC<Spsng'M cCooh.

i (B<11)T H E A -T EA M/ to thw art a Jumbo Jot

plocoa. loavlng Hannil I . an<| a lornporarily btlti


.. lalond"-------------- © 1-40 PAHAOISE Ac

- taurA aton'd ontonnlnmI Naahvlilo.

( D O MOViE ■


' • HBO DR. SEUSS ON Tmolod..A ,lr[o .oLcla8#l

___________ b ^ o popuiar childrjtf; SnooJB ioap '^-T no -Zo:• ■ ■ E ggs And HnmV'

e :3 0:_____ ,O .M O R E Jg A k t^ O P L; - O ) ID P.M . MAQAZINE

a t VTho A»Toam’a“-Mf.' "U '‘‘ond 'tK o^ongrfl88i'

- . l o k o o p i l . . .O AQA1N8T THE OOO! Anthony? Eiizabath Co« Suaan B.'Anthony bogar boltio for poiilical r organUIng tho first Won

* ___ a l Sonoca Falls in t040 . __________CD-tlC-TACDOUQH____

O (IB ©AHO REPORTS•----- ® 0 ( 1 2 ) FAMILY FEUi

--------------- g j PRaiE-TlME ACCESSO (S) EMTERTAJNMENT torln Principal 'oharoo

_________ f U i tA ia r H ^ f u f n o U J -io going lo "bug-out" boi oxoggoratod unlil it la bo ontiro Chinoao army la

O BUSINESS REPORT -(B M *A *S*H W hcii Honr c hargo. Frank coneorna

-------- taking command.ID MICKEY MOUSE CtUI

-------------- (D_JrANDANOO_C«Ot«*‘ knowlodgo .of couniry mi po le wilh colebrliiea.I S AUTO RACOTQ "NASC 4 00" (from Richmond. VA HBO DOUGLAS MACAI DEFIANT QENERAL Hal I r a te s thla documontary ti

and Korean Wor ganoral, t — how hia indopandent, oi

broijghi him oucceas ir> ci

" g T f m m i y e w a . Twfn Fail



■OOTBALL Noiro O am i

g o

* "Homo Boforo Dark" _ Joon Simmono. Rhondn ' i f I*

Myatoi ........C tN M. 1 :0 0 — --------- Hov” r


n c ro lto su cc o o a,

'3 OVERNIGHT* * "B»tromo Cioso-' nyollo" ma) Ja m es McMuilan.- nio„o. |

__________ ' r o f f D i

isday e9 O c s ID NEWS ON MO OW PEOPLE "IHilior'# Louia" (10 Tomorrow Poopio art. Mur, a with Hitlor'a lorrily-

ord Jord

t llvea of o group of* fniTelirtg logothor ' i ^ l

>y moot and fho inci- H ^ k of^ ton io them, Storrlng ... n

Bradford Oiilman. S j ,. David Qroh. M aria. icCook and Laurotto Rao alar

AM Tho loam 'a plon anloH No Jot hijacking folia to

S d l d Mlrdo"'*®'* “ Orthwhi oITT rJ S w ^

ACI1.W.. 155“ : " " 'lnm .U -.po l

» ■■BulMOD J u T j S ;orw on-W redom rlan T^aocum*

iKFvn O <<2> CN TOE LOOSE Ani- ro‘!l'a \'* ’b;

JrWa^auth'^f*^ "Th* *>'0h0yf0f

OD 700 C\ "Sovon 0

*0 \ the realm I)P L E = ^ V - - © ;EPC CT NE A potaonnl look TION Guoa Mr. T: a loQk m iho ' • (p h ^SH •asionol acl ii took _ highiighlini

HBO MOVIDOS "Stor\lon And ( t9 8 l ,O r a Cody Slanlon and Hopbum. igon Iho long uphiil SHOW MC I recognition by. Again” ( li Vomon’a cong ress '• Susannah'1 140. •• •

— ffirO “(S: Chachi thifl

_________lorch for h,

E N IT O M O m V te. S z S S S oo som o of ho r ' -

i U h n U h a J 0 r 7 l h _ ( 3 ) . o . ( D . boeom oa grossiy "Beulah Lai

■ bo lle v o d lh a llh o Lesley Ann' Is atlacking iho Q |Q) NOV.

. o f 'a “myolor >T which sirucilonrygolBhisdlB- is document >rns himaolf wilh ( T ) 0 ( B T I

' piltod again. ^LIB boxer. (R )git«*U ni.-<Ji#pley— o f REEM/^ ' music ond com- (J) UFEUNE

Hailor. Chiic ASCAR W rangler Johns Hopki VA). (R) MO. iaprofikCARTHUR: t h e 0 ( 1 2 ) MOV lal Holbrook nor- Tho Hunter" y thol oxaminoa MHehum^Sh«

>ral. focuaing on (Q MOVIE * . o rrogon l.s ly lo ( lo e o . Como r> cam paigns'bu t 'P ioahotle,

FaJIa, td a h o ...... Prfaa^ S e r t i m

.--- .r .: ..— --------—10 MOVIE ★ ★ * b _ ] - s io r Wor: 877; Fontaay) M a rk '^m lll. HarriBi


2;0S© MOVIE * ★ " F e i - 00" ( le e i

story) Martin Lamonl. Helen Toibot, I MOVIE * * H "TTionk God I f a F r

(1878. Comody) Donna Summo11 Jo b a ro ., ______________2 :30_________ 'MOVIE * * "Wyoming Ouliaw

38. W estern) John Wgyno, Ray Hul

JOSSBAGLEY • .)W MOVIE * * "Corry On Emman lie” (1078. Comedy) Su ianno Dan lo. Konnolh-Winiams.

3 :00 .0 LMQyiE_itA_i:fiQQUuIick:UiQ22

sveningMOVIE * * ★ * "Tho Spiril Of Si. »" (19S7. Biography) Jam oo Stow- Hurray Hamilton.

7.00D f f l MOVIE ★ * * "T he BunkorV 1. Drama) Anthony Hopkins. Rich- ordan.t d ) CB THE A-TEAM Tho toom ’alo -lhw on n iumba !>.» hlfarblnQ

10 p ie ce s , leaving Hannibal at-Ihe rt and o lempororily blinded Mur­a l th e o ircra lfa conlroio. (p ) i^TS PLAYHOUSE:-OUR TOWN' lolbrook. Soda Thompson. Rotiby 3n. John Housem an a n d Charlotie >tar in Thornton W iidor'a Pulitzer winning play a b o u t pooplo in o Now England lown ond the aim- luman values that mako lilo. Mhilo.HB— M A G H a L ' f 'Lg W R E rr iHOUR(S) HAPPY DAYS Chachi ia lom .

on.hJa.lovo {or.music a n d Jo a n io ' s h e d o c id ea -to m ove-back lo— ikoe. ( R ) gV A -''L -oaaa-Fdvor"T h5"«ioryT f~ ileripus. highly lolhal d ioeaso struck a Nigerlon villaoe in.iSflB . imonted. (R)!;)!) GUNSMOKE A mild-mannered :oller. about lo bo dism iaaod.

bank robber but la k e s oomo forhim eolf,'......

3 CLU8 F e a lu re d .-d ay 'fo u r or I Daya Ablazo" wilh o look el Im of them lraeuioua.:OT MAOAZWB: EVENING EDI- uost h o s te s s ; Carol Law rence. SHVILLE^NOW-L-lYv-feattn-VB—iling country music,..........3VIE "O n Qoldori Pond" 3ram a) Henry Fondo, K atharine t.MOVIE ★ * "Foiiino In .L ovo . (1980, Orama) ElMoll Oould.


• (Sr-JOANIET;OVES-CKACW Ihinka Joan le ia atiil carrying a r hor (Iral lovo. Bobby Arnold, w a up a l Dolvocchlo a . (H )t5 '=iO "Z orro 's Se c re t P a a sa g e "

----------- syw r^------------------------D ^< B -® -4W > -M O V «-iH H ^---- -Land” {Pan 3).{1980, Drama) nn Warron. Paul Rudd.OVA •X a sa a F ever" The story liorlouo. highly lolhal d isoaso 'uck a Nigerian village in 1989 en»od.'TR)C?) THREE'S COMPANY Ja ck ia a lnst o hardened profeesional ) P ________________

INE ”Dr. J . Alex Haller Jr .” Or. hlidron'a Surgoon-ln-Chiol a t ipkrns Hospital in Baltlmoro. >filed. gtOVlE * * * H "The Nlghl Of >r" (1956. S uspense ) Robert ShelleyW inlera .- ’_______

• * ★ "The Ugly D achaund" medy) Dean Jonos. Suzanno

Bm5ifO.~1983 ~~

I J S i i lN ata"

I tu tH A teon-ogo t fa th e r 's ro spoci whon h ly for'tho Junior Olympplonship.' —- .................


T968. KIOS Tho popular counli ibot.a Fn- .imor. Comody) Ja m es Boolh. I

3:30________OMONEYUNE__ ______law" O DAILY MASS Hut^ © ANOTHER UFE

LENGE (R)man- ' - • - - ^

Dan- CIN MOVIE * * H "De (1981. Myslory) Sam Bulkus.

rprogn--------- g a iH iuoN O H y s p g F r'S l . © V ID E O DISC JOCKEYS

- 0 .M ( S O (S) 0 TO 6 VIolc Doraloo are buslod for ao

erV they moonllghi a s coslum Ich- delhrery girls. (R)

© S T A R TIME '"•« © YESTERYEAR IN N/lt Jng— JnlerwleuMviin Mao Wioome •he — O Q ) SPORTS LOOK (R )- lur- © IN SID E BASEBALL ff))

’ O NEWS ’

tiejp r O A NIGHT AT ASTl’i I ^ aoprano Ashley Putnam hoi jjj, Iho londmork Now York Iti ilo Aati's. whoro ompi

pa trons Join toge ther to sl

9:00irn O SS> LIFELINE'"Dr. J . Aloi lie ' Or. Hoilor.-Chiidron'a Surgi

— a t J o h n s Hopklna H ospilsllt MO. la p ro liie d .g

o |— . o o t s HABTTO HAHT 10 d iscover.lha t a co leb raled ;b .. being d ruoaad_ond__lmaem

hia a ides . ( R ) q ,tj O SPOflTS.IONlQHT,.d. T . ' - - •

. iJ \2 13 - I .

» 8 “ r — r

■12 13 i T ~ r

I - — - - I

' r

- f s3 « | [33

- - = p e = =O T ” “ •I . r I l o




5-----------------------------llolds-quee>F—T>C <^PNTl.g —music, ma

boy oorna his m akeup anc 1 ho Irieo to quoll- Fonda Iron np lcs Judo Cham- ogoro............... ........... - . SHOW NOE

I facod wilhM MEETS THE when his fot nlry-wealorn sta r

..R Icho rdB rie rs. h b O MOVH■■ • _________- (1079. Dron


........................ ly G arfaod.^^ ' O DAYBR&

- - © ROMPER ----------------------------m VIDEO u i:


- ....................And Sour ChIhe music i

olol, Judy end "Sw eel Chorll aoliciling whon ® TWIUQHT umod tologram land on whal t

asteroid , andl © NASHVILL

lASHViLLE An Inluitlon.mon.------------------ © - 0 - A L F II)------------ ----------BENTS----------I) © SPORTSCt

_ . :.KBO.MOVIE_j on” ( 1081. 0 m Rubinok.


; r ; . v . ” ”r d “ " ' “ c ™ . :“S o p . - ." ! ?

© COLLEQEI loxH flllorJr," ' “O®’'»• Cloms. rgeon.In-Cfilof _

fTT Th-o-HnTis— '' '» ed recluse ia Ch id Abuse AmU flonaled-by-----SS!lL.bj>_Ol«HU

potoniially abua (2) CHARUE’S

P~~ { i— '

F F ! Z E o '

E J i Q '3 5 ^

T “ <10

e e e e - —Q O O O

!<•“ ! ) i : / f c f * r r i . 3 \ < c I

u e s lio n s-o n - to p lcs ouch ao ~ marnofle. 'arar'dom] ^plhlc'a'! and hor " 0 To S " c o -s ta r Jano rom five Loo A ngeles teen-

iOEL BUYS A SUIT A y’oulh i i " ilh aolving emotional confiicls father d ecides lo remarry.


)VIE * * W "S.O .S. Titanie'; 'rama) David Janaaen . Gloria

4:00IO V lE -Jt*-ya> # .O e#pw 4.de:i— esiorn) W ayne Morris. Bevor-i^r~- - - - - - - ........—REAK 'WSUNG STRETCHER ROOM ___________(ro iSC ^0C K E 75 ------------------- (

300D NQQHBORS "Sw oot ir Charily" Tho eoslum ea 'fo r •iJ 5 aocloly'o ' producilon of fllarlty" appall Margo. QIHT ZONE Throe oslronauts R al oppoaro lo bo o dosortodnd hove liltle wot'or lolt. rILLE AFTER HOURS G uesl: g


3CENTERE _ * * * -"T Icket-T o-H eov— Oramo) Nick Mnncuao. Saul

IE STAR BAR & GRILL "O ut GI" . (1

* * H "Loaf And Found" O ody) Goorgo Segal. Glonda Ho

Bo--- 9 0 6---- --------- B"JE FOOTBALL Boston Col- mson (R)


ITY PARENTING t9 8 3 olii •Fam itiosr-w aya- T o -S t6p J A ndN oglect"Suggosfions ong

E’S ANQELS'Tho Angels’

p p - ■

- ACROSS - -i-i-. ---- - 1 Nowts ■ “

....... 3 Epoch ...” " -. -■ 17 10 Farm sounij'

' 12 nolo (oi 29 Dowi 1!> C.vJ (iiimn: {>1.10 Lnni O'Gindv'pIr

■ 20 Roiinrtsr flobf----------------21 "Tl» — (»om


J— —

( _ ) (amily,5 ^ ----- 2SSplic<oa

2 8 - -^ ra t i Guv"-------- - - 3 l Twosom.r----------

33 .32 Gjoojo34 Et.nm.cJ Linda

------------3G Piiscida Onrnos rol37 Aclof Wflilocl) 39Dnn«tlle Spnr»cor«(

----------- 4 r"T.u.. —-42 Jnckio Ruili # eislf

DOWN ____ _ _ _ 2 Hni

•_____________________<0 lai

»!'* ■ |C H I 3 : F 3 - I £ j l > i < f

5 _ : : 0 T > ^ 5W U 5ick -oh -6 io5?L _ an im atian .a re .uaadJrUtiiaJJln o r y o l th o a u n ..'■ 6:30 ..........- -H B O THE YEAR OF THE ° TIGER A teen -age boy e

falhor'a rospoct whon ho trioi fy for tho Junior Olympics Jui plonship.


STOCKTON STATE Former " Night Livo" wrilora Al Frankon

topical comody. including on olon:of Mick Jaggdr'ancl'T h'i Sionoa. (rom Stockton Slole C



invos^ga^lqn oJ_an_lce fovuo ■"ihom wilh a glul of auBpocta. (P


_________________ 9:46 ■ ' "- © MOVIE-**-*— Tho-sirpporA

R ose: Tho Siory Of CIndorolla" _f:anlQay}.R ichard Chamborioin.

mo Craven.t 0;00

0 ( 2 G D ( 7 ) G D 0 ( S 0 ( £ )(11) NEWS .O ARTS PLAYHOUSE: OUR Hoi Holbrook. S ada Thompson, Benson. John Houseman ond Ch, Rnq Slar In ThnrniA» wiiM^ru o prize-winning ploy about poopii email New England town ond lh< plo human valuos that makiworthwhile.- _____________O QiEI CLARENCE OARROW I BlNOBENRYJ^ONDAHonry Fond troya Iho controvoraioi dofonso li ond humonllorlan in on oword-w,ontnuarrDhow:----- -- ---------------O NEWSNIGHT CD BUSINESS REPORT

3 Hb Wfl« V«nu»Flylrap;. ~ init.

„ 4 Acirosa Thompson..................5 Jam nion "Good. ..

Timos"(own ' G "Cnjsloft — ‘,j 7 Donnio Franklm cole,'oir 0 FcivAnl

Sh«-,F„yf„„(|o----------, . . . .13 Incomoaiont pwfwmet;-

:------------- nrjijim Fo>3yll.o's«ln5-----

tGflInkoC»r.nnlon-BWiIo Ictun 10 puiilo nntwer)

17 7rmpo«0fy dulv; at>U. - ------------- >9 Snn's Ctirls Cao'iov ' ‘

- 23 OasnUnira Gil •26 Kftrol-Cspm ptoy:

3 ,oJn 3lalle>s27"LoavBli t o - "

fr (olo 29 Valcrtio —_______ 30 MutaVo_____________Bisin, '33 "Uensoo" co-»lor

3S Loroita —3G Lnnoo ond Koppol 33 Long liland: abbr.■40 "Cinnn Actos" slar; inn.

' IPBJCompiinQ__________________

- - J

i~-.i .......

iraphy^jnd '- '" ,~llltTlftrt hlpitn.

E ^ N T L E earns hia

ios toquali- Judo Cham-


en ond Tom

on Jmproa- __rho Rolling I Collego. ’

UQJoovoa______ __(Port 2)

rith Jorry i

^ ndT he“ "--------->" (1978.- tin.. Gom-

D ( B ©

5 TOWNn, Robby :harlolto

plo In o Ihe aim- iko life


> lawyer-winning__________




0 (1 2 ) HOGAN'S HET his mon goi « contr< LuftwaflQ'a hoodquadi

— _C Q B U R M 3A N D A L t»f B NASHVaXE NOV

— hlBhllehtlng-country-mi,~ ' CQ (Q) RADIO IMO(R)

— c&voeo€»9c-vjoc»a10:06

O MOVIE * * "Cai

e AU IN THE FAMArehio - loving and kj puzzl«d Edith (Ind* oi turn tobobrav*. j Q )0(SA B C NEWSh aGD(D(1t)TONia< Car»en.-OraatrtH>enie CC DOCTOR WHO ■■{ Tho hum tof lh« tUth

with gunrunning lo p dwolloro. <Port 1) ] O(12)THlCKE0F7HI CB MOVIE *1i*V, "A aonf (1962. Drama)



CS (D TONIGHT Host:' GuoBt;Uberoco.

ihe I2ih brings ooody I _ . -the oqund room.I-- ___ 10:40I CBM ‘A *8‘ H[ 11:00'


----- CD I MARRIED JOAN-----------------CD-1111-COLLEQe.FCK

vo;U5C‘(R)H80MOVIE * * * "Ro

------------- mn) Warren Qoatly, DIaSHOW MOVIE * * :• (loat. Drama) Kato Jb Onlkoan.

. CIN ALBUM FLASH "Li;11:06'

d> MOVIElt:10

------------------ LLI HAWAn FIVF-D------ -11:30


Mary gats Q holplino of I ___________ O (S CD (11) LATt


- • - --------- tONETSyOy

HEROES Hogan and DAVID LE )ntrael to palnl.tht . .Uany Milli ladors. "IlfjC D iW tn1EN- - _________CP-QPgJOW LIwo loalurea counlry m,-mH#lc----------------------- CM MOW(R) Cooper-CKeva------------------ liam»rRot1:06''CaHbboan"-(i96a.»ynrf. Arleno Dahl. ffl ffl MC 3q1, I* Iroppod

=A*CLY H'« a now _ .d k|nd. and whon * «» *• oul w h ,. I I '. hor " 0 P '« " 0 »f tho londmi/8N1QHTUNEMIGHT Hoal: Johnny P®''®,"® i®jnico:------------------- laworito#.-I "powor 01 Kfoll"nth Bogmoni of thn. O LIE DEIhn-DoolotlnJmuhla__O (>2)0 primltlvo swamp NEWS

CBBACHETHE NIGHT CD VIDEOt "Advlso And Con- ma)- Honry-Fonda.—

Mlllor.3BE (R) O MOVIE

turo)Urflul:36'“ ' ~ ..............)Bt;'Johnny Caraon. CSC8SNE


Bdy charactora inlo Q CROSS f»(BH8C


;00' Intuiilon. -CD AUSTT

ERICA Host: Donnts (R)


--------------- (D~700“C"Rods" (1961. Ora- "Sovon OtDidna Keaton. --- ---ifiorontmc1 --Making Lovo" SHOW LO) Jackson. Michaol COUPLES

"Lindo Ronsladt" . Q) CD NBC 06'

ON MOVI...................-

30-RTS (B DENNISHE'NIQHT —CD -O WrMARYHARTMAN—Amorican C-Irdm-hia-lhotmos:__SHOW—Ulofhorown. . Runner" (1•ATE NIGHT. WTTH ■ aon Ford, F

— —

— r a b b i t s - e u [ H o w w i l l 1


f C o lI


W l i a t e \

IWS t o o m a i /ERTisiNG s e l l t h e

c l a s s l f f

LETTERMAN Qusal; eomodlnn

I j r n W i i A f t i i f e ' 'n *’ ! f ( t ' .PRYLAND~ON STAQE~Rls1ng~ ‘ ym iialcstnr* perform. ' {DVt6 -*'*W -^Th»Pur*ult-0 i 0 .a .— i r" (1081. Adventura) Traal Wii- ,

11:38_ *HOOAN'S HEROES Sgi- C arter ' >od whllo in a Nazi unltom.

11:60 - - ----------(NIGHT AT ASTTS American '

0 Ashley Putnam hoilB B visit to dmark New York Italian reslau- C .sli'B, where employaaB and (1 join togelher to aing operatic *<



12:0a V l-tATE-NIOHT-WTTH-DAVIO-----

VIE * ★ H "Sho" (1065, Advon- . -aulB Andreas. John Rlehsrdaon.


a1:00 Tl

EMAN REPORTS yE N D ENT NETWORK NEWS )“ CCDB'Fonlurod;-diiy-tour-ot—

Doys Abtazo" wilh a look ot ^ m Ot Iho Tnirocuious;- —LOVINQ FRIEND3 & PERFECT H ES 0


OVIE "Canfujry Row" DDcnmo) Nick-Nolle. Ootirn


WATERSKUNG "Senior- Alt-. - ‘iftChompionBhipB'.'(R)..................-M O V iE__ *JfcJ^ Ji_ .'.:B lodo-----• (1962. Scianco-Fiction) Horri- C d, Rutgor Hauer. ______________ C

?ueryw here! ... VI I s e ll th e m J a a ll? — - ^ Y ^

olhi- la d y . j rI c la s s i f t e d ! . )

5ver you’ve got' m y of, you can lem with a quic fied_adj______

V l _________ _ _I is.-db

• C D " * * " “CopiBlnKJdd''{194 — tum>-Chsrie#-L-aoghton—Jol • dine.____________

O N * * "Prom Night" (1980. Jam ie Leo Curtis. Leslie Niels

6:30CD "The Sun Se ta Al Dawn Sally Parr. PMIKp Shawn.

7 « 0O N * * * * "The Spirit o r 6 (1957. Biography) Jam ea Murray Hamilton.

-------- ----------------------------------o * * H "Any Second Now SuBpenao) Stew art Granger. I tioion.

d:uOCB " * * "H ouse On'Tolog'ri (1051. Drama) Richard 8 Valentina Corteso.

-------- ■— ------------b;oo

2K »O NEWSNIGHT UPDATE (BMOVIE * * * "Unconguerc I) (1047. A dvonluro)-Gary OciiiB Kurlofl.—----------------------0 3 VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS

— CD—AUTO-RAWNO—^'CAHT R adar Warning 200" (Irom L(

- OH). (R )........................-

2:06f f l CD MOVIE * * M "Tho S Tho Colrf NOBO" (1860. Comoi ronco Hnrvoy. Dalian Lovi.

O MISSION; IMPOSSIBLE — - - •2:26 •—

H 80 MOVIE * * * "First M< O ctobor" (1961. Comody) M atthau. Jill Ciayburgh.

2:30CD ROSS BAQLEY O ( t s CYCJUNG ••Blltmoro

3:00. CD © MOVIE VBulldoo

(1901. Comody) Norman WlacHunter, ........ ..................

^______________ _ 3:20O WORLD AT LARGE "CIN MOVIE ★ ★ "China 0. Cib

ick I i

D a y tim ;-"D rarn*>*N lck Mani

046.-A dven--S H O W * * ■ "Fa lohn-C arra-— (lOflO.-Orama) El

, YorV.------------------------ :-------------------110. Myatory) -O N iH k-* "T he J >lson. edy) Jam ea Stewi

wn" (1951) CD * * "M agic phy) Yvonne Oe <

'S t Louis"- * * " R e n t) Stew art dy) Ja m es Boolh.

. . ’ 1— ;----------------C D -* * H - ’'B«eBt3w "(1060 . (1®^S. Drama), , „ , . N . | .

-------------------- W urroafioatlxJ)!/•--At, ............... "B‘

B naohirt Adventure) Eilzat BoBohort. Qrongor.O N "LostComody) Goorgo

(1080. W estern) '” - - ToBll. ------

»rod" (Part :y Cooper. SHOW MOVIg-

'• nyao ... lo g o tn o r. dy) Mark Blankllel

4T—E acort------------------------------Loxinglon. Q M O NEY U N E '


® ® movie"rjody) Lou- Uarinii,i}" il.040^.!Don "H od" Barry.


Uonrt«« in QDMORNINQSTRI v T w a lti? CD ROMPER ROOl y) W elter q j VIDEODISC JO



- BotTor, Pot Bona----------- Biily-Cfysifllr-Qabi

Wliiiama aro amon

'?adom" lan '


ttu n k s to U ie .N and h a v e n l gali

-• Mistak»«roo((<

-o o ra ta n l caloric

W lw tJ2 ? J u 8 l

Q uSfy 'lim w 'S

_______________ Nulri/Syttnmiiuntil you da

------------------ -WITKTHEItOTIIPROGRAM.ALL I D E C IS IO N S ^


In I O v

_ Z 1 - ’ ' F rid - _______ ■ ■ >J i -i

l e m o v ie slancuao.-'SaulR ubii^. -'Falling In Lova Agaln^^— Q —4i-Elllott-Gould.-Suaannah-'JohnF

— b ;30-------------- — ;-------SHOWle Jackpo t" <10&0.-Com- -ma) Ki ewart. Barbara Hale. CM *

lOrOO (SIC Fire" (1054. Blogra- Rod®'’ le C tfla . Carlos Thomp-

C D * 'entadlck" (1072, Com*- sina" ilh. Richard Briers. McGoi

11:00 . HBO •cause-H o's-M y Prtijnd'*~*«l»«'’ i) Koir Dulloa. Karen Moore

SHOW'R eds" (1081, Drama) M Jllan aJtn n lo n , . g " * ■•Baau Qrummal" (1054, m o W zabeth . Taylor. S tew att

OBI And Found" (1070, CM * go Sogsi. Glenda Jack- Docun

n) Warren O atea. Fablo gsvet;

3 :26 'CB FAI-•Jakvll AnH

or Again" (1082. Como- Held. B ess Armstrong.■“ 3 :3 0 -


3:60 ITE ''Comng All ° 0, Droma) K<^en Mack. I ry)‘ ■ - 0 —4M ----------------------------- W

TRCTCH ...............................30M [aJOCKEYS fB

IMES f e4:10

mO N "C atch A RiBing U UAnniversary" Richard_____J||fc)halar.’ Dovld flrefinor.' labs.K aplan ond hobln nong tho s to rs saluting show case 'C lub which

j.NotTl/Systeni p n g n i n . ........|Dalnsd back an y o tu r MiiTMSdl • # %o o r lo o d ..... .. - -.

o<foodplan.r» - - •' orie^xxmUng

u8i/Sy3Sm ' I110*0 weightn u p l o a p o u n d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

j T m ; s r s T E i r r ^ ^ ^ ^ WLLMY.roODFEREMADE r


M weight loss cenAl pwcM vaor. n So tn*u **lc<

r W f N F A L L S ■5 2 5 B l u e L a k e s

- B U R L E Y ^ - 6^O ver 675 C e n te rs in N orih I

riday g p p te m b e rB . 1.863 . ..'TIr

-------------- ..'1I.-06 . - _l-* * -irE U P * « p ilaS 4 E L _ W fl* l!hn P«yn*.-Q*imu***ll.^---------------

i « 0 'IOWT*T»~MUtlnaXDV«‘' ( t o s t r c i) K ale Jackeoo , MIch*«l Onllcear <i "Th* Pursuit 01 0 .8 . Cr" (1081. Adv*nlure) T reat Willi*: be rt Duvall.

3.-00 .* * H “ The Three Live* 01 Thor

la " (1064 . A dventure) Patrl :Goohan. S ufan Hamp*hire.0 * * "The Sea W olves" (10 v e n tu ro )-Q re o o ry —P o c K r - f ^ l

lo w * * "The Irishman" (1978, D i) M ichael Craig. Robin Nevln. 4 * * » "Cannery Row" (1082. B iJ-NlcKKoItorPabra-Winger:—

'6:00 .^ * * •TarKo Tho biior',* (10 cumonlary. N arrated by Potor U

ve them Iholr s la rt.4:30




antet^l-^S---- -•McMIOtMi.

1 - 734-0405>5 B l v d . N .

67r-9781------(h A m e iic s ‘ ‘ ‘ —

T|m85-New3. t^ in Fjjji^.Hdeho






. Dra-



hoV*' I ..1________

W e d r_____________r Eix2JT2Ztin2JO"ty£D

O TttE TOMORROW PI:---------THargon M«naeo ” Mik« i

____ InvoBtlQnto Blob^ ahock



loro} Tho (irat oi a thr«a-pi lion ol hlghlighta ol tho ai Irain trip Ifom Chleagd lo DCineludoa segments on car, proclslon (omalo Ico Boltboll pilchef wllh a dofa

GO-yoor-old racquolboll"Hying panqokoa." (DI8PY


I tsurani and onlarlalnmoni :; NMhvllle.----------©-(nH3Y'MNABT»C8'"U6

on's Championship Ouanoi 03 VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS HSO DOLLY PARTON .K KIOS Tho popular counlry-tfifllrin ni.n.>llnn« on tnpirmusic, morfingp. alvdc makeup and hor "8-To 5" (

: Fonda Irom fivo Los Amagora.

6:30O MORE REAL PEOPLE CD (Q P M. MAQAZINE L atar-atuddod baah to co now beauly book; hot now

O THE TT^D EYE 'Xob--------ioonaoora_miiflt Journey _tc

Labyrinth oi Croto lo aocur and savo Rothgo'a Illo. (Pai


----O 02> FAMILY FEUO _CB PRIME TIME ACCESS O CS) ENTERTAINMENT 1 visit Io iho sol ol "Qonoro

O M*A*8*H A rumor that_____ ia oolno lo "bug-out'' bocoft_____oxaggerato'd until it is bollav

entire Chinese army Is att camp. (Pari 2)CD BUSINESS REPORT ' OD M*A*8*H Frank sbltlbs

--------mandlno-oillo*r«flty to have-------appolmod-OVflfWhoYd:—

CQ MKJKEY MOUSE CLUB CD FANOANOO Conleslan knowlodgs ol counliy muaic pete wlih colobriiiea.HBO MOVIE * * "Groon k Adventure) Ryon O'Neal. Ann

. O CD (D C8S 8ATURDAV- PREVeW FWe new Salurda sorlot are highlighted In Ihl CBS'e now aoaaon.(Z O OD.aa REAL PEOPU Premiere) The'flfii'ol a presentation of highlights ol 1

* r~z racent trsin.trlp /roiu Chlcagc Ington. OC Includes aogmo fulurialic car. preclaion (« akatora. a soltball pltcho delormod orm. a 69-year'Olc ball champ and "Hying pancai

■■ MANON Anlhdny Dowdell' lhO'Chftvali '<fe»-GHeux-wiil

' Ponnoy os hia beloved Manoi la the Royal Ballet produello conce corrupted l^teth Con suro-aeel(Ino>aHa. O-flffi-M AtfNEtL /

------ NEW5H00H------------ ------------ ® O ®-THE-FALL-QUY Col!

to roirleve a boll-jumping mi ness are thwarted by momt poramiiitarv group. (R)CZ) -AhCRlCAN JOURNEY columnist RichardRoovoa rot stepa ol Alexia do Tncquovll ioumoy acroas lhe U.S. to ai atato of tho democracy In trom a contemporary porspoc O (t2) QUNSMOKE Tho abc 0 leon-oge girt ^ Indiana invo In a long trek lo rescue hor.OD 700 CLUB Featured: "Se' Ablaxo." day fivo. looks, ai evonla lhat are radically choi

------ThlfffWOria:--------------------O EPCOT MAQAZINE: EVEN TK>N Goeat hoaleea: Carol La' (D NASHVnXE NOW Live

^10 Twin F:A]l8.,l

n e ^ a y

(0 and Hsui Tai sHOV/ FAEF ck wovea. (Port AndJ^io, B«

. . . phor piaya mond Is Jac of the tala must provo h

(Season Prom- ^nd glantoi a-parl praaonta. - sinpIoton)-li a aorios recent ,|chos. XoJVo.a.hjnolpn.— CIN MOVIE <

on a futuristic (,9et, Como Ico skaters, a Qazraro,

folormed ofm. a .Ill ohomp..nd o ( n - g , '

WORUT'OF?LD -••N«DJuno-o ovoiHow'ratlriJiTHTTnt ■« r««n soo?oStBido ® PEC int spot outsido

' U S AIQO- Worn-—

J UFPTfi THP '• '^0 ''r^ -w S n lt^ ^ takoconirolc

ifdom, omics. , OCDCBMO 5" co-star Jano ‘ 0982, Argote# leen- Wox^rros.


c (iimod in Its rS L I n a . E .a n .-

ow mon a fash-I nh.,,rn.h" *"daoght«rrTbrH

--------------- " O MOVIE *n (t972. Suap'---------- -------- StophanioBoe

rr TONinm- a ® O COUN

"B i'a,o..ly P°yi'>l|>°'"’ .

Il...d-ihii I h i ' - S

showcase lo>

__ To'cSI'd nacSnliav^mewone—0 LADY OF LAS T««|. 'Of'"# Will s. ° c . n ? ’ o " V o . ' , .V . l i h - . JOII, «.io turn eoncert porfon

™ » < ,s e i , H=l,llnL«.>,.


fh lln lh .r'.-T Ihl. po.k .©STARTtME

ir.« HBO STOPWA- i m ; H V E s n o A ^

,„|.p,"c“« „ .weH 'aiara' as •wlth-Jonnlfer O NEWS snon Lescoulcllon of inno- C2DOQD(DS ::onlury plea- Dr. Craig'a now

Ing Hungarian i f LEHRER Dr. WhIto'B por.

whon ho la Invi Goll'a-trffons— accldontrtR)—1 murdor wit- O dJD ALL-SI embers of a Toddy Wileon

(horn). Rod Not EY .Political (box}^LouIb Be rotracaslhe Hinton (bass) i ovllle's 1631 awing mualc at » aasosa the N.Y.

In America (D O (S DYN/ aoctlvo. (R) destroy DIake a abduction of whilo another ur nvoivea Matt to murdor two C

en.(R)g 'Sevon Oays O SPORTS TOf

at unusual (SRfOURDRE shnnging tho eal coiumnlat f

about his 18.00 /ENINa EDf. U.S. and tho boc Lawrence. mentory which r« ve foaturvs OSNASHytUE/

; frkta^j. |SeptemJ»

^ ^ e r t i rno coontrv music. "-RANK-BdXJNQ-.LIvo-lrom----rTtc................ ........... ................KERIE TALE THEATRE "JackBennatolH!!_Dflnnla-Chriaio--__

/a Jack. and.Katharine Hoi* . 0 Jack'a mothor in this version M to oboul a young'man who a his courage ogalnst a giant q itosa (Eliloll Gould, Joon Ci ) 10 win bock hia lamlly'a

E * * * - ‘'ThorA1l L-Bughod" — imody) Audrey Hepburn. Ben ~ M;

• 7:30 3) BUQS BUNNY'S MAD a DF~ TELEVISION Animated. JcI ol directors ^OTTV, upsot atlnosrWrS tho wlsoc/ocklng' ' holr president. (R) O >EOPLE'S COURT SPECIAL Dr ipnor ia crosa.oxominod byaw School aludonta._________ (j;0 "The Tiohtonlng Nooao" no foyors that the now minia* gg 10 Eoglo. who has como lo olol Los Angoles. ^

■ ■ B:QO:--------------------------nirMOVIE * * « "Maid ln‘Amor-12, Comody) Suaon Clock. ' —s--------------- . . . . Rai'OLLOWING THE TUNDRA (0 ils mognilicont. animal ia SEI 18 native habitat, tho snowy ' (Q '10 north. \ HBI) TWO MARRIAGES Scott (tg movo away and livo with hia Knc ■»iio_,Nancy;, preporoa j^ r _SH< brhor llra format danco. tip (ig AN REPORTS WinOV1E-*THi-^nek-OHWb=^IN 164. Advonturo) Roborl Cor ab Hunger. tone* *★ "Tho'NightcbmorV’

laponso) Morion Brando, nBoachom,----------------- :------ quoUNTDOWN TO '84: SARA.■ LOS ANGELES Hiohlights w9..o<-worJdwlda,ofo-Olym.—_ . tilions, prolilos ol Olympic * ts. and world record

lANt TAPES Tho exciting Ji®"0 first odillon ol tho MTVlor unsigned laloni. lhe ^

Olving an EMI / America_________________ IslaiLA -FALANAr-TW - FIRST - I'S"] ^S VEQAaLola^Folona-por-— ® *II Survive." "Lovo Tho Ono ® [ •• and "Who Wilt Buy?" In a * formanco (rom lhe Aladdin Vogos. O T

8 :3 0 --------- '(Q 0 (11) FAMILY TIES ® illofy are aolectod to com-. "'O' high achool quiz ahow at s TV .station. (R) O G

■ o cYEAR IN NASHVILLE Inter. ^ i|) irlhaCarsorj; — - • ■ 'O I THEPROS _ ,ho(;8C JOCKEYS 'WATCH: 30 MINUTES OF |„ TVE TICKINO Television cenc n«a-oro spooled in this ^uro- lomedy apodal.• ■ 8:35 -------- ■ ■ “ CDB

................ ...................p - <9:00 worri

1 ID (11) ST. ELSEWHERE “ doi lew friendship with a visit- 03 Bi irTdoctor-ISIe'n'aTIioa'.'ond ' O D aersonal.otobloms worsen' 8CH« involved in o serious car ■ Speo ( ' ■ dolp -STAR SWING REUNION ovor" sn (piano), Clark Torry Supr« Norvo (viboa). Zoot Sima ^ati( Bolaon.-,(dn;mB)"Dna-Mol.-_':®~*

I) perform a concort of hfghll at Arlpark In Lowiaton. ffi®

QDVtrNASTY Someone trios to e and Krystlo'a marriage. O M r unknown individual plots— (19M o ol tha Carrington wom- Hunto

rONIGKT O A lREEVES'AMERICA Polill. ',hg, ^t Richard neevea_JolKB . |j..000 mile trip ocross tho Edithbook and loloviaion docu- q (qhreauttod (rom the trip. aI div .E AFTER HOURS Quests;lJ» r9 ,1 » _ ■ ’ ' _____ ^

n g ^ r o <

----- --------- ---------L_5:ooi_:.^. OD "Tha-GIaas Alibi:

Mystery) Paul Kolly, Anno Qwyi S:06

GIN **!* "Leaf And Found' Comody) George Sagel. Gionc

------------- ------ -----a;30-----------OD * * '’Tho Glided Cage" Myslory) Aloi NIcol, Veronica I-

. . - -7:00 ON * * * ."Tompost" (1982. C John Ca8Bnvotoo..Oono Rowlor

o * * ★ "Tho Country Girl" Drama) Bing Crosby, Grace Koi

B:t)0■ IS * * * "Tho.ManJn-Tha.Gf4 nol Suit" (Part I) (t056. Dram gory Pock. Jonnilor Jonoa.

9:00HBO * * "Groon Ico" (19B1.

■turu) Ryun o NiHti.'Aftfla A ltM .

Randy Rayo and Nashville.(Q (13; ALFRED HTTCHCOCK SENTSOD VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS HBO MOVIE * * b "Tho Prlzo Fl (1970, Comody) Tim Conwoy Knolls.SHOW MOVIE **M "Connory (1982. Dramo) Nick Nolto. Wlngor,CIN^ttOViE-*-*-*=^Tompbit‘- Comody) John CoBsavoloB. Gemlands. .......... .

......................9:26O NIGHTCAP Topic; (oik Guosta; loiK' aingors'poto 'sooo' BornlcoRoagon.


lion north trom Mexico up the Peninsula to ColKornlo.3) CHARUE'S ANGELS Tho / !ok« a"Lovo Boot" cruise to tho elands to recover a pricoloss c lon.of:sIoIen~ttri;(Pafi.f>-:--— E ANOTHER UFE .D OFFSTAGE Guest: Alon Siogo D SP(>RTSCENTER


9:48D NFL'S GREATEST MOM 'I978and 1979 Yoara In Review'


10:009CZ)CI)(2)GDO(2}OCS)C11) NEWS9 MANON Anthony Dowoll sta no Chovallar.dos Grioux-Willt Je 'ermey aa his beloved Manon Le1 tho Royal Ballot production ol onco corrupted In 16lh Century ure.seeking Paris,3 MEWSNJQHTD BUSINESS REPORT.............»-<ia)-HOQAN'8-WnOES-Hoo'orriod lhat an underground conli doubio agent.3 BURNS ANO ALLEN 3 DISNEY SALinESTHE AMER CHOOL CHHJ) "Wilh AII'DJIbi ^ o d " Paui'winlioid and John

vonts loading up to the land upreme Court doclaibn on achool ration,3-NA8HVnlE NOW Live tea ghilghtlng country music, ■9 03) RADIO 1990 (R)3 VIDEO DISC JC3CKEY8

10:08I MOVIE "The Last Hur980. Orama}-Sponcar-Tracy,-Je jnter.

t0:30I ALL IN THE FAMILY Archie Im at o now homo •• nol his -• bo (i r little Stephonio-but-kind-hee 11th has olhor ideas.I OS) GOLD FROM THE DEEP A g divora undertake one of tho t

nbltloua and hazardous eah

g r a n ^

^ O a y f i l l U-«

hl!L(J94a. CIN **W-"Lo V vynno. Droma) Annio G

Caasot,Id" fJ979. - uinda Jock- (Q "That i

(1971. Drama) Nar

o" (1856. Comedy) NormonV s Hurst. 1C

SHOW * * ★ "The Tho Apbcblypso" (

• Comedy) i;oo J, Cobb.loBda- . . JJ- - - HBO"** H “Thb’P ri" (1954 Comedy) Tiin-CDnWi lolly. CIN ***-"Thoy -

Cbmody) Audrey3ray-Etan-,. :_________amo) Gfo-- ^

O * * * "Tho £ (1954. Dramo) Wll

1. Advon-;57! l£I "1 Wouldn't

oporntlons na thoy :k pre*' Russian gold bullion

Iho BoionlsSoa Inti (D O G[) ABC NEW

Flghlor" OCB(D<n)TON ■oy. Don Coraon. Gueats: Lio

___ —-Slophanie Zimbai,fy Rovy- Stoolo"), "comodian . Dobra ® DOCTOR WHO

Tho Doclor ond hi bel*H>ort-Sw.

BnaRbw- clans os Iho monc (Pori 2)

------ 0(12)THCKEOF'. (53 MOVIE * ★ * •

•_(1909..Advontufo) N

aa JACK BENNY ________ ffiODONDRYSD/

(2) CD tonight 1?o1

Stophonlo Zimbai Stoolo"). comodian;


-------- ----lo-"Iond”"pT88-ongoi. city's subwoy systen

' 10:4 (DM‘A*S*H

................. 10:4. (B BILLIARDS Willio

nesota Fatal (R)iMENTS



tarr as HBO MOVIE * * * >jflnnlfor-.C.omody)_Stovo__Qu! Lescaul Rourko. • of Inno- SHOW MOVIE- **1 ryploa- .Warrior" (1977. Sci

Brynnor. Max von Syd_________ ____ 1t;W

(3) MOVIEooan-lBniacf Is hAWAD FIVE-0 '


- g ffiy*CKEOF-TW

__ehorJ!«_flolduJoftlguandmark Cathy may>01 Into- wood'akitchon-cooli

his hand at counselinc „,„roa O a ) ® (It).LA


, country music atara p<


■nBiaia attempt to aavo Klinli> louno caught him borrov learted-----------. group ffl SPORTSCENTER> moat 12:00 alvage O UE DETECTOR

i.~: i. .: .

I t i 11 fO v i- 9:80--- - Anyd1 Vie Continue -- (1081.—HBO i

Oirardot. Jeon-Pierre Fictioi CtN

tOM> 0977,Jt Ledy From Peking" David Mancy Kwan. Carl Betz. :8ulldog.Br«od'-' (1961, .-SHOW in Wisdom. Ian Hunter. Drama

10:30 -'The-Four Horsemen 0( (□ * i >" (1062, Drama) Glenn (craaor bb. ray. Ni

11UJ0 KBO .b’PrfioFlSfit or"'( 197 07"3nwgyrO0mCff0tl»~ ------Andro*jy Ail Laughod" (1001. CIN* >y Hopbum.'Bon Gaz- 0®“B-


o Bridges At Toko-Ri" SHOW William Holden. Qraco ^ ) Cl<1:00 •______ - (10S4.

dn't Leave Toreza For Loughr

oy attempt to recover q (f;lion (rom tho bottom ol NEWS 'In tho Arctic Circle. fQBACEWS NIGHTUNE m VIDE •ONIGHT Host:. JohnnyLionol Richie, ociross qin MObaiisl (■•Romingion |oy" {, Inn Stove Wright. r, ■to "Powor Ol Kroil"

s!^ o m p lS « * c h n r--®onstor Kroll awnkoa, t.ETreR mandorJFTHE’NIGHT"-----------------k "Battle Of Britain" CSCBSi) MIchaoLCaino. lou-__ ____

O NK........ Guests:

iDALE’S BASEBAU. . . Bornlco 10:38Host: Johnny Carson. OCRO i-' Hienifl.'-jflC!iuttfl-' o a ? w ballot (''Romington (DLIFE an Stovo Wright, O NASI.LER Samey and hia Rnndy R ierground when an alr—CD PKA

ig'ors~sln'olo'frro”ln‘lho QTmOV item, kind"(l10:40 HodyLo

SHOW I0:48 — Ridgemcillio MosoooI-vs.-MIb- —SeanPe

1:00 .............. iTDFOUf___ O .FR EE

UERICA Host; Dennis 'ffllNDB CD 700 '

W Ablaze.*’events tl

jmTompa. Fla, (R) ThirdWc *H "Oiner" (1082. ffi (ffi C OuttonberQ:’ Mlckov en'a Cho

HBO' MC’*H "The Ultimate RIdgemo Sclonce-Fictlon) Yul Soon Poi 3ydow.t;08.. ,_ (2)C D N t

iTtO ffiOEWi

t:30 ON MOVORTS ..... ..................Drama) FTHE NIGHTintmarywrtmant- o t ie w jgua_oLJimm3«L_JQo— a>MOVli lay bocomo Forn- 2) (194J Doklo; Howard-trla# Boris Kar ling Tom. m VtOCCLATE NIGHT .WITH .. ® 0(JLF iN 'Guestr musician- ' ble” (fron

( 5 f STAGE Rlaing ® g® w

!MDS°Tamea Stow-SHOW 1

raOES The Heroea

Swing money®"'®"(DROSS

^ ---------------- HBO MO\Of" (196

y OthorQirl" (No Date. Comody) to * * ’'Tlmorlder" (1982, Scion :tion) Fred Word. Beilnds Bauor.

* * H "Golden Rendozvoi >77. Sujponae) RIehaed Har. vid Janssen,

i.o a"OW * * b .'-'Cannery • Row"-( t& >ma) Nick Nolle. Dobra Wlngor.

3.-00★ * * H "Tho AbBopi-Mlndod P aor'' (ioei. Comody) FrodMacM . Nancy Olson.0 .* * (i "Liltle Miss Mark! 'BOrCotnody)-waiTflrMattf?-ffor3u

1 * * H "II ThInoB Wore Dlllorof 79. Droma) Suzanno Pleshotto. D ray.^ -----^-8:00--------------- -D W **** ••Sounder''(1972. Of I Cicely Tyopn. Paul Wlnllold.I * * * h ■ •'Hobson's Choici S4._Comeay)_John Mllla. Chnrl ghion,


(1077. Drnma) Harloe McBrld. If Rotray.

12:05-CD : LATE-NIGHT—WCTH-nAVl rERMA>r~Guoar: muaicion ‘ Cor dor Cody.------ ----------12;16----------------:BS NEWS NIGHTWATCH.__________ 12:25_____________NIGHTCAP Topic; (oik musli

)ta: toik singers Poto Soogor on■IcoRcoDon_______ _ ...

1 2 : 3 0 ------- -—WOSSFIREgWBC News OVCTNlOtff-^-----IFE OF RILEYlASHVlLLE AFTER HOURS Guosit ty Raye end Nashville.KA FUU CONTACT KARATE (R)

.......... 12:40------ -----------40VIE * * h "the Story 0( Mor• (1057. Fantasy) Ronsld Colmar ' Lamarr.W MOVIE * * h "Fosi Times A omont .High' (1962. ComedyI Penn,-Jonnilor Jason tolgh;------

1:00 .OUR FRONT.......... --........REEMAN REPORTS____ ___ ____IDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS00 CLUB Foalurod; "Seven Oayi ee." day (ive,' iobka at unuaua Is that are radically changing th< World,B QYMNAOTC8 "USAIGC Wom Chompionnhip Qunherllnnla" (R) MOVIE * * r t "Fast Timoo A

j.moni High" (I0B2. Comody! Penn, Jennifer Jason LeiQh.

1:06) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT....... . .__________1;30 ________xNNIS THE MENACE

1:46ilOVlE * * * * "Payday" (1073, a) Rip.Torn.jXnna Capri... .. -

2:00w sro o B n jp tw re ------------------OVie-* * *-i;UnoonquefedMPort 947, Adventure) Gary- Cooper, Karlolf.D£0 DISC JOCKEYSOLF "Jorry Ford Colobrily Cloa-from Vall.'CO). (R) ’

2:061 MOVIE * "Bar Z Bad Mon" , Western) Johnny Mock Brown, anuary.— - 2:10 -------- ---------t TWO TOP BANANAS Oo^ s and Don Rickies star In a show-' of burlesque skits, unconsorod ly and showgirls.-------- ---- 2SS0--------------- -----ISS BAQLEY

2:38i»OVIE * * * •'The Rood Warrl- 1961, Advonturo) Mei Gibson

/) - — — - onco- ..........r./oua"'arris,

1962,.................. i


rkof '- .7

ronf , Don


ieo"ir ln t-


Itor- - 'Ido,

lVID ________:om-







>m-- ............




‘®T " r r " " . “7


□n.w-9d -------- -- —


Thursi0 « )

o (2) cc S I O jQ O.I3D IB o tv £ TOMORROW PCOI Thorgon ‘ Monaco” ' K mat Ihroatona ‘lo la l doslruetio doosn 'l goi control of Iho w< 2)O (B) BUSINESS REPORT OPRIMENEWS

.........®FAM n.-YF6U0--------:--------(S (11) OIMME A BREAK drivoa ovoryono c rszy when i ovor.tho ch o res ol an nlllno Ni © I SPY(D NEWI ANIMAL WORLD

____ -SprinoOf Lllo"E j : jh PAHAOisE-AcirenrgT

. , ■Jaufanuind.ontoctotmpoflLBRiNaahvlilo.(D SnOEO DISC JOCKEYS HBO MOVIE * * "Vyatli Ac


. tM - ■ O MOVIE ★ * * "Paychc X'KitofyV Anthony PAflllnt> Jni

8:30 .a MORE REAL PEOPLE (7) ID P.M. MAQAZINE M Ulah, Klda Nucloar War Goma0 AQAINST THE ODDS "Ac Mao" Samuel Adama led Iho nioa to Indopendonco (rom Bi

' nnd Mao'Tao Tuiig lacod tho01 brinQlnQ a country oChall pooplo (rom (oudallam to tho lury.O) TIC TAC DOUGH ..........

® tDAHOREPOnrS------® o ® NFL FOOTBALL ' Bongala al Cloveland Brown*

-------- BTPRtMETIMFACCEBS—^O M*A*S*H Whon Hoi Lip

--------- ItD rnjrohyoaojo iH flP tfllo^bFrank aaaumea il’a hia oxpo motion. .

' CD BUSINESS REPORT-.........C5) M*A*S*H Hawkoyo (iQhti n wounded aoldlor. ollvo whilo

-----uAiii Diirraso uouu un iiuur iiii0 (1 2 ) FAMILY FEUO (D (tl) MAMA'S FAMILY tJ Eunlco got Into a loud argum' Bigger Jigger and aro Ihrown

-------ceil with tt-hoohgfr(R) — • ----- (D MICKEY MOUSrCCUff^

(D FANOANQO' Conleslanli knowlodgo of country music poto witlicolobriilos, '(Q WOMEN'S BILLIARDS "V

------iaHonat-7-Ba1t-Chnmplonnhl]Match" — . -----

__ « 0 CD GO MAQNUM. P.I. Mai TCunwiitlngiy Iranaport a" so: ciopodlaa lhat aro (lllod will nn. (R)C9 O (S) ID QIMME A BRE>1 mo drivoa ovoryono crazy v lAkoa'ovor tho 'choroa o l on a(R> ■ ■ ........... '. . ■

-------O —PERFORMERS*—SHOHOMAGE TO NniNSKt'Orioini bailola Including "L’Aprea I Faun" and •‘Poirduchka," lormod by tho groat Italian

.........Puolo Barloluul and Carla Fn— Q — ® — MACNEIL— f — I


Jodroy Lyons hoal an informi - atwhBl'snowoHhomovloa;'

' O (12) OUNSMOKE-Nowle

girl and hor pannor.ID (n ) SIMON & 8IM0NT^ lives aro'hlred to drivo a clae

. mobiIo-to-San-Ff«ncl»co- oocapod murderer aa o paaao CD 700 CLUB Foaturod: dt "Sovon Doya AtjJazo" looki causpa ol Iho dealructlon o civilization.

_ © EPCOT MAQAZINE: EVEh TION Guoal hoslosa; Carol La (D NASHVILLE NOW Llvo hiohiiohting country muale.

------ SHOWMOVie-^TfiW "SU____ (1077. Fnntaay) Mark Hamlll.

Pord.CIN MOVIE "Honky(10Q2, Comedy).Gena Wild< Radnor.

..............— 7i30- .• CD O (S ID MAMA'S FAMa . .nnd Eunice get^iaio'a loud'on;

g d a y j e s eIho Bigger Jiggei

) IB NEWS____ jn]l coll wllff« hO'EOPLE "Tho (J ) WILD AMER mad d e a p o l ' mo" Naturaliat ction It ho w here, whon ond > world, (Pan ic a 'a wild animal

roundinga. (R)r ......................1 0 ZORRO-"2on

ro muat sa v e S ■ " being murdofo’d;

AK Grandma much about tho < on oho lakos achom o lo ovortl ON oil.(n) ornmoni and mnV


llos 01 il r o a - . q F ..H0LOa!SM2^UI-O.«™-TI«H.I

voraion o( Iho ba ‘ - Slrovinaky. and


O GD (S SrMOJ . t i v o a are h ired t£

C D O O (D ID <Jo y 'a girilriend d

[ Moot Miaa ing Mickey in Jay amoa. O 0B MOVIE"Adema And (1956; Oramo) Iho 13 Cold* Brynnor.

n Briliah rule. Q FREEMAN RE tho challenge QT) MOVIE ★ hall o billion . S runetio" (1947. Iho 20th Con- Oorolhy Lomour.

O (12) MOVIE.........................M en" ( 1062, Dn

-------------“T------flobertM itchum rU . Cincinnati (Q MOVIE wns '___________Wornor Football'

Lipa phonos ( Q d J SPORTS F I ■■blQ new s," iTiVIOEO DISCJ xpoctod pro- HBO MOVIE "Boi

Orama) EDzaboth

Q h ta to k o o p O N E W S hiloanincBB- _____________

CS O CS (D IBY Mama and “ ucceaatul older

s lc a n d c o n v gw edan 'a Birgit £

iBhlp Flnat ^ y ESTERYEA - • - - ■-..jniorviowwith Bill

J h ™ " ; : : : o H u a H D o wWlin mariiua oow na Inlorviowa npAK Ornnd. i B'OOdway hll "Ni r v ^ i i n «ho Haiiorino o

■"“' . " " " - ' • " ■ ■ i r i " : ? -[HOWCA3E___ "C otg ." "Evila.'IOInelNljinski_ Suporatar,"_ •

s r . € « CD c s KNOTlian dancora Inilod alior conto I Frocci; ' . ( R ) '” ■

tl Gablor and ioavoa hlrr)rmativo look rejoctod by his,8--------------------oomlorlod b y « Viwley‘8 b eat -F u r llio end hla.no

w etlv-vouna___flon.J6)________O SPO R T ST O N i

ao loc. O N A S H V IIX E * claaaic aulo- c o -w lth - a naaongor. (R ) 8E K T 8_______

day alK o( ® SP0RTSCEN1 »oka a t tho S H O W P ^ E R an ol a h c ie n C - H s r th a a a n ofloi

ond Boll deapor VENINQEDI- I" *

Advonluro) Barr ■SIBf W are" Khamboita— " —

----------- :----- iBTSPORTSWEEInky Panky"Vildor. Glide g j FAMU.VEUD

O CROSSFIRE . . . . - Q , E N T B P T ^

kMILY Mams - Pnuloy: Olaho So 'orgiiiTMnl a t ' _ b)t a ro .f e ^ lu r^ .l

^ n i n g j piger and are thrown inlo ahooker. (R)--------------------------lERlCA-"Watching Wild- iat Morty Sibuflor lolls lnd how io look for Amor- |Q mala in Ihoir natural sur- Advon

(laler.'orro LIghta A Fuao" Zor- > SorgoanI Garcia (rom ^o’d;‘aftorTio-IoomB-ioo - “oiiriTa 10 commandanto's wife's casae orthrow tho exiatlnfl gov- nako hor huaband govor- ^


0 F 8 p"lHQTh. W.p„;,.;

bailoijwiih muaic by Igorj____and choroographed by ^

ajOQ Drama ION & SIMON The doloc-d ta drive 0 cloaalc auto- p ’ion Francisco ' wilh an .(ISSe.Ittfofoo n pea»<M ‘?'-t°>- - StoiQO [D <11) WE GOT FT MADEd diacovora a sloopwaik- SHOWJay's bodroom. ma) CiIE * * * * "Anastaaln" __o) Ingrid Bergman. Yul ir

REPORTS . .......................★ ★★ "My Favofile

M7. Comody) Bob Hope, lur. ,/IE ***W "Tho Luaty ,Droma) Susan Hayward, g g .?

*★ "Moochio '01 Pop ali" (No Date) Kovin Cor- ■

8 PROBE(R)C JOCKEYSBorWoeirF::oHifo“'(T0B3:— HBO-t lOth Taylor. Carol Bumott. maled .—-g.2o-------- ---------------- Snool.

IQ (11) CHEERS Sam's - dor brother paya o vlail p a romance with Diano, "

DEVE-Thia .ballot. 80t.ln_.-„^^n,-Ol—Edon^atara. HudoJ(__TCJam and Donioia Maluaar- nd la choreographed by . JitCullberg, , ^f,iio I

ocortrr^AJTTn Iw S H W L li'T n ''^^^ BiilCarllBle,. - QTHt^EPROS (R)--------------- T(g-CK— S:65----- '.................... romantIWNS'.SPOTLIGHT Hugh suapoc )ws Raul Julio, atar ol tho collect "Nino." Cynthia Gregory. Qj) ANi a o(.lho American Baliol (g OF ,.Androv»_LloxtliW.o Jt>or.__lot___

la." nnd "Joaua'Chriat

9:00 m A'OTS LANDING Valono la ntpaaing to Ciji'a murdor.

ngton aots up a drug buyhim facing a aholgun;his girllriond, Huntor ia »B.Vlotnamo#o_maas«u»o;--nPyAJ..nowj«llaJfjLwbiklno.out__p

hey-f avng-^ formedONIQHT ;E AFTER HOURS Guoala: g


((air wilh another woman plo.d. lor hi.

g with Profoasor Kings- ®

* "Mogalorco" (1081.Bostwick. Persia

sundo_______________ the cc

ttK (H> airuggl9:30 rule.

;UD IQ N<:E highilQtNMEMT TONIGHT Jano (OQ) Soi-yof and Unda EI|or-- - JDVID ^.l§ ^.ri>p0.rt on l<MTta|« : HBOJJ


I ★ ** "The Big Cat" (11 Ivonturo) Prealon Foaler. Lon Me ler.

8:05^ "La Vio Conlinuo" (ItBrna) Annid 'Qrrai^ol."'Joan-PIi laaol.-

.- 6:6010 * * "Timerldor" (1082. Scior :llon) Frod Ward. Belinda Bauer.

6:30r— u i-v^Tiuhr-dvIvonturo) Don O'Horllhy, Cathe

7:00 ••{_ * * * * "Roaurfoction" (1C BmsKHorrBorstynrSam-Shepord

7:08I ***VThe-Hardor-Thoy-F )56. Drama} Humphrey Bogart. 1glQor._______ ’

7:18low * * * * "SourwJor" (1072.1 i) Cicely Tyaon. Paul Winfield.

8:00 '.I * * * "Tho Man tn Tho Gray F

8:J6KJW LOLA-FALANAr THE FU 0 ¥K>ELAa,VEflA8 J laJ=.fllaMj ma "I Will Survive.". "Lovo Tho i lu'ro With" and "Who Will Buy?"

pnrtnffnnnrn trftm Itin Aln.iloiinLosVogas,

7:30lO-DRTSEUSS ONTHE LOOSE , lied, A trio ol.claaalc rhyming t( .iho.popular chijdron'a author: " oolchoa." "Tho Zax" and'“Gr gs And Ham."


wotK.newB anchors.-TOO CLOSE FJ3R-C0ME0HL ompotoni conatruclion crew mai ahamblea o( Iho Rush houaoh iio trying lo convort Iho atllc into artment, (fi)-STRIOINQ FORWARD-IN EDUI )NTHECATLfNS . -CHARLIE'S ANGELS'Kris bacon

nanticaliy involvoa£wiTh ono_o(_ ipocia Irt Iho iholl ol a pricoloaa lection. (Pan 2)ANOTHER LIFEOFFSTAGE Inlorvlow wllfi Rip T



dor Warning 200" ((rom LexinQl I). (R) ,

•■'■1 0 ;0 0 ............ ..


MAQE TO NIJiNSW Orig^al Nijlr lera"’Incru"din9 " t’Aprea Midi c jn" ■ond'"~Potrouchka;‘' . aro. f mod by tho groat Malian danc

NEWSNIGHT-------------BUSINESS REPORT MOVIE.** "Fort Dobbo" (19

talcrn) Clinl Walker. Virginia May< (12) HOQAN'S HEROES Tho C

ns'road in on American paper ab gan's aabolago work,BURNS AND ALLEN BEN FRANKLIN:. TKE^AMBAa

'R.£adlflJ\ll>Oft-«toro in Ihi.B portt of Beniamin Franklin in his Ir sra. ot which time ho woa ambaa • to Franco, ond wnti nblo te [ Ida (he French to financially aup( I colonial Amorlcan forces in 11 ugglo lor inoopffHOOiii:*! I um Drt' ».

NASHVIUE NOW Llvo featu hlighling country muaic.Q) RADIO 1000 (R>VIDEODISCJdCKEY8 : *t - -OJNSlOE THE NEL Tt\Io apoclat {

msD a y t i m e 1

nel Siilt*’’(Part 2) (1QJ (1948. gory Peck, Jannilor Jor •tcCal- 9.-(X)

HBO * * "Wailz t (1082. Drama) Anno Ar

;i981, trow.Plorre— 8HOW-**-“Oo(n' Boui

- edy) Jock Nicholson, gon,

iohco- CW * * H "Cannery R( , ma) Nick Nolle, Oofara^

— 10 :00;:

iwlnoT (’0=^' Drama) Dougloi, ■ ■■Ellaabnlh.BorflngL__^

ID O * * "The Lo •iftAo (1951, Comody) Bob Ifd Maxwoil.-

P_,,.. ID * * "Tlio Ugly'Doi I Prtrt Comedy) Daon Jor '• Ploahetto.--------- HBO "Batwftfln.Efittml

ma) Elizabolh Taylor, C '.Dra- SHOW **J4 "Tho S

(1064. Musical) Ann Purdom.

'Flon- CtN * * * '’Raglimo''

D a y t i m e s• TIGER A ioen-ogo -t

™ 8T falhor'a respect whon h

Jaddin------------ ---------12:3 5 -ID MY HAWAII A lool aapocio of tho Hov

E Anl<— touching-on ito-rich heri : talos ry,"Tho 2:20

Groon © a COUNTRY COVC ______WOOD Chico, o dosor

iNTLE but soon loams to ad.

----- aaason ahowJojiluroa iIl-An__ aoo80n^onA'»aiKa!»Jilinakos NFC, o look ol tho aoas ohold. visil to tho tr'oining can' Ito an plon Washinglon Redsk

SHOW MOVIE * * * "I iUCA-....Oclober!'.-(l0ai, Co

Malthau. Jill Cloyburgh.omoo ' IKWO>1 Iho Q ALL I N ^ FAMILYaaart' ly aunt'diba. olono and

. ia Iho only ono who cor roapocts.

> Toy O (SD MASTERPIECE ______ Fiomo Trooa 0( Thikn:- • m'or?' Whof*-o-loopor

Palmer homo. Horownrt - -bo-nurttod-down-and-d

6)(fi)P® 0 ( ® ABC NEWS Nl

’Q’O”' O(B®(11)T0NIQHCoraon. Quost; Jon.nilor

- Cobb............

Tho SwampioB decide ASE: be oppoaaod wllh huma‘Ilf®!"'__guoaa who.lhoyjoloct

dun (Pari 3)per- n ^ i 2^THICKEOFTVg

ncoro (SMOVIE **^4 "Unde

Carol Lynley,---------QD JACK BENNY

1058. (Q (Q) b ase b a ll Mor >yo- Philsdoiphia Phliiioo-(l ' Ger- blackout) about ,0 .3a

(S ID-TONIGHT Hoal: . Guoat: Jennifer HollidiCobb; ---------- -05 BARNEY MIUER T I2lh hovo 10 doBi wilh I grammer who ia uaing

— embettle-oompany-me. .K 1 awooon who ihlnka

Jrlin i ** voodoo curao,* 10:40

,turea GDM*A*S‘H10:60

O THE Rire OF SPRIN- r : tal-Danco tK®®** PP ' itpro- vo alon of.tbe balloi wit-------^ - Friday. {

; m o v i e s1968. Drama) Qre* JamoaC«( Jones.M O "I

Across Toxoj" Noville Bra I Archer, Terry Jas-

ioulh'- (1078. Com-:^ -HBO-* * n. Mary Stocnbur- Crowns'*

Anihony; >. Row" (1982, Dra- SHOW * ra Winger. bor" (lOflX —----- • ■ • JillCiaybu

jiaa Falrbanica Jr.. ctN *-**^__________iuro)Rob«Lemon Drop KI3" ob Hope. Marilyn ______ • . - |D ★ ★ *

Dachaund" (1986, HBO ** 'l Jonda, "Suzarino^COBl OfLIi

Saint Jam« f 19B3T -g7g:_ " S y ^

', Carol BurnotT ody} Burt hI Studoni Prince" in Blylh. Edmund C M * * *

Lives" (1C10'' (1981. Drama) Myma Loy,

s p e c i a l s.-boy earns -his mho tries to quail-

ry o( Ihd ami6---------------- :--------- -------------ook ai Iho native hBO THE -iawBlion iaianda. 'nOER A lerilage end hiato— tnthor'a ros

fy Jor tho J 0 plonship.>VOTE IN HOLLYJ SHOW ANN sort coyote, acci-. Dino Morril

adapt to hia new clonfa'tam

la a rovlow-of laat—S'^viniljy, o( tha AFC and lhe Pina Bauae >aaon ahead and a :amp of Iho cham- O MOV.E 1 Iskins. GD LATENIr "First Monday In Wholoy.Comody) .. Wallar__QDi MARRIgh. HBO ON L

__ Sinr'a 10» ------------------ Boizor.-PaLY Whon an elder- aiiiy Cryati snd'unlovod.-Edith vvuiioma 01 comoo to pay (Inal ,^0 now >

□avo them:E th e a tr e "Tho ON MOVIS (b; A Roal Sporta- lovo" (1 pord invadoa iho' McKo'on, S(DrainMatnirTnuot— ------J-doatroy»d^(Pof1 qqmqvie,

raWTHMh Johnny (D HAWAII ilor Hoilidoy, flght-

- O ADAM-powor-orKroTr'~ tnD~Gnrat do that Kroil mual Nuroyovae iman-sacrifico. and — dl aa Eve,9ct QB tho victlma__SwodonlB.i

OHS IDA!FHE NIGHT________ fflf?]THI(ndor Tho Yum Yum O MARY I

— Bomo idealTom mokoi

t^onlroal Expoa at O (S) flE >-(R)..(Subjocl- lo - DAVID-LE

enno Carol J6 Haskins,Jl: Johnny Coraon. ID MY UTI liday, flghler Tox CD OPRY

- ------------ country muH Tho men of tho lha computor pro- GDffl.HO" ing his loionla to po plana to money^n<t-a-f>laa— -tho-orea. - nks ho is ploguod________________ IBSP.ORT(0

O HUGHSO Downs intoRING Tho Woppor- Broadway »erforms*in a- new ; prlma 1>Bl1( with rhuMC by Igor ; .Theain, c y, SeptembeV 9,1983'' n m ^

Cagney, Howard E. Rolllna.11:06 "

i "Backtrack" (1080. Woatem) Brand. Jamoa Drury.

1:00* * - - :iTroaauf«-Or .-Tho.-Four_ ■'*•'1082, Adventure) Tony lyi A aObregon.*>* '"F iral Monday In Octo-

lOdl, Comedy) Walter Matthau, yburgh.

* *~T he Doop*'”(1077, Adven- obart Shaw. Jacqueline Biaaei.

3:00fc-* •'Tox"-(No-Date,-Dr«mo)-ttoii. J im Metilor.—--------- -------r*'S "How To Boat The High f LIvlno“ (1070, Comedy) Suaan Bmes, Josalca Lanoo.T»*W—PaWnlly'*(l08i, Com-

4:00* * * "The Besi Yoara Of Our (1048, Orama) Fredric March, .oy,

Jings. .. _**4:48 ■

jn are usod in this filmed hiato- I aun.

----- 6.-00 -------------- _HE YEAR OF THE QENTLE A teen-age boy eams No respect when-he tries io quali— 10 Junior. Olymploojudo cham- I.kNNA TO THE INFWITE POWERsrrlll and Jack Gilford Blar in


aky. and choroogrnphod byluach'.'"------------n ; M ' — ------—/^(R)ENIGHT AMERICA Hoat: Oennia

iiHIEDJOANj.__________'N LOCATION "Catch A Riaing

lOlh Annivaraary" Richard ■pat'Bonalarr Dflvld'Brennof."' yatal. Gabo Kaplan.and Robin a are amonj] the atars saluting w York showcase club which em thoir atari,JVIE * * H "Young Doctors In

(1982. Comody)__MIchaoln,Sdnn Young, — —I-i----^______ 11:06 _____ . -

TiElSTT r• ' 11:10.......... -


AND EVE Thia boiiot oat in... ardomjf-edBn-stara- Ri«Jol(- V aa Adam and Danlola Maiusor- ;ve. ond la choreographed byniB.OIrglt.Culitioro------------------DAHO REPORTSrWCKg OFTte NIGHT _____^Y HARTMAN, I IARY HARTMAN

Joaa; Cathy ia in aomolhlng; and ikea some dociaiona.

OD <11) LATE NIGHT WITH -LErTERMAH-Guasiai-Comodi-- arol Leilor. bK part actor Oonnis s,UTTLE MARGIE>RYLAND ON . STA(3E RlBlng ' music stara perform,

11:36HOGAN'S HEROES'The Gosta- a to round up all Allied ogents in


11:M9H DOWNS* SPOTLIGHT Hugh . intorviowa Raul Julia, atar of tho >oy hit "Nlno," Cynthia Gregory. )Bnorlna ol lKb;Amorlc&i BaTIol' t. end Androw Llo9U-Wobber..

_ _______




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f . . .

compoaor of thr —— ----- * ----- 'Cais;*— Evii«?=- ----------- Sup«rstar.:^—


.................O 'M O V teR o g e rs ’' (1962 . Wtrman. Will Rogoi


_____________ _ m A ifraR A C iN Q4 0 0 " (from RIchmc SHOW MOVIE ( tS 8 l . Comody) B ly D’Angolo.

---------- “ “ " a r e r t x ^ r T iLETTERMAf) Ou Carol LoK or.bil-pi

_kln_9." ; ... .1:

---------------"CBCBS NEWS NIQ. V .

“ ■ ^ - - g s s i r f e-----------------ODLIFEOFRILEV

_ m H A 8H V lt.L E A F ThoPlflOy#.

12HBO MOVIE * * * (1981. Dmma) Her

I Hopburn.CIN MOVIE * * WorowoK In Londc

• - David N ouohton.Ji 1

______________ CSHSEANlCJJEyia FREEMAN REP<

---------------- (ffl fNDEPENDeNT' 0 3 700 CLUB Pt

"Sovon D ays Abl

civlllrollon._______________ ^©_(I3) QYMNASTI

on 'e ChainpransKi| Sofnilinalo" (fl)

1:--------------- - ^ j p j i a c N ^ W S - l


B n e w s n I oht' u p------------------ ffl'MOVIE'*'*'K-"

( 1974. A dvonluro)' — ryO uardlno.

0 3 VIDEO DISC jO<-----------------------------------------_2:

( 2 (D MOVIE 1 (1073. Sclonco-Fl< port. M ichael Murp)

2:SHOW MOVIE * i (1077. F an lasy) M

___________ Fofd........ ....... ............ 2;

O MISSION: IMPO:— - _____2:

QN MOVIE..... .......... All Ovor" (1082,

"Chooch"M nrln . T« 2:

aSROSSBAOLEV_______ 2:

HBO WHEN WOMEI Qront d irec ted and

- •- menlary. w hich -p ' eervino p rison -aon

______^ ^CD (I» MOVIE * * 1* (1966, Com edy) Tot ( B WOMEN'S BILLI lotlonol 7-Ball Cho

- ................S " ( R ) ............ - 3:5

O WORLD AT LARI■ • ' - .............................. 3::


- - 3n(3D o a MOVIE (1037. W oatorn) Bi Corrlean.

____ ________________________Xt« 0 MOVIE * * h

---------------------- High-Coal.OtXiwingSuBon Soinl Jom oa.


; i . :_____ CaO N EW S,I -(SjHORNINQ S T R «

0 3 ROMPER R O O B j. . lan m es-N ew a. J

' V ^ ? S * r7 V '— T- h r Broadway liiuaMaia;: B r ^ a n d — JoBUB" Chrlar-- —

12:00rOR --------Hr* "T ho Story-CI W tll- 62. Biography) Jono sgoro Jr.EPeWOENT NETWORK

: FATHER : JOCKEYSM Q .::M A aC& a^fflnnIor^ ___hmond. VA). (R)E * * V , "P o te rn lly " l) Burt Royfto1dB..Bovor-

OuoatB: com odlonno l-part ac to r Donnla Haa-

. i 2 : i 6 ' : . - ■NIQHTWATCH--------------------------

1 2 :ib .

m o v e Wn iqhtIEV-------- . 4AFTER h o u r s Guoata: ____

12:46"O n Qoldon Pond"

Henry Fonda, Kolhorlno

* * * "An American )ndon" (1981, Comody)

1:00lEwew_________ ___________lEPORTS •:NT NETWORK NEWS----------------

Foalurod: day aix of Abl020" looka al tho

iSTlCS '^USAIGC ^ m - _ ____laKip Q'uartbTIinoIa and '

1:06v s-o v e r n iq h t -------------- -------

; MENACE1:48 ■ --------------- -------------


’ u p d a t e ..............w "GorchH aiioL 'ovoi"-------------ro) T oroao OravoB. Har-

JO CK E Y S'- 2 : 0 6 --------------------------- ----------i * * > 4 -•.'Phoao IV"cFlellon) Mgol D a v o n - . - -------urphy.----- ----------- ------ -------

2:16* * * W ..* ^9 ta r W nra"

) Mark H lU ^ . Harriaon

IP O S S IB U 0 F ------- —2 :26 ______!____ __

iy , "fhliio».A re Tough 82. Com a«v>-Richard 1. Tommy Chong.

2 :30 .EV ■" : ■■■

2:46 • fM EN K O t-A etreaaLoo- and na rra tM IM s docu-1 -prolll«*--»U -w om on. -......-aon lo n eW '(p r murdor

3:00 ' r __________★ ♦ " T M C lm y Quilt"Tom Rotqaik-lno Melo.

IILLIAWW TWorld Invi- :ham p lO «« l^ • Molch

3:20 .ARGE-3 :3 0 ' " V ■

i E u . a A . : , 'FE

3 :4 5 ."RADfl* 0«f«ndora“

) Bob Lhr<na«ton. Ray

a:SQ ■ _________________ 1r h "How To BddI Tho ulngl’ (IB 79. Comody) oa. Ja aa Ica Lango.4:00

j U



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