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Justifying imagery: Multimedia support for learning through explanation

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by B. E. Blankinship K. Smith Photographs and video play an important role in classroom learning, serving to illustrate many complex phenomena. However, these images are too often used as “visual aids”—simple explanations of concepts that do not require students to think deeply about the meanings implicit in the imagery. This paper describes an approach to using photographs and video as a primary data source for inquiry learning. We describe a framework for students to collaborate around photographs and video, collaboration that leads to inquiry and the development of explanatory models. We also describe two of our learning environments to illustrate how students can begin to develop predictive theories from image data. I n many North American schools, the dominant educational paradigm is one of “didactic instruc- tion.” That is, teachers, textbooks, and other edu- cational media have useful information, and the ob- jective is to transmit this information to students. For many of these students, learning simply means ac- cumulating facts and information. In science class- rooms, for instance, many students believe that sci- ence is a collection of facts waiting to be discovered, rather than a body of knowledge that is constantly being scrutinized and revised. 1–3 When instructional methods reinforce these beliefs by transmitting facts, algorithms, and other information without showing their relevance to real-world activities, students run the risk of accumulating “inert” knowledge, 4 knowl- edge that cannot be used in practice and is easily for- gotten. For instance, in most high school science classrooms, students perform hands-on experiments to develop an understanding of what it means to “do science.” Yet, the majority of these experiments are still ex- amples of didactic instruction, despite allowing stu- dents to learn by “doing.” Because students follow a rigid set of “cookbook” procedures developed by teachers or curriculum designers, they rarely have opportunities to develop questions and hypotheses and design experiments to explore scientific phenom- ena. 5–7 Even though they are doing more than read- ing textbooks, they are still not engaged in the pro- cess of scientific inquiry, and, as a consequence, they may fail to understand how the experiments relate to real science. Reform movements in education 8 –10 advocate a shift from didactic instruction to methods resembling real- world problem solving. The goal is to create learn- ing environments in which students develop their own questions to investigate, design and implement experiments to pursue their questions, and interpret and communicate their results to others. 11 In schools, many domains of knowledge are reduced to know- ing discrete pieces of information. In practice, ex- perts in these domains are more concerned with how to perform inquiry and investigation, and how to structure and use information to answer relevant questions. For many school subjects, students should under- stand that there are causal structures relating facts rCopyright 2000 by International Business Machines Corpora- tion. Copying in printed form for private use is permitted with- out payment of royalty provided that (1) each reproduction is done without alteration and (2) the Journal reference and IBM copy- right notice are included on the first page. The title and abstract, but no other portions, of this paper may be copied or distributed royalty free without further permission by computer-based and other information-service systems. Permission to republish any other portion of this paper must be obtained from the Editor. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 39, NOS 3&4, 2000 0018-8670/00/$5.00 © 2000 IBM SMITH AND BLANKINSHIP 749 Justifying imagery: Multimedia support for learning through explanation

by B.E. Blankinship

K. Smith

Photographs and video play an important role inclassroom learning, serving to illustrate manycomplex phenomena. However, these images aretoo often used as “visual aids”—simpleexplanations of concepts that do not requirestudents to think deeply about the meaningsimplicit in the imagery. This paper describes anapproach to using photographs and video as aprimary data source for inquiry learning. Wedescribe a framework for students to collaboratearound photographs and video, collaborationthat leads to inquiry and the development ofexplanatory models. We also describe two of ourlearning environments to illustrate how studentscan begin to develop predictive theories fromimage data.

In many North American schools, the dominanteducational paradigm is one of “didactic instruc-

tion.” That is, teachers, textbooks, and other edu-cational media have useful information, and the ob-jective is to transmit this information to students. Formany of these students, learning simply means ac-cumulating facts and information. In science class-rooms, for instance, many students believe that sci-ence is a collection of facts waiting to be discovered,rather than a body of knowledge that is constantlybeing scrutinized and revised.1–3 When instructionalmethods reinforce these beliefs by transmitting facts,algorithms, and other information without showingtheir relevance to real-world activities, students runthe risk of accumulating “inert” knowledge,4 knowl-edge that cannot be used in practice and is easily for-gotten.

For instance, in most high school science classrooms,students perform hands-on experiments to develop

an understanding of what it means to “do science.”Yet, the majority of these experiments are still ex-amples of didactic instruction, despite allowing stu-dents to learn by “doing.” Because students followa rigid set of “cookbook” procedures developed byteachers or curriculum designers, they rarely haveopportunities to develop questions and hypothesesand design experiments to explore scientific phenom-ena.5–7 Even though they are doing more than read-ing textbooks, they are still not engaged in the pro-cess of scientific inquiry, and, as a consequence, theymay fail to understand how the experiments relateto real science.

Reform movements in education8–10 advocate a shiftfrom didactic instruction to methods resembling real-world problem solving. The goal is to create learn-ing environments in which students develop theirown questions to investigate, design and implementexperiments to pursue their questions, and interpretand communicate their results to others.11 In schools,many domains of knowledge are reduced to know-ing discrete pieces of information. In practice, ex-perts in these domains are more concerned with howto perform inquiry and investigation, and how tostructure and use information to answer relevantquestions.

For many school subjects, students should under-stand that there are causal structures relating facts

rCopyright 2000 by International Business Machines Corpora-tion. Copying in printed form for private use is permitted with-out payment of royalty provided that (1) each reproduction is donewithout alteration and (2) the Journal reference and IBM copy-right notice are included on the first page. The title and abstract,but no other portions, of this paper may be copied or distributedroyalty free without further permission by computer-based andother information-service systems. Permission to republish anyother portion of this paper must be obtained from the Editor.

IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, VOL 39, NOS 3&4, 2000 0018-8670/00/$5.00 © 2000 IBM SMITH AND BLANKINSHIP 749

Justifying imagery:Multimedia supportfor learningthrough explanation

to one another. For instance, when studying biology,it is not enough to know that cheetahs are the fast-est land mammals. It is much more important to un-derstand how they have evolved to run at such greatspeeds and why other large felines lack the same abil-ity. Similar causality can be found in domains suchas history. It is one thing to know that Cambridge,Massachusetts, was once an industrial community;it is much more interesting to understand how andwhy it evolved into a technological center.

In a sense, the new education reforms are intendedto provide students with opportunities to see thecausal structure underlying domains of knowledge.One way to achieve this goal is to give students richcontexts where they can conduct inquiry—exploreauthentic situations, formulate questions from theseexplorations, develop methods to test their hypoth-eses, and explain their results to others for critique.Instead of simply being given experiments to see ifthey can come up with the “right” answers, theyshould be learning to develop experiments for them-selves. Engaging in sustained investigations in richcontexts challenges students to develop strategies forobservation and interpretation and to develop causalunderstandings of a domain.7,12–15 Instead of focus-ing on the product of the experiments, we should betraining students in the process of knowledge con-struction.

In this paper, we describe a class of activities wherestudents engage in inquiry learning with photographsand video. Visual images provide a great deal of in-formation in traditional instruction, allowing learn-ers to see what might not be evident in textual ex-planations. Yet the overwhelming majority of imagesin photographs and video are explained for students;the captions and narratives that accompany the im-agery focus our attention on salient issues. In ourwork, we remove the narratives associated with im-agery to create situations where students must dis-cover visual patterns for themselves. We providethem with computational and conceptual tools tohelp them detect patterns and explain the causalstructure underlying these patterns.

We have tried to create multimedia systems wherestudents explore imagery as data. Rather than sim-ply presenting information, we have developed en-vironments that challenge students to use informa-tion in rich, problem solving contexts. In this paper,we describe two learning environments designed forhigh school classrooms. The first, Animal Landlord,presents digitized nature films to students exploring

issues in behavioral ecology. These students anno-tate and compare film clips to explain how and whypredators and their prey behave as they do. The sec-ond application, Image Maps, presents students withhistorical images, of their communities, that are usedto develop understandings of urban planning and cul-tural change. In both cases, students collaboratearound image data to construct causal models of ob-servable processes (e.g., predation behaviors, com-munity change).

We begin by defining imagery as data, and the useof photographs and video to detect and explain vi-sual patterns. We then describe the framework forannotating, comparing, and explaining imagery asdata that have been implemented in Animal Land-lord and Image Maps. Finally, we discuss how stu-dents have used Animal Landlord and what we havelearned from bringing this methodology into class-rooms.

Why imagery?

Visual events provide many opportunities for stu-dents to pose questions and reflect on behaviors andprocesses.16–18 Photographs and videotapes are his-torical records, and being able to view moments intime can often illustrate points that textual mediacannot—watching a lion chase its prey or seeing thestyles of dress in the 1940s is dramatically differentfrom simply reading about animal behavior or his-tory. The richness of visual imagery presents possi-bilities for students to explore interesting issues thatare not mentioned in captions and narratives. In asense, there are opportunities for viewers to engagein problem posing; rather than seeking solutions toproblems, visual images can serve as starting pointsfor further discussion and investigation.19 Studentscan return to the imagery, re-examine their hypoth-eses, and continue to question and learn. As a re-sult, imagery establishes a context for problem solv-ing, and for generalizing explanations from pictorialevidence.

Imagery as data. However, photographs and videoare not typically thought of as artifacts for problemsolving and inquiry; they are more likely to be treatedas visual aids to accompany text or audio informa-tion. For instance, the narratives that accompanydocumentary films focus attention on salient issues,but the narrator’s voice often becomes the principalsource of information.18,20,21 Students may rely on thenarratives to explain the “right” interpretations ofthe video content instead of framing their own ques-


tions. Similarly, the use of photographs in classroomsalso places an emphasis on explanatory captions toconvey information. Photographs are commonlyused to illustrate points made in lectures or text ma-terials, but students rarely use them as primarysources for observation and interpretation.22,23

In a sense, we can draw distinctions between the useof video as information and video as data. In the for-mer case, video supplements the primary informa-tion provided by textual or audio explanations. Inmany educational films, for instance, narratives pro-vide most of the content, creating self-contained “lec-tures” complemented with visuals.21 This informa-tion may be useful, but the learning experience canbe very different when students use the video as datato discover and explain patterns for themselves. Sim-ilar distinctions can be made between the use of pho-tographs as objects and photographs as tools.23

Again, one is about transmitting information (ob-jects), the other is about discovering informationfrom data (tools).

But there is more to imagery as data than simply re-moving explanatory information. When domainpractitioners use imagery in their work, they under-stand how to interpret what they see in light of ques-tions and hypotheses that they are investigating. Forinstance, when behavioral ecologists watch videos ofanimals, they are looking for potential costs and ben-efits of behaviors, comparing the behaviors of oneanimal to others they have seen, and so on. Becausethey have a set of strategies that help them makesense of the raw video, they are able to create in-formation from the data. In some sense, data be-come information because experts have tacit,domain knowledge to assist them in making obser-vations and interpretations and developing theoriesabout visual behaviors. High school students rarelyhave similar opportunities to articulate theories,24

to develop strategies for interpreting data as infor-mation. One of our goals is to help students developsuch strategies by placing them in the role of “ex-perts” and teaching them how to observe and inter-pret image data in light of particular questions thatthey develop.

So while it is clear that the combination of imagesand textual explanations can facilitate learning, weare trying to push students beyond accepting theseexplanations as absolute facts. Instead of providingpredetermined problems that have definite answers,we engage students in activities that closely resem-ble expert practice. That is, we attempt to make ex-

pert investigation strategies explicit to students sothat they can generate their own questions andhypotheses around photographs and video.

We are not the first to have students explore imag-ery as data. For instance, there are learning envi-ronments where students analyze properties of mo-tion25–27 and kinesiology28 with digital video. Withthese, students measure physical phenomena directly

from video clips to develop quantitative stories aboutdistance, rate, and time relationships, or how mus-cle movements relate to human actions. For instance,“ruler” tools can be applied to video frames to mea-sure the rate that candles burn or the distance trav-eled during a foot race. Using these quantitative mea-sures, students ultimately fit video evidence tomathematical algorithms describing velocity and ac-celeration.

Educational television formats can also present con-texts for using imagery as data. Most educationalfilms use narrative to provide a problem and its so-lution;20 the narrator presents a problem, and overthe course of the film, the solution is unraveled andpresented to the viewer. In contrast, programs likeThe Adventures of Jasper Woodbury deliver rich prob-lems, but the solutions are unresolved.29 In the Jas-per adventures, students use clues embedded in thevideo to reason mathematically about potential so-lutions. For example, in the “Rescue at Boone’sMeadow” episode, the problem is to get an ultra-light plane from Cumberland City to Boone’sMeadow in the shortest amount of time. Rather thanexplaining how this can be done, students have touse constraints provided in the video (e.g., the planecan carry five gallons of fuel and 220 pounds of pay-load) to determine the best plan for a rescue mis-sion. In short, students use these films to discoversolutions rather than listening to a narrator give the“right” answers.20


The learning experiencecan be very different when

students use video to discoverand explain patterns

for themselves.

Images and video can also be used to demonstratepractices within communities. For instance, Nardiet al.30 have studied neurosurgeons using video tocoordinate their activities in the operating room.During surgery, video of the patient’s brain is pro-jected through a stereoscopic microscope. By mak-ing the internals of the operation publicly visible,other members of the surgery team can anticipateand plan their activities to ensure efficient team co-ordination (for instance, the scrub nurse can havethe right instruments prepared for the lead surgeonbefore they are requested). The video is also usedby medical students to understand the demands ofoperating room practices. Again, rather than tellingthese students how to behave in the operating the-ater, they must interpret the video for themselves,developing their own ideas about what it means tobe part of a surgical team. Describing real-time co-ordination in text would be difficult, if not impos-sible, but the video conveys a sense of real practice.

Classrooms are not operating rooms, but they alsohave many demands and constraints that are diffi-cult to describe with text. Goldman-Segall’s Learn-ing Constellations system places students and teach-ers in the role of “multimedia ethnographers,”analyzing and describing videos of themselves inclassrooms.31 By examining their own practices andinteractions, participants begin to reflect on what itmeans to learn in the social context of the classroom.Similar systems have been used to aid teacher pro-fessional development,32–34 providing video clips of“best practices” in classrooms for teachers to reflectupon and adopt in their own teaching.

Investigating and modeling with image data. In allof these applications, learners use imagery as datato conduct authentic inquiry around a problem. Webuild on this previous work by helping learners cre-ate explanatory models and narratives for collectionsof photographs and video. To do this, they examineimagery seeking answers to a particular question(e.g., “Why are lions ‘bad’ hunters?”, “Why did theyeliminate the traffic circle in Harvard Square?”).Rather than simply receiving answers to such ques-tions, students are responsible for observing and in-terpreting image data and assembling them intomodels that explain how and why particular eventsoccur. Gradually, they use raw image data to develophypotheses about behaviors, where evidence for theirclaims takes the form of significant photographs orvideo frames. These images are used to constructmore complex generalizations of the processes be-ing observed.

Our goal is to change the use of imagery in class-rooms by shifting students from recipients of con-tent to producers of multimedia artifacts. Textbooksand traditional school curricula can bias students tothink that learning is simply a process of memoriz-ing factual information without argument. Documen-tary narratives and photographic captions often dothe same, presenting carefully crafted stories sug-gesting a “right” way to view a complex phenome-non. We would like students to understand thatexperimentation, argumentation, and iterative re-finement of ideas lead to the truths found in theseimage sources. Instead of simply understanding facts,we would like students to understand the reasoningstrategies underlying knowledge construction.

We want students to engage in activities similar tothe inquiry that expert practitioners go through, us-ing imagery to develop models and theories aboutphenomena. For instance, behavioral ecologistsmight use videos of animals to study and analyze be-haviors and patterns. Urban planners often use his-torical images to make decisions about future zon-ing and construction issues. Students can also engagein this use of imagery as data to develop models andpredictions of visual events, and we suspect thatmuch can be learned through these activities.

Students need support to become active observersand investigators of visual data. In particular, if wewant them to develop causal explanations and mod-els from visual data, they will need task structuresto facilitate the inquiry process. Students can learnby generating questions and hypotheses for them-selves, but they also need to understand what makesa good question, a reasonable hypothesis. Moreover,they need to understand how to analyze photographsand video to create explanatory models. The aver-age student, accustomed to seeing imagery accom-panied by narrations and captions, will likely havedifficulties in performing critical observation and in-terpretation of images to develop their own explan-atory models. The applications and curricula that wehave developed attempt to help students perform in-quiry by explicitly modeling expert investigation strat-egies,35 articulating strategic knowledge needed toexplain complex events and processes with imagedata.

Strategic activity. Assembling a causal story aboutcomplex behavior means organizing observationaldata into coherent structures or models for expla-nation. It means thinking about the actions andevents involved in the process and understanding


their influence on final outcomes. Through consult-ing with experts in several domains, we developeda task structure for constructing explanatory mod-els from image data. That structure defines four stepsnecessary for developing causal models that explainbehaviors and processes depicted in still and mov-ing images:

1. Decompose. Complex processes consist of manyconstituent, related actions. Interactions betweenpredators and prey, for instance, must progressthrough stages of detection, stalking, chasing, andfinally, capturing. The changes in a city’s majormodes of transport may progress from horses totrains to automobiles. Identifying these compo-nents provides the building blocks for the remain-ing strategic steps. Because students often fail tounderstand the importance of intermediate com-ponents in a process,17,36,37 this step guides themto think about behavior as a set of causally con-nected actions.

2. Compare. It is not enough to analyze a single filmor photograph of a complex process. Our studentsinvestigate libraries of video and images and com-pare them to look for similar events. By lookingfor variations in a routine or across time, studentscan identify patterns that may prove critical to ex-plaining the process. Comparison is important forreducing “confirmation bias,” the tendency tolook only for evidence to confirm hypothesesrather than trying to refute them.38 By looking atlarge data sets of images, students may be morelikely to find disconfirming evidence and revisetheir initial hypotheses.

3. Identify factors. Once variations are detectedthrough comparison, students need to performadditional analyses to determine the factors in-fluencing the variance. For example, one mightobserve that trees are disappearing over time ina collection of urban photographs. To explain whythis is the case, it is necessary to look deeper atthe images, to identify additional factors that mayaccount for the disappearance (e.g., the numberof poles for electric wires is increasing).

4. Model. With variations and influencing factorsidentified, students can generalize causal modelsthat explain the phenomenon under investigation.These may take the form of decision trees explain-ing the flow of an event or causal chains describ-ing changes over time. Regardless of the form,the modeling step creates an explanatory frame-

work that can be used to predict and design fu-ture configurations of the problem space.

This investigation model provides structure for an-alyzing complex, observable processes, whether thatmeans field observations or observations of imag-ery. While students are accustomed to looking atphotographs and films, they are not necessarily ac-customed to making fine-grained observations andexplanations with imagery. The investigation modelhelps them move from raw image data to predictivetheories about observable phenomena. We also pro-vide domain-specific heuristics to help students un-derstand the types of questions to ask during theirinvestigations. For instance, in behavioral ecology,asking about costs and benefits of particular behav-iors is a good strategy when trying to explain howand why an action has evolved. In urban planning,one may want to look for variations in land use pat-terns to understand how neighborhoods arise.

Explaining animal behavior with video

To understand how the investigation model is instan-tiated in our software and curricular materials, weprovide two examples of learning environments thatwe have developed. The first is concerned with an-imal behavior. Nature documentary films are com-monly used in biology classrooms to introduce con-cepts in animal behavior, but they tend to providedescriptive overviews of behavior, neglecting manyinteresting causal processes in favor of straightfor-ward outcomes. For instance, a film might mentionthat a creature performs a particular behavior with-out explaining the complexities of how and why itdoes so. Quite often, the video contains implicit datathat can be used to explore causal patterns of be-havior.

We developed a video environment, called AnimalLandlord, for high school students to investigate thehunting behaviors of the Serengeti lion.39,40 Only 15to 30 percent of all hunts attempted by lions resultin successful capture,41,42 and understanding the rea-sons for this requires investigating the causal inter-actions between the lion, its prey, and the environ-ment. Students become “field researchers,” usingdigitized nature films to understand how and whylions and their prey interact during the hunt. In con-ducting their investigations, they explore conceptsfrom behavioral ecology such as social organization,resource competition, variation between individualsand species, and environmental pressures.


Figure 1 Student annotations for a hunting video


The tasks that students perform with Animal Land-lord are based on the investigation model describedearlier. Groups of three to four students begin bydecomposing hunting sequences into smaller behav-iors. To do this, they label movie frames with actiontitles (e.g., “Predator stalks prey,” “Prey escapes frompredator”). The selected actions for each film areassembled into an annotation window (Figure 1)where additional information is provided. Besidesidentifying the action, students record the observa-tions that led them to decide that the action is im-portant to the hunt outcome (e.g., “What do we ob-serve as ‘predator stalks prey’? It follows at the rearand crouches down low.”). They also record inter-pretations or inferences that can be drawn from theaction (e.g., “What can we interpret or ask about‘predator picks target’? The lionesses probably chosethe fat one because it would provide the mostmeat.”). The collection of actions, observations, andinterpretations form the basis for later discussion andgeneralization of behavioral models.

Once a number of films are annotated, students loadthem into a comparison tool to look for similaritiesand differences across filmed events (Figure 2). Bylining up all actions marked “Predator stalks prey,”students can visually inspect their annotated filmsto see how stalking actions differ across multiplehunting episodes (e.g., the type of prey, the amountof ground cover). The interface also allows studentsto inspect actions before and after a selected eventto see how different interactions can lead to or re-sult from similar behaviors. By considering the dif-ferent paths to outcomes and identifying selectivepressures from the video, students can begin to ex-plain behavior in terms of evolutionary theory.

Students create models of the possible predator-preyinteractions that can occur during a hunting episode.They currently do this by using their video annota-tions to create decision trees on posters. These treesrepresent the space of all hunting decisions madeby predator and prey during the observed videos. Thedecision tree posters are displayed around the class-room, and teachers lead whole-class discussions tohelp students think about the evolutionary reasonsfor the paths through the tree (Figure 3). For in-stance, a teacher might focus on a node marked“Predator ignores prey” to get students to discussthe energy costs related to predation. Such prompt-ing might also lead to discussions of variance betweenmale and female lions, why their energy costs mightdiffer, hence their different hunting behaviors. Inother words, the decision trees allow students (and

teachers) to question why certain behaviors seem toreoccur during hunting and to examine behavioraltransitions in light of optimization and evolutionaryadaptation.

The decision trees are also used when viewing na-ture films after the computer intervention. That is,whenever additional hunting films are shown in class,students use their decision trees to make predictionsabout the behaviors of the animals and to refine theirmodels if needed. For example, a film on chimpan-zees might violate the students’ models, becausechimps, unlike lions, hunt better when there is lessvegetation in the area. This helps students general-ize their original models to include creatures likechimpanzees. In this way, we tried to make all class-room nature film exercises incorporate model test-ing and refinement after the Animal Landlord in-tervention.

Explaining communities with photographs

Our second example explores urban planning andcommunity change with historical photographs. Formost school children, history is commonly presentedthrough textbooks complemented by the occasionalphotograph, film, or other forms of historical evi-dence. Like the narratives of a nature film, historytexts typically focus on facts, events, and personsrather than the questions, decisions, and heuristicsthat expert historians use in their work.43 Being askilled historian means integrating, completing, andchallenging evidence conveyed through multipleknowledge sources,44,45 but these skills are not typ-ically addressed in high school curricula.

In our second application, Image Maps, studentslearn to exercise these skills by examining the his-tory of their local communities. When students aretaught to explore their outdoor surroundings, theybecome more aware of the intricacies of man-madeenvironments.46 Not only can they begin to appre-ciate architectural patterns, they may begin question-ing and posing hypotheses about historical and so-cial aspects of their communities. For instance, thehigh rent district of Cambridge, Massachusetts, stillholds evidence of its industrial past, and observantstudents may begin to wonder when the area shiftedto high technology. A key to answering such a ques-tion lies in the historical images of Cambridge. Bymaking these images accessible to students, we hopeto develop new ways for them to investigate how andwhy local communities have evolved over time.


Figure 2 Comparing annotations with Animal Landlord. Each column is a film annotated by students. The window isaligned on the action “Predator stalks prey.” The faded columns are films that do not contain this action.


Camera historica. Careful observation of the presentcan yield interesting questions, but we also need toprovide students with a glimpse of a community’spast. Archival photographs can provide a startingpoint for understanding a community’s evolution, butthese images are not always available in classroomsettings. To provide access to archival images, weaugmented a digital camera with a Global Position-ing System (GPS) and a digital compass (Figure 4).As students explore and photograph their cities, theposition and orientation of the camera are recordedalong with the image data. By integrating geographicinformation systems (GISs) with multimedia,47,48 wecan record a “geo-referenced” trail of students’ pho-tographs that can be used for inquiry. In this way,students are responsible for collecting field data toproduce models from imagery.

Students leave their classrooms to photograph build-ings in their neighborhoods. When they return totheir classrooms and download their images into theImage Maps software, they can peer into the past.Our application parses each image, extracts the po-sition meta-data, and performs a search49 of a Cam-bridge GIS map to return the name of the photo-graphed building. By identifying the current building,we can retrieve and display historical images of thephotographed location (Figure 5). In this way, ourcamera provides a window into the past: studentsphotograph the present and receive historical imagesof the same location for their investigations of com-munity change.

Once historical images are retrieved and displayed,students can begin annotating and comparing them.Photographs are annotated with features that appearto change over time (Figure 6). For instance, a trailof Cambridge photographs shows the evolution oftransportation from horses to railways to automo-biles. Students can mark photos with appropriate la-bels (e.g., “automobiles,” “trains”) and search onthese tags to retrieve similar photos from differenteras. The purpose of this activity is to help studentsnotice how similar features may vary across time.

More importantly, students can begin to build mod-els of how and why their local communities havechanged over time. The models that they constructare based on the architectural patterns described byChristopher Alexander and his colleagues.50 A prob-lem or theme is chosen (e.g., “Crosswalks for peo-ple”), the context for the problem is described (e.g.,pedestrian traffic is conflicting with transportation),

and evidence is provided in the form of historicalimages. In the crosswalk case, students would con-struct a causal chain illustrating the progression fromunmarked pavement to marked crosswalks.

Figure 3 A student presenting a decision tree during a whole-class discussion. These trees are createdfrom the video clips and model all possible actions that predator and prey can take during the hunt.

Figure 4 Image Maps hardware. A Kodak DC260 camera is attached to a Trimble LassenTM-SK8 GPS andPrecision Navigation digital compass to provideposition and orientation meta-data.






After constructing a number of chains, they can re-turn to the field to see how well their generalizationshold up in unexplored parts of the city. That is, theexercise does not conclude with a single communityouting; we expect students to iterate on their hypoth-eses. For instance, if they think that Harvard Squarewas rearranged to minimize traffic flow, they mayneed to return to the location to discover how trafficwas rerouted. Additional photographs of the presentlead to historical pictures that may help them dis-cover the answer to traffic routing issues.

As with Animal Landlord, students use image datato create models of behavior; in this case, the be-haviors are changes in a community over time. Aswell, students will collaborate and argue around thesedata to develop hypotheses about change. For in-

stance, we may divide a class into groups in whicheach group studies a sector of the city. The class asa whole can assemble a more complete model ofcommunity change than a single group could on itsown. We also imagine that much discussion and de-bate will revolve around the causal chains that stu-dents produce. Teachers will be responsible for help-ing students make use of investigation strategies asthey go into the world to collect their data and tomoderate arguments around their hypotheses.

The culture of imagery as data

It is important to emphasize that computer softwarecannot change classroom learning without additionalsupport. When imagery is used as data rather thaninformation, student attitudes and practices must

Figure 5 Viewing the past with images of the present. Thumbnails on the right are images taken by students. Choosingone of these results in the display of its larger image and an array of historical thumbnails across the top. The left image is the historical photo chosen from the retrieved collection.


change from their norms. Teachers must also changetheir practices, because they can no longer rely onnarrative explanations to provide the right answerfor a problem. They now have to prepare for student-directed questions that they may not have answersfor. In fact, for the domains we have chosen, expertsoften lack answers for student questions (for in-stance, no one really knows why lions, unlike mostfelines, live in groups). Thus, for teachers and stu-dents, investigating image data can lead to many un-knowns.

In this section, we discuss preliminary results fromwork in Chicago-area high schools with AnimalLandlord. In four deployments to classrooms, we re-vised our original designs to fit into the culture ofthe classroom. We also worked with teachers to help

them understand how to guide student inquiry, help-ing them to change their expectations about the useof imagery as curricular materials. In a sense, thesoftware tools and video database act as “conversa-tional props,”51 or digital artifacts that people canrefer to during learning conversations. Collabora-tive inquiry can be mediated by such props,52 butteachers must also guide students to search throughthe image data to seek multiple explanations for phe-nomena being studied.

One goal for our classroom interventions was to fos-ter different attitudes about the use of video in class-rooms and to understand what types of learningwould occur as a result. Ordinarily, nature films areviewed quietly by students, and they may be quizzedat the end to assess their recall of the content. We

Figure 6 Annotating images. Students develop ontologies to characterize interesting features of images. Objects in thephotographs are labeled with these features and used to develop explanations of community change.


were trying to create an environment where argu-ment and debate occur during viewing, where stu-dents generate their own hypotheses and explana-tions about filmed events, and where teachers probeand guide student explanations to become increas-ingly sophisticated. In this section, we discuss someof our findings from a deployment of Animal Land-lord, focusing on how classroom practice and thesoftware tools help support the use of imagery asdata.

Our observations are based on work with 44 highschool freshmen in two Chicago-area biology class-rooms, serving mostly upper- to middle-class socio-economic communities. In this particular school, 54percent of the students belong to language minor-ities (i.e., English is not their first language), and theclassrooms we worked with reflected this diversity.The majority of the students were 14 years old, andall of them were enrolled in their first high schoolscience course. Classroom sessions were videotaped,and we often interviewed students before and afterthe interventions to understand how their explana-tions were changing as a result of working with theAnimal Landlord software and curriculum.

Structuring the curriculum. Before we discuss re-sults, we need to point out two crucial features ofthe research. First, the video clips that students usewere carefully selected to promote inquiry and dis-cussion. Second, in order to promote the types ofdiscussions you will see, we had to work with teach-ers beforehand to help them understand our designrationale and their role in guiding student investi-gations.

Case selection. We examined many hours of videofootage to select the examples that students woulduse during their investigations. We ultimately se-lected nine clips ranging from 30 seconds to two min-

utes as the Animal Landlord corpus. There are about15–20 variables affecting the outcome of lion pre-dation,53 and the clips that we selected present ex-amples of each of these variables (see Table 1). Thesimplest variation is the outcome of the hunt—suc-ceeding or failing to capture prey. More complex var-iables include the number of predators engaged inthe hunt, the amount of ground cover, and theamount of visible light.

The nine clips chosen do not cover all possible con-figurations of lion hunting, but they seem to be a goodapproximation for student investigations. By “good,”we mean that students can produce models of pred-ator-prey interactions resembling those documentedin the ecological literature.53–56 Each clip varies sev-eral parameters at a time, increasing the complexityof student investigations. This variance is importantif we want students to develop real problem-solvingskills.

Designing with teachers. We also worked closely withteachers to help them understand how they coulduse the video cases in their classrooms. Five differ-ent teachers used the Animal Landlord during ourinitial iterations. In each of their classrooms, we no-ticed very different interactions between them andtheir students that led to different learning outcomes.The teacher’s role in guiding inquiry is critical, and,over time, we became better informed about waysto involve them in the design process. Although wedeveloped the software and video materials, we co-developed curricular activities with teachers. Thissort of participatory design helps teachers feel own-ership over the activities.

In workshops before the iterations, we tried to ex-plain our design rationale for Animal Landlord. Wewanted teachers to understand the assumptions anddecisions behind the software. For instance, ourteachers were not experts on lions or predation, andwe had to help them develop intuition about how toguide student inquiry. This generally meant instruct-ing them in the types of misconceptions that studentswould bring to the problem (e.g., most students imag-ine lions to be much more successful hunters thanthey really are). We also had to help them under-stand the entire process of annotating and compar-ing video clips to produce explanatory models of be-havior. Much of this involved helping them discoverthe types of domain-specific questions that wouldpush students toward causal explanations.

Table 1 Factors varied in the Animal Landlord videocorpus

Hunting Factor Variance in Factor

Amount of visible light Night, dayNumber of lions 1–12Hunt style Stalk and chase, ambushAmount of ground cover None, low, highHunter gender Male, femaleType of prey Zebra, wildebeest, buffaloNumber of prey One, manyHunt outcome Success, failure


At the same time, our teachers helped us understandhow our work could fit into the culture of their class-rooms. Because students are unaccustomed to com-pletely open-ended activities, we had to provide themwith some sort of structure. Teachers helped us framethe activities in terms of existing collaboration struc-tures that existed in their classrooms. For instance,teachers developed all of the methods that we usedto get students developing and sharing their hypoth-eses in whole-class discussions. The important thingto note is that we did not simply “drop” the softwareinto classrooms; we worked closely with teachers tocoach them through the process of guiding inquiry.More important, as they understood our intentions,they generated their own ideas about ways to bestsupport the activities.

Classroom discussion. Discussions before, during,and after work with Animal Landlord were crucialto the learning experience. As the investigations ofbehavior progress, teachers talk with students insmall-group or whole-class discussions, directingtheir activities and encouraging argumentationaround their findings. These discussions tend to bestudent-centered; the teacher’s primary role is to re-spond to their queries and to suggest directions forinvestigation. Students practice their own share ofindependent discussion as they argue around thefilms to construct their annotations and decisiontrees, and these arguments spill over into classroomdiscussions. Ultimately, learning seems to emergefrom student-initiated discussions fueled by the ob-servations made on the computer. This is very dif-ferent from traditional classroom activities where dis-cussions are initiated by teachers.

Being sneaky. Teachers encourage students to de-velop causal explanations by constantly promptingthem to elaborate their hypotheses. Some of theseelaboration prompts are generic—“why,” “whatelse,” “tell me more.” Others are more domain-spe-cific, drawing on evidence from the video clips andbiological theories. A discussion from one of ourclassrooms where students were arguing that a lionin one of the video clips was “being sneaky” appearsbelow:

1. Teacher: What is the lion doing there [points tovideo on screen]?

2. Student A: It’s being sneaky.3. Teacher: Sneaky . . . I’m not sure what you mean.

What do you mean by sneaky?4. Student A: Sneaky, you know, it sneaks around,

it’s being clever.

5. Student B: Yeah, but that seems different thanthe other things. Shouldn’t it be stalking?

6. Student A: Whatever . . . it’s still being sneaky.7. Teacher: How do you measure sneaky?8. Student A: What do you mean?9. Teacher: How do you describe it?

10. Student B: You mean how can you tell it’s beingsneaky? Like what’s it doing?

11. Teacher: Yes.12. Student A: It’s creeping along in the grass. It’s

trying not to be seen. It’s being sneaky!13. Student B: Yeah, but that’s stalking. Sneaky is

more like an interpretation . . .14. Student A: Sneaky, stalking . . . it’s the same

thing.15. Student B: It’s not ’cause sneaky doesn’t say how

the lion acts.16. Student A: It’s acting sneaky!17. Student B: But what is it doing? It’s crouching

and going slow in the grass. So it’s stalking.

Lines 1 and 3 show the teacher asking for clarifica-tion about the students’ work. In Line 7, she givesa specific suggestion to consider how “sneaky” shouldbe measured; in a sense, she is asking them to thinkmore scientifically about stalking behaviors.“Sneaky” suggests that lions act as humans might,intentionally planning to quietly approach their prey.The teacher is pushing the students to describe“sneaky” in terms of measurable attributes. For in-stance, she later tells them to think about the amountof ground vegetation in the stalking area, becausethis can hide the lion’s approach. Eventually, one ofthe students begins to understand the point of theteacher’s questioning, and she begins to argue withher partner (Lines 12–17).

Being hairy. Another example of classroom discourseoccurred when students suggested that female lionshunt more than their male counterparts. This is ev-ident from simply comparing the number of femalesand males involved in the video corpus, but such acomparison is not enough to explain why this is thecase. In this example, the teacher tried to get stu-dents to use the video to explain why females mightbe hunting more than males.

Using the video as evidence, the class claimed thatmales are significantly larger than females, makingthem unable to hide themselves in the Serengetigrasslands. Along with their physical size (which canbe two to three times that of the female), they havelarge manes that also increase their chance of beingspotted by potential prey. This answer may seem ad-


equate, but the teacher prompted them with a bi-ological strategy, thinking about the costs and ben-efits of a particular behavior or feature.

18. Teacher: Having a big mane then is a cost to thelion. So there must be a reason for it. What’s thebenefit?

This is a much harder question to answer, and stu-dents began developing hypotheses, many based onsexual selection (e.g., “If you have a big mane, you’rethe king of the pride,” or “Bigger manes attractmates.”). Such hypotheses could be valid, but theteacher pushed them back to the video to see if therewas anything that might suggest why natural selec-tion would favor males to have manes. In this case,the students benefited from the teacher’s guidance,for they had difficulties making the leap from hunt-ing behaviors to what appears to be a cosmetic fea-ture.

19. Teacher: How do they kill, lions? You watchedthe videos.

20. Student 1: Fangs and bites to the upper neck.21. Teacher: The upper where?22. Student 1: To the jugular vein . . .23. Teacher: (interrupting) Found where?24. Student 1: Huh?25. Student 2: Where’s the jugular found?26. Student 1: On the neck.27. Teacher: Oh, so where would that be on the lion?28. Student 3: Underneath his mane?29. Class: Oh!30. Teacher: Oh really . . . so anyone have another

theory?31. Student 4: Oh, so it’s like it bites the mane and

misses it.32. Teacher: Yeah, the bigger the mane . . .33. Class: The harder it is to grab the neck.

In other words, males may have manes to defendthemselves from attack. The teacher has students ar-ticulate an alternative theory for the presence of themane; she pushes them to associate a morpholog-ical feature—the location of the jugular vein under-neath the mane—with an adaptive trait—manes arehard to bite through. More importantly, she promptsstudents to recall the video data they worked with,encouraging later justification of theories with ev-idence.

In both examples, student work is driving the con-tent of the discussions. Our teachers tried not to en-ter the classroom with prepared lectures or topics;

rather, they responded to student investigations,choosing particular aspects of their unfolding expla-nations to critique and further elaborate. In tradi-tional hands-on classroom experiments, studentsrarely have a chance to investigate questions of theirown, develop methods for testing hypotheses, or con-nect data to conclusions.5–7 There are also few op-portunities for students to engage in theory articu-lation, applying theoretical knowledge to actualproblem solving.24 The experience of using video asdata works because teachers allow and coach stu-dents to develop their own observations, interpre-tations, and questions from nature films. Discussionsbased on student findings help students to createmodels from data, hopefully providing them with astronger understanding of the process of doing andexplaining science.

Artifacts as conversational props. The previous dis-cussions suggest that students can engage in scien-tific discourse around video data when provided withguidance. But without going through the exercise ofannotating, comparing, and modeling video as data,it is unlikely that such discussions could have oc-curred. Students require more than opportunities to“talk science”; they also need opportunities to “doscience.” We claim that the activities that studentsperform at their computers before and during thesediscussions allow them to respond to teacher promptsand to successfully collaborate to produce explana-tions of behavior. Moreover, it is possible that thesoftware and investigation model influence teachergoals and expectations, shaping the strategies teach-ers use to encourage student inquiry.

Each strategy in the investigation model discussedearlier is reflected as an artifact in software or onpaper (Table 2). For instance, students decomposebehaviors with annotation tools designed to helpthem see that a complex process, like hunting, canbe broken into multiple, important actions. Decisiontrees became useful for illustrating multiple pathsto the two outcomes: killing or not killing one’s prey.The representations provided by each artifact seemto help students focus on important issues and guidethem through the process of using video as data.

Being vigilant. One example of how the artifacts helpstudents during inquiry came when students discov-ered a behavior known as vigilance. Although it israrely mentioned in high school biology textbooksor nature films, vigilant or “scanning” behavior—thefrequency that a prey animal alternates betweenfeeding and observing its environment to detect po-


tential predators—has been the study of much be-havioral ecology research.54,55,57 Our students de-tected this behavior while using Animal Landlord’scomparison tool. It happens that some films showprey animals cycling between scanning and feeding.In a single film, students may annotate these actions(“Prey looks around,” “Prey eats grass”) and not no-tice that there is an interesting pattern. But whenmultiple films were compared, students noticed theserecurring events and began forming generalizationsabout the behavior.

At least one group in each classroom we observeddetected vigilant behavior using the comparison tool.Once it was detected, teachers could prompt studentsto explain what they were seeing. For example, oneteacher asked the students if they could detect vari-ations in scanning patterns across different videoclips. That is, does a zebra check its surroundings asoften as a buffalo? For that matter, does scan lengthand time vary when the number of prey animals in-creases?

Being articulate. A second example of artifacts play-ing a role in learning concerns the annotation tool.We administered pretests and post-tests to studentson the first and final days of their work with AnimalLandlord. The tests consisted of open-ended essayquestions drawn from university ecology examina-tions. We were curious to see if student performancewould vary as a result of investigating animal behav-ior with video. While the data are covered more ex-tensively elsewhere,58 we want to discuss how someof these results can be tied to use of the softwareartifacts.

The questions that we asked students could neverbe completely answered with a single response. Forexample, the question, “What limits the amount ofprey consumed by a predator?” raises many poten-tial issues (e.g., the effort required to capture prey,the percentage of unsuccessful captures, and so on).On the pretest, many students gave a single responseto the question, such as, “If they’re not hungry, theywon’t eat” and “They know they have to save foodfor times when prey are scarce.” Our first step in an-alyzing the responses was to note the number of is-sues raised for each essay question. Table 3 showstypical examples of student responses and the num-ber of points raised in each. An increase in the num-ber of points between the pretests and post-tests in-dicates that students understand the need toarticulate multiple reasons for the execution of a be-havior.

Similarly, each point raised may contain a justifica-tion or explanation. Raising an issue such as “a costof predation is being out in the open” is useful, butit says nothing about why it is important to the crea-ture. Justifying each point raised goes beyond stat-ing what occurred in the video data, moving fromdescriptive to causal explanations of behavior. Ex-ample justifications are shown in Table 4.

Both the number of points and justifications increasefrom pretest to post-test (Figure 7). The mean num-ber of points raised for each question increased from2.43 to 3.93, (F(1, 42) 5 28.63, p , .001), and themean number of justifications for each question also

Table 3 Sample student responses to pretest and post-test questions and the number of issues codedfor each (issues are in italics)

Student Response Numberof


1. If a predator cannot catch the prey, then thatwould limit its food consumption.


2. If a predator has offspring, it may have towatch the offspring instead of find food.

Its physical characteristics such as its teeth,claws. The speed that it has. Ability to seeclose and far. Its diet. Knowing what lookspleasing and healthy.


1. If the predator is hunting with a group it mayhave to save food for the others.


2. If another predator comes along the 1stpredator may not eat all the prey and willsave some for the other predator.Example—cheetah and lions meet.

3. They may not be hungry because theyalready ate.

4. Predator needs only enough to survive. Notto eat a lot in case something dangerouscomes (another predator).

Table 2 The relationship between investigation strategiesand student-created artifacts in Animal Landlord

Investigation Strategy Artifact

Observation vs inference Annotation notesBehavior decomposition Annotation notesComparison Comparison toolIdentifying variation Comparison tool and

decision treesModeling Decision trees


increased from 1.25 to 2.41, (F(1, 42) 5 14.14, p ,.001). These increases suggest that students are re-fining their initial conceptions of behavior, and howbehavior should be explained, to include moreknowledge and additional rationale for this knowl-edge.

What accounts for these increases? We hypothesizethat exploring the nature films as data and discuss-ing findings in groups helps students discover andarticulate more behavioral issues. More important,we suspect that the annotation exercise plays a largerole in these results. The annotation tools providea structure that reinforces students to (1) be explicitabout all actions leading to the success or failure ofa hunt, and (2) justify these actions with observa-tions and interpretations. When forced to be explicitabout the intermediate actions in the hunt, studentsgain an understanding of their importance to theoverall outcome; this is reflected in the increasednumber of points. Discussions around the compar-ison tool may also contribute to our results. With

that tool, students argue with each other about is-sues that were omitted from the annotations andquestion each other’s assumptions about their ration-ales for including particular events.

We lack data to support the claim that the structureof our curricular artifacts contributes to learning. Weknow of only one study that examines differences be-tween multiple representations and their impact oncollaborative inquiry,59 but those results suggest thatthe expressive qualities of a representation can im-pact the ways that students discuss and make senseof data and evidence. In future deployments of An-imal Landlord and Image Maps, we will work withmultiple representations for the same task to betterunderstand how they affect investigations of imagedata.


We have been developing a class of applications thatuse imagery as a primary source for learning throughinquiry. Our students work directly with photographsand video, constructing qualitative models to pre-dict future outcomes and events. Because studentsoften lack an understanding for the importance ofmodeling,7,60 we imagine that the immediacy andconcrete qualities of imagery may be an appropri-ate way to scaffold students into additional model-ing tasks. Rather than simply looking at photographsor watching videos, we want students to be arguingand debating over differences in image data.

While the software environments give teachers andstudents tools to begin doing investigations, usingimagery as data also means learning to talk aboutevidence in new ways. Students initiate discussionsthrough questions, observations, and inferencesabout patterns and behaviors that they discover inthe image data sets. Teachers lose some of their con-trol over the classroom agenda, but they compen-sate for this by guiding discussion, argument, andpublic criticism of student hypotheses. While we havefocused on student learning in this paper, it is alsoevident that teachers are learning with their students,changing their practices and expectations away fromproduct (do you know X?) to process (can you doX?).

More than 300 students in 12 Chicago-area class-rooms have used Animal Landlord, and a new setof students began using it in 1999 with video con-tent tailored for studies of conservation biology. Aswith the original version, we hope to see students

Table 4 Sample responses from the pretest and post-testquestions with justifications (in italics)

Student Response

If it is at night. This is important because at night I thinkit would be hard to catch prey.

Takes a lot of energy to make the catch so by the time itcatches it, it is too tired to eat it. So it wastes energy andgets nothing out of it, no energy put back in.









Figure 7 Mean number of points raised by the students in pretests and post-tests. The shading withineach bar shows the number of points with andwithout a rationale or justification.










developing causal justifications of behaviors and theirimportance for making conservation decisions. TheImage Maps project has gone through an initial usertrial with MIT and Harvard undergraduate and grad-uate students. Based on their feedback, we will beredesigning the curriculum and software for a de-ployment with high school students in the summerof 2000. As we continue to work with students andteachers, we hope to discover more about the typesof representations and strategies that can assist in-quiry with qualitative image data.

With Animal Landlord and Image Maps, studentsuse imagery as data to construct explanatory mod-els of complex processes—the interactions of pred-ators and their prey and the changes in a commu-nity’s architecture. The applications also share thesame investigation model, the process of annotat-ing, comparing, identifying factors, and creating pre-dictive models to explain the image data. Together,they represent a first step toward reusing existingphotographs and video for inquiry learning andmodel construction.


The students and teachers who have used AnimalLandlord and Image Maps deserve a great deal ofthanks for staying with us through all of the bugs andconceptual issues that come with experimental soft-ware. We would also like to thank our anonymousreviewers for their helpful suggestions for improv-ing this paper.

Animal Landlord was funded by a Cognitive Stud-ies in Educational Practice grant from the James S.MacDonnell Foundation and a Patricia Roberts Har-ris Fellowship from the United States Departmentof Education (to the first author). Image Maps isfunded by the MIT Media Laboratory’s News in theFuture consortium and an Interval Research Fellow-ship (to the second author).

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Accepted for publication May 5, 2000.

Brian K. Smith MIT Media Laboratory, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge,Massachusetts 02139-4307 (electronic mail: [email protected]). Dr. Smith joined the faculty of MIT’s Media Laboratoryin 1997. His research group explores human argument and ex-planation, developing technologies to assist people in articula-tion and communication. He received a B.S. degree in computerscience and engineering from the University of California at LosAngeles and a Ph.D. degree in learning sciences from Northwest-ern University. He is a coprincipal investigator of the Media Lab’sNews in the Future consortium, and in 2000 he received a Fac-ulty Early Career Development Award from the National Sci-ence Foundation.

Erik Blankinship MIT Media Laboratory, 20 Ames Street, Cam-bridge, Massachusetts, 02139-4307 (electronic mail: [email protected]). Mr. Blankinship recently received the M.S. degree fromMIT’s Media Laboratory and is now working toward his Ph.D.degree. He received the M.Ed. degree from the Harvard Grad-uate School of Education and the B.A. degree from the Univer-sity of Maryland with a concentration in folklore and mythology.He is a stop-motion clay animator and recipient of the Jim Hen-son Award for Projects Related to Puppetry.

