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http://ajs.sagepub.com/ Medicine The American Journal of Sports http://ajs.sagepub.com/content/38/11/2201 The online version of this article can be found at: DOI: 10.1177/0363546510373876 2010 38: 2201 originally published online August 16, 2010 Am J Sports Med Aarsland Fosdahl and May Arna Risberg Britt Elin Øiestad, Inger Holm, Arne Kristian Aune, Ragnhild Gunderson, Grethe Myklebust, Lars Engebretsen, Merete Reconstruction : A Prospective Study With 10 to 15 Years of Follow-up Knee Function and Prevalence of Knee Osteoarthritis After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine can be found at: The American Journal of Sports Medicine Additional services and information for http://ajs.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Email Alerts: http://ajs.sagepub.com/subscriptions Subscriptions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Permissions: What is This? - Aug 16, 2010 OnlineFirst Version of Record - Oct 22, 2010 Version of Record >> at Universitet I Oslo on February 1, 2012 ajs.sagepub.com Downloaded from


The American Journal of Sports

http://ajs.sagepub.com/content/38/11/2201The online version of this article can be found at:

 DOI: 10.1177/0363546510373876

2010 38: 2201 originally published online August 16, 2010Am J Sports MedAarsland Fosdahl and May Arna Risberg

Britt Elin Øiestad, Inger Holm, Arne Kristian Aune, Ragnhild Gunderson, Grethe Myklebust, Lars Engebretsen, MereteReconstruction : A Prospective Study With 10 to 15 Years of Follow-up

Knee Function and Prevalence of Knee Osteoarthritis After Anterior Cruciate Ligament  

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Knee Function and Prevalence of KneeOsteoarthritis After Anterior CruciateLigament Reconstruction

A Prospective Study With 10 to 15 Years of Follow-up

Britt Elin Øiestad,*yz PT, MSc, Inger Holm,§|| PT, PhD, Arne Kristian Aune,{ MD, PhD,Ragnhild Gunderson,# MD, Grethe Myklebust,** PT, PhD, Lars Engebretsen,z|| MD, PhD,Merete Aarsland Fosdahl,§ PT, MSc, and May Arna Risberg,yz** PT, PhDFrom the yNorwegian Research Center for Active Rehabilitation (NAR), the zDepartment ofOrthopaedics, Oslo University Hospital Ullevaal, the §Department of Rehabilitation, OsloUniversity Hospital Rikshospitalet, the ||Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, the {DrammenPrivate Hospital, the #Department of Radiology, Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet, and the**Department of Sports Medicine, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences

Background: Few prospective long-term studies of more than 10 years have reported changes in knee function and radiologicoutcomes after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction.

Purpose: To examine changes in knee function from 6 months to 10 to 15 years after ACL reconstruction and to compare kneefunction outcomes over time for subjects with isolated ACL injury with those with combined ACL and meniscal injury and/or chon-dral lesion. Furthermore, the aim was to compare the prevalence of radiographic and symptomatic radiographic knee osteoar-thritis between subjects with isolated ACL injuries and those with combined ACL and meniscal and/or chondral lesions 10 to15 years after ACL reconstruction.

Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2.

Methods: Follow-up evaluations were performed on 221 subjects at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 10 to 15 years after ACLreconstruction with bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft. Outcome measurements were KT-1000 arthrometer, Lachman andpivot shift tests, Cincinnati knee score, isokinetic muscle strength tests, hop tests, visual analog scale for pain, Tegner activityscale, and the Kellgren and Lawrence classification.

Results: One hundred eighty-one subjects (82%) were evaluated at the 10- to 15-year follow-up. A significant improvement overtime was revealed for all prospective outcomes of knee function. No significant differences in knee function over time were de-tected between the isolated and combined injury groups. Subjects with combined injury had significantly higher prevalence ofradiographic knee osteoarthritis compared with those with isolated injury (80% and 62%, P 5 .008), but no significant group dif-ferences were shown for symptomatic radiographic knee osteoarthritis (46% and 32%, P 5 .053).

Conclusion: An overall improvement in knee function outcomes was detected from 6 months to 10 to 15 years after ACL recon-struction for both those with isolated and combined ACL injury, but significantly higher prevalence of radiographic knee osteo-arthritis was found for those with combined injuries.

Keywords: ACL reconstruction; knee function; knee osteoarthritis; isolated and combined injury; long-term follow-up

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common inyoung athletic persons. The treatment method oftenincludes ACL reconstruction with the aim of restoringthe mechanical stability of the knee joint and re-establish-ing knee function.52 Studies have shown that subjects withACL reconstruction have good clinical outcomes and kneefunction more than 10 years after surgery; however, fewprospective studies have included evaluation of self-reported knee function, muscle strength, and hop tests

*Address correspondence to Britt Elin Øiestad, PT, MSc, Hjelp24NIMI, Pb 3843, Ullevaal Station, Oslo 0805, Norway (e-mail: [email protected]).

One or more authors has declared a potential conflict of interest: Thisstudy was funded by the South-Eastern Regional Health Authority in Nor-way through the Osteoarthritis Research Group.

The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 38, No. 11DOI: 10.1177/0363546510373876� 2010 The Author(s)

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over time for more than 10 years.1,27,43 Furthermore, thereported prevalence of radiographic knee osteoarthritis(OA) has varied from less than 10% to more than90%.12,14,18,27,30,54 A recent systematic review by our groupshowed that studies with the highest methodologic qualityreported up to 13% radiographic tibiofemoral OA for iso-lated ACL injuries, and between 21% and 48% for subjectswith combined ACL and meniscal injuries, more than 10years after the injury.35 The long-term follow-up studiespublished in orthopaedic journals of subjects with ACLinjuries usually report only radiographic knee OA. How-ever, symptomatic radiographic knee OA should also bestudied.42

Several factors may influence the development of kneeOA in persons with ACL reconstruction. Meniscal tearswith subsequent partial resections, as well as chondrallesions at the time of the ACL injury, have been shownto increase the prevalence of knee OA shown radiograph-ically.29,51 However, less is known about the influence ofadditional injuries in patients with symptomatic radio-graphic OA. Despite the growing number of studies thathave reported long-term consequences of ACL inju-ries,23,25,28,31,32,40,55 little knowledge exists on the long-term functional and radiologic outcomes for subgroupsof subjects with isolated injuries compared with thosewith combined injuries. The existing studies are heteroge-neous because of differences in study populations, treat-ment procedures, and radiologic methods. In addition,a majority of the existing studies have demonstratedmethodologic weaknesses, such as retrospective studydesign, small sample sizes, and high dropout rates.35

Thus, there is a need for prospective studies of subjectswith ACL injuries that report functional and radiologicoutcomes. Therefore, the aim of the present study wasto examine changes in knee function from 6 months to10 to 15 years after ACL reconstruction, and to compareknee function over time for subjects with isolated ACLinjury with those with combined ACL and meniscal injuryand/or chondral lesion, and/or medial collateral ligament(MCL) injury. Furthermore, the aim was to compare theprevalence of radiographic and symptomatic knee OAshown radiographically between subjects with isolatedACL injuries and those with combined ACL and meniscaland/or chondral lesions and/or MCL injury 10 to 15 yearsafter ACL reconstruction.


Two hundred twenty-one subjects scheduled for ACL recon-struction were included consecutively in studies from 1990to 1997.7,46,47 The inclusion criteria were age between 15and 50 years with isolated ACL injury or combined withmeniscal injury, MCL injury, or chondral lesion. The exclu-sion criteria were other major injuries to the lower extrem-ities less than 1 year before surgery, and cruciate ligamentinjuries to the contralateral knee. Follow-up evaluationswere performed at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 10 to 15years postoperatively.

Arthroscopic examination was used to verify all theACL ruptures and chondral lesions, and the additionalmeniscal injuries up to 10 to 15 years. The subjects wereasked at the 10- to 15-year follow-up if they had sufferedany reinjuries or if they had gone through any surgical pro-cedures after the ACL reconstruction. Surgical files werecollected for all subjects who reported reinjuries. The sur-geon files for all the included patients from the index oper-ation and for reinjuries were thoroughly read to extractdata on additional injuries and ACL graft ruptures. TheMCL injuries were diagnosed by clinical assessment beforesurgery.

The combined injury group presented in this study con-sisted of subjects with ACL injury and meniscal injurysuffered at the time of ACL reconstruction or during fol-low-up, either isolated or in combination with chondrallesion, or MCL injury. Subjects with chondral lesion(grade III and IV) at the femoral condyle or at the tibiaplateau, but with no meniscal injury, were included inthe combined injury group. The isolated injury groupinvolved subjects with isolated ACL injury from the indexoperation to the 10- to 15-year follow-up, as well as thosewith MCL injury reported to be healed at the time of ACLreconstruction.

The study was approved by the Regional Ethical Com-mittee and The Data Inspectorate in Norway. All subjectssigned an informed written consent; they could withdrawfrom participation in the study at any time point.

Surgical Method

The subjects were reconstructed with bone-patellar ten-don-bone (BPTB) autograft, either with miniopen orarthroscopic procedure.7 The arthroscopic procedure haspreviously been described by Aune et al.7 A 10-mm BPTBgraft was harvested and trimmed to pass through a 9-mm diameter cannula. A guidewire was drilled using a drillguide (Linvatec Corp, Largo, Florida) from the medial sideof the tibial tubercle (45�) to the tibial shaft, and advancedto the preserved ligament stump in the posterior portion ofthe ACL footprint. A femoral aimer with 7-mm offset (Lin-vatec) was used (with the knee flexed) through the tibialtunnel and positioned at 11 or 1 o’clock (right or leftknee, respectively). The graft was fixed with 7 3 25-mmtitanium femoral and tibial interference screws (Linvatec)and tensioned to 20 pounds while the knee was cycled toallow stress relaxation.7 Meniscal tears were treated withpartial meniscectomy or sutured, or left untreated. TheMCL injuries were sutured (grade III) or left surgicallyuntreated (grade I and II). No treatment of the chondrallesions was performed except for shaving or removing looseedges.


A rehabilitation program was included for all subjectsas described in previously published studies.7,47,48 Rehabil-itation exercises involved stationary bicycling and

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exercises with partial weightbearing (2-6 weeks postopera-tively); as well as exercises with full weightbearing, func-tional activities, muscle strength and neuromusculartraining (6-9 weeks postoperatively); and muscle strengthand neuromuscular training, and running after 9 weekspostoperatively.7,47,48


The KT-1000 arthrometer (MEDmetric Corp, San Diego,California) using the manual maximum force test wasincluded at all follow-ups to test anterior-posterior dis-placement of the tibia relative to the femur. The Lachmantest15 and the pivot shift test26 were included at the 10- to15-year follow-up. Weight was measured at all follow-upsand body mass index (BMI) was calculated (in kilogramsper square meter).

The Cincinnati knee score (6-100 points) was used toevaluate knee function at all follow-ups.8,34 The question-naire evaluates pain, swelling, giving way, general activitylevel, walking, stair climbing, running, jumping, and pivot-ing activities, and has previously been validated and usedin other outcome studies.44,46 A score of 100 representsnormal knee function.

Muscle strength tests were performed using the Cybex6000 (Cybex Lumex Inc, Ronkonkoma, New York) at all fol-low-ups. Isokinetic concentric knee flexion (hamstringsmuscle strength) and extension (quadriceps musclestrength) were tested in a range from 0� to 90� of knee flex-ion at 60 and 240 deg/s with, respectively, 5 and 30 repeti-tions. Total work, measured in Joules, and index,measured in percent [(injured/uninjured) 3 100], wererecorded.

The triple jump test for distance and the stair hop test,previously tested for reliability and validity by our group,were performed at all follow-ups and reported as index[(injured/uninjured) 3 100].33,45

A visual analog scale (VAS)41 was used to measure kneepain at rest and during or right after physical activities atthe 10- to 15-year follow-up. The subjects made a mark ona 10-cm line from no pain (0) to worst pain (10). Data onreturn to sports after the ACL reconstruction were col-lected by asking the subjects at the 10- to 15-year follow-up: ‘‘Did you return to sport after the ACL reconstruction?’’We did not collect data on time of return to sports. TheTegner activity scale was included at the 10- to 15-yearfollow-up.53

Subjects with bilateral injuries suffered during follow-up were excluded from the analyses for knee joint laxitytests, the Cincinnati knee score, the muscle strength tests,and hop tests for all assessments.

Radiographs were included at the 10- to 15-year follow-up using the SynaFlexer frame (Synarc, Inc, Copenhagen,Denmark) to examine radiographic tibiofemoral knee OA.This frame placed the knees in approximately 20� of flexionwith the feet positioned in 5� of external rotation. A 10�caudal x-ray beam ensured alignment of the beam corre-sponding to the medial tibial plateau.24 The radiographs

were taken bilaterally from a posteroanterior view. Theradiographs were read according to the Kellgren and Law-rence classification,6,21 including grade 0, no changes;grade 1, doubtful narrowing of the joint space and possibleosteophytic lipping; grade 2, definite osteophytes and pos-sible narrowing of the joint space; grade 3, moderate mul-tiple osteophytes, definite narrowing of the joint space, andsome sclerosis, and possible deformity of the bone ends;and grade 4, large osteophytes, marked narrowing of thejoint space, severe sclerosis, and definite deformity of thebone ends. Grade 2 or higher was used to define OA.50

A question developed for estimating the prevalence ofsymptomatic knee OA was included49: ‘‘During the past 4weeks, have you had knee pain in the injured knee?’’ Thosewho answered yes to this question combined with Kellgrenand Lawrence grade 2 or higher were considered to havesymptomatic radiographic knee OA.38

All the radiographs were read by one radiologist (R.G.).We included intrarater reliability tests for the radiologistwith at least a 4-week interval. Interrater reliability testwas also performed including the radiologist and oneorthopaedic surgeon (L.E.) on 35 radiographs for bothknees (n 5 70), with functional and self-administered out-comes unknown to the readers. Blinding of the recon-structed knee on the radiographs was not possiblebecause of the visible screws in the surgically treatedknee.

Statistical Methods

Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 16.0 (SPSSInc., Chicago, Illinois) was used for all statisticalanalyses. All variables were tested for normality usingthe Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Analysis of variance(mixed between-within subject model) and Bonferronipost hoc test were used to test changes over time betweenand within groups for all the prospective outcome meas-urements. The Friedman test was used to measurechanges between specific time points for the Cincinnatiknee score. Student t tests were used for group compari-sons when normality was accepted (age, BMI, timebetween injury and surgery) and Mann-Whitney U testwas used when normality was rejected (VAS, Tegnerscale). Chi-square test was used for group comparisonsof 2 categorical variables (differences in gender, returnto sports, and OA for the isolated and combined groups,respectively). Kappa statistic was performed to determineintrarater and interrater reliability of the reading of theradiographs. A P value of \.05 was considered statisti-cally significant.


One hundred eighty-one subjects (82%) consented toparticipate at the 10- to 15-year follow-up, with a meanfollow-up time of 12.4 (61.2 years) (Figure 1). Subjectcharacteristics are presented in Table 1. The activities

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performed at the time of injury were team handball, soc-cer or basketball (61%), alpine skiing (21%), and otherphysical activities (12%). Activity data at the time ofinjury were missing for 11 subjects (6%). One hundredtwenty-one subjects (67%) returned to sport after therehabilitation period was finished: 50 subjects returnedto soccer (28%), 25 subjects to team handball (14%), 8 sub-jects to basketball (4%), 9 to other ball sports (5%), 22 toalpine skiing (12%), and 7 to other sport activities (4%).No significant differences between the isolated and com-bined groups were detected for those who returned tosport or not, or type of return to sport activities.

Thirty-seven subjects (20%) were injured in the contra-lateral knee during the follow-up. There were 15 isolatedACL injuries (8%), 11 combined ACL and meniscal injuries(6%), and 11 meniscal injuries (6%) in these subjects.

Additional Injuries

Isolated injuries were detected in 69 subjects (38%) andcombined injuries were detected in 112 subjects (62%)(Table 2). Eight of the 106 subjects (7%) suffered meniscalinjuries during the follow-up period. A total of 127 partialmeniscal meniscectomies were performed in 106 subjects:28 (22%) before, 69 (54%) during, and 30 (24%) after theACL reconstruction. Meniscal repairs were performed in8 subjects (8%), and there was no meniscal treatment in8 subjects (8%). Chondral lesions at the time of surgerywere reported in 37 subjects (20%). Nine subjects (3%)

had full-thickness chondral lesions localized at the femur(n 5 5), at the femur and tibia (n 5 2), or at the patella(n52). One of the 37 subjects had a superficial chondrallesion at the patella, but no meniscal injury, and wastherefore included in the isolated injury group. Nine sub-jects suffered a MCL injury; 4 of these injuries weresutured and 5 were not surgically treated. According tothe surgical files, 2 of the subjects had a healed MCL injuryat the time of the ACL reconstruction and were thereforeincluded in the isolated group. Shaving of chondral lesionsand removing loose edges was performed in 7 subjects(4%). Other surgical procedures performed during thefollow-up included osteotomy (n 5 1), removal of scar tis-sue (n 5 12), removal of screws (n 5 3), and arthroscopicprocedures (n 5 14).

Fifteen subjects (8%) had an ACL graft reinjury duringthe follow-up. There were 9 isolated ACL graft ruptures, 2ACL graft ruptures combined with meniscal injury, and 4partial ACL graft ruptures. One subject suffered a secondACL graft rupture. All the ACL graft ruptures were recon-structed. The mean time from the ACL reconstruction torepeat operations of the ACL graft ruptures or meniscalinjuries was 57 6 47 months.

Knee Function Outcomes

A significantly increased knee joint laxity (KT-1000arthrometer manual maximum test) was revealed from 6months to 10 to 15 years for the entire cohort (P \ .001).

ACL reconstructed subjects eligiblefor inclusion

(n = 221)

Subjects included at the10-15 year follow-up

(n = 181)

Isolated injury(n = 69)

Lost to follow-up at 10-15 years (n = 40)

• Not found (n = 17)• Not interested (n = 14)• Living abroad (n = 6)• Pregnancy (n = 1)• Bilateral injury at the time of ACL reconstruction (n = 2)

Combined injury(n = 112)

Unilateral injury(n = 144)

Bilateral injury(n = 37)

Isolated injury(n = 58)

Combined injury(n = 86)

Figure 1. Flow-chart of the subjects included in the 10- to 15-year follow-up study.

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However, there were no significant differences in kneejoint laxity (KT-1000 arthrometer) over time for the sub-jects with isolated injuries (Table 3). No significant differ-ences for the Lachman or pivot shift tests were found forthe isolated and combined injury groups (Table 4).

A significantly improved Cincinnati knee score wasdetected from 6 months to 10 to 15 years for the entirecohort (P \ .001). No significant group differences wereshown over time (Table 3; Figure 2).

A significant improvement in quadriceps and hamstringmuscle strength (Joules and percent) and hop tests (percent)was detected over time for all the measurements, but nogroup differences were found (Table 3; Figures 3 and 4).

No significant differences were found between thegroups for VAS pain at rest (isolated group: 0.5 6 0.9and combined group: 0.8 6 1.5), or pain during activity(isolated group: 1.5 6 1.8 and combined group: 2.1 6 2.2)at the 10- to 15-year follow-up.

Radiologic Outcome

Radiographs were performed on 181 subjects 10 to 15years after ACL reconstruction (Table 5). Kellgren andLawrence grade 2 or higher was detected in 74% of thesubjects (n 5 133), including 47% grade 2. Symptomatic

radiographic knee OA was revealed in 41% of the subjects(n 5 74). The combined injury group revealed signifi-cantly higher prevalence of radiographic knee OA com-pared with the isolated injury group (80% and 62%, P 5

.008), but no significant group differences were detectedbetween isolated injury group (n 5 22) compared withcombined injury group (n 5 52) for symptomatic radio-graphic OA (46% and 32%, P 5 .053). Seven of the 9 sub-jects with full-thickness chondral lesions at the time ofsurgery had Kellgren and Lawrence grade 3 or 4. Six ofthe 9 subjects with full-thickness chondral lesions hadsymptomatic radiographic knee OA. The intrarater andinterrater reliability tests revealed a kappa of 0.77 and0.57, respectively.


Significantly improved knee function was detected from 6months to 10 to 15 years of follow-up in persons with iso-lated and combined ACL injury. No significant differencesin knee function over time were detected between the iso-lated and the combined injury groups. But subjects withcombined injuries revealed a significantly higher preva-lence of radiographic knee OA than those with isolatedACL injuries (80% and 62%, P 5 .008). A similar trendwas shown for symptomatic radiographic knee OA, butthe result was not significant (46% and 32%, P 5 .053).

Normal or nearly normal knee joint laxity (grade 0 and1) was found in over 80% of the subjects at 10 to 15 yearsafter ACL reconstruction. These results correspond to theresults of previous long-term follow-up studies of ACL-injured subjects.16,25,40 The Cincinnati knee scoresshowed improved mean scores over time, but no signifi-cant group differences were revealed. To our knowledge,no other studies with more than 10 years of follow-up onACL-reconstructed knees of subjects have evaluatedknee function over time using self-reported outcomesuch as the Cincinnati knee score. However, even thoughthe mean scores over time were more than 80 points, morethan 30% revealed mean values less than 80 points forboth the isolated injury group and the combined injurygroup. This might indicate that a majority of the subjectsrevealed good knee function corresponding to normativedata for other similar outcomes measures,3,5 but it also

TABLE 1Subject Characteristics at the 10- to 15-Year Follow-up (n 5 181)a

Variables All Isolated Combined P Value

Age, y 39.5 (8.6) 37.5 (8.2) 40.7 (8.7) .02Females, n (%) 76 (43) 36 (47) 40 (53)Males, n (%) 105 (57) 33 (31) 72 (69) .03Time between injury and surgery, mo 28 (52) 7.1 (10.7) 42.4 (63) \.001VAS at rest, mm (0-10) 0.7 (1.3) 0.5 (0.9) 0.8 (1.5) .23VAS during or after activity, mm (0-10) 1.8 (2.1) 1.5 (1.8) 2.1 (2.2) .07Tegner, median (min-max) (0-10) 4 (1-9) 4 (1-9) 4 (1-9) .72

aValues are given as mean (SD [standard deviation]) unless otherwise stated. VAS, visual analog scale.

TABLE 2Frequencies (%) of Additional Injuries at the

10- to 15-Year Follow-upa

Type of InjuryAll

(n 5 181)Unilateral

Injury (n 5 144)

Isolated 69 (38) 58 (40)Medial meniscal tear 38 (21) 28 (19)Lateral meniscal tear 20 (11) 16 (11)Medial and lateral meniscal

tears14 (8) 13 (9)

MCL and meniscal tear 4 (2) 2 (2)Chondral lesion and meniscal

tear27 (15) 18 (13)

Chondral lesion, MCL andmeniscal tear

3 (2) 3 (2)

Chondral lesions 6 (3) 6 (4)

aMCL, medial collateral ligament.

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revealed that 30% of the subjects had impaired knee functionover time.

The muscle strength deficits between the injured anduninjured knees were on average less than 10% both atthe 2-year and the 10- to 15-year follow-up. Sixty percentof the subjects in the isolated group, but only 38% in thecombined group, showed quadriceps index values morethan 90% at 10 to 15 years of follow-up. This indicatedthat more subjects with isolated injury had normal indexvalues than those with combined injuries (P 5 .012). Age-berg et al1 reported isokinetic index values between 94%and 102%, 1 year, 3 years, and 15 years after ACL injury,and 77% showed index values above 90%. The study byAgeberg et al. included nonsurgically treated patients ofwhom 33% had additional meniscal injury, and theyexcluded subjects with reinjuries. Quadriceps weakness

has been among the neuromuscular deficiencies seen afterACL injuries.37 Our cohort showed significantly increasedabsolute muscle strength values from the 6-month to the2-year follow-up, but decreased absolute muscle strengthvalues from 2 years to 10 to 15 years. The significantlydecreased absolute muscle strength values detected from2 to 10 to 15 years may be explained by increased age39

and reduced activity level. The median Tegner score of 4at the 10- to 15-year follow-up was lower compared withthe median score of 6 reported for persons with normalknees with a mean age of 41 years.11 Other studies withmore than 10 years of follow-up have reported Tegnerscores between 4 and 6.22,30,54,57 The differences in activitylevel reported in these studies may be due to differentstudy populations. The reduced activity level comparedwith the normative data presented by Briggs et al11

TABLE 3Prospective Outcomes From 6 Months to 10 to 15 Years (n 5 144)a

Variable Type of Injury 6 months 1 year 2 years 10-15 yearsBetween-Group

Differences P Value

Body mass index Isolated (n 5 41) 23.2 6 3.2 23.1 6 2.3 23.1 6 2.3 25.2 6 3.0b,c,d .105Combined (n 5 81) 23.7 6 3.1 23.8 6 2.9 23.9 6 3.0 26.8 6 4.0b,c,d

KT-1000, manual maximum(mm)

Isolated (n 5 43) 2.7 6 2.8 3.1 6 2.3 3.5 6 2.4 2.8 6 2.7 .502Combined (n 5 69) 2.3 6 2.9 2.7 6 3.0 3.1 6 3.1b 2.7 6 3.4

Cincinnati knee score (6-100) Isolated (n 5 41) 79 6 12 85 6 12b 87 6 12b,c 85 6 15b .169Combined (n 5 69) 77 6 13 81 6 13b 85 6 13b,c 82 6 16b

Hamstrings muscle strength(60 deg/s), J

Isolated (n 5 33) 466 6 151 531 6 148b 535 6 147b 482 6 149c,d .448Combined (n 5 59) 493 6 166 561 6 165b 580 6 176b 481 6 172c,d

Hamstrings muscle strength(240 deg/s), J

Isolated (n 5 33) 1386 6 395 1449 6 383 1470 6 454 1321 6 417c,d .733Combined (n 5 58) 1454 6 555 1470 6 543 1542 6 577 1300 6 492b,c,d

Quadriceps muscle strength(60 deg/s), J

Isolated (n 5 33) 594 6 237 711 6 234b 791 6 234b,c 749 6 220b .843Combined (n 5 59) 596 6 219 736 6 208b 815 6 216b,c 733 6 223b,d

Quadriceps muscle strength(240 deg/s), J

Isolated (n533) 1796 6 623 1988 6 623b 2099 6 662b 2076 6 603b .580Combined (n559) 1829 6 672 2035 6 632b 2237 6 657b,c 2154 6 714b

Triple jump test (%) Isolated (n 5 32) 95 6 6 95 6 4 98 6 3 99 6 5b,c .176Combined (n 5 54) 92 6 6 95 6 5b 98 6 4b,c 98 6 14b

Stair hop test (%) Isolated (n 5 28) 82 6 14 93 6 16b 96 6 8b 102 6 16b .665Combined (n 5 50) 82 6 20 91 6 11b 94 6 7b 103 6 15b,c,d

aValues are given as mean (SD [standard deviation]) unless otherwise stated. J, joules.bSignificantly different from 6 months.cSignificantly different from 1 year.dSignificantly different from 2 years (P \ .05).

TABLE 4Knee Joint Laxity Tests in Subjects With Unilateral ACL Injury 10 to 15 Years After ACL Reconstruction (n 5 144)a

No.Grade 0N (%)

Grade 1N (%)

Grade 2N (%)

Grade 3N (%)

LachmanIsolated 58 16 (28) 32 (55) 10 (17) 0 (0)Combined 86 30 (35) 43 (50) 12 (14) 1 (1)

Pivot shiftIsolated 58 34 (59) 14 (24) 9 (16) 1 (1)Combined 86 60 (70) 19 (22) 6 (7) 1 (1)

aThe side-to-side difference for the Lachman test was graded as either grade 0 (normal), grade 1 (\5 mm difference), grade 2 (6-0 mmdifference), or grade 3 (.10 mm difference). The pivot shift test was graded as grade 0 (normal), grade 11 (‘‘slip’’), grade 21 (‘‘jump’’),and grade 31 (‘‘transient lock’’).

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revealed that subjects with knee injuries seem to modifytheir activity level. The reduced muscle strength seen atthe 10- to 15-year follow-up may also be due to other fac-tors associated with impaired muscle function such asarthrogenic muscle inhibition or activation failure.9

Impaired muscle function has been seen in subjects whohave undergone joint surgery, but also in persons withknee OA.9,13

A high prevalence of radiographic knee OA (74%), par-ticularly mild radiographic knee OA (47%), was detectedin the present study. Long-term follow-up studies byLohmander et al28 and von Porat et al55 evaluating soccer

players have also reported a high prevalence of knee OA(69% and 59%, respectively) in subjects with ACL injuriescombined with meniscal injuries. Lebel et al25 retrospec-tively examined 98 subjects with BPTB autograft andfound a prevalence of knee OA of 13.6% in subjects withisolated injuries and 21.5% for subjects with combinedinjuries.17 Other prospective studies have found a lowprevalence of radiographic knee OA (1%-11%) in subjectswho have undergone ACL reconstruction.14,40 These stud-ies are discussed in a systematic review by Øiestadet al35 (see in particular Appendix 2). The variation inthe reported prevalence may be explained by differentstudy designs, different ACL populations, or different sur-gical procedures. Our study population seemed to havemore additional injuries (62%) than the previously men-tioned studies, which may explain the higher prevalenceof radiographic knee OA in our study. However, in ourcohort, not only subjects with combined injury, but alsosubjects with isolated injuries revealed a high prevalenceof radiographic knee OA compared with other stud-ies.25,40,56 Nevertheless, among those with isolated inju-ries, only 10% had moderate and none had severeradiographic knee OA (Kellgren and Lawrence grade 3and 4). The corresponding numbers for the combinedinjury group were 27% with moderate and 10% with severeradiographic knee OA. Thus, the prevalence of moderateand severe radiographic OA was higher for those with com-bined injuries. Nevertheless, the ACL reconstruction didnot seem to prevent the development of mild OA. Morestudies exploring nonoperative treatment compared withreconstructive surgery are needed to detect and eventuallyexplain differences in the prevalence of knee OA betweenthese 2 treatment strategies.

The variation in reported radiographic knee OA mayalso be explained, as previously reported, by the use of

6 months 1 year 2 years 10–15 years












Isolated Combined

a ab






ati k




Figure 2. Cincinnati knee scores for the isolated and thecombined injury groups at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and10 to 15 years after ACL reconstruction. No group differen-ces were detected over time. aSignificantly different from 6months; bsignificantly different from 1 year (P \ .05).

6 months 1 year 2 years 10–15 years20











a aab








Isolated Combined

Figure 3. Quadriceps strength index given for the isolatedgroup and the combined group at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years,and 10 to 15 years after ACL reconstruction. No group differ-ences were detected over time. aSignificantly different from 6months; bsignificantly different from 1 year (P \ .05).

6 months 1 year 2 years 10-15 years20











Isolated Combined

a a a

a a a



gs s


th (%


Figure 4. Hamstring strength index given for the isolatedand the combined injury groups at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years,and 10 to 15 years after ACL reconstruction. No group differ-ences were detected over time. aSignificantly different from 6months (P \ .05).

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different radiologic classification systems.4,19,21,35 Forinstance, Kellgren and Lawrence grade 2 involves osteo-phytes and possible joint-space narrowing, whereas boththe International Knee Documentation Committee classifi-cation and the Ahlback classification involve mainly joint-space narrowing for defining knee OA. The Kellgren andLawrence classification involves joint-space narrowing asa criterion for grade 3 and 4, but not necessarily for grade2. Thus, comparing results from studies that have includedosteophytes to define knee OA with studies that haveemphasized joint-space narrowing to define knee OA maybe done with caution. If we compare results for Kellgrenand Lawrence grade 3 or higher with the InternationalKnee Documentation Committee grade C or higher andAhlback grade 1 or higher, our results on radiographicknee OA for subjects with isolated ACL injuries (10%)can be compared with the results by Lebel et al25

(13.6%). The corresponding numbers for combinedinjuries were 37% in our study and 21.5% in the study byLebel et al.

Symptomatic radiographic knee OA was revealed in41% of the subjects, corresponding to a similar studyreporting 46% symptomatic radiographic knee OA in soc-cer players.28 Knee pain may be derived from other condi-tions than OA; for instance, anterior knee pain has beenassociated with the BPTB procedure.10 The proportion ofsymptomatic OA may therefore have been overestimated.

The prevalence of radiographic knee OA in the unin-jured contralateral knee was 15%, including 12% Kellgrenand Lawrence grade 2 and 3% grade 3, in line with theresults from similar studies.14,28,31,54 The contralateralknee is often used as the control knee to avoid the costsof including a healthy control group, but may not be opti-mal because of altered joint loading also in the uninjuredknee and previously reported neuromuscular bilateralalterations and cross-over effects seen after ACL inju-ries.2,36 However, by introducing the contralateral kneesas a control group, a perfect matching of age, BMI, activitylevel, and genetic risk factors has been included.

The present study is the first to compare prospectivelong-term data on knee function for subjects with isolatedinjury with those with combined injury. The study hada high follow-up rate (82%) and a relatively large study

cohort compared with the existing literature.35 However,some limitations need to be addressed. Radiographic eval-uation was performed only at the 10- to 15-year follow-up;thus, we have no data on the onset of knee OA. In addition,the interrater reliability data showed moderate results.The time span from the ACL injury to surgery showeda mean time of 28 months (range, 0-278), giving a wide var-iation in time from the ACL injury to the 10 to 15 years offollow-up. The retrospectively collected data on additionalinjuries may have underestimated the number of addi-tional injuries. Furthermore, we had no prospective dataon activity level or return to sport (this was only retrospec-tively collected). A recently published study by Keayset al20 found no significant association between type ofpostoperative sport and OA in subjects with ACL recon-struction, but this should be further explored in future pro-spective studies. Future studies should also assess thecorrelation between knee function and knee OA and fur-thermore explore risk factors for development of kneeOA. Finally, these relatively young, retired athletes shouldbe followed longer than 10 to 15 years to examine the con-sequences of the high prevalence of mild knee OA, and alsoto assess what characterizes those subjects who functionwell and do not develop knee OA more than 10 years afterACL reconstruction.


Persons with ACL injury revealed a significantlyimproved knee function from 6 months to 10 to 15 yearsafter ACL reconstruction, with no significant differencesfound between persons with isolated compared with thosewith combined injury over time. Subjects with combinedinjuries had significantly higher prevalence of radio-graphic knee OA than those with isolated ACL injuries10 to 15 years after ACL reconstruction (80% and 62%),but no significant differences between groups for symp-tomatic radiographic knee OA were detected. This studyshowed that the majority of the persons with isolatedand combined injuries seem to restore and maintaingood, but not normal, knee function more than 10 yearsafter the ACL reconstruction.

TABLE 5Kellgren and Lawrence and Knee Pain Scores Given As

Frequencies (%) at the 10- to 15-Year Follow-up

Injured Knee Contralateral Knee



(n 5 181)


(n 5 181)


Injury (n 5 69)

Combined Injury

(n 5 112)

Knee Pain

(n 5 97 of 181)


(n 5 144)


(n 5 37)


Injurya (n 5 69)


Injurya (n 5 112)

0 15 (8) 98 (54) 10 (15) 5 (5) 7 (4) 92 (64) 7 (16) 47 (68) 51 (46)

1 33 (18) 38 (21) 16 (23) 17 (15) 16 (9) 31 (21) 6 (19) 12 (17) 26 (23)

2 84 (47) 31 (17) 36 (52) 48 (43) 49 (27) 17 (12) 14 (38) 7 (10) 24 (21)

3 38 (21) 11 (6) 7 (10) 31 (27) 18 (10) 4 (3) 7 (19) 2 (3) 9 (8)

4 11 (6) 3 (2) 0 (0) 11 (10) 7 (4) 0 (0) 3 (8) 1 (2) 2 (2)

aIsolated or combined injury in the target knee.

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