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Labour and Financial Market Determinants of Investment Decisions in Europe

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See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/4790436 Labour and Financial Market Determinants of Investment Decisions in Europe ARTICLE · FEBRUARY 2003 Source: RePEc CITATIONS 3 READS 12 2 AUTHORS: Giorgio Calcagnini Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo 50 PUBLICATIONS 149 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Enrico Saltari Sapienza University of Rome 57 PUBLICATIONS 194 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Giorgio Calcagnini Retrieved on: 15 January 2016




















Calcagnini—Saltari Maastricht - October 3, 2002 1

Draft: rel 3


European Integration, Financial Systems and Corporate Performance

UNU/INTECH - Maastricht - October 3, 2002

Labour and Financial Market Determinants of Investment Decisions in Europe♥

G. Calcagnini (Università di Urbino) – E. Saltari (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”)

I. Introduction

This paper aims at analysing how labour and financial markets influence investment decisions in

Europe and in the U.S. Traditionally, the relationship between the acquisition of new capital goods

and the labour market, on one hand, and financial markets, on the other, are analysed separately.

Conditions prevailing in the labour market (wage rates, conflicts, etc.) may influence firms’

decisions to invest either by rendering capital relatively more convenient than labour, or by directly

affecting profits. It is statistically more likely that firms will find themselves in the former condition

when profits are low and their financial conditions are not optimal. In a Modigliani-Miller world

(MM henceforth), profitable projects would not be precluded by low levels of internally generated

funds and/or high levels of leverage. Funds would efficiently flow towards all projects with a

positive net present value. Otherwise, investment decisions will face credit or equity rationing when

capital markets show some type of imperfection. Then, financial markets, or their higher or lower

degree of efficiency, will either lessen or reinforce the (dis)incentives to investments originating

♥ This version gratefully benefited from comments and suggestions from V. Fitzgerald, P. Molyneux, PC Padoan and seminar participants at the Market Labour Policy Group, Wellington (NZ). The usual disclaimer applies.

Calcagnini—Saltari Maastricht - October 3, 2002 2

from the labour market. But it is also the case that differences in financial markets’ efficiency may

not be useful in explaining the different paces of capital accumulation across countries, if

differences in national labour markets (the type of bargaining systems, the degree of labour

flexibility, etc.) are not taken into account. Indeed, countries with less efficient financial markets

may possess labour market features that allow firms to promptly adjust to (negative) shocks and

maintain balanced financial conditions. Therefore, a model that includes both labour and financial

market features should represent a better description of investment decisions. Our results from a

sample of twelve countries, and observations for the manufacturing industries over the period 1987-

1999, are favourable towards this new approach and, therefore, to the richer empirical specification

adopted here for the investment function.

The paper is organized as follows. Section II reviews the most recent contributions

concerning a) the effects of the presence of institutions on the labour market and how they interact

with firms’ investment decisions; b) the relationship between financial market imperfections and

investment. Section III addresses the empirical evidence concerning both separate relationships, as

well as the interaction between labour and financial markets on investment. Finally, Section IV

summarizes the main results of the paper and discusses their policy implications.

II. Investment, the labour market and the financial system: an overview

II.a The link between the labour market and investment

There are at least three interpretations concerning the effects of the presence of institutions on

the labour market – such as employment protection (severance pay and other costs of laying off

workers), unemployment benefits, collective bargaining:

1 Legal institutions represent rigidities that hinder the efficient functioning of the

economic system – i.e. they hinder the traditional mechanism based on the demand for

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labour that drives firms to substitute away from labour towards more investment. This is

the Eurosclerosis view (Layard, Nickell and Jackman, 1991; Blanchard, 2000; Blanchard

and Wolfers, 2000). In this view, the evolution of European unemployment is mostly

due to the interaction of adverse shocks (such as the slowdown in TFP growth and the

increase in oil prices in the 1970s or the fluctuations in the real interest rate in the 1980s)

with the labour market institutions, which amplified the negative effects of the shocks

and intensified their persistence.

2 Institutions such as labour unions may be able to capture some of the financiers’ return

in the form of higher wages. This happens because investment, once committed, is a

sunk cost that cannot be easily reversed. The phenomenon is particularly strong when

investment has technological specificity, thereby strengthening the contractual position

of workers and weakening that of entrepreneurs. As a consequence, profits are reduced

along with the incentive for investment acquisitions (the so called hold-up theory (Grout,

1984; Caballero and Hammour, 1998, 1999)).

3 Institutions allow economies to overcome market failures such as those arising from

coordination failures – the corporatist view.

II.b The link between the financial system and investment

The financial system-investment link derives from the fact that financing decisions are relevant

for investment (be it continuation investment, investment in new firms, in R&D or in new

technologies). In turn, this implies that external and internal funds are not perfect substitutes - that

is, the MM theorem does not hold.

• Deviations from the MM world can be justified by capital market imperfections arising from

informational asymmetry between the entrepreneur and the financier, or due to adverse selection

or moral hazard (agency problem), search frictions or differences in legal institutions. Even

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disregarding the extremes of credit or equity rationing, these imperfections imply a higher user

cost for capital that negatively influences investment (Fazzari, Hubbard and Petersen, 1988; for a

review, Hubbard, 1998).

• Financial systems can be thought of as a means to acquire and disseminate information;

consequently, they alleviate the problems arising from informational asymmetries by monitoring

and selecting investment projects (Allen and Gale, 2001). The higher the development of the

financial system (in terms of the services they provide), the lower the cost of external financing,

and the faster the pace of capital accumulation (for empirical evidence, see Levine and Zervos,

1998; Rajan and Zingales, 1998).

• Banks and financial markets have, however, different merits in evaluating and selecting

investment projects. Therefore, bank-based systems and market-based systems tend to facilitate

different types of investment. For instance, it is usually thought that market-based systems can do

better in dealing with uncertainty. It is argued that in financial markets the large number of

participants with an independent opinion about a future event guarantees that their aggregate view

will correspond to the true probability of the event. This means that market-based financial

systems can better evaluate investment in new technologies (such as ICT). On the other hand,

bank-based systems may more efficient in evaluating long-term projects, such as those concerning

fixed capital (equipment, machinery). The long-term relationship means that banks can acquire a

considerable amount of information about the project; this can attract other small investors who

can delegate to the bank the task of screening and monitoring the investment. Therefore,

investors can avoid the costs associated with these actions (the relationship between the

characteristics of financial institutions – such as their ability to release information – and type of

investment is addressed in Carlin and Mayer, 2001, and Allen and Gale, 2001).

The role played by different labour markets and financial systems is at the centre of some

recent explanations of the poor performance of investment and unemployment in Europe. Indeed,

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there is by now a growing body of evidence that labour market institutional rigidities cannot be the

only responsible factor. Capital market imperfections could also be to blame; it is possible that these

imperfections have hindered investment, especially that in new technologies and new firms. In the

economic literature there are at least three models sustaining this interpretation:

1. In a world where agents are imperfectly aware of their opportunities, rationing exists both in

the labour and in the credit market. Rationing arises from the stochastic nature of a pair

matching process: between entrepreneurs, who want to invest in new firms but are credit

constrained, and financiers; and between entrepreneurs and workers (Wasmer and Weil,


2. Economies with more flexible financial markets will respond better and adapt faster to

technological changes by providing funds for investment and for new firm creation; in

contrast, economies with more rigid financial markets are constrained to principally relying

on cash flow to initiate investment in new businesses (Acemoglu, 2000);

3. Financial markets can be imperfect in the sense that they provide only low legal protection

for capital against ex-post appropriation by the other factors of production; by foreseeing

this phenomenon, ex-ante financiers will refuse to fund new investments (Belke and Fehn,

2000). Legal systems play a prominent role in this version of the hold-up theory. La Porta et

al. (1998) distinguish two legal traditions: the common law system (the English tradition)

and the civil law system (the German tradition) and state that the former gives investors a

stronger protection against ex-post appropriation.

In the next Section we will try to empirically explore the interaction of financial and labour

markets and their contribution to explaining investment decisions in Europe and the US.

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III. An empirical analysis of how labour and financial markets determine investment.

In order to analyse the relationship between the three markets (labour, capital and financial) we

opted for the following strategy.

First, we made use of information contained in the BACH database (European Commission,

2000). This database provides comparable data on the annual accounts of European and Non-

European (Japanese and U.S.) non-financial companies, broken down by major activity sector and

by size, for the period up to 1999. These data can be used as a basis for a whole series of

comparative analyses of the financial structures or profitability of companies by country, sector,

size or year. In our study we selected information available on the Manufacturing Industry (BACH

code 2) for the period 1987 – 1999, which was the most complete for the following twelve countries

(A, B, DK, F, FL, G, I, J, NL, S, SW, U.S.). Based on this information, as explained in the

Appendix, a set of variables was constructed. One of the advantages of using BACH, instead of

information from the respective National accounts, is the possibility of constructing variables

measuring investment returns and company financial conditions more directly related to investment


Secondly, in all our models the dependent variable is investment. This approach does not

mean that we do not recognize an influential role for capital accumulation in determining labour

market outcomes. Indeed, there is a vast production of papers on the subject. However, a sound

conclusion is clearly far from being reached. Much of the debate between neoclassical and

Keynesian scholars concerns the existence of a relationship between medium- to long-term changes

in unemployment and medium- to long-term changes in private investment.1 In this paper we are

more interested in explaining changes (or differences) in investment demand with respect to

changes (or differences) in the labour and financial markets.

Therefore, as a third step in our strategy, we needed indexes reflecting differences in labour

and financial markets across countries and across time. In the latter case, as discussed in the

1 On this debate see Herbertsson-Zoega (2002), Ball-Mankiw (2002), Blanchard (2000).

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previous Section at the theoretical level, most applied research on investment stresses the role of

funds generated within firms as way of measuring the degree of financial market imperfection.

Namely, starting from the work of Fazzari et al. (1988), we would expect investment decisions to be

more cash flow sensitive when financial markets are characterised by imperfections than otherwise.

Notwithstanding, this approach has recently been challenged by Kaplan and Zingales (2000), as it is

still a common practice to augment investment models with variables measuring firms’ liquidity

conditions.2 The most widely used variable is cash flow.

However, we think that cash flow might not efficiently measure to what extent investment

depends upon financial market imperfections or, another way of looking at the same problem, upon

internally generated funds. The use of cash flow might be criticised for two aspects, at least. The

first one is that cash flow (profit/loss plus depreciation) depends on balance sheet policies and

therefore is more an accounting variable than an economic one. Secondly, investment decisions

may not only depend upon cash flow realized in one year, but upon the availability of other

financial resources, as represented by such factors as its liquidity position.

On one hand the latter, as measured by its net liquid assets is less volatile than cash flow.

However, on the other hand, it is closely related to cash flow, given that it might be thought of as

cumulated cash flow over time. Why should a firm’s investment project be delayed by insufficient

cash flow in the previous year if it might be funded by partially liquidating its assets or by using it

as collateral in the loan market? Moreover, financiers might see firms with a sounder liquidity

position as less risky and charge them a lower interest rate. For these reasons we will experiment by

adding a liquidity index (the current ratio) into the investment function, instead of the more

traditional cash flow variable.3

As for indexes concerning labour markets, a large number of papers has recently been

devoted to how different measures of corporativism and collective bargaining can influence

2 Recently, Gomes (2002) showed that cash flow may have significant effects even in the absence of financial frictions. 3 Sterken et al. (2002) use the ratio of liquid assets to capital stock as an indication of the availability of short-term funds. See also Small (2000).

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macroeconomic outcomes.4 The approach adopted in those papers gives rise to two different types

of problems. Firstly, it is not clear which variable is the “right” one to take into consideration: union

centralisation, union concentration, union density, degree of bargaining centralisation, etc.5

Secondly, all these labour market indicators are mostly qualitative (often subjective) and posses low

variability over time, rendering them unsuitable for use in panel models (i.e. with one dimension

across observations and the other one across time). Therefore, in this paper we take another

approach. Corporativism and collective bargaining influence firms’ profitability and financial

performance through pay levels and labour productivity. The latter might then be a function of

different bargaining system characteristics. More efficacious bargaining systems will likely result in

lower levels of conflict between firms and workers. Therefore, strikes are an indirect measure of the

functioning of labour markets. A higher number of strikes (and those of larger size in terms of the

numbers of workers involved) is likely to generate firms’ expectations of higher wages (or lower

profits) and produce higher uncertainty regarding production conditions. Both events are likely to

negatively impact investment.

Herein we also run a simple test of the assumed relationship between strikes and measures

of corporativism and collective bargaining.6 Our results show, for instance, a negative and

statistically significant relationship between the Kenworthy index of wage-setting coordination and

the average size of strikes (CONFL1). Furthermore, and even more conclusive is the negative and

statistically significant relationship with the overall importance of strikes as measured by

CONFL2.7 Finally, from an econometric point of view, strike variables overcome problems

associated with qualitative data and also provide enough time variability to be used in panel models.

Data on strikes were collected from the International Labour Office web site.

4 For instance, see Flanagan (1999) and Metcalf (2002). 5 A complete and extensive discussion on this matter can be found in Calmfors-Driffill (1988), Kenworthy (2000), Kittel (2001) and Leertouwer-de Haan (2002). 6 Results are not reported here, but they are available from the authors upon request. 7 See Appendix for the way CONFL1 and CONFL2 are calculated. We also obtained a negative relationship between strikes and Iversen’s index (see Iversen, 1999 and OECD, 1997).

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Our model specification includes traditional determinants of investment, such as

profitability, relative prices, financial or liquidity variables, together with additional variables

reflecting labour market conditions. The latter include conflict variables (i.e. strikes) or income

distribution variables like the ratio of labour income over value added. Table 1 shows average

values for the variables used in our analysis.

Panel results (fixed or random effects) are shown in Table 2; random effect estimates are

singled out by the presence of Hausman’s test p-values larger than 5%, and by the simultaneous

presence of the estimated intercept.

All variables are defined and constructed as explained in the Appendix.

The real return on investment (ROIR) and current asset ratio (GLIQ) do not require lengthy

explanation, since they are meant to measure investment profitability and firms’ liquidity

conditions, respectively8, and expected to have both positive estimated coefficients. A more detailed

discussion is needed in the case of labour market variables, instead.

WRKSTK is the relative number of people who participated in strikes with respect to total

employment; CONFL1 is the average number of people on strike per strike, while CONFL2 is the

number of strikes “weighted” by the strike participation rate (i.e. WRKSTK). The main difference

between CONFL1 and CONFL2 is that the former is likely influenced by the average size of firms

involved in strikes that, in turn, depends upon the firm size distribution of each national economy.

Diversely, CONFL2 reflects the frequency of strikes and their importance in terms of the relative

number of workers involved. The expected sign of the estimated coefficients of this class of

variables is ambiguous, given that the impact of labour market conflicts can both enhance and

detract from the productivity performance of firms.9 Besides the effect on investment through

productivity, labour conflicts might represent a measure of uncertainty prevailing in the economy.

Recently, a vast amount of economic literature has been dedicated to determining the exact role

8 According to Gilchrist-Himmelberg (1998), ROIR represents a proxy for the marginal productivity of capital stock. 9 On this topic see Metcalf (2002).

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played by uncertainty on investment. Our contribution on the matter stresses a negative relationship

between investment and uncertainty.10

As an alternative to variables WRKSTK, CONFL1 and CONFL2, we used an income

distribution variable, namely the ratio of labour income to value added (CLVAD). Again, the

estimated coefficient of CLVAD is, ex-ante, ambiguously signed; indeed, we might expect a

negative coefficient if a larger share of labour income meant lower profits, or a positive sign in the

case in which it became profitable for firms to substitute labour with capital.

Our richer model specification includes two more variables.

The first variable (CFCONFL2) is the product between CONFL2 and the ratio of cash flow

to turnover.11 CFCONFL2 is designed to describe how labour conflicts cause investment, once

firms’ ability to generate liquidity across countries is taken into account. One might expect that

firms with enough cash flow react to more intense strike activity by accelerating the substitution

process of labour with capital. On the other hand, as discussed above, one might expect that a

higher level of CONFL2 is associated with higher uncertainty; therefore, firms might find it optimal

to employ cash flow for uses other than investment, in order to reduce their leverage and not to

expand the production capacity.

The second variable (CFLEV) is the product between leverage (LEV) and the ratio of cash

flow to turnover. Its purpose is to check the interpretation according to which firms might use cash

flow to repay their debt instead of funding new projects. In other words, different levels of cash

flow among firms in different countries might not merely reflect different degrees of financial

market imperfections, but different levels of leverage and/or interest rates. For instance, two firms

10 See Calcagnini-Saltari (2001, 2000), Lensink et al. (2001). 11 We also experimented variable CFCONFL1 (i.e. the product between CONFL1 and the ratio of cash flow to turnover), but with no statistically significant results.

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within the same country, and with the same investment opportunities and access to capital markets,

might show different cash flow-turnover ratios due to their different initial levels of leverage.12

Finally, we included a relative price variable calculated as the ratio of the investment price

deflator to the value added price deflator (PRELI). PRELI is meant to control for the classical

demand effect on price changes. Indeed, this effect seems to have played an important role in

explaining the different pace shown by the investment process in Europe and the US (European

Commission, 2001, p.103).

Regression results are shown in Table 2. All models, but (1), exclude the dependent variable

(I) lagged one year among the regressors, the reason being the statistically non significant

coefficient of the autoregressive term.13 Not handling dynamic regressions allows us to make use

of most traditional panel estimation methods (i.e. not use GMM methods) to obtain unbiased

estimated coefficients. In order to check for the potential role of firms’ financing patterns in

different countries—given the traditional classification between capital market-based financial

systems (the U.S.) and bank-based ones (continental Europe)— models 6 and 7 do not include the


Estimated coefficients for the first two variables (ROIR and GLIQ) are consistent with

traditional priors: investment is positively influenced both by capital profitability and firms’

financial conditions. In order to evaluate the relative importance of the two variables, Table 3 shows

their respective beta coefficients.14 To simplify the analysis, particularly given the small differences

observed, the beta coefficients have been calculated only for models 2 through 5.

With the exception of model 2, investment is more sensitive to liquidity conditions than

profitability. Indeed, a 1 standard deviation increase in GLIQ determines a correspondent increase

12 We also tested the cash flow variable by itself, but its estimated coefficient is always negative and statistically not significant. Recently, it has been argued that the coefficient of the cash flow variable is ambiguously signed, contrary to the traditional view of a positive coefficient. On this topic see Kaplan-Zingales (2000). 13 The result is unexpected and it might depend upon the method we followed to construct the investment series from companies’ balance sheet as explained in the Appendix. 14 The beta coefficients are the regression coefficients you would have obtained had you first standardized all of your variables to a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Thus, the advantage of beta coefficients is that the magnitude of these Beta coefficients allows you to compare the relative contribution of each independent variable in the prediction of the dependent variable.

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in I by 0.16, which is only 0.11 in the case of ROIR. Theoretically, the result may not be

convincing, but from an empirical point of view an explanation has always been found in the

context of the “Tobin’s q” models. Indeed, investment profitability is correctly measured by its

marginal return, but the latter is empirically difficult (if not impossible) to observe. It has been

shown that the use of the average profitability variable (like our ROIR variable) instead of marginal

profitability results in downward-biased coefficients. This seems to be the case in our estimates as


Comparing the estimated coefficients of models 4 and 5 with those of models 6 and 7, which

exclude data for the U.S., we observe only marginal and statistically significant differences.

Therefore, a first conclusion is that the role of profitability and liquidity in determining investment

is quantitatively similar in Europe and in the US.

As for the conflict variables, the estimated coefficient of WRKSTK in model 1 suggests that

a higher participation rate of workers to strikes positively influences investment. The result is

consistent with the interpretation according to which firms invest to substitute labour with capital.

However, given that the estimated coefficient is only marginally significant, we used two

alternative variables to WRKSTK.

Model 2 includes both the average number of workers per strike (CONFL1) and the number

of strikes weighted by the strike participation rate (CONFL2).15 Apparently, the estimated

coefficients for these two variables seem to offer alternative interpretations. Indeed, the positive

coefficient of CONFL2 suggests a positive influence of conflicts on investment, while the negative

coefficient of CONFL1 supports the opposite interpretation.16

Higher values of CONFL1 mean that a larger proportion of workers on strike belongs to

large-sized firms. In turn, this might mean that larger firms reacted to conflicts by delaying or

reducing their investment. A typical behaviour pattern of Italian firms, for instance, was to reduce

15 Models that include CONFL1 and CONFL2 exclude observations for Germany for which we do not have information on the number of strikes. See Table 1. 16 The sign of the CONFL2 coefficient is likely influenced by the use of WRKSTK in the variable construction. However, the coefficient of CONFL2 is more precisely measured than the coefficient of WRKSTK. See Table 2.

Calcagnini—Saltari Maastricht - October 3, 2002 13

in-home production in favour of outsourcing production in smaller firms17. This might explain the

negative sign of the CONFL1 coefficient, given that our database is biased towards medium- and

large-sized firms.

Instead, CONFL2 provides information both on strike frequency and on the proportion of

workers involved. Therefore, it measures what we may call “strike intensity”. Higher values of

CONFL2 likely mean that all types of firms (small- and large-sized) are characterized by conflicts;

in this case the optimal strategy would be to invest more to substitute labour with capital (i.e.

moving/deploying production from large-sized towards small-sized firms would no longer be a

feasible solution). This interpretation on the role of CONFL2 finds empirical support from a panel

regression with the capital-per-employee ratio as dependent variable and the same independent

variables of Model 2 (ROIR, GLIQ, CONFL1, CONFL2 and PRELI). Indeed, the coefficient of

CONFL2 is positive and statistically significant at the 5% probability level, meaning that higher

conflict levels make it convenient for firms to move towards more labour saving technologies.18

Beta coefficients show that CONFL2 plays an important role in investment decisions, even

larger than that of profitability (ROIR); as for CONFL1, its beta coefficient is slightly over 50% of

that of CONFL2 in models 2 and 5, but much smaller in the case of model 4.

The relative weight of CONFL1 and CONFL2 does not change much, even when

observations for the US are excluded from the sample. Only when CFCONFL2 is included among

the regressors, we observe a sharp increase in the beta coefficient of CONFL2. However, this

change is partially compensated for by the negative coefficient of CFCONFL2. Specifically, the

latter supports the interpretation according to which firms are oriented towards reducing investment

during periods characterized by high levels of conflict and high cash flows. As discussed above, in

17 More recent behaviour is that of producing more labour intensive goods abroad. 18 The BACH database does not provide employment information for several countries considered in our analysis. Therefore, we were not able to construct a capital-per-employee (KN) variable to use in our regressions. Therefore, we were constrained to relying on sources not completely consistent with our database. Specifically, we used data provided by Easterly and Levine (1999). For this reason we opted to not report panel estimates for the model with KN as a dependent variable. However, results are available from the authors upon request.

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these situations and with imperfect capital markets firms might find it more convenient to use cash

flow to create more balanced financial conditions (i.e. reduce their leverage).

From the point of view of the labour-financial market relationship, the negative coefficient

of CFCONFL2 has another interesting interpretation. Variable CFCONFL2 (i.e. cash flow times

CONFL2) helps to distinguish firms with high cash flows from those with low cash flows in

economies, for instance, with high levels of labour market conflict. Estimated coefficients suggest

that the two groups of firms behave differently. On the one hand, firms with high cash flow will

reduce investment in the presence of high conflict levels, thus reinforcing the negative effect of

CONFL1 on I; on the other hand, firms with low cash flows will pursue a strategy of increasing

their capital-labour ratio in the attempt to generate more cash flow. Indeed, we have already noted

that investment is positively caused by more balanced liquidity conditions; therefore, it is likely that

firms in economies with higher levels of conflict are also those with higher leverages and lower

current ratios.19

The negative sign of the estimated coefficient of CFLEV confirms this interpretation: firms

with higher levels of leverage and cash flows show lower investment demand. Indeed, this

behaviour concerning the use of cash flow is rational if we keep in mind that all the countries in our

database have well-developed financial markets. In those markets companies that show a sound

balance sheet are always able to funds their projects (either by issuing securities and/or accessing

the bank-loan market). Again, we note that differences between estimated coefficients of models 5

and 7 (with or without the U.S.) are quite small; this result confirms that capital market-based and

bank-based financial systems seem to play no significant differential role in funding investment.

As for the relative importance of CFCONFL2 and CFLEV in the prediction of the dependent

variable, the size of their beta coefficients is approximately similar: larger in the case of

CFCONFL2, but also statistically significant at the 10% level.

19 Indeed, the correlation coefficient between average values of GLIQ and CONFL2 (see Table 1) is –0.39, while the correlation coefficient between average values of LEV and CONFL2 is 0.30.

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Model 3 is an alternative specification to models 1 and 2 where conflict variables have been

substituted by an income distribution variable, namely the ratio of labour income to value added

(CLVAD). 20 We were forced to exclude variables CONFL1 and CONFL2 from model 3, given

their collinearity with CLVAD. In other words, conflict and income distributional variables seem to

measure the same relationship between investment, on one hand, and labour market conditions, on

the other. Specifically, the estimated coefficient of CLVAD is positive and statistically significant,

meaning that economies characterized by an income distribution favourable to labour are also those

with more incentives to substitute labour with capital. 21

The relative importance of CLVAD is reflected in its beta coefficient, the size of which is

quantitatively comparable to that of GLIQ and, on average, larger than that of CONFL1 and

CONFL2 (see Table 3).

Finally, all models except model 1 include the relative price of investment (PRELI). The

estimated coefficient of PRELI is statistically significant (with the only exception being model 6)

and shows the expected negative sign: an increase in the investment price relative to that of product

reduces investment. The relative contribution of PRELI in the prediction of the dependent

variable—as measured by its beta coefficient—is smaller than that of the other variables and

comparable to that of CONFL1. Moreover, there are no significant differences between the

estimated coefficient with or without the U.S.22

IV. Conclusion and policy issues. This paper has aimed at analysing how labour and financial markets influence investment.

Specifically, we stressed the importance of considering labour market conditions within the most

20 Model 3 excludes the U.S. given that value added cannot be calculated from balance sheet data for the American companies. 21 This interpretation, based on results that also include observations for Germany, allows us to confidently extend the results of models including variables CONFL1 and CONFL2 to that country as well. 22 Table 3 does not show beta coefficients referring to the sample that exclude the U.S., but they are available from the authors upon request.

Calcagnini—Saltari Maastricht - October 3, 2002 16

traditional theoretical framework that assigns a significant role to financial market imperfections in

determining capital accumulation. This approach has two main advantages. First, investment

models suffer less from misspecification errors; secondly, it offers a more complete set of policy

issues than traditional analyses.

Our results show that:

1. Financial markets’ configuration (market- vs. bank-based) does not significantly matter. Our

estimates excluding data for the U.S. economy are not significantly different from those

obtained for the whole sample. Our results are consistent with those of Mariani and Padoan


2. Most importantly, investment depends upon the degree of financial market imperfections. A

higher degree of imperfections means that a firm’s value (or its profitability) depends on its

financial policy (its liquidity conditions, leverage, etc). Therefore, away from the MM

world, finance matters.

3. Labour market conflict, as a result of institutional bargaining set-ups, has two effects on

investment. On one hand, it reduces investment by causing a decrease in expected

profitability; on the other hand, it makes it convenient for firms to substitute labour with

capital. Both the size effect on firms’ capacity and that in favour of more labour saving

technologies negatively feed back on the labour market by reducing employment


4. Economies characterized by more labour conflicts are also those with less favourable

financial indicators (i.e. lower liquidity and higher leverage); therefore, in these economies

labour conflicts have the greatest negative effect on investment and job opportunities.

Investment is traditionally considered one of the most important economic variables. As a

component of aggregate demand it helps determine both its level and volatility. On the supply

side, it is the means through which innovations are introduced into the economy, it determines

Calcagnini—Saltari Maastricht - October 3, 2002 17

the expansion path of productive capacity and, therefore, provides opportunities to increase

employment. Economic policies to promote investment should therefore promote policy moves

towards more efficient capital markets and, at the same time, bargaining systems that help

reduce labour market conflicts. As for the latter, economic literature is still debating whether a

centralised bargaining system is preferable to a decentralised one. Our view is that, during the

last decade, more changes occurred in the European financial markets than in national labour

markets. While the consensus on the efficacy of the former is widespread, too many differences

still characterise the latter. It is therefore imperative that more work be dedicated to improving

understanding of different bargaining systems, both on a theoretical level as well as the practical

one in which policy tools are chosen.


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Table 1

Variables’ average values: 1988-1999


Iversen 1993 (b)

% % % % % thous % A 1.76 19.46 1.47 1.00 71.38 3.47 0.49 0.42 3.17 6.30 2.72 4 0.44

B 5.96 18.07 1.29 1.03 65.43 7.97 0.75 0.39 84.83 0.28 38.42 4 0.29

DK 5.28 23.36 1.34 1.00 70.49 8.29 n.a. 3.45 503.92 0.19 2970.15 5 0.40

F 4.00 32.01 1.51 0.93 66.00 5.79 0.68 0.44 1733.08 0.05 825.93 2 0.10

FL 2.89 20.98 1.66 1.06 59.28 5.43 0.74 4.45 303.83 0.44 2202.00 4 0.28

G 0.23 19.01 1.87 0.96 76.88 6.05 0.25 0.58 n.a. n.a. n.a. 4 0.32

I 4.96 20.70 1.27 0.98 63.52 4.68 1.14 10.37 999.50 2.17 11109.08 4 0.26

J 0.96 22.88 1.36 0.98 64.20 1.31 0.98 0.09 256.50 0.22 25.64 5 0.34

NL 0.36 25.55 1.27 1.00 58.32 11.09 0.20 0.42 22.00 1.43 9.11 4 0.35

S 4.86 13.26 1.29 1.00 66.20 5.49 0.61 18.42 1042.67 2.08 20879.86 n.a. n.a.

SW 1.66 23.10 1.55 1.08 65.69 8.83 0.38 0.86 48.33 0.95 65.76 3 0.31

US 1.24 24.62 1.42 0.99 n.a. 8.19 0.26 0.22 36.50 7.45 8.58 1 0.07 (a) Kenworthy (2000); (b) http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~iversen/centralization.htm

Calcagnini—Saltari Maastricht - October 3, 2002 21

Table 2

The Economic Determinants of Investment (I) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ROIR-1 7.028**

(4.10) 4.681**

(2.64) 9.743**

(3.67) 5.728**

(3.12) 7.211**

(3.26) 6.022**

(2.90) 7.603**

(3.03) GLIQ-1 4.656**

(2.47) 3.728**

(2.26) 3.775**

(2.13) 4.164**

(2.54) 4.439**

(2.56) 3.965**

(2.18) 4.135**

(2.11) WRKSTK-1 0.041*


I-1 0.041 (0.95)

CONFL1-1 -0.076*

(-1.78) -0.071*

(-1.70) -0.071*

(-1.70) -0.072

(-1.52) -0.079*

(-1.67) CONFL2-1 0.453**

(2.47) 0.811**

(2.96) 0.370**

(2.06) 0.821**

(2.82) 0.380*

(1.99) CFCONFL2-1 -11.744*

(-1.76) -12.024*


CFLEV-1 -32.472**

(-2.23) -32.474**

(-2.21) CLVAD-1 0.110**


PRELI-1 -4.613*

(-1.84) -5.355**

(-2.06) -4.423*

(-1.80) -5.672**

(-2.28) -4.280

(-1.61) -5.611**

(-2.09) CONSTANT 1.045

(0.32) 0.046

(0.01) 0.247


Nr of obs. 115 106 109 106 95 95 84 Hausman test H0:RE vs. FE (a)

0.002 0.199 0.023 0.156 0.000 0.251 0.000

* = significance level 10%; ** = significance level 5%; t-Student statistics are shown in parentheses (a) p values

Table 3 Beta Coefficients correspondent to estimates of Table 2

Model (2) (3) (4) (5)

Variable ROIR 0.077 0.160 0.094 0.118 GLIQ 0.146 0.148 0.163 0.174 CONFL1 -0.050 -0.046 -0.046 CONFL2 0.089 0.160 0.073 CFCONFL2 -0.151 CFLEV -0.121 CLVAD 0.140 PRELI -0.059 -0.068 -0.056 -0.072

Numbers in parentheses at the top of columns correspond to models of Table 2

Calcagnini—Saltari Maastricht - October 3, 2002 22


Variable definition

I (Investment) = Acquisitions of tangible fixed assets (R261), when available, or first difference of Tangible fixed assets (C2). The latter has been expressed as a ratio to Turnover (TURN) in order to be consistent with the former; source: BACH.

ROIR (Real return on investment) = Net operating profit/Tangible fixed assets (V*TURN/C2*TASS) – inflation (growth rate of Industry value added deflator); source: BACH and OECD, National Accounts. GLIQ (Current ratio) = Total current assets (D) /Total current liabilities (F); source: BACH CF (Cash flow) = Profit or loss for the financial year (R21) + Depreciation on intangible and tangible fixed assets (R7A) as a ratio of Turnover; source: BACH. CLVAD = Labour cost over Value added (R6*TURN/VADD); source: BACH. LEV (Leverage) = (Amounts owed to credit institutions (short- and long-period) + Other financial creditors (short- and long-period) + Debenture loans)/ Capital and reserves (F2+F101+I1+I2+I101)/L; source: BACH. PRELI = Investment price index deflator / Value added price index deflator; source: OECD, National account. WRKSTK = Number of individual on strike as a percentage of total employment; source: ILO. CONFL1 = Number of individual on strike per strike; source: ILO. CONFL2 = WRKSTK times Number of strikes; source ILO. CFCONFL2 = CF times CONFL2. CFLEV = CF times LEV.
