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Langevin dynamics of conformational transformations induced by the charge–curvature interaction

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J Biol Phys (2009) 35:103–113 DOI 10.1007/s10867-009-9140-5 ORIGINAL PAPER Langevin dynamics of conformational transformations induced by the charge–curvature interaction Yu. B. Gaididei · C. Gorria · P. L. Christiansen Received: 1 December 2008 / Accepted: 23 January 2009 / Published online: 25 February 2009 © Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009 Abstract The role of thermal fluctuations in the conformational dynamics of a single closed filament is studied. It is shown that, due to the interaction between charges and bending degrees of freedom, initially circular chains may undergo transformation to polygonal shape. Keywords DNA chain · Nonlinear effect · Molecular structure · Thermal fluctuation · Conformational dynamics · Soliton dynamics 1 Introduction Conformational flexibility is a fundamental property of biopolymers that differentiates them from small molecules and gives rise to their remarkable properties [1, 2]. Even modest conformational changes modify long-range electronic interactions in oligopeptides [3]; they may remove steric hindrances and open the pathways for molecular motions that are not available in rigid proteins [4]. In particular, it has been recently shown [5] that flexibility increases the hydrogen accessibility of DNA fragments and, in this way, facilitates strand breaks in DNA molecules. Recent DNA cyclization experiments [6], which have shown the Yu. B. Gaididei Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Metrologichna str. 14 B, 01413, Kiev, Ukraine C. Gorria (B ) Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of the Basque Country, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnologia, 48080 Bilbao, Spain e-mail: [email protected] P. L. Christiansen Informatics and Mathematical Modeling and Department of Physics, The Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark

J Biol Phys (2009) 35:103–113

DOI 10.1007/s10867-009-9140-5


Langevin dynamics of conformational transformations

induced by the charge–curvature interaction

Yu. B. Gaididei · C. Gorria · P. L. Christiansen

Received: 1 December 2008 / Accepted: 23 January 2009 /

Published online: 25 February 2009

© Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009

Abstract The role of thermal fluctuations in the conformational dynamics of a single closed

filament is studied. It is shown that, due to the interaction between charges and bending

degrees of freedom, initially circular chains may undergo transformation to polygonal


Keywords DNA chain · Nonlinear effect · Molecular structure · Thermal fluctuation ·Conformational dynamics · Soliton dynamics

1 Introduction

Conformational flexibility is a fundamental property of biopolymers that differentiates

them from small molecules and gives rise to their remarkable properties [1, 2]. Even modest

conformational changes modify long-range electronic interactions in oligopeptides [3]; they

may remove steric hindrances and open the pathways for molecular motions that are not

available in rigid proteins [4]. In particular, it has been recently shown [5] that flexibility

increases the hydrogen accessibility of DNA fragments and, in this way, facilitates strand

breaks in DNA molecules. Recent DNA cyclization experiments [6], which have shown the

Yu. B. Gaididei

Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Metrologichna str. 14 B,

01413, Kiev, Ukraine

C. Gorria (B)

Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of the Basque Country,

Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnologia, 48080 Bilbao, Spain

e-mail: [email protected]

P. L. Christiansen

Informatics and Mathematical Modeling and Department of Physics,

The Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark

104 Y.B. Gaididei et al.

facile in vitro formation of DNA circles shorter than 30 nm (100 base pairs), opened a new

exciting area of research where an interaction of charge carriers with the bending degrees

of freedom of a closed molecular chain is crucial.

Research in solitonic properties of the chains with bending has been initiated in recent

years [7–16]. In particular, it was shown that the bending of the chain could manifest

itself as an effective trap for nonlinear excitations [7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16] and that the

energy of excitations decreases when the curvature of the bending increases [10, 11].

A phenomenological model for describing the conformational dynamics of biopolymers

via nonlinearity-induced buckling and collapse instability was proposed in [17]. Buckling

instability of semiflexible polyelectrolytes with intrachain attractions due to counterion

correlations was studied in [18].

Quite recently, a simple, generic model for electron–curvature interactions on closed

molecular chains was proposed [19]. It was shown that the presence of charge modifies

(softens or hardens) the local chain stiffness. In the mean field approach, it was found that,

due to the interaction between electrons and the bending degrees of freedom, the circular

shape of the chain may become unstable and the chain takes the shape of an ellipse or, in

general, of a polygon.

In this paper, which we dedicate to the memory of Alwyn C. Scott, we study the charge-

induced conformational transformations of closed molecular chains in the presence of

thermal fluctuations. The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we describe a model

and present an analytical solution in the mean-field approach. In Section 3, we compare our

analytical results to results obtained directly by numerical simulations. Section 4 presents

some concluding remarks.

2 The model

We consider a polymer chain consisting of L units (for DNA, each unit is a base pair) labeled

by an index l, and located at the points �rl =(xl, yl), l = 1, . . . , L. We are interested in the

case when the chain is closed, and so we impose the periodicity condition on the coordinates


�rl = �rl+L. (1)

To describe the chain flexibility, we use a discrete wormlike chain model. In the

framework of this model of chain flexibility, the bending energy of the chain has the form

Ub = k2



l , (2)


κl ≡ |�τl − �τl−1| = 2 sinαl


determines the curvature of the chain at the point l. Here,

�τl = 1

a(�rl+1 − �rl


is the tangent vector at point l of the chain and αl is the angle between the tangent vectors

�τl and �τl−1, a is the equilibrium distance between units (in what follows, we assume a = 1),

and k is the elastic modulus of the bending rigidity (spring constant) of the chain.

Langevin dynamics of conformational transformations 105

In addition to the bending angle, there is a degree of freedom at each segment l, l + 1

describing the change of the distance |�rl − �rl+1| between units. We take the corresponding

stretching energy in the form

Us = σ



(|�rl − �rl+1| − a)2


where σ is an elastic modulus of the stretching rigidity of the chain.

We assume that there is a small amount of mobile carriers (electrons, holes in the case of

DNA, protons in the case of hydrogen-bonded systems) on the chain. We take the simplest

theoretical model for the carriers, a nearest neighbor tight-binding Hamiltonian of the form

Hel = E0


|ψl|2 + J∑


∣∣∣ψl − ψl+1


, (6)

where ψl is the complex amplitude that characterizes the probability of finding a carrier at a

site l, E0 is the on-site electron (hole) energy that is determined by the affinity (ionization)

potential of the base, and J describes carrier hopping between adjacent sites. We are

interested in the role of bending degrees of freedom and their coupling with charge carriers.

To derive an explicit form of the electron–conformation interaction, we will assume that

each lth chain unit possesses a quadrupole moment, which is characterized by the tensor

Qα β

l (α, β = x, y, z). Then, the interaction between an electron and chain units takes the


Hint =∑

l,l′Vl l′ |ψl|2, (7)

where the matrix element Vl l′ describes a charge–quadrupole interaction between an

electron that occupies the site l in the chain and the group at the site l′

Vl l′ =∑


e Qα β

l′(�rl − �rl′

(�rl − �rl′)β

|�rl − �rl′ |5 . (8)

We will assume that the subunits are axially symmetric about the z axis. Therefore, the

quadrupole moment tensor Qαβ

l is diagonal and has the form Qxx = Qyy = −Qzz/2 ≡ Q . In

this case, the matrix element of the charge–quadrupole interaction (8) takes the form

Vl l′ = e Q|�rl − �rl′ |3 . (9)

The nearest neighbors l ± 1 do not contribute to the charge–curvature interaction, and

one should take into account the next-nearest neighbor coupling. Taking into account that

the distance between the next-nearest neighbors can be expressed as follows:

|�rl − �rl±2| = a√

2 + 2 �τl · �τl±1 = a√

4 − κ2


in the small-curvature limit, we obtain the charge–curvature interaction in the form

Hint = 1


nχ |ψl|2


l+1+ κ2



106 Y.B. Gaididei et al.


χ = 3




is the coupling constant and we have omitted a constant term.

The total Hamiltonian of the system can be presented as the sum

H = Ub + Us + Hel + Hel−conf. (13)

The quantity

ν ≡ 1



|ψl|2 (14)

gives the total density of charge carriers, which can move along the chain and participate

in the formation of the conformational state of the system. We will neglect the interaction

between electrons (holes). Combining (2) and (11), we notice that the effective bending

rigidity changes close to the points where the electron (hole) is localized. For positive values

of the coupling constant χ , there is a local softening of the chain, while for χ negative, there

is a local hardening of the chain.

The dynamics of the filament is described by the Langevin equations


xl = − ∂ H∂ xl

+ Xl(t),


yl = − ∂ H∂ yl

+ Yl(t), (15)


ψl = − ∂ H∂ ψ∗


with the Hamiltonian H being defined by (13). Thus, the conformational dynamics is con-

sidered in an overdamped regime when inertia terms (M d2

dt2 xl, M d2

dt2 yl with M being the

mass of the unit) are neglected. The coefficient η gives the friction. The Gaussian white

noise (Xl(t), Yl(t)) is

⟨Xl(t) Xl′

(t′)⟩ = ⟨

Yl(t) Yl′(t′)⟩ = 2 Dδl l′ δ

(t − t′


⟨Xl(t) Yl′

(t′)⟩ = 0, (17)

where the standard deviation D, in accordance with the fluctuation–dissipation theorem, is

proportional to the temperature T: D = η T.

2.1 Zero-temperature limit

Some understanding of the dependence of conformational properties of the system on the

strength of the charge–bending interaction χ and bending rigidity κ is obtained from the

continuum equations for the model in the zero-temperature limit [19].

Assuming that the characteristic size of the excitation is much larger than the lattice

spacing, one can replace ψl by a function ψ(s) of the arc length s, which is the continuum

analogue of n. We assume that the chain is inextensible (σ → ∞):

|�rl − �rl+1| = 1. (18)

Langevin dynamics of conformational transformations 107

The inextensibility constraint (18) reads, in the continuum limit,

|∂s�r|2 = 1. (19)

The inextensibility constraint (19) is automatically taken into account by choosing the


∂s x(s) = sin θ(s), ∂s y(s) = cos θ(s), (20)

where the angle θ(s) satisfies the conditions

θ(s + L) = 2π + θ(s), (21)



cos θ(s) ds =L∫


sin θ(s) ds = 0, (22)

which follow from (1). In the framework of the parametrization (20), the shape of the chain

is determined by the equations

x(s) =s∫


sin θ(s′) ds′, y(s) =s∫


cos θ(s′) ds′, (23)

the chain curvature is given by

κ(s) ≡ |∂2

s �r(s)| = ∂sθ, (24)

and the continuum version of the Hamiltonian (13) takes the form

E =L∫


{J (∂sψ)2 +


− χ ψ2


}ds. (25)

The Euler–Lagrange equations for the problem of minimizing E , given by (25) under the






ψ2 ds = ν, (26)



s ψ + χ

J(∂sθ)2 ψ − λψ = 0, (27)



− χ ψ2


)= 0, (28)

where λ is the Lagrange multiplier. Solving (27) and (28) under the periodic boundary


ϕ(s) = ϕ

(s + L


), n = 2, 3, . . . , (29)

one finds that there are two kinds of solutions to (27) and (28) [19].

108 Y.B. Gaididei et al.

– Circular chain.

Charge is uniformly distributed along the chain

ψ = √ν (30)

and the curvature of the chain is constant

κ(s) ≡ ∂sθ = 2π

L. (31)

This case corresponds to a circular chain

x = 2π


2π sL

, y = −2π


2π sL

. (32)

– Polygonally deformed chain.

Solving (27) and (28) under the periodic boundary conditions (29), one finds that the

n-gon structure

θ(s) ≈ 2π

Ls + χ ν




νn− 1





appears when the charge density exceeds the threshold value νn:

ν > νn ≡ Jk8 χ2

n2. (34)

Inserting (33) into the closure condition (22), we find that it is satisfied for n ≥ 2.

Equations (23) and (33) describe a polygon: for n = 2, it is an elliptically deformed

chain, while for n = 3, it has a triangular shape (see Fig. 1). The polygon structure

is a result of the self-consistent interaction between electrons and bending degrees of

freedom: extrema of the curvature and of the charge density correlate: in the case of

the softening electron–curvature interaction (χ > 0) maxima, of curvature and charge

density coincide, while, in the case of the hardening interaction (χ < 0), the minima of

the curvature coincide with the maxima of the charge density.

Fig. 1 The analytically

calculated shape of the chain:

the ellipse-like state (n = 2),

the triangular state (n = 3)

Langevin dynamics of conformational transformations 109

Near the threshold (34), the energy difference between the n-gon structure and the

circular chain is given by the expression

En − Ecirc ≈ −16π2


k(ν − νn)

2 . (35)

We note that when the charge density is above the critical value the deformed structure

with spatially inhomogeneous charge distribution is energetically more favorable than

the circular system with a uniformly distributed charge. The state with elliptically

deformed chain (n = 2) is the energetically most preferable.

3 Numerical studies

To check how robust the results obtained are in the zero-temperature limit with respect to

thermal fluctuations, we carried out the dynamical simulations of (15), (16), and (17). We

took as our starting configurations systems involving the electric charge density of the same

magnitude (ψl) at all points. Initially, all the lattice points were placed at symmetric points

on a circle of an appropriate radius. We performed such simulations for several values of the

charge density ν and the standard deviation D. In this paper, we concentrated our attention

on the case when the charge carriers have a positive charge (e.g., holes in DNA) and their

presence leads to a local hardening of the chain (χ > 0). In what follows, we have chosen

the damping coefficient η and the bending rigidity k equal to unity.

To analyze the shape of the chain, it is convenient to use the radius-of-gyration tensor I

[20, 21] with elements

Ixx = 1



(xl(t) − xc(t))2, Iyy = 1



(yl(t) − yc(t))2,

Ixy = 1



(xl(t) − xc(t)) (yl(t) − yc(t)) (36)


(xc, yc) = 1



(xl, yl) (37)

is the center-of-mass coordinate. The square roots of the two eigenvalues Rα = √Iα of the

tensor I give the two principal radii of the system. They give the sizes of the filament along

the major and minor axes. As is seen from (36), the eigenvalues have the form

I1,2 = 1


{(Ixx + Iyy

) ±√(

Ixx − Iyy)2 + 4 I2


}. (38)

To characterize the shape of the conformation, it is convenient to introduce the quantity A =I1 − I2, which is called the “aspherity” [21]. It characterizes the shape’s overall deviation

from circular symmetry.

Typical final shapes of the filament for the two different values of noise intensity D =0.001 and D = 0.1 are shown in Figs. 2 and 5. They show that the ellipse-like shape is

rather robust. The charge density and the curvature distributions are in full agreement with

the results of the mean-field approach [19]: the ellipse-like shape is the final state of the

shape evolution and the curvature is minimal in the places where the charge density is

110 Y.B. Gaididei et al.

Fig. 2 The top panel shows the

shape of the chain (t = 600)

and the bottom panel shows the

charge distribution (solid line)

and curvature variation (dashedline) along the chain in the case

of hardening electron–curvature

interaction with ν = 0.3,

χ = 4, J = 0.25, D = 0.001

10 15 20 25 30 35Arc length

Fig. 3 The time evolution of the

filament anisotropy in the case

of hardening electron–curvature

interaction with ν = 0.31,

χ = 4, J = 0.25, D = 0.01 500 1000 1500 2000 2500Time




R1, R2

500 1000 1500 2000 2500Time




Fig. 4 The top panel shows the

intermediate shape of the chain

(t = 600) and the bottom panelshows the charge distribution

(solid line) and curvature

variation (dashed line) along the

chain in the case of hardening

electron–curvature interaction

with ν = 0.5, χ = 4,

J = 0.25, D = 0.01

10 15 20 25 30 35Arc length








Langevin dynamics of conformational transformations 111

Fig. 5 The same as in Fig. 4 for

time t = 2500

10 15 20 25 30 35Arc length




maximal. A new feature that arises in the presence of strong thermal fluctuations is an

appearance of the triangular conformation as an intermediate metastable state. The time

evolution of the principal radii and the aspherity A in the presence of stochastic forces

with D = 0.1 is shown in Fig. 3. It is seen from Fig. 3 that there is a plateau in the time

dependence of the aspherity A(t) in the time interval 500 < t < 700. Figure 4 shows that, in

this interval, the filament takes a triangular shape with three maxima in the charge density

and the curvature distributions. Further time evolution leads to the creation of the elliptical

shape of the filament with two maxima in the charge density and the curvature distributions

(see Fig. 5). Figure 6 shows the evolution of the aspherity A for three different values of the

standard deviation D. The left panel shows the overall behavior of this quantity (including

transcient processes), while the right panel presents its steady-state evolution. The mean

value of the saturation aspherity, which we define as

〈A〉 = 1

t2 − t1



A(t) dt, (39)

decreases as the standard deviation increases: 〈A〉 = 13.2926 for D = 0, 〈A〉 = 13.1536 for

D = 0.05, and 〈A〉 = 13.0656 for D = 0.1.

Fig. 6 The aspherity coefficient

A for three different values of

standard deviation: D = 0 (solidline), D = 0.05 (thin line),

D = 0.1 (dotted line)

0 1000 2000 3000 40000




2000 3000 400012




112 Y.B. Gaididei et al.

4 Discussion and conclusions

In this paper, we have investigated the role of thermal fluctuations in the charge-induced

conformational transformations of closed semiflexible molecular chains. We have found

that the results obtained in the mean-field approach [19] are rather robust in systems where

the presence of charge hardens the local chain stiffness, the charge–curvature interaction

counteracts the collapse of the chain, and the mean-field picture survives. In the presence of

white noise when the charge density and/or the strength of the charge–curvature coupling

exceed a threshold value, the spatially uniform distribution of the charge along the chain

and the circular, cylindrically symmetric shape of the chain become unstable. In this case,

the equilibrium state of the system is characterized by a spatially nonuniform charge

distribution along the chain, and the chain takes on an ellipse-like form.

Acknowledgements Yu. B. G. is thankful for a Guest Professorship funded by Civilingeniør Frederik

Christiansens Almennyttige Fond. Yu. B. G. also acknowledges support from the Special Program of the

Department of Physics and Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. C. G. acknowledges

project MTM2007-62186 granted by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia and the grant IT-305-07

for research groups given by the Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación of the Basque



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