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lee chi tat memorial school activity worksheet

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LEE CHI TAT MEMORIAL SCHOOL ACTIVITY WORKSHEET E 5B Teachers’ Day 4.1 CLASS NAME MARKS DATE: P.5( ) ( ) ANSWER A. Read SB p.34-35 and answer the following questions. Choose the best answer by blackening the circle. 1. Last week, Harry _____________. A. held a birthday party B. went to a birthday party C. went to Africa D. went to a new secondary school. 2. Miss Davis is Harry and Amy’s ______________. A. mother B. old teacher C. principal D. old friend 3. Read paragraph 3: She has done many interesting things since then. Some of her friends missed her so much. The word ‘then’ refers to the time that____________. A. Miss Davis came to the school B. Miss Davis left the schoo C. Miss Davis went to different countries D. Miss Davis made friends from different countries 4. Read line 12, what does the word ‘missed’ mean? A. Always thought about B. Arrived too late C. Did not hit D. Did not go to 5. What did Harry talk about in paragraph 6? A. Miss Davis’s friends B. Miss Davis’s marriage C. Miss Davis’s voluntary work D. Miss Davis’s future plans 6. Which of the following is TRUE? Miss Davis _________. A. is still teaching B. has studied for half a year in a university C. decides to go to Canada with her husband after she graduates D. wants to build houses for the poor people



E 5B Teachers’ Day 4.1 CLASS NAME MARKS

DATE: P.5( ) ( ) ANSWER

A. Read SB p.34-35 and answer the following questions. Choose the best answer by

blackening the circle.

1. Last week, Harry _____________.

A. held a birthday party

B. went to a birthday party

C. went to Africa

D. went to a new secondary school.

2. Miss Davis is Harry and Amy’s ______________.

A. mother B. old teacher

C. principal D. old friend

3. Read paragraph 3: She has done many interesting things since then. Some of her friends

missed her so much. The word ‘then’ refers to the time that____________.

A. Miss Davis came to the school

B. Miss Davis left the schoo

C. Miss Davis went to different countries

D. Miss Davis made friends from different countries

4. Read line 12, what does the word ‘missed’ mean?

A. Always thought about

B. Arrived too late

C. Did not hit

D. Did not go to

5. What did Harry talk about in paragraph 6?

A. Miss Davis’s friends

B. Miss Davis’s marriage

C. Miss Davis’s voluntary work

D. Miss Davis’s future plans

6. Which of the following is TRUE? Miss Davis _________.

A. is still teaching

B. has studied for half a year in a university

C. decides to go to Canada with her husband after she graduates

D. wants to build houses for the poor people

7. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Amy and Harry studied in the same primary school.

B. Miss Davis’s husband is a doctor.

C. Miss Davis will join the Teacher’s Day.

D. Harry wrote the e-mail on 13th April.

B. Other Questions

1. Arrange the following sentences into the correct order. Write A, B, C or D in the boxes.

A. Miss Davis went back to university.

B. Harry turned up at Miss Davis’ birthday party.

C. Miss Davis left Smart Primary School.

D. Miss Davis taught English in schools in poor villages.

2. Amy is replying her Cousin, Harry. Read SB p. 34-35 again and complete the e-mail. Fill in

the blank with only ONE word from the text. Make sure your answers are grammatically


3. What do Miss Davis and her husband want to do in the future?

(Answer in a complete sentence.)

They want to set up clinics in poor villages in Africa in the future.





Dear Harry,

Thank you for telling me about the 1. reunion on Teachers’ Day. I

really want to go because I 2. miss Miss Davis so much! Unfortunately, I

cannot go as I will be busy on that day. Do you know when she will be leaving

Hong Kong so that I can 3. meet her before she goes back to Africa?





A. Betty is reading an autobiography of Lily Tam, a famous writer of children’s books.

Read the autobiography, choose the best answer by blackening the circle for

Questions 1-6 and complete Question 7.

My name is Lily Tam, an author of children’s books in Canada. I was actually born

in Hong Kong but not many people know that. I studied in Hong Kong before my parents

sent me to Canada. I entered university there at age 16 and studied music. At the same

time, I began writing. After my studies in Canada, I worked in England.

The first prize I got was in 1980 for the book ‘Happy Memories’. It is about children

growing up in Hong Kong in the 1960s. They faced many problems but also had good

times. Then, two years later, I won a prize for a book of short stories. The stories are

about very young learners in Hong Kong and Singapore.

Although I had a successful career as a writer, there were a lot of difficulties in my

life. For example, I was seriously injured in a car accident in Canada two years ago.

While I was driving home from work, I suddenly heard a loud boom. When I woke up,

I was on a hospital bed. I had to stay in the hospital for nearly two months. I am better

now but I can only write for a short time since my hands were hurt in the crash.

Therefore, I had to retire from my writing career. Also, I had to give up playing the


Now, I live in Canada most of the time with one of my children. She has two kids,

a boy and a girl. I enjoy spending time with my grandchildren.


DATE: P.5 ( )

1. Lily Tam was born in _______________.

A. Canada B. England

C. Hong Kong D. Singapore

2. Lily Tam started writing when _______________.

A. she was 16 B. she was in secondary school

C. she lived in England D. she lived in Hong Kong

3. Which of the following is TRUE about ‘Happy Memories’?

A. It is about young learners in Hong Kong and Singapore.

B. It is about life of grown-ups in old Hong Kong.

C. It is Lily Tam’s second prize-winning book.

D. Lily Tam thought the children had good times although they faced many


4. Lily Tam had a car accident _______________.

A. on the way home B. when she drove to work

C. two months ago D. in Hong Kong

5. Why does Lily Tam NOT write a lot now?

A. She is busy playing the piano. B. She finds it boring to write.

C. She has to stay in hospital. D. She hurt her hands badly.

6. Lily Tam is living with _______________.

A. her son B. her friends

C. her husband D. her daughter

7. Read the following sentences. Put them in the correct order. Write A, B, C or D in the


A. Lily Tam worked in England.

B. Lily Tam entered university.

C. Lily Tam stopped playing the piano.

D. Lily Tam had a car accident.




E 5B Teachers’ Day 4.2 CLASS NAME MARKS

DATE: P.5 ( ) ( ) ANSWER

A. Tim is reading an interview in a magazine about the movie star, Candy Jackson. Look

at the table. Fill in the blanks and circle the correct words in the conversation.

Year Important Event in Candy Jackson's Life

2020 received her second Best Actress Award in Asia

2018 received her first Best Actress Award in Asia

2015 married Johnny Chan

2011 started learning Putonghua

2010 joined Director Tsui's movie company

2009 met Director Tsui, became good friends

Reporter: Congratulations on winning the Best Actress Award again! You’re on a roll.

You've been the best actress in Asia 1. for ( two years / ten years ) .

Candy: Thanks a lot. I'm so happy. I'd like to thank all my fans, my family and

especially Director Tsui. He's a brilliant director. We've known each other 2.

for ( five years / eleven years ).

Reporter: How long have you worked with Director Tsui?

Candy: Hmm... I've starred in his movies 3. since ( 2009 / 2010 ). I've learned a

lot from him. He also encouraged me to learn Putonghua because he said it'd

help my career in China.

Reporter: Are you still learning Putonghua now?

Candy: Yes, I am. I've learned Putonghua 4. since ( 2011 / 2015 ). I went to a

language school in Beijing to improve my Putonghua. I met my husband,

Johnny Chan, there.

Reporter: How long have you been married?

Candy: We've been married 5. for ( five years / nine years ). He's a real gentleman

who's very supportive.

Reporter: That's so sweet. It’s nice talking to you today. Thanks, Candy.

Candy: You're welcome. It’s nice talking to you, too.



B. Read Miss Brown’s timeline. Complete the conversation using 'for', 'since' and the

phrases on the timeline. Use the correct form of the verbs.


How long (e.g.) has Miss Brown graduated from her university?

Lily: She (1) has graduated from her university (2) since 2000.

Tom: So, how long (3) has she taught in Happy Primary School?

Lily: As we can see from the timeline, she (4) has taught in our school (5) for

more than ten years.

Tom: Wow! That’s a long time. No wonder she teaches so well. How long (6) has

she been the coach of the swimming team then?

Lily: She (7) has been the coach of the swimming team (8) since 2009 .

Tom: I see… Well, it’s 2020 now. She started leading the cheerleading team in 2016,

so she (9) has led the cheerleading team (10) for four years.

Lily: That’s right. I’m going to join the cheerleading team next year. It sounds fun.


2000 2004 2009 2016

graduate from

university teach in Happy

Primary School

be the coach of the

swimming team

lead the

cheerleading team



E 5B Teachers’ Day 4.1 CLASS NAME MARKS

DATE: P.5( ) ( ) ANSWER

A. Read the following sentences carefully and fill in the blanks with correct form of the


1. I have received (receive) my primary education at Lee Chi Tat Memorial School

since 2014.

2. Peter and Judy have studied (study) at this school for 5 years.

3. Winnie has had (have) her new school bag since January.

4. He has used (use) the school bag for 2 years.

5. I have borrowed (borrow) a pen from one of my classmates since last month.

6. I have kept (keep) the pen for a month.

7. We have had (have) school fund-raising event to raise money for our school every

year since 2005.

8. Linda has learnt / has learned (learn) drawing since she was three years old. Now,

she is eleven years old. She has learnt / has learned (learn) drawing for 8 years.

9. I have been (be) to a lot of places at Lee Chi Tat Memorial School since I was a

P.1 student. However, I have never been (be) to the Principal’s Room.

B. Amy is talking to her mum at home. Complete what they say with 'how long', 'for'

and 'since'.

Amy: e.g. How long have Uncle Tom and Aunt Mary lived in Hong Kong?

Mum: They’ve lived in Hong Kong 1. since 1994.

Amy: 2. How long has Uncle Tom worked as a chef?

Mum: He has worked as a chef 3. since he was twenty. He has become a chef

4. for 20 years.

Amy: 5. How long have they run their restaurant? I remember they have started their

business 6. for more than ten years.

Mum: You’re right! They’ve run their restaurant 7. since 1997.

C. Your classmate is doing a self-introduction. Complete the report with the correct form of

the verbs in brackets.

Hello. My name is Shu Yi. I am from Xi'an in China. I (1) came (come) to Hong

Kong in 2009. My father is a driver. He (2) has been (be) a driver for over ten years.

My mother was a housewife when we were small. Now she (3) is working (work) at

a Chinese restaurant. She (4) has worked (work) there for almost two years.

When we first came to Hong Kong, we (5) lived (live) in Sha Tin. Then, my

family moved to Tin Shui Wai, so I transferred to this school. I can (6) speak (speak)

Putonghua very well but my Cantonese is not good. I (7) have learnt / have learned

(learn) Cantonese at a tutorial centre for a few months. My Cantonese is improving!

At home, I enjoy reading. My favourite writer (8) is (be) Geraldine Roberts. I

(9) have already read (read) all of her books! My favourite hobby is hiking as I

love the nature very much. I (10) have joined (join) a hiking club since last year. I

(11) have already visited (visit) a lot of great places in Hong Kong.

I (12) think (think) Hong Kong is a wonderful city. I enjoy (13) living (live)

here very much.



E 5B Amazing Facts 5.1 CLASS NAME MARKS

DATE: P.5( ) ( ) ANSWER

A. Read SB p.46-47 and answer the following questions. Choose the best answer by

blackening the circle.

1. What can monarch butterflies do?

A. Fly at a high speed.

B. Fly very high.

C. Fly long distances.

D. Change their colours.

2. Read line 8, ‘If they stay in the north, they will not survive the winter.’ What does the

word ‘survive’ mean?

A. continue to live after a dangerous time

B. injured

C. be happy

D. learn how to live

3. Why do monarch butterflies not stay in the north during winter?

A. They love cold weather.

B. The south has cleaner air.

C. They will die.

D. The north has no food for them.

4. Which of the following cannot change their colours?

A. cheetahs B. some types of octopuses

C. some types of fish D. chameleons

5. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Kangaroos could only jump slowly.

B. Cheetahs can roll two eyes to different directions.

C. Chameleons change into different colors to protect itself.

D. Spiders change their colours in order to survive in winter.

6. In what ways are human beings better than animals?

A. They are faster and stronger.

B. They can hide from enemies.

C. They can move to different places in different seasons.

D. They can invent things to change the environment.

7. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The writer thinks human beings are not good as animals.

B. Human beings invented air-conditioning, heating and vehicles.

C. Human beings can travel to the space in the coming future.

D. The writer thinks human beings are the most amazing creature

B. Other Questions

1. Match the following animals with their special abilty. Write A, B, C, D or E in each box.

(i) Protect themselves by changing colour:

(ii) Run at a high speed:

(iii) Fly to a warmer place in winter:

2. Pam is writing an e-mail to Amy. Read the text in SB p.46-47 and help Pam complete her

e-mail. Use only ONE word for each blank. Make sure your answers are grammatically


3. What animals can run at a high speed? (Answer in a complete sentence.)

Cheetahs can run at a high speed.

Dear Amy,

I have read an exposition about the nature today. It is about how the animals

learned to survive in different (1) environment. Some insects fly to a warmer place in

wintertime. In order to (2) protect themselves, some animals jump or run at a high speed.

Some animals roll their eyes into different directions. Some of them can change into

different colours so their enemies would not find them easily. However, I think human

beings are the most amazing (3) living things.



A. Cheetahs

B. Some types of fish

C. Monarch butterflies






E 5B Hong Kong News 5.1 CLASS NAME Marks

DATE: P.5( ) ( ) Answer

A. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with ‘if’. Mind the verb forms and

the use of pronouns.


a dog / see a stranger

a dog / bark loudly

If a dog sees a stranger, it will bark loudly.


the weather / be warmer

birds / lay eggs earlier

If the weather is warmer, birds will lay eggs earlier.


the shark / want to greet each other

the sharks / slap the water with their tails

If the sharks want to greet each other, they will slap the water

with their tails.


Martin / see a bee

Martin / feel frightened

If Martin sees a bee, he will feel frightened. /

Martin will feel frightened if he sees a bee.


the river / dry up

the fish / die

If the river dries up, the fish die. /

The fish will die if the river dries up.

B. Read the letter and circle the hints. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs.

21stApril, 2020

Dear Tom,

How are you?

1. Have you ever been (be) to Canada? Let me tell you. The life in Canada

is great! I 2. have lived (live) here for a year. Every day after school, I go to a youth

centre nearby to 3. play (play) badminton with my friends. Sometimes, I have barbecue

with my neighbours. What a wonderful life!

Last week, I 4. visited (visit) the zoo in Toronto with my parents. We 5. saw

(see) many animals and learnt lots of amazing facts about them. However, we 6. did not

see (not see) the famous leopard there since it was sick. If you 7. come (come) to

Canada for a trip, I 8. will bring (bring) you to that fantastic zoo.

Mum and I 9. will come (come) back to Hong Kong next month. Dad cannot

10. join (join) us because he has to work in Canada. I 11. will be (be) very happy if

Mum 12. takes (take) me to Ocean Park.

I am looking forward to seeing you in Hong Kong.





E 5B Amazing Facts 5.2 CLASS NAME MARKS

DATE: P.5( ) ( ) ANSWER

A. Use ‘if’ to talk about what will happen when people do something. Look at the

sentences below and fill in the correct letters.

A. we will be healthy and fit

B. he will be able to meet his friends there

C. if she has enough money

D. if you study hard for the exam

E. she will win the piano competition

F. if they can go camping

G. they will grow faster

H. if she takes a taxi

1. You will get good results ( D ).

2. If you water the plants every day, ( G ).

3. If Flora practises the song more often, ( E ).

4. Lily will buy the necklace ( C ).

5. They will be very happy ( F ).

6. If Simon goes to the park now, ( B ).

B. Choose the sentences from the box and complete the sentences.

if I get good results in the exam

if the weather is fine this weekend

if she goes to the library

if he finishes his homework tonight

if Uncle Billy needs to work overtime

if I am not busy

if Uncle Joe is free

if she passes the driving test

1. Susan will buy a car if she passes the driving test.

2. Joe will watch a film tomorrow if he finishes his homework tonight.

3. I will go to Linda’s birthday party if I am not busy.

4. If I get good results in the exam, Dad will buy me a computer as a gift.

5. If Uncle Joe is free, he will take us to Ocean Park this Friday.

6. If the weather is fine this weekend, we will go camping on Cheung Chau on




E 6A The school picnic 4.1 CLASS NAME MARKS


A. Read SB p.34-35. Choose the best answer by blackening the circle for Questions 1-9.

1. What terrible things happened on the school bus?

A. The children talked loudly.

B. Some children vomited on the bus.

C. The children could not get off the bus.

D. The football deflated.

2. Read paragraph 2. Why did Patrick shout ‘Hurray’?

A. The bus was too crowded.

B. They arrived at the country park.

C. He could finally get off the smelly school bus.

D. Someone told him a joke.

3. Which of the following is NOT true about the picnic area that Kary found?

A. The children could sit under the trees.

B. There were some picnic tables.

C. The children could have a barbecue there.

D. The children could play on the grass.

4. How did Lily feel when her classmates took out their lunch boxes?

A. Excited

B. Satisfied

C. Annoyed

D. Puzzled

5. What did Lily bring for the school picnic?

A. B. C. D.

6. Read paragraphs 6 and 7. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Lily was sad since she could not cook the raw food.

B. Barry and Dave told Lily a funny joke to make her happy.

C. May did not bring enough food for the picnic.

D. Lily shared her sandwiches with May.

7. Read paragraph 7. ‘I cannot finish all of them anyway.’ What does ‘them’ refer to?

A. May and Lily B. Barry and Dave

C. Cheese, tuna and ham D. May’s sandwiches

8. Where did the strange ‘hsss’ noise come from?

A Gary B. Gary’s classmates

C. A can of cola D. Some tissues

*9. Read paragraph 11. The word ‘deflated’ means that_________.

A. someone’s saying is wrong

B. someone feels less important or less confident

C. the air inside something comes out

D. the price is lowered

B. Other questions

1. Read the newsletter again. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order. Write the

letters (A-D) in the boxes.

A. Lily took out some chicken wings from her backpack.

B. The cola soaked through Gary’s clothes.

C. Some classmates threw up on the school bus.

D. The children played hopscotch together.

2. May is writing her diary. Read the newsletter and help her complete her diary entry. Use

only ONE word from SB p.34-35 for each blank. Make sure your answers are

grammatically correct.

20th November (Monday) Sunny

We went to Shing Mun Country Park for the school picnic today. On the way to

the country park, some classmates *(i) threw up on the bus and there was a (ii) terrible

smell. Lily thought we would have a barbecue, so she brought a bag of (iii) raw chicken

wings. Barry and Dave (iv) burst out laughing when they saw Lily’s chicken wings. I

comforted Lily and shared my sandwiches with her.

3. What did the children do instead of playing football? (Answer in complete sentence.)

They played hopscotch instead of playing football.







E 6A The school picnic 4.2 CLASS NAME MARKS


Joe is writing a dairy. Read the diary entry and replace the words in the brackets with

the words with similar meaning from the boxes. Make sure your answers are

grammatically correct.

excited funny take part in raw hurriedly

sick perfect soaked burst out laughing leave

20th August, 2020 Rainy

Yesterday was my birthday. My parents took me to Lantau Island for a hike. The

weather was 1. perfect (excellent) for hiking. I was 2. excited (thrilled) as I have not been

to Lantau Island before. Before we set off, I called my friend, Kevin, to see if he wanted

to come with us. Luckily, he did not have to 3. take part in (join) the swimming course

yesterday and was able to come with us.

When my parents and I met Kevin at the bus stop, we all 4. burst out laughing

(started to laugh) since he wore the leather shoes by mistake. His look was 5. funny

(amusing)! He was so embarrassed and ran home to change his shoes 6. hurriedly

(quickly). When he was back to the bus stop, it rained cats and dogs suddenly. We all forgot

to bring the umbrellas and there was no shelter around us, so we got 7. soaked (wet) from

head to toe.

At last, Mum said we must 8. leave (go) right away because it was easy for us to be

9. sick (ill) in wet clothes. It was really an unlucky birthday!



E 6A The school picnic 4.1 CLASS NAME MARKS


A. Jenny is talking to her friends, May and Betty, about where to go for the school trip.

Complete what they say with the words in the boxes. You may use the words MORE


What about It sounds great! Therefore Shall we

How about That’s a good idea! However Let’s

Jenny: (1.) Shall we go to Ma On Shan Country Park for the school trip? We can

have a barbecue there.

May: (2.) That’s a good idea!/ It sounds great! I like having barbecue very much.

Betty: I like having barbecue, too! (3.) However, the weather is so hot recently. (4.)

How about/ What about having a picnic instead?

Jenny: You’re right (5.) Let’s have a picnic then. Are we still going to Ma On Shan

Country Park?

May: Umm… I think Ma On Shan Country Park is a good place for a picnic, too.

There are a lot of picnic tables for us to use.

Betty: Great! (6.) Let’s go there. Hey! (7.) Shall we fly a kite in the park?

Jenny: If there’s no wind on that day, it’ll be very difficult for us to fly the kite. (8.)

How about/ What about playing ball games there?

Betty: (9.) That’s a good idea!/ It sounds great! I’ll bring a ball with me on that


B. Jenny is writing a letter to her cousin, Daniel, about the school trip. Fill in the

blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given and circle the hints.

Dear Daniel,

How are you doing lately? Are you busy preparing your exam now? I (1.) had

(have) a picnic with my classmates at Ma On Shan Country Park last Friday. It was such

an unforgettable day that I want to (2.) share (share) with you my experience.

I (3.) have never been (be) to Ma On Shan Country Park before, so I was so

excited before the trip. We (4.) arrived (arrive) at the park early in the morning. It was

really a nice place for a picnic. After my classmates and I found some picnic tables with

a nice view, we (5.) took (take) out the food we prepared. May (6.) likes (like) having

cheese so much, so she brought a lot of cheese sandwiches. I was surprised when I saw

my favourite banana cake since I (7.) did not know (not know) what Mum has prepared

for me the day before. While my friends and I (8.) were eating (eat), a dog (9.) came

(come) to us. It looked hungry. Therefore, we shared some of our food with it. After we

finished the food, we played ball games for a long time. It was such a joyful experience!

(10.) Have you ever had (have) a picnic before? Let us go together after your

exam. Write back soon.

Best wishes,




Matt is reading some notices about the events organized by Hong Kong Youth Centre. Read

the notices carefully and choose the best answer by blackening the circle for Questions 1–6

and complete Question 7.



Hong Kong Youth Centre

This Month’s Highlights

Paper-cutting Workshop

In this workshop, our well-known artist,

Mrs Chan, will teach you Chinese folk art

of paper-cutting, which dates back to the

fourth century. All participants will go

home with their own beautiful paper cut to


Date : Tuesday, 15th October

Time : 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Venue : Room 12

Fee : $20

*We provide all the materials including

scissors and paper.

Edible Heritage

Everyday snacks such as curry fish balls and

pineapple buns are part of Hong Kong’s

cultural heritage. On this Sham Shui Po

walking tour, you will learn about the history

of some of these snacks while tasting them.

You will also have a chance to see how egg

tarts are made.

Date : Sunday, 27th October

Time : 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Fee : $100 (all food and drinks included)

*We will meet at Sham Shui Po MTR Station

(Exit A) 15 minutes before the tour starts.

Family Picnic

Autumn is the best season for picnicking.

Let’s pack our lunchboxes and go to the

countryside where you can enjoy the food

with your parents on the beautiful


Date : Saturday, 19th October

Time : 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Venue : Sai Kung Country Park

Fee : $80 (half price for children

under 12 years old)

*Don’t forget to bring your own food and

a mat.

Do-it-yourself Dim Sum

Make delicious barbecue-pork buns from

scratch! Only the raw materials are provided.

You will make everything you need including

the barbecue pork and the dough by yourself.

Our chef, Mr Wong, will tell you the recipe

and show you how to make the buns step by


Date : Friday, 18th October

Time : 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Venue : Room 15

Fee : $150 (all materials included)

1. The activity ‘Paper-cutting Workshop’ ________.

A. is free of charge

B. is taught by a famous artist

C. lasts for three hours

D. asks the participants to bring their own scissors from home

2. Betty joins ‘Edible Heritage’. What time should she arrive at Sham Shui Po MTR


A. 10:45 a.m. B. 11:00 a.m.

C. 11:15 a.m. D. 2:00 p.m.

3. Matt, a 10-year-old boy, wants to join ‘Family Picnic’ with his parents. How much

do they need to pay?

A. $80 B. $160

C. $200 D. $240

*4. In the description for ‘Do-it-yourself Dim Sum’, what does ‘from scratch’ mean?

A. By the teacher

B. Without the instruction of a chef

C. Without a recipe

D. Without anything already prepared

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The art of paper-cutting has a long history.

B. Participants can eat some local snacks in the activity ‘Edible Heritage’.

C. Participants need to bring a mat for the activity ‘Family Picnic’.

D. ‘Do-it-yourself Dim Sum’ is the cheapest activity.

6. Which of the following is TRUE about all the activities?

A. They are held in the afternoon.

B. They are held in the classrooms in Hong Kong Youth Centre.

C. Participants need to pay for them.

D. Only children can join them.

7. Read the notices again and choose the best activity for the following people. Write A, B,

C or D in the correct brackets.

A. Paper-cutting Workshop B. Edible Heritage

C. Family Picnic D. Do-it-yourself Dim Sum

(i.) Jenny wants to make something to decorate her room. ( A )

(ii.) Ben is interested in how local food is made and he is only free at weekends. ( B )

Name: _____________________ Class: _______( ) Date: _________________

5B IP p.18

Name: _____________________ Class: _______( ) Date: _________________

5B IP p.19

Name: _____________________ Class: _______( ) Date: _________________

5B IP p.20

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Mock Paper 6 Reading B1-B3

Name: _____________________ Class: _______( ) Date: _________________

Mock Paper 6 Listening A1-A2

P.5 Core Writing (Sample Writing)

You are Benny. You and your parents set off for a hike last weekend. Based on the pictures

below, write a story to describe what happened to you and your family. Write at least 120 words.

Go on a Hike (1) (2)

pack / backpack / sportswear / map sunny / fresh air / plants / delighted

(3) (4)

umarked path / puzzled / get lost / very tired

Last Saturday, I was as happy as a lark since it was my first time to go on a hike. I woke

up early in the morning and put on my sportswear and cap. Then I packed my backpack. I

put a number of things inside, for instance, a bottle of water and a lunchbox with some

sandwiches and sausages. After that, I enjoyed a proper meal and set off for a hike in Tai

Po Kau Nature Trail with my family. On that day, the sun shone brightly. When I arrived there, I saw the beauty of the nature.

I saw plenty of trees and plants. I smelt grass and flowers. I heard birds chirping. What a

beautiful day! Then, I took a deep breath and started hiking. It was so relaxing and I felt

like flying. After walking joyfully for nearly two hours, I said to Dad, ‘Can I have some rest first?’

Dad replied with a smile, ‘Why not? I know there’s a shelter nearby. Let’s enjoy our lunch

there!’ Therefore, we kept on walking. However, we could not find the shelter. All of a

sudden, Mum yelled loudly, ‘Oh, no! Where are we? We were here few minutes ago. Dad

was puzzled and so looked at the map anxiously. After a while, he apologized, ‘Err… I’m

sorry! I think we’re lost!’ Since we were dog-tired, we rested under a big tree there. Then, Dad climbed up the

tree and looked for our way out. Ouch! I heard Dad screaming. Then I saw a swarm of bees

fly after him and sting his head. Dad ran fast like a sports car and jumped into the river

nearby. Finally, Dad was safe. He took us home safely. What an unforgettable trip! From

this incident, I learnt that we should plan our hike carefully. (305 words)

