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introdUCtion Vipers display high sub specific diversity in the Balkans, with two subspecies of the European Adder (Viperus berus berus and V. b. bosniensis; Ursenbacher et al. 2006), two subspecies of Meadow Vipers (V. ursinii macrops and V. u. graeca; Ferchaud et al. 2012), and three subspecies of Nose-horned Vipers (V. ammodytes ammodytes, V. a. montandoni and V. a. meridionalis; Tomović 2006; Ursenbacher et al. 2008; Fig. 1). Vipers are venomous and relatively secretive snakes (O’Shea 2011) and these could be the main reasons that they were relatively poorly studied in the Balkans. The available atlases and red data books provided no precise data about distribution, conservation status, and threats of the viper species in the Balkans and there are many gaps in distribution maps (for example see Gasc et al. 1997; Janev- Hutinec 2006). Moreover, most existing records are old. Implicitly, conservation measures, priorities, and strategies can not be established without precise and contemporary distributional data. Jelić et al. (2012a) recently published new and revised distributions for all three vipers. Data from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) of Macedonia were pooled to create informative distribution maps and to assess the highly important areas for conservation of the vipers. Here we discuss particular conservation problems and propose conservation priorities and measures for each viper species in each country of the Western and Central Balkans. All three vipers share several conservation problems: lack of systematic study and public interest, “historical and political burdens,” lack of knowledge, superstitions and fear by people (recently elaborated for snakes in general in Ballouard et al. 2013), increasing urbanization, habitat destruction, illegal collection, and lack of adequate (or any) legislation in different countries. In this sense, vipers face similar problems already stated for reptiles in general (Gibbons et al. 2000; Böhm et al. 2013). mAteriALS And methodS We investigated all available legislation and conservation related literature in Croatia, Serbia, LegAL StAtUS And ASSeSSment of ConSerVAtion threAtS to ViperS (reptiLiA: SqUAmAtA: ViperidAe) of the WeStern And CentrAL BALkAnS Dušan Jelić 1 , Rastko aJtić 2 , BogolJuB steRiJovski 3 , Jelka CRnoBRnJa-isailović 4,5 , suvaD lelo 6 , anD lJilJana tomović 5,7 1 Croatian Institute for Biodiversity, Croatian Herpetological Society, I. Breznička 5a, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Dr Ivana Ribara 91, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia 3 Macedonian Ecological Society – Herpetology Biodiversity Section, Blvd. “Kuzman Josifovski-Pitu” 28/3-7 1000 Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 4 Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Višegradska 33, 18000 Niš, Serbia 5 Institute for Biological Research “S. Stanković” University of Belgrade, Blvd. Despota Stefana 142, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 6 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Zmaja od Bosne 35, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 7 Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia abstract.—Vipers display high specific and sub-specific diversity in the Balkans, but available atlases and red data books provide no precise data about legal status and conservation threats. the three viper species in the Balkans share several conservation problems: lack of systematic study and public interest, “historical and political burdens,” lack of knowledge, superstitions and fear among people, increasing urbanization, habitat destruction, illegal collection, as well as lack of adequate (or no) legislation at the country level. here we present an overview of legal status of vipers across five countries (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and herzegovina, montenegro, and the former Yugoslav republic of macedonia) and present precise information about particular conservation problems. moreover, we propose conservation priorities and measures for each viper species in each country based on already standardized analyses. We calculated an overall index of relative environmental sensitivity. vipera ursinii was indicated as a species in serious threat of decline (mean score value of 1.9) and v. berus as species possibly vulnerable to decline (score 1.2). vipera ammodytes was indicated as species with low risk of decline (0.7). Based on these scores and previously published distribution data, we made an analysis of important Viper Areas to indicate areas of special concern. Key Words.—Balkan Peninsula; conservation; legislation; vipers; Viperidae Copyright © 2013. Dušan Jelić. All Rights Reserved. 764 Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8(3):764−770. Submitted: 30 May 2013; Accepted: 6 September 2013; Published: 31 December 2013.


Vipers display high sub specific diversity inthe Balkans, with two subspecies of theEuropean Adder (Viperus berus berus and V. b.bosniensis; Ursenbacher et al. 2006), twosubspecies of Meadow Vipers (V. ursiniimacrops and V. u. graeca; Ferchaud et al. 2012),and three subspecies of Nose-horned Vipers (V.ammodytes ammodytes, V. a. montandoni and V.a. meridionalis; Tomović 2006; Ursenbacher etal. 2008; Fig. 1). Vipers are venomous andrelatively secretive snakes (O’Shea 2011) andthese could be the main reasons that they wererelatively poorly studied in the Balkans. Theavailable atlases and red data books provided noprecise data about distribution, conservationstatus, and threats of the viper species in theBalkans and there are many gaps in distributionmaps (for example see Gasc et al. 1997; Janev-Hutinec 2006). Moreover, most existing recordsare old. Implicitly, conservation measures,priorities, and strategies can not be establishedwithout precise and contemporary distributionaldata. Jelić et al. (2012a) recently published newand revised distributions for all three vipers.

Data from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina,Montenegro, Serbia and the Former YugoslavRepublic (FYR) of Macedonia were pooled tocreate informative distribution maps and toassess the highly important areas forconservation of the vipers. Here we discussparticular conservation problems and proposeconservation priorities and measures for eachviper species in each country of the Western andCentral Balkans. All three vipers share severalconservation problems: lack of systematic studyand public interest, “historical and politicalburdens,” lack of knowledge, superstitions andfear by people (recently elaborated for snakes ingeneral in Ballouard et al. 2013), increasingurbanization, habitat destruction, illegalcollection, and lack of adequate (or any)legislation in different countries. In this sense,vipers face similar problems already stated forreptiles in general (Gibbons et al. 2000; Böhm etal. 2013).

materiaLS and methodS

We investigated all available legislation andconservation related literature in Croatia, Serbia,

Herpetological Conservation and Biology

LegaL StatuS and aSSeSSment of ConServation threatS toviperS (reptiLia: Squamata: viperidae) of the WeStern and

CentraL BaLkanS

Dušan Jelić1, Rastko aJtić2, BogolJuB steRiJovski3, Jelka CRnoBRnJa-isailović4,5, suvaDlelo6, anD lJilJana tomović5,7

1Croatian Institute for Biodiversity, Croatian Herpetological Society, I. Breznička 5a, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia,e-mail: [email protected]

2Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Dr Ivana Ribara 91, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia3Macedonian Ecological Society – Herpetology Biodiversity Section, Blvd. “Kuzman Josifovski-Pitu” 28/3-7 1000 Skopje,

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia4Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Višegradska 33,

18000 Niš, Serbia5Institute for Biological Research “S. Stanković” University of Belgrade, Blvd. Despota Stefana 142, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

6Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Zmaja od Bosne 35, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina7Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

abstract.—vipers display high specific and sub-specific diversity in the Balkans, but available atlases and red data booksprovide no precise data about legal status and conservation threats. the three viper species in the Balkans share severalconservation problems: lack of systematic study and public interest, “historical and political burdens,” lack of knowledge,superstitions and fear among people, increasing urbanization, habitat destruction, illegal collection, as well as lack ofadequate (or no) legislation at the country level. here we present an overview of legal status of vipers across five countries(Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and herzegovina, montenegro, and the former Yugoslav republic of macedonia) and presentprecise information about particular conservation problems. moreover, we propose conservation priorities and measuresfor each viper species in each country based on already standardized analyses. We calculated an overall index of relativeenvironmental sensitivity. vipera ursinii was indicated as a species in serious threat of decline (mean score value of 1.9) andv. berus as species possibly vulnerable to decline (score 1.2). vipera ammodytes was indicated as species with low risk ofdecline (0.7). Based on these scores and previously published distribution data, we made an analysis of important viperareas to indicate areas of special concern.

Key Words.—Balkan Peninsula; conservation; legislation; vipers; Viperidae

Copyright © 2013. Dušan Jelić. All Rights Reserved.


Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8(3):764−770. Submitted: 30 May 2013; Accepted: 6 September 2013; Published: 31 December 2013.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, andMontenegro. We used distributional data fromJelić et al. (2012a) and plotted records in the 10× 10 km UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator)grid system. We excluded edge grid cells thatcovered our study area with < 10% of its surface

from the analysis (i.e., covering the Adriatic Seaor border areas with surrounding countries),leaving 2,811 cells to be considered.

assessment of viper conservation threats.—We selected independent natural history and non-natural variables that are known to influence thesurvival of snake populations according to Fillipiand Luiselli (2000) and we altered them to fit ourgeographical requirements. We classified all thevariables into four categories ranging from 0,least risk, to 3, highest risks. The categoriesthemselves were based on average conditions foradults in the wild published elsewhere, or onpersonal experience of the authors. We used thefollowing natural history and non-natural threatfactors in the assessment of viper conservationthreats: (1) Illegal trade (IT) opportunisticobservations of legal and illegal pet shops in theyears 1990–2008, where 0 = no trade; 1 = lowtrade; 2 = medium trade; 3 = high trade; (2)Maximal body size (BS; length), where 0 = < 50cm; 1 = 51–90 cm; 2 = 91–130 cm; 3 = > 130cm; (3) Distribution breadth (DB) in study area,where 0 = present in > 80% of the country; 1 =present in 50–80%; 2 = present in 20–50%; 3 =present in < 20% of the country; (4) Frequencyof reproduction (FR), where 0 = annual; 1 = onceevery 2 y; 2 = once every 3 y; 3 = once every 4y or longer; (5) Litter size (LS), where 0 = > 15eggs or young; 1 = 10–15; 2 = 5–10; 3 = < 5; (6)Dietary breadth (FB) based on taxonomic ordersof prey taken and percentage of main prey in thediet, where 0 = no specialization, no order > 30%of diet; 1 = low specialization, main prey 30–50% of diet; 2 = medium, main prey 50–70% ofdiet; 3 = highly specialized, main prey > 70% ofdiet; (7) Habitat breadth (HB) based onoccurrence in four biogeographic regions ofNorth-western and Central Balkans (Continental,Pannonian, Mediterranean, Alpine), where 0 =species found in all four regions; 1 = speciesfound in three regions; 2 = species found in tworegions; 3 = species found in only one region;(8) Habits (HT) categorized on the basis of thetype of general phenology exhibited by thesnakes in the wild, where 0 = species withfossorial-nocturnal activity; 1 = above ground-nocturnal activity; 2 = diurnal secretive activity;3 = diurnal and obvious above ground activity;(9) Maximum age (MA) established on the basisof published data, where 0 = species with > 15 ymaximum age; 1 = 10–15 y; 2 = 5–10 y; 3 = < 5y; and (10) Adaptability to altered habitats (AH)

Jelić et al.—Legal status and assessment of threats to vipers.


figure 1. The three vipers assessed for vulnerability inCroatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro,and Macedonia: top) Nose-horned Viper (Viperusammodytes), middle) Adder (V. berus; black phase),bottom) Meadow Viper (V. ursinii). (Photographed byDušan Jelić)

categorized on the basis of personal experienceof the authors (1995–2011) and/or publisheddata, where 0 = extremely adaptable species(found even in urban centers); 1 = adaptablespecies (found also in suburbia if small naturalfields are available); 2 = minimally adaptablespecies (found at best in average sized naturalwoodlands); 3 = non-adaptable species (foundonly in large areas of natural habitat).

Determination of important viper areas.—Toeach UTM cell in the study area, we gave a scorebased on following criteria: (1) Number of viperspecies present in the general area (0–3); (2)SUM of mean scores of the index of threat forpresent species (0 –4); (3) Existence of syntopicrelationships (number of species represented; 0–3); and (4) Conservation and legal protectionstatus: number of legally protected species (0–3).

statistical procedures.—We calculated meanvalues of 10 independent variables to determinethreat levels for the three Viper species presentin the analyzed part of the Balkans. Variablescores 0 and 1 were always associated with leastor moderate risk, and scores 2 and 3 with highor extremely high risk. Specifically, weconcluded that: (1) a mean score < 1 indicatesthat a species is in no risk of decline; (2) a meanscore 1–1.7 indicates that a species is vulnerable

to decline; and (3) a mean score > 1.7 indicatesthat a species is seriously exposed to decline oreven extinction (Fillipi and Luiselli 2000). Forimportant viper areas, we used four independentvariables to calculate mean values for all 2,811UTM cells in the western and central Balkans.We concluded that: (1) a mean score < 1.5indicates an area of no significant importance;(2) a mean score 1.5–2.5 indicates an area ofnotable importance; and (3) a mean score > 2.5indicates an area of special importance for thevipers.


There is a huge discrepancy in the status ofprotection of vipers in the countries of theWestern and Central Balkans (Table 1). Forexample, V. ursinii is strictly protected inCroatia, Serbia and FYR of Macedonia, while inboth Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovinait is not protected at all. A similar, but lesspronounced, situation is with the two otherspecies of vipers. Vipera berus is strictlyprotected in Serbia, protected in Croatia, whilein all other countries, it is not protected at all.Vipera ammodytes is protected only in Croatia,Serbia, and FYR of Macedonia. The meanscores of viper conservation threats varied from0.7 for Vipera ammodytes to 1.9 for V. ursinii.Vipera berus had an intermediate mean score of

Herpetological Conservation and Biology


taBLe 1. Legislation dealing with protection of vipers in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro,and Macedonia.

Country Vipera ammodytes Vipera berus Vipera ursinii Note

Croatia Protected Protected Strictly protectedCroatian Nature Protection Act(National Gaazette 70/05, NN139/08

--; LC LC; NT EN; EN Red list: Janev-Hutinec et al.2006; Jelić et al. 2012

Bosnia andHerzegovina -- -- -- No protection act

-- -- -- No Red list

Serbia Protected Strictly protected Strictly protectedSerbian Nature Protection Act(National Gazette 05/2010,47/2011)

-- -- -- No Red listMontenegro -- -- -- No protection act

-- -- -- No Red list

Macedonia Protected -- Strictly protected Macedonian Nature ProtectionAct (National Gazette 139/11)

-- -- -- No Red list

1.2 (Table 2). These scores indicate that V.ammodytes can be considered a species with norisk of decline; V. berus is possibly vulnerable todecline; and V. ursinii is seriously exposed todecline or even extinction. The assessment ofImportant Viper Areas (IVA) indicated threeespecially important areas (Fig. 2): (1) massifsof southern Velebit, Poštak, Dinara, Ujilica,Troglav, Kamešnica, Cincar, Ljubuša, andČvrsnica (Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovinaborder); (2) massifs of Zelengora, Volujak,Ljubuša, Lebršnik, Korita, Durmitor, andBjelasica (Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegroborder); and (3) massifs of Šar Planina, Korab,Dešat, Bistra, Stogovo, Jablanica, and Galičica(Macedonia-Albania border).


The lack of legislation dedicated to protectionof viper species in Montenegro and Bosnia andHerzegovina is a major problem at both theregional and global level as it directly facilitatesillegal trade (Ajtić 2008). Lack of protection ispartly a result of historical and social conditions

Jelić et al.—Legal status and assessment of threats to vipers.


taBLe 2. Scores for 10 variables affecting the survival ofvipers in the study area. One asterisk for mean scoreindicates vipers are vulnerable to decline and two asterisksindicate seriously exposed to decline. The definition ofattribute values for each species is given in Materials andMethods.

Variables Viperaammodytes



1. Illegal trade (IT) 2 0 12. Body size (BS) 1 1 03. Distribution breadth(DB) 1 2 3

4. Frequency ofreproduction (FR) 0 1 1

5. Litter size (LS) 1 1 26. Dietary breadth (FB) 1 2 37. Habitat breadth (HB) 1 1 38. Habits (HT) 0 2 29. Maximum age (MA) 0 1 110. Adaptability to alteredhabitats (AH) 0 1 3

SUM 7 12 19Mean score 0.7 1.2* 1.9**

figure 2. Important Viper Areas (IVA) in the western and central Balkans. Map represents main score indicatingareas of special importance for the vipers (white = low vulnerability, black = high vulnerability) based on four selectedcriteria for each UTM 10 × 10 km cell. Inset map shows the area of Europe studied. The legend shows the range ofscores we used.

in these countries and a general negative attitudetowards venomous snakes. Even in countrieswhere vipers are protected (Croatia, Serbia, andMacedonia), there still are strong negativeattitudes and vipers are killed on sight. Illegalkilling and harming of protected species is neverprosecuted and education has been shown to bea much more efficient tool. It is of internationalimportance that all the countries in the regioncooperate and coordinate legislation for theformal protection of vipers, as well as focusingon cooperative education. The conservationscores we obtained indicate that V. ammodytescan be considered as species with no risk ofdecline, but that V. berus is possibly vulnerableto decline and V. ursinii is seriously exposed todecline or even extinction. These results confirmour observations in the field, and represent agood starting point for protection of V. ursiniiand V. berus in all five countries. The analysisof conservation threats that we used is crucialbecause it takes in account species biology andecology (e.g., reproduction type and frequency,fecundity, specialization in microhabitat use orpreferred climatic conditions) as opposed to amore traditional use of only size of distributionarea and observed threats (e.g., habitatdegradation, illegal trade, harvesting).

We suggest that in Bosnia, Herzegovina, andMontenegro, V. ursinii should be strictlyprotected due to its status in internationallegislation (Habitat directive – Annex II and IV,Bern Convention – Appendix I, CITES –Appendix I), because of a high score of 1.9 inour analysis of conservation threats, and therealistic threats posed to the species in thecountries of concern (e.g., killing, high illegaltrade risk). We suggest that both V. berus and V.ammodytes should be protected because ofinternational legislation (only V. ammodytes ison the Bern Convention – Appendix II).Although V. ammodytes scored only 0.7 in ouranalysis of conservation threats, there are fourdistinct genetic clades that exist in the study area(Ursenbacher et al. 2008) and these clades maywarrant protection to conserve genetic diversity(especially in Montenegro).

The conservation status of the vipers is muchworse than legislation indicates. A National RedList of endangered species exists only in Croatia(V. ursinii is considered as EndangeredB1+2ab(iii, iv); V. berus as Near threatenedB2b(ii, iii); Jelić et al. 2012b), so there is urgentneed for the same conservation status in other

countries of the western and central Balkans. Westrongly urge that our suggestions above shouldbe taken into consideration in future nationallegislation and red list assessments. Reading etal. (2010) indicated that snakes are in worldwidedecline and that special measures should betaken for their conservation. Designating areasof special importance for endangered species isone of the recognized actions to improve theirconservation status. We strongly recommend tothe policy makers in the countries within thestudy area that three Important Viper Areasshould be recognized and be included in differenttypes of legally protected areas (national andnature parks; NATURA 2000). Croatia is thefirst in line country to join the EU and thereforestarted the preparation of NATURA 2000network by designating SCI (Site of CommunityImportance). During the course of thenegotiations, Croatia suggested that V. ursiniimacrops should be raised to the level of “prioritytaxa” in Habitat Directive`s Annex II. Thischange will mean that Croatia, and all otherBalkan countries joining the EU after it, shouldinclude 80% of their V. ursinii macrops habitatsin NATURA 2000 SCI protected areas.Normally, for Annex II species, at least 50% oftheir habitats should be included in NATURA2000. We recognized three Important ViperAreas (IVA) that should be taken into accountwhen setting national and regional protectedareas. All three areas are spread across theborderline areas (Croatia-Bosnia andHerzegovina; Bosnia and Hrzegovina-Montenegro and FYR of Macedonia-Albania),which amplifies the importance of regionalcooperation.

Acknowledgments.—Dušan Jelić’s researchwas partly financed by the SYNTHESYSEuropean Community Research InfrastructureAction (HU-TAF-1287 & AT-TAF-1845) andRufford Small Grants. Ljiljana Tomović waspartly financed by the Ministry of Education,Science and Technological Development ofRepublic of Serbia (Grant No. 173043). JelkaCrnobrnja-Isailović was funded by the Ministryof Education, Science and TechnologicalDevelopment of Republic of Serbia Grant No.173025 and by DAAD Grant No. ref. 324/jo-Yufor studying the collection of vipers at theForschungsmuseum “A. Koenig” in Bonn,Germany, in 2002 under supervision of ProfessorWolfgang Böhme.

Herpetological Conservation and Biology


Literature Cited

Ajtić, R. 2008. Nose-horned Viper (Viperaammodytes) conservation problems in Serbia.Nature Protection 60:319–326. (in Serbianwith summary in English)

Ballouard, J.M., R. Ajtić, H. Balint, J. Brito, J.Crnobrnja-Isailović, E.L. Elmouden, M.Erdogan, M. Feriche, J.M. Pleguezuelos, P.Prokov, et al. 2013. Schoolchildren and one ofthe most unpopular animals: are they ready toprotect snakes? Anthrozoös 26:93–109.

Böhm, M., B. Collen, B., J.E.M. Baillie, P.Bowles, J. Chanson, N. Cox, G. Hammerson,M. Hoffmann, S.R. Livingstone, M. Ram, etal. 2013. The conservation status of the world’sreptiles. Biological Conservation 157:372–385.

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Jelić, D., R. Ajtić, B. Sterijovski, J. Crnobrnja-Isailović, S. Lelo, and Lj Tomović. 2012a.Vipers (Reptilia: Squamata: Viperidae) of theWestern and Central Balkans – distribution,protection and conservation. Herpetozoa25:109–132.

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Ursenbacher, S., M. Carlsson, V. Helfer, H.Tegelström, and L. Fumagalli. 2006.Phylogeography and pleistocene refugia of theadder (Vipera berus) as inferred frommitochondrial DNA sequence data. MolecularEcology 15:3425–3437.

Ursenbacher, S., S. Schweiger, L. Tomović, J.Crnobrnja-Isailović, L. Fumagalli, and W.Mayer. 2008. Molecular phylogeography ofthe Nose-horned Viper (Vipera ammodytes,Linnaeus (1758)): Evidence for high geneticdiversity and multiple refugia in the BalkanPeninsula. Molecular Phylogenetics andEvolution 46:1116–1128.

Jelić et al.—Legal status and assessment of threats to vipers.


Herpetological Conservation and Biology


dušan jeLić is working in the Croatian Herpetological Society and is President of the Croatian Institutefor Biodiversity in Zagreb, Croatia (since 2012). He also worked as an Expert Associate in the StateInstitute for Nature Protection in Croatia from 2008 to 2012. He started his Ph.D. in 2009 in theDepartment of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb on the population ecology of vipers inwestern and central Balkans. His experience in conservation biology and project management came byworking on over 15 regional and international projects (IPA, PHARE, FP7-SYNTHESYS) funded byvarious international sources. He is a Fellow of the Zoological Society of London since 2012 and receivedawards and grants by MATRA-KNIP, Rufford Small Grant Foundation, Mohamed bin Zayed SpeciesConservation Fund, and MAVA Foundation Pour La Nature. Dušan is member of the Soceitas EuropeaHerpetologica, Society for Conservation Biology, and IUCN Viper Specialist Group. He also is theManaging Editor of the journal HYLA – Herpetological Bulletin. (Photographed by Lana Jelić).

raStko ajtić is working as an Expert Herpetologist in the Institute for Nature Conservation of theRepublic of Serbia. His specialties are herpetology, field research, conservation of amphibians and reptiles,population ecology, morphology, systematics, and ethology. Rastko is one of the founders of the SerbianHerpetological Society “Milutin Radovanović.” Since 2005 the main focus of his work has been populationstudies of Vipera ursinii in the western parts of Macedonia and since 2007, on population studies of Testudohermanni, Natrix tessellata, and Vipera ammodytes on the island of Golem Grad in the Prespa Lake regionin Macedonia. He is a member of the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group, Society HerpetologicaEuropea, and the Serbian Herpetological Society. He participated in many international and regionalcongresses, workshops, and forums. (Photographed by Bogoljub Sterijovski).

BogoLjuB SterijovSki started with batracho-herpetology as a student within the ResearchSociety of the Biology Students from Skopje, Macedonia in 1999. Since 2002 he has been anactive member of the Macedonian Ecological Society through which he has conducted researchon various topics of amphibians and reptiles. He was involved in many projects concerningdistribution mapping, qualitative and quantitative studies, Environmental Impact Assessementstudies, and research of protected areas. Since 2005 the main focus of his work has beenpopulation studies of Vipera ursinii in the western parts of Macedonia and since 2007, populationstudies of Testudo hermanni, Natrix tessellata, and Vipera ammodytes on the island of GolemGrad in the Prespa Lake region in Macedonia. He is a member of IUCN/SSC AmphibianSpecialist Group, Society Herpetologica Europea, and the Serbian Herpetological Society. Heparticipated on many international and regional congresses, workshops, and forums. His expertiseare project management, population ecology, and dynamics. (Photographed by Dragan Arsovski).

jeLka CrnoBrnja-iSaiLović is a Professor of Conservation and Evolutionary Biology at theUniversity of Niš and a Senior Scientist at the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković,”University of Belgrade, Serbia. She graduated from the State Faculty of Biology in Belgradewhere she also completed her Master’s thesis in 1998 on population genetics and Ph.D.dissertation in 1997 on evolutionary biology. She has been studying Vipera ammodytes, V. Berus,and V. ursinii in former Yugoslavia since 1981, and she designed the first conservation-orientedpopulation studies on these species in the western and central Balkans. Her interests are directedtoward application of phylogeography and population biology for the conservation of vipers.Prof. Crnobrnja-Isailović currently serves as Regional Coordinator for Europe within the IUCNViper Specialist Group, is a member of the IUCN Amphibian Red List Assessor Team, and is theVice-secretary of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica. She is also a member of the Society forStudy of Amphibians and Reptiles and one of the founders of the Serbian Herpetological Society“Milutin Radovanović.” (Photographed by Oiver Isailović).

Suvad LeLo began his career as a Technical Assistant of the Institute for Genetic Engineering andBiotechnology, Sarajevo in 1994. Since 1996 he has worked in the Department of Biology of the Facultyof Science and Mathematics, University of Sarajevo (1996 - Assistant, 2000 - Senior Assistant, 2005 -Assistant Professor, 2009 - Associate Professor, 2013 - Full Professor). So far he has authored or co-authored97 scientific papers (29 in journals followed by international databases), 57 conference announcements, and14 books. He has also participated in the managing of nine international and 13 domestic projects. He wasa mentor for 26 graduate students, four master’s theses, and one doctoral dissertation. He is the founderand president of the Association for the Inventory and Protection of Animals for which he prepared apreliminary list of fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina totaling more than 12,000 listed species. Suvad is alsothe founder of the local journal Contributions Fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina and was its Editor in Chieffor the first 4 y, and in the second term was Deputy Editor. He participated in the drafting of two ordinancesunder the Nature Protection Act. By a decision of the Federal Minister of Physical Planning andEnvironment, he has been appointed as a member of the expert committee to review the EnvironmentalImpact Study of highways in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Photographed by Samir Đug).

LjiLjana tomović works as an Associate Professor of Vertebrate Morphology, Systematics, and Phylogenyat the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology. She graduated from the Faculty of Biology at theUniversity of Belgrade, where she also completed an M.S. and Ph.D. on Vipera ammodytes systematics andbiogeography. She was a mentor or member of the commission for 19 graduate students, four Master’stheses, and seven Ph.D. dissertations. She has been studying vipers (Vipera ammodytes, V. berus,and V.ursinii) in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula since 1993. Her specialties are herpetology, morphology,systematics, population ecology, and ethology. She participated in three international and seven nationalprojects. So far, she has authored or co-authored 32 scientific papers in indexed journals. Since 2005, themain focus of her work has been population studies of Vipera ursinii in Macedonia, Montenegro, and Bosniaand Herzegovina, and since 2007, population studies of Testudo hermanni, Natrix tessellata, Natrix natrix,and Vipera ammodytes in the central part of the Balkans. Ljiljana is a member and one of the founders ofthe Serbian Herpetological Society “Milutin Radovanović.” (Photographed by Dragan Arsovski).
