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Leicester University Keynote: ‘Enhancing’ Higher Education?

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Slide Slide 1 Enhancing’ Higher Enhancing’ Higher Education? Education? Paul Trowler Lancaster University

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‘‘Enhancing’ Higher Enhancing’ Higher Education?Education?

Paul TrowlerLancaster University

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A couple of A couple of questions…questions…

When was the last time you made a change to your teaching and learning practices? What was the driver for that

If you made a change aimed at enhancing your teaching and learning tomorrow, what would it be

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What does What does enhancementenhancement mean?mean?

a) Doing things a little better (more pictures, more activities)

b) Doing more things (taking into account sustainability, the EU, new types of students)

c) Doing different things (a thorough review of practices, goals etc)?

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Not only practices Not only practices (‘doing’) but (‘doing’) but

values/ideologiesvalues/ideologiesShifting attention to:

The workplace (‘enterprise’)

The student (‘progressivism’)

The social world (‘social reconstructionism’)

The discipline (‘traditionalism’)

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Today’s agenda..Exciting Today’s agenda..Exciting changes…changes…

InternationalisationCitizenshipSustainabilityDistance learningetc

Can involve changes to both practices and to conceptions of what HE is for – to values/ideologies

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But…Agency But…Agency andand StructureStructure

Agentic bias underpinning a lot of thinking about enhancement: wanting it will make it so…

The reflective practitioner – usually progressivist, but certainly solipsistic and agentic (now dropped from the national standards in favour of ‘evaluation of practice’)

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Thinking about structure Thinking about structure and agency (1)and agency (1)

Can be thought about several linked ways:

Structure Agency

Constraint Freedom

Society Individual

Stability Change

Policy Implementation

Giddens 1984; Bourdieu 1992; Bhaskar 1992; Archer 1995; Harvey 2002

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Survey of the literature Survey of the literature shows… shows…

Teacher education reformists

“continue to regard knowledge as the primary source of professional expertise and reflect fundamental faith in objective or true knowledge for teaching”

(Cochran-Smith, 1998, p 926)

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Agency in the Agency in the literatureliterature

“Tear down walls and realign …purposes, roles and functions in new ways”

(Middlehurst, 1997, p 138)

"radically new vision of how the university might become a special sort of workplace/community of thinkers and doers, working together to understand and solve real human problems, in a competitive global market".

(Sinnott and Johnson, 1996)

Hazemi et al (1998) inform us that university education is being revolutionised by the use of web-based teaching and learning systems and that this will have a fundamental impact on all aspects of university life.

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Structure…Structure…“Men [and women] make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly encountered, given, and transmitted from the past”

Marx: The 18th Brumaire…

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Has implications for Has implications for policy implementation….policy implementation….

“The system of institutions and practices, values and rules, is a historical accumulation or sedimentation of compromise solutions to past conflicts” (Kogan, 1978, 117-8)

“Most policies are ramshackle, compromise, hit- and-miss affairs, that are reworked, tinkered with, nuanced and inflected through complex processes of influence, text production, dissemination and, ultimately, re-creation in contexts of practice” Ball, 1998, p 126)

Slide Slide 1313Policy dispersion and refraction

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Some (dispiriting) Some (dispiriting) examplesexamples

“schools do and can change but usually very slowly, and seldom in ways which fundamentally alter the basic and familiar structures or “grammar” of schooling as we know it. Moreover, when such change occurs it is seldom if ever the direct result of the fashionable, funded and heavily promoted educational reform movements or waves with which we are so familiar, and which have been passing, with little or no observable effect, across the North American educational scene for at least a century.”

Farrell (2000) page 87.

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The South African The South African ‘Transformation’ Agenda‘Transformation’ Agenda



Switched resource allocation

A ‘skewed revolution’ (Cooper and Subotsky, 2001)

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Theories of Theories of (sustainable) change (sustainable) change sometimes lackingsometimes lacking

Not much thought about in the study of teaching and learning in HE (which generally takes a psychologistic approach).

Nor is theorising change much considered in the development of policies designed to enhance teaching and learning at any level (systemically, institutionally, departmentally):

- Disciplinary differences in teaching and learning- Organizational cultures and contexts- Learning architecture and learning organizations- Communities of practice/TLRs/cultures of teaching and learning

- Lack of ‘joined-upness’ in policies

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Problems:Problems: Disembodied learners Disembodied teachers No view of ideological contests Occlusion of broader contextual factors institutionally

Apple (1979) – we are inclined…

“…to forget that there are objective institutions and structures ‘out there’ that have power, that control our lives and our very perception” (p.140).

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Significant Structural Significant Structural Influences –Influences –

The InstitutionThe InstitutionThe institution is very significant, eg Prosser et al 2006:

Institutional differences, institutional missions and differences between departments within institutions have significant effects on the effectiveness of accredited programmes for HE teachers.

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Significant Structural Significant Structural Influences –Influences – DisciplinesDisciplines

Ways of Thinking and Practising: “coming to terms with particular understandings, forms of discourse, values or ways of acting which are regarded as central to graduate-level mastery of a discipline or subject area.” (McCune and Hounsell, 2005)


Signature Pedagogies – Lee Shulman, Carnegie Foundationhttp://carnegiefoundation.org

South Africa:“institutional rhetoric notwithstanding, responses tended to

preserve discipline-based collection modes of curriculum, slightly re-packaged to suggest compliance with the policy.”

(Ensor, 2002, page 91). See also Moore, 2003.

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Significant Structural Significant Structural Influences –Influences – Workgroups and Workgroups and

place…place…“If a place can be defined as relational, historical and concerned with identity, then a space which cannot be defined as relational, or historical, or concerned with identity will be a non-place”Auge, 1995, p 78)

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Significant Structural Significant Structural Influences -Influences - Discourses Discourses

The Discourse of New Higher Education

Managerialist discourse (the locale and the managerialist station – Prichard, 2000)

Policy as text/policy as discourse (Ball, 1997)

Captured by the discourse? (Trowler, 2000)

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Awareness of structural constraints can help identify the beartraps which slow, stop or divert enhancement.

But conflict and diversity will always exist.

So will the ‘implementation gap’.

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With acknowledgement and With acknowledgement and thanks to…thanks to…

Dr. Paul Ashwin – his keynote talk at HECU3, Lancaster, July 2006

Dr. Joelle Fanghanel – her comments on an earlier version

Terry Wareham – advice on this talk and discussions on our paper Beyond the Chi of Change

References at http://www.lancs.ac.uk/staff/trowler/bib.htm
