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LOCATION DETAILS - West Bengal Forest Department

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GOVE,RNMITt.NT OF \\'E,ST BENGAL D i rectorate o1' Forests Olllce of the Divisional Forest OfTrcer- KAN'SABATI NORTH DIVISION. Raghbpur More. P.O &Dist- Pr,rrulia. Pin- 723i01 Tel & FarNo. (03252)-222231 &221468^ *,8e7 lr-q e-mail : [email protected] dated,Purulia, thefr/ t 0D zozz v/ NorrcE rNvrrrr\-G TENDER No. WBSFDA/DFOKND/71/RAFTAAR/2027-22 UNDER KANGSABATI NORTH DIVISION In pursuance to the G.O. No.5400-F(Y) Dt.2510612072 and its subsequent amendment No.2254-F Dt.2410412014, Divisional Forest Officer. Kangsabati (Nonh) Division, on behalf of Governor of West Bengal. invites sealed tenders from Bonafied Company/Supplie/Contractor/Firms etc. for carrying out the follorving works at various Ranges of Kangsabati Nofth Division. Purulia as per the schedule rnentioned belou' : LOCATION DETAILS Tender Notice No. Item of Works Location Qtv. Estimated Amount (Rs.) Ea rnest Money Deposit (2%l Security Deposit (10%) Time available WBSFDA/DFOKND/7l/ED/ RAFTAAR/2021-22 Construction of Earthen Dam Mouza Keshargarh, Beat- Keshargarh, Range-Hura 01 no. Rs. 348920/- Rs. 6978/- Rs. 34892/- As per direction of the co n cerned Ra nge Officer SCHEDULE OF DATES TYPE DATE Date of Publishing of the Tender tt/02/2022 Date of submission of apolication for tender paper I 5 I 02 I 2022 to 23 I 02 12022 Tender paper sale start date 15 I 02 /2022 to 23 I 02 12022 Last date ofobtaining tender paper 23/02t2022 Last date for submission of tender documents & EMD 2410212022 up to 3:00 PM Technical bid opening time 2110212022 at 5:00 PM Financial bid opening time After opening &scrutinizing of Technical bid ( to be notified in due course) Website from where the tender can be seen 1) Wetrsite of Directorate of Forests, Government of West Bengal. 2) District Portal. Purulia Relevant Website for viewing tender http://www.westben galforest.gov.in/ Tender Fees Rs. 1180.00 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Pattern of Tender- Invitation of tenders are indicative in nature. It is being floated in anticipation of administrative approval and subsequent financial sanction. In case of non availability of such approval the tender shall be cancelled outright without assigning any further causes. Cost of the tender papers, if any, is non refundable in nature. No prayer, in case af such cancellation, shall be entertained under any circumstances. In case of the requisite approval from appropriate authorities also, work order to the successful bidders shall only be issued when fund will be placed and rvhich shall be free from any other encumbrances.

GOVE,RNMITt.NT OF \\'E,ST BENGALD i rectorate o1' Forests

Olllce of the Divisional Forest OfTrcer-

KAN'SABATI NORTH DIVISION.Raghbpur More. P.O &Dist- Pr,rrulia. Pin- 723i01

Tel & FarNo. (03252)-222231 &221468^

*,8e7 lr-qe-mail : [email protected]

dated,Purulia, thefr/ t 0D zozzv/



In pursuance to the G.O. No.5400-F(Y) Dt.2510612072 and its subsequent amendment No.2254-F Dt.2410412014,Divisional Forest Officer. Kangsabati (Nonh) Division, on behalf of Governor of West Bengal. invites sealed tenders

from Bonafied Company/Supplie/Contractor/Firms etc. for carrying out the follorving works at various Ranges ofKangsabati Nofth Division. Purulia as per the schedule rnentioned belou' :


Tender Notice No.Item ofWorks

Location Qtv.



Ea rnestMoneyDeposit





Construction ofEarthen Dam

Mouza Keshargarh, Beat-

Keshargarh, Range-Hura


Rs. 348920/- Rs. 6978/- Rs. 34892/-

As per

direction ofthe

co n cernedRa nge



Date of Publishing of the Tender tt/02/2022Date of submission of apolication for tender paper I 5 I 02 I 2022 to 23 I 02 12022

Tender paper sale start date 15 I 02 /2022 to 23 I 02 12022

Last date ofobtaining tender paper 23/02t2022Last date for submission of tender documents & EMD 2410212022 up to 3:00 PMTechnical bid opening time 2110212022 at 5:00 PMFinancial bid opening time After opening &scrutinizing of Technical bid ( to be

notified in due course)Website from where the tender can be seen 1) Wetrsite of Directorate of Forests,

Government of West Bengal.2) District Portal. Purulia

Relevant Website for viewing tender http://www.westben galforest.gov.in/

Tender Fees Rs. 1180.00


1. Pattern of Tender- Invitation of tenders are indicative in nature. It is being floated in anticipation ofadministrative approval and subsequent financial sanction. In case of non availability of such approvalthe tender shall be cancelled outright without assigning any further causes. Cost of the tender papers, ifany, is non refundable in nature. No prayer, in case af such cancellation, shall be entertained under anycircumstances. In case of the requisite approval from appropriate authorities also, work order to thesuccessful bidders shall only be issued when fund will be placed and rvhich shall be free from any otherencumbrances.


Procurement of tender paper-'l'he tendel paper shall have to be procured fi'om the Ol ce of the uttdersigned

on an), u,orking davs from $rc212$22 to 2310212022 rvithin ol1lce rvorkittg hoLtrs otr pavlttent o1'Rs. 885/-

(Pap-er Cost Rs. 1000/- + GST (ri 180% Its. 135/-) tl:roLrgh bani< deposit challan in account no. 397101000621 Bank

Na:ne ICICI for each tender io the AFR. Kangsabati Nofth Divisiort.

Teirjer should be submilted b1, nante on11, in favoui of Smt. Uma Rani N, {FS, Divisional Forest Officer,K:tngsabati North l)ivision. no1 b1 offlcial designaticn onll'. The tender shail be nrade itr tu'o bid s)lstcrll \'i7-

technical bid and financial bici. Irollou,ing folders are r.equired to be submifled uith a single fblcler superscripting

technical bida. Compauy inlbrmation folder- related all information including audit repoft etc

b. Fipancial Credential folcler- All experiences related to sintilar nature of .job. Only work conlpletion

reports rvith att abstnact Inentioned in the annerure-llc. Folder related to compan) hierarchy'and teclrnical person

The technical bids n.rust not contain an,r' pricirrg infot'mation under atty circumstatlces. Itl such case the tender

shall be liable to be cancelled.

4. Submission of Tender- ln general, the tenderers are allowed to participate in maximum 3 (Three)

locations. The technical bids thus submitted by the intending bidders shall be scrutinized by the tendercommittee constitutetl for the purpose, based on 2 grounds- a. The experience of the intending bidders &b. The financial credential submitted for the purpose.

Technical Bid- Technical Bid Should be sLrbmitled in separate {blder other than financial bid. Clearly' super scribing the

tender rro. and specific cluster in rvhich the intending bidders are willing to participate. Work of similar nature

inplemented in a parlicular financial vear (not r.nore than three years old) shall only be considered to be eligible for

techpical bid. Other documents such as I.T.R (last three years), Acknowledgement Receipt. GST. PTAX.

License/Registration as applicable, additional infonnation if any, shall also be submitted in the fblder. The other

credential like company details. machiner;-, technical persons. other technical knolvhorv. as applicable. shall be required

to be submitted. The Technical bid must r-rot contain any pricing informatiott. The address and Contact No. of the bidder

should be clearly u,ritten on the envelope.

5. Financial Bid- Financial Bid will not be opened unless the information and documenls provided in the

Technical Bid are as per the eligibility criteria and as per satisfaction of the undersigned.





The financial bid should also be submitted in a separate cover super-scribed as Financial Bid&Tender Notice No. The bid should mention in both number & words and words should be r.vritten

in bold letters.Address and contact No. of the Bidder should clearly written on the cover.

Financial Bid format is given in Form iIA.

The Bank details olthe tenderers must be nentioned in the Forrn IIA fbr making payments on line.

This is obligatory.Financial bid rnust be inclusive of all taxes.

Amount quoted rnore than the estirnated cost u,ill not be accepted in general. subject to the

discretionary power of the undersigned based on the recommendation of the tender comtnittee

cor-rstituted for tlie purpose.

6. Eligibility Criteria- It consists of trvo parls- A. Experience of implementing sirnilar nature of job & B. 'Ihe

requisite assessn-lent of financial potential of the bidders.A. Experience of irlplernenting sirnilar nature of job The intending bidders

must be having experience in implernenting the sarne nature of jobs (i.e.

Construction of ED, Pond. Water Harvesting stl'ucture etc.)

B. The requisite assessrnent of fir-rancial potential of the bidders-The intendingbidders must be having at least 60Yo of tlre estimated cost as finattcialcredentials for a single contract, to be calculated for particular financialyear rvhich olre is uraxirnum (Not more than 3 years' old). Requisite

docuntents such as PAN, VAT, License etc as applicable as per existirtg

rules. r.r-rust be submitted in the technical bids.


Alier assessntcul of tlre eiigibility crileria a ri,eightage u'ill be provided against cach technical bid in I to l0points scaic.

'l-hose uho u'ill score at Ieast 7 points shall only be eligible to qualifl'the f-inancial bid.

Time to Completc the wcrks- Delav in contpletion of each itent of rvorks as metrtioned in the estinlaie atld as

ciiiectecl bl,the concenrecj r\.ange Olfrcer or his ar:ilrorized persotl or etl\ si,pcrior offrcer itl the railk abol'e

Iiange of}lcer. rr-righl attract the penalty to the coutractors subject 1o tl;e discretionarv authorih of the

tildersigned depending on ihe field situation aird othcr requisite factors required to be considered in this regard.

Submission of EMD and Securit-V- EMD. as rneniioned in the schedule. shor-rld be subrlitted in the lbrrn of a

cirali as pcrlhe rules. tsMD should be in {hvour o1-Divisional Forest Officer, Kangsabati North l)ivision. Tlre

criginal EMD should be submitted along u,ith the tender paper. SecLrritl, sltould, as mentioned in the schedule.

sltould be subrnitted before issuance of the u,orks order b1'the successful bidders in shape of Demand Draft in

faYour of "WEST BENGAL STATE FOREST DEVELOPMENT AGENCY". The mode of security deposit

shall finali1 be decided b1,the undersigled. The Securitl, Deposit rvill be reieased to the successful contractor/

supplier after 6( six) rnonths frorn successful irnplementation of the entire scheme as per estimate rvith such

alieiation a1d modification as may be necessary fur implementing the work at field. provided no irregularities

are noticed during this period. In case of an1,' irreguiarities, the security deposit will be f'orfeited and itt addition

any legal action as deemed fit rna-v be initiated. Securitl,deposit shall not be adjusted rvith the EMD. The EMI)oftheunsuccessful biddersshall bereleasedn'ith lrldaysof completionof basictenderformalitiesexceptof Ll&L2 u,hich will be released before issuance o1'rvork order.

9. Additional Performance Securrty : As per AddL Chief Secretary to the Govt. Of West Bengal's

Memorandum vide No. 450&.F(Y) Dt-18.07.2018 an Additional Performance Security @ fi% of the tendered

amount shall be obtained from the successful bidder if the accepted value is 807o or less of the estimate put to tender

and no increase in scope ofwork ofprojeets during execution phase-


10. It shall be mandatory for the successful bidders to submit an affidavit of l't class magistrate before

signing of agreement and within 7 days from the date of issuance of offer/direction letter of submission ofsecurit-v deposit

a. I have read and understood the meaning of the clauses mentioned in the tender notice no- in letterand spirit

b. The documents submitted and information provided by me are true to the best of my knowledge

and beliefs.c. I shall atlide by all the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender notice and such other terms

and conditions issued by the tender inviting authority/ other appropriate authority time to timefor smooth implementation of the works.

d. I case of any dispute, I vouch that, the decision taken by Divisional Forest Officer, KangsatratiNorth Division shall be final and on appeal, the decision taken by the Chief Conservator ofForests, North-West Circle, shall be final & binding upon me.

11. Validity of the tender will be 6 (six) months from the date of submission of the tender or up to the end offinancial year, as may be decided by the appropriate authority.

12. The undersigned reserves the right to place order for work for supply up to 20o/o more or 20% less of the

quantity mentioned in the schedule of the tender.

13. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel the tender, if necessary, without assigning any reason whatsoever.

14. The undersigned is not bound to accept the lowest rate quoted by the tenderer and he is not bound to assign any

reason, whatsoever, for such non-acceptance.

15. The undersigned reserves the right to accept the tender only after veriffing / testing the sample up to the


16. The undersigned or his representatives will inspect the works, take necessary measurement, and perform the

required testi as and when required. The tendereis should render the required co-operation in this regard.

17. It shall be the discretionary power of the undersigned for accepting any prayer for part payment or not. In

general no part payment prayer shall be entertained.




iB. During the iuspection br.thc undersigned or his representative- if the qLralit.l'of the u,ork / sLrppl-v is not fbund

rup to the standard. the contractor/ supplier is boLurd to rectifi, lhe *'ork or srippll'up to the satisfaction of the

urrdersilrncd or his representative. Otheru'ise- the uork order lvill be canceiled and the securitv cleposit uill be

ibrfeitecl to the Govt. of \,Vest Bengal.The riork orcler uill be i-*rLred to the successful co: riractol onl) afler placen:cirt of flrtd b1'the Governntcnt.

No ertension of time u,ili be allori'ed fbr deliver)'/ execution o1-1he u,ork. Tire -l'enderer / contractor sirall not be

considered in default" if celal,in delivery / erecutlon occurs due to causes bel,ond his / her control. such as acts

of God- natural calamities- civil u'ars. fire, strike. fi'ost. floods, riot and acts o1'unsurpassed po\\'er. In tlre eventof dclal ciue 1o such causes. the tenderer rnal'appi1,to the Divisional Forest Officer. KangsabatiNorth Divisiorrfbr extension of tinre lor tlrat period. The Division Forest Otficer. Kangsabati Norlh Division at his orvn

discretion may extend lbr a length of time equal to the period of fbrce ma-jeure or such period as he thinksuitable lor that or may be cancelled. Such cancellation would be u,ithout an-v liability whatsoel,er ort the paft ofthe undersi-tued.

21. Materials rvill have to be procured by the tenderers by themselves follorving the standard and specification ofPWD/PHE Schedules of the district, or as per the specification as decided by the Range Officer concemed or his

higher officer. subject to the approval of the undersigned or his Sub-ordinate officers. In case of anv material

supplied by the department. the cost of such material rvill be recovered fiorn the contractor.

22. The tenderers are required to inspect the sites, site plans and specifications of the rvorks before submission ofthe tender and future ignorance of any such itern u'ill not be enterlained.

23. All works are required to be carried out as per plan and specification & estimate of the project subject to the

modification by the undersigned at any point of tirne during executiorr of the rvork duly notified to the

contractor/ supplier, rvithin the project cost.

24. Royalty for any material. if obtained from Forest area, rvill have to paid by the contractor. Even if the material isprocured from other Govt. Deptt's resources. the receipt for payrnent of such material must be shown and photocopies to be attached ivith the bill. Extra paynent for such payment of Royalty etc. will not be enteftained by the


25. Alltools & plants required for execution of the rvorks should be procured by the contractor at his own cost. Thestandard of such tools & plants u,ill b e as per the specification of the P.W. Dept/ P.FI.E.

26. Statutory Deduction: Income Tax. GST, Labour Well'are Cess as applicable shall be deducted from the Grossamount of Bill.

27. In addilion to above. before pa-v-rnent the follorving docurnenis are required to be produced. if applicable.

a) Xerox copy of Labour license as per provision of "West Bengal Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970" forexecution of the scheme (originalto be shorvn for verification).

b) In case of Soil Conservation works dbne inside the plantation/forest area on tender or depaftmentally as per

PWD schedule rate or as per rate applicable. the use of boulder, rocks, sand etc from forest area is on wayallowed and the contractor should be asked to submit the receipt / challan etc mandatorily as a proof.

c) Xerox copy of DCR ( u,ith RA Bill/Final Bill -in original to be shown for verification ) as a documentaryevidence lor paynent of Royalty &CESS in Minor minerals or original Challan(s) carrying order (s)

rnentioning the name of Agency. Tender Notice No. & date received fi'orn Govt. Approved Lessee/ Pennitholder.

28. The successful terderer will not assign any parl of the u,ork to any other contractor.

29. The successful tenderer may, horvever authorize any person to supervise the day to da1, work, attend the

measurelnent rvhen taken by the undersigned or by his authorized Ol'ficer and record his signature on tlte workmeasurement note books.

30. Rate ofTered in the estin-rate is the final and tenderer u,ill not have any furlher clairn.

31. The acceptance of the tender will be subject to the receipt of the approval of the higher authorities and

ar,ailability of fund. The undersigned will not be responsible for any loss sustained by the tenderer in 1lte eventof nou receipt of Governnrcrrt sanction







The parntent o1'bill firr aul,u,ork u'iil be nradc according to the availabilit)' of lirnd and approral of higher

authorities u.herever appiicable and no clainr 1o tielav in pa1'nrent u'ill be enteflained.

l-he ternts and conditio:.;s o1'1his "Tcndc'r Nolice ii,r,iting teuder" is part attd pat'cel ol-tlre cotttract fo:-i,r.

In case of an1'dispute in execution o1-the uork cr suppl.v. an application mav be trade 1o the Divisional Forest()1ficer. KangsabatiNo;1h Division and the decis;on ol'the undet'signed is llnal and binding.

Reqirisite license must be obtained lbr I-abor-rr Depa(rnent after issuance of rvork orcler. No pa)'ment shall be

made r.r,ithout production o1'the Iiceuse.

Forest Department, or Kangsabati North l)ivision, or any staffs of the Division, shall in no rval' be held

responsible under anv circumstances for any accident or death of the labourer/ driver etc, engaged by the

contractor, happened in the field during the time of implementation of the works.

Range officer or his authorizetl person/s shall have the discretionar)' polyer to deploy suitablc laborers,preferably from among the FPCs concerned.For betterment of the plantation, the undersigned or his authorized representative can put additionalinput/employ suitable laborers departmentally in the said plantation in cxcess of whatever mentioned inthe estimate.In case of implementation of the t orks at field the decision of the Range Officer or his authorized persons

or any of his superior officers shall be final and hinding on the successful bidders implementing the lvorksat field.Payment shall only be made to the contractors after the Range Officer concerned, certifies so ensuring thequality of the u'ork and implementation of the w'orks as per estimates and plan subject to overridingpow'er of the undersigned in this regartl.Please follolv annexure carefully during submission of tender.






Nati:e :

Adci;ess :

Tender Notice No.

ClLrster No.

Filancial Credential for sirnilar nature ofjob ( as metttioned in the tender notice)

Bank delails (A/c No.. IFSC code &MICR code(optional)

Declaration : I / lr,e do hereby declared the statement made by me is true the best of rny knowledge in belief. If allow

I/We shall abide by all the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender notice and the direction of the authority. I /We

read the tender document carefully and understood it in letter inspirit.

Signature with date



Form lA-Getteral Ittlortrtalion abottt the Orga:iizatitrll

I Natne

2 Address

J Telephone/Mobile No.

4 Ernail

5 Fax

6 Website

Details of ALrtlrorized Persott

Dcraiis of the Bidder (Orgalizalion )

Information about the Organization

7 Name

8 Address

9 Telephone/Mobile No.

t0 Email

1i Status of Organization

(Proprietorsh i p/Parlnership/Public Ltd/Pvt. Ltd/ Co-

operative Society etc.)

12 Details of Registration of Organization Date:


13 Number of Professionals in position in the organization

14 Locations and address ofoffices

15 Service Tax Registration Number

16 VAT Registration Number(Enclosed latest VAT Return)

17 Professional Tax Registration Number

1B Income Tax PAN Number

t9 Details of anv other Licer-rses/Registration (Cop1' to be





I-B "Sunur.rarv olSirriiar Pro-iects intplementcd " ( Yearwise)








no. ofthetvork



Financ ia I

1.ear o1'the


of the



against the



( YesAllo)


Value(only net








Brief;rarration o1-

ihe tl pe ofrvork


\anre ofthe


Signature of the Tenderer with date



SlNo Cluster


Estirraled Cost

Inclusire all tarcs

as per model

estimates (Rs)

Rate Ofiered b1,the bidders

Fired Price ( l) (Rs)Applicable Taxes(2)

(Rs )

Total( l)+(2)(Rs )

Declaring that the item against which there are fixed Govt. rate such as minirluur wage rate etc. shall be obyed in letter

Signature of the Tenderer with date

Fornr Ii-A

*, t6f /r*y


















Dated, Purulia, rn" 0/ t 62- lzo22

Copv forwarded for wide circulation & irformation to:-

The Sabhadhipati, Purulia Zilla Parishad.

The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests(HoFF), West Bengal

The Chief Conservator of Forests, South West Circle, West Bengal.

The District Magistrate, Purulia.

The Superlntendent of Police, Purulia.

The Sub-Divisional Officer, Sadar, Purulia.The Treasury Officer, Purulia Treasury

All Divisional Forest Officer's, South-West Circle, West Bengal.

The Treasury Cfficer, Purulia Treasury.The District lnformatics Officer, NlC, Purulia. He is requested to upload the tender notice on the district portal.

The Block Development Officer, _ Block.

The Assist. Divisional Forest Officer, Kangsabati North Division.

The Head Clerk, Kangsabati North Division.The Budget, Accounts & Revenue Section.AFR, Kangsabati North Division.All Range Officers (Territorial), Kangsabati North Division.

Notice Board, Kangsabati North Division.FPC

Divisional R&eit OfficerKangsabati North Division


