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Loss of biodiversity.ppt

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Loss Of Biodiversity Rosima, Edgie P.

Loss Of Biodiversity

Rosima, Edgie P.


The Biodiversity• To simply put it, Biodiversity simply means the

variety of life(plant and animal life) in a particular habitat (or in the world as a whole).

• It is generally refers to the variety and variability of life on Earth. One of the most widely used definitions defines it in terms of the variability within species, between species, and between ecosystems. It is a measure of the variety of organisms present in different ecosystems. This can refer to genetic variation, ecosystem variation, or species variation (number of species). within an area, biome, or planet.

The Loss• The Living Planet Report 2008, published by the

WWF, is an indicator of the state of the world's ecosystems. The report tracks population trends for more than 1,600 freshwater, marine and terrestrial species. Between 1970 and 2005, populations of terrestrial species dropped by 33%. Populations of marine species dropped by 14%, and freshwater species by 35%.

• Within each of these categories, some ecosystems are more threatened than others.

• In 2008, the world struggled for decades to stem deforestation through a variety of means.

• Deforestation the ongoing loss is driving fear of mass extinction.

Threats/Factors• The leading threats to biodiversity are: converting land

to agriculture, clearing forests, climate change, pollution, unsustainable harvesting of natural resources, and the introduction of so-called alien species to areas where they are not native. The importance of each factor varies geographically. But one study of animal extinctions since the year 1600 found that 39% arose mainly from the introduction of alien species, 36% from habitat destruction, and 23% from hunting or deliberate extermination. Secondary causes of biodiversity loss include human population growth, unsustainable patterns of consumption, increasing production of waste, urban development and international conflict.


• What do we do?• How do we do ?

PRIMARILY,• First, we must create protected areas

where human activity is limited. It’s the best way to prevent deforestation and exploitation of organism and the resources they need in order to survive.

• It needs to consider all the elements of the ecosystem so that is isn't too small. It also needs to include all the resource that are utilized by it’s inhabitants

And Then,• Stop/Slow the climate change. Many

plants and animals are finding it very hard to cope with the changes in climate.

• It also documented that climate change cause several extinction and has likely caused hundreds of species to go extinct about we may never know

• In order to tackle climate change the world needs international climate deal that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions on global level.

Stop.• Stop deforestations.

– Besides providing a living environment for millions of species, Rain forest also sinks carbon dioxide (CO2) which is extremely helpful against climate change.

• Stop invasive species from replacing native species in their ecosystem.– Invasive species often do more serious damage

to native environment.

Reduce• Many plants and animals are finding it

extremely hard to survive in polluted area.

• Pollution is not only happening in land but also in our oceans having negative impact on marine biodiversity.

• Animals and plants cant thrive in biodiversity.

Inform, Educate, Share• Make the public, government, policy

makers and land managers aware of the global and local consequences of biodiversity changes, both social and environmental.

• Collaborate with scientist, conservation professionals and governments to determine biodiversity changes both social and environmental.
