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Macroecology of the European soft sediment benthos: insights from the MacroBen database

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MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Mar Ecol Prog Ser Vol. 382: 287–296, 2009 doi: 10.3354/meps07754 Published April 30 INTRODUCTION Macroecology draws on insights from fields including ecology, biogeography, palaeontology, macroevolution and applied statistics to understand how large-scale processes affect the organisation of ecological systems at multiple scales (Brown 1995, Gaston & Blackburn 2000, Blackburn & Gaston 2006). It has defined novel and important concepts and methodological techniques to describe the form and structure of large-scale eco- logical patterns and has developed in a relatively short time into a thriving and productive discipline (Gaston & Blackburn 2000, Blackburn & Gaston 2003). The impor- tance of a macroecological approach becomes still more apparent with the realisation that human impacts on ecological systems are detectable at the same very large scales that interest macroecologists (Chapin et al. 2000, Kerr et al. 2007), and that many of the most press- ing issues in applied ecology involve very general questions relating to habitat modification, invasive spe- cies, over-exploitation, pollution and climate change (Sutherland et al. 2006). In a marine context, consider- able large-scale changes in ecosystems have already occurred without rigorous documentation (Jackson © Inter-Research 2009 · www.int-res.com *Email: [email protected] Addresses for other authors are given in the Electronic Appen- dix at www.int-res.com/articles/suppl/m382p221_app.pdf Macroecology of the European soft sediment benthos: insights from the MacroBen database T. J. Webb 1, *, I. F. Aleffi, J. M. Amouroux, G. Bachelet, S. Degraer, C. Dounas, D. Fleischer, A. Grémare, M. Herrmann, H. Hummel, I. Karakassis, M. Ke ˛ dra, M. A. Kendall, L. Kotwicki, C. Labrune, E. L. Nevrova, A. Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A. Petrov, N. K. Revkov, R. Sardá, N. Simboura, J. Speybroeck, G. Van Hoey, M. Vincx, P. Whomersley, W. Willems, M. W8odarska-Kowalczuk 1 Department of Animal & Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK ABSTRACT: Macroecology provides a novel conceptual framework for analysis of the distribution and abundance of organisms at very large scales. Its rapid development in recent years has been dri- ven primarily by studies of terrestrial taxa; the vast potential of marine systems to contribute to the macroecological research effort remains largely untapped. International collaborative efforts such as MarBEF have provided fresh impetus to the collation of regional databases of species occurrences, such as the newly available MacroBen database of the European soft sediment benthic fauna. Here, we provide a first macroecological summary of this unique database. We show that in common with almost all previously analysed assemblages, the frequency distribution of regional site occupancies across species in the MacroBen database is strongly right-skewed. More unusually, this right skew remains under logarithmic transformation. There is little evidence for any major differences between higher taxa in this frequency distribution (based on the 8 animal classes for which we have sufficient data). Indeed, considerable variation in occupancy persisted across the taxonomic hierarchy, such that most variation occurred between species within genera. There was a weak positive relationship between local population density and regional occupancy across species, but this abundance–occu- pancy relationship varied considerably between higher taxa and between geographical areas. Our results highlight the potential of databases such as MacroBen to consolidate macroecological gener- alities and to test emerging theory. KEY WORDS: Marine macroecology · Macrobenthic · Europe · Large marine ecosystems · Species– range size distributions · Phylogeny · Abundance–occupancy relationships Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher Contribution to the Theme Section ‘Large-scale studies of the European benthos: the MacroBen database’ OPEN PEN ACCESS CCESS


Vol. 382: 287–296, 2009doi: 10.3354/meps07754

Published April 30


Macroecology draws on insights from fields includingecology, biogeography, palaeontology, macroevolutionand applied statistics to understand how large-scaleprocesses affect the organisation of ecological systemsat multiple scales (Brown 1995, Gaston & Blackburn2000, Blackburn & Gaston 2006). It has defined noveland important concepts and methodological techniquesto describe the form and structure of large-scale eco-logical patterns and has developed in a relatively shorttime into a thriving and productive discipline (Gaston &

Blackburn 2000, Blackburn & Gaston 2003). The impor-tance of a macroecological approach becomes still moreapparent with the realisation that human impacts onecological systems are detectable at the same verylarge scales that interest macroecologists (Chapin et al.2000, Kerr et al. 2007), and that many of the most press-ing issues in applied ecology involve very generalquestions relating to habitat modification, invasive spe-cies, over-exploitation, pollution and climate change(Sutherland et al. 2006). In a marine context, consider-able large-scale changes in ecosystems have alreadyoccurred without rigorous documentation (Jackson

© Inter-Research 2009 · www.int-res.com*Email: [email protected]

Addresses for other authors are given in the Electronic Appen-dix at www.int-res.com/articles/suppl/m382p221_app.pdf

Macroecology of the European soft sediment benthos: insights from the MacroBen database

T. J. Webb1,*, I. F. Aleffi, J. M. Amouroux, G. Bachelet, S. Degraer, C. Dounas, D. Fleischer, A. Grémare, M. Herrmann, H. Hummel, I. Karakassis, M. Kedra, M. A. Kendall, L. Kotwicki, C. Labrune, E. L. Nevrova, A. Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A. Petrov, N. K. Revkov, R. Sardá, N. Simboura, J. Speybroeck, G. Van Hoey,

M. Vincx, P. Whomersley, W. Willems, M. W8odarska-Kowalczuk

1Department of Animal & Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK

ABSTRACT: Macroecology provides a novel conceptual framework for analysis of the distributionand abundance of organisms at very large scales. Its rapid development in recent years has been dri-ven primarily by studies of terrestrial taxa; the vast potential of marine systems to contribute to themacroecological research effort remains largely untapped. International collaborative efforts such asMarBEF have provided fresh impetus to the collation of regional databases of species occurrences,such as the newly available MacroBen database of the European soft sediment benthic fauna. Here,we provide a first macroecological summary of this unique database. We show that in common withalmost all previously analysed assemblages, the frequency distribution of regional site occupanciesacross species in the MacroBen database is strongly right-skewed. More unusually, this right skewremains under logarithmic transformation. There is little evidence for any major differences betweenhigher taxa in this frequency distribution (based on the 8 animal classes for which we have sufficientdata). Indeed, considerable variation in occupancy persisted across the taxonomic hierarchy, suchthat most variation occurred between species within genera. There was a weak positive relationshipbetween local population density and regional occupancy across species, but this abundance–occu-pancy relationship varied considerably between higher taxa and between geographical areas. Ourresults highlight the potential of databases such as MacroBen to consolidate macroecological gener-alities and to test emerging theory.

KEY WORDS: Marine macroecology · Macrobenthic · Europe · Large marine ecosystems · Species–range size distributions · Phylogeny · Abundance–occupancy relationships

Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher

Contribution to the Theme Section ‘Large-scale studies of the European benthos: the MacroBen database’OPENPEN ACCESSCCESS

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 382: 287–296, 2009

2001), which brings into sharp relief the need to under-stand large-scale patterns of biodiversity that we maybetter predict the consequences of current and futurehuman-induced global change.

A guiding principle of the macroecological approachis the search for generality — to what extent are large-scale patterns in the abundance and distribution of or-ganisms consistent across taxa and environments? Cer-tain macroecological patterns and relationships appearto be very general. For instance, across a taxonomicallyconstrained group of species, the frequency distributionof range sizes measured at regional to global scales willtypically display a characteristic right skew: most spe-cies are rare, but a few are extremely widely distributed(Gaston 2003). Similar generalities are observed in re-lationships between geographic distribution and localpopulation density (Gaston et al. 2000, Blackburn et al.2006). This so-called abundance–occupancy relation-ship is typically positive such that locally abundant spe-cies tend to be geographically widespread (Gaston etal. 2000, Blackburn et al. 2006), and is important as itprovides a link between local and regional populationprocesses (Freckleton et al. 2005, 2006).

An important caveat to the inferred generality ofsuch patterns, however, is that macroecology hasdeveloped as an overwhelmingly terrestrial discipline(Raffaelli et al. 2005, Clarke et al. 2007), whereas thesea is home to most of life’s higher-taxon diversity(May 1994). Only a minority of studies making explicitreference to ‘macroecology’ have had a primarilymarine focus (Raffaelli et al. 2005), and just 18 of the279 abundance–occupancy relationships reviewed byBlackburn et al. (2006) derived from marine or inter-tidal systems. This paucity of marine macroecologicalstudies can be partially explained by the particularpractical, logistical and financial challenges posed byworking in the marine environment that make thekinds of datasets relied upon by terrestrial macroecol-ogists (often compiled largely through the efforts ofcommitted volunteer naturalists) difficult to obtain formarine taxa. In addition, it can prove difficult to definevariables crucial to macroecological analyses such as‘range size’ and ‘population size’, particularly forhighly mobile pelagic taxa or for regions with (oftenhighly) incomplete sampling. Despite these difficulties,there exist several excellent macroecological studies ofthe marine environment (e.g. Li 2002, Foggo et al.2003, Macpherson 2003, Fisher & Frank 2004, Irigoienet al. 2004, Jennings & Blanchard 2004, Hsieh et al.2006). In the main, these have tended to support gen-eral conclusions reached by terrestrial macroecologistson the basic form of the principal patterns. For in-stance, species–range size distributions display a simi-lar characteristic right skew for both marine and ter-restrial taxa (Gaston 2003), and similar patterns are

also seen for species–abundance distributions; Gray etal. (2006) show that these are of similar form in a vari-ety of marine and terrestrial taxa under similar sam-pling regimes. Importantly, macroecological relation-ships such as the abundance–occupancy relationshipare also observed in the sea (e.g. Foggo et al. 2003,Fisher & Frank 2004, Blackburn et al. 2006), indicatingthat similar processes may act on communities in bothenvironments. Efforts to increase communication be-tween marine and terrestrial ecological research com-munities (e.g. Stergiou & Browman 2005) are stimulat-ing progress in marine macroecology, and this trendwill only increase as national and international organi-sations consolidate the data collected by individualresearch organisations into regional databases thatprovide a broader-scale overview of the distribution ofmarine diversity. The Marine Biodiversity and Ecosys-tem Functioning EU Network of Excellence (MarBEF,www.marbef.org) has been established specifically toinvestigate patterns of marine biodiversity, with anemphasis on the analysis of large-scale patterns andprocesses that would not be tractable without suchinternational cooperation.

It is important to realise that macroecology is aboutmore than simply describing patterns (Blackburn &Gaston 2006), and recent efforts have shifted towardsseeking a mechanistic understanding of the processesthat drive these patterns. For instance, populationmodels that view interspecific macroecological pat-terns as the result of intraspecific dynamics have pro-vided a powerful approach for generating mechanistichypotheses (He & Gaston 2003, Freckleton et al. 2005,2006), and make testable predictions about the roles ofecological and life history parameters in shapingmacroecological patterns and relationships. Testingthese predictions in terrestrial systems has been lim-ited by the fact that parameters thought to be impor-tant in determining the form of macroecological pat-terns, such as colonisation ability, often do not varysubstantially within the highly mobile taxa (such asbirds) typically studied (Freckleton et al. 2005). Indeedmost macroecological datasets tend to be somewhattaxonomically restricted, and thus encompass only lim-ited functional diversity. This underlines the vastpotential of macroecological studies of marine systemsto aid in a more general understanding of macroeco-logical process. The same sampling regime within asingle marine habitat type will typically capture signif-icant taxonomic diversity, recording species that differmarkedly in characteristics (e.g. larval dispersal poten-tial) hypothesised to be important in determininglarge-scale patterns of distribution and abundance(Foggo et al. 2007). Similarly, samples will often tra-verse steep environmental gradients (e.g. depth, salin-ity, fishing intensity). Because experimental manipula-


Webb et al.: Macroecology of European benthos

tions at macroecological scales are largely precluded,testing macroecological hypotheses across taxa andalong environmental gradients may provide the mostpowerful test of their generality; this principle is takento its extreme by testing in marine systems hypothesesgenerated from studies of terrestrial taxa (Steele 1991).

A necessary prerequisite to exploiting this vast po-tential of marine databases for testing emerging macro-ecological theory is a rigorous description of the ob-served patterns. Here, we analyse the MacroBendatabase to provide the first such summary for the soft-sediment macrobenthos throughout European coastalwaters. We start by defining a simple measure of re-gional distribution based on presence/absence across a100 km grid, and consider the frequency distributionsof occupancy across 2292 species. We then use the ex-ceptional taxonomic coverage of the MacroBen data-base to compare occupancy patterns among highertaxa. Specifically, we compare occupancies between 8classes of animals for which we have distributionrecords for sufficient species, and provide the firstanalysis with this taxonomic scope of the way that vari-ance in range size is partitioned across the taxonomichierarchy. Finally, we introduce measures of populationdensity allowing us to quantify abundance– occupancyrelationships across and within classes, accounting fordifferences in mean density between geographic areas.


The MacroBen database. Producing comprehensiveregional-scale databases through the integration ofsmaller-scale datasets has been a core objective of theMarBEF network. The MacroBen database is the firstsuch regional database, comprising distribution recordsfor soft sediment benthic taxa throughout Europeancoastal waters compiled from many sources and pub-lished accounts including Karakassis & Eleftheriou(1997) and Mackie et al. (1995). The systematic nomen-clature of the database has been checked for both or-thography and synonymy against the European Registerof Marine Species (ERMS, www.marbef.org/data/erms.php). Raw data were retained whenever possible to al-low maximum flexibility during analyses, and geograph-ical and physical data were available for large numbersof records. The final database contains 465354 distribu-tion records, from 7203 valid taxa and 22897 samplingstations, collated from 44 individual data sets. It is pre-sented as an MS Access file, and is described in full inVanden Berghe et al. (2009, this Theme Section).

The MacroBen database includes tools to extractdata and to calculate basic statistics and diversity coef-ficients. We applied the following filtering rules: onlytaxa identified to the species level were considered,

and samples were required to contain quantitativedata on species numbers so that analyses using abun-dance data could proceed on the same set of species asanalyses of occupancy patterns. Taxa not considered tobe part of the macrobenthos were excluded, as wereimmature individuals. Only records collected since1990 were retained, to reduce the influence of tempo-ral trends in species distributions. All records wererequired to contain information on the area sampled,to allow estimates of population density (ind. m–2) to becalculated for each species. All included datasets sam-pled using Van Veen grabs or hand-operated VanVeen grabs, generally with a sampling area of 0.1 m2

(range 0.04 to 1 m2, including pooled samples, and themesh size used to sort samples was always 1 mm.Other potentially confounding factors remain in thedataset, either because their variation over large scalesis seen as important in structuring macroecologicalrelationships (e.g. spatial variability in habitat type) orbecause we had insufficient information to control forthem (e.g. variability in the seasonality of sample col-lection). Our filtering rules resulted in a database con-taining 211518 records, representing 2292 speciesfrom 15024 sampling stations distributed between6.5° W and 58.9° E and between 35.3° N and 81.5° N.

Measures of occupancy and population density. Siteoccupancy (‘area of occupancy’ in the terminology ofGaston 2003) is regularly used in macroecology as ameasure of the extent of the distribution of a species.The simplest measure of site occupancy in our datasetwould be the number (or proportion) of sampling sta-tions at which a species was recorded. However, sam-pling effort was highly heterogeneous across space. Toaddress this issue, we superimposed a 100 × 100 kmgrid onto the entire sampling area, projected using theLambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection. Each indi-vidual spatially-referenced record could then be as-signed to a single 100 × 100 km grid square, and occu-pancy was measured as the proportion of the totalnumber of grid squares covered by the sampling area(n = 99) in which a given species was recorded. Thereare problems with this approach, particularly as somegrid squares have been more heavily sampled than oth-ers. Thus, while presences can be interpreted with con-fidence, absences cannot; it is likely that most speciesoccupy more squares than those in which they havebeen recorded. However, we assumed that the re-corded occupancy of a species will be roughly in pro-portion to its actual occupancy. Thus, our occupancy es-timates should give a reasonable approximation of therelative commonness or rarity of a species. The scale ofgrid chosen was also made primarily on pragmaticgrounds, with 100 × 100 km resolution providing a goodcompromise between fine resolution and reasonablesampling effort. Fortunately, macroecological patterns


Mar Ecol Prog Ser 382: 287–296, 2009

have proven to be remarkably robust to different scalesof occupancy measure (Blackburn et al. 2004).

Population densities were calculated at the samplingstation level, i.e. the total number of individuals of aspecies recorded across all replicate samples at a sta-tion was divided by the total area sampled. The meandensity of a given species is taken as the geometricmean of its density estimates across all samples inwhich it was recorded (i.e. excluding zero densities).

A common feature of marine datasets is the presenceof singletons, that is species recorded in the dataset as asingle individual. Although they frequently form an im-portant component of benthic samples, it has been ar-gued that such very rare species may not play a signifi-cant role within communities, and that most are likelyto be vagrants or transients that have immigrated fromoutside the sampling area (Gray et al. 2006). To quan-tify the effect of such species, we defined 2 kinds ofsingleton: (1) species represented by only a single indi-vidual across all replicates and sampling stations, and(2) species with a maximum abundance of 1 in anysingle sample. Whilst we recognise that sampling ef-fects may create some ‘artefactual’ singletons (e.g.some large-bodied organisms may be inefficientlysampled, yet have important ecological interactions),using this compilation of multiple datasets means thatthe probability of erroneously excluding such rare orpoorly-sampled important species is minimised.

Statistical analyses. The shape of the untransformedand log10-transformed frequency distributions of occu-pancies were quantified by their skewness, using theunbiased estimator of skewness (g1) and its standarderror given by Sokal & Rohlf (1995), which can betested against a null expectation of 0 using the t distri-bution with df = ∞ (Sokal & Rohlf 1995). We performedthis analysis for occupancies of all species, and for allnon-singleton species (using the definitions of single-tons described above).

Taxonomic patterns in occupancy were examined byfirst identifying those classes that contained at least20 species (Table 1). These 8 classes, although repre-senting just 24% of the classes present in the totaldatabase, together contained 93% of all recorded spe-cies and 97% of all distribution records. The variancein occupancy within this reduced dataset was parti-tioned between the levels of taxonomic hieararchy, i.e.class, order, family and genus, using a fully nestedmodel, with variance components estimated using re-stricted maximum likelihood (REML). This procedureessentially partitions variance in occupancy into be-tween and within group components at each subse-quent taxonomic level. A high value for order, for ex-ample, would indicate that a large proportion of totalvariation in occupancy occurs between orders, withlittle variation within orders (i.e. species within an or-

der tend to be similar in terms of their occupancy). Theresidual variation from the model represents variationoccurring between species within genera; a high valuewould indicate that even very closely related species(congeners) can differ substantially in their occupan-cies. This analysis is equivalent to the nested ANOVAsused for similar purposes elsewhere (e.g. Gaston 1998,Webb et al. 2001, Qian & Ricklefs 2004), although theREML estimation is more robust with unbalanced de-signs (Rao & Heckler 1997). Results need to be inter-preted with caution, however, due to the influence of alarge number of monotypic higher taxa: 19 of 69 orders(28%), 138 of 365 families (38%) and 584 of 1003 gen-era (58%) in the dataset were monotypic. Clearly, novariation is possible within a monotypic higher taxon,and such taxa will tend to inflate the proportion of vari-ance explained at higher taxonomic levels. Our esti-mate of residual variation (i.e. the degree to whichoccupancy varies among congeneric species) is there-fore bound to be an underestimate.

We estimated abundance–occupancy relationshipsusing the Pearson product moment correlation be-tween log10(occupancy) and log10(mean density). Al-though such relationships are frequently non-linear,the correlation coefficient provides a good approxima-tion of their general form and strength (Webb et al.2007). We first considered the relationship across allspecies in the dataset. We next examined the structureof this relationship by considering separately each ofthe 8 classes described above. In an attempt to controlfor differences in species composition and/or meandensity across regions, we also estimated abundance–


Table 1. Number of species in each class in the completedataset. The 8 classes shown in bold, with at least 20 speciesrecorded in each, were used in analyses of individual classes

Phylum Class No. of species

Annelida Polychaeta 724Arthropoda Malacostraca 656Mollusca Bivalvia 290Mollusca Gastropoda 240Bryozoa Gymnolaemata 128Echinodermata Stelleroidea 50Echinodermata Holothuroidea 28Chordata Ascidiacea 27Cnidaria Hexacorallia 19Echinodermata Echinoidea 17Arthropoda Pycnogonida 15Bryozoa Stenolaemata 14Sipuncula Sipunculidea 11Mollusca Aplacophora 10Mollusca Polyplacophora 9Annelida Clitellata 8Cnidaria Octocorallia 8

Others (n = 14) 38Total 2292

Webb et al.: Macroecology of European benthos

occupancy relationships separately for each of thelarge marine ecosystems (LMEs, Sherman 1991) cov-ered by our dataset. This involved calculating a sepa-rate occupancy and density value for each species ineach LME. We excluded the Black Sea LME from thisanalysis, as all samples fell within a single 100 kmsquare, meaning that there was no variance in occu-pancy within this LME. Finally, we combined the taxo-nomic and geographic stratification to estimate anabundance–occupancy relationship separately foreach class within each LME.

All data manipulations and statistical analyses wereexecuted with R 2.2.1 (R Development Core Team2005, available at: www.R-project.org). The variancecomponents analyses made use of the nlme packagedescribed in Pinheiro & Bates (2002).



The frequency distribution of occupancy was highlysignificantly right-skewed (skewness ± SE = 2.99 ±0.051, t = 58.5, p < 0.00001; Fig. 1A). Substantial right-skew remained after log-transformation (skewness =0.48 ± 0.051, t = 9.32, p < 0.00001; Fig. 1B). The vast ma-jority of species, therefore, had extremely restrictedrecorded distributions; 680 species (30% of all species)occurred in only a single 100 km square. In contrast, the

most widespread species (the polychaete Heteromastusfiliformis) has been recorded in 73% of the sampled 100km squares. The skew of the distributions does not re-sult simply from the inclusion of ‘accidental’ species, atleast if these were identified according to our defini-tions of singletons; significant right skew remained inuntransformed and transformed distributions after theexclusion of both types of singleton (Fig. 1; excludingsingletons with total count = 1, skewness of untrans-formed and log-transformed occupancy = 2.85 ± 0.054and 0.35 ± 0.054; excluding singletons with maximumcount = 1, skewness = 2.67 ± 0.058 and 0.22 ± 0.058; t >3.7 and p < 0.0001 in all cases). Note that although ‘true’singletons (those recorded as only a single individualacross the entire dataset, n = 248 species) necessarilyoccur in only 1 square, species with a total abundance>1 but a maximum recorded abundance of 1 can berather widespread (proportional occupancy rangedfrom 0.01 to 0.18; n = 253 species). We therefore con-sider these latter species to be integral, if under-sam-pled, components of the communities, and in subse-quent analyses ‘singleton’ refers only to the former kind(only a single individual recorded).

Occupancy remained very variable, and highlyskewed (skewness > 1.3, p < 0.0001) within each of the8 classes that contained at least 20 species. After logtransformation, all 8 distributions remained right-skewed (skewness ranged from 0.10 to 0.98), signifi-cantly so in the Ascidiacea, Gastropoda, Gymnolae-mata and Malacostraca (Fig. 2A). The minimum






0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8





Log(occupancy)−2.0 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0









Fig. 1. Frequency distribution of occupancies (proportion of sampled 100 km squares in which a species was recorded) of Euro-pean soft-sediment macrobenthic species. (A) occupancy untransformed; (B) occupancy log10-transformed. In both cases, the totalheights of bars represent the distributions for all 2292 species in the database; unshaded portions of the bars represent singletons,based on a total recorded count across all samples of 1 individual (n = 248); and light-shaded portions of the bars represent

singletons that had a total abundance >1, but a maximum count in any one sample of 1 (n = 253)

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 382: 287–296, 2009

observed occupancy was 0.01 (a single 100 km square)in all 8 classes. Polychaeta was the only class in whichoccupancies >0.35 occurred (in the total dataset, butnot included in this class-level analysis, the sipunculidPhascolion strombi was the most widespread non-poly-chaete with an occupancy of 0.42). Maximum occupan-cies in 5 of the remaining 7 classes varied only between0.26 and 0.35, with somewhat lower maximum occu-pancies in Class Ascidiacea (0.12) and Class Gymnolae-mata (0.18). Overall, these results suggest that therewas considerable variation in geographic distributionwithin classes. The taxonomically nested model showsthat this variation persisted across the taxonomic hier-archy, such that the majority (73.3%) of variance in oc-cupancy occurred between species within genera (Fig,2B), despite the confounding issues surrounding the in-clusion of monotypic higher taxa discussed in ‘Data andmethods’. Note that the proportion of variance ex-plained at each taxonomic level was barely alteredwhen singletons were excluded, and when monotypicgenera were excluded (residual [‘species within gen-era’] variation = 74.7 and 71.4%, respectively).

Abundance–occupancy relationships

Estimated population densities across the 2292 spe-cies in the total dataset spanned 6 orders of magnitude.The gastropods Lacuna pallidula and Trophonopsistruncatus and the polychaete Orbinia norvegica oc-curred at densities of just a single individual in 93 m2,while the bivalve Chamelea gallina occurred at a geo-metric mean density of >1600 ind. m–2 across the 38sampling stations at which it was recorded.

Although the correlation between mean populationdensity and the proportion of 100 km squares occupied(across all species) was significantly positive (bothvariables log10-transformed, r = 0.22, df = 2290, p <0.00001), the overriding impression obtained fromFig. 3 is of a relationship characterised by enormousvariation. This impression is strengthened if singletons(which by definition have very low densities and canoccupy only a single square) are excluded (r is reducedto 0.11 for the remaining 2044 species). In contrast topositive abundance–occupancy relationships obser-ved in other systems, the pattern here was far from lin-ear; low occupancies were observed across the rangeof densities, but high occupancies only occurred atintermediate to high densities.

One potential reason for the large amount of scatterin this cross-species relationship is that it is confoun-ded by differences between higher taxa. As shownabove, occupancy is not strongly constrained by taxon-omy (closely related species can differ markedly inoccupancy), but it is possible that different classes will

differ in the typical density achieved at a given level ofoccupancy (as predicted by population models for taxawith different population structures and life histories;Freckleton et al. 2005, 2006), thus introducing scatterinto the cross-species relationship. In fact, mean popu-lation density varied by orders of magnitude betweenspecies within each class (Table 2), and in all classes











































% variation explained

0 20 40 60 80







Fig. 2. (A) Box and whisker plots showing the distribution oflog10-transformed occupancies within each of 8 classes in thedatabase that contained >20 recorded species. The horizontallines show the median occupancy for each class, boxes showthe interquartile range, and whiskers extend to the data ex-tremes. The width of each box is proportional to the numberof species in that class. (B) Percentage of variation in log10-transformed occupancy explained at taxonomic levels fromclass to genus; unexplained (residual) variation is labelled‘Species’, as it represents variation between species withingenera. Variance components were estimated using restrictedmaximum likelihood, and the analysis included the 2143 spe-cies that occurred within the 8 classes illustrated in (A)

Webb et al.: Macroecology of European benthos

abundance– occupancy relationships were weak, witha maximum correlation of 0.28 in the Stelleroidea(Table 2). Although the within-class relationships weregenerally positive (in 5 of 8 classes, mean correlation[weighted by the square root of the number of specieswithin each class] = 0.03), they typically retained theroughly triangular shape of the relationship acrossclasses, with wide variation in occupancy across allexcept the lowest observed densities. Indeed, whensingletons were removed, only 3 of 8relationships remain positive, thestrongest correlations were negative(Table 2), and the weighted mean cor-relation was negative (–0.09).

Another potential reason for the gen-erally weak abundance–occupancy re-lationships concerns differences be-tween LMEs in the typical densitiesattained by benthic species, which maybe influenced by differences in, for ex-ample, productivity, habitat hetero-geneity, ocean circulation, frequency orintensity of disturbance, and broad-scaleheterogeneity in sampling effort. Wetherefore estimated separately for eachLME the abundance–occupancy rela-tionships across species. Here, oc-

cupancy was the proportion of 100 km squares within anLME occupied by a species, and density was its meanpopulation density within those occupied squares.Again, mean density varied considerably between spe-cies within each LME (Table 3). Abundance–occupancyrelationships were positive in all LMEs except the NorthSea (Table 3), with a maximum correlation of 0.52 in theBaltic Sea and a weighted mean value of 0.21. Excludingsingletons weakened all relationships (although that inthe North Sea became more negative), and reduced theweighted mean correlation to 0.07, but it did not result inany changes of sign (Table 3). Again, however, all rela-tionships contained more scatter than is frequently seenin other systems (e.g. Blackburn et al. 2006).

Finally, we investigated the interaction betweentaxonomy and geography by estimating abundance–occupancy relationships separately for each class ineach LME. We only estimated relationships for classeswith at least 8 species in any given LME. The majorityof relationships (29 of 35) were positive, with aweighted mean correlation of 0.18, a pattern that heldwhen singletons were removed (21 of 34 positive,weighted mean correlation = 0.04). The interaction be-tween taxonomy and geography appears complex,however, as the rank order of classes in terms of theirabundance–occupancy correlation differed betweenLMEs (Fig. 4). This suggests that the link between localand regional population processes in the marine ben-thos is influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors.


This first analysis of the macroecology of the Euro-pean marine macrobenthic fauna has upheld severalgeneralities familiar to macroecologists working inother systems. Thus, the frequency distribution of spe-


Fig. 3. Abundance–occupancy relationship for 2292 species inthe database. The occupancy of a species is the proportion of100 km squares in which it occurred; its density is the meanpopulation density (ind. m–2) in samples in which it wasrecorded. s: singletons (species recorded as only a single in-dividual across all samples; n = 248). Note that singletons candiffer in density due to differences in the area sampled at dif-

ferent sampling stations

Table 2. Pearson product moment correlation coefficients for the relationshipbetween log(population density) and log(occupancy) separately for each of8 classes with >20 species, both including and excluding singletons. Also shownare the numbers of species in each class (number excluding singletons), and therange across species within each class in geometric mean population density

Class No. Abundance–occupancy Range in geometric of correlation mean density

species All Excluding (ind. m–2)species singletons

Polychaeta 724 (675) 0.13 0.02 0.01–1635Malacostraca 656 (580) –0.08 –0.19 0.10–1433Bivalvia 290 (276) –0.02 –0.08 0.53–1673Gastropoda 240 (196) –0.17 –0.36 0.01–873Gymnolaemata 128 (102) 0.14 –0.13 0.28–1235Stelleroidea 50 (43) 0.28 0.18 0.76–1151Holothuroidea 28 (23) 0.22 0.31 0.78–21Ascidiacea 27 (21) 0.05 –0.15 0.85–617

Mar Ecol Prog Ser 382: 287–296, 2009

cies occupancies displayed the strong right-skew typi-cal of regional studies in a broad range of taxa in bothterrestrial and aquatic systems using various measuresof geographic distribution (e.g. Gaston 2003, Macpher-son 2003, Clarke et al. 2007). Most species in theMacroBen database were narrowly distributed (or atleast, have been recorded in only a few locations),whereas some were much more widely distributed.Importantly, even the most widely distributed species(the polychaete Heteromastus filiformis) did not reachfull occupancy, suggesting that this analysis is trulylarge-scale and captures a range of environmentalconditions broader than that which can be occupied bymost individual species. At smaller scales, species–range size distributions can tend to bimodality, as sev-eral widespread species occur in all sampled locations(e.g. Storch & Sizling 2002).

Whilst the untransformed frequency distributions ofoccupancies for European benthic taxa conformed tomacroecological expectation, the fact that they retainedright-skew under a logarithmic transformation is moreunusual. Typically, species–range size distributions ac-quire a moderate left (negative) skew after such a trans-formation (Gaston 2003, Macpherson 2003). A potentialexplanation for this difference is that our occupancymeasures were at a finer scale (i.e. 100 km squares oc-cupied, as opposed to degrees of latitude spanned), andthus use more comprehensive distributional informa-tion than previous regional-scale marine analyses (e.g.Macpherson 2003). At the same time, the fauna in ques-tion (European macrobenthic taxa) is considerablyricher and has been less exhaustively sampled thanmany of the faunas considered in terrestrial macroeco-logical analyses (e.g. birds and mammals). The expec-tation would be that with continued sampling, theright-skew of the distribution would decrease as cur-rently ‘rare’ species were recorded at more locations (as

happened, for example, when we ex-cluded singletons), although given thatadditional sampling would likely alsouncover further singletons, the amountof extra sampling required may prove tobe very large. We would expect that aregional collation of incompletely sam-pled, species-rich terrestrial datasets,for instance tropical forest inverte-brates, would display patterns similar tothose observed in the MacroBen data-base (see Gray et al. 2006 for a discus-sion of the influence of samplingregime in marine and terrestrial sys-tems on a related macroecological pat-tern, the species–abundance distribu-tion).

Patterns of regional occupancy inEuropean macrobenthic taxa do not show strong taxo-nomic patterns; in all of the 8 classes we analysed,occupancy was extremely variable (Fig. 2A). Impor-tantly, this variation persisted down the taxonomichierarchy, with nearly 75% of interspecific variation inoccupancy occurring between species within genera(Fig. 2B). Such patterns are typical of diverse assem-blages for which such an analysis has been attempted(e.g. Gaston 1998, Webb et al. 2001, Qian & Ricklefs2004) and add further evidence that geographic distri-bution is not highly constrained by phylogeny (Webb &Gaston 2003, 2005, but see Hunt et al. 2005 for acounter-argument).

Across all species in the MacroBen database, therewas a positive relationship between local abundance(mean population density at occupied sites) and re-gional occupancy. Such positive abundance–occu-pancy relationships are among the most pervasivemacroecological patterns (Gaston et al. 2000, Black-burn et al. 2006). However, the relationship docu-mented here was weak (r = 0.22), and strongly influ-enced by the ‘singleton effect’, i.e. species recorded assingle individuals in single samples, which necessarilyhave very low densities and occupancies. Across muchof the observed range of population densities, therewas substantial variation in regional occupancy(Fig. 3). Further investigation is required to exploremore thoroughly the sources of such variation. For in-stance, Webb et al. (2007) have shown the utility of link-ing intra- and interspecific processes; considering thespatial distribution of individuals within species is cer-tainly likely to result in a better understanding of the in-terspecific abundance–occupancy relationship (Freck-leton et al. 2006, Webb et al. 2007), especially ifcombined with emerging statistical sampling theoriesof species abundances (e.g. Green & Plotkin 2007).What is clear, however, is that there exists substantial


Table 3. Pearson product moment correlation coefficients for the relationship be-tween log(population density) and log(occupancy) separately for each of the6 large marine ecosystems (LMEs) for which relationships could be estimated. Cor-relations were performed both including and excluding singletons. Also shown arethe number of species recorded in each LME (number excluding singletons), andthe range across species within each LME in geometric mean population density

LME No. Abundance– Range in geometric of occupancy correlation mean density

species All Excluding (ind. m–2)species singletons

Mediterranean Sea 947 (839) 0.24 0.15 0.09–860Celtic-Biscay Shelf 494 (411) 0.22 0.09 3.13–3100North Sea 1096 (954) –0.08 –0.22 0.63–1660Baltic Sea 222 (195) 0.52 0.41 0.01–1149Norwegian Sea 492 (398) 0.26 0.13 0.91–73Barents Sea 873 (728) 0.28 0.09 1.00–1187

Webb et al.: Macroecology of European benthos

variation in the form and strength of abundance–occupancy relationships between geographic areas(LMEs) and higher taxa (classes); in addition, the sameclass can have different relationships in different areas(Fig. 4). This suggests that features of both the environ-ment (e.g. disturbance regime) and the life histories ofconstituent species (e.g. larval dispersal mode) arelikely to influence the form of abundance–occupancyrelationships, exactly as predicted by recent populationmodels (Freckleton et al. 2005, 2006). Given that hu-man activity can disrupt macroecological relationships(Fisher & Frank 2004, Webb et al. 2007), it would bevaluable to include measures of anthropogenic activityas covariates in future analyses; the efforts of Halpernet al. (2008) to map human impacts on marine systemswould prove extremely useful here. In general, the con-siderable variation in abundance–occupancy relation-ships within the MacroBen database, combined with itswide geographic scope and the vast diversity of life

forms recorded in the database, will make it an invalu-able resource for further testing of this emerging areaof macroecological theory.


Macroecology provides a novel conceptual frame-work in which to analyse large-scale patterns in diver-sity. It has developed largely as a terrestrial subject,but the potential of marine systems to contribute to themacroecological research effort is enormous. Here, wehave provided a first macroecological summary ofthe MacroBen database. We have shown that theEuropean macrobenthic fauna conformed to generalmacroecological norms, but that considerable variationremains around certain general trends (e.g. positive in-terspecific abundance–occupancy relationships). Theexploration of this variation, combined with the geo-graphic and taxonomic breadth of the MacroBen data-base, will provide a unique opportunity to test emerg-ing macroecological theory. Such databases will alsoprovide one of the only means of testing hypothesesregarding the likely human impact upon macroecolog-ical patterns and relationships, and thus will provideimportant information on the magnitude of humaneffects upon marine and terrestrial ecosystems (Fisher& Frank 2004, Gaston 2004, Jennings & Blanchard2004, Webb et al. 2007). This further illustrates thebenefits to be derived from international cooperativescientific programmes such as MarBEF.

Acknowledgements. T.J.W. thanks the Leverhulme Trust forsupport, and D. Raffaelli for initiating his involvement withMarBEF, C. Arvanitidis and the late J. Gray for invitations tostimulating workshops in Crete and Oslo, the editors for theinvitation to contribute to this volume, and R. Freckleton forsupport and comments. We thank E. Vanden Berghe and Flan-ders Marine Institute (VLIZ) for their work on the database,and the following individuals and organisations for contribut-ing data: Akvaplan-niva, N. Anisimova, S. Cochrane, S. Dahle,S. Denisenko, V. Escaravage, U. Janas, R. Jaskula, J. Laudien,Det Norske Veritas, the Norwegian Oil Industry Association(OLF), R. Palerud, H. Rumohr, W. C. H. Sistermans, J.-M.Wes8awski, M. L. Zettler. Finally we thank A. Clarke and 2anonymous reviewers for comments that have improved thiscontribution. This is publication no. MPS-09029 of MarBEF.


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Submitted: June 5, 2008; Accepted: September 20, 2008 Proofs received from author(s): December 18, 2008
