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Chapter One ............................................................................ 5

Ayurveda: An Introduction .................................................... 5

Chapter Two ........................................................................... 7

How Ayurveda Can Benefit Your Hair .................................. 7

Chapter Three ...................................................................... 12

Popular Ayurvedic Herbs ..................................................... 12

Chapter Four ........................................................................ 17

Ayurvedic Hair Care Regimen for Beginners ...................... 17

Chapter Five ......................................................................... 22

How Do You Know It’s Working? ...................................... 22

Chapter Six ........................................................................... 23

How much henna and Ayurvedic herbs to use on your hair?

.............................................................................................. 23

Chapter Seven ....................................................................... 24

Easy Ayurvedic Recipes ....................................................... 24

Chapter Eight ....................................................................... 29

What to expect when switching to an ayurvedic hair care

regimen ................................................................................. 29

Chapter Nine ......................................................................... 32

Where to Buy Ayurvedic Ingredients and Products ........... 32

CONCLUSION .................................................................... 33



Chapter One

Ayurveda: An Introduction

Ayurveda literally means “life science,” a Sanskrit word that

has come to apply to an ancient medicinal practice out of


Ayurveda as a practice is wide and can be applied to many

aspects of our lives. It can be applied to nutrition; it can be

applied to beauty and cosmetics; it is even applicable to

general human wellness. In this book however, I will only be

talking about Ayurvedic hair care practices and how you can

benefit from it fully.

Ayurveda brings a different approach to hair care; one which

aims at addressing the root cause of the problem(s) rather

than focusing on ‘quick fixes’ as promised by most beauty

and hair care product peddlers. It focuses on the process

rather than the outcome, and when that is the case, the

outcome is usually splendid.

Ayurveda has been practiced in India for over 5000 years and

is still very much part of their culture. It’s only recently

however, that the rest of the world has started taking up this

ancient Indian practice. It’s hard to pinpoint its rise,

especially when it comes to beauty and personal care, but I

believe as more people grow aware of harmful chemicals in

their hair and skin products, they look towards natural and

organic alternatives to incorporate.



Many mass-produced shampoos and conditioners contain

ingredients like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Parabens, and

Polyethylene Glycol. These ingredients have been found to

cause skin irritation; to easily penetrate the skin and circulate

in the bloodstream, and even cause damage to the very hair

and skin it’s supposed to protect or make healthy.

If you’ve ever had issues with dry and breaking hair that feels

like straw to the touch, or dull, lifeless hair (and there are no

known medical conditions), perhaps it’s time to take a look at

what you are putting onto your hair.

Ayurvedic ingredients are natural, organic, and plant-based.

There are no SLS, Parabens, or Polyehtylene Glycol mixed

in. If you use these ingredients for optimal results, you can

see your hair and skin go from irritated and dull, to glowing

and full of life.

Important Disclaimer: this guide is for informational

purposes and educational reference only. It is not intended to

diagnose, cure, or treat any illness, condition, or disease.

Please always remember to do your own research and use

your best judgment when venturing into the use of new

beauty or hair care methods, even those that are natural and

plant-based. This guide is intended to be an informational

introduction to Ayurvedic hair care and reflects much of my

own personal experience and usage. Not everyone will have

the same results or experiences, we all have different hair




Chapter Two

How Ayurveda Can Benefit Your Hair

Your hair can go through many changes as a result of age,

post-partum shedding, stress, a bad dye job or even neglect

(and I’ve been there!).

A few years ago, (not that long by the way, it’s almost two

years since), I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn’t like

what stared back. My hair looked bad, it was horrible, there’s

no simple way of putting it.

To begin with, I had no edges. My hair line had receded two

centimeters deep, and looked like it was destined to get

worse. My strands had grown so short, they barely touched

my shoulders, and that was after not shaving for close to

eight years. It was disappointing.

I stood there staring blankly at my embarrassing reflection.

Then I decided to try some positive self talk to boost my

mood, it almost worked, until I ran my fingers through the

damaged strands and all that “I’m fearfully and wonderfully

made” talk went down the drain. I had no edges, no volume

and no length and no amount of positive talk could change

that. Something had to be done, fast.

So I went the place where everybody with a disturbing

question goes to nowadays, the internet, and typed, “How to

grow African hair.” I was humbled with what I found.



There was a whole movement of strong willed black women

educating each other on how to best take care of African hair.

This movement was (is) called ‘The Natural Hair movement’,

and many famous people, including our very own Lupita

Nyong’o are part of it. I was hooked. I wanted to be part of it


I learnt a few terminologies and the basic ‘Dos and Don’ts’ of

the community, and not long after that, I was on my way to a

hair dresser to have my ‘big chop’.

I started reading natural hair blogs and watching YouTube

videos. The internet is a very resourceful place I have to

admit. Within no time I was speaking the fluent naturalista

language: TWA, Cowash, protective styling, LOC, 4c hair; a

language that would have sounded like Gibberish just a few

weeks before then. I consumed knowledge fast, greedily and I

never stopped.

With great knowledge comes great responsibility they say.

Okay, the real phrase is ‘with great power comes great

responsibility,’ but since knowledge is power we can as well

substitute, right?

My responsibility was to my hair. It started expecting things

from me.

“I need a proper regimen!” it complained one day. “I can’t

survive on water alone. You know that already, don’t you?”

I wanted to talk back but I couldn’t. I knew my hair was

saying the truth. All I had been doing since my big chop was

spraying water and maybe applying some coconut oil (and



that was very occasional). So I listened to my hair and put

down a regimen to follow.

I won’t go into much detail about my first hair regimen but

here’s the thing, it wasn’t a very easy regimen to follow. I

have tinkered with it a lot since then, eliminating the

unnecessary steps and introducing beneficial ones. However,

that was a very important step towards the right direction.

I purchased a few products to maintain my regimen, some of

which I regretted and some which I found valuable. They

included: Sulfate free shampoos, deep conditioners,

conditioners, oils and a few tools.

After ten months of following my hair regimen religiously, I

achieved progress I was happy with. My hair line had been

restored, I had enough volume to smile for and my hair had

grown five inches.

I kept watching youtube videos and reading natural hair

blogs during that period. I wanted to learn faster ways of

growing my natural hair and also see new, cool hair styles I

could try out.

While watching one of my favorite youtube videos one

evening, I saw a video link about ‘How ayurveda can help

grow natural hair’ by Curly Proverbz. Up until then I had

not paid the term ‘Ayurveda’ much attention despite seeing it

a few times. On that day however, I decided to click on the

link and watch the video. That was a turning point for me.

In the video, Curly Proverbz was talking about her personal

hair journey and how Ayurveda has played a major role in



helping her reduce breakage and retain length. She credited

Ayurveda for her tail bone hair length. Ten minutes into the

video and I was in. All I wanted to do was try out these

different Ayurvedic recipes that Curly Proverbz was talking


I have incorporated Ayurveda to my hair care regimen for

the past eleven months now and the results are mind

blowing. My hair has grown a whooping thirteen inches, the

volume has increases massively and the future looks brighter

than ever.

This book is a road map to how your hair can best benefit

from Ayurveda.

There’s one thing you should always keep in mind; Ayurveda

is a life style, you live it.

If you do an internet search on Ayurvedic hair care, you’ll see

many people gladly sharing their testimonies of how this

method has helped increase the health and length of their

hair. Some of the benefits include:

• Reduction in shedding and breakage

• Shine and strength of hair strands

• Length retention

• Balanced, moisturized hair free of dryness

• Increased thickness



Depending on your hair goals, you’ll want to consistently use

certain Ayurvedic ingredients to help restore damaged hair

and encourage healthier hair. In the next chapters you’ll

learn about different ayurvedic powders and we’ll go over

how to start an Ayurvedic regimen.



Chapter Three

Popular Ayurvedic Herbs

There are many ayurvedic powders that are used in beauty

and hair care. Here are some of the popular ones in natural

hair care:

1) Amla

2) Aloe vera

3) Ashwaghandah

4) Bentonite clay

5) Brahmi

6) Bhringraj

7) Fenugreek

8) Fullers Earth Clay aka Multani mitti

9) Henna

10) Hibiscus

11) Indigo

12) Neem

13) Ritha

14) Rosemary

15) Shikakai

16) Tulsi

Ayurvedic powders are classified into four:

Cleansing herbs

Conditioning herbs

Strengthening herbs

Detoxifying herbs



What amazes us is that no one powder or herb can be

exclusively classified into one category.

1. Cleansing herbs

These are herbs that have the following properties;







Absorbs oil and dirt from the hair and scalp

Powders that fall into cleansing category are:

Shikakai - A natural conditioner, shikakai can be used

as a shampoo .Due to its oil absorbing properties, it

is ideal for oily hair and scalp.

Shikakai has a low pH and this makes it ideal for

making a hair rinse to use after shampooing your


It also strengthens the roots of the hair and

promotes hair growth.

Ritha /Aritha (Soapnut) - With its saponins, anti-

bacterial and anti-fungal properties, ritha can be used

to create a shampoo that’s gentler than store bought

shampoos. It makes hair shinier and treats scalp


Tulsi (aka Basil) – Extensive research has been done

to establish the many benefits of Tulsi. The findings



show that Tulsi helps with respiration problems,

especially during a cold. It dissolves kidney stones,

helps combat headaches, digestive problems, diabetes

and it’s just as useful for blood purification. A cousin

of the mint family, Tulsi can be very beneficial to the

hair. It has anti-fungal, anti-septic and anti-bacterial

properties that keep dandruff away from the scalp.

Hibiscus –This powder has a low pH which makes it

ideal for post-wash rinse. Hibiscus is also a gentle

cleanser and makes for a great exfoliator for the


Neem – it has anti-septic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial

properties that are good for treating scalp related

conditions like dandruff. It has oil absorbing

properties that make it ideal for oily hair and scalp.

Rosemary Powder- this powder seems to be all

purpose when it comes to contributions to the hair. It

stimulates and improves circulation to the scalp thus

encouraging hair growth. It gently cleanses hair due

to its antibacterial properties and also relieves

irritated, dry, flaky and dandruff ridden scalps.

2. Conditioning herbs

Amla – rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, iron

and vitamin C; amla adds luster to the hair shaft,

strengthens hair from the root, controls hair fall and

prevents premature hair graying.

Fenugreek (Methi) - originally in seed form

fenugreek can be grinded to make a powder that can

be used for cooking and for hair care purposes.



Packed with protein, fenugreek treatment nourishes

weak and limp hair and regrows lost hair to balding.

It conditions and strengthens hair thus promoting

hair growth.

Aloe Vera powder-Aloe Vera powder has amazing

moisturizing and conditioning properties. Aloe Vera

powder adds moisture to strengthening ayurvedic

powders and should be a staple in your DIY recipes.

It nourishes the scalp to encourage new growth.

3. Strengthening herbs

Brahmi-This herb is known to prevent split ends by

strengthening the fibers of the hair and also combats

dry and itchy scalp. Mixing brahmi with amla and

ashwagandha powders makes it a super packed

strengthening and conditioning treatment.

Bhringraj (False Daisy) - This herb is very effective

on dry, dull and weak hair as it deeply nourish the


It also improves blood circulation on the scalp which

also gives relief in the hair fall and stimulates the

scalp for new growth.it also prevents balding and

premature hair graying.

Hibiscus– This powder has both cleansing and

strengthening properties. It can be used with

bentonite clay for a good cleanse and detox and can

also be used with amla for a strengthening and

conditioning hair mask.



Henna– Strengthens hair, mends hair cuticles,

thickens and volumes hair, adds shine and luster to

the hair and covers gray hairs.

Ashwagandha Powder– This herb stimulates hair

follicles which can lead to hair growth. The

antioxidants in ashwagandha reduce the risks of

premature graying.

4. Detoxifying and Cleansing herbs

Bentonite Clay –Made from volcanic ash, bentonite

clay is rich in minerals including calcium, sodium,

silica, copper, magnesium, iron and potassium. The

clay binds with heavy metals and chemicals in the

hair to remove toxins and other impurities.

Fullers Earth Clay –aka Multani mitti, fullers earth

contains various minerals including magnesium,

quartz, silica, iron, calcium, calcite and dolomite. It

has oil absorbing, cleansing and anti-septic

properties that make it helpful in treating various

hair and skin related conditions.

Rhassoul Clay – Harvested from the Atlas

Mountains of Morocco, rhassoul clay has so many

benefits. Quite similar to bentonite clay it detoxifies

the hair, removes product build up, improves hair

elasticity and reduces frizz. It also helps to clear

clogged pores in the scalp and is particularly

moisturizing to the hair.



Chapter Four

Ayurvedic Hair Care Regimen for Beginners

The first step is to identify your hair needs then find different

powders and oils that will address those needs. So like any

hair regimen, there are basic principles to follow.

A solid hair regimen should have the following steps;




Deep conditioning


Protecting / Low manipulation


Pre-pooing is short for preshampooing. It is a process of

applying oil to your hair strands before cleansing.

This step is meant to prevent hygral fatigue, prevent

stripping effects of some cleansers (with sulphates) and to

make hair soft and manageable.



You can prepoo 30 minutes before washing your hair or even

the night before to allow the oil to penetrate the hair and

scalp fully.

Scalp massage is also important in an ayurvedic regimen. It

helps stimulate the hair follicles, it also helps exfoliate the

scalp getting rid of dead skin cells.

Using an ayurvedic oil to prepoo and for scalp massages is a

match made in heaven.

An ayurvedic oil has a blend of nutrients that nourish the

hair and scalp.

We have an ayurvedic oil that is formulated with:

Sesame oil


Aloe vera




Essential oils


In this step, there is an array of powders and clays that not

only cleanses the hair but also offer conditioning.

Bentonite clay, Shikakai powder, Ritha powder, Neem

powder, Hibiscus powder etc can be used to clean the hair

and scalp.



You can choose one or two of the above powders depending

on your hair needs mix with water or aloe vera juice to a

paste and apply to hair and scalp. Cover with a shower cap

and process for 15-30 minutes.

Rinse and proceed to the next step.

TIP: it is best to mix the powders or clay to be more of a

wash, then add it to an applicator bottle to cut down on mess

and make application easy.

Also apply on damp hair section by section then twist the

done sections as you go.


In this step, you can choose one or two of the following

powders; Amla, Bhringraj, Brahmi, Fenugreek and Henna.

These powders and condition and strengthen the hair.

When used as a mask you pretty much get a two for one

when you use them. For a deep conditioner that provides

even more moisture, try a henna gloss. Otherwise, go full

strength and just mix your herbs with warm water to a

yoghurt like consistency.

If you use henna, allow it to sit for a few hours (to overnight)

before applying to your hair so that the lawsone (natural dye)

content can release.

TIP- We recommend using ayurvedic and clay washes and

henna/cassia glosses on separate weeks. So the week that



you use ayurvedic cleanser, skip the glosses. Opt for a

hydrating deep conditioner instead. The weeks that you use

the glosses, use a co-wash or gentle shampoo instead of the

cleanser. Ayurvedic Cleansers and glosses (henna) are both

super strengthening products. To maintain balance, do not

use both in the same week. Too much of a good thing can

have adverse affects: too much strength without adequate

moisture can cause breakage--which is what we don't want.


Natural hair is coarse and dry naturally therefore adding

moisture and sealing that moisture is important for length

retention as dry hair breaks easily.

Oils form an important part of an ayurvedic hair regimen as

adding oil to moisturized hair improves elasticity, adds shine

to the hair, protects the hair from the bad elements, prevents

hair loss etc.

Oils used are natural including ayurvedic oil,avocado, jojoba,

olive, sesame, grape seed or coconut.

it is important note that you should first moisturise your hair

with a leave in conditioner or hydrating natural products like

aloe vera juice etc before sealing with natural oils

meantioned above.



Hair strands are least protected when they are loose. People

with dreadlocks partly grow very long hair because it's



always packed together; breakage is reduced significantly

when the hair strands are together. Also, their shed hairs

remain matted to the loc whereas shed hair falls out when

your hair is ‘free’.Protective styles are hair styles that involve

pulling your hair up so it doesn’t rub against clothing and

(ideally) hiding the ends.

It's obviously more fun to wear your hair out and show it off

but if you wear more protective styles, your hair will thank

you with length retention.

Protective styles are most important when the weather is

bad, i.e. very hot, very cold, windy or rainy.

Anyone who knows me has probably seen me in my

signature style--Two strand twists. This style protects my

fine strands and make it easy to remoisturise and to massage

my scalp and it doesn't pull on my edges. I'd recommend this

style to anyone who wants to retain length.



Chapter Five

How Do You Know It’s Working?

This is a very important question! If you’re going to invest

time and money into Ayurvedic hair care, you want to know

if it’s worth it. You can always purchase ingredients that

address your needs and try it at your own pace.

When judging if a product or method is working for your

hair, measure in two time frames--the 3 Week check-in, and

the 3 Month check-in. If you start your Ayurveda journey, do

your first check-in at the third week mark. Is your hair

shiny? More healthy in appearance? Stronger? At the 3

month mark, look for improvement in growth and a

reduction of shedding or breakage. If there was a specific

problem you were combating, evaluate the look and feel of

your hair to see if you are improving.

Some people find keeping a journal useful, but if you are a

busy person, just taking pictures will help you keep track of

your hair length and state. If you are able to jot down a quick

note, you might want to do so comparing how your hair feels

now compared to how it was three weeks ago (or three




Chapter Six

How much henna and Ayurvedic herbs to use on

your hair?

Once you have decided on which henna and/or Ayurvedic

herbs to use on your hair you’ll also have to determine how

much you’ll need to use and purchase from Mara Organics.

How much you will need depends on your hair length, and

thickness. This will give you a generally idea of how much

you’ll need for 1 application:

Above ear length: 50-75 grams

Shoulder length: 100-125 grams

Bra strap length or mid-back: 150-175 grams

Lower back (above hips): 200 to 225 grams

Hip/Waist length: 250 to 300 grams

When purchasing with Mara Organics you can save more

when buying for at least 2 applications, as the powders are

lowered in price when 250 or more grams are purchased to

save you even more.



Chapter Seven

Easy Ayurvedic Recipes

1. Amla, Shikakai, Bhringraj Ayurvedic hair pack

This is a powerful Ayurvedic hair pack for making the hair

grow fast. It is good for those who are struggling with

thinning of hair or hair fall. People who are suffering from

bald patches can try this since it also is good for new hair


Take all the ingredients which should be just one cup.

Mix them in 1 cup of water

Apply the paste to the hair and massage the scalp. Wash

after 1 hour.

2. Henna +Amla + Aloe Vera

This recipe is the perfect moisture -protein balance for your

natural hair.

You’ll need:

100 grams of henna powder

3-4 tbsp of amla powder

1 tsp of aloe vera powder



Take 100g of henna powder and pour into a bowl. Add 3-4

tbsp of amla powder and 1 tsp of aloe vera to your henna

powder and mix well.⠀

Slowly add a liquid of your choice such as warm water, green

tea or apple cider vinegar. ⠀

Mix in enough liquid to make a paste the consistency of


Allow your mix to rest for 3-4 hours to fully release dye.⠀

Once time has completed, you can apply the paste to your

hair. Once fully applied, allow the henna to sit in your hair 3-

4 hours.⠀

This recipe is ideal for someone who has shoulder length hair

of average thickness. Please adjust as needed for your hair.

3. Henna + Amla + Bhringraj

This recipe is for longer, stronger hair while promoting hair


Mix your henna and amla and bhringraj together in a bowl.

Equal proportions of each or as desired.

Add your liquid (water, conditioner or coconut milk). Mix

well until consistency of a thick yoghurt.

Apply onto your hair by sections.



Once completed, wrap your hair and allow to stay in your

hair 1-2 hours. Rinse out, dry and style as usual.

4. Henna + Hibiscus + Shea Butter

This recipe adds moisture and strength to your hair.

Mix your henna and hibiscus petal powder together in a

bowl. Equal proportions of each or as desired.

In another bowl over low heat slowly melt your butter until

fully melted. Allow to cool and then pour into your powder

mix. Mix well until consistency of a thick yoghurt. You can

add water, coconut milk or more shea butter if your mix is

too dry.

Apply onto your hair by sections.

Once completed, wrap your hair and allow to stay in your

hair 1-2 hours. Rinse out, dry and style as usual.

We recommend this hair conditioning treatment be repeated

every 2-3 weeks.

5. Amla + Ritha + Shikakai +Neem + Aloe Vera Juice

+ Sesame Oil

This recipe is good for addressing hair fall and for reducing


Add your powders to a mixing bowl.



Add aloe vera juice to the mix and an oil of choice for added


Apply it to freshly cleansed hair and scalp. Leave it

unattended for 40-50 minutes.Then simply rinse it with


6. Amla + Hibiscus+ henna strengthening treatment

It’s good for; Enhancing Hair Color, Hair Growth, Hair Nourish, Hair Loss, Hair Volume. You'll need Amla Powder, Henna Powder, Hibiscus powder and Water

Mix the ingredients aforementioned. See that you don’t add water much or else the hair pack would turn watery.Apply to freshly washed hair.Leave the mixture for 2-3 hours and then wash it with a cowash.

Do this treatment once a month.

7. Amla + Fenugreek powder

Its best for; Dark Hair, Hair Fall Control, Hair Growth, Dry Hair, Dandruff

You'll need Amla Powder and Fenugreek Seeds Powder

Soak fenugreek (methi) seeds in warm water, for around 15-30 minutes. Strain the water, but don’t throw it away. Keep it aside in another bowl. Then grind the seeds to make its paste. After this add Amla powder to the paste. Add fenugreek’s water, slowly into the bowl to ready the hair pack. Massage your hair with it and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with cowash.

Practice this once or twice a month.



8. Amla +Brahmi +Shikakai powder

It’s good for; Hair Growth, Anti Dandruff, Treating Hair Loss, Coloring Hair Naturally

You'll need Amla Powder + Shikakai Powder

Soak Brahmi , Shikakai and Amla powder in lukewarm water, for an hour or two. Mix all the ingredients Mix until it turns into a smooth paste. Then apply it on from top to bottom of your hair. Keep it unwashed for half an hour. Soon as the time completes, use a mild shampoo to wash the mixture.

Use this once in a week.



Chapter Eight

What to expect when switching to an ayurvedic hair

care regimen

There’s quite a bit we can learn from ayurvedic hair care.

I’ve been dabbling in it to care for my own fine natural hair

for over a year now. Before that, I used to do occasional

henna treatments but now I’m fully onboard with using

herbs for my hair care

Ayurvedic hair care goes far beyond doing the occassional

henna treatment. If you’re considering transitioning to the

predominant use of herbs to care for your own hair, here are

some tips that can help you transition, as well as a little eye

opener as to what you can expect.

1. Can-be messy

Following Ayurvedic hair care practices can be a bit messy.

All of those herbal oils and powders that need to be mixed

together could prove tricky to mix and apply without

creating a mess. Oils can be drippy; the mixtures could stain

your clothes and hands if not careful. When applying

powders to your hair to condition, even though they could be

mixed with other ingredients (oils, conditioners, etc), it could

still be difficult to rinse off the particles from your hair

completely. This is especially true if you are using herbs

which aren’t finely sifted. To reduce this problem, make sure



you sieve the powders and herbs first before using them to

make masks and oil infusion.

2. You need time

While the application process of herbal treatments may not

take very long, many mixtures need to sit for hours up to a

few days so the herbs can infuse. Such is the case when

creating your own DIY Herbal Hair Oil. So, be prepared for

an investment of time.

3. No more clarifying shampoos

When switching to ayurvedic hair care, you likely won’t need

to clarify your hair ever again. Usually those who co-wash or

use lots of styling products need to clarify. If you are

washing your hair with clays and powders there’s no need to

do so anymore. Clays like Bentonite effortlessly remove

toxins, chemicals and product build up from the hair. If you

use heavy butters, wax products or wash with conditioner,

clarifying will still be in the cards for you. Alternatively,

Apple Cider Vinegar can be used to clarify your hair. It’s an

all natural option but you can prevent the need to clarify in

the first place with herbal hair care products. I’ve found that

even my oils are easily washed out with clays.

4. Expect increased shine and strength

Herbs have incredible power. They protect, strengthen and

improve the vitality of hair- even the weakest of hair.



5. Saves Money

Aside from the initial investment of buying the many herbs

you’ll need to grow your collection, you won’t need to

constantly restock you products. A little goes a long way and

many recipes require as little as two tablespoons of a given

herbal powder. This makes your hair products last longer.

The decision to switch to Indian herbal hair care is a good

one for many reasons. It eliminates synthetic dangerous

chemicals and the properties of all the herbs have the ability

to infuse your hair with strength and beauty.

6. Can be mixed with almost anything

The beautiful thing about ayurvedic powders is that you can

mix them with almost anything. You can use honey, water,

apple cider vinegar, yoghurt, essential oils, carrier oils,

coconut milk together with these powders and make a paste

or mixture of choice.



Chapter Nine

Where to Buy Ayurvedic Ingredients and Products

You can get all your Ayurvedic products from Mara

Organics, An online Ayurvedic store.

Website: www.maraorganics.wordpress.com

Phone Number: +254703284600 or +254716135068.




There is so much to learn about this exciting and natural

way of hair care that we couldn’t possibly cover it all in this

guide. Hopefully, this starts you off with useful information

so that you can make your own decision regarding your hair

care and hair health.

Best of luck with your Ayurvedic hair journey!
