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Marine Archaeological Assessment, Annex D

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FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations Appendix A – Clarifications and additional information - Marine Archaeological Assessment, Annex D This note reproduces sections of the Marine Archaeology Assessment, Annex D of the application documents incorporating clarification text and additional information regarding documented losses to demonstrate how the archaeological potential of the survey area has influenced the archaeological impact statement and mitigation strategy. The key additions and clarifications which have been made are summarised in the following table. Marine Archaeological Assessment, Annex D Reference Response to Prescribed Body Consultation Appendix A Reference Summary of clarifications/additions made 1.1 Overview 1.2 Scope of Works Not applicable No change 1.3 Aims and Objectives 1.1 Clarification on marine archaeology receptors Definitions of known receptors and unknown receptors provided to clarify what are referred to as known and potential archaeological receptors within Annex D. 1.4 Legislation and guidance Not applicable No change 2 Methodology Not applicable No change 3.2. Previous archaeological 3.3. Environmental context 3.4. Maritime activity: baseline review Not applicable No change 3.5 Wrecks, obstructions and documented losses 3.6 Known wrecks 3.7 Unknown wrecks 3.8 Uncharted wrecks 1.2 Wrecks and documented losses Known wrecks Unknown wrecks Uncharted wrecks Documented losses Sections restructured to provide more focus on documented losses for which locations have not yet been identified. Additional text has been added to expand information on documented losses. 4. Mitigation 1.3 Updated wording Mitigation Measures Additional text added to Mitigation Measures 2, 3 and 5 to provide clarification. 5. Impact Assessment Not applicable No change Figures 1 3 Not applicable No change Figure 4 Figure 1 included for reference and updated as per section 1.2 updates. Appendix A Summary of previous archaeological investigations Not applicable No change Appendix B Gazetteer of wrecks, obstructions and documented losses Annex 1 Gazetteer of known, unknown and uncharted wrecks Annex 2 Gazetteer of documented losses Gazetteer of wrecks, obstructions and documented losses restructured to provide separate gazetteers for wrecks and documented losses. Additional information provided in the Gazetteer of documented losses.

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Appendix A – Clarifications and additional information - Marine Archaeological Assessment, Annex D

This note reproduces sections of the Marine Archaeology Assessment, Annex D of the application documents incorporating clarification text and additional information regarding documented losses to demonstrate how the archaeological potential of the survey area has influenced the archaeological impact statement and mitigation strategy. The key additions and clarifications which have been made are summarised in the following table.

Marine Archaeological Assessment, Annex D Reference

Response to Prescribed Body Consultation Appendix A Reference

Summary of clarifications/additions made

1.1 Overview 1.2 Scope of Works

Not applicable No change

1.3 Aims and Objectives 1.1 Clarification on marine archaeology receptors

Definitions of known receptors and unknown receptors provided to clarify what are referred to as known and potential archaeological receptors within Annex D.

1.4 Legislation and guidance Not applicable No change 2 Methodology Not applicable No change 3.2. Previous archaeological 3.3. Environmental context 3.4. Maritime activity: baseline review

Not applicable No change

3.5 Wrecks, obstructions and documented losses 3.6 Known wrecks 3.7 Unknown wrecks 3.8 Uncharted wrecks

1.2 Wrecks and documented losses Known wrecks Unknown wrecks Uncharted wrecks Documented losses

Sections restructured to provide more focus on documented losses for which locations have not yet been identified. Additional text has been added to expand information on documented losses.

4. Mitigation 1.3 Updated wording Mitigation Measures

Additional text added to Mitigation Measures 2, 3 and 5 to provide clarification.

5. Impact Assessment Not applicable No change Figures 1 – 3 Not applicable No change Figure 4 Figure 1 included for reference and updated

as per section 1.2 updates. Appendix A Summary of previous archaeological investigations

Not applicable No change

Appendix B Gazetteer of wrecks, obstructions and documented losses

Annex 1 Gazetteer of known, unknown and uncharted wrecks Annex 2 Gazetteer of documented losses

Gazetteer of wrecks, obstructions and documented losses restructured to provide separate gazetteers for wrecks and documented losses. Additional information provided in the Gazetteer of documented losses.

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

1.1. Clarification on marine archaeology receptors The term marine archaeology receptors are defined as

(a) Known receptors for example, physical resources such as shipwrecks, aviation remains, archaeological sites, archaeological finds and material including pre-historic deposits and

(b) Unknow receptors such as documented losses or other archival documents and/or oral accounts of wrecking events recognised as of historical/ archaeological or cultural significance.

1.2. Wrecks and documented losses The Wrecks and documented losses section has been updated and added to this Appendix as a

whole section for contexts. The changes include updated details on some of the known wrecks and one added heading (Documented losses) which contains information previously presented within the Marine Archaeological Assessment, Annex D of the Application documents and additional information following more detailed research.

Multiple datasets were used in the compilation of this baseline assessment. The reference number for each entry is written in bold (e.g., W10597 or GSI 289) for ease of identification. Where there were duplicate entries, the INFOMAR data point was used as these represent surveys of higher resolution. One wreck did not have a reference number and was assigned as MA01 but has since been found to correspond to a charted, unknown wreck W09300 and will be referred to as such. Five unidentified and uncharted wrecks were located during geophysical investigation in 2021, these have all been given MA ID numbers.

There are a total of 121 known, unknown and uncharted wrecks. This total is divided into 25 known wreck records, 90 unknown, and six uncharted wrecks within the Foreshore Licence area as described below. All wrecks discussed here are also detailed in and Figure 1 and Annex 1.

There are also over 3000 documented losses off the coastal waters of Dublin, however only a small percentage have been located as detailed below.

Known wrecks

There are 25 known wreck records within the Foreshore Licence area as described below. The known wrecks are presented in Figure 1 and Annex 1.

The Loch Fergus (W01828; see Figure 1) was an iron barque, built at Glasgow by Henderson D. and W. & Co. Ltd., Meadowside and owned by J. Sproat & Co., Liverpool, the master was T. Williams. The vessel had a gross tonnage of 847 and measured 61.6 x 10.1 x 5.7 m. On 6 February 1899, Loch Fergus was sailing from Glasgow to Brisbane with general cargo when strong gales forced the vessel to run aground in Killiney Bay, Co. Dublin. All crew survived. The vessel is listed as LIVE by the UKHO.

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

The Fern (SS) was a 444-ton steamship built in 1900 in Glasgow by the Ailsa Shipbuilding Company and owned by the Laird Line (W02012; see Figure 1). On 22 April 1918, while en route from Dublin to Heysham with a load of general cargo, it was torpedoed by the German submarine U-104 and sank.

The Fisher Lass was a 13 ton 25-year-old Irish motor fishing boat (D166) owned by John O’Byrne of Ringsend. It was lost on the 1 October 1929 after catching fire off Howth Head the vessel sank 7 miles east of Ireland's Eye. One of the three crew was lost (W02014; see Figure 1).

The Hare (SS) was a 774 ton, 31-year-old British steam ship owned by George Lowen of Manchester. Built by Barclay Curle & Co., measuring 66 x 8.8 x 4.6 m. On 14 December 1917 it was torpedoed and sunk by German submarine U-62 en route from Manchester (W02024; see Figure 1).

The RMS Leinster was a 2,646 ton, 22-year-old steel twin screw steamer built in Birkenhead, Liverpool, by Lairds. Owned by the City of Dublin Steam Packet Company and captained by William Birch, the ship measured 110 x 13 x 8.2 m. Leinster was lost en route from Dun Laoghaire to Holyhead on 10 October 1918 (W02039; see Figure 1).

HMS Vanguard was one of four Audacious class, ironclad battleships built by Cammel Laird & Co. Birkenhead, England, at a cost of £355,000 in 1909. The 6,034-ton vessel was powered by steam and sail and was capable of attaining speeds up to 14 knots. The ship’s loss, on 9 July 1917, was considered to be caused by the deterioration of high explosives (W02099; see Figure 1).

The SS Flying Dart (W00883; see Figure 1) was an iron paddle steamer tug built in 1882 by J.T. Eltringham of South Shields. In 1890, the vessel was en route to Dublin Bay when it collided with a cattle steamship, the North Wall of Dublin. It sank within 20 minutes, but its six crew were rescued. The wreck measures 27.7m long, 4m wide, and is on an E-W orientation at a general depth of 28m.

The Trustful is the only known wreck recorded on the Bray Bank (W01593; see Figure 1). The Trustful was a steam-powered fishing drifter built in 1906 by Carnegie, Peterhead. The vessel had a gross tonnage of 87 and measured 25.6 x 5.8 x 2.9 m. It was fitted with a cylinder compound engine by Hall A. & Sons Ltd. On 29 December 1924, Trustful was fishing off Bray Head, Co. Wicklow when, during a south-westerly gale, the vessel took on a lot of water. The engine room was flooded and at approximately 17:00 pm the vessel anchored and set off flares. The crew took to a lifeboat and abandoned the vessel. The boiler then exploded and the Trustful foundered. After several hours, the lifeboat was picked up by Kingstown pilot boat, landed and the crew taken to Dublin. The wreck’s status is DEAD.

The Glenorchy (W01572; see Figure 1) was a fully rigged sailing ship built in 1868 by McMillan A. & Son Ltd. and owned by Gow A. C. & Co., Glasgow. The vessel’s gross tonnage was 1348 and it measured 60 x 20 x 5 m. The vessel wrecked after striking the Kish Bank on 1 January 1869 on its maiden voyage from Glasgow to Bombay with a cargo of iron, coal and spirits.

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

The Sir Charles Napier (W01588; see Figure 1) was a merchant vessel built in 1841 by Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada and was owned by Locketts of London. The vessel’s gross tonnage is 638 and measured 30 x 7.5 x 1.2 m. On 19 November 1875, the Sir Charles Napier ran aground on the Kish Bank due to a navigation error. One man was lost. The wreck is listed as LIVE. Another unknown wreck on the Kish Bank has been recorded as the possible remains of the Sir Charles Napier (W01629).

The Vesper (SS) (W01594; see Figure 1) was an iron merchant steamer of Hartlepool, built in Dundee by Barclay Curle and Company, with a nominal horsepower of 60. One of the ship’s owners was Huntley Burne & Co. The vessel had a gross tonnage of 478 and measured 54.8 x 7.8 x 3 m. During a voyage from Glasgow to Dunkirk the Vesper wrecked on the Kish Bank on 13 January 1876 and broke into two. The wreck has been listed as LIVE.

The HMD Deliverer (W01561; see Figure 1) was a 79-ton steam drifter sunk by a submarine in 1917 with no survivors. An explosion at the bridge separated the vessel, with the forward hold and bow lying 10m from the main wreck. It lies on a NW/SE orientation in a general depth of 23m.

The SS Lanarkshire (W01575; see Figure 1) was a 929-ton steamship en route from Glasgow to Lisbon in 1882 with a cargo of coal when it ran aground on the Codling Bank in bad weather. It was built by Blackwood & Gordon of Glasgow and measured 64m long, 8.5m wide and 6.4m tall. The wreck remains in good condition. The wreck is listed as LIVE.

The SS Flying Hawk (W01790; see Figure 1) was a 61-ton iron steam tug built in Glasgow. It was en route from Kingstown to tow a vessel in 1887 when it struck a rock in bad weather and sank. The wreck is now broken up and scattered in 5-10m of water, with metal sheeting, propeller, and engine still visible. The wreck is listed as LIVE.

The SS Marlay (W02049; see Figure 1) was a 789-ton steel steam collier, built in 1890 by Workman Clarke & Co. of Belfast. In 1902 it was bound for Dublin with a cargo of coal when it ran into bad weather and sank quickly with 15 men lost and one survivor. This incident led to the foundation of a Widows and Orphans fund to help their families. The wreck measures 61m long, 10.5m wide and stands 7.14m high on an NE-SW orientation. The hull is largely intact, with coal scattered around the wreck and is listed as LIVE by the UKHO.

The SS John Morrison (W02367; see Figure 1) is a 202-ton steam barquentine which measured 32m long by 7.6 m wide, with a draft of 12.4ft. Whilst en route from Waterford to Liverpool in 1925 with a cargo of pit props and timber, it struck bolts projecting from the pier while leaving Wicklow Harbour, damaging it, and causing it to sink. The wreck was dispersed.

W09785 (see Figure 1) represents cargo debris from the Kilkenny, which sank in 1991. The wreck itself was lifted in 1992.

W09505 (see Figure 1) is a fishing boat named the Bydand which sank in 1989 after it collided with another fishing vessel, the Dietier.

The Privet (W09962; see Figure 1) is a fishing vessel which sank while trawling 1.7km SE of Poolbeg Lighthouse in 1988.

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

HMS Guide Me II (W01482; see Figure 1) was an anti-submarine drifter built in 1907. It was converted to an armed patrol vessel in 1915. It sank in a collision with the SS Glengarriff of Cork in 1918 and now lies at a general depth of 32-35m. It lies on an WNW-ESE orientation and the wreck measures 28.5m long, 5.5.m wide, and has a maximum height of 3m. It’s forward gun and bell have been recovered by divers.

PSS Queen Victoria (W00910; see Figure 1) sank in 1853, 230m south of Howth Head. It was a 337-ton, 150ft long paddle steamer built in 1837. It was en route to Dublin with general cargo when it ran into a snowstorm and in the poor visibility the vessel ran aground on Howth Head. It then tried to reverse away, but the manoeuvre caused it to sink rapidly with the loss of between 50 and 83 lives. It now lies in 18m of water on a NW-SE orientation below Baily Lighthouse. The wreck measures 17.5m long and 7.5m wide, with a maximum height of 3.4m. It is largely broken up, but the paddle wheels and boiler are still clearly visible. Numerous artefacts from the wreck have been recovered.

The Aid (W02313; see Figure 1) was a 149-ton brig built in Quebec in 1802 en route from Leghorn to Dublin via Bristol, laden with a valuable cargo of Roman, Greek and Egyptian antiquities owned by Lord Cloncurry and William Moore. The vessel encountered a violent storm and struck the Ardinary Bank; capsizing in 1804. The wreck was presumed to have been towed ashore 3 miles north of Wicklow. Lord Cloncurry’s memoirs alternatively record the loss of the vessel in Killiney Bay. Much of the rigging and some cargo was salvaged from the vessel and brought to Wicklow Customs House to be auctioned. A wreck (W18550) off Killoughter strand was surveyed in July 1987 by DUSAC, but the survey failed to confirm if the wreck was that of the Aid

Rose of Lough Gill (W09984; see Figure 1) was a fishing boat that sank in 1995 off Codling Bank.

The last two identified wrecks are the bow and stern sections from the same vessel, the MV Bolivar (W09480 and W09846; see Figure 1), a Norwegian motor vessel cargo ship built in 1946 by Akers Mekaniske Verksted A/S, Oslo. The vessel was owned by Olsen Fred, had a gross tonnage of 5320 and measured 135.7 x 17.5 x 8.3 m. On 4 March 1947, MV Bolivar was on its maiden voyage to South America, via Dublin and Liverpool, however it ran aground in a snowstorm off the Kish Bank and sank. The vessel’s extant remains are laden with explosives. The status of the wreck is LIVE.

Unknown wrecks

There are 90 unknown wrecks within the Foreshore Licence area. The unknown wrecks are presented in Figure 1 and Annex 1.

One unknown wreck (W10597; see Figure 1) is recorded offshore, approximately 6 km east of Shankill, Co. Dublin. No further information is known. The status of the wreck is unknown.

Five unknown wrecks have been recorded on the Codling Bank (W11360, W11361, W11365, W11366 and W11367; see Figure 1). Their locations are approximate and their status’ unknown.

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Also, off Codling Bank, with only approximate location and status and no further details, are W11342, W11343, W11344, W11345, W11346, W11347, W11348, W11349, W11350, W11351, W11352, W11353, W11354, W11355, W11356, W11357, W11358, W11359, W11362, W11363, W11364, W11368, and W11369.

An unknown wreck (W01544; see Figure 1), with wooden frames, was discovered by a Dutch dredging company in June 1989 near Poolbeg Lighthouse while excavating for a new sewer pipe. The wreck measured c. 4.5 m in width and was evidently carrying a cargo of tightly packed, uncut slates. The vessel lies in 3-5 m of water, buried 0.5 m beneath sand. It was reburied following the completion of the sewer works.

An unknown wooden wreck, known as the ‘Ringsend Wreck’ (W01734; see Figure 1), became exposed during dredging operations for the Dublin Bay pipeline in April 2001. The wreck was a composite build of wood and iron, with several structural pieces revealed during excavation, including: three timbers that could form part of a keelson; carvel planking, with evidence for iron and wooden fastenings in the form of treenails and dowels; an iron knee with bronze fastenings; and a number of iron concretions, musket balls and bullets (it is not clear if these were related to the wreck or were stray finds).

W18522 (see Figure 1) was also discovered during the pipeline project and is a wooden wreck lying 420m SE of Poolbeg Lighthouse. It measures 16.4m long, 5.5.m wide and stands 20cm proud of the seabed.

W01543 (see Figure 1) is a sunken yacht first reported in 1946 as dangerous to navigation. It was dispersed later that year.

W11566, W11567, W11568, W11569 all represent ship timbers that were redeposited from 2008-2011 near the ‘Ringsend Wreck’ in Dublin Bay (see Figure 1).

Two more records of the ‘Ringsend wreck’ are also recorded in the NMS (W11570 and W11571; see Figure 1). Based on the limited information from the excavations.ie website, these refer to the same wreck above (W01734) (https://excavations.ie/report/2001/Dublin/0006399/).

Two wrecks are marked on the Admiralty chart 1415 of Dublin (W01532 and W01533; see Figure 1). They are described as remains of wrecks and are located in Dublin Bay, approximately 1.5 km NE of the eastern pier head in Dun Laoghaire Harbour.

One of the five wrecks plotted on William Bligh’s 1803 map of Dublin Bay is recorded just outside of the ECC. It is located in the shallow water at the entrance to ‘Cock Lake’ (W01731; see Figure 1). It was also plotted on John Taylor’s 1816 map of Dublin. A second wreck from Blight’s 1803 map is W01526, is located in shallow water just off the South Bull.

An unknown wreck (W10596; see Figure 1) is located just off the South Bull with no further details available.

An 1874 map, compiled by J.H. Kerr, charts another two wrecks. The first, W01125, is located approximately 200m from the low spring water mark in approximately 1m of water. The second, W01126, is 700m out in 1.5m water.

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Also on the North Bull is the unknown wreck W01143; there are no further details available for this vessel. Nearby, off the Bull, an unknown wooden wreck (W01548) was discovered during a survey for the Ringsend to Sutton pipeline. It measures 40m long by 10m wide, with two parallel rows of framing protruding through the seabed.

An admiralty/decoy ship (W01540; see Figure 1) lost in 1931, also lies off the North Bull. It is listed as a ‘dangerous wreck’ by the UKHO and lies in 2m of water.

Off the South Bull is another wreck (W11474; see Figure 1) with no further details available.

W11539 (see Figure 1) is east of Doldrum Bay but no further information is available on this wreck.

An unknown wreck (W02219; see Figure 1) is the possible wreck (INSS No. G154) identified during the National Seabed Survey. The wreck measures 37 x 13 x of 1 m and lies in a general sea depth of 58m.

There are several unknown wrecks which were identified as part of the Irish National Seabed Survey in 2008. The first, known by divers as the North Wreck, appears to be the remains of a barge or hopper (W11630) and measures 25 x 7.3 m. The second measures 26 x 8 m and lies at a depth of 42 m (W17989; see Figure 1).

A third and fourth possible wrecks were also identified; W01550 measures 24m long by 9m wide, with a height of 1m and lying at a general depth of 28m, while W01551 measures 3m long, 3m wide, 3m high and lies at a general depth of 9m.

W01552 is one of three anomalies also highlighted during the National seabed Survey indicating a possible wreck, and measures 3m long, 3m wide, and 2m high at a general depth of 8m. The second anomaly, W01553, measures 3m long, 3m wide, and 1m high at the same depth. The last, W01554, measures 2m long, 2m wide, and 1m high, and is also at a depth of 8m.

The are several further wrecks with scant details available: W10595 is a sailing ship lost approximately 130m SW of Muglins, close to W10596, listed as anchor and cable. W10598 is 2.3km east of Bray Head.

An unknown wooden wreck (W01630) was discovered on the Kish Bank by Marlin Sub Aqua Club in 2003. The vessel is partially exposed and upside down on the seabed. The hull of the vessel is copper sheathed and stands 1 m proud of the seabed, it measures 17 m in length.

Six unknown wrecks on the Kish Bank were detected in 2010 as part of the INFOMAR seabed mapping programme. Although the wrecks are unknown, dates of loss have been ascribed to two wrecks, however it is not clear where this information originated from. These wrecks are as follows:

W08691, measuring 4 m in length and 1.8 m in maximum width and is recorded as being lost on 15 January 1802;

W09300, measuring 21.2 m in length and 3.7 m in maximum width and is recorded as being lost on 4 June 1800;

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

W11332, a wooden wreck first identified in a geophysical survey carried out in 2008 by Browne and Stokes. It measures 26.5 m in length by 4.3 m in maximum width;

W11626, a wooden wreck, known as the ‘Iron Pipe Wreck’, first located in a geophysical survey carried out in 2008 by Browne and Stokes. It measures 19 m in length by 5 m in maximum width;

W18562, measuring 13.5 m in length and 3.5 m in maximum width; and

W11610, measuring 18.3 m in length and 4.5 m in width.

The remains of a 300-400 ton vessel (approx.) wooden wreck (W01629) was discovered by Marlin Sub Aqua Club in 2003 on the Kish Bank. The vessel is partially exposed on the seabed in 8-10m of water. Pottery, clay pipes, iron pots, a number of anchors, a capstan and a winch were recorded

A further eleven wrecks were located on the Kish Bank, however these either have limited or no further information provided (e.g., measurements) (W10276, W10297, W11331, W11333, W11334, W11337, W11338, W11339, W11340, W11341 and W11581 [known as the ‘9.5 fathom wreck’]).

There are an additional four wrecks further north within the Foreshore Licence area with no information currently available on them (W10291, W10292, W10332 and W11542).

In 1987 a wreck (W18550) off Killoughter Strand was discovered and surveyed during the search for the Aid and was Initially thought to be the wreck of the Aid (W02313). It is several decades later in the date and the vessel was most likely built sometime during the late 19th century.

GSI 281 is a wreck measuring approximately 17m long, 3m wide, and lying in 10m of water. GSI 285 is a wreck measuring 4.8m long by 1m wide, in a depth of 10.8m water. COV8_03 / GSI 304 is a wreck measuring 26.4m long, 8m wide, and in a depth of 42m of water. GSI 401 is a wreck measuring 34m long by 13m wide, in a depth of 0.76m water. None of these vessels have any further information.

An additional unique wreck was listed in the INFOMAR database, located on the Kish Bank which measures 13 x 4 m (GSI 278)

Uncharted wrecks

Six uncharted wrecks were identified during geophysical survey (Fugro 2021 unpublished) Foreshore Licence (FS007029) and reported to UAU.

MA02: The Development Applications Unit (DAU) highlighted the presence of further wreck sites that had not yet been logged in the WIID. One wreck site was detailed in the letter as a new wreck site centred on 53 16.200N, 05 56.500W, measuring 21.2 x 3.7 m with a recommended exclusion zone of 300m (MA02; see Figure 1) (letter to innogy Renewables Ireland Ltd, 2019).

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

MA03/GM814_contact0028: An unknown possible wreck was located by the Survey Vessel Fugro Mercator 1/03/2021. The wreck was identified by Side Scan Sonar. Linear and circular reflectors are clearly visible as well as an area that seems to indicate a snagged net. The area measures 16x9m and height above seabed was measured as 0.5m. There is also a smaller anomaly (3x3m) located 46m west of the main target represented by semi-circular hard reflectors. If the anomaly is a wreck or anthropogenic debris the material is well buried within the sandy sediments of Kish Bank.

MA04/GM771_contact0102: The possible wreck is lying in a SW- NE position and is mostly buried within the sandy sediments. There are several objects on the seafloor around the wreck associated with the vessel which might represent part of the broken hull, propulsion mechanism and a bowsprit and/or mast. The Side Scan Sonar image suggests that the wreck might be a wooden schooner. The main part of the visible hull measures 16m, the hard reflector anomaly W of the main site is 5m long, the linear anomaly N of the main site measures 6m and the linear anomaly S of the main site measures 5m.

MA05: Substantial reflector approximately 15m long and 5-6m wide. Scour north and south at each end shows it stands proud of the seabed. This could be a 20th century vessel. The site was marked with a buoy and suggested to be a lost container. Also measured as: Length: 12, Width: 4m, Height above seabed: 2m.

MA07: Substantial anomaly in two parts measuring 21x6m and 7x7m. Debris on the sea floor is clearly visible on the Side Scan Sonar. Reported by the survey vessel as “Possible Uncharted Wreck (seen in mag data). Clearly a large target - wreck shaped but probably broken in two associated with a large magnetic response”. The wreck location 410m from the unknown shipwreck (GSI 278) and 916m from unknown wreck reported to UAU by a previous survey campaign (letter to innogy Renewables Ireland Ltd, 2019), referred to in our reports as MA02 and 440m from SS Vesper (W01594).

MA08: Oval shaped depression 12x7m with linear hard reflectors, could possibly be wreck material or outcropping geology. Reported as “A Possible Buried Wreck (NOT seen in mag data). Possibly wood due to the absence of a magnetic response. Overall, about 8m in length and can be seen on sonar and MBES records”. Not associated with any known wrecks.

Documented losses

This section has been added in order to further emphasize the archaeological potential of the Foreshore Licence area. This is a complete list of documented losses listed in the WIID and Annex 2 is a gazetteer of the 1491 documented losses that were recorded to have occurred within the Foreshore Licence area.

Within the WIID, there are over 3000 documented losses listed off the coastal waters of County Dublin and roughly 1,500 are recorded as having wrecked within the Foreshore Licence area (Annex 2). Examples of these wrecks include but are not limited to: 41 barques; 17 brigatines; 32 colliers; 10 ketches; 107 schooners; 78 sloops; 33 steamships; and 716 unknown vessels. The majority of documented losses within the WIID are post-1700 in date (Brady 2008). This is due largely to the lack of earlier written sources, and as a result, the actual number of wrecking events is expected to far exceed the current numbers.

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

The majority of wrecking events off the coast of Dublin and county Wicklow have occurred at the entrances to ports or in other shallow waters as well as on the offshore sandbanks. Within the Foreshore Licence area there are seven major sandbanks which from north to south include, Bennet, Rosbeg, Burford, Kish, Frazer, Bray, and Codling. There are also shallow areas such as the North Bull and South Bull where ships have become stranded in the past. The entrance to Dublin Bay is a challenge to navigate due to the sandbanks which run parallel to the coast and the strong tidal currents contributing to the high number of documented losses (Lowth 2002).

There are 379 records that are defined as having been lost within the general area of Dublin Bay. Furthermore, there are additional records within Dublin Bay stretching from Howth Peninsula to Dalkey Island within the Foreshore Licence area that are listed with more specific locations (Annex 2) These current number estimates are listed below in coastline order from north to south;

24 recorded off Bailey Lighthouse located on the tip of Howth Peninsula;

An additional 111 listed as lost off of Howth;

161 records off the North Bull and 3 more specified as lost at Bull Wall;

23 records off Clontarf;

44 Recorded as lost off Poolbeg Lighthouse;

63 records on the South Bull with an additional 2 off Booterstown, and 10 off Blackrock;

229 documented losses off Dun Laoghaire and its harbour;

14 records off Sandy Cove and 2 off Bolluck; and

31 records off Dalkey and Dalkey Island with an addition 10 off the Muglins Lighthouse.

Within County Dublin south of Dalkey there are additional records which include 17 documented losses off Killiney and 7 off Shankill (Annex 2).

Along the coastline of County Wicklow (Annex 2) (within the Foreshore Licence area) from north to south documented losses are as follows;

There are 110 recorded loses off Bray, and Bray Head;

34 recorded losses off Greystones;

7 recorded losses off Glen Strand;

6 recorded losses off Kilcoole;

4 recorded off Six Mile Point; and

14 records off Five Mile Point.

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

The sand banks within the Foreshore Licence area have been an additional cause of shipping losses. They are further outlined in Error! Reference source not found. and the current estimated casualties are listed below from north to south;

2 recorded of Bennet Bank;

9 records on Burford Bank;

141 records on the Kish Bank (believed to be only half the actual number (Brady 2008);

3 records on the Bray Bank; and

48 records off Codling Bank.

The unknown and uncharted wrecks outlined in the preceding sections could potentially be associated with any of the historical documented losses within the Foreshore Licence area and wider area, however, there is not enough information at present to positively relate or identify them. There is also the potential for earlier wrecks to have occurred along the cable route or wind farm site, for which no documentation survives, and which await discovery.

1.3. Updated wording Mitigation Measures Minor changes to the wording of the proposed mitigation measures as highlighted in red are

presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Minor changes to proposed mitigation measures

Mitigation measure Summary

Mitigation Measure 1: Relevant Licences

All planned site investigation works under the Foreshore Licence must be licensed under the National Monuments Act 1930-2014. It is the responsibility of Dublin Array to ensure that the NMS 2-06 Detection Device Licence Application Form is submitted and approved ahead of any surveys utilising detection equipment and that NMS 3-06 Dive / Survey Licence Application Form is submitted and approved ahead of foreshore works or surveys on known wreck sites. It is also the responsibility of Dublin Array to ensure that all commitments as per approved licence are adhered to. This includes reporting any wrecks or areas of archaeological potential to UAU within 3 days of discovery and a final report submitted to the Archaeological Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, UAU and The National Museum of Ireland.

Mitigation Measure 2: Assessment of baseline and geophysical data ahead of deployment

All geotechnical and ecological core and sample locations will be assessed against 2021 survey data (SSS, Bathy, MAG, SBP) as well as INFOMAR 5m and 2m Bathy and identified cultural heritage sites. The results of the assessment will be compiled into a report and submitted to the National Monuments Service for review in advance of any works taking place.

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Mitigation Measure 3: Assessment of geophysical and geotechnical data following survey

The geophysical and geotechnical datasets will be assessed by a qualified marine archaeologist. The geoarchaeological assessment will outline cultural material contained within assessed core material and will highlight areas of palaeo-environmental potential. The results of the assessment will be submitted to National Monuments Service for review.

Mitigation Measure 4: Archaeological Exclusion Zones

Recommendations for establishing Archaeological Exclusion Zones (AEZ) are based on the established practice of developing exclusion zones around known wreck sites, receptors, or anomalies with archaeological potential. Archaeological Curators (Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage) must be consulted regarding the establishment and agreement of AEZs. The design, alteration, and removal of AEZs will be subject to agreement with Archaeological Curators.

Mitigation Measure 5: Onboard archaeological monitoring/ Archaeological surveys

Where impact on unknown archaeological receptors is expected or cannot be avoided on the seafloor or within the inter tidal zone, an archaeologist will be present to ensure that all potential archaeological observations are assessed and reported. A dive/ROV or intertidal survey accompanied by a metal detection survey may be carried out to ensure that all potential archaeological observations are assessed and reported, as directed by the National Monuments Service. All planned surveys will be licenced as per Mitigation Measure 1.

Mitigation Measure 6: Protocols for training and PAD

A protocol for training to allow for any staff onboard to follow a clear and comprehensive chain of communication and recording in the case of any objects with archaeological potential being located during site investigations works deployment should be implemented as outlined in the Project Specific Protocol for Reporting Finds of Archaeological Potential (PAD). Crew on board the vessels and onshore staff will receive training and familiarise themselves with the Protocol and the reporting procedures it describes.

1.4. Clarifications on the assessment of the impacts of proposed licenced works

The potential impacts on marine archaeology receptors as a result of the planned project activities are outlined in Table 7 and detailed in Section 5.2 within Annex D. The table below outlines and summarises the marine archaeology receptors identified and referred to within the impact assessment within Annex D.

No of identified records included in this report

Marine archaeology receptor Further details

25 Known wrecks Section 1.2 and Annex 1 90 Unknown wrecks Section 1.2 and Annex 1 6 Uncharted wrecks Section 1.2 and Annex 1

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

>1491 Documented losses Section 1.2 and Annex 2 72 (15 with archaeological material)

Previous archaeological investigation and associated finds

Section Error! Reference source not found. and Error! Reference source not found. of the Marine Archaeological Assessment, Annex D

Marine archaeology receptors not yet located within the FL area

Mitigation 6 (Table 1)

Sub-surface deposits of possible archaeological potential

Sections Error! Reference source not found. and Error! Reference source not found. of the Marine Archaeological Assessment, Annex D

Baseline records assigned to time periods

Section 3.4 of the Marine Archaeological Assessment, Annex D

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Figure 1: Wrecks within the Foreshore Licence area

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Annex 1: Gazetteer of known, unknown and uncharted wrecks WIID, INFOMAR and MA ID

Wreck Name Description Date of Loss Latitude Longitude AEZ

W02313 Aid 149-ton brig built in Quebec in 1802, classed A1 by Lloyd’s. Owned by Beatson & Company, master was William Cranetch/Crantick/Cranick. En route from Leghorn to Dublin via Bristol, laden with a valuable cargo of Roman, Greek and Egyptian antiquities.

10/01/1804 53.02973 -6.04506 100

W09480 Bolivar (MV) (bow)

The MV Bolivar was a 5,320-ton cargo vessel and at the time of its loss was owned by the Norwegian shipping company, Fred Olsen. The cargo ship was laid down in the yard of Akers Mekaniske Verksted of Oslo in 1939 and was launched, ready for fitting out.

06/03/1947 53.2683 -5.9238 100

W09846 Bolivar (MV) (stern)

The MV Bolivar was a 5,320-ton cargo vessel and at the time of its loss was owned by the Norwegian shipping company, Fred Olsen. The cargo ship was laid down in the yard of Akers Mekaniske Verksted of Oslo in 1939 and was launched, ready for fitting out.

06/03/1947 53.2675 -5.9258 100

W09505 Bydand We regret that we are unable to supply descriptive details for this record at present.

01/02/1989 53.39954 -6.03624 100

W01561 Deliverer (HMD) UKHO wreck no. 009101858. Chart symbol wk16. 79-ton, 7-year-old British steam tug/drifter sunk by a submarine whilst on Admiralty service. No survivors. Surveyed in October 1996. Lies in a general sea depth of 23m (least depth 22m), orientated NW/SE.

03/11/1917 53.3451 -5.9525 100

W02012 Fern (SS) UKHO wreck no. 009100428. Chart symbol 72wk. 444-ton steamship of Glasgow en route from Dublin to Heysham with a general cargo. Built in 1900 by the Ailsa Shipbuilding Co., Troon. Owned by Laird Line. Torpedoed, sunk by the German submarine U-104.

22/04/1918 53.4309 -5.7823 100

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

W02014 Fisher Lass (MFV)

UKHO wreck no. 009100404. 13-ton, 25-year-old Irish motor fishing boat (D 166) owned by John O’Byrne of Ringsend. Caught fire off Howth Head, burnt to the water's edge and sank. 7 miles east of Ireland's Eye. One of three crew lost.

01/10/1929 53.40667 -5.86667 100

W00883 Flying Dart (SS) The Flying Dart was a 111-ton iron paddle steam tug, built by J.T. Eltringham, South Shields in 1882, with 70 horse-power engines. It was owned by the Clyde Company (G. Kidston of Glasgow) and the ship’s master was J. Altrum.

12/08/1890 53.34743 -6.01086 100

W01790 Flying Hawk (SS) UKHO wreck no. 009000288. 61 ton, 11 year old twin-screw iron steam tug of Glasgow. Owned by the Clyde Shipping Co./G.J. Kidston, Glasgow, master was J. Hayes. En route in ballast from Kingstown to tow a vessel. Struck a rock in SSW force 8 gale and sank.

27/10/1887 53.27778 -6.09056 100

W01572 Glenorchy 1,285-ton vessel of Glasgow, official no. 60,391. Master was Thomas Meiklejohn. En route from Greenock to Bombay (maiden voyage), cargo of coal, railway sleepers. Struck the Kish Bank, became a wreck. Crew saved. Four tugs saved materials off the wreck.

01/01/1869 53.28058 -5.93317 100

W01482 Guide Me II (HMS)

UKHO wreck no. 009000033. Chart symbol 30wk. 100-ton, 10-year-old British anti-submarine drifter sank following a collision. Owned by J. Mitchell & J. Cow. Hired by the Admiralty in 1915 and converted into a British anti-submarine drifter.

29/08/1918 53.27209 -6.05441 100

W02024 Hare (SS) UKHO wreck no. 009100350. Chart symbol 50wk. 774 ton, 31 year old British steam ship owned by George Lowen of Manchester. Built by Barclay Curle & Co., measured L. 216 x B. 29 x D. 15 feet. Torpedoed, sunk by German submarine U-62 en route from Manchester.

14/12/1917 53.40045 -5.71552 100

W02367 John Morrison (SS)

UKHO wreck no. 009100076. Chart symbol wk. 18.3 m. A 202-ton, 51-year-old steam barquentine of Dublin. Built by Tracy/Treacy of Arklow. Measured L. 105.6ft x B. 25ft x

17/12/1925 53.08333 -5.99167 100

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

D. 12.4ft. En route from Waterford to Liverpool, cargo of pit props, timber.

W09785 Kilkenny (cargo debris)

We regret that we are unable to supply descriptive details for this record at present.

21/11/1991 53.3477 -6.12005 100

W01575 Lanarkshire (SS) UKHO wreck no. 009101834. 929-ton steamship of Glasgow. Measured L. 210ft x B. 28ft x D. 21ft. Classed by Lloyd’s as ‘100 A1’ and had last been surveyed in February 1881. Owned by Burrell and Sons of Glasgow. Master was P. Fraser.

14/01/1882 53.106 -5.85983 100

W02039 Leinster (RMS) 2,646-ton, 22-year-old steel twin screw steamer built in Birkenhead, Liverpool, by Lairds. Owned by the City of Dublin Steam Packet Company, captain was William Birch. Measured L. 360ft x B. 42ft x D. 27ft. En route from Dun Laoghaire to Holyhead.

10/10/1918 53.3143 -5.79284 100

W01828 Loch Fergus UKHO wreck no. 009000318. 818/ 874 ton, 23/24 year old Iron barque of Liverpool / Glasgow. Classed as 100 A1 by Lloyd’s. Owned by J. Sproat & Co., Liverpool, master was T. Williams. En route from Glasgow to Brisbane.

06/02/1899 53.24667 -6.10667 100

W02049 Marlay (SS) The Marlay was a 798-ton, 61m long steel steam collier, built in 1890 by Workman Clarke & Co. of Belfast. It was owned by Dublin coal merchants Tedcastle, McCormick & Co. and had a compound expansion engine delivering 170 nominal horsepower.

16/12/1902 53.388 -5.977 100

W09962 Privet Fishing vessel sank. Mapped by INSS in 2003. 01/09/1988 53.32952 -6.13603 100 W00910 Queen Victoria

(SS) UKHO wreck no. 009000239. One of the more significant ships lost in Dublin Bay, the Queen Victoria was a 337-ton, 150-foot-long paddle steamer built in Liverpool in 1837. It was owned by the City of Dublin Steam Packet Company and was capable of 11 knots.

15/02/1853 53.36006 -6.05103 100

W09984 Rose of Lough Gill

Fishing boat sank. 01/10/1995 53.18279 -6.00176 100

W01588 Sir Charles Napier

The Sir Charles Napier was a 638-ton merchant vessel built in Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada, and owned

19/11/1857 53.262 -5.925 100

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

by Locketts of London. The sailing ship was en route from Liverpool to Sierra Leone, carrying a cargo that included 6,000 iron pots and iron hoops.

W01593 Trustful Sprang a leak during a SW gale while fishing off Bray Head. Crew took to the lifeboat and were picked up by the Dun Laoghaire Pilot boat a few hours later.

29/12/1924 53.16667 -5.93333 100

GSI_278 Unknown Unknown - 53.2699 -5.926 100 GSI_281 Unknown Unknown - 53.2671 -5.933 100 GSI_285 Unknown Unknown - 53.2665 -5.9305 100 GSI_304 Unknown Unknown - 53.2653 -5.8402 100 GSI_401 Unknown Unknown - 53.1248 -5.8535 100 MA02 Unknown Unknown - 53.27009 -5.94183 300 MA03 Unknown Unknown - 53.24033 -5.899 100 MA04 Unknown Unknown - 53.29726 -5.95085 100 MA05 Unknown Unknown - 53.21655 -6.03059 100 MA07 Unknown Unknown - 53.27308 -5.92909 100 MA08 Unknown Unknown - 53.28666 -5.93746 100 W01125 Unknown One of 3 wrecks marked on an admiralty chart of Dublin

Bay compiled by J.H. Kerr in 1874. The wreck was located approximately 200m from the low spring water mark in approximately 1m of water.

- 53.36214 -6.12834 100

W01126 Unknown One of 3 wrecks marked on an admiralty chart of Dublin Bay compiled by J.H. Kerr in 1874. The wreck was located approximately 700m from the low spring water mark in approximately 1.5m of water.

- 53.35436 -6.13562 100

W01143 Unknown UKHO wreck no. is 009000070. Chart symbol ST. Wreck marked near the low water mark on admiralty chart 1415.

- 53.36139 -6.13611 100

W01526 Unknown One of five wrecks plotted on William Bligh’s 1803 map of Dublin Bay. It is located in shallow water just off the South Bull.

- 53.31846 -6.11471 100

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

W01532 Unknown One of 4 wrecks marked on a chart (Admiralty Chart 1415) of Dublin. It is described as “remains of wrecks” and is located in about 10m of water.

- 53.31217 -6.11119 100

W01533 Unknown One of four wrecks marked on a chart (Admiralty Chart 1415) of Dublin. It is described as “remains of wrecks” and is located in about 10m of water.

- 53.3118 -6.10214 100

W01540 Unknown UKHO wreck no. 009000069. Surveyed in 1931, in a depth of 2m, listed as a ‘dangerous wreck’.

- 53.35417 -6.13417 100

W01543 Unknown UKHO wreck no. 009000045. Chart symbol NDW. Sunken yacht reported in September 1946 as being dangerous to navigation. In October 1946 Irish Lights Commissioners reported mast of wreck visible at low water. In November 1946 wreck was dispersed.

- 53.29917 -6.02083 100

W01544 Unknown Dutch dredging company discovered a wreck in June 1989 while excavating route for new sewerage pipe. Wreck lay exposed in the southern bank of the trench, measuring c. 15ft across and consisting of a ‘wooden framework’.

- 53.32575 -6.16793 100

W01548 Unknown Wooden wreck discovered during side-scan sonar survey as part of the Ringsend to Sutton pipeline. Wreck measures L. 40m x B. 10m and consists of two parallel rows of ship framing timbers protruding through the seabed.

- 53.36553 -6.12597 100

W01550 Unknown Possible wreck (INSS No. G137) identified during the National Seabed Survey. Wreck measures L. 24m, W. 9m with a height of 1m off the seabed. It lies in a general sea depth of 28m.

- 53.36002 -6.01904 100

W01551 Unknown Possible wreck (INSS No. G160) identified during the National Seabed Survey. Wreck measures L. 3m, W. 3m with a height of 3m off the seabed. It lies in a general sea depth of 9m.

- 53.33208 -6.0893 100

W01552 Unknown One of three anomalies indicating a possible wreck (INSS No. G161a), identified by the National Seabed Survey.

- 53.33377 -6.08944 100

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Anomaly measures L. 3m, W. 3m with a height of 2m off the seabed. It lies in a general sea depth of 8m.

W01553 Unknown One of three anomalies indicating a possible wreck (INSS No. G161b), identified by the National Seabed Survey. Anomaly measures L. 3m, W. 3m with a height of 1m off the seabed. It lies in a general sea depth of 8m.

- 53.33401 -6.08959 100

W01554 Unknown One of three anomalies indicating a possible wreck (INSS No. G161c), identified by the National Seabed Survey. Anomaly measures L. 2m, W. 2m with a height of 1m off the seabed. It lies in a general sea depth of 8m.

- 53.33432 -6.08945 100

W01629 Unknown Remains of a 300-400 ton vessel (approx.) wooden wreck. Discovered by Marlin Sub Aqua Club in 2003. The vessel is partially exposed on the seabed in 8-10m of water. Pottery, clay pipes, iron pots, a number of anchors, a capstan and a winch were recorded.

- 53.2621 -5.92517 100

W01630 Unknown Wooden wreck discovered by Marlin Sub Aqua Club in 2003. The wreck is partially exposed on the seabed in 8–10m of water and is upside-down. Hull is copper sheeted. The wreck rises approximately 1m in height off the seabed and measure 17m long.

- 53.26722 -5.9325 100

W01731 Unknown One of five wrecks plotted on William Bligh’s 1803 map of Dublin Bay. It is located in shallow water, just off the South Bull, at the entrance to the ‘Cock Lake’. It also appears to feature on John Taylor’s 1816 map of Dublin.

- 53.32326 -6.17133 100

W01734 Unknown Wooden wreck, known as the ‘Ringsend Wreck’, became exposed during dredging operations for the Dublin Bay pipeline in April 2001. A test excavation carried out on the wreck by Lar Dunne and Emer Dennehy (01E0402) revealed the wreck orientation.

- 53.33625 -6.17844 100

W02219 Unknown Possible wreck (INSS No. G154) identified during the National Seabed Survey. Wreck measures L. 37m, W. 13m with a height of 1m off the seabed. It lies in a general sea depth of 58m.

- 53.35768 -5.76637 100

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

W08691 Unknown Wreck surveyed by the RV Keery in 2010 as part of the INFOMAR seabed mapping programme. Wreck measures 4m long, 1.8m in maximum width and lies in 10m of water. GSI Wreck No_285.

15/01/1802 53.2655 -5.9305 100

W09300 Unknown Wreck surveyed by the RV Keery in 2010 as part of the INFOMAR seabed mapping programme. Wreck measures 21m long, 3.7m in maximum width and lies in 15m of water. GSI Wreck No_288.

04/06/1800 53.251 -5.93 100

W10276 Unknown Unknown - 53.25417 -5.92347 100 W10291 Unknown Unknown - 53.41639 -5.78972 100 W10292 Unknown Unknown - 53.41917 -5.76861 100 W10297 Unknown Unknown - 53.25722 -5.92583 100 W10332 Unknown Unknown - 53.33333 -5.75 100 W10595 Unknown We regret that we are unable to supply descriptive

details for this record at present. - 53.27417 -6.07667 100

W10596 Unknown Anchor and cable. - 53.32083 -6.12 100 W10597 Unknown Unknown - 53.23305 -6.02083 100 W10598 Unknown Unknown - 53.18612 -6.04167 100 W11331 Unknown Unknown - 53.2666 -5.93355 100 W11332 Unknown Wooden wreck identified by Browne & Stokes during a

geophysical survey in 2008. The wreck was surveyed by the RV Keery in 2010 as part of the INFOMAR seabed mapping programme. Wreck measures 26.5m long, 4.3m in maximum width and lies in 15m of water.

- 53.25367 -5.93183 100

W11333 Unknown - - 53.26 -5.93542 100 W11334 Unknown - - 53.30132 -5.9191 100 W11337 Unknown - - 53.26226 -5.93818 100 W11338 Unknown - - 53.26346 -5.93812 100 W11339 Unknown - - 53.25694 -5.9342 100 W11340 Unknown - - 53.258 -5.93581 100 W11341 Unknown - - 53.26349 -5.93744 100

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

W11342 Unknown - - 53.13993 -5.84835 100 W11343 Unknown - - 53.14007 -5.84853 100 W11344 Unknown - - 53.13899 -5.86873 100 W11345 Unknown - - 53.13937 -5.87141 100 W11346 Unknown - - 53.13894 -5.87579 100 W11347 Unknown - - 53.13982 -5.91662 100 W11348 Unknown - - 53.14081 -5.85421 100 W11349 Unknown - - 53.14387 -5.88975 100 W11350 Unknown - - 53.14619 -5.88965 100 W11351 Unknown - - 53.13795 -5.85347 100 W11352 Unknown - - 53.1388 -5.9022 100 W11353 Unknown - - 53.13785 -5.90297 100 W11354 Unknown - - 53.13902 -5.93386 100 W11355 Unknown - - 53.15035 -6.02639 100 W11356 Unknown - - 53.15482 -6.04957 100 W11357 Unknown - - 53.15775 -6.05398 100 W11358 Unknown We regret that we are unable to supply descriptive

details for this record at present. - 53.15765 -6.04628 100

W11359 Unknown - - 53.15143 -5.98631 100 W11360 Unknown - - 53.24372 -6.10193 100 W11361 Unknown - - 53.23887 -6.09263 100 W11362 Unknown - - 53.18252 -6.00147 100 W11363 Unknown - - 53.18295 -6.00218 100 W11364 Unknown - - 53.17231 -5.99255 100 W11365 Unknown - - 53.22067 -6.07505 100 W11366 Unknown - - 53.23766 -6.10212 100 W11367 Unknown - - 53.23018 -6.0902 100 W11368 Unknown - - 53.17222 -5.98933 100 W11369 Unknown - - 53.16663 -5.98783 100

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

W11474 Unknown We regret that we are unable to supply descriptive details for this record at present.

- 53.305 -6.155 100

W11566 Unknown Re-deposited ship timbers. - 53.33704 -6.1798 100 W11567 Unknown Re-deposited ship timbers - 53.33705 -6.18 100 W11568 Unknown Re-deposited ship timbers. - 53.33704 -6.18016 100 W11569 Unknown Re-deposited ship timbers. - 53.33703 -6.18041 100 W11581 Unknown Wooden wreck known as the '9.5 fathom wreck'. - 53.25038 -5.93005 100 W11610 Unknown We regret that we are unable to supply descriptive

details for this record at present. - 53.25767 -5.93365 100

W11626 Unknown Wooden wreck known as the 'Iron Pipe Wreck' located by Browne and Stokes in 2008. The wreck was surveyed by the RV Keery in 2010 as part of the INFOMAR seabed mapping programme. Wreck measures 19m long, 5m in maximum width and lies in 14m of water.

- 53.26517 -5.93708 100

W11630 Unknown Known by divers as the North Wreck and appears to be the remains of a barge or hopper. The wreck was surveyed by the Geological Survey of Ireland in 2008 as part of the Irish National Seabed Survey. It measured 25m long, 7.3m in maximum width.

- 53.28694 -5.82278 100

W17989 Unknown Wreck surveyed by the Geological Survey of Ireland in 2008 as part of the Irish National Seabed Survey. Wreck measures 26m long, 8m in maximum width and lies in 42m of water. GSI Wreck No_304.

- 53.2849 -5.83017 100

W18522 Unknown Wooden wreck measuring 16.4m long, 5.5m wide, standing 20cm proud of the seabed. The wreck was identified during a geophysical survey for the Dublin Bay Pipeline Project.

- 53.33976 -6.1463 100

W18550 Unknown Wreck discovered during search for the Aid by DUSAC. Initially thought to be the wreck of the Aid (W02313) but it is several decades later in the date and the vessel was most likely built sometime during the late 19th century.

- 53.02973 -6.04506 100

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

W18562 Unknown Wreck surveyed by the Celtic Voyager in 2010 as part of the INFOMAR seabed mapping programme. Wreck measures 13.5m long, 3.5m in maximum width and lies in 10m of water. GSI Wreck No_289.

- 53.2411 -5.91233 100

W11571 Unknown "Ringsend Wreck""

Wooden wreck. - 53.33646 -6.17801 100

W11539 Unknown (GSI_137)

We regret that we are unable to supply descriptive details for this record at present.

- 53.36002 -6.01904 100

W11542 Unknown (GSI_154)

- - 53.35768 -5.76637 100

W11570 Unknown (Ringsend Wreck)

Wooden wreck. - 53.33625 -6.17844 100

W02099 Vanguard (HMS) The HMS Vanguard was one of four Audacious class, ironclad battleships built by Cammel Laird & Co. at Birkenhead, England, at a cost of £355,000. The 6,034-ton vessel was powered by steam and sail and was capable of attaining speeds up to 14 knots.

01/09/1875 53.213 -5.772 100

W01594 Vesper (SS) The Vesper was a 478-ton (gross tonnage) iron merchant steamer of Hartlepool, built in Dundee by Barclay, Curle & Company, with a nominal horsepower of 60. Benjamin R. Huntley of Hartlepool was one of the vessel’s owners. The ship’s master was Jacob.

13/01/1876 53.2683 -5.9295 100

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Annex 2: Gazetteer of documented losses

Wreck Name Wreck No

Classification Place of Loss Latitude Longitude Year Lost

Bailey Lighthouse

Alert W12681 Boat Bailey Light, Co Dublin, 1 mile E of 0 0 1892 Unknown W15243 Unknown Bailey Lighthouse, 23M from 0 0 1892 Unknown W16239 Fishing boat Bailey Lighthouse, two miles off 0 0 1900 Lizzie W01490 Lugger Dublin Bay, 3 miles off the Baily light 0 0 1867 Brothers W00869 Brigantine Dublin Bay, Baily Light / Lambay, off 0 0 1880 3500 W00956 Boat Dublin Bay, Baily Light, 0.5 mile S by W 0 0 1881 Unknown W02202 Unknown Dublin Bay, Baily Light, 10 miles SE of 0 0 1903 Ebenezer W02000 Cutter Dublin Bay, Baily Light, c. 8 miles ENE / About 6 miles NE

of Dublin Bay 0 0 1901

Unknown W00961 Sailing Boat Dublin Bay, Baily Light, ENE 0 0 1903 Unknown W00960 Sailing Boat Dublin Bay, Baily Light, ENE of/ 30 miles ENE of 0 0 1903 Vigilant W00919 Trawler Dublin Bay, Baily Light, near 0 0 1880 Unknown W00946 Unknown Dublin Bay, Baily Light, off 0 0 1857 Capella W00871 Schooner Dublin Bay, Baily Lighthouse 0 0 1870 Unknown W12317 Boat Dublin Bay, Baily Lighthouse, ½ mile S. by W. of 0 0 1881 Flying Dart (SS) W00883 Paddler

Steamer Dublin Bay, Baily Lighthouse, 1 mile off, Dublin Bay 53.34743 -6.01086 1890

Simpson / Simson W02088 Unknown Dublin Bay, Baily Lighthouse, 18 miles W by N 0 0 1849 Unknown W02193 Schooner Dublin Bay, Baily Lighthouse, 2 miles SE 0 0 1871 Mary W02052 Lugsail Dublin Bay, Baily Lighthouse, around 1 mile NE 0 0 1908 Unknown W00952 Ship Dublin Bay, Baily Lighthouse, off 0 0 1862 Unknown W00955 Sloop Dublin Bay, Baily Lighthouse, off 0 0 1875 Saline W02083 Unknown Dublin Bay, Baily, a few miles E 0 0 1862 Ernest W00881 Ketch Dublin Bay, Baily, off 0 0 1875

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W02205 Scow Dublin Bay, Baily, SW ½ W, Lambay WNW 0 0 1907 Robert Brown W12313 Schooner Dublin Bay, Shelly Bank, off the Bailey Lighthouse 0 0 1880 Bennet Bank

Deliverer (HMD) W01561 Steam Drifter Wicklow, Bennet Bank, E side, 53 20 42.468N, 005 57 8.988W

53.34513 -5.9525 1917

Six Brothers W02089 Unknown Dublin Bay, near Bennet Bank 0 0 1831 Blackrock

Unknown W06951 Barque Blackrock 0 0

Dolphin W16234 Smack Blackrock 0 0 1809 Unknown W16397 Sloop Blackrock 0 0 1778 Emily W01649 Unknown Blackrock "Sands", Dublin 0 0 1834 Unknown W12895 Boat Blackrock and the Carrageens, between 0 0 1765 Unknown W01729 Brig Blackrock to Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1799 Unknown W05976 Canoe Blackrock, 1/2 mile SE of 0 0 1901 Nicholson W01671 Unknown Blackrock, near, Dublin 0 0 1825 Francoloen W15041 Ship Dublin Bay, Blackrock, off 0 0 1895 Unknown W16393 Unknown Dublin, Blackrock 0 0 1778 Booterstown Albatross W01638 Yawl Booterstown, breakwater 0 0 1888 Unknown W01723 Unknown Booterstown, Dublin 0 0 1798 Bray and Bray Head

Unknown W16482 Boat Bray 0 0 1787 Unknown W16483 Unknown Bray 0 0 1799 John Parry W17546 Schooner Bray 0 0 1885 Unknown W16304 Boat Bray and Dalkey, between 0 0 1766 Unknown W16322 Boat Bray and Dalkey, between 0 0 1766 Mary Ann W02253 Schooner Bray Beach, Co Wicklow 0 0 1889 Unknown W02310 Motorboat Bray Harbour 0 0 1910 Pimorrero W01870 Barque Bray Harbour, N of 0 0 1873

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W12842 Merchant Vessel

Bray Head 0 0 1786

Unknown W16309 Unknown Bray Head 0 0 1766 Unknown W16515 Unknown Bray Head 0 0 1863 Unknown W16517 Unknown Bray Head and Greystones, along 0 0 1865 Betsey W16141 Brig Bray Head, 1M off 0 0 1852 Unknown W10598 Unknown Bray Head, 2.3km east of 53.18612 -6.04167

Rose of Lough Gill W09984 Fishing boat Bray Head, 5km east 53.18279 -6.00176 1995 Agnes W02221 Brigantine Bray Head, Co Wicklow 0 0 1880 Eliza W02230 Unknown Bray Head, Co Wicklow 0 0 1803 Industry W02245 Unknown Bray Head, Co Wicklow 0 0 1861 New Valiant W02257 Schooner Bray Head, Co Wicklow 0 0 1852 Unknown W02268 Unknown Bray Head, Co Wicklow 0 0 1766 Unknown W02293 Brig Bray Head, Co Wicklow 0 0 1858 Unknown W02296 Unknown Bray Head, Co Wicklow 0 0 1861 Unknown W02297 Unknown Bray Head, Co Wicklow 0 0 1861 Unknown W02298 Unknown Bray Head, Co Wicklow 0 0 1861 Unknown W02300 Unknown Bray Head, Co Wicklow 0 0 1861 Unknown W02301 Unknown Bray Head, Co Wicklow 0 0 1861 Queen W11928 Smack Bray Head, Co Wicklow 0 0 1852 Young Valiant W11941 Schooner Bray Head, Co Wicklow (stranded) 0 0 1852 Marina W08590 Brigantine Bray Head, Co Wicklow and Baltimore, between 0 0 1869 St. Michael W05915 Ship Bray Head, Co Wicklow or Hogs Head, Derrynane 0 0 1874 Sovereign W02264 Unknown Bray Head, Co Wicklow to Delgany 0 0 1844 Unknown W02881 Sloop Bray Head, Co Wicklow to Wicklow 0 0 1840 Betsey / Betsy W02227 Brig Bray Head, Co Wicklow, 1 mile from 0 0 1852 Gael W05681 Sailing Boat Bray Head, Co Wicklow, 1M NW 0 0 1903 Trustful (SS) W02265 Steam

Trawler Bray Head, Co Wicklow, 5 miles ESE 0 0 1924

Cabrenangue W02228 Schooner Bray Head, Co Wicklow, near 0 0 1809

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W02277 Sloop Bray Head, Co Wicklow, near 0 0 1786 Unknown W02278 Sloop Bray Head, Co Wicklow, near 0 0 1786 Annabella W02224 Unknown Bray Head, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1830 Frances W02239 Unknown Bray Head, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1824 Mary Rosaleen (MV) W02254 Dandy Bray Head, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1931 Unknown W02271 Coaster Bray Head, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1781 Unknown W02272 Coaster Bray Head, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1781 Unknown W02275 Merchant

Vessel Bray Head, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1786

Unknown W02291 Collier Bray Head, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1856 Unknown W02292 Collier Bray Head, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1856 Unknown W02309 Boat Bray Head, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1903 Unknown W02273 Coaster Bray Head, Co Wicklow, rocks off 0 0 1784 Unknown W02274 Coaster Bray Head, Co Wicklow, rocks off 0 0 1784 Unknown W16489 Coaster Bray Head, rocks off 0 0 1784 Unknown W16490 Coaster Bray Head, rocks off 0 0 1784 Unknown W18581 Unknown Bray Head, Valentia, 25nm WSW 51.78509 -11.0797

Unknown W14707 Ship Bray Head, Valentia, 4M SW of 0 0 1910 Unknown W17299 Fishing boat Bray off 0 0 1909 Harlingen W13649 Unknown Bray Point 0 0 1838 Ellen Mary W02232 Schooner Bray Strand, 0 0 1880 Princess Royal W12241 Lifeboat Bray Strand, Co Wicklow, ¾ of a mile east of 0 0 1876 Leonie W12240 Brig Bray Strand, off 0 0 1876 Francis W02240 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow 0 0 1824 Gustaff Adolph W02243 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow 0 0 1794 Heroine W02244 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow 0 0 1876 Unknown W02270 Sloop Bray, Co Wicklow 0 0 1774 Unknown W02279 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow 0 0 1799 Unknown W02280 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow 0 0 1799 Unknown W02281 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow 0 0 1838

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W02282 Dutch Galliot Bray, Co Wicklow 0 0 1838 Unknown W02289 Schooner Bray, Co Wicklow 0 0 1856 Unknown W02290 Schooner Bray, Co Wicklow 0 0 1856 Unknown W02304 Brigantine Bray, Co Wicklow 0 0 1867 Francis W02017 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow to Dalkey 0 0 1774 Unknown W02141 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow to Dalkey 0 0 1766 Unknown W02888 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow to Wicklow Head 0 0 1864 Friendship W02242 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow, 0.5 mile from the town 0 0 1783 Britannia W02812 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow, 12 miles away 0 0 1831 Marie Celine (SS) W02250 Ketch Bray, Co Wicklow, 300 yards N of Harbour 0 0 1926 Elizabeth W02231 Schooner Bray, Co Wicklow, beach 0 0 1870 Invincible W02246 Sloop Bray, Co Wicklow, beach 0 0 1810 Unknown W02302 Schooner Bray, Co Wicklow, beach 0 0 1863 Cheval de Troie W12020 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow, beach (stranded) 0 0 1858 Unknown W02307 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow, beach, off 0 0 1885 Unknown W02308 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow, beach, off 0 0 1885 Ann Griffith W02226 Schooner Bray, Co Wicklow, N of 0 0 1876 Ann and Betty W02223 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow, near 0 0 1816 Erin W02234 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow, near 0 0 1836 Newry W02256 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow, near 0 0 1818 Friends W02241 Sloop Bray, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1819 Joseph W02247 Yawl Bray, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1888 Molly W02255 Brig Bray, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1773 Unknown W02269 Smack Bray, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1766 Unknown W02295 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1861 Unknown W01609 Sloop Bray, Co Wicklow, on a bank 0 0 1844 Erne W02235 Sloop Bray, Co Wicklow, opposite Quin’s hotel 0 0 1836 Pensiero W02259 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow, River Dargle 0 0 1873 Unknown W02306 Collier Bray, Co Wicklow, River Dargle 0 0 1869 Robert W02262 Brigantine Bray, Co Wicklow, River Dargle, mouth of 0 0 1887

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Erne W02236 Sloop Bray, Co Wicklow, seafront 0 0 1936 Unknown W02305 Unknown Bray, Co Wicklow, Strand 0 0 1869 Endeavour W02233 Brig Bray, Co Wicklow, Strand, under the wall at Cumming's

Coal Yard 0 0 1861

Unknown W01604 Ship Bray, Co Wicklow, Swash 0 0 1823 Unknown W16307 Smack Bray, off 0 0 1766 Unknown W16315 Smack Bray, off 0 0 1766 Unknown W16494 Unknown Bray, off 0 0 1856 Unknown W16495 Unknown Bray, off 0 0 1856 Factor W13735 Unknown Bray, south of 0 0 1828 Adonis (SS) W01555 Screw

Steamer Wicklow, Bray approximately 6 miles E of, SE of Muglins 0 0 1862

John and Marry

Sailing Vessel Bray Head Co Wicklow

1740 Vanguard (HMS) W02099 Ironclad

Battleship Wicklow, Bray Head, 12 miles E by N 53.21296 -5.77187 1875

Bray Bank Unknown W16484 Sloop Bray Bank 0 0 1844 Unknown W17082 Ship Bray Bank 0 0 1871 Trustful W01593 Fishing Drifter Wicklow, Bray Bank, 53 10N, 05 56W. 53.16667 -5.93333 1924 Bull Wall

Cockileekie W18300 Schooner Bull Wall 0 0 1868 Unknown (SS) W17145 Steamship Bull wall, Clontarf, abreast of Poolbeg lighthouse 0 0 1877 Rosaleen (SS) W14480 Steamship Bull Wall, N 0 0 1912 Bullock

John and Henry W01818 Schooner Bullock / Sandycove 0 0 1881 Margaret Ann W01835 Smack Bullock Harbour, outside 0 0 1872 Burford Bank

Burford W01471 Man O' War Dublin Bay, Burford Bank 0 0 1770 Endeavour W01477 Brig Dublin Bay, Burford Bank 0 0 1844 Seymour W01507 Schooner Dublin Bay, Burford Bank 0 0 1844

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W01546 Trawler Dublin Bay, Burford Bank, E side 0 0

Unknown W01543 Yacht Dublin Bay, Burford Bank, near the S Buoy. 53 17 57N, 06 01 15W

53.29917 -6.02083 1946

Unknown W01531 Schooner Dublin Bay, Burford Bank, off 0 0 1861 Nicolino W12718 Barque Dublin Bay, Burford Bank, off 0 0 1888 Liverpool (SS) W01489 Steam Tug Dublin Bay, Burford Bank, outside 0 0 1879 Unknown W01545 Unknown Dublin Bay, Burford Bank, S Burford buoy 0 0


Unknown W12817 Boat Clontarf 0 0 1786 Race Horse W17201 Unknown Clontarf Island 0 0 1774 Unknown W16176 Hulk Clontarf Pool 0 0 1593 Unknown W18574 Unknown Clontarf Strand 53.35982 -6.21983

Unknown W01399 Lighter Dublin Bay, at the point of the N Wall, opposite to Clontarf Island

0 0 1773

Unknown W01396 Lighter Dublin Bay, Clontarf 0 0 1771 Unknown W01397 Lighter Dublin Bay, Clontarf 0 0 1771 Unknown W01401 Sloop Dublin Bay, Clontarf 0 0 1774 Unknown W01402 Gabbard Dublin Bay, Clontarf 0 0 1774 Irish Mollie W01230 Yacht Dublin Bay, Clontarf Baths 0 0 1939 Lovely Jane W01258 Unknown Dublin Bay, Clontarf Island 0 0 1774 Unknown W01400 Unknown Dublin Bay, Clontarf Island 0 0 1774 Unknown W01438 Merchant

Vessel Dublin Bay, Clontarf shore 0 0 1798

Unknown W01439 Merchant Vessel

Dublin Bay, Clontarf shore 0 0 1798

Unknown W01452 Unknown Dublin Bay, Clontarf Station 0 0 1874 Joanna Eliza Furlong W01240 Schooner Dublin Bay, Clontarf, 1.5 miles E of N Bull Wall 0 0 1885 Lighter No. 14 W01249 Lighter Dublin Bay, Clontarf, near 0 0 1888 Unknown W01413 Boat Dublin Bay, Clontarf, near 0 0 1782 Hope and Anchor W01226 Unknown Dublin Bay, Clontarf, off 0 0 1766

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W01440 West Indiaman

Dublin, near Clontarf 0 0 1799

Unknown W01441 West Indiaman

Dublin, near Clontarf 0 0 1799

Unknown W01442 West Indiaman

Dublin, near Clontarf 0 0 1799

Unknown W01366 Unknown Dublin, Pool of Clontarf 0 0 1593 Codling Bank

Trinidad (SS) W02867 Steamship Wicklow, Codling Light Vessel, 12 miles E. 53.09139 -5.36806 1918 Energy (SV) W02825 Unknown Wicklow, Codling Light Vessel, 18 miles E by N. 53.31694 -5.39278 1918 Elaine W01564 Brigantine Codling Bank 0 0 1883 Enterprise W01567 Barque Codling Bank 0 0 1855 Perthshire W01585 Barque Codling Bank 0 0 1840 Unknown W01606 Unknown Codling Bank 0 0 1838 Unknown W01625 Unknown Codling Bank 0 0 1872 Unknown W01632 Ship Codling Bank 0 0 1904 Unknown W01618 Ship Codling Bank buoy, 2 miles S 0 0 1858 Unknown W01619 Ship Codling Bank buoy, 2 miles S 0 0 1858 Mary Fanny W02845 Ketch Codling Bank Light Vessel, 14 mile SE 0 0 1918 Modesty W02849 Ship Codling Bank, 18 nautical (?) miles SE 0 0 1869 Wales Queen W01595 Unknown Codling Bank, 4 miles NE 0 0 1891 Lanarkshire (SS) W01575 Steamship Codling Bank, 53 06 21.6N, 005 51 35.4W 53.106 -5.85983 1882 Unknown W01605 Brig Codling Bank, below the Kish Light 0 0 1833 Wanderer W12684 Barque Codling Bank, Irish Sea, 25 miles SW of 0 0 1891 Hector W12082 Unknown Codling Bank, off Wicklow Head 0 0 1865 Unknown W11358 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.15765 -6.04628

Unknown W11342 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.13993 -5.84835

Unknown W11343 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.14007 -5.84853

Unknown W11344 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.13899 -5.86873

Unknown W11345 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.13937 -5.87141

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W11346 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.13894 -5.87579

Unknown W11347 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.13982 -5.91662

Unknown W11348 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.14081 -5.85421

Unknown W11349 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.14387 -5.88975

Unknown W11350 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.14619 -5.88965

Unknown W11351 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.13795 -5.85347

Unknown W11352 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.1388 -5.9022

Unknown W11353 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.13785 -5.90297

Unknown W11354 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.13902 -5.93386

Unknown W11355 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.15035 -6.02639

Unknown W11356 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.15482 -6.04957

Unknown W11357 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.15775 -6.05398

Unknown W11359 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.15143 -5.98631

Unknown W11360 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.24372 -6.10193

Unknown W11361 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.23887 -6.09263

Unknown W11362 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.18252 -6.00147

Unknown W11363 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.18295 -6.00218

Unknown W11364 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.17231 -5.99255

Unknown W11365 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.22067 -6.07505

Unknown W11366 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.23766 -6.10212

Unknown W11367 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.23018 -6.0902

Unknown W11368 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.17222 -5.98933

Unknown W11369 Unknown Codling Bank. 53.16663 -5.98783

Wave Queen W01597 Barque Codling Light Vessel, around 4 miles NE 0 0 1892 Unknown W15412 Unknown Codling Lighthouse, 10 miles SSE of 0 0 1922 Dalkey

Sarah Jane W01883 Schooner Corig Rocks, Dalkey Sound 0 0 1852 Challenger W01758 Cutter Dalkey Island, Co Dublin 0 0 1897 Mayflower W01851 Unknown Dalkey Island, Co Dublin 0 0 1803 Unknown W01906 Sloop Dalkey Island, Co Dublin 0 0 1786

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W01950 Unknown Dalkey Island, Co Dublin 0 0 1861 Essy W01781 Unknown Dalkey Island, Co Dublin (stranded) 0 0 1834 Unknown W01524 Boat Dalkey Island, Co Dublin to Clontarf 0 0 1797 Victoria W01895 Schooner Dalkey Island, Co Dublin, abreast of the Muglins 0 0 1855 Unknown W01912 Yawl Dalkey Island, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1798 Unknown W01917 Schooner Dalkey Island, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1828 Unknown W01918 Schooner Dalkey Island, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1828 Unknown W01919 Unknown Dalkey Island, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1828 Unknown W11630 Unknown Dalkey Island, Dublin. 17.1km east 53.28694 -5.82278

Lighter 42 B W01825 Lighter Dalkey Sound, Co Dublin 0 0 1887 Unknown W01940 Brig Dalkey Sound, Co Dublin 0 0 1861 Unknown W01942 Brig Dalkey Sound, Co Dublin 0 0 1861 Unknown W01944 Unknown Dalkey Sound, Co Dublin 0 0 1861 Unknown W01945 Boat Dalkey Sound, Co Dublin 0 0 1861 Unknown W02155 Coaster Dalkey to Bray 0 0 1790 Unknown W02156 Coaster Dalkey to Bray 0 0 1790 Unknown W02157 Coaster Dalkey to Bray 0 0 1790 Unknown W02158 Coaster Dalkey to Bray 0 0 1790 Sampson W02084 Hulk Dalkey to Bray, c. 9 miles from Dublin 0 0 1568 Unknown W02110 Unknown Dalkey to Dublin 0 0 1537 Unknown W01901 Unknown Dalkey, Co Dublin, district of 0 0 1308 Penelope W01867 Unknown Dalkey, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1768 Perdgee W01868 Unknown Dalkey, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1768 Annie Elizabeth/Mary Elizabeth

W01742 Barque Dalkey, Co Dublin, near Loreto Convent 0 0 1880

Mayflower W01850 Unknown Dalkey, Co Dublin, Slobbersludge / Slobberslush Bay, near

0 0 1780

Airplane W14272 Airplane Dalkey, off / Mullings 0 0 1933 Dublin

Union W01348 Brigantine Dublin 0 0 1870

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W01367 Bark Dublin 0 0 1640 Unknown W01374 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1762 Telford W01510 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1844 Unknown W01514 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1600 Admiral (SS) W01971 Steam Tug Dublin 0 0 1879 Adventure W01972 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1802 Alexis W01974 Brig Dublin 0 0 1801 Ann W01976 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1801 Ariadne W01979 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1795 Blazer W01985 Yacht Dublin 0 0 1849 Cheesman W01990 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1762 Diana W01993 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1808 Dream W01997 Yacht Dublin 0 0 1849 Duke of Bedford W01998 Sloop Dublin 0 0 1759 Fame W02010 Schooner Dublin 0 0 1826 Kingston W02034 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1847 Leopard W02040 Schooner Dublin 0 0 1813 Letitia W02042 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1826 Lowther W02044 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1799 Margaret W02048 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1824 Nelson W02057 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1823 New Fair Trader W02060 Brig Dublin 0 0 1802 Prince Pacquet W02068 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1807 Providence W02069 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1803 Publica Fides W02070 Snow Dublin 0 0 1785 Robert W02075 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1758 Russell W02076 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1803 Sampson W02085 Brig Dublin 0 0 1826 Swift W02094 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1775 True Love W02097 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1811

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Union W02098 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1808 York W02108 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1801 Unknown W02111 Barque Dublin 0 0 1637 Unknown W02112 Barque Dublin 0 0 1637 Unknown W02113 Barque Dublin 0 0 1637 Unknown W02114 Barque Dublin 0 0 1637 Unknown W02115 Barque Dublin 0 0 1637 Unknown W02116 Barque Dublin 0 0 1637 Unknown W02117 Barque Dublin 0 0 1637 Unknown W02118 Barque Dublin 0 0 1637 Unknown W02119 Barque Dublin 0 0 1637 Unknown W02120 Barque Dublin 0 0 1637 Unknown W02121 Barque Dublin 0 0 1637 Unknown W02122 Barque Dublin 0 0 1637 Unknown W02124 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1639 Unknown W02125 Ship Dublin 0 0 1667 Unknown W02132 Collier Dublin 0 0 1762 Unknown W02133 Collier Dublin 0 0 1762 Unknown W02134 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1762 Unknown W02135 Collier Dublin 0 0 1762 Unknown W02136 Collier Dublin 0 0 1762 Unknown W02137 Collier Dublin 0 0 1762 Unknown W02140 Sloop Dublin 0 0 1764 Unknown W02148 Boat Dublin 0 0 1785 Unknown W02149 Sloop Dublin 0 0 1787 Unknown W02150 Sloop Dublin 0 0 1787 Unknown W02151 Brig Dublin 0 0 1787 Unknown W02153 Wherry Dublin 0 0 1789 Unknown W02154 Wherry Dublin 0 0 1789 Unknown W02160 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1799

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W02161 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1799 Unknown W02162 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1799 Unknown W02192 Schooner Dublin 0 0 1870 Unknown W02206 Trawler Dublin 0 0 1911 Unknown W02207 Trawler Dublin 0 0 1911 Anne W11946 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1850 Mars W12789 East Indiaman Dublin 0 0 1788 Unknown W14214 Unknown Dublin 0 0 1839 Camwy (SS) W14618 Barque Dublin 0 0 1914 Merry Lass W14856 Trawler Dublin 0 0 1893 Unknown W16379 Fishing boat Dublin 0 0 1775 Admiral W16637 Trawler Dublin 0 0 1871 Minerva (SS) W16874 Steamship Dublin 0 0 1876 Unknown W02189 Unknown Dublin & Irish Channel 0 0 1866 Samuel W02086 Merchant

Vessel Dublin (?) 0 0 1639

Unknown W02152 Unknown Dublin (?), at Sea 0 0 1788 Thomas and Sally W16117 Sloop Dublin? 0 0 1787 Unknown W16120 Boat Dublin? 0 0 1803 Unknown W16385 Unknown Dublin? 0 0 1776 Unknown W01067 Ship Dublin Bar 0 0 1562 Unknown W01068 Vessel Dublin Bar 0 0 1574 Allinson W01150 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1815 Anna W01152 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1815 Brothers W01165 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1825 Brothers & Sisters W01167 Brig Dublin Bar 0 0 1799 Charles W01172 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1805 Eagle W01192 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1806 James W01232 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1807 Jane W01235 Brig Dublin Bar 0 0 1881

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

London W01253 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1773 Mentor W01278 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1806 Mercator W01279 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1794 Polly W01299 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1766 William W01360 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1812 Unknown W01364 Ship Dublin Bar 0 0 1562 Unknown W01365 Vessel Dublin Bar 0 0 1574 Unknown W01373 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1693 Unknown W01404 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1775 Unknown W01416 Boat Dublin Bar 0 0 1785 Unknown W01421 Yawl Dublin Bar 0 0 1787 Unknown W01446 Schooner Dublin Bar 0 0 1807 Jane W16142 Unknown Dublin Bar 0 0 1787 Fanny W01206 Cutter Dublin Bar buoy, off/Howth Bailey near 0 0 1883 Inchbroom W01228 Schooner Dublin Bar, Co Dublin 0 0 1888 London W01252 Unknown Dublin Bar, N of the Lighthouse 0 0 1773 Edward W01195 Ship Dublin Bar, N Wall 0 0 1825 Bachelor W01158 Brig Dublin Bar, near the mouth 0 0 1778 Plain Dealing W01297 Brig Dublin Bar, near the mouth 0 0 1778 Active W01467 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1798 Alexander W01468 Brig Dublin Bay 0 0 1799 Ant W01469 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1812 Brilliant W01470 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1802 Charlotte W01472 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1852 Diana W01473 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1797 Elizabeth W01475 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1811 Emily W01476 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1818 Erin (MV) W01478 Motorboat Dublin Bay 0 0 1912 Falmouth W01479 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1814 Friends W01480 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1781

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Gebruder W01481 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1805 Henry W01483 Galliot Dublin Bay 0 0 1812 Hero W01484 Brig Dublin Bay 0 0 1861 Hope and Speedwell W01485 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1767 Industry W01486 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1800 Industry W01487 Trawler Dublin Bay 0 0 1903 Marcelia / Marcella W01492 Sloop Dublin Bay 0 0 1791 Marchioness of Wellesley

W01493 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1825

Marsden (SS) W01494 Steamship Dublin Bay 0 0 1896 Mary W01495 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1803 Mary W01496 Brig Dublin Bay 0 0 1820 Mary Ann W01497 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1783 Mercury W01498 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1804 Molly W01499 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1800 Neptune W01500 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1763 Olga W01501 Yacht Dublin Bay 0 0 1875 Olympia W01502 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1808 Resolution W01503 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1799 Richard W01504 Sloop Dublin Bay 0 0 1773 Robert W01505 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1820 Sally W01506 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1784 Uniao W01511 Barque Dublin Bay 0 0 1811 Uxbridge W01512 Ship Dublin Bay 0 0 1799 William & James W01513 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1784 Unknown W01515 Ship Dublin Bay 0 0 1724 Unknown W01516 Packet boat Dublin Bay 0 0 1758 Unknown W01517 Sloop Dublin Bay 0 0 1766 Unknown W01518 Ship Dublin Bay 0 0 1768 Unknown W01519 Wherry Dublin Bay 0 0 1772

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W01520 Fishing boat Dublin Bay 0 0 1775 Unknown W01521 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1775 Unknown W01522 Boat Dublin Bay 0 0 1777 Unknown W01523 Barge Dublin Bay 0 0 1790 Unknown W01527 Ship Dublin Bay 0 0 1803 Unknown W01528 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1803 Unknown W01529 Collier Dublin Bay 0 0 1807 Unknown W01530 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1858 Unknown W01534 Schooner Dublin Bay 0 0 1870 Unknown W01541 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1934 Unknown W01542 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1934 Unknown W10596 Unknown Dublin Bay 53.32083 -6.12

Maggie W12622 Dandy Dublin Bay 0 0 1898 Allison W13350 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1815 Unknown W15773 Hobble Dublin Bay 0 0 1926 Unknown W16306 Sloop Dublin Bay 0 0 1766 Unknown W16316 Sloop Dublin Bay 0 0 1766 Unknown W16330 Wherry Dublin Bay 0 0 1772 Unknown W16349 Gabbard Dublin Bay 0 0 1773 Unknown W16447 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1817 Pequot W18286 Unknown Dublin Bay 0 0 1867 Visitor W15318 Lifeboat Dublin Bay (?) 0 0 1852 Unknown W01551 Unknown Dublin Bay / 53 19 55.488N, 006 05 21.48W 53.33208 -6.0893

Unknown W16386 Unknown Dublin Bay? 0 0 1776 Unknown W01552 Unknown Dublin Bay, 53 20 1.572N, 006 05 21.984W 53.33377 -6.08944

Unknown W01553 Unknown Dublin Bay, 53 20 2.436N, 006 05 22.524W 53.33401 -6.08959

Unknown W01554 Unknown Dublin Bay, 53 20 3.552N, 006 05 22.02W 53.33432 -6.08945

John Hawkes W01488 Brig Dublin Bay, between Kish Bank and Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1852 No Name W12595 Boat Dublin Bay, Co Dublin. 0 0 1899 Don W01645 Unknown Dublin Bay, Merrion Strand, Co Dublin 0 0 1824

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Mary Frances W01667 Unknown Dublin Bay, Merrion Strand, Co Dublin 0 0 1824 Unknown W01735 Unknown Dublin Bay, Merrion Strand, Co Dublin 0 0

Charlotte W01642 Unknown Dublin Bay, Merrion Strand, Co Dublin, S of the Piles 0 0 1771 Unknown W01700 Unknown Dublin Bay, Merrion, Co Dublin 0 0 1767 Guide Me II (HMS) W01482 Anti-

submarine Drifter

Dublin Bay, Muglins, 1.5km ESE of, 053 16 19.52N, 006 03 15.88W

53.27209 -6.05441 1918

Unknown W02163 Collier Dublin Bay, N & S Bull 0 0 1799 Unknown W02164 Unknown Dublin Bay, N & S Bull 0 0 1799 Unknown W02165 Collier Dublin Bay, N & S Bull 0 0 1800 Unknown W02166 Collier Dublin Bay, N & S Bull 0 0 1800 Eliza W00994 Unknown Dublin Bay, N side 0 0 1804 Triumph W01058 Unknown Dublin Bay, N side 0 0 1804 Unknown W01112 Sloop Dublin Bay, N side 0 0 1804 Lady Munster (SS) W15910 Steamship Dublin Bay, North Bar buoy entrance 0 0 1929 Unknown W02169 Brig Dublin Bay, off 0 0 1816 Unknown W01549 Unknown Dublin Bay, off, 53 20 50.748N, 006 00 39.168W 53.34743 -6.01088

Unknown W01550 Unknown Dublin Bay, off. 53 21 36.072N, 006 01 8.544W 53.36002 -6.01904

Agenora / Agenore W16534 Brigantine Dublin Bay, S Bank 0 0 1870 Unknown W01714 Unknown Dublin Bay, S of the piles 0 0 1787 Unknown W01715 Unknown Dublin Bay, S of the piles 0 0 1787 Unknown W01716 Unknown Dublin Bay, S of the piles 0 0 1787 Unknown W01717 Unknown Dublin Bay, S of the piles 0 0 1787 Unknown W01718 Unknown Dublin Bay, S of the piles 0 0 1787 Unknown W02170 Unknown Dublin Bay, S side 0 0 1824 Unknown W02171 Unknown Dublin Bay, S side 0 0 1824 Henry W16189 Unknown Dublin Bay, Sutton 0 0 1776 Isaac W16240 Galliot Dublin Bay, Sutton Bar 0 0 1814 Unknown W15257 Unknown Dublin coasts 0 0 1895 Unknown W12869 Boat Dublin Harbour 0 0 1785

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Royal Oak W13031 Schooner Dublin Harbour 0 0 1770 Jane W13059 Unknown Dublin Harbour 0 0 1803 Active W13060 Unknown Dublin Harbour 0 0 1803 London W13464 Unknown Dublin Harbour 0 0 1825 Lady Saltown W14259 Unknown Dublin Harbour 0 0 1845 Adalaide / Adelaide W18294 Trawler Dublin Harbour, Liffey River 0 0 1868 Unknown W17340 Hobble Dublin Harbour, off 0 0 1881 Unknown W16360 Unknown Dublin Harbour, Piles 0 0 1774 Neptunus W02058 Unknown Dublin, 15 miles N of 0 0 1815 Unknown W02138 Unknown Dublin, 16 miles from 0 0 1763 Unknown W02139 Unknown Dublin, 16 miles from 0 0 1763 Unknown W13178 Unknown Dublin, 16 miles from 0 0 1763 Unknown W13190 Ship Dublin, 16 miles from 0 0 1763 Unknown W02174 Unknown Dublin, 18 miles E 0 0 1839 Unknown W02214 Unknown Dublin, 22 miles E of Lambay 53 28 22N, 05 24 39W. 53.47278 -5.41083

Harold (SS) W02025 Collier Dublin, 30 miles off 0 0 1902 Thomas Hand W01338 Unknown Dublin, back of the Cast Pier 0 0 1860 Marquis W01266 Unknown Dublin, back of the Pier 0 0 1777 Marquis of Granby W17207 Unknown Dublin, back of the pier 0 0 1777 Unknown W01420 Sloop Dublin, beside the Light house 0 0 1787 Edith (SS) W01193 Steamship Dublin, between the City of Dublin Company’s jetty and

breakwater head 0 0 1875

Unknown W02213 Unknown Dublin, c. 10 miles ENE of Lambay, 53 30 33N, 05 45 26W.

53.50917 -5.75722

Unknown W02216 Unknown Dublin, c. 2.5 miles ENE of Rockabill. 53 36 30N, 05 56 00W

53.60833 -5.93333

Unknown W02215 Unknown Dublin, c. 20 E of Skerries. 53 32 57N, 05 37 12W 53.54917 -5.62

Unknown W02217 Unknown Dublin, c. 22 miles E of Rockabill. 53 35 29N, 05 22 40W 53.59139 -5.37778

Glenford (possibly) (SS)

W02022 Steamship Dublin, c. 25 miles E of Skerries / 53 35 51N, 005 21 22W / Rockabill, 24 miles E ½ S

53.5975 -5.35611 1918

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W01417 Fishing boat Dublin, coal quay bridge 0 0 1785 Unknown W16400 Gabbard Dublin, Custom House, near 0 0 1780 Antelope W00970 Ship Dublin, Dollymount 0 0 1950 John and Susan W01021 Unknown Dublin, Dollymount Bull 0 0 1845 No. 45 W15574 Trawler Dublin, East Pier 0 0 1856 Wavelite W02102 Unknown Dublin, Irish Sea 0 0 1908 Loch Fergus W01828 Barque Dublin, Killiney Bay opposite railway station,

approximately 150m offshore. 53.24667 -6.10667 1899

Betsy / Betsey W01160 Unknown Dublin, Lighthouse Platform 0 0 1833 Unknown (SS) W02209 Steamship Dublin, Loughshinny, approximately 12km east of. 53 32

47N, 005 53 55W 53.54639 -5.89861

Flying Hawk (SS) W01790 Iron steam tug

Dublin, Maiden Rock, N of Dalkey Island, 53 16 40N, 006 05 26W.

53.27778 -6.09056 1887

Unknown W00849 Unknown Dublin, Malahide, 53 27 19N, 06 09 00W 53.45528 -6.15

Lovely W01257 Unknown Dublin, Merrion Square 0 0 1792 Unknown W16420 Collier Dublin, N & S bull 0 0 1800 Unknown W16421 Unknown Dublin, N & S Bull 0 0 1800 Westphalia W02103 Unknown Dublin, N of 0 0 1918 Rosebank W14140 Unknown Dublin, N of 0 0 1844 Unknown W01387 Unknown Dublin, N of the lighthouse 0 0 1768 Ippepanda/Ippepandi W01229 Unknown Dublin, N side of the channel 0 0 1849 Unknown W17380 Boat Dublin, N Wall, E point of 0 0 1793 Unknown W01449 Barque Dublin, N. Bank 0 0 1847 Abbey W01969 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1798 Amphitrite W01975 Brig Dublin, near 0 0 1796 Anna Maria W01978 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1803 Aurora W01981 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1784 Betsey W01982 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1804 Betty W01983 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1818 Bolton W01987 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1803

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Brothers W01989 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1823 Dove W01994 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1808 Duke of Cumberland W01999 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1751 Edward & Mary W02001 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1782 Elizabeth W02002 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1806 Endeavour W02004 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1792 Experiment W02008 Brig Dublin, near 0 0 1799 Fanny Source W02011 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1799 Fortune W02016 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1757 Francis W02018 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1809 Friends W02019 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1803 Goodwill W02023 Brig Dublin, near 0 0 1804 Hope W02026 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1757 Industry W02029 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1802 James W02032 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1829 Letitia W02041 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1824 Larne W02045 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1803 Maryann W02053 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1807 Mary Elizabeth W02054 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1811 Mayflower W02055 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1808 Nancy W02056 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1813 New Ceres W02059 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1794 Patrick W02063 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1833 Peace & Plenty W02064 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1794 Pitt W02066 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1768 Quarantine W02071 Schooner Dublin, near 0 0 1757 Richmond W02074 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1798 St. Michael W02077 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1802 St. Patrick W02079 Sailing Ship Dublin, near 0 0 1847 St. Pedro W02080 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1757

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Shark W02087 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1832 Speculation W02090 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1802 Superb W02092 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1799 Swallow W02093 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1790 Tentacao W02095 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1805 Volunteer W02100 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1757 William W02104 Brig Dublin, near 0 0 1777 Wilson W02106 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1757 Unknown W02123 Ship Dublin, near 0 0 1638 Unknown W02127 Ship Dublin, near 0 0 1757 Unknown W02128 Ship Dublin, near 0 0 1757 Unknown W02129 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1757 Unknown W02130 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1757 Unknown W02131 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1757 Unknown W02167 Barque Dublin, near 0 0 1802 Unknown W02168 Sloop Dublin, near 0 0 1804 Unknown W02173 Unknown Dublin, near 0 0 1838 Three Brothers W11967 Smack Dublin, near 0 0 1851 Demerera Packet W14220 Packet boat Dublin, near 0 0 1844 Unknown W00680 Unknown Dublin, near Balrothery (?) 0 0

Argyll W01157 Unknown Dublin, near Ribb's Wall 0 0 1843 Williamson W01362 Unknown Dublin, near the Harbour Mouth 0 0 1770 Unknown W01437 Sloop Dublin, near the Lighthouse 0 0 1797 Unknown W01443 Boat Dublin, near the lighthouse 0 0 1799 Quebeck W01305 Unknown Dublin, near the old ferry-boat-slip 0 0 1765 Unknown W01427 Wherry Dublin, near the Perch 0 0 1791 Ariel W01980 Cutter Dublin, near(?) 0 0 1891 Spring Vale W01509 Unknown Dublin, off 0 0 1799 Unknown W02143 Gabbard Dublin, off 0 0 1773 Unknown W02175 Unknown Dublin, off 0 0 1843

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W02182 Unknown Dublin, off 0 0 1857 Unknown W02184 Ship Dublin, off 0 0 1858 Unknown W14896 Schooner Dublin, off 0 0 1849 Unknown W02144 Ship Dublin, off (?) 0 0 1780 Unknown W02145 Unknown Dublin, off (?) 0 0 1784 Unknown W02146 Unknown Dublin, off (?) 0 0 1784 Unknown W02147 Unknown Dublin, off (?) 0 0 1784 Unknown W01422 Sloop Dublin, off the lighthouse 0 0 1787 Unknown W01428 Sloop Dublin, off the Lighthouse 0 0 1791 Unknown W02196 Unknown Dublin, offshore bank 0 0 1892 John & Grace W13954 Unknown Dublin, old harbour 0 0 1837 Marian W01265 Unknown Dublin, old pier 0 0 1826 Speedwell W02091 Unknown Dublin, Platters, near 0 0 1770 Downshire (SS) W01996 Steamship Dublin, Rockabill 5.5 miles ENE / 8 miles ESE / 53 36

56.72N, 005 51 18.41W 53.61603 -5.85511 1918

Polwell (SS) W02067 Collier Dublin, Rockabill lighthouse, 6 miles E by S½S / Skerries, 5 miles NE of / 53 33 12N, 005 55 56.4W

53.55333 -5.93233 1918

Salaminia (SS) (probably)

W02082 Steamship Dublin, Rockabill, 13.5 miles ENE of / 53 36 10N, 005 37 33W

53.60278 -5.62583 1918

Marquis (SS) W02050 Steamship Dublin, Rockabill, 16 miles ESE, 53 36 03N, 05 30 22W 53.60083 -5.50611 1917 Normandiet (SS) (possibly)

W02061 Steamship Dublin, Rockabill, c.16 miles E of / 53 35 42N, 05 33 39W / Calf of Man, 34 miles SW by W

53.595 -5.56083 1918

Peaceful Star (possibly) (SS)

W02065 Steam Drifter Dublin, Rockabill, lighthouse, 15 miles ESE of / 53 31 32N, 5 36 14W

53.52556 -5.60389 1941

Salus W01318 Unknown Dublin, S Bank 0 0 1866 Mary W01271 Unknown Dublin, S Bar 0 0 1812 Unknown W01706 Unknown Dublin, S of the piles 0 0 1771 Unknown W01707 Unknown Dublin, S of the piles 0 0 1771 Unknown W16435 Sloop Dublin, S side of Lighthouse 0 0 1810 Nancy W01668 Unknown Dublin, S side of the Lighthouse wall 0 0 1839

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unity W01694 Unknown Dublin, S side of the Piles 0 0 1758 Henry W01658 Brig Dublin, S Wall 0 0 1798 Mary W01269 Sloop Dublin, S Wall, N side of the lighthouse 0 0 1791 Unknown W01701 Coaster Dublin, S Wall, near 0 0 1770 Unknown W01702 Coaster Dublin, S Wall, near 0 0 1770 Unknown W01703 Coaster Dublin, S Wall, near 0 0 1770 Unknown W01704 Coaster Dublin, S Wall, near 0 0 1770 Unknown W01705 Coaster Dublin, S Wall, near 0 0 1770 Hampton W01798 Barquentine Dublin, Salthill Railway Station/3 miles N. of Dun

Laoghaire 0 0 1901

Ann W01977 Unknown Dublin, sandbank 0 0 1826 Lord Chelsea W01256 Smack Dublin, Sir John Rogerson Quay 0 0 1852 Emma W11960 Smack Dublin, Sir John Rogerson Quay (grounded) 0 0 1851 Unknown W01372 Collier Dublin, Sir Patrick Dunne’s Hospital, forecourt 0 0 1690 Jessie Maria W11958 Unknown Dublin, St. John's Quay 0 0 1851 Unknown W01699 Sloop Dublin, the piles 0 0 1766 Unknown W16314 Sloop Dublin, The Piles 0 0 1766 Mary Ann W17231 Schooner Dublin, Tolka Quay, Chemical Works 0 0 1894 Unknown W01453 Sloop Dublin, W Pier 0 0 1881 Greyhound W12016 Unknown Dublin, West Pier 0 0 1856 Flyde W01651 Unknown Dublin, White Bank, near 0 0 1824 Glory W01654 Unknown Dublin, White Bank, near 0 0 1805 Princess Augusta W01678 Unknown Dublin, White Bank, near 0 0 1819 Unknown (SS) W03094 Steamship Dublin, Wicklow coasts 0 0 1895 Trawler No. 45 W01341 Trawler E Pier, Dublin Harbour 0 0 1856 Unknown W12780 Unknown Maiden Rock, Dublin 0 0 1789 Hope W16231 Brig Maiden Tower 0 0 1809 Commerce W01183 Unknown Maidenhead Bank, within Dublin Bar 0 0 1774 Unknown W18540 Barque Merrion Strand, Dublin Bay 0 0 1644 Agnes W13369 Unknown New Wall, Dublin 0 0 1824

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Mary W13289 Unknown North Bank 0 0 1818 Gem (SS) W17289 Steamship North Bank, Dublin 0 0 1909 Hibernia (SS) W01012 Steamship North Bank, outside the Breakwater, North Bull 0 0 1854 Unknown W15244 Lighter North Wall 0 0 1892 Unknown W16351 Lighter North Wall, opposite to Clontarf Island 0 0 1773 Dun Laoghaire

Tindal W01891 Brig Chicken Rocks, Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1774 Unknown W01533 Unknown Dublin Bay, 1.5km NE of the E Pier Head of Dun

Laoghaire Harbour, 53 18 42.47N, 06 06 07.717W PA 53.3118 -6.10214 1869

Unknown W01532 Unknown Dublin Bay, 1.5km NE of the E Pier Head of Dun Laoghaire Harbour, 53 18 43.824N, 06 06 40.27W

53.31217 -6.11119 1869

Unknown W01966 Unknown Dublin, Dun Laoghaire Harbour Entrance, end of the E Pier, 53 18 10.51N, 6 7 33.88W

53.30278 -6.12731

Unknown W01960 Unknown Dublin, Dun Laoghaire Harbour, beside the Coastguard Station, 53 17 50.71N, 06 08 23.752W PA

53.2977 -6.13993 1908

Unknown W01961 Unknown Dublin, Dun Laoghaire Harbour, beside the Coastguard Station, 53 17 51.282N, 06 08 24.622W PA

53.29758 -6.14017 1908

Unknown W01962 Unknown Dublin, Dun Laoghaire Harbour, beside the Coastguard Station, 53 17 51.282N, 06 08 24.622W PA

53.29758 -6.14017 1908

Unknown W01967 Unknown Dublin, Dun Laoghaire Harbour, just inside the entrance. 53 18 3.096N, 006 07 46.596W

53.30086 -6.12961

Unknown W01963 Yacht Dun Laoghaire Harbour, alongside the E Pier 0 0 1934 Unknown W01964 Yacht Dun Laoghaire Harbour, alongside the E Pier 0 0 1934 Unknown W01965 Yacht Dun Laoghaire Harbour, alongside the E Pier 0 0 1934 Mariette W01841 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, under the coast guard station 0 0 1872 Unknown W01536 Lugsail Dun Laoghaire to Poolbeg Light, Dublin Bay 0 0 1890 Unknown W01909 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1789 Betties W01751 Schooner Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1884 Charles W01759 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1814 Dahlia W01768 Smack Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1853 Diligence W01769 Trawler Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1873

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Dolphin W01770 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1840 Friends W01791 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1809 Jane W01812 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1808 Kitty W01821 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1820 Manchester W01832 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1858 Margaret W01833 Schooner Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1873 Mary W01842 Sloop Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1823 Mercanter W01852 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1808 Nelly W01860 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1809 Neptune W01861 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1765 Octopus W01863 Schooner Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1901 Ranger W01874 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1861 St. Michael W01881 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1808 Swallow W01888 Cutter Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1800 Vigo W01896 Cutter Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1910 Wanderer W01899 Schooner Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1861 Willoughby W01900 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1752 Unknown W01903 Sloop Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1726 Unknown W01904 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1765 Unknown W01908 Ship Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1787 Unknown W01910 Brig Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1791 Unknown W01929 Coaster Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1844 Betsy W12872 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1844 Blanche W13855 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1839 Leonora W14046 Unknown Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1842 Kutsoon W14300 Yacht Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1934 Alert W15050 Yawl Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1899 Unknown W15085 Boat Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1892 Molly Bawn W01857 Unknown Dun Laoghaire (Kingstown) Harbour 0 0 1847 Lark W16237 Sloop Dun Laoghaire and Blackrock, between 0 0 1812

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Mary Somerville W13960 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Bay 0 0 1837 Gem W01794 Cutter Dun Laoghaire Coastguard Station 0 0 1910 Jane W01813 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Coastguard Station, rocks 0 0 1901 Aghi Apostoli W01740 Brig Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1858 Argyle W01743 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1852 Artemis W01745 Brig Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1858 Bellevue W01748 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Capricorn W01752 Brig Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Caroline W01753 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861 Catherine W01754 Sloop Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Charles W01760 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1836 Clans W01762 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861 Colonel Smith W01765 Sloop Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Commerce W01766 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Elizabeth W01774 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1826 Elizabeth W01775 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1855 Eliza Benyon W01776 Ketch Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1880 Ellen W01778 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861 Esperanza W01780 Yacht Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1880 Express W01783 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1901 Gannet W01793 Cutter Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1880 Helen W01801 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861 Helen Irvine W01802 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861 Hemer W01804 Brig Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Hercules W01805 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Hero W01807 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861 Homer W01808 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Jane & Frances W01814 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 June Rose W01819 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1915 King Olive / Olave W01820 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Kitty W01822 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1830 Lively W01827 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861 Mabel W01831 Sailing Boat Dun Laoghaire harbour 0 0 1939 Maria W01839 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1842 Maria W01840 Brig Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Mary W01843 Brig Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Pandora W01866 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Quita W01873 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1934 Raven W01875 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1836 Sally Ann W01882 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1872 Sarah Rourke W01885 Trawler Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1891 Sylph W01889 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861 Tom W01892 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Virtue W01897 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1856 Unknown W01916 Boat Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1828 Unknown W01920 Brig Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1829 Unknown W01931 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1852 Unknown W01946 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861 Unknown W01947 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861 Unknown W01948 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861 Unknown W01949 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1861 Unknown W01956 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1901 Unknown W01957 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1901 Unknown W01958 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1901 Unknown W12776 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1789 William & Isabella W14149 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Jupiter W14153 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Leak W14808 Smack Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1892 John Williams W14809 Smack Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1892 Mouse W15038 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Jane Lovett W15495 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1855 Iolanthe W15620 Yacht Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1924 Libero W16636 Brig Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1871 James W16797 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1901 Stuart (SS) W17578 Screw

Steamer Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1886

Wolf W18461 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1852 Victoria W01894 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour entrance 0 0 1853 Civil Service No. 7 W01643 Lifeboat Dun Laoghaire Harbour W Pier, 1 mile off, S Bull 0 0 1895 Elizabeth W14284 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, 0 0 1845 Queen Bee W01872 Cutter Dun Laoghaire Harbour, 0.5 mile N 0 0 1887 Unknown W16177 Brig Dun Laoghaire Harbour, 1M E of 0 0

Celt W01757 Cutter Dun Laoghaire Harbour, alongside the quay 0 0 1884 Telegraph W01890 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, back end of the W pier 0 0 1872 Jessie M’Gaskin W01817 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, beside the W pier 0 0 1863 Granuaile W01796 Ketch Dun Laoghaire Harbour, between the yacht club and

Irish Light works 0 0 1917

Industry W01809 Schooner Dún Laoghaire Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1861 Mary Ann W06494 Sailing Ship Dún Laoghaire Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1848 Mary and Joseph W12212 Yawl Dún Laoghaire Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1876 Morecambe Belle W12604 Schooner Dún Laoghaire Harbour, Co Dublin, entrance to 0 0 1899 Neptune W01862 Brig Dún Laoghaire Harbour, Co Dublin, outside the E pier 0 0 1861 Argyle W01744 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour, E Pier 0 0 1852 Onyx W01865 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, E Pier 0 0 1861 Providence W01871 Sloop Dun Laoghaire Harbour, E Pier 0 0 1823 Elizabeth W15816 Brig Dun Laoghaire Harbour, E pier 0 0 1822 Liffey W01824 Smack Dun Laoghaire Harbour, E Pier entrance, Co Dublin 0 0 1897 Kingfisher W16529 Barque Dun Laoghaire Harbour, E pier, off 0 0 1870 Oneota W18310 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, East Pier, bank of 0 0 1869 Unknown W01955 Trawler Dun Laoghaire Harbour, end of the E Pier 0 0 1900

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Gwendoline (SS) W01797 Yacht Dun Laoghaire Harbour, Entrance 0 0 1892 Revivalist W01876 Cutter Dun Laoghaire Harbour, entrance 0 0 1887 Falcon W01785 Lugger Dun Laoghaire Harbour, entrance to 0 0 1881 Unknown W15815 Hacker Dun Laoghaire Harbour, entrance to 0 0 1823 Milbay W01854 Ketch Dun Laoghaire Harbour, entrance to Coastguard Depot 0 0 1901 Moses W01859 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, Great W Yacht Club 0 0 1861 Badger W01747 Cutter Dun Laoghaire Harbour, near 0 0 1861 Royal Sovereign W01880 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, near 0 0 1861 Unknown W01935 Smack Dun Laoghaire Harbour, near the coal quay 0 0 1861 Unknown W01936 Smack Dun Laoghaire Harbour, near the coal quay 0 0 1861 Leven W01823 Collier Dun Laoghaire Harbour, near the Coastguard station 0 0 1861 Margaret Elizabeth W01836 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour, near the Coastguard Station 0 0 1901 Unknown W11481 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, near the north end of the East

Pier 53.30143 -6.1255

Wanderer W01898 Collier Dun Laoghaire Harbour, off 0 0 1861 Unknown W02186 Sloop Dun Laoghaire Harbour, off 0 0 1863 Unknown W01923 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, opposite Armstrong’s hotel 0 0 1836 Mary W01846 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, outside 0 0 1869 Unknown W01937 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, outside E pier 0 0 1861 Unknown W01938 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, outside E pier 0 0 1861 Mabel W01830 Lugsail Dun Laoghaire Harbour, outside entrance 0 0 1899 Mary Ann W01848 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, pier 0 0 1848 Admiral W01736 Trawler Dun Laoghaire Harbour, rocks near the W pier 0 0 1870 Favourite W01787 Brig Dun Laoghaire Harbour, under the coastguard station 0 0 1870 Unknown W01932 Sloop Dun Laoghaire Harbour, W entrance 0 0 1853 Civil Service No. 7 W01761 Lifeboat Dun Laoghaire Harbour, W Pier 0 0 1892 Cynthia (SS) W01767 Paddler

Steamer Dun Laoghaire Harbour, W pier 0 0 1933

Eyr W01784 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, W Pier 0 0 1834 Rose in June W01879 Smack Dun Laoghaire Harbour, W Pier 0 0 1855

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Seek W01886 Lugger Dun Laoghaire Harbour, W Pier 0 0 1892 Catherine Isabella W01755 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, W. Pier Head 0 0 1846 Octavius W16847 Schooner Dun Laoghaire Harbour/Coal Quay 0 0 1901 Harmony W01800 Collier Dun Laoghaire Old Harbour, entrance to 0 0 1838 Edith W01773 Brigantine Dun Laoghaire pier 0 0 1884 Eva W01782 Smack Dun Laoghaire Pier Head, 0.5 mile off 0 0 1886 Hannah W01799 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Pier, near 0 0 1786 Emily Mary W17031 Unknown Dun Laoghaire to?, en route 0 0 1904 Wintammoyh W02107 Unknown Dun Laoghaire to Boston 0 0 1854 Unknown W01902 Merchant

Vessel Dun Laoghaire to Bullock, Dublin 0 0 1726

Helping (MV) W15802 Motor Fishing Vessel

Dun Laoghaire to Skerries Bay, en route 0 0 1928

Unknown W01525 Collier Dun Laoghaire to the Pigeon House 0 0 1800 Unknown W01913 Stone hacker Dun Laoghaire, 0.75 mile from centre of entrance 0 0 1823 Africa W01739 Unknown Dun Laoghaire, 1.5 miles off 0 0 1915 Mary Ann W01849 Smack Dun Laoghaire, abreast of the Coastguard Station 0 0 1910 Unknown W11584 Unknown Dun Laoghaire, along the East Pier 53.29927 -6.12531

Unknown W11611 Unknown Dun Laoghaire, along the East Pier 53.29997 -6.12483

Clyde W01763 Schooner Dun Laoghaire, between the Coal Quay and Royal Irish Yacht Club

0 0 1861

Friendship W01792 Unknown Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin 0 0 1849 Astrea W11931 Unknown Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin 0 0 1852 No Name W12708 Lugsail Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin and Poolbeg Light, Dublin Bay,

between 0 0

Unknown W01951 Unknown Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin, Scotsman Bay, E of 0 0 1861 Aurora W01746 Sloop Dun Laoghaire, E Pier 0 0 1823 Collon W01764 Unknown Dun Laoghaire, E pier 0 0 1837 Dwarf W01772 Cutter Dun Laoghaire, E Pier 0 0 1824 Union W01893 Sloop Dun Laoghaire, E Pier 0 0 1824

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Medina (HMS) W14029 Mail boat Dun Laoghaire, East Pier 0 0 1841 Morning Star W01858 Sloop Dun Laoghaire, Hen and Chickens rocks 0 0 1774 Unknown W01933 Unknown Dun Laoghaire, N of 0 0 1855 Celericus / Celeritas W01756 Schooner Dun Laoghaire, N side of E Pier 0 0 1823 Olympus W01864 Brig Dun Laoghaire, near 0 0 1808 Agnes W01973 Unknown Dun Laoghaire, near 0 0 1844 Unknown W01924 Brig Dun Laoghaire, near Mr Fagan’s shipyard 0 0 1844 Unknown W01925 Brig Dun Laoghaire, near Mr Fagan’s shipyard 0 0 1844 Unknown W01926 Brig Dun Laoghaire, near Mr Fagan’s shipyard 0 0 1844 Unknown W01927 Schooner Dun Laoghaire, near Mr Fagan’s shipyard 0 0 1844 Unknown W01928 Schooner Dun Laoghaire, near Mr Fagan’s shipyard 0 0 1844 Adventurer W01738 Brig Dun Laoghaire, near the Coastguard Station 0 0 1870 Unknown W01911 Collier Dun Laoghaire, near the pier 0 0 1798 Unknown W01905 Boat Dun Laoghaire, near the quay 0 0 1773 Sarah Rourke W01884 Smack Dun Laoghaire, new quay 0 0 1901 Hope W02027 Unknown Dun Laoghaire, off / Muglins 0 0 1803 Louisa W01829 Unknown Dun Laoghaire, Old harbour 0 0 1858 Maria W01837 Unknown Dun Laoghaire, Old Harbour 0 0 1834 Pomona W14025 Collier Dun Laoghaire, Old Harbour 0 0 1841 Unknown W15822 Fishing boat Dun Laoghaire, old Harbour 0 0 1824 Robert and Mary W01878 Sloop Dun Laoghaire, outside the E Pier 0 0 1856 Betsey / Betsy W01749 Schooner Dun Laoghaire, outside the eastern pier entrance 0 0 1829 Hero W01806 Unknown Dun Laoghaire, outside the Pier 0 0 1827 Industry W01810 Cutter Dun Laoghaire, outside the pier 0 0 1915 Mizpah W01856 Smack Dun Laoghaire, under the Coastguard station 0 0 1917 Kingston W14143 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1844 Helly W01803 Yacht Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1931 Margaret W01834 Yacht Dun Laoghaire Harbour 0 0 1931 Jane & Sarah W01815 Unknown Dun Laoghaire, Old Harbour 0 0 1875

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Flora W01789 Coast Guard Cruiser

Dun Laoghaire Harbour, near Coastguard Station 0 0 1901

Unknown W11594 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, along the East Pier 53.29845 -6.12515

Unknown W11604 Unknown Dun Laoghaire Harbour, along the East Pier 53.298 -6.12507

Jeannette W01816 Trawler Dun Laoghaire, near the Coastguard station 0 0 1880 Unknown W16422 Unknown Dun Laoghaire and the Pidgeon house, near 0 0 1801 Unknown W16423 Unknown Dun Laoghaire and the Pidgeon house, near 0 0 1801 Unknown W16427 Unknown Dun Laoghaire and the South Bull, between 0 0 1807 Unknown W01388 Ship E Bar, 1.25 leagues from the Dublin lighthouse 0 0 1769 Minerva W01855 Schooner E Pier, Dun Laoghaire 0 0 1824 Shepherdess W13699 Unknown Kingstown (Dun Laoghaire) 0 0 1838 Five Mile Point

Unknown W02450 Unknown Five Mile Point 0 0 1853 Unknown W16501 Boat Five Mile Point 0 0 1899 Suzanne W17240 Unknown Five Mile Point 0 0 1844 Wilsons W15296 Unknown Five Mile Point Station, N of 0 0 1851 Forest Deer W12581 Schooner Five Mile Point, Co Wicklow, 1 miles S of 0 0 1901 Richard Browne W02407 Brig Five Mile Point, near the Coastguard station 0 0 1851 Unknown W02447 Schooner Five/ Six Mile Point 0 0 1838 Unknown W02448 Schooner Five/ Six Mile Point 0 0 1838 Unknown W13970 Sloop Five-mile Point 0 0 1830 Standard W16838 Unknown Five-Mile-Point 0 0 1875 Wilson / Wilsons W02435 Brig Five Mile Point Station House, N of 0 0 1851 Unknown W02446 Sloop Five Mile Point, near 0 0 1830 Susan W02422 Unknown Five Mile Point, Wicklow 0 0 1844 Glen Strand

W. A. Gibson W17229 Schooner Wicklow, Glen Strand 0 0 1876 Greystones

Velinheli W14594 Schooner Greystones 0 0 1910 Active W15011 Schooner Greystones 0 0 1890

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown (SS) W16065 Steamship Greystones 0 0 1858 Unknown W16492 Unknown Greystones 0 0 1853 Unknown W16493 Unknown Greystones 0 0 1853 Myrtle W17222 Unknown Greystones 0 0 1838 Lady Harriet(t) W02248 Schooner Greystones / off Bray Head / Drummond’s Hill, near

Dublin 0 0 1852

Robert Seymour W02857 Brig Greystones / Wicklow, on the Murragh 0 0 1861 Unknown W02283 Unknown Greystones Beach 0 0 1844 Federation W02238 Ketch Greystones Harbour 0 0 1910 Reciprocity W02261 Ketch Greystones Harbour 0 0 1910 Vilnheli W02266 Schooner Greystones Harbour 0 0

Eva W16296 Schooner Greystones Harbour 0 0 1902 Mary Ann/Mary and Ann

W02252 Schooner Greystones Harbour, 0.5 mile N 0 0 1886

Susan W17225 Sloop Greystones, 1 mile S. of 0 0 1864 Ann W02222 Schooner Greystones, Co Wicklow 0 0 1886 Mary W02251 Brig Greystones, Co Wicklow 0 0 1861 Peggy & Jenny W02258 Unknown Greystones, Co Wicklow 0 0 1843 Sarah Jane W02263 Schooner Greystones, Co Wicklow 0 0 1886 Wanderer W02267 Unknown Greystones, Co Wicklow 0 0 1849 Unknown W02276 Fishing boat Greystones, Co Wicklow 0 0 1786 Unknown W02286 Collier Greystones, Co Wicklow 0 0 1852 Unknown W02287 Unknown Greystones, Co Wicklow 0 0 1853 Unknown W02288 Unknown Greystones, Co Wicklow 0 0 1853 Unknown W02299 Unknown Greystones, Co Wicklow 0 0 1861 Unknown W02303 Unknown Greystones, Co Wicklow, beside the Coastguard station 0 0 1865 Prussian Prince / Prince of Prussia

W02260 Unknown Greystones, Co Wicklow, N of 0 0

Anne W02225 Unknown Greystones, Co Wicklow, near 0 0 1861 Eglinton W02229 Unknown Greystones, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1855

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W02284 Unknown Greystones, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1852 Unknown W02285 Unknown Greystones, Co Wicklow, off 0 0 1852 Unknown W16505 Boat Greystones, off 0 0 1883 Unknown (SS) W02294 Steamship Greystones, rocks near 0 0 1858 Unknown W02880 Unknown Wicklow, Greystones and Bray, between 0 0 1838 Howth

Maria Jane (MV) W14603 Motor Fishing Vessel

Balscadden Bay, Howth 0 0 1912

Mary Ann / Anne W00897 Brig Balscadden Rocks, 50 yards from Howth Harbour 0 0 1861 Wellington W16272 Sloop Howth 0 0 1840 Unknown W17270 Barge Howth Harbour 0 0 1908 Eva W00882 Barque Howth Harbour Light, 1½ miles W of channel between

Howth and Ireland’s Eye 0 0 1877

Star of the Sea W00916 Lugsail Howth Harbour, 0.75 mile off 0 0 1902 Bydand W09505 Fishing boat Howth Harbour, 1.9km ENE 53.39954 -6.03624 1989 Unknown W15823 Smack Howth Harbour, 1M from the Lighthouse 0 0 1822 Unknown W00953 Lighter Howth Harbour, close to the E Pier Head 0 0 1865 Alice Maria W00865 Lugger Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1893 Bryan W00870 Unknown Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1819 Corisande (SS) W00875 Iron Steam

Yacht Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1891

Dispatch W00876 Smack Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1872 Ino W00885 Schooner Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1866 Maid of the Mist (SS) W00895 Schooner Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1861 Mary Ann W00898 Yawl Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1891 Mary Jane W00900 Yawl Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1891 Peep of Day W00909 Yawl Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1901 St. Catherine W00913 Ketch Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1915 Unknown W00950 Barque Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1861 Unknown W00951 Brig Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1861

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W00962 Fishing boat Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1933 Unknown W00963 Fishing boat Howth Harbour, Co Dublin 0 0 1933 Unknown W00964 Fishing boat Howth Harbour, Co Dublin, Co Dublin 0 0 1933 Amy W00866 Yawl Howth Harbour, Co Dublin, end of Pier 0 0 1915 Lurline/Lubline W00894 Smack Yacht Howth Harbour, Co Dublin, Ruin Reef, 1 mile from /

Ireland’s Eye, S of 0 0 1881

Trevannance W03014 Schooner Howth Head, Co Dublin, 28 miles from 0 0 1857 Unknown W02159 Wherry Howth Head, Co Dublin, 7 leagues off 0 0 1791 Zelia (SS) W02109 Steel

Steamship Howth Head, Co Dublin, c. 15 miles E / off the Baily Light

0 0 1912

Unknown W00930 Boat Howth Head, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1785 Unknown W00931 Boat Howth Head, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1785 Tomine W00918 Unknown Howth Head, Co Dublin, under 0 0 1633 Unknown W17989 Unknown Howth Head, Dublin. 18.3km SE of 53.2849 -5.83017

Diamond W18352 Smack Howth Head, near 0 0 1868 Tantivy W00917 Schooner Howth Lighthouse, 0.5 mile NW 0 0 1875 Unknown W00939 Smack Howth Lighthouse, c. 1 mile from 0 0 1822 Loftus / Lotus W00893 Lugger Howth Nose 0 0 1886 Dodger W00877 Cutter Howth Nose, 1 mile N 0 0 1897 James McCleary W00887 Brig Howth Pier 0 0 1814 Friendship W00884 Sloop Howth Pier, back of 0 0 1824 Sparrow W00915 Unknown Howth Pier, back of 0 0 1832 James W00886 Unknown Howth Pier, outside 0 0 1842 Betsey W00868 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1838 Catherine W00872 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1804 Ellen W00879 Dandy Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1876 Linnet W00892 Dandy Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1898 Mary Immaculate W00899 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1915 Michael of Hilboy W00901 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1560 Sir Robert Campbell W00914 Brig Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1867

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W00921 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1579 Unknown W00924 Ship Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1677 Unknown W00925 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1684 Unknown W00927 Lighter Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1766 Unknown W00933 Ship Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1787 Unknown W00934 Brig Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1788 Unknown W00935 Sloop Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1788 Unknown W00938 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin 0 0 1814 Weser W00812 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin / N side of Baldoyle 0 0 1858 Leinster W02038 Cutter Howth, Co Dublin to Lambay 0 0 1868 Unknown W00932 Smack Howth, Co Dublin, 1 league beyond 0 0 1785 F. 150 W02009 Motorboat Howth, Co Dublin, 17 miles E 0 0 1919 Isabella W02031 Lugger Howth, Co Dublin, 5 miles from 0 0 1871 Unknown W02190 Brigantine Howth, Co Dublin, about 10 miles E by S 0 0 1866 Unknown W00926 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, back of 0 0 1765 Emily W00880 Lugger Howth, Co Dublin, back of the pier 0 0 1872 Glenavon W01571 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, Baily / Kish Bank 0 0 1892 Unknown W02191 Schooner Howth, Co Dublin, Banks 0 0 1867 Gemini W02020 Smack Howth, Co Dublin, Battery, c.2 miles off 0 0 1886 St. Peter W02081 Sloop Howth, Co Dublin, c.23 miles ENE of 0 0 1887 Unknown W00817 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, N of 0 0

Mary Ann W00896 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, N of 0 0 1816 Unknown W00929 Wherry Howth, Co Dublin, N side 0 0 1774 Juno W00891 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1811 Nelly W00904 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1816 Nicholas W00905 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1820 Wicklow W00920 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1815 Unknown W00936 Boat Howth, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1789 Unknown W00945 Schooner Howth, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1850 Unknown W00957 Fishing boat Howth, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1901

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W00958 Boat Howth, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1901 Maid of Howth W12564 Lugsail Howth, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1904 Aston W00867 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1848 Columbus W00874 Sloop Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1797 Jennett W00888 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1820 John and Ellen W00889 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1843 John and William W00890 Sloop Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1832 Minerva W00902 Sloop Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1833 Unknown W00928 Wherry Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1767 Unknown W00937 Collier Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1799 Unknown W00940 Schooner Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1829 Unknown W00941 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1838 Unknown W00942 Unknown Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1850 Unknown W00959 Lugger Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1901 No Name W12618 Sailing Boat Howth, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1897 Princess Alice W11864 Sailing Ship Howth, Co Dublin, on shore 0 0 1847 Unknown W00922 Ship Howth, Co Dublin, Point of, rocks near 0 0 1674 Unknown W00923 Ship Howth, Co Dublin, Point of, rocks near 0 0 1674 North Sea W00907 Schooner Howth, Co Dublin, spit of 0 0 1879 Nannie W00903 Lugger Howth, Co Dublin, W Pier 0 0 1903 No. 619 W00906 Barge Howth, Co Dublin, W pier, rocks outside 0 0 1907 Unknown W16359 Wherry Howth, N side of 0 0 1774 Unknown W16419 Collier Howth, off 0 0 1799 Unknown W17391 Packet boat Howth, on the rocks 0 0 1818 Lady Love W13791 Unknown Howth, pier 0 0 1839 Egeria W13690 Unknown Howth, W pier 0 0 1838 Unknown W00966 Unknown Dublin, Howth Harbour, 0.5 mile NE of the entrance. 53

23 42.648N, 006 03 12.672W 53.39518 -6.05352

Unknown W02219 Unknown Dublin, Howth Head, 11 miles E. 53 21 27.648N, 005 45 58.932W

53.35768 -5.76637

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Queen Victoria (SS) W00910 Paddler Steamer

Dublin, Howth Head, off, 230m S of the Bailey light 53.36006 -6.05103 1853

Geraldine (FV) W02021 Ketch Dublin, Howth, 10 miles E / Lambay Island, 10 miles E / 53 32 30N, 05 44 30W

53.54167 -5.74167 1918

Marlay (SS) W02049 Steamship Dublin, Nose Howth, c. 2.5 miles NE, 53 23 18.05N, 005 58 38.16W

53.38835 -5.97727 1902

Friends W12703 Dandy Dublin, Nose of Howth, Dublin Bay, c.3 miles SE of 0 0 1890 Kilcoole

Eliza Murray W02345 Schooner Breaches, 8 miles N of Wicklow/Kilcoole 0 0 1862 John Scott W02368 Brig Kilcoole / Indiaman Reef, near Ballygannon Point 0 0 1873 Captain Parry (SS) W17517 Steamship Kilcoole, near 0 0 1884 Betsey W02321 Unknown Kilcoole, Wicklow 0 0 1872 Martin W17409 Unknown Wicklow, off / Kilcoole 0 0 1889 East Wind W02340 Yacht Tilpoole (Kilcoole?), Co Wicklow 0 0 1939 Killiney

Glance W01795 Smack Killiney Bay, Co Dublin 0 0 1883 Aroon W12606 Yawl Killiney Bay, Co Dublin 0 0 1898 Unknown W01907 Unknown Killiney Bay, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1787 Lilly W01826 Fishing boat Killiney Railway Station, c. 600 yards N 0 0 1909 Unknown W01934 Unknown Killiney Watch-house, 0.25 mile to the W 0 0 1858 Lexington W05770 Barque Killiney, Brandon Strand 0 0 1857 Vigilante W06071 Schooner Killiney, Brandon Strand 0 0 1857 Unknown W01939 Smack Killiney, Co Dublin 0 0 1861 Unknown W01943 Brig Killiney, Co Dublin 0 0 1861 Unknown W01959 Unknown Killiney, Co Dublin / Greystones 0 0 1901 Unknown W01930 Unknown Killiney, Co Dublin to Dalkey, between 0 0 1844 Emma W01779 Smack Killiney, Co Dublin, beach 0 0 1852 Unknown W01941 Unknown Killiney, Co Dublin, beach 0 0 1861 Unknown W01952 Unknown Killiney, Co Dublin, beach 0 0 1861 Unknown W01954 Unknown Killiney, Co Dublin, beach 0 0

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W01968 Unknown Killiney, Co Dublin, beach, where Shanganagh enters the sea, 50m from water’s edge

0 0

Kish Bank

Unknown W01535 Unknown Dublin Bay, Kish Light bearing ESE about 1.5 miles 0 0 1877 Glenorchy W01572 Sailing Ship Dublin, Kish Bank 53.28058 -5.93317 1869 Sir Charles Napier W01588 Ship Dublin, Kish Bank 53.26208 -5.92511 1857 Unknown W01629 Unknown Dublin, Kish Bank, 053 15 43.56N, 05 55 30.31W 53.2621 -5.92517

Unknown W01630 Unknown Dublin, Kish Bank, 053 16 1.98N, 05 55 57W 53.26722 -5.9325

Vesper (SS) W01594 Screw Steamer

Dublin, Kish Bank, 53 16 5.66N, 5 55 46.24W 53.26824 -5.92951 1876

Cresswell (SS) W01992 Steel Steamship

Dublin, Kish Light Vessel, 18 mile E by N ½ N, 53 31 10N, 005 29 55W.

53.51944 -5.49861 1918

Leinster (RMS) W02039 Screw Steamer

Dublin, Kish Light Vessel, 5 miles E of / 53 18 51.48N, 005 47 34.224W

53.3143 -5.79284 1918

W. M. Barkley (SS) W02101 Steamship Dublin, Kish Light Vessel, 7 miles E / 53 22 16N, 05 39 29W

53.37111 -5.65806 1917

Hare (SS) W02024 Steamship Dublin, Kish Light Vessel, 7 miles E / 53 24 1.44N, 05 42 55.80W

53.4004 -5.7155 1917

Hibernia (FV) W02832 Steam Trawler

Dublin, Kish Light Vessel, c.10 miles SE. 53 07 27.54N, 05 36 10.14W

53.12432 -5.60283 1902

Unknown (SS) W02197 Steamship Dublin, off / Kish Bank (?) 0 0 1892 Unknown W09300 Unknown Kish Bank 53.251 -5.93 1800 Bolivar (MV) (bow) W09480 Cargo Ship Kish Bank 53.2683 -5.92383 1947 Bolivar (MV) (stern) W09846 Cargo Ship Kish Bank 53.2675 -5.92583 1947 Unknown W10276 Unknown Kish Bank 53.25417 -5.92347

Unknown W10297 Unknown Kish Bank 53.25722 -5.92583

Unknown W13245 Unknown Kish Bank 0 0 1820 Earl of Selkirk W13660 Unknown Kish Bank 0 0 1838 Plutarch W13750 Unknown Kish Bank 0 0 1829 Unknown W15248 Ship Kish Bank 0 0 1892 Sily W15817 Schooner Kish Bank 0 0 1872

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W16014 Unknown Kish Bank 0 0 1855 Unknown W18562 Unknown Kish Bank 53.2411 -5.91233

Mary Sweet W18166 Brigantine Kish Bank? 0 0 1866 Unknown W14590 Unknown Kish Bank and the Irish coast, between 0 0 1910 Unknown W16357 Wherry Kish Bank, around 0 0 1774 Unknown W16481 Unknown Kish Bank, Bray Head, off 0 0 1783 Albatross (Kish Lightship)

W01556 Light Ship Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1902

British Lion W01558 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1869 Catherine Porter W01559 Brigantine Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1867 Count de Belgioso W01560 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1783 Dublin Packet W01562 Ship Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1820 Earl of Selkirk W01563 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1835 Eleanor W01565 Brig Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1855 Elizabeth W01566 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1751 Esther & Sophia W01568 Brig Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1853 France et Brazil / Brezil

W01570 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1858

Mary Porter W01580 Schooner Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1867 Nile W01583 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1835 Scotland W01587 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1854 Stranger W01589 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1827 Susannah W01592 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1843 Wallington / Wellington

W01596 Brig Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1855

Unknown W01599 Wherry Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1773 Unknown W01603 Collier Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1820 Unknown W01608 Schooner Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1843 Unknown W01612 Schooner Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1849 Unknown W01613 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1849

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W01614 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1849 Unknown W01617 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1855 Unknown (SS) W01626 Steamship Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1876 Unknown W01628 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1892 Unknown W01634 Ship Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0

Unknown W01635 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0

Unknown W01636 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0

Unknown W01637 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0

Crisis W02672 Barque Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1862 Unknown W11333 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 53.26 -5.93542

Unknown W11334 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 53.30132 -5.9191

Unknown W11337 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 53.26226 -5.93818

Unknown W11338 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 53.26346 -5.93812

Unknown W11339 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 53.25694 -5.9342

Unknown W11340 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 53.258 -5.93581

Unknown W11341 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 53.26349 -5.93744

Unknown W11581 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 53.25038 -5.93005

Tarifa W11996 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1850 Eliza W12017 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1856 Clymene W12045 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1859 China W12354 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin 0 0 1862 James Wright W11965 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin (grounded) 0 0 1851 Saxon W11978 Barque Kish Bank, Co Dublin (stranded) 0 0 1854 Ocean W11985 Schooner Kish Bank, Co Dublin (stranded) 0 0 1853 Robert and Margaret W12004 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin (stranded) 0 0 1854 Euphemia W11998 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin (struck on) 0 0 1853 Cherokee W12000 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin (struck on) 0 0 1853 Xarifa or Zarifi W11955 Brig Kish Bank, Co Dublin (struck) 0 0 1851 Success W01591 Ship Kish Bank, Co Dublin / Near Dublin 0 0 1800 Olinka W01584 Brig Kish Bank, Co Dublin, 2 miles S of Kish Lightship 0 0 1878

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W02180 Barque Kish Bank, Co Dublin, 20 miles E / Baily Lighthouse bearing W by N, 20 miles

0 0 1853

Unknown W02194 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, 9 miles outside 0 0 1881 Unknown W11331 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, 99m from a Marlin sub-aqua club

location 53.2666 -5.93355

M.B. W01577 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, about 2 miles S of the lightship 0 0 1866 Unknown W01600 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, Bray and Wicklow, between 0 0 1782 Unknown W01601 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, Bray and Wicklow, between 0 0 1782 Jane W01573 Sloop Kish Bank, Co Dublin, Bray Head and Wicklow, between 0 0 1786 Unknown W01633 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, Buoy No. 2 0 0

Eumaeus (SS) W01569 Steamship Kish Bank, Co Dublin, Buoy No.3, near 0 0 1939 Unknown W02179 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship and the Baily, bearing SE,

midway between 0 0 1853

Unknown W02177 Schooner Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship to Howth, between 0 0 1850 Nora (SS) W12493 Steamship Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 1 mile S 0 0 1918 Maggie W02046 Brigantine Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 10 miles ESE / Bailey

Lighthouse, 23 miles E 0 0 1891

Esmeralda W02005 Schooner Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 10 miles S by W 0 0 1907 Unknown W02204 Schooner Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 10 miles S by W 0 0 1907 Unknown W02198 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 2 miles W 0 0 1892 Bibby W01984 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 20 miles off 0 0 1829 Unknown W01611 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 3 leagues SE by S 0 0 1849 Lizzie W02043 Cutter Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 3 miles NE / 4 miles ESE

of Baily Light 0 0 1894

Rathmore (SS) W12477 Steamship Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 4 miles E 0 0 1918 Unknown W02188 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 5 miles WNW 0 0 1865 Amicus W12720 Barque Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 6 miles WSW of 0 0 1888 Firth of Solway W02013 Barque Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 8 miles SE, Near Bray

Head 0 0 1896

Unknown W02183 Ship Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 8-9 miles NE 0 0 1858 Unknown W01615 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, 9 miles E of 0 0 1853

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Kate W02033 Schooner Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, c. 4 miles E by S 0 0 1891 Unknown W01616 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, E 0 0 1853 Maggie W01578 Yawl Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, near 0 0 1898 Unknown W01607 Sloop Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, near 0 0 1839 Unknown W01624 Schooner Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, off 0 0 1870 Unknown W01627 Trawler Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, off 0 0 1890 Unknown (SS) W01631 Steam

Trawler Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, off 0 0 1902

Alcazar W01557 Trawler Kish Bank, Co Dublin, lightship, vicinity of 0 0 1938 Lilly W01576 Schooner Kish Bank, Co Dublin, N end 0 0 1872 Jemmy and Nancy W01574 Brig Kish Bank, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1787 Unknown W01620 Sloop Kish Bank, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1867 Minerva W01581 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1828 Ruby W01586 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1888 Unknown W01610 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1847 Unknown W01621 Steamship Kish Bank, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1869 Unknown W01622 Brigantine Kish Bank, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1869 Unknown W01623 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1870 Hercules W12018 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, off 0 0 1857 Unknown W01602 Ship Kish Bank, Co Dublin, off Bray Head 0 0 1783 Success W01590 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin, tail of 0 0 1790 Unknown W01598 Unknown Kish Bank, Co Dublin / Southern Banks 0 0 1764 Unknown W08691 Unknown Kish bank, Dublin 53.2655 -5.9305 1802 Unknown W11610 Unknown Kish Bank, Dublin 53.25767 -5.93365

Unknown W11626 Unknown Kish Bank, Dublin 53.26517 -5.93708

Unknown W11332 Unknown Kish Bank, Dublin. 53.25367 -5.93183

Unknown W18563 Unknown Kish Bank, Dublin. 0 0

Unknown W17051 Brigantine Kish Bank, off 0 0 1870 Unknown W15278 Vessel Kish Light Ship and Howth, inside 0 0 1850 Lady Cairns W02035 Ship Kish Lightship, 25 miles E of 0 0 1904

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W15246 Unknown Kish Lightship, 2M W of 0 0 1892 Unknown W15262 Unknown Kish Lightvessel, 4M ENE 0 0 1899 Unknown W15768 Unknown Kish Lightvessel, 7 miles E by S. 3/4 S 53.31667 -5.7 1925 Unknown W17288 Yacht Kish Lightvessel, 1/2 a mile S. of 0 0 1909 Emperor W15362 Unknown Kish, off 0 0 1854 Nancy W01582 Unknown Kysh (Kish) Bank 0 0 1821 Mary & Jane W01579 Unknown Swash, Kish / Bray Bank 0 0 1839 Brigand (SS) W02915 Steamship Wicklow to Kish Bank 0 0 1858 Muglins

Supply W01887 Unknown Muggle Rock (Muglins?) 0 0 1828 Adoram W01737 Schooner Muglin Rock, S point of 0 0 1874 Mercury W01853 Unknown Muglins 0 0 1792 Unknown W01953 Unknown Muglins 0 0 1876 Unknown W16426 Sloop Muglins 0 0 1807 Unknown W17137 Schooner Muglins 0 0 1874 Favourite / Favorite W01788 Schooner Muglins / ¾ mile E. of Dalkey Island 0 0 1876 Betsey W01750 Unknown Muglins Rock 0 0 1869 Shamrock W01508 Sloop Muglins, 2-3 miles NE 0 0 1864 Unknown W10595 Sailing Ship Muglins, approx. 130m SW. 53.27417 -6.07667

North Bull

Alice Woods W01149 Brigantine Dublin Bar, N Bull 0 0 1879 Unknown W01143 Vessel Dublin Bay, North Bull, 053 21 41N, 006 08 10W 53.36139 -6.13611

Unknown (Sutton Wreck)

W01142 Carvel Dublin Bay, North Bull, near Sutton. 53 22 20.2W, 006 06 34.9W

53.37228 -6.10969

Unknown W01540 Admiralty/ Decoy Ship

Dublin Bay, off the N Bull, 53 21 15N, 006 08 03W. 53.35417 -6.13417 1931

Unknown W01548 Unknown Dublin Bay, off the N Bull. 53 21 55.9N, 006 007 33.5W 53.36553 -6.12597

Unknown W01126 Unknown Dublin Bay, off the North Bull, 53 21 15.7N, 06 08 08.232W

53.35436 -6.13562 1874

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W01125 Unknown Dublin Bay, off the North Bull, 53 21 43.704N, 06 07 42.026W

53.36214 -6.12834 1874

Greneda Gally W01004 Unknown Dublin Harbour, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1772 James W16727 Schooner Dublin N Bull 0 0 1873 Florence Nightingale W01210 Schooner Dublin, N Bank 0 0 1879 Unknown W01070 Collier Dublin, N Bull 0 0 1693 Unknown W16172 Unknown Dublin, N Bull 0 0 1799 Antonio Telea W16241 Schooner Dublin, N Bull 0 0 1815 Unknown W16358 Sloop Dublin, N Bull 0 0 1774 Unknown W16405 Unknown Dublin, N Bull 0 0 1793 Unknown W17381 Sloop Dublin, N Bull 0 0 1794 Penguin W01295 Sloop Dublin, N Bull, Bull Wall Lighthouse 0 0 1799 Unknown W01118 Unknown Dublin, N Bull, close to the low water mark 0 0 1816 Otway W01293 Unknown Dublin, N Bull, Great N Wall 0 0 1867 Trusty W01059 Brig Dublin, N Bull, inside the Perch 0 0 1870 Unknown W01117 Unknown Dublin, N Bull, middle, close to the low watermark 0 0 1816 Unknown W01133 Sloop Dublin, N Bull, N end, 53 22 12.214N, 06 07 51.826W 53.37006 -6.13106

Unknown W01116 Unknown Dublin, N Bull, N end, close to the low-water mark 0 0 1816 Blessing W00976 Unknown Dublin, N Bull, near Howth 0 0 1726 Unknown W01108 Unknown Dublin, N Bull, near Howth 0 0 1801 Colleen Bawn W00983 Barque Dublin, N Bull, near Sutton 0 0 1862 Unknown W01080 Ship Dublin, N Bull, near Sutton 0 0 1774 Olive W01038 Schooner Dublin, N Bull, near Sutton / Howth 0 0 1828 Hope W01014 Unknown Dublin, N Bull, opposite the lighthouse 0 0 1789 Unknown W01466 Unknown Dublin, N Bull, S end, in a creek, 53 21 01.599N, 06 10

38.6W PA 53.35044 -6.17739

Unknown W01110 Unknown Dublin, N Bull, S end, near the low-water mark, 53 21 24.792N, 06 09 43.13W

53.35689 -6.16198 1803

George H. Oulton W01002 Ship Dublin, N Bull, Sutton 0 0 1881 Unknown W01131 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, 53 22 3.13N, 006 08 0.84W 53.36754 -6.13357

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W01130 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, end of stone barricade on the N side. 53 22 3.72N, 06 08 10.62W

53.3677 -6.13628

Unknown W01109 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, middle, at the low-water mark / 53 21 44.786N, 06 08 19.538W

53.36244 -6.13876 1803

Unknown W01132 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, N end, 53 22 21.284N, 06 06 33.628W

53.37258 -6.10934

Unknown W01122 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, N end, near Sutton Creek, 53 21 42.806N, 06 08 52.804W

53.36189 -6.148 1821

Unknown W01120 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, N end, near Sutton Creek, 53 22 23.366N, 06 06 20.536W

53.37316 -6.1057 1821

Unknown W01121 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, halfway up the shore, near a small creek, 53 22 16.297N, 06 07 49.971W

53.37119 -6.13055 1821

Unknown W01141 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, on the N side of the Sutton Creek 53.37233 -6.10731

Unknown W01139 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, S end, adjacent to a small creek, 53 21 17.276N, 06 09 45.693W

53.3548 -6.16269

Unknown W01138 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, S end, at the low water mark, 53 21 10.571N, 06 09 47.693W

53.35294 -6.16325

Unknown W01134 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, S end, at the low water mark, 53 21 34.503N, 06 08 55.24W

53.35958 -6.14868

Unknown W01135 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, S end, at the low water mark, 53 21 36.938N, 06 08 55.164W

53.36026 -6.14866

Unknown W01140 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, S end, close to a small creek, 53 21 21.925N, 06 09 46.665W

53.35609 -6.16296

Unknown W01136 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, S end, close to the low water mark, 53 21 39.2N, 06 08 57.574W

53.36089 -6.14933

Unknown W01137 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, S end, in a small creek, 53 21 27.441N, 06 09 20.038W

53.35762 -6.15557

Unknown W01445 Unknown Dublin, North Bull, south end, 53 21 9.995N, 06 10 12.385W PA

53.35278 -6.17011 1803

Hampton W01005 Brig Dublin, North Bull, Sutton 0 0 1874 Abbey W00968 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798 Anna & Maria W00969 Barque Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Anthony W00971 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1773 Aspanaian W00972 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798 Atlantic W00973 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1821 Augusta W00974 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1807 Baron Von Schubarts W00975 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1800 Bridget W00977 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1827 Briton W00978 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1822 Broomielaw W00979 Schooner Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1888 Cardiff W00980 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1792 Clyde W00982 Ship Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1790 Commerce W00984 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1774 Conductor W00985 Schooner Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1872 Dolphin W00988 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1799 Dove W00989 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1793 Dursley Gally W00990 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1750 Edward & Margaret W00991 Schooner Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1854 Electra W00992 Schooner Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1882 Eliza W00993 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1797 Elizabeth W00995 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1774 Fame W00997 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1826 Favourite Nancy W00998 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1787 Frederick W00999 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1803 Friendship W01000 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1750 Good Intent W01003 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798 Hannah & Betty W01006 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1755 Happy Return W01008 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1773 Harmonia W01009 Dutch Galliot Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1799 Hope W01013 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1748 Intrepid W01015 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1806 James W01016 Sloop Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1787

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

James W01017 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1823 John and Betsey W01020 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798 Kid W01022 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1773 Lion W01024 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1836 Lively W01025 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1788 Lucy W01026 Sailing Ship Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1776 Magneten W01027 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1831 Maria W01028 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1812 Mary W01030 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1802 Murton (SS) W01032 Steamship Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1872 Nancy W01033 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1769 Nancy W01034 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1828 Neptune W01035 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1772 Nostra Senora de Piedade

W01037 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1762

Ontario W01039 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1817 Peter & Anne W01040 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798 Pewell H. W01041 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1790 Pioneer W01042 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1855 Prince of Wales W01044 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1819 Resolution W01046 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1793 Robinson W01047 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798 St. Anthony W01048 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1773 Sally W01049 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1767 Sarah & Maryann W01050 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1831 Scotland W01051 Barque Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1854 Speculation W01052 Ship Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1787 Star W01053 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1824 Swingen W01055 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1799 Town of Liverpool W01056 Flat Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1797

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Trial Royal W01057 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1802 Vanguard W01060 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1845 Venus W01061 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1805 Victory W01062 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1812 Virginia W01063 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798 Youart W01065 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1768 Unknown W01069 Ship Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1693 Unknown W01071 Ship Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1745 Unknown W01073 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1764 Unknown W01074 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1764 Unknown W01076 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1769 Unknown W01077 Snow Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1771 Unknown W01078 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1772 Unknown W01079 Sloop Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1774 Unknown W01081 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1778 Unknown W01082 Sloop Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1781 Unknown W01083 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1781 Unknown W01084 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1783 Unknown W01085 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1783 Unknown W01086 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1783 Unknown W01087 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1784 Unknown W01088 Merchant

Vessel Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1784

Unknown W01089 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1785 Unknown W01090 Collier Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1786 Unknown W01091 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1786 Unknown W01092 Merchant

Vessel Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1787

Unknown W01093 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1787 Unknown W01094 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1787

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W01096 Coaster Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1789 Unknown W01097 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1790 Unknown W01098 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1790 Unknown W01099 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1792 Unknown W01100 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1793 Unknown W01101 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1794 Unknown W01102 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798 Unknown W01103 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798 Unknown W01104 Boat Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798 Unknown W01105 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798 Unknown W01106 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1798 Unknown W01107 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1799 Unknown W01111 Boat Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1803 Unknown W01113 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1814 Unknown W01114 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1814 Unknown W01115 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1814 Unknown W01119 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1819 Unknown W01123 Smack Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1833 Unknown W01127 Schooner Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1875 Unknown W01128 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1881 Unknown W01129 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull 0 0 1908 Morning Star W01031 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull, Harbour 0 0 1804 Ponsonby Packet W01043 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, N Bull, Harbour 0 0 1796 Poolbeg

Wilmington W01363 Brig 'Coolbeg' (sic. Poolbeg) 0 0 1791 Privet W09962 Fishing boat Dublin Bay, 1.7km SE of Poolbeg Lighthouse 53.32952 -6.13603 1988 Unknown W18522 Unknown Dublin Bay, 420m SE of Poolbeg Lighthouse 53.33976 -6.1463

Enterprize W01202 Sailing Ship Dublin Harbour, River Liffey, near the second perch at Poolbeg

0 0 1767

Unknown W16407 Unknown Dublin, near Poolbeg Light 0 0 1793

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W16362 Gabbard Dublin, Poolbeg 0 0 1774 Unknown W16387 Sloop Dublin, Poolbeg 0 0 1776 Unknown W16408 Wherry Dublin, Poolbeg 0 0 1793 Unknown W16416 Sloop Dublin, Poolbeg? 0 0 1797 Louise W01491 Brig Dublin, Poolbeg lighthouse to Dun Laoghaire, between 0 0 1829 Unknown W16119 Sloop Dublin, Poolbeg, off the Lighthouse 0 0 1789 Unknown W16388 Boat Dublin, Poolbeg, S anchor 0 0 1776 Dunbar W01191 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1765 Freemason W01211 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1775 Fullerton W01212 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1774 Isabella W01231 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1811 London Packet W01255 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1798 Polly W01300 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1775 Three Brothers W01340 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1804 William W01357 Ship Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1608 Unknown W01376 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1763 Unknown W01378 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1764 Unknown W01384 Sloop Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1767 Unknown W01385 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1767 Unknown W01393 Sloop Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1770 Unknown W01403 Gabbard Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1774 Unknown W01405 Sloop Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1776 Unknown W01436 Wherry Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1793 Unknown W01444 Collier Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg 0 0 1799 Ben Nevis (SS) W01159 Iron

Steamship Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg lighthouse 0 0 1896

Jealous of Me W01238 Hobble Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg lighthouse 0 0 1934 Lady Mary W01246 Brigantine Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg lighthouse 0 0 1861 Rainbow W01307 Smack Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg lighthouse 0 0 1874 Senhouse W11959 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg lighthouse 0 0 1851

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Anne W01154 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg lighthouse platform 0 0 1812 Unknown W01544 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg lighthouse, 2.1km SSW. 53

19 32.7N, 006 10 4.55W 53.32575 -6.16793

Unknown W01457 Sailing Boat Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg lighthouse, 200 yards inside

0 0 1895

No Name W12642 Sailing Boat Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg lighthouse, 200 yards inside

0 0 1895

Naomi W01282 Cutter Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg lighthouse, entrance to 0 0 1909 Smyrna W01327 Brig Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg lighthouse, rocks near 0 0 1852 Unknown W01538 Trawler Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg lighthouse, W by N about

4-4.5 miles 0 0 1903

Unknown W01537 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg, c. 4 miles E by S 0 0 1903 Mary W01270 Unknown Dublin, River Liffey, Poolbeg, near 0 0 1810 Winnie (SS) W15028 Steamship No. 6 Buoy, on the bank / Poolbeg 0 0 1893 Sandycove

Unknown W01526 Unknown Dublin Bay, approximately 3km NNE of Sandycove. 53 19 06.45N, 006 06 52.972W PA

53.31846 -6.11471 1803

Larch W13592 Unknown Sandycove 0 0 1836 Duke W01771 Brig Sandycove Point, Co Dublin 0 0 1829 Inveresk W01811 Barque Sandycove Point, Co Dublin, rocks off 0 0 1915 Fame W01786 Collier Sandycove, Co Dublin 0 0 1836 Mary W01845 Unknown Sandycove, Co Dublin 0 0 1861 Perseverance W01869 Cutter Sandycove, Co Dublin / Bullock Harbour, rocks close to 0 0 1888 Mary W01844 Schooner Sandycove, Co Dublin, Burdett Avenue, off 0 0 1861 Ellen W01777 Brig Sandycove, Co Dublin, Forty Foot, near 0 0 1821 Maria W01838 Unknown Sandycove, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1835 Unknown W01921 Collier Sandycove, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1836 Unknown W01922 Brig Sandycove, Co Dublin, near 0 0 1836 Unknown W01732 Unknown Seapoint, Co Dublin 0 0 1847 Palme W01673 Barque Seapoint, Co Dublin, site of old Salthill Hotel, near 0 0 1895

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations


Unknown W10597 Unknown Shankill, approximately 6km East 53.23305 -6.02083

Six Mile Point

Unknown W14163 Smack Six Mile Point 0 0 1838 John and Edward W02366 Unknown Six Mile Point, Co Wicklow 0 0 1802 Three Friends W02427 Unknown Six Mile Point, Co Wicklow 0 0 1802 Unknown W02449 Smack Six Mile Point, Co Wicklow 0 0 1838 South Bull

Unknown W01695 Unknown Dublin Bay, S Bull, near Ringsend 0 0

Betsey W01640 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1763 Ceres W01641 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1827 Columbus W01644 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1830 Dove W01646 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1763 Dublin Brothers W01647 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1726 Eliza W01648 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1814 Fyle W01652 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1824 Good Intent W01655 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1763 Griffin W01656 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1763 Hopewell W01662 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1744 John W01663 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1748 John and Francis W01664 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1748 Jubilee W01665 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1814 Lord Campden / Camden

W01666 Sailing Ship Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1784

Neptune W01669 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1763 Neptune W01670 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1772 Nimrod W01672 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1863 Rebecca W01680 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1809 Robert W01681 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1763 St. John Baptist W01683 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1748

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Success W01685 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1757 Success W01686 Brig Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1800 Susannah W01687 Sloop Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1797 Swan W01688 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1807 Two Brothers W01690 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1726 Tyger W01691 Ship Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1748 Union W01692 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1748 Union W01693 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1763 Unknown W01696 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1683 Unknown W01697 Sloop Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1763 Unknown W01698 Brig Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1763 Unknown W01720 Collier Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1791 Unknown W01722 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1798 Unknown W01730 Unknown Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1799 Unknown W16440 Sloop Dublin, S Bull 0 0 1813 Prince of Wales W01677 Brig Dublin, S Bull, Blackrock House, near 0 0 1807 Pretty Polly W01676 Unknown Dublin, S Bull, Blackrock to Booterstown, between 0 0 1772 Unknown W01721 Brig Dublin, S Bull, Blackrock, opposite 0 0 1794 Unknown W01719 Unknown Dublin, S Bull, lighthouse, near 0 0 1791 Tavares Bastos (SS) W01689 Steamship Dublin, S Bull, Salthill Station 0 0 1867 Rochdale W01682 Brig Dublin, S Bull, Seapoint tower 0 0 1807 General Prescott W01653 Ship Dublin, S Bull, the battery and Sandymount, between 0 0 1799 Hero W01659 Brig Dublin, S Bull, the battery and Sandymount, between 0 0 1799 Hero W01660 Brig Dublin, S Bull, the battery and Sandymount, between 0 0 1799 Unknown W01724 Unknown Dublin, S Bull, the battery and Sandymount, between 0 0 1799 Unknown W01725 Unknown Dublin, S Bull, the battery and Sandymount, between 0 0 1799 Unknown W01726 Unknown Dublin, S Bull, the battery and Sandymount, between 0 0 1799 Unknown W01727 Unknown Dublin, S Bull, the battery and Sandymount, between 0 0 1799 Unknown W01728 Unknown Dublin, S Bull, the battery and Sandymount, between 0 0 1799 Providence W01679 Sailing Ship Dublin, S Bull, the Piles, near 0 0 1771

FS007188 Appendix A, Response to Prescribed Body Observations

Unknown W01731 Unknown Dublin, South Bull, at the entrance to the 'Cock Lake'. 53 19 24N, 6 10 16.8W

53.32326 -6.17133 1803

Unknown W01734 Unknown Dublin, South Bull, Ringsend, Shellybanks. 53 20 10.5N, 006 10 42.39W

53.33625 -6.17844

Mountaineer W18170 Schooner South Bull 0 0 1867 Unknown W12760 Unknown South Bull, Dublin 0 0 1791 Unknown W13214 Unknown South Bull, near Dublin 0 0 1748 Unknown W11566 Unknown South Bull, near Ringsend, Dublin Bay 53.33704 -6.1798

Unknown W11567 Unknown South Bull, near Ringsend, Dublin Bay 53.33705 -6.18

Unknown W11568 Unknown South Bull, near Ringsend, Dublin Bay 53.33704 -6.18016

Unknown W11569 Unknown South Bull, near Ringsend, Dublin Bay 53.33703 -6.18041

Unknown (Ringsend Wreck)

W11570 Unknown South Bull, near Ringsend, Dublin Bay 53.33625 -6.17844

Unknown "Ringsend Wreck"

W11571 Unknown South Bull, near Ringsend, Dublin Bay 53.33646 -6.17801

Tavarnes Baston

Sailing Vessel South Bull Co Dublin

