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MATHS BOOKS GRAWAL GROUP OF PUBLICATIONS MATHS (HINGLISH) PROFIT AND LOSS Mcqs 1. A man sold an item for 7 ,500 and incurred a loss of 25%. At what price should he have






1. A man sold an item for ₹7 ,500 and incurred

a loss of 25%. At what price should he have

sold the item to have gained a pro�t of 25%?

A. ₹13,800

B. ₹12,500

C. ₹11,200

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: B

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2. Sarita earned a pro�t of 30 per cent on

selling an article for ₹6,110. What was the cost

price of the article?

A. ₹5,725

B. ₹4,080

C. ₹5,250

D. None of these


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3. Sujit incurred a loss of 45 percent on selling

an article for ₹3,740. What was the cost price

of the article?

A. ₹5,725

B. ₹5,080

C. ₹6,250

D. None of these


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4. Mehul sold an item for ₹5,625 and incurred

a loss of 25%. At what price should he have

sold the item to gain a pro�t of25%?

A. ₹9,375

B. ₹10,500

C. ₹8,250

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: A

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5. Kartik sold an item for ₹ 6,500 and incurred

a loss of 20%. At what price should he have

sold the item to have gained a pro�t of20%?

A. ₹10,375

B. ₹9,750

C. ₹8,125

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: B

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6. Manoj incurred a loss of ₹40 percent on

selling an article for ₹5,700. What was the cost

price of the article?

A. ₹7,725

B. ₹9,080

C. ₹8,250

D. None of these


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7. Raj sold an item for ₹6,384 and incurred a

loss of 30%. At what price should he have sold

the Item to have gamed a pro�t of 30%?

A. ₹14,656

B. ₹11,856

C. ₹13,544

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: B

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8. A dishonest dealer prefers to sell his goods

at lost pnce but uses less weight for a kg

weight and gains .

A. 950gm

B. 950gm

C. 960gm

D. 840gm

Answer: C

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4. %1


9. A shopkeeper labelled the price of the

articles so as to earn a pro�t of 30% on the

cost price. He,then sold the articles by o�ering

a discount of I 0% on the labelled price. What

is the actual per cent pro�t earned in the deal


A. 0.18

B. 0.15

C. 0.2

D. None of these


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10. The owner of an electronic store charges

his customer 11 % more than the cost price. If

a cutomer paid ₹ 1,33,200 for an LED T.V., then

what ws the original price of the T. V. ?

A. ₹1,20,000

B. ₹1,14,500

C. ₹1,22,500

D. ₹1,18,000

Answer: A

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11. Mohan sold an item for ₹4,510 and incurred

a loss of 45%. At what price should he have

sold the item to have gained a pro�t of 45%?

A. ₹10,900

B. ₹12,620

C. ₹11,890

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: C

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12. An article was bought fort ₹5600. Its price

was marked up by 12%. Thereafter it was sold

at a discount of 5% on the market price.

What was the market price of the article?

A. ₹6207/-

B. ₹6242/-

C. ₹6292/-

D. ₹6192/-


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13. An article was bought fort ₹5600. Its price

was marked up by 12%. Thereafter it was sold

at a discount of 5% on the market price.

What was the percent pro�t on the

transaction ?





Answer: C

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6.8 %

6.3 %

6.4 %

6.6 %

14. An article was bought fort ₹5600. Its price

was marked up by 12%. Thereafter it was sold

at a discount of 5% on the market price.

What was the amount of discount given?

A. ₹319.6

B. ₹303.6

C. ₹306.3

D. ₹313.6

Answer: D

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15. The cost price of an article is ₹ 1700. If it

was sold at a price of ₹ 2006, what was the

percentage pro�t on the transaction ?

A. 0.56

B. 0.43

C. 0.52

D. 0.49

Answer: C

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16. 21 articles were bought for ₹ 6531 and sold

for ₹9954. How much was the approximate

pro�t percentage per article?

A. 18

B. 12

C. 10

D. 15

Answer: A

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17. Meera purchased 23 bracelets at the rate of

₹ 160 per bracelet. At what rate per bracelet

should she sell the bracelets so that pro�t

earned is I 5%?

A. ₹184/-

B. ₹186/-

C. ₹192/-

D. ₹198/-

Answer: A

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18. A certain number of capsules were

purchased for ₹216, 15 more capsules could

have been purchased in the same amount if

each capsule was cheaper by ₹10. What was

the number of capsules purchased?

A. 6

B. 14

C. 8

D. 12

Answer: D

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19. Pure milk costs ₹ 16 per litre. After adding

water the milkman sells the mixture ₹15 per

litre and thereby makes a pro�t of 25%. In

what respective ratio does he mix milk with






Answer: A

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3: 1

4: 3

3: 2

5: 3

20. Manish brought 25 kg of rice at ₹ 32 per kg

and 15 kg of rice at ₹ 36 per kg. what pro�t did

he get when he mixed the two varieties

together and sold it at ₹ 40.20 per kg?

A. 0.25

B. 0.4

C. 0.3

D. 0.2

Answer: D

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21. A grocer purchased 80 kg of sugar at ₹

13.50 per kg and mixed it with 120 kg sugar at t

16 per kg. At what rate should he sell the

mixture to gain 16%?

A. ₹17 per kg

B. ₹17.40 per kg

C. ₹16.5 per kg

D. ₹16 per kg

Answer: B

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22. A man sells three motors for ₹ 5,400, ₹

3,300 and ₹4,350 respectively. He makes 20%

pro�t on the �rst and 10% pro�t on the

second but on the whole he loses .What

did the third motor car cost him ?

A. ₹6500

B. ₹6900

C. ₹5100

D. ₹7200

9 %3


Answer: B

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23. A shopkeeper purchased 200 bulbs for ₹10

each. However, 5 bulbs were fused and had to

be thrown away. The remaining were sold at ₹

12 each. What will be the percentage pro�t?

A. 25

B. 15

C. 13

D. 17

Answer: B

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24. The pro�t earned after selling a pair of

shoes for ₹ 2,033 is the same as loss incurred

after selling the same pair of shoes for ₹ 1,063.

What is the cost of the shoes ?

A. ₹1,650

B. ₹1,548

C. ₹1,532

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: D

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25. 10% discount and then 20% discount in

succession is equivalent to total discount of .

A. 0.15

B. 0.3

C. 0.24

D. 0.28

Answer: B

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26. The marked price of a watch was ₹720. A

man bought the same for ₹550.80 after

getting two successive discounts, the �rst

being 10%. The second discount rate is

A. 0.12

B. 0.14

C. 0.15

D. 0.18

Answer: D

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27. Allowing 20% and 15% successive

discounts, the selling price of an article

becomes ₹3,060, then the marked price will be

A. ₹4,400

B. ₹5,000

C. ₹4,500

D. ₹4,000

Answer: C

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28. The average weight of 15 oarsmen in a boat

is increased by 1.6 kg when one of the crew,

who weighs 42 kg is replaced by a new man.

Find the weight of the new man (in kg).

A. 65

B. 66

C. 43

D. 67

Answer: B

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29. When the price of a radio was reduced by

20%, its sale increased by 80%. What was the

net e�ect on the sale?

A. 44% increase

B. 44% increase

C. 66% increase

D. 75% increase

Answer: A

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30. Gauri went to the stationery and bought

things worth ₹25, out of which 30 paise went

on sales tax on taxable purchases. If the tax

rate was 6%, then what was the cost of the tax

free items?

A. ₹15

B. ₹15.70

C. ₹19.70

D. ₹20

Answer: C

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31. A man bought a horse and a carriage for ₹

3000. He sold the horse at a gain of 20% and

the carriage at a loss 10%, thereby gaining 2%

on the whole. Find the cost of the horse.

A. ₹1000

B. ₹1200

C. ₹1500

D. ₹1700

Answer: B

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32. Naresh purchased a TV set fort ₹ 11,250

after getting discount of 10% on the labelled

price. He spent ₹150 on transport and ₹800 on

installation. At what price should it be sold so

that the pro�t earned would be 15% if no

discount was o�ered?

A. ₹12,937.50

B. ₹14,030

C. ₹ 13,450

D. ₹15,467.50

Answer: D

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33. Prathik sold a music system to Karthik at

20% and Karthik sold it to Swasthik at 40%

gain. If Swasthik paid ₹ 10,500 for the music

system, what amount did Prathik pay for the


A. ₹8,2400

B. ₹7,500

C. ₹6,250

D. Cannot be determined

Answer: C

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34. An article was sold for ₹ 5220 at a loss of

42% of the cost price. What will be the selling

price of the article for a pro�t of 42%?

A. ₹12580

B. ₹17280

C. ₹12780

D. ₹15280

Answer: C

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35. A manufacturer sells a pair of glasses to a

wholesale dealer at a pro�t of 18%. The

wholesaler sells the same to a retailer at a

pro�t of20%. The retailer in turn sells them to

a customer for ₹30.09, thereby earning a pro�t

of25%. The cost price for the manufacturer is

A. ₹15

B. ₹16

C. ₹17

D. ₹18

Answer: C

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36. A shopkeeper labelled the price of his

articles so as to earn a pro�t of 30% on the

cost price. He then sold the articles by o�ering

a discount of 10% on the labelled price. What

is the actual percent pro�t earned in the deal?

A. 0.18

B. 0.15

C. 0.2

D. None of these


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37. A person sold an article from ₹ 3600 and

got a pro�t of20%. Had he sold the article for

₹ 3150, how much pro�t would he have got?

A. 0.04

B. 0.05

C. 0.06

D. 0.1

Answer: B

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38. A man buys 4 tables and 5 chairs for ₹1000.

Ifhe sells the tables at 10% pro�t and chairs

20% pro�t, he earns a pro�t of ₹ 120. What is

the cost of one table?

A. ₹200

B. ₹220

C. ₹240

D. ₹260

Answer: A

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39. A refrigerator and a camera were sold for

₹12,000 each. The refrigerator was sold at a

loss of 20% of the cost and the camera at a

gain of 20% of the cost. The entire transaction

results in which one of the following?

A. No loss or gain

B. Loss of ₹ 1000

C. Gain of ₹ 1000

D. Loss of ₹ 2000

Answer: B

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40. If the cost price of 15 articles be equal to

the selling price of 20 articles, then �nd the

loss % in the transaction.

A. 0.16

B. 0.2

C. 0.25

D. 0.26

Answer: C

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41. A milkman bought 15kg of milk and mixed 3

kg of water in it. If the price per kg of the

mixture becomes Rs.22, what is cost price of

the milk per kilogram ? (a) Rs 28.00 (b) Rs

26.40 (c) Rs 24.00 (d) Rs 22.60

A. ₹25.80

B. ₹26.40

C. ₹24.00

D. ₹22.00

Answer: B

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42. The marked price of a machine is ₹ 18000.

By selling it at a discount of 20%, the loss is

4%. What is the cost price of the machine?

A. ₹1000

B. ₹12000

C. ₹14000

D. ₹15000

Answer: D

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43. The price of an article is ₹ 25. After two

successive cuts by the same percentage, the

price becomes ₹ 20.25. If each time the cut was

x%, then

A. x = 9

B. x = 10

C. x = 11

D. x = 11.5

Answer: B

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44. The pro�t earned after selling an article for

₹878 is the same as loss incuned after selling

the article for ₹636. What is the cost price of

the article?

A. ₹797

B. ₹787

C. ₹767

D. ₹757

Answer: D

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45. A dealer marked the price of an item 40%

above the cost price. Once he gave successive

discounts of 20% and 25% to a particular

customer. As a result, he incurred a loss of

₹448. At what price did he sell the item to the

mentioned customer?

A. ₹2416

B. ₹2352

C. ₹2268

D. ₹2152

Answer: B

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46. An article is marked at ₹ 8,000. A trader

bought it at successive discounts of 25% and

10% respectively. He spent ₹ 1,350 on its

transportation to his shop and then sold the

article for ₹ 15,000. What is trader's pro�t% in

the whole transaction?





Answer: D

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16 %2


28 %

30 %

11 %1


47. If a trader estimates his loss as 10% of the

selling price, what is his real loss percent?





Answer: B

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48. Shopkeeper purchased some goods for ₹

900 and sold one- third of the goods at a loss

of what 12%, then at what gain % should the

remainder goods he sold to gain 18% pro�t on

the whole transaction?

A. 0.31

B. 0.26

C. 0.33

D. 0.18

Answer: C

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49. Deepak found that he had made a loss of

10% while selling his smartphone. He also

found that had he sold it for Rs.50 more, he

would have made a pro�t of 5%. The initial

loss was what percentage of the pro�t earned,

had he sold the smartphone for a 5% pro�t?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 0.75

D. 0.85

Answer: B

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50. A person sell two horses for rupees 480

each. On the �rst horse he gains 25 percent

and on the second horse he losses 25 percent.

Find the percent gain or loss in the


A. loss 6.75%

B. gain 6.75%

C. loss 6.25%

D. gain 6.25%

Answer: C

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51. A trader gives an additional concession

of35% on an article which is already get

discounted by 20% on the marked pnce. If the

buyer pays an amount of I 300 for the article,

then the marked price is

A. 2200

B. 2500

C. 2600

D. 2700

Answer: B

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52. An article is marked up 40% higher than CP

but it was sold x% on discount. The

shopkeeper thus gains 12%. What would be

the S.P. of the article with C.P. ₹ 120 and sold

on x % pro�t

A. ₹132.50

B. ₹144

C. ₹128

D. ₹148

Answer: B

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53. A trader mixes 14 kg rice of variety A which

costs ₹ 60/kg with 18 kg of quantity of type

Brice. He sells the mixture at ₹ 65/kg and earns

a pro�ts of . Then what was the cost

price of type B rice.

A. 30

B. 20

C. 40



D. 50

Answer: C

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54. Cost price of B is 200 more than cost price

of A.Bis sold at 10% pro�t and A is sold at 40%

loss and selling price of A and B are in the

ratio 4 : 11. If A is sold at 20% loss then what

will be selling price of A.

A. 320

B. 400

C. 240

D. 160

Answer: A

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55. 35kg of a type of milk powder (type A)

which costs ₹ 614 per kg was mixed with

certain amount of another type of milk

powder (type B), which costs ₹ 695 per kg.

Then the mixture was sold at ₹767 per kg and

18% pro�t was gained. What was the amount

of type B milk powder in the mixture ?

A. 25kg

B. 28kg

C. 32kg

D. 36kg

Answer: B

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56. Marked price of A is ₹ 1600 more than its

cost price. When discount on A is 500 a pro�t

of 25% is obtained. At what price should A be

sold to obtain a 30% pro�t.

A. 4800

B. 5600

C. 5400

D. None of these


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57. The ratio of cost price to the selling price

of an article is 5 : 6. If 20% discount is o�ered

on marked price of the article then marked

price is what percent more than cost price?


B. 0.5

C. 0.4


Answer: B





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58. A certain product C is made of two

ingredients A and B in the proportion of 2: 5.

The price of A is three times that of B. The

overall cost of C is ₹5.20 per kg including

labour charges of 80 paisa per kg. Find the

cost of B per kg ?

A. ₹8.40

B. ₹4.20

C. ₹4.80

D. ₹2.80

Answer: D

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59. A man bought a scooter and a car. He sold

all of them at 30% pro�t. Scooter is sold at

10% pro�t. Cost price of scooter is 1/10 of the

cost of car. Marked price of a car is ₹ 4,50,000.

If he bought scooter at a discount of 20% on

marked price and car at a discount of 10% on

marked price then, what will be the ratio of

marked price of scooter to the selling price of

the car.

A. 25/264

B. 25/268

C. 35/260

D. 34/260

Answer: A

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60. C.P. of two books is same. One sold at 15%

pro�t and the other for ₹ 4800 more than the

�rst. If the net pro�t is 20% then �nd the C.P.

of each book?

A. ₹48000

B. ₹480

C. ₹4800

D. ₹38000

Answer: A

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61. The cost price of goods is 20% below the

marked price. He sold half he stock at the

marked price. One quarter at a discount of

10% on the marked price and rest at a

discount of 30% on the marked price. His total

gain is :

A. `7.5%

B. 0.09

C. 0.105

D. 0.125

Answer: D

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62. P invests ₹ 6,000 for X months while Q

invests ₹ 8,000 for 9 months in a scheme. The

pro�t share of Q is t ₹ 24,000 out of total

pro�t ₹ 42,000. Then �nd the value of X?

A. 6 months

B. 9 months

C. 8 months

D. 7 months

Answer: B

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63. A shopkeeper marked his article 60% above

the cost price and gives a discount of 30% on

it. If he had marked his article 80% above the

cost price and gives a discount of 30% on it

then �nd the earlier pro�t is what percent of

the pro�t earned latter?

A. 0.46

B. 0.6


D. 0.4

Answer: A

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33 %1


64. P and Q entered into a partnership by

investing some amounts. The investment of

Pis thrice of the investment ofQ. Another

person Rjoined them after 3 months. At the

end of a year, the pro�t share of P and R is

equal. Then �nd the pro�t share of Q is what

percent of the pro�t share ofR.

A. 0.5


C. 0.4

D. 0.6

Answer: B

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33 %1


65. In place of 18% pro�t an article is sold at

32% pro�t and seller gets ₹112 more. Fmd the

selling price of article i�twere sold at 25%


A. ₹440

B. ₹460

C. ₹1000

D. ₹ 550

Answer: C

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66. A shopkeeper marked price of a shirt 50%

more than the CP of the shirt. When he sells

the shirt at x% discount then ___ % pro�t is

obtained and when it is sold at a discount of

2x%, ___ % pro�t is obtained. Which of the

following options are possible for the blanks

in same order.

A. 60,30

B. 20,8

C. 38,26

D. 35,20

E. 41,32

A. AandE

B. B, D andE

C. C,DandE

D. All are possible

Answer: C

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67. Ratio between marked price of two piano

xx to piano yy is 4 : 5. Shopkeeper allowed d¾

discount on piano xx and ( d + 18) % discount

on piano yy, so selling price of both piano

becomes equal. If shopkeeper made a pro�t of

20% ?n piano xx and 25% on piano yy and

pro�t made on piano yy is ₹ 384 more than

that of piano xx, then �nd the cost price of

piano xx and piano yy respectively.



₹9000 × ₹8400

₹9600 × ₹9216



Answer: B

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₹9800 × ₹9012

₹9600 × ₹8488

68. There are two shopkeepers, �rst

shopkeeper calculates his pro�t percent on

the selling price whereas the second

shopkeeper calculates his pro�t percent on

the cost price. If the selling price for both the

shopkeeper is same and the di�erence

between their pro�ts is ₹17 5. Then, calculate

the sum of the cost price for both the

shopkeeper if the pro�t percent for the both

shopkeeper is 25%?

A. ₹5425

B. ₹4875

C. ₹4675

D. ₹5275

Answer: A

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69. Dhaniram' is a bread seller who marked up

price of each bread packet by 150% above and

allow a discount of 40% and made a pro�t of ₹

30 on each bread packet. Ifhe allows 37.5%

discount on each packet, then �nd how much

pro�t he gets on selling 7 5 bread packets?

A. ₹2550

B. ₹2731.50

C. ₹2500

D. ₹2531.25

Answer: D

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