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MAY 24-30, 1942 - World Radio History

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3t MAY 24-30, 1942



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Ted Askew, 2226 Branden Street, Los An. geies.

Sirs: I wish somebody would tell me why the radio persists in using the term, "come in,' when anybody appears on the program. Amos will say, "Here comes Andy" ... and when Andy is supposed to e coming, some-one adds, "Well, come on in, Andy!" Other programs are the same. It's al-ways "come in." Can't anybody go into a place in radio without being invited to "come in"? — especially when he owns the place many times?

Laura Stafford, 121 South Brighton Street, Burbank, Calif.

Sirs: In a recent vote, Henry Aldrich was approved as a best bet for many months to come. Americans like Henry. Americans also like to sing. But, "united" or not —we out here can't sing with CBS and hear Henry at the same time. I know that con-flicting programs are and always will be a problem in radio; but can't some-thing be done about it?

Mrs. E. Harder, 1773 Rose Avenue, Long leach, Call/.

Sirs: I'd like to have a 15-minute air-program of systematic exercise. In fact, I would be willing to give up listening to my favorite soap opera. In my opinion, a good time would be in the morning, after the children have left for school and before baby has to have his bath. I think if we had such a program on the air, there would be a great many pupils. And interested ones. too. I've tried exer-cising at home to music- on the radio, but eventually my will power gives out and I stop. Here in my neighbor-hood, I know of several women who would cooperate and follow through, if they had directions.

Charles Fletcher, 363 Poll Street, Ventura, Calif. Sirs: Don't apologize for raising your

price to thr,ee cents. Radio Life gives me more pllbasure than all the 10 cent magazines I •iubscribe for. You should have jumped the price to 10 instead of three cents. As a retired news-paperman, I know something about the cost of getting out a newspaper and magazine, and it is a source of wonder to me that you are able to pay the cost of such a high class staff of writers, plus printing and distribu-tion, and make enough to pay for

coffee and cakes for yourself and fam-ily —if you have one. Yes, I know you have a big circula-

tion. Even in this sleepy burg, Ven-tura, the P and H Market's proprietor, George Poulos, tells me his supply of Radio Life is sold out before the end of the day of its arrival.

Do me a favor. Suggest to Knox Manning. Columbia's ace newscaster, that he vary his daily commercials. I, and many of my friends who listen to his broadcasts, are very tired and are greatly annoyed by his all too frequent repetitions of the same rou-tine when he is selling soap, cos-metics, men's clothing, theater attrac-tions, ni-rlit clubs, etc. In advance, we know what he is going to say, and we turn the knob for 60 seconds, re-fusing to listen. Also suggest to Mr. Manning, that

when he emcees "I Was There," that the majority of his listeners are not deaf; that he tone down the too much brass musical atmosphere. Evidently, Mr. Manning imagines that he is em-ceeing a "March of Time" program, which every radio fan agrees is alto-gether too noisy, and in consequence, less entertaining. Also suggest that Mr. Manning study and follow Cecil B. DeMille's method, viz., soft music that suggests nothing but the atmos-phere of the situation.

(Radio Life has referred your reniarks to Mr. Manning.)

L. A. Bennett, 863 Sapphire Street, Pacific Beach, Calif. Sirs: For nearly 20 months past, I

ON OUR COVER Radio Life's cover star this

week is the lively, luscious lady of the Hollywood glamour fac-tories—Rita Hayworth. The sul-try siren, who since her rise to cinema stardom has scored heav-ily on such airshows as Lux Theatre, the Bob Hope program and others, was one of the star-studded galaxy of personalities appearing Tuesday (May 19) on the brilliant dedicatory radio hour which launched the Colum-bia Broadcasting System's new Network of the Americas via KNX at 6:30 p. m. (See Radio West section for story on new Latin American Network c:eated by CBS.)


have had to confine my radio listen-ing to a head phone crystal set, due to the fact that electricity has not been available. I now am connected to the servite and have been trying to locate several of my favorite radio programs and stars, viz., G. Allison's "Indoor Sports" program, Bill Sharp-ies and his "Breakfast Club," also Pauline Holden, singer.

(411 above-mentioned are off air at present time).

S. L. Braman, 363 North Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena, Calif. Sirs: I have enjoyed Radio Life

since its first copy. Have wished that the log was listed as you are now doing. So much mo:e convenient to see the various programs at a given time. Sorry that you have discon-tinued the listing together of Sunday religious programs. Wish that you would write up some of the principal religious groups and I would like an adequate write-up of "Mirandy."

Mrs. Elsie White, 1022 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. Sirs: Just a note of thanks to Hedda

Hopper for her article about Lew Ayres. We think he's a swell boy and Hedda a swell gal. There's an old saying that I remember: Let your con-science be your guide. P. S.—We hope to hear Boake Carter

on the radio soon.

Mrs. W. H. McNeely, 7 Sierra Bonita Place, Pasadena. Sirs: Why don't you have pictures

and an article on "Life Can Be Beau-tiful"? It's the best serial, being more true to life than the other repetitious. inane stories with stale, worn plots and melodramatic situations.

(Thank you for the suggestion. Wri'S try to follow through).

Edna Fraser, 3006 Bellevue Avenue, Los Angeles. Sirs: Thanks a million for publish-

ing a picture of my favorite announce!, Hugh Brundage! I knew he was hand sorne —one could not be otherwise with a voice like his—and it is grand to have his picture smiling out at us. I could write poetry to the twinkle ir his eyes ... and would you blame me' I'll wager you two nickels that they are the color of mist-over-the-sea. Thanks for Radio I ife. It is the best radio magazine to be found. P. S. This week I am buying up all copies avail-able at my market.


Ear Inspires Pen 2

Our Cover 2

Radio West 3

Tribute To A Hero 7 By Kale Smith

Radio Lifelines 8 By Evelyn Rigsby

Johnny On The Spot hu Jo/in Whitehead


The King's Men 10

Homer! 11 IN Frederick White

Time Changes 11

Coming Out of the Ether 12 lip Bernie Smith

Rambling in Rhythm 13 IN Charles Emgr

Pre-Casts and Pre-Views 14

New Programs 15

Egg Laying Contest 16

Gags of the Week 18

Radio Oddities 18

Family Doctor -Drafted'. 19

-Them Was the Days" 20 Hy Fvelyn

I Love You, California 21

Time, Temper, Tires 22

Consumer's Club 23 kit Chef

Daily Logs

Daily Highlights

Program Finder




Publisher. Carl .11. Rigsby; Editor. John F. Whitehead; Business Manager. Vinson Vaughan; Associate Editor. Evelyn Rigsby; Log Editor. Hal Julian: Art Director. Tony Cunliffe; Advertis-ing Manager, Culbreth Sadler.

RADIO LIFE Is published weekly to compton Printing Cotnpany, 1029 Wesi \ Washington Blvd., Los Angeles. Phone RI. :,262. Post paid 14tiliscriptions, $2.is per year of 52 issues. Advertising rates may be had on application to the Busbies, Manager. Singles copies are :lc. Proudly ited material is sent at sender's risk P.adio Life assumes no responsibility to, same. All remittances should he by Posta Money order. Express Money Order o, Check in favor of Radio Life. Curren is sent it 'enders risk. This Igs,,e . numbered Volume ti No, 11. Entire coi.• Tents of this issue copyrighted. 1942. he pri ming ir whole or part without perniis• sion strictly prohibited. Editorial Of fices 1558 North i Vine street, Hollywood. Trip-phone HEmpstend Rosiness and Ad vert i sing Offices, 11129 West We shingtm ilvd.. Los A !Icel.-a. Telephone Richmon , -.2(12. A pplica t ion for ent ry as second class matter is pendinc.



RADIO: West * National and International

Good Neighbor Chain Radio's biggest step of the week in

further strengthening the ties of hem-ispheric solidarity between the Amer-icas came Tuesday (May 19) when CBS dedicated its new Latin Ameri-can Net work (Network of the Americas) with an hour-long, star-studded program which was heard here through KNX and transmitted to 76 stations in the new chain.

The new Network uf the Americas is a significant achievement in radio and serves to create a "Two- Way Street" for hemispheric broadcasts be-tween Central and South America and the United States.

The new sister stations of CBS in Latin America are the realization of a long-standing ambition of William S. P a 1 e y, far-sighted CBS president who made a personal survey in 1939 to substantiate his opinion that the ties uniting American republics could be strengthened through the medium of the microphone.

Following a seven-week air tour of Latin American countries Paley be-came further convinced that short-waving North American programs to the Southern republics was not enough, since, as in the U. S., most persons in those countries listen to their local broadcasts.

Not only will Paley cover Latin America with -CBS programs, but he has set up machinery that will enable programs originating in the Southern republics to be heard in the U. S. over CBS. Three transmitters will serve the

Latin American station chain. These were erected at a cost of more than $500,000, and in test operations since the first of this year have exceeded in reception and quality even what the engineers who designed them had hoped for.

Redlands' Glee Good news to southern California

radio listeners was last week's an-nouncemetit by Fred Waring that Red-lands University's excellent glee club (heard via local programs many times) has been selected as one of the eight finalists in Waring's Pleasure Time national glee club competition. The University of Redlands glee

club, along with the other seven final-ists, will compete for the national title in a concert scheduled for Carnegie

Hall May 30 and 31, with all proceeds going to the U. S. 0.

Waring has announced that the winning club will be presented on his broadcast of May 31 via NBC-KFI.

KFII. 8 pail. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.

Famous Voice Stilled When the rages of a throat infection

(streptococcus) took the life of Gra-ham McNamee at the age of 53 on May 9 in New York's St. Luke hospital one of radio's most famous and fabu-lous voices was stilled.

McNamee, who began his air career in 1923 as an announcer-singer at Manhattan's Station WEAF, "covered" the first of his now-famous string of sports contests in the summer of that year when he gave the blow-by-blow account of the Greb- Wilson title fight and his first description of a World Series classic. For the first time that year, the sports fanatics heard the familiar "Take it away, Graham!"

McNamee was the first of radio's breathless, exciting ad-libbers. Ad-mittedly no expert on things athletic, Graham nevertheless won great audi-ences with his enthusiasm and ability to dramatize the "color" of a sport-ing contest.

When he came west in 1926 to mike-report the first Rose Bowl game ever aired over a coast-to-coast network (NBC), McNamee went into spasms about the green Pasadena hills and the California sunshine and almost forgot to describe the action of the ball game.

His most dramatic faux pas came when he announced the wrong win-ner at the Poughkeepsie regatta.

Famous reporter Ring Lardner, who sat next to McNamee one time during his broadcast of a baseball game, re-marked in his column that he had attended a double-header—the game that was played and the one Mc-Namee announced. When the Ted Husings and Bill

Sterns bounced into the sportcasting circle in the 30's, McNamee gradually began to be in less demand for big-time sports reporting, although until recent years sponsors still clamored for his "color" commentating between rounds at the championsnip fights. Listeners heard the familiar Irish

baritone voice of McNamee during the past months as master-of-ceremonies on Elsa Maxwell's Party Line broad-


NBC's Clark Gable-eared Hank McCune makes it a spec alty of bringing per-sona.ities-in-:he•ncws to his It Hap-pened in the Service microphone. Hank's recent guest W35 the lady shown with him above, Mr!. Colin P. Kelly Jr.

Jack Benny's coing a lot di traveling these weekends tor his broadcast orig-inations at army and navy posts on the West Coast, and ever-present is his famous valet oi the airlanes. Rochester, who is -forcod to carry the Benny bags

in order to save shekels.

casts over the Blue Network on Fri-days from New Yqrk. Graham gave his final radio sign-

off on the Party Line show of April 24, the day before he was admitted to the hospital for a checkup. According to Walter Winch el 1, the famous an-nouncer was advised by physicians for months to consent to a tonsil opera-tion which he refused.

Corky's Mother An attractive, smartly-dressed young

woman sat at a microphone in Studio G of Radio City on a recent Wednes-day (May 6) talking leisurely but seriously to Hank McCune, young master of ceremonies on It Happened in the Service. "Corky's two today!" she said proud-

ly as any mother would of her own child on its second birthday.

The young woman was Mrs. Colin P. Kelly, widow of the late Colin P. Kelly Jr., whose name has gone down in history as America's first aerial hero of World War II.

And the "Corky" she talked about was Colin Kelly, HI, born at River-side's March Field Army Air Base when Capt. Kelly was in training for his wings two years ago. Although she is working at a local

aircraft plant, Mrs. Kelly still finds time to make numerous appearances before large groups who are devoting their efforts to the drive for funds to carry on the war. Attempts were made by the sponsor

of It Happened in the Service to re-munerate Mrs. Kelly for her appear-ance on the program, but as usual (she has never accepted money for any appearance) she declined, al-though saying that she would be grateful if Par Soap would make a donation to the Red Cross. Before she was off the air, Hank McCune had wired and received confirmation from the Par Soap people in Oakland that the y had just donated $100 to the Red Cross. When asked about her plans for

young Corky, Mrs. Kelly said she hopes to send him to West Point when he's old enough. She added that she was very happy that he was already able to name off all the important planes like the P-38, P-40, etc. "Every one at home should write

letters to their friends and members of their family who are in the serv-ice," declared Mrs. Kelly. "Letters that are cheerful, and don't expect any in return as the boys are busy. Every mother should be proud to have her son in the service, wherever he is, whatever he's doing." K U.

Rudy Foregoes Siesta Rudy Vallee, like so many other

radio personalities, will forego his usual summer sojourn which for the past 14 years has taken him to that famous lodge of his in the backwoods country of Maine. Not only will the curly-haired Val-

lee continue his Sealtestime airshows from Hollywood's Blue network stu-

dios during the summer months, but he will continue to spend much of his off-the-air moments in active ser-vice with the State Guard Evacuation Unit of which he is a Lieutenant. According to Cine m act or Lewis

Stone, who commands the State Guard Unit, Vallee's suggestion that the Evacuation Unit officers and men undergo a complete course in auto mechanics has been adopted. All of which means that Lieut. Vallee's sum-mer will be spent in overalls rather than leisure shirts. KECA, KFSD, 7 pm.


Revise Burns Show Do you recall the Arkansas Traveler

format which Bob Burns used to in-augurate his current CBSeries for Campbell Soup? Well, the report this week is that Bob, who isn't any too happy about the switch (which took place some months ago) from the Traveler idea to a variety show type of broadcast, has talked his sponsor into allowing him to go back to the original Traveler idea for the final three broadcasts of the season which ends June 9th. These three stanzas with the Arkan-

sas Traveler format will be in the form of a test to see if the sponsor can't be sold on resuming next fall with the Traveler idea rather than the current variety show routine. If Bazooka Bob cannot resell his

sponsor on the Traveler type of show it is understood that Burns will prob-ably go on the ether for somebody who does like the Traveler idea next season. Reports are also rife that Bob might return to the Kraft Music Hall with his former radio colleague, Bing Crosby, although Radio Life's editors consider this unlikely.

KCCIC, 5 0 p.m. Tues.

Toscanini's Return Radio Life readers who often ex-

press themselves as being in favor of the classics and symphonic music will be interested in the announce-ment from New York this week that the NBC Symphony Orchestra will broadcast another series of 24 con-certs beginning October 31. Arturo Toscanini, after a year's ab-

sence from the radio podium, (except for five Treasury Hour broadcasts) has been signed to conduct the first 12 broadcasts of the season. Leopold Stokowski, suggested by Toscanini as his successor when the latter decided last spring to take a sabbatical year from broadcasting, will share the NBC Symphony Orchestra baton honors with the-Italian maestro, directing the final frame of 12 broadcasts through April 10, 1943. The new series by the NBC Sym-

phony strikes an interesting note for those who follow "inside" radio in its many complex network problems. Although the series is sponsored by the National Broadcasting Company and is scheduled to originate in NBC's own studio in New York's Radio City, the broadcasts will be heard via the Blue Network and KECA every Sat-urday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. It is understood that NBC was unable to

MAY 24, 1942

clear the proper time on its own air-ways for the series, and rather than sacrifice the programs from a listen-er's standpoint, decided to complete necessary arrangements with the Blue for the coast-to-coast airing.

On Fred Allen Fred Allen is famous as one of the

few comedians on Broadway who draws more panhandlers at the studio door than he does autograph fans. Irving Hoffman, one of Winchell's right-hand men who is well known as the writer of a column titled "Tales of Hoffman," passes this item on from New York. As Fred was leaving the CBS Play•

house after his broadcast, the usual mob of panhandlers gathered around the stage door. Noting the familiar face of an old vaudeville headliner, Fred took a bill out of his pocket and handed it to the chap. The fellow looked at the bill and handed it back. "I'm sorry, Fred," he explained. "But

I've already reached my salary ceiling for the year!" KNX, 5 p.m.

Hull Wins Spot Warren Hull, the former cinemactor

who encountered a small bit of radio popularity on the Maxwell House air-show several years ago, has become a radio regular again according to ad-vices from the sponsors of Vox Pop in New York. Hull, who on the basis of a program

called Grin and Bear It which he ran on a Boston station several months ago, won two "trial runs" on the Vox Pop show recently with Parks John-son, has proven himself an effective co-interviewer with Johnson. He succeeds the former Vox Pop co-

emcee, Wally Butterworth, who left the program some weeks ago to free lance as a radio producer and writer.

KNN, 5 p.m. Mom

Walking Technique Now that the rubber shortage has

put the American people back on their feet, Hal Peary who plays the role of Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve on The Great Gildersleeve NBComedy, has evolved his own technique for walk-ing.

Before setting down the following rules for Radio Life readers who have stored the family buggy for the dura-tion, Gildersleeve said that he had personally tested the advantage ot walking. Gildy's rules:

• Be happy about it. Remember, walking is a healthful form of exer-cise. It just melts away the pounds. • Each morning before leaving for

the office, stand in front of the mir-ror and practice saying "no" in a firm manner. That will protect you from hailing a bus or taxi. • Always walk with a jaunty step,

even though your arches may be kill-ing you. That creates the impression you really enjoy walking. • Look around as you walk to the

office. You'll discover lots of things you never noticed when you were driv-

Hollywood's newest romantic twosome is made up of the cinemacting lovely, Gail Pat,ick, and handsome Freemar. Gosden, better known to CBS-KNX listeners as -Amos- of -Amos 'n Andy Pair showr watching the Hol ywood Stars baseball

team cavort at Gilmore Field,

Truman Bradley, Red Skelton's f.vorite anaoulcer who's also doing the mike chores on Dinah Shore's new Blue commercial on Fridays, and Harry von Zell, right, Eddie Cantor's mike-man, are tvio bia•time chanters who started together on KMTR's

staff here in Hollywood.

Radio Liles roving cameraman usually firds the Sealtest Time star, Rudy Vallee, surrculded by femme admirers. Above the Heigh-Ho Everybody sirger-thespian enjo is the company of Gracie Fields, left, famous Br t.sh entertainer who guested

on the Vallee show, and Joan Davis, right.




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ing the car. And that er-shapely an-kle in front of you. Nice, isn't it? You'll soon forget all the disadvan-tages of walking. • Think pleasant thoughts while

walking. Think of all the money you save, no backseat driver, no crumpled fenders, no tickets for speeding or parking too long. • Walking soothes frayed nerves.

After you have walked to and from the office all week and the wife asks you to go for a walk on Sunday, you won't commit mayhem. You'll just go, old boy —for another walk!

KF1. 8 p.m. Stan.

George Burns' Story George Burns was in a story-telling

mood the other day in a Burns and Allen show rehearsal, and this is one he told on himself and his writers. It seems that story conferences and

script sessions are held each week in a room of the Burns home that faces a house next door in which two very sweet elderly ladies live—the kind that are usually associated with lav-ender and old lace, woolen shawls and all that sort of thing. In the course of the gag-writing ses-

sions the conversation usually gets very loud, and, with the windo ws open, the elderly ladies get quite an earful of all that goes on. Recently, one of the little grey-

haired women took a nasty fall off a step-ladder in the yard, and George helped take her indoors. Not want-ing to disturb the ladies, he moved his gag-men into a room on the oppo-site side of the house to continue their huddle. Before long there came a knock on

the door, and the little lady who-was still up and about was inquiring: "When are you going to move back

to the other room? We can't hear a d — thing any more!" KFI, 6 o.m. Tues.

For Wishful Thinkers Jo Denman, attractive young NBC

correspondent who with her husband, David Anderson, has been heard on pick-ups from Stockholm since the early days of the war, had terse words for wishful thinkers when she re-turned to American shores this week. • "Despite their setbacks on the

Russian front and the constant British aerial pounding of their cities, the

Norman Nesbitt



Daily at 12 noon, and Mon.

thru Fri. at 5 p.m.

The Broadway Broadway. Fourt la

and um

Nazis are far from the cracking point internally," declared Miss Denman upon her arrival in New York with her two-year-old daughter, Jo Ann, aboard the Swedish liner Drottning-holm. • According to the NBCorrespond-

ent, the Nazi propaganda now tells the German people that their struggle is one of life and death and that if they lose the war their future suffer-ing will pale by comparison the hard-ships they now endure. • Belief of Swedish diplomats, who

enjoy one of the few remaining good "listening posts," is that only a decis-ive military setback can crack Nazi power over the German people. • Stories of sagging Nazi morale

are just "storybook tales." she added.

Henry Off Guard Ezra Henry Aldrich) St one, off

stage talking with a friend during The Aldrich Family dress rehearsal last week in New York, suddenly was startled to hear his cue line being read by Kay (Mother Aldrich) Raht. He managed to dash up to the NBC microphone just as she said: "Henry, what are you doing?" "I'm just looking for something,

Mother." "What?" "My place in this script," replied Ezra —at which point Producer Fran

van Hartesveldt was forced to call a halt. 9 PALL


That's All, Brother! This is the story of three boys. They

are the sons of a Mrs. Mary Donnelly and all appear or have appeared on NBC programs produced by Frank and Anne Hummert. The first boy is Andy. He's 18 years

old now and his voice is too mature for parts he once played on the Hum-mert shows. When Andy's voice began to change, the Hummerts called upon . . Jimmy, now 16. He started on the

NBC Children's Hour and, as he grew older, took over a role on The O'Neills and other dramas. When his voice began cracking, Jimmy retired in fav-or of .. . Tommy, 14, and last of the Don-

nelly sons. He plays the same roles his brothers once did on Lorenzo Jones and other Hummert serials, and the most expert listening ear never de-tected the difference in voices. Tommy also has the part of Mark Brown on Young Widder Brown. The Hummerts know that before long Tommy's youth-ful treble will deepen into more manly tones, so last week they began looking questioningly at Mrs. Don-nelly, who just shrugged and shook her head.

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Rero.--The Editor.

I speak to you from New York City, Samuel Marrett.

I address my remarks to you, Because, on December 10, you led an attack on enemy transports:

Two of them you destroyed, But in a dive against the third . .. in the explosion of the ship,

Your plane was caught and the en-emy scored.

I speak to you from New York City. It's not much different from the night you died.

People are at the movies, or dancing . . . or sleeping,

And the city is settling down for the night,

Whispering itself to sleep. I thought of you tonight, Samuel Mar-rett. . .

I looked up at the stars and thought He watched them once in Texas. . . .

I've seen Texas, Samuel Marrett. I know the wide sweep of the horizon, the height of those western stars,

I know the calm sunburned peace of Texas

I wish we might have talked together. you and I .

I've seen what America is to you . . . A creed to die for.

And it is that to me too —and to all Americans.

Do you realize how many times you died before, Samuel Marren?

You died at Bunker Hill and Gettys-burg, the Alamo and Wake Island,

For the creed and the flag are all. embracing,

And the ideal for which you died has been unchanging since its concep-tion.

Samuel Marrett, do you know how they sat in counsel in Czechoslo-vakia once.

They sat and talked freely and openly until the boot came down

Until the iron heel came down on the up-turned face,

The whip on the bowed back...

And a word cut across their souls ... verboten! verboten!

And a suffocating silence set in. And once . . . yes, once, they laughed in Vienna!

They danced and sang and laughed: There was the music of Strauss and Beethoven,

Schumann, Mozart, Haydn. There were lovely ladies in wide skirts and cavaliers to court them

Before the clumsy fists killed the mu-sicians.

And the cafes shook to the fall of heavy feet . . .

Before Vienna lost that inalienable right of ... laughter.

The skies were once the highways of the birds on Poland,

And in Sweden, in Norway, Holland, Belgium

Until the vultures roared across them Until freedom became a word to be whispered

And peace a word to be dreamt! They're thinking of that in Texas, Samuel Marrett.

And in Oklahoma and Wisconsin, Maine and all the rest.

They're beginning to realize that free-dom can be lost . . .

Oh, yes, it can be lostl Freedom bought and

Defended with steel and iron and blood.

Only iron can answer iron, and only iron will save it now.

You knew that, didn't you, Samuel • Marrett?


And oh, she's a lovely country for whom you died—lovely and young ... sometimes a little foolish as the young are foolish,

Sometimes a little over-confident, as the young are confident. And why not? She's grown to the tune of fire and patriotism.

Europe is old .. too old, too wise, too full of tears.

The iron has gone deep, the blood deeper,

But America is young, lusty, exciting and will fight

To keep the sacred trust of liberty Inviolate.

As you fought, Samuel Monett, and as you died.

As we have talked, the nirl:t has come closer to midnight in savannah where you lived once.

Dawn will slip, yawning, into town soon and lighten that house you knew so well.

Nothing has changed much in Sav-annah since you were there last . .

Nothing has changed much in Texas. Oh, there's a new movie house or two. and a store burned down, and a new bunch came in at Randolph Field,

And . . . your daughter became a month old on January 3.

They say she's going to lock like you. Her name is Amy. after her mother.

So that's about all I can soy to you, Samuel Marrett —

Except that we're going to win this war —

The debt will be avenged. The blood wiped out . . the dream that is America made safe forever.

The cities and the towns. (Continued on Page MI


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4 •


From every side we hear nice words about those two regulars, Red and Edna Skelton. So far they've weathered eight months of phenome-nal radio success without going high hat. For example, Red opened his mail the other day and out dropped a traffic ticket. The accom-panying letter explained that two soldiers who had attended Skelton's preview-broadcast had gotten into a time-jam returning to camp. Mrs. Red called a cab and instructed the driver to double-quick the boys there "or else." Stopping at nothing in his efforts to please, the speeding cabbie received a ticket, which he forthwith mailed to the Skeltons in hopes they would take care of it. Yes, they dood it! P. S.: No doubt Red and Edna remember how their old juggernaut used to bask outside their hotel in New York until it was plastered with tickets and Edna argued that it would be cheaper to let the cops take the car than pay the accumulated fines!

* *

After many years at NBC, Irene Rich checked in at CBS the other morning, in preparation for the switch of her "Dear John" show to that network. Most gracious in acclimating herself to the new surround-ings, she was posing for pictures, when the snood on one of Photographer Ted Allan's lamps flared into flame a scant few inches from Irene's face. While Ted skilfully maneuvered the blaze out of danger, Miss Rich was immobile, only opening her lips to remark: "It seems that there's a fire." To our way of thinking, she's synonymous not only with a timeless beauty, but unequalled feminine poise.

* * Coming Up: Editor Johnny and your lifeliner just enjoyed a lunch-

eon date at the Derby with Miss Dinah Shore. It wasn't an interview— Dinah's not the kind to sit back, sphinx-like, while a zealous reporter agonizes through a who-where-what-why routine. Confidentially, she talked so incessantly that her eggs benedictine grew cold on the plate. We'll feel pretty jolly if our stories convey just a smidget of Dinah's naive charm and vivacity to our Radio Life readers . . . Buddy Twiss and Dresser Dahlstead (respectively chief announcers of NBC and the Blue) are rounding up half a dozen veteran announcers for a sort of mass interview for which they're promising to break down and tell us some of the absurd things which have happened to them while mike-talking.

* *

A new high in gate-crashing was reported by page boys on the Ransom Sherman show, who stopped a young fellow trying to force his ticketless way into the broadcast. "I'm Mike McGooch's brother", he explained, jumping from the frying pan into the fire, as McGooch is just a fictitious Irishman played by the versatile Sherman.

* * Pat on the back for Frank Hobart Nelson for the tidy job he made

of his Mother's Day program. Despite her nervousness, Carrie Jacobs Bond was a vigorous pianist, arid her new song, "The Flying Flag", which the King's Men harmonized in their slickest style, was certainly a click. Frank is destined to succeed here—he's had years of experi-ence in the East and has been chosen to head a three-day radio con-ference at the University of Denver, August 3-5.

* *

Radio for the next three months looks very enticing. Bob Crosby and his Bob-Cats will rule over Kraft Music Hall the latter part of June when Bing vacations . . . Gildersleeve is taking only a brief respite . . . probably set for the season are "Stars Over Hollywood," Shirley Temple, Rudy Vallee, Old Gold with Nelson Eddy and Nadine Conner, "Maxwell House", Gene Autry,, "Hollywood Showcase", "Dr. Christian", and Ransom Sherman. "Those We Love", "Date With Judy", Tommy Dorsey, and the new General Motors hour sound 4ntriguing. Meanwhile, there's talk of an independent Abbott-Costello show coming up later on, although we hope it isn't true that the crackpots will supersede "Big Town," just when that series is cinching a new lease on life!



• For sheer drama, up-and-down-the-spine tingling lump-in-the-throat stuff, this column doffs its new Dobbs straw to Wyllis Cooper, the author, and the other War Department men responsible for the crea-tion and production of The Army Hour, streamlined, world-wide-hop-ping ether juggernaut aired over NBC's network to KFI every Sunday afternoon.

With each successive presentation since its debut on April 5 The Army Hour has matured in radio finesse and entertainment values. Even in its third week The Army Hour was surpassing anything the high-powered, much-heralded This Is War show ever displayed during its 13-week life on the wave lengths.

Two Sundays ago, on May 10, The Army Hour came through with its finest performance to date. It was significant that on the first Mother's Day to find American boys locked in battle since World War I ended in 1918, The Army Hour dedicated its sixth edition to American mothers with tributes expressed by U. S. soldiers here and overseas.

With amazing timing and without benefit of introductions, The Army Hour leaped into one U. S. foreign outpost after another for simple, heart-warming statements from the throats of Uncle Sam's fighting men who were remembering their mothers on Mother's Day.

And although he, like all the other boys who preceded him, said simply, "This is Joe, mother. I've been in a lot of fights, but this is the biggest yet!" those with ears to their loudspeakers immediately recognized the husky, familiar voice of Private Joe Louis Barrows, bet-ter known to sport-loving American millions as Joe Louis, heavy-weight boxing champion of the world.

Yes, it was Joe Louis, the same stalwart chocolate soldier of Uncle Sam's troops, who on March 10 of this year stood on the stage of the Walter Winchell-inspired Navy Relief Society Show in New York's Madison Square Garden and said simply:

"We are going to win because we are on God's side."

• An extra helping of drama was handed listeners on The Army Hour broadcast of May 10 when, for the third straight week, a Nazi Station in Germany tried to jam the proceedings with a pianist doing his unavailing best to drown out a pick-up from Curacao, Dutch Guiana. Several weeks ago the Japs succeeded in jamming a pick-up from Chungking, China, but Army Hour engineers managed to get the remote through from Curacao despite the Nazi piano which you heard in the background during a three-minute portion of the show.

• When a studio visitor asked Fibber McGee scripter Don Quinn why he uses only original material on the Wistful Vista show, Quinn quipped: "Guess I'm too lazy to do any heavy lifting."

• This is war, too: Arch Oboler, the much-quoted author-director of Plays for Americans over NBC, is practicing the thing he has been air-preaching—that precious item called patriotism. Arch, who used to make the 120-mile round trip to Hollywood twice weekly from his home near Oxnard, in order to outline the plot of his Sunday scripts to Composer-conductor Gordon Jenkins and then to hear what Jenkins had written, is now saving wear and tear on his rubber tires by utilizing the telephone. He outlines the plot to Gordon via phone and then hears Jenkins' score played back over the telephone after it is completed.

• Star Dust: Isabel Randolph, who started her acting career as a juvenile trouper with her parents on the stage, is the Mrs. Upping-ton you hear with Fibber McGee and Molly on Tuesdays . . . In the itudio wings where Mrs. Jordan (Molly to you) handled the introduc-ions, Mrs. Uppington proved anything but uppity ... A warm, gracious, r'ye-sparkling type, she has spent the past 10 years in radio ... Has two grown daughters . and an Encino house full of pets . . . Likes knit-ing ... movies ... horseback riding . and acting ... Once the lead-ng lady with repertory companies in Rochester, Cleveland, Detroit, 'hicago, etc. . . . She appears on other NBC shows although her Mrs. Tppington charaeter is her most popular contribution to the laugh lines.

• The mayors of several southland towns we know could well take a hint or two from a fellow by the name of James Jordan who is letting no grass grow under his feet as mayor of Encino. Jordan, who

is better known to radio fans as Fib-ber McGee, is really serious about his duties as Encino's chief executive. When we saw him the other day he was completing plans with his city council for the erection of a new fire hall for Encino. Apparently nothing he has done in recent years has given him as much joy as the successful raising of funds for Encino's fire house, for the day we saw James Jordan he was wreathed in smiles.

• Upcoming Star: Dave Lane, whose songs-chatter-piano routines via KNX these days are catching on big with femme listeners as well as the male contingent, is a 5-foot blend of infor-mality and Southern hospitality in person. Dave was brought out to Hol-lywood in February, 1941, when Al Pearbe heard one of his recordings and invited him to leave Charlotte, N. C. long enough to appear on one of the Pearce broadcasts here. Before he could return to his hometown, KNX executives signed him up and he's been a happy Lane ever since. Dave's a sentimental fellow who likes to re-call childhood memories, and as we swapped tales of yesteryear, he came up with what he tabs as his favorite memory. At the age of 10 he stood on the front porch of his home and in-vited everyone who passed by to drop in for lunch. Dave said that 31 people accepted, and his parents, as well as himself, haven't forgotten that occa-sion to this day!

• The new NBC Friday night show, People Are Funny, as caught by this column two successive weeks is hilari-ous. As a West Coast feature for four years it was first titled Pull Over, Neighbor; then as All Aboard. The show lived up to its title the evenings we heard it. Art Baker, who shares emcee duties with Art Linkletter, asked a contestant, "In what sport is 'squeeze play' used?" Art was refer-ring to baseball. The contestant's snappy answer was "Postoffice." An-other time Art queried, "What would you call your wife who has stood by your side all these years faithfully? Old what ... ?" Instead of Old Faith-ful, the answer came back "Old Iron-sides."

• Easy on the Ears: Sharon Doug-las' acting on KNX's Second Mrs. Bur-ton series. Watch this girl, because off her performance in the current screening of Gentleman After Dark, she promises to be a star . . . Hal Gib-ney's announcing on Walter Win• chell's quarter-hour. Little-publicized, this fellow handles a feminine prod-uct as smartly as anyone on the air ... Waltz Time on Fridays with Frank Munn . . . Jack Owens' new novelty hit, I Dood It, which Mary Martin served up deliciously via Kraft . . . John Scott Trotter's arrangement of Jersey Bounce . . . Sammy Kaye's swell guestarring wi th his melody crew on Fitch's Bandwagon show, which is losing plenty of listeners with its over-long commercials . . Hal Peary's May 10th Great Gilder-sleeve show, which we thought hit an all-time high for laughs . . . Any role Lurene Tuttle plays on the kilocycl s ... Any tune played by Xavier Cugat.

PAGE 10 RADI O LIFE MAY 24, 1942

"The King's Men" Radio's Best-Loved Male Four-

some Sings Merrily Into 13th Successful Year

The King's Men doll triemselves up in barber whites for a movie role which calls for a little Tour-part barber shop harmonizing. In addition to the Fibber McGee slow and Paul Whiteman's Hour, which first introduced them to nationwide ai audiences, they have appeared with Burns and Allen, Fred Allen, and Rudy Vallee. KFWB gave them their first radio


Carrie Jacobs Bond, be oved composer of -I Love You Truly- and -The End ol A Perfect Day - who has no living sons of her own, -adopted- The King's Men as -her boys- on Mother's Day. Left to right, as they ap-peared with Mrs. Bond Dn a special Mother's Day broadcast over Mutual on May 1 0, are Bt,d Linn, Rad Robinson, Jon Dodson and Ken Darby.

FOUR merry men of melody are The King's Men, now in their fourth year as the singing stars of the Fibber McGee-Molly ether display for John-;on's Wax and celebrating their 13th

;ear as an inseparable four-part har-mony combination. Probably no radio quartet has ever won as warm a place in the hearts of song-loving Americans as this foursome which was given its initial big-time network debut in 1935 by the King of Jazz, Paul Whiteman. Ken Darby, arranger, accompanist and bass singer, had the idea of getting a quartet together when he was play-ing the organ in the summer of 1929 at the Forum theater in Los Angeles. He rounded up Grafton (Bud) Linn, a top-tenor; Radburn (Rad) Robinson. tenor-baritone; and Jon Dodson, lead. tenor, for a film studio audition that resulted in a movie contract and a per-fect formula for a style of harmony that has thrilled millions.

The long-lived association of the King's Men as a singing combination doesn't end with their pro-fessional appearances. They take almost daily workouts aboard a tandem bicycle they bought

together several years ago.


11011E11! Squeaky-voiced, pop-eyed and friendlier than an official city greeter. That's -Homer,- He Aldrich's pa I, as played by Jackie Kelk on NBC's popular The Aldrich Family



y ENRY ALDRICH'S pal, Homer—that's Jackie Kelk.

Squeaky-voiced, pop-eyed, friendlier than an official city

greeter, this radio veteran grew up on a steady diet of microphones, Hol-lywood cameras, and Broad way boards. Now approaching 20, he's still growing. Jackie was play-acting in front of

his mirror when he was five, and three years later he was doing it in earnest on Broadway. That was twelve years ago, whop he became a hit in Fanny Brice's famous,"Cohens". Today, with Hollywood, Broadway, and radio as his playground, this grinning youngster is still hitting, and on high.

A star? Well, yes, but in radio they don't think of Jackie that way. To page boys and to Eddie Cantor, to Tallulah Bankhead and the girls in the drug store, he's the fresh kid with the grin. In and out of NBC's studios like an imp, he knows them all, and they all know him.

"Hi, Jackie!," they grin back at him, for when Jackie says hello, there's something friendly and funny in the way he says it. That's the "Homer Brown" in him,

the character he plays on the popular "Aldrich Family" for NBC. Homer's a fresh kid, funny and friendly, and amazingly adept at getting Henry into trouble.

"Gee whiz, Henry," Homer says at least once on every program, and then the audience roar s. That's Jackie Kelk.

This unspoiled friendly boy came up radio's hard way, through years of trouping, a childhood crowded

with stage doors and microphones, and not much time for fun. He's a regular boy, though, for his mother saw to that. Somewhere between Hollywood and New York, between rehearsals and shows and programs, she found time for Jackie to play. When they made their first trip to the West coast, to join Loretta Young and Cary Grant in "Born to be Bad", Jackie carried a suitcase across the country. In it was a flea-bitten mon-grel pup. "After all," Mrs. Kelk decided, "a

boy's got to have a dog." Mumps, measles, camping trips in

Vermont, swimming with the gang in Long Island, building boats, fixing up the roof on the summer cottage, —that's Jackie Kelk, too.

His first date was just like the boy's down the block. Dressed in his first stiff shirt, he took Nancy Walker to a dance at school, the Professional Children's School in Manhattan. Nancy was studying singing and dancing, and today she's a rising young star in the Broadway hit, "Best Foot For-ward."

"We had a swell time," Jackie laughs, "I borrowed my father's braided vest, and I could hardly breathe all night." The original of such network fa-

vorites as Terry in "Terry and the Pirates" and Bob Putnam in "Wings Over America," Jackie's had to give u0 much of his time to concentrate on "The Aldrich Family". He still does some Navy recruiting programs, and his regular appearances on NBC's "Young Widder Brown". It's as Henry's pal, however, that Jackie has become a national tradition. On Thursday nights, after the pro-

gram goes off the air, Jackie reports to the Stage Door Canteen, Broadway's night spot run exclusively for service men by the Theater Wing. There, in a bus-boy's jacket, he rattles dishes for the soldiers. "You wanna 'nother cupa cawfee?"

he drawls, and the service boys re-spond at once. "Gee whiz," they gasp, "it's Homer!" "Yeh," Homer grins, "gee whiz!" That's Jackie Kelk.

* * 9 p.m. Thurs.


Time Changes Alias John Freedom —Su n.,• 5 p.m.. KECA, KFSD. Find My Way -510n. thru Fri., 10:45

a.m., KHJ. Poet's Hill —Mon. thru Fri., 11:45 a.m.., KMPC.

From the Dugout —Mon. thru Fri.. 12:15 p.m.. K MPC.

Scattergood Hainen —Mon. thru Fri.. 2:45 KNX.

Bridge Club —Mon. thru Fri.. 4:30 p.m.. K y Star Parade —Mon.. Fri.. 4:45 p.m., KHJ, KGB; Tues., Thurs., 8 a.m.. KNX.

"'our Government Report*—Tues., 4:45 p.m., KFI.

"tunic by Sweeten —Tues.. Thurs.. 5:15 p.m.. KECA.

Ii *ring Quartet — Wed.. 6:30 p.m, KFSD

American School Kids — Wed.. 7:15 p.m. KFSD.

Secret Legion —Thurs.. 6:30 p.m.. K HJ How'm I Dolter —Fri., 7 p.m.. KNX. 'teenage of lernel —Sat.. 4 p.m., KECA, KFSD. •

On the Scouting Trail —Sat., 4:45 p.m.. KFI.


Cens4441 ota vria


Better take care of that radio re• ceiver, brother. No telling what's likely to happen. Maybe we won't be able to get parts one of these days. They're already clamping down on some radio items.

Curtis Mason and H. L. Blatterman, chief engineers at KFI and KECA, ..have been in the radio business a long, long time. And they're having

their own private radio sets checked over now, before it's too late. They suggest a couple of things to

do. Such as using common sense in playing the radio. "Don't go away from home and leave it on," they ad-vise. "You'll not only run up your electric bill if you do, but it means that much more wear on the equip-ment."

In addition to having a reliable re-pair man look it over, the two afore-mentioned gents suggest a checkup of the power and antenna installations might be in order. As for folks who have combination

sets . . . those that play records too . . . Mason and Blatterman point out that records, (which won't be as easy to obtain), should be carefully cleaned with a soft cloth. "Don't pick 'em up with your fingers and leave moist prints. That's bad." Might be a good idea, too, to follow the instructions on the needle package. And don't use needles once, set them aside, then put them back in the holder. Needles wear on one side and when they're used over again, they wreck a record. Finally, the motor should be given the once-over now, before its too 1 at e. Electric motors are on the priorities list, you know.

Not long ago, I put my head on the chopping block when I frankly criti-cised, in a general way, some of our

Sunday night religious programs. Since that time I have been hiding in dark alleys and giving false ad-dresses. My name is mud, as far as a number of our friends are concerned. Boy! What hit me!

On the other hand, some of the folks figured maybe I had something there, and not a few preachers wrote me their personal thanks. I don't want to open the subject again; I figure a word to the wise is sufficient.

And besides, I ain't exactly crazy!

And while we're on that subject, more or less, I might as well go whole hog and express my sincere dislike of the number of "damns" and "hells" on the air these days. In most cases they aren't presented in a profane manner. Yet still and all, those words ARE being used on the air, and they weren't a few months ago.

Should we admit that "this is war," and let the bars down? I don't think

(Continued on Page '23)




Gold Seal I.


Notebook Timely - Stimulating

* * *

Just because au o .1merican can

complain svn; time he feels like

it is no reason for overworking

the pri% ilege.

Enjoy the Jottings in Art Baker's Notebook

KFl Monday thru Friday 4:00 P. M.



Hearty thanks to readers who let us know they liked our musichatter in Radio Life. And now we'd like your opinion on this: Should we confine our wordage largely to bands on the air or should we dig some general news of Coast bands and handsmen? Our boss wants to give Radio Lifers what they want, but he is, after all, getting out a radio, not a music mag.

However, it seems that the West Coast does need a musical news medium. Down Beat, Metronome, Music & Rhythm and Orchestra World are all pub-lished east of the Rockies, and, geared to national circulation, can devote only limited coverage to California music news.

We believe Radio Life has a logical place in the musical news field beeause, in actuality, every musical organization of any importance is "on the air" — if not by direct or remote broadcast, then through phonograph records, which are played on radio stations all over the country. What do you think? ABOUT DISCASTING

The broadcasting of phonograph records enables radio stations to give the public the finest music of all kinds—popular, symphonic, jazz, and their many variants. No station could afford to give its listeners such a vast store of musi-cal wealth by broadcasting only actual performance.

The musicians (we mean "side-men" —not leaders) who make these records receive about $7.50 per side or $15 per record. They rarely share in royalties from the sale of the discs, as do bandleaders, songwriters and publishers. A group of professional musicians, organized here in Los Angeles, want to estab-lish a plan whereby radio stations (and juke box operators) who use records on commercial programs will pay performance royalties to musicians. The money would be divided among the performing musicians and among un-employed musicians (many of them displaced by juke boxes). A portion would also be set aside for aid to sick and over-age musicians. Sounds very reasonable to us.


Apologies to the new Louisiana, opening May 21, for referring to it as the Wilshire Bowl, the last days of which were unhappy for all con-cerned. Operators of the Louisiana want to start with a clean slate. They tell us that Radio Singer Bob Carroll will emcee the show, which will fea-ture delectable Dorothy Dandridge (although it is not a sepia show), and that Sterling Young's ork will be heard from there ,nitely via the Blue Network, a nice break for Sterling .. . Listen for Joe ("Pagliacci") Reich. man, opening May 28 at the Biltmore, on KFI . . . Freddy Martin's sonorous saxes and silky strings are heard nitely from the Cocoanut Grove via KHJ . . . Ella Fitzgerald has two KHJ periods nitely from the Trianon —ex-cept on Thursdays, when she has three, 10:00, 11:30, and 1:00 a. m. By the way, Ella's band is really Eddie Barefield's. Eddie tried hard to get under way with a band here in L. A. a few years ago but had to give up and go back East where there are more opportunities for Negro bands ... Harry James puts his all into that Sunday evening (6:00 to 6:30) Blue Network broadcast because it reaches the East at a choice time. Late eve-ning broadcasts from the West Coast

reach the East too late at night, or early in the morning ... Johnny Rich-ards, at Zucca's in Hermosa Beach, beats the time element by broadcast-ing via Mutual in the late afternoon. Have you heard Johnny's new "Super. tune Time" show, featuring high school and junior college talent? (Fridays, 3:30). It's one to hear—and watch. Johnny's backers will prob-ably send him on a tour this summer. We hear that Bobby Sherwood is next in line for a radio build-up from Zucca's Hermosa Beach band show-case.


The Bob Crosby band will summer at Balboa's Rendezvous, opening July 3. Harry James will officially open the summer season at Balboa with a one-fighter June 27. Mutual is ex-pected to carry Crosby's band from Balboa. . . . It's Ted Lewis after Jan Savitt at the Casa Manana, which airs nitely via KHJ. . . . The lovely young singer heard with Art Whiting's ork is Margie Carle, 16-year-old daughter of Frankie Carle, ace piano man with Horace Heidt.... The Wilde Twins, Bob Crosby's new vocal duo, are said to be grand-nieces of the late Oscar Wilde. If you mention it to them they will reply: "So what?" . . . Wel-come home to the King Cole Trio, one of our really fine small combos, which opened May 14 at the 331 Club. . . . Check RADIO LIFE'S logs for the broadcast periods of the bands men-tioned in our column.

We Salute Gordon Jenkins

For providing Dinah Shore with her best musical settings to date on her new series of broadcasts via the Blue Network (Fridays, 6:30 p.m., KECA) and for assembling one of the best radio orchestras on the Coast: Charlie La Vere, piano; Carl Maus, drums; Dud De Naut, bass: Bobby Barene and Nathan Kroll, violins; Maurice Perlmut-ter, viola; Jack Stacy and Lyall Bowen, reeds; Denny Donaldson, trumpet.

Tribute to Hero I (ontinued from Page 7)

The plains and the mountains . . the highways,

And the creed that encompasses them Those words said for immortality we repeat for you . . .

"From these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full meas-ure of devotion . . . we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain . . . that govern-ment of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."I

That's our promise, Samuel Marrett That's our promise!

* * Duchin Leads Off

Eddy Duchin's orchestra launches Eastside's Dance Tonite lineup of musical headliners over KFWB on Monday, May 25. Other dance favor-ites included in the weekly series include Jimmy Dorsey (Tues.), Claude Thornhill (Wed.), Bob Chester (Thurs.), Count Basle (Fri.), and Harry James (Sat.).

* * KFWB, In:3n p.m. Mon.-Sat.

Death Valley Days Thirty cents a mile to get your man.

That was the fee paid to deputy sheriffs in Prescott, Arizona, back in the early 1880's, according to the Old Ranger who will highlight on Death Valley Days, May 28, the story of a young deputy who set out to capture the local bad man in order to raise enough money to marry the town's prettiest girl.

Take It


* 'CNN. 8:35 p.m. Thurs.

As k

V0111 Grocer


Paired on the Old Gc I'd show over CBS

are Nelson Eddy and n!wly-fltdged Met

soprano, Southern ;:alilornia's own Na. dine Conner.

Recruited Irons ope.a and concert stage,

Jayne Cozzen; comes -o NBC's "Carna-. boo Cor'tenied' a lead soprano.

M A Y 24, 1942

ME-CASTS Saturday, May 23

THEATER OF TODAY. HEARD: Saturday, KNX. 9 a.m. (30 min.).

Ji m A meche and Arlene Francis in

an original dra ma.

LUNCHEON DATE WITH ILK% CHASE. HEARD: Saturday. KFI, 9:30 a.m. (30 min.).

Miss Chase has as guests on M ay

23, Miss M ay me Ober Teak, ne ws-

paper wo man; Mrs. Leiland Atherton Irish of Holly wood Bo wl and Philhar-m onic note; and "S wede" Parker, -fa-

m ous Lockheed test pilot.

STARS 01 ER HOLLY WOOD—Drama. HEARD: Saturday. RNX, 9:30 a.m. (30 min.).

Helen Parrish and Charles Lang in

"Dinner For T wo."

IA COLN HIGH% AV—Drama. HEARD: Saturday. KFI. 10 an:. (30 min.).

Guest actor is Willia m Gaxton.

OF 5IEN AND BOOKS. HEARD: Saturday. FENX. 11:05 a.m. (25 min)•

Sally Benson, author of the "Junior

Miss" series, is guest.

HORSE RACES. HEARD: Saturday. KNX. 1:35 p.m. (25 min.).

Ted Husing describes the 67th run-ning of The Withers race direct fro m

Bel mont Park track.

Now on their 13th air-year, Goodman and Jane Ace are still scoring in their de-lightful serial, "Easy Aces," on the Blue. The Aces originated their program years

ago, when bridge was the rage, but as domestic life in America changed to grapple with current world conditions, the radio pair altered its script.

Jack Bailey vi s snel puts on Mutual's

"Rise and Shine" sioso. He also sciipts

that refreshirg program, "Music De-


3 This NE W MOON symbol indicates new programs.

U.S.O. SHO W. HEARD: Saturday. KNX, 6 p.m. (30 min.).

--1 1 A ne w sho w about w hich we can't

get details no w, but will tell you

later. It starts M ay 23.

SPORTS NE WSREEL. HEARD: Saturday, HUI. 7 p.m. (15 min.).

Bill Stern has as his guest Larry

M acPhail, boss of the Brooklyn Dodg-


THE W HISTLER—Drama. HEARD: Saturday. liN-X. 9:45 p.m. (30 min.).

A ne w m ystery series originating

in Holly wood.

* * * Sunday, May 24

COLU MBIA WORKSHOP—Drama. HEARD: Sunday. N. 11:30 a.m. (30 mln.)•

" Midnight Blue" is the vehicle. It's

a special study of jazz blues back-


THIS IS FORT 1)DX —Serrire Program. HEARD: Sunday. KILL 11:30 a.m. (30 min.).

-1 Sgt. Ji m my Cannon e mcees a

""'' ca mp sho w — music, songs, skits,


BRITISH EMPIRE DAY—Special. HEARD: Sunday. KFI. 2 p.m. (30 roffs.)•

Special observance by re mote con-trol fro m Forest La wn. where Brian

M A T 24. 1042 RADIO LIFE r A r',F, Is

tllld PREATIEWS By Marcia Sinclair

Aherne is scheduled as m aster of

cere monies and other tentative par-ticipants are Aileen Ho wsley, vocalist, and the Scotch Bagpipe Band.

✓Arsis THAT REFRESHES—Musir. HEARD: Sunday, KNX. 1:30 p.m. (30 rdln.).

Ja mes M elton is guest soloist.

✓i..Avs FOR &SIERR AN& HEARD: Sunday, Kit, 1:30 p.m. (30 min.).

An original by Arch Oboler, called

"Chicago, Ger many." It's the story of

an average young Chicago stenogra-pher and what her life would be like if Ger many realized its conquests.

Joan Blonde11 in the starring role.


HEARD: Sunday. BF!. 3:30 p.m. (13 min).

"1 Doug M cKellar and Jack Latha m

"I' present a round-up of w ar stories

culled fro m the various United Press

writers on the battlefront.

FITCH BAND WAGON—Popular Musk. HEARD: Sunday, EFL 4:311 p.m. (38 min.).

Bob, "the hep Crosby," is guest with his orchestra.

* * *

Monday, May 25 ANT)T AND VIRGINIA. HEARD: Monday-Saturday. (43 min.).

Still going strong —those two frolic-

so me folks w ho put a lilt in even a sourpuss' m orning. Riddles, songs,

pages fro m "A Dog's Scrapbook," the "Hooey Ne ws" —listen in and you'll kno w w hat we m ean.

KMPC, 7:30 a.m.

AUNT JENNY. HEARD: Monday-Friday, KNX, I0:13 •.m. (13 min.).

Fro m Tuesday through Friday of this week, a special Memorial Day tribute, entiled "Thus Be It Ever," will be dramatized.

TELEPHONE POI R-60041 Music. HEARD: Monday, RFI, 9 p.m. (30 min.).

Jose Iturbi is guest artist tonight.

01 NTER SPY —Drama. HEARD: Monday. KECA, 10 p.m. (34)

—I Ne w dra matic series of spy stories

"jr centering about David Harding,

daring young A merican. Phillips H.

Lord produces the sho w. ,

Tuesday, May 26 MUSIC DEPRECIATION. HEARD: Tuesday, Thursday. 4:30 1).(11•. (30 min.), DLBS; 4:43 p.m.. (13 min.).

Still going strong is that unique

m usical progra m w hich gives high hat fanfares to lo w-do wn tunes. Dave

Young does the fancy talk, w hich is

written by Jack Bailey.

THIS NATION AT WAR. HEARD: Tuesday, KECA. 3:30 p.m. (23 min.).

" 1 Ne w series w hich originates fro m

various vital industrial centers

throughout the nation. Clete Roberts is in charge of western progra m pick-


THREE RINI, T1ME—Aariety, HEARD: Tuesday, KECA, 11 p.m. (30 mm.).

W alter Huston is special visitor.

JOHNNY PRESENTS—Drams. HEARD: Tuesday, firl, 8:30 p.m. (34I min.).

-1 Tallulah Bankhead brings her en-

' gage ment to a close, for w hich

m ost everyone is grateful. In her place,

tune in to "The Perfect Cri me", dra-

m atic detective series authored by the

veteran play wright, M x M arcin. Ne w

set-up starts M ay 26.

* * *

Wednesday, May 27 RISE AND SHINE—F.arly Bird '-how. HEARD- Monday-Saturday. RI1J. DLBS. 8-7 a.m., 7:15-7:43 a.m.

Patter, m usic, and distinctive stuff

written and delivered by the ini mit-able Jack Bailey.

MUSIC FOR AMERICA. BEARD: Wednesday, HILL DLBS, 4:30 p.m. (30 min.).

Ne w sho w with M orton Gould and

"ar his orc h estr a, Tenor Ji m mie Shields, and the Song Spinners Quar-tet.

• * * *

Thursday, May 28 F1G/1.11. HEARD: Thursday. RILL DLBS, 7 p.m. (1 hour).

The oft-postponed welterweight bout

bet ween Ray "Sugar" Robinson and

M arty .Servo of the U. S. Coast Guard. Robinson has won 29 bouts in a ro w.

Servo has been defeated only once.

Robinson beat hi m, but the decision w as a split one.

sTANDARD SI 31PHON1. HEARD: Thursday, RHJ. DLBS. 8 p.m. (1 hr.).

Progra m for M ay 28: "Folk Song Overture," M orton Gould; Second and

Third M ove ments fro m "Second Piano


New Programs E mpire Day Program—Sun.. 2 p.m.. K FI.

W ythe WIllla ms —Sun., 2 p. m.. KHJ. KFXM.

Town and Country Market —Mon. thru Fri., 10:1 5 a. m., K HJ.

Clete Roberts —Mon. thru Fri., 12:45 p.m.. K ECA.

H. Y. Kaltenbore —Mon.. 4:45 p. m., KFI.

Bjornson, from leeland —Tues., 2 p. m, K ECA.

Thin Nation at W •r--Tues., 6:30 p. m., K ECA. K FSD.

Frank Forest, Tenor —Sat., 10:45 a. m., K H.J. K GB, K FX M. KVOE.

School Business As tonal —Sat., 12:15 p. m.. K NX.

The W histler —Sat., 9:46 p. m., KNX.

Concerto," Ed ward M acDo well (solo-

ist, Miss Lillian Steuber); "Ode to a

Hero," Nino M arcelli; "Civic Center

Suite," Harline; "The Mission Road,"

Bornschein; "Fantasy On The mes,"

Cole Porter; " Music George W ashing-

ton Kne w," Adapted. This is an All-

A merican progra m arranged in honor of M e morial Day.

* * *

Friday, May 29 THE GUIDING LIGHT—Serial. HEARD: Monday-Friday, HP1. 11311 am. (15 min.).

On Friday, M ay 29, a w ar-ti me

m e morial ser mon will be preached by

Arthur Peterson, w h6 plays the role

, of the minister, Dr. Ruthledge, on "The

Guiding Light." "For every one w ho

would rule this w orld through force,

and fear, and persecution, there m ust

be twice as m any w ho believe in the

sacred rights of m an," the pastor will

tell his flock.

TREASURY HOUR OF SONG. HEARD: Friday. 11113J. DUBS. 7 p.m. (30 min.).

Josephine Tu minia returns to her

solo spot after a vacation. Alfredo Antonini's orchestra acco mpanies.

* * *

Saturday, May 30 DEMOCRACY'S WORK SHOP—School Program. HEARD: Saturday. KNX, 12:15 p.m. (13 nue.)•

" " De monstrating the contributions

of the schools to ward the w ar

effort. M ay 23 the students of Burbank

Senior High School illustrate "Voca-

tional Training for Defense"; M ay 30,

students of John Burroughs Junior High School de monstrate "School

Business As Usual."

AM AICAN OPERA FESTI1 AL. HEARD: Saturday, RHJ, OLDS, I p.m. (1 hour). W orld pre miere of "Tennessee's

Partner" by- Quinto M aganini.

AMERICAN EAGLE CLUB IN LONDON. HE(RD: gaturdaY, EHJ, M RS, 3 P.M. 430 mio.)•

-1 Broadcast fro m a club co mposed

of service m en on duty in England.

Taking the for m of an English variety

sho w, the progra m presents orchestra numbers, songs, and brief personal messages from the men. Jerry Wil-m ont e mcees.

PAGE 16 RADI O LIFE MAY 24, 1942

Only radio stars to enter chick-ens in the fifth running of the Fontana Hen Derby were Lum, left; Abner, right center; and Kay Kyser, right. Sponsor of the unique sporting event is Fontana Chamber of Commerce, whose secretary, 0. A. Johnson (hold-ing chickens), distributes en-trants to the stars above.


Out in Fontana (Cali) where the poultry experts converge each year to enter their finest thoroughbred White Leghorns (chickens to ycu!) in the annual Hen Derby the railbirds are wagering War Bonds to doughnuts that "Kay Kyser" will lay more eggs between now and June 15 than any other entry in the Fifth annual egg-laying extravaganza being sponsored by the Fontana Chamber of Commerce.

"Kay Kyser" is a thoroughbred, registered White Leghorn chicken named after the famous NBC orchestra leader who is following the daily activities of the Derby from the east where he is on tour.

"Kay Kyser," having laid 32 eggs in 33 days, is being closely followed by "Lum" and "Abner," two hens named in honor of the popular Alka-Seltzer comedians. "Lum" has 31 eggs to his credit, while "Abner" is in third spot with 29.

Fontana beauties are custodians of the hens during the egg laying competition which comes to an end in mid-June. "Lum" is being turned over to pretty Dolores Bauer, while June Loehr

presides over "Abner."

Floodlight, crea tin g artificial daylight, helps produce desired results. Lum, left, shows Abner the results of an early "setting" during a visit to the Derby. Both "Lum" and "Abner," chickens named after the comedians, are giving "Kay Kyser" plenty of


Kay Kyscr was all enthused when he gave "Kay Kyser" a "fight talk" on the Derby's opening day, with Barbara John-son of Fontana watching. The Old Professor cautioned: -Any similarity between the eggs which 'Kay Kyser' lays in the Derby and the ones laid en the College Of Musical Knowledge

are purely accidental."

Befo•c leaving for h.s eastern tour, tie Lucky Strike maestro found time to visit is Derby entrant. "Kay Kyser" was ex-periencing a good clay in the egg producing department and Kay pronounced himself as "highly pleased with my bird's condition." Kyser's Fen was importec from a ranch near his

hone at Raleigh, N. C.

11%p mur IINal IIIIIM esiialmi VI ef iialegimmanown 10 igli M O W 11111111r 111

111111 -40 0/111111ii 4111ailir IMF

The stars pose with their entrants and namesakes on the opening ddy of the great event. Although the Fontana Hen Derby is being staged for the fiqn consecutive year, this is the first time Hollywood celebrities have ever participated in the event. Crowds ttending the Derby this year have surpassed those of all

other previous events combined.


Kay got lost in the stalls upon his arrival at the Derby grounds and Radio Life's cameraman found him as he implored a husky fowl to "give with the eggs." Apparently Kay d;dn't k no w that the bird pictured here isn't laying eggs today —or ever. It's

a rooster.


Lois Bottema, 223 North Niagara, Burbank, Calif. Heard on the Pepsodent Show: Hope (tasting a doughnut that

Patsy Kelly made): Have you got the recipe for these? Patsy: Ya. Hope: Well, hold onto it. It may

solve the rubber shortage.

Esther M. Hague, 4830 San Fernando Road, Glendale, Calif. Heard on Chase and Sanborn Show: Jane Withers: What branch of the

air corps would you like to join? Ray Noble: I'd like to start at the

bottom. C. McCarthy: You'd better join up

with the Jap navy, then. (Tickets for this igloo to Delpha Bolas,

101 Cabrillo Ave.. Alhambra).


For the best Gags of the fleck, heard over Radio and sent Radio Life, tickets will be sent winners for admission to radio broadcasts. Send uour best gag selection to 1029 West Washington Boule-vard. Los Angeles.

Leon E. Bailiff, 1025 Wellesley Avenue, West Los Angeles.

Heard on Rudy Vallee Show: John Barrymore (trying to impress

Gracie Fields) I'll climb to the top of yon oak tree. Joan Davis: The best way for you

to get to the top of an oak tree is to stand on an acorn and wait!

(Tickets for this nIsn to Janice Rat-man, 5264 Ellenwond Place, Eagle Rock).

Neil A. Lake, 712 Palm Drive, Glendale. Heard on Jell-O Show: Jack: Did you forget your mother on

Mother's Day? Mary: No, I sent her two canaries.


(DEN. rERsioNG

X ., Pi.





One whistles "Deep In the Heart of Texas" and the other flaps its wings.

(Tickets for this gag also to Euida Drea, 2i07 West 9th Street, Los Angeles).

Ford Warner, 1522 North Mariposa Avenue, Hollywood. Heard on the Pepsodent Show: Hope (driving into a country gas

station): I'd like some gas. Man: Okay. Hope: Well, what do you think of

General MacArthur? Man: Who's he? Hope: Never mind the gas. Give

me four new tires!

Richard Howard, 1424 West 50th Street, Los Angeles. Heard on Three Ring Time: Voice (in a haunted house): I dood

it! I dood it! Bob Crosby: What's that? Berle: A Skelton in the closet.

Georgia Webster, 12328 West Los Angeles Street, Santa Monica. Heard on Chase and Sanborn: Bergen: Charlie, do you tell white

lies? Charlie: Those little things? Most

of mine are in technicolor!

Mrs. Helen Hall, 4185 1/4 Leimert Blvd., Los Angeles. Heard On Breakfast At Sardi's: Joe: Why does time go so fast in

Italy? Tom: Why? Joe: Because every time you turn

around, you see a Dago. (Tickets for this gag also In Mrs. E. R.

Scheidter. 163 West San lierdo Road, Co-vina, Calif.)

Beverly Mitchell, 1978 Sherbourne Avenue, Los Angeles. Heard on Fibber McGee Show: Fibber: Do you realize that Hitler

has a substitute for everything? Molly: Do you realize that pretty

soon there will be a substitute for Hitler?







KECA•s Family Doctor (back row, left centerf poses with members of Manila Unit of the Women's Ambulance and Defense Corps which he has been instructing in first aid and ambulance technique. Back row, left to right: Dolly Cordero, Adilla Obias, Ruth Beyer, The Family Doctor, Acting Corporal Elizabeth Piratta, Capt. Alex S. Capes, Shirley Navarro, Berniece Agbayani, Pvt. Helene Anabo. Seated: Sgt. Ida Tiratira, Top Sgt. Jean Herrera, Yvonne Beluso, Second It. Eva Villalun, Corp. Fannie Voorhus.

*.* * Family Doctor Is 'Drafted' By Wo men's Ambulance Corps KECA's "Family Doctor" may be a little advanced in years to serve in

the front line of World War H, but he's not letting any grass grow under his feet in the matter of contributing to America's war effort.

Onetime surgeon on the staff of the United States Public Health Depart-ment in the Philippines, the Family Doctor is as enthusiastic about the extra-curricular work he's performing these days as he is about the radio programs he airs every Tuesday and Friday at 11 a. m. over KECA. "All the jokes by radio comedians about women and their first aid experi-

ences in the war effort are so much hokum," says the good doctor. "They certainly don't apply to a group of women I've been working with

during the past few months," added the Family Doctor as he talked about his outside-radio activities. Several months ago a member of the Manila Unit of the Women's Ambu-

lance and Defense Corps was listening to the Family Doctor's program on which he was discussing his experiences in the Philippines.

For some weeks following the attack upon Manila this group of women, many of whom had husbands stationed there in the service of the U. S. Navy and some who are native Filipinos with relatives in Manila, were being tritined under Alexander Capas, veteran of World War I and Past Commander of the Filipino Post of the American Legion, as a military accessory unit. But one phase of the training of this unit was sadly neglected. The women

had no one to give them first aid instruction. That was where the Family Doctor fitted into the picture. One of the

members of the women's military accessory group called personally on the KECA commentator to ask for his services as an instructor. The Family Doctor immediately stepped into the breach, instituting daily

first aid classes which during the past several months have prepared these women for any emergency that might present itself either here on the home front or on foreign shores.

"Every American woman who is waiting to be 'drafted' into some type of war work can well take a lesson from these loyal women who have demon. strated a will to serve their country and'loved ones through their serious train-ing in first aid and other defense measures," declared the Family Doctor as Radio Life concluded its interview.

Garred's New Job Bob Garred, CBS-KNX newscaster

has won permanent spot on New Old Gold series co-starring Nelson Eddy and Nadine Conner. His voice ap-pealed to cigarette sponsor with re-sult that he'll announce all the shows.

Strange Hobby Jayne Cozzens, new soprano just

signed for "Carnation Contented" pro-gram, has a strange but eerie hobby. She goes through old-fashioned ceme-teries collecting the epitaphs on tombstones.

Maestro Takes Bride Nathan Scott, rising young musi-

conductor of Your Blind Date and other Blue Network airshows, has taken unto hi mself a bride. He eloped last week with Marjorie Wright, aide to Blue's program man-ager, Robert Moss.

* * [MCA, KESD, 6:30 p.m., Mon.

Colorful Ilka Ilka Chase, volatile star of NBC's

"Luncheon Date with Ilka Chase" from Hollywood, is sporting a new hair color on the boulevard these days. Called "Terra Cotta Blonde," the color is a copper tone, cross be-tween red and yellow.

KFI, 9:30 a.m. Sat.

RECIPES and Instruction Folders for Radio Life Readers

AT NO COST The following helpful folders are yours for the asking. Just check the folder wanted and mail to Radio Life.



1029 W. Washington, Los Angeles Please send me the Recipes and Instruction bottlers I have checked below:

Cubbison's Crackers Low calorie diets.

M. C. P. Pectin Jam and jelly recipes.

Our Mother's Cocoa New ways to use this old favorite

Cinch Cake Mix Quick and easy cake- making suc-c

O Kellogg's Ant Powder Lasting control of ants.

Clearer Window Cleaaer Handy for many household uses

III Insect Spray Flies, roaches. sits erfish. etc. White House Rice Tempting inexpensive menus.

LI Richardson & Robbins Plum Pudding A treat for parties, for Christ-mas dinner.

o Willapoint Oysters How to serve . New Recipes

▪ Bobrick's Ammonia 100 helpful uses around home.

o Lynden Chicken Recipes Ifoiens of delicious ways to use chicken

• S Nes More flavor in everyday meals.



L City

PAGE 20. RADIO LIFE MAY 24, 1942

>rit//344' Say Nostalgia-Smitten Members of the Old "Carefre.s Ca:-aival" During

Reunion in liollywood

By Evelyn Eigsby

i‘ HE OLD "Carefree Carnival" gang reunited recently in Hol-lywood to put on a show. If you recall radio's cradle

days, when San Francisco was the Western nursery, you'll re-member the "Carnival" with a cozy glow. It was the most precocious trick that Baby Radio performed out here in the early 30's.

On this show were developed r-any of today's favored person-alx.'-s — Meredith Wilson, Bar-ba a Jo Allen (Vera Vague), Tim and Irene, Gogo Delys, Charlie Marshall, Elmore Vincent (Sena-


tor Fishface), and Donald Stuart (Percy, the Playwright).

In 1938, the "Carnival" had moved to Hollywood and become Signal Car-nival, but it still used Meredith Will-son's theme song: "Smile with Me and Be Carefree." Most of the radio-ites, too, had moved south, but today they were eager to stage a Blue Net-work salute to San Francisco's new million dollar studio, KGO.

After rehearsal, the gang gathered around — those we've named plus Dresser Dahlstead, who was an-nouncer for the old show and who is now Chief Announcer for the Blue

Rcunion of -Carefree Carnival- alumni took place recently in Hollywood, when a special salute was given KGO. The popu-lar man passing out checks is Syd Dorais (seated, left) who was a bookkeeper when the -Carnival - broadcast from San Francisco. He's now auditor for Western division of the Blue network. Pleased payees are (seated, left to right) Tim Ryan,

Network; Ned Tollinger, original emcee for the "Carnival" and now an NBC director; and Arnold Maguire, former "Carnival" producer and at present a Blue Network director.

"Remember how we used to broadcast from the Western Women's Club and how the ser-pentine and conf et ti used to shower down as the show went on the air?" It was Irene, asking in her squeaky little voice.

"Yeah," recalled Wilson. "We used to call the confetti 'black-out snow,' they swept it up and used it over so many times."

"The thing I remember," ventured Gogo Delys, "was that ceilingful of balloons they'd let down when the show began. Everybody would risk a barked shin to break a bubble be-fore someone else had the chance."

It was like touching off TNT in the Willson memory. "Remember the time that we were doing a western and my cue to come in was a gun shot?", Meredith demanded. "About that moment, Johnnie O'Brien touched a cigaret to one of the balloons, every-body started popping 'em like mad, and the fun was on!"

"Say", he continued. "Does any-body remember the night the whole back-drop caved in Just as the curtain went up?"

Howls of laughter indicated the bunch remembered.

"The guy with the sousaphone

(Continued on Page 37)

Irene, -Senator Fishface,- Charlie Marshall, Gogo Delys; back row: Ned Tollinger, Dresser Dahlstead, -Percy, the Playwright,' Meredith Willson, Arnold Maguire. Unable to pose, because they were supervising taking of the picture, were Milton Sam-uel and Noel Corbett, press representatives in San Francisco

at the time the -Carnival- was first broadcast.



,Core Vou California" KHJ Music Librarian Asserts He's Real Author of Western Song Hit

FEW weeks ago, Radio Lifelines carried a /paragraph about R. A. Shepherd (Shep), mu-sic librarian at KHJ, the Mutual-Don Lee station. It told what a jocular, piquant per-son he was, bulging with anecdotes about famous orchestra conductors under whom he

had "fiddled," and it mentioned that "Shep" had written "I Love You, California."

Immediately there came protests that Silverwood and Frankenstein had composed the song.

To clarify the matter, your Radio Life reporter paid a return visit to "Shep," who unraveled this story:

"Yes, I wrote 'I Love You, California,' and it was a delicious comedy which I thoroughly enjoyed.

"I came to California from Illinois in 1910. In 1912 I was 'doing time' at the Orpheum as assis int conductor to Frank (Mr. Frankenstein). One c iy, Frank handed me a very dirty piece of paper w th words typed in blue, and asked me to pin a tune ni It. I said 'All right,' and at the next show, I gave hi n back his lyric with two tunes attached. He picked out one of them and asked: 'Where's the chorus?'

"I said: 'Well, where's the lyric?' "'You write the chorus," Frank replied, 'and wi '

dig up a lyric.' "Next day I returned him a chorus with a dumr

lyric for the person who had done the verse. Frank lik that and sent me with it to see Daddy Silverwood.

"Daddy explained that Frank was in dutch with ti Shrine and that if I would let Frank use this song, tun ing over the proceeds to the Shrine, that would 'squa; the beef.' Frank had been very good to me and I wt very happy to do this for him.

"So I brought him back the material and delivere Daddy's message. Frank asked me whose name shoul go on the song as composer.

"I replied: 'I don't care whose name it is as long t it isn't mine!' "

"Why did you do that?", interrogated your Rad Life fact eker-outer.

"Because," elaborated "Shep," "I was a serious young musician and didn't want the public to hook up my name with popular song composition. I was simply trying to prove a musical theory —the 'Tin Pan Alley formula' that a writer can cook up a hit by taking a popular song of a few years back and by changing the words and rhythm, make a fortune. "The theme for 'I Love You, California' came from

several sources. The words to the verse, written by Sil-verwood's publicity man, were adapted from a song which went:

While the young maestro of KHJ, David Rose, glances over a 30-year-old copy of "I Love You California," the man who says he wrote the song, R. A. Shepherd, sits down to striks

out the familiar chords on the piano.

Oh, Jemima loves you, She loves you best of all, She loves you in the summer In the spring and in the fall.

"The music for the verse was something I took from a song, 'I'm Tired,' then about 10 years old. The tune for the chorus was from a song 25 years old, 'In Dear Old London.' Words for the chorus were actually inspired by an unforgettable sight I experienced as a lad when our train pulled into San Bernardino from the east and my first impression was viewing snow-capped peaks with fruit-laden orange groves below.

"That's how 'I Love You, California' was put together. For a current example of the same theory, refer to 'Deep In the Heart of Texas.' It reminds me of 'La Cucaracha'," stated "Shep." He proved his theory, all right. At the end of a year,

the Shrine grossed about $100,000 from the song. "I have always felt", remarked "Shep", "that they

were fully entitled to such returns as accrued to them from the song; for a finer bunch of robust sales-men never undertook a campaign; they were mar-velous in their audacity and resource. I was con-vinced then, as I am now, that any yokel can write a song hit, but it takes mighty smart men to sell it.

"What would I have done with all that money? Money is bad luck," "Shep" continued. "I don't want a lot of it. It's a fence that keeps you in and others out. "I've never had a penny from the song, although I be-

lieve that money is still coming in from it. All I got out of it was a little fun watching lady autograph hunt-ers gush up to Frank. That's when I sat back and won-dered what consternation I would precipitate if I yelled: "Hey, ladies! Over here for the real author!"

PAGE 22 RADI O LIFE MAY 24, 1942

7;g4,, 71.14,/ze.v.


Nancy Dixon is saving women preci-ous time, tempers, and tires during a trying period when all three items have become increasingly valuable. Every day Nancy invades the down-

town stores, combing them for buys. Then every afternoon at 1:15 o'clock, Monday through Friday, she sits down in front of a CBS-KNX microphone and gives listeners the benefit of her ex-pedition. Dick Joy introduces a little heckling and masculine slants which contribute zest to the quarter-hour called, "What's New in the Stores." Here are a few tips: 1 OLook now for quality and service

in what you buy —things that will see you through the duration.

2 liflelp to keep prices do wn by planning your shopping care-fully. By all means avoid return-

ing goods, which amounts to ter-rific expense for the stores.

3 *Watch for labels on things you are pricing and follow the infor-mation they give. In buying cot-tons, look for the "controlled shrinkage" label, also for the vat-dyed mark.

4 Inefore buying, investigate the laundering and cleaning possi-bilities of the garment or mate-rial.

5 •This applies to. rayons, with which wonderful things are be-ing done this season; but check first on washing and cleaning to avoid disappointment.

6 III"Go to town" on cotton this sum-mer. It's sturdy, long-wearing, scrubbable, plentiful, and cheap,

and is chic for everything from play-suits to formals.

7 IOU you are considering a suit, why not look at the delightful new summer suits around which you may build an entire ward-robe. Some of the interesting new materials have all the appear-ance of heavy wool, but actually have never seen a sheep. The crease-resistant rayon suits are exceptionally practical.

8 *Conserve what you have. Follow washing instructions to a "t." Buy collars and cuffs to replace 112;by's worn shirt edges; fix the rug by using the new glue-on binding at home.

9 Olf you are engaged in defense work, save your good things and be properly dressed for the job by investigating innovations in work clothes. For women you'll find jumper coveralls, which are very effective because the jump-er need not be laundered daily, but the blouse may be crisp and fresh every morning.

10 Off you don't like slacks, try the latest culottes, which are now cut with deep box-pleats in the rear.

11 'Get more out of your wardrobe by buying multi - utility pieces, like play suits with skirts or

(Continued on Page 2.5)

Thousands of Jam and Jelly Makers are Switching to

M.C.P. Powdered PECTIN

'to The old-fashioned method of making jams and jellies is extravagant ..be-cause it "boils away" so much of your most costly ingredient —the fruit or juice—that you get fewer glasses from the same amount of fruit. The modern M. C P PECTIN method produces many more glasses from the same amount of fruit. and the extra glasses more than pay the cost of your sugar

The M.C.P PECTIN method has other advantages, also. It takes the guesswork out of jam and jelly making and assures perfect results, saves you hours of time and work, and pre-serves the true, natural flavor of fruits and berries.

Now, more than ever before, you'll want to do more home preserving It means economy for you. and helps in the nation-wide plan to save food, containers and shipping cases.


Chef Milani



Part of dining is not what you eat. but how you eat. We're not referring solely to your manners (although they help) but the general atmosphere that invades the dining room during

supper, say. There's Pop, who is not only tired but over-whel med by war news, taxes, and the fact that Bill Junior has broken his razor. Mother is also weary and daughter Mary is having a tussle with a green eyed monster over a de-layed letter from a certain private. There's only little Hank, who, with the

wisdo m of three, eats in happy oblivion. Then, family, take a tip from Hank.

Get together at supper time. And even if it is hard, leave your worries to pester themselves at the dining room door. For that bit of advice there are

three good reasons. First, if you don't relax sometime, your nerves are going to get the upper hand. And what bet-ter place is there to relax, than with the family at the dinner table. Sec-ond, no matter how good a meal is, it becomes tasteless in an unpleasant atmosphere. Third, science has proved that the stomach does not digest food properly, if your mental attitude is upset.

Remember Hank!

* *


We want to congratulate Van Camp's upon their new offspring. (An aside—Van Camp's is one of the oldest food families in America.) But back to the infant, this new baby is called

Tenderoni. It's a different and distinc-tive kind of macaroni all done up in a gay red package. Its delightful flavor is due to the excellence of its ingredients, and it's guaranteed to be always tender and not doughy, since it's the new thinner walled type of macaroni that cooks in seven minutes. Yes, Tenderoni is quite an infant. Ac-cording to the stork, it has already been voted the brain child most likely to succeed. Oh yes, visiting hours are anytime at your nearest grocer's.

* *


If you don't like these new fangled ideas on cooking, here's an old Eng-lish recipe we found for "Beef y. Stewed."

"Take fair iwief cl the ribs of the forequarters, and smite a fair piece, and wash the beef in a fair pot. Then take the water that the beef was soaking in, and strain it through a strainer and seethe the same water and beef in a pot and let them boil together. Then take cannel, cloves, mace, grains of parise, quibibes, and onions minced, parsley and sage, and cast there to and let them boil to-gether. And then take a loaf of bread, and steep it with broth and vinegar, and then draw it through a strainer, and let it be still; and when it is near enough, cast the liquor thereto, but not too much; and then let boil and cast saffron thereto, a quantity. Then take salt and vinegar, and cast there-to, and look that it be poignant enough, and serve forth."

1=1 11 111 IMINI =11 = II = O M MO 1 1 U M 11 =11 I = = El = I MI = I=O = O1 =11 =11011.1 . =

Recipes of the Week By CHEF MILANI

Here are your rectpes in a convenient form. The complete section will fit your Radio Life Recipe Binder . . . or cut out the recipes individually to paste on your recipe file card.


WP M= •mi m• M or •• •• • m, • ww• m • ••••••• m • m m m• Mo m. U .ma

Dollar Dinner for Four Beef Cakes with Noodles, Onion and Butter

Sliced Squash Sauted in Bacon Sliced Tomatoes with Oil Dressing

Bread and Butter Coffee

Grapefruit for Dessert

Cakes with Noodles and Onion 1 lb. chuck beef 4 slices day old bread 1 egg 3 bps. Gravymaster 3 tsp. salt l'inch of pepper 1 branch parsley

Grind 1 lb. chuck beef very fine. Soak 4 slices day old bread and squeeze thoroughly. Mix meat, bread and 1 egg, and season is ith 3 tsps. Gravy-master. 12 tsp. salt, a pinch or pepper, and 1 branch parsley minced very fine. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, and then form into 4 even flat cakes. Chop 1 onion and saute in 4 tbsps. oil and 4 thsps. butter. When onion is golden color, put the meat cakes to cook, cover the pot, cook 5 minutes on one side, then turn over for 5 minutes on the other side, with the pot always covered. Add 12 cup water, l tsp. salt, cover the pan and let simmer for 30 minutes. While the cakes and butter sauce is simmering. Put to cook in a pot %%Rh 1 quart salted boiling water the contents of a 7 int, package of egg noodles. Boit noodles until tender, drain well and pour S MICC on top and garnish with the four beef cakes.

I onion 4 tbsps. oil 4 tbsps. butter 1i cup water 7 oz. package egg noodles 1 qt. salted boiling water

Sunday Dinner for Eight Persons Fruit Cocktail

Olives, Radishes, Celery, Green Onions Wilson's Tender•made Ham with Honey, Mustard and Coffee

Mashed Potatoes Honey Candied Yams

Asparagus and String Beans with Butter Sauce Plain Romaine Salad with Oil and Vinegar Dressing Ice Cream Parfait with Strawberry Garniture

Coffee —Monarch Brand

Recipe for Wilson's Tender- Made Ham with Honey, Mustard and Coffee

ilson's Tender- made Ham 12 to 14 lbs. cup strained honey

1i cup dry mustard 1 cup coffee 12 cup butter Some cloves

Unwrap the Wilson's Tender-made Hans, and cut in the fat top part —dia-mond shaped with a straight knife —until you reach the solid ham meat. Theis insert a clove in each diamond. Put the Tender-made Hans in a roasting pan and pour on the bottom of the pail 1 cup of strong brewed coffee. Put to bake in ad oven at 35ii degrees for I hour. Then mix to-gether i up 01 strained honey with I cup of dry mustard and 1/2 cup of butter and spread the mixture on the ham to cover the top. liaise the heat to 400 degrees. Return to the oven and let bake for another 30 min-utes and then serve.

• m••••••••=ms m•••• •=1•••=amm•• •••mi.••=6,•••••••• •• •• ... .. .... .•mmilmam ii. "

SUNDAY, MAY 24 *Indicates NeQs Br..eideast —KILL KGB, KVOE, Canary

8- KNx. West Coast Church. —11111J, Funny Paper Man. *EFL KFA'A. KGFJ. KIND,

EGER. News. — KFWB, Jesse Crawford. —EIMPC. Sacred Heart Hour. — KPAS, Kingdom Within. — KMTR, Swedish Flour. — KFAC, Country Church. — KFOX, Sunday at the Ranch. — KRKD, Ranch Program. — KGB. -11110E. Reviewing Stand

11:05*KFL Highlights of Week's News.

—KGER, Rev. Cochran. 8:15—KFI, Book of Books.

— KECA, Dialing loday. —IILMPC. Sunday Drive. — KPAS. M usic As You Like It. — KGFJ, Strings Present. —KFSD. Recital Period.

8:30—K11. Music and American Youth.

— KNX. Invitation to Learning. — KHJ. Junior Army. — KECA. &PQ M it e v• u e in

Miniature. — KF WB, Union Rescue Mission. — KPAS, Immanuel Bevil s t

Church. — KMTR, W. B. Record. — KFAC. SireIlin' Tom. — KGFJ, Negro Spiritual Singers — KGER, Christian Evidences. ...KGB, Hymn Singer. — KFVD. Church of Christ. *KVOE. Netts.

:45—KHJ. KGB. KVOE. Voice. of Prophecy.

—KECA. Nick Harris. — KFAC, Music. *KRI M, News, Music. — KGER, Rev. Doyen.

n-1111. Sunday Down South. — KNX. Syncopation Piece.

Detroit Bible Class. — K- ECA, Opal Scarborough. — R MS. Union Rescue Mission. — RYAS, Judge Gardner. — KMTR, Music. *KMPC. KGER, News. —liFAC. Liberal Catholic Hour. — KFOX, Sunday at the Ranch.

Music Masters. — KPPC. Dr. W m. S. Middle-

M ass.

— KFSD, Call to Worship. — KFVD. Waltz Time. —KGB, Covenant Gospel Ser-

vice. — KVOE, R. Rerheck Orch.

9:05—KGIER, March Ahead of Time. 9:15—I M, Physical Well Being.

—KECA. First Piano Quartet. — KMPC, Serenade. —KFAC, Voice of Health. — KPPC, Music. — KFSD, First Piano Quartet. — KVOE. Letters to My Son. — KFVD, Musical Gems.

9i3O—KFI, Emma Otero. — KNX. Salt Lake Tabernacle

Choir. *KHJ. KGB. KVOE, Owen

Cunningham from Honolulu. — KECA. KFSD. Radio City

Music Hall. — KFWB, Swing Session. — KPAS, Immanuel Temple. — KMTR, The World Tomorrow. — KFAC, Music. — KPPC. Dr. F. P. Woellner. — KGF.1. Novelties. — KGER, Revival.

9:40*KMJ, KGB. KVOE. Leslie Nichols from Cairo.

9i45—KGER, Joe Manning. — KFVD. Recorded Rhythms.

9:50*K111.1, KGB. KVOE. Frank Culiel from Australia.

University Explorer. — K.NN, Church of the Air. — KECA, KFSD, Radio City

Music Hall. *KHJ. KPAS, KFOX. KGER,

KGB, IIVOE, Nens. —Krwn. Swing Session. — K5U111. Fanny Reinhart. —KMPC. Serenade. — KFAC. KGF.1. Music. — KRI M. Music Masters. —KPPC, Dr. F. P. Wneliner. — KFVD. Recorded Rhythms,

10:05—KGER, Fullerton Four Square 10:15—KFI. organ.

—HI M KGB. KVOE, Romance of Highways.

—KPAS. Waltz Time. *KMPC. News. — KFOX. Visitors.

10:30—KFI, Unscheduled. —KHJ, Canary Chorus. * KNX, Bob tittered, News. —KECA. Radio News Weekly. —KMPC, Peter Potter. —KPAS. Some Like It Sweet. —KPPC, Church News. —K1FSG, Aimee McPherson. *KFSD. News. — KGB, Dance Time. — KVOE. Organ Recital.

10:45—K-NX, KFOX, Music.

orus. — KECA, KFSD, Speaking of

Glamour. — KPPC. Tower Chimes. — KFVD, Morning Serenade.

IRF1. , Sammy Kaye Serenade. —KNX. Spirit of '42. *KECA, News. — KHJ, Little Show. — KFWB, Swing Session. — KMPC. Peter Potter. — KMTR. Music. — KPAS. Church of Open Door. — KFAC. 1st Methodist Church. —KGFJ. Our Neighbors. — KPPC. Dr. Middlemess. — KFOX, Suing Program. —KGER. Pilgrim's Hour. — KFSD. Blue Theater. — KGB, KVOE. Safety Songs. —KFVD, Luncheon Music.

II:15—KECA, Morning Concert. —KGFJ, Aunt Martha. —KGB. First Baptist Church. — KVOE. R. Herbeck Omit

t1:30—KFI, Chicago Round Table. — KNX, Columbia Workshop. — KECA. KFSD. The Show of

Yesterday and Today. — K M, This Is Fort Dix. — KGP.1, Music. — KVOE. Words of Christ.

11:45—KGB, This Is Fort Dix.

11:55*KNX, News, Dick Joe.

12—"' Bob Baker's Ch a t s About Dogs.

*RM3, Broadway News. — KNX. Columbia Symphony. — KECA. KFSD, W ak e Up.

America! — KFWB, Swing Session. — KM PC. Peter Potter. — KPAS. Church of Open Door. — KFAC, let Methodist Church. — KPPC, Church Service. — KMTR, St. Brendan's Church. — KFOX. Swing Program. — KGFJ. Cowboy Mimic. *KGER, News.

MTIKFI KECA KNJ KFVD KPH KFSG KGFJ KUM KFAC KGER 1TCFSDTKIAPCIIIEVTKFWITKNX1 KFOKTKGBTKVOE 5701-6401- fir 930-/-1020T "-I240 T133013 0/-600 110 870 . 980 1070 1110 1230 12 80 13 1490

— KGB, HVOE, Unscheduled. — KIND. Musical Bettie,

12:0.5—KGER. Itcoe Acoreanos. 12:15*KFI, Radio News Weekly.

—KHJ, KFAC, Music. —KPPC. Music of the Masters.

12:30—KFI, This Is the Army Hour. — KILL W A, KVOE. Hickani

Field Glee Club. Honolulu. —KERB. Jean Leonard. — KFAC. Classical Musk. *KPAS. KRKD. News. — KPPC, Church History. —KGER. Czechoslovakia.

12:40—KRFED, Music. 12:45*KHJ, Lavman's Views of News

—KPAS, Rumba Time. — KGB, HIVE, S. Kenton Orch.

de —K n. This Is the Army How. -KNX, Columbia Symphony. — EEC;, KFSD, National Ves-

pers. *KMTR. KGER. News. —KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE.

Baseball Roundup. — KMPC. Samuel B. McKee. — KPAS, Music in Modern Man-

ner. --11F1111. KRI M KGFJ, Music. — KFAC. Victory Players. --KFOX, Ross Ballroom. —.KFVD, Moods in Music. —KGER, Spanish flour.

1:05—KHJ, KGB, KFXSI. KVOE, K. Ryser Orch.

1:15—KMPC, These, Our Children. —KFAC. Classical Music. — KMTR, Music.

1:30*KFI, KFWB. News. — KNX. Pause That Refreshes

on the Air. — KILL KFX111, KGB. KVOE.

Young People's Church. — KECA. KFSD, This la the

Truth. —KMPC. Fiesta. — KFAC, Baseball: Hollywood

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning PrJgrams Appear in Lightface T)pe; Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

rariety 8 :30—Invitation to Learning,

KNX. 16:00--1.1niversity Explorer, KFI. 10:45—.Speaking of Glamour,

KECA-KFSD. 11:30—Show of Yesterday and

Today. KECA. KFSD. 12:30—Army Hour, KFI. 1:30—This Is the Truth, KECA-


1:45—Looks at Books, K n. 2:30—Musical Steelmakers.

KECA-KFSD. 2:30—Halls of Montezuma. K11.1. 3:30—Gene Autry Melody Ranch.

KNX. 5:00—Alias John Freedom,

KECA-KFSD. 5:00—Clisirlie McCarthy. KFI. 6:00—Fred Allen, KNX. 7:00--tiood Will Hour, KECA-

KFSD. 7:30—Keep 'Em Rolling. KHJ-

KGB. 7:30— Walter Winchell. fikl. 8:00—Great Gildersieete. KFT. 8:30—Jack Benny, KECA. 9:00—Grandpappy and His Pals,

KECA-KFSD. 9 :45—Unit entity Explorer.


Drama '

10:15—Romance of High ways. KHJ-h:GB-KVOE.

i :30—Columbia Workshop KNX. 2:30—Plays for Americans, KFI. 3:30—Mystery Hall, KHJ-KGB-

KFX111-K VOE. 1:30—Nobody's Children. KGB-

KFXSI-K VOE. 1:30 —One Man's Family. KFI. 7:45—Parker Family, K U. 8:00 —Crime Doctor. liNN. 8:00—Inner Sanctum Mystery.

KECA-KFSD. 8:30—Nobody's Children. H MI. 9:00—Three Sheets to the Wind,

EFL 9:30—Hermit's Ca t e. 16.51PC. 9:45—Irene Rich, FIFI. 10:15—Cosmo Jones. KNX. 10:30—They Live Former. K.NX.

Quiz Programs 3:00—Prof. Puzzlewit. 7:00—Take It or Leave It KNX.

Outstanding Music 8 :30—Music and American

Youth, KFI. 9:15—First Piano Quartet,

KECA. 9 :30—Radio City Music Hall,

KECA-KFSD, 12:00—Columbia S ymphony, KNX 12:30—Hickam Field Glee Club.

RAJ-KGB-K1'0E. 1:30—Pause That Refreshes,

KNX. 2:00—Family Hour. FINX, 4:30—Fitch Bandwagon, K n. 4:45— World of Opera. KMPC. 6:00--Gateway to Music. KFAC. 6:00—Manhattan Merry-Go-

Round. K n. 6:30—Album of Familiar Music.

KFI. 7:00—Hour of Charm. EFL 7:30—Inglewood Park Concert.

KNX. 8:00—Hancock Ensemble, KHJ.

KGB. )1:45 —Chapel Quartet. KFI. 10:30—Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KFAC. 10:30—Symphonia, KMPC. 11 :00--Phi I harmonl a KECA. 11:35—Contersation at the Cu,,'

sole. KNX.

Public Affairs 11:30 —Chi••ago Round Table.

12:00—Wake Up America, KECA. KFSD.

2:00—Empire Day Program, R U.

3:30-111 e Cover the Battle Front, KY!.

4:00— Weekly War Journal. KECA-KFSD.

4:15—Public Affairs. KNX. 5:00—American Forum of Air.

KHJ-KGB-R1'0E-KFNM. 9;00— What's On Your Mind.


Sports—Comment 1:00—Baseball Roundup, KH.1

KGR-EFXM-KVOE. 1130—Baseball: Holly a ood ss.

Sacramento. KFAC. 10:15—Bowling Notes. KERB.

is. Sacramento. —KPAS. Homespun Harmonies. — K.11TR. Betty Phillips. — KGFJ, Friendly Advisor. —KFOX, Sidewalk Cafe. — REVD. Hawaiian Music,

1:45—KFI, Looks at Books. — KFWB. KGFJ, Music. — KMTR, Pianos. —KF1 D. Cis oru Group.

2— KFI, Empire Day Program. —KNX, Family Hour. —KFIJ. KFXM. KVOE, I Hear

America Singing. — KECA, Waltzes Old, Fashions

New. — KF WB, Symphony Hall. *KMPC. KGFJ, KGER, News. —KPAS. Holliston Avenue

Methodist Church. — K3ITR. Our Saviour's Luther-

an Church. — KFAC, Baseball. —FERRI), Music. — KFOX. Good News. —11 0113, Music Box. — KFSD, African Trek. .--KGB. Church of Christ.

2:05 —KGER, Mission Workers. 2:15—KECA, Records.

— KMPC. Voice of Tomorrow. — KGFJ, Saltation Army. *KFOX, News. —KGB, KGB Presents. — HVOE, Concert Miniature. — KFVD, Popular Favorites.

2:25*KFSD, News. 2:30—KFI, Plays for Americans.

—K ai, KGB. Halls of Monte-zuma.

KFSD. W heeling - Steelmakers. — KMTR. French Program. — EmPC, Everybody's Music. — EPAS. Symphony Hour. — KGFJ. W. C. T. U. — KFOX, Rev. Billy Adams. *Krxm. News. — EGER, Long Beach Band. —KVOE. Bethel Tabernacle,

2:45* KNN. William Shirer. —11(31PC. U. S. Means Cs. — KGFJ, Music. — KFX111, Romance of Highways

3-1K1'7, Prof..Puzzlewit. —KNX, Console Melodies. *HF1113, KGER. KPAS, News, *KILL KFX.M. WYthe Williams —KECA. l'atholic Hour. — K51PC, From America's Soli. — KMTR. Music. — KFAC, Baseball. — KGFJ, Lacy West Sunshine

Mission. • — KFOX. Rev. Inc. — KFSG. Evangelistic. — KGB, George Bacon. —KFSD. In His Steps. — KFVD. Popular Favorites. — KVOE. Singing Strings,

3:15—RFFili. Music —FINN. Bobby Tucker & Voices.

,KFXM, Unscheduled. *K- MPC. News. —KPAS. Spotlight on Rhythm. — KFVD. Colored Revue.

3:20—KGER, Long Beach Band. 3:30—HFI, We Cot er the Battle

Front. — KNX. Gene Autry Melody

Ranch. — KECA, Citadel of Faith. —KI M KGB, KFICM, KVOE,

Mystery Hall. —IEMPC. Curtain Calls. — KPAS, Church of Christ. — KFSD, Dr. Prank Lowe — KFVD. Hank the Night

Watchman, 3:45*KFI, Upton Close.

4— K M, Jack Benny. —FIN:1, Gene Autry. — KECA. KIND. Weekly War


Fact Finders. —KERB. Musical Comedy. —KMPC, Bing Crosby. —KPAS. Christian Reformed

Church. —FLMTR. Music. — KFAC. Baseball.

KFOX. Lacy West - Sunshine Mission. *KGER, News. — KFVD, Hank the Night

Watchman. 4:05—KGER. Heralds of Hope. 4:15—KNX, Public Affairs. •

—HI M KGB. Rabbi Magnin. Music.

— KFX.M. Concert. — KVOE. Bread of Life.

4:30—KFI. Fitch Bandoakon.. —KNX. W. Hatch Orch. • *KECA, KF WB, KMPC, News. — K11.1, In His Steps. . . — KPAS. Lutheran Gospel HOLM

MAY 24, 1942 RADIO LIFE PAGE 25 SUNDAY LOGS ..-KMTR. Bible Treasury Hour. —SEX.% KGB. KVOE. No

body's Children. sslEFSD, Alias John Freedom. — KFVD, 90-90 Club.

4145—KECA. Music. — KF WB. Stuart Hamblen. —K-T1PC. World of Opera. — KFT-D, Tea Time.

5—Ku, Charlie McCarthy. —KHJ. KGB. KFX3I, American Forum.

*KNX, World News. --Y MCA, KFSD. Alias John

Freedom. —1(11VB. Stuart Hamblen. —KVIPC, World of Opera. —KPAS. Lincoln Al e. Pres!), •

terian Church. —KMT1t, G. E. Lowman. —KFAC. Baseball. —KGE.1. Popular Concert. --KRICD, Music. *KGER, News. —KFOX. Missionary. —KIND, Tea Time Music.

5:05—KbER. Christian Youth. 5:20—KGER, Music. 5:30—KFI, One Man's Family.

*KNX, William Winter. —KECA. Radio News Weekly. — KMTR, Christian American

('rusade. .—KFAC, Baseball Scoreboard. — KPAS, Gospel Grace. — KFOX, Vibraphone. —KGER, Rev. Webber. —FUND, Moments of Melody.

5:45*KECA. KFSD, Pearson and Allen.

*RN X, Manning. News. *K111.1, KFXM, W. A. O'Carroll *KV1PC, News. —1CFAC, Classical Music. —KMTR, Voiney James. —KGB, Cloth Reporter. —KFVD, Serenade. —KVOE, Bible Commentator.

5:55*KNX, Elmer Davis, News. KFXM, KVOE. Music.



REVIVAL Charles E. Fuller. Director

P.O. Box 123. Los Angeles,

Calif. 6:00 P. M. —Mutual Network

930 Kilocycles. KPMC. IWO Kilocycles. KGB. 1360 Kilocycles. KIOE, 1490 Kilocycles.

9:00 P.M. —Rebroadcast KPAS. 1110 Kiloocles. KPRO. 1440 Kilocycles.

5:15 P. 5L —Rebroadcast KFXM, 1240 Kilocycles.

10:00 P. M. —Rebroadcast KFOX. 1280 Kilocycle..

G —KFII, Manhattan Merry-Go-Round.

—KNX, Texaco Star Theater. —KILL KGB. KVOE. Old Fash-

ioned RPIhill Hour. —KECA, Remember. *KFWB. Robert Arden. —ILIAC, Gateway to Music. —KMPC, Sunday Evening Hour. —KMTR. Viennese Ensemble.


News. —KCS.M. Voice of Prophecy.

— WA D, Evening Serenade. 6:05—KGER. Music. 6:15—KF WB. Radio News Weekly.

— RI MS, Ethel Ruble?. — KMTR. Music. —KFOX. Club Alabam. —KIND. Concert by White. — HOER, Al Williams.

6:30—KFL Album of Familiar Mu-sic.

— KECA. Brian Sisters. —K11113. Joe Crail. — KPAS. Beyond Tomorrow. —KGFJ, White Tabernacle. —KFOX, Pastor Marsh. *KFX31. Todd Grant. —KGER, Jerry spars Presents. —KFSD, Oscar Otis.

6:45*KRKIL News. — KECA. KFSD, Ray mond

Clapper. —KFWB. Popular Orchestra.

KGER. Music. —- KFOX. Excursions in Science.

"Melodies America Loves"

INGLEWOOD PARK Cemetery Association

CONCERT . Sunday, 7:30 P. M.

Soloist KNX Male Orchestra Quartet

IT —KFI, Hour of Charm. —KNX. Take It or Leave It. —KHJ, KVOE. KGB. Raymond

Gram Swing. — KE(7A. KIND. Goodwill Hoof. —HEATH. Pop. Orch. — KMPC, Strollin' Tom. — KMTR, W. R. Record. — KPAS. Timely Tunes. — KFAC, Open Forum. —11PPC, Opera Associates. — KGFJ. Spanish Hour. — KFOX. Rev. Earl Iii.. *KGER. News. —KIND. Evening Serenade. —1IFSG. Aimee McPherson.

7:05—KGER. Music. :15—KFWB. Free France. — KHJ, KATIE. U. S. Navy Re-

cruiting. —1131PC. Salon Moderne. — KPAS, Listeners' Digest. — KGER. Mond. of Mystery. —KGB. Home Folks.

7:30*KFI, Walter Witwhell. — KNX, Inglewood Park Concert —K M. KGB. Keep 'Em Roliln — A MIS. A. Kostelanetz Oreh. —KMPC. Wings Over Jordan. — KPPC, Sacred Song Recital. — KGER. KFOX. Music. —11%41E, Gospel Light.

7:45—KFI. Parker Family. -geli nVIL News. —KPAS. Operatic Gems. —KMTR, Music. —1CPPC, Organ Recital. —KFOX, Jewels in Music.

0 -1C11, The Great Gildersleeve. —KNX. Crinte Doctor. — KILL KGB, Hancock Ens. —KE('A. KIND. Inner Sanctum

Mystery. —KFWB. Hollywood Presbyter-

ian Church. *K311.C. KGER. News. —KMTR. Floyd Johnson. —KFAC. 1st Methodist Church. —KPAS. Church of Open Door. —RPPC. Union church Service. —111:1,1. Bethel Church. —K CON, Semi-Clo....ieol.

—KA OE, Gospel Light. 8.05-1KGEB. Olga Gravel. 11:15 -1DIPC, Land Man. 0:25*KNX, William Winter. 11:30*KFI, News.

—KNX, R. McKinley Or a. —KECA. KFSD. Jack Benny. —KILL Nobody's Children. — KM . B. fielvin Oreh. —RGFJ. Night Justice. —KGB. Answering You.

Chapel Quartet * KFI S. U4N5 DrA Yst i


PIERCE BROTHERS !Aladin Funeral Directors of the West

s: r—KFI, t. —Ku m. Mot lirr. .tilt —KFAC. KGFJ, Music.

9-1111, Three Sheets to the Wind.

—KNX, What's On Your Mind? —KECA, raps% Grandpappy

and His Pals. *K11.1. KGFJ, HOER. KGB.

KVOE. KFXM, News. —KFW11, Union Rescue Mission. — KSIPC. Andre Kosteianetz. —KPAS. Old Fashioned Revival. —KMTR, Our Saviour's Luth-

eran Chtirch. —KI M', Sunday Evening Club. — KFOX. Ross Ballroom.

9:113—KGER. Fullerton Four Square 9:15—K11.1. KGB. HAVE. Voice of

l'rophery. *KFOX. News. —186F.1. Popular Tunes. —KFX.M. Old Fashioned Revival

9:30—K n. Symphonic Swing. *KNX, William Winter. *KECA. KF WB. KFSG. News. —KMPC, Hermit's Cave. —KFAC. Glorious Hope. — KMTR, Music. — KGFJ, The Dreamer. -4KFOX, Club Alabam. —KGER. Echoes of the Opera. — KFSD. C. Agnew Oreh.

9:35—KFSG. Christian Forum.


A Gospel Broadcast Bringing Christ to the Southland

Each Sunday 9:45.10:15 P.M. KFWB-980 Kilocycles

9:45—KFL Irene Rich. — KNX, What's It AS About? *FULL News, Dr. Polyzaides. —KE('A, ICFSIL, University Ex-

plorer. —KIWIS. Pacific Lutheran Hour —KGB, M OE. S. Fields Orch.

10—KNX, What's It All About: —KILL KGB. KVOE, E. Fitz-

gerald Orel,. iteK FI . Richfield Ness'. Flashes. —KECA. 10.141), H. .1a 111P11 Orch. —KFWB. Pacific Lutheran Hour —KMPC. W. Manville Orch. — KPAS, Calvary Tabernacle. — KFAC. Classical Music. — KMTR,, Viennese Ensemble. *KGF.11, KGER. News. — KFOX. Rev. Fuller.

—EFSG. Esther Fricke Stewart. 10:05—KGER. Music. 10 ;15— Betty Martin, Sinner.

— LYS. Adventures of Cosmo Jones.

—ICECA, !USD, Bridge to Dreamland.

Bowling Notes.

Sunday Nights at 10:15

Marc Wilkinson World Traveler, Newspaperman,

Foreign Correspondent

7" on KMPC "Station of Your Dial the Stars -.

*K3IPC. Marc Wilkinson. — KMTR, Music. —KGF.1. Radio Club. —KFX5L, Ave Maria Hour.

10:30 P.M. —KFI

"Inside the News" with William Parker

Presented by


10:30—KFL Inside the News (Thrifty Drug Co.).

— KNX, They Live Forever. — KHJ. KGB. KVOE, T. Weems

Orch. — KFWB, J. Dunn Oreh. — KMPC. SYmPhowia• *KPAS. KING, News. —116FJ. Drama. —KFAC. Lucky Lager Dance

Time. —KGER, Spanish Program.

10:35-6/NG, Esther Fricke Stewart. 10145—K11, Vienna Memories.

— KFWB. Starlight Symphony. — SPAS, Cathedral Echoes. — KGFJ, Dundee Drama. — KFX51. T. Weems Orch.

— KECA, Philharmonia. —J UKE, Starlight Symphony. * KNX. News. Knox Manning. *KFI KGFJ. News. — KHJ. KFKM. KGB. Ki0E,

.1. Saint Orch, — KM PC. Symphonia. —KMTR, H. Henry Orch. — KPAS, Cathedral Echoes. —EFAC. Lucky Lager Dance

Time. — KFOX. Music. — KING. Sol Hoopil. —KFSD. This Moving World.

11:15—KFI, H. Owed. Orch. — KNX. M. Strand Oreh. —KFWB. Music You Want. —KPAS. Dance Music.

KGFJ. Magic. Josenh James.

11:30—KFI, Organ. IEFXM. KGB. KVOE,

J. Richards Oreh. —KM PC. Peaceful Valley. *KMTR, K ING. News. —KPAS, In My Solitude. —hi-F.). Cowboy Trio. —KIND, B. Clifford Orch.

11 :35 —KN X. Conversation at the Commie.

—KING. Sol Hoopil. 11:13*KIl. News. 11:55*KNX. KFWB, KPAS. News.


Coming Out of the Ether (Continued from Page 12)

so. I think we should bend over back-ward to keep the air as free from any possibility of attack as we can. I don't mina an occasional "damn"

or "hell" once in awhile. I use them myself in ordinary conversation, same as you. But there are a great 'many people who don't use them, and a great many children who might be encouraged to use them. These peo-ple's opinions must be respected. Or am I off on the wrong foot


Walter Likes It Pending deal for Walter Winchell

to play himself in a Fox film and the fact that the New York aircaster is finding the weather and company pleasant may keep the Jergens Jour-nalist in Hollywood for six or eight more broadcasts.

* * Massey's Retort

K U, 7130 p.m. Sun.

Asked why he puts his salary check under his mattress every Saturday night, Allen Massey, banjo-guitarist of the Westerners via Plantation Party over NBC, says: "I want to retire on a small income."

Nancy Dixon (Con(inued from Page 22)

blouses which combine to make a dress, or the suit-slack three-piece combinations which may be scrambled according to fancy.

12 you restrain yourself in all these things, and consequently feel that you must have a little splurge, let your imagination fly to the four winds when you buy a hat. It will give the men one thing, at least, at which they may poke fun, and thus keep up morale.

* * KNX, 1:15 p.m.

MONDAY, MAY 25 * In dif N e, “ Kr,. KGER, KA OE, KGB.

News. -KFWI6, Dr. Clem Davie*. -11i3IPC, Hi. Mom. - KMTR, Our Saviour's Luther-

an Church. -KF'AC. Serenade. -KRKD, Turf Bulletin. -KIND, Morning Serenade.

0 -11IECA. Musical Clock. Johnny Murray Talks It

Over. - KNX. Jack Berch. Songs. WKGFJ. KGER, KFOX, KPAS.

News. HFX..M. KFSD. KGB.

KVOE, Breakfast Club. - KFWB, Popular Orch. - KMPC, Andy nod Virginia. -RMTR, Spanish Program. -KRKD, Music. -KFAC. Sacred Heart. - KFVD, Covered Wagon Jubi-

lee. 11:03-1EGER. Soul Patrol. 8:15-KFI, Art Baker.

-IC6X. Mehigly Expre.s. - KECA, M ak-fast Club. - KMPC. Markets and Sports. -KGFJ, Breakfast Serenade. - KFAC, Music. - EFOX, Dr. Lovell.

Mizpah. * K- IND, Helen Hiett.

11:30*KFI. KHJ. KE('A. KR111). KVOE. News.

-1( X. Valiant Lady. - KMPC. Unity Daily %I ord. - KPAS. Haven of Rest. - KMTR. Dr. Clem Davies. -11FOX. Songs of the West. -KFXM. Sunshine Service. - KFSD. Good Cheer. -KGB. Serenading You.

g:35-KR1FID. Music. 11:13--HFI. David Marian.

Stories America Loves. - KECA, Robert Lee Johnson. - KM.I. HIVE, Miss Meade's

Children. *KFWB. KIND. News. -KGF.I, Dr. Weisman. - K FOX, Classified. -KGER. Rev. Bennington. .-11613, KGB Presents.

n-EFT. Remo Johnson. -RNN. Rate Smith. *Rita. RFX111. KGB. K 10E.

News, John K. Hughes. *RMPC. KGER. ROFJ, New... -IRECA. Breakfast Club.

Pop. Oreh. -KPAS. Prairie Schooner. -KMTR. Highland Park Ben-

net Church. -KFAC. Daily Inspirational. -KRI M, Sagebrush Serenade. - KFOX. Firebrands for jes11.1 - KFVD, Waltz Time. -1EFSD. Polly Patterson.

0:03-1EFSD, On With the Dance. -KGER. Rev. Erickson.

9:15-KFI. Bachelor's Children. - KNX. Big Sister. - RILL KGB. Victor Lindlahr. -KECA. Here's to the Ladies. - KMPC, Lady Be Good. *KMTR. KFVD. News. - KFAC. Voice of Health. -RGF.I. TI MM, Music. - KGER, March Ahead of Time. - KFSD. Health Talk. -KVOE. Morning Melodies.

8:30*KFI. !W WII, News. - KNX. Ro mance of Helen

Trent. -KFLI. Norma Young.

KFSD. Breakfast at - Sardi•s. - K.31PC. Family Bible. -KPAS. Song. - RI ME W. B. Record. - KFAC. Classical Music, -RUED. Music. - KFXM. This, Feminine Eyes. -KGB. Ben Swerthind. - KIND, Dr. Richardson. -KGER. Radio Revival. -RAVE. Musical Portrait..

$:55-KPAS. Three, Quarter Time. 9:45-KFI. What's Doing.

- KNX. Our Got Sunday. -KFWR. Rottlinx Center. -KMTR, Music. *1(31PC, KRKIL News. -KPAS. Aunt Martha. -KFAC. Treesury Star Parade.. -KGER. Full Gospel. -Krxm. Dance Music. -KGB. KVOF.. Dick O'Heren. -KIND. Here Comes Parade.

A-K11,1. Acne. V -IR "N. Life 4 'on Re lies utifm. *RF.i' g. RFSD. B a is khnge


10:05-KGER. Fun Gospel. 19:15-KFI. Salon Orchestra.

- KNX. Woman in White. - KECA, KFSD. 2nd Husband. - KHJ. Town & Country Mkt. -KFIVII, KFXM, Pop. Oral. WEMTR, News. -KPAS, Yesterday's Favorites. -FCGFJ, Voice of Health. - KRKD, Talk. -KFOX, Petite Musicale. - KGER. Kingdom Within. - KGB. Molly Morse. -KVOE. I'll Find My Way.

10 :30-K Fl , St i randy's Garden Patch - KNX. Vic and Sade. - KECA. RFSD. Amanda of

Honeymoon Hill. WIDIJ. 1131PC, KFAC.

KVOE. K1FX31, News. -RGF,I, Music. -KPAS, Meet Priscilla Alden. -KMTR, Floyd B. Johnson. - KRI M, P.-T. A. - KGER. Sunshine Pastor. - KFVD, Union Rescue Mission.

10:35-KFLI, KGB, KFX111, KVOE, Women Today.

lii:15-KFI. Dr. Kate. --JINX. Jane Endicott. -KECA. REND. John's Other Wife.

*KECA, KFWB, KRKD, News. -KHJ. I'll Find My Way. -K3IPC. Charm Notes. - KMTR, Dr. Lovell. - KFAC, Classical Music. -KFOX, Organ Melodies.

, - KFKM, KGB. Don Norman. WKVOE, Monitor News.

iti:30-KRKD. Music.

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar No More"

KMPC -1 1:00 A. M. KFSD -4:1 5 P. M.

11 - KFI, Light of the World. -KNX, Bright Horizon. *K M. KGB. KFXM. KY HE.

Cedric Foster. -KECA. Just Plain Bill - KFWB. Al Jarvis. - KMPC. C'hef Milani. *KPAS, KGFJ, KGER, KFVD,


gm KECA KI1J KFVD KP.t KFSG KGFJ KFXM KFAC KGEA wfr KIAPCTK I EV TKFWITITK NI RFD T arc KFOKTKOBTKVOE 1 570 64017901- 930-1-1020T TI330T13 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1490 -1131TR, Dr. I.. T. Talbot. - KFAC. Les Adams. -I1R1113, Music. - KFOX, Sing and Swing. -KFXM. Pop. (*ch.

ll:05-KPAS, Music As You Like It. 11:15--KFI, Arnold Grimm's Daugh-

ter. - KNX. Aunt Jenny's Stories. - KECA, Between the Bookends - KILL Market Place. - KPAS, Lost Empire. -KGF.I. KFXM. KFOX. Musk,. - KGER. Good Neighbor. - KFSD, On With the Dance. - KGB, Pulpit Highlights. - KFVD, Musical Album. - KVOE. Concert Miniature.

11:30-KFI, Guiding Light. - KNX. We Loge and Learn. - KECA. Chaplain Jim. t. S. A. -KILL Eddie Albright. -1131PC, Beauty Counselor. - KPAS. Pasadena Independent. *KMTR. KRKD. KFOX. News. ,-KFAC. Polly Patterson. - KGFJ. City Dwellers. - KFXM. Victory Activity. - KGB. KVOE. KFXM. 1. S.

Naval Academy Band. -FUND, Public :service. - KFVD; Pianos.

11:45-EFL Hymns of All Churches. - KNX, The Goldberg.. -KILL Naval Academy Rand. *KECA. FilFSD, News. -KMPC. Poet's Hill. - KPAS, Milady Speaks. -KMTR. Volney Jame.. -KRKD. KGF.I. KGER, Music. -KFOX. Dapper Dan. - KFVD. Violet Schram.

1 11 -1HFI, Farm R .....1p... Rh" Cull -1, • e.

*KILL Bro:• ,•• es -KECA, KFSD, Prescott Pre-

sents. -KFWB. -KMPC, War Service Bureau. - KPAS, KPAS Entertain,. - KMTR. KRKD. KFOX, Music. - KFAC. Strike to the Band. WRGF.I. KGER. KGB.

Ness a. -KFX31, Singin' Sam. -KFVD. Editor of the Air.

12:05-KGER, Music. I2 :15*RN X, Knox Manning, News.

- KFI, Ma Perkins. - KH.1. Homemaker.' Club. *KMPC, KFOX. KFX31. News. - K3ITIL Radio News Reel. -1EGFA, Music. -KGER. The Poet Dream.. -KGB, Mutual Goes Calling. -FUND, Luncheon Magic. '

12:3o-KFI, Pepper Toting 's Family.

MONDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Light( are Type; rternenn and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8:00-Johnny Murray, Kr!. 8:15-Art Baker. KFI. 9:00-Kate Smith. ICN7C. 9:30-Er ea k f a s t at Sardi's

KECA-KFSD. 11:NI-Chef Milani. KMPC. II: 13-Market flare. KH.I. 1:15 -Club Matinee. KECA. 4:00-Chef Milani, KECA-FIFSI). 4:00-Art Baker's Notebook,

It El. V:00-Vox Pop. KNX. 6:30-Your Blind Date, KECA-

KFSD. 7 :30 -Jimmie Fidler. KECA-

KIND. g:00-Amos 'n' Andy. KNX.

Lum and Abner K R. /4:311-Gay Nineties Revue. KNX. 9:30-Unlitnited flotirons. KFI. II :30--Lamplighter. KFLI.

Drama 6:00-Lux Radio Iiieatre. KNX. 7 :30-Ca valcade of America.

KFI. :30-Loae Ranger. KHJ-KtiR-

KFNM-KI, OE. 7 Riondie. RAN. N: 13-Irene Rich. RE(' A - RIESI). ii::10-11awlhorne House KFI. 8:30-I Lose a MyetteiT KECA

WaR There. KNX. 9:311-11ollywitod


it, 0/1/Z PI warns 6:311-17r. I. Q..

6:30-The Better Half. KELL KGB-KFXM-KVOE.

8:30-Double or Nothing. KHJ-KVOE-KFXM-KGB.

Outstanding Music I:30-Theme and Variations.

KHJ-KGB-KFXM-KVOE. 2:30-Classic Hour. KECA. 3:30-Frank Parker. KNX. 5:30-Voice of Firestone. K n. 6:00-Evening Concert. KFAC. 7:00-Contented Program. KIEL 7:99-Freddy Martin Oreh., KN A 11:00-Pleasure Time. K n. 9: 00-Telephone flour. FIFE 10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KFAC. 10:30-F.antside Dance Tonne.

la:35.--glasterworks KNX. :00-Philharmonia.

Public .1 f f airs • 8:30-Bill of Rights. KMTR.

Sports-Comment 1:00- Major League RaselialL.

KM PC. . 1 :15-New York Raring Season

KHJ-Kl"SM-KGll-K VHF.. 3:15-Itaerball Roundup, KHJ

KGR-KFX31- HE. N:110.--Sports Roundup. KECA. 1111:15--lion :Inc Note. R IFWB. 111:30-Sports Procrom. KN .


-KNX, Joyce Jordan, Girl In-terne.

- KErfit, KFSD, Men of the Sea KMTR, Music.

lirF- EFWB, KPAS. KFAC, News. -KRKD, Jimmie's Saddle Pals. - KFOX, Kitchen Garden. -KGER, Students of Defense. -KGB, KFXM, Lester Huff,

Organ. - KFVD, Gospel in Song. - KVOE. Organ.

12:45-KFI, Right to Happiness. - KNX, Women of Courage. *KECA, Clete Roberts. - KHJ. KGB. K% OE. Ring

Bard Presents. -1E3IPC, From the Dugout. - KPAS, Rhumba Time. - KFAC. KGER, Music. -KGFJ. ('. S. Marines. - KFXM, Pop. Drell. -KFOX, Science of Mind. - KIND. National Farm and

Home Hour. - KIND, Violet Schram.

-Km Backstage Wife. -KNX, Stepmother. - KECA, Arthur Tracy. Street

Singer. - KHJ. KFXM. 1116B, IEVOF:,

Bill's Wax Shop. -KFWB. Today's War Moods. - KNIPC, Major League Reu-


Ness's. -KPAS, Marching Mood. -KFAC, Science of Mind. -FIRED, Memories. - B MX. Matinee Melodies, - KFSD. National Farm and

Home. • 1:05-KGER. Officials on Parade. 1:15 KIII. Stella Dallas.

- KNX. Nancy Dixon. -KECA, Club Matinee.

KVOE, KGB, KFXM, New York Racing Season.

-KFWB. Jubilee. -KPAS. Island Melodies. -KMTR. Nick's Spot. -KFAC', Nasal Recruiting. -KGF.I. Meet the Band.

Muir. -KFOX, Classified. -KIND, Maxine Snuffer. -KFVD, Moods in Music.

1:20-KGER. Bits of Hits. 1:30-1CIF7. Lorenzo limes.

WOUNeWit es' 1 rotectiff League.

-KHJ. KFX3I. KGB. RIVE. Theme and S ariations.

*KMPC. -KFWB. Pop. Orch. -KPAS, Today's Almanac. *KMTR. Lyman Smith. - KFAC, J. N. Yates. Organ. - KRKD. Salvatore Santee-11a. - KGF.I. -KFOX, Christian Science. - KGER, Spanish Trio. - KFSD. Ann Gibson. -11EFVD. Hawaiian Music.

1:45 -KF7. Voting V. udder Brown. -KFW113, KMTR, Music. -KPAS, Toe Tapping Time. - KFAC. American Legion Anc-

illary. *KRKD. News. -KFOX. Blues. - KFSD, Club Matinee. -KFVD„ Music City.

I:50-KRED. !Nook. 1:55*KECA. R END. News.

2-KIFT, When a Girl Marries. -ELFA'A. KFSD. Air Corps Band.

- KNX. Carr and Carter. -111HJ. KFXM. FMB. Music. - KFIVII. Hal Styles. -K3IPC, Major League Base-

ball. -KPAS. Do Volt Reniember! -KMTR, KFXM. KVOE, Music. -KFAC. Classical Music. -KRKD, Race Resume. -KFOX. Smith American Music. WKGER, KtiEJ. News. -KIND, Mtisic Box.

2 :113-1AGER, KRI M Music. 2:15-KFI. Portia I'LleeS Life.

-FINN, Rood of Life. -KILL KFX31. KGB. KVOE.

Swee and Sentimental. -K E W, Songs of Faith.

Contrnsts in Rhythm. -FIGF.I. KFOX, Civic. *FCFSIt. N M's. -K n.!). Organ.

2:3(1-K Ft. The And.r.ons. *KNX. William Winter, News.

Clitss'e. Hour. *K- ILL Kvii11. RulED. FIFX31.

KGB. KILIE, Noss. -16.FAC, MUE0e. -KGFJ, Volunteer* of America.

M AY 24, 1942 RA010 LIFE PAGE " MONDAY LOGS -KFOX. Western Songs. -KGER. George Strange. --FEFSD, House in the Country. -KFVD, Romantic Rhythm.

2:45-KFI, Lone Journey. -KNX. Scattergood Baines. - KHJ. KGB, KVOE, Bookworm. -KFWB, Port of Hope. *F M K', KENJI. News. -KPAS, Let's Piny Bridge. -KRK1). KGFJ. Music. -KFOX. Little Show. -KFXM, Chic Spotlight. - KFSD. Chaplain Jim. U. S. A.

3 - K}-I,

Vic and Sade. Dave Lane. Songs.

-KECA, Classic Hour. *FEH.I. KGB, 111•0E, B. S.

Bercov lei. *KFWB, KGF.I. KMTR. KFOX.

KGF:R. News. -11111PC. Off the Record. -KFAC. KRKD, Music. -KPAS. Musical Comedy Fa-

vorites. - KFSD. Songs by Sonia. - RYAS'. Ministerial Alliance. - KFVD. Pon. Favorites.

3:15-Kkl, The Raritan. -KNX. Mary Counselor. -KHJ, KGB, RFILM, KVOE,

Baseball Roundup. -KFWB, Song of the Islands. *KPAS, KFOX. News. -KMTR. Music. -KFAC. Sszt -KGFJ. Concert Time. -KFSD. America Calling.

3:20-KHJ, Side Show. -KGB. KFXM. HIDE, Un-

scheduled. - KGER. Music.

3:30-KFI, Against the Storm. - KNX, Frank Parker. Songs. -KECA, What's Doing. - K M, J. Richards Orch. - KFWB. Pop. (tech. - KPAS. Chuck Wagon Rhythm. *KRKD. KFOX. News. -KMTR. Pianoti. - KFXM. Trading Post. - KIND. Listening Time. -KGB, Off the Record. - KFVD, Novelty Notes. - KVOE. Bargain Counter.

3:35-KR1111, Music.

3:45*KFI. KFOX, News. -KNX, The World Today. -11EVA. KFSD. Three Romeo,. -KMTR, SanteeIla Ensemble. -KGER, Junior College Drama. - KFXM. Good Afternoon,

Soldier. --1FEFVD. Rhumba Music.

3:55-11HJ. Forest Lawn. - KGB. Miracles of Faith.

4- 14FI, Art Baker's Notebook. -KNX, The Second Mrs. Burton. *KHJ. KFX111. KGB, KNOE.

News. Fulton Lewis. - KECA. KFSD. Chef Milani. *KGFJ, KGER. KFOX. News. -FIFWB, Don Milligan. - KNIT. Musical Headlines. - KFAC, Symphony. -ELMTR, Woman's World. -KPAS. Tell Me Your Problem. -KRKD. Music. -KFVD. Recorded Rhythm.

4:15-KNX. Young Dr. Malone.. - KE('A, Latin American Neigh-

bors. -KHJ. KFXM. KGB. IEVOE.,

Johnson Family. - KMPC, Salon Moderne. -KFAC, Vernon Steele. -KPAS, Swing Shift. -KGFJ, Tea Time. -KRKD. Movieland Quiz. -KGER. L. B. J. C. Music. -KFSD. LnueIla Paiken. *KFVD. News. -KFOX. Jamboree.

4:30-Kri. Bridge Club. *KNX. KECA, KMPC. -KHJ. Capt. Jack. -KFWB. Pop. Drell. - KPAS. Remember with Mor-

etti'. -KRKD. Music. -KFAC. Civil Service Interview. -KGFJ. Memory Time. -KGER. Tea Dancetime. - KFXM. Dr. Philip Lovell. - KFSD. Two Beat Time. -KGB, Unscheduled. -KFVD. Tea Time. - KVOE, Modern Music.

1:35 -Galen Drake. KNX.

11:15*KFI. H. V. Kaltenborti. - KECA, 10-2-4 Ranch. -KHJ. KGB. KVOE. Treasury

Star Parade. -KFWB. Stuart Hamblen. - KFAC, Classical Music.


-FLISPC. Hollywood Chatterbox. -KPAS, Melody and Madness. *KRKD. News.

Pop. Drell. -- KFSD, On With the Dance.

I :55--101.1. Industrial Engineering.

Don Winslow. -KN X. Sos Pop. *K111.1. Broadway News. -KECA, Twilight Tales. - KFWB. Stuart Hamhlen. - K3IP('. Top Pops. *KFAC. KGER. KFXM. KFSD.

KGFJ, Ne w, - KPAS. Waltz Time. -11:111TR. Dr. Davies. -FERK1). Songs of the Saddle. -KFOX. Sunshine Pastor. -KGB, Talk of the Times. -KFV1). Tea Ti me.

- KVOE, Classified.

5:05-KGER, Latin Hour.

5:15*KF1, KNIT. KRKI). News. -KECA, Sour Favorite Band. -K W, Bert Butterworth. -KPAS. Crimson Trail. *KFAC. Carroll Lunt. - KGFJ, Mimic. - KFXM, KGB, KVOE. For

Your Infornintion. - KIND. On with the Dance.

5:20-KHJ, Music.

5:30-KFI. Voice of Firestone. *KECA, RFSD, KMTR, N e ws.

*FENN, Harry Flannery. - KILL KFIESI, KGB. KVOE.

(-not. Midnight. -11131PC. Uncle Harry. -KPAS, Bing Sings. - KFAC, Whoa Bill Club. -KRI M. Race Results. -KGF.1, Sports Secrets. -KFOX. Musical Cocktail. - KFVD. 90-90 Club.

5i45*KNX. (jarred. News. *KECA. KFSI). News of World. - KILL ISFXSL KGB. HIDE.

Jack Armstrong. *KPAS. Our Daily Bread. -FESITIL K(;FJ, FERRI). Music. -KFOX. Ross Enterprise. -KFS D, Evening Serenade.

5:55* KNX, Davis, News.

6*' KFW11. KPAS, KFOX, KGER. KFXM. News.

-KNX. 1.11% Radio Theatre. -RECA. Sports Roundup *KILI. KGB, News, Gabriel

Benner. - KMTR, Irwin Allen. -KMP('. Sports Page. - RE M', Evening Concert. -KGFJ, Italian Melodies. -FERKI). Concert. -KFSI), Music By White. -KFVD, Evening Serenade. -11V0E. Orange County News.

6:05-KFXM. Music.

6:10-IFEFOX, Sportlight Parade. -KPAS, Race Results.

6:15-Kit. Kitty kallen. Song!, *KECA. K11.1. KGB. 11V0E,

News. *KFV111. Dr. ( hang. -1(31TR, santaella Ens. -KIRIN'. Star Parade. -KPAS. Big Brother Club. -APBS. Dinner Muele. - KGER. Frank E. Force.

6:30-KFL Dr. I. Q. - KECA, KFSD, Your Blind


The Better Half. - KFWB. Pop. Orch. * KMPC. liFVD. News. -KMTR. Pay Day. -KPAS. Sergei Malay sky. -KGFJ, -KFON. Radio Revival. -KGER. Prophecy Speaks.

6:15-KFWB. Ray Smith. -KMTR. KKK!) Music. -KM1'(•. Charles Garland. -KPAS, Dinner Music. *KFOX, Ed Rohhin. -FEFYIL Evening Serenade.

6:55-KECA. FEFS1). Ramona.

7-K1n, Carnation Contented Program.

*KHJ. KFXM. KGB, KVOE. Raymond Gram Swing.

-KNX. F. Martin Orch. -KECA. RFSD, Lightning Jim - KFV18. Treasury Star Parade.

Strollin' Tom. -KPAS. Mark Kennel H. S. *KMTR. KGElt. KRKD. News. -KFAC. Evening Concert. -KGFJ. Spanish Hour. - KFOX. Strictly for Sports-

men. -KFVD. Evening Serenade.

7:05-KGER, American Jewish Hour.

7:15-RFIJ, KGB. Salute to Allies. *KFWB. Nevis, Music. -KMPC, Cocktail Hour. -Kl'AS, Listener's Digest. -KMTR. -KRKD. Three Quarter Time. -KFXM. You Can't Do Busi-

ness With Hitler. -KFOX. Meet the Band. -KVOE. M. Alpert Orch.

7:20-KILL Editor Speaks. -KGB. M. Alpert Orrh.

7:30 -KFI, Cavalcade of America. -KNX, Blondie.

KFSD, Jimmie Fidler. -- KILL KFXM, KGB, KVOE,

Lone R r. *KF WB, News. -KSIPC. 710 Fun House. -KRI M, Do You Know? - KFOX. Jewels in Music.

7:15*KECA. News. KFOX. News, Arden.

-KPAS, Timely Tunes. -11FSG. Evangelistic. - KFSD. Album of Liberty.

e-KF1, Fred Waring. -KNX. Amos 'n' Andy. - KECA. Musical Memories. -K M!, KFXS1, KGB, KVOE.

KFWB, This, Our America. *1131P(', KFAC. KGFJ. KGER,

News. -KP.AS. Sznth-Myri. . - KMTR. Where Am 1? -KFOX. Variety Show. -K nit). On With the Dance.

R:05-KGER, Spanish Hour.

11:15-KFI, Lum and Abner. - KNX. Time Out for Melody. -KECA. KFSD, Irene Rich. - KFAC. Wings ()lee the West. -KMPC, Land Man -KGFJ, Friendly Advisor.

8:30-Hawthorne House, KIT. -KNX, Gar Nineties Revue, - KECA. KIND. I Love a

Mystery. ISFX111, KGB. KVOE.

Double or Nothing. *KFWB. News. -KFAC. Floyd A. Allen. -KMPC. Meet the Band. -KMTR. Bill of Rights. -KPAS. Pasadena J. C. - K6F.I. Remember Pearl Har-

bor. - KFOX. Judge Gardner.

6:45-11131PC. Faces and Places. - KFWB. No Business with

Hitler. KGFJ. Music.

11:55*KNX. News. Joy.

-Tune in

DR. LOUIS T. TALBOT KMTR (570) 11:00-11:30 a.m.

Mon. thru Sat. KPAS (1 1 10) 9:00-9:30 p.m.


9-ICFI. Telephone Hour. -RN X. I Was There. *KECA, KILL KFWB. KGFJ.

KGFIR, KFXM. KGB. 11%11E, News.

-KFWB. Plano Paintings. -Kl'AS, Church of Open Door. -KSIPC. Peter Potter. -K311T11. Floyd Johnson. -KFAC. L. A. Bar Assn. Talk. -KFOX. Church of Christ. *KFSD. News Here & Abroad.

9:05-KGER. Greek Hour. 9:15*FEECA, Hillman & Lindley.

*KILL KGB, KFXM. HYDE, News. Cal Tinney.

-RFWII, .1. Donn Orch. -KFA('. Motion Picture Music. -KGF.1. Music. *KFOX. News. - KFSI). Chez Pante Orch.

9:30 P.M. -KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"

10:30 P.M. -KFI "Inside the News"


9:30-KFI, Unlimited Horizons. - KNX. Hollywood Showcase. *KECA, Erskine Johnson, Hol-

lywood Spotlight (Thrifty Drug).

*KHJ, H MV. KGB. KVOE. Fulton Lewis.

*KFWB, FIFSD. KING. News. *KMTR. Jack Lester. -KPAS. Your Favorite Band. - KGFJ, California State Guard. -KGER, Rev. Cluck. -KFOX. Music to Remember.

9:35-KFSG. Gospel Accordions.

9:45*KECA. Rodriguez & Suther-land, News.

-1(H.11. KGB. KFXM. KVOE, Hank Keene in Town.

-KFWB. Neil Rimene. - KMTR. Robert Brooks. *IEEPAS, News. - KFSD. On With the Dance.

10 *TEFL Richfield News. Garred, News.

-11FA A. Counter Spy. *AH.11. Continuous Newsreel. -RFVID, Top. Orel). - KM PC, What's New? - Kl'As. Broadway Bandwagon. -KMTR. (omens Club. -KFOX, Club Alabam. - KFAC, Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *14611,J. KGER, News. -K ING, Southern Singers. *KFXM, News. Toast to Allies. - KGB, George harm]. -11V0E. J. Reichman Orch.

10:10-K6ER, Modern Theater.

10:15*KFI, Manchester Redd.). -KNX, Rumba & Tango Time. - KFWB. Bowling Notes. -SPAS, Lamplighter. Music. -KMTR, Music. -KGFJ. Carter Wright. -KFSG. Defense Council. -KFOX. Bomb Shelter. - KFXM, J. Reiclunan Orch.

DANCE Tonite

10:30 to 11:30 P. M. Every Bite Except Sunday

KF WB America's finest Bonds

10:30*Itil, Inside the Seas (Thrifty Drug).

-KNX, Sports Program. -KECA. KIND. H. James Or. - KFWB, Eastside Dance Tonite. arKMPC, KrsG, News. - KPAS. Top of the Hill. - KGFJ, Samuels Family. - KFOX. Club Alabam. -KGER, Government Gambol. -1/V0E. KGB, KFXM. R. [lim-

ber Oral.

10:35'-KNN , Masterworks. - KFSG. Melody Trio.

10:45-1111, E. Stoker Music. --Kmrc. C. Kennedy Trio. -KFOX. Rhythm Time. - KGFJ. Music.

10:55-KFI, Nothing But Praise.

11 - KE('A, Philltarmonia. - KHJ, KGB, KVOE, E. Fitz-

gerald Orch. * KFI, KGFJ. News. *KNX. News, Manning. -KFWB. Eastside Dance Tonite. - KMPC, 'Some It. Please! - KMTR. H. Henry Orch. - KPAS. KFOX. M usic.

-KFAC. Lucky Lager Dance Time.

- KING, Music. - KFX.M. Somerset House Piano. - KIND, This Moving World.

1115-Kfl. P. Harris Orch. - KMTR. KGFJ. Music. -KING. Drama. - KIND. Organ.

11 :20-11N X, K.S: X-tra ; Music.

11:30-KNX. Prelude to Midnight. -1111J, Lamplighter. - KFWB. Billie Holliday. *KMTR. KFSG. News. -KPAS. Music to Remember. -HOF.). Cowboy Trio.

11:35-KING. John %Valle.

11:45-KFL Melodies at Midnight. - KHJ, E. Fitzgerald Orch.

11:55*K-NX, KF WB. KPAS. News.


TUESDAY, MAY 26 *Indicates News Broadcast

HAVEN OF REST 8:30 A. M. .4," 111[11 Iii

KPAS DE SI 11101,r

0 —Johnny Murray, Kit. 0 —Treasury Star Parade. KNX. — Musical Clock, KECA. —Breakfast Club. KHJ. KFXM. KFSD, KGB. KVOE.

—Pop. Orch., KF WB. —Andy and Virginia. KMPC. —Spanish Program, KMTR. —Country Church, KFAC. *News. KGFJ. KFOX. KGER. KPAS.

— Mush.. KRKD. —Covered Wagon Jubilee.

8:05—Soul Patrol. KGER. 8:15—Inside Stories, KFI.

— Down Bruslicreek Way, ELNX. —Breakfast Club. KECA. — Markets and Sports. KMPC. —Breakfast Serenade. KGFJ. — Or. Lovell. KEOX. — Mizpah. KGER. *Helen Hiett. KFSD.

8:20—Musical Clock. KFI. 111:30*News. Kn, RAJ. KECA.

KRKD. KVOE. —Valiant Lady. N. —Unity Daily Word. KMPC. — Dr. Clem D a% kb, KMTR. — Haven of Rest. KPAS. KGB. —Strollin' Tom. KFAC. —Songs of the West. KFOX. —Sunshine service. KFXM. —Good Cheer Program. KFSD.

8:35—Music. KRKD. KFOX. 8:45—Dasid Harum, Kn. —stories Americo Loses, K.NX. —Robert Lee Johnson. KECA. — Miss Meade's Children. KEW. KVOE.

*News. KFWB, KFSD. — Mildred Lager. KFAC. — Dr. Weisman. KGFJ. —Classified. Fill/X. —Rev. Bennington. KGER.

9—Bess Johnson, Kn. —Kate Smith. KNX. *John B. Hughes. KHJ. KFXM. KGB. KVOE.

—Breakfast Club. RECA. —Pop. Orch.. KF11 II. *News, KMPC. KGER. —Prairie Schooner. KPAS. —Christian American Crusade. KMTR.

— Daily Inspirational. KFAC. —Sagebrush Serenade. KRKD. — Firebrands for Jesus. KFOX. —On With the Dance. KFSD. — Waltz. KFVD.

9:05—Rev. Erickson. KGER. 9:15—Bachelor's Children. Kit.

—Big Sister, KNX. — Here's to the Ladies, KECA. —Victor Lindlahr. KILL K B. —Vacation Time. KFWB. —Lady Be Good. KM PC. *Nevis, 1131TR. KIND. —Voice of Health. KFAC.

KGF.I. KFX31. — March Ahead of Time. KGER. — Health Talk. KIND. — What the Bible Teaches, —KVOE.

9:30—Romance of Helen Trent, KNX.

*News. KFI. KFWB. —Breakfast at Sardi's, KECA, KIND.

—Norma Young. KILL — W. B. Record, KMTR. —Family Bible. KMPC. —Do You Know?. KPAS. — Music. KFA(7. KU M). — Waltz Time. KGFJ. —Radio Relive!. KGER. —Through Feminine Eyes. KFXM.

—Ben Sweetland. KGB. —Dr. Richardson. KFNIL

9:45— What's Doing. KFI. —Our Gal Sunday, KNX. —Bowling Center. KFWB. *See m KMPC. KRKD. —Aunt Martha. KPAS. — Music. KMTR. —Full Gospel. KGER. — Marine Band, KGB, RIVE. KFXM.

— Here Comes Parade. REVD.

—Agnes White, K it. —Life Can Be Beautiful, KNX. *News. KILL KPAS, KGFJ, KFOX. KGER. KFXM. KGB KVOE.

*Baukliage Talking. 'MCA. KFSD.

00—Johnny Murray. Kit 9.00—Kate Smith. KNX. ,:30—B reakfast at Barden,

KECA-KFSD. I :00—Chef Milani. KMPC. 1:15 —Club Matinee, KECA-

KFSD. 3:15—Voice of Broadway. KNX. 1:00—Art Baker's Notebook.

Kit 6:00—Burns and Allen, KFI. 6:30—Fibber McGee. Kit. 7:00—Bob Hope, Kul. 7:30—Red Skelton, K n. 11:00—Amos 'n' Andy. KNX. 8:00—Three Ring Time. RE.CA.

and Abner. 1111. 8:341—.Johnny Presents. K it. 0:00—Duffy'. Taiern. KNX. 9:30—Bob Burns. KNX. 10:00 —Cugat Rhumba Revue.


Drama 11:30—Are You a Missing Heir?

KNX. 8:30—The Shadow KHJ. 9:00—Adientures of the Thin

Man, KY'.

Quiz Program3 5:30—Treasure Chest. KFI. 4:00— What's My Name? K W-

KiX311-KGH-K10E. 8:30—Information Please, KECA. 9:30—Battle of Sexes. K n.

—Dr. Cletn Daisies. KF WB. — Hi Mom. 1131PC. —Our Saiiour's Lutheran Church. KMTR.

—Serenade. REAC. KFVD. —Turf Bulletins. KRI M.

10:05—Full Gospel. KGER. 10:13—Eddie Dean ano His Boys.

KFI. — Woman In White. KNX. —Town & County Market. RAJ. —Second Husband. KECA, KFSI).

—Bridge Club. Kill B. —Yesterday's Faiorites. KPAS. *News, KMTR. —Voice of Health. KGFJ. —Talk. KRI M. —Petite Musicale. KFOX. — Helen Markham. KGER.

Orch., KFXM. —- Diets for Victory, KGB. —I'll Find My Way. RIOE.

10:30-31irandy's Garden Patch. K it —Vic and Sade. KNX. —Amanda of Honeymoon Hill KECA, KFSD.


—Pop. Orrh.. KFV4Ii. — Meet Priscilla Alden. KPAS. —Floyd B. Johnson. KMTR. — Music, KGFJ. —Voice of Gniernment. KRKD. *News. Music. KFXM. —Sunshine Pastor, KGER. —Union Rescue Mission. KFVD.

10:33—Women Today, KHJ, KVOE. RFXM.

Morse. KGB. 10:15—Dr. Kate. KFI.

— Mary Lee Taylor, KNX. —John's Other Wife. KECA. RFSD.

—I'll Find My Way, KHJ. *News. FIFV1B. KRI M. —Now and Then, KMPC.

KMTR. —C- lassical Music. KFAC. —Organ. KFOX. — Don Norman. REAM. KGB. *Monitor News. KY OK.

10:50—Music. E MIL

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar No More" KMPC-11:00 A. M.

11— Llidit of the World. K M. —Bright Horizon. KNX. —Just Plain Bill, RFC & IIEFSD —Clinic Forum. KAJ. —Al Janis. KFWB. —Chef Milani. KMPC. *News. KPAS.

KMTR KFI KECA rHi KFVD PAS KFSG KGFJ KFIR4 KFAC KGER -TTFSDT KMPCTKIEVTKFWETKNX1 ar0 KFOKTKGB TKVOI 570/-640-F790T 930-1-1020T TM 1240 TI330T1390-1-600 710 870 980 1070 100 1230 12 80 1360 1490

- Talbot. KMTR. —Les Adams. KFAC. *News. KliF.I. KGER. KFVD. — Music, KKK!). —sing and Swing. KFOX. —Pop. Orch., KFXM. *Cedric Foster. KIOE. KGB.

11:03—Music As You Like It, Kl'AS. 11:15—Arnold Grimm's Daughter.

—Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories. KNX.

—Family Doctor, KECA. —Lost Empire, KEAs. — Music. RGE.I. WEND. — Konjola. KFOX. —Good Neighbor. KGER. —Henien on Earth. KFSD. —KGB Presents, KGB. — Music. KFXM. KY fib'-

11:30—Guiding Light, K n. — We Lose and Learn. KNX. —Chaplain Jim. U. S. A.. KECA —Eddie Albright. KH.11. —Denny Shane. KMPC. —Pasadena Independent. KPASI *News. KMTR. KRKII. KFOX. —Polly Patterson. KFAC. —City Dwellers. KGFJ. —school of the Air. KGB. —Public Service. KFSD. —Pianos, FUND. —Federal Music. KVOE.

11:15—Hymns of All Churches. KFI. —The Goldhergs. KNX. *News. KECA. ELFS11. —Carnation Bourmet. RAJ. —Poet's TAIL KMPC. — Milady Speaks. KPAS. —Volney James. KMTR. — Music, KGFJ. ERR!). —Treasury Star Parade. KFOX. —Lest We Forget. RGER. —Violet Schram. KEVD. —School of Air, KVOE. KFXM.

12— Farm Reporter, Kit —Rhythm Minutes. KNX. *Broadway News. K M —Prescott Presents. KECA. —Al Jarvis. KFWB. — War Service Bureau. KMPC. — RP M; Entertains, KPAS. —Christian Business Men. KMTR.

—Strike Up the Band, KFAC. — Music. ERR!). *News. KGFJ. KGER. KGB, KVOE.

—Tin Pan Alley, KFOX. —Singin' Sa m, KFXM. — House Nest Door. KFSD. —Editor of Air. KFVD.

12:05—Music. KGER. 12:15—Ma Perkins. Kit.


TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Program% in Boldface.

Yariety Outstanding Music 12:30—Columbus B M's* Choir.

KGB-KFXM-S1 OE. 2:30—Classic Hour. KECA. 6:00—American Melody Hour,

KNX. 6:00--Evening Concert. KFAC. Alla—Pleasure Time, RE!. 8:15—Glenn Miller, KNX. 10:00—Lneky Lager Dance Ti,,..

)CFA('. 10:30—Eastside Dance Tonite.

KFWB-KFSD. 10:35—Masterworks. KNX. 11:00—Philharmonia, KECA.

Public /I'fairs Goiernnient Repori.

Kul. 5:13—America's Home Front.

KNX. 6:30—Report to Nation, KNX. 6:30—This Nation at War.

KECA-KFSIL 11:20—Public Affairs. KNX.

Sports—Coniment 1:00—Major League Baseball.

113114. 1:15—New lurk Racing Season.

KHJ-KFX31-KGB-KYOF. 3:15—Baseball Roundup, K M

K B-KFXM-KVOE. 6:00--Sports Roundup. KECA. 7:45-1nside of Sports, FLHJ-

KGB-KS 0E-KFXM. 8:15—Baseball: Hollywood is

San Diego. KFAC. IA: Li—Bowling Notes. K 10:15—Sports Roundup. KFI. 10:30—Sports Program. KNX.

— Homemaker's Club, 1111J. — Music. KGFJ. —.Cisil Seri We. KGER. —Rhythm and Romance. KGB. —Pres, olt l'resents. —Luncheon 31usic, KEY D. —Luncheon Dance. KVOE.

12:30—Pepper Young's Family. KEL —Joyce Jordan. KNX. — Men of the sea. KECA. tu.str *News. itiF wti. KPAS. KFAC. — Music, K31PC. KGER. —Jimmie's Saddle Pa k, KAKI/. —Garden School, KFOX. ...-Columbus Boys' Choir. KFX31, KGB. KVOE.

—Violet Schram. KFVD. 12:13—Right to Happiness, KFI.

— Woman of Courage. KNX. *Clete Roberts. KECA. - Camden Orch., KHJ, KGB. KVOE.

—From the Himont, Kmrc. KFIV1L

—Clus•ical Music. KFAC. —Rumba Time. KPAS. —You Can't Do Business with Hitler. KGER.

—Pop. Orch., KFAM. —Farm and Home, KFSD.

—Backstage Wife. Krt. —Stepniother. KS X —Bill's IV as Shop. RAJ, RI NM. KGB. KI OR.

—Siesta Time, KE('A. —Today's War Moods. KFWB. — Major League Baseball KMPC.

— Marching Mood. KPAS. *News, KMTR. KGFJ. KGER. KIND.

—Science of Mind. KFAC. — Mentor:es. KRKD. — Matinee Melodies. KFOX. —Farm and Hierne Hour, REM).

1:05—Officials on Parade. KGER. 1:15—Stella Dallas. KFI.

— Nancy Dixon, ANN. —Club Matinee. RE( A. KESI). — N. Y. Racing Season. KH.I, KFNM, KGB. KVOE.

—Jubilee, KINVIL —Island Melodies. Kl'AS. —Nick's Spot, KMTR. — .I. Newton Isles. Organ, KEA('.

— Meet the Rand, KGF:. — Music. KRI M.

AEON. — Moods in Music, KFVD.

1:20—Bits of Hits. KGER. 1:30—Lorenzo Jones. KFI.

—Housewii es Protectiie League. KNX.

— Mutual Goes Calling, KHJ, KGB, KVIIE. KFX-M.

— Hollywood /Bid. Quiz, KE WB. *News. K31PC. —Today's Almanac, KPAS. *Lyman Smith, KMTR. — Music, KGFJ. —Classical Music KFAC. —Saliatore Santaella. KRKD. *Christian Science Monitor Views the News, KFOX.

—Spanish Trio. KGER. — Women in Cit ilian Defense, KFSD.

—Hawaiian. KIND. 1:35—Ann Gibson, KIND. 1:15—Young Widder Brown. K R.

—H. Horlick Orris.. KEN B. —Polly Patterson. KFAC. — Music. KMTR. —Toe Tapping Time. Kl'AS. *News, Music. KRKIL —Blend of the Blues. KFOX. —On With Dance. KFSD. — Music lily, KIND. — Mutual Family. KVOE.

1:53*News. KECA. KFSD.

11— When Girl Marries, AFL ifs —Care owl Carter, KNX. —Dine. Dance. K11.1. *Bjoruson from Iceland, KECA —Hal Styles. KF WB. — Major League Baseball. F(311.C.

—Do You Remember?. KPAS. —Polly Patterson. KFAC.

KMTR. *- News. KGF.1. KGER. —Race Resume. AHED. —South American Music KFOX.

—President's Press Conference. KFX31. KGB. K111E.

—Songs by Sonia. KFSD. — Music Boy. KIND.

2:03-11usie, KRK1), KS III'.. KGB KFNM, KGER.

2:10—Songs by KE( 2:13—Portia Faces Life. NFL

—Road of Life. KS X. —Sweet and Sentimental. Kill. KVOE.

—Songs of Faith. KEAC. —Contrasts in Rhythm. KPAS.


MAY 24, 1942 RADI O LIFE PAGE 29 TUESDAY LOGS -Civic. KGFJ. &EON. -Pop. Orch.. RFX.M. *News. KIND. -P.-T. A.„ KGB. -Organ. REVD.

.1:30-The Andersons. 101. * William Winter, News, ENT. -Classic Hour. KECA. *News. KHJ, KFWB. KRKD, KFXM. KGB, 16,41E..

-Classic Music. KFAC: -Salvation Army. R EP. --Songs of the West. HEI M. - B. Band. KGER. -House in the Country. KFSD. -Romantic Rhythm. KFVD.

.1:45-Lone Journey. RE!. -Scattergood Baines. KNX. -Bookworm, KILL KGB, KVOE - W. P. A. Concert. KIWIS. *News. KMPC. KFVD. -Let's Play Bridge. KPAS. -The Little Show, KFON. -Civic Spotlite, REAM. -Chaplain Jim. U. S. A.. KIND

3-Vic and Sade. RU!.-Dave Lane. Songs. KNX. B. S. Bercoviel, KILL I MIE. KGB.

-Classic hour. KECA. *Newt.. KERB. KGEJ. ELMTB. KGER.

-Off the Record. KMPC. - Musical Comedy Favorites. KPAS.

-(lassical Music. KFAC. -Music, KRK1). KIND. -i.Mumic And se ws. KFON. -Cn II on Ministerial Union,

- Western Five. KESD.

3:15--The Benin's. OWL -Voice of Broadway. KNX. -Baseball Roundup. KHJ. KGB. RFX.M. KVIDE.

-Song of, the Islands. KERB. -Symphony. KFAC. *News. KIPAs. -Church of Realitation,, KMTR. -America Calling KIND•

3:20 -Side Show. M I. -Long Hea rn Band. KGER. -Unscheduled, RENA, KGB. KATIE.

3:30-Against the Storm EWE -Singing Neighbor. KNX. -Pasadena Reporting, RAJ. - What's lining. KECA. -Pop. Orch.. KERB. -Church Wagon Rhythm. KPAS -Pianos. KMTR. -Concert Time. KGFJ. *News, KRKD. -Listening Time, KESEL

3:35-Music. KICK!). 3:15*News.

-The World Today. KNX. -Escorts, KECA. KIND. - Musical Matinee, KHJ, KGB. KVOE.

-SanteeIla Ensemble. KMTR. - in011 Aftern011n. Soldier. KEANE

3z35--Gooney Tunes. KGB.

4-Art Baker's Notebook. KEA. R--Second Mrs. Burton. KNN. -Ens), Area, KECA. KIND. *Fulton Lewitt. KILL KFXM KGB. KVOE.

-Don Milligan. KERB. - Musical Headlines. KNIPC. -Symphony. REV'. -Swing Shift. K l'As. -Woman's World. *News. KGF.1. ELFOX. KGER. -Musk. FRIED. -Reeorderl Rh, 'km . KIX I).

I :13._ souse or. Malone. RN X. --Johnson Flintily. KILL REAM. KGB. KVOE..

-Mr. Keen. FiEt A. KIND. -Salon Modern.. KMpc. -Classical Nliisic. KFAC. -M's fellow! Built. M OLD. -Musk. KGFJ. -George strange. KGER. *News. KIFV1).

4:30--House Nest Door. KIVI. *News. Dirk Joy. KNX. *News. KECA. -Music KH.1. -Pop. 111,141.. KFX111. -L. A. City College, KFAC. -Remember wit h Floretta. KPAS.

-Music, KIIKIL -Memory Time. litiF.I. -Ten Diuketime. FLGEIC

-Confidentially Yours. KGB. KVOE.

-s-Tea Time. Kir% D. 4:35-Galen Drake. KNN. 4:45-Your Government Reports.

EFL - Music Depreciation. KHJ. KFXM. KGB. 11%11E.

-Novelty Recite. KEC.1. -.Stuart Hamblen. KEW IL -Christian Science. KFA.C. -Top Pops, IlMPC. - Melody and Madness, KPAS. - Music. KI.F.I. *News, KRKIL

5-Don Winslow. K n. -Afternoon Dances. KNX. *Broadway News, KHJ. *Alvin Wilder. KECA. -Stuart Hamblen. KFWB. -Foreman of Flying Y. KMPC. - Music. KPAS. -Dr. Davies. KMTR. *News, ITE M% KGFJ, HE MS. KGER. KIND.

-Songs of the Saddle. KRKD. -Sunshine Pastor. KFOX. -George Bacon. K(;B. -Popular Favorites. Kill)

KVOE. 5:0:S-- Latin Hour, KGER. 5:15*News, ELF1, KMP('. KFV1).

-America's Home Front. KNX. - Music by Sweeten, KECA. -Bert Butterworth, KHJ. -Crimson Trail. KPAS. -Vernon Steele. RU M'. - Music. KGFJ. - l. Richards Orch.. KFXM. KGB.

- On With the Donee. KIND. -No linglines% With Hiller. K%0E.

5:10-.1. Richards Orch., RILL 5:30-Heidt Treasure Chest. K n.

-Harry W. Flannery HIST. *News. KECA. KMTR. -(apt. Midnight. KILL KENN,. KGB, KVIIE.

-.lark Owens. RE( A. KIND. -Uncle Harry. KMPC. -Bing Sings. KPAS. -Sports Secrets. KGE,I. -Race RP1611111.. KRKD. -Swing and Sweet. REVD.

5:45 -Jack Armstrong, KH.11, arxm. KGB. K%0E.

*News of World. KECA. KIND - Musk. KMTR. -Dick Ross, RI-OX.

3:55*News. Elmer Davis. KNX. - Music, KMTR.

6-Burns and Allen. K M -American Melody Hour. KNX. *News. Hentter. KILL _sports Roundup. RECA. *News. KERR, KPAS. M I/X. KGER.

-Sports Page. KMPC. -Irwin Allen. KMTR. -Evening Concert. KEAC. -Italian Melodies. FIGF.I. -U.S.43. News. REND. KGB. -Serenade, REND.

6:05-Safety Talk. REND. -Pop. (tech.. KFXM.

6:10-Snorts. KFOX. -Race Results. Kl'As. -Toast to Allies. KGB.

6:15*News. KECA. RH& KFXM. KGB. KVOE.

*Mrs. H. H. Chang. REV. B. -santaella Ens.. IINITIL -U. S. Army. RO M'. -Big Brother Club. KPAS. -U. S. Marines. KIND.

6:30-Fibber McGee and Molly. KEW.

-Report to the Nation. KNX. -This Nation at War. liECA. KIND.

-R. Ryser Orch., KILL FitA511. K(.B. FIVOE.

-Pop. Orch.. REM B. *News. FINIP(•. REID. -Sergei Malaysky. KPAS. -Radio Re% hill. KEON. -Prophecy Speaks. KGER. -Evening Serenade. KFV1).

6:15* W. A. (ECarroll. KILL KGB.

-1.. A. Defense Council. K

-Life and the Land. KNIPC. KVITIL KICK!).

-- Dinner Mardi'. KPAS. *FAI KFOX. - Marine Program. KiN511.

-Evening Serenade. REVD. 6:55-Ramona. KECA, KFSD.

-salute to Allies. KHJ.

17 -Rob Hope, K M. - Music in the Night. KNX. -T. Dorsey Orch.. KECA. *News and Views, KHJ. KFXM. KGB. KVOE.

-A. Kontelanetz Orch.. KERB. -Strollin' Tom. KMPC. -Sunset Serenade. KPAS. *News. KMTR, KGER. KRI M -Evening Concert. KFAC. -Spanish Hour. KGFJ. -Strictly for Sportsmen, KFOX -Camp Callan. KFSD. -Evening Serenade, KFVD.

1:05-American Jewish Hour. KGER 7:15*News. KECA.

-Cocktail Hour. KMPC. -Listeners' Digest. KPAS. - Music. KMTR. -Three Quarter Time, KRKD. -On With the Dance. KESD. -George Bacon. KGB. - Meet the Band. KFOX.

3:30-Red Skelton A Company. KFL -Red Ryder. KECA READ. -Time Oat for Melody, KNX. *News. KE RB. -Do You Know?, KRKD. -Literature on Parade. KFOX.

7:45-Inside of Sports. 110.1, KFXM. KGB. KVOE.

*Frazier Hunt. News. KNX. *Robert Arden. KFWB. KFOX. -Timely Tunes. KPAS.

0 -Fred Waring. K Y!. er -Amos 'n' Andy. KNX. -Three Ring Time. RECA, KIND.

- What's My Name?. KHJ. KFXM. KGB. KVOE.


- Musical Comedy Gems. KIrlITIR -Szatli-Nlyri, KPAS. - Music. KMTR. -Organ. KFOX.

11:05-Spanish Hour. Kura. 8:15-Lum and Abner. KEE

-Glenn Miller Orch., ENT. -I.and Man. KNIPC. -Baseball: Hollywood vs. San Diego. KI M'.

- Music. KGF.I. 6:30 -Johnny Presents. RE!.

-Are You a Missing Heir?, KNX.

-The Shadow, HILL -Information Please. KECA. KFSD.

*News, KFWB. - Meet the Band. KNIPC. -Remember Pearl Harbor. KG F.).

-Jaffee Gardner. K NOX. KPAS. -R. Bundy Orch., KFXM. KGB, KS 0E.

A : 15*Faces and fifteen. ISIVIPC. -Pop. Orch., REI M - Moshe. KMTR.

• -M. Merrick Orch.. KS OR.

99-Tile Thin Man, Kit-h. Tavern. KNX.


-Theater of Fame. HEWN. -Clitir rn of Open Door. KPAS. -Peter roller. FEMPC. -Baseball. RE M'. -Church of Christ HEI M. -Doctors Courageous. KFSD.

KGER. 9:15*Ilillman and Lindley. KECA.

-story Teller. KILL KGF.1.

-- O. Tneker Orch.. KFXM. K % OR.

- . Agnew Welt_ WIND. -In the Gloaming. KGB.

9:30 P.M. -KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"

10:30 P.M. -KFI "Inside the News"


9:30-Battle of Mese. KFI. -Bob Burns anti Guests, KNX

*Erskine Johnson, H'woodSpot-light (Thrifty Drug). K v ,CA.

*Fulton Lewis. ELHJ. KGB. KVOE.

*News, KIRK. 'USG. H MI. *Jack Lester. KMTR. -Informed Democracy, KPAS. -Rev. (*much. K(iER. -Varieties, KFOX. -Redlands University. RE'XIS.

9:35-Angelus Choir. KFSG. 9:45*Rodriguez and Sutherland.

KECA. Reiclunan Orch., KHJ,

- KGB. -Neil Reagan. KFIVIL *News. KPAS. -Bob Brooks. KMTR. - Music, KGFJ. - Kaye Orch.. KFSD. -Let's Dance. KVOE.

9:55*News. KFSD. -Dave Lane, ILNX.

10-Cogat Rumba Berne, KECA, KF81).

*Richfield News. K Y!. *News. KNX. KGEJ. KGER. irl'ontimmus Newsreel. KHJ. -Billie Holliday, K M B. - What's New?. KM PC. -Broadway Bandwagon. KPAS. -Viennese Ensemble, EM?)!. -Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC.

-Varieties, KFOX. *News, Salute to Allies. KFX111.

-Esther 1FrIcke Stuart. KlMSG. -J. Savitt Orch., KGB, KVOE.

10:10-0Igie Graves. EGER. -J. Savitt Orch.. KFXM.

10:15-Sports Roundup. K n. - Music, ILXX, ELMTR. -Bowling Notes. KFWB. - W. Monona Orch.,

10:26-Some Like It Sweet. Kr %S.

DANCE Tonite 10.30 to 11:33 P. M.

Every Nite Except Sunday

KF WB A merica's Finest '

10:30-H. James Orcia. KECA. *Inside the 'iews. (Thrifty Drug) FEEL

-Sports Program, IINX. -N:astside Dance Tonite. KERB. KIND.

*News, EIMPC. M SG. -In the Still of the Night. KPAS.

- Wesley Steadman. KGFJ. -Bomb Shelter, FiFON. -King S; Pannell Orch., KGB. REN51. KVOE.

lai n-Masterworks. KNX. -Suzanne Corliss, KFSG.

10:45-H. Owens Only.. K Y!. -c. Kennedy Trio. KSIPC. -Ira Stanphill. KESG. -King A Pannell Orch.. KEXM.

10:55--Nothing But Praise. ILFI.

ill -E. Fitzgerold Orch., RHJ, KGB. KVOE.

-Philliarmonia. KECA. *News. KEE FIGF.I. *News. Manning. KNX. -Enstside Dante Tonne. KERB. KIND.

--'scir.e It. Please!. EISIPC. -H. Henry Oct-h,, KMTR. -Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC.

-Dance Tunes. KPAS. -Music. KFOX. -Somerset House Piano. HERM

11:15-P. Barris iirch.. KFI. -Music. KNITIL -Ornma. KING.

II :?hl-Puubiin Affairs, KNN. 11:30-J. Savitt KILL RI AM.

KGB. KVOE. -Music Yon Want. liFIVB. *News. .:NITIL KING. -Music to Remember. Kl'AS. -Organ. KNNI).

11:35-M. Strand Oreli.. KNX. -John Vitallo. Organ. KING.

II :15-Melodies at M;diught, 11:55*News. KNX. KN WIS.

"Shore Leave IN

Sailors at a San Francisco base ha‘i given Dinah Shore's Friday night sing-show on the Blue a tag of their own. In a letter to Dinah last week, the gobs said: "We like the program so well we're calling it 'Shore Leave!'"


For moncy saving change -


Buy War Stamps With The Atone,' You Sarc

WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 * Indicates Ne%, s Brit:0,11.A

0 —Johnny Murray, KFI. 0 —Jack Hera, Songs, 1LNX. —Breakfast Club, K M. KFWB, KFXM. KIND. KGB, KVOE.

— Musical Clock. KECA. —Andy and Virginia, KMPC. *News, KPAS. KGFJ. KFOX. EWER.

—Spanish Program, KMTR. —Country Church, KFAC. — Music. EKED. —Covered Wagon Jubilee KFVD.

8:05 —Soul Patrol. KGER. 8:15—Art Baker, KFI.

— Melody Express. KNX.

——MBraerakkeftass ta nCdl uSbp. oKrtEs.C AK.MPC.

—Breakfast Serenade. KGFJ. —Dr. Lovell, KFOX. — Mlzpah, KGER. — Helen Weft. KFSD.

8:30*News, K M, KHJ, KRKD KVOE. KECA.

—Valiant Lady, KNX. —Unity Daily Word, KMPC. — Dr. Clem Davies, KMTR. — Haven of Rest. KPAS. —Strollin' Tom. KFA('. —Songs of the West. KFOX. —Sunshine Service. KFXM. —Serenading You. KGB. —Good Cheer. KIND.

8:35—Music, KRKD. 8:45—David Harum. KFI.

—Stories America Loves. KNX. — Miss 5Ieade's Children, KHJ. KVOE.

—Robert Lee Johnson, KECA. — Mildred Lager. KFAC. —Dr. Weisman. KGFJ. —Classified, KFOX. — KGB Presents. KGB. —Rev. Bennington. KGER. *News. KFSD.

9—Bess Johnson, EFL —Kate Smith, KNX. *John B. Hughes. K M. KGB. KS OF:.

—Prairie Schooner, KPAS. —Breakfast Club. KECA. KFWB.


— Highland Park Baptist Church, KMTR.

— Daily Inspirational, KFAC.

—Sagebrush Serenade. EKED.—firebrands for Jesus. KFOX.

—— WPoalllyt z PTaitmteer,s oKn.F VKDF.SD.

9:03—Rev. Erickson. KGER. —On With the Dance. KFSD.

9:15—Bachelor's Children. KT L —Big Sister. KINX. —Victor Lindlahr. KGB. — Here's to the Ladies. KECA. —Lady Be Good. KMPC. *News, KMTR. KFVD. —Voice of Health. EFAC.

——MMuasrcich. AKhGeaFdJ .of Time. ((GER. —Old Family Almanac. KFX31. —Health Talk, KIND. — Morning Melodies. KVOE.

9130*News, KF1, 11Fil B. —Romance of Helen Trent

—NKoNrXm.a Young. KHJ. —Breakfast at Sardi's. KECA. KFSI).

—Family Bible, — Music. Kl'AS. EKED. — W. B. Record, KMTR. —-Classical Music. KFAC. —Revival. KGER. —Thru Feminine Eyes. KFXM. —Old Fashioned Girl. KVOE. —Ben Sweetland. KGB. —Dr. Richardson. KIND.

9:35—Three Quarter Time, KPAS. 9:45— What's Doing. K n.

—Our Gal Sunday, KNX. —Carl Zomar's Scrapbook, KFXM, KGB, KVOE.

—Bowling Center, KFWB. *News. KMPC. KKR!). —Aunt Martha. KPAS.

— Music. KMTR.—Treasury Star Parade. KFAC. —Full Gospel, KGER.

— Here Comes Parade. KFVD.10 —Agnes White, K N.

—Life Can Be Beautiful, KNX. *News, KHJ. KPAS. liliFJ. KFOX. !EGER. KFX.M. KGB, KVOE.


Talking. KECA. 5 5701-6401-790T 930-1-10 20T 1150 kvsm. 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230

—Dr. Clem Davies. KFWB. — Hi Mom, —Our Sa% iour's Lutheran Church, KMTR.

—Serenade, KFAC, KFVD. —Turf Bulletins. EKED.

10:05—Full Gospel. KGER. 10:15—Sketches in Melody, K n.

— Woman in White, KNX. —Town & Country Market. EFIJ —Second Husband. KECA. KFSD.

—Pop. Music, liFV111, KFXM. —Yesterday's Favorites. KJPAS. *News, KMTR. —Voice of Health. KGFJ. —Talk, KRKD. —Bible Forum, KFOX. — Molly Morse. KGB. —1'11 Find My May, KVOE.

10:30—Mirandy's Garden Patch, KF1. —Vie and Sade. KNX. —Amanda of Honeymoon Hill KECA. KFSD.


— Meet Priscilla Alden. KPAS. —Floyd B. Johnson, KMTR. — Music, KGFJ. —Voice of Government. KRKD —Petite Musicale, KFOX. — Helen Markham. KGER. —Union Rescue Mission. KFVD.

10333— Women Today, KHJ, KGB. A MY!, KVOE.

10:43—Dr. Kate. K n. —Jane Endicott. KNX. —John's Other Wife. KECA KFSD.

—1'11 Find My May, KHJ. *News, KFWB. KRKD. —Charm Notes, KMPC. —Health Talk. KMTR. —Classical Music, KFAC. —organ Music. KFOX. —Sunshine Pastor. KGER. — Don Norman, KFXM, KGB. KVOE.

*Monitor News, KVOE. 10:50—Music. EKED.

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4.

a Dollar No More" KMPC-11:00 A. M.

11 —Light of the World, KFI. —Bright Horizon. KNX. *Cedric Foster, KILL KGB, KVOE.

—Just Plain Bill, KECA. KFSD —Al Jarvis. KFWB. —Chet Milani. KMPC. *News. KPAS. KGFJ. KGER. KFVD.


1240 -T-13301-13901-1280 1360 1490

—Dr. Talbot, KMTR. —Les Adams, KFAC. — Music, EKED. —Pop. Orch.. REAM. --Sing and Swing. KFOX.

11:05—Music As You Like It, KPAS. 11:55—Arnold Grimm's Daughter

Ell. —Aunt Jenny's Stories. 11.31X. —Between the Bookends, KECA. — Market Place, KHJ. —Lost Empire. KPAS. — Music. KGFJ. KFVD. .—Konjola. KFOX. —Good Neighbor. KGER. —Concert. KFXM. — KGB Presents. KGB. — Doctor Mac, KIND. —Rhythm By:. KVOE.

11:30—Guiding Light, K n. — We Love and Learn, KNX. —Eddie Albright. KHJ. —Chaplain Jim. U.S.A.. KECA —Beauty Counselor, KMPC. —Pasadena Independent. KPAS. *News, KMTR. EKED. KFOX. —Polly Patterson. KFAC. —City Dwellers. KGFJ. —Pop. () Mi., KFXM. —Jubilee Four. KGB. KVOE. —Public Service, KFSD. —Pianos, KFIVD.

11:45—Hymns of All Churches. K n. —The Goldberg's. KNX. —Treasury Star Parade, KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE.

*News. KECA. KFSD. —Poet's Hill, ILMPC. — Milady Speaks. KPAS. —Volney James. KMTR. — Music, KGFJ. E KED. KGER. —Dapper Dan. EFOX. —Violet Schram, KFVD.

—Farm Reporter, K n. —Rhythm Minutes KNX. *Broadway News. KHJ. —Prescott Presents, KECA KFSD.

—Al Jarvis. EFWB. — War Service Bureau. KMPC. —KPAS Entertains. RYAS. — Music. KMTR, KRKD. —Strike Up the Band, KFAC. *News. KGFJ. KGER. KGB, KVOE.

—Tin Pan Alley. KFOX. —Singin' Sam, KFXM. —Editor of Air. KIND.

11:05—Music. KGER. 12:15—Ma Perkins, K n.


—Homemaker's Club, KELE —Radio News Reel, KMTR. — Music'. KGFJ . —Officials. KGF:11. —Dr. Bob Jones, KGB.


WEDNESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in LIghtface Tyne: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:00—Johnny Murray. KFI. 8:15—Art Baker, KFI. 9:00—Kate Smith. KNX. 0:30—Break f net at Sardi's.

KECA-KFSD. 11:00--;Chef Milani, KMPC. 11:15—Market Place, KHJ. 1:15—Club Matinee, KECA. 4:00—Art Baker's Notebook,

KY!. 5:30—It Happened in the Ser-

vice. EFL 6:00 —Eddie Cantor, 6:30—Ransom Sherman. KN.'. 1:00—Kay Kyser, KFI. 8:00—Amos 'n' Andy .KNX. 8:00—Point Sublime, KFI. 8:30—Tune Cp. America, KHJ-

FEGB-K% OR. 8:30—Uncle Walter's Dog House.

KF1. 10:00—Basin St. Music, KECA.

Drama 6:00 —Shirley Temple, KNX, 6:30—Mr. District Attorney, KF1 6:30—Pasadena Community

Playhouse, KPAS. 7:30—Lone Ranger. KHJ-KGB-

KVOE. 8:30—Manhattan at Midnight,

FIECA-FEFS1). 8:30—Dr. Christian. KNX. 9:00—That Brewster Boy. KNX.

Quiz Programs 6:30 —Calloway Quizzicale,

KECA. 8:00—Quiz Kids, KECA-KFSD. -11:00—Quiz Court (PDQ Petrol)


Outstanding Music 2:30 —Classic Hour. KECA.s 3:30—Frank l'arker. KNX. 5:00—Nelson Eddy Show. KNX 6:00—Evening Concert, KFAC. 7:00 —Great Moments in Music.

KNX. 8:13 —Glenn Miller. KNX. 10:00—Lucky Lager Dance Time

KFAC. 10 :30—Eastside Dance Tonite.

KFWB-KFSD, 10:35—Masterworks. ,KNX. 11:00—Philharmonia. KECA.

Public ,1 ff airs 7 :00—Three Thirds of a Nation


Sports—Comment 1:00—MaJor League Baseball,

KMPC. 1:15—New York Racing Season

KHJ-KFXM-KG11-KVOE. 3:15—Baseball Roundup. KI1J

KGR-KFXM-KVOE. 6:0a—Sports Roundup. KECA. 8:15—Baseball: Hollywood vs

San Diego. KFA('. 1LO:15—Bowling Notes. KFWB. 10:30—Sports Program. ILNX.

—H. Ball Trio. KFSD. —Luncheon Music. KFVD. —Luncheon Dance, KVOE.

12:30—Pepper Young's Family, KFL —Joyce Jordan. KNX. — Men of the Sea. KECA. KFSD *News. KFWB. KPAS. KFAC. — Music, KMTR. KMPC, KELM. —Saddle Pals. EKED. — Kitchen Garden. KFOX. —Students of Defense. KGER. —Three for Ten, KGB, KVOE. —Gospel in Song. KFVD.

12:45—Right to Happiness, KFI. — Woman of Courage. KNX. *Clete Roberts. KECA. —Lowry Kohler, Songs, K M, KFXM, KGB, KVOE.

—Jubilee. KFWB. —From the Dugout, KMPC. —Rumba Time, KPAS. —Classical Music, KFAC. —U. S. Army, KGFJ. —Science of Mind, KFOX. —Navy News, KGER. —Violet Schram, KFVD. —National Farm and Home Hour. KFSD.

1—Backstage Wife, K n. —Stepmother, KNX. —Bill's W ax Shop, W M, KE LM. KGB. KVOE.

—Arthur Tracy. KECA. —Today's War Moods. KFWB — Major League Baseball. KMPC.

— Marching Mood. KPAS. *News, KMTR. KGER. KFVD.

--sii(44}n.jce. of Mind. KFAC. — Memories, KRKD. — Musk, KFOX. ,-Farm and Home Hour, KFSD.

1:05—It's Dance Time, KGER. 1:13—Stella Dallas. K n.

—Nancy Dixon, KNX. —Club Matinee, KE( A. —New York Racing Season, KILL KFXM. KGB, KVOE.

—Jubilee. KFWB. —Island Melodies. KPAS. —Nick's Spot, KMTR. - N. Yates. Organ, KFAC. —Meet the Band, KGFJ.


—P.- -T. A., KFSD. — Moods in Music. KIND.

1:30—Lorenzo Jones. Kfl. — Housewives Protective League. KNX.

— Mutual Goes Calling, KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE.

—Hollywood Ithd. Quiz, KFWB. —Today's Almanac. KPAS. *Lyman Smith, KMTR. --Salvatore Santaella, —Classical Music. KFAC. — Music, KG P.1. —Christian Science, KFOX. —Spanish Trio, KGER. — Ann Gibson. KIND. — Hauniian Music. K M).

1:45—Young Widder Brown. EFI. — H. Horlick (Inch, KFWB. — Music, KMTR. —Toe Tapping Time. KPAS. *News, KRKD. —Civilian Defeuse. KGFJ. —Blend of Blues. KFOX. *Ad Club. KFSD. — Music City. KFVD,

1:50—Music, JIVED. 1:55*News, KECA. KFSD.

411— When A Girl Marries, KFI. (G —Dine, Dance, KHJ. —Carr and Carter. FL'NX. —Just a Memory, KECA. —Hal Styles, KICIVB. —Classical Music, KFAC. — Major League Baseball.

111 1 ."(o!—1 u• Remember?. KPAS. KMTR.

*N- ews: KGFJ. KGER. —Race Resume. KRKD. —South American. KFOX. —Pop. °rill.. KFX)1. —Just a Memory. KFSD. — Music Box. KIND. —Investment Problems. KGB. —Chic, KVOE.

2:05—Music, KGER. 2:15—Portia Faces Life. KFI.

—Road of I.ife, KNX. —Sweet and Sentimental. KFXM. KGB, K10E.

—Salvation Army. KFAC. —Contrasts in Rhythm. KPAS. —Civic. KGF.I. • —Public Bulletin. KFOX. —P.-T. A.. KGF.',11. *News, KIND. —Organ. KFVD.

2:30—The Andersons. K M. *William Winter, News. KFiX. —Classic Hour, KECA.


—Classical Music. KFAC. — Music. KGFJ. —Songs of the West. KFOX. —Long Reach Band. HOER. —House In the Country, KIND. —Romantic Rhythm. KFVD.

2:45—Lone Journey. —Scattergood Baines. KNX. —Bookworm, KHJ. KVOE. KGB.

*News. 11111PC. KFVD. —Let's Play Bridge. KPAS. — Music. KRKD. KE WB. —Little Show. KFOX.

Spotlight. KFXM. —Chaplain Jim. V. S. A.. KFS111

3—Vie and Sade, KFI. —Dave Lane. Songs. KNX. *B. S. Bercovici K M. KGB KVOE.

—Classic Hour. KECA. *News. KFWIL KNITH KGFJ. KGER.

—Off the Record. KMPC. — Musical t'omedy Favorites. KPAS.

— Music by Martin. KRKD. —Classical Musk. KFAC. —Musk & News, KFOX. —City Schools Music. KFXM. —string Quartet, KIND. —Pop. Favorites, KIND.

3:13—The Hartong, KFI. —Edgar Harrison WIlemma, KNX.

—Baseball Roundup. K11.1 KEXNI. KGB. KVOE.

—Song of the Islands, KF WB. —Symphony. KFAC. *News. Kl'AS. —D. C. Tracy. KMTR. —Concert Time. KGFJ. —America Calling. KIND.

3:20—Side Show. KILL —Unscheduled, M ANI, KGB. K VOE.

—Long Beach Band, KGER.

3:30—Against the Storm, KEIL —Frank Parker. KNX. — What's lining. KFCA. —J. Richards 'tech.. KHJ. —Pop. Orcle.. KFWB. —Chuck Wagon Rhythm. KPAS —Pianos. KMTR. *News. KRED. —Trading Post. KENN!. —Listening Time. KIND. —Off the Record. KGB. —Novelty Notes. KFVD. —Bargain Counter. KVOE.

3:35—Music. KRKD.

3:45*News, [CFI —The World Today KNX. —Vagabonds. KECA, KFSD. —J. Richards Drib.. KHJ. —Santaelln Ensemble. KMTR. —Good Afternoon Soldier. KFXM.

*Monitor NPFS, KGB. —Rhumba Musk. KIND.

3:55—Forest Lawn. 'KILL •

HEAR PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD 4 p.m. —KMTR

4—Art Baker's Notebook, KFI. .1E —Second Mrs. Burton. KNX. —Easy Aces. KEI A KIND. *Fulton Lewis. K11.1 KFXM. RIVE. KGB.

— Woman's World (with Pierre , KM TB.

*News. KGFJ. REBA, KGER —Don Milligan KFWB — Musical Headlines. KMPC. —Tell Me Your Problem, KPAS. —Symphony, KEA('. —Music RU M). —Recorded Rhythm. KI ND.

4:115—Voung Dr. Malone, KNX. —Johnson Family KHJ, KGB KVOL. KFX31.

—Mr .Keen. KECA. RIND. —Salon Moderne, KNIPC. —L. A. City College. KFAC. —Swing Shift. KPAS. —Tea Time, KGFJ. —Movieland Quiz, K M). —Jamboree, KFOX. —George Strange. KGER. *News. KFVD.

4130—Bridge Club, KFI. *News. KNX, KECA, KMPC,

.—Morton Gould Oreh., K111. KGB. KVOE.

—Pop. Orch., KFWB. —Remember with Florettn. KPAS.

— Music. KRKD. —Ten Dancetime. KGER. —Dr. Philip Lovell. —Young Man With a Clarinet KIND.

—Tea Time Music, KFVD. 4:35 —Galen Drake. KNX. 4:45*News, KRKD.

—10-2-.4 Ranch, KECA. —Stuart Hamblen. KF WB. — Hollywood Chatterbox. KMPC. —Classical Music. KFAC. — Melody and Madness. KPAS. —Pop. Orch. KFXM. —On With the Dance, KFSD. —Better flumes. KGB.

5—Don Winslow. KFI. QV —Nelson Eddy Show, KNX. *Broadway News. KHJ. *Alvin Wilder. KECA. —Stuart Hamblen. KFWB. —Top Pops. K W('

Time, KPAS. —- Dr. Davies. KMTR. *News. KFAC. KGFJ. KGER KFXM, KIND.

—songs of Saddle. IIERIED. —Sunshine Pastor. KFOX. —George Bacon, KGB. —Popular Favorites, Krvn.


5:05—Latin flour. KGER. 5:15*News, KFI. KNIPC. KFVD.

—Sour Fittorite Band, KECA. Butterworth. KILL

—Crimson Trail. EWA'S. *Carroll Lunt, RFAC. — Music. KGF.1. —.1. Mud, Drum.. KFXM, KGB. KVOE.

—On With the Dance. KFSD.

5:20—J. Sudy Drib.. KHJ. 5:30—It Happened in the Service.

KFI. *Harry W. Flannery, KNX. *News, KECA. KMTR. KFSD. —('apt. Midnight. K11.1, KFXM. KGB. KVOE.

—Uncle Harry. KMPC. —Bleu Sings. Kl'AS. — Music. KFOX. — Whoa Bill ('lub, KFAC. —Sports Secrets. KGFJ. —Rare Results. KRKD. —911-90 Club. KIND.

5:45*By the Way With Bill Henry KFI.

*News. Bob Garred. KNX. *News of World. KECA, 181FS1) —Jack Armstrong. KHJ. KVIIIK KGB. KFXM.

*Our Daily Bread. KPAS. — Music. KNITR, KGFJ. KRKD. —Dick Ross. KFOX. —Evening Serenade, KIND.

5:55—Davis. News. KNX.

6—TIme to Smile, K n. —••.11anior Miss.“ KNX. *Gabriel Heatter. KH.1 KGB. —Sports Roundup. KECA. —,sports l'age, KNIPC. *News. KFWB. KPAS, KFOX KGER. KENN!.

—Irwin Allen. KMTR. —Evening Concert KFAC. —Italian Melodies, KGFJ. —Concert Music, KRKD. —Serenade. KFVD. —Basin St. Music. FCFSD. —Orange County Sews. KVOE.

6:10—Sportlight. KFOX. 6:15*News. KECA. KILL KGB

1(3 OE. —Star Parade. KMPC. —Big Brother Club. KPAS. *Dr. Chang, KFWB. —Mantitella Ens.. KMTR. —Dinner Music. KFOX. —Frank F.. Force. KGER.

6:30—Mr. District Attorney KFI. —Ransom Sherman RN X.

Quizzicale. RICCA —- Pass in Review. KILL KGB.

• KFXM, K311E. —Vacation Time. KFV1 B. *News, KNIPi KFV111. —Pasadena Community Play-house. Kl'AS.

—Pay Day, KMTR —Fannie Reinhart KGFJ. —Prophecy Speaks. KGER.s —Berger String Quartet. KFSIL

6:45—Ray Smith. KFWB. —Charles Garland. KMPC.

KMTR. KKK». *E- d Robbin, KFOX. —Evening Serenade, KFVD.

6:55—Ramona and Tune Twisters, KECA. KFSD.

—Toast to Allies, KGB.

7 —Kay

Kyser's Musical College. KFI.

—Great Moments in Music. KNX

*News & Views. KI M KGB. KVOE.

—Three Thirds of a Nation. KECA.

—Treasury Star Parade. KFWB. —Strollin' Tom. KMPC. —Sunset Serenade, KPAS. *News. KMTR. KRKD. KGER. —Evening Concert KFAC. —Spanish Hour. KGFJ. — Music. KPPC. —Strictly for Sportsmen. KFOX. —On With the Dance, KFSD. —Serenade. KFVD.

7:05—Amerlcan Jewish Hour, KGER 7:15—Toast to Allies, KILL

*News and Music. KF WB. —Cocktail Hour. KMPC. —Listeners' Digest. KPAS.

KMTR. —T- hree Quarter Time. KRKD. —Organ Recital. KPPC. —Meet the Band. KFON. —American School Kids, KFSD. —L. 7oillo Orch., KGB. KVOE.

7:20*Frank Cutlet, KILL 7:30—Time Out for Melody, KNX.

—Lightning Jim, KE('A, KIND. —Lone Ranger, KILL KGB, KVOE.

*SPW4. KIFVER. —710 Fun House. KMPC. —Let's Talk It Over. KPPC. —Do You Know?, KRKD. —Jewels in Musk, KFOX.

7:45*News. KNX. *Robert Arden. KFWB. KFOX. —Timely Tunes. KPAS. —Evangelistic Service, KFSG.

7:50—Music. KNX.

8—Point Sublime, EFI. —Amos 'n'Andy. KNX. — Wings Over the West Coast. KILL KGB. KVOE.

—Quiz Kids. KECA. —Sara Lea man. KFWB. *News, KMPC. KFAC. KGFJ. KGER.

— Music, ILMTR, KPAS. —Dr. James Leisliman. KPPC. —Rev. Russell. IRIOX.

8:05—Spanish Hour. KGER. 8:15—Glenn Miller Orch.. KNX.

—J. Reichman Orch., KHJ KGB. KVOE.

—I.and Man. KMPC. —Baseball: Hollywood vs. San Diego. KFAC.

—Friendly Advisor. KGFJ. 8:30—Uncle Walter's Dog House.

KFI. —Dr. Christian. KNX. —Tune Up America. KHJ. KGB. KVIIE.

— Manhattan at Midnight. ((EVA. KFMIL

*News. KFWB. —Meet the Rand. KMPC. —Fishing Facts, KMTR. —Our Guest for Tonight. KPAS. —Pasadena Jr. College, KPP(:. —Remember Pearl Harbor. SINGFJ. —Army Transcription. KFOX.

8:45—Faces and Places. KMPC. —Music, KFWB, KMTR. KGFJ. —Informed KPAS. —Bomb Shelter. KFOX.

8:55*News. KNX.

ink—gulz Court (PDQ Petrol), KFI.

—That Brewster Boy. KNX. *News. KECA. KHJ KVOE. KGB. litiF.1. KGER.

—l'iano Paintings. KFWB. —l'eler Potter. KNIP( —Church of Open Door. KPAS. —Floyd Johnson. KNITR —Baseball. KFA('. —Civic Music Assn.. KPPC. —Church of Christ. REOX. —C. Agnew (tech., KFSD.

9:05—Bread of Life, KGER. 9:15*Hillman and Lindley, 'MCA.

*Cal Tinney; KILL KGB, KVIIE.

—J. Dunn (tech.. KE WIL —('Ivilian Defense KPPC. —Maxie KGF.1. *News, KEOX.

9:30 P.M. —KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"

10:30 P.M. —KFI "Inside the News"

Presented by


—John Dooma. —1,1 Monte Foursnuare Church, GING.

- Kaye Orch., KFSD.

9:30 —Fred Waring Circle., KFI. * Winter. News. KNX. *Fulton Lewis. KHJ. KGB. KVOE. •

*Erskine Johnson. Hollywood Spotlight (Thrifty Drug). KECA *News, KFWB. KFXM. KFSG. KFSD.

*Jack Lester. KMTR. —Your Favorite Band. KPAS. — Music to Remember, KFOX. — Music, KGER.

9:35—El Monte Church. KFSG. 9:45 —Music by Sweeten. KFI.

*Rodriguez and Sutherland. KECA.

— Accent on Rhythm. KNX. —Hank Keene in Town, KELL KGB. KVOE.

—Neil Reagan. KF WB. *News. KPAS. —Bob Brooks. KMTR. —Voices in Song. KGER. *Cal Tinney, KFXM. —Spirit of L.I.F.E.. KFSCI. — Musical Souvenirs. KFSD.

1ft—What's New?, KMPC. 0 —Itasin St. Music, KECA. *Richfield News, KFI. *News. KNX, KGFJ. KGER. *Continuous Newsreel, KILL —Pop. Drell.. KiNift. —Viennese Ensemble. KMTR. —Broadway Bandwagon. KPAS. —Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC.

—I lob Alaham. KFOX. *News and Views, KFYLM. —Sky CI O. KIND. —George Bacon. KGB. —.1. Silvia Circle., KVOE.

10:10—Music, KGER. 10:15*Manelies'er Roddy. KFI.

—Songs, Buddy Clark. KNX. —Bowling Notes, KFWB. — W. Nlanone (tech.. KMPC. —Lamplighter. KPAS.

KMTR. —('arter Wright. KGFJ. —Dick Ross. KFOX. —Salute to America's Allies. KFXM.

—El Monte Foursquare Church. KFSG.

—R. Wilde Orch.. EiFSD. 10:20—Some 1.1ke It Sweet KPAS.

—J. Satin 0mb.. KFXM.

DANCE Tonite

' 10:30 to 11:30 P. M. . Esery Nile Except Sunday

KF WB America's Finest Bands

10:30*Inside the News (Thrift, Drug). KFI.

—Sports Program. KNX. —H. James Drib., KECA. —Eastside Dance Tonite, KFWIt. KIND.

*News. KNIPC, KFSG. —Top of the Hill KPAS. — Wesley Steadman. KGFJ. —Club Alabam. KFOX. —Pop. Concert. KGF:R. —R. u mber Orch.. KGB. KFX.M. KVOE.

10:35—Masterworkm. KNX. —El Monte Church, KFSG.

10:45—H. Owens Orch.. KFI. —C. Kennedy Trio. KMPC. — Music, litiFJ. — Majestic Ballroom. KFOX.

10:55—Nothing But Praise KFI.

11— E. Fitzgerald Orch., KHJ. KGB. KVOE.

*News. Krt. KNX. KGFJ. —Philliarmonia. KE('A. —Erestside Dance Tonite KI1VB. KFSD.

—'10-use It, Please!. KMPC. —1.tieky Lager Dance Time. KEAC.

—Diener Music. KPAS, KE W!. —Somerset House Piano. KFXM —H. Henry Orch. KMTR.

11:13—P Harris Orch. KFI. —Music. KMTR, KGFJ.

11:20—KNX-tra: Music. KNX. 11:30—M. Strand (tech. KNX.

—.I. Savitt Drell,, K M KGB. K's t)E. KFXM.

—Billie Holliday KF WB. —Music to Remember. Kl'AS. *News. KNITIL KFSG. —Cowboy Trio. KGFJ. —Organ. KFSD.

11:33—E1 Monte Foursquare Church. KING.

11:45—Melodies at Midnight. KFI. LI:55*News. KNX KFWB. KPAS.


THURSDAY, MAY 28 4. Indicates Nets + liroutIca•t

• • %Mow



8:30 A. N. MON.IIIItV I it I.

KPAS DIAL 1110 kr

0 —Johnny Vlurruy, KFI. —TreasHo !star Parade, KNX. —Breakfast Club, KN.). FUND, KVOE.. KGB.

— Musical Clock, KECA. —Pop. Orch...KFWB. —Andy & Virginia, KMPC. —Spanish Program, KMTIL —Country Church. KFA(. *News. KGF.I. KFOX. KGER. KPAS.

— Mamie. KRKI). —Covered Wagon. KFVD.

8:05—Soul Patrol. KGER, 8:15 —Inside Stories, KFI.

— Down Brushereek Way, KNX. —Breakfast (lub, KECA. — Markets and Sports. KMPC. —Breakfast Serenade. KGEJ. —Dr. Lovell, KFOX. — Mizpah. KGER. —Helen Hiett. KIND.

8:90—Musical Clock, K M. 8:31/*News, KFI, HD.). KECA.

KRKI). KVOE. —Valiant Lady. KNX. — Haven of Rest. KPAS. KGB. — Dr. Clem Da‘its, MITE. —Unity Daily Word, RIIIPC. —Strollin' Tom. KFAC. —Sunshine Service. KFX.M. —Good Cheer Program. KESIM. —Songs of the West. KFOX.

MIS—Music. KRKI). :45—Dat v id Ha mm. /WI. —Stories America Loves. KNX. — Miss Mende's ('hildren, KHJ. KVOE.

—Robert Lee Johnson. [MCA. *News. KFWB, KIND. — Mildred Lager KFAC. —I)r. Weisman. KGFJ. --Classified. KFOX. —Rev. Bennington. KGER.

9—Bess Johnson, KFI. —Kate Smith. KNX. *John B. Hughes. KHJ. KGB. RI ME, KFXM.

—Breakfast (710). KECA. —Pop. Orch., KFWB. *News. KMPC. KGFJ, KGER. —Prairie Schooner. KPAS. —Christian American (rusade. —K5ITIL

—Daily Inspirational, KFAC. —Sagebrush Serenade. KR11411. —Firebrands for Jesus, KFOX. — Waltz Time. KFVI). —On With the Dunce, KFSD.

9:05—Rev. Erickson. KtiER. 5:15—Bachelor's Children

—Big Sister. KNX. —tictor I in,lluthr. 111H.1 KGB. —Here's to the Ladies. EEC*. —Vacation Time, KEMAL —Lady lie Good KMP(. *News. KMTR, K M). —Voice of Health. KFAC. — Waltz Time. KGFJ. —Family Almanac. KFXM. —Swing FRP. KIND. — Morning Nlelodies. KI'llE.

9:30*News, KFI. KFWB. —Romance of Melee Trent RNA.

—Nornta Young. KILL —Breakfast at Sardi's KECA. KIND.

—Family Bible. KMPC. —Do Vim Know?. Kl'As. — N. B. Record. EMTIt. —51usie, KFAC KRKI) —Rev ital. KGEH. —Thru Feminine Eyes. M ANI. —Ben Sweetland. KGB. —Dr. Richardson. Kir% D. - . S. Navy Hand. KALIF:.

:45 — Hliars lining. KFI. —Dar Gal Sunday KNX. —Dowling Center. KEW it.

•• KNIP1. KRK10. —'twit Martha. K l'As. —1111.c. KIITIL —Fan t mspel. —Nuiy Band,

t'omes Parade Kt %D.

—Agnes %%bite. KFI. —1.1le Can Be Beautiful, RNX *H. R. Baukhage, KECA. KIND *News, KM.). K l'AS. KFOX, KGEIL RIEXA1 KGB. KVOE.

—Dr. ()en. Davies. KFWB. —Hi. Mono KIIPC. —Our Saviour's latthetan 'March. KMTR.

—Serenade, liCAC.

—Turf Bulletins. KRI M. — Morning Serenade. KFVD.

10:05—Full Gospel. KGER. 10:15—Sketches In Melody. KFI.

— Woman in White. KNX. —Town & Country Market. K M

Husband. KF:CA, KIFSD. —- Bridge Club, KFWB. —Yesterday's Favorites. KPAS. *News. KMTR. —Voice of Health, KGFJ. —Talk, KRI M. --Pop. Oral., KFXM. —Locy West. KFOX. — Kingdom Within. IEGER. — Molly Morse, KGB. —I'll Find My Way. KVOE.

10:30—Mirandy's Garden Patch. KFI. —Vie and Made, KNX. — H one, moon Hill. KECA KIND.


—Pop. Orch.. KIPWIL — Meet Priscilla Alden. KPAS. — Floyd B. Johnson. KMTR. — Music, KGF.I. —Voice of (iovernment. KRI M. —Petite Musicale. KFOX. —Sunshine Pastor. KliEtt. *News. Music.. M ANI. —Union Rescue Mission. KFVD.

10:35— Women Today, KM.), KGB. KFXM. KVOE.

10:45—Dr. Hate. RE). — Mary Lee Taylor. KNX. —John's Other Wife. KECA. KIND.

—I'll Find My Way. KILL *News. KFWB. KRKI). —Now and Then, KAIFU. — Music. KNITIt. —Classical Music. KFAC. —Organ. KFOX. —Don Norman, K.FXVII. KGB. *Monitor News. KVOE.

10:50—Music. KRKI).

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar NO More" KMPC — 1 1 :00 A. M.

11 —Light of the World, R H. —Bright Horizon. KNX. —Just Plain Bill. KECA KFS11 —Cedric Foster. K11.I. KFNM. KGB, KVOK.

—Al. Jarvis. KFWB. —-Chef Milani. KMPC. *News. KPAS, KGER, REVD. — Dr. Talbot. KMTR. —Les Adams, KFAC. *News. Stocks. KGFJ. —Musk.. KRI M. —Sing and Saint, KFOX.

11:05—Music As Volt Like It, KPAS 11:15—Arnold Grinant's Daughter

KFI. —Aunt Jenny's Stories. KNX. —Between the Bookends. KECA. — Mutual Dons, KI M KGB. KFXM, KVOE.

—Lost Empire. KPAS. — Music. KGF.I. —Konjoia. KFOX.


600 710 870 990 1070 1110 1230 12 80 1360 1490

—Good Neighbor. /EGER. —On With the Dance, KFSD. — Musical Album. KFVD.

11:30—Guiding tight. KFI. — We Love and Learn, KNX. —Eddie Albright, KHJ. --Chaplain Jim. F. S.A.. KECA —Denny Shane, KMPC. —Pasadena ludependent. KPAS. *News, KNITIL KRKI). KFOYL —Polly Patterson. KFAC. --City Dwellers. KGFJ. —Pop. Oreh., KFXM. —Pianos. KFVD. —Public Service. RFSD. —School or Air. KGB. —Federal Music. 11%0E.

II :Fa—Hymns of All Churches, KFI. —The Goldberg'. KNX. —Catenation Bouquet. RHJ. *News. KECA. KIND. —Poet's Hill. KMP(. — Milady Speaks. KPAS. —%0Iney James. KAITIL — Music, KRKI.). —Treasury Star Parade. KFOX

KOER, KGIEJ. KFXM. —I inlet Schram. KFVD.

—Farm Reporter, Krt. —Rhythm Minutes. KNX. *Broadway News. KH.I. —Prescott Presents. RECA. KIND.

—Al Jarvis. KFW11. — War Service Bureau. KMPC. —KPAS Entertains, KPAS. — Music, KAITR, KRK1). —strike 17p the Band. KFAC. —fin Pan Alley. KFOX. —singin' Sam. KFXM. * News. K G F.J, EGER, KGB.

—Editor of the Air. KFVD. 11:05—Alusiv, 11:15—Ma Perkins. 11F1.

*News. KNN.. KMPC. KFOX. KFX51.

—hluuniruuaker'u Club. KHJ. —Radio News Reel, KMTR.

KGF.I. —Dept. of Agriculture. RGER. —KGB Presents. KGB. —manta Ana Buys Bonds, KVA*:

It:30—Cepper loung's Family, (WI. --.1o) re Jordan, KNX. —Nlen of the Sea, KECA KIND —Music. RAI N% KNITR. *News, KPAS. KFAC. KFWB. —Saddle l'als, KINK». —Kitchen Garden KFOX. —Little Show. RGER. —Camp Grant in Review. KFX31, KGB. KVOE.

—Violet Schram. KFVD. 11:15—Right to Happiness, KFI.

—AV lllll an of Courage. KNX. *Clete Roberts. KECA. —Cmop Grant, KHJ. —From' the Dugout, 1131PC.

KFWB. —- Bandit' Tinte. KPAS. — Music, KFAC. KFAM. —Life and the Land. KGFJ. —I.isten to the Marines, KII1F.R. — National Farm & Ho me. H MI


THURSDAY Program Highlights Morning PI , .t • Appear in 1..Ightface Type: Afternoon and

E.:%ening Prozrams In Boldface.

Pariety 8:(I0—Johnny Murtay. KFI. 9:1011-1:ate Smith. ENX. 9:?.n—Breakfast at Sardra.

Kb:CA-Kr:4D. I .00—Chef Milani 1:5IPC. 1:15—Club Matinee KECA. 1:1)0—Art Baker's Notebook.

Kr'. 6:00—Kraft Manic Hall, K n. 6 :Oa—Major thanes KNX. 7:00—Rudy KECA-KFSD 1:011—Al rea m. Gang. 1:00—The First Line. KNX. 4:110—Amos 'n' Andy KNX. 11:15—Lum and Abner. KEI. S:30—Fanny Itriee and Frank


Drama 6:30—Big Town. KNX. 8:30--Deutit Valle* Datil. KNX 5:00--Aldrich tat 5:30—Mandle's Diary. KNX. 9:3o—Filerr, Waren, KFI.

Outstanding Music 2:30—(lassie Hour, 11F,CA. ":00 —Evening Concert KFAC. R:00—Standard Symphony. KILO

KGR-KFXM•KVIIE. 8:00—Plea Sure Time, KFI.

5:15—Glenn Miller, KNX. 10:ao—Lticky Lager Dance Time

REAt'. In :la—East stile Ounce Toni te.

KEW it-RIPS11). Ill :35—NI st reworks, KS X. It :tio—Philliarmonin. KEI A.

Public /I ffatrs 5:15—America 'S Home Front.

KNX. It :30— %merle:ins at the Ram

parts. 1(1.11-KFNM-KVOt 10:110—l'oiiii %terrine K E4 A.

SP0r1S — CO M Mefli I:00-51 0w League Baseball.

1:15—Net. S ork Racing Shalsos K11.1-KFNM-KI.B.K%0E.

3:19—Itasehall Roundup, K1L. R1.11-KI ANI-E\IDE.

Roundop, KECA. Itollin4on is. Mart)

Sen.. KI1.1-KGB-KI AM K 1 OE.

::45—Inside of Sports, KMJ-Klitt-K% OE. KFXM.

8:15—Baseball: Hollywood t• San Diego. M AC.

10:15— BM% I inc Notes. KFIVIL KF1.

10- , I.ort. KNA.

1—Backstage Wife, KFI. —Stepmother. KNX. —Bill's W ax Shop. K M. KFXM, RIVE. KGB.

—Siesta Time. EFTA. —Today's War Moods. KFWB. —Major League Baseball. KNIPC.

— Marching Mood, KPAS. *News, &MTH. EiGFJ. BOER. KFVD.

—Science of Mind. KFAC. — Memories, KRHD. — Matinee Melodies, RIFIIX. —Farm and Home Hour.

1:05—Officials on Parade. littlEit. :15 —Steita Dallas. KFI. —Nancy Divot]. KNX. —Club Matinee. KECA. — Nets Vork Racing Season.

KFX31, KGB. HVOE. —Jubilee. KEN B. —Island Melodies SEPAL —Nick's Spot. KMTR. —City & County Defense, KFAC. —Meet the Band, litiFJ. — Music. KRELL —Classified. KFOX. —1. S. O. News. KI ND. —Moods in Music. KIND.

1:30—Music. KGER. —On With the Dance. KFFID.

1:30-1.orenzo Jones. KFI. —Housewives' Protective League, KNX.

— Mutual Goes Calling, KHJ. KFX.31, KGB. KVOE.

—Hollywood Blvd. Quiz. KFWB. —Today's Almanac, KPAS. *Lyman Smith, KMTR. —J. N. Yates. Organ. KFAC. —Salvatore Siantaella. Kintn. — Music. KGFJ. *C. S. Monitor News. LEON. —Spanish Trio. FLGER. —Ann Gibson. KIND. —Hawaiian Music. KI ND.

1:15--Voung Widder Brown. KFI. —H. Horlirk KFWB. — Music. KNITIL —County Federation. KFAC. —Toe Tapping Time KPAS. *News. Music, KRKI).

K FOX. —C- lub Matinee, KIND. —Vocal Varieties. Kr% D.

1:55*News. RE( A, KFSD.

11— When a Girl Marries. KFI. is —Dine-Dance. KHJ. —Carr and Carter, KNX. — Sweet & Mellow. KECA. KIND —Hal Styles. KFV1 B. — Major League Baseb•II. KMPC.

—Do You Remember?, HPAII. —Just Plain Folks, KMTIL —Classical Music, Kt-AC. *News KliF.11, KGER. —Rare Resume, KRKI). —South American Mamie. KFOX —Cheskin Gang. KFxm. KvaE. —Dave Cheskin Orch., KGB. —Music Hos. RP% D.

1:05—Music. KRKI). RGER, 1:15—Portia Fares Life, KFI.

—Road of Life. KNX. —Sweet and Sentimental, KHJ. Ktilt. 1110E.

—Songs of Faith. KFAC. —Contrasts in Rhythm. KPAS. —Civic. KOFJ. KFOX. —Pop. Orch.. KFXM. — Siesta, RGER. *News. KIND. —Organ Melodies. Kt-1.n.

1:30—The Anderson,. KIT. * William V. inter. News. KNIC• —Classic Dour, KECA. *News, KIll, KIRK». KFXM. KGB. KVON:.

— Pop. Reeords. KFWB, KMTIL KFAC.

—songs of the West. 111,11%. —I. B. Band. KGER. —House in the Country. KFIS11. —Romantio. 'notion, KFI'D.

1:15—Lone Journev. K FL —Scattergood Baines. KNX. —Bookworm. KILL K1 IIE KIDS.

*News. KA M'. KFV1). —Let's Play Bridge, KPAS. —Music. KICK!). —little Slum. KIVA. —Civic Sp0•1 01. KFXM. —Chaplain Lan 1, S. A., Krill

3—Sic and Slide, KFI. —Date Lane, Solle14, KNX. *B. S. Bereft, iii. Kill, KGB.

Hour. KECA. *N- ews. KFWB. KtiF.I. KMTR. K(tER.

—l'Intotical Music. KFAC. —Magical Comedy KPAS. —Off the Record. KMPC.

KHKI). —- Ministerial Alliance. &FAN. —Music and Sews, KFOX.

MAY 24, 1942 RADIO LIFE PAGE 33 THURSDAY LOGS - Western Five. KIND. -Popular Favorites. KI ND.

3:15-The Barton... KUL -Runtlia Rhythms. KNX. .-Baseball Roundup. KILL KGB, KFILM. K OE.

-Song of the Islands, KF WB. -Symphony. KFAC. *News, Kl'AS. -Eugenia Clair Flail.). MUTH. -Nurses Aid, KIND,

3:20-Side Show, KILL 3:40-Long Beach Band. KGER. 3:30-Against the Sturm. M I.

-Musical Tapestries. KNX. -Lest We Forget, KHJ. - What's !loins. tiECA. -Pop. Orch., KF1111. -Chuck Wagon Rhythm, SPAS. -Piano. K3ITIC. *News. KRI M. -Trading Post. KFNM. -Listening Time, KFSD. -Off the Record. KGB. -Novelty Notes. KIND. .-Bargain Coonter, KA GE.

.3:35-Music. KRKD. 3:15*Ni•ws, Kt 1.

*The World Today KNX. -The Cadets, KECA. *Dr. Polyzoicies, KHJ. -Santitella Ensemble. KMTR. -Good Afternoon Soldier. KFX.M.

- Medical Society, KIND. *Monitor News, K(.11. -Rhumba. KI ND.

3:55-Miracles of Faith. KGB.

4-Art Baker's Notebook, KF1. -Second Mrs. Burton. KNX. -Easy Aces. KECA, KFSD. *Fulton Lewis. KHJ KFX.11. KGB. KVOE.

-Don Milligan. KFWB. - Woman's World. KMTR. -Symphony, KFAC. - Musical Headlines, KMPC. - Music, KI WI. -Swing Shift. KPAS. *News KGF.I. KFOX. KGER. -Recorded Rhythm, KIND.

4:13-Voung Dr. Malone, KNX. -Johnson Family. KHJ, HUB, KFX:11, KVOE.

-Mr. Keen, KECA. RIND. -Salon Moderne, KMPC. -Classical Music KFAC. - Music, RI-ON, KGFJ. -Movieland Quiz. KRKD. -Geo. Strange, KGER. *News. KIND.

4:30-Bridge Club. K n. *News, KNX. KECA. - Music Depreciation, KI M -Pop. Or.•11., KEB B. KFXM. -Remember with Floretta. KPAS.

- Music. KRKIL -Jamboree, KEOX. -Tea Dancetime. KGER. -Confidentially Tours, KGB. KVOE.

-Tea Time, KFVD. 4:35-Galen Drake, KNX. 4:45-Music. KFI.

-Novelty Revue, KECA. - Music Depreciation. KILL RFX31, KGB. KVOE.

-Stuart Hamblen KE1111. -Christian Science. KFAC. -Top Pops, KMPC. -Melody and Madness, KPAS. *News. ERR!). -U. S. Civil Service, KFSD.

S-Don Wins loDwa. ncReI-, iK.N X, *Broadway News. fiFIJ. *Alvin Wilder, KECA. -Stuart Hamblen. KFWB. -Top Pops, KNII.C. - Music, KPAS. KI ND. -Dr. Davies. KNITh. *News, KFAC. KGFJ. KGER KFXM. KIND.

-songs of Saddle, RIOKIB. -Sunshine Pastor, KFOX. -Imorge Bacon, KGB. - lassified, 1.ntin flour. Ku ER.

5:15*News. liMPU, KIND. -America's Home Front, RAN. - Music by Sweeten KECA. -Bert Butterworth, KILL -Crimson Trail. RP M. -Drama. liFAC.

FEGF.I. -- J. Richards Orch., KFX31, 4

KGB. KV0E. -On With the Dance, KFSD.

5:20-J, Richards Orch., KHJ. 5:30-Paging John Doe. KFI.

-Harry W. Flannery, KNX. *News, KE('A. EFS1). -('apt. Midnight. KHJ. KFX/11. KGB, KVOE.

*News. KMTR. -Unt•le Harry. KMPC. -Bing Sings. Kl'AS. - Whoa Bill Club. KFAC. -Sport Secrets, KGFJ. -Race Results. KRKD. -Music, KFOX. -90-90 Club. KFVD.

5:15*Isy the Way With Bill Henry. FIFI.

*News. Garred. KNX. *News of World, KECA, KFSD -Jack Armstrong, KHJ. EFX31. KGB. KVI1E.

*Our Daily Bread, KPAS. - Music, KMTR. KRKD. -Evening Serenade, KFVD.

5:57,*Davis, News, KNX.

E -Kraft's Music Hall, KFI. 0 -Major Bowes' Amateurs, KNX. *Gabriel Matter. KHJ. -sports Roundup, KECA. *News, KFWIL KPAS, KFOX KGER. KFX31.

-Sports Page. KMPC. -F:vening Concert. KFAC. -Irwin Allen, KMTR. -Concert Music, KRKD. -Italian Melodies. KGFJ. -On With the Dance, KIND. -U. S. 0., KGB. -Serenade, KFVD. -Orange County News, KVOE.

6:05-Pop. Drell.. KFX.M. -Toast to Allies, KGB.

6:10-Sportlight, EFOIL 6:15*News. KECA, KHJ, KFX311.

KGB, K1 01•:. *Mrs. II. II. Chang, KFWB. -Santaella Ensemble. KMTIL

s. 31arines. K311.C. -Big Brother Club, KPAS. -Governor Speaks - Music, KGER. -Joy Babcock. KIND.

6:30-Big Town, KNX. - Mayor Boaron, KECA. -Secret Legion. KHJ. -Pop. Orch.. KFWB. *News. K1.1PC. KF8D. -Sergel NIalaysky. KPAS. -Editor's Notebook. KMTR. -The Bronze Hour. KGFJ. -Radio Rev Iva!, RFON. -Prophecy Speiths. KGER. -Americans at the Ramparts, KFX31, KGB. K2 OE.

a-Three Make Music. KFSD. 6:15-enstle Trio, KECA.

-Table for Two, KM PC, -Music, K WH. KIND. -Technocracy Calling. KPAS. -Fishing Pals. KRKIL *Ed Robbin, KFOX. - Harmonic Capers, KIND.

6:55-Salute to Allies. KHJ. -Ramona, KECA, KFSD.

7-Al Pearce Gang. KFL • - Vie First Line. KNX, - Ray Robinson vs. Marty Servo, KH.I, KVOE, KGB, KFX311.

-Rudy 1allee. KECA. KIND. -Kosteianetz Orch., KF WB. -Strollin' Tom. KMPC. -Sunset Serenade, Kl'AS. *News. KNITIL KGER -Evening Concert, KFAC. -Spanish Hour, -Strictly for Sportsmen, KFOX. -Serenade, KI ND.

2:05-American Jewish Hour. KGER 2:15-Cocktail Hour, KMPC.

-Listener's Digest, KPAS. - Music, KMTR. -Three-Quarter Time. RI M/. -Lone Ranger, KEX3I. -Ile. Roy Cantohell. KGB. -H. Saunders Orch., KVOF:.

7:30*News, KUL KFWB. -Time Out for Melody. KNX. -Red Ryder. KECA. KIND. -210 Fun House. KMPC. -Dr. Michelson. KNITIL -Do Von Know? RIVED.

-Jewels in Music. KFOX. -Beauty That Endures. KGB. -Production for Victory. KVOE

7:45 -Cabbages and Kings, KFI. -Frazier Hunt. KNX. -Ipside of Sports. KILL KVOE KGB. EFX.M.

*Robert Arden, KFWB, KFOX. .-Timely Tunes. KPAS. -Aimee McPherson, KFSG.

30 CENTS A MILE Wedding Savings on a mile-age basis is The Old Ranger's amusing story tonight. Next week he celebrates his ninth year on the air. Be sure to listen.


11091.4*-11001orisoiormerrogi M

0 -Fred Waring, K n. 0 -Amos 'n' Andy, KNX. *Dorothy Thompson, KECA. KI ND.

-Standard Symphony, KHJ. REAM, KGB, KVOE.


- Warner Bros. Drat.. KF WB. - Music, KMTR. KPAS. -Service Program. KFOX.

8:05-Spanish Hour. KGER. 8:15-laim & Abner. KFI.

-Glenn Miller Orch.. K-NX. *News, Bishop, KECA. -Land Man, KMPC. -Baseball: Hollywood vs. San Diego, KFAC.

- Music, KGFJ. -C. Agnew Oral.. KFSD.

8:30-Maxwell House Time, Rhr -Death Valley Days, RAN. - Meet the Band. KMPC. -Over the Top, KECA. *News, KFWB. -Spotlight on Rhythm. KPAS. -Property Owners, KMTR. -Remember Pearl Harbor, KGFJ.

-Judge Gardner, [(FOX. -This Is America Calling. KIND.

8:45-Faces and Places. KMPC. - Musical Comedy. KFWB. - Music, KNITR.

9-Aldrich Family, KFI. -United We Sing. KNX. *News, KECA, KILL KGFJ KGER, KFX31. KGB KVIDE.

-Piano Paintings. KFWIL -l'eter Potter. KMPC. -Church of Open Door, "CPAS. - Music, FOITIL -Baseball. KFAC. -Church of Christ. KFOX. *News, Here & Abroad, Imo.

9:05-Night in Mexico, KGER. 9815*Hillman and Lindley. KECA,

-Story Teller. KH.I. -.I. Dunn Orch., KFWB.

KGFJ. *News, KIFOX. -J. Joy Orch.. KF X11. -('hez Paree Orch., KFSD. -In the Gloaming, KGB. -Dance Time. KVOE.

9:30-Ellery Queen, KF1. *Erskine Johnson, H'wood Spot-light, (Thrifty Drug) KECA.

- Matulie's Diary. KNX.

9:30 P.M. -KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"

10:30 P.M. -KFI "Inside the News"

Presented by


*Fulton Lewis. KI1J, KFX31. KGB. KVOE.

*News, KFIVIL KFSG. KIND. *Jack Lester. KMTR. -Ethel Hubler. K PAS. - Holy Ghost Revival. KFOX.

9:3h-Two Grand Pianists, KFSG. 9:45-J. Reichman Orch., KHJ,

KVOE. *Rodriguez and Sutherland, KECA.

-Neil Reagan, KFWB. *News. KPAS. -Bob Brooks. KMTR. -Hank Keene in Town. KFILM. a-11. Osborne On-h.. KI ND. -De Aryan Comments, KGB.

9:55*News. KI ND.

10-Town Meeting, KECA. *Richfield News, KFI. *News, KNX. KGFJ. KEIT. % KGER.

*Continuous Newsreel. KHJ. -Billie Holliday, KEITH. - What's New?, KMPC. -Broadway Bandwagon, KPAS. -Viennese Ens., KMTR. -Lucky 1.ager Dance Time. KFAC.

-Esther Fricke Stuart. KFSG. Fitzgerald Drell., KGB.

KTOE. -Club Alabam. KFOX. -On With the Dance. KFSD.

10:05-Toast to Allies. KFIC11. 10:10-Music. KGER.

-E. Fitzgerald (tech- KFX.M. 10:15-Sports Roundup, KFL

-Buddy Clark, KNX. -Bowling Notes. KF WB. - W. Marione Orch., KMPC. -Lamplighter, Music, KPAS. - Music. KMTR. -Beverly Hills Players, KOTJ. -Bomb Shelter, KFOX.

DANCE Tonite 10:30 to 11:30 P. M.

Every Nile Except Sunday

KF WB America's Finest Bonds

10:30*Inside the News (Thrifty Drug), EFL

-Sports Program, KNX. -Eastside Dance Tonite, KFWB, RFS!).

*News. KMPC. KFSG. -Still of the Night. KPAS. -Spiritual Singers. KGFJ. -l'an Americana, KGER. - D. Bestor Orch., KGB, KFX3I. KVOE.

10:35-Masterworks. KNX. - Mr. and Mrs. John Webb, KING.

10:45-1ticardo Orch., KFI. -C. Kennedy Trio, EMPC.

10:55-Nothing But Praise. K n. -Blue Ribbons, KECA.

11 Savitt Orch.. HEEL KGB, KVOE.

-Philltarmonia. KECA. *News, KF1, KNX, KGFJ. -Eastside Dance Tonite, IIFIVIL KFSD.

-'Sense It, Please!, KMPC. -Dance Music, KPAS, KFOX. -H. Henry Orch.. KMTR, -1.ucky Lager Dance Time. [ MAC.

-Dr. Happiness. K ING. -Somerset House. KFXM.

11:15 -3, Reichman Orch., K n. - Music, KMTR. KGFJ,

11:20 -KNX-tra: Music. KNX. 11:30-M. Strand Orch. ' KNX.

-E. Fitzgerald Orch., KGB. KFX.31, KVOE.

- Music 1 011 Want. M AUI. *News, KMTR. KFSG. - Music to Remember, KPAS. --Cowboy Trio. KGFJ.

-Organ. KFSD. 11:35-Music. KING. 11:15-Melodies at Midnight. K n. 11:33*News, KNX. KPAS. KEITH.

Al Jarvis Pleases The popular music program, "Make-

Believe Ballroom," continues to be one of the best platter parades, enlivened by Al Jarvis's distinctive free-reeling. A new sponsor on the program is Lime-Cola which will have two fifteen-min-ute spots weekly.

Thrifty Housewives Prefer

SWIFT'S JEWEL to costlier shortenings. It's always fresh and creamy. Buy Jewel in paper cartons to help save precious tin,


FRIDAY MAY 29 * Lodi, ates Ncss v Broad. ast


$AO L N. stos aitAusrai.

MAL nio he

0 —Johnny Murray, KFI. GI —Jack Beech, Songs, KNX. —Breakfast ('lob. Kn.). KFSD, KVOE, KFXM. KGB.

* Monitor News. KFWB. — Musical Clock, KECA. —Andy & Virginia, KMPC. —Spanish Program, KMTR. '*News. KGFJ, KFOX. KPAS. — Music, KRKD. —Country Church. KFAC. *News, Soul Patrol, KGER. —Covered Wagon Jubilee. KIND.

8:15—Art Baker, KFI. — Melody Express. KNX. —Breakfast Club, KECA. KGFJ. —Pop. Oral.. KFWB. — Markets & Sports, KMPC. — Music, KGFJ: — Dr. Lovell, KFOX. — Mizpah. KGER. — Helen Hiett. KFSD.

8:30*News, Ku, K11.1, KECA, KRKD. KVOE.

—Valiant Lady, KNX. —Unity Daily Word, KMPC. — Haven of Rest KPAS. — Dr. Clem Davies, KMTR. —Strollin' Tom. KFAC. —Songs of the West. )(FOX. —Sunshine Service, KFXM. —Serenading You . KGB. —Good Cheer Program, KFSD.

8:35—Music, KRKD. 8:45 —David Harum, KFI.

—Stories America Loves, KNX. —Robert Lee Johnson. KECA. — Miss Meade's Children, KHJ,

KVOK. *News, KFWB. KIND. —Classical Music, KFAC. — Dr. Weisman, KGFJ. —Classified, KFOX. —Rev. Bennington. KGER. — KGB Presents, KGB.

9—Bess Johnson, KEE —Kate Smith, ILNX. *John B. Hughes. KHJ, KGB, KVOE, KFX111.

—Breakfast Chub, KECA. —Pop. Orch.. KFWB. *News. KMPC, KGFJ, KGER. —Prairie Schooner, Rl'AS. —Highland Park Baptist Church, KMTR.

— Daily Inspirational. KFAC. —Sagebrush Serenade, KRKD. —Firebrands for Jesus. KFOX. —Polly Patterson. FCFSD. — Waltz Time, KFVD.

9:05—Rev. Erickson, KGER. —On With the Dance. KFSD.

9:15—Bachelor's Children. KFI. —Big Sister. KNX. —Victor Lindlahr. KHJ. KGB. — Here's to the Ladies, KECA. —Lady Be Good. KMPC. *News. KMTR, KFVD. —Voice of Health. KFAC. — Music. KGF.I. — March Ahead of Time, KGER. —Family Almanac. KFXM. —Vicki Vickee, KFSD. — What the Bible Teaches, KVOE.

9:20 —Pop. Orch.. KF.701. 9:30*Neas. R H, KFWB.

-,Romance of the World. KNX. —Norma Young. KH.I. —Breakfast at Sardi's, KECA. KFSIL

— Family Bible, KMPC. —Song for Today, KPAS. — W. B. Record. KMTR. — Music. KFAC, KRKD. —Revisal, KGER. —Thru Feminine Eyes. KFXM. —Ben Sweetland. KGB. —Dr. Richardson, REVD.

9:35—Three Quarter Time, KPAS. 9:45— What's Doing. KFI.

—Our Gal Sunday KNX. —Hassling Center, REHM. *News. KMPC. —Aunt Martha. KPAS. —Treasury Star Parade, KFAC. — Music. KMTR, KFXM. —Thrn Feminine Eyes. RO M —Full Gospel. KGER. —Old Fashioned Girl. KGB. —Here Comes l'arade. KFVD. —Organ Recital. IIVOE.

—Tillamook Kitchen. KFI. —Life Can Be Beautiful. KNX. *News, KHJ KPAS, KGFJ Kzox, EKka. KFXM. K4111.

*Baukhage Talking. KECA. KFSD.

—FIL Mom, KMPC. — Dr. Clem [Sissies KF WB. —Our Saviour's Lutheran Church. KMTR.

— Mid-Morning Serenade, KFAC KFVD.

—Turf Bulletins. KRKD. 10:05—Full Gospel. iiiGER. 10:15—Agnes White. KFI.

— Woman in White, KNX. —Town & Country Market, KHJ —Second Husband. KECA. KFSD.

—Pop. Orch.. KFWB, KFXM. —Yesterday's Fasorites, KPAS. —Voice of Health, KGFJ. *News. KMTR. —Talk. KRKD. —Petite Musicale. KFOX. — Kingdom Within. KGER. — Molly Morse. KGB. —1'11 Find My Way RIVE.

10:30 —Sketches in Melody. KFI. —Vie & Sale, KNX. —Amanda of Honeymoon Hill KECA. KI ND.

*News, KI1J, KMPC, KFAC, KGB, K's OE.

—Inters Jew, KFWB. — Floyd B. Johnson. KMTR. — Meet Priscilla Alden. SPAS. — Music. KGFJ. —Voice of Government. KRKD. —Bright Corner. KGER. *News, Music, KFXM. —Union Rescue Mission. KFVD.

10:35—Women Today, KHJ. KGB. KFX-M, KVISE.

10:45—Dr. Kate, K FL —Jane Endicott, KNX. —John's Other Wife. KECA, KFSD.

—I'll Find My Way, KHJ. *News. KFWB. —Charm Notes, KMPC. — Dr. Philip M. Lovell, KMTR.

KFAC. *News. KRKD. —Organ, KFOX. —Sunshine Pastor, KGER. *Monitor News, KV OE.

10:50—Music. KRKD.

HEAR CHEF MILANI "Dinner for 4,

a Dollar No More" KMPC -1 1:00 A. M.

11 —Light of the World, KFI. —Bright Horizon. K N X. —Just Plain Bill. KECA. KFSD. *Cedric Foster. KHJ. KGB KVOE.

—Al Jars's, ,RF WB. —Dr. I.. T. Talbot, KMTR.



570-71-640 -1 — 0 930 -1 -1020 1- ii! ib TI330T13 600 710 870 990 1070 1110 1230 12 80 1360 1490 —Chef Milani, KMPC. *News, KPAS. RGFJ, KGER. KFVD.

—Les Adams. KFAC. — Music. KRKD. HYMN!. —Sing and Swing, KFOX.

11:05—Music As Von Like It, KPAS 11:15—Arnold Grimm's Daughter,

KFL —Aunt Jenny's Stories. ILNX. —Familr Doctor, KECA. — Market Place, KHJ. —Lost Empire, Kl'AS. — Music, KtiF,I, KIND, KFOX. —Good Neighbor, KGER. —Star Parade, KFXM. —Red Cross. KFSD. — KGB Presents, KGB. — Morning Melodies. KVOE.

11:30—Guiding Light. KFI. — We Love and 1.earn, —( haplain Jim, U.S.A.. [MCA. —Eddie Albright, KHJ. —Beauty Counselor, KMPC. —Pasadena Independent. KPAS. *News. KMTR. KKK!), [(FOX. —Polly Patterns's. KFAC. —City Dwellers, KGFJ. —Public Sees ice. KFSD. —Unscheduled, KGB, KVOE, KFXM.

—Piano. KF{T11. 11:45—Betty (rocker. RFT,

—The Goldhergs. KNX. *News. KECA. RFS!). —Tex Fletcher. Songs, KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE.

—Poet's Hill. Kill.(. — Milady Speaks. KPAS. —Voiney James. KMTR. — Mimic. KOLA. KGER. —Dapper Dan, KFOX. —Violet Schram. KFYD.

242—Farm Reporter, KFI. —Rhythrn Minutes. KNX. *Broadway News KHJ. —Prescott Presents, KECA. —Al Janis, — War Sersice Bureau, KMPC. — KPAS Entertains, KPAS.

KRKD. —Strike Up the Band. KFAC. *News. KGER. KGFJ. —Tin Pan Alley, KFOX. —Singin' Sam, KFX.M. —Smart San Diego Speaks. KI ND.

*Nens. KGB. KVOE. —Editor of Air, IEFVD.

12:05—Music. KGER. 12:15—Ma Perkins. K n.

*News. Manning, KNX. —Homemaker's Club, KHJ. *News. KMPC. KFOX. KFL11. —Radio Ne ws Reel, KMTR.

KGFJ. —- Prescott Presents, KFSD.


FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Prog!ams Appear in Lightface Type; Artetnuon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:00—Johnny Murray. KFI. 4:15—Art Baker. Kn. 9:00—Kate Smith. KNX. 9 :30—Break f a s t at Sardi's.

KECA. KFSD. 11:00—Chef Milani. KMPC. 11:15--Market Place. KHJ. 1:15—Club Matinee. KECA. 4:00—Art Baker's Notebook.

KFI. 6:30—Plantation Party. KFI. 7:00—People Are Funny, R1F1. 7:00—Elsa Maxwell. KEC A-

K FSD. 7:00—How'm I loin'?, KNX. 6:00—Amos 'n' Andy KNX. 8:15—Lum and Abner, KFI. 9:00—Rate Smith. KNX.

Drama 6:30—First Mahler, KNX. 7:30—Grand Central Station.

KFI. 6:30— Philip Morris Playhouse,

*CNN. 8:30— Whodunit?, KF1. 8:30 —Gang Busters, KECA-


Outstanding Music 1:30 —Classic Hour KECA. 3:30—Frank Parker. KNX. ,:00 —Evening Concert, KFAC. 6:00— Waltz Time, KIT 6:30—Songs for Marching Men,


6:30—Dinah Shore, KECA. 6:55—Ginny Simms. KNX. 7 :00--Treasu re Hour of Song.

KHJ-KGB-KFXM-KVOE. 8:00—Pleasure Time, KFI. 10:00—Lacky Lager Dance Time.

KFAC. 10:30—Eastside Dance Tonite,

KFWB-KFSD. 10:35—Masterworks K.N.iX. 11:00—Philharmonia. KECA.

Public Affairs 12:45—Chil Defense Protection


5:15—America's Home Front, KNX.

6:00—March of Time, KECA KFAIL

11:20 —Public Affairs, KNX.

Sports—Comment 1:00—Major League Baseball,

KMPC. 1:15—New York Racing Season.

KHJ-ISFXM-KVOE. 3:15—Baseball Roundup, K M-

Ktili-KFX31-KVOE. 6:00—Sports Page, KMPC. 6:45—Sports Roundup. KECA. 8:15—Baseball: Hollywood vs

San Diego. KFAC. 10:00—Legion Stadium Fights,

KECA-KFSD. 10:US—Bowling Notes KFWB. 10:30—Sports Program. KNX.

—Rhythm and Romance, KGB. —Luncheon Music. KFVD.

12:30—Pepper Young's Family. K n. —Joyce Jordan. KNX. — Men of the Sea. KECA.

— Music. KMPC. *News. H MIS. KPAS. KFAC. --Jimmie's Saddle Pals, KRKD. —Victory Garden. RFON. —Students of Defense. KGER. —Pop. Orch., KFXM. —Gospel in Song. KFVD.

12:45—Right to WalMilless. KFI. — Woman of Courage. KNX. *Clete Roberts. KECA. —Civil Defense Protection School, KILL KF.7011, KGB.

KEWB. — From the Dugout, KMPC. —Pasadena Civic Auditorium. KPAS.

KFAC. —- W.P.A., KGFJ. —Science of Mind, KFOX. —Violet Schram. KFVD. —National Farm and Home Hour, SFS».

1—Backstage Wife, EFL —Stepmother. KNX. —Bill's W as Shop, M U. KFXM. KGB, KVOE.

—Arthur Tracy, KECA. Today's War Moods, KFWB.

— Major League Baseball. KMPC.

— Marching Mood, KPAS. *News, KMTR. K(iFJ. KGE111, KFVD.

—Science of Mind, KFAC. — Memories, KRKI). — Matinee Melodies. KFOX. —Farm and Home. KFSD.

1:05—Officers on Parade. EGER. 1:15—Stella Dallas. KFI.

—Nancy Dixon. FINN. —Club Matinee. KECA. —New York Racing Season, KHJ, KFXM. KGB. KVOE.

—Jubilee. KFWB. —Island Melodies, KPAS. — Nick's Spot. KMTR. —Classical Music, KFAC. — Meet the Band. KGFJ. — Music, KRKD. —Classified. KFOX. —Number Melodies, KFSD. — Moods in Music, KFVD.

1:20—Bits of Hits. KGER. 1:30—Lorenzo Jones, KFI.

— Housewives' Prot ectl•s I.eague, EN'.,

— Mutual Goes Calling, KR.11, KFX1-1, KGB. KVOE.

— Hollywood Blvd. Quiz, 'WD. *News. KMPC. —Today's Almanac, KPAS. *Lyman Smith. KMTR. —J. N. Yates. (Megan. KFAC. —Salvatore Santaella. KRKD.

KGFJ. —Christian Science, KFOX. —Spanish Trio. KGER. —Ann Gibson, KFSD. —Hawaiian Music, KFVD.

1:45—Young liVidder Brown. KFI. — Music, KFWB, KMTR. —Toe Tapping Time, KPAS. —Classical Music, KFAC. *News, Music, KRKID. —Blend of Blues. KFOX. —Club Matinee. KIND. —Vocal Varieties, KFVD.

1:55*News. EEC & KFSD.

411—W'hen a Girl Marries &FL A., KHJ, KFX31, KVOE.

—Carr and Carter. EN'.. — Moods for Moderns, KECA. —Hal Styles. KFWB. — Major League Baseball. KMPC.

— Do You Remember?. RYAS. —Rainbow's End. KMTR. —Classical Music, KFAC. *News. KGFJ. KGER. —Race Resume. KRKD. —South American Music. KFOX. — Moods for Moderns. KIND. —Investment Problems. KGB. — Music Box. MIND.

2:05—Music, KRK1), KGER. 2:15—Portin Faces Life. KFI.

—Road of I.ife. KNX. —Sweet and Sentimental. K11.1. KGB, K's OE.

—Songs of Faith, KFAC. —Contrasts in Rhythm. KPAS. —Civic, KGFJ. KFOX. —Salvation Army. KGER. —Pop. Orch., KFXM. —Unscheduled. KGB. *News. liFSIL —Organ Melodies. KFVD.

2:30—The Andersons, * William Winter KNX. —Classic Hour, RECA. *News KHJ KFWB. &BAD. W W1. KVOE.


— Music, KMTR. —Donna Duller, KFAC. —Helen Johns' Grab Bag. KGFJ. —Songs of the West KFOX. —Long Beach Band. KGER. —House in the Country. KFSD. —Romantic Rhythm. KFVD.

2:45—Lone Journey. KFI. —Scattergood Baines. KNX. —Bookworm. HM.1. KGB, KVOE —U. S. Army, KFWB. *News. KMPC. KFVD. —Classical Music. KFAC. —Let's Play Bridge. KPAS. — Music, M OLD. KGFJ. —Little Show, KFOX. —I Met a Killer. KIF.X31. —Chaplain Jim. U. S. A.. KFSD

11 —Vic and Sade, 41 —Dave Lane, Songs, ELNX. —Prayer, KILL KVOE. —Classic Hour, HECA. —Off the Record. KMPC. *News, KFWB, KGFJ, KGER. KMTR.

--Classiest Music, KFAC. — Musical Comedy, KPAS. *Music and News, liFOX. —Favorites. KFVD.

Alliance. KFXM. — Messer. Hawaiians, KFSD.

3:01 —Charm Column, KHJ. *B. S. Bercovici. KGB. KVOE.

3:15 —The Bartons. KFI. — algae H. Wileman, KNX, —B a seball Roundup, K M. KFX31, KGB, KVOE.

—Song of the Islands. KFWB. — Music, KMTR. KGFJ. —Symphony. KFAC. *News. KPAS, KFOX. —America Calling, KFSD.

3:10-1.one Beach Band. KGER. —J. Richards Orch., KILL KFX.M. KGB. KVOE.

3:30—Against the Storm, NFL —Frank Parker. KNX. —.1. Richards Orch., KILL — What's Doing. KECA. —Chuck Wagon Rhythm, HPAS.

• —Interview. KFWB. —Pianos, KMTR. *News. KRILL,. KFOX. — Music and News, KFOX. —Trading Post. KFXM. —Listening Time, 'USD. —Off the Record, KGB. —Novelty Notes, KI ND. —Bargain Counter. M OE.

3:35—Music, KRKD. 3:45*News. KFI. KECA, KFOX.

*The World Today. KNX. —Escorts. KECA, KFSD. — H'wood Shopping News, KILO —Pop. Orch., KF WB. —Santaelia Ensemble, KMTR. —Good Afternoon Soldier. KFXM.

—Carter Wright. KFVD. 3:55—Forest Lawn. KHJ.

4— Art Baker's Notebook, K it.—Second Mrs. Burton, KNX.

— Melodies by De Hello, KECA. KIND.

—Fulton Lewis. KHJ. KFXM KGB, KVOE.

— Don Milligan. KFWB. — Woman's 'VEDA& KMTR. — Musical Headliner, KMPC. —Symphony, KFAC. —Tell Me lour Problem, SEPAS. *News. KtiFJ. K R A. KGER —Recorded Rhythm. KIND.

4:15—Young Dr. Malone, HSI. —Johnson Family, KILL KFXM. KGB, KVOF..

—Salon Mode m., KMPC. —Classical Music, KFAC. —Swing Shift. KPAS. —Swing Session. KFOX. —Concert Time, KGFJ. — Movieland Quiz. KRI M —Geo. Strange. KGER. *News. KFVD.

4:30—Rhythm Takes a Holiday. KFI.

*News. KNX, KECA, KMPC. —Salvation Army. KILL KGB KVOE.

—Pop. Orel... KFWB. —I.. A. City College. KFAC. —Remember u I t it kloretta, KPAS.

—Music, KRKD. —Jamboree. KFOX. —Tea Dancetime. KGER. —Dr. Philip Lo.ell. KFXM.

—Tea Time Music, K 1 v 4:35—Galen Drake, Ii.'NX. 4:45*News, RE!. KRILL.

—Treasury Star Parade, KILL KGB. KVOE.

—10-2-4 Ranch. KECA. —Stuart Hamblen, [LI MB. —Christian Science. KFAC. —Foreman of Flying V. KMPC. — Melo dy and Madness. KPAS. —Pop. (tech.. KFXM. — Madame Kriete. KFSD.

5—Don Winslow, K it. 41 —Afternoon Dance. KNX. *Broadway News. KHJ. —Twilight Tales. KECA. —Foreman of Flying 'V, HIMPC. —Junior League. KPAS. —Stuart Hamblen. KFWB. *News, KFA(', KGFJ, KGER, KFXM, KFSD.

—Dr. Davies, KMTR. —Sunshine Pastor, KFOX. —Best Buys. KGB. —Tea Time, KFVD. —Classified. KVOE.

5:05 —Latin Hour. EIGER. 5:15*News, KFI. KMPC. KFVD.

—America's Home Front, KNX. —Your Favorite Band. KECA. —Bert Butterworth, KILL —Crimson Trail, KPAS. *Carroll Lunt, KFAC. — Music. KGE.I. —Unscheduled, KEXM. KGB, KVOE.

—On With the Dance, KFSD. 5:30—Paging John Doe, KFI.

*Harry Flannery, X. —Captain Midnight. KILL KGB. KVOE, KFXM.

*News, KECA, KMTR, KFSD. —Uncle Harry, KMPC. — Whoa Bill Club. KFAC. —Bing Sings, KPAS. —Sports Secrets. EGFJ. — Music, KFOX. —90-90 Club, KFVD.

5:45—By the Way With Bill Henry. KFI.

*News. Garred. KNX. *News of World. KECA. KFSD —Jack Armstrong. KHJ, REIM. KGB. KVOE.

*Our Daily Bread. KPAS. 2—Music. KRI M. KGFJ. —Ross Enterprise. KFOX. —Evening Serenade. KFVD.

5:55*Elmer Davis. News, KNX.

& — Waltz Time, K n. —Areentb on Music, KNX. **GG abriel Heatter. BUJ, KGB. *March of Time. KECA. KFSI1 *News. KFWB. KPAS, KFOX, KGER, KFX31.

—Sports Page. KMPC. —Irwin Allen, KAITIL —Evening Concert. KFAC. —Italian Melodies. KGFJ. —Evening Serenade, 'inv. —Orange County News, HAI M.

6:05—Pop. ()reit.. KFXM. 6:10—Sportlizitt, KFOX.

—Race Results. KPAS. 6:15*News. Kill. KGB. KFVD

KVOE. KF X31. —Songs, Buddy Clark. KNX. *Dr. Chang, KFWB. —Star Parade. KMPC. —Big Brother Club, KPAS. .L-Santaella Ensemble KMTR. —Dinner Music. KFOX. —Frank E. Force, KGER.

8:30—Plantation Party. K n. — First Nighter. KNX. —Dinah Shore, KF.CA. —Songs for Marching Men. KHJ. ELFXM, KGB, KVOE.

—Vacation Time, KFWB. *News. KINPC. KIND. —Sergei Malaysky, KPAS. —Pay Day. KMTR. —Fannie Reinhart KGFJ. —Radio Revival. KFOX. —Prophecy Speaks. KGER. —Evening Serenade. KIND. —Dinah Shore, Songs. KFSD.

11:45—Sports Roundup, KECA. —L. A. Defense Connell. KF WB —Charles Garland. KMPC. — Music, KMTR. M OLD. *Ed Bobbin. KFOX. —Organ. KFXM. —Polka Dots. KESEL —Evening Serenade, KFVD.

6:55-0Inny Simms. KNX. —Ramona. KECA. KFSD.

7 —People Are Funny, EFL -Flow'm I Done?. ,KNX. —Elsa Ma‘well. KECA. KFSD. —Treasure Hour of Song, KH.I. KGB. KFXM. KVOE.

—Treasury Star Parade. &FMB. —Strollin' Tom. KMPC. —Sunset Serenade, KPAS. *News, KMTR. KRKD. KGFR• —Evening Concert. KFAC. --Spanish Hour, KGFJ. —Strictly for Sportsmen. KFOX. —Evening Serenade, antr.

7:05—American Jewish Hour, KGER.

7 :15—Unscheduled. KECA. — Music, KFWB. KMTR. KFOX —Cocktail Hour. KMPC. —Listeners' Digest, KPAS. — House of Dreams, K M/.

7:20—K. Kyser Orch.. KHJ. 7:30—Grand Central Station. EFL

—Unscheduled, KNX. —Lightning Jim, KECA. KFSD. —Lone Ranger, KELL KGB, KFXM.

*News. KFWB. —710 Fun House. KMPC. —Dr. Michelson, KMTR. —Do You Know?, KRKD. —Jewels in Music. KFOX.

7:45*Robert Arden, KFWB. KFOX. —Romance of Furniture, KPAS.

0 —Fred Waring, FFI. —Amos 'n' Andy. KNX. *News. KECA. KFAC, KGFJ, KGER.

— W. Johnson Orch., KILL KI N311. KGB. K% OE.

—Talent Parade, KFWB. --1111•1... KPAS. A WED. —Rhythm Time, KIM:A. — Doctor Mac, KFSD. — Esquires, KVOE.

8:05—Spanish Hour. KGER. 8:15—Loin and Abner. EFL

—Time Out for Melody. KNX. .--S7tItil- MYri Music, KECA. —E. Madriguera Deli., HILL KFXM. KGB, KVOE.

—Baseball: Hollywood vs. San Diego, HE M',

— Friendly Advisor, K W'''. —Land Man, KMPC. —‘arietiem. KFOX. - Agnew Drell., KFSD.

8:30— Whodunit, KI M —Philip Morris Playhouse. H:q —Salute to Allies, KHJ. —Gang Busters, KECA. KIND. *News, KFWB. —Civilian Defense. ILMTIL —Re me mber Pearl Harbor. KGFJ.

—Judge Gar ai.. KFOX, KPAS. — Meet the Band. KMPC. — Tropicacl Serenade, KFXM. KGB, KVOE.

8:35—Tropical Serenade, KHJ. 8:43—Faces and Places, K MPC.

—31usie, KFWB. ILVITR, 8:35—Toast to Allies, KGB.

am —Music, Kit. —Kate Smith, KNX. *News, KECA. KILL KGFJ, KGER, KFXM. KGB. HEI M KIND.

— Music, KFWB. —Church of Open Door. !WAS. —Peter Potter, KMPC. ....Floyd Johnson, KMTR. —Baseball, KFAC. — Music, ERR!). —Church of Christ. KFOX. *News Here A Abroad, KIND.

9:05—Dark Fa n t a sy EFL —Aubrey Lee. KGER.

9115*Miliman and „Lindley. KECA. *Cal Pinney, KILL KFXM. KGB. K VOE.

9:30 P.M. —KECA "Hollywood Spotlight"

10:30 P.M. —KFI "Inside the News"

Presented by


—J. Dunn Grob.. KFWB. . — Music, KGFJ.

*News. &FOX. —E. Hawkins Orch., KFSD,

9:30—Sweeten Segue, KFI. *Folio* Lewis. KFXM, KGB. KVOE.

*Erskine Johnson. Hollywood Spotlight; (Thrifty Drug), KECA

—B. trosby Orcb., KPAS. *Ne*s, KFW13. *Jack Lester. KMTR. —Calif. State Guard. KGFJ. —Bomb Shelter. KFOX. — Merry-Go-Round Up, KRKD.

9:45*FLOtiriguez A Sutherland. KECA.

— Hank Keene in Town, KOB, KFXM, KVOE.

—Neil Reagan, KFWB.

——MBoubs icB, roKoGksF.J .KMTR.

—Remember, KFSD. 9:36— Find the Woman, KNX.

*News. essp.

10—Legion Stadium Fights, KECA —Piano Paintings. KFWB. *Richfield News. KFI. *Bob 6arred, News. KNX. *Continuous Newsreel. K W. *News. SPAS. KGFJ. KGER, KFXM.

— What's New?, KMPC. —Viennese Ens., KMTR. —Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

—Club Alabam. KFOX. • — Dance Music. KA GE. .—George Bacon. KGB. —Legion Stadium Fights. KFSD

10:03—Toast to Allies, KFXM. 10:10—Aubrey Lee, KGER.

—J. Reichman Orch.. KFXM. 19:15*Manchester Soddy. KFL

— N. Hatch (tech.. KNX. —Bowling Notes, KFWB. — W. Manone Orch.. KMPC. —Lamplighter. Music. KPAS. — Music, KMTR. —Rev. Pltmkett. KGFJ.

DANCE Tonite

10:30 to 11:30 P. M. Eeery Mite Except Sonde,"

KF WB America's Font's? Bond,

10 :30*lnside the News (Thrifty Drug). KFI.

—Sports Fragrant, KNX. —Organ. [MCA. —Eastside Dance Tonite, KFWB, KFSD.

*News. KMPC. —Top of the EIW. KPAS. — Maurice Kosloff, KOLL —Club Alabarn. KFOX. — F. Martin orch., KGB. KVOR,

10:35—Masterworks. KNX. 10:45 —Tempos of Today. K n.

—C. Kennedy Trio. KMPC. — Majestic Ballroom, KFOX.

10:55—Nothing But Praise, KFI.

11—.1. Sevin Orel... KB.!, KGB, HYDE.

*News, KFI, ENT. KGFJ. —Philharmonia. KECA. —Eastside Dance Tonite, KFWB KIND.

— Dance Music, KPAS. KFOX. —' Souse It, Please! KMPC. —H. Henry Oral., KMTR, —Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC.

—Somerset House Piano. KFX‘I 11:15—.1. Reichman Orch.. KFI.

—J. Savitt Orch., KFXM. 11:20—Public Affairs, KNX. 11:30—E. Fitzgerald Orch., KB.!.

KFXM. KGB. KVOE. — Music You Want. KFWB. *News. KMTR. — Music to Remember, KFAS. —Cowboy Music. KGFJ. —Organ, -811).

11:35—M. Strand Grill.. KNX. 11:45—Melodies at Midnight, KI.1. 11:55*News. KNX. KFME, KPAS

KFXM Celebrates Native Nadine San Bernardino's station, KFXM,

this month celebrated its first anni-versary of broadcasting a program titled "Good Afternoon, Soldier" which is dedicated exclusively to the enter-tainment of soldiers at nearby March Field and Camp Haan.

NadiDe Conner, Metropolitan Opera sopranb now co-starring with Nelson. Eddy on the New Old Gold shows via CBS, is a native of California. She was born in San Juan Capistrano, in the house built by her great grand-father in 1850.

Don't Shoot, Ladies! Phil Baker, the Take It or Leave

It ring-master, says that statistics rg-veal men winners leading feminine winners by a ratio of two to one. And on the popular jackpot questions the males are four times as accurate as the women contestants.

SATURDAY, MAY 30 * Indicates News Broadcast

0 —On the Job, Kn. GP—Breakfast Club, KECA. KFSD *News, KNX, KGFJ. KFOX. KliElt.

— Music. I/11J, KGB. 11111E. —Pop. ° Mi.. KF WB. —Andy and Virginia, KMPC. — Farm Round Table, KPAS. —Spanish Program, KMTR. —Country Church, ILEAC. — Music, KRKIL —Trading Post. KFXM. —Covered Wagon J a bile*.

KEIT/. 8:05—God's country, K7s1/.

—Soul Patrol. KGER. 9:15—Musical Clock, KFI.

*Australian News, NUJ. KGB. KVOE.

— Market Report. KMPC. *News, KPAS. —Breakfast Serenade, KGFJ. —Recorded Review. KFOX. — Military Band, KFXM. — Mizpah, HOER. —The Band Played On, KFSD.

8:30*News, KFI. KHJ. KECA. BRE W.

— Let's Pretend, KNX. — After Reveille. KMPC. — Dr. Clem Davies. KMTR. — Melody Clock. KPAS. —Strollin' Tom, KFAC. —Termite Topics, KGFJ. —Songs of the West, KFOX. —Sunshine Service, KF.V11. — Haven of Rest, KGB. — Army Band. KVOE. —Good Cheer, KFSD.

8:35—Music, KRI M. 8:45—Martha Tilton, KFI.

—Robert Lee Johnson, KECA. —U. S. Army Band, KI M —Salvation Army. KFWB. —County Medical Assn.. KFAC. — Dr. Weisman. KGFJ.

KFOX. —Army Band, KFXM. *News. KIND.

8:50—Music, KFI.

9— What's Doing, KFI. —Thea t er of Today. KNX. —Breakfast Club, KECA. —Red Cross Nutrition Series, KHJ, KVOE, KGB, KFXM.


—Prairie Schooner. KPAS. —Christian American Crusade. KMTR.

—Sagebrush Serenade. KRI M. —Daily Inspirational. KFAC. —Firebrands for Jesus. KFOX. —l'op. Oreh.. KFXM. —Four Bolles, KFSD. — Waltz Time. KFVD.

9:05—Music, KGER. '9:15—Consumer lips, KFI.

—Federated Churches. KECA. —R. Herbeck ()reit., RAJ, KGB, KVOE.

*News, KMTR. KFVD. —Pop. Orch., KFWB, KFXM. — Musk, KGFJ. — Morning Pickup. KMPC. —Classical Music. KFAC. —Bread of Life, KGER. —Pet Club, KIND.

9:30—Luncheon Date With nks Chase. KFI.

—Stars Over Hollywood, KNX. —w. P. A. Symphony. KECA. — Music, KELL KBE!). *News. KFWB. —Do You Know?, KPAS. — W. B. Record. KMTR —Farm and Home, KIND. —Revival, KGER. —Children's Scrapbook. KF3L51, KGB, HYDE.

—Here Comes Parade. KFVD. 9:45—Naomi Reynolds, RE('A.

—Food for 'Thought, RIRJ. —Bing Crosby. KF WB. *News, KMPC, KRKD. — W. P. A., KPAS. — Music, KMTR. —Fall Gospel, KGER.

1.0—Lincoln Highway. (CFI. —Columbia Country Journal. KNX.

—Dr. William Casselberry. KECA.

—Dr. Clem Davies, KF WB. —Say When. KMPC. *News, KHJ. KGFJ. KGER. KFXM. ((EON. KGB. KVOF.

—Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, KMTR.

—Serenade. REAL. - S. Marines, KPAS. —Turf Bulletins. KRI M. —V. Lopez Orch. KIND.

• —Gospel in Song. KFVD. 10:05—Full Gospel. KGER. 10:15—V. Lopez Orch.. KECA.

—On Guard With the Coast Guard. KILL

—Pop. Orch.. KFWB, KFX311. —Tune Testers, KPAS. *News, KMTR.

—City Defense Council, KRI M. — Music. KGFJ. —Jesus' Name. EWER. —Organ. KFOX. — KGB Presents, KGB. —Federal Music, HIVE.

10:30—America the Free, KFI. —Action on Home Front, KNX. —Al and Lee Reiser. KECA. —Colonial Network Orch., KEIJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE.

— Rooks in Review KMPC. —Interview, KFWB. — Musical Varieties, ((PAS. —Just Plain Folks, KMTR. —Sunshine Pastor. KGER. *News, KFAC. —Voice of Government, KRI M. —Varieties, KFOX. —Al Lee Reiser KFSD. — Midmorning Serenade. K M).

10:45—Treasury Star Parade. KNX. —Joan Brooks, KECA. — Frank Forest. Songs, KUJ, KGB, EFX11, KVOE.

*News. KF WB. KMPC. —Classical Music, KFAC. *News, Music. REED. —Rhythmic Age. KFOX. —Friendship Exchange, KIND. *Monitor News. KVOE.

11— U. S. Marine Band, K n. —Fantasy in Melody. KECA. KFSD.

—J. Long' Oreh., KILL KFXM. KGB. KVOE.


—Al Jan15. KF WB. —Down the Mississippi. KMPC. —Pasadena News, KPAS. —Dr. Talbot. KMTR. —U. S. Army Recruiting, ((PAL — Music, RRKD. —Sing and Swing, KFOX.

11.05—Of Men and Books. KNX. — Music as You Like It, ((PAN.

11:15—Homes on the Land. ((PAN. KGFJ. KFAC, KFOX.

—Good Neighbor, KGER. — Musical Album. KFVD.

11:30—Connty Medical Association Talk. KIEL

— Army Recruiting, KNX. —Elwood Gary. KECA. - Sudy Orch.. KHJ, IIVOE. KFXM.

—Denny Shane, KMPC. —Pasadena Independent, EWAN *News. KNITIL KRIED. KFOX. —City Dwellers, KGFJ. *News, HFS1). —Camp Callan Cannonade. KGB.

—Piano. FirilT1. 11:35—Elwood Gary, KECA. KIND. 11:45—Matinee in Rhythm. KFI,

—Town ('rier, KNX. *News. IOWA, KFSD. —Norman Parade, —Let's Listen To: ((PAN. — Music. KMTR, KGF.1. KRI M. —Treasury Star Parade. KFOX.

WTI KFI KECA KHJ KFVD OAS KFSG KGFJ KFXM KFAC KKR -FENT WPC-I-KIEV TKFWITY-KNX-T KFOYTKGBKVDE 570T6401-7901- 930-T-10201- TU1 1 T240 13301 -13 -1" 600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1490 —Police Interview, KGER. —Violet Schram. KIND.

11:55—KNX-tra. KNX.

1 242 —Farm Reporter, ((FT. —Action on Home Front, KNX. —Royal Canadian Air Force Band, KECA, KIND.

—Al Janis, KFWB. *Broadway Newt KILL — War Service Bureau. FC5IPC. —KPAS Entertains, KPAS. *News, KGFJ, KGER. —Strike Up the Band. KFAC. —51tisle. KMTR. ((RED. KFVD —Tin Pan Alley, KFOX. —Pop. Orch.. KFXM. —Unscheduled, KGB. FIVOE.

12:10—Music. ((GER. 12:15—Air Youth of America, KFI.

—School Business As Usual. X.

—Land of the Free, KHJ. *News, KMPC, KFOX. KFX5I. — Radio News Reel. KMTR. — Music. KGFJ. KGER.

12:30 —Campus Capers. ((Fl. —Unscheduled, KECA. —Unscheduled, K M, KVOE, KGB.

—F.O.B., Detroit. KNX. *News. KF WB, HPAS, KFAC KFSD.

— Music, KMTR. KFOX. — Musical Marathon. KMPC. —Little Show. KGER. —Pop. Orel:— HFX5I. —Violet Schram. KFVD. —Jimmie's Saddle Pals. ((RED.

12135—L, Breese Orch., ((RCA. KIND 12:45*News,

—Jubilee, KF WB. —Rumba Time, KPAS. — W.P.A. Program. KFAC. —Jungle Jim. KGFJ. — Dick Ross. KFOX. — Music, KGER.

1—Down Mexico Way, KFI. —Matinee at Meadowbrook. KNX. •

—Club Matinee, KECA. KIND. —Today's War Moods, KirWit. —Classical Music. KFAC. —Opera Festival., KHJ, KGB KFXM. KVOE.

*News. KGER. K M). KGFJ. — Marching Mood. KPAS. — Musical Marathon. KMPC. —Dick Ross, KN1TR. —Memories. ((RED. — Melodies. KFOX.

1 :05—Traffic Whys, KGER. 4 1:15—Masterpieces, KPAS.

—Jubilee. KFWit. — Music, KRKIL — Meet the Band. KGFJ. —Classified. KFOX. — Moods in Music. KFVD.

SATURDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 7:45—Tip of the Morning, KNX. 8 :30—Let'a Pretend, KNX. 9:30—Luncheon Data, KFI. 10:30—Amerlea the Free. EFL 5:30—Traffic Tribunal, KFI, 6:00—Ba rn Dance, Kr.. 6:00—U.S.O. Program, KNX. 7:00—Tune Out Time, KE('A. 7:30—Grand Ole Opry, ILF1. 8:00—Truth or Consequences,

KFI. 8:30—Robby Lobby. KNX. 9:00—Believe It or Not, KECA-


Drama 9:00—Theatre of Today. RNX. 9 :30—Stara Over Hollywood.

KNX. 10:00—Lincoln Highway, KFI. 2:00—Doctors at Work. ((Fl. 8:30—Able's Irish Rose. KFI.

Outstanding Music 1:00—Opera FestIsal, KI1J-KGR-

KFXM-KVOF:. 1:00—Matinee at Meadowbrook.

((NI. 2:04F—Budapest String Quartet

KNX. 2:00—Sunset Serenade, ICIRJ-

KGB-KFXM-K VOE. 5:30—Californin Melodies, KE1J-

K FXM-K VOE. 6:00—America Loves a Melody,


6:00—Evening Concert, KFAC. 6:00—Su mmer Symphony, K EC

KFSD. 6:45—Saturday Night Serenade

KNX. 7:15—America Preferred, KR.1

KGB-KFXM-KVIIE. 8:00 —Guy Lombardo, KNX. 9:00—Your RR l'arade. ((NI. 10:00—Lucky Lager Dance Time

RFA('. 10:30—Eastside Dance Tonite.

KFWB-KFSD. 11:00—Philharmonia. KECA.

Public Affairs 9:00—Red Cross Nutrition Seller

4:00—People's Platrorm, KNX 5:00--Aineriran Eagle Club,

KI1J-KVOE. 7:15-1.abor for Victory, M I 8:30—ABCD News. KECA-

KFSD. 11:05—Public Affairs. KNX.

Sports—Comment 1:30—Baseball: Hollywood vs.

San 1Mgo. KFAC. 1:35—Relmont Park Races, RNA 3:45—Baseball Roundup, RH.1 • FCGII-KFX51-KVOE.

7 :45—Inside of Sports, K IIJ-KGB-K7C X51- K VI1E.

10:15—Itowling Notes. RFAVR.

1:20—Bits of Hits, KGER. 1:30—Your Number, Please, ((Ft.

*News. KNX. —Boulevard Quiz, R MS. —Pension Sweepstakes, 14.31TR. —Baseball: Hollyaood vs. San Diego. KFAC.

—Salvatore Santaella. ((RED. — Music, KGFJ. *Christian Science Monitor Views the News. KFOX.

—Spanish Trio, KGER. —Hawaiian. KFVD.

1:33—Belmont Park Races, KNX. 1:45—Music, KFWB.

—Toe Tapping Time, KPAS. *News. Music, HARD. —Civic, KFOX. —Vocal Varieties, KFVD.

1:55*News, KECA. ILFS1).

ID —Doctors at Work, K M L —Glenn at Sunset Serenade,

KELL KFXM. KGB. KVIIE. —Budapest String Quartet. KNX —C. Spivak Orch., KECA. IEFSD —Interview, KFWB. — Musical Marathon, KMPC. — Music, KMTR. — Musical Matinee. KPAS. —Baseball, ((F M'. —Race Resume, ((RED. *News. KGFJ, ((GER. —South American Music, KFOX. —Organ, KFVD.

2:05—Music, KGER, ((RED. 2:15—Pupular Music, KFWB.

—Civic News, KGFJ. —Siesta, KGER. *Musk and News, KFOX. —Music Box. KIND.

2:30—Ricardo Time. KFI. • —Impressions by Green, KECA, KIND.

*News, ((RED. — Music. KGFJ. —Long Beach Band, ((GEE. —Salvation Army. KFVD.

2:45*Alex Dreier, News. ((Fl. — Music, ((RI M. *News, KFVD. —Let's Waltz. KGB. — Music Parade, KVOE.

11 —Golden Melodies, KFI. *7 -1.1. S. Navy Recruiting. KNX. —Dinner Music Concert, ((((CA. —1'rayer: Anchors Aweigh, KH.I, KFX111. KGB. KVOE.

—Al Jarvis, Discussion, KFWB. —Foreman of Flying V. KMPC. —Baseball. KFAC. • — Musical Matinee, KPAS. — Music, KMTR. KRI M. *News. KNITIL KGFJ, KGER. — Music, KRI M. — Music and News, KFOX. —Balboa Park Organ. KIND. —Pop. Favorites KFVD.

3:15—Army Recruiting, KFI. —('ailing Pan America, KNX.

. *News, KPAS. —Saturday's Letter. KMTR. —Concert Time. KGFJ. — Musk and News, KFOX.

3:20—Long Beach Band, KGER, 3:25*News, KEI'A. 3:30—Religion in the News. KFI.

— What's Doing, KECA. —Fighting Tools, KHJ. KFXM. —Chuck Wagon Rhythm, KPAS. —Piano, KNITIL *News, KKK». —Jean Cavall. KIND. —George Bacon, KGB. —Novelty Notes, KFVD.

—Classified. KVOE. 3:35—Music. KRIM. 3:45—Three Suns Trio, KFI.

—The Si odd Today, KNX. — KE LwaDr.d Tomlinson. ((RCA.

—B a seba 1 I Roundup, K M. KGB. KFXM. KVOR.

—Santaella Ensemble. ELMTIL —Carter Wright. KI ND.

3:50—C. Floyd :kelt., RH.). KGB, OE.

4—No a Webster Says, KFI.

—People's Plat form. K N X. —Dr. Matthews. KIM. KFXM KGB. KS 0E.

— Message of Israel. KFA'A.

KFWB, KRI M. —Foreman of Flying 1', KMPI — Woman's World, KMTIL —Baseball, ((FA('. —Swine Shift. KPAS. *News, KGFJ. ((FOX. ((GEE. —Plano. K M/.

4:15—Spastic Society. KFWB. — Movieland Quiz. KRKD. — Music. KGFJ. —George Strange KGER. *News. Kill).

4:30— Wings User the West, KFI. —Tillie the Toiler KNX. —J. Richards Web., K M. RGIL KVOE.


*N- ews, KMPC. —Broadway Bandwagon, KPAS. — Music, ILFX.M. KRILL,. —Caballeros, KFOX. —Prophecy Speaks KGER. —Tea Time. KFVD.

4:45—On the Seouting Trail. FEEL —Treasury Star l'arade. KHJ. —Stuart Hamblen, KFWB. —Crosbyana, KMPC. — King's Trumpeters. KMTR. *News, KRI M. —Adult Education. KGFJ. —J. Richards Orch., KFXM.

S—On the Scouting Trail, KFI. —Saturday Short Story, KNX. —T. Dorsey Orch., KE('A. —American Eagle Club. KHJ. KVOE.

—Stuart Hamblen. KFWB. KFAC.

—- Dr. Clem Davies, KMTR. —American Hour, EMIT. — Musical Comedy Favorites. KPAS.

*News, KGFJ. KGER, ILFSD. —Songs of Saddle, KRKD. —Jamboree. KFOX. —City Reporter, KGB. —Tea Time, KIND.

5:05—Latin Hour, KGER. 5:15*News, KFL KFVD.

— Rhythm Minutes. KNX. — M. Howard Fagan, KFAC. — Music. KGFJ. KFX.M. —On With the Dance, KFSD.

5:25—U.S.O. News, KFSD. 5:30—Traffic Tribunal. KFI.

*Harry Flannery, KNX. —Swap Night. KECA. RFSD. —California Melodies. IL11.1. KGB. KFXM, KVOE.

*News, KMTR. —Bing Sings. ILPAS. —Sport Secrets, KGFJ. —Race Results, REED. — Musical Cra-ktail. KFOX. —90.90 Club, KFVD.

5:45—By the Way With Bill Henry, 'CFI.

*Garred. News, KNX. —Organ, KPAS. — Music, KMTR. ERKES. —Phil Stanwick, KGFJ. —Dick Ross, KFOX. *News of the Week, KGB. — Evening Serenade, KFVD.

5:55*Daly. News. KNX.

6—National Barn Dance, KFI. —U. S. 0. Program, KNX. —Summer Symphony. !MCA. KFSD.

— America Loves a Melody. KHJ, KFXM, EVOE.


—Irwin Allen, KMTR. —Italian Melodies KGFJ.

—Evening Concert, KFAC. —Concert Music, REED. —F.O.B. Detroit, ELMPC. — Keep 'Em Flying. KGB. —Serenade, KFVD.

6:05—Music, KGER: 6:10—Sportlight, KFOX.

—Race Results. KPAS. 6:15—Radio News Meekly, KFWB.

—Santaella Ensemble. KMTR. —Easy Listening, Kl'AS. — Radio Revisal, KFOX. —America Loves Melody. KGB.

6:30—Here's the Story. KNX. —Rabbi Winkler. KFWB. —Off the Record. KMPC. —Dinner Music. KPAS. — Music, 11111TR, KGFJ. —Swing Session, KFOX. —Pastor Glover, KGER. *News. KFVD.

6:45—Saturday Night Serenade. KNX.

*J. MacDonald, KECA, KFSD. • —Pop. Oral., KFWB. —Playground Dept. Music., KMTR

—Father Vaughan. KRI M. —Evening Serenade, KFVD.

7—Sports Newsreel, KFI. —Saturday Night Serenade, KNX.

—Tune Out Time, KECA. — What's Vour Answer?, KFWB *News & Views, KHJ, KGB,

KVOE. *News. KMTR. KGER, KRECD. —Other Americas. KMPC. —S a de, KPAS. —S mnish Hour, KGFJ. — Evening ('oneert KFAC. —Dairy Drama, KFOX. — Whistling Parson. KFSD. —Evening Serenade, KI'VD.

7:05 —Music. KGER. 7:15—Labor for Victory, ELF1.•

—Accent on Rhythm, KNX. —America Preferred, KHJ. ELFXM, KGB. KVOE.

— Music. KNX, KMTR. —Christian Endeavor. KPAS. — Three-quarter Time KRI M. —Bomb Shelter. KFOX.

1:30 —Grand Ole Opry. KFI. —Voices in the Night. KNX. —Red Ryder. KECA, KFSD. — Music City. KMPC. *News, H MS. —Dr. Michelson, ILMTR. —Do You Know? ECRKD. —Judge Gardner, KFOX. —Spanish Hour. KGER.

7:45*Frazier Hunt, KNX. —Inside of Sports. KHJ. KGB. KF X11. KVOE.

—American Sketches. KFWB. —Timely Tunes, KPAS. —Evangelistic. KFSG.

gi—Truth or Consequences, Kr,, 421 -6. Lombardo Orch., KNX,

—Unscheduled. KHJ, KFIM, KVOE.


—Navy in Review, KFWB. — Music. KMTR. *Saturday News Review, SPAS. —Nasal Reserve. KFOX. —Victory Network, KFSD. —Victory Program. KGB.

8:05—Spanish Hour, KGER. 8:15—Postal Oddities, KECA.

— D. Robertson Orch., ILFXkl, KGB, KVOE.

—Pop. Orch.. KFWB. — Dr. James W. Fifield, Jr., ILEAC.

—Lest We Forget, KMPC. —Roberts Orch.. KMTR. — Music, KGFJ. —South American, ELFOX. —On With the Dance. KFSD.

8:30—Able's Irish Rose, KFI. — Hobby Lobby. KNX. —Flying Feet, KHJ.

*ARCO News, iliECA, KFSD.—Glendale Ballroom, IILFWB.

— Music City, K.MTR. —B. Selsin Orch., KMPC. —Judge Gardner. KPAS. —Remember Pearl Harbor. KGFJ.

—Lukens Valley Church, KFOX. —J. Reichman Orch., KFX.M. KGB, KVOE.

8:45—Music. KGFJ. —Classical Music. KFAC.

8:55—News, Joy, ENS.

9— Music for Americans, KFI. —Your Hit Parade. KNX. —Believe It or Not. KECA. KFSD.


—Pop. Orch., KFWB. — Music Boz, KMPC. — Waltz Time, KPAS. — Music City. KMTR. — Dick Ross, KFOX. —Classical Music, KFAC.

9:05—Christian flour. KGER. 9:15—C. Foster Orch., KHJ. ELF.L M.

KGB, KVOE. —J. Dunn Drell.. KFWB. — Music, KGFJ. *News. KFOX. SPAS.

9:30—T. Powell Orch., ELFI. *News. !MCA, KFWB. ILFS43. *R. B. C. News, KHJ, KGB, KVOE.

— Music. KMTR. —Pasadena Civic Auditorium, SPAS.

—Dick Ross, KFOX. —Russian Lecture. KGF.R. —A. Donahue Oral.. KFSD.

9:35—Radio S. S. Teacher. KFSG. 9:45—The Whistler, KNX.

—R. Kemper Orch., KECA. KFSD.

—Bob Brooks, KMTR.

—C. Thornhill Orch., KHJ, ELFX31, KGB, KVOE.

—Pop. Orch., KFWB.9:55 —Music, EFL

*News, KECA, KFSD.

10*News, KFI, KGFJ. KGEEL —The Whistler, KNX. —R. %Slide Orch.. KECA, KIND *Continues Newsreel. KHJ. —Broadway Bandwagon, KPAS. — What's New?, KMPC. —Viennese Ens., KMTR. —Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC.

—Silver Band. KFSG. — K. Kyser Orch., KI M!, KGB. KVOE.

10:15—Organ, K n. *News. Hanlon, KNX. —Bowling Notes. KFWB. — W. Manone Orch., KMPC. — Music. rikITR. —Victory Assembly. KGFJ. —Salvation Army. KGER. —Club Alabam. KFOX. —F. Martin Orch., KGB, KFX_M. KVOE.

10:30—Best of the Week. KFI. —L. Gluskin Orch, KNX. — H. James Orch., KECA. —Eastside Dance Tonite, KF WB. KFSD.

*News. KMPC. KFSG. — Music, KMTR. KPAS, KFOX. —Pop. Concert, HOER. — King & Pannell Orch., KFXM, KGB. K% OE.

10:35—Campus Christians, KE W. 10:45—C. Kennedy Trio, KMPC.

—Club Alaham. KFOX. 10:55—Nothing But Praise. KFI.

11 —Philharmonia, KECA. —J. Sasitt Orch., KILL KGB, KVOE.

*News, KFI, ENS, KGFJ. —Eastside Dance Tonite, KFWB. KFSD.

—' douse It. Please!. KMPC. —Dance Music, KPAS. —Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

— H. Henry Orch.. ILMTR. —El Monte Choralettes. ! MG. --Somerset House. KFX.M.

11:05 —Public Affairs. KNX. 11:15—J. Reicbman Orch.,

— Music, KGFJ. KMTR. 11:20—Treasury Star Parade. ENS. 11:30—E. Fitzgerald Orch., KHJ,

KFXM. KGB, KY OF. — Musical Comedy Gems, &Flint. — Music to Remember. KPAS. *News, KMTR. KFSG,. —Cowboy Trio. KGFJ. —Organ, KFSD.

11:35 —M. Strand Orch., KNX. —Drama. KFSG.

11:45 —Melodies at Midnight, KFI. 11:55*News, ENS. KF WB. KPAS. 1

Carnival Gang (Continued on Page 20)

hold everything up until we crawled out," explained Tim.

"Those were the days!", piped up Irene. "Ad-libbing just made that show. We each wrote our own parts and sometimes we got by with mur-der. There wasn't any censor then, except NBC."

"Whew", broke in Meredith. "It's a wonder we weren't put off the air! Do you remember the time Tim was doing a football scene and was sup-posed to be in the locker-room taking a shower? Someone was supposed to go in to him and say: 'Your girl's here.' that's the night Tim's timing was too speedy, and when the mes-senger delivered his line: 'Tim, your girl's here', Tim didn't wait sufficient-ly long to turn off the shower effects or arrange matters decently. He came in pronto with his line: 'Hello dear! What can I do for you?'" By this time, everybody was re-

membering everything. Elmore Vin-cent, who came all the way from San Francisco for the reunion, started talking about his Senator Fishface impersonation. "That guy", remarked Elmore in reference to the Senator,

"was an idiot at birth, entering the world with an upside-down brain and losing ground ever after. You'll be interested to know that Don Johnson, the fellow who used to play Professor Figgsbottle, is now writing for Fred Allen. I, myself, have a new char-acter which I'm playing at KGO. It's Bolivar E. Gassaway, the raving re-porter and news antagonist."

Then Irene observed: "We did things in the days of "Carefree Car-nival" that radio folks are doing today and think they're putting on some-thing new." Irene knows current radio—she just finished a stretch on the Ransom Sherman show. Tim's free-lancing in pictures.

"Gage sings the same as ever", spoke up Charlie Marshall from beneath his guitar.

"I didn't stop singing when I left the 'Carnival'. Gogo reminded him. "I went east and was on Lucky Strike's show, worked with Rubinoff, Vic Arden, James Mel-ton, Frank Black, Fred Allen, and a dozen more. Of course, I'm pretty busy now being Mrs. Rob-ert Redd and mama to my three-year-old Mary Robin."

"Well, old things," interrupted

Percy, the Playwright. "I'm in the cinema now, dontchaknow", and he froze his monocle in his left eye as if to offer evidence.

"Say", and it was Willson off again. "Whatever happened to the girl who played in the King Arthur scene?"

Willson struck out. "One night there was a very medieval scene in which King Arthur was sup-posed to assist a lady fair in mounting her horse. To make the scene more realistic, the producer suggested that the lady make a little grunting or puffing sound as the King aided her in getting on her mount.

"Rehearsal went off okay, theri came the actual show. The King started to give the lady fair a shove into the saddle and she let out an 'oo-oo!' that was almost an 'ouch' ".

"Yep, them was the days," sighed Charlie. "Folks used to bring us live chickens, 'n cakes, 'n pies—never no tomatoes, though."

"We'll give 'em a show to-night", averred Tollinger. "We've got the same old artists, the same old music — "—and the same old jc4cesi",

finished Charlie.

P AGE 38 RADI O LIFE M A Y 24, 1942

*ABCD News... ... KECA. K m. 8:30 p.m. Se Abie's Irish Rose FLE11, 8:30 p.m. Sa Action on the Home Front KNX, 12 m. Ma Adams, Les .. . KFAC. 11 a.m. 111-F African Trek. .. KFS'D, 2 p.m. Su Against the Storm KFI, 3:30 p.m. Air Youth of America KFI. 12:15 p.m. Si Albright, Eddie KHJ. 11:30 a.m. 31-F Album of Familiar Music__ KFI, 6:30 p.m. Sit Aldrich Family... ...... ............. ......KFL 9 p.m. Th Alias lohn Freedom....KECA. KFSD. 5 p.m. Su Allen, Fred. JINX. 6 p.m. Su Allen, Irwin KNITR, 6 p.m. M-Sa Amanda KECA, KFSD. 10:30 a.m. 3I-F Americo ',oves A Melode

KHJ. KF.X.NE KVOE. 6 p.m. Ma America Preferred

KHJ. KGB. KVOE, 7:15 men. Sa America the Free KFI. 10:30 a.m. Ma American Engle Club KIEL KVOE, 5 p.m. Su American Forum .....

.........KFLE KGB. KVOE. KF X3I. 5 p.m. Su American Melody Hour KNX. 6 p.m. Ti. American School Kids KFSD, 7:15 p.m. W American Sketches......_ ....... KFWB, 7:45 p.m. Sa Americans at the Ramparts

....KHJ, RGB, ILF.X.111. KVOE. 6:30 p.m. Ti. America's Home Front

KNX. 5:15 p.m. Tu. Th. F Amos 'n' Andy .... _ ..KNX. 8 p.m. 31- IF Anchors Aweigh

...... KHJ. KGB. KFX.M. KVOE, 3 p.m Sa Anderson. KFI, 2:30 p.m. M-F Andy and Virginia...--....KMPC. 7:30 a.m. 11-Sis Angelica Lutheran Hour....KF WB, 9:45 p.m. Su *Answering You KGB, 8:30 p.m. Su Anthony. lohn J KECA, Kra,. 7 p.m. Su Arden, Robert

KFWIE K.FOX, 7:45 p.m. 311-F; 6 p.m Ss Are You a Missing Heir?...__KNX. 8:30 p.m. To Army Hour KFI, 12:30 p.m. Su Arnold Grimm's Daughter. BFE 11:15 a.m. 111-1, Astor. Mary __________K_NX. 9:30 p.m. NI Aunt Jenny KNX. 11:15 a.m. 31-F *Australian News

KELE KGB, KVOE, 8:15 a.m. Sa Autry. Gene.. KNX. 3:30 p.m. Su Bachelor's ChIldren.____...KFI. 9:15 a.m. NI-F Backstage Wife KFI, 1 p.m. M-F Baker, Art_KFI, 8:15 a.m. H. W, F; 4 p.m. 31-F Barn Dance.................... KFI. 6 p.m Sa Baseball Roundup KHJ, KGB. KFXM,

KVOE 3:15 p.m. M-F; 3:45 p.m. Sa Basin St. Music KECA. KFSD. 10 p.m. W Bartons -___-______ KFL 3:15 p.m. 3I-F Rattle of the Sexes KFL 9:30 p.m. Fa *Baukhage Talking ILE('A, KFSD, 10 a.m. 311-F Beauty Counselor KMPC. 11:30 a.m. M. W. F Becker. Bob FIFE 12 m. Mu Believe It or Not KECA, KFI). 9 p.m. Su Belmont Park Races KNX, 1:35 p.m. SU Benny. Jack. KFI. 4 p.m. Su

.... _ .... _ ... KECA. KFSD. 8:30 p.m. Su *Bercovici, B. S.-1E11J. KGB. KVOE. 3 p.m. 3I-F Berger String Quartet KFSD, 6:3u p.m. W Berle, Milton... ._..........KECA. KFSD, 8 p.m. Tu Bess Johnson. ... . EFL 9 a.m. M-F Better Half

KHJ, KFXM. KGB, KYOE, 6:30 p.m. MI Between Bookends_KECA. 11:15 a.m. H. W. Th •Big Sister KNX. 9:15 a.m. M-E Rig Town ... . ___—_-__ ..... KNX. 6:30 p.m. TI. 13111 of Rights__ ...... ....... 8:30 p.m. 31 Bill's Wax Shop

FLEW, K.F.:401, KGB. KVOE.1 p.m. 31-1, *Bjornson KECA. 2 p.m. Tu Blind Artists 4:30 p.m. Ma Blondie KNX. 7:30 p.m. 31 *Boddy. Manchester....KEL 10:15 p.m. NI, W. F Book of Books. .... -..„_______KFL A:15 a.m. Su Books in Review K.MPC. 10:30 a.m. Ma Bookworm K W, KVOE. KGB. 2:45 p.m.M-F Bowes. Major. KNX. 6 p.m. TI. Bowling Center KFWIE 9:45 a.m. M-IF Bawling Notes KIAVB, 10:15 p.m. Daily Bowron. Fletcher .. KECA. 6:30 p.m. Ti. Breakfast Club.... KECA. 8:15 a.m. M-F

......... . .. KFI 1. 8 a. M. Sa.; 9 a.m. St-Ma KHJ. KGB, hi N51. ILVOE. 8 a.m. 31-1,

KFSD, 7:45 a.m. 31-Ma Brewster Boy ... KNX, 9 p.m. W Brice, Fanny EFL 8:30 p.m. Tit Bridge to Dreamland

KFA 3. KIND. 10:15 p.m. Sit Bridge Club KFI, 4:30 p.m. 31-F Bright Horizon KNX. 11 a.m. 31-F *Broadway News KHJ. m. 11; 5 p.m. 311-F Budapest String Quartet KNX, 2 p.m. Ma Burns and Allen *EFL 6 p.m. Ti. Burnt Bob .... . . . KNX. 9:30 p.m. To Butterworth, Bert KH.1. 3:15 n.m. *By the Way K n. 5:45 p.m. W. Th. F. Sit Cabbages and Kings KFI. 7:43 p.m. Th California Agriculture ... ..KFI. 6 a.m. Su California Melodies

. ...... KELL KVOE. FLFX31, 5:30 p.m Ss Calling Pan Amerha ..... KNX, 3:13 p.m. Ss Calloway Quizeicale KEVA, 6:30 p.m. W ('amera Club ... _ ... ....KNITR, 10 p.m. Camp Grant_KGB. KFX.11, ...... 12:30 p.m. Th Canary Chorns........- ..... KH.1. 10:30 a.m. Su Cantor. F.ddle- ...... .... KIEL 6 p.m. W

THE PROGRAM FINDER N oic; Prugrams marked will: an asterisk I') are of the contest. qui:. or

* Indicates programs of news and commentation.

Captain Jack K W. 4:30 p.m. SI Captain Midnight

..KHJ KGB, FIFXM, KVOE. 5:30 p.m. 3I-F Carnation Hour 1111. 7 p.m. M Carnation Bouquet.... ...... RH& 11:45 a.m. Ti.. Tit Carr and Carter KNX, 2 p.m. 311-F Casselberry. Dr.. __.__ KECA. 10 a.m. Sa Catholic Hour KECA. 3 p. m. Si. Cavalcade of America KFI. 7:30 p.m. 31 *Chang. Dr. KIFWB, 615 p.m. H. W. E *Chang. Mrs. H. H...K11111, 6:15 p.m. To. Ti. Chapel Quartet KFI, 8:45 p.m. Si Chaplain Jim, C.S.A KECA. 11:30 a.m. 111-F Charm Column. KH.1. 3 p.m. F Chase & Sanborn. KFI 5 p.m. Si, Chats About Dogs — KF1. 12 m. Si. Chef Milani...-. ....... KMPC, 11 a.m. M-F KECA. 4 p.m. NI

Chicago Round Table. .. KFI. 11:30 a.m. Su Children's Scrapbook

KGB. KFXM. KVOE, 9:30 a.m. Sa Christian Science KFAC. 4:45 p.m. Tu. Th. F

KFON, 1:30 p.m. 311-Sa Church Federation Yespers...KECA. 3:30 p.m. Si. Citadel of Faith__ ........ ___KECA. 3:30 p.m. Si, City Dwellers KGFJ. 11:30 a.m. 31-Sit

il Defense Protection School IDLE 12:45 p.m. F

*Clapper Ray ...... ...SECA, KFSIE 6:43 p.m. So Classic Dour KECA, 2:30 p.m. M-F *Close. Upton KFI, 3:45 p.m. Su Club Matinee..--- -- - __ KECA, 1:15 p.m. 31-F Coast to Coast on a EFL 6:15 a.m. Su Columbia Church._' „....KNX, 7 a.m.. 10 a.m. Su Columbia Country Journal .KNX, 10 a.m. Sa Columbia Symphony KNX. 12 m. Si. Columbia Workshop KNX. 11:30 a.m. Sit Confidentially Yours........KGB. 4;30 p.m. To. Th Consumer Tips —.KEE 9:15 a.m. Sa Contented Hour KFI, 7 p.m. M *Continuous Newsreel KHJ, 10 p.m. Daily ('onversation at the Console_KNX. 11:35 p.m. Su Cosmo Jones KNX. 10:15 p.m. Foi Counter Spy KECA. 10 p.m. 31 Country Church of Hollywood

...... . ..... ..... ....... KFAC. 8 a.m. Tu-Su Counselor, Mary KNX. 3:15 p.m. M County Medical Assu....--KFAC. 8:45 a.m. So

KFI. 11:30 a.m. Sla Covered Wagon Jubilee....KFVD, 7:15 a.m. SI-Sis frail. Joe .. - ..... --__....----KFAVB, 6:30 p.m. Su °Crime Dolkor KNX. 8 p.m. Si. Crimson Trall____ ...... .....KPAS, 5:15 p.m. M-F Crocker. Betty ..... KFL 11:45 a.m. E Crosby. Bing ______.__. . ._ _ .. KFL 6 p.m. Ti. Cugat. Xavier ..... KFSD. 10 p.m. Ti. *Culiel. Frank KILL 7:5)0 p.m. W

KHJ. KGB, KVOE. 9:50 a.m. Su *Cunningham, Owen

KFLE KGB. KVOE. 9:30 a.m. Su Daily InspirationaL KFAC. 9 a.m. NI-Sa Dallas. Stella . .... -_____KFL 1:15 p.m . 3I-F Dance Time (Lucky Lager)

....... ,........KFAC. 10 p.m. 31-Se: 10:30 p.m. Su, Dance Tonite (Eaststde Beer)

...--... ..... ____ —...KFVFB. 10:30 p.m. 31-Sa . _ ...... --......_.KFSD, 10:30 p.ni. Tu-F

Dark Fantasy 1111. 9:05 p.m. F *Davis, Ebner KNX, 5:35 p.m. Daily Dear 3. KIND. 8:15 p.m. NI

KFI. 9:45 p.m. Sit Death Valley Days KNX. 8:30 p.m. Ti. Detroit Bible Class . .. __KILL 9 a.m. Su Dine-Dance Parade K11.1. p.m. Tu. W. TI, Dixon, Nancy KNX, 1:13 p.m. 311-F Doctors at Work ....... 2 p.m. 86 *Double or Nothing

KH.11. KGB. KFN KVOE. 8:30 p.m. NI Down Brushcreek Wa) KNX. 8:15 aml• Tn. Ti. Down Mexico Way Ell. 1 p.m. Ss Drake, Galen ..... ....... K VN., I p. m. SI-F *Dreier. Alex 1.1 I. ,:45 p.m. Sit Dr. Christian 8:30 p.m. W °Dr. I. Q hi I.i:31) p.m. St Pr. Kate ................ 1,, 13 n.m. M-F Duffy's Tavern . ... K N. 9 p. m. Ti Easy Ares KECA. ELFSD. 4 o Tu. W. Ti. Eddy, Nelson Ks N. 5 p.m. SS Editor Speaks KILL L:20 p.m. ll Eller, Queen FLEE 9:30 p.m. Endicott. Jane KNX, 10:45 a.m. NI. W. F Evening Concert KFAC. 6 p. m. M-Si. Fact Flnders_KHJ, KFXM. KVOF:. 4 p.m. Sit Family Bible_ _ ...... ...... KMPC. 9:3:1 a.m. 31-F Family Doctor KECA, 11:15 a.m. Ti,. IF Family Hour KNX. 2 p.m. sli Fantasy in Melody....KECA. ILF4D. 11 a.m. So

KE('A. 6:30 p.m. Tit Farm Reporter KFI. m. 31-Ma Federated Churches.... ..... 9:13 a.m. Mn Fibber McGee and Molly .. ILF1. 6:31) p.m. eo Fidler. Jimmie KE('A. RFS!), 7:30 p.m. 31 Fighting Toole KHJ. KFXM. 1:30 p.m. Ma Find the Woman K VA. J;%.', p.m. F First Line. KNX, 7 p.m. Ti. First Nighter ....... ........ ........ KNX. 6:30 p.m. F First Piano Quartet KECA, Kroll 9:13 a.m. Su Fitch Bandwagon KFI 1:31) p.m. Si, Fiske, Bert.. . . ............. KFIVIL 9 p.m. 311-1F +FlanarrY. Harry w ..... RN • , 5:30 p.m. 311-sa Flying Feet.......KHJ. 11 a.m. Ti,. 830 p. m. Sot F.O.B. Detroit KNX, 12:311 P.m• So

offer type

Food for Thought KHJ, 9:45 km. Sa Forest. Frank

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE, 10:45 a.m. Na Forest Lawn KHJ, 3:55 p.m. 1111, W. I *Foster, Cedric

KELE KGB, KVOE. 11 a.m. 11, W. E Free ,rance KFIVIE 7:15 p.m. Si. French Program KMTR. 2:3U p.m. Su Friendly Hour KFA(.. . a.m. Su From the Dugout KMPC, It:45 p.m. NI-1 Etinnypaper Man KHJ. 8 a.m. Su Gang Busters KECA. KIND. 8:30 Ikm• F Garden Club KECA. 9 a.m. Su "Gaffed, Bob._______-...KNIX, 7:30 a.m. M-Se

KNX, 10 p.m. 31-F ..KNX. 5:45 p.m. M-Ma

..... .....KNX. 10:30 a.m. Si, Gateway to Music KFAC, 6 p.m. Su Gip Nineties Revue_________ KNX. 8:30 p.m. Si God's Country KNX. 8:03 a.m. So Goldbergs...... ... ..- .......... __KNX, 11:45 a.m. M-F Golden Melodies KFI. 3 p.m. Sa Good Cheer KFSID. 8:30 a.m. 111-Sa Good Will Hour . . ... _.......KECA, KFSD. 7 p.m. Ste Grand Central .... KFI. 7:30 p.m. Grand Ole Opry .... 7:30 p.m. Sa Grand:nippy & Pals KECA. KFSIE 9 p.m. Su Great Gildersleeve .. .. ......_ ...... _ Krt. 8 p.m. Si, Great Moments in Music KNX, 7 p.m. W Guiding Light KFI. 11:30 a.m. MI-F Halls of Montezuma... MILE KGB, 2:30 p.m. Su Hamblen. Stuart .. . .. 4:45 p.m. Daily Hancock Ensemble ......... ___ ____KH.1. 8 p.m. Su Hank Keene

KFLE KGB. KFXM. 9:45 p.m. 31, W. F Hank the Night Watchman_KGFJ, le p.m. Daily Harris. Nick KECA, 8:45 a.m. Si, Harlan David..........., FLF11, 8:45 a.m. M-1, Haven of Rest ....... SPAS. 8:30 a.m. 111-1, Hawk, Bob FiNX, 7 p.m. F Hawthorne House_______ ... . _.. 8:30 p.m. 31 *Hayes. Sam 7:45 a.m. M-Sa *Heatter. Gabriel....KHJ. KGB 6 p.m. NE W. F

KI M 8 p.m. Tu. Th Heidt, Horace KFI. 5:30 p.m. Tu *Henry. Bill........KFL 5:45 p.m. W, Th, F', Sa Here's the Story .. ........ _. KNX. 6:30 p.m. Ma Here's to the Ladies (Certified Sure-Fresh)

KECA, 9:15 a.m. M-F Hermit's Cave .ILMPC, 9:30 p.m. Su Hi, Monl!.. IDEPC, 10 a.m. Ma' Hickam Field Glee Club

- KH.11, KGB, KVOE. 12:30 p.m. Su Highlights of the Bible KFL 7 a.m. Su *Hiett, Helen KIND, 8;15 a.m. NI-F *Highlights of Week's Newe_ILFI, 8:05 a.m. Su *Hillman and Lindley KECA, 9:15 p.m. 31-1' Hit Parade. KjiiX. 9 p.m. Su Hobby Lobby KNX. 8:30 p.m. Sit Hollywood Shopping News K M, 3:45 p.m. I' Hollywood Showcase _..--* KNX, 9:30 p.m. 31 Homemakers Club KHJ, 12:15 p.m. 31-U Hope, Bob _.----- ............. ..IFLFI, . p.m. To Hour of Charm —.___.- ......... . 7 p.m. Si, House Next Door .... 4:30 p.m. Ti, Housewives' Protecthe League

KNX. 1:30 p.m. 31-F How'm 1 Bob'? KNX, 7 p.m. F *Hughes, John B.

. KHJ, Rho, K‘111-. 9 a.m. NI-F *Hunt, Frasier liN N. 7:45 9.1u. Tu, Ti,, Su Hymns of All Churches

KFI. 11:4.1 a.m. NI-Th

I Hear America Singing KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KVBE. 2 p.m. Mu

I'll Find My Way KILL 10:45 a.m. NI-F I Love a Mystery.--KECA. KFSIE 8:30 p.m. NI In His Steps. KILL 4:30 p.m. Su '.Information grim. 8:30 p.m. Tp Inglewood Park Concert KNX, 7:30 p.m. So Inner signet = EiFICA KFS11. p. M. Sn *Inside the News i Thrifty Drug)

K n. 10:30 p.m. Su-F Inside Sports

....KIEL KGB. HYDE. 7:45 p.m. To. Tit, Sa Invitation to Learning KNX. 8:30 a.m. Su It Happened in the Service'....KFI. 5:30 p.m. W I Was There ILNX. 9 p.m. Jack Armstrong

. KH.1 KGB, KFXM. KV4IF.:, 5:45 p.m. M-F Janis, Al KFWB, It a.m. 31-Sn: 3 p.m. Johnny Presents KEE 8:30 p.m. Tu John's Other Wife

KECA. RFS». 10:43 a.m. 11-F Johnson Family

KILL KGB. KFXM. KVOE. 4:15 p.m. 31-F Johnson Robert Lee FLECA. 8:45 a.m. NI-Ste Johnson, F:rekine ....... KE('A. 9:30 p.m. M-I Jones, Lorenso ILFE 1:30 p.m. M-F Joyce Jordan ....... .....-.-...KNX. 12:30 p. m. 31-F Junior Miss FIN'S. 6 p. m. W Jost Plain B111...... KEC N. KFS1). 11 a.m. 31-F

*Kaltenborn. H. V.._ K11, 4:45 p.m. Al Kuye Sunday Sermialle KEE 11 a.m. Si Keen Em Rolling K11.1. KGB. 7:30 p.m. str Kilgallen. Dorothy . KVV. 3:15 p.m. T: Rosie:liners Andre K NA. 1:30 p.m. S4 Kraft Moiolle Hall Kil 6 p.m. Ti Kvaer Kay ... KFI. 7 n.m. 1.nhor for Victory KI'l. 7:15 p.m. S:

MAY 24, 1942 RADI O LIFE PAGE 39

Lamplighter . KHJ, 11:30 p.m. M. KPAS. 10:15 p.m. M-F

Lager. Mildred .__KFAC. 8:45 a.m. Tu. W. rh Latin American Neighbors....KECA, 4.15 p.m. 31 Land of the Free......._ ......... KILL 12:15 p.m. Sa I.ane, Dave KNX, 3 p.m. M-F Lane, Wade KFA(.7. 8:30 a.m. Tu-Su *Lawton, Fleetwood (McMahan's)

1111. 7:15 a.m. M-Sa; KF:CA. 7 a.m. 31-Sa *Layman's Views of News 12:45 p.m. SP

..... ......................KECA. 5 p.m. Tu. W. Th Legion Fights KECA, KIND. 10 p.m. F Lest We Forget KHJ, 3:30 p.m. 1la Let's Play Bridge .KPAS. 2:45 p.m. M-F Let's Pretend KNX. 8:30 a.m. Sa 1.etters to My '4on. ' KVOE. 9:15 a.m. Su *Lewis. Fulton KHJ, KGB,

KVIIE. 4 p.m. M-F; 9:30 p.m. SI-F life Can Be Beautiful KNX. 10 a.m. S1-1, Lightning Jim KECA, 7 p.m M; 7:30 p.m. W. I' Light of the World KFI. 11 a.m. 5I-F Lincoln Highway .......... _ .1{11. 10 a.m. Sa I.indlahr, Victor. _ KILL KGB, 9:15 a.m. 3I-F Lombardo Oreis KNX. 8 p.m. Sa Lone Journey .. _ • K n. 2:45 p.m. N1-1, *Lone Ranger

KILL KVOE. KGB. 7:30 p.m. SI, W. F Looks at Books.. ........ 1111, 1:45 p.m. Su Lost Empire KP5s, 11:15 a.ni. M-F Lucky Lager Dance Time KFAC. 10 p.m. D Luncheon Date With Ilka Chase

K11. 9:30 a.m. Sa hum and Abner.. KFI. 8:15 p.m. M. Ti,. Th. F Lutheran Gospel Hour KPAS. 4:30 p.m. Sul Luz Radio Theatre ....... . . ....KNX. 6 p.m. 31 *MacDonald, James. KECA, KIND. 6845 p.m. Ss Magnin, Rabbi. KHJ. KVOE. 4:15 p.m. So Major League Baseball KMPC, I p.m. M-F •Ma Perkins KFI, 12:15 p.m. M-F Manhattan Merry-Go-Round___KFI, 6 p.m Su Manhattan at Midnight

KECA. KFSD. 8:30 p.m. 53 *Manning. Knox KNX, It p.m. Su-F

KNX. It:15 p.m. M-F *March of Time KECA, KIND. 6 p.m. F Market Plsce KILI, 11:15 a.m. 31. W. F Market Reports..._.. KMPC, 8:15 a.m. M-Ma Martin. Freddy..- . KNX. 7 p.m. 31 Wasterwiniis . Ks; X, 111135 pan. M-F Matinee at Meadowbrook KM . 1 p.m. Ss Dr. Matthews

KILL KGB, KFX.M. KNOF. 4 p.m. Fla mandie's 'Diary. KNX. 9:30 p.m. Tit 110 wen. Elsa KECA, KFSD, 7 p.m. F Mavwell House Coffee Time .11111, 8:30 p.m. Th McCarthy, Charlie ...........................KFI, 5 p.m. Su McGee. Fibber RP', 6:311 p.m. Tu Meet l'riscilla Alden___KPAS. 10:30 a.m. 31-F Melody Ranch. . ... . _. . . KNX. 3:30 p.m. Su Men of the Sea.. KECA., ..... 12:30 p.m. 31-F Message of Israel _ .. KECA, KIND, I pan. 50 Midnight Merry-Go-Round_ KNX. 12 p.m NI-Sa Milady Speaks ._......_. ... RYAS, 11:15 a.m. 31-1, Miller, Glenn KNX. 8:15 p.m. To. N. Ti, Hirandy's Gard,o Patch..KFI. 10:30 a.m. 31-Th Miss Meada's Children

KHJ. KVOE. 8:45 a.m. M-F Morgan. Frank ......................KFI. 8:30 p.m. Th 'Movieland Quiz____ ....... K KD, 4:15 p.m. M-Sa IIr I /Intrkt Attorney KFL 6:30 p.m. W NI, Keen..KFRD. KECA„ 4:15 p.m. Tu. W. Th u..crity, Johnny.. ....... __...._. KVI. 8 a.m. M-F music sod American Youth.. Eli, 8:30 a.m. Su NI...it. ...pr Americans KFI. 9 p.m. Ss music by Sueeten KECA, 5:15 p.m. Tu, Th Miatical Clock KECA, 7:45 a.m. M-F Musical Marathon______ KMPC. 12:30 p.m. Sa Musical Tapestries. KNX. 3:30 p.m. Tit Music to Remember. KPAS. 11:311 p.m. 5I-Sa Mullin' Goes Calling

KHJ, KGB, KFX.M. KVOE. 1:30 p.m. Tu-F Mystery Hall ..................KHJ KGB. 111111M,

kV0E. 3130 p.m. Su National Barn Dance KFI. 8 n.m. Sa National Farm & Home KFI. 6:15 a.m. M-F

....... .. _ .............. .....KFSD. 12:45 p.m. M-F National Vespers KF:CA. KF'SD. I p.m. Mu Navy Recruiting KILL K3'0E. 7:15 p.m. Su

Jordan K11.1, 1611. KI VSI, 1,1111.. IS p.m. Ti,

• Nesbitt, "lawman Isil I. I in. Daily hit,). 5 p.m. M-F

New York Raring KH.11. KGB, KFX31. KS 111 , 1:15 p.111. M-F

*News of the World_ ILECA. KIND. 3:45 p.m. 31-E

*Nichols. Leslie _KILL Kiiii•:, 9:40 a.m. Su

Nosh- 41rebster Says KFI, 4 p.m. Sin Nobody •• Children._ KGB. K 31. 4:30 p.m. Si.

- .. - . - .......... ...-.... R:30 pan. Mi. Nothing But Praise .... EFL 10:55 p.m. 31-Sa

*O'Carroli. W. A KHJ, 5:45 p.m. Su: 6:45 p.m. Tu

Of Men And Rooks KNX. 11:05 a.m. Ma Off the Mecord KSIPC. 3 p.m. M-11' Old-Faisnioned Revisal

KILL RI B. KVOE 6 p.m. Su Old Gold Irogntni ...1CNX, 5 p.m. VI One Man's Family ...K11. 5:30 p.m. Su On Guard With ti.e Coast Guard

KI M 10:15 a.m. sla On the Job. . 1111, 8 a.m. Sa On the Scouting Tra.I ... . M g. 4:45 p.m. So Opera Festival

KHJ. KEX31. KVOE, 1 pro. So Otero, Emma . 9:311 a.m. sin *Our ',ally Bread KPAS. 5:45 p.m. 41-F Our Gal Sunday KNX, 9:45 a.m. 41-1. Our Saviour's Chime!) KMTIt. 1 p.m. Su Pacific Lutheran Hour KFV111. 9:45 p.m. 'ii Paging John Doe F M, 5:30 p.m. Parker Family KFI. 7:15 p.m. Si.

*I'arker, William (Thrifty Drug) KFL 10:30 p.m. Mu-F'

Parker. Frank... KNX. 3:30 p.m. M. W. F KHJ, 3:30 P.m- To Pasadena Report illg

Patterson Polly KFA(7, 11:30 a.m. M-I, Pause That Refreshes KNX. 1:30 p.m. Sii Pearce. Ai KFI. 7 p.m. Tit Pearson & Allen KI I 5, hi',!). 5:45 p.m. Su 1'euple .re Funny KFI, 7 p.m. F People's Platform . K N X, 4 p.m. Sa Pepper Young's Family K I 1. 1 l:311 p.m. M-F Philharmonia ht. S. II p.m. Daily Philip Morris Playhouse IsS X. 8:30 p.m. F Pierre KKNIV R6.,304 p.m. . WI. Plantation Party.. Physical Well Being EFL 9:15 a.m. slu Plays for Americans KFI, 2:30 p.m. Su

Point Sublime

Poet's Hill KFI. 8 p.m. 31.111..Tsup,.Tmh..uF. KMPC, 11:45 a.m. M-F

Pleasure Time.

*Polyzoides. Adamantios .. . _ .. ._.. KHJ, 9:45 p.m. Su: 3:45 p.m It

Port. of Hope . _ . ._ . ....-_ ....... KINVB. 2:45 p.m. M Portia Faces life --- ..... EFL 2:15 p.m. M-F Potter. Peter . ...KKFm:CpAc, . 89:1p5..p :mit _Ms?.Postal Oddities.

KMPC. 10:30 a.m. Sii Prescott Presents KF:CA, KFSIL 12 m. M-F *President's Press Conference

KGB. KINM, KVOE, 2 p.m. Ti, *Pringle, Nelson KNX, 7:45 a.m. M-F

Prooertv Owners EFL 3 p.m. Sip •1 rot I uzzlewit

Public Affairs KMTR. 8:30 p.m. Th KNX. 4:15 p.m. Su.; 11:20 p.m. Ti,, 1'; 11:05 p.m. Sa

"Quiz Court iPDQ Petrol)... .... _KFI. 9 p.m. W •Quiz Kids KECA. KIND. 8 p.m. W Radio City Music Hall

EEC S. KIND. 9:30 a.m. Su Radio Neu. rekl) Kt:CA. 5:30 p.m. Su

K Rare Result, IKRIEL D1.22:15p.miL.m31.-S4a"

... ....... .

Kii11100/11 Is1.4 S. ICFSIL 6:53 p.m. 31-1. Reagan. Neil _ KI M% 9:45 p.m. M-F Red Cross Nutrition s,,ies

. _ . KHJ. KGB, KFX31. KVOE. 9 a.m. S6 Red Ryder KECA. FUND, 7::KtIlrip:m3.,30 m.Tup..Th, Ma a Religion in News. - Report to Nation 113:X. 6:30 p.m. Ti, Rescue 'fission KFWB, 8:30 a.m.. 9 p.m. Au Reviewing Stand.......... . KGB. KVIIE, 8 a.m. Su Revue in Miniature EECA, KIND, 8:30 a.m. Su Reynolds. Naomi __ .KECA. 9:45 a.m. Ss Rhapsody In Wax KILL 2 a.m. 31-Sa. Rich. arena ... KFI, 9:45 p.m. Su

- ------KECA, REM)). 8:15 p.m. M *Rirlif:eld Reporter (Richfield (Ill)

_., ...... , ... -- -............ EFL 10 P. m Su-F Right !.. Happiness KFI, It:45 p.m. M-F Riple. .tobert KIN'S. KIND. 9 p.m. Sa Road ••• I.ife KNX. 2:15 p.m. SI-P *ItieJii I. Ed . _ ... __ KFOX. 6:45 p.m. 151-F * R111 s. Cleie KECA. 12:45 p.m. M-IE *Ito.' •'..:itez & Sutherland_KECA, 9:45 p.m. 31-F Rom •-e of Helen Trent __KNX. 9:30 a.m. M-F Ruin ai-e of Highways

..-....KHJ. KGB. KVOE, 10:15 a.m. Su Runi',. Revue KECA, KFSD, 10 p.m. Tu Sat •:. Songs KGB. KVOF., 11 a.m. Su StOt ' Ike Tabernacle KNX. 9:30 a.m. Si, Mali. oll Army KFWB, 8:45 a.m. Se Sat. ty Night Serenade....KNX. 6:45 p.m. Ma

s.,... .good Reines KECA. 9 a.m. Su Se, ' rough, Opal. MI 11..1 of the KNX, 2:43 p.m. M-I,

KGB, KIFX51, KVOE. 11:30 a.m. To Me, al Husband.KECA, KFSD, 10:15 a.m. 31-F St. Mrs. Burton Srl• et • ' Legion n. KNX. 4 p.m. M-IF SI, . law KILL 6:30 p.m. Th

KILL 8:30 p.m. Ti, dome, Denny..._.KMPC. 11:30 a.m. Tu, Th. Sa Si wilian, Ransom ENS. 6:30 p.m. Shore. Dinah KNEXN.S2.:455 p.m. Si,s *shirer, William Short Story KECA. !IFSD, 6:30 p.m. F

Show of Yesterday and Today ........... ............. KECA. KFSD. 11:30 a.m Su

Side Show K M, 3:10 p.m. M-F Siesta Time ........ _____- KECA, 1 p.m. Ti,. Th Simms. Ginny _____-_____ ENS. 6:55 LIME F Singing Neighbor. ENS. 3:30 p.m. Tu *Siring Up the '.;1•VVA KI M

KGB, KFX 51, 1.5 0E, 9:15 p.m. M. W. F Skelton, Red . . KFI, 7:30 p.m. Ti, smith Kate. Variety 11 • ENS. 9 p.m. F Smith. Kate. ....... .... Ks. X. 9 a.m. M-F *Smith, Lyman KM IR. 1:30 p.m. M-F Songalogue. . KILL liGis, KS UK, 9:15 a.m. Sa Sung,. for Marching Men

KILL KGB, KFX51. K1 11E, 0:30 p.m. F Songs of I.Ititli KI tC, ":15 p.m. M-F Spastic Society Is 1 W11", 4:15 pin. Sit Spirit of '42 ENS. 11 a.m. Su Sport Secrets ..... -..- KGFJ. 5:30 p.m. M-Ma Sporty Page KM1147. 6 p.m. 11-F Sports Program .......... ........ENX. 10:30 p.m. M-F Sports Newsreel .... -..- KFI. 7 p.m. Sa Sports Roundup Ell. 10:15 n.m. Tu. Tit

.. _ ._ KECA, 6 p.m. 131-Th; 0:45 p.m. F Standard Symphony

..... .. KELL KVOIL KGB, KFXM 8 p.m. Th Stars Over Hollywood......._ KNX, 9:30 a.m. Mn Stepmother ENS. 1 p.m. 31-F Stories America Loves___ KNX. 14:42 a.m. 31-F

story Teller KILL 9:15 p.m. To To KFWB, 2 p.m. 11-1,

Strictly for Sportsmen KFOX. . p.m. M-F sit rollin Tom KM'S-, 7 p.m. Su-F Strike l'p the Rand .. KFAC, 12 m. NI-Sa S ..... mer Symphony KECS. KIND, 6 p.m. Ss Sunset Serenade R11 1, KGB. Kl0E. 2 P•m• so Swap Night .. KECA. KIFS'IL .5:30 p.m. Ss Sweet and Sentimental

RU.1. KVOE, 2:15 p.m. 311-F

Sweeten Segue ivF1, 9:30 p.m. F *Swing, Raymond Gram K M,

KGB, KVOE, KFX31, 7 p.m. Mu, N. Th Symphonia ... ........... .....,.... KMPC. 10130 p.m. Su 'Take It or I.eave It ENS 7 p.m. Si, Taylor, Mary I.ee.. KNX. 10.15 ii.m. Tu. Th Telephone Hour istl, 9 p.m. M Temple, Shirley Iv N X, 6 p.m. W Texaco Star Theatre is s X. 0 p.m. Su Theatre of Fume 1,1 Mt, 9 p.m. To Theatre of Today is \X. 9 a.m. Ss Theme & l'ariations ......... ..

KHJ, "GB, K % III. 1,1 \ NI, 1:30 p.m. SI They Live Forever.... h N X, 10:30 p.m. Su Thin Man..... ....... KFI. 9 p.m. Tu This Is The Truth..K1. 5, ts IND. 1:30 p.m. Su This Nation At War

Ki. 5 hi silt, 6:30 p.m. To This Our America .. KHJ, KFWB.

KGB, KFXM, Kl0E. 8 p.m. M Thompson. Dorothy KECA, KIND, 8 p.m. Tit Three Ring Time KECA, KIND, 8 p.m. Ti, Three Sheets to the Wind KFI, 9 p.m. Su Three Thirds of a Nation

KECA. KFSD, 7 p.m. W Tillamook Kitchen,.........._.. KFI, 10 a.m. F Tillie the Toiler .._ ENX, 4:30 p.m. Sa Time to Smile__ ..- ........ -- ...... ...K11. 6 ILIR• W *'Tinuey. Cal KILL KGB. KFXM, KVOE, 9:15 p.m. M, W,F

Today's War Moods KFWB. 1 p.m. 111-Sa Town & country Market _KILL 10:15 urn. M-F Tip of the Morning KNX. 7:45 a.m. Sa *Tomlinson, Ed KECA. KIND, 3:45 p.m. Sa Town Crier KNX. 11:45 a.m. Sa Town Meeting KECA, 10 p.m. Th Tracy Arthur __ -. KECA, 1 p.m. 31. W. F Traffic Tribunal --____ ...... _. KFI, 5:30 p.m. Sa 'Treasure Chest KFI. 5:30 p.m. Tn Treasure Hour of Song

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE. 7 p.m. F Treasury Star Parade

.K11.1. KVOE, 4:45 p.m. M, 1.'; 11 a.m. W ENS. 8 a.m. To, Th

Tropical Serenade KHJ, KGB. KVOE. 8:35 p.m. F

Truth or Consequences KFI. 8 p.m. SR Tune Out Time SECA. 7 p.m. SR Tune Up, America

KILL KGB, KFXM. 8:30 p.m. W Twilight Tales KECA. 5 p.m. M. V •Uncle Walter's Dog House AFL 8:30 p.m. W Uncle Harry 1LMPC. 5:30 p.m. M-F United We Sing ENS. 9 p.m. Th Unity Daily Word__ . KMPC 8:30 a.m. 91-F University Explorer KECA, KIND, 9:45 p.m. Su

EEl. 10 n.m. Si, Unlimited Horizons KFI. 9:30 p.m. M I.S.O. Program ENS. 6 p.m. Sa Valiant I.ady ENS. 8:30 a.m. M-1 Vallee. Rudy KECA, KUSD, 7 p.m. Th Vic and Sadie

KNEXN.X1,°.3":15a pm.m.51T1-1 4 Voice of Broadway Voice of Firestone KFI. 5:30 p.m. M Voice of Prophecy KILL KGB. 8:45 a.m. Sii

...SM.'. KGB, KVOE, KIFXM. 9:15 p.m. Su Voices in the Night KNX. 7:30 p.m. Ss l'ov Pop.... ... ........ .... ..... _ ..._...KNX. 5 p.m. M Waltz Time-_______ -_-_____KFL 8 p.m. F Waltzes Old, Fashions New

KECA, 2 p.m. Su Wake Up America...--KECA. KIND 12 m. Sit War Semler Bureau KMPC, 12 m. M-Sa Waring. Fred KFI. 8 p.m. M. To. Th. I. We Cover the Rattle Front ..KFI. 3:30 p.m. Su We Love and Learn KNX. 11:30 a.m. M-1 * Weekly War Journal-KKCA, KIND, 4 p.m. Su West Coast Church KNX. 8 a.m. Su %hat s Doing KFI, 9:45 a.m. W I

KECA, 3:30 p.m. M-F What's It All About? KNX. 9:45 p.m. Su What's 31y Name?

.......14111J. KGB. KFX111. KVOE. 8 p.m. IN What's On Your Mind" KNX, 9 p.m. Su What's Sour Answer" KFW11, 7 p.m. Mn Wheeling Steel KECA. KIND, 2:30 p.m. Su When a Girl Marries.. .. __ K n. 2 p.m. M-I Where Am IT (Jr. ('. of C.) . K WH, 8 p.m. M Whistler ENS, 9:45 p.m. 10 White. Agnes_KFI. 10 a.m M-1i,; 10:15 a.m. F Whoa Bill Club....- _ -__KFAC. 5:30 p.m. M-t

KFI, 8:30 p.m. F Whodunit? * Wilder, Alvin KECA, 5'p.m. Tu, W, Th Wileman, Edgar H..... ........ ENX. 3:15 p.m. W. IF * Wilkinson, Marc KM1'('. 10:15 p.m. Su *Winchell, Waiter KFI. 7:30 p.m. Su * Williams, Wythe KILL KICX31. 3 p.m. Su Wings Over Jordan -.... KMPC. 7:30 p.m. So

ENS. .7;330 0 pa...m.. S.. il.u.

Wings Over the West ...KFAC. 8:15 p.m. 31; . EFL 4:314 p.m. Ss:

* Win ter. Wm KILL KGB, lilliE. 8 p.m. W ENS. 2:311 p.m. M-S.: - • l

Wom an In White. ..... -....-...KNX. 10:15 a.m. 31-1-Woman of Courage .. _ .. EN X. 12:45 P.m M-1 Woman's World (with PIPrre. W I ..

KMTIL 4 p.m. M -Ss ‘V:aprAld,4oyfmpOhpeonrya Women Today' KMP C. 4:45 p.m. So

. ... KHJ. KGB. KVOE, 10:35 a.m. M-1 KECA. 9:30 it.m Si'

Young. Norma KII,I, 9:30 a.m 51-I Young Dr. Malone._ ...... 'ENS. 4:15 o.m 31-1 losing People's Church . .

KILL 4•14. ".11,XM. IFIVOE. 1:311 p.m • "., Young Wieder Brown KFI. 1:45 p.m. M-I Your Blind 'Site .KECA. KIND. 6:30 p.m. M Your Date Wth Don Norman . .

.. RILL KGB. KFX31. 19•45 m. - Your Govermavnt Reports KF1, 4:45 pan. To Tour Singing Neighbor ENS 3:311 p.m U

Radio Life Magazine 1029 West Washington Los Angeles, Calif.

The Office of

Mrs. Joseph E. Goodbar

36 West 44th Street

New York, N. Y.






The following is a Resolution submitted to the members of the Woman's Press Club of New York City (of which Mrs. Amelia B. Moorfield is presi-dent), and passed by them on April 11, 1942; submitted to the members of the National Opera Club of New York (Baroness Katharine Evans von Klenner, president), and passed by them on April 9, 1912; submitted to the members of the Par-liamentary Council (Mrs. Harry Harvey Thomas, founder and president), and passed by them on May 6, 1942:

There is a strong tendency towards the reduction of appropria-tions made for advertising via newspapers, magazines, radio and all other forms of advertising media; and

Women determine the selection of purchases which include more than 80% of the merchandise customarily advertised via newspapers, magazines, radio and all other forms of advertis-ing media; and

There is an ever-increasing belief that the country should sus-tain the policy of continuing the normal purchasing of products of all kinds wherever it may not be in conflict with our govern-ment's needs during this war, to the end that, insofar as possi-ble, business activities may be preserved for the good of de-fense activities, and positions held ready for our war workers when war is ended,

BE IT RESOLVED, that the members of the ... In meeting as-sembled . . . urge all advertisers via newspapers, magazines, radio and all other forms of advertising media to continue nor-mal advertising during the war period, believing that any ma-terial interruption thereof will have a detrimental effect on the morale of the home, for which we women are responsible; and that we as individuals shall make special effort to direct our purchase in favor of those products which continue to be advertised in normal fashion via newspapers, magazines, radio and all other forms of advertising media.

(Signed) Mrs. Joseph E. Goodbar

Chairman of Press and Radio of Woman's Press Club of N. Y. City
