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Mercy Hospital Foundation Report to the Community

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Mercy Hospital Foundation Report to the Community EXCEPTIONAL MEDICINE. EXTRAORDINARY CARE.

Mercy Hospital FoundationReport to the Community


Every Gift Makes a Difference at Mercy


Mercy Iowa City

heals and comforts

the sick and works to

improve the health of the

community in the spirit

of Jesus Christ and the

Catholic tradition of

the Sisters of Mercy.

2 Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community

In fu lfi llm ent o f Mercy’s m issio n to w o rk to im p ro ve th e h ealth o f th e co m m u nity

th e F o u nd atio n w ill p ro vid e on-g o ing su p p o rt fo r ed u catio nal m aterials and

co m m u nity b ased p ro g ram s inclu d ing th e F o u nd atio n Ed u catio n F o ru m s.

2010 Foundation Board of Directors

Steve AndersonGene Brawner

Don CarstensenScott Fisher

Tom GoedkenMike Heinrich

Chuck McComasJim Meehan

Nancy QuellhorstRonald R. Reed

John Van Rybroek, M.D.Lori Wenzel, M.D.

Madeline Windauer

Foundation StaffJulie Johnston, President

Becky Kriz, Development AssistantMichelle Marks, Administrative

Assistant to the President

Every Gift Makes a Difference at Mercy In these uncertain econom ic tim es, your life changing gifts to Mercy are

especially needed and deeply appreciated.

T his R eport to the Com m unity contains an H onor R oll of Contributors for

2009, acknow ledging the generous donors w ho have m ade an investm ent in Mercy

w ith their gifts.

W ith your help, the Foundation’s annual support for Mercy continues to grow

to a new level w ith a special 40th A nniversary gift of $1,094,000 this past ?scal year!

T he Foundation continues to fund cutting-edge m edical equipm ent, facility

im provem ents and patient com fort item s, all of w hich m ake a trem endous

difference to our patients.

T he Foundation is especially proud of the role our donors have played in

assisting w ith the creation of Mercy H ospice Care, the ?rst and only facility in

Johnson County dedicated to end-of-life care.

L ooking to the future, the Foundation w ill continue to provide substantial

funding for the education of health care professionals w ith scholarships for Mercy

em ployees seeking advanced training in nursing and generous scholarships for high

school students entering the health care ?eld.

In ful?llm ent of Mercy’s m ission to w ork to im prove the health of the

com m unity the Foundation w ill provide on-going support for educational m aterials

and com m unity based program s including the Foundation E ducation Forum s.

Your support is critical in helping us m eet these im portant goals.

W e encourage you to m ake a difference through a gift to an area that is

im portant to you. For m ore inform ation on giving options please call or visit our

W eb site at w w w .m ercyiow acity.org for m ore inform ation on w ays to Make a G ift.

T hank you for your con?dence in Mercy H ospital and your support of our w ork.

Don Carstensen Julie Johnston

Chairman President

Mercy Hospital Foundation Mercy Hospital Foundation

Board of Directors 319-358-2623

Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community 3

“It was always a privilege and a pleasure to assist Sister Venarda in her

administration of Mercy Hospital and her creation of the Mercy Foundation.

Good things always happened when she was involved.

Richard Feddersen, original Foundation Board member

Forty years ago, acting P resident

and CE O , Sister Mary V enarda, called

together nine local people of inDuence

w ith a challenge — form a foundation

to generate private support for Mercy.

W hen the Foundation w as form ed

in 1969, Mercy had already been

serving the com m unity for 96 years,

evolving from the w ork of four Sisters

of Mercy in 1863, to a m ulti-service

com m unity hospital.

Since its inception, the Foundation

has been served by a lay B oard of D irec-

tors. In 1985 the far-sighted volunteers

initiated an endow m ent cam paign, The

Fund for Tomorrow, that has lived up

to its nam e by providing an on-going

m eans of funding for hospital needs.

“W e stood behind Sister V enarda

as she led the w ay,” says R ichard

Feddersen, an original Foundation

B oard m em ber w ho continues to

support the w ork of the Foundation

today, m ost recently w ith a gift for

a new endow m ent fund created

speci?cally to support the Mercy

H ospice Care U nit.

“It w as alw ays a privilege and a

pleasure to assist Sister V enarda in her

adm inistration of Mercy H ospital and

her creation of the Mercy Foundation,”

says Feddersen. “G ood things alw ays

happened w hen she w as involved.”

G ood things continue to happen

w ith current cam paigns that provide

critical support for Mercy. In celebration

of the Foundation’s 40th A nniversary,

the Foundation m ade a gift of m ore

than one m illion dollars ($1,094,000) to

Mercy in ?scal year 2009.

More than half of the gift

w as dedicated to the new hospice

unit. T he balance of the gift w as

directed to m edical equipm ent,

scholarships, patient com fort item s

and educational program s.

A lso funded w as art, including

w orks by local artists that have been

dedicated to the nine m em bers of

the original Foundation B oard of

D irectors: Sister Mary V enarda L ance,

Sister Mary A lois K essler, Chuck D ore,

R ichard Feddersen, B ud H oughton,

D avid N oonan, Christian Schrock, M.D .,

W .W . Sum m erw ill and the

R ev. R oy W ingate.

T hese pieces serve to both honor the

visionaries w ho answ ered a call to serve

and rem ind us of Mercy’s long and rich

history of caring for our com m unity.

F o u nd atio n C eleb rates 4 0 Years o f Giving

Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community 5

Since childhood, L indsey Clifford

had dream ed of becom ing a nurse. She

had not, how ever, envisioned herself as

a soldier in a com bat zone as part of the

path she w ould take to get there.

Follow ing high school L indsey

started taking college courses she

?nanced w ith part-tim e jobs w hen the

events of 911 changed her life.

T his w as a turning point in w hich

she saw an opportunity to becom e

a part of history. W anting to join a

force w orking for a greater good in

the w orld, she m ade the life-changing

decision to enter the m ilitary and

enlisted in the arm y.

A fter basic training at Fort

L eonard W ood, Missouri, she w as

deployed to serve Iraq in 2004 and

2005, as unit supply personnel in a

transportation unit. W hile in Iraq she

w itnessed a m ajor m ass casualty w hen

insurgents blew up the base dining

facility. She rem em bered thinking, at

the tim e, that she w ished she could do

m ore to help the w ounded.

O nce back in the U nited States,

L indsey resum ed her nursing studies

in earnest and began to w ork at Mercy

Iow a City Cancer Care as a nurse

tech. She selected Mercy, a com m unity

hospital, because she w anted to be part

of a team that took pride in providing

personalized healthcare.

She w as delighted to learn that

Mercy offered tuition assistance and

that in addition, the Foundation offered

scholarships for em ployees pursuing a

degree in nursing.

E ach grant cycle, three

exceptional applicants are selected to

receive endow ed scholarships. It w as

especially ?tting that L indsey w as

selected to receive the E rusha Fam ily

Scholarship founded by R ita and

D on E rusha. A s they learned w hen

they m et, L indsey and D on are both

veterans of foreign w ars, D on having

served in W orld W ar II.

She now feels that her experience

enm eshed in another culture helps her

to understand her patients and their

differences. “E ach day brings new

m eaning to m y personal outlook on

life,” says L indsey. “I feel fortunate to

participate in the healing process of

our patients.”

L indsey w ill graduate in May

2010, w ith her B SN from St. A m brose

U niversity. L indsey is grateful for the

scholarships that have helped her, in

her w ords, “com plete one of m y biggest

passions, becom ing a nurse.”

S o ld ier, S tu d ent, N u rse

“Each day brings new meaning to my personal outlook on life,

I feel fortunate to participate in the healing process of our patients.

L indsey C lifford, nurse

6 Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community

Don Erusha, seven days before WWII ended in Germany.

8 Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community

N ot m any people plan for the end

of life w ith the know ledge, resources and

com passion for others of E laine Malott.

Follow ing her w ork as a nurse

for 50 years E laine volunteered w ith

hospice in her hom e com m unity in

A rkansas. H ospice w as her passion.

W idow ed and facing a term inal

illness, E laine planned for the next

stage of her life w ith courage and grace,

and the help of her daughter, Julie and

son-in-law, D an K night.

T he decision w as m ade that

Julie and D an w ould build a hom e to

accom m odate E laine’s needs as her

illness progressed. Julie left her position

at Mercy to be available as a full-tim e

caregiver to her beloved m other. D an,

an internationally know Jazz P ianist,

adjusted his travel schedule to provide

care and support as needed.

B y the late stages of E laine’s illness,

her care becam e m ore com plex and

physically dem anding. A t the sam e

tim e, Mercy Iow a City w as about to

open the ?rst and only com m unity

hospice facility in Johnson County,

Mercy H ospice Care.

D an and Julie had learned about

the unit through their continued

contact w ith the hospital. D an

volunteered w ith the Mercy E m ployee

Choir, providing accom panim ent for

holiday concerts. Julie stayed in touch

w ith form er colleagues and w atched

w ith interest, as a dream becam e a plan

and then a reality. A ccording to the

w ishes of the Sisters of Mercy, their

form er convent had becom e a place of

great com passion and care for patients

at the end of life.

It w as E laine w ho told Julie and

D an in the spring of 2009, that it w as

tim e for her to go to Mercy.

A t ?rst reluctant, Julie and D an

agreed. A gain, E laine had m ade a

good decision. T he support and

accom m odations they found at Mercy

H ospice Care for E laine and their fam ily

reassured and com forted them all.

Five days later E laine passed aw ay

peacefully, in a room facing the treetops,

w ith D an and Julie by her side.

In the fall, addressing donors

w ho had helped m ake the hospice

unit possible w ith their gifts to the

Foundation, Julie touched all deeply

w ith her sincere gratitude w hen she

said, “T hank you for allow ing m e to be

a daughter, rather than a caretaker, at

the end of m y m other’s life.”

A s a ?tting tribute to E laine, and in

appreciation of her care, Julie and D an

are donating a Steinw ay piano to the

hospice unit. E laine w as a m usic lover

w ho especially enjoyed listening to D an

play the piano. W ith this gift, Julie and

D an can share the gift of m usic w ith

future patients and their fam ilies, a gift

of beauty and peace.

Mercy H o sp ice C are

“T hank you for allowing me to be a daughter, rather than a

caretaker, at the end of my mother’s life.

J ulie K night, E laine Malott’s daughter

Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community 9

M erc y H osp ic e C are lobby (top ) and p atient room.

10 Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community

H ealth C areer S ch o larsh ip sH ealth C areer Sch olarsh ip R ecip ients: 2008 H ig h Sch ool C olleg e

Ryan Allen Mid Prairie Hig h School St. Luke’s School of Radiolog ic Technolog y - Radiolog yAng ela Alt West Liberty Hig h School Muscatine Community Colleg e - NursingLinea Bartel Iowa Mennonite School U niversity of Iowa - Physical TherapyKelly Bream Clear Creek Amana Hig h School Coe Colleg e - NursingY enna Chin West Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - NursingCourtney Flynn Mid Prairie Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyMeg an Flynn Mid Prairie Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyJenny Freel Washing ton Hig h School Mt. Mercy Colleg e - NursingKurtis Hall Hig hland Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyAmanda Hanson Hig hland Hig h School Coe Colleg e - NursingBrenna Johnson Washing ton Hig h School Allen Colleg e of Nursing - NursingKaytee Kleinmeyer Williamsburg Hig h School Coe Colleg e - NursingBriana Leichty West Hig h School Kirkwood Community Colleg e - NursingMcKenzie Leichty Williamsburg Hig h School Mt. Mercy Colleg e - NursingJenna Lieberg en West Branch Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - NursingSarah Maynard City Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyKevin Merry West Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyKylie Nag el West Branch Hig h School Marq uette U niversity - Physical TherapyPatrick Porter Reg ina Hig h School St. Louis U niversity - Physical TherapyPaig e Possehl-Kack Lisbon Hig h School Clarke Colleg e - NursingDiana Rice Lone Tree Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - NursingMolly Sabers City Hig h School Simpson Colleg e - Physical TherapyJessica Stull West Branch Hig h School Kirkwood Community Colleg e - NursingSamantha Troyer Mid Prairie Hig h School St. Ambrose U niversity - Physical TherapyAmy Van Acker Muscatine Hig h School Mt. Mercy Colleg e - NursingHannah Vander Schel City Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyJanelle Vittetoe Washing ton Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyBryan Z obeck West Hig h School Drake U niversity - Pharmacy

H ealth C areer Sch olarsh ip R ecip ients: 2009 H ig h Sch ool C olleg e

Linea Bartel Iowa Mennonite School U niversity of Iowa - Physical TherapyY enna Chin West Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - NursingNichole E ng elhardt West Hig h School Iowa State U niversity - Physical TherapyJenny Freel Washing ton Hig h School Mt. Mercy Colleg e - NursingAlicia Goetz Tipton Hig h School U niversity of Nebraska O maha - Physical TherapyKurtis Hall Hig hland Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyAmanda Hanson Hig hland Hig h School Coe Colleg e - NursingMichaela Hays West Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - Physical TherapyClarissa Hubbard City Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - NursingJarod Jesina West Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyBrenna Johnson Washing ton Hig h School Allen Colleg e of Nursing - NursingKaytee Kleinmeyer Williamsburg Hig h School Coe Colleg e - NursingBriana Leichty West Hig h School Kirkwood Community Colleg e - NursingJenna Lieberg en West Branch Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - NursingSarah Maynard City Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - PharmacySarah McWilliams Williamsburg Hig h School Luther Colleg e - NursingKevin Merry West Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyKylie Nag el West Branch Hig h School Marq uette U niversity - Physical TherapyLindsey Peters West Liberty U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyPatrick Porter Reg ina Hig h School St. Louis U niversity - Physical TherapyJessica Putnam City Hig h School Grand View U niversity - NursingDiana Rice Lone Tree Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - NursingMolly Sabers City Hig h School Simpson Colleg e - Physical TherapyNichole Sly Clear Creek Amana U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyMag g ie Stueland Tipton Hig h School Marq uette U niversity - Physical TherapyJessica Stull West Branch Hig h School Kirkwood Community Colleg e - NursingNicole Thien Tipton Hig h School Allen Colleg e - NursingSamantha Troyer Mid Prairie Hig h School St. Ambrose U niversity - Physical TherapyHannah Vander Schel City Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - PharmacyJanelle Vittetoe Washing ton Hig h School U niversity of Iowa - Pharmacy

Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community 11

N u rsing S ch o larsh ip s fo r Mercy Em p lo yeesSp ring 2008 Fall 2008

Lynn Burleson Deborah BallLindsey Clifford Jessie BrennerShanna Freel Lindsey CliffordMitchell Gotschall Shanna Freel“Beth Hackfort (Marg aret G. Fox , Ph.D. Scholarship Recipient)” Lindsay GaskellHeather Hansen Laci GrittonKaren Hansen Stephanie JanseniusJill Hanson “Kourtney Johnson (Sister Mary Josephus Scholarship Recipient)”Ang ie Hensel Laura KienzleKathleen Hotz “McKenzie Leichty (Sister Mary Josephus Scholarship Recipient)”McKenzie Leichty Nate MillerNate Miller “Christopher Parrish (E rusha Family Scholarship Recipient)”Christopher Parrish Theresa ParsonsTheresa Parsons Keisha Shepard“Christine Rutter (Sister Mary Josephus Scholarship Recipient)” Karina Lyn SmithBeonka Salazer Andrew WhittersDanielle ShafferAndrew Whitters

Sp ring 2009 Fall 2009

Ang ela Alt Shawn Birdsall“Brandi Claypool (Marg aret G. Fox , Ph.D. Scholarship Recipient)” Jessie BrennerLindsey Clifford Jane BrownJoseph E strada E dward Ryan CarsonShanna Freel Greg ory Clancy“Mandy Garcia (Sister Mary Josephus Scholarship Recipient)” Lindsey CliffordE mily Hansen Terri Cronbaug hMary Kearns “Lynne Pewa Dixon (Sister Mary Josephus Scholarship Recipient)”Laura Kienzle Jennifer FreelNancy Knecht Amanda “Mandi” GarciaMcKenzie Leichty Laura GoebelRita Meyer Danilo JahnNate Miller Stephanie JonesSakeena Mohamed Melissa LivesayChristopher Parrish “Haley Luther (Bill Cory Scholarship Recipient)”Molly Skripsky Shelly McGurkKarina Lyn Smith Bruna D. Sa BarretoKim Volk MarKay StuartAndrew Whitters Molly Skripsky Mary Starks Jennifer Timm “Kim Volk (E rusha Family Scholarship Recipient)” Andrew Whitters

E ach year, Mercy nurses, nominated and selected by peers, are honored with special tributes and cash g ifts in recog nition of outstanding and compassionate nursing care. Support staff are honored with the “Dr. Georg e S. Anderson Friend of Nursing Award.”

S taff Excellence A w ard s

2008 R ecip ientsRuth Becker Award for Outstanding Nursing Care: Martha Knig htNursing Legacy Award: Sally VidnovicThe Dr. George S. Anderson Friend of Nursing Award: Barb Petz

2009 R ecip ientsRuth Becker Award for Outstanding Nursing Care: Mary Beth Turg asenNursing Legacy Award: Becky CherryThe Dr. George S. Anderson Friend of Nursing Award: Marlene McAllister

1 0 0 Great Iowa Nurses for 2 0 0 9 Award: Sue Szczech

12 Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community

Giving is personal, and behind each contribution is an individual reason for giving. The Mercy Hospital Foundation, Mercy Iowa City’s preferred channel for private gifts, offers a variety of ways to contribute. One of these programs can fit your personal financial plan while benefiting tomorrow’s patients and their families.

C ash G iftThe simplest method of providing support for Mercy is with a cash gift. These gifts may be made with a personal check , credit card authoriz ation or on-line by click ing Mak e a Gift at www.mercyiowacity.org.

A nnual Sup p ortA nnual support at every level is deeply appreciated and crucial to maintaining the q uality of our programs and services. If you wish, you may set up a pledge to give monthly, q uarterly, or annually. W e would be happy to send you a reminder in any month you specify. P lease indicate accordingly on the enclosed contribution form.

P lanned and M ajor G iftsL ong-range estate and financial planning allow you to mak e a substantial contribution to Mercy while benefiting your personal financial plans. B eq uests, gifts of life insurance, trusts, and appreciated securities are among the deferred giving options that the Mercy Hospital Foundation would be happy to discuss with you. For more information, please check the appropriate box on the enclosed envelope or contact the Foundation office at any time.

H onorary or M em orial G iftsA n honorary or memorial gift is a thoughtful and meaningful way to recognize a colleague, friend or relative. The Foundation will notify the honoree or nex t-of-k in that you have made a gift. The person being honored or memorializ ed is recognized in the Foundation’s annual Honor R oll of Contributors.

H onoring M ercy C areg iv ersHonoring Mercy caregivers with a donation to Mercy through the Foundation is a meaningful way to recognize the ex traordinary care you or a loved one received from the staff at Mercy. U pon receipt of your gift the Foundation will send a card to the healthcare professional(s) you wish to honor to let them k now of your thoughtfulness.

W ays o f GivingM atch ing G iftsMany contributors multiply their support to the Foundation by mak ing use of their employer’s matching gift programs. Mercy is grateful to these companies and foundations for their generosity. W e urge you to ask if your employer offers such a program. P lease see your employer’s Human R esources D irector for the necessary form to send with your gift.

E ndow m ent FundA permanent endowment fund was created to ensure that future generations will receive personaliz ed, high-q uality health care at Mercy. E ach year the investment income generated by the endowment is earmark ed for special capital projects. The principal of the endowment is permanently invested. A dditional gifts may be added or you may create an endowment for a specific purpose that is meaningful to you.

N ursing G rant E ducation FundS emi-annual grants are awarded to Mercy nursing staff members for their continued education. The N ursing E ducation Fund is a permanently endowed fund. E ach year the investment income, along with supplemental funds from the Foundation, provides support for nursing staff to enrich or complete their nursing education.

T o M ak e Y our G iftTo contribute to Mercy, please send your gift, payable to Mercy Hospital Foundation, with your completed contribution form in the enclosed business return envelope. Y ou may also mak e your gifts on-line at www.mercyiowacity.org. Click on Mak e a Gift.

R ecog nitionCumulative gifts of $ 1 0 0 0 or more for the new hospice unit, Mercy Hospice Care, will be recognized on donor walls in the unit. E state gifts and cumulative gifts of $ 5 0 0 0 or more for any beneficiary are recognized on the main donor wall in the hospital lobby just off the sk ywalk entrance. A ll donors are included in the Foundation’s A nnual Honor R oll.

For M ore Inform ation contact:J ulie J ohnstonP resident3 1 9 - 3 5 8 - 2 6 2 2 or on-line atjulie.johnston@ mercyic.org

T h ank Y ou!

McAuley Leg acy Society includes donors who have remembered Mercy in their will or estate plans. E xpectancy donors have let the Foundation know of their intention to remember Mercy in their estate plans. This allows donors to direct future g ifts to areas that are meaning ful to them. To learn more about making a g ift throug h your will or estate plan visit our Web site at www.mercyiowacity.org and click on Make a Gift.

McA u ley Leg acy S o ciety

E state N am esBerniece E . BendaLeona J. BohachWilma Branig erAnna Kathryn BurnsE llen M. CauvinsBeverly J. ClausWilliam F. CoryE . Jeanette R. CrossIna DelaneyLeonilla M. DoyleBessie Z . DrahosAlbert F. DrollJacq ueline G. DuncanLoretta R. DuwaMartha E dleE dith E nnisMary E . E vansLoraine H. FrostGertrude V. Gay

E dwin GreenHazel A. GreinerE ileen D. HavelFrances Hinkhouse JamesBarbara P. HubbardGodfrey F. JindrichPauline M. KelleyHelen KellyWinifred KellyE d L. KesslerIrene KesslerRichard KesslerPaul K. KirchenCharlotte KoenigDorothy S. KorfE verdien KrebsMarjorie F. LaubscherAnna M. LeeneyE loise E . LeinfelderAleta J. Malmberg

John T. McColmClark F. Mig hellMarg aret MillerGladys S. NallE lla M. NeuzilE lizabeth PalumboRobert C. RandallE llie S. RohretE dward J. Rotenburg erMary A. RouseE lizabeth SchielJames B. Schneberg erJohn A. SchneiderDorothy J. SeelmanLaVerne J. ShayMary V. SheedyAnna E . SheradenMarjorie A. SmithJohn M. StrubDoris J. Stuck

Mildred W. U mbdenstockMary B. U nrathJanet H. Van AllenRuth I. Wag nerBeatrice M. WebberSandra WilliamsRose E . WombacherGrace WormerE dna Wynn

E x p ectancy N am esSam BeckerHaywood Belle and Sarah

WallaceE dward H. BrintonDon and Phyllis Canfi eldLillia M. DeanClifford and E mily Iona


Marg aret G. FoxSister Laurus Gannon,

RSMMarvin D. HartwigDanny JohnJack and Jan KieseyMarg uerite C. KuebrichAilene LiechtyGertrude L. MeiskyKathryn MoonGertrude O wenJim and Mary PrattMiriam RameyChristian E . Schrock, M.D.Mary Jo SeabaMary and Rog er A.

Simpson, M.D.Kathryn Wallace and Peter

D. Wallace, M.D.

Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community 13

2 0 0 9 H ono r R o ll

$ 2,5 00+ Abbott VascularAnonymousMerrilee and Robert

Beckman, M.D.Gene and Ann BrawnerJohn A. CrawfordDesig n E ng ineers, PCMark Dorping hausE state of Bessie Z . DrahosRichard and Ann

FeddersenGeorg e and Jeanne HeinMike and Jill HeinrichHills Bank & Trust

CompanyIowa Hospice FoundationKen and Sue KleinLensing Funeral &

Cremation ServiceMichael J. LensingVicki Lensing and Rich

TempletonChuck A. McComas and

Jean HussMcComas-Lacina

ConstructionMercy Hospital GuildO aknoll Retirement

ResidenceRichard and Joyce

O bermanRonald R. and Helen Ann

ReedRohrbach Associates, PCHamed H. Tewfi k, M.D. and

Ferial Tewfi k, M.D.Thomas J. Moreland

Charitable FundThompson Brothers TrustChet Rzonca and Carol

TwedtKathyrn and Peter

Wallace, M.D.William and Marjorie WattsDoug and Lori Wenzel, M.D.

$ 1,000 – $ 2,4 9 9 Kathryn B. AndersonAstraZ eneca

Pharmaceuticals, LPDorothy B. Baumg artnerSam BeckerSteve and Jean Berg eCharles and Heidi BernsWill T. Brown and Dawn R.

E bach, M.D.David and Norma CarlsonPete and Stephany CarrilloJuanita M. CoryPatricia and Michael

Curley, M.D.

A ll gifts made to Mercy Iowa City through the Foundation are greatly appreciated and help us fulfill our mission to heal and comfort the sick . W e appreciate the commitment of all who made gifts in support of Mercy programs and services during the 2 0 0 9 calendar year. Contributions are recognized at the level of their cumulative giving for the year.

Judith B. Dillman, M.D. and Drew B. Dillman, M.D.

Don and Rita E rushaGeraldene Felton, Ph.D.Beatrice A. FurnerBarb and Don GriswoldAnne Harg raveCeline and Andrew

Hartwig , D.D.S.Iowa City Press-CitizenJane Hanrahan FamilyDanny and Mary JohnJulie Johnston and Don

Walter, D.V.M.David and LaVon

KirkpatrickE ric and Marcia KirkpatrickGreg and Sue KuntzLois and Chris Lantz, M.D.Phil and Joyce LeffMary C. McCarthyVera and Peter

McDonnell, M.D.John and Gayle

McGillicuddyNeil MeyersBob and JoAnn MillerJohn MineartNational Automobile

Dealers Charitable Foundation

David and Lynn NoonanMarie E . PeetersPhelan Tucker Mullen

Walker Tucker & Gelman, LLP

Stan and Patricia Podhajsky

Jim and Mary PrattBruce RademacherKathy Rawling sBarb SchaufenbuelMarg aret A. Smollen, M.D.Lee and Robin StaakStalkfl eet FamiliesJean and John Van

Rybroek, M.D.West BankGlen and Tonja WinekaufSue and Stephen

Wolken, M.D.

$ 5 00 – $ 9 9 9 Advog ent Group, IncTim and Kate AhlersKenneth and Dorothy

AlbrechtLoretta Ang ererE . Norman and Valeska

BaileyStanley and Corinne


Martha BeckmanTim BernemannTerry and Chris BestWilliam and Karen BoileauBoston Scientifi c

CorporationKarl and Diane BoykenMary Ann BrittWilliam and Helen

Bying tonE va CampbellRobert and Liz CarlsonPhyllis Chang , M.D.Virg inia and W. Bryan

Clemons, D.D.S.Cook MedicalDaiichi Sankyo, Inc.Carl DallmeyerKevin G. DohertyE ileen DoreAnn Barber DoyleJeff and Carol E bing erRichard Ferg usonDoug las and Mary

Flanag anDorina ForkenbrockCarolyn and James

Gardner, M.D.Ron and Patricia HallRussell and Audrey Haug htRobert J. Heg eman,

M.D. and Rebecca L. Heg eman, M.D.

Arlis and Loretta HelmuthKeith Heming wayNancy K. HippleJay and Nancy HonohanHospers & Brother PrintersJane HoyleIowa Sons of AMVE TSMartin Izakovic, M.D.Joan JehleShirley KellyBob and Sherry KesselringKen and Karen KesselringBetty M. KetchumSister Theresa KrumlTimothy and Sarah KrummGerald and Caroline

LehmanHelen LoebKailin Lust and FamilyKaren Marek BacherKathleen and Philip

McLaug hlin, M.D.Medrad InterventionalSid and Pam MillsMichael and Bunny

MorrisonNavilyst MedicalDavid O aklandAnn Perino, M.D.William and Helen PhelanPhilips HealthcareProfessional Hospital

Supply, Inc.William and Dorothy

RobinsonE lizabeth Rodrig uezDan and Debbie SabersDiane Stover

John and E lizabeth StrattonMichael and Tina SullivanU niversity of Iowa

Community Credit U nionSister Nora WelterGary and Joni WerleSheila K. Wrig htE dna Y oder

U p to $ 4 9 9 4 Seasons LaserwashPaul and Janet AbbasSteve and Deb AbbottMark and Mary Jo AbbottThomas and Norma AbbottFrancis AbelF. Glenn and Nancy AbneyJohn and Dee AcuffPhil and Gail AcuffRosamond AdooRick and Ang ie AdrianCherlyn AhrensMarilynn J. AlberhaskyRon and Linda AlberhaskyKevin and Sandy

AlberhaskyE llen T. AldemanAnna N. Alex anderMert AlpersBob and Patty AltmaierAltrusa Club of Iowa CityWilliam and Carly AmbriscoMary AnderlikKelli AndersonJoDee and Michael

Anderson, D.V.M.Richard and Marie

AndersonSteven and Jennifer

AndersonBrenda AndewaySue AnthonySteven and Mary Aq uilinoDonna J. ArmanDarlene ArndtSteve and Judy AtkinsAug ustine FellowshipGeraldine V. AyersBryan and JoAnn BaileyDorothy B. BaileyTom and Jackie BaileyDorothy M. BainBill and Bonnie BallWarren and Patricia BallRichard and Julie BallandbyDarrel and Susan

BallantyneLinda BalogBernard and Lois BarberE dwin and E thel BarkerJohn D. BarnesLawrence and Barbara

BarnesWayne and Betty BarnesWayne and Pauline BarnesJames and Rhoda BarnhartKeith BarnhartBruce and Shelley BarnhartLonnie and Julie BartelNorma Bartels

William L. Baschnag elDonna Basler and Rebecca

DukeG. Wilburn and Patricia

BassAaron and Loretta BastenLester and Betty BattermanGary and Marcia BatteyMartha and John

Bauer, D.D.S.James G. Baumann, M.D.Dianne and W.C.

Baumann, M.D.Becky Baumg artnerLloyd and Ruth

Baumg artnerBeacon Leg al SupportJames and Diane BeardGerry and Roseanne BeardKatie BeasleyJames and Rita BeckerRick and Judy BeckerLorraine L. BeckmannV. Thomas and Ruth

BeckmannBeverly A. BeimdiekSteve and Lori Beireis, D.O .Ronald BelterJane BendaAnita D. BenderSteve and Barb

BenischeckAlfred G. BenjaminStephen and Marilyn

BennettLarry and Mardell BentonDale and Mary Gail BentzCleo BergWanda and Thomas

Berg , M.D.Glorine F. BerryJerry and Judy BestDeanna V. BetcherJohn and Kathleen

BetchkalBarry and Nancy BeuterKaren J. BiddleWilma BieriCelia Bing hamLaura L. BirelyRhonda K. BirelySamir E . Bishara, D.D.S.Donald W. Black, M.D.Y vonne Lance BlackJoe and Gail BlaesingChristopher and Ruth BlairMartin and Betty BlakeChris BlindSarah BlommeRuth BlommersJohn C. Boeker and Dory

G. GardnerDonald and Janis BoenkerJudy Bog sDavid and Michele Bog sMark and Cindy BohlingShelley BoileauDonnie BondBorg stahl Plumbing and

RemodelingStanley and Karla Boruff

14 Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community

Brent and Julie BostromMary BowmanTerry and Beverly BowmanTerry and Linda BowtonBob and Judy BoydWilliam and Sheila BoydRox anne and Thomas

Boysen, M.D.Bernie BrandenburgRox and Pamela

BrandstatterBill and Deb BrandtPat BrandtDawn M. BrantRichard and Phyllis

BravermanDavid and Joyce BrennekeArlene A. BrennemanDave BrennemanBridg e Community BankNatalie BrincksVernon and Billie Brog laVerlee BromellRussell M. BrooksDon BrownGenevieve R. BrownLyda BrownMarian BrownMark BrownRog er and E laine BrownSteve Brown and Nancy

AskewGail BrummelLarry and Marg aret BrunerBob and Barb BryantHelen BryantRichard and Jan

BuchmayerPatricia Rossmann and

Charles Buck, M.D.Wilma Bucking hamDonald and Mary

Buffi ng tonRosie Bulling tonLee and E loise BurchBarbara BurgVicki Burg essAnne BurkeJoyce BurkettRosetta N. BurrCharlie and Sara

Burroug hsJoanne BurtonVivian BuschFreda BushJuanita BushmanDonald and Patricia

BuswellJoan ButlerRobin Butler and Janelle R.

RettigJames and Becky Bux tonAnna Marg aret ByersJeanne M. CadoretPeg CahillRobert J. CahillMarilyn R. CalkinsMark and Carol Callag hanMichael CallahanTeresa R. Cambridg e

Kenneth and Donna Campbell

Michael L. CampbellRichard and Karen

CampbellDan CampionMichael and Barbara

CanaryMary CareyKenneth and Kathleen

CariensNancy J. CarlisleCarl and Judith CarlsonDonovan and Susan

CarlsonDiane L. CarrLois Geist and Charles

Carroll, M.D.David and Maureen CarsonRyan CarsonHodg e CarterJim and Judy CaseE ve CasserlyCosmo and Jo CatalanoNancy CechCedar County CooperativeJohn M. ChadimaKathryn L. ChadimaJonathan and LeeAnn

ChalupaBarbara ChambersGerri ChampionDan ChelfDee and Sue ChilesDean and Marian

ChristiansenGary D. ChristopherMelanie ChristopherBill and Barb CihaJerry and Cheri CilekMike and Judy CilekSally CilekCindy K’sAnthony and Gloria CitroGerald E . ClaassenPat ClaeysGreg and Ing e ClancyCharlie and Jane ClarahanCharles and Delaine ClarkJames B. ClarkJerome and Teresa ClarkJerry and Judy ClarkJodi D. ClemensPatrica A. ClemensKay ClineJames and Mary Lou CloseWilliam and Joan CoanRay and Barbara CoffmanJordan and Jana CohenAlice ColeDelores CollinsE llen CollinsDonald and Kathleen

ColonyRalph and Jolene ColthurstVirg inia CombsSteve and Mary ConklinMichael and Denice

ConnellDorothe ConnellKristi Connell

Marion and Shirley ConnerShelby S. ConnerDix ie ConradKyran J. Cook and Kay E .

GfellerMarilyn CookMike and Laura CookCookies & MoreCook’s Ham, Inc.Cook’s JewelryMichael and Kristi CooperTimothy and Laura CorbettChet CoreyDennis and Jeanette

CorpmanCorridor State BankCathy CoxHarold W. CoxJune CoxNellie CoxRonald and Thyra CoxJoyce CraigRobert CraneDonna K. CrawfordBernie and Cherie CremersMichael and Shirley CrewMarianne CrockAda M. CrowMarie C. CrowJohn and Cheryl CruiseRobert and Velma CrumLarry and Marilyn CulverDan CumminsPhillip D. CumminsJoe and Janet CurryD & R Pest Control, LLCTerry L. DahmsJulie and Peter Damiano,

D.D.S.Robert and Sue DaneE lse K. D’Ang eloKarla DanielsTom and Susan Daug hertyPenny DavidsenLinda K. DaviesGoldie R. DavisDorothy DaytonStanley J. De Braal and

Luanne Kappeler-De Braal

Paul and Jacq ue DeatonFred and Donna DeeLyle and Mary DeedsGerard and E unice

DeFranceJohn J. DeFranceRichard and Janice

DehrkoopRog er H. DehrkoopRalph and Jeanette

DelozierMax ine M. DensonTheresa DervrichDesig n RanchDwain and Ruth DetweilerKimball J. DevoyTerry and Jo DickensThomas and Ruby DickeyShirley DickinsonRobert and Carol DickkutAlek H. Dietrich

Joan DinnelJane DinsmoreDavid and Barbara

DishongDistrict 1 3 AFGTerri Lee DoehrmannWilliam J. DohertyArlene DolanE leanor M. DolingMichael and Sandi

Donag hueBob and Bobbie Jo

DonohoeJohn DonohoeVi DonohoePatrick and Jackie DonovanChristine DoucetDownes & Associates, Inc.Dan and Jo Anne DownesWill Downing and Kumi

MorrisJohn and Frances DoyleCharleen B. DrakerJames and Mary Ann

DreibelbeisLarry and Reita DriskellNancy S. DrollJillian M. DudleyLois L. Dug g erJeanne E . Dunag anVirg inia DunbarJames T. Dunne, Jr. and M.

Therese RyanJohn and Maralee DysonJames and Shirley E arnestDorree E ckhoffJohn and Dawn E ckrichE conomy Advertising

CompanyPatricia R. E dbergRobert E . E denMarg aret E dens and Mary

MuellerBob and Mary E llen

E dwardsJeff and Rita E dwardsCharles L. E g g ertLeanne E g g ertWilliam and Kay E g intonVirg il and Joan E ichelberg erMarita McGurk-E icher and

Charles E icher, M.D. Clifford and Irene E imenDavid and Anna E lderE dwin and Shirley E lderChalmers and Barbara

E lliottMag g ie E lliottLila M. E ng elkeimerMary Kay E ppersonBrenda K. E rnstHerbert and Madeline

E spensenL. Louise E stleE urofi ns Medinet, Inc.Doris C. E vansE velyn E vansWilma L. E vansCharles and Carol

FairbanksFrank Falada

Barb FarmerFarmers Saving s BankLaVerne and Karen

FaulknerClark FellerCharles and Marg aret

FellingRuth Ann FeltesRandy and Luanne FerdigSarah M. FernedingAlice FerrellFrances FettLouis and Inez FeuerbachWarren and E laine FickVerla FinkeJohn and Sandi FirschingFirst Y ear Counseling

Psycholog y Prog ramLaurine M. FischerImog ene FisherVern FisherWayne FisherJanice K. FitzpatrickLuke J. FlahertyMary C. FletcherPerry FletcherKevin and Brenda FlynnJill FoensWalter and Joan FoleyDavid and Kari FomonForakers Vacuum and

SewingGlen and Kathleen ForbesDanny FordIrene FordCharles and E lizabeth

FormanJane ForteDerrold M. Foster and

Doris MarchaelMarg aret G. Fox , Ph.D.Rog er A. FoxGordon and Carrol FranklinDon and Jane FrantzJoan A. FrantzThomas and Karin FrantzDonald and Thelma

FrauenholtzShirley FrauenholtzLee and Gen FreesemanCharles and Barbara

FreyermuthCarolyn FreyermuthKirk L. FridrichJo Ann FrostSusan M. FryVerne and Joan Fueg enJeanette A. FultonDennis FulwiderAlma M. FunkMike and Diane FurlongTom and Becky FurlongDan and Kathy GablePhilip J. Gaeta, Sr.John and Helen GaffeyTom and Patty GahanAng ela Gallag herKevin and Laura GallowayMark D. GannonGus and Debi Garcia

2 0 0 9 H ono r R o ll

Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community 15

Michael and Kayleen Gardner

Kit GardnerMarjorie GarlowAnn and Kirk

Garmag er, M.D.Beth Gaug erBradley and Jill GaulCharles W. GayMarilou GayDick and Jane GentRobert S. Georg eDave and LeAnn GerardKenneth and Lois GerardSusan Gerber MooreKathryn M. GerkenJean GerlitsBill and Judy GilliamBill and Joan GilpinJohn and Mary GilroyCindy Ging erichLynette Ging erichMiriam Ging erichSharon GintyBarb GlimeWalter and Arlene GlunzDavid and Marilyn GobleLois GochenourJoan A. GodwinDonald and Virg inia GoetzPatricia M. GoldmanJan GoldsmithJames and LeDonna

GommelsWayne and Marg aret

GoodeDoug and Marg e

GoodfellowJoel GoodmanAnnie GoslinRuth GossMarg aret A. Goug hSue Goug hRobert and E . Marlese

GourleyPaul and Robin Graetting erJames and Jeannine

GrahamJenny GrahamDaniel R. Gralnek, M.D.Sheila GramsRalph and Dawn GrauAmy GreazelGrace GreazelJennifer GrebJoanne GreerCheryl GreinerLarry and Theresa GreinerJoan GrenkoGretchen GresslinWilliam and Bonnie Griffi nDan and Kris GrinsteadDennis and Brenda GritschM. Joann GrolmusJesse GroutGary and Marlene GroutGeorg e and Galene

GrovesGrowmark, Inc.O pal E . GruemmerGreg and Deborah Guinn

Joyce P. GuldenpfennigGreg ory and Terri

GullicksonJody GunnDavid Gustafson and Laura

HansonH. D. Cline CompanyTom and Annette HaasChet and Pat HafnerGeorg e and Pat HahnKenny and Cindy HahnScott and Kelli HaleRobert and Darilyn HaleTed and Barb HalmPatrick and Becky HalschRobert E . HalvorsenLaVonne H. HamanGarry and Susann HamdorfArlieta HamerJeanne HamiltonMark HamiltonHandley’s Holiday HillsideHands JewelersLaura HankenRichard and Lori HannaLin L. HannesPatricia HanscheKaren E . HansenRobert and Joyce HansenBetty HansonE laine M. HansonMarina A. HarbitCrystal HardenTom and Lori HardenBarbara L. HaringCharlotte A. HarlowShirley J. HarrisMarian G. HartRobert and Susan HartleyTom and Sara HartmanDonald and Della

Hartvig senRichard and Donna

Hartvig senWanda HarveyArla M. Haug htClarence and Dorothy

HaverkampSteve and Beverly HayesGary and Kathi HaymondJim HayslettKristy HearnSandra HeatonMary Rita HeblMaynard G. HeblE lmer and Sharon HeblHeather B. Heddens,

D.D.S.Carole Heg tvedtGeorg e E . Heimovies and

Laura A. JessenTammy HeiseE d and Amy HeisterkampE laine K. HeitmannMorris H. HelmG. Paul and Sarah HeltDonna L. Heming wayRon HendersonHarvey and Gloria HenryDwain HepkerHerb N’ Lou’s, LTD.

Juanita HeringMerry E . HerrickKathryn HerringLeah HerringAda I. HertzAnne and Charles

Hesse, M.D.Sue HestonDeb HibbsDonna Hig g insSteve and Kitty Hig hlyJerry and Jo Ann

Hilg enbergMary E llen HillLinda G. Hing stWill HinkleSteve and Kathy HirlVirg inia H. HirstLinda K. HobartDick and Twila HobbsBryan and Jill HobenWilliam and Dolores HobenHodg e Construction

CompanyDarlene HoffmanMarilyn K. HoffmanRobert and Denise HokeStephanie F. HolderPhilip and Marilyn HollandRonnie and Sue HoltAnn HoltonDiane I. HolzerTom and Lou Rae

Hoog erwerfLeanne K. HornerWilliam and Karen HornerRonald and Nancy HorrellDarlene HoskinsonThelma G. HottelE lizabeth HotzJane HotzMarvin and Carolyn HotzShirley A. HotzThomas and Jane HotzJoan Houg htonJames and Judy Houg htonDorothy A. HouseJames and Betty

HousemanBernita HoweCynthia HowellThomas and Mary HoyerRobert and E lizabeth

HradekJan and Kenn Hubel, M.D.Gloria HublerRosella HudachekNancy L. HudsonWilma R. HudsonRuth HullDennis and Carol

HulsebergMarlene J. HumbleJoe and Jane HuntLisa and Timothy

Hunter, M.D.Glenda HuntsmanRog er and Virg inia HurtWilliam and Marlene HuttLois Gleason HyblJoan Hyde

Hy-Vee Food Store, 1 st Avenue

IMT InsuranceKevin and Cindy IrelandJerry IrvingPhyllis IrwinDick and Judy IsaacsonWinifred D. IsraelPaul and Shirley JacobsPaula B. JacobyJames and Jane JakobsenJane C. JansenDonald and Karen JaspersMark and Mary Ann

JedlickaBob and Ruby JedlickaTwyla N. JedlickaPamela and Thomas

Jeneary, D.D.S.Karl Jenning sKeith T. Jenning sDick and Debbie JensenE lizabeth M. JensenPatti JensenTrish JensenThomas and Kathleen

JepsonE state of Godfrey F.

JindrichJohn’s Grocery, Inc.Bob and Polly JohnsonDavid and Ruth JohnsonDonald and Darlene

JohnsonDonna JohnsonGary and Vanita JohnsonKurt A. JohnsonRoyce and Peg JohnsonTerry JohnsonThomas and Terry JohnsonJean A. JohnstonJack and Patricia JonesJackie JonesKristin JonesPhyllis B. JonesHelen Rita JoyceSusan and G. Frank

Judisch, M.D.K & J Mather CorporationKyle F. KaalbergDarlene KabelaKenneth D. KabelaKevin KacenaRichard and Kimberly

KacenaVelma M. KaderaLeslie L. KallsenCandace K. KampWayne and Lee KappelerJessica A. KardonAlice KasperGlenn and Pat KasperNatalie KassPam KautzSharon K. KeelerJames L. KeeseAnita KeiferStan and Linda KeiserGerald and Beate KeithJeffrey and Kristy KeithChris and Daniel Kellerman

C. Kevin KellyMartin and Maryann KellyBetty L. KempJay and Ang ie KempNoah and Linda KempThomas and E lizabeth

Kenefi ckDuane KernLucille F. KernE leanor S. KerrLaurence J. KesslerMike and Gwen KesslerSandy KesslerRobert and E laine KetchumKathy KickMary Anne KieferDavid and Connie KieltyNancy and Georg e Kienzle,

D.D.S.Marjorie V. KimmelVernon Kinsing erCarol KirbyBetty C. KirchnerDavid W. Kirkland and

Heather L. BalogDennis and Donna

KirkpatrickPauline KirkpatrickCharles and Mildred

KlassonMarvin and Mauareen

KlebeE dmund F. KleinMary KleinMartha KleinmeyerJoan KleopferMary Ann KlineGeorg e and Judy Kling erDerrill and Irene KlinzmanCarol E . KloppensteinSusan R. KlueverKristine A. Klusemann

RutherfordLucille KnebelThomas and Connie KneppDan and Julie Knig htJeff and Lisa KnipeMary F. KnollJim and Jane KnopickKnoploh Insurance, Inc.Marian R. KnowlingMary D. KnowlingJeffrey and Audrey KnoxGene and Connie KnutsonJudy E . KochThomas and Barbara

KoeppelJohn and Virg inia KoesterThelma KolarGeorg e KondoraRick Kondora and Mel

StrubE ldon and Teresa KopelThelma Korneg orAlberta KosJohn and Patricia KozaMarilyn KrachmerLarry and Joyce KralLoretta KralRita KrallHarold and Carol Krenz

16 Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community

Patty KrenzBecky KrizClark and Brenda Kroeg erKurt Kroeg erAntonia KroezeArnolda M. KroezeRon and Linda KronDeborah L. Krotz-

Dieleman, D.D.S.Holly Krueg erR.W. and Lynn KubitDawn KuenyJohn and Jill KuhlBarbara L. KunclDale and Cindy KundeKen and Gloria LacinaPat LacinaJim and Carol Lag neauxRose M. LaGrang eRichard LahmonRichard and Mary LahrPhillip and Marg aret

LainsonLaJames Colleg e of

HairstylingLakewood Villag e

Homeowners Association

Daniel and Kathryn Lammers

Jerry and Marcia LampRussell and Heather LampSister Mary Venarda Lance,

RSMBill and Lynette LancialCarolyn LangShirley LangDoug and Denise Lang ePaul and Ruth Lang ehoug hE laine Lang enbergKay Lang enbergPaul Lang enbergJohn Lang enhanAnn Marie Lang mannGene and Susan Lang staffBelinda Lantz MarnerHester A. LarewSonya and Karl Larsen,

M.D.Rosemary B. LarsenMarilyn LaschkeDennis and Lou LathropJudy LaubseherJudith P. LauerNancy A. LawlerJoseph and Loraine LawtonCarol M. LeachKen and Sandy LeachRon and Mary Jo LebensSusan and Stephen LeeGlee H. LeetLori Leg g insWalter and Shirley LehmanJean H. Leig htonHilda M. LenhartLenoch & CilekLenoch & Cilek Ace

HardwarePatricia J. LenochBette LensingBob and Phyliss Lentfer

Larry and Karen LenthBill and Pauline LenzCharleen LenzGary and Bert LenzLarry and Rose LenzTerry and Cathy LenzTom and E rin LenzJudith LeonardBetty S. LepicJoseph W. LessBetty J. LettsE rv and E lyse LewisHoward and Dorothy LewisLicensing Resource Group,

LLCMike and Steph LilienthalJim and Jenny LinBrett and Katy LincolnArnold and Lois LindamanJames and Sara LindbergBob and Kathy LindellLinn Street CafeE velyn M. LipcamonMelanie LiskRog er and Patricia LittonGarth and Mary Lee

Living stonNeal N. Llewellyn, M.D.Roe LloydCharles and Rose

LoBiancoSal and Stephanie

LobiancoJoseph and Linda LoCocoHarold and Marg aret

Lodg eMike Lodg eBette Log elMichael and Michelle LongRuth LongFrank and Kathryn Long oLorene Pearson, LLCDiane LotzLouisa Mutual Insurance

AssociationDonna E . LouvarRobert G. Lovetinsky, Sr.Gwen and James

Lowe, D.V.M.Michael and Peg LownJoan and Lowell

Luhman, M.D.William and Janet LumpaDon and Kay LundFrank and Irma LupiniDon LyleGeorg ene LynchJack LynchKaren LynchDavid and Linda LyngShirley A. LyversMarsha MaattaJean MachadoRonald MadsenDonald and Barbara

MahannaJean MahannaMike and Gail MaherHug h MaherRichard and Barbara


Marie MalichkyDavid and Gloria

MaliszewskiLarry and Jan MarekMichael and Joanne

Marg olinTracy K. MarkerJohn and Michelle MarksLottie MarshallDennis and Diane MartinLynn M. MartinBetty J. MarxPaul and Joy MaskeRosemary A. MasonMichael and Patrice

MatthewRon and Patricia MatthewsGary and Caryl MaurerJames F. May, D.D.S.Michelle E . MayhewDoris McCannSean and Mundi McCartyJames H. McClainLeland and Barbara

McCormickRobert and Louise McCoyMark McDermottBonnie and Guy

McFarland, M.D.Terry and Darlene

McGreg orChristopher and Aimee

McGuireThomas and Susan

McGuireWilliam W. McGuireLois McHenryDavid and Katherine

McIlrathMarian C. McLaug hlinMichael and Kelley

McLaug hlinTom and Judy McLaug hlinPatti McTag g artDaniel J. MeadeE ug ene MeadeRussell J. MeadeJim and Sarah MeehanJulie E . MelleckerMercy Hospital

AdministrationMercy Hospital Dietary

DepartmentMercy Hospital Gift ShopMark and Julie MerfeldLori A. MerschmanFrances A. MescherMike and Michelle MessierSharon L. MetzlerAndrea MeyerDiane MeyerE arl MeyerGeorg e and Marian MeyerJeffrey and Kathy MeyerAlecia H. MeyersVincent and Helen MeyersStacy MeyersRobert and Barbara

MickelsonMicrosoft CorporationMidWestO ne Bank

Gary and Nancy MilderCarol MillerByron and Deanna MillerDean and Dorothy MillerHazel MillerHenrietta B. MillerKendall MillerJerry and Lou MillerLyle W. MillerMarjorie L. MillerMarvin and Kay MillerMichael and Gail MillerRebecca MillerClara W. MillettTom MillholinAshley MillsFlorence MillsapBill MishlerE velyn J. MitchellJ. Harold MitchellMonica Maloney-Mitros and

Frank Mitros, M.D.MMS Consultants, Inc.Ted and Carolyn MoennichBob MooreDoris M. MooreJames and Phyllis MooreKen and Cindy MooreKenneth J. MooreMarion A. MoorePatricia C. MooreWayne MooreAmanda J. MoranoJohn and Sandy MorelandMary M. MorelandRonald and Sandra

MorelandMarg uerite MoreyBob Morg an and Jennifer

Berg eDarrel and Carolyn MorrisKarl and Kathy MoscripJanet MossDennis and Denise Moug inFrank and Vivian Moug inE d and Jean Moug inKim MoystonChristina C. MuellerBerdena L. MulfordPatrick MullerPatrick and Sharon Ann

MullinLeroy and Delores MullinnixGary J. MullinnixMary Ann MullinnixAudrey L. MurphyRichard and Marian MurphySteven and Joyce MurphyMichael and Anne MurrayFrances D. MusserGladys MusserRichard MusserRay and Linda MustonCheryl MyersJanet A. MyersMary Lou MyersShirley J. MyersNancy Nag elDann and Brenda NardiE rma NardiSteve and Deb Nash

National TTT Iowa Chapter CW

Jerard W. NaylorQuida M. NaylorNCS PearsonLorna Neg usCarolyn L. NelsonDon and Rita NelsonJanet NelsonSarah E . NelsonThomas and Kathryn

NereimCharles J. NeuzilWilliam and Julie NeuzilNew Pioneer Food Co-opJim Newman and Marg aret

ThingDavid and Amy NicholsonNina NicolaCharles and Mary Ann NidaGary and Harriett NielsonMark and Dana NiemannL.M. NissenJeffrey and Susan NobleLee and Mary NoelMary C. NoelDuane A. NollschJoyce NostLucille Novotny and Karen

BonserGing er and Arthur

Nowak, D.D.S.James and Jean NuemannKori O ’BrienJohn and Stephanie

O ’ConnerLeroy O ’ConnerAlf T. O deg aardVirg inia C. O ’DonnellLawrence and Joan O ehlerTheresa M. O ehmkeO ld Capitol Quilters GuildO ld Capitol Screen

PrintersMikayla O linCharles O llendickGeorg ia Ann O lsenChris O lthoffE llen O ltmannsE ileen O merJane E . O mmenGlenda J. O ’NeilJean O ’NeillJoe Lynch and Shawn

O ’Neill LynchLester and Jean O rrGerald and Jane O sbornTeri O smundsonBill and Barbara O stolaWarren and Shirley O stromGreg O ’TooleJim and Jane O ’TooleMike O ’TooleRobert M. O ttoCharles O wenRonald and Cecile O wing sMary O x fordRalph and Florence

PaarmannJ. Riley Padg ettKeith and Cheryl Padg ett

2 0 0 9 H ono r R o ll

Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community 17

Armond and Polly Pag liaiPag liai’s Pizza Palace, Ltd.Helen PaineKimberly PainterBeverly E . PalmerLynne ParsonsPar-Tee Z oneKim and Chris PatteeFrancis and Mary PattiDelores M. PaulsenRoland and Verna PaulsenRev. Richard and E llyn

PaulusRobert and Anne PaulyJack and Lee PearmanKathy PedenLes PedersenPediatric Associates of

Iowa City & CoralvilleFloyd and Marlene Peg umpBeth PeltonVal and Cindy PenneyPepsiAmericasFaye PetersenDick and Gail PetersenAlan and Karen PetersonJoanne PetersonLewis and Mary Lou

PetersonMelva PetrakRoy and Cheryl PettiboneMelbern and Thelma PettyAlan PfabLillian PfaffDean PhelpsJames and Dana PhelpsE arl and Jeanne PhillipsMark and Linnell PhillipsRocky and Judi PhillipsSteve and Michele PhillipsRobert and Jean PhippsLorraine Phleg erKarlyn PiattLou and Mary PicekTammy PieperMarg aret A. PiereCarla PiesAndy PiroHenry and Grace PiroSharon K. PitcherTom and Jan PlathJennifer PlattsKaren M. PlockBeverly PoduskaRobert and Marie

Pog g enpohlRay PorterRuby I. PotterTerry and Carol PotterE . Rachel PowellVeronica G. PowerClair A. PowersPrairie Lig hts BooksDoug and Karen PriceMardine PriceMichelle PriceJanice and Ken Printen,

M.D.Marg aret ProbascoArthur and Ruthe Pudg ilJane M. Quaintance

Nancy QuellhorstHelen M. Quig leyR.S.V.P.Helen L. RadersJohn and Sharon

Raffensperg erShirley RamboMary and Harry Ramseyer,

M.D.Delores RandallJudy RansomJudith K. RarickLeanne RathjenDottie RayAnn RebalJoel and E lizabeth ReeseGarry and Carolyn ReidIvan W. ReihmannDawn ReimersE laine E . ReynoldsJohn and Coleen ReynoldsKarim RezaiRhea + KaiserJohn and Janna RiceManford RiceScott RichardJeanine and Wayne

Richenbacher, M.D.John RiesMichael and Diane Rig g anDiane RileyRoy and Diane RiosMike and Helen

RittenmeyerRiver Products Company,

Inc.Riverside TheatreTerry L. RobertsJohn and E ileen RobinsonMary RoccaIrving and Rose

RockafellowWilliam and Amie

RockafellowCheryle Rodg ersApril R. RoeE sther Rog ersO pal F. (Fran) Rog ersRose Rog ersRuth Ann Rog ersPam RohnerGenevieve RohretWanda E . RonanBill and JoAnn RonnenbergRog er and Brenda

RoskensMary RossRog er and Cheri RossettiKim RossiterE thel RozinekNorma A. RubenbauerSister Suzanne

RubenbauerJames and Ann RubyLois Rug g erCarol Rug g lesJacq ueline RummelhartFrank and Joyce Rupling erLaura E . Rupling erDoug and Cindy RuppertMarie E . Ruppert

Mary Lou RussellDonna RuthJames B. and Alicia RyanMichael and Barbara RyanCarl and Joyce SachsKathleen SadlerRose A. SadlerIva Sag ertJerry SaleHarry SammsJim and Jackie Sang sterMarg SanteeDeb Sarg entMary and Franklin

Scamman, M.D.Mary E ileen ScheetzLois SchermerhornJennifer ScheweRobert and Marillyn SchlutzDonna SchmidtE d and Sue SchmuckerAng ela SchmueckerCleola SchneiderJohn C. SchneiderRonald R. SchneiderBerneda G. SchnoebelenKathleen SchnoebelenLynne and Pamella

SchnoebelenGeraldine SchombergSteven and Janie

SchombergHolly SchoonoverLillian SchroederDoris SchuesslerDonald and Sara

SchumacherMartha A. SchwandtTerry and TeriLea

SchwartingDavid and Tammy

Schwending erRaymond ScottGordon and Vada SecrestBetty SedlacekDwig ht and Melinda

Seeg millerClyde and Kay SeeryJean A. SemschThomas and Nancy SenneffBobby and Jeanie Sex tonJohn and Dorothy Sex tonRosemary E . Sex tonLyle and Carol SeydelDale and Marg aret SeydelPamela J. SeydelMary Jane ShafferSandy ShafferDiane ShannonBrian and Mary Beth

ShapcottCathy SharpBarry and Linda ShawConnie A. ShawSteve ShawDan and Terri ShayE lizabeth A. ShayWoodrow ShearerHelen M. SheetsKaren Shemanski

Gary and Kathleen Shemanski

Geraldine E . ShepardNancy and Alan Sherburne,

M.D.Cyrus ShockeySusie SiddellDavid and Sue SiebelsNance SiedeRobert and Mildred Sieg elIalee SikkinkPhilip and Muriel SimmConnie SimmondsHelen SimmonsDonna M. SimpsonF. Clayton and Vera

Sing letonRoseann SippyJayme and Kami SkayRay and Nancy SlachHelen Slaug hterRick and Peg g y Slaug hterRog er and Suzann

Slaug hterJohn M. Sloop and Bonnie

DowDavid L. SmithE van E . Smith, D.D.S.Gretchen SmithHoney Lou SmithMary A. SmithSteve SmithTim SmithTerry and Ann SmothersJoan E . SnyderPaul and Vicki SondagSpencer and Monica

SorensenMarcella SoversSpenler Tire First AvenueE sther SpevacekAmy Spilg erD. C. SpriestersbachJean Spurg eonZ ika and Marcia SrejovicSt. Patrick’s ChurchHarold A. Stag gDoug and Jody StahlMarie Stahle SearsJohn and Sally StaleyBarb StanersonAlan and Sharon Kay StangLeland L. StanleyHarold and Mary StarkFrederic W. Stearns, M.D.James and Virg inia StebralWilliam and Judith StebralMichelle SteinesWanda StevensE loise L. StewartRachelle StewartDonald and Sharon StiffMichael and Barbara

StimmelSteve and Judy StimmelE ileen StockmanJohn and Florence

StockmanJim and Suzann StockmanKay M. StokesWendy M. Stoltenberg

Lisa StoneJoyce StookeyLynhon StoutGary and Judy StoverGreg StrabalaRosemary E . StrattonJerry and Diane StrawnJohn G. StreifE dna StrnadRay and Jan StrobbeCarl and Janey StrubBill and Deanna StuartMelinda StubbeeSharon StueckE d and Katherine StuhrKristin SturdevantJames and Jill StutsmanSally and Rog er StutsmanVirg inia and Ronald

StutsmanPaul and E llyn StychFriends of Sheryl Kesterson

SueppelWilliam and Patricia

SueppelDolores A. SullivanRodney E . SullivanJoan W. SummerwillKristin SummerwillW. Richard and Joyce

SummerwillSunday Nig ht Book Study

GroupVilda L. SutherlinTerry L. SwaffordGerald G. Swails and

Christine M. TaylorB. Kent and Marlene

SwaimBarbara SwansonDoris SwartzendruberE rica B. SweeneyMary Jean SwenkaMary K. SwenkaSycamore Mall Dairy

QueenJerry and Sue SzczechT SpoonsJeffrey and Diana TankJerry and Claudia TankWayne and Wilma TankAnne TannerLonny and Chris TannerAlice H. TaylorDon and Connie TaylorDick and E leanor TaylorMaynard W. TaylorE dna M. TeetsKaren TerraTimothy and Marg aret

TewsonDee ThayerThe Basket CasesRichard and Dorothy

TheobaldVicki L. Thiede-KnipperDarwin and Sharon

ThirtyacreJohn and Kathy TholenBernard ThomannJoyce Thomas

18 Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community

2 0 0 9 Mem o rialsLaurel AllenburgHarry AndersonJames Baumg artnerBruce BeasleyCharles Beckman, M.D.Luanna BloetheT.T. Bozek, M.D.Marvin BrechtFred BuschKeith A. CampbellJennifer CarlsonLuRene CarlsonBarbara A. ChadimaWayne ChadimaCarole A. ConnerBrian CretzmeyerJerry Ann CumminsO luf DavidsenCharlotte DarrowHelen J. Deaton, M.D.Veryl E . DetwilerBetti O . Dorping hausE dward J. Dorping hausCharles R. E icher, M.D.E mmett E vansFrances E . FairbanksGeorg e FerdigLillian FinleyDorothy Foens

David ForkenbrockE lmer GallowayVirg inia GallowayRuth GrumstrupVelma HammJane HanrahanMarvin D. HartwigJoanne Heming wayDonald V. HippleJudith A. HoffmanNeil HumbleMark JaspersKenneth W. JedlickaRobert F. JedlickaFrances JensenE ug ene KeiferGertrude R. KempRobert KesslerAnnelene KetelsenAnna E . KolderE lsie LangRichard LehmanE laine D. MalottRosemary ManjoineNancy Mathis NeremJoseph W. MeadeLarry MeyersWilma MitchellCarol Morrissey

LaVera MullerSonny and Karleen O ’TooleLouise Padg ettGerald ProbascoAnita QuinlanJohnie RobertsWilliam RohnerGenevieve RohretMarjorie RothJean Marie SchenkMartha E . SchnoebelenRose M. ScottLeo ScheetzMildred Stalkfl eet BenjaminWilliam F. StearnsMary SteinocherBetty StonerWayne StrattonRuth SwitzerHarold TroyerLynn ValetSuzanne Vaug hanMichael A. VeonJames L. VestMary Loretta Wag nerSr. Nora WelterLelia WilsonRev. Roy E . Wing ateE rna M. WolfVivian WonderlickDon Wood

2 0 0 9 H ono rsM. Craig Champion, M.D.Judy Dillman, M.D.John GilliesMr. and Mrs. Herbert KraemerMr. and Mrs. Levi LantzLois J. (Toby) LantzLinda Lee, M.D.Marcia RolencE mily Sloop

2 0 0 9 H onoring a C areg iverMonica Maloney Mitros/Physical Therapy4 Center StaffPastoral Care StaffSr. Theresa/Home Health CareDr. Truszkowski and E ndoscopy Staff: Deb, Nora, Jamie,

KarenDarlene McGreg or/HospiceKathy Rawling s/Hospice“The Heart Doctor and all the 5 th Floor Nurses”

2 0 0 9 H ono r R o llMark and Jeanette ThomasSarah Thomas, M.D.Joel and Diane ThompsonJohn ThompsonLarry and Janet ThompsonLarry and Judy ThornWilliam J. ThorneBarbara TimmermanTavia TindallCindy TomasPatricia TomfeldDaniel and Rebecca

TompkinsHelen TompkinsKathy TownsendNoel and E mily TownsleyBill and Bertha ToyneHelg a TrabertE velyn M. TroyerGilbert and Susan TroyerLinda K. TroyerRichard and Carol TrumpeBetty L. TuckerJennifer M. TuetkenCheryl M. Tug wellJeffrey and Adrianna

TuohinoMark and Jody TurkalNancy TurkleDahl U mbdenstock

U S FoodservicePatricia Vag le and Rox anne

JesinaWilliam and Callie ValetDavid and Ruth VarneyJeff and Karen VarnumTom and Vicki Vaug hanArlyn and Paula VerloJames and Julie VestVeterinary AssociatesRichard and Kathie VickersGlen and Sally VidnovicE sther B. VikstenDorothy VillhauerKevin and Jennifer VillhauerMary VillhauerNorman and Carol Voellig erBrett and Kim VolkAng ela VolkmanKurtis and Sharon VoparilRick and Nancy VossDeane L. WaarneckeM.C. and Helen WackerKathy Wag enknechtRobert W. Wag nerAndrea Wainwrig htE velyn WaldrenLucile WaldschmidtMichael WaldschmidtArthur Walker

Bob and Marilyn WalkerJohn and Jacq ue WalkerMichael and E lizabeth

WalkerLeandra and Nicholas

Walker, M.D.Wayne and Dix ie WalkerThomas and Anita WallBrian Blodg ett and

Michelle Walter-Blodg ettLawence and Mary Ann

WaltersMabel WaltersClella F. WaltonE laine WanlessMark WanlessJames M. WardDean WarneckeRyan and Nancee

WaterburyLarry and Jeanette WatersChristopher A. WatkinsE dward WatkinsonTravis WatkinsonBlair and Joan WatsonHarry and Nellie WeberJoe Weg man and Dawn

Herren-Weg manMichael and Susan WeisertRon and Ann Weiskamp

Ricky WeissJoel and Barbara WellsSkip and Pat WellsSusan K. WellsRev. Robert and E unice

WelshJeff and Marte WerleJames and Lorraine WernerSally A. WeyerRobert and E velyn

WhetstineDebra D. WhiteJ. Patrick and Betty WhiteJean WhiteJames and Jessica

White, M.D.Andrew WhittersGary and LaDonna

WicklundJohn and Karla WidmerJulie WiednerAnn WielandCay WielandRichard WienekeRobert and Luella WieseJanet B. Wilcox , M.D.O lg a WillGary and Sandy WilleyCharlene WilliamsJoan Williams

Mary L. WilliamsJim and Pat WilliamsReg inald WilliamsDan and Mary WilsonE dward and Doris WilsonDave and Ruth WilsonNathan WinkelmanMary J. WinnieJere and Ruth WissinkWilliam and Patricia WisteyFrederick and Pamela WittRobert and E rma WolfWilliam and Jane WolfeCarl and Betty WolkenRichard and Linda WolzGeniveve WombacherTootie WoodMary Ann WoodburnScott and Deb WorrellTrudy T. Wrig htDaniel and Debra WyjackRuth I. Y akleSara Y etterBarbara A. Y oderAtlee and Carolyn Y oderHazel M. Y oder-WennamDelores Z ahradnekBill and Mary Z enishekBrad and Carol Z uberShirley Z umwalt

Mercy H ospital Foundation R eport to the Community 19

2 0 0 9 Em p lo yee C am p aig n C ontrib u to rsAng ie AdrianTim AhlersCherlyn AhrensKelli AndersonBrenda AndewayShelley BarnhartJulie BartelMarilyn BennettJean Berg eTim BernemannHeidi BernsJudy BestTerry and Chris BestChris BlindSarah BlommeMichele Bog sKaren BoileauDiane BoykenBernie BrandenburgNatalie BrincksDon BrownWill BrownLee BurchJoan ButlerMarilyn CalkinsNancy CarlislePete CarrilloHodg e CarterJodi ClemensE llen CollinsKathleen ColonyVirg inia CombsDenice ConnellCherie CremersDonna DeeJohn DeFranceTerri Lee DoehrmannJackie DonovanJillian Dudley

Virg inia DunbarCarol E bing erJeff and Rita E dwardsMary Kay E ppersonClark FellerBrenda FlynnJane FrantzBarbara FreyermuthDennis FulwiderJudy GilliamCindy Ging erichLynette Ging erichSharon GintyMarg e GoodfellowAnnie GoslinJenny GrahamDaniel R. Gralnek, M.D.Amy GreazelBarb GriswoldJody GunnAnnette HaasScott and Kelli HaleRon HallBecky HalschMark HamiltonLaura HankenCrystal HardenKristy HearnSharon HeblJeanne HeinMike HeinrichArlis HelmuthLinda Hing stWill HinkleKathy HirlCarol HulsebergLisa and Timothy

Hunter, M.D.

Shirley JacobsE lizabeth JensenPatti JensenDanny JohnGary JohnsonJean JohnstonJulie JohnstonKristin JonesLeslie KallsenNatalie KassChris KellermanKaren KesselringSherry KesselringMarcia KirkpatrickSusan KlueverConnie KneppJane KnopickJudy KochBecky KrizHolly Krueg erSister Theresa KrumlDawn KuenyGreg KuntzMary Lee Living stonRoe LloydPeg LownGeorg ene LynchKaren LynchMarsha MaattaTracy MarkerMichelle MarksLynn MartinMichelle MayhewMary McCarthyMark McDermottGayle McGillicuddyDarlene McGreg orJulie MelleckerAndrea Meyer

Bob MillerCarol MillerDeanna MillerDorothy MillerLou MillerAshley MillsSid and Pam MillsCarolyn MoennichPatricia MooreBunny MorrisonKim MoystonNancy Nag elDavid O aklandKori O ’BrienChris O lthoffMarie PeetersCindy PenneyAlan PfabTammy PieperCarla PiesJennifer PlattsKaren PlockPrairie Lig hts BooksBruce RademacherKathy Rawling sRonald R. ReedScott RichardTerry RobertsE lizabeth Rodrig uezApril RoeKim RossiterFrank Rupling erLaura Rupling erJerry SaleDeb Sarg entBarb SchaufenbuelAng ela SchmueckerDavid Schwending erJean Semsch

Diane ShannonMary Beth ShapcottKathleen ShemanskiVicki SondagDoug StahlKay StokesLisa StoneDiane K. StrawnTina SullivanE rica SweeneyChris TannerTavia TindallCindy TomasKathy TownsendJody TurkalCarol TwedtPatricia Vag leSally VidnovicKim VolkAng ela VolkmanAndrea Wainwrig htArthur WalkerPeter D. Wallace, M.D.Michelle Walter-Blodg ettWilliam WattsSusan WeisertBarbara WellsSr. Nora WelterJoni WerleMarte WerleJean WhiteSandy WilleyPat WilliamsGlen WinekaufFrederick WittSheila Wrig htTrudy Wrig htSara Y etterCarolyn Y oder

A C o m m itm ent to S erve th at S p ans Generatio ns

T he (rig ht) p hoto of donors, K ailin L ust and M ag g ie F ox , fi rst ap p eared in the 2006 Report to the

Community. S inc e that time, K ailin, p ic tured below left at her summer lemonade stand, has c ontinued to raise funds for M erc y. M ag g ie has had the p leasure of attending the S p ring A w ards P rog rams at w hic h

the rec ip ients of the M arg aret G. F ox Educ ational S c holarship are rec og nized. S he is p ic tured below w ith M erc y Educ ation C oordinator, M ary M c C arthy, at the M ay 7 , 2 0 0 9 , p rog ram.


5 0 0 East Market S treet

Io w a C ity, IA 5 2 2 4 5

w w w .m ercyio w acity.o rg

3 1 9 -3 3 9 -3 6 5 7

Every effort has been made to ensure ac c urac y. P lease bring any missp elling s, omissions, or misp lac ements to our attention. We value your feedbac k and w elc ome your c omments or q uestions.

N onp ro fi t O rg .

U .S . P o stag e


Mercy H o sp ital

T his new donor rec og nition w all has been installed in the hosp ic e unit. Donors w ho mak e g ifts of $ 1 0 0 0 or more w ill be inc luded on the w all. L oved ones may be honored or remembered at the same g ift level. C ontac t J ulie J ohnston at 3 1 9 -3 5 8 -2 6 2 2 to arrang e a tour of the hosp ic e unit if you have not yet seen this sp ec ial p lac e.
