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MGMT 5063 D1.15.2 Syllabus(1)

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MGMT 5063 Page 1 MGMT 5063: MARKETING MANAGEMENT _____________________________________________ SCHOOL OF BUSINESS VERSION D1.15.3

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MGMT 5063 :





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©2013 by Southern Wesleyan University, P.O. Box 1020, 907 Wesleyan Drive, Central, SC

29630-1020. All rights reserved. No part of this syllabus may be used or reproduced without

the written permission of Southern Wesleyan University.

Mission Southern Wesleyan University is a Christ-centered, student-focused learning community

devoted to transforming lives by challenging students to be dedicated scholars and

servant-leaders who impact the world for Christ.


Southern Wesleyan University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate, baccalaureate, and

masters degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur,

GA 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Southern

Wesleyan University.

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Marketing Management

MGMT 5063

Course Description

This course is an application course in marketing theory. Problem areas of product/service, price,

promotion, and distribution are explored through lecture, class discussion, and case analysis. Problem

solving methods and techniques utilized in the course are applicable for both for-profit and nonprofit


Course Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, each student will be able to

• define the dynamic nature of contemporary marketing and demonstrate the skills needed to

manage effectively in such an environment, including the skills needed to do the following:

o identify and define marketing opportunities and challenges o

develop marketing strategies and responses

o critically evaluate the strategies and decisions of others

• discuss the criteria for determining marketing mix decision alternatives, define how to assemble

marketing mixes for specific target markets, and define how to manage a product or service

throughout the product life cycle.

• develop a marketing system to accomplish marketing goals and objectives, including the

organization of the marketing function and the design and use of a marketing control system.

• apply marketing concepts and principles to public and private nonprofit organizations and discuss

the social responsibilities and ethical aspects of marketing.

• evaluate marketing literature and transfer marketing principles from the classroom to a given

firm or agency.

Course Learning Assignments and Assessments

Discussion Forums 10%

SWOT Analysis 5%

Case Studies 10%

Market Research Paper 20%

Marketing Plan Paper 30%

Marketing Plan Presentation 10%

Midterm Exam 15%

Total 100 %

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Discussion Forums – 10%

Each student is expected to engage in weekly discussion forums. The initial discussion posts are due by

11:55 PM EST each Wednesday. The reply posts are due by 11:55 PM EST each Saturday. Each student

is responsible for posting a response to each of the discussion questions and for responding to at least

two classmates’ and faculty’s posts. The original post should be thorough, comprehensive and

substantive. The responses should be from three to five sentences and should intend to invite dialogue.

NOTE: Each student may also lose points for “less than substantive” answers, primarily meaning answers

of less than three to five sentences for original posts and/or less than two to four sentences for

responding to a classmate’s responses. For example, a student might answer an original post and

respond to two classmates’ posts, but not receive the points. Instead, the student might receive fewer

points because his/her original post was only two sentences. Also, note that if a student misses a

discussion, he/she will not be allowed to make up the responses to classmates. See Appendix F for


SWOT Analysis - 5%

This is an individual assignment: After reading the assigned chapters (1-4), review p. 52

(strengths/weaknesses). See Appendix J for rubric.

1. Copy p. 52 of the text and apply these internal S/W to your current organization (or any other

organization of your choice). This SWOT analysis can be conducted on the organization that you

select for your Marketing Plan assignment.

2. Conduct a similar review for opportunities & threats - O/T. You will have to make up your own

categories for this.

3. Prepare a SWOT analysis for the organization. Use a format that would get attention as an internal

consultant. Try the following website (or a similar one, just Google SWOT) and use a professional

format: http://marketingteacher.com/lesson-store/lesson-swot.html

4. Submit in your SWOT Analysis (chart) and two supporting charts (S/W & O/T) in Canvas.

Case Studies - 10%

In Sessions Two and Four, submit comprehensive answers to questions at the end of the Case Studies on

Marketing Excellence as prescribed. These answers should indicate critical analysis of the issues, apply

research where applicable. The answers to these short case studies are to be submitted as a 2-3 page

paper in APA format; i.e. a 2-3 page paper for each session. See Appendix E for rubric.

Market Research Paper – 20%

Each student will choose and submit a research a topic on which to write a 7-8 page research paper (due

in Session Five). The student may refer to the suggested reference journals and sources listed in

Appendix A. The research topic must be approved by the instructor. Please use the link below for

suggested market research topics:


Once you have decided on the topic, pay attention to is the scope of your paper or what you will be

including in your discussion. The broader the topic, the more difficult it is to cover it in full detail.

MGMT 5063 Page 5

Establish beforehand the scope and limitations of your paper and this will be the foundation of your

research paper outline.

Basically, your outline will constitute three main parts namely the Introduction, the Body and the

Conclusion. But to make sure your paper is complete, a sample outline is in Appendix D that should be

included in your research paper. Please note: that your research outline is due on Session Three.


The Introduction should contain your thesis statement or the topic of your research as well as

the purpose of your study. You may include here the reason why you chose the particular topic

or simply the significance of your research paper's topic. You may also state what type of

approach it is that you'll be using in your paper for the entire discussion of your topic. Generally, your

Introduction should state briefly all the major points of your topic your readers will be reading about.


The body of your paper is where you will be presenting all your arguments to support your thesis

statement. Please be reminded of the “Rule of 3” where you should find 3 supporting arguments

for each position you take. Start with a strong argument, followed by a stronger one, and end

with the strongest argument as your final point.


Conclusion is where you form a summary of all your arguments and state your final stand.

Explain why you've ended up with the said conclusion.

Style: APA 6.0.

Length: 7-8 pages (not including cover page & Reference page).

At least 5 reference sources from quality journal publications.

See Appendix G for rubric.

Marketing Plan Paper –30 %

This is an individual assignment. Each student is required to develop a Marketing plan for either an

existing or hypothetical organization. Use the Interactive Marketing Plan tool as a template to create your

marketing plan. This link and template will be found in module one session one. Marketing Plan -

Interactive Template

• Session One

Choose an organization or business that will be the focus of your marketing plan. This can be any

existing company or a company that you might wish to startup - then this will be a startup marketing plan (these are fun), or an imaginary company. Using an already existing marketing

plan found on the Internet is not acceptable.

• Sessions Two

Because of the compressed time schedule (6 weeks), students are expected to start this early in the course.

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Draft an overview of the company/organization as well as the Situation Analysis

describing/defining the product or service, the market, the company’s capability to serve the

targeted segments, and the competition.

Session Three

Complete a SWOT analysis for your company. What will be your "keys to success"? What are

the "critical issues"? What is your market environment like? Work on the financials and the 4 Ps

of marketing: price, product (done already), place, and promotion (roughed-out, or in draft).

Complete a rough draft of the appropriate sections of your marketing plan.

Session Four

Complete your draft of the remaining sections. Submit a copy of the draft in Canvas for review

and comments.

Session Five

Submit a semi-final copy of the marketing plan in Canvas for instructor review.

Session Six

Submit the complete marketing plan in Canvas for grading. If this plan needs to remain

confidential, please let your instructor know.

See Appendix I for rubric.

Marketing Plan Presentation – 10%

This is an individual assignment. Prepare a five to ten minute presentation based on your marketing plan.

It is at the instructor’s discretion to determine how your presentation will be delivered. Some options

include live Internet-delivered applications, i.e. www.Joinme.com, Skype or Adobe Connect. Presentation

should not be limited to PowerPoint only. Be creative and consider presenting the plan in different ways.

Some options may include: voice over PowerPoint, PowerPoint with speaking notes, video uploaded to

YouTube etc.

This presentation is to be loaded into the appropriate Session Six discussion forum for feedback and

comment. See Appendix H for rubric.

Midterm Exam – 15%

There is one exam in this course. The midterm is scheduled for Session Four and will be 15% of the

course grade.


All grades are reported in a system of eleven letter grades designated as “A” through “F” with

appropriate plus and minus additions reflecting the following scheme:

MGMT 5063 Page 7





93-100 A

90-92 A-

86-89 B+

83-85 B

80-82 B-

76-79 C+

73-75 C

70-72 C-

65-69 D+

60-64 D

<60 F


The following guidelines should be used for written reports submitted by individuals or learning teams:

• The length of the report will be determined by the faculty member.

• The report should be typed, double-spaced, front side only, in Times New Roman

12point font. Titles, etc., can be in a larger font size.

• Students must follow APA format for proper grammar, spelling, sentence/paragraph

structure, and footnote or endnote structure. All cases are to be written in the third

person as a professional paper.

• A cover sheet should include the student’s name, course number, the report title, faculty

member's name, and the date submitted. A hardback cover for the report is not required.

• Titles for each section may be used if the student desires.

• The learning team report is to

outline and discuss the relevant issues/problems underlying the topic, including

historical comments if desired.

present opposing/alternative views concerning the issues.

generate creative solutions that are original, not someone else’s.

present the learning team's synthesis or proposed position concerning the issue

in a logical manner.

contain accurate and complete data.

• The report is not to consist of separate papers put together to make one larger report.

Instead, it should represent the results of the learning team's research and thinking

together about the issue and coming to conclusions concerning possible solutions.

Obviously, individuals in the team will be given specific tasks by the learning team.

• Each learning team member is to participate in the preparation and presentation of the



MGMT 5063 Page 8

The following guidelines should be used for oral presentations by learning teams or individuals:

• The length of the presentation(s) will be determined by the faculty member. For learning

team presentations, each member of the team will participate. The team will always ask

for questions when the full presentation is complete and allow additional time for

questions. One mark of a good presentation is that it adheres to the allocated time.

• Individual portions of the learning team presentations will vary in length. Each member

should complete his/her individual part of the presentation within the allotted time.

• Presentations should not be read to the audience. Students should use key words as an

outline of the subject and then present key words on transparencies, the class

chalkboard, flip charts, or PowerPoint.

• Charts, graphs, and drawings get attention and are usually better understood than text

or text-style printed material.

• In this course (and all others), oral presentations are used to sell the audience on the


• The following is a list of factors that are important when making a presentation.

1. Quality of presentation

a. Eye contact

b. Expression

c. Use of notes

d. Proper diction

e. Clear and audible speech

2. Quality of argument

a. Validity of the arguments

b. Evidence of research/knowledge

c. Forcefulness

3. Appearance

4. Enthusiasm


Kotler, P. (2016). Marketing management. (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Text Website: http://www.prenhall.com/kotler/

The text for this course is comprehensive and takes the subject considerably beyond the fundamentals.

In addition to company illustrations and marketing trends, the text provides concepts and tools for

analysis and problem solving that can be utilized by marketing specialists.


To be successful in this course, all participants are expected to have access to a reliable Internet

connection, an updated Internet browser (preferably Internet Explorer or Firefox), a PDF reader, a Flash

Player, and Microsoft Office. Participants will also need access to a computer that has speakers, a sound

card, and a video card capable of 800 x 600 pixel resolution.

MGMT 5063 Page 9

In addition, the course site and SWU e-mail are the primary tools for class communication, assignments,

handouts, etc. Therefore, all participants must have access to the course site and SWU e-mail.

Participants are expected to access the course site and SWU e-mail on a daily basis.

While it is important to maintain good communication with the instructor, Internet connectivity problems

and home computer problems are not considered adequate excuses for missing assigned class work.

SWU is not responsible for and does not provide technical support for home computers. However, if a

student needs to reach technical support personnel, he/she should send an e-mail to [email protected]

or call 864.644.5050.

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Each student will be able to

• assess the marketing role in

organizational performance.

• analyze and describe the interrelationship

between strategic management and

marketing processes.

• relate the various philosophies of

marketing management to his/her place

of employment.

• describe the elements of, and develop an

outline for, a marketing plan.

• understand the steps of the marketing

research process.

Each student will

1. read Ch. 1–4 in the text.

2. participate in the following

Session One Discussion Forums:

a. Devotion: Planning

b. Introductions and Welcome

c. Marketing and Strategic


d. Market Research

3. complete a SWOT analysis for an organization based on the checklist on p. 51.

4. outline the contents of a marketing plan

(see p. 61-65 the text) and identify which

organization will be the focus of the


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Each student will be able to

• identify the premises involved in

building customer satisfaction, value,

and retention.

• explain how a buyer's characteristics—

cultural, social, personal, and

psychological—influence buying


• differentiate between the business

market and the consumer market.

• contrast the decision-making

processes between consumer and

business buyer.

• describe the effect that a product's

position in the product life cycle has

on the market offering of the product.

• define the characteristics of products.

• describe how a company can build and

manage its product mix and product


• analyze how a company can make

better brand decisions.

Each student will

1. read Ch. 5–8 in the text.

2. participate in the following

Session Two Discussion Forums:

a. Devotion: Competition

b. Consumer and Business


c. Market Segmentation &


3. submit answers to the Case Studies on Marketing Excellence (Tesco – p. 154-155; IKEA – pp. 185-187; Accenture – pp. 213-214; BMW – pp. 272-273 as a 2-3 page paper in APA format.

4. start working on the Market Research

paper. The Outline is due in Session 3.

5. continue to work on the Marketing Plan and Presentation.


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Each student will be able to

• determine how to ascertain a

company's strategies, objectives, strengths, weaknesses, and reaction


• determine whether to position as a

market leader, challenger, follower, or


• balance the customer and competitor


• state how a company can identify the segments that make up a market and explain what criteria a company can use to choose the most attractive target markets.

• discuss the major differentiating attributes available to firms and how

firms can choose to communicate an effective positioning in the market.

• construct the marketing strategies that are appropriate at each stage of the

product life cycle.

• explain the main stages in the

development of new products and

discuss how they can best be


• explain concepts of differentiation,

quality, and productivity to improve a

service firm.

• state the role of customer support

services in designing and managing


Each student will

1. read Ch. 9–14 in the text.

2. participate in the following

Session Three Discussion Forums:

a. Devotion: Globalization

b. Competitive Dynamics

c. Product Strategy and Services Marketing

3. complete and submit the Midterm


4. continue to write the Market Research Paper. Submit the outline for the paper.

5. continue to work on the Marketing

Plan and Presentation due in Session


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Each student will be able to

• explain how price should be set on a

product or service for the first time.

• state how price should be adapted to

meet varying circumstances and

opportunities and explain when a

company should initiate a price


• discuss the dynamics of marketing channels.

• apply the concepts of retailing,

wholesaling, and market logistics to

the decisions a marketer must make.

• describe the marketing

communications mix (promotion mix)

and the five major modes of communication.

• identify the implications of marketing

events and experiences.

• outline the steps involved in evaluating

advertising effectiveness.

• evaluate how companies can exploit

the potential of public relations and


Each student will

1. read Ch. 15–18 in the text.

2. participate in the following

Session Four Discussion Forums:

a. Devotion: Communication

b. Integrated Marketing


c. Pricing Strategy and Marketing Channels

3. submit answers to the Case Studies on Marketing Excellence (Apple – pp. 457-458; Southwest – p. 490-491; Amazon – pp.522-523; Zara – pp. 470-471;Gillette - pp. 532-533) as a 2-3 page paper in APA format.

4. continue to work on the marketing research paper.

5. continue to work on the Marketing Plan and Presentation due in Session Six.

6. Complete and submit the Midterm


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Each student will be able to

• examine how companies can

effectively personalize marketing


• discuss public and ethical issues that

direct online marketing raise.

• describe the structures and processes

for developing new products and


• analyze the factors for tapping into

global markets.

• examine global marketing strategies.

Each student will

1. read Ch. 19–22 in the text.

2. participate in the following

Session Five Discussion Forums:

a. Devotion: Public Relations

b. Marketing Communications

c. Creating Successful Long-term Growth

3. finalize and submit the marketing research paper.

4. continue to work on the Marketing

Plan and Presentation due in Session


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Each student will be able to

• identify trends in marketing practices.

• examine socially responsible

marketing practices.

• describe the decisions that need to be

made to manage the total marketing


• describe the overall area of marketing


• define and expand the concept of

marketing beyond the traditional

business definitions and usages.

• apply marketing planning procedures

as demonstrated by the completion of

an acceptable comprehensive

marketing plan.

Each student will

1. read Ch. 23.

2. prepare and post responses to the Session Six discussion forums.

3. complete and submit the presentation based on your marketing plan. Upload your presentation into the appropriate Discussion Forum as well.

4. finalize and submit the marketing


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Course Policies and Miscellaneous Information

Attendance Policy

Face-to-face sessions are held once a week for four hours, and attendance is mandatory. At these

sessions, the entire class meets with the facilitator who maintains attendance records and submits

the records to the AGS office.

Attendance in distance learning courses is based on the completion of at least one designated

assignment by the due date/time posted within the course site for each session. Distance learning

activities may include lecture, assignments, readings, discussion forums, and assessments (e.g.

quizzes, tests).

Hybrid courses are a combination of online and classroom activities. Students are expected to

attend all campus class meetings as well as to adhere to posted online deadlines for assignments.

Classroom attendance will be taken in class by the instructor. Online attendance is based on

completion of at least one designated assignment by the due date/time posted within the course

site for each session. Online activities may include lecture, assignments, readings, discussion

forums, and assessments (e.g. quizzes, tests).

A pattern of absences is unacceptable and will be dealt with in the manner stated below. By

agreement with the facilitator, one session during an individual course may be missed if work is

made up. The absence must be reflected in the class participation portion of the student's final

grade. There is no provision for a student to miss more than 25% of the sessions in any one

course. In most cases, missing more than one session exceeds the 25% limit. Any student who

misses more than 25% of the sessions for any course shall receive a grade of F or No Credit for that

course and shall be required to repeat the course at their expense.

Academic Integrity

Honesty in all matters - including honesty in academic endeavors - is a valued principle at Southern

Wesleyan University. Members of this community of learners (students, faculty, staff, and

administrators) are expected to treat each other as honorable until this trust is betrayed. Any form

of academic dishonesty (including cheating, plagiarism, and falsification of documents) constitutes a

serious breach of trust. No form of academic dishonesty will be tolerated.

If a student has cheated, that student should voluntarily come forward and confess. If the student

does so, the penalty is a failing grade of F on the work involved. If the student admits guilt only

after being confronted, the penalty is both a grade of F on the work involved and a 10% grade

reduction in the course. If a faculty member is convinced that a student has cheated and the

student does not admit the offense, the faculty member may assess a grade of NC or F for the

course. (See Grade Appeal Procedure of the AGS Handbook for additional information.) Plagiarism

(the use of another's material, methods, or ideas without giving the originator proper credit) and

fabrication (forging or inventing information) are special forms of cheating. It is the responsibility of

each student and faculty member to properly follow the Modern Language Association (MLA) or the

American Psychological Association (APA) style of documentation to avoid plagiarism. Any student

found guilty of plagiarism or fabrication will receive a grade of F as outlined in the paragraph above.

Academic dishonesty outside the context of a course will be dealt with in a manner appropriate to

the situation. The penalty may include expulsion from the university, and, in cases of fraud,

appropriate legal action. Appeals in these cases will be heard by the provost with final appeal to the

Academic Council.

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Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Accommodations can be made for students with disabilities, as outlined in “Services for Students

with Disabilities,” at http://my.swu.edu . Any student desiring accommodations must send the

request and all documentation to the Student Services Coordinator at the learning center where

he/she attends classes. The Student Services Coordinator will forward the materials to Martha

Mishoe ([email protected]), Coordinator of Student Learning Services for Southern Wesleyan


MGMT 5063 Page 19

Appendix A


Top-Tier Journals available in full-text in Rickman Library databases

• Academy of Management Journal

• Academy of Management Review

• Academy of Management Perspectives

• American Economic Review

• California Management Review

• Communications of the ACM

• Decision Sciences

• Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice

• Harvard Business Review

• Human Resource Management Journal

• International Journal of Electronic Commerce

• International Journal of Human Resource Management

• Information Resources Management Journal

• Information Systems Journal

• Information Systems Research

• Journal of Accounting Research

• Journal of the Association for Information Systems

• Journal of Business Logistics

• Journal of Consumer Research

• Journal of Finance

• Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

• Journal of Global Information Management

• Journal of International Business Studies

• Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS)

• Journal of Marketing

• Journal of Marketing Research

• Journal of Political Economy

• Management International Review

• Management Science

• Marketing Science

• Operations Research

• Organization Science

• Personnel Psychology

• Production & Operations Management

• Rand Journal of Economics

Magazines and Newspapers which may be used for current business information

• Business Week (available in full-text via library databases)

• Fortune Magazine (available in full-text via library databases)

• New York Times (not in library databases)

• Wall Street Journal (not in library databases)

May 2010

MGMT 5063 Page 20

Appendix B

Instructions for Using Smarthinking

Smarthinking offers FREE online tutoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can connect with a highly

qualified tutor in a live, interactive whiteboard environment to get help with writing, math, statistics,

accounting, economics, biology, chemistry, physics, and more.

Note: To create your FREE account in Smarthinking, you must access mySWU and follow the steps


Getting Started

1. Go to https://my.swu.edu and log on to mySWU.

2. In the Menu bar at the top of the page, click on the Students tab.

3. Under the Other Resources box, click on Tutoring/Accommodations.

4. In the sidebar on the left-hand side of the page, click the Smarthinking link.

5. In the Creating a Smarthinking Account on the right, choose the appropriate link (AGS or

Traditional) to create an account.

6. Complete the Account Creation Form, and then click Continue at the bottom of the page.

7. This will take you to your Homepage of Smarthinking.

8. From this point on, you will go directly to www.smarthinking.com to login to your account,

using your own login and password.

Additional Information

There are many tutoring options available on the Smarthinking Website. Each option has a “Tell Me How”

feature. Use the dropdown menu next to each option to choose what you would like to do.

The “Submit Your Writing” option provides detailed feedback on your writing assignments. Assistance is

available for all types of writing from a simple paragraph to a research paper. Use the dropdown menu to

choose the appropriate option for your submission. Documents must be in a .doc, .rtf, or .txt format to

upload. A tutor will read your paper and will send feedback to your Smarthinking inbox within 24 hours.

Please note that the tutors will not edit or rewrite a paper for you.

If you need help using Smarthinking, click on the SMARTHINKING Student Handbook in the

Customer Support & FAQ area of your homepage or contact Customer Support at

[email protected] or (888) 430-7429 ext. 1 (Monday-Friday, 8am – 6pm ET). For on campus

help, call Martha Mishoe at (864) 644-5036.

October 2012

MGMT 5063 Page 21

Appendix C


NOTE: This form is to be completed by each team member in confidence. The

instructor should also maintain confidentiality.

Date: ________________________ Cohort: ___________________________________________



Please use the scale above to record the most appropriate number for the criteria below

that best represents the extent to which each learning team member:

(2) Actively participated in and contributed to the activities of outlining and completing the team

project. This includes but is not limited to participating in the initial discussion of launching

the project, contributing creative ideas to enhance the project, and staying on task to

complete the project.

(3) Prepared materials as assigned and in a timely manner.

(4) Participated in a positive manner with other team members while displaying a cooperative team spirit and providing support to ensure their success.

(5) Participated in class with all responsibilities fulfilled in regard to learning team


(6) How would you evaluate the overall contribution of each team member?

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)



Participated in


Contributed to

Learning Team









in Class








Your name:


Add any comments you may have regarding the evaluations in the appropriate section.




MGMT 5063 Page 22



(These forms should be collected by the instructor and used in student evaluations.) January 2010

Appendix D


Research Paper Outline Example:

Thesis Topic: Marketing Advantage using Customer Perception of Purchasing Practices

during a Recession



Statement of the Problem

Review of Related Literature

Theoretical Framework


Type of Research (experimental, qualitative, survey)



Data Analysis






MGMT 5063 Page 23

Appendix E Grading Rubric for Case Studies

Excellent Needs



Content 5 3-4 1-2

What are the


challenges? Clear

identification of

issues/ problems.

Issues are

clearly detailed

and well


Only a few

issues are


Some key components are present but insufficiently

detailed. Some

are missing.

Analysis 35-40 30-34 55-29

Analysis of issue/s

presented including questions in the text. Critical thinking is evident. Not mere regurgitation of text. Recommendations

for action/ solutions to the issues and problems are presented

All key

components are

clearly detailed.

Most key

components are


Some key

components are

present but

some are


Structure 5 3-4 1-2

- Grammar

- Spelling



grammar or

spelling errors.

Only a few APA,

grammar or

spelling errors.

More than 5

APA, spelling or

grammar errors.

Total 50 points

Grade earned

MGMT 5063 Page 24

Appendix F Grading Rubric for Discussion Forums

Excellent Good Needs



Quality 9-10 7-8 5-6 0-4

Critical thinking and

justification for

your comments are


Your postings are well thought out, and your answers clearly demonstrate


thinking. Your



introduce new

ideas, making

the discussion



Your postings

show some


and some critical

thinking is

evident in your


Your postings

show nominal


and only the

beginnings of

critical thinking.

Your postings

show practically

no development,

reiterating the

textbook or

others. Your


detract from the


Timeliness 4 3 2 1

Posting in a timely manner is critical for interaction and collaboration.

Your initial posting is

made by day

four of the


Your initial is

made by day five

of the session.

Your initial

posting is made

by day six of the


Your initial

posting is made

by day seven of

the Session.

Interaction 5-6 3-4 1-2 0

MGMT 5063 Page 25

Collaboration with others and engagement on various days of the session are required for maximum points. If initial posting and responses are all done in the same day,

there is little to no evidence of collaboration or engagement.


grammar or



Only a few APA,

grammar or

spelling errors.

More than 5

APA, spelling or

grammar errors.

You do not

respond to the

postings of

others in the


Total 20 points

Grade earned

Appendix G Grading Rubric for Market Research Paper

Excellent Good Needs



25 20 15 5

Quality of


Cited 5 or more

sources -Sources

reliable and precisely

cited -All information

included -Sufficient

information provided

to support all

elements of the topic

-Research in depth

and then beyond the

obvious reveling new

insights gained

Cited 5 sources -

Sources mostly

reliable. Citation

errors minor) -

Most information

included -



provided -

Research of

sufficient depth

-Cited 3-5 sources

Sources reliability


Information does

not interfere with

ability or reader

to find the

sources. -


relevant to

support some

elements of topic

-Surface research

-failed to cite even 3 sources -Sources unreliable -Information interferes with ability of reader to understand paper -Irrelevant to thesis -Information

does not

support the


MGMT 5063 Page 26

41-50 31-40 26-30 0-25


Topic includes all aspects of the project, of appropriate breadth for length of the paper and an appropriate topic to research. -Contains clear and concise abstract, subtitles , and resources page -Support for research topic --5 or more in text citations to support the topic. -Clear and appropriate

organization with

effective transitions ,

and conclusion.

Topic includes most aspects of the project, of appropriate breadth for length topic for research. -Contains somewhat clear and concise abstract, subtitles, and resource page. --Support for thesis sufficient, but lacking in-depth complexity. -Less than 5 in text citations are used to support the thesis. -Organization transitions, introduction, and conclusion slightly lacking clarity



Topic includes some aspects of the project, of appropriate breadth for length topic for research. -Only 2-3 in text citations used to support thesis. --Missing

abstract, but

includes subtitles,

and resources




introduction, and


lacking clarity

lacking clarity

and /or


Topic unclear and includes no aspects of the project , of inappropriate breadth for length of paper -Missing


subtitles and

resources page

-Support for


insufficient -No


transitions ,


and no


15 12-14 6-11 0-5

Grammar &


-Consistent and

appropriate voice -

Sophisticated and

precise word choice.

No spelling errors. No

errors agreement,

-Voice mostly

consistent and

appropriate -

Fairly effective

word choice -

No more than 2



consistent and

appropriate -

Correct word

choice -More

than 3






word choices

-More than 5

MGMT 5063 Page 27

pronouns/antecedents, or tense. -No punctuation or capitalization errors.

-Met all style and

min/max page


spelling errors. -Fewer than two errors in



nts, or tense. -Met

most style and

min/max page


spelling errors. -

More than 2

errors in


pronouns /

antecedents, or

tense. -More 3

punctuation or



Attempted to

meet style and

/or min/max



spelling errors

10 9 6-8 0-5



-Topic includes all aspects of the project, of appropriate breadth for length of the paper and an appropriate topic to research. -Contains clear and concise abstract, subtitles , and resources page -Support for research topic --5 or more in text citations to support the topic. -Clear and appropriate

organization with

effective transitions,

and conclusion.

-Topic includes most aspects of the project, of appropriate breadth for length topic for research. -Contains somewhat clear and concise abstract, subtitles, and resource page. --Support for thesis sufficient, but lacking in-depth complexity. -Less than 5 in text citations are used to support the thesis. -Organization transitions, introduction, and conclusion slightly lacking clarity



Topic includes some aspects of the project, of appropriate breadth for length topic for research. -Only 2-3 in text citations used to support thesis. --Missing abstract , but includes subtitles

, and resources



transitions ,

introduction, and

conclusion lacking

clarity lacking

clarity and /or


-Topic unclear and includes no aspects of the project , of inappropriate breadth for length of paper -Missing


subtitles and

resources page

-Support for


insufficient -No


transitions ,


and no


Total 100 points

Grade earned

MGMT 5063 Page 28

Appendix H Grading Rubric for Marketing Plan Presentation

Excellent Good Needs



41-50 31-40 21-30 0-20

Content &


Shows full

understanding of the

topic. Presentation

has no misspellings

or grammatical

errors. Adheres to

time constraints as

described in the


Shows good

understanding of

the topic.

Presentation has





errors. Slightly

over or under the

time constraints

as described in

the syllabus.


understanding of

parts of the topic.

Presentation has

some misspellings



errors. Does not

adhere to time

constraints as

described in the


Does not seem

to understand

the topic.


has many

spelling errors



errors. Does not

adhere to time

constraint as

described in the


21-30 16-20 11-15 0-10


Seems to be well prepared; uses excellent communication skills

Seems to be fairly well prepared; uses good communication skills

Does not seem to

be very well



skills are weak

Does not seem

to be prepared

at all; does not


very well

16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5




Very engaging. Strong visuals that connect to the content. Very creative in

presentation mode/

method/ content.

Keeps the



engaged. Visuals

that mostly

connect to the

content. Creative

in presentation

mode/ method/


Does little to

engage the


Does not

engage the

audience at all

Total 100 points



MGMT 5063 Page 29

Appendix I Grading Rubric for Marketing Plan

Excellent Good Fair Needs Work

9-12 8 6-7 0-5


Summary and



The executive summary clearly communicates the critical elements of the marketing plan so that it reads as a standalone document. The length of the executive summary is sufficient to cover the critical information, but no more than two pages long. The introduction clearly and concisely introduces the purpose of the marketing plan. Information about the company or

organization is

thoroughly and

clearly reported,

including such things

as the type of

product or service,

employees, company

history, previous and

current marketing

efforts, current

The executive


includes most, but not all of the critical elements of the marketing plan. Some of the information provided in the summary is unnecessary or trivial to understanding the plan. The summary is no more than two pages long. The introduction is somewhat unclear and/or not concise in stating the purpose of the marketing plan. Information about company or organization is, for

the most part,

thoroughly and clearly

reported. But some

information that may

be critical to the

marketing plan is


The executive summary includes very few, of the critical elements of the marketing plan. Some of the information provided in the summary is unnecessary or trivial to understanding the plan. The summary is no more than two pages long. The introduction is somewhat unclear and/or not concise in stating the purpose of the marketing plan. Information about company or

organization is, for

the most part,

thoroughly and

clearly reported. But

some information

that may be critical

to the marketing

plan is missing.

Company or


information is

provided, but there

is a great deal of





MGMT 5063 Page 30

knowledge about

customers and

competitors, etc.

16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5

SWOT Analysis and Marketing Objectives and Goals

A thorough SWOT

analysis is provided,

based on the

preceding analyses.

Reasoning for each

item in the SWOT is

provided and logical.

Strengths and

weaknesses are

clearly internal

factors, and

opportunities and

threats are clearly

external factors. The

marketing objectives

and goals are clearly

related to the


A thorough SWOT

analysis is provided,

based on the

preceding analyses.

Reasoning for each

item in the SWOT is

provided and logical.

Strengths and

weaknesses are

clearly internal

factors, and

opportunities and

threats are clearly

external factors. The

marketing objectives

and goals are clearly

related to the


SWOT analysis is provided, but there are at more than six missing points from preceding analyses. There is no reasoning provided for the items. More than two strengths/weaknesse

s or


are inappropriate.

Marketing goals and

objectives are

missing or those

that are identified

are not quantified or

are inappropriate.

SWOT analysis and


objectives are

provided but the

content was very


MGMT 5063 Page 31

mission. Objectives

and goals are clearly


mission. Objectives

and goals are clearly


and appropriately


and appropriately


16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5




and Target


The marketing strategy direction frames your marketing tactics of the marketing plan is clearly and specifically stated. The marketing strategy is logically linked to the marketing objectives and goals. Based on the marketing strategy and SWOT analysis, the target market(s) is appropriately

identified and

described. A

positioning statement

for each target

market is identified

and explained, and


Marketing strategy is

identified but is

unclear or unspecific

in some aspects. The

marketing strategy is

logically linked to the

marketing objectives

and goals. Based on

the marketing

strategy and SWOT

analysis, the target

market(s) is identified

but not described in

enough detail.


statement(s) is

provided but not


The marketing strategy is missing or is illogical given the marketing objectives and goals. Target market and positioning is weak, or, if identified, does

not seem

appropriate given

the marketing

strategy and SWOT

analysis. Positioning

statement(s) is


The marketing

strategy is not

written at a

graduate level and

the target market

and positioning

statements are


16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5

MGMT 5063 Page 32

Marketing Mix-

The 4P's

The marketing mix

objectives for the

company are clearly

stated and

appropriate. Tactics

for managing the


are thoroughly and

clearly identified and

reasoned. When

necessary, sufficient

detail about tactics is

provided, making it

easier to understand

the scope of the


The marketing mix

objectives for the

company are stated,

but somewhat

unclear. Most of the

tactics are thoroughly

and clearly identified,

but one obvious tactic

is missing. Some

detail on tactics is

missing, hindering


The marketing mix

objectives for the

company are weak.

More than one

obvious tactic is

missing. Very little

detail on specific

tactics is provided.

Tactics are unclear

and hard to


The marketing mix

objectives are

missing in the


16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5

Description and implementation & Control/5 year Expansion


A thorough and


implementation plan

is clearly identified

for every tactic; the

plan identifies who is

responsible for

implementing the

tactic, when it should

be implemented, the

cost, measurement of

effectiveness, and

any other relevant

information. The

An implementation

plan is identified, but

one to two tactics are

not addressed.

Specificity of some of

the plan could be

improved. The


will be able to use the

plan to implement the

marketing plan, but

may be confused

about some aspects

because of missing


An implementation

plan is identified,

but more than two

tactics are not

addressed, and the

plan generally lacks

specificity. Because

of missing

information, the

plan will not help



n implement the

marketing plan.



controls and 5 year

expansion plans

are missing from

the plan.

implementation plan

is specific enough so

that the


has a blueprint for

using the plan. In

addition to specific


measures for each

tactic, overall control

measures for the

marketing plan, and

Overall control

measures are

included and

contingency actions

are identified, but

they lack


Overall control

measures and

contingency plans

are not identified.

MGMT 5063 Page 33

contingency actions,

are identified.

5-8 3-4 1-2 0

Writing style,


spelling and


The plan has a writing

style that is uniform

throughout the paper

and appropriate for

this type of written

project. There is no

indication that the

paper involved

multiple authors. The

plan has been


spellchecked and

proofread. There are

no to almost none

grammatical or

spelling errors. There

are no formatting


The writing style lacks

uniformity at times

and is not always

appropriate for a

marketing plan. There

is some indication of

multiple authors (e.g.,

different fonts,

different paper, etc.).

There are a few

spelling and/or

grammatical errors.

There are one to

three formatting


Plan is clearly the work of multiple authors with different writing styles,

margins, printer

fonts, paper types,

etc. There are

frequent misspelled

words, serious

grammatical errors,

and formatting

errors, indicating

that time was not

taken to spell-check

and proofread.

The plan was not written at the graduate level with many grammar,

spelling, formatting

and writing style


Total 100 points

MGMT 5063 Page 34

Appendix J Grading Rubric for SWOT Analysis

Excellent Good Needs



41-50 31-40 15-30 0-15

Strengths &


Thorough analysis of

the strengths and

weaknesses. Page 52

of the text applied

well on the selected


A good analysis of

the strengths and


Applied most of

the text to the



A fair analysis of

the organizations

strengths and


Some major parts

of the text were

missing or



Almost no strengths and weaknesses were correctly identified. Textbook was

rarely, if ever,

referenced or


31-40 21-30 11-20 0-10




Thorough analysis of

the opportunities and

threats. Page 52 of

the text applied well

on the selected


A good analysis of the opportunities and threats. Applied most of

the text to the



A fair analysis of

the opportunities

& threats to the


Some major parts

of the text were

missing or



Almost no opportunities or threats were correctly identified. Textbook was

rarely, if ever,

referenced or


7-10 5-6 1-4 0

MGMT 5063 Page 35


Format is in clear,



format. No spelling or

grammatical errors.

Format is in a

mostly clear and


format. Few

grammar or

spelling errors.

Format is

disorganized or


Multiple spelling

or grammar


Format lacks




grammar and

spelling errors.

Total 100 points


