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Minutes - Florida Board of Occupational Therapy

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The Florida Board of Occupational Therapy Practice Minutes JANUARY 29, 2018 GENERAL BUSINESS MEETING James Spafford, Board Chair Dr. Caylee Banta, Vice Chair

The Florida

Board of Occupational Therapy Practice

Minutes JANUARY 29, 2018


James Spafford, Board Chair Dr. Caylee Banta, Vice Chair

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4052 Bald Cypress Way, Conference Room # 301

Tallahassee, FL 32399-3255 Office Telephone Number: (850) 245-4373

Participants in this public meeting should be aware that these proceedings are being recorded and that an audio file of the meeting will be posted to the board's website. The minutes reflect the actual sequence of events rather than the original agenda order.

Call to Order 9:00 a.m. EST - Call to Order - General Business Meeting Mr. Spafford, Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Those present for all or part of the meeting, included the following: MEMBERS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT James F. Spafford, Consumer Member, Chair Allen Hall, Executive Director Dr. Caylee Banta, OT Anna Hart King, Program Administrator Paul B. Arthur, OT Deborah Boutwell, Regulatory Specialist II Tameka German, OT Giselle Horton, Regulatory Specialist II Daniel Calvo, OT (absent/excused) SENIOR ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Donna McNulty, Board Counsel Christina Shideler COURT REPORTER For the Record (850) 222-5491



OT16823, File #16474 (PCP, Johnson & Banta) Ms. Garrido was present for the meeting and sworn in by the court reporter.

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Ms. Shideler presented this case to the Board as a Settlement Agreement. In this case, the Administrative Complaint alleged on June 17, 2015, Respondent pled nolo contendere to one count of coordinated retail theft, a third-degree felony, in Osceola County, Florida. The underlying circumstances involved Respondent allowing an acquaintance to leave with unpaid items from a department store where Respondent was employed. Respondent submitted evidence of her rehabilitation, compliance with the Court’s orders, and a letter of recommendation from her employer where she currently practices occupational therapy. Respondent regretted her actions, was willing to take responsibility and entered a Settlement Agreement wishing to continue to practice occupational therapy, and in an effort to resolve this matter to the satisfaction of the Board. Ms. Shideler stated the Disciplinary Guidelines set forth for violation of Section 456.072(1)(c), F.S. (2014), for First offense, is 6 months’ probation with conditions and $1,000 fine up to revocation and $5,000 fine. The case was presented as a Settlement Agreement that imposed the following terms:

Appearance before the Board when the Settlement Agreement is presented.

$2,500 fine, to be paid within 3 years of the filing of the final order.

Costs not to exceed $500, to be paid within 3 years (currently $460.02).

Successful completion of one Board-approved continuing education course in ethics and professionalism, to be completed within 6 months.

Ms. Banta was recused from this case due to her previous participation on the Probable Cause

Panel when reviewing this case.

MOTION: After discussion, Mr. Spafford made a motion to accept the Settlement Agreement, amending the agreement, as accepted orally by Ms. Garrido and the Prosecuting attorney, to

determine the continuing education hours as 2 hours in ethics and professionalism to be

completed within six months of the filing of the final order. The motion was seconded by Ms.

German and carried with a 3/0 vote. Note: Costs were accessed for this case for $832,

however, the Settlement Agreement capped the costs at $500.


TAB 2 Albania Hernandez, OT, DOH Case #2017-04666

OT16584, File #16223 (PCP, Johnson & Banta) Ms. Hernandez was present for the meeting and sworn in by the court reporter.

Ms. Shideler presented this case to the Board as an Informal Hearing. Respondent was found

guilty of violating: Section: 456.072(1)(II), Florida Statutes (2016). The Administrative Complaint

alleged Respondent with being convicted of entering a plea of guilty to Making False Statements

Related to Health Care Matters, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §Statutes 1035(a)(2), in the United

States District Court, Southern District of Florida, and thereby admitting to signing occupational

therapy notes and other documents certifying she provided services to a Patient on September

4, 2012, for which she did not in fact provide.

The Disciplinary Guidelines set forth for violation of Section 456.072(1)(II), F.S.(2016) is:

Revocation and a Fine of $10,000 for 1st offense.

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Respondent does not dispute the issues of material fact alleged in the Administrative Complaint

and requested an informal hearing before the Board.

MOTION: Mr. Spafford moved to find the Respondent was properly served does not

dispute the issues of material fact alleged in the Administrative Complaint and requested an

informal hearing. The motion was seconded by Ms. German and carried with a 3/0 vote.

Ms. Banta was recused from this case due to her previous participation on the Probable Cause

Panel when reviewing this case.

MOTION: Mr. Spafford made a motion that the Board adopt the conclusions of law set forth in

the Administrative Complaint. The motion was seconded by Ms. German and carried with a 3/0


MOTION: Mr. Spafford made a motion that by accepting the conclusions of laws as stated in the

Administrative Complaint find this constitutes a violation of the Practice Act. The motion was

seconded by Ms. German and carried with a 3/0 vote.

MOTION: Mr. Spafford made a motion to accept the Investigative Report into evidence for

purposes of imposing a penalty. The motion was seconded by Ms. German and carried with a

3/0 vote.

Ms. Shideler stated the Department’s recommendation as in line with the disciplinary guidelines

revocation of the Respondent’s license, a fine of $10,000 for 1st offense, and costs of $122.06

within 90 days.

MOTION: After discussion, Mr. Spafford made a motion to revoke Ms. Hernandez’s

occupational therapist license choosing not to impose a fine, due to the mitigating factor that the

Respondent self-reported. The motion was seconded by Ms. German and carried with a 3/0


MOTION: Mr. Spafford made a motion to access $119.02 costs to be paid within 90days of the

filing date of the Final Order. The motion was seconded by Mr. Arthur and carried with a 3/0



TAB 3 Mandi Settlemire, OT, DOH Case #2016-14571 OT8792, File #7401 (PCP, Johnson & McKenzie)

Ms. Settlemire was not present and not represented by legal counsel. Ms. Shideler presented this case to the Board as a Determination of Waiver stating the Administrative Complaint alleges Respondent is guilty of violating, three Counts as follows: Count I: 468.217(1)(x) and 456.072(1)(aa), Florida Statutes (2015) subjects an occupational therapist to discipline for violating any provision of this chapter or chapter 456, and provides that

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testing positive for any drug, on any confirmed pre-employment or employer-ordered drug screening when the practitioner does not have a lawful prescription and legitimate medical reason for using the drug constitutes grounds for discipline. On or about May 2, 2015, Due to Respondent’s unusual behavior, and report of Respondent smelling of alcohol at work, Respondent was required to participate in an employer-ordered drug screening for PSA, which resulted in Respondent testing positive for cocaine and marijuana use. The Disciplinary Guidelines set forth for this count in Section 468.217(1)(x) and 456.072(1)(aa), Florida Statutes (2015): Suspension until law or rule complied with and $500 fine to revocation and $1,500 fine. Count II: 468.217(1)(x) and 456.072(1)(z), Florida Statutes (2016) Respondent is unable to practice occupational therapy with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of her cannabis abuse, cocaine abuse, and/or alcohol abuse. On or about November 17, 2016 Respondent underwent a Department of Health mental and physical examination and was diagnosed with cocaine, cannabis and alcohol abuse with needs to rule out dependency and was recommended to undergo an intensive outpatient treatment prior to practicing. Respondent has not undergone said treatment. Respondent’s license was subject to an Emergency Restriction Order on January 4, 2017. The Disciplinary Guidelines set forth for this count in Section 468.217(1)(x) and 456.072(1)(z), Florida Statutes (2016): Suspension until law or rule complied with and $500 fine to revocation and $1,500 fine. Count III: 456.072(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2011) charges Respondent with discipline for failure to report this plea and conviction to the Board, or department, in writing, within 30 days after the licensee has been convicted or found guilty a crime. On March 7, 2012 Respondent was found guilty of a DUI and failed to timely report it to the Board, in writing within 30 days. The Disciplinary Guidelines set forth for this count in Section 456.072(1)(x), Florida Statutes (2011): Reprimand to 6 month suspension, 1 year probation with conditions and $500 fine. MOTION: Mr. Spafford made a motion to accept the Investigative Report into evidence for

purposes of imposing a penalty. The motion was seconded by Mr. Arthur and carried with a 4/0


MOTION: Mr. Spafford moved to find the Respondent was properly served and waived the right to a formal hearing. The motion was seconded by Mr. Arthur and carried with a 4/0 vote. MOTION: Mr. Spafford made a motion to adopt the findings of fact as set forth in the Administrative Complaint. The motion was seconded by Mr. Arthur and carried with a 4/0 vote. MOTION: Mr. Spafford made a motion to adopt the conclusions of laws as set forth in the

Administrative Complaint finding this constitutes a violation of the Practice Act. The motion was

seconded by Ms. Banta and carried with a 4/0 vote.

Ms. Shideler stated the Department’s recommendation is revocation of the Respondent’s license as in line with the disciplinary guidelines and pay costs of $2,839.62.

Ms. McNulty stated the Disciplinary guidelines ranges from suspension of license until law and

rules are complied up to revocation and fines.

MOTION: After discussion, Mr. Arthur made a motion to revoke Ms. Settlemire’s occupational therapist license. The motion was seconded by Ms. Banta and carried with a 4/0 vote.

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MOTION: Ms. German made a motion to access $1,000 Fine to be paid within 6 months of the filing date of the Final Order. The motion was seconded by Mr. Arthur and carried with a 4/0 vote. MOTION: Ms. German made a motion to access the $2,839.62 costs of this case to be paid

within 12 months of the filing date of the Final Order. The motion was seconded by Mr. Arthur

and carried with a 4/0 vote.

MOTION: Mr. Arthur made a motion to amend the first motion for the $1,000 Fine to be paid within 12 months of the filing date of the Final Order. The motion was seconded by Ms. German and carried with a 4/0 vote. MOTION: Ms. German made a motion to amend the second motion for $2,839.62 costs of this case to be paid within 12 months of the filing date of the Final Order. The motion was seconded by Mr. Arthur and carried with a 4/0 vote. PROSECUTOR’S REPORT TAB 4 Christina Shideler, Prosecuting Attorney Ms. Shideler presented the Prosecutor’s Report outlining the current status of 16 open/active disciplinary cases.

DOH PROSECUTOR’S REPORT - BOARD OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Meeting Date January 29, 2018. TO: Allen Hall, Executive Director FROM: Christina Shideler, Assistant General Counsel DATE: January 11, 2018 RE: Current Open / Pending OT cases

Total cases open/active in PSU: 16 Cases in Emergency Action Unit (EAU): 0 Cases under legal review: 8 Cases where PC recommendation made: 1 Total cases where PC has been found: 1 Cases in holding status: 0 Requests for DOAH hearing: 0 Agendaed for current or future Board Meeting: 3 Cases on Appeal: 0 Year Old Cases 9 MOTION: Mr. Spafford made a motion to allow PSU to continue to prosecute any cases noted as older than 1 year. The motion was seconded by Ms. Banta and carried with a 4/0 vote.



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TAB 5 Timothy Kwitny, File #17925, OT by Exam with Waiver Mr. Kwitny was not present for the meeting and not represented by legal counsel. Mr. Kwitny’s OT by Endorsement application was presented to the Board as an Individual Consideration due to his affirmative response to the previous health history question on the application.

MOTION: After discussion, Mr. Spafford made a motion to approve Mr. Kwitny’s application for

licensure. The motion was seconded by Ms. Banta and carried with a 4/0 vote.

APPLICANT RATIFICATION LISTS TAB 6 Licensed Occupational Therapists & Assistants

MOTION: Mr. Spafford moved to approve the ratification list of 137 Occupational

Therapists. The motion was seconded by Ms. Banta and carried with a 4/0 vote.

MOTION: Ms. Banta moved to approve the ratification list of 158 Occupational Therapy

Assistants. The motion was seconded by Ms. German and carried with a 4/0 vote.

ACTION TAKEN: Total of 295 applicants names ratified for licensure. (APPENDIX I).

TAB 7 Continuing Education Provider Applications MOTION: Ms. German moved to approve 6 continuing education providers. The motion

was seconded by Mr. Spafford and carried with a 4/0 vote.

MOTION: Mr. Spafford moved to approve 1 Prevention of Medical Errors course

provider. The motion was seconded by Mr. Arthur and carried with a 4/0 vote.

MOTION: Mr. Spafford moved to approve 1 Florida Laws and Rules course provider.

The motion was seconded by Ms. German and carried with a 4/0 vote. (APPENDIX 2)

RULES STATUS REPORT TAB 8 Senior Assistant Attorney General, Donna McNulty

64B11-2.003, F.A.C., Fees; Applications

64B11-2.008, F.A.C., Fees

64B11-2.009, F.A.C., Fees; Renewal of License

64B11-2.010, F.A.C., Duplicate License Fee Ms. McNulty provided the Board’s Rules Status Report with the following latest rules activity:

64B11-2.003, F.A.C., Fees; Applications Date Rule Language Approved by Board 10/16/17 Date sent to OFARR: 11/6/17

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Rule Development Published 11/14/17 Notice Published 11/30/17 (JAPC ltr. Rec’d. 12/8/17; Response ltr. Sent 12/18/17) Adopted 1/4/18 Effective 1/24/18 64B11-2.008, F.A.C., Fees Date sent to OFARR: 8/14/17 Date Rule Language Approved by Board 7/31/17 Rule Development Published 8/15/17 Notice Published 08/31/17 Adopted 10/5/17 Effective 10/25/17

64B11-2.009, F.A.C., Fees; Renewal of License Date sent to OFARR: 8/14/17 Date Rule Language Approved by Board 7/31/17 Rule Development Published 8/15/17 Notice Published 08/31/17 Adopted 10/5/17 Effective 10/25/17

64B11-2.010, F.A.C., Duplicate License Fee Date sent to OFARR: 8/14/17 Date Rule Language Approved by Board 7/31/17 Rule Development Published 8/15/17 Notice Published 08/31/17 Adopted 10/5/17 Effective 10/25/17


TAB 9 Multidisciplinary Board Fact Finding Work Group on Controlled Substances The Department conducted a Multidisciplinary Board Fact Finding Work Group Meeting on Controlled Substances, November 3, 2017. The purpose of the work group was to develop/implement strategies that reduce opioid deaths in Florida. Dr. Banta represented the Board at this meeting. The represented Boards were asked to consider drafting a letter of support for two bills, Senate Bill 8 and House Bill 21, which relate to the prescribing of controlled substances. Dr. Banta drafted a letter of support for the Board’s approval and support of the legislation. MOTION: Following discussion, Mr. Arthur moved to support the legislation and send the drafted letter of support with the Board Chair’s signature. The motion was seconded by Ms. German and carried with a 4/0 vote.

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TAB 10 2018 Officer Elections


Current (as of July 31, 2017)

New Assignments

Board Chair

Jim Spafford

Jim Spafford

Vice Chair

Dr. Caylee Banta

Dr. Caylee Banta

CE Committee Person Dr. Caylee Banta

Tameka German (back-up)

Dr. Caylee Banta

Tameka German (back-up)

Legislative Liaison

Paul Arthur

Paul Arthur

Budget Liaison

Jim Spafford

Jim Spafford

Unlicensed Activity Liaison

Paul Arthur

Paul Arthur

Probable Cause Panel Judith Johnson

Dr. Caylee Banta

Judith Johnson

Dr. Caylee Banta

Healthy Weight Liaison

Dr. Caylee Banta

Dr. Caylee Banta Pro Bono CE Approval


Dr. Calvo

Dr. Calvo

MOTION: Ms. Banta made a motion to nominate Mr. Spafford as Board Chair. The motion was seconded by Mr. Arthur and carried with a 4/0 vote. MOTION: Mr. Arthur made a motion to nominate Ms. Banta as Vice Board Chair. The motion was seconded by Ms. German and carried with a 4/0 vote. MOTION: After discussion and vocal approvals, Mr. Spafford made a motion to approve the 2018 Election of Officers and Assignment of Liaisons to remain the same as currently assigned and listed. The motion was seconded by Ms. Arthur and carried with a 4/0 vote. TAB 11 2018 Delegation of Authority Mr. Spafford moved to approve the 2018 Delegation of Authority with one amendment to Item # 24 to add “approval by the Board Chair” as recommended by Ms. McNulty. The motion was seconded by Ms. German and carried with a 4/0 vote. TAB 12 2018 Conviction Record Guidelines

MOTION: Mr. Spafford made a motion according to Ms. McNulty’s suggestion to strike the last sentence, of the first paragraph, on page one of the Summary page, which begins reading “as minor corrections…” The motion was seconded by Ms. Banta and carried with a 4/0 vote.

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MOTION: Ms. Banta made a motion to approve the 2018 Conviction Records Guidelines as presented. The motion was seconded by Ms. German and carried with a 4/0 vote. Tab 13 2018 NBCOT State Regulatory Leadership Forum

The Board Chair discussed his attendance at the meeting two years ago, and inquired the possibility of Mr. Hall and/or the Vice Chair’s attendance with him at the meeting, as the NBCOT agrees to compensate for two persons attendance.


TAB 14 October 16, 2017 General Business Meeting Minutes MOTION: Mr. Arthur made a motion to approve the October 16, 2017 minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Ms. Banta and carried 4/0 vote.

REPORTS, IF ANY TAB 15 Board Chair, Jim Spafford Mr. Spafford commented IMAGE API went down for maintenance on a Saturday evening when he was reviewing the agenda at 10:00 p.m., therefore, he inquired regarding scheduled maintenance warnings, stating such knowledge would be helpful. TAB 16 Executive Director

Cash Balance Report Expenditures By Function

Presented as informational items. TAB 17 Healthiest Weight Updates, Caylee Banta Ms. Banta reported no updates at this time. OTHER BUSINESS AND INFORMATION (items that do not require Board action) TAB 18 NBCOT Background Checks & Presumptive Denial Policy This information was provided for information purposes only. TAB 19 Staff Recognition Presented as informational items. Mr. Spafford commented his appreciation to the Board Staff.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:13 a.m.


APPENDIX 1- Licensed Occupational Therapists & Assistants Ratification List

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Rank Lic Nbr Issue Date Licensee Name OT 18724 10/06/2017 Howell Allyson Duce OT 18779 09/29/2017 John Deborah OT 18780 09/29/2017 Schmiesing April OT 18781 10/02/2017 Scott Cherish Renee OT 18782 10/02/2017 Findlay Ron Harold OT 18783 10/02/2017 O'Connor Lauren Catherine OT 18784 10/03/2017 Jordan Laura OT 18785 10/03/2017 Ndolo Ezra OT 18786 10/03/2017 Hoopingarner Faith OT 18787 10/04/2017 Dunn Kathleen Blake OT 18788 10/06/2017 Reyes Grace Marie Mcleod OT 18789 10/06/2017 Jarrar Rebekah Lee Fischer OT 18790 10/06/2017 Maitre Nicole Elizabeth OT 18791 10/09/2017 Eubanks Stacy Ray OT 18792 10/09/2017 Sedrak Elza OT 18793 10/10/2017 Selton Christina OT 18794 10/12/2017 Kennedy Tracey Elizabeth OT 18795 10/12/2017 Werth-Dachsteiner Debra Ann OT 18796 10/12/2017 Bucholz Christine OT 18797 10/16/2017 Logan Sherry Lynn OT 18798 10/16/2017 Smith Jessica Lynn OT 18799 10/16/2017 Korpi Sabrina-Lee OT 18800 10/16/2017 Watford Taylor OT 18801 10/16/2017 Meyer Elizabeth OT 18802 10/18/2017 Trenary Zachary C OT 18803 10/18/2017 Cosgrove Christy Lynn OT 18804 10/19/2017 Rodriguez Shiomara Chastinie OT 18805 10/19/2017 Deutsch Chelsea Taylor OT 18806 10/20/2017 Gallin Caroline Victoria OT 18807 10/23/2017 Haberle Lara OT 18808 10/23/2017 Taylor Kathleen Terrell OT 18809 10/23/2017 Boothby Christina OT 18810 10/24/2017 Downing Shannon OT 18811 10/24/2017 Torres Mariely V OT 18812 10/24/2017 Lov-Martinez Kelly Lynn OT 18813 10/25/2017 Carey Kevin Michael OT 18814 10/25/2017 Namour Danielle Faith OT 18815 10/25/2017 Parfionov Irina OT 18816 10/26/2017 Mcfeaters Mary OT 18817 10/26/2017 Harvitt Erica OT 18818 10/26/2017 Buckner Brock OT 18819 10/27/2017 Arriola Miryam Stephani OT 18820 10/27/2017 Salvetti Carleen Johnson OT 18821 10/27/2017 Camacho Brenda Lee

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OT 18822 10/30/2017 Gillette Jessica OT 18823 11/01/2017 Mitry-Hana Marina Atef OT 18824 11/01/2017 Walsh Lauren OT 18825 11/02/2017 Kaminetzky Rena B OT 18826 11/02/2017 Anderson Ashley OT 18827 11/02/2017 Olivas-Gomez Marie OT 18828 11/02/2017 Polk Maria Annette Rank Lic Nbr Issue Date Licensee Name OT 18829 11/03/2017 Wiston Derek OT 18830 11/03/2017 Dicks Olivia Nicole OT 18831 11/03/2017 Rothwell Amanda Power OT 18832 11/06/2017 Bahnsen Alexandria OT 18833 11/06/2017 Layton Kiesha OT 18834 11/06/2017 Rittgers Merti Hope OT 18835 11/07/2017 Yousey Donald Dean OT 18836 11/07/2017 Ellis Kendra Ann OT 18837 11/07/2017 Mckeown Brandy S OT 18838 11/07/2017 Nicolaus Marnie OT 18839 11/08/2017 Salustri Eleonora OT 18840 11/09/2017 Rosario-Rodriguez Neysha OT 18841 11/09/2017 Talbert Jennifer Amsler OT 18842 11/14/2017 Bustamante Daniela Esther OT 18843 11/14/2017 Buscemi Nicole OT 18844 11/14/2017 Scholl Jessalynn OT 18845 11/14/2017 Burke Janine Ellen OT 18846 11/15/2017 Gordon Rebecca Jayne OT 18847 11/15/2017 Dibernardino Megan Brittany OT 18848 11/15/2017 Avery Amber Lyn OT 18849 11/16/2017 Oman Kristen OT 18850 11/17/2017 Guadalupe Amy Ruth OT 18851 11/17/2017 Torzala Sharon OT 18852 11/20/2017 Gonzalez Myrna Iris OT 18853 11/20/2017 Thomas Jan Catherine OT 18854 11/21/2017 Sunderland Leslie OT 18855 11/21/2017 Kanuck Phloyphilai OT 18856 11/22/2017 Trentham Lisa OT 18857 11/27/2017 Briggs Sarah Elizabeth OT 18858 11/28/2017 Elson Briana Simone OT 18859 11/28/2017 Wheeler Andrea Britt OT 18860 11/29/2017 Byrd Tammy Lynn OT 18861 11/30/2017 Skurski Stephanie OT 18862 11/30/2017 Loughry Kara Elise OT 18863 12/01/2017 Insalaco Kimberly Anne OT 18864 12/01/2017 Erwin Meghan OT 18865 12/01/2017 Najimian Ryan Ashley

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OT 18866 12/04/2017 Polanco Stefanie OT 18867 12/04/2017 Strain Cathi OT 18868 12/04/2017 Foti Debra OT 18869 12/04/2017 Mullins Tracy Lynn OT 18870 12/04/2017 Daniel Stacey OT 18871 12/04/2017 Quintana Gabriela L OTT 18872 12/05/2017 Lee Ashley Kate OT 18873 12/07/2017 Haugen Michele OT 18874 12/07/2017 Clark Rachel Marie OT 18875 12/08/2017 Rivero Lindsay OT 18876 12/08/2017 Kline Danielle Marie OT 18877 12/08/2017 Machado Maydenis OT 18878 12/08/2017 Plasencia Lilian OT 18879 12/11/2017 Martinez Carlos

Rank Lic Nbr Issue Date Licensee Name OT 18880 12/11/2017 Lazar Sara Beth OT 18881 12/12/2017 Gruenewald Erika Margaret OT 18882 12/13/2017 Cummins Cindy OT 18883 12/14/2017 Meyer Whitney OTT 18884 12/19/2017 Gonzalez Alexander Michael OT 18885 12/19/2017 Dantin Gina Elizabeth OT 18886 12/19/2017 Feeney Victoria Lynn OT 18887 12/20/2017 Irizarry- Sanchez Lucia OT 18888 12/21/2017 O'Brien Valerie OT 18889 12/21/2017 Coppola Jerzie-Ann Marie OT 18890 12/21/2017 Arboleya Jessica Corinne OT 18891 12/21/2017 Martin Cheyenne Jelisa OT 18892 12/22/2017 Kaur-Kang Sandeep OT 18893 12/22/2017 Brown Diandra Marie OT 18894 12/22/2017 Patel Smita J OT 18895 12/26/2017 Betancourt Lissette OTT 18896 12/26/2017 Baker Regina Marlene OT 18897 12/26/2017 Rivera Hilda Michelle OT 18898 12/27/2017 Lozano Jazmin B OT 18899 12/27/2017 Hayes Brandi Michele OT 18900 12/28/2017 Sharrah Kyla Kimberly OT 18901 12/29/2017 Tweed Melissa OT 18902 01/02/2018 Plenge Grisel OTT 18903 01/03/2018 Brown Taylor Lynn OT 18904 01/03/2018 Skonieczka Carly OT 18905 01/03/2018 Abbott-Gaffney Cynthia Rochelle OT 18906 01/04/2018 Pomeroy Tiera Elyse OT 18907 01/05/2018 Mercer Lindsey OTT 18908 01/05/2018 Marrero Kryzia

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OT 18909 01/05/2018 Radloff Jennifer Claire OT 18910 01/05/2018 Curro Marissa E OT 18911 01/08/2018 Chilson Sarah OT 18912 01/08/2018 Feuille Marie L OT 18913 01/09/2018 Jamison Justin OT 18914 01/10/2018 Bone Heather Marie Total Records: 137

Rank Lic Nbr Issue Date Licensee Name OTA 16111 10/12/2017 Farinacci Jordan Alyssandra OTA 16178 09/29/2017 Weaver Robert Jason OTA 16179 10/03/2017 Hurley Danielle Patricia OTA 16180 10/03/2017 Vinson Katrina OTA 16181 10/03/2017 Brackett Michelle Riera OTA 16182 10/06/2017 Haber Zoallet OTA 16183 10/06/2017 Medeiros Michelle OTA 16184 10/09/2017 Louis Elizabeth OTA 16185 10/09/2017 Roberts Brian Francis Jr. OTA 16186 10/10/2017 Godfrey Chelynn Nicole OTA 16187 10/10/2017 Kennaw Joy E OTA 16188 10/10/2017 Winter Meredith Ann OTA 16189 10/10/2017 Spivey Erica Leigh OTA 16190 10/12/2017 Morgan Melissa OTA 16191 10/16/2017 Castiblanco Lozano Samir Andres OTA 16192 10/18/2017 Ostasz Margo OTA 16193 10/18/2017 Smith Suzanne Marie OTA 16194 10/18/2017 Golaub Jewel Dahe OTA 16195 10/18/2017 Barnes Kristen OTA 16196 10/18/2017 Allen Angela Nicole OTA 16197 10/19/2017 Bailey Brooks Sherea OTA 16198 10/20/2017 Ojeda Mario OTA 16199 10/20/2017 Rodriguez Brianna OTA 16200 10/20/2017 Fontanet Kenneth Charles OTA 16201 10/20/2017 Richardson Courtney Logan OTA 16202 10/23/2017 Ayodeji Felicia T. OTA 16203 10/23/2017 Hughes Brittany Danielle OTA 16204 10/23/2017 Reynoso Lori OTA 16205 10/24/2017 Preiss Kayla OTA 16206 10/24/2017 Labounty Amanda OTA 16207 10/24/2017 Brockett Timothy OTA 16208 10/25/2017 Keffer Tami Sue OTA 16209 10/25/2017 Mondo Brittany Lynn OTA 16210 10/26/2017 Johnson Anna

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OTA 16211 10/26/2017 Thakkar Rita OTA 16212 10/26/2017 Cedano Lory Violeta OTA 16213 10/26/2017 Fitzgibbons Sarah OTA 16214 10/26/2017 Gutierrez Jessica OTA 16215 10/26/2017 Chavez Jashyra OTA 16216 10/30/2017 Martinez Amanda OTA 16217 10/30/2017 Flynn Elaine Marie OTA 16218 10/30/2017 Clark Sydney Nicole OTA 16219 10/30/2017 Audate Alexis OTA 16220 10/30/2017 Hoffman Lorraine OTA 16221 11/01/2017 Beck Kylie Nykole OTA 16222 11/01/2017 Fider Dina OTA 16223 11/02/2017 Sheehan Lisa OTA 16224 11/03/2017 Hall Shaquana Renee OTA 16225 11/03/2017 Ottinger Martha Leigh OTA 16226 11/03/2017 Gomez Jacqueline OTA 16227 11/03/2017 Hutchingson Julianne Grace OTA 16228 11/03/2017 Ranile Nicole Christine OTA 16229 11/03/2017 Cortopassi Carley

Rank Lic Nbr Issue Date Licensee Name OTA 16230 11/06/2017 Oman Tara Jeannette OTA 16231 11/06/2017 Jennings Benjamin Bradley OTA 16232 11/07/2017 Carter Courtney Michelle OTA 16233 11/07/2017 Arango Sandra OTA 16234 11/07/2017 Snitker Kathryn Anne OTA 16235 11/07/2017 Wheat Michelle OTA 16236 11/07/2017 Santos Hector Luis OTA 16237 11/08/2017 Young Heather Laverne OTA 16238 11/08/2017 Pefley Cecilia OTA 16239 11/08/2017 Gasca Rene Guadalupe Jr OTA 16240 11/08/2017 Nichols Christine OTA 16241 11/08/2017 Carrasco Gianfranco OTA 16242 11/09/2017 Baczek Chelsea Lauren OTA 16243 11/09/2017 Gonzalez Romero Yaismelys OTA 16244 11/09/2017 Kober Deborah Ann OTA 16245 11/14/2017 Fines-Avitable Adalaine OTA 16246 11/14/2017 Davy Mary Grace OTA 16247 11/14/2017 Barrett Rona Conechis OTA 16248 11/14/2017 Wadhams Lisa Ann OTA 16249 11/16/2017 Kani Fereshteh Lujan OTA 16250 11/16/2017 Hill Paige OTA 16251 11/17/2017 Davis Alexis Tcoy

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OTA 16252 11/17/2017 Brown Lauren Nicole OTA 16253 11/20/2017 Batista Dos Santos Rafaela Fernanda OTA 16254 11/20/2017 Martin Nancy Joanne OTA 16255 11/20/2017 Maranan Jozabed Omri OTA 16256 11/20/2017 Pares Lorena OTA 16257 11/20/2017 Cappa Jessica A OTA 16258 11/20/2017 Hanson Justine OTA 16259 11/20/2017 Sisk April OTA 16260 11/21/2017 Alexis Goethe Chine OTA 16261 11/21/2017 Wasilousky Samantha OTA 16262 11/21/2017 Balaez Ariel OTA 16263 11/21/2017 Klawinski Tyler Donald OTA 16264 11/22/2017 Leyva Gonzalez Leydi Cary OTA 16265 11/22/2017 Scott Destiny Amelia OTA 16266 11/22/2017 Torres Michael OTA 16267 11/27/2017 Morris Kiara B OTA 16268 11/27/2017 Anderson Anthony OTA 16269 11/27/2017 Barbieri Karin Magali OTA 16270 11/27/2017 Jack Otavia OTA 16271 11/27/2017 Bradham Latoya Rochelle OTA 16272 11/28/2017 Carrillo Jessica Monique OTA 16273 11/28/2017 Lauer Mary Ann OTA 16274 11/28/2017 Dorsonne Lordine OTA 16275 11/28/2017 Wycuff Kaitlyn OTA 16276 11/29/2017 Miller Jennifer Ann OTA 16277 11/30/2017 Mendez Hernandez Mirialis OTA 16278 11/30/2017 Kozar Courtney OTA 16279 11/30/2017 Laferrara Amber Nicole OTA 16280 12/01/2017 De La Pena Patricia Esther OTA 16281 12/01/2017 Orlando Jaclyn OTA 16282 12/01/2017 Garcia Carlos A

Rank Lic Nbr Issue Date Licensee Name OTA 16283 12/01/2017 Frantik Maria OTA 16284 12/01/2017 Mcgoldrick-Card Ryan Lorraine OTA 16285 12/05/2017 Beale Lauren Michelle OTA 16286 12/05/2017 Mcknight Dionne Laverne OTA 16287 12/05/2017 Shearouse Joshua OTA 16288 12/05/2017 Theus May OTA 16289 12/06/2017 Larkins Amber OTA 16290 12/06/2017 Delosa-Riker Kaley OTA 16291 12/06/2017 Leino Jenny OTA 16292 12/11/2017 Manjarres Lina Maria

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OTA 16293 12/11/2017 Hecker Cheryl OTA 16294 12/11/2017 Judino Salomon Stephanie OTA 16295 12/11/2017 Sherman Deon OTA 16296 12/12/2017 Ferreira Kimberly Towle OTA 16297 12/12/2017 Simmons Carissa OTA 16298 12/12/2017 Wilson Adrienne Ariel OTA 16299 12/12/2017 Morla Randy Raymond OTA 16300 12/12/2017 Juaire Shelly Ann OTA 16301 12/12/2017 Jimenez Christina OTA 16303 12/13/2017 Rodriguez Oliva Giovanni OTA 16304 12/13/2017 Cimino Valerie OTA 16305 12/13/2017 Pierre Judena OTA 16306 12/14/2017 Pontes Carolina OTA 16307 12/14/2017 Vang Chue OTA 16308 12/15/2017 Kessler Stephan Charles OTA 16309 12/15/2017 Briggs Erica OTA 16310 12/19/2017 Norton Edward OTA 16311 12/21/2017 Ventimiglia Diane M OTA 16312 12/21/2017 Figueroa Aster Thea OTA 16313 12/21/2017 Shireling Hannah OTA 16314 12/22/2017 Kuzila Teresa Ann OTA 16315 12/22/2017 Albo Evelyn OTA 16316 12/22/2017 Cummings-Shisler Sally Ann OTA 16317 12/27/2017 Nerio Ariel Leanne OTA 16318 12/27/2017 Courtney William Devan OTA 16319 12/28/2017 Flores Victor OTA 16320 12/28/2017 Pierre-Louis Danielle OTA 16321 01/03/2018 Hall Jr Charles Walton OTA 16322 01/04/2018 Seward Pamela Kay OTA 16323 01/04/2018 Urquiola Yamildis OTA 16324 01/04/2018 Eckert Rachel OTA 16325 01/04/2018 Scotti Jessica Rose OTA 16326 01/05/2018 Palmer Christine Jennette OTA 16327 01/05/2018 Smith Tiffany Shanice OTA 16328 01/05/2018 Freel Kara Lynn OTA 16329 01/08/2018 Oehler Kristi Shea OTA 16330 01/08/2018 Falzon Carly Frances OTA 16331 01/09/2018 Smith Amanda Jane OTA 16332 01/09/2018 Montelus Blantane OTA 16333 01/09/2018 Kitchens Mary Elizabeth OTA 16334 01/10/2018 Davidson Staci OTA 16335 01/10/2018 Laczko Susan Elaine Total Records: 158

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APPENDIX 2- Continuing Education Provider Applications Ratification List


January 29, 2018


Provider Name CE Provider Number/ Course Number

Approval Date

1. Thuan Vuu 50-21786 / 20-615176 10/19/2017 2. Susana Echeverri 50-13743 / 20-5917465 11/03/2017 3. Educational Development & Guidance

Essential, Inc. 50-20737/ 20-591519 11/03/2017

4. MCR Seminars 50-20643 / 20-589947 12/20/2017 5. Yasuseminar 50-19179 / 20-585187 12/20/2017 6. PT Management Support Systems LLC 50-19473 / 20-620012 12/20/2017


Provider Name CE Provider Number/ Course Number

Approval Date

1. OCCUPATIONALTHERAPY.COM 50-14558 / 20-621740 12/20/2017


Provider Name CE Provider Number/ Course Number

Approval Date

1. OCCUPATIONALTHERAPY.COM 50-14558 / 20-588729 12/20/2017
