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Modeling of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator

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Modeling of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator Balaji Jayaraman, a Young-Chang Cho, and Wei Shyy Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2140, USA Received 28 September 2007; accepted 4 December 2007; published online 11 March 2008 Glow discharge at atmospheric pressure using a dielectric barrier discharge can induce fluid flow and operate as an actuator for flow control. In this paper, we simulate the physics of a two-dimensional asymmetric actuator operating in helium gas using a high-fidelity first-principles-based numerical modeling approach to help improve our understanding of the physical mechanisms associated with such actuators. Fundamentally, there are two processes in the two half-cycles of the actuator operation, largely due to the difference in mobility between faster electrons and slower ions, and the geometric configurations of the actuator insulator and electrodes. The first half-cycle is characterized by the deposition of the slower ion species on the insulator surface while the second half-cycle by the deposition of the electrons at a faster rate. A power-law dependence on the voltage for the resulting force is observed, which indicates that larger force can be generated by increasing the amplitude. Furthermore, one can enhance the effectiveness of the actuator by either increasing the peak value of the periodic force generation or by increasing the asymmetry between the voltage half-cycles or both. Overall, the increase in the lower electrode size, applied voltage, and dielectric constant tends to contribute to the first factor, and the decrease in frequency of applied voltage tends to contribute to the second factor. However, the complex interplay between the above factors determines the actuator performance. © 2008 American Institute of Physics. DOI: 10.1063/1.2841450 I. INTRODUCTION Glow discharge at atmospheric pressure using a dielec- tric barrier discharge can induce fluid flow and operate as an actuator for flow control. 16 The largely isothermal surface plasma generation realized above can modify the near-wall flow structure by means of Lorentzian collisions between the ionized fluid and the neutral fluid. Such an actuator has ad- vantages of no moving parts, performance at atmospheric conditions, and devising complex control strategies through the applied voltage. However, the mechanism of the momen- tum coupling between the plasma and the fluid flow is not yet adequately understood which has fostered in recent times, a flurry of computational research activity toward de- ciphering the operating mechanisms and attempts to improve the present designs. Numerous applications including sepa- ration control at high angles of attack, 1 aerodynamic noise reduction 7 and surface heat transfer enhancement 8 have been adopted widely in the context of both low speed and high speed flow applications. 9,10 A schematic illustration of an asymmetric actuator arrangement altering the near-wall flow is shown in Fig. 1. Although these research studies indicate a wide range of application, the flow induced by the plasma actuator remains applicable predominantly in the low speed region. Even with various attempts with diverse geometries and applied volt- ages, the maximum flow velocity in the region of 5 m / s with 10 kV applied voltage for a single electrode pair although with peristaltic arrangements, 11 an array of single actuators, the induced flow achieves an order of magnitude increase. Improving the performance with minimal power is important to broaden the application scope of the plasma actuator. These actuators typically operate on low power consumption 2–40 W / ft of wing span 12 with the capability to be oper- ated either in a continuous or pulsed fashion. It is reported 12 that the unsteady pulsed actuation of the discharge results in 90% less power consumption as compared to a steady actua- tion. In the parametric investigations of a single actuator, Van Dyken et al. 13 mentioned the waveform shape and dielectric thickness as the primary parameters affecting performance. Distinguishing the one atmosphere uniform glow discharge plasma and the dielectric barrier discharge DBD, Roth et al. 2 state that the efficiency of producing plasma can be maximized at the Stoletow point it is the point at which ionization happens with minimum energy requirement in which a uniform, large volume plasma is realized. 14 It has been documented 12 that the power approximately varies as the cube of applied voltage, but the induced flow saturates at a Electronic mail: [email protected]. FIG. 1. Color online Illustration of glow discharge and induced flow. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 103, 053304 2008 0021-8979/2008/1035/053304/15/$23.00 © 2008 American Institute of Physics 103, 053304-1 Downloaded 05 May 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/jap/copyright.jsp

Modeling of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuatorBalaji Jayaraman,a� Young-Chang Cho, and Wei ShyyDepartment of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2140, USA

�Received 28 September 2007; accepted 4 December 2007; published online 11 March 2008�

Glow discharge at atmospheric pressure using a dielectric barrier discharge can induce fluid flowand operate as an actuator for flow control. In this paper, we simulate the physics of atwo-dimensional asymmetric actuator operating in helium gas using a high-fidelityfirst-principles-based numerical modeling approach to help improve our understanding of thephysical mechanisms associated with such actuators. Fundamentally, there are two processes in thetwo half-cycles of the actuator operation, largely due to the difference in mobility between fasterelectrons and slower ions, and the geometric configurations of the actuator �insulator andelectrodes�. The first half-cycle is characterized by the deposition of the slower ion species on theinsulator surface while the second half-cycle by the deposition of the electrons at a faster rate. Apower-law dependence on the voltage for the resulting force is observed, which indicates that largerforce can be generated by increasing the amplitude. Furthermore, one can enhance the effectivenessof the actuator by either increasing the peak value of the periodic force generation or by increasingthe asymmetry between the voltage half-cycles or both. Overall, the increase in the lower electrodesize, applied voltage, and dielectric constant tends to contribute to the first factor, and the decreasein frequency of applied voltage tends to contribute to the second factor. However, the complexinterplay between the above factors determines the actuator performance. © 2008 AmericanInstitute of Physics. �DOI: 10.1063/1.2841450�


Glow discharge at atmospheric pressure using a dielec-tric barrier discharge can induce fluid flow and operate as anactuator for flow control.1–6 The largely isothermal surfaceplasma generation realized above can modify the near-wallflow structure by means of Lorentzian collisions between theionized fluid and the neutral fluid. Such an actuator has ad-vantages of no moving parts, performance at atmosphericconditions, and devising complex control strategies throughthe applied voltage. However, the mechanism of the momen-tum coupling between the plasma and the fluid flow is notyet adequately understood which has fostered in recenttimes, a flurry of computational research activity toward de-ciphering the operating mechanisms and attempts to improvethe present designs. Numerous applications including sepa-ration control at high angles of attack,1 aerodynamic noisereduction7 and surface heat transfer enhancement8 have beenadopted widely in the context of both low speed and highspeed flow applications.9,10 A schematic illustration of anasymmetric actuator arrangement altering the near-wall flowis shown in Fig. 1.

Although these research studies indicate a wide range ofapplication, the flow induced by the plasma actuator remainsapplicable predominantly in the low speed region. Even withvarious attempts with diverse geometries and applied volt-ages, the maximum flow velocity in the region of 5 m /s with10 kV applied voltage for a single electrode pair althoughwith peristaltic arrangements,11 an array of single actuators,the induced flow achieves an order of magnitude increase.Improving the performance with minimal power is important

to broaden the application scope of the plasma actuator.These actuators typically operate on low power consumption�2–40 W / ft of wing span12� with the capability to be oper-ated either in a continuous or pulsed fashion. It is reported12

that the unsteady pulsed actuation of the discharge results in90% less power consumption as compared to a steady actua-tion.

In the parametric investigations of a single actuator, VanDyken et al.13 mentioned the waveform shape and dielectricthickness as the primary parameters affecting performance.Distinguishing the one atmosphere uniform glow dischargeplasma and the dielectric barrier discharge �DBD�, Roth etal.2 state that the efficiency of producing plasma can bemaximized at the Stoletow point �it is the point at whichionization happens with minimum energy requirement� inwhich a uniform, large volume plasma is realized.14 It hasbeen documented12 that the power approximately varies asthe cube of applied voltage, but the induced flow saturates at

a�Electronic mail: [email protected]. FIG. 1. �Color online� Illustration of glow discharge and induced flow.


0021-8979/2008/103�5�/053304/15/$23.00 © 2008 American Institute of Physics103, 053304-1

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higher voltages when the discharge transitions from a weaklyionized to the corona/streamer mode. The performance of theactuator is also heavily dependent on the choice of dielectricmaterial: quartz and Teflon® are known to produce the high-est induced flow velocity with the least input power. Pons etal.15 in their experimental work analyzed the impact of thevoltage frequency and magnitude along with the dielectricmaterial thickness and conclude that a higher permittivityresults in a higher velocity and larger power consumption.

In order to enhance the efficiency of the plasma actuator,it is important to investigate the DBD operating parametersby examining the dominant physical mechanisms. First-principles-based modeling of the detailed plasma dynamicsin conjunction with the low-speed fluid dynamics has beendeveloped by the present authors16 and in other parallelefforts.17–21 Computationally, the combined discharge phys-ics and thermofluid transport modeling is a challenging prob-lem due to the multiple nonlinear partial differential equa-tions with strong source terms, and widely distributed lengthand time scales. The disparate length and time scales makethe system computationally stiff, often requiring that numeri-cal simulations be conducted with very small time-stepsizes.16 Previously, a simpler model which is phenomeno-logical in nature has been devised,18 where the approach isbased on a linear field solution satisfying the governingequations with the model parameter being closed by ob-served experimental data. This model has been employed inmany recent modeling studies.22 In order to offer a morecomprehensive predictive capability, the present paper offersa refined treatment by accounting for the plasma physicsbased on the first-principles approach to establish correla-tions between the actuator performance and the design pa-rameters. Similar efforts have also been undertaken,17,21,23

which complement our approach and employ a simplifiedchemistry for Helium gas. Over the last year, studies havebeen undertaken to assess the impact of the negative ions�Boeuf et al.24� in the chemistry, especially when modelingair type mixtures. Singh and Roy25 used an eight specieschemistry for air modeling in his most recent article, whileLikhanskii et al.26–28 employed a four-species chemistrywhile considering the major contributions. The latter focuseson the development of a more efficient nanosecond pulsedriven DBD �Ref. 32� and the resultant unsteady flow field iscompared with experiments.28 Alternatively, Font et al.29

used a hybrid particle-in-cell and Monte Carlo method tomodel the plasma and fluid flow.

However, the experimental evidence to validate the com-putational models is insufficient at this time and cross evalu-ations between the various studies are needed. The presentapproach, based on a different numerical framework, inde-pendently investigates the modeling parameters and transportproperty variations using the same model as that adoptedfrom Roy and co-workers.17,21,23 In particular, we examinethe interplay between the DBD operating parameters and theperformance outcome. Specifically, we present the numericalresults for the two-dimensional �2D� asymmetric actuator�Fig. 2�, operating in helium gas, using the governing equa-tions and the modeling approach summarized in the follow-ing sections. Following this, the characteristics of the actua-

tor in terms of the net force generation, and associate plasmafeatures are presented by varying the parameters such as ap-plied voltage, frequency, actuator geometry, input voltagewaveform, etc. The results reported in this study complementthose referred to above, and offer added insight into thephysical mechanisms and performance trends of the DBDactuator.


A. Plasma-fluid model

The fluid model for modeling the DBD consists of thefirst few moments of the Boltzmann equation for the variousspecies with a near-Maxwellian distribution function. Theplasma is considered as a multicomponent fluid comprised oftwo types of primary species, namely, ions and electrons�represented by subscripts i and e, respectively�. Here, n andv represent the species number density and velocity, respec-tively.

Continuity equation.Electrons:


�t+ � · �neve� = neSie − rnine. �1�



�t+ � · �nivi� = neSie − rnine. �1��

Here, the source terms on the right hand side represent theionization/recombination processes which result in the cre-ation �S� or destruction �r� of the species, as applicable.

FIG. 2. �Color online� A representative 2D asymmetric dischargearrangements.

053304-2 Jayaraman, Cho, and Shyy J. Appl. Phys. 103, 053304 �2008�

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Momentum equation. The momentum equation for thespecies at high pressures �atmospheric conditions� can bereduced to the drift-diffusion form.30 Here, � and D repre-sent the species mobility and diffusivity, respectively. Thedrift component of the momentum is the product of the mo-bility and the electric field E.Electrons:

ne�eE − ��neDe� = neve. �2�


ni�iE − ��niDi� = nivi. �3�

As long as the thermal velocity is comparable to the driftvelocity and we are in the continuum regime �Knudsen num-ber �Kn� is low �� /L=Kn�1�, as the mean free path ��� atatmospheric conditions is O�10−7 m� and the actuator char-acteristic length �L� is O�10−3 m��, the inertial componentsin the momentum equation can be neglected. What is real-ized is a balance between the collision/ionization effects andthe drift-diffusion components instead of the full momentumequation.31

The electric field equation. The electric field E is ob-tained using the solution of the Poisson equation, given by

� · ��dE� =e�ni − ne�

�0, �4�

where �d and �0 are the dielectric constant and permittivityof free space.

B. Solution algorithm

The above set of equations is solved using a predictor-corrector-type approach for enhanced coupling between thedependent variables. The multiple scales arising from theionized species chemistry are treated using a semi-implicitmethod for source terms. Specifically, an operator-split algo-rithm is embedded as a part of a projection method to en-hance coupling between the various species equations being

solved. The detailed description of the solution approach ispresented in our earlier work16,31,32 and hence we will onlyprovide a broad overview of our approach. At the beginningof each time step, we solve for a predictor step to obtain anestimate for the species number densities using the laggedelectric field values. The next step involves the solution ofthe Poisson equation using the predicted number densities tocalculate the source terms. However, in our approach, wesolve a semi-implicit version of the Poisson equation �Eq.�5�� to overcome the space charge stability constraint leadingto the dielectric relaxation time-step constraint. This timestep restriction is usually one of the most severe and isequivalent to the Courant type stability criterion for the cur-rent continuity equation. The origin of the restriction hasbeen discussed in detail in our earlier work31 and is primarilycaused by the nonimplicit treatment of the electric field inthe species transport equations �predictor step�. In order toovercome this, a linearized implicit treatment for the speciesnumber densities is used31 in the source term of the Poissonequation. By performing appropriate substitutions for thesource term using the species transport equations, one willrealize a right hand side that contains terms with the velocityand hence the electric field �through the drift-diffusion formof the momentum equation�. By treating these terms implic-itly, we can overcome the dielectric relaxation time step re-striction. In the event, the full species momentum equationsare solved instead of the drift-diffusion form; the predictedvelocity thus obtained will be used in the Poisson equation.In that case, the nonlinearity will be difficult to overcomeand will need a Newton–Raphson-type treatment. The modi-fied Poisson equation leads to a symmetric system for theelectric potential which needs to be inverted. This can bedone using various linear system solution techniques. Fur-thermore, one can identify approaches to consider the entiresystem of equations in a complete multigrid framework, suchas the approach presented by Shyy and Sun33 and Shyy.34

The cost of this step is possibly one of the most demandingand hence needs to be performed as less frequently as pos-

TABLE I. Summary of property models employed for the He discharge simulation. Note that data are same aspresented in Ref. 23.

Transport/reaction properties Models/values employed

�i �ion mobility�=


p�1−8�10−3E / p� cm2 V−1 s−1 for E / p�25 V cm−1 torr−1


p�E / p �1−27.44

�E / p�1.5� cm2 V−1 s−1 for E / p�25 V cm−1 torr−1

�e �electron mobility� =e

mevencm2 V−1 s−1, where ven=1012 /s

Sie �species ionization model� =4.4 exp� −14

�E / p�0.4�p�eE s−1

r �recombination coefficient� =1.09�10−20T−9/2ne m3 /s

Di �ion diffusivity� =500 cm2 /s

De �electron diffusivity� =kTe

e�e cm2 /s

� �viscosity of He gas� =2.0�10−5 N s /m2

053304-3 Jayaraman, Cho, and Shyy J. Appl. Phys. 103, 053304 �2008�

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sible. The choice of the global time step for integrating thesystem is determined taking this into account.

It is noted that for the low-speed, i.e., incompressible,fluid flow applications, which is the current focus, the fluidcharacteristic time scales are much larger than that of theoperating plasma dynamics. For example, for an airfoil of15 cm chord, at the Reynolds number of 104, the convectivetime scale is O�10−1 s� if one considers air as the fluid. Incomparison, for a DBD device at 10 kHz, the period isO�10−4 s�. While the plasma dynamics time scales are im-portant, it has been shown in our earlier work32 that they aremuch smaller �O�10−7 s� than the the ion convection regime�for the operating conditions of interest. Hence, we can safelytreat the coupling between the fluid and plasma physics asone way, i.e., from the plasma to the fluid by means of thebody force model. The instantaneous body force is calculatedhere as the locally generated Lorentz force given by theproduct of the net charge and the electric field strength. Toextend further, if the fluid dynamic time scales become com-

parable, then the two-way coupling will need to be handledand the fluid solution advancement should be performed us-ing the DBD time scale.


In this section, we will model the two-dimensional radiofrequency DBD in helium gas at high pressure in an asym-metric configuration, as shown in Fig. 2. The electrodes are2 mm in length and the insulated bottom electrode is shifteddownstream by 2 mm. Roy and co-workers17–21 have studieda similar case. The helium discharge is modeled at a pressureof 300 torr and a temperature of 300 K and is driven by anac voltage of 1 kV �peak value of sinusoidal voltage� unlessspecified otherwise. The frequency is varied in the range of5–20 kHz and is specified as relevant. The thickness of theelectrodes is negligible and the dielectric thickness is5 mm. The electron temperature is assumed to be 1 eV��11 600 K�, while the ions and the neutrals are essentiallyin thermal equilibrium at 300 K.

The computational domain employed is a square domainof size of 1�1�1 cm3 �unit cm in the spanwise direction�.The grid consists of 127�61 points for the 2D case, asshown in Fig. 2�b�. The dielectric constant in the fluid/discharge domain is 1.0055; the permittivity of vacuum andthat of the insulator is varied between 1 and 30. For investi-gation purposes, the frequency is varied from 5 to 30 kHz,with all other conditions remaining constant. A global inte-gration time step of 10−8 s is used for the computations. Theinitial number density in the plasma is 109 /cm3 for all thedifferent species.

The various transport properties and property relation-ships are available in literature and we will use the ones usedby Singh et al.17 for the present study. These are summarizedin Table I. It should be noted that the transport properties arewritten as a function of the pressure �p�: in the present study,it is based on Torr.

Boundary conditions. The boundary conditions are sche-

TABLE II. Summary of boundary conditions for the different variables.

Variable Open boundary Electrode/dielectric surface

�-potential Zero gradient At the submerged electrode: �=0At the exposed electrode: �=�0 sin�2ft�, �0=1 kV

Electron, ionspecies

Zero gradient Electrode:Electrons:

Away from the electrode: flux=0If drift is toward the electrode: flux=neveth, where veth is the thermalvelocity.

Ions:Away from the electrode: flux=0If drift is toward the electrode: zero gradient

On the dielectricAllow surface charge accumulation. To do this the currentcontinuity is established, i.e., at the dielectric-gas interface thespecies flux is determined by







FIG. 3. Time dependent plasma behavior for one time cycle �5 kHz, 1 kVapplied voltage�. Domain-averaged species charge density and net chargedensity variation are shown.

053304-4 Jayaraman, Cho, and Shyy J. Appl. Phys. 103, 053304 �2008�

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matically presented in Fig. 2�b�. The homogeneous Neumannboundary condition is applied for the electrostatic potential�� at the open boundaries, while the Dirichlet boundarycondition is used at the electrode: At the exposed electrode:

�=�0 sin�2ft�, where �0 is the peak value. At the sub-merged electrode: �=0.

A harmonic voltage of �frequency f� is used as the basewaveform. For the plasma species modeling, the domain

FIG. 4. �Color online� Ion density �contour� evolution in the domain over one time cycle �5 kHz, 1 kV applied voltage�. The electric field vectors are shownto indicate instantaneous ion drift.

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boundary away from the insulator/electrode surface is as-signed a zero normal gradient condition assuming insignifi-cant impact far away from the fluid-actuator interface. At thedielectric surface, the drift current and the displacement cur-rent from the gas domain is balanced with the displacement

current inside the insulator. At the electrode, the treatment isslightly different. The electrons are assumed to be isothermal�at 11 600 K or 1 eV� at boundaries. At the exposed elec-trode, the thermal flux toward the wall is considered while itis neglected when the drift is away from the wall. For the

FIG. 5. �Color online� Force evolution over one time cycle �5 kHz, 1 kV applied voltage�. Part b shows the force contours superimposed with theinstantaneous electric field vectors.

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ions or the heavier species, the drift effects are significantand hence a zero gradient �normal to the boundary� condition��ni,e /�n=0� is applied. The boundary conditions are sum-marized in Table II.

Plasma species initial condition. The initial conditionused to start the simulation requires specifying the startingnumber densities for the various species. Ideally, the simula-tion should start from a very small charge concentration, butto accelerate the evolution of the transient behavior to a pe-riodic steady state solution, we will use a weakly preionizedneutral gas with an initial charge concentration of 109 /cm3.Our simulations reveal that the dynamics of the operatingdischarge plasma actuator is more a function of the differ-ence in the values of �ni−ne� or more generally the netcharge in the region. It is observed that the periodic steadystate solution is attained much quicker with a starting guessof 109 /cm3 and is used as the initial condition for the resultspresented here.

A. Plasma structure

In the following discussion, we will analyze the dis-charge structure evolution in space and time for helium gas,generated in an asymmetric configuration, as described inFig. 2. The numerical simulation shown is for 1 kV and5 kHz applied sinusoidal voltage waveform.

Self-limiting discharge. It is common knowledge that thebreakdown is quenched and controlled by the accumulated

charge since the discharge terminates on a dielectric surface,resulting in the self-limiting nature of the discharge. This canbe observed from the experimental observations6 where acontinuously varying applied voltage is necessary to sustainthe discharge. In that study, the light intensity observed iszero as soon as the observed potential reaches either maximaor minima. It should be noted here that the experimentalstudy is based on the light emission from the excited meta-stables and hence a direct comparison with the numericalresults is not presently possible. Recently, Font et al.29 ob-served accumulation of negative voltage over the dielectricsurface from experiments and Roy et al.35 numerically pre-dicted electron accumulation downstream of the exposedelectrode. Both studies qualitatively support the results fromthe present work.

Figure 3 shows the mean density variation in time for thedifferent species and the net charge density for a sinusoidalvoltage variation. It is known that in the positive half-cycle,the ions move away from the electrode and tend to get de-posited on the insulator surface. Hence, the decrease in theaverage ion density over the domain as the averaging processdoes not account for the surface deposition. Similar to theexperimental observation, this decrease in ion density isstopped when the increase in voltage is zero near themaxima. This can be clearly seen in the evolution of the iondensity in the domain, as shown in Fig. 4.

Specifically in the first quarter of the actuator cycle ascan be seen in instants A, B, and C, the ion concentrationincreases near the dielectric surface and the free concentra-tion in the domain at its minimum. At instants D, E, and F,the applied voltage starts decreasing, causing the built-uppotential from the accumulation to dominate resulting in re-leasing the ion species into the bulk region. The ion densityreaches its maximum value between instants F and G. At thispoint, the change in polarity enhances the release of ionswhich travel toward the negative exposed electrode. How-ever, there is no ion buildup during this part of the cycle asthe electrode being a conductor absorbs the incoming charge

TABLE III. Force dependence on the lower electrode size.

Lower electrode size �mm� Fx,av �mN/m�

2 0.000233 0.000654 0.0010

FIG. 6. �Color online� Three different lower electrode lengths modeled to investigate the effect of increased surface area on the discharge.

FIG. 7. �Color online� Impact of lower electrode size �20 kHz, 400 V ap-plied voltage�.

053304-7 Jayaraman, Cho, and Shyy J. Appl. Phys. 103, 053304 �2008�

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flux. Before instant I, Fig. 4�a� shows the ion number densityas stabilizing due to the equilibrium attained between theabsorption at the electrode, the accumulated ion release fromthe insulator surface, and the ionization/recombination phe-nomena in the bulk region. This behavior continues for therest of the cycle.

Force variation. The domain averaged force variation intime presented in Fig. 5�a� shows that the positive half-cyclehas a predominantly positive force, while the negative half-cycle has both positive and negative components. This isclearly seen from the evolution of the force field over time,as shown in Fig. 5�b�. It is well known that the bulk of themomentum transfer is achieved by the heavier ion species inthe domain. As can be seen from Fig. 4�b�, the positive half-cycle corresponding to instants A, B, C, D, and E correspondto the accumulation of ion species on the insulator surfacefrom the bulk of the domain. Since the submerged electrodeis downstream, the bulk of the transport in this half is in thepositive direction and to a lesser extent in the negative direc-tion. Hence, the strong positive force regions near the insu-lator surface downstream of the electrode and a weaker com-ponent upstream of the electrode for instants A, B, C, and D,as seen in Fig. 5�b�. Starting from instant E at which time thecharge buildup reverses the polarity of the potential in theregion. This happens for a half-cycle corresponding to in-stants E and F during which the weak negative force regionnear the downstream insulator surface exits due to the ion

transport toward the upstream electrode. An interesting phe-nomenon happens at this instant in the cycle. It should benoted that during this half-cycle, the electrons are the specieswhich get accumulated on the dielectric surface resulting inthe charge buildup. However, the electrons being lighter spe-cies travel faster and hence the faster charge buildup and aquicker reversal of polarity in the domain occur.

There is a qualitative similarity between the instants G,H, I and B, C, D in Fig. 5�b�, but the process is faster. Theabove mechanism renders the force weaker in this negativehalf, as the discharge is quenched early. This force genera-tion efficiency throughout one cycle is of importance here asthe slower response time of the fluid will only see the netoverall force generation over a few time cycles and is lesssensitive to the fluctuation over time.

Asymmetry in the discharge. The above discussion onthe time evolution of the force field indicates two differentprocesses in the two half-cycles. The first half-cycle shows apure ionization and deposition of the slower ion species onthe insulator surface, while the second half-cycle shows thefaster deposition of electrons with the same mechanism. Thisdifference in the mobilities of the two species and the geo-metric asymmetry affects the discharge evolution in the sec-ond half-cycle. This asymmetry can be observed in the ex-perimental measurements6 as well.

B. Geometric effects

Impact of lower electrode size. Here, we fix the length ofthe top electrode and vary the bottom electrode to gauge theimpact of the area covered the by the net surface dischargeformation �Fig. 6�. The actuator operates with a 20 kHz,400 V sinusoidal voltage waveform. Figure 7 and Table IIIindicate that the weakest force field is obtained for the 2 mm

TABLE IV. Domain averaged force over the voltage cycle for differentwaveforms

Waveform Fx,av �mN/m�

Positive sawtooth 0.0068Negative sawtooth 0.0063Sinusoidal 0.0081

FIG. 8. �Color online� Different input asymmetric sawtooth voltage signals�1 kV, 10 kHz� used in the numerical study.

FIG. 9. �Color online� Impact of waveform on the net species charge num-ber density.

FIG. 10. �Color online� Domain averaged Fx with time for different wave-forms �10 kHz, 1 kV applied voltage�. The green vertical line indicates theinstant of change in slope in the sawtooth waveform.

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FIG. 11. �Color online� Frequency effect for different dielectric constants.

FIG. 12. �Color online� Domain averaged ion number density.

FIG. 13. �Color online� Domain averaged electron number density.

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electrode case, while there is steady increase in the net forcevalue as the size of the bottom electrode increases. This ef-fect is because the larger lower electrode obviously results ina much larger surface discharge generation and hence thestronger force field. However, once the lower electrode be-comes sufficiently large, a balance between size and strengthwill be reached signifying the most efficient configuration.Similar trends have been observed by experimental studiessuch as by Enloe et al.6

C. Effects of applied voltage

Impact of waveform. The observed behavior for the har-monic waveform indicated that the positive going half �ir-regular� had a different discharge characteristic as comparedto the negative going half �uniform discharge� leading to theasymmetry which causes the unidirectional momentum cou-pling with the fluid flow. Enloe et al.6 measured the thrustproduced by the actuator for two different sawtooth wave-forms �positive and negative, as shown in Fig. 8� using amass balance to assess efficiency of the two half-cycles. Thepositive sawtooth has a faster varying positive going voltageand a slower varying negative going voltage and vice versafor the negative sawtooth. The result6 clearly showed that thepositive sawtooth is more efficient compared to the negativesawtooth waveform. This is because unlike the light intensitymeasurements, the force orientation tends to depend heavilyon the geometric asymmetry and hence strongly dependenton the polarity of the exposed and the submerged electrodes.On the other hand, the magnitude of the force is a function ofthe strength of the discharge and charge concentration avail-able in the domain. The positive sawtooth has a strongerpositive going part which results in a strong breakdown,

while the negative sawtooth has a stronger negative goingpart. Figure 9 compares the domain-averaged net chargenumber density for the two different waveforms. One caninfer from the force response to the harmonic waveform �Fig.5�a�� that the positive going part �exposed electrode is posi-tive� is possibly more efficient than the negative going part.The domain-averaged force responses for the sawtoothwaveforms �1 kV, 10 kHz� are shown in Fig. 10. The forcefor the positive and negative sawtooth waveforms starts thetime cycle in the similar fashion with negative slope. For thenegative sawtooth, the force continues on its negative slopeand attains a negative peak during the fast varying earlyphase �negative-going voltage� and then steadily increases toa positive value during the slow-varying positive-goingphase. The harmonic waveform seems to be the most effi-cient waveform. The negative sawtooth is the least efficientwith the positive sawtooth falling in between. The force pro-file over time indicates that the positive going phase is themost efficient part of the voltage cycle for the asymmetricactuator modeled in this study �see Table IV�.

Impact of frequency. The effect of frequency with differ-ent dielectric constant is presented in Fig. 11. The increase inthe frequency of applied voltage basically induces the in-crease and delay in the negative force generation which sig-nificantly decreases the time-averaged force generation evento the negative sign.

In general, the increased frequency induces loweramount of charged particles since the time in which the elec-tric field is sufficient enough to ionize particles is shorter,which means less ionization, as in Fig. 12. For the samereason, the case with lower frequency shows faster electron

TABLE V. Domain averaged force over the voltage cycle for different fre-quencies.

Frequency �kHz� Fx,av �mN/m�

20 0.005910 0.0095

5 0.0125

TABLE VI. Mean domain averaged force over the time cycle for differentvoltages.

Voltage �V� Fx,av �mN/m�

250 0.0008400 0.0017500 0.0026

1000 0.006

FIG. 14. �Color online� Charge density and force variation over time for different voltages �20 kHz of frequency, �d=4.5�.

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accumulation on the surface in the normalized time coordi-nate which results in the faster saturation, as in Fig. 13, al-though the actual growth rate of electron numbers in the caseof higher frequency is similar to or higher than the lower onedifferently from the normalized time result. The time-varyingpseudoelectrode which is the region of the accumulated elec-trons is affected by the number of accumulated electrons ateach time and can significantly affect the electric field for thefollowing half-cycle when their accumulation is prominent.

Comparing Fig. 11 with Fig. 13, it is evident that thesaturation of electron accumulation is responsible for the re-striction of negative force generation. However, if the satu-ration is allowed to happen nearly at the end of the secondcycle as fv=20 kHz in Fig. 13�b�, a drop in Fx before thenext positive cycle may occur as in Fig. 11�b�, which alsocontributes to bias the average force to decrease. With theincreased frequency of the applied voltage, this pseudoelec-trode with negative charge remains weaker, compensates lessof the electric field near the surface compared to the lowerfrequency, and as a result produces higher magnitude of thenegative force in the second half cycle. As a result, increasedfrequency results in decrease in time and domain averagedforce Fx,av as in Table V.

Impact of voltage magnitude. The net charge density andFx history are presented in Fig. 14 and Fx,av in Table VI withvarious magnitude of applied voltage �20 kHz frequency�ranging from 250 to 1000 V. The force shows a power-lawdependence on the applied voltage. In Fig. 15, three differentforce measurements are compared for their voltage depen-dence. The experimental �work of Van Dyken et al.13� andthe phenomenological model data are the same used in ourearlier study8 and use air as the modeling fluid. In order tocompare with the experiments, the normal force �y� acting onthe actuator surface is used for establishing the correlation asagainst the axial components �x� employed so far. It can be

seen that phenomenological and the experimental measure-ments have one common data point which is employed toclose the model. The remaining data points are predictedwith reasonable accuracy by the linear field or phenomeno-logical approach with a voltage �V� dependence of V3.0 asagainst the V3.1 dependence from the experiment.13 The first-principles/hydrodynamic plasma model for Helium shows aV2.7 power-law for the force generation. The difference canbe attributed to the different species dynamics between thehelium and air chemistry as well as the choice of voltageregime employed. Overall, it is worth noting that this power-law behavior is desirable for enhancing the actuator operat-ing range. It is noted that the x-component of the force has asimilar dependency on the applied potential as they-component by virtue of its definition. Specifically, theforce components are calculated as the product of the localcharge and the local field �−d /dx or −d /dy� and onewould expect the x- and y-components of the field to have asimilar behavior with varying potential ��.

D. Effect of material property „dielectric constant…

To investigate the effect of the dielectric constant onforce generation, several cases are modeled. Some materialsused in the various studies are presented in Table VII. In thisstudy, the dielectric constant is varied as 1, 4.5, and 30,which may not have corresponding materials but conveysome insights of the effect of the constant. The voltagesource used is a harmonic waveform of 1 kV and 20 kHzfrequency.

There are some diverse features observed with differentdielectric constants. In Fig. 16�a�, there is higher concentra-tion of negative force at t /T=0.7 for �d=30, which is absentfor �d=1.0. This is related to the deformation of the electricfield line, increased near-wall electric field strength �whichwill be shown later�, and the difference in the resultingcharged particle movement. Figure 16�b� shows the forcecontours with the instantaneous electric field line vectors.

From the electron and ion number density contours ofFigs. 17�a� and 17�b�, it can be seen that the concentration ofions near the upper electrode is prominent for higher �d

which corresponds to the same region as the minimum nega-tive force during the second half-cycle. Though the accumu-lation of electrons on the dielectric surface continues the sec-ond half-cycle, there is a point of time at which theaccumulated electron layer reaches the upper electrode andthose accumulated particles create a pseudoelectrode on thesurface with significant change in the electric field.

TABLE VII. Dielectric constant of materials �at 25 °C, 10 kHz�.

Material Air


�polyvinylchloride� Glass-epoxyb Alumina




1.000 54 1.04 5.2 10 30.3 1200

aReference 36.bReference 37.

FIG. 15. �Color online� Fy,av power-law dependence on voltage is comparedfor two different numerical models—phenomenological and the first-principles-based plasma fluid model �20 kHz� along with experimental dataof Ref. 13. The arrows point to the set of axes chosen for each of the curves.

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Figure 18 shows the x-directional electric field strengthEx along the surface which starts from the right end of theupper electrode for the two different materials. The compari-son of the two cases indicate that the higher dielectric con-stant results in a higher value and steeper slope for Ex. Thehigher the constant means increase in the polarization ten-dency of the material and thus decreased electric potentialnear the wall. This behavior for higher dielectric constantcauses lower potential on the dielectric surface apart fromthe upper electrode and higher strength and steeper slope inelectric field, especially Ex near the wall as a result. Thiseffect is prominent when the applied voltage reaches thepositive and negative peaks at which the effect of chargedparticles on the electric field is weak. The magnitude of Ex isclosely related to the generation of charged particles as wellas instantaneous force generation. The higher peak value

near the electrode �x=0� at t /T=0.7 in the case of �d=30explains the distinctive ion generation in this region men-tioned above. In Fig. 18�b�, the flat part of �d=30 case att /T=0.7 which starts from x=0.0042 to the end of the do-main corresponds to the length of the electron layer spread atthat time which eliminates the electric potential difference inthe region. This effect does not exist explicitly for the ionaccumulation which prevails during the former half-cycle.


A hydrodynamics plasma model in the context of adischarge-induced thermofluid transport is presented. Thisprovides a way of self-consistent modeling of the dischargeeffects as opposed to an analytical-empirical model previ-ously developed.1 The two-dimensional helium dielectric

FIG. 16. �Color online� Effect of dielectric constant �20 kHz, 1 kV�: force evolution. Here, the force contours are shown along with the instantaneous electricfield vectors.

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barrier discharge in an asymmetric geometry has been mod-eled using a finite volume operator-split sequential approachto efficiently solve the multiscale problem. The two-speciesplasma simulations revealed that the generation of the unidi-rectional momentum coupling is primarily affected by thecombination of factors such as the asymmetry of the geomet-ric arrangement, the waveform of the applied voltage, thespecies mobility, and dielectric material.

Overall characteristics of the plasma dynamics. Thereare two different processes in the two half-cycles of the ac-

tuator operation, largely due to the difference in mobilitybetween faster electrons and slower ions, and the geometricconfigurations of the insulator and electrodes. The first half-cycle is characterized by the deposition of the slower ionspecies on the insulator surface while the second half-cycleby the deposition of the electrons at a faster rate. Regardingthe various actuator parameters, the following observationscan be summarized.

Impact of lower electrode size. The increased lower elec-trode size provides the larger area available for the deposi-

FIG. 17. �Color online� Effect of dielectric constant �20 kHz, 1 kV�: species evolution. Here, the force contours are shown along with the instantaneouselectric field vectors.

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tion of charged particles which also results in the increase ofthe peak values of the time-varying force.

Impact of waveform. Introducing positive and negativesawtooth waveforms affects the rate of change in particlenumber densities and force history, but it does not increasethe resultant average force. Specifically, the study indicatesthat the rate of applied voltage variation and the duration ofthe polarity, both play a role in the net force generation.

Impact of voltage. The sensitivity of the generated forceto the magnitude of the applied voltage for a sinusoidal�symmetric� waveform shows a near cubic ��2.7� depen-dence for the first-principles hydrodynamic model in heliumgas. This is in the region of the observed experimental de-pendency for air which is �3.1 and the phenomenologicalmodel ��3.0�.

Impact of frequency. The frequency of the applied volt-age interplays with physical length scales-electrode size andspacing of the actuator and the mobility of each particle spe-cies, determining the time allowed for particles to deposit onor release from the dielectric surface. This especially affectsthe polarity reversal phases in each cycle, resulting in theincreased asymmetry of waveform and averaged force withthe lower frequency.

Effect of material property—dielectric constant. Thechange in the dielectric constant of the insulator mainly af-fects the electric field near its surface which determines thedegree of ionization and deposition of charged particles. Al-though the increased dielectric constant produces higherpeaks in each half-cycle of time-varying force, the resultantaverage force decreases mainly due to the decrease in overallasymmetry of the waveform.

The effect of frequency is found to be modest as com-pared to the sensitivity to the applied voltage which shows apower-law dependence on the voltage for the measured forcein the domain. This relationship shows substantial similarityto the experimental measurements and the phenomenologicalmodel. The strong power-law dependence of the force on thevoltage is attractive for generating huge momentum fluctua-tions with smaller voltage variation requirements.

It seems that there are two conditions to obtain higheraxial force which is delivered to the neutral fluid—increasing

the peak value of the cyclic force generation and introducingmore asymmetry to the first and second half of the cycle tomake the positive part more prominent. Although variousparameters are coupled and correlated to each other, the in-crease in the lower electrode size, applied voltage, and di-electric constant tend to contribute to the first factor, and thedecrease in frequency of applied voltage tend to contribute tothe second factor. To generate higher force, these parametersincluding others need to be adequately tuned to accomplishthose conditions.


The present work has been supported in part by the AirForce Research Laboratory, Flight Vehicle Directory, underthe Collaborative Center in Aeronautical Science project, Dr.Jack Benek program monitor.

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