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Module 4 - Messaging

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CUSTOMS EXPORTS MANUAL V1.1 27/08/2007 4.1 4 MESSAGING Australian Customs Service 5 Constitution Avenue Canberra ACT 2601 Telephone: 1300 558 099 Facsimile: 02 6122 5534 © Commonwealth of Australia 2005 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Australian Customs Service. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction rights should be addressed to the Director, Corporate Communication, Australian Customs Service, 5 Constitution Avenue, Canberra, ACT, 2601.

CUSTOMS EXPORTS MANUAL – V1.1 27/08/2007 4.1


Australian Customs Service 5 Constitution Avenue Canberra ACT 2601 Telephone: 1300 558 099 Facsimile: 02 6122 5534 © Commonwealth of Australia 2005 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Australian Customs Service. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction rights should be addressed to the Director, Corporate Communication, Australian Customs Service, 5 Constitution Avenue, Canberra, ACT, 2601.


4.2 CUSTOMS GENERIC MANUAL – V1.2 27/08/2007

CONTENTS Overview .................................................................................................................3

Message Types for Export Cargo.........................................................................4

Response Messages ........................................................................................4

Unsolicited Messages.......................................................................................4

Message Types for Import Cargo Reporting ........................................................6

Response Messages ........................................................................................6

Unsolicited Messages.......................................................................................7

Message Types for Import Declarations...............................................................8

Response Messages ........................................................................................8

Unsolicited Messages.....................................................................................12

Retransmitting outbound messages ...................................................................15

Retransmitting using the ‘Search’ function......................................................15

Related Topics....................................................................................................21

Further assistance..............................................................................................21



OVERVIEW ‘Outbound messaging’ is the transmission of information from the Integrated Cargo System (ICS) to Customs EDI clients. Typically, this information is about status and/or document validation information.

Outbound messages may be either response messages or unsolicited messages. Response messages have a direct association to an inbound message; they are sent to the client responsible for the associated inbound message. Unsolicited messages are created as a result of processing of documents within the ICS. They may be sent to the client responsible for the original document or they may be sent a third party who has, or will have, an interest in the cargo.

Outbound messages:

• provide an acknowledgment response from the ICS to the lodgement, amendment or withdrawal of a document1. This may include error and/or advice information;

• advise clients of cargo and document status, and changes to that status;

• advise clients of Customs and/or AQIS actions or requirements;

• advise clients to expect the arrival of certain cargo.

Customs officers may search for and view outbound messages in the ICS. In cases where a client did not receive a particular outbound message, the details of that message can be viewed. Customs officers can also retransmit messages to a client. Customs officers can only retransmit outbound messages to the parties to whom they were initially sent.

Clients may, through the Customs Interactive (CI), search for and view outbound messages that were originally sent to them by the ICS. In cases where a client did not receive a particular outbound message, the details of that message can be viewed.

Note: Outbound messages contain confidential information, therefore clients may only search for, view and retransmit outbound messages that were originally sent to them.

Outbound messages cannot be amended. The default method for the transmission of outbound messages to a client is defined when the client registers in the ICS. The client can select to receive messages using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) or text (email) but if no default transmission method is defined, the message will be stored in the ICS and not sent.

1 This is separate to the acknowledgement of receipt (control) messages sent by the Customs Connect Facility CCF.


4.4 CUSTOMS GENERIC MANUAL – V1.2 27/08/2007


RESPONSE MESSAGES Outbound messages transmitted in response to the lodgement of export declarations and sub-manifests may contain a Customs Authority Number (CAN). A CAN is only generated when the associated inbound message containing the document is found to be error-free.


Idle Advice (OU1)

An Idle Advice (OU1) message is sent to the originator of an export declaration in cases where:

• a period of 14 days has expired since the intended date of export on the latest version of the declaration, and

• the declaration has not been reported on a main manifest.

An export declaration may be reported directly on a main manifest or indirectly through a sub-manifest. A sub-manifest may be either a consolidation sub-manifest or a slot charterer’s sub-manifest.

Goods Advice (OU2)

A Depot Underbond Goods Arrival (OU2) message is sent to the establishment nominated on a warehouse or depot release notice as the intended recipient of prescribed warehouse goods for export. The message includes information about the type and quantity of cargo that is expected to arrive.

Reposition Advice (OU3) A Cargo Reposition Advice (OU3) is sent to the CTO and Stevedore in cases where export cargo has been repositioned by sea. In these cases the cargo will arrive “over the wharf” rather than through the gate. This cargo must have been reported on a CTO Receival Notice at a previous port and on the Cargo List Report for the vessel carrying it to the export port. The message includes the Customs Authority Number (CAN) for the cargo.

Carrier Movement Advice (OU4) A Carrier Movement Advice is sent to the shipping company nominated as the carrier for all export cargo. The message is a copy of the export status message sent to the CTO.



Confirming Exporter Reminder (OU5)

A Confirming Exporter Reminder Notice message is sent to the originator of an export declaration in cases where:

• the exporter is a Confirming Exporter, and

• the declaration includes information that is included in the exporter’s confirming exporter agreement, and

• the period approved for the exporter to confirm certain details on the export declaration has expired, and

• those details have not yet been confirmed.

The following table shows outbound messages for export cargo.

Inbound message


Outbound message

type Related Document Remarks

EXD OED Export Declaration

EMM OMM Main Manifest

ESM OSM Sub Manifest

DEP ODR Departure Report

CTO OCC CTO Receival Notice

CRM OCM CTO Removal Notice

DRC ODC Depot Receival Notice

DRL ODL Depot Release Notice

WRL OWL Warehouse Release Notice

WRT OWT Warehouse Return Notice


PD1 OP1 Non-Aggregated Periodic Declaration

PD2 OP2 Aggregated Periodic Declaration

RQS ORS Various Request for Status

OU1 Unsolicited Message Idle Advice

OU2 Unsolicited Message Goods Advice


4.6 CUSTOMS GENERIC MANUAL – V1.2 27/08/2007

Inbound message


Outbound message

type Related Document Remarks

OU3 Unsolicited Message Reposition Advice

OU4 Unsolicited Message Carrier Movement Advice

OU5 Unsolicited Message Confirming Export Reminder

Table 1 – Outbound messages for export cargo.



Error Response Message (ERM)

An Error Response Message (ERM) is transmitted as a response to all import cargo reports lodged in the ICS. An ERM may include error and/or advice information. An ERM may also notify the responsible party that their cargo report has been received and that no errors or advices apply.

Note: in the context of import cargo reporting the receipt of an ERM does not always mean that the associated inbound message contained any errors. If the Total Error Count field on the ERM is zero, then the inbound message is being acknowledged.

Underbond Approval Advice (UBA)

An Underbond Approval Advice (UBA) is transmitted when an underbond movement request is either lodged, or amended or withdrawn in the ICS without error.

Note: In cases where the lodgement, amendment or withdrawal of an underbond movement request contains errors the ICS will transmit an ERM as the response message. In this case the ERM will include error and/or advice information.

A UBA may be transmitted as either a response or an unsolicited message. A UBA is transmitted to both the current and intended custodians of the cargo as well as the sender of the inbound message. A UBA will not be sent twice to a client who is both the reporting party and either the current or intended custodian.




Cargo Status Advice (CSA)

A Cargo Status Advice will be transmitted:

• when the conditions for the release of status are first met, and

• if the cargo status is updated.

Cargo Status is the product of a process that evaluates whether a consignment (unit of cargo) may be released from Customs and AQIS control. Cargo Status is determined by a set of conditions related to the Cargo Report and associated documents. Cargo status is recalculated every time one of the conditions or associated documents changes.

The following table shows outbound messages for import cargo reporting.

Inbound Message


Outbound Message

Type Related Document Remarks

IAR ERM Air Impending Arrival Report

see notes above

AAR ERM Air Actual Arrival Report see notes above

ACR ERM Air Cargo Report see notes above

IRA ERM Integrated Air Cargo Report see notes above

AWO ERM Air Waybill Outturn Report see notes above

SIA ERM Sea Impending Arrival Report

see notes above

SAA ERM Sea Actual Arrival Report see notes above

SCR ERM Sea Cargo Report see notes above

CL ERM Cargo List Report see notes above

IRS ERM Integrated Sea Cargo Report

see notes above

SCO ERM Sea Cargo Outturn Report see notes above

PDR ERM Progressive Discharge Report

see notes above

UBM UBA Underbond movement request

Underbond Movement Advice – see notes above

CSA Cargo Status Advice - Unsolicited Message

Table 2 – Outbound message types for import cargo reporting.


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Import Declaration Advice (IDA)

When a Full Import Declaration (FID) is originally lodged, or is amended or withdrawn, Customs is required, under section 71C(3) of the Customs Act 1901, to provide the importer/broker with an import declaration advice.

The import declaration advice will be returned to the person who made the declaration. The import declaration advice may indicate that the processing was successful or return errors that have been detected. Calculated and derived amounts/quantities will be included as necessary in this advice message.

An import declaration advice will be provided for all Full Import Declaration (FID) types.

The import declaration advice will be returned to the broker/importer in conjunction with the following additional messages where applicable:

Message Type Code

Message Type Description

PYR Payment receipt This type of message contains payment details.

ATD Authority to deal Where it relates to a Nature 10 or Nature 30 import declaration, this type of message gives authority, in accordance with section 71C of the Customs Act 1901, to take the goods into home consumption.

Where it relates to a Nature 20 warehouse declaration, this type of message gives authority, in accordance with section 71DJ of the Customs Act 1901, to take the goods into warehousing.

Self Assessed Clearance Declaration Advice (SCA)

When a Self Assessed Clearance (SAC) Declaration is originally lodged, or is amended or withdrawn, Customs is required, under section 71AAAG of the Customs Act 1901, to provide the person who made the declaration with a self assessed clearance declaration advice.

An SCA will be returned to the to the person who made the declaration. The SCA may indicate that the processing was successful or return errors that have been detected. Calculated and derived amounts/quantities will be included as necessary in this advice message.

An SCA will be provided for all separately lodged self assessed clearance declarations.

The SCA will be returned to the broker/importer in conjunction with the following messages where applicable:



Message Type Code

Message Type Description

PYR Payment receipt This type of message contains payment details.

ATD Authority to deal This type of message gives authority, in accordance with section 71C of the Customs Act 1901, to deliver the goods into home consumption.

Unaccompanied Personal Effects Statement Advice (PEA)

An unaccompanied personal effects statement advice is sent from the ICS on the successful processing of an Unaccompanied Personal Effects (UPE) statement. A UPE can only be submitted through the Custom Interactive (CI). As a result outbound message type PEA can only be sent as a text message, there is no EDI equivalent.

Authority to Deal (ATD)

This type of message includes details stating that the goods may be dealt with in accordance with the declaration subject to the appropriate section of the Customs Act 1901.

The ATD outbound message contains payment details and is returned after the processing of one of the following inbound messages where applicable:

Message Type Code

Message Type Description

FID Full Import Declaration

This type of message includes the electronic import declaration details.

SAC Self Assessed Clearance declaration

This message relates to low value imports where the value of the consignment does not exceed $250 (or other prescribed amount).

UPE Unaccompanied Personal Effects statement

UPE are received via the Custom Interactive facility and not via EDI. The outbound response message (Unaccompanied Personal Effects Advice – PEA) is sent as an outbound text message and not EDI.

RCR Request for cargo release

Not yet in use The RCR message includes detail of the request to release cargo for accredited clients.


4.10 CUSTOMS GENERIC MANUAL – V1.2 27/08/2007

Payment Receipt (PYR)

The Payment Receipt (PYR) outbound message contains payment details and is returned after receipt of one of the following inbound messages:

Message Type Code

Message Type Description

PYS Payment approval (standard)

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payment approval advice to Customs from an importer/broker for a standard payment of fees/charges payable to Customs.

PYD Payment approval (periodic)

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payment approval advice to Customs from an importer/broker for a periodic payment of fees/charges payable to Customs.

PYW Payment approval (weekly settlement)

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payment approval advice to Customs from an importer/broker for a weekly settlement of fees/charges payable to Customs.

The ICS allows a number of different payment methods and terms for import declarations. When a client approves a payment and the declaration/deferral record is ‘ready to pay’ an EFT transaction will be generated by the ICS and passed to the Customs Financial Management Information System (FMIS) for processing. An EFT ‘payment approval’ can be submitted in three different ways:

• a client can include payment details and payment approval within the original declaration message

• a client can send a separate payment message that uniquely identifies the declaration/unique reference number

• a client can approve payments interactively.

S71E Movement Application - Movement Application Advice (MAA)

A Movement Application Advice (MAA) is returned after receipt and processing of a s71E movement application made by an importer or a Customs broker acting on their behalf. A MAA may include information about the rejection or approval of an application. Rejection information will set out the reasons for the rejection. Approval information may include details and conditions in relation to the approval.

Import Periodic Declaration Advice (PA1 and PA2) [Not yet in use]

Accredited clients (or their nominated Customs accredited nominee broker) submit import periodic declarations as a follow-up to submitting one or more requests for



cargo release during a month. Import periodic declarations are used for the following purposes:

• to detail commodities and report total duty/GST payable on the imported cargo

• the payment of duty, taxes and charges

• to acquit the request for cargo release documents from the previous month

• to notify of any amendments to previous import periodic declarations.

There are two types of import periodic declarations and subsequent import periodic declaration advices:

• an import periodic declaration advice (PA1) is used for import periodic declarations (IP1) minimum aggregation

• an import periodic declaration advice (PA2) is used for import periodic declarations (IP2) maximum aggregation.

After an original or amended import periodic declaration (IP1 or IP2 inbound message) has been received by the ICS an import periodic declaration advice will be provided to the accredited importer/broker at the completion of processing to indicate that the processing was successful or to return any errors that have been detected. Calculated and derived amounts/quantities will be included as necessary in the advice message.

The import periodic declaration advice will be returned to the broker/importer in conjunction with the following message where applicable:

Message Type Code

Message Type Description

PYR Payment receipt This type of message contains payment details.

Cargo Release Advice (RCA) [Not yet in use]

An accredited broker or importer will communicate a Request for Cargo Release (RCR) to request the release of cargo from Customs control for home consumption. In accordance with section 71DE of the Customs Act 1901, a cargo release advice is returned to a broker/importer after an original, amended or withdrawn request for cargo release has been received in the ICS to confirm the successful processing of the request or to indicate any detected errors.

The cargo release advice will be returned to the broker/importer in conjunction with the following message where applicable:

Message Type Code

Message Type Description

ATD Authority to deal This type of message gives authority, in accordance with section 71DE of the Customs Act 1901, to take the goods into home consumption.


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Status Advice Message (SAM)

A Status Advice Message (SAM) provides advice to the importer/broker that a change has occurred in the status of their import declaration document.

X-Ray Examination Advice (XRE)

When an x-ray is required of a container, a Customs officer will send an x-ray examination advice to the container terminal operator at the discharge port quoted on the sea impending arrival report. The outbound message includes details of the container to be examined.

Examination Advice (EXA)

An examination advice is sent to the broker/importer if the assessment type chosen is ‘examination advice.’ An examination advice message can only be produced if an examination has been requested under section 186 of the Customs Act 1901.

Notice to Produce Documents (NPD)

When an import declaration is received, a Customs officer may refuse an authority to deal with the goods until they have verified and are satisfied with the particulars relating to the consignment in the declaration. The Customs officer is authorised to request certain commercial documents or information in relation to the goods from the importer/broker under various sections of the Customs Act 1901 (sections 71, 71AAAO, 71DA, 71DL) or regulations of the Customs Regulations 1926 (reg 134 and 128AAA). A Notice to Produce Documents (NPD) is the assessment used to request these documents. Upon creation of the notice to produce documents request, a message is sent to the importer/broker (either via EDI or interactively, or as a document depending on the mode by which the import declaration was submitted) informing them of the documents required.

Outstanding Payment Advice (PYO)

An Outstanding Payment Advice (PYO) will be generated when a declaration remains outstanding for payment (i.e., when all commercial impediments have been cleared) for a period of 30 days. Where no payment is made, after a further 40 days after the outstanding payment advice has been issued the declaration will be ‘removed’ from the ICS.



Exceeded Payments List (PYE)

Validation of a payment involves ensuring the successful processing of the payment will not exceed the limits on the nominated broker/importer’s account. The limits checked are the daily limit for the account and the daily limit of the broker/importer on the account. If processing of the payment will exceed either limit the Exceeded Payments Limit (PYE) advice message is sent to the broker/importer.

Invalid Payment Record (PYI)

If a payment approval that has been received in the ICS is found to contain invalid information, an Invalid Payment Record (PYI) message will be sent to the broker/importer that includes details of the errors detected.

Refund Rejection Advice (RFR)

Refunds can be generated on amendment or withdrawal of a full import declaration, a periodic import declaration and/or a self assessed clearance declaration where duty or GST has been paid. A refund rejection advice is generated when a refund application (as a result of an import declaration amendment), has been assessed by a Customs officer and rejected.

Refund Acceptance Advice (RFA)

Refunds can be generated on amendment or withdrawal of a full import declaration, a periodic import declaration and/or a self assessed clearance declaration where duty or GST has been paid. A refund acceptance advice is generated when a refund application (as a result of an import declaration amendment), has been assessed by a Customs officer and accepted.

Drawback Claim Advice (DBA)

A Drawback Claim Advice (DBA) is returned to an importer/broker when the ICS receives an original or an amendment to a Drawback Claim (DBK).

The duty drawback scheme enables refunding of Customs duty paid on imported goods that are exported in the same condition as they were imported, or incorporated into other goods that are exported. Duty can be claimed by any entity that is able to provide the information necessary to legally make a claim and can only be claimed after the goods have been exported (the claim can be no later than 12 months after the day that the goods were exported). There is no refund of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) through the drawback scheme but duty drawback is available on most goods except where:


4.14 CUSTOMS GENERIC MANUAL – V1.2 27/08/2007

• the goods have been used in Australia other than for the purposes of exhibition, processing, treatment or further manufacture

• goods are valued at exportation at less than 25% of their imported value.

Deferred Liability Advice (PYL) [not yet in use]

When a declaration is entered the applicable liabilities are calculated in the normal manner. The payment status of the declaration is set to ‘deferred’. At the end of the deferral period a process identifies and accumulates the liability, at the revenue sub-head level, for the deferral period for the importer. A Deferred Liability Advice (PYL) message is then sent to the importer or nominated ‘deferral broker’ (defined for the importer in the ICS) indicating the amount of payment required.

Note: AQIS service charges cannot be deferred and will always be paid against a declaration.





The Outbound Message Search screen allows users with the appropriate access to search for and retransmit individual outbound messages.

To search for an outbound message:

Step 1. From the main menu, click on Outbound Messages and then click on Search.

The Outbound Message Search screen displays.

The Outbound Message Search screen enables users to conduct a search for outbound messages that meet search criterion they have set.

The default search criteria in the Select a Search Combination field are Outbound Message Recipient Id & Senders Ref & Message Type. These fields display as mandatory fields. All other fields are disabled.

Note: for industry clients the Outbound Message Recipient Id field will be pre-populated with their ABN or CCID. For Customs users the Outbound Message Recipient Id field may be populated using a name search through the find hyperlink


4.16 CUSTOMS GENERIC MANUAL – V1.2 27/08/2007

Step 2. In the Select a Search Combination field, click on the drop-down button and select one of the following options:

• Outbound Message Recipient ID & Senders Ref & Message Type

• Outbound Message Recipient ID & Message Type & Message Date/Time Range.

Tip: choosing an appropriate search option will make searching more efficient.

When a broad search option is used, a list will usually be returned. From this screen a specific document can be chosen. The broadest search option available is the Outbound Message Recipient ID & Message Type & Message Date/Time Range option.

Note: the message type can be found using a search. To do this, click on the Message Type book icon and select the appropriate option from the list displayed. Upon return to the Outbound Message Search screen, the relevant value will be populated.

Note: the date range must be no more than 30 days. The reported date must not contain a date in the future. The Date ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields must not contain a future date. Completing the Inbound Message Time Range section is optional but if the ‘From’ time field is entered the corresponding ‘To’ time field must also be entered.

Step 3. Enter the relevant values in the mandatory fields.

Note: to clear the search criteria entered, click on the Clear button.

Step 4. Click on the Search button.

If one record is found, the Outbound Message View screen displays. Refer to page 4.19.

If more than one record is found, the Outbound Message List screen displays.



Where the outbound message is a response message the Outbound Message List screen displays like this:

Where the outbound messages is an unsolicited message the Outbound Message List screen displays like this:


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The Outbound Message List screen allows users with the appropriate access to view a list of outbound messages.

Records are sorted by outbound transmission date and outbound transmission time. The most recent messages display at the top of the list. All fields are read only.

The following table lists the options available on the Outbound Message List screen.

Option Action Result

To view further details of an outbound message.

Click on a hyperlink in the Outbound Message Type column.

The Outbound Message View screen displays.

To view details for an inbound message.

Click on a hyperlink in the Inbound Message Type column.

If there is a corresponding outbound message, then the relevant document view screen displays.

It there is no corresponding outbound message, then the Outbound Message View screen displays with further details of the inbound message.

To view a previous or next page of results.

Note: only available if more than one page exists.

Click on the Prev or Next button.

The previous or next page of results displays.

To perform another search (with existing search criteria retained).

Click on the Back hyperlink.

The Outbound Message Search screen displays with the previously entered search criteria.

To perform another search (with default search criteria).

Click on the New Search hyperlink.

The Outbound Message Search screen displays with the default search criteria.

Step 5. To view details for an outbound message, click on a hyperlink in the Outbound Message Type column.

The Outbound Message View screen has three sections and includes details regarding inbound and outbound messages that were received by and/or sent to a recipient. Details also include, if relevant, any errors or advices that may relate to import documents/reports.



The Outbound Message View screen displays (response messages).

The Outbound Message View screen enables users with the appropriate access to view individual inbound and outbound messages that were received by and/or sent to a recipient.

Or, the Outbound Message View screen displays (unsolicited messages).

Step 6. To retransmit the outbound message, click on the Retransmit button.


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The message will be re-sent to the original recipient.

The following table lists the options available on the Outbound Message View screen.

Option Action Result

To view the original inbound message.

Note: only if an associated inbound message exists.

Click on the Inbound Message Type hyperlink.

The relevant document view screen for the inbound message displays.

To view a previous or next message.

Note: only available if more than message exists.

Click on the Prev or Next button.

The previous or next message displays.

To send an outbound message to the intended recipient.

Click on the Retransmit button.

The outbound message is retransmitted and the Last Retransmission Timestamp field is updated.




For information about EDI site set-up refer to Module 3.2.

For information about Export Declarations refer to volume 1 Module 1

For information about Import Cargo Reporting refer to volume 3 Module 1

For information about Import Declarations refer to volume 3 Module 15

FURTHER ASSISTANCE For technical support email [email protected] or phone 1300 558 099.
