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Molecular markers for prostate cancer

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Molecular markers for prostate cancer

Mark A. Reynolds a,*, Kumar Kastury a, Jack Groskopf a, Jack A. Schalken b,Harry Rittenhouse a

a Gen-Probe Incorporated, 10210 Genetic Center Drive, San Diego, CA 92121, USAb Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, 6525 GA Nijmegen, The Netherlands


Serum PSA testing has been used for over 20 years as an aid in the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer.Although highly sensitive, it suffers from a lack of specificity, showing elevated serum levels in a variety of other conditionsincluding prostatitis, benign prostate hyperplasia, and non-cancerous neoplasia. During this period, numerous serum pro-tein analytes have been investigated as alternative and/or supplemental tests for PSA, however in general these analyteshave likewise suffered from a lack of specificity, often showing serum elevations in other clinical presentations. Morerecently, molecular assays targeting prostate disease at the DNA or RNA level have been investigated for potential diag-nostic and prognostic utility. With the aid of modern genomics technologies, a variety of molecular biomarkers have beendiscovered that show potential for specific correlation with prostate cancer. Much of this discovery has been retrospective,using microdissected tissue from prostatectomy. The goal of current research is to apply genomic assays to noninvasivespecimens such as blood and urine. Progress in this area is the subject of this review.� 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Prostate cancer; Molecular test; Epigenetic markers; Gene expression markers; Genetic polymorphisms; Chromosomaltranslocations; Non-coding RNA

1. Introduction

The detection and management of prostate can-cer using serum PSA has increased dramaticallysince its introduction over 15 years ago and hasbeen the subject of numerous reviews [1–4]. The fre-quent use of PSA has led to a downward stagemigration with fewer men diagnosed with distantdisease. The PSA levels for men have also steadily

declined as smaller tumors are detected today. Thesechanges in the epidemiology of prostate cancer haveled to current serious limitations of PSA for cancerdetection. PSA lacks diagnostic specificity consider-ing that more than half of the men with PSA over4.0 ng/ml are negative on initial biopsy [5]. Theaccumulation of men with chronically elevatedPSA for non-cancer reasons, for example enlargedprostates, has resulted in a population of over 10million men who are especially difficult to monitorfor biopsy decisions using PSA. The ‘‘PSA dilem-ma’’ population of men (those with elevated PSAwho are negative on initial biopsy) is frequently

0304-3835/$ - see front matter � 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.canlet.2006.12.029

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 858 731 5956; fax: +1 858 7315900.

E-mail address: [email protected] (M.A. Reynolds).

Cancer Letters 249 (2007) 5–13








biopsied multiple times as they age to assess the pos-sible development of clinically significant cancers.Furthermore, for those men who are diagnosedand undergo curative surgical treatment, about20–30% will clinically relapse, revealing that formany men cancer was not likely detected earlyenough.

The tissue specificity of PSA is responsible for itsutility as a serum marker. Studies have shown thatquantitation of PSA isoforms together with freePSA may provide incremental improvements inthe detection and clinical management of prostatecancer [6]. However, serum proteins appear to haveintrinsic limitations being distal from the primarytumor, with detection complicated by variable clear-ance kinetics and turnover of normal tissue. Thespecific identification and detection of marker pro-teins in serum is further complicated by a back-ground of thousands of other circulating proteinsin concentrations spanning 8–9 logs of dynamicrange [7].

In this review, we will look at the use of mole-cular markers to directly detect cancer cells in bio-logical specimens such as urine, illustrated

schematically in Fig. 1. It has been known since1869 that cancer cells break away from the primarytumor and are present in bodily fluids [8]. Morerecently it has been recognized that even in earlycancer development, these cells are shed and canbe detected in biological fluids such as blood [9].For prostate cancer both blood and urine are nowviewed as informative specimens for diagnosticassays [10]. Molecular tests for cancer cell-associatedgenes and other genetic markers, being a directindicator of the presence of the cancer cell in thebiological specimen, are predicted to provide newimprovements in diagnostic specificity. Further-more, through prospective clinical validation, suchtests are predicted to aid urologists in the prognosisand monitoring of prostate cancer, as well as in theassessment of treatment options.

The Human Genome Sequencing Project stimu-lated the development of a variety of new technolo-gies to study prostate disease at the molecular level.These include methods for cloning and enrichmentof disease-associated genes and the development ofmicroarray technologies for profiling their expres-sion. Rapid sequencing methods were developed to

Fig. 1. Diagram representing independent mechanisms for PSA serum protein detection as a surrogate marker for prostate cancer (Top),and for the direct detection of prostate cancer cells shed into urine using the molecular markers PCA3 mRNA and PSA mRNA (Bottom).In the latter case, cells are expressed into the urine using a digital rectal exam (DRE) and the first void urine specimen is then collected.PSA mRNA copies are used for normalization, providing a PCA3 Score that represents the ratio between PCA3 and PSA mRNA copynumbers.

6 M.A. Reynolds et al. / Cancer Letters 249 (2007) 5–13







identify gene polymorphisms that could potentiallybe associated with an increased risk for prostatecancer and/or disease progression. Currently, com-pendia of gene expression data are being analyzedto identify common features of genomic instabilitythat could potentially be associated with prostatecancer phenotypes. Finally, non-coding RNAs(including micro-RNAs, or miRNAs) have beenassociated with other types of cancer and couldpotentially be useful biomarkers for prostate cancer.

2. Epigenetic markers

Hypermethylation of CpG islands, located withinpromoter regions of tumor suppressor genes, is animportant mechanism for gene inactivation andhas been described in almost every tumor type[11]. Such epigenetic changes may result in the dis-ruption of key regulatory pathways leading to can-cer transformation and progression [12].

The most common method of identifying hyper-methylation regions involves chemical conversionof methylated cytosines to uridine residues followedby amplification by PCR and comparison of uri-dine/cytosine (unmethylated) ratios through a vari-ety of means, including mini-sequencing andhybridization with mutation-sensitive oligonucleo-tide probes.

In prostate cancer, a number of studies havedemonstrated that detection of aberrant hyperme-thylation has potential for disease detection andprognosis. The majority of these studies restrictedtheir analysis to prostatic tumor tissue, pelvic lymphnodes, noncancerous prostate tissue, and prostatecell lines. Disease association involves the compari-son of methylation percentages in targeted pro-moter regions between diseased and non-diseasedspecimens. Typically, such studies have implicateda number of different genes, and the objective hasbeen to identify limited subsets of hypermethylated(or in some cases hypomethylated) genes that collec-tively provide adequate diagnostic or prognosticutility. For example, a methylation index, definedas the ratio between hypermethylated genes to totalgenes analyzed, was shown to correlate with poorprognosis, although no individual gene provided asufficient correlation [13].

To date, the hypermethylation of the gene gluta-thione S-transferase pi (GTSP1) has been found tobe the most common epigenetic alteration in pros-tate cancer, being present in up to 90% of cases[13–17]. The search for synergistic methylation

markers has met with some success. A study of118 prostate carcinomas, 38 paired high-grade pros-tatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HG-PIN), and 30benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) demonstratedthat GSTP1 measured in combination with a secondgene adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) provided98.3% sensitivity for prostate carcinoma, with100% specificity [18]. In a related study of 170 pros-tate carcinoma and 69 BPH specimens, GSTP1 andAPC measured in combination with a third genemultidrug resistance 1 (MDR1) provided diagnosticsensitivity of 75.9% with a specificity of 84.1% [19].In another related study, combination of GSTP1and APC with another gene prostaglandin-endoper-oxide synthase 2 (PTGS2) discriminated betweenprostate cancer tissues and BPH tissues with sensi-tivity ranging from 71.1% to 96.2% and specificityranging from 92.9% to 100% [20].

In addition to tissue analysis, methylationmarker analyses have been extended to serumtoward the development of noninvasive diagnosticand prognostic tests. In this case, the assumptionis that circulating DNA originating from prostatecarcinoma can be detected and discriminatedagainst a background of DNA originating fromother tissues. Such analysis requires high sensitivityand high analytical precision for robust perfor-mance. In one study, hypermethylated GSTP1 wasdetected in the serum of 12% of men with clinicallylocalized prostate cancer and in 28% of men withmetastatic prostate cancer [21].

3. Expression markers

The application of microarray technologies forprofiling prostate cancer gene expression has beenreviewed extensively [22–25]. As in the case of epige-netic markers, the vast majority of these studies havebeen conducted retrospectively in tissue, morerecently using laser capture microdissected tissue.Numerous studies have utilized both cDNA and oli-gonucleotide microarrays to identify genes that areexpressed differentially in prostate cancer comparedto benign prostate, BPH, and HG-PIN tissues. In theformer case, cDNA clones are either selected ran-domly or enriched through subtractive cloning tech-niques and then deposited at high density onto glassmicroscope slides to permit the profiling of as manyas 80,000 expressed sequence tags in a single experi-ment. In the latter case, oligonucleotide sequencesare designed using bioinformatic approaches to pro-vide a comprehensive representation of the human

M.A. Reynolds et al. / Cancer Letters 249 (2007) 5–13 7







transcriptome. Recently, synthetic oligonucleotidemicroarrays have also been designed to discriminateaberrantly spliced mRNAs, as can be generatedthrough cancer transformation.

Prostate-specific expression markers such as PSAand PSMA have been commonly identified at themRNA level using microarrays. Other genes thathave been found to be commonly over-expressedin prostate cancer include Hepsin, a-methylacyl-co-enzyme A racemase (AMACR), telomerase, theserine protease TMPRSS2, d-catenin, and aprostate-specific non-coding RNA called PCA3(formerly called DD3) [26]. A comprehensive Pub-Med search of microarray studies comparingprostate cancer tissues with normal tissues revealeda number of discrepancies as well as commonalities[27]. It was noted that differences in results mighthave been attributed to variations in tissue selectionand microdissection as well as differences in themicroarrays themselves. Indeed, considerable effortin recent years has been directed toward standardi-zation of microarray platforms [28].

One advantage of the cDNA approach is that itpermits focused analysis of selected genes. In onesuch study, a custom microarray was producedusing clones randomly selected from cDNA librariesprepared from the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line[29]. This strategy identified many genes that hadbeen previously shown to represent markers of pros-tate cancer, as well as several new genes includingHOXB13. In a related study, a PCR-based subtrac-tion method was used to produce cDNA clones thatresulted in the identification of several novel genesmarkers, designated P704P, P712P, and P775P[30]. Their differential expression by prostate carci-nomas compared to normal prostate and BPH wasverified subsequently by quantitative RT-PCR. Thisapproach also identified a novel gene designatedP504S (later shown to be AMACR), which was sub-sequently shown to be a useful histochemical mark-er for prostate needle biopsy [31]. In fact, AMACRrepresents an early example of prostate cancermarkers discovered through molecular technologiesthat is currently being used in routine clinicalpathology.

Although a number of common gene expressionmarkers such as those described above have beenidentified using microarray techniques, complemen-tary analytical approaches such as quantitative PCRare generally conducted to provide further valida-tion of these prospective markers. For example,matched prostatectomy tissues from 106 patients

were analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR for fourhousekeeping genes (GAPDH, HPRT, PGD, TBP)and nine prostate-related genes (AibZIP, D-GPCR,EZH2, PCA3, PDEF, prostein, PSA, PSCA,TRPM8) [32]. This study confirmed the predictiveutility of PCA3, with three additional genes(EZH2, prostein, and TRPM8) providing synergis-tic utility. In a related study, paired laser microdis-sected benign and malignant prostate cells from114 prostatectomies were analyzed by quantitativeRT-PCR for ETS-related gene (ERG), AMACR,and DD3 (also known as PCA3) [33]. Overexpres-sion of at least one of these genes was observed innearly all (>98%) of the specimens.

The prospective validation of gene expressionmarkers is just emerging in clinically relevant spec-imens such as urine and blood. For example,PCA3 has been studied extensively in our labora-tories as a noninvasive diagnostic marker in urine[34]. Molecular tests were developed that assayPCA3 directly in urine collected following a digitalrectal exam. To our knowledge this is the firstnoninvasive diagnostic test targeting humanmRNA.

PCA3 mRNA levels were quantified and normal-ized to the total amount of prostate RNA presentusing a prostate-specific ‘‘housekeeping’’ gene. Theresultant ratio, or PCA3 Score, predicted biopsyoutcome with sensitivity of 67–69% and specificityof 79–83% [34,35]. More recently, the PCA3 assaydemonstrated good diagnostic accuracy for the‘‘PSA dilemma’’ group of men with chronically ele-vated serum PSA and at least one previous negativebiopsy [Leonard Marks et al., submitted]. Thequantitative PCA3 Score correlated with the risk

% B


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PCA3 Score: < 5 5 - 19 20 - 34 35 - 49 50 -100 >100# Subjects: 26 73 45 22 42 18








Fig. 2. Bar graph representing the percentages of positive biopsyresults corresponding to patients with different PCA3 Scoreranges. As shown, risk of a positive biopsy increases withincreasing PCA3 Score.

8 M.A. Reynolds et al. / Cancer Letters 249 (2007) 5–13







of a positive biopsy in this population (Fig. 2). ThePCA3 assay offers several advantages relative toother molecular methods: Specimen processing isrelatively simple and utilizes whole urine (asopposed to urine sediments), the fraction of speci-mens yielding sufficient RNA for analysis is >95%and the assay is readily adaptable to a clinical labo-ratory setting using available instrumentation [34].

4. Genetic polymorphisms

Over the past two decades the genetic epidemiol-ogy of prostate cancer has become increasinglyunderstood to be complex and difficult to classify[36]. Unlike other cancers such as breast cancer,where polymorphisms such as BRCA1 and BRCA2have been found to have a relatively high pene-trance, the vast majority of polymorphisms exam-ined to date for prostate cancer have exhibited arelatively low penetrance, and frequently have notbeen validated in subsequent studies. Nonetheless,numerous studies have shown that immediate rela-tives of affected men have a 2- to 3-fold increasedrisk of developing prostate cancer [37], driving theexpansion of polymorphism screens to increasinglylarger populations. These studies are complicatedby the high prevalence of prostate cancer in oldermen, and also by the considerably heterogeneousnature of the disease [38].

Despite the challenges just described, a numberof loci have been shown to have a positive corre-lation with prostate cancer risk, including HPC1,HPC2, HPCX, HPC20, CAPB, PCAP, and anunnamed locus at 8p22–23 [39]. Many such geneticlinkage studies have been based on a relativelysmall number of families (typically less than100). In one study, results from several such asso-ciation studies were reanalyzed as a combineddataset of 426 hereditary prostate cancer families[40]. This study led to the identification of a newsusceptibility gene in the 17q22 region that com-prises the BRCA1 gene. It was commented thatthe BRCA1 mutation had been shown in a previ-ous study to correlate with a positive risk of pros-tate cancer. Another large-scale association studyof >25,000 SNPs within 16,000 genes using 368matched cases and controls provided evidence thatgenetic variants of ICAM5 are also associatedwith positive risk.

Many other such genetic association studies havebeen reported. From the standpoint of biomarkerutility, more prospective studies are needed. Fur-

thermore, it is apparent that multiple polymor-phisms will need to be measured to obtain a testwith adequate clinical utility.

5. Genetic instability and chromosomal translocations

Prostate cancer is a highly heterogeneous dis-ease from the standpoint of chromosomal instabil-ity and cellular transformation. Numerous studieshave attempted to apply in situ hybridizationtechnologies to search for commonalities in pros-tate cancer phenotypes. Early clues to such com-monalities came from gene expression profilingstudies such as those described above. For exam-ple, using laser capture microdissection of tumorand adjacent benign prostate cells, it was shownthat Ets Related Gene (ERG), a member of theEts family of transcription factors, is over-ex-pressed in a subset of prostate cancers and itslevel of expression correlated with cancer recur-rence [33]. Using Cancer outlier profile analysis(COPA), the over-expression of ERG and ETV1(another Ets family member) was found to behighly correlated with TMPRSS2, an androgenregulated type 2 transmembrane serine protease[41]. The expression patterns were shown to resultfrom chromosomal translocations, presumed to beearly events in prostate cancer transformation,where ERG or ETV1 genes are juxtaposed tothe TMPRSSS2 gene. When such translocationevents occur, the androgen-responsive promoterof TMPRSS2 regulates expression of the ERGand ETV1 oncogenes, providing a selective mech-anism for cancer transformation. The occurrenceof TMPRSS2:ERG or TMPRSS2:ETV1 transloca-tions appears to be mutually exclusive and hasbeen detected in over fifty percent of prostate can-cers using tissue microarrays produced from pros-tatectomies [42]. These translocations have alsobeen detected in biopsy tissue, suggesting a non-invasive means of measurement for diagnosticand prognostic applications [43]. Translocationsbetween ERG and TMPRSS2 appear to be themost common (presumably because they are bothlocated on chromosome 21, whereas ETV1 is onchromosome 7). TMPRSS2:ERG translocationsrepresent submicroscopic, intronic deletions thatcannot be detected with traditional karyotypingtechniques. However, it has been possible todetect them directly using florescence in situhybridization (FISH) applied to interphase nucleiof cancer cells [42], and also by using single

M.A. Reynolds et al. / Cancer Letters 249 (2007) 5–13 9







nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarrays [44].One particular TMPRSS2:ERG splice varianthas been shown to be associated with an aggres-siveness prostate cancer phenotype [45]. Biologi-cally, over expression of ERG may promote cellproliferation and angiogenesis, since ERG isimplicated in endothelial cell differentiation [46].

6. Noncoding RNA

The field of non-coding RNA is a relativelynew area of molecular biology impacting a varietyof regulatory processes between gene expressionand protein synthesis [47]. Included in this categoryare micro RNAs (miRNAs) that have recently

Cancer cells shed

Into body fluids

Cancer Biomarkers Identified

Technology Development


Cancer Research And Technology Development Converge

Molecular Cancer Tests

Fig. 3. Schematic illustrating the convergence of research and assay development leading to molecular tests for the direct detection ofcancer cells in biological specimens.

Fig. 4. Illustration of a systems approach for the preclinical evaluation of candidate biomarkers for diagnostic and/or prognostic clinicalutility.

10 M.A. Reynolds et al. / Cancer Letters 249 (2007) 5–13







been shown to have potential as biomarkers ofcancer transformation and progression [48,49].For example, in the case of breast cancer, a panelof five miRNAs (mir-125b, mir-145, mir-21, andmir-155) were shown to clearly distinguish normalversus breast tumor tissue [50]. Althoughbiomarker studies employing miRNA have notyet been reported in the area of prostate cancer,it is possible that this category of biomarkerscould be shown to have diagnostic clinical utilityin the future. It is worth noting that PCA3, men-tioned in a previous section, is also a non-codingRNA [51], although its biological role in normaland diseased prostate cells remains to beelucidated.

7. Future considerations

Harnessing the potential of molecular markersfor prostate cancer will not be a trivial exercise.The identification of such markers in tissue, the sub-ject of the major portion of this review, representsonly the first step in the process of developing adiagnostic assay. Further characterization of cancercells that are shed into biological fluids is needed, aswell as further development of robust assay plat-forms that are suitable for clinical laboratories.These components of assay development are illus-trated in Fig. 3.

The preclinical validation of molecular markersis vitally important to any successful product devel-opment strategy. This can require the procurementand analysis of large numbers of patient specimens,preferably from multiple centers, obtained throughwell-defined collection protocols and archived in amanner that is amenable to high throughput analy-sis. This requires a systems approach, illustrated inFig. 4, providing a seamless (preferably electronic)linkage between specimens, results, and dataanalysis.

The standardization of specimen collection andsample processing will be vitally important to thesuccessful development of molecular tests for urineand blood, particularly for RNA-based tests wherethe samples must be collected in appropriate mediain order to preserve the target nucleic acid. Forexample, although early results measuring PSAmRNA in blood were encouraging [52], there wereconsiderable discrepancies in the confirmatory stud-ies [53]. These discrepancies were attributed to alack of standardized preanalytical and RT-PCRprocedures.

Studies involving PCA3 as a molecular urine testfor prostate cancer, described in a previous section,have shown very similar clinical diagnostic perfor-mance across four independent research groups. Ineach of these studies, the preanalytical sample han-dling followed a standardized protocol, whereasthree different nucleic acid amplification platformswere used for detection. This illustrates the needfor well-controlled specimen handling in biomarkerexperiments.

Finally, it seems there will be a paradigm shift interms of prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment andmonitoring based on the molecular signatures, asthey become understood. For example, in the caseof the TMPRSS2:ERG gene chromosomal translo-cations described above, there is already early evi-dence that specific splice variants could be more orless correlative with prostate cancer phenotypes(e.g. the aggressiveness of transformation, invasive-ness, etc.) [54]. Furthermore, a recent microarraystudy using exon-specific target elements revealedthat as many as 454 splice isoforms from as manyas 200 genes are differentially regulated in prostatetumors compared to benign tissue [55]. Such studiessuggest that it may eventually be necessary to mea-sure multiple genes, including alternative splice iso-forms, in order to provide accurate prognostic andmonitoring solutions for individualized patient care.


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